Issue 209
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fort nightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly
July 30, 2019
The Dingli Cliffs, one of the places in Malta that nature intended
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat commends The Voice magazine’s contribution to the Diaspora P Prime Minister Dr. Joseph Muscat (centre) flanked (on his right) by Lawrence and Marlene Dimech and Vivian and Joseph Cutajar (on his left) at the meeting in his office in Castille, Valletta
rime Minister Joseph Muscat recognises the importance of The Voice of the Maltese, the only printed and online magazine published in Australia, and its valuable contribution to the Maltese Diaspora. When he received the editors of the magazine, Joseph Cutajar and Lawrence Dimech and their wives at his office in Castille, Dr. Muscat said he was impressed with the high level of the magazine and expressed his appreciation that such a publication is helping the Maltese living abroad, particularly the Maltese community in Australia to keep abreast of Malta’s achievements.
He also commended the magazine’s efforts in trying to keep the Maltese language alive among the Diaspora by publishing a number of interesting articles in our mother tongue. In particular, The Voice remains the main source of information for the ageing Maltese population in Australia and is in the forefront in its continuous efforts to give second and third-generation Maltese a voice. The Prime Minister is well aware of the situation and the diminishing numbers of the Malta-born population in Australia. He said this could lead future generations of Maltese-Australians, to start describing themselves
as Australians of Maltese descent. He recalled his past visits to Australia, the last one last year. He appreciated the warm welcome the Maltese community has always accorded Government delegations. He was certain that similar welcomes await future visits either by Government representatives or the President of Malta Dr. George and Mrs. Vella. As one would expect, during the meeting Prime Minister Joseph Muscat proved to be most knowledgeable of the political situation in Australia and mentioned a number of politicians that he was quite familiar with, and in fact even described as friends.
Next two issues of e Voice at three-weekly intervals Summer is normally a time to relax, perhaps in Malta more than most other countries that host members of the Maltese community. As such, we at e Voice believe this is the right time for us 'to join the crowd'. erefore please note, that the next two issues of the magazine would be published at threeweekly intervals, meaning that the next issue (No. 210) will be published on August 20, and the following one, (issue No. 211) on September 10.
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers
Wills & Superannuation: some super important information by PaulSant
If you have a will, leaving your assets and the residue of your estate to your selected beneficiaries, why do you need to worry about your superannuation? … Because Superannuation (“super”) is governed by its own legislation, and not by succession law. You don’t technically own your super Super was introduced in Australia in 1991 as a private wealth structure, and is based on a trust concept. It is subject to laws developed specifically to manage and control how it operates, with each fund in turn being subject to its own Trust Deed. Until you reach the preservation age, or die prior to, the balance of your super at any given time is not actually owned by you – it is held on your behalf by the Trustee of your super fund. As a member of a super fund, you do not have a tangible asset that you can access. Rather, you possess an intangible asset being your entitlement to have funds paid to you when you reach a certain age. Who decides where my super goes when I die? Ultimately, it is the Trustee of your super fund who holds the power of determining what happens to your super. The laws limit Trustees to pay super to one or more of your dependants, or your Legal Personal Representative (“LPR”) – your Executor. Dependants are defined to include: Your spouse; Your children; People who, at the date of your
death, are in an interdependency relationship with you.
If I can’t will it, how can I have a say about it? If you are a member of a super fund, on your death, how the Trustee of your fund will be required to pay your super depends on your fund’s governing Trust Deed. Superannuation laws permit funds to allow members to have a varying degree of say, however it is important to note, that just as the law limits Trustees to paying your super to your Dependant(s) or LPR, it also limits you to directing the Trustee to pay your death benefits to your Dependant(s) or LPR. Many funds allow members to make a Binding Death Benefit Nomination (“BDBN”). The Trustee must distribute your super in accordance with your BDBN. Some funds only allow for nonbinding nominations, which means that the Trustee of such a super fund must consider your nomination, but is not bound to follow it. Further, there are some super funds that do not permit any type of nomination at all. If you are a member of such as fund, you can include a clause in your Will expressing your wish as to who a death benefit is to be distributed, that can be communicated to the Trustee following your death. Again, the Trustee is not bound to follow your Will. How can my super form part of my Estate and be paid in accordance with my will? The only way you can have your super or any part thereof paid to anyone who is not considered as your Dependant as set out
Now at: 21 George Street
Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877
Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken
above, is where, you, as a member of your super fund, are able to and have: 1. Executed and provided a Binding Death Benefit Nomination, and 2. Your BDBN is current at the time of your death (most expire and need to be renewed every 3 years), and 3. Your BDBN directs the Trustee to pay your death benefits to your LPR. Tax and Succession implications You should consult an accountant in relation to any tax consequences where super or death benefits is left to a non-dependant. You should obtain legal advice if you wish to leave super death benefits to a non-dependant in circumstances where your Estate may not otherwise adequately and sufficiently provide for family members who may be entitled to bring a family provision claim against your Estate. Conclusion Given the significant amount of wealth that may become payable on your death, by way of accumulated super holdings, life insurance you may hold with your super fund, an income stream or pension payable at your death, or any combination thereof, it is vital to know what type of nomination or direction, if any, all super funds of which you are a member, allow. Where your fund allows for a BDBN, you should ensure you have a nomination in place that is current and reflective of your wishes, particularly if you have specific wishes to pay some or all of your death benefits to persons who may not be considered to be your Dependants for the purposes of superannuation legislation. If you have any concerns about your Will, and for all of your Estate Planning needs, my team and I are here to help – please contact my office, and we look forward to advising you. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.
An award-winning Australian-born Maltese filmmaker
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
n less than three years, Julian Galea has made two independent feature films in Malta - Love to Paradise and Made in Malta and has another in pre-production. Julian is our choice for Personality of the Month for July
Julian Galea
former degree qualified construction manager; Julian left behind an established career managing large-scale developments in 2009 to follow his dreams and moved to NYC to study filmmaking. After that, he moved to Los Angeles and on returning to Sydney two years later, established Galea Pictures, working on short films, music videos, and corporate content. He made his feature film debut in 2017 with the indie romance Love to Paradise filmed entirely on location in Malta. The film won 'Best Film' at the Malta International Film Festival and represented Malta in the European Union Film Festivals around the world. It was released theatrically in Australia and Malta and ranked third on iTunes surpassing a catalogue of Hollywood Blockbuster movies. It was also recently screened at the La Valette Centre in Blacktown NSW. Julian returned to Malta to shoot his next film, Made in Malta a romantic drama that beautifully illustrates how re-ignited love is as thrilling and blissful as it is fragile. The 2019 film was released in Malta with select screenings in Australia and within 24 hours of its launch ranked second on iTunes. Julian told The Voice of the Maltese, “I’ve always grown up listening from my father, who is from Mosta, and my mother, who is from St. Julian’s (they now reside in Sydney) that Malta was the most beautiful place in the world - I had no idea how right they were until I went there for the first time with my father after I graduated from university. It made me appreciate Malta so much more, and I’m very grateful”.
While living in NYC, Julian was fortunate enough to work under Emmy Award Winning director Reed Morano (The Handmaid’s Tail) and chose his motherland of Malta to shoot his films and make the most out of his insight. “It’s obviously very different going from a large Hollywood film with mountains of money to riding Maltese buses with drivers screaming “Move back please!” and sharing hobz biz-zejt sandwiches with our international actors between locations. In the end, though, we’re all after the same thing, and that’s getting the shot to tell your story”. With each new film shot in Malta, Julian’s hope is that it will help promote Malta as a filming location and tourist destination. “Filming in Malta has been a wonderful experience, and the locals have been very supportive in the making of my films. I look forward to making more films in Malta and collaborating with the Malta Film Commission, Arts Council Malta and Malta Tourism Authority” Julian told The Voice. “While some people may have never been to Malta, I hope these films give them a reason to want to visit and perhaps be the spark they need to book a trip”. There is no stopping Julian, who has already started working on his third feature film - a road trip comedy based on the characters from his viral comedy YouTube videos Brothers From Malta.
Il-festa tar-raħal hi patrimonju Malti li qed hemm u jibqa’
Tuesday July 30, 2019
ull min hu midħla tal-Gzejjer Maltin jaf li s-sajf f’Malta ma jispikkax biss għas-sħana u l-attivitajiet ta’ divertiment, imma wkoll għallfesti tradizzjonali f’kull belt u raħal, l-aktar dawk b’laqta’ reliġjuża ta’ kull tmiem ilġimgħa lill-qaddisin patruni li għalihom tkun iddedikata l-parroċċa. Dawn huma festi li jiġu ċċelebrati blakbar pompa u għalkemm mhux kulħadd hu entużjażmat bihom, huma mezz li bih, minkejja li ninsabu fi żmien fejn minn xi daqqiet l-egoiżmu jirrenja fuq kull ħaġ’oħra jgħin li jinżamm ħajj il-patrimonju mibdi mill-antenati. Minbarra l-festi hekk magħrufa ta’ ġewwa (fil-knejjes, li wara kollox hemm inbdew) ikun hemm stennija kbira għall-festi ta’ barra ġeneralment organizzati minn każini li jkun ilhom iħejju kważi sena sħiħa biex jagħmlu l-okkażjoni kkulurita kemm jista’ jkun b’tiżjin fit-toroq, baned, ġiġġifogu u murtali. Ħafna residenti l-aktar dawk dilettanti ta’ din it-tradizzjoni għadhom iqisu l-festa bħala l-aktar okkażjoni importanti tas-sena, u kull sforz idur biex kull darba jtejjbu fuq il-programmi li jkunu organizzaw is-sena ta’ qabel. Jagħmlu minn kollox biex idaħħlu kemm jista’ jkun nies, tal-lokal u anke, speċjalment fl-aħħar snin, turisti, fl-ispirtu. Ċerti drawwiet veru li nqatgħu, imma xi oħrajn għadhom hemm. Snin ilu kważi kull membru tal-familja kien jara x’jagħmel u jħit libsa ġdida biex jżanżanha għall-festa. Għalkemm għadek issib xi waħdiet li jaraw kif jagħmlu biex jiddandnu bi lbies mill-isbaħ, daż-żmien, l-aktar fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu ż-żgħażagħ, jeans b’xi tiċriet fih (tal-moda) jew li tilef il-kulur, u T-shirt b’xi slogan (b’tifħri lill-qaddis li qed jiffestġġjaw) ikunu aktar komdi fihom. Hu fatt li għalkemm oriġinarjament il-festi kienu, u għadhom tal-knisja, issa saru aktar mondani, ukoll jekk jibqa’ l-fatt li fiċ-ċentru hemm il-qaddis jew qaddisa. L-awtoritajiet ekklesjastiċi mhux l-ewwel darba li wissew biex ma jsirux esaġerazzjonijiet filfesti ta’ barra u jissuġġerixxu li wieħed għandu jibqa’ jżomm f’moħħu li l-festa filknisja ma tkunx traskurata. Il-festa ġeneralment hi okkażjoni għallfamilja, biex il-membri jinġabru flimkien, kemm għal xi ikla speċjali fid-dar ta’ ta’ xi ħadd minnhom, inkella għal xi riċeviment bejniethom. Hi wkoll okkażjoni li tgħaqqad il-gruppi, tant li anke ċentri politiċi opposti jieħdu l-okkażjoni biex imorru għal bibita għand xuxlin. Hi wkoll okkażjoni għal ħbieb li forsi marru jgħixu f’xi raħal ieħor, u ġieli anke li
