Issue 210
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fort nightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly
August 20, 2019
Mellieħa Bay
(also known as Għadira Bay)
- Malta’s most popular sandy beach
National dignity Viva Malta!
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
The first of a series of articles about the Maltese heroes who gave their all so that our homeland in the Mediterranean could become what it is today. A history to be proud of, and to celebrate, and one that must recognise the magnificent contribution made by our ancestors.
Immigration and Assimilation:
hen I first came to Australia as a 12-year-old, I did my very best to assimilate into the dominant Anglo based Australian community. I didn't want to stand out as a 'foreigner' and especially not as one from an origin in the Southern Mediterranean region. I desperately wanted to belong and felt that there was really nothing of any value in my 'wog' background that would be appreciated by my newfound countryfolk. Worst still, I did not believe in my own value as a Maltese national. I did not adequately understand the history of our people and the extraordinary contributions we had made over the millennia to the history of the world. Consequently the value of our history and of the people who had constructed that history, the Maltese, was also lost Language and Cultural Identity:
Language is the basis of cultural identity. When a language dies, the culture dies with it. When a language is oppressed, it is a direct reflection of the fact that people are oppressed. Il-Malti, Maltese, is the national language of our homeland, and a co-official language of the country alongside English, but first and foremost Maltese is the 'first' language. The Maltese language only became the 'first' language of our homeland with the coming of independence in 1964. Up until that point English and Maltese were given as the dominant languages with English the prevailant language. After independence, Maltese was declared as the national language and mentioned as the dominant language. The language of the Courts also became the Maltese language. Prior to the establishment of English as a first language, from the earliest times of Knights' domination, Italian was the dominant language. It was the rising of Fascism in 1934 that saw it diminish. We can still see the influence of Italian even in our national remembrance days: Sette Giugno, (7th June) for example. We could also see it in the naming of our streets, which moved from 'strada' to 'triq' once Prime Minister Dom Mintoff made the move back to the traditions of the Maltese language. This recognition of the relationship between language and identity was critical to the building of our own national identity and, consequently, our own sense of dignity.
Our Cultural Cringe and Re-establishing Relationship: For those of us who were overseas,
to me. In feeling this way I know I was not alone amongst my compatriots in the Maltese Diaspora. Many of us felt this way, perhaps ashamed of our language and our national background. We didn't know enough about our origins to feel that sense of AndyBusuttil pride in our homeland and, more importantly, a sense of pride in ourselves. We tended to approach our new homeland and its people from a subservient position rather than one of equality and pride in ourselves. We often reacted with physical violence when called 'wogs' but I wonder if we ever truly believed that the denigration was not justified.
The Siege of Malta (1565): The capture of St Elmo by Matteo Perez d’Aleccio (c. 16th Cent.)
especially in the English speaking nations, we cringed away from our backgrounds and only celebrated those things we held culturally dear in the privacy and sanctity of our own homes. We became 'converted' to the dominant culture and, wherever possible, encouraged our children to emotionally and psychologically leave Malta for good. The consequences of this for my generation of immigrant were severe and perhaps will remain with us for the rest of our lives. I am speaking in generalities here and using my own experience and my memory of my earlier family life to guide my recollections. However, it would be interesting to see how many of you, the readers, would share these recollections and experiences. At one stage, not so long ago, I decided that there was no point in distancing myself from my Maltese community here in Australia. I wanted to re-connect and to see what that
connection would give me. The outcome for me was quite extraordinary and will be explained later in this series. I was extremely lucky in that the doorway to this reconnection was provided by my love and practice of music.
The Pride of Malta: As a child growing up in Malta the history books always focused on the grand achievements during The Great Ottoman Siege of Malta (L-Assedju lKbir) and the second Great Siege, that which occurred during WWII when the Axis powers attacked Malta. However, the heroes of these events, as reflected in the literature, were inevitably the Knights of St John and Great Britain respectively. The Maltese people were portrayed as mere passengers who seemed to do nothing more than wait for events to unfold and for these horrendous events to be over. *Continued on page 3
*from page 2
The Voice of the Maltese 3
In 1798 Grand Master Ferdinand von Hompesch capitulated to the French and left the Maltese to their fate
Tuesday August 20, 2019
When I was in both Primary and High school in Malta, Sette Giugno didn't come into my consciousness. Neither did the occupation of Malta by the French forces of Bonaparte in 1798 figure to any great extent either in my consciousness or imagination. I do remember some vague references to Hompesch (the Grand Master who capitulated to the French and left the Maltese to their fate under a tyrannical rule), but the real meaning of what conse- Maltese and providing our progenitors quently happened was lost on my with greater educational and social opportunities. However, Napoleon's conyoung mind. At the time I didn't deeply realise that tinuing desire for expansion proved Hompesch had not only surrendered costly and consequently, the money Malta as a matter of principle, due to supply became constricted and so little the Knights' promise that they would came of these ideas and promises. Instead, Napoleon's forces committed never raise arms against another Christian nation but he had done so in ex- the one crime that the Maltese found change for estates and pensions in intolerable. They began pillaging the France for himself and his Knights. He churches to obtain gold, silver and had, in effect, sold out the Maltese for other valuables to finance their campaigns abroad. financial gain. While this was not the only aspect of From a history that always recorded the bravery and stoicism of the their rule that the Maltese found abKnights, this was indeed an act of gross solutely objectionable it must have cowardice and one that betrayed the been close to the last straw for a popufutures of their Maltese subjects. Judas lation that Iscariot must have been the inspiration had been d o m i behind this act! Mind you, by the time Hompesch was nated and the Grand Master, the Knights were oppressed certainly not in the same league as for centhose who had taken over Malta in t u r i e s . Hence the 1530. Their governance of the Islands had t y r a n n y, degraded to a point where the Maltese the pillagdid not regard them with any sense of ing of the churches, positive appreciation, respect or awe. opRegardless, Malta and the Maltese the were seen as mere possessions to be ac- p r e s s i v e quired (in the case of the Knights for r e g i m e the price of a bird!), utilised and then and their sold off or abandoned when they were b r o k e n no longer of sufficient use or, as was promises the the case with the Knights at the time of to Napoleon, when it was no longer expe- M a l t e s e people, dient to remain. It is true that the French did come in led to the Emmanuele Vitale with grand ideas about liberating the u n d o i n g Napoleon Bonaparte arriving to start the occupation of Malta on June 9, 1798
GM Ferdinand von Hompesch
of the French 'ħakkiema' or occupiers. The consequence of French tyranny was an uprising by thousands of Maltese, loosely described as 'irregulars' who blockaded and then besieged the French in Valetta. These 'irregulars' were, in the main, Maltese peasantry armed with pistols, muskets and farming tools. The leadership came from the better-educated groups and included Emmanuele Vitale, a notary, Vincenzo Borg, a merchant and a clergyman by the name of Francesco Caruana. They must be named and their names not forgotten. It was not the first time that Maltese 'irregulars' had featured powerfully in our history. However, inevitably they were always referred to dismissively, in this rather disparaging way. Earlier I mentioned Sette Giugno and what it now appears to mean to many Maltese around the World. This, of course, is the celebration of the memory of the many thousands of Maltese who rose up against the unfairness of the British rulers, and the greed of a number of merchants who were taking advantage of the poverty and deprivation of the working class Islanders, in particular, of the time. *to be continued
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Il-konsultazzjoni dwar ir-riforma fil-kostituzzjoni ...
Il-President jappella lill-Maltin ta’ barra jieħdu sehem fid-dibattitu
l-President ta’ Malta, l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Dr George Vella appella, anzi saħaq li huwa d-dmir tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra li huma wkoll jagħtu s-sehem sħiħ tagħhom fid-dibattitu u l-konsultazzjoni li għadha kif ġiet imnedija u li mistennija tieħu tlett xhur dwar ir-riforma kostituzzjonali. Il-President għamel l-appell waqt laqgħa ta’ aktar minn siegħa li kellu ma’ Joseph Cutajar u Lawrence Dimech, ir-rappreżentanti ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, filPalazz il-belt Valletta li tulha wera kemm hu intiż dwar il-komunita` Maltija fl-Awstralja miż-żmen tiegħu bħala ċ-chairman tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra. Fejn għandha x’taqsam ir-riforma Kostituzzjonali, il-President nieda websajt li fuqha l-politiċi, individwi, għaqdiet mhux governattivi u korpi kostitwiti oħra jistgħu jgħaddu s-suġġerimenti u jipproponu lbidliet li jixtiequ jaraw. Il-President qal li wara, is-suġġerimenti jiġu analiżżati u jitħejja rapport dwar xi riformi li huma mixtieqa. Min jixtieq jgħaddi xi suġġerimenti jista’ jidħol fuq is-sit: Jista’ wkoll jagħmel dan billi jibgħat ittra dwar is-suġġett. Fil-laqgħa ma’ The Voice, il-President semma fost l-oħrajn il-parentela tiegħu malkok magħruf u sid ta ‘ għadd ta’ ristoranti f’Melbourne, Shane Delia, u l-istima li għandu għal dawk ta’ taħtu, dawk li servew fil-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra, kif ukoll għal John Aquilina, l-eks politiku Awstralja li bħalissa qed jagħti servizz siewi lil pajjiżna mill-pożizzjoni ta’ Ambaxxatur għal Malta fir-Repubblika taċ-Ċina. Il-President faħħar is-sehem tal-magazine (The Voice) u r-rwol tiegħu biex dejjem ikun hemm għaqda soda bejn Malta u l-Awstralja, kif ukoll il-kultura Matija. The Voice qed jgħin ukoll biex it-tieni u t–tielet ġenerazzjoni ta’ Maltin, filwaqt li jkomplu jgħidu li huma Awstraljani ta’ dixxendenza Maltija, jibqa’ jimbotta ħalli l-ilsien Malti ma jintilifx. F’diskursata mill-aktar kordjali, l-President semma mhux biss ħidmietu mil-lat diplomatiku imma wkoll setturi li jaqgħu taħt irresponsabbilta` tiegħu, fosthom il-fondazzjoni tal-Community Chest Fund (MCCF) li tant tgħin lil dawk li jinħtieġu l-għajnuna, kemm finanzjarja u xort’oħra.
