The Voice of the Maltese no 117

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December 22, 2015 Even though new customs have been introduced throughout the years, particularly among Christians, no Christmas can be celebrated without the Crib, which originally meant a manger and now has come to mean a child’s bed or a tableau of Mary and Joseph gathered around Jesus in a stable.

nd a s a m t Chris Year New gs Greetin

The custom of a decorated Christmas tree has also become an attraction. (Left): A seven-metre Christmas tree made of 2000 glass baubles delicately put together by Mdina Glass at City Gate in Valletta, Malta; (Right): the world’s largest display of Christmas lights on a Christmas tree in Canberra that earned a spot in the record books (see page 11)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Message by H.E. President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca


year has passed since I sent my first message to you, as President of Malta, for Christmas and the New Year. The past year has been an eventful one for the Presidency, for Malta, for our region and indeed, for the world. On a personal note, it has been a journey of love, where I focused on the needs of people, when I was their voice and a shoulder for them to lean on. I also kept my pledge to try to bring unity among people, inspired by solidarity and social justice; a pledge that will remain unchanged till the end of my tenure. The Presidency has enjoyed a very active year, with events ranging from official commemorations to conferences and seminars, visits to schools and hospitals, and the setting up of entities. One such entity is the National Cancer Platform, which brings together all non-government organisations working with cancer patients and their families, offering support to cancer patients and their relatives at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Hospital. In April this year, I re-established the Malta Community Chest Fund as a Foundation, which provides specialised treatment for people with cancer, and other illnesses, and financial and social support to people in need. The Foundation also supports Maltese patients, who require treatment abroad, as well as their accompanying relatives. The President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society has continued with its aim to bring people together, giving them an opportunity to dialogue. With this in mind, many fora were held throughout the year bringing together people from diverse cultures, beliefs, religions and genders, where people shared their experiences and hopes for the future. At the International level, Malta hosted two important

meetings, the EU-African Summit on Migration and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. The EU-African Summit on Migration brought leaders from the European Union and North Africa round the table to discuss migration in the Mediterranean. I hope that decisions taken during this Summit will make a difference to people on the move. The CHOGM meeting was also held in Malta this year. While the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting held in 2011 in Australia focused on women as agents of change, this year Malta hosted the first ever Women’s Forum. The Women’s Forum gave recognition to the role of women in society today, as well as to the reality of their everyday lives. During the CHOGM meeting, Baroness Patricia Scotland was elected as Secretary General of the Commonwealth, the first lady to ever hold this post. The Maltese Presidency has been invited as a champion of the United Nations HeforShe campaign, which aims to put across the message that men have to be protagonists in the process of building societies that are more equitable, inclusive, just and free from violence. The many important events taking place in Malta has given our nation even more visibility as a hub for peace and dialogue. As Maltese living in Australia, you are an integral part of this and I would like you to be proud of your country’s achievements. As your President, I am proud of you and of your successes. I send my heartfelt wishes to you all for a Blessed Christmas and a year filled with health, peace and happiness.

Message from the Maltese High Commissioner, Canberra, Australia s Head of Mission in Australia diplomatic and political work. Year leaders of the and with great satisfaction, I can 2015 saw an increase in citizenship Maltese ComA say that all three offices, namely, the and passport applications. I take this munity and the Chancery in Canberra, the Consuls General in Sydney and Melbourne, including the Honorary Consuls have had a very hectic 2015. Whilst the Department of Foreign Affairs in Malta was preparing for the two main summits that Malta hosted towards the end of 2015, namely the Valletta Summit on Immigration and Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the High Commission promoted these hostings to the diplomatic corps and the local community with Ms. Gabby Sultana’s piano performance, an art exhibition, and the Cosmos Music Ensemble’s performance. The High Commission was kept very busy with the usual consular and other

opportunity to thank our Consuls General and Honorary Consuls, together with their locally engaged staff, for their cooperation and the hard work they conducted during this year. I also would like to thank my Deputy Dr. Joseph Pirotta and staff at the High Commission in Canberra for their support and cooperation. With the limited resources available I managed to visit some communities. My relations with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Diplomatic Corps have been constant, giving us the opportunity to maintain the excellent relations that exist between Malta and Australia. During this festive season, I take this opportunity to send a message to all

community at large to keep up the good work binding us together as one family and to preserve the real Maltese spirit of tolerance and respect for each other. On behalf of my wife Victoria and myself, the officers and staff of the High Commission, Consulates General and Honorary Consuls, I extend to you my wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

Charles Muscat

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Malta ekonomija b’sa˙˙itha Messa©© mill-Prim Ministru Malti, Dr. Joseph Muscat


˙al daΩ-Ωmien sen’ilu, pajjiΩna beda jimbotta miΩuri li jippremjaw il-bΩulija tal-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin. Nidejna numru kbir ta’ inizjattivi li jinçentivaw ix-xog˙ol u ˙dimna biex intejjbu l-kunçett ta’ making work pay. Illum qeg˙din f’qag˙da fejn naraw il-frott ta’ dak li Ωrajna. Se nag˙lqu l-2015 bl-inqas rata ta’ qg˙ad fl-istorja, riΩultat ta’ ekonomija li qed tikber bl-og˙la rata li qatt kienet irre©istrata mindu bdiet tin©abar l-istatistika u li qed taqbeΩ il-previΩjonijiet tal-esperti ekonomiçi. F’Malta qed titrawwem klima li fiha wie˙ed i˙ossu komdu li jΩid u jkabbar in-negozju, u fuq kollox jinvesti u jimpjega n-nies. Naf li matul din is-sena intom il-Maltin ta’ barra, fosthom fl-Awstralja, segwejtu b’interess kif Malta qamet g˙allokkaΩjoni f’avvenimenti dinjin li bihom urejna li pajjiΩna jista’ jservi b˙ala pont ta’ djalogu bejn pajjiΩi differenti dwar temi globali. Dan kien l-ikbar test li qatt ©iet sottomessa g˙aliha l-kapaçita tas-settur pubbliku u privat Malti biex jorganiΩΩa mumenti ta’ dimensjoni dinjija g˙al dabrtejn fuq xulxin. U ˙ri©na blunuri kollha u bl-akbar sens ta’ kburija nazzjonali li konvint li ˙assejtu wkoll intom li tg˙ixu ‘l bog˙od minn art twelidkom. Fil-Valletta Summit ©ibna flimkien il-mexxejja Ewropej ma’ dawk Afrikani biex, wiçç imb wiçç, jiftehmu fuq miΩuri konkreti dwar il-migrazzjoni. Hekk ©ara. Illum il-ftehim mil˙uq f’Malta huwa parti integrali mill-pro©ett tal-immigrazzjoni fuq livell internazzjonali. Fadal x’isir fuq l-implimentazzjoni iΩda m’hemmx dubbju li s-Summit ta’ pajjiΩna kien kruçjali g˙at-triq ‘il quddiem li s˙abna l-Ewropej u Afrikani rridu nimxu flimkien.

The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our readers and their fam ilies a wonderful Christ mas! May it bring you joy, happiness and every thing else you deserve. Happy Christmas Also may the New Year 2015 be one of health, happiness, wealth, wis dom, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year

L-istess fil-laqg˙a taç-CHOGM, laqqajna f’Malta mexxejja ta’ pajjiΩi minn kontinenti differenti, minn gΩejjer vulnerabbli g˙all-ikbar ekonomiji dinjin. B’deçiΩjoni konxja rsaqna ‘l bog˙od mill-a©enda tradizzjonali u, ftit jiem qabel il-konferenza f’Pari©i, tajna sehemna biex g˙aqqadna lill-pajjiΩi tal-Commonwealth f’poΩizzjoni ta’ prinçipju dwar it-tibdil fil-klima. Flimkien ma’ pajjiΩi o˙ra fosthom l-Awstralja stess, ikkommettejna ©lieda aktar effettiva kontra t-terroriΩmu u sa˙˙a˙na l-impenn tag˙na fl-eradikazzjoni ta’ marda, ilpojio, g˙at-tieni darba fl-istorja. Kienu ©img˙at li matulhom Malta dehret b’mod poΩittiv fiddawl internazzjonali. AnaliΩi xjentifika mill-kumpanija indipendenti M&CSAATCHI uriet kif, b’dawn iΩ-Ωew© avvenimenti, pajjiΩna ng˙ata viΩibilita fil-mezzi tax-xandir globali b’valur ta’ €550 miljun. F’mo˙˙ id-dinja Malta hija assoçjata mal-eççellenza. Issa ma rridux nistrie˙u, ma nistg˙ux nittraskuraw. Irrid li Malta tkun fis-sitwazzjoni fejn in-nies awtomatikament jassoçjawha mal-aqwa u l-a˙jar. Kif tajna prova lid-dinja li Malta kapaçi toffri servizz ta’ kwalita, l-aspirazzjoni tieg˙i hija li nΩommu dan il-livell g˙oli g˙al 365 ©urnata fis-sena. Inqsiha b˙ala sfida nazzjonali li rridu nibdew na˙dmu fuqha matul is-sena l-©dida. Mhux nilludu ru˙na li solvejna l-problemi kollha imma nistinkaw g˙al iktar riΩultati poΩittivi. Bl-g˙aqda li tibqa’ tiddomina bejn il-Maltin u lG˙awdxin, pajjiΩna jista jsa˙˙a˙ l-attrazzjoni tieg˙u g˙al investiment ©did u iktar opportunitajiet g˙all-Maltin u lG˙awdxin kollha. F’ismi, u f’isem il-familja tieg˙i, f’isem il-Gvern li mmexxi, lilkom il-Maltin fl-Awstralja nixtieqilkom minn qalbi l-Milied it-Tajjeb u Sena ©dida mimlija paçi, ©id u hena.

Message from the Australian Prime Minister


s we gather with family and friends this festive season, we reflect on the traditional meaning of Christmas and consider all the things for which we are grateful. In Australia our blessings are plentiful—we have our freedoms, our egalitarian society and the boundless possibilities of the years ahead. Our diversity is the backbone of this optimism, and our mutual respect is what makes us one of the most successful multicultural societies in the world. Together as Australians, we have come to acknowledge that with hard work, resilience, and creativity, our future will be bright. I send my best wishes to the readers of The Voice of the Maltese and everyone in Australia’s Maltese community for a relaxing and safe holiday and a 2016 filled with peace, happiness and love.

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP Prime Minister of Australia December 2015

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Christmas, New Year in wartime Malta I

n many ways, Christmas 1940 was the first wartime Christmas of World War II. Celebrating during heavy rationing and restrictions, while surviving heavy bombing – was a battle in itself. Just before Christmas 1940, Admiral Cunningham had fought his way to Malta aboard the battleship Warspite, escorting a small convoy carrying food and ammunition to Malta, which had not been supplied since May. In order to avoid the bombs, many families who were lucky to own a private shelter spent part of the festive period underground in their air raid shelter. Other families who had no public shelter to go to, enjoyed Christmas dinner, not around the dining table but under the dining table covered with layers of sandbags. Several Maltese families celebrated Christmas 1940 in their place of refuge in the sister island, Gozo. Rationing of food and other goods during World War II changed the social landscape in the Maltese Islands. This created a national culture of ingenuity, austerity and making-do. Christmas luxuries were especially hard to come by at a time when basic foods were scarce. People were forced to find substitutes for key festive ingredients. Housewives had to be creative, “mock” recipes included “cream” with margarine, milk and corn flour.

