The Voice of the Maltese No.208

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Issue 208

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fort nightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly

July 16, 2019

Touring Mdina, Malta’s old capital by Karozzin

EMIGRANT - bogħod minn

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

pajjiżi imma nibqa’ niddefendih



afna għandhom l-impressjoni li dawk kollha li emigraw minn Malta għal xi pajjiż ieħor kbir għamlu dan minħabba li jew ma sabux xogħol f’Malta, li ma kienux kuntenti fix-xogħol tagħhom, jew li forsi ġew sfurzati jħallu l-Gzejjer Maltin għax ma kienux jaraw għajn ma’ għajn ma’ min jiggverna u ħassew li ma kienux apprezzati (biex ngħidha bil-pulit). Le, hemm oħrajn li bħali dehrilhom li x-xogħol jew il-professjoni li konna maqtugħin għalihom setgħu jrendulna aktar, jew li kien aktar jogħġobna li ngħixu f’pajjiż kbir u ħassejna li konna aktar maqtugħin li ngawdu dak li dawn setgħu joffru, kemm f’divertiment, għajxien aktar komdu, jew, forsi bħali, li sibna limħabba ta’ ħajjithom f’art barranija. Min-naħa tiegħi għażilt il-Kanada. Dan ma jfissirx li b’xi mod ċħadna lil art twelidna, jew li ma bqajniex inqisu lilna nfusna Maltin. Anzi x’aktarx li għalkemm komdi f’pajjiż ieħor mill-bogħod napprezaw it-tajjeb ta’ pajjiżna, nitnikktu f’każ li ma jkunx sejjer tajjeb u nifirħu meta jkun qed jiffjorixxi. Jien wieħed minn dawk li ħallejt Malta għax sibt li x-xogħol li kont kapaċi nagħmel seta’ jtini aktar sodisfazzjon. Kelli wkoll il-lixka li l-imħabba ta’ ħajti, il-mara futura tiegħi kienet diġa` tgħix fil-pajjiż li għażilt u magħha rabbejt familja. Ħabib ta’ tfuliti li hu dilettant kbir tal-futbol kien xtaq li jkun qrib it-tim favorit tiegħu fl-Ingilterra u għażel dan il-pajjiż biex jemigra fih u kompla l-karriera tiegħu hemmhekk. Kien qalli li raġuni oħra għaliex għażel l-Ingilterra kien għax issodisfah f’kull ma xtaq, u li hu faċli għalih li meta jrid jista’ jaqbad u jinżel Malta biex iżur lil qrabatu, l-aktar lill-ġenituri li kienu ħassew ħafna n-nuqqas tiegħu meta ħalla Malta għax diġa` kellu xogħol tajjeb. Xorta waħda, kemm hu, kif ukoll jien, inqisu lilna nfusna bħala emigrant u nibqgġu Maltin. Illum it-tnejn għandna familji u t-tnejn ngħożżu lil Malta u ngħallmu lill-uliedna jħobbu l-art li welldet lil missierhom. Għandi ħafna ħbieb oħra li wkoll emigraw f’għadd ta’ pajjiżi, uħud mal-ġenituri tagħhom, u allura ma kienux ixxurtjati daqsi li setgħu

jagħmlu l-għazla huma meta kienu qed joqorbu għall-eta` li jistgħu jfendu għal rashom. B’danakollu ninsab ċert li fil-parti ‘l kbira ta’ dawk li naf u li emigraw, kollha għadhom iħossuhom Maltin daqs kull min lanqas qatt imqar ħaseb li qatt seta’ jirfes barra millGżejjer Maltin biex ifittex futur. Ma nafx hux qiegħda f’demmna l-Maltin imma tkun fejn tkun xorta tibqa’ trid l-aħjar għal pajjiżek, tkun xi tkun irraġuni għaliex kont tlaqt. Dan li qed ngħid ġie mnebbaħ sa ċertu punt mill-kummenti taż-żewġ artikli li ġew ippublikati f’paġna 2

bis-suċċessi ‘Niffanfra u bl-inizjattivi li

Malta toħroġ bihom ġieli ferm qabel pajjiżi ferm akbar minnha

tal-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, taħt l-irjus: Once a Maltese always a Maltese!, u One never abandons his roots. Għazilt li nikteb bil-Malti biex nuri li minkejja li għaddew issnin għadni anke ngħożż l-ilsien Malti; inħossu li jiddistingwini aktar minn ħag’oħra minn ġnus oħra. Hawnhekk fejn irrid nemfasiżża ssiewi ta’ dan il-magazine. Sa sentejn ilu lanqas biss kont naf bih imma meta ħabib tiegħi f’London Ontario beda jgħaddili kopja li xi ħadd millklabb tal-Maltin hemmhekk kien jibagħtlu, beda hu wkoll jgħaddi kopja bl-email lili, inkella jgħarrafni meta jkun ippublikat u naqrah minn fuq il-portal tal-issuu. Nista’ ngħid li hawn ħafna oħrajn bħali li qed isegwu l-ktibiet li fih. Fosthom naf anke Kanadiżi li jew ngħaddilhom kopja jien inkella ħaddieħor. Għalkemm ma jifhmux kelma bilMalti u mhux se jaqraw l-artikli bilMalti, imma jieħdu gost isiru jafu x’qed jiġri fi gzira hekk żgħira bħal Malta, l-aktar permezz tal-aħbarijiet. Minn xi daqqiet jien nidħol ukoll filportals Maltin tal-aħbarijiet imma nsibni aktar komdu naqra tagħrif dwar Malta li ma jkollux laqtiet politiċi li min ipoġġihom fil-portals ġeneralment ikun irid imexxi l-aġenda tiegħu. Dak li qed iseħħ f’Malta, kemm il-ġid u s-suċċess ekonomiku, kif ukoll ilbidla fl-infrastruttura li qed tagħmel minn Malta pajjiż modern bla ma jitlef

l-identita`tiegħu, u s-suċċess ma jaqta’ xejn fl-għadd ta’ turisti li jżuru Malta, inissel fina l-Maltin li ngħixu l-bogħod ferħ u kburija. Kif wieħed jistenna, f’pajjiżi fejn ngħixu aħna l-Maltin ta’ barra, ma ningħalqux biss f’ġemgħat ta’ Maltin, imma aktar niffaċċjaw barranin, għalhekk it-tajjeb li jkun qed iseħħ f’Malta nistgħu naqsmuh bi kburija ma’ ħbiebna l-barranin. F’kull ħarġa ta’ The Voice l-ewwel li nfittex huma l-aħbarijiet biex nara xi progress qed isir fl-aktar oqsma importanti. Tgħidx kemm niffanfra meta nsegwi s-suċċessi u l-inizjattivi li Malta toħroġ bihom, ġieli ferm qabel pajjiżi ħafna akbar. Meta dan l-aħħar tħabbru l-inizjattivi dwar il-blockchain u l-leġislazzjoni dwar il-kannabis mediċinali, u li Malta sa attirat tant kumpanniji biex jinvestu bil-kbir f’din l-industrija, kelli ħafna diskursati ma’ sħabi Kanadiżi dwar hekk għax dawn suġġetti li hawnhekk huma midħla sew tagħhom. Baqgħu mmeraviljati li gzira hekk żgħira kapaċi tkun daqshekk avangardista. U niġi għalhekk għal punt ieħor favur magazine bħal dan. Hawnhekk, u ċert li anke f’ħafna pajjiżi kbar oħra, il-gazzetti ġeneralment isemmu lil Malta fl-aħbarijiet BISS meta xi ħadd minn Malta li jkollu konessjonijiet ma’ ġurnalisti li ġieli jkunu mixtrija, bil-għan li jħammiġha, jitmagħhom tagħrif bil-għan li jaqla’ l-ħama u jitfa’ dellijiet koroh fuq il-pajjiż. Bħal imzazen il-ġurnalisti barranin, għal finijiet tagħhom jaqduhom. Hemm il-fake news! Għalhekk jekk xejn, permezz ta’ xi pubblikazzjoni bħal din biss min jinteressah tasew dwar Malta jkun jaf il-verita`. Naf x’qed ngħid għax meta ġieli ppruvajt nikkoreġi ineżattezzi li qrajt f’ġurnali li ppubblikaw dak li nkun naf li hu falz, qatt ma kellhom id-deċenza jikkoreġuh. Billi minix xi awtorita` governattiva mhux se jtuni d-dritt tar-risposta. Ma rridx nagħti l-impressjoni li rrid nuri li jien xi patrijott bħal Dun Mikiel Xerri, imma fejn nista’, u fejn naf li hemm min irid iħammeġ bilgideb, lil pajjiżi nibqa’ niddefendih. Intemm billi nħeġġeġ lill-Maltin li bħali jgħixu bogħod minn pajjiżhom biex ma jinsewx minn fejn ġew. M’hemm xejn għeżeż mill-familja u minn art twelidek!

Tuesday July 16, 2019


The Voice of the Maltese 3

Q. We are in our late 70s, pensioners and moving into a his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the granny flat on my daughter’s property. We have sold our Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiduhouse and we are using some of the proceeds to renovate cian Financial Services helps our readers understand the the granny flat. The granny flat is in my daughter’s name and will continue to be so as it is on the same title as her complexities associated with financial planning. If you home. We will be paying $200 a week in rent. Are we enti- need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: tled to rental assistance from Centrelink? A. As you will be renting the granny flat pletely. The same you will be treated as non-homeowners applies if you opt for and therefore entitled to some rental assis- the lump sum. As a single person tance. The amount of rental assistance that you will get depends on the amount of rent for you to get the age that you pay but will be no more than pension or part of it $129.20 per fortnight. To get the maximum your assets need to be amount your rent needs to exceed $370.47 below $567,250. One option to consider per fortnight.. would be to take part Q. I am single, a homeowner and plan- lump sum and part ning to retire by the end of December payment, for example, this year. I am 64 years of age and have 50% as a lump sum been offered either a defined benefit or and 50% as a forta lump sum payment from my super- nightly payment. By annuation fund. My current lump sum taking a portion as a figure is around $500,000. Should I go lump sum you could re-invest these funds Q. I am a self-funded retiree and have for the lump sum or should I go for the back into superannuation and commence a large portfolio of direct shares. I have fortnightly payment. I was told the an account-based pension. two daughters and I was planning to fortnightly payment would be for the You would also have access to these funds transfer around $150,000 worth of rest of my life. if you needed money to travel or for major shares to each of them rather than wait until I pass on. What should I be conA. A defined benefit entitles the individual expenses. This lump sum would be treated cerned about if I do this? as an asset for the Centrelink Asset Test a fortnightly payment for the rest of his or her life. This payment is normally indexed and deemed by the Centrelink Income Test. A. When one inherits shares capital gains to inflation. A defined benefit also dies The defined benefit portion will not be are not triggered until the beneficiary sells with the individual if there is no spouse to treated as an asset by Centrelink but 90% them and not at the time that they inherit continue to receive 5/8th of this payment. of the payment will be treated as income. them. However if you passed these shares A Centrelink FIS Officer should be able onto your daughters now you will trigger If you are planning to apply for the age pension when you reach age pension age, to help with the calculations prior to de- capital gains and you will need to pay capit is important to see whether receiving a ciding your best option or see a financial ital gains tax on half of the gain at your fortnightly payment on the full benefit will planner. My advice is limited, as I do not marginal tax rate. The way to transfer these shares would affect your age pension entitlement com- know your current circumstances. probably be in small parcels annually and transfer some securities with capital gains and others with losses in order to reduce .the tax that you would otherwise pay. Q. My husband is in aged care and has been there for three months. I have just recently been asked to pay a Daily Accommodation Contribution (DAC) fee. Why was I not told this before and how is it calculated? A. Where a consumer has completed a pre-entry means test assessment and has been assessed as being liable to pay an accommodation contribution, they will receive a fee advice letter issued by the Department of Human Services. The fee advice letter will notify them of the maximum accommodation contribution based on their income and assets. Based on the information provided the service provider can ask you to pay the basic daily fee currently $51.21 per day and an accommodation contribution. There will be no additional means-tested care fee for you to pay and the Department of Human Services will also pay for the costs of accommodation above your rate of contribution.