Il-President George Vella (fin-nofs) fil-laqgħa ma’ Lawrence Dimech (xellug) u Joseph Cutajar fil-Palazz il-belt Valletta Fejn għandha x’taqsam il-MCCF, qal li kull sena dejjem trid tara kif tista’ żżid il-fondi minħabba li t-talbiet ma jaqtgħu xejn. Semma li fl-ewwel sitt xhur ta’ din is-sena l-fondazzjoni diġa`qassmet fondi daqs kemm qassmet is-sena l-oħra kollha. Dwar il-possibilta` tiegħu li jerġa’ jżur l-Awstralja, din id-darba bħala President, qal li l-arranġamenti diġa` bdew isiru, imma għadu kmeni wisq biex jgħid li hemm xi deċiżjoni definita dwarha.
e Voice of the Maltese is not just a news portal or feature magazine. We comment and fight for your rights. We believe in freedom of expression ... and we are read in the right places.
Readers please note The next issue of The Voice of the Maltese , No. 211, is to be published on September 10
Tuesday August 20, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Q. I have a defined benefit of $1200 per fortnight and for his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the this reason I am on a part age pension and this is being calMaltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiduculated on the Income Test. I need to withdraw $30,000 cian Financial Services helps our readers understand the from my account-based pension to go on an overseas trip and was asked whether I want this money as a lump sum complexities associated with financial planning. If you or as a pension payment. Which is the most beneficial for need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: me, as I do not want to pay any more tax than I have to? A. Whether you take the $30,000 as a This will trigger lump sum or as a pension payment you capital gains on will not pay any tax. However if you took which you would have it as a pension payment Centrelink will to pay capital gains treat this as income and as you are being tax, but because you tested on the Income Test your part age would have lowered pension may drop further. If you took the your taxable income sum as a lump sum Centrelink will treat through salary sacrithis withdrawal as a commutation and fice, the tax payable thus it will not affect your age pension at may not be too high. all. Continue to do this annually and by the Q. I am 60 years of age, working and end of four years the have around $180,000 in superannuaproceeds from your tion. I have a managed fund that is permanaged funds would forming quite well valued around $400,000. I would like to cash this man- be in superannuation. link know that you are making this gift and aged fund in and invest the proceeds in You should speak to your accountant in re- also update them with the balance of your gards to the tax implications prior to going superannuation. What should I look at ahead, or a financial adviser as I do not bank account as this should show a reducprior to doing this? know your current circumstances and can tion of your assets once the trip is paid for and you could also get an increase in your A. First of all you can only invest only comment in general. .fortnightly pension payment.. $100,000 per annum as non-concessional contributions into superannuation. You Q. I am a pensioner and going on an Q. My husband and I each have a life exshould start salary sacrificing as much as overseas trip with my sister. I am plan- pectancy annuity that was taken out for you can of your salary in order to reduce ning to pay for my sister’s trip, which a 15-year term in September 2004. Our your taxable income as much as possible. will be approximately $10,000. Can I last payment from this annuity is SepConcessional contributions are made up do this and will it affect my age pension tember this year. Should I let Centrelink know that these annuities have matured of employer contributions as well as salary entitlement? sacrifice and together you cannot make A. You can pay for your sister’s trip. You in September? are able to gift up to $10,000 during the fi- A. You should definitely let Centrelink more than $25,000 per annum. You can then sell no more than $100,000 nancial year without it affecting your age know. Annuities taken up before 20 Sepof the managed fund and invest it in super. pension entitlement. You need to let Centre- tember 2004 were 100% exempt from the Centrelink asset test and for this reason your received a higher age pension. However a portion of the monthly payments was treated as income for the Centrelink Income test. Once these annuities mature, you should inform Centrelink immediately as this could mean that your pension will increase if it is being calculated on the Income Test. Q. I am 71 years of age and have just inherited $250,000 from my mother’s estate. I am currently working 20 hours per week for the next four weeks so I believe I have passed the work test. Can I invest the full $250,000 into superannuation? A. Although you would have passed the work test for this financial year if you are working 20 hours per week for the next four weeks, because you are over the age of 65 you can only invest $100,000 as a non-concessional contribution into superannuation this year. You can do the same thing next year and invest a further $100,000 into superannuation if you so desire, but you cannot invest more than $100,000 this year.
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
6 The Voice of the Maltese
... u sssa jmiss il-Vitorja
ara ċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-festa ta’ Santa Marija ftit tal-jiem ilu, fi tmien irħula f’Malta u Għawdex, u f’għadd ta’ stati fl-Awstralja mill-komunita` Maltija, kif ukoll il-festi l-oħra li jagħmlu x-xahar ta’ Awwissu ferm iffullat b’dawk li huma ċelebrazzjonijiet, fit-8 ta’ Settembru jmiss oħra kbira, it-8 ta' Settembru festa pubblika li tfakkar il-ġrajja ta' żewġ assedji li saru fuq il-gżejjer Maltin. Din il-ġurnata taħbat ukoll mal-kommemorazzjoni tat-twelid tal-Verġni Marija, magħrufa aħjar bħala l-Bambina, festa li tiġi ċċelebrata fil-belt tal-Isla, u l-irħula tan-Naxxar u l-Mellieħa f'Malta, u x-Xagħra f'Għawdex. Matul dan il-jum isiru diversi attivitajiet, reliġjużi u mhumiex. Dawn fil-fatt jibdew jum qabel b'attività kulturali li ssir f'Misraħ l-Assedju fil-Belt, li tinkludi qari letterarju, mużika u wirjiet artistiċi. Fil-Belt Valletta, fi Triq ir-Repubbblika ssir parata mill-Forzi Armati ta' Malta li tibqa’ sejra sa quddiem il-Kon-Katidral ta' San Ġwann. Fil-post jingħata salut lill-Prim Ministru ta' Malta filwaqt li jindaqq l-Innu Malti. Aktar tard issir quddiesa pontifikali bil-preżenza tal-ogħla awtoritajiet tal-Pajjiż. F'din il-ġurnata titqiegħed ukoll kuruna minnaħa tal-President ta' Malta fuq il-Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir. Wara nofsinhar issir ir-Regatta tradizzjonali tad-dgħajjes filPort il-Kbir organizzata mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport li fiha jieħdu sehem l-hekk magħfrufa għal din l-okkażjoni bħala distretti, ta’ Bormla, il-Birgu, Birżebbuġa, il-Marsa, Marsamxett, il-Kalkara u l-Isla. Isiru għadd ta’ tlielaq imqassim f'żewġ kategoriji, Open u ta’ taħt il-21 sena. Kull rebbieħ jingħata l-palju. Id-distrett rebbieħ finalment jingħata l-hekk magħrufa Shield. Il-komunita` Maltija fil-bliet ewlenin fl-Awstralja u anke f’xi pajjiżi oħra, ukoll tfakkar u tiffesteġġja din il-ġrajja.
Tuesday August 20, 2019
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Affordable legal resolutions for a new future
We are a boutique law firm based in Melbourne and Werribee. Marlene Ebejer, the principal lawyer, is an accredited family law specialist and speaks Maltese. We offer a range of legal services including:
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The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Malta leads in international ocean governance O
cean governance is not just about commitment but also about delivery. This is an issue that requires an international integrated approach and a global action plan. This was the outcome of the first international meeting of ocean ambassadors recently hosted by Malta. The meeting, organised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion headed by Minister Carmelo Abela together with UN Special Envoy for the Oceans Ambassador Peter Thomson, brought together the UN, the EU, Commonwealth, global ocean ambassadors and other organisations to discuss the protection and restoration of the world’s ocean for current and future generations. European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella and Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland also participated. The representatives (pictured above in a family photo in front of Castille Palace) affirmed that it is time to move from ocean discussion towards ocean action, and that the meeting is only the first of a regular appointment for Ocean Ambassadors, organisations, and other stakeholders to come together in a strategic meeting allowing for an open and frank exchange of views in order to strive to save the future of the oceans. In his opening remarks Minister Carmelo Abela stated that being a Mediterranean maritime archipelago, Malta reviews the sustainability of the world’s oceans as a top priority and that as a result it has taken this proactive initiative to put a spotlight on the role of Ocean Ambassadors in safeguarding the health and sustainability of our seas.
He stated that at the national level, Ocean Ambassadors could play a pivotal role in raising public awareness while sensitising government, businesses, and civil society to promote action in favour of the health and sustainability of the oceans. He noted that throughout the years,
message ‘ Athatstrong healthy oceans
and the preservation of marine areas are viewed as a priority
Malta’s foreign policy has sought to contribute towards furthering the development of international ocean governance. He said that the decision to take a proactive global lead in uniting all concerned partners to raise awareness on a future joint action plan, sends a strong message that healthy oceans and the preservation of marine areas including its biodiversity is viewed not just regionally but also internationally asPointing a priority. out that this meeting attested to the participants’ commitment to the oceans, that sustain the livelihood in many ways Minister Abela appealed to the representatives that, following the first achievement of accepting to unite together to discuss ocean governance, to move together towards an effective multilateral cooperation system that would deliver results in tackling such a global challenge. The conference was also addressed by
European Commission Karmenu Vella who emphasised that the oceans are receiving more political attention than ever and that the European Commission would continue to work to prevent unregulated fishing. He invited the Commonwealth Secretary General to commence discussions on a possible agreement between the two parties on ocean actions. UN Special Envoy for the Oceans, Ambassador Peter Thomson praised this proactive initiative and said Malta was at the forefront of tackling the issues related to international ocean governance. Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland remarked on the responsibility that this moment puts on national governments to make a difference in underwater action and the blue economy. “If not now, when, if not us, who”, she said. Ms Patricia Scotland accepted Commissioner’s Vella proposal to begin discussions for a joint agreement between the Commonwealth and the European Commission Other international organisations attending the meeting included the International Maritime Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the UN Development Programme, the European Commission, the EU Presidency, the Commonwealth Secretariat as well as states with a special interest in the oceans and hosts of upcoming international events on oceans. The President of the Intergovernmental Conference on the BBNJ Ambassador Rena Lee and Ambassador Vidar Helgesen representing the Norwegian government’s initiative on a sustainable ocean economy were also present.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The non-showing of the Maltese News July 21
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
SBS Director Audio & Language Content gives version, explaination
This is a reply by Mandi Wicks, the Director Audio & Language Content at SBS to the letter by Marisa Previtera, that was also published in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese, entitled: SBS disservice to the Maltese community: Enough is enough! It is also in reply to the comments by Emm. Farrugia, titled: SBS letting us down! have investigated internally to find out Sunday 21 July. I understand your concern and your feedwhat happened to the Maltese news on back has been passed on to our programSunday 21 July. There were three ICC football matches, ming team in television. Unfortunately, broadcast back to back from 0600 to 1215. from time to time, there will be special Eleven international news services were event programming which will impact the impacted on that day including Cantonese, regular schedule. This is the case for all telMandarin, Russian, Polish, Maltese, Mace- evision networks. Once again, I am sorry for the inconvendonian, Croatian, Serbian, Portuguese, ience to you and the community. Urdu and Hindi. There are seven ICC matches in total which will impact up to 16 different inter- The Voice of the Maltese would like to renational news services. Only one game will ceive the views of our readers across Ausimpact the Maltese service and that was on tralia on this issue.
