The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 122
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
The culinary and artistic skills of the Maltese chefs (See caption page 3)
March 1, 2016
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Changes to the working life formula
he article published in the Voice of the Maltese of February 2, regarding pensioners and travel overseas restrictions prompted us to delve deeper into this change being considered by the Federal Government. According to information obtained from the Department of Human Resources currently, travellers can remain absent from Australia for 26 weeks before their pension rate is adjusted. This will decrease to six weeks for those who leave Australia on or after January 1, 2017. Once the pensioner has been overseas for a period of six weeks, their payment rate will change depending on the number of years they lived in Australia during their working life. If you are paid Age Pension under an international social security agreement, (Malta has a current reciprocal agreement) the amount that you receive while outside Australia is determined according to that agreement. If you have returned to live in Australia within the last two years and you have started receiving old-age pension during this period, you cannot be paid outside Australia until the two-year waiting period has passed. This rule also applies if you were previously paid under an international social security agreement while you were living outside Australia and your old-age pension continues to be paid once you have returned to live in Australia
If you are affected by this rule and you travel outside Australia while remaining an Australian resident, your absence is generally considered to be temporary and is counted as part of the two-year period. If you are affected by this rule and you travel to Malta, a country with which Australia has an international social security agreement, the agreement may allow you to continue to get old-age pension. Michelle Rowland MP, shadow minister for small business, citizenship and multiculturalism, member for Greenway told The Voice of the Maltese, “Around 40 percent of Australian pensioners were born overseas. That means Malcolm Turnbull’s cuts to the pension will hurt 190,000 migrant pensioners, that's unfair. “Many pensioners save up for years to go on one big trip to visit family friends overseas. Understandably, they expect to receive their pension for the bulk of this time. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for migrant pensioners to go on one big trip to see their family and friends at the end of their working life. That’s why Labor voted against these changes that will hit migrant pensioners. It’s also why Labor opposed the Liberals' plan to cut pension indexation, increase the pension age to 70 and cut a $1 billion from pensioner concessions”. The Voice of the Maltese also contacted the office of Australia’s Prime Minister and the Malta High Commission for their views but no reply was forthcoming as we went to press.
Australians’ old-age pensions again targeted
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday March 1, 2016
New Maltese TV show on C31 A
new Maltese TV production in Australia titled DownUnder, catering for the Maltese community started broadcasting a 30minute programme on Channel31 (Melbourne). The show, to be produced on a weekly basis, started last Sunday, February 28 at 4pm. The production, intended to inform and entertain the audience through stories that inspire and strengthen the pride of all Maltese Australians, will showcase the Maltese cultural heritage, featuring the arts, music, food, travel, cultural events, stories of special interest and sport. In order to really be inclusive of all Avellino Maltese Executive AustraProduclians, proer/pre grammes senterwill be in filming, both Maland Fulya tese and KantarEnglish; maci - Edsome segitor. m e n t s There’s will be in also the Maltese, Maltese some in Marlene Scicluna (left) interviewTV group E n g l i s h , ing the President of Malta, H.E. that has and some Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca in Malta b e e n others in formed recently for this purpose, conboth languages. As the demand for such a programme has been very high, and in order to reach a wider audience, all segments featured on C31 will also be available on Maltese DownUnder TV programme’s online platforms and on its Vimeo channel with this link: e cannot blame you if you thought that and its FaceBook page: the items published on the front page MalteseDownUnder. are works of art, marble sculptures, by some The producers told The Voice of the renowned artists. You are wrong. Maltese the demand for such a prograIn fact, they are the work of Malta’s chefs, mme has been very high, and in fact in this case, various pastry chefs or culinary have had interest from ot-her artists who demonstrated the art of preparastates/territories around Australia as tion, cooking and presentation of food at well as New Zealand, the US, Canada, this year’s exhibition titled Malta Kulinarja UK and Malta itself! Culinary Malta, organised by the Malta Chefs The team of the Maltese DownUnder Society. is made up of, Marlene Scicluna (ex SBS For the items pictured (front and right) the radio) - Director/Executive Produ- ‘artists’ made use of white and dark chococer/presenter/assistant editor, Mark late and icing. During the 2016 show mem-
sisting of a number of Australian professionals, of Maltese descent will evaluate the programme on a regular basis. In the meantime, those interested in getting in touch with the members of the production team, should get in touch with Marlene for interviews in Maltese, and with Mark Avellino for interviews in English. Both can be reached on the production’s general email address: to organise a suitable day/time for interviews. The same email address can also be used for any other dealings with the production team.
The culinary and artistic skills of to the Maltese chefs on show (caption front page)
bers of the Chefs Society also prepared meals pleasing to the eye as well as to the palate under the watchful eyes of vast crowds at the MFCC at Ta’ Qali.
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4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
World War II In Malta - The Aftermath A
lthough due to the strain and all that they had been through in wartime the physique of the Maltese looked rather weak when the war was over, the morale of the Maltese was very high. The war not only left a great number of victims, it also left a number of disabled, and devastated towns and villages around Malta. It had its repercussions. There were 5,524 totally destroyed houses that had to be rebuilt; 5,077 damaged houses that needed great repairs and some of them half pulled down, and 4, 848 other houses that were damaged by blasts. This brought the total of destroyed or damaged dwellings to 29,674. The first important and urgent issue was to construct and reconstruct houses in order to locate families who were still refugees, and a large number of persons who were still living in shelters. The reconstruction was financed by the British Government and work was carried out by the War Damage Commission. It is indeed a pity that certain houses and blocks of buildings had to be built in great haste and as such, many prewar houses had beautiful architecture were replaced by very unsymmetrical houses that gave the impression of utility dwellings. Due to malnutrition, lack of water and hygiene a good number of Maltese suffered from Tuberculosis, Infantile Poliomyelitis and there were a few cases of Bubonic Pest. The Medical Health Department began to tackle the situation quickly and saw to these needs. Food still had to be rationed long after the war was over. Besides, scarcity of many commodities such as crockery and household needs were also rationed. I like to just mention
MALTA: Echoes from the past DorisCannataci
one such item, thermos flasks. In 1945 Malta received a consignment of 5,000 of them, and there were 22,000 applications for them. Many necessities, such as clothes, shoes and other items could only be obtained by means of coupons issued by Government departments. I remember quite vividly the time when I accompanied my eldest brother to the Police Station at St Paul’s Bay to get the American Bundle we were entitled to. This was a woollen blanket folded in four. Inside it were a few items of clothes: a vest, a skirt, a dress, a pair of shoes and a few other items. What we could wear we kept, the rest we exchanged with other persons who had received similar a bundles. One of the greatest problems immediately after the war was unemployment. Thousands of men who were employed with the British Services and thousands of workers at the Dockyard were made redundant. In Malta we had no factories at the time; and there was no alternative work for tens of thousands of workers, skilled or unskilled. The only safety valve was emigration. An Emigration Department was set up and
Then British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill inspecting the war damage at the dockyard during a visit to Malta
emigration was opened mostly to Australia and Canada. I am sure that the majority of the readers of The Voice of the Maltese in Australia and other countries must be descendants of these expatriates who reluctantly left Malta in the late 1940s and the majority in the 1950s in search of a better future for themselves and their families. Generally the head of the family, the father would be the first to emigrate on his own to find work and a house to live in. After some time the rest of the family, that is, the mother and children - who were quite numerous at the time – followed, to join him and settle in their new homeland. After a time young girls who were still single but already engaged, got married to their future husband by proxy before joining him in the new country that was to be their new home. Others who were not engaged but still single could also be married by proxy. In the 50s and 60s many Maltese girls got married in this way as there was a shortage of lads on the Island. After the war the Maltese did not forget their duty to thank God for listening to their prayers and saving them from the tremendous horrors of war. As an act of thanksgiving several pilgrimages were organised in both Malta and Gozo. Processions and other liturgical functions gradually resumed. In spite of all the hardships and the scars of war, the brave Maltese not only did not give up hope but even looked forward to a better future and made giant strides forward in various sectors. Today in Malta we can enjoy a very good standard of living. It has been a great pleasure for me dear readers, to share with you part of my childhood experience during World War II. I wish to thank all those who expressed their appreciation for my contribution in the past few issues of the magazine. (end of series)
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday March 1, 2016
e “Children” of Billy Hughes Centenary of the incident of the I
n 1916 in Malta, 214 Maltese (including a number from St Lucia in Gozo) boarded the French mailboat “Gange” to Australia. It was scheduled to arrive in Melbourne (en route to Sydney) on October 28, the day on which a referendum was to take place to impose conscription in Australia. But the arrival of the boatload of Maltese labourers was exactly the evidence the anti-conscriptionists needed! Prime Minister Billy Hughes (proconscription) took prompt action on learning of the French vessel’s arrival off the coast of Western Australia. The anti-conscriptionists went to absurd lengths in promoting the Maltese bogey: even warning of an imminent Maltese invasion of Australia! Hughes was panic struck, fearing that this might turn the tide against the conscription vote. He resorted to Section 3(a) of the Immigration Act, which stipulated that any person seeking to disembark at an Australian port could be classified as a ‘prohibited immigrant’ if he failed a dictation test in any European language. So the Maltese were given a dictation test in Dutch! They all failed and became prohibited immigrants. They were not allowed to disembark when the ship arrived in Sydney. In early November, the vessel headed off with its bewildered Maltese passengers still on board, for Noumea, New Caledonia. There, they lived in a nightmarish limbo. Their families back in Malta were poor to begin with, but now languished in a state of near starvation as they awaited non-existent remittances from their husbands. Back in Aus-
arrival in Australia of the ‘SS Gange’ with Maltese Immigrants
The SS Gange that carried the Maltese labourers on their way to Australia in 1926 tralia, pressure for the men’s return began to increase. The referendum had been held and defeated by the Australian people. How could Hughes now justify keeping them out when his referendum had been beaten? Perhaps the answer lay in the racism that affected Australian society at that time. Indeed, in official policy until 1944, the Maltese
Internet security in the European Union ...that one out of four internet users in the EU experienced last year at least one common security related problem while using Internet? ...that a bit less than one young internet user (aged 16-24) out of two experienced a common security problem in Croatia (49%), Hungary (47%) and Portugal (44%)? .…that less than 10% of internet users caught a virus or another computer infection in the Netherlands (6%), the Czech
Republic (8%) and Slovakia (9%)? …that abuses of personal information sent over the internet were the most frequent in Malta (8%) and Italy (6%)? ...that 9% of internet users in Belgium had financial losses because of fraudulent messages, compared with very few or none in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Slovenia and Slovakia? (Source: Eurostat, Information society statistics)
were regarded as “semi-white” under the White Australia policy. Finally, under pressure from the British Colonial Office, which was outraged by the Australian discrimination against the Maltese (who, after all, were British subjects by birth), the Hughes’ government arranged for the men’s return to Sydney. They had been stranded at Noumea for ten weeks. At this point, the story should have ended. But a new, more disturbing chapter began. On returning to Sydney on the “St Louis” the men were transferred to an old hulk in Sydney Harbour, the “Anglian”, and were detained there under armed guard. Supporters of the men became more active. Men like Gerald Strickland, the Governor of New South Wales, worked behind the scenes in his capacity as Governor of the State. Also on the Maltese side were the proBritish elements of Australian society who felt that the bonds of Empire might be weakened if Australian British subjects were seen to be clearly discriminating against Maltese British subjects. Finally, under such pressure and with no legitimate reason for continuing the men’s incarceration on hulk, Prime Minister Hughes agreed to their release and admission into Australia.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
PETER PAUL CIANTAR laqa’ l-istedina ta’ The Voice of the Maltese biex b’kitbietu jkun jista’ jg˙addi b’mod regolari l-˙sibijiet u l-esperjenza twila tieg˙u ta’ xandar, kompoΩitur/muΩiçist u g˙alliem tal-muΩika u lekçerer, lill-qarrejja. Peter Paul, imwieled ÓaΩ-Ûebbug, Malta, u jg˙ix ir-Rabat, huwa mag˙ruf u rrispettat ˙afna g˙all˙idma tieg˙u fl-oqsma li beda jipprattika sa minn meta ta’ 20 sena, kiseb diploma fil-muΩika (A.Mus.L.C.M.) mir-Royal College of Music’ ta’ Londra. Fejn g˙andu x’jaqsam ix-xandir huwa beda lkarriera bi programmi g˙at-tfal fuq ir-Rediffusion (Malta), u wara ©ie mog˙ti mpjieg fiss b˙ala producer max-Xandir Nazzjonali. Kien mag˙ruf ˙afna g˙all-programmi li ffukaw l-aktar dwar l-Istorja ta’ Malta, il-muΩika serja, dik operistika u lfolklor, u g˙al snin twal ippreΩenta programm muΩikali ta’ kuljum, ‘Siesta’ fuq l-eks stazzjon tar-radju ‘Bronja’. G˙al g˙add ta’ snin, kien koordinatur tal-programmi radjufoniçi mal-PBS u attenda g˙al diversi korsijiet immexxija minn u˙ud mill-aktar xandara mag˙rufin fid-dinja. Minbarra x-xandir, g˙al numru ta’ snin, Peter Paul kien ukoll g˙alliem tal-muΩika u segretarju u PRO ta’ diversi ku-
mitati, l-aktar fil-qasam kulturali. Kien ukoll ©urnalist mal-gazzetta Times of Malta u membru ta’ bordijiet ta’ ©urija ta’ festivals lokali u barranin. B˙ala kompoΩitur kiteb marçi g˙al g˙add ta’ baned, fosthom il-King’s Own, filwaqt li ˙afna mill-marçi festivi tieg˙u ©ew irrekordjati fuq diversi LPs u CDs. Huwa kkompona wkoll g˙add ta’ sigli g˙all-programmi tieg˙u g˙ar-radju, u reba˙ diversi konkorsi g˙all-muΩika serja organizzati mill-Performing Rights Society ta’ Londra. Peter Paul hu wkoll muΩiçist u jdoqq il-Bb Baritone, is-synthesizer u l-mandolina. B˙alissa g˙adu jippreΩenta programmi muΩikali fuq l-sitazzjon Radju Malta Nazzjonali, jifforma parti mill-Kumitat g˙all-Festi Nazzjonali u hu kittieb ta’ diversi artikli, l-aktar dwar su©©etti kulturali u muΩikali g˙all-gazzetti lokali. Fl-artikli tieg˙u g˙al din ir-rivista online, Peter Paul se jid˙ol fil-fond dwar su©©etti varji li Ωgur g˙andhom jintlaqg˙u ferm tajjeb minn dawk il-qarrejja li jg˙oΩΩu dak kollu li hu Malti. Fl-ewwel Ωew© artikli (minn din il-˙ar©a) se jikteb dwar iddrawwiet, litur©içi u o˙rajn f’Malta waqt il-festi tal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa li din is-sena d-dinja Kattolika tfakkar fl-a˙˙ar ©img˙a qabel l-G˙id il-Kbir, bejn l-20 u s-27 ta’ Marzu.
