The Voice of the Maltese
Issue 213 October 8, 2019
(driven by the voice of its readers )
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The Saltpans at Xlendi Bay in Gozo
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
“We have never been so close together, yet further apart” A Prime Minister Joseph Muscat tells 74th UN General Assembly:
ddressing the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Malta’s Prime Minister said that despite the fact that today’s world can be described as interdependent, aware and diverse, it is also polluted, isolationist, unequal. “We have never been so close together, yet further apart”. He went on to say, “We are living in an era where, whilst the individual is at the centre of the decisionmaking process, the decisions that are being taken are not necessarily people-oriented. Contradictory situations and outcomes are the order of the day.” Dr. Muscat told the UNGA that one cannot just accept all this as inevitable. “We are fortunate enough to be living in an age when we are not only aware of changes that are happening around us, but we are also part of them. We are duty-bound to ensure that these on-going changes and transformations leave no one behind”. He said that transformations need to be used to benefit people and not create divisions between the haves and the have not’s; those on the outside with those on the inside, because economic prosperity does not mean social injustice, and patriotism does not equate to isolationism. He said that diversity is an enriching factor in society, and that it is our responsibility to show the value of all peoples, ir-respective of their age, race, sexual orientation, gender, creed or disability. Turning to the case of Malta, he said it has embarked on a journey of conviction to fight social marginalisation and address the needs and rights of those who for decades were regarded as daughters and sons of a lesser God. He said that from marriage equality to gender-neutral markers, the advancements made by Malta in the field of the LGBTIQ community are described to be the global “gold standard” by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and that it is a privilege and a responsibility to be seen as a leader on such an important matter. He pointed out that with an overall rating of 94% in the ILGA Rainbow map, Malta is now consistently the leading European country in protecting LGBTIQ people in areas of equality and non-discrimination, hate crime and hate speech, legal gender recognition and bodily integrity, civil society space and asylum. “All this was achieved in just a few years thanks to a strong bond between the Government and civil society. Our experience has taught us that empowering citizens and ensuring that they have a voice in addressing and resolving issues that concern them
and impact on their lives, is an important part of Malta’s success in this field. He added that there is still a long way to go, and Malta’s ambition is clear; not only to provide the necessary legal platform but also to contest social norms that abet stigma and discrimination. “We are working strong and fast on this aspect and our efforts are starting to bear fruit,” he said.
Our commitment is to pro‘vide an education system where our children develop their personal and social potential to the fullest
The Prime Minister mentioned the latest Eurobarometer survey on LGBTIQ equality that ranked Malta first in acceptance of gender identity recognition and showed positive results in societal acceptance of LGBTIQ colleagues and the need for inclusive educational curricula in schools. He maintained that the country still needs to continue to address certain issues to ensure a more holistic approach such as family acceptance. He said Malta has also enacted cuttingedge legislation in the field of gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics, and is currently working, further to UN recommendations on other areas. “The future is female, for we need to understand that we cannot succeed when approximately half of our global population is being held back. “Women have for centuries played an important role in society both in communities and for the past decades in places of work. Yet this role has been underestimated, under-acknowledged and at times even unrecognised.” He said he firmly believes that the strong worldwide momentum pushing for women’s rights should inspire leaders to review the pace of progress and ensure that Governments commit to achieving gender equality in our lifetime.
“On a national level, Malta has been promoting numerous initiatives that underscore the country’s commitment to the gender equality agenda and the promotion of equal opportunities for all,” Dr. Muscat said. He then mentioned important steps Malta has taken to achieve these opportunities, such as replacing the island’s passive benefit system, with its underlying poverty trap, into an active system that puts people back onto their feet. “We were not willing to continue to accept a situation where we allowed thousands of lives to be spent in situations of unnecessary inactivity, where families and individuals are trapped into a life on the edge, scraping through but marginalised on the edges of our society,” he said. Measures Malta has taken in this field the last six years halved the number of those on social assistance. He also mentioned the introduction of universal free childcare for all working parents resulting in a silent social revolution that helped the female employment rate to increase from 52% in 2013 to 63.4% in 2018. Malta also firmly believes that gender balance in politics would benefit not only women and female politicians, but also parties themselves and the rest of society at large, and aware of the persistent under-representation of women in Parliament, a reform proposing affirmative action that can help it bridge the gap has been launched. In this the 30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Malta is currently working towards enhancing the full realisation of children’s rights. “Our commitment is to provide an education system where our children develop their personal and social potential to the fullest and acquire the appropriate knowledge, key skills, competences, and attitudes through a value-oriented formation including equity, social justice, diversity, and inclusivity,” Dr. Muscat said. While striving to implement a mainstream approach to education, including through the release of a national Inclusion Policy, Malta also recognises the importance of working towards equality of outcomes for all and to ensure that no child is left behind. He rounded up his address to the General Assembly by saying; “Our commitment should be to continue providing the best to our peoples for a better quality of life and a brighter future. A generation implies that we are all involved and hence we are all expected to contribute to define our own future and to leave a better world to future generations”.
Tuesday October 8, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 3
National dignity Viva Malta!
Below is part four of a series of articles about the Maltese heroes who gave their all so that our homeland in the Mediterranean could become what it is today. A history to be proud of, to celebrate, and one that must recognise the magnificent contribution made by our ancestors.
The global significance of Malta’s contribution to World War II
bout four hundred years after the Great Siege of 1565, Malta was to again play a pivotal role in the shaping of global history. The Nazi forces under Erwin Rommel's command were causing havoc in the desert war in the Middle East. At the time, without Malta, Rommel AndyBusuttil recognised that he could not gain full control of the Middle East. For this reason Malta needed to be brought to its knees and taken by the Axis powers. Once Malta had capitulated, Rommel could have been fully supplied and his daring and inventive attacks against the Allies in the Middle East would have more than likely succeeded. The main reason he failed was that forces based on Malta were holding up his supply lines, sourced from Axis conquests in Greece. If supplies could come through Malta his successes would have quite likely been assured. It is stated that Rommel had, in fact, personally asked Hitler to send an invasion force to Malta to secure the islands. While it is possible to think that this may have made little difference to the Axis war effort, consider the strategic importance of Rommel's elite and seasoned army being able to attack the Soviet Union through its southern flanks. Rommel’s force could potentially have been sent up through Turkey and Armenia in a massive pincer movement coinciding with Operation Barbarossa attacking through the army groups North, Centre and South on the European border with the Soviet Union. This is certainly all conjecture. However, the possibilities of an 'Afrika Korps' under Rommel, freed from its duties in the Western Desert, now being cut loose on the Soviets in this way could have led to a vastly different outcome. One also needs to consider that if Malta had fallen, Churchill's plan (adopted by the Americans) to attack the 'soft underbelly of Europe' would have never succeeded since it could never have been started. If the Axis powers had a strong naval base and airfields on our homeland, Europe could never have been liberated from the south. It also needs to be remembered that the giant pincers initiated by the Allied forces meant invasions on the Normandy beaches and through the Italian mainland had to occur in order to divide Axis forces on two fronts with the Soviet front being the third. If the Axis powers had greater control of the southern Erwin Rommell borders of the Soviet Union it made gains in Africa (map), but without Malta he could not control the Middle East
is conceivable that the Soviets may never have been able to launch a counter attack to Operation Barbarossa (the invasion by Nazi Germany), which eventually took them through to Berlin. They would have been totally preoccupied with the defence of Erwin Rommel their own homeland. As well as this, the Axis powers would only have needed to defend one European front (Normandy Beaches) instead of two (Normandy plus Italy). It's possible that Mussolini, without occupation by the Allies in Italy would not have been displaced. On the other side of the conflict in South East Asia, South Asia and Asia, the Japanese would not have had the full might of the USA directed towards them since VE Day may not have occurred when it did. That would have meant that the Japanese would have had greater freedom to attack the Soviet Union through Manchuria. Perhaps one of the significant reasons that they did not succeed during WWII was due to the fact that the Soviets could direct substantial troops and firepower via their Soviet and Mongolian forces to defeat the Japanese. If the Soviets were occupied by the scenario I describe above it is likely that the forces in the South East facing Japan would not have been as well supplied and resourced. In fact, while much focus has been on attacks by the American forces on the Japanese in the South Pacific, it is also true that the Soviets, once freed from the Nazi threat on their Western front, launched full-scale attacks on the Japanese in Manchuria. The geo-political mosaic may, again, have been totally different; except for Malta! *to be continued
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers
Why non-adversarial processes should be considered, rather than storming in to Court
by PaulSant
ou and your partner have separated. Things are heated. Costs do not concern you, and you are keen to get to Court where you think the Judge will tell your former partner what for. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, we suggest you continue reading. Now that those feelings have been vented, at least a little, let’s re-assess that position, and perhaps do some reality testing. PRE-ACTION PROCEDURES – things that need to be done, before submitting an application to the court There are different requirements, depending on whether a family law dispute relates to parenting, or property. This Article focuses on property. If you want to go to court for property Orders, including to receive payments of spousal maintenance: There is an extensive list in Part 1 of the Family Law Rules 2004, which in summary, requires you to make a genuine effort to resolve the dispute before commencing court proceedings by:
1. Participating in dispute resolution – negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, counselling; 2. Exploring options for settlement by correspondence; 3. Providing notice that you intend to commence Court proceedings; 4. Complying with the ongoing duty of full and frank financial disclosure; 5. Making inquiries about available dispute resolution services; 6. Invite other parties to participate in dispute resolution; 7. Co-operate and participate in dispute resolution.
IF there are no good reasons NOT to take the above steps, the Court may make a costs Order against you, for payment of a portion of the other party’s legal costs. Generally, only where a case involves: - Urgency; - Allegations of family violence and/or fraud; - A genuinely intractable dispute; - Risk of prejudice or adverse consequences, if notice was given of an intention to start court proceedings; - Where one party asserts a de facto relationship and the other denies this; Will the court potentially accept that it was not possible or appropriate for a party to follow the pre-action procedures. Court-ordered dispute resolution Courts have the power to, and will make Orders, for parties to attend alternative dispute resolution services, such as mediation, and family dispute resolution. It is useful to evidence attempts the parties have made to resolve the dispute, before putting your matter into the Court’s hands without trying to resolve the dispute in another way. OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS – Public versus Private It is always important to consider whether you want your dispute to be public record, with results reported, as opposed to a private non-adversarial process. If you and/or your former partner have matters that you do not want aired in a public forum, you should appropriately consider the privacy offered by reaching a settlement out of Court. The adversarial system was not designed for separating couples No two separating couples’ situation
Now at: 21 George Street
Phone: 8599 8877 Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken
can be guaranteed to follow a set pathway. The law attempts to set a pathway to be followed in considering disputes. The adversarial Court process was simply not built to determine personal issues between former spouses in order to resolve family law disputes. Legislation and rules have been put into place to guide Judges in Courts, who can only achieve what the law and rules permit them to, based on admissible evidence put forward. Judges are also bound to follow previous decisions: the Family Law Act 1975 is around 45 years old, and has been subject to many amendments, that Courts then have to interpret and apply. Who would you prefer to make decisions that affect your future? You need to strongly consider whether you are OK with a complete stranger (Judge) making legally binding decisions about your future, based on evidence you and your former partner will present, and will be cross-examined on. Your personal dispute could become a test case for a Judge determining how a section of the law was intended to be applied. You would have much more involvement in non-adversarial processes where you will have the choice to accept or reject, and propose, offers to the other party. Agreements reached between parties can be formalised by way of Consent Orders, which are attractive as: 1. Parties have involvement in what the Orders will be; 2. They are often obtained without being subjected to lengthy, expensive and relationship-damaging cross-examinations that are involved in the adversarial court process; 3. With the benefit of being legally enforceable Orders of the Court which give peace of mind to parties moving forward.
