The Vista Oct. 1, 2002

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The Student Voice Since 1903



Traditional folk dance


`Come out' at UCO's National Observence by Stephanie Nease

Photo Services

Last year's International Festival, held in the Nigh University Center, celebrated different cultures with food, music and dancing. This year's festival will be Oct. 4 from 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

Culture crosses paths at festival by Summer Pratt The International Student Council will host the 27th Annual International Festival from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 4 in the Nigh University Center Grand Ballroom. During the International Festival, international student associations will have booths set up with items representing their countries. The students will also give cultural performances throughout the day. Jalal Daneshfar, director of Immigration and Activities, said the booths and performances will be judged and the winners will have their countries' names put on a plaque in the International Office. Samee Abdul Qureshi, chairman for the International

Festival Committee and president of the Pakistan Student Association (PSA) said this year's format'ciii be different than in previous years. "We will have performances and booths at the same time," Qureshi said. In the past the display booths were in the morning and the performances at night, Qureshi said. The PSA will have traditional Pakistani kites and sweets at their booth. They will do a blend of American and Pakistani style dance. "It's a very good opportunity for us to show our cul-

see Festival page 4

ROTC cadets suit up for two days of training by Michael Larson Sgt. Chris Spivey followed close behind the two cadets as they plodded through the dense foliage, overstepping gullies and kicking spiny vegetation from their path. Cadets Alison Pierce and Atlanta Welch counted their paces and checked their compasses to make sure they were following their azimuth — the exact degree they were wishfully pacing toward. "I can't find it," Pierce shouted, walled away from Spivey by an impassable wall of brush and toppled trees. "Well it's there," Spivey shouted back. "I helped plant those points myself." Welch and Pierce were participating in a land navigation course Sept. 27 as part of their ROTC training. In order to pass the course, they would have to scour the wilderness of Lake Arcadia and locate seven out of nine points within three hours. Spivey said less than I 0 percent of students get a first time go. The cadets began a coil - a spiral sweep of a surrounding 10-meters radius

Photo by Allison J. Bounds

Cadet Atlanta Welch and Cadet Allison Pierce prepare their maps during Land Navigation Training.

— being sure to keep within visual range of one another. Ten minutes passed, and the cadets were no closer to locating the point. "I swear these points are impossible," Welch said. She took a mounted land navigation course once, where she rode a vehicle around on roads, following a map. This was different. In the wilderness, cadets are on 'foot, with little visibility. Cadets are taken into the woods to get rid of their terrain association. In the thick of the forest, a lot of trees can look the same. Class had taught them how to plot points on a map and shoot an azimuth. Now they were relying on those calculations. They'd suited up in forest-camouflage BDU's, ballistic helmets, smeared their faces with dark, greasy paint and paced several 1 00-meter stretches of gravel road to determine their pace-count. For their first point, they would have to beat brush, a term used for traversing the most tangled, uneven forestry. Spivey took the lead and the three entered the moist basin of a dry creek. Mud filled spaces between the patches of grass and black trees trunks leaning toward the ground. There were deep tracks from an animal Spivey figured to be a large buck. The area was unfamiliar. Spivey's helmet cast a shadow down his stubbly face. He'd seen combat in Desert Storm, and was bound for Fort Riley when a superior called and assigned him to UCO, where he now serves as senior military instructor. He asked to see the cadets' protractors. "There's your reason," he said, hold-

Photo by Allison J. Bounds

ROTC Cadets face a 40-foot rapelling tower on Sept. 28 as part of their training. ing the transparent plastic sheets to his and examining the markings. "You're off by 30 meters. There's no way you can coil 30 meters." He flicked his wrist and spun the defective protractor off into the distance. "This other one is only off by five meters." Welch removed a plastic bag from her backpack. Inside was a notepad with jotted coordinates from her earlier calculations. She frowned. They would have to take out their maps and refigure, a pro-

see ROTC page 5

UCO's Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equality (G.A.T.E.) plans to have a candlelight vigil observance in honor of "National Coming Out Week" at 8 p.m. Oct. 9 by the Broncho Lake. G.A.TE. is a sanctioned UCO student organization for gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual students, as well as heterosexual students who support tolerance and equality. Jimmie Witcosky, acting president of G.A.T.E., said the group participates in borderline political events like Oklahoma City's Gay Pride Parade, but they don't feel the need to take a hard-line political stand on campus. Karl Tyler, junior MIS major, said, "The fact that we exist is a political statement." Since The National March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights Oct. 11, 1987, gay and lesbian university students have recognized the seven days ending with Oct. 11 as "National Coming Out Week.'' Among the gay and lesbian community in the United States, Oct. 11 earned the designation "National Coming Out Day." Witcosky, a marketing and dance major, said that, G.A.TE. is a comfortable social gathering that happens to be mostly gay. "This is our family," he said with a sweep of his hand that encompassed the whole room during a weekly G.A.T.E. meeting. Amanda Whitten, the group sponsor, said G.A.TE. would like to be utilized by UCO to help new students with alternate lifestyles get acquainted with campus life. The group meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays in Room 234 of the Liberal Arts Building. For more information, contact Mandy Whitten at 974-6726 or visit G.A.T.E. at

Broncho football pulls off a last minute win over Texas A & M Commerce. — Page 8

Monarch butterflies flutter through Edmond on their way to central Mexico. —Page 4

Iraq promises access for inspectors unless resolution passed by Rajiv Chandrasekaran The Washington Post BAGHDAD, Iraq Three Democratic congressmen visiting Iraq said Sunday that they received assurances from Iraqi officials that U.N. weapons inspectors would be given unconditional access to sites they wish to visit as long as they respect the country's sovereignty as well as its cultural and religious beliefs. Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California urged the Bush administration against pushing for a new U.N. Security Council resolution that would threaten the use of force against Iraq, saying that such a step could prevent the inspections. Although Iraq has promised to allow the inspectors to return, Iraq's vice president said Saturday that his nation would not submit to inspections under any new resolution that threatens military action or incorporates demands by the Bush administration to revise the rules. Iraqi officials insist the inspectors must follow procedures previously agreed to by the United Nations when visiting presidential sites, including providing the Iraqi government with advance notice and conducting the inspections in the presence of diplomats. Iraqi officials also have asked for assurances that inspectors would not conduct inspections on Fridays, the Muslim day of prayer. The congressmen said in a group interview at their hotel that the Iraqi government should be given an opportunity to demonstrate good faith and inspections should first be tried under the existing rules. Bonior said the White House should allow the chief U.N. weapons inspector, Hans Blix, "to do his job without interference." "They need to step aside," Bonior said. "Iraq needs to step aside. Mr. Blix needs a chance to do his work." Blix is scheduled to meet with Iraqi officials Monday in Vienna to discuss details of the inspectors' return. He has said the inspectors could arrive in Baghdad as early as

see Iraq page 5

Fashion alert: The manpurse debuts in Oklahoma city. —Page 6

"Sweet Home Alabama" leaves sour aftertaste — Page 7

Broncho soccer continues with undefeated record. — Page 9


OCTOBER 1, 2002


Today in History

Quote of the day Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. - Henry Ford

