The Voice of the Maltese No.294

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The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

(We are for the Greater Malta)

An underground secret garden in Valletta


An underground secret garden in Valletta finally opened to the public after 40 years. finally opened to the public after 40 years. The underground world beneath the St The underground world beneath the St Catherine Monastery in Valletta, the Catherine Monastery in Valletta, the Mysterium

fortnightly print and
Issue 294 Mar ch 7, 2023
Mysterium Fidei Museum -See caption page 9 -See caption page 9

Helena Dalli participates in WorldPride event in Sydney

the first-ever WorldPride held in the southern hemisphere She also took the opportunity to meet the Maltese communities in Melbourne and Sydney


jiġu onorati fil-Malta Journalism Awards

Fil-31 edizzjoni tal-Malta Journalism Awards nhar is-Sibt li għadda 4 ta’ Marzu, l-edituri ta’

The Voice of the Maltese, Joseph Cutajar u Lawrence Dimech, ġew rikonoxxuti għall-ħidma ġurnalistika twila tagħhom għall-Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta billi ġew ippreżentati b’waħda mill-awards

Minbarra għexieren ta’ snin oħra ta’ ġurnaliżmu, l-awards waslu fl-10 sena ta’ The Voice, il-leħen ewlieni għallMaltin ta’ barra, jgħixu fejn jgħixu, imma forsi l-aktar fl-Awstralja, kemm jekk b’mod diġitali (jew stampat flAwstralja) lil aktar minn 20,000 qarrej.

F’din l-edizzjoni, li kienet l-ewwel waħda wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn minħabba l-pandemija, ingħataw 20 award lil ġurnalisti, li skont ġurija, bilkitbiet tagħhom, kemm jekk b’artikli ġenerali, politiċi jew sportivi, u wkoll fotografija jew fix-xandir, iddistingwew ruħhom.

L-awards, lil The Voice saru mill-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin, irċevihom Joseph Cutajar, li huwa residenti f ’Malta

In Canberra and Melbourne, the Commissioner met various Ministers She participated in a Global Philanthropic Project Conference in Sydney on ‘Resourcing LGBTIQ Movements for Change in Asia and the Pacific.

On the last day of her visit, Commissioner Dalli delivered a keynote speech at the WorldPride event in Sydney

As a very influential Maltese politician, Commissioner Dalli visited Sydney once before in 2018 as a Labour Minister This time around, she found time in her hectic schedule to visit the major hubs of the Maltese community both in Melbourne at the MCC Centre in Parkville and Sydney at the MCC Centre in West Parramatta

HC Mario Farrugia Borg accompanied the Commissioner during her visits to Melbourne and Sydney They were also joined, in Melbourne by that city’s Consul General Chirelle Sciberras and by the Consul General of NSW Lawrence Buhagiar in Sydney

In his welcome speech, the High Commis-

sioner said Commissioner Dalli was ġgant tal-politika Maltija (a giant of the Maltese political scene), as he described her venture into Maltese politics before her promotion as EU Commissioner for Equality

The president of the MCC NSW, Miriam Friggieri, gave a detailed description of the works of the Council and thanked the Commissioner for visiting its head office. In her brief speech, Helena Dalli thanked the Maltese community for the warm welcome and the magnificent effort “you are doing to keep Malta in the forefront in Australia

“ħaqqkhom grazzi tassew” (you deserve a great thank you) she said

The Voice of the Maltese raised various issues with the Commissioner and her head of cabinet, Joseph Bruno Vella and cabinet expert Silvan Agius, concerning the vote for Maltese/UN citizens living in Australia

It was also brought to her notice that in the last 19 years, no Maltese EU member has ever visited the Maltese communities in Australia.

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
EU Commissioner Helena Dali (fifth from left) poses for a family picture with members of the Sydney Maltese community at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre at West Parramatta NSW The Hon. Helena Dalli, Malta’s EU Commissioner for Equality, was in Australia last week, where she met government representatives to discuss gender equality and also participate in the WorldPride 2023 in Sydney, EU Commissioner Helena Dalli addressing the Maltese Community Council of Victoria. On right, HC Mario Farrugia Borg and Victoria’s Consul General Chirelle Sciberras
L-edituri ta’ The

Q I am 83 years old and have just moved into aged care I am on the age pension and have sold my home for more than I thought I would. After paying my RAD I am left with around $550,000 of surplus funds. I have two adult children and I am planning to gift them $100,000 each Am I able to do so and will there be any tax implications?

A If you are happy to gift your children $100,000 each of your surplus funds there should be no tax implications However, by you gifting the $200,000, $190,000 of these funds will still be treated as your assets for the next five years by Centrelink and therefore your age pension will not be increasing by much after making this gifting

Q. My sister and I are planning to purchase a holiday home together. This will save us from having to borrow money for the purchase and also to ensure that we make use of this holiday home as much as possible. I am single but my sister is a widow and has two adult children.

We are debating whether to purchase the property as joint tenants or tenants in common. Can you please advise us accordingly?

A. As your sister has children she would probably wish for her children to receive her share of the property if she predeceases you You on your part have no children so your beneficiary could be your sister If the property were purchased in joint names, then the sister that is still living would be entitled to the other person ’ s share when they die This may not be your sister ’ s wish If the property is purchased as tenants in common then you are both in a position of selling your share of the property at any time to either each other or other interested

parties You should seek a solicitor ’ s advice on this

Q I am 62, retired and am moving to the country. I have not sold my house yet, but am planning to do so once I have settled on the new property. This new property is a small house worth $300,000.

Thisis a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associated with financial planning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via:

I do not have sufficient funds to pay for it in full and so I was planning to withdraw around $120,000 from my super fund. Am I right in assuming that I can make withdrawals from my super fund and what tax will I have to pay?

Q & A Q & A

A. As you are retired from the work force you are able to withdraw part or all of your superannuation money if you wanted to As you are over 60 you will have no tax to pay on any withdrawals from superannuation made unless you have an untaxed amount.

You would also have an option of re-investing in superannuation once you have sold your existing home Visiting a financial planner would be in your interest as he/she may be able to point out other opportunities for you to take up

Q My wife and I are retired, in our 60s and have just sold an investment property for $800,000 after capital gains tax. We would like to invest these funds in our superannuation funds. Is this possible?

A. As you are both in your 60s you have the opportunity of investing $110,000 each this financial year and another $330,000 each next financial year by using the bring forward cap.

However, there are other things to consider such as whether you have made other contributions this financial year So, you should visit a financial planner who can confirm what amounts of superannuation you are both able to contribute into superannuation in order not to make excessive contributions

Q. I have some money to invest and wish to invest this in either a managed fund or direct shares. Currently the share markets seem to be very volatile. Is there any special time that I should look at making such an investment?

A. It is impossible for anyone to time the share markets We also stress that we look at length of time in the market and not timing the market Please be aware that shares and managed funds are growth assets and would perform better if maintained for at least 5 to 7 years These are long-term investments and one should not invest in them unless they can afford to wait the term

One option you might consider is a strategy known as dollar cost averaging I would recommend you discuss this with your financial planner, as they would be able to discuss this strategy and how it might benefit you in this situation

This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed

Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 3

Thisis part 2 of The Voice of the Maltese February Personality of the Month, Friar Leonard M.Testa OFMConv. who continues to recount in his own words ‘The long, hazardous and adventurous journey of the Testa family’ to Australia and especally his experience since arriving in Sydney with his mum and seven other siblings in the early 50s to join his father. He recalls the family’s early years in Sydney, and his pastoral work among the Maltese community after his ordination as a priest in 1966.

Wollongong’s first bishop

The newly formed Maltese Association (Il-Għaqda) pointed out what was happening with the then recently installed Bishop McCabe of Wollongong Diocese, who in turn was in contact with the Archbishop of Malta, Monsignor Michael Gonzi, who, on 16th August 1961, visited our Community

In the meantime, a priest from Xagħra Gozo, Fr Victor Bonello OFMConv, was posted to serve the Illawarra Maltese Community The local Bishop initially expected to provide him with food and board in his large house. He did not.

The Bishop’s secretary later confided in me that the Bishop justified his decision by saying that missionaries can take suffering The initial neglect was later changed to tender, loving and enduring, the type that the present Pope, Francis, calls the true shepherd that' smells of his sheep'!

Although he suffered from need and want of essentials, conscientious worker Fr. Bonello did not shrink from hard work He later landed in Warrawong, where he found the remains of the 1938 Wentworth build-

ings, consisting of a large hall with two small lofts that served as his residence/parish office

On Saturdays, the hall was used for entertainment and, on Sundays, for the celebration of Mass Fortunately, the Maltese Community got itself involved. It established the association known as iI-Għaqda, which developed over seventy years as the George Cross Falcons Community Centre, which is still vibrant today

Tony Bezzina, a lay member of the secular institute known in Maltese as tal-Mużew, used to instruct me in Maltese prayers. He looked after the adults, and I taught the children At the time, I was barely 12 years old.

With the presence of Fr Victor Bonello and the encouragement of the Minister General of the Order, I was a postulant

Then in 1956, barely 16 years, I was shipped to Malta on a six weeks voyage from Sydney on the Castel Bianco I was on my own. I first stopped in Genova, Italy, before I flew to Malta

Religious and priestly formation and ordination

My first year in Malta was spent with the other candidates at St Francis Friary, in Republic Street, Valletta I was immersed in everything I loved, our faith and the culture brought to our forefathers by the apostle Paul who fathered us in Christ' 1Corinthians 4 15 so that each of us 'you are our letter written on our hearts to be known and read by all.' 2Corinthians 3.2.

As the formation classes were in Latin, I had to catch up on four years of intense study of Latin and Italian, relishing all that is Maltese, particularly the mother language. I continued the formal formation at The Sacred Heart Seminary in Gozo as a daily attendant residing with other students at St Francis Friary, Victoria-Gozo

In 1959 I was sent for a year of Novitiate training at the Sacred Shrine in Assisi, Italy, and a year later made the Simple First Profession on the Tomb of St Francis I returned to Malta for the first year of philosophy and the second year in Rome at Propaganda Fides University, Pontifical Urban University

*Continued on page 5

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Fr. Leonard M Testa OFM Conv.
Th e l o n g , h a z a r d o u s a n d a d v e n t u r o u s j o u r n e y o f t h e T e s t a f a m i l y ( P a r t 2 )
Bishop McCabe, the first Bishop of the Wollongong diocese meets the Maltese at Warrawong Community HalI. Fr Testa then 13, is on the extreme right behind the young lad in the white coat Malta’s Arcbishop Michael Gonzi (centre) during his visit to the Illawarra Maltese community with members of the Maltese Association

Fr Testa Entrusted with building up the Kellyville parish

*Continued from page 4

I attended the first year of Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology at San Teodoro College, Rome and the International College known as the Seraphicum I took my solemn profession at St Francis Church in Valletta from General, Vittorio Costantini OFM Conv who in 1956 also accepted my initial request to become a Conventual Franciscan, the first in Australia.

I was ordained a priest on 16 12 1966 at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Rome, and then returned to Malta to celebrate my priestly Ordination in St Francis Church in Valletta in the presence of my relatives.

In 1967, I was sent back to Warrawong for a few months The Order had acquired a new building in Kellyville, NSW It was an old farmhouse that became our friary Fr Sebastian Scicluna OFM Conv was the Superior.

In 1969 I was nominated parish priest of Kellyville

Building up the parish was a labour of love

The parishioners were mostly vegetable gardeners, florists and poultry farmers.