Prosit tal-festa fil-LV
Paul Debono minn Fairfield jikteb:
eta kont ngħix Malta qatt ma kont wieħed li nħobb il-festi, u fl-Awstralja rari attendejt dawk li jorganizzaw lgħaqdiet u ċ-ċentri Maltin. Imma għall-festa ta’ Santa Marija organizzata fiċĊentru ta’ La Valette fi Blacktown, attendejt. Ġejt imkaxkar minn xi qraba li jgħixu fl-inħawi li wkoll riedu jiġbdu magħhom xi ħbieb li ġew minn Malta. Ma ddispjaċinix, għax għax kienet organizzata tajjeb ħafna. Għalhekk nifraħ lillorganizzaturi tal-festa, inkluż id-dinner dance li permezz tiegħu stajt nerġa’ niltaqa’ ma’ ħbieb li kien ilni ma nara. Allura jekk xejn, avvenimenti bħal dawn jiswew biex iqarrbu aktar lill-komunita`Maltija.
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2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
The power of this media
Lawrence Camilleri, Naxxar, Malta writes:
wish to commend The Voice of th Maltese not only for its content but also for the hold it seems to have over its readers, and most probably even on the community leaders. A few weeks ago I booked two adverts to appear in successive issues with the hope that I could rent two apartments I have in Malta/Gozo for August and September. The first advert was published on issue 208 (July 16). I cancelled the second booking as I did not need to. Three days after the appearance of the first advert I was inundated with readers’ requests from Australia, the UK and Canada, and even from Malta either wanting to rent for themselves or on behalf of relatives wanting to spend their holidays in Malta. I had to disappoint many people. If I had more to rent I could also have done it without a sweat. I even had requests for a number of months for next year. For me this shows how powerful an advertsing media The Voice has become. By the way, I gladly forfeited the cost of the second advert. By the way please take my advice those of you who in need of holday accommodation and intend to rent an apartment or house in Malta, especially it it is for long let, not to leave it till late. When you decide act upon it or you would be left stranded
Tuesday August 20, 2019 LawrenceDimech
M Kull progress
fih it-tajjeb u l-ħażin tiegħu
alta, jew aħjar il-popolazzjoni Maltija, għaddejja minn fażi tranżitorja li qed toħloq ċerta ansjeta jekk mhux ukoll kritika. Mhux għax din xi ħaġa ġdida għal Malta għax meta Malta assoċjat ruħha mal-Unjoni Ewropeja daħlet għal obbligi stretti kif ukoll regoli internazzjonali li kellha taċċetta. Dawk bħali li kellhom iħallu pajjizhom biex ifittxu xogħol f’pajjiżi kbar u mbiegħda, fejn tidhol sewwa ttaħlita ta’ kulturi u ġnus differenti, sibna ma’ wiċċna perijodi ta’ tbatija u ta’ qtugħ il-qalb. Taħsbu li ma kienx hemm Maltin li emigraw lejn l-Awstralja li kellhom jgħixu 10 f’kamra waħda jew f’xi stalla taż- żwiemel inkella xi shed tat-tiġieġ? Fl-Awstralja għandna nies li jitkellmu b’200 ilsien differenti. Taħlita mhux ħażin, imma l-Gvernijiet dejjem irnexxielhom jitgħallmu mill-esperjenza fil-Kanada u l-Istati Uniti biex ħolqu nazzjon kulturali u lingwistiku li hu l-għira tad-dinja. Sintendi mhux dejjem kien hekk. Meta emigrajna lejn l-Awstralja fil-ħamsinijiet kien hemm diskriminazzjoni ħarxa. Kuljum tisma’ min jgħidlek “wog go home” “hawn ma rridux barranin”. Ix-xogħol li ma kienux iridu jagħmlu l-Awstraljani, dak ta’ kedda u strapazz kienu jagħmluh dawk li kienu jsejjħulhom “new Australians” bħalna l-Maltin, frazi sabiħa izda li saret frazi ta’ disrispett. Mhux f’kollox tista’ tipparaguna dak li għaddejna minnu flAwstralja, ħamsin jew sittin sena ilu għal dak f’Malta tal-lum, iżda xebħ hemm. Tisma’ min jilmenta għax il-wejters, eċċ huma barranin. Fl-Awstralja rari issib ristorant li mhux tac-Cinizi, Indjani, Taljani eċċ. L-Awstralja nbniet mill-barranin, u llum wieħed minn kull tlieta hu mwieled minn ġenituri barranin. Inħolqot soċjeta multikulturali li bin-nuqqasijiet kollha tagħha, taħdem b’effiċjenza.
Ħaddiema Torok fuq il-lant tax-xogħol fl-akbar proġett fit-toroq Malti, fil-proġett tal-Marsa
Did you know...?
l Tasmania (TAS), which is separated from mainland Australia by the Bass Strait is the smallest state in Australia. It’s capital, Hobart, was founded in 1804 as a penal colony, and is Australia's second oldest capital city after Sydney.
l Australia's total land area is about 7,688,287 square kilometres. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,527,013 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi); the Australian Capital Territory is the smallest (2,358sq km).
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Jekk illum Malta qed timporta ħaddiema Torok jew Serbi biex itejjbu l-infastrattura, wara l-aħħar gwerra, l-Awstralja aċċettat eluf ta’ barranin mill-Ewropa biex bnew is-Snowy Mountain Scheme, l-akbar proġett ta’ inġinerija fl-Awstralja li dam jinbena 25 sena, sal-1974. Tnejn minn kull tliet ħaddiema jaħdmu fuqu kienu barranin minn madwar 30 pajjiż differenti. L-arranġament Schengen fetaħ beraħ il-fruntieri fl-Ewropa. Ilpajjizi tal-UE jistgħu jgħixu u jaħdmu fejn iridu, waqt li nħolqot ukoll problema bl-immigranti illegali. Tul is-sekli l-Maltin tħalltu mal-barranin iżda dejjem żammew il-kultura tagħhom, u żammew il-lingwa tagħhom ukoll meta forzi qawwija kienu ppruvaw joħonquha. M’għandiex nifhem li anke fil-ġejjini l-poplu Maltu mhux se jibqa’ magħqud. Kull proġress iġib miegħu diffikultajiet, dubji u frustrazzjoni iżda pajjizna ma setax jibqa’ staġnat fil-passat.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Il-Malti fis-sistema H edukattiva Awstraljana
awn diversi skejjel u inizjattivi fl-Awstralja li jgħallmu l-lingwa għażiża tagħna fl-istati Awstraljani, il-biċċa l-kbira lil studenti li jkunu għadhom qed jibdew l-istudji tagħhom. Il-quċċata tat-tagħlim tal-Malti hawnhekk huwa l-eżami fil-livell tal-iskola sekondarja (high school) tassena 12. Kull stat għandu l-isem tiegħu għal dan l-eżami (VCE f’Victoria, HSC fi NSW, SACE f’South Australia). Għal dawn l-aħħar snin, il-Malti dejjem kellu problema waħda – l-għadd ta’ studenti li kienu qed joqogħdu għal dan l-eżami f’sena partikolari, meta jingħaddu madwar l-Awstralja kollha, huwa iżgħar minn dak li huwa meqjus li huwa l-minimu li juri li hemm interess biżżejjed biex l-awtoritajiet edukattivi jinvestu fih. Din is-sena mhi l-ebda eċċezzjoni, fejn ix-xahar li għadda, delegazzjoni mill-Federation of Maltese Language Schools (FMLS) ġiet mgħarrfa għal darb’oħra li l-Malti huwa f’xifer lirdum u jekk ma jkunx hemm żieda fl-istudenti li humu miktuba, il-Malti nistgħu ngħidulu bonswa fil-kurrikulu uffiċjali edukattiv Awstraljan. Jien familjari l-iktar bis-sitwazzjoni ta’ NSW. Hawnhekk, studenti tal-iskola li jridu jkollhom iċ-ċertifikat tal-HSC fil-Malti jridu jkunu ppreżentati minn skola akkreditata, u fi NSW l-unika skola akkreditata fil-Malti hija s-Saturday School for Community Languages ta’ Seven Hills, fejn il-lezzjonijiet bil-Malti jsiru minn Charles Galea, wieħed mill-pilastri tat-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-Awstralja, li għandna nkunu grati għax-xogħol tiegħu fuq medda twila ta’ żmien. Jekk hawn xi ġenituri li interessati li wliedhom li għadhom liskola jġibu dan iċ-ċertifikat, inħeġġiġhom jikkuntattjaw lilliskola f’dan l-indirizz: L-adulti ta’ NSW għandhom ftit iktar għażla. Għalkemm ma’ jistgħux jagħmlu l-kors sħiħ u jiġu assessjati matul is-sena kif isir għat-tfal tal-iskola, marki li jgħoddu għall-marka finali, jistgħu jippreżentaw ruħhom u joqogħdu għaż-żewġ eżamijiet (orali u kitba) bħall-istudenti l-oħra. L-aktar skola antika komunitarja fi NSW hija l-Maltese Language School of NSW li taħdem f’Horsley Park, u tirreferi studenti interessati fl-HSC għal klassijiet speċjalizzati. Tistgħu ġġibu aktar tagħrif minn Skola komunitarja oħra stabbilita hija Skola Maltija li topera minn Rouse Hill, Greystanes, Cringila u Cobbitty. Wieħed jista’ jikkuntattjahom fuq
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
Jien ukoll ngħallem il-Malti f’kull livell sal-HSC, lil gruppi jew individwi, fi Blacktown u l-madwar, wiċċ imb’wiċċ jew onlajn. Dan huwa servizz privat bl-isem Dwejret il-Malti. Iktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb minn Għal min joqgħod fi stati oħra tal-Awstralja, inħeġġiġkom biex tikkuntattjaw lill-organizzazzjonijiet li jaħdmu fl-istati tagħkom għal iktar dettalji. Li naf bihom huma dawn li ġejjin: • Victoria: MCCV (Maltese Community Council of Victoria); MLTAV (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria); VSL (Victorian School of Languages) • Queensland: Skola Maltija Mackay • WA: Maltese Association WA Jekk hemm organizzazzjonijiet jew individwi oħra involuti f’dan il-qasam li ma semmejtx hawn fuq, toqogħdux lura milli tiktbu lill-edituri ta’ The Voice ħalli tħabbru s-servizz tagħkom. Lill-bqija tal-qarrejja, jekk hemm xi nitfa ta’ interess fil-lingwa Maltija, iktar u iktar jekk tixtiequ li ġġibu ċertifikat uffiċjali talMalti mill-awtoritajiet edukattivi tal-istat tagħkom, inħeġġiġkom tavviċinaw lil min jista’ jgħinkom. Aħna qegħdin hawn għalikom.
