The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 104
June 23, 2015
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
Some fantastic views over Wied iz-Zurrieq in the south of Malta, including part of the Blue Grotto, one of the most visited and photographed views in the Maltese islands, and the landscapes of the surrounding area. The natural beauty of the place is a great pull for visitors attracting some 100,000 tourists per year, and locals who are able to enjoy boat trips to the Grotto, do scuba diving, or just enjoy a swim in the clear blue waters.
Europe starts in Malta
Panoramic view of Wied izZurrieq with its restaurants and boathouses The Blue Grotto from above Entrance to one of the caves at the Blue Grotto
Another view of the landscape from the sea On a boat trip to the Blue Grotto
Inside the Blue Grotto caves reflecting the phosphorescent colours of the submerged flora
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Dr. John Cauchi
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Dr. John Falzon
Keith Matthew Grima
Three Persons of Maltese descent among recipients of T 2015 Queen’s Birthday Honours
he Order of Australia is the principal and most prestigious means of recognising outstanding members of the community at a national level. The purpose of the Order of Australia is to recognise, by national honour, those who have made outstanding contributions that benefit their communities, and ultimately Australia. Prior to 1975 Australians were recognised under the British honours system, also known as Imperial awards, but that year, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II established the Australian system of honours and awards. The second purpose of the Order of Australia is that it serves to define, encourage and reinforce community standards, national aspirations and ideals by acknowledging actions and achievement and thereby identifying role models at all levels and in all spheres of the community. While endeavour may have been sustained over many years, in essence, membership of the Order of Australia is not an award for long service but for outstanding service. The awards are announced twice yearly, during Australia Day and on the Queen’s Birthday. Among this year’s recipients were, three persons of Maltese descent. JOHN CAUCHI, a lawyer from Longford Tasmania, a former Attorney General of Tonga. He received the AM (Member) in the general division for significant service to the law, and to international relations, through leading public administration and legal roles in the South Pacific. He also served as Crown Law Department of the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga, 2009-2010; (first non-Tongan to hold the office); Senior Crown Counsel, 1996-2001. Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Solomon Islands, 20042006; Principal Crown Prosecutor, 2004, and Senior Advisor, Public Prosecutors Office Vanuatu, 2001-2003.
The Order of Australia Australian roles include: Principal Crown Counsel (Criminal Prosecutions), Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Tasmania, 2009, and Senior Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Australian Capital Territory, 2007. Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the general division was awarded to DR. JOHN FALZON, Canberra ACT for service to the community through social welfare organisations. Dr John Falzon is the author of The language of the Unheard (2012). He is a political sociologist, poet and advocate for a more equitable society. He has worked in academia, in community development in large public housing estates and in research and advocacy in NGOs. Dr Falzon has been the Chief Executive of the St Vincent Paul Society National Council of Australia since 2006. He has written and spoken widely on the structural causes of marginalisation and inequality in Australia and has long been an advocate for a fairer and more equitable society. Dr Falzon is currently a member of the ACOSS Board, was a participant in the 2020 Summit and has also served on Government advisory committees such as the Australian Social Inclusion Board, the Community Response Task Force during the Global Financial Crisis and
the Energy White Paper High Level Consultative Committee. He has given evidence to countless parliamentary inquiries on issues ranging from the inadequacy of the Newstart Allowance to the Stronger Futures Legislation. He is also a regular media commentator on matters of social equity and injustice and a frequent speaker at conferences and public rallies. Dr Falzon’s work has appeared in publications such as The Australian, Arena, Eureka Street, The Drum, Parity, Human Rights Defender, The Guardian, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times. He was born in East End London, but his parents were born in Malta. His father, Emanuel comes from Mosta and his mother, Lena from Marsa. They came to Australia in 1968. Another awardee as OAM is KEITH MATTHEW GRIMA, of Botany NSW for service to surf lifesaving, particularly through training and administration roles. Keith Grima joined the Maroubra Surf Life Saving Club as a wayward teen to join his mates on a surfing trip up the coast but ended up staying for 40 years. He is a life member at Maroubra and has held a plethora of positions including club captain, president and secretary since joining the club in 1971. He was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for surf lifesaving service. He is also a life member at Surf Lifesaving Sydney. He was also part of the 1995 Australian Lifesaving Education Team, and received the Volunteer of the Year Award, for 2011, the Award for 30 years of patrol servicei 2001, and the Award for 30 years of training and assessment in 2007.
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Malta’s HC to India Presents Credentials to Nepal President T
he beautiful and mystic city of Kathmandu, national capital of Nepal, set aside it’s mourning momentarily for a ceremony to enable seven designated ambassadors to present their credentials to the President of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav. Malta’s High Commissioner to India, Mr John Aquilina UOM, was one of the seven ambassadors. The others were from Belgium, Botswana, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia and Mexico. Mr Aquilina was accompanied by his wife Ann and Honorary Consul for Malta in Kathmandu, Mr Dinesh Shrestha. The large number of ambassadors presenting their credentials at the one ceremony occurred because of the tragic earthquakes that struck Nepal on April 25, and May 12, that claimed the lives of around 8000, destroyed homes and public buildings, and displaced more than 400,000 citizens. Mr Aquilina told The Voice of the Maltese that as Nepal is still in a state of shock, and undergoing mourning, unlike other Ambassadorial Credential ceremonies, “this one was swift, solemn and subdued.” He added, “Given that the celebrations for Nepal’s Annual National Day, which fell on the day after the Credential Ceremony, had been can-
Mr Aquilina said that the President expressed his sincere appreciation conveyed, and in his questions to Mr Aquilina revealed intense curiosity about Malta, as well as what opportunities may exist for improving upon the already firm and cordial friendship existing between the two nations. Mr Aquilina was also granted interviews subsequently with a number of ministers and also presented to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, a letMalta’s HC to India Mr John ter of Condolence Aquilina presenting his Credentials on behalf of Malto the President of Nepal, with his ta’s Foreign Minister, Dr. George wife Ann watching proceedings. Vella. During his discussions with the celled, I was surprised that the Government of Nepal chose to organise a Nepalese Minister for Education, Ms Chitralekha Yadav, Mr Aquilina outCredential Ceremony at all. “However, as explained by Nepal’s lined the significant number of Chief of Protocol, the Govt. was keen to Nepalese students who are currently assure the rest of the world that, despite undertaking Higher Education courthe tragedy experienced, the country is ses at Maltese institutions. The Minisstill mindful of its responsibilities, and ter expressed some surprise, but also her satisfaction at this recent developthat it was fully functional.” Following the ceremony Mr Aquilina ment. Malta’s HC also raised the possibility had an extensive discussion with H.E. President Ram Baran Yadav, during of establishing a formal link between which he expressed the sincere condo- a Higher Education institution in lences of the Government and People Malta, and one in Nepal. “I am confident that although we of Malta on the death and destruction that Nepal had experienced. He also have had humble beginnings, the mopersonally handed to His Excellency, mentum for bilateral relations and a Letter of Condolence from the Prime trade will substantially accelerate,” Mr Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat. Aquilina said.
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4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Imfakkra dawk li ˙allew ˙ajjithom biex Malta ssir nazzjon
Il-president tal-MCC, Lawrence Dimech ˙dejn il-monument, jag˙ti mer˙ba lil dawk preΩenti
Casey Eamer mill-iskola tal-Malti f’Horsley Park taqra l-indirizz specjali li bag˙tet il-President ta’ Malta
Lino Vella, Marlene u Harley Dimech jersqu biex ipo©©u warda f’ri©lejn il-monument. Jidher ukoll (lemin) l-MC, Jimmy Borg
Rhys Sullivan minn St Dominic’s Collage Kingwood, li kien il-keynote speaker
Il-koordinatur tal-funzjoni, Emanuel Camilleri
ç-çeremonja mpressjonanIument ti li saret quddiem il-MonMalti li hemm f’Civic
Park Pendle Hill NSW biex tfakkar ir-rewwixta Maltija tas-Sette Giugno mhux talli attirat madwar mitejn persuna f’g˙odwa xitwija iΩda talli The Voice irçevajna g˙add kbir ta’ emails jfa˙˙ru l-mod kif ©iet organizzata ç-çerimonja annwali. Óafna huma tal-fehma li kienet l-ikbar li qatt saret g˙alhekk talbuna nippubblikaw aktar tag˙rif u ritratti. Min˙abba li saret ferm qrib id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni ma kienx possibbli n©ibu wisq ritratti u aktar dettalji. Din iç-çerimonja g˙andha ˙abta tg˙aqqad lill-komunita` ferm aktar minn o˙rajn barra dawk reli©juzi. G˙aqdiet Maltin fi NSW po©©ew fjura bajda u ˙amra f’ri©lejn il-monument b˙ala turija ta’ rispett u apprezzament g˙al dawk kollha li mis-sena 1919 ‘l hawn ˙admu biex Malta issir nazzjon. L-g˙aqdiet kienu: il-Maltese RSL Sub Branch, G˙aqda Kultural u Teatrali Çittadini, l-G˙aqda Kultural Maltija, Maltese
Dehra ta’ w˙ud milli attendew ta˙t il-pergola l-©dida u l-istandardi tal-g˙aqdiet Maltin Past Pupils & Friends ta’ Don Bosco, il-Grupp Soçjali Maltese Bowlers, l-iSkola Maltija ta’ NSW, il-Maltese Welfare, il-Kumitat Festa San Nikola, l-G˙aqda Xg˙ara, l-G˙aqda Óamrun, il-Kappillani Maltin, il- Maltese Elderly Thankgiving Day, lG˙aqda San Bert, iç-Çentru LaValette, Sutherland & St George Maltese Group, il-Banda Our Lady Queen of Peace, il-Óbieb tad-Dar tal-Providenza u l-MAYÇ. Fjuri tpo©©ew ukoll mill-mistednin distinti, u Ω-Ωew© Ωg˙aΩag˙ qarrejja ewlenin, Rhys Sullivan u Çasey Eamer u Rose Mercieca (1st Blaxland) li rrappreΩentat lill-Iscouts.
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Yet another Rose for Sette Giugno
urday School of Community Languages at Seven Hills in year 7, to complete the HSC in Maltese. “In year 12 last year, I was one of three people in Australia to sit the HSC with Maltese as one of the subjects. Resulting in a band 4 and an overall mark of 75/100, I was very happy with myself and I commend all of my past teachers; Maria De Carlo, Marthese Caruana, Anna Chetcuti and Charles Galea” She added that she is not part of a class anymore, but keeps in contact with MAYC and is still extremely interested in the Maltese language. As for her being part of the scouts movement, Rose Mercieca concluded, “I enjoy being in scouts as it gives me the chance to explore, learn new things and gain life skills and life friends that I know I will have till I'm old. Scouting promotes acceptance of everyone and scouts is a big part of both mine and my whole family’s life. I guess the question would be, why wouldn't I enjoy scouts? Rose Mercieca stood out at the ceremony by escorting and saluting all those laying red and white roses, a symbol of remembrance associated with the Sette Giugno annual ceremony at the Pendle Hill’s Civic Park monRose Mercieca giving her salute at the ceremony ument in Sydney
he young lady in the scouts’ uniform escorting all those presenting roses on the occasion of the 96 anniversary of the Sette Giugno at Civic Park Pendle Hill about two weeks ago was Rose Mercieca from the 1st Blaxland scout group. The Voice of the Maltese caught up with this smart lady who has been in the scout movement for 13 years now: “I started in Cubs and earning my grey wolf award. I then moved up to scouts. I received my Queen Scout award. I am now a rover which is the highest level in scouting” Rose Mercieca was born in Coffs Harbour, NSW. Her dad Joe was born in Óal G˙arg˙ur, Malta and her mum, Merylese is Sydney-born. Her grandparents on dad’s side where born in Óal G˙arg˙ur. They moved over to Australia with her dad who was still only four at the time. Rose originally attended the Saturday Maltese Language School at Horsley Park. She said that when she was in year 4, “the reasoning I gave everyone was so that I can translate what Nannu says to everyone when he gets old and forgets English". She did the priedka tal-Milied (the child’s midnight sermon at Christmas) when she was 10. She attended the Sat-
Rose Mercieca
Readers can now request a printed copy of The Voice In response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a cost. Anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us in order to work out the details.
