The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 119
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
Malta and Gozo are rich in natural scenery, particularly close to the sea cliffs that enhance the islands’, and indeed the most popular, are the Dingli Cliffs, located off the village of Dingli, on Malta’s Western coast. They stage the highest point of the Maltese Islands at around 253 metres above sealevel and the views are breathtaking in the beautiful weather Malta has been experiencing of late. January in Malta is supposed to be one of the two coldest months of the year and rainy days are a
January 19, 2016
normality. Not this year however. The Maltese islands were in the midst of an extended so-called St Martin’s Summer (associated with the month of November), and people have enjoyed hours of walking or relaxaing in the open spaces. The cliffs that extend well beyond Dingli village, stretching all the way from Bahrija to the area above Blue Grotto, on Sunday afternoons are a sight to watch and photo enthusiasts have a field day. (Witness this Maltaphoto that shows part of the coastline at the Dingli Cliffs)
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
The Heart of Malta (1) O
n my recent trip back home, Malta, many things impressed me. I re-acquainted myself with the beauty of the Islands and many familiar places from my childhood there. As well as the familiar, my attention was also taken by the unfamiliar. The newness of Luqa (Gudja) Airport for example, its modernity and its cultural orientation which was refreshing after the sterility and ‘industrial’ nature of Sydney airport for example. I loved the piano sitting there at the departure lounge waiting for willing hands to tickle the ivories. The food outlets, while still ‘airport’ were nonetheless of reasonable quality with edible food being sold and served. I also enjoyed the pedestrian plazas in Valletta. The transport system (the buses that is), while perhaps still drawing complaints, was easily accessible and moved us around the Island in a timely manner. Buying the tallinja card gave us freedom of movement for a full week at a time. While many of the ‘newer’ things were intriguing, it was the older ones that drew me closer. The glorious old architecture, the astounding scenery, the magnificent waterways, especially
What was apparent, though, was a greater sophistication, which, on the one hand was inevitable given the way the World has shrunk over the past 50 years. On the other hand the people, even those of the older generation, express themselves as being far more cosmopolitan than they used to be. The relative insularity of the population had been changed by many factors over the years since I had last been there. There was a far greater exposure to other nationalities and cultures and, of course, tourism had exploded over that period of time with somewhere in the vicinity of 100,000 tourists per year in the early 1960’s to well over a million tourists a year now. This influx of people from everywhere in the World including Asian countries, the Balkans, Slavic and Scandinavian countries and the USA,
Asylum seekers (refugees) rescued at sea by Malta’s Armed Forces
the beautiful Grand Harbour, the old forts so central to the history and defence of the Islands and of Europe as a whole from the Renaissance period onwards, the wonderful traditional food of Malta and the smell of the Mediterranean. However, it was the people who were both new and old. You could see many changes in the Islands’ population since the 1960’s. It is true that, as a 64-year-old, I was looking at them with much older eyes than those of a 12-year-old.
was bound to impact on the rather limited ‘World view’ held by our people in days gone by. One other ‘newer’ thing was, of course, the number of people there of African descent. These people regarded loosely as ‘migrants’ in Europe are, of course, not migrants but in the main, refugees fleeing for their lives with their children and only the clothes on their backs. I have no idea what it would be like to be a refugee. Migrants have a choice and refugees do not. I can only look on from ‘the
outside’ and try to guess what it would be like to have to escape from a war-torn country or a country where despots ruled, where my children were in danger of their lives or I was being hounded and hunted by thugs with guns and knives and where the women folk and the children in my family were at the mercy of marauders, rapists and mutilators. Why would you want to escape everything you know, your country where you were born and raised, your culture, your language group and religion if you could choose not to? Of course, in Malta, as is the case in the majority of other places in the World where refugees land, the response of the populace is somewhatvaried. There are some who see immediately with compassion that these people are in need of a welcoming hand and they extend that hand. There are others, perhaps the majority, who are ambivalent about the newcomers, seeing them as needy yet also seeing them as an intrusion and potentially a threat to their culture and nationhood. Others will see them as aliens and find any differences to be unacceptable and unwelcome and will respond to refugees with hostility, anger and even contempt. level, they can be ‘sent back to their country of origin’, a solution that at one time was in fact proposed by ‘the authorities’ who wanted to send refugees back to Libya. The European Court of Human Rights blocked the decision. According to UNHCR figures ( 8eba6.html) there are close to 6,500 refugees now in the Maltese Islands. That constitutes something like 1.5% of the population who are now of African descent. Currently in Australia, which has a population of 23 million, there are a total of 29,000 refugees/asylum seekers living in the country (, which accounts for 0.13% of the total population.
*Continued on page 3
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday January 19, 2016
January 26: Commemorating 288th Anniversary of Australia Day anuary 26 is Australia Day, the official National Day Jtablishment of Australia, when the country commemorates the esof the first European settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney 288 years ago. It is an opportunity for Australians to join in the celebrations that reflect the diverse society and landscape of the nation. It was on January 26, 1788 when the First Fleet of 11 ships from Great Britain led by Captain Arthur Philip arrived at Port Jackson, which now forms Sydney Harbour, and established the Colony of New South Wales, the first penal colony in Australia. Twenty years later, 1808, on January 26 was being celebrated as “First Landing Day” or “Foundation Day” with drinking and merriment. According to the history books, in 1818, thirty years after the arrival of the First Fleet, the Governor of Australia ordered a 30-gun salute, hosted a dinner ball at Government House and gave government employees a holiday and in 1838, Foundation Day became Australia's first public holiday, giving rise to the first public celebrations of the founding of Australia, with the people crowding the shores of Sydney Harbour to watch a firework display. In the following decades, horse racing and regattas were popular activities on this important day that in 1888 be*from page 2 The other factor in Australia is, of course, the heterogeneity of the population and the fact that refugees and asylum seekers are more ‘hidden’. In Malta this is far from the case with the majority by far of those living in Malta being of Maltese descent. Someone living in your street who is not of Maltese descent would be immediately recognisable as ‘not belonging’ and would, therefore, stand out as a refugee especially if dark skinned. The actual and potential proportion of refugees to Maltese in Malta and their communal distinctiveness poses issues and problems that, to an extent, may be
came known as 'Anniversary Day' to be celebrated in all colonies except Adelaide. In 1888, the centenary of the arrival of the First Fleet was celebrated with ceremonies, exhibitions, banquets, regattas, fireworks and the unveiling of a statue of Queen Victoria. By 1935, January 26 became known as Australia Day in all states except New South Wales, where it was still called Anniversary Day. In 1938, large-scale celebrations that included a re-enactment of the landing of the First Fleet were held. These did not mention the convict status of many of the passengers on these ships, but included the removal of a group of Aborigines. Shortly before the celebrations, a group of Aboriginal activists arranged a “Day of Mourning” to campaign for citizenship and equal rights for Aborigines. From 1946 on, January 26 was recognised as Australia Day in all states, but the public holiday was moved to the Monday nearest to January 26 to create a long weekend. Since 1994, the Australia Day public holiday has been on January 26 in all states and territories. On this day, the celebrtions are marked by community and family events, reflections on Australian history, official community awards, and citizenship ceremonies welcoming new immigrants into the Australian community. Awards honouring Australians who have made an outstanding contribution to their country or community, including the Australian of the Year and the Order of Australia are also announced.
regarded as somewhat unique. Due to this sheer lack of size of the Islands and the nature and size of their population, it will be harder to integrate ‘outsiders’ into the Islands’ culture and economy. The challenge for Malta is how to deal with these refugees in a way that retains the integrity of the Islands yet expresses the depth and beauty of what may be regarded as ‘the heart of the Islands’. It’s not only the challenge faced by the Islands and the Maltese Islanders. It is also the challenge faced by the refugees. The question for them has to be: “how can we fit into this tightly knit community and guarantee our place into the future?” I would suggest that this is the appropriate question rather
than merely ‘can we fit into this tightly knit community?’ The refugees are now in the Islands and more than likely there to stay unless some remarkable turnaround can happen in their homelands which will allow them to return and that in turn is highly unlikely within their lifetimes. If these refugees are dealt with by the Maltese merely on an intellectual level, they can be ‘sent back to their country of origin’, a solution that at one time was in fact proposed by ‘the authorities’ who wanted to send refugees back to Libya. The European Court of Human Rights blocked the decision.
Continued in the next issue
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4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Tifkiriet u nostal©ija.....
‘Li kieku waqa’ u kiser siequ’ LawrenceDimech
llum se n˙ares lura u nipprova niftakar x’imbuttani biex jien ukoll b˙al eluf ta’ Maltin o˙ra nemigra lejn lAwstralja. Ûew© ˙uti ikbar minni, illum it-tnejn mejtin kienu di©a` ilhom xi snin jg˙ixu Sydney. Óija Toni kien mastrudaxxa u Joe kien kok li ˙adem f’Malta mal-BOAC u l-KaΩin Malti. Niftakar ukoll xeni ta’ qsim il-qalb meta Ω-Ωew© ˙uti emigraw lejn l-Awstralja. Dak iΩ-Ωmien it-triq fejn konna noqog˙du kienet tkun donna bil-vistu meta xi ˙add jemigra, ©eneralment lejn Awstralja. L-emigrazzjoni kienet xi ˙a©a permanenti u dawn iΩ-Ω©˙aΩa©˙ li ddeçidew li jemigraw ma kienux mistennija li ji©u lura Malta malajr, x’aktarx qatt. Ommi tibki, qatt ma kienet ti©i ddwana tara lil xi ˙add mill-familja jibda l-vja©© bil-ba˙ar. Kienet battikata g˙alija. Id-dwana kien ikun hemm xeni mqanqla, xeni ta’ qsam il-qalb. L-a˙˙ar tannieqa, l-a˙˙ar bewsa. Mijiet o˙ra jinΩlu jag˙tu l-a˙˙ar tislima. Ódejn iddwana u l-lift kien ikun ˙emm kunfuΩjoni s˙i˙a. Biex tkompli d-dieqa xi g˙aref kien ipo©©i fuq il-loudspeaker ilkanΩunetta…cirio, as I wave you goodbye. Ûgur li dawk li kienu se jemingraw ma kienux sejrin xi xalata. Mid-dwana g˙al fuq xi dg˙ajsa u maliskala g˙all-vapur. Niftakar Ωew© ©rajjiet dwar ˙ija Toni. Meta kien se jemi©ra kien jum ta’ maltemp qawwi u l-vapur Asturias ma setax jid˙ol il-port iΩda ˙ija xorta kellu jitlaq mid-dar b’o˙ti u ommi jwersqu u jolfqu. Ftit sie©˙at wara kellu jer©a ji©i lura d-dar. Tistg˙u ta˙sbu kemm fer˙et ommi. Da˙˙lita f’rasha li ˙ija re©a’ bdilu u mhux se j˙alliha. Missieri jinkwieta. L-
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals Guaranteed cheapest rates All vehicles in NRMA road Service Low holding Deposit Discount for weekly rentals Shuttle service to the Airport Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148
g˙ada kellna nikkupjaw l-istess xena ta’ qsim il-qalb g˙ax ˙ija Toni kellu j˙alli d-dar tag˙na g˙at-tieni darba, imma din id-darba il-vapur salpa. Óija Toni kien wie˙ed mill-ewwel nies tas-seng˙a li telqu minn Malta ta˙t kuntratt mal-gvern Awstraljan biex ja˙dmu f’Canberra li dak iΩ-Ωmien, kmieni fil-˙amsinijiet kienet qed tinbena. G˙alkemm weg˙du˙om akkomodazzjoni iΩda spiççaw fil-kampijiet.