CONCLUSION There are various avenues through which a settlement can be finalised. In fact, the majority of family law disputes are settled outside of Court. Some are settled by way of negotiation between lawyers, some are settled at a private mediation, and some are settled outside the Courtroom. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from discussing options following a breakdown of their relationship, Paul Sant has extensive experience in assisting clients in exploring logical cost-effective options that put your future, rather than your feelings, first.
Il-pittura tal-altari fill-kappelluni tal-knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat
Tuesday October 8, 2019
l-Knisja Parrokkjali tar-Rabat li iddedikata lill-Appostlu Missierna San Pawl, hi mimlija b’xogħlijiet kbar ta’ pittura li jżejnu l-altari tagħha. Iżda fiż-żewġ kappelluni tal-ġnub - qed nirreferi għall-kappellun ta’ San Anton Abbati u dak ta’ faċċata tiegħu, ta’ San Stiefnu - hemm żewġ kwadri kbar sbieħ ħafna li jiksu kważi l-faċċata kollha talkappelluni rispettivi tagħhom. Nibda mill-kwadru ta’ San Stiefnu tal-kappellun li ħa isem il-kwadru. Dan il-kwadru tpitter minn Mattia Preti, pittur kbir Taljan minn Taverna li miet f’Malta f’Jannar tal- 699, meta kellu 85 sena, età mhux żgħira għal dawk iż-żminijiet. Jiena dejjem sostnejt li wara Caravaggio, l-akbar pittur barrani f’pajjiżna jiġi Mattia Preti, magħruf l-aktar f’pajjiżna għas-saqaf tal-Knisja Konventwali tal-Kavallieri, ilKon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann fil-belt kapitali Maltija Valletta. Fl-altar ta’ San Stiefnu nsibu l-forzi kollha tal-pittura ta’ Preti. Il-pittura turi l-martirju, jew aħjar it-tħaġġir, tal-qaddis San Stiefnu, li l-festa tiegħu hi l-għada tal-Milied (aħna l-Maltin ngħidu ‘mill-Milied sa San Stiefnu’). Fil-pittura naraw lil San Stiefnu għarkupptejh liebes it-tuniċella, b’idejh miftuħa u b’ħarstu tal-ħniena jħares lejn issema. Il-figura ta’ San Stiefnu tiddomina ċ-ċentru ta’ din il-pittura ta’ Preti. Ma’ San Stiefnu naraw il-manigoldi jwaddbu l-ġebel lejn il-qaddis ... xena tassew makabra. Issa importanti wkoll li wieħed jinnota li f’din il-pittura naraw ukoll lil San Pawl għadu żgħir. Iva, Preti pitter lil San Pawl iħares lejn din ix-xena kerha jżomm il-ħwejjeġ talmanigoldi. San Pawl jidher fost il-ġemgħa kurjuża. Dan il-moviment f’dan il-kwadru tiegħu ma kienx kollox għal Preti, għax fil-parti ta’ fuq tiegħu naraw anġlu nieżel mis-sema jwassal il-palma u l-kuruna tal-martirju lil San Stiefnu. Fuq nett naraw ukoll lis-Santissima Trinità tilqa’ dan il-martri fi ħdanha: lil San Stiefnu, l-ewwel martri tal-
The Voice of the Maltese 5
knisja. Dan hu kwadru t a s s e w s a b i ħ , movimentat b’kuluri li jgħinu mhux ftit lil din ix-xena PeterPaulCiantar makabra. Iżda filparti ta’ fuq il-pittur, b’intelliġenza kbira, ipoġġi moviment u kuluri aktar mixgħula biex jgħinna nħossu fina l-parti glorjuża tal-martirju ta’ San Stiefnu. Il-kwadru juri l-arti Barokka ta’ dan il-pittur li f’pajjiżna għandu diversi xogħlijiet, mhux biss fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann imma f’diversi parroċċi oħra. Faċċata ta’ dan il-kwadru hemm ieħor tajjeb, dak magħruf bħala ta’ San Anton Abbati, għalkemm iċ-ċentru tiegħu huwa l-Madonna bil-Bambin, imdawra b’għadd ta’ Anġli. F’dan il-kwadru hemm ukoll li fiż-żewġ irkejjen t’isfel San Anton Abbati liebes ta’ raħeb u lil San Filippu Neri liebes l-abiti sagri. Wieħed jinnota wkoll li l-ħarsa ta’ dawn iżżewġ qaddisin hija lejn iċ-ċentru tal-kwadru, lejn ilMadonna. L-anġli li jdawru din il-pittura jagħtu ħajja movimentata lil dan ix-xogħol tassew sabiħ. Din hi pittura tassewt tajba (għalkemm ftit inqas minn dik ta’ San Stiefnu) u l-pittur tagħha huwa Filippo Marulli, artist Malti li kien jgħix Ruma mal-famuż Melchiorre Gafà. Tajjeb li nsemmu li dan il-kwadru ta’ San Anton Abbati kienet ordnatu Cosmana Navarra u jinsab fil-Kappellun tagħha, fejn tinsab ukoll midfuna. TAĦT: Il-kwadri ta’ San Stiefnu (xellug) u San Anton Abbati
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Il-PBS twettaq wegħda importanti mal-Maltin ta’ barra:
Issa dokumentarji bis-sottotitli
tit tal-jiem ilu Television Malta nieda zewġ dokumentarji ‘Pass Pass għal Auschwitz’ (Step by Step to Ahwitz) u ‘Culhat al Belt’ bis-sottotitli bl-Ingliż fuq Youtube biex hekk joffri viżwal bi kwalità ogħla u jwassal ix-xogħol tal-ġurnalisti u lprodutturi Maltin lil hinn minn Malta. Il-link li wieħed gġandu jsegwi hi: Permezz tagħha wieħed jista’ jsib il-links għall-aħħar dokumentarji mxandra minn TVM, u oħrajn li se jixxandru ‘l quddiem. Meta f’Lulju li għadda d-diriġenza ta’ The Voice of the Maltese iltqajna maċ-Chairman Dr Tonio Portughese u membri tal-bord talPBS iddiskutejna kif il-Maltin ta’ barra jistgħu jkunu moqdija aħjar mis-servizz ipprovdut minn TVM. Kien dakinhar li ssemmiet għall-ewwel darba l-possibilta` li xi programmi ta’ TVM, l-aktar dokumentarji b’laqta’ storika jibdew jiġu mxandra fuq
Youtube bis-sottotitli bl-Ingliż. Dik il-ħolma issa seħħet u l-PBS waslet li twettaq dan il-progett tant meħtieġ li kif qal iċ-chairman, “jimplimenta l-vizjoni taxxandir pubbliku f’kuntest ta’ servizz Inter nazzjonali”. Għandu wkoll jgħin biex il-Maltin ta’ barra, l-aktar il-komunitajiet kbar li hemm fl-Awstralja, il-Kanada, l-Istati Uniti, irRenju Unit u f’pajjizi oħra li forsi m’għadhomx daqshekk intiżi fl-ilsien Maltin, jsegwu b’aktar interess u fl-istess waqt isiru aktar midħla ta’ lsien art twelidhom. Għandu wkoll jgħin biex forsi wliedhom u wlied uliedhom isibuha aktar faċli li jifhmu l-Malti Għall-quddiem PBS se tkompli tagħmel l-istess bi produzzjonijiet oħra, l-aktar dawk b’ricerka storika. Id-dokumentarji li qed jixxandru fuq YouTube se jibqgħu disponibbli għal żmien indefinit.
Tickets: Adults $45, ChildrenUnder 12: &15 For more information please contact Kids Under 5 Free. No door Sales President: Emmanuel Vella 0405 677 064 Tickets Non-refundable Public Relations Officer: Jacqui 0433 320 944
Scams on our phones and social media are robbing us blind
What can you do?
n the past few weeks, how many times were you fooled by bogus telephone calls? NBN is going to cut-off your connection, the Taxation office has money for you, or you have won the lottery. Vulnerable Australians and many in our Maltese community are being taken for a ride and needlessly losing tens of thousands of dollars to phone scammers in a growing crime wave. Furthermore, social media related scams on Facebook and Instagram are amongst the fastest growing ways to catch out unsuspected persons in our community. New figures from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission shows social networking, and online forums nearly doubled in the past year, climbing by 44 per cent. More than 3,000 innocent persons have been cheated. Are you one of them or are you the lucky one? The cost to Australian business in 2017 was a staggering $45 billion, 42.5 per cent of scams are delivered by phone. The people most susceptible to scams are those in the age of 65 years and over. Telephone frauds, including increasing sophisticated takes on tax, lotteries and investment scams represented almost half of all scams reported to ACCC last year and 28 per cent of money stolen from victims. There are interventions, call-blocking technology we need to know about. How can you take simple precautions to personally protest yourself against cybercrime? We can assist you to be prepared, to fight these crooks. There will be an open information session about this subject on November 27 at the George Preca Meeting Rooms at OLQP Greystanes at 7.30pm. Language spoken - English/Maltese. Free admission, light refreshments. All welcome. Organised by The Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Il-Bank of Valletta jwaqqaf is-servizzi lill-Maltin li jgħixu barra Tuesday October 8, 2019
-Bank of Valletta, il-bank ewlieni ta’ pajjiżna Malta li fl-1993 kien fetaħ uffiċċji rappreżentattivi fl-Awstralja u l-Kanada, ħabbar id-deċiżjoni drastika li wara 26 sena mhux se jkompli jipprovdi servizzi bankarji lill-Maltin residenti barra minn Malta. Dan qed isir b’riżultat ta’ regoli ħorox finanzjarji internazzjonali u ftehim li sar bejn il-pajjiżi filqasam finanzjarju internazzjonali li minħabba fihom il-BOV kellu jieħu ċerti prekawzjonijiet. L-aħħar deċiżjoni ittieħdet wara li f’Mejju ta’ din is-sena l-bank kien talab b’mod l-aktar aggressiv lill-klijenti tiegħu fl-Awstralja biex fi żmien qasir jibagħtu tagħrif dettaljat dwar il-flus li kellhom filbank. Kien qalilhom li jekk ma jagħmlux dan, ilkontijiet tagħhom setgħu jigu mblukkati. Il-bank kien qal li qed jagħmel dan skont ir-regoli “prevention of money laundering and funding of terrorism”. Din id-deċiżjoni laqtet bħal leħħa ta’ berqa lil eluf ta’ klijenti fil-pajjiżi fejn jgħixu l-Maltin barra minn Malta. Għal darb’oħra l-bank ta biss perjodu qasir ta’ xahrejn biex il-klijenti jkun jistgħu jibagħtu l-istruzzjonijiet meħtieġa ħalli l-kontijiet tagħhom jispiċċaw minn Malta u jiġu trasferiti lura lejn l-Awstralja, il-Kanada, ecc. Għalkemm l-ammont totali tal-flus li lMaltin investew fil-BOV qatt ma gie magħruf uffiċjalment, iżda nafu li meta fl1995 l-MidMed Bank, li dakhinar kien għadu tal-Gvern Malti, kellu problemi serji mal-awtoritajiet finanzjarji Awstraljani meta l-impjegati tiegħu fl-Awstralja kienu ġew mixlija bi frodi, kien ġie rrappurtat f’In-Nazzjon tal-5 ta’ Awwissu 1995 li l-MidMed Bank kien attira £20 miljun liri Maltin mingħand l-emigranti Maltin fil-Kanada, l-Awstralja u l-Ingilterra. Ma’ dawn wieħed irid iżid miljuni ta’ liri oħra li l-Bank of Valletta akkwista tul is26 sena li ilu jħaddem dawn il-kontijiet. Li jfisser li l-għeluq ta’ dawn il-kontijiet se jkun ta’ daqqa ta’ ħarta oħra lil dan ilbank Malti. Il-mod kif kienu joperaw il-banek Maltin fl-Awstralja kien dejjem ta’ tħassib għax għalkemm kollox kien leġali iżda r-raġunijiet u l-intenzjoni reali ta’ minn kien jibgħat il-flus Malta kienu ovvji u magħrufa. *Il-Bank of Valletta huwa l-eqdem istitituzzjoni li tipprovdi servizz finanzjarju fil-pajjiż. Sa mill-2014 il-bank beda jagħti servizzi f’44 fergħa, sitt ċentri reġjonali u kwartieri ġenerali f’Santa Venera. Sa ftit ilu kien ukoll rappreżentat fl-Awstralja, ilBelġu u r-Renju Unit. Skont ir-regoli internazzjonali l-affarijiet issa se jinbidlu. Fost servizzi li jipprovdi fil-Gzejjer Maltin, il-BOV għandu għadd ta’ ATMs imxerdin ma’ Malta u Għawdex. Fl-2010 installa wkoll l-hekk magħrufa bħala lewwel BOV DRIVE-THROUGH ATM li biha tista’ tuża s-servizzi bankarji millkarozza.
