The Voice of the Maltese No.286

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(We are for the Greater Malta) A fortnightly print and digital magazine The Voice of the TMaltese he Voice of the Maltese Issue 286 November 1, 2022 A happy Joseph Calleja (right) with Amelia AFarru happy Joseph Calleja (right) with Amelia Farru-gia and Piers Lane following their first gperformance ia and Piers Lane following their first performance in the Australia and New Zealand tour in iSydney n the Australia and New Zealand tour in Sydney (see report on page (9 see report on page 9

Fo re i g n e n t re p re n e u r s b e l i eve Malta is attractive to investment

Amajority of foriegn investors in Malta (69%) believe that their long term future is on the island and company expansion plans are on the rise once again, with almost half planning to expand over the coming year This re sults from the Ernest Young’s Malta At tractiveness Survey that was published recently by the multidisciplinary profes sional services, EY

For the past 18 years, this conference, which is a discussion on a national level of EY’s Malta Attractiveness Survey, that gathers the views of foreign investors in Malta has always been one of the most an ticipated events

Due to the pandemic, the past two surveys were presented virtually, therefore this is the first year since October 2019 that it was discussed at a conference. It was also re branded Malta Future Realised

Among other things the survey intended to explore the economy and whom it’s working for, its sustainability, the impact of technology, what improvements to lives can be made, the skills, how the educa tional system can excel, and much more

This year ’s Survey was carried out just after the country was taken off the FATF grey list last June, the positive news of which appears to have lifted investor sen timents

EY managing director Ronald Attard said that for the majority of the companies in terviewed for the survey, the decision that Malta was placed on the grey list had no effect or a minimal effect on their opera tion

The survey shows that 58% of entrepre neurs believe that Malta is attractive to in vestment and business The rating bounced back to the results seen in 2020 and is also an improvement in entrepre neurs’ confidence compared with last year when only 37% said they consider Malta attractive for investment

There was also a corresponding improve ment in the decrease in the number of re spondents who expressed the view that Malta is not attractive Investors and poli cymakers have welcomed this bounce back in confidence alike.

71% of that surveyed said that corporate taxation remains Malta’s top parameter to attract FDI, while the stability and trans parency of the political, legal and regula tory environment, which has increased by 14 percentage points in one year is favoured by 31%; 35% mentioned the at tractiveness of labour costs that saw the biggest decline

When it comes to skills, almost two thirds of companies (58%) have increased their recruitment actions in the past year,

E n s u r i n g i s l a n d k e e p s a t t r a c t i n g i nve s t m e n t

When he addressed the the opening of the EY Conference ‘Malta Future Realised’, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that Malta’s economic success is the result of the stability that the government has been offering to create new prosperity for businesses and families

Referring to the results of the survey , he said, “We want to en sure not only that we remain attractive to investors, but also that we keep attracting foreign direct investment.”

Dr Abela said that the survey carried out by EY is a key source of information for government policymakers working on stimu lating economic growth and the EY survey confirms trends that are backed by official statistics

According to the EY survey, the ratio of foreign investors that see themselves in Malta within ten years is seven times more than those who do not see themselves in Malta within the same period.

“This means that for the first time, the total stock of foreign assets in these digital sectors has reached a billion euro,” the Prime Minister said, as he reit erated the government’s com mitment to digitalise the Maltese economy.

He said that the international

energy crisis that hit Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine, has shown us how vital it is for our na tion to be as self suf ficient as possible in terms of its energy provision

and a large majority of them believe that Malta’s skills base makes the country an attractive place to invest

Tourism and hospitality, gaming and ar tificial intelligence are expected to be among the dominant sectors in the coming five years the those surveyed said that fu ture leading business sectors over the next five years would be, Tourism and leisure (51%), iGaming (48%) and Artificial In telligence (43%)

The priorities mentioned that should re main globally competitive are, firstly ed ucation and skills, followed by ease of doing business, and thirdly, development of new economic sectors

With corporate taxation ranked as Malta’s strongest FDI parameter, the changes brought about by international tax policy developments are considered by 58% of respondents to be Malta’s greatest risk for the next three years

These are followed by skills shortages (54%), banking challenges (38%), cost competitiveness (36%) and reputational concerns (36%). Only 5% believe the war in Ukraine will affect Malta’s FDI attrac tiveness

Dr Abela said there is a clear environmental motive for becom ing climate neutral, but the economic side of things is just as strong a reason, which is why we must generate more of our en ergy needs through clean renewable energy

He pointed out that the Maltese government will once again en sure stability by shouldering the shock of international price changes, thus mitigating the impact on businesses and families He ended by reiterating that he wants to see Malta’s future as one that is more socially just, more environmentally sustainable, and more dynamic.

The Leader of the Opposition, Bernard Grech also addressed the conference He said that the Government is obliged to facili tate dialogue, and that Malta has challenges that may be over come with a positive attitude

He stated that Malta needs to update its taxation system because this is the major factor in attracting foreign investment However, in his view, Malta is not attractive as in previous years and the quality of life on the island has become a challenge for locals and foreigners alike

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Opposition leader Bernard Grech Prime Minster Robert Abela

Q. My mother has developed dementia since she has been in aged care. The facility she is in is not very suitable for people with dementia. Am I able to move her to another facility and if yes, can we use the same Refundable Accom modation Deposit paid or do we need to add to it?

A Yes, you are able to transfer your mother to a facility that is more suitable for demen tia residents However, the amount of Re fundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) required to be paid varies from one facility to another and normally dementia facilities are slightly more expensive as the resident would require extra care

The current facility will transfer the RAD directly to the new facility and you will be asked to pay the difference in the amount of RAD required If your mother cannot afford the extra amount, she may have to pay an additional daily accommodation payment to cover the gap

Q. I am 69 and retired. I withdrew a large portion from my super a few years ago to pay off my mortgage. I have just come into some money and would like to invest these funds in su perannuation. Am I able to do this?

A Yes, anyone between 67 and 75 can make contributions of $110,000 per annum up to age 75, or a maximum amount of $330,000 if one uses the bring forward cap with no further contributions over the next three years.

Q. I have been offered a job overseas by my current company. I will be there for a period of two years Am I still able to salary sacrifice into superannuation and

This is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associ ated with financial planning If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via:

will this not apply since I will be overseas?

A. If you are still going to be employed by the same company and this company is Australian and thus needs to con tinue to pay the SG con tributions of 10 5%, then you should be able to continue to salary sacri fice into super Whether or not you are able to claim a tax de duction will depend if you are classed as a resident or a non resident for tax purposes This can be quite a complex decision, and I strongly recommend you discuss this further with your tax accountant

Q & QA & A

ever, you need to be aware that you have three sons and thus the other sons may not feel happy about this However, while you are alive you can do whatever you wish with your money

Q. I am 73 years old and a self funded retiree. I have three sons and one in particular is struggling financially. I wish to give him $50,000 to help relieve his financial stress. Am I allowed to do this or am I limited by the $10,000 per annum?

A. As you are a self funded retiree you can do whatever you want with your money and not answer to anyone How

Q. I am 71 and withdrawing some money from my account based pension to pay a deposit on a new house. I have not sold my current house in which I have been living for the last 40 years, but expect to have a surplus amount of about $800,000. Can I re invest this in superannuation?

A. As you are 71 you are able to re invest $330,000 as a non concessional contri bution into super by using the bring for ward cap You will also be able to invest a further $300,000 by using the downsiz ing strategy You have 90 days after set tlement of selling your house to use the downsizing strategy

Q. I am the executor of a friend’s estate. She has also asked me to arrange for her funeral myself and use funds from her bank account. Will I be able to with draw these funds once I notify the bank that she has passed away?

A. As you are the executor of her estate, the bank would allow funds to be with drawn for the funeral You would need to show them a copy of her Will and proof of your identity and have the invoices to show the costs of the funeral

This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any rec ommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed.

Fiducian recommends that you seek ad vice from a professional to address any is sues that may be raised by this article Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suf fered by anyone who has acted on any in formation in this document

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 3

Australia’s 13th Prime Minister

Sir Arthur William Fadden only served

Arthur Fadden was born at Ingham, Queensland, on 13th April 1894

His parents were both Irish, his mother Annie from County Tyrone, and his father Richard John Fadden from County Galaway The family later lived in Walkerston where his father was in charge of the Police Station

Unfortunately, Arthur lost three of his younger siblings in separate accidents He gained his formal education at Walkerston State school, but left at the age of fifteen and started his working life His first jobs included collecting cane beetles and per forming sound effects at the local cinema. Later he started working as an odd job man (a billy boy) with a cane cutting gang at Pleystowe, a rural locality in Mackay Queensland and followed that up by be coming an office boy at the Pleystowe Sugar Mill In his spare time he acquired an interest in Theatre as a performer and also as treasurer of the local company called the ‘Nigger Minstrel Troupe’

At the age of 19 in April 1913 Arthur Fad den became the Assis tant Town Clerk of the Mackay Town Council and three years later defeated 56 other ap plicants to become re putedly “the young est town clerk in Aus tralia”. The on 27 December 1916, he married Ilma Nita Thornber who worked as a milliner Together, the couple had four children to gether, Gordon, John, Mavis, and Betty His oldest son Gordon predeceased him He died in 1956 at the age of 34 Fadden was initiated as a Freemason in Lodge Caledonia, and in 1918 he served on the committee of the relief fund for the

Mackay Cyclone that devastated the town and killed thirty people.

In September of that year he resigned his job as town clerk and moved to Townsville, the largest settlement in North Queensland Having qualified as an ac countant through a correspondence course from a school in Melbourne, he estab lished his own accountancy firm Al though at first he was not completely sucessful in his buisness, it gradually pros pered so much that he took on partners and opened another office in Brisbane.

In 1932 he was was elected to the Queensland Legislative Assembly for the Country and Progressive National Party but lost his seat three years late However, in the following year he won a by election to the federal Division of Darling Downs

In March 1940, Robert Menzies, who led the United Australia Party in a coalition with the Country Party, named Fadden as minister without portfolio, but a few months later, following the deaths of three senior ministers in an air crash, he named him as Minister for Air and Civil Aviation Fadden narrowly escaped being killed in the same Canberra air disaster that claimed the lives of three government ministers and the Chief of the General Staff He had been scheduled to be aboard that same flight that was transporting the ministers back to Canberra after a cabinet meeting in Melbourne; instead, he took an overnight train

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
*Continued on page 5
Arthur Fadden with his wife Ilma and daughter Betty at a ball in 1951
T h e e l d e s t o f t e n c h i l d r e n , s e v e n b o y s a n d t h r e e g i r l s , A r t h u r F a d d e n ’s r e i g n a s t h e 1 3 t h P r i m e M i n i s t e r o f Australia lasted only 13 days. The politician, who was also l e a d e r o f t h e C o u n t r y P a r t y h a d v e r y h u m b l e b e g i n n i n g s b u t w o r k e d h i m s e l f u p t o e v e n t u a l l y m a n a g e t o r e a c h t h e h i g h e s t g o v e r n m e n t p o s i t i o n o n e c o u l d h o p e f o r.
for 13 days
I n o f f i c e : f r o m 2 9 t h A u g u s t t o 7 t h O c t o b e r 1 9 4 1

L a c k o f s u p p o r t f o rc e s F a d d e n t o

resign from Prime Minister

*Continued from page 4

Fadden had traded places with Richard Elford, who had wanted to stay in Mel bourne to celebrate a wedding anniver sary; both Elford and Fairbairn were among those killed After the crash, Fad den replaced Fairbairn as minister In October 1940 he replaced Harold Thorby as deputy leader of the Country Party