marru jgħixu barra minn Malta, biex jiltaqgħu għall-festa. Fil-fatt huma ħafna minn tal-aħħar li jipprogrammaw żjara f’Malta mad-dati tal-jiem tal-festa tarraħal jew belt fejn twieldu. Jintefqu flejjes kbar u jsir ħafna xogħol minn għadd ta’ voluntiera f’kull belt jew raħal; tant huma dedikati li joffru ħinhom għall-festa, jonfqu minn flushom u/jew iduru t-toroq kwazi kull nhar ta’ Ħadd iħabbtu bieb bieb biex jiġbru għall-festa. Il-baned jibqgħu mezz li jferraħ u marċi tul it-toroq minn kmieni fil-ġimgħa talfesta għadhom imfittxija. Li naqsu żgur, għall-inqas f’ħafna rħula n-nies li kienu jakkumpanjaw il-baned. Imma f’xi lokalitajiet l-folol fil-marċ għadek issibhom, l-aktar f’dak ta’ ’jum il-festa filgħodu li ġieli jiġġenera f’xalar, xorb, tbaħrit li ġieli, l-aktar f’lokalitajiet fejn tiġi ċċelebrata aktar minn festa waħda f’xhur differenti, jinbtu l-piki u ġieli anke f’tgħajjir li jwasal għall- ġlied. Element ieħor importanti fil-festi Maltin huma l-murtali u n-nar tal-art. Veru li xi rħula li qabel kienu fost il-
magħrufa għan-nar battew bil-kbir, minħabba l-periklu li ċerti dilettanti saru jevitawh, nuqqas ta’ wesgħat (minħabba aktar bini) minn fejn jistgħu jaħarqu n-nar, u wkoll l-ispejjeż. Min-naħa l-oħra hemm oħrajn li għalihom dak li qabel kien xogħol ta’ delizzju għalihom issa sar professjoni. Minnu jaqilgħu ħobżhom billi jbigħu il-murtali li jagħmlu lil lokalitajeit oħra barra dawk tagħhom. Dawn in-nies dejjem irfinaw bil-kbir u
The Voice of the Maltese 5
IL-FESTI LI JMISS AWWISSU 4 – Marsaxlokk - Il-Madonna ta’ Pompej Birżebbuġa - San Pietru fil-ktajjen San Ġwann – Il-Madonna ta’ Lourdes Qala (Għawdex) – San Ġużepp Valletta – San Duminku 6 – Ħal-Lija - Is-Salvatur 10 – Birgu - San Lawrenz 11 – San Lawrenz Għawdex – San Lawrenz Ħamrun - San Gejtanu 15 – Gudja, Ħ’Attard, Hal-Għaxaq, Ħal-Muxi, Mosta, Mqabba, Qrendi, Vittorja (Għawdex) – Santa Marija 18 – Birkirkara - Santa Liena Tas-Sliema – Stella Maris Mġarr (Malta) – Santa Marija Ħad-Dingli – Santa Marija Raħal Ġdid – Madonna ta’ Lourdes 21 – Santa Lucia - San Piju X 25 – Ħal-Għargħur - San Bert Manikata - San Ġuzepp Marsa – Maria Reġina Ħal- Safi – Konverżjoni ta’ San Pawl San Ġiljan – San Ġiljan Birgu – San Duminku Ħal-Kirkop – San Leonardu Żebbuġ (Għawdex) – Santa Marija SETTEMBRU 1 – Żurrieq – Santa Katerina Tas-Sliema – San Girgor Qawra – San Franġisk t’Assisi Għajnsielem – Santa Maria ta’ Loreto Valletta (Santu Wistin) – Madonna taċĊintura 8 – L-Isla, Mellieħa, Naxxar, Xagħra (Għawdex) – Marija Bambina 15 – Ħaż-Żabbar – Il-Madonna tal-Grazzja 15 – Valletta – Santu Wistin
wħud saru tassew esperti, tant li meta jieħdu sehem f’kompetizzjonijiet internazzjonali kapaċi jirbħu jew jiġu minn ta’ quddiem. Allura mbagħad ikunu f’pożizzjoni li l-passjoni tagħhom juruha aktar bi kbir meta kważi kull sena jesperimentaw fil-festa tar-raħal. Kemm kien hemm minn dawk li kienu jgħidu li l-festi għad jinqatgħu… u kemm hemm minnhom li mhux biss kellhom jibilgħu kliemhom imma saru jammettu li lfesti kienu u żgur li se jibqgħu?
Vittoriosa’s San Lawrenz
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
- the patron saint of comedians
n August 10 Vittoriosa emperor.” He explained that he (Birgu), one of the would need those days to comThree Cities of Cottonplete this laborious task; the Preera that, with Cospicua fect granted him the time. (Bormla) and Senglea (Isla) can Lawrence began to give away all rightly claim to be the cradle of the wealth at his disposal. When Maltese history, having proChristians were executed, all their vided a home and fortress to algoods were confiscated for the most every people who settled emperor’s treasury. Therefore, on the Islands, celebrates its vilLawrence even sold some objects lage festa in honour of its patron in order to be able to give even saint, St. Lawrence. more to the poor. Valuable vessels The saint was born on Decem(not in terms of money but in senber 30, 225 in Spain. His interest timents), he sent away for safein Christianity grew gradually keeping. He swiftly distributed from a young age as he sought much of the Church property to lessons from Catholic leaders. the poor thus preventing it being One of the teachers Lawrence seized by the Prefect. befriended would in fact, go on When his time was up, to become Pope Sixtus 11. Both Lawrence appeared before the Lawrence and Pope Sixtus prefect with the poor, the sick, eventually decided to leave the widows, the crippled and orSpain for Rome – at the time a phans of Rome, and when he most daring move since the Rowas ordered to deliver the treasmans were not Catholics and in ures of the Church, he declared, The statue of St Lawrence that is carried around fact had a bloodlust towards “This is the true treasures of the Vittoriosa in a religius procession on August 10 Christians as they charged them Church!” with “hatred against the human race.” Apparently the Prefect did not have the Valerian issued an edict that all bishops, The two men made it to Rome, and 32 priests, and deacons should immediately wisdom or sense of humour to appreciate years later, in 257, after he was elected, be put to death. On August 6 Pope Sixtus, Lawrence’s gesture. Instead, he regarded Pope Sixtus 11 made Lawrence one of the Lawrence and many other Christians were it as Lawrence’s insolence towards the seven deacons of Rome. captured. The Pope was arrested while Roman Emperor. This act of defiance led Though young, Lawrence was appointed saying Mass. St. Lawrence wanted very directly to his martyrdom and on August to serve in the cathedral church, and is much to be lead away with his holy father. 10, 258, at age 32 Lawrence was led to his therefore called "archdeacon of Rome". “In three days, you will follow me,” Pope martyrdom. He was sentenced at San This was a position of great trust that in- Sixtus assured him. The Pope was imme- Lorenzo in Miranda and imprisoned. In cluded the care of the treasury and riches diately executed. prison at San Lorenzo in Fonte he baptized of the Church and the distribution of alms After the death of Sixtus, the Prefect of his fellow prisoners. to the sick and poor people of Rome. Rome demanded that Lawrence gather all As opposed to beheading, as was the cusHowever, due to the bitterness the Roman the treasure of the church to lay before tom, Lawrence was sentenced to be felt towards Christianity, those rewarding him. Lawrence could not but agree, but roasted “little by little” on the gridiron times would not last for long. asked for three days’ time, noting, “The with hot coals beneath it. He was placed In the beginning of August 258, Emperor Church is truly rich, far richer than your on it, hence Lawrence's association with the gridiron. St Lawrence on the gridiron, Still, with his sense of humour on the a painting by Valentin de Boulogne gridiron, after, literally, facing the fire for a good long time, Lawrence cheerfully declared to a Roman soldier, “I am well-done on this side. You can turn me over!” The incredible trust in God’s Providence and the burning fire of love inside him allowed Lawrence to laugh even as he was being tortured! A miracle of great grace. After praying for the conversion of Rome, St. Lawrence said, “It is cooked enough now,” and died a martyr’s death. From this St. Lawrence derives his patronage of cooks, chefs, and comedians. Because of this act, the image of the Saint shows him holding a griddle in his hand. But why patron saint of comedians? It is because by having so much trust in God’s Divine Providence, St Lawrence, the archdeacon of Rome could keep his sense of humour even in the direst of situations.
Tuesday July 30, 2019
ienu ġew diskussi xi diffikultajiet li nqalgħu bejn Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP ta’ Dar Depiro East Sydney u xi mexxejja tal-komunita’ Maltija dwar kif jiġu spustati ċerti mistednin fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni annwali tal-festa tal-Vitorja fil-Katidral ta’ St Mary’s. Kienu anke saru xi laqgħat biex dawn id-diverġenzi jiġu solvuti. Iżda dak li kien qed isir qatt ma ġie ppubblikat jew imperreċ fil-beraħ. Għalkemm kellna il-fatti kollha għad-dispożizzjoni tagħna, The Voice
Kumment editorjali
of the Maltese dejjem urejna prudenza u sens ta’ responsabbilita’ f’dan il-każ. Kien għalhekk xokkati li f’daqqa waħda, wara sena sħiħa, gew ippubblikati kummenti żbaljati u esaġerazzjonijiet immirati biex ixewxu u ja-
The Voice of the Maltese 7
qilgħu taħwid fost il-komunita’ Maltija. Aħna ta’ The Voice nifhmu, b’sens ta’ responsabbilita’ li f’dan il-każ partikluari seta’ kien hemm aktar sensittivita` u maturita’. Min kien responsabbli li kiteb bla ma kien jaf sewwa dak li seħħ għandu jiġi mċanfar, iżda iktar minn hekk, jiġi mċanfar u mwiddeb għandu jkun dak li naqas li jivverifika l-fatti kollha u ppremetta l-pubblikazzjoni, speċalment meta dan għandu assoċjazzjoni mill-qrib malGvern ta’ Malta.
‘Malta promotes freedom, strongly opposes religious discrimination’
t a US Department of State Conference on Religious Freedom in Washington DC, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela highlighted Malta’s drive to tackle religious intolerance, saying that “Religious intolerance has to be challenged through dialogue and debate, not the closing of doors to the outsider or the foreigner” The minister insisted on Malta’s drive to tackle intolerance towards certain religions and beliefs, pointing out that Malta is committed to protecting the human rights of all people, in particular members of minority groups and individuals that find themselves vulnerable situations. “This commitment is a result of several years of grappling with large numbers of asylum seekers or refugees arriving to our shores. Malta is still dealing with this challenge”, Minister Abela said. He went on to say that at the national level, Malta is working on setting up a national human rights institution in line with the Paris Principles, and explained how to this end, Malta has launched two initiatives, the Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Equality Act. He pointed out that when it comes to the Human Rights and Equality Commission, this would be able to ensure equality and non-discrimination on several grounds in all spheres of life, and the Equality Act is intended to address multiple discrimination and structural discrimination. He said that national legislation combatting incitement to racial hatred and other forms of hate speech has also been further improved to include the protection of foreign nationals or any other group from such crimes, and Government has taken measures to strengthen a culture of inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination. He appealed to the international community to strengthen its efforts
to tackle the global challenges of violent extremism and hatred as well as to combat terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations. He concluded by saying, “We believe that freedom of religion or belief should not be allowed to be affected by politics and fluctuating social attitudes. It is part of the role of every state to ensure this does not happen”. He said that Malta would continue to promote freedom of religion or belief for all persons and strongly oppose religious discrimination, persecution and violence.
