The Voice of the Maltese No.290

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The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

Republic Street is the name of the main and most popular street in Malta’s capital city Valletta, which is officially recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is busy all day long, mainly for shopping in the daytime, and for feasting in late evenings. But It wasn’t always known by this name.

(Read all about it on pages 20,21)

(We are for the Greater
Malta) A fortnightly print and digital magazine
Issue 290 Januar y 10, 2023

L-istorja tad-dar tax-xjuħ fi Blacktown NSW ...

Għaliex hawn daqstant dgergir?

-aħbar li d-dar tax-xjuħ li hemm fi Blacktown NSW immexxija mis-sorijiet Dumnikani ta’ Malta li se tagħlaq il-bibien tagħha kmieni dis-sena, tefgħet lillkomunitá Maltija ta’ NSW f ’baħar ta’ niket jekk mhux għadab u rabja kbira Ilu ma jinstema’ daqstant tgergir Kien ilu jberraq, iżda ftit bassru li wara tant żmien imexxuwha u jieħdu ħsieb din id-dar tant bżonnjuża, minħabba li għandna komunita’ li dejjem qed tixjieħ, is-sorijiet se jaqbdu u jparpru lejn Malta b’dak kollu li rnexxilhom jakkwistaw.

Il-komunita’ Maltija dejjem xtaqet li jkollha dar tax-xjuħ immexxija mill-Maltin Din hija prijoritá u tibqa’ x-xewqa ewlenija.

S’issa sirna nafu li fil-fatt id-dar tax-xjuħ ġiet mibjugħa fit22 ta’ Awwissu 2022 Għalkemm ix-xerrej mhux ikkonfermat, iżda x ’aktarx li huma l-Lend Lease Group Saru xi tentattivi biex xi Maltin jixtru din il-propjetá huma iżda lproposta ma gietx aċċettata. X’aktarx ukoll li ma kinux se jżommuha bħala dar tax-xjuħ

Wieħed jittama li dawn it-tentattivi li saru għad joħorġu filberaħ. Kien hemm xi dubji wkoll dwar min hu legalment ilpropjetarju ta’ din id-dar, jekk humiex il-kongregazzjoni tas-sorijiet Dumnikani ta’ Malta jew is-sorijiet Dumnikani Maltin ta’ NSW

Is-sorijiet Dumnikani ta’ Malta bdew ix-xogħol tagħhom flinħawi ta’ Pendle Hill/Wentworthville mal-wasla tagħhom fl-1965 Kienet inħasset il-ħtiega li jinbena kunvent bl-isem ta’ Blessed Imelda f ’180 Old Prospect Road Pendle Hill (ilkunvent għadu hemm imma llum sar parti mill-iskola Our Lady Queen of Peace ta’ Greystanes)

Skont Fr Michael Camilleri, dan il-kunvent sewa madwar 28 elf lira flus Maltin ta’ dak iż-żmien, bil-flus kollha jinġabru minn donazzjonijiet tal-Maltin. Is-sorijiet kienu mpjegati bħala għalliema u damu hemm madwar 23 sena Kienu biegħu l-kunvent meta marru Blacktown

Is-sorijiet Dumnikani ħassew il-ħtiega li minn għalliema jidħlu għall-kura tal-anzjani u fl-1972 xtraw l-ewwel art, ħames acre*s f ’Rouse Hill, iżda dan it-tentattiv falla Imbagħad fl-1980 (43 sena ilu), inxtrat il-propjetá ta’ bħalissa, kbira ħames acres* u nofs f ’Walters Road Blacktown

L-art inkwestjoni hija mmarkata mill-Blacktown City Council bħala li hi għal ‘special community purposes ’ , li tinkludi l-La Valette u s-St Hedwig for the Aged, li tnejn jinsabu qrib xulxin fil-lokalitá

Dlonk twaqqfet is-St Dominic’s Village Association taħt il-

Presidenza ta’ Dr George Boffa bil-mira tad-donazzjonijiet tibqa’ dejjem il-komunitá Maltija mħeġġa mill-għaqdiet organizzati Maltin Huwa kkalkulat, kif kien ġie żvelata fil-Maltese Herald 19/11/1999 li l-kontribut totali tal-komunitá Maltija f ’forma ta’ donazzjonijiet kien ta’ madwar $400,000, li għal dak iż-żmien kienet somma fenominali Il-Ministru John Aquilina MP kien fetaħ id-dar uffiċjalment fil-11 ta’ Mejju 1986 Imbaħad fi Frar 1988 is-St Dominic’s Village Association ġiet xolta u s-sorijiet Dumnikani ħatru minflok bord tad-diretturi, din id-darba taħt il-ħarsien ta’ Dr Stephen Gatt Kienet deċiżjoni li qajjmet għadd ta’ mistoqsijiet fil-komunitá, iżda li qatt ma ġew spjegata sewwa.

Il-membri li jiffurmaw il-bord dejjem ġew magħzula għax kienu “ta’ gewwa ” , kienu ta’ certa linja politika, u dejjem imxew b’segretezza Rari taw xi rendikont lill-komunitá li tant ikkontribwiet donazzjonijiet.

Madankollu l-fehma ġenerali kienet, li d-dar tax-xjuħ tmexxiet b’sodisfazzjoni u kisbet reputazzjoni tajba Inħasset il-ħtiega li minħabba bidliet enormi fil-kundizzjonijiet imposti mill-Gvern, id-dar kellha bżonn bidla strutturali. Skont ma qalulna mkejjen infurmati, saru anke pjanijiet u kien hemm finanzi sodi biex dan iseħħ, iżda s-sorijiet qatgħu qalbhom u kienu determinati li jħallu din il-missjoni tagħhom.

Jingħad li s-sorijiet kienu dejjem impjegati bi ħlas fid-dar tax-xjuħ u li din dejjem tmexxiet bħala negozju li rrenda qligħ Dawk kollha li sellfu flus lis-sorijiet (mhux donazzjonijiet) ġew imħallsa lura.

Waħda mir-raġunijiet li għalih qed nispjegaw l-istorja taddar u l-kontribut tas-sorijiet hu, biex nuru għaliex il-komunitá Maltija tinsab iddispjaċuta b’dak li qed jiġri wara li kienet protagonista ewlenin, li mhux biss ħarġet il-flus b’donazzjonijiet, imma dejjem offriet l-appoġġ tagħha minn kull aspett lejn din id-dar

Issa dan kollu se jitwarrab u l-kongregazzjoni tas-sorijiet tad-Dumnikani f ’Malta finalment se jħalluna. Imma magħhom, is-sorijiet se jġorru lura lejn Malta profitt monitarju qawwi riżultat ta’ dak li kisbu fin-negozju mibni biddonazzjonijiet tal-Maltin Il-proġett tad-dar tax-xjuħ kien wieħed konġunt bejn il-komunitá Maltija u s-sorijiet It-tnejn taw kontribut qawwi allura finalment il-mizien m ’għandux ixaqleb biss lejn naħa waħda.

*acre huwa kejl Ingliż li jgib madwar 3383 5 metri kwadri

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Fuq il-lemin id-daħla tal-kuvent tar-sorijiet u fuq ix-xellug l-Annunciation Hall, it-tnejn parti ntegrati mid-dar tax-xjuħ fi Blacktown NSW

Q. I am 73 and retired and on a small part age pension which I do not wish to lose. I have just received an inheritance of approximately $100,000 and I would like to invest this money in superannuation. Would money in superannuation be treated the same as money in a term deposit by Centrelink?

A. For one to be entitled to an age pension one has to pass both the asset test and the income test For the asset test, both superannuation funds and funds in bank accounts are treated as an asset

With regards to the income test the first $53,600 for a single person are deemed at 0 25% and for anything above this amount the deeming rate is 2.25%. Both super money and money in bank accounts are deemed the same Therefore, whether you invest the money in super or in a bank account the effect on the age pension will be the same

Q. I am 69 years old and we have just sold our house and have invested $300,000 into superannuation using the downsizing strategy. I have an existing account based pension with a balance of approximately $420,000. Am I able to add this super money into the same account based pension in order to simplify things?

A. One is unable to add to an existing account based pension However, in order to simplify things, you have an option of redirecting your existing account based pension back into the superannuation fund where you invested the $300,000 and then once the funds are all in one super fund, you can commence a new account based pension with all the funds I would recom-

This is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associated with financial planning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via:

mend seeing a financial planner who would be able to direct you once he knows your situation

Q. My aunt needs to move into aged care. She is still living in her own home and is on a small part age pension She has $450,000 in term deposits and her RAD is going to be around $500,000. She is not keen on selling her home, as she wants to leave the family home to her daughter who is currently renting If her daughter moves into her mother’s home and pays her mother’s ongoing costs on the home such as rates, insurance, etc. will this affect my aunts pension entitlement?

Q & A Q & A

A. Your aunt does not have sufficient funds to cover the RAD in full, so she will need to pay a Daily Accommodation Payment on the outstanding RAD However, she will be receiving a higher part age pension as she would have used up most of the money in her term deposit to pay the bulk of the RAD and for the first two years the house will not be treated as an asset

Her daughter may be able to cover any shortfall your aunt has in her daily costs I believe your aunt should visit an adviser who will instruct her on how best to pay for the ongoing fees to the aged care facility, while at the same time maintaining a higher amount of age pension.

Q. My mother is transferring a managed fund into my name. This is currently worth around $150,000. I was told that one of us would have to pay capital gains tax if we do this. Can you explain how this works?

A. When your mother transfers the managed fund to your name it is as if she is selling the investment Her accountant will then calculate whether she has any capital gains or capital losses, and she will have to include this on her tax return.

She should actually ask the accountant to calculate this now, prior to transferring it into your name, so that if the capital gains are too much, he may offer her options such as transferring some of the managed fund to you in this financial year and some in the next financial year. Please see your accountant prior to transferring the investment to your name

Q. I wish to prepare for my own funeral in order not to leave too much worry to my family. Am I still able to invest in a funeral bond and is it still exempt from the Centrelink Asset test?