At the time, the leadership was vacant following Archie Cameron's resignation, so Fadden became acting leader of the party and the de facto deputy prime min ister Menzies subsequently promoted him as Treasurer of Australia

Early in 1941 (while Menzies was away in Europe), Fadden served as acting prime minister for four months and became pop ular for his conciliatory manner Follow ing a ballot in March that same year, he became the official leader of the Country Party In August Robert Menzies resigned as Prime Minister after losing the confi dence of his ministry

The United Australia Party was lacking leadership so much that on 28th August a joint UAP Country meeting chose Fadden as Coalition leader even though the Coun try Party was the smaller of the two non Labor parties He was sworn in as Prime Minister the next day, and also remained Treasurer. He became the only member of the Country/National Party to serve as Prime Minister

Fadden’s term of office was troubled from the start Even parliamentarians in his own party feared the worst. Conse quently he decided against moving into ‘The Lodge’ the official Prime Minister's residence in Canberra, after his predecessor as Country Party leader, Cameron, crudely told him that he would “scarcely have enough time to wear a track from the back door to the shithouse before you’ll be out”

Due to this lack of support, on the 3rd October, Fadden submitted his govern ment's resignation to the Governor Gen era, Lord Gowrie. The Governor General

was reluctant to call an election for a House that was barely a year old, espe cially considering that the war had re cently been brought to the nation's doorstep with Japan's advances

However, he would have been left with no other option if Labor leader John Curtin did not have enough support to govern

With this in mind, Gowrie summoned Coles and Wilson and obtained their assur ances that they would support Curtin as Prime Minister and end the instability that had plagued the government since

Following the fall of his ministry, the UAP Country Party endorsed Fadden as Leader of the Opposition, even though it was nominally the senior coalition partner

As a result, Menzies resigned as UAP leader. The UAP was so deprived of lead ership that it was forced to elect 79 year old former Prime Minister Billy Hughes as its new leader.

Fadden proved a disappointment as Leader of the Opposition because he was unable to get the better of Curtin, and therefore, it suffered a crushing loss in the 1943 election. Accepting responsibility for this severe defeat, Fadden then handed the Opposition leadership back to Menzies, who had resumed the UAP leadership.

The Coalition had a great victory in the 1949 election, and Fadden, who trans ferred to the newly created seat of the Di vision of McPherson on the Gold Coast, became Treasurer in the second Menzies government

Although inflation was high in the early 1950s forcing him to impose several so called horror budgets, he generally pre sided over a booming economy, with times especially good for farmers.

On the night before the 1954 Federal Election, Fadden was seriously injured in a car accident while travelling back to Brisbane from Dalby

The car in which he was travelling failed to negotiate a curve on a slippery road near Grantham and rolled three times Fadden, who had been sitting next to the driver,

was pulled from the car unconscious and spent E l e c t i o n Day in hos pital, unable to cast his vote He was left with in juries to his face, head, and legs, and required five separate oper ations.

On 26th March 1958, he resigned as leader of the Country Party with John McEwen elected unopposed as his succes sor At the same time Fadden announced that he would retire from politics at the 1958 election He delivered his eleventh and final budget on 5th August

Although the election was held on 22 No vember, he did not resign from the min istry until 9 December, remaining in office as treasurer for over two weeks while not being a member of parliament

After leaving parliament, Fadden pursued business interests across a wide range of industries He visited Japan twice in 1959, and was appointed as the representative of a Japanese company hoping to acquire a licence to export iron ore from Western Australia But the deal fell through

He was also chairman of Centenary Es tates Limited that built the housing devel opment that became known as the Centenary Suburbs, and took up several company directorships, including with the real estate firm Hooker Finance and the ice cream manufacturer Toppa He also worked as a consultant for a sugar mill in Tully, Queensland, and invested in an iron ore deposit at Queensland

In 1969 he published a memoir titled They Called Me Artie Don Aitkin of The Canberra Times, said that Fadden had “the reputation of a political buffoon, a man of ear thy wit and survived in politics be cause he knew more and better stories than the next man”

Shortly before his death in 1973 he also published a nine page account of his prime ministership in Australian Outlook, titled “Forty days and forty nights”.

Fadden suffered from ill health during his retirement He died of leukemia on 21 April 1973, aged 79, at St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital in Brisbane A state fu neral was held at the Toowong Presbyte rian Church followed by cremation at Mt Thompson Crematorium

*The next Prime Minister to be featured in this series in the next issue of The Voice will be John Winston Howard, the second longest serving Prime Minister of Aus tralia He served for 11 years

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 5
Sir Robert Menzies: promo moted Fadden to Minister Fadden (centre) consulting with Menzies (le!ft), and Spender about the ANZUZ Treatyy

Verdala Palace Gardens transformed into the Malta Illuminated Trail

Starting on November 25 and throughout the festive season until January 7 2023, Verdala Palace Gar dens in Buskett will be completely trans formed with fantastic new glittering structures, and introducing an all new Christmas Village as the Malta Illuminated Trail will be back with a new Christmas Village It should be the magical after dark adventure for all the family

The magical after dark adventure for all the family, with loads of new attractions is once again be held in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation It promises to be a spectacular walkabout

journey through the walkways of one of Malta’s National gem palaces featuring hun dreds of new larger than life lantern illuminated sculptures, light installa tions, projections and much more Locals and foeigners holidaying in Malta during this period will witness spot glitter ing structures like Santa’s Toy Shop, the North Pole, Sea Life, a cute family of Pan das and much more! They could walk through the enchanted forest, twinkling

Tw o m i l l i o n p l a s t i c b o t t l e s

t o b e r e d u c e d a n n u a l l y

The Water Services Corporation in Malta is installing hundreds of water dispensers in various locations, such as public schools and the Mater Dei Hospital in an initiative that is expected to reduce around two million plastic bottles annu


Some 115 of such dispensers have al ready been installed at the Mater Dei, around 300 have also been installed else where, and by the end of the year hundreds more would have been installed for public use, free of charge These dispensers work automatically This initiative is intended to encour age the use of reusable water bottles while offering high quality water Such an investment translates into two million plastic bottles less each year while encouraging the public to drink more water for health benefits. This is part of ongoing projects by WSC to continue to offer quality service to its customers as it contin ues to work to enhance the quality of tap water around the Maltese islands.

with thousands of fairy lights

The organisers said that the trail will also include some incredible show stoppers, amazingly illu minated paths, and irresistible selfie scenes around the Presidential Palace Once dark ness sets in the gardens would come to light and a controlled number of ticketed guests could then discover and enjoy the art of illumination and a magical festival of light in a safe and restricted manner

Mr Carlo Micallef, CEO of the Malta Tourism Authority told The Voice of the Maltese that this activity is part of the Au thority’s commitment to assist and support the development and organisation of such events that have the power to give added value to the experience of those who choose to visit Malta for their holidays, es pecially during the festive period

It would be ideal also to boost the niche of family tourism that keeps increasing in popularity, especially in this recovery pe riod. Mr Micallef added that this also falls within the MTA’s Corporate Social Re sponsibility endeavours, since it is being once again organised in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation that provides assistance to all those in need throughout the year

Meanwhile, Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo said: “The Illuminated Trail is an other opportunity for families and tourists to enjoy the Christmas period at one of Malta’s picturesque locations.” He is opti mistic that this event would continue to cat apult Malta’s prospects as a diversified touristic destination throughout the year

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022

MCA NSW visits Floriade, HC in Canberra

The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW organised a one day coach tour to Canberra where they visited the Floriade Festival at the Canberra Common wealth Park to enjoy the multitude of tulips and other flowers in a splendid at mosphere of colourful and beautiful arrangements

The group also paid a courtesy visit to HE the High Commissioner for Malta, Mario Farrugia Borg at Culgoa Circuit O’Malley, where the High Commissioner and his staff warmly welcomed it

After a welcoming speech by the High Commissioner and a short reply by the MCA president Charles Mifsud, the latter presented the HC with a memento to commemorate the visit (right)

C a r d i n a l M a r i o G re c h o n The ‘Dream of Synodality’

hile the term “syn odality” is not found in any Sec ond Vatican Council docu ments, the Coun cil’s vision and definition of the Church is at the heart of synodal ity, a message marking Vatican II’s 60th anniversary says

Ahead of the opening of the council, Mal tese Cardinal Mario Grech, who is the sec retary general of the Synod of Bishops, has published a message on the Second Vatican Council and synodality.

Quoting from the council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Cardinal Grech said that the “magna carta” of the 2021 2023 process of the synod “is the council’s doctrine on the Church, particularly its the ology of the people of God, a people whose ‘condition is the dignity and freedom of the children of God, in whose heart the Holy Spirit dwells as in a temple’,”

St John XXIII opened the council on Oc tober 11, 1962 All the bishops from all over the world were invited to participate in its four sessions, which St Paul VI con cluded December 8, 1965

The current synod process with its listen ing sessions around the world, its prayer and discernment is focused on the theme,

W“For a synodal church: Communion, par ticipation and mission ”

Cardinal Grech wrote that those three words, “are eminently conciliar words. The Church that we are called to dream and build is a community of women and men drawn together in communion by the one faith, our common baptism and the same Eucharist, in the image of God the Trinity: women and men who together, in the diversity of ministries and charisms re ceived, actively participate in the estab lishment of the kingdom of God, with the missionary impetus of bringing to all the joyful witness of Christ, the only saviour of the world ”

The Consul General of Malta in Mel bourne, Chirelle Ellul Sciberras and au thor Gioconda Schembri recently visited the children's Maltese language class organised by the Maltese Language Classes Vic Aus tralia at Sunshine George Cross Football Club and donated 37 books in Maltese to the school children for their mobile library

This donation is part of a larger effort that the Consulate has embarked on in order to reach out to the community and to pre serve the Maltese language and identity among the Maltese diaspora in Melbourne. This book donation was also made thanks to the generous contribution of Faraxa Publishing, the National Book Council (Malta) and Socjetá Dun Filippu Borgia

Fraud, scams and more scams

The Maltese Community is being tar geted; especially the elderly and we need to protect ourselves

Australians lost a record amount of more than $2 billion to scams in 2021, despite government, law enforcement, and the private sector disrupting more scam activity than ever before, the ACCC’s latest Targeting Scams report reveals.

Scammers are the most opportunistic of all criminals: they pose as charities after a natural disaster, health departments during a pandemic, and love interests every day

The true cost of scams is more than a dollar figure, as they also cause serious emotional harm to individuals, families, and businesses

An estimated 55% of Australians aged 15 years and over (11 1 million) were ex posed to a scam in 2020 21

On Thursday, 27thNovember the Mal tese Welfare will be holding an informa tion morning at the La Valette Centre, Blacktown at 10 30 am Free entrance There will be a talk by the Financial Crime Prevention NSW.

(For more information, see the advert on another page 21)

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 7
D o n a t i o n o f b o o k s by M e l b o u r n e ’ s CG
Cardinal Mario Grech


trid tghid?

Żjara storika, vuċi Bsoda irds of the same feather flock together

Ant Vella from Mascot

Fl aħħar Joseph Calleja wasal fl Aw stralja, u dawk li bħali li għandhom80 sena kellhom ix xorti jmorru jarawh City

in NSW is com fortable


MCC. It is disgusting at this

Recital Hall indunaw għaliex dan il Malti hu wieħ ed mill aqwa tenuri tad dinja Miċ ċkejkna Malta ħareg dan il ġenju. Miegħu kien hemm Maltija oħra Amelia Farrugia kapaċi bħalu Iltaqgħu għall ewwel darba; Maltin miż żewg naħat dif ferenti tad dinja Veru għandna biex nif taħru. Xtaqt li kieku qalilna kelmtejn bil Malti imma xorta kburin bik JC

destabilise the Mal tese

of NSW by

while plot ting

Kliem popolist

T Curmi minn Penrith NSW jikteb:

of the

Kemm se ndumu nsimgħu appelli għal parteċipazzjoni taż żgħażagħ (ta’ lie ma eta?) fil komunitá Maltija? Kliem emozzjonanti ta’ nies li ssibhom siekta fuq ic cint Wasal iż żmien li dawn jieqfu jat takkaw lil min ta ħajtu għall komunitá u jressqulna dawk iż żgħażagħ li lesti jagħtu daqqa t’id, u mhux jidhru biss f ’xi funzjoni

Kliem fil vojt u popolista nwarrbuh Li rridu hija azzjoni u mhux kliem fil vojt.

