The Vista Aug. 30, 2011

Page 1

Where’s the Money?


A new school year means a new budget. While some programs get more, others are coming up short. Page 3

Russian tennis player Yuliya Shviadok and the Central tennis team expect a great year. Page 8

AUG. 30, 2011


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.

Campus Activities


Holly and Hayden Brady run across the field before participating in UCO’s ‘Record Breaking Event’ of Duck Duck Goose at East Field, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011. Participants broke the world record of 1,500 with 1,634 participants. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

By Trevor Hultner / Staff Writer The University of Central Oklahoma broke the world record for the largest game of Duck, Duck, Goose last week, the first to be broken in the institution’s 120-year history. Over 1,600 people from UCO and the surrounding area gathered at the campus’s East Hall Field last Tuesday to participate in the record-shattering game. While some students had concerns about the location (UCO’s Wantland Stadium had been the original location for the event), anticipation was high. “I’m here to break a world record,” freshman Lasey Compton, from Blanchard, Okla., said. Students and other attendees gathered at the east end of the field before the game to watch the UCO Cheer squad perform a short routine and receive instruction from Stampede Week director Ryan Robbins.


H 107° L 78°

The participants formed a rough circle within the confines of East Hall Field in the minutes leading up to the game, enclosing various members of the media and UCO’s mascot, Buddy Broncho, the first “celebrity gooser.” The game started at 8 p.m. and lasted for 15 minutes, per official Guinness World Records instructions. The first “goosers-and-goosed” included the 2011 Miss UCO winner, Rachel Hill, and newly-minted university president Don Betz. “I’ve never played [Duck, Duck, Goose] before,” Betz said after his run. “I’m sure I made a fool out of myself, but I had a great time.” “I felt like it was a good experience, and a good opportunity to show my school spirit,” Hill said. The final attendance was announced afterward and stood at 1,634 attendees, beating the official Guinness World Record set in 2005 by the University of

More weather at

DID YOU KNOW? John Tyler, 10th president of the U.S., born 1790, has 2 currently living grandsons.

Continued on page 4

Ryan Robbins tags Cole Stanley during UCO’s ‘Record Breaking Event’ of Duck Duck Goose at East Field, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011. Participants broke the world record of 1,500 with 1,634 participants. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista


BRONCHO CADETS PREPARE FOR YEAR By Andy Jensen / Contributing Writer

TOMORROW H 105 L 78°

Guelph in Ontario, Canada, by over 200 people. “I am so excited,” Dawn Ryals, sophomore orientation leader, said. “I helped to work this and helped set it up, and I’m so excited and it’s such a great turnout. […] I was really worried, but as Bronchos we pulled through.” While it may seem like Duck, Duck, Goose was a simple record to beat, it was a huge undertaking on the part of the planning committees involved. “We just wanted something different to do during Stampede Week,” Kay Robinson, director of Campus Activities and Events, said. “I had done a recordbreaking event at another school before I came here and it was pretty fun, so we decided to try and do it here.” Campus Activities and Events, led by Stampede Week director Robbins, went through a list of possible records to break; they came to Duck, Duck,

Jeffrey Babbit came to UCO last Friday and left a lieutenant in the United States Army. ROTC celebrated the beginning of the school year with an orientation that included commissioning Babbit and awarding scholarships to UCO cadets. The morning started at 8 a.m. in room 113 of the Business building with over 100 students attending the briefing. Some were returning members of the Broncho Battalion. The first hour consisted of MSG John Taylor, senior military instructor, explaining what the ROTC schedule is like, how to properly wear the uniform, and the ROTC lifestyle at UCO. “We’re all about teamwork here,” LTC Kenneth Jennings, professor of Military Science, said after a break. “I want our leadership folks in ROTC to be engaged with our folks that are on the rise.” Jennings noted an increase in interest in ROTC on campus.

