The Voice of the Maltese No. 123

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 123

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March 15, 2016

Enjoying the view and a swim in the clear blue waters of Malta in winter 2016

Malta seems to have skipped winter this year as it recorded its driest and warmest February since 1923 with a temperature of 15.3 0 C. The amount of rain for the whole month was just 2.6m. Malta also enjoyed 200 hours of sunshine. For four days the temperature peaked at 23.6 0C,which is usually experienced in June. Sea temperature was 1.5 0C higher than normal. Similar weather also prevailed for the first 10 days of March. No wonder some people, particularly tourists decided to take a dip in Malta’s clear blue waters under the watchful eyes of two pigeons resting on the handrails of the Ta’ Xbiex promenade, with Hotel Excelsior in the backgrund. (Picture shot on March 6) (Photo: Joseph Cutajar)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

An Educator at Large The Challenges of constant change



ost of us would have heard the cliché, “The absolute certainties are death and taxes”. However, one must also add, constant change. Indeed, as members of government departments or private enterprise, and the community at large, we’re constantly being told, “Adapt/retrain/accept change” as a continual aspect of life at work or in general. The exponential rate of change in workplaces and, more specifically, technology at work and in society at large can take one’s breath away. That is, unless one is ready to continue to learn and adapt. As high school students in the 1960s, our basic technology was logarithmic tables. Then, as Science and Advanced Mathematics students, we had to become adept at using a slide rule. It was a far cry from the ease of doing Mathematics and Physical Science in the 1980s and today, using a scientific calculator. I must admit that, with so many functions on my then newly bought learning aide, I relied on the help of colleagues in the Mathematics department to master its use. It felt good every time I learnt how to use another function key efficiently. Technological change came thick and fast: using a word processor to present academic work in the 1980s; learning to use networked personal computers loaded with various applications to be used in school administration; using the internet to keep up with the latest information and useful teaching and learning resources, and using a future proofed smart board as an indispensible classroom tool. Not only that, but staff, in any department or enterprise, had to learn to sift through myriads of sources without losing track of the real task at hand, or being tempted to use work time accessing social contacts and media. When it comes to employment, one has to be prepared to learn on the job/retrain

and up skill in order to keep one’s employment. Not only that, the way business is done has changed so dramatically, especially with companies and shareholders ever asking for bigger profit margins, that much of what was done manually is now done by machines. Banks, retailers and media owners have done away with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of jobs, making many workers redundant over the last three decades. Most of the manufacturing jobs have gone off shore and, when new ones came along, they required a higher skilled workforce. Unfortunately for middleaged and older workers it had become very difficult if not impossible to find work elsewhere. The more enterprising workers who lost their employment did themselves a service and retrained and/or started their own, albeit smaller, enterprise. True to the Darwinian Theory it became survival of the fittest, also known as retraining and entrepreneurship. Entertainment also has undergone a major change, thanks to advanced technology. Although the classic and staple outlets such as theatre and cinema are still there, television and how we view it has been completely overhauled. One can now watch backdated programmes via the Internet on one’s computer, tablet or smart phone; indeed also on one’s TV set if it’s recently bought. The way we communicate has changed dramatically. Sending letters is now, except in officialdom, obsolete. Many of us use ecards to celebrate occasions. We keep long distance phone expenses to a minimum by Skyping, instead of ringing overseas. Over the years facing the challenges of constant change may have taken its toll for community members who were not prepared to learn new ways of doing things. However, change to improve operations and make workplaces more efficient can, in itself, provide much satisfaction for the agents of change. I remember when I felt lost as an administrative clerk in a federal department. The person who was meant to mentor me was not trained for mentoring. I was expected to learn the job by osmosis. I persisted in learning simply by asking the right questions. A few weeks before I left on maternity leave, I suggested to the office manager to have a flow chart of work that was carried

out at every desk, from when a file goes to that desk, all the various steps of public service with that file, until it’s put away in storage. They were hard copies files in the late1970s but, of course, officialdom has long gone electronic. Although at the time I had not benefited from a simple flow chart, I’m almost certain that newly appointed clerical staff would have found public service in that office much easier to follow, simply by reading a flow chart. I had left that job, having worked at various desks and sections, for full time parenting with a sense of satisfaction. A decade later, by then fully entrenched in a revived teaching career, it took a great deal of lobbying and training of staff and colleagues to integrate students with diverse learning needs in elective subjects with their mainstream peers. At the time there was no extra support at classroom level to ensure best practice. However, the total withdrawal of students, especially in high school, was not an option. It was socially and psychologically damaging. Some students were crying their way out of support units as a result of teasing by their mainstream peers. In the end, subject teachers’ own discussion groups, as well as targeted training, helped them find ways and learn strategies that made mainstreaming and normalisation, as required by the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992, feasible and worthwhile for all stakeholders. Dealing with constant change can evoke much angst, if not a sense of desperation when the ubiquitous technology fails us. However, it can also mean a constant opportunity for personal development. The sense of achievement can be modest in, say, managing self- service checkout at a retail outlet, or quite substantial by making use of technical support to manage issues on one’s computer or tablet. The convenience of Internet and phone banking has provided round the clock access to one’s money. Carrying instant entertainment on one’s smart phone or tablet has made up for distances and scheduling problems or issues. Most of all, it’s the way we communicate and inform ourselves that has changed so dramatically. If the devices are used wisely, and with self-control, not only are we in touch regularly with our nearest and dearest, but in tune with society at large.

Tuesday March 15, 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 3

L-Awstralja, meta se ssir Repubblika ?