The loss of ġbejniet production in Sydney

Lawrence Scerri Wollongong, NSW writes:

Last year in the southwestern suburbs of Melbourne L Għawdxija Maltese Che ese Company closed down; I suspect it was due to the covid 19 pandemic

Recently I read on social media that the Maltese cheese product outlet from Horsley Park in Sydney that had run for over 30 years, also closed down

No reason was given for the closure Was it no longer viable, inflation pressures, or perhaps the increasing cost of milk?

It is another loss for the Maltese community.

really Malta’s major concern?

Afew days ago I returned to my home in St Albans, Victoria from a three week holiday in the lovely Malta; from the sunny island to be greeted with showers and not so nice weather I spent the first days at home on my return reminiscing about my stay in Malta

I still have relatives on the island where my wife and I were born We both emi grated to Australia with our families when

we were still quite young because our par ents thought there was no future for us as a family in Malta

I cannot judge them on that But today, Malta is a flourishing country where one would be happy to raise a family there. While I was there I asked some people to tell me their major concerns Wonder of wonders, what they most complained about was the traffic and spending so much time in traffic jams especially during the rush hours There are too many vehicles around they told me

I really laughed at that so I asked them if they had ever ventured out of Malta be cause if they did, they would certainly have experienced much heavier traffic jams in most countries

Every country has traffic jams, particu larly in rush hours and everybody com plains about traffic. When I asked if they could name a solution, the one many gave me was, to ban the sale of more cars I laughed that off

Most young people’s first investment when they get a job is to own their own car. But how can anybody deny them this

If that is the inhabitant of Malta’s main concern, then they really have no worries compared to any other country

Tony Cassar from St Albans writes:
8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Have your say/Xi
P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n Pe r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e The Voice of the Maltese is is a bi lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly mag azine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can be read in flip book or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.
Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address: Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g Pa r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n ze i n e Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to: maltesevoice@gmail com Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ... For issues concerning: Ageing and disability community services -education - environment health housing planning - Police - transport - water State Member for Prospect Dr Hugh McDermott MP P: (02) 9756 4766 E: 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
NSW writes: A llow me to once again voice my concern and anger that a statement issued by the Malta government long ago regarding a forum of Maltese ex perts was used to spread confusion and create doubt The statement was never in tended to disrupt or interfere in the run ning of Maltese communities The
with the
critical period to
Community Council
preaching unity and harmony
a coup But then again, birds
same feature flock together. Is traffic

He came, he sang and he conquered

The much anticipated first tour of Australia and New Zealand by the world renowned Mal tese operatic tenor Joseph Calleja kicked off at the City Recital Hall in downtown Sydney last Monday, and it proved to be a historical night for Malta’s Ambassador of Culture. It was his third attempt to regale the Aus tralian audiences with his presence as the first two had to be postponed due to the Covid pandemic

Joseph Calleja, one of the most excit ing lyric tenors in the world today, the superstar with the honeyed tone and pleasing style did not disappoint He gave a splendid performance that left the audience mesmerized for over two hours as he interpreted excerpts from opera and also lighter songs like Maria and Tonight, both from West Side Story

The Maltese tenor was accompanied by renowned Australian soprano Amelia Farrugia (her father is Mal tese) a star in her own She delighted the audience with her elegance and espe cially with her duets with Joseph. Along with the brilliance of pianist Piers Lane who has been at Amelia’s side for many years, and who has a wide world reputation as a highly versatile performer, the trio made it a memorable night for the large au dience at the purpose built concert venue over three tiers of sloping seating just off

CBD Martin Place.

Joseph Calleja made his first performance of six concerts in Australia and New Zealand a night to remember especially for the con noisseurs of fine music Joseph and his team followed the Sydney performance by three more in Auckland in New Zealand, Adelaide and Melbourne Especially the Maltese in Brisbane (Nov. 3)

and Perth (Nov. 5) will have the chance to savour the exciting voice of Joseph Calleja that routinely inspires comparisons to leg endary singers from earlier eras like Pava rotti, Gigli and Mario Lanza

As the guy next to me said in a hushed tone: prosit guzeppi tagħna, lejl storiku

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 9
Joseph Calleja (right) with Amelia Farrugia and Piers Lane on stage during their first performance in Sydney

The High Commission of Malta for Australia and New Zealand partici pated in the “Windows to the World” event organised by ACT Govern ment This is a free event where embassies and high commissions open their doors to the public, giving attendees the opportu nity to meet with the staff, and learn about the country's culture, history, language and values

Malta’s High Commission, together with the help of Mr John Vassallo, who is also the President of the Maltese Australian As sociation of Canberra and Queanbeyan, set up an exhibition of old postcards of Malta and Gozo postcards that were exhibited during the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park in 1920 original letters from the Grand Masters of Malta, and postage stamps by the Sovereign Military order of Malta, amongst other items

Malta’s High Commission also invited Chef Jenny of Nanna Clara’s Maltese Kitchen from NSW, who gave demonstra tions of different Maltese recipes and which the attendees had the opportunity to taste, such as homemade ġbejniet (goat’s cheese), bigilla, imqaret, ross il forn, ravjul and ħobż biz zejt

Chef Jenny

Ms Rose Harn, the Membership Secre tary of the Maltese Australian Association for Canberra and Queanbeyan, spoke about the Maltese community in Canberra and Queanbeyan and about activities or ganised annually, and gave tips to the at

Maltese passport entitles holders to

travel on public transport

tendees on how to make fig jam, She spoke about figs in Maltese cuisine and also offered samples of her homemade fig jam

The High Commission received wonder ful feedback from the attendees, and thanked its staff for their help throughout the day to make it a successful event. It also thanked its sponsors for their sponsor ships that helped it to organise the occa sion and organise giveaways for the attendees

10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022 A p r o u d s p o n s o r o Af p r o u d s p o n s o r o f The Voice of Tthe he Voice of the Maltese Maltese website: Tel (02) 9622 B7799 reakaway Travel 94 cor ner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW ..... W We e a a rree N O NW O W O P E N F O R B U S I N E S OS P E N F O R B U S I N E S S Malta High Commission and the W i n d o w s t o t h e Wo r l d 2 0 2 2
Chef Jenny
’s Maltese cooking demonstration at the High Commission The High Commissioner of Malta Mario Farrugia
and his deputy answering questions about Malta from the attendees
also offered the attendees, a Maltese very popular bittersweet carbon ated soft drink.
The Voice has learnt that as of now, anybody in possession of a valid Maltese passport can apply to get a personalised Tallinja Card (costing €20 to activate) that would entitle the holder to travel on the public trans port in Malta on Day Routes, Night Routes and Special Services free of charge Tallinja Direct (TD) Routes are not free and a fare will apply depending on the card used. The fare will be de ducted from the card's balance when this is tapped on the reader/ticketing machine near the bus driver on the bus

r e y s t a n e s M a l t e s e S e n i o r s r e c e ive c e r t i f i c a te s i n C P R Awa re n e s s c o u r s e

members who have the responsibility of caring for their

partners and/or a family member, learning some life saving skills was a worthwhile training session to bring to the group

of where they can find the Defibrillators, especially in shopping centres and most importantly, not being afraid to use them in an emergency as they could help save a life

to suit the MCC Seniors Group At the end of the ses sion participants who successfully com pleted the training were presented with an accredited certificate

the growing numbers of Greystanes

The Greystanes Group had the first op portunity to participate in this course and the members were very pleased with their efforts and the statement of attainment they received on completion. In their feed back the group members expressed their satisfaction that now they are more aware

Anybody in the area wanting more infor mation about this course or other informa tion provided by the MCC should get in touch with the Welfare/Community Worker, Marisa Previtera on 0414 863 123. The Welfare and referral service, is only one of many that is provided by the MCC

Plan Today & Enjoy

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 11
Life Tomorrow At InvoCare Memorial Parks, we are committed to bringing certainty to life’s most challenging moments. By pre-purchasing a memorial, you ease the burden on your family and secure your future resting place at today’s price. For a limited time, we are offering selected discounts on a range of memorial products across our Memorial Parks. Speak with our friendly team today to discuss your options. Terms and Conditions: These offers are valid until 22nd December 2022. These offers are strictly for use at Castlebrook, Forest Lawn and Pinegrove Memorial Park only. Mention this ad to redeem discount. ¹This discount is strictly for purchases of level 3 and level 4 crypts only. This discount is not available for purchases of funeral services, burial and cremations sites, and/or accessories. ²This discount is strictly for purchases of burial accessories of new properties with minimum spend of $9416.00 inc GST. This discount is not available for the purchase of funeral services, cremation and burial sites, crypts, vaults and memorial accessories separate from burial accessories. ³This discount is strictly for purchases of cremation sites over $5000 only. This discount is not available for the purchase of funeral services, burial sites, crypts, vaults and memorial accessories. For full terms and conditions on these offers please visit the website 15% off1 Selected Crypts Vaults available at Pinegrove and Forest Lawn. Enquire today for more information. 10% off2 Burial Accessories Plaques, photos and headstone inscription. $500 off3 Cremation Memorials 9629 1477 9606 5822 9625 8066 A CPR Awareness Training Session was held recently at the Greystanes location on how to perform basic CPR with hands on practice on a manikin (individually) to practice compressions and the use of a defibrillator This commu nity based course was tailored

Roundup of News About Malta

Budget 2023 with the largest capital expenditure programme in history

Itseems that since Monday 24th October, all the people in Malta had only one thing on their mind, the presentation of the Budget 2023, and no taxis budget that has the largest capital expenditure programme in history with close to one billion euros


Prime Minister Robert Abela defined the first budget of the current Labour leg islature, themed, Ċertezza u Stabbilitá (Certainty and Stability) that was read by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana as sound because it addresses current challenges, such as the cost of living

Addressing a news conference after the presentation of the Budget 2023, the Prime Minister said it was futuristic because it gives certainty and stability to businesses and that with the great help that the Gov ernment would continue to give in the field of energy, gives families peace of mind

He said that the Budget would carry out

the plan that the Government had for the country after being elected last March It was full of new measures taken from the ‘Malta Together ’ manifesto, and for the next year, it is investing millions in social policy, education and health

The budget presented by Minster Clyde Caruana also includes the setting up new health centres, modern schools and embellishment of gardens and na tional parks, and a number of incentives and aids for businesses such as the grant of €10,000 over ten years to those who purchase their first property.

He explained that the national debt was expected to decrease more than pre dicted, however, the International Mon etary Fund is estimating that next year, the Maltese economy would grow six times more than the Euro Zone average

The Prime Minister said that in the face of

The beneficiaries from the budget

Government minstries have all been allo cated record funds for 2023. These are some of them:

HEALTH: Allocated a record €1 6 billion with the Deputy Prime Minister and Min ister for Health Chris Fearne saying that with almost 9,000 employees, the Depart ment of Health is the second largest entity in the country The Government will con tinue to open other hospitals. Free medi cines will also continue to be introduced

SOCIAL SERVICES: Expenditure for next year will hit the €1 95 billion mark Every pensioner will receive an increase a cost of living increase 12 50 euro per week, whereas all workers will receive a cost of living increase of 9 90 euro per week

EDUCATION: Allcated a record invest ment totalling €864 million The main measures include a laptop for each student aged seven, as well as €10,000 to each school to purchase essential items for dis advantaged students

ENERGY: Around 10% of the budget will ensure stable energy bills and fuel prices The Government will be allocating around €1 billion to cushion the impact of interna tional energy prices on water and energy bills and fuel prices.