Kellyville Ministry

The church building was further up from the friary, opposite what was then a shopping centre. A five-acre block was bought for the future development of the school and Church, and a new friary built for the use of our Maltese Community for meetings

The First Maltese Welfare Group was formed here and in 1974, I was chosen by the Conventual Franciscan Friars as Custodian (Regional Superior) for two terms, and following that, as Parish Priest of St Joseph's Parish, Springvale in Victoria

In Assisi, Italy

The Shrine of St Francis in Assisi, Italy, needed an English-speaking priest, and as I was familiar with the place,having spent fourteen years of my Novitiate and Profession, I was given the job

My role was very functional and busy accompanying the hundreds of pilgrims who daily visited the Shrine with the Tomb of St Francis, plus the two churches built that attracted people from all walks of life, the religious and non-religious

It was a challenge as you I had to face all kinds of groups of people from all walks of life worldwide, so I needed to be extremely careful of what to say

After eight years, it was time to hand the task to a younger friar

Another challenge, in Turkey

After Assisi, I accepted another challenge to fill the need for an English-speaking friar in Turkey at the Istanbul fraternity I was curious if I had made the right decision, but in the long run, it was worth it

The Church in Istanbul is in the centre of the European side Istanbul is on two continents The other is known as Asia Minor Turkey has the beginnings of history, where the river Tigris and Euphrates are mentioned in the Old Testament creation narrative.

There are seven churches of the Apocalypse Turkey's greatness is in beating the Anzacs through their leader Ataturk who became known as ‘The Father of the Turks’

The Church dedicated to St Anthony of Padua is massive, located in the centre of the city amidst the former foreign embassies, and now consulates after the Turks chose Ankara as their Capital

It's a beautiful country to visit, but not easy for non-Muslims to live in it is a secular society within a Muslim context

Muslims are not encouraged by Mohammed, the Messenger of the Arabs, to make friends "O you (Muslims) who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends they are a diseased race Al-Maida Surah, verse 51 At the end of the same chapter verse 82 it states "you will find the nearest of them in affection to those Muslims who believe to be Christians "

Muslims see non-Muslims as living in the period of 'Ignorance' or Jahlija 'Ig-

norance' or Dahlia (ignorant) That is how I was considered when asked for an explanation. You are ignorant (of Islam), he replied, “ you Christians must be our friends, but we are not allowed to reciprocate We may be acquaintances but never friends”

I loved Turkey and the Turks in our Christian understanding as children of God, whom we call our Father I asked about the Great Siege and Turkey's loss in Malta It's no big deal for them as during its Ottoman period Turkey was involved in around three hundred battles and won. Malta was an irritant for the Turks but never a significant threat That is the Turkish explanation I managed to visit the holy places of the nascent Church After St Stephen's martyrdom, many within the Christian Community moved to Asia Minor, Turkey

After my time in Turkey, in the late 90s, I returned to Australia, back in Warrawong NSW, where I began my journey as a Conventual Franciscan till the Order pulled out. Now, after 63 years as a member of the Conventual Franciscans and in retirement after 57 years as a priest, with the permission of my Superiors, I continue to live my religious vocation differently. I am grateful to all the communities that carried me on their shoulders

NOTE: There was a slight error in Part 1 as Fr Testa is OFM Conv and not OFM Cap

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 5
Fr Testa on his ordination day in 1966 with his father Frangisk in Istanbul with Patriarch Bartholomew With Pope St John Paul II (above) and Fr testa (right) with Prince Charles, now King Charles 111

A b o r i g i n a l a c t i v i s t s d e m a n d e d a

Voice to Parliament 100 years ago

The most startling point on the referendum for a Voice to parliament is the fact the majority of people in this country has no idea of history And I mean both Black and white people

Australian history, as written for nearly twothirds of the 20th century, glorified discoverers, explorers, settlers, and Gallipoli

We as Aboriginal people had been conveniently erased from the historical landscape and memory. Most Australians gave Aboriginal people little or no consideration The majority of Aboriginal people were trapped in a historical vacuum through the fact that great numbers of our people had been confined to heavily congested and controlled missions and reserves

As part of this confinement, we were encouraged to forget our past Everyday decisions were removed from people; they were told what to eat, what to wear, whom you could marry, and their movement was severely restricted. There was a process of historical erasure and memory

We were to be severed from any sense of past or inspiration We could not participate in ceremonies, speak our language, tell our stories, practice songs and dances or conduct our everyday hunting and living experiences Over time our people could only remember the controlled life on the reserve It became the pattern of misery

In his 1968 Boyer lecture, After the Dreaming, anthropologist W E H Stanner exposed Australia’s failure to regard, record or acknowledge Aboriginal people in the country’s history Australian history, he said, had been constructed with:

“A view from a window which had been carefully placed to exclude a whole quadrant of the landscape ”

What is critically important in history understanding is that the call for a Voice to parliament is not a new initiative Aboriginal activists nearly 100 years ago first called for a voice to parliament as part of their political platform and demands during the 1920s.

The Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association

The first Aboriginal political organisation, the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association (AAPA), was formed in Sydney in 1924 and led by my grandfather Fred Maynard It advocated several key demands in protecting the rights of Aboriginal people, centring on:

• a national land rights agenda

• protecting Aboriginal children from being taken from their families

• a call for genuine Aboriginal selfdetermination

• citizenship in our own country

• defending a distinct Aboriginal cultural identity

• and the insistence Aboriginal people be placed in charge of Aboriginal affairs

The call for Aboriginal rights to land was explicit Leader Fred Maynard declared, “The request made by this association for sufficient land for each eligible family is justly based The Australian people are the original owners of the land and have a prior right over all other people in this respect ”

The association’s conference in Sydney was front-page news in the Sydney Daily Guardian

Over 200 Aboriginal people attended this conference held at St David’s Church and Hall in Riley Street, Surry Hills

In the space of six short months, the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association had expanded to 13 branches, four sub-branches and a membership in excess of 600 Its established offices in Crown Street, Sydney and a state-wide network of


Calls for direct representation in parliament

Late in October 1925, the association held a second conference in Kempsey, NSW It ran over three days with over 700 Aboriginal people in attendance It was noted in press coverage of the conference that: "pleas were entered for direct representation in parliament "

Two years later in 1927, the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association produced a manifesto It was delivered to all sections of government – both state and federal – and published widely across NSW, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland

One of the significant points was for an Aboriginal board to be established under the Commonwealth government and or state control over Aboriginal lives be abolished

It envisioned: “The control of Aboriginal affairs, apart from common law rights shall be vested in a board of management comprised of capable educated Aboriginals under a chairman to be appointed by the government ”

This board would not be comprised of government-selected or handpicked individuals but would be Aboriginal elected officers

Surveillance, threats, intimidation, abuse

The Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association disappeared from public view in

late 1929. There is strong evidence the organisation was effectively broken up through the combined efforts of the NSW Aborigines Protection Board, missionaries, and the police

The state government and the Protection Board had been embarrassed by the exposure of their unjust policies in the media and wanted the organisation broken up

In a newspaper interview in late 1927 on The Newcastle Sun, Fred Maynard, revealed the level of surveillance, threat, intimidation, and abuse he and the other Aboriginal activists were subjected to

The report noted: “He said that he had been warned on many occasions that the doors of Long Bay were opening for him He would cheerfully go to jail for the remainder of his life, he declared if, by so doing he could make the people of Australia realise the truly frightful administration of the Aborigines Act He knew cases where children had been torn from their mothers and sent into absolute slavery ”

When one ponders upon the legacy of the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association the sad reality is that if the demands of these early activists had been met nearly a century ago, we would not be suffering the severe disadvantage that hovers over Aboriginal lives still today.

*Continued on page 21

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g A b o r i g i n a l
Charles Frederick (Fred) Maynard, who in 1925 launched the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association. He was the grandfather of John, author of this feature

The continued fight for the demands that AAPA established nearly 100 years ago

*Continued on page 21

Imagine if enough land for each and every Aboriginal family to build their own economic independence had been granted. Or that we would not have suffered another five decades of Aboriginal child removal and the shocking impact of that policy on generations of Aboriginal lives

If the demand to protect a distinct Aboriginal cultural identity had been taken up, we would not today be working to piece together the shattered cultural pieces of language, stories, songs, and dances

And finally, if Aboriginal people had been placed in a position to oversee Aboriginal policy and needs, the history of our people would have been vastly different.

The reality today is we continue to fight for the demands that the Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association established nearly 100 years ago

*John Maynard is the Director/Chair of Aboriginal History at The Wollotuka Institute, University of Newcastle

Source: The Conversation

St David's Church

St David's Church and Hall, 17 Arthur Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia. The St David's Hall, was a significant meeting point for members of the AAPA. Multiple conferences were held in this location.

It was where the first AAPA meeting was held in 1925. The half-yearly conference that outlined the progress of the AAPA was also held here

Reaching the diaspora

If you are interested in advertising in The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, particularly among the Maltese in Australia, you are requested to write for details to:

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 7

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.


Malta: Joseph Cutajar

Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address:

Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

T Bugeja minn East Perth Western Australia jikteb:

Bħal ħafna oħrajn f ’dan li istat, jien ukoll naqra The Voice of the Maltese. Qed ngħid ħafna għax kull meta iltaqgħu, grupp kbir, kollha jitkellmu dwar dak li jkuu qraw u nagħmlu ħilitna biex niddisutu dwar dak li jkun fih il-magazine

Ngħid għalija fost l-iktar paġni li jaf-

Tonio Gatt minn Brunswick Victoria jikteb:

Faqqgħet bomba meta l-Qorti f ’Malta ddeċidiet li tliet sptarijiet, dak ta’ San Luqa, l-isptar Ġenerali t’Għawdex u lKarin Grech għandhom jigu meħuda lura mill-Gvern Malti għax skont il-Qorti, kif inbiegħu kien każ frodulenti u illegali

Dawn it-tliet sptarijiet tħallew fi stat ta’lbiki wara li nbena l-Mater Dei, u meta telgħu tal-Labour riedu jeħilsu minnhom jew jirranġawhom Minn ħadhom b’kuntratt kellu jirranġahom u minnhom joħroġ servizz aħjar

Fin-neguzjar, tal-Lejber għamlu froġa u ta’ dan għandhom jagħmlu mhux biss apoloġija imma jassiguraw lil kulħadd (kif issa wegħdu), li dawn it-tlett sptarijiet jiġu meħuda lura u jirrestawrawhom malajr

L-isptar Mater Dei dam jinbena 17-il sena Minn bniegħ ħeles minn kull diżastu għax gie mħares minn kuntratt dubjuż u skabruż. Tiftakru Skansa? Kulħadd irid iġorr ir-responsabilita politika u ma fiha xejn jekk ikun hemm apoloġija

Il-poplu jifhem li mhux kollox jista jimxi fuq ir-rubini Il-poplu jiddeċiedi bil-vot tiegħu mhux bil-ħafna tgħajjir u protesti

faxxinawni hemm The Personality of the Month Dan miħabba li f ’dawn l-artikli ta’ kull xahar nara stampa tal-komunitá tagħna f ’dan il-kontinent Dawn huma Stejjer oriġinali, mhux ikkupjati, mhux misruqa u kollha fihom storja mqanqla bħal dik ta’ Fr Testa u l-familja tiegħu Nixtieq biss li jkun hemm nies ukoll minn Western Australia għax hawn f ’din in-naħa tad-dinja għandna nies ta’ stoffa wkoll Xejn mhu faċli, izda almenu jidher li ta’ The Voice you go the extra mile biex twasslulna stejjer fattwali

Mela tinsewniex!

Lawrence Scerri from Wollongong writes:

It was great to read of the restoration of the windmill of Naxxar In Cospicua there are three windmills that need urgent restoration before they crumble away. Also to read in the Voice of the Maltese that the Valletta bastions are to get restored but the Cottonera lines are largely neglected, as is the nearby Kalkara Fort Ricasoli in the grand harbour.

Why is it that tourist areas like Mdina and Valletta often get the EU funding for restoration yet less touristy areas like the Cottonera bastions are left to crumble away Fort Ricasoli has already had major sections of the walls collapse into the sea as has happened with recent storms in Malta during the winter.