Il-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa f’Malta Funzjonijiet u drawwiet (l-1 Parti) H
uma ˙afna dawk id-drawwiet li wie˙ed jorbot mal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa u l-ir˙ula u l-ibliet Maltin kollha li jfakkru l-©rajjiet talmewt u l-qawmien ta’ Ìesu`Kristu. Imma m’g˙andux jonqos li dawk li fost iç-çelebrazzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-jiem jorganizzaw ukoll il-purçissjonijiet, bla dubju li l-aktar li jispikkaw. G˙alkemm hemm ˙afna xeb˙ ma’ dak li jse˙˙ fl-ibliet u l-ir˙ula Maltin imma f’dan l-artiklu se niffoka l-aktar f’dak li niftakar u g˙addejt minnu jien fi tfuliti fir-ra˙al tieg˙i, f’ÓaΩ-Ûebbu©, lokal antik bi storja kbira, li wkoll influenza r˙ula o˙ra, l-aktar dawk tal- madwar. Óafna minn dawn id-drawwiet g˙adhom marbuta mal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa tal-lokal, filwaqt li o˙rajn issawru ma’ ˙sibijiet u drawwiet o˙ra u libsu dehra ©dida. Ma neskludix li fi bliet u r˙ula o˙ra jista’ jkun hemm xi drawwiet differenti. L-Erbg˙a tat-Tniebri kien il-jum ta’ ors kbir g˙at-tfal li konna nkunu m˙ejjija fil-knisja biex meta jasal ilwaqt, hekk kif kienet tintefa` l-a˙˙ar xemg˙a tal-kandelabru, in˙abbtu s-
PeterPaulCiantar si©©ijiet ma’ xulxin. La semmejt is-siggijiet, niftakar sew li g˙all-funzjoni ta’ Óamis ix-Xirka, min ikun se jid˙ol fil-knisja kien speçi ta’ jikri s-si©©u minn ˙dejn il-bieb ewlieni tal-knisja g˙al sitt ˙abbiet il-wie˙ed. Fejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu l-priedki taleΩerçizzi ta’ Ωmien ir-Randan fil-knisja, dawk g˙an-nisa kienu jsiru g˙alihom g˙all-habta tat’ tlieta ta’ wara nofsinnhar qabel it-tfal ji©u mill-iskola u dawk g˙all-ir©iel aktar tard fil-g˙axija, wara x-xog˙ol. Il-priedki tal-eΩerçizzi dak iΩ-Ωmien kienu jsiru aktar ta’ twerwir u biza’
b’dak il-le˙en o˙xon u solenni ta’ xi qassis jew patri xih li kien idamdam knisja, milli priedki ta’ Gesu’ mimli m˙abba, ˙niena u tjubija b˙alma jsiru llum. Kollox tbiddel !!!… Ni©u g˙all-Purçissjoni tal-Ìimg˙a lKbira li fir-ra˙al ta’ ÓaΩ-Ûebbu© kibret bis-s˙i˙. Tant li kif jixhdu l-folol kbar li jattendu biex isegwu l-purçissjoni, ˙afna jqishuha b˙ala l-akbar wa˙da f’Malta. Imma anke bliet u r˙ula o˙ra li jkollhom il-purçissjoni raw progress kbir.
*Ikompli f’pa©na 7
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Maltese young singer Veronica Rotin on visit to Melbourne - interviewed on 3ZZZ
n 11-year-old Maltese young singer, Veronica Rotin, who was born in Tarxien, but moved to Melbourne with her family when she was only two and returned to her birthplace six years later at age eight, recently again visited Melbourne and NSW along with her mum, Fiona, and sister, Kelly. Veronica started singing along with her older sister, Kelly, when she was only three. She used to sing the tunes heard on the radio, and on her return to Malta when she was eight. she started taking vocal lessons from Maltese singer Gillian Attard at La Voix Academy. She has since participated in a number of musical events and talent competitions and managed to share a number of national and international successes. While Vero-nica was in Melbourne, she was interviewed by Mario Sammut on his proramme on 3ZZZ, Ejjew Oqogħdu, in my presence. She mention-ed that her first important endeavour was her participation in the prestigious Italian TV show Io Canto presented by Gerry Scotti on Canale 5. She was selected to be on the show after a series of auditions. She performed on the television show on seven different occasions, getting
PaulVella (Melbourne)
great feedback from the judges, and managed to make it to the finals. Il-vara hekk imsej˙a ‘ill-monument bi Kristu mejjet. In Malta Veronica also Din u l-vari l-o˙ra f’dan l-artiklu huma ta’ ÓaΩ-Ûebbu© participated in, and won a number of singing competitions, one of which earned her the right to take part in an international contest at Lake Pearls, Macedona. That was in July 2014. She çuqlajta ˙ier©a mill-kampnari *Ikompli minn pa©na 7 won the overall prize, beattal-knisja jzejnu bil-bosta ling other contestants who Fi tfuliti t-tfal fir-ra˙al tieg˙i misra˙ tag˙na li laqa’ fih min jaf were much older than her. konna nissellfu Ω-Ωimarri min- kemm il-purçissjoni tal-Gimg˙a In September 2014, Verg˙and Dun Anton Galea (Ta’ l-Kbira li diffiçli tg˙id meta saret onica won the junior section Mundu). Illum baqa’ biss tog˙- l-ewwel darba. of the popular Italian singÓafna vari kienu marbuta ma zg˙ira tag˙hom. Flokhom ing contest "Il Cantagiro" in da˙lu kostumi biblici u ta’ sul- wkoll b’mod indirett ma’ xi Rome, and soon after was hekk tal-lokal, dati Lhud u Rumani li trid seba’ g˙aqdiet chosen to be guest singer kienu l-Kbira l-vara pereΩempju mitt g˙ajn biex tiflihom. during the interval of the Drawwa unika li marbuta biss jerfg˙uha membri tal-Banda San Junior Eurovision 2014 ma’ ÓaΩ-Ûebbu© hi kif iΩejnu l- Filep, filwaqt li dik tad-Duluri show that was held in Malta. vari. Niftakar lir-reffieg˙a tal- kienet f’idejn reffieg˙a minn ta’ That same year she was invara l-kbira li kienu jiltaqg˙u San ÌuΩepp. Il- membri talvited to sing in the Romanf’ma˙Ωen fi triq ta’ Baskal it-Tur- g˙aqda tat-teatrin tal-lokal ian TV Talent Show "Next ment (li tag˙ti mit-triq il-Kbira kienu jie˙du ˙sieb il-vara talStar" where she performed g˙al triq Sant’ Antnin) u lkoll Veronika, u g˙all-Marbut maltwo of her favourite numflimkien jag˙mlu l-bukketti kolonna kont tara Ωg˙aΩag˙ bers, Mamma Knows Best sbie˙ kollha pari©© fuq kampjun reffieg˙a mill-Azzjoni Kattolika. and And I am telling you. Il-vara tal-Orazzjoni fl-Ort li xi ˙add ikun fassal ftit qabel. This exposure presented Kien isir fil-lejl ta’ nhar Óamis kienet f’idejn xi membri tas-soçVeronica with a number of ix-Xirka u x’˙in ikunu lesti jeta tad-duttrina tal-MuΩew. opportunities and in July Niftakar ukoll li kienu jerfg˙u kollha, sbi˙ il-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira, 2015 She took part in the kburin ˙addiema tax-xatt mir-ra˙al kollha tarhom XIII International Children iwa˙˙luhom dawn il-bukketti tag˙na, u minbarra li riedu Music Contest (VITEBSK wie˙ed wie˙ed f’posthom u ja˙sbu g˙all-fjuri u xemg˙a tal2015) which was part of the dritti mal-vara l-kbira, fil-waqt li vara, riedu ja˙sbu wkoll g˙allXXIV International Festival fil-knisja jkunu g˙addejjin il- iscouts li bid-daqq tat-trombi of Arts (Slavianski Bazaar in jew bugles (kif konna nsejviΩti tas-Sepulkru. Vitebsk) in Belarus. Then jΩejnu kienu tfulitna) fi Fil-fehma tieg˙i fi Ωmien il- ˙ulhom on November 8, participated Gimg˙a l-Kbira l-knisja fir-ra˙al l-purcissjoni tag˙na. in the popular Italian Canale tieg˙i kien ikollha dehra mill5 show Tra Sogno e realta jmiss) li fil-˙ar©a parti (It-tieni isba˙, bid-damask iswed malthat was transmitted in ©nub bl-emblemi tal-Ìimg˙a lMalta. Kbira fuq in-navi tal-korsija u Despite her young b’dak id-drapp vjola li jg˙atti lage, during her inkwadri tal-artali tal-©nub u tanterview Veronica navi. Kienu jag˙tu dehra ta’ impressed both ©abra u devozzjoni kbira. broadcasters with Is-sehem qawwi tal-kaΩini talthe relaxed way she baned tar-ra˙al fil-Ìimg˙a lhandled the quesKbira taw imbuttatura biex tons, and when she ÓaΩ-Ûebbu© jitfawwar b’entuΩwas requested to jaΩmu f’dawn il-jiem speçjali. Ilsing part of the Banda San Filep minn dejjem Maltese National kellha sett marçi sbie˙ talanthem she exeGimg˙a Mqaddsa li kienu l-g˙ira cuted it beautifully. ta’ xi w˙ud mill-baned Maltin. At the end of the Ma nistax nifred il-Gimg˙a linteview Veronica Kbira mill-marçi antiki ta’ Melilli was presented with u o˙rajn li nsibu fil-librett tala Boomerang and a Veronica at the 3ZZZ radio station studio with (from left): Joe miniature panetmarçi funebri tal-banda tag˙na. Stafrace, (who accompanied her), Mario Sammut and Paul Vella tone. Dawn, flimkien mal-˙oss taç-
Fi Ωmien il-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira l-knejjes kien ikunu dehra ta’ ©abra u devozjoni
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Min jikriha joqg˙od g˙aliha! Jason Aquilina from writes:
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Seven Hills, NSW
rrid inwiegeb lill-korrispondent Chev. Tony Cutajar li fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a ta’ The Voice of the Maltese ta˙t it-titlu “Uncalled for comments” ikkritika lis-Sur Bedingfield g˙al xi rimarki li ©ie rrappurtat li g˙amel fuq twitter indirizzati lejn l-Arçisqof ta’ Malta, Mons Charles Scicluna. Ninsab ferm diΩappuntant b'dan is-sinjur, lewwelnett g˙aliex da˙˙al il-politika fin-nofs f’dan il-magazine, u t-tieni g˙ax ma kitibx bil-Malti meta r-rapport li rrefera g˙alih kien bil-Malti. Hemm ra©uni g˙al dan? Ma nistax nifhem g˙aliex, pereΩempju kellu jsejja˙ il-messa©© tal-Ewwel tas-Sena talPrim Ministru (li a˙na wkoll stajna nsegwu minn fuq l-Internet) “kontroversjali”, u li filfatt ma kienx, imbag˙ad qal li ma ˙ax gost g˙ax dan Bedingield indirizza xi rimarki, li hu sej˙ilhom “crude” lejn l-Arçisqof. Imma ma tistenniex li xi ˙add iwie©eb lillArçisqof meta dan min-na˙a tieg˙u g˙adda rimarki li ma kellux jg˙addi dwar il-messa©© tal-Prim Ministru? Kienu rimarki b˙al tal-Partit fl-OppoΩizjoni, li politikament g˙andu dritt jag˙mel, u ta’ xi gazzetti li ma jarawx g˙ajn g˙al g˙ajn mal-gvern? Meta l-Arçisqof qal li qal da˙al fejn ma kienx jesg˙u, allura g˙aliex ma kellux ji©i mwie©eb u ikkritikat g˙al li qal? Ma kienx qed jitkellem fuq xi domma tal-fidi, imma jikkritika sarkastikament lill-PM. Ma rridx nidher li qed inda˙˙al il-politika f’dak li qed ng˙id, imma qed nirra©una g˙ax ˙assejt li xi ˙add ried jiddritta ttg˙awwi© tal-kavallier. Hawn irrid infakkar x’©ie rrappurtat li qal l-Arçisqof f'intervista fuq it-televiΩoni wara
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
l-messa©© tal-PM. Qal hekk: “Nispera li meta l-Prim Ministru jid˙ol fi kçina din tkun ta’ veru”. Glenn Bedingfield, li jing˙ad li hu parti mill-istaff tal-Prim Ministru wie©eb fuq twitter billi kiteb, “L-Arçisqof jawgura li lPrim Ministru meta jid˙ol fi kçina tkun ta’ veru. Tal-inqas il-Prim Ministru ma da˙alx f’xi kamra tas-sodda tat-tfal”. Dan x'aktarx qalu bmod sarkastiku b'referenza g˙al meta xi membri tal-kleru nstabu ˙atja li kkorrompew xi tfal fl-istituti. La l-Arçisqof niΩel fil-livell ta’ ra©el tattriq kellu jistenna reazzjoni simili. Anzi jkolli ng˙id li milli jidher aççetta dan g˙ax ma nafx b'xi reazzjoni tieg˙u. Kien kaΩ ta’ min jikriha jrid joqg˙od g˙aliha! X’hemm ˙aΩin, jew g˙aliex il-kavallier ˙a l-linja ta’ xi o˙rajn f’Malta li jopponu lill-Gvern? Wie˙ed jistenniha minn partit fl-oppoΩizzjoni li jipprova jsib fiex jikkritika lill-Gvern, imma li xi ˙add jo˙ro© g˙onqu f’magazine b˙al dan biex jag˙mel hekk, ma stennejtiex. Biex ikompli jΩid id-doΩa l-kavallier qalilna li stenna lill-PM li jiççensura lil Bedingield min˙abba f'dak qal. SkuΩani sinjur, imma lanqas li kieku l-PM m’g˙o©bux li qal xi ˙add mill-istaff tieg˙u, dan g˙andu jo˙ro© fil-pubbliku? Imma l-pubbliku, u l-aktar a˙na li ng˙ixu tant bog˙od x'jinteressana?