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6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Malta ranks 7th in world’s top 10 retirement Havens M
alta has just been named one of the world’s top 10 retirement destinations in 2015. It is placed seventh in International‘s Annual Global Retirement Index due to its warm weather and low crime rate. Last year it placed eighth. The other European country in the top 10 list is Spain, three places above Malta. International Living (IL), have been in the business of scouring the globe for the best retirement destinations around the globe for over 30 years, therefore they talk from experience. “We know a good retirement location when we see one”. In this report IL not just gives its top 10 Retirement Havens, but also the reasons why they think these are the best places to consider if one is planning a retirement overseas. International Living determines its rankings through its editors who compile, weigh, rank, and rate a series of criteria including cost of living, infrastructure, health care, ease of integration, real estate, special benefits,
The islet of Filfla ...used for target practice by the British navy
climate, etc. It is a qualitative assessment based on real-world data gathered on the ground. In its Special Report, International Living explains Malta’s position on the map and tells the readers “not to be
embarrassed” if they cannot pinpoint the island on a map. It goes on to say: “It’s not on everyone’s radar, and mostly unheard of by Americans. Malta is anchored almost in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, 60 miles from the Italian island of Sicily, which is linked to Malta by a regular 90-minute ferry service. There is a modern airport at Luqa (on Malta) with flights to numerous other European countries. Rome is just one hour away by plane. “The Republic of Malta isn’t a solitary island, but an archipelago of three islands and three islets. Not surprisingly, the names of the islets
mean nothing to most people, as they are little more than rocks in the ocean. (In case you’re wondering, they’re called Filfla, St. Paul’s Island, and Cominotto.) Explaining the “three islets” the report points out that Filfla was used for target practice by the British navy, so it is probably even smaller than it used to be. While Comino is classified as one of the three islands in the Maltese archipelago proper, it is also minuscule: just a few square miles in size and home to just one summer-season hotel and five farming families. When it mentions Gozo the reports describes it as “a green and rural island” with a population of 31,000 people. It adds that the island of Gozo “is one of the best-kept secrets in the Mediterranean, a place where time really does seem to have stood still.” The report gives a very brief history of Malta saying that until independence in 1964, it had been a British colony for 150 years. “Many trappings of the Empire remain: scarlet phoneboxes, blue-lamp police stations, pillarboxes bearing Queen Victoria’s insignia, cricket and bowling clubs, cafes serving warm beer and roast beef dinners, troops of neatly dressed boy scouts, driving on the left-hand side of the road... ” An important fact is, according to the report, that in Malta there’s no language barrier. “Just about everybody on Malta speaks English as well as Malti. Both are official languages. Similar to Arabic, but written in the Latin script, Malti is a Semitic language. It also embraces bits of French and Italian.”
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday June 23, 2015
CHOGM Malta 2015
Historically, Malta is a bridge between North Africa, Europe O
n November 27-29 Malta hosts the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) for a second time, having successfully done so in 2005. As an island state in the Mediterranean Sea, Malta has served throughout history as a bridge between North Africa and Europe. Now, as the CHOGM host for 2015, Malta provides a platform for Commonwealth countries to come together to build bridges of cooperation. The Commonwealth is a voluntary
association of 53 independent states with a combine population of 2.2 billion. The association came together in 1949, after the decolonisation of the British Empire. Symbolically headed by HM Queen Elizabeth II, the Commonwealth includes some of the world’s largest, smallest, richest and poorest nations Countries have no legal obligation to each other yet they are guided by the principles contained in The Charter of the Commonwealth: democracy, human rights and the rule of law. They are also united through language, history and culture. The biggest representation is from Africa with 18 Commonwealth Countries, namely, Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia
From Asia there are eight: Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Singapore and Sri Lanka The Caribbean & Americas have 13: Antigua & Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago Three countries are on the European continent. They are, Cyprus, Malta and United Kingdom Eleven countries c o m e from the Pacific. They are: Australia, Fiji, Kirib a t i , Nauru, N e w Zealand, Papua N e w Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
Theme: Adding Global Value Adding Global Value is about using the Commonwealth’s strengths in international politics to influence and eventually effect change on important global issues. It is also about making a positive difference to the lives of Commonwealth citizens. Adding Global Value seeks to unify the Commonwealth behind an ambitious policy agenda that bequeaths to our young a life of liberty, dignity and prosperity. Besides, considering its geographical extent around the globe, actions and initiatives taken at Commonwealth level will undoubtedly add to global values. Commonwealth countries are already pro-active on the international stage. As one example Commonwealth countries, which represent one
fourth of the countries of the UN, provide 47 percent of UN peacekeepers (early 2015 figures). The Commonwealth can therefore bring together a community of countries with the energy and drive to develop fair, resilient and universally acceptable solutions to global problems. The Commonwealth is well represented in most global institutions. It makes up a quarter of the membership in the United Nations; at the moment - has three Members on the UN Security Council (Malaysia, New Zealand, UK); - Has a strong representation in the Caribbean Community; - Has three Members in the European Union (Cyprus, Malta, UK); - Has two Members in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Malaysia, Singapore) and four countries represented in the G20 (Australia, Canada, India, UK). The Commonwealth is therefore well placed to influence the policy agenda of some of the most influential institutions in global politics. The Commonwealth is recognised as a leader in developing education programmes around the world. It also provides legal and operational support to Member States on a myriad of issues ranging from International Maritime Law to Election Observance. Adding Global Value is about encouraging Commonwealth governments and civil society to think about what unities the Commonwealth and what it can achieve together. Malta is asking fellow Commonwealth Members to consider which important issues have been missed by other global institutions, and to use the Commonwealth to provide leadership in those areas. This involves taking advantage of the inherent strengths of the Commonwealth and developing strategies that will make a substantive and demonstrable difference to the lives of people around the world.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
A voice for traditional marriage The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Member for Riverstone in the NSW State Parliament, Kevin Conolly MP has backed traditional marriage as both the best environment for raising children, and the ordinary expression of complementary human nature in a letter/article he sent to The Voice of the Maltese:
arriage existed before parliaments and governments. It is a relationship that reflects the law of nature and does not depend on the laws of governments for its meaning. In every culture and every corner of the globe it has always been a complementary relationship between male and female and has always been understood as directly linked to the birth and raising of children. The best evidence available is that children thrive and prosper best when raised by both their biological parents. To point this out is not having a shot at single parents or blended families, but a matter of being honest about the research data. If governments have any business at all in being involved in personal relationships, it surely would be to protect the interests of children involved, not make their position worse. We all know that human beings are not perfect, and we don’t live in a perfect world. Nevertheless we would all agree that we want the best for our children. Adult relationships can break down despite good intentions, and tragedies can befall parents, leaving children without intact families. These situations are unintended and warrant community and government support.
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But why would governments deliberately legislate to bring about social structures which would deny children the opportunity for the best chance in life? The MP also took issue with claims by some that defending traditional marriage could be seen as discriminatory. Even the loudest advocates for defining same sex relationships as marriage do not support extending the same treatment to polygamy, or to incestuous relationships. That is, even the advocates of change want to continue to discriminate between relationships. There are good reasons why the Marriage Act contains restrictions in these respects as well as in relation to age and to the ability to consent. So discrimination between what is marriage and what is not marriage will remain regardless of the outcome of the current debate. In the end, it is not discriminatory to call a spade a spade, and to call a shovel something else. There are many forms of loving relationship. Some are between family members, others are between life-long friends. They are not marriage any more or less than a same sex relationship is not marriage. Many constituents have contacted me about this issue as there are proposals before the federal parliament to change the definition of marriage in Australian law. “ I urge my federal counterparts to protect children by acknowledging the truth of what marriage is and ensuring that the Marriage Act continues to reflect that reality.
Well done for a great day! Paul Debono from Fairfield NSW writes:
or the first time, I finally managed to make it to the celebration marking the 96th Anniversary of the 7th June uprising in Malta at Pendle Hill, an event that was fittingly themed: A Rose for Sette Giugno. I was so glad to have been part of it as I could witness, not only the unity between the Maltese on such an occasion, but also the respect the Australian authorities have for the Maltese-Australia community. Seeing so many high-ranking politicians paying their respects at an event that perhaps they did not know much about was an eye-opener. Thanks most heartily to the organisers, the MCCof NSW for a very successful day. Well done indeed!
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Il-post xieraq g˙all-Monument G˙aliex tas-Sette Giugno qrib il-Parlament bit-Taljan? J. J. Borg mill-Furjana, Malta, jikteb: if se taraw jien ili ftit ma nΩur Malta, K imma din id-darba mort u b˙alissa qieghed ingawdi dan il-pajjiΩ sabi˙. Hekk kif mort il-belt kapitali Maltija, u rsaqt lejn il-Palazz tal-President ˙dejn ilMisra˙ San Ìor©, jew kif inhu wkoll mag˙rufa, il-Main Guard, innutajt li lmonument tant impressjonanti tas-Sette Giugno xog˙ol l-iskultur Malti Anton Agius tne˙˙a mill-misrah. Wara sirt naf li xi snin ilu eΩiljawh g˙all-©nien ta’ Hastings. Jien ma nafx kif dawn l-affarijiet jit˙allew isiru f’Malta. Meta allura rajt lartiklu f’The Voice tad-9 ta’ Ìunju u qrajt
wkoll hawn Malta dwar x’ ©ara mill-monument, domt na˙seb dwar kif setg˙u jda˙˙lu lura dan il-monument u fejn g˙andhoim jer©ghu jpo©©uh, fil-qalba talBelt. Issa li g˙andna l-pjazza quddiem il-Parlament il-©did, dan il-monument g˙andu jitpo©©a f’din il-pjazza g˙ax l-istorja tieg˙u hi assoçjata mal-©lieda tal-Maltin g˙all-˙elsien mill-˙akma barranija. Ma nafx x’qed jistenna l-Gvern biex ipo©©i u jag˙ti lura dan il-monument lill-poplu Malti billi jqeg˙du fejn tassew jixraq. Nifra˙ lill-ispeaker tal-Parlament Dr Anglu Farrugia li tkellem dwar dan ilmonument u li g˙andu jsib il-post xieraq u li jist˙oqqlu, f’din il-pjazza.