This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystics to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Malta planning new tourism strategy Tuesday July 16, 2019


ourism Minister Konrad Minister said that by aiming for high quality, year-round tourism, the Government would soon be announcing its strategy, ‘Vision 2025’ that will include a plan of investment for Air Malta, which at the moment is being discussed with the European Commission. Speaking during a ceremony in Prague on the 20th anniversary

since Air Malta began flying the route to the capital of the Czech Republic; the Minister said that during that time Malta’s national carrier carried around 200,000 passengers on that route. Conscious of the very fast pace that Tourism and industry trends are changing the Minister said he wants tourism in Malta to face these changes and for it to be sus-

okkażjoni tal-mitt sena mill-ġrajjiet tas-Sette Giugnio ġew ippreżentati lillPrim Ministru Joseph Muscat. Waqt li għamel il- preżentazzjoni, iċChairman tal-PBS, Tonio Portughese qal li dawn id-dokumentarji riċerkati minn Mario Xuereb li ttellgħu miċ-Ċentru talAħbarijiet tal-PBS b’koperazzjoni fost oħrajn, mal-Fondazzjoni Ċelebrazzjoni Nazzjonali, l-Arkivji Nazzjonali u Heritage Malta jinkwadraw fil-missjoni taxXandir Pubbliku li jagħti prijorità lill-aspetti storiċi, kulturali u tal-identità Nazzjonali. Iċ-Chairman tal-PBS qal li peress li dan id-dokumentarju għandu rabta mal-mixja politika u kostituzzjonali ta’ Malta, il-PBS ippreżenta kopja tas-sensiela għall-arkivji, fost l-oħrajn tal-President ta’ Malta l-Eċċ. Tiegħu George Vella u tal-Ispeaker Anġlu Farrugia. Dr Portughese ħabbar ukoll li flimkien mal-Università, dan id-dokumentarju, u

oħrajn li saru fl-aħħar snin miċ-Ċentru talAħbarijiet, fosthom dwar l-internati Maltin fl-Italja u dwar il-Maltin ta’ Azmir hemm il-ħsieb li isirulhom sottotitli bl-Ingliż għal udjenzi internazzjonali. Min-naħa tiegħu l-Prim Ministru wera apprezzament għal din ir-riċerka li qal hija importanti għall-memorja kollettiva talpoplu Malti.


Dokumentarji storiċi ippreżentati -erba’ dokumentarji storiċi Culhat al Belt li xxandru fuq TVM fl- lill-Prim Ministru

CatholicCare Home Care Services

Is-Sur Portughese (tielet xellug) jippreżenta d-dokumentarji lil-PM Joseph Muscat

Do you know any seniors in our community who could use a little help at home?

CatholicCare home care services can help seniors to enjoy living independently in their own home with comfort and confidence.


CCareline 131819 Call CCareline to find out more.

tainable all year round. He added that ‘Vision 2025’ that is expected to be announced in the next three months would not just focus on traditional European markets. “In our country we will have more highend hotels, and we need to see how to improve our infrastructure and to hold more quality events, while attracting events such as conference travel which is so important for our country. We also need to see how to diversify to non-traditional markets such as Australia, the US, South Korea and Japan,” he said. Outlining the Government’s plan for the airline, the Minister said that the aim is for it to continue to grow, and that talks are currently underway with Airbus for an investment in the A321 planes, which are capable of flying to New York. He said that Malta is in discussion with the European Commission with the hope that within the next few months he would also announce an investment plan.


Luxury Seafront Apartments in Qawra

Do you plan to holiday in Malta in August or September this year? Then do it in a luxury seafront apartment in one of Malta’s most popular summer resorts, Qawra, close to two luxury hotels, the Aquarium and the entertainment. We have two apartments in the same block of flats, both beautifully furnished, one a one-bedroom studio apartment and the other three-bedroomed. Both with full amenities AND REASONABLY PRICED. If interested email for more information and prices to Maltese owner who lives in the UK”: Preference giving to anybody looking for a long let; minimum two weeks. First come forst served. Also a two-bed flat in Marsalforn, Gozo

The Roman Era in Malta

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019


he first recand Sicily. orded contact Roman remains of the Maltese found in both Malta Islands with the Roand Gozo include the mans was a missed remains of an impresopportunity for the sive residence, the Romans. In 255BC, Domus Romana at during the First Punic Rabat Malta; the home War the Roman fleet of a rich Roman ariswas on its way back tocrat, where excavafrom an expedition to tions revealed Africa when they sophisticated Pomstopped in Malta, pilpeian-style mosaics. laged whatever they Christianity was incould carry away and troduced to the islands devastated the rest. in 60AD, when St Paul Clearly, at the time, was shipwrecked in the Romans did not Malta on his way to recognize the strategic face trial in Rome. Yet significance of the iscontrary to the general lands. belief that the locals Detail of floor mosaic found at the Domvs Romana, in Rabat, Malta However, the turned into Christians, Carthaginians who ruled Malta in that pe- uments, till the 1st century AD and proba- Roman pagan gods and the emperor continriod presumed that sooner or later the Ro- bly longer. ued to be worshipped officially on both isAlongside these two cultures there was a lands from the 1st down to the 3rd century. mans would return to take over the islands. Therefore they took military measures in third one, Greek, which had already spread Until now, no archaeological records order to avoid invasion and in 218BC, in the Punic world and became stronger confirm the practice of Christianity at this when the Romans returned they met with with the growth of Rome. time, though some people might have folIn the Roman period, the Punic city of lowed this new religion in secret, without a Carthaginian garrison of almost 2,000 men under the command of Hamilcar. Yet Maleth, the administrative hub of the is- leaving a trace. this served for nothing, as the Romans did land, became known as Melite. Its size Between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD not even have to fight in order to take over grew to its maximum extent, occupying deep political, economic and spiritual the entire area of present-day Mdina and crises affected the Roman Empire. It evenMalta in that year. Malta was not considered a colony of the large parts of Rabat, extending to what is tually led to its division during the reign Roman Empire but had the status of part now the Church of St Paul. of Emperor Constantine I, when the seat Remains show that the city was sur- of power was moved to Byzantium, reof the province of Sicily; for many centuries these islands shared the same faith rounded by thick defensive walls and was naming the city Constantinople and creatas seen in the Roman temples and statues also protected by a protective ditch. ing the Roman Empire of the east or the Meanwhile, Roman occupation intro- Byzantine Empire. of Roman gods found here. Once Malta was under their rule, the Ro- duc-ed reforms in governance and reliDuring the reign of Emperor Justinian, in mans did not impose themselves on the gion. By the 1st century AD the Maltese 535AD, the Maltese Islands were assimiMaltese people. In fact, evidence shows islands had their own senate and people’s lated within the Byzantine Empire, along that the islands retained Punic artistic fash- assembly and minted their coins based on with Sicily. The relatively high quantity of ions and that the Punic language was still Roman weight measurements. Byzantine ceramics found in Malta sugThe islands prospered under Roman rule, gests that the island might have had an imspoken, though not written on official docThe peristyle or courtyard sur- and were eventually raised to the level as portant strategic role within the empire rounded by columns and a covered a Municipium and a Foederata Civitas as from the 6th to 8th centuries. Threatened by Muslim expansion from walkway where the aristocratic an ‘allied state’, a formally independent owner of the house would meet the and equal city-state. Many Roman antiq- the late 7th century onwards, it is thought uities still testify to the close link between that the Byzantines improved the defences public or clients the Maltese of Malta, however the Muslim Arabs in i n h a b i t a n t s 870AD conquered them. (FAA).

San Pawl Milqi, largest Roman archaelogical site, much of it unexcavated

Fitch credit agency gives Malta best ever rating

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday July 16, 2019


redit agency Fitch, a global leader in credit ratings and research has upgraded Malta’s outlook from Stable to Positive, confirmed Malta’s sovereign credit rating at A+. It was the best ever rating for Malta from Fitch. Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna welcomed the rating; while Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that Fitch’s message is that Malta’s current economy and the situation in Malta will not only stay steady but also will even improve. Attributing the upgrade to Malta’s robust economic growth, positively, Fitch noted that in 2018 Malta was the fastest growing economy in the European Union (EU). The fiscal surplus recorded in the last three years coupled with a falling debt-toGDP ratio was also key drivers for this upgrade. Minister Scicluna said that the positive result by Fitch complements the European Commission’s Summer Forecast. “Both reports conclude that Malta’s high economic growth is expected to be sustained in the medium-term while public finances are expected to continue on a sound footing”, the Minister said. Going forward, despite the forecasted decline in revenue from the IIP, Fitch expects, the Government to record an increasing surplus in the next two, years. It also expects the recent track record of a falling debt-to-GDP ratio to be maintained. Domestic demand is expected to be the main driver of real GDP growth, fuelled by strong labour market dynamics. Modest

PM’s wife Michelle completes 14km (5th) charity swim


rime Minister Joseph Muscat’s wife, Michelle managed to successfully complete the 14-kilometre charity swim around the 'tail end' of Malta that she set out to do on Saturday, in support of the Marigold Foundation. It was the fifth edition of her annual challenge. Ms Muscat dived into the sea around 11.40 a.m. made the swim in choppy waters in less than four hours. At the finish PM Joseph Muscat who was among several people who supported her throughout the challenge greeted her with a kiss. Meanwhile, The Marigold Foundation posted on Facebook that they were “proud of Michelle Muscat and her amazing commitment towards our biggest annual fundraiser." They went on to say that through her four swimming challenges before Saturday’s they had managed to collect enough funds to continue supporting the many NGOs and organisations that do sterling work in the country.

wage growth will bolster disposable incomes and support resilience in household consumption growth, with few signs of overheating in the economy. Fitch expects investment activity to remain high, supported by the absorption of EU structural funds. On the external sector, Fitch notes that despite the slowdown in the Eurozone, Malta’s current account remained strong, and further expects the current account to continue to record healthy surpluses in the coming years. Fitch also acknowledges Government’s efforts to strengthen supervisory and regulatory institutions.

Finding a solution for the pricing of medicals


ealth Ministers from European Union member states met in Malta last week and requested a technical committee under the ‘Valletta Declaration’ so that within two months specific recommendations could be presented, to try and bring to an end the variation in prices of medicinal that currently varies in excess of a ratio of 7 to 1 between the countries. At the conference in Malta chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Chris Fearne they expressed their intention to bring this practice to an end through political and legal solutions for greater transparency in this industry that has a turnover of many millions of euros. Malta and nine other countries - Spain, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia and Croatia - first met in Malta two years ago and formed an alliance under a ‘Valletta Declaration’ after agreeing to address the challenge of great discrepancies in the price of medicinal. Dr Fearne pointed out as an example, that a particular medicine is purchased at €120,000 by one country while the same medicine is sold at €800,000 by another. He said discussions are now taking place to find legal ways for the sharing of information so that during negotiations there would be parity in information to enable better negotiations leading to better pricing for all the countries for the use of their patients.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Changes by SBS TV detrimental to the Maltese community


Alan Zammit from Penrith NSW writes:

hen it comes to the Maltese community, the original ethnic station SBS does not treat the Maltese that well. First we had nine hours of broadcasting and they cut that down to just two hours per week. We had a repeat to our programme on SBSTV, and that is gone now as well. The latest saga is the change from channel 32 to channel 31. No doubt they wanted to have a full films channel; they already had a full Aboriginal and food channel. Even if they follow the instructions given, many of the Maltese viewers are

Qatt tipprova li tmaqdar lil pajjiżek


Charles Busuttil minn Bella Vista NSW jikteb: afna minna li emigrajna lejn l-Awstralja fil-ħamsinijiet għaddejna minn esperjenzi koroh. Kuljum konna ffaċċjati bi frażijiet bħal, “Go back home you wong” jew, “We don’t want foreigners here”. Dan kienu jagħmluh lilna, li flimkien magħhom iġġelidna fl-aħħar żewg gwerer. Intimidawna u kasbruna izda qatt ma rebħuna. Integrajna imma dejjem bqajna Maltin. Għalhekk inħoss għafsa ta' qalb meta nara Maltin li jmorru barra l-pajjiż imaqdru lil Malta, art twelidhom. Ħadt mhu perfett? Imma li tmaqdar lil pajjiżek barra minn xtut ommok, le. Dan ma għandu jkun qatt. F'pajjizek għamel li tħoss li jkun hemm bżonn iżda qatt barra s-swar ta' Malta.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

unable to get a reception on channel 31. They eventually find that they need to buy a receiver box, as their TV se is not that modern. Well and good, progress cannot be halted, but with every action there is a reaction. SBS has always looked after the powerful big communities, giving them more programmes than they actually need, yet then they leave others like the Maltese community, that was with SBS from the start looking on at times with frustration.

