The Voice of the Maltese
(We are for the Greater Malta)
Issue 278
A fortnightly print and digital magazine
July 5, 2022
The Lower Barrakka, Valletta
The Monument to Sir Alexander Ball, a British admiral named as the first Civil Commissioner of Malta (later Governor) that is in the Lower Barrakka Gardens in Valletta, Malta. The neoclassical monument in the form of an ancient Greek temple, was built in 1810. It is attributed to the architect Giorgio Pullicino. Photo: Patrick Barbara
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Eks Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin fil-Gvern ta’ Malta
indu l-President Russu Vladimir Putin ordna lill-Forzi Armati tiegħu jinvadu lill-Ukrajna, qamet diskussjoni dwar jekk illum għadhiex tagħmel sens tkun pajjiz newtrali fl-Ewropa. L-Isvezja u l-Finlandja, li s’issa huma newtrali, iridu jidħlu fl-alleanza militari tan-NATO immexxija mill-Istati Uniti. Imma pajjizi oħra, ukoll newtrali, l-Awstrija, l-Irlanda u l-Isvizzera qed jgħidu li jridu jibqgħu newtrali. Malta hija pajjiz newtrali. Għandna nibqgħu newtrali? Meta niddiskutu n-newtralitá tagħna tajjeb inkunu nafu xi tgħid il-Kostituzzjoni tagħna: “Malta hija stat newtrali li jrid attivament jilħaq il-paċi, is-siġurtà u l-progress soċjali fost in-nazzjonijiet kollha billi jħaddan politika ta’ nonallineament u jirrofta li jipparteċipa f’kull alleanza militari.” Żgur li “il-paci, is-sigurta` u l-progress socjali” ma jfissrux li tħalli lil xi ħaddiehor jattakkak u jaħkmek. Waqt li aħna newtrali dwar alleanzi militari, żgur li m’aħniex newtrali fejn jidħlu l-principji u l-valuri tal-Ġnus Magħquda dwar issovranitá u l-indipendenza tal-istati, li l-ebda pajjiż ma juża l-forza kontra pajjiż ieħor, li t-tilwim jissolva b’mod paċifiku u mhux bil-gwerra u li aħna favur id-demokrazija, il-ħarsien tal-liġi internazzjonali u d-drittijiet tal-bniedem. Filwaqt li l-Kostituzzjoni tgħid li: “l-ebda bażi militari barranija ma titħalla fuq territorju Malti.” tghid ukoll li jistgħu jiġu forzi barranin jekk Malta titlob li dawn il-forzi jiddefenduha għax ikun hemm theddida għan-newtralitá, is-sovranitá u lintegritá territorjali tagħha jew biex tiġi segwita deċizjoni tal-Kunsill tas-Sigurtà tal-Ġnus Magħquda. Dwar it-tarzna tgħid li għandhom “jintużaw għal skopijiet kummerċjali ċivili, iżda jistgħu wkoll jintużaw, f’limiti raġonevoli ta’ żmien u għadd, għat-tiswija ta’ bastimenti militari li jkunu tpoġġew f’qagħda li ma jistgħux jiġġieldu jew għall-bini ta’vapuri; u skont il-prinċipji ta’ nonallineament l-imsemmija tarznari jiġu mċaħħda lill-bastimenti militari taż-żewġ superpotenzi.” Minn dak iż-żmien li nkitbu dawn il-kliem 35 sena ilu, id-dinja kemm u b’liema mod inbidlet biex aħna nneħħu n-newtralitá li servietna tajjeb s’issa? L-Istati Uniti baqgħet superpotenza. L-Unjoni Sovjetika ma baqgħetx tezisti u l-Federazzjoni Russa mhix superpotenza. Qed tissaħħaħ ħafna bħala qawwa dinjija ċ-Ċina. Aħna żgur jibqa’ jaqblilna ma nkunu ta’ theddida għall-ebda pajjiż ieħor. Għalhekk tajjeb nanalizzaw bir-reqqa kull aspett x’inhu l-aħjar għalina. Irridu naraw kif illum, fis-seklu 21, b’kif żviluppat u qed tiżviluppa s-sitwazzjoni internazzjonali fil-Mediterran u fid-dinja, x’inhu l-aħjar mod biex inħarsu s-sigurtá tagħna u biex niddefendu l-interessi nazzjonali u l-valuri tagħna. Sas-sena li għaddiet tnejn minn kull tliet Maltin qalu li huma favur in-newtralita` u li jarawha ta’ gid għal pajjiżna. Fil-Finlandja u fl-Isvezja għal ħafna snin ilmaġġoranza kbira tal-poplu wkoll kienet favur innewtralitá u li ma jieħdux sehem f’alleanzi militari.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Iżda l-invażjoni tal-Ukrajna dawrithom favur li japplikaw biex jidħlu fl-alleanza militari tanNATO. Imma ma jfissirx li għax il-gvernijiet u l-maġġoranza tal-poplu tal-Isvezja u l-Finlandja għamlu hekk, aħna għandna nagħmlu hekk bilfors. Irridu naħsbu b’moħħna u nqisu sew l-affarijiet u mhux sempliċement nagħlqu għajnejna u nimxu wara ħaddiehor. Bil-għaqal nikkunsidraw kollox, mhux sempliċement nimitaw imma nagħmlu dak li jaqbel għalina. Kif għamilna meta qbilna li nkunu newtrali u bla ebda bażi militari barranija u bl-ebda sħubija flebda alleanza militari għax irridu l-paċi għalina u għall-pajjiżi l-oħra. Irridu naraw kif illum, fis-seklu 21, b’kif żviluppat u qed tiżviluppa s-sitwazzjoni internazzjonali fid-dinja, x’inhu l-aħjar mod biex inħarsu s-sigurtá tagħna u biex niddefendu l-interessi nazzjonali u l-valuri tagħna. Għax jekk nitilfu s-sigurtá tagħna għax xi ħadd jigi jheddidna u jattakkana, nitilfu kollox: ixxogħol, id-demokrazija u d-dritt li nmexxu lilna nfusna. F’dinja ta’ 193 stat, hawn 158 li huma newtrali jew non-allinejati jew it-tnejn f’salt. M’huma flebda alleanza militari mdaħħhla f’kunflitti bejn ilqawwiet il-kbar; 21 minn dawn il-pajjiżi jiddikjaraw in-newtralitá tagħhom fil-kostituzzjoni tagħhom jew f’xi trattat. Dawn huma l-Awstrija, il-Kosta Rika, il-Finlandja, l-Irlanda, il-Ġappun, il-Liechtenstein, Malta, il-Messiku, Monako, il-Mongolja, ilMoldova, il-Panama, Rwanda, San Marino, isSerbja, Singapore, l-Isvezja, l-Isvizzera, it-Turkmenistan, l-Uzbekistan u l-Vatikan. Mija u għoxrin pajjiż huma membri (17 oħra huma osservaturi) tal-Moviment Non-Allinejat li jfisser li jħaddmu politika internazzjonali indipendenti bbażata fuq li pajjiżi b’sistemi soċjali u politiċi differenti jistgħu jgħixu flimkien. Huma jappoġġjaw movimenti nazzjonali favur l-indipendenza. M’huma fl-ebda alleajanza militari u m’għandhomx bażijiet militari mdaħħla f’kunflitti bejn il-qawwiet il-kbar. Bil-gwerra Russa kontra l-Ukrajina r-relazzjonijiet internazzjonali daħlu f’maltemp ġdid u fiddinja qed tkompli tiżdied il-firda bejn blokok differenti bejn Stati Uniti, NATO u Unjoni Ewropea, iċ-Ċina, ir-Russja u l-pajjizi tal-Afrika, l-Asja u l-Amerika Latina. Dawn il-firdiet bejn il-Punent magħmula mill-Istati Uniti u l-Unjoni Ewropea, iċ-Ċina u r-Russja mistennija jkomplu jiżdiedu. Ħafna mill-pajjizi fl-Afrika, fl-Asja u fl-Amerika Latina jixtiequ li ma jzommux ma’ xi naħa kontra oħra, iżda jridu li jibqgħu ħbieb ma’ kulħadd. Naħseb li f’dinja mimlija firdiet u tensjoni bħal din, aħna jaqblilna li jkollna relazzjonijiet tajbin mal-akbar għadd ta’ pajjiżi f’kull kontinent. Ninsabu f’nofs il-Mediterran li jmiss mal-kontinent Ewropew, Afrikan u Asjatiku. Jaqblilna li jkollna relazzjonijiet tajbin ma’ dawn it-tliet kontinenti. In-newtralitá tgħinna nkunu f’relazzjonijiet tajba għax nistgħu naħdmu favur il-paċi u m’aħna ta’ theddida għal ħadd. Malta għandha tibqa’ newtrali? Iva.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
The Voice of the Maltese 3
his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Q. My wife and I are 68 and 69 respectively and self-funded retirees. Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the We have an investment property valued around $550,000 and are planning to sell it as the rental income plus the income from our ac- Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers undercount based pension is under $40,000 p.a. and not sufficient for us stand the complexities associated with financial planto live on. We wish to invest the proceeds in super but we believe ning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie that we will need to pass the work test. Is this so? Louise via: A. On the 1st July 2022 the work test for in. Remember it is ‘time in those between 67 and under 75 does no the market’ not ‘timing the longer apply. Therefore your wife and market’. yourself are both able to invest in super- Q. I have just inherited annuation up to $330,000 each as nonAustralia shares. concessional contributions, which means some If I hold on to these seno tax coming out of these amounts. will I have to You could also both consider making a curities concessional contribution of no more pay tax on them? than $27,500 each in order to reduce A. As you have inherited your capital gains tax. You need to visit a these shares and are financial planner who will be able to di- planning to hold on to rect you in the right direction to maximise them you will not have to your options. pay any capital gains tax on them. The capital Q. I am 45 years of age and have my gains or losses will be super invested in 70% growth assets. I triggered when you deam seeing the balance of my super cide to sell The amount of tax provide you with some advice. drop significantly because of the payable at thethem. They would have an idea of what should time will the value of the volatility in the share markets at pres- sale price of the shares be perform well even though they do not less the cost base ent. Should I sell my growth assets and of the person you inherited them from. have a crystal ball. Shares are growth inre-purchase once the volatility settles? vestments and to see good results they Q. I am 35 years old and single and A. You are still very young and you are un- wish to start investing in direct shares. need to be invested for the long term of at able to touch your superannuation funds Should I let this market volatility pass least five to seven years. until you have reached preservation age, or would it be to my advantage to move Q. I have money sitting in the bank which in your case is 60 years. Markets will into the share markets now? earning hardly any interest. I was always be volatile but remember these are planning to invest some of it in a twolong- term investments and markets do re- A. . Buying in gloom and selling in boom year term deposit as the bank offered is what I believe in. However, be aware, me 2.2%. Would this be a wise move? cover. If the funds you are invested in are good that shares are growth assets and if you funds, then the drop is only on paper and have never invested in shares, you should A. . I have no idea how far interest rates will be crystallised if you had to cash them visit a share broker and see if they can are going to go, but I believe a good option would be to invest short term rather than long term at this stage. You should also consider a few term deposits for different terms rather than one. This would hopefully provide a better result in the end. Q. My father is in an aged-care facility. He has now developed dementia and the facility have recommended that we move him into one that specializes in dementia residents. Would we need to pay more to put him in the new home or will it be equal to the RAD we originally paid? A. The amount of RAD required depends entirely on the new facility. However, you should question this when you find the home and if the amount is vastly different see whether he can afford this extra amount. If not, you may have to pay the difference via Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), which means you pay interest on the extra amount you would otherwise have to pay. The initial RAD would be transferred from one facility to the other facility.