kienux i˙allu lil-uliedhom xebbiet jemigraw. IΩ-Ωwie© bil-prokura kien donnu je˙les lill-©enituri Maltin mir-responsabbilitajiet morali u reli©juΩi. G˙add ta’ ©uvintur Maltin iΩΩeww©u bil-prokura. Kif ktibt kemm-il darba, tassew li l-˙amsinjiet kienu Ωmienijiet o˙ra m˙ux a˙jar jew ag˙ar iΩda diffiçli u differenti. Il-ma©©oranΩa tal-Maltin kienu jin©abru fis-subborgi tal-qrib lejn in-na˙at tal-bliet kapitali. Óuti kienu
Óames Maltin tas-seng˙a li spiççaw Canberra fil-˙amsinijiet. Toni Dimech l-ewwel bilqieg˙da mill-lemin
Óija g˙aΩel li jibg˙atilna ritratti tas-sil© li Canberra kienet mag˙rufa g˙alih, sil© li jo˙noq il-kampijiet u kull ma tara b’g˙ajnejk. Tistg˙u ta˙sbu x’effett ˙allew dawn ir-ritratti f’darna b’ommi tag˙ti fuq rasha u tg˙idilna “ara fejn itturufna ru˙u ibni, mhux sewwa…din lemigrazzjoni sa˙ta…firda tal-familji” Il-weg˙da ta’ akkomodazzjoni adegwata ma waslitx. Óallewhom fil-kampijiet sakemm ˙afna minnhom, fosthom ˙ija telqu minn Canberra lejn bliet akbar, b˙al Sydney u Melbourne. Niftakar sewwa meta kellimt lil xi w˙ud minn dawk li waslu minn Canberra. Iddeskrivew dawk iΩ-Ωmienijiet b˙ala qishom ©ew issentenzjati g˙all-ag˙ar ˙abs tad-dinja. Kien Ωmien ukoll ta’ dwejjaq g˙ax b˙ala ©uvintur ftit kienu jsibu kumpanija femminili. Dak iΩ-Ωmien kien moda Ω-Ωwie© bil-prokura. Kienet g˙aqda me˙tie©a g˙all-Maltin g˙ax b˙ala kattoliçi l-©enituri Maltin ma
joqog˙du fi Newtown li dak iΩ-Ωmien kien mimli Griegi, Maltin u Taljani. Illum Newtown sar kosmopolitan, mimli ristoranti upmarket, qrib sewwa tal-Universita` ta’ Sydney u g˙al˙ekk jattira ˙afna studenti. Jien çert li f’Melbourne u bliet o˙ra ˙emm subborgi simili li fihom in©abru l-Maltin malwasla tag˙hom fl-Awstralja. Dawk iΩ-Ωmenijiet, dawn in-na˙at qrib l-iblet kienu jattirawna g˙ax kienu qrib ix-xog˙ol u anke qrib l-ibliet ewlenin, iΩda maΩ-Ωmien ˙afna mill-Maltin abbandunaw dawn l-in˙awi u marru jfittxu postijiet il-bog˙od fejn setg˙u jixtru l-art u jibnu fuq blokok akbar u aktar spaΩjuΩi. Tiskanta kif jinbidlu Ω-Ωmienijiet, kif ittalba g˙ad-djar u l-lokalitajiet jinbidlu wkoll. Illum dawn id-djar gabubi li kellna fis-subborgi saru lokalitajiet moda u qed jinbieg˙u bil-miljuni. Li konna nafu! Li kellna viΩjoni! Hekk ˙ija l-˙ajja. Li kieku waqa’ u kiser siequ!
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday January 19, 2016
uring World War II school life was unavoidably and continuously interrupted. Children preferred playing among the ruins of demolished houses; built outposts with masonry, and played soldiers; but they were instructed to also go to school. During the war, due to lack of transport one of the greatest problems for school children was how to get to school. For parents it was not only how to take their kids to school, but they were also very concerned as to whether their children would come back from school. My future husband, then a young boy, recalled that one morning in 1942 on his way to school he met a friend of his who like him was on his way to school when there was an air raid warning. They were at a cross road when they parted, my husband went down Prince of Wales to take the Ferry that would get him to the Seminary in Floriana, and his friend to Stella Maris School. In no time a bomb exploded close to his friend, who was killed on the spot. During the war schools did not close. But a number of them were taken over to house ARP centres, and to accom-
MALTA: Echoes from the past DorisCannataci
modate refugees. Others were hit and damaged by falling bombs. Teachers were expected to continue with their teaching and the children with their learning as best as they could. I remember us as kids going down the shelter during the air raids. Besides many other discomforts we only had candles for light, and there was also great humidity. During the intense bombings of 1942 we used to spend long hours in the shelter. When the Director of Education used to visit the school he used to tell us: “You have to come to school.
Class in one of the shelters ready to welcome Maltese children for their lesson. There were many like it in wartime Malta.
Bombs or no bombs education must go on.” Scarcity of reading books, exercise books or copybooks to write on, no pencils, pens and ink (we had no ball pens at the time). All these items were in very short supply and very difficult to buy. Up to this day, I still make use of every scrap of paper to write on! Certain textbooks had to be shared between the whole class. We were allowed to keep some of the books for a few hours, or for half a day, occasionally for a whole day. Examinations were also held, but often due to fear many students would not sit for their exams. Due to the alarming situation several schools and other buildings were converted into hospitals; among these were: St Aloysius College and the Primary School at Birkirkara; a section of the Primary School at Sliema and others in various parts of the island. The St Aloysius students were transferred to various houses, while those in Sliema were housed in the Oratory of the Salesian Fathers and a small private house. Other schools were used to house refugees who had lost their homes in blitzed areas. For example: three families were living in one classroom; a family of six persons could occupy one third of a room. Families in the same room were separated only by means of a curtain. In Gozo two of the largest schools in Victoria were thus used: the Primary School was turned into a home for Maltese elderly people who came from an Institute in Malta, while the Lyceum became a refugee centre for Maltese families who lost their home at Cottonera – the Three Cities. On May 8 1941, in the feast of Our Lady of Pompeii, Fr M. Azzopardi, (the school’s spiritual director) concluded a service in the school chapel and urged everyone to pray devoutly. Five days later, the school bell rang at2.15 p.m. as a sign of an air raidwarning.
*Continued on page 9
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
A new service to our readers A
Q. My mother is 90 years of age and still quite healthy. I would like to take her home to live with me as I am always worried that she could have a fall while she is at home alone. Her house is worth around $450,000. She does not wish to rent it out just in case she is not happy living with us and decides to go back to her home. Will this have any impact on her age pension? A. This is your mother’s residential home. As she is not planning to rent her house out, this will still be her residential home and therefore the pension will not be impacted at all. However if she decides to rent it out, her home will become an investment property and thus an asset, but she will be treated as a non home owner and therefore have a higher asset test limit. The rental income will be assessed against the Age Pension income test, and may reduce her pension entitlement. This may be partially offset by rent assistance. The rental income together with her age pension will be treated as taxable income and she may therefore have to pay some tax. Q. I am planning to purchase some Australian Shares as a gift for my two grandchildren. I am concerned that currently the share market is very volatile. What do you recommend? A. You should not be concerned by the volatility in the share markets if you are
s of this issue, the Voice will be providing a new service to its readers. With the assistance of Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services we will be featuring this special page to assist with understanding better the complexities and changes associated with financial planning. If you have a problem dealing with superannuation, self-managed super funds, pensions, investment, retiring and the like, write to Marie Louise Muscat for assistance c/o planning to invest for capital growth in the medium to long term. Shares have always been and will continue to be volatile investments and therefore when one purchases shares they need be prepared to hold them for at least five to seven years. My concern however would be how the tax treatment on your grandchildren would be. If they are under the age of 18, they could be up for the high tax of 68% if their income from investments falls between $416 and $1307 for the year and at 47% + Medicare Levy after that. If they are over 18 then you have no problem. Purchasing shares when the share market has just corrected could be a good time to buy as you will get a larger number of shares for your money. Remember it is time in the market and not timing the market. Q. I am 55 and wish to commence a “Transition to Retirement”. Am I able to do this and how does it actually work?
Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: * Wealth Creation * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice * Maximising Centrelink Benefits * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to entering Aged Care facilities Call Marie-Louise for a complimentary consultation on:
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Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
A.If you were born after 1 July 1960, you need to be 56 years of age to commence a “Transition to Retirement” so you could commence this next year. You will need to rollover part or the bulk of the funds you have in superannuation in accumulation and commence a non-commutable account based pension. You will need to take a payment of between 4% and 10% annually. I would recommend sticking to the minimum i.e. 4% as you will need to add this to your taxable income even though you get a tax rebate. You will then start to salary sacrifice part of your income and build up your superannuation again. This will reduce tax on your taxable income as you pay 15% contributions tax on the amount paid into superannuation while money from your salary would probably be taxed at least at 32.5% (or your Marginal Tax Rate) plus Medicare Levy. Q. I am 57 years of age and have my own Self-Managed Super Fund. My underlying assets are cash and Australian shares. I have just recently come into $200,000 and wish to know how best to invest these funds i.e. whether to invest them in superannuation or out of superannuation. A. Generally, funds invested outside superannuation will be taxed at your marginal tax rate. In contrast, funds invested in superannuation receive additional tax concessions. These include a maximum tax rate of 15% for superannuation funds that are accumulating funds, nil tax on funds invested in a pension, tax offsets or tax free income if you are in pension mode (age dependent). Funds invested in superannuation are, however, subject to a condition of release such as Transition to Retirement. If you are still working, you can commence a Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) with your superannuation funds. The TRIS requires you to draw a minimum pension of 4% (at age 57) and a maximum pension amount of 10% of the balance per annum. This provides the flexibility of growing your pension funds in a nil tax rate environment, but you are unable to access additional lump sums. If you are retired, you are able to access your superannuation funds without limitation.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Valletta V alletta Int International ernational Baroque Festival
New Year Celebrations Chinese Ne wY ear C elebrations
W WWW.VISITMALTA.COM/EN/EVENTS W W.VISITMAL VISITMALT TA . C OM / EN / EVENTS 23/01 16/01-30/01 05/02-09/02 10/02 26/02 28/02 10/03-11/03 17/03-20/03 18/03-19/03 19/03 20-21/03 25/03-27/03 28/03-02/04 31/03 31/03-03/04 01/04-09/04 02-03/04 03/04 15/04 16/04, 23/04 & 30/04
Chinese Ne New w Year Year Celebrations, Celebrations, Valletta Valletta Valletta Int Valletta International ernational Baroque Festival Carnival ccelebrations Carnival elebrations in Valletta, Valletta, Floriana & Nadur Go Gozo zo Feast o off St St.. P Paul’s aul’s Ship Shipwreck wreck Leaders Malta Conference Business Leaders Conference Vodafone Malta Marathon Vodafone World Heritage Int World International ernational Expo Tour Ta’ T our T Ta a’ Malta International Karate ernational K arate Event Event Malta Int Feast o off St Joseph Equinox Spring Equino x er Sunday Easter Good Friday & East World ISF Badmint World Badminton on Championships ffor or Schools Freedom Day; R Freedom Regatta egatta in the Grand Harbour Annie Mac presents L Lost ost & Found Malta International Spring Orchestra Festival International Karate Federation C Malta Karate Competitions ompetitions XTerra XTerra Triathlon Triathlon George Cross Commemoration ross C ommemoration Ge orge C International Fireworks ernational Fire works Festival Malta Int
18/04 22-24/04 24/04 27/04-10/05 01/05 09/05 30/05 03-05/06 07/06 07/06 08/06-11/07 10-12/06 18-19/06 28/06 29/06 10/07-03/08 10/07-03/08
Mechanised Fireworks Malta Me chanised Fire works Festival Weekend Opera+ Weekend Gozo Half Marathon Gozo International Music Festival Malta International Competition & Competition L abour Day Labour The V alletta Green Green Festival Valletta Go zo Ultra R ace Gozo Race Ear th Garden Earth Sett e Giugno Sette Figs Festival, Xaghra Xaghra Gozo Gozo of the Victoria Victoria International International 19th edition of Ar ts Festival Arts Ghanafest Ghanaf est – Malta Mediterranean Mediterranean Folk Music Festival Agricultural Fair,, Nadur, Agricultural Fair Nadur, Gozo Gozo off MTV Malta Spe Special cial Isle o off St St.. P Peter St.. P Paul; aul; Feast o eter & St L-Imnarja L-Imnarja Summer Folk Festival Malta Arts Ar ts Festival Updated Events
Shows during 2015
Shows during 2016
December 27
January 3 | February 7, 28 | March 6, 13, 20 April 3, 10, 17, 24 | May 1, 8, 15, 22 October 9, 16, 23 November 6, 13, 20, 27
Held on Sundays, as per dates above. Starts at 11 finishes at 11.45 am.