Tallinja card - skoss ie˙or?
A. Schembri mill-Mosta, Malta, jikteb:
ed nikteb minn Malta g˙ax g˙adni Q kemm esperjenzajt kaΩ ta’ interess. Qaluli li l-Gvern ne˙˙a d-diskriminazzjonij li kien hemm dwar in-nollijiet talkarozzi tal-linja f’Malta jew meta tirkeb il-vapur t’G˙awdex u lura. Jien sibt li a˙na l-Maltin li g˙andna passaport Malti, ji©ifieri cittadinanza Maltija, fejn jid˙lu çerti nollijiet din ma tiswa XEJN. Meta rkibt it-trasport pubbliku xxufieri talabni l-kartanzjan maltija, avolja kkonvinçejtu li jien Malti minn ru˙ ommi u nidher sewwa li jien anzjan ta’ ‘l-fuq minn 61 sena. Dan ried biss l-ID Card li jien sintendi m’g˙andiex, l-istess meta mort Ghawdex. Jew il-kartanzjan jew l-ID Card Maltija nkella xejn, m’hemmx argumenti! Urejtu l-passaport Malti iΩda qalli li f’Malta laqwa li jkollok ID Card.
Issa qaluli li f’Lulju se jda˙˙lu sistema ©dida hekk imsejj˙a tallinja card izda assigurawni li biex takkwista din tallinja card irid ikollok wkoll l-ID card. X’jiswa li tkun çittadin Malti jekk f’Malta jg˙odduk b˙ala barrani? Jien nifhem li forsi minn xi daqqiet issib lil min jipprova jimxi, kif jg˙idu l-IngliΩi “to the letter”, imma na˙seb li jkun ferm aktar ta’ siewi li wie˙ed juza s-sens komun g˙ax dik li ΩΩomm lill- prijorita` l-aktar fejn l-affarijiet ikunu çari.
James Borg minn Sunshine Victoria jikteb adt pjacir ˙afna bir-rapporti u ritratti Ó tal-festa li ti©i ççelebrata fi f’NSW, il-festa li ssejj˙ulha bl-isem Sette Giugno.
Ma nafx g˙aliex tag˙mlu uΩu mil-lingwa Taljana biex titfakkar ©rajja hekk storika tal-jum tas-sebg˙a ta’ Ìunju 1919. Nifhem li f’dawk iΩ-Ωminijiet l-ilsien Taljan f’Malta kien dominanti g˙ax niftakar lin-nanniet tieg˙i li aktar kienu jafu jitkellmu bit-Taljan milli bl-IngliΩ jekk mhux ukoll il-Malti. IΩda ma n˙ossx li llum, meta tant nissieltu biex inΩommu ˙ajja l-Ilsien Malti g˙andna nkomplu nsejj˙u dik il-©rajja b˙ala is-Sette Giugno. In˙oss li s-7 ta’ Ìunju jew 7th June biΩΩejjed. Nota: Kif dan il-qarrej u o˙rajn setg˙u jaraw meta rrappurtajna dwar il-©raja fla˙˙ar ˙ar©a ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, a˙na rreferejna g˙aliha mhux biss kif baqg˙et mag˙rufa l-aktar f’Malta, kwaΩi b’mod uffiçjali, Sette Giugno, tant li anke l-monument li hemm b˙alissa fil-©nien ta’ Hastings u li wie˙ed jittama li kif ©ie mwieg˙ed jinqala’ mill-post temporanju tieg˙u u jitpo©©a ˙dejn il-Parlament, imma anke bil-Malti, is-Seba’ ta’ Ìunju u bl-Ingliz 7th June. Wie˙ed g˙alhekk ma tantx jista’ jikkritika lill-organizzaturi taççelebrazzjoni f’Pendle Hill u jistaqsihom “g˙aliex g˙amlu uΩu mill-Ilsien Taljan.
Comments from a first-time reader of The Voice Adrian Camilleri from Willoughby, NSW writes:
hank you for emailing me Issue No. 103 of The Voice of the Maltese. It is my first time and I really regret not knowing about it before. It makes for very entertaining reading not only the features all very interesting, but also for the
unbiased coverage of news about Malta. By the way, I am Australian born. My parents come from Msida. Thanks to them I manage to speak Maltese and also read, though with some difficulty the Maltese language. So the publication also helps me to practice reading the Maltese language.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.
kitba ta’
Il-Magna Carta: digriet irjali IngliΩ li sar 800 sena ilu,. Fih il-prinċipji fundamentali tal-istat demokratiku modern.
Migranti li marru lura lejn l-Indonesja li allegaw li l-ekwipa©© tal-vapur t˙allas mill-awtoritajiet Awstaljani biex je˙odhom lura minn fejn ©ew
Bis-sewwa jew bid-Dnewwa
tit tal-jiem ilu smajna b'allegazzjoni straordinarja millawtoritajiet IndoneΩjani li uffiçjali Awstraljani ˙allsu lflus lit-traffikanti tan-nies li joperaw fil-ba˙ar fit-tramuntana tal-Awstralja. Sar dan, allegatament, biex jikkonvinçuhom idawwru vapur, li kien qed isalpa lejn il-pajjiΩ b'g˙exieren ta' nies li jixtiequ jfittxu l-aΩil, lura minn fejn ©ie.1 Esperti tal-li©i internazzjonali ma damux biex jistqarru li dan l-a©ir innifsu jista' ji©i meqjus traffikar tan-nies.2 Ng˙id g˙alija, jien insib dan l-a©ir, jekk huwa minnu, b˙ala diΩgustanti, ukoll jekk sar xi ˙a©a simili mill-gvern Laburista ta' qabel, imma mhux fuq hekk nixtieq nikkummenta illum. Il-©urnalisti malajr talbu l-kummenti minn ministri tal-gvern. Kien hemm tnejn li ça˙du din l-a˙bar minnufi˙, imma l-Prim Ministru Liberali Tony Abbott ma kienx daqshekk kategoriku, u qal li dak li qed jag˙mlu hu li jwaqqfu dawn id-dg˙ajjes 'bissewwa jew bid-dnewwa' (by hook or by crook).3 Din id-dikjarazzjoni fil-fehma tieg˙i g˙andha implikazzjonijiet bil-wisq iktar serji u wiesg˙a mill-kuntest tar-rifu©jati. Din id-dikjarazzjoni g˙alija timplika li l-gvern federali m'g˙andu skrupli ta' xejn li jikkunsidra li jwettaq atti li jistg˙u jkunu anke kontra l-li©i, basta jasal fejn irid jasal. Jien nistaqsi, mela l-gvern huwa 'l fuq mill-li©i? Lanqas qatt m'g˙andu jikkunsidra li jikser il-li©i! Ma jkunx l-ewwel gvern li jara limiti fil-li©i, u dan huwa le©ittimu, imma s-soluzzjoni hi li l-li©i tinbidel fil-Parlament (jekk g˙andek numru biΩΩejjed ta' membri li jaqblu) u mhux li tinjoraha! Irrispettivament jekk inkisritx il-li©i jew le f'dan il-kaΩ, il-punt hawn hu li l-gvern m'g˙andu qatt jikkunsidra l-ksur tal-li©i b˙ala le©ittimu, anke jekk ma jag˙milx hekk. L-idjoma 'bis-sewwa jew bid-dnewwa' ma tistax, etikament, ting˙ad mill-gvern. L-istat modern huwa mibni fuq tliet istituzzjonijiet. L-ewwel hu l-Parlament, fejn il-membri tieg˙u jg˙addu l-li©ijiet li ç-çittadini tal-pajjiΩ huma mistennija li jsegwu. It-tieni hu l-eΩekuttiv (il-gvern bid-dipartimenti tieg˙u) li parti minn xog˙lu hu li jara li l-li©i tal-pajjiΩ qed ti©i rrispettata. Fl-a˙˙arnett, g˙andna l-©udikatura, li tiddetermina jekk xi per-
suna kisritx il-li©i jew le. Jekk le, dan l-att jesponi lill-persuna g˙al sanzjonijiet li jistg˙u jinkludu l-pri©unerija. Fi NSW illum hawn ftit inqas minn 12,000 persuna fil-˙absijiet tal-istat g˙ax ©ew ikkundannati li kisru l-li©i, u 34,000 fl-Awstralja kollha. B˙al ma tistg˙u taraw, il-˙ajja tal-istat iddur fuq il-fus tarrispettar tal-li©i. Allura dan kif ikollok il-gvern li f'daqqa wa˙da qisu qed jikkunsidraha aççettabbli li jag˙mel mod ie˙or? B'kumbinazzjoni, il-©img˙a li g˙addiet kellna wkoll iç-çelebrazzjoni tat-tmien mitt sena mill-iffirmar tad-dokument imsejja˙ Magna Carta. Dan kien digriet li bih ir-Re Ìwanni tal-Ingilterra wieg˙ed, fost l-o˙rajn, li s-su©©etti tieg˙u kellhom ji©u ttrattati skont illi©i tal-pajjiΩ, li meta jkunu mixlija ta' xi ˙a©a kellhom ji©u ©©udikati minn nies o˙ra b˙alhom, u li grupp ta' barunijiet kellhom jaraw li dan id-digriet ikun irrispettat.4 G˙alkemm il-Magna Carta kienet ori©inarjament intenzjonata biss biex i©©ib paçi bejn re mhux ma˙bub u ©emg˙a ta' barunijiet ribelli, id-digriet huwa meqjus madwar id-dinja li ji©bor ilprinçipji tal-istat modern, ibda bir-rispett tal-li©i, il-©ustizzja u l-istituzzjoni tal-Parlament. Kont qed insegwi l-a˙barijiet fuq listazzjon ABC, u kien hemm Bronwyn Bishop, l-ispiker Liberali tal-kamra federali tar-rappreΩentanti, tispjega kemm il-Magna Carta kienet importanti min˙abba l-emfasi tag˙ha dwar it-tmexxija skont il-li©i. X'ironija! Referenzi
1., retrieved 15/6/2015 2., retrieved 15/6/2015 3., retrieved 15/6/2015 4., retrieved 15/6/2015
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday June 23, 2015
The Spirit of L’Imnarja Lives on in Llandilo The Llandilo Maltese Seniors, during lunch at this year’s “A Day at the Buskett” On Left: Joe Xuereb and Ronnie Borg playing traditional Maltese songs and keeping the crowd happy
he Llandilo Maltese Seniors, once again held their Annual “A Day at the Buskett”, where they gather to celebrate their Maltese heritage with an Exhibition of Maltese Arts & Crafts, including some nostalgic hand-made toys, some wonderful old tools, lanterns, and cooking items such as the old “Spiritiera”, just to mention a few. The group was then given a “Virtual Tour” of Malta with Augustine Borg and Emmanuel Camilleri as their guides, finally ending up at “the Buskett”!