MALTA: Echoes from the past DorisCannataci

1939 onwards this featured a Christmas speech by King George VI. It turned out to be so popular with listeners that it became an annual ritual. In 1939 we had no Television; news was broadcast on the Radio, and few families even had one. The majority of Maltese families could however listen to the news on their (cable radio) Rediffusion set that had only broadcasting stations: Maltese (B switch) and BBC (A). In Christmas 1941, the air was heavy with sounds. Not bells ringing or children singing in the streets. It was the sound of air raid alarms that during the month of Decarols were part of wartime Christ- cember sounded 161 times. No Christmas bells could be rung and blackout mases. The BBC also broadcasted a special was the order of the day. In fact, the traditional midnight Mass Christmas Day programme. From could not be celebrated Some of the Maltese in any parish. As a speeven tried to celebrate cial concession ChristChristmas with a nativity mas Mass was crib this way in wartime celebrated on the eve at about 4.00 pm or 4.30 pm because no lights were allowed after sunset. One has to bear in mind that before the Second Vatican Council, Mass was never celebrated in the afternoon or in the evening. Although no Santa Claus, Father Christmas or Christmas tree could be seen in public places; families who were still residing in their home town or village could always enjoy their traditional crib at home to spread a bit of Christmas spirit.

The Maltese family Christmas has always been one of the joys of life. Rationing and air raids could not cancel Christmas spirit. Singing songs and

Christmas comes but once a year, and when it comes it brings good cheer! Therefore, we tried to make the best of life and greeted each other even during the blitz. Life had to go on!

*Continued on page 5

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday December 22, 2015 *from page 4 People greeted each other with “Happy Christmas”. We were brought up to say: “Christmas comes but once a year, and when it comes it brings good cheer!” Therefore, we tried to make the best of life and greeted each other even during the blitz. Life had to go on! In the war time years, Christmas dinner did not need any elaborate recipes. No Turkey, or any other fowl, cuts of meat were out of the question; no Maltese timpana to celebrate! Rations were scrimped and saved. No Christmas cake or Christmas pudding, no mince pies, no xkunvat or Qag˙aq tal-Kavatelli no other special goodies! On Christmas Day 1941 what the Victory Kitchen could provide was a thin slice of corned beef and a tablespoonful of baked beans; that was our Christmas dinner!!! New Year’s Day 1942 the German planes, Luftwaffe launched the first rocket-powered bombs on Malta. This was the beginning of intensive bombing and great devastation on the Island. I remember the only good news of the day was: that an eighteen-yearold was baptised, received Holy Communion and Confirmation, all in one day. Most probably the new convert was a foreigner! For many families, the most difficult part of a wartime Christmas would be spending the festive season apart from their loved ones. ARP (Air Raid Pre-

Clothes were ‘make do and mend’ caution) wardens, soldiers, ambulance boasted the presence of an air raid drivers, doctors and nurses were al- shelter on the premises. Special shows at reduced prices were organised for ways very busy or on call. Children’s Christmas presents when servicemen. When in the Grand Harbour condiafforded were far from gifts displayed in toy shops. Gifts were often home- tions had eased a little with the arrival made and practical, and children’s of the latest convoy, the Royal Navy toys were often made from recycled could celebrate with watery beer. materials. Cards were written on Christmas and New Year celebrations in time of war were bereft of all imporsmall pieces of flimsy paper. Clothes were: ‘make do and mend’ tant and symbolic festive ingredients. Let us pray and hope that peace will this was the norm. As far as I can remember no special concessions were reign so that everyone can enjoy a given either for Christmas or for New Holy and Happy Yuletide. Year. Happy Christmas and a British Service personnel - Army, Blessed New Year to all. Navy and Air force - when not on duty used to go dancing in various halls, or to the cinema. Likewise a large number of MalMember for Granville tese were avid cinema-goers, perhaps due to lack of entertainment. The cinema retained its popularity. To encourage people to attend, a few of the picture houses

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Charles Mifsud: Mog˙ti Ìie˙ ir-Repubblika frott 50 sena ˙idma fost il-komunita`


l-Malti-Awstraljan Charles Mifsud kien wie˙ed minn 24 persuna li fit-13 ta' Diçembru ©ew onorati f'g˙eluq il-41 sena ta' Malta Repubblika. Huwa g˙alhekk segwa mexxejja o˙ra minn fost il-komunita` Maltija fi NSW li ©ew onorati b’xi grad jew ie˙or b'Ìie˙ ir-Repubblika waqt iç-çerimonja li fiha l-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca f’isem il-Gvern u lPoplu Malti tag˙ti ©ie˙ pubbliku lil g˙add ta’ Maltin li jiddistingwu ru˙hom f’oqsma differenti tal-˙ajja. Kull sena dan l-g˙arfien isir b’˙atriet fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu jew fix-Xirka Ìie˙ ir-Repubblika, inkella, kif ing˙ata Charles Mifsud u 10 persuni/gruppi o˙ra, blg˙oti tal-Midalja g˙allQadi tar-Repubblika, tnejn minnhom wara mewthom, u ie˙or fuq baΩi onorarja. Wara li ˙a sehem fiç-çerimonja tal-investitura li saret fil-Palazz, il-Belt Valletta Charles Mifsud qal lil The Voice of the Maltese li ˙assu ferm kburi u onorat b’din lg˙otja li fissirha b˙ala g˙arfien g˙all- volontarju fost il-komunita’ ta’ NSW, ˙idma tieg˙u g˙al madwar 50 sena fis-sittinijiet u parti mis-sibg˙inijiet ifb'mod volontarju fost il-komunita` forma parti mill-kumitat tal-klabb Maltija fl-Awstralja, partikolarment fl- tal-futbol tal-Melita Eagles. Kien ukoll membru tal-Phoenician Club. istat ta’ NSW. Wara waqfa ta’ ftit tas-snin, fl-1985 Charles, li hu mizzewwe© lil Jessie nee Martin u missier ta tlett subien re©a’ da˙al jifforma parti mill-kumi(wie˙ed mejjet) ilu jg˙ix fi NSW sa tat tal-Melita b˙ala advertising and minn meta ta’ madwar 15-il sena, promotional manager. Fl-1988 beda jservi fil-kumitat talkien emigra lejn l-Awstralja flimkien Maltese Cultural Association (MCA) mal-familja, il-©enituri, u o˙tu. Huwa da˙al fid-dinja tax-xog˙ol fl- b˙ala kaxxier, u fl-1996 b˙ala presiin©inerija mekkanika u qatta’ l- dent. Beda wkoll jifforma parti milla˙˙ar 24 sena tieg˙u fid-dinja tax- Maltese Community Council (MCC) xog˙ol fis-sales u l-marketing. B˙al ta’ NSW u bejn l-1996 u l-2008 mex˙afna o˙rajn kien anke g˙amel xa mill-kariga ta’ president. Charles huwa wkoll il-president talg˙add ta’ snin fin-National Service. Wara g˙amel ˙ames snin o˙ra fuq ferg˙a Maltija tal-RSL ta’ NSW u baΩi volontarja u b˙ala part-time, fis- flimkien ma’ o˙rajn, kull sena, kif g˙andhom id-dritt jag˙mlu, jimCMF (Citizen Military Forces). Fejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-˙idma marçjaw fil-parata tal-ANZAC.

Charles f’mument kommoventi li fih ©ie ppreΩentat bil-midalja mill-President ta’ Malta, u (xellug) kburi juri l-midalji Flimkien ma’ Wilfred Redman, fl2010, kien strumentali biex ©ie mwaqqaf il-grupp soçjali mag˙ruf b˙ala s-Sutherland and St George Maltese Group li ©eneralment jiltaqa’ darba fix-xahar ˙alli jiddiskuti materji soçjali u anke jippjana ˙ar©iet ta’ interess g˙all-membri. Fil-˙idma tieg˙u fil-komunita` jifta˙ar bl-inizjattiva li permezz tag˙ha twaqqfet l-Iskola tal-Malti, fejn kien anke chairman tal-board. Imma lakbar sodisfazzjon tieg˙u kien meta fl-1996 permezz ta’ ittra lill-gvern ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien, inbdiet ˙idma biex ulied l-emigranti Maltin ukoll jibdew jing˙ataw iç-çittadinanza Maltija. Erba’ snin wara, anke jekk ta˙t amministrazzjoni differenti, il-Parlament Malti g˙adda din il-li©i, li skont Charles mhux biss gawdew minna wlied l-emigranti Maltin, imma wkoll il-pajjiΩ. Semma li kien hemm fost dawn l-ulied min anke xtara proprjeta` f’Malta u qed ji©i Malta kull sena. Meta ma jkunx qed juΩaha jikriha lill-barranin u hekk tgawdi wkoll il-kaxxa ta’ Malta g˙ax allura j˙allsu wkoll it-taxxi.. Kien pass tajjeb g˙aliex permezz t’hekk, ulied l-emigranti jistg˙u jibqg˙u jg˙oΩΩu aktar l-g˙eruq Maltin tag˙hom. Jidher li l-unur li Charles ing˙ata f’Malta, se jΩid i˙e©©u fil-˙idma tieg˙u fost il-Maltin fl-Awstralja. Wara li ftit tal-©img˙at ilu, flimkien mal-membri l-o˙ra tal-RSL onoraw lilll-Maltin li mietu (1914-1918) ji©©ieldu fil-qawwiet Awstraljani u ta’ New Zealand bi plakka kommemorattiva, issa beda ja˙dem biex l-istess Maltin, jigu mfakkra bi plakka separata fuq il-monument tal-ANZAC li hemm fil-©onna tal-Argotti l-Furjana.


The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Christmas and the people’s Traditions in Malta Compiled by JosephCutajar


hen one delves into the traditions of Christmas in Malta one has to keep in mind that Malta is predominantly Christian and most of the Maltese community tries to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church and its traditions that still stand solidly today. Christmas has always been one of the most popular, if not the most popular feasts in Malta, and traditions at this time of year take one back to the time when, as an island in the centre of the Mediterranean it was greatly influenced by neighbourly Sicily. Throughout the years many of these traditions disappeared but some still stick with us. One such was the hanging up of red damask on the inside of church walls and the placing of the statuette of Baby Jesus in the church’s side alcove close, or on the main altar. Baby Jesus was, and still is, particularly in churches, decorated with ‘©ilbiena’ (vetches). Ìilbiena (grain that is sowed some five weeks before Christmas in batches in separate pots on a bedding of cotton wool. These are left in the dark until the seeds produce white grass shoots. Once fully grown, they are used to decorate the small statuette of Baby Jesus around the crib. This tradition is still practiced today. The existence of Christmas Cribs in Malta, which was another import from Sicily that mainly consisted of statuettes or figurines (pasturi) made from clay, Our Lady, St Joseph, and Baby Jesus together with the three wise men as the main characters in a crib, dates back to the early seventeenth century when sizeable cribs used to be erected in local churches. Crib building in Malta is said to have started in the first half of the 17th century. Although no documentation could be found to prove it, it is known that as early as 1617 a crib used to be erected every Christmas at the Dominican Conventuals Church in Rabat. Maltese features began to replace Italian ones and locals themselves began to make these pasturi. A crib dating back to 1826 attributed

to the works of Fra Benedetto Papale, a Sicilian monk who lived in Malta around that time, can still be found in St Peters Monastery in Mdina. Towards the middle of the 19th century, Antonio Muscat Fenech from Qormi built a mechanical crib and opened for public viewing in his garage. The setting up of ‘il-Presepju’ soon became an eagerly awaited tradition. Family households would decorate their balconies or main outer window overlooking the streets with a small statue of Baby Jesus locally made out

of wax, or with a miniature sized crib, ‘presepju’ to hail the coming of Christ. As times changed these clay and wax figures soon became costly figurines They sell out well during the festive season amongst the Maltese. Another popular event is a children’s procession held on the eve of Christmas a few hours before midnight mass. They carry a small statue of Jesus around the town or village streets and sing Christmas carols. This was the idea of St Gorg Preca, the founder of the Catholic Doctrine Society (MUSEUM). The first procession was held 1921. A popular Maltese carol, 'ninni la tibkix izjed' (sleep and cry no more) written by Fr. Andrew Schembri (1774-1862) from Luqa for Maltese migrants in Tunisia is still most popular during Christmas gatherings, be that Christian or just social. The popularity of the Crib in Malta kept flourishing until after the Second World War, but then more ‘modern’ Christmas customs and foreign traditions started being imported into

Malta, mainly by British Servicemen who were stationed on the island. They introduced the Christmas tree, Father Christmas, and flashy ornaments and festive decorative lights that donned the main streets and furrow fairs of many localities across the island. One tradition that makes Maltese unique is the Midnight Mass. It is regarded as the most important of all the Christmas celebrations. Many families still dress up in new festive clothes to attend the mass where the highlight is the ‘Priedka Tat-Tifel’, a sermon ferven-tly delivered by a young boy or girl. This sermon takes months of preparation and is learnt by heart. After mass people greet each other with the Christmas salutations of 'Il-Milied It-Tajjeb' or 'Merry Christmas’ and bide each other for the New Year. The Maltese traditional Christmas meal brings together whole families. Traditionally, a home breed roaster ‘˙asi’, is reared purposely for Christmas, stuffed and presented along with potatoes and vegetables. Another sought after dish was ‘timpana’, (baked macaroni covered with crusty pastry). The traditional desert served at Christmas was the Treacle Ring, 'Qag˙qa tal-G˙asel', and to finish it off, a hot Chestnut and Cocoa Soup, 'Imbuljuta tal-Qastan', which was and is sometimes still served as a cozy nightcap during the cold December days in Malta. During the years when the British were stationed in Malta new ideas and recipes were introduced. They included the turkey and Christmas pudding. Along with cakes, pudding and mince pies are popular along with the panettone and many other imported delicacies from Italy and other foreign countries. Christmas is a most awaited time bychildren. From weeks ahead schools in Malta start preparing for the Christmas concert involving many children. *Continued on page 8

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Greetings to all for the festive season

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Chris Mercieca ex-Consul-General in NSW (2010-2014) writes:

lease extend my best wishes for the festive season to all the Maltese in NSW. Congratulations on the continued success of the online magazine, The Voice of the Maltese that P you and your colleagues have been distributing. It has been a very professional effort and a well-balanced publication.