The Cottonera or the three cities need to be elevated like Mdina and Valletta are and this can benefit the people of all the harbour area not just a select few

They want to connect

John Borg from Seven Hills NSW writes:

Inoticed the comments about the Maltese Cultural and Identity Youth Forum organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malta (The Voice Feb 21 p 8)

I agree that with youth participation being such a current subject and with so many supposedly “youths” attending this forum It is about time for a detailed report to be released

One would have thought that the letter by J. Briffa from Brunswick would shake them up a bit, however, so far, silence

The future participation of our subsequent generations is an issue that we living abroad need to find solutions to We can do this with help from those that are living it

8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Have
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ... For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water State Member for Prospect Dr Hugh McDermott MP P: (02) 9756 4766 E: 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 Nies ta’ stoffa f
your say/Xi trid tghid?
’Western Australia
L - i s p t a r i j i e t u k i f ħ e l s u m i n n h o m
P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e
Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e z i n e
Published by The Voice of the Maltese Group Pty Ltd
Cottonera ignored yet again...

A Seminar at the Labour Party headquarters pre-2003. From left: Professor Albert Borg; Mr Kenneth Busuttil; Dr Alfred Sant; Mr Desmond Zammit Marmarà and Mr Evarist Bartolo.

2003-2023: The Maltese Vote for EU membership

Twenty years ago, Malta held a keenly-fought general election in Malta By 2003, a passionate debate about the pros and cons of European Union membership had dominated the political discourse on this tiny archipelago at the southern periphery of the European continent.

The Nationalist Party (then in government, today in Opposition) was all out in favour of EU membership, supported by a much smaller political party called "Alternattiva Demokratika", which also favoured EU membership. The Labour Party (then in Opposition, today in government), the second-strongest political party on the Maltese Islands, favoured a partnership with the European Union

The leader of the Nationalist Party was Dr Edward ("Eddie") Fenech Adami, while Dr Alfred Sant led the Labour Party

The arguments for or against EU membership were various, but the main and most important ones were two The Nationalist Party and Alternattiva Demokratika argued that only full membership could guarantee that Malta would receive the full benefits from the European Union.

The Labour Party's opposing argument was that Malta did not tie itself to an economic and political bloc and thus restricted its freedom of action when it could obtain the same benefits through a

To our online readers

We forward to you every issue, always on time, but we find that some return back to us as undelivered for various reasons If you miss receiving The Voice, all you have to do is write to us at maltesevoice@gmail com and we will resend the missing issues

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partnership with the EU That would leave Malta the option to become a member of the European Union later on if it was in its best interests to do so.

In 1990, Malta, then under a Nationalist administration, applied for membership in the European Community (today, the European Union)

The application was frozen when the Labour Party came to power in 1996. It was reactivated two years later, in 1998, following the subsequent Nationalist Party victory at the general election held that same year

They then followed a period of intense campaigning by both major political parties in Malta to try and influence the electorate in favour of their position for or against EU membership.

2003 was the decisive year for Malta's future vis-à-vis the European Union At the time, the Nationalist Party won the General Election over the Labour Party What followed was a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign in favour of EU membership organised with the full participation of all government departments and agencies

Particularly active was the Malta-EU Information Centre (MIC), established in 1999 and headed by Dr Simon Busuttil, who later became Nationalist Party leader

Caption to front page:

Eventually, on 8 March, Malta held a referendum on European Union membership. Since the referendum's result was interpreted differently by the main political parties (the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party), the EU membership issue was to be presented to the electorate's decision at the General Election on 12 April 2003 The Nationalist Party won that election. The outcome meant that in 2004 Malta would eventually become a member of the European Union

Today, the issue of Malta's EU membership is dead and buried since both the ruling Labour Party and the opposing Nationalist Party are fully committed to European Union membership. However, the argument persists, mostly among some of the political old-timers.

Was European Union membership worth it? Is the old Malta disappearing as more and more people from European Union member states are coming to work in Malta? Have values among the Maltese changed so much due to Malta's membership of the EU? Is Malta at risk of losing its identity? Has EU membership meant progressing in some areas and regressing in others? Has Malta lost its freedom of action, given that as an EU member, it is a David among the Goliaths?

The debate is ongoing.

Th e M y s t e r i u m F i d e i M u s e u m

After four centuries, the rusted doors of St Catherine Monastery in Valletta have finally opened Now on can enter into the underground complex lying beneath the monastery where the Monastic nuns who chose to lock themselves from the outside world, till death and beyond it.

This is now the Mysterium Fidei Museum, an immersive experience that will take one to a world within a world into the underground complex lying beneath the monastery; where one can immerse him into the everyday life at the monastery and the fascinating secrets hidden within these walls and travel through time from the era of the Knights of St John, to this day. Now one can visit

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 9

Għall-ewwel darba f ’Malta… ġejna b’aktar irġiel milli nisa

Fl-aħħar ħarġa, f ’artiklu qasir fil-paġna 2 tajna xi ċifri li ħarġu miċ-ċensiment tal-2021, dwar dawk in-nies li kienu jgħxu f ’Malta fi żmien iċ-ċensiment Imma minnu ħareġ ħafna aktar minhekk, u naħsbu li jkun interessanti li wieħed jixtarru aktar

Għal żmien twil fi ċkunitna u wkoll f ’żogħżijtna, kienu jgħidulna li f ’Malta kien hemm, ferm aktar bniet/nisa milli subien/irġiel, u kien hemm anke min, jew biċ-ċajr inkella b’sarkażmu kien jgħid li s-sens femminili kelhom joqogħdu attenti li jekk jaqbdu ma’ xi ġuvni bil-għan għaż-żwieġ, joqogħdu attenti li ma jitilfux Hekk li l-ġuvintur kellhom ċerta arja

Imm’issa, fost kollox, fiċ-ċensiment instab li għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja, f ’Malta, l-iżgħar fost is-27 pajjiż imsieħeb fl-Unjoni Ewropeja, hawn aktar irġiel (anke jekk bi ftit) milli nisa Tant li għal kull 1,000 raġel, mill-2021 hawn 924 mara (diskrepanza ta’ 76 f ’kull elf).

Fl-istess ċensiment ħareġ li fis-sena tiegħu senten ilu, f ’Malta kien hawn jgħixu mal-519,562 persuna, jiġifieri li fuq medda ta’ 10 snin il-popolazzjoni kibret b’aktar minn 100,000 ruħ, waqt li persuna minn kull ħames residenti huma barranin (22 2%) li żdiedet mill-4 9% tal-2011 Parti kbira minnhom huma Ewropej

Joħroġ ukoll li l-popolazzjoni taċ-ċittadini Maltin naqset waqt li żdiedet tal-barranin. Imqabbel ma’ l-10 snin ta’ qabel, il-Maltin naqsu bi 17 3% Jiġifieri fl-2011, l-popolazzjoni Maltija kienet ta’ 95 1%, u f ’10 snin niżlet għal 77 8% Meta ttieħed iċ-censiment fil-pajjiż kien hawn 115,449 barrani, ħames darbiet iċ-ċifra rreġistrata fl-2019, bil-maġġoranza jgħixu fit-Tramuntana u fitTramuntana tal-Port il-Kbir

Dan kollu juri wkoll li Malta tibqa’ l-aktar pajjiż b’popolazzjoni densa fl-Unjoni Ewropea, bil-lokalità ta’ Tas-Sliema tkun l-iktar waħda densa bi 15,167 ruħ għal kull kilometru kwadru Fl-Isla jgħixu 14,148 persuna kull kilometru kwadru, f ’Tal-Pietà 13,047 ruħ u l-Fgura 11,434 ruħ

Iċ-ċensiment ittratta wkoll l-immigrazzjoni Matul l-2020, mal14,822 persuna emigraw lejn Malta, li hu tliet darbiet aktar mill 4,178 persuna li rapportata fiċ-ċensiment ta’ għaxar snin qabel Aktar minn nofs l-immigranti kienu ċittadini minn barra l-Unjoni Ewropea (inklużi l-Ingliżi), u mal-4,765 kienu minn barra lEwropa

Fl-aħħar 10 snin il-migrazzjoni interna, minn belt jew raħal għall-ieħor, ma żdiditx wisq, għax 93 5% tal-popolazzjoni baqgħet tgħix fl-istess lokalità fejn għexet fl-10 snin ta’ qabel Meta niġu għall-età, il-medja tal-popolazzjoni Maltija hi ta’ 41 7 sena u dik Għawdxin 43.8 sena.

Iċ-ċensiment jagħti ħarsa wkoll lejn ir-reliġjon. Instab li 373,304 (82%) tar-residenti f ’Malta ta’ aktar minn 15-il sena jħaddnu r-

reliġjon Kattolika Rumana, 17,454 jħaddnu dik Musulmana u 16,457 l-Ortodossa Mat-23,243 ma jħaddnu ebda reliġjon Sadanittant, fil-bidu tal-2021, skont sħarriġ tal-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika, l-NSO, fil-bidu ta’ dik is-sena, 20% , jew 103,718 ta’ dawk li kienu jgħixu f ’Malta dakinhar, kienu barranin Min-naħa l-oħra, l-aġenzija nazzjonali tax-xogħol, il-Jobs Plus, irrappurtat li mill-barranin kollha li kienu qed jgħixu f ’Malta fl2021, 70,402 minnhom kellhom impjieg, u filwaqt li 44% kienu ħaddiema ġejjin minn pajjiżi msieħba fl-Unjoni Ewropeja u li kienu qed jgħixu Malta, is-56% l-oħra kienu minn pajjiżi diversi minn barra l-Ewropa

F’Settembru tal-istess sena l-ħaddiema barranin f ’Malta kienu jammontaw għal 27 9% ta’ dawk kollha li jaħdmu Fil-biċċa ‘l kbira, dawn kienu impjegati fl-industrija tal-gaming, settur, li filGżejjer Maltin jammonta għal 58.6% tal-ħaddiema li mhumiex Maltin

Fl-istess sena l-Labour Force Survey (LFS) wera li persuna minn kull erbgħa li kienu qed jgħixu f ’Malta dakinhar, twieldu f ’xi pajjiż ieħor barra minn f ’Malta u li parzjalment kienu ffinanzjati minn għotjiet tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.

Ftit aktar minn 50% ta’ dawk imwielda barra minn Malta kienu emigranti reċenti, filwaqt li 49.3% kienu emigranti li diġá kienu ssetiljaw f ’Malta

TAĦT: uħud mill-emigranti minn barra l-Unjoni Ewropeja li ttantaw isawru ħajjithom f ’Malta

10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Fl-istampa irġiel biss, donnu biex jikkonfermaw l-istatistika Festa reliġjuża f ’Malta: ċertament ferm aktar irġiel milli nisa

Valletta Cruise Port bags award in Madrid

Spanish-speaking cruisers have chosen Valletta as the Best Port of Call Global, an honour announced during Premios Cruceroadicto 2022 held during FITUR Madrid

These awards result from an international cruise satisfaction survey taken by the growing community of Spanishspeaking cruise travellers, who had the opportunity to voice their favourite cruise line, ship and port experiences during the past year, along with the reason behind their choices

The voting process consisted of a transparent methodology that let travellers have the last word based on their personal experiences. The method relied on an elaborate automated system determining the final award-winning categories

To ensure total objectivity and cleanliness of the results, the entire process was independently supervised by consulting firm We-iN, which participated as the methodological and technological partner for the voting, selection of the finalists and proclamation of the winners

Stephen Xuereb, COO of Global Ports Holding and CEO its subsidiary, Valletta Cruise Port, said that in 2022 Valletta Cruise Port welcomed over 529,000 passenger movements, with 35,000 passenger movements coming specifically from Spain, not to mention other Spanish-speaking guests hailing from other countries

He said it was a pleasure to see guests recognising Valletta Cruise Port's efforts and other key stakeholders' efforts in making their visit a memorable


He went on to say that as part of the Global Ports Holding network, its trajectory is not only one of growth but also of ensuring operational excellence.

