Issue 217
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora
December 3, 2019
Ta’ Kola Windmill in Xaghra, Gozo
Oneof the few surviving windmills on the Maltese Islands dating back to the Knights’ Period. Its origins go back to 1725 during the magistracy of Grand Master Manoel de Vilhena. As its construction seems to have incorporated bad quality stones and mortar, it had to be dismantled and reconstructed during the 1780s. The windmill’s name, Ta’ Kola is connected with the last miller, Ġuzeppi Grech who was popularly known as Żeppu ta’ Kola (Joseph the son of Nikola). Photo: Gino Galea
Maltese businessman charged over the October 16 2017 murder of blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to step down on January 12
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
A Commonwealth history of Malta
Head of legal history, universiy of malta
RAYMOND MANGION was born in Malta and holds a Doctorate in Law from the University of Malta and a Doctorate in Legal History from the University of Oxford. He has been lecturing on legislative history since 1993. His volumes on Speakers’ rulings in the Maltese Legislature were co-sponsored by the Parliament of Malta and the University of Malta, and launched by the President of Malta.
Mdina, one of Europe’s finest examples of an ancient walled city. Its history traces back more than 4000 years
he islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino (or Malta for short) are a nation-state situated in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea between the three continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. Malta is endowed with harbours and creeks of great strategic importance. From ancient times, it was an outpost at which the earliest settlers had developed an indigenous feeling for safeguarding a sea-girt territory. A common need also developed for appertaining to a larger main or dominion, whether an empire or any other conglomerated or individual power, for purposes of defence. All along, the Maltese struggled to cultivate an identity on the one hand, and to ensure survival on the other. They were invariably caught in an autochthonous insula-imperium connection. Succeeding generations of inhabitants held together and secured autonomy yet were ready to accept a limited form of freedom by subjugating themselves to external collaboration. They were tiny, exposed across a vulnerable frontier, and hence required assistance from abroad. They adopted laws, traditions, values, and beliefs under a series of outstanding rulers and dynasties, but they did so as it pleased and befitted them, according to their own predispositions and likings. The Maltese and Gozitans speak a native vernacular – Maltese – that is rooted in Semitic, one of the oldest sub-branches of the Caucasoid family of languages. They emerged from an area where their ancestors did inscribe and bequeath the Phoenician alphabet for posterity. Malta was the situ of some of the primordial megalithic temples of religious worship and astronomical observation. It was a prime municipium in the hub of the Mare Nostrum under the Romans. Its population under varied suzerains along the Late Middle Age testified to acts of innate aspirations within a wider context of belonging to the continental terra firma. Malta is high up in the list that historically contributed to the groves of academe by founding
a University of Learning as early as 1592. Malta, under the Order of Saint John (1530-1798), or Knights Hospitallers, was the home of one of the leading surgical hospitals and schools of botany and medicine. Indeed, the Maltese tongue is the legacy of a cultural cross-fertilisation that evolved out of a society’s urge for liberty within a bigger sphere of help and protection, thus, a time-honoured heritage and eclectic patrimony. The Maltese established their relationship with the British Crown by voluntary cession in 1802. They agreed to draw a balance between Melitensium Amor within a fortress-colony province. The remainder of their story oscillated between gubernatorial autocracy and a germ of representation. In 1921, they were finally granted self-government inside a condominium in compliance with the vision and wish of Viscount Milner and Colonel Leo Amery, Secretary and Undersecretary of State for the Colonies respectively, both deeply involved in the contemporary process to build up some sort of an “Imperial Federation” with the aim of defining the position and co-operation of ex-demesnes. Two years before, Colonel Amery had already trusted that the new Maltese Letters Patent setting up responsible government would strengthen in the Maltese “their being members of the worldwide British Commonwealth”. Anglo-Maltese relations from 1921 onwards continued to be characterised by local deputies or representatives, in addition to politicians in general, swinging the pendulum between closer (even integrated), ties with their monarch, and further (if not total), dismemberment from the realm. When Prime Minister Dr Giorgio Borg Olivier asked for the bestowal of independence within the Commonwealth that took place in 1964, the United Kingdom acted as godmother as far as Malta’s inclusion was concerned.
*continued on page 3
Tuesday December 3, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Malta: an advantageous location; easy accessibility; very equable climate; multifarious maritime activities; wealth of archaeological remains; a chequered and eventful past *from page 2
Duncan Sandys, Secretary of State for the Colonies, told Dr Giorgio Borg Olivier and his delegation in the opening statement at the Independence Conference in London, that if he wanted to affiliate with the Commonwealth, he would certainly be embraced as a free and equal partner in “this great world-wide association of sovereign nations”. Duncan Sandys not only reverberated but also reiterated Leo Amery’s declaration. Malta and the Commonwealth had already achieved a remarkable harmony, as a dependency within a royal domain, in between the two breakthroughs, epoch-making, constitutional advents of 1921 and 1964. In 1955, the Government of Malta generously provided a location outside the Renaissance-cumBaroque capital city of Valletta, on which a memorial was erected to commemorate the deceased of all the air forces of the Commonwealth who had gallantly fallen in raid and sortie in the course of World War Two. Malta’s intimate bond with the Commonwealth was so perpetuated immediately after the voluntary association’s formal creation in 1949. Now, Malta as an independent society with a seat and a voice within the Council of Europe and the United Nations recognised from the outset the urgent necessity to be an integral part of the Commonwealth as much as the Commonwealth affirmed the overall significance of Malta within its fold. Malta was a natural and quintessential bridge of co-ordination guided by principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law pursuant to international treaties and municipal charters. In other words, Malta was unavoidably a formidable and ideal rendezvous for the convening of fora that would bring together extremely diverse peoples with different levels of resources and capacities within the Commonwealth. No doubt, Malta was set to excel as an attraction and model for unity of groups and persons. In 1970, the Secretariat identified and praised Malta in a study which it published on tourism within the Commonwealth because it considered that its preference had many an invaluable asset such as an advantageous location; easy accessibility by air or sea from a vast regional market; very equable climate; multifarious maritime activities; wealth of archaeological remains; and last but not least a well-known, chequered and eventful, past. The Commonwealth opted forthwith for Malta to welcome the first proceedings ever held on human ecology and the environment. In 1974, Malta became a Republic with a President as Head of State. The political movements of the time made unprecedented history because they joined forces in Parliament not only to elevate their motherland to a higher status but also to express unanimity in favour of keeping their country of the Eight-Pointed and George Crosses
buttressed and entrenched within the Commonwealth. A Malta-Commonwealth continuum was enshrined in another veritable milestone. The two sides had reached a comity without parallels that was ultimately the Maltese’s own choice reflecting an inborn self-determination within a broader whole, rather than the outcome of an exterior cultural cringe implemented by way of imperial policy and approach to decolonisation. In fact, Malta was soon to sponsor, under the auspices of the Commonwealth, a symposium that discussed ways and means to combat subservience to overseas standards by advocating new literature in English within a Commonwealth framework. In a span of ten years Malta hosted the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) on two occasions. In 2005, it held the meeting after it had fixed another landmark by becoming a full member of the European Union two years previously. It hosted CHOGM for the second time November 27–29 in 2015. Malta is among the smallest and youngest mouthpieces within the four corners of the world, yet it is vociferous and renowned for the promotion of peace and stability. It boasts the necessary infrastructure and technological facilities to host any summit of a cosmic standing. In 2013, therefore, it gained an overwhelming support to be, twice in a decade, the venue and pillar for the organisation of the principal biennial meeting of one of the fellowships. CHOGM has grown increasingly relevant to actual and future generations as well as to economic and geopolitical realities in a globalised planet. Malta has, time and again, consolidated and crystallised the universal respect and credit that it enjoys by virtue of its physical and spiritual omnipresence within the Commonwealth.
Ahmed Adamu then Commonwe-alth Youth Council (CYC) presenting a token to Joseph Muscat (left) during CHOGM 2015
The Maltese established their relationship with the British Crown by voluntary cession in 1802
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers
Entitlements to property settlement after permanently separating from partner by PaulSant
What am I entitled to if I divorce my partner? In Australia, divorce operates separately from a property settlement. One does not automatically lead to the other, however, there is a timeframe of 12 months to commence court proceedings for a property settlement, from the date a divorce Order takes effect, otherwise the permission of the Court is required. Contrary to pop culture references, divorce does not automatically mean a mother is entitled to ‘get the house’, and a father will have to pay spousal maintenance (referred to as alimony in other countries such as America) or child support. What are my entitlements in a property settlement? Before a court will make any Order altering property interests, it must be satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances to make any proposed Order. This principle was emphasised in a 2012 High Court case called Stanford v Stanford. If the Court finds that the circumstances of your relationship are such that it is just and equitable for it to make Orders in relation to property, detailed information is required to advise you as to the likely range of entitlements. The Court may make Orders sought by you; your former (or current) partner, or any alternate Order that it otherwise determines is appropriate. The assets you each had when you started living together You may have had substantial savings, or owned an unencumbered property. Depending on the length of your relationship, assets that you owned when you commenced cohabitation may be treated as
initial contributions, and may warrant an adjustment in your favour. Over time, initial contributions ‘fade’, as other contributions are made throughout a relationship.
The assets and liabilities at the court hearing The value of assets may fluctuate depending on the market and economy so one party may argue a different date of separation if it would work better for them in a property settlement. The court is only able to make orders about property in existence at the time it is making and Order.
The pool of assets It is important to be able to identify all of the assets and liabilities of the relationship to indicate the net pool available from which a property settlement can be negotiated and agreed to, or determined by the court, which is commonly expressed as a percentage to the wife and a percentage to the husband, of the net pool. If there is disagreement on the value of assets, or superannuation, expert valuations may be required. Sometimes, a valuation may be needed for an asset or business at the commencement of cohabitation, as well as at the hearing.
The contributions made by each of you Contributions in family law are in relation to the acquisition, conservation and improvement of assets, and include: - Direct financial contributions, for example, earning income and applying this to paying the mortgage; - Indirect financial contributions, for example, your parent provides you money that is used as a deposit on the purchase of a property; - Direct non-financial contributions, for example, repainting a property, building a deck, landscaping.
Now at: 21 George Street
Phone: 8599 8877 Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken
- Indirect non-financial contributions, for example, raising children and home making (cooking, cleaning, gardening, lawn mowing, and so on); - Direct non-financial contributions, for example, repainting a property, building a deck, landscaping. - Indirect non-financial contributions, for example, raising children and home making (cooking, cleaning, gardening, lawn mowing, and so on); The weight attributed to parenting and homemaker contributions should not be mistaken as mothers having more rights than fathers. A parent who worked and paid ‘all the bills’ may not have been able to do so if the other parent did not stay home to raise the children. Therefore it is important and appropriate that it is taken into account, reflected as an indirect contribution to the assets of the relationship. Whether any adjustments should be made for future needs The court considers the future needs of you and your former partner, including: 1. Your age and health; 2. Your prospects of obtaining and/or retaining gainful employment; 3. If there are children of the relationship: a. Contact and time arrangements – will one parent be assuming a significantly higher amount of parental responsibility? b. The children’s ages: will one parent have less opportunity for gainful employment, due to parental responsibilities? The court may also consider any of the other matters that are set out in section 75(2) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), including: - A standard of living that, in all the circumstances, is reasonable; - The duration of a marriage and the extent (if any) that it has affected the earning capacity of a party; - In regards to being re-partnered, where a party is living with their new partner, the financial circumstances relating to that cohabitation; - Any fact or circumstance that the court is of the opinion needs to be considered in regards to the justice of the case. If you are recently separated, or looking to effect a separation, and would like advice as to your potential entitlements, please contact Paul Sant.