Tgerger bit-traffiku, l-ipparkjar f’Malta?


Andrew Calleja from Balmain, NSW writes: itbissem meta nisma’ lil xi wħud li jgħixu fl-Awstralja li wara li jżura Malta jiġu lura jitkażaw u jikkritikaw affarijiet li jgħidu li urtawhom, bħal pereżempju t-traffiku li sabu u n-nuqqas ta’ postijiet fejn tipparkja f’postijiet popolari fil-gzira. Jien ngħix qrib il-belt ta’ Sydney u naħdem fis-City proprja, filwaqt li għandi membru tal-familja li jgħix f’Melbourne. It-tnejn li aħna kuntenti fejn aħna. Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu konna Malta u għalkemm f’xi ħinijiet tal-ġurnata, tirrabja xi ftit minħabba t-traffiku, m’hemm xejn straordinarju f’dan, lanqas ma gergirna dwar parking għaliex għażilna l-ħinijiet fejn ridna nżuru u minn hemm jew minn hawn dejjem sibna li ridna. Mili jidher dawk li jmorru fuq btala filGżejjer Maltin iridu kollox taħt għajnhom, kif jgħid il-Malti, u jinsew in-nuqqasijiet li ġeneralment insibu fi bliet u subborgi flAwstralja, l-aktar fit-traffiku u l-ipparkjar fi NSW u f’Melbourne. Dwar sewqan u traffiku? Hemm il-frustrazzjoni, u mela f’Malta? Kif jsta’ jkun jeduha kontra gżiritna għax hemm ħafna karozzi? X’tagħmel, iżżomm it-tfal tat-18 li jridu jġibu l-liċenzja tas-sewqan milli jixtru l-karozza (la jaffordjawha) li tant ikunu ilhom joħolmu biha? F’Malta rajt ħafna żoni li qed jiġu mmodernizzati bi triqat jitwessgħu u oħrajn jinbnew ġodda. Għandi mitt sena sakemm nara l-proġet ta’ seba’ pontijiet fil-Marsa. Malta m’għadhiex pajjiż tat-Tielet Dinji, imma moderna daqs l-aqwa pajjiż meta tikkonsidra ċ-ċokon tagħha. Qed isiru l-mirakli u mhux ta’ b’xejn li kull sena Malta qed tfur bit-turisti. Ejja ma nibqgħux inmaqdru imma nkunu kapaċi li nfaħħru u nieħdu gost bil-ġid li Malta qed tikseb għall-poplu tagħha.

Mission is not just for the clergy, Fr. Brian Lucas tells CBG meet

Tuesday July 16, 2019


arliament House in Sydney was the venue for the June 26 Quarterly Catholic Breakfast (CBG), where Fr. Brian Lucas, the National Australia Catholic Mission director was the Guest of Honour and keynote speaker at the sold-out function in which the Australian Maltese community was well represented. The Hon Minister John Sidoti MP officiated in the formal welcome to Parliament House, while the Hon. Minister Damien Tudehope MLC also attended. Ben Franklin, a member of the steering committee pronounced grace while Rita Zammit OAM introduced well-known soprano Lisa Genovese who was accompanied by highly acclaimed Australian organist Graham Beal who also performed the hymns. By far, the highlight of the day, was the address by Fr. Brian Lucas, who was introduced by HE Jim Dominguez KCSG CBE AM. In his address. Lucas covered current important issues. He said that all Catholics, clergy and laity have a role to play in engaging with the world. “Mission is not just for the clergy”, he said, “the old model of priests going to remote places to convert ‘the heathen’ has changed to meet the needs of the modern world. Father Lucas outlined the history of the Pontifical Mission Societies – the Pope’s own mission initiative. He mentioned the four societies, which are, that for the Propagation of the Faith that supports missionary dioceses, the Society of Holy Childhood, which assists children and families in need, the Society of St Peter Apostle, which supports seminaries and novitiates, and the Pontifical Missionary Union, which promotes a sense of mission in the local church. He said that in Australia these come together under the name of Catholic Mission. Replying to a question about the controversy involving Israel Folau, Fr. Lucas explained that one had to be cautious about the sweeping statement he made. As an example, he said that some of the categories are defined by behaviour, by adulterers, liars an(left)d thieves, but to include all homosexuals as such ignores the fact that there are many people with same sex attraction who lead holy lives. On euthanasia, he said that it is unfortunate that people read into the bishops’ involvement a belief that opposition to euthanasia is a matter of religious dogma. “As a result, those who are anti-religion become proeuthanasia. It is better if that debate is led by palliative care doctors and human rights lawyers rather than the hierarchy”, he said.” At the end of Fr. Lucas’ address, Paul Zammit FAICD Founder and Convenor of the CBG expressed his gratitude to the priest. He also thanked the many friends and supporters who helped to make the occasion an ongoing success. He then announced that the next Catholic Breakfast at Parliament House would be held in September. He asked anybody wanting to attend to contact him by email:; by mobile on 0419 444 135, or to phone him at his office: 02 9223 4300. He can also be reached at his City office – Suite 19, Level 6, 300 George Street (Opposite Wynyard Station) Sydney, 2000. Steering committee member Nancy Serg-Borg OAM delivered the closing prayer. Picture above shows Paul Zammit FAICD Founder and Convenor of the CBG (left) and the Guest of Honour and key-note speaker, at the rcent CBG event, the Rev Fr Brian Lucas

The Voice of the Maltese 9

The ‘immigrant problem’

10 The Voice of the Maltese


n a recent survey of potential adult migrants worldwide, 47 million said they would most like to move to Canada. There are only 37 million people in Canada. The same goes for Australia: 36 million would like to move there; only 25 million do live there. Most of these would-be immigrants are going to be disappointed. In fact, Canada lets in just 300,000 immigrants a year, and Australia 200,000. Other developed countries are sigGwynneDyer nificantly less popular destinations, but potential migrants amounting to around half the existing populations want to move to the United States, France, Britain, Germany and Spain. They, too, are going to be disappointed. In its most generous year, 2016, Germany let in a million immigrants, mostly Syrian refugees, but 80 million Germans are never going to let in the 42 million foreigners who also want to live there. Indeed, former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said bluntly last November that “Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message: ‘we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support.’” Clinton was mainly concerned about how anxiety about mass immigration has fuelled the rise of populism in Western countries. That’s hardly surprising, given how Donald Trump’s tight focus on the alleged criminal and job-stealing propensities of Latino immigrants won over enough formerly Democratic voters in the Rust Belt states to give him the presidency. It didn’t just work for Trump. It helped the Brexiteers win their anti-European Union referendum in the United Kingdom, it brought the populists to power in Italy, and it underpins Viktor Orban’s “soft dictatorship” in Hungary (even though Hungary has never let immigrants in, and they don’t want to go there anyway). But the fact is that the levels of immigration are not particularly high in the United States and most European countries at the moment. Net migration to the United Kingdom has been stable since 2010; in both the United States and in Germany (with the exception of 2016, in the latter case), net migration is down by half since 2000. Something more is needed to explain the level of anger in these countries. It is, of course, unemployment, which is much higher than the published (official) figures in every case, and is particularly high in the post-industrial areas that voted so heavily for Trump in the United States, for Brexit in Britain, and for ultra-nationalist parties in Germany. In the United States, according to Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute, 17.5 per cent of American men of prime working age (24-55) are not working.

Tuesday July 16, 2019

But unemployment will continue to rise, because it is increasingly being driven by automation. The Rust Belt went first, because assembly lines are the easiest thing in the world to automate, but now Amazon and its friends are destroying the retail jobs, and next to go are the driving jobs (self-driving vehicles). Automation is unstoppable, and the anger will continue to grow. So you can see why Hillary Clinton is concerned, but she seems unaware that the pressure of migration is also going to grow rapidly. It’s a myth that you cannot close borders. You can, if you’re willing to kill people. (Think of the Iron Curtain, which successfully divided all of Europe for 40 years.) And the rich countries will, in the end, be willing to kill people. According to the UN’s International Labour Organisation, there are currently 277 million migrants in the world (defined as people who have left their home countries in search of work, or to join their families, or to flee conflicts and persecution). How many more are still in their home countries but would like to leave? At least a billion, maybe two. More than half of Kenyans would immediately move to another country if they could, a 2017 survey by the US-based Pew Research Centre discovered. More than a third of Nigerians, Ghanaians and Senegalese are actually planning to emigrate in the next five years, according to the same survey. (Good luck with that!) Even a third of Chinese millionaires would like to emigrate (half if you include moving to Hong Kong as emigration). And all this is before climate change kicks the numbers into the stratosphere. The chief impact of global warming on human beings is going to be on the food supply, which will fall as the temperature rises. And the food shortages will not affect everybody equally: the supply will hold up in the temperate zone (the rich countries), but it will plummet in the tropical and sub-tropical countries where 70 per cent of the world’s people live. They will be desperate, and they will start to move. That’s when the pressure of migration will really take off, and the rich countries are simply not going to let the climate refugees in. Not only would it stress their food supply too, but the numbers seeking to get in would be so large – two or three times the resident population – that it would utterly transform the country’s character. So the borders will slam shut. It’s a myth that you cannot close borders. You can, if you’re willing to kill people. (Think of the Iron Curtain, which successfully divided all of Europe for 40 years.) And the rich countries will, in the end, be willing to kill people.

*Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries. From time to time he also contributes to The Voice of the Maltese.

(Ivan Cauchi bil-kummenti f’Perspettiva jirritorna f’ħarġ’oħra)

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday July 16, 2019

‘Il-vapur tal-art’ (Il-Ferrovija) f'Malta PeterPaulCiantar


– l-ewwel parti –

ħalija li ngħix fir-Rabat Malta l-immaġini tal-ferrovija f'pajjiżna tidher sewwa. Qed ngħid il-ferrovija f'pajjiżna mhux għax għad hawn min jiftakarha imma għax jekk tmur Triq il-Plieri fir-Rabat - dik it-triq li mir-Rabat tieħdok lejn is-Siġġiewi, l-istess triq li fiha, fil-parti ta' taħt ir-Rabat, fejn jintemmu t-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel tal-Imnarja għadek tara l-kamra minn fejn kienu jinqatgħu l-biljetti biex wieħed juża l-ferrovija, illum ristorant. Fl-istess inħawi li semmejt hemm ukoll d-dħul tal-mina li minnha wieħed kien jgħaddi biex jirkeb il-ferrovija. Barraminhekk, taħt l-Imdina, qabel taqbad l-Imtarfa wkoll hemm dak li kien l-istazzjon tal-inħawi għal dan it-trasport pubbliku. Ftit bogħod minn Triq il-Plieri wieħed jista’ jara wkoll blokok kbar ta’ konkos l-aktar b'saħħtu li l-linji tal-ferrovija kienu jistrieħu fuqhom. Mill-istess post tal-bidu ta' din it-triq, inkella qabel tidħol l-Imdina, tara wkoll il-ventilazzjonijiet. Ħafna tifkiriet li jfakkruk f’dawk iż-żminijiet tal-ferrovija f'Malta. Hawn qed ngħid lejn ir-Rabat, l-Imdina u l-Imtarfa biss għax naturalment hemm postijiet oħra sal-kapitali Maltija Valletta fejn kienet twasslek il-ferrovija, taħt il-bini tal-Parlament. Dwar dik li kienu wkoll isibuha bħala l-vapur tal-art se niddedika serje ta’ artiklu minbarra dan. L-istoriku Pietru Pawl Castagna, fil-ktieb tiegħu 'L-Istorja ta' Malta bil-Gżejjer Tagħha', jgħarrafna li fl-1873 ilkumpanija Ingliża, General Works Company ta' Londra kienet isuġġeriet lill-Kunsill tal-Gvern Malti biex f'Malta tibda titħaddem il-ferrovija. Il-propost jidher li għoġbot lill-Gvern tant li nsibu li f'Londra fit-30 ta' Marzu tal-1876, bis-saħħa tal-Att tal-Kumpaniji tal1862 twaqqfet il-kumpanija Malta Railway Company Limited. Il-Gvern Malti kien rabat lil din il-kumpanija b'xi kundizzjonijiet ħalli ma jkunx hemm ingann. Fost dawn kien hemm