ma©©oranza li jridu r-repubb- AWSTRALJA lika g˙ad m’hawnx qbil totali kif ji©i mag˙zul il-President. Hawn min irid elezzjoni, filwaΩi kull meta l-Awstralja tiççelebra l-Jum Nazzjonali tag˙- waqt li o˙rajn jippreferu li ha, ter©a’ tisponta l-kwestjoni jin˙atar mill-Parlament b’ma©tar-Repubblika. Isiru dawn il-misto- ©oranza ta’ Ωew© terzi. Hawn min jargumenta li lqsijiet: dal-pajjiz-kontinent meta se jwarrab l-a˙˙ar rabtiet tieg˙u mal- monarkija hija influwenza soda Ingilterra, liema rabtiet bdew mal- fuq l-Awstralja iΩda mbag˙ad lkostituzzjoni tal-1901? Meta se argument l-ie˙or hu li r-regina jwarrab lir-Re©ina EliΩabetta II b˙ala tirrappreΩenta lill-Ingilterra u kap ta’ Stat u minflok Monarkija Kos- anke fejn jid˙ol in-negozju, iltituzzjonali nsiru Repubblika Kosti- kummerç u t-turizmu, il-familja rjali tigbed iktar lejn pajjiΩha tuzzjonali? Dan id-dibattitu, g˙alkemm jidher milli lejn l-Awstralja. Wara kollox, il-membri tal-familja dum biex tinbidel il-kostituzzjoni u nsempliçi, iΩda fil-fatt hu kkumplikat nazzjon isir repubblika. Il-mistoqsija g˙ax id-definizzjoni ta’ Repubblika rjali mhumiex Awstraljani. f’dan ir-referendum kienet: To alter G˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 288 sena, l-inma tfissirx l-istess g˙al kul˙add. Liktar eΩempju çar ta’ kemm l-Aw- fluwenza tal-Imperu IngliΩ tidher the Constitution to establish the stralja g˙adha tiddependi mir-Re©i- sewwa, g˙ax g˙andna sistema legali Commonwealth of Australia as a rena jew ir-rappreΩentati tag˙ha f’dan u parlamentari mibnija fuq is-sis- public with the Queen and Governoril-pajjiz kien l-inçident eççezzjonali tema IngliΩa. Nitkellmu bl-IngliΩ, u General being replaced by a tal-1975 li ˙alla impatt fuq il-˙ajja fl-Awstralja hawn iktar emigranti President appointed by a two-thirds mir-Renju Unit milli minn pajjiΩi majority of the members of the Çompolitika Awstraljana. Dakinhar,ir-rappreΩentant tar-re- o˙ra. Barra minhekk, fuq il-bandiera monwealth Parliament. ©ina, Sir John Kerr, kien keçça lill- g˙andna l-Union Jack. G˙alhekk ma Il-memorandum m’g˙addiex. Voti: Iva: 5,273,024 (45.13%) Prim Ministru Awstraljan Gough jistax jonqos li din l-affinità tin˙ass Le: 6,410,787 (54.87%) Whitlam li kien elett demokratika- kull fejn thares. Ivvutaw: 95.10% Mhux façli g˙alhekk li poplu ment mill-poplu Awstraljan. Kien epijwarrab dak li dejjem ˙adem tajjeb Hija ironija li l-persuna li mexxa lsodju li qajjem kriΩi kostituzzjonali. Minn dak iΩ-Ωmien sallum, l-g˙ajta g˙al sistema li g˙ad ma jafx kif se kampanja biex l-Awstralja ssir Republi l-Awstralja g˙andha tkun repubb- ta˙dem. Il-qawl IngliΩ jg˙id, “if it is blika fir-referendum ta’ 17-il sena ilu, ma kien ˙add g˙ajr Malcolm Turnbull lika u mhux rappreΩentata minn not broken, don’t fix it”. Il-©did dejjem ibeΩΩa’ xi ftit iΩda li llum hu l-Prim Ministru tal-Awpersuna li tg˙ix f’Palazz f’Londra ˙onqitna. Sfortunatament, st˙arri© li llum fejn il-komunikazzjoni nfet˙et stralja u g˙alhekk it-tama li l-Awsar, instab li waqt li jidher li hawn bera˙, il-poplu huwa ferm iktar in- stralja ssir repubblika aktar issa˙˙et. furmat u jista’ B˙ala Prim Ministru, Malcolm jag˙mel g˙aΩla Turnbull qed ikun ferm iktar konxju b’ser˙an il-mo˙˙. u g˙amilha çara li ma j˙ossx ilSa ftit snin ilu, sa bΩonn tal-g˙a©©la. Anzi ddikjara li anke kellna l-istess fil-fehma tieg˙u g˙andna nΩommu Innu IngliΩ, imma l-Monarkija almenu sakemm tibqa’ llum ninsabu mk- tirrenja r-Re©ina EliΩabetta II. abbrin bl-Advance L-argument ikompli, imma r-ri˙ Australia Fair. Anki qieg˙ed jonfoh u l-mistoqisja hi biex bdilna l-innu meta, u mhux kif l-Awstralja nazzjonali kienet g˙andha ssir Repubblika fil-waqt li battalja. tibqa’ ΩΩomm l-assoçjazzjoni li Fis-6 ta’ Novembru g˙andha mal-Commonwealth of tal-1999 kellna fl- Nations, l-istess sitwazzjoni li tinsab Ir-Re©ina EliΩabetta u l-PM Awstraljan Malcolm Turnbull Awstralja referen- fiha Malta Repubblika.



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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016


his is a monthly service offered to the readers of The Voice of the Maltese with the assistance of Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services. It deals with superannuation, self-managed super funds, pensions, investment, retiring and the like. It is intended to help our readers to understand better the complexities and changes associated with financial planning. If you need assistance regarding the subject send Marie Louise an email addressed to: Q. I have just recently become redundant and received a payout of $248,000 after tax. I am 57 years old and I am worried that I will not be able to find employment. I would like to invest this money in superannuation. Is this advisable? A. Ideally, you should pay off any debts you may currently have i.e. mortgage, credit card debts etc. and then place some of this money in a bank account for easy access. Superannuation provides tax benefits pre and post retirement. You can make a contribution of up to $540,000 into superannuation as a nonconcessional contribution now, but this will limit the amount you can contribute for the following two financial years. I suggest that you contribute $180,000 into superannuation as a non-concessional contribution now, with the balance in July this year.


In July you should have either settled into another job or you might decide to stay in retirement. You can then make a further contribution of any surplus funds and once you have invested the amount commence an account- based pension. The income from this account-based pension will be mainly non-taxable and on the taxable portion you will receive a tax rebate. As you will be retired you will have access to these funds at any time. Q. I am 66 years of age and a pensioner. I have just recently received an inheritance of $120,000. This amount should not affect my pension as I have no other assets apart from my home. However, I need to improve my lifestyle by utilising the income from this money. A term deposit will only pay me income at maturity. Is there any other investment I could utilise to provide me monthly income without having expo-

Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: * Wealth Creation * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice * Maximising Centrelink Benefits * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to entering Aged Care facilities Call Marie-Louise for a complimentary consultation on:

(02) 9231 2133

Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103

sure to the share market? A. You could use either a Managed Fund that gives you access to capital secure investments including bond and cash management accounts or a Term Annuity. With the term annuity, you could take this for a term of between 1 to 5 years and organise for the interest to be paid to you monthly. I personally believe you should invest for 1 year only as interest rates are very poor at present. At the end of the term you will receive your capital in full. These operate very similar to term deposits but you could receive the interest in monthly payments. Q. I am a 60-year-old bachelor and planning to retire from the work force. I have investment properties as well as Australian shares. I wish to continue making contributions into superannuation. However, I am not sure whether this is allowable seeing I will no longer be working. Please advise me. A. You are able to continue to make superannuation contributions until you reach age 65. A work test will apply if you wish to make contributions between the ages of 65 and 75. As you are aged 60, you are able to make a concessional contribution of up to $35,000 per annum, which is subject to contributions tax of 15%. An additional contribution’s tax applies for higher income earners. Dependent on your work situation, you may be able to claim a tax deduction for your contribution. You are also able to make a non-concessional contribution of $180,000 per financial year or use the “bring forward” cap of $540,000 with no further contributions permitted for the following two years. Contributions’ tax does not apply to non-concessional contributions. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

Tuesday March 15, 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Toulouse to Valletta (1): here are few places in the World that are as small as T the Maltese Islands yet carry such enormous significance to the geo-political history of the planet. Following

is a ‘potted history’ of the Islands leading to the direct relationship between Toulouse, in the South of France and Valletta, the capital of Malta. This history converges on the point during which the relationship between these two cities is clearly drawn. It is this relationship, I believe, that strongly qualifies Valletta and Toulouse as ‘sister cities’. What part does La Valette play in this convergence? Read on to see the mystery unravel.

The question then begs, of course, what was the historical constellation of events that eventually led to the strong relationship that I am proposing? To fully understand this I believe it is necessary to move through time from the earlier modern period of Maltese history. This is the period following the conversion of the Islands to Christianity through the shipwrecking of Paul of Tarsus while on his way to Rome to face charges, following his arrest in Jerusalem, most likely in relation to his preaching of Christianity there. This is, due to the limitations of space, a ‘potted’ history only and much detail is left out.

A Claim For Sisterhood T

eknown as the Knights of Jerusalem, who came into being around 1020 A.D. and were a significant presence in the crusades. At first they were providers of medical treatment for both pilgrims and the other members of seen as a valuable staging post between the Christian military, then as martial exEurope and the Middle East (and perts in their own right. Jerusalem the ‘target’ of the Crusades) There was much toing and froing over for those crusaders going across by sea. Jerusalem, which fell after continued Many others of course chose the land- battles between Christians and Muslims, based route through the Balkans, Asia each of which believed that it was their Minor and across the top end of the calling to liberate the city from the African continent to where Israel and heretic rule of the other. the Palestinian territories stand today. The Knights Hospitaller of St John beCount Roger of the Norman knights came known as the Knights of would have viewed Malta with some Jerusalem following Christian victory degree of excitement and fervour. It and domination there and the forming was close to Sicily, which had also been of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the end governed by Muslims for a number of of the first millennium. years. He first liberated Sicily and The Kingdom was brought down in Malta, being only 50 miles (80 kilome- 1291. Following the defeat of the tres) to the South was a natural subse- Knights and their expulsion from the quent target. Middle East, they found their way, in Switch at this time to the genesis of the 1309, to the island of Rhodes just off the Knights Hospitaller of St John, also coast of Ottoman Turkey. This is where they took up rule for the next two hundred or so years until expelled by the military might of Suleiman the Magnificent’s forces. Following a six-month siege in 1522, Suleiman’s force of 200,000 men forced the 7,000 knights in Rhodes to surrender. In a magnanimous gesture, he allowed the knights to go free if they undertook to never again target Muslim shipping or raid Muslim territories. Of course, the Knights had no trouble promising this since they did not believe that promises made to a Muslim overlord carried any weight in the eyes of An old map of the southern Mediterranean showing Malta’s position (circled) close to God. So freed they were! Sicily ... a natural target for Count Roger after liberating Sicily from the Muslims *to be continued in the next issue