for more information: tel: 2291 5440/1/2 • •
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Property in Malta and Maltese living abroad
Paul Pisani from Balga WA writes: Thank you for a great read. I look forward to the Maltese magazine every fortnight. I have a couple of comments to make, although I know that it is out of your hands as to what comes your way from Malta. The first is about the article on the “Changing regulations about property in
Il-Messa©©i annwali Tal-mexxejja Maltin
Aldo Mifsud, minn Airport West Victoria jikteb: adt pjaçir ferm naqra l-messa©©i talmexxejja ta’ Malta lilna li ninsabu tant bog˙od minn art twelidna, fl-Awstralja. Huma messa©©i li juru wkoll kemm hi rrispettata u mag˙rufa din ir-rivista online, The Voice of the Maltese. Nittama biss li fil-©ejjieni, dawk li jibag˙tulna dawn it-tislimiet sbie˙ tal-Milied u g˙as-Sena l-Ìdida ma jdawwrux ilmessa©© tag˙hom f’rivista ta’ dak li jkunu g˙amlu matul is-sena ta’ qabel iΩda jΩommu mal-messa©© li jkun speçifikament dirett lejn dawk li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta. Sadanittant, nixtieq nifra˙ minn qalbi lil The Voice li ng˙ata prova tas-sa˙˙a u lg˙arfien li g˙andu fostna meta g˙all-ewwel darba kellu anke l-esklussivita` ta’ messa©g ming˙and il-Prim Ministru Awstraljan.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
Malta” AN EXPLANATION. I find it a bit weird that someone other than the owner of a property can make an application to develop the said property. Surely it is the owner and only the owner who can make such an application. For the Planning Authority to say that proof of ownership is a matter for the Courts is a dereliction of duty. Is there no registration of property ownership in Malta? The second matter relates to the voting for Maltese living abroad. Why are the Maltese living in Europe considered any different than the Maltese living elsewhere? If the law (as proposed by the Opposition) were to change to allow Maltese living abroad to vote in Maltese elections and referendum, then it should apply to all Maltese living abroad. Not only those residing in Europe, but also those residing in Australia, Canada, Britain, the US, and elsewhere.
Appreciating the good wishes Charles N.Mifsud. MQR. JP from Burraneer, NSW writes: lease allow me to first wish yourselves and the readers of The Voice of the Maltese a very prosperous and healthy New Year in a World of peace and love as we enjoy reading "The Voice" whilst at the same time congratulating you gentlemen for bringing this e-Magazine to us on a regular basis, appreciating that this is no easy task requiring a solid commitment, for which I fully appreciate and thank you for. I'd also like to sincerely thank all those people here in Australia and in other countries who have sent me congratulatory notes and good wishes publicly and privately, after I received the Midalja Gie˙ irRepubblika. Your kind words and messages I treasure deeply. I have been honoured and humbled and am very grateful to the Authorities in our beloved Malta. To all those that have had anything to do with me being awarded such an Award my sincere thank you. You have inspired me to continue working for our Community for as long as the God Lord allows me to.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Maltese-Canadian notifies about events in Greater Toronto, Canada Peter Aquilina, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada s a reader from Canada, I am so pleased to learn that there are many A other Maltese-Canadians who enjoy reading The Voice of the Maltese, and therefore please allow me to avail myself of this opportunity to notify my fellow Maltese in the Greater Toronto area of some of the events that Maltese-Canadian community around the country will be organising this year, 2016. I also feel obliged to advice my fellow Maltese to be guided by these approximate dates from last year however. The events organised by Maltese clubs and associations in the Greater Toronto area are too numerous to mention at one go, therefore I am just listing the events as published by the Maltese Canadian Federation for the first six months, up to June 29. I will notify the readers of the rest of the
events later. March 1: Melita Carnival Dance. March 5: Melita S.C. St Patrick Dance. March 8: London Club: Mario Vella Fundraiser towards ALS. March 29: Martini Night at The Malta Band Club. April 12: Le˙en Malti Fundraiser at Le Treport; Melita SC Euchre Night. April 13: London Club Ann. Gen. Meet. May 3: Festa San Gorg at the Rizzo Banquet Hall. May 3: London Club Anniversary Dinner Dance. May 10: Malta Band Club Anniversary Dinner Dance. May 23-25: Malta Band Club Carassauga at the Malta Pavilion. June 7: Malta Band Club Spaghetti Night. June 2: Malta Band Club Car Show; Mnarja Dance at the Melita SC June 29: Mnarja Picnic organised by The Maltese Canadian Federation.
The news from Australia on VoM
Luke Marks from Grassy, Tasmania writes: y wife is the one who receives The Voice of the Maltese magazine and allows me to read your excellent publication with good comments and wide coverage. I always look forward to reading it, particularly as it publishes news and comments not just nostalgia. Readers do not live for nostalgia alone, they also want to be stimulated. I have little time to read newspapers, or to follow what is going on in Australia, therefore I find your pages with Australian news very informative and very precise. Indeed a good read. I find it is essential to keep your readers, even if they are Maltese, informed about what is happening in their country of adoption. This is how to achieve integration. You are doing a good job.
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Schooling in wartime Malta *Continued from page 5 The children rushed to the underground shelter. However, the caretaker, who was responsible for ringing the bell, told the teacher in charge that he was unable to ring the bell because the Police failed to warn him about the raid. It was such a mystery, as nobody seemed to know who rang the bell. At that very moment a terrifying explosion rocked the building, and a thick cloud of dust shrouded the building. One of the bombs, landed exactly on the Tabernacle that contained four hundred consecrated Hosts. It also destroyed the chapel and the stairs that the children had used a few minutes before. That was one of the miraculous deliverances from the thousands of bombs that peppered Malta during the Second World War. The mystery about this incident remained unknown up to about two years ago when an elderly lady in her eighties, who during the war attended the Primary School at Qormi, owned up that she was the one who rang the bell. She did it just for kicks. This joke eventually saved the life of hundreds of school children. The presence of Jesus in the Hosts in the Tabernacle bore the brunt of the destruction through enemy action and saved the life of those children. I must say that with God’s help, our deep faith and prayers, in spite of all the hardships we went through during the war, with God’s help we managed to survive and even succeeded in life! As children we had to mature in life.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
Standards g˙as-servizz ta' min?
eta ©ejt l-Awstralja, kont perswaΩ li g˙alkemm se nsib differenzi ovvji, b˙ad-distanzi ˙afna ikbar, varjeta' fil-©ijografija, etniçitajiet differenti eçç eçç, biex nibbilançja kont se nsib ˙afna affarijiet familjari, b˙as-sewqan fuq ix-xellug (wirt tal-˙akma Brittannika) u l-˙ila li n˙addem makkinarju domestiku li ©ibt mieg˙i minn Malta (min˙abba li lvulta©© u l-frekwenza tal-elettriku huwa l-istess b˙al dak tal-Ewropa, u mhux b˙al dak tal-Istati Uniti u pajjiΩi o˙ra). Imma anke hawn, skoprejt xi (dawk li g˙alija kienu) stramberiji. Nag˙tu kaΩ, fi NSW, U-turn, ji©ifieri li taqsam minn Dar tipikament Awstralna˙a wa˙da tat-triq g˙an-na˙a l-o˙ra u ssuq lura, tista' ssir mad-dwal f'salib itjana; u ta˙t: ˙ajt dobblu toroq biss jekk hu mmarkat li hu perwΩat fil-bini ta’ djar Maltin mess, u fi qsim it-toroq o˙ra f'kull post ie˙or ˙lief fejn immarkat li mhux permess. Però meta mort Queensland, skoprejt li U-turn fi qsim it-toroq ma jista' jsir imkien ˙lief fejn hu mmarkat li jista' jsir. Allura ng˙id jien, dan mhux konfuΩjoni jista' jo˙loq fissewwieqa? Speçjalment f'ir˙ula li huma maqsumin mill-fruntiera, b˙al Coolangatta (fi Queensland) u Tweed Heads (fi NSW), Óajt dobblu fuq barfejn hemm toroq na˙a minnhom fi stat u n-na˙a l-o˙ra fi stat ra ta’ dar Maltija ie˙or, jekk tkun sejjer g˙ax-xog˙ol u tag˙mel U-turn tista' wiesg˙a 60cm tag˙mel dan bil-liberta' kollha, u jekk tkun ©ej lura jista' jwaqqfek pulizija g˙ax tag˙mel l-istess ˙a©a. Stramberija o˙ra ndunajt biha kwaΩi mallewwel, hekk kif d˙alt fl-ewwel kamra tal-banju, kienet il-preΩenza ta' plakka tad-dawl, kwaΩi tmiss mas-sink. B˙ala in©inier li kellu ledukazzjoni tieg˙u f'Malta, kont drajt ir-regola li xi ˙a©a b˙al dik hija periklu kbira g˙as-sa˙˙a min˙abba r-riskju ta' xokk elettriku, u jekk ifettillek tag˙mel Hemm xi ˙a©’o˙ra li tkiddni ˙afna. F'Malta, nibnu bidwa˙da f'dar ©dida, tista' tkun Ωgur li ddobblu tal-©ebla Maltija fuq quddiem u dobblu taldar ma tg˙addix mill-ispezzjoni ta' konkrit fuq in-na˙a ta' wara tad-dar, ji©ifieri fejn hu wara l-permess tal-bini. espost g˙all-elementi. Dan jg˙in sabiex fid-dar tinΩamm Sewwa, g˙edt bejni u bejn ru˙i, din temperatura kemm jista' jkun baxxa fis-sajf, u g˙olja fixid-dar ma kinetx tg˙addi f’Malta! Din xitwa. Dan possibbli g˙ax il-qoxra ta' barra tilqa' l-estremi kif g˙addiet hawn? No U-turn tat-temperatura (ix-xemx tiΩre© fis-sajf, u l-kes˙a taxL-iskantament tieg˙i iktar kiber meta xitwa), filwaqt li l-qoxra ta' ©ewwa g˙andha massa termali skoprejt li kwaΩi kull kamra tal-banju li kbira li ΩΩomm it-temperatura ta' ©ewwa pjuttost stabbli, u d˙alt fiha fl-Awstralja g˙andha plakka taddawn il-qxur g˙andhom l-arja fin-nofs. dawl fil-kamra tal-banju. Fl-a˙˙ar skoprejt li lFl-Awstralja, hawn tip ta' kostruzzjoni popolari ˙afna tissejja˙ istandard tal-bini hawnhekk jippermettiha din brick veneer, fejn il-qoxra ta' barra tad-dar tkun tal-briks li tilqa’ il-˙a©a. Mela mhix periklu kbir g˙as-sa˙˙a li jkollok plakka tad-dawl l-estremi tat-temperatura, imma l-qoxra ta' ©ewwa hija rqiqa fil-kamra tal-banju? Jew forsi l-Awstraljani g˙andhom ©ilda nfur- mmens, aktarx mag˙mula mill-plasterboard, folja rqiqa forsi ta' rata u ma je˙dux xokkijiet? Jew forsi min jag˙mel l-istandards çentimetru, mag˙mul minn ©ips mag˙qud. Din il-folja m'g˙andha massa termali ta' xejn, u g˙alhekk, meta hawn ma jifhimx? Jew ma jimpurtahomx? Jew forsi wara kollox l-qoxra tal-briks tkun ta˙raq bix-xemx, id-dar tkun garantita li ir-riskju mhux daqshekk kbir? Xi ˙a©a simili, f'Malta niftakarhom jinsistu li l-kmamar tal-banju tkun ta˙raq u tibqa' ta˙raq mal-lejl g˙ax il-massa termali tinsab jrid ikollhom tieqa li tag˙ti g˙al barra. L-istess, jekk il-kamra tal- fuq barra! Mill-banda l-o˙ra, u meta l-briks ta' barra jkun in©azzat banju din ma jkollhiex, id-dar ma tg˙addix mill-ispezzjoni. bil-kes˙a, id-dar tin©azza wkoll. Viva l-arja kkundizzjonata, u Hawnhekk, jekk ikollok fann fis-saqaf ji©bed l-arja 'l barra mill- min g˙andu l-is˙ma tal-kumpanniji tal-ener©ija elettrika! Veru li daΩ-Ωmien, biex ipattu ftit, meta ssir din il-kostruzzjoni, kamra tal-banju biΩΩejjed. Dawn id-differenzi mhumiex biss koΩmetiçi, u jistg˙u jnaqqsu bejn il-briks u l-plasterboard saru jΩidu folja tal-insulazzjoni, l-fiduçja ta' dak li jkun dwar il-bΩonn ta' çertu regolamenti, jew imma ˙afna djar inbnew bil-mod kif iddeskrivejt qabel. Allura nistaqsi, dawn l-istandards g˙all-benefiççju ta' min saru? tal-proçess li wassal g˙alihom, talinqas f'g˙ajnejja. Ikun ˙afna Óawwadni ˙a nifhem! a˙jar jekk ikun hemm iktar konsistenza f'dan il-qasam.