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
John Malcolm Fraser Australia’s 22nd Prime Minister
The dismissal, multiculturalism
stand out J
11 November 1975 to 11 March 1983
ohn Malcolm Fraser AC CH GCL PC; (21 May 1930 – 20 March 2015) was an Australian politician and leader of the country’s Liberal Party who served as the country’s 22nd Prime Minister for seven and a half years, from 11 November 1975 to 11 March 1983, who was elected as a member of parliament (MP) for the division of Wannon when he was 25.
aul Kelly, a Researched by LawrenceDimech well-known political wriDuring a reflective ter, describes Frazer as a rich farmer with a nation-building philosophy, an anti-com- discussion in early munist ideology, and an aggressive politi- 1983 Fraser nomician ambitious for himself and his country. nated his support for He was widely depicted as a “born to rule” a multicultural AusLiberal who, unlike Sir Robert Menzies, tralia as his governhad been born to the purple, tall, thick-set ment's finest legacy. During another interunsmiling, and lethal. Frazer was a strong supporter of multi- view, sixteen years later, he held the same culturalism, and during his term in office, view. “Multiculturalism might have been Australia admitted significant numbers of the most important thing that my governnon-white immigrants (including Viet- ment accomplished. Whatever anyone namese boat people) to the country for the might have said since, the fact that we then first time, effectively ending the White accepted a multicultural Australia was Australia policy. His government also es- enormously important in building a cohetablished the Special Broadcasting Service sive society.” Fraser was raised on his father's sheep (SBS). I was very active in ethnic affairs during stations and, after studying at Magdalen this period and I am of the view that College, Oxford, returned to Australia to Fraser's government did more for multi- take over the family property in the Westculturalism than most other governments. ern District of Victoria. After an initial defeat in 1954, he was I was the director of the first Migrant Resource Centre in Australia as a result of the elected to the Australian House of RepreFrazer’s Government’s Galbally report. sentatives at the 1955 federal election, as Michael Mackellar the Minister for Mul- a member of parliament (MP) for the diticulturism at the time was most effective vision of Wannon. He was 25 at the time, making him one of the youngest people in implementing the advocated changes.
Malcom Fraseer (left) with the Commonwealth Secretary General, Shridath Ramphal, at the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Lusaka, Zambia 1979 (National Archives of Australia)
ever elected to parliament. When Harold Holt became prime minister in 1966, Fraser was appointed Minister for the Army. After Holt's disappearance and replacement by John Gorton, Fraser became Minister for Education and Science (1968–1969) and then Minister for Defence (1969–1971). In 1971, he resigned from cabinet and denounced Gorton as "unfit to hold the great office of the prime minister"; this precipitated the replacement of Gorton with William McMahon. He subsequently returned to his old education and science portfolio. After the Liberal-National Coalition was defeated in the 1972 election, Fraser unsuccessfully stood for the Liberal leadership, losing to Billy Snedden. When the party lost the 1974 election, he began to move against Snedden, eventually mounting a successful challenge in March 1975. As Leader of the Opposition, Fraser used the Coalition's control of the Australian Senate to block supply to the Whitlam Government, precipitating the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. This culminated with Gough Whitlam being dismissed as prime minister by the governor-general, Sir John Kerr, a unique occurrence in Australian history. *Continued on page 5
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Left: John M. Frazer addressing a country meeting; and during a cabinet meeting
Credited with restoring stability to the country
*Continued from page 4
The correctness of Fraser's actions in the crisis and the exact nature of his involvement in Kerr's decision have since been a topic of debate. Fraser remains the only Australian prime minister to ascend to the position upon the dismissal of his predecessor. After Whitlam's dismissal, Fraser was sworn in as prime minister on an initial caretaker basis. The coalition won a land-
slide victory at the 1975 election, and was re-elected in 1977 and 1980. Fraser took a keen interest in foreign affairs as prime minister, and was more active in the international sphere than many of his predecessors. In his final years in office, Fraser came into conflict with the economic rationalist and fiscal conservative faction of his party. His government made few major changes to economic policy. After losing the 1983 election, Fraser re-
Malcolm Fraser (left) and US President Jimmy Carter in June 1977
tired from politics. In his post-political career, he held advisory positions with the United Nations (UN) and the Commonwealth of Nations and was president of the aid agency CARE from 1990 to 1995. He resigned his membership of the Liberal Party in 2010, having been a critic of its policy direction for a number of years. Evaluations of Fraser's prime ministership have been mixed. He is generally credited with restoring stability to the country after a series of short-term leaders, but some have seen his government as a lost opportunity for economic reform. Fraser’s seven and a half-year tenure as prime minister is the fourth-longest in Australian history, only surpassed by Bob Hawke, John Howard and Robert Menzies. His migrant story was dominated by three factors, a strong revival of the immigration programme: the successful intake of the Vietnamese refugees, and the promotion of multiculturalism as a settlement philosophy. The immigration programme has been slashed under the Whitlam Government. Over three years, immigration numbers were cut from 130,000 to just 50,000 the lowest since the inauguration of the programme in the late 1940s. Under the Frazer government, the number went up in 1982 to just under 120,000. However, it was the outflow of the refugees from Vietnam after the fall of Saigon in 1975 that forced the historical change in Australia’s immigration intake. The arrival on Australia’s coastline of Vietnamese boat people just a few years after the abolition of White Australia policy constituted a national challenge. Most refugees to Australia came as the result of an international agreement on resettlement to ease the crises afflicting South East Asia. *In the next issue we will take a look at Joseph Benedict Chifley, who served from 1945 to 1949. What made J.B Chifley special as a leader…was that in his everyday dealings with people, he genuinely and effortlessly symbolised the ideals of the labour movement. Regarded as one of the most impressive prime ministers.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
The 64th anniversary of the sinking of SS Skaubryn
he Norwegian liner MS Skaubryn was the only vessel lost at sea during the era of post-war migration to Australia when it caught fire in 1958 with 1,288 people on board, including more than 200 children. Joe Cutajar, now living in Berkeley (Central Coast, 63 km north of Sydney CBD) was on
board on that day. He remembers that day vividly. Joe has already shared his story with the Welcome Wall, National Museum of Migration at Pyrmont Wharf Sydney. Today he recounts his experience to The Voice of the Maltese.
I was there
SS Skaubryn on that fateful day on 31st March 1958 when it caught fire
n 22nd March 1958, my mother Catherine Cutajar (née de Battista; born 1927), myself aged eight and my two younger brothers, Mario (five) and Frank (three), boarded the Skaubryn in Valletta, Malta. My father, Charles (born 1928), who was a cook in the British Army, was already in Australia. I was born in Pietà [on the outskirts of Valletta] in 1950. I remember my Holy Communion when I was about five or six, with lots of parties and being dressed up. Then all of a sudden, we were moving out to Australia. It was a £10 passage, the same as the British. At the time Malta was a British colony. We had to go and get checks for the Australian government to accept us. My youngest brother Frank had something wrong with his legs – they were in plaster, there were some issues maybe. They were so picky at that time. We made our way to the wharf area in Valletta, I remember the hullaballoo of all the people around the wharf to see their relatives and friends off. All these people were everywhere. Skaubryn was a tourist-type ship with a mix of passengers, mostly German and Maltese. The first week on the ship was uneventful. Then on the 31st March, Mum was at the movies with a friend, and we had a babysitter. We boys were woken up by smoke filling our cabin. I think the babysitter went looking for Mum, and they must have panicked. Mum grabbed my brothers, Mario and Frank, and a man (a family friend) grabbed me. This guy just literally pulled me out of
Joe Cutajar u
bed. I was taken and put in a lifeboat, separated from my family. In the lifeboat, people w e r e screaming and vomiting. I was terrified. In my eyes, as a child, the life- A lifeboat full of survivors from the Skaubryn in the Indian Ocean that night We were first picked up by an oil tanker. I boat was overloaded. I could see sharks circling the lifeboat as the Skaubryn was can’t remember how I got up there – I recall feeling the rope, but don’t know whether I burning. It was a clear night with a calm sea. climbed or somebody pulled me up. I did That’s what stuck in my mind. It was like not see Mum until she found me. She was daylight – the moon was so bright – the on another lifeboat, separate from mine, ocean flat. If it were rough, a lot of people with the other two boys. I was alone, I don’t would have drowned. One German man know how long it took, but it seemed like had a heart attack and died (he was the only ages. Mum was terrified – she never left our sight again. casualty of the Skaubryn disaster). On the oil tanker, they gave us some food Some people had been dressed up for dinner and the movies, while others were in and blankets to put around us, as we were pyjamas. We had nothing on except the un- in underpants and singlet tops. Later we derwear. We lost everything basically until were transferred to Aden on the Italian ship we got to Aden, where they gave us some Roma. When we arrived in Aden, we were taken to the local hospital. The Australian money. People tried to take their bags onto the government gave us some clothes and some lifeboats, but the sailors were throwing money (about £50). They also gave us food them overboard into the water telling us, and documentation, so we could continue “The people before the bags.” I remember our journey to Australia on the Orient liner some things floating around in the water, Orsova. and looking back, seeing the Skaubryn *Continued on Page 3 alight.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
169 Maltese on board
The brothers Mario (left) and Frank playing in Malta in the early 1950s before they emigrated with Joseph and their mother to Australia
The sinking of MS Skaubryn on its way to Australia in 1958
*Continued from Page 2
We arrived in Sydney in April 1958. It took four ships to get us to Australia. Dad’s sister Nina and her husband Joe were living at La Perouse, in Sydney’s southeast, so we stayed with them until we got settled. They had three girls and five boys, and with us three boys, it was a bit crowded! We went to school in La Perouse. Then we shifted to Surry Hills and then to Paddington (both in inner-city Sydney). My cousin got Dad a job at the Bunnerong Power Station in Matraville in Sydney. When Bunnerong shut down dad was transferred to the Tallawarra Power Station on the south coast of New South Wales, and the whole family then settled in Wollongong. After school, I got a job at Port Kembla Hospital as a kitchen hand. My boss was a MALTESE COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF VICTORIA INC.
single man who left Germany on his own at 19. One day we were talking about history, and our backgrounds, and we discovered that we had been on the same ship! Later, for 15 years I worked with dad in the power industry before returning to the health service where I have been for 40-odd years. My wife Susan is English. Her family also came out as £10 Poms, and her father ended up working in the steel industry. We have two children and six grandchildren. Joe’s father, Charles, with youngest son Frank in Paddington, Sydney in the late 1950s
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n the day the SS Skaubryn caught fire in the Indian Ocean on 31March 1958, the Norwegian vessel had 1280 people on board. They included 1,100 passengers, among them 169 Maltese migrants. Most of the others were Germans. Among the passengers were 200 children and 40 babies The rest, 180, were crewmembers. It was its sixth and final journey between Malta and Australia. According to a report by Captain Feste, the fire was caused by a misunderstanding between two crewmembers that allowed oil from an open line in the engine room to spurt on hot exhaust pipes. Luckily, the merchant ship City of Sydney was nearby and picked some of the passengers. It could only take 30 passengers, therefore messages for help were sent to any possible vessel that happened to be close by. The luxury liner Roma that was on its return journey from Australia to Italy picked up the messages, arrived on the scene and took the survivors to Aden. After three days in Aden, they boarded the English liner SS Orsova and while on board received a telegram from Mr A.R. Downer, Minister for Immigration in Canberra welcoming them to Australia and said he looked forward to personally greet them on arrival. Their first stop was at Freemantle. The Skaubryn was the only vessel lost at sea during the post-war era.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The Voice of the Maltese
Print zine Print & & Digital Digital magazine maga magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Congratulations Malta for getting elected on UN Security Council
Patrick Caruana from Birmingham, UK writes: congratulate the staff of Malta’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Minister Ian Borg and the previous Minister Evarist Bartolo who all worked so hard in managing to earn Malta a place on the Security Council of the UN with such a vast majority of votes. So as of next January, Malta, one of the smallest states among the members of the United Nations, will be sitting alongside the top nations, the giants of the UN Permanent members of the Security Council. This is no mean feat, as it will have an important vote in big decisions that could affect world peace. I was also impressed by the issues that Malta has set up to push forward during its two-year term. Who would not agree with its commitment to seek child protection, and the importance it would be giving to literacy as a way of overcoming
Subsidising voters
J. Brincat Newport Victoria. he General election in Malta cost the government €6.6 million; while another €1.9 million was spent to subsidise low- cost tickets so that 1,952 voters and their dependents could travel to Malta from Europe to cast their vote. I call this gross discrimination. Are those Maltese citizens living in Europe first class Maltese citizens? What about the others? Well bad luck! If a subsidy is available, it must be available to all, not just the chosen few. Is this constitutionally correct? Did we see Civil Society demanding an inquiry? Some pay to get their citizenship, while others are preferred.
Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:
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conflicts, the important role of women, and work against the threat of climate change. The next two years would be very important, especially as we live dangerously with the ongoing conflicts, in particular if, as it looks, there could be the escalation of war in the European region.
Tassew interessanti
Joe Scicluna minn B’kara, Malta jikteb: ħal dejjem, fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese kien hemm materjal tassew interessanti, u nixtieq nikkummenta dwaru. L-artiklu dwar in-newtraliá' ta Malta kien tassew bilancjat. Naqbel mal-kumment taleks Ministru Evarist Bartolo, li n-newtralitá ta’ Malta għandha tibqa’, anke jekk forsi hemm bzonn ta’ xi ftit tibdil. Dwar l-aħbar li Malta kisbet post fuq ilKunsill tas-Sigurtá tal-Ġnus Magħquda u b’maġġoranza daqstant kbira, il-poplu Malti għandu għax tassew ikun kburi. Aħbar oħra li tagħmel ġid lil pajjiżna hi li Malta tneħħiet minn fuq il-lista l-griża. Issa għandna nħarsu l-quddiem biex ma jkunx hemm affarijiet oħra li jistgħu jerġgħu jitfgħuna lura. Qed tkun ta’ interess u utili għal dawk li jhobbu l-istorja s-serje’ ta’ artikli dwar ilprim ministri tal-Awstralja. Ħassejtni tant kburi bħala Malti li Anton Tagliferro ġie kkonoxxut għall-ħidmietu (Malti barra minn art twelidu) u qed ikun ta unur lil pajjiżna Dwar il-belt Valletta, naqbel mar-residenti li l-mużika li tindaqq barra l-klabbijiet għandha tieqaf mal-11pm, u ġewwa.
Il-Malti jitkellem bil-Malti
F. Scicluna minn Middle Park Victoria jikteb:
-ilsien Malti f’Malta qed jingħata mbuttatura kemm mill-President Vella u minn oħrajn. Ilni 30 sena emigrat u nifhem li l-Malti jingħaraf l-iktar mill-lingwa tiegħu. Pajjiz żgħir imma fost l-ostakoli kollha u ħafna dominanzi rnexxilna nżommu l-lingwa tagħna. Fejn hu possibli l-Malti għandu jinkiteb sewwa u bl-alfabet Malti. Il-lingwa mitkellma, l-aktar minn dawk li ġew l-Awstralja żgħar jew twieldu hawn isibuha diffiċli. Fuq ċerti programmi tarradju tal-komunitá (mhux kollha) li għandhom ikunu xempju tal-lingwa jinstemgħu żbalji banali li ma jagħmlulniex unur. Hemm bzonn ta’ aktar attenzjoni. “Il-Malti jitkellem bil-Malti”, kien jgħidli missieri.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
‘The Front Page on the Front Line
The Voice of the Maltese 9
New book about the Maltese newspapers during WWII T – The Maltese Newspapers and the Second World War’
he Second World War ended 77 years ago but interest in it is still very high, not least in Malta and among the Maltese. The latest contribution is the book ‘The Front Page on the Front Line – The Maltese Newspapers and the Second World War’ (Midsea Books), by University of Malta visiting lecturer and journalist Martin Debattista. The book uncovers the fake news and propaganda of the time reflected in Maltese newspapers in the period 1939-1945. It also puts the struggles of the local newspapers in the context of war where censorship was imposed, newsprint and ink were lacking, and journalists and other staff had to report to work under the falling bombs. The Voice of the Maltese spoke to Mr Debattista about his new publication. Why has the book been published now after all these years from the end of the war? Even though our grandparents and great grandparents are fading away of old age, about the war, especially biographies and most of us still remember hearing their war memoirs by military personnel and civilians stories. I hope my book is a small contribu- who witnessed the war first hand. tion towards keeping this heritage alive by uncovering an aspect that has not attracted Is your reason for such a publication to right the wrongs the Maltese used to be much attention over these past decades. fed during the war years? Knowing you and how meticulous you In my book I bust some myths created always are when you take such tasks, over time and fuelled by propaganda in you must have consulted important newspapers. I prove that the Italian pilots sources. were not cowards and did not jettison their My work is academic in nature but written bombs in the sea and ‘turned tail’ at the in a flowing style and accompanied by sight of the RAF fighters. I have also conscores of contemporary photos and scans of firmed that the newspapers did not create the newspapers. I consulted all the Maltese the legend of the three Gladiator fighters newspapers published in the period 1939- ‘Faith’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Charity’ who defended 1945. Luckily for me they were down to Malta against all odds at the start of the war. just four pages per issue during the worst On the other hand, the Maltese newspatime of the war between 1940 and 1942. pers were highly critical where it was due, Other important sources for me were doc- especially the quality of the service by the uments at the National Archives of Malta, Victory Kitchens and the situation with The National Archives of the UK, the availability of the air raid shelters. The Churchill Archives; unpub- newspapers, especially the Stricklandian lished research at the Univer- press, played an important role in the issue sity of Malta and obviously of the pro-Italian Maltese sympathisers, the many books published some of whom were deported to Africa. About the author Martin G. Debattista is an aca- How long has it demic with a long experience in journalism, media, technology and ed- taken you to ucation. He is a senior academic at the Institute of Tourism Studies finish this (Malta) and a visiting senior lecturer at the University of Malta. work, which by His current fields of expertise are digital media, digital education and the looks of it virtual heritage. He has worked in local media and journalism and can should be recount over 25 years of experience in education, especially focussed on garded as a the relationship between education, media and technology. history book? However, he has always harboured a passion for history and heritage, and this book brings together media, journalism and Maltese history in The research the context of World War II in one exhaustive volume. started as my
The cover of Martin Debattista’s book undergraduate dissertation for my degree in communications at the University of Malta in the early nineties. The feedback I received was very positive, so I was encouraged to publish it. It took some time to review and considerably expand the text, but I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. What were the sources used by the media people during the war years and how reliable were they? The saying that ‘the first casualty of war is truth’ applied somewhat in our case. The journalists at the time had a mixture of official and unofficial sources. The Information Office, a government department headed by a British army officer but also employing Maltese personnel, issued daily reports about the air raids and the consequences. The newspapers duly published these, but the newsrooms had other sources within the British military establishment and the Maltese government, especially the Times of Malta and il-Berqa. We know that Mabel Strickland was privy to strategic information given by the British military, some of which was not published for security reasons. Journalists also tapped local sources like the police stations, the ARP (Air Raid Precaution) and the local parish priests. The book is available from
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Daqshekk petrol u diżil (fl-Ewropa)
Dan l-artiklu jinstab ukoll fuq il-blog tal-awtur, fuq: https://ivancauchi.
kitba ta’
x-xahar l-ieħor, l-Unjoni Ewropeja kienet qed tikkunsidra li tipprojbixxi sa mill-2035 il-bejgħ ta’ vetturi ġoddi b’magni tal-kombustjoni interna (internal combustion engines - ICE) li jaħdmu bil-petrol jew id-diżil. Dan huwa konsistenti mar-rieda tal-Kummissjoni Ewropeja li jkun hemm tnaqqis komplet ta’ emissjonijiet taddiossidu tal-karbonju (CO2) minn vetturi ġodda sa dik is-sena.1 L-alternattiva ewlenija għall-vetturi tat-triq huma dawk li jaħdmu bl-elettriku, li għalihom hemm bżonn ta’ infrastruttura ġdida li trid tinbena b’ħeffa kbira, u għal dan hemm proġetti apposta għalihom. Kien hemm ħafna negozjar ma’ min kien interessat, min ried li din id-data titqassar, jew li tittawwal, min ried li t-tnaqqis talemissjonijiet ma jkunux kompleti eċċ eċċ. Issa s-sitwazzjoni għadha fluwida, bħalissa jidher li d-data se tinżamm imma qed jiġi propost li għalkemm jitwaqqfu l-fjuwils fossilizzati (petrol u diżil), jitħallew jintużaw fjuwils alternattivi bħall-idroġenu, fjuwils sintetiċi u hemm eżenzjoni għal dawk li jimmanifatturaw għaxart elef vettura jew inqas (aħseb ‘Ferrari’) wara pressjoni mill-Ġermanja u l-Italja - x’tistenna? Gruppi ambjentali ma kinux kuntenti b’dawn l-eżenzjonijiet, laktar għax it-tniġġis ma jiddipendix biss mid-diossidu tal-karbonju, imma wkoll minn gassijiet oħra ta’ ossidi tan-nitroġenu li jiġu prodotti minn dawn il-magni mekkaniċi, li wkoll għandhom l-effett serra u jikkontribwixxu għat-tibdil tal-klima. Jargumentaw li dawn il-fjuwils huma biss distrazzjoni, huma inqas effiċjenti minn dawk li jużaw il-batteriji, u jtellfu millħidma sabiex is-settur tat-trasport privat ikun nadif u kmieni kemm jista’ jkun. Jien għalkemm naħseb li l-gruppi ambjentali għandhom raġun, jidhirli li d-dinja miexja deċiżament lejn l-għan li jixtiequ, u qabdet ritmu li mhux se jitwaqqaf. Naħseb li l-importanti huwa li lbiċċa l-kbira ta’ dawk in-nies li jkunu qegħdin jixtru l-ġdid f’din l-industrija, se jkunu qed jużaw t-teknoloġiji l-iktar effiċjenti. Dejjem se jibqgħu dawk li għal xi raġuni jew oħra għandhom bżonn, jew jixtiequ li jżommu, teknoloġiji ICE, u naħseb li jkun ħela ta’ ħin li li tipprojbixxi dan għal kollox. Huwa veru li għad baqa’ l-kwestjoni tal-vetturi mhux ġodda, li s’issa l-pożizzjoni tal-UE għadha li dawn jitħallew jibqgħu jintużaw wara l-2035. Dan ifisser li dawn il-vetturi, tal-petrol u diżil, jitħallew jintużaw, u ftit ftit jibdew jonqsu fit-toroq bil-mewta naturali tagħhom - huwa stmat li dawn għandhom ħajja ta’ ħmistax-il sena.
L-ewwel magna ICE introdotta min-Nissan (xellug), l-oħra tal-GM
Fl-Awstralja, dawk bħali interessati fl-iżviluppi fil-qasam, huma ħerqanin jistennew x’se jħabbar il-gvern il-ġdid Laburista li għadu kif ifforma l-gvern hawnhekk. Il-programm elettorali tiegħu kellu taqsima sħiha msejħa Powering Australia dwar l-enerġija sostenibbli2 li ssemmi t-tneħħìja ta’ tariffi tal-importazzjoni u ta’ taxxa fuq vetturi b’emissjonijiet baxxi, u li tiġi żviluppata strateġija għal dawn il-vetturi. Qed jissemmew l-inkoraġġiment tal-manifattura tal-komponenti tal-karozzi tal-elettriku, inklużi l-batteriji, u possibilment talkarozzi infushom, ħaġa li m’għadhiex issir hawnhekk għal xi snin, bil-waqfien tal-produzzjoni tal-Holden, Ford u Mitsubishi. Ukoll huma msemmija proġetti li jżidu l-infrastruttura tal-iċċarġjar tal-vetturi elettriċi, ħaġa li fl-Awstralja hija fqira mhux ħażin. S’issa hawnhekk ma ssemmietx mira ta’ dati sakemm il-vetturi konvenzjonali jkunu jistgħu jkunu mibjugħa, imma min jaf? Nistennew u naraw. Innutajt ukoll waqt taħdita tal-ġimgħa l-oħra fin-National Press Club, lill-ministru l-ġdid Laburista għat-tibdil tal-klima u l-enerġija Chris Bowen li ma eskludiex li jiġu kkunsidrati limiti għall-emissjonijiet tal-vetturi konvenzjonali. Limiti simili ilhom jeżistu fl-Ewropa u l-Istati Uniti, imma taħt il-gvern ta’ qabel, ostili għal kull ħaġa b’lewn aħdar, qatt ma kellhom ċans biss li jkunu kkunsidrati. Għalhekk dawn l-emissjonijiet fl-Awstralja qatt ma kellhom limitu u dan wassal sabiex il-manifatturi globali jibagħtu l-agħar vetturi tagħhom (f’dan il-qasam) hawnhekk. Il-folja nistgħu ngħidu li nqalbet, u waħda sew.