hroughout the first millennium, the Maltese Archipelago often became the focus of attention of seafaring nations from around the Mediterranean basin. The Islands were often seen to be the source of slave labour by marauding corsairs. The Islands’ strategic significance would also not have been lost on those nations from North Africa, the Middle East, Asia Minor, Europe and The Balkans. It was around the period of 870 A.D. that Arab rule and historical timelines were to move the Islands towards ceding of Malta, by Charles V of Spain, to the Knights of St John. This was for the price of a ‘Maltese falcon’, often thought to be a golden statuette but in reality it was a real hunting falcon. The first step in the ceding of Malta to the Knights may be traced back to this period of Arabic rule. It is almost as if the Knights taking over the Islands became an inevitability even as early as this. When Pope Urban II called the First Crusade in 1095, all lands governed by Muslim rule was ‘fair game’ in the eyes of the Christian crusaders who were to head off to the Holy Land to Jerusalem. Malta would have undoubtedly been

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Il-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa f’Malta Funzjonijiet u drawwiet (l-ahhar Parti)


L-ikel marbut ma’ Ωmien ir-Randan I

l-purcissjoni tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira hija l-akbar tradizzjoni marbuta mal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa. IΩda nsibu ˙afna drawwiet o˙ra marbuta ma’ din il-©img˙a specjali, b˙al ma nsibu d-diversi ˙lewwiet li jfakkru f’dawn il-jiem tas-sena. Wie˙ed jinnota li dan l-a˙˙ar dawn it-tog˙miet antiki tal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa re©g˙u da˙lu sew fil-kçina tad-dulçiera Maltin u qed mill-gdid induqu t-tog˙ma bnina tag˙hom. Meta konna tfal dawn il-˙lewwiet kienu b˙al manna, u ttog˙ma tag˙hom kieiddewweb qlubna. l-imqaret Matul ir-Randan kienu j˙obbu ˙afna jag˙mlu l-imqaret tattamal bit-tog˙ma tal-maskta. Illum tarahom is-sena kollha. Imma huma b˙al tal-antik? Imbag˙ad xi ng˙idu g˙al dak ilkwareΩimal bil-lewΩ imfarrak u blg˙asel fil-wiçç?... u l-isfine© biz-zokkor, u l-ftajjar tar-Randan li kienu jkunu çatti u moqlija fiΩ-Ωejt. Kien hemm ukoll l-isfine© bl-inçova, bil-bakkaljaw jew b’xejn, kbar jew Ωg˙ar. U la qed insemmi l-ikel, ta’ min li nsemmi wkoll is-sawm u l-astinenza fil-jiem tar-Randan. F’dawn il-jiem ommijietna kienu j˙obbu ja˙mu fil-forn ftajjar tal-©bejniet friski jew bl-inçova bl-istess g˙a©ina tal-˙obΩ. Wara kienu jidilkuha biΩ-Ωejt u ja˙muha fil-forn b’nar bati. Kien hemm ukoll it-torta tal-©bejniet friski, inkella l-bakkaljaw bil-faΩola kbira li tant kien ifewwa˙ id-djar. Flistess Ωmien konna nieklu l-kusksu bilful a˙dar,

L-aktar ikel popolari kien il-˙ut

purcissjoni bi Kristu Rxott, xi ˙a©a li fi tfuliti ma kellniex. Imma hawn nixtieq insemmi uΩanza f’dan irra˙al. Kien hemm sie˙bi ÌuΩeppi tal-Kurunetta li mad-daqq tal-qniepen tal-knisja g˙allGloria, fil-lejl ta’ bejn is-Sibt u l-Hadd, “ÌuΩeppi l-Kaxxettier” (kif kien mag˙ruf) Fost l-ikel Malti kien ifaqqa’ bil-kurunetta g˙all-G˙id: il-figolli minn ˙dejn Bieb il-Ìdid, biex inkella l-bigilla mag˙mula jg˙idilna li ‘Kristu Rxotta …Kristu Rxotta mil-ful mg˙olli ... u dan l-ikel bil-Bandiera’. kollu min˙abba l-astinenza Kien ja˙sad lil kul˙add, iΩda konna mill-la˙am! nie˙du pjaçir; kien tassew ifakkarna li Anke ˙obΩ f’sura ta’ ˙uta Kristu ˙are© rebbie˙ fuq il-mewt. kont tara fiΩ-Ωmien ir-Randan. Naturalment id-drawwiet marbuta Illum donnu kul˙add jaqta’ g˙ad- mal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa l-Erbg˙a ta’ fuq dritt u nibqg˙u g˙addejjin b˙as-soltu. l-G˙id f’Marsaxlokk fejn hemm issir ilImma l-karamelli tal-˙arrub, festa ta’ San Girgor li l-purcissjoni tieimgeΩwrin fil-karti strazzi u l-qag˙aq g˙u to˙ro© bil-Monsinjuri u l-Arcisqof tal-appostli li supmill-Kattidral fl-Imdina, u post ikunu mdawrin wara g˙aΩ-Ûejtun u tibqa’ bil-©un©lien u bilsejra sa Marsaxlokk fejn ta’ lewΩ twil g˙adek tfal li konna, konna nipprutarahom g˙and idvaw nie˙du l-ewwel dulçiera u l-furnara. g˙awma. Dari l-bejjieg˙a talDawn huma drawwiet ˙ut kienu jistennew sbieh li jsawru l-poplu Fost l-ikel Malti ilb’˙erqa kbira r-RanMalti. Ta’ min li dawn itkusksu bil-ful a˙dar dan, g˙ax matulu ltradizzjonijiet li missieri˙ut kien jinbieg˙ ferm aktar minn jiem jietna kienu g˙orrief li ˙olqu u o˙ra ta’ matul is-sena. da˙˙luhom fil-qlub tal-poplu g˙amFl-istess Ωmien, fil-vetrini tag˙hom id- luhom parti mit-tradizzjoni religjuza u dulciera kienu j˙obbu jpo©©u mudell kulturali Maltija jissokta u nintal-˙aruf tal-G˙id bil-qieg˙da fuq dukrawhom missall bil-bandiera tal-irxoxt. Ming˙ajr dawn il-kuluri kulturali, Imbag˙ad naturalment mal-G˙id jit- folkloristici u reli©juzi tieg˙u pajjiΩna faççaw ukoll il-figolli. Niftakar sew dik kien ikun ming˙ajr qalb u ru˙! …… il-figolla f’g˙amla ta’ mara ˙oxna bil- ming˙ajr dik il-qawwa li tag˙mlu bniebajda fuq zaqqha. dem komplet…..bniedem shih. Tajjeb Din tal-figolla mimlija bl-intrita hi li l-Maltin nie˙du ˙sieb li nkabbru drawwa li Ωgur tmur lura aktar din il-Gimg˙a Mqaddsa, g˙aΩ-Ωmien meta fir-reb- ming˙ajr ma nwarrbu d-drawwiet u lbieg˙a kienu joffru ftajjar lil g˙eruq ˙awtiela li tawna missirijietna. alla mara ta’ Ûmien il-Óa©ar biex l-uçuh tar-raba’ jkunu g˙ammiela u kotrana. Niftakar ukoll lil nannietna li mal-G˙id kienu jag˙mlu l-qassatat biΩ-Ωbib jew bil-ful, inkella bil-gbejniet friski g˙al tjubija a˙jar. F’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin b˙al o˙rajn, Fost l-ikel Malti ftajjar ÓaΩ-Ûebbu©, beda jgawdi wkoll il- bil-©bejniet friski