To add to the spirit of a picnic at the Buskett, they shared lots of different traditional Maltese food. Joe Xuereb and Ronnie Borg came along and provided the music and sang some very popular traditional Maltese songs including “Ghana”. Joe and Ronnie had
the group up on their feet dancing and singing right along with them! It was wonderful to see and hear the laughter and friendship that is so obvious in this group and the great effort that group leaders Helen Azzopardi and Vicky Scicluna and all their members make to keep their Maltese Heritage alive. The group enjoyed a sing-a-long and finished the day with “Tieni Jdejk” a great song of friendship. If anyone is interested to join this group, (they meet on the first Wednesday of every month in the Llandilo Community Hall, Llandilo), and all Maltese seniors from surrounding areas and their friends are most welcome to join. For more information about how one can join this group, one is advised to get in touch with Marisa Previtera, Welfare Worker for the Maltese Community Council of NSW on 0414 863 123. Marisa Previtera
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals The Australian High Commissioner in Malta, HE Jane Lambert, recently presided over the investiture in the Order of Australia of Mr Virgil Bugeja who was awarded the honour last January. At the occasion the HC conferred the order on Mr. Bugeja, presented him with a certificate, and along with a number of guests congratulated him on the Award by the Australian government.
Guaranteed cheapest rates All vehicles in NRMA road Service Low holding Deposit Discount for weekly rentals Shuttle service to the Airport Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta Launch of CHOGM External Culture Programme
A Celebration of Commonwealth Culture
he Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the CHOGM Taskforce, and Arts Council Malta, have together organised an event to launch the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) External Culture Programme. It will also involve Australia. The arts play an important part in bringing Commonwealth countries together and CHOGM that takes place in Malta in November with 53 leaders attending, is the right place for that. Among the artists lined up for the Culture Programme are Malta’s national dance company, Zfin Malta, who will perform to audiences in India and Malaysia.Maltese folktales will be set to contemporary music to enthral young people in South Africa. Cosmos Wind Ensemble will play in Australia while jazz musicians will travel to Canada. Isle Landers photographic art project will be held in Australia, while the Valletta International Baroque Ensemble will perform in London. At the launch, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. George W. Vella said that the Commonwealth was a multi-national realty comprising of 53 countries from all over the world. “ Maybe this explains why this organisation emphasises multiculturalism as an excellent tool which enhances wealth, and safeguards peace amongst nations,” he said. He went on to say that economic globalisation has brought all nations working together “on a competitive level determining our quality of life, however there is another form of globalisation, which has and is still leaving its mark on how we perceive ourselves
AEFDD honours President
n recognition of her constant commitment to initiatives conducive to mutual respect, dialogue between different cultures and peaceful coexistence among nations, Malta President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca has been granted honorary life presidency of Arab European Forum for Development and Dialogue (AEFDD). In appreciation of the efforts made by the founding members of the forum, and in view of her belief in its goals the President accepted the honour from the organisation that is a locally registered non-governmental organisation that provides a platform for dialogue between Arab and European scholars, religious persons, professionals from various sectors and public figures.
Foreign Minister Dr. George Vella (second left) at the launch of the CHOGM External Culture Programme together with Phyllis Muscat, and other members of the culture committee and others.” force, Phyllis Muscat said that the He said this is the cultural globalisation that Commonwealth was a fantastic organisation paved the way so all nations can understand – bringing together 53 countries to speak each other in ways that are not insular, but as with one voice, “but it celebrates diversity too, and nowhere better can this be seen than part of an enhanced and wider experience. The head of the CHOGM Malta 2015 Task- in the arts”, she said.
EU gives Malta strong vote of confidence
he Deputy Prime Minister Mr Louis Grech described as a strong vote of confidence from the European Union the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Ecofin) ratification of the Commission’s recommendation that the Excessive Deficit Procedure opened against Malta is lifted. He said explained that this means that the current Government’s policies are driving Malta and the Maltese economy to yield positive results, saying that these results were achieved without taking any austerity measures whilst incentivising economic growth. The government said that the deficit is expected to continue declining in 2015 and the following years because of prudent fiscal management, as well as of higher GDP growth. Malta reduced its deficit to 2.1% of GDP in 2014. According to statistics from the NSO, GDP grew by 4% in the first quarter of this year. Furthermore the Central Bank of Malta sees the Maltese economy growing by 3.6% this year. The Excessive Deficit procedure comes after good news from Eurostat statistics that shows Malta had the second highest vacancy rate in the first quarter of the year amongst the EU-28, second to Germany,
as well as the second highest increase in vacancies after the Czech Republic. The Government said it is committed to seeking more investment to Malta from foreign-based investors and creating new markets that benefit the Maltese economy and contributes to the creation of new jobs. Meanwhile, official statistics from the Eurostat database quoted by the Ministry of Finance indicate that, while at the end of March 2013 Malta’s national debt stood at €5,172.2 million or 71% of GDP, at the end of December 2014 it stood at €5,417.5 million or 68% of GDP. This means that, in terms of the share of GDP, the burden of the national debt has fallen by 3% of GDP. The MOF explained that typically, economists measure the national debt as a proportion of the nation’s output rather than focusing on the absolute amount of debt. While the national debt stood at €4,551.9 million at the end of March 2011, by the end of March 2013, it had risen to €5,172.2 million. This implies an increase of €620.3 million. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. It is tasked with providing the EU with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta
Maltese government pleased with demand for IIP programme
alta’s individual investor citizenship programme (IIP) has received hundreds of applications from more than 40 nations and demand is set to remain strong in 2015, according to advisors and agents,, the largest community of expatriates on the internet with over 175,000 members has reported. Since its launch in early 2014 the IIP citizenship programme has already attracted more than €450 million in Foreign Direct Investment and Malta is now starting to see added benefits. The site goes on to explain about the programme, and that applicants applying for citizenship have to invest at least €350,000 on a property for at least five years or rent an immovable property for a minimum of €16,000 a year. They also have to contribute €650,000 to Malta’s National Development and Social Fund and fulfil other investments and obligations. Andrew J. Taylor (pictured below), a leading authority in strategic international real estate advisory for private clients and developers, and also vice chairman of Henley & Partners, which markets the programme on behalf of the Maltese government, has been quoted saying that the level of interest remains strong and many of the early applicants are now starting to make ancillary investments outside of the Individual Investor Programme within the country. He said” ‘this will lead to further increased inward investment and the future creation of employment in Malta,” adding that demand is expected to continue to be strong this year. The largest number of applicants is from Russia, China and
South East Asia, and the first letters of citizenship approval in principle have been issued. The first applicants will be issued with their certificates of naturalisation soon after their contribution; investment and residency requirements are fulfilled. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has also been reported describing the programme as innovative on a recent visit to London. “The concept of citizenship is fast evolving, and we want to be at the forefront of this innovation. The Individual Investor Programme is the only citizenship-by-investment programme which is sanctioned by the European Commission,” he said. “It can be explained in one word: talent. We want to enhance our competitiveness by increasing our talent pool and by increasing our global network. We believe that these are the new borders of a brave new world,” he added. The IIP is aimed at ultra-high networth individuals and families worldwide and is marketed internationally by Henley & Partners for the Government of Malta. In its report, also quoted the comments of property agent Frank Salt Real Estate agent (pictured above) who said it has seen growing demand from overseas investors to purchase property for permanent residency or citizenship. Meanwhile, marketing manager Nick Bilocca, has said that some 46% of clients in 2014 were from overseas, of which a third were looking for property connected with the IIP and other schemes. The IIP grants citizenship to qualified, reputable foreign individuals and families who make a significant contribution to the economic development of Malta. The programme intake is limited to 1,800 main applicants, after which it will close.
PM Muscat enjoys Urging Govt. to change 13-point lead over position over use of ODZ Opposition Leader
survey by the popular Sunday newspaper MaltaToday, indicates that Prime Minister A Joseph Muscat enjoys a significant strong 13-
point lead over Opposition leader Simon Busuttil, which is only two points down from the last trust barometer in March. The survey also registers the narrowest trust gap between the two leaders since June 2013, but Busuttil has not made any gains since March of this year. It is also the narrowest trust gap between the two leaders since June 2013 In the survey, the 500 respondents were asked whom they trusted more between Joseph Muscat and Simon Busuttil. It also shows that people are highly satisfied with Labour in office when it comes to its economic performance but there’s widespread dissatisfaction with government on environmental and transparency issues.
undreds of people took part in a protest in Valletta organised by Front Harsien ODZ (FHO) against the proposed development of a private university in land outside development zones at Zonqor Point, Marsaskala. FHO spokesperson Michael Briguglio, said the protest, that was backed by the Alternattiva Demokratika, the National-
ist Party, and several environmental and human rights NGOs, it was the greatest ever protest to be held in Malta. Urging the government to change its position on development on land at Zonqor, he said that the environment belongs to all and that it has no political colour. "It should not be taken away from present and future generations,” he said.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Se nie˙du drawwa ©dida?
˙al Ωmien twil il-©ens Malti kien i˙ares b’çertu rispett lejn il-qrati. Óafna xejn ma kienu jie˙du gost jirfsu l-g˙atba tal-qorti, anke jekk ikunu sempliçement xhieda. Imbag˙ad xi ng˙idu g˙all-mod kif jilbsu u j©ibu ru˙hom fil-Qorti? Na˙seb li l-Qorti g˙adu l-uniku post fejn dak li jkun joqg˙od attent kif jilbes g˙ax anke jekk fil-Knejjes tag˙na naraw minn kull kwalita` ta’ lbies... u kultant nuqqas ta’ lbies, mur quddiem il-bieb tal-Qorti u ara tarax lil xi mara die˙la bil-flokk/libsa bla kmiem u xi ra©el, li forsi jilbes il-libsa s˙i˙a waqt xi tie©, die˙el ming˙ajr ©aketta u sa˙ansitra l-ingravata. Barra hekk, min kien jitniffes fl-awla talQorti jekk ma jkunx avukat jew qed jag˙ti x-xhieda? Imma dak li se˙˙ dan l-a˙˙ar ma nafx jekk hux se jo˙loq drawwa ©dida. Sylvester James, pri©unier, imlaqqam “IlBomba” ma tantx ˙a pjaçir meta fi tmiem ix-x˙ieda tieg˙u bdew isirulu xi mistqosijiet mill-Pulizija u rreja©ixxa billi rrabja u beda jitkellem baxx. Immedjatament il-Ma©istrat immultah €50 g˙al disprezz lejn il-Qorti. B'reazzjoni g˙al dan, Sylvester staqsa lill-Ispettur Spiridione Zammit u lill-Ma©istrat: Min il... ta˙sbu li intkom.” Meta l-Ispettur Zammit ipprova jispjegalu li kien qed jindirizza Ma©istrat, kien pront wie©eb “U jien il-Bomba”.... u lill-Ispettur qallu : “Min iΩ-Ω*** ta˙seb li int?.” Hawnhekk l-Ma©istrat kien pront irduppjalu l-multa. Malli sema’ dan il-pri©unier wie©eb: “Tista’ twa˙˙alni kemm trid g˙ax mhux
Il-Qorti ta’ Malta fi Triq ir-Repubblika, fil-belt Valletta
se n˙allas çenteΩmu. Dak li twa˙˙alni nag˙mlu l-˙abs.” Imma l-kwestjoni ma waqfitx hawn, g˙ax kif il-pulizija kienu ˙er©in bih millAwla, dan dahar fuq il-Ma©istrat u qallu: “Taççetta l-˙las b’çekk jew tippreferi cash?” Minkejja li dan il-pri©unier spiçça b’multa ta’ €100 ma g˙addiex wisq Ωmien meta ma nqalax inçident ie˙or. Din id-darba l-Ma©istrat ta l-liberta’
proviΩorja lill-akkuΩat fuq garanzija ta’ €10,000, kif ukoll li jmur jiffirma darba fil-©img˙a fl-g˙assa. L-akkuΩat b’çertu ton wie©eb: “U jekk ninsa mmur?” Bil-ma©istrat iwie©eb “Ma tantx tista’ tinsa’ g˙ax titlef €10,000.” L-akkuΩat pront pront iwie©eb, li forsi l-Ma©istrat seta’ minflok jibag˙tu jiknes f’xi triq. Tg˙id ser nibdew xi drawwa ©dida?