We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Successful night fighting the scammers
he Maltese community responded with a full house (pictured above) for the information session organised by The Maltese Welfare (NSW) at the George Preca Centre at OLQP at Greystanes. It was indeed a pleasure to see so many people turning up. It was proof-positive that the issue of scams on our phones and social media is intrusive, and people are demanding answers. Detective Senior Constable Shawn Schussler from the Financial Crimes Squad, State Crime Command agreed that people are frustrated with the level of scams on our phones and social media. He explained in clear and précised terms how to fight these scammers: regularly check your bank statements, be wary of anyone contacting you out of the blue, keep your information secure, know who you are dealing with, do not open suspicious texts, links or emails, don’t respond to calls for remote access to your computer. With the advances of electronic communication, criminals don’t necessarily need to be face to face to steal from you. Scammers can go to great lengths to cause people to part with their money or information Those present were attentive and for more than an hour kept asking questions, many repeating their recent experiences. Ms Elettra Brown one of the organisers from the
Christmas Greetings
s in previous years, The Voice of the Maltese, the only magazine of its kind printed in Australia will again feature special messages for the festive season in our Christmas special edition of December 17. We would like to invite you to send your short message for publication as in previous years. Please assist us by sending your message to reach us by not later than December 10. Charges will be made for display advertising depending on the size. For more information send an email to: maltesevoice @gmail,com The Administration
Maltese Welfare (above with Detective Senior Constable Shawn Schussler) reminded all that for more crime prevention information one should visit:
XAGĦRA ASSOCIATION OF NSW Inc Invites you to come & celebrate:
With a Dinner Dance Date: Saturday 18 January 2020 Time: Doors open 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Place: Mandavilla Function Centre, 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Entertainer: Joe Apap Dinner: 3-Course meal, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi & fruit platters Contact: Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771, Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436
Il-Prinċep tal-marċi Maltin: Luiġi Bongailas
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
inn dejjem stqarrejt li r-re tal-marċi ’Malta huwa s-Surmast Vincenzo Ciappara. Izda la hemm ir-re hemm ukoll ilprinċep u fil-fehma tiegħi dal-prinċep huwa Luigi Bongailas (jew Louis kif jidher mal-marċi tiegħu mferrxa ma’ Malta u Għawdex kollha l-aktar sas-snin għoxrin u tletin sena ilu). Illum il-ġurnata l-marċi Maltin, drawwa sabiħa ta’ gziritna, ħadu rotta ġdida u fil-fehma tiegħi tilfu dawk il-kwalitajiet mużikali u armoniċi sbieħ li kienu jħaddnu, l-aktar dawk ta’ wara l-gwerra. Inħobb nuża l-frażi marċi Maltin għax dawn huma differenti minn dawk barranin. Il-marċi fil-kultura Maltija huma festivi u jintrabtu sewwa mal-atmosfera festiva tal-festi tradizzjonali Maltin.
L-ewwel darba li smajt bilfrażi ‘Il-Prinċep tal-marċi Maltin’ b’referenza għal Luigi Bongailas kien f’rekording talmarċi, fi żmien ir-Rediffusion, fis-sala mimlija nies tal-Kappillan ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar. Il-President tal-banda San Mikiel kien talab għal skiet perfett biex ‘nisimgħu l-marċi ġodda tal-Prinċep tal-marċi Maltin, tas-Surmast Bongailas. F’dak iż-żmien ma kontx tifred il-banda San Mikiel missurmast tagħha Bongailas laktar għall-marċi li kien jikkomponi għaliha. Kien issurmast ta’ din l-unika banda li kellu bejn l-1964 u l-1979 (tneħħi waqfa ta’ sentejn). Lil Luiġi Bongailas kont nafu sewwa u napprezza l-kitba tal-marċi tiegħu. Ikkompona madwar 400 marċ li kienu sbieħ fil-widna, mimlija armonija rikka u deskrittivi. Għadni qed nisma’ wieħed minnhom li jiddeskrivi lejla sabiħa festiva u fid-dawl talqamar. It-Trio tiegħu (is-sezzjoni ewlenija tal-marċ) kien meravilja. Ma niftakarx isem il-marċ imma kien wieħed li tassew idaħħlek ‘fix-xena’. Qattajt is-snin nitkellem mas-Surmast Bongailas, dejjem fil-jum tar-rekording tal-marċi ġodda tal-King’s Own, għax bħal Ciappara, kull sena kien jikkomponi marċ ġdid għallfesta ta’ San Duminku tal-Belt Valletta. Kien jikkomponi wkoll għall-Banda La Valette. Dejjem inkoraġġieni biex inkompli fil-linja tal-mużika. Kien bniedem ta’ qalb kbira, iżda nervuż daqs mija. Niftakru jidderieġi l-banda San Mikiel u mhux darba jew tnejn kien jigdem idu u jsalli. Darba anke ma’ ħuh Ġużeppi għamel xenata quddiem kulħadd waqt xi prova tal-marċi l-ġodda għall-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja fil-bitħa talkażin l-antik li kellhom. It-tnejn kienu nervużi, madankollu, it-tnejn kienu wkoll ġentlomi kbar.
Tbatija kbira
Luiġi Bongailas twieled f’Ħaż-Żabbar fid-19 ta’ Frar, 1910 u miet fil-21 ta’Jannar tal-1985 fl-eta` ta’ kważi 75 sena.
Huwa kien it-tieni wild fost erba’ aħwa. Kellu tfulija iebsa. Tilef lil missieru Carmelo meta kien għad kellu biss sentejn. Wiġi kien baqa ġuvni u x-xogħol tiegħu kien wieħed manwali, mal-Ammirall. Il-familja Bongailas għaddiet minn tbatijiet kbar fi żmien itTieni Gwerra Dinjija. Innuqqas tal-missier kien jinħass sewwa. Il-familja tilfet anke wieħed minn uliedha, lil Manweli fl-eta`ta’ 27 sena li miet b’bomba tal-gwerra. Mill-bidu nett Wiġi kellu ssejħa għall-mużika. Kien jitgħallem mas-Surmast Abdilla fil-Furjana u ħareġ idoqq malbanda San Mikiel. Kien idoqq ukoll mal-King’s Own tal-belt u ħafna baned oħrajn. Iżda wara li s-Surmast Adeodato Gatt irtira minn surmast talbanda San Mikiel, Wigi ħadha f’idejh bħala surmast tagħha. Minn hemm bdiet il-mixja twila u sabiħa tal-kompożizzjonijiet tal-marċi tiegħu; għax fil-fehma tiegħi l-isbaħ marċi kitibhom għall-banda San Mikiel ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar. Is-Surmast Bongailas ikkompona l-ewwel marċ tiegħu meta kellu biss 22 sena. Skont missieri Karmenu Bongailas kien isib il-melodiji tal-marċi tiegħu fuq is-saksafon tenur. Fil-fatt kien idoqq tajjeb ħafna dan l-istrument tan-nifs, tant li anke kien idoqq mal-‘Jazz Band’ ta’ Carmelo Gauci. Bla dubju li l-aktar popolari fost il-marċi tiegħu hemm ‘Green Banner’, ‘Ferdinand Hompesch’, ‘Silver Star’ u xi oħrajn. Il-marċi tiegħu ma kinux ta’ suq u mexxi imma xi ftit diffiċli u ċertament sbieħ fil-widna, u b’armonija mhux komuni. Biex marċ ta’ Bongailas jinstema’ tajjeb, il-banda trid tkun armata (kif jgħidu l-antiki tagħna). Meta l-vista bdiet tmajna s-Surmast Bongailas naqqas milli jikkomponi aktar tant li sa anke wasal f’mument li ma setax jikkomponi aktar. Pajjiżna tilef marċi mill-isbaħ tiegħu għax kien baqa’ jikkomponi sal-aħħar. Kellu don naturali u l-melodiji talmarċi tiegħu kienu tassew joħorġu mill-qalb. Ma kienx xi bniedem kburi anzi sempliċi iżda b’talent kbir fil-kitba talmarċi Maltin.
Victor George Borg
Tuesday December 3, 2019
In memoriam
he Maltese and ethnic community in Victoria has just lost one of its most prominent members. Victor Borg died quietly after a short illness on Monday 18th November at the age of 78. Born in Gzira, Malta, Victor Borg migrated with his family in 1955 when he was 14 years of age. He graduated as Bachelor of Laws from the University of Melbourne in 1963 and was admitted as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria in 1964. He then proceeded to London where he obtained a degree of Master of Laws (LLM) in 1966. He served the Maltese Community in Victoria with a passion not often seen in his compatriots. He advocated on behalf of the community in the Courts in Victoria with various government bodies and was a member of several organisations, including the Ethnic Affairs Commission of Victoria, Victoria Police, the Victorian Law Foundation, the Chief Justice's Advisory Committee on ethnic issues (Family Court), and Director, Western Health among others. He also held positions as member of the Immigration Review Tribunal and the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters. He was very much involved in organisations responsible for health issues as Director of Diabetes Australia in Victoria. He was also Chairperson of the Migrant Advisory Committee for the Federal Department of Social Security, Employment and Education Training. For several years he was involved in running the hostel for the elderly as Chairperson of the Dominican Sisters Rosary Home for the Aged in Keilor Downs, and as member of the Board of Management of St Dominic 's Hostel for the Aged in Blacktown, Sydney. As President of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria for several terms he has striven to raise the profile of Maltese within the community through education programmes, encouragement of radio programmes and other means. He was particularly concerned with ensuring
Photo by Mark Avellino
equity for the aged and developed advanced welfare programmes to cater for their needs. It might be said that his most lasting achievement was the building of the Maltese Centre in Parkville, with the assistance of the members of the Society of St Paul, which is his lasting monument. As Chair of the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (ECCV) for six years (1991-1997) he worked hard to achieve equity and access for members for all ethnic communities in Victoria, and, in his own words: "for the ECCV to reposition itself and the needs of their constituents within the Australian mainstream" and to ensure participation of members of the broader ethnic community on local, state governing and decisionmaking. He has a number of publications relating to migration and the law. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM 1982) for his services to the community and given the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika (MQR) (Medal for Service to the Republic) by the Government of Malta in 1998. He was married to Terry and had three children, Georgina, a lawyer serving in Victoria, Laura, who has dedicated her life to looking after abandoned children in Thailand, and Ben who is involved in business. Victor Borg will be sadly missed by a broad number of persons within the community who have benefitted personally from his services, as well as from the Maltese and the general ethnic community for his wide-ranging advocacy on several issues that they have faced over the past decades.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Fifth Convention for Maltese Living Abroad
‘Keeping Connected’
October 5-10, 2020
he fifth Convention for Maltese Living Abroad is to take place in Malta on October 5-10, 2020, and preparations are currently underway, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion is informing the Maltese diaspora and the general public that it would like to hear from those who are interested in participating in the event. The Convention will consist of plenary sessions together with a number of workshops. Other activities that include an art exhibition and a literary symposium would also be organised at the margins of the Convention. The working languages of the Convention would be Maltese and English. The Ministry is inviting those interested in attending the Convention to express their intent of participation by filling the form that can be downloaded from this link: ocuments/5th%20Convention%20for%20 Maltese%20Living%20Abroad%20participation%20Form.pdf. When completed the form is to be emailed to Alternatively, the form may be sent to the following postal address: The Director Directorate Consular Services and Maltese Living Abroad, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Palazzo Parisio, Valletta, Malta to reach the Ministry by not later than Friday 10th January 2020.
We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee. Family law is our specialty. • wills, powers of attorney, • manage deceased estates, and provide • purchase and sell property • purchase and sell businesses. Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese) an accredited family law specialist • divorce, children, property, • child support, intervention orders. • Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney • Maltese Property matters. Phone: 03 9741 1722 email
We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The sale of the home for the aged
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Tony A. Borg from The Ponds NSW
have read your interesting articles about the only Maltese Age Care Facility run by the Dominican Nuns of Malta in Blacktown NSW. I am of the view that the Maltese Community could buy and run the Aged Care Village. I know this is easier said than done but it is one of many options. It is worth looking into things like (a)
how did the Nuns acquire the land to build the village, (b) what conditions were attached to the land grant (c) how was the money raised to build the village e.g. donations from the Maltese community etc. and (d) the value of free labour provided by the Maltese community. In conclusion: the question to ask therefore is, have the Nuns all the legal rights to sell the place and transfer the profits to Malta?
