The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 125
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
April 12, 2016
San Anton Gardens:
natural beauty, peace and tranquillity (see page 5)
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
April 25 - ANZAC Day:
Remembering the victims of Gallipoli (1915) I t is that important day once again, April 25, ANZAC Day, the solemn day of remembrance of those Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who fought and died at Gallipoli in 1915. A day mainly commemorated in Australia and New Zealand, but not only. To a lesser extent the day is also celebrated in Malta, which gave shelter and provided treatment to the Anzacs injured during the campaign. Malta’s great contribution earned it the description of being the Nurse of the Mediterranean. Malta is also the place where a good number of ANZAC war graves are situated, particularly at the Pietà Military Cemetery where the Australian High Commission would be commemorating the event. About 300 soldiers from Australia and New Zealand are buried in Malta. On this day in 1915 the armies of Australia and New Zealand entered into their premier battle of the First World War, at Gallipoli, Turkey. Thousands of soldiers struggled ashore on a narrow beach at Gallipoli at the start of an ill-fated campaign that would claim more than 130,000 lives. Today the world acknowledges the service of the Australian and New Zealand veterans and those who are currently serving in military and peacekeeping operations. Many Australians were sympathetic to the United Kingdom, which they regarded as the motherland. So the volunteer armies of Australian and New Zealand, eager to fight the good fight in the war, bravely landed on the shore of the Gallipoli Peninsula with the intent to capture and secure a safe passage for Allied
navies. At Gallipoli, the Anzacs faced off with one of the fiercest armies history has ever known. Despite landing under the cover of darkness, the Anzacs were met with immediate bombardment and gunfire. On the shores of Gallipoli, the Australian and New Zealand armies fought for eight months forcing a stalemate. Eight thousand Anzac soldiers lost their lives before the Allies called for an evacuation. There were many casualties who were evacuated to Malta for medical treatment. In fact, as of the spring of 1915, hospitals and convalescent camps were established on the islands of Malta and Gozo, to deal with the many thousands of sick and wounded from the Gallipoli and Salonika campaigns. The operation itself was not a success, but the valour and determination shown by Anzacs, the so-called “Knights of Gallipoli,” were immediately commemorated in Australia, London, and even at the Allies’ camp in Egypt in 1916. Parades and ceremonies were held in their honour, and even those who were wounded in combat were a part of the parade while they were still recovering. By the 1920s, the day had become a way to memorialise the sixty thousand Australian soldiers who died in the First World War. By the next decade, all Australian states had a form of celebration for Anzac Day, and many of the traditions still carried out today had already taken shape. While Anzac Day is set to coincide with the anniversary of the landing in Gallipoli, the day itself is not
The ANZAC Memorial at the Argotti Gardens, Floriana, Malta
meant to be a commemoration of the event, but rather the qualities that Australia established for itself there. On Anzac Day, one shows love, honour and support for those who fought to enable freedom for people all over the world, but were not able to make it home. The ceremonies held on this day are clear proof if any was needed, that the spirit of ANZAC, with its human qualifies of courage, mateship, equality, self-sacrifice and loyalty continues to have meaning and significance for one’s respective sense of national identity. Indeed, the spirit lives. Malta also holds this day dear to its heart and an Anzac memorial - the first Anzac monument outside Australia - was erected in Malta - at the Argotti Gardens, in Floriana. It is the fruit of efforts mainly by the Maltese Australian Association that set up a committee for the purpose, headed by then MAA president Nick Bonello who at the time set out the aim as being, “to honour the many Australian and New Zealand troops who died at Gallipoli during World War I and in subsequent battles elsewhere in World War II, during which Malta featured promiA group of Maltese ex servicemen who nently”. The memorial marched in last year’s ANZAC Day in Syd- was uneiled on April ney. Most will be there again this year 2, 2013.
Tuesday April 12, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Ma n˙allux lit-terroriΩmu jirba˙
- Inkwetanti li jkollok mexxejja bla prinçipji
it-22 ta’ Marzu li g˙adda Brussels sfat il-mira ta’ attakk terroristiku li ˙alla mal-34 persuna mejta u ‘l fuq minn 270 feruti. Dan segwa attakk ie˙or terroristiku fil-pajjiΩ ©ar, Franza, eΩattament fil-kapitali Pari©i fejn f’attakk ie˙or imdemmi nqatlu 139 ru˙, innoçenti. Imbag˙ad flG˙id li g˙adda se˙˙ attakk ie˙or, din id-darba waqt li xi Pakistani kattoliçi u anke Musulmani kienu qed jie˙du sehem flimkien jiççelebraw il-festa tal-G˙id li spiççat b’aktar minn 69 vittma u xi 350 feruti. G˙alkemm il-midja u ˙afna jsemmu, u bir-ra©un g˙ax hekk hu, li t-terroristiçi huma ta’ reli©jon Islamika, ikun Ωball jekk xi ˙add jipponta sebg˙u lejn ir-reli©jon b˙ala skuΩa. Óafna mit-terroristi ji©u mfissra b˙ala Ìihadisti fanatiçi, fil-biçça ‘l kbira msie˙ba tal-Istat Islamiku (ISIS). Imma hemm o˙rajn. Fil-Pakistan kellna t-Talibani, filwaqt li f’postijiet flAfrika, nsibu gruppi o˙ra militanti, terroristi o˙ra, pereΩempju dawk mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Al-Shabaab u l-Boko Haram. G˙ad hawn ukoll l-Al Qaeda. Çerti mezzi tal-komunikazzjoni g˙andhom xe˙ta jag˙tu deskrizzjonijiet fejn i˙ossu li jistg˙u jag˙mlu mpatt. B˙ala eΩempju nsemmi l-Amerika fejn kwaΩi kull ©img˙a jkun hemm xi attakk fuq sezzjonijiet ta’ nies li j˙alli l-vittmi. Óafna mill-attakki jsiru minn u˙ud li jsibuha tant façli li jiksbu l-armi u jrid jpattu g˙al xi azzjoni li j˙oddu li kienet ˙aΩina mag˙hom. Imma jekk min jispara jinstab li jkun ta’ reli©on Islamika ˙oll xag˙rek u ©ib iΩ-Ωejt. Imma l-isem ta’ grupp jew persuna xejn m’g˙andu g˙ax jimporta. G˙ax dawn il-qattiela xejn ftit jimpurtahom min ikunu l-vittmi, jew jekk humiex tal-istess reli©jon tag˙hom, ta’ xi denominazzjoni o˙ra inkella tal-istess ideolo©ija. Fil-fatt anke jekk l-attakk f’Lahore sar waqt festa kristjana, parti kbira mill-vittmi nstab li huma Musulmani. L-attakk sar fuq familji li ˙adu lil uliedhom iqattg˙u is-sieg˙at jilag˙bu u jitbandlu f’post tad-divertiment. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li wara l-a˙˙ar attakk, ittellg˙u kartelluni bil-kliem, IT-TERRORIÛMU M’GÓANDUX RELIÌON. It-terroristi jistg˙u jitqiesu ag˙ar minn annimali li g˙alihom li toqtol u li tinqatel waqt l-Ma tag˙tix tort li min jg˙id li d-dinja qed ti©©ennen; jew li kwaΩi m’g˙adekx tista’ tgawdi l-˙ajja li Alla ˙alaqna g˙aliha. Qabel ma kellna lil dawn it-terroristiçi b’ismijiet diversi kellna o˙rajn. B˙ala eΩempju, fis-sibg˙inijiet fl-Italja kellhom il-Brigate Rosse li tterrorizzaw lill-Italja, fl-Indja fost ˙afna jsemmu lill-Al-Badir t-Tamil, kien hemm ukoll il-Kmer Rouge fil-Vjetnam, u tant u tant o˙rajn. Allura ma rridux nag˙mlu l-iΩball u na˙sbu li l-attakki dejjem saru minn xi ©emg˙at jew entitajiet Islamiçi fuq
Trump u Cruz... irridu mexxejja b˙al dawn?
nies li ma j˙addnux din ir-reli©jon. Il-Musulmani huma, u minn dejjem ukoll kienu, fil-mira.
Wara l-attakki fi Brussel, nies ipo©©u l-fjuri b’turija ta’ rispett g˙all-vittmi
Kellna dak li se˙˙ fil-gwerra tal-1992-1995 fil-Bosnia meta l-President Radovan Karadzic mexxa kampanja kontra l-Musulmani u l-Kroati u fl-1995 wettaq il-©enoçidju, massakru li fih inqatlu mat-12,000 Musulman, fosthom 8,000 ir©iel u subien fil-belt ta’ Srebrenica. Kien Ωmien ag˙ar minn t’issa g˙ax sar minn gvern. Wara tant snin u guri li ˙a mat-tmien snin, Karadzic, issa ta’ aktar minn 70 sena nstab ˙ati tal-©enoçidju u mibg˙ut 45 sena ˙abs. Kemm-il 45 sena baqag˙lu ˙ajja!? Kellna wkoll in-NaΩi, u wara wkoll lill-Palestinjani ji©u mça˙˙da minn arthom f’dik li bdiet titqies b˙ala l-kawΩa Palestinjana li minkejja li g˙addew kwaΩi 70 sena g˙adha titqies kawΩa ewlenija g˙al dan il-©ens li baqa’ ji©i mça˙˙ad milli jkun nazzjon. B’danakollu ma nistg˙ux in˙allu ©rajjiet imdemmija, l-aktar f’dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet jirregolawlna ˙ajjitna, u anke jekk aktar façli tg˙idha milli twettaqha, il-˙ajja trid tissokta inkella, kif dejjem riedu jag˙mlu, dawn it-terroristi jiddettawlna ˙ajjitna huma u jo˙or©u b˙ala r-rebbie˙a.
Id-dinja mexxejja serji trid aqstant ie˙or importanti li jkollna mexxejja serji li D jag˙rfu kif imexxu u jippruvaw kemm jistg˙u li jwassluna g˙as-sliem. G˙alhekk huwa preokkupanti li hawn mexxejja fid-dinja li donnhom li laktar li j˙arsu hu lejn l-interessi personali tag˙hom u dawk ta’ madwarhom. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li ji©u mixlija – u f’˙afna kaΩi ppruvat - b’tix˙im u korruzzjoni. Dan iwassalni nag˙ti titwila lejn dak li qed ise˙˙ b˙al-issa fl-Istati Uniti, pajjiΩ li minn kif jimx hu jinfluwenza lid-dinja. Óafna filfatt jg˙idu, li “jekk l-Amerika tag˙tas id-dinja tie˙u ri˙”. Hu tal-biΩa’ tara kandidati ta l-istess partit (tar-Repubblikani f’dan il-kaΩ) li jittamaw g˙all-Presidenza, li minflok jiddiskutu l-politika u l-issues serji dwar kif behsiebhom imexxu l-pajjiΩ, jekk jirb˙u n-nomina u lPresidenza tal-Istati Uniti, jinfexxu f’tg˙ajjir personali. *Ikompli f’pa©na 5
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese Q. My brother is 30 years old, disabled and still lives with in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanmy father. He is on a disability pension. My father’s health has deteriorated and he is unable to take care of himself cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities and needs to move into an Aged Care facility. My brother associated with financial planning. If you need more advice will continue to live in my dad’s home where he has lived send an email to Marie Louise via: all his life. Do you think this will affect my brother’s disability pension? A. This should not affect your brother’s very poor at disability pension at all. This is his resi- present. At dential home as much as it is your fa- the end of the ther’s. He was also a financial dependent term you will of your father. For this reason it will not receive your affect his pension and the house will not capital in full. become an asset for your father when he These operate moves into the Aged Care Facility as your very similar brother is a financial dependent, on Cen- to term detrelink support and lived there for more posits but you than five years. could receive Q. I am 66 years of age and a pensioner. I the interest in have just recently received an inheritance monthly payof $120,000. This amount should not af- ments. fect my pension as I have no other assets Q. I am a 60apart from my home. However, I need to year-old bachelor and planning to retire contribution’s tax applies for higher inimprove my lifestyle by utilising the in- from the work force. I have investment come earners. Dependent on your work come from this money. A term deposit will properties as well as Australian shares. I situation, you may be able to claim a tax only pay me income at maturity. Is there wish to continue making contributions deduction for your contribution. any other investment I could utilise to pro- into superannuation. However, I am not You are also able to make a non-concesvide me monthly income without having sure whether this is allowable seeing I will sional contribution of $180,000 per financial year or use the “bring forward” exposure to the share market? no longer be working. Please advise me. A. You could use either a Managed Fund A. You are able to continue to make su- cap of $540,000 with no further contributhat gives you access to capital secure in- perannuation contributions until you tions permitted for the following two vestments including bond and cash man- reach age 65. A work test will apply if you years. Contributions’ tax does not apply to non-concessional contributions agement accounts or a Term Annuity. wish to make contributions between the With the term annuity, you could take ages of 65 and 75. Q. I am 63 years of age and have decided this for a term of between 1 to 5 years and As you are aged 60, you are able to make to start a Transition to Retirement Pension. organise for the interest to be paid to you a concessional contribution of up to I am cutting down my working hours to 20 monthly. I personally believe you should $35,000 per annum, which is subject to hours per week and earning $30,000 per invest for 1 year only as interest rates are contributions tax of 15%. An additional annum. I will commence an income stream from my superannuation of another $30,000 per annum. Would I be entitled to the government co-contribution of $500 if I make a $1000 nonconcessional contribution into superannuation or would my income be too high? A. As you are over 60, the pension received from your Transition to Retirement (non-commutable Account Based Pension) will not be treated as assessable inMarie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: come but any salary sacrifice contributions will be assessed. Provided you * Wealth Creation are not salary sacrificing the same amount ($30,000) into superannuation, * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice your assessed income is below the Gov* Maximising Centrelink Benefits ernment Co-contribution limit and you are eligible to claim the full Government * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property Co-contribution. * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to If your adjusted taxable income is entering Aged Care facilities greater than $35,454 but less than $50,454, you will be entitled to only a Call Marie-Louise for a portion of the $500.