This latest award comes a few months after Valletta Cruise Port, was named the winner of the ‘World’s Best Cruise Terminal for Sustainability’ in the ‘World Cruise Awards 2022’


Proudly presents

The famous pop/tenor entertainer LUDWIG GALEA who is coming from Malta to present this brand-new show, the popular South Australian singer STACEY SALIBA and introducing the new young talented singer, RENEE.

Xuereb said that these awards recognise, reward and celebrate excellence in the global cruise sector Valletta Cruise Port annually ushers thousands of passengers, crew members

and tourists into Malta’s capital, offering a combination of location, practicality and versatility

It is an established fact that while 2022 was considered a transition year for the cruise industry, as the sector kicked off a gradual return to business after the Covid pandemic, 2023 is already shaping up to reach the full potential

Valletta Cruise Port’s terminals, housed in restored buildings located just below the iconic Valletta bastions,were restored to blend the old and the new whilst respecting the historic fabric The concession covers an area of nearly five hectares of land comprising nineteen beautifully restored Baroque 18th century warehouses and ancillary buildings, known as the Valletta Waterfront

Lar ge Seafr ont a par tment for sale at Sliema, Malta

This fantastic show also includes an entertaining play by the Cittadini Cultural & Theatrical Association and an exhibition of Rock and Roll dancing

At the Wenty Leagues Club

50 Smith Street, Wentworthville NSW 2145

On Sunday 19 March 2023 from 2:00 pm

Tickets at $25 from Monica Ledger on 0414 859 386 and Charles N Mifsud on 0421 662 298

Children under 15 accompanied by the parents are FREE

Sponsors of the event

A large three-bedroom SEAFRONT apartment is for sale at Sliema, Malta. Panoramic views of Sliema, Valletta and Gzira.

Close to all amenities.

Asking price 1 million euros negotiable. Includes garage, and workshop. 245 Sq. meters.

Please contact Pat on 79069127 (Malta) or

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 11
8868 9200
An aerial view of the Valletta Cruise port with a giant cruise ship and others moored to the jetty at the Valletta Waterfront pier in Valletta Harbour Currently, the cruise port offers seven ship berths, of which four are within a 15-min walk from City Gate

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta with third lowest unemployment in EU

Figures released by the European Union’s statistics office Eurostat indicate that Malta has continued to be one of the countries registering a low rate of unemployment.

Eurostat figures show that in January Malta and Germany registered a 3% rate. The lowest rate was registered by the Czech Republic with 2 5%, followed by Poland with 2.8% and Malta and Germany both with 3%

MED5 member states agree on migration

In their Summit in Malta on Friday to Saturday, the Interior, Migration and Asylum Ministers of Malta, Greece, Italy and Spain, and the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Interior of Cyprus, that form part of Med5, agreed on a common position for the forthcoming Home Affairs Council being held next week in Brussels.

The ministers of these countries, who, when it comes to migration and asylum, share the same realities and challenges, reaffirmed their position to strike a balance between member states' fair sharing of responsibilities and the need for solidarity that effectively alleviates the burden on member states, mainly through the establishment of a permanent and mandatory solidarity mechanism.

The ministers also agreed that more work needs to be done at a European level to ad-

Malta’s 2022 economy double the euro area

According to the National Statistics Office (NSO, Provisional estimates of the Gross Domestic Product show that in real terms in 2022, the Maltese economy grew by 6.9%, and that the Maltese economy generated €16,870 million an increase of €1,868 million compared to 2021. That is double that seen in the euro area

Published figures show that the economy grew by 6 9% and surpassed €14,215 million over 2021.

NSO added that economic growth was measured both from the production aspect and that of consumption and profits

Published figures also show that the various economic sectors that registered an increase in growth included the information and communication sector, the arts, entertainment and household objects repairs, the financial and insurance sector, agriculture and fisheries

A decrease was registered in the construction sector

Last year ’s €1,868 million economic growth was distributed in €644 million for the increase in workers’ salaries; €1,172 million in profits of businesses; and another €52 million in production and importation taxes

dress the root causes of migration and prevent irregular migration, loss of life at sea, and the abuse of migrants by smugglers

The Minister for Migration of Sweden currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the new Executive Director of FRONTEX also participated at the Summit

At the end of the meeting, the participants signed a joint declaration

In an overview of what happened during the year since Russia invaded Ukraine and started a war on its neighbourly country, Prime Minister Robert Abela (right) said that the people of Ukraine had shown utmost courage and resilience in defending their country and fighting for their freedom in the face of indiscriminate attacks on their territory

He said that only a few hours after the invasion, Malta hosted Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to address the European Council and that it was a stark realisation that what we all had grown up to think was unthinkable had now come to be – war had returned to the European Continent.

He said that with EU Member States and its international partners, Malta has consistently supported the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people “While remaining mindful of constitutional obligations, we have been very clear in our

The highest unemployment rates were registered by Spain with 13% of those able to work presently being unemployed, Italy has 7.9% and Cyprus 7.4%.

According to Eurostat, when compared to December the rate of unemployment in the Euro Zone in January remained unchanged at 6 7% The rate of unemployment in the European Union stood at 6.9%.

It also reported that in the EU during January over 2 7 million youths below the age of 25 were out of work Over 2 2 million were unemployed in Euro Zone countries The lowest rate of unemployment among youths was registered in Germany with 5 7%, Malta had the fifth lowest rate of unemployment among under 25s, with 9 6%

understanding that neutrality does not mean being blind to the egregious and tragic truth unfolding in front of our eyes”, he told the media

At the United Nations, at the OSCE and in other international fora, Malta joined its partners in unequivocally condemning the unprovoked aggression

In the face of what he described as brutality and destruction, he immediately mobilised all the relevant government actors to provide humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people, to support Ukrainians who had arrived in Malta or other EU Member States and Ukraine’s neighbouring countries

Malta also provided medical assistance to Ukrainians in Maltese hospitals and dispatched medical supplies to Ukraine in the early days of the war. More recently, the Maltese people also sent electricity generators and supported and fully implemented the successive

packages of sanctions adopted by the European Union on Russia for its military aggression against Ukraine

Prime Minister Robert Abela said that through the Sanctions Monitoring Board, Malta has been proactive in ensuring it meets all its obligations under the sanctions regime, includng through tracing and freezing of assets of listed individuals and companies, as well as through providing vital information to other Member States’ authorities leading to the freezing of assets in jurisdictions outside our own

R o b e r t A b e l a a b o u t M a l t a i n re l a t i o n t o U k r a i n e
Prime Minister Robert Abela
12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
The MED5 Interior Ministers at their meeting in Malta

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta is committed to work and be a voice in international fora

In his address to the United Nations Security Council meeting on the cooperation of the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organisations (UNEU), the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Ian Borg said that Malta believes that multilateralism is crucial

He further stated that the principles of the United Nations and the values of the European Union are complementary and hence should continue to be strengthened, particularly in human rights, the rule of law and the processes of dispute settlements

He said that now, more than ever, the EU and the United Nations are responsible for ensuring that regional and international organisations come together to provide more convergence and collaboration where possible.

He mentioned the need for the EU and the United Nations to have more trilateral discussions and collaboration, primarily with the African Union, to address security challenges.

As President of the United Nations Security Council, Minister Borg concluded his

intervention by outlining that Malta is committed to strengthening peace, dialogue and multilateralism to avoid and further solve conflicts.

Meanwhile, Malta has attracted praise from Ukraine and angry accusations from Russia, following a heated discussion at the United Nations Security Council after he allowed Ukraine to address the UN Security Council during a discussion timed to coincide with the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion into the country

In another address, during the urgent resolution at the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the first an-

In a message on 24 February, the day the international community commemorated the first Anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the President of Malta, George Vella said that the scenes witnessed over this past year should have us all recoil in shame and reflect on human frailty in the face of the brutality of war.

He said that as has been underscored on numerous occasions over the past year, Malta continues to stand by Ukraine At the same time he pointed out that Malta's neutrality does not imply indifference to attacks on its shared principles, the deplorable loss of life and the suffering brought about upon innocent civilian people

He maintained that Malta will continue assisting the people of Ukraine across the board within the limits, and to the best of its capabilities “We will continue to provide humanitarian assistance and give special medical treatment in our health facilities,” the President said

He said: “Our message remains unchanged - the fundamental principles which lie at the heart of a civilised international order are there to be respected by all. We rightfully expect all countries, big or small, to honour this basic tenet of global diplomacy

“We have to remain united, and not leave any room or pretext for the convenient di-

lution of the norms and standards that have clearly guided the international community for decades This is a heartfelt appeal that needs to reach all our international partners and global actors who could have a say in contributing to an end of this indiscriminate violence, and work towards a possible path to peace once the opportunity arises

He also took the opportunity to salute the people of Ukraine for their inspiring bravery and courage

niversary since the Russian aggression in Ukraine, Minister Ian Borg said that Malta believes that the way forward in terms of the Russian attack on Ukraine is a resolution for peace based on international laws and the basic principles of the United Nations.

He said that those committing these acts against human rights should be held accountable Malta would continue to push, together with the international community, for the Russian Federation to withdraw its forces from the Ukrainian territory and for a peaceful solution based on international laws and the principles of the United Nations

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 13
M i n i ste r I a n B o rg a d d re s s i n g t h e U N G e n e ra l A s s e m b l y i n N ew Yo r k
Promoting the importance of peace and dialogue
President George Vella addresses people of Ukraine on the first anniversary of the war

S e n t e n z a t i d d o m i n a x - x e n a

Sentenza li ngħatat mill-QratiMaltin ħames snin minn meta nfetħet ilkawża, iddominat għal kollox mhux biss il-midja imma wkoll ix-xena politika lokali

Ir-riżultat tal-kawża li kienet infetħet mill-eks Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Dr Adrian Delia kien li jiġi annullat i l-ftehim li kien sar tmien snin ilu mill-Gvern madDitta Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), li

Re a z z j o n i

L-ewwel reazzjoni tal-Gvern għal din is-sentenza kienet waħda qasira. Fi stqarrija l-gvern saħaq li kien se janalizza s-sentenza u f ’kull eventwalità se jassigura li jħares l-interess nazzjonali Dan billi fost l-oħrajn iħares l-impjiegi tal-ħaddiema kollha, u s-servizzi kollha li l-pazjenti jieħdu mill-isptarijiet, li huma mertu talkonċessjoni li dwarha ngħatat is-sentenza

Aktar tard il-Prim Ministru insista li hu ma kellu ebda involviment fil-konċessjoni

li ngħata lill-Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), u sostna li meta sar dan il-kuntratt lanqas biss biss kien membru parlamentari. Ċaħad ukoll l-akkuża li kien konsulent legali tal-Kabinet meta sar il-kuntratt

Min-naħa tiegħu l-eks-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat sostna li l-akkużi ta’ frodi fis-sentenza kienu fil-konfront ta’ Steward Healthcare u mhux fil-konfront tiegħu jew tal-Gvern li kien immexxi Żied jgħid li barra minnhekk ma hemmx referenza għall-korruzzjoni

Muscat qal li l-konċessjoni tal-isptarijiet ġiet diskussa u ttieħdu deċiżjonijiet dwarha għadd ta’ drabi fil-Kabinett

permezz tiegħu din il-kumpanija ngħatat miljuni ta’ Ewro biex imexxu u jiżvillupaw tliet sptarijiet, dak ta’ Għawdex, l-Isptar San Luqa u l-Karen Grech. Aktar tard il-kuntratt għadda f ’idejn il-kumpanija Amerikana Steward Healthcare

Sa mill-bidu nett, l-għoti tat-tmexxija talisptarijiet imsemmija lill-VGH kienet qajjmet ċerta kritika. Din il-kritika baqgħet għaddejja anke meta Vitals għaddew il-



Steward Healthcare

Fl-2018, Adrian

Delia ressaq kawża quddiem

il-Qorti biex jitħassar dan ilkuntratt għax sostna li dawn ilkumpaniji ma wettqux dak li kien miftiehem, għalhekk talab

li l-isptarijiet jrritornaw lura lill-Gvern Malti

Il-Qorti qalet li Steward u qabilhom il Vitals ma ressqu l-ebda evidenza b’saħħitha għax-xogħlijiet li kellhom jagħmlu ta’ ristrutturar u tisbiħ tal-isptarijiet fdati f ’idejhom bħala parti mill-obbligi ta’ ftehim ta’ tmien snin ilu

Sostna li kien jaċċetta kull skrutinju għax dan żgur li jipprova li dak li għamel hu kien fl-interess tal-poplu Malti.