Il-kwartieri ġenerali tal-BOV f’Santa Venera, Malta
Sunday 30th October 2019 At 1.30pm
Good Shepherd Community Centre 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW (Opposite the shopping centre)
Music & Entertainment by The Heartnbeats
Loads of fantastic prizes to be won There will be drinks and food of all types including ‘Pastizzi and Ħobż biż-Zejt jew bil-Bigilla’ And FREE ice Cream for all children ENTRY IS FREE AND PLENTY OF PARKING
So come along, bring your family and friends! IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2019
Dinner Dance Sat 8 November 2019 Tickets are now available.
The Feast of St Nicholas on Sunday 1st December
For further information please contact:
The President – Emmanuel Vella – 0405 677 064
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Insewna ħajjin I am so angry! Y
Anthony Vella from Seven Hills NSW writes: our report about the celebration of the Feast of Maria Bambina at the church of the Maltese in in Parkville, Melbourne (issue 212) was noticed not just by those south of the border but especially by the Maltese in Sydney. The church was packed not just by by devotees for the mass concelebration but also by priests. How privileged the Maltese in Melbourne are! Notice the many Maltese priests they have on hand in particular so many from the MSSP. Yet in Sydney we cannot even find a replacement for a Maltese priest in the Western suburbs where the majority of the Maltese reside. I am also very upset to hear that the Malta Curia has not even acknowledged official letters of concern sent to them regarding the Maltese religious situation in NSW. As the saying in Maltese goes “insewna ħajjin”.
Christine Pollack from Gatton QLD writes: am just about fed up, frustrated and angry because I am repeatedly told to “go online”, “solve your problems online”. No, I do not want to go online. I want to contact a human, and if you want to contact me use the postal services. I may be old fashioned but this “online” business is getting out of hand. I do not trust the Internet, there are too many scams. Please, let’s organise an army to fight this madness. Yes, I am Australian-born and I do read The Voice.
The Voice, magazine li qed jgħin li tiġi ppreservata l-kultura Maltija Dominic N Pantalleresco mill-Gzira Malta jikeb:
ħas soltu rċevejt il-magazine online ta’ kull ġimagħtejn, The Voice of the Maltese li hu ndirizzat lejn id-Diaspora Maltija u li ħafna bħali f’Malta jirċevuh ukoll b’mod regolari. Dejjem inkun anzjuż nistennieh biex insegwi l-kitbiet li jsaħħruk li dejjem ikun fih. Fl-aħħar ħarġa laqatni ħafna l-artiklu dwar l-eks Editur ta’ The Maltese Herald, is-Sur Lino Vella li kien wieħed mill-pijunieri dwar gazzetta informattiva għall-Maltin u Ghawdxin li kienu siefru fiż-żmien meta f’Malta kien għad hawn il-faqar, nuqqas ta xogħol, tnaqqis ta’ ħaddiema Maltin impjegati mas-Servizzi Inglizi, u dak magħruf
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bħala “rundown”. Kien żmien meta ħafna Maltin u Għawdxin kemm dawk tas-sengħa kif ukoll dawk li jbiegħu s-saħħa kellhom kontra qalbhom ibewġu lejn l-Awstralja jew lejn inħawi oħra tad-dinja biex ikollhom għajxien deċenti u ġejjieni aħjar minn art twelidhom. Nintressa ruħi ħafna meta f’dan il-magazine naqra artikli interessanti li jiffukaw dwar dak li li kien hawn f’Malta żmien ilu, bħall-ferrovija u t-tramm li kiteb dwarhom il-Maestro Rabti, Peter Paul Ciantar. Ħadt gost li permezz tal-ktibiet tiegħu tana stampa ċara dwar meta f’Malta kienu jaħdmu kemm il-ferovija u wkoll it-tramm. Naħseb li wieħed jagħmel tajjeb li mhux biss fl-Awstralja l-Maltin ikunu jafu dwar dak li kellna fiż-żmien. Anzi nissuġġerixxi li dan it-tagħrif jingħata lit-tfal fil-klassijiet tal-iskejjel ta’ Malta u Għawdex għax din hi kultura ta’ storja li seħħet. Importanti li ż-żgħażagħ tagħna jkun mgħarrfa dwar kemm kien hawn nies li jintressahom ilprogress ta Malta tagħna llkoll. Grazzi Sur Editur li żżewqilna r-rivista b’kitbiet ta’ ħutna l-Maltin u nsiru nafu dwar dak kollu li hu Malti u Għawdxi għax b’hekk il-kultura tiġi ippriservata. Għalkemm żgħar, dan għandu jagħmlilna unur fid-dinja, kburin b’dak li l-ħanin Alla għoġbu jżejjen lill-gżejjer tagħna. PS: Dawk li forsi għad mhumiex jirċevu lmagazin permezz ta’ email u jixtiequ jissieħbu mal-eluf li qed jirċevuh, jistgħu jagħmlu dan billi jibagħtu email bit-talba tagħhom lil:
Ħtieġa li t-tifkiriet tal-anzjani jkunu dokumentati, arkivjati u ppubblikati
Tuesday October 8, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 9
tit tal-jiem ilu filKamra tar-Rapprezentanti fil-bini talParlament, l-Ispeaker Anġlu Farrugia mexxa s-sitt laqgħa tal-Parlament tanNanniet għall-2019 li fiha attendew għadd ta’ anzjani li bil-preżenza u t-tifkiriet tagħhom żejjnu l-okkażjoni. Fil-kelmtejn li għamel bħala introduzzjoni l-Ispeaker semma l-kollaborazzjoni bejn il-Parlament ta’ Malta u l- Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta, u qal li lParlament tan-Nanniet għandu jitqies bħala diskussjoni fil-kuntest ta’ djalogu informali bejn il-Membri Parlamentari u n-nanniet. Żied li din hi esperjenza utli ħafna li matulha l-qagħda tan-nanniet qed tkun diskussa mill-parlamentari Maltin u l-imsieħba tal-Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta. L-Ispeaker iddeskriva lill-ġenituri bħala parti millpatrimonju nazzjonali ta’ pajjiżna għaliex sawru fit-tfal tagħhom valuri għonja u qaddisa. “Aħna għandna nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex il-familji tagħna jkunu lpost ta’ kenn u serħan u djar ta’ imħabba umana fejn il-ġenituri jieħdu ħsieb uliedhom jikbru b’saħħithom, jedukwahom, juruhom is-sbuħija tal-ħajja, ikunu altruwisti u jaħsbu f’ħaddieħor”, tenna Dr. Farrugia. Fost kelliema oħra spikka dak li qal l-akkademiku, ilProfs Ray Mangion, kap tal-istorja legali u d-Dipartiment tal-Metodoloġija fl-Universita` ta’ Malta li ppropona l-introduzzjoni ta’ liġi li tkun magħrufa bħala l-Collective Memory Act li permezz tagħha t-tifkiriet talanzjani jistgħu jiġu dokumentati, arkivjati u ppublikati. Huwa saħaq li jekk ma jsirx hekk hemm il-periklu li partijiet mill-istorja tal-Gżejjer Maltin tibqa’ mistura minħabba li bħalissa mhemmx mod kif it-tifkiriet talanzjani tagħna jistgħu jiġu miġbura u ppreservati. Semma bħala eżempju każ li seħħ lilu meta xi snin ilu mar jagħmel stħarriġ f’dar tal-anzjani fejn inzerta anzjan li kien għalih waħdu f’rokna u meta beda jkellmu rrakkuntalu kif daħal l-elettriku f’Malta. L-aġenda ta’ din il-laqgħa nkludiet ukoll diskussjoni dwar l-impatt ta’ parental alienation fit-tfulija; servizzi lill-anzjani miċ-Ċentri Leap; It-tifsira ta’ befriending programme; is-solitudni u l-abbandun; kollaborazzjoni bejn Nanniet Malta u Kunsill Lokali; is-sehem tanNanniet Ewropej u l-Jum Ewropew tan-Nanniet, u lkultura bħala mezz ta’ kura fost l-anzjani. Is-sessjoni ġiet indirizzata wkoll mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għal Persuni b’Diżabilitàu AnzjanitàAttiva Anthony Agius Decelis, li qal li statistika maħruġa mill-Eurostat turi li Malta tinsab fit-tieni post f’dawk li huma anzjani li jibqgħu attivi ta’ 72 sena, filwaqt li ġiet ikklassifikata bħala l-aqwa fl-Active Ageing Index. L-MPs Ivan Bartolo, u Robert Cutajar kienu oħrajn li taw il-fehma tagħhom. Fid-diskors tal-għeluq l-Ispeaker qal li kull ħidma fissoċjetàtagħna hi mezz li tgħaqqad flimkien kull ġenerazzjoni, dik tal-imgħoddi, ma’ dik tal-lum u kontemporanja, u ta’ ulied uliedna, jew aħjar tal-ġe-
jjieni. Saħaq li dan għandu jimlina b’kuraġġu li għandna nħarsu lejn il-futur ta’ pajjiżna b’ottimiżmu.