“In the past, we’ve had 80 or 90 (students attending),” Jennings said. “Today, we’re over a hundred. ROTC is on the upswing, and we want to keep it that way.” He then reminded the audience of the seriousness of the group with an anecdote from his service in Kuwait. He ate, not really paying attention as a C-5 cargo aircraft started to unload. Then a refrigerator truck caught his attention as it pulled up next to the aircraft and began to transfer the bodies of killed soldiers. “That’s the seriousness of the business that we’re in,” Jennings said. “That’s why we go through the program that we have here.” “This is a calling that few volunteer to answer,” MAJ David Price, enrollment and scholarship officer, said. Opening the commissioning ceremony that would turn Babbit from a ROTC cadet into a second lieutenant, Price commented on how proud the cadre was of Babbit. Price also noted how the president of the United

ROTC cadets sit in orientation Aug. 19, 2011. Photo by Liz Boyer, The Vista

States appoints the commission. Price gave a brief summary of Babbit’s accomplishments. A 2002 graduate of Putnam City West, Babbit enlisted in the United States Army Reserve in 2003. After visiting South Carolina and Virginia for training, he

deployed to Iraq in 2005, where he helped support and supply forward operating bases south of Baghdad. Upon returning to Oklahoma in December 2006, Babbit enrolled in UCO and ROTC for the Spring 2007

Continued on page 4



AUG. 30, 2011

THE VISTA 100 North University Drive Edmond, OK 73034 (405)974-5549

What is the next world record that UCO should attempt to break? The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.




History and Economics - Sophomore

English Education - Sophomore

Psychology - Junior

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 730345209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to




Cody Bromley, Editor-In-Chief Christie Southern, Managing Editor Brittany Dalton, Copy Editor Trey Hunter, Sports Editor Garett Fisbeck, Photo Editor

Samantha Maloy, Senior Staff Writer Chantal Robatteux, Senior Staff Writer Ben Luschen, Staff Writer Chris Howell, Staff Writer Josh Hutton, Staff Writer Trevor Hultner, Staff Writer Bryan Trude, Staff Writer

Graphic Design

“Set the record for getting more parking spaces.”

“World’s largest zombie tag game.”

“World’s largest hide and seek game. It was my favorite game growing up.”




Interpersonal Communication - Junior

Campus Visitor - BYX Advisor

Advertising - Junior

Anthony Murray



Kylee Turner

Liz Boyer


Editorial Comic

Troy Fisbeck

Evan Oldham

Adviser Mr. Teddy Burch


THANKS STEVE, IT WAS A FUN RIDE By Cody Bromley / Editor-In-Chief

“The largest “the floor is lava” game. That would be intense.”

“Biggest human pyramid. I can dream right?”

“Tallest human stick figure. I don’t know how you would do that or if you could do that....”

When I first decided to write my editorial about Steve Jobs’ departure from Apple Inc., I dismissed the idea as silly. Now I see that it would only be silly not to. In 1994, I used my first computer, a Macintosh Color Classic running System 7. My kindergarten class played Reading Rabbit once a week in our computer lab and I was immediately hooked. But everything from my birth to that moment actually occurred while Steve Jobs was no longer involved with Apple. He left the company in 1985 after sales slumped and an internal power struggle pushed him out. Chances are if you have ever used a computer, then you’ve been affected by the work of Jobs. Love them or hate them, from humble beginnings in his garage Jobs’ company has reinvented everything from the mouse, mp3 players, touch screens and more. If imitation is any sign of success, Apple has it in spades. But they didn’t always have it so good. After Jobs left Apple in 1985 they lost their touch. Facing tough competition they had too many failed attempts making too many kinds of projects. Apple was floundering. Meanwhile Jobs went and founded NeXT, another computer company centered around strong design principles, and then he bought Lucasfilm’s computer graphics division and renamed it Pixar. In 1997, Jobs’ NeXT was bought up by Apple, and he came back on as interim CEO. After his return, Jobs helped usher in nearly everything we come to expect from Apple. The first Apple Store, then the iMac, Final Cut Pro, iTunes, the iPod, the Macbook, the iPhone, and even more recently the iPad. All these things came to light in the last 14 years under Jobs and every single one contributed to them being the most valuable company on the stock market two weeks ago. All this to say, thanks for dreaming, Steve. We take for granted now that we can make a video call with our phones, and when we lose our phones we can track their location from our computers. You have taken the dreams of yesterday and turned them into modern conveniences we take for granted. Unlike 1985, Apple is in good hands with Tim Cook and crew, but Jobs will always be missed and always be remembered as saving the most influential tech company that has ever existed. Correction: In our August 22 issue, we incorrectly labeled a graph on page 8. Under communications, UCO should have been labeled at 64 percent, and Carnegie Masters at 61 percent.