Dwar dak li kiteb Muscat ikkummenta leks-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin, Evarist Bartolo Dan qal li Muscat kien qed juża lill-Kabinett, li dak iż-żmien kien fih huwa wkoll, bħala paraventu għall-proġett talVGH "Dan ġust?" staqsa Bartolo

Qalet ukoll li meta kien evidenti li lkumpanija fdata bl-isptarijiet ma kienetx qed tissodisfa l-obbligi tagħha, il-Gvern taha aktar żmien biex tagħmel dak li kellha tagħmel, madankollu minkejja dik l-estensjoni, il-kumpanija xorta ma wettqitx l-obbligi tagħha

Il-Qorti għalhekk iddikjarat il-kuntratti nulli u saħqet li dan kien frodi minn wara dahar il-poplu Il-Qorti kkritikat ukoll lillGvern, imma l-aktar lill-eks Ministru tasSaħħa Konrad

Mizzi li miegħu kien sar il-kuntratt.

u Steward Healthcare

Jidher li l-battalja biex il-Gvern jieħu l-Isptarijiet lura għadha ma ntemmitx u mhux ħaġa kbira li ġġebbed mhux ħażin, billi l-kumpanija Steward Healthcare, li bħalissa għandha f ’idejha l-Isptarijiet, fi stqarrija kkritikat bl-ikrah is-sentenza tal-Qrati

Steward Healthcare qalet illi se tkun qed tikkunsidra il-pożizzjoni tagħha u se tirriserva kull dritt li tissalvagwardja l-interessi tagħha f'fora legali Maltin u anke internazzjonali

Sostniet li l-allegazzjonijiet tal-Qorti huma "għarukaża" u bla bażi u sostniet illi jidher li din is-sentenza fiha ħafna nuqqasijiet Saħansitra li timplika li hija mhux se tħalli l-isptarijiet pubbliċi minn idejha u se tibqa' toffri, dik li hija qalet li huwa "servizz ta' standards professjonali”

Għal din l-istqarrija l-Gvern qal li biex l-affarijiet ma jieħdux fit-tul insista li jitqassar iż-żmien li matulu din il-kumpanija tkun tista’ tressaq appell mis-sentenza u jekk sir dan l-appell jitlob il-Qorti biex dan l-appell jinstema b’urġenza. Aktar tard il-Qorti aċċettat li minn 30 jum, il-perijodu, jonqos għal 20

*Ara aktar fil-paġna 15

14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Dr Adrian Delia Wieħed mit-tliet sptarijiet imsemmija fil-ftehim

Iż-żewġ sptarijiet l-oħra li jissemmew fil-fehim, issa annullat mill-Qorti, dak ta’ Karin Grech (xellug) u dak Ġenerali t ’Għawdex

*ikompli minn paġna 14

Fil-Parlament ... dibattitu sħun

Il-Gvern iddeċieda li din is-sentenza tiġi diskussa wkoll fl-ewwel laqgħa wara li ngħatat fil-Parlament , u filfatt, f ’dis-kussjoni mqanqla l-Oppożizzjoni kkritikat bl-aħrax lin-naħa tal-Gvern u xlietu b’korruzzjoni, frodi u serq ta’ flus il-poplu

Qalet li Abela huwa l-kontinwità tal-eksPrim Ministru Joseph Muscat u li wara lħatra tiegħu bħala Prim Ministru fl-2020, minflok għażel lill-poplu Malti jew Għawdxi għażel lill-korrotti, “ u sena wara

sena baqa’ jżidilhom il-flus, minkejja li ma wettqux l-obbligi tagħhom."Tal-PN qalu: “L-isptarijiet ġibinhom aħna Issa l-Gvern irid iġib lura t-€300 miljun li nsterqu’ Min-naħa tiegħu l-Prim Ministru Robert Abela sostna li kemm ilu Prim Ministru hu, mhux biss ma sarx ftehim jew tibdil fil-ftehim ma' Steward, talli l-Gvern talab l-arretrati tat-taxxa li l-kumpanija kellha tħallas, u li issa qed idur fuq il-Qorti biex l-Appell ta' Steward, jinfetaħ u jinstema' fi żmien iqsar milli normalment stipulat, u

L-effett politiku fuq il-partiti

Dan kollu jwassal għall-fatt li s-sentenza żgur se tħalli effett politiku, bil-Partit Nazzjonalista jirkeb fuq is-sitwazzjoni biex isaħħaħ il-pożizzjoni tiegħu, bl-eks mexxej tal-PN, Adrian Delia jgħid: “Jekk jien għandi t-tama, ħudu din it-tama magħkom, ħaddnuha u għamluha tagħkom Jekk jien waħdi f ’ħames snin ġibt lura kontra dawn il-forzi tal-ħażen it-tliet sptarijiet, x ’nistgħu nagħmlu lkoll flimkien bħala partit magħqud għal Malta!”

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista, sejjaħ ukoll dimostrazzjoni Nazzjonali għall-Ħadd li għadda u għaddej b’diversi attivitajiet politiċi ffukati fuq din is-sentenza

Iżda il-fatt li, meta għamel din il-kawża Adrian Delia ftit sab appoġġ minn sħabu fil-PN, billi wħud kienu diġà qed jaħsbu li jneħħuh mill-kap tal-partit, wasslet biex kien hemm minn qal li l-Kap tal-PN kien qed jirkeb fuq kawża li ma għamilx hu.

Saħansitra, l-eks-Deputat Nazzjonalista

Mario Galea sostna li din kienet rebħa biss ta’ Adrian Delia u Bernard Grech ma rebaħ xejn Sostna: “Min mar jippoppa sidru kienu l-istess nies li ħallew lil Adrian waħdu ”

Minkejja dan, jibqa’ l-fatt, li bla dubju ta’ xejn din is-sentenza tat speċi ta’ injezzjoni lill-PN Il-mistoqsija hi, jekk din l-inten-

zjoni hux se tkun it-tluq tar-ritorn tal-Partit Nazzjonali għall-popolarità’ li snin ilu, jew jekk, wara li jgħaddi l-effett tagħha, hux kollox se jirritorna għas-sitwazzjoni li issa ilha żmien mhux ħażin.

Iż-żgur hu li l-istorja mhix se tieqaf hawn u għad irridu nisimgħu u naqraw ħafna aktar dwarha


“Illum hemm min qed jifhem aħjar għaliex ħadt ċerta deċiżjonijiet flimkien mal-Eżekuttiv,” qal il-Prim Ministru Abela f'referenza ċara għall-mozzjoni li kien ressaq hu stess biex Konrad Mizzi jitkeċċa mill-Partit Laburista, inkluż minn Deputat Laburista.

Huwa sostna li dan huwa mument ta' responsabilità li, hu bħala Prim Ministrtu jħares l-interess nazzjonali, kif kien wiegħed li se jagħmel mill-bidu nett meta sar PM u anke s-sena l-oħra qabel l-elezzjoni ġenerali: “Li fejn seta' sar aħjar, ilGvern jagħmel aħjar ”

Fit-tmiem il-laqgħa Parlamentari l-mijiet ta’ dimostranti msejjħa mill-Partit Nazzjonalista li nġabru quddiem il-Parlament laqgħu b’ibuwwjar u tgħajjir lid-deputati Laburisti u aktar u aktar lill-Prim Ministru meta ħarġu mill-Parlament, filwaqt li kif wieħed jistenna, laqgħu b’ċapċip lil dawk tal-Partit Nazzjonalista


Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 15
Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900 Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs
Our Family Help You Through”

Are foreign powers spying on us?

Australians from migrant backgrounds are being urged to alert authorities if they're being surveilled by foreign governments under a new campaign launched by federal police It comes as the federal government and Australia's domestic spy agency both sounded the alarm in recent weeks over cases of foreign interference in Australian politics and individuals being targeted by foreign agents.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has launched a new education campaign aimed at informing culturally and linguistically diverse communities about their rights and what to do if they believe they're being targeted It will inform them of ways to report instances of intimidation or harassment they believe may be directed by foreign powers

The campaign will include a factsheet, to be translated into over 30 languages, and AFP community liaison officers tasked with engaging with diaspora communities on the ground AFP special investigations commander Stephen Nutt said police were working closely with Australian intelligence agencies to counter what he said posed a "serious threat"

“Threats of foreign interference are not constrained to one sector of the Australian community, nor perpetrated by a single nation-state,” he said “Foreign state actors that undertake hostile activity against other countries are creating and pursuing

opportunities to interfere with Australians, from decision-makers at all levels of government, across a range of sectors, and our communities ”

The factsheet will provide information on how to alert authorities to apparent instances of foreign interference, including hotlines to contact and assurances of anonymity if a person wants to come forward.

T h e R a i n b o w f l a g , n o w a c o m m o n s i g h t

Over the years, the rainbow flag has been the global symbol of the LGBTIQ+ community, representing pride, inclusivity and support The design has been updated numerous times to include and represent different parts of the community

The flags were a common sight across Sydney recently, with an estimated 500,000 people attending and bringing $112 million into the visitor economy

The rainbow flag was designed by artist Gilbert Baker at the request of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California in the United States.

Mr Milk reportedly urged Baker to create a symbol of pride for the gay community, and the rainbow flag made its debut at the 1978 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day parade

The flag featured eight brightly coloured horizontal stripes, with each stripe having a different meaning, and the design evolved to become six colours

Throughout the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, the flag gained prominence and was regularly featured in celebrations and promotions in the US and around the world. Their new flag added black and brown stripes to the rainbow flag to represent people of colour within the LGBTIQ

Police are concerned investigations are hampered by people not reporting cases, partly driven by a lack of understanding of what foreign interference constitutes, particularly in communities from countries where it may not be an offence A Melbourne man became the first person charged under Australian foreign interference laws in late 2020, two years after they were passed.

Gay conversion and religious freedom

Less than a week after extracting the same pledge from Premier Dominic Perrottet, a forum of religious community leaders was assured by Chris Minns leader of the Labour Party that bans on damaging conversion practices would not impinge on their religious freedom

He said tha taking offence at the teachings of a religious leader, and expressing a religious belief through sermon will not be banned, and an individual, with their own consent, seeking guidance through prayer will not be banned either

Minns told the multi-faith forum, Labor would commit $15 million to improve safety and security at religious institutions, schools and community centres, upping the Coalition’s $10 million election promise He said a future Labor government would make religious vilification unlawful by amending the Anti-Discrimination Act within 100 days of taking office

It would also establish a premier ’s racism and extremism prevention panel to respond to growing safety concerns among faith groups and culturally diverse communities in NSW, to stamp out racial and religious bullying and hate crimes

Religious leaders also sought assurances from Minns he would ensure faith-based schools could choose their own staff and teach according to their religious beliefs

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The PM at Mardi Gras in Sydney

Sequined revellers cheered Anthony Albanese as he strode along Sydney's Oxford Street as the first sitting prime minister to march in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Mr Albanese led the Rainbow Labor float with Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns recently as the event returned to its inner-city route after two years away due to the pandemic.