Il-ħaddiema jlestu għallvjaġġ mill-istazzjon ta’ taħt Bieb il-Belt

Il-ferrovija pparkjata ħdejn l-istazzjon tal-Imtarfa

li jekk il-kumpanija tieqaf mis-servizz (ixxolji) kellha tħallas xi flus. Il-gvern kellu wkoll il-jedd li wara ħmistax-il sena seta' jieħu s-servizz tal-ferrovija f'idejh. Madankollu l-kuntratt għat-tħaddim tal-ferrovija kien għal 99 sena. Wara li ġie megħlub kull xkiel beda x-xogħol fuq ittqegħid tal-linji. Il-linja tal-ferrovija kienet tibda mill-Belt minn ħdejn itTeatru Rjal. Hekk kif wieħed ikun dieħel il-Belt Valletta u jħares ’l isfel minn fuq il-pont, jista’ jara li bħalissa għaddej ix-xogħol fuq din il-mina u l-inħawi li ġew imsebbħa bi ġnien mill-isbaħ. F’din il-mina tant mimlija storja taħt il-Parlament, bħalissa qed ukoll isir xogħol fiha biex tkun tista’ tintuża bħala librerija tal-Parlament. Din il-mina kont tinżel għaliha minn ħdejn it-Teatru Rjal u kienet tħaffret mina oħra li twasslek sa ħdejn Bieb tal-Bombi, li kont tinżel għaliha mid-daħla tal-ġnien San Filippu ħdejn l-Argotti fil-Furjana. Dawn it-tifkiriet għadhom hemm u se jibqgħu għax qed isir xi xogħil ta’ restawr fuqhom. Jekk wieħed jibqa’ nieżel it-taraġ li jwasslu għall-mina jara wkoll memorji qawwija tat-tifkiriet tal-ferrovija f'pajjiżna. Lewwel isib kamra żgħira minn fejn kont tixtri l-biljetti, u xxatba li żżomm lin-nies milli jkomplu neżlin ’l isfel għax il-ferrovija tkun mimlija. Jekk tibqa’ nieżel aktar tara l-mina li tkun ġejja mill-Belt u li tispiċċa ħdejn il-Bombi. Tarf din il-mina jidher sewwa jekk wieħed iħares lejn ix-xellug ħdejn il-Bombi waqt li jkun dieħel lejn il-belt. Din il-parti tal-Bombi twasslek lejn il-Ħamrun, tibqa’ sejra l-istazzjon tal-ferrovija li kien hemm (u għad hemm qrib Fleur de lys f’Birkirkara li ġie rrestawrat fi ġnien mill-isbaħ. Wara jibqa’ sejjer lejn il-Palazz San Anton, għal Ħ’Attard u fl-aħħar ir-Rabat u aktar tard lImtarfa. Din il-parti tal-Imtarfa żdiedet minħabba s-suldati stazzjonati hemmhekk. Biex żiedu din il-parti riedu jagħmlu mina oħra li naturalment għadha hemm ukoll. Għal xi żmien kienet tintuża wkoll għat-tkabbir talfaqqiegħ (mushrooms). Biswit din l-aħħar parti talmina tal-Imtarfa, kif saret aktar tard magħrufa, kien hemm ukoll l-istazzjon u dan ukoll għadu hemm. (Ikompli fil-ħarġa li jmiss)

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

President George Vella nominated for prestigious Commonwealth position


he President of Malta, HE Dr George Vella has been nominated as Patron of the Commonwealth Small States Centre of Excellence in Malta. The nomination was announced by the Commonwealth Secretary General Baroness Patricia Scotland during a meeting with the President in Marlborough House, London. The Baroness said they were hoping that with the gracious consent of the Prime Minister they might be able to persuade Dr Vella to accept. She said they are by no means taking it for granted, but that it would be wonderful if the President is also the Patron of the Commonwealth Small States entity in Malta. While expressing that he was honoured by the nomination, President Vella said that he obviously needed to discuss this with the Prime Minister since it was not a decision that could be taken lightly. “On my part, I would be willing to work, but of course I would also need assurance of the support and backing of someone like Patricia Scotland who has a wealth of experience,” he said. The Commonwealth Secretary-General said that Malta was the best example of how to run a country. “Malta has exemplified what is best about our commonwealth. It is small but perfectly formed, its warm, its welcoming, its maintaining human rights, the rule of law, good governance and the people,” she said. The meeting with the Commonwealth Secretary General occurred at the beginning of a four-day visit the President and Mrs Vella were making to the British capital, during which they alo visited five hospitals currently providing services and care to Maltese patients in London. They also met and talked with some of the Maltese patients in the various hospitals, and relatives of patients currently benefitting from the assistance of the Malta Com-

munity Chest Fund Foundation. Another visit was to the Puttinu Cares apartments and the Franciscan and Augustinian Sisters. The hospitals they visited were, Great Ormond Street Hospital, where children are receiving treatment for cancer, heart conditions, and other emergency cases, the National Hospital for Neurology and Neuro-surgery where they met Maltese consultant Ludvic Zrinzo, who has been living and working in London for the past 20 years, the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and King’s College Hospital. President George Vella praised the dedication of surgeons, nurses, and workers of the hospitals he visited and thanked the efforts made by carers and medical staff in order to give Maltese patients the best care possible, in the hope of having a speedy recovery. On the last day of their visit to London, the President of Malta and Mrs Vella attended an event organised by the Malta High Commission at Malta House, during which Dr Vella praised the dedication of surgeons, nurses, and workers of the hospitals and expressed gratitude to them. He praised the expertise and dedication of

The President of Malta at the Malta High Commission in London with the Maltese High Commissioner, H.E. Joseph Cole

President Dr George Vella (on left) in his meeting with Baroness Patricia Scotland, and (above) together with his wife during a meeting with Neurology consultant Dr Ludvic Zrinzo

the consultants, doctors and nurses serving in this prestigious hospitals and also the efforts by Puttinu Cares, the Franciscan Friars and Sisters, as well as the Augustinian Sisters in hosting relatives of the Maltese patients. He also thanked Malta’s High Commission for its assistance to Maltese patients and relatives during their stay in London.

Malta will have world’s Second largest economic growth for 2019, MIF says


ccording to the International Monetary Fund, IMF, Malta has placed second among all the countries in the world in regard to the largest economic growth forecast for 2019. Despite present trade wars and the European Brexit issue, this year the world’s GDP is expected to grow by 3.7%. It appears that Malta will continue to experience the largest economic growth among European countries – with a 4.6% increase in 2019, and with Cyprus and Slovakia also contributing to European economic growth with 4.2% and 4.1% respectively.


1000 new jobs in financial services

y the end of last year, Malta managed to create 1000 new jobs in the financial services industry. This was indicated in the MFSA’s annual report and financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2018. The financial services sector employs more than 12,000 people.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta Shipping Register is largest in Europe, and sixth biggest in the world

Health Minister Chris Fearne addressing cancer treatment staff at Mater Dei


Malta has best rate for breast cancer treatment in Europe


uropean Union’s latest statistic shows that Malta has the best success rate for breast cancer treatment in Europe indicating that Malta has reversed the trend from being the lowest in the treatment of breast cancer in 2005 to the highest. In recent years, 87% of women patients from the Maltese islands who were treated for breast cancer are cleared safe from the disease after five years, which is a success rate that is higher than that registered in France, Germany, and the UK. Deputy Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne described the statistic as a very encouraging sign for both the patients and staff at Mater Dei. The reasons for this are many. This result shows a massive leap in the quality of care afforded to Maltese patients, in particular in the treatment of cancer, especially after extending the national programme of breast screening to women aged between 50 and 69, the age bracket that is most susceptible.

Screening is now being carried out every two instead of every three years. Thanking all the members of the health sector working in the department that deals with cancer treatment, Minister Fearne said that with almost one case detected every day, breast cancer is the most common cancer in Malta. Since testing was introduced in 2009, about 80,000 mammograms were performed. When operations for breast cancer removal were needed, these were done within a month or two. Mater Dei Chief Surgeon, Gordon Caruana Dingli said that only about 30% of those with breast cancer need have a mastectomy operation to remove the breast, and those who undergo such an operation are helped to alleviate the trauma with breast reconstructive surgery. With early detection breast cancer is certainly detectable and beatable. Due to screening and improvements in radiology, women reach out for help at Mater Dei when the disease is still in its inception,” Caruana Dingli said.

C’wealth FMs commend Malta’s lead on climate change


he Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers at the 19th Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers’ meeting in Marlborough House, London, commended CHOGM 2015Malta and 2018UK for taking the lead on climate change and in addressing the adverse effects that are already being faced by vulnerable small states. In 2015, leaders in Malta agreed on and issued the Commonwealth leaders’ statement on climate action that called climate change an existential threat to many states. The theme will also be prioritised during the 2020 CHOGM in Rwanda. Focus is being placed on the blue economy relating to the exploitation and preservation of the marine environment and trade. The Foreign Affairs Ministers also mentioned the use of ICT and innovation as a tool to tackle the blue economy. Mr Carmelo Abela, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion who represented Malta noted that Malta's top priorities in relation to the Commonwealth are issues relating to maritime, education, small states and climate change. He said that Malta supports the identified set of priorities and areas agreed for the CHOGM2020, that is, trade, energy, and the environment, ICT and innovation, youth and governance and rule of law. Given that 60% of the Commonwealth’s population is under 30, Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers reiterated the importance of youth empowerment and gender equality and spoke about the empowerment of all women and girls in social, economic, and political life to realise the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

eading worldwide transport and logistics group CMA CGM, that is present in more than 160 countries has recently increased its total gross tonnage in the Malta Shipping Register to 8.5 million gross tonnes meaning it now has 11% of its entire fleet registered under the Malta flag. The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg announced this during a visit to the Transport Malta, TM, offices where he gave an update about the Merchant Ship Register within the same Authority. Until recently CMA CGM was the owner and operator of a fleet of 38 ships registered under the Malta Flag, with a total gross tonnage of over 3.7 million, but after it recently increased that to 49 additional ships with a total gross tonnage of over 4.8 million, with ships with an average age of 7 years. The register forms a great part of TM’s authority, a success resulting from several measures adopted in recent years by the Government and Transport Malta, as well as thanks to the quality service given by the flag, the positive reputation it has built and the confidence several investors and operators within the sector have in it. The Minister further announced that 25% of contracts for cruise liner ships being build are intentioned for registration under the Malta flag. More than 6% of the global fleet is registered under the Malta flag, which also has more than 780 registered super yachts. The high-quality service offered in Malta’s maritime sector has led to several different successes and has achieved an international reputation as a quality register, as a jurisdiction that is always at the forefront when it comes to the development of international standards in maritime security and the protection of the maritime environment. The remainder of the year looks as though it will continue reflecting this success. Maltese Register is proving to be, not only the largest in Europe and the sixth in the world but has been the only one to make large gains in tonnage, with an increase of almost 7% in the first six months of the year. Not only that, but Malta is today classified on the official low risk ships list published by the Paris MoU.