Culhat al belt, TVoM doing a well done PBS great job; if only
Ch. Cutajar from Seven Hills NSW writes:
attended the screening at La Valette SC of Culhat al Belt, a well-rehearsed documentary produced by the Public Broadcasting Service of Malta and brought to us in Sydney by the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW. Sette Giugno 1919 is a significant event in the political history of Malta and this documentary with English sub-titles gave us an overview of what and why it happened one hundred years ago. Let’s hope that PBS will produce more such excellent documentaries about our history. Well done all involved.
Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja
Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw lemails lil L-ittri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.
Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:
Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water
P: (02) 9756 4766 E:
2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
Antony Cassar, St Albans, Victoria writes:
aving read the latest issue (No. 216), I believe I must say thank you for another great issue of The Voice of the Maltese magazine. It make me wonder how better the Maltese community could have been years back if we had the chance of availing ourselves of such a great publication that compares most favourably with any professional magazine that we can lay our hands on at the bookstalls. You never miss to amaze me with the interesting content and the professional way you go about producing The Voice magazine. Well done and I hope you can keep up the great work. I am sure that the Maltese community all over this great continent of ours is grateful to you. Its content is not just run of the mill, but researched and very original, and the contributors are so well versed that it is difficult not to read each and every word they write. The professionals who week in and week out give us advice on a number of topics are also doing a great job overall and are a great help. Keep up the good work on our behalf.
Let justice take its course
Ant. Tonna from Sliema, Malta writes: write from Malta as I can imagine how confused you might be about what is happening in Malta at the moment. It is not the best of times but the main aim is to find the culprits and put them behind bars. The murder of DCG was a terrible episode but if the Malta police are able to do their job it would be a step forward for all of us. We need to let justice take its course.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
'Speak My Language': Radio programme to help ageing multicultural communities
Tuesday December 3, 2019
peak My Language, a series of radio conversations to help ageing multicultural communities in Australia. It is directed at informing the Maltese Community about existing services and how to access them by contacting MyAgedCare as they get older. The conversations on the programme include experts working in Aged Care along with Maltese elderly who share their personal stories. It acknowledges that Ethnic Community Radio plays an important role in keeping our older Maltese engaged and informed. The aged care radio broadcast programme that is intended to help "isolated" elderly people, is funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Dementia and Aged Care Services Fund Research and Innovative Grants 2017. The progamme is supported by the ECCNSW, ECCV, ECCQ (Diversicare) and national broadcasting partners SBS and NEMBC. The Speak My Language Programme for the Maltese community was produced in Victoria and presented by Carmen Calleya-Capp, Coordinator, and Emmanuel Brincat, Maltese Broadcaster with 98.9 North West FM Community Radio. The conversations were supported by dedicated health professionals and wonderful members of the Maltese community. The stories and experiences shared with the listeners are from the heart and Carmen and Emmanuel, who are thankful to their guests and their listeners told The Voice, “We know that our community loves listening to their radio programmes and that by listening to this programme older members of our community will have a better understanding of the services that are available, as they get older. The talks went on air in May and June this year on 98.9 North West FM Melbourne. Podcasts and radio conversations are now available on line. One can tune in to the Speak My Language talks by going to: choosing Malti/Maltese. Look for these titles: 1st Programme: My Aged Care u Tixjieħ Sew, 2nd Programme: Assessment mit-tim tal-Kura tal-Anzjani, 3rd Programme: Pakketti ta’ kura fid-dar, 4th Programme: Stadju bikri tad-Dimensja, 5th Programme: Min jieħu ħsiebek u il-familja, 6th Programme: Part 1 Kura Residenzjali, 7th Programme: Part 2 Kura Residenzjali, l-Ipejjeż Spjegati.
Pictured above are, Tony Bugeja works in age care and took part in the programme, Vicky & Stan (Spiro) actual clients benefiting from the programe and Carmen Calleya Capp, co-ordinator of the series
10 The Voice of the Maltese
ħal ma nafu, din ilkelma tfisser post fejn jinżamm jew jintrema ż-żibel jew xi rmixk ieħor. Kien ta’ xokk mhux żgħir għalija ta’ tifel li kont meta ndunajt li f’Malta kien ukoll lisem ta’ post fejn kienu jindifnu xi nies. Kien ta’ xokk għaliex kont tgħallimt li nnies jindifnu f’ċimiterju. Nisma’ ftit minn hawn u ftit minn hemm bdejt nibni ftit ta’ mużajk tal-istorja. Dawn innies imsejkna fil-fatt kienu ndifnu ġewwa ċimiterju, imma f’post li ma kienx ikkonsagrat mill-knisja, u maqtugħ millparti kkonsagrata b’ħajt. Kien il-post fl-Addolorata li kien magħruf bħala “tal-Profani”. Sa mit-tletinijiet fih kienu jindifnu dawk li jew ma mxewx mat-tagħlim tal-Knisja, inkella trabi li jkunu mietu bla ma laħqu ġew mgħammda. Dan tkompla jsir aktar magħruf fl-1961, meta l-Knisja Kattolika kienet ħarġet interdett kontra l-eżekuttiv tal-Malta Labour Party (illum il-Partit Laburista) u anke dikjarazzjoni li kien dnub li jiġu stampati, miktuba, mibjugħa, mixtrija, imqassmin u anke moqrija l-gazzetti tagħha.1 Għall-bidu fhimt li dan kien kollu riżultat tal-mibegħda ta’ Duminku Mintoff, kap tal-MLP, kontra l-Knisja, u r-rieda tiegħu biex jeqridha, u dawn kienu passi meħtieġa li ttieħdu biex ilKnisja Kattolika tiddefendi ruħha. Iktar tard fhimt li l-istorja kienet iktar ikkumplikata minn hekk. L-ewwelnett, kien hemm animosità xejn inqas profonda mill-kap tal-Knisja Kattolika, dak iż-żmien l-Arċisqof Gonzi, li kien konvint li Mintoff kien xellugi estrem, Kommunist u ateju. It-tieninett, kien hemm il-kwestjoni politika tal-integrazzjoni sħiħa mar-Renju Unit, li Mintoff fil-bidu kien ħadem favuriha. Gonzi din kien opponiha għal diversi raġunijiet. Waħda kienet ilbiża’ li l-liġijiet Ingliżi taż-żwieġ ċivili u d-divorzju jiġu applikati għal Malta, li dakinhar dawn ma kellhiex. Din beża’ li kienet tkun waħda biss mill-introduzzjoni ta’ ideat progressivi u anti-klerikali li jdgħajfu l-influwenza tal-Knisja fuq il-poplu Malti. Kien hemm ukoll il-biża’ li l-Knisja tkun iktar suġġetta għal tassazzjoni. Dawn kollha wasslu lil Gonzi li jappoġġja l-proġett Nazzjonalista taħt Ġorġ Borġ Olivier tal-indipendenza, għax aktarx ikkalkula li l-interessi tal-Knisja jitħarsu aħjar bi gvern moderat f’Malta (jiġifieri mhux Laburista). Kien hemm rapporti ta’ qassisin jirrifjutaw l-assoluzzjoni għal
Tuesday December 3, 2019
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
min ma jwiegħedx li ma jivvutax għall-Partit Laburista, u li xi għalliema tal-primarja interrogaw lit-tfal tal-iskola fuq ilveduti politiċi tal-ġenituri tagħhom. Illum, madwar 60 sena wara, insibu lill-Arċisqof Scicluna jżur iċ-ċimeterju tal-Addolorata fit-3 ta’ Novembru 2019 u jbierek l-oqbra meqjusin li kienu fil-miżbla, fejn il-ħajt li kien jifred parti minn oħra issa ma jeżistix. Iktar minn hekk, lArċisqof Scicluna talab skuża għall-ħitan li kienu nbnew biex jifirdu l-mejtin.2 Mhux l-ewwel arċisqof li kien talab skuża ta’ dan, għax fl-1988 l-Arċisqof Mercieca kien ukoll talab skuża ta’ dak li kien sar, għalkemm dakinhar ma kienx bierek dik il-parti taċ-ċimiterju. Jien iqawwili qalbi nara lmexxejja tal-Knisja tiegħi juru umiltà ta’ dan it-tip. M’iniex ċiniku u ma għandi l-ebda dubju mill-ġenwinità tagħhom. Illum, l-istess persuni li forsi fil-passat kienu waħħlu b’konvinzjoni f’Mintoff, il-partit u s-segwaċi tiegħu għas-sitwazzjoni mwiegħra li kienu spiċċaw fiha fil-konfront mal-Knisja, illum ilaqalqu xi ftit biex jiġġustifikaw dak li sar fil-passat, f’isem Alla. Jekk toqgħod taħseb ftit, l-iktar li jista’ jingħad li nkiseb minn Gonzi, bl-interdett u d-direttivi li ngħataw, kienet li żammew lillMLP milli jkunu fil-gvern fis-sittinijiet għal għaxar snin, u mewtu l-mixja ta’ drittijiet ċivili bħad-divorzju u oħrajn b’50 sena. Madankollu, dawn u oħrajn oġġezzjonabbli għall-knisja bħażżwieġ ta’ persuni tal-istess sess issa daħlu u huma l-liġi tal-pajjiż. Iktar minn hekk, il-proċess ta’ sekularizzazzjoni wasal Malta wkoll u bill-kif, ma’ kienx hemm bżonn tal-integrazzjoni marRenju Unit għal dan. Il-Maltin għadhom (uħud minnhom) jisimgħu l-quddies u l-priedki mill-pulpti, imma wkoll jaqraw ilgazzetti, imorru l-iskejjel u l-universitajiet, u għandhom l-internet, u għandhom viżibilju minn fejn jiffurmaw l-fehma u l-ġudizzju tagħhom. Bħal ma kien osserva Mintoff dakinhar, ‘il-qassisin għandhom ikunu jafu li llum jew għada l-irjeħat tal-bidla jaslu fl-ixtut ta’ Malta wkoll’. Kliem profetiċi.