UN Sec. Gen. compliments Malta’s approach towards dialogue in the Mediterranean
eanwhile, Minister Carmelo Abela also attended the HighLevel Political Forum (HLPF) in New York that convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, the United Nations' central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development. This was a meeting that served as an opportunity to discuss current significant global and regional issues including the current situation in Libya. The Secretary General complimented Malta’s constructive approach and bridge-building approach to aid dialogue in the Mediterranean. In his address Minister Abela emphasized Malta’s ongoing pursuit of socio-economic policies to address the wellbeing of society in general, and touched upon Malta’s educational system. Regarding climate change that remains one of the most pressing challenges in today’s world, Minister Abela said that Malta is relentlessly implementing measures to mitigate emissions and address vulnerabilities, by diversifying the energy mix and water resources.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
SBS disservice to the Maltese community: Enough is enough!
This is a copy of an email that Ms Marisa Previtera, a member of the Council of the Maltese Living Abroad sent to the SBS General Complaints Board after SBS once again failed to transmit the scheduled Maltese News on July 21, without explanation!
t has now gone beyond apologies and explanations! You have disadvantaged many many people who look forward to seeing the news bulletin from their homeland. You moved the show from Channel 32 to Channel 31 saying you can still watch it at the same time. SO WHY did you think that we wouldn’t mind that we were not able to watch it again today because you chose to put on ICC football? Why don’t you bump the Italian news or some other programme? This is unbelievable discrimination, “OH YES, WE WILL PICK ON THE MALTESE AGAIN” because they don’t matter! You cannot keep doing this to our programme and something has to be done. I hope you do not send a generic reply to me, I want to know from a Senior source, why you are doing this to the loyal and many Maltese viewers many of whom do not have access to computers and some are still not able to receive Channel 31 as they have old TVS.
Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja
Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw lemails lil L-ttri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.
Jaħasra meta se nimmaturaw? M
Tony Frendo, mis-Swieqi, Malta, jikteb:
eta l-għira u l-mibgħeda jissuperaw kull sens ta’ oġġettivita`; meta l-politika partiġġjana twasslek biex iktar tkun Nazzjonalist/Laburist milli MALTI; meta mhux taqa’ fit-tajn iżda t-tajn jifgak. Dan l-aħħar il-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Joseph Muscat seta’ ġie maħtur f’waħda millogħla pożizzjoni ta’ tmexxija tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, l-organizzazzjoni li tagħha, flimkien ma’ 27 pajjiż ieħor Malta hi membru. Kienet tkun ħatra ta’ prestiġju kbir għall-iżgħar pajjiż imsieħeb f’din l-għaqda. Din id-darba kien Dr Muscat, imma seta’ kien qablu Dr Gonzi jew Dr Fenech Adami, jew xi politiku ieħor minn liema naħa hi tal-Kamra tarRappreżentanti. Bħala Maltin ta’ stoffa u distinti, huma ta’ liema kulur politiku huma, kif qatt tista’ tmur barra minn Malta u tiftaħar li ħdimt kontrihom biex ma jeħdux pożizzjoni tant prestijuża bħal din? Dan mhux għal gwadan ta’ xi partit iżda għal MALTA. Tiskanta li hawn ma saqajna dawn in-nies. Meta se nimatturaw?
You have not bothered to consult with the Maltese community leaders to find out if this would affect them. WELL IT HAS! Please acknowledge formally why this has happened and what you intend to do to make sure it does not keep happening to our community.
SBS letting us down!
Emm. Farrugia, from Fairfield, NSW writes:
ometimes I wonder whether SBS really care about their loyal televiewers, especially the ethnic groups and in particular on a number of instances, the Maltese community. I would have thought that the criticism members of the Maltese community levelled at SBS could have softened their heart. But no! In the last issue of The Voice, reader Alan Zammit put his case forward when he wrote his letter headed, ‘Changes by SBS TV detrimental to the Maltese community’. He took SBS to task for making changes to their transmissions that hit hard at the Maltese ethnic group. He was so right. So what? We are finding out that SBS TV doesn’t care about their viewers, especially the minority groups, or rather, that group calling itself the Maltese. They keep ignoring us. Once again, and for the umpteenth time, on July 21 they failed to transmit the news bulletin from Malta so they could instead transmit a sports event. To be honest I don’t need SBS to know what is happening in Malta. I follow the Internet and I follow most of the news portals emanating from Malta, but for my ageing parents, watching the News bulletin from their homeland is something that gives them a taste of Malta. To deprive them of such is really disgusting. About 80 per cent of SBS Corporation’s funding is derived from the Australian Government. Its stated purpose is "to provide multilingual and multicultural radio and television services that inform, educate and entertain ALL Australians and, in doing so, reflect Australia's multicultural society. But is it doing the job? Now I have made my decision. As of now, every time I visit my parents I give them instructions to stream the Maltese TV stations on a lap top that I bought them, and if they want to watch the news, or any other programme on their TV set, to connect their HDMI cable from their lap top to their TV set and watch for all their heart’s content. SBS keep letting the Maltese down.
Tuesday July 30, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 9
English sub-titles to Maltese documentaries
Following a very cordial meeting editors Joseph Cutajar and Lawrence Dimech had with the chairman Dott. Tonio Portughese, The Voice of the Maltese has learnt, that in September, the four researched documentaries on the Sette Giugno events Culhat al Belt , produced by PBS newsroom journalist Mario Xuereb, and commissioned by the Fondazzjoni Celebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali would be accessible online on the website with sub-titles in English. During the meeting Cutajar and Dimech not only discussed at length this important breakthrough but about other similar documentaries and interesting productions that could be treated as they are bound to attract the attention of the Maltese living abroad. In fact PBS now also plans to embark on the ASSEDJU documentaries for a similar English sub-titles operation. Others are in the pipeline. PBS considers this activity, as a major step-forward and its contribution for the protection of Malta's historical heritage and accessibility through social media, which is in response to various requests made by Maltese living abroad, schools and foreign academics. The Voice also requested the PBS chairman about the possibility of making available copies of certain productions for showing in Maltese community centres in Australia. Meanwhile, Dott. Portughese presented copies of the Culhat al Belt documentaries to the Speaker Anglu Farrugia who expressed his appreciation and said that these documentaries would shortly also be on the Parliament website for wide accessibility. He further requested PBS to consider similar collaboration on the 100th anniversary of the first Constitutional Assembly in 1921 the 1922 first Parliamentary Constitution of Malta. In this instance, Dot Portughese has thanked in particular for this project, Prof Dominic Fenech for his guidance, PBS CEO Charles Dalli and Ms Giselle Spiteri Miggiani from the University of Malta who gives similar services to RAI and Mediaset. Pictured top: The meeting at PBS. Frome left: PBS PBS board member Mr Frans Lia (Programme Manager,) Joseph Cutajar, Dott. Tonio Portughese , Lawrence Dimech and board member Mr Tony Cassar Darien
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Il-qerq bl-internet M
ill-bidu bikri talARPANET, netwerk li jgħaqqad organizzazzjonijiet tarriċerka akkademiċi fl-Istati Uniti fl-aħħar tas-sittinijiet sal-lum, fejn biljuni ta’ kompjuters madwar iddinja huma mqabbdin u jikkomunikaw kontinwament flimkien, b’mod (filbiċċa l-kbira) liberu, l-internet sar mod indispensabbli kif bnedmin, organizzazzjonijiet u magni jikkomunikaw ma’ xulxin; jaħżnu, jiddisseminaw u jaċċessaw informazzjoni; isibu divertiment; jixtru u jbiegħu; u jgħaddu sigħat sħaħ mehdijin f’din id-dinja l-ġdida virtwali. Dan l-aħħar ġejt imfakkar kif aspett uman komuni iżda pjuttost ikrah fil-bniedem, sab ukoll postu fid-dinja tal-internet, u dan huwa l-qerq, jew it-tentattiv ta’ qerq. Irċevejt messaġġ fuq il-programm tal-Facebook li jintuża għattaħdit virtwali (chat), il-Messenger, minn ħabib tiegħi, jew dak li ħsibt li huwa ħabib tiegħi. Dan kien ukoll akkumpanjat minn ritratt ta’ ħabibi. Is-suspetti tiegħi kienu diġà qamu meta l-kuntatt kellu karattri ta’ emozzjonijiet (emoji) li ħabibi assolutament qatt ma juża, imma ddeċidejt li din id-darba ma ninjorahx ħalli nara kif se tiżviluppa l-istorja. L-ewwel talabni li nwiegħdu li ma ngħid lil ħadd dak li kien se jtarrafli. Wara, infurmani li kien rebaħ kwart ta’ miljun dollaru, u jien kont l-ewwel wieħed li kien informa. Kemm jien ixxurtjat hux? Imbagħad qalli li nista’ nirbaħ ammont simili jekk immur fuq websajt partikolari, għax qal li ra ismi fuqu, u ma xtaqx li nitlef il-ħlas. Kemm kien bniedem altruista! Fl-aħħar, bgħatli indirizz tal-internet, apparentement leġittimu, biex insarraf ir-rebħa tiegħi. Riedni nagħmilha dak il-ħin u joqgħod jiggwidani x’kelli nagħmel. F’dan il-punt, bżaqtlu s-sunnara, u waqqaf kollox hemm. Tibqa’ skantat, wara l-istejjer kollha ta’ qerq li jissemmew filgazzetti u fuq l-aħbarijiet, hemm jien fl-2019, qiegħed nitħaddet bil-kitba dak il-ħin stess ma’ bniedem, Alla biss jaf fejn kien, li
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
kellu biss l-iskop li jitnejjek biha waħda nobis, u jew jisloħni xi waħda tinkiteb, jew jakkwista xi tagħrif dwari li għad m’għandux biex ikun jista’ jisloħni iktar ‘il quddiem. Jiddispjaċini biss għal ħabibi li wara skoprejt li ismu u r-ritratti tiegħu kienu ttieħdu b’qerq f’tentattiv biex jiġu ngannati ħafna minn ħbiebu onlajn. Sitwazzjoni imbarazzanti li faċilment tista’ tiġri lil kulħadd, anke lili u lilek. Tentattivi bħal dawn huma komuni ħafna, u dan l-aħħar innutajt żieda tagħhom. Spiss nirċievi xi imejl li jien eredi ta’ xi wirt ta’ barra minn hawn, u li jaħasra nitilfu jekk ma ngħaddix id-dettalji tal-bank tiegħi lil xi benefattur in-Niġerja, u dan l-aħħar anke ittra tal-karti mill-Ingilterra fuq wirt simili u mhux mistenni li qed jistennieni f’Hong Kong. Jien dawn it-tentattivi narahom pjuttost patetiċi, u jkun hemm ħafna sinjali li m’huma xejn ħlief mimlija qerq, bħall-ammont ta’ żbalji fil-komunikazzjoni, jew l-istorja fantastika u improbabbli għall-aħħar, u oħrajn. Madankollu, nifhem li wieħed faċilment jitqarraq, l-aktar jekk m’għandux esperjenza, jew ikollu bżonn il-flus u storja bħal din tkun tirrappreżenta manna li taqa’ mis-sema (kieku kienet veritiera). Niftakar snin ilu, ħabiba tiegħi kienet urietni imejl simili, bilfatturi suspettużi kollha (wirt kbir, bżonn ta’ dettalji tal-bank, konnessjoni man-Niġerja eċċ) u staqsietni x’naħseb. Jien naturalment ħassartilha u avżajtha biex ma turi l-ebda interess fil-komunikazzjoni li rċeviet. Madankollu, minkejja l-pariri tiegħi ħabibti dehret li kienet inklinata li tkompli tikkomunika ma’ min kien bagħtielha. Tlift il-kuntatt ma’ din il-persuna, u għalhekk ma nafx kif spiċċat din l-istorja, nitlob ‘l Alla biss li mhix biss waħda mill-istejjer talbiki li sirna nisimgħu. Lilkom il-qarrejja ta’ dan l-artiklu, nirrikmandalkom regola magħrufa sew f’dan il-qasam: jekk storja tinstema’ li hi tajba wisq biex tkun veritiera, probabbilment li mhix!