Tuesday January 19, 2016
VITTORIA TEUMA – a life lived to the full T
he Maltese community is growing faster than most other ethnic groups in Australia. Maltese came to Australia in their thousands in the fifties and sixties but by late eighties migration from Malta started to slow down. Many are now in their twilight years. Their sacrifices and valuable experiences are worth noting. The Voice of the Maltese focuses on one of our golden oldies, Vittoria Teuma (nee Sultana). The fourth of 10 children, Vittoria was born in 1926 in Xag˙ra, Gozo. She attended formal schooling for only two years, as at the age of seven, she was taken out of school to help her mother care for the family. This was most upsetting for Vittoria, as she loved learning and attending school. By reading anything she could find, Vittoria taught herself to read and write, in Maltese as well as in English. She would pick up and keep papers from the street and try to read the print again and again. Vittoria, now nearing 90, lived through the hardships of the Great Depression and the Second World War. She got married to Giuseppe Teuma on New Year’s Day 1949, and six years later, in 1955, she made the long ocean voyage to Sydney with four children under the age of five and heavily pregnant. As well as being a wonderful carer derful Maltese dishes especially ravjul for the family, Vittoria helped out in (ravioli) cheese pies, ftira, baked macthe family market garden, milked the aroni, rabbit, biskuttini and qag˙aq cows and made homemade Maltese tal-g˙asel. ©bejniet (Maltese cheeselets) for the She is a great knitter and has knitted family to sell. a great number of jumpers, scarves In 1976, at the age of 50, her husband and beanies for her children, grandpassed away with asbestosis leaving children and great grandchildren. Vither a widow with 12 children, aged toria says she learned to knit using from seven to twenty five. rooster feathers. Vittoria is well-known for her wonShe is proud of having a grandchild, Emmanuel, and a great grandchild, Did you know that...? Jayden, both born on her birthday. Once her family grew up went their The current population of Australia way and became independent, she is 23,790,982 volunteered to work for many years The male population is 11,857,483, with aged day-care groups at the equivalent to (49.8%). Greystanes Community Centre. The female population is higher at Vittoria has lived in Australia for 11,933,499 (or 50.2%). over 60 years. During that time she The population growth this year is has travelled to Malta 13 times. Her 7,484. most recent trip was last year at the
The Voice of the Maltese 11
age of 89. She has also toured many parts of Europe and has cruised twice to the South Pacific and to New Zealand. Till today, she is still committed to several social groups - the Maltese craft group (over 30 years), Carinya aged day care (24 years), OLQP Maltese social group and Gilroy Village exercise group. Up until very recently, Vittoria would remember, and be the first, to call all her 12 children, 34 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren on their birthdays. She has also attended and loves the festa of Our Lady of Victories, which is very close to her heart. Vittoria’s very strong faith has blessed her with a positive attitude to life and she remains confident in giving encouragement and non-judgmental constructive advice to all, even during the most challenging of times.
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
In visit to Serbia PM Joseph Muscat says Malta D backs Serbia's EU bid uring a visit he made to Serbia and Montenegro in the past few days, Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat, who was accompanied by energy Minister Konrad Mizzi, not only discussed close relations between Malta, Serbia and Montenegro, but alThe Serbian govso the possibility of ernment website reeven more Maltese ported Vucic expresinvestment in the sing “gratitude to region. Malta for its great In Belgrade where support and help to he met the Serbian Serbia on its EuroPM Aleksander Vucpean path.” ic Dr Muscat said Vucic went on to that a model investsay: “I am conment between Malvinced that we can ta and Montenegro expect the support where Enemalta is of Malta in the EU investing in a comenlargement promercial wind farm cess in the future project could also be too. applied to Serbia. “According to the Both sides agreed rotating system, to holding further Malta will take over discussions between the EU presidency Prime Minister Dr Joseph the Energy ministers in early 2017. I am Muscat (left), with Serbian of both countries. very grateful that PM Aleksander Vucic The possibility of this country has increased commercial relations be- withearly next year, “the working made the decision that the meeting of tween the two countries was also dis- group for EU enlargement will hold a the working group for the EU enlargecussed with the Maltese PM saying meeting in Belgrade.” ment be held in Belgrade.” that strong possibilities existed and On his part, Muscat said that when The Serbian Prime Minister pointed these are to be further explored. Malta takes charge of the EU Presi- out that Serbia and Malta “can imMalta will also be giving its full sup- dency it would ensure the term would prove trade relations, which are at a port to Serbia’s drive for EU member- be an effective one. He said Malta has low level, and announced that the ship, with Vucic announcing during a always favoured an increase in mem- Maltese minister of energy will hold joint press conference that when bership and strongly supports Serbia’s talks about investments in renewable Malta takes over presidency of the EU entry. energy sources.” Thanking Dr. Muscat “for praising the Serbian community in Malta and saying that it is a well-integrated and good part of that country's n Montenegro, after a meeting with Mon- would be fully operational by end of 2017. society,”Vucic added, “We could imtenegro's Prime Minister Milo Đuka- He added that works on the project are exprove our relations in this field and nović and the Minister of Economy of pected to start this April and hoped to see get some investments." Montenegro Vladimir Kavarić, Malta’s the first wind turbine operating by the end The talks also dealt with tourist exPrime Minister and the energy Minister of 2016. change and it was noted that more signed a declaration on economic and techFollowing his meeting with Dr Muscat, frequent flights could increase the nical cooperation between the two govern- PM Dukanović said: “This is an investment number of tourists from Malta in Serments and also visited the Mozura worth more than EUR 80 million and it bia and vice versa. mountain, the site on which Enemalta will means the use of new energy sources and The Maltese prime minister condevelop a wind farm in a joint venture with boosting of Montenegro’s production cafirmed that Malta "might invest in Shanghai Electric Power, that Mizzi said, pacities in the field of energy,” Serbia, as it is investing in MonteneRenewable Energy Development Ltd – a gro, through its state-owned enterjoint venture between Enemalta and Chiprises and in cooperation with nese state owned Shanghai Electric Power Chinese partners," the Serbian govwon the contract to develop a wind farm ernment said. last year. Muscat stated that Malta was “very The Prime Minister said that the profit Enwell aware of the problems which EU emalta would be making through this vencandidate countries are facing and ture would allow it to finally invest in that it is ready to help,” and underMalta’s electricity distribution sector. lined that the aspirations of Serbia's The wind farm project will consist of 23 Dr Joseph Muscitizens to membership in the EU are wind turbines, each with a capacity of two cat (left), with legitimate, and that Malta it is also megawatts. It is expected to generate Milo Đukanović, conducting a consistent policy and 100GW hour a year and will help reduce Montenegro's advocates EU enlargement to the carbon dioxide emissions in Montenegro. Prime Minister countries that meet the criteria.
€80m. Enemalta investment in Montenegro wind farm
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Govt. makes Air Malta reform a priority in a year of consolidation
n what he described as being a year of consolidation and implementing the budget measures in line with Labour’s electoral manifesto, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that for 2016, the government has set itself the task of prioritising the reform of Malta’s national carrier, Air Malta. It is committed to ensure its workers and others depending on it had a future. Addressing members of the media and constituted bodies during the annual gathering organised by the Labour Party at its headquarters, the
Prime Minister said that the government would pursue further reforms during the year, and that includes Air Malta. He said that the airline’s intrinsic value for the domestic economy is huge; therefore the government is committed to ensure that it continues to move forward. Dr Joseph Muscat pointed out that following what he described as “a successful” strategic partnership that turned around Enemalta, Air Malta is expected to follow down the same
A dark episode in our migration history remembered
n order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the dark episode known as the Maltese of New Caledonia or the SS Gange Incident of 1916, the Malta Post branch in Victoria, Gozo, issued a special hand postmark (pictured right). A booklet, accompanied by a cassette, by Frank Zammit from NSW - Il-Ballata tal-Maltin ta’ New Caledonia - regarding this historical black period in the history of migration to Australia was published in 1988. The ordeal is still regarded among the most turbulent of World War 1 in Europe that had cast its long shadow even over Australia. A group of 214 migrants from the Maltese Islands was unjustly denied its legitimate expectations of a safe disembarkation after a long voyage. Their trauma is now part of a revered history in the annals of Maltese migration. Facing a tough political problem, then Australian Prime Minister William Hughes who was frantically fighting a losing battle against making conscription compulsory, first tried to delay the 214 Maltese legal migrants from disembarking in Fremantle harbour, then Melbourne and finally Sydney. Since the Gange was a French ship it was re-routed to Noumea, New Caledonia and after six months, the migrants were allowed back to Sydney. The Voice of the Maltese will follow up with more on this episode in other issues.
path. A few days later discussions about the future of Air Malta started at a meeting between a committee appointed by the government and Air Malta employee representatives. The Ministry for Tourism said that the scope for the discussions is to effect a positive direction for the airline. The PM said the government would engage civil society in these reforms and even submit itself to media scrutiny. “Mistakes will be made but we are committed to rectify them,” he added. He noted that 2014 and 2015 were two years of reforms in the energy and health sectors, the labour market and social reforms including civil liberties. He added that though today these reforms are being taken for granted … people should remember they have taken place over the last 30 months.