By Evan Oldham / Cartoonist



AUG. 30, 2011




By Josh Hutton

By Anthony Murray / Graphic Designer In August, local 7-Elevens have started their annual fundraising event for the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The 7-Eleven stores have been operating in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area since March 1953, when the group was founded as a separate entity from 7-Elevens in Texas, which are owned by Southland Corporation. Stores in Oklahoma have no affiliation with Southland Corporation, which franchises all 7-Elevens outside of Oklahoma. 7-Eleven Stores is locally owned and operated in 109 locations by 1,100 employees. The OKC metro stores adopted MDA as their nonprofit of choice along with the convenience store industry 40 years ago. The local district MDA foundation and 7- Eleven Stores give the money to Oklahomans who are dealing with the debilitating effects of muscular dystrophy, an often deadly disease. Last year 7-Eleven Stores raised over $900,000 thanks to their customers. “They get credit for everything. They are an amazing, loyal, big-hearted group of customers,” Jim Brown, CEO of 7-Eleven Stores, said. “They trust us with their donations and they support our efforts every year.” Fundraising is held throughout the year with such events as the MDA Baby Pageant, Break Some Clay for MDA skeet shooting contest, Poker Run bike ride, Summer Sizzler car show and Mudd Volleyball. Employees run all the events voluntarily and all the events see a high volume of traffic and participants. During the last weeks of August the stores begin raising money in-house with silent auctions, coin drop fish tanks and are already selling raffle tickets for a new car donated by Hudiberg Auto Group. The summer months always mean increased traffic inside convenience stores and as employees run transactions, customers are asked for donations to help the stores reach their pledged goal. Many employees find fundraising to be fun and rewarding. One of them is Corey Pierce, assistant manager at store #102, located on Memorial near Oklahoma Christian University. “It is an awesome thing to think about the kids and the families who we are helping,” he said. “To think we are getting ever closer to helping find a cure is a great reward.”

The Nonconsensual Bedfellow Stickers for MDA at 7-11 in Oklahoma City, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Photo by Sacha Swift, The Vista

The stores maintain all of their daily duties and regular hours during these events and also during in store fundraising. The MDA foundation is not the only foundation that 7-Eleven Stores are involved with. Unlike the MDA fundraising where money is raised, 7-Eleven supports and is considered a major contributor to the United Way of Central Oklahoma, OKC Community Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Great Expectations, Oklahoma Children’s Hospital Foundation and many others. The 7-Eleven stores will continue to take donations throughout the week for MDA and will strive to reach their goal each year of one dollar more than last year’s total. As a major retailer in the metro community, 7- Eleven’s fundraising is part of an attempt to give back to it. “We truly feel it is our duty,” Brown said in response to the heritage of the company and the foundation. “Our industry, other convenience stores, eventually went another direction, but we have maintained our relationship with MDA.” At the end of the fundraising, on Labor Day, all the money will be donated to the foundation during the televised MDA Labor Day Telethon. At that time, the total amount raised is announced. After a 40 year long relationship, “you might even say we are commited,” Brown said. After being awarded a Beacon Award presented by The Journal Record in the same category as Devon Energy, it would appear so.

Continued from page 1

RECORD Goose after some deliberation. “In one of our meetings, we just kind of sat down, and started jotting down ideas,” Robbins said. “Later that night I went on and started looking everything up, and none of them were possible.” Robbins said that part of the problem was that the threshold for each record was simply too high. “The biggest pillow fight was 8,000 people, and the biggest game of freeze tag was like 6,000 people, so some of it was just unrealistic,” he said. After making the decision to go with Duck, Duck, Goose, Robbins called Robinson and began working with Guinness World Records to make sure everything met the standards the records recording organization set. In order to qualify for the record, according to Robbins, a public notary had to be present; several forms of media, as well as a notable-yet-neutral figure in the community needed to show up; and multiple ways to make sure the number of participants was accurate were required. “We were surprised, actually, at how much of an effort it really was behind the scenes to actually get the world record done,” Robbins said. All this work for a world record may seem ridiculous, but the alternative may have been more expensive.

“It would have cost us over $5,000 to get somebody here [from Guinness World Records, Ltd.], and we don’t have the money to pay $5,000 for somebody to come, so they just send you what you need to do, and you just send it back to Guinness,” Robinson said. It will take about three weeks for Guinness to process UCO’s application and let the school know whether the record is official or not.