complimentary consultation on:
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Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Kummentarju: Dikjarazzjonijiet irresponsabbli *minn pa©na 3 Qed naraw pereΩempju lil Donald Trump u Ted Cruz li fis-silta tag˙hom biex jiksbu l-voti tal-partitarji tal-partit tag˙hom – l-aktar Trump – li ˙afna drabi jg˙id li mhux politiku iΩda negozjant ta’ success g˙ax g˙amel il-biljuni (wara li wiret negozju ming˙and missieru) - aktar mo˙˙hom jinsulentaw lil xulxin u ©ieli jlissnu kummenti li jistg˙u jwasslu g˙al razziΩmu u mibeg˙da. Trump jing˙ad li qed jikiser kull regola fil-kampanja tieg˙u Imma forsi ssib lil min li dan ftit jimpurtah. Biss Ωgur jimpurtah il-fatt li filwaqt li d-dinja tant ˙adet gost li wara 35 sena, sa fl-a˙˙ar intla˙aq ftehim ta’ rikonçiljazzjoniu bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-Iran, g˙ax ma jaqblux mal-President Barack Obama, Trump u Cruz qalu li kif jirb˙u l-Presidenza jqattg˙u l-ftehim li sar. Dan qaluh l-aktar biex jing˙o©bu mal-Lhud fl-Amerika, ˙alli jiksbu lvot tag˙hom, g˙ax jafu li l-Israel, g˙ax ma jarax g˙ajn g˙al g˙ajn mal-Iran u ˙adha bi kbira li ntla˙aq il-ftehim. G˙alihom l-ewwel u qabel kollox il-poter. Donnu li ftit jimpurathom mill˙sara li saret b’deçiΩjonijiet Ωbaljati li ttie˙du matul is-snin, ukoll minn gvernijiet immexxija minn Presidenti tal-partit tag˙hom, fosthom il-gwerra, fuq pretensjonijiet foloz kontra l-Iraq u li ˙afna jsostnu li wasslet
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g˙all-akbar gwaj fid-dinja, fosthom it-twelid tal-ISIS. L-istess Trump u Cruz ˙ar©u wkoll je˙duha qatta’ bla ˙abel kontra Obama g˙ax wara 57 sena - u 50 sena ta’ embargo - ta bidu g˙al rikonçiljazzjoni mal-pajjiΩ ©ar, Kuba. Óafna kienu ja˙sbu li kien impossibbli li seta’ jer©a’ jkun hemm relazzjonijiet diplomatiçi bejn iΩ-Ωew© pajjiΩi. Issa qed titwitta t-triq li dan ise˙˙. Id-dinja wkoll aççettat bl-akbar fer˙a dan il-pass imfisser b˙ala storiku, meta wara 88 sena President Amerikan re©a’ rifes l-art Kubana ta’ Fidel Castro. Imma l-aspiranti g˙all-Presidenza Amerikana wkoll ˙aduha bi kbira din. Di©a’ qalu li ma jaççettawx dawn irrelazzjonijiet u lesti jre©©g˙uh lura. Politiçi irresponsabbli fid-dinja kien hawn, g˙ad hawn u jibqa’ jkun hawn, forsi l-aktar fl-Afrika u l-Asja, speçjalment il-mexxej tal-Korea ta’ Fuq. Semmejt lil Trump u Cruz biss g˙ax huma ta’ pajjiΩ influwenti li qed jisirqu x-xena bil-vavati ta’ bejniethom, mhux b’diskussjoni serja. Id-dinja trid mexxejja ta’ stoffa li j˙arsu ‘l quddiem u li l-g˙an wa˙dieni tag˙hom fid-deçiΩjonijiet li jie˙du jkunu g˙all-©id tal-©nus, kemm ta’ pajjiΩhom imma wkoll in©enerali. Çerti gvernijiet jafu li kapaçi jinfluwenzaw dak li jse˙˙ madwarna g˙alhekk g˙andhom ikunu responsabbli. Il-bniedem ma jistax jibqa’ jg˙ix f’tensjoni.
Caption to front page:
Tajjeb li tkun taf
-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u jew L organizzazzjonijiet o˙ra li jew jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a jg˙arrfu lit-tmexxija ta’ The Voice minn kmeni. Jekk iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni, jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni. The Voice ji©i ippubblikat online kull ©imag˙tejn, fil-jum tat-Tlieta. Barra hekk jekk hemm min mhux jirçevi l-magazine b’mod regolari, inkella g˙ad mhux qed jircevih u jixtieq jirçevih, jista’ jibg˙at email bit-talba lil:
The main gate at San Anton
San Anton Gardens
an Anton Gardens, one of the S most beautiful gardens in Malta with a large variety of beautiful flowers and plants, is located between the villages of Balzan and Attard. They were built in 1636 by the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Antoine de Paule to complement his summer residence, San Anton Palace. He named the palace ‘Sainte Antoine’ after his patron saint, Anthony of Padua The gardens, which have been open to the public since 1882, are also known for hosting the Palace,
that is currently the official residence of the President of Malta. People also visit them with their families, particularly children, for their natural beauty, peace and tranquillity. They are also popular with tourists. It is where anybody can enjoy the gardens’ several walkways, fountains and ponds with families of ducks and also several plants and flowers such as roses, Bougainvillea, Norfolk, Araucarias as well as other trees from all over the world some of them over three centuries old,all the year round.
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6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
The Maltese
of Woolloomooloo Wharf Dr Barry York uses Maltese oral history accounts to discover what life was like in Woolloomooloo’s Wharf community a century ago DR BARRY YORK is a historian at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. He began recording oral history interviews for the Library in 1988 and was a Harold White Fellow in 1997.
few years ago, I was approached by the by BarryYork producers of the popular SBS TV series, Who Do You Think You Are?, to appear in an episode about one of Australia’s leading entertainers, Adam Hills. I was surprised to learn that Hills had a Maltese great Christina Couch grandfather who migrated to Woolloomooloo, Sydney, (nee Farrugia) 1984 in 1912. My oral history work over many years had focused on Maltese mi- low historian, Mark Caruana, had utation as ‘l-art tal-futur’ (the Land grants and someone from the pro- interviewed both women before me, of the Future), where hard work was duction company asked if I knew and it was through him that my rewarded with good wages. Malta was a British colony and mianything about the Maltese com- own opportunity arose. Woolloomooloo today is highly gration within the Empire was seen munity in Woolloomooloo back sought after real estate, with a largely as offering a better future than mithen. Immediately, my mind turned to a gentrified population. The Finger gration to traditional destinations collection of oral histories I had Wharf is a heritage site, with up-mar- along the North African coast. recorded in the 1980s on cassettes ket apartments developed above it Australia at this time was developthat were carefully stored in shoe- and posh restaurants around it. ing rapidly, expanding its trade with In 1912, it was a tough working Europe. There was abundant work in boxes in a cupboard at home. I had written books on the larger class community with many mi- quarries, factories, road and rail conquestion of Maltese migration to grants. Back then, the wharves were struction, and on the wharves. Australia and had an understand- booming, employing hundreds of The Maltese who settled in Wooling of the context for the Wool- labourers, sometimes running three loomooloo were pioneers of urban loomooloo community. I also knew shifts per day. migration. of print sources that would provide The houses were gas lit but comThere are patterns in history, but factual information. But what oral fortable and, in some ways, similar within the patterns are multitudes history could provide went to a dif- to those in Malta: double-storeyed, of individual stories. ferent, deeper, level entirely. bedrooms upstairs, dining area The fathers of both women made In my cassette collection were in- downstairs, no front yard, steps the voyage to Australia on their terviews with two women who mi- leading to the pavement. As in own, with a view to testing the congrated from Malta to Malta, this allowed individuals to sit ditions and bringing out their famiWoolloomooloo with their mothers out the front after work and chat lies later on. in 1913 and 1914. Both had grown with passers-by. John Farrugia made the move in up there, as part of the wharf comJean Rizzo and Christina Farrugia 1911 and did well as a diver on the munity. I recorded Christina Couch both hailed from dock towns in wharf project. When he sent for his (nee Farrugia) and Jean Barrett (nee Malta’s Grand Harbour. Jean’s fa- family two years later, he had ready Rizzo) in Sydney in 1984 when they ther, Joseph, was a dockyard worker for them a rented house in Plunkett were aged in their 70s. while Christina’s was a deep-sea Street, a few minutes’ walk from the As I located the cassettes and dusted diver. wharves. them off, it suddenly struck me: the It is likely that Christina’s father Jean’s father, Joseph, obtained a two interviews represent voices of mi- had worked on the construction of ‘working passage’ on a boat in 1912 gration a hundred years ago! Malta’s Breakwater - a major project and initially laboured on road conThe subjective accounts of daily life lasting from 1903 to 1909 – and his struction around Mount Lyell, Tasbefore moving to in Woolloomooloo, in the rectangle skills were in demand in Sydney mania, of streets pushing 500 metres back when the huge wharf was being Woolloomooloo, where he worked from the bay, is unique and price- built at Woolloomooloo 1911-1915. on the wharves and arranged pasless. Had the recordings not been Christina recalls him later working sage for his wife and two-year-old made, the individual memories on the pylons of the Sydney Har- Jean in 1914. would have been lost; though I wish bour Bridge when it was being built. The ‘pull’ of Australia was its rep*Continued on page 7 to point out that my friend and fel-
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday April 12, 2016
A very tight-knit community
*from page 6 A few hundred Maltese worked at Mount Lyell when he was there but many gradually headed north, in part because the wet, cold conditions on Tasmania’s north-west coast were so different to the Mediterranean climate. When Jean and her mother disembarked at Sydney, Joe took them straight to the house he was renting in Nicholson Street, in the heart of the wharf community. Prior to that, he had boarded at the Farrugias’ place with a dozen or so other Maltese wharf workers. The Farrugias’ house attracted many new arrivals. As Christina recalled: “Any new people who came to Australia, friends would bring them to our place, and they were always made welcome … They’d bring their mandolins and we’d have real good old sing-song … and they’d talk about home and different ones would ask my mother to write a letter home because some of them couldn’t read or write.” The Maltese language was spoken and Maltese cuisine prepared. In the absence of refrigeration, rabbits and chooks were slaughtered fresh. One can imagine the streets of this quarter filled with the scent of baked macaroni and ‘stuffat tal-fenek’ (rabbit stew) and, in the evening, the sound of a mandolin or guitar being played by a Maltese wharf labourer, sitting on his doorstep. There would also have been a strong scent of horses, as there were ‘hundreds of them’, with some carriages drawn by eight horses. And of course, on a warm breezy night, there was the saline scent from the bay. Sometimes migrants suffer homesickness but, according to Jean, her parents were very satisfied at Woolloomooloo. Her mother, Katarina, had been a seamstress, sewing clothes for the Royal Navy in Malta. Her mother told her that life was very hard in Malta. Neither parent had any desire to return, and they never did.
The family felt ‘comfortable’, especially with extra income earned when Katarina started a sewing business from home. The community was a tight-knit one and Jean and Christina recalled at least four other Maltese families among their neighbours - the Carabotts, Cassars, Vassallos and Zahras. "We went to [St Mary’s
Jean Barrett (nee Rizzo) c. 1912 Cathedral] school with their children and we all grew up together’. There were also many single Maltese men who had to wait until after the War to bring out their families. Jean Barrett recalled: “(The Maltese) always used to stick together. You know what I mean? Go on picnics together. Down in Woolloomooloo there’d be no radio or television then so after ten, the men would go and sit out on a step or in the gutter and just talk there, and the women, when they had finished their tea business, they’d go out too but mostly you’d find all the men out there talking … it was always in Maltese!” There appears to have been a high level of class solidarity with ‘foreigners’ permitted to join the Wharf Labourers Union. The community was ethnically diverse: Maltese wharfies lived alongside the Australian-born, English migrants and Italian fishermen. Neither woman felt they were ever discriminated against while growing up in Woolloomooloo. On the contrary, both speak highly of their Australian neighbours. According to Jean: "We had no trouble with them at all, the Australians. My mother mixed up well with them. My father did too, with the men on the wharf. And I did at work too. But I will say there were some people who used to complain."