Tuesday August 20, 2019
‘Il-vapur tal-art’ (Il-Ferrovija) f'Malta
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Il-ferrovija ta’ Malta inawgurata bl-akbar pompa
l-ferrovija f'Malta ġiet inawgurata bil-kbir waqt ċerimonja nhar l-Erbgħa, 28 ta' Frar, 1883. Bir-raġun, għax kien hemm investiment qawwi ħafna għal dawk iżżminijiet, kien sar ukoll ħafna xogħol ta' tbatija kbira. Dakinhar iċ-ċerimonja bdiet billi l-Isqof Monsinjur Carmelo Scicluna, flimkien mal-membri tal-kleru, mexa mill-Knisja tal-Vitorja fil-kapitali Maltija sat-terminus li kien ħdejn itTeatru Rjal. Hemmhekk ġie milqugħ mill-General Manager tal-Malta Railway u membri oħra tal-kumpannija. Naturalment, għal ċerimonja bħal din tal-inawgurazzjoni kien hemm preżenti wkoll il-Gvernatur Sir Arthur Borton u l-Prim Imhallef Sir Adrian u Lady Dingli. Wara li sar it-tberik talferrovija li dakinhar kienet b'żewġ magni u b’seba' vaguni mżejna bil-bnadar u l-palm, għamlet l-ewwel vjaġġ tagħha mill-belt Valletta għar-Rabat. Fi triqitha minn stazzjon għall-ieħor inġabru ħafna nies biex jaraw din li kienu laqqmuha “l-vapur tal-art” għaddejja, jistagħġbu b’dk li kienu qed jaraw u jinfexxu f’ċapċip kbir u tixjir tal-imkatar. Ilvjaġġ ħa 25 minuta. Mal-wasla fl-istazzjon tar-Rabat, il-Gvernatur għamel diskors għallokkażjoni li fih semma li bis-saħħa tal-ferrovija ttrasport f’Malta kellu jagħmel pass kbir ’il quddiem. L-għada taċ-ċerimonja uffiċjali l-ferrovija bdiet taħdem b’mod regolari biex iġġorr lill-pubbliku. L-ewwel vjaġġ minn dawn kien jitlaq mill-belt fis-6.30 a.m., filwaqt li l-ewwel wieħed mirRabat kien fil-5.15 a.m. L-aħħar vjaġġ tal-jum għall-ferrovija kien ikun mill-Belt fis-7.30 p.m. u mir-Rabat f’xi s-6.45 p.m. Il-biljetti kienu mqassmin f’dawk singli u oħrajn birritorn, filwaqt li l-ħlas talferrovija kien imqassam fi tliet taqsimiet.
– It-tielet parti –
Il-biljetti mill-Belt għar-Rabat kienu jiswew hekk: L-ewwel klassi singli - xelin; bir-ritorn - xelin u nofs It-tieni klassi singli - tmien soldi; bir-ritorn - xelin It-tielet klassi singli erba’ soldi; bir-ritorn - sitt soldi Il-ħaddiema kellhom ħlas speċjali ta’ żewġ soldi għat-tielet klassi. Il-kumpannija tal-ferrovija aktar tard kienet ħarġet ukoll passijiet li bis-saħħa tagħhom min kien jivvjaġġa bil-ferrovija kien ikollu tnaqqis fil-ħlas. (Ikompli fil-ħarġa li jmiss)
Xellug: Il-mistednin distinti jaslu fl-istazzjon ta’ taħt l-Imdina fil-vjaġġ inawgurali tal-1883. Taħt: xi biljetti tal-ferrovija
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta
DBRS: Malta’s economic growth is three times over EU average
et another international rating agency has recognised Malta’s economic progress by giving it a very positive rating. Coming on top of other such results, DBRS has confirmed Malta’s A level rating with stable prospects. It said that Malta has registered an economic growth that was more than three times the EU member states’ average. The reason DBRS economists said classified the Maltese economy in A credit rating is because last year the economy kept on growing with rates of 7 per cent and also managed to maintain the 2017 rhythm. It further predicted that the economic growth would moderate both due to international factors and also as the economy has almost reached its capacity. At the same time DBRS observed that here are some sectors that may prove problematic to sustain the growth. The economists noted that the Government’s finances were assisted by the economic growth with the result that it again registered a budget surplus and debt decreased to 46% of the Gross Domestic Product. The surplus in Government finances was achieved even without the introduction of the citizenship investment programme (IIP). The international economists observed that measures on the market, including the increase of woman workers, the foreign workers and more elderly persons who stay active in the labour market avoided the inflationary effects in the economy, which is also gaining from reform benefits in the energy sector. DBRS agency stated the trend in government debt reduction would continue.
Maltese very satisfied with the life they lead
altese are very satisfied with the life they lead, and the majority of them say that their family’s financial situation is good, and rate the provision of public services as very good. This results from the latest Standard Eurobarometer Survey conducted between June 7 and July 1 in which 96% of the Maltese respondents stated that on the whole they are very satisfied with their life in Malta., with 86% of them even saying that their family’s financial situation is good with 82% rating the provision of public services as very good. The survey indicates that over 85% of the Maltese consider that Malta’s economic situation is good, the fourth highest among European citizens, with only 7% considering it to be bad. Not only that, but a third of the Maltese believe that in the coming year the Maltese economy would even continue to improve. Only 9% of the Maltese citizens surveyed said that their situation is bad. The figures resulting from the survey contrast with the European Union average where only 49% of those interviewed said that their national economy is good; 47% said it is bad. The most pessimistic are the Greeks, 93% of whom said that their economic sit-
uation is bad. Next come the Hungarians, at 80%, and third the Italians Italians, with 76%. Asked to name the two major problems they think Malta is facing, 49% of the Maltese surveyed mentioned migration as their most worrying issue, while 43% said their concern is housing. In the other EU member states, the most pressing issues are unemployment, the cost of living and pensions, while migration placed in fifth position and housing in eighth. The Maltese also believe that migration is the most important challenge facing the EU with six out of every 10 naming this challenge. Estonians, Czechs, Dutch and Slovenians also share the same concern. For Denmark, Ireland, Finland and Sweden, the most pressing issue is climate change. The June Eurobarometer survey showed a solid increase in the positive perception of citizens about the EU in all sectors with the European Commission describing the result as the best since June five years ago. Compared to last year’s survey, confidence in the EU generally has increased to 44% while the overall positive opinion about it has increased in 23 of the 28 member countries, including Malta.
Gozo - The Beauty, History and Culture of an Island inister for Gozo Dr Justyne Caruana re- ferred food of Gozo, ten legends from Gozo, inforM cently launched, Gozo – The Beauty, His- mation on the Citadel, Victoria, villages and island tory and Culture of an Island, a book by historian events; patron feasts; and the celebrations the MinJoseph Bezzina and illustrations Daniel Cilia (picturd left). She said that the book, promoted as a showcase for Gozo and, published on the initiative of the Ministry, is a gift to all the distinguished guests who visit Malta’s sister island. It shows the beauty, history, and culture of the island. The author of the book, Dr Joseph Bezzina, explained it is divided into seven chapters: general information on Gozo and Comino; tracing 7000 years of history; its people, language, and the pre-
istry for Gozo organises on a regional scale. He said that everything is based on written documents scanned at the National Archives, which he manages, as well as other archives. Minister Justyne Caruana pointed out the importance of Gozo’s culture and history, both as a tourist product and even more for its identity and national patrimony. Gozo – The Beauty, History and Culture of an Island, is on sale at all leading booksellers in the Maltese islands
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta’s plan for blockchain-powered agency
he government of Malta has again broken new ground in the blockchain sector by announcing plans to run a new government department powered by blockchain. In a first-of-its-kind move in Europe, the government announced that in a bid to deliver efficient services, the new Malta Business Registry (MBR) would be run on blockchain with the help of artificial intelligence. MBR is a national agency created out of the Registry of Companies of Malta, which will be powered by blockchain. It comes against a backdrop of technological innovation on the island, with the jurisdiction emerging as one of the leading global destinations for blockchain and cryptocurrency businesses. Silvio Schembri, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation said that the new department reflects the government’s commitment to leading the “digital revolution.” The premises would serve as the beating heart of the technological activity in Malta, and reflect the government’s drive to remain at the forefront of the digital revolution. The new department replaces the Registry of Companies, and will turn to technology
Maltese Economy to maintain fast pace
he Central Bank expects Malta’s economic growth over the coming years to remain strong, averaging 4.4% between 2019–2021. Growth in private consumption and government expenditure expected to remain robust, and investment should recover from the contraction recorded in 2018. Compared with the Bank’s previous projections, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth has been revised marginally downwards in 2019, due to a delay in a major investment project in the private sector. During the projection horizon, GDP growth will be supported by domestic demand, mainly reflecting robust growth in private consumption and investment. Referring to prospects for the next two and a half years, the Central Bank stated that next year Malta’s economy is expected to grow by 4.3%, and by 3.5% in 2021. It said that that economic growth is motivated mainly by private consumption and Government expenditure, which are expected to remain strong, whilst for this year and the next, the export contribution is expected to be negative as a result of a weak international scenario and a higher growth rate in imports. It is forecasting that Government will continue to register a surplus in public finances, in a way that by 2021 the debt rate compared to the wealth generated by the Maltese economy will drop below 40%.