Uncalled for comments?
Conrad Mizzi from Bronte, NSW, writes: n his correspondence to the magazine, (Issue No. 121) Chev. Tony C. Cutajar demanded that the Prime Minister Dr Muscat censures his consultant Glenn Bedingfied over his “abusive” dig at the Archbishop. May I ask Chev. Cutajar what prompted the dig in the first place? As head of the Catholic Church in Malta, Archbishop Scicluna publicly criticised the Prime Minister on a matter that had absolutely nothing to do with religion and the Catholic Church. This is not the first time that Mons Scicluna interfered in matters of political nature. Therefore, as, according to the Chev. Mr. Bedingfield should tone down his language, the same applies to the Archbishop. What is it to the Archbishop if the New Year’s message was filmed in a kitchen or the way lights were installed at Castille? Doesn't he have more pressing matters to deal with?
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Canberra Stampshow 2016 March 18-20
he Canberra Philatelic Society is dedicating its Biennial Stamp Exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the incident known as ‘The Children of Billy Hughes’ or ‘Il-Maltin ta’ New Caledonia’ this coming March. The Exhibition’s logo (pictured) is a composite design of a Maltese Cross inside the Southern Cross to denote ‘Maltese in Australia’. A few souvenirs are being produced with this logo that may be of interest to the Maltese community in Australia. In partnership with the Gozo Philatelic Society a special Double Postcard is being produced with one half stamped in Malta with the Special Commemorate Postmark produced for this occasion, and the other half stamped at the show with a Special Cancel of the Exhibit Logo.
This is included as part of the Supporters Club Membership that also includes the Australian Issue ‘Animals in War PNC’ with the exhibition Logo; An International Pre-paid envelope produced by Australia Post with the ‘Anzac Memorial’ in Malta and also overprinted with the exhibition Logo and a beautiful WW1 Minisheet produced by MaltaPost also overprinted with the exhibition logo.
These memberships are restricted to the first 100 and only a few are left. Cost is $100. Other souvenirs are being produced with the special exhibition logo overprint. If interested, one is requested to contact the treasurer at, or take a look at this site: Australia Post will also be producing some souvenirs with this special Exhibition Logo that can only be obtained from the Show at the Hellenic Club in the ACT being held from Friday March 18 to Sunday 20th. The Deputy High Commissioner of Malta will be opening the exhibition at 10.30 a.m. on the 18th. JohnVassallo, (Treasurer, Canberra StampShow 2016)
Malta truly ‘a gem in the Mediterranean’ Joseph Caruana from Redmond, WA writes:
ay back in December I wrote a letter W to The Voice of the Maltese that was published in the January 5 issue of the magazine expressing my delight and that of my family to be visiting Malta during Christmas time. We returned home at Redmond at the end of January and have been trying to recover from such a great experience for most of this month, February. We will never forget the visit. We experienced the best that Malta could offer during this period of the year. To add to that, we also had what the locals described to us as perhaps the best weather for ages, sunny almost every day. We took the opportunity not to only to visit the most wonderful and interesting heritage sites, but with a copy of the calendar of events in hand (thanks to The Voice) also took part in events, both cultural and social.
We also made a trip to Gozo where we had a weekend break at one of the hotels, and mixed with the friendly people of Malta’s sister island that seems to be booming with trade, particularly the restaurants, especially those serving genuine Gozitan food. We visited a number of restaurants and most said they are on a roll. They are being kept very busy thanks to more tourists and Maltese visiting and spending time on the island. One day I befriended an old couple, tourists from Scotland. The man was 90, his wife looked even older but I did not dare ask her age. He told us he was born in 1925 in Edinburgh and has made several trips to Malta, since his first in 1943 when he was only 18 and served in the British forces during World War II. Since then he has been visiting the island at least once a year. He told us he has witnessed the changes and agrees with those
who describe Malta as the ‘gem in the Mediterranean’. He went on to tell us that visiting Malta stimulates him and that God willing, he would visit again either later in the year or early the next. Oh how I long to reach the stage when I could retire and return to Malta for good!
The SS Gange postmark Antoine Vassallo GPS secretary Stamps Gozo writes: you for giving so much imporTThehank tance to this philatelic initiative. page 8 note on the The Voice’s February 16 issue includes an incorrect detail. Gozo Philatelic Society is a Voluntary organisation completely autonomous and separate from MaltaPost. GPS was responsible for the handstamp and its design and paid MaltaPost to issue it.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
L-g˙aqda tal-Insara I
l-laqg˙a mhux mistennija tal-bidu ta' Frar ta' din is-sena bejn Iben', ˙a©a li l-knejjes tal-Lvant m’aççettawx. Din hija kwestjoni pjuttost fundamentali, imma fil-fatt kemm il-Papa Fran©isku tal-Knisja Kattolika Rumana u l-Patrijarka Kirill tal-Knisja Ortodossa Russa wasslet g˙al diversi kum- g˙andha ting˙ata importanza fil-˙ajja tal-Insara? Jien m'iniex teomenti eççitati fil-midja internazzjonali. logu. Ma studjajtx it-teolo©ija. Imma jien li nniΩΩel 'Kattoliku Ruman' meta Çertament li mitlub biex nidin kienet laqg˙a dentifika twemstorika, g˙ax kien ilha ma mini, g˙andi posse˙˙ sa millΩizzjoni, li hi qasma, jew ixdin li ©ejja: XiΩma l-Kbira, Meta niltaqa' bejn il-knisja ta' ma xi tifel jew Kostantinopli tifla bil-©u˙, (Ortodossa, fililestu biex jorqLvant) u dik ta' du barra fitRuma (Kattolika triqat ta' Sydney Rumana, fil-Puntard billejl, fejn ent), li saret elf il-familja tag˙sena ilu, fl-1054, hom tikkonsisti u li kienet anke fi tfal o˙ra flwasslet biex iΩistess sitwazzjoΩew© na˙at jisni; meta niltaqa' komunikaw lillma' nies li ilhom prelati ta' xulsnin miΩmumin xin.1 il-˙abs 'il bog˙Din il-laqg˙a od mill-familja segwiet o˙ra qau lanqas biss bel bejn il-Papa g˙adha inqatFran©isku u lg˙atilhom ismexxej spiritwali Il-Papa Fran©isku (xellug) u l-Patrijarka Kirill tal-Knisja Ortodossa Rumana jitg˙annqu sentenza tag˙tad-dinja Or-to- wara li ffirmaw ftehim f’Havana, Kuba, fit-12 ta’ Frar li g˙adda (REUTERS) hom (fejn nofdossa l-Patrijarka Ekumeniku, Bartilmew I, lejn tmiem l-2014.2 shom ji©u fil-fatt misjuba mhux ˙atja u lliberati); meta naqra Din qed ti©i meqjusa b˙ala pass fit-tama li l-g˙aqda tal-Insara dwar miljuni ta' nies li kellhom jitilqu ji©ru minn darhom g˙ax tmur minn ˙olma g˙al realtà, proçess li ilu g˙addej mill-Kunsill xi ˙add ie˙or iddeçieda joffrilhom l-g˙aΩla li jew jaççettaw ttal-Vatikan II. Imma kemm hija probabbli li sse˙˙ ˙a©a b˙al din? twemmin tieg˙u jew il-mewt - nassigurakom li mhux il-Filioque L-ewwelnett, irridu niççaraw li m'a˙niex nitkellmu dwar id- ji©ini f'rasi l-ewwel. U lanqas it-tieni. dinja Protestanta, li tirrappreΩenta bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or terz tadLi ji©uni f'rasi huma l-kliem ta' Ìesù: “dak li tag˙mlu maldinja nisranija. iΩg˙ar fost dawn ˙uti, tkunu qed tag˙mluh mieg˙i”.4 It-tieninett, apparti l-intenzjonijiet tajba li qed jing˙adu, wie˙ed Li l-ispekulazzjoni teolo©ika ikkontribwiet g˙al din il-qasma ma jridx jinsa l-˙wejje© ta' sustanza li jifirdu d-dinja Kattolika tant profonda u dejjiema bejn dawn il-pilastri tat-twemmin NisRumana minn dik Ortodossa. Hemm Ωew© kwestjonijiet ewlenin rani, g˙alija huwa sors ta' niket, u anke ta' frustrazzjoni kif dawn li jridu jing˙elbu qabel dawn iΩ-Ωew© frieg˙i kbar jer©g˙u jikkun- il-knejjes wara elf sena g˙ad ma rnexxielhomx jer©g˙u jitqiesu sidraw ru˙hom a˙wa ta' vera. b˙all-a˙wa. Çert li nistg˙u naççettaw li nifhmu l-misteri tal-fidi L-ewwel hi l-poΩizzjoni tal-Knisja Kattolika Rumana li l-knejjes tag˙na b'mod daqsxejn differenti, u nibqg˙u nitkellmu! l-o˙ra kollha jaççettaw lill-Papa b˙ala l-kap tal-knisja kollha. Din Biex immur lura g˙all-ewwel kwestjoni, soluzzjoni possibbli hija bbaΩata primarjament, imma mhux biss, fuq li l-Papa ji©i tkun li l-Knisja Kattolika tirrinunzja li tippretendi li l-Papa jkollu kkunsidrat suççessur tal-Appostlu Pietru, li Ìesu` sejja˙lu b˙ala s-supremazija fuq il-knejjes kollha, u mmorru lura g˙all-formula l-©ebla li fuqha kien se jibni l-knisja tieg˙u, 3 u li miet martri li ˙admet g˙al tant snin qabel ix-XiΩma, çoè dik li l-Papa jkun 'lf'Ruma stess. ewwel fost l-indaqs' kif kien meqjus fil-qedem. Dan jekk il-kneKtibt 'mhux biss', g˙ax il-Papa matul iΩ-Ωmien qabel ix-XiΩma, jjes tal-Lvant jaççettaw. kien rabba status speçjali, u beda ji©i msejja˙ biex jie˙u Biex tag˙mel hekk, hemm bΩonn ta' umiltà straordinarja milldeçiΩjonijiet meta jinqalg˙u kwestjonijiet madwar id-dinja Nis- Knisja Kattolika, u g˙alhekk jien pjuttost pessimist. Umli huma ranija. individwi, b˙al diversi qassisin li ltqajt mag˙hom matul is-snin, Fil-fatt, il-knejjes tal-Lvant kienu jqisu lill-Papa b˙ala 'l-ewwel u çertament dan il-Papa Fran©isku tant ma˙bub. Imma umli l-isfost l-indaqs' (bil-Latin primus inter pares), titlu li wara x-XiΩma tituzzjoni tal-Knisja Kattolika? U dawk Ortodossi? l-Kbira bdiet ti©i attribwita lill-Patriarka ta' Kostantinopli (il-PaG˙iduli intom. triarka Ekumeniku msemmi iktar qabel). Referenzi It-tieni kwestjoni hija msej˙a Filioque, li hija kelma bil-Latin li 1. 'u mill-iben'. Sal-Kunsill ta' Nicaea (fit-Turkija ta' llum) meetingcubamilestoneroad- christianunity, retrieved 21/2/2016. fis-sena 325 W.K., id-dinja Nisranija kienet tistqarr li 'l-Ispirtu s- 2. Santu ©ej mill-Missier'. Mill-Kunsill ta' Kostantinopli (illum tis- _sign_joint_declaration/1113026, retrieved 21/2/2016. sejja˙ Istanbul, fit-Turkija wkoll) fis-sena 381 W.K., il-Knisja ta' 3. Matt 16:18 Ruma bdiet tistqarr li 'l-Ispirtu s-Santu ©ej mill-Missier u mill- 4. Matt 25:40