Tuesday July 30, 2019
‘Il-vapur tal-art’ (Il-Ferrovija) f'Malta
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Il-vaguni u l-magni fil-Ħamrun
– It-tieni parti –
ieħed mill-għanijiet ewlenin, tal-ferrovija f’Malta, jekk mhux l-uniku, kien li jgħaqqad il-belt Valletta mal-belt l-antika l-Imdina. Imma ma setax ikun li tkun linja li ma tieqaf imkien, għax lanqas seta’ jkun li tieħu biss nies mill-belt lejn l-Imdina (jew ir-Rabat) u viċe-versa. Allura fit-triq twaqqfu għadd ta’ stazzjonijiet. Wara li titlaq mill-belt, il-ferrovija kienet tieħu din ir-rotta biex tasal fl-inħawi tal-Imdina. Wara l-belt tgħaddi minn taħt l-art għall-istazzjon tal-Furjana, il-Ħamrun, l-Imsida, Santa Venera, Birkirkara, Ħal-Balzan, Ħ’Attard, u minn PeterPaulCiantar hemm għar-Rabat taħt l-Imdina. L-istazzjon tal-Furjana, taħt l-art, kien jasal sa taħt il-ġnien ta’ San Filippu (taħt l-Arjingħad li kienet ingotti). Illum qed isir xogħol tefqet is- somma ta’ fuqu biex jiġi restawrat. madwar sittin elf Imma x’aktarx li wieħed lira, li dakinhar mill-aktar popolari u imporkienet somma fenotanti kien dak tal-Ħamrun, menali. mhux bogħod mill-pjazza Ta’ min isemmi Fra Diegu u fejn illum hemm wkoll li kull fejn ill-iscouts. Fi triqitha kienet linji tal-ferrovija għaddi wkoll minn fejn illum kienu jaqsmu t-triq hemm il-fabbrika tal-ħalib. kienet inbniet kamF’dan il-post hemm ukoll ra għal raġel li kien tifkiriet qawwija marbuta magħruf bħala 'talmal-istorja tal-ferrovija f'pabandiera'. Dan, ixjjiżna, għax hemm kien l-isxogħol tiegħu kien tazzjon tal-vaguni u l-magni. Hemm ukoll kien hemm ħanut tas-snajja biex il-ħaddiema jieħdu ħsieb ilmanutenzjoni. Fil-fatt, ħafna mill-għodod għadhom miżL-ewwel stazzjon ta’ wara l-belt Valletta, kien muma tajjeb u wieħed jista’ dak tal-Furjana. Dan kif inhu bħalissa u wara li wkoll imur jarahom. ġie miftuħ għan-nies. Qed jiġi rrestawrat L-għadd ta' vaguni li kienet iġġorr il-ferrovija kien jiddependi mill-postijiet minn fejn li jagħlaq it-triq qabel kienet tgħaddi, x'kienet il-ġurnata u wkoll l-okkażjoni. Xi tgħaddi l-ferrovija li ma drabi, meta jkun hemm xi festa, il-ferrovija kien ikollha mad- jmurx issir xi disgrazzja war ħdax-il vagun. ... imma fil-fatt, disgrazzji seħħew ukoll. It-tifkira tal-ferrovija f'Birkirkara għadha ħajja. Fil-ġnien ta' Fil-ktieb tiegħu 'Xogħol u Snajja tal-Imgħoddi', il-Professur fejn qabel kienet il-venda ewlenija tal-karozzi tal-linja Ġużè Galea jikteb hekk dwar ix-xogħol ta' dan ir-raġel wieħed għadu jista’ jara eżatt kif kienu dawn il-vaguni tal- magħruf bħala 'tal-bandiera'. ferrovija f'pajjiżna. “Filwaqt li jkun iġebbed il-ktajjen, ir-raġel kien iżomm ilFl-aħħar snin il-post ġie restawrat u ħa l-istess bixra li kien bandiera ħamra f'idu biex min ikun għaddej mit-triq jinduna bilfiha fi żmien il-ferrovija. Ġie rrestawrat ukoll vagun tal-fer- periklu u jieqaf sakemm it-tren jgħaddi. rovija li ġabuh qisu għadu jinbena. Biex aktar jiġbed l-interMeta jkunu għaddejjin in-nies bil-mixi jew rekbin, huma jieqfu esss il-ġnien li bih hu mdawwar qed ukoll jospita attrezzi u ma jiġri xejn. Il-periklu kien iqum meta jinzertaw għaddejjin xi ta’ logħob għat-tfal. merħla annimali, bħalma ġara nhar San Ġużepp tal-Imsida flLura għall-istorja, biex inbnew il-linji, l-istazzjonijiet, it- 1922”. telegrafu u l-magni lejn l-1862 meta twaqqfet il-kumpannija, (Ikompli fil-ħarġa li jmiss) L-istazzjon importanti tal-Ħamrun. Illum miżmum f’kundizzjoni tajba mill-iscouts
Mudell tal-istazzjon oriġinali tal-Ħamrun meta kien jintuża
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta
‘Malta is defending European values’
uring a two-day visit to Malta, where he was conferred with the honorary membership of the National Order of Merit in the Grade of Companion with Star of the Republic of Malta by HE George Vella, President of Malta, outgoing European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Malta is defending European values, such as the fight against corruption, rule of law and press freedom. The ceremony was held in the capital Valletta in the presence of Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and other dignitaries. The Honorary membership in the National Order of Merit is conferred to foreigners who distinguish themselves in the promotion and strengthening of international relations or who have gained the respect and gratitude of the Maltese people. President Juncker thanked the Maltese people for awarding him such an honour and said he was proud and grateful for the title bestowed. He said, "Malta is defending truly European values that I would like to pay tribute to today. They are values that must always be protected and never be taken for granted. They define who we are as people. “This means the respect for the rule of law, the fight against corruption and freedom of the press. These are non-negotiable European values," Juncker added. He also praised Malta’s solidarity in issues such as migration. “I’m proud of what we achieved together. We have saved lives.” He said it was unacceptable for small countries like Malta to have to suffer disproportionately and that a European solution needed to be found. He praised Prime Minister Joseph Muscat for promoting EU values and encouraged more sustainable investments in the country’s economy. He also praised the country for its openness in embracing new emerging economies. Addressing the ceremony after the conferment, President George Vella recognised Juncker's contribution in the promotion and strengthening of relations between Malta and the European Union (EU) and said that
–European Commission President Malta had learned to work with the EU and to find solutions for various problems encountered, both locally and in the region. He added that EU membership assisted governments in safeg u a r d i n g national interest and European ones. “The majority of Maltese citizens recognise the fact that over the last 15 years, great changes took place in our country.
EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (centre) with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (left) and President Dr George Vella after the award ceremony
President George Vella placing the medal on Jean Claude Juncker
Helena Dalli becomes Malta’s first female nominee to the European Commission
rime Minister Joseph Muscat has nominated Equality and European Affairs Minister Helena Dalli as Malta’s first female nominee to the European Commission. As a result, Ms Dalli has resigned her post as minister and will be replaced in cabinet by MP Edward Zammit Lewis (see page 13). She will now focus on preparing for her grilling before MEPs in October as part of the nomination process. The Prime Minister said that Ms Dalli was chosen following talks he had with EU President-elect Ursula von Der Leyen Ursula regarding Malta’s nomination. He said that there was another undisclosed candidate considered for the nomination. The profiles of two suitable and highly qualified individuals were discussed within the context of competences, the stated need for gender balance within the Commission and potential portfolios. At the end of this process, the Prime Minister decided to nominate Dr Helena Dalli as member of the European Commission.
This reality is borne out by the last Eurobarometer which has found that the number of Maltese, irrespective of differing political affiliations, who agree that EU membership, on the whole, has been of benefit to their country, exceeds those who disagree,” the President said. He went on to say that EU values (human rights, freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law) have been the pillars of governance in Malta long before its EU accession in 2004. “EU membership, however, assisted Maltese Governments to respond more coherently to national challenges while safeguarding European interests and concerns. These interests and concerns are today inextricably interlinked with the concerns and interests of Maltese citizens.” President George Vella noted how, upon taking office on 1 November 2014, President Juncker inherited an EU that was coming out of one of the worst financial crises the world had experienced in recent times. He said that by ensuring a deeper and fairer Economic and Monetary Union, the Juncker Commission subsequently contributed on various fronts, including the adoption of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development as well as the Horizon Europe Programme and the Circular Economy Action Plan ensuring that the EU reinstated itself as the most important economic block in the world. The President congratulated President Juncker for his unwavering effort to promote and foster international dialogue, as well as for his unstinting efforts to strengthen relations between Malta and the EU.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta Apple’s co-founder launches blockchain firm in Malta
Moody’s upgrades Malta credit rating for first time in 11 years or the first time in 11 years, international financial services company Moody’s has upgraded Malta’s credit rating from A3 to A2 with a stable outlook. This comes after successive downgrades in 2011 and 2012. The Finance Ministry welcomed the latest standing as it underlines the sustainability of Malta’s growth model, and comes on the back of a prudent fiscal stance and enhanced fiscal policy framework. Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna said that this upgrade follows closely on the heels of Fitch’s outlook upgrade. “They both confirm that Malta’s economic growth model is indeed sustainable, and increase Malta’s attractiveness to foreign investment which in turn “leads key to a further significant increase in the standard of living of families recorded in recent years,” he said. Moody’s notes that after peaking at 70.2% at end-2011, Malta’s debt-to-GDP ratio has been on a declining trend, reaching 46% at the end of 2018. It was driven by the very strong economic growth recorded in recent years and the fiscal restraint exercised by the government. The agency believes Malta’s mediumterm potential growth rate will remain elevated compared to most European peers.
teve “Woz” Wozniak, the renowned American electrical engineer and computer programmer that co-founded Apple in 1976, has co-founded Efforce, a blockchain-based energy startup in crypto-friendly Malta. At the pre-launch of the DELTA Summit in Malta Woz, 68, revealed that he had been planning to live on the island nation for decades and always nursed the idea of investing in the tiny Island nation. He said Efforce is an investment methodology that brings that dream to life. “We are being brave and bold and doing our best. I couldn’t take the smile off my face, so proud to be involved in such an effort due to the fact that I will be starting a company in Malta, it means a lot to me. I wanted to be part of Malta. It hit my heart today’, said Wozniak while expressing his intention of seeing the company grow in Malta. He praised Malta for being open-minded to innovative approaches and open for business, and made it clear that the government’s willingness to invest in DLT made Malta the country of choice for the launch of EFFORCE. Wozniak said that efficiency has always been important to him and Efforce will focus on using blockchain technology to provide clean, and cost-efficient energy. He also made it clear that the project would enable users to save money on energy while also doing the environment a lot of good. He said, “Blockchain will revolutionise the way we use energy and lower consumption significantly without changing our habits.EFFORCE has a unique business model and we can have a great impact on entrepreneurship.” Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri welcomed Wozniak’s decision to establish the Malta-based company. He revealed that the government has
In 2017: 68 new licenced vehicles a day
he National Statistics Office (NSO) annual report on transport in Malta for 2017 shows the licencing of an average of 68 vehicles per day and the total number of vehicles on the roads amounted to 370,000. During that same year, around 15,000 traffic accidents occurred, in which 1,873 persons were injured. The highest amount of accidents was reported in Birkirkara. Speed cameras detected 214 daily speeding infringements for a total of almost 80,000 contraventions. Most cases of speeding, 12,286 (an average of almost 34 a day) occurred in Triq Nutar Zarb, in Attard. Next was the Siġġiewi bypass with 9,000 contraventions.