Minister Ian Borg (right) at the Malta Transport Authority offices

14 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday July 16, 2019


-immigrazzjoni, hekk msejjħa illegali, saret uġiegħ ta’ ras għal diversi pajjiżi, mhux biss Ewropej, imma wkoll f’kontinenti oħra. Biss, forsi l-aktar pajjiżi milquta mill-fenomenu huma dawk li jinsabu fir-rotta ta’ dawn in-nies li għal xi raġuni jew oħra jitilqu minn pajjiżhom biex imorru jgħixu f’pajjiżi fejn jistennew li jkollhom ħajja aħjar milli kellhom. Għal dawk li jitilqu mill-Afrika ta’ fuq, laktar mill-Libja, il-portijiet li dawn ifittxu huma x’aktarx dawk ta’ Malta u l-Italja. Għal min forsi mhux wisq familjari malMediterran, tajjeb ngħidu li l-eqreb port lejn l-Libja hu l-port tal-gżira Taljana Lampedusa li fil-fatt hi akar bogħod millItalja, milli minn Malta. Skont il-liġijiet internazzjonali l-vapuri li jsalvaw nies mill-għarqa jridu jdaħħluhom fl-eqreb port, li jrid ikun wieħed sigur. Fil-Mediterran hemm żewġ tipi ta’ salvataġġi, dawk li jsiru minn biċċiet tal-baħar uffiċjali, bastimenti tal-qawwiet tal-baħar, jew fil-każ ta’ Malta, patrol boats tal-Armata Maltija, u dawk li jsiru minn bastimenti mmexxija minn Organizzazzjonijiet mhux Governattivi (NGOs). Fil-każ tal-ewwel x’aktarx li ftit ikun hemm problemi għax il-Gvernijiet jaċċettaw lill-immigranti, għalkemm kien hemm każ fejn dawn ma tħallewx jinżlu l-art għal diversi jiem meta ddaħħlu minn bastiment tan-qawwa tal-baħar Taljana f’port Taljan.

Il-kwestjoni tħeġġet aktar f’dawn l-aħħar snin bil-bidla fil-Gvern Taljan u l-ħatra ta’ Salvini bħala viċi-Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Intern. li immedjatament għalaq il-portijiet Taljani għall-Immigranti salvati millNGOs. Dan isostni, u kultant wieħed tiġih it-tentazzjoni li jaqbel miegħu, li dawn lNGOs qed jagħtu daqqa ta’ id lit-traffikanti li jdaħħlu flejjes kbar minn fuq dawn l-immigranti bl-iskop li jdaħħluhom fl-Ewropa. Id-dubbji jikbru għax l-NGOs qatt ma jippruvaw idaħħlu lill-immigranti, per eżempju lejn it-Tuniżija li huwa meqjus bħala pajjiż sigur. Il-pass li ħa Salvini wassal għal ħafna nkwiet bl-NGOs isostnu li meta ma jitħallewx iniżżlu n-nies fil-Port ta’ Lampedusa, l-Italja tkun qed tikser il-liġijiet internazzjonali. Dan l-aħħar żewġ bastimenti tal-NGOs kisru l-ordni tal-Gvern Taljan u xorta daħlu f’dan il-port. Fl-ewwel każ ġiet imdeffsa Malta, li biex tevita l-konfront aċċettat li minflok, il-55 immigrant ta’fuq dan il-bastiment jiddaħħlu Malta, filwaqt li l-Italja tieħu 55 immigrant li diġà kienu jinsabu Malta. Iżda l-kaptana ta’ dan il-bastiment sostniet li tidħol Lampedusa u wara jiem tistenna barra l-port daħħlet il-bastiment. Wara ġiet arrestata, imma l-qorti Taljana ħelsitha. Wasal it-tielet bastiment, li meta ra li ġej l-inkwiet, dawwar ir-rotta lejn Malta. Sintendi, billi Malta ma kienetx l-eqreb

Problema li qarrbet lill-ġirien S

adanittant dawn l-avvenimenti msemmija fuq jidher li qarrbu aktar lejn xulxin ilGvernijiet ta’ Malta u tal-Italja li permezz tal-Ministri għall-Affarijiet Barranin tażżewġ pajjiżi, Carmelo Abela u Enzo Moavero, ikkonfermaw li ż-żewġ pajjiżi se jikkoperaw flimkien dwar din il-kwestjoni tal-immigrazzjoni. Fi stqarrija sostnew li kien hemm il-ħtieġa ta’ governanza effettiva biex l-immigrazzjoni tinfirex b’mod aktar ġust madwar l-Ewropa. Dan hekk kif, tgħid l-istqarrija, ma għadux permissibbli li wieħed jaġixxi abbażi ta’ każ, u li jinstabu s-soluzzjonijiet b’emerġenza. Iż-żewġ Gvernijiet qalu li hemm il-ħtieġa ta’ struttura permanenti fuq livelli Ewropej, u għalhekk ir-riforma fir-regolarizzazzjoni ta’ Dublin mhix biżżejjed. Għalhekk iż-żewġ ministri talbu għal aġenda aktar speċifika fil-Kunsill Ewropew li jmiss dwar l-Affarijiet Barranin, li se jsir aktar tard dan ix-xahar. Iżda jiddispjaċini ngħid li dwar din il-kwestjoni jidher li l-Unjoni Ewropea qed toqgħod lura wisq għax hi għadma iebsa u hemm il-possibbiltà’ li kollox jibqa’ kif inhu għal aktar snin. L-isfortuna hi li l-piż se jibqa’ jaqa’ fuq pajjiżi bħal Malta u l-Italja.

port, dan il-bastiment ma kellu l-ebda dritt li jidħol Malta, iżda l-Gvern Malti uża strateġija differenti mit-Taljani, għax immedjatament il-Prim Ministru, beda taħditiet mal-Gvern Ġermaniż li l-bastiment hu reġistrat hemm, u l-Unjoni Ewropeja, u sar qbil li l-Gvern Malti jdaħħal l-immigranti Malta, li mbagħad kellhom jintbagħtu filĠermanja u pajjiżi Ewropej oħra. Joseph Muscat saħansitra mar aktar minn hekk għax ma dawn il-55, il-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropeja aċċettaw li jieħdu għad ta’ immigranti oħra minn fost dawk li l-Armata Maltija kienet salvat fl-istess jum. Kultant jgħidu li bil-kelma t-tajba toħroġ il-far mit-toqba u naħseb li f’dan il-każ hekk seħħ, u s-sitwazzjoni ġiet salvata bilkwiet u ħadd ma mar minn taħt.

Barranin f’Malta


-immigranti huma qatra’ fi xmara ta’ barranin li daħħlu u qed jidħlu Malta b’mezzi legali, il-maġġoranza l-kbira minnhom biex jaħdmu, għalkemm dan laħħar issemmew każi fejn hemm tip ta’ turiżmu ġdid: ta’ klikek minn pajjiżi Ewropej bl-iskop li kemm idumu Malta jagħmlu xi serqiet imbagħad idabbru rashom lejn pajjiżhom jew xi pajjiż ieħor fejn ikomplu jisirqu. Imma lura lejn il-popolazzjoni barranija f’Malta, li skont l-aħħar statistika tal-Eurostat, pajjiżna għandu proporzjoni ta’ barranin li id-doppju tal-medja tal-Unjoni Ewropea tant li 14% – wieħed minn kull seba’ residenti – huma barranin. Il-medja tal-UE hi mas-7.8%. Dan ipoġġi lil Malta l-ħames minn fost ilpajjiżi Ewropej kollha, wara l-Lussemburgu, Ċipru, l-Awstrija u l-Estonja. Mill-istatistika joħroġ li l-popolazzjoni ta’ pajjiżna matul is-sena li għaddiet telgħet għal kważi 476,000 persuna, li minnhom aktar minn 67,000 huma barranin. F’sena waħda l-popolazzjoni ta’ Malta kibret b’iktar minn 15,400 persuna, b’aktar minn 12,800 barranin. Fl-2018 f’Malta u Għawdex kien hawn 251,836 persuna rġiel u 241,723 nisa.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Il-PN....l-aħħar żviluppi


nkitbu ħafna artikli, intqal ħafna kliem fil-midja, smajna fehmiet differenti dwar il-qtil tal-blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia minn kemm ilu li nqatlet 20 xahar ilu, iżda x’aktarx li din l-ewwel darba li xi ħadd deffes fin-nofs li dawk li kienu jikkollaboraw mal-istess ġurnalista u tefa’ fuqhom ukoll parti mit-tort għal qtil tagħha.

Tal-Partit Laburista ferħana li Joseph se jibqa’ fit-tmexxija


l-inkwiet fil-kamp Nazzjonalista ilPartit Laburista fil-Gvern donnu li ntnesa mill-midja lokali u seta’ joqgħod ixxamplat igawdi mill-problemi li għandu l-partit oppost. Iżda f’dawn l-aħħar jiem donnhom li l-affarijiet inbidlu xi ftit, mhux dwar il-partit innifsu, daqskemm dwar it-tiġrija għattmexxija tiegħu li kienet waħda kwieta, għalkemm dawk imħajjra għat-tmexxija meta jitlaq il-mexxej preżenti, Joseph Muscat, kienu jaħdmu bil-kwiet biex malli tiġi x-xoqqa f’moxta, jkollhom it-triq imħejjija. Iżda jidher li x-xoqqa f’moxta, se titbiegħed mhux ftit wara li min bassar li Muscat kien se jokkupa xi kariga għolja flAmministrazzjoni tal-Unjoni Ewropeja fallielu, għax ma ngħata l-ebda kariga. Dan wassal lill-Prim Minisru jistqarr li se jkompli jaħdem bla heda għall-Gvern li jmexxi u l-partit. Dawk li jappoġġjaw lil Joseph Muscat u lill-Partit Laburista ħarġu jkantaw vittorja. Fost dawn kien hemm, għall-inqas fiddeher, dawk li jappoġġjaw lill-PN. Imma ħafna jsostnu li fil-qalb ta’ qalbhom inNazzjonalisti mhumiex kuntenti li l-partit se ikollu jiffaċċja elezzjoni ġenerali oħra b’Muscat bħala mexxej tal-Partit Laburista. Dan minħabba li Muscat dejjem irnexxielu jirbaħ bi kbir l-elezzjonijiet li saru flaħħar snin. Kif ukoll billi kienu jistennew li bit-tiġrija għall-mexxej ġdid, il-Partit laburista seta’ jiġrilu bħal-Partit Nazzjonalista u jispiċċa mifrud. Il-partitarji Laburisti, li ħafna minnhom kontinwament jappellaw lil Muscat biex jibqa’ jmexxi l-Partit, ħadu r-ruħ. U dawk li kienu qed jaspiraw għattmexxija? Tal-inqas fid-deher ħarġu jħeġġu lil Muscat biex jibqa’ jmexxi, għalkemm forsi ftit diżapuntati li se ikollhom jistennew ftit aktar qabel itellqu għat-tmexxija.

Hekk għamel it-Tabib Frank Portelli, ekskandidat għat-tmexxija tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-2017 u magħruf għall-kummenti kontroversjali li jagħti lill-mezzi taxxandir. Meta tkellem mal-portal Inews qal: “Min qagħad jimliha biex hi tikteb ċerti affarijiet hu responsabbli għall-mewt tagħha daqs min qatilha.” Filwaqt li reġa’ ppubblika filmat li kien diġà ppubblika s-sena li għaddiet, li fih ikkritika l-mod kif Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet tattakka bil-pinna tagħha lil diversi persuni, f’kummenti mal-istess filmat Portelli qal li min kien jinstiga lillġurnalista biex tippubblika l-affarijiet li kienet tikteb huwa responsabbli tal-mewt tagħha daqs li kieku qatilha hu. F’aktar kummenti, dejjem referuti għal Caruana Galizia, żied jgħid li l-ġurnalista tilfet ħajjitha għal xejn. “Min daħħalha fin-nasba qattiela daqs li kieku sparalha hu,” żied jisħaq Portelli, li

fl-istess waqt tenna li ħadd m’għandu jinqatel, “lanqas l-aktar bniedem li jiżra’ mibegħda.” Opinjoni kontroversjali, imma li xi ftit tassens tagħmel ukoll.