L-Ismijiet – nillimitawhom?
g˙id wasal iΩ-Ωmien biex ninda˙lu lill-©enituri x’isem jag˙tu lil uliedhom min˙abba li çertu ismijiet ma naççettawhomx? FiΩ-Ωmien, meta kienet ting˙ata aktar importanza liç-çertifikat tat-twelid li kien jo˙ro© il-kappillan, g˙ax dan kien jiswa kwaΩi daqs dak li jo˙ro© mill-insinwa, tant li ç-çertifikat tat-twelid kien sa˙ansitra mag˙ruf millpopolin b˙ala “il-mag˙mudija” (g˙ax ˙afna drabi kienu jg˙idulek ‘©ib il-mag˙mudija’ minflok iç-çertifikat tat-twelid), il-Kappillani u lArçiprieti mhux darba u
tnejn o©©ezzjonaw g˙al xi ismijiet g˙ax kienu jinsistu li dawn ma kienux fil-lista talqaddisin. Hekk li spiççajna b’g˙add ta’ persuni li fiç-çertifikat tat-twelid huma msemmija mod, iΩda jsej˙ulhom b’isem ie˙or. Issa donna li morna fl-estrem l-ie˙or u donnu li kul˙add jivvinta l-ismijiet b’kultant it-tfal jing˙ataw ismijiet li attwalment huma ismijiet strambi u redikoli li mbag˙ad jikkawΩalhom ˙afna mist˙ija u nkwiet meta jikbru. G˙alhekk hawn min qed jistaqsi: Jista’ ssir xi ˙a©a biex nevitaw li min˙abba
isimhom (eΩ. Rodent) ji©u bbuljati u m©ieg˙la jist˙u? Iva, nistg˙u nimxu fuq leΩempju ta’ Franza fejn tin˙are© lista twila ta’ ismijiet (a©©ornata regolarment) fejn kul˙add ikun obbligat jag˙Ωel biss minnha. Forsi f’Malta g˙adna ftit lura biex nag˙mlu dan ilpass, g˙ax s’issa jidher li lma©©oranza tal-©enituri g˙adhom jag˙tu l-ismijiet ta’ qaddisin, g˙alkemm mhux daqshekk il-qaddisin popolari b˙al ÌuΩeppi u Marija jew il-patrun/patruna tal-Belt u r-Ra˙al. Attwalment matul is-sena li g˙addiet l-aktar ismijiet
popolari g˙at-trabi li twieldu fl-2014 kienu: Luke (Luca), Matthew u Jake jew Jacob g˙as-subien. G˙allbniet, l-ismijiet l-aktar popolari jibqg˙u Elena, Julia u Emma. Jidher li l-futbol kellu wkoll effett kbir fuq l-©enituri tant li fost l-aktar 20 isem popolari g˙as-subien da˙lu l-ismijiet Leon/Lionel/Leonardo, kif ukoll Yan/Yannick. Fl-2014 kien hemm 4,277 wild. Minn dawn 53 fil-mija kienu subien. Meta mqabbel mal-2013L-ammont ta’ trabi mwielda Ωdied b’4.9 filmija.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
It-Turizmu Pilastru i
va t-turiΩmu huwa pilastru tal-ekonomija Maltija u b’xorti tajba, u sintendi b’˙afna ˙idma, din l-industrija kulma jmur qed tkompli tikber. Fil-fatt g˙adu kif ©ie m˙abbar li g˙al darb’o˙ra fis-sena 2014 Malta kellha rekord fit-turiΩmu meta Ωaru l-GΩejjer Maltin aktar minn 1.7miljun turist. Dawn it-turisti ˙allew f’Malta €1,528,765 li tfisser €905 minn kull turist. Il-ma©©oranza ta’ dawn, 53.5% intefqu fuq ikel u xorb, 16.2% fuq xiri mill˙wienet, l-aktar ˙wejje© u tifkiriet, segwit mis-settur tar-rikrejazzjoni, trasport u spejjeΩ o˙ra b˙al sigaretti. Sintendi dan l-ammont ta’ turiΩmu wassal ukoll g˙al rata ta’ mpjieg g˙oli f’dan is-settur. Fil-fatt matul l-2014 fl-industrija tat-turiΩmu, fejn g˙andha x’taqsam lakkomodazzjoni kien hemm 5,476 per-
suna ja˙dmu full time u 3,528 part time, filwaqt li 4,488 u 6,464 ja˙dmu full time u part time fis-settur tas-servizz, ikel u xorb. Dan minbarra g˙add kbir ta’ impjegati o˙ra – xufiera, gwidi, bdiewa, eçç li indirettament ukoll gawdew minn dan l-influs kbir ta’ turisti. Is-suççess f’dan is-settur qed anke jidher mill-fatt li g˙add ta’ sidien ta’ lukandi, kemm Maltin u wkoll barranin, qed jinvestu f’aktar sodod. L-akbar g˙add ta’ turisti ©ew minn pajjiΩi Ewropej, segwiti minn pajjiΩi Asjatiçi, mill-Amerka, l-Afrika u l-Lvant Nofsani. Malta tibqa’ l-aktar popolari mal-IngliΩi u t-Taljani segwiti mill-Iskandinavi. Minkejja titjieb fuq skala globali kien hemm diversi pajjiΩi li naqqsu lvja©©i tag˙hom lejn pajjiΩna. Fost dawn insibu lil Spanja (tnaqqis konsiderevoli ta’ 20.6%), ir-Russja, il-Libja u l-Ìermanja. U˙ud millpajjiΩi msemmija jinsabu f’qag˙da ekonomika prekarja g˙all-a˙˙ar.
AkkuΩa serja ilwaqt li d-dinja tal-isport hija xxukjata F b’dak li se˙˙ fil-FIFA fejn diri©enti g˙olja ©ew mixlija b’tix˙im, a˙na l-Maltin g˙andna biex ninkwetaw ukoll dwar il-log˙ba tal-futbol f’pajjiΩna. Dan wara li Francesco Baranca, segretarju ©enerali tal-g˙aqda Federbet li hija bbaΩata fil-Bel©ju stqarr li l-Kampjunat Malti mhu xejn ˙lief eΩerçizzju tal-iffissar tal-partiti tal-futbol. Dan sa˙ansitra qal: “Football in Malta is dying a slow death. Players go to Malta to learn how to fix a game.” Sintendi, meta qal dan ma naqasx li jsemmi ΩΩew© Maltin li ©ew arrestati - eks president ta’ Msida St Joseph u l-mani©er tat-tim tal-Mosta (kif ukoll ©ie rrappurtat fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a ta’ The Voice) – wara li ©ew implikati fi skandlu ta’ xiri ta’ plejers fil-kampjonati tat-Tielet u r-Raba’ DiviΩjoni fl-Italja. Il-Federbet, li hija g˙aqda li tirrappreΩenta lilloperaturi tal-log˙ob (gaming sector operators). Min˙abba f’hekk ne˙˙iet il-log˙ob (betting) fuq timijiet Maltin. S&D Belgian MEP Marc Tarabella, li huwa lko-president tal-iSport Intergroup fil-Parlament Tal-Unjoni Ewropea, meta kien qed jikkumenta dwar rapport dwar ix-xiri fil-futbol ma˙ru© mill-Federbet, stqarr: “In some championships like Malta or Cyprus… the spectators are the only ones to not know the final result.” Tg˙id dak li ilu jing˙ad fil-widnejn, huwa lverita’?
Referendum ie˙or? D
Riedu iwaqqfu l-Ajruplan t-turiΩmu j©ib ukoll mieIminn g˙u çerti stejjer. Wa˙da dawn hija dwar koppja
Taljana (fuq) li ˙alliet g˙alla˙˙ar ˙in biex tmur l-ajruport. Flok taksi, li s-soltu tie˙u minn 20 sa 30 minuta biex tasal l-ajruport, qabdu lkowç li damet sejra sieg˙a u tliet kwarti. Allura waslu lajruport tard. Minkejja dan, g˙amlu ç-check-in u telg˙u fuq iΩda l-boarding gate kienet di©à mag˙luqa. G˙alhekk ma setg˙ux jg˙addu. Hawnhekk, iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ iddeçidew li jg˙addu minn boarding gate li dak il-˙in ma kienetx qed jintuΩa. Huma fet˙u l-bieb tas-sigurtà u telqu ji©ru fuq ir-runway. Sussegwentament, huma marru ˙dejn l-ajruplan li dak il-˙in kellu l-bibien mag˙luqa u kien startjat biex jibda l-vja©© tieg˙u lejn
l-ajruport ta' Bari. Hekk kif kienu ta˙t l-ajruplan, iΩΩew© imputati bdew ixejru, bil-konsegwenza li l-pilota kellu jwaqqaf kollox min˙abba fihom. Madankollu t-titjira telqet b'mod normali mill-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta' Malta u ma kien hemm lebda konsegwenzi ulterjuri min˙abba l-a©ir tag˙hom. Il-koppja kienet mg˙a©©la biex tasal lura fl-Italja g˙ax it-tfajla xtaqet tqatta' g˙eluq sninha flimkien mal-©enituri tag˙ha... imma minflok spiççat fiç-çella g˙ax dawn ©ew arrestati u l-g˙ada ©ew mmultati €2,329 kull wie˙ed. Fil-Qorti qalu li ma kellhomx flus biΩΩejjed biex i˙allsu, allura se jag˙mlu dan bin-nifs, fi Ωmien disa’ xhur.
onnu l-idea tar-referendum dwar il-kaçça ng˙o©bot.Issa tfaçça grupp ©did ji©bor il-firem g˙al referendum ie˙or ...dwar ilLi©i tal-Integrazzjoni, li ta˙seb biex tati spinta g˙all-integrazzjoni tal-emigranti barranin li jing˙ataw il-kenn f’Malta. Din l-g˙aqda, mag˙rufa b˙ala G˙aqda Patrijotti Maltin, hija kontra din il-li©i. Skont Henry Battistino, is-segretarju tal-G˙aqda, b˙alissa f’Malta g˙ax in-nies ma jafux xi tfisser integrazzjoni. Sejja˙ dan l-att b˙ala suwiçidju g˙all-©ens Malti. Qal li bil-kelma immigranti huma ma jfissrux biss nies ta’ ©ilda skura izda dawk kollha li jid˙lu fil-pajjiΩ ming˙ajr id-doku-
menti. Qal li l-pajjiΩ qed ji©i ma˙kum u f’inkwiet kbir, u li nnies xebg˙u mill-paroli ta’qabel lelezzjoni dwar il-‘push backs’ u ma twettaq xejn. Qal li kull firma li qed tin©abar hija “stallet g˙al dawk li ma jridunix ng˙ixu b˙ala poplu”. Riçerkatur, Norman Vella qal li l-Maltin huma nies kattoliçi li ma jobog˙dux izda l-politikanti qed i©ieg˙lu lill-Maltin jobog˙du lillbarranin. Issokta lil-poplu mhux jifhem x’inhu multikulturaliΩmu u dan se jwassal biex il-poplu jitlef l-g˙eruq kattoliçi tieg˙u. L-g˙aqda qalet li ©abret 10,000 firma u qed timmira g˙al 40,000 biexu jistg˙u jitolbu r-referendum.