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Jiltaqg˙u ta’ Bankstown l-in˙awi ta’ Bankstown NSW hemm grupp ta’ Maltin li F jiltaqg˙u darba fix-xahar filg˙odu. Dan il-grupp immexxi minn Sam Galea g˙amel l-ewwel laqg˙a tieg˙u filpost il-©did tag˙hom, il-Bankstown Community Resource Centre f’Kitchner Parade. F’jum sabi˙ u bit-temp jippermetti, il-laqg˙a saret filbitha. Il-kelliema speçjali kienet Marie Louise Muscat mill-
Fr. JR Briffa retires O
n the occasion of his retirement Father John Robert Briffa SDB OAM was honoured at a mass in the Don Bosco shrine at Engadine NSW on the very day of the feast of St Francis De Sales. Fr Briffa was the spiritual director of the Maltese Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco. A booklet featuring Fr Briffa’s biography was also distributed. He is also featured in the first edition of Lawrence Dimech’s book, Telqu g˙al g˙onq it-Triq. Pictured below: Fr. Robert Briffa (fourth from left sitting) surrounded by his friends after the mass.
Fiducian Financial Services li tkellmet dwar id-diffikultajiet u l-vanta©©i g˙al dawk li jippjanaw flushom. Óafna millpreΩenti staqsew dwar id-ddifikultajiet finanzjarji li jiltaqghu mag˙hom tul ˙ajjithom Fl-a˙˙ar indirizza wkoll lill-grupp, li ji©bed lejh g˙add kbir ta’ Maltin kull xahar u meqjus fost l-akbar fi NSW, Lawrence Dimech, il-ko-editur ta’ dan il-magazin. Huwa tkellem dwar il-pensjonijiet u d-drittijiet taç-çittadin Malti. Ritratt fuq: In-nies li attendew flimkien ma’ Marie Louise Muscat u Sam Galea fit-truf tar-ritratt.
Violeta just fails to make it to Final
adly, despite her two classy S performances in the semifinal stage, 11-year-old Violeta
Bozanic failed to make it to the Grand Final of Australia’s Got Talent contest. However, all those who voted for her are grateful to have watched such a talented girl, full of confidence. The standing ovations she got at the end of her performance will certainly boost her morale for a bright future ahead. Violeta’s mother, Roseanne BozanicGrima was born in Sydney, the daughter of Toni whose parents, Salvu and Rosanna Grima reside at Xewkija, in Gozo. She and her father Dejan must be
so proud of their little girl. Violeta performed during the live show on Channel 9 on February 21 and the result was announced four days later, on Sunday. Her family said it would like to say a massive thank you to all those who supported Violeta. Her father said that she had an amazing support, encouragement and kind comments through what he described as fantastic journey on AGT. Many of those who watched Violeta perform are certain that she would be part of the music scene in Australia and Internationally for a long time.
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta University project to launch ‘satellite’ into space n two years’ Iversity time, the Uniof Malta
A mock-up of the satellite
is planning to launch a ‘satellite’ device into space it would be doing in conjunction with the University of Birmingham, the Malta Amateur Radio League (MARL), and the Italian Astrodynamics Company, GAUSS Srl. The project is estimated to cost €25,000 The 5x5x5 cm device weighing just 250 gram, and re2013. It is set to decrease further over ferred to as a PocketQube pico-satellite, will be launched the medium term to 60.5% in 2017. Fitch also gave the thumbs up to the into a sun-synchronous low earth orbit (LEO) and would Maltese banking sector, which, it said, be used to validate on-board equipment to study the is robust, despite its substantial size properties of an ionised region of the Earth’s upper at(538% of GDP as of September 2015). mosphere (known as the ionosphere). Two Maltese post graduate engineering students, DarCapitalisation and liquidity ratios of systemically important core domestic ren Cachia in Malta and Jonathan Camilleri, a Ph.D. stubanks (representing 239% of GDP) are dent at the University of Birmingham, have joined well above the minimum regulatory re- efforts and are developing the satellite platform and the quirements, at 13.9% and 52.1%, re- scientific payload respectively. spectively, as of June 2015, and Darren Cachia, whose project was awarded an Endeavprofitability is improving. our Scholarship and is part-financed by the European However, the sector is largely concen- Union – European Social Fund (ESF) said that the chaltrated with the two largest banks - Bank lenge is to design a reliable space-grade device using of Valetta and HSBC Bank Malta - low-cost commercial off the shelf components, such as holding more than 80% of loans to res- the ones found in modern smart phones. idents and more than 82% of deposits. He added that, “Special software and hardware techRATING SENSITIVITIES niques are being developed to overlap the strengths and According to Fitch, future develop- weaknesses of individual components, and improve the ments that could individually or collec- reliability of computation in the harsh radiation-filled tively, result in positive rating action environment of space. This relatively recent developinclude: a further track record in con- ment brings space technology within the reach of Unisolidating the public finances that leads to a lower government debt/GDP versity students and opens the door for civilian space ratio and a significant decline in con- research.” This project will pave the way for a swarm of eight such tingent liabilities. When it comes to future develop- satellites that will spread over a large geographical area ments that could individually or collec- and hence gain better coverage of changeable ionospheric tively, result in negative rating action conditions that affect radio communications. The mission is expected to last about 18 months and include:, it mentioned, significant slippage from fiscal targets leading to de- will relay information back to Earth that will be accesteriorating public debt dynamics, and sible to anyone owning a simple ham radio set. Inforcrystallisation of material contingent mation will be made available in due course to allow liabilities or a shock to the banking schools and interested individuals to participate using inexpensive equipment. sector that requires fiscal support.
Fitch affirms Malta’s healthy position as A with outlook as stable
ffirming Malta's Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Rating (IDRs) at 'A' with Stable Outlooks, Fitch Ratings expects the Maltese economy to continue to outperform that of its eurozone peers, with projected average real GDP growth of 3.2% this year and the next broadly in line with the 'A' median. In its most recent report, it said that Malta’s exports' contribution to growth will rise gradually as external demand recovers and investment slows, while tertiary industries will remain the main engine of growth, in particular IT and professional services, the gaming industry, and healthcare services and tourism. But due to the completion of largescale energy investment projects and the expiration of the EU funding cycle growth will be down from an estimated 4.7% in 2015. The current account surplus is set to improve in 2016 as large import-intensive investments related to energy projects fall. Recovering external demand will support a gradual increase in services exports, which along with sturdy tourism inflows, will push up the current account surplus to a projected average of 3.1% of GDP in 2016-2017. Fitch said Malta's headline fiscal deficit is lower than the 'A' median and is forecast to narrow to 1.1% of GDP in 2016 and 1% in 2017, down from an estimated 1.6% of GDP in 2015. Key to the improvement in 2016 is the assumption that no additional capital injection will be required for Air Malta as the company returns to profitability. Revenues will grow at a slower pace than nominal GDP, notably due to the reduction in income tax for those on low incomes. Meanwhile, the pension reforms included in the 2016 Budget and the upcoming wage settlement will push up public spending. General government gross debt is declining and is estimated at 64.3% of GDP at end-2015 from almost 70% in
Konrad Mizzi elected PL deputy leader for party affairs s expected, Energy and Health minister Konrad Mizzi A (pictured right)was elected Labour Party’s deputy leader for party affairs having gained 95.6% of the votes cast in the party’s extraordinary conference. Mizzi, who was uncontested, needed 50% plus one votes to get the post. He managed to get the nod by virtue of 672 of the 696 valid votes cast by the delegates. After his election, the minister announced that as he is not just a minister now and his role has changed. He and his wife, Sai decided it is for the best for his wife not to renew her contract with Malta Enterprise.
Tuesday March 1, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Roundup of News About Malta
President on State visits to Kosov and Albania
resident Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca made state visits to Kosovo and the Republic of Albania where she held bilateral meetings with the respective countries’ highest authorities and discussed various areas of collaboration. The President, who was accompanied by Mr Preca and a Maltese delegation that included the Minister for Foreign Affairs George Vella, Michael Farrugia, the Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity and Chris Cardona, the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business. In Albania where she had talks with the country’s President, Bujar Nishani, she described the meetings as “a testimony to the work and commitment of both sides to strengthen their engagement further.” Referring to the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the ministers for foreign affairs of both countries, the Mal-
tese President said this was further proof of the consolidation of the bilateral relations between the two countries, and is a further demonstration of Malta’s will to help Albania in its EU accession process. She also reiterated Malta’s support for the Albanian aspirations to become part of the European Union. During the visit the President also addressed the Albanian-Maltese Economic Forum held in the Iranian capital, Tirana, and described it as a valid forum for more solid economic exchanges. She previously visited Kosovo where she held talks with Atifete Jahjaga, the President of Kosovo, and later also with the Speaker of the Kosovo Parliament and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. The President also remarked that Malta would like to revive the agreement that Malta and Albania have on inter-country adoptions, so that Albanian children could be matched with Maltese couples for adoption.