1908 The Model T automobile was introduced by Henry Ford - it sold for $825.

otes Cartoon by Chris Maupin

Men everywhere shriek as they hear their handbags called a purse. "It's not a purse, it's a Fill in the blank, bag, briefcase, big wallet, murse? Finally, one more item is scratched off the genderspecific list. Items once reserved for men, but now enjoyed by the female sex include pants, cigars, and power tools. While now it is socially acceptable for men to wear jewelry and use a variety of beauty products including body wash, facial scrub, and a loofa (you know the big puffy thing you put soap on in the shower). The man purses, a.k.a., murse, flourishes in Europe and Asia, and is hitting the stores Oklahoma. But will conservative midwesternern men embrace this new fashion trend? If it's as practical as the experts claim, men may feel cheated that they have lived so long without this modern-day convenience and may tote their murse with pride. Chances are they won't have one in every color to match their shoes or an evening and daytime murse, but when

THEVISTA Editor in chief Zach E. Nash Associate Editor Laura Bauer Managing Editor Jera Stone Copy Editor Anne Schlesselman Web Editor Tyler Dunlap Senior Writer Michael Larson Writer Kristen Armstrong Writer Timber Massey Writer Stephanie Nease Writer Fawn Porter Writer Summer Pratt Writer Mark Schlachtenhaufen Sports Editor Dara Lawless Sports Writer Daniel Holdge Photo Editor Heather Harkins Photgrapher Justin Avera Photographer Allison J. Bounds Photographer Tina Fowble Photgrapher Rebecca Martin Cartoonist Chris Maupin Ad Manager Brian Hostetler Ad Sales Andy Bowman Ad Sales Kendra Loughridge Promotions Lisette Galindez Silva Circulation Shane Pratt The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during the summer term, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Dr, Edmond, OK 73034-5209. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the department of journalism, UCO, or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, tide, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034-5209 or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be sent via e-mail to ucovista@hotmail.corn.

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they need something to carry their wallet, notebook, keys, and pencil, their pockets just won't do. Cowboys everywhere should rejoice, because they won't have to sacrifice their Wranglers® to carry these necessary items. So, what makes a murse any different from a briefcase or backpack? Well, for one it's size. Generally, they are small enough to be carried in addition to the backpack. They carry items that you need everywhere you go. However, our culture associates small, delicate items, such as the purse, with femininity. So, guys have had to carry all their stuff around with them everywhere they go. For those guys who want to be among the first and few okies totting the murse, take heart in knowing that it has been done for centuries before. How do you think Plato and Socrates carried their items around? The murse, small enough for a woman, but engineered for a man!

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When placed in a difficult situation, instinct will tell an animal to do one of three things: run, freeze or attack. In the academic world, it's more like succeed, fail or procrastinate indefinitely. Today we shall learn how to build people's esteem by complementing their success and bitterly mock them when, despite their hard efforts, they miserably fail. To ace — this usually means to make an 'A' in a class or on a test. "I aced Cell Biology." Or, "That test was so easy, I'm sure you aced it." To pass with flying colors — I don't know where this originated, but I heard it on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles once, and it sounds cool. "Congratulations, Turtles. You passed the test with flying colors!" To school — this means to beat somebody at something. It could be interpreted as, "I'm going to teach you a lesson in defeat." It can be used in these situations: "I'm going to school you at air-hockey" means I'm going to beat you at air-hockey. Or, "I don't want to play you at air hockey. I heard Trevor schooled your ass." In this situation, it's understood that schooled refers to air hockey. To tear (rip) one a new one — This is also used to express winning out over another. It refers to injuring someone's butt to the extent that they have an extra hole in it. "You can stop kicking him. I think you've already ripped him a new one," means "you have beaten him badly enough." To botch — to fail or cause a failure. "Wow, you really botched that one!" or, "You botched our campaign! Now I'll never get elected!" To blow it — This also means to fail or cause a failure. "You blew it!" is a common expression, meaning, you have really messed things up. "The date was going really well until my xboyfriend showed up. He blew it with for me when he mentioned that I had three , kids." To put-off— this is the same thing as "to procrastinate." Example: "I put off going to the dentist, and now I'm stuck on this deserted island! Where

did I put that ice skate?" Or, "I need your homework now. Don't put it off this time." To drop the ball — I guess this originates from sports. To drop the ball is to do something stupid to ruin your goal. "I can't believe he faxed our client a death threat. He really dropped the ball on this one." To choke — to fail under pressure. "He was about to ask me for my phone number, but then he choked and just walked off." Or, "Here are the wire cutters. We're going to clear out of the building. Don't choke." To crack — this is more serious than to choke. It means to go crazy because of pressure. "If you keep eating 10strips like that, you're probably going to crack." To lose it — This means to go crazy. "I think old Bessy's finally losing it. She's been mooing non-stop for days. Must be all those steroids we gave her so she would produce more milk." To count on — to rely on or place faith in. "We're counting on you to get the job done." To count on also means to assume something will happen. "I'm counting on there being a storm tomorrow night, so if I invite her over, she won't be able to leave." To let one down — to fail to meet the expectations of another. "When he said he just wanted to be friends, it really let me down." It can also be used as a noun, but it is spelled "letdown." "I paid $300 for this car, then the transmission went out. It was a real letdown." Here's a bonus assignment. I'm going to start including these so I can occupy more of your free time and get you more used to the material. Figure out what this mumbling bum on the street is saying: "I used to be young and smart, back before I lost it. I used to ace all my tests and school everyone in my class in the spelling bee. Then at recess, a kid asked me for lunch money. I had been putting off getting into a fight with him because I didn't want to blow getting into a good middle school. But I cracked that day. I shoved him to the ground and ripped him a new one. He started crying, but I was losing it. I kept kicking him until the teachers pulled me off of him." "My parents were counting on me getting a scholarship. They were really let down. 'Why did you botch your future like that? You really dropped the ball,' my dad said. Now I'm out here, pretending I'm homeless so people will give me money. I could have been a rock star, but I blew it."