35.3% increase in Cruise liner tourists in first six months
etween January and June over 340,000 passengers visited Malta on cruise liners, an increase of 35.3% or almost 9,000 passengers over the same period in 2018. In the same peeriod a total of 151 cruise liners visited Malta which is an increase of 31 cruise liners over the same months last year.
always had a strong desire to embrace new technologies and transform the way things are done in the region. Schembri firmly believes that these new modules will help to raise forward-thinking innovators who will “disrupt the status quo.” Jacopo Vissetti, Co-Founder of Efforce seconded Wozniak’s praise for Malta. said, “There is no place we’d rather be.”
Edward Zammit Lewis returns to the cabinet
r. Edward Zammit Lewis has been sworn in as Minister for European Affairs and Equality (above). Prime Minister Joseph Muscat appointed him for the portfolio following the resignation of Minister Helena Dalli, who has been nominated as the new European Commissioner (see p 12). President George Vella gave him his oath of office at a ceremony at The Palace in Valletta in the presence of members of his family. Dr. Edward Zammit Lewis has therefore returned to the government cabinet after an absence of two years. He previously served as Minister of Tourism in the first legislature under Joseph Muscat, and in this legislature, and closely followed European politics as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for European Affairs. In comments after the sweating in, Minister Zammit Lewis expressed his confidence that together with Parliamentary Secretary Aaron Farrugia they will work to overcome challenges in his portfolio, including financial perspectives for the European budget covering the period 2021 to 2027, immigration, as well as social dialogue and equality in all its dimensions.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Delia jista’ jibqa’ jmexxi lill-PN sal-elezzjoni li jmiss
l-kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Dr Adrian Delia s-Sibt li għadda ġie kkonfermat li jista’ jibqa’ jmexxi lill-partit sal-elezzjoni ġenerali li jmiss wara li 92% tal-kunsilliera tal-partit f’laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ġenerali Straordinarju msejjaħ minnu stess biex iwieġeb għall-mistoqsija li ifformula: Trid lil Adrian Delia li jibqa’ jmexxi lill-partit sal-elezzjoni li jmiss? Ivvutaw iva. Il-laqgħa ssejħet wara akkużi u anke talbiet minn fazzjoni tal-partit hekk magħrufa bħala tal-eks kap Simon Busuttil u membri parlamentari oħra qrib tiegħu wriet li minkejja li 22 xahar ilu Delia nħatar kap b’vot tat-tesserati, ma aċċettatux. Il-kritika u l-attakki kontra Delia żdiedu fuq il-
Riżultat Negattiv insolitu F
l-aħħar snin Malta kemm-il darba kienet fuq quddiem f’diversi setturi, fosthom fl-impjiegi, fin-nuqqas ta’ qagħad, turiżmu, ekonomija, eċċ. Imma riżultat li ħareġ dan l-aħħar juri li għalkemm ġejna ta’ quddiem, anzi ta’ quddiem nett, ma tantx hu riżultat li għandna għax niftaħru bih. Skont stħarriġ tal-Eurostat, fl-2017 Malta rreġistrat l-akbar rata ta’ mwiet ta’ trabi flUnjoni Ewropeja, billi filwaqt li matul listess sena l-medja Ewropea ta’ mwiet għal kull elf tarbija li twieldet kienet ta’ 3.6, ir-rata ta’ pajjiżna kienet ta’ 6.7. Bejn l-2007 u l-2017 l-imwiet ta’ trabi flUnjoni Ewropea naqset minn 4.4 għal kull elf tarbija mwielda għal 3.6. Fuq perjodu ta’ 20 sena r-rata saħansitra tnaqqset kważi bin-nofs. Fl-1997 ir-rata ta’ mwiet għal
midja soċjali u wkoll f’xi gazzetti magħrufa li jappoġġjaw lill-PN, wara t-telfa kbira fl-elezzjoni għall-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej u lKunsilli Lokali ta’ ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu, tant li saru petizzjonijiet biex jiffaċċja vot ta’ fiduċja, xi ħaġa li ma aċċettax. Minflok laqqa’ l-Kunsill Generali Straordinarju tas-Sibt fejn l-1496 kunsilliera eliġibbli kellhom jivvutaw għall-mistoqsija tiegħu. Ivvutaw 1380 li minnhom, 920 jriduh jibqa’ jmexxi; 438 ivvutaw kontra. Osservaturi fissru l-vot bħala rebħa għal Delia u disfatta għall-fazzjoni ta’ kontrih. Adrian Delia jitfa’ l-vot tiegħu s-Sibt a
kull elf tarbija mwielda kienet ta’ 6.8. Ir-Rumanija wkoll irreġistrat l-ogħla rata ta’ mwiet b’6.7 imwiet għal kull elf tarbija li twieldu, b’Ċipru u l-Finlandja jirreġistraw l-inqas rati, ta’ 1.3 u 2.0 rispettivament. Din l-istatistika bilfors tħassbek u tasal tistaqsi x’qed jiġri f’Malta, meta s-servizz mediku dejjem jitjieb u hu fost l-aqwa fost il-pajjiżi msieħba fl-UE? Imma kull statistika trid tittieħed filkuntest tagħha, u propju dak li għamlu lawtoritajiet tas-saħħa f’Malta meta spjegaw li fuq kollox l-istampa mhix daqshekk kera, minħabba li l-istatistika ma tagħmilx distinzjoni bejn trabi li jkollhom anomalija konġenita (‘birth defect’) u dawk meqjusa b’saħħithom. L-istatistika tal-Eurostat tkejjel it-trabi kollha li jmutu wara t-twelid, mit-trabi
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
kollha li jkunu twieldu ħajjin f’sena f’pajjiż partikolari. F’ħafna pajjiżi Ewropej, trabi suspettati li jkollhom riskju ta’ anomalija konġenita x’aktarx li qatt ma jitwieldu billi jiġu abortiti. Hekk, dawn ma jkunux inklużi fir-rata ta’ kemm twieldu tfal ħajjin f’dak il-pajjiż partikolari, iżda jkunu nklużi fl-għadd ta’ trabi mwielda ħajjin ta’ pajjiżi fejn dawn ma jiġux abortiti, bħal fil-każ ta’ Malta. Ovvjament, trabi b’anomalija konġenita għandhom riskju ferm akbar li jmutu wara li jitwieldu minn trabi oħra b’saħħithom. Minn analiżi li saret f’Malta fl-2015, irriżulta li 45.9% tat-trabi kollha li mietu f’pajjiżna bejn l-2009 u l-2013 kellhom anomalija konġenita. Għaldaqstant, jekk wieħed janalizza l-figuri u jnaqqas l-istess proporzjon ta’ trabi li jkunu mietu minħabba anomalija konġenita, ir-rata ta’ mwiet ta’ trabi f’pajjiżna hija ta’ 3.6 għal kull 1,000 tarbija li titwieled ħajja, eżatt daqs il-medja Ewropea.
Rata baxxa ta’ twelid
a qed insemmi t-trabi, rrid ngħid li f’Malta qed jikber it-tħassib dwar ir-rata tat-twelid. Skont l-istatistika Malta għandha wkoll linqas rata ta’ twelid fl-Unjoni Ewropeja. Irrata hi ta’ 1.26 għal kull mara, filwaqt li fi Franza r-rata hija ta’ 1.9. Sadanittant fl2017 f’Malta twieldu 2,283 tarbija. Sintendi dil-figura tirrifletti t-twelid lkollu li jsir f’Malta u Għawdex, allura jinkludi wkoll trabi mwielda minn ġenituri barranin f’Malta. Jingħad, għalkemm s’issa għadi ma rajt lebda figuri, li r-rata ta’ twelid ta’ trabi minn ġenituri barranin fil-Gżejjer Maltin qed tiżdied sew, u hawn min isostni li dan lgħadd jaqbeż lil dak tal-Maltin. Min kif mexjin l-affarijiet jekk għadna ma wasalniex f’dak l-istat, il-possibbiltà’ hemm qegħda għax huwa magħruf li ċerti familji minn ċerti pajjiżi għandhom kultura li jkollhom għadd ġmielu ta’ tfal u mhux wieħed jew tnejn kif qed ikollhom ħafna familji Maltin.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Temmnu li Malti jasal jistaqsi ....
“Wieħed x’għandu x’jambih il-Malti?”
in il-mistoqsija f’ras dan l-artiklu mhux qed neħodha mill-istorja politika ta’ Malta meta fis-sekli limgħoddija kienet tħeġġeġ il-kwestjoni dwar l-ilsna, fejn partit politiku tant kien jaqbeż għat-Taljan li kien sostna li bilMalti wieħed ma seta’ jasal imkien. Il-mistoqsija saret propju f’Lulju 2019 meta ċertu Godfrey Leone Ganado staqsa, fuq il-facebook: “What does one need Maltese for?” Dan għax skont hu fil-50 sena li ilu jaħdem bħala accountant qatt ma kellu bżonn juża l-ilsien Malti. Li jfisser li għal din il-persuna l-ilsien hu sempliċi għodda biex tużaha u mhux xi ħaġa li ttik l-identità tiegħek, li torbtok ma pajjiżek u li għandha ċerta letteratura, eċċ.
Tant għal dan Ganado l-ilsien Malti mhu ta’ ebda importanza, li saħansitra qal li għandu jitqies bħala lingwa barranija, allura ma tibqax obbligatorja fl-iskejjel. Imsomma għal din il-persuna, li diġà kien imdaħħal f’kontroversji fosthom meta għajjar Membru Parlamentari, mara “qaħba”, l-ilsien li l-antentati tagħna ssieltu biex ikun magħruf bħala l-ilsien uffiċjali tagħna, irid iwarrbu u jarmih għax hu kuntent li juża dak ta’ min ħakkiemna għal bosta snin. M’għandi xejn kontra l-Ingliż, għax ngħiduha, dan hu importantismu għalina, imma għax tuża’ lsien fejn meħtieġ, m’hemmx għalfejn twarrab ilsien pajjiżek... Din id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ dan Ganado iddisgustat bil-kbir lil għadd ta’ għalliema tal-ilsien Malti, u bir-raġun.