Trust in politics?

George Bugeja from Bossley Park NSW writes: he Nationalist Party in Malta has released a document re “restored trust in politics”. Amongst the many suggestions and under the heading of democratic scrutiny they listed this gem: Allow Maltese citizens in other EU countries to vote in general elections in Malta through distance voting. It is clear that the NP is only interested in extending the vote in general elections to those living only in EU countries. This is not surprising knowing how obsessive their leader is with anything EU. This will definitely not restore trust neither in politics nor in the NP for the thousands of Maltese citizens living in Canada, America, NZ, Australia and all those countries, not part of the biggest bureaucracy the world has ever known. Malta must never put a distractive wedge between its citizens irrespective of where they reside. I challenge the PN to come clean on this matter and explain to to us, not residing within the parameters of the EU why we are of lesser value.


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

Konslijiet fantaΩma Vince Borg, minn Brisbane Qld. jikteb: ont qrajt fuq The Voice of the Maltese li kien hemm ˙sieb li se jsir xi taqlib fejn jid˙lu l-Konsli Onorarji Maltin fl-Awstralja. Kien hawn ˙afna diçeriji li se jin˙atru Konslijiet Onorarji fi Brisbane, Western Australia u bnadi o˙ra. Veru li l-maggoranza tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja ftit jafu fejn huma, kif jikkuntajawhom, eçç, g˙ax ftit ji©u ppublikati dettalji dwar fejn huma. G˙andna ge©wi©ija ta’ Konslijiet Onorarji fejn m’hemmx posthom imbag˙ad f’postijiet o˙ra hemm vojt. L-Awstralja hija pajjiΩ kbir u allura jin˙tie©u aktar ghajnuna minn f’pajjiΩi o˙ra fejn hemm emigranti Maltin. Mhix biss perçezzjoni li l-Maltin ftit li xejn huma moqdija jew jafu dwar x’g˙andhom jag˙mlu. Meta se jsir xi ˙a©a g˙ax donnu li veru li lilna tal-Awstralja anke dan il-Gvern insina.


Christmas Traditions *from page 7 The concerts mainly consist of Christmas Carols, Nativity plays, pantomimes and poetry recitals. Children, teachers and parents all enjoy this merriment involving the kids. Christmas parties, mainly catered for by the parents and shared by everyone in the class are also held in each class. It is also the time for giving and gifts are exchanged between families and friends. The day after Christmas in Malta, is reserved for the Community Chest Fund, a charity foundation organised by the office of the President that collects funds in order to distribute and help alleviate the financial burdens of those needing medical care particularly cancer victims (but not only) who specialised treatment abroad. Yes, Christmas in Malta IS SPECIAL!

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday December 22, 2015

They will be missed! uring the past few weeks the Maltese community in D NSW has lost three more prominent members. We remember with sadness the death of: Joe Cordina who died on December 1. Cordina

Farms staff lined Mandoon Road Girraween NSW to farewell the much-loved entrepreneur. During the great depression of 1930 Joe’s father Rosario established a small farm, and in 1945, Joe established Cordina Farms (Cordina Chickens) in Girraween, that became one of the top 100 family-owned firms in Australia. In time he became known as one of the father of the Australian poultry industry, and Cordina Chickens employed thousands of Maltese workers. His business,

now run by granddaughter Louise is in its fourth generation. Joe Cordina was alsowell regarded in the harness racing industry as a breeder and race sponsor. He is survived by Tess, his wife of 67 years, four children and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Charles Orland (below) from Greystanes NSW born in Zejtun, Malta, died at age 91 on December 12. He arrived Australia accompanied by his wife Agnes in 1954. Both were very active in the Maltese community. Charles was treasurer of La Valette Social Centre and member of the building subcommitte. He Emanuel Mifsud (above) from Blacktown NSW died on November 30. He was born in Naxxar 79 years ago. Husband of Mary and devoted father of Josephine and John and nannu to his grandchildren. Emanuel was very involved with our Lady Queen of Peace Band, the choir of La Valette SC and member of the Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco. In 2006 Emanuel and his wife Mary received the Quite Achievers Award.

was also a committee member of the Ghaqda Kulturali and participated in various choirs. Charles, loving husband of Agnes (dec) and father of Joseph, Mary (dec), Charles Jnr and Margaret. - was regarded as an artistic genius in fretwork and stone carving and in 1992 he won first prize in fretwork at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. He also received the Quiet Achievers Award in 2001.


10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday December 22, 2015 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs

kitba ta’


Il-Ftehim ta' Pari©i dwar it-Tibdil tal-Klima F

it-12 ta' Diçembru li g˙adda t˙abbar li ntla˙aq ftehim importanti bejn il-pajjiΩi tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda fuq x'g˙andu jsir dwar ittibdil tal-klima kkawΩat minn sorsi antropo©eniçi (ji©ifieri ©ejjin millbniedem).1 Dan il-ftehim g˙andu dawn il-karatteristiçi ewlenin: * li l-pajjiΩi jiddeterminaw ilmiri tag˙hom infushom dwar kemm lesti jnaqqsu mir-rimi ta' gassijiet li jikkontribwixxu g˙attibdil tal-klima; * iridu jirrappurtaw kemm dawn il-miri qed nitla˙qu b'mod trasparenti, g˙alkemm m'hemmx sanzjonijiet jekk dawn ma jintla˙qux; * il-miri jridu ji©u riveduti kull ˙ames snin, bl-iskop li l-ambizzjoni tag˙hom tiΩdied; * il-pajjiΩi Ωviluppati jikkontribwixxu $100 biljun fis-sena biex jg˙inu l-pajjiΩi mhux Ωviluppati, li ˙afna drabi huma dawk li l-iktar se j˙ossu l-effetti tat-tibdil fil-klima; * li l-Ωieda fit-temperatura sal-a˙˙ar ta' dan is-seklu (2100) g˙andha tkun limitata g˙al ˙afna inqas minn 2C (Ωew© gradi Çentigradi), g˙ax din iΩ-Ωieda hija kkunsidrata riskjuΩa wisq u li tista' twassal g˙al pajjiΩi baxxi jisparixxu ta˙t il-mew©, u li jippruvaw jil˙qu l-mira ta' 1.5C. Huwa aççettat li l-miri ppubblikati s'issa mill-pajjiΩi, mhumiex se jwasslu g˙al Ωieda fit-temperatura ta' 2C, a˙seb u ara ta' 1.5C. G˙alhekk kien hemm id-deçiΩjoni li l-miri ta' kull pajjiΩ g˙andhom ji©u riveduti kull ˙ames snin. Dan bla dubju se jwassal g˙al pressjoni fuq kull pajjiΩ biex iΩid l-ambizzjoni tieg˙u. Huwa aççettat ukoll li l-pajjiΩi mhumiex legalment marbutin li jil˙qu l-miri tag˙hom, g˙alkemm huma legalment marbutin li jkollhom mira. Madankollu, huwa ma˙sub li se jkun hemm biΩΩejjed skrutinju minn pajjiΩi o˙ra li ma jippermettix lil xi pajjiΩ jit˙ajjar sempliçement jg˙id ˙a©a u jag˙mel o˙ra. B˙ala çittadin Awstraljan, kien ta' pjaçir ninnota lill-pajjiΩ adottiv tieg˙i jing˙aqad ma' grupp ta' 100 pajjiΩ ie˙or, hekk imsejja˙ 'Koalizzjoni tal-Ambizzjoni' g˙ax kienu qed jirreΩistu li l-ftehim ikun inqas ambizzjuΩ milli seta' kien. Din il-˙a©a x’aktarx ma kinetx isse˙˙ li kieku l-Prim Ministru Awstraljan kien g˙adu Tony Abbott. Rajt ukoll li l-Kanada wkoll ing˙aqdet ma' dan il-grupp, anke din x’aktarx ma kinetx isse˙˙ li kieku l-Prim Ministru ma nbidilx.2 Tassew, fil-qasam tal-politika Awstraljana fuq it-tibdil tal-klima, se˙˙et bidla s˙i˙a malli sar Prim Ministru Malcolm Turnbull. Ta˙t Tony Abbott, il-gvern kien dejjem jg˙id li qed jie˙u passi sinjifikanti u responsabbli fil-©lieda kontra t-tibdil tal-klima, filwaqt li g˙amel minn kollox biex jag˙mel il-bsaten fir-roti lill-industrija l-©dida tal-ener©ija sostenibbli. Ta˙t Malcolm Turnbull l-oppost qed ji©ri. Il-gvern qieg˙ed

Christiana Figueres, il-kap tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda dwar il-bdil fil-klima, is-Segretarju Ìenerali tal-UN Ban Ki-Moon, il-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin FrançiΩ Laurent Fabius u l-President FrançiΩ François Hollande jifir˙u g˙ad-deçiΩjoni f’Pari©i bil-kwiet ine˙˙i dawn il-bsaten fir-roti wa˙da wa˙da u ming˙ajr ˙afna daqq ta' trombi, filwaqt li jg˙id li mhu qed jibdel ftit li xejn mill-politika tal-gvern ta' qablu. Milli nista' nifhem, qed jag˙mel dan tal-a˙˙ar biex iΩomm mag˙quda lkoalizzjoni Liberali-Nazzjonali li tinkludi fiha diversi membri xettiçi dwar it-tibdil tal-klima. Paradossalment, aktar ma' Turnbull jikkonvinçi lil ta' madwaru li fil-prattika mhu qed jinbidel ftit li xejn, aktar jesponi ru˙u g˙all-attakki tal-Partit Laburista, li dan li jridu jisimg˙u ˙alli jpin©u lil Turnbull b˙ala xejn differenti minn Abbott. Irrid ng˙id li l-Partit Laburista Federali g˙andu bΩonn kwalunkwe munizzjon, g˙ax s'issa jidher li, jekk il-popolarita` ta' Turnbull tibqa’ mhux mittiefsa kif inhi issa,3 fl-elezzjoni tassena d-die˙la l-Partit Laburista qed i˙ares lejn disfatta kbira. L-a˙˙ar kelma dwar il-ftehim ta' Pari©i - b˙ala wie˙ed li jemmen li g˙andna n˙allu lid-dinja a˙jar milli sibniha g˙al uliedna u wlied uliedna, ma nistax ˙lief nifra˙ li ntla˙aq dan il-ftehim, li però jista' jkun biss il-bidu ta' ˙idma sfiqa li hemm bΩonn issir mad-dinja kollha. Fil-fatt, baqa' ˙afna ftehimiet o˙rajn li jridu jintla˙qu fil-futur, biex il-bniedem u n-natura jevitaw l-konsegwenzi l-aktar serji ta' ˙ruq bla raΩan ta' sorsi ffossilizzati tal-ener©ija u ta' foresti antiki. Pass wara pass! Referenzi

1. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; Conference of the Parties, 21st Session FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1, 12 December 2015 2., retrieved 14/12/2015 3., retrieved 14/12/2015

Tuesday December 22, 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 11


n Australian from Canberra, David Richards – known locally as ‘Christmas Lights Man’ - has orchestrated the world’s largest display of Christmas lights on an artificial 22-mtre tree with 518,838 individual lights to earn himself a spot in the record books. The display, that is programmed to music and changes colour, was officially switched in the evening of Friday November 27 in the presence of jolly locals and an official Guinness World Records Adjudicator who was on hand to confirm the new world record. The Christmas tree that was refurbished with 1.6 kilometres of fake green fir from China and dressed with giant baubles and flashing presents, is decorated with baubles, flashing presents and is topped by a 1.5-metre star containing 12,000 bulbs. Under the leadership of Richards a display of this kind was no overnight

David Richards (third from left) with his family and SIDS and Kids ACT CEO Lisa Ridgley (third right)

Largest display of Christmas lights on an artificial tree is in Canberra

job. It is an enormous undertaking involving architects, electrical and civil engineers, designers, and an army of SIDS and Kids ACT volunteers. The number of lights, 518,838, was more than enough to beat the previous record of 374,280 by Universal Studios Japan in Osaka a month earlier, in October, on a 36-metre tall artificial tree. Universal Studios had in fact won the record for hanging 364,200 bulbs on a tree for five consecutive years. The display also included an ice castle, night markets and a 73-metre tunnel of lights showcasing the 12 days of Christmas. David Richards, a father of three is no stranger to Christmas related records. He previously set the Guinness World Records titles for the “Largest image made of LED lights” and “Most Christmas lights on a residential property”. He and his wife Janean sadly lost their son aged just one month old in 2002 and have been fond supporters of the Canberra-based charity SIDS and Kids ACT that is dedicated to eliminating sudden and unexpected death in children from conception onwards and providing programs and services. They have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through various fundraisers and his record attempts are key to helping conjure up local support for the charity and much needed funds. “For a little charity to come out of nowhere and beat the previous record is extraordinary - Canberra has taken the world record away from a major theme park in Japan! This has been an enormous undertaking involving architects, electrical and civil engineers, designers, and an army of SIDS and Kids ACT volunteers all donating their time and goods and services,” says Richards. He went on to say that ever since their tragic loss in 2002, SIDS and Kids ACT had been an organisation close to their hearts. “We want to support them so they can continue to provide bereavement services to Canberra and the surrounding community.” David Richards said the project was a labour of love, but juggling the set-up along with work commitments this year had proved a challenge.

"Silly things like, I was on top of the merry-goround in a hard hat and high-vies, and I've forgotten about a court appearance and had be in court... it was very unnerving because I don't like being late for anything," he said. He said he was keen to keep the event running in future years, but he hoped to take a step back from managing it. "It's got too big, and now it's a project that should be sustainable... it needs a project manager. A bit like Floriade has a small team of people looking after it," he said. David and his wife have already raised more than $600,000 for the charity over the years. They are hoping this year's display will raise a further $350,000. SIDS and Kids ACT chief executive Lisa Ridgley said that their organisation was truly grateful for all David does. “We’ve been working on this since January; it’s been fantastic watching it all come together. Christmas Lights in the City would not have been possible without the contribution from David, local businesses and the Canberra community. It is an incredible way to she said. Lisa. Christmas Lights in the City is SIDS and Kids ACT's biggest fundraiser of the year. Last year it broke the world record for the largest LED display and raised more than $200,000. Meanwhile, a delighted Guinness World Records Editor in-Chief, Craig Glenday, said: “Everyone here at Guinness World Records looks forward to this time of year like most and David Richards continues to amaze us with his incredible Christmas displays. This is an amazing new record and it’s no mean feat decorating a tree with over 500,000 lights - do bear a thought too for our adjudicator who had to count each and every light!” The lights will remain up until New Year's Eve.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

“Malta’s vocation as an oasis of peace is not merely a set of metaphors”


ddressing the nation on the occasion of the 41st Anniversary of Republic Day investiture ceremony, President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca said that the conflicts and recent acts of terrorism lead one to understand even more clearly that Malta’s vocation, as a nation that cherishes and treasures peace, “should go on determining the work that we do for our people, for the nations around us, and for the whole of humanity.” She went on to say that on the other hand, “our own safety and security should remain important priorities, high on our national agenda, ” and appealed to the political leaders, and to all the people of Malta, to unite and not waste time in unnecessary bickering, that divides them, and which make them susceptible when faced by events and situations that require our resilience. The President outlined a number of other themes affecting the Maltese society, and spoke about the need for a change in the behaviour of politicians. The President also reflected on a number of themes that have dominated this year, which has been an eventful one with its fair share of experiences that were completely unexpected and that closely affect us as a nation. Some of them, she said, “gave us great satisfaction,” but others “saddened us”. “It has truly been a year filled with a kaleidoscope of events. These twelve months have seen us, as a people strive through the highs and lows of everyday life. “While the main platform for our actions has been our country, the two international events held here in the past weeks have reminded us, that our vocation as an oasis of peace, and as an intercultural bridge in the centre of the Mediterranean, is not merely a set of metaphors expressed exclusively within the local context.” She said that there was an urgent need for politics to recover its prestige as during the year there had been instances when the country’s highest institution had been further eroded. She confessed that working closely with thousands of people of goodwill, gave her great satisfaction. “It has provided me with the courage to go on with my ambitious programme aimed at bringing together diverse groups of people working in areas ranging from research, conferences and speeches to community work, philanthropy, and projects aimed at promoting solidarity and empowerment. “For me, this year has been a journey of love that focused on what is essential in life, rather than on what is frivolous and superficial.” She said the Maltese people themselves had persuaded her, through their own words and experiences, that the Presidency should be much more than parades, laying of bouquets and wreaths, and ceremonial speeches. About equality, the President said that European indicators show that Maltese women are still to be found at the periphery in areas of important decision-making. “We need to ad-

dress this social injustice and this democratic deficit with more energy and more haste.” On education, she appealed to adults to give heed to the upcoming generation. The President said that in Malta, almost six percent of the gross domestic product is spent on education, yet in spite of the many efforts, throughout the years, the results in education do not yet reflect the efforts and financial investment of both past and present years. Acknowledging the “outstanding work being done, by thousands of workers in this field, she said that there are still too many children, young people and adults who do not view education and training as an integral part of life. She appealed to all those who work in the social field to make assertive and holistic efforts, together with schools, with families and

with the community, to break the intergenerational cycles of dependence, apathy towards life, fatalism, inferiority complex and low aspirations. When it comes to children and young people, the President said they have a right, and need to be heard, and that it is our duty to listen to them, to examine carefully what they say and to act accordingly. She stressed the need for the country to develop the necessary structures to give this right to the children and young people, not occasionally, but regularly, as part of the decision-making process. As for poverty, the President said that this was still knocking at the door of Maltese society, and therefore appealed for tools to be developed for the measurement of social wealth.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta Karl Curmi of Foreign nationals account for Ten-year-old Victoria who was awarded the Midalja ghall-Qlubija by 5.9% of Malta’s population the President for rescuing a 20-month-old baby who


tatistic issued by Eurostat on International Migrants’ Day shows that at the last count, on January 1, 2014, foreign nationals accounted for 5.9% of the total population of Malta, which at the time numbered 425,384. Most of them, 54%, came from EU countries. African migrants living on the island formed one of the smallest communities, just 2.7%. According to statistics, the largest part of Malta’s foreign community of residents, over 6,600, were British nationals. There were also 1,000 Somalis – who in the main enjoy international protection under the Geneva Convention and Maltese laws. Other main foreign communities in Malta are Italian, Bulgarian, and German. Resident population in Malta, by broad group of citizenship as on January 1, 2014 shows that the total resident population was 425,384. There were 94.1% nationals, and 5.9% foreign citizens (of which 3.2% were EU nationals, and 2.7% non-EU nationals). The latest data showed that overall, total EU population stood at 506.8 million residents, 31.4 million of which were foreign citizens, 19.8 million being non-EU citizens. Luxembourg had the highest proportion of foreign citizens in the EU, 45.3%, where almost half of the population did not have Luxembourgish citizenship. The largest migrant population was made up of Italian

and Portuguese. Seven EU countries registered shares above 10%. They were, Cyprus (19.5%), Latvia (15.2%), Estonia (14.9%), Austria (12.5%), Ireland (11.8%), Belgium (11.3%) and Spain (10.1%). Those with the lowest foreign population, below 1%, were Poland (0.3%), Romania (0.4%), Croatia, Lithuania and Bulgaria (0.8%). In total, at the time under review, foreign citizens made up 6.7% of the resident population of the EU Member States. In 13 states, there were clearly more non-EU citizens than EU citizens in the foreign population, while in ten the situation was more balanced, with between 40% and 60% of both non-EU and EU citizens. Belgium, Ireland, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Slovakia were the only five member states where there were clearly fewer citizens of non-EU countries than citizens of another member state. The same statistic shows that diversity prevails with around 50 different nationalities among the top five in EU Member States. For EU citizens residing in another Member State, Polish citizens were registered among the five main citizenships of foreigners in 10 Member States, Germans in nine and Italians and Romanians in eight each. For non-EU citizens, Ukrainians were among the five main citizenships of foreigners in nine Member States, Turks and Russians in 7 each.

2015 Excellent year for tourism

survey carried out by the Malta Hotels and Restaurants A Association (MHRA) once again has shown that 2015 was an excellent year for the tourism industry in Malta. The fact was emphasised by the association’s president Tony Zahra at the presentation of the third-quarter statistics on hotel accommodation by BOV and Deloitte. During the discussion that followed the presentation, he insisted however, that unlicensed accommodation was on the increase. He also insisted that the excellent results - the fifth year in a row to blast record arrivals - are the fruit of continuous close cooperation between all stakeholders. He added it was remarkable under any circumstances but more so given the turmoil being experienced in the region. He augured the trend would continue into 2016. Speakers noted that the effort of the tourism industry to market the destination in the low season has contributed to a higher growth in occupancy.

was drowning at Il-Menqa in Marsalform in July.

Maltese entrepreneur invests in two projects worth €53m


X Holdings is investing €53 million in two projects that are intended to serve the nation in two very important sectors. The first is a retirement village, Hilltop Gardens that was completed in 18 months at a cost of €43 million that and has just been inaugurated by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in Naxxar. The other is a €10 million investment in an underwater tunnel in the sea beneath Valletta that would connect the Sliema waterfront and Cottonera by boat. Hilltop Gardens, a state of the art retirement village, comprises 133 luxurious apartments and penthouses, spread over 17,000 square metres was inaugurated by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. The complex that has been built on a site previously occupied by a derelict concrete factory is also equipped with a vast range of amenities that include a spa, fitness centre, library, chapel, games room, indoor and outdoor pools, a convenience store, bar and restaurant, and a children’s recreation centre. AX Holdings chairman and CEO Angelo Xuereb said that the facility would house people of a certain age who could live independently, but under constant supervision. At the inauguration, the Prime Minister welcomed the investment from the private sector but noted that the government was also bound to provide facilities for those who could not afford to be admitted to private homes. At the presentation of his other project, Mr Xuereb said that as a result of concessions of public land which he is being given by government and with the assistance of AIG experts, his company has joined forces with the company currently operating the ferry service between Sliema and Marsamxett in Valletta and is projecting that carrying some 1.5 million passengers in the first three years. He said he hoped the project would be ready by June 2017. The entrances to the tunnels would be close to the landing stage of the existing service near the Valletta waterpolo pitch and near Ta’ Liese close to the Upper Barracca. When completed, the trip between Sliema and Cottonera is projected to take around 18 minutes.