INDUSTRY: Investing €470 million over seven years in the industrial infrastructure Besides the building of new factories, a fur ther measure will be the construction of new roads in industrial estates

HOUSING: €43 million for housing and for property market to become more afford

able; there will be a €10,000 grant for first time buyers over ten year span with 0% de posit scheme


There will also be a tax refund of between €60 and €140

Carers Grant to increase from €500 to €4,500 annually

The allowance for children will increase by €90 for every child while the benefit will increase by €450 on a period of five years

Anyone who buys a vehicle including electric motorcycles will be entitled to the grant of €11,000, which goes up to €12,000 in case the vehicle scrapping scheme is also used and another €1,000 if the vehicle was registered in Gozo and €2,000 for a new electric motorcycle

The vast majority of the constituted bod ies very well received the Budget 2023 Many of them described the budget as so cially just Below are some of the reactions by some of he most important ones

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Asso ciation (MHRA) said government's €600 million investment in energy which repre sents approximately 10% of Malta's budget is “the most important budgetary measure towards ensuring the continued sustainabil ity of the tourism industry ”

MHRA president, Tony Zahra said they were happy that the Government would be shouldering the energy expense, as this would have been a major problem for them.

The Leader of the Opposition and Na tionalist Party Bernard Grech said that the budget does not address quality of life, it lacked a long term economic plan and has put the country ‘in the red’

He said the increase in the cost of living was not enough to accommodate the explo sion in prices and that in the words of the Minister for Finance inflation would con tinue to rise next year He added that instead of cutting out waste, the Finance Minister had shifted it onto businesses and that the government had its back against the wall and was only generous with its corrupt clique

Matthew Pace, the SecretaryAssociation of Catering Establishments said that the budget was a positive one from the aspect that energy and gas, high cost items in their industry, will remain subsidised He added that one has to appreciate that the Govern ment kept businesses in mind

Joe Muscat Chief Executive, Gozo Tourism Association said it was satisfying for them as a proposal of theirs was accepted and a scheme would kick off so that season ality would be mitigated in Gozo It would help operators to bring over tourists to Gozo in the November to March winter months

The Gozo chamber of commerce said that Government's commitment not to increase energy crisis would have a positive income on businesses and consumers alike.

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
reforms and the biggest environmental in vestment in history, the Government has clear priorities with an emphasis on social justice and a better quality of life
Opposition leader ’s reaction
... negative
S o c i a l ly j u s t ’ s ay co n s t i t u te d b o d i e s
Prime Minister Robert Abela addressing the media after the presentation of the budget

Roundup of News About Malta

‘CMLA is an opportunity to better understand the Maltese diaspora’

The 14th Annual Meeting of the Coun cil of Maltese Living Abroad (CMLA), which is made up of 15 members, had a two day meeting in Malta (October 27 28) with an agenda that in cluded matters related to Maltese culture and heritage, sustainable travelling, Maltese cit izenship and passports, and the revision of the Act setting up the Council for Maltese Living Abroad

The Council also commemorated Monsi gnor Philip Calleja who was the first Direc

tor of the Migrants Commission who died in August, and less bureaucracy in the provi sion of services

On the opening day of the meetings, the first after a two year absence because of the pandemic, the Minister for Foreign and Eu ropean Affairs and Trade Ian Borg said that the CMLA was a very important opportunity for one to better understand how the Maltese diaspora looks at Malta from abroad and also to explain the vision when it comes to foreign politics

Tourist arrivals close to 2019 levels

Following the presentation of the results for the third quarter of 2022 the months between July and September of the tourism industry, the recovery is continuing, however, there needs to be more connectiv ity to reach the level of tourists in 2019

The results, presented by the MHRA in dicate that tourist arrivals in the first six months of 2022 reached 75% of the figure

EU grant for purchase of non-polluting vehicles

Malta has been granted €50 million funds from the European Union as part of the Recovery and Resilient plan for the purchase of non polluting electric vehicles.

The funds, to be spread on three years, will be invested in 10,000 vehicles. It means that the scheme for the changeover to electric vehicles has been extended for another year with a grant of €11,000 if a driver changes his vehicle and €12,000 if the vehicle is scrapped The total will be further increased by €1,000 if the vehicle is registered in Gozo

reached for the same period in 2019. It also emerged that between January and June, there was a positive trend in the number of tourists who came to Malta in all the hos pitality sectors

Meanwhile, VisitMalta has launched a campaign with Man United involving Wes Brown, a Man Utd legendary player, as the new face in the new campaign with the theme 48 Hours in Malta that is aimed at increasing awareness about the versatility of the Maltese Islands and as a destination that is ideal for everyone, where one can get up to all sorts of activities even during a short break

Wes Brown is seen abseiling at Wied il Mielaħ and preparing a Maltese ftira at Mġarr Harbour, canoeing and visiting Mdina, Valletta and Fomm ir Riħ https://www youtube com/watch?v=nasyX 7k44ms

*Meanwhile, 25,000 delegates will be ar riving in Malta in the coming days for the biggest iGaming festival in the world SiGMA with confences held between No vember 15 and 19.

He said the Sustainable Development Goals 2050 would be the main guiding principles for the Ministry in its work and that the aim for the meetings was to brainstorm about how the Maltese diaspora and the Council could become a mechanism of change

Minister Ian Borg spoke about the action taken by the Ministry when it launched the online Form known as 'Form V Voluntary Registration of Maltese Persons of Value liv ing abroad' aimed of attracting Maltese liv ing abroad to collaborate with the Maltese Government in their specific fields

He said that his ministry looked forward to receiving voluntary registrations from such Maltese with such a wealth of experience, in order to collaborate with them in line with the Ministry's vision of Global Malta

The CMLA is made up of members from Australia, the United States, Canada, Bel gium, the United Kingdom, France, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

New MP for PN after death of Robert Arrigo

St Julians Mayor Albert Buttiġieg has been elected to form part of the PN Par liamentary group following his victory in the casual election on the 10th electoral dis trict to fill the vacant seat formerly occu pied by former Robert Arrigo who passed away on 18 October.

Summer time ends

This year’s summer time in Malta ended at 3 o'clock (local summer time) on the last Sunday of October, 30th October 2022.

Tuesday, November1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 13

B a ġ i t

S o ċ j a l i

Waqt li d dinja, partikolarment il kontinent Ewropew qed jitħabtu biex jikkumbattu l kriżi tal ogħli tal prezzijiet ikkaġunati l aktar mill gwerra fl Ukrajna, li qed tħalli ef fetti koroh fuq diversi ekonomiji, f ’Malta donnu li dawn id dif fikultajiet ma tantx qed iħallu effett fuq il poplu minkejja li qed naffaċċjaw żieda fl inflazzjoni

Hekk jiftaħ l editorjal tiegħu l Editur tal ġurnal eletroniku talk mt meta ġie biex jikkummenta dwar il Baġit 2023 l ewwel wieħed ta’ din il leġislatura li għadu kif ġie ppreżentat mill Ministru tal Fi nanzi Malti Clyde Caruana

Sa ċertu punt dan jirrifletti s sitwazzjoni ekonomika ta’ Malta u tal poplu; minkejja li ma naqbilx li l gwerra fl Ukrajna mhix qed tħalli ċerti effetti, l aktar waħda fosthom l għoli tal ħajja. Min ħabba s sussidju tal Gvern, dan l għoli mhux qed jaffettwa lill Maltin daqs popli oħra fl Ewropa

Kif tħabbar fil baġit, il Gvern Malti se jkompli jipprova jnaqqas l effett tal gwerra fuq il poplu billi matul is sena li ġejja għal darb’oħra mistenni jonfoq madwar €600 miljun biex jissussidja l enerġija, il fjuwil u ċ ċereali Dan minbarra għajnuniet oħra li se jingħataw lil dawk li huma l aktar fil bżonn

Dan wassal ukoll lill Editur ta’ The Times jikkummenta taħt it titlu “A socially sound budget in tougħ times” li bl allokazzjoni ta’ 9 3% mill infieq rikorrenti fuq s sussidji l Gvern kien se jsalva għadd ta’ familji u negozji minn falliment Qal li minħabba li se jżid il pensjonijiet u jagħti għajnuniet oħra lil dawk li jinħtieġuhom “ a Labour government living up to its socialist name ”

Filwaqt li se jagħmel din in nefqa kollha l Gvern qed jippjana li l ekonomija xorta waħda tibqa’ b’saħħitha L Editur sostna li biex isir dan il Gvern irid joqgħod attent fl in fieq tiegħu, l aktar u l aktar fejn jidħol is settur pubbliku, li skont l Editur il Gvern għandu nies jaħdmu miegħu aktar mill meħtieġ.

“The mantra that no new taxes have been introduced is politically attractive to most of the public and politicians The social focus of this budget remains its strong point Considering the tougħ storm, the budget has largely succeeded to stabilise the ship and allevi ated financial hardships for the underprivileged

As much as it has sougħt continuity, we can only hope the gov

ernment continues focusing on other pressing issues like the cre ation of new sectors, reducing bureaucracy and tackling chronic problems which impact the economy, like our complex traffic prob lem,” temm jikteb l Editur

Il kontinwitá tispikka wkoll fl editorjal tal ġurnal elettroniku talk mt li bit titlu Baġit Soċjali u ta’ kontinwitá, li rrimarka li l baġit li tressaq nhar it Tnejn li għadda kompla fuq il baġits ta’ qabel, billi ma nkluda l ebda piżijiet ġodda la fuq in negozji u wisq inqas fuq il poplu, filwaqt li li baqgħu jingħataw il benefiċċji soċ jali kollha, “Għalhekk nistgħu ngħidu li dan kien baġit sostenibbli, li jaħseb f ’kulħadd, u li mhu se jħalli lil ħadd jaqa’ lura Dan ifisser ukoll li Malta qabdet direzzjoni ekonomika tajba li se tas sigura ċ ċertezza u l istabbilità li diġà jeżistu f ’pajjiżna Dan kollu jirrifletti f ’ġejjieni aħjar għal kulħadd,” qal.

Min naħa l oħra l Editur tal Maltatoday għamel aktar emfasi fuq l ekonomija milli fuq is sitwazzjoni soċjali Bit titlu “No pain budget but no pitch for new economic model” qal li dan il baġit ma ta l ebda ħjiel tal mudell ekonomiku ġdid li semma’ l Ministru ftit ilu, u huwa minnu li l mudell ekonomiku li ħaddmet Malta fl aħħar snin wassal għall ekonomija qawwija li permezz tagħha l Gvern irnexxielu jgħaddi minn pandemija fejn, minkejja l għajnuniet u l ispejjeż li saru, xorta rnexxielu jnaqqas id dejn nazzjonali Fejn il proporzjon tad dejn imkejjel mal GDP huwa taħt is 60% biex Malta eko nomikament hija f ’pożizzjoni ferm aħjar minn pajjiżi tal Unjoni Ewropeja Dan għin biex il Ministru tal Finanzi seta’ jħabbar li se jkompli bis sussidji tal enerġija, il fjuwil u ċ ċereali, iżid il pensjonijiet u jmexxi miżuri soċjali oħra.