Referenzi 1. 1. Priests and Politicians: Archbishop Michael Gonzi, Dom Mintoff and the End of Empire in Malta; Simon C. Smith; University of Hull; 2., retrieved 27/11/2019
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Tuesday December 3, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Climate change luring new fish species to the Mediterranean, Malta
Above: The Blue Crab, it can now be found in Malta
mong the visible effects of climate change new species of fish have entered the Mediterranean from the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean and adapted themselves to the higher temperatures of this basin. Marine biologist Professor Alan Deidun goes on to say that seawater temperatures are rising rapidly and there are indications that the sea temperature will exceed 30 degrees. As a result of the campaign known as Spot the Alien Fish, in which fishermen are requested to point out any alien fish species they discover in waters around Malta, the species Rabbitfish, known among the fishermen as Qawsalla (Rainbow) has become a popular catch. It breeds rapidly, and Deidun said that it has now almost become an indigenous fish. There are 29 species of rabbitfish. They have large, dark eyes and small, somewhat rabbit-like mouths, which gives them their name. Most species have either bright colors or a complex pattern. The largest rabbitfish grows to about 53 cm (21 in), but most species only reach between 25 and 35 cm (10 and 14 in) Another alien fish is the Blue Swimmer Crab, which has tipped blue legs. The species is also called ‘blue manna’ or ‘blueys’. It is also a highly sought after crab both commercially and recreationally in the coastal waters around Western Australia, Queensland, NSW and South Australia It has entered the Mediterranean from the
Some other aliens species
Indian Ocean and is being caught in l a r g e amiounts in the south of Malta, especially at Marsaxlokk and Rinella Higher than 300 temperatures in Maltese waters are becoming a common African Sergeant Serveant Major trend, and Profs Deidun says that if the trend continues it may impact even more on sea life. A citizen science campaign aimed at monitoring the influx of Monrovian Surgeonfish Shrimp Scad alien fish into Maltese waters coordinated by Prof. Alan Deidun (Department of Geosciences, University of Malta) and funded by the International Ocean InstiBlack-barred Halfbeak Red Sea Bannerfish tute (IOI) and by the Department of Fisheries and Aqua- whether in the morning or evening); culture (DFA – Malta) is on. which species of fish were sighted; where Locals, in particular fishermen are being they were sighted, and the quantity (aprequested to report any alien fish sight- proximate number in the area) of fish ings. Those who accept to send reports of sighted. They are further requested that any such sightings are being asked to state where possible, to take photos of the alien when the fish were sighted (date and fish sighted.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta
Maltese businessman charged over the murder of Caruana Galizia
38-year-old businessman, Yorgen Fenech (pictured right), was arraigned late Saturday evening, and charged with participating in a criminal organisation, complicity in causing an explosion, and complicity in the October 16, 2017 murder of blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia. He pleaded not guilty. His lawyers failed to request bail, so he was held in custody to spend his time at the Corradino Correctional Facility (prison). On request by the police his assets have been frozen . The indictment states that Fenech “promoted, constituted, organised or financed a group with the intention of committing a crime”, and that he “actively participated in the criminal actions of this group, including but not limited to giving information or material means or recruiting new members when he knew that the purpose and general activity of the group had already been established”. He is also charged with “rendering himself complicit with third parties with an explosive substance that created an explosion that caused the death” of Caruana Galizia. Mr Fenech will appear again in court within the next 15 days for the start of the compilation of evidence against him. Three other men are currently also awaiting trial for planting the bomb that killed DCG, but there had always been the belief that the men, who all entered not guilty pleas, were acting on orders from inside Malta. Caruana Galizia died when an explosive device planted under the driver’s seat of her rental car was detonated close to her home at Bidnija, limits of Mosta. The assassination and subsequent unfounded accusations of a cover-up had provoked unfair international condemnation of the government. The latest development vindicate Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. He had vowed from the outset, he would use all the means at the government’s disposal and beyond, including engaging foreign investigators,to find and brng the murderers to justice. Fifty days after the murder, the police arraigned three men and began the search for the mastermind. Two years after the killing, the breakthrough. A man by the name of Melvin Theuma ‘came forward’ seeking a Presidential pardon for his previous crimes and promised to spill the beans on the murder. The Prime Minister said he gave a mandate to the attorney general to negotiate with the person's lawyers to take an unprecedented step, and that if the person collaborated and the information provided was sufficient to prosecute the mastermind of this crime, he would receive a presidential pardon. The man described as the middleman was given immunity in return for full informa-
tion that could rope in the mastermind. After that, investigations intensified and information by the alleged middleman led to Yorgen Fenech getting apprehended on November 20 after his yacht was intercepted by an armed patrol boat as it left the port of Portomaso and searched.
Prime Minister to step down
From the outset, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had expressed his determination to solve the heinous crime and was on record as saying that he would keep no stone unturned in his efforts. He also sought to arraign the mastermind under his watch and reportedly said he intended to resign, once the investigation was “complete”. Therefore on Sunday evening in a message to the nation he announced to the Nation that he would be relinquishing his post come January 12. He said that the country will have a new Prime Minister, to continue the work and the strong mandate of this Government and continue to deliver the plan the Maltese population approved in June 2017. He would write to the President of the Labour Party so that the process for a new Leader is set for 12th January 2020. :On that day I will resign as a Leader of the Labour Party. In the days after I will resign as a Prime Minister,” he said. Before his arraignment late on Saturday evening, Yorgen Fenech had sought immunity on three occasions saying that he was prepared to give more information in return for a pardon. Each time it was denied. He even implicated the PM’s former chief of staff
Keith Schembri, as a co-conspirator who was arrested and questioned but later released without charge for insufficient proof. The Prime Minister on Thursday reported to the Police that he had received a message saying that unless he advised in favour of a presidential pardon, a testimony would be given by Yorgen Fenech to implicate that he had two telephone calls with him some months back. He said that no such calls were ever made and that this could easily be verified. He had already said he met Yorgen Fenech at either social events or at meetings in his role as shareholder of one of the country’s biggest group of companies and that the last such encounter was in February 2019. Fenech’s requests for pardon had been refused on the advice of the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner. Meanwhile Daphne Caruana Galizia’s husband, three sons, her sisters, and her parents were present when Fenech was brought to the courthouse in Valletta. On Sunday morning the Prime Minister had been given another unanimous vote of confidence by the Labour Parliamentary Group, and Economy Minster Chris Cardona who had suspended himself until the investigation is complete and the outcome of the probe in the murder is over was reinstated to continue with his portfolio. At a time when Malta should have been overjoyed that after two years, it was so close to finally solving the murder, we find ourselves in a chaotic situation and very few of the media and news portals were being objective Since the Labour Party won the 2013 election at the expense of the PN, in her blog, DCG had been staunchly critical of the government, and some tried to give a political twist to the killing. Two government ministers and the PM’s chief of staff had been targeted bearing the brunt of the accusations. First to resign was the chief of staff Keith Schembri, Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi followed. They all said they had absolutely no connection with the case and had nothing to answer about in relation to it. They said they stood down “out of a sense of political duty, in order not to distract from an effective and serene leadership of the country. Konrad Mizzi expressed regret that politics in Malta has become polluted by suspicions fuelled by partisan politics. Justice Minister Owen Bonnici said in a tweet, that in two years, the institutions in Malta arraigned those who allegedly executed the horrendous murder, identified the alleged “middleman”. “We want the truth to come out and prevail over this case. This is, after all, what the rule of law is all about,” he said.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta
Barts medical Univ. inaugurated in Gozo
MoU signed with Canadian Cannabis Research Centre
alta Enterprise and the Cannabis Research Centre at McGill University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoM) aimed at establishing closer research collaboration between Malta Enterprise and the Canadian University in the field of medical cannabis. The Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Chris Cardona who presided over the signing said that research in medical cannabis has always been at the top of the agenda for Malta’s government and this collaboration comes at a crucial time for the industry. McGill university, with nearly 200-year history, is one of the world’s leading universities. It is renowned for quality research. This partnership will facilitate collaboration on different elements with McGill University including the exchange of students and collaboration in research activities in the
field of medical cannabis. It will also facilitate training for the professionals working in the pharmaceutical sector as well as researchers and doctors to update themselves regarding the use of medicinal cannabis. It will help Malta Enterprise bridge the skills gap in the pharmaceutical industry by offering top-up courses. The university’s Research Centre Director, Carolyn Baglole, said a lot of further research is needed on cannabis, including its medicinal use, questions related to health and security and the impact of medicinal cannabis on the economy. Researchers are currently studying these aspects. It was said that this international partnership would not only diversify and grow Malta’s existing industry, but also drive a new wave of world-class developments in medical cannabis research.
naugurating the new campus at the Barts medical university at the General Hospital complex in Rabat Gozo (left), Prime Minister Joseph Muscat described the project as a unique partnership between the government and two influential bodies from two continents: the British University Queen Mary and the American company Steward HealthCare which runs the hospital. This educational medical project, an investment of €35 million that was completed in 17 months on an area of 8,000 square meters has already started welcoming foreign students. It is to be one of the most prestigious schools in the field of medicine. The Prime Minister said that collaboration between the three parties has translated into the best medical education option in the Mediterranean. He believes that it is not just a run of the mill facility, but something Malta can be proud of. He said that the project, “a new benchmark for every one around this region,” would serve to further attract foreign investment to the island, both for the economy and for the community. The Vice-Principal of the University of Queen Mary, Professor Steve Thornton, said the completion of the project goes beyond the building, “I hope to our communities and partners, it is emblematic of our commitment to delivering an exciting future for healthcare in Malta. It is proof of the Bri-tish University’s commitment to provide Malta with a wonderful future to health care” The Dean of Barts, Anthony Warren, said that the investment would lead to an excellent medical service. The campus will be offering an area for a maximum of 800 students and complement the anatomy centre that was opened a few months ago as part of the Steward HealthCare Malta investment. There are currently over one hundred students.
Upgrading Malta’s economic prospects
erman credit rating agency Creditreform has revised its Malta rating, maintaining the A+ rating but upgrading the country’s economic prospects from stable to positive. According to German economists in the coming years Malta would maintain economic growth, saying its growth would be larger than other countries in the Euro Zone. It said that the Government would continue to register a surplus while decreasing the debt rate in the GDP.
Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia and McGill University Professor Carolyn J. Baglole at the signing of the MoM
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Is-sitwazzjoni ta’ bħalissa ... Jitressaq il-Qorti l-allegat mandant tal-qtil ta’ Caruana Galizia Il-Prim Ministru jħabbar li fit-12 ta’ Jannar se jċedi postu lil ħaddieħor
har is-Sibt li għadda l-imprenditur Yorgen Fenech, ta’ 38 sena gġie mtella’ l-Qorti u mixli li organizza jew iffinanzja reat kriminali u li assoċja ruħu ma’ persuni biex iseħħ id-delitt fuq Daphne Caruana Galizia fis-16 t’Ottubru 2017 u fil-ġranet, ġimgħat u snin ta’ qabel. Fenech iwieġeb mhux ħati tal-akkużi miġjuba kontrih. Aktar dwar dan f’paġna 12. Sadanittant f’aktar żviluppi l-Ħadd filgħaxija l-Prim Ministru ħabbar li fit-12 ta’ Jannar li ġej se jħalli l-kariga ta’ Prim Ministru u mexxej tal-Partit Laburista biex jidħol imexxi ħaddieħor. (ara l-messaġġ tal-Prim Ministru lin-Nazzjin li fih ħabbar id-deċiżjoni paġna 15). Dan seħħ minkejja li filgħodu, fi stqarrija l-Partit Laburista qal li wara diskussjoni ħielsa fejn il-membri kollha esprimew ilfehmiet tagħhom, il-Grupp Parlamentari irriafferma l-fiduċja sħiħa fil-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u tah l-appoġġ unanimu tiegħu, fid-deċiżjonijiet kollha li se jkun qed jieħu. Il-Grupp Parlamentari li ħa sehem f’laqgħa ta’ erba’ siegħat, qabel ukoll li f’din il-ġimgħa jsiru seduti Parlamentari li matulhom jiġi diskuss il-każ tal-assassinju ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizi wara li persuna tressqet formalment il-Qorti mixlija li kienet il-mandant tad-delitt. Fl-istess laqgħa l-Prim Ministru ħabbar ukoll li wara l-aħħar żviluppi fil-Qorti,
Chris Cardona li kien temporanjament issospenda ruħu se jerġa’ jieħu postu fil- Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat fl-indirizz lin-Nazzjon kariga tiegħu bħala Ministru, u Deputat iżda x’aktarx hemm nukleju li jrid ideffes il-politika fin-nofs. Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista. Milli smajtu jew qrajtu żgur li ntbaħtu li Dan dak li seħħ fl-aħħar jumejn, imma flaħħar jiem seħħew affarijiet li ħolqu sit- issa s-sitwazzjoni spiċċat b’naħa mhix kunwazzjoni xejn mixtieqa b’ħafna jibżgħu li tenta bir-riżenji li saru, nsistew fuq irs-sitwazzjoni setgħet tmur għal agħar jekk riżenja tal-Prim Ministru. Min-naħa tiegħu l-Prim Ministru Joseph ikun hemm xi ħadd li ma jikkontrollax ruħu u jispiċċa biex joħloq xi konfrontazzjoni Muscat sostna li għamel minn kollox biex vjolenti li tista’ twassal għal inkwiet serju. il-każ jissolva u ta r-riżorsi kollha meħtieġa Ovvjament huwa diffiċli ħafna li wieħed lill-pulizija biex isolvu l-każ, kif ukoll li jiddeskrivi u jikkummenta dwar dak kollu bħalissa Malta teħtieġ lil min imexxi, għalli seħħ f’dawn l-aħħar jiem. Meta bdew hekk kien beħsiebu li ma jċedix għat-talbiet jaslu l-ewwel aħbarijiet li l-pulizija kienet għar-riżenja imminenti ta’ min qed jiddiqed toqrob biex isolvi l-każ tal-qtil ta’ mostra, u l-Oppożizzjoni. Fil-fatt għall-ewwel kien hemm dubju Daphne Caruana Galizia, kulħadd kien fuq serju kemm-il-Prim Ministru kien f’qagħda ix-xwiek biex jara min se jkun involut. Ftit stennew li l-iżvilupp pożittiv f’dan il- soda billi bdew jidhru aħbarijiet li kien każ kien se jwassal għal aktar inkwiet milli hemm firda ta’ ħsieb dwar dak li kien qed s-sodisfazzjon li kien se jiġi solvut dak li jiġri fi ħdan il-Partit Laburista, il-Kabinett ħafna kienu jaħsbu li kien diffiċli li jissolva. u l-membri Parlamentari Laburisti. Kienu aħbarijiet li wkoll ġew aktar imIżda dawk li josservaw aktar mill-qrib issitwazzjoni politika f’Malta ma nħasdux saħħa minn ċerti dikjarazzjoni ta’ xi Mindaqshekk. Jifhmu li wara x-xewqa tal- istru u membri parlamentari Laburisti. Dan l-aktar meta fuq facebook il-Ministru maġġoranza assoluta li tinsab soluzzjoni għall-qtil, uħud seta’ kellhom agenda Evarist Bartolo qal ċar u tond li l-Kap talistaff Schembri u l-Ministru Konrad Mizzi moħbija …dik politika. Dawn tal-aħħar ġiethom l-okkażjoni ħalli kellhom jirriżenjaw jew jitkeċċew. jiffukaw aktar fuq l-każ politiku milli dak Evarist Bartolo qal hekk: li jissolva l-qtil. Mhux kull min ipprotesta Anki l-aktar sigra b'saħħitha u li tagħmel u qed jipprotesta għandu għan politiku, ħafna frott trid tieħu ħsiebha u tiżborha
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
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fejn hemm bzonn, il-bqija timrad kollha kemm hi u tmut. U jekk inhalluha tmut issigra tal-Partit Laburista min ħa jbati? Dawk li ħobżhom maħbuż? Le. Ibatu dawk li jifilħu l-inqas u mingħajr leħen. Huma laktar li jispiċċaw ibatu jekk nitilfu l-ġid li hawn. Is-siġra hija ikbar minn kull fergha. Konrad Mizzi u Keith Schembri jistgħu jagħżlu li, għall-ġid tan-nies li għalihom twieled il-Partit Laburista jwarrbu huma stess. Il-bqija l-Partit Laburista jrid jieħu ħsieb is-siġra biex ma timradx kollha kemm hi u tmut. Qabel ikun tard wisq.