to streamline the process of company registration, and according to Schembri, the new model will eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, while ensuring more efficient registration and support services for companies within the country. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said the new MBR would harmonize with the work already being done by the Malta Financial Services Authority, which is actively moving its processes over to blockchain-powered solutions. The move is the latest step in Malta’s Blockchain Island initiative, first announced in April 2016, in which the country moves towards becoming a world-leading destination for the blockchain sectors through a combination of attractive business conditions and effec-
tive, clear regulation. The government’s stated objectives are to switch over as many processes as possible to blockchain-powered systems, demonstrating its commitment to the technology. Meanwhile, as part of the well-needed rent reform, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has also announced that upon the coming into force of the reform, all rental agreements are to be registered on Blockchain. This will ensure that rental agreements are safeguarded within a secure environment, for the benefit of both the lessor and the lessee. Subsequently, this will also prevent any false records from being registered. Malta was one of six EU states to sign a joint declaration of cooperation for developing blockchain tech, alongside France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, and Cyprus.
– 77th anniversary of Operation Pedestal –
One of most decisive episodes in Malta’s recent past remembered n the days leading to the celebrations all over Malta of the commemoration of the Iholiday, feast of Santa Maria (Assumption of Our Lady) on August 15, which is also a public President George Vella and Mrs Vella attended a commemorative service marking the 77th anniversary of Operation Pedestal (Santa Maria Convoy). Addressing the commemorative service that was presided by Malta Emigrants’ Commission Monsignor Alfred Vella and Chancellor of St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral Reverend Simon Godfrey, the President explained that Operation Pedestal (also known as ‘ilKonvoj ta’ Santa Marija’), is probably one of the most decisive episodes in Malta’s recent past. He said that on this special day, “we remember and salute the victims of Operation Pedestal and others who bravely gave their lives to protect peace and stability in Europe and the Mediterranean”. The President confirmed that this is also a celebration of the bravery and determination of the Maltese population of the post-war period who, through renewed sacrifices, rebuilt the country into a modern and peaceful nation, the state we all can enjoy today. Representatives from the Royal Navy Association (Malta Branch), Armed Forces of Malta (Maritime Section), relatives of the sailors who had been on duty for Operation Pedestal and ignitaries from the British High Commission and the US Embassy were present.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Disinn ttal-Malta Transport ta’ parti minn kif se jiġi lproġett magħruf bħala s-Central Link meta jitlesta
Taxi 0.6%
Tal-Linja 16.6%
Inwessgħu t-toroq?! G
ħalkemm il-mistoqsija tar-ras ta’ dan l-artiklu mhix qed issir direttament, imma minn dak li jinkiteb fil-midja lokali, din hija l-mistoqsija li xi wħud qed jistaqsu. L-aktar wara li f’dawn l-aħħar ftit snin nistgħu ngħidu li l-infrastruttura tal-Gżejjer Maltin fejn jidħlu t-toroq ingħatat spinta qawwija. Wara li lesta t-Triq tas-Salini (dik li minn San Ġiljan tieħdok għal San Pawl-il-Baħar), li kien ilha tkaxkar mhux ħażin, il-Gvern ta’ bħalissa beda diversi xogħlijiet fit-toroq Maltin u Għawdxin, fosthom il-bini tal-punt tar-Regional Road (li tieħdok mill-Imsida għal San Ġiljan), li tlestiet fi żmien sentejn. Imbagħad minn pont wieħed għadda għal sfida akbar, dik ta’ ħdejn iċ-ċimiterju tal-Addolorata fejn se jinbnew seba’ pontijiet fuq xulxin biex tittaffa l-konġesjoni tat-traffiku fit-toroq tal-inħawi. Issa għadu kif ġie approvat ukoll il-proġett imsejjaħ tas-Central link li jgħaqqad ir-Rabat (Malta) mal-Imrieħel. Dan barra twessiegħ u bini ta’ toroq oħra. Din il-ħidma kollha ġabet ukoll kritika magħha, mhux biss dik li minħabba dan ix-xogħol se jinqalgħu għadd ta’ siġar (imma filfatt se jitħawwlu ferm aktar minflokhom), imma wkoll għax uħud qed isostnu li bit-twessiegħ tat-toroq il-Gvern mhux se jsolvi lproblema tat-traffiku, anzi se jżidha, għax qed jgħidu li b’hekk qed iħajjar lin-nies jixtru u jużaw aktar il-karozzi privati.. u allura finalment wara xi snin il-karozzi tant jiżdiedu li dawn it-toroq millġdid ma jservux għat-traffiku li jkun hemm. Imma min-naħa l-oħra hemm dawk li jsostnu li dan l-irraġunar ma jagħmilx sens, għax il-poplu Malti għandu kultura tal-użu talkarozza privata tiegħu, u allura avolja jekk ma jsirx twessiegħ u bini ta’ toroq ġodda, ir-rata tal-karozzi se tibqa’ tiżdied. Stħarriġ li sar dan l-aħħar mill-gazetta ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd Illum donnu jagħti raġun lil dawn tal-aħħar. Infatti jirriżulta li 16.8% biss li jippreferu li jużaw it-trasport pubbliku, imqabbel mat-80% li jippreferu l-karozza privata tagħhom. U jidher li s-sitwazzjoni mhux se tinbidel fil-ġejjieni qrib għax mill-istess stħarriġ ħareġ li dawk li l-aktar li mhumiex lesti li jużaw it-trasport pubbliku huma ż-żgħażagħ ta’ bejn it-18 u l-35 sena li
Mixi 1.0%
Oħrajn 0.3%
Karozza 80.6%
minnhom huma 7.3% lesti li jużaw din il-kwalita’ ta’ trasport. Attwalment dawk li l-aktar li jużaw it-trasport pubbliku huma dawk ta ċerta eta: 18.5% ta’ dawk li għandhom bejn il-51 u l-65 sena u 39% ta’ dawk ta’ aktar minn 65 sena. Fl-istess stħarriġ instab li 51.6% tal-Maltin ħassew li l-proġett tasCentral Link huwa bżonnjuż u għalhekk iriduh isir. Kienu biss 19.5% li huma kontrih. Dan ir-riżultat jagħati stampa differenti minn li jidher f’ċertu midja fejn il-kummenti kontra dan il-proġett kien jisboq bi kbir ta’ dawk favur. Imma wieħed irid iqis li dawk li jiktbu fil-midja mhux bilfors jirrappreżentaw il-fehma tal-maġġoranza tal-poplu. Ma ninsewx lanqas il-politika partiġġjana li tidħol f’kollox. Sadanittant l-Oppożizzjoni ħarġet qatta bla ħabel kontra l-proġett, fejn mhux biss issemmi l-għadd ta’ siġar li jistgħu jinqalgħu, imma wkoll għax sostnew li l-Gvern għandu jħares lejn soluzzjoni permanenti, fosthom dik tat-traġitt tal-massa. Attwalment il-Partit Nazzjonalista dejjem saħaq dwar is-sistema tal-metro, u mistoqsi dwar din l-alternnativa, il-Ministru Ian Borg wieġeb: “Qed jagħtu soluzzjoni għal 20, 25 sena oħra. Ma tistax tistenna 25 sena oħra biex ikollok soluzzjoni.” Insomma, veru li f’ċerti każi b’dawn il-proġetti l-ambjent jista’ ġieli jieħu daqqa ta’ ħarta, imma hu wkoll fatt li diffiċli li wieħed iżomm il-progress. ost l-aktar punt li qed jissemma’ fejn jidħol liżvilupp infrastrutturali fit-toroq hemm, il-qerda tas-siġar. Hawn moviment qawwi li jsostni li lGvern m’għandux, li biex jogħġob lis-sewwieqa jaqla’ siġar li għandhom ħafna snin, għax dan se jikkawża ħafna ħsara fl-ambjent u jaffettwa s-saħħa. Bħala protesta mal-elf pesuna inġabru fit-triq tar-Rabat biex jipprotestaw kontra it-tneħħija tas-siġar. *Ikompli f’paġna 15
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Skandlu jew sinjal taż-żminijiet?