This wasn't the prime minister's first rodeo Mr Albanese also marched in 1983, five years after Mardi Gras' inception as a gay rights protest.

“It's unfortunate that I am the first (prime

minister to march), but this is a celebration of modern Australia We're a diverse, inclusive Australia and that's a good thing," he told the ABC as waved at the crowd.

“People want to see that their government is inclusive and represents everyone, no matter who they love, no matter what their identity, no matter where they live We need to be a country that respects everyone for who they are ”

Mr Albanese said partygoers needed to pay tribute to the 78ers, the Mardi Gras' first marchers, "who were thrown in jail for the simple fact of who they were because they happened to be gay of lesbian We need to continue to argue for equality."

The Catholic Church supports the cashless gaming card

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said that for some people, gambling is an entertainment they enjoy in moderation For others, it is an addiction that not only causes financial loss but contributes to family breakdown, homelessness, and despair.

Fisher added that Catholic parishes and welfare agencies pick up the pieces from

these human tragedies every day. “I support any reasonable measure to moderate gambling and especially to eliminate problem gambling,” he said

According to research published in the Sydney Morning Herald, more than $7 billion is lost on poker machines in NSW each year, Horse-racing and sports betting will

Ban on phone and internet in VAD

State attorneys-general are making a fresh attempt to persuade the Albanese Government to exempt voluntary assisted dying (VAD) telehealth from the federal ban on using phone or internet to “counsel or incite” suicide or “promote” suicide methods

This would remove doubts that have forced some states to make at least the first VAD appointment patients have with doctors in person

With a severe shortage of doctors across much of regional Australia and doctors nervous about contravening the federal criminal code, it is seen as a major barrier to greater updates of VAD

Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus appears open to change, suggesting the main impediment is crafting amendments to suit the various state VAD systems

Queensland has placed the issue on the agenda of the Standing Council of Attorneys-General, which next meets in April, with backing from Western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria However, former AMA vice-president Stephen Parnis said the use of telehealth to assess patients for assisted dying was “dystopian”.

“When you are assessing a patient online,

you are very constrained in terms of the signals, the clues, you can obtain,” he said. “You need to be as sure as humanly possible that this person is … doing this of their own free will and making an informed decision”.

rake in the same amount nationwide in 2023, and the industry is growing by almost 4 %, IBISWorld analysis shows Aside from the social ills of gambling, recent inquiries have shown that organised crime uses poker machines to launder hundreds of millions of dollars each year

Premier Dominic Perrottet has committed to introducing legislation in the first sitting of NSW parliament should he win re-election on March 25. Pubs and clubs would be given five years to introduce cashless gaming on all poker machines

Opposition leader Chris Minns also offered a suite of reforms in response to the NSW Government's proposal, but has to date proposed a trial of only 500 cashless machines

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 17
L e v e l 1 . S u i t e 1 0 1 C , 1 3 0 M a i n S t r e e t , B l a c k t o w n P O B o x 8 5 2 5 , B l a c k t o w n N S W 2 1 4 8 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 7 1 4 7 8 0 M i c h e l l e . R o w l a n d . M P @ a p h . g o v. a u M R o w l a n d M P w w w. m i c h e l l e r o w l a n d . c o m . a u
M i c h e l l e R o w l a n d M P
Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway
ABOVE: Australian PM Anthony Albanese and the Labor Opposition leader NSW Parliament, Chris Minns marching at the Mardi Gras in Sydney

Ta g ħ r i f d w a r l - i l s i e n M a l t i

Dan l-aħħar il-President ta' Malta George Vella inawgura wirja blisem, ‘Il-Mixja sal-Għarfien Uffiċjali' li qed tittella' b'kollaborazzjoni bejn Heritage Malta u l-Akkademja tal-Malti fil-Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arkeoloġija, filBelt Valletta

‘ I l - M a l t i : I l - M i x j a



Il-wirja, ġiet imqassma fuq għaxar temi, u tkopri l-istorja tal-ilsien Malti millgħeruq Semitiċi tiegħu sakemm fl-1964

ġie ddikjarat bħala l-ilsien nazzjonali ta' Malta, u wara, fl-2004, bħala wieħed millilsna uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Permezz ta' dokumenti, kotba u tabelli b’għadd ta’ tagħrif, il-wirja tlaqqa' lillpubbliku li jżurha ma’ għadd ta’ ġrajjiet differenti fl-istorja tal-ilsien Malti

Fost l-oħrajn wieħed isib tagħrif dwar ilKantilena ta' Pietru Caxaro, il-prietki bilMalti ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud, il-kitbiet ta' Agius de Soldanis u Vassalli, u l-unika ħarġa tal-gazzetta 'L'Arlecchin' bil-Malti f'Diċembru tal-1838

Tagħrif ieħor importanti huwa dwar ilkwistjoni tal-lingwa, it-twaqqif tal-Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti, kif ukoll xogħolijiet monumentali, bħat-traduzzjoni talBibbja minn Pietru Pawl Saydon u d-dizzjunarju ta' Ġużè Aquilina.

Waqt l-inawgurazzjoni l-President Vella nnota kif minn din il-wirja joħroġ, li l-mixja biex l-ilsen Malti jibqa' ħaj għadha għaddejja, u li trid tibqa' għaddejja Semma wkoll il-fatt ta' kemm matul is-snin l-ilsien Malti ta prova li għandu pedamenti sodi u kemm huwa reżiljenti u kapaċi jaddatta għal żminijiet u sfidi differenti

Il-President żied jgħid li minbarra li jifforma parti mill-kultura u l-identità tagħna, l-ilsien Malti huwa element qawwi li jgħaqqadna bħala ġens Għalhekk appella għal aġġornament kontinwu li jirrispetta kemm l-għeruq kif ukoll l-istruttura u ttħaddim tal-lingwa bil-għan li lill-ilisen Malti nżommuh ħaj u attiv Qal li kienet ħasra li l-użu tal-Malti kien

M i t t s e n a n i l a g ħ b u l - l o t t u

Il-Maltin minn dejjem kellhom iddrawwa, u li għal uħud ġieli ssir vizzju, tal-logħob, kemm tal-lottu u wkoll logħob ieħor, fejn jistgħu jintrebħu xi flus Tant li jekk immorru lura fl-istorja nsibu li meta ma kienx jeżisti l-lottu, xi Maltin kienu saħansitra jilagħbu l-lottu ta’ barra minn Malta

Il-lottu f ’Malta li ġeneralment nafuh li jittella’ nhar ta’ Sibt, jaf il-bidu tiegħu lillPartit tal-Ħaddiema, li meta fl-1921 tella’ seba’ deputati fil-Parlament, dawn pproponew li l-Gvern jintroduċi l-lottu ħalli permess tal-qliegħ li jsir tingħata spinta lill-edukazzjoni ta’ wlied il-poplu

Dan wassal biex fl-1922 tgħaddi l-liġi dwar il-lottu, bl-ewwel darba li jsir ikun fl-10 ta’ Frar 1923. Imbagħad saret drawwa li n-nies jikkumbinaw sett ta’

numri, jew f ’għeluq snin xi ħadd qrib jew famuż, inkella xi dati ta’ mwiet ta’ xi ħadd li jkunu jafu jew xi ħadd magħruf

Min jaf kemm smajniha bħala tfal lil xi ħadd jgħidlek: “tini ħames numri”

Maż-żmien kienu kumpaniji privati li ħallsu flejjes kbar biex jingħataw il-jedd li jmexxu dan il-logħob Minn Lulju tas-sena l-oħra, d-dritt inkiseb min-National Lottery li tgħidx kemm ħolqu modi ta’ rebħ bi ħlasijiet u premjijiet differenti U issa ttlugħ ma jsirx biss nhar ta’ Sibt

Huwa magħruf li sa mill-bidu tas-sidien il-ġodda ntebħu aktar minn €3 miljun, u fil-mitt sena proprja, fit-18 ta’ Frar, Żejtunija rebħet €500,000

Biex jiġu mfakkra l-mitt sena tal-lottu, ftit tal-jiem ilu l-posta ta’ Malta ħarġet sett ta’ bolli

qed jonqos, u semma kif il-Malti qed jiġi mdakkar aktar minn qatt qabel minn elementi tal-lingwa Ingliża.

Filwaqt li għamel referenza għall-kampanja 'l-ilsien Malti għal qalbi' li qed issir b'kollaborazzjoni bejn l-Uffiċċju tiegħu u seba' għaqdiet tal-Malti, il-President Vella semma kif bil-mod il-mod il-Malti qed jintilef fost l-eluf ta' Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta

Tenna li kien minħabba dawn il-kunsiderazzjonijiet li l-uffiċċju tiegħu dejjem fittex li jaħdem mill-qrib mal-għaqdiet tal-Malti bil-għan li jiġu identifikati miżuri konkreti li jgħinu għall-użu tajjeb tallingwa Maltija, kif ukoll għall-użu ta' Malti tajjeb

Sadanittant, il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici, li fid-dekasteru tiegħu jinkludi attivita’ bħal din, filwaqt li spjega li l-wirja qed tfakkar il-mitt sena ta' perseveranza għall-ilsien Malti, qal li kull lingwa għandha karatteristiċi li jagħmluha unika u li dawn irridu jiġu ppreservati bl-aħjar mod possibbli ħalli l-identità ta' kull pajjiż tinżamm ħajja.

Il-ministru saħaq li ħadd ma jista' jiċħad li dawn il-wirjiet Maltin huma element importanti tal-identità Maltija, u ssokta, li grazzi għall-ilsien Malti, il-Maltin esprimew bl-aqwa mod l-ambizzjoni lejn lidentità tagħhom.

Min-naħa taċ-ċerman ta' Heritage Malta, Mario Cutajar,semma li l-wirja għandha tliet għanijiet

L-ewwel fost dawn hi li wieħed jagħraf li l-ġrajja tal-ilsien Malti, li ma kinetx faċli u tassew ħaqqhom ġieħ kbir dawk li ħadmu kemm felħu għalih; it-tieni biex ilMaltin jiġu xprunati jindunaw u jifhmu li l-ilsien Malti huwa wirt tagħhom u li ta' min jgħożżu; u t-tielet biex wieħed jitgħallem mill-imgħoddi, japprezza l-ilsien tiegħu u wieħed jibża’ għalih

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
L - i s to r j a t a l - i l s i e n M a l t i s a m i l l - għ e r u q S e m i t i ċ i t i e għ u

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mill-Gzira Ghawdxija . -

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Charles Spiteri Charles Spiteri

L-Adonai Camilleri Cauchi

mal-faċċata talkarru u (lemin): parti oħra mill-istess karru trijonfali

Karru li fih spikkaw l-arti, il-kuluri, id-dawl u l-movimenti

Ta’ kull sena l-Karnival f ’Għawdex jigi ffesteġġjat bil-kbir f ’diversi rħula. Il-Belt Victoria tigi mżejna b’arti u briju minn diversi kumpaniji li jaħdmu matul is-sena għal dan il-għan, laktar din is-sena, wara sentejn mingħajru kaġun tal-pandemija Minkejja li diġá għaddew xi jiem, ħafna għadhom jitkellmu dwaru

Din s-sena spikka ferm ix-xogħol tallabonski carnival company ta’ George Zammit li ħadet sehem b’karru trijonfali ġgantesk u b’kumpanija ta’ żfin bil-kustum u żifna Kellhom livell artistiku mill-aktar għoli u ta’ dan ġew ippremjati billi kklassifikaw l-ewwel fil-kategorija tagħhom.