Both women married Maltese men in Sydney. In 1927, Jean married a Maltese by the name of Harry Barrett from her hometown, Senglea, and Christina married Charles Cauchi from Sliema in 1930. Christina’s husband changed his surname from Cauchi (pronounced ‘Cow-key’) to Couch in order to avoid discrimination in employment. Christina’s brothers in Sydney also changed their surnames: from Farrugia to Ferguson. The practice of changing Maltese surnames to English or Scottish ones interests me because in 1947 my Maltese father, Loreto, changed his surname from Meilak (pronounced ‘May-lak’) to York for similar assimilationist reasons. The interviews capture some of the Maltese culture of that era. As a small island with a few dozen common surnames, nicknames developed as a way of differentiating people with the same names. Christina recalled her father’s nickname was ‘Ganni l-Bug˙addas’, which means ‘Johnny the deep sea diver’. Thus her dad could be distinguished from any other John Farrugia by reference to his occupation. Both women sound very Australian and Christina self-identified as Australian. Jean regarded herself as Maltese but added ‘I’ve been here a long time’. She still spoke Maltese at the local club where she liked to play bingo with other Maltese women. The Library has digitised the two interviews and they are scheduled to go online. When that happens, people anywhere in the world with access to the Internet will be able to experience this particular aspect of history, of century-old migration to Australia, through listening to the individual voices of those who lived it. This article was first published in THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA MAGAZINE (March 2016)
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Ótie©a li l-Kunsill tal-Maltin i˙ejji ru˙u g˙al-laqg˙a ta’ Malta f’Mejju
Mark Caruana minn Blacktown NSW, jikteb:
a˙seb li wasal iΩ-Ωmien biex l-individwi fuq il-Kunsill g˙all-Maltin ta’ Barra jikkuntattjaw lill-Maltese Community Councils fl-istati rispettivi tag˙hom, biex flimkien i˙ejju lista ta’ punti g˙addiskussjoni fil-laqg˙a li jmiss tal-Kunsill g˙all-Maltin ta’ Barra g˙all-2016 .
Il-Kunsilli Maltin fl-Awstralja huma g˙aqdiet mwaqqfa snin ilu biex iressqu l-˙ti©iejiet tal-Maltin mal-Gvern ta’ Malta billi j˙addnu g˙add ta’ g˙aqdiet Maltin affilljati mag˙hom. Anke l-Gwern Awstraljan, meta j˙oss il-bΩonn li jisma’ l-fehmiet tal-komunita`, ifittex g˙aqdiet li huma peak bodies tal-komunita` u jikkonsulta mag˙hom.
Commending Andy Busuttil’s efforts Emanuel Vella from Seven Hills NSW writes: I am very keen on history and since leaving Malta over four decades ago I became even more interested in the history that shaped the Maltese islands. Therefore Andy Busuttil’s articles in the last two issues of The Voice of the Maltese really quenched my thirst about my homeland, especially the period when the Knights of St John administered Malta, and in particular when La Valette was Grand Master. During my schooldays I was always intrigued with this leader. Whenever our teacher - bless his soul - talked to us about Malta’s historic achievements all the class used to listen attentively to when he touched on the period when La Valette was, what I always considered to be the Commander in Chief during the Great Siege of 1565 as he led the knights’ defence of Malta to victory over the Ottomans who tried to invade Malta.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
I myself come from Valletta and La Valette’s decision to build the Maltese capital, 450 years ago made us even more aware and proud of this man. Therefore I agree with Mr. Busuttil’s suggestion to the Maltese government to negotiate the twining, or sisterhood between La Valette’s birthplace, Toulouse and Malta’s capital. Finally I wish to express my pride that somebody like Mr. Busuttil, who has lived most of his life in Australia loves Malta enough to get out of his way to do such research.
Il-vot ‘Malti’ u a˙na l-emigranti
Harry Calleja minn St Albans, Victoria jikteb:
inn Ωmien g˙al Ωmien tqum il-kwestjoni bejnet il-komunita’ Maltija-Awstraljana M dwar jekk a˙na l-Maltin li ng˙ixu f’din ilgΩira kontinent g˙andniex ninghataw id-dritt li nivvotu fl-elezzjonijiet ©enerali ta’ Malta. A˙na fl-Awstralja , u o˙rajn li b˙alna emigraw lejn pajjiΩi o˙ra, b˙ala çittadini tal-pajjiΩ li ng˙ixu fih ingawdu minn dak kollu li joffri l-pajjiΩ. Óafna minna wkoll a˙na xxurtjati li ng˙atajna l-jedd li permezz tal-passaport Malti nibqg˙u nsej˙u lilna nfusna Maltin u çittadini wkoll ta’ art twelidna. IΩda nistag˙©eb nisma’ lil min minbarra dan kollu jrid ukoll il-vot biex jiddeçiedi xi gvern g˙andu jkollhom il-Maltin li jg˙ixu Malta. Anke jekk hemm xi pajjiΩi li jippermettuh dan, imma dawn huma kbar ˙afna mxebb˙a ma’ Malta. Ma jkunx ©ust li l-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra g˙ax g˙aΩlu huma, jiddettaw lil min jg˙ix f’Malta xi gvern g˙andu jkollhom. Dan g˙ax f’Malta l-popolazzjoni hi Ωg˙ira, u l-g˙add ta’ dawk li jg˙ixu barra hu kbir g˙alhekk, min˙abba li elezzjoni tintreba˙ bi ftit ma©©oranza ta’ voti jistg˙u jinfluwenzaw lil min imexxi.
Tuesday April 12, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 9
A landmark at Roxburgh, Victoria
efore the Roxburgh Hotel opened more than a dozen years ago, architects designed a bold façade to cleverly wrap all indoor spaces. In the process, they created a neighbourhood landmark. The family Scerri that runs this hotel is originally from Óamrun, Malta where they were proprietors of a pharmacy on High Street. Large and light-filled, the recently make-over interior areas of the Hotel succeed in their focus on customer comfort, and the modern pub approach to service delivery meets the need of locals and visitors very well, says manager Joe Scerri. The huge bistro takes a family and budget-friendly approach to food served in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The chefs flame up the giant wok in the open kitchen and wood-fired oven rolls out all the crispy pizza classics. It adds a bit of theatre and diners can see it’s freshly prepared. A cover charge per person gets one an all-you-can eat buffet with an international influence.
Fred Scerri (extreme left) the owner next to the head chef, Max, and the friendly staff at the Roxburgh Park Hotel Joe Scerri told The Voice: “We have Asian stir-fries from the wok, roasts, a hot and cold see food selection, garden salads and indulgent desserts. No one leaves here unhappy or hungry, that’s for sure. “Its’ not only the buffet that does international. Our crew comes from different cultures, which is great. Many of our customers are also from a culturally diverse base, and it’s a happy thing for us and the whole community, It’s a top place to work and play,” he added. A rather elegant fully licensed lounge bar that has an extensive selection of wine and spirits, is the spot for a pre-dinner or lunch catch-up, or just somewhere to kick back away from the buzz. Enjoy a cocktail, a furphy beer (among five coldies or tap) or choose another tipple. Kids have a playground, and smokers have a snazzy new retreat lounge to light up away from it all. Want to know more? Take a virtual tour of the whole place on line at This hotel, that sponsors our magazine is highly recommended to our readers.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
Trump, jew il-limitu tad-demokrazija
˙al dan l-a˙˙ar xhur, kont qed in˙ares b'kurΩità, u ta˙lita ta' meraviljar u skantament g˙allpantomima ta' din is-sena fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika, fejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti l-kbar qed jag˙Ωlu l-persuna li se jinnominaw fl-elezzjoni ta’ Novembru biex jie˙u post il-President Amerikan ta’ b˙alissa Barack Obama. Kull ©irja g˙an-nominazzjoni tipprovdi l-ispettaklu u l-personalitajiet tag˙ha, imma l-©lieda tal-Partit Repubblikan ta' din is-sena tidher li hi straordinarja. Din qed ti©i ddominata minn Donald Trump, intraprenditur fil-proprjetà fost l-o˙rajn, awtur u preΩentatur fuq it-televiΩjoni, bniedem g˙ani ˙afna g˙alkemm mhux mag˙ruf bi preçiΩjoni b'kemm. Imma huwa dak li qal matul il-kampanja g˙an-nomina li ©abli g˙ajnejja wara widnejja. Fil-bidu tal-kampanja l-veduti tieg˙u fuq popli s˙a˙ ˙ar©u fil-bera˙. Fuq ilMessikani, kellu l-istqarrija li dawn imorru l-Istati Uniti jistupraw u joqtlu, u li l-gvern Messikani qed 'jibg˙at' innies il-˙Ωiena.1 Fuq il-Musulmani jrid li l-immigrazzjoni tag˙hom titwaqqaf kompletament.2 Is-Sur Trump kien qed juri l-istil li bih jitkellem, fejn ipo©©i lil kul˙add f'keffa wa˙da. Is-Sur Trump ma qag˙adx lura milli jifta˙ar, ming˙ajr wisq sottilezzi, dwar il-kobor tal-membru maskili tieg˙u, u dan waqt dibattitu televiΩiv nazzjonali.3 Iktar reçentement iddikjara li l-Istati Uniti g˙andha ter©a` dda˙˙al is-sistema tat-tortura tal-waterboarding u anke ag˙ar.4 Ja˙seb li iktar pajjiΩi b˙all-Ìappun u l-Korea t'Isfel g˙andu jkollhom bombi nukleari5. Fl-a˙˙arnett, fuq il-politika internazzjonali, stqarr li jikkonsulta mieg˙u innifsu, g˙ax g˙andu mo˙˙u tajjeb u qal ˙afna affarijiet.6 Ma nistax nifhem b'liema serjetà dan l-idjota jistenna li jittie˙ed. Jien g˙alkemm nitrieg˙ed nisimg˙u jg˙id l-idejat estremi tieg˙u u nimma©ina l-impatt tag˙hom fuq id-dinja kieku kellhom isiru l-politika tal-iktar pajjiΩ b'sa˙˙tu ekonomikament u militarment, li jbeΩΩag˙ni hu li g˙andu appo©© sostanzjali mill-votanti Repubblikani. Fil-fatt, jinsab quddiem nett fit-tellieqa g˙an-nominazzjoni talPartit Repubblikan. Huwa segwit fil-qrib minn Ted Cruz wara li kwaΩi l-kanditati l-o˙ra kollha çedew. Sa ftit tal-jiem ilu 80% ta' dawk li jikkunsidraw lilhom infushom Repubblikani qalu li jistennew li s-Sur Trump se jkun il-persuna nominata g˙alkemm dan illivell ta' stennija jidher li qed jonqos.7 Din il-persuna g˙andha çans tajjeb li tispiçça President Amerikan, b'subajha fuq il-buttuna tal-armamenti nukleari sostanzjali li g˙andu l-pajjiΩ. Jekk dan fil-fatt ise˙˙x jew le, wie˙ed jistenna u jara. Jien g˙andi fiduçja li l-poplu Amerikan fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar jag˙raf irriskji kbar li s-Sur Trump i©ib mhux biss lil pajjiΩu imma liddinja kollha. Madankollu, din is-sitwazzjoni hija xhieda tal-konsegwenzi possibbli tad-demokrazija, fejn din il-persuna ©iet li qed tirrappreΩenta lil dawk li j˙ossuhom eskluΩi mill-proçess politiku Amerikan, li jqisu li dawk li suppost qed jirrappreΩentawhom filfatt jirrappreΩentaw interessi o˙ra.