A. Funeral bonds are still exempt from the asset test The amount that one can invest in funeral bonds for them to be exempt from the asset test is $14,000 per individual

This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed

Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 3

John Christian Watson: 3rd Prime Minister of Australia

F i r s t L a b o u r g o v e r n m e n t l e a d e r i n t h e w o r l d

I n o f f i c e : 2 7 t h A p r i l t o 1 8 t h A u g u s t 1 9 0 4

Watson, born Johan Cristian Tanck on April 9th 1867 in Valparaíso, Chile, was the only child of Martha (née Minchin) and Johan Cristian Tanck, a German Chilean seaman whose ancestors had immigrated from the Kingdom of Hanover and established an import–export firm

He worked as a merchant seaman, possibly a ship's carpenter, on trade routes across the Pacific. He arrived in New Zealand aboard La Joven Julia on 24 December 1865 and married Martha Minchin in Port Chalmers less than a month later, on 19 January 1866

Their marriage was later registered at Valparaíso's Iglesia de la Matriz Watson's mother was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, and was 16 years old at the time of her first marriage She joined Tanck on board the Julia, which eventually returned to Chile and docked in Valparaíso a few days before Watson's birth

In the months after Watson’s birth the ship worked a regular route carrying timber between Valparaíso and Chiloé Island

John Watson grew up on the South Island of New Zealand, taking the surname of his stepfather when his Irish-born mother remarried He left school at a young age, working in the printing industry as a compositor

He moved to Sydney in 1886, became prominent in the local labour movement, and helped establish the Labor Electoral League of New South Wales and directed the party's campaign at the 1891 general election

He was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Assembly at the 1894 election, aged 27, and quickly became a leading figure in the ALP He and most party members opposed the Federation on the grounds that the proposed constitution was undemocratic

In 1901, he was elected to the House of Representatives at the inaugural federal election, became a founding member of the ALP caucus in the federal parliament and was elected as the party's inaugural leader

During the first term of parliament, Watson supported the Liberal Protectionist g o v e r nments of E d m u n d Barton and A l f r e d D e a k i n , and was a s t r o n g s u p p o r t e r of the W h i t e A u s t r a l i a policy

At the 1903 election, the ALP secured the balance of

power in the House and a strong position in the Senate. In April 1904, after the ALP withdrew its support from Deakin, at the age of 37 Watson formed a minority government He was one of the first socialists to head a government in a parliamentary system, attracting international attention, and remains Australia's youngest ever Prime Minister

After less than four months in office, the Watson Government lost a confidence motion and by anti-socialist George Reid succeeded him as Prime Minister He served as leader of the opposition until 1905, when he helped reinstall Deakin as prime minister

Despite the opposition of some in the party the ALP continued to offer its support to Deakin after the 1906 election

Watson resigned the party's leadership in 1907, citing family concerns, and left parliament at the 1910 election. He was expelled from the ALP during the 1916 split over conscription and became a Nationalist, although he never again stood for public office

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
*Continued on page 7
o h n C h r i s t i a n Wa t s o n w a s a n A u s t r a l i a n p o l i t ic i a n w h o s e r v e d a s t h e t h i r d P r i m e M i n i s t e r o f A u s t r a l i a , i n 1 9 0 4 . H e s e r v e d a s t h e i n a u g u r a l f e deral leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) from 1 9 0 1 t o 1 9 0 7 a n d w a s t h e f i r s t m e m b e r o f t h e p a r t y t o s e r v e a s P r i m e M i n i s t e r. H e l e d t h e f i r s t n a t i o n a l L a b o r g o v e r n m e n t n o t j u s t i n A u s t r a l i a b u t a l s o i n t h e w o r l d .
Researched by L a w r e n c e D i m e c h
John Watson (sitting second left) with members of his Ministry 1904

Watson subsequently had a successful business career that included him being president of the NRMA and chairman of Ampol.

While Watson did not succeed in passing legislation in office, his term as Prime Minister is seen as significant as a demonstration that the ALP could form a competent government. His successor as party leader Andrew Fisher would lead the ALP to a majority government at the 1910 election, in which many of Watson's ministers played a key role

Watson was involved in shaping party policy regarding the movement for Federation from 1895, and on 4 March 1897 was one of ten Labour candidates nominated for the Australasian Federal Convention But none of these candidates were elected.

The party endorsed Federation, but nevertheless most leading party figures viewed the draft Commonwealth Constitution as undemocratic, and believed that the Senate as proposed was much too powerful, similar to the anti-reformist Colonial state upper houses and the UK House of Lords

When the draft was submitted to a referendum on 3 June 1898, Labour opposed it,

with Watson prominent in the campaign, and saw the referendum rejected.

Watson was devoted to the idea of the referendum as an ideal feature of democracy.

To ensure that Reid might finally bring New South Wales into national union on an amended draft constitution, Watson helped to negotiate a deal, involving the party executive, that included the nomination of four Labour members to the New South Wales Legislative Council Labour leaders, including Watson opposed the final terms of the Commonwealth Constitution Nonetheless, they could not stop it from going ahead, and unlike Holman and Hughes, Watson believed that it should be submitted to the people. Nevertheless, he joined all but two of the Labour parliamentarians in campaigning against the 'Yes' vote at the referendum

When the Constitution was accepted, he agreed that 'the mandate of the majority will have to be obeyed'

John Watson died on November 18, 1941 in Sydney at the age of 74

*In the next issue, the Prime Minister we would be featuring woud by Sir George H Reid the fourth Prime Minister of Australia

The Australian politician also managed to win a seat in the House of Commons in UK

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 5 High Commission & Consulates of Malta in Australia MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AND EUROPEAN AFFAIRS Consulate General - Sydney Mr Lawrence Buhagiar (Consul General) St Martins Tower, Suite 10 04, Level 10, 31 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 9262 9500 0430 402 177 (02) 9264 4722 maltaconsulate sydney@gov mt lawrence c buhagiar@gov mt Consulate General - Melbourne Vacant Suite 613, 6th Floor, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 9670 8427 0413 621 177 (03) 9670 9451 maltaconsulate melbourne@gov mt High Commission of Malta - Canberra H E Mr Mario Farrugia Borg High Commissioner for Malta to Australia 38 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT 2606 (02) 6290 1724 / 1426 / 1573 0433 799 947 m www foreignandeu gov mt Ms. Chirelle Ellul Sciberras (Consul General) 0433 799 746 0430 378 407
*Continued from page 6
Involved in shaping party policy
A 1915 portrait of John Watson by John Longstaff

MELISSA: the daughter of Maltese migrant new Mayor of Walkerville

Melissa Jones, the daughter of Maltese migrant Edward Camilleri and an Italian migrant, Santina has been elected as the Mayor of Walkerville* in the recent local government elections in South Australia

After graduating High School, Melissa studied Commerce and Law at The University of Adelaide, and then worked as a lawyer in Adelaide, Sydney, and Hong Kong, before returning to Adelaide in 2013

She is married to Llewellyn and has four children She is involved in her local community, with her children attending the local primary school, and playing for the local cricket team, the Walkerville Cats

As well as being Mayor, Melissa now runs her own legal practice, specialising in providing commercial legal services to mining companies She has contributed to her profession through being a member of the Council of the Law Society of South Australia, and mentoring young women in both law and mining

Melissa leads the Walkerville Council during an exciting period with several intergenerational capital projects to be funded and delivered over the next four years.

Melissa’s father, Edward, was born in Senglea, Malta in 1950 and emigrated to Adelaide with his parents and three siblings in 1956.

As a community we are proud of the achievement of a first generation Australian and wish Melissa continued success in her future

Walkerville is a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia It was named after Captain John Walker RN, who took up land in the district in 1838, two years after the first colonists arrived in South Australia

It lies just north east of the city centre, about 4 kilometres (2 5 mi) from the Adelaide GPO It is one of South Australia's most affluent suburbs In 2012 it was South Australia's second "top earning suburb

Man of Maltese descent is the winner of 4th

‘Love Island Australia’

Austen Bugeja, a young man of Maltese descent, along with

partner Claudia Bonifazio, are the winners of the fourth edition of Love Island Australia.

The couple were crowned winners through televoting with Austen and Claudia winning $50,000 between them

Austen, who was born in Australia has two siblings. He considers his grandfather, who left Malta and migrated to Australia as his hero He worked tirelessly to succeed Austen and Claudia were crowned winners through televoting As winners they won between them $50,000

The fact that Austen and Claudia won was not a surprise as they were the favourites all along

After victory Austen paid tribute to Claudia He said: “Who would’ve thought I was gonna walk out of here with this amazing women You have made my journey in here so worth while Claudia and for that I will forever love you

He thanked her for sharing her smile with him and said he cannot wait for them to share life together

He also thanked his family and friends who, he said, supported him through the journey He also reserved a speacial thanks to his mum and dad for everything they do

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
his *Walkerville

Malta’s Speaker at Commonwealth Conference in Australia

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anġlu Farrugia, took part in the 26th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC), which the Parliament of Australia in Canberra hosted for the representatives of the 43 Commonwealth countries between January 3 and 6

Together they discussed an agenda whose main topics were: Parliamentarians and the Pandemic, Security, E-Parliament and the Role of Presiding Officers in Leading Par-

liamentary Innovation.

The conference aimed to foster impartiality and fairness on the part of Speakers and Presiding Officers, promote understanding of parliamentary democracy, and develop parliamentary institutions'

President of Malta's visit to Australia cancelled

Various speakers delivered keynote speeches and participated in several workshops On the topic of Parliamentarians and the Pandemic, the Speaker spoke about the responses to the Covid-19 pandemic by the Maltese Parliament

The Voice of the Maltese has learned that the planned visit by the President of Malta, HE Dr George Vella, scheduled for February 2023, has been cancelled.

Arrangements in Australia for this visit by Malta's head of State were advanced No reason has as been given for the cancellation

An official announcement is expected soon

On the margins of the conference, Farrugia also met with the Secretary

C h u rc h L a y s B e n e d i c t t o R e s t

Pope Emeritus Benedict XV, who was described by Pope Francis as God’s gift to the Church, died on December 31 at his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in Vatican City, which the 95-year-old Pope Emeritus had chosen as his residence after resigning from the Petrine ministry in 2013

The Roman Catholic Church laid to rest Pope Emeritus Benedict after his funeral on 5 January, Pope Emeritus Benedict, but not before around 200,000 paid their respects to the Pope who has died almost a decade after he stood down because of ailing health He was laid to rest at the end of a funeral that was presided by Pope Francis in St Peter's Square

He led the Catholic Church for fewer than eight years until, in 2013, became the first Pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415

Underlining Jesus’ last words on the cross “Father, into your

hands I commend my spirit,” Pope Francis said this summed up Benedict’s life

The Pontiff also made reference to the German theologian’s life dedicated to meditating on the life of Jesus

General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), Mr Stephen Twigg, and discussed with him Malta's active participation in events organised by the CPA, as well as the plans of the CPA Secretariat

At the end of the conference, the Speaker, who was on his third visit to Australia since becoming Speaker in 2013, availed himself of the opportunity to visit the Maltese High Commission in Canberra and the Maltese communities in Sydney.

On Friday, Dr Farrugia was at La Valette Centre Blacktown, and on Saturday morning, at the Hamrun Club at Marsden Park

The Speaker, who was accompanied by the Director on International Relations, Ms Eleanor Scerri, the High Commissioner of Malta in Australia HE Mario Borg Farrugia and the Consul General for NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar, was given a warm welcome

The Pope Emeritus‘ remains were taken into St Peter's Basilica and then to the Pope’s crypt where he was laid to rest

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 7
Dr Anglu Farrugia (fifth from left) at the La Valette SC in Blacktown with (from left): Ms Eleanor Scerri, HC Mario Farrugia Borg, Antoine Mangion, Angelo Borg, Godfrey Sultana, Lawrence Buhagiar, Frances Fizpatrick, Jim Zammit and Joe Abela

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.

Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address:

A magazine that gives the Maltese community and the readers a voice

Tony Cassar from St Albans, Victoria writes:

missed The Voice magazine during its break for the festive season However, such a break is to be expected during this time of year. The fact that the publication is missed proves that it is something good

I believe the readers would join me in thanking you for all the issues that you

How to measure


of a respected publication

John Attard from Tongabbie NSW writes:

Thank you for your special Christmas issue It was once again a statement that The Voice of the Maltese has a huge standing, and is also well respected not only among our active community but also the support of the Maltese business community in Australia

Business will not support you unless they know that you have a huge following That, in fact, is how you measure success Wish you at The Voice and my fellow readers all the best for the New Year.

Progress or distruction?

Tony Sant from Kellyville NSW writes:

Ihave not been to Malta for the last 13 years, they tell me they built many skyscrapers, and there is a building boom

I am from Sliema Much before that, in my youth, I remember traditional houses on Tower Road being destroyed one after the other. They were replaced by blocks of flats, some even 10-12 storeys high Is this progress or destroying the environment?

managed to produce during the whole of 2022, during which you showed your professionalism I am certain that I would be voicing the feelings of my fellow readers when I say that we look forward to the next issues for 2023

I was honestly impressed to see that even the business community has recognised your professionalism and the value of this magazine, enough to accept the fact that The Voice is the medium that the Maltese community in Australia in particular looks up to stay in touch and up to date with current issues, both in Australia when it comes to the Maltese associations, and Malta

It’s contribution in the Christmas Special also recognizes the fact that this magazine gives the Maltese community and the readers a voice.

Wara tant snin se jagħmluna orfni

Bħal ħafna fost il-komunitá Maltija flAwstralja, imma l-aktar fl-inħawi ta’ NSW, ma nistax inniżżilha li wara li diġá kellna lis-saċerdoti tal-MSSP li wara tliet deċenji telquna, issa se jagħmluna orfni wkoll is-sorijiet Dumnikani li se jagħlqu, d-dar tax-xjuħ, u jabbandnawna biex jirritornaw lejn Malta

Kemm ix-xogħol tal-MSSP kif ukoll dak tas-sorijiet dejjem kien apprezzati fostna La semmejt id-Dar tax-Xjuħ, żgur li t-tmexxija ta’ din id-dar ma tistax tgħid li minbarra l-ġid li kulħadd jaqbel li kienu jagħmlu, ma kienux ukoll qed jagħmlu bagatella tajba għax kienu popolari u s-servizzi tagħhom kienu millaktar imfittxija.

Id-Dar ma kinetx sempliċi att ta’ karitá, u l-Maltin kollha jafuh dan Min kien juża s-servizzi tagħhom għal qrabatu kien ikun lest li jħallas għas-servizz Nistagħġeb kif il-mexxejja spiritwali f ’Malta, li żgur jafu x ’qed jiġri fl-Awstralja, u sa ċertu punt anke fil-Kanada fejn hemm ukoll, il-komunitá Maltija ta’ Toronto, l-aktar belt fejn hemm jgħixu Maltin, se titlef is-servizzi tal-MSSP, ma jippruvawx iħeġġu lil saċerdoti f ’Malta, u anke reliġjużi oħra li l-missjoni mhix biss billi tmur l-Afrika.

Anzi jridu jifhmu li hu forsi aktar importanti li ma titlifx dak li għandek billi ma titlifx min-nagħaġ, milli ġġib il-ġdid

8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
your say/Xi
P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e
trid tghid?
Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e z i n e Letters for publication
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Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ... For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water State Member for Prospect Dr Hugh McDermott MP P: (02) 9756 4766 E: 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
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Charlene Mifsud minn Surry Hills NSW tikteb:

Some olive trees in Malta over a 1,000 years old

Olive trees form part of the Maltese landscape, and research suggests that there are scores of varieties of them on the Maltese islands Some of them date back to about 1,000 years and even more

The oldest living trees in the world have borne witness to history and survived changing climates and human development There are colonies of clonal trees that have lived for tens of thousands of years

A very long time ago, the olive trees, which are evergreen trees and found in most Mediterranean countries, grew all over Malta and the olives and olive oil acquired from them used to be exported to other countries

Some varieties were unheard of and are now considered unique to


Olive tree links to the Maltese Islands go back thousands of years, with some estimated to be between 600 and 1,000 years old

It is understood these trees were introduced to Malta for their economic importance Olive trees were cultivated to supply stocks of olives and for the production of olive oil, even as indicated by the names of some localities in Malta and Gozo

Evidence of this is in places in Malta like Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Għajn Żejtuna, Birżebbuġa and ż-Żejtun in Malta and iż-Żebbuġ in Gozo, which got their name from this particular tree because it used to grow abundantly in that area, as well as the many huge stone presses found in various places mostly with a connection to the Roman period

The Roman villa at San Pawl Milqi in Burmarrad is the best example of a Roman olive oil-producing estate

Unfortunately, with time most of the old olive trees in Malta were destroyed, either cut down to be used as firewood or to make way for other kinds of agricultural produce, including wheat and later cotton

Today the olive tree is being cultivated again in many areas around the island and is reclaiming its place in Maltese agriculture and landscape


wider the main trunk the older the tree

Research carried out by a Malta University student, Clayton Sammut, under the supervision of David Mifsud, a professor at the University of Malta, has delved extensively into the origin of these trees in Malta and how they have evolved over the years Their diameter can exceed two metres, in which case they will probably be between 400 and 500 years old, and possibly even more. Some trees are over seven metres. The trees exist, and there are plenty of them About 90 different trees with this vast trunk have been discovered.

Professor David Mifsud said that the study has led to new conclusions that indicate the existence of some 20 varieties of trees in the Maltese Islands, of which r e s e a r c h e r s had not been aware There are over 900 d i f f e r e n t species in the world During this study, res e a r c h e r s have come across over 20 of these that are u n i q u e , m e a n i n g they do not exist anywhere else in the world T h e r e f o r e according to

He explained that in the fullness of time, these trees have adapted to our climate

They have several characteristics Therefore, studies needed to be made about the leaves, the olive, the stone, and their DNA All this information was put together, and with the knowledge at one’s disposal, their existence was checked In fact, 20 of these we identified as unique and not existing anywhere else

Professor Mifsud explained that climate is a factor that makes olive oil unique to Malta, adding that trees that produce very small olives are ideal for the extraction of olive oil as the oil is extracted from the seed and not from the olive itself The bigger olives are ideal for oil for the table

He goes on to say that although the trees enjoy protection through Maltese laws, there are instances, particularly on privately owned land, where the trees are chopped down to make way for development.

He points out that these trees, running into thousands in Malta, are part of the Maltese cultural heritage, and it is essential that they be safeguarded to be enjoyed by future generations.

Olive trees can be grown in all types of soil as long as the soil is at least three metres deep. They need plenty of sunshine to produce olives and are, therefore, ideal for our Maltese climate

The olive tree is very tenacious and can live for up to 500 years Its leaves are dark green on top and greyish underneath and are usually replaced every three years, falling mostly in spring The olive fruit is usually ripe by October. The different varieties differ in size, shape, oil content and flavour

Raw olives contain an alkaloid that makes them bitter and unpalatable and therefore need to be placed in salted water for several days before they are good to eat Wide varieties of olive trees are grown solely for the production of olive oil. An olive tree usually bears fruit when it is at least four years old

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 9
Professor Mifsud, this is what one must focus on and study the oil being produced by these trees Some of the very old olive trees at the Buskett Gardens in Rabat, Malta

Australia Day 2023

A look back at its history A look back at its history

Australia Day - or Invasion Daywill be marked around the country on 26th January in dramatically different ways. Some Australians will celebrate with barbecues and enjoy fireworks displays, while others will look back at its history and mourn.

So what is the story behind this increasingly contested national day? Each year, Australia Day falls on 26 January It's not the date the First Fleet landed in Australia, as many think. The men of the First Fleet set ashore at Sydney's Botany Bay a whole week before On finding it unsuitable, they relocated further north. Instead, it's when a flag was raised

Material from the National Australia Day Council explains the significance

“Captain Arthur Phillip, commander of the First Fleet of eleven convict ships from Great Britain, and the first Governor of New South Wales arrived at Sydney Cove on January 26 and raised the Union Jack to signal the beginning of the colony,” it says Australia Day over the years

Frank Bongiorno, head of the Australian National University's School of History, says that Australia Day in its current form is actually quite new "The 26th of January has been commemorated and celebrated, marked in one way or another since the early days of the colony,” he said

But he went on to say that for many years, “it was very much a Sydney event, it was very much about NSW” Sydneysiders celebrated the date as First Landing Day or Foundation Day with drinking and regattas.

For 200 years, the other states commemorated their Australian-ness on Regatta Day (Tasmania), Proclamation Day (South

Australia), Empire Day, and several other days

“And as late as the 1960s, there was absolutely nothing in Canberra [on January 26], for instance It wasn’t marked in any way there,” Professor Bongiorno said In fact, the 26 January public holiday was only declared in 1994

Today, the Australia Day Council says “more than half of all Australians participate in Australia Day, attending events organised by state governments, local councils, community groups or getting together with family and friends”.

A day of mourning

Australia's Indigenous people were living on the continent for more than 60,000 years before the arrival of the British So to many Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, the date has a very different meaning

“The date has long been a difficult symbol for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who see it as a day of sorrow and mourning,” material from the National Australia Day Council says Since 26 January, 1788, Indigenous people have endured oppression and dispossession on a wide scale

According to Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR), “there was armed conflict, commencing years of frontier conflict, massacres, forcibly stealing other First Nations' land, moving them off it, stealing vital food resources, and smashing the way of life that had been lived for thousands of years”.

“The uninvited British arrival and encampment in Sydney Cove January 26, 1788, was both a staging post, and the start, of a long invasion of First People's land ”

For many years, there has been resistance to celebrating 26 January, with Bongiorno saying that Aboriginal groups announced a day of mourning back in 1938 ... “So there's nothing new about the date being argued over and contested ” he says

He said the idea of protest reached the mainstream on Australia Day 1988, the country's bicentennial year

“We had probably two million people sitting around Sydney Harbour watching the tall ships, the First Fleet re-enactment with Prince Charles and Princess Diana and Bob Hawke ”

“But we also had ... about 40,000 Aboriginal people and others sympathising with their cause marching in Sydney on that day as well

“We had these two stories about the Australian past and perhaps also about the Australian present being enacted on that one day ” As a result, some refer to 26 January as “Invasion Day” or “Survival Day”.

What now?

Since 1988, the controversy around the date has only grown Bongiorno said recent decades had seen a further “change in our historical consciousness”

“There's an understanding that there is a history of Australia that isn't just about hardy pioneers and peaceful settlement of this country It's about violence and dispossession. It's about mourning.”