Referenzi 1., retrieved 29/6/2022 2. a3f3c53001f975017-PoweringAustralia.pdf, retrieved 30/6/2022
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The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Susan Templeman and Malta’s Ambassador meet at Vienna event
uring government business in Vienna recently, Australian Federal Member for Macquarie Susan Templeman met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to Austria Natasha Meli Daudey during the first meeting of State Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that was held from June 21 to 23. Ms Templeman attended the meeting, as an observer, while Ambassador Natasha Meli Daudey, is also the Permanent Representative of Malta to the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe, to the United Nations and to the International Organisations based in Vienna.
High Commission & Consulates of Malta in Australia
Apologies to the Malta High Commission in Australia and the readers for inadvertently publishing a version with outdated information about the consulates in the last issue of The Voice.
Malta has ratified the Treaty, which aims to see an end to nuclear weapons, as have Pacific neighbours like New Zealand, Fiji and Samoa. Ms Meli Daudey previously served as Malta’s Ambassador to Poland and nonresident Ambassador to Georgia, Moldova, Belarus and Armenia. Australia’s attendance at the TPNW meeting as an observer will provide insights into how States Parties intend to address questions about the Treaty, including: • the adequacy of the TPNW’s verification and enforcement regime • interaction with the Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which the Australian Government considers to be the cornerstone of the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime • How States Parties will work to achieve universal support, especially that of nuclear-weapon states. Ms Templeman told The Voice of the Maltese: “It was great to be in Austria to observe the first Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear
Susan Templeman (left)with the Ambassador of Malta to Austria, Natasha Meli Daudey, at the TPNW meeting in Vienna Weapons (TPNW) on behalf of Australia. Australia shares the ambition of TPNW states parties of a world free of nuclear weapons.” Australia is not a party to the TPNW and Ms Templeman’s attendance as an observer does not represent a decision to join the Treaty.
High Commission & Consulates of Malta in Australia High Commission of Malta - Canberra H.E. Mr. Mario Farrugia Borg
High Commissioner for Malta to Australia
38 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT 2606 (02) 6290 1724 / 1426 / 1573
Consulate General - Sydney Mr. Lawrence Buhagiar (Consul General) St. Martins Tower, Suite 10.04, Level 10, 31 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000
947 799746 0433 0433 799
Consulate General - Melbourne
Vacant Ms. Chirelle Ellul Sciberras (Consul General)
Suite 613, 6th Floor, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
(02) 9262 9500
0430 402 177
(03) 9670 8427
0413 0430 621 378 177 407
(02) 9264 4722
(03) 9670 9451
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Roundup of News About Malta
n the past few days, Malta’s top personalities, all honoured important commitments on behalf of Malta outside of the country. President George Vella, accompanied with his wife Miriam, led a delegation that included among others Minister for Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana and Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima to the State of Qatar Prime Minister Robert Abela first participated in a two-day meet-
Supporting the political aspirations of Western Balkans
ing between EU leaders and the leaders of the Balkan States in a European Council and Euro Summit in Brussels, and then in the latter part of the week attended an informal dinner on the fringes of a NATO summit in Spain in which Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and potential expansion topped the agenda. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne represented Malta at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.
n the Euro Summit, Prime Minister Robert Abela told European leaders, that the sustainability of sanctions must be addressed. He stressed that Malta fully supports the European political aspirations of Western Balkan countries. Referring to Ukraine, Abela said that the EU must address the concerns of the Ukrainian citizens who are being affected by the conflict on a daily basis. He said that sanctions are an important and an effective tool but their sustainability and their impact needed to be addressed. In the discussions Malta agreed that to counter the impact of increases in energy prices the EU should explore cooperation with other international partners.
Meeting the NATO leaders
Robert Abela attended the Euro Atlantic dinner in the fringe of the summit of all EU and NATO leaders in Madrid, Spain (June 29-30). It was an historic moment for Malta, and the Transatlantic Alliance as it convened all 30 allied leaders and key NATO partners from Europe and Asia. For
Prime Minister Robert Abela (right) shaking hands with US President Joe Biden the first time, also included NATO’s AsiaPacific partners at the leaders level. The summit discussed the war in Ukraine and branded Russia “A direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability.” It ended with decisions to transform and strengthen the Alliance. with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saying that the decisions taken would ensure the Alliance to continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and protect our people and our values. Prime Minister Abela had the chance to express Malta’s views with the leaders, including US President Joe Biden (above)
CHOGM thanks Malta
n the proposal of Deputy Prime MinO ister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne, in CHOGM 2022 in Rwanda, the
Commonwealth countries have agreed that in the next two years, they will explore the possibility of adding the health forum to the other four fora, so it would be prepared for any other threat that may present itself in this regard. It will also address other health problems. The 25th CHOGM agreed on a number of important issues, including giving more importance to climate change, especially how it is affecting small countries and small island countries, such as Malta. It discussed the importance of protecting the rule of international law, within the Commonwealth countries, and internationally, especially when it comes to conflicts, and also about the need for an organisation such as the Commonwealth to be better prepared for serious global threats in the field of health. The leaders thanked Malta, which like many other Commonwealth member countries, donated a number of Covid vaccines (Malta alone around 700,000) to other Commonwealth countries. Gabon and Togo, both African, were added to the list. The number is now 56.
Malta and Qatar to further strengthen relations
n official talks that President George Vella held with the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani during his official visit to Qatar, both sides not only confirmed their commitment to further strengthen relations between the two countries, but also focussed on prospective investments between them for investment, especially in the sectors of energy, investment and education. They agreed there’s ample mutually beneficial potential to be utilised, particularly through the concrete finalisation of agreements and timely implementation of their provisions. The President said Qatar was ready to work with Malta and several areas of tangible cooperation were identified, ranging from the financial, maritime, aviation and industrial sectors, tourism, energy, and education. In light of the wide-ranging possibilities in these fields, it was agreed that direct contacts and visits be facilitated in all areas, to ensure that results are delivered. Developments in the Gulf and the EuroMediterranean regions and the efforts made by both Qatar and Malta to promote dialogue and stability in their respective neighbourhoods were also discussed. The challenges posed by irregular migration, security of en-
President of Malta George Vella in his meeting with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in Qatar
ergy supply, and the effects of climate change were also raised. At the end of the meeting, President George Vella welcomed the very cordial, positive, and constructive spirit in which the exchanges
(photo DOI- Omar Camilleri)
were held. He said that this State Visit is an important landmark that gives a strong impetus to relations between the two countries. Diplomatic relations between Malta and Qatar were established over 40 years ago.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Roundup of News About Malta
Ryanair announces €20m Malta maintenance facility At the announcement of the investment: (From left): Minister Miriam Dali, Ryanair’s CEO Eddie Wilson, Prime-Minister Robert Abela, Malta Air CEO David Obrien, Minister Silvio Schembri, and Ryanair’s Director of Operations Neal McMahon
yanair has announced a €20 million investment agreement with Malta Enterprise and INDIS for a Hangar facility at Malta International Airport, which will receive its first Ryanair Group aircraft in October 2022. With over 2,500 engineers across Europe, Ryanair Engineering is responsible for all aircraft maintenance activities, ensuring that Ryanair, Malta Air, Lauda and Buzz aircraft carry their customers to their destinations safely and on time. This announcement marks the first phase of a €20m three bay heavy maintenance project in Malta that will create over 250 highly skilled jobs, including licensed engineers, mechanics, and support staff, in addition to the 250 people already employed by Ryanair Group subsidiaries headquartered in Malta. It allows for the airline to carry out repairs and operations at the Malta International Airport. The first phase of the project will see Ryanair operate from an existing hangar
before building new three-bay hangars. The second phase will include 140 personnel with a two-bay line maintenance and will continue to grow in phases, where the fourth phase will see over 250 personnel. Since its first flight to Malta in 2006, Ryanair has carried almost 19 million customers to/from Malta and is leading Malta’s post-Covid recovery with a record 62 routes this summer. Speaking at a news conference in which he announced the investment, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that the investment is indeed another milestone in Malta’s thriving aviation history. He said that by setting up a heavy maintenance and repairs operation in Malta, a significant pillar in the aviation industry, Ryanair will now turn its Maltese operations into a full-service hub, and adding Ryanair to the sector would continue to improve the island’s already good reputation as a hub for aircraft maintenance and repairs.
uring a meeting of EU environment ministers in Luxembourg that lasted close to 17 hours, Malta managed to achieve a better deal under the Fit-for-55 package, which refers to the EU's target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. This means that different sectors have to contribute to this emission reduction. The new package will
help the country move towards a decarbonised economy. Malta managed to negotiate more funding from an increased share of allowances under the maritime legislation, and on Malta's insistence the money from these allowances will now help decarbonise not only the maritime sector but also road transport including public transport.