SUNNY’S CONFECTIONERY The Maltese Confectionery Specialist

Wishes its clients a

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14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

G˙andha mitt ra©un L

aqatni dan ilpassa©© mill-messa©© tal-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca fl-okkaΩjoni ta’ Jum ir-Reppublika: “Sikwit nisimg˙u lg˙ajta li fl-g˙aqda hemm is-sa˙˙a. Ma nistg˙ux nibnu flimkien Repubblika b’sa˙˙itha jekk, b˙ala çittadini, ma nirrikonoxxux li l-vjolenza verbali f’pajjiΩna qieg˙da Il-President ta’ Malta tispezjona l-gwardja tal-unur dejjem tiΩdied. Meta waqt iç-çelebrazzjonijiet ta’ Jum ir-Repubblika g˙amilna l-mikrofonu u linternet aktar aççessibbli, ˙sibna li d-demokrazija kienet se tissa˙˙a˙. “ Jidher çar iΩda, li d-defiçit edukattiv fl-uΩu etiku tal-mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni soçjali qieg˙ed iwassalna biex inkissru aktar milli nibnu din is-soçjetà. “ B’umiltà nistaqsi jekk wasalniex f’punt li t-tg˙ajjir u l-aggressjoni verbali sarux tant normalizzati li ma nafux ˙ajja different ming˙ajrhom. Jekk is-suspett tieg˙i huwa fatt, nibda nifhem g˙alfejn g˙add ta’ nies validi qeg˙din ja˙arbu l-˙ajja pubblika. “Nifhem li ftit huma dawk li lesti ji©u mg˙ajra g˙al dak kollu li jag˙mlu u jistqarru. Sadanittant, se tkun ir-Repubblika tag˙na li se t˙allas bl-img˙ax g˙ad-deterjorament inkwetanti fil-mod kif nitkellmu ma’ xulxin.” Min jaqra l-©urnali Maltin, l-aktar minn fuq l-Internett u jsegwi l-kummenti li jkun hemm, Ωgur jag˙ti ra©un lill-President ta’ Malta. Il-mod baxx li fih jaqg˙u çerti kummentaturi g˙andu j˙ammar wiçç min jag˙milhom. Id-drawwa ta’ x’u˙ud li minflok ma jattakkaw u jikkritikaw il-kumment li jsir, jispiççaw biex jattakkaw personalment lil min jiktibhom jistg˙u jitqiesu b˙ala vjolenza verbali. U dan mhux limitat biss g˙all-midja miktuba iΩda anke kultant g˙ar-radju u t-televiΩjoni,u aktar u aktar fuq il-midja soçjali. Na˙seb li wasal iΩ-Ωmien li nedukaw aktar lill-poplu kif jista’ jiddiskuti, kif jista’ jargumenta ming˙ajr ma naqg˙u fil-baxx. Forsi l-ewwel pass biex isir dan irid isir millmidja nnifisha billi, filwaqt li t˙alli l-liberta` tal-klema, tiΩgura li çerti kummenti ma jsirux. Nemmen li dan jista’ jsir speçjalment fejn jid˙lu kummenti li qed jidhru fuq il-gazetti eletronnçi. Na˙seb g˙alhekk li wasal iΩ-Ωmien li min imexxi l-©urnali eletroniçi jkun aktar sensittiv u jiççensura çerti kitbiet ta’ livell baxx, ta’ tg˙ajjir u allegazzjonijiet bla baΩi. Fuq kollox xi ©urnali di©a` jiççensuraw kitbiet li ma jaqblux mal-linja editorjali tag˙hom. (Aktar dwar dak li qalet il-President fl-indirizz tag˙ha f’pa©na 12)

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Il-popolarita` tal-Imdina

˙alkemm belt tassew Ωg˙ira meta G mqabbla ma’ bliet o˙ra tad-dinja, jew fl-Ewropa, imma l-belt il-qadima ta’ Malta, l-Imdina hija post tassew popolari mat-turisti. Fil-fatt ma jg˙addix jimqar jum wie˙ed li ma tarax g˙add kbir ta’ turisti g˙addejjin mal-ftit toroq dojoq li hemm f’din il-belt storika jammiraw il-palazzi f’kull triq. Hija belt li mimlija storja ma’ kull fejn timxi u kul˙add jie˙u interess iΩurha. Kemm hi tassew popolari din il-Belt jidher mill-fatt li matul is-sena li g˙addiet madwar 1.7miljun persuna mxew mattoroq ta’ din il-lokalita` jammiraw post li jaf il-bidu tieg˙u lill-era G˙arbija f’Malta.

“Mhux se jag˙lquli ˙alqi!!”

aqt il-programm Times Talk li jitmexxa W minn Ωew© ©urnalisti tal-gazzetta’ The Times ta’ Malta, fuq it-televiΩjoni (TVM), lArçisqof Mons Charles Scicluna qal:“I will not shut up. I will not keep my mouth shut as a result of these intimidations… “I will not be confined to the sacristy,” Sintendi, dawn il-fraΩijiet qajmu polemika s˙i˙a fil-midja Maltija. L-ewwelnet kien hemm min staqsa: “Min irid jag˙laq ˙alq l-Arçisqof?” Ûgur li fiΩΩminijiet tal-lum m’hemmx xi Awtorita’ li se tipprova tag˙laqlu ˙alqu. IΩda jidher li Mons Scicluna kien qed jirreferi g˙al çerta kritika li dehret fil-midja lokali meta tkellem dwar çerti materji li b’xi mod kien hemm rabta’ politika mag˙hom. B˙al, per eΩempju, meta g˙amel tweet dwar il-bini tal-Universita` Amerikana f’Wied ilG˙ajn. Jew meta, waqt li kien qed jindirizza lill-istudenti li ggradwaw, ikkummenta dwar ix-xog˙ol fuq id-dwal fuq il-faççata ta’ Kastilja. Kienu kummenti li sa wasslu lilleks-kandidat Nazzjonalista, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, jfisser lill-Arçisqof b˙ala viçi-kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. L-Arçisqof stqarr çar u tond li dawn l-intimidazzjonijiet ma kienux se jag˙lqulu ˙alqu. Kien hemm min insista li fid-diskorsi tieg˙u l-Arçisqof kellu jillimita’ ru˙u g˙al dak li kellu x’jaqsam mar-reli©jon, mal-Knisja u lkleru. IΩda hu ma qabilx ma’ dawn, g˙alhekk stqarr li hu ma kienx lest li jibqa’ fis-sagristija, iΩda li jrid juri l-fehma tieg˙u dwar ˙wejje© li jeffetwaw lill-poplu. Naqbel li g˙andu kull dritt juri fehmtu mhux biss g˙ax hu wkoll çittadin Malti u b˙al kull çittadin g˙andu l-jedd g˙al-liberta` tal-kelma, iΩda wkoll g˙ax hu mexxej talakbar “g˙aqda” li g˙andna fil-gΩejjer tag˙na u b˙ala tali g˙andu d-dritt u d-dmir li “jindokra l-mer˙la tieg˙u.” Biss dan id-dritt ipo©©i lill-Arçisqof f’poΩizzjoni diffiçli aktar u aktar meta g˙ad hawn g˙add konsiderevoli ta’ r©iel u nisa li g˙adhom jiftakru sew is-sittinijiet – snin ta’ nkwiet serju politiku reli©juΩ – snin fejn ˙afna ˙assew li çerti membri tal-Knisja lokali nda˙˙lu wisq fil-politika. Din l-Arçisqof jafha sew tant li f’din iddiskussjoni qal çar u tond li hu ma riedx li jer©a jmur g˙al dawk iΩ-Ωminijiet, anzi nsista li huma dawk li jikkritkawh, billi jsemmu ssnin sittin, li fil-fatt jridu jie˙du l-pajjiΩ lejn dawk iΩ-Ωminijiet. Mons Scicluna nsista li dawk il-kummenti, li xi w˙ud iqisuhom ‘politiçi’ jag˙milhom g˙all-©id kommuni. Nemmen li dan huwa veru, iΩda sfortunatament dawn il-kummenti qed jintuΩaw minn partit politiku biex jikkritika l-partit l-ie˙or u huwa hawnhekk li mbag˙ad il-kummenti tal-Arçisqof jibdew jitqiesu minn xi w˙ud b˙ala nd˙il politiku.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2


Tassew morna tajjeb!

-organizzar ta’ konferenzi internazzjonali jiswew il-flus u kultant idd˙ul dirett minn dawn il-konferenzi ma jikkomparax man-nefqa li tkun saret. IΩ-Ωew© konferenzi li Malta organizzat xi ©img˙at ilu – il-Valletta Summit u dik taç-CHOGM – swew lill-kaxxa ta’ Malta bejn 10 u 12-il miljun Ewro. Minkejja li g˙add konsiderevoli ta’ nies, fosthom ©urnalisti, ©ew Malta matul dawk iΩ-Ωew© konferenzi, Ωgur li dawn ma ˙allewx warajhom dawk il-flus kollha li ntefqu. Biss xorta wa˙da Malta marret tajjeb ˙afna min˙abba li barra d˙ul dirett hemm ukoll d˙ul indirett. Rapport tal-kumpanija, mag˙rufa internazzjonalment, M&C Saatchi temmen li permezz ta’ dawn iΩ-Ωew© konferenzi Malta ng˙atat pubbliçit` tant kbira li kieku l-Gvern kellu j˙allas g˙aliha kienet ti©ih madwar €550 miljun. Il-kumpanija evalwat kull rapport, inkluΩi dawk ta’ kritika, li xxandru onlajn bejn l-1 ta’ Novembru u s-6 ta’ Diçembru li

g˙addew fejn issemma xi wie˙ed mis-summits. IbbaΩat fuq il-popolarità tal-midja li ppubblikatu - g˙add totali ta’ 19,341 rapport - kellhom il-potenzjal li jil˙qu udjenza ta’ 45.8 biljun “persuna”. L-isem ta’ Malta gawda attenzjoni b’valur akbar meta l-avvenimenti ©ew irrappurtati fuq mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni b’sa˙˙ithom b˙all-gazzetta popolari IngliΩa The Guardian, Sky News u l-BBC World fir-Renju Unit u n-New York Times u sSun Herald fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika sar-RAI fl-Italja u l-ABC fl-Awstralja, fost ˙afna o˙rajn mifruxin mal-erbat irkejjen talglobu. Fost dawn kien hemm ukoll pajjiΩi li l-awtoritajiet Maltin qatt ma jo˙olmu li jirreklamaw fihom biex i˙ajjru t-turisti ji©u hawn, b˙all-Indja, il-Malasja, il-Pakistan, Sri Lanka u n-Ni©erja.