Journalism and the pursuit of truth 10 The Voice of the Maltese
wo of Australia’s most eminent journalists and academics have raised concerns and pointed out the challenge journalism faces today in our society. Professor Monica Attard, Head of Journalism, UTS (pictured right) and Professor Peter Fray, Director, Centre for Media Transition, UTS were recently the panellists at the Alan Knight Media Series event hosted by Affinity Intercultural Foundation held at their Sydney offices. Recent raids by the Australian Federal Police on the ABC and journalists’ homes and record numbers of journalists throughout the world being imprisoned, killed and taken hostage are of great concern. Authoritarian government control on the means of communication and monopoly by media baron does not leave much room for the professional journalists to function in the pursuit of truth. With the advent of social media, the Internet has equipped anybody to be a journalist and get away from scrutiny from being responsible, fair and truthful. This results in the spread of fake news and hate speech. The consumers of news are not giving value to the pursuit of truth and facts, but news has become of entertainment value, just to enjoy and feel good about it.
Tuesday October 8, 2019
The facilitator of the panel discussion, Ms Roslyn Lawson, former ABC TV and radio news journalist started off by posing the question, what is a journalist? “Let’s face it, anyone these days with a smartphone and the ability to use social media can take a photograph from any event and broadcast it. And government leaders these days can bypass traditional media scrutiny. Just think Trump and Twitter,” Ms Lawson tried answering her own question. Prof Attard, after describing how she became a journalist said that it was indeed difficult to define a journalist. “I think the problem, the definitional problems associated with journalism have gone back and they are the manifestation of the disruption heaped upon the industry by the Internet,” Prof Attard said. Talking about the difficult position professional journalists were in, Prof Attard further added, “Journalists are also under attack. I’m thinking Trump has referred to journalists as enemies of the people. For instance, last year, 348 journalists were imprisoned. 80 reporters were killed and a further 60 were held, hostage. Not much of a safe career, is it?” Prof Fray talked about the dilemma of the
Professor Monica Attard with Professor Peter Fray at the debate about journalism
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duality of interest for a journalist, working for the employer and serving the public interest of conveying the truth. “You’re working in the public interest at the same time as you are working in a commercial setting having this duality. There is an employer-employee relationship and there’s a set of expectations that come with that. Then there is the notion of serving the public interest,” Prof Fray explained.
Professor Monica Attard
Monica Attard OAM was born in Sydney in 1958. She was educated at Bethlehem College, Ashfield. She attended the University of Sydney, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts. She also holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New South Wales, which she attained in 2002. Monica Attard was Russian Correspondent for ABC Radio and TV from 1990–94. She received three Walkley Awards during this period, including the Gold Walkley in 1991. Attard published a book entitled Russia: Which Way Paradise? In 1997, which documented some of her experiences and interactions with Russians during a period of rapid change.
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Tuesday October 8, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Il-festa tal-Bambina fil-knisja li bnew il-Maltin fi Greystanes
Sezzjoni mill-folla li attendiet għall-festa tal-Bambina fi Greystanes, u taħt: l-Isqof quddiem l-istatwa waqt il-purcissjoni
t-temp kien idejali. Tal-qubbajt, tal-kannoli u tal-pastizzi kollha kienu hemm ukoll. Kienet atmosfera ferrieħa la Maltija meta għall-54 sena darba l-parroċċa ta’ Greystanes NSW iċċellebrat il-festa ta’ Maria Bambina. Kienet festa religjuża speċjali għax il-mistieden kien Vincent Long Van Nguyan OFM Con. DD, ir-raba’ Isqof tad-dijoċesi ta’ Parramatta u l-uniku isqof imwieled f’Vjetnam fl-Awstralja. Il-knisja għall-funzjoni reliġjuza kienet imballata. L-Isqof, il-kappillan Fr Paul Marshall, Fr Tarcisju Micallef u żewġ sacerdoti lokali kienu ċ-ċelebranti, filwaqt li l-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija kanta waqt il-quddiesa. Preżenti bħala mistednin speċjali kien hemm ukoll il-Konslu Generali għal Malta fi NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar u l-familja tiegħu, kif ukoll Dr Hugh McDermott MP. L-istatwa titulari ġiet maħruġa fuq l-idejn u ddawwret b’devozzjoni minn dawk li mxew warajha akkumpanjata wkoll mill-banda Maltija OLQP ta’ l-istess parroċċa sakemm l-istatwa reġgħet lura f’postha fuq wara tal-knisja u ntemm programm tal-marċi brijjużi mill-banda. Għall-okkażjoni ħadet sehem ukoll il-banda tal-iskola primarja OLQP ta’ Greystanes. Il-festa ntemmet bis-soltu logħob tan-nar. Għat-tieni sena l-kumitat tal-festa taħt il-Presidenza ta’ Lisa Bright nieda għadd ta’ attrazzjonijiet speċjali li qed jagħtu dehra differenti li din il-festa. Il-mira tidher li hi u qed tinkludi lill-parroċċa kollha li illum saret ħafna iktar multikulturali. Izda bla dubju din il-parroċċa tibqa dejjem, il-knisja li bnew ilMaltin, devoti tal-Madonna tal-Vitorja. Fis-sena 1957 bdiet tinbena l-iskola u ħames snin wara bdiet tinbena l-knisja. Fl-1965 inġabet l-istatwa mill-Italja, waħda mill-isbah statwi tal-Madonna li hawn.
Waqt il-funzjoni fil-knisja. Mix-xellug: Fr J. Lam, il-kappillan Fr P. Marshall, l-Isqof, Fr Chukwunonyerem Akanadu u Fr T.Micallef
Ritratti: Patrick Bartolo.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta An opportunity for Malta to showcase its progress, dedication and achievements
alta has just completed this year’s 2nd DELTA Summit, held over three days with the participation of 10,000 attendees (double the number reached last year) from all over the world. Malta's Official Digital Innovation Summit, is part of the first-ever Malta Tech Week. The aim of DELTA was always to expose the innovative legislation and opportunities not only to the locals currently residing in Malta, but also to the entire global community. As Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in his initial address, “it has, and is also Parliamentary Secretary serving as a marketing platSilvio Schembri c form for Malta as the innovator and ideal hub for companies seeking to tion, Malta set its establish themselves in the mentioned space, sights on Artificial as well as individuals who are intrigued by Intelligence, recognising its importance the technology and its opportunities”. He said Delta is one of the best opportuni- as an emerging techties for our country to showcase to the world nology. “We initially launMalta’s progress, dedication, and achievements in the areas of emerging technologies. ched the Malta AI He maintained that compared to other Taskforce, tasked to countries, Malta made great strides, be- formulate a strategy, cause it was ambitious in its initiatives, and putting our country “took bold decisions to regularise technolo- amongst the top 10 gies that were previously unregulated, and nations in the world which other jurisdictions were, at times, re- with a strategy for this sector”. This showed once again that Malta emluctant to attempt to regulate. He mentioned blockchain as an obvious braces digital innovation, and the governexample, but added that Malta has now ment wants to become one of the first in the gone further, and work is continuing apace world that is AI-powered and lead by examto develop sectors such as artificial intelli- ple. “We are committed to implementing a number of pilot projects in the next three gence, and e-sport. Soon after putting into effect DLT legisla- years in priority areas such as health, educa-
Helena Dalli obtains support to become EU Commissioner
ollowing her three hours of grilling by the committees of the European Parliament in Brussels to evaluate her credentials to become the European Commissioner for Equality Dr. Helena Dalli appears to have obtained the support of the required two thirds of the respective committees and now expects official approval of her nomination to the post of EU Commissioner for Equality by the rest of the College of Commissioners on 24 October in Strasbourg. Malta’s former Minister for Equality, had to answer questions from the committee for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM), as well as the committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL). Based on her competence in this field, and other issues at the end of the grilling Dr Dalli, who has already passed through the scrutiny of the committee for legal affairs within the European Parliament seemed to have enjoyed the two committees’ support.
tion, transport and customer relations,” Joseph Muscat said. Malta has also launched a National Space Strategy to look at the commercialisation of space assets. It set up the Malta Space Taskforce to work towards Malta’s overall goal of pursuing smart specialisation in its economy, attracting space commercialisation and creating a competitive legal regime favourable to development, exploitation and innovation initiatives on the island. During the DELTA Summit Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat at the Summit
Schembri launched Malta’s National AI Strategy and vision for artificial intelligence in Malta up to the year 2030, saying, “Malta has firmly established itself as a leader in new up-and coming areas such as distributed ledger technology and gained global recognition as ‘The Blockchain Island’. Now, it’s time to put Malta on the map in the fields of Artificial Intelligence,” Schembri said. He added that the strategy and vision for Artificial Intelligence in Malta therefore aims to ensure that benefits brought about by this next wave of innovation delivers benefits across all segments of Maltese society. The aim is to put Malta amongst the top 10 nations with the highest impact national AI programme. “Our vision is for Malta to become the ‘Ultimate AI Launchpad’- a place in which local and foreign companies and entrepreneurs can develop, prototype, test and scale AI, and ultimately showcase the value of their innovations across an entire nation primed for adoption. “The ambition is to create the conditions for AI to springboard from Malta to the world,” said Parliamentary Secretary Schembri.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday Octobeer 8, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta Malta National Park set in motion
n Saturday Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change José Herrera, and Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and the Property Market Chris Agius presented a masterplan for the Malta National Park project that is aimed to be completed by 2022. The project, an investment of €20 million is intended to improve the standard of living of the Maltese people. It will take an area as big as 60 football pitches and include open recreational spaces such as picnic and playing areas for children, a lagoon area, an adequately equipped camping site, a BMX park, a dedicated space for concerts and national activities, a four-kilometre walking and cycling track, the National Archives and a regenerated farmers’ market as well as car parking spaces.
By 2003 Malta could export $1.4 bn. worth of medical cannabis
alta has announced that plans to enter the medical cannabis industry by shipping $1.4 billion in medical cannabis products by 2023. During his visit to Canada and the US, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said: “Exportation will begin in the first quarter of next year. We are estimating that
Minister Ian Borg presenting the masterplan exports of these companies by Year 3 will reach more than €1bn. and that 900 jobs will be made available, however, we can attract even more players in this respect.” He further added that he is confident that Canadian companies will seek out Maltese pot producers and help establish the country’s weed trade. Prime Minister Muscat also mentioned that entry into this sector will spur economic connection between the Malta and North America, saying that the “strongest interest we found in New York was in the financial services sector.”
