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A few steps back in time...
Rachel Fabiu performs a Flamenco dance at the Hispanic Heritage Reception Monday March 8th.
Flamenco is the dance of Spanish Gypsies. Several entertaining groups performed at the reception in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Week (March 8th12th).
—Photo by Shauna Hardway
Vol. 100, No. 41 (USPS 661-700) ISSN: 1084-9149 Mark A. Schneberger Stephanie J. Eggeling Katie Hawk
Julie Jordan Wendy Werber
Jarrett Davis Maria Crane Writer Trent Dugas Entertainment Editor Dustin Pyeatt Writer Jarrod Briley Writer Writer Writer Sports Editor Sports Writer Photo Editor Photographer Cartoonist Circulation/Morgue Editor in chief Editor Editor Managing Editor Advertising Mgr Ad Sales Ad Sales
Stacy Brasher
Ann Jayne
Steve Wedel James Gutzmer
Ryan Haley Negeen Sobhani Shauna Hardway
Puj an Roka Shane Pratt
Dr. Sherri Massey
The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exams and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during the summer term, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Dr, Edmond, OK 73034-5209. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. One-year subscription rate $12. Periodicals postage paid at Edmond, Oklahoma 73034-9998. The Vista's Editorial Board meets once a week. Editorials represent the views of the majority of the Editorial Board. Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Journalism, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Cartoons represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium expression for the Regents or UCO. "POSTMASTER": Send address changes to The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced with a maximum of 150 words, include the author's printed name, major, classification and phone number. Non-students must include title and daytime phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034-5209 or deliver in per,§on to the editor, Communications Bldg, Rm 107. Letters can be sent via e-mail to thevista@hotmail.com . The Vista is online at http://www.libarts.ucok.edu/journalism/vista.html. This publication is printed by The Edmond Evening Sun, 123 S Broadway, Edmond, OK 73003.
President says UCOSA manipulative Math Club cries foul at funding loss
They stamped the thing saying it was received and now they are trying to say they never received our application but that is just not true... —Shane Mock, Math Club president By Trent Dugas Staffilfriter
UCO might see it's 40 yearold organization, Mathematics Club, disband because semester funds were withheld from the organization.
The math club will not receive their requested $500 from the Student Activity Fund budget for the 1999/2000 year.
The University of Central Oklahoma Student Associations (UCOSA) decided not to allocate funds to the club because, UCOSA claims, they filled out the application incorrect.
Jason Vaughn, senator appropriations chair, said there are instructions on the application on how to fill it out with additional information requested that would require attachments of paper. "They didn't say why they needed money, they didn't say how much money they received in the past, they didn't say how much money they raised on their own, they said nothing," Vaughn said. "Just the top copy was turned in signed. They've in fact signed it saying 'yes. we've looked over it completely' and obviously it is not."
Vaughn was disturbed that the group did not receive their money but strongly believes it is the organizations responsibility to submit a correct application, not UCOSA's "If we start doing that with everybody than we have a mess," Vaughn said. "There are sixty-sOme organizations that are correct, organization was not correct. For future reasons we cannot sit there and just kind of baby organizations through the process."
Shan e Mock president of the math club, maintains that the math club followed the correct procedures when filling out the application form.
A copy of the application produced by Mock, UCOSA stamped the form Sept. 12, 1998, almost a month before the Nov. 2 deadline. Also attached to the form is the second part which outlines the rules stated on the application.
The organization requesting money must explain in writing the scope of the organization's purpose, the organization's budget purpose and the organization's previous years report.
Mock said even if the application is wrong they held it for three months without notifying them. "They stamped the thing saying it was received and now they are trying to say they never received our application but that is just not true," Mock said. "I don't know if this is a personal vendetta against the math club but last year we did not receive funds either."
Mock said they had big plans to use the money and promote UCO. He said they were eager to get started with this semester's activities. "One of the things we were going to do this spring, and I don't even know if we are going to do it now, is attend a big math conference," Mock said. "We were going to advertise UCO as a good math school. UCO has the best math students and there are some neat things about UCO's math school that we would have advertised."
Mock, also a former senator of UCOSA, said his experience with UCOSA as a senator was not always worthwhile. He said he does not agree with their practices and treatment toward senate members, organizations and students. "They have all these rules and little tricks," Mock said, " and they manipulate people and if they don't want to hear from you, they won't hear from you. "I don't have a very high opinion of them and maybe some people do so I don't want to bash them but I was there, I am speaking from experience. I am not just making this stuff up or reading it in a newspaper, I was there and there is a reason why I got out, I hated it and didn't want to be there. It was a waste of my time."
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CYBER Continued from front page People can come and gather and have that kind of companionship, and at the same time be able to break away and get onto the Internet."
Officials working on the project agreed President Webb was instrumental in establishing the cafe and bringing it to reality. "This is Dr. Webb's idea and he is doing more than I have seen in many years," A.K. Rahman, director of auxiliary services, said. "He is coming up with great ideas: he has so many ideas up his sleeve and they are all good." "This is Dr. Webb's idea and he is doing more than I have seen in many years," —A.K. Rahman, director of auxiliary services