Tgħid forsi jasal li jinbidel l-isem? ouis Galea, bilkemm laħaq ingħata l-kariga L li f’intervista li ta lil The Times ma ħariġx b’bomba li ħasdet lil ħafna, speċjalment in-Naz-

zjonalisti li ilhom jimmilitaw fil-PN, mea qal li lpartit jinħtieġ li jinbidel mill-qiegħ. Lanqas ma eskluda l-possibilta’ li biex isir dan saħansitra jinbidel il-isem tal-partit. “We need to completely rethink our policy – who we are, what we stand for,” he said, even mulling the possibility of changing the party name.” (The Times 09.07.2019). Huwa qal li l-Partit Nazzjonalista għamel żball kbir li ħalla l-għażla tal-mexxej f’idejn it-tesserati, u li dan kellu jitħalla f’idejn il-Kumitati u l-Kunsulliera billi: “Committee and councillors are in the chain of daily political decisions. Party members follow and watch but they’re not an integrated part of the process which makes politics,” Skont Galea l-Partit Nazzjonalista tant jinsab f’sitwazzjoni mwiegħra li se jkun diffiċli ħafna li jirbaħ l-elezzjoni ġenerali li jmiss.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Referendum: proposal recognising Indigenous people in constitution


he Federal Government has promised that within three years, it would put forward a proposal to recognise Indigenous people in the constitution. In a National Press Club address, Ken Wyatt, the Minister for Indigenous Australians pledged that during the current term of Parliament he would "bring forward a consensus option". He said that "the Morrison Government is committed" to Indigenous constitutional change. In 2017 the Turnbull Government had rejected a proposal put forward by hundreds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had met at Uluru to demand that an Indigenous advisory body be added to the nation's founding document. The government said at the time that it would "inevitably become seen as a third chamber of parliament". However, Scott Morrison recently appeared to be open to the idea, agreeing to work with Labor on the issue. Meanwhile, Mr Wyatt said the Government would design the model with First Australians, allocating more than $7 million to the process. He said, "The successful 1967 [Indigenous] referendum was the result of tireless advocacy and an extraordinary nationwide momentum for change. If we want to see that kind of national consensus again, we

Michael Miller

need to be thorough and take the time to get it right." The Uluru Statement endorsed a referendum to establish a permanent Indigenous body to advise parliament. Mr Wyatt said he would seek to reframe that key demand of the 2017 convention as "not a singular voice". He will point to existing "Indigenous organisations and advisory structures" as central to this approach. The referendum question would need to be supported by a majority of voters nationally and by at least four out of six states. e

Press freedom concerns


n a rare show of unity, Australia’s ABC managing director David Anderson, Nine chief executive Hugh Marks and News Corp Australia chairman Michael Miller came together at the National Press Club in Canberra to press their case for press freedom. “There are three news organisations here today, but all of Australia's media companies, the journalists' union, the industry associations, are all united in our demand for change. We call upon the government to amend several existing laws to protect the public's right to know.” Mr Miller said.

Hugh Marks

David Anderson

Dopey or pain in the arse

ormer Nationals leader, MP Barnaby Joyce (right) says a worker who expresses religious views may be a “pain in the F arse” or “dopey”, but they don't deserve to be sacked. He wants

the laws to ensure that employees can't be fired for expressing religious beliefs, using Rugby Australia's decision to sack Israel Folau over anti-gay social media posts as an example. My Joyce said that what Folau said is completely and utterly dopey, but it’s his right to be dopey, and he should not be sacked for expressing “completely dopey” views. Folau is contesting his

Minister Ken Wyatt

The leaders laid out several specific areas in which they would like to see change, including the right to contest any kind of search warrant on journalists or news organisations before they are issued. They also want improved protections for public sector whistleblowers, a new regime that limits the government documents that can be marked secret and a review of freedom of information laws. “And finally, journalists must be exempt from the national security laws enacted over the last seven years that can put them into jail just for doing their jobs. All this can happen quickly without the need of a parliamentary inquiry”. Mr Miller said. The push comes after police raids on two media outlets, over stories based on government leaks, highlighted what the organisations believe are weaknesses in Australia's patchy press freedom regime. The Canberra home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst was raided on June 4 over the 2018 publication of a leaked proposal to allow the Australian Signals Directorate to spy on Australians, and the following day, the ABC's Sydney headquarters were raided over stories published in 2017 alleging Australian soldiers may have carried out unlawful killings in Afghanistan, based on leaked Defence papers.

sacking and the case is set to be heard in the Federal Court. “If there is a nexus between what you do and what you say, then there is a question as to whether you can do the job. "But if there is no nexus, in this case, a man who is employed to run very fast, carry a white ball, jump high, place it on the other side of an arbitrary line on a paddock, what does it matter what their views are?” He said if one wants to be a total pain in the arse that’s his right but one can’t just go round sacking them because they’re annoying.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Politicians pray together


oliticians from across the political spectrum gathered at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra for an ecumenical service to commemorate the opening of the 46th Australian Parliament. The service, a long-standing tradition on the first sitting day of a new parliament, is rotated through Canberra’s various faiths and places of worship. This Clergy from the participating faiths, along with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, read readings and prayers to the congregation. The politicians were encouraged to pray that their efforts and actions would be for the good of all Australian people. The Right Reverend Mark Short, Anglican Bishop of the Canberra Goulburn Diocese, led the service as a preacher. “You know that calling will challenge you and stretch you. You will grapple with complex issues which seem to defy easy and popular solutions, and you will be tempted to demonise those who disagree with you and sometimes to despair over those who don’t,” Rev. Short said. “In that calling and those moments be assured of my prayers and the prayers of the churches of Australia. You are there for us (and for Australians of all faith backgrounds and none), and we are here for you.”

End to Mandatory religious education?


he Secondary Principals Council has called for Special Religious Education (SRE) to be dropped from high schools, saying the time should be used for teaching and learning. The NSW Teachers Federation has also previously urged an end to mandatory religious education as new figures reveal as few as five per cent of students at some Sydney high schools are attending scripture lessons. When students do not participate in SRE lessons - which “alternative meaningful activinvolve between 30 and 60 ities” such as homework or minutes per week - they do reading, but are not allowed to learn the curriculum. Ethics is not offered in NSW high schools. Religious Instruction is also coming under pressure in Queensland, where calls to dump it are growing after figures revealed that just a quarter of public school parents wanted their children enrolled in it this year. But NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell (pictured above): reaffirmed the government's commitment to the existing system, saying it allows parents to decide whether to enrol their child. “Last year, the NSW Government changed the enrolment procedure for SRE, making it clearer to parents and carers what SRE and SEE (Special Education in Ethics) options are available at their child’s school,” she said. “All SRE and SEE options are opt-in. Religious education classes have been offered in public schools since 1848. Every NSW Government has supported this approach since then.”

Michael Hutchence: A great artist – a disturbed human being


or those who like Michael Hutchence and INXS, the exploratory document Mystify is an opportunity to relive the story of the band, the different personalities and their contributions to the group’s music and performances. It shows the ups and downs in their career, their friendship and relationships and features many concert sequences across the world. The film provides a substantial overview of Hutchence’s life and career including his relationship with his separated parents, his growing bond with his father, strong connection with his sister and ups and downs with his brother. Michael Kelland John Hutchence (22 January 1960 – 22 November 1997) was an Australian musician, singer-songwriter and actor who co-founded the rock band INXS, which sold over 60 million records worldwide and was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2001. Older audiences may remember his involvement in scandals in the 1990s, culminating in his affair with Paula Yates. Yates and musician Bob Geldof had a bitter divorce and custody dispute at the time of Hutchence’s death. Hutchence was also romantically linked to Kylie Minogue. On the morning of 22 November 1997, Hutchence was found dead in his hotel room in Sydney. His death was reported by the New South Wales Coroner to be the result of suicide by hanging. Mystify is a well-constructed documentary, drawing on many visual sources, enabling the audience to associate Hutchence as a composer and artist, with growing sympathy for him as a disturbed human being.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti

L-ewwel novella li Patri Guże` Delia SJ kien kiteb u li ħafna jsostnu li fetħitlu t-triq għal għadd kbir ta’ novella oħra millisbaħ tul ħajtu kienet “il-Leġġenda ta’ San Ġużepp” meħuda mill-ktieb tiegħu, LEĠĠENDI.

Kif wegħidna fl-aħħar ħarġa għażilniha biex il-qarrejja jduqu mill-ħila ta’ dan il-kittieb, is-saċerdot, poeta u filosfu. (L-ortografija tħalliet kif kienet miktuba dak iż-żmien, meta nħareġ il-ktieb, fl-1964)

L-ewwel leġġenda ta’ Patri Ġuże`Delia

Smajtha kont għadni tfajjel, Bejn seba’ u disa’ snin, Meta ma’ ħuti ċkejkna Dwar ommi miġburin. Fil-għaxijiet sajfija, Fuq l-għatba f’bieb id-dar, Kienet tgħidilna storja Kif l-omm taf tgħid liż-żgħar. Niftakar dawk l-istejjer Kienu jqanqluni sħiħ, U dejjem baqgħu f’moħħi, Sal-lum, li bdejt nixjieħ. “Hemm fuq,” hekk darba ommi, L-istorja tagħha bdiet; “Lil hinn mill-kwiekeb bojod, Li jiddu fis-smewwiet. Hemm belt ta’ ġmiel li jsaħħar, Fejn jgħammru l-Qaddisin, W eluf ta’ Anġli jtiru Ġwenħajhom imdehbin.” Niftakar ... b’ħarsti msammra Hemm fuq, fl-ikħal tan-nir, Ħassejt tiġri ma’ ġismi Bħal rogħda ta’ tferfir. Stħajjilt qed nisma’ fuqi L-għana ta’ l-Anġli għaddej, U d-daqq ta’ l-arpi tagħhom Jidwi fis-skiet tal-lejl’. Ommi ssoktat; leħenha Kien ħiemed, ħelu benna. “M’hemmx belt tħabbatha magħha, Dil-belt jisimha l-ġenna. It-toroq, fidda u deheb U ġawhar, id-djar tagħha, Smeraldi u lapislażżli Is-swar li jduru magħha. U l-ward li fiha jbexxaq, Fil-ħmiemel imżewqin, Għandu kull lewn u fwieħa Ta’ balzmu u ġiżimin. Dil-belt, bnieha Alla għalina, Għal dawk l-erwieħ tajbin, Li jobdu ‘l ommhom dejjem, U jħobbu lill-Bambin. Biex tidħol, hemm bieb ċkejken; Minnu jgħaddu l-erwieħ, Għassies tal-bieb, San Pietru, Bil-ktieb u bil-muftieħ. U l-ebda ruħ ma tidħol ‘Kk isimha mhux f’dal-ktieb, Fejn hemm tal-ħajja mniżżla l-egħmil, kull kelma u ħsieb. Kull min itemm dil-ħajja, F’dal-bieb itir u jmur,

M’hemmx ħliefu għad-dħul tal-ġenna,

Madwarha kemm iddur. Issa, ġara li darba, Fil-ġonna hemm fuq mistura,

Fost dawk l-erwieħ qaddisa, Fl-hena u t-talb miġbura, Xi anġli ftit fuq tagħhom Għajnejhom miftuħin, Intebħu b’xi wċuh ġodda Imħallta mat-tajbin. Mill-mixja, mill-imġieba, Mill-ħarsa tagħhom tbeżża’, Kellhom xeħta ta’ wieħed Minn kull qdusija mneżża’. Tħassbu l-Anġli u ‘l sħabhom, Dlonk għarrfu b’din il-ġrajja, Kulħadd ried b’għajnejh jara, U ttajru qtajja’, qtajja’. U raw ... M’għandniex xi ngħidu, Ilkoll inqatgħu sewwa; Għax ħadd ma seta’ jfisser Kif daħlu u kienu hemm ġewwa. U hemm fuq, għat-tieni darba, Fil-għoli tas-smewwiet, Mal-Qaddisin u l-Anġli F’ħin wieħed qam l-inkwiet. “Nistaqsu lil San Pietru. Hu biss tal-bieb is-sid. Hu biss jista’ jgħidilna, Xi jfisser dat-taħwid.” San Pietru stagħġeb, tbikkem, U ħalef darba, tnejn, Li dawk l-ucuh ta’ forka, Ma kien jaf bihom xejn. Ftehmu għalhekk li jagħmlu L-għassa mal-belt bil-lej’, Biex jekk xi logħob qed jiġri, Jikxfu minn mnejn hu ġej. Xterdu mar-rkejjen kollha, Madwar is-swar għoljin, U qagħdu jgħassu siekta Fis-siġar moħbijin. Daqq nofs il-lejl tal-ġenna ... Kien hemm dlam ċappa u skiet. Kien spiċċa d-daqq ta’ l-arpi U għanjet il-anġli ntfiet. F’daqqa, fuq iċ-ċint wieqaf, Fil-għoli ta’ l-iswar, Fuq naħa waħda mwarrba,

Patri Ġuże`Delia S.J.