Malta Stock Exchange among world’s best performers in 2015
he Malta Stock Exchange Index was one T of the world’s best performing stock indices in 2015, ending the year at 4430, up to 33%. Trading activity improved considerably with equity and corporate bond trading volumes up 61% and 38% respectively. These increases were also reflected in the total Market Capitalisation Value which ended the year at €11.4 billion, an increase of over €1 billion compared to the previous year’s value. The Exchange’s chairman, Joseph Portelli described the MSE’s index outperformance “as a testimonial to the Maltese economy being one of Europe’s best performers, to improved corporate profits and an economy awash in liquidity. Consumer confidence is also quite strong, which along with other positive economic fundamentals should bode well for the Maltese equity market.”
Malta appoints first female as head of Broadcasting Authority woman has been appointed chair of Malta’s Broad- position. A casting Authority (BA). Tanya Borg Cardona (pictured) The Broadcasting Auwill be the first woman ever to fill this important role thority is an independsince the Authority was set up in 1961. She succeeds Anthony J. Tabone whose term as chairman expired at the end of last year. Prior to her appointment, Tanya Borg Cardona, who has been described as a life skills consultant, was a consultant of the Housing Authority's project Equal 'Headstart' and a member of the board Yes to Europe. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat advised the President to appoint her after consultation with the Leader of the Op-
ent body that monitors all radio and television programmes that are produced in Malta. It oversees impartiality in particular matters, and ensures that legal and license obligations are fulfilled.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Ritratt tal-okkaΩjoni. Il-President ta’ Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca flimkien malKonsli Onorarji fil-Palazz
Il-President t˙e©©e© lill-Konsli Onorarji jippromwovu lil Malta
˙al ma jsir kull sena l-©img˙a li g˙addiet, il-mexxejja Maltin, il-President tar-Repubblika, l-E.T. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni Simon Busuttil kellhom laqg˙at separata mal-Korp Diplomatiku biex filwaqt li taw l-awguri lil xulxin g˙as-Sena l-Ìdida wasslu wkoll il-˙sibijiet tag˙hom g˙all-©ejjieni. Nhar il-Ìimg˙a mbag˙ad, il-President ltaqg˙et mal-konsli onorarji ta’ Malta barra l-pajjiΩ u f’diskors g˙all-okkaΩjoni, wara li tat ˙arsa lejn l-aktar avvenimenti importanti li saru kemm f’Malta u wkoll barra fl-2015, qalet li l-avvenimenti kienu importanti u
Mintoff ˙alla l-marka tieg˙u fl-Ingilterra Ìie kkonfermat li Mintoff mhux biss ˙alla l-marka tieg˙u fuq il-GΩejjer Maltin, imma wkoll fuq l-Ingilterra. Dan ©ie svelat mill-Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) li nkluda lill-eks-Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff fost il-222 persuna mda˙˙la dan l-a˙˙ar f’dan id-Dizzjunarju li jinkludi nies li ˙allew marka fuq il-˙ajja fl-Ingilterra. Il- 222 persuna li Ωdiedu huma dawk li mietu matul l-2012. L-ODNB jinkludi l-bijografiji ta’ 59,879 individwu miktubin mnn 14,188 kontributur. Ta’ Mintoff inkitbet mill-Professur Henry Frendo. Mintoff kien g˙amel Ωmien jistudja f’Hertford College f’Oxford, l-Ingliterra.
storiçi g˙al Malta, imma kien hemm il˙tie©a li wie˙ed jistaqsi lilu nnifsu kif dak li ©ie maqbul fil-laqg˙at internazzjonali jista’ jinbidel f’azzjoni. Hija Ωiedet li Malta wriet li tista’ tkun ta’ pont bejn il-pajjiΩi ta’ kulturi, twemmin u fehmiet differenti, u ttamat li djalogu b˙al dan itejjem din is-sena u li Malta tibqa’ sservi b˙ala çentru ta’ sliem. Il-President qalet lill-konsli li hi tqis issehem tag˙hom fl-iΩvilupp tal-pajjiΩ bħala wie˙ed importanti ˙afna, g˙ax g˙andhom lopportunità li j©ibu n-nies flimkien, jg˙inu biex ikun hawn il-paçi u l-g˙aqda, u jkunu katalisti għall-bidla li hi tant hi me˙tie©a. Hija ˙e©©ithom biex juΩaw il-kuntatti li g˙andhom fil-pajjiΩi rispettivi fejn qed iservu ˙alli jippromwovu lil Malta u dak kollu li g˙andha x’toffri lill-investitur barranin, g˙ax Malta tin˙tie© dejjem aktar investiment barrani. Il-President qalet lill-konsli li tqis is-sehem tag˙hom fl-iΩvilupp tal-pajjiΩ bħala wie˙ed importanti ˙afna, g˙ax g˙andhom l-opportunità li j©ibu n-nies flimkien, jg˙inu biex ikun hawn il-paçi u l-g˙aqda, u jkunu katalisti għall-bidla li tant hi me˙tie©a.
Il-PM jappella biex il-Konsli jitkellmu dwar ir-riΩultati poΩittivi ta’ Malta
l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat ukoll IKastilja, laqg˙a lill-Konsli Onorarji fil-Ber©a ta' fejn appellalhom biex jitkellmu dwar ir-riΩultati poΩittivi li kisbet Malta filpajjiΩi li jirrappreΩetaw. Huwa sa˙aq li filwaqt li pajjiΩi o˙ra jinsabu g˙arkupptejhom, ekonomikament u politikalment Malta qed tikseb riΩultat poΩittiv wara l-ie˙or u li fl-a˙˙ar bdejna naraw xi tfisser stabbilità ekonomika u politka. Qal li dan wasal sforz ta' ˙idma bil-g˙aqal u nteli©enti. Il-Prim Ministru semma li fix-xhur li ©ejjin, se tissokta t-t˙ejjija g˙all-Presidenza tal-UE li se tokkupa Malta u li Malta qed tkun lewwel li titkellem dwar çerti kwestjonijiet. Min-na˙a tal-Konsli, Godwin Bencini semma s-servizz effettiv li jag˙tu u qal li dan ix-xog˙ol ma jistax isir ming˙ajr intervent uman u li jag˙mlu dmirijiethom b'xejn, ˙a©a li hi diffiçli mmens. G˙alhekk xtaq li jing˙ataw l-istima li jist˙oqilhom ˙alli jkunu motivati li jkomplu jag˙tu servizz a˙jar milli di©à qeg˙din jag˙tu. Qal li mhux jappella biex jing˙ataw privile©©i diplomatiçi, imma sempliçiment li jkunu iktar rikonoxxuti u mog˙tija stima.
Il-˙mar il-mag˙kus .... ... idur g˙alih id-dubbien, jg˙id il-qawl Malti. U kemm hu veru dan jixhed dak li se˙˙ f’dawn l-a˙˙ar jiem meta tfajla minn Sqallija li ilha Ωmien tg˙ix Malta tilfet ˙ajjitha waqt li kienet qed issuq mutur u kellha ˙abta ma’ trakk. Il-funeral u d-difna tat-tfajla saru f’Malta
u kif kien mistenni l-qraba tag˙ha ©ew Malta biex jag˙tuha l-a˙˙ar tislima. Waqt li dawn kienu qed jag˙mlu dan, jidher li fi Sqallija, kien hemm min jaf sewwa x’kien qed ji©ri u approfitta ru˙u biex da˙lilhom id-dar u serqilhom kull ma kellhom.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
Ma kienux Awguri!
Malta fost l-aqwa
l-popolarita’ ta’ Malta fost il-barranin kull ma jmur qed tikber. Dan huwa rifless f’dak li qed jidher dwar Malta filmidja barranija, kif ukoll jo˙ro© minn diversi st˙arri© li jsir. Hekk, per eΩempju, is-sit eletroniku popolari ˙afna fost dawk li jivvjag©aw, Travel+ Leisure, f’Lulju li g˙adda kien ikklassifika lil Malta ma l-aqwa g˙axar GΩejjer g˙al dawk li jridu jmorru f’pajjiΩ biex jirrilassaw. Fost il-GΩejjer tal-Ewropa Malta ikklassifikat fit-tieni post mill-aqwa ˙ames gΩejjer Ewropej. Il-gΩira Griega, Santorini, ikklassifikat fl-ewwel post. Sadanitant Malta re©g˙et marret ukoll tajjeb ˙afna fost l-aqwa GΩejjer g˙all-irtirar. Infatt skont l-Indiçi Globali Annwali talIrtirar g˙all-2016, Malta hija fost l-aktar 23 pajjiΩ ideali g˙allirtirar. Dan l-indiçi hu bbaΩat fuq diversi kriterji, inkluΩ ix-xiri u lkirijiet tal-postijiet, il-benefiççji u l-iskontijiet, l-ispejjeΩ finanzjarji biex wie˙ed jg˙ix ˙ajja diçenti, id-divertiment, il-kura tas-sa˙˙a, l-integrazzjoni, l-infrastruttura, il-klima u l-mod ta’ g˙ajxien. F’dan ir-rapport Malta ©iet ikklassifikata fil-11-il post. Il-Panama huwa l-iktar pajjiΩ ideali g˙all-irtirar. Flimkien ma’ Spanja, il-Portugall, Franza u l-Irlanda, Malta spikkat fil-kategorija tal-infrastruttura u qasmet l-ewwel poΩizzjoni bl-istess punti mal-pajjiΩi msemmija. Hekk skont dan l-indiçi Malta g˙andha toroq moderni, sistema ta’ trasport pubbliku mifruxa, u servizz ta’ internet fl-istess livelli tal-Amerika. Anke The New York Times tefg˙et ˙arsitha fuq Malta u meta kienet qed tirrakkomanda t-52 destinazzjoni li l-Amerikani kellhom iΩuru semmiet il-GΩejjer Maltin fit-tielet post. Is-sit tal-©urnal popolari Amerikan, li hu mag˙ruf li fl-Istati Uniti g˙andu çirkolazzjoni ta’ 1,379,806 kopja, jiddeskrivi lil Malta b˙ala l-GΩira Mediterranja “bi klima mill-aqwa, bajjiet eççellenti, b’tempji megalitiçi u b’kulturi distintivi.” L-istess sit jg˙id li minkejja li f’pajjiΩna nitkellmu b’Ωew© ilsna uffiçjali, inkluΩ l-IngliΩ, ftit Amerikani s’issa g˙adhomskoprew il-faxxinu ta’ Malta. Dan il-©urnal jirreferi g˙al G˙awdex b˙ala gΩira “iktar trankwilla, b’kosta drammatika mimlija postijiet ideali g˙allg˙adds” u Kemmuna “ming˙ajr karozzi, b’lukanda u ftit residenti.” L-artiklu jfakkar ukoll kif f’pajjiΩna wie˙ed jista’ jsegwi lpassi tal-koppja Angelina Jolie u Brad Pitt “li qattg˙u l-qamaril-g˙asel tag˙hom fil-film ‘By the Sea’ f’G˙awdex, li serva b˙ala post iktar ekonomiku, imma daqstant romantiku, minflok in-na˙a t’isfel ta’ Franza.” L-artiklu jie˙u lill-qarrejja wkoll iktar fl-img˙oddi u jfakkar kif G˙awdex serva wkoll b˙ala sett g˙all-films ‘The Whale’ u ‘The Da Vinci Code.’