Donald Trump Dan fil-fatt huwa proçess le©ittimu. Il-problema hi, min se jlum lil min qed jitfa l-vot? U wara kollox, x'g˙aΩla g˙andhom? U x'g˙aΩla g˙andna a˙na fl-elezzjonijiet tag˙na madwar iddinja? Komdi b'dawk il-membri li jirrappreΩentawna? Fil-fatt, nafu x'ja˙sbu l-kandidati li jkollna fuq il-karta tal-vot fuq it-tali su©©ett jew ie˙or, verament? U fil-fatt, wara li jkunu eletti huma liberi li jiddeçiedu skont ilkuxjenza tag˙hom, jew iridu jivvutaw skont il-frosta li ççaqçaq tal-partit? U a˙na, liem wa˙da nippreferu? Din hija l-problema fundamentali tad-demokrazija, almenu kif naraha jien. Ma narax rappreΩentanza vera tal-veduti tal-poplu, u g˙alhekk nifhem g˙aliex ˙afna nies i˙ossuhom tant aljenati mill-proçess politiku, u din smajtha hawn l-Awstralja, f'Malta, lIstati Uniti u postijijet o˙rajn. Il-problema hi, x'inhi l-alternattiva? Fit-teorija, dittatura benevolenti hija superjuri, imma min se jag˙Ωel lid-dittatur? Óafna drabi jpo©©i lilu nnifsu hemm, u wie˙ed jistenna li jag˙mel dan g˙al ra©unijiet mhux neçessarjament popolari, u li diffiçli jitne˙˙a ladarba jkun hemm. Allura x'inhi l-a˙jar sistema? Id-demokrazija talinqas tiΩgura li ttmexxija tinbidel wara ftit taΩ-Ωmien. Imma l-perikli potenzjali tag˙ha qed ji©u mpin©ija quddiem g˙ajnejna, u jekk ir-riskji jse˙˙u, min jaf x'jista' ji©ri! Nispera li l-Amerikani jag˙Ωlu bil-g˙aqal! Referenzi 1., retrieved 2/4/2016 2., retrieved 2/4/2016 3., retrieved 2/4/2016 4., retrieved 2/4/2016 5., retrieved 2/4/2016 6., retrieved 2/4/2016 7. ge, retrieved 2/4/4016
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Il-‘Marching Out’ tal-BormliΩi
l-img˙oddi l-Banda San Ìor© ta’ Bormla kienet torganizza l-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l‘Marching Out’. Dan kien mod ta’ divertiment li l-banda kienet tie˙u sehem fih (g˙alkemm f’mod mhux uffiçjali). Sirt naf dwar dan wara li kont sibt artiklu dwar hekk. Ma nafx min kitbu, iΩda na˙seb li hu kitba tal-mibki imma Ωgur li qatt minsi, Charles Clews, komiku mill-aqwa mill-Isla. Se naqsam din l-esperjenza sabi˙a mag˙kom il-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese biex hekk insegwu mod ie˙or ta’ divertiment li missirijietna kienu jafu jorganizzaw fl-img˙oddi. Fl-artiklu jing˙ad li nies ˙bieb kienu jitilqu bil-mixi minn Bormla, lejn Wied il-G˙ajn, imorru sar-ramla ta’ San Tumas ta˙t iΩ-Ûejtun, u jieklu u jixorbu dak li jkunu ˙adu mag˙hom fil-barΩakka li kienu j©orru fuq daharhom. Ìieli kienu jmorru wkoll Dellimara u hemm jag˙mlu l-ikla ta’ nofsinhar. Kienu jie˙du mag˙hom ilbanda. Imma na˙seb li hawn kienu jmorru biss dawk il-bandisti li forsi kienu l-aktar avventuriΩi, biex ng˙id hekk u mhux b˙ala servizz obbligatorju tal-banda. L-g˙add ta’ bandisti kien ikun ©mielu. Mag˙hom kienu jing˙aqdu ç-çirimelli, li na˙seb ˙afna jiftakru kemm kienet mag˙rufa g˙aç-çirimelli Bormla. Kienu jie˙du sehem ukoll muΩiçisti mill-Boy Scouts.
PeterPaulCiantar G˙alhekk qed ng˙id li ma kinetx tkun il-Banda San Ìor© uffiçjali. Kif wie˙ed jistenna, il-mixja ma kinetx wa˙da qasira, b’danakollu lbandisti kienu jridu mhux biss jimxu imma wkoll idoqqu t-triq kollha. Hu g˙alhekk li g˙edt li filfehma tieg˙i kienu jmorru dawk ilbandisti li kienu l-aktar li j˙obbu l-avventura. L-ilbies ukoll, ma kienx ikun wie˙ed ta’ kafkaf. Fil-fatt, wara li lartikolista eΩamina r-ritratt mibg˙ut lilu minn Joseph Pavia minn Bormla (ritratt tal-‘Marching Out’ tal-BormliΩi fl-1919 li qed jidher mal-artiklu) jara li dawk li kienu jie˙du sehem f’din l-attività kienu bl-ingravata, bis-sidrija u wkoll billobbja jew bil-berritta. Fl-istess artiklu jing˙ad li ˙abib tieg˙u kien qallu li malli kienu jaslu ÓaΩ-Ûabbar, il-©emg˙a kienet tiΩdied ferm g˙ax kien ikun hemm min
jie˙u gost imur mag˙hom jisma’ lmarçi tal-banda u jie˙u sehem fittba˙rid li kien isir. Mhux wie˙ed jew tnejn kienu jΩidu mal-brijju billi jixorbu xi qatra Ωejda fix-xalata. Naturalment, wara dan il-‘Marching Out’ ˙alli g˙alihom ˙afna minn dawk li jkunu ˙adu sehem joqog˙du jaraw kif se jikkuraw l-infafet li jkunu trabbew mas-swaba’ u mal-qieg˙ ta’ ri©lejhom ka©un talmixja. Din kienet tkun ©urnata s˙i˙a g˙aliex kienu jid˙lu lura Bormla ma’ nΩul ix-xemx minn qrib Verdala, bil-palm f’idejhom, g˙ajjenin imma fer˙anin. Il-‘Marching Out’ tal-BormliΩi dam isir mhux ˙aΩin, iΩda mbag˙ad inqata’ g˙al kollox fl-1921. Ta˙t: Il-Marching Out tal-BormliΩi, ritratt tal-1919 riprodott mill-gazzetta Maltija, It-Torca
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Konrad Mizzi explains his position, gets standing ovation at LP Conference
n April 3, a consortium of journalists, the ICIJ revealed documents covering a period of 38 years, from 1977, from the Panama-based company Mossack Fonseca that show how people from around the world have offshore holdings. They were leaked to more than 100 news organisations around the world in cooperation. In total they included over 140 public officials, politicians and even sport people. There are 11.5 million leaked documents tied to Mossack Fonseca, that in the wake of the leak has denied any wrongdoing with founder Ramon Fonseca saying that the firm had suffered a “limited hack”. As the reporters working on the so-called Panama Papers are careful to note, there are a number of legitimate reasons to have offshore holdings, but allege, that the documents clearly show a number of instances in which there is the appearance of corruption, tax evasion and money laundering. Among the prominent figures listed in the documents are Iceland’s PM Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko. British PM David Cameron, and Russian President Vladimir Putin are also connected to the leak through associates or family members. Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi is also listed. Minister Konrad Mizzi was the only Maltese politician named. However, about a month before the publication of the Papers, after leaked information Malta’s Energy and Health Minister had already faced accusations from the opposition and some of the media. He came clear early about his assets in a press conference, saying he had been honest throughout. He said he owed a trust and a company that he set last year and pointed them out in his assets declaration. He said the trust and the company had clear but different objectives. “The trust deed is available publicly, you can review it as you had done beforehand.” He said he has been faithful and correct throughout. After the publication of the Papers, Mizzi said they confirmed the information he had previously given. It had confirmed that his was a family trust and New Zealand was an OECD country obliged to give information to the tax authorities. He said the purpose of the trust was estate management for his family. It was intended for his children. He was advised and thought that it was the best thing to do for
Opposition moves vote of no confidence motion he government faces a no confidence vote this week following a motion by T the Opposition. After NP leader Simon
Minister Konrad Mizzi the interest of his family. He insisted he never opened a bank account or filled an application for a bank account, although a bank account would have been needed had he disposed of his property which, he stressed, was not under a loan. He was adamant that in the end he would be vindicated. In the meantime he has opened three libel suits against The Times of Malta and The Malta Independent.
Busuttil announced that his party would be presenting the vote, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said he noted the motion and proposed it to be discussed this week. Parliament will discuss it on Monday April 17. Busuttil said he was moving for the vote in the wake of revelations from the Panama Papers leak, that has embroiled energy minister Konrad Mizzi and the prime minister's chief of staff Keith Schembri. Addressing a press conference Busuttil, who on Sunday also led a demonstration – the second in a few weeks – this time outside the PM’s Office in Castille in which he called for the sacking of Mizzi and Schembri, he pointed out that he was not seeking an early election, but calling for the resignation of the prime minister, who, he said, is incapable of governing the country.
Joseph Muscat would only decide Minister’s fate after investigation
eanwhile, when he addressed the Labour Party’s annual general conference for the first time as deputy leader for party affairs, amid standing ovations and rapturous applause, Konrad Mizzi said he was serene and happy. He refuted suggestions (as he has been doing all along) that he had committed anything wrong by opening an offshore account. He told delegates that part of him tells him I have done nothing wrong. “I am looking out for my family, in a legal and declared way. But out there, I am saying anger. We cannot ignore it and we have to address it.” He said he thought the offshore trust in New Zealand and company in Panama was the right thing to do, to manage his UK property. He declared he never had any ulterior reasons. “I showed the prime minister what I had in my draft declaration, I had no bank accounts or money [in this company].” During his short speech he did not divulge his future plans. “Simon Busuttil can question my decisions, but not alleged wrongdoing on my part or corruption. I don’t accept that,” he said. Agreeing with what the Prime Minister has been saying, that if he found out that Mizzi and his chief of staff were not telling the truth, both would be sacked, Mizzi told the conference, “I feel that the Prime Minister has to take a decision, and can consider any such decision as he deems fit.” He would accept any decision. Dr. Muscat has been under pressure by the
opposition and some of the media to sack Mizzi and Schembri (who opened an offshore Panama company and offshore trust in New Zealand at the same time as Mizzi). Dr. Muscat had earlier noted that more than 600 companies from Malta were mentioned in the Panama Papers. He said that the most important thing was the independent audit that was currently underway, while the Commissioner of Inland Revenue would be seeking information from Panama and the International Consortium of Journalists about the Maltese people involved, including Mizzi and Schembri. He said their involvement did not mean they were breaking the law, but investigations would be held. Minister Mizzi was mentioned in the Papers but the information given showed that he had been saying the truth, Dr Muscat said. Nonetheless, an independent audit was also being made to ascertain what, if any funds were in the Panama company. The same was being done with regards to his chief of staff Keith Schembri. He said that in both cases, the Papers did not mention any deposits, in contrast to other people. However if it resulted that they had not been telling the truth and funds had been deposited, both Dr Mizzi and Mr Schembri would be removed from their posts immediately. Dr Muscat said he would only decide once investigations were completed. But he would not allow this case to detract from the achievements of this government
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta On a radio programme, President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca expressed concern at the current poPresident appeals litical situation and appealed to politicians to restrain themselves in their heated arguments. She advised they should safeguard the achievements acquired during the years and help to continue to to politicians to strengthen them. Her appeal found the support of the Archbishop and the Bishop of Gozo. She added that it doesn’t matter if we don’t agree between ourselves but arguments should be derestrain themselves livered in a dignified manner. She said one has to appreciate the differenc in opinions and that in their arguments democracy can be strengthened and grow when the Maltese people movee forward in unity.
Malta hosts Mediterraean Leadership Summit
he Economist Events, a branch of The Economist magazine, in collaboration with the GovT ernment of Malta is to organise the Mediterranean Leadership Summit in Malta April 28-29 with the participation of 150 delegates from 23 countries (including 10 from the Mediterranean). The Summit is being held at a most crucial time, whereby the countries of the Mediterranean are being called upon to share their leadership strategy and vision for stability, growth and competitiveness in the region. The head of the unit, Chris Munz, who addressed a news conference with Economy Minister Chris Cardona, said that among the attendees would also be representatives from global giants like Siemens and Ericson, the International Organisation of the World Bank and the International Organisation of Tourism. Malta’s Prime Minister, Dr Joseph Muscat, heads of state from the region and Lord Ashdown have been confirmed as among the speakers at the Summit.