What opinion do you have about male purses?

"As long as it doesn't look feminine then I couldn't see why people wouldn't want to carry things in their pockets." BIGALOW HILL junior

"I really don't have a problem with it but it's just something I wouldn't have." CHANCEY HECK freshman undecided

business marketing major

"Buying a belt, for convenience while riding a bike or walking on the beach, is okay."

"I have a backpack and a wallet and that's good enough for me." GRADY EPPERLY

DANIEL KIM junior computer science major

"Disgusting." HONG KUN graduate business

junior public relations major

"If you didn't call them purses then it would probably be cool." JAMES THORNTON junior physical education major

"I'm not carrying a man bag, my pants aren't that tight." JASON OTTO graduate

"I have friends that do but I don't want one for myself." RODNEY BRAZIL senior music theatre major

forensic science

"I wouldn't carry a purse because I don't have that much to carry." STEVEN OAKLEY graduate school administration

"I don't think guys should carry purses, the closest thing they should carry is a backpack." WILLIAM AUSTIN freshman funeral service



• • .

BRIEFS National Woman accused of beating daughter surrenders to face new charge of giving false addresses M IS HAWAKA, Ind. (AP) A woman accused of hitting her 4-year-old daughter in a beating caught by a surveillance camera surrendered to face new charges of giving police false addresses. Madelyne Gorman Toogood turned herself in Friday night on the misdemeanor charge of false informing, said St. Joseph County jail officer Jay Dooley. She was released after posting a $2,000 bond. Toogood, 25, had been (Alt on bond after pleading innocent to felony battery of a child. That charge was filed in a Sept. 13 beating in a department store parking lot, which was caught on videotape and televised nationally Toogood's attorney, Steie Rosen, said he believed the new charge was unfair. — The trarma continues for her. It was uncalled for," he said. Authorities say Toogooc gave them addresses for commercial mailbox businesses in Mihawaka and Elkhart, Ind., and Fort Worth, Texas. Toogood has said she aid her husband belong to the nomadic group called the Irish Travelers, but have been living in Mishawaka for about six months. Toogood's daughter vvls placed in a foster home. She has two young sons who remain her custody.

USC pledges $100 nillion to lure top professors LOS ANGELES (AP) The University of Soutkrn California has pledged $100 million to boost its faculty ranks wih some of the nation's top-notch professors. The three-year recrutment campaign will expand the university's full-time faculty by neaty 25 percent, campus officials said Friday. All the professors will be aired to work in the university's College of Letters, Arts & Scienes. A fund-raising canpaign launched in 1993 has collected more than $2.5 billion in $fts and pledges to fund much of the hiring initiative, USC's Provot Lloyd Armstrong Jr. said. USC officials sad they will focus on three broad areas: biology and other life scienes; urban studies and globalization; and language and culture. The eiiversity hasn't begun identifying the candidates. After the $10( million is spent on salaries, equipment, research efforts and other Osts over about three years, USC will budget about $30 million a yea to continue the support, Armstrong said.

Editor's Note: This is the tenth part of an 11 part series intended to help students with the career search process. The Vista will be highlighting the 10 fastest growing jobs in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In order to avoid providing redundant information, some similar occupations are combined.

gram, said graphic design students should emphasize print design. "The software does not make the designer," Hefner said. "It's just a tool, like a pencil is to a writer. It's the design skills that are applied with the computer software that make a good graphic designer." Hefner said several software by Mark Schlachtenhaufen programs are invaluable to ms@thevistaonline. corn graphic designers and desktop publishers. He recommended Second on The Vista's Top QuarkXPress and PageMaker Ten list of fastest growing jobs for page layout, Adobe in the United States is desktop Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand for vector-based publishing. According to the Bureau of drawing and Adobe Labor Statistics (BLS), desktop PhotoShop for a pixel-based publishers work largely in program. By conducting research, newspaper plants and in firms that conduct commercial or graphic designers stay on top of current trends, a crucial elebusiness printing. Using versatile computer ment of desktop publishing, software, desktop publishers Hefner said. They also know create publication-ready mate- design history, typography and rials. Their tasks include layout. Another plus is their designing page layouts, adding creativity, he said. graphics, writing and editing Mickie Hill, an electronic copy and developing presenta- desktop publishing instructor tions and advertising cam- at Francis Tuttle Technology paigns. Center in Oklahoma City, said Some employers prefer to industry projections show hire desktop publishers with a that the number of desktop background in graphic design. publishing jobs will double by Larry Hefner, director of 2010. "We basically train our stuthe UCO graphic design pro-

Workshop shows the need for art

Internaticnal Third of Brtons support action against Iraq without backinc, poll suggests LONDON (N) A third of3ritons believe the United States would be right to take unilatera military action against Iraq, a poll published late Saturday sugjested. Accordini to the YouGov survey for The Sunday Times newspaper, 33 prcent of respondents supported U.S. action against Saddam Husein without backing from the United Nations. Seventy-me percent of respondents said they did not trust President Gorge W. Bush to make the right decisions concerning Iraq and 58 iercent said U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan could be trusted rrore than Bush or Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Turkish police seize uranium, arrest two ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Paramilitary police have seized about 35 pounds of uranium and arrested two Turks who they said planned to sell the weaponsgrade substance, the Anatolia news agency reported Saturday. Police, ating on a tip, stopped a taxi on a highway near the southeaster' city of Sanliurfa, Anatolia said. They found the uranium in a secret compartment under one of the car seats. Police in Sanliurfa confirmed the arrests but refused to give further inforrration. Anatolit said the uranium was enriched for use in weapons. Police believe it was smuggled from an eastern European country. The agency did not say when the arrests were made. Sanliurfa, some 480 miles from Ankara, is close to the Syrian border.

by Kristen Armstrong ka@thevistaonline. corn Oklahoma art educators will gather at UCO for the annual Oklahoma Art Education Association convention from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 12. "Teachers, artists, students and administrators will get together for a full day to discuss and participate in activities pertaining to art education in this state," said Dr. Bob Cromer, director of UCO Art Education. The convention will consist of several workshops and roundtable discussion concerning art, he said. Four UCO professors will present workshops: Elizabeth Brown, Dr. Bob Palmer, Dr. Bill Hommel, and Cromer. Cromer said the conference will allow artists and teachers

to relate to each other in a professional forum. It will also allow students the opportunity to exchange ideas with people already in the field, he said. "Hopefully this conference will impact the attitude of UCO students toward the need for education in the arts." Dr. Bob Palmer, chairman of the UCO Art Department, agrees. "Art education is extremely important because it gives students a better outlook on life, and it helps them understand all facets of life." The convention is open to everyone. The cost to attend is $15. Registration can be done on the day of the conference. For more information, contact Dr. Bob Cromer at 9745646, , or in Room 108 in Max Chambers Library.


