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UNDERSTANDING: Glen Hart of the RMT says Black workers prefer to deal with someone who understands discrimination she is a strong advocate for creative artists, many of whom work freelance contracts - financially uncertain agreements - creating an added sense of pressure and vulnerability, an extra burden in these times.

Her message, recognising the unique importance of workplace reps, having worked in many positions across the sector challenges is clear; Black people need to swell and bolster the ranks of unions.


“We need to change the landscape, and become reps in the workplace. If they are in the workplace they should become active. They should go around and listen to what the issues are in the workplace and get elected to those positions”

Ultimately, the only strength workers have, particularly Black workers, is strength in numbers. Organising effectively to fight injustice is the only smart way forward.

“If you are discriminated against, who will be there for you? Or if you don’t get equal pay? If you are bullied or not treated with dignity and respect, who will be there for you?

All you need to do is report it to your union rep in the workplace, and they will handle it. ”

Jocelyn Cruywagen is a worker, activist and rep for the public sector union Unison, and is also Joint Branch Secretary for Lambeth branch.

She offered words of advice for those considering becoming active in their union, who might be suited to become workplace reps and stand up for workers.

“It’s about developing individual talent and skills and seeking out the opportunities. While these organisa- tions might seem abstract to some, this is the very reason why more of us need to take up the mantle.

“Put yourself forward for roles, take up training and build your confidence by taking part in committees, forums, campaigning, and go for elections”, advises Cruwagen.

“Black reps are important because we can best represent the issues black workers face. We need diversity and representation in union structures.

“The workers need to see and experience the importance of representation. Black union reps bring lived experiences of oppression, racism and injustice.”

Those experiences will only strengthen the workplace and unions and ultimately the economy too - according to the data, racism costs the economy billions of pounds each year.

“We have workplaces which are very diverse, so the reps should re-

Making them justify their actionswas actually vindication itself

ions after Covid. If they’re joining, we want them to be active and we want them to stand to become reps so they can get the necessary training.

powerment and union organisation are closely related.

“The reality is, when you’re a member and an activist within a union you may be branded or labelled a certain way by an employer, but they’ll also know you’re not someone to mess around with because you can stand your ground.

“You’ve got the backing and support of a trade union structure, the knowledge, expertise, training on rights and how to negotiate with employers.

flect the diversity of the workplace that they’re trying to represent.”

Kingsley Abrams is standing for the National BAEM seat on Unite’s Executive Council, having worked in the voluntary sector for decades.

Abrams is also currently a union rep, which can be a springboard to more senior positions, potentially widening the door for opportunities to enact change.


He was also active in the Labour Black Sections Movement in the 1980s, and is a seasoned activist and organiser.

Abrams highlighted the urgency for ‘BAEM’ communities to seize positions of empowerment, which can make a difference in the lives of workers, when unified and bargaining collectively.

“There’s survey’s showing that more Black people are joining un-

“You have rights at work. Don’t ever forget, you have rights. And therefore you need to be organised to make sure those rights are taken up, and those rights are fully exercised without fear or favour.”

“Having more black workplace reps is the key chess piece in the battle against racism. Don’t look at the fancy high positions people are in.

“The main issue starts on the ground in the workplace. If a union is strong, it’s because it’s got seriously organised reps in the workplace on the ground. That is the most important unit.

“If someone gets instantly sacked, I can work to get that person to win their appeal. For me there’s not many better things I can do than get that reversed and get the person back in the workplace. People can get great satisfaction from that kind of thing but it can’t get done if you’re not a rep.”

Zita Holbourne, Joint National Chair of Artists Union England, and National Vice President of the civil service union PCS, says Black em-

“We do need to have visibility within trade union structures because our voices are important, our lived experience is important, what we bring to the table is important.”


Holbourne says that strong Black representation among union reps is the only effective bulwark against workplace racism, which almost all Black and non-white people will have experienced at some point to one degree or another.

“Their very presence and activity can prevent employers exploiting, discriminating against, abusing, and taking advantage of workers.

“Being part of a big community, a trade union family, gives you strength and solidarity, unity and support so you don’t feel isolated.”

The stakes are high and the evidence is clear; the time to get active is now.

Our rights are under threat like never before and so the drive to mobilise, prepare and pushback, has to renew in earnest.

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