Nationalist MP quits political career after only three years hree years into the current legislature, T cardiac surgeon Albert
Fenech (right) has decided to end his political career as a Nationalist MP. He resigned his post due to his commitments in his new role as head of a new cardiology hospital as part of a €200 million investment project into St Luke’s, Karin Grech Hospital and the Gozo Hospital by Singapore-based Vitalis Global Healthcare. In his resignation letter to the NP leader Simon Busuttil, Fenech, who won his parliamentary seat from the
Another Positive Rating redit rating agency Dominion Bond C Rating Service, DBRS has confirmed Malta’s rating as ‘A’, that the government
said, confirms not only Malta’s long-term foreign and local currency issuer high ratings and the short-term foreign and local currency issuer ratings at R-1 (low), but also re-affirms a Stable trend on all ratings. DBRS acknowledged the strong economic growth recorded in 2015 supported by domestic demand, which in turn is fuelled by robust increases in private consumption and investment. It further acknowledges that the reductions in the personal income tax coupled with favourable labour market conditions supported private consumption, while invest-
ment was boosted by the large-scale investment projects such as the construction of the new gas power plant. On the fiscal front, DBRS states that “important improvements in fiscal management are in progress, after weak fiscal performances in the past” while, “Public expenditure overruns and weak internal controls have been common.” It positively notes that the measures undertaken in line with the European Stability and Growth Pact have enhanced fiscal institutions, and the budget deficit has declined. DBRS also notes how the Government strengthened the overall fiscal framework by adopting the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
Reports ‘Found and Lost’ youths activity generates some €8 million in economy
o-called Lost and Found parties during the weekend of April1-3 that attracted over 8,000 youths mostly from the UK, met positive reaction from business outlets as it generated some €8 million in Malta’s economy, particularly in the Bugibba area, but also in Rabat and Ta’ Qali. In a statement, the General Retailers and Traders Union, GRTU said it supported such events in the shoulder months, while its members expressed their satisfaction for such an initiative. Business was brisk and it has been estimated
that each person attending the three-day event spent an average of €1000, while hotels in the area were full to the brim. As one would expect, there have also been some complaints from residents who took exception to the noise and littering with the Cleansing Directorate reportedly collecting about 15tons of waste, mostly bottles and containers at the end of the activity. Some drug abuse was also reported and about 77 youths mostly British were arraigned to court for possession of drugs and fined.
tenth district in the 2013 in a casual election, said that to maintain his manual skills until the new hospital opens, would entail him to travel abroad. It was therefore best for him to relinquish his parliamentary seat as his travels iwould interfere with his parliamentary attendance His new job would require him to advise and participate on collaboration projects with Georgia and Slovakia, entailing a considerable amount of travel. Albert Fenech would be in charge of the project, an investment that Opposition leader Busuttil has harshly criticised. However, the cardiologist denied that his resignation from the party was the result of a conflict of interest. He has been replaced by Karl Gouder who was been co-opted by his party. For Gouder this would be the second time he is serving as an MP
Faulty defects at Mater Dei will cost €150 million of taxpayers money to repair
he cost of repairing parts of the strucT turial defects resulting from faulty concrete used in the construction of the Mater Dei Hospital will costa staggering €150 million because a recently concluded detailed survey found that the problem of poor concrete extended beyond the Casualty Department. Other sections of the hospital have also been affected. In a meeting with journalists, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat revealed that the survey, conducted by the multinational engineering consultancy company, Arup that was commissioned to take X-rays and make the report, determined that the poor concrete extended beyond the Accident and Emergency Department. He said discussions with Swedish contractors Skanska and the Swedish government over the state of concrete foundations were ongoing and were “in the hands of lawyers,” and that repair works would be carried out according to urgency with the priority being to ensure there was no danger to patients, staff and visitors.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Zammit v Azzopardi Min g˙andu ra©un?
kont avukat anzjan li tkellimna mieg˙u, “Il-Qrati Maltin jittrattaw mijiet ta’ kaΩijiet dwar malafama, u kull min isegwi jaf li ˙add minn dawk li nstabu ˙atja qatt ing˙ata sentenza ta’ ˙abs. G˙alhekk hija es©erazzjoni li xi ˙add jg˙id li jekk nhar il-15 ta’ April, Jason Azzopardi jinstab ˙ati ta’ in©urja filkonfront tal-eks kummissarju talpulizija Dr. Peter Paul Zammit jista’ jinntbag˙at tlett xhur ˙abs.” Qed ng˙idu g˙all-kawΩa li b˙ala çittadin Zammit, feta˙ kontra lmembru parlamentari Nazzjonalista Dr. Jason Azzopardi wara li ˙assu n©urjat bli qal dwary f’konferenza tal-a˙barijiet fl-2015. Il-kawΩa nstemg˙et l-Erbg˙a li g˙adda u l-ma©istrat ˙alliha g˙assentenza nhar il-Ìimg˙a. Qabel din instemg˙et, il-kap tal-PN Simon Busuttil sejja˙ lill-paritarji jin©emg˙u ˙dejn il-Qorti b’solidarjeta` ma’ Azzopardi. Hekk g˙amlu. Barra l-Qorti qamet kommozzjoni li tulha xi ©urnalisti tal-istazzjon One sfaw attakkati waqt il-qadi ta’ dmirhom. Kienet xi ˙a©a li anke ©abet il-kundanna tal-Istitut tal-Ìurnalisti Maltin. Fil-Qorti Azzopardi qal li qal dwar Zammit wara li qara rapport dwaru f’gazzetta. Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-eks kummissarju qal li kien ipprova li jasal g˙al ftehim amikevoli u anke ltaqa’ ma’ Azzopardi imma kollox baqa’ kif kien. Zammit qal ukoll lill-ma©istrat li min-na˙a tieg˙u ma feta˙x il-kawΩa biex Jason Azzopardi ji©i kkastigat imma biss li l-membru Parlamentari jiskuΩa ru˙u ta’ dak li qal dwaru u ˙assu n©urjat bih.
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Se n©elldu lill-Ewropa? I
l-©lied bil-kliem u l-kitba li g˙andna f’Malta dwar il-politika hija mag˙rufa sewwa. IΩda jidher li l-partiti politiçi Maltin issa qed jirnexxielhom jesportaw din irrivalita’ lejn l-Unjoni Ewropea wkoll. Dan ˙are© çar dan l-a˙˙ar meta qamet ilkwestjoni tal-libel kriminali kontra d-deputat Nazzjonalist Dr Jason Azzopardi li ©ie mressaq il-Qorti mill-pulizija fuq talba tal-eksKummissarju tal-Pulizija, Dr. Peter Paul Zammit li ˙assu n©urjat minn kliem li qal dwaru l-kelliemi Nazzjonalista waqt konferenza tal-a˙barijiet. Skont il-mexxej Nazzjonalista, Dr Simon Busuttil dan il-pass kien attentat faxxista minna˙a tal-Gvern Laburista biex jipprova jag˙laq ˙alq il-Partit Nazzjonalista. Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-Prim Ministru, Dr Joseph Muscat sa˙aq li l-Gvern ma kellu x’jaqsam xejn mal-kawΩa, li saret minn ndividwu fuq baΩi personali, g˙ax il-Gvern ma jinda˙alx lillpulizija lil min iressqu l-Qorti. Imma kif ji©ri s-soltu d-diskussjoni flistampa, ir-radju u t-televiΩjoni xeg˙let sewwa b’kul˙add jg˙id tieg˙u. Sintendi ˙afna kkwotaw dak li qal il-mexxej Nazzjonalista u akkuΩaw lill-Gvern li kien qed jag˙mel minn kollox biex isodd ˙alq l-OppoΩizzjoni. Kien hemm imbag˙ad dawk li sostnew li l-li©i qeg˙da g˙al kul˙add u allura jekk il-pulizija ©iet mitluba tie˙du passi kontra xi persuna, anke jekk hu deputat parlamentari, g˙andha timxi mal-li©i. Kien hemm dawk li fakkru li fi Ωmien Gvern Nazzjonalista kien hemm nies prominenti filkamp Nazzjonalista fosthom l-istess mexxej Nazzjonalista li g˙amel libelli kriminali kontra nies prominenti fil-kamp Laburista, fosthom id-deputati Laburisti Evarist Bartolo u Joe Mizzi. Imma wara kollox dawn il-battibekki wie˙ed kien jistennihom. Li ma kienx mistenni li dwar din il-kwestjoni jinda˙lu l-partiti politiçi tal-UE.
Bdejna biex qrajna kif Manfred Weber, iç-çermen tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew, li jag˙mlu parti minnu l-Partit Nazzjonalista Malti, sostna li bil-passi li qed jie˙u l-Gvern Malti kontra Azzopardi, qed iwassal biex id-demokrazija f'Malta tinsab ti©i mhedda. Ûied li “hemm limiti g˙al kemm dan il-Gvern Laburista jista' jibqa' sejjer fit-triq tal-poter ming˙ajr ma jag˙ti kas id-drittijiet tal-bniedem. Din hi xi ˙a©a inkredibbli li shadow minister tal-©ustizzja jittie˙ed il-Qorti g˙al xi ˙a©a li kien qal fil-kapaçità tieg˙u ta' shadow minister.” Dan Weber kompla jg˙id li ma kienx aççettabbli u l-EPP se jkunu qed jiddefendu liç-çittadini Maltin kontra dan il-Gvern. “Minn meta fl-Ewropa sirna ntellg˙u shadow minister ilQorti g˙al xi ˙a©a li qal, b'riskju li jintefa' tliet xhur ˙abs? Ejja ma nitmejlux bina nfusna, g˙ax wara dan kollu hemm il-Gvern ja©ixxi.” Mill-ewwel irrea©ixxa l-Partit Soçjalista u Demokratiku Ewropew, li affiljat mieg˙u hemm il-Partit Laburista Malti. Dan ikkundanna l-poΩizzjoni li ˙adu l-EPP permezz ta’ Weber . L-S&D sostna li l-poΩizzjoni li ˙a l-EPP hija inaççettabli u bbaΩata biss biex tisfrutta kaΩ li ©ie miftu˙ minn çittadin privat kontra membru parlamentari Nazzjonalista, b'detriment g˙al Malta u l-Gvern Malti. “Din hi tattika li qed tipprova timmina l-pajjiΩ g˙al gwadann politiku u l-S&D mhux se jaççetta dat-tip ta' tattika g˙aliex hu çar li l-intenzjoni talPN, li huwa membru tal-EPP, hi li jag˙mel sabuta©© fuq il-poΩizzjoni ta' Malta, l-aktar u l-aktar issa li qed toqrob il-Presidenza Maltija tal-UE.” Gianni Pittella, chairman tal-S&D qal li Manfred Weber, m'g˙andux ikun parti minn dawn “il-log˙biet pati©©jani” li l-PN qed jipprova jilg˙ab. Tg˙id ser jirnexxielna nesportaw il-pika ese©erata li g˙andna fost il-partiti politiçi Maltin lejn l-Unjoni Ewropeja wkoll?
Il-Maltin veru Lag˙ba?!!!! hux darba u tnejn qaluli li jekk tmur l-Awstralja u trid tiltaqa’ M mal-Maltin l-e˙fef ˙a©a li g˙andek tag˙mel hu li tmur filCasinos u l-postijiet tal-log˙ob.