Tuesday March 15, 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Wara l-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira ni©u g˙al Kristu Rxoxt

Is-seba’ Duluri ta’ Marija


i Ωmien ir-Randan dawk kollha li j˙addnu r-reli©jon Kattolika jid˙lu fl-ispirtu tal-jum meta elfejn sen’ilu Ìesu Kristu g˙adda minn Passjoni u miet fuq is-salib biex isalvana. Dan iΩ-Ωmien huwa wie˙ed ta’ devozjoni kbira partikolarment f’Malta – imma mhux biss - u kif kiteb Peter Paul Ciantar fl-artikli tieg˙u fuq The Voice of the Maltese dwar il-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa, maΩ-Ωmien fil-gzejjer Maltin da˙lu ˙afna drawwiet marbutin mal-jiem li jwasslu g˙all-Passjoni u l-Mewt talMessija, biex wara l-Knisja tiççelebra likbar festa tag˙ha, il-Qawmien millmewt ta’ Kristu, il-festa tal-G˙id ilKbir. Forsi wa˙da mit-tradizzjonijiet li hi liktar g˙al qalb il-Maltin, kemm jekk f’Malta u wkoll jekk qeg˙din f’pajjiΩi o˙ra fejn g˙aΩlu l-©ejjieni tag˙hom, hija l-purçissjoni bil-vari tal-Ìimg˙a lKbira. F’Malta u G˙awdex din ilpurçissjoni ssir f’g˙add ta’ parroççi. Jidher li din il-purçissjoni f’Malta bdiet fir-Rabat, f'Malta fis-sbatax-il seklu. Minn dak iΩ-Ωmien dawn ilpurçissjonijiet kibru bil-kbir, u llum apparti l-istatwi tradizzjonali li kienu jin˙ar©u (dawk tal-Ort, tal-Marbut, lEcce Homo, il-Veronika, ir-Redentur, il-Vara l-Kbira, il-Monument u d-Duluri) Ωdiedu ammont ta’ o˙rajn li juru xeni o˙ra tal-passjoni, fosthom taç-Çenaklu, il-Bewsa ta’ Ìuda u l-laqg˙a ta’ Kristu man-nisa ta’ Gerusalemm fost lo˙rajn. Ûdiedu wkoll in-nies imlibbsin ta’ karattri bibbliçi fil-purçissjonijiet u g˙alhekk dawn ˙adu x-xejra ta’ spettakklu, aktar milli pellegrina©©, forsi w˙ud iqisuh xi ftit jew wisq imbieg˙ed

mill-ambjent ta’ purçissjoni devota u penitenzjali. Mill-banda l-o˙ra dan juri nteress ©did f’din it-tradizzjoni li setg˙et intilfet li kieku d-dilettanti jiefqu jag˙tuha l-˙ajja. It-tradizzjoni tal-vari tal-Ìimgha lKbira g˙enet ukoll biex jiΩviluppaw passatempi ©odda f’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin, fosthom il-wirjiet ta’ mudelli ta’ knejjes bil-vari tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira. KwaΩi tista’ tg˙id li minn dawn issib f’kull belt jew ra˙al fil-gzejjer Maltin. Dak li jag˙ti sodisfazzjon aktar minn kull ˙a©’o˙ra lil dawk li jarmaw dawn il-vari hu l-g˙add kbir ta’ nies li jattendu biex jarawhom. Óafna minn dawk li jorganizzawhom jonfqu ˙afna flus, anke jekk hemm min li jag˙mel ilvari hu stess. Kull ma jkunu jridu minn dawk li jΩuruhom hu sempliçement apprezzament, b˙al jistennew dik ilprosit. Wara l-jiem tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira, jumejn wara, fil-jum tal-Óadd da˙al sew il-kult ta’ Kristu Rxoxt li jing˙ad li ˙a spinta ‘l quddiem mal-wasla talGriegi li akkumpanjaw lill-Kavillieri f’Malta mal-wasla taghhom fl-1530. DaΩ-Ωmien jsiru 23 purcissjoni bl-istatwi ta’ Kristu Irxoxt. Dawn isiru, 15 f’Malta u tmienja f’G˙awdex. Dawk f’Malta jsiru fil-Birgu, Bormla, l-Isla, ilGΩira, Óal-G˙arg˙ur, il-Mosta, inNaxxar, fiΩ-Ωew© parroççi ta’ ÓalQormi, ta’ San Ìor© u San Bastjan, irRabat, San Ìiljan, il-belt Valletta, HaΩÛebbu©, iΩ-Ûejtun u l-Ba˙rija. Dawk f’Ghawdex isiru tnejn fir-Rabat (ilKatidral u San Ìor©), fin-Nadur, fixXag˙ra, fil-Qala, fix-Xewkija, fiΩ-Ûebbu© u fil-Fontana (fejn il-purçissjoni ssir fil-Óadd ta’ wara l-G˙id. Wa˙da mill-istatwi ta’ Kristu Rxoxt f’ra˙al f’Malta

Kienu sebg˙a d-Duluri Illi nifdu qalb Marija Li riedet ma’ Ìesu’ tterraq Biex i˙ollna minn kull ˙tija! L-Ewwel Dulur Xmun fit-tempju lil Marija Bassrilha illi dan Binha Fuq salib jispiçça msammar U lilha bil-hemm jifniha. It-Tieni Dulur F’dad-dulur Marija ˙arbet Sabiex te˙les minn Erodi Illi ried lil Kristu joqtol Bix-xwabel kiefra u sodi. It-Tielet Dulur Ìo belt kbira kollha folol Óin bla waqt ‘l Gesu’ tilfuh – Tlett ijiem g˙amlu mbikkija Bla ma setg˙u jsibuh! Ir-Raba’ Dulur Omm u iben fil-Passjoni Ìew mifruda mis-suldati Lil Gesu’ komplew ikaxkru Illi b’mewtu kienu fdati! Il-Óames Dulur G˙iduli dlonk x’jibqa’ minnek Meta fost l-e˙rex tbatija Imdendel ma’ salib a˙rax Tara ‘l ibnek fl-agunija! Is-Sitt Dulur F’dad-dulur lil Omm f’˙o©orha Naraw tbus lil Binha mejjet; B’qalb maqsuma qeg˙da ting˙i, Tolfoq, tg˙id: ‘issa biΩΩejjed’! Is-Seba’ Dulur Minn ˙danha Ωew©t ir©iel twajba Lil Gesu’ geΩwruh f’liΩar Imxew bih dlonk lejn il-qabar B’qalb mimlija sew sax-xfar.

.............................................. F’©ie˙ dawn is-Seba’ Duluri O Marija inwieg˙duk Li lil Ibnek sejrin ng˙oΩΩu Lilek f’qalbna inda˙˙luk! U kif int b’rassenjazzjoni ©arrabt das-Seba’ Duluri – Kif tal-˙ajja n©orru s-slaleb Bil-paçenzja lilna uri!

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8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Thanks for Malta in World War II articles

Barry York PhD OAM (Historian) from Canberra ACT writes:

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

’m sure I speak for all the readers of The Iexpress Voice of the Maltese magazine when I my gratitude to Doris Cannataci for her series on Malta in World War Two. It is appropriate that her engagingly written and highly informative articles conc-luded

with the immediate aftermath of the war, and the mass emigration arising from it. Her ‘memoir’ serves to help us all better understand the courage and determination of the Maltese people during the war and, now that the men and women who served are rapidly declining, to ensure that we never forget what they fought against, and what they fought for.