Taħt d-direzzjoni u d-disinn tal-artist Adonai Camilleri Cauchi, sa minn sitt xhur qabel, il-kumpanija bdiet taħdem fuq iż-

... U wara

beda r-Randan - l-40 jum ta’ talb u penitenza

L-Erbgħa, lgħada ta’ tmiem il-ħamest ijiem tal-Karnival u t-tbaħrid li hu magħruf li dejjem jġib miegħu, (fit-22 ta’ Frar), il-Knisja Kattolika tat-bidu għarRandan Imqaddes, l-40 jum ta’ talb u penitenza bi tħejjija għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien millmewt ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu

żewg proġetti u s-suġġett dwar il-fantasija taċ-Ċina fejn ipprova jdaħħal ħafna affarijiet konnessi mal-arti u l-kultura Ċiniza

Bħal dejjem, l-artist jibda billi jħażżeż fuq karta l-idea tad-disinn u xi jkun jixtieq jara fil-prodott finali Wara jitkellem mal-membri li jaħdmu l-movimenti, u flimkien jibdew jaħdmu fuqhom u fuq il-qafas, li jinkludi ħafna xogħol, ħsibijiet u ħin

Jason Cefai u Maverick Muscat Bianchi, mgħejjuna minn oħrajn, kienu nkarigati mil-inġinjerija, filwaqt li Adonai ħa ħsieb il-qafas tal-figuri u dak kollu li joħloq iddehra tal-karru, bil-għajnuna sħiħa ta’ membri li kollha jaħdmu b’mod volontarju.

Fejn tidħol il-kartapesta kulħadd jagħmel

il-parti tiegħu, u wara ħafna kisi ta’ karti tal-gazzetti u tal-ġwież, isir il-process tażżebgħa. Hawn fejn daħal Adonai li bilmaġija u l-artistrija tiegħu jagħti dehra totalment differenti lill-karru b’dekorazzjoni u l-kuluri vivaċi tal karnival mgħejjun minn Frank Paul Azzopardi u Chris Ċiappara Wara sar ix-xogħol tad-dawl li kien fdat f ’idejn Jean Grima flimkien ma oħrajn intiżi f ’dan il-qasam.

Min-naħa tal-kumpanija taż-żfin, l-ewwel saret l-għażla tal-mużika u wara l-koreografija li kienet f ’idejn Janet Azzopardi, Kathleen Spiteri u Amber Buttigieg li riedu jgħallmuha lil għoxrin zeffiena, li stinkaw biex animaw l-attmosfera fil-pjazzez

L artist Camilleri Cauchi fassal ukoll lidea tal- kostumi dekorattiv u kkulurit bittema Ċiniza, filwaqt li Bernice Sciberras u Maria Grima ħadu ħsieb il-ħjata Missier l artist, Michael ukoll ta l-għajnuna tiegħu fuq xi mudelli fil-kostumi

Bl-isem, 'Fdil kultura orjentali, min namur sa arti marzjali' wieħed seta’ jara fuq quddiem forma ta’ dragun Ċiniz jiddomina l-faċċata tal-karru u fil-ġnub artisti ċinematografiċi u tal-kung fu, 'Bruce Lee' u Jackie Chan' iċaqilqu kull parti tal-ġisem Bħala sorpriża grandeska fin-nofs ittellgħu tliet imriewaħ b’xenarju Ċiniż li wara li nfetħu nxtegħlu u offrew spetaklu. Min wara d dragun telgħet mara ‘Ċiniża’ b’ilbies tradizzjonali. Fuq wara tal-karru, kien hemm ukoll figuri oħra li ssoktaw iżejnuh Kienet wirja kbira ta’ arti, dawl, movimenti u briju animat miż-żeffiena tal kumpanija li impressjonaw lil dawk kollha preżenti bl- artistrija

Fil-quddies kollu ta’dakinhar, iċ-ċelebrant ixerred fuq ras dawk kollha preżenti l-irmied bħala sinjal ta’ ndiema u tal-impenn tagħhom f ’din il-mixja ta’ konverżjoni li trid twassalna għall-Għid il-Kbir.

George Zammit qal li trid wisq spejjeż għal spettaklu bħal dan, imma żmien il-karnival kien u għadu jġib ferħ lil dawk li jaħdmu fih u kien ta’sodisfazzjon li tara kull membru japprezza xogħlu stess

Patri Edward Pace Lambertini ofm, waqt iċ-ċerimonja tat-tqegħid tal-irmied li saret fil-Knisja tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani, f ’Għajnsielem flimkien

F e s t a t a ’ Ġ e n e ro ż i t á : i l - ħ a m e s s e n a

w a ħ d a K B I R A

Konna ilna nistennewha, u fl-aħħar waslet Skont Jim Borg, l-organizzatur u l-moħħ wara l-Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’, ta’ din is-sena kienet il-ħames darba li ġiet organizzata, l-ewwel darba filHamrun Club u l-aħħar erba’ darbiet fiċĊentru Malti La Vallette

Din t’issa kienet l-akbar waħda, b’madwar 250 ruħ jippakkjaw is-sala għal erba’ siegħat ta’ kant, żfin u divertiment miż-żewġ kantanti ewlenin Joe Apap u Charles Muscat, mgħejjuna minn Martin u Kathelyn Vella Kull sena fi NSW isir tentattiv ħalli jinġabru fondi għad-Djar tal-Providenza f ’Malta Jigu organizzati ġiti għal Malta u postijiet oħra, lotteriji u għotjiet. Din is-sena Jim Borg kellu l-għajnuna ta’ Miriam Friggieri li tant taħdem u torganizza b’ħila Wegħdu li se jissoktaw f ’ħidmiethom u qed


anke jantiċipaw li s a l - a ħ ħ a r ta’ dis-sena l - ġ a b r a g ħ a d - D a r t a l - P r ov i d e n z a tlaħħaq ilm a d w a r $20,000.

Il-programm kien immexxi minn Miriam Friggieri, filwaqt li f ’intervent li għamel, ilKonslu Ġenerali Lawrence Buhagiar faħħar dawn il-ġabriet b’risk il-karita’ u appella biex inkunu ġenerużi.

Waqt l-attivitá instema’ wkoll messaġġ virtwali md-direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza fis-Siġġiewi, Fr Martin Micallef fejn faħħar

Premier ’s Harmony Dinner

The original and most recognised Maltese Language School of NSW, a division of The Maltese Community Council of NSW, was well represented at the Premier's Annual Harmony Dinner held on 23 February in the Grand Ballroom, International Convention Centre, in Sydney

The NSW government organises the activity to celebrate the state's cultural diversity and success as one of Australia's most harmonious multicultural states.

Over fifteen hundred people representing various multicultural communities filled

the convention centre for the evening.

The Maltese Community Council of NSW and the Maltese Language School of NSW have attended this occasion for several years It is recognised within the Australian Federal and State authorities and the Maltese Government that the Maltese Community Council of NSW represents the Maltese community in the whole state of NSW.

The Maltese Consul General of NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar, representing the Maltese Government in NSW, was also in attendance

kemm il-ġenerożitá u d-determinazzjoni talorganizzaturi

Charles Mifsud re-elected President of MCA NSW

At the 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW, Charles N. Mifsud OAM MQR JP (above), its President since 1996, has been re-elected in the position

The AGM, which was held at the Lawson Room, Wentworthville Leagues Club, also elected Monica Ledger as V/President, Tony Pace Ferraud as Secretary, Mary Pace Feraud as his assistant, Victor Fenech is the Treasurer.

The others on the committee are, Mary Ramundi as PRO, Charles Mifsud the Social Organiser, and Eddie Calleja as a member

The MCA’s will be organising the Ludwig Spectacular at the Wenty Leagues Club on Sunday, 19 March

20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
The Maltese representatives at the Harmony Dinner (From left): Consul General of NSW Lawrence Buhagiar, Maria DeCarlo, Lisa Bright Maltese Language School of NSW Administrator, George Bartolo OAM, Miriam Friggieri President of the Maltese Community Council of NSW and Michael Zammit, Treasurer of the Maltese Community Council of NSW. FUQ: Il-kantanti li ħadu sehem fl-attivitá (mix-xellug): Joe Apap, Charles Muscat u Martin u Kathelyn Vella Parti mill-kotra li attendiet il-Festa ta’ Ġenerożitá The organisers, Jim Borg and Miriam Friggieri

The boy with the Angelic voice steals the hearts

It was an emotional night at Malta's Got Talent when Kyran Bonello, a 14-yearold boy from Birkirkara touched the judges' hearts as he sang Il Mio Caro Bambino' with his Angelic voice They gave him a standing ovation, and one of them, Sarah Zerafa, filled with emotion and tears, said, “You move me,” and gave him the 'Golden Buzzer'. On another occasion, his rendition of the 'Ave Maria' was heavenly!

Kyran, who, beyond his

singing, also has religion and becoming a priest as his passion, impressed the judges and the audience with his perfectly high-pitched singing His video performance received about 180,000 views on Got Talent Global's Facebook page and 22,000 views on its YouTube channel daily. Many praised the singer and commented that although small, Malta has great talent But what of this young man's early beginnings?

Kyran Bonello's hobby has not suffered, nor has his devotion towards the patron saint, Santa Liena He has said his wish was to become a priest but worries that religious faith is decreasing. "I wish to become a priest to help the poor and the people of Malta and Gozo We need religion to continue "

Every year, Kyran decorates his home according to the occasion,


for Christmas, Good Friday and in August, for the feast of Santa Liena. He makes most of the decorations himself Kyran explains his love and devotion for Santa Liena and that he feels her presence. "This saint prays a lot for us we need to remember that we can find the cross everywhere because Jesus died for us For example, when I am sewing and my thread breaks, I say, "it could have been worse because I could have hurt my hand with the sewing machine' and I say, "that must have been Santa Liena who showed mercy on me" He thanked Saint Helena for his win and everyone who believed in him

Kyran's parents were ecstatic that he had won the contest Seeing his enormous following in Malta and other countries such as Canada, America, and Australia was incredible It was also evident that he impressed people of different nationalities with the accolades he received in Italian and

Spanish on various media

After winning Malta's Got Talent and the first prize of €25,000, Kyran Bonello said, “Thank you, Malta, as even from the auditions stage, I always felt that the people were behind me from day one I never expected to get the golden buzzer!" "This is incredible!”

Se nio r s Social Welfar e Da y Gr oups

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue

Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in St Theresa’s Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights from10 am to 12 noon

Group Leader: Dorothy Gatt

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area Every other 3rd Thursday an outing Enquiries call: Sam Galea 0410 269 519

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends

Group Leader: Doris Scicluna

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every first Wednesday of the month in July, September, November & December and in February, April & June 2023 From 10:00am to 12noon at the Miranda Community Centre 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiora Rd Miranda Meetings are interesting & informative. Membership is free, so is Morning Tea/Coffee/Cake

Outings every other month. Come & make new friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud JP Phone (mb 0421 662 298)

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Centre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon. Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips Gro-up Leader: Frances Montesin

Men’s Group

Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Primary School), from 10 to 12 noon Discussion, information and renew friendship Pastizzi, Kinnie etc available Contact Fred on 9863 2550

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 21
*(All Groups are coordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW. Kyran with Sarah, the judge that gave him the ‘Golden Buzzer ’ Kyran Bonello, the winner of Malta’s Got Talent show

Clint Marlborough is the new President of the Maltese Ex Servicemen’s Association of NSW (sub-branch RSL of Australia) He was elected to occupy the position at its Annual General Meeting held on 13 February after being nominated by the retiring Sub-Branch President, Charles Mifsud, OAM, JP (Australia) MQR (Malta), who has served as its President for the last 15 years

Clint, a member since April 2022, was born in Sydney to Maltese /English parents. His mum and his grandparents, Benny and Betty Vella, migrated to Australia in the early 1950s and had a small, tightknit family with solid Maltese values and traditions

Clint’s military background was his father ’s family, which had a long service history in British and Australian defence forces He graduated from Sydney University as a Psychologist and has been in that field for over 20 years. Between 2001 and 2008, he served in the Australian Army as a Psychologist before continuing in the Reserves

Clint worked as the Base Psychologist at the RAAF base at Richmond and the Veterans counselling service “Open Arms” He attained the rank of Major and completed over ten deployments in active war zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan and peacekeeping operations in East Timor


New President for Maltese Ex-Servicemen’s Association NSW (RSL

and the Solomon Islands

The pinnacle of his career was as the Regimental Psychology Officer with the Commando Unit He oversaw Special Forces selection and deployment, earning him a Silver Commendation from the Special Operations Commander, Australia

His goal as President of the subbranch will be to recruit younger veterans into its group whilst ensuring that the older veterans stay active He said, “The Maltese stoicism is second to none, and I hope to ensure that the substantial contribution of the Maltese people to the success of Australia as a nation will continue to be admired and acknowledged ”

Outgoing President Charles Mifsud was elected Senior Vice President, and Alfred Carabott Junior Vice President Doris Pocock is the association’s Secretary, and Andrew Magro the Treasurer

Schoool competition:

Sad Toronto MSSP had to close down 1999-2023

For us members of the Missionary Society of St Paul it is very sad to note that, after ministering among the Maltese community from St Paul’s church in Toronto since 1999, at the end of January 2023, we have concluded our ministry there We thank all the members of the Maltese community in Toronto for their support during these years

The Servant of God Joseph De Piro founded our Missionary Society of St Paul in 1910. The Vatican is currently studying his cause of Beatification and Canonisation and we hope that one day, by the grace of God, he will be listed among the Saints of the Church We invite the readers that in their prayers to pray through the intercession of the Servant of God Joseph De Piro. As we know, we can approach God to assist us in difficult and challenging moments in our life

We can pray with the intercession of the Servant of God for people going through hard times, people looking for jobs, broken relationships and illness.