assis mill-Mosta, Fr David Muscat, mhux darba jew tnejn spiċċa fil-kritika minħabba xi kummenti dwar tibdil fil-Knisja li xejn ma jaqblu mal-ideat kemxejn tradizzjonali tiegħu. Iżda dan laħħar spiċċa biex saħansitra jkun l-istess Arċisqof Mons Charles Scicluna li ħareġ stqarrija fejn qal li l-Knisja tiddisassoċja ruħha mill-fehmiet ta’ Fr David u li l-ideoloġiji li jiżirgħu l-mibegħda u d-diskriminazzjoni abbażi tar-razza jew kultura li jmorru kontra t-tagħlim tal-Knisja Kattolika. Dan wara li da-qassis ftaħar li għallewwel darba f’ħafna snin ma attendiex għall-ħruġ tal-vara ta’ Santa Marija talMosta, għax ipprefera minlfok li jattendi għal riċeviment ta’ jum it-twelid Norman Lowell, bniedem pro-nazista u l-mexxej tal-Partit Imperium Ewropa, li saħansitra
jgħid li hu favur li tfal li jitwieldu b’difetti fiżiċi għandhom jiġu mneħħija. Il-qassis mhux talli attenda, iżda wkoll ħass li kellu jagħmel diskors li fih qal: “bilmod il-mod drajtu (lil Norman) u bdejt nifhem x’qed jgħid. Għax minkejja li llingwaġġ jidher mod is-sustanza bdejt nifhem x’inhi. Illum inħoss li bit-tajjeb u lħażin tiegħu Norman, żera’ żerriegħa filqlub li se tagħti frott ‘il quddiem.” Żied jgħid: “dawk l-10,000 vot (li Norman kiseb fl-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew f’Mejju li għadda), 6,000 minnhom ma ntirtux. Li jfisser li dawn tant jemmnu f’dan l-ideal li ma jridux ikollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ ħaddieħor u dik tathom ġewwa. Ngħiduha kif inhi min qed jitkellem fuq, ngħidu aħna, li l-Malti sar barrani f’daru stess? Ħadd. U kulħadd iridu l-barrani
Hemm xi konnessjoni? U
propju meta nqala’ dan l-inċident fil-midja lokali deher dan irritratt (lemin) ta’ xi murtali maħduma mill-Kamra tan-Nar ta’ Santa Marija talMosta, li kellhom jiġu sparati fil-festa tal-istess lokal ilĦamis li għadda. Imma x’hemm mhux tas-soltu? Huwa propju l-istampa li hemm fuq kull murtal li fiha xebħ ċar ħafna mal-istess simbolu li kien użat mill-Partit Nażista filĠermanja. Jidher li min għamel d-disinn fuq il-mur-
Is-siġar/ minn paġna 14
Min-naħa tiegħu l-Gvern għamilha ċara li fil-parti ‘l kbira minn dawk is-siġar kienu se jitħawwlu mill-ġdid u saħansitra fl-istess triq finalment se jkun hemm ferm aktar siġar milli hemm bħalissa minħabba li se jitħawwlu mijiet ta’ siġar ġodda. Għal darb’oħra l-Oppożizzjoni anke hawn ikkundannat il-qlugħ tas-siġar, għalkemm meta mistoqsi dwar jekk hux kontra kull qtugħ ta’ siġar, il-mexxej talOppożizzjoni stqarr li ma jistax ikun kontra għal kollox għat-tneħħija tas-siġar, sakemm ma jkunx hemm alternattiva oħra u basta jitħawwlu aktar siġar. "We cannot be dogmatic and say no trees will be uprooted as a result of infrastructure works but we have to ensure this is done only if necessary and we have to plant more instead,” Delia said. U naħseb li minkejja kollox hawnhekk Delia għandu raġun.
tali, inkorpora s-sinjal tal-ajkla tanNazisti mas-salib tal-Ordni tal-Kavallieri ta' San Ġwann, fuq sfond iswed, flimkien ma' linji bojod u ħomor. L-ajkla, li ilha tintuża minn partiti faxxisti bħala simbolu mill-bidu talgħoxrinijiet, illum huwa simbolu li jidher frekwenti ħafna fi gruppi ġodda neofaxxisti. Sintendi dan qajjem polemika sħiħa, aktar u aktar meta r-ritratt deher proprju meta nqala’ l-inċident ta’ Fr Muscat li inzerta wkoll mill-Mosta. Kien hemm min staqsa jekk dan kienx intenzjonat, u jekk kienx hemm xi relazzjoni bejn il-kamra tan-nar u l-qassis. Kelliemi għall-kamra tan-nar qal li ma ra xejn offensiv fl-użu tal-emblema
minħabba l-flus.” Min-naħa tiegħu minkejja l-kritika kollha u l-kundanna min-naħa tal-Arċisqof, Muscat mhux talli ma rtirax mill-pożizzjoni tiegħu, iżda sostna li dak li għadda minnu jidher li ma kienx biss attakk personali fuqu imma wkoll fuq dawk l-10,000 li vvutaw favur Imperium Europa.
Imut l-iskultur Ganni Bonnici
s-Sibt li għadda 17 ta’ Awwissu miet l-iskultur magħruf Malti Ġanni Bonnici 18-il jum qabel fl-4 ta’ Settembru li ġej kien jagħlaq 87 sena. Ganni, Mosti, jibqa’ magħruf għal għadd kbir ta’ monumenti artistiċi, fosthom dak tal-Indipendenza fil-Mall ilFurjana, u tal-ANZAC fl-Argotti. Ġanni ħadem ukoll u baqa’ magħruf għallkruċifissi li jinsabu fil-knejjes ta’ Santa Luċija, San Bastjan Ħal Qormi, il-kappella tas-sorijiet ta’ Santa Katerina, Ħ’Attard u dak tal-Kappella tal-Pwales. Xogħlijiet tiegħu jinsabu wkoll f’għadd ta’ pajjiżi barra minn Malta, fosthom fl-Ewropa, l-Awstralja, il-Kanada u l-Istati Uniti. Ġanni Bonniċi kien beda l-istudji tiegħu wara li fl-1954 rebaħ Borża ta’ Studji fliskola tal-Arti u ssokta l-istudji f’Ruma fejn kiseb Diploma fl-Iskultura. Lura Malta beda l-ewwel jgħallem iċċeramika u sar espert bħala ċeramista u skultur. Ħadem ukoll fit-terrakotta, ilġebel, il-bronż, l-irħam u l-konkrit. Tul ħajtu huwa ngħata l-unur ta’ Membru tal-Ordni Nazzjonali Għall-Mertu (MOM), u Ġieħ il-Mosta.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Abortion decriminalised in the State of NSW
he NSW Lower House MPs voted to remove terminations from the state's criminal code resulting in the decriminalisation of abortion. The bill to decriminalise abortion passed 59 to 31, but it created a split within the Liberals, with many of the party's 35 MPs opposing the bill. The proposed laws will now be scrutinised by the Parliament's social issues committee before proceeding to a vote in the upper house where the bill is expected to pass. A majority of Labor MPs also voted for the bill, along with the Greens, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, and independent MPs Mr Greenwich and Greg Piper. Many cheered and clapped after the bill was passed. The final vote came after almost three days of debate, with more than a dozen amendments put forward. The bill, which was co-sponsored by 15 MPs from across the political divide, allows abortion on request for women up to 22 weeks' gestation performed by a registered doctor. Women beyond 22 weeks would need the consent of two doctors. The bill overturns 119-year-old laws making abortion a criminal offence, replacing
Pro-choice, pro-life protesters face off on Macquarie St, as MPs debate abortion bill
them with a standalone health care act to regulate the procedure. It was mentioned that the old law was passed when all legislators were men. The major parties were given a conscience vote on the bill, which saw the house split. Pro-choice and pro-life activists faced off in rival rallies, blocking Sydney's Macquarie St outside the NSW Parliament as MPs debated a bill to decriminalise abor-
tion in the state of NSW. Sydney’s Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher said according to an SBS News report that he is “deeply saddened” the bill passed the lower house and described it as “abhorrent”. “If civilisation is to be judged by how it treats its weakest members, New South Wales failed spectacularly today,” the Archbishop said in a statement
The Parliament abortion debate
A letter from prison
uthorities are investigating whether a letter circulated on social media reportedly written by Cardinal George Pell (left), is in violation of prison rules. Cardinal Pell, 78, is the highest-ranking Catholic cleric to be found guilty of child sex abuse. Authorities are investigating whether the letter, dated August 1 and spread on Twitter, breaches rules forbidding prisoners from posting on social media or using the Internet, or asking others to post on their behalf. A spokeswoman from the Department of Justice of Victoria, where Cardinal Pell is in prison, said the letter was being investi-
gated. “(The department) will thoroughly investigate this social media activity,” the spokeswoman said. She went on to say that “any prisoner found to be contravening prison regulations faces disciplinary action.” The spokeswoman did not confirm whether the letter was written by Cardinal Pell. In March Cardinal Pell was sentenced to serve at least three years and eight months in jail for child sexual abuse. He has appealed against the conviction, and is awaiting a ruling of the Court of Appeal following a two-day hearing in early June.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Second sentence through deportation
he Australian Morrison Government’s treatment of prisoners who successfully rehabilitate while in jail has come under question, with claims that some are being subjected to a "second sentence" through deportation. Prison chaplain Br Martyn Paxton speaking to Southern Cross said he was frustrated that while the key message to prisoners was to rehabilitate when some did decide to turn their life around, they were still not welcomed back in the wider community. Under legislation he described as “lacking in humanity”, he said men he was ministering to in the prison system and who were not Australian citizens were facing the prospect of being deported to their home country upon their release. “It seems to me that when the Immigration Minister does this he is trying a man and sentencing him over and above the imposition of the courts, and thus it is a violation of the separation of powers.
Freedom of speech in Australia T
he High Court of Australia has found a public servant breached the code of conduct by criticising government policy on Twitter. Michaela Banerji (picturd right) was fired in 2013 from the then Department of Immigration and Border Protection after it found she was behind an anonymous Twitter account critical of the agency. Using the name "LaLegale", she posted thousands of tweets concerning topics including offshore processing and Australia's international obligations to refugees. All but one was sent from outside the office and on her own mobile phone. None of them disclosed confidential information. Following complaints by departmental staff, an investigation was launched into whether Ms Banerji breached the public service code of conduct. When she received her termination notice in September 2013, she suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and a month later lodged a workers' compensation claim. The claim was refused on the basis that the sacking was "reasonable administrative action" - a decision which was affirmed by an internal review in 2014. She then took it to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which found her termination was "not reasonable administrative action taken in a reasonable manner" and upheld her compensation claim. As well, the tribunal found the public service's rules around the use of social media and making public comment "unacceptably trespassed on the implied freedom of political communication". However, the High Court found in a judgment the tribunal erred in its interpretation
The Minister is doing this without any real public scrutiny as people just don’t know it happens,” Br Paxton said. “On the one hand our correctional systems are supposed to rehabilitate people, and if they are successful in doing this, why does the Commonwealth feel the need to then deport these same people on character grounds? Br Paxton said the deportations make a “mockery of what we are trying to achieve, which should be rehabilitating prisoners and then letting them have a second chance in our community”. “Where is the humanity in ripping families apart? What worries me are the people who are left behind, the mothers, wives and children.” A spokesperson for the Home Affairs Department said the government was committed to protecting the community from the “risk of harm posed by foreign nationals who engage in criminal conduct or behaviour of concern, and that the safety of the Australian public is a primary consideration and a decision to cancel a visa may be made.