Għalhekk kulħadd kien qed jistenna bilħerqa x’kien se jiġri meta l-Prim Ministru laqqa’ l-membri parlamentari tiegħu. *għal paġna 15
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Il-Messaġġtal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat lin-Nazzjon fejn ħabbar li se jħalli postu għal ħaddieħor biex ikun hemm bidu ġdid
l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat beda l-messaġġ tiegħu billi qal lil bħala Prim Ministru sentejn ilu kien wiegħed li se ssir ġustizzja sħiħa fil-każtal-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia, lGvern mill-ewwel mumenti ra li l-Pulizija jkollha r-riżorsi kollha, bl-involviment sħiħ tal-Europol u servizzi internazzjonali oħra. “Illum ngħidilkom li żammejt kelmti,” qal, u kompla li llum mhux biss hemm tliet persuni mixlija bil-qtil, imma wkoll persuna akkużata li allegatament kienet il-mandant ta’ dan l-assassinju. “Dan seta’ jseħħ biss għax kien hemm ir-rieda li ssir ġustizzja għal dan id-delitt xokkanti,” issokta jgħid. Il-Prim Ministru kompla:“Fil-proċess ħadt ir-responsabbiltàsħiħa biex nagħti maħfra Presidenzjali lill-persuna li wasslet għall-arrest tal-persuna li llum tinsab akkużata li kienet wara l-qtil.” Semma kif anke dak mixli li hu l-mandant talab maħfra darbtejn,
Il-Prim kellu Appoġġ unanimu
u li l-parir tal-Avukat Ġenerali u tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija kienu kontra dik il-maħfra. Kontra l-maħfra kien hemm ukoll ilKabinett il-familja Caruana Galizia u hu wkoll. Kien kontra għax, qal, id-deċiżjonijiet tiegħu dejjem ibbażahom fuq li jemmen huwa sewwa, “minkejja li wasalli l-messaġġ illi jekk ma tingħatax dik il-maħfra, kienu se jipprovaw iħammġuni.” Issokta jtenni, “Id-deċiżjonijiet li ħadt, ħadthom dejjem għax nemmen fis-sewwa u fis-sewwa biss. Il-ġustizzja bdiet issir. U se nara li ssir sħiħa u ma’ kulħadd. L-investigazzjonijiet ma spiċċawx. Ħadd mhu ’l fuq mill-ġustizzja.” Qal kif kuljum, fl-aħħar sentejn ġarr piżijiet ta’ responsabbiltà u ta’ deċiżjonijiet u li ħa d-deċiżjonijiet fl- aqwa interess li jingħalaq dan il-każ u b’konvinzjoni li kien hemm deċiżjonijiet tajbin u oħrajn li seta’ ħadhom aħjar. * ikompli f’paġna 19
*minn paġna 14
F’vot sigriet, il-Prim kiseb appoġġ unanimu, inkluż ta’ Bartolo. Ftit wara, kemm Schembri kif ukoll Mizzi, irriżenjaw. Il-Prim Ministru kompla saħħaħ il-qagħda tiegħu meta anke l-Eżekuttiv Nazzjonali talPartit Laburista, unanimanent appoġġjah. B’dan l-appoġġ kollu warajh il-Prim Ministru nsista li, għalkemm hu, kif ilu jgħid ma kienx se jikkontesta l-elezzjoni li jmiss, kien għalissa se jkompli, biex jara li l-każ jiġi solvut, għall-ġid ta’ Malta u l-Maltin. Min-naħa l-oħra dawk li qed jorganizzaw il-protesti, fosthom l-Occupy Justice, irReppublika u oħrajn kienu deċiżi li ma jmorrux lura mit-talba għar-riżenja tal-Prim Ministru. Rari ħafna li f’Malta kellna protesti jum wara l-ieħor dejjem bl-istess nies u bil-għan ewlieni tagħhom ikun li jaraw lill-Prim Ministru jwarrab. Għamluha ċara li ma kienux ifittxu li lGvern jirriżenja u jsiru elezzjonijiet ġodda, imma li l-Prim jirriżenja u minfloku jinħatar Prim Ministru Laburista ġdid. Ingħaqad magħhom ukoll il-Partit Nazzjonalista, li għalkemm għall-ewwel kien qed jitlob biss għar-riżenja ta’ Schembri u Mizzi, imbagħad ġie konvint li hu wkoll jitlob għar-riżenja tal-Prim, tant li fl-aħħar laqgħa tal-Parlament ħarġu ‘l barra meta lPrim Ministru ma aċċettax it-talba tagħhom għar-rienja. Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni sostna li b’dak li ħareġ minn dan il-każ il-qagħda tal-Prim ma kinetx aktar tenibbli. Delia sostna li wara li Joseph Muscat qed jibqa’ jirrifjuta li jassumi r-responsabbiltà tiegħu li jir-
Il-Ministru Bartolo ċar u tond...talab lil Konrad Mizzi u lil Keith Schembri jwarrbu
Chris Fearne: “Kulħadd għandu iwieġeb għal għemilu
riżenja, l-Oppożizzjoni mhux se tibqa’ titratta ma’ gvern li tilef il-leġittimità li jiggverna. “Pajjiżna qed jissemma’ għal raġunijet ħżiena. Ir-reputazzjoni tal-pajjiż qed tinħatt u tispiċċa fix-xejn,” sostna Delia. Sintendi, politikament il-Partit Nazzjonalista kellu u għandu ħafna x’jirbaħ minn din is-sitwazzjoni, u kien hemm min allega li dak kien l-iskop tal-protesti min-naħa talmexxejja ta’ dan il-partit. Iżda jidher li dawk li qed jipprotestaw, u li warajhom hemm leks-kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil, xejn m’huma kuntenti bil-parteċipazjoni tal-mexxej Nazzjonalista Adrian Delia. Dan deher ċar waqt il-protesti li saru quddiem il-Parlament, fejn huwa u ħiereġ millParlament Delia ġie bbuwjat kif ġew ibbuwjati l-ministri Laburisti, filwaqt li lħruġ ta’ Simon Busuttil u dawk ta’ madwaru ntlaqgħu biċ-ċapċip. Wieħed anqas ma jista’ ma jagħtix każ ukoll ta’ protesti ma jaqtu xejn min-naħa tas-Soċjeta Ċivili, li bdiet tagħmel ħsara,
Robert Abela: “Minix komdu bis-sitwazzjoni preżenti”
barra lill-pajjiż, l-aktar anke minħabba li lmidja barranija kienet qed tingħata tagħrif li ġieli kien falz, imma li għax hekk kien jaqblilhom bdew iwassluh lil min isewihom. Saru wkoll ġafna spekulazzjonijiet li taw lil wieħed jiddubita x’kien veru u x’kien falz. Għalissa ma jidhirx li hemm xi ħadd li, tal-inqas direttament, qed jgħid li l-Gvern għandu jwarrab u jissejħu elezzjonijiet ġodda. Anke l-istess Segretarju tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, sostna li huma ma jixtiequx li ssir elezzjoni. Forsi dovutt għall-fatt, mhux biss li lGvern għandu maġġoranza qawwija filParlament, imma wkoll billi kif qed isostnu xi wħud, bħalissa m’hemmx partit li jista’ jieħu post il-Gvern tal-llum. Dan għax minkejja dak kollu li għaddejja Malta minnu... minkejja li l-mexxej Nazzjonalista u dawk ta’ madwaru għamlu u qed jagħmlu minn kollox biex jissieħbu u jappoġġjaw l-isforzi tas-soċjeta’ ċivili f’din il-kwestjoni, jidher li Delia xorta għad ma kisibx l-appoġġ tal-partit kollu.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Medicinal cannabis for dementia
esearchers at University of Notre Dame Australia have selected Perth-based Catholic Homes to be part of a ground-breaking study of the use of medicinal cannabis for dementia patients. The clinical trail, which is to be held over 14 months, will involve 50 participants over the age of 65 with mild dementia who live in an accredited residential aged care facility. The study will be undertaken by the university’s Institute for Health Research in partnership with Israel-based MGC Pharmaceuticals. More than 400,000 Australians live with dementia and more than 1.5 million Australians are involved in their care. Michelle Barrow, executive manager of residential care services at Catholic Homes, says the organisation is committed to this innovative treatment for the long term, adding that this treatment method is a much softer approach to traditional treatments. The medical cannabis oil, called “Cognicann”, will be trialled over 18 weeks as an oral spray.