dents to publish a paper and other print media materials," Hill said. "We cross-train our students on Windows and on Macintosh environments, teach them how to publish documents." Francis Tuttle offers an electronic desktop publishing program that full-time students complete in nine mouths, Hill said. Then, some students take exams and become certified in various software proPhoto by Heather Harkins grams, she said. Stephanie Moore, a Senior graphic design major Matt student who will corn- Dejonge uses the Free Hand Program to work on a class assignment. plete the Francis Tuttle program in gained working with video December, said she already has editing programs could be achieved expert status certificaused in advertising, television tion in several software proor on the Internet. grams. According to the BLS, "Two years ago, I could not increasingly, realizing the cost say that I would have come this cutting and time saving advanfar," Moore said. tages, companies are using "What has been most benetheir own desktop publishers ficial for me has been the to do the work once delegated hands-on learning, being able to outside workers. Desktop to actually do what I'm taught. publishers are also doing much And I'm able to go through the of the pre-press work perprogram at my own pace." formed by trade shops. Moore said she has received The median annual income some on-the-job training for desktop publishers was through UCO, producing $30,600 in 2000, according to visual effects for an educationthe BLS. The highest 10 peral access program on cable telecent earned more than vision. $50,920 annually, the lowest She said the skills she 10 percent less than $17,800.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002




Butterflies pass through Edmond en route to Mexico

lookin by Mark Schlachtenhaufen iter, P iting e

nalims s • apply co • .rn • • e write for a newspaper . the following positions: Part—time write Journalims The Vista is looking for writers to d. To apply t to write fill the fo fill the following positions: iter. Journ .

They're smaller than a breadbox. And they're much slower than a locomotive. But they have superhuman qualities. Monarch butterflies are fluttering into Edmond, slightly more than midway through their eight-week-long 3,000-mile odyssey from areas in southern Canada to central Mexico, said David Walker, a naturalist with the Oklahoma City Zoo. Neil Garrison, a naturalist with Martin Nature Park, said young Monarchs, without parents to show them the way, are able to make the up to 3,000mile trip and find the over-wintering sites remains one of nature's unsolved mysteries. "They were born with this knowledge," Garrison said. "It's comparable to when you and I were born. We didn't have to go to school and learn how to eat or how to breathe." Walker said Monarchs are fragile, cold-blooded creatures. They don't fly in sub-freezing temperatures. In southern Canada, these Monarchs emerged from their pupae in late summer and early fall, Walker said. Shorter days and falling temperatures triggered innate mechanisms that "told" them it was time to begin the long flight south. Just as balloonists ride air

•Part-time writer

8f$91AleTR.F the follow Journalims d. To apply


•Part-time sports writer

Journalism students with previous ite for a n following p nalims stud writing experience are prefered. apply come t to write To apply come to room 107 in fill the fo iter. Jour- na end. qaD the communications building. 00 he following position • • MM.

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currents higher in the atmosphere, Monarchs rise above the treetops to find currents that will help them fly faster, Walker said. "I've seen them a thousandplus feet up off the ground, moving along at a pretty good clip," he said. "That's why some years we don't even notice them. They're up high enough where we can't see them passing through. If the weather's right, it seems like they all arrive at one time. They're kind of strung out this year." When they're not flying, they cluster together to keep warm, Walker said. At dusk they will usually gather around trees, near water. The migrating Monarchs began arriving in central Oklahoma last week, Walker said. Over the next couple of weeks, millions more will pass through the state, converging with other groups on Texas. Garrison said that two weeks ago he was in southern Kansas, where he saw many more Monarchs, heading south. In Mexico, at elevations approaching 10,000 feet, great orange and black clouds of Monarchs converge on the overwintering sites in the Sierra Chincua of central Mexico, near Mexico City, Walker said. Many millions of Monarchs roost there, clinging to the branches of fir, turning the forest

orange, Walker said. "It's just thick, an awesome sight," Walker said. Cool temperatures at higher elevations cause the Monarch's metabolism to slow, conserving , energy, Walker said. They also receive beneficial amounts of moisture from the persistent mountainside fog. And the trees provide a natural barrier from disruptive winds, he said. "Once they start migrating back to the north, they are losing a lot of critical habitat here due to land-use practices like the building of more housing additions and malls," Walker said. "Their food sources are being wiped out at an alarming rate." Monarchs drink nectar from various flowers. Individuals can help them by building a butterfly garden, Walker said. Establishing more food sources along their flyways will help increase the number of Monarchs, he said. Garrison said deforestation in its Mexican habitat has contributed to a decline in the Monarch population. Mexican political and business leaders are trying to balance economic needs with environmental concerns, he said. "They're everybody's friend," Garrison said. "Name a person that doesn't like butterflies. There's still a lot of mystery about them. What can we do that would substan-

tially help these little guys? They're doing what they can in Mexico to help the butterflies out." Mapping specific routes and locating their favorite watering holes would help humans help Monarchs, Garrison said. Walker said in March, influenced by lengthening days, the Monarchs will leave their roosts and begin moving northward. Somehow they will find their parents' birthplaces, where the female butterflies will lay their egs on milkweed plants. Walker said Monarchs born eaiiier in the summer have shOrter life spans, less than two months. The butterflies passing through Edmond heading toward central Mexico live eight to nine months, he said. alker said they live long eno ilcgh to winter-over in Mex o and return in the spring to Texas where they lay their eggs and die. Members of the next generation will then go further north into the United States, lay their t gs and die. Tit. cycle continues until they turn to areas of southern Canada, he said. Thl Monarchs that winterover it southern California are an enti ly separate population, Garriso said. They spend the summer in northern coastal Pacific sates like Washington and Oreg , he said.