Tħares lejn nofs in-nhar, Deher bħal dell ta’ bniedem, Imleflef f’mantar skur, Donnu qed jgħin ‘il wieħed Tiela’ minn barra s-sur. Imbagħad kif ġibdu fejnu, Niżżlu, b’sellum, fil-ġenna. U raġa’ dar fuq ieħor, Li wrajh kien qed jistenna. Ħaseb li f’dax-xogħol moħbi, Ma kien hemm ħadd jarah, Għax kulfejn timrah ħarstu, Kien kollox skiet u baħħ. Imma, ftit bogħod, fis-siġar, Kien hemm l-Anġli moħbija, Raw kollox ... W issa fehmu Min kien ta’ kollox ħtija. “Min hu” staqsew, “minn fostna Li għandu stonku u ħila, Idaħħal nies ġol-ġenna Ta’ xejra hekk qalila?” Ferfru ġwenħajhom l-Anġli, U għemżu lil xulxin, Kif l-Anġli jafu jegħmżu B’sinjal ta’ xi ftehim. U lkoll dlonk qatta waħda Taru għal fuq is-sur, U jaqbdu u jaħfnu ‘l- ħati Imleflef f’mantar skur. Jikxfulu wiċċu mgħotti, Biex jikxfu dan min kien, U kesħu l-Anġli u tbikkmu, “Oh!” għajtu lkoll flimkien. Kien San Ġużepp il-ħati, Ir-raġel ta’ Marija, Mogħni b’setgħat is-sema, B’kull barka u b’kull qdusija. Għal ftit infixlu u tħawdu Tas-sema dawk l-erwieħ. U ltaqgħu biex bejniethom Jaraw x’ser jagħmlu bih. Qatgħuha li ‘l Ġużeppi, Malajr ġuri jgħadduh, Biex skond il-ħaqq u s-sewwa, Dak li jistħoqqlu jtuh.

U deher Ġużeppi ġwejjed, Quddiem dawk l-Imħallfin. Kien hemm San Pawl, San Pietru ... U Anġli u Qaddisin. Semgħu ta’ l-Anġli x-xilja U ‘x-xhud għal wieħed, tnejn: L-erwieħ li ġew imniżżla, Minn fuq l-ħajt bil-lejl. Imbagħad tkellem Ġużeppi, Bla ħabi u bla taħwid: “Hu minnu kulma smajtu U m’għandi xejn x’inżid. Biss kulma għamilt, għamiltu, Għax dawn l-erwieħ ħabbewni U dejjem l-ikbar qima F’ħajjithom fl-art urewni. Fil-mewt ridt inpattilhom, U ridt inġibhom miegħi, Għax qatt għadu ma nstama’ Li ntilef devot tiegħi. Issa nħalli f’idejkom Agħmlu li tridu bija.” Dejjem ħabbejt is-sewwa U naf li għandi ħtija.” Hawn l-Imħallfin bejniethom, Tkellmu minn taħt l-ilsien, Kulħadd bħal donnu tħawwad, Kulħadd bħal deher ħosbien. Sa fl-aħħar donnhom ftehmu U raġa’ waqa’ s-skiet, U jqum San Pietru fosthom, Biex igħid l-aħħar kelmiet. “Il-provi lkoll smajtuhom, Ix-xhieda u ‘l-mixli wkoll. Li San Ġużepp hu ħati, Narawh biċ-ċar ilkoll. Il-liġi għal kulħadd waħda, Mal-ħtija tiġi l-piena. Il-ħaqq dan jitlob minna U l-ħaqq ma jafx bi ħniena. Għalhekk il-lum qtajnieha Li San Ġużepp minn magħna Jitlaq u jħalli l-ġenna, Din hi s-sentenza tagħna.” Siket. U lejn Ġużeppi, Kulħadd dawwar għajnejh; Hu dejjem ħiemed, ġwejjed, Kien wieqaf fuq riġlejh. Imbagħad fetaħ kemm fommu, U tkellem b’leħen sħiħ: “Jekk dan titlob il-liġi, Jien nitlaq minnufih. Imma jekk nitlaq jiena, Irrid ‘il marti miegħi. Irrid ukoll ‘il ibni, Għax dak hu b’liġi tiegħi.” (Tkompli f’paġna 20)

Liġi favur trattament xieraq tal-annimali

Tuesday July 16, 2019


il-għan li tiġi mħarsa saħħet lannimali, għadha kif tħabbret leġiżlazzjoni importanti favur ittrattament xieraq tagħhom, din iddarba marbuta maż-żwiemel, bisSegretarju Parlamentari għall-Biedja, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali Clint Camilleri jgħid li permezz tagħha se jkun hemm sens ta’ bilanċ bejn dak li hu trattament xieraq għall-annimali u l-aspett ekonomiku. Wara għadd ta’ diskussjonijiet ma’ stakeholders differenti inħareġ avviż legali mibni fuq il-prijorità lejn issaħħa tal-annimal mhux biss biex jiġu mħarsa ż-żiemel bħala mezz ta’ trasport. Id-diskussjoni wasslet biex wieħed jaħseb għal saħħet iż-żwiemel fl-aktar perjodi u ħinijiet sħan fis-sajf; tal-istrapazz taż-żiemel fil-ħidma tiegħu b’mod repetut, kif ukoll tattagħbija li jkun qed iġorr

Prestiċidi: il-prodotti agrikoli għall-konsum f’livelli konformi

Malta laqgħet b’sodsifazzjon ir-riżultati talEuropean Food Safety Authority (EFSA) dwar l-użu ta’ pestiċidi fuq prodotti agrikoli f’Malta għall-konsum, prodotti li joriginaw kemm mis-suq lokali, dawk Ewropej, u anke dawk ta’ barra l-Unjoni Ewropea li sabet li 97.4% tal-kampjuni kollha vverifikati huma f’livelli konformi u li l-ammont ta’ pesticidi ma jaqbiżx il-limitu aċċettabli stabbilit. Ir-rapport juri kif għalkemm l-akbar testijiet saru fuq prodotti domestiċi, xorta r-rata hija waħda baxxa, inqas mir-rata Ewropea. Ir-rapport jikkonkludi li bla ebda dubju kull familja u individwu għandu jkollu fiduċja assoluta fil-prodotti agrikoli Maltin u Għawdxin.

Għal dan il-għan, l-avviż legali qed jintroduċi dawn il-provedimenti: Karozzini ma jistgħux jiċċirkolaw f’xi triq matul il-perjodu bejn l-ewwel ta’ Lulju u l-aħħar ta’ Awwissu, bejn is1pm u 4pm; li żiemel jista’ jintuża biss f’jiem alternattivi, u li ma jistax jintuża għal vjaġġi f’aktar minn tlett ijiem f’ġimgħa waħda. Barra minhekk, kull vjaġġ biż-żiemel ma jistax idum aktar minn 45 minuta, u li ma jistax jgħabbi aktar minn ħames persuni, inkluż is-sewwieq. Clint Camilleri, filwaqt li semma lqbil fil-Parlament dwar żieda fil-penali semma wkoll liġijiet oħra li diġa` ddaħlu favur l-annimali, fosthom ilprojbizzjoni tal-użu ta’ ktajjen, ħbula etċ. bħala ż-żamma prinċipali talklieb, u l-introduzzjoni ta’ sensiela ta’ inizjattivi biex is-santwarji jingħataw l-għajnuna u jkun hemm inizjattivi għall-kunsilli lokali ħalli jwettqu programmi fl-irħula għat-trattament xieraq tal-annimali.

Id-dati tal-Konvenzjoni 2020 tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra issa mħabbra uffiċjament


ssa għandna konferma uffiċjali, li kif diġa`konna ħabbarna (fil-ħarġa tat-2 ta' Lulju), għax l-aħbarijiet ta' sustanza dejjem taqrawhom f'The Voice of the Maltese, il-ħames Konvenzjoni għall-Maltin ta' Barra għandha ssir f'Malta bejn il-5 u l-10 ta' Ottubru tal-2020. L-ewwel Konvenzjoni kienet saret fl1969, filwaqt li l-aħħar waħda kient dik li saret fl-2015. Iktar dettalji jingħataw fil-ħarġiet li jmiss.

€687,795 b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza


l-ġenerożita’ tal-Maltin u l-imħabba li għandhom għad-Dar tal-Providenza ġiet ikkonfermata dan l-aħħar meta waqt il-11il edizzjoni tal-attivita’ ta’ 53 siegħa fil-Maratona tal-Volleyball li ssir kull sena biex jinġabru l-fondi biex tgħin lir-residenti, inġabru €687,795, fosthom €10,239.53 ($AUD16,800) millFriends of Providence House fi NSW fl-Awstralja Il-Maratona kienet inawgurata uffiċjalment mill-President ta’ Malta, Dr George Vella u taw l-appoġġ tagħhom fi żjarat li għamlu tulha, il-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat u s-Sinjura Michelle, ilKap tal-Oppożizzjoni Dr Adrian Delia, Mons. Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna u l-Isqof Awżiljarju Mons. Joseph Galea Curmi. Fil-maratona ħadu sehem attiv 40 plejer, irġiel u nisa, li sfidaw is-sħana qawwija li kien hemm matulha. Il-flus tal-FPH li nġabru minn sponsorships, donazzjonijiet u attivitajiet organizzati matul is-sena ġew ippreżentati lil Fr Martin Micallef, Direttur tad-Dar minn Leli Borg, ħu Jim, ilkordinatur tal-grupp filantropiku Awstraljan li min-naħa tiegħu ta ħajr tal-għajnuna lill-Breakaway Travel, La Vallette SC, littalent Malti-Awstraljan, u lil sħabu fit-tmexxija tal FPH, Marisa Previtera, u Miriam Friggieri.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Impressive 13th edition of Isle of MTV show wows thousands


he 13th edition of Isle of MTV Malta was one again a huge success as thousands flocked to the Fosos Square (Floriana Granaries) to bear witness to music provided by an array of international stars and stopping performances from DJ Martin Garrix, Bebe Rehxa, Ava Max, and Wiley who performed chart-topping songs At the free concert, performed under extreme heat, thousands were entertained at a world-class show by some of the best artists from the pop music scene. The annual appointment for music lovers and revellers, mostly young people, among them a lot of foreigners, also provided a stage for local talent. X-Factor Malta winner Michela Pace, Emma Muscat, Owen Leuellen, and Gaia Cauchi, and Maltese musicians were all part of the show. The concert, Europe’s biggest free summer music festival organised for the 13th year running, lived up to expectations. It was also transmitted live on the Isle of MTV website. It was held during the Malta Music Week that kept the party going with iconic club nights on the island. During the week ypuths could attend, from open air club nights to sunset boat parties. Il-preżentazzjoni talgħotja tal-Friends of Providence House lil Fr Martin Micallef (xellug)

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Il-Leġġenda ta’ minn San Ġuzepp/ paġna 18

Faqqgħu donnhom sajjetta Ta’ San Ġużepp il-kliem, U Pietru ħa nifs qawwi, U tkellem minn quddiem: “Le, qatt ma jkun li minna, Jitbegħdu minn ġol-ġenna, Ġesu` u Marija, Ommna, Fejn qalbna biss tithenna. Ibqa’, Ġużeppi, ibqa’, Kulma għedna tqisu xej’. Aħfrilna talli nqasna, F’gieħ l-isem tal-Mulej.” Tbissem Ġużeppi u wieġeb: “Nibqa’; imma wegħduni, Li biex lil ħbiebi ngħinhom, Hemm fuq is-sur tħalluni.” Kulhadd qal iva, u wettaq Bil-ħalfa kulma tenna ... W għadu sal-lum Ġużeppi, Bil-lejl, fuq swar il-ġenna, Italla’ u jgħin u jdaħħal Lil ħbiebu li fit-talb, Dejjem fittxew għajnuntu, Dejjem semmewh bil-qalb. “Għaliex” w hawnhekk l-istorja, Ommi ġiebet fit-tmiem. “Lil San Ġużepp min jitlob, Hu żgur li jmut fis-sliem. Għax qatt ma nstama’ darba Li min fil-bżonn dar lejh, Baqa’ miċhud minn ħnientu U safa’ b’xejn f’idejh.”