Catholic Homes’ residents are invited to volunteer, starting this month. To be eligible for the trial, they must have a diagnosis of dementia, live in a residential aged care facility, be aged 65 years or older, and are compliable to taking medication. “We’re optimistic that the cannabis trials will help to reduce behavioural and neu-
Australia - Stop burning coal
ropsychiatric symptoms ranging from anxiety, aggression, insomnia, and hallucinations. Medicinal cannabis may also increase appetite in those who have experienced a loss of appetite as a symptom of dementia,” Ms Barrow said. Institute Director Jim Codde says the aim of the study is to improve the quality of life for dementia and Alzheimer’s suffers by freeing them from a range of agitation and psychotic symptoms that comes with the disease, and often impact on the their families and loved ones. “Planning for the study has been extremely extensive and involved other key stakeholders including medical experts, aged care practitioners and our ethics committee to ensure the well-being of participants throughout the study,” Professor Codde said. The university's pro vice-chancellor Professor Greg Blatch said the study reflects the university’s focus on ground-breaking, collaborative research that makes a real difference to local, national and international communities.
ustralia needs to stop burning coal by 2030 if it wants to help limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, a new report warns. Non-profit climate science and policy institute Climate Analytics says the government needs a national plan to phase out remaining coal-fired plants and must take them offline faster than already planned. The report says such considerations would help provide the energy sector with certainty. The organisation's chief executive Andrew Hare pointed to the current bushfires in New South Wales and Queensland as a sign the country needed to curb emissions rapidly. “The realisation that climate change poses an existential threat to Australia is certainly hitting home right now,” Mr Hare said. He added that Australia must play its part in fighting climate change. It could start by switching from coal to renewables in its own electricity system.” The report, says phasing coal out completely by 2030 would allow Australia to do its bit. It warns just half a degree more warning above 1.5C would see the death of nearly all of Australia's coral reefs. It says at the slow rate coal fired plants were being shut down across the country, Australia would still emit twice more than what it was allowed to under the Paris Agreement.
The report said ten plants had closed since 2012 with the 19 remaining plants feeding Australia 60 per cent of its electricity. This made it the only OECD country in the G20 that relied on coal fire more than half of its energy supply. In a decade half of these plants, which the report says were already technically obsolete, would be 40 to 60 years old. The report says Australia had natural advantage when it came to renewable energy resources and should jump on this to move to a carbon-free energy system. It warns Australia faced longer bushfire seasons, less rain and more droughts due to climate change.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday December 3, 2019
estpac, Australia's secondlargest bank faces a huge fine, and its reputation is in tatters after financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC accused it of 23 million breaches of money laundering laws, and failing to properly monitor payments potentially linked to the streaming of child exploitation. Most of the offences concerned the late reporting of overseas transactions. The bank was sued by Australian regulators and its Chief executive Brian Hartzer has stepped down While announcing resignations, Mr Maxsted the chairman of the bank said that the board accepts the gravity of the issues raised by AUSTRAC “We sought feedback from all our stakeholders including shareholders and having done so it became clear that board and management changes were in the best interest of the bank,” he said. Among other failings, the regulator alleged the bank - the nation's oldest - had failed to adequately monitor the accounts of a convicted child sex offender who had regularly sent money to the Philippines. The Australian government has described the alleged breaches as “very serious”.
Kevin Rudd warns against return of the “yellow peril”
ormer Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has blasted the Coalition's management of the China relationship as self-serving, and warned against a return of the “yellow peril”. Mr Rudd acknowledged managing relations with China had always been difficult but said the recent Liberal policy has been driven by party politics. He said the Liberals had attacked him as a “Manchurian candidate”, and did all they could during his time as prime minister to break decades of bipartisanship on China policy. Malcolm Turnbull then used a hard-line assault on the Chinese government to consolidate his position when his leadership was under threat. “I will be the first to the barricades if the most recent national security legislation becomes a political vehicle for Hansonism and a return to the days of the yellow peril,” he said. “This approach should be given effect as a legal and administrative process under Australian law, not as a populist witch
Timeline set for Pell’s high Court appeal
awyers for Cardinal George Pell have until January 8 to file their written submissions in what will be his final shot at overturning his child sexual abuse convictions in a High Court appeal. Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd QC, will have just under a month to file her response, with Cardinal George Pell then given another three weeks to respond to those submissions. The dates mean the case is on track for a potential March 2020 hearing, the earliest date the case can come before the court. By then, Cardinal Pell would have served more than 12 months of his three year and eight-month minimum. He has served the entirety of his sentence in maximum security, alongside some of the state’s most dangerous prisoners. The High Court has flagged it will hear his appeal against his five sexual abuse convictions, after taking the rare step of referring his application for special leave to a full bench of the court. Cardinal Pell is serving a maximum sixyear jail term for the abuse of two choirboys while he was the Catholic archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s. He has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and has taken his case to the High Court after unsuccessfully appealing to the Victorian Court of Appeal.
His case will go before either five or seven justices of the High Court, and will proceed as though special leave had been granted. If he is successful Cardinal Pell has asked the court to enter acquittals on all charges. If he loses the case will be dismissed. There is only an outside chance the case could be sent back for trial, but that is not a current possibility based on the material before the court.
Kevin Rudd hunt”, he said, and urged the government to develop and regularly update a clear and consistent China strategy. “It would be negligent for Australia not to have our own,” he said. “It should be crystal clear about our national objectives in relation to China, just as it should be clear in its understanding of what China's objectives are in relation to Australia.”
Firefighter, 19, accused of arson in ‘ultimate betrayal’
volunteer firefighter has been charged with deliberately lighting blazes during Australia’s bushfire crisis. The man, 19 was arrested by police and charged with seven counts of alleged arson in an area south of Sydney NSW. The NSW fire service described the alleged acts as the “ultimate betrayal” to crews already under immense strain Although six people have died and over 650 homes have been lost in bushfires that have ravaged the east coast since September, the man is not being accused over those tragedies.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti
Il-kittieb li nixtieq inġib għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja llum huwa Victor Fenech, li llum jgħodd l-84 sena. Ilu jikteb kemm bl-Ingliż kif ukoll bil-Malti, għal dawn l-aħħar 60 sena. Hu kittieb ta’ poeżiji, novelli u anke ta’ kritika letterarja.
Il-ġibda tiegħu lejn il-kitba bdiet meta kien għadu student flUniversità. Hu l-aktar magħruf bħala l-poeta ta' protesta. Sawwar għadd ta’ poeżiji b’temi soċiopolitiċi fost oħrajn dwar il-ħarsien tal-ambjent, il-familja u s-soċjetà.
VICTOR FENECH- b’kontribut qawwi lil-letteratura Maltija u lill-ilsien Malti
jiet Il-Profeta u Old Folk Tales of the Maltese Islands. Fost l-unuri li l-aktar li għandu għal qalbu, m’għandniex xi ngħidu, hemm dak tal-2017 li ngħata għall-kontribut siewi tiegħu fil-qasam tal-kitba, ilLifetime Achievement Award. L-aħħar unur ta’ prestiġju kbir li ngħata kien dak nazzjonali ftit taljiem ilu meta waqt li fakkret id-99 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha, l-Akkademja tal-Malti onoratu bil-Midalja tad-Deheb ‘Ġieħ l-Akkademja talMalti’. Il-preżentazzjoni saret mill-President ta’ Malta George Vella waqt lejla fil-Palazz ta’ Sant’Anton. Ingħatatlu għall-kontribut qawwi li ta tul is-snin lil-letteratura Maltija u lill-ilsien Malti. Waqt li feraħ lil Victor Fenech, il-President Vella ddeskrivih bħala bniedem li ddistingwa ruħu l-aktar b’ħidma fuq tul ta’ żmien għall-iżvilupp tal-Ilsien Malti u talletteratura Maltija. Qal li l-valuri mħaddna mill-Maltin u li mal-mixja tal-hekk imsejjaħ progress intilfu jew intesew huma minquxin fil-kitbiet tiegħu. L-aħħar kotba tiegħu tal-poeżija fost is-seba’ antoloġiji kien jisimhom L-Aħħar Rimi u Għeluq. Ħafna jafu wkoll lil Victor permezz tal-Ilhna Mkissra l-antologija editjata minn PSI. Victor għaraf ukoll ipoġġi l-esperjenza tiegħu ta’ għalliem fil-prattika billi jgħin fil-produzzjoni ta’ kotba tattfal tas-serje ta’ kotba Id-Denfil għall-iskejjel primarji, u Victor Fenech (lemin) jirċevi għamel snin twal l-unur tal-Akkademja tal- bħala editor ta’ Malti mingħand il-President Sagħtar, il-ġurnal maħruġ mill-Malta ta’ Malta George Vella
ictor Fenech, twieled fl-1935 filĦamrun u bħalissa jgħix il-Kappara. Huwa miżżewweġ lil Irene. Għandhom żewgt itfal. Huwa studja filLiċeo, u wkoll fl-Università ta’ Malta u flUniversità ta’ Londra fejn stħarreġ fil-kitba u l-produzzjoni tal-kotba. Il-karriera ewlenija tiegħu, għal 40 sena sħaħ kienet ta’ għalliem, l-aħħar sitt snin bħala l-kap tal-Liċeo Vassalli. Għalkemm huwa l-aktar magħruf għallpoeżija, fejn kiteb ħafna dwar l-ambjent, imma kiteb ukoll għadd ta’ novelli u r-rumanz Ix-Xitwa ta’ wara s-Sjuf ambjentat f’Malta tas-sittinijiet. Kiteb ukoll għadd ta’ kotba għat-tfal u xogħlijiet ta’ kritika letterarja u ta’ interess storiku. Fost impenji tassew għal qalbu kellu żewġ ġabriet dwar Doreeen Micallef u qaleb għall-Malti, Il-Profeta'ta' Khalil Gibran. Huwa rebaħ għadd ta’ premjijiet letterarji, u għal aktar minn darba rebaħ il-Premju Letterarju mill-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, fosthom għaż-żewġ traduzzjoni-
Union of Teachers għall-istudenti kollha. F’żogħżitu Victor kien ukoll jifforma parti mill-għaqda ta’ kittieba żgħażagħ fil-Moviment Qawmien Letterarju, li lejn tmiem issittinijiet u l-bidu tas-sibgħinijiet tant ħadmu biex jikber l-għarfien fost il-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa tal-kultura Mal-tija, laktar il-letteratura li kienet tirrifletti l-istatus politiku ġdid tal-pajjiż f’dak iz-zmien. Victor dejjem stqarr li l-akbar imħabba tiegħu tibqa’ dejjem il-poeżija, kif jixhed tant tajjeb il-ktieb Victor Fenech – IlPoeżiji. Dan minkejja li jgħid li ma jiftakarx imqar waħda mill-poeżiji tiegħu bl-amment. Biss baqa’ jiftakar poeżiji blIngliż ta’ meta kien student fil-Liċeo. Hu kiteb ukoll għadd ta’ poeżiji bl-Ingliż. Min jaf sew lil Victor Fenech jgħid li listil tiegħu baqa’ wieħed pur u eleganti fejn għandha x’taqsam it-tradizzjoni. L-aħħar ġabra ta’ poeżiji li ppubblika kellu t-titlu PS (post scriptum) bis-sottotitlu “il-muża mħallta”, fejn jiġbed l-attenzjoni tal-qarrej għall-istili differenti li juża fil-ktieb, fejn jgħid ukoll li dan kellu jkun l-aħħar ktieb tiegħu fil-qasam tal-poeżija. Issa baqagħlu biss Ktieb il-Memorji, li qed jieħu t-tul. Is-sena l-oħra ħareġ ukoll flimkien ma’ Luciano Micallef il-ktieb ‘Journey – Writings and Artworks’. Minbarra l-kotba jħobb il-mużika, l-arti, il-futbol u ċ-ċinema. Fil-fatt, xi ħaġa li ftit jafu hi li għal xi żmien, l-aktar fis-sittinijiet, Victor kien ukoll jagħmilha ta’ korrispondent tal-futbol fl-istadium tal-gzira għal The Bulletin.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Il-Messaġġtal-Prim Ministru lin-Nazzjon Tuesday December 3, 2019