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tor of the non-fiction and poetry genres, said the main function is to proThe fall issue of the vide a forum for students New Plains Review, to be published and to UCO's literary journal, read student work. will be available Nov. 15. "Virtually everything is Students may purchase a accepted," Pratt said. copy for the discounted "Poetry, prose, fiction, rate of $5. non-fiction, research..." Nov. 15 also marks the Publication is good to deadline for the spring have on a resume or for a semester edition submis- portfolio, he said. sions, Lewis said. Pratt said the journal is Dr. G.S. Lewis, execu- an amazing collection of tive editor and faculty writing and research. advisor for the journal, "Missing the opportusaid works are accepted nity to have a copy would from undergraduates and be a mistake." graduates and are judged Lewis said the value of anonymously. the New Plains Review is The New Plains Review that it gives a sense of conhas been UCO's literary tinuing life to student journal since the 1980's work and also offers the and showcases student and V chance to be published. faculty work. It is pubSubmission forms, lished each semester. guidelines and copies of "The journal provides a the New Plains Review are publication outlet for the available in the Liberal university community, for Arts Building, 103E, or students and faculty," contact at newplainsreLewis said. . Quentin Pratt, co-edi-


CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Annual Security Report Now Available

Festival, from page 1 ture," Qureshi said. Yasin Saghafi, president of the Iranian Student Association (ISA), said the event will give p.ttenclees the chance to experience many different cultures all in one place. "It's a really good experience for Americans to go and learn so much about different cultures in one day," she said. Saghafi said the ISA will have a booth with two different types of Iranian food, artwork and women dressed in traditional Iranian clothing. They will also show an informational video about small towns in Iran. Saghafi is Miss UCO International and said she and Amir Siddque, Mr. UCO International, will perform a dance together at 11 a.m. Krishna Vutukuru, president of the Indian Student Association, said they will have a booth with Indian food, including hot and spicy chicken and fried rice. "You can get free food from different countries and you can see diversity," Vutukuru said. World Within, a UCO organization that teams international students with American students and families, will have a booth at the International Festival to recruit members to participate in World Within activities. Blake Fry, director of Campus Life, said World Within wants to let people know what they're about. "We organize events to learn about each others' culture," Fry said Ermida Boci, a representative for

the European student Association (ESA), said the ope to teach a rendition of the Gr k dance, the Zorba and have a mem er's mother prepare food for their bo h. , "This is the irst time for the European Studen sociation to participate," Boci sai Boci said she e oys the music and the food of the fes val. "It's a learnin experience," she said. The Kenyan St dent Association (KSA) will have a b oth with Kenyan artifacts and possibl food. Njeri Mbugua, esident of KSA said they are probab, going to do a blend of traditional and contemporary dancing. The Japan Stud nt Association USA) will have a b th with finger foods and origami. Shino Higuchi, p -sident of JSA, said if they have enou h space at their booth, they will dra people's names in Japanese or Chines characters. "We did it a coup years ago and people liked it." "People came bac and said they kept the paper and lint it on their wall," Higuchi said. Higuchi said shi enjoys the International Festival because it makes her feel proud to be an international student. "Everybody has a different perspective and culture," 4e said. "People with different backgrounds living together deed to learn more about each other. For more information on the International Festival, call 974-2390.

7:59 at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry This Thursday hear

Afshin Ziafat

UCO has completed its annual security report for 2002. It is available on the Internet via the UCO web site at:

http://www.ucok.edulsecurityreport Paper copies may be obtained by contacting the UCO Department of Public Safety at 974-2345. The report includes security and safety information as well as incident statistics. UCO is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all members of the UCO community and our visitors.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002

Iraq, from page 1

ROTC, from page 1 cedure that would rob them of valuable time. Spivey instructed them to head back toward the road. From there, a point waited 100 meters out, surrounded by light foliage. There they could write down the alphanumeric to prove they'd found it, then move on to the next point. Back at camp, a catering service had began preparation for chow time. The sun would soon set, and some cadets would begin nighttime navigation. Pierce and Welsh failed the navigation course that night, but tried again the next morning and received a go. The morning of Sept. 28, two rows of helmets with their attached canteens rested in perfect spacing on the ground at the Edmond Police Range. A black flag stood from the ground. Lt. Col. Flowers said the flag, called a guidon, represents UCO's ROTC. The cadets were preparing to repel from a 40-foot tower. Before they came, they learned how to tie a "Swiss Seat," a knot which loops around the waist and groin, forming a harness from a single length of rope. "It's a confidence building exercise," Flowers said. "Being able to repel is a perishable skill. If you don't do it every day, you could get it." The cadets lined-up on the hill and each of them practiced descending the hill under Capt. Matt Ingram's direction. Behind the tower, cadets sat on sprawled out vinyl sheet, taking apart and re-assembling M16's. They were training for the Ranger Challenge at Texas A&M. There they would also be breaking down the Z49 Saw, a small squad auto machine gun. Texas A&M about 5,000 cadets — countless teams — which will • go up against UCO


ROTC's two teams, and the teams of 270 other schools like Langston and Oklahoma Christian. Last year in Kansas, UCO's teams placed 2, 11, and 16. A young cadet fumbled with an M-16, prying open its heat shields and pulling out its barrel. "Slow and steady wins the race," Kenneth Hardy, executive officer for a battalion of cadets, advised him. The cadet popped a metal cylinder from the gun's base and pulled out a length of spring. The components of the gun were resting against the camouflaged vinyl blanket. Hardy said, "Okay, take a breather. I'll start the time when your hands touch it." The cadet lunged forward and began jamming the parts together. He breathed heavy and his hands blushed with blood flow. When he finished, Photo by Allison J. Bounds he slammed the gun down against the grass. "Don't - " Hardy barked, Two ROTC cadets take part in a weekend exercise at Arcadia Lake. "Aww man, you've got to quit slamming it down like that. That's how you get a discharge." years as a "low man on the program's more high-profile He sighed. "Two minutes and totem pole," and he training alumni. "This isn't the business toward to a more advanced posithirty-five seconds." world. We're not just responsible On the tower, cadets had tion. "I'll see what I can do with for the bottom line. We care began repelling. With a line clipped to their Swiss Seats, they my psychology degree. If things about the development of their took turns, climbing up the don't work out, I'll switch to character and their professionalism." tower and readying for their active duty." Students can take an ROTC Sadler said regardless of three-bound forty-foot descent course for physical education whether he likes being in the down the planked wall. credit. If they are interested, With an instructor shouting military or not, it's worth it to be they can sign a contract and start commands at cadets in the dis- able to retire after 20 years with receiving money on the grounds the benefits it offers. tance, Cadet Trevor Sadler sat that they will enter the army Ingram said he's very proud near the base of the hill, waiting after graduation. of the ROTC program and what for his turn to repel. Sadler who Ingram said they were like his said he'd served in the reserves it stood for. kids. "It's designed to train officers before, is an MS3, meaning it's "You're proud of them when his third year in the ROTC pro- in the U.S. Army. These aren't they graduate, you discipline guys who are just going to enlist, gram, and he is going to them when they're bad, but they're going to be leaders." Advance Camp at Fort Lewis in you're always trying to improve Ingram cited Sam Walton Washington this summer. them. and Colin Powell as some of the He said he worked for three