Intqal fl editorjal: “In this sense Caruana’s recipe does offer the country stability in an increasingly unstable international context Providing peace of mind and stability are not to be underestimated but once again, the budget does not go far in setting direction towards a new economic model, which pri oritises the quality of life of the population”



15 14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Innu li jgħaqqadna

Kif qal tajjeb il Presi dent ta’ Malta Dr George Vella (lemin) jekk hemm xi ħaġa li tgħaqqadna lilna l Maltin, din hi l Innu Malti, u kien f ’waqtu li l għeluq tal mitt sena minn mindu Dun Karm Psaila kiteb dan l innu ġie mfakkar f ’lejla ppresjeduta mill istess President

Huwa sostna li minkejja li għadda seklu minn fuq il versi tiegħu u xi kliem jinħass antik, jew ma jdoqqx għal widnejna fl epoka li qed ngħixu fiha, l Innu Malti jibqa’ innu li jgħaqqadna u li jgħożż l għaqda Il President Vella rrimarka li fil qofol tiegħu l Innu Malti huwa talba li tfakkarna li aħna werrieta ta’ tradiz zjoni reliġjuża għażiża ħafna u li hi intrinsikament fun damentali fl istorja u fil kultura kollha ta’ Malta u tal Ewropa

Għalhekk il President George Vella appella li jkun xieraq li fl iskejjel u f ’okkażjonijiet speċjali nibqgħu nisimgħu jidwi l Innu Malti simbolu tal identità tagħna “Bħala ċittadini għandna ngħożżu din l iden tità, is sovranità u l istorja ta’ pajjiżna kif espressi fil lirika tal innu nazzjonali,” temm jgħid il President Vella

Ikompli minn paġna

L Editur tal Maltatoday ilmenta mill fatt li ma tħabbret kważi l ebda miżura biex tipprova ssolvi s sitwazzjoni tat traffiku Anzi l Gvern se jibqa’ jissussidja l fjuwil għall vetturi minflok li tal inqas iġiegħel lis sidien tal vetturi jġorru parti miż żieda fil prezz tiegħu

“Caruana may want to re evaluate this strategy over the medium term by reducing the subsidy on motor vehicle fuels and ask ing motorists to pick up part of the bill, thus reducing the pressure on public finances,” temm jgħid l Editur

L Editur tal Malta Independent, bit titlu “Trying to keep the country afloat” kiteb li d dinja bħalissa għaddejja minn żminijiet diffiċli meta l prezzijiet u l inflazzjoni qed jogħlew kemm lokalment kif ukoll inter nazzjonalment Kulħadd fl Ewropa qed b’xi mod jiġi effetwat minn din il gwerra u l effetti tal Covid 19, qal

Il Gvern qed jipprova jnaqqas dan l effett billi se jonfoq €608 miljun f ’sussidji. Mingħajrhom il poplu kien ikollu jħallas iż żidiet kollha minn butu, iżda dawn il flus jridu jittieħdu minn x’imkien, kompla

L Editur issokta jgħid li filwaqt li l ekonomija għadha b’saħħitha rridu niżgu raw li din ma tmurx lura (it stays afloat) Id dejn li għandu l pajjiż huwa nkwetanti, għalkemm jekk ma jinqalax xi għawġ ieħor, dan mistenni jonqos Dan jista’ jkun effetwat ukoll mill fatt li n nefqa rikorrenti għas sena d dieħla hija akbar mid dħul għalkemm dan mistenni li jinbidel fl 2024 Skont l istess Editur il Gvern xorta jrid jo

Għandna nagħmlu bidliet fl-Innu?

Ftit ilu ktibt dwar proposti li għandhom isiru bidliet fl Innu Malti Propju f ’jum għeluq l 100 sena mill kitba ta’ dan l Innu kiteb dwar dan l eks Min istru Evarist Bartolo. Kiteb hekk: L Innu Malti għalaq 100 sena Kull tant żmien jingħad minn xi wħud li għandna nbiddluh biex jgħodd aħjar għal lum.

Hemm pajjiżi li fl aħħar 50 sena, anki iżjed riċenti, minħabba bidliet storiċi kbar li għaddew minnhom, biddlu l kliem jew il mużika tal innijiet nazzjonali tagħhom, uħud anki iżjed minn darba bħar Russja u l Ġermanja. L Awstralja biddlitu ftit ilu biex tagħmlu inklussiv u aċċettat anki mill indiġeni

Għallinqas il kontroversja tagħna ta’ nuqqas ta’ qbil fuq il jum nazzjonali li wasslet għal kompromess b’ħames festi nazzjonali, ma saritx ukoll fl għażla ta’ innu nazzjonali Għallinqas m’għandniex ħames innijiet nazzjonali

Dun Karm kiteb il kliem tal innu meta Malta kienet kolonja, insulari, Katto lika, monokulturali Illum sovrani, miftuħa, sekulari u multikulturali

Il kliem għadu jgħodd? Għandu għalfejn jinbidel biex jirrifletti aħjar iż żmini jiet tal lum? Disgħin fil mija tal poplu Malti jgħidu li għadhom jemmnu f ’Alla għalkemm 58% biss jgħidu li r reliġjon importanti għalihom

Il kliem ta’ Dun Karm dwar ir reliġjon huwa dwar il valuri: mhux kliem dwar reliġjon tal istituzzjoni, knisja u kultura magħluqa klerikali Għadu jgħodd għall pajjiż b’firda bejn knisja u stat għax lajċizmu ma jfissirx ateizmu jew an tiklerikalizmu u anti reliġjon

L innu mhux zenofobu, l imħabba lejn Malta ma tfissirx mibegħda lejn pajjiżi oħra.

L appell biex pajjiżna jitmexxa b’dehen żgur għadu bżonnjuż ħafna, l istess meħtieġa ħafna s solidarjetà u l koperazzjoni bejn dawk li jħaddmu u l ħad diema Il messaġġ tal għaqda fost il poplu u s sliem għadu jgħodd ħafna

qgħod attent kif jonfoq flus il poplu “But let’s be honest, wouldn’t the country have been in a better position had it handled cer tain contracts better, had it been more care ful in terms of government recruitment of non essential personnel? Are we getting the most out of the contracts we sign? How much better off would we be had our repu tation not have been tarnished?”

“It is good that the government is contin uing to invest in charging ports, and renew ables, but realistically speaking we need to make a far stronger push in the coming years if we want to minimise pollution and the effects of international issues on our en ergy systems,” qal l Ediur tal Malta Inde pendent

Nistqarr li togħġobni l verżjoni ppubb likata f ’Jannar 1923: “Seddaq il għaqda ġewwa Malta u s sliem.” Għax hi iżjed inklussiva minn “Seddaq il għaqda fil Maltin u s sliem ”

L iżjed għal lum fejn għandna bżonn l għaqda u s sliem mhux fost il Maltin biss iżda wkoll bejn il Maltin u l eluf li qed jgħixu fostna minn pajjiżi oħra minn kull kontinent tad dinja

Għandna nikkunsidraw xi bidla żgħira dwar sehem Malta fid dinja?

Imma jekk naħsbu li iva għandna naħsbu sew għax hu innu li serviena tajjeb għal 100 sena bla ma ġġilidna fuqu kif għandna ħabta niġġieldu anki meta nkunu qed naqblu

Hu innu li kważi kollu kemm hu għadu jgħodd għal lum u għada Saħħa u sliem

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 15
Ir-reazzjoni tal-midja għall-baġit tal-2023 Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900 Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs “Let Our Family Help You Through” Ħalli l familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek

W h a t i t m e a n s f o r y o u

Just seven months after the Liberal Coalition’s last budget, Labor ’s first budget in nine years

Treasurer Jim Chalmers argued that “the best thing we can do now is exercise re straint” because more cost of living relief could be counter productive and keep prices rising Here’s what you need to know

The economy: Tax revenue from com modity exports helped to halve this year ’s budget deficit from $78 billion to $36 9 billion But the deficits will deepen in the years ahead there is no forecast for a sur plus and debt is tipped to reach $1.2 tril lion in 2026 Economic growth is expected to reach 3 25 per cent this financial year before falling to 1.5 per cent the next.

Chalmers said inflation, which is forecast to peak at 7 75 per cent later this year, is the single biggest factor affecting the budget A combination of cutting and delaying proj ects and cracking down on tax dodgers will save $28 5 billion over four years Jobs and wages: The treasurer said it is no longer government policy to keep wages low but conceded they would fall in real terms next year before a slight rise in 2024. Stage three tax cuts remain in place for 2024, but Chalmers said he

would not rule out controversial decisions in the future Unemployment is expected to fall to 3 75 per cent this year and rise to 4.5 per cent over the next two years, but it could hit 5 per cent if Australia is caught up in a global downturn or recession

Housing: The government unveiled an ambitious agenda to build one million homes from 2024 to 2029 in a National Housing Accord with states and territories with support from superannuation funds The plan includes an extra 20,000 afford able homes to help address the country’s housing crisis, on top of a previous target of building 30,000 social and affordable homes over five years Families: The government will spend $4 7 billion to make childcare cheaper for 1 26 million families from mid 2023 Paid parental leave will be expanded to six months at a cost of $530 million, although it won’t be fully implemented until 2026 In two parent families, a portion of the leave will be reserved for each to encour age shared parenting duties Healthcare: A cheaper medicines plan means the PBS maximum co payment to

Protect religious beliefs in law

aith leaders are urging the PM Anthony Albanese to reverse his op position to a “statements of be lief” clause in reli gious discrimina tion laws to pro tect people of faith from being sacked over voicing their beliefs

Fpass the Parliament.

The clause protected religious people who expressed their beliefs from being sanctioned by state based anti discrimina tion law “so long as such statements do not harass, threaten, intimidate or vilify a per son or group”

get a script filled will fall from $42 50 to $30 from January 1 Additional COVID hospital funding will not be extended to states, but $2.6 billion will pay for vaccines and treatments The cost of the NDIS will increase by $8 8 billion to $166 6 billion over four years as extra staff is hired and a new fraud squad targets rorts Nursing home residents will receive an average of 215 minutes of care a day by October 2024, at a cost of $2 5 billion over four years

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus has begun consultations on religious discrim ination legislation, with faith leaders ex pecting a draft bill to be released in the first half of next year

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comen soli, Anglican Bishop of South Sydney Michael Stead, Australian National Imams Council spokesman Bilal Rauf and Exec utive Council of Australian Jewry co chief executive Peter Wertheim warned against growing intolerance towards people of faith

The faith leaders are urging the Prime Minister to revive the statements of belief clause in the Morrison government’s reli gious discrimination bill, which failed to

Labor attempted to water down this part of the legislation through proposing an amendment, with Mr Dreyfus arguing it would “override every state anti discrimi nation law”

The faith leaders are also pushing for fed eral anti discrimination legislation to ef fectively override state laws, including Victoria’s directive that religious schools can only consider the faith of an applicant if it is directly relevant for the role

The rest: Almost $25 billion will be spent on climate change through 2030, in cluding $20 billion to upgrade the grid for renewable power and $200 million for dis aster prevention NSW will get $1 4 bil lion for road and rail projects, including $500 million to plan high speed rail from Sydney to Newcastle There’s funding for 480,000 fee free TAFE spots and 20,000 university places, while foreign aid rises to $1 4 billion over four years and defence spending increases by 8 per cent. More than $76 million is set aside for the refer endum on an Indigenous Voice to parlia ment.

Modern policy for modern families

Australian families will soon receive an extra six weeks of paid parental leave in a major shake up designed to get women into work and help households with the cost of living

PM Anthony Albanese told NSW Labour State Conference that an extra fortnight would be added each year until the full 26 weeks is available from July 2026

By that time, every family with a new baby will be able to access a total of six months of paid leave, shared between the two parents.