A better deal for Fit-for-55 package
“I reiterate our commitment to ensure we have our educational institutions and specialised academies to prepare our workforce for the industry. To this effect, we plan to deliver our support towards technical up skilling programmes, led by the industry itself, to address the skills gap in the aviation sector,” the Prime Minister said. He maintained that his vision is that this could be the precursor to a technical institute that would support the required human capital for this and other industries in the years to come.” He said that the investment would lead to a 25% growth in employment in this sector. Ryanair CEO Eddie Wilson said that as the largest airline serving Malta, Ryanair was delighted to open this new maintenance centre. It creates opportunities for highly skilled engineering jobs. He added that this investment plan further underlines his airline’s commitment to the highest standards of aircraft operations and maintenance, and also its commitment to Malta. Aircraft maintenance services in Malta took off in 2003 when Lufthansa Technik opened a large facility. Easyjet also started servicing its aircraft in Malta in 2016 at SR Technik whilst Medavia also has an aircraft maintenance facility in Gudja. Also present for the announcement were, Minister Miriam Dalli, Minister Silvio Schembri, Malta Air CEO David Obrien, and Ryanair’s Director of Operations Neal McMahon
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
if wiegħed fil-programm elettorali tiegħu, Gvern Laburista ħaseb biex iressaq emendi fil-Liġi tal-IVF ħalli jtejjeb is-servizz li jingħata permezz ta’ din illiġi. Hekk, b’dawn l-emendi se tkun iffaċilitata d-donazzjoni tal-oocytes minn pajjiżi barranin, se jkun permessibbli ttrasferiment ta’ embrijuni krijo-priservati f’pajjiżi barranin lejn Malta sabiex l-IVF issir Malta stess, u titneħħa l-affinità bħala ostaklu għad-donazzjoni tal-gamiti. Se tiżdied ukoll l-entitlement tal-IVF mingħajr ħlas billi tiżdied l-età meta tista’ ssir l-IVF – sa 45 sena – jiżdiedu ċ-ċikli ta’ IVF bla ħlas, u jkun offrut is-servizz ta’ IVF anke lil min diġà għandu l-ewwel wild. Barra minn hekk, ittobba u speċjalisti se jkunu jistgħu wkoll jagħmlu użu millaħħar teknoloġija medika, biex ikunu evitai stejjer ta’ qsim il-qalb ta’ trabi li jitwieldu b’ċertezza li se jmutu fi ftit ġimgħat jew xhur. diskriminatorja bejn liema tarbija futura Meta tressqu dawn l-emendi ngħatat l- tgħix u liema tiġi ffriżata, abbażi tal kunimpressjoni li kienu se jiġu aċċettati miż- dizzjoni ġenetika tagħha. żewġ naħat tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti Il-Knisja kkwotat l-esperti li kkonfermaw għax kienu jaqblu dwarhom. li tmienja minn kull disa’ kundizzjonijiet Imma f’daqqa waħda nqalgħet diskus- ġenetiċi rari msemmija jistgħu jiġu identisjoni qawwija fikati minn testijiet fuq iż-żewġ ġenituri u dwar l-aħħar jekk ikun hemm bżonn permezz ta’ test fuq emenda, li tati il-bajda tal-mara qabel jifforma l-embrijun. ċ-ċans biex Dan wassal biex meta bdew jiġu diskussi f’każi fejn l-emendi l-kelliem dwar is-Saħħa tal-Opjidħol ċertu pożizzjoni, Dr Stephen Spiteri, ħareġ konmard eredi- tra din l-emenda u ndika li l-Partit tarju serju Nazzjonalista kien se jivvota kontriha. kien se jibda Kien qed jissuġġerixxi li, minflok it-test jsir test fuq l- PGT-M li kien qed jipproponi l-Gvern, jide m b r i j u n i daħħal dak imsejjaħ il-Polar Body Testing, qabel dawn li ġie ssuġġerit, fost l-oħrajn mill-Kurja. jitpoġġew Dwar il-PGT-M, il-Prim Ministru saħaq f’ġuf l-omm, li dan se jsir skont protokoll stabbilit u Il-Ministru Chris Fearne biex kemm serju biex l-IVF ikun proċess li kemm jista jkun jevita’ li permezz tal-IVF jista’ jkun iġib esperjenza pożittiva u għaljitwieldu trabi b’mard ġenetiku serju li hekk mhux se jsir testing kapriċjuż li se jikkawża ħafna tbatija u f’ċerti każi anke jsir fuq kulħadd. l-mewt f’etá żgħira. “M’aħniex indaħħlu xi testing kapriċjuż, Dan wara li xi għaqdiet li huma kontra l- jew inkella testing across the board. Fi abort u aktar tard il-Kurja ħarġu kontra din kliem iktar sempliċi mhux kull min se l-emenda għax sostnew li se ssir għażla jagħmel l-IVF se jkun jista’ jagħmel dan
Il-Liġi tal-IVF
it-test. “Anzi, fil-maġġoranza mhux se jkun hemm il-ħtieġa jew id-dritt li jsir it-test. Iżda, se jagħmluh dawk li jafu li jekk ma jagħmluhx minflok il-ferħ ta’ tarbija ġdida, se jaffaċċjaw l-imrar ta’ twelid li miegħu iġib sofferenzi kbar. Ta’ mard serju u rari mingħajr ebda kura għalih. “Saħansitra f’ċerti każi l-mewt wara ftit xhur, liema xhur ikunu ddominati biss minn tbatija. Xi ħaġa li żgur li ħadd minnha ma jrid.” Hawn saret bidla min-naħa tal-Oppożizzjoni, għax meta l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni ġie biex jitkellem dwar din l-emenda qal li l-PN jaqbel li l-PGT-M hi teknika tajba u avvanzata; dwar dan m’hemmx diskussjoni għalkemm mhux test perfett, hija għodda effettiva u tajba. Iżda filwaqt li ma jitwarrabx il PGT-M, kellu jiddaħħal il-Polar Body Testing (PBT), li xorta jittestja għal dawn il-kundizzjonijiet rari ħlief għal parti mill-Huntington’s Disease. Pront wieġeb il-Ministru għas-Saħħa Chris Fearne li spjega li l-polar body testing (PBT) diġà qiegħed fil-protokol talIVF iżda huwa biss l-PGT-M li joffri l-firxa sħiħa tat-testing. Fearne spjega kif il-PBT jipprovdi biss testjar fuq kundizzjonijiet ġenetiċi li jiġu min-naħa tal-omm u mhux ġust li tgħid lill-koppji li l-Istat jista’ joffri biss testijiet nofs effettivi. Fearne qal li kontra l-impressjoni li tingħata li hemm ħafna embrijuni ffriżati, kull embrijun iffriżat se jintuża’, u hemm erba’ li se jingħataw għall-addozzjoni. L-emendi tal-IVF għaddew mill-istadju tat-tieni qari b’mod unanimu. U jidher li fl-aħħar mill-aħħar dawn l-emendi se jiġu approvati anke fit-Tielet qari biex imbagħad jidħlu fis-seħħ malli jiffirmahom il-President ta’ Malta. *Ara aktar f’paġna 15
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Polemika dwar turista Amerikana
L-ebda kumment
ilwaqt li kien għaddej iddibattitu, dwar l-IVF, fejn ma naqasx li jissemma lnteressanti l-fatt li fejn isabort – tant li dawk l-għaqdiet li soltu l-partiti u l-politiċi jinhuma kontra l-abort taw l-imvolvu ruħhom f’avvenimenti pressjoni li jekk dawk l-imbribħala dawn, din id-darba jumi li jiġu skartati jintremew, baqgħu lura u ma għamlu l-ebda ikun qed jiġi mwettaq abort – kumment sostanzjali. X’aktarx qamet kwestjoni oħra. li t-taboo fejn jidħol l-Abort Din id-darba kienet dwar turgħadu jinfluwenza x-xena poliista Amerikana ta’ 38 sena, Antika għax maljar ikun hemm drea Prudente, li flimkien ma min jinterpreta ċerti stqarrijiet żewġha Jay Weeldreyer ġiet bħala li dak il-partit jew indigħal btala f’Għawdex. Waqt li vidwu huwa favur l-abort. kienet fil-Gżejjer Maltin ilDan imbagħad żgur li jista’ mara, li kellha kważi erba' xhur jwassal fl-aħħar mill-aħħar għal tqala, esperjenzat dak li t-tobba telfien ta’ appoġġ, meta wieħed ddeskrivew bħala “korriment”. jieħu inkunsiderazzjoni li lGħalkemm il-fetu kien għad maġġoranza l-kbira tal-Maltin għandu qalb tħabbat, it-tobba huma kontra l-Abort. għarrfu lill-koppja li ma kienL-Unika membru tal-Parlahemm l-ebda ċans li l-fetu jgħix. ment li ma ħarbitx għal kollox Kien hawn fejn il-koppja talbet mis-sitwazzjoni kienet id-Deplit-tobba jitterminaw it-tqala, Andrea Prudente u żewġha Jay. Marret Spanja ttemm it-tqala utata Laburista, Rosianne Cutaiżda minkejja l-għajnuna kollha li t-tobba rikoverata l-isptar u taħt osservazzjoni kon- jar li waqt l-aġġornament tal-Parlament u l-infermiera taw lil din il-koppja, xorta tinwu (għax f’każijiet bħal dawn faċilment sostniet li t-tobba jafu li hemm ċirkustanzi baqgħu jinsistu li "sakemm l-omm ma jista’ jkun hemm infezzjoni li saħansitra fejn l-abort huwa medikament bżonnjuż u twellidx b'mod naturali jew tieqaf qalb it- tista’ twassal għall-mewt), ma kienetx li taħseb li ħadd ma jrid jara mara tmut tarbija, ma setgħux jintervjenu." f’periklu eminenti, allura dawn ma joper- minħabba l-liġijiet restrettivi Maltin dwar Dan kien minħabba li kif inhi l-liġi Maltija awx. l-Abort. Hija appellat biex tinfetaħ din it-terminazzjoni tista’ titqies bħala abort L-istorja spiċċat fl-midja barranija u final- diskussjoni dwar din il-liġi. u t-tobba jispiċċaw fil-Qorti. Deputat Laburista ieħor, din id-darba talment ġiet solvuta billi l-koppja waslet fi fteHawn qamet polemika sħiħa bejn dawk l- him mal-assikurazzjoni biex l-omm Parlament Ewropew, Cyrus Engerer, ukoll għaqdiet ta’ favur l-Abort u dawk ta’ kon- tintbagħat b’air ambulance lejn Spanja fejn ikkummenta dwar is-sitwazzjoni u fost koltra. Tal-ewwel insistew li l-liġi kellha sar l-intervent kirurgu meħtieġ. lox staqsa jekk din il-mara kellux isirilha ltinbidel biex f’każi bħal dawn it-tobba Skont l-aħħar aħbarijiet, issa din il-koppja intervent f’Malta minflok ikollha tmur jkunu jistgħu joperaw, filwaqt li dawk ta’ qed tgħid li se fittex l-Awtoritajiet Maltin Spanja. kontra sostnew li l-liġi kif inhi diġà taħseb għad-danni. Hu staqsa x’jiġri jekk fil-futur ikollna għal dan. Sintendi, din il-kawża fiha tifsira aktar mara Maltija li tiġi fl-istess sitwazzjoni u Saħansitra l-Arċisqof Mons Charles Sci- wiesgħa għax jekk tintrebaħ mill-koppja ma jkollihex l-assigurazzjoni li kellhom din cluna, saħaq li l-Knisja għandha pożizzjoni jkollha implikazzjoni dwar il-kwestjoni tal- il-koppja biex tkun tista’ tmur tagħmel l-inċara: “Li tiġi rispettata dejjem id-dinjità ta’ Abort f’Malta tervent barra minn Malta. kull ħlejqa mit-tnissil tagħha”. Però, komFi tweet Metsola kitbet: pla jisħaq li, “Jekk it-tarbija ma tistax issalva, l-ebda liġi ma tgħidlek li lill-omm l-Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew Maltħalliha tmut. Lanqas il-liġi ta’ Malta. tija, li llum tħaddan il-kariga ta’ PresiM’hemmx għalfejn nintroduċu l-abort biex dent tal-istess Parlament, Roberta Metsola insalvaw lill-omm” Imma fil-fatt il-liġi mhix daqshekk ċara sa ċertu punt ukoll spiċċat indirettament għax din titkellem dwar li l-omm li tkun f’din l-istorja. Għalkemm m’għamlet l-ebda kumment f’periklu imminenti li tmut... u allura f’każijiet bħal dawn fejn l-omm għalkemm dwar il-każ ta’ Malta, ikkummentat dwar sentenza li propju fl-istess żmien ingħatat mill-Qorti Suprema tal-Istati Uniti fejn ġie Madanakollu, għal xi raġuni, l-ebda partit adanittant, meta waqt konferenza tal- deċiż li kien f’idejn l-Istati jekk iżommux politiku ma ta importanza lil dan itaħbarijiet issemma l-każ ta’ Prudente, il-liġi tal-abort jew le, biex b’hekk għadd tweet.....għalkemm wieħed ma jeħodiex bi id-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru għas- ta’ Stati Amerikani qed ineħħu dan id-dritt. kbira jekk dan il-fatt mhux qed jinżamm Dan xejn ma għoġob lil Metsola. fil-but ta’ xi ħadd biex joħorġu fil-mument Saħħa Chris Fearne qal li talab lill-avukati Sintendi, din it-tweet ġibdet l-attenzjoni opportun. tal-Ministeru tiegħu biex issir evalwazzjoni Sadanittant, grupp ta’ nisa Maltin sabu rtal-liġijiet kollha bil-għan li l-professjonisti ta’ diversi kummentaturi li sostnew li biltas-saħħa jkunu jistgħu jipprovdu l-aħjar kitba tagħha Metsola kienet qed tappoġġa, riħ fil-qagħa f’dak li qalet Metsola, u biex tal-inqas indirettament, l-abort. Kien bħal jappoġġjaw il-protesti tal-Amerikani kura lill-pazjent f’każi bħal ta’ Prudente. Sostna li l-liġi Maltija għandha tgħin lit- hemm min fakkarha li minn meta laħqet kontra l-Qorti Suprema li trid twaqqfilhom tobba, u m’għandu jkun hemm xejn fil-liġi President tal-Parlament Ewropew jidher li ‘id-dritt’ għall-abort, żiedu tagħhom u bidlet il-fehma tagħha dwar l-Abort. li tfixkilhom milli jsalvaw il-ħajjiet. ħarġu jipprotestaw huma wkoll.
Daħlet fin-nofs Metsola
Tal-aħħar ...