Oct. 15. McDermott said he did not see a problem with suspending some inspections on Fridays, saying he doubted Iraq could make a bomb on Friday and launch it on Saturday." . The three congressmen, who will wrap up their four-day visit Monday, found themselves trying to persuade the Iraqi leadership to cooperate with the inspectors even as Congress moves toward voting on a measure authorizing the use of military force against Iraq. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., predicted Saddam will not. allow the U.N. inspectors to return. "I think it was clear that for many years Saddam Hussein played hide-and-go-seek with the inspectors and moved stuff around and refused them access to places that they should have had access to," he said on CNN's Late Edition." "He's not going to allow them back in, because he has these weapons and materials and laboratories, and he isn't

about to give them up.... It's a bit of a charade what we're going through when they argue for a restoration of a regimen that they didn't comply with before." But Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a possible Democratic presidential candidate, said: 'What is the rush? Why can't we take the time to get our allies on board?"

Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., defended the administration's approach on CBS, saying, "Everything the Democrats have said he needs to do, the president is doing... . When all else fails, we must be prepared to act against this very dangerous threat." Members of the delegation visiting Iraq said they tried to impress upon Iraqi officials that allowing the inspectors to work without hindrance was the best way to stave off a new U.N. resolution authorizing military force. They told the Iraqis that without such a resolution, it would be far more difficult--but not impossible--for the United States to attack.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002

Man + purse = Murse By Timber Massey


throughout the ages. "In medieval times fashionable, elite gentleman carried little bags called pockets suspended from a leather belt. Then, in the sixteenth century, a person's wealth was judged by the degree and ornamentation of their purse." Stufflebean said the line between what is considered masculine and what is considered feminine has become rather vague. "Today more men are wearing accessories such as earrings and bracelets. It has become acceptable to do your own thing, rather than worry about traditional stereotypes."

the immortal words of Jerry Seinfield, "It's not a purse, it's a European carryall." n

If fashion designer's predictions are correct you may be hearing this phrase on a daily basis, most likely when men are trying to defend their masculinity while carrying the male version of a purse, or "murse." "There is going to be a trend of men carrying bags which resemble a cross between a briefcase and a purse," said Dr. Tana Stufflebean, professor of fashion marketing. Stufflebean said this trend is in response to the endeavor by men to find a place for essential items such as cell phones and PalmPilots. Ryan Walker, UCO business communication graduate, owns a store called Subterranean Shoe Room where murses can be purchased. "So far the response has been really good," said Walker. "There are some unisex bags which you would assume women would carry but we have been seeing a number of men buying them." Heather Cockley, an employee at Bag 'N Baggage, said, "More older men have been purchasing man bags because their pockets are not big enough to carry all of their stuff and their wives don't want to carry it." Bag 'N Baggage offers three kinds of "man bags." One resembles an extremely large wallet, another includes an organizer, and one is a single pocket bag. Paula Shreve, an employee at Wilsons The Leather Experts, said, "The response of people buying the bags has been about half and half. Some people hesitate buying them because they feel they resemble a purse and others feel they are a necessity." Stufflebean said the trend of men carrying bags has been common

Bridal Show


"Niumo="1 Photo by Justin Avera Shelves at Wilsons Leather Experts in Quail Spring Mall has man bags starting at $50 to $140. Business executives and older men are the target market for the fashion trend.

"Hello Dolly" comes to Broadway Tonight 3233 Northwest Expressway

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by Timber Massey tm@thevistaonline.corn UCO's Broadway Tonight series in collaboration with the College of Arts, Media; and Design's Music Theatre Department will present the musical comedy, "Hello, Dolly!" 8 p.m on Oct. 3-5 and 2 p.m Oct. 6 in the Mitchell Hall Theatre. Carole Cook, noted stage and screen actress, will play the lead

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character, Dolly Gallagher Levi. "Dolly is a bigger than life, gregarious, giving, and humorous woman...and humor will carry us a long way, darling," Cook said. "She goes through life treating everyone as if they love her. It would make life a lot easier on all of us if we treated everyone as if they loved us." Julie Meyer, UCO theatre graduate, said she feels very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Carole Cook and guest director and choreographer Stephan de Ghelder. "Carole is so feisty and fun, you can learn so much from just watching her rehearse," Meyer said. "The students have benefited quite a bit from working with a director from outside of the university who approaches things differently." Greg White, Program and Production Associate for the UCO school of music, said, "When `Hello, Dolly!' was first produced on Broadway in 1964 it marked the end of an era , in musical theatre." Cook was the second person in

the world to play Dolly in one of the original Broadway tours in Australia and New Zealand in 1965. "I have a personal attachment to Dolly's character because it seems the more you play a role, the richer the character becomes," said Cook. Cook performed in "Arsenic and Old Lace," the first Broadway Tonight production, four years ago. "It was such a fabulous experience and I adored working with the students so I thought, why not do it again?" Cook said. "The music theater and technical department at UCO is top notch. They manage to maintain a terrific amount of enthusiasm and dedication every single night." Meyer said people working backstage on the costumes, lights, sound, and set are the unsung heroes of the production. "The set is absolutely beautiful and it would be well worth the price of admission to experience all of the work that has gone into the production." Tickets prices for "Hello,

Photo Services Left to right Sheena Smith as "Irene Molloy," Brad Milburn as Cornelius,"and Carole Cook as "Dolly Levi." Dolly!" are $5 for students and $20 and $25 for others. For more information or to purchase tickets call the Mitchell Hall box of Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 974-3375.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002