Families will also have access to more leave and greater flexibility, with paid parental leave able to be taken in blocks between periods of paid work Single par ents will be able to access all 26 weeks

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
delivers on some election promises while warning of soaring energy prices and interest rates and a potential spike in unemployment amid rampant inflation and global economic unrest
Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers

A u s t r a l i a d e c i d e s o n

Foreign Minister

Penny Wong an nounced that the Federal Government is reversing a decision made by former Prime Minister Scott Morrison in 2018: Australia will no longer recognise West Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel

I s r a e l’s c a p i t a l

The group of Maltese that travelled from the western suburbs of Sydney to attend Joseph Calleja’s first Concert in the city. It was the Maltese tenor ’s first from six that he is making in Australia and New Zealand.

(see report on page 9)

Migrant community: Highest rate of growth

The number of Nepal born people living in Australia has increased by 67,752 since 2016, an increase of 124%, the highest rate of growth of any migrant community

Mr Morrison had fol lowed the decision of then United States pres ident Donald Trump, who made the formal announcement in 2017 and relocate the US em bassy from Tel Aviv to West Jerusalem

Senator Wong said Labor was remaining firm in its view expressed in 2018 that

Jerusalem remains a “final status issue” that must be resolved between the Pales tinian territories and Israel. ‘We are com mitted to international efforts in a responsible progress, responsible issue of progress towards a just and enduring two state solution,” she said “Australia's em bassy of course has always been and remains in Tel Aviv ”

Senator Wong acknowledged that Mr Mor rison's decision was “out of step with the majority of the international community”. She further accused him of a “cynical play” to win the Wentworth by election, an elec torate that has a sizeable Jewish population

“This was a cynical play, unsuccessful, to win the seat of Wentworth in a by elec tion What people saw was the Prime Min ister of the day trying to play foreign policy in order to win votes in the seat,” she said

“Australia will always be a steadfast friend of Israel We will not waver in our support of Israel and the Jewish commu

nity in Australia We are equally unwaver ing in our support of the Palestinian peo ple, including humanitarian support,” she said

The community also recorded the second largest increase in overall numbers, second only to the extra 217,963 people born in India who are now living in Australia. Around 48% of the community live in Sydney, 15% in Melbourne, 6% in Ade laide, 5% in Brisbane and Canberra, and 3% in Perth and Hobart Another2% live in Darwin and 1% live in Launceston. There are also small communities in re gional areas such as Newcastle, Too woomba, Dubbo, Cairns and Bowral.

Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 17 L e v e l 1 S u i t e 1 0 1 C , 1 3 0 M a i n S t r e e t , B l a c k t o w n P O B o x 8 5 2 5 , B l a c k t o w n N S W 2 1 4 8 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 7 1 4 7 8 0 M i c h e l l e . R o w l a n d . M P @ a p h . g o v. a u M R o w l a n d M P w w w. m i c h e l l e r o w l a n d . c o m . a u
i c h e l l e R o w l a n d M P
Senator Wong and the flag of Israel

Ta g ħ r i f d w a r i l - k i t b a b i l - M a l t i

I l - v a r j a n t i t a l - o r t o g r a f i j a

Inkomplu b’dan ix xogħol tal Kunsill Nazzjonali tal Ilsien Malti dwar il forom li jintużaw fil kitba għall unifor mitá Il kliem jinkiteb magħqud meta jkollu tifsira waħda, kif għandu fl eżempju

Tkomplija tal Appendiċi A kulma

Mhux kulma jleqq deheb kultant, xi kultant

Jien hawn kuntent, imma kultant tiġini x xewqa tas safar.

Xi kultant jagħtini li mmur inkellmu ladarba

Ladarba noħroġ mill ħabs, se nibdel ħajti. lakemm

Mhux lakemm tgħidlu li għandu żball lanqas (iżda: għall anqas, mill anqas, tal-anqas)

Jien la rrid din u lanqas l oħra Lanqas ħaqq li tajtni qatgħa bħal din.

Għall anqas ma kissrulix il fanali tal karozza wkoll!

Mindu widdibtu, lili qed ifittixni mill anqas

Dan l eżerċizzju trid tagħmlu mill anqas erba’ jew ħames darbiet kuljum.

Tal anqas ma qabadx miegħi l prinċipal ukoll!

Infaqna ħafna flus imma tal anqas ir riżul tati issa jidhru ilbieraħ (iżda: bħall bieraħ, mill bieraħ, tal bieraħ, eċċ.)

Il bieraħ ġrat diżgrazzja li se nibqgħu nif takruha.

Bħall bieraħ ġimgħa għamlet dik il mal tempata kbira

Dan kif mill bieraħ sal lum dawwart il ħsieb?

Il ftehim tal bieraħ kien pass importanti lejn il liberalizzazzjoni tal midja ilbiraħtlula (iżda: għall-biraħtlula, millbiraħtlula, sal biraħtlula, eċċ )

Et i m o l o ġ i j a . . . imma xi tfisser eżatt?

Grupp ta’ qarrejja li jattendu waħda mill iske jjel tal Malti fl Awstralja xtaqu jafu t tifsir tal kelma ETIMOLOĠJA li ġieli jisimgħu kemm waqt xi klassi kif ukoll meta ġieli jinzertaw jidħlu on demand fuq xi programm minn Malta fuq it tleviżjoni Għalhekk hawnhekk qed naqtgħu l kurżitá tagħhom u nagħtu, kemm it tifsira tagħha, kif ukoll u xi eżempji biex wieħed ikun jista’ jifhem aħjar

Etimoloġija hija fergħa tal lingwistika storika dwar l oriġni jew inkella t tnissil u l iżvilupp tal kliem, kif ukoll dwar it tqabbil bejn kliem li jixtiebah jew aħjar kliem qarib f'ilsna differenti.

Hawnhekk “kelma qariba” (plural “kliem qarib” u "kelmiet qarib") qed tittieħed bħala l ekwivalenti ta' dik li fl Ingliż tissejjaħ cognate (word) F'dak li għandu x'jaqsam mal lingwistika, l etimoloġija tqar reb ferm is Semantika (x xjenza lingwistika li tis tudja t tifsira tal kliem u l espressjonijiet, jiġifieri xi jfisser il kliem )u l Fonoloġija (l istudju tal ħsejjes tal lingwa).

Tant hu hekk, li qabel ma ġew żviluppati r regoli tal fonetika, ma kienx hemm mezz xjentifiku jew sistematiku kif wieħed jitraċċa t tnissil tal kliem

Biex forsi nifthemu aħjar, hawn taħt qed nagħti xi eżempji etimoloġii fl ilsien Malti

• ballu (minn ballo fit Taljan)

• ballerin (minn ballerino fit Taljan)

• balè (minn ballet fil Franċiż)

• ħila (minn ħīla, ħajl fl Għarbi)

• orrajt (minn all right fl Ingliż)

• futbol (minn football fl Ingliż)

• pitazz (minn pitazzu fl Isqalli Komuni)

• fisser (minn fassara fl Għarbi)

Ilbieraħ kien il Ħadd u lbiraħtlula s Sibt. Mill biraħtlula għaddew jumejn u għadek ma qdejtnix

Sal biraħtlula konna rċevejna aktar minn mitt applikazzjoni

illaħwa, xi llaħwa

Illaħwa, x’ħuta qbadt!

Xi llaħwa qed tgħid illum?

illejla (iżda: sal lejla, tal lejla, mil lejla, eċċ )

Illejla niltaqgħu fit tmienja ħdejn Bieb il Belt. Illum nagħlaq snini

Illum ma trid tistagħġeb b’xejn

L ittra bgħatthielu llum u jirċeviha għada Se naqilbu l folja u mil lum ’il quddiem m’intix se tara ċenteżmu ieħor mingħandi

Il pakkett ilu ħmistax li ntbagħat imma sal lum għadu ma wasallix

Ikompli fil ħarġa Nru 288

L - G ħ a n j a t a t - Ti f k i r a (it-tieni volum)

LGħanja tat Tifkira huwa l isem tat tieni volum tal ktieb tal poeżiji li l Għawdxi l Kav Joe M Attard se jippubblika f ’dawn il jiem wara li l pubblikazzjoni għaxar snin ilu tal ewwel volum Bħal ta’ qablu dan il ktieb se jiġbor fih għadd ta’poeżiji, li kif jindika l isem iridu jfakkru xi ġrajja fil ħajja tal Għawdxin

B’mod speċjali f ’Għawdex ħaf na jfittxu lil Joe biex jiktbilhom xi poeżija għal xi okkażjoni speġjali, bħal funerali, magħmudijiet, an niversarji ta’ żwieġ jew xi ġrajjiet oħra fil familja Jikteb ukoll poeżiji dwar xi ġrajjiet speċjali li jseħħu f ’Għawdex u jżomm xi ap puntamenti fissi ta’ festi matul is sena Hu għandu wkoll għal qalbu xi innijiet u ġrajjiet oħra

Il ktieb għandu Daħla ta’ Dr Joe Zammit Ciantar, studjuż, eks let tur tal Malti u awtur ta’ bosta kotba u produzzjoni ta’ Francesco

Po Attard

Il ktieb ta’ Joe M Attard jista’ jinkiseb f ’forma ta’ hardbound għall prezz ta’ €12 inkella paper

back għal €10

Dan il volum hu stampat għand l A&M Printing tal Qala, b’disinn tal qoxra ta’ Stefan Attard.

Min jinteressah jista’ jikteb lill awtur f ’dan l email: emarjos@hotmail com

Kliem Malti li ftit li xejn għadu jintuża

TBERRED Din kelma li forsi ftit għadha tintuża għax minflok, ġeneralment aktar nużaw il kelma tkessaħ, kemm għal xi xarba bħal kafé jew té, inkella xi ikel bħal brodu jew minestra Qabel, meta l ikel jew ix xorb kien ikun jaħraq ħafna, fil każ ta’ xorb, wieħed kien

jew jonfoħ fuqu biex iberrdu Inkella jfer rgħu f ’xi kikkra oħra mbagħad jerġa’ jfer rgħu lura fl ewwel kikkra jekk kien hemm bżonn anke aktar minn darba L ist ess għall brodu, jew tonfoħlu nkella f ’dan il każ titfgħu fi platt ieħor ħalli kif ikun imferrex jiksaħ xi ftit

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
I t t m i n t a x i l p a r t i )

S C J to s p i t a l

LiSchola Cantorum Jubilate ospitat

il kor Knabenchor Unser Lieben Frauen (lemin) fis Santwarju ta’ Pinu Il kor magħmul minn subien, u li hu mmexxi mid direttur Ulrich Kaiser għandu tradizzjoni antika ta’ mużika sagra u janima ċ ċelebrazzjonijiet fil knisja tal Madonna fil Bremen, fit tramuntana tal Ġermanja L udjenza preżenti setgħet tapprezza l kant, il mużikalitá u d dixxiplina li l koristi wrew tul il programm kollu li kien jinkludi siltiet sagri minn kompożituri magħrufa, fosthom Franck, Schütz, Wolff, Bach, Staden, Biebl, Sisask, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Vandré, Seifert, Lützel u Eröd L organista tal iSchola Cantorum, Joseph Camilleri interpreta żewġ siltiet fuq l orgni tas santwarju

B re m e n B oys C h o i r

Il wirja tnediet mil Ministru għall Wirt Nazzjonali, l Arti u l Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici u l Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri.