Donald Trump could distabilise the world

Tony Cassar from St Albans writes:


have to say, thank God for small mercies for our politicians when I look at what is happening in the run-up to the Presidential election in the United States, and particularly the bickering between the candidates vying for the nomination of the Republican Party. We in Australia don’t have a perfect government, and we never expect to have. Like any government of a democratic nation, our politicians have their faults, be they in government, in opposition, or whatever, but any sensible person would, I am sure, pray that we would never have anybody like the US Republic Party’s Donald Trump. Not only that, but I believe that out here we hate the way the prospective Presidential candidates representing the Republics have been behaving, especially Trump, who would most likely win his party’s candidature. I have been following the American news

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network very closely. Most of them seem to be enjoying the infighting between the Republican candidates, with Trump being the most offensive, and surprisingly for me, but not for the Americans has a big lead in the primaries. Whereas candidates would be expected to explain their positions on important policies, this guy seems to have no other policy but to insult whoever is against him or is not American. He keeps on repeating his slogan to ‘Make America Great’, and has been insulting America’s neighbours, the Mexicans, by saying: “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. He also wants to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and for the Mexicans to finance it. He has also called for barring all Muslims from entering the United States, and wants a total and complete shutdown of Muslims. During one of his rallies, he even ordered his security to eject a Muslim women who was doing nothing but listen to his ranting. She was wearing a long shirt with the message: “Salam, I come in peace” (see picture I have provided above). He has also criticised China, Iran, and what’s not. Yet he is the Republican presidential front-runner and Republican Party faithful has been supporting him. No wonder the Americans are described as “The world’s most gullible people”. I am so frightened that he could win the Presidential election. I am terrified that his attitude could lead o distabilise the world and lead it to World War III.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Federation of Community Language Schools holds Annual General Meeting for 2016


good number of teachers and representatives from different schools attended the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools Annual General Meeting that was held on February 23 at the Marrickville West Public School to listen to progress reports and also elect the new committee. After welcoming the participants, the federation’s president Mr Albert Vella OAM expressed satisfaction that the federation has strong political recognition and has received an increase in the grant for the work well done for the benefit of all community language. The Federation was always working hard for the benefit of the schools and urged everybody to continue with their good work as the future of community languages in Australia depends on them. He also pointed out how important it is that every school should be represented for such

A group photo of the participants at the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools’Annual General Meeting a meeting. Treasurer, Mr Nathan Patrick, then presented the Financial Report that demon-

strated that the financial situation was very strong and healthy. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr Stefan Romaniw OAM, Executive Director of Community Language Schools of Australia. He delivered a agree with, is how could anyone, in their right very encouraging speech and praised mind think about giving me, a Maltese-born citi- the work that was being done, that is, zen of Malta, but not residing there, and have convincing people to keep their lanlived in Australia for dozens of years, the right to guage and culture alive. When it was time for the election of vote in the Maltese Elections. I take great interest in Malta's politics, the way the new committee, Mr. Albert Vella of life, the country’s role in the EU and everything was re-elected president with a large else. But I will never have the required informa- majority. He thanked everybody for their support and encouraged all to attion to justify me voting. In Malta, a political party normally wins an elec- tend the Premier’s Harmony Dinner tion with a handful of votes. Therefore, I do not to be held in March. The Maltese Language School of believe that it is fair for the Maltese people who live in Malta that a Maltese citizen residing out- NSW, which is a division of the side of it should vote. I also believe that neither Maltese Community Council of party nor Parliament would embrace such a sense- NSW, was represented at the meting less debacle because Maltese deserve better. by its Principal, Mary Pace-Feraud.

The Vote for Maltese-Australians? Charles N. Mifsud. MQR JP (president Maltese Cultural Assoc. NSW, and Maltese Sub-Branch of the RSL, writes:

here seems to be suggestions that we MalteseAustralians, and indeed Maltese citizens who T live in countries other than Malta, might, in the not too distant future, have the opportunity and the right to vote in the Malta General Elections perhaps in the EU elections as well. This suggestion has been around a few times before. Those who think that way have not really thought things through. I agree that those who already have the right to vote wherever they reside can do so by voting electronically. What I, and most people with whom I have spoken to do not

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday March 15, 2016 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs

kitba ta’