For your viewing pleasure Twenty seconds of quality movie by !era Stone Grade: Wait for the video If you've seen the movie trailer of Sweet Home Alabama anywhere, you basically know the entire story line, which, unfortunately, really isn't much to begin with. The film, directed by Andy Tennant (Ever After), is for Reese Witherspoon (Election, Legally oo Blonde) what While You Were Sleeping was for Sandra Bullock — a chance to prove themselves as worthy actresses who can open films without bigger-named costars — but without the charm. In the opening scene, we see two children running from lightening in a storm on the beach and end up sharing a sweet kiss. Prior to the kiss, the boy had poignantly said "lightening never strikes the same place twice." (Don't you love having a little hint about how the story is going to end about 20 seconds into the movie?) Next we see that Melanie (Witherspoon) is in the Big Apple getting ready for her fashion show. Mel is now one of the hottest fashion designers, and is dating the most eligible bachelor in the city, Andrew (Patrick Dempsey, Can't Buy Me Love). Andrew is a handsome, rich young man with political aspiration from a prominent Irish family. A family heads by his mother — the mayor of New York, Kate (Candice Bergen, "MiTirphy Brown"). Lets just say Andrew's hair,

demeanor and background will most definitely remind you of a certain real-life prince-like celebrity who died before his time. (Wink, wink.) After Andrew proposed to Mel in a way that could only exist in movies, Mel has to head back to Alabama, alone, to take care of some unfinished business. That business is the divorce she must finalize by convincing her husband, the boy who was on the beach with her in the opening scene, to sign the papers after she's been gone seven years. Enters the grown up and a bit rough-around-the-edges Jake (Josh Lucas, A Beautiful Mind). He is, of course, still in love with Mel and is uncooperative with Mel's plan of getting that divorce paper signed and back to New York within 24 hours. So Mel stays in town for a while longer, sees her parents, meets up with her high school chumps, turns into a mean-spirited snarling loudmouth, and remembers some of the past she had blocked out of her mind and her current charmed life, all in a day's work. Then Andrew came looking for her, and she feels herself being torn not just between two men, but also the town where she grew up and the city where she came into her own. Witherspoon is as charming as one could be while playing a character who really isn't all that likable, but it just isn't enough to make up for all the other dead weight, like the script (by relatively new corners C. Jay Cox and Douglas J. Eboch) and the direc-

p.m. Saturday by appointment.

Bright Eyes will petform at 9:00 p.m. Oct 5 at the Gypsy Tea Room in Dallas, Texas. For more information log on to WWW. .

Theater UCO college of Arts, Media & Design's season features "See How They Run," Nov. 21-24; "The Laramie Project," Feb. 2023; "Fences," April 10-12. Performances are at Mitchell Hall Theatre. For more information call 974-3375.

Paul McCartney will perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Ford Center, 100 W.,Reno. Tickets are $53-$253. For more information call 1-800-511-1552. Incubus will,perform at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Ford Center 100 W. Reno. Tickets are $25. For more information call 1800-511-1552. The Strokes will perform at 8 p.m. Nov. 15 at the Bricktown Event Center, 429 E. California. Tickets are $22.50. For more information call 236-4143. The Rolling Stones will perform at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 28 at the Ford Center, 100 W. Reno. Tickets are $90-$300. For more information call 1-800-511-1552 Galleries Against the Grain, 212 N. Shartel, 525-6684: Showings of Chris A. Palmer through Oct. 4 and of Frank Kozik in Oct. Hours: 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. Tuesday — Friday, 11 a.m. — 4

UCO 's 2002-2003 Broadway Tonight season features "Hello, Dolly!" Oct. 3-6; "Cabaret," Nov. 19; "South Pacific," Jan. 16; Pearl Kaufman, Feb.1; "Fosse," Feb. 13; "Swing!" April 5. Performances are at the Mitchell Hall Theatre. For more information call 974-3375. The 2002-2003 Stage Center season features "Capitol Steps," Oct. 4-5; "The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940," Nov. 6-10; "A couple of

Police Briefs Harassment September 20, 3:15 p.m. A magazine solicitor was harassing females in a UCO parking lot. September 25, 1:40 a.m. A UCO student reported someone was harassing her. Larceny September 20, 2:00 a.m. Three fire extinguishers were found missing from the Suites.

tion. The stereotype in the film is unbelievably ridiculous and at times rude. The southern town folks are depicted as rednecks or good old boys who live for the Civil War reenactments. The northern city guys are snobs or pretentious fools who only worry about their images. To muddle the water even more, Mel has a best friend from N.Y who is a black gay fashion designer and another from her hometown who is a gay she outed after one too many drinks. All the jokes are predictable and flat and none of the dialogues and scenes are inspiring. The entire script is laden with unnecessary sub-plots that serve no purpose but to take up some time. Bergen recycles her character from Miss Congeniality (even the name is basically the same) to play the future-mother-in-law from hell. Dempsey turns in a passable performance but without much energy. If you want to see Dempsey's best performances, try catching "Once and Again" on reruns. Lucas, on the other hand,

Out & About Concerts

Blaguards," Dec. 4-8; "Forbidden Broadway 20th Anniversary Tour," Jan 15-19; Wintertales: Storytelling Festival, Feb. 5-9; "Othello, the Moor of Venice," Mar. 5-9. Performances are at Stage Center, 400 W. Sheridan. For more information call 270-4801.

gives some depth to the character of a jilted man who is tough yet vulnerable and often charming in his own way. Jake is simply too good for Mel if you ask me. Jean Smart ("Designing Women", "Frasier"), in a small role as Jake's mom, is as always excellent given what she has to work with. She provides the only intelligent voice in the entire film. That alone should tell you how pathetic this movie is. Tennant, who showed some flair in arousing some emotion out of the audience in Ever After, simply couldn't muster any creativity to tell the story fluidly here other than setting the scenes in the rain. So, if you are a Witherspoon fan who doesn't mind seeing her sway in nice-fitting and fashionable clothes just as she did in Legally Blonde, maybe you'd want to buy a matinee ticket. Otherwise, it's a waste of you time and money until you can find an unbeatable deal at your local video rental store. Rated: PG-13 Language and sexual references

September 20, 2:52 p.m. Money was reported missing from an office.


1 I

TESTING SERVICES 974-2388 - 302

floor buffer was reported stolen from outside the Business Building. September 25, 2:30 a.m. A cell phone was reported stolen. Drug/Narcotic Violation September 22, 12:00 a.m. Marijuana was found in Murdaugh Hall.

Minor Accident September 22, 11:00 a.m. A hit-and-run accident was reported to DPS.

September 23, 8:00 a.m. A butane tank that runs the

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OCTOBER 1, 2002


UCO football stages last-minute, come-from-behind win by Daniel Holdge The Bronchos needed a break, a chance, a miracle, and they got it! On the final play of the game, Erick Johnson hit Josh Billings with a one-yard touchdown pass to lift Central Qklahoma to a stunning 19-16 Lone Star Conference victory over Texas A&M-Commerce Saturday, Sept. 28. The mistake-prone Bronchos overcame six turnovers and a 167 fourth-quarter deficit by scoring 12 points in the final 6:08 to pull out their second straight league victory. UCO improved to 2-2 on the year and 2-0 in the LSC with the win, which ended a sixgame home losing streak. It was the first reception of Billings' career, with the sopho more tight end grabbing Johnson's toss in the back of the

Photo by Tina Fowble

Junior Tarik Abdullah rushes past the opponents during last Saturday's game.