To see video from UCO’s record breaking game of Duck, Duck, Goose scan this barcode

Continued from page 1

ROTC “I thought the officer route would be a path I wanted to take,” Babbit said. “You can have a bigger impact of the troops’ welfare.” While in the UCO ROTC program, Babbit served in a variety of positions, including battalion executive officer. Babbit graduated with a degree in Political Science and International Relations on August 2, 2011. He will become a military intelligence officer, starting with training at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, in late September. LTC Ken Jennings administered the oath of office before the crowd erupted with applause. Babbit’s mother, Quinette, and wife, Thomaira, pinned bars on his uniform, signifying the rank of second lieutenant. Babbit’s two-year-old daughter, Nadia, watched. “It’s been a long four years, Bronchos, but I’ve loved every minute of it,” Babbit said. He said his support network helped him get through rough patches. Babbit recalled how his family would watch his daughter while he was studying for a big test, or finishing an important paper. “I couldn’t do any of this, graduate college, or commission as an officer, without the support of my family.” “I wish everybody here the best of luck,” Babbit said. Then Price presented three members of the Broncho Rifle Team with scholarships. Cadets earning a $1000 scholarship

were Sarai Davila and Rachel Nelson, both Nursing majors, and Matthew Green, a kinesiology major. Each cadet had outstanding scores from a shooting competition held in the spring semester. Price returned to the briefings to explain ROTC opportunities. “ROTC is a UCO student organization,” price said. “Like a fraternity or sorority. Anyone can sign up. There is no obligation to join the Army.” Price explained that the freshman and sophomore Basic courses are military science classes open to all students. “You can be a citizen of another country, 400 pounds overweight, any age, and so on,” he said. The Basic classes teach ethics and values, role and organization of the Army, leadership case study and stress management, among other topics. The classes get harder in the Advanced course, for juniors and seniors looking to become officers. Babbit said the benefits are worth the challenges. “It’s going to develop you intellectually, and physically, it makes you handle stress better, pays for your school,” he said. “It’s a big commitment. If you’re ready, it will greatly benefit you.”

The second week blues hit hard. No longer do swarms of student organizations attempt to snare allegiance with fistfuls of swag and pocketfuls of assorted potato chips. Broncho students wake to chiming alarm clocks, see stacks of textbooks and crumpled assignments, and hit “snooze” in an attempt to vaporize pressing stressors. Finally, students arise breaking from the cobwebs of oversleep, stumble into the bathroom and surrender the weekend’s taste with a sinksplash of mouthwash. The plastic polish of collegiate life melts away. The grim reality of a semester-long D-Day, with nothing but a bipolar roommate for support, snakes along the spine. I always forget how assignments fire in machine-gun fashion the second week. “Alright, let’s discuss the 85 pages you were supposed to read over the weekend,” a professor will say, eyes sliding above the rim of her glasses, pupils tightening around my throat. 85 pages? 85 pages? I did not skim one! I have yet to buy the book. I am still trying to coax the UCO bookstore into an under the table, layaway deal! My armpits start to sweat. I second-guess whether or not I left the stove smoldering before I came to class. My stomach begins to eat itself. I hear sirens outside the classroom window. Just an ambulance, I think. Just an ambulance. Could be a fire truck! Nah, nah. The sirens get louder. Their mad shriek ricochets in the chambers of my head. I do not remember what my mother looks like! I try to think of her buttermilk tone, but I cannot hear it! All I can see: her signature meatloaf flashes, quickly fades, and I begin to softly weep because I cannot replicate the taste on my tongue. For me, the second Monday Meltdown occurs annually. Waddling back home, after an ego-shattering day, I boast the safety net of living with rational, reliable roommates. However, students on campus played Russian roulette. A pinch of cursive, a sleight of ballpoint on a housing agreement pulled the trigger and sent a mystery roommate their way. Of UCO’s on-campus dwellers, 50 percent have been found to be clinically insane; 25 percent have spent time behind bars. Thirteen percent of those former criminals were overheard saying, “I will kill again,” as they walked to freedom; and “The Nomadic Beat” has suffered a staggering rise of 1,235% in statistical fraud. When it comes to roommates, disavow all knowledge of their existence. Peers will make terrible judgments based on your nonconsensual bedfellow. Now, if your roommate exemplifies any of the following traits, file a complaint to Housing now: they frequently discuss the nearly divine nature of sweet tea, they own socks with days of the week printed on the underbelly, they smell your hair, they whisper sweet nothings in your ear when they think you are asleep, they borrow your Hot Pockets, they date bikers, they milked a goat at some point in their life, and/or they wear mesh shorts with cowboy boots. If your roommate grew up in Prague, Oklahoma, call the campus police. I guarantee a shotgun lies stowed under their bed and a lifetime supply of Snus has been stored above the ceiling tiles. Surviving the roommate and avoiding a breakdown during the second week indicates imminent success.