Il Corpo Italiano Soccorso Ordine di Malta (CISOM) immexxi minn Dr Graziano Cascone żar il gzira Għawdxija fejn ħames tobba mill Ordni ta' Malta bbażati fi Sqallija organizzaw tliet korsijiet intensivi fl ewwel għajnuna lill membri f'Għawdex, voluntiera ta' l Assoċjazzjoni Maltija ta' l Ordni kif ukoll membri tal pubbliku Madwar 20 membru tac CISOM fi Sqal lija attendew ukoll għal dawn l attivitajiet li saru fil Lourdes Home f ’Għajnsielem Flistess okkażjoni saret ukoll ċerimonja ta' ġemellaġġ bejn iż żewġ organiżazzjonijiet periferali ta' l Ordni ta' Malta, biż żewġ naħat jaqblu li jikkollaboraw fejn tidħol l

ewwel għajnuna kif ukoll fi progetti ta' għajnuna umanitarja

Il kavallier Chris Galea saħaq li hu mpor tanti li jkun hawn iżjed għarfien fl Ewwel Għajnuna

Id delegazzjoni żaret diversi postijiet ta' nteress storiku fosthom iċ Ċittadella u r Rotunda tax Xewkija, sede spiritwali ta' l Ordni

Iċ CISOM attenda wkoll u għen lill As socjazzjoni Maltija tal Ordni fil pellegri nagg annwali fis Santwarju tal Madonna ta' Pinu li għalih attendew ‘l fuq minn 250 pellegrin fosthom 160 morda u anzjani mill isptarijiet u djar speċjali f ’Malta u Għawdex.

Fis sala tal esibizzjonijiet fil bini tal Ministeru għal Għawdex għad kif it tellgħet wirja dwar l istorja ta’ Għawdex fi żmien il Medjuevu
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 19
Mill Gżira Għawdxija Charles Spiteri Isiru korsijiet interessanti fl-ewwel għajnuna u ġemellaġġ mas-CISOM Għawdex fil-Medjuevu
Uħud milli attendew għaċ ċerimonja f ’Dar Lourdes f ’Għajnsielem


s o r u s k u m n i k a t a l i s a r e t

e w w e l q a

s a Aw s t r a l j a n a


Mary MacKillop twieldet f ’Melbourne fil 15 ta’ Jannar 1842, l akbar minn tmint itfal Giet edukata fi skejjel privati kif ukoll id dar minn missierha. Irċeviet l ewwel tqarbina tagħha fl età ta’ disa’ snin Meta kibret, il familja MacKillop kellha titħabat biex tkampa finanzjarjament. Il familja kellha razzett li qatt ma għamel suċċess, għalhekk għal ħafna żmien il familja kellha tgħix bil ftit flus li t tfal kienu jieħdu d dar bħala paga ta’ xi xogħol li kienu jagħmlu Meta kellha 14 il sena Mary bdiet taħdem bħala skrivana, u fl 1860 biex tipprovdi għall familja ħadet impjieg bħala gover nanti fil propjetà taz zijiet, Alexander u Margaret Cameron f ’Penola, f ’South Aus tralia. Kienet tieħu ħsieb ulied iz zijiet u tgħallimhom Kienet ukoll determinata li tgħin ukoll lill foqra u nkludiet kuranti tfal l oħra tar razzett fil proprjetà ta’ Cameron

o p

Ix xogħol tagħha bħala governanti u mat tfal ġabha f ’kun tatt ma’ Patri Woods, il kappillan fis South East. Hija baqgħet mal Camer ons għal sentejn, u fl 1862 aċċettat im pjieg biex tgħallem lit tfal ta' Portland, Victoria. Sentejn wara fetħet il board ing school tagħha stess imsejħa, Bay View House Seminary for Young Ladies, issa magħrufa bħala Bayview College u ngħaqdet mill bqija tal familja tagħha.

F’South Australia, Father Woods, imħasseb dwar in nuqqas ta’ edukaz zjoni Kattolika, stieden lil Mary u lil ħutha biex flimkien jiftħu skola Katto lika f ’Penola. Fetħuha fi stalla u kienet ta’ suċċess Woods inħatar direttur tal edukaz zjoni u flimkien ma’ Mary MacKillop saru magħrufa bħala l fundaturi tal iskola Il

MacKillops bdew jgħallmu aktar minn 50 tifel u tifla.

Kien f ’dan iż żmien li Mary iddikjarat formalment id dedikazzjoni tagħha lil Alla u bdiet tilbes l iswed F'Novembru 1866, flimkien ma’ ħutha ngħaqdu ma' nisa oħra, filwaqt li Mary, li issa ħadet l isem reliġjuż “Sister Mary of the Cross,” bdiet tilbes il bies reliġjuż u sempliċi Il grupp ta’ nisa ta’ madwarha bdew isejħu lilhom infushom is Sorijiet ta’ San Ġużepp tal Qalb ta’ Ġesu u marru joqogħdu f ’dar ġdida f ’Adelaide.

Hemmhekk, fuq talba tal isqof, Laurence Bonaventure Sheil waqqfu skola ġdida li kienet iddedikata għall edukazzjoni tat tfal tal foqra u saret l ewwel istitut reliġjuż li twaqqaf minn Awstraljani. Father Woods u MacKillop żviluppaw ir "Regola tal Ħajja" għall komunità Ir regoli tagħhom, ap provati mill Isqof Sheil, enfasizzaw il faqar, id dipendenza fuq il providenza divina, b’ebda żieda tal affarijiet personali, iżda jgħixu b’dak li Alla jipprovdi Sa tmiem l 1867 ingħaqdu magħhom għaxar nisa oħra. Minħabba d drawwiet u l ilbies kannella sempliċi tagħhom, is sori jiet saru magħrufa informalment bħala l "Brown Joeys, " u f ’’tentattiv biex iwasslu l edukazzjoni lill foqra kollha, dawn is sorijiet fetħu skola oħra fin nofsinhar tal Awstralja Sal aħħar tal 1869, aktar minn 70 mill Ġużeppini kienu qed jedukaw tfal f ’21 skola differenti madwar l Awstralja

D in il qaddisa hi magħrufa li waqqfet is Sorijiet ta’ San Ġużepp tal Qalb ta’ Ġesu (Josephites) u skejjel u postijiet ta’ kenn għall klassi tal ħaddiema u l foqra madwar l Awstralja u New Zealand Din il qqaddisa, magħrufa wkoll bħala ‘St Mary of the Cross’ , hi waħda mill aktar figuri storiċi u reliġjużi sinifikanti fl istorja Awstraljana li kienet ġiet iddikjarata bħala qaddisa mill Knisja Kattolika K ull sena fit 8 ta’ Awwissu f'Adelaide tiġi mfakkra l festa tal ewwel Qaddisa Awstraljana, St Mary MacKillop, li għall okkażjoni jsir quddies speċjali fil Katidral ta’ St Francis Xavier 20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022 I
l -
d d i
S t . M
M ac K i l l
Statwa ta’ Santa Marija MacKillop barra l-Katidral ta’ St Francis Xavier f ’Adelaide *Ikompli f ’paġna 21
Pittura ta’ Santa Maria tas Salib

Il-Papa jordna li titneħħa l-iskomunika

*Ikompli minn paġna 20

MacKillop u l Ġużeppini ħadmu wkoll f ’orfanatrofju, ma’ tfal ittraskurati, bniet fil periklu, anzjani foqra, mal ħabsin u mal morda bla tama ta’ fejqan MacKillop u diversi sorijiet oħra vvjaġġaw lejn Bris bane u stabbilew ukoll l ordni tagħhom fi Queensland Sentejn wara, Mary marret Port Augusta, South Australia għall istess skop, filwaqt li s Sorijiet ta’ San Ġużepp tal Qalb ta’ Ġesu żiedu jespandu u sal 1871 kellhom 130 soru jaħdmu f ’aktar minn 40 skola u istituzzjoni tal karità madwar South Australia u Queensland

fuq is sodda tal mewt tiegħu, fit 23 ta’ Frar 1972 l Isqof Sheil ta struz zjonijiet lil Fr Ho ran biex ineħħi l iskomunika minn fuq Mary Mac Kil lop biex imbagħad din tneħħiet fl 1 ta’ Marzu Wara l akkwist tal Mother House Ken sington, Mac Killop marret Ruma ħalli uffċjalment tikseb l approvazzjoni għar “Rule of Life” għas Sorijiet ta’ San Ġużepp mingħand il Papa Piju XI

L awtoritajiet f ’Ruma għamlu bidliet fil mod kif il Ġużeppini kienu jgħixu fil faqar u ddikjaraw lis Superjura Ġenerali u l kunsill tagħha bħala l awtoritajiet inkarigati mill ordni

B’din l approvazzjoni l kongregazzjoni tal Ġużeppini bdiet tespandi l operazzjonijiet tagħha fi New South Wales u New Zealand Fl 1883, fuq struzzjoni tal Isqof Reynolds ta’ Adelaide MacKillop marret lura Sydney F’Jannar 1875, lura fl Awstralja MacKillop ġabet magħha l approvazzjoni minn Ruma għas sorijiet tagħha u x xogħol li għamlu għall iskola tagħha.

Min naħa tiegħu l Isqof Lawrence Bonaventure Sheil daħal f ’kunflitt maʼ xi wħud mill membri tal kleru dwar kwest jonijiet edukattivi u l kleru lokali beda kampanja biex jiskredita lill Ġużeppini

Wara rapporti mill Ġużeppini li Fr Keat ing, mill parroċċa ta’ Kapunda kien qed iġib ruħu ħażin x’aktarx miħabba l abbuż l abbuż tal alkoħol il qassis intbagħat lura lejn l Irlanda L eks kollega ta’ Keat ing, Fr Charles Horan kien irrabjat bit tneħħija ta’ Keating, u hu maħsub li fittex vendetta kontra Fr Woods billi beda jat takka lill Ġużeppini

Wara l mewt ta’ Fr Smyth Horan sar l aġent vigarju ġenerali u uża din il pożiz zjoni biex jinfluwenza lill Isqof Sheil. Ikkonvinċieh li l kostituzzjoni tal Ġużep pini kellha tinbidel u fl aħħar mill aħħar setgħet tħalli lis sorijiet Ġużeppini bla dar Mary MacKillop ma kkonformatx mal bid liet mitluba u l Isqof Sheil skomunikaha, bl insubordinazzjoni bħala r raġuni

Għalkemm il Ġużeppini ma ġewx sepa rati, ħafna mill iskejjel tagħhom ingħalqu Miżmuma milli tibqa’ f ’kuntatt ma’ xi ħadd fil knisja, MacKillop marret tgħix ma’ familja Lhudija u kienet protetta minn qas sisin Ġiżwiti Uħud mis sorijiet tal ordni għażlu li jibqgħu taħt il kontroll djoċesan u saru magħrufa popolari bħala “Black Joeys”.

Wara stħarriġ ordnat mill Papa Piju IX,

Għalkemm f ’Marzu 1875 b’mod unanimu MacKillop ġiet maħtura Superjura Ġenerali xorta waħda kellha tissielet mal oppożiz zjoni ta’ qassisin u diversi isqfijiet Is sori jiet kienu jgħixu f ’komunità aktar milli fil kunventi, u l ordni kienet tinħtieġ am ministrazzjoni minn Superjur Ġenerali, aktar milli djoċesi mmexxija mill isqof Madankollu, il kwestjonijiet wasslu lill kongregazzjoni li titlaq minn Bathurst u Queensland Imma minkejja l inkwiet kol lu l kongregazzjoni kompliet tespandi Sal 1877, kienet qed taħdem f ’aktar minn 40 skola madwar Adelaide, fi Queensland u fi New South Wales. Bil għajnuna ta’ ħafna nies, Kattoliċi u mhumiex, il Ġużeppini setgħu jkomplu b’ħidmiethom fl edukaz zjoni u fil ħabsijiet

Wara l ħatra tal Arċisqof Roger Vaughan ta’ Sydney fl 1877, il ħajja saret ftit aktar faċli għal MacKillop u sħabha għax kisbu l appoġġ sħiħ tiegħu Madankollu, wara l mewt tiegħu fl 1883 l arċisqof il ġdid, Patrick Francis Moran għalkemm kellu ħarsa pożittiva lejn il Ġużeppini neħħa lil MacKillop minn superjura ġenerali, filwaqt li l Papa Ljun XIII ta l approvazzjoni tie għu lill Ġużeppini, u fl 1885 għamilhom kongregazzjoni uffiċjali, bil kwartieri ġen erali tagħhom f ’Sydney.