‘Malta is a must for any traveller; everyone should visit the island’
or nine whole days in the mid February, Malta hosted five top models chosen by the American Sports Illustrated magazine to shoot videos of the girls modelling its Swimsuit 2016 edition against a Maltese/Gozitan backdrop. The models, Kate Bock, Kelly Rohrbach, Tanya Mityushina, Samantha Hoopes and Robin Lawley had a field day. They enjoyed the island so much that they went on camera to express their wonderful time on the islands. Kate Bock for one, who was in her fourth year as a model One of the models on and had never even an assignment for heard of Malta, let Sports Illustrated posalone visited, said the ing in front of an I Love Malta graffiti island was a must for any traveller and that everyone should visit Malta. She described it as a small island off the coast of Italy, the quiet getaway in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, full of medieval towers and narrow, meandering streets. “It was so beautiful,” she said, adding that Kate Bock.. she was so All five models The shooting, by photographer Ben there was tons of white impressed with Malta were impressed with Watts took place all over Malta and sandstone everywhere, “Really beautiful water, amazing co- the warm weather, the beautiful sun Gozo, particularly in Valletta, Birgu, astlines, and epic towering cliffs that and the sea. They all enjoyed their Mdina, Marsaxlokk in Malta, and make for great diving… I would defi- short stay and were thrilled to jump The Azure Window, Victoria, Xlendi and Marsalforn in Gozo. nitely recommend it as a place to go. into the clear waters of Malta.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Terapija illegali I
l-Parlament Malti ma jdumx ma jibda jiddiskuti abbozz ta' li©i intitolat 'Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression’, li g˙andu l-g˙an li jsir illegali, lhekk imsej˙a 'terapija ta' kura fuq il-gays. Óafna jsostnu li din it-'terapija' hija, "perikoluΩa g˙as-sa˙˙a mentali tal-individwu u s-sa˙˙a fiΩika, u li f'xi drabi, tista' twassal g˙as-suwiçidju. S'issa kienu erbg˙a, l-istati Amerikani li g˙amlu din it-terapija illegali u fl-Ewropa, Malta mistennija tkun l-ewwel wa˙da. Kif qed isir daΩ-Ωmien, l-Abbozz ta’ din il-li©i tpo©©a g˙addiskussjoni pubblika qabel ma titressaq quddiem il-Parlament. Fost dawk li kummentaw dwar l-Abozz kien hemm il-Knisja permezz ta’ position paper miktuba minn grupp ta’ esperti li qabbdet il-Kurja. IΩda malli l-position paper saret mag˙rufa mill-midja, mal-ewwel kien hemm reazzjoni qawwija dwarha. Fost li kummentaw kien hemm l-istess Prim Ministru li, waqt attivita’ politika, qal: “possibbli f'pajjiΩna g˙andna min qieg˙ed jg˙id li l-orjentazzjoni sesswali hija marda? Hawn min jg˙id li tista tag˙ti t-terapija? Din hija l-akbar offiΩa lil min irid jg˙ix f'soçjetà Ewropea” Huwa qal li dan ma jne˙˙i xejn mill-fatt li l-Knisja tag˙mel ©id enormi. “Il-Knisja g˙andha dritt li titkellem. Imma jien in˙ossni fil-libertà ng˙id li dan il-Gvern se jibqa’ miexi 'l quddiem g˙aliex jemmen li l-progress i˙ares il-quddiem u mhux i˙ares lejn il-barranin. Mhux se naççetta li xi ˙add omossesswa jitqies li huwa marid” B˙ala reazzjoni g˙al din il-kritika min-na˙a tal-Prim Ministru u bnadi o˙ra, l-Arçisqof stqarr li l-position paper ma ©ietx mifhuma sew, u sa˙ansitra f’The Times qal li t-terapija fuq persuni omosesswali hija "no-go area". “Any conversion therapy which forces people to go against their decisions or their life choices is just a no go – a no go – and I want this to be absolutely clear.” Sadanitant, fi stqarrija, il-grupp li kiteb dan ir-rapport sostna li
mkien ma stqarr li l-omosesswalita’ hija marda. IΩda kummentaturi sa˙qu li l-fatt li ting˙ata l-idea li din hija kundizzjoni li tista’ titfejjaq u sa˙ansitra l-uΩu tal-kelma terapija, jekk mhux direttament, tal-inqas indirettament, tikkonferma li qed jing˙ad li din hi marda. Sadanitant b˙ala reazzjoni g˙al dak li qal il-Prim Ministru - ilPartit Nazzjonalista li kien g˙adu ˙alqu mag˙luq dwar din ilkwestjoni - ˙are© stqarrija fejn qal li hemm ftehim politiku li l-omoseswalita’ m’hix marda. Dwar l-abbozz tal-li©i qal biss li lgrupp parlamentari Nazzjonalista kien se jiddiskuti kif jag˙mel is-soltu dwar li©ijiet o˙ra u mbag˙ad jag˙ti r-reazzjoni tieg˙u. Kien hemm min irrimarka li l-PN kien g˙adu ma ˙ax poΩizzjoni dwar il-li©, minkejja li l-Abbozz kien ilu g˙axar ©img˙at g˙allkonsultazzjoni tal-pubbliku u l-g˙aqdiet. Hekk kienet ukoll ilfehma ta’ parti mill-midja, b’The Independent tg˙id: Gay and trans PN officials condemn conversion therapy, PN still mum. Il-©urnal kien qed jikkwota x’qalu Ωew© uffiçjali tal-PN: Karl Gouder, is-Sindku ta’ San Ìiljan u Alex Mangion, Kunsulier Nazzjonalista f’Ó’Attard. Dawn stqarrew: “I am totally against gay conversion therapy. As you know, being gay is neither a belief nor an illness, which means that no conversion should ever feature.” Imma ma’ g˙arfux iwie©bu x’kienet il-poΩizzjoni tal-partit tag˙hom. Nifhem li l-oppoΩizzjoni qag˙det ferm attenta kif tirrea©ixxi g˙al dak li qed jipproponi l-Gvern billi qed tag˙mel minn kollox ˙alli turi li hija wkoll favur id-drittijiet ta’ nies LGBTI. IΩda jidher li din il-kritika wasslet biex il-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-a˙˙ar jie˙u deçiΩjoni, u kif kont g˙oddni lestejt dan l-artiklu t˙abbar li fuq kollox l-OppoΩizzjoni kienet se tappo©©ja l-Gvern dwar din ilLi©i.
Malta Musulmana!!
˙alissa f’Malta, u na˙seb f’˙afna partiB jiet tad-dinja, g˙addejja sew id-diskussjoni dwar il-Musulmani u kif i©ibu ru˙hom. Filwaqt li qed naraw çerta sezzjoni talpoplu, sfortunatment sezzzjoni li dejjem qed tikber, tg˙addi rimarki xejn sbie˙ dwar ilMusulmani, ˙are© l-istoriku Malti Charles Dalli li fi storja li dehret fil-Maltoday (8.02.2016) fakkarna dwar meta Malta kienet Musulmana. Sostna li fil-fatt, li f’çertu aspetti Malta g˙adha Muslumana. Malta ma t˙addanx ir-reli©jon tal-Islam, g˙alkemm kulma ma jmur l-g˙add ta’ dawk li j˙addnu din ir-reli©jon fil-GΩejjer tag˙na, (fosthom Maltin) qed jiΩdied, imma mbag˙ad g˙andna ˙afna xi jfakkarna flIslam. Barra l-ismijiet ta’ ˙afna mill-ibliet u l-
ir˙ula tag˙na li jfakkruna fl-ilsien G˙arbi (F’G˙awdex kemm il-Belt u parti kbira millir˙ula j©bu isem b’g˙eruq G˙arab), g˙andna mbag˙ad l-ismijiet tal-festi ewlenin reli©juΩi ©ejjin ibbaΩati fuq festi tal-Islam. Hekk g˙ad g˙andna r-randan (kelma li ©ejja mir-Ramadan - ix-xahar li fi˙ isumu dawk li j˙addnu l-Islam), il-G˙id (l-isem li ©ej mill-festa- Eid al-Fitr - li jag˙mlu l-Musulmani fi tmiem ir-Ramadan). G˙andna mbag˙ad il-Milied (©ejja mill-kelma Mawlid – il-festa tat-twelid tal-profeta Musulman – il-profeta Muhammad. Hemm imbag˙ad ukoll l-ismijiet tal-jiem tal-©img˙a li huma kliem, u anke n-numri. Anke l-kelma il-Ìimg˙a (Friday) ©ejja millfatt li f’dak il-jum il-Musulmani, kienu, kif g˙adhom sal-lum, jiltaqg˙u biex jag˙mlu ttalb tal- ‘Jumu’ah’.
L-istess Dalli jirribatti dak li tg˙allimna, li l-Maltin Ωammew il-fidi minn meta San Pawl niΩel fuq il-GΩejjer Maltin, g˙ax dan isostni li waqt il-˙akma tal-G˙arab fuq ilGΩejjer Maltin, u g˙al ˙afna snin wara, ftit kienu dawk il-Maltin li Ωammew il-fidi nisranija. Dalli sa˙ansitra jg˙id li g˙addew ˙afna snin minn meta n-Normanni ˙adu l-GΩejjer Maltin f’idejhom (1090) sakemm is-soçjeta’ Maltija kkonvertiet mill-©did g˙all-KristjaneΩmu (Sal-1492 il-ma©©oranza l-kbira tal-abitanti Maltin kienu g˙adhom i˙addnu l-Islam Sa˙ansitra, biex din il-konverΩjoni se˙˙et ©iet mg˙ejjuna mill-fatt li n-Normanni po©©ew taxxa fuq dawk li kienu Musulmani u g˙all-˙abta tal-1492 qabdu l-Musulmani li kien baqa’ Malta u ddiportawhom g˙all-belt Taljana ta’ Lucera.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
Wie˙ed minn kull ˙ames ˙addiema f’G˙awdex ja˙dmu fis-settur turistiku Meta l-Ministru t’G˙awdex Anton Refalo u il-Ministru tar-TuriΩmu Edward Zammit Lewis indirizzaw il-laqg˙a ©enerali talG˙aqda tat-TuriΩmu G˙awdxija, sa˙qu li ssena li g˙addiet kienet wa˙da rekord g˙all-industrija Maltija f’dan is-settur, filwaqt li Zammit Lewis ikkonferma li skont st˙arrig ikkummissjonat mill-ministeru tieg˙u, it-turiΩmu jikkontribwixxi 50% talGDP fil-gΩira G˙adxija.
Il-Ministru tat-TuriΩmu Edward Zammit Lewis Huwa Ωied jg˙id jikkwota mir-rapport li stabbilixxa li wie˙ed minn kull ˙ames G˙awdxin qed ja˙dmu f’dan is-settur u li lindustrija ©©enerat 30% tal-impjiegi fis-set-
hemmx dubbju li çerta sezzjoni tal-midja tg˙ix fuq is-sensazzjonaliΩmu, iΩda kultant dan jolqot anke dik il-midja li hi meqjusa aktar serja, iΩda li sintendi ma tistax timmissja li tapprofitta ru˙ha minn xi storja li tista’ tixtered f’le˙˙a ta’ berqa, g˙ax b’hekk iΩΩid il-qarrejja jew is-semmiegha tag˙ha. Hekk g˙amel l-istazzjon tar-radju u t-eleviΩjoni IngliΩ , il-BBC meta kiseb l-istorja dwar is-sejba ta’ ittri li l-Papa Pawlu II kiteb lil filosofa Pollakka .... korrisponenza li tinfirex fuq 30 sena. Sintedni l-ispekulazzjonijiet u l-opinjonijiet ma naqsux u biex tissokta tikber, filmidja bdew jitfaççaw ritratti b˙al dan ta’ fuq li juri lill-Papa Ìwanni Pawlu II u lilAnna Teresa Tymieniecka, flimkien waqt kampe©© ma’ nies o˙ra. F’Malta g˙alkemm il-midja, ©abet din l-istorja kienet kawta ˙afna, kif kienet il-Kurja Maltija, li meta ©iet mitlubha tati r-reazzjoni
g˙al din l-istorja llimitat ru˙ha billi rreferiet g˙al dak li kteb il-Kardinal Vincent Nichols fil-midia soçjali: “We love Pope St John Paul II: faithful to God, faithful to his vows, faithful to his loving friends". Na˙seb li l-a˙jar taha l-Vatikanista Fr Reno Muscat. Qal li l-˙biberija bejn Ìwanni Pawlu II u l-mara "ma svelat lebda sigriet jew skandlu; kienet ˙biberija bejn kollegi, kittieba u studjuΩi."