Ix-xena politika
a˙seb tg˙idu, mela ma ©ara N xejn speçjali fil-kamp talpolitiku f’dawn l-a˙˙ar jiem? Ng˙id li ©ara! Tant li fil-midja lokali kwaΩi ma jsib xejn li b’xi mod jew ie˙or m’g˙andux x’jaqsam mal-politika. Tant qed jissemmew allegati skandli, polemiçi dwar l-ambjent, impjiegi ta’ nies, allegat abbuΩi eçç, li bilkemm ma ta˙sibx li ninabu fl-aqwa tal-kampanja elettorali.
Biss dan l-a˙˙ar tant uΩajt spazju biex nikkumenta dwar il-politika, li ˙sibt li kemm jista’ g˙al xi Ωmien inwarrab fil-©enb din ilmaterja. Wara kollox, tant inqalg˙u stejjer dwar il-politika, li anke jekk irrid nikkumenta dwarhom lanqas g˙andi wisg˙a biΩΩejjed. Fuq kollox ma nafx kemm inthom qarrejja tixtiequ tibqg˙u tisimg˙u dwar dak li ji©ri filqasam politiku!!!
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
A quick glimpse at Australia
Stamp duty and state governments
Police guard a wooden boat carrying Rohingya migrants from Burma
he Property Council of Australia has released figures showing the cost of stamp duty to a home buyer with an average-sized mortgage has increased by 795 percent in Melbourne and 749 per cent in Sydney during the last 20 years. Property taxes make up as much as 46 per cent of state, territory and local government budgets. Stamp duty alone contributed more that 20 per cent of the total revenue of the NSW, Victoria, Western Australia and Northern Territory government. In NSW, it topped $5 billion for the first time this year. The cost of stamp duty over the life of an average mortgage is now $61,542 in Sydney, $56,616 in Melbourne, $49,701 in Darwin, and $35,427 in Canberra, according to the council’s model. The Property Council of Australia argues state governments had to rely on stamp duty as a source of revenue because GST has been untouched since its introduction in 1999.
Coal and climate change ustralia, with one of the world’s A highest per-capita emissions “had gone from leadership to free-rider sta-
tus in climate change diplomacy. A panel led by former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan, said Australia, the US and the EU should be aiming for a deep carbon cuts by 2030 while China – the largest emitter – should bring forward its planned peak, the African Progress Panel’s 2015 report said. Africa, home to 600 million people without access to electricity has done less to contribute to climate change, but no region will pay a higher price for failure to tackle it. The report further said that coal companies in Australia, the EU and US were campaigning vigorously against climate change.
Many ways to stop the boats
ccording to a report in the SMH Australian officials paid thousands of dollars to captain and crew of a boat carrying asylum seekers, who were then returned to Indonesia. Sixty-four people from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, who were seeking asylum in New Zealand,
had their boats intercepted and returned to the island of Rote. It is alleged that Australian officials paid the six crew members at least $7,000 each. Peter Dutton the Immigration Minister refused to confirm these serious accusations. It has become “policy” of the Abbott Government not to comment on or disclose operational details. They are calling this latest move as “unprecedented” and even “a form of people smuggling”. It appears that anything goes as long as it stops the boats. The Australia Government is facing pressure to explain the allegations from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The Indonesian Ministry is saying, “the push-back policy is already bad enough and now if this incident is confirmed
it would be a new law in the way this issue is being handled. The question would then arise whether this constitutes an authority collaborating and abetting with people smugglers to re-traffic the people”. An official from Timur province said sending back to Indonesia the asylum seekers on two boats with just a drum of fuel each was akin to a “suicide mission”, asking: “Where is the humanity”. He added: “We have now given you the evidence, (showing photographs of thousands of US dollars handed to the smugglers) it is now up to you and other organisations to demand an answer from the Australian government”. It now appears that the practice of intelligence agency officials paying members of peoplesmuggling networks, including boat owners and crews goes back to about 2010 under the Rudd government. The Prime Minister said, ”Australia will do whatever is necessary, within the law, consistent with our standards as a decent and humane society to stop the boats”.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday June 23, 2015 5
A quick glimpse at Australia
Dual nationals and terrorism
he Government plans to strip citizenship from dual nationals involved in terrorism could face a High Court challenge. There is always a risk involved in every decision like this, particularly around national security. The plan is being opposed because it gives the immigration minister the power to revoke nationality even where someone has not been convicted of a crime. There is also some doubt about people being left stateless. The government has been pushing the opposition to declare its support for the legislation. Labor has given in-principle support to the idea of cancelling citizenship for suspected dual nationals
but has reserved final judgement regarding the expansion of ministerial power. It appears that Mr. Abbott’s controversial proposal relies on the courts being completely cut out of the process, arguing that limiting citizenship cancellation only to those people already convicted of terrorism-related crimes by courts would render the change “toothless”. It is being argued that in many cases law enforcement agencies will know an Australian has been fighting with terrorist groups but will be unable to present sufficient eligible evidence to secure conviction.
OECD warns Australia to keep further rate cuts in reserve
ustralia has been cautioned by the OECD to keep further interest rate cuts "in reserve" and that the country's booming housing market could be at risk of a "sharp correction". The warning from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OEDC) came in its latest economic report on Australia. Given Australia was adjusting to its postmining boom landscape, and considering the downside of rate cuts, the OECD said the country should continue to support investment in non-commodity sectors, among other areas It also said it should consider measures to
The Dalai Lama
They have failed
he Dalai Lama, one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders, in Australia recently, said world religious leaders have failed in their mission to create a better world. “Frankly speaking, I am a Buddhist, and even Buddha failed to bring a peaceful and happy society. If killing each other, if crises, injustice and huge gaps between rich and poor are Ok, then there is no need to promote ethics, these things are a sad situation, they are human created” He said that among the supposed six billion religious believers in the world, some were “corrupted”.
boost competition, cuts to red tape and tax reforms in order to help boost growth Australia's benchmark interest rate is at an historic low. Analysts warn that cheap credit has fuelled a housing bubble in some cities. In May, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut its key interest rate by 25 basis points to an all-time low of 2%. Rising property prices in Australia's biggest city, Sydney, a strong currency and a drop in iron ore prices were among the reasons for the cut. But Australia's treasury secretary John Fraser said that Sydney was "unequivocally" in a housing bubble. A shortage of new houses, cheap credit and generous tax breaks, together with money from overseas investors, sent city's housormer Prime Minister Julia Gillard (above) speaking at Foring prices sky high. tune Most Powerful Women, a London summit for successful Home prices ac- women picked out her own handling of sexist and misogynistic ross some of the attacks as “one thing I absolutely did get wrong” – in that she didbiggest cities surged n’t directly address it soon enough. “Instead of…policy dialogue as much as 40% the it degenerated into “ditch the bitch” or “ditch the witch”. OECD warned that Asked if she had any advices for Hillary Clinton, the US presicontinuing momen- dential candidate, Ms Gillard said Ms Clinton “has experience tum in Australia's enough of politics to not particularly need my advice”. However, property market ad- she said, from her own time in power, “If anything happens that’s ded "to the risk of a sexist you’ve got to call it out early rather than thinking it will all normalise itself and just go away by itself”. sharp correction".
Julia Gillard on sexism
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230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
The Óal Saflieni Hypogeum P
articularly during the winter months in Australia at a time when Malta would be basking under the summer sun and the island becomes a Mecca for tourists, The Voice of the Maltese is inundated with requests, particularly from Maltese-Australians for information about the most interesting places to visit during the weeks they spend in Malta. They tell us that they don’t come to Malta just to meet relatives or go to the beach. We like to oblige and for the next few issues especially, but not only, we would be focusing on some of the interesting places one should visit during the stay to learn more about the Maltese islands and traditions. Malta is not only beaches, restaurants or festas. It has so much more to offer the visitor. In itself, Malta is in itself a historical place, with the remains dated back to 3600 BC. Our first visit is to the Óal Saflieni Hypogeum, which is an underground prehistoric burial site dating back to 3600 BC. Discovered in 1902 during construction works, the site, site, described as a unique monument and superb example of architecture in the negative, consists of halls, chambers and passages hewn out of the living rock and covering some 500 square metres Fr Emmanuel Magri first excavated it
The beautifully crafted interconnecting chambers of the underground Óal Saflieni Hypogeum, a shrine or burial chamber, which was once the resting place of some 7000 human bodies.
between 1904 and 1906. After his death in Tunisia, his excavation notes could not be found, but excavations were taken over by Sir Themistocles (Temi) Zammit, who continued works until 1911. Excavation at the Hypogeum, or underground cavity which is in Burial Street, Paola, is known to have yielded a wealth of archaeological material including pottery, human bones, personal ornaments such as beads and amulets, little carved animals and larger figurines. The Hypogeum consists of rock-cut chambers in diverse shapes and sizes, finished to different standards of workmanship, halls and passages hewn out of the living rock. The complex is grouped in three levels – the upper level (3600-3300 BC), consisting of a large hollow with a cen-
The main chamber at the Óal Saflieni Hypogeum
tral passage and burial chambers cut on each side, the middle level (33003000 BC), made up of various chambers very smoothly finished, which give the impression of built masonry, and the lower level (3150 -2500 BC), with the deepest room being 10.6 metres under road surface. The Hypogeum was first opened to visitors in 1908 and since then it has been visited by many thousands of people. Unfortunately, this has had a toll on the delicate microclimate of the site that has affected the preservation of the site and the unique red ochre paintings. For this reason, after a conservation project that saw the site closed for 10 years between 1990 and 2000, a new system was established in which only 10 visitors an hour are allowed in for a maximum of eight hours a day (starting on the hour from 9.00 till 16.00. Each tour is complemented by an environmental control system that keeps temperature and humidity at required levels. A tour of the site starts with a brief introductory exhibition and multilingual audio-visual presentation focusing on the temple building peoples and the Hypogeum's relationship to Malta's temple sites. Would be visitors are advised to book ahead as tours are often full up to weeks in advance. One can book online for most of the tours by accessing the Heritage Malta website using the links below. Tickets are also available from the Hypogeum Visitor Centre in Paola and from the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta.