Niffrankaw u Nissa˙˙u

kont rapport ta’ Dr George S Debono g˙at-Today Public Policy Institute jekk il-Maltin jibdlu l-istil ta' ˙ajja li jg˙ixu u jibdew jag˙mlu aktar eΩerçizzju fiΩiku filwaqt li jaddottaw dieta tajba g˙as-sa˙˙a, is-servizz tassa˙˙a f'pajjiΩna jista' jiffranka bejn €40 miljun u €60 miljun fissena, €30 miljun minnhom fir-rigward tad-dimensja. Sintendi jekk jiffranka l-pajjiΩ niffrankaw a˙na wkoll g˙ax ittaxxi n˙allsuhom a˙na, minbarra sintendi li niffrankaw ukoll çerti spejjeΩ li nonfqu fuq is-sa˙˙a, g˙ax mhux dejjem nirrikorru g˙as-servizzi tas-sa˙˙a pprovduti b’xejn, u mmorru fil-privat. Ir-rapport isemmi li l-ispiΩa tassettur tas-sa˙˙a g˙all-kura tad-dijabete f'pajjiΩna hija ta' €65m. fis-sena. L-ispiΩa annwali g˙al problemi relatati mal-˙xuna fl-

2008 kienet ta' €19.5m. iΩda sassena 2020 jekk ma tittie˙ed l-ebda azzjoni, din mistennija titla' g˙al bejn €27m. u €35m. L-ispiΩa annwali dwar id-dimensja hija ta' bejn €63-€96 miljun fis-sena. Óafna minn dan il-mard relatat mal-fatt li l-Maltin huma “fost laktar nies ˙oxnin, g˙aΩΩenin u dipendenti fuq il-karozzi”. Li kien g˙ar-rapport, l-Awtoritajiet g˙andhom jag˙mlu l-almu tag˙hom biex inaqqsu l-uΩu talkarozzi u jimitaw pajjiΩi o˙ra fejn qed jittie˙du miΩuri li jinkora©©ixxu li jsir inqas uΩu ta' karozzi, minflok li jkomplu j˙e©©u l-uΩu akbar tal-karozzi b'miΩuri b˙all˙olqien ta' aktar parke©©i. Sintendi dan ikun jaqbel ukoll biex it-traffiku jimxi a˙jar. Min se jikkonvinçi lill-Maltin ma juΩawx il-karozza privata u minflok juΩaw aktar saqajhom?


’inix ng˙id g˙all-maratona ta’ ©bir ta’ fondi. Dawk saru M miΩ-Ωew© partiti politiçi u kienu ta’ suççess kbir (sintendi g˙aΩ-Ωew© partiti) billi fi ftit sieg˙at irnexxielhom bejniethom

ji©bru aktar minn miljun Ewro. Din id-darba l-Partit Laburista mar a˙jar minn dak Nazzjonalista billi ©abar ftit aktar minn €560,000. Dak Nazzjonalista ©abar ftit aktar minn €510,000. Qed nirreferi g˙al maratona o˙ra, li did-darba da˙lu g˙aliha d-deputati Laburisti u Nazzjonalisti, u indipendenti (li issa g˙andna tnejn) – maratona ta’ sieg˙at ta’ tlablib u diskussjoni dwar l-imbierka hekk imsejj˙a Universita` Amerikana. G˙ax id-diskussjoni fil-Parlament fuq l-g˙oti b’çens ta’ parti mill-eks-Tarzna f’Bormla u parti mill-art fil-ponta taΩ-Ûonqor f’Wied il-G˙ajn lil kumpanija li se twaqqaf din l-Universita` bdiet it-Tlieta filg˙axija u spiççat l-Erbg˙a filg˙odu - maratona ta’ 15-il sieg˙a. Meta spiççat id-diskussjoni kien hemm punt fejn kien hemm il-possibilta’ li fuq kollox id-diskussjoni kienet se tispiçça fixxejn g˙ax il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni talab ruling mill-Ispeaker dwar jekk fuq kollox setax jittie˙ed vot dwar riΩoluzzjoni li l-˙in kollu ssemmi Universita`, meta l-Gvern kien qed jg˙id li fuq kollox s’issa l-applikazzjoni ma kienetx Dear Friends, g˙al universita` imma g˙al istituzzjoni ta' As the Federal Member for edukazzjoni og˙la. L-Ispeaker sostna li l-votazzjoni setg˙et issir Chifley, I would like to thank the ... u fil-fatt saret u ntreb˙et min-na˙a talMaltese community for your Gvern biex hekk, issa tal-inqas id-deçiΩjoni dwar fejn se ssir din l-istituzzjoni edukattiva friendship. Wishing you all a very ttie˙det u l-pro©ett jista’ jimxi ‘l quddiem Merry Christmas and happy malli jinksbu l-permessi me˙tie©a. Imma ma and prosperous 2016 na˙sibx li dan hu t-tmiem tal-polemika dwar is-sitt ta’ din l-Istituzzjoni u dwar l-istituzzjoni nnifisha.

Office: Shop 6, 16 Cleeve Close Mt Druit Mail: P.O. Box 259 Mt Druitt NSW 2770 Website: Email: Phone: (02) 9625 4344

11111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 Awguri 1 1 1 1 Issa li rnexxielna ng˙addu s- 1 1 1 1 sen’o˙ra flimkien, nixtieq nawgura 1 1 lill-qarrejja u l-familji tag˙hom 1 1 1 1 Milied ˙ieni u Sena Ìdida mimlija 1 1 1 1 1 riΩq, hena, paçi u sa˙˙a. 1 1 11111111111111111111111 1

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Goodbye Paris!


early 200 countries including Australia have stuck a landmark grand bargain on climate change after two weeks of grinding negotiations in Paris. They agreed for the first time to take action to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The Paris agreement will come into effect in 2020, and will require all countries, rather than just the wealthy ones, to tackle climate change. Julie Bishop, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister speaking on behalf of the “umbrella group” - a block of non-European industrialised nations - said the world had produced a framework for all nations to play their part in securing “a safe and more prosperous world for future generations, our work here is done and now we return home to implement the new global agreement”.

World Day peace message


he Pope’s multifaceted message for World Peace Day, January 1, titled Overcome Indifference and Win Peace, contained a three-fold appeal to the world’s leaders. Pope Francis has called for abolishing the death penalty worldwide, lifting the burden of debt on poor nations, global aid policies that respect life and revamped laws that welcome and integrate migrants, reports the Catholic News Service . Pope Francis called on national governments to review their current laws on immigration and find ways they could “reflect a readiness to welcome migrants and to facilitate their integration” as well as respect the rights and responsibilities of all parties concerned.

In the end, 187 nations came to the party with a climate target that even if fulfilled, will leave the planet on the path to what scientists say would be dangerous global warming – estimated to be about 2.7 degrees above pre-industrial times. Climate Institute chief executive John

Connor said Australian polices now had to match the aspirations set in Paris. “Unless Australia adopts more aggressive policies, current targets would still leave it the highest per capita polluter in G20 by 2030, alongside only Saudi Arabia, considered an obstructive force in the Paris talks.

Cardinal Pell’s appearance deferred r John Walshe, parish priest of Mentone in Melbourne, told the Royal Commission F into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that he had lunch at Cardinal Pell’s apartment in Rome in November and his upcoming appearance before the commission was “weighing” on the Cardinal. Fr Walshe said Cardinal Pell told him that he was trying his best to prepare for the upcoming hearing, where he was to give evidence of his handling of child sexual abuse allegations in Ballarat and Melbourne. The Cardinal was expected to be asked about his time as an adviser to former Ballarat Bishop Ronald Mulkearns, on the movements of priests in the diocese, such as convicted pedophile Gerald Ridsdale. “I couldn’t get over how poorly he looked when I saw him last month,” he said. “He’d put on a lot of weight, he’s not moving very well, and I just thought his general demeanor was very grey ... he was very ashen and grey.” Cardinal Pell’s appearance at the commission has been deferred until February, after Chairman McClellan accepted medical evidence that it would be unsafe for him to travel on a long-haul flight to Melbourne. Cardinal Pell has said the symptoms of a long-standing heart condition had recently worsened.

Tuesday December 22, 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 17

A quick glimpse at Australia

All cultures are not equal


The pulse of the nation

ustralians remain stubA bornly overweight as a nation, still eat terribly and don’t

four children are the same. Three out of twenty adults are daily smokers and one in six adults are at risk of long-term harm from alcohol. One in six Australian adults suffers from mental health behavioral problem. These are among the findings of the Bureau of Statistics national health survey, a triennial report that takes the pulse of the nation based on sample of 20,000 people. Top three causes of dead in Australia are health disease, conditions that effect circulation and dementia.

n a wide-ranging interview struck a markedly different tone with Sky News, former when asked to respond to the exercise. However, the good Prime Minister Tony Abbott former prime minister's com- news is that Australians are has called for a “religious rev- ments. smoking less than they used to olution” inside Islam, declar“The simple fact of the matter do. Seven out of ten Australian ing, “All cultures are not is the vast majority of Muslims men and one in two women are equal”. are as appalled by these acts of overweight or obese. One in “We've got to work closely extremism as we are”. with live-and-let-live Muslims because there needs to be, as president (Abdel Fattah) Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revolution inside Islam. “All of those things that Islam has never had - a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state - that needs to happen. “But we can't do it; Muslims have got to do this for themselves. But Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull (left) with Malta’s we should work with Parliamentary Speaker Dr Anglu Farrugia during CHOGM 2015 those who are pushing in that direction. “All cultures are not equal ack in 1992, Paul Keating, the then and, frankly, a culture that bePrime Minister said the starting point lieves in decency and tolerance in tackling disadvantage was to recognise is much to be preferred to one he Australian Broadcasting Commission is set that the problem began with “us non-Abowhich thinks that you can kill in to appoint the first female managing director in riginal Australians”. the name of God, and we've got its history, with Google executive Michelle Guthrie In his Redfern Park NSW speech 23 to be prepared to say that.” expected to succeed Mark Scott in 2016. years ago he said, “We took the traditional Prime Minister Malcolm Mc Guthrie - a globetrotting Mandarin-speaker lands and smashed the traditional way of Turnbull has fired back at calls working mother - is based in Singapore and manages life. We brought the diseases. The alcoby his predecessor Tony Abbott Google’s relationships with marketing and advertis- hol,” he declared. “We committed the for a “religious revolution” ing agencies across Asia. She was born in Sydney murders. We took the children from their within Islam by cautioning and studied arts/law at Sydney University. mothers. We practiced discrimination and against blaming all Muslims for She began her career as a lawyer specialising in exclusion. It was our ignorance and our Islamic State terrorist attacks. media and technology. She worked in senior roles prejudice - and our failure to imagine While declining to criticise Mr. with Foxtel and News International in Britain before these things being done to us." Abbott directly, Mr. Turnbull running News Corporation’s Asian television empire. Now, in an address at the Australian Museum in Sydney to mark the 23rd anniversary of that speech, Mr. Keating said the more non-Indigenous Australians came to see the country through the eyes of its first people, the better off the whole country will be. MICHELLE ROWLAND MP Rather than re-enter the debate on constiFEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY tutional recognition and his support for a WISHING EVERYONE A VERY MERRY compact, or treaty, Mr. Keating explored CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. a bigger proposition - that Australia's potential will not be realised until the question of identity is settled. 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 “Whatever our identity today is or has Ph: 9671 4780 become, it is an identity that cannot be separated from Aboriginal Australia,” he Email: said. “For their 50,000 years here has slaked the land with their resonances, their presence and their spirit. "Our opportunity is to rejoice in their identity, and without attempting to approTwitter: @mrowlandmp priate or diminish it, fuse it with our own, making the whole richer”.

Australia through Aboriginal eyes

First for ABC? B


18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Fi Plumpton (g˙as-36darba) iççelebrata b’suççess il-festa ta’ San Nikola

2016 committee for Hamrun Association

he Óamrun Association T NSW Ltd recently held its annual general meeting at its centre at 100 Jackson Road Marsden Park and elected the new committee for 2016, which will now be made up of: President: George Zarha; V/President: Chris Sciberras; Secretary: Alfred Pace; A/Secretary: Robin McGarrigle and Treasurer: Vicky Hili The president George Zahra thanked all the members for their contribution during the year and invited all Maltese in the area to join as members. Emanuel Camilleri, the President of the MCC was the returning officer. BELOW: the new committee, with MCC (NSW president Em. Camilleri. From left: Chris Sciberras, Theresa Rizzo, Robin McGarrigle, Vicky Hilli, George Zarha, Emanuel Camilleri and Alfred Pace.

a tistax ma M tammirax lentuΩjaΩmu u ˙er-

qa li twassal g˙aççelebrazzjoni talfesta ta’ San Nikola li ssir fil-parroçça tal-Good Shepherd fi Plumpton NSW. Ta’ din is-sena kienet is36 darba li ©iet imfakkra l-festa f’temp sabi˙ li ©ibed lejh ˙afna nies. Fr B Sant u Fr G.O’Dempsey, iççelebraw il-quddiesa tal-festa filwaqt li Fr Claude Borg bierek il˙obΩ tradizzjunali. wara mbag˙ad saret il-purçissjoni bl-istatwa li fiha ˙adu sehem il-kor tal-G˙aqda Kulturali kif ukoll ilOLQP Maltese Band. Kif xieraq f’festa Maltija, fl-a˙har kien hemm ukoll il-log˙ob tan-nar. Bill Schembri, il-president tal-G˙aqda tal-festa San Nikola, ta ˙ajr lil dawk kollha li ˙admu biex il-festa ta’ din is-sena wkoll kienet suççess.