G˙alkemm xi ftit tal-verita hemm, huwa ˙aΩin li wie˙ed jipprova jag˙mel dawk li l-IngliΩi jsejj˙u “sweeping statments” (li jitfg˙u lil kul˙add f’keffa wa˙da) li jistg˙u jitfg˙u ‘dell ikrah’ fuq il-komunitajiet Maltin li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja. Min-naha l-o˙ra ma nafx g˙aliex hemm min iqis Ωjarat f’dawn ilpostijiet b˙al ˙a©a ˙aΩina sakemm dak li jkun imur f’postijiet li huma legali u joqg˙od attent li jkun moderat fil-log˙ob. Fuq kollox hemm min jmur f’dawn il-postijiet b˙ala ˙ar©a u biex juΩa sservizzi tal-ikel u x-xorb tag˙hom. Jekk in˙arsu lejn dak li jse˙˙ f’Malta, ma tantx g˙andna biex niskantaw, g˙ax skont rapport li ˙ar©et l-Awtorita’ Maltija talLog˙ob, matul is-sena li g˙addiet intefqu €333 miljun f’log˙ob legali u dan ma jinkludix il-log˙ob fuq l-Internet, iΩda dak biss organizzat mill-Maltco (qabel id-Dipartiment tal-lottu: lottu, super
five, lotterji, etc), ˙wienet tal-log˙ob u swali tal-bingo. Sintendi, kieku wie˙ed kellu jΩid illog˙ob li jsir minn fuq l-Internet u dak klandestin, il-figura Ωgur li tispara ‘l fuq sewwa. U minn fuq il-log˙ob il-Gvern u l-ekonomija Maltija jgawdu sewwa. Attwalment din l-industrija (g˙ax anke l-log˙ob illum meqjus b˙ala ndustrija) qed tag˙ti kontributt dirett ta’ 9% flekonomija, figura li tista titla’ g˙al 12% jekk wie˙ed jinkludi wkoll id-d˙ul indirett. L-a˙bar it-tajba g˙al l-lag˙ba, tal-inqas dawk li jirb˙u hi, li minn €333 minfuqa, b’€255 miljun marru lura g˙and il-lag˙ba. U sintendi dawk li jorganizzaw il-log˙ob marru mhux ˙aΩin ukoll, g˙ax dawn baqg˙alhom fi bwiethom €78 miljun, g˙alkemm minn dawn iridu j˙allsu t-taxxi, il-pagi u xi spejjeΩ o˙ra.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
Il-Knisja fil-periklu? S
t˙arri© li sar dan l-a˙˙ar mill-gazzetta li to˙ro© darbtejn fil©img˙a, u hija wkoll online, il-Malatoday ( wera li minkejja li l-ma©©oranza assoluta ta-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin (89%) jistqarru li huma Kattoliçi, meta wie˙ed i˙ares lejn ittwe©ibiet li taw g˙al diversi mistoqsijiet jibda ji©i fid-dubju kemm tassew li hemm ma©©oranza li attwlament huma tassew Kattoliçi. G˙al çerti mistoqsijiet li sarulhom dwar çertu twemmin, dawn ˙ar©u biç-çar kontra t-tag˙lim tal-Knisja. U dan ming˙ajr ma wie˙ed joqg˙od jie˙u nkunsiderazzjoni l-fatt li kwaΩi nofs ilpopolazzjoni Maltija (94%) ma tmurx quddies fil-jiem tal-obbligu. Dan il-perçentwal jintla˙aq g˙ax il-ma©©oranza ta’ dawk ta’ aktar minn 55 sena (74% ) g˙adhom imorru l-quddies, filwaqt li l-ma©©oranza ta’ dawk ta’ inqas minn 35 sena (65%) ma jmorrux. Il-Knisja hija b’ru˙ha u ©isimha kontra l-ewtanasja (li wie˙ed ittemlu ˙ajtu g˙ax ikun qed ibati u m’hemmx çans li jfieq) u labort, iΩda minn dan l-ist˙arri© ˙are© li 53% tal-popolazzjoni taqbel mal-ewtanasja u dan il-persenta©© mistenni jikber ‘il quddiem meta wie˙ed iqis li 65% ta’ dawk bejn it-18 u l-35 sena jaqblu li tintemm il-˙ajja ta’ dawk li jixtiequ dan min˙abba li jkunu g˙addejjin minn tbatija kbira. Ma©©uranza kbira ta’ Maltin (77%) jaqblu mal-kontraçettivi, filwaqt li dawk li jaqblu mal-abort f’çertu çirkustanzi – per eΩempju l-istupru (rape) kulma jmur qed jikber - fl-2008 kien ta’ 20% u issa tela’ g˙al-31%. Interessanti l-fatt li filwaqt li 47% ta’ dawk li wie©bu g˙allist˙arri© qalu li l-Arçisqof Charles Scicluna huwa mexxej tajjeb, u kwaΩi d-doppju (93%) urew li j˙arsu lejn il-Papa Fran©isku b˙ala mexxej tassew kapaçi. Ir-riΩultat ta’ dan l-ist˙arri© g˙andu j˙asseb sewwa l-Knisja Maltija, g˙ax kif jg˙id Fr Rene Camilleri: “religion does not always and automatically lead to faith. Faith has its intimate aspect and personal touch. But unfortunately we are still investing more in religion and less in true faith which enhances the life of each and every individual, be it a Christian, a Muslim or whatever”.
Strada Stretta llum
Immorru Strada Stretta i tfulitna mhux talli ma konF niex immoru Strada Stretta, iΩda bilkemm konna nissugraw
insemmu l-isem ta’ din it-Triq.... li g˙al ˙afna kienet muqjusa b˙ala ‘t-Triq tad-dnub’, u li g˙al snin twal kienet iç-çentru ta’ divertiment g˙al ˙afna membri tasServizzi barranin, l-aktar il-ba˙rin IngliΩi, g˙alkemm xi Malti ‘l hawn u’l hinn kien imur jitba˙rad hemmhekk ukoll. Dan id-divertiment kien jo˙loq xi sold ukoll, u g˙add sabi˙ ta’ Maltin kienu jafu l-g˙ixien tag˙hom lil din it-triq. Telqu s-servizzi u bil-mod-il mod din it-Triq bdiet tmur lura sakemm spiççat triq mwarrba bil-˙afna ˙wienet tax-xorb u divertiment jag˙lqu l-bibien tag˙hom... u l-Maltin jg˙addu minn din it-triq ming˙ajr ebda ˙sieb li jsibu min jitkaΩa bihom. Insomma t-triq mietet mewta naturali. IΩda f’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin din ittriq re©g˙et ˙adet il-˙ajja. Re©g˙u tfaççaw il-˙wienet tax-
xorb u ristoranti ta’ livell g˙oli, u divertiment, u faççaw l-imwejjed u s-si©©ijiet fit-triq. Bdiet tinstema’ l-muΩika u n-nies tfaççat mill-©did anke fis-sieg˙at ta’ wara nΩul ix-xemx. Xi sold, jew a˙jar Ewro, beda jdur ukoll, u dan kollu wara li f’din it-triq sar xog˙ol ta’ tisbie˙, b’pavimentar ©did, dwal ©odda u xog˙ol ie˙or. U biex isir dan intefqu kwaΩi nofs miljun Ewro.
Ûieda ta’ 3% fl-impjiegi
l-a˙˙ar tlett xhur tas-sena li F g˙addiet l-impjiegi f’Malta Ωdiedu bi 3% meta mqabbel malistess tlett xhur tal-2014, u nofs il-popolazzjoni ta’ aktar minn 15-il sena kienet attiva fis-suq tax-xog˙ol bi qlieg˙. Skont l-ist˙arri©, li jsir kull tlett xhur mill-Uffiççju tal-Istatistika, l-NSU, f’Diçembru li g˙adda kien hemm mal-187,000 persuna ja˙dmu. Il-ma©©oranza tag˙hom, 158,000 kienu b’impjieg full time.
Óajja ©dida g˙as-swali afna bliet u r˙ula Maltin matul iΩÓ Ωmien kienu bnew swali fejn kumpaniji tat-teatrin kienu jag˙tu xi wirjiet
g˙an-nies tal-lokal. G˙al Ωmien twil dawn is-swali kien ikunu mballati bin-nies g˙al wirjiet li kienu jing˙ataw aktarx fi tmiem il-©img˙a. Dawn is-swali kienu ta’ siwi kbir mhux biss g˙ax kienu joffru sfog lill-massa, iΩda wkoll g˙ax kienu jxerrdu çerta kultura. Id-d˙ul taç-çinema, aktar u aktar meta bdew sa˙ansitra jinfet˙u ç-çinemas fl-ir˙ula, taw daqqa lil dawn is-swali, g˙alkemm u˙ud minn dawn bdew ukoll juru l-films. MaΩ-Ωmien dawn is-swali li wkoll konna nsibuhom tal-kappillan, tilfu l-importanza tag˙hom. Il-ftit li nΩammu beda jsir uΩu ie˙or minhom, fosthom g˙al-log˙ob tattombla.
Attwalment nistg˙u ng˙idu li f’dawn la˙˙ar snin il-wirjiet teatrali u çinemografiçi spiççaw ikkonçentrati fil-Belt Valetta. Sa˙ansitra is-swali taç-çinema fid-diversi bliet u r˙ula, fosthom f’tas-Sliema, fejn kien hemm erba’ jew ˙ames çinemas, g˙alqu u dawn issa jinsabu fil-Belt (Kumpless Embassy), f’Paceville (Eden Cinemas), Ra˙al Ìdid u r-Rabat, G˙awdex. IΩda skont rapport li deher f’The Times jidher li hemm çans tajjeb li dawk is-swali kwaΩi minsijin jie˙du ˙ajja ©dida billi g˙add ta’ bands (gruppi muΩikali u mhux baned) qed i˙arsu lejn dawn is-swali finnuqqas ta’ postijiet fejn dawn jistg˙u jag˙tu l-wirjiet tag˙hom. J’Alla dan jirnexxi g˙ax hija ˙asra li swali li tant taw kontribut g˙ad-divertiment u lkultura jibqg˙u mag˙luqin u bla siwi.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
NO to national ABCC
rime Minister Turnbull has threatened to hold a double dissolution election on July 2 if the Senate maintains its opposition to the Australian Building and Construction Commission Bill in this month’s parliamentary session. The bill, which aims to re-establish a Howard-era construction industry watchdog, has been used to attack Labor on union corruption after the Royal Commission into trade unions. The government needs the support of six of the eight-cross-
bench senators to pass the bill, with both Labor and the Greens opposed however, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has ruled out establishing a national anti-corruption body to help pass the government's ABCC bill. Whatever its merits, Mr Turnbull told Sky News, this was “quite separate and distinct” from the proposed bill: “If they want to have a federal ICAC, they should move a private members' bill in the normal way.”
Overseas-born Aussies hit a 120-year high
he data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics released recently revealed that the proportion of Australians born overseas has hit a 120-year high, including a near tripling over the past decade of the number of Australian residents born in India. People from Britain remained the largest group of overseas-born residents, forming 5.1 per cent of the Australian population, or 1.2 million people. This proportion has decreased slightly over the past decade. In 2015, more than 28 per cent of the population were born overseas, the largest proportion since 1895, according to the research released. The percentage has increased every year for the past 15 years. New Zealand-born residents make up the next largest group (2.6 per cent), followed by China (2 per cent), India (1.8 per cent) and the Philippines and Vietnam (both 1 per cent). The number of Australian residents born in India has almost tripled over the last 10 years to about 433,000. In the same period, residents born in China have more than doubled to almost 482,000 The percentage of Australian residents born overseas has increased every year for the past 15 years and in June last year, reached 28.2 per cent, or 6.7 million people. This is the highest rate since the late 1800s. ABS spokeswoman Beidar Cho said the increasing median age of Italian-born migrants - from 64.7 years in 2005 to 69.3
years in 2015 - reflected a drop in recent migration from that country. Conversely, the median age of Indian migrants had fallen in the same period from 37 to 33.4 years. Victoria was the top performer on interstate migration last financial year with a net gain of 10,200 people from other states and territories, compared to 8,800 the previous year. Queensland came in second with 6,400 interstate migrants, while NSW suffered a net loss of 6,600. This loss was a stark reduction in the 25,600 people who left NSW for interstate a decade earlier. NSW received the highest number of overseas migrants last financial year – 66,100 people. Tasmania received the lowest number, at 1000 people. Australia ranks fourth among OECD countries for the largest proportion of overseas-born residents, behind Luxembourg (43.7 per cent), Switzerland (28.3 per cent) and New Zealand (28.2 per cent) according to 2013 statistics from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Christian foundations any Australians imagine Christianity M to have little bearing on the modern world and economy. But according to author Roy Williams: “It is a fact of history that Australia would not exist in anything like the form it does but for Judaeo-Christianity”. In his latest book, Post-God Nation? he writes that he's sick of being told that religion's influence on our country has been either minimal or malign. “Deep-seated legacies of our religious heritage still endure, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future,"” This might be a new thought for many younger people, but it's not a rare observation. But the English legal system has many other religiously based features, such as the separation of Church and State, the jury system, Magna Carta (negotiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury) and the Bill of Rights (asserting Parliament's supremacy over the king, since both were “bound by the laws of God and nature”). The devout King Henry II of England (also known as Henry Curtmantle), who ensured that most of the early judges were clerics, because of their knowledge of canon law, established the system of common law, based on rulings by judges rather than parliaments.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday April 12, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
No children in mainland detention centres Nauru island
eter Dutton MP Minister for Immigration said it had been a significant accomplishment of his Government that there were now no children in mainland detention centres. “From a peak of 2,000 children in detention under Labor, today we have no children of boats in detention,” he told reporters in Brisbane. “And that is a significant achievement of this Government.” However, he said applications regarding all the children now in the community still had to be determined by the Government. “Obviously Australia has one of the highest number of refugee settlement programmes in the world,” he said. “But we have a look at each case and if people aren't owed protection, then we offer that place to someone who is owed protection and we
Alex Vella is in the news again lex Vella the exiled Rebels Motorcycle A Club boss is in the news again. According to Ave Benny-Morrision of the SMH he is alleged to have been leasing out the national clubhouse situated in Bridgelly Road Leppington NSW, a 2.7-hectare property, for more than $100,000 a year after police put an end to the bikie haunt of almost 30 years. The sprawling clubhouse, which Vella bought in 1985 and has served as Rebels OMCG institution since 1990s, has since little activity since NSW Police sought to declare it restricted premises since 2014. Since then the police and the owner, Mr Vella, have been negotiating in the Supreme Court to use the property for some other than a bikie clubhouse. It is understood a building storage company took up an offer to lease the property to an advertised price of $130,000 a year. Maltese citizen Alex Vella had his visa back to Sydney cancelled in 2014 and he is still living in Malta while his wife and children are in Sydney. While the Immigration Minister considers Vella a risk because his close association with the Rebels, he has not been charged with any crime therefore his cancellation of the visa to return to his family in Sydney where he has lived for over 40 years is still shrouded in mystery.
don't allow people to stay who haven't been able to make a claim. “We make sure that those people can return back to their country of origin as quickly as possible. We've closed 13 of 17 extra detention centres that Labor opened, we've been able to get the number of children in detention down to zero,” Mr Dutton said. About 50 children remain in detention on Nauru. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it was a “great achievement” there were no more asylum seeker children in Australian detention centres. But he said authorities are still mindful of the threat posed by people smugglers. “We've got to recognise that people smugglers are very agile, these are the worst criminals, but they're very quick and they're very agile,” he said. Refugee advocates have welcomed the release of the children, but Natasha Blucher from the Darwin Asylum Seeker Support and Advocacy Network said their future is still uncertain. “Because of the way the law is set up, because of Australia's policy [and] because of their date of arrival in Australia they're not eligible to apply for protection in Australia, so they do remain essentially in limbo until we see a change of legislation and a change of our policy,” she said. Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young called on Mr Dutton to rule out sending children in Australia back to Nauru however Minster
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton Dutton said that more than 70 babies and children will be going back to Nauru once they no longer needed medical attention support in Australia. The group included more than 30 babies born in Australia after their mothers were transferred from Nauru on medical grounds.