When you feel that you have received a grace you are requested to kindly inform the vice-Postulator, Fr Mario Zammit mssp, on postulator@josephdepiro com

One can also use the same email address to request more information about the life and writings of the Servant of God Thank you.

Maltese Migration to Australia

The Consulate-General of Malta in Victoria is organising a school competition about Maltese migration to Australia The competition is open for students from a Maltese background or interested in Maltese migration from primary and secondary schools in Victoria

Students are invited to explore the theme of Maltese migration to Australia, such as the student's family migration story or the history of Maltese migration to Australia

It could be in the form of the written word in English or Maltese (maximum 500-700 words), artwork (maximum A4), video (as an mp4, duration 3-5 minutes) or any other form of artistic expression

Book prizes will be awarded to the three best entries as judged by an adjudicating panel

The panel's decision is final

The competition coincides with celebrating the 75th anniversary of signing the Assisted Passage Agreement with Australia, which re-

sulted in thousands of Maltese migrating to Australia, most of whom settled in Melbourne and Sydney After Britain, Malta was the second country to sign such an agreement with Australia

The deadline for submission of entries is Friday 28th of April 2023

The winners will be contacted directly and announced on the Consulate's social media and will have the opportunity to exhibit their work

Entries, which should include the name of the student, address, email address and telephone number, are to be sent by mail to: Consulate-General of Malta Students Migration Competition Office 613, 343 Little Collins Street Melbourne 3000

Entries received will be acknowledged

For information, one is requested to con-tact the Consulate on 03 9670 8427 or by email at: maltaconsulate melbourne@gov mt

A d d y e a r s t o y o u r l i f e b y e x e rc i s i n g

Are you a weekend warrior or a three times a week sort of a person? Apparently some people like to work out at the weekend, when there’s time away from work pressures Others think it better to spread their exercise out over several days during the week.

A new study has shown that it’s those energetic people who work out regularly during the week who are seeing the most benefit, but that exercising at the weekend is still far better than nothing However, waiting too long between workouts – even a few days – can cause your fitness to degrade. Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise Regular physical activity is just as important to a healthful lifestyle as nutrition So get workout ideas, nutrition guidance and tips for family exercise

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Clint Marlborough, the new President of the Maltese RLS Founder Joseph De Piro

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Established in 1999 Learn about the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and the amazing history of the magnificent Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo Classes available for beginners and those who already have a confident grasp of the Maltese language Adult and Children’s classes available All classes are online

Positions available for people who can assist with teaching the Maltese Language

We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee

Family law is our specialty

• wills, powers of attorney,

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447 Royal Parade Parkville, Victoria Australia

Pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija

MCCV Maltese Language Classes qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija, (darba fil-gimgħa, ONLINE filgħaxija).

Applikanti għandhom ikollhom għarfien sewwa tal-Malti kemm miktub u mitkellem Taħriġ għall-għalliem/a u riżorsi sabiex tkun tista’ tgħallem jiġu pprovduti Dan huwa xogħol imħallas

Ibgħat l-applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal aktar tagħrif ċempel: 0466 079 814, ħalli n-numru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

• divorce, children, property,

• child support, intervention orders

• Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney

• Maltese Property matters

Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese)is an accredited family law specialist

Phone: 03 9741 1722

www ebejerlawyers com au)

email reception@ebejerlawyers com au

We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.

Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

La Valette SC members are advised t h a t L a Va l ette ' s A n n u a l G e n e r a l M e et i n g w i l l b e h e l d o n Fr i d a y 2 4 March at 7pm

T u n e i n t o T u n e i n t o R a d i o a n d R a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o n T e l e v i s i o n

SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm; Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38.

On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese

SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand


3ZZZ 92 3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am

Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au

98.9 North West FM: Mondays 78pm and Fridays 6-7pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n a n d u p d a te s and about upcoming entertainment and events please: visit lavalette com au

Call Lisa for an information package on 0419 418 547 or email mls@mccnsw org au Listen live on ethnic-radio/

97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Voices with Marthese Caruana: Sundays 10:00 am to 11:00am One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists

2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Sundays 11 00am to 12:00pm News from Malta, music, information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest. Listen live on

St Nicholas Festa Committee

St Nicholas Festa Committee Dates for 2023 Dates for 2023

Sunday19 March – Fete

Saturday 29 April – Variety Night

Sunday 2 July – Imnarja

Sunday 15 October – Fete

Saturday 11 November - Dinner Dance

Sunday 2 December - Festa

www 893fm com au or On Demand on www 893fm com au/on-demand/ WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au

VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart

Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program-billmalti-global-maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community

Radio Program from Adelaide Sunday: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Monday: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 23
L a V
l e t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e

p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e S p o r t s s t a r t s h e r e

Hamrun a point away from their ninth Premiership title

Hamrun Spartans have extended their lead at the top of he league ladder to 14 points (56 to 42) from nearest challengers Gzira United and now need only one more point from their last five matches to claim their ninth Premier League Championship.

On Day 21 at the weekend, Hamrun defeated Mosta 2-1, while Gzira lost by an

Defeats for Hibernians, Ħamrun in FA Trophy

Hibernians are in danger of losing out on a place in a European competition next season following their unexpected elimination from FA Trophy by MARSAXLOKK who beat them 1-0 in their quarterfinal clash For semi-finalists Marsaxlokk this is the first time ever they have reached this stage in the club’s history

A 0-1 quarterfinal loss against BIRKIRKARA (their only defeat this season), denies Ħamrun Spartans hopes of achieving the League and Cup double.

The other semi-finalists are, GŻIRA UTD who defeated Gudja Utd on penalties 5-4, and Mosta, who thrashed the only non-Premier League team in the quarters, San Gwann, 5-0.

identical score against Valletta This resulted in the Spartans needing just draw their direct clash with Gzira this coming weekend to win the title

That would leave four teams, Gzira (42 points), Birkirkara (40) and Hibernians and Balzan (with 39 points each battling it out for the runner-up spot and places in Europe

Birkirkara dropped two important points in a 1-1 draw with third from bottom Marsaxlokk, while Hibernians and Balzan managed important victories. Hibernians defeated Gudja 4-1, while Balzan continued their promising run with a 3-1 victory


Hamrun S v Mosta

Valletta v Gzira U

Birkirkara v M’xlokk

Balzan v Floriana

Hibernians v Gudja U Sirens v Zebbug R







2-1 over Floriana

Sta Lucia v Pieta H

At the other end of the ladder Marsaxlokk improved tremendously their hopes for survival, leaving Zebbug (14 pts), Sta Lucia (11) and Pieta (5) desperate for points to stay in the Premier

Dejan Grech (Pool) won the 2022 Sportsman of the Year in Malta with 80 points ahead of Athlete Jeremy Zammit Katryna Esposito (Judo) won the Sportswoman of the Year with 93 points Runner up was Tenisha Thornton (weightlifting) with 69

Marcolini conducting full scale training camp

In view of the fosthcoming Group C Euro Qualifiers for Euro 2024 at the National Stadium against Macedonia and Italy, Michele Marcolini, who would be making his competitive debut as Malta’s national Football team coach, guided the players through a four-day mini training camp before a full scale training camp at the Ta' Qali training grounds closer to the ties

It was his first experience this close to the players It gave him the chance to meet the players and work with them rather than just watch them play

Malta will play its first two Group C qual-

ifier qualifiers later this month, the first away against North Macedonia on the 23rd at the Tose Preski Arena, and on the 26th, at the National Stadium against Italy

Meanwhile, ahead of the finals of the UEFA Under 19 Championship - Malta 2023 July 3 - 16, the biggest football event ever hosted in Malta, The MFA has launched the campaign ‘Be part of the team’ to reach out to potential volunteers to support the organisation of the event Malta will be joined by seven of the top European Under 19 national teams compete in the tournament in Malta

Mitchell Mallia forced to hang up his boots

When round 1 of the National Premier Leagues NSW Men's competition (2023 NPL NSW) kicked off recently, it was dealt a significant blow when after spending nearly five years in the 2nd tier of Australian football, Blacktown City FC winger Mitchell Mallia, a player of Maltese descent decided to hang up his boots following his struggle with a severe foot fracture injury he suffered in 2022

The 30-year-old former Australian youth international played a pivotal role in the awareness of the NPL NSW Men's competition following his time with the Marconi Stallions and, of course, Blacktown City, which saw the attacker win A-League deals with the Central Coast Mariners, Sydney FC and Perth Glory

Mallia has played for Australia at Under17 and Under-23 level,and on 7 March 2011, he was selected to represent the Australia Olympic football team in an Asian Olympic Qualifier match against Iraq

He was also eligible to play for the Malta national football team after he was granted Maltese citizenship, and in March 2018 then Malta coach Tom Saintfiet called him up to form part of a 25-strong squad for Malta’s two friendly internationals against Luxembourg and Finland, but never made an appearance

A nasty fractured foot injury last season proved to be the final blow in his continuing for the 2023 NPL NSW Men's season

“Unfortunately, I fractured my foot last season and kept playing on it. I got six injections throughout the year to get through the pain. The type/location of the fracture is very complicated – low blood supply means it struggles to heal and can start to die off

“The surgeons explained that if I were to keep playing on it, I would eventually need a bone fusion which would immobilise my ankle”

Whilst he was desperate to keep playing, he was not willing to risk being unable to kick a ball in the backyard with his kids in 10 years for a few extra years playing He said the decision was pretty much made for him

Mallia started his career as a promising young footballer at six, playing with the Patrician Brothers in Fairfield From there, he developed and played the world game for 25 years, eleven of which were in the NPL NSW Men's competition, where he debuted with the Marconi Stallions as a 17-year-old.

Mallia celebrated many victories throughout his career but cited two moments that would live long in his memory after announcing his retirement The first was his debut and first goal for Sydney FC. His second was winning the 2022 NPL NSW

Men's Championship with Blacktown City

That was his third title.

He was honoured before the 2022 NPL NSW Men's Grand Final replay

In Australia, Mallia also played for Perth Glory and Sydney FC

24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, March 7, 2023
M i tc h e l l M a l l i a i n h i s p l ay i n g d ay s
M a l t a ’s S p o r t i v i a w a r d s

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