On a visit to the Kurnell Maltese Presepju he Llandilo Maltese Day Group under the leadership T of Helen Azzopardi paid a visit to the Kurnell Maltese Presepju (crib). Where it was welcomed by host Joe (IlMosti) Deguara and his faithful companion Beckham the Beagle. Victor Sammut, the builder of the Presepju was unavoidably absent. After admiring il-Presepju and taking

photos, the Group settled down for tea/coffee and the pudina that Helen brought with her. Some members of the group visited The Captain Cook Landing Place, the shores of Botany Bay, the Visitors Centre and the whale-watching platform in Kamay Botany Bay National Park.After lunch they returned to Llandilo.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Ix-Xwejja˙ tal-Milied Iltqajt ma’ ra©el xwejja˙ fil-wied, ©o g˙ar mudlam i˙ejji u jnaddaf ˙a j©ibu qisu r˙am. Staqsejtu: “Ja missieri x’int tag˙mel hawn dal-˙in, Ωgur lilek tfittxek niesek im˙assba, imsejknin.” “Ma tafx li ser jitwieled? Ma tafx wasal iΩ-Ωmien? G˙alhekk nixtieq in˙abrek, Inlesti, bla dewmien.” Kummissarju G˙oli Malti fl-Awstralja, l-ET Charles Muscat (xellug) u Charles Mifsud mal-eks plejer tal-Eagles Joe Cilia

Laqg˙a sorpriza g˙all-Kummissarju Muscat mal-eks futboler tal-Melita Eagles Joe Clia


-Assoçjazzjoni tal-Maltin-Awstraljani f’Malta Ωammet l-appuntament tag˙ha ta’ kull sena f’dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet billi laqqg˙et lillmembri u lill-˙bieb tag˙hom g˙allikla tal-Milied, li g˙aliha din id-darba kien mistieden il-Kummissarju G˙oli Malti fl-Awstralja, l-Éççellenza Tieg˙u Charles Muscat u l-mara tieg˙u Victoria li jinsabu Malta g˙all-btajjel biex jiltaqg˙u mal-familjari tag˙hom. Il-Kummissarju g˙adda xi ˙in idur mejda mejda jitkellem mal-membri, li xi w˙ud g˙amlu snin l-Awstralja. Mistieden ie˙or speçjali mill-Awstralja kien Charles Mifsud, li ftit taljiem qabel kien g˙adu kif ing˙ata l-Midalja g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika mill-President ta’ Malta, u martu Jessie Minbarra l-attendenza tajba g˙al din l-okkaΩjoni, fuq wiçç ˙afna deher il-fer˙ li mill-©did setg˙u jiltaqg˙u

mal-mistednin mill-Awstralja li kienu jafu fiΩ-Ωmien meta kienu jg˙ixu l-Awstralja imma kien ilhom ˙afna snin ma jiltaqg˙u mag˙hom. Spikkat fost l-o˙rajn il-laqg˙a li ma kienx qed jistenna ta’ wie˙ed millmembri tal-g˙aqda, Joe Cilia, l-eks futboler tat-tim nazzjonali Malti kemm ma’ Charles Muscat u wkoll Charles Mifsud. Cilia lag˙ab g˙al sitt snin (1972-78) mal-Melita Eagles.

“Ja xwejja˙, imxi lura dak mo˙˙ok ftit g˙ajjien, ma tafx li ilu sekli li twieled? Dan treddin.” “Hu minnu l’ilu sekli ifittex lok tal-kenn, il-bniedem lilu jwarrab, g˙alih qatt ˙add ma j˙enn. G˙alhekk g˙alih in˙ejji il-maqjel ©ewwa l-g˙ar. U int binti,in©abar, mur lura lejn id-dar.” Mort lura dritt lejn dari, mort lura kollni skiet, ˙osbiena b’dak li qalli ix-xwejja˙ ta’ ©ol-wied! Lina Brockdorff 12/12/73

What a letdown! No Maltese programme on SBS he Maltese in Australia were relegated to empty TV screens when the T usual Sunday morning (Dec 20th) half-hour programme aired on national free-to-air SBSTV network did not materialise. This segment is sent to SBSTV by PBS Malta and it is screened each Thursday and Sunday at 8 pm (Australian time). The Australian TV station announced that the segment was not received in Sydney on time.

Thank you from Kurnell

inds packing 213km/h – the most deW structive in NSW history – swept through Southern Sydney (Dec 16), lifting

Holroyd City Council helps MCC (NSW) project he Maltese Community Council of NSW has once again attracted finanT cial assistance from Holroyd City Council under the Community Building Partnership Programe 2015 to its major project to extend the Headmaster’s Cottage now named the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre. Pictured: (from left): Jathavi Logahassan , Julie Finn MP, Emanuel Camilleri (MCC president), Clr Greg Cummings Mayor of Holroyd, Logan A. Logahassan representing the Consortium of Tamils , Yathugiri Logahassan and Mark Caruana (MCC v/president).

roofs off houses, bringing down trees and leaving more than 20,000 homes and business without power. The storm’s brunt was felt most in the southern beachside of Kurnell. The Voice of the Maltese was in touch with Joe (il-Mosti) Deguara, a delegate to the Maltese Community Council of NSW and the member of Sutherland & St George Maltese Group who resides at Kurnell. He told us he was fortunate that his residence was not touched by the tornado, and was only affected with disruption to electricity for a short time. Nonetheless he wishes to sincerely thank the many friends and acquaintances that telephoned him requesting assurances about his safety.

20 Voice of the Maltese ÌUÛE` CASSAR PULLICINO,


Tuesday December 22, 2015

Kittieb u Folklorista (1921-2005)

UÛE` CASSAR PULLICINO twieled Birkirkara fil-21 ta’ Settembru tal-1921. B˙ala xog˙ol da˙al ja˙dem fis-servizz çivili fl-1940 u rtira fl-1979 b˙ala Direttur fil-Ministeru tal-Industrija. G˙amel Ωmien b˙ala bibljotekarju fil-Fakultà tat-Teolo©ija (Fondazzjoni talIstudji Teolo©içi). Huwa ΩΩewwe© f’Óal-Balzan fejn baqa’ jg˙ix sa mewtu, fit-13 ta’ Marzu tal-2005. Huwa kien mag˙ruf b˙ala l-pijunier folklorista u g˙al g˙add ta’ snin kien lekçerer fil-dipartiment tal-Malti jg˙allem il-folklor Malti, il-letteratura u l-istorja soçjali. Is-sehem tieg˙u lil-lettratura Maltija ng˙ata g˙arfien meta bini fl-Universita’ ng˙ata ismu, ‘Binja ÌuΩe` Cassar Pullicino’. Pittura tieg˙u tinsab ukoll fil-Kamra tal-Konferenzi fl-Universita` f’Tal-Qroqq. Fl-1950 huwa kien ing˙ata scholarship mill-British Council g˙atta˙ri© b˙ala bibljotekarju f’Leeds u Londra; in˙atar Associate of the Library Association (1952); sar membru tal-Akkademja tal-Malti u membru tal-kumitat tag˙ha (1942-45) u tal-G˙aqda tal-Malti (Università); Assistent Editur tal-Melita Historica (1952-61); u tal-Maltese Folklore Review (1962-73). Fl-ewwel snin tieg˙u iffoka l-isforzi tieg˙u biex jiskopri l-istorja antika tal-folklor li ˙add qabel kien g˙adu ma st˙arre©. G˙amel studju dwar il-le©endi, fosthom it-Tradizzjonijiet Pawlini f’Malta, Il-Pirati u t-Torok fit-Tradizzjonijiet Maltin, u L-Okkupazzjoni FrançiΩa fitTradizzjoni Maltija. Kien ukoll President Onorarju tal-G˙aqda tal-Folklor; membru talKunsill ta’ Din l-Art ˙elwa (1965-67); tal-Folklore Society ta’ Londra (mill-1962-), u tal-International Society for Folk-Narrative Research ta’ Pari©i (1962-). ÌuΩe`˙a sehem u qara studji f’diversi kungressi internazzjonali f’Malta, fi Kiel, Kopenhagen, Catanja, Ìerba (it-TuneΩija) u l-Kanada. Kien mog˙ti l-midalja tal-Mertu tal-Fidda mill-Konfederazzjoni talKunsilli Çiviçi (1970); reba˙ il-Premju tal-Gvern Malti g˙all-A˙jar

Ktieb Ma˙ru© fl-1974; il-Premju Letterarju g˙al xog˙ol ori©inali ta’ riçerka dwar ÌuΩè Muscat Azzopardi (1978); il-Malta Literary Award (1979); il-Premio Città di Valletta (1989); ©ie mog˙ti lGrad ta’ Master of Philosophy (Hon. Causa) mill-Università ta’ Malta (1993), u wkoll il-Midalja g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta (1993). ÌuΩè Cassar Pullicino, meqjus b˙ala studjuΩ ewlieni dwar ilfolklor u l-kitba tal-Malti g˙andu diversi pubblikazzjonijiet f’dan ir-rigward, fosthom The Order of St John in Maltese Folk Memory. Huwa l-awtur ta’ Kelma Wa˙da Biss (1971); Aquilina u l-Malti (1974); ÌuΩè Muscat Azzopardi: Studji (1991); Kitba u Kittieba tal-Malti – tliet kotba (1962-64); Dun Karm: tag˙rif ©did u noti kritiçi (1985); PoeΩiji ta’ Ìor© Zammit: noti kritiçi (1985); ÌuΩè Ellul Mercer: il-kitbiet mi©bura, l-ewwel ktieb (1985); Malta fis-Seklu Tmintax: xi djarji Maltin tal-Img˙oddi (1981); An Introduction to Maltese Folklore (1947); Óa©a Mo˙©a©a 1-4 (1957-59); Il-Folklor Malti (1960); Stejjer ta’ Niesna (1962); Il-Bennejja tal-Folklor Malti (1964); Studies in Maltese Folklore (1976); Skun©rar u Orazzjoni fil-PoeΩija Popolari Reli©juΩa f’Malta (1981); Studji di tradizioni popolari maltesi (1989); L-Img˙oddi talÌens Tag˙na: Bejn Storja u Folklor (1990); ÓΩuΩ Manwel Magri: Ktieb tan-Notamenti dwar il-Folklor Malti (1991); Kitba bil-Malti sal-1870 (2001) u Kitbiet O˙ra tas-Seklu Dsatax (2002) u Óa©a Mo˙©a©a u Ta˙bil il-Mo˙˙ Ie˙or (2003).

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Aktar dwar il-Verb: forom, modi u tempijiet (3) IRQAQAT: a) L-n tal-Imperfett titbiddel f’l, m, r, quddiem il-verbi li fl-Imperativ jibdew b’dawn il-konsonanti. EΩ.: Jiena llaqqat flok nlaqqat; jiena rrid flok nrid; jiena mmexxi flok nmexxi. b) It-t ta’ l-Imperfett titbiddel f’ç, d, ©, s, x, z, Ω, quddiem verbi li fl-Imperativ jibdew b’dawn il-konsonanti. EΩ.: Inti ççemple flok tçempel; inti ddur flok tdur; inti ©©orr flok t©orr, eçç. ç) Il-j tal-Imperfett titbiddel f’i: (1) meta ta˙bat bejn Ωew© konsonanti. EΩ.: kien isuq minflok kien jsuq. (ii) meta ta˙bat fil-bidu ta’ sentenza. EΩ.: I˙obb ji©ri. (iii) wara l-punte©©atura jekk warajha jkollha konsonanti. EΩ.: Jag˙mel kollox: isuq, ig˙abbi, i˙ott... Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nittrattaw il-irqaqat fil-Perfett.