Those tattoos! O
ne in five Australians now has at least one tattoo and women have overtaken men in the ink department. According to researcher Mark McCrindle 34% of women have tattoos; men 15%. He says women have been the driving force in tattoos for the past five years and the trend was continuing. A decade ago tattoos were frowned upon and considered to be the exclusive domain of gangsters, sailors and hardened criminals. Tattoos had shifted for being a sign of rebellion and were now being used to mark and celebrate significant life events. More than a third of the first timers are over 26 years of age; one in five are 35 or older when they get inked for the first time. There are more than 1000 related tattoo businesses registered across Australia with a combined turnover of $100 million. Tattoos have replaced markers of life such as names of children, loved ones. One thing hasn’t changed: some will regret their decision. To some extent, one in four regret getting inked.
MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of
230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780
Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Great Barrier Reef hit by 'worst' bleaching on record T he Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia’s most remarkable natural gifts, is experiencing its worst coral bleaching on record, with the National Coral Bleaching Taskforce saying that 95% of reefs from Cairns to Papua New Guinea are now severely bleached - far worse than previously thought - thus renewing calls for the United Nations to list it as "indanger". Only four reefs out of 520 are believed not to show evidence of bleaching. All those who were lucky enough to visit the Great Barrier Reef know that it is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world’s largest coral reef. It contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the worlds most beautiful sun-soaked, golden beaches. Because of its natural beauty, the Great Barrier Reef became one of the worlds most sought after tourist destinations, where a visitor can enjoy many experiences including snorkelling, scuba diving, aircraft or helicopter tours, bare boats (self-sail), glass-bottomed boat viewing, semisubmersibles and educational trips, cruise ship tours, whale watching and swimming with dolphins. But this site is now in danger. Last year, UNESCO voted not to put the reef on its World Heritage in Danger list, however, green groups now want the decision reassessed, otherwise, this site, one of the seven wonders of the natural world, that is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visible from space, will no longer retain its beauty. Experts say it is too early to tell whether the corals would recover, but scientists "in the water" are already reporting up to 50% mortality of bleached corals. Climate change and the effects of El Nino are being blamed for the rise in sea temperatures that causes coral bleaching. Professor Justin Martin University of Queensland has been reported telling ABC: "What we're seeing now is unequivocally to do with climate change. [At] the Paris climate change meeting, essentially the whole world has agreed this is climate change, and
Climate change is the Reef’s biggest threat, and experts warn that the situation is worsening
took for granted that we had the bank in the northern quarter that was safe, and seemed resilient in previous bleaching episodes, but now it's cooked to an inch of its life.’ Meanwhile, according to the Department of the Environment, state and federal governments were investing a projected A$2bn over the next decade to protect the reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system made up of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is a very popular destination for tourists, especially in the Whitsunday Islands and Cairns regions.
we're seeing climate change play out across our reefs". Professor Terry Hughes, a coral reef expert based at James Cook University in Townsville who led the survey team, said the situation is now critical. “This will change the Great Barrier Reef forever. We're seeing huge levels of bleaching in the northern thousand-kilometre stretch of the Great Barrier Reef." Of the 520 reefs he sur• Coral bleaching is caused by rising water veyed, only four showed temperatures resulting from two natural warm curno evidence of bleaching. rents. World Wildlife Fund • It is exacerbated by man-made climate (WWF) spokesperson Nick change, as the oceans are absorbing about 93% of Heath said the unspoiled the increase in the earth's heat. northern section of the • Bleaching happens when corals under stress reef had acted as a vital drive out the algae known as zooxanthellae that give bank of genetic material them colour to reseed areas further to • If normal conditions return, the corals can the south. recover, but it can take decades, and if the stress conHeath told the BBC, tinues the corals can die “We have been working • The current worldwide bleaching episode is to save the reef in [recent] predicted to be the worst on record. years, and we always
Mass Coral bleaching
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday April 12, 2016
In the past issues we featured two women writers with Maltese background in Australia publishing books with novels set in the Maltese islands. For the third successive issue, we are pleased to highlight a literary work by another Maltese-Australian author, Dr. Lou Drofenik. Her latest book, The Confectioner’s Daughter is published by Horizons.
Lou Drofenik’s
r. Lou Drofe- riously. She has nik (née Za- won a number of mmit) born literary awards, in Birkir- both in Malta, kara, described as her homeland, one of the most pro- and Australia. lific of MalteseMost of her writAustralian writers ing is about Malin Australia, has tese characters, just published her particularly wonew book in Malta, The men who immiConfectioner’s Daughter, that the grated to Austraauthor says, spans a century. lia, about the yeThe Confectioner’s Daughter starts in a vil- ars they spent trylage bakery in Malta and flows seamlessly into the Aus- ing to settle in tralian cities of Sydney and Melbourne. This novel this vast land, reveals the intiand their links mate world of with their homewomen, from land. the Maltese Drofenik says: grandmother “Maltese mithe matriarch grants came to who builds a fortune from her baking - to her grandAustralia with a daughter who is desperate to escape the village culculture and lanture that she feels is suffocating her. guage which deIn the author’s own words, The Confectioner’s Daughfined their identer “is a novel of love, lost innocence and struggle. It tity as Maltese. is a celebration of Maltese women’s lives, their resilience This identity developed over the years of settlement into and their intense familial relationa Maltese/Australian identity.” ships”. Her writing skills are unique and Dr. Drofenik told The Voice of the simple to understand. She is capable A novel of love, lost innoMaltese: “This book was a joy to write of introducing the readers of her for when I was reflecting on the way novels to her world. cence and struggle. It is women born in small villages in Referring to this, Profs. Maurice a celebration of Maltese Malta lived in the past, I could feel Cauchi says that what stands out in women’s lives, their remy female forebears beside me, I Lou Drofenik’s writing “is her strugcould hear their voices and I knew gle to depict the more liberating atsilience and their intense what they would have done in the mosphere in Australia compared to familial relationships. circumstances in which they found that in Malta, which she finds patrithemselves. archal, and in many ways anti“Ìuditta, my main character had been in my head for quated, even bearing in mind the fact that the timemany years, she became real when I interviewed frame of her characters’ life ranged over a century. Charles Sapiano who grew up in a bakery in Malta and “She depicts the way women in Malta have lived, knew all there is to know about baking and ovens and going back to the beginning of the 20th century, which the Sunday Xewa. He opened the private world of the was in marked contrast to life in Australia. Her characfurnar (baker) for me and for this I am grateful.” ters seem to breathe fresh air as soon as they leave the Lou, the eldest of eight children, migrated to Australia relative safety and comfort of their family homes to in 1962 under the Single Women’s Migrant Scheme. She tackle the unknown in a foreign land.” began her adult career as a teacher at the Siġġiewi priDr Drofenik, has also written poetry in both English mary school and continued her studies in Australia, and Maltese that has been published in various anwhere she obtained her B.Ed, M.Ed and Ph.D from La thologies. One of her poems was displayed on a V Line Trobe University in Melbourne. train in Melbourne as part of the Moving Galleries. She She is married to Vinko, a Slovenian and is the mother says that she gets inspiration for her writing from everyof four children and seven grandchildren. She currently where. lives in Victoria. She adds, “From the moment I arrived in Australia I She wrote her first novel Birds of Passage in 2005. Since knew I was in a place where I had a hand in forming then she has also written several others, including, In my future. In this country I would own myself. I would Search of Carmen Caruana, Of Cloves and Bitter Almonds, have a new identity, an identity that I myself would Cast the Long Shadow, Beloved Convict and Bushfire Sum- forge, unshackled by whose daughter or niece or grandmer. daughter I was. Here I would be me. No one would ask Readers of The Voice of the Maltese are familiar with her me ever again ‘What does your father do?’” writing as we have already published some of her works Other issues tackled in her novels deal with women’s and intend to publish others in the near future. right over their body, as evidenced in episodes dealing She has loved writing from an early age but it was only with sexuality and its repercussions with husbands, after her children grew up that she had time to write se- boyfriends and even patriarchal fathers.
The Confectioner’s Daughter “
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
il-˙ar©a tal-lum nissoktaw bir-regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti ma˙ru© millKummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja talMalti. Hawn g˙andna regola o˙ra. IL-ÓAMES REGOLA Kull sillaba, jew taqsima ta’ kelma, ma tistax tin˙ass u tinkiteb ming˙ajr ilvokali li ssawwarha. Ji©ri g˙alhekk illi konsonanti wa˙da, tnejn, tlieta jew erbg˙a flimkien, ming˙ajr vokali mag˙hom, ma jistg˙u qatt jin˙assu jew jinkitbu f’taqsima ta’ kelma. Jag˙mel ˙aΩin: (1) min f’taqsima ta’ kelma bejn Ωew© ittri konsonanti s˙a˙ i˙oΩΩ l-ittra j jew w minflok l-ittri i u u, u jikteb, ng˙idu a˙na, bjr, sjd, ©jd minflok bîr, sîd, ©îd, jew bwr, swr, rw˙ flok bûr, sûr, rû˙. (2) min f’taqsima ta’ kelma j˙oΩΩ l-ittra konsonanti j ming˙ajr il-vokali mag˙ha, ng˙idu a˙na jikteb jsta’, jstâd, jrkeb, jd˙aq (iqassam js-ta, js-tâd, jr-keb, jd-˙aq) flok jista’, jistâd, jirkeb, jid˙aq (jis-ta’, jis-tad, jirkeb, jid-˙aq) jew jikteb j flok i b˙al bja (bja) flok bija (bi-ja), ˙tja (˙tj-a) flok ˙tija (˙ti-ja). G˙alhekk b˙alma niktbu ja˙rat (ja˙-rat), jarfag˙ (jar-fag˙), jehmeΩ (jeh-meΩ), jog˙dos (jog˙-dos), ju©ag˙ (ju-©ag˙) bil-vokali a, e, o, u fit-taqsima tal-kelma bejn il-konsonanti, hekk ukoll inqisu li niktbu sewwa: jishar (jis-har), jibki (jib-ki), jixher (jix-her), jikteb (jik-teb) bil-vokali i bejn il-konsonanti tal-ewwel sillaba. Hekk ukoll b˙al-ma niktbu fiha, tiha, biha mqassmin kull wa˙da fiΩ-Ωew© sillabi ta’ fi-ha, ti-ha, bi-ha, nag˙rfu wkoll niktbu kliem b˙al dawn: dija, bqija fejn littra konsonanti j g˙andha l-istess setg˙a u qadi tal-h fl-eΩempji ta’ qabel. Hekk ukoll r©ulija, ˙merija u mhux r©ulia, ˙meria. Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nittrattaw regoli o˙ra
Issa b’Dizzjunarju Malti elettroniku ara sena u nofs ta’ t˙ejjija tnieda uffiçW jalment id-dizzjunarju elettronik Malti (online), xog˙ol kon©unt bejn l-Aw-
torita` Maltija tal-Komunikazzjoni (MCA), l-Universita` ta’ Malta, il-Kunsill Nazzjonali g˙all-Ilsien Malti, u l-Fondazzjoni Vodafone b˙ala sponsors. Id-dizzjunarju hu frott il-˙idma ta' g˙add ta’ nies, b'mod partikolari Dr Albert Gatt u John J. Camilleri. Çertament a˙bar ferm tajba g˙al dawk li tinteressahom il-kitba Maltija, Minn issa wie˙ed se jkun jist jid˙lu fuq is-sit u jiççekkjaw il-kitba, it-tifsira ta’ xi kliem, u ttraduzzjoni g˙all-IngliΩ. Wie˙ed se jkun ukoll jista’ jniΩΩel l-app.