And many individuals and organisations have acted on this, with the “Change the Date” movement gaining momentum

*Abridged from an article written By Nick Baker, Source: SBS News

10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Captain Arthur Phillip steps ashore in a new land, at Sydney Cove on January 26

New fish species just discovered in Malta and the Mediterranean

Maltese researchers have confirmed that a new fish species normally found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans has been caught in Malta

Although the fish is known as the White Unicorn, it is brown in color and has a large, distinguishing “nasal” protrusion. Its tail is black surrounded by a white margin

It can reach a length of 100 cm, making it one of the largest members of the family Acanthuridae

The fish is often found in large schools off tropical reefs, and it feeds on zooplankton It is considered as an alien species, meaning in this case that it comes from outside the Mediterranean It does not have a Maltese name, but its scientific name is Naso annulatus

The fish was caught in Birżebbuġa by means of a harpoon in October last year and was registered as part of the Spot the Alien Fish Campaign

Before this specimen was caught in Maltese waters, this fish had never before been rseen or ecorded in the whole Mediterranean area.

The White Unicorn fish, which was officially registered a few weeks ago, is quite popular with aquarium breeders.

Researchers believe that because of the great distance between the Suez Canal and the Maltese Islands, the fish could have

been released into the sea after living in an aquarium

For this reason, it is still too early to determine whether this species has established itself in the Mediterranean Sea The species is mainly seen in the Indian Ocean on the East African coast.

In the Pacific Ocean, this species is mainly found along the Japanese coast up to the Hawaiian archipelago

Figures released by the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicate that during 2020, Malta had the second number of newly graduated doctors and pharmacists in Europe, as for every 100,000 persons that graduated that year, 32 of them were doctors

The highest rate was registered in Kazakhstan with 42 new doctors for every 100,000 graduates.

The same statistic shows that Malta also had the second highest number of pharmacists for the same number of inhabitants, with 14 pharmacists for every 100,000 residents.

Maltese Senior s Social Welfa r e Day Gr oups

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in St Theresa’s Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights from10 am to 12 noon

Group Leader: Dorothy Gatt Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area. Every other 3rd Thursday an outing Enquiries call: Sam Galea 0410 269 519

Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips. Join us and make new friends.

Group Leader: Doris Scicluna


Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every first Wednesday of the month in July, September, November & December and in February, April & June 2023 From 10:00am to 12noon at the Miranda Community Centre 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiora Rd Miranda Meetings are interesting & informative Membership is free, so is Morning Tea/Coffee/Cake

*(All Groups are coordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare Offi-

Outings every other month Come & make new friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud JP Phone (mb 0421 662 298)

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Centre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips Gro-up Leader: Frances Montesin

Men’s Group

Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Primary School), from 10 to 12 noon. Discussion, information and renew friendship Pastizzi, Kinnie etc available Contact Fred or Laurie 9631 9295

cer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 11
Malta with second highest number of graduate doctors, pharmacists in Europe

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta assumes its UN Security Council role

On New Year ’s Day, January 1, Malta officially took up its seat on the United Nations Security Council, the global organ tasked with ensuring international peace and security It will serve its two-year term along with four other states, Ecuador, Japan, Mozambique and Switzerland, till the end of 2024.

At the Council Malta will be represented

Malta offers prosthetics to Ukrainian soldiers

Twenty-four Ukrainian soldiers who ended up with missing body parts due to the war in their country would be coming to Malta in the next 12 months to be fitted with prosthetics.The first two soldiers would be arriving in Malta this month to be fitted with prosthetic limbs. Each prosthetic leg costs around €15,000 The Ukrainians will receive all services free of charge

Two Maltese technicians with Steward Health Care Malta, Simon Brincat, who has been trained in prosthetic will work on form and design, while Glen Busuttil, is working on insoles/ orthotics.

The prosthetic legs would be fitted by Jerry Vella, an employee of an American company that is offering its services to Steward Health Care Malta from the Orthotics and Prosthetics Unit at the San Luqa Hospital He happens to be a Maltese-Australian with Gozitan roots

He said that his relatives had always told him that the Maltese have a big heart

He grew up in Australia, hearing about the history of Malta from my parents, uncles, aunties and grandparents and am continuing that tradition here in a country that I heard all about as a kid growing up

by its Ambassador at the UN, Vanessa Frazier She believes that this is an opportunity for Malta to contribute to world’s peace and security

The Ambassadors of the new member states got a formal welcome into the UN Security Council on January 3 and followed the tradition of installing their national flags alongside those of other members outside the council chambers

For Malta this is the second time on the Council, having previously served for a twoyear term in 1983

For Ecuador it is the fourth, and for Japan a record 12th time Malta secured its position following an election last year where it won 185 votes in the General Assembly, far more than the 128 required

The five new members replace India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway, whose terms ended December 31. The other current two-year members are Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and United Arab Emirates. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States are veto-wielding permanent members The 10 other members are elected by the 193-nation General Assembly for staggered, two-year terms allocated by global regions.

To many countries, winning a council seat is considered a signature diplomatic accomplishment that can raise a nation's global profile and afford small countries a bigger voice than they might otherwise

have in the major international peace and security issues

Some 60 nations have never had a seat since the group's formation in 1946

Malta would be focussing on preserving and promoting political consensus It is also worth recalling, that prior to the vote, Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Ian Borg had stated that Malta would focus on the children and armed conflict portfolio, and the women, peace and security agenda

It will also work to highlight the impact of climate change on international peace and security, as well as the links between literacy and international peace and security

Each member of the Security Council holds the presidency for one month, which involves setting the agenda, presiding at its meetings and overseeing any crisis Malta’s turn will be this coming February

Palestinians welcome Maltese singer


altese singer and violinist Maria Cini recently had a unique experience in Bethlehem where she sang several traditional Maltese Christmas songs and was impressed by the positive attitude of the Palestinian people

She said despite the unstable situation in this country, which does not always reflect the Christmas spirit and is continuously facing conflict, she would cherish her experience. She also admired the Palestinians’ positive attitude and how they view life despite their tribulations They are looking forward to peace, she said

Maria’s visit was made possible following an invitation by the Maltese Representative Office in Palestine and through arrangements by Malta’s Honorary Consul in Bethlehem, Elias Alarja, Malta’s Honorary Consul in Bethlehem

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Malta’s Ambassador at the UN, Vanessa Frazier installing Maltas flag alongside those of the other members Maria Cini performing in Palestine

Tourism almost back to the 2019 levels

Malta is reinstated as a top holiday destination, and tourists have once again started flocking to the island to enjoy all its pleasures After two years of pandemic restrictions, over 2 2 million foreigners again considered Malta the best place for their holidays And the expectations for this year and beyond for the tourism industry are very high They look even brighter

The final months of 2022, in particular, November and December, registered the highest flow of tourists, with spokespeople for the Malta International Airport and the places of accommodation and catering establishments all expressing satisfaction with how the industry is handled

Mass entertainment celebrations are again permitted thanks also to several initiatives taken by the Government through the Malta Tourist Authority, MTA, and commercial establishments are operating normally to cater for incoming tourists and the locals; tourism has picked up and almost reached the pre-pandemic levels of 2019

Most hotels have recorded complete or near full occupancy during the festive season, and restauranteers have expressed great satisfaction

A positive Toursm Minister Clayton Bartolo said that he understands that

Simultaneously work is ongoing to consolidate the British and German markets by strengthening aerial connectivity

As part of its campaign to attract tourism from different sectors to the island, last week Malta hosted the Manchester United Women ‘s football team for a five-day training camp, during which it also played a friendly against Malta’s Women’s League champions Birkirkara and beat them 10-0

Apart from supporting this training camp, the Malta Tourism Authority also supports the fifth edition of the Tipsport Malta Cup 2023, with six teams participating, and the VisitMalta Women’s Friendlies The teams are staying from January 9 to 22 Malta Tourism Authority Chief Executive Officer Carlo Micallef said that after the MTA had identified an opportunity to organise training camps and friendly matches, Malta can now organise such training camps regularly

He said that such training camps improve tourism in the winter months both in terms of visibility and the number of bed nights Besides football, the MTA also focuses on other sports, including cycling, athletics and waterpolo

the initiatives taken by the Government and private enterprises are bearing fruit for the Maltese Islands to recover from the pandemic restrictions completely He said the development for this year is very positive and indicates that Malta will be reaching the 2019 levels That year was the last Christmas before the pandemic restrictions

The Italian, and the French markets, are yielding the majority of foreign holiday arrivals, he said, adding that the numbers of arrivals from France have reached a record level and have even exceeded 2019 arrivals

The year 2022 has also recorded record arrivals from Austria and Poland, two of the more upcoming markets, particularly Poland, which is a relatively new market for the country

Maltese happy with economic situation and the standard of living

In a survey carried out by Eurobarometer last November among the citizens of European Union member states, the Maltese people said they are satisfied with Malta's economic situation and standard of living

The subject of the survey, made against the background of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, was the economic situation and the impact of the present energy crisis

Most Maltese who participated in the survey said that Government measures to cushion the current negative impacts caused by the war on energy provision have proved very positive They also said they favour humanitarian aid to Ukraine but are less favourable to providing armaments and equipment to Ukraine

According to Eurobarometer, 44% of Maltese are satisfied with the country's economic situation, while 10% said it is perfect

The Maltese are the most satisfied in the EU The most satisfied are Luxembourg, and the least happy are the people of Slovakia Regarding the economic situation, 58% of the Maltese expressed their satisfaction, and another 7% said the situation was very good

Most Europeans positively viewed the EU measures to counter the energy crisis Regarding the impact of the energy prices, 49% of the Maltese said it resulted in their being left with a limited amount of cash; 35% blamed this on the Ukraine situation

Asked about the level of satisfaction regarding the Government's impact on the economic situation, 59% said it is having a positive effect, and resulting from the war, the EU should decrease dependence on gas and oil from Russia as quickly as possible. Around 67% want be more investment in renewable energy

The Eurobarometer survey indicates that more than a third of the Maltese follow developments in the Ukraine war at least three times a week, and 70% agree with the humanitarian aid being given to Ukraine by Malta

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 13

Ħarsa Madwarna

j i d ħ o l t i ż j i n u a r m a r l i g ħ a n d u x ’jaqsam ma’ dawn il-festi

Nemmen li dawn l-attivitajiet ta’ min itihom pubbliċitá għax huma parti mit-tradizzjoni u l-kultura Maltija u tkun ħasra jekk jintilfu Ħafna minn dawn ilħidmiet ikunu ntirtu mill-familji Għalhekk illum ser insemmi xi wħud minnhom

Jagħmlu l-Bambini

Fanali tal-Milied

Ħafna minn dawk li għandhom ċerta età u kienu, jew għadhom jgħixu Malta żgur jiftakru l-fanali kuluriti li kienu jinġarru fil-purċissjoni/dimostrazzjonijiet tal-Milied organizzati minn membri talMużew fid-diversi bliet u rħula Maltin u Għawdxin lejlet il-Milied

Imma lil hinn minn dawk il-fanali, dan laħħar skoprejt lil ċertu Pawlu Zammit minn Bormla li n-namra tiegħu hija li jagħmel il-fanali kuluriti tal-Milied, u ilu jagħmilhom sa minn ċkunitu. Kien imħajjar jagħmel dan minn missieru, li kellu ddrawwa li dejjem jarma d-dar skont il-festa li tkun ġejja