NOTE: The Hypogeum will be closed from 3rd August 3 to April 2016 due to conservation and restoration works.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Kittieb prolifiku u wie˙ed mill-fundaturi tal-G˙aqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti
inu Cremona, jew is-Sur Nin kif ˙afna kienu jafuh) twieled firRabat, G˙awdex iben Feliç u Margaret née Pace fis-27 ta’ Mejju 1880. Huwa tilef lil misieru meta kien g˙ad kellu biss tlett snin u fl-1885 mar jg˙ix ma’ zijuh f’Tuneż. Hemm attenda liskola tal-Christian Brothers u aktar tard studja fis-St Charles College. Meta ftit wara ©ie lura Malta ssokta l-istudji tieg˙u kemm fis-Seminarju ta’ G˙awdex u wara f’tal-Furjana fejn sar mid˙la tal- poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm. Ta’ 20 sena, fl-1900 da˙al ja˙dem mal-gvern b˙ala skrivan u meta wara kors ta’ erba’ snin fl-Ashton School of Hygene fl-Università ta’ Liverpool temm l-istudji tieg˙u, la˙aq spettur tas-sanità. Fl-1928 ©ie mog˙ti l-inkarigu li jie˙u f’idejh it- traduzzjonijiet u l-pubblikazzjonijiet kollha tal-Gvern. Kien ukoll jg˙allem il-Malti fil-klassijiet ta’ filg˙axija u fl-1936 sar lewwel g˙alliem tal-Malti fil-Liçeo. MaΩ-Ωmien kien anke sar wie˙ed mill-eΩaminaturi tal-Malti fl-Università. Imma forsi Ninu Cremona jibqa’ miftakar laktar b˙ala wie˙ed mill-fundaturi tal-G˙aqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti (illum l-Akkademja talMalti). Kellu l-kariga ta’ viçi-president u kien ukoll wie˙ed mill-edituri tarrivista tal-G˙aqda, IlMalti. Flimkien ma’ o˙rajn, fosthom Ìanni Vassallo, fasslu l-ortografija Maltija. Ninu kien kittieb prolifiku u j˙obb id-drama, Il-monument f’©ieh bl-aqwa xogħol tieg˙u Ninu Cremona jkun dramm imsejjes fuq
l-istruttura klassika tal-Griegi, bl-isem ta’, Il-Fidwa tal-Bdiewa. Fost il-kotba minn tieg˙u nsibu, Weraq mar-Ri˙ (1932), Rand u Rihan (1945) u MisSi©ra ta’Óajti (1970). Ippubblika wkoll g˙add ta’ novelli, u fil-qasam lingwistiku tieg˙u nsibu wkoll, X’inhu l-Malti Safi (1925), A Manual of Maltese Orthography and Grammar (1929), Tag˙lim fuq il-Kitba Maltija (l-ewwel volum fl-1935 u t-tieni fl1938). Ippubblika wkoll A Historical Review of the Maltese Language (1945). Huwa wkoll mag˙ruf li xandar g˙add ta’ bijografiji, fosthom dik li ˙admu fuqha, o˙rajn, Mikiel Anton Vassalli u Ûminijietu (1937), li ©iet tradotta bl-isem ta’ Vassalli and his times minn May Butcher, fl-1940. Fost bijografiji li kiteb hemm ukoll ta’ RuΩar Briffa b’tag˙rif dwar it-twaqqif tal-G˙aqda tal-Malti (Università) li twaqqfet minn Rużar Briffa u ÌuΩè Bonnici fl-1931. Ninu Cremona xandar ukoll studji bħal: L’Antica Fondazione della Scuola di Lingwa Araba in Malta (1955), La Marina Maltese dal Medio Evo all’Epoca Moderna (1964). Kien ukoll espert dwar il-Folklor kif wera fil-kitbiet: Maltese Funeral Customs (1922), Race, Language, and Myth (1922), Mourning and Funeral Customs in Malta (1923), Some Myths and Beliefs in Maltese Folklore (1923), Weather and Husbandry Lore in the Isles of Malta (1925), Is the Maid of Mosta a Myth? (1934) u Folklore u Lsien Malti (1944). Fl-1970 ˙afna mix-xogħlijiet tieg˙u bil-Malti ©ew ippublikati f’Antolo©ija ta’ ProΩa Maltija. Fl-1946 ing˙ata l-midalja tad-deheb ÌuΩe`Muscat Azzopardi, filwaqt li fl-1960, b˙ala g˙arfien g˙all-˙idma kbira tieg˙u fil-qasam letterarju, grammatikali u xjentifiku tal-Ilsien Malti, l-Università Rjali ta’ Malta tag˙tu l- Honoris Causa tad-Dottorat tal-Letteratura. L-a˙˙ar ftit xhur ta’ ˙ajtu sa ma miet fl-4 ta’ Jannar 1972, Ninu qattag˙hom f’G˙awdex. Fis-sena ta’ wara l-G˙aqdiet tal-Malti tawh ©ieh b’pubblikazzjonijiet speçjali b˙ala’tifkira, f’Le˙en il-Malti, filwaqt li fir-Rabat G˙awdex sar monument f’©ieh Ninu Cremona.
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Il-Pronom 1. Il-Pronom huwa kelma li toqg˙od mnflok in-nom. EΩ.: hu ©ie ... minflok is-surmast, it-tabib, Ìanni ©ie...
dak/daka, dik/dika, dawn/dawna, dawk/dawka. d) Riflessivi li huma: jien innisi, inti nnifsek, hu nnifsu, hi nnifisha, a˙na nfusna, intom infuskom, huma nfushom.
2. L-Pronomi jistg˙u jkunu: a) Mag˙Ωulin (we˙idhom): dawk, u˙ud, min, ie˙or, itom, a˙na, din, hija.
4. Il-Pronom jista’ jkun ta’ G˙add Singular jew Plural u ta’ Ìens Maskil jew Femminil. Ez.: jien (Sing.); a˙na (Plur.); huwa (Mask.): hija (Femm.).
b) MehmuΩin (li jing˙aqdu): i, ja, ni, ek, ok, k, u, h, ha, na, kom, hom,
5. Il-Pronomi Personalu huma ta’ tliet persuni kemm fis-Singular kif ukoll fil-Plural. Dawn huma:
3. Il-Pronomi jonqasmu f’: a) Personali li huma: jiena/jien, inti/int, huwa/hu, a˙na, intom, huma.
L-ewwel Persuna Jiena (jien) It-tieni Persna Inti (int) It-tielet Persna Maskil Huwa (hu) “ “ Femminil (hi)
b) Relattivi li huma: min, xi, kull, li. ç) Dimostrattivi li huma: dan/dana, din/dina,
Fl-a˙har ˙arga ttratajna l-A©©ettiv, g˙alhekk b’dan it-ta˙ri© nipprattikaw li tg˙allimna
A˙na Intom Huma “
(Dab’o˙ra nittrattaw il-Pronomi MehmuΩin)
ÓoΩΩ sing ta˙t l-A©©ettiv: Salvu rikeb Ωiemel ©errej ˙afna. Rajt stampa sabi˙a ferm. Kemm hu d˙uli dak ilbidwi qasir. Xtrajt larin© ˙elu. Ìibli ftit ilma frisk. Iz-zija tatni kelb sufi. Dak liskrivan twil g˙andu xag˙ru qastni u g˙ajnejh Ωoroq. Óabibi xtrali ktieb Ωg˙ir. L-ajruplan biex ittir lejn g˙al Malta huwa wie˙ed kbir.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Community News La Valette Social Centre Il-Festa tal-Imnarja 175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW Is-Sibt 27 ta’ Ìunju: 8.00pm: L-g˙ana tas-soltu. D˙ul ming˙ajr ˙las. G˙al kull, tag˙rif çemplu 9622 5847 Ikun hemm entertainment trailer ghat-tfal. Ejjew u ©ibu lit-tfal maghkom. Il-Óadd 28 ta’ Ìunju: Fil-11 a.m: Il-festa tal-Imnarja tibda b’quddiesa. Wara jkun hemm wirjiet ta’ ˙axix, frott, tjur u affarijiet o˙ra. Ikun hemm ukoll jumping castle g˙at-tfal, g˙ana ma’ Saver u s˙abu, daqq u Ωfin minn Sam Mifsud. Tie˙u sehem ukoll il-Banda OLQOP. Ikel fil-kçina jinkludi fniek u ikel ie˙or. Dawk li jkunu jridu jie˙du xi affarijiet g˙all-wirja jçemplu mill-aktar fis fuq: 9622 5847 jew lil Joe Abela: 0425 206 472
MALTA DAY On Sunday August 16 at Casey Hall on Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters on the GOLD COAST Qld. from 10.30 am- 4.00 pm This will be a Maltese style fiera, a festival with a variety of traditional dishes, including Fenkata (rabbit stew), timpana (baked macaroni), ross il-forn (baked savoury rice), pastizzi, and a selection of traditional cakes and sweets, including the much-loved ricotta cannoli, imqaret and the soft drink Kinnie. Other attractions will include: Live entertainment, raffles, displays,folklore music and DVD’S of MALTA and it’s history. Entry is free. Everybody is invited. Bring along family and friends.
Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine every fortnight and also join us on our facebook page:
THEGROUP GROUP SANTA SANTA MARIJA MARIJA THE Sydney Sydney is celebrating its Annual Dinner Dance on Saturday August 8 at 7.00 pm at the Balmoral Centre, Balmoral Street, Blacktown With a four-course meal Including beer, wine, soft drinks cassata ice cream and tea & coffee ENTERTAINMENT: provided by The Facon’s Band with Special Guest STACEY SALIBA Donation.... $60.00 Children U/12.....$30.00 Come and let’s celebrate totogether with our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band of NSW
For more info/tickets call: AGNES: 9626 6753 Mob: 0432 714 735
For further information contact: Margaret Grima on 55763441or Judith Padovani on 55290654
Fuq Radju Malta ( kull nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
One good turn deserves another
Learn Maltese!
edication we have lots of; when it comes to time, we find it as when dedicatiing oneself to a cause, it’s there. A third ingredient needed to produce an online magazine such as The Voice of the Maltese is financial. To offset that, of late, the production team has been seeking sponsors to help us share that burden with us. Some have responded positively by advertising the services they offer to their clients on our publication. There is need for more, but at least it’s a start. We call upon others to follow them. One good turn deserves another; therefore in return, our readers too have a part to play. They are therefore urged to use the services and buy products of those sponsoring The Voice of the Maltese.
Kull qalb trid o˙ra
iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday June 23, 2015
(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906 Seniors’ Day Every Monday Home-made cooked two-course meal, tea and coffee Bingo and dancing lessons Computers available for usage. Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra. Phone 42 746121 and leave a message
The Feast of Saints Peter & Paul (Festa L’Imnarja and Lejla fil-Buskett) On Sunday July 5 at the Good Shepherd Parish Hall 130-136 Hyatts Rd Plumpton Starting with Classic Cars and Bikes at 12.00 Noon 1.30pm till 6.00pm: Entertainment, Arts & Crafts and Agriculture Displays There will also be music & singing featuring Ron Borg, Joe Xuereb & Tony Fenech
St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC Programme for the rest of 2015
JULY 18: (Saturday): Function at Albion AUGUST 21: (Friday): Feast Mass at Ardeer AUGUST 22: (Saturday): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 35th Anniversary feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Saturday): Functioin at Albion OCTOBER 24: (Saturday): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sunday): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Saturday): Function at Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 19: (Saturday): Xmas function at Melrose. (For bookings or more information phone Victor: 0412 99 13 25)
Refreshments of Maltese foods and drink, tea & coffee will be available. ENTRANCE IS FREE - ALL UNDER COVER EVERYONE WELCOME For more information please ring: Vice President: Charlie Gatt - 9671 3919 or Public Relations Officer: Joe Fenech - 96280481
Maltese Association – Hobsons Bay Inc. NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE
Other activities this year: Sunday July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett ; Sunday October 18: Spring Fiera; Sunday December 6: Feast of St Nicholas For further information call Bill Schembri: 0416 261 415.