*ikompi minn paġna 15
“Kienu mumenti li ħafna drabi kelli ngħixhom waħdi u fis-solitudni. Għax il-kariga ta’ Prim Ministru hekk titlob. Imma t-toqol kollu tar-responsabbiltà li kelli żgur ma jiżboqx it-toqol li ġġorr il-familja tal-vittma. “Nerġa’ nistqarr id-dispjaċir li persuna li bit-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha kienet qed tikkontribwixxi lejn id- demokrazija ta’ pajjiżna kellha tinqatel b’dan il-mod krudili.| Semma kif l-avvenimenti tal-aħħar jiem kienu straordinarji għal pajjiżna, u li s-sensazzjoni ta’ dwejjaq u rabja ġenwina għal dan il-qtil huma ġustifikati, u ma jaċċetta lil ħadd li jagħti sinjal li jiġġustifika b’xi mod dan il-qtil. “Bl-istess mod, vjolenza u diżordni bl-iskuża ta’ protesta mhumiex ġustifikati f’demokrazija,” kompla Semma kif il-pajjiżgħandu biex ikun kburi bil-ħidma tal-Pulizija ta’ Malta. Irringrazzja lill-awtoritajiet kollha, inkluż lill-Avukat Ġenerali tar-reqqa u d-diliġenza li biha ħadmu u taw pariri favur dak li huwa ġust. “L-istituzzjonijiet tagħna huma b’saħħithom, u jaħdmu. Għajb għal min iżeblaħhom, għax ikun qed iżeblaħ lil pajjiżna. Inħares ’il quddiem li dan il-kapitlu diffiċli fl-istorja ta’ pajjiżna jingħalaq, iżda mhux li ninsewh. Naf li fl-aħħar jiem pajjiżna waqaf u stenna anke għaliex meta tkellimt ġejt attakkat li qed nitkellem u meta ma tkellimtx, kien hemm min ipprova jimmanipula l-mezzi tax-xandir.” Saħaq li issa għandna nerġgħu nibdew mexjin‘ilquddiem, u jifhem li biex dan isir hemm bżonn jingħata sinjal ċar ta’paġna ġdida, u li dan is-sinjal jista’ jtih hu biss, fejn irid jerfa’ responsabiltàta’ kulħadd, anki fejn mhux involut hu. Qal li mhux mument ta’ parteġ̇janiżmu jew opportuniżmu li ħaddieħor ipprova juri f’dawn il-jiem diffiċli. Jemmen li n-nies jagħrfu min mexa tajjeb, u min mexa ħazin f’dawn il-jiem li firdu lil dawk li kienu ġenwini, minn dawk li ppruvaw jirkbu fuq il-ġenwinità. “Dan il-każm’għandux jiddefinixxi dak kollu li huwa pajjiżna u li aħna lkoll ksibna flimkien,” qal. Imbagħad għadda biex semma kif l-aħħar seba’ snin kienu snin sbieħ għal Malta, li raw lill-pajjiż jistejqer ekonomikament biex sar l-aqwa ekonomija fl-Ewropa, b’rata medja ta’ tkabbir ta’ iktar minn sitta fil-mija kull sena. Semma l-kisbiet u r-riformi li għamel il-pajjiż fl-aħħar seba’ snin bit-tmexxija tal-Partit Laburista, u qal li l-pajjiż jiġi l-ewwel. Prinċipju li ma neħħieh qatt ma kull jum li għadda mindu sar Kap
Il-President George Vella b’appell għall-kalma, l-għaqda, il-maturita`
tal-Oppożizzjoni fl-2008 u li kompla jsaħħaħ mill-ewwel jum li sar Prim Ministru fl-2013. Kompla jgħid: “Il-fiduċja u l-imħabba li urieni dan il-pajjiżf’kull mandat elettorali li tajtuni fl-aħħar tnax-il sena kienu mod kif iktar dħalt f’qoxorti biex naħdem iktar għall-ġid ta’ pajjiżi. “Kif kont għedt minn qabel sirt Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, nemmen li Prim Ministru m’ għandux jagħmel iktar minn żewġleġislaturi. Issa wasal dak iż-żmien li nipprattika anki din il-parti ta’ li nemmen. “Fiż-żmien li ġej se nkunu qed intellqu proċess biex pajjiżna jkollu Prim Ministru ġdid, li jkompli x-xogħol u l-mandat b’saħħtu ta’ dan il-Gvern. Biex ikompli jwettaq il-pjan li approva l-poplu għall-pajjiżna f’Ġunju tal-2017. “Il-kobor ta’ pajjiżna ma jiġix definit minn individwi. L-aħna huwa akbar mill-jiena.” Joseph Muscat qal li kellu jikteb lill-President tal-Partit Laburista biex jibda proċess li bih, sa nhar il-Ħadd, 12 ta’ Jannar 2020 jingħażel Mexxej ġdid. u dakinhar li jingħażel Mexxej ġdid għallPartit Laburista hu nirrizenja minn Mexxej u jagħti f’idejn ilMexxej ġdid, biex fil-jiem ta’ wara jirrizenja minn Prim Ministru. “Il-pajjiż hekk se jibda proċess qasir ta’ ftit aktar minn xahar li matulu naslu biex il-Partit Laburista jkollu Mexxej ġdid, u wara Prim Ministru ġdid. Infurmajt b’dan kollu lill-President tar-Repubblika.” Sadanittant se jibqa’ jaqdi dmiru bħala Prim Ministru u Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista biex jassigura stabbiltàfit-tmexxija tal-pajjiż. “Bħala Prim Ministru u bħala Malti u Għawdxi, ħabbejt pajjiżi. Ma kontx perfett, u kelli nuqqasijiet li tagħhom niskuża ruħi jien personalment, anki jekk kienu nuqqasijiet ta’ ħaddieħor. Nassigurakom li qatt ma nqast milli nagħti saħħti kollha biex inrodd lura dak li tajtuni intom. “Naf li l-maġġoranza l-kbira tal-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kienet u għadha tafda fija. Ta’ dan nirringrazzjakom minn qalbi. Minħabba din il-fiduċja kien hemm min staqsieni għaliex issa. It-tweġiba tiegħi hi li hekk hemm bżonn. “Nemmen li dik il-fiduċja li urejtuni għadha hemm u se nitlaq bil-komfort li dik il-fiduċja għadha fl- aqwa tagħha. Imma b’hekk nistgħu naraw li nippreservaw legat ta’ ġid ekonomiku u ġustizzja soċjali mingħajr preċedent. “Fadlilna ħafna x’nagħmlu u bil-ħidma tagħkom, pajjiżna għada jista’ jkun aħjar mil-lum bis-saħħa tal-fundamenti sodi li bnejna flimkien. Minn għada tkompli l-ħidma tagħna għal Malta,” temm jgħid.
ara dak li seħħ u qed iseħħ, fi stqaarija l-President ta’ Malta George Vella appella għall-kalma u lgħaqda ħalli noħorġu minn dawn “iż-żminijiet diffiċli” bl-inqas dannu possibbli għas-soċjetà Maltija u għall-pajjiż, u żied li hu f’dawn il-mumenti li rridu nuru l-maturità tas-soċjetà Maltija u s-saħħa tad-demokrazija. Il-President qal li segwa dak kollu li kien għaddej, u li kellu għadd ta’ laqgħat kemm mal-Prim Ministru kif ukoll mal-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni. Żied li meta ntalab jagħti maħfra presidenzjali aġixxa kif titlob il-Kostituzzjoni wara konsultazzjoni mal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, mal-Avukat Ġenerali u pariri minn konsulenti privati. Qal li żamm is-silenzju sabiex iħalli l-ġustizzja tieħu triqitha. Il-President qal li issa li l-każ tal-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia żviluppa sal-punt li tressqu aktar nies ilQorti, l-organi tal-ġustizzja, il-pulizija u l-Qrati għandhom jitħallew ikomplu jagħmlu xogħolhom. Hu appella għall-kalma issa li l-Prim Ministru ħabbar id-data tar-riżenja tiegħu u lil kull min għandu responsabilitajiet istituzzjonali jew amministrattivi biex jerfa’ rresponsabilitajiet tiegħu u speċjalment f’dan il-perjodu ta’ tranżizzjoni ma jħares lejn wiċċ ħadd.
Marċ ta’ protesta fil-belt Valletta l-Ħadd
20 The Voice of the Maltese
round and about
by Charles Spiteri
Gozo Minister addresses first AI Conference
ozo Minister Justyne Caruana said that digital connectivity, a project that scheduled to be completed in the coming months, would be further strengthened by the installation of the second fibre optic cable between Malta and Gozo. Dr Caruana (inset) was addressing the AI in Business conference (below) – the first event of its kind to be held in Gozo. “The holding of the AI conference in Gozo is a milestone within its own right as it is being held simultaneously with the opening of the Gozo Research and Innovation Hub,” Dr Caruana said. Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Minister Chris Cardona who attended the conference said that AI represented an opportunity for countries of all sizes. He explained how crucial it was for policy makers to make this digital revolution a central policy goal.
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Magistrate Coppini retires after 25 years
agistrate Paul Coppini (right), who served in the Gozo Courts since 1994, has retired. After delivering his last judgement, delivered a speech highlighting his views on various issues and expressed his appreciation to all those who assisted him during his tenure. Afterwards, a reception was held in his honour, attended by all the staff of the Gozo Courts, lawyers from Gozo and Malta, members of the Judiciary and his family. Other speeches delivered by some of the attendees described Magistrate Coppini’s commitment, the values of honesty and integrity he always practiced during his long career, and the fact that he always delivered quality judgements, in fairness to the parties concerned. The attendees at the farewell reception for Magistrate Coppini
Innovation Hub inaugurated at Xewkija
ozo is increasingly becoming the place to do business smartly and innovatively, and the Gozo Innovation Hub in the industrial area of Xewkija that was inaugurated by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is set to further strengthen the island’s potential in this regard. The Hub (below), a €9 million investment whch is being co-fi-
nanced through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is spread over 9,000 square metres. Among the first to be allocated space are companies partnering with global giants Microsoft and Google, who will be working on some of their respective projects through an operation at the Gozo Innovation Hub.
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Art camp at Għasri Gozo
he UNESCO annual Art Camp was held recently in Għasri where 21 artists, including one Maltese, were nominated by their respective National Commissions for UNESCO. This is an initiative of Andorra to bring people together as a way to understand each other and to work together. The Art Camps were mainly held in Andorra but this is the third one held in Gozo. The event was organised by the Maltese National Commission for UNESCO and the Office of the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Malta to UNESCO with the collaboration of the Ministry of Gozo. The Chairman of the National Commission, Dr Ray Bondin, welcomed a visit by Minister for Gozo Justyn Caruana who praised the great work done during the event in Gozo. Gozo Minister Justyn Caruana and other personalities inspecting the UNESCO Art Camp at Għasria
The Voice of the Maltese 21
round and about (continued)
President opens 20th philatelic exhibition
NGOs Association has a crucial role to play in the volunteering sector
ddressing NGO representatives during the first Listening to Our Members’ Needs organised by the association at the Gozo NGO Centre in Xewkija, Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana said that the Gozo NGOs Association has a crucial role to play in the sector of volunteering. She pointed out that her ministry’s doors were always open for NGOs, and underlined the need for organisations to network more between themselves and to create synergies.
La Valett e Social Centr e Carols by Candlelight Show
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Saturday Dec. 14 @ 6.30pm at Main Hall: Featuring singers: Joe Apap, Natasha Tatarinoff, MCA Choir directed by Marisa Previtera, Victor Mifsud and kids from Maltese Language Scool of NSW There will be a pageant about our traditional Maltese Christmas and a Christmas message. Nannu Santa will be coming to La Valette, so bring a present for your children with their name on it so Santa will give it to your kids. ENTRANCE IS FREE: For more information: Antoinette: 9622 5846; Greg: 0411 517 187; Agnes: 0432 714 735 ____________________________________________ Come & enjoy the spirit of a Maltese Christmas
Kids are needed to dress for the Christmas Pageant
For safety reasons: Candles (battery operated will be on sale for $1 each
alta President H.E. George Vella seen inaugurating the 20th phi-latelic exhibition organised by the Gozo Philatelic Society at the Gozo Ministry. Dr Vella extended his stay at the exhibition to well over an hour as he inspected all the exhibits, uttering words of praise and encouragement. GPS secretary Antoine Vassallo presented the President with an album containing Gozothemed covers that was designed by Anthony Grech.