Il-fanali li jagħmel Pawlu jsiru minn materjal riċiklat, fosthom kartun u plastik. Hu jgħid li x-xogħol jirrikjedi preċiżjoni assoluta li tgħallem maż-żminijiet bħala mastrudaxxa. Itenni li dan it-tip ta’ xogħol jirrikjedi immaġinazzjoni u kreattività

Dawk minna li għadhom bid-drawwa li fil-festi tal-Milied ma jillimitawx ittiżjin f ’darhom għas-siġra tal-Milied u tiżjin, iżda għadhom iżommu t-tradizzjoni u jagħmlu l-presepju, jew iżejnu b’xi bambin, li x’aktarx ikunu xtraw jew qalgħu Imma mhux hekk il-familja Brincat minn Ħal-Tarxien i għal dawn l-aħħar erba’ ġenerazzjonijiet, kompliet bit-tradizzjoni talfamilja li jagħmlu l-bambini tal-Milied F’din ir-raba’ ġenerazzjoni tal-familja li jagħmlu dan ix-xogħol, fil-mument jaħdmu żewġt aħwa u kuġin tagħhom Il-proċess użat biex jagħmlu dawn il-bambini jieħu ż-żmien billi l-ewwel isir mudell maħdum bl-idejn, wara jsiru l-forom ibbażati fuq l-istess mudell, u minn hemm jibda l-proċess biex jinħadem il-figurin li jkun magħmul mill-ġibs tat-trab tal-irħam. Wara jrid jinxef, imbagħad jibda l-proċess ta’ warajh Jibdew jitwaħħlu l-għajnejn u lidejn, imbagħad imorru għall-aħħar proċess, billi jisprejawhom, u hekk ikunu lesti

Id-dwal għandhom parti mportanti fit-tiżjin ta’ dawn il-jiem It-tradizzjoni li għandhom diversi pajjiżi li jżejnu d-djar minn barra bil-kbir bid-dawl tant li jiġbdu ħafna viżitaturi li jduru t-toroq biex jitpaxxew b’dawn id-dwal, dieħla sew ukoll f ’Malta Il-kunċett tad-“dawl” tal-Milied beda filĠermanja fis-seklu tmintax bil-mixgħela tax-xemgħa, li għal dak iż-żmien kien mezz li ma kienx jiflaħ għalih kulħadd Kienet tradizzjoni tas-sinjuri li wara l-ikla tal-Milied, jinġabru madwar is-siġra tal-Milied

biex jintużaw

Din il-familji tipproduċi iktar minn 25 tip ta’ bambin differenti li jvarjaw fid-daqs, minn ħames ċentimetri sa daqs ta’ tarbija reali Bla dubju l-Bambin fil-fisqija mpoġġi fil-maxtura jibqa’ l-figura ċentrali ta’ dan iż-żmien qaddis

Il-familja Brincat, li daħlet f ’diversi kompetizzjonijiet internazzjonali, ssostni li lprodott Malti jħabbatha tajjeb ħafna ma’ dawk ta’ pajjiżi oħra.

B o z o z u M u ż i k a

armata bix-xemgħat, jixegħluhom, ikantaw l-għanjiet, u jiftħu r-rigali Minn sena għall-oħra f ’Malta din iddrawwa qed tiżdied, għalkemm imbagħad tispikka f ’diversi każini tal-baned imxerrda ma Malta u Għawdex

Fost dawn, din is-sena, spikka l-każin talBanda ta’ San Bartilmew fil-Għargħur billi dawk li ħasbu biex iżejnu l-faċċata talkażin ma llimitawx ruħhom għad-dwal kuluriti biss, imma daħħlu wkoll il-mużika

Infatti, Il-faċċata ġiet miksija b’bozoz li jaħdmu b’sistema ta’ dawl sinkronizzat malmużika li jagħtu spettaklu lil kull minn jgħaddi mill-madwar. Intużaw madwar 6,200 bozza li jaħdmu b’sistema neo-pixels B’din il-faċċata, il-familja Abela, li ħasbet tagħmel dan id-dawl akkompanjat millmużika, kisbet rekord nazzjonali ġdid għax saret l-iktar faċċata wiesgħa b’dawl LED neo-pixel sinkronizzat mal-mużika

Għadna kif ħriġna mill-festi t a l - M i l i e d u l - E w w e l t a sS e n a . G ħ a l ħ a f n a d a n h u wieħed sabiħ u ta’ ċelebrazzjonijiet, għalkemm hemm dawk l i m i n ħ a b b a d i v e r s i r a ġ u n i j i e t d a w n i l - j i e m i ġ i b i l h o m ċ e r t u dieqa H u m a w k o l l j i e m f e j n j i s p i k k a w i l - ħ i l i e t t a ’ ċ e r t i n i e s f e j n
14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900 Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs
Our Family Help You
Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek

Imorru Għawdex bl-eluf

Din is-sena l-Jiem tal-Milied u dawk tal-aħħar tas-sena ma setgħux kienu aħjar f ’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mattemp Ilu snin sħaħ ma jkollna temp bħal dan Infatti Diċembru kien l-aktar wieħed sħun f ’dawn l-aħħar mitt sena L-aħħar li kellna din it-temperatura f ’dan ix-xahar xitwi kien fl-1922

Dan it-temp issokta jgħin biex ħafna Maltin u wkoll barranin imorru jgħaddu xi jiem f ’Għawdex, u l-ġirja lejn Għawdex tant kienet kbira, li l-Gozo Channel ħaddmet l-erba’ vapuri tagħha bla waqfien Minkejja dan, lgħada tal-Milied, meta kien hemm lakbar għadd ta’ nies li qasmu l-fliegu, is-serbut ta’ karozzi biex jitilgħu fuq il-vapuri kien jibda minn ħdejn il-vapuri sat-telgħa tal-Mellieħa Kien hemm min kellu jistenna siegħa u nofs biex jaqbad il-vapur Attwalment, l-għada

tal-Milied :

• 22,626 persuna qasmu l-fliegu bejn Għawdex u Malta

• Inġarru 7050 vettura

• Saru 102 vjaġġ mill-vapuri tal-Gozo Channel

• Qasmu wkoll mijiet oħra bis-servizz tażżewg kataramani li jaħdmu bejn il-Port-il Kbir u l-Imġarr, Għawdex

Sintendi dan wassal għall-kummerċ qawwi għal dawk li joffru servizz ta’ akkomodazzjoni u ikel tant li jidher li l-akkomodazzjoni kienet kważi totalment meħudha mill-Maltin u t-turisti, filwaqt li l-istabbilimenti tal-ikel irrappurtaw domanda qawwija

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Assoċjazzjoni Għawdxija għat-Turiżmu, Joe Muscat qal li dan il-kummerċ lejn Għawdex għandu jkun attribwit għall-esperjenza li joffri Għawdex fi żmien il-Milied.

“Għaliex prattikament għandek xahar ta’ attivitajiet mis-sitta ta’ Diċembru sas-sitta ta’ Jannar illi għandek ruxmata ta’ attivitajiet, esebizzjonijiet, kunċerti, u enactments li huma marbuta mal-ġrajja tan-nattività, li kollha jseħħu fil-gżira Għawdxija ”

Imut l-eks Segretarju Parlamentari

Fil-jiem taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-festi kien hemm tifkira oħra, li m’għandha x’taqsam xejn magħhom Kienet l-għeluq tal-mitt sena minn meta ndaqq għall-ewwel darba l-innu Malti fis27 ta’ Diċembru fl-1922

Dakinhar Robert Samut kien intalab minn ħatnu, Albert Laferla, li kien id-Direttur tal-Edukazzjoni, biex jagħmillu biċċa mużika għal innu li xtaq li jibda jitkanta mit-tfal tal-iskejjel tal-Gvern Laferla mbagħad għadda l-motiv mużikali lil ħabibu Dun Karm Psaila, biex jiktiblu vrus bil-Malti għal miegħu

L-Innu ndaqq għall-ewwel darba fitTeatru Manoel u minnufih intlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna. Wara ndaqq ukoll f ’okkażjonijiet oħra simili

Għaddew aktar minn għoxrin sena biex ġie rikonoxxut mill-Kunsill tal-Gvern bħala l-Innu Nazzjonali. Dan seħħ fis-27 ta’ Frar tal-1941 Eventwalment, iddaħħal fil-Kostituzzjoni tal-Indipendenza

Silvio Parnis

Nhar it-Tlieta 3 ta’ Jannar miet fl-età ta’ 57 sena wara battalja mal-marda kiefra tal-kanċer, l-eks Segretarju Parlamentari fil-Gvern Laburista Silvio Parnis li serva f ’ħames legislaturi Huwa ngħata l-aħħar tislima fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Kristu Re fil-lokalità assoċjata mal-ħidma politika u soċjali tiegħu, Raħal Ħdid, nhar il-Ġimgħa.

Fuq proposta mill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela u wkoll qbil unanimu, Parnis li kien politiku maħbub u magħruf bħala li dejjem ġab l-interess ta’ ħaddieħor qabel dak tiegħu bla ma ħares lejn kuluri politiċi, se jiġi nnominat mill-Partit Laburista biex jiġi rikonoxxut għall-kontribut li ta lissoċjetà matul is-snin billi jiġi onorat mill-istat għall-ħidma sfieqa li wettaq tul il-karriera politika tiegħu

Jinġabru fuq is-€7


Bħas-soltu, fil-jiem tal-festi, u kif reġá sar din id-darba, isiru lġabriet, fosthom dawk għall- Comunity Chest Fund u d-Dar tal-Providenza, kif ukoll mill-partiti politiċi Bħal dejjem, il-Maltin u l-Għawdin fetħu jdejhom ma’ dawn lerba’ entitajiet li semmejt li bejniethom ġabru aktar minn €7 miljun Dan sintendi barra ġabriet oħra li jsiru u li jlaħħqu wkoll eluf oħra ta’ Ewros.

L-akbar ġabra bħal dejjem kienet għall-Community Chest, magħrufa bħala l-Istrina fejn inġabret is-somma ta’ €5,062,415

Warajha kien hemm dik għad-Dar tal-Providenza b’somma ta’ €1,445,665

Bejniethom, il-partiti politiċi ġabra s-somma ta’ €663,644, bil-Partit Laburista jkollu ġabra ta’ €502,236, u dak Nazjonalista €161,408

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 15
Lejn tmiem il-ġabra tal-Community Chest Fund L-Innu Malti mitt sena

Heading for a bust?

According to a new report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Australia has one of the most “misaligned” housing markets in the world, and is among the most unaffordable.

This year, Australian housing prices rose 50 per cent above what the median household can afford, as real wages declined because of inflation. Now the average family is spending 40 per cent of what they make to keep a roof over their heads.