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Community Community News News Community Wheels Inc.:

Connecting you with your community

Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member

To register your interest or for more information

Antoine - 0405 233 144 - Roderick - 9670 2020 -

To advertise on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, among the Maltese Diaspora to write for information to:

For the Youths of our community:

SPECIAL Information Seminar St George Preca Rooms: Greystanes OLQP Parish Centre Tuesday 20th August 7.30 pm

Subject: Financial planning

(Discussions and Q&A) Main Speaker: Marie Louise Muscat From the Fiducian Financial Services Free admission. Organised by Maltese Australian Youth Committee (MAYC) and The Maltese Welfare (NSW) More info: Frances Tel: 9631 9095 0404 257 495

Group Santa Maria of Sydney Saturday August 3: Annual Dinner Dance at Balmoral Centre Blacktown

Sunday August 4: Festa Day at La Valette Centre Mass and procession. OLQP Band from 1 pm. More details: Agnes 02 9626 6753 or Greg 0411 517 187

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 yrs old) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (including assisting clients with shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas. For information call: 88681400

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) 32nd Annual Dinner Dance Saturday 12th October From 7.30 pm at Mandavilla Function Centre Horsley Park Music by Joe Apap Book early. Mark Tel: 9671 2992

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday July 16, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Central Coast Santa Maria Festa

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Parish Warnevale (cr Minnesota & Sparks Rd) Woongarrah Sunday August 11 from 3 pm until fireworks at 6 pm Dinner Dance on August 10 at Helekulani Bowling Club 50 Natuna Avenue Budgewoi from 6 pm to 11pm For more information contact Charlie 439 399 98 or 0404 194 020

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

For Sale:

Indoor Double Crypt with accessories. Pinegrove Minchinbury Padre Pio Stage F. Available Immediately New .. Never Used. Mob: 0412030978

Stedina lill-komunita`

Il-Maltese Chaplaincy javżaw li din is-sena ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Vitorja filKatidral ta' St Mary's f’Sydney se ssir fit-8 ta' Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purċissjoni, u wara ssir ilquddiesa bl-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Aktar dettalji jingħataw ‘l-quddiem. Fl-istess waqt qed ifakkru li f’każ li ikun hemm xi tfal li jixtiequ jieħdu sehem fil-purċissjoni billi jilbsu xi kostum Malti jew tal-preċett iċemplu u jħallu d-dettalji tagħhom. Għal kull tagħrif wieħed iċempel lil Fr Tarcsio Micallef MSSP: 9380 8398.

Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance

Saturday, 21 September 2019 Come & Join us at Balmoral Function Centre, 47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5 Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 0439 974 182 or, 0448 100 034 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771 Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436

La Valette Social Centr e

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________

MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.

AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.

Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 16, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Remaining main events for 2019

Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday July 16, 2019

FFA to let clubs go by traditional names and to use ethnic symbols T he Australian Football Federation, FFA, would be letting its affiliated clubs to once again acknowledge their ethnic background through their club logos, names and identities. The FFA stated this n a just published draft version of its new club identity guidelines titled “FFA Inclusivity Principles for Club Identity”, ICPI. (right parts of the draft), FFA said it celebrates diversity and multiculturalism in the game and wants to ensure that football in Australia is open, accessible and embracing of all participants from all cultural backgrounds. “Every person should feel welcome, safe and included at their local football club,” it said. The FFA acknowledges that Football in Australia has a rich and diverse history it wishes to celebrate, and that many clubs were formed and have developed from particular local communities who have made significant contributions to the growth and reputation of the sport of football as a whole. It said that these communities are reflective of the multicultural nature of Australia and the vast reach of the love for the World Game”, therefore it would review the National Club Identity Policy (NCIP), introduced amid much controversy and derision from the soccer community in 2014. At the time, the NCIP banned all Australian soccer clubs from using names, colours, or symbols with ethnic, national, political, racial or religious motifs. These Inclusivity Principles for Club Iden-

tity are not intended to be enforceable, strict regulations. Rather, they are guiding principles for clubs to refer to in seeking to be inclusive to people from all cultural backgrounds, which means that clubs can ignore the policy if they see fit. It goes on to say that club names should reflect the local geographical region they represent and do so in a way that is welcoming to people from all cultural backgrounds. Before reaching a decision to issue this draft, the FFA consulted independent industry experts. Clubs that celebrate diversity, promote inclusion and make people feel like they belong regardless of their cultural background are more likely to succeed. At the same time, the FFA acknowledges the desire of clubs to respectfully recognise their heritage and the specific communities that were instrumental in establishing and developing such clubs, and their desire to respectfully recognise their heritage and the

NPL Vic: Hard earned victory Pascoe Vale 0 Green Gully 1 n a sensational finish at Jukes Road, Green Gully took all three points against relegation threatened Pascoe Vale. Gully had goalkeeper Jarrod Tyson sent-off for a professional foul (51st minute) and in the 90th also had Matthew Fletcher sent-off when he returned to the field without the referee’s permission after leaving for treatment. Alex Salmon put Green Gully ahead after only eight minutes and looked comfortable

to hold on to win the game. After Fletcher was dismissed Pascoe went all out in search of a leveller but the Gully held out. Green Gully 0 South Melbourne 0 *Visitors South Melbourne took it right up to Green Gully to earn a point in a 0-0 stalemate. Melbourne were the more threatening in the first half, but found the Gully defence rock-solid. Gully came more into the game on the change-over as fortunes remained in the balance. Defences ruled the day and a draw was the fairest of results.

CS George Cross 1 Yarraville Glory 1 he Cross undeservedly trailed Yarraville 1-0 at half time but they came out full of fire in the second half and pinned Yarraville in their own half. They levelled from George Slefendorfas (58 minutes) and could have grabbed the winner. In the end had to be satisfied with a hard earned draw. Car Springs George Cross 2 Clifton Hill 0 *The Georgies recorded their second win on the trot at their new stadium, a 2-0 vic-

tory over Clifton Hill that helped them avenge their first round loss to the Hillmen. George Cross went on the front foot from the start, but it took them 52 minutes before they could take the lead when George Slefendorfas put them ahead. The match was sealed with 10 minutes remaining through a George Tsakalakis headed goal from a corner. Debutant Rhys Suanders almost scored a third when he rounded the keeper, but his shot from a tight angle struck the post.


State League 1 North-West: George Cross deserved much more that a point


specific communities that were instrumental in establishing and developing such clubs. Under the new policy clubs could call themselves by their traditional name. The next FFA board meeting is expected accept the new policy.

NPL 3 NSW Men’s: Parramatta’s Revival continues


Dulwich Hill FC 1 Parramatta FC 3 he Eaagles took home another three points with a resounding 3-1 victory over seventh placed Dulwich Hill FC at Arlington Oval. After an entertaining first half, the two sides went into the sheds goalless. However. Sheldon Tweedie broke the deadlock one minute into the second and Parramatta found some breathing space with a second goal by Adrian Epifanino in the 80th minute. Dulwich Hill got a goal back but were then reduced to 10 men. Four minutes timeTweedie got a third goal. WNSW Mariners 1 Parramatta E 3 *Parramatta FC made it two wins in their past three outings and fifth win of the season when they defeated Western NSW Mariners in Round 18 Marjorie Jackson Field 3-1. It helped them make their trip back from Lithgow a happy one. They won with goals by goals by Mark Symington, and a brace from Sheldon Tweedie.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Great comeback by Hibernians keep hopes alive, while Champions Valletta Gzira and Balzan both lose at home


alta Champions Valletta made an impressive comeback in Luxembourg in the First Qualifying Round of the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE when they came from 2-0 down at half time to draw 2-2 against Dudelange. The result gives them hope for qualification to the next round of the competition when they host their opponents in Malta Tuesday. Valletta’s hopes were revived when they scored two goals in six minutes in the second half from a freekick by newcomer Douglas Pacher and a Jean Borg header. Dudelange were all over Valetta in the initial stages, much before the 26th minute when they took the lead through Mario Pokar. Dominik Stolz doubled their lead before the interval. Valletta finished with ten men when Rowen Muscat was dismissed for a second yellow. It will rule him out of the second leg.


he other three clubs in a European competition, all in the First Qualifying Round of the UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE, failed to register a win between them, although Hibernians’ hopes for qualification to the next round are still well alive live having only lost 1-0 away at Belorussia against Shakhtyor Sologorsk. Hibs succumbed to a late goal scored by Valeriy Gromyko. zira United were the first from the locals to get into action when they faced Hajduk Split of Croatia at the Centenary Stadium and lost 2-0. Gzira conceded first in the first half. Goalkeeper Haber saved Gyurcso’s spot kick but the Croat was on hand to score the rebound. Gzira had their chances but failed to take them and paid dearly for that


Have the new look Eagles turned the corner at last?


hen Parramatta FC found out that Head Coach, Sharaf Ferrando could no longer commit for the entire 2019 season, the club’s Head of Football, Tony Basha, took over the reigns from Round 10 to spearhead the club's First Grade squad for the remainder of the campaign. Basha, a Parramatta Eagles junior and former senior player, returned to the club late 2018, after success in the past few seasons at Rydalmere Lions FC. While on paper the original 2019 squad was being regarded as the best in the NPL3, sadly the results did not arrive, therefore in the mid season transfer window Basha decided to look far and wide to source players he thought would fit into his squad to avoid the dreaded thought of relegation to NPL4 in 2020. Drastic changes are to be made in 2020 to the men's football structure in NSW. Prior to the start of the season clubs were informed that the bottom five clubs in the league table at the end of the NPL3 competition, would be relegated to NPL4. With the Eagles currently sitting in twelfth from fourteen teams, and in desperate need of club championship points, Basha delivered, sourcing players (some of whom he himself had developed through his academy) from England, Spain, Singapore, the Philippines, and of course the NSW NPL competition. Among the new signings is Dominic del Rosario. Although born in Sydney he has played professionally in Dominic del the Philippines Football League since Rosario 2013, and has represented the Philippines national team at youth and senior level. Another new signings is Alusine Fofanah, who played with Western Sydney Wanderers when the Australian club hoisted the Asian Champions League trophy in 2014. He is also known to have been the youngest ever footballer in the history of the A-League, making his debut at just 15 years and 189 days. Fofanah, now 21, has represented the Australian national team at youth level. Another new arrival is Mark Symington, He joins the Eagles with high regard, having represented the Australian

when Hajduk doubled in added time through Dolcek. alzan were involved in a seven-goal thriller at the Centenary Stadium. They were on the losing end against Slovenia’s Domzale who won 4-3. The visitors drew first blood after only three minutes when they were awarded a penalty. The Slovenian captain, Ibricic converted. But Balzan reacted strongly and four minutes later levelled through Correa from an Effiong pass, and then went ahead with a goal by Effiong. Domzale equalised on 48 minutes through a Vuk header, but Effiong restored Balzan’s lead for 3-2. But Sikosek and Podlogar, scored twice to give an undeserved victory to Domzale.


Mark Symington

Futsal side at senior level, and is well known for his keen eye on goal. Sadly, with new faces coming into the squad, old ones were indeed required to make way for them. Goal scorers Zak Elrich and Zac Watters found themselves a new home with struggling NSW NPL2 club Canterbury Bankstown FC; so too

former Eagles captain Patrick Gatt and defender Joshua Gersbach. Rising star, Ali Dulleh, has signed for NSW NPL1 club Mount Druitt Town Rangers FC, while another exciting young attacking midfielder, Justin Micallef, has headed to the Maltese Premier League for a trial with Senglea Athletic FC. This will be his second attempt to earning himself a professional contract in the country of his Alusine ancestors. His first attempt in the MPL Fofanah landed him in Spain's third division. In recent weeks, there have been definite signs that Parramatta may have turned the corner, with three wins in their past four outings and at the same time displaying attractive football to the delight of their supporters. With seven rounds to go before season's end, only time will tell whether Parramatta Eagles will avoid the drop to stay in the NPL3 and next year fight for a chance for promotion to NPL2 or sink even further into the unknown abyss of NPL4. Anthony Theuma

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