Australia and China
of public service rules. It said the legislation governing the public service did not impose an unjustified burden on the implied freedom of political communication, and therefore Ms Banerji's sacking was lawful. The full bench of the court unanimously found the relevant provisions were consistent with maintaining an apolitical public service. Comcare had argued anyone entering the public service must know the job "involves acceptance of certain restraints", an important aspect of which is to "exercise caution when it comes to making criticisms of the government".
he chair of Australian parliament's powerful Security and Intelligence Committee Andrew Hastie, a Liberal MP backbencher, warned Australia against underestimating China. But despite warning backbenchers to stop publicly speaking their mind to the media, PM Scott Morrison was unfazed by Mr Hastie's intervention. He said Andrew is not a minister in the government and is free to make comments he wishes. Others said Hastie's condemnation would not damage Australia's attempts to rebuild the already rocky relationship between the two countries”. In a statement, a spokesperson from the Chinese Embassy in Australia said strongly deplored Hastie's rhetoric, urging "certain politicians to take off their coloured lens. “It goes against the world trend of peace, cooperation and development. It is detrimental to China-Australian relations."
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti
Biex awtur ikollu l-qarrejja jrid jikteb il-kotba u biex fil-pajjiż ikun hemm il-kotba, dawn iridu jiġu mitbugħa, u biex jinxtraw il-pubbliku li jrid jaqra jrid ikun jaffordja li jixtrihom. Ħafna ftakru f’dan ftit tal-jiem ilu meta miet Pawlu Mizzi, li kien
magħruf bħala bħala missier il-ktieb Malti. ir-raġuni ma kinetx għax kiteb xi ħafna kotba imma għax ħa l-inizjattiva, uħud jgħidu s-sogru, li beda jippubblika l-kotba bil-Malti u bhekk ressaqhom lejn il-qarrejja biex kabbar il-letteratura.
Pawlu Mizzi - Missier il-ktieb Malti
ejn ma kienet sorpriża meta malmewt ta’ Pawlu Mizzi nhar il-5 ta’ Awwissu fl-eta`ta’ 89 sena kull min jgħożż il-kotba bil-Malti għamel eloġji sħaħ dwaru, l-aktar, m’għandnix xi ngħidu l-awturi Maltin li permezz tiegħu ħafna raw ix-xogħol letterarju tagħhom jasal għand il-kotra. Pawlu Mizzi, li twieled ir-Rabat Għawdex fit-28 ta’ Ottubru 1929 jibqa’ magħruf li bena Dar il-Ktieb Malti u welled l-enċiklopedija Heritage bl-għan li din tiċċelebra lwirt storiku, kulturali, politiku u letterarju , u ċ-ċivilizzazzjoni Maltija. Huwa studja fis-Seminarju ta’ Għawdex u wara fl-Università ta’ Malta, fejn kiseb Baċelerat fl-Arti u aktar tard diploma filqasam tal-librerija. Għallem f’diversi skejjel u serva wkoll bħala librar fl-MCAST. Għal xi zmien, bejn l-1948 u l-1962 Pawlu għamilha ta’ ġurnalist meta ġie mitlub mill- Allied Newspapers biex ikun il-korrispondent tat-Times of Malta u lBerqa għal Għawdex. Wara serva wkoll bħala direttur tal-gazzetta Il-Ħajja u kien direttur ukoll tal-Mediterranean Film Studios. Kien ukoll fost il-kollaboraturi ewlenin meta f’Malta ġie ffilmjat il-film Cristoforo Colombo. Forsi l-aktar li Pawlu jibqa’ mfakkar kien meta fl-1970 waqqaf il-Klabb Kotba Maltin (KKM) li iktar tard saret ilkumpannija Midsea Publications. Il-Klabb Kotba Maltin kien pijunier għall-ktieb Malti u kotba dwar Malta. Permezz talKKM il-ktieb bil-Malti sar affordabbli b’aktar faċilita`għal dawk li jħobbu jaqraw bil-Malti. Kien iffissa prezz li seta’ jintlaġaq mid-dilettanti tal-qari. Kienu spiċċaw il-faxxikli, xi erba’ paġni li ħafna kienu jixtru kull ġimgħa minn wara l-bieb. L-ewwel ktieb li Pawlu Missi ippubblika,
fl-1971, kien Il-Gaġġa ta’ Frans Sammut. Għalkemm Pawlu Mizzi nnifsu ma kienx xi awtur tal-kotba, imma kien strumentali biex l-awturi tal-kotba Maltin saru jistgħu jperrċu x-xogħlijiet tagħhom mal-erbat irjieħ ta’ Malta, u anke f’ħafna okkażjonijiet barra xtutna. Dak li jidher li qanqal f’Pawlu Mizzi lħolma kbira li eventwalment issawret filKlabb Kotba Maltin kienet proprju osservazzjoni ta’ Mikiel Anton Vassalli meta qal li l-Maltin bla tagħlim tal-Malti ma jistgħux jimxu ‘l quddiem. Skont Pawlu Mizzi meta ġie biex iwaqqaf il-Klabb Kotba Maltin żamm f’moħħu li: “Ftit kienu jaqraw, dawk biss li
Pawlu Mizzi
kienu jmorru l-iskola. U minn dawk li jmorru l-iskola min kien jista’ jixtri ktieb? Kont bdejt biex noħloq is-suq. Kont inbigħhom bis-seba’ xelini u nofs (ewro tallum). U biex noħloq suq ridt nagħmel speċi ta’ sensiela”. Ried joħloq suq għall-ktieb Malti u rnexxielu bil-kbir biex bhekk sar pjunier f’dan is-settur. Fost il-mijiet ta’ kotba importanti li ppubblika matul l-istorja tal-KKM u l-Midsea Books, ta’ min isemmi It-Testment il-Ġdid – l-ewwel Bibbja popolari bil-Maltin modern, Il-Miklem ta’ Erin Serracino Inglott, Id-Dizzjunarju ta’ Ġużè Aquilina, Il-ġabra ta’ poeżiji tal-Poeta Nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila li saret mill-Professur Oliver Friggieri, u Rajt Malta Tinbidel ta’ Herbert Ganado. Pawlu Mizzi kellu wkoll xi pubblikazzjonijiet personali fosthom Il-Parroċċa t’Għawdex: Studju kulturali ta’ epoka 1432-1689, serje ta’ leġendi dwar Malta u Għawdex, u Della Descrizione di Malta ta’ Ġan Franġisk Abela Fl-1992, l-istat Malti onora lil Pawlu Mizzi meta tah il-Midalja għall-Qadi tarRepubblika, u fl-1974 ġie maħtur Kavallier tas-Sacra Ordina Militare Constantiniana de San Jorge. Pawlu Mizzi kien miżżewweġ lil Maria Scicluna u kellu tlett itfal: Annamaria, Ginette u Joseph.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Sister Sandra Cassar visits Melbourne S after 37 years in Kenya Tuesday August 20, 2019
ister Sandra Cassar, a member of the Congregation of Nuns, The Daughters of the Sacred Heart who has served in the Missions in Kenya for the last 37 years, Sister Sandra a since 1982, recently visitd Melbourne. She was first sent to an outstation in 3ZZZ. Listeners Hangue near the Diocese of Garissa were very interested and six months later to Hola not far in her missionary from Impekatoni where she stayed for work. 14 years. In 2003 she went to Satalite She was also inclose to the capital Nairobi and then vited to tell her story finished in Limuru. All the time she to a number of Malwas lacking all the luxuries of life but tese Associations happy in her job. and at the same time She currently looks after a group of to accept contribugirls teaching them sewing and com- tions to help her to puters and is now hoping to collect the achieve her dream. 10,000 euros needed to buy a special She also attended embroidery machine that can be used one of the meetings by the girls for stitching logos on gar- of Reskeon Maltese ments. Association Seniors Up until now, these girls have been Group where she reundergoing sewing lessons. It all counted her experistarted when Sister Sandra discovered ences and her a room with four old sewing machines dreams. inside them and decided to teach these Sister Sandra enjgirls how to use them. oyed meeting the With help of contributions from lar- members and in ge organisations, she managed to get turn also listen to a large number of sewing and knitting their stories. She machines and taught the girls how to was impressed by sew uniforms and other garments for how these members the locals so that they could afford still enjoy the comthem. pany of other fellow Sister Sandra felt the call to go to the Maltese and for the Missions at age 15 when she was liv- way they still preing with her family in Malta. After serve their culture and heritage. making sure that they were involved A collection was then made among in missionary work, she joined the the members and presented to her as Congregation of The Daughter of the part of her target to raise enough Sacred Heart. which was close to her money to fulfil her dreams. father’s heart. She was entertained by Reskeon She was recently in Melbourne where member Charlie Sacco who sang some she was interviewed on the Maltese Maltese songs for her, which she enprogramme on Community Radio joyed and appreciated, while the asso-
ciation’s treasurer, George Topolcsanyi, presented her with two special religious wooden crosses (above). Anybody wishing to make a donation to help Sr Sandra’s cause in the mission is requested to get in touch with her by email: PaulVella
Sister Sandra (arrowed) with members of the Reskeon Group
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Il-Grupp Festa Santa Marija ta’Sydney jiċċelebraw C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
ħalkemm il-festa liturġika ta’ Santa Marija Kunċizzjoni ġeneralment titfakkar fil-15 ta’ Awwissu, bħas-snin mgħoddija l-Grupp Festa Santa Marija ta’ Sydney reġgħu iċċelebrawha fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Awwissu billi organizzaw id-Dinner Dance għall-okkażjoni s-Sibt 3 ta’ Awwissu bil-partċipazzjoni ta’ Charlie Muscat u l-Brandy Band, il-brava żagħżugħa Natasha Tatarinoff u l-banda popolari Our Lady Queen of Peace li pprovdew id-divertiment lil sala mimlija. Fost id-divertiment kien hemm ukoll żfin u briju malorkestra, il-banda u l-istatwa ta’ Marija Assunta. Ta’ nkoraġġiment kien il-fatt li għadd sabiħ ta’ dawk li attendew kienu Maltin tat-tieni u tielet ġenerazzjoni. L-għada l-l-Ħadd l-istess Grupp iċċelebra l-festa ta’ Santa Marija Assunta fiċ-Ċentru La Valette b’attendenza oħra sabiħa. Fr. Lonnie Borg li nġieb min Melbourne apposta, qaddes bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali ta’ NSW u l-qari bil-Malti minn studenti talMaltese Language School ta’ NSW. Wara l-quddiesa saret il-purċissjoni bl-istatwa tal-Madonna akkumpanjata mil-Banda Our Lady Queen of Peace., imbagħad sar riċeviment fis-sala taċ-Ċentru b’divertiment offrut mil-banda, minn Charlie Muscat, Wayne Place u Natasha Tatarinoff. Greg Caruana, il-President tal-Grupp ta ħajr lill-kumitat tiegħu, lill-isponsors u l-volontieri li ħadmu biex l-attivtajiet kienu suċċess. Il-vara ta’ Sant Marija
Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member
To register your interest or for more information Antoine - 0405 233 144 -; Roderick - 9670 2020
To advertise on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, among the Maltese Diaspora to write for information to: Maltesevoice@
Il-purċissjoni bilvara ta’ Sant Marija
Fr. Lonnie Borg flimkien mat-tfal li ħadu sehem fil-purċissjoni
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday August 20, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) 32nd Annual Dinner Dance
Saturday 12th October from 7.30 pm at Mandavilla Function Centre Horsley Park. Music: by Joe Apap. Book early. Contact Marlene on 02 9631 9295
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.
Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
Il-festa tal-Vitorja mal-LVSC La Valette Social Centre qed jorganizza trasport għallKatidral ta St Mary ta’ Sydney il-Ħadd 8 ta’ Settembru għall-festa tal-Viittoria 12.00pm: it-trasport jittlaq miċċentru fi Blacktown, u fin-12.30 p.m.: minn ħdejn il knisja ta’ Greystanes Old Prospect Rd. Għal kull tagħrif u booking ċemplu ic-centru: 9622 5847. Ibbukjaw kmieni
Stedina lill-komunita`
Il-Maltese Chaplaincy javżaw li din is-sena ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Vitorja filKatidral ta' St Mary's f’Sydney se ssir fit-8 ta' Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purċissjoni, u wara ssir ilquddiesa bl-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Aktar dettalji jingħataw ‘l-quddiem. Fl-istess waqt qed ifakkru li f’każ li ikun hemm xi tfal li jixtiequ jieħdu sehem fil-purċissjoni billi jilbsu xi kostum Malti jew tal-preċett iċemplu u jħallu d-dettalji tagħhom. Għal kull tagħrif wieħed iċempel lil Fr Tarcsio Micallef MSSP: 9380 8398.
Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance
Saturday, 21 September 2019 Come & Join us at Balmoral Function Centre, 47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5 Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 0439 974 182 or, 0448 100 034 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771 Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436
La Valette Social Centr e
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________
MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.
AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.
Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 20, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:
To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.
SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month
in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Join us and make new friends.
Maltese Group
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of each
Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc.
L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-ilsien Malti fil-binja tagħhom f’14 Watt Street, Sunshine, Victoria. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom għarfien sew tal-Malti kemm miktub kif ukoll mitkellem. Ibgħat applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lill: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee
Remaining main events for 2019
Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast
Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Sports on 2 pages
Tuesday August 20, 2019
The story of Caroline Springs GEORGE CROSS
unday 30th of June 2019 will go down as being one of the greatest days ever in the 72-year-old history of Victoria state’s George Cross Football Club. When captain George Tsiakalakis led the team onto the plush new stadium at City Vista Court in Fraser Rise that Sunday afternoon, many longtime followers of this historic club could not believe they were actually seeing their long held dream finally come true.They were there to be part of history (above).
Moving from a Third World ground to a modern stadium
rom the very be- – Part One – ginning in 1947 this Maltese sponsored and supported club has always struggled to make ends meet, but with the continued backing of many loyal supporters, George Cross has survived and withstood the test of time.
When the club was in its heydays in the early 1960’s the only concern for people running the club at the time was to win trophies at any price. At the time George Cross had the largest following of any club in Victoria and money was never an issue. Unfortunately, most of the money was August 1962 at Olympic Park: George Cross (striped shirts) v South Melbourne Hellas (1-1)
by VictorBrincat
splashed out on luring big name players to the club and as everyone knows this cost big money. How wise would it have been if a fraction of what was paid to players were invested in a plot of land to establish a solid foundation for the club! It wasn’t to be and the club was to pay a heavy price for many years that followed. In its fledging years the club used the open paddocks of Royal Park and Princes Park close to the city of Melbourne, but when George Cross joined the inaugural State League competition in 1958 the club moved to their first enclosed ground at Campbell Reserve in Moreland. Between 1958 -1980 George Cross could not settle down anywhere and went on a yearly walk-about and used no fewer than seventeen grounds as their home ground. Home grounds used included the Showgrounds, Olympic Village in Heidelberg, Elsternwick Park, Tracy’s Speedway in Maribyrnong, Schintler Reserve in Footscray, Selwyn Park in Albion, No.1 and No. 2 grounds at Olympic Park, Junction Oval in St. Kilda, Carlton Cricket Ground, Martin Reserve in Fawkner, Partridge Reserve in Thomastown and back to Selwyn Park in 1980 for one game. The club also had to play home games at Green Gully Reserve, Kim Reserve in Altona BT Connor Reserve in Reservoir and Seaford Reserve in Frankston. (to be continued in the next issue)
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Sports on 2 pages
Tuesday August 20, 2019
Former Malta coach Victor Scerri dies at 91
The passing away of a true gentleman
Victor Scerri spent the last few years convalescing. Above receiving the former MFA president
n the first few days of August Maltese football mourned the loss of football legend Victor Scerri, the former national team goalkeeper, national team coach and administrator who died on August 4 aged 91. Victor, born on July 17, 1928, was a true gentleman on and off the football pitch. He was a Sliema Wanderers icon serving the club as their goalkeeper, and coach for most of his footballing career, though he knows his beginning as a senior player with Melita in the 1946/47 season. He kept goal for Malta in the historic first official international friendly match on February 24, 1957 against Austria at the Empire Stadium in Gzira that Malta lost 3-2. At club level, he spent most of his career with Sliema though he also played a few matches with Floriana. A serious injury in 1963 cut short his playing career. After that, he embarked on a coaching career mostly with Sliema but also had spells with Gzira United and Msida St Joseph before he was appointed Malta’s national team coach for less than two months in 1973 (Sept. 28 – Nov. 11). He had a second spell at the helm of the national team that lasted for five years (Oct 29, 1978 – Dec. 21 1983). His second spell coincided with Malta’s scoreless draw against West Germany in the European Championship qualifier in Gżira in February 1979. He was also in charge when Malta beat Iceland in Messina on June 5, 1982. Under his charge Malta played 29 matches, won five, drew 3 and lost 21.
Valletta’s run in Europe halted by Astana
alletta’s European competitions’ adventure came to an abrupt end last Thursday following a 4-0 defeat against 4-0 Astana in the second leg of their Europa League third round match in Malta. It gave their opponents from Kazakstan a 9-1 aggregate victory over the two legs. Astana had won the first leg 5-1. Valletta had started their European commitments in the UEFA Champions League by beating Dudelange (Luxembourg) and quali-
GG sound a warning
Green Gully 6 Dandenong 6 ith football finals just around the corner Green Gully sounded out a warning to all other final contenders with a devastating 62 defeat of Dandenong Thunder Saturday. Gully took the lead after 13 minutes through Matthew Fletcher, but Thunder levelled after 30 minutes. Nick Kalmar again scored for Gully nine minutes later and Fletcher and Tee Boy Kamara ended the game as a contest with two more tallies. An own goal increased the Greens’ lead. Dandenong pulled a late goal back but Jonathon Bounas put the icing on the cake for 6-2. Hume City 1 Green Gully 3 *Green Gully cemented their place in the finals with a decisive 3-1 win over Hume City. They took the lead on the stroke of half time from Matthew Fletcher and the same player gave them a 2-0 interval lead while Nick Kalmar sealed it in the 88th, before Hume got a consolation goal.
fied to meet Ferencvaros in the second qualifying round. After getting eliminated by the Hungarians they were given the chance to play in the Europa League where they met Astana. Astana proved much too strong. They completly dominatd Valletta in the first leg where their only goal in a 5-1 loss was scored by Fontanella, and then were a disappointment in the return at the Centenary Stadium where they never got going and lost 4-0.
State League 1 North-West:
GC’s 6-week unbeaten ends
CS George Cross 1 Preston Lions 4 eorge Cross six weeks’ remarkable undefeated streak came to an end when they were outclassed 1-4 by table-toppers Preston in front of the biggest crowd of the season at City Vista Court Stadium. The visitors had the game sewn up within 26 minutes by racing to a 3-0 lead. George Slefendorfas pulled one back for the Cross but Preston got their fourth. Brimbank Stallions 2 CS George Cross 4 * The previous week George Cross came from behind to beat Brimbank 4-2. They fell behind afer 20 minutes when goalkeeper Ryan Gauci partially saved a penalty but was beaten from the rebound. The Georgies drew level from another penalty by Andre Lopes soon after, forged ahead (46th) through George Slefendorfas, and added two more from Dominic Swinton and Slefendorfas’’ second. Brimbank scored a consolation in time added on.
NPL 3 NSW Men’s:
Parramatta relegated for 3rd successive year
Parramatta FC 2 Granville Rage 2 arramatta FC grabbed their first draw of the 2019 season by sharing the spoils with Granville Rage FC, 2-2 at Melita Stadium, but they confirmed their relegation from the NPL3 competition for 2019. It is their third successive relegation, The visitors took a 30th minute lead but Parramatta levelled through Sheldon Tweedie (50th min) and Victor Anyimba put them in front. The Rage equalised 10 minutes later. In the end Parramatta were probably lucky to get away with a draw. It now looks certain that the uncharted waters of NPL4 will await Parramatta in the 2020 season. Bankstown 5 Parramatta FC 4 * Previously the Eagles lost a thrilling match at Bankstown 4-5 with Mark Symington 2, Sheldon Tweedie and Ahmad Elrich scoring Parramatta’s goals. Stefan Giglio saved a penalty for Parramatta. with a spectacular save. Parramatta FC 0 Hawkesbury 2 *In the other match Parramatta’s 02 home defeat finished with them ending the game with only 10 men after the red carding of Khalid Kallybokus.