s-soltu l-Awguri li jing˙ataw minn dinjitarji fil-Milied u lA˙˙ar tas-sena ftit li xejn i©ibu kummenti. IΩda mhux hekk se˙˙ wara id-diskors tal-Awguri talEwwel tas-Sena mill-Prim Ministru Malti, li din id-darba sar bi stil differenti billi Dr Muscat m’g˙amilx dan id-diskors mill-Uffiççju tieg˙u, iΩda g˙aΩel fost kollox kçina ta’ koppja Ωag˙Ωug˙a. Çerta midja g˙amlet festa s˙i˙a dwar hekk. Qabblet it-tul tad-diskors tal-Prim Ministru Malti (madwar 20 minuta) u dawk ta’ kapijiet ta’ pajjizi o˙ra li kienu ta’ madwar ˙ames minuti. Semmew li dik il-kçina kienet ta’ çerta ditta u lanqas kienet ˙ar©et g˙all-bejg˙. Issemmew ukoll l-ispejjeΩ li saru biex jin©ibdu çerti xeni... u mitt ˙a©’o˙ra. Min-na˙a tieg˙u g˙all-ewwel darba f’okkaΩjonijiet b˙al dawn, kellna protesta mill-Partit Nazzjonalista, li nsista mal-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir li bid-diskors tal-Prim Minstru kien in˙oloq sbilanç fl-istazzjon nazzjonali min˙abba li fid-diskors tieg˙u kien parti©©jan, g˙ax fih semma pro©etti "kontroversjali" b˙all-power station li ta˙dem bil-gass u l-Università Amerikana (˙alliha li kien hemm min sostna li fil-passat fl-awguri talEwwel tas-Sena kienu saru diskorsi simili). IΩΩeffen fin-nofs ukoll l-Arçisqof Mons Charles Scicluna li waqt intervista fuq TVM irrefera g˙ad-diskors ta’ Muscat u qal li jispera li meta lPrim Ministru jid˙ol fi kçina din tkun ta’ veru. Immedjata wie©eb fuq Facebook Glenn Bedingfield, membru tal-istaff tal-Prim Ministru (ta˙t) li kiteb “L-Arçisqof jawgura li l-Prim Ministru meta jid˙ol fi kçina tkun ta’ veru. Tal-inqas il-Prim Ministru ma da˙alx f’xi kamra tas-sodda tat-tfal”. Din kienet referenza çara g˙allkaΩijiet ta’ pedefolija ta’ xi membri tal-kleru, u sintendi qam battibekk s˙i˙ fuq il-kumment ta’ Bedingfield bil-PN jinsisti li l-Prim Ministru kellu jiççensurah u sa˙ansitra jne˙˙ih mill-istaff tieg˙u. Imbag˙ad dan
Iffissa fuqha u spiçça l-˙abs
assimo Tivisini, Sqalli li ilu Ωmien jg˙ix f’Malta kien tefa’ M g˙ajnejh fuq tfajla Maltija u rnexxielu jaqbad mag˙ha. Biss wara xi Ωmien din telqitu. IΩda hu m’aççettax ir-rifjut tag˙ha u baqa’ jiktbilha u jsegwiha. Wara xi Ωmien din it-tfajla ma fel˙itx aktar u rrappurtatu lill-pulizija u meta dan kompla bl-a©ir tieg˙u ttella’ l-Qorti u laqqat 30 xahar ˙abs.
wassal g˙al diskussjoni s˙i˙a fejn kien hemm dawk li nsistew li l-liberta’ tal-espressjoni jekk tapplika g˙all-Arçisqof kellha wkoll tapplika g˙all-membri tal-pubbliku. Insomma bdejna s-sena l-©dida bittajjeb... li milli tidher se nkompluha bil-batibekki bejn il-partiti politiçi li minflok ikkonçentrati fuq materji mportanti b˙all-ekonomija, l-edukazzjoni, is-sa˙˙a, ecç jintilfu fuq ˙wejje© sekondarji bil-midja kultant aktar tag˙mel emfasi fuq dawn il˙wejje© milli l-essenzjal. Li m’humiex jirrejalizzaw dawn ilpolitiçi hu li meta jaqbdu jixlu lil xuxlin, b˙al, liema karozza ta˙li laktar fjuwil: jekk hux l-ewwel karozza jew it-tieni karozza tal-Prim Ministru, jew jekk eks Ministru talPN g˙amilx ˙azin li jumejn qabel lelezzjoni, xtara karozza g˙all-prezz miΩeru ta’ inqas minn elfejn Ewro, meta ftit tas-snin qabel l-istess ministru nefaq aktar minn €25,000 biex tinxtara. Meta jag˙mlu dan mhux jakkwistaw l-appo©© g˙all-partit tag˙hom qed jag˙mlu, imma jitilfu lkredibbilta’. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li fi st˙arri© dan la˙˙ar il-ma©©oranza tal-Maltin qalu li m’g˙andhomx fiduçja fil-politiçi.
Malta bl-akbar tkabbir ekonomiku mill-Indipendenza… jg˙id il-PM
i djalogu li kellu mal-imsie˙ba F tal-Kamra tal-Kummerç, il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat qal li bilmiΩuri li ttie˙du, fosthom fil-qasam tal-ener©ija, fl-a˙˙ar sentejn u nofs il-pajjiΩ esperjenza l-akbar tkabbir ekonomiku mill-Indipendenza ‘l hawn. Ûied li s-suççess ekonmiku jiddependi ˙afna mir-riformi f’çerti setturi u mill-istabbilita` f’oqsma o˙ra. Min-naha tieg˙u, il-president talKamrat al-Kummerç, Anton Borg qal li l-pajjiΩ ma jistax jistrie˙ fuq is-suççess ekonmiku fl-a˙˙ar 10 snin u lanqas fil-preΩent, u sostna li qed jistenna aktar ro˙s fit-tariffi talener©ija g˙ax il-prezz taΩ-Ωejt naqas g˙al $30 kull barmil.
IΩda jidher li fil-˙abs mhux talli ma ©iex riformat, iΩda lanqas biss irrealizza l-iΩball li kien g˙amel. Tant li malli ˙are© mill-˙abs mill-ewwel kiteb lil din it-tfajla bit-tama li din tikkuntattjah. Meta ma g˙amlitx hekk, mill-©did beda jiffastidjaha. Tant iffittaha, li din mill-©did irrapportatu.. u mill-©did intbag˙at il-˙abs. Din id-darba g˙al erbg˙in xahar. Tg˙id la jo˙ro© mill-˙abs ser jer©a’ jag˙mel l-istess, jew forsi jirriforma ru˙u billi l-Qorti ordnat biex l-imputat jirçievi trattament psikjatriku matul iΩ-Ωmien li se jqatta fil-˙abs ta' Kordin?
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Pensioner worst off in Australia
e talk about what a great country Australia is but when it W comes to pensioners Australia is amongst the worst performers in the world for financial security of older people. More than a third of Australian pensioners are living below the poverty line. The findings of the OECD report Pensions at a glance 2015, compares Australia with 33 other countries. Australia was ranked second lowest on social equity, with 36 per cent of pensioners living below poverty line, which the report defined as half the relevant country’s median household in-
come. The Australian government spends 3.5 per cent of GDP on pension, below the OEDC average of 7.9 per cent. The annual payment is about $22,000 for a single person and $34,000 for a couple with 2.25 million Australians claiming the pension. The National Seniors chief executive, Michael O’Neil said pension had gone backwards in real terms and many older people had not accumulated enough superannuation to supplement the benefits.
Report from the Trade Union Royal Commission
ohn Dyson Heydon AC QC, a former Justice of the High Court of Australia was appointed as the sole Royal Commissioner to lead the Royal Commission into trade union governance and corruption on the recommendation of the Abbott Government. Justice Heydon handed down the Commission's interim report in December 2015. Despite pressure from unions and the Labor Party for him to stand down because of his alleged affiliation with the Liberal Party, Justice Heydon decided to
continue. The commission ran for 21 months, and heard from 505 witnesses over 155 days of public hearings. Its six-volume report made 79 law reform recommendations, including the creation of a new union’s watchdog with its own budget and investigative powers similar to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The report also recommended right of entry laws be tightened, and jail terms for offering, giving or receiving bribes. Mr. Heydon, in his report, said the case
studies examined by the commission revealed "widespread misconduct that has taken place in every polity in Australia except for the Northern Territory". Mr. Heydon said the referral of 45 people, unions, or companies for investigation should be considered only "the small tip of an enormous iceberg" and believed the existence of a Royal Commission had caused only a temporary reduction in misconduct. The former judge said it would be "utterly naive" to think that the commission had uncovered all wrongdoing, or that wrongdoing had been the work of "a few rogue unions, or a few rogue officials. The misconduct exhibits great variety. It is widespread. It is deep-seated. Nor can the list be regarded as complete," he said. He said it was hard to identify most types of misconduct, as parties had a strong incentive to stay silent and whistleblowers could face reprisal. In a swift response to the commission's final report, the Turnbull Government announced it would ask Parliament to urgently pass laws recommended by Mr. Heydon, to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission. CFMEU national construction secretary Dave Noonan said the report's recommendations had merely endorsed Liberal Party industrial relations policy.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday January 19, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Sterile politics
No more troops for Middle East
he Turnbull – Australian government T has rejected a request from the United States for more military help in the Middle
eputy Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce (right)who is set to become Australia’s deputy Prime Minister when Warren Truss resigns later this year says he hopes Australian politics doesn’t become “sterile” and overly political correct. "I like that Australia is to the point. One of the great things about Australian politics is our informality and directness and I'd hate to lose that - even if there can be faux pas." Mr. Joyce said Minister Peter Dutton had made a "stupid" mistake by sending veteran journalist Samantha Maiden a text calling her a "mad f---ing witch". It is understood Mr. Dutton thought he was sending the text to Mr. Jamie Briggs MP, but instead sent it to Maiden, who had been highly critical of the ex-minister in a column published on a Sunday newspaper. "For a robust member of the fourth estate like Samantha, she would think this was water off a duck's back and pretty funny." Mr. Briggs was forced to resign after a young public servant complained about his behaviour at a Hong Kong bar in No-
East campaign against Islamic State. In December US Defence Secretary Ash Carter asked coalition partners fighting the extremist group in Iraq and Syria for a greater commitment following the Paris attacks. But Defence Minister Marise Payne remained firm on Australia’s existing level of assistance. “The government has advised secretary Carter that our existing contributions will continue”. Australia has more than 400 personnel in the Middle East, carrying out various roles. Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) jets were deployed to the region to carry out air strikes against terrorists in Iraq in October 2014. More than 200,000 people have been killed fighting IS and other Islamists.
vember. Sources have said Mr. Briggs told the woman she had "piercing eyes" and tried to kiss her on the cheek, while others said it was her neck. Mr. Briggs sent a photo of the woman to colleagues that was later leaked to the media, a move that drew an angry response from Prime Minister Turnbull. “Such behaviour could deter women from coming forward with complaints about workplace misbehavior “the PM said.
Bikie club More cars on the road in disarray T
olice in Australia are saying that the P Rebels Australia’s biggest bikie club is in disarray. The membership shake-up has been triggered by tough anti-bike laws and ongoing leadership vacuum, which police have utilized to aid their crackdown on the club. Police believe the instability within the club ranks has been created by the absence of the gang’s president of more than four decades, Alex Vella. The Australian government cancelled Mr. Vella’s visa while he was holidaying in Malta in 2014.
he Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) said 1,155,408 new vehicles in Australia were sold in 2015, a 3.8 percent lift from the previous year. The result is 1.7 percent better than the old record of 1,136,227 set in 2013. Toyota was the top selling brand cornering 17.8 percent of the market. It was followed by Mazda, Holden, Hyundai and Mitsubishi New car sales rose in NSW, ACT, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria but fell in the
Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. According to the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries the record 2015 result reflected a healthy economy and increasing competition in the new-car marketplace. FCAI chief executive Tony Weber said the market in Australia is just so competitive with 67 brands and over 400 models, and the service backing that you now get with a new car also has a very strong appeal.