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end zone as the clock ran out to cap a 10-play, 52-yard drive. "I can't believe I caught the touchdown, I was just wide open," Billings said. The Lions appeared to have the game wrapped up when they blocked A.J. Haglund's chipshot 18-yard field goal attempt with 8:12 left to maintain their 16-7 lead, but UCO's defense held and forced TAMU-C to punt. Chris Cole quickly got the Bronchos back in the game, racing 54 untouched yards for a touchdown on the punt. The Bronchos were penalized for excessive celebration on the play, forcing Haglund to try a 35-yard extra point that missed, leaving UCO behind 16-13 with 6:08 remaining.

UCO got the ball right back on a fumble recovery by Seth Strong at the TAMU-C 17, but Johnson was intercepted on second-down from the 17 and the Lions had dodged another bullet. Again UCO's defense rose to

the occasion, forcing a punt to regain possession with 3:16 left. The Bronchos stayed on the ground on the game-winning drive until the touchdown. Jason Phenix did most of the work, rushing for 34 yards on seven carries, while Brent Ingram had a key 10-yard gainer on a reverse. Johnson then found Billings alone in the back of the end zone for the game-winner as the clock ran out, setting off a wild celebration on the field. "I can't believe we won that ballgame," Coach Gary Howard said. "I mean we had everything that could go wrong did and we still found a way to win. We could not afford to lose this game no matter what, and we didn't." UCO managed just 195 total yards in the contest, with Johnson hitting only 4-of-16 passes for 10 yards. The Bronchos rushed for 185 yards, with Phenix netting 87 yards on 23 attempts and Derrick Camacho 78 in 14 tries. Starter Tarik Abduallah was limited by a hamstring injury and carried just three times for19 yards. TAMU-C managed just 229

yards, with Jerremy Dale leading the way with 12 tackles. Evan Helvey had 11 tackles with two for loss, Tyler Meier had two sacks and Danny Nephew had three tackles for losses for the Bronchos. UCO turned the ball over twice early in the game, but the Bronchos forced the Lions to settle for a field goal on one possession and TAMU-C missed a short three-point try on another. A third fumble led to the Lions' first touchdown, with Bishop Curry returned a fumbled punt three yards to give TAMU-C a 10-0 lead. The Bronchos took advantage of a turnover to get its first score, with a Nephew fumble recovery setting up a short 13-yard touchdown drive. Phenix got the score on a five-yard run with 2:58 left in the half to draw the Bronchos within 10-7, but the Lions drove downfield to make it 13-7 at halftime on Randy Weston's 49yard field goal with one second left. Weston hit another field goal, this time from 29 yards out, on the final play of the third period to give TAMU-C its 16-7 lead and set up the wild finish.

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Photo by Tina Fowble

The fight song rang loud as the Broncho's pulled off a last minute win.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002


Soccer defense impenetrable; they win again by Daniel Holdge No. 9-ranked Central Oklahoma stayed undefeated with a 6-0 pounding of Missouri-Rolla Friday afternoon, Sept. 27 at Tom Thompson Field thanks in part to Lisa Hansen, who scored the first goal of her career. Every player on UCO's 24-person roster saw extended action as the Bronchos dominated from start to finish. The win improved the Bronchos to 9-0 and tied a Central Oklahoma school record with their ninth straight victory. UCO took aim at the goal, shooting 39 times compared to the Miners measley one shot attempt. The Bronchos also got two goal a piece from consistent goal scorers Kim and Valerie Brown Gutierrez. Hansen, in her fourth year as UCO's top fullback, scored on a penalty kick early in the second half. "We had a lot more chances to score that we didn't take advantage of

but overall I thought we played pretty well," UCO coach Mike Cook said. "Everybody got to play quite a bit and it was a good day for us." UCO scored early when Gutierrez maneuvered her way through defenders and put a shot in the corner from 20 feet away. Then, Brown got her first goal in the 22nd minute on a chip-shot from right in front of the goal after a flurry of shot attempts. Brown scored once more Photo by Tina Fowble making it 3-0 right before Freshman Meleia Bacon rushes through Missouri -Rolla's defense . the half by

knocking in a rifle shot from 30 yards out just six seconds before intermission. Hansen was called on to take a penalty kick early in the second half. The senior standout responded with a shot to the corner for her first career goal and lifted the Bronchos to a 40 lead. Gutierrez got her second goal three minutes later on a pass

from Joy Hagemann to make it 5-0. The Bronchos completed the scoring in the 77th minute when Jennifer Lindsey knocked in a shot from in front of the goal with an assist from Traci Clifford. Broncho soccer returns to action Friday, Oct. 4, starting a three-game roadtrip, when they travel to Wichita Falls, Texas to take on Metropolitan State.

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Women hitters extend record win streak by Daniel Holdge Central Oklahoma overcame a late-match letdown to extend its school-record winning streak to 15 straight Saturday, Sept. 28 afternoon at Hamilton Field House with a four-game triumph over Texas Woman's. The defending Lone Star Conference North Division Bronchos prevailed easily 30-19, 30-21, 27-30, 30-25 to improve to 15-2 on the year and 5-0 in the league. Lexy Fortner and Alma Brahimaj dominated the game, with Fortner having 20 kills, and Brahimaj with 17 kills and 22 digs. Kim Morgal posted a seasonhigh 12 kills for the Bronchos, who had to rally in the fourth

Photo by Tina Fowble

UCO Volleyball adds to their school record after a win against Texas Woman's .

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game to pull out the match. The Bronchos cruised in the first two games to seemingly take control of the match, but Texas Woman's rallied to win a back-and-forth third game to get back in it. The fourth game was another tight contest and it was tied 21all when UCO took the lead for good on a Pioneer's error. It was still close at 25-24 when a kill by Brahimaj and back-to-back attack errors gave the Bronchos a 28-24 advantage. Texas Woman's stayed alive at 28-25, but UCO closed it out with a Brahimaj kill and another attack error by the Pioneers. UCO returns to action Tuesday, Oct. 1 when they go to Bethany to take on Southern Nazarene.

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OCTOBER 1, 2002

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ing/editing/research assistance available, ALL

ted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publica-

formats:APA, ASR, MLA, Turabian, etc.

tion, and noon Friday for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $3/day for the first

Resumes, manuscripts, novels, theses, database mgmt., or any other computer generated production.

25 words and $.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT

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293-3985, ext 224.

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