UTS Sydney - Free English classes As part of its Teachers Training for 2015, the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney - Insearch is offering free English classes designed to improve one’s speaking and listening skills. Following is the programme for this year: July 6 - July 31 (1.30pm to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday) August 11 - October 15 (6.00p.m8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) October 20 -December 23 (6.00pm8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) If interested call 92188646, fax 92114334 or email: Student Centre, Ground Floor, 187 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 (corner Quay & Thomas Street Chinatown). Students must be at least 16 years old
21-31 Collins Avenue, Altona East, Victoria 3025 Tel: (03) 9391 – 7359 Fax: (03) 9391 - 7359 Il-Maltese Association Hobsons Bay Inc. se jg˙addu tmiem il-©img˙a f’Mulwala, NSW. Tluq miç-çentru f’21, Collins Ave. Altona East nhar is-Sibt 4 ta’ Lulju fis-7.00 a.m. G˙al aktar tag˙rif wie˙ed g˙andu jçempel lil Joe fuq: 0400357001, jew lil Carmen: 0413 386 714
18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta. For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or
on demand:
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:
Maltese Programmes on TV and Web
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Fi programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil-11.00 ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙allMaltin On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FMwavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Watch direct via HYPERLINK:
VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio: July 2, 16 and 30; August 13 and 17 - from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:; L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong. For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Malta Society of New Zealand
We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.
The Maltese Language School of NSW Ótie©a ta’ G˙alliema tal-Malti
L-iskola tal-Malti ta NSW sa tifta˙ klassijiet ©odda fil Western Suburbs ta' Sydney g˙attag˙lim tal-lingwa Maltija. G˙alhekk hemm il-˙tie©a ta’ g˙alliema ©odda (l-g˙alliema jit˙allsu). Dawk kollha li jixtiequ jg˙allmu lMalti g˙andhom japplikaw billi jibag˙tu email lill:
Wanted: Teachers of Maltese language
The Maltese Language School of NSW is planning to open new classes in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the teaching of the Maltese Language. We need new teachers (paid positions) for these classes. Those who are interested in teaching this languageshould apply:
L-ahbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.
Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Sports 1 Malta participates in first Euro Games at Baku 2015
alta was one of 50 participating countries in the Baku 2015 European Games, Azerbaijan - the first-ever major multi-sport event for the entire continent that brought together more than 6,000 of the continent’s finest athletes over 17 days of competition, in a range of traditional and innovative sports. The Baku 2015 European Games – June 12-28 – are featuring a total of 20 sports: 16 Olympic and four non-Olympic sports. Malta has been represented by 59 athletes in seven sports: Athletics, Badminton Cycling, Judo, Shooting, Triathlon and Waterpolo. The last remaining participation for Maltese athletes will be in Judo June 26-27. Most of the Maltese athletes selected for the Games made the trip not because of minimum qualifying standards but through direct invitation, except the Water-polo U-17 team, which qualified on its own merit. At least 11 sports are offering qualification opportunities for the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games. By the end of the Games, in just a few more days, athletes will have competed for
245 gold medals. When it comes to Malta’s participation, the Waterpolo team was the first in action on the second day of competition. It rounded up its commitments with five defeats from as many games to finish in a disappointing last place out of 16 teams. The Malta team lost all its three Group D matches against Spain, Serbia and Slovakia, conceding 55 goals in the process. Malta lost 3-18 to Serbia; 8-15 to Slovakia and 4-22 to Spain. Then it also lost the two matches for final placing, by 7-8 to Azerbaijan, and in the 15-16th place match 813 to Ukraine. Triathlon: In thewomen’s event Danika Bonello Spiteri finished 37th from 47 starters, but Hannah Pace failed to finish the distance, while in the Men’s event Keith Galea was lapped (in 54th from 57) Shooting: Nathan Lee Xuereb just failed by three hits to make it to the final round of the Double Trap, hitting 137 clays from a possible 150. In the Women’s 10m Air Pistol, Eleanor Bezzina finished 32nd from 36. Cycling: Michelle Vella was one of the 16 failing to
Slender-goal loss for Malta against Bulgaria
aving obtained a rare victory in an international match a few days earlier, Malta’s national football team was expected to fare much better than losing 1-0 at the National Stadium against Bulgaria in a EURO 16 tie. However, it was not to be. Malta shared much of the exchanges but were lucky to wrap up the first 45 minutes 0-0 after the Bulgars missed a penalty in stoppage time when Ilian Micanski hit wide from the spot. But Bulgaria got the all-important goal on 56 minutes through Ivelin Popov. Four days by Nigerian-born Alfred Effiong.
Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSW
The Malta Team at the march past during the opening ceremony in Azerbaijan.
finish the 120.7km Road race from 67 cyclist The same fate for Maurice Frmosa in the Men’s road race (215.8 km). He was one of the 29 cylists among 125 who did not finish Malta is also scheduled to compete in Athletics, Badminton(in Men’s an Women’s Singles group), and on the final two days, in the Judo preliminaries The Baku 2015 Games, organised by the European Olympic Committees (EOC) are the brainchild of European Olympic Committee (EOC) president Patrick Hickey who proposed the idea of staging the continental championships in 2011.
3rd Footballer of Year title for Andrew Cohen Hibernians and Malta international midfielder Andrew Cohen, 34, has been named Footballer of the Year for third time in his career following similar successes in seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. Cohen was widely acclaimed for the prominent role he played during the league campaign that let to Hibs’ title success. He was regarded as front-runner for the award. He also became only the second player to win the coveted award for a third time after former Valletta striker Gilbert Agius. Ironically, Cohen was left out of the national team in the Euro 2016 match in Malta against Bulgaria.
Champions Hibs kick-off 2015/16 v Balzan The Premier League draws for season 2015/16 have been made and on the first day, on August 21, champions Hibernians were drawn to meet Balzan FC, the only team that managed to beat them last season.
The rest of the first day’s programme is: Naxxar Lions v Tarxien Rainbows, Valletta v Pembroke Athleta, Mosta v Qormi, St Andrews v Sliema Wanderers, and Birkirkara v Floriana.
Back-to-back defeats for the Eagles of Parramatta
On a day when Parramatta City reflected on its them empty-handed was not repeated in Saturproud history, June 14, Blacktown City’s Travis day’s game. The fact that they took an early Major tarnished their day when he scored an lead throgh Marco Sama, at Sutherland did not early goal for the away team that proved the dif- help much. They conceded the leveller 12 minference between the two sides in the inaugural utes later and then suffered the all-important Heritage Round match at Melita Stadium. goal three minutes into the secnd half. Then Parramatta suffered another defeat at The back-to-back defeats certainly did not help Sutherland last Sautrday by 2-1 on a day when their cause as they stay in the penultimate posithree matches were washed out. tion in the league ladder. five ahead of Marconi. Against Blacktown City, Results he away team’s Major, Round 14 Round 15 pounced in the eighth Sutherland S. v Parramatta 2-1 Parramatta v Blacktown C 0-1 minute to turn home the de- Marconi S. v Rockdale CS 0-1 Brownrigg v Sydney O. 3-1 cisive goal of the contest Blacktown S v Manly U v 3-2 APIA v Marconi S. 6-2 after Parramatta goalkeeper Sydney O. v APIA 1-6 pos. Sydney U v Blacktown S Luke Turnbull could only Blacktown C v Brownrigg pos. South Coast W. v Sutherland S. 3-0 parry a fierce Patrick An- South Coast W. v Sydney U pos. Rockdale CS v Manly U. 4-0 telmi strike into the scorer’s PS4N PL2 NSW path. The Eagles’ resilient perRound 13 Round 14 formance that however left Mounties W v Macarthur Rams pos.. North. Tigers v Mounties W 4-1
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday June 23, 2015
Sports 2
History remembered at the Melita Stadium I
t was an afternoon that brought tears to the eyes of the supporters of the great Melita Eagles FC founded in 1956. Federation NSW sponsored the Heritage Round on Saturday June 14. To mark the occasion, before kick-off of the Parramatta FC v Blacktown City game at Melita Stadium, this club with a magnificent history remembered and honoured the founders of the club, other administrators, and past coaches and players. George Ellul, who this year marks up half a century of uninterrupted service to the club now known as Parramatta FC (since the football teams were taken over by the Granville District Football Association), headed the historic roll call that included the founders of the club and other administrators. The crowd was also thrilled once again to the nostalgic sound of the theme song of the club in Maltese, “Ma tag˙mlu xejn ma' talMelita” played by trumpeters Anthony Theuma and George Attard. Sam Vella, Lawrence Dimech and Lino Vella, three of the founders of the club were
Trumpeter and fan Anthony Theuma playing the Eagles’ nostalgic theme song
given mementoes as a token of appreciation. The same to former coaches, Raul Blanco, Rale Rasic, Brain Dean and Trevor Morgan. Former players able to attend the historic occasion like Marshall Soper, Hector Martinez, Kevin Molyneaux, Gus Serro, Richie Williams, Hugo Giminez, Malcolm Mejlak, Mirko Jurilj, Glenn Mejlak, Ben Delicata, and Daniel Borg were also honoured. Speaking to The Voice of the Maltese, George Ellul said that “Melita Eagles has punched above its weight in football NSW and as a Maltese-based club has given the community respect, glory and many successes in the most competitive sport of all, the world game”. There is no doubt that Melita Eagles, now Parramatta Melita Eagles still remains the most supported organisation the Maltese community has ever had in NSW. Parramatta FC (Parramatta Melita Eagles), are an Australian soccer club based in South Granville NSW. They played several seasons in the National Soccer League winning the NSL Cup twice in 1990/91 and 1993/94, and later the NSW Premier League in various forms on six occasions - 1985, 1988, 1989, 1996, 1997, 2001/2002. They currently compete in the PS4NPL NSW Men’s 1. Maltese immigrants formed Melita Eagles in 1956 after the amalgamation of two MalSoccer Club.
George Ellul (red shirt) leading out the team on the historic occasion In 1962 they changed their name to Melita Eagles-Newtown. Melita Eagles know their origins in the Maltese community and stretch back to the formation of the original NSW Federation of Soccer Clubs in 1957. Along with higher profile clubs like Prague, Hakoah, APIA Leichhardt, St George, Pan-Hellenic and others they were part of the original breakaway movement that saw the death of the old NSW Soccer Football Association in January 1957. Parramatta’s current coach Franco Consentino – a former Eagles player himself – said the pre-game ceremony was a touching tribute and a great reminder of the impact his club has had on Australian football. “I played here as well, and to see the old boys back was great. The club has a lot history and has been one of the greatest forces in Australian soccer over the years, so it was a nice touch” Consentino said.
Melita Eagles’ heritage group made up of coaches, players and administrators