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230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Making the Eagles a powerhouse again AnthonyTheuma
ince I had not been able to fulfil my dream of playing for this great club, Melita Eagles, and after twice being encouraged to run as a committee member for the club, I thought that running the Eagles’ Facebook page was going to be part of my strategy to assist and promote this club to become an Australian football powerhouse again. I am aware that things cannot be the same as they were back in the days when the old National Soccer League was alive and kicking, but just to see my beloved Parramatta Melita Eagles become one of the strongest, if not the strongest club in New South Wales or in Australia for that matter, would be fantastic and a dream of mine. Unfortunately, since the birth of the Hyundai A-League back in 2005, and with clubs like the Western Sydney Wanderers FC and Sydney FC, who compete in this competition and have a strong fan base, it is becoming more and more difficult for this once prestigious club of ours to attract big crowds as it once did. Six thousand spectators at the Eagles’ home matches would be normality back in the National Soccer League days. I had been to every 1st grade Eagles match but one last season, and to say that our club’s spectator attendance last season was poor is an understatement. What was
Eagles 'Till I Die...’ My Story
level of New South Wales Football, is such an unknown entity these days. It really hurts to think that all the blood, sweat, and tears that our dedicated club founders and volunteers shed throughout the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s to get the club to its most comprehensive status, seems to have amounted to nothing. Our Maltese passion is second to none, and we live and breathe football day and night. It is a fact that we have supporters out there, as just fewer than 2,000 people are currently
worse is there were certainly no more than 100-200 people at the ground per home match; most were supporting the away team. Granville and Districts Soccer Football Association (GDSFA), who currently own and run our club (now renamed Parramatta FC), have placed the club in a strong position in terms of reviving and lifting it back into the top flight of New South Wales Football (New South Wales Premier League). However, the GDSFA is struggling to obtain a Anthony’s late grandfather, Anthony Snr. with strong fan base, former Melita Eagles’ player Ray Farrugia in 1978 and since the Maltese people no following the Parramatta Melita Ealonger own this Maltese club, the gles Facebook page. However, it is strong Maltese supporter base has di- just a matter of finding these supportminished immensely. ers and getting them off their Only a dozen or so couches and back into the stadium of us Maltese regu- seating to cheer on our team, that larly attended Parra- desperately needs our support. While it is not the GDSFA’s fault matta’s matches during the 2015 season. that the A-League competition overThe Greeks, the Croa- laps into almost half of the New tians, Serbians, Mace- South Wales Premier League season, donians, and Italians it is imperative for the club to think are still crazy about strategically in promotional terms, their football clubs in and to attract, not just the old supthis competition, so porters back, back also new ones. where have our MalThe GDSFA is living under a gold tese supporters disap- mine of a sporting venue, but I’m peared to and what afraid it is just not being utilised well are they occupying enough. Melita Stadium, located in their time with these South Granville, includes one of the days? best floodlit grounds in Sydney, a It is so difficult to large grandstand, bar, function room comprehend that an with games area, point of sale facilielite club like ours, ties, and another large room formerly Anthony playing is own with such a rich his- used as a restaurant known as “The trumpet ...for a good tory and so much Eagles’ Nest”. cause; blasting away the success, and currently Innu Melita Eagles playing at the top *Continued on page 19
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday January 19, 2016 *from page 18 This restaurant once catered the best of Maltese cuisine, and if reopened it would most certainly attract people and cash flow back into the club. All these stadium facilities were planned and built by the blood, sweat and tears of the Maltese people, and it is a real shame to see these facilities being wasted like this. For me, the highlight of the Eagles’ 2015 season apart from deservedly avoiding relegation, and their emphatic wins over Sydney Olympic FC (1-0 at Belmore Sports Ground) and New South Wales Premier League Champions, Bonnyrigg White Eagles FC (5-3 at Melita Stadium), has to be Football New South Wales’ introduction of the Inaugural Heritage Round that took place in Round 14.
I have to admit the GDSFA did a fantastic job in organising and celebrating the rich heritage of our great club by honouring our past players, coaches, co-founders, and volunteer staff before the first grade side went into battle with our fiercest rivals, Blacktown City FC, at Melita Stadium that afternoon. I’m sure we melted hearts and brought a tear to the eye when my band colleague, George Attard, and I surprised the crowd by blasting out the “Innu Melita Eagles” through our trumpets to top off the celebrations. Although our Eagles went down 1-0 that day, it was a great sight to see the players proudly wearing the club's inaugural 1956 retro kits. The only negative on that day was that no Maltese food or beverages were served, however, I was privileged
to be contacted by the GDSFA prior to the event, requesting to pass on contact information of former players to be invited for the celebrations. The large list of players I gladly informed the GDSFA of ranged from the early 1980’s to 2012. I am already sourcing a new list of former players to be prepared for the 2016 celebrations, which coincidentally mark the club’s 60th anniversary. So this is my story about the club I hold dearly to my heart, and will continue to support. Anybody who has any queries or is interested in joining the Parramatta Melita Eagles Supporters’ Group is invited to get in touch with me through the Parramatta Melita Eagles Facebook page. COME ON THE EAGLES!
Pictured: Melita Eagles Heritage Group made up of coaches, administrators and players in 2015 and old, to do what they love doing, watching our Eagles play football. I have finalised a group logo that has gone down well with many people, and plans are curhave some suggestions to make to the GDSFA in order rently in their early stages, but more support is needed to promote and improve the status of the club. from our supporters to assist me in making this happen. • Reinstate the mascot in the club name to Parramatta Joining forces in the future with the GDSFA and other Eagles FC and Parramatta Ladyhawks FC. I believe the Maltese groups such as the Maltese-Australians’ Youth club has lost its identity since being named Parramatta Committee NSW group would be a plan once our supFC, with people thinking that this old Maltese club had porters’ group is up and running. dissolved. I have many times asked friends and others • Target talented Australian-Maltese/Maltese players to about Parramatta FC, and to be honest, most if not all, play for our club. While we encourage and welcome were not aware that Parramatta FC are the Parramatta players of all cultures to join this club, I believe it is very Melita Eagles of old. important to include Maltese players in the squads of a Even the Football New South Wales sportswriter report- club with Maltese heritage and origins. History has ing for the Round 14 Heritage Round match against shown that this has proved quite effective in attracting Blacktown City FC, throughout the entire article wrote the Maltese supporters to the Eagles’ matches, with the that our Eagles were called Parramatta City. Our club prime examples being Joe Cilia and Ray ‘Zazu’ Farrugia, needs to distinguish itself from the other Parramatta and in recent times Patrick Gatt and Luke Grima. football clubs. • Get involved with the surrounding councils, such as • Source a major (front of kit) sponsor, and attract other Auburn Municipal Council, and Holroyd City and Parsponsorship deals to the club, informing them of the in- ramatta City Councils, to help promote the club and centives they could receive in return for their partner- lure the locals to the Eagles’ matches. ship with the club. • Hold an annual preseason tournament comprising of • Establish a supporters’ club/group and engage the sup- the seven remaining Maltese clubs left in Australia, they porters in all the club’s activities. I have commenced es- being, Parramatta FC (NSW), Mounties Wanderers FC tablishing the Parramatta Melita Eagles Supporters’ (NSW), Oak Flats Falcons FC (NSW), Prospect United Group with the aim of reviving our beloved football Soccer Club (NSW), Sunshine George Cross FC (VIC), club, giving it a new lease of life and a fresh beginning, Green Gully FC (VIC), Morwell Pegasus Soccer Club in which our group (once set up) can come together to (VIC) and Altona North Soccer Club (VIC). Surely a tourshow our passion and love for our club. nament like this would attract a crowd, and the tournaOur group also aims to bring the Maltese community ment could be named “Tazza Maltija” (The Maltese back together, attracting old and new supporters, young Cup).
Suggestions I
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb
llum se nibdew sezzjoni o˙ra importanti, il-Konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi u se nag˙mlu dan billi nuΩaw xi Mudelli. Bejn din il-˙ar©a u o˙rajn ta’ warajha se nuru eΩempji tal-Verbi S˙a˙, dawk Torox, id-Dg˙ajfin, il-Kwadriletteri u l-Imnisslin. Nibdew bil-Verbi S˙a˙ ÓADEM GÓAZEL SATA` MOD IMPERATIV a˙dem ag˙Ωel ista’ a˙dmu ag˙Ωlu istg˙u
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma
MOD INDIKATIV IMPERFETT na˙dem nag˙Ωel nista’ tista’ tag˙Ωel ta˙dem jista’ jag˙Ωel ja˙dem tisa’ tag˙Ωel ta˙dem na˙dmu nag˙Ωlu nistg˙u tisg˙u ta˙dmu tag˙Ωlu jistg˙u jag˙Ωlu ja˙dmu
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma
PERFETT g˙aΩilt ˙dimt g˙aΩilt ˙dimt g˙aΩel ˙adem ˙admet g˙aΩlet ˙dimna g˙Ωilna g˙aΩiltu ˙dimtu g˙aΩlu ˙admu
stajt stajlt sata’ seg˙let stajna stajtu setg˙u
l-Gozo Youth Wind Band fi il-Gozo Youth Wind and I˙dan Il-konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi (Mudelli) Orchestra se tippreΩenta l-hekk
Aktar eΩempji ta’ Verbi S˙a˙ FEHEM
MOD IMPERATIV ifhem ifhmu
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma
ifra˙ ifirhu
nifhem tifhem jifhem tifhem nifhmu tifhmu jifhmu
ilg˙ab ilag˙bu
isma’ isimg˙u
MOD INDIKATIV IMPERFETT nifra˙ nilg˙ab nisma’ tifra˙ tilg˙ab tisma’ jifra˙ jilg˙ab jisma’ ttifra˙ tilg˙ab tisma’ nifir˙u nilag˙bu nisimg˙u tifir˙u tilag˙bu tisimg˙u jifir˙u jilag˙bu jisimg˙u
PERFETT Jiena fhimt fra˙t lg˙abt Inti fhimt fra˙t lg˙abt Huwa fehem fera˙ lag˙ab Hija fehmet fer˙et lag˙bet Ahna fhemna fra˙na lg˙abna Intom fhimtu fra˙tu lg˙abtu Huma fehmu fer˙u fag˙bu
smajt smajt sama’ semg˙et smajna smajtu semg˙u
(Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nittrattaw il-Verbi Torox)
Maltese Language School of NSW For the best education in Maltese Language, Learn from qualified professional Maltese Teachers. Enrol at the Maltese Language School of NSW, Run by Maltese Community Council of NSW Enrolment Day: 23rd January 2016 At the Horsley Park Public School 10.00 am to Noon Qualified teachers are urgently required For more information contact Mary Pace Feraud 9601 2180 The Maltese Community Council
The umbrella body of Maltese Assocaitions in NSW
Bands Around The World fid-Don Bosco, G˙awdex
mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Bands Around The World, attivita` li se titella’ fl-Oratorju Don Bosco Victoria, G˙awdex fil-31 ta’ Jannar fi tmiem il-festa ta’ San Gwann Bosco. G˙alhekk dawk il-Maltin mill-Awstralja u l-Kanada li jaqraw regolarment il-magazine The Voice of the Maltese u li nafu li b˙alissa jinsabu f’Malta fuq btala qed ji©u m˙e©©a li jattendu. Il-programm se jinkludi siltiet u arran©amenti popolari, fosthom mill-Carmen ta’ George Bize, siltiet mill-musicals Evita, u In a Persian Market ta’ Ketelbey li g˙al xi Ωmien kien jg˙ix G˙awdex u ˙alla warajh ix-xog˙ol popolari tieg˙u ‘Bells across the Meadow’ li jing˙ad li kiteb waqt passi©©ata bejn Santa Luçia u Ta’ Pinu. Ikun hemm ukoll, muΩika ta’ Ennio Morricone, Tom Jones in Concert, u muΩika mill-film Star Wars. M’g˙andux jonqos li tispikka wkoll il-medley Bands Around The World li lbanda mag˙mula minn madwar 50 muΩiçist Ωag˙Ωug˙ u Ωag˙Ωug˙a ta˙t id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Joseph Grech se ddoqq qabel jindaqq l-Innu finali lil San Gwann Bosco.