L-abbuΩ sesswali tal-minorenni mill-kleru


-ewwel ©img˙a ta' Marzu rat l-inJien kont wisq imnikket meta smajt li lterrogazzjoni tal-Kardinal Kattoistorja ta' abbuΩ sesswali mill-kleru mesliku George Pell f'Ruma millset anke lil membru tal-familja estiΩa Kummissjoni Rjali Awstraljani li qed tintieg˙i, u dan f'Malta. vestiga kif istituzzjonijiet fil-pajjiΩ jirJien ilni li wasalt g˙all-konkluΩjoni li rispondu g˙all-abbuΩ sesswali tat-tfal. ma tista' tafda lil ˙add - ˙add - b'mod Dan l-abbuΩ se˙˙ u jse˙˙, diΩgrazzjatag˙ami, lanqas lill-Knisja tag˙na, li dejment, f'diversi organizzazzjonijiet u istijem se tag˙mel dak li hu sew u xieraq. Irtuzzjonijiet, anke dawk li joffru, jew ridu noqog˙du attenti li ma npin©ux lil jg˙idu li joffru, gwidi morali, inkluΩ, kul˙add l-istess, u wie˙ed irid iqis jekk imma mhux biss, il-Knisja Kattolika ta' hemmx xi rabta mat-tradizzjoni ©dida ta’ Ruma, il-Knisja Anglikana, skejjel ta' kastita` li l-Knisja introduçiet fir-raba` kull tip, djar g˙at-tfal, istituzzjonijiet talseklu. Madankollu rridu naççettaw li Lhud u tant u tant o˙rajn, reli©juΩi jew Ωbalji jsiru, u˙ud Ωg˙ar, o˙rajn oxxeni. mhumiex.1 Dan qed jo˙ro© fil-bera˙ fil-qasam tra©iku tal-abbuΩ sesswali, imma mhux Laqtitni x-xie˙da ta' Pell, li jitqies li hu limitat g˙al dan. t-tielet l-iktar persuna importanti filBiex intikom eΩempju ie˙or ta' Ωbalji, Knisja Kattolika, fir-rwol tieg˙u li jixba˙ Il-Kardinal George Pell hawnhekk l-Awstralja (illum) hawn dak ta' Ministru tal-Finanzi tal-Vatikan. mist˙ija g˙all-involviment ta' istituzzjonijiet Kattoliçi (u ta' denomNg˙id g˙alija, l-iktar dikjarazzjonijiet li g˙a©©buni kienu: *li l-abbuΩi tal-qassis Gerald Ridsdale, inkluΩ kontra n-neputi ta' inazzjonijiet o˙ra) fit-te˙id g˙exieren ta' snin ilu ta' tfal abori©eni Ridsdale stess David, filwaqt li kienu ta' niket, ma' tantx kienu ta' mill-familji tag˙hom u fil-konverΩjoni furzata tag˙hom g˙all-fidi interess g˙alih (g˙alkemm iktar tard qal li kien qal hekk g˙ax kien nisranija mill-missjunarji, u miç-ça˙da tal-kultura tag˙hom. Illum m'g˙adekx issib xi istituzzjoni nisranija li g˙adha timxi konfuΩ)2; *li l-isqof ta' Ballarat, Ronald Kulkearns, u l-Uffiççju tal-Edukaz- b'dan il-mod, jew tistqarr li dan huwa tajjeb li jsir. Jg˙idulna li wie˙ed ma jridx ji©©udika l-a©ir fil-passat skont lzjoni Kattolika ma kinux qalulu bid-dettalji ta' x'kienu qed jag˙mlu qassisin u g˙alliema pedofili. Partikolarment fuq l-Isqof Mulke- g˙arfien kulturali u soçjali ta' llum. Ng˙id jien, mela t-tag˙lim talarns, Pell iddeskriva l-˙abi tal-abbuΩi li kienu qed isiru fuq medda Knisja, ibbaΩat fuq il-Van©elu ta' Kristu, mhuwiex biΩΩejjed b˙ala gwida morali? Jidher çar, g˙alija, li mhux biΩΩejjed, le! ta' g˙exieren ta' snin b˙ala gravi u mhux spjegabbli3; G˙alija jidher çar li dawn l-istituzzjonijiet insara, li rrid ng˙id li *li kien ipprova je˙les minn qassis pedofilu Peter Searson (illum mejjet), u wara li ma sabx appo©© mill-Vatikan g˙amel fattih xorta jag˙mlu xog˙ol utli ˙afna fis-soçjetà, g˙andhom bΩonn doΩa ta' realiΩmu, trasparenza u skrutinju; g˙andhom bΩonn jisimg˙u lwa˙da u qallu jirriΩenja.4 Pell irrepeta li ma kienx jaf bl-ammont ta' pedofilija li kienet g˙ad- g˙adab tal-imwe©©g˙in; u g˙andhom jaççettaw il-©udizzju morali dejja. Jekk dan hu kredibbli jew le n˙allih g˙alikom, biss ˙adt l- tal-komunità li qed iservu. M’g˙andhomx monopolju fuq il-valuri jew fuq il-verità. impressjoni li kien jippreferi ma jkunx jaf. Jien ikiddni ˙afna l-mudell preΩunt ta' tag˙lim morali tal-Knisja, Iktar ma nisma' stejjer, ng˙id g˙alija diffiçli ma nasalx g˙all-konkluΩjoni li l-istituzzjoni tal-Knisja Kattolika, li tag˙ha jien membru, b'din tal-a˙˙ar tiddeçiedi t-tag˙lim li ji©i ppreΩentat lill-insara li hu kienet tippreferi li lil dawk issuspettati bil-pedofilija, tmexxihom biss mistenni minnhom li jaççettawh u jobduh, u min ma jag˙milx minn parroçça g˙all-o˙ra, minn skola g˙all-o˙ra, milli tirrappurta- dan ikun midneb. Twe©©ag˙ni din l-istampa ta' Knisja li taf kollox u tag˙na l-Insara li huwa preΩunt li nafu biss dak li g˙allmitna l-Knisja. hom lill-pulizija biex tittie˙ed azzjoni kontrihom. Turtani li matul is-snin, waqt il-quddiesa wie˙ed jista' biss Iktar interessata li tmewwet temporanjament l-g˙adab tal-vittmi u l-familjari tag˙hom, u tipprote©i r-reputazzjoni tal-Knisja, milli jitkellem meta tin©ibidlu l-ispaga u meta jmissu, u meta jasal iltag˙mel dak li huwa xieraq legalment (tirrapporta l-att kriminali) waqt jista' biss jg˙id dak li jaf bl-amment jew li jista' jaqra minn u moralment (li twaqqaf l-abbuΩ immedjatament u permanentement fuq l-iskrin jew mill-fuljett. G˙alhekk ˙adt ir-ru˙ meta fil-knisja tal-parroçça ta' Blacktown li u tie˙u ˙sieb lill-vittmi). Imma hawnhekk nistqarr li l-iskop tal-artiklu tieg˙i mhux li nattendi jien, lejn l-a˙˙ar tal-quddiesa, il-kappillan jistaqsi lil dawk nikkundanna dan il-˙aΩen straordinarju. Dak qieg˙ed u jkompli jsir. preΩenti jekk g˙andhomx xi ˙a©a li trid ting˙ad. Din hija attitudni Jien xtaqt ni©bed l-attenzjoni g˙al dak li nara li huwa r-responsab- friska, miftu˙a, anke rivoluzzjonarja. Sfortunatament ma rajtha ssir bilta' tag˙na, tieg˙i u tieg˙ek, f'dan kollu. Qabel ma taqtg˙uli rasi, imkien aktar. Na˙seb drajtuni s'issa, m'iniex se noqg˙od nin˙eba wara subajja. ippruvaw ifhmuni! Jien in˙oss li a˙na b˙ala komunità Nisranija, g˙alkemm ma konniex Il-poΩizzjoni tieg˙i se nag˙milha çara. Jien fidil (nemmen f'Ìesù) imma mhux fidil (naççetta jew nibla' direttament involuti fl-abbuΩ, konna b'xi mod kompliçi fih. Dan billi a˙na stess lanqas konna biss nemmnu li dan l-abbuΩ huwa possibbli, kollox). Billi xi ˙add qieg˙ed f'poΩizzjoni ta' awtorità fil-Knisja, imbag˙ad mill-kleru! G˙alhekk meta nqalg˙u stejjer bikrija ta' dak li jew jitkellem f'isem Ìesù, u dan jista' jkun il-Papa, dan ma jfissirx li awtomatikament se naççetta li dak li qed jg˙id, jew jag˙mel, kien qed ji©ri, ma ˙adnihomx bis-serjetà, u ma tlabniex azzjoni. Óafna minna n˙arsu b'mod riverenzjali wisq lejn il-membri tal- huwa ispirat. Alla l-imbierek g˙o©bu jtini mo˙˙, u determinat li se kleru, b’mod speçjali l-mexxejja (l-isqfijiet u l-Papa), g˙ax in- nuΩah, fl-isfond ta' valuri morali li rawwimt, ©ew minn fejn ©ew. U int, fidil, jew fidil? qisuhom li qeg˙din hemm minflok Alla. Fil-passat konna ni©ru nbusulhom idejhom meta niltaqg˙u mag˙hom fit-triq, b˙ala sinjal Referenzi ta' rispett. Dan m'g˙adux isir, imma dawn ir-riverenzi Ωejda jixhdu 1., retrieved 6/3/2016 l-impressjoni li g˙andna, jew li kellna, ta' kleru infallibli minn 2., retrieved 6/3/2016 Knisja infallibbli. 3. nistaqsikom, tafu b'xi kaΩ fejn xi wild mar id-dar b'xi storja commission.html, retrieved 6/3/2016 ta' abbuΩ sesswali, ˙afifa jew gravi, u ma ©iex emmnut, ©ie msikket, 4.' xi g˙ajta jew sa˙ansitra laqqat xi daqqa bil-maqlub fuq wiççu? coincidence/7216072, retrieved 6/3/2016

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Malta participates in the EU Village Canberra Multicultural Festival 2016


long with other 24 EU member states, this year, Malta had a small national stand at last month’s three-day Canberra Multicultural Festival at the EU Village that was put up in one of the most prominent locations in the heart of the capital. Yvette Berry, the Multicultural Affairs Minister inaugurated the EU Village that this year was visited by thousands of people from interstate. Ambassador Sem Fabrizi, Head of the EU Delegation and other EU Heads of Missions, including Maltese High Commissioner to Australia, Charles Muscat, assisted her. The ceremony wrapped up with the singing of the EU anthem Ode to Joy. Minister Berry visited the stand of each member state. Malta’s HC Charles HC Charles Muscat (right) Muscat and his deputy, Dr. Joseph with Multicultural Affairs Pirotta welcomed the Minister at Minister Yvette Berry and EU Malta’s marquee that was adorned Ambassador Sem Fabrizi with beautiful posters shared wonderful experiof Malta enences of their stay in the ticing visiMaltese islands and extors to stop pressed their intentions of and pick up visiting again. information This year’s Festival marked brochures its 20th anniversary with 7.5 and promokilometers of bunting, 400 tional givestalls representing 170 naaways. tionalities and 350 performMost of the ance groups and 2500 pervisitors to formers. This year’s event is the marestimated to have attracted a quee had either already Multicultural Affairs Minister Yvette Berry (ninth from right) with the EU Heads of Mission record crowd of 280,000 visibeen to Malta or are considering Malta as their next tourism destination. Some tors, 10,000 more than last year.