AUG. 30, 2011




Kelly O’Ryan, a junior broadcasting major, climbs a rock wall during the ROTC picnic, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011. Events that were a part of UCO Stampede Week 2011 kept students busy for the first week of classes. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

Rilee Harrison, an orientation leader, high-fives the crowd during Freshman Orientation at the UCO Wellness Center, Friday, Aug. 19, 2011. Photo by Garett FIsbeck, The Vista ROTC members run to begin drills during ROTC Basic Drill and Ceremony at East Hall Field, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

Ida Huntz of the Wellness Center dresses a burger with ketchup during the ROTC picnic, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

A line forms for a ride at Wake Up in Wantland, which was held at East Hall Field due to maintenance in Wantland Stadium, Saturday, Aug. 20, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista





AUG. 30, 2011 SUDOKU


Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.35)

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Private Golf Club Looking for friendly, energetic people. Bartenders, banquet staff and wait staff in the Golfers Grill at River Oaks Golf Club. We have fulltime and part-time positions so come join our team! Will train!! Located just a few minutes from UCO, apply in person at 10909 Clubhouse Road, Edmond OK or email

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Help Wanted


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sary. Call 608-0404.”

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9 5


Searching for an exciting fall internship? JJ KELLY bridal is looking for self-motivated, responsible, organized, creative individuals! Applicants must be a college student majoring in fashion marketing or related fields. Must have computer skills. For consideration please email your resume and Across availability to, or call 4051. Hamlet’s father, e.g. 752-0029.

”Best Feet Forward in North OKC and in Yukon now accepting applications for part-time employment. 15-20 hrs/ wk, evenings and Sat. No retial experience neces-



Help Wanted

Help Wanted


6. Make secret 12. Footman 14. Rotten 15. Toadstool genus 16. Ascending 17. Baffled (2 wd) 18. Asperity 20. Roman seven 21. “Cool!” 22. Kind of drive 23. King or queen, e.g. 24. “Wheels” 25. Takes off 26. Copenhageners 27. “Hamlet” setting 29. Ability 30. Movie audience 32. Devotes 35. Disturbance 39. Pang 40. Aware, with “in” 41. A pint, maybe 42. Beat badly 43. Macbeth, for one 44. Brews 45. “Go on ...” 46. Mariner’s aid 47. Culture medium (pl.) 48. Not one or the other 50. Son of Spanish king 52. Agitated 53. Upper chamber of heart 54. Allergic reaction 55. Scrawny

Research Volunteers Needed Researchers at OU Health Sciences Center need healthy volunteers ages 18 to 30 who have a parent with or without a history of an alcohol or drug problem. Qualified participants will be compensated for their time. Call (405) 456-4303 to learn more about the study and to see if you qualify. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution


8 1





As part of David Hasselhoff’s divorce settlement, he kept possession of the nickname “Hoff” and the catchphrase “Don’t Hassle the Hoff.”


1 4


3 9

1 8


1. Relating to rump muscles 2. Hungarian horseman 3. Attack 4. Gull-like bird 5. ___ el Amarna, Egypt 6. Erasable read-only memory chip 7. Black, as la nuit 8. Alliance that includes Ukr. (acronym) 9. Igneous rock mineral 10. Resident 11. Most provocative 12. Napoleon’s country 13. Either end of square sail support 14. Asian starch (pl.) 19. Atypical 22. Loses heat 23. Chip dip 25. Insinuating 26. Challenged 28. “Otherwise...” (2 wd) 29. Giggle 31. Prickly pear, for one 32. Wisps of hair 33. Call a radio station, e.g. (2 wd) 34. Learned 36. Short window drapery 37. Perceptively 38. Rent payer 40. Circumspect 43. “So ___!” 44. “Encore!” 46. At the home of 47. ___-American 49. Not just “a” 51. Center






