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Senior NHS staff encourage Africans and Caribbeans to consider a career in nursing ahead of National Careers Week This National Careers Week, the the

Nichole Mckintosh believes she was destined to work in nursing.

“As far back as I can remember, ’ e a ays anted to he p peop e so pursuin a care ro e fe t i e a natura t she says hen he p peop e he p myse f t’s a t o ay process that bene ts e eryone in o ed

Nichole studied nursing at London South Ban ni ersity and ater trained at in eor e ospita t too three years for me to become fu y ua i ed shares icho e ha e no been a nurse for years You look back and wonder where the time oes


Nichole is now the Regional Head of Nurs in and id ifery at ea th ducation n and s part of her ob icho e or s c ose y ith partners across the cap ita to de e op and sustain a or d c ass nursin and mid ifery or force that is t for the st entury he he ps to ma im ise opportunities for professiona ro th and de e opment for ’s students and staff But icho e’s ourney hasn’t a ays been easy


“Sometimes it can be challenging to navi ate the professiona space in a hite ma ority or anisation for instance ha e e en not app ied for certain ro es because didn’t fee con dent enou h to o for ard despite bein perfect y ua i ed shares icho e But ha e earnt to embrace my blackness and will be assertive when I need to ou don’t chan e thin s by preachin to the choir you chan e thin s by spea in to the con re ation and ’m ad the is a p ace that a ues my oice

Nichole believes good communication s i s are important especia y in the Bein ab e to articu ate yourse f c ear y and con dent y i he p you to o ercome some of the cha en es you may face she says


There is also the challenge of choosing hich path to ta e hen it comes to nurs in not east because there are more than types of nursin ro es to choose from in the NHS.

Bein a parent to t o youn chi dren hasn’t been a barrier to icho e’s career success either he is ery inc usi e and e ib e to meet the professiona and persona needs of its staff f you’re successfu here you ha e a ob for ife s for icho e’s fami y they are e ated ith her success y fami y is ery proud of ho far ’ e come says icho e y father is a retired teacher in amaica ho eeps copies of e ery artic e that mentions my or am e treme y ratefu to ha e a o in and supporti e fami y behind me Nichole wants to encourage others to also pursue a career at the urses are offered a pri i e ed position to witness someone at their most vulnerable and are i en the opportunity to he p for me this has a ays been a rea honour says icho e ou d recommend a ob here for anyone ho has a passion to he p others a ays say a bi part of my ro e is to brin oy hich comes natura y due to my amaican roots laughs Nichole. earch ursin areers’ for more information or visit: https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/ we-are-the-nhs/nursing-careers

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