HC hosts Maltese musician Joe Camilleri at Canberra Chancery n the opening day of the Multicul- to be convinced that he belongs to anO tural Festival in Canberra, a musi- other nationality besides that of Malta, cal concert was held. One of the his country of birth that he has already performers was Joe Camilleri, the Maltese/Australian resident, lead singer, songwriter and saxophonist with his Melbourne-based band The Black Sorrows. His five-man Jazz and Blues band was very well received and left a very good impression as it set a packed crowd dancing. As a result of his achievements on the music scene, the popular Maltese musician, was invited by Malta’s High Commissioner to Australia, to the Canberra Chancery where he met HC, Mr. Charles Muscat and his wife Victoria, and the Deputy HC Dr. Joseph Pirotta, and Mrs. Amanda Mengjun Xie-Pirotta. Joe who is very proud to be Maltese, emigrated to Australia with his parents when he was only two and has lived here ever since, however, he still needs

visited and looks forward to revisiting when another opportunity arises. He gained popularity in the 1970s and early 1980s as Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons, an Australian rock and blues band, which was dissolved in 1981. Later, Joe formed the Black Sorrows with whom he performs to this day. In 2007, the group was inducted to the Aria Hall of Fame. According to Joe Camilleri, he has about four performances every week in various locations all around Australia. He talks nostalgically about the Maltese islands and says he feels 100% Maltese even if his spoken Maltese is very limited. He established himself in the history of Australian pop and jazz musical scene and his versatility could be seen on stage when he performed at the

Joe Camilleri (centre) with HC Charles Muscat and Dept HC Joseph Pirotta at the Chancery concert and sent the crowd dancing to the sway of his music till the late hours of the night. At the end of his visit to the Chancery Joe said he was delighted with the meeting and promised to keep the High Commission informed of the activities of his band and the recent releases. He said that the typical building stone in the Maltese islands inspired one of his latest songs, Limestone. His wish is to be given the opportunity to perform with his band in a festival in the Maltese islands.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta registers highest economic growth for 15 years


uring 2015, the Maltese economy recorded the highest growth over the last 15 years with official figures indicating that real GDP increased by 6.3 per cent in real terms while in nominal terms the Maltese economy is estimated to have grown by 8.8 per cent. The rate is even higher than forecast. According to the National Statistics Office (NSO), this robust economic performance reflected strong increases in both investment and private consumption. In fact in 2015, investment activity increased by 21.4 per cent or €269.3 million while private consumption increased by 5.1 per cent or €203.3 million, over the previous year. Exports of goods and services also registered a positive increase of 2.4 per cent. Economic growth continued to be broad-based with the majority of sectors recording a positive growth and strong increases, particularly in the professional, scientific and technical sector and administration and support activities; in the financial and insurance sector; and in real estate activities with all three sectors recording double digit growth. Other notable private sector increases were also recorded in the wholesale and retail trade and accommodation and food service activities, the construction sector and the information and communication sector. In the labour market compensation of employees increased by 5.3 per cent or €189.9 million in 2015 following a 6.4 per cent (€217.1 million) increase in the previous year. The strong performance of the economy also resulted in an increase in business profits of 12.9 per cent or €449.2 million. Commenting on these results, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said, “The broad-base, record high economic growth rate observed in 2015 shows that this Government is succeeding in attaining sustainable growth through its strategy of attracting productive investment, reforming key sectors and adopting a growth-friendly fiscal consolidation approach.” Meanwhile, in its 2016 Malta Country Report published on February 26, the European Commission notes Malta’s robust economic performance over the recent years, stating, “the economy has demonstrated notable resilience in a challenging macro-

economic environment.” It further states “growth has been job-rich and broad-based”. The report, along with those about other countries, was discussed at an EU Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) Council meeting March 8, with Minister Scicluna saying at the end of the meeting, that the report shows that the restructuring of Malta’s economy is bearing fruit, particularly with Malta’s improved external balance. The European Commission issues such reports, which analyse the economic and social policies of Member States every February.

Finance Minister Profs. Edward Scicluna

PN accuses Govt. of corruption; holds I protest march

n the past few weeks, the Nationalist Party in opposition has increased its attacks on the Maltese Government and is mainly targeting its guns at the Energy and Health Inland Revenue Commissioner to audit Minister, Konrad Mizzi who currently him, and once the audit was over, he might be one the Labour Party’s most would close the Panama company, in popular politician aside of the Prime which there were no accounts anyway. Minister after being elected as the The Opposition has also been making party’s deputy leader for party affairs. similar accusations and remarks The NP has taken umbrage at Mizzi’s against the Chief of Staff in the Prime explanation days earlier that he had Minister’s office. Mizzi and the PM opened a trust fund for his family affairs believe that some of the allegations are in New Zealand and a company in libellous and therefore have challenged the Opposition speaker snot to hide behind parliamentary privilege but to repeat them outside of Parliament so they could file libel suits against them. Meanwhile, in the wake of the revelations by Konrad Mizzi and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff that they Opposition leader Simon hold offshore companies in Busuttil (left) at themarch Panama, on March 6 the PN Panama. He said that after criticism leader headed what the party described about his choice of Panama that, he ad- as a ‘national protest against ‘corrupmitted, could have been better made, tion of crisis’ that, it said, has taken and to avoid speculations, he invited the hold of the Labour government.

Maltese researcher finds cure to help autism patients

researcher sold all his possessions in order to create and register A the patents on his research that today is considered as a cutting edge. Dr. Adrian Attard Trevisan started the research that led to him

Dr. Adrian Attard Trevisan (right) talking with PM Joseph Muscat and Minister Evarist Bartolo at the inauguration of his company’s new offices

developing a cure to help autism patients to reduce their symptoms over ten years ago. He was motivated to develop the medicine after he learnt that the son of a friend of his was suffering from the condition. He began his research after obtaining two doctorates from the Universities of London and Milan and went on to develop the therapy. He then set the task of commercialising it and four years ago set up his company, AAT that today employs 30 researchers. The company has now started its operation from its new offices at the newly inaugurated Life Sciences Park in San Gwann, with Dr Attard Trevisan saying that the company world continue to focus on developing a cure and therapy for conditions such as autism, anxiety, epilepsy, insomnia and depression.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Gozo tourism bed nights hit the he Gozo Tourism Association million mark Thas announced that the number

of bed nights by foreign tourists in Gozo last year exceeded the million mark. Tourist arrivals were 166,106, an 8% increase on 2014, while the number of nights spent in all types of Gozitan accommodation reached 1,004,885, an increase of 14% on 2014, in bed nights.2015, there was a 41% increase in passengers from

Turkey and 20% from Italy. The Association said that the results augured well for better prospects in the Gozitan tourism industry, since the destination is experiencing increases not only in the summer quarter, but also reaping better occupancies in the quarters covering the shoulder months.

MIA reports increase in passenger turnover


n February, compared to the same month last year, Malta International Airport, MIA, has reported a 13.3% increase in passenger turnover . The amount of passengers who used the MIA facilities during the month, which had 29 days compared to 28 days last year, was 236,631. Figures published by MIA indicate that the turnover increase resulted from an increase of 5% offered by air companies to and from Malta operating at Malta’s International Airport.

Archbishop Paul Giglio passes away


rchbishop P a u l Giglio, who served in the diplomatic service of the Holy See until he retired from the service in 2002, has died, aged 89. He was born in Valletta on January 20, 1927. Mgr Giglio was ordained a priest in 1952. He served as secretary, apostolic nunciature in Nicaragua (1958-59), Argentina (1960-62), Iran (1963-65); auditor, apostolic delegation in Saigon, South Viet-

nam (1966-68), Yugoslavia (196970); counsellor, apostolic delegation, USA (1971-72); counsellor, apostolic nunciature, Brazil (197375); counsellor and deputy head of mission, apostolic nunciature, France (1976-77); and chargé d’affaires, apostolic nunciature, Taiwan (1978-86). In 1986 Mgr Giglio was consecrated bishop at St John’s CoCathedral, Valletta and then appointed titular archbishop of Tindari, apostolic nuncio to Nicaragua (1986) and apostolic nuncio to Egypt (1995). He was also delegate emeritus to the League of Arab states (LAS).

Professor Tony Dyson with his famous robot

Inventor of Star Wars Droid R2-D2 found dead in Gozo P

rofessor Tony Dyson, 68, the man who created the Star Wars robot R2-D2 and for the past 25 years had been living in Malta, died in his home in Munxar, Gozo. The Police discovered him after a neighbour became concerned after seeing that his front door was open and called the police. 'Foul play was excluded. Dyson, who had recently taken part in the Malta Comic Convention, is also known to have designed and built robots for some of the world's biggest electronic companies, including Toshiba, Sony and Philips. The squat R2-D2 droid, a sidekick of C3P0, became one of the world's favourite robots. He formed an important part of the Star Wars franchise and made a revived appearance in the latest episode, The Force Awakens.