The IMF warned that developed

housing markets around the world, including in Australia, could be headed for a correction after the unprecedented gains of 2021, with signs already on the way of values declining

This could bring the possibility of a “bust”, where the housing market might crash If such a thing were to happen, this would have "severe repercussions" on the average person because typically "the main source" of people's wealth and debts lie with their property, as it could see prices plunge 30 per cent

J o h n H o w a r d ' s P a c i f i c s o l u t i o n

Adecision by the John Howard Coalition Government to build an offshore detention centre on Christmas Island was fast-tracked despite the “enormous cost” and human rights concerns, according to newly released cabinet documents Howard feared more boat arrivals were imminent after the Tampa refugee crisis of 2001.

Cabinet papers reveal the government's so-called Pacific Solution – a policy of

boat turn-backs and processing intercepted asylum seekers in Nauru and Papua New Guinea (PNG) – had so far been deemed “broadly successful”

On 11 March 2002, the coalition cabinet agreed to build a detention centre on the excised Australian territory of Christmas Island –fast-tracking construction from two years to 39 weeks.

S e i s m i c s h i f t i n A u s t r a l i a ' s v o t i n g p a t t e r n s

Last year's federal election saw a seismic shift in Australia's voting patterns with a “large-scale abandonment” of the

major political parties It even inspired the Macquarie Dictionary's word of the year - 'teal'which describes a type of independent candidate

In 2022, 10 independents were elected (compared to three in 2019), the Greens increased the number of its MPs from one to four, and representatives of the Centre Alliance and Katter's Australian Party were also reelected

The 2022 Australian Election Study, Australia's largest and longest-running study of elections, found almost one in three people voted for a minor party or independent candidate - the largest number in almost 100 years

The rise of so-called “teal” candidates, a loosely aligned group of independents with a common interest in climate change action and political in-

tegrity, was one of the biggest stories of the 2022 election

The study, which was released in December and is led by the Australian National University with Griffith University, found most teal voters were not 'disaffected Liberals', but tactical Labor and Greens voters

Fewer than one in five teal voters had previously voted for the Coalition, with the report finding they were ideologically close to Labor voters - placing themselves just left of centre Study co-author Dr Sarah Cameron, from Griffith University, said voter disenchantment with the major political parties alone was not enough to change the result - a viable alternative was also needed.

“The teals also ran wellfunded, well-organised campaigns that were widely covered in the media,” Dr Cameron said

“These campaigns tapped into frustrations with the incumbent Coalition government on issues where they were perceived as weak, including climate change, political integrity, and gender equality

“The medium-term success of the teals will depend on how much they can create a distinct political identity to carry to the 2025 federal election ”

Just 37 per cent of voters in 2022 said they always voted for the same party, which was a record low Back in 1967, the number was 72 per cent The study also found Labor leader Anthony Albanese was the most popular party leader since Kevin Rudd in 2007 Liberal leader and former prime minister Scott Morrison was found to be the least popular major party leader in the history of the study, which began in 1987

By 2008, when the centre was finally opened, the total cost of the project had grown to $427 million, for a facility with a decreased capacity of 800 places In 2018, the Christmas Island detention centre was closed, only to be reopened in 2019

In 2021, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) recommended that the centre be closed

The remoteness of Christmas Island significantly restricts communication and visits with family, friends, lawyers, and key supports

The mission of Australian researchers to develop a COVID-19 nasal spray to block virus infection has received a boost with government funding, in the form of a grant of nearly $1 million from the NSW COVID-19 Vaccine Acceleration Research Grants Programme.

Developing a nasal spray vaccine to provide protection for the respiratory system builds upon work done to treat the flu and tuberculosis

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Christmas Island “an offshore detention centre”
Combatting Covid-19

Migration intake and the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to cost Australia nearly half a million migrants by 2025-26, even as new figures confirm the overseas intake is finally climbing back to levels last seen before the nation’s borders were shut

Data from the federal government’s annual population report shows net overseas migration is on track to reach the pre-pandemic trend of 235,000 people on average annually by the middle of the year, buoyed by the return of international students from India and China.

The data projects that COVID-19’s full hit to cumulative net overseas migration between 2019-20 and 2025-26 will total 473,000 people – roughly the population of Canberra.

But it also shows the $40 billion international education industry is bouncing back. The number of overseas students in the country rose by 122,000 from Decem-

ber 2021 to October 2022 and is projected to stay at pre-pandemic levels.

By mid-October 2022, the number of Chinese students had risen by 90 % or 36,000, compared to the previous December

While migration is recovering, the fertility rate is projected to continue to fall over the long term, contributing to Australia’s ageing population, and posed a challenge to the economy. The falling birth rate means the median age of Australians would rise from 38 2 in 2021 to 42 8 by 2060

The report projected Australia’s population would hit 39 2 million by 2060 and natural population would contribute onequarter of the growth, with the rest driven by overseas migration

The ageing population increases the risk of workforce shortages The migration intake could help, but it’s “not the only answer”

The Albanese government has raised the skilled migration intake from 160,000 to

195,000 and is investing more in skills training.


t was Australia's first end-ofyear celebration in three years without COVID-19 restrictions, including no limitations on tourists travelling interstate or overseas An estimated one million-plus people flocked around Sydney's centre to watch a breathtaking show along the harbour Sydney's reputation for hosting one of the best New Year's Eve parties on earth lived up to the hype as more than eight tonnes of fireworks were launched from landmarks

In Melbourne, an estimated 450,000 revellers went into the CBD to watch a firework display set off from a record 30 rooftops in what was the biggest celebration since the outbreak of the pandemic Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart were also welcomed in the New Year with two dazzling fireworks displays, but public celebrations and fireworks in Darwin had to be cancelled for safety reasons due to a monsoon

People from all over Australia and overseas flocked to watch colourful explosions light up the Opera House and rooftops while rainbow sparks cascaded down from the Harbour Bridge as the city prepares to host WorldPride 2023 in February.

With fireworks in London, Paris and Berlin and other cities, hopes for an end to the war in Ukraine and a return to post-COVID normality, the world bid farewell to 2022

“His papacy will be remembered as one of rich teaching, including his encyclicals on love, hope and truth, as well as his book series Jesus of Nazareth, and for important reforms in areas like liturgy and in the handling of child sexual abuse ”

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, the bishop who oversaw World Youth Day in 2008, said Pope Benedict had been a key influence and someone with whom he became close.

“They were moments I will forever cherish He had a great intellect, which he shared through his work as a professor, a Church leader and ultimately as Pope ” Archbishop Fisher said. Pope Benedict canonised St Mary of the Cross Mackillop as Australia's first recognised Saint

L e v e l 1 . S u i t e 1 0 1 C , 1 3 0 M a i n S t r e e t , B l a c k t o w n P O B o x 8 5 2 5 , B l a c k t o w n N S W 2 1 4 8 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 7 1 4 7 8 0 M i c h e l l e R o w l a n d . M P @ a p h . g o v. a u M R o w l a n d M P w w w. m i c h e l l e r o w l a n d c o m . a u Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway M i c h e l l e R o w l a n d M
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 17
First in three years with end-of-the-year celebrations
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says that Pope Benedict XVI will long be remembered fondly in Australia as the Pontiff who led young people from around the globe in prayer at World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008. Pope Benedict and Australia

Ta g ħ r i f d w a r i l - k i t b a b i l - M a l t i

I l

v a r j a n t i t a l - o r t o g r a f i j a

Inkomplu b’dan ix-xogħol tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti dwar ilforom għall-uniformitá Il-kliem jinkiteb magħqud meta jkollu tifsira waħda Tkomplija tal-Appendiċi A pereżempju

Int, pereżempju, għal xiex ġejt hawn dalgħodu? perkażu

Imma jekk, perkażu, ikunu qed jitkellmu bejniethom, m’għandekx tindaħal pezzakustjoni

Mindu dak il-pezzakustjoni daħal jaħdem magħna, spiċċaw il-paċi u l-għaqda ta’ bejnietna qabelxejn

Qabelxejn, nirringrazzja lil ommi għax kienet hi li xettlet fija l-imħabba lejn l-arti radjudramm

Fis-sittinijiet, il-palk sab żvog ġdid fir-radjudramm minn fuq ir-Rediffusion sadanittant, sadattant Sadanittant, in-naħa l-oħra tal-Belt kienet qed isseħħ storja tinkiteb. safrattant

Safrattant dak li ried jagħmel, xorta għamlu


Beħsiebni niġi, sakemm ma jinqala’ xejn Sakemm wasal sidu, il-qattus laħaq għamel straġi fil-kċina santafjakka

Jinżel ikaxkar saqajh mat-triq, bis-santafjakka santapaċenzja

Is-santapaċenzja, kif qridtni! skansafaċendi

Dak skansafaċendi; torbotx fuqu sogħobbih (jisgħobbih, eċċ ) Jisgħobbija li ma nistax niġi miegħek illum

Imxi sewwa ma’ ta’ taħtek, biex ma jisgħobbikx minn għemilek

Nota: Dawn il-kelmtejn tant intrabtu flimkien li fin-negattiv, ngħidu aħna, iġibu ruħhom bħala verb wieħed flimkien (għaliex ngħidu: ma jisgħobbikx u mhux ma jisgħobx bik) stabene

Miskin il-fqir għax ibati l-ġuħ, min ikun stabene lanqas jinduna bl-għoli tal-ħajja tabilħaqq

Għandu karattru tabilħaqq skifuż Tabilħaqq, għandek raġun tabirruħ(u)

G ħ a l i ex ‘ w i ċ ċ l a s k r i ’ ?


gur li xi darba jew oħra ħafna millqarrejja semgħu bl-espressjoni, “Wiċċ Laskri” meta wieħed jirreferi għal xi persuna li jkollha wiċċha mqit, jew ta’ supperv. Ġeneralment l-impressjoni hi, li din taf il-bidu tagħha fi żmien il-Gran Mastru tal-Ordni ta’ San Gwann, Jean Paul Lascaris Castellar

Dan il-Gran Mastru kien ġie elett fittmexxija tal-Ordni fit-13 ta’ Ġunju tal1636, meta diġá kellu 76 sena, u baqa’ jmexxi sa kemm miet fl-1657 fl-etá ta’ 97

Għamel ħafna xogħol siewi, fosthom ilbini tas-swar ta’ Santa Margarita biex dawn jiddefendu t-tlett ibliet tal-Birgu, Bormla u L-Isla, minn xi attakk li seta’ jseħħ minn fuq l-għoljiet tal-madwar Imma ħoloq ukoll ħafna rabja billi ried jiġbor it-taxxi ħalli jsostni l-proġett, u anke urta lill-knisja b’xi deċiżjonijiet tiegħu

Fost kollox Lascaris impona taxxa ta’ 50,000 skud fuq il-poplu, li wara li ġab lapprovazzjoni u l-awtorità tal-papa Urbanu VIII, 5,000 skud minnhom, kellhom jitħallsu mill-kleru M’għandnix xi ngħidu, il-kleru, li kien immexxi mill-Kapitlu tal-Katidral, ipprotesta bil-qawwa, u minħabba din it-taxxa, fl-1637, kienet kważi qamet rewwixta, mill-qassisin u llajċi

Jingħad li l-espressjoni ta’ Lascaris tul ilħama kienet kważi dejjem ta’ bniedem ta’

“wiċċ ikreh” u supperv Fil-veritá, ma ssibx stampa tiegħu li fiha ma jidhirx bħala bniedem imqit u sever Kien għalhekk li ħafna jemmnu li l-espressjoni nibtet minn hemm.