Free use of scooters by Grandparents spend on average 17 hrs the elderly in Valletta a week with grandchildren, survey finds
igures just published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NSO) indicate that one in five persons in Malta was sixty-five years old or older, and that senior citizens today are living an average of two years longer than they were a decade ago. Half the population over 65 are women. The increase in the elderly population is also reflected in an increase in government expenditure on pensions amounting to €56,045,000. Meanwhile, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elderly on October 1, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Active Ageing announced an investment of new service intended to strengthen accessibility for elderly persons in Malta’s capital, Valletta. Parliamentary Secretary Anthony Agius Decelis said that, following a six-month trial, the demand for scooters would be further analysed and more scooters are required, more would be purchased. Persons in need of the scooters have to pre-book them and use them for not more than three hours. More than 4,000 senior citizens are in the labour work, with nearly three-quarters of them working on a part-time basis. European statistics show that more than 12% of the elderly, who lived in their own home, in 2018 took part in activities organised by voluntary organisations.
esearch carried out among 800 parents as part of a campaign by the Ministry for the Family Michael Falzon early this year aimed at promoting positive ideas and communication between parents and children found that on average grandparents spend 17-hours a week with grandchildren, When it comes to parents, although they spend an average of 5.6 hours a day with their siblings, which is higher than other EU member states, 51% of parents spend less than five hours a day with their children at home. The Minister said that more quality time is needed in terms of the way stress created between parents and children is addressed, as well as more effective communication and the Government is playing a role in this. As an example, he mentioned the decision that weekend Public Holidays had been restored adding two days leave entitlement. But there is the issue of stress suffered by children mainly manifest in the edu-
cation sphere, therefore it is positive that representatives from the Ministry for Health and the Ministry for Education are also represented on the same committee. Three main aspects requiring further attention emerged from the study, namely, the quality time parents spend with their children, stress, and the method by which two-way communication between parents and offspring may be improved. There is still a culture in Malta where grandparents have a place in the upbringing of children, though this might change in the future because more grandparents would be working. However, at this stage grandparents still spend a lot of time with their grandchildren.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Ħatra Prestiġjuża għall-Isqof Mario Grech
l-Papa Franġisku nnomina lill-Isqof tad-djoċesi t’Għawdex, Monsinjur Mario Grech (lemin) bħala Prosegretarju Ġenerali tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet. Ilħatra ġiet imabbra mill-uffiċju stampa tas-Santa Sede talVatikan. Hu se jieħu post il-Kardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri li se jagħlaq 80 sena. Monsinjur Grech, isqof għal dawn l-aħħar 14-il sena, għandu 62 sena. Ilu jservi fil-kariga mill-2006 wara li kien innominat għal mill-Papa Benedittu XVI biex ħa lpost li ħalla wara li rtira Monsinjur Nikol Cauchi. B’hekk sar it-tmien Isqof li kellha l-gżira Għawdxija. Ftit ilu l-Papa kien ħatar lill-Monsinjur Antoine Camilleri Arċisqof Titulari ta’ Skálholt fl-Islanda u Nunzju Appostoliku. Il-Monsinjur Antoine Camilleri hu gradwat fil-ligi u ħadem filkomunitajiet ta’ Papua New Guinea, l-Uganda u Cuba. Dawn il-ħatriet ikomplu jkabbru l-preżenza ta’ membri tal-kleru Maltin li qed jokkupaw karigi għolja madwar id-dinja.
Il-ħmar il-magħkus! I
l-Malti jgħid: li “Il-ħmar ilmagħkus idur għalih id-dubbien”, u donnu li hekk qed jiġri lill-Partit Nazzjonalista li bħalissa għaddej minn fażi ma tantx sabiħa. Mhux għax filkaż li se nsemmi dal-Partit għandu xi tort. It-tort hu kollu tal-individwu nvolut. Dan l-aħħar il-PN sabha ferm diffiċli ħafna biex isib teżorier; iżda fl-aħħar waqa’ fuq ċertu Antoine Zammit. Imma l-ħatra tiegħu intemmet ħesrem wara biss xahrejn għax
Investiment dirett barrani f’Malta ta’ kważi €181bn
inn ċifri mħabbra mill- Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika sar magħruf li l-investiment dirett barrani f’Malta salaħħar tas-sena li għaddiet laħaq kważi €181 biljun. L-investiment dirett barrani f’Malta kien ta’ €3,400 miljun. Dan kien €353 miljun aktar missena ta’ qabel. Minnhom, 97% kienu fis-settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji inkluż il-kumpaniji talassigurazzjoni. L-investiment tal-Maltin barra lpajjiż jilħaq €61 biljun, jiġifieri €700 miljun inqas mis-sena ta’ qabel.
kellu jirriżenja wara li ntwera filmat ta’ ħames minuti tiegħu jispjega kif utenti tal-IPTV jistgħu jaċċessaw stazzjonijiet pornografiċi. Zammit huwa s-sid tal-ħanut tat-tiswijiet tal-kompjuters f’Ħal Qormi u jirreklama li hu l-“Mater Dei tal-Computers”. Huwa kien ġie mogħti linkarigu ta’ kaxxier tal-PN f’Awwissu li għadda wara li f’Ġunju kien irriżenja l-ewwel Teżorier tal-amministrazzjoni Delia. Esponenti magħrufa talpartit tgħidx kemm kitbu jiżżufjettaw b’dak li seħħ. Issa bdiet it-tfittxija għal teżorier ġdid.... tfittxija li mhux se tkun waħda faċli meta wieħed jieħu n’kunsiderazzjoni l-qagħda finanzjara ta’ dan ilPartit u s-sitwazzjoni li għaddej minnha bħalissa.
Skont tagħrif li ksibt dawn il-ħatriet jinkludu: Bishop Carmel Zammit, Bishop of Gibraltar Archbishop Alfred Xuereb, Apostolic Nuncio to Korea Archbishop Joseph Spiteri, Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon Prospero (Stanley) Cardinal Grech, O.S.A., Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria Goretti Bishop Charles Victor Emmanuel Gauci, Bishop of Darwin, Australia Archbishop George Anthony Frendo, O.P., Archbishop of Tiranë-Durrës, Albania Bishop Walter Michael Ebejer, O.P., Bishop Emeritus of União da Vitória, Parana, Brazil Bishop Paul Darmanin, O.F.M. Cap., Bishop Emeritus of Garissa, Kenya Bishop Vicente Costa, Bishop of Jundiaí, Sao Paulo, Brazil Bishop Joseph Alessandro, O.F.M. Cap., Bishop of Garissa, Kenya Bishop Peter Baldacchino, Bishop of Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA Bishop José Bonello, O.F.M., Bishop of Juticalpa, Honduras Bishop George Bugeja, O.F.M., Vicar Apostolic, Tripoli, Libya Bishop Giovanni Cefai, M.S.S.P., Prelate of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, Peru Bishop Vicente Costa, Bishop of Jundiaí, Sao Paulo, Brazil Bishop Paul Darmanin, O.F.M. Cap., Bishop Emeritus of Garissa, Kenya Bishop Walter Michael Ebejer, O.P., Bishop Emeritus of União da Vitória, Parana, Brazil Archbishop George Anthony Frendo, O.P., Archbishop of Tiranë-Durrës, Albania. Bishop Antoine Camilleri, Apostolic Nunzio
Koppja Ingliża tagħti ħajr lill-pulizija Maltija
aż-żmien minkejja x-xogħol siewi li jagħmlu, l-pulizija sikwit jiġu kkritikati. Iżda dan l-aħħar spikka messaġġ ta koppja Ingliża li lejn tmiem Settembru kienet ġiet aggredita u misruqa fix-Xagħra, Għawdex meta filgħodu kmieni kienet qed jirritornaw d-dar. Wara stħarrig u studjar ta’ filmati minn kameras tas-sigurtà ġie arrestat raġel barrani, tressaq quddiem il-qorti u ġie ikkundannat ħames snin ħabs.
F’messaġġ fil-midja soċjali din il-kopja kitbet li riedu jirringrazzjaw lill-pulizija ta’ li għamlu magħhom u lil dawk involuti b’mod dirett fil-każ. "Jien u marti nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha li ħadmu biex saret investigazzjoni immedjata, sar l-arrest u ġew irkuprati l-oġġetti misruqin. Il-mod ta’ kif il-Pulizija ta’ Malta pproċediet mir-rapport għenitna nifhmu kemm is-sistema fir-Renju Unit hija tal-mistħija!”
Tuesday October 8, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Laqgħa entużjażmanti għall-Prim Ministru u d-delegazzjoni tiegħu mill-komunita`Maltija fl-Istati Uniti, il-Kanada
aqt li kien fi fl-Amerika ta’ Fuq fil-ġimgħa li fiha attenda u ndirizza l-Assemblea Ġenerali tal-Ġnus Maqgħuda fi New York il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat, flimkien mas-Sinjura tiegħu Michel u membri tad-delegazzjoni ħa lokkażjoni biex jiltaqa’ mal-komunità Maltija, kemm dik li tgħix f’din il-belt fl-Istati Uniti (fuq), kif ukoll f’Toronto, ilKanada. Fil-postijiet li żaret biex tiltaqa’ mal-emigranti, id-delegazzjoni Maltija kellha laqgħat mill-aktar entużjażmanti, xi ħaġa li f’diskorsi li għamel magħhom, il-Prim Ministru apprezza ħafna. Qal li dan hu l-mod pożittiv kif il-komunità Maltija li baqgħet tgħożż lil art twelidha tħoss li għandha tilqa’ lillmexxejja Maltin. Fi New York, Il-Prim Ministru, qal lill-Maltin li jittama li sen’oħra wkoll jerġa’ jiltaqa’ magħhom. Tarrfilhom ukoll li għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja l-linja nazzjonali tal-ajru, lAir Malta, qed taħdem biex tasal li tibda topera titjiriet diretti lejn New York. Qabel temm il-laqgħa radd ħajr lil Carmelo Inguanez li dalwaqt itemm it-terminu tiegħu bħala r-Rappreżentant Permanenti ta’ Malta għall-Ġnus Magħquda għax-xogħol li wettaq ħalli Malta tibni relazzjonijiet aktar b’saħħithom ma’ din l-istituzzjoni dinjija. Fi New York il-Ministru Carmelo Abela kellu wkoll taħditiet ma’ intraprendituri u Kanadiżi Id-diskussjoni dwar l-abort: Maltin bil-għan li jiġu mħajra li jinvestu f’Malta. Wara, il-Prim ħal ħafna żmien li wieħed jipprova jiddiskuti dwar l-abort f’Malta kien taboo. Ministru u martu Allura dan is-suġġett kien jiġi evitat. Imma flimkien mad-deminn xi snin lil hawn il-kwestjoni kultant legazzjoni li kienet tinkludi wkoll bdiet tissemma u saħansitra bdiet anke tidher lill-Ministru talxi kitba favur. Affarijiet BarraFil-qasam politiku l-partiti politiċi dejjem nin u l-Kummerċ qagħdu b’seba’ għajnejn kif jitkellmu dwar dan is-suġġett u lkoll kontinwament jistqarru fil-beraħ li huma kontra d-dħul tal-abort f’Malta. Dan ma jfissirx li m’hemmx Maltin li jagħmlu abort għax hu magħruf, u anke teżisti ċerta statistika, li għadd ġmielu ta’ nisa Maltin jmorru jabordixxu barra minn Malta. Jidher li dawk favur l-abort għamlu l-kuraġġ għax għall-ewwel darba saħansitra organizzaw dimostrazzjoni fil-belt Valletta. Infatti fl-okkażjoni tal-Jum Internazzjonali għall-Abort Sigur, l-Għaqda favur l-Għażla (favur l-Abort) organizzat rally. Fil-fatt f’dak il-jum saru żewġ dimostrazzjonijiet – waħda minn dawk favur u l-oħra ta’ kontra l-abort.... u għat-tnejn attendew għadd ġmielu ta’ nies.