Għalkemm MacKillop ma kinitx għadha superjura ġenerali appoġġjat u għenet bis sħiħ lis superjura l ġdida fit tmexxija Kienet tikteb ittri ta’ appoġġ, tagħti pariri

jew sempliċement iżżomm kuntatt F’ Jannar 1897 waq qfet kunvent u bażi għas Sorijiet ta’ San Ġużepp f ’Peters burg fl Istati Uniti Wara l mewt ta’ Madre Bernard, MacKillop inħatret mill ġdid bħala Madre Superjura Ġenerali, kariga li baqgħet iż żomm sa mewtha.

Matul l aħħar snin ta’ ħajjitha, MacKil lop sofriet ħafna pro blemi ta' saħħa u wara puplesija, f'Au ckland New Zealand, spiċċat paralizzata fuq in naħa tal lemin tagħha Għal seba’ snin kienet kostretta tgħix fuq siġġu tar roti Imma tgħallmet tikteb b’id ix xellugija u setgħet tkompli tikteb. Baqgħet tħaddan il fiduċja tas sorijiet u fl 1905 ġiet ikkonfer mata bħala superjura ġenerali MacKillop mietet fit 8 ta’ Awwissu 1909 fil kunvent Ġużeppin f ’North Sydney, u ġiet midfuna fiċ ċimiterju ta’ Gore Hill. Wara d difna n nies bdew jieħdu l ħamrija minn madwar il qabar tagħha, u minħabba f ’hekk, il fdalijiet tagħha ġew trasferiti f ’27 kaxxaforti għal quddiem l artal tal Verġni Marija fil kappella li nbniet dan l aħħar f ’Mount Street f ’Sydney Fl 1925, il Madre Superjura, Madre Lau rence, bdiet il proċess biex MacKillop tiġi ddikjarata qaddisa Wara eżami mill qrib tal kitbiet ta’ Mary u dewmien ta’ 23 sena, il fażi inizjali tal investigazzjoni tlestiet fl 1973 Wara aktar stħarriġ, il “virtù erojka” ta’ MacKillop ġiet iddikjarata fl 1992, u f ’dik l istess sena l knisja approvat it twemmin li Veronica Hopson, li fl 1961, ġiet imfejqa mil lewkemjia billi talbet għall interċessjoni ta’ MacKillop

Mary MacKillop ġiet ibbeatifikata fid 19 ta’ Jannar 1995 mill Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II u kanonizzata fis 17 ta’ Ottubru 2010 mill Papa Benedittu XVI, biex saret l ewwel qaddisa Awstraljana

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 21
Il kappella f ’Sydney mibnija f ’ġieħ Santa Maria tas Salib MacKillop, u fejn hi midfuna
Il qabar ta’ Santa Maria tas Salib MacKillop
isqof Sheil li
l ewwel im pona u mbagħad neħħa l isko munika minn
fuq Mary MacKillop

Happy Faces at Bankstown

The Maltese Elderly Group at Bankstown NSW has been meeting regularly for several years under the leadership of Sam Galea. In one of their recent meetings they wel comed Senior Constable Steve Jacka (above left) from the Bankstown Police Crime Pre vention Unit at the Mt Lewis Bowling Club in Waterloo Rd Greenacre

The policeman explained how to deal with scams and fraud, a subject that is a worry for many in our society After the talk, the group had lunch at the club

The Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco NSW held its annual gen eral meeting on Sunday 23rd October It was their first face to face meeting after a period of two years, due to Covid

The committee has remained the same, with Mark Caruana as President, Christine Sapienza (V/President), Miriam Friggieri (Secretary), Lawrence Dimech (Treasurer), and Fr Carmelo Sciberras (Spiritual Director

The returning officer was Philip Bonnici.

It is pleasing to report that despite being unable to hold its annual dinner dances and the sale of raffle tickets, the association has

o f D o n B o s c o N S W

managed to continue to send donations of $11,500 to Salesian missions in Ethiopia and South Sudan where there is great poverty and hardship This was possible due to the extraordinary and exclusive gen erosity of its members

Our next activity will be the Feast of Don Bosco towards the end of January 2023

A big thank you to the committee and members for their continued support

Maltese Senior s Social Welfa r e Day Gr oups

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Informa tion Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in St Theresa’s Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights from10 am to 12 noon

Group Leader: Dorothy Gatt Maltese of Bankstown



a sponsorship

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area. Every other 3rd Thursday an outing Enquiries call: Sam Galea 0410 269 519

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips. Join us and make new friends. Group Leader: Doris Scicluna

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every first Wednesday of the month in July, September, November & December and in February, April & June 2023 From 10:00am to 12noon at the Miranda Community Centre 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiora Rd Miranda Meetings are interesting & informative Membership is free, so is Morning Tea/Coffee/Cake

The Maltese Community Council of NSW)

Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare Offi

Outings every other month Come & make new friends. For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud JP Phone (mb 0421 662 298)

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Cen tre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Grey stanes from 10 am to 12 noon Group holds regular Information Ses sions/Workshops & Bus Trips Gro up Leader: Frances Montesin Men’s Group

Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Pri mary School), from 10 to 12 noon. Dis cussion, information and renew friendship Pastizzi, Kinnie etc avail able Contact Fred or Laurie 9631 9295

cer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW.

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Groups are
A G M o f M a l t e s e P a s t P u p i l s & F r i e n d s
Above: a section of the elderly group listening to Constable Jacka

C o m


t y N e w s

i t y N e w Cs o


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Listen live on ethnic radio/ 97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Voices with Marthese Caruana: Sundays 10:00 am to 11:00am One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists

FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Sundays 11 00am to 12:00pm News from Malta, music, information, culture, in terviews, community notices and top ics of interest. Listen live on

We get to the point, provide the right ad vice and get the work done at a reason able price.

www 893fm com au or On Demand on www 893fm com au/on demand/ WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta Illawarra Mal tese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart Music, news from Malta, topics of in terest, song requests, community an nouncements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program bill malti global maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide Sun day: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Mon day: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 23
m u n
m m u n i
T u n e i n t To u n e i n t o R a d i o a n Rd a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o Tn e l e v i s i o n SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm; Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38. On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand VICTORIA 3ZZZ 92 3FM: Mondays 5 6pm, Fri days 5 6pm and Saturdays 10 11am Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sam mut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au 98.9 North West FM: Mondays 7 8pm and Fridays 6 7pm Maltese Pro gram. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. Sat. Nov. 19: Dinner Dance Sunday December 4: Festa T h e e v e n t s f o r t h e r e s t o f 2 0 2 2 St Nicholas Festa Committee Plumpton-NSW L a V a l e t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e All Souls' Day will be celebrated at Pinegrove Cemetery, Minchinbur y on Sunday 6 Nov. The Mal te s e C o n ce r t B a n d w i l l p e r fo r m from 4pm. Mass will be at 5pm. For more info on events and entertainment visit or call 02 9621 5847 Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847 A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Established in 1999 Learn about the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and the amazing history of the magnificent Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo Classes available for beginners and those who already have a confident grasp of the Maltese language Adult and Children’s classes available All classes are online. Positions available for people who can assist with teaching the Maltese Language Call Lisa for an information package on 0419 418 547 or email mls@mccnsw org au
NSW Radio programme for the Maltese Every Sunday 11 am to Noon. An hour filled with information and news. On demand:

S p o r t Ss p o r t s

Eight Ball Pool Champion

Scott Muscat (above) became the Under 25 World Eight Ball Pool Champion when he beat Englishman Luke Golbert in a close final 8 7 at the Championships held in Killarney Ireland (October 19 27 )

This was Scott’s second international suc cess in four years In 2018 he also won the Under 23 European Championships

The Malta Pool Association was represented by three teams in the Men’s U/25s and Over 50’s categories.

The Men’s U/25s were losing finalists against Ireland by 2 5, while the Over 50s reached the semi final stage where they lost to India The other team lost to France in the quarter finals.

friendlies for Malta in Nov.

Malta will face Greece (Nov 17) and Ire land (Nov. 21) in friendly international football matches at the National Stadium

Both matches will serve as warm ups for the Euro 2004 qualifiers against North Macedonia (March 23) and Italy (March 26)

Teasing Machine wins Rolex Middle Sea Race

Eric de Turckheim’s French NMYD 54 Teasing Machine has been declared as the overall winner of the 2022 Rolex Mid dle Sea Race, the 600nm annual event or ganised by the Royal Malta Yacht Club

It became the fourth French yacht to have won the Rolex Middle Sea Race following in the footsteps of Antares (1981), Spirit of Ad Hoc (2008) and Courrier Recommandé (2018)

Hamrun seven points ahead

Having bea ten near est challengers Gzira United 2 1, leaders Ham run Spartans managed to open a seven point gap at the top of the Pre mier League ladder.

LATEST RESULTS Day 9: Ħamrun S v GziraU Hibernians v M’xlokk Valletta v Balzan Mosta v Birkirkara Sirens v Sta Lucia Floriana v Zebbug Gudja v Pieta' H Day 8 Ħamrun v Mosta Hibernians v Gudja U Gzira v Valletta M'Xlokk v Birkirkara Balzan v Floriana Sirens v Zebbug R Sta Lucia v Pieta H

Rugby Union FIRA-AER Conference South 1 Convincing first win for Malta

The Malta rugby national team defeated Slovenia 46 10 in Ljubljana to record its their first win in this season’s the FIRA AER Conference South 1 It helped them to recover from the previous week’s disappointing home defeat to Bulgaria

As the scoreline so clearly shows, the Maltese dominated the opposition and from the outset their success was never in doubt as they eventually picked their first points in this year ’s championship Mariano Cutajar and Brendan Dalton excelled each helped themselves to two tries Liam Scicluna and Matthew Spiteri scored Malta’s other tries

A good d ay at th e Maltes e R u g b y a t C a b r a m a t t a

It was a good day for the Malta Knights Rugby League at Cabramatta Oval in NSW with lots of supporters braving the inclement weather once again

The Dames beat the Philippines 6-0 in their first official interna tional test game thanks to a try from from Sarah Dimech and a goal kicked from Victoria Coppini. The girls deserved a huge credit for they played with their hearts on their sleeves and left absolutely everything on that field

In their final test match for 2022, the U/16, captained by Harley Dimech, achieved a great win against the Philippines Malta won 34 to 6. Despite the scoreline, the losers deserve a lot of credit.

The Malta Knights Development U/18’s team took to the field against a determined Philippines team, and eventually ran out 30 24 winners.

In the All Age game, the last one of the day, with several players un available, a new look side was defeated Malta 32 22 by Philippines. Several players, that included Jordan Xuereb, Carlo Cassar, Zac Ro drigues, Ryan Azzopardi and Tyson Jackson made their Test debut

The supporters deserve a pat on the back for braving the weather for giving their support to the teams One also must thank the Malta Knights staff and the all players that travelled near and far

24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Harley Dimech who was named U/16 captain (left), with his father Matthew
2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 2 1
Scott Muscat is World U/25

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