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Half of all Australians first or second generation migrants T he figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) about the 2021 census revealed that 48.2 percent of Australians (nearly half of all Australians) had a parent born overseas, 27.6 percent were born outside Australia, and 3.2 percent of the population identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The number of people who used a language other than English at home increased by nearly 800,000, rising to over 5.5 million people between 2016 and 2021. The 2021 Census showed that India had moved past China and New Zealand to become the third-largest country of birth among Australian residents, behind Australia and England. An additional 217,963 Indian-born people became Australian residents between the 2016 and 2021 censuses. The 2021
Census also confirmed that Punjabi remained the fastest-growing language in Australia, with more than 239,000 people using it at home, an increase of over 80 percent from 2016. The Malta-born has taken a dive, from 37,614 in 2016 to 26,555 in 2021. The ABS will be releasing more information about the Maltese community; when this becomes available, The Voice of the Maltese, courtesy of Mark Caruana will analyse it for our readers.
early a month after the 22 May poll, after gradually confirming successful senators in other states in recent days, on Monday 20th June the Australian Electoral Commission has eventually declared the Senate results in New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia. The final results have given Labor just 26 of the 76 seats in the Senate, short of the 39 votes the government needs for a majority. There were 40 Senate seats up for grabs in 2022; six of the 12 seats in each state, and both seats in the territories. The AEC has confirmed that Labor won 15, the Coalition won 15, the Greens won six, and one seat each was won by One Nation’s Pauline Hanson, United Australia
party’s Ralph Babet, the Jacqui Lambie Network’s Tammy Tyrrell, and independent David Pocock. There are 36 senators continuing on from the last parliament, having been elected to a six-year term in 2019; 11 from Labor, 17 from the Coalition, six from the Greens, plus Jacqui Lambie and One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts. It will take the final Senate makeup to 26 from Labor, 32 from the Coalition, 12 from the Greens, and six more on the crossbench (two from JLN, two from One Nation, Pocock and Babet). Statistic shows that Labor now has the same number of seats it held in 2019, while the Coalition has gone backwards by four. The Greens have picked up three more.
Finally, the Senate results
Catholic numbers are down
he first tranche of data from the 2021 Census, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, shows that just 44 percent of Australians now identify as Christian, down from 52% five years earlier and 61 % in 2011. When the first Census was conducted in 1911, 96% of Australians listed a form of Christianity as their religion. The proportion of Australians identifying as Catholic declined from 23 to 20 % over the past five years while self-identified Anglicans dropped from 13 to 10%. By contrast, the share of Australians identifying as “non-religious” has surged, with 39% of Australians now identifying as nonreligious, up from 30%in 2016 and almost double the 22% of Australians who ticked the “no religion” box a decade ago. In the mid-1960s, less than 1% of people in Australia identified as having no religion. Based on current trends, non-believers could overtake Christians as the biggest religious block in Australia by the time the next Census is conducted in 2026.
Melbourne, most liveable city he city of Melbourne has retained its place as one of the world's most livecities as other Australian capitals drop out of the global top 10. TTheable Economist Intelligence Unit's 2022 survey, has Melbourne placed 10th on
the list and leading the way for Australia. The European cities of Vienna, Copenhagen and Zurich take out the top three spots. Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth all took their place in the top 10 in 2021 but have fallen to 27th, 30th, and 32nd respectively. Melbourne dropped from eighth to 10th in the last 12 months. Six of the top 10 cities were in Europe, with Vienna snatching the top spot from Auckland, which tumbled down to 34th place due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions. The 2022 list had Damascus, Lagos and Tripoli as the world's three least liveable cities. Melbourne held the title of the world's most liveable city for seven years from 2011 before it was unseated by the Austrian capital Vienna in 2018.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
NSW Budget for ‘22-23
att Kean the NSW Treasurer presented his first 2022-23 budget. In his budget speech he said that the NSW Government is setting the stage for the State’s prosperity, delivering a transformational budget that will secure a brighter future for New South Wales by offering steadfast support for families and businesses. Matt Kean (right) said that with an unemployment rate of 4%, and record high workforce participation, NSW could look to the future with confidence. NSW has the most competitive economy in the nation and the 2022-23 NSW Budget is a 10-year Blueprint for prosperity,” Mr Kean said. NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns has used his budget reply speech to convince voters to return Labor to power, promising to increase local manufacturing, provide toll relief and deliver more free preschools faster. Families, childcare and preschools are a large focus of the budget, with Mr Kean promising to unlock the economic potential of women by making it easier for them to return to work after giving birth. Among the policies is a $1.4 billion commitment to subsidise preschool, up to $4,000 per child annually, as well as committing to universal free pre- kindergarten by 2030. Mr Minns used his speech to lay out a plan to build 100 public preschools in primary schools during an elected Labor government's first term.
Uluru Statement from the Heart
he 31st Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he would adopt a “genuinely bipartisan” approach towards implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart with an Aboriginal advisory body to Parliament but would not give “right of veto” to the Coalition. “You don’t need a consensus but you need a broad agreement, firstly, among First Nations leaders and then, secondly, you would seek to get as broad a political agreement as possible for a referendum,” Mr Albanese said. “So that doesn’t mean that any group would have veto power because my concern is that unless there is a referendum in the foreseeable future, then the momentum will be lost.” Mr Albanese said there was enough support in the community for a referendum on the Voice to Parliament to succeed without major party bipartisanship and reiterated that if the Coalition opposed the referendum, it would not stop him from putting it to voters. A Voice to Parliament was opposed by former Liberal Prime ministers Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, and Scott Morrison, who each characterised it as a “third chamber” even though it would not be able to propose, amend or reject legislation, and would not scrutinise every bill or motion. Peter Dutton, who also labelled it a “third chamber”, recently said he was open to supporting a referendum.
Moving from neglect to respect T
he current Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles from Victoria (pictured right) said, “The Albanese Labor government is committed to introducing whole of government standards for measuring Australia's diversity to improve policy design, resource allocation and surface planning.” He made the pledge at the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA) Conference in Melbourne. He
First hijab wearing in Parliament
atima Payman has won Western Australia's sixth and final Senate seat, becoming the first Afghan-Australian and the first hijab-wearing Muslim woman in parliament. Ms Payman arrived as a refugee from Afghanistan as a child with her parents and three siblings, before growing up in Perth's northern suburbs. Inspired by the hard work of her parents when she was younger, Ms Payman became an organiser for the United Workers Union and, after losing her dad to leukaemia in 2018, decided she wanted to represent hardworking Australians like him who strived to make ends meet. She is passionate about breaking down barriers for women, young people, and culturally diverse communities.
said a culturally and linguistically diverse data collection-working group would be established “to develop a national standard for CALD data collection”. The group will consist of representatives of peak multicultural bodies - including FECCA - as well as data collection and demography experts. Giles promised to shift the tone of the immigration debate. “I'm committed today and going forward to changing this approach, moving from neglect to respect," he said. “I think it is important, and indeed im-
perative, that we find ways of having different policy opinions, different ways of expressing our shared commitment to multiculturalism without using individuals as political collateral in an endless, pointless, divisive and destructive culture war.”
Michelle Rowland MP Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway
Level 1. Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 Michelle.Rowland.MP@ (02) 9671 4780 www.michellerowland. MRowlandMP
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba bil-Malti
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
l-President ta’ Malta George Vella saħaq dwar il-ħtieġa ta' użu tajjeb talilsien Malti meta l-Uffiċċju tiegħu, flimkien ma’ seba' għaqdiet tal-Malti, filPalazz ta' Sant'Anton nieda l-kampanja nazzjonali 'l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi' b'risq il-lingwa Maltija. Il-President spjega li l-għan ta' din ilkampanja mhux li jiġu eskluzi lingwi oħra biex jiġi mdaħħal il-Malti, imma li l-Malti jintuża fejn hu bżonjuż bħala lingwa nazzjonali, u li fuq kollox jintuża b'mod tajjeb. Il-President Vella semma r-riċerka li saret millKunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti u d-Dipartiment tal-Malti flUniversità dwar ilqagħda tal-ilsien Malti, li b'mod ċar turi li 97% talMaltin jirrikonoxxu l-Malti bħala l-ewwel lingwa tagħhom. Huwa ikkummenta dwar l-importanza tal-Malti bħala għelm b'saħħtu tal-identità nazzjonali, u fid-dawl li l-ilsien Malti huwa parti mill-kultura u l-identità tagħna, il-President saħaq biex nibżgħu għalih għax huwa wkoll element li jgħaqqadna. Bil-għan li l-lingwa nżommuha ħajja u
Tiġi mnedija l-kampanja ‘l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi' Il-President ta’ Malta, George Vella iniedi l-kampanja 'l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi'
attiva, il-President appella għal aġġornament kontinwu li jirrispetta l-għeruq u listruttura tal-lingwa aktar milli aġġornament ta' konvenjenza ta' x'jaqbel nieħdu. Il-President Vella qal li għandu jkun hemm iktar okkażjonijiet fejn weħed jesprimi ruħu bil-Malti, u appella biex fixxandir, b'mod partikolari fl-aħbarijiet, wieħed ifittex l-għajnuna u l-koperazzjoni
Il-varjanti tal-ortografija L-erbataxil parti)
llum se nibdew inġibu għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja l-Appendiċi interessanti li huma inklużi f’dan ix-xogħol tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti li ttratta l-forom li għandhom jintużaw filkitba bil-Malti biex ikun hemm uniformitá. Dan il-kliem għandu jinkiteb magħqud meta jkollu tifsira waħda, kif għandu fl-eżempju.
Appendiċi A
afli Afli wiċċek tost wisq, biex qed terġa’ titlobni dak li ma ħaqqekx!
akkrettu L-ewwel elfejn ewro li qalgħu poġġewhom il-bank akkrettu tiegħek. allaħares Imma allaħares ma jaslux il-passaporti... Kif nistgħu nsiefru mingħajrhom?
apposta (+ t’apposta, tal-apposta, għal t’apposta, għal tal-apposta) Din mhix kumbinazzjoni; din
għamilhieli apposta biex jinkini. Xtrajna żebgħa apposta li l-ħażiż ma jaqbadx magħha. Waqt il-logħba tah bis-sieq t’apposta. Jissejjaħ delitt doluż meta r-reat ikun twettaq għal t’apposta u b’malizzja. Kienet kumbinazzjoni; ma ngħidx li kixfuh għal tal-apposta.
awlillejl, ewlillejl Kristu talab awlillejl qabel ma bata. beħsiebni, beħsiebi, biħsiebni, biħsiebi Biħsiebi mmur illum stess. Fil-btajjel tas-sajf beħsiebhom jerħulha lejn l-Alaska.
Bħalissa Bħalissa ma nistax niftakar x’jismu z-ziju tal-mara. bħallikieku, bħalkieku Bħallikieku jekk jogħla ż-żejt mhux kulħadd se jlaqqatha! Oqgħod attent minnha, għax taf tiksrek bħalkieku xejn.
Ikompi fil-ħarġa Nru 280
ta' professjonisti fil-lingwa Maltija. F'isem il-kumitat ta' ħidma, Kit Azzopardi, mill-Universitá ta’ Malta, li hu wkoll ħalliem tal-Malti, qal li din il-kampanja tfittex li toħloq kuxjenza dwar aspett kulturali li jagħżel in-nazzjon Malti minn oħrajn. Azzopardi qal li llum l-ilsien Malti mhux l-għodda ewlenija tal-għalliema u tal-kittieba biss, imma wkoll ta' bosta ħaddiema oħra, mill-ġurnalisti u l-avukati sal-iskrivani, it-tradutturi u dawk li jaħdmu firreklamar. Irrimarka li din il-kampanja tirrikonoxxi l-importanza tal-Malti għal bosta ħaddiema u turi kemm ilsienna huwa effettiv f'oqsma oħrajn li forsi ma nkunux konxji minnhom. Il-kampanja 'l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi' tagħraf ukoll realtajiet attwali, bħalma hu l-użu tal-Malti mill-barranin li jgħixu u jaħdmu f'Malta, kif ukoll il-multilingwiżmu. Matul il-kampanja, minn xahar għal ieħor, se jinxteħet dawl fuq dawn it-temi u oħrajn bħall-edukazzjoni u l-letteratura, bis-sehem ta' diversi personalitajiet u fuq mezzi differenti, minn stampati sa dawk diġitali u awdjoviżivi. L-għaqdiet tal-Malti li huma involuti f'din il-kampanja nazzjonali huma l-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti, id-Dipartiment tal-Malti fl-Università ta' Malta, l-Akkademja tal-Malti, l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università, l-Għaqda tal-Għalliema talMalti, Inizjamed, u l-Għaqda tal-Qarrejja tal-Provi tal-Malti. M’għandux jonqos li dawk kollha li jħobbu l-ilsien Malti laqgħu b’sodisfazzjon kbir din il-kampanja.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Victoria International Arts Festival f’Il-Ħaġar
Artisti Maltin juru 30 pittura dwar Għawdex f’ Whereabouts
-artisti stabbiliti Maltin Debbie Bonello u Andrew Borg qed juru ‘l fuq minn tletin pittura fil-mużew IlĦaġar, taħt l-isem ta’ Whereabouts bħala parti mill-25 edizzjoni tal-Victoria International Arts Festival. Għall-ewwel darba qed jenfasizzaw fuq Għawdex, u infatti x-xeni li pittru jinkludu Ħondoq ir-Rummien, is-Sanap, Mġarr ixXini, Marsalforn, Ta’ Ġordan, Ta’ Ċenċ, Wied l-Għasri, l-Għarb, iż-Żebbuġ, Ramla l-Ħamra, Xlendi, Ta’ Saguna u x-Xagħra. Ilkoll jikkonfermaw kemm huma interessati fl-istil “en plain air”, jew li jiddisinjaw barra għall-arja. Il-katalgu ta’ din l-wirja kollettiva, Il-Ħaġar GEMS 19, jinkludi wkoll xi kitbiet bijografiċi u kritiċi li żgur jgħinu biex wieħed japprezza ferm aktar sengħetu. Dott Charlene Vella, li tgħallem fid-Dipartiment talArti fl-Università ta’ Malta, ikkummentat dwar kemm jidher iħajjar Għawdex f’dilkollezzjoni li twassal f’livell għoli ferm ilkollaborazzjoni bejn dawn l-artisti matul l-aħħar snin. L-ewwel esebizzjoni li ħa sehem fiha Borg seħħet fl-2006, waqt li Bonello (li għandha demm Għawdxi wkoll) dehret għall-ewwel darba fl-1997 – għax minn tfulitha ħasset ilġibda! Kif sar normali, it-tnejn għandhom is-sit elettroniku tagħhom. Il-wirja tibqa’ miftuħa sa nhar il-25 ta’ Lulju.