Issa ħarġu fil-beraħ
Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat fl-Istati Uniti
Il-Prim Ministru flimkien mal-Ministri Abela u Cardona (fuq il-lemin) ikellem lill-emigranti f’Toronto
Carmelo Abela, il-Ministru tal-Ekonomija Chris Cardona u msieħba tal-Malta Enterprise marru l-Kanada fejn attndew għal laqgħa soċjali mal-emigranti Maltin f’Toronto, fejn anke hawn, setgħu jesperjenzaw is-sens qawwi ta’ komunità u r-rabtiet tal-immigranti Maltin Il-Prim Ministru qal lil-Maltin t’hemm li Malta qed tiġbed ukoll investiment Kanadiż, l-aktar fil-produzzjoni tal-mediċina tal-kannabis. Min-naħa tagħhom l-emigranti Maltin irrakkontaw l-esperjenzi tagħhom f’dan il-pajjiż, filwaqt li Joseph Muscat ħeġġiġhom biex meta jkunu qed titkellmu ma’ familjari tagħhom ifakkruhom x’għaddew minnu fil-Kanada. Fakkar li bħalissa, għall-ewwel darba Malta mhix tibgħat lill-Maltin biex isibu jaħdmu barra, “imma qed tilqa’ nies minn pajjiżi oħra biex jaħdmu għandna, u aħna nsiru aktar sinjuri.” Il-Prim Ministru Muscat tkellem ukoll dwar il-laqgħat li d-delegazzjoni tal-Malta Enterprise kellha dwar l-investiment Kanadiż f’Malta.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Bad idea for the PM to get involved
he Australian Government has confirmed that prime minister Scott Morrison has agreed to a request from the US President, reportedly made during a phone call in early September, to assist the US AttorneyGeneral William Barr who is gathering evidence for a review of the Mueller probe. While details of precisely what assistance Mr Trump or Mr Barr were after, the Mueller inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential elections was triggered by information passed on by Australia’s former high commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer. A Maltese professor was also involved. Scott Morrison has been accused of prioritising his personal relationship with Donald Trump over Australia’s national interests after agreeing to help with an investigation aimed at discrediting the Mueller inquiry. US politics lecturer at the Australian National University, Charles Miller, said Mr Barr’s counter investigation was “inappropriate” and it was a “bad idea” for Morrison to get involved
Scott Morrison (left) and Donald Trump
Do it and then apologise
hey do anything to gain publicity. Kyle Sandilands, a controversial disk jockey is not the first time that got into trouble. This time it’s his offensive comments about the virgin Mary that sparked ongoing protests from both Christians and Muslims. The breakfast host faced protests outside his Sydney studios but said he would not quit and he is not going to be fired. He did apologise saying he never ways been likely, with Labor having an intended to purposely upset people. overwhelming majority in the assembly What he said about the virgin Mary was and all but three of its MPs voting in favour rude, vulgar, dumb and something he could not substantiate. of it. You do not need to be smart to underBut the outcome came after an extensive debate both inside and outside of Parlia- stand that this was another publicity ment, with lower house MPs spending stunt. Get as much publicity and then close to 70 hours debating the bill — in- apologise. We say, cut this airtime idiot cluding an all-night sitting that was one of off your list. There are many more “northe longest WA’s Parliament has seen in mal” disk jockeys around. decades.
The euthanasia bill in Western Australia he State of Western Australia voted 4511 in the Legislative Assembly to set T the stage for a final decision in the upper
house of State Parliament, where the outcome is expected to be much tighter. If the Legislative Council also approves the Labor Government’s proposed laws, WA will become the second Australian state – after Victoria – to legalise voluntary assisted dying. The lop-sided lower house vote had al-
Crisis of confidence
onstruction sites in Malta are not the only places facing problems. Sydney building industry faces a crisis of confidence. An alarming audit has found almost half of all the scaffolds on construction sites have missing parts while on a third of sites unlicensed workers tampered with key components. SafeWork NSW has blized over 700 construction workplaces and issued 832 notices including $109,000 in on the spot fines for failing to control the risk of falls. Minister Kevin Anderson blasted the findings saying it was “deplorable”. It came after a string of construction accidents in Sydney and the death of an 18-year-old apprentice who was crushed by a nine-story scaffolding tower in April.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Horrified at PM Morrison’s absence at UN
Jean Hinchcliffe at the protest
ifteen-year-old youth climate activists Jean Hinchliffe and Harriet O’Shea Carre are disappointed Prime Minister Scott Morrison did not attend the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York, the event that brought together world leaders including Malta’s PM Joseph Muscat to mobilise governments and businesses to reduce carbon emissions. The UN did not allow representatives from countries that do not have a clear climate action plan to speak at the event. Foreign Affairs Marise Payne went to the summit on behalf of the Australian government instead. Harriet - who was invited to the UN Youth Climate Summit said she is 'horrified' at the Prime Minister’s choice not to attend. “He was allowed to come to the summit, and he turned it down, it is
Fr Rob’s theme song for 2019 Catholic Youth Festival released
altese-born priest and recording artist Fr Rob Galea has released the theme song for the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival. Fr Rob, founder of the FRG Ministry and a priest of the Dioceese of Sandhurst (Victoria), created a new theme song and video clip for the country’s largest gathering of young Catholics, the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, which will be held at Perth’s Convention and Exhibition Centre from December 8 to 10. The song title is drawn from the theme for ACYF19 and Plenary Council 2020: “Listen to what the Spirit is saying” (Rev 2:7). Fr Galea, who has a worldwide following for FRG Ministry using song and sound to evangelise, said the festival’s theme song was written in collaboration with Gary and Bradley Pinto.
John Grima (1947-2019
n September 2019, John Grima passed away peacefully surrounded by his family. John (it-Twila) was born in Floriana, Malta on the October 21, 1947. The eldest son of Michael and Salvina Grima, he was brought up in his beloved Hamrun with his five brothers and a sister. In 1983 John migrated to Australia as a 15-year-old with his immediate family. In 1970 he met his future wife, Antoinette. They have three children and four grandchildren. His father was a Hamrun Spartans senior player. John loved his soccer, played for Pendle Hill SC and is one of the founders of the Holroyd George Cross Soccer Club at Girraween Park. He was a keen follower and volunteer with Melita Eagles FC. But the scarf that went with him in the coffin was that of Manchester United. Big John was a respected family man. He will be missed. The family would like to thank everybody that attended his funeral Mass and all the support given.
so infuriating, and it makes me so mad,” she said. “He is at the top of the social hierarchy in Australia and his decisions are affecting poor developing countries and young people. Scott Morrison not coming to this summit shows he doesn’t care.” Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has transformed into a global youth spokesperson for climate-change. The video of her impassioned address at the summit has already been watched millions of times across the internet. When Scott Morrison was Treasurer of Australia, in Feb 2018, he went to Parliament question time with a big chunk of black coal. “This is coal,” the treasurer said triumphantly, brandishing the trophy as if he’d just stumbled across an exotic species previously thought to be extinct.“Don’t be afraid,” he said, soothingly, “don’t be scared.”
“This is a song which talks about listening to the Spirit of God throughout our lives. Very often we talk about listening to God in a place of silence. There is so much more than that,” he said. “This song is about a person walking different parts of life listening to the Spirit of God in the broken and the suffering. But even in these moments of brokenness and insecurity, God speaks and God uses these moments in our lives for good. And this is what listening is about; even in this pain, God speaks.” More than 4500 young people, aged between 14 and 30, along with support staff, volunteers and 32 Australian bishops, will attend this year’s festival.
Abortion decriminalised in NSW
bortion will be removed from NSW's 119-year-old Crimes Act after the controversial bill passed the state's lower house to applause; therefore, abortion will finally be decriminalised in the state of NSW. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was not in the chamber for the final vote. “I had full confidence that the Parliament would resolve the matter in a great way,” Berejiklian told reporters. MPs voted in favour of the amended legislation a day after it passed the upper house after 40 hours of discussion. The bill was passed with no division. The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019, which was cosponsored by 15 MPs across the political spectrum, removes abortion from the NSW Crimes Act and allows for abortions up to 22 weeks to be performed by a registered doctor. For terminations after that point, the consent of two doctors would be needed. Previously there were no options in NSW for people seeking an abortion after 20 weeks.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Notte Bianca another huge success
t is estimated that more than 70,000 people visited Valletta Saturday night/early Sunday morning, in a celebration of Malta’s history, art and culture, the 14th edition of Notte Bianca organised by Festivals Malta More than 250 artists participated in 54 different events that went down so well with the audiences of all age groups. For the first time, the Law Courts also participated in the event as large crowds took the opportunity to visit its court halls and watch a delightful play on a fictitious criminal process. In his comments about this sought-after event, Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government Owen Bonnici said that, “elements that make up our country’s cultural ecology are being more valorised through initiatives of this nature, whilst bringing more and more families closer to culture.” Next year’s Notte Bianca will be held on October 2, 2020. The public was also given the chance to visit the Parliament building. Speaker Anglu Farrugia opened the doors wide open for the people and was on hand to explain the workings of the House of Representative. The people were also given information about the beginning of Parliamentary democracy in Malta in 1921 thanks to the Amery Milner Constitution following the Sette Giugno (7th June) a hundred years ago during 1919 riots. Enthusiasts, mostly young people filled the Granaries at Floriana to the brim on Friday and Saturday as they followed the first Mediterranean Stars Festival 2019
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Anglu Farrugia (right) explaining the workings of Parliament to the public that visited the Parliament building on Saturday
Italian, Maltese artists
present spectacular show
ast weekend Malta once again hosted a spectacular show by international and local singers. The occasion was the first edition of the Mediterranean Stars Festival at the Floriana Granaries that was filled to the brim with enthusiasts who listened free of charge to modern music provided by local and Italian musical performers. The event, whose organisers included Radio Italia featured among others well known Italian singers Gigi d’Alessio, Umberto Tozzi, Max Pezzali and this year’s Eurovision Song Contest winner Mahmood. Maltese artists included Ira Losco, popular bands ‘The Travellers’ and ‘Red Electrick’, and X Factor participants Owen Luellen and Nicole Frendo.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti
Hu meqjus bħala wieħed mill-pijunieri tal-ilsien Malti fis-sekli 18 u 19 u x’aktarx importanti daqs Mikel Anton Vassalli u Gian Anton Vassallo li kien ħolqa bejniethom, Francesco Vella.
Ħadem bħala grammatiku, lessikografu u kittieb ta’ kotba għat-tfal, Francesco jistħoqqlu ferm aktar għarfien għal ħidmietu, imma llum inressquh ftit aktar qrib il-qarrejja.
