3 minute read

The African promise -Tiny Little Particles

By Nicholas Jimmy (Jimmie Nicks)

In my March and April articles on “MY SPACE” and “HER VOICE SHALL BE HEARD” I touched a few aspect of thing hindering the desired Africa majority of the people would wish to have today. In this aspect I did mention the need for corrupt free environment in government especially o n billions of dollars borrowed from IMF and World Bank- a debate which Kenyans took online creating a discussion across social media, local and international Radios and Televisions. It’s this discussion and efforts of Kenyans to safe their country from monster politicians that takes me/ us to our next discussion on the little contributions each can do to not only voice out but contribute to the economy - Tiny Little Particles. Africa for a long time has kept her faith and hope in political leaders. Often than not their faith has been endless from lost hope from exiting governments to renewed hope on incoming governments - with exception of a few, nothing has changed. This endless need to see, to have and to taste the “THE AFRICAN PROMISE” is the only thing that has kept electorates casting their votes after every few years not to mention paying taxes and supporting community projects and institutions in hope for a better Africa. Failure to adequately support small micro enterprise has been the biggest failure of the political class in my own opinion. While small businesses which are the true source of revenue are heftily taxed, most government officials are exempted on such taxations and instead rewarded with high allowances in addition to great salaries which strain governments on keeping up with the salaries of regular workers. Regardless of these setbacks, the African spirit is strong, her people continue to relentlessly work on small businesses, saving, educating and raising their families. It is this little effort by individuals from grass root micro enterprises which would build Africa. Africa will be built brick by brick, step by step, the world may not see it coming now but it is coming very soon. The once illiterate society is slowly becoming more literate and taking in growth and development at small but noticeable paces. Looking into Mobile Banking as an initiative originally birthed in Africa and many more initiatives one can only accept not to under estimate her potentials. Africa will not be built by one man speaking from top of white house/state house or capital, Africa will be built by individual people and cooperates operating from grassroots together. Talk of that farmer, that artist, that teacher (the tiny little particles). The hope of Africa is not in WORLD BANK or INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, these are global institutions in business with our governments and I tent to believe that they are in business of making profits at the detriment of the common people. The African governments should now turn their focus to where their revenues come from – the local businesses and people. The individuals contributing taxes each day to keep such governments operational. They might be small invisible particles but - these tiny little particles (small small individual efforts) are what will build Africa.


“Nicholas Jimmy (Jimmie Nicks) is a graduate with B. A degree in Integrated Community Development, since his college days, he has continued to champion community programs on capacity building and eventually founding United Global Volunteers International, with twelve years of experience as an expert in Community Development, he is also the Founder of Kollywood Horizons - media Business, he also organizes World Volunteer Day (WVD) every 5th of December in Kenya, creating awareness on the need to grow volunteer culture and helps community institutions to get free experts & volunteers to assist solve community problems while experts get opportunity to re-learn and get exposure through various programs across targeting Grassroot capacity building. Jimmy has been awarded by Kenyan government (2010) receiving Good Samaritan honorary award presided by the then speaker of national assembly, Hon. Kenneth Marende. He has also been awarded by Daystar University as the youngest servant leader impacting communities”

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