Resurrection of Christ depicted on mosaic at Nadur’s Divine Mercy Chapel
ast month Gozo Bishop Mario Grech blessed a large mosaic depicting the Resurrection of Christ, at the subterranean chapel of the Divine Mercy at the new Nadur cemetery. Fr Roberto Gauci and a team of dedicated youths at the Eiko Centre of Liturgical Art executed the mosaic that is, based on a world-famous mosaic at the Hora monastery in Turkey. It depicts Christ rising from the tomb and pulling up with him from the netherworld an aged Adam on his right and an elderly Eve on his left. At the bottom end of the mosaic a demon is portrayed fuming in the harrowing hell.
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.
SBSTV explains its position to the Maltese community
22 The Voice of the Maltese
n the last few issues of The Voice of the Maltese, criticism of SBSTV in conjunction with the Maltese TV programmes was quiet evident. It showed that the Maltese were disappointed with our ethnic broadcaster. The protests were led by Marisa Previtera, a member of the CMLA, very active in our community. Ms Previtera had demanded an explanation, and to their credit, SBSTV replied as they always do when faced with reasonable criticism. Ms Mandi Wicks, Director Audio & Language Content at SBS writes: “As you might be aware, SBS recently obtained rights to the NBA and NBL, as basketball is a popular and growing sport in
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Australia, particularly among multicultural communities. Unfortunately, this does mean, from time to time, that regular programming could be displaced for live coverage of games. We will try to avoid it as much as possible. When there are displacements we do run generally on-air announcements to let audiences know the services are available in SBS On Demand”. Referring to access for programmes on demand, she added, “I understand that some members of the community might not currently have access to SBS On Demand, where they can watch the Maltese news anytime. “Is there anything we at the SBS can do to assist them? Could we share the login in-
Surplus of €10.2m. recorded in the first ten months of 2019
atest public finance data published by the NSO shows that during the first ten months of this year, the Government recorded a surplus of €10.2 million, which is a significant improvement over the previous year. The surplus reflected an impressive increase in recurrent revenue whilst the increase in expenditure was contained within established budgetary parameters. Indeed, recurrent revenue increased by €444.1 million as a result of buoyant tax revenue fuelled by a broad base increase encompassing all categories of tax revenue. The Ministry for Finance notes that this positive result reflects the robust economic growth exhibited by the Maltese economy in recent years which is expected to be sustained in the coming years as corroborated by the latest European Commission and international credit rating agencies’ forecasts. Nonetheless, total non-tax revenue also increased with the main contributor being a €121.6 million increase in grants. Recurrent expenditure increased by €342.6 million in the period January to October of this year. The highest contributor to this increase was expenditure on programmes and initiatives. The latter reflected expenditure related to the implementation of budget measures including the free school transport for all, the free childcare centres, health-related expenditure including the free medicine and treatments for patients suffering from cancer, social expenditure and expenditure on elderly care as well as additional expenditure to enhance the environment and solid waste management. The increase also reflected added outlays on EU own resources. Capital expenditure increased by €78.4 million with the main contributors being the record investment channelled for the
upgrading of the road infrastructure and improvements to buildings and equipment. Interest on Government expenditure decreased by €11.3 million or 6.4 per cent during the same period. Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that these positive developments in public finances for the first ten months augur well for the attainment of a fiscal surplus for the fourth consecutive year in 2019, sustaining the consistent decrease in the debt-to-GDP ratio attained by this Government.”
In memoriam
Joe Borg, the actor has passed away
structions with them in English and Maltese? We could include the instructions on the SBS Maltese website at or post them out on request”. Ms Wicks noted as well that she had included Paul Williams on this email. Paul is the Executive Producer of our World Watch television news bulletins, which provides for the Maltese news. Paul is aware of the concerns and is trying to minimise the impact as much as possible. While thanking the SBSTV for explaining why specific actions are taken, both Ms Previtera and The Voice will continue to montor the Maltese TV programmes.
Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc.
L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-ilsien Malti fil-binja tagħhom f’14 Watt Street, Sunshine, Victoria. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom għarfien sew tal-Malti kemm miktub kif ukoll mitkellem. Ibgħat applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lill: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura.
It is with deep sadness to announce the death of Joe M. Borg, the very well know and loved actor and director of the Cittadini Theatrical Group of NSW. Joe was born in Mosta in 1941 and was married to Dolores. They have three children and five grandchildren. Joined the Cittadini Group in 1985 and has worked on stage with most leading actors that came to visit us inn Australia from Malta. Joe was a mediator with the Community Justice Centre, and for his work he was awarded a meritorious service award. In September 2014 he was also awarded the Maltese Cultural Award (NSW). For a short time, Joe was also one of the directors at the La Valette Social Centre at Blacktown NSW. He was a colossus of the Maltese teatrin in NSW, no doubt the best comic/actor in the history of the Maltese stage in NSW if not in all of Australia. The Voice will have more about Joe Borg in the next issue.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday December 3, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.
minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess.
To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month
in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Maltese Group
Join us and make new friends.
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Meets on the first Wednesday of each
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet are now on SBSTV Viceland HD Channel 31 every Sunday at 8.00 a.m. and on Thursday at 8.00 a.m. BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm.
Avviż lill-qarerjja
Tixtieq li jkollok kopja f’idejk ta’ The Voice ?
nfakkru lill-qarrejja li The Voice of the Maltese, mhux biss magazine online, iżda wkoll l-uniku tax-xorta tiegħu flAwstralja li wkoll jiġi ippubblikat. Fil-fatt huma ħafna dawk li ilhom li bdew japprofittaw ruħhom minn dan u abbonaw ħalli anke jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata bil-posta d-dar bi ħlas. Minħabba l-bogħod li hawn fil-kontinent Awstraljan, il-ħlas tal-posta minn stat għall-ieħor tvarja, għalhekk dawk kollha li jixtiequ li jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata tal-magazine kull darba li joħroġ biex ikunu jistgħu jżommuha f’idejhom, huma mħeġġa biex jabbonaw għal sena sħiħa ħalli jagħmlu żgur li jkollhom kopja kull darba. Biex dan isir wieħed għandu l-ewwel jikkomunika b’email ħalli jagħmel ittalba lil fejn jitlob tagħrif dwar il-ħlas ta’ abbonament għal sena fl-istat fejn jgħix. Imbagħad jekk ikun irid jissieħeb ma’ dawk kollha li mhumiex kuntenti biss li jaqraw il-magazine online, imma wkoll li jkollhom kopja tiegħu, jgħarrafna.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Sports Ray ‘Zazu’ Farrugia
Tuesday December, 2019
Malta to host 2nd Tipsport Cup
alta is to host the second edition of the Tipsport Malta Cup M to be played at the National Stadium January 25 – 27 next year between FC Banik Ostrava, FK Mlada Boleslav and FC
Zbrojovka Brno, all from the Czech Republic, and Slovakian side FC DAC Dunajska Streda. The tournament, which is supported by the Malta Tourism Authority and sponsored by Tipsport, was launched during a wellattended press conference held in Prague. All the logistical aspects of the Tipsport Malta Cup and the training camps being held by the Czech and Slovakian teams in January are co-ordinated by MFA SportsPlus Limited. During their stay on the island the visiting teams will also be playing friendly matches against Maltese clubs. Hibernians and Balzan are set to meet FK Mlada Boleslav and FC Zbrojovka Brno respectively, while discussions are on-going for other Maltese teams to play friendlies against the Tipsport Malta Cup participants.
MFA seeking Farrugia’s replacement
he 2-1 defeat against Norway at the national Stadium that wrapped up the national team’s commitments in the EURO 2020 Group F qualifiers was Ray Zazu Farrugia’s last as coach of Malta’s national team. At t the conclusion of Malta’s disappointing participation, the MFA decided not to renew his contract, and that of the rest of the technical staff that expires on December 31. Farrugia lasted 18 months in the job. He was appointed on May 2, 2018. Malta’s participation in EURO 2020 ended in total disappointment with only one win, against the Faroe Islands, and nine defeats leaving Malta sharing the bottom of the ladder with the Faroes, with only three points from 10 matches and a goal deficit of -24 The MFA is now looking for the 27th coach for the Malta team. The next coach is again expected to be a foreigner, the 14th since Joe Griffiths first led Malta’s team in their first international match against Austria in 1957. The appointment of the new national team coach and the rest of the technical staff is not the only decision the MFA needs to take. It is working to implement other projects aimed at improving the level of all the national selections through enhanced football development in line with its long-term strategic programme as adopted by its Executive
Committee recently that are expected to start footballing development. implementing as of January 2020. The creation of a professional football The MFA’s three major projects, all related team that will compete in the professional to technical development are: Italian league is one of the leading projects 1. the creation of a professional football the Malta FA is working on in a bold effort team that would compete in an overseas pro- to raise the standard of the country's upfessional championship 2. the setting up of and-coming players and subsequently that the Inħobb il-Futbol Foundation, a new of the national team in the coming years. structure setup to organise and support football at grassroots and youth levels and contribute to the community through football 3. define a unified and consolidated game strategy for national teams at all levels. These projects and other reforms are expected to come into effect in January, but the MFA has already started ast season's Caroline Springs George Cross working to implement the major one, board has been confirmed to lead the club for and in fact, a delegation led by its a second term. The club’s annual general meeting President Bjorn Vassallo, held a held November 24 gave the same members who meeting in Florence, Italy, with top were in charge of the club last season the go-ahead officials of the Italian Lega Pro to retain their position. where it discussed the proposed inPresident Mark Sultana told members the club ternational reciprocity agreement be- has already appointed coaches for every male sentween the Malta FA and Italian ior and junior team, as well as the senior women's football bodies. and three girls teams for 2020. This collaboration centres around a Since moving to the new facility there has been specific and strong synergy between an unprecedented number of youngsters wanting Maltese and Italian football as part to join George Cross, with the club already unable of a project focusing on professional to cater for the many youngsters wanting to join. The President said that the club was going all out to win promotion next season and has already recruited several top class former A League and NPL efore making way for the Third Round of the FA Trophy, the Premier League standard players. teams took part in match day 11 with, leaders Floriana dropping their first points Improvements to the City Vista Court Stadium in an interesting scoreless draw with Ħamrun Spartans. But they are still the only have continued with the installation of 500 seats, unbeaten team in the League. With Gzira Utd winning against Senglea the Greens’ and Life Memberships were presented to former gap has been reduced to three points. goalkeeper Steve Wardle, ground project manager More important than that for Gzira the fact that they regained the runner-up berth Eddie Gauci, and long serving members Charles in the league ladder after Sirens dropped points in their draw with Gudja. Muscat and John Cassar. Defending champions Valletta obtained a convincing 4-0 win over Mosta that helped Australia Day tournament planned them draw level on points in third place with Sirens, four RESULTS - Day 11 In the meantime, George Cross have invited other points behind the leaders. Floriana v Ħamrun S 0-0 Hibernians also made ground at the expense of Balzan, Gzira Utd v Senglea 3-1 Victoria State football clubs, Green Gully who whose disappointing campaign continued. The loss Valletta v Mosta 4-0 play in the National Premier League, and Football against Hibernians was their fourth of the season. It Sirens v Gudja U 1-1 Federation club North Altona SC, along with Parhelped Hibs claim fifth place with 20 points. Hibernians v Balzan 2-1 ramatta Melita Eagles from NPL4 NSW and other Birkirkara and Sliema Wanderers improved somewhat Birkirkara v Tarxien R 3-0 clubs to participate in a club tournament that is their positions with their third victories of the season. Sliema W. v Sta Lucia 5-0 planned for the Australia Day weekend next year.
Floriana drop first points but still unbeaten
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