Imma veru li l-espressjoni ġejja minn hemm? Fil-Malti antik hemm espressjoni li tixbah il-kelma Laskri u li fil-fatt hija aġġettiv Din hi ‘għaskari’ li ġejja millGħarbi u li tfisser suldat, jew inkella ‘għaskarija’ li tfisser armata Suldat jew bniedem militari

Skont Il-Miklem ta’ Erin Serracino Inglott, il-kelma kienet ukoll tintuża għal suldat ta’ razza sewda, jew serv tal-istess razza, xi ħadd li jintbagħat għall-ġlied. Dak iż-żmien kien hemm ħafna minnhom mill-Imperu Tork-Ottoman Bl-Għarbi, laġġettiv għall-kelma ‘militari’ għadhom jużaw sal-lum, عسكري – għaskari għal suldat, jew uffiċjal militari.

Għaddiet minn quddiemi, iżda għamilt tabirruħi li ma rajthiex Tampar

Oħtok u ħija tampar xulxin Il-mamà tiegħu tampari. taparsi

Taparsi mhux qed nisma’ dak li qed tgħid fuqi tassew

Dun Karm kiteb poeżiji tassew sbieħ teledramm Tkun xi tkun il-kwalità artistika tiegħu, it-teledramm bil-Malti dejjem popolari użufrutt

Id-dar tal-ulied, imma l-ġenituri għandhom l-użufrutt tagħha. waranofsinhar

“il-medda ta’ ħin minn nofsinhar sa qabel filgħaxija” Il-waranofsinhar it-tajjeb. Għaddejt il-waranofsinhar kollu naqra u issa għandi moħħi mixrub xħin

Xħin daħlu, marru jorqdu minnufih. Xħin tasal, ċempel il-qanpiena iżżejjed Issa żżejjed! Wissejtek kemm-il darba u se jkolli nirrappurtak

Ikompli fil-ħarġa Nru 292

Torrijiet tal-għassa żgħar u kbar madwar il-gżejjer Maltin

Fi żmienu Lascaris bena sitt torrijiet żgħar tal-għassa

Tuffieħa u Ta’ Lippija fl-1637, fuq il-Ġnejna

fin-Nadur (limiti ta’ Binġemma), fil-Bajja ta’ San Ġorġ (ħdejn San Ġiljan), u Ta’ Xutu fl-1648 ħdejn Wied iż-Żurrieq. Imbagħad fl-1649, bena t-Torri l-Aħmar, il-Mellieħa, magħruf ukoll bħala t-Torri ta’ Sant’Agata li kien bil-wisq akbar mit-torrijiet l-oħra msemmija

Dan kien minħabba li ma nbeniex biss biex iservi bħala torri tal-għassa, iżda wkoll bħala torri ta’ difiża kemm-il darba l-għadu kien ifettillu jiżbarka f ’dawk l-inħawi

Xi ħaġ’oħra li għandha x’taqsam ma’ dan kien li fl-1647, Lascaris ordna r- riorganizazzjoni fl-ingaġġar fir-riġmenti tal-irġiel ta’ bejn is-sittax-il sena sa dawk li jagħlqu s-sittin.

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
( L - g ħ o x r i n p a r t i )
L-aġġettiv jista’ jintuża wkoll biex jirriferi għal wiċċ ikrah Il-Gran Mastru Jean Paul Lascaris Castellar madwar Malta Dawn kienu f ’Għajn fil-ponta tal-Qawra fl-1638,

I m f a k k a r J u m l - I m m i g r a n t i

Għall-ewwel darba, is-Segretarjat tal-Ministeru Pastorali fi ħdan idDjoċesi ta' Għawdex fakkar Jum lImmigranti bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-uffiċċju ta' Koordinament u Sapport għall-Kommunitajiet Etniċi f'Għawdex - li twaqqaf dan l-aħħar - b’konċelebrazzjoni bil-lingwa Ingliża fil-Knisja ta' San Franġisk fir-Rabat L-okkażjoni kienet presjeduta mill-Kan Dun Noel Saliba u Dun Loreto Tabone (Chaplain tal-English Speaking Catholic Community) u Dun Anton Schembri (delegat għall-uffiċċju tal-Emigranti f'Għawdex)

Il-Kor tal-Kommunita' tal-Filippini f ’Għawdex, immexxi minn Ryden Glinofria, anima l-liturġija, u rappreżentanti mill-Kommunitá tal-Anglikani ipproklamaw il-Kelma t'Alla waqt il-quddiesa

Kif kien mistenni,ma naqsitx il-preżenza tal-Isqof t’Għawdex, Mons. Anton Teuma. Wara l-quddiesa, dawk preżenti kellhom laqgħa soċjali fis-Sala tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani

Hu fatt magħruf illi f ’Għawdex jgħixu madwar 4,000 barrani.

F i l - f e s t i j i s p i k k a G ħ a j n s i e l e m

Fil-jiem tal-festi tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena, Għajnsielem spikka bl-attrazzjonijiet kulturali li ġibdu lejh eluf kbar bejn Għawdxin, Maltin u wkoll turisti Huwa kkalkulat li kuljum, fit-tlett ijiem ta’ bejn l-24 u s-26 ta’ Diċembru, it-13-il edizzjoni ta’ Betlehem f ’Għajnsielem (lemin parti minnu), li ġiet imtella’ mill-ġdid wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn min-ħabba l-pandemija żaruha mal-20,000 ruħ

Il-presepju ħaj fil-post magħruf bħala Ta’ Passi, mifrux fuq medda ta’ 20,000 metru kwadru b’sehem ta’ ‘l fuq b’mitt “attur”, offra taħlita ta’ tradizzjonijiet u snajja’ lokali flimkien ma’ dak kollu li ġeneralment wieħed jassoċja mal-presepju tradizzjonali Malti Attrazzjoni oħra ewlenija u unika f'Għajnsielem, hija siġra ġiganteska għolja 19il metru u wiesgħa tmien metri, li tinkludi aktar minn 4500 flixkun tal-ħġieġ fil-

Pjazza tar-Raħal.

Li żiedu jagħmilha tassew maġika l-fatt li jiċċirkolaw din is-siġra kien hemm 750 metru ta' kejbil tad-dawl b'aktar minn 8000 bozza Din is-sena saru wkoll żewġ linef li flimkien mal-brazzi (taħt nett xellug) li

saħħru lill-eluf

li żaru


Ta’ min jgħid li s-siġra li ġiet armata filfesti tal-2021/22 ntagħżlet bħala l-isbaħ waħda fl-Ewropa

TAĦT: Is-siġra u ‘ċ-ċertifikat ’ li ngħatat

Tuesday January 10, 2023
Maltese 19
Uħud mill-immigranti li jgħixu Għawdex flimkien mal-organizzaturi fi tmiem Jum it-tifkira
The Voice of the
. -
Charles Spiteri Charles Spiteri
Mill-Gzira Ghawdxija

V Va a lllleettt t aa’ ’ ss m m oosstt ppooppuullaarr ssttr reeeett: :

W W hhaatt aa ttrra a n n ssf f oorr m m aattiio o n n !!

From the Knights’ Strada San Giorgio to Republic Street

During the rule of the Order of St. John, the main street and presently the most popular in Malta's capital Valletta, Republic Street (Maltese Triq irRepubblika), was known as Strada San Giorgio. At the same time, when they colonised Malta (1798-1800), the French renamed it Rue Nationale During the Crown Colony of Malta, it was named Strada Reale, and in 1936, during the period of Prime Minister Sir Gerald Strickland was named Kingsway It took its current name after Malta became a Republic in 1974 Republic Street is the main street of Malta's capital city It is about 1 kilometre long, stretching throughout Valletta from City Gate to Fort St Elmo

The modern-day street, which is mainly pedestrianised, with minimal vehicle use, is known for legislative, judiciary and commercial purposes, particularly during Christmas It houses the House of Representatives (Parliament), the Law Courts, and the Grandmaster's Palace, also known as the President's Palace in St George's Square

In its downward course, the main street runs perpendicular to several other streets, given Valletta's grid layout It also encounters other several buildings and squares of note, such as Freedom Square, Palazzo Ferreria, the for-

mer Royal Opera House (destroyed to rubble in World War II), the Archaeology Museum, St John's Square, Republic Square, Spinola Palace, the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, Casa Rocca Piccola, Piazza Regina, and a few others

Only commercial vehicles to load and unload in the early morning are allowed. This also applies to general maintenance vehicles Horse-drawn cabs (karozzini) and electric cabs can drive up and down the street at certain times; taxis can cross at intersections

Valletta was planned and built on a grid layout by the Order of St John under Grand-


master Jean Parisot de la Valette Republic Street (back then, Strada San Giorgio) in the centre was to become the city's main street The Street was bombed heavily in World War II Like the rest of the region, due to its location in the heart of one of the important cities in Malta, it suffered much damage

*Continued on page 21

BELOW: Kingsway, Valletta in the 1910s. Other interesting features include a little girl in an għonnella (faldetta on right), a mobile barrel (water cart in the middle of the road) douching the street, an officer wearing a light coloured uniform - possibly a policeman (left). Right is the Pohoomull Brothers' store offering 'Oriental textiles', set up in 1887; they were the predecessors of many other Maltese families The shop windows are covered to protect the items from the sun.

20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Strada Reale in 1859 with the Knights Foundry to the left and Casa della Giornata to the right (later replaced by Barry ’s Opera House) St Elmo lighthouse is slightly visible down at the

Republic Street has regained its popularity. It is busy all day long, be it for shopping throughout the day, or feasting in late evenings

Transformation of Republic Street has changed Valletta

The transformation of Republic Street also meant a change in Valletta, particularly in the last 10 years In fact, the rebirth of this famous street has influenced other parts of the city Many had long been abandoned, Strait Street for one, but others - side streets significantly - too.

One other, Merchants Street, so busy in the mornings, has also become a mecca for eaters and youths after sunset It has become one whole restaurant from Is-Suq to the Foreign Affairs building, with each outlet catering to its area.

The city has also become an attraction for tourist accommodators spoilt for choice from over 130 hotels, some offering luxury accommodation

Who would have thought Valletta could become such a magnet for tourists in a few years? It has

Republic Street revived; now it is back as a hub of activity

*Continued from page 20

Republic Street is an important part of Valletta, which was officially recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980 and is often described by visitors as “a lovely and irresistible town that will remain for a long time in your heart”

In the 60s and 70s, the street was a hub of activity for young people who took the most pleasure walking up and down Kingsway in search of the company of the opposite sex Many a marriage was initiated in this street Along with the whole city, in the late 80s and 90s, the street lost its lustre, and many business outlets were forced to close down The whole city and Republic Street needed to be regenerated and a new strategy and ideas conceived The revival began eight/nine years ago. Valletta was revived. Entrepreneurs were given the incentives to once again make Valletta a European city worth visiting.