Il-Ministru t’G˙awdex Anton Refalo tur privat fil-gΩira. Qal li l-prodott tat-turiΩmu G˙awdxi jippossjedi attrazzjoni b’sa˙˙itha f’g˙add ta’ oqsma, fost l-o˙rajn dik ta’ akkomodazzjoni ta’ kwalita`, il-mod kif wie˙ed jirrilassa, lg˙ads (scuba diving) u attivitajiet o˙ra filbera˙. Sa˙aq ukoll lil l-potenzjal t’G˙awdex u lambjent naturali tieg˙u ifissru li G˙awdex hu kapaçi li ji©bed lejh turisti differenti, fosthom dak domestiku. Meta semma l-industrija tal-cruise liners qal li fl-2015 Ωaru lill-G˙awdex 18-il vapur li kellhom fuqhom 9,600 passi©ier. Minbarra l-benefiççji ekonomiçi immedjati dawn iΩΩjarat qosra jipprovdu lill-vja©©aturi ç-çans li jduqu g˙all-ewwel darba dak li din il-gΩira tista’ toffri b˙ala destinazzjoni li jistg˙u jΩuruha g˙al aktar fit-tul. Min-na˙a tieg˙u, il-Ministru g˙al G˙awdex, Anton Refalo qal li Ω-Ωieda fit-turiΩmu fil-gΩira G˙awdxija kien ukoll riΩultat ta’ inizjattivi, b˙all-programm ta’ attivitajiet g˙all-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa u fix-xahar tal-festi tal- Milied, fosthom Betlem f’G˙ajnsielem. Huwa kkonferma li Ω-Ωidiet saru wkoll fitturiΩmu internazzjonali u kienu b’riΩultat ta’ aktar sforzi fil-marketing matul l-2014. li kienu jinkludu l-parteçipazzjni f’fieri tatturiΩmu internazzjonali titjib fil-website: u g˙add ta’ publikazzjonijiet promozzjonali.
IngliΩ imut waqt il-©irja fil-Maratona ta’ Malta
vveniment sportiv f’Malta li kull sena A ji©bed lejh l-eluf ta’ parteçipanti barranin huwa l-Maratona ta’ Malta. Hekk
Michael Freeman (picture from Facebook)
ukoll dis-sena g˙at-tellieqa tal-Óadd li g˙adda fuq distanza ta’ 42 kilometru. Imma did-darba minbarra l-isport, spikka wkoll waqt li fih miet wie˙ed mill-atleti, IngliΩ ta’ 55 sena. L-atleta, bl-isem ta’ Michael Freeman, ˙assu ˙aΩin inqas minn kilometru bog˙od minn tmiem it-tellieqa f’Tas-Sliema u ittie˙ed b’ur©enza b’ambulanza l-isptar Mater Dei fejnu miet ftit wara li wasal. Ir-ra©el, minn Essex fl-Ingilterra li kien f’Malta flimkien ma’ martu, fejn issie˙bu
ma’ aktar minn 2000 atleta minn 50 pajjiΩbiex ˙adu sehem fil-Maratona, x’aktar li miet b’attakk tal-qalb. Ìie rrappurtat, dejjem skont martu, li ©imag˙tejn qabel ©ie Malta, fl-Ingilterra, Freeman kien ˙ass u©ieg˙ fl-istonku u mar jag˙mel xi testijiet mediçi. IΩda t-tobba qalulu li ma kellu xejn xi jΩommu milli jie˙u sehem fil-Maratona ta’ Malta u ji©ri d-distanza. Imma minkejja l-parir xorta ma rnexxielux jispiccaha. It-tellieqa ntreb˙et minn Marokkin quddiem tlett Marokkini o˙ra. (Ara rapport f’pa©na 24)
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
No to NZ’s offer
he Turnbull Government T like the Labor before it, is still maintaining that no one
Asylum-seeker advocates gather outside Brisbane’s Lady Cilento children’s hospital in support of one-year-old Asha
Baby Asha detained into community detention
mmigration Minister Peter Dutton has said that the oneyear-old girl known as Asha, the daughter of asylum-seeker parents who suffered serious burns at the camp and taken to a Brisbane hospital for treatment won't be sent back to Nauru. At first the government said the girl would have to be sent back to the Australian-run detention centre at Nauru, but amid protests by thousands over her deportation, the minister relented, particularly after doctors at Brisbane's Lady Cilento Children's Hospital said they would not release Asha unless a "suitable home environment is identified". Former immigration minister Scott Morrison said the policy would continue "absolutely" and "completely,” and the government said its controversial offshore detention policy was necessary, and aimed at preventing asylum seekers trying to reach Australia on unseaworthy boats. Cameron Atfield Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk weighed in on the case again on
Sunday, saying the federal government decision to allow Asha to go into community detention was "too slow and lacked empathy". Earlier Mr. Dutton said the baby girl would be taken from the Children's Hospital, where protesters had been camped for more than a week, and placed in community detention but did not rule out an eventual return to Nauru. He said the girl and her family would still be subject to normal refugee processing and a spokesman confirmed they would not be settled in Australia. Doctors from the hospital said the baby's treatment had concluded and that they were happy for the baby to go out into community detention. The Immigration Department advised that there is no imminent plan for the family to return to Nauru and the family's case is under consideration. Asha and her family are still on the Australian mainland, according to the department of immigration, but their exact location since being moved into community detention is unknown.
who seeks to enter Australia by boat will ever be permitted to resettle in Australia. There are still 1459 people in detention in Australia’s facilities in Nauru and Manus Island. Australia is trying to negotiate with third countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines to allow resettlement of asylum seekers. PM Turnbull ruled out accepting New Zealand’s offer to take 150 asylum seekers from Australia offshore detention centres. In a joint statement with NZ counterpart, John Key while visiting Australia, Mr. Turnbull said “we are utterly committed to ensuring that we give no en-
couragement, no marketing opportunities to people smugglers”. While Cambodia and PNG are too poor and unattractive as resettlement options, Australia considers NZ to be too wealthy and attractive, which is a potential draw for a new wave of people smugglers carrying asylum seekers. Meanwhile Dr. Michael Dudley a psychiatrist at Sydney Children’s Hospital and senior lecturer at the University of NSW wrote “public numbing and indifference toward state abuses in Nazi Germany resembles the enabling Australia’s immigration centres to exist. He also likens public complicity in the detention regime to former White Australia policy.
State of inequality esearch by Labor MP and R former economics professor Andrew Leigh shows that the income share of the top 1 per cent has doubled and the share of the top 0.1 per has tripled over the past three decades. “Inequality is one of the big economic issues of our age,” he said. “The richest three Australians now have more wealth than the poorest 1 million. Inequality not only challenges the fair go; it also makes it harder for a child born into poverty to make it into the middle class. At a local level, we also have strong evidence that people in unequal neighbourhoods are less happy.” There was a marked difference in the distribution of income in Sydney compared to the rest of NSW. In the Greater Sydney region 11.5 per cent of all inc o m e went to the top 1 per cent of earners in 2012-13 but in regional NSW the proportion is only 7.4 per cent. ACT had A u s tralia's
smallest income share going to the top 1 per cent – just 6.4 per cent of the total. The bureau noted that income that tax-free income, including some income streams from superannuation, were not included in the analysis. Government pensions and allowances were also excluded. Balmain had NSW's highest proportion of people receiving more than $75,000 per year – 48.2 per cent of all earners. It also had the state's highest total median income of $72,591. But that was well short of the median in Ashburton, a mining region in the north of Western Australia. It recorded Australia's highest median total income of $93,902 in 2012-13. Nationally, the median income was $44,940 in 2012-13 and the average was $58,389. Employee income (from full-time and parttime work) accounted for almost 78 per cent of all personal income followed by investment income (12.4 per cent) and income earned by unincorporated businesses (7.5 per cent). The ACT had the highest median total income of $58,613; Tasmania had the lowest, $43,524. Toorak in Melbourne's innereast had the highest proportion of people whose main source of income were investments (40.9 per cent) followed by City Beach in Perth (37.8 per cent) and Rose Bay-Vaucluse-Watsons Bay in Sydney's east (36.7 per cent).
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday March 1, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
US versus China in the South China Sea?
ustralia should send warships through the waters China claims around the islands it has built, says US Seventh Fleet commander Joseph Aucoin, the admiral in charge of US naval forces in the Pacific. It is the first time a senior US military office has publicly urged Australia to carry out such an operation. China’s fortification of islands it had built on reefs in the South China Sea would not stop the US sending its ships and aircraft in on freedom-of-navigation patrols. China is being accused of having placed surface-toair missiles on Woody Island, which it claims in the Paracel chain. In Sydney, Vice Admiral Aucoin said placing weapons on disputed islands introduced more uncer- tainty to the region. “We will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, including those areas,” he said. Asked if that meant he thought it would be valuable if Australia carried out such patrols
Australian population hits the 24 ml mark
he Australian population ticked over to 24 million on February 16, with more than half of that growth driven by new migrants. The milestone, reached 17 years earlier than official predictions made at the turn of the century, sees Australia draw level with Shanghai’s population, housing 24 million people in a thousandth of the space. It is also twice the size that Prof Tim Flannery, in a paper arguing for a much, much smaller Australia, set as the upper limit of the country’s long-term carrying capacity. Flannery’s controversial goal population of just 6 million was reached in the 1920s. By the beginning of 2017, the population is projected to increase by 273,035 (748 persons per day) to reach the 24,056.535 mark. The natural increase is expected as the number of births will exceed deaths by 129,620. If external migration remains on the previous year level, the population will increase by 143,415, meaning that the amount of people who move into Australia (to which they are not native) to settle (immigrants) will prevail over the amount of people who leave the country to settle permanently in another country (emigrants).
within the 12 nautical mile limits around the created islands, Vice Admiral Aucoin said responded “yes”. Australia regularly sends warships and Royal Australian Air Force patrol aircraft through the region on intelligence-gathering missions that effectively are also freedom-of-navigation exercises, but these so far have not passed close to the disputed structures. Defence Minister Marise Payne said that, as Aucoin had US Seventh Fleet commander Joseph Aucoin noted, freedom-ofnavigation exercises were a matter for indi- China was one of the biggest beneficiaries vidual countries. “As we do now, and have of stability in the region. done for many years, Australian vessels and “I wish it was not portrayed as US versus aircraft will continue to exercise rights under China. We’re exercising our rights and freeinternational law to freedom of navigation doms under the law of the sea and this and freedom of overflight, including in the shouldn’t seem provocative, relations beSouth China Sea,” she said. tween US and Chinese forces were improvVice Admiral Aucoin said the volumes of ing, “even on the high seas”. He said a freight, oil and other commodities carried process recently had been introduced to rethrough the region were staggering and duce the risks of unplanned encounters.
Who are the battlers?
survey by Ipsos Australia for MLC Weath found that many householders in the top 10 per cent struggle to save, while one in five lives “pay cheque to pay cheque. Lara Bourguignon the MLC general manager of corporate superannuation said, “It’s a paradox, the people who are earning more are also spending more and feel left behind, it may be because they are living in the major cities, living in the expensive areas, or working so hard that conveniences such as eating out seem essential.” What constitutes a comfortable lifestyle was changing. It used to mean having access to a home, food, healthcare and schooling. Now it extends to overseas holidays, private schools and the latest technology. Being a millionaire does not mean much nowadays, it will only buy you a double bedroom flat in the city or an average suburban home.
MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of
230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Felix Calleja (a pioneer of post war migration)
erth’s Maltese community re- accompany cently lost a pioneer of the post- S u z a n n e , war migration period when Felix Tony’s wife Calleja passed away at the age of 94. on one of her He is survived by his wife of 73 years, visits to Rita, now aged 94, eight children (Charlie, Mario, Paul, Doris, Joe, Marianne, Margaret and Annette), 24 grandchildren, and 26 great grandchildren. Felix commenced work when he was seven working a 12– hour-day during winter (inhis hoscluding four hours at school) pital bed. and 14 hours in the summer. He By coinwas forced into full time emcidence, ployment on his 11th birthday in a friend 1932 due to the deepening of The of SuzGreat Depression. anne’s, Felix entered the wall and floor R i t a tiling trade because his older Grech, Felix Calleja as a brothers were tilers. He worked from young sergeant in this trade until his 18th birthLija, at 18 years day and the outbreak of war in was also visiting, and 1939. He then enlisted in the Felix and Rita met for the first time. King’s Own Malta Regiment (KOMR) Thus commenced a union that was to and after completing recruitment train- last for 73 years. ing was promoted to the rank of Lance Twelve months later Felix and Rita Corporal. Another promotion to ser- got married as bombs rained down geant followed while still only 18 and compliments of the Nazi air force. The he was assigned to Wied iΩ-Ûurrieq to air raid continued throughout the take charge of 33 men to make early night and forced Felix and Rita to detection of any hostile invasion. spend their first night in the company Close to the end of this 18-month as- of strangers in an air raid shelter. A signment one of his soldiers by the year later again during a Nazi air raid, name of Tony received chest injuries Rita gave birth to their first child. By from an Italian bomber aerial attack 1952 Rita had given birth to five chiland was hospitalised. Felix decided to dren.