Reazzjoni minn kittieba magħrufa ieħed minn li rreaġixxew bilqawwi għal dan il-kumment, fil-letteratura maltija kien il-kittieb magħruf Trevor
Zahra li f’kumment twil li ta lill-iNewsMalta sostna li min jgħid li l-Malti m’għandniex bżonnu juri kemm għandu faqar ta’ kultura. Zahra qal li meta jaqra jew jisma’ kumment ta’ xi ħadd li jgħid li l-Malti m’għandniex bżonnu, jew li għandna nqisuh bħala lingwa barranija, ikun jixtieq jgħidlu, “Ħabib, tassew nitħassrek… bħalma nitħassar lil min jasal jgħid li m’għandux bżonn lil ommu, jew li jqisha bħala barranija.” Mill-banda l-oħra, Zahra qal li jibqa’ tassew skantat meta jara li minkejja li dħalna f’millennju ġdid, xorta waħda għadna nsibu persuni li joħorġu “b’ideat skaduti, redikoli u li ma ssibhom f’ebda pajjiż ċivilizzat.” Żied jgħid li “l-ebda nazzjon, denn tal-isem, ma jasal jgħid li l-lingwa nattiva tiegħu m’għandux bżonnha, jew li għandha titqies bħala lingwa barranija.” B’dispjaċir, il-kittieb qal li min joħroġ b’ideat bħal dawn, “ikun qed juri kemm għandu faqar ta’ kultura u kemm hu maqtugħ għal kollox minn dak li qed isir fiddinja ta’ madwaru. Ikun qed juri li lanqas biss hu konxju li l-lingwa ġġorr magħha l-identità u lkultura kollha Immanuel Mifsud tal-pajjiż, u li
ma tistax tifred il-waħda mill-oħra.” Kittieb ieħor, Immanuel Mifsud sostna li kumment bħal dan iqisu bħala stupidu “għaliex jixhed mentalità mhux arkajka imma wkoll limitata.” Kompla jgħid li naturalment min jgħid hekk għandu kull dritt li jkompli jgħid hekk u li b’ebda mod ma kien qed jgħid li ħadd m’għandu d-dritt għal din il-fehma, “imma l-konsegwenza hi li se jkun hemm min ikompli jqis din ilfehma bħala stupida”. Mifsud tenna li bħala persuna jipprova ma jkunx stupidu u allura ma kienx se jikkonkludi “li għax qatt ma ġie bżonn xi accountant, allura għandna nneħħu l-accountancy mil-lista ta’ suġġetti li ngħallmu.” Kien hemm diversi kummenti oħra li tkażaw b’dak li kiteb dan Ganado. Fl-istess ħin ġibdu l-attenzjoni għall-ħtieġa li wieħed joqgħod b’seba’ għajnejna li dak li qed jiġri madwarna fejn wasalna li ħafna drabi jkollna nużaw lingwa barranija biex
Trevor Zahra ninqdew fir-ristoranti u fi ħwienet, u sfortunatament, fi stabbilimenti oħra l-Malti jiġi ffaċċjat minn Maltin li jippruvaw ikellmuk bl-Ingliż. Diffiċli twaqqaf lil xi ħadd milli jikseb impjieg għax ma jafx bil-Malti, għax l-Ingliż ukoll hu lsien uffiċjali f’Malta, iżda għandu jsir sforz biex min jaħdem f’ażjendi Maltin u jrid jiffaċċjaw l-pubbliku tal-inqas ikunu jafu xi ftit tal-Malti. Issa li eluf ta’ tfal barranin qed jattendu fliskejjel tal-Istat, l-awtoritajiet għandhom jaraw li dawn ukoll jitgħallmu l-Malti.
Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:
Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water
P: (02) 9756 4766 E:
2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Top priority for technology companies A
ustralia’s rapidly growing technology industry is calling for limits on temporary skilled migrants to be relaxed to compete in a global talent war. StartupAUS CEO Alex McCauley said recruiting highly skilled people from across the world was the number one priority for Australia’s technology companies. “We’re expecting these companies to be global businesses and global successors and they can only do that if they have access to a global talent pool,” Mr McCauley told SBS News. Migrants don’t actually threaten Australian workers’ jobs, new analysis reveals. “It’s been described by some of the tech leaders as an ongoing global war for talent and they’re being offered really good deals around the world to work for tech firms around the world.” The industry’s reliance on temporary skilled migrants was highlighted in new research showing that those workers had not displaced Australian workers. The top two occupations granted visas in 2017-18 were developer program and ICT business analyst. But rather than denying local workers, the report found 70 per cent of temporary skilled migrants reside in NSW and Victoria which have the lowest rates of unemployment in Australia. Mr McCauley said recruiting people with specialised skills enabled businesses to grow. “In lots of ways skilled migration is actually the biggest driver of additional
jobs in this sector.”Sydney startup 'wouldn't exist' without foreign workers The Australian Council of Trade Unions says there's a place in Australia's migration system for temporary skilled workers so it can make up for skills shortages, but it shouldn't be a long-term solution. ACTU assistant secretary Liam O'Brien rejected a recommendation from the CEDA report to simplify the visa scheme to make it easier for business to access talent from around the world.
Tuesday July 30, 2019
StartupAUS CEO Alex McCauley “Employers can simply post an ad to Facebook and then make an application to bring in temporary workers, and that's insufficient. We need to see genuine labour market testing undertaken.”
Closure of the Uluru climb is like denying access to a national icon ontroversial One Nation leader take effect in October, but Ms Hanson C Pauline Hanson believes closing challenged the decision. . “The fact is, it's money-making. It's givUluru to climbers is a "ridiculous" move
that is comparable to shutting down Sydney's Bondi Beach. For some visitors, the closure of the Uluru climb is like denying access to a national icon. Uluru is considered sacred by the traditional owners, the Anangu Aboriginal people and a decision to ban climbing was announced by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Board in 2017. The ban will
ing jobs to the Indigenous community, you've got over 4-500,000 tourists a year that want to go there and climb the rock,” she told the programme. “It's no different to saying we're going to close down Bondi Beach because there are some people there that have drowned. How ridiculous is that! This is an iconic site for all Australians. I can't see the cultural sensitivity when people have been climbing the rock all these years and all of a sudden they want to shut it down? I don't get it, I really don't get it.” A sign at the site has long requested people to avoid climbing out of respect for the wishes of traditional owners. “We prefer that visitors explore Uluru through the wide range of guided walks and interpretative attractions on offer in the park,” a fact sheet produced by the UluruKata Tjuta National Park states. As the deadline grows closer the pace of visitors is increasing with many insisting it is their right to climb Uluru and urging others to do the same.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Manus and Nauru, enough is enough
Bishop Vincent Long
Form of slavery
ustralia’s “restrictive” migration policies may be driving modern forms of slavery, a new report has warned. The Coalition Government introduced a tough new regime designed to stamp out modern slavery late last year, which compelled corporations to do more to end the use of forced or child labour. The laws require large businesses operating in Australia to regularly report on the risks of modern slavery in their supply chains, both domestically and internationally, and outline what they are doing to combat it. The non-profit Minderoo Foundation, established by Andrew and Nicola Forrest in 2001, released the report at the United Nations in New York few days ago. The report applauded the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act, and named Australia as the 10th most responsive country in the world. But it warned the laws should be matched by the establishment of an independent commissioner, “to act as an oversight body focusing on the government’s
One small step, one giant leap
arramatta NSW Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. has said that as a bishop and a former boat person, he deplores “the detention of our brothers and sisters on Nauru and Manus Island.” Last weekend marked the sixth anniversary of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s announcement that no person seeking asylum by boat would ever be resettled in Australia. Every single person arriving after that date was to be subjected to indefinite detention on Manus Island, PNG, or in the Republic of Nauru, under “processing” arrangements between the Australian Government
he US ambassador in Canberra has praised the Australians who helped beam the vision of man's first steps on the moon to the world, saying America is "eternally grateful" for Australia’s involvement in the Apollo 11 mission. Arthur B Culvahouse Jr, used one of his first public appearances since being appointed to the envoy post to attend a special 50th anniversary moon landing commemorative event at Honeysuckle Creek tracking station. The station, along with the Parkes receiving dish, helped broadcast the high-quality live feed from the lunar module to NASA, allowing more than 600 million people around the world to witness the iconic moment Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. Dozens of people, including former trackers, attended the event in Namadgi National Park southwest of Canberra where vision of the landing was replayed. That partnership remained a cornerstone in the relationship between the two nations, he added.
domestic response”. The report also warned that Australia’s “restrictive and discriminatory migration policies” might be a driver of modern slavery, despite its otherwise strong response. The report did not detail how Australia’s border policy was driving modern slavery specifically. But it said more broadly that harsh migration schemes put migrants in tenuous, uncertain and vulnerable situations, adding to the risk that they could be exploited for their labour, and reducing their ability to complain or seek help. Experts welcomed the act as “a start” when it was introduced. But the government also faced criticism for its failure to appoint an independent anti-slavery commissioner to scrutinise government and monitor corporate compliance. It has instead committed $3.6 million to establish a “modern slavery business engagement unit” within the Department of Home Affairs. The foundation described its report as the world’s most comprehensive assessment of the steps 183 governments were taking to tackle modern slavery.
and those Pacific states. Six years on, roughly 800 refugees and people seeking asylum remain trapped on Manus Island and Nauru. International agencies have been appalled by the conditions under which they live and the effects on their health, spirits and self-respect. Pope Francis, with whom the bishops of Australia discussed the refugee crisis at their recent Ad Limina visit in Rome, is also deeply concerned. The human costs on the detainees are mounting by the day. Already 12 young men have died over these past six years and many more have attempted self-harm out of utter despair. Bishop Long said that while recognising the effort of the government to find a durable solution, “I say with many fellow Australians that enough is enough. The harsh treatment of this relatively small number of people – most of whom have been proven genuine refugees – over the past six years is more than a shame, a disgrace, or something that we can say ‘not in our name’ to. “We call on our government and political leaders to act by our honourable tradition and put an end to a deplorable situation. It is time to find an alternate and conscionable solution. It is time to bring them here or to New Zealand, which has offered a helping hand. “Those refugees accepted for entry to the US could then migrate when their vetting processes are complete. The other refugees should then be able to get on with their lives here in safety. Those who are not refugees can be held here in secure detention until they are returned home.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30 2019
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti
Kittieb li huwa meqjus bħala figura ewlenija u importanti filletteratura Maltija kien Rużar Briffa li l-professjoni li minnha kien jaqla’ x’jiekol kienet dik ta’ tabib. Imma Rużar kien ukoll poeta u stumentali biex fl-1931 meta kien għadu student,
flimkien ma’ ħabib kbir tiegħu, Ġuże` Bonnici, waqqfu lGħaqda tal-Malti li għadha ferm attiva sal-lum. Fil-paġna li fiha nagħtu ġieħ lil dawk li għinu fl-iżvilupp talilsien Malti, illum għandna lil dan il-poeta u dermatologu.