6 9




AUG. 30, 2011


Geese on the Prawl

CENTRAL SOFTBALL GOES GLOBAL By Bryan Trude / Staff Writer The rules athletes in any collegiate sport have to be mindful of are those concerning eligibility. Thanks to a quirk in these rules, the UCO softball team can welcome a player of Olympian talent to the squad for the 2011 season. Catcher and third baseman Nathalie Timmermans of Oldenzaal, Netherlands, transferred to UCO following two seasons playing for the Oklahoma City University Stars in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Timmermans has also been a member of the Dutch National Team, competing in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, a campaign that saw the Netherlands fail to make it out of group play. UCO softball coach Genny Stidham said it was that national team experience that allowed Timmermans to come to UCO. According to NAIA rules, Timmermans was only given three years of eligibility due to her playing for the Dutch in the Olympics. Under NCAA rules, however, Timmermans was able to transfer and play under a fourth year of eligibility. “It’s frustrating from a coaching standpoint to lose a player like Nathalie; we didn’t appreciate the interpretation the NAIA made of the rules,” Phil McSpadden, OCU head softball coach, said. “We lost her, but we think she’s a great pickup for Genny and her staff and we know that she will produce for them.” In fact, Timmermans came to UCO in part because of this. “I came to Oklahoma because my national coach knows the coach at OCU, and recommended me to him,” Timmermans Nathalie Timmermans, softball player, poses for a photo said. “However, one of the real reasons I came here is because Aug. 24, 2011. Timmermans played at Oklahoma City back home, you cannot go to university and play softball at the University last season. Photo by Liz Boyer, The Vista same time, they are separate. As a little kid, they always talk

about the United States and softball, so I have always wanted to go.” Playing third base for the Stars, Timmermans logged 29 runs for OCU during the 2010 season, netting a .380 batting average with 49 RBIs and nine home runs. Timmermans also managed one stolen base. As part of the national team, Timmermans comes to UCO fresh off of the 2011 European Championships, which saw the Netherlands defeat Italy in the finals to take the trophy Aug. 7. Timmermans’ play overseas has also seen her earn the 2007 Best Hitter award from the Dutch Major League, as well as the Bep van Beijmerwerdt Trophy for most talented Dutch youth player, according to the website of the Dutch national team. “[Timmermans] is a heck of a hitter,” Stidham said. “She’s a good player and she can hit the ball. That is a big asset, she can hit it hard and hit it far.” While at UCO, Timmermans, a junior biomedical science major, will take classes to support her major that transfer back to OCU, where she will complete her degree once her year of eligibility is up. Timmermans said that UCO does not offer a biomedical science degree. After finishing her degree, Timmermans hopes to remain in the U.S. “I want to get a master’s degree, and I might want to get into coaching, but I also want to go back to Holland during the summer and play for my country,” Timmermans said. “I want to win a few more world championships and a few more European championships before I am done.”

UCO BASEBALL ROUNDS OUT RECRUITING CLASS By Trey Hunter / Sports Editor The UCO baseball team added four late recruits last week to round out head coach Dax Leone’s first class at the school. The Bronchos added two NCAA Division I transfers. Right-handed pitcher Tyler Sparks from Oral Roberts University and catcher Casey Coyle from the University of Oklahoma decided to call Edmond home after spending time at two of the state’s best baseball programs.

UCO also added two junior college players. Left-handed pitcher John Frisby from Eastern Oklahoma College and outfielder Cameron Mavroulis from Midland College in Texas will join the team this spring. Sparks saw limited action at ORU in 2010, but the Owosso High graduate was named to the All-Region team in his freshman season at Eastern after going 9-4 with a 3.15 earned run average. Coyle red-shirted for OU last sea-

son but was an All-State player for Putnam City High in 2010 when he hit .397 with 14 home runs. “Sparks has a big-time breaking ball and throws his fastball around 91-92 miles per hour,” Leone said. “He will have a chance to step up and fill the void Jordan Stern left behind from last year. “Coyle has all the tools and is just an all-around talent. He has the chance to be an All-American type player for us.”

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Frisby saw limited action at Eastern last season. He had 12 strikeouts in 11 appearances for a team that went 38-22. Mavroulis hit .308 with three home runs for Midland last season and had ten doubles as well. “Frisby threw a lot of tough innings last season and was part of one of the best staffs in all of juco baseball,” Leone said. “Mavroulis gives us some more toughness as well. He isn’t a flashy guy and he is

a pure baseball player.” The Bronchos have added 25 recruits to a team that finished one game above .500 a year ago. They added 15 juco transfers, eight freshmen and two D-I transfers. “We are very excited that we found guys who fit our system,” Leone said. “Give a lot of the credit to coach [Kevin] Paxon and coach Brandon Elizarraras who spent a lot of time on the road looking for guys.”