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Il-konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi (Mudelli)
ejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-konF jugazzjoni tal-verbi, Illum se ng˙addu g˙al sitt eΩempji o˙ra fejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-konjugazzjoni tal-verbi. Dawn ukoll huma meqjusa fost
dawk mag˙rufa b˙aa Mnisslin. Se ji©u wkoll ittrattati fl-IMPERATIV u dak INDIKATIV, fl-Imperfett (li juri g˙emil li g˙adu ma twettaqx), u il-Perfett (li juri g˙emil li twettaq). Verbi Mnisslin
bierek bierku
TTABBA` ttabba’ ttabbg˙u
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija A˙na Intom Huma
nbierek tbierek jbierek tbierek nbierku tbierku jbierku
nqieg˙ed tqieg˙ed jqieg˙ed tqieg˙ed nqieg˙du tqieg˙du jqieg˙du
nittabba’ tittabba’ jittabba’ tittabba’ nittabbg˙u tittabbg˙u jittabbg˙u
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija A˙na Intom Huma
berikt berikt bierek berikna bierket beriktu bierku
PERFETT qeg˙idt qeg˙idt qieg˙ed qieg˙det qeg˙idna qeg˙idtu qieg˙du
ttabbajt ttabbajt ttabba’ ttabbg˙et ttabbajna ttabbajtu ttabbg˙u
TKELLEM tkellem tkellmu
TGÓAXXAQ MOD IMPERATIV tg˙axxaq tg˙axxqu
TGÓATTA tg˙atta tg˙attew
MOD INDIKATIV IMPERFETT Jiena Inti Huwa Hija A˙na Intom Huma
nitkellem titkellem jitkellem titkellem nitkellmu titkellmu jitkellmu
nitg˙axxaq titg˙axxaq jitg˙axxaq titg˙axxaq nitg˙axxqu titg˙axxqu jitg˙axxqu
nitg˙atta titg˙atta jitg˙atta titg˙atta nitg˙attew titg˙attew jitg˙attew
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija A˙na Intom Huma
tkellimt tkellimt tkellem tkellmet tkellimna tkellimtu tkellmu
PERFETT tg˙axxaqt tg˙axxaqt tg˙axxaq tg˙axxqet tg˙axxaqna tg˙axxaqtu tg˙axxqu
tg˙attejt tg˙attejt tg˙atta tg˙attiet tg˙attejna tg˙attejtu tg˙attew
Fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a kien hemm Ωball Ωg˙ir tal-proof reading. Fil-Perfett tal-kelma g˙attu. Ried ji©i Huma g˙attew mhux g˙attwu
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday April 12, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Readers can also request a printed Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156 Il-Hamrun Club qed jorganizza copy of The Voice of The Maltese l-Mothers Day Dinner Dance (fil-klabb stess f’100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, magazine by post
n response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Mejju fis-6.30 p.m.) Se ssir ikla bi lett korsi bid-deserta g˙all-prezz ta’ $45 g˙all-kbar u $20 g˙at-tfal Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut minn Charles Muscat u jkun hemm ukoll floor show impersonation ta’ Elvis Presley u Dean Martin George Zahra: 0407 434 651 jew il-klabb: 9838 1111. Ejjew u tkun qed tissapportjaw lill-klabb tag˙kom
Horsley Park Community Social Group Invite you to celebrate our
Saturday April 30, from 7.00pm at Mandavilla Event Centre, Horsley Park Proceeds of the evening will go towards our fundraising for the Cancer Council Entertainment to be provided by Joe Apap $65.00pp for three course meal, beer, wine and soft drinks, tea and coffee Bookings Contact: Theresa 0402 178 781 or Josephine 0402 040 954
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese!
Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Phone 0433 091 788 Or email:
Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, kemm bil-Malti u Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bl-istejjer u l-©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u f’dak il-˙in.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee
Forthcoming events: SUNDAY July 3: Lejla Fil-Buskett & Car Exhibition. SUNDAY OCTOBER 16: Fiera SUNDAY December 4: The Feast of St Nicholas For further information contact: The President - Joe Fenech – 0412 009 957; or the Public Relations Officer - Emmanuel Vella – 0405 677 064
Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li B wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-
Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirrek-lamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday April 12, 2016
Community News Apple Picking Bilpin Springs Orchard
La Valette Social Centre Saturday Activities
175 Walters Road, Blacktown. Tel. 9622 5847
Email: Website:
Masses at the chapel: 4.45pm and 6.15pm 5.00pm: Centre opens for dinner Entertainment by Sam Mifsud or Manuel Grech Ghana: Last Saturday of every month. Bingo starts at 8.00pm Bocci, raffle, member’s lucky door price - dinner for two Membership is only $7 a year We also have other activities which we advertise on the radio and church bulletins
Sunday 17th April Adults: $25.00; Children - $15 Pick up points: 9.00am: Blacktown Workers Club or at 9:15am: Near Greystanes Church
For bookings contact committee members: Lina 9629 4046 or Doris 0419 420 915 Organised by The Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee
The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376
The Malta Community Chest Fund
MALTESE CHARITY DINNER DANCE Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025
Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine
maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:
Invites You to attend...
The 39th Anniversary of the opening of THE MALTESE CULTURAL CENTRE
On Saturday April 30. Admission from 6.30pm for 7pm start. Dinner is included: Complimentary Glass of Champagne with orange, nuts and crisps, bread roll and butter on tables, Antipesto on Entry. Main course to be advised later, with platers of fresh Fruit for Dessert. From 10.45 pm help yourself coffee/tea and cakes. Beer, wine, soft drinks available from the licensed bar of The Maltese Guild for very cheap prices.
Entertainment by The God Fathers Band Admission: Members $25.00; Non-Members $35; Children $15.00 Book from Joe Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; Mary Craus: 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617; Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860632. Otherwise talk to anyone from the committee.
APR. 30 – SAT.: Mother’s Day/Feast of the Cross Function at Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine MAY 14 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. MAY 15 – SUN.: Half yearly meeting – Parkville. JUN. 18 – SAT.: Get together at Holy Eucharist. AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.
METD OUTINGS - 2016 17th April – Apple Picking – Bilpin $25/pp - $15/child including morning tea 14th August – St Maria Festa – Central Coast $35/pp including 5 morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja – City $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday April 12, 2016
U/21 footballer admits to match-fixing, but is exempt from punishment Seyble Zammit
Malta U/21 footballer, Seyble Zammit has admitted in Court a match-fixing charge but has been exempted from punishment because of cooperation with the police with the Magistrate applying a provision of the law that states that when a person pleads guilty and reveals information related to the case he could be exempted from punishment. The Valletta footballer admitted having been
arramatta Eagles’ supporters had high hopes for a promising campaign this season after winning their opening match. However, since then their fortunes have nosedived along with the team’s form and after three successive defeats are now in the position few had bargained for, in penutimate place with only four points to show for all their efforts. It is not just a case of being unfortunate. Parramatta first lost 3-0 at home to high flying Blacktown City on Day 4 and then went down 2-0 at Sutherland. One hopes they wont’ lose more ground in the next games against Sydney Olympic and Sydney United. The overhwelming victory over Glebe Wanderers in midweek in the Westfield
Australia A-League
More disappointments for Parramatta Eagles FFA Cup was expected to give them a boost, but it seems that we are back to square one. The players need to pull their socks up to regain the composure they showed on the opening day. Otherwise, this early in the season they will suffer. Westfield FFA Cup Earler in the week Parramatta had made up for their recent disappointments by trouncing Glebe Wanderers FC 8-0 at Melita Stadium in the 4th round of the FFA Cup to qualify them to the next round
where they will face Dee Why FC, once again at home, on Wednesday April 20. Parramatta led 3-0 at the interval thanks to goals by Frank Martey, and Ante Tomic (2). Tomic obtained DAY 5 Sutherland v Parramatta 2-0 his hat-trick with Blacktown C v Bonnyrigg 2-1 Parramatta’s fo- Manly U v Hakoah 3-1 urth in the second APIA v Wollongong 0-1 Blacktown S v Rockdale 2-4 half with Marco Sydney U v Sydney O 3-0 Sama, Daniel ReDAY 4 zo, Aram Tayebi Parramatta v Blacktown C 0-3 and Gosue Sama Sutherland v Sydney Oly 1-2 Bonnyrigg v Manly U 2-1 wrapping up the Hakoah SC v APIA 0-3 win with four Wollongong v Blacktown S 1-2 more goals. Rockdale v Sydney U 0-2
Malta’s Premier League Football
Adelaide, W. Sydney Wanderers make it to Premier’s Plate Hibs reduce gap with
after a 2-0 away win in New Zealand against Wellington Phoenix. Adelaide United and Western Sydney Wanderers have thus earned themselves a week off and hosting rights for a semifinal in a fortnight. This is important in terms of how the league is structured and how the finals are structured. First and second get a week off. It (also) puts both sides in a great position to get a chance to get into the (Asian) Champions League. Brisbane Roar could only manage a scoreless home draw giant Melbourne Victoria, and with Western Sydney winning their game, have missed out on the Premiers Plate. Therefore they will no meet Melbourne Victoria once again this coming weekend in a semi-final clash. The winners of the semi-final ties then take on the top two, Mixed fortunes for Green Gully, George Cross Adelaide and Western he “Maltese” teams in Victoria met with mixed fortunes. In Sydney the following Round 6 in the NPLVic Men’s League, Green Gully suffered weekend before the an unexpected 2-0 home defeat at the hands of Port Melbourne Grand Final. Sharks, and then made up for the loss with a 2-0 victory over RESULTS: Final Day (27) Bulleen Lions. This helped Green Gully to strengthen their mid- Wellington P. v West. Sydney 0-2 table position with 11 points, five behind the leading team, South Melbourne V v Brisbane R 0-0 0-2 Melbourne C. v Adelaide Melbourne. Sydney FC v v Perth Glory 4-0 This is turning out to be a most unfurtunate season for Sunshine Central Coast v Newcastle J 2-4 George Cross in the NPL2 West League. For a while they manDay 26 aged to stem the tide against them in Round 6 by drawing 1-1 West. Sydney v Central Coast 4-1 against Springvale White Eagles, but then in Round 7 last week- Brisbane R. v Newcastle J 2-1 end they once gain tasted defeat, 2-3 at home against Moreland Wellington Ph v Melbourne V 1-4 Zebras FC that kept them struggling in the lower reaches and shar- Perth Glory v Melbourne C 3-2 0-2 ing ultimate place in the league ladder with only one point from Sydney FC v Adelaide seven matches with Werribee City.
ollowing a brilliant performance, Adelaide United have managed to land the first blow in the battle for the Hyundai ALeague Premiership after a 2-0 win over Melbourne City in a fiery clash with more than 40 fouls given away and 10 yellow cards. At the end of the first stage it consolidated their top position and earned them the Premiers’ Plate. The defeat was just Melbourne City’s third at home in their last 23 matches and the first time they had been held scoreless in since November. As a result they slipped to fourth place and a semi-final clash with Perth Glory who also figured in a disappointing 4-0 home loss against Sydney FC. Western Sydney Wanderers secured the runner up position in the regular season
offered about €6,000 for his assistance in fixing the results of the Under 21 internationals Malta played last month in Malta against Montenegro and the Czech Republic, claiming that a foreigner had offered him the money to secure a deal, but none of the players accepted the offer. Malta lost 1-0 to Montenegro and 7-0 to the Czech Republic.
Valletta to 3 points
hree matches from the end of the championship, Floriana managed to open the title race wide open once again as they stopped Valletta’s unbeaten run of 18 matches by beating them 2-0. As it turned out, and by defeating neighbours Tarxien 1-0 on Sunday, defending champions Hibernians reduced the gap between them and the leaders to just three points. Then follow Balzan who are targeting their best ever finish in the Premier League, in third position after a comfortabel 3-0 defeat against bottom team Qormi. Birkirkara stay fourth a point behind after their 3-1 victory against St Andrews who are in the thick of the struggle against relegation with Naxxar and almost certs, Qormi. The latter face a daunting task to survive. Their fate could be decided in the next game against Naxxar. RESULTS: Round 30 Floriana v Valletta 2-0 Hibernians v Tarxien R. 1-0 Balzan v Qormi 3-0 Birkirkara v St Andrews 3-1 Sliema W. v Mosta 1-0 Naxxar L v Pembroke 1-1 Round 29 Valletta v Tarxien R. Hibernians v Floriana Balzan v St Andrews Birkirkara v Qormi Sliema W. v Pembroke Naxxar L. v Mosta
2-0 3-1 1-0 2-0 2-0 2-1
Standing Valletta Hibernians Balzan Birkirkara Floriana Tarxien R. Sliema W Mosta Pembroke Naxxar St Andrews Qormi
P Pts 30 48 30 45 30 43 30 42 30 36 30 29 30 24 30 19 30 18 30 11 30 7 30 5