Rużar Briffa - il-poeta
taċ-ċokon u s-sempliċita`
użar Briffa (1906-1963) huwa meqjus figura ewlenija fil-letteratura Maltija. Meta kien student fl-Universita` ta’ Malta, fl-1931, dan il-persunaġġ poeta u dermatologu - flimkien ma’ sieħbu Ġuże`Bonniċi waqqaf l-Għaqda tal-Malti. Rużar ħa l-ewwel studji tiegħu fl-iskola elementari tal-Gvern f’Sant’ Iermu u wara fil-Liċeo tal-Belt. Wara li fl-1923 qagħad għall-eżami tal-Matrikola, u għadda, sar għalliem fl-iskejjel elementari. Hu magġruf li kien l-ewwel għalliem li kien jaħdem fiddipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni bil-matrikola. Rużar u Ġużè Bonnici kienu ħbieb kbar u kienu jgħaddu ħafna ħin jitħaddtu dwar ilkotba u l-letteratura. Meta kienu l-Uiversita`xtaqu li titwaqqaf għaqda letterarja universitarja tal-Malti fuq talba ta’ Rużar lir-Rettur, fis-26 ta' Jannar tal-1931, saret lewwel laqgħa fil-preżenża ta; 21 student, u nħatar l-ewwel kumitat. Rużar Briffa ġie maħtir bħala l-ewwel President, u Ġużè Bonnici l-ewwel Segretarju. Bħala kaxxier inħatar Anthony J. Mamo, filwaqt Anton Buttigieg, Walter L. Fava u Kelinu Sammut kienu l-membri tal-ewwel kumitat. Rużar ma damx wisq jaħdem ta’ għalliem għax ftit wara beda jistudja l-mediċina, flUniversità ta’ Malta u kompla f’Londra filVenereoloġija u d-Dermatoloġija. Fl-1932 sar speċjalista tal-mard tal-ġilda. Kien magħruf bħala bniedem umli u ta’ qalb tajba, l-aktar fejn kellhom x’jaqsmu lmorda, u speċjalment il-lebbrużi. Skont it-tieni mara tiegħu Louisette, l-akbar xewqa tiegħu fil-professjoni medika kienet li jkabbar il-ġmiel fil-ġilda u jnaqqas ilkruha tagħha, xi ħaġa li anke dehret ta’ sikwit fil-versi li kien jikteb, tant li fi żmienu kien magħruf bħala l-Poeta tas-Sbuħija. Wara l-istudji tiegħu f’Londra reġa’ lura Malta u ġie maħtur tabib anzjan fis-sezzjoni tal-mard tal-ġilda fl-Isptar Ċentrali. Kien ukoll speċjalista tal-marda tal-lebbra fl-Isptar San Bartilmew fl-Imgieret u fl-Isptar Chambray ta’ Għawdex. Matul il-pesta f’Malta fl-1936 u l-1937, Ruzar ħadem fl-Isptar ta’ Lazzarett f’Manoel Island, u sena wara mar jaħdem u anke jistudja fil-Lvant Imbiegħed fi sptarijiet f’Kalkutta, Gobra, Bankura u Madras. Lura Malta, matul it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija Rużar kien sar speċjalista onorarju tad-dermatoloġija fil-Malta War Memorial Hospital tat-tfal, u fl-istess żmien kien ukoll Supretendent fl-Isptar Blue Sisters. Bejn l-1951 u l-1963, Rużar kien għalliem fid-dermatoloġija u l-veneoroloġija fl-Uni-
versità ta’ Malta. F’dik li hi kitba, il-ħajra li kellu wasslitu li jibda joħroġ ir-rivista Leħen il-Malti, u baqa’ magħruf bħala l-poeta taċ-ċokon u tas-sempliċità. Għalkemm ma kitibx wisq, imma kien apprezzat ħafna minn diversi kritiċi letterarji li kitbu dwaru. Fl-ewwel ġabra ta’ poeżiji li ppubblika bl-isem Poeżiji fl-1971, fuq insistenza ta’ martu Louisette u ta’ ħabibu P Valentin Barbara, kien qal li qatt ma kellu l-ħsieb li jistampa lpoeżiji tie-għu fi ktieb, u li wħud minnhom kitibhom f’dak li sejjaħ żmien ta’ dwejjaq kbar, oħrajn ta’ ferħ. Ktibthom għalija,” qal. Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-poeżiji tiegħu kitibhom fuq folji maqtugħa ta’ xi ktejjeb tal-but jew fuq in-naħa ta’ ġewwa ta’ pakketti vojta tassigaretti. Oħrajn kitibhom fuq karti tar-riċetti mediċi, fuq boroż, jew fuq kulma kien jiġi għal idejh f’waqt ta’ muża. biex niktibha. Dawn xi kummenti li Ruzar stess kiteb “Il-poeżija m’għandhiex tfittex ħlief li dwar il-poeżija tiegħu bħala interpretazzjoni tilħaq il-qalb tal-qalb tal-bniedem, u jekk individwali u bħala espres-sjoni artistika, anki jirnexxilha tagħmel dan darba biss, aluniversali: lura l-poeżija tkun laħqet l-aqwa tagħha.” “Il-poeżiji tiegħi la huma ’aktarx li l-aktar versi tiegħu li baqgħu magħrufa ġrajjiet kbar, la ħsibijiet prokienu dawk li kiteb fit-2 ta’ Marzu 1945 li jalludu fondi fuq il-Ħajja u lanqas għall-protesta li kienet saret fl-Empire Stadium millxewqat għolja ta’ Dinja oħra. prtitarji qabel il-logħba futbol ta’ ħbiberija bejn Malta Huma biss impressjonijiet, u t-tim ta’ Hajduk Split (dakinhar mill-Jugoslavja) li biex ngħid hekk ‘snapshots’ kienu fost il-klabbijiet l-aktar magħrufa fl-Ewropa, tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum kif jekk mhux ukoll fid-dinja. tħosshom qalbi. Anei sQabel bdiet il-partita l-Banda King’s Own daqqet ‘snapshot’ għandu l-qawwa kemm l-innu nazzjonali Jugoslav u wkoll il-God Save tiegħu għax ħafna drabi fiċthe King (tal-Ingilterra) imma mhux l-Innu Malti. Ilċokon tiegħu jiġbor irqaqat li folla tmasħnet u bħal kor wieħed qamet bil-wieqfa u f’ritratt kbir kienu jitilfu mirb’mod spontanju kantat l-innu Malti b’versi ta’ Dun reqqa tagħhom ... jiena wkoll Karm u l-mużika ta’ Dr Robert Sammut. inħoss li l-poeżiji tiegħi Kien mument emozzjonanti ħafna li baqa’ fuq fomm għandhom il-qawwa taskulħadd għal ġimgħat sħaħ, u Rużar Briffa pinġieh filsempliċità. poeżija t’hawn taħt li fiha deher is-sens qawwi ta` pa“Ma ktibtx għall-fama. Iltrijotizmu tal-Maltin li qamu mill-apatija li kien fiha Poeżija għalija xejn ma hi taħt ħakmet il-barrani. ħaġa ta’ gost imma aktarx ta’ tbatija kbira. JUM IR-REBĦA “Jolqotni ħsieb u jdum iber“U l-Kotra qamet f’daqqa – u għajtet: “Jien Maltija! ren f’moħħi għal xhur sħaħ – Miskin min ikasbarni, - miskin min jidħak bija!” xi drabi għal snin. Imbagħad U l-Kotra għanniet f’daqqa – u semmgħet ma’ l-irjieħ f’daqqa jtini ferħ ta’ ġenn. L-Innu ta’ Malta tagħna, – u l-leħen kien rebbieħ, Inkun fejn inkun ikolli nieħu Fuq ngħas l-imgħoddi ġwejjef, – in-ngħas ta’ l-Apatija lapis u karta u f’temp ta’ Xħin ruħna kienet rieqda – ġo sodda barranija; minuta toħroġ weħidha lU l-ombra ta’ Vassalli – qamet minn qiegħ il-qabar, poeżija. Ebda poeżija ma ħaU għajtet: “Issa fl-aħħar – jiena se nsib is-sabar.” ditli iżjed minn ħames minuti
The Voice of the Maltese 19
25-year-old NSW daughter accused of decapitating mum Tuesday July 30, 2019
he Australian media, particularly in the NSW area has given wide coverage of the gruesome murder of 57-year-old Sydney woman Rita Camilleri, and the police has charged her 25-year-old daughter Jessica with murder after allegedly decapitated her in front of her four-year-old nephew in their in their St Clair home in the west of Sydney. The boy suffered a minor head injury and was treated at the Westmead Children's Hospital. Meanwhile, haunting Facebook posts have revealed the fascination the woman accused of decapitating her mother and dumping her head on a neighbour's front lawn had for ultra-violent horror films. Facebook posts from Jessica detail her love for the movies The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Jeepers Creepers. Her fascination with the Creepers films seems to have escalated in recent weeks with posts of images from the film and stories about it. Jessica has been accused of attacking her mum, Rita and allegedly hacked off her mother's head then walked down the street and dumped it in front of a neighbour's house a couple of doors down. At a via video link court appearance, Jessica said she suffered from borderline autism, bipolar disorder and anxiety, and a range of other mental health conditions. The accused did not apply for bail and was ordered to hospital assessment before her next court appearance. It was stated in media reports that the family was known to police but what unfolded the night of the murder was "not foreseeable", they said. Strike force Comeroy who is investigating the murder said it was a very difficult, challenging, confronting investigation. "A lot of considerations need to be made, The accused, Jessica the daughter such as the background about what has
The victim Rita Camilleri
happened at the address," he said. It's understood Rita Camilleri was babysitting her four-year-old relative, who is not Jessica's child, when she was allegedly murdered. Neighbours called police around 11:40pm on the night of the incident with "quite specific" information about the violent argument at the St Clair Avenue home where both women lived. Knives have been seized for forensic examination and several crime scenes were established inside the home. Police said that support was later provided to the first responders who were confronted with the distressing scene. “It is something that while police are trained to respond to all manner of incidents, it just took the extra level of professionalism and tenacity on their part to actually achieve the results they did last night," Det McFadden said.
Recognising and honouring Maltese migrants
he Consul General of Malta in NSW, Mr Lawrence Buhagiar, last Tuesday addressed Randwick City Council in support of a motion presented by Counsellors Noel D'Souza and Carlos Da Rocha requesting a report to be presented, discussed and approved by the City Council, to recognise and honour the Maltese migrants in the Randwick area of NSW with either a monument or a civic reception acknowledging the contribution of the Maltese Community in Australia. The suburb of Matraville was called "Maltaville" due to the large concentration of Maltese migrants who habited the locality. Let us hope the Council approves such Initiative. In his speech Mr Buhagiar focused on the success and contributions made by the Maltese Migrant Community in Australia, how the hard-working and resilient individuals created a world for themselves out of nothing, embracing the challenges that crossed their path. He said that these individuals became businessmen, entrepreneurs, professionals, great Australian Citizens and trusted community leaders, many of whom provide work opportunities for Australian Citizens or provide a great service to many. The Consul General, who said he was proud to be serving the Maltese Community in NSW, thanked Madame Mayor and the Council for the opportunity they gave him to address the Council. He also like to thanked Danny Said, Deputy Mayor of Maltese descent who is also very proud of his ancestry.
Lawrence Buhagiar (centre) flanked by Counsellors Noel D'Souza (left) and Carlos De Rocha
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Farewell to my good friend Joe Sammut
Tuesday July 30, 2019
known Joe for the last 45 years, from about 1974 when he worked for travel agency in Blacktown. For a period of 21 years Joe was also president Iofahave the Maltese Community Western Suburbs Association, now known as La Valette Social Centre. During this period in the seventies, he was also an MC for weddings and other functions, for which I was supplying the catering. Then in 1975, Joe and I became partners in a travel agency in Blacktown called Wonderland Travel. We have worked closely together for 34 years. Joe was a dynamic and jovial business partner who loved his work with a passion that came across to many clients. His personality attracted many Maltese and Australian clients as he developed a wide and extensive knowledge of the travel industry. His way of making business was always at a restaurant or a coffee shop, as he loved a good meal. He also had a love for modern music, mainly rock and roll, especially Elvis songs, and quite often at our office functions, he would sing his favourite Elvis songs, such as My Wooden Heart. His friend Joe Apap used to encourage him to sing one of his songs. During our partnership, Joe dedicated much time to La Valette, which was in its infancy, for which he worked tirelessly, especially when the NSW State Planning Authority resumed the land at Kildare Rd, Doonside. I feel that it is primarily due to Joe's commitment that La Valette is where it is today. Together with Fr Paul Baron OFM Cap he persevered in securing a favourable outcome to the Maltese community to have its own clubhouse. I cherish having known Joe for most of my working life. Many people who came in contact with him throughout his life will sadly miss him. May the good lord reward him for all he did for our community.