L-artisti Debbie u Andrew (it-tieni u t-tielet mix-xellug) ma’ viżitaturi Għawdxin
Mill-Gżira Għawdxija Charles Spiteri
Imniedi Album ġdid minn The JoyGivers
l-band Għawdxija ‘The JoyGivers’ li hija magħmula minn Albert-Lauren Agius (kantant u gitarrista), Loredana Agius (kantanta u pjanista), Gordon Mifsud (fuq l-electric u acoustic guitars), Jessica Bugeja( pjanista) u Albert Agius (drums) għadha kif ħarġet CD bl-isem ‘Baħar Jaqsam’, li hi waħda millkanzunetti oriġinali tagħhom. L-album fih ħdax-il kanzunetta talgrupp, għaxra minnhom oriġinali. L-oħra hija l-verżjoni ta’ Frank O’Neil ‘Imħabba f’Kemmuna’. Il-kanzunetti kollha ta’ dan il-grupp, fosthom ‘Baħar’ kollha għamluha fost l-aqwa 20 f’Malta.
Tiżżanżan bandalora artistika fix-Xewkija
Il-grupp The JoyGivers (mix-xellug): Gordon, Jessica, Albert, Loredan, u Albert-Lauren
l-istampa tidher bandalora grandjuża u singulari, taż-żejt fuq it-tila,imdendla fi triq fix-Xewkija, li turi s-Santissima Trinità tilqa’ lil Ġwanni l-Battista fil-Glorja talĠenna’. Dan ix-xogħol ikkummissjonat u ffinanzjat mill-Kumitat Żgħażagħ Brijużi Xewkin li jikkonsisti f’disinn, sfumar u pittura oriġinali, huwa xogħol George James Cutajar Zahra, mir-Rabat, Għawdex. Ix-xogħol tal-ħjata ta’ dan il-kapolavur, sar minn Joseph Hili. Il-bandalora żżanżnet fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Festa titulari ta’ San Ġwann il-Battista fix-Xewkija nhar il-Ħadd 26 ta’ Ġunju.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Il-forn to Portondu f’Għawdex
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Ftit tan-nostalġija
llum ħsibt biex nirrinfriska l-memorja talGħawdxin mir-Rabat li hemm jgħixu, kemm flAwstralja, kif ukoll fil-Kanada u l-Istati Uniti li CharlesSPITERI huma qarrejja ferventi ta’ The Voice u li jkunu ħerqana biex jaqraw dwar il-gżira ġar ta’ Malta li ħallew warajhom biex, uħud kontra qalbhom, marru jgħixu f’pajjiżi tant imbiegħda. Minbarra l-kitba, qed ukoll inwassal din in-nostalġija bir-ritratti ta’ forn, li dak iż-żmien ma kellux isem (illum il-binja ġġib l-isem ta’ The Old Bakery). Kemm il-forn kif ukoll il-familja li kienet tħaddmu kienu mill-aktar popolari fil-kapitali Għawdxija.
i jiem ilu, tefgħa ta’ ġebla bogħod mill-Oratorju Don Bosco fir-Rabat, iltqajt ma’ Swor Antoinette Pace li flimkien ma’ George, wieħed minn ħutha li bħalissa jinsab għal btala f’Għawdex millKanada, kienu għaddejjin minn triq San Ġwann sejrin lejn triq il-Librerija. Tkellimt magħhom, u ħadtilhom ritratt quddiem il-post fejn kellhom ilforn li dak iż-żmien kienu jkebbsuh bil-ħatab. Dan illum jinsab għand il-barranin, u huwa wżat bħala abitazzjoni. Missier dawn l-aħwa, tnejn minn ħamsa, tlett ibniet u żewġ subien, kien Toni Pace magħruf bħala Toni ta´ Portondu. Ommhom kien jisimha Antonia (Tonina) xebba Scerri. Is-soru Antoinette, hija tewmija ma´ Carmen li wkoll tgħix il-Kanada, fejn ilha mill-1966. Huma l-kbar fost il-ħamest aħwa. Warajhom hemm żewġ subien u tifla. George, li jinsab fuq btala u ilu jgħix il-Kanada mill-1965 hu sentejn iżgħar minn Antoinette. L-aħwa l-oħra ta’ warahjom huma Sunny, li flimkien ma’ oħthom iż-żgħira, Maria llum jgħixu Għawdex wara li kienu għamlu xi snin imsiefrin. Għal xi żmien, il-missier, Toni, kien jgħix u jaħdem f’Detroit fl-Istati Uniti fejn kienet ħadithom ommhom. Hemmhekk damu biss 14-il xahar għax malajr reġgħu lura Għawdex, fejn qagħdu jistennew lil missierhom jiġi lura ħalli jissieħeb magħhom. Toni ġie lura Għawdex għal kollox fl-1958 u beda jaħdem ta´ furnar, xogħol li dam ja-
jagħmlu għal 21 sena sħaħ, sal-ġurnata ta’ qabel miet, fis-27 ta’ Diċembru 1979. Ħut is-subien tassoru, u wkoll oħta Carmen kienu jgħinu Swor Antoinette ma' ħuha George tizzi u qassatat. Għalkemm kienet ħajja iebsa, Swor Antoinette tgħid li trabbew fl-imħabba u lgħozza ta´ familja magħquda. Kull filgħodu kienu jmorru għall-quddies kmieni u kienu jtemmu l-jum bir-reċtá tar-rużarju.
Il-post, qabel forn, kif inhu illum lil missierhom fil-forn kemm qabel u wkoll wara li jiġu lura mill-iskola. L-isem The Old Bakery u t-travi tal-injam Meta missierhom miet ta´ sittin sena, u l-ħnejjiet li kien hemm tħallew kienu diġa´ miżżewġin u jgħixu lKanada. Għalhekk kif spiċċa Toni l-forn inSwor Antoinette qaltli, “Aħna t-tfal konna għalaq u ma ntużax aktar niddevertu mal-ħbieb u t-tfal tal-ġirien. Ix-xogħol ta´ furnar kien iebes. Il-jum kien Dakinhar kien hawn ħafna tfal fit-triq u djibda minn kmieni filgħodu, mit-Tnejn sal- daħk u ċ-ċajt ma kienx nieqes”. Ħadd, għax nhar ta´ Ħadd kienu jaħdmu “Ah! żminijiet ta´ żogħżitna kemm kienu wkoll, minflok jaħmu l-ħobż kienu jużaw sbieħ, fejn spiccaw?” temmet tgħidli. il-forn biex isajjru l-ikliet tan-nies li kienu Swor Antoinette ilha tifforma parti milljieħdu għandhom Kommuniá reliġjuża tas-Sależjani għal l-ikla tal-ġurnata aktar minn 50 sena. Għal 40 minn dawn isħalli tissajjar fil- snin kienet ukoll tmexxi l-Iskola Sależjana, forn tagħhom. Laura Vicuna, fl-Għasri f’Għawdex. Mhux il-forn biss Jien personalment, kemm lil din il-familja imma t-triq kollha kif ukoll il-forn tagħhom niftakarhom ħafna kienet timtela bl- għax kont ngħix ferm qrib. Konna noirwejjaħ tas-sajran, qogħdu f’dawk l-inħawi, fi Triq il-Karmnu, b’kull kwalitá ta’ X’nostalġija! ikel, fosthom l-ikla F’ritratt minnhom wieħed jista’ jara l-isem popolari tal-laħam fid-daħla, The Old Bakery. Għalkemm ilbil-patata l-forn, forn kien mingħajr isem, kulħadd kien jaf imqarrun, ross, fejn kien. Min ma kienx jaf kont tisimgħu Il-post fejn kien il-forn, Triq San Ġwann (xellug) ma’ Triq il-Librerija torti, tiġieġ, pas- jistaqsi għall-forn ta´ Portondu.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
1942: The Maltese islands’ darkest days of the War years World War II diary
he war years of 1940-45 were the most documented period of Malta’s history, and when it comes to 1942 Malta, the island was going through its darkest days of World War II. During that year air raids killed hundreds and destroyed many buildings. In her book UXB Malta, English author Susan Hudson says that Malta was the most bombed place in the world; in fact, throughout the war the enemy carried out 3,343 air raids over the island. The Maltese island spent 2,357 hours under attacks and endured about 15,000 tonnes of bombs droppedby the enemy. No wonder the populationof Malta and Gozo that at the beginning of the war totalled 270,000 lived in fear. The enemy targeted mostly ships in Grand Harbour or Marsamxett or the aerodromes at Luqa, Ħal-Far, and Ta’ Qali, which meant the civilians who suffered most were those who lived in or near those targets. According to reports, between June 1940 and April 1944, 1,581 civilians were killed and 3,780 were injured. The same repors indicated that the Military and Merchant Navy casualties totalled 7,500. Over 10,761 buildings were destroyed or extensively damaged on both the Maltese islands. In Gozo, which had no military installations and where no large ships could anchor, and no airplanes could fly from or land, there was no reason for bombing raids. Because of this, many people from Malta sought refuge there during the war. In those days it was rare to hear the sound of planes over Malta’s sister island Gozo, and to see them even rarer. However, several Gozitans were also killed by enemy action during the war. One such day was on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in October 1942, when two large bombs were dropped on the vil-
Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900
lage of Sannat in the south of the island. They left 18 dead and a trail of devastat i o n . Houses were also damaged or totally destroyed.
Isle of MTV Malta - Europe’s Defending Malta in the war years
largest free summer festival back The Isle of MTV will be broadcast on fter a two-year absence due to the panA demic, Malta, a few hours flying time MTV’s international channel in more than from most mainland European cities, is set 170 countries. to once again host Europe's largest free music summer festival, Isle of MTV Malta on 19th July, and welcome, not only a lineup of international acts but also the biggest crowd in an open event on the island. This year’s Isle of MTV, which as always takes place at the Granaries in Floriana, and is held in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority, MTA, features a line-up of stars so familiar to the music scene, headlined by Grammy-nominated DJ and producer Marshmello and three-time Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum artist, entrepreneur and humanitarian French Montana. The complete line-up has just been announced. Among the array of entertainers will also be Maltese artist and composer Shaun Farrugia, who will team up with Marshmello and French Montana. Others include Baby No Money and Mae Mullere.
Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs
“Let Our Family Help You Through”
Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek
Inaugural ANZAC
sports event to be held in Malta 2023
altese living abroad are being given the chance to take part in the inaugural ANZAC Day Beach Sprints Regatta to be held on the 25th of April 2023 at Rinella Bay in Malta consisting of an Under 18 Rowing Regatta to be contested between Australia, New Zealand and Malta with the support of Malta University Rowing Club, Malta Sports and Tourism The purpose of this event is summarised by the Hon Blair Boyer MP - Minister for Education in South Australia. He said, “It will certainly be a wonderful experience for the students involved, and an opportunity to educate other young people in our schools about the role Malta played in supporting Australian service during World War I & II, and commend Malta ANZAC in aiming to develop student understanding and appreciation of the significance of the Australia – Malta relationship during those challenging times.“ One can support ANZAC sports in Malta by purchasing and wearing the beautifully designed commemorative badge (top), as well have the opportunity to see their logo attached to the boats on the day on the day. This special limited edition badge costing UD $5.00 + postage with part proceeds going to Red Cross, can be ordered through one’s Maltese clubs or through / Mob: 0414932481. The event is promoted by John Calleja, Malta ANZAC:
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Iċ-ċentru tal-Munxar f’Għawdex imżejjen għall-festa ftit talġimgħat ilu
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Il-Kalendarju tal-Festi fl-irħula Maltin u Għawdxin – LULJU
ara sentejn inġewżu u mċaħħda minn x’aktarx l-aktar passatemp popolari għall-Maltin matul ix-xhur tas-sajf minħabba l-pandemija, dan is-sajf ilMaltin li qed jirritornaw għall-festi tal-irħula bil-kbir, f’xi nħawi b’xalar u ċerimonja ferm akbar minn ta’ qabel il-pandemija. Ħafna Maltin li jgħixu barra li baqgħu jgħożżu dawn il-jiem li trabbew fihom meta kienu jgħixu Malta, issa li reġgħu nfetħu l-bibien biex jivvjaġġaw, bħal għasafar li qed jaraw il-bieba tal-gaġġa tinfetaħ itiru ‘l barra ġeneralment lejn ilGżejjer Maltin. Huma ħafna li jlaqqgħu ż-żjarat lejn Malta mal-jiem tal-festa tar-raħal. Forsi Llandilo Maltese Seniors Note: The Groups also arrange regular minħabba d-dewmien taż-żmien, xi wħud Meets on the first Wednesday of each Bus Trips. Join us and make new ikunu nsew il-jiem tal-festi, għalhekk kull month at the Llandilo Community Hall, friends. Group Leader: Doris Scicluna. xahar, fix-xhur li ġejjin se nibdew nippub257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to blikaw il-kalendarju bid-dati tal-festi talThe Sutherland & St George 1.00 pm. Group holds regular Informairħula f’Malta u Għawdex. Maltese Group tion Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips. Nibdew b’LULJU li fl-ewwel jiem Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi Meets First Wednesday of the Month tiegħu, fi tmiem il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Togethers are interesting, informative & diġa’ kellna sitt festi: Il-Madonna talKarmnu, Fleur-de-Lys; L-Immakulata Meets every second Friday of the entertaining, so come join us and make Kunċizzjoni, Il-Ħamrun; Sant' Andrija, month Miller Room, Memorial Av- new friends. For more information conĦal-Luqa; San Pawl, Ir-Rabat, Malta; Ilenue Merrylands from 10.30am to tact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud JP Madonna tas-Sacro Cuor, Tas-Sliema; Il12.30 pm. Phone (mb 0421 662 298). Vizitazzjoni tal-Verġni Marija, l-Gharb, Group Leader: Salvina Falzon. Għawdex Greystanes Maltese Seniors Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each … u nkomplu …. Meets on the last Tuesday of the month at the George Preca Parish Cen10 : Marija Annunzjata, Ħal-Balzan Month. Group meets in St Theresa’s tre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Madonna tal-Karmnu, Il-Fgura Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, GreyMadonna tal-Karmnu, Il-Gzira Boulevard, Fairfield Heights from10 stanes from 10 am to 12 noon. Madonna tas-Sokkors, Ta' Kerċem, am to 12 noon. Għawdex Group holds regular Information SesGroup Leader: Dorothy Gatt. San Ġużepp, Ħal-Kirkop sions/Workshops & Bus Trips. Gro-up 16: Madonna tal-Karmnu, Il-Belt Valletta Leader: Frances Montesin. Maltese of Bankstown 17: San Sebastjan, Ħal-Qormi Group meets 3rd Wednesday of San Ġorġ, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex Men’s Group month in the Bankstown CBD area. San Ġużepp, L-Imsida Meets every last Tuesday of the month Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. San Ġużepp, Il-Kalkara Enquiries call: Sam Galea 0410 269 at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Madonna tad-Duttrina, Ħal-Tarxien Street Parramatta West (next to the Pri519. 24: Madonna Tal-Karmnu, Iż-Żurrieq mary School), from 10 to 12 noon. DisSanta Margerita, Ta' Sannat, GħawDaceyville Maltese Seniors cussion, information and renew dex friendship. Meets the last Wednesday of the 31: Madonna tal-Karmnu, Il-Balluta month in Meeting Room One, No. 3 Pastizzi, Kinnie etc. available. Contact Sant' Anna, Marsaskala Fred or Laurie 9631 9295. General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid *(All Groups are coordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a Santa Venera, Santa Venera sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. San Lawrenz, San Lawrenz, Għawdex The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next San Ġużepp, Ħaż-Żebbuġ to West Parramatta Primary School). Madonna ta' Pompei, Marsaxlokk
Il-festa tal-Lunzjata f’Ħal Balzan nhar il-Ħadd li ġej
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Established in 1999
Learn Maltese
Due to the covid restrictions, we are only conducting lessons online.
Applications are also welcome for paid positions from people to assist in language teaching. For more information, call 0419 418 547. Email:
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
La Valette Social Centre is open for business as usual on Thursdays for Respite and on Saturdays for Mass and entertainment. The bar and restaurant are available.
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
SBS RADIO: 97.7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm; Friday 12:00pm. Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on or on TV Channel 38. On Demand and podcasts on SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4.30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand.
VICTORIA 3ZZZ 92.3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am. Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips. Listen live on 98.9 North West FM: Mondays 78pm and Fridays 6-7pm. Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
Next function is: Sunday July 17th CHRISTMAS IN JULY with the three Maltesers, Charles Camilleri, DJ George Galea and Paul Elvis Fenech. For all information phone the Centre: 9622 5847
Listen live on ethnic-radio/ 97.9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6.00pm to 8.00pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Miriam Vella. Live streaming on
NSW 2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Voices with Marthese Caruana: Sundays 10:00 am to 11:00am. One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists.
2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Sundays 11.00am to 12:00pm. News from Malta, music, information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest. Listen live on
We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee. Family law is our specialty. • wills, powers of attorney, • manage deceased estates, and provide • purchase and sell property • purchase and sell businesses. • divorce, children, property, • child support, intervention orders. • Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney • Maltese Property matters. Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese)is an accredited family law specialist Phone: 03 9741 1722 email We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.
St Nicholas Festa
Committee Plumpton -NSW
The events for the rest of 2022 Sunday July 10: Imnarja Sunday. October 16: Fete Sat. Nov. 19: Dinner Dance Sunday December 4: Festa or On Demand on WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm. Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm. Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on
QUEENSLAND 4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart. Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements. Live streaming on or On Demand on SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide. Sunday: 7.00am; Monday: 8.00am; Monday: 6.00pm. Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Malta settle for silver in Former PM Joseph Muscat FIBA Basketball t’ment to lead Premier football clubs MALTA 68 ARMENIA 84
(19-15, 11-24, 18-23, 20-22)
alta were forced to settle for the silver medal in the 2022 FIBA Small Countries Games when they lost to a superior Armenia side by 6884 on Sunday in front of the Malta supporters at Ta’ Qali’s renovated, FIBA-connected stadium. Malta had come to the final by beating Azerbaijan 73-71 and Andorra 72-70 to top their group and then again tournament favourites Azerbaijan 59-52 in their semifinal. But against Arminia they found very tough opponents with a player, Chris Jones, who distinguished himself with eight threepointers and deservedly won the Most Valuable Player award of the tournament. Samuel Deguara (pictured) led the Malta team’s scoring
with 27 points.
Bronze for the girls
Malta’s national women’s basketball team won the bronze in the FIBA Women's European Championship for Small Countries that was played in Nicosia, Cyprus. The gold was won by the home team, while Norway gold the silver.
ormer Malta Prime Minister, Dr Joseph Muscat, a keen football fan, has been chosen by Malta’s Premier Football League clubs to be the chairman of their Malta Professional Football Clubs Association (MPFCA) and to head them into the future. Muscat, who was the only name put forward for the post – which is a voluntary role - was voted to the position by the majority of the club representatives The MPFCA was set up last year, with the ult i mate aim of hiving off responsibility for running the Premier League that is currently managed by the Malta Football Association. In a Facebook post after the vote, Muscat said he would push ambitious reforms to make Malta's football clubs more sustainable by being able to generate more business and revenue streams. He would also work with the Malta Football Association (MFA) for the clubs to be able to attract more supporters, draw new players and achieve higher standards in European football.
Loss and a draw for Parramatta FC
In their last two outings in the NSW 3 Men’s League, Parramatta FC first suffered a 1-2 loss in Round 16 at Melita Stadium against Prospect USC with Tong Muorwal, scoring their only tally (60th minute), and then drew their Round 17 clash at Hurstville FC 1-1 after taking a 52nd minute lead through Mubarak Saeed.
Malta’s four representatives kick off UEFA competitions’ season Tuesday
Champions Hibernians start against Shamrock Rovers he four Premier League cubs represent- Hibernians’ who travel to Ireland to face eran keeper Justin Haber. T ing Malta in the UEFA European club Shamrock Rovers in the first qualifying Hibernians have fared quite well in the competitions have been busy for weeks round of the Champions League. The re- qualifying rounds in recent years. This will preparing for their commitments in the 2022/23 competitions and Tuesday July 5, Champions Hibernians in the Champions League and Gżira United in the UEFA Conference League, will kick off the Maltese clubs’ challenges. The match most fans are anticipating is
turn takes place in Malta on July 12. Hibernians’ task is well beyond them, and to make doubly sure, they have strengthened their team by signing eight new players, six of them foreigners. They also managed to acquire the services of Malta internationals, Kurt Shaw and vet-
Malta’s top woman footballer joins US club
alta’s top women’s footballer, international striker Haley Bugeja, 18, has joined US National Women’s Soccer League club Orlando Pride after two seasons with Italian club Sassuolo since summer 2020. The youngster, who first played for two seasons (2018/19 and 2019/20) in Malta with Mgarr United and been voted MFA’s U/19 Player of the Year in 2018/19, had been topping the goalscorers’ even lists before joining Sassuolo. She immediately made her mark in Italy finishing among the Serie A’s top scorers, was voted Best Young Player in the Serie A and was also named as one of UEFA’s top 10 women’s players to watch. She missed most of last season with injury but still excelled as one of her side’s best scorers. She made her debut for Malta at age 14, scored a hattrick in Malta’s win over Georgia in UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 qualification play last season and became the youngest women’s player to net a hat trick in European qualifier history. The transfer from Sassuolo to the US is pending on the receipt of a P-1 visa and International Transfer Certificate.
be Malta’s 13-time champions’ 12th participation in a European competition as champions, the sixth in the Champions League. They were also Malta’s first representatives in a European club competition way back in season 1961/62, in the then European Cup. It will also be their 33rd year in a UEFA Cup competition. Also on Tuesday Gzira will be home to Andorra’s Athletic Club D’Escaldes in the UEFA Conference League. Then on Thursday July 7 the other two teams in the competition, Floriana and Hamrun Spartans fulfil their commitments. There are sixty clubs in this competition. They have been divided into six groups of 10. Meanwhile, Malta’s other participants in Europe this season Floriana, runners up in the domestic league last season, and thirdplaced Ħamrun Spartans play their matches this Thursday. Floriana will be in action at home to Moldova’s Petrocub Hincesti, while the Spartans travel to Arminia to play Alashkert. The return ties are on July 14. Malta also has a representative club in the UEFA Women’s Champions League, Birkirkara.