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Indigenous fruit and vegetables now conserved in the gene bank

Malta's Plant Protection Directorate is currently busy conducting various studies and experiments, including on the production of local pistachios, on 30 species of citrus trees, bambinella pears, and Maltese apples

By the end of the year, outside works for Malta's first Genetic Bank that will serve as a national repository to conserve the variety of fruit trees and vegetables native to Malta will be concluded


The Olive Tree (iż-Żebbuġa) is the most indigenous to Malta and dates back 2,000 years Even Malta's national tree, the Għargħar, has a long history in Malta, but not as much as the Olive Tree One frequently ignores such details on the Maltese islands' trees, plants and flowers

The Plant Protection Directorate within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights ensures Malta's flora is preserved Director Denis Sciberras explained that the directorate is surrounded by gardens, greenhouses and seven laboratories, where gardeners first take strong samples from plants in danger of extinction and then grow them again

She added that it also needs to conform to the European Union and that it is essential to address specific diseases "We have more than 200 diseases, and each year we take samples, we take over 2,000 samples, and we take them to our laboratories and certify they are healthy.

The blackberry (tuta) is a tasteful fruit that has lately become scarce after being attacked by beetle species Each year, the directorate produces blackberry and mulberry trees so that they can once again populate Malta's fields

At the same time, the directorate has collected around 30 species of citrus trees to treat them gradually and render them healthy once again

*The Malta Plant Protection Directorate is a team made up of highly skilled public officers who are knowledgeable and passionate about protecting plant genetic resources against persistent and emerging threats of biotic and abiotic nature.

Its members work hand in hand with farmers, traders, researchers, other regulators and policy makers, and the general public to safeguard plants and their genetic diversity

The team is also very actively involved in new initiatives and developments that bring progress to the field of plant health and management of genetic resources for food and agriculture

A total of €15 million through the EERE financial instrument under the European Regional Development Fund has been allocated for this scheme consisting of a portfolio guarantee and a subsidy in the interest rate for ten years, which will help to offer an interest rate of 0% for those who will take a loan.

Making the announcement, Minister for Transport Aaron Farrugia said that the transport sector could be a significant contributor in favour of the ecological transition that Malta is undergoing as the sector itself is responsible for most of the emissions generated.

Therefore, Transport Malta offers up to €13,000 in financial grants to those who want to buy an electric vehicle. There are also grants for cars for commercial use and motorbikes.

He emphasised that these loans and the financial grants Transport Malta offers will stimulate those who wish to shift to electric vehicles

Minister Silvio Schembri said a better environment could make a difference in homes, workplaces, and businesses He said the Government is facilitating this change with the launch of such schemes

The scheme, regarded as the most flexible, is aimed at everyone, both large and small businesses, individuals and public entities. It is open to financing a very varied investment, including better building insulation and measures that help water conservation

The scheme is an initiative of the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, and the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands

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