Readers can also request a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese magazine by post
IThe Voice of the Maltese
n response to a number of inquiries, wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details. L-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u jew min irid jag˙mel xi reklam fuq The Voice of the Maltese huwa m˙e©©e© biex jg˙arraf lill-diri©enza, inkella jibg˙at il-materjal li jrid li ji©i ippubbikat mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni talmagazine. Dan ji©i pubblikat it-Tlieta t kull ©imag˙tejn.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Community News The Maltese Community Council of NSW
Il-Óamrun Association qed torganizza bus trip g˙al GRIFFITH Il-Gimg˙a, s-Sibt u l-Óadd 26, 27 u 28 ta’ Frar
The umbrella body of Maltese Assocaitions in NSW
Australia Day 2016 Special Event
Date: Sunday 24th January Time: 4.00pm to 6.00pm. Place: Holroyd Function Centre (Boronia Wattle Room) 17 Miller Street Merrylands NSW, Lv2, (Parking available on site) Light refreshments will be served afterwards
Prezz: $300 kull persuna (twin share). Jinkludi morning tea, buffett breakfast is-Sibt u l-Óadd u l-akkomodazzjoni. Il-lunch tridu tixtruh intom u t˙allsu g˙alih. Il-bus titlaq minn ˙dejn il-klabb tal-Óamrun il-Ìimg˙a fis- 6.00 am EÛATT. Ni©u lura l-Óadd g˙all-5.00 p.m. Jekk tibbukkja u tiddeçiedi li t˙assar trid iççempel sebg˙at ijiem qabel.... jekk le jkollok t˙allas nofs il-prezz. G˙al aktar tag˙rif cemplu lil: George: 0407 434 651; Chris: 0431 457 868
The Maltese Guild of SA Inc Cordially invites you to our AUSTRALIA DAY LUNCHEON 2016 At the Maltese Cultural Centre on Tuesday 26th January. Doors open at 9 am. Lunch At 12.15 pm.: BBQ followed by dessert. Members $7; non members $10 Children $5 To Book Phone or See: The President: Joseph Briffa on 0421 791 327 The Secretary: Rita Bornhoeft on 0401 860 632 The Vice President: Mary Craus on 0420 699 617 One can also phone on Tuesdays only at our office from 9am to 2.45pm on 8243 0868, or see anyone from the committee, or again look on any of the Newsletter’s for home phone numbers.
Whom will you nominate this year? Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.
The 16th Annual - Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition (To be held during Seniors’ Week 2016)
The Maltese community extends recognition and gives thanks to our seniors once a year. Ask for a nomination form. Tel 02 9631.9295. This event is being sponsord by
Kull qalb trid o˙ra
iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif BBiexlill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed
minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO COME & CELEBRATE: Australia Day
at a Dinner Dance on January 23, 2016 Venue: Mandavilla Function Centre1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Food: 3-Course Meal, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi; also antipasti plus fruit platters
Entertainment: provided by Joe Apap Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182; M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm (Next is February 1). Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors
The Voice: the most popular by far he Voice of the Maltese online magazine is by far the T most widely read publication
among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Events in 2016 Sunday March 13 Fete Sunday July 3 Lejla Fil-Buskett Sunday October 16 Fete Sunday December 4 Festa
Join us on The Voice of the Maltese facebook page: m/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
You need to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters one should call Censina Cefai: Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW(next to West Parramatta Primary School)
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Community News The Maltese Language School of NSW
Lejla M©arrija
The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply.
organizzata minn Horsley Park Community Social Group, Horsley Park
For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189 or email:
The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376
Għall-iMġarrin u l-Ħbieb Nhar is-Sibt 27 ta’ Frar, 2016 f’Mandavilla Events Centre Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Divertiment ipprovdut minn: Tony Fenech, Charlie Muscat u Joe Xuereb $65.00 kull persuna. Tinkludi antipasto Malti, ikla ta’ tliet korsi, birra, inbid, soft drinks te` u kafe`. Ikun hemm: “Lucky Door Prize”, “Raffle”, wirja ta’ ritratti u ħafna iktar. Biex tibbukkja ċempel lil: Theresa Quattromani 0402-178-781 jew lil Josephine Borg 0402-040-954
Ejjew niltaqgħu u niddervertu flimkien.
Il-qlieg˙ imur g˙all-Cancer Council
FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE HOUSE NSW Id-Dar Tal-Providenza Malta, looks after over 100 residents with disability and requires over $4 million annually which is raised through sponsors, activities and public donations. The Friends Of Providence House NSW was founded in October 2011 and has so far raised over $46,000. We are the official Ambassadors in Australia. Donations can be made at any Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Donations are acknowledged A/C Name : Friends Of Providence House NSW BSB: 062-416 A/C No. 10199448 or contact the Co-Ordinator: Jim Borg (02) 9636 7767
Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799
La Valette Social Centre
Celebrating feast of St Paul Sunday February 7: 5.00 p.m.: Mass in the main Hall of the Centre at 175 Walters Rd Blacktown accompanied by the La Valette Choir under the direction of Victor Floridia. Afterwards procession with the statue to the chapel accompanied by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band DJ for entertainment: Bar and kitchen will be open IL-ÓADD 14 ta’ Frar:4.00p.m.: G˙ana bis-sehem talg˙annejja minn Malta, France Mifsud (Ta’ Vestru) u ibnu Ionut kittarrist prim. Jie˙du sehem ukoll l-aqwa g˙annejja u kittaristi min Sydney D˙ul $10 kull persuna. Biljetti millbieb. Il-bar u l-kçina jkunu miftu˙in. Ejjew u gibu l-˙bieb. G˙al aktar tag˙rif: La Valette: 9622 5847
Tin te re ssa k il-kit ba? Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙ossu li, jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, inkella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jistg˙u jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk u meta iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna tag˙na, inkella sempliçement jibag˙tu x-xog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese biex narawh. Email address: Jekk tkunu tridu wara nippublikaw il-kitbiet tag˙kom.
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja huma m˙e©©a biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta minn hemmhekk. Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 19, 2016
Sports European Waterpolo Championships
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (sixth from left) and Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi (4th from left) pictured in Belgrade with Malta’s national waterpolo team players wished the national team good luck ahead of the championships
Malta to play for 15 /16 position th
aving lost all its five matches in its first-ever participation in the final stage of a European Waterpolo Championships now playing at the Kombank Arena in Belgrade, Serbia, Malta, will wrap up its commitments on Wednesday by playing its final match to determine the 15th and 16th positions in the event. Malta qualified to the final stage from the qualifiers last September. Nobody was expecting much as it was drawn in the toughest group (B), against World Champions and hosts, Serbia, Olympic Champions Croatia, and 10th ranked France, however, its participation confirms Malta’s ranking as one of the top 16 waterpolo teams in Europe. Malta lost all three group matches: 7-17 v France on its debut, 2-20 v Serbia, and 2-22 against Croatia to finish in bottom place and
Malta’s Premier League Football
had to play to determine its placing. In its first Ranking Round match Malta ten lost 3-14 to Group A winners Spain, and on Monday went down 7-12 to Romania. The Malta national team will play its final match on Wednesday against the losers of the match between Slovakia or Germany.
10-man Hibs humiliate Mosta
Playing with only 10 men for the duration of in Round 17, fell further behind the top two an hour against Mosta did not keep Hiberni- teams when their match against bottom team ans from beating Mosta 4-0 and collecting and still pointless St Andrews was postponed three valuable points in their battle for su- due to a waterlogged pitch. The same happremacy in the Premier League. With Valletta pened to Balzan and their match with Qormi. Then on Sunday the “Old Firm” clash bedropping points in a 1-1 draw with Tarxien it enabled the Paolites to reduce the gap with tween Floriana and Sliema went the Greens’ way. They came from 1-0 down to win 2-1 the leaders to just one point. However, Valletta can still be positive about and draw level with Birkirkara in third place. their performance as they managed to extend Next come Tarxien and Balzan, in fifth and sixth respectiely. their unbeaten run to seven matches. Birkirkara are still far Standing P W D L F A Pts from their best and after RESULTS: Round 18 18 13 2 3 39 18 41 1-1 Valletta finding it hard to beat Valletta v Tarxien R. Hibernians v Mosta 4-0 Hibernians 18 12 4 2 43 20 40 Qormi by a solitary goal Pembroke v Naxxar 2-0
MFA confirms Ghedin as national coach
The MFA has confirmed Italian coach Pietro Ghedin as Malta’s national football team for a further two years
Floriana v Sliema W. Birkirkara v St Andrews Balzan v Qormi Round 17 Valletta v Naxxar L. Hibernians v Pembroke Birkirkara v Qormi Balzan v Mosta Tarxien R. v Floriana Sliema W v St Andrews
Birkirkara 17 10 5
2 36 16 35
2-1 Floriana 18 11 2 5 31 20 35 pos Tarxien R. 18 9 5 4 32 15 32 pos Balzan
2-1 2-0 1-0 4-1 3-0 6-1
Mosta Sliema W Pembroke Qormi Naxxar St Andrews
17 18 18 18 17 18 17
9 7 7 6 2 2 0
3 5 28 20 4 7 25 27 3 8 29 28 3 9 25 29 3 12 17 29 2 14 15 51 0 17 8 55
30 25 24 21 9 8 0
Messi wins Ballon d’Or for fifth time
arcelona’s Argentine footballer Lionel Messi won the FIFA Ballon d’Or for the fifth time in his career in the annual FIFA awards held last week. He beat off the challenge of the other finalist, Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar by obtaining 41% of the votes. Other awards were: FIFA Women's World Player of the Year: Carli Lloyd (USA)
FIFA World Coach of the Year (Men's): Luis Enrique (Barcelona) FIFA World Coach of the Year (Women's): Jill Ellis (USA) FIFA Puskás Award: Wendell Lira (Atletico-Go, Brazil) FIFA FIFPro World XI: Neuer; Thiago Silva, Marcelo, Sergio Ramos, Dani Alves; Iniesta, Modric, Pogba; Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo
Australia A-League
Roar are thrashed but cling on to top placing
efending A-League Champions Melbourne Victory seemed to be lacking all the ingredients that made them champions last season and had even been raising doubts as to the overall strength of their squad when they had only notched one win from their previous seven games, but in their last match on Day 15 they came good and their enthusiasm, pressing and incisive attacking play paid off as they thrashed table-toppers Brisbane Roar 4-0. With Victory looking more like the team that won the double last season, Roar simply could not handle the home side and three goals in the opening half an hour blew away Roar who had their chances but failed to capitalise. However, despite the loss, Brisbane held on to their top spot in the league ladder as nearest challengers Western Sydney Wanderers lost their second game in a row for the first time this season against derby rivals Sydney FC who beat them 2-1 to continue with their derby dominance. The Wanderers went down to a last minute rocket by substitute Shane Smeltz in a dramacharged Harbour City derby that gave Sydney victory and helped them to draw level on 27 points with the Wanderers in second place. Forth-placed Melbourne City could not go beyond a 2-2 draw Latest results Day 15 at Perth Glory Melbourne V. v Brisbane R. 4-0 so remain fou- West. Sydney W v Sydney FC 1-2 rth with 25 poi- Perth Glory v Melbourne C. v 2-2 3-1 nts, only a point Newcastle J. v Wellington P. 3-1 ahead of Vic- Adelaide v Central Coast Day 14 tory. Adelaide Wellington Ph v Brisbane R. 3-3 continue their Melbourne C. v West. Sydney 3-2 revival and are Sydney FC v Newcastle 2-0 next, four points Central Coast v Melbourne V. 3-3 Perth Glory v Adelaide 1-3 behind.