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s For the Youths of our community:
Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member
To register your interest or for more information Antoine - 0405 233 144 -; Roderick - 9670 2020
To advertise on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, among the Maltese Diaspora to write for information to:
SPECIAL Information Seminar St George Preca Rooms: Greystanes OLQP Parish Centre Tuesday 20th August 7.30 pm
Subject: Financial planning
(Discussions and Q&A) Main Speaker: Marie Louise Muscat From the Fiducian Financial Services Free admission. Organised by Maltese Australian Youth Committee (MAYC) and The Maltese Welfare (NSW) More info: Frances Tel: 9631 9095 0404 257 495
Group Santa Maria of Sydney Saturday August 3: Annual Dinner Dance at Balmoral Centre Blacktown
Sunday August 4: Festa Day at La Valette Centre Mass and procession. OLQP Band from 1 pm. More details: Agnes 02 9626 6753 or Greg 0411 517 187
Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) 32nd Annual Dinner Dance Saturday 12th October From 7.30 pm at Mandavilla Function Centre Horsley Park Music by Joe Apap Book early. Mark Tel: 9671 2992
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday July 30, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Central Coast Santa Maria Festa
St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Parish Warnevale (cr Minnesota & Sparks Rd) Woongarrah Sunday August 11 from 3 pm until fireworks at 6 pm Dinner Dance on August 10 at Helekulani Bowling Club 50 Natuna Avenue Budgewoi from 6 pm to 11pm For more information contact Charlie 439 399 98 or 0404 194 020
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.
Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
Il-festa tal-Vittoria mal-LVSC La Valette Social Centre qed jorganizza trasport għallKatidral ta St Mary ta’ Sydney il-Ħadd 8 ta’ Settembru għall-festa tal-Viittoria 12.00pm: it-trasport jittlaq miċċentru fi Blacktown, u fin-12.30 p.m.: minn ħdejn il knisja ta’ Greystanes Old Prospect Rd. Għal kull tagħrif u booking ċemplu ic-centru: 9622 5847. Ibbukjaw kmieni
Stedina lill-komunita`
Il-Maltese Chaplaincy javżaw li din is-sena ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Vitorja filKatidral ta' St Mary's f’Sydney se ssir fit-8 ta' Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purċissjoni, u wara ssir ilquddiesa bl-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Aktar dettalji jingħataw ‘l-quddiem. Fl-istess waqt qed ifakkru li f’każ li ikun hemm xi tfal li jixtiequ jieħdu sehem fil-purċissjoni billi jilbsu xi kostum Malti jew tal-preċett iċemplu u jħallu d-dettalji tagħhom. Għal kull tagħrif wieħed iċempel lil Fr Tarcsio Micallef MSSP: 9380 8398.
Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance
Saturday, 21 September 2019 Come & Join us at Balmoral Function Centre, 47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5 Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 0439 974 182 or, 0448 100 034 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771 Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436
La Valette Social Centr e
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________
MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.
AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.
Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 30, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:
To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.
SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month
in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Join us and make new friends.
Maltese Group
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of each
Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc.
L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-ilsien Malti fil-binja tagħhom f’14 Watt Street, Sunshine, Victoria. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom għarfien sew tal-Malti kemm miktub kif ukoll mitkellem. Ibgħat applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lill: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee
Remaining main events for 2019
Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast
Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Sports on 2 pages
Tuesday July 30, 2019
George Cross to be presented with Australia Cup for good O
The Australia Cup trophy (above) was a large silver traditional cup style trophy. It had two handles with a laurel wreath design on the underside and figures studded on the top of each handle. The trophy featured a football as a trim on the very top of the cup lid. It was mounted on a wooden base that had silver plates attached with the names and years of Cup Champion inscribed. After the passing of founding SF Chairman, Henry Seamonds, in 1963, the name The Henry Seamonds Memorial Trophy was also inscribed on it.
CS George Cross 3 Altona City 2 he George Cross football club celebrated their first match played on the main grass pitch and under lights at the new City Vista Court stadium with a superb win coming from behind to win 3-2 over Altona City for their their fourth win on the trot. The Georgies were slow off the mark, fell behind within 10 minutes and were 2-0 down by half time. It was a totally different in the second half
n Sunday August 18, before their league match against fellow Victorians Preston Lions, which is a major event in itself, Caroline Springs George Cross’ will be holding a pre-match function during which Football Australia Chairman Chris Nikou will present the Australia Cup to the club for permanent keeping. The Australia Cup was the first Australia wide knockout competition initiated in 1962 and held until 1968, by the newly formed governing body of the sport, Australian Soccer Federation. It is the forerunner to today's FFA Cup competition. The biggest teams from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Newcastle contested the inaugural season of the tournament. Initially the competition was confined to clubs from NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australian, with the draw including 16 teams - four each from Victoria and the Sydney competition in NSW, three from South Australia and Queensland, and two from Northern NSW. George Cross won this famous cup in 1964 and are one of three Victorian clubs to have won this trophy alongside Slavia and Melbourne Hungaria. Both have sadly disappeared from the scene. After the demise of this competition in 1968 the cup mysteriously disappeared and for decades’ no one knew of its whereabout, until 2011 that is, when some builders discovered the trophy in a pile of rubbish whilst doing renovations at the Hakoah club in Sydney, the last club to win this trophy. It appeared they cared very little for it. Football Federation Australia was contacted by the finders, but showed little interest in its safekeeping. The George Cross club has always up-
State League 1 North-West:
Memorable win for GC
George Cross as Andre Lopes scored to make it game on and George Slefendorfas equalised midway through the second half. In the 85th minute Dominic Swinton scored to make it a memorable win. George Cross 1 Essendon Royals 0 *A smartly headed goal after eight minutes by George Slefendorfas was enough to give
The George Cross team that visited Sydney in 1965. The majority of the players in the picture are the ones that won the Australia Cup the previous year
held a fond tradition of all matters historical be they concerning the club or the game. Spectators that have visited Chaplin Reserve can testify to this with the many photos and other memorabilia that have adorned the walls of the old clubrooms. The club will continue this tradition at the new state of the art facilities in City Vista Court in Fraser Rise and nothing will please long-time supporters more than seeing The Australia Cup added to the collection. The possibility of the cup returning to the club for good was first mooted earlier in the year, but prospects of this happening remained extremely remote. Football Federation of Australia was made aware of the club’s interest in obtaining the famous old trophy and it took some time before the governing body sanctioned the proposal. On the special day of the hand-over, a luncheon will be held and several players that took part in the 1964 Australia Cup final will be in attendance where they will be presented with the cup for a second time. This will be a day to remember and one full of nostalgia, as other former greats of the club will also be attending.
George Cross a vital win over Essendon Royals. The Georgies dominated the first half and should have made better use of their chances. Both sides struck the woodwork in the first half, but George Cross were more dangerous in attack, though in the second half they were content to play on the break and still created the better opportunities without capitalise on them. The visitors had long periods of possession, but the hosts’ defence proved impenetrable.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Sports on 2 pages
Tuesday July 30, 2019
Gold for Hannah Cutajar in Europe event
alta’s Triathlon champion Hannah Cutajar proved herself a golden girl once again when she won the European Triathlon Age Group Sprint Championships in Kazan, Russia. It is the first time that a Maltese triathlete not only took gold in their Age Group but gone on to win the overall race (left) on Saturday evening . Above: Hannah on the podium (centre) flanked by Second and third placed triathletes.
Valletta can still make it in Europe; Gzira disappoint after historic win
coring a late goal in Budapest through debutant Yuri Messias in their 3-1 defeat to Ferencvaros in the first leg of their Champions League’s Second Qualifying Round might have given Valletta a ray of hope for Tuesday’s (July 30) return. It will not be easy, as they need at least a 2-0 win to qualify on the away goals. After an encouraging start by Valletta, the hosts upped their game and took a two-goal interval lead with goals from Fradi and a Lanzafame penalty on 34 minutes. The hosts were in full control in the second half. They kept Bonello busy and Fradi added a third goal. They kept pegging at Valletta but Valletta grabbed a consolation goal through Messias. But then Valletta finished with 10 men after Steve Borg was sent off. Valletta had reached this stage by obtaining a historic qualification against Luxembourg’s Dudelange through the away goals counting double rule (3-3) thanks to a 1-1 draw at home after previously drawing 2-2 away. Valletta took the lead through Mario Fontanella (35th). Dudelange levelled in the 58th through Mario Pokar. If Valletta get eliminated Tuesday, their European experience will continue in the UEFA Europa League. Another club that made Malta proud in a European club competition were Gzira Utd. In the UEFA Europa League After losing 2-0 in Malta against Hajduk Split they made a superlative effort in the return to win 3-1
The fairest of results
NPL Vic: Green Gully 1 Melbourne Knights 1 fter a scoreless first half Green Gully once again had to rely on the ability of super goal scorer Alex Salmon to rescue a point against local rivals Melbourne Knights. It was Salmon’s 23rd goal of a goal-laden season. The Knights broke the deadlock on 69 minutes and Gully had to wait until the 80th minute for Alex Salmon;s the equaliser. The share of the spoils was a fair result. Green Gully 5 Kingston City 2 *Following a comprehensive 5-2 win over relegation threatened Kingston City, Green Gully managed to move into fourth place in the league table. It came after the Greens were given a scare when surprisingly Kingston a 12-th minute lead, but they responded instantly to draw level through Jordan Hall. Kingston scored again on 36 minutes to go into the break leading 2-1, but within one minute of the restart Alex Salmon put Green Gully back on level terms and from then on the Greens produced a devastating second half with another Salmon goal and a brace from Jonathon Bounas for a comfortable victory.
to qualify to the second qualifying round by the away goals’ rule (3-3). It was a historic occasion against such a highly quoted team. I nthe next round they were drawn against Latvia’s Ventspils and were a disappointment in the away tie losing 4-0. It will be impossible for them to recover in the return Thursday in Malta. In Latvia they were dominated and were it not for goalkeeper Haber’s exploits their defeat would have been much worse. Ventspils led 1-0 at half time with a goal by Kaspars Svarups (41st) and then scored three more on the change of ends through Helio Batista, Ingars Stuglis and Aiyegun. In the previous round, Gzira beat Hajduk Split 3-1 away. They found themselves in arrears after seven minutes (goal by Iradi) but in the second half NPL 3 scored three times through Jefferson NSW Men’s: (57tH) Kone (69th) and a Jefferson Parramatta FC 1 Gladesville Ryde Magic 2 clincher on 9s minutes. n under strength Eagles went down 2-1 to Gladesville Malta’s other teams in the Europa RM FC at Melita Stadium. With a number of players League, Hibernians and Balzan were out due to injury and suspension, Tony Basha was forced both eliminated. Hibernians lost 2-0 on to reshuffle his men. aggregate against Shakhtyor Soligorsk The visitors struck on eight minutes from a penalty, but having lost both legs by 1-0. They Sheldon Tweedie levelled six minutes later. Goalkeeper failed to profit from numerical advan- Stefan Giglio, was forced to make a number of great saves tage in the home tie when their oppo- before the visitors gor the winner on 73 minutes. nents had a player red carded. Nikita Tatarkov scored the only goal against D Raiders FC 4 Parramatta FC 2 the run of play on 65 minutes. *Losing 2-4 at Ernie Smith Reserve against SD Raiders Balzan started their return tie against was indeed a disappointment. The hosts were already 2-0 Domzale in Slovenia already 3-4 down up by half time, and held on to their two-goal advantage from the first tie in Malta and conceded until the final whistle. In between, the two teams scored a 1-0 defeat in the return with a goal two goals each, with Sheldon Tweedie scoring both goals scored by Vuk after 21 minutes. for Parramatta FC, who had Alusine Fofanah sent off.
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