Francesco Vella - pijunier fl-ilsien Malti li ma ngħatax il-mertu li jistħoqqlu
ersuna meqjus bħala wieħed mill-pijunieri li mexxew il-quddiem lilsien Malti imma li ma jingħatax il-mertu li tant jistħoqqlu, kien Francesco Vella, li għex fit-18-il seklu. Twieled Bormla 226 sena ilu, fil-11 ta’ April tal1793 u miet fl-1868. Kien it-tieni iben ta’ Giużeppi u Franġeska (kunjom xbubitha Cilia). Gie mgħammed bl-ismijiet ta’ Francesco Vincenzo Emidio Luca. Dan il-kittieb li ħafna jqisuh li kien ilpont bejn il-lingwistiku Mikiel Anton Vassalli, li twieled fl-1764, u l-ktiieb kreattiv u poeta Ġan Anton Vassallo li twieled wara Vella fl-1817, ħadem bħala grammatiku, lessikografu u kittieb ta’ kotba għat-tfal. Ma’ Vassalli u Vassallo għandu jitqies fost il-pilastri tal-Malti. X’aktarx li minħabba li Francesco għex
tant snin ilu, minn xi daqqiet is-sehem tiegħu biex l-ilsien Malti issawwar bħala dak uffiċjali tagħna jintnesa. Hi tassew ħasra li dak li għamel għal ilsinna minn xi daqqiet jiġi injorat. Ix-xogħol ta’ Vella fil-qasam tal-lingwa, tal-grammatika u wkoll l-alfabett kienu importanti ħafna. Il-fatt li Malta hija lunika gżira fil-baħar Mediterran li għandha l-lingwa nazzjonali tagħha huwa dovut għat-tlett studjużi tat-18 u d-19-il seklu, Vella, Vassalli u Vassallo. Filwaqt li s-sehem li kellhom l-aħħar tnejn fliżvilupp tal-Malti huwa xi ftit jew wisq magħruf, ftit jafu kemm ħadem Vella f’dan il-qasam. Fl-1824, meta kellu 31 sena, Francesco Vella ippubblika l-ewwel ktieb li qatt ġiet stampat kollu bil-Malti, Ktieb il-Qari, bi
Serata mużiko-letterarja f’ġieħ il-Professur Oliver Friggieri
l-Professur Oliver Friggieri rnexxielu jwaħħad flimkien l-ilsien Malti, lespressjoni letterarja, u l-ħidma politika. Dan dak li qal il-President ta’ Malta George Vella waqt lejla mużiko-letterarja f’ġieħ il-Professur Friggieri saret filPalazz Sant’Anton. B’dan il-kliem, il-President ried ifisser kif il-Professur Friggieri hu awtur Malti li għaraf jinterpreta b’mod sħiħ il-mixja storika u kulturali tal-poplu Malti lejn lgħarfien ħolistiku tan-nazzjonalità individwali tiegħu. Il-lejla kienet l-ewwel minn sensiela ta’ attivitajiet kulturali li se jittellgħu matul din il-Presidenza tal-ET George Vella. Fir-rigward tal-użu tal-ilsien Malti fuq ilmezzi tal-midja soċjali u tradizzjonali, ilPresident appella biex l-individwi jagħrfu jużaw il-kelma, “għall-ġid komuni, u mhux għall-interess personali li jista’ jkun askaptu tal-benesseri ta’ ħaddieħor”. Min-naħa tiegħu, f’kelmtejn talokkażjoni, il-Professur Friggieri fisser kif il-poeżija tiktibha biex tesprimi dak li tkun qed tħoss. Hu appella biex f’pajjiżna nbiddlu llingwa f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-politika, u kif din għandha tkun lingwa ta’ imħabba u li twassalna biex naraw il-ġid
komuni lil hinn minn kull twemmin politiku. Għall-okkażjoni, li matulha nqraw għadd ta’ poeżiji, fosthom ‘Pellegrin Distratt’, ‘Talba ta’ Tifla Ċkejkna għall-Paċi’, kif ukoll poeżija mhux ippublikata li nqrat għall-ewwel darba, bl-isem ta’ ‘L-aħħar kelma, forsi’, attendew għadd ta’ persuni midħla tal-letteratura, akkademiċi, u dawk li jgħożżu l-ilsien Malti. Fost is-siltiet mużikali kien hemm silta mużikali mir-rumanz ‘It-Tfal jiġu bil-Vapuri’, u ‘Il-Blata tas-seklu.
48 paġna. Fih, wara l-ispjega tal-alfabett isib eżerċizzji fil-qari ta’ dan l-alfabett, xi ħrejjef morali, in-numri bil-Malti, tagħlim dwar id-dmirijiet tal-bniedem, kitba dwar il-Ġeografija, lista’ ta’ dati importanti, kitba dwar l-inċident li kien seħħ fil-Karnival tal-1823 u, fl-aħħar, ftit mudelli ta’ ittri bil-Malti. Sitt snin wara Francesco kellu ktieb ieħor importanti ippubblikat, Maltese Grammar for the Use of the English, l-ewwel grammatika tal-Malti bl-Ingliż. Filwaqt li seba’ snin wara ippubblika Abbecedario għallQadi tal-Iskejjel ta’ Tagħlim Xilxieni li fih ċaħad l-alfabett imħallat (Għarbi-Ruman) li kien uża fix-xogħlijiet bikrija tiegħu favur alfabett kompletament Latin. Imbagħad fl-1843 meta kellu 50 sena Francesco Vella kien ħareġ id-Dizionario Portatile delle lingue maltese, italiana e inglese. Ħarġu minħabba li kien jemmen li bla kotba tal-grammatika u dizzjunarji lMalti miktub qatt ma seta’ jimxi ‘l quddiem. L-ironija kienet li minħabba l-ħajja ta’ dak iż-żmien, kien miktub bit-Taljan. Fid-daħla tal-ktieb Vella jistqarr li l-għan ewlieni li ħeġġu jiktbu kien li jintroduċi lMalti miktub fl-iskejjel. Kien konvint li lalfabett propost minnu, magħmul biss minn ittri Latini, kien se jsolvi darba għal dejjem il-kwestjoni tal-alfabett Malti. L-aħħar ktieb li Francesco Vella ippubblika qabel miet u li kien baqa’ jissemma kien dak tal-1855, l-Opuskolu Osservazioni sull’alfabeto Maltese dell’Ab. Dr. Salv. Cumbo. Minkejja l-importanza ta’ dan il-persunaġġ għall-ilsien Malti, imkien ma tidher xi stampa ta’ wiċċu.
Waqt il-lejla: Il-President George Vella (xellug) u l-Professur Oliver Friggieri
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
Prestigious World Routes Award 2019 for Malta International Airport team
Malta International Airport placed second within a category of airports hosting between four and 20 million passengers every year at the World Routes Awards 2019. The winners of these prestigious awards were announced recently at the Adelaide Convention Centre in Australia that was packed with aviation stakeholders from across the globe. The awards seek to recognise excellence and innovation in route development and airline marketing. Reacting to the award, International Airport CEO Mr Alan Borg said: “It is a proud moment to have our route development achievements recognised on the world stage.” He added that such recognition encour-
ages MIA to continue working closely with government and the Malta Tourism Authority, their partner airlines, and the rest of the airport team to keep widening the Maltese islands’ network, whilst ensuring that sustainable results remain a measure of our success. Malta Tourism Authority Executive Chairman Dr Gavin Gulia thanked the team at MIA “for sharing our vision of targeting strategic markets and addressing seasonality; two priority areas of our traffic development strategy in which we have made great strides and which were duly noted by World Routes.” Efforts to drive year-round traffic to the Maltese islands, facilitated by the best connections, are part and parcel of the traffic development strategy for Malta. Proof
MIA and Malta Tourism Authority officals with the World Routes Award 2019
of the success of this strategy is the airport’s winter schedule for 2019-2020 that will see 17 routes being extended from summer into the upcoming season and the launch of four new routes in October and November. MIA said that this convenient schedule would encourage more tourists to discover the island in the off-peak season, in line with on-going efforts to promote Malta as a year-round destination. Moreover, keeping environmental sustainability in mind, Malta International Airport will soon also be upgrading its incentive programme for airlines to introduce a new initiative that is aimed at encouraging carriers to operate flights to Malta with aircraft having quieter and more energy-efficient engine types. The 4 to 20 million-passenger category of the World Routes Awards 2019 was topped by Budapest Airport, which was also named Overall Winner. Other contestants winning titles on the evening included Singapore’s Changi Airport and Amsterdam Schiphol. The current World Routes Award follows the honour MIA received in June when it was named among the winners of Airport Council International’s prestigious Airport Service Quality (ASQ) awards, claiming the title ‘Best Airport in Europe’ in its size category. The award followed the rating of 346 airports worldwide by more than 650,000 departing passengers throughout 2018. The main aim of the ASQ awards is to recognise airports that go the extra mile to provide their guests with nothing short of an excellent service and equally outstanding terminal facilities.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday October 8, 2019
The church in Victoria accepts legal responsibility for sexual abuse of child
n a significant case that could open the floodgates for survivors seeking compensation, the Church in Victoria, Australia has accepted legal responsibility for the sexual abuse of a child by paedophile Gerald Ridsdale (pictured right). After denying any knowledge of Ridsdale’s offending before the nine-year-old boy was raped in a confessional box at Mortlake, in western Victoria in 1982, lawyers for the Church have now accepted an amended statement of claim from the survivor in the Supreme Court – in effect admitting legal liability for his crimes. A 10-day civil trial scheduled to begin on January 29 next year will now focus primarily on the amount of damages the Church will pay the Former High Commissioner survivor. A ediation to Australia Ives de Barro dies m hearing will ves de Barro, who was High Commissioner to be held in a Australia (1999–2002) and was responsible for week’s time, taking the Chancellery from Red Hill to its present on October location at Culgoa Cr O’Malley in Canberra has 15. died aged 85. In 2000 he also presented his credenThe surtials as High Commissioner to New Zealand. vivor, identified in court under the esidents of NSW, the ACT, South Australia, pseudonym Tasmania and Victoria turned their clocks for- JCB, issuing ward by one hour on Sunday morning (Australian B a l l a r a t time). Difference to Malta’s time is now nine Bishop Paul hours. The clocks will not change until 3 am on Bird for negthe first Sunday in April next year. ligence on
Turn clocks forward 1 hour
Gerald Ridsdale
behalf of deceased former bishops James O’Collins and Ronald Mulkearns. In defence documents submitted to the court, Bishop Bird accepted that Bishop Mulkearns breached his duty of care to the survivor because he knew about a complaint of Ridsdale sexually abusing a child at Inglewood in northern Victoria in 1975, seven years before JCB was raped. “We are pleased that the Catholic Church has admitted liability for the sexual abuse of our client by Gerald Ridsdale,” JCB’s lawyers Judy Courtin Legal has said. “We believe this is the first time in Victoria that the Catholic Church has admitted that it failed to protect a victim of child sexual abuse and that it is therefore legally liable. “Our client now looks forward to an assessment of the damages he is owed by the Church.” The JCB trial is likely to set a precedent for other survivors to follow suit if they can prove senior clergy knew about the offending of other paedophiles, including Christian Brother Edward Dowlan and priest Paul David Ryan.