Business, entertainment outlets and catering established have since mushroomed; many old, dilapidated buildings were restored and turned into luxurious boutique hotels, and Valletta has again become a hub of activity Something that had been unheard of a decade ago, tourists have started to spend the duration of their holidays in the capital

During the Governorship of John Le Marchant, 1858-1864, Queen's Square or Piazza Regina in Republic Street (below) as it became known in the 19th century, was originally known as Piazza Tesoreria or Piazza dei Cavallieri, since the treasury of the Order of Saint John was located in the square.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 21
Malta tends to go all out with lights and decorations during the Christmas and New Year festivities, particularly at Republic Street, which always looks especially beautiful as these decorations are changed every year (Photo by Francis Frith)

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

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T u n e i n t o T u n e i n t o R a d i o a n d R a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o n T e l e v i s i o n

SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm;

Listen live on ethnic-radio/ 97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Voices with Marthese Caruana: Sundays 10:00 am to 11:00am One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists

8pm and Fridays 6-7pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Sundays 11 00am to 12:00pm News from Malta, music, information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest. Listen live on

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If intere ste d in ad ve r tising in The Voice of the M altese ma gaz ine in ord er to reac h the widest audience poss ible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora, you are requested to write for details to:

www 893fm com au or On Demand on www 893fm com au/on-demand/ WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au

VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program-billmalti-global-maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide Sunday: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Monday: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38. On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand VICTORIA 3ZZZ 92 3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au 98.9 North West FM: Mondays 7-
S o c i
l C e
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S p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e S p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e

O Rei Pelé, the man who radiated the quality of joy of football – A tribute

Since the announcement of Pelé’s death on 29 December last at 82, the tributes have flowed, and his career was sliced and diced He was born on 23 October 1940 as Brazilian sport struggled to overcome the colour bar He played barefoot and worked as a shoe shiner and a vendor of stolen peanuts.

With nothing but the talent to guide him, he became the first black global sporting superstar and a source of genuine uplift and inspiration Pelé won his first World Cup aged 17

Pelé was a gift to all of us that will remain untouchable He championed football in the African continent, with a succession of African stars taking his name in honour and former South African President Nelson Mandela presenting him with the Laureus Lifetime Achievement Award

Pelé also proudly impacted the United States during the two years he played for New York Cosmos as he acted as a de facto ambassador for Brazil and football

During my years as a sports journalist in Malta, I met several well-known sports personalities, and I treasure the memory of my encounters with each of them However, none impressed me more than when I met Pele in Malta in April 1975 when he visited the island to guide a group of young footballers from Fr Hillary’s Educational Sports Centre to two training sessions

O Rei, Pelé visited the Union Press during his three-day stay in Malta. I had the chance to talk to him, and we took a picture together

At the time, his best years as a footballer were behind him, but he was still the most popular “king” around I was impressed with his humility and charisma I remember him telling me how impressed he was that a small country like Malta had so many good young footballers.

Much has already been said and written about Pelé since his death The Voice feels it should deliver this tribute to the football legend regarded as a fair and highly influential player and one of the most lauded in football history, frequently ranked as the best

Once there was a king known as Pele His real name was Edson Arantes do Nascimento. He was humble and charismatic His actual occupation was that of a footballer. He was born on 23 October 1940 in Minas Gerais, Brazil, the son of footballer Dondinho and Celeste Arantes. He was nicknamed Pelé given it because of his pronunciation of the name of his favourite footballer, the Vasco goalkeeper Bilé, which he misspoke

Pelé grew up in poverty in Bauru in the state of São Paulo He was taught to play football by his father He played for several amateur teams and in 1956 was signed by Santos who were so impressed with him that they signed him as a professional He made his debut on 7 September 1956 against Corinthians,scoring in a 7 -1 victory Then in the 1957 season he finished top scorer in the league

In July 1957 he was called up to the Brazil national team and became the youngest scorer for his country by scoring in the 1-2 loss against against Argentina at the Maracaná

In 1958 Pelé arrived in Sweden for the World Cup sidelined by a knee injury but still played in the first match against the USSR to become the youngest player ever to participate in the World Cup He netted a hat-trick in the semi-final against France, the youngest player in World Cup history to do so

At 17 years 249 days on 29 June 1958, he was the youngest player to play in a World Cup final match. He scored two goals as Brazil beat Sweden 5–2 Following his emergence at this final he was nicknamed O Rei ("The King")

When the 1962 World Cup started in Chile, Pelé was the best-rated player in the world But he got injured in the second match against Czechoslovakia and took no part in the remaining matches Brazil won the competition At the time, only players who appeared in the final were eligible for a medal, so he was excluded In 1978 regulations were chaned to include the entire squad, and Pelé received his winner's medal retroactively

In the 1966 World Cup in England Brazil were eliminated in the first round

In this edition Pelé was the most violently fouled player in football history as he was targeted by the Bulgarian and Portuguese defenders that left him injured

After the game against Portugal, he vowed he would never again play in the World Cup. It was a decision he later changed when he was called up for the 1970 World Cup in Mexico At first, he refused the call but then accepted and played in six qualifying matches This was expected to be his last. At the time Brazil's squad was considered to be the greatest football team in history

Most of the players excelled on the way to the final where they met Italy

Pelé scored for Brazil's 100th World Cup goal and made two assists in a 4-1 victory that earned Brazil the right to keep the Jules Rimet Trophy He was directly responsible for 53% of Brazil's goals and received the Golden Ball as the player of the tournament

At club level, Pelé spent 18 years with Santos where he won several honous, including twice the most prestigious club tournament in the Western hemisphere, the Copa Libertadores He retired in 1974 only to retrn a year later to promote the game in the US where he played for two years for New York Cosmos in the newly-formed North American Soccer League, where he impressed

Pele was so important in Brazil that the Brazilian government declared him a national treasure preventing him from being transferred out of the country

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 23
Joseph Cutajar with O Rei Pelé in Malta April 1975 Joseph

S p o r t s S p o r t s

Another Italian appointed as Malta’s national teams coach

Michele Marcolini has been appointed the new Malta national teams Head Coach replacing his compatriot Devis Mangia who was forced to relinquish his post following allegations by two national team players of improper behaviour last September

Marcolini, 47, commenced his commitments on New Year ’s Day after signing a two-year contract that will take him until the end of 2024 He has coached several Serie B and C teams and in 2017-18 led Alessandria to victory in Serie C’s Coppa Italia

Davide Mandelli has been appointed as Marcolini’s assistant He is also a former footballer who started his playing career with Monza, and also played for a number of Serie A and Serie B clubs, including Torino, Siena and Chievo Verona. After his retirement as a footballer he followed Marcolini’s footsteps as coach, assisting him in a number of clubs He joined Marcolini’s technical staff at the MFA on 1st January

When he announced the appointments, MFA president Bjorn Vassallo said they

Sam Fenech killed in drag racing accident

Sam Fenech, a high-profile veteran drag racing driver, the son of Maltese parents shock the motorsport fraternity when he was killed in a 320km an hour drag racing crash.

Sam’s high-powered machine went airborne flipping over safety barriers into a camera tower before disintegrating killing the driver

Sam, 55, a father of three, was competing in a race at Willowbank Raceway west of Brisbane just before 7pm on Saturday. Paramedics attempted to save Mr Fenech, but he died at the scene The devastating event was broadcast on air

were very pleased that Marcolini accepted the offer He said that his profile fits the requirements set by the Association, that is the long-term development of Malta’s elite football players

The Malta FA’s priority is to ensure that its technical project proceeds as planned in line with its strategy to achieve a unified game philosophy for all the National teams.

Spartans ‘kill’ Malta’s Premier League

Ħamrun Spartans took a gian step towards winning their second Chmpionship in three years when they defeated Hibernians1-0 in the weekend’s top match to increase their lead at the top of the League ladder to 11 points over second-placed Gzira United.

Although there remains 13 matches to go to the end, theirs is an almost unsurmountable

lead and it would take a super hman effort from any other team to deny them the title at the end of the campaign

For Hibernians this is the second disappointing defeat in as many matches at the turn of the year after their 0-4 trashing at the hands of Valletta in their previous outing. Gżira on their part dropped two points in a 1-1 draw against Gudja


Ħamrun S v Hibernians

Gzira U v Gudja U Birkirkara v Zebbug R

Mosta v Marsaxlokk

Floriana v Sirens

Valletta v Pieta H Balzan v Sta Lucia

Sirens v Day 14

Ħamrun v Marsaxlokk Valletta v Hibernians Gzira U v Sta Lucia Sirens v Birkirkara Gudja U v Mosta Floriana v Pieta H Balzan v Zebbug R

1-0 1-1 5-0 2-1 1-0 1-1 3-1

1-0 4-0 1-0 1-0 2-1 3-1 3-2

Puka the Mascot of 2023 Games of the Small States of Europe

Puka, a derivative of lampuka, the dorado fish synonymous with Malta, has been officially unveiled by the Maltese Olympic Committee as the Mascot of the 2023 Games of the Small States of Europe

In designing the Mascot, Concept Stadium used the vibrant colours that the lampuka is known for as a point of departure The Mascot's vision was developed by bringing together elements of Maltese culture, island vibrancy, the friendly nature of the Maltese and the colourful brand created for these Games into a dynamic mascot that represents and symbolises the values of these Games in a sporty and fun way

Julian Pace Bonello, the President of the Maltese Olympic Committee and Co-Chair of the local Games Organising Committee, said that the development of this Mascot brings another

typical ingredient of Maltese culture, which similar to the MOC's logo brings colour, energy and fun to these Games

He said he was sure that Puka would quickly become a popular and immediately recognisable facet of these Games as Malta builds up the next stage leading to these

Italy’s Gianluca Vialli dies aged 58

The former Italy international footballers, and certainly of the country’s most popular footballers, in the 80s and 90s, Gianluca Vialli lost his battle against pancreatic cancer and died on January 6

He left his role with Italy in December, citing his need to undergo treatment for

pancreatic cancer. He was diagnosed with the disease for a second time in 2021, after first being treated for the illness in 2017.

He played for Cremonese, Sampdoria and Juventus in Italy and joined Chelsea in England’s Premier League in 1996 Two ears later he became player-manager and that year led the club to glory in the League Cup, UEFA Cup Winners' Cup and UEFA Super Cup


Puka will be animated to represent the ten sporting disciplines included in these games – athletics, basketball, judo, rugby 7s, sailing, shooting, squash swimming, table tennis, and tennis

Malta is working tirelessly to ensure a memorable experience for over a thousand athletes and officials in Malta for these Games The Mascot launch will help generate further interest and support for these Games.

The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Hon Dr Clifton Grima said that these Games would bring the Maltese together as one nation The 2023 Games of the Small States of Europe will be held in Malta between 28th of May and 3rd of June

24 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, January 10, 2023
Michele Marcolini Sam Fenech in Gozo

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