Felix (extreme right) at the presentation of the Maltese flag to Perth’s former Federal Minister and Lord, Mayor Reg Withers (centre) in 1991. On left is Dr Paul-Psaila Savona
Felix (left) receiving the Malta George Cross 50th Anniversary Medal in 1992 from Hon. Consul Dr AV Sciberras
Felix and Rita lost their second child when she was only 10 months old due to the wartime’s poor health and medical conditions. The surviving ones ranged in age from 18 months to nine years, and another one was on its way. Felix decided to move his family to greener pastures by joining his two brothers, in Perth. This decision proved to be easier to make than the actual departure that was heart wrenching for all. The early 1950s were times of acute shortages of building materials so Felix, like so many others, purchased a brickmaking machine and made his own cement bricks, and by 1957 completed his home. It broke new ground for the local building industry and regulations governing them. Felix laid much of his home floors in tiles that breached local government building by-laws. The Road Board changed the by-laws and Felix’s house became the first in the area to have tiles on the floor. Once settled Felix joined his brother, Joe and others to establish the Maltese Settlers Association, the forerunner of the current Maltese Association of Western Australia (MAWA). Joe was its first president and Felix its second treasurer. Felix’s involvement in the Maltese community continued, off and on at various intensities, for the next 20 years, but as age caught up with him he continued his support through his membership of Maltese associations. Felix became a successful self-employed wall and floor tiler contributing to the construction of many iconic buildings in Perth, including Beatty Park Aquatic Centre and a host of major hospitals and government buildings. Dermatitis forced him into retirement and he became victim of a number of aliments the worst of which was neuralgia, for the last thirty years of his life. It gave him pain in the jaw, particularly when eating and talking. Old age eventually beat him and he died on January 28 this year. PaulCalleja
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Biex tikteb Tag˙rif dwar Malti tajjeb il-kitba Maltija Il-konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi (Mudelli)
e nissoktaw bl-eΩempji, jew mudelli filKonjugazzjoni tal-Verbi li bdejna fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a billi llum nittrattaw xi verbi mag˙rufa b˙ala Kwadrikitteru. Se nkomplu wkoll nittrattawhom fil-mod IMPERATIV u dak INDIKATIV, kemm fl-Imperfett (li juri g˙emil li g˙adu ma twettaqx), u wkoll filPerfett (li juri g˙emil li twettaq). Illum g˙andna Ωew© verbi. Verbi Dg˙ajfin FIXKEL GÓARBEL MOD IMPERATIV fixkel g˙arbel MOD INDIKATIV Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma
IMPERFETT nfixkel ng˙arbel tfixkel tg˙arbel jfixkel jg˙arbel tfixkel tg˙arblu nfixklu ng˙arblu tfixklu tg˙arblu jfixklu jg˙arblu PERFETT
Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma
fixkilt fixkilt fixkel fixkletet fixkilna fixkiltu fixkluu
g˙arbilt g˙arbilt g˙arbel g˙rblet g˙arbilna g˙arbiltu g˙arbluu
(Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nibdew il-Verbi Mnisslin)
uq talba ta’ g˙add ta’ qarrejja, illum se nibdew nippubblikaw regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti kif ma˙ru©a mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan lAkkademja tal-Malti, li hi mag˙Ωula mill-G˙aqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti, u li wara kollox hi l-awtorita` mqabbda biex tg˙idilna kif niktbuh, u tg˙arrafna dwar ir-regoli u xi tibdil li ©ieli jsir fihom. L-ewwel, kif inhu xieraq, se nittrattaw l-ortografija, jew kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb sewwa l-Malti. Ortografija ©ejja mill-kelma Griega orthos, li tfisser sewwa, u grapho, nji©ifieri nikteb. G˙alkemm ©ieli ttrattajna l-Alfabett Malti hawnhekk, se nid˙lu aktar filfond skont kif inhu mag˙ruf illum fi lisenna mill-kittieba tal-Malti. L-Alfabett Malti hu mag˙mul minn 29 ittra li jinqsmu f’˙ames vokali u 24 konsonanti. 1. Il-vokali huma: a,e,i,o u. Tag˙rifa çkejkna: L-ittri â u ê, bil˙oss imkarkar, jitfissru bil-le˙en u ssura ta’ ie, fil-kelmiet b˙alma huma: ©ieb, ©iena, ©iehom flok ©âb, ©âna, ©âhom; diem, sieb flok dâm, sâb; ktieb flok ktâb; basliet minflok baslât, jiena minflok jâna. baliena minflok balêna; piena minflok pêna; mieta minflok mêta. Skont il-grammatika, din il-kisra ta’ le˙en (ta’ ie minflok â jew ê) g˙andha titfisser b’ittra wa˙da; iΩda, biex ma jfittxux reqqa Ωejda fl-istampa, l-kummisjoni dehrilha g˙andna t˙alliha timxi b˙al qabel, sakemm ’il quddiem tista’ ting˙aqad f’ittra wa˙da. (M. A. Vassalli (Grammatica della Lingua Maltese 1827) kien da˙˙al l-ittra Y (bl-aççent ^ fuqha) minflok ie. (1) a g˙andha le˙en ta’ a ma˙tufa f’kelmiet b˙alma huma Alla, sajda, qatg˙a. G˙andha le˙en ta’ a mkarkra f’kelmiet b˙alma huma: ˙mâr, dâr, dâ, tâ, râ, sâ, ˙â, dâm, sâm.
(2) e g˙andha le˙en ta’ e ma˙tufa f’kelmiet b˙alma huma héna, séna, télaq, tèllaq; ta’ e mkarkra f’kelmiet b˙alma huma xêna, çêna, Frêdu u filkelma Maltija lê. (3) i g˙andha le˙en ta’ i ma˙tufa f’kelmiet b˙alma huma ì©bor, bíni, kíri; ta’ i mkarkra f’kelmiet b˙alma huma bîr, dî(n), fîni, bîni (eΩ.: bîni l©u˙). (4) o g˙andha le˙en ta’ o ma˙tufa f’kelmiet b˙alma huma òrdni, òqg˙od; ta’ o mkarkra f’kelmiet b˙alma huma kôk, vôpa, xkôra, skôla, môla, rôta, ©ô (©ewwa). (5) u g˙andha le˙en ta’ u ma˙tufa f’kelmiet b˙alma huma kùll, tieg˙u, mieg˙u; ta’ u mkarkra f’kelmiet b˙alma huma sûra, û©a’, blû, lûra, (ilbira˙t) lûla. 2. Il-Konsonanti huma: b b’le˙en ta’ be fil-kelmiet: bajtra, bieb ç " çe " çajta, çempel d " de " dar, dubbiena f " effe " çoff, fdâl, çafçaf © " ©e " ©ewΩ, g˙aslu© g " gâ " gustuΩ, geΩwira, gar©, g˙ " g˙ajn " g˙arb, dmug˙, dg˙ajjef h " he " hena, fih, fiha ˙ " e˙˙e " ˙awsla, ˙ur˙âra j " ja " jiena, dejjaq k " kappa " karkar, çkejkna, kçina l " elle " lejla, lewlu m " emme " mnie˙er, mfisser n " enne " min©ur, nidem p " pe " Peppu, çappas q " qa " qawwi, qartas, qerq r " erre " rag˙ad, rog˙da s " esse " sassla, sinsla t " te " tewma, tlieta v " ve " çavetta, venven w " wa " widna, werwer, wa˙du x " exxe " xemx, xewwex z " zeta " zunnarija, zokk, zakak Ω " Ωeta " ΩarΩar, ΩunΩan 3. Il-g˙amla u x-xe˙ta ta’ dan l-Alfabett jimxu ma’ dak li nisel il-kelma jrodd f’kull tiswira, fejn l-ittri konsonanti, li fuqhom tinbena l-kelma, jibqg˙u dejjem s˙a˙ u l-vokali aktarx jitbiddlu. Ara: rabat, rbit; demg˙a, dmug˙; G˙awdex, G˙awdxi; iblah, belha, boloh; xebah, xbieha; ra©el, r©iel; ˙ataf, ˙atfa; qattus, qtates; g˙arbiel, g˙eriebel, fejn kull ittra konsonanti ta’ nisel il-kelma baqg˙et tidher s˙i˙a, wa˙da wara lo˙ra, waqt li lvokali tbiddlu. G˙alhekk dawn l-ittri konsonanti jissej˙u l-g˙eruq tal-kelma u g˙andhom jidh Minn dan innisslu u ni©bru r-regoli li nibdewhom fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. (Next on March 10). Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
THE AUSTRALIAN GENIES (We grant wishes for handicap children)
FUND RAISING NIGHT Nhar is-Sibt 12 ta' Marzu fis-6pm fil-Balmoral Hall Function Centre Balmoral Street Blacktown NSW. Divertiment mir-ROC A TAC Band, DJ Albert u Kathlyn Vella u hutha. Donazzjoni ta’ $60. Tfal ta˙t 12 il-sena nofs prezz. G˙all iktar tag˙rif çemplu lil Sam Axiaq: 0425 844 203. John Zarb: 9679 8851.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Events 2016 Sunday March 13: Fete Sunday July 3: Lejla Fil-Buskett Sunday October 16: Fete Sunday December 4: Festa
Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li B wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-
Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirrek-lamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday March 1, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Readers can also request a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese magazine by post
n response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
The Cittadini Present
Iz-Zija ta’ Karlu Sunday April 10 at 2.00 p.m. at Wentworthville Leagues Club
For tickets call: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386 Doris: 9636 2295 Joe Borg: 9624 2280 or 0490 053 512 Donations: $12 Kids: $6,00
Special Guests: Joe Galea and Ronnie Borg and Tony Fenech
Direct from Malta November 2016:
Marie Rose Mallia and Renato Brisbane Nov. 5; Melbourne Nov. 11, 12, 13 Sydney Nov. 20 (La Valette Blacktown) MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. The 16th Annual - Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition (Part of NSW Seniors Week)
Wednesday, March 16 at 7.30pm Annunciation Hall171 Walters Road Blacktown NSW Awards are given to our Elderly Maltese from NSW as nominated by the Maltese Community Guest Artists for this year Maltese Cultural Association Choir at the
All invited – Entrance Free – Refreshments served
Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156
Se ti©i organizzata:
Serata ta’ Ghana
Il-Óadd 6 ta’ Marzu fl-4.00 p.m. fil-klabb stess li fiha se jie˙du sehem, minn Malta: Frans Mifsud (ta’ Vestru) u t-tifel tieg˙u (daqqaq prim) flimkien mal-aqwa g˙annejja, kittaristi u daqqaqa ta’ Sydney Qed isir appell lid-delettanti u l-pubbliku ©enerali biex ma jitilfux din is-serata tradizzjonali Maltija. Il-klabb ikun miftu˙ mit-3.00 p.m. Mil-kcina wie˙ed ikun jista’ jsib ikel u xorb Malti. G˙al tag˙rif çemplu lil: George: 0407 434 651, Krist: 0431 457 868 jew il-klabb: 9838 1111 L-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u jew min irid jag˙mel xi reklam fuq The Voice of the Maltese huwa m˙e©©e© biex jg˙arraf lill-diri©enza, inkella jibg˙at il-materjal li jrid li ji©i ippubbikat mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni talmagazine. Dan ji©i pubblikat it-Tlieta kull ©imag˙tejn.
Learn Maltese!
Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM
For more information and enquiries Phone 02 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese onT line magazine is by far the most widely read publication
among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Community News La Valette Social Centre Holy Week, Easter programme Thursday March 17: 10.30 am: Stations of the Cross at the Centre. Lunch will be served as normal. Friday March 18: 6.30pm: Our Lady of Sorrows. Mass and procession; Stations of the Cross with folklore music (G˙ana) in the main hall. Holy Thursday March 24: 7.00pm: Mass, Stations of the Cross and community adoration in main hall. Good Friday March 25: 3.00pm: Liturgical celebration of the Passion of Christ at Centre’s main hall. Holy Saturday March 26: 4.30pm: Centre opens for dinner; 7.30pm: Bingo; 830pm: Easter Vigil. Easter Sunday March 27: 10.15am: Mass, thenprocession with the Risen Lord, marches to be played. Information: Chapel: 9622; La Valette Centre: 9622 5847
Apple Picking Bilpin Springs Orchard Sunday 17th April Adults: $25.00; Children - $15 Pick up points: 9.00am: Blacktown Workers Club or at 9:15am: Near Greystanes Church
For bookings contact committee members: Lina 9629 4046 or Doris 0419 420 915 Organised by The Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee
The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376
The Malta Community Chest Fund
Cordially Invites You to...
Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
The 2016 Long Weekend Adelaide Cup Luncheon
Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025
to be held at the MALTESE MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTRE at 6 Jeanes St Beverley on Monday March 14. Lunche served at 12.15 p.m.
Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine
maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:
METD OUTINGS - 2016 17th April – Apple Picking – Bilpin $25/pp - $15/child including morning tea 14th August – St Maria Festa – Central Coast $35/pp including 5 morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja – City $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155
Lunch menu will be announced later on. Donaton: Members $7,00; Non-Members $10.00; Children $5.00
Booking sare available from:
The Guild office in person or phone the office on Tuesday’s only from 8.30am to 3pm on 8243 0868; the President Joe Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; v/President Mary Craus: 82812923 or 0420 699 617; the Secretary Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860. One can also phone Tuesdays only at our office on 8243 0868 (9 a.m.-3.00 p.m.) or see anyone fro the committee.
The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Presents Film Night
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Centre San Gorg Preca Hall Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes on Friday March 4 at 7pm
Presenting Malta’s singing sensation IRA LOSCO including biographies of famous Maltese personalities Everyone welcome:
Entrance free & refreshments will be served at the end of the evening. Unpaid members’ fees will be received at this event. Mary Ramundi 96881432 Charles C Mifsud 98718463
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Sports 1 Jockey Darren Gauci has no intention of quitting at 50 L
Jockey and fitness fanatic Darren Gauci at the gym.
egendary jockey Darren Gauci who turned 50 on December 26, born in Melbourne of Maltese descent, is a sports personality with a great following among the Maltese community. Known simply as The Gauch, in a recent article on The Herald Sun by Daryl Timms described Darren Gauci as “the one-time wonder boy of racing”. It was stated that despite the decline in both the quality and amount of rides he is offered, Darren shows no signs of retiring, and quoted Darren’s fellow jockey Glen Boss, saying “jockeys don’t voluntarily retire, that job is done for them by other people. He added: I don’t think the younger generation realise how good he (Darren) is. He has been good for a long, long time and he still loves it and physically he is great.” Boss also describes him as, “one of the greatest blokes, one of the most respected and good guys in the room.” It is not only Gauci’s age that is signif- the sport, he said he mucked out boxes icant. He has ridden more than 2000 after school and started to ride a stable winners, including 35 Group 1 victories, pony. Once he learned to ride a little bit, and had three Victorian Jockeys’ Pre- he just loved it and couldn’t wait to get mierships alongside of his name before to Caulfield from Glenroy. he’d blown out the candles on his 21st "I fell in love with horses when I was birthday cake. 10 years of age and that's what drove me As a kid from Glenroy Darren caught to get up at the crack of dawn and go the train to Caulfield’s community sta- anywhere to get a ride. I'm very fortubles to muck out boxes while his older nate that thirst to be with the horse and brother Mick was learning how to ride ride a winner is still burning inside, and as an apprentice with Don Shannon. what's even better, we're still in one Back then Gauci was a 13-year-old piece," Darren says. when he trained with the Victorian junThe turning point in his career came ior soccer side but he never grew and when he moved to Frank King’s comsoon realised his ambitions of making it munity stables as an apprentice. big in football were limited. It took him six months as a junior beDarren, a father of four, and at the top fore he got on what he describes as a roll of his game in the early eighties, says he and says those achievements, including has no plans to stop riding while he is Group 1 victories, stand out. still enjoying it. In 1978, then an apprentice, he was the Explaining his humble beginnings in talk of racing, leading owners, trainers
Australia A-League
The Wanderers open 3-point lead
rendon Santalab proved to be the ultimate super sub as he came up with a brilliant late goal to give western Sydney Wanderers a 2-1 win over Perth Glory on Day 21 that catapulted them to the top placing, thanks also to Brisbane’s back-to-back losses at Perth and Adelaide. The Wanderers thus continued their impressive record of always scoring in matches against Glory, now stretching to 12 consecutive games. As for Perth, the defeat at the hands of the Wanderers ends their club record five-game winning streak in the A-League, but they remain right in the hunt for the top six. Their 6-3 win over Brisbane equalled the previous scorelines set by Central Coast v Sydney FC (5-4, December 2007), Adelaide
United v North Queensland (8-1, January 2011), Central Coast v Sydney FC (7-2, November 2012) and Sydney FC v Brisbane Roar (5-4, March). Following their convincing 3-0 victory over Brisbane Roar, Adelaide United have surged into second spot, two below the Wanderers. With their im- Latest results Day 21 pressive run of Sydney v Perth Glory 2-1 form they can West. Adelaide v Brisbane R. 3-0 set their sights Melbourne V. v Sydney FC 1-0 on the Premiers’ Wellington P. v Melbourne C. 2-1 Central Coast v Newcastle J 0-1 Plate. Day 20 Melbourne’s Perth Glory v Brisbane R. 6-3 two clubs, Vic- Sydney FC v West. Sydney 1-1 tory and City, Melbourne V. v Adelaide 0-1 forurth and fifth Newcastle J v Wellington P. 3-2 share 32 points. Melbourne C. v Central Coast 4-1
and fellow jockeys marvelling at his rare balance and poise for one so young. At the age of 16 he was so small he'd have to stand on an upturned water bucket to look over the door of the stable. His racing manager Peter Meilak, another personality of Maltese descent says that as an apprentice, Darren won 12 premierships, the metropolitan seniors three times in a row, the apprentices in three successive years and in the same years he also won three provincial seniors and three provincial apprentices. He won his first Group 1 for Bart Cummings on Taj Eclipse in the 1983. That was when he outrode his claim. From then on he had to ride against the big boys. In his career, Darren benefited from good rides offered to him by top Caulfield trainers. He remembers the day he won at Sandown in 1988 and provided him with one of his five wins from seven rides on the eight-race programme. He believes one has to work at his fitness in a sensible way and outside of the racetrck he still boxes with a fitness trainer once a week. Even if he weren’t a jockey he would keep fit because he likes doing the work. “You have to work on your fitness without killing yourself,” he says. With the highs came the lows but injuries and falls are what Gauci describes as part and parcel of the job. His most serious was a fall at Yarra Glen in 1988. It left him semi-conscious for eight days but he was back riding in 18 months. In 2011 at Mornington when he crushed at vertebrae it took him 10 months to recover. While the rides have dried up. His racing manager, Peter Meilak says Darren never complains about where he has to ride, even the day when he was dispatched to ride four roughies in plus 40C heat in the country.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Sports 2
Parramatta Eagles face the Spartans in season’s opener
he new season of the PlayStation 4 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s competition is set for a huge year as it opens in round one on March 12/13 with last year’s Premiers and NPL Champions Blacktown City taking on Sydney United 58 FC while Parramatta FC (Melita Eagles) take on Blacktown Spartans at the Blacktown Football Park, and new boys Hakoah Sydney City East face Wollongong Wolves. As for Parramatta one hopes that the arrival of a new breed of talent who would be donning the red and white colours will help them to improve on last season’s performances. They would be replacing some outstanding talent from the 2015 squad that defied the odds and battled hard to avoid relegation.
Malta’s Premier League Football
Comfy wins for the leading teams A
s expected, the leading four teams kicked off the third stage of the competition with victories, most of them comfortable ones. Hibernians and Birkirkara hit six against Qormi and Mosta while Valletta and Balzan also showed good form though they had to work very hard against St Andrews and Pembroke. The latter also gave Birkirkara a hard time. Hibernians’ win over Qormi reveals that Qormi might be cracking. Third-placed Balzan made it eight wins in a row by beating Pembroke and Mosta, while Birkirkara at last showed some semblance of a challenge with a 6-3 win over Mosta, and then narrowly defeated Pembroke. After very disappointing results in the first two rounds of the Championship, and after five consecutive defeats, during which they also changed their coach, Sliema returned to winning ways by beating Tarxien, and then shared the spoils with Floriana. RESULTS: Round 24 Valletta v Qormi 2-0 Hibernians v St Andrews ?-? Balzan v Mosta 3-0 Birkirkara v Pembroke ?-? Floriana v Sliema w. 2-2 Tarxien v Naxxar L. 3-0 Round 23 Valletta v St Andrews 2-1 Hibernians v Qormi 6-0 Balzan v Pembroke 2-1 Birkirkara v Mosta 6-3 Floriana v Naxxar L 4-0 Sliema W. v Tarxien 1-0
Standing Valletta Hibernians Balzan Birkirkara Floriana Tarxien R. Sliema W Mosta Pembroke Naxxar Qormi St Andrews
P Pts 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
33 31 29 27 24 22 16 15 13 7 5 3
Parramatta Eagles FC general meeting
Youths’ participation huge encouragement t a well-attended annual general meeting A of the Parramatta Melita Eagles Sports Club Ltd held at the Melita Stadium Granville
Sources close to the club told The Voice that they looking forward to some exciting times as the new signings have indicated to many that the Eagles mean South NSW, club president, Stephen Ellul exbusiness this season, and won't plained that thanks to the contribution from the juniors the fusion with the Granville Assobe just making up the numbers. Parramatta have lost captain ciation was working well. He said the soccer Patrick Gatt and Juan Chavez to teams are practically self-sufficient. The meeting also recommended that an apMounties Wanderers, Roberto Speranza to Blacktown City, peal be made for the teams to be known as Matthew Clowes and Shayne Parramatta Eagles, not just Parramatta FC. A Ardle to Mt. Druitt Town Ran- suggestion to organise more social activities gers, John Tsironis and most was accepted. The executive was encouraged by the enthuprobably Steven Wright who siasm of the many youths present at the meetseems to be heading overseas. In come three former Sydney ing that elected the directors who are mostly much younger than those found in United 58 players, Ibrahim Haydar, Ante Tomic and Tomislav other Maltese based organisations. Borovickic, two from Marconi The new committee is made up of: Stallions, Tomislav Mijic President: Stephen Ellul; Secretary and Blair Brown, Gosue Joseph Ellul; Treasurer John CaruSama (ex Spirit FC), ana; Directors: Anthony Theuma, Mitchell Davidson (ex Mark Tanti, Tony Buttigieg, Ron Bankstown Berries Grima and George Ellul. and Paul Gatsidis. Franco Cosentino NSW Men’s competition. has remained as First Troy McColl, the Football NSW Grade Coach. Head of Competitions said: “It’s cerMeanwhile, when it tainly going to be a big year for all comes to other fixtures clubs, players, officials and fans this on the opening round, season. During the off-season we have Manly tackle Sutherland already seen a number of fantastic signSharks, APIA Leichhardt ings by PS4 NPL NSW Men’s clubs which will tussle with Sydney will only further the excitement of this Olympic at Lambert Park ever growing competition.” while Rockdale City Suns host the Bon- First day’s fixtures (March 12/13) nyrigg White Eagles. Blacktown Spartans v Parramatta FC With new faces and a newly promoted Manly Utd v Sutherland Sharks FC team, the 2016 season looks set to be the Blacktown City v Sydney U 58 biggest yet for NSW’s top tier competition, APIA LT. v Sydney Olympic including Hakoah Sydney City East who Rochdale Suns v Bonnyrigg WW return to the competition after gaining Wollongong W v Hakoah SE promotion taking out the 2015 PlayStation 4 NPL NSW Men’s 2 competition. Results of trial matches played by Parramatta Eagles’ teams Football NSW will once again introduce the special ‘Heritage Round’ that debuted First Grade: Parramatta E. v Hakoah 0-0 in 2015. Round 12 marks the second anParramatta E. v Blacktown Spartans 2-2 nual Heritage Round, celebrating the rich U20: Parramatta E. v Blacktown S. 2-2 football histories of the clubs in the U18: Parramatta E. v Blacktown S. 1-5 PlayStation 4 National Premier Leagues U16: Parramatta E. v Blacktown S. 0-3
Moroccan again wins Malta Marathon; first Maltese finishes eighth
nother Moroccan runner, this time Abdel Harim El Fethi (left) has won the Malta Marathon. He ran a strong race of 42 km to cross the finishing line first in 2:18.56. The Moroccan followed on last year’s win by his fellow compatriot, Muhammed Hajjy, victor on five occasions, but who this year finished fourth, after battling very strong winds. Fethi led from the start with other fellow Moroccans Ahmed Nassef, Lachem Morhazi and the defending champion Hajjy. The first Maltese runner to finish was Jonathan Balzan in eighth place in 2:40.59. Croatian Nicolina Sustich was first among the ladies, ahead of Malta’s Josann Attard Pulis. Charlton Debono from Gozo won the half marathon in 1.10.40. Scotland’s Joasia Zakrzewski won the women’s race