Programm Mużiko-Letterarju 2019 ta’Victoria Alfred Xuereb
Dr Victor Sammut
l-Grupp Letteratura Maltija tal-Victoria dan l-aħħar organizza l-Programm MuIżiko-Letterarju għal din is-sena fiċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Parkville li għalih attendiet folla mdaqqsa mill-Komunità Maltija. Tul il-lejla sar qari ta’ proża u poeżija, fosthom xogħlijiet oriġinali b’intervent mużikali pprovdut mill-membru tal-grupp, Alfred Xuereb. L-okkażjoni bdiet b’Paul Vella jagħti ħajr lill dawk li attendew li mbagħad stedinhom iqumu bil-wieqfa għall-Innu Malti u dak Awstraljan. Wara l-Viċi-President, Marie-Louise Anastasi tat merħba lil dawk preżenti u ntroduċiet lill-President, Dr Victor Sammut, li min-naħa tiegħu ta rapport dwar ix-xogħol li għamel il-Grupp matul is-sena. Hu tkellem dwar il-folju ippublikat kull xahar minn Paul Vella li wkoll jintbagħat lil xi 450 ruħ f’Malta u madwar id-dinja u irringrazzja lil Rose Lofaro u lil oħrajn li jaħdmu fil-kċina. Tul il-lejla, Dr Sammut, Fredu Cachia, George Portelli, Ġużi Camiller, Rose Lofaro, Michael Xuereb, Marie-Louise Anastasi, u Ray Anastasi qraw xi xogħlijiet, uħud tagħhom jew ta’ kittieba li ma setgħux jattendu, u anke ta’ kittieba magħrufa li llum m’għadhomx magħna, bħal Ġan Anton Vassallo u Ġorġ Pisani. Għall-okkażjoni, bil-għajnuna ta’ Rose Lofaro Paul Vella ippubblika ktejjeb bixxogħol kollu li nqara.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 8, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Maltese Past Pupils & Friends , of Don Bosco (NSW) KED
O L yofrom u 7.30 pm at Mandavilla FUOctober Saturday 12th k n Function Centre ThaHorsley Park. Music: by Joe Apap. Book early. Contact Marlene on 02 9631 9295 BO Dance 32nd Annual LYDinner
Jippreżentaw kummiedja brillanti
Għoxrin Minuta Għerusija
Important Notice
* Do you speak Maltese fluently? * Are you in high school and want to study Maltese for your HSC? * Are you an adult learner looking for an opportunity to challenge your Maltese language skills and cultural knowledge?
Then consider enrolling in the Higher School Certificate HSC/VCE
Maltese community language schools across Australia are engaging in a recruitment drive to ensure that Maltese remains to be rightfully offered as a subject for generations to come. The Maltese HSC, VCE and SACE are at risk of suspension due to their very small candidature. You will be invited to an information meeting about course requirements and enrolment procedures. A commitment to commence studies must be made by November 2019. To register your interest contact:
NSW: The Maltese Language School of NSW Akkademja Maltija ta NSW - skolamaltijasydney - Jane Borg 0411 478 233 Saturday School of Community Languages - Charles Galea 0400 485239 Dwejret il-Malti – Blacktown VIC: Maltese Community Council Maltese Language Classes - – (03) 9387 8922 Victorian School of Languages (03) 9474 0500
We would like to bring to the attention of all our readers that in line with our journalistic principles and ethics we do not cut and paste material from Facebook etc. This also applies to photographs. If our readers would like to forward either material or photographs to The Voice of the Maltese for publication, they must do it directly. We value you co-operation in this matter
When Where
Sunday 13th October at 2pm Wentworthville Leagues Club
Għall-biljetti ċemplu: Monica Ledger: 98 96 0712 / 0414 859 386 Joe Borg: 96 242280 Julie Farrugia: 96 367679 Donation: Adults: $12 Kids: $10.00
Avviż lill-qarrejja
Tixtieq li jkollok kopja f’idejk ta’ The Voice?
nfakkru lill-qarrejja li The Voice of the Maltese, mhux biss magazine online, iżda wkoll l-uniku tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Awstralja li wkoll jiġi ippubblikat. Huma ħafna dawk li ilhom li approfittaw ruħhom minn dan u abbonaw biex anke jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata bil-posta d-dar bi ħlas. Minħabba l-bogħod li hawn fil-kontinent Awstraljan, il-ħlas tal-posta minn stat għall-ieħor tvarja, għalhekk dawk kollha li jixtiequ li jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata tal-magazine kull darba li joħroġ biex ikunu jistgħu jżommuha f’idejhom, huma mħeġġa biex jabbonaw għal sena ħalli jagħmlu żgur millkopja Biex dan isir wieħed l-ewwel jibgħat email lil fejn jitlob tagħrif dwar il-ħlas ta’ abbonament għal sena fl-istat fejn jgħix. Imbagħad jekk ikun irid jissieħeb ma’ dawk kollha li mhumiex kuntenti biss li jaqraw il-magazine online, imma wkoll li jkollhom kopja tiegħu, jgħarrafna.
La Valett e Social Centr e Forthcoming activities
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Sunday Nov. 3: PINE GROVE: usual Mass with OLQP band Tuesday Nov. 5: MELBOURNE CUP morning Tea & Lunch with Charlie Camilleri. Members $30; non-members $35 (that includes morning tea and two-course lunch). You can follow the race on Big screen Tuesday Nov. 10: CHERRY PICKING to ORANGE Members $50; Non members $55 For more information contact the centre ___________________________________ MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.
AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.
Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday October 8, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:
To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.
SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month
in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Join us and make new friends.
Maltese Group
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of each
Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc.
L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-ilsien Malti fil-binja tagħhom f’14 Watt Street, Sunshine, Victoria. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom għarfien sew tal-Malti kemm miktub kif ukoll mitkellem. Ibgħat applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lill: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee
Remaining main events for 2019
Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast
Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Sports Malta resumes EURO 2002 commitments
Tuesday October 8, 2019
In a few days’ time Malta’s national football team resumes its EURO 2020 Group F qualifying commitments with two matches in three days, against Sweden at the National Stadium this coming Saturday (October 12) and three days later away against the Faroe Faroe Islands, the only opponents Malta have beaten in this campaign. National coach Ray Farrugia is well aware of the coming important commitments and though he perhaps does not entertain much hope of defeating Sweden who are currently placed second behind leaders Spain and are one point ahead of third-placed Romania, he is confident of faring better against Faroe Islands who are still pointless. Farrugia has named a 26-strong squad for the forthcoming qual-
ifiers. He has included Sliema Wanderers defender Kurt Shaw who has earned his first call-up with the senior squad after his performances in the Under 21s. Farrugia has also recalled Valletta’s experienced defender Jonathan Caruana after recovering from surgery that kept him out of last month’s qualifiers away to Norway (0-2) and Romania (0-1). He has also keeping faith with the players who were part of the squad for last month's qualifiers Farrugia said: “We know what we will be up against, nevertheless, we are going into this home match in a positive frame of mind, fully aware that if we keep our tactical shape, focus and stick to our philosophy of trying to play positive football when in possession, we can do well”.
Premier could be closest for years esults thus far keep showing that the 2019/20 Premier League in Malta could turn out to be the closest for years R RESULTS with Floriana, the current front runners and a couple of others
Malta’s Football Premier League
Day 6 putting in a claim for honours. Leaders Floriana, along with Gzira Utd vValletta 3-1 Gzira are the only teams still unbeaten after six outings. Following last weekend’s programme, Hamrun lost their Birkirkara v Hibernians 1-0 2-0 nbeaten record when they were surprisingly beaten 2-0 by Mosta v Ħamrun S Mosta, leaving Floriana, to take over sole command of the Floriana v Tarxien R. 2-1 League standings with 14 points, one ahead of newly-pro- Sirens v Sliema W. 1-0 Sta Lucia v Senglea A. 0-0 moted Sirens. 1-0 A week before meeting Mosta, Ħamrun had impressed when Balzan v Gudja U they defeated Senglea 3-1. But they failed to follow up that Day 5 performance against Mosta who beat them with a goal in each Floriana v Gudja U 2-0 half. Ħamrun S. v Senglea 3-1 Floriana defeated wooden-spoonists and still pointless Tarx- Valletta v Birkirkara 2-2 ien Rainbows by 2-1. That victory comes on top of their 2-0 Gzira Utd v Balzan 2-0 win over Gudja the previous week when they won despite Sirens v Sta Lucia 3-1 playing 68 minutes with only 10 men. Hibernians v Mosta 2-1 But the most anticipated Premier League match on Day 6 Sliema W.v Tarxien R 2-1 was the one that pit Valletta against Gzira United. It Premier League Standing went Gzira’s way who beat the reigning After lochampions by 3-1. It was Valletta’s second sing ag- TEAMS L R D T F K Pti defeat and Gzira’s second victory after de- a i n s t Floriana 6 4 2 0 7 2 14 6 4 1 1 11 10 13 feating Balzan the previous week 2-0 with Gzira re- Sirens turned to Ħamrun S. 6 3 2 1 12 7 11 two second-half goals. 6 2 4 0 6 2 10 For Valletta the loss was their second on winning Gzira U the trot without a win as on Day 5 only ways by Hibernians 6 3 1 2 10 7 10 managed a 2-2 draw and a share of the b e a t i n g Sta Lucia 6 2 2 1 7 7 9 Valletta 6 2 2 2 11 10 8 spoils with Birkirkara who at the time were Gudja. Sliema Senglea A 6 2 2 2 6 7 8 still looking for their first victory. That 6 2 1 3 12 9 7 eventually arrived on Saturday when they just keep Mosta 6 2 1 3 6 9 7 beat Hibernians. Hibs reversal arrived after d i s a p - Balzan pointing. Sliema W. 6 1 2 3 6 9 5 a win over Mosta. Newly promoted Sirens keep impressing. T h e y Gudja U 6 0 4 2 5 8 4 Their latest victims were Sliema Wanderers have still Tarxien R. 6 0 0 5 6 17 0 whom they beat 1-0 for their fourth victory only won one match and lost three, which that keeps them occupying a high position. keeps them in the lower reaches of the Balzan’s topsy-turvy campaign continues. league table with only five points.
Good show by Malta girls despite loss against Italy
alta’s women’s football team gave a good account of it self by keeping the score down to just a 2-0 defeat against Italy in the UEFA Women’s EURO Group B qualifier at the Centenary Stadium. The locals gave a solid performance that should boost their optimism ahead of their remaining European qualifiers, including next month’s return trip to Italy. The Italians, World Cup finalists in the last World Cup needed two late goals to take the points. They forged ahead with a goal by Bartoli on 69 minutes and then added a second from a penalty deep into stoppage time scored by Girelli. Next up for Malta is a double-header against Israel at home.
Jeff Fenech hospitalised in Thailand A
ustralian boxing legend Jeff Fenech of Maltese descent has been hospitalised and is fighting for his life in a Thailand hospital, and may need to undergo heart surgery. The three-time world title winner was training Sydney fighter Jack Brubaker and other boxers in Bangkok, but after coughing up blood was rushed to intensive care after contracting pneumonia. In a video from his hospital bed, an emotional Fenech, 55, said he had an infection on a valve near his heart and he felt he had let down his young charge. “I have never been in this pain in my life. Every night I think I’m not going to wake up in the morning”. Jeff Fenech travelled to Thailand with about 10 of his boxer for a training camp. The family are worried about him especially his wife Suzee of 24 years. They are hoping Jeff will be back in Australia for his daughter’s wedding in a week’s time.