Shops 3 & 4, 398 Hamilton Road FAIRFIELD WEST NSW PO Box W210, Fairfield West, NSW, 2165 P (02) 9604 0710 F (02) 9609 3873 E

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Community News Readers of The Voice of the Maltese are reminded that the next issue, and the first one for the New Year, 2016, will be published on January 5. In the meantime we also wish to thank all those who have been loyal to our magazine that has kept growing in popularity and has now established itself as the most sought-after publication by the Maltese diaspora.

Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. The President and Committee of the Maltese Community Council of NSW wish to thank you for your generous support throughout the year. We also wish you and your families a Happy & Holy Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2016.

Best wishes from On behalf of the committee of St John Sydney Xewkija Association I wish to thank all our sponsors and all the people who St John Sydney support us during the year by attending our functions. We Xewkija Association wish them all a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016.

St Helena Maltese/Australian SC. Christmas Greetings

The President & Committee would like to wish all Members and Sponsors a Very Happy Christmas and a peaceful 2016. We also thank them for all the support they gave the club in 2015


CHRISTMAS 2015 FUND RAISING APPEAL Id-Dar Tal-Providenza Malta, looks after over 100 residents with disability and requires over $4 million annually which is raised through sponsors, activities and public donations. The Friends Of Providence House NSW was founded in October 2011 and have so far raised over $46,000. We are the official Ambassadors in Australia. Donations can be made at any Commonwealth Bank of Australia. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY – donations are acknowledged A/C Name : Friends Of Providence House NSW BSB: 062-416 A/C No. 10199448 or contact the CoOrdinator: Jim Borg (02) 9636 7767

Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799

Tin te re ss ak il-k it ba? Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙ossu li, jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, inkella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jistg˙u jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk u meta iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna tag˙na, inkella sempliçement jibag˙tu x-xog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese biex narawh. Email address: Jekk tkunu tridu wara nippublikaw il-kitbiet tag˙kom.

La Valette Social Centre Christmas Programme

CHRISTMAS EVE December 24: 10.45 p.m.: Procession with statue of baby Jesus; Carols by La Valette Choir under the direction by Mro. Victor Flordia; Christmas Pageant: Il-Leggenda tal-Ewwel Milied; Traditional sermon by Natasha Tatarinoff followed by Midnight Mass. SATURDAY December 26: The Centre opens at 5pm.with normal trading. 8pm.Ghana (folk singing). Everyone is welcome. THURSDAY December 31: New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. $55 adults, $30 for children. Entertainment by The Falcons. All welcome.. For more information: phone: La Valette: 9622 5847; Frances 0412 320 4320 or Antoinette: 9671 2992

The Maltese Language School of NSW The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply. For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189

or email:

Learn Maltese!

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Phone 0433 091 788 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 - 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin

Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. Maltese Programmes on TV and Web VIVA MALTA The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Community Radio in Gosford Central Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on NSW. Aired every fortnight from Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am 6 pm -7 pm (Next is December 7). Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Web streaming on:; L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2


Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Landillo Maltese Seniors

Friendship Group Men and Women 45 and Older Single The Friendship Group is a social group for people who would like more friends at times. We arrange activities that suit our needs and likes. For more information ring Wendy on 9809 3957 or 0415 946 296

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Events in 2016 Sunday March 13 Fete Sunday July 3 Lejla Fil-Buskett Sunday October 16 Fete Sunday December 4 Festa

Join us on The Voice of the Maltese facebook page: m/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

You need to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters one should call Censina Cefai: Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW(next to West Parramatta Primary School)

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday December 22, 2015

Community News Whom will you nominate this year? Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.

The 16th Annual - Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition (To be held during Seniors’ Week 2016)

The Maltese community extends recognition and gives thanks to our seniors once a year. Ask for a nomination form. Tel 02 9631.9295. This event is being sponsord by

Readers can also request a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese magazine by post response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the IhardnMaltese wishes to advice that we can now supply copies in colour of our magazine to our readers

at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

THE MALTESE GUILD OF SA INC. Cordially Invites You to... THE NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER DANCE 2015 To Be Held At The Maltese Multicultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley SA 5009 On Thursday Evening 31st December 2015, Door Open At 6.45pm Music Entertainment Start at 7. 30pm Till 12.30am Entertainment By: By Julia Williams Band “Regeneration” 4-Course Meal: Antipasto with prawns on table, Main Course, Desert, Conectionery Tea/Coffee. Drinks Included (Wine, beer and soft drinks from the bar Price: Members $45 Non Members $50 Catering by: Hospitality & Catering Service Bookings are available From: The Guild office in person or phone the office on Tuesday’s only from 8.30am to 3pm on 8243 0868; the President Joe Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; the Secretary Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860; the v/President Mary Craus: 82812923 or 0420 699 617





The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO COME & CELEBRATE:

Australia Day

at a Dinner Dance on January 23, 2016

Venue: Mandavilla Function Centre1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Food: 3-Course Meal, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi; also antipasti plus fruit platters Entertainment: provided by Joe Apap Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182; M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641

The Voice: the most popular by far The Voice of the Maltese online magazine  is  by  far  the  most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers  from  Australia,  Canada,  the  UK,  Belgium,  France, Italy,  India,  the  Caribbean  island  of  St  Kitts  &  Nevis,  and Belgium. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta.

The Voice issa ipprintjata wkoll Jekk trid tixtri kopja ipprintjata bilkulur ta’ kull ˙ar©a tal-magaΩin The Voice of the Maltese, g˙andek tmur persunalment fil-Maltese Resource Centre f’59b Franklin & Young Street Parramatta NSW (˙dejn Parramatta West Primary School) nhar ta’ Erbg˙a u nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a mid-9 am sa nofsinhar. Çempel 0409 744 376

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) IL-KLABB TAL-ÓAMRUN qed jorganizza l-Ballu Annwali tal-Ewwel tas-Sena (The New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance) fil-klabb DATA: Il-Hamis 31 ta’Dicembru bejn is-7 p.m u s-1.00 a.m. Ikun hemm ikla 3-course flimkien ma’ flixkun inbid u Jug orange juice f’kull mejda. DIVERTIMENT minn Charlie Muscat u Vince Bezzina. Donazzjoni ta’ $45 dollaru kull persuna. G˙al tag˙rif u biljetti g˙aΩ-Ωewg attivitajiet çemplu lil: George Zahra - mobile: 0407 434 651 jew il-klabb 9838 1111

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta minn hemmhekk. Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll la˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2015


In 2015 Football NSW exceeds 320,000 participants F igures for 2015 just released by Football NSW indicate that total participation numbers have surged this year as it hit 324,601 to well and truly surpass 2014 numbers, while an 8% year on year growth in registered outdoor football players (226,056) was the clear highlight in the year with the total player registration numbers reaching 293,736. The biggest percentage growth (19%) was seen in Summer Football, a small-sided social version of the beautiful game, where almost 24,000 players continued their football experience throughout the summer months. Futsal participation rose by a similar amount, 10,041 players (a 15% increase) pulling on the boots for the indoor version of football. Registrations in NSW peaked to their highest-ever levels thanks to the success of the Socceroos, Matildas, Hyundai A-League, W-League and National Youth Leagues to play a pivotal role in the growth of player numbers. Four associations, Blacktown, Canterbury, Macarthur and Eastern Suburbs, all grew by 10%; Sutherland Association broke through the 18,000-player mark for the first time. When it comes to referees, their number has grown to 5,390, while 13,973 coaches were registered taking advantage of quality courses and coaching resources made available to them by Football NSW and Associations. The future also looks bright as school numbers took a massive leap with 33,656 students participating in the sport compared with 25,000 in 2014. These numbers only represent the programmes delivered by Football NSW. They do not include school competitions. Football NSW CEO Eddie Moore ecstatic with the record numbers the game achieved as well as achieving the golden 300,000 participant milestone, said “It is phenomenal to see

the surge in popularity that football has experienced this past season. Football NSW have worked tirelessly in achieving this magnificent result but it was supported greatly by a whole host of people in the football family. He went on to point out that the spike in numbers can be credited towards the hard work and efforts of all the association’s 706 clubs and the 11,503 volunteers. “The Socceroos taking out the AFC Asian Cup as well as the Westfield Matildas doing ever so well at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup combined with the successes of the Hyundai A-League and Westfield W-League to play a key role in this growth,” he added. Meanwhile, FFA CEO David Gallop has praised football organisations and Hyundai ALeague clubs for their work in harnessing the booming interest in football. “The heroes of this story are the thousands of volunteers in

Valletta, beat Hibs to open three-point gap on top of ladder

Malta’s Premier League Football


he Valletta supporters could not have one goal back. The defeat relegated Hibernians to fourth wished for a better present for Christmas from their Premier League team as by beating position as they have now been overtaken by defending champions Hibernians 3-2, the Cit- both Birkirkara and Floriana who were conizens have taken sole command of the league vincing victors on the 16th day. ladder to go three points RESULTS: Round 16 Standing P W D L F A Pts clear and end the year on Valletta v Hibernians 16 11 1 3 34 15 34 ?-? Valletta a high. Birkirkara v Mosta 3-0 Birkirkara 16 9 5 2 35 16 32 Tarxien R. v Naxxar L. 4-0 Floriana With all the goals com16 10 2 4 29 16 32 Balzan v Pembroke 0-0 Hibernians 16 9 4 2 35 19 31 ing in an action-packed Floriana v St Andrews 5-0 Tarxien R. 16 8 4 4 28 14 28 second half, Valletta took Sliema W v Qormi 6-3 Balzan 16 8 3 5 24 19 27 the lead and then lost it Round 15 16 7 4 5 24 19 24 again before scoring two Valletta v Balzan 4-2 Mosta Sliema W 16 6 3 7 22 25 21 2-0 Hibernians v Tarxien R more in a four-minute 3-0 Pembroke 16 5 3 8 22 27 18 Birkirkara v Pembroke spell. Hibernians tried to Floriana 16 2 3 11 17 48 9 2-1 Qormi v Naxxar L. make a comeback but Sliema W. v Mosta 1-1 Naxxar 16 2 2 12 14 47 8 4-0 St Andrews 16 0 0 16 7 49 0 they only managed to pull Qormi v St. Andrews

clubs across Australia, the suburban associations and zones," he said. He added: “Guiding their efforts are the management teams in the state and territory member federations and A-league clubs. This huge increase would not be possible without a coordinated and integrated effort. “Through their commitment to the cause the volunteers and managers enable so many Australians of all ages to play the beautiful game.” He thanked each and every volunteer and staff member who contributed to the success.

Australia A-League

Victory suffer 4th straight defeat


evin Muscat’s Melbourne Victory keep slipping down the ladder after their fourth straight defeat, the latest against cross-town rivals City in the Melbourne derby at AAMI Park in front of a crowd of 23,500 by 1-2. While Victory are now seven points adrift of the leaders, free-scoring City are now on a four-game winning run scoring 16 goals in the process and are three points off the top. Perth Glory ended Western Sydney’s sevenmatch winning streak, by holding them to a 22 draw, but the Wanderers hold on to a two-point lead over Brisbane who were 1-0 away victors over Central Coast. Sydney looked set to take all three points following a stun- LATEST RESULTS: Day 11 ning strike at Melbourne C. v Melbourne V. 2-1 We l l i n g t o n , Perth Glory v West. Sydney W 2-2 Central Coast v Brisbane R. 0-1 but a clumsy Wellington Ph v Sydney FC 1-1 challenge in- Newcastle Jets v Adelaide 0-0 side the box Day 10 gave the Phoe- West. Sydney W v Melbourne V. 2-0 Brisbane R.v Wellington Ph 2-1 nix the chance Newcastle Jets v Melbourne C. 0-4 to level, from Adelaide v Sydney FC 2-1 Perth Glory v Central Coast the spot. 2-1

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