AUG. 30, 2011

UCO Soccer

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE By Christie Southern / Managing Editor

Yuliya Shviadok, senior and actuarial sciences major grew up in a family that admired sports. Her father played soccer and her mother ran cross-country. Yet, they always dreamed of pursing tennis as their sport of choice. Shviadok explains that tennis is a very expensive sport back in Russia, but her parents wanted her to play a sport she could play the rest of her life. “You can play tennis forever,” Shviadok said. After high school, the twentyyear-old Belarus native came to UCO on a tennis scholarship. “[Tennis is] a competitive, excitable and challenging game,” said Shviadok. “There are so many different shots, styles, opponents, strategies, its just amazing how many options you have on the court, and you just got to be smart to choose the right one against your opponent.” For her last year, Yuliya wants to work on becoming a better leader after the great example set upon her by their former team captain, she said. “Our coach always pushes us to inspire one another,” Shviadok said. Yuliya expects a great season this year because the team members all have some experience under their rackets after playing over 28 matches last season, more than they had originally expected. “I think mentally I’m stronger,” she said. “ Our coach always wants us to improve our mental game.” Last year’s challenges, like facing off against the number two ranked team in America, BYU Hawaii, has equipped Yuliya with the tools to improve her game for the upcoming season. “Tennis is a very mental game,” she said. “Every year we try to improve it.” However, Yuliya considers her strengths to be her patience, speed and intelligence. “Yuliya is one of the fastest and quickest players I had, she is always

Yulia Shviadok, tennis player, poses for a photo Thursday, Aug. 12, 2011. Shviadok came to Central on a tennis scholarship. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

leading the team in conditioning, I think if she could be a little bit more outspoken on a court it would only empower her more as our team leader,” Tennis coach Natalya Nikitina-Helvey said. “I’m very stubborn,” Shviadok said. “But I’m pretty smart and I think I have good strategy. I have a good base line and I always try to control the game.” Her patience and determination showed last season when the UCO team played against Northeastern University. “I won the first set, then I was up 5-2 on the second,” she said. “During the third set I was down 5-0.” Yuliya recalls it was very hot and she had already accumulated three medical time-outs. She was up 6-5 on her last set before they pulled her out of the game permanently. “I had heat exhausting and a full body cramp,” she said. “I was forced

to stop playing.” Despite the outcome of her injuries, Yuliya says that match was

TV or something but in the reality there is so much more to it, so many little details that we always have to

“You should have no emotions when you play” also one of her proudest moments when two of her teammates pulled through and won the entire match. Shviadok says she would like to improve her serve and work on losing some of the nerves before a match. “You should have no emotions when you play,” she said. “If you let yourself relax a little bit, your whole game can slip away right away. Everybody thinks that tennis is easy if they just watch it on

keep in mind,” Shviadok. Off the court, however, emotions and friendship run rampant among the team members. “We have very good team chemistry,” Shviadok said. Yuliya lives with two of her teammates and hangs out with them on a regular basis. Coach Nikitina-Helvey also bonds the team together by making dinners for the team and encouraging them to do a lot of community service together.

“Yuliya is one of those people that don’t say much but quietly lead by setting a great example for excellence,” Coach Nikitina-Helvey said. “All players on our team look up to her as she has been not only our top player for last two years with great strokes and speedy footwork on a court, but also for dedication and commitment to the program.” So far the UCO tennis team is composed of five members, compared to last year’s eight. “Yuliya is starting her last year as member of women’s tennis team, she has accomplished so much in the last three years and helped us to become a nationally ranked, respected program in the conference, region and the nation,” Coach Nikitina-Helvey said. “Now is the time to shine for her and my other two seniors, to play their best tennis, to beat a few opponents that were challenging for them, to make it to the finals of fall tournaments that we will participate in, including ITA South Central Regional Championship in Springfield Missouri on September 30-October 2.” When she’s not training or studying, Yuliya likes to go rock climbing and ice-skating. “I like being with friends, I don’t like being by myself,” she said. Her off court activities go hand in hand with their athletic regime. During the season, Yuliya says the team conditions and does some weight lifting in addition to their regular technical practices. After graduation Yuliya wants to stay in the United States and work as an actuary.

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