Tenor Joseph Calleja Awarded Hon. RMA altese tenor Joseph Calleja’s M contribution to the music world has been recognised by the Royal

Academy of Music and the University of London that awarded as a Member of the Academy (Hon. RAM) by naming him as one of the distinct musicians who were not one of its students. The honour is only limited to 300 distinguished musicians who did not attend the Academy. Other nominations that were ratified recently by the Academy’s Governing Body include: Neresheim Abbey and Town Artistic Collaboration; Eric Aubier (Trumpet); Florian Boesch (Baritone); Stephen Darlington (Organist and Acade-mic); Margaret Faultless (Historical Performance); Dave Holland (Jazz Bass); Tasmin Little (Violin), and Patrick Messina (Clarinet). The Duchess of Gloucester will carry out the presentation in July in the UK. Among the internationally-famed


The “Children” of Billy Hughes Joseph Calleja musicians who have also had the distinction of receiving the honour are, composers Jakob Ludwig Menndelssohn, Fyodorovich Stravinsky, Franz Liszt and Spanish cellist and conductor, Pablo Caslas.

With reference to the article: The “Children” of Billy Hughes (The Voice Issue No. 122, page 5) we wish to point out that in the first pdf issues sent out to our subscribers, the date mentioned at the beginning of the article was erroneously stated as being 1926 instead of 1916. We apologise. This was a proof reading error that was clarified in later issues and the flipbook format.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Poster ma˙ru© mill-PN

Poster bi twe©iba mill-PL

Waslet l-elezzjoni?


ekk nie˙du nkunsiderazzjoni li l-˙ajja tal-Parlament Malti hija ta’ ˙ames snin, u anke xi tliet xhur o˙ra fuqhom jekk il-Gvern i˙abbar l-elezzjoni fl-a˙˙ar jiem tal-Le©islatura, nistg˙u Ωgur ng˙idu li l-elezzjoni tal-inqas fadlilha sentejn o˙ra. Aktar u aktar nistg˙u ng˙idu dan meta wie˙ed jikkunsidra lma©©oranza li g˙andu l-Gvern ta’ b˙alissa fil-Parlament. Imma jekk min-na˙a l-o˙ra wie˙ed i˙ares lejn dak li qed ise˙˙ fil-kamp politiku lokali, Ωgur ji©i g˙all-konkluΩjoni li l-elezzjoni qeg˙da wara l-bieb. Nistg˙u ng˙idu li l-battibekki politiçi bejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti ewlenin Maltin ma waqfu qatt, iΩda f’dawn l-a˙˙ar ©img˙at sa˙nu sew u nista’ ng˙id li dak li g˙addej fil-kamp politiku jixba˙ ˙afna dak li kien qed ji©ri propju ftit aktar minn tliet snin ilu meta Malta kienet g˙addejja minn kampanja elettorali sfrenata. Infatti f’dawn il-jiem bdejna naraw il-midja g˙addejja bla ser˙an b’artikli, a˙barijiet u diskussjonijiet politiçi. Sa˙ansitra tfaççaw il-billboards... u ma naqsux il-libelli. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-oppoΩizzjoni wasal biex g˙amel dimostrazzjoni politika fejn ©abar eluf ta’ Maltin u G˙awdxin filBelt biex jipprotesta kontra l-koruzzjoni, li hija l-akbar g˙ajta ta’ dan il-Partit fil-konfront tal-Gvern. Veru li l-Partit Nazzjonalista sostna li din ma kienetx dimostrazzjoni kontra l-Partit Laburista, iΩda Ωgur li tikkontribwixxi sew fil-kampanja ta’ tis˙ie˙ li g˙addej biha l-Partit Nazzjonalista. G˙alkemm tal-inqas fid-deher il-Partit Laburista ftit ta mportanza lid- dimostrazzjoni, xorta rritalja billi ˙e©©e© lin-nies ˙alli jattendu bi ˙©arhom g˙all-attivitajiet li se jsiru fl-Ewwel ta’ Mejju.

U jidher li jekk il-partiti se jkomplu bl-istrate©iji li qed juΩaw b˙alissa, l-g˙aΩla li se titpo©©a quddiem il-poplu fl-elezzjoni li ©ejja se tkun: • tis˙ie˙ fl-ekonomija, avvanz fl-edukazzjoni, titjib fis-servizz tas-sa˙˙a, tnaqqis kbir fil-qag˙ad, u avvanzi u kisbiet o˙ra li sa˙ansitra qed ji©u kkonfermati minn st˙˙ari© ta’ a©enzija barranin (min-na˙a tal-Partit Laburista) jew • li jemmnu, kif jinsisti l-Partit Nazzjonalista, li dan il-Gvern huwa l-aktar Gvern korrott li qatt kellha Malta u jivvutaw g˙al min qed iwieg˙ed li se jnaddaf lil Malta. (mill-Partit Nazzjonalista)

Partit ©did? a semmejt l-elezzjoni tajjeb nirriferi g˙al intervista L l-l-©urnal Illum g˙amel lil eksdeputat Laburista Marlene Farrugia fejn g˙all-mistqosija: Mela jista jkun li fl-2018 naraw lil Marlene l-alternattiva lo˙ra... (billi aktar qabel din semmiet il-possibilta’ ta’ moviment ©did jekk ma jkunx hemm bidla fil-mod kif mixi l-Gvern) Fit-twe©iba tag˙ha qalet: Ma

Bidla fl-attitudni?

iskors li g˙amel dan l-a˙˙ar l-Arçisqof Charles D J. Scicluna (g˙ax xi ˙add ©ibidli l-attenzjoni li kont qed in˙alli l-‘J’ barra) jirrifletti sew kemm iΩ-

Ωminijiet qed jinbidlu u kemm dan il-bdil qed jinfluwenza sew il-mod kif wie˙ed jitkellem. Fi programm televiΩiv, l-Arçisqof Scicluna g˙amel appell imqanqal lill-©enituri li g˙andhom lill-uliedhom gay. "F'isem Ìesu Kristu”, qal, “aççettaw lil uliedkhom kif inhuma”. Waqt li kien qed ji©i intervistat fl-istess programm huwa g˙amilha çara li lest iwaqqaf u jiddixxiplina kwalunkwe membru tal-kleru li jipprova jag˙mel terapija fuq l-omosesswali, filwaqt li sejja˙ “assurdita`” li jkun hemm min ipo©©i lil persuni omosesswali u o˙rajn pedofeli fl-istess keffa. Mhux qed ng˙id li l-Arçisqof ma kienx jemmen f’dak li stqarr jew li bidel fehmtu f’dan l-a˙˙ar Ωmien, iΩda bla dubju ta’ xejn sa ftit tas-snin ilu ftit kienu dawk min-na˙a tal-kleru lokali li kienu lesti li jo˙or©u jg˙idu dan li qal hu filbera˙.

tistax tg˙id. Nippreferi li jekk se jin˙oloq moviment ikun hemm wiçç ©did li jmexxih. Biex inbiddlu t-terran politiku. Jekk ikun hemm dan il-movimenti n˙oss li g˙andu ji©i mill-baΩi studenteska. It can be done. Fil-frattemp nittamaw li l-Gvern isib saqajh u jeççella fil-governanza kif qed jeççella f’oqsma o˙rajn. Il-PL baqag˙lu kull çans li jitnaddaf u jiggverna skont dak li tellg˙u g˙alih il-poplu. Tg˙id g˙all-lezzjoni li ©ejja jfaqqas xi partit politiku ©did?

Fost l-Aqwa fis-sa˙˙a apport ma˙ru© mill-Istitut Ewropew g˙all-UgR waljanza tal-©eneru jpo©©i lil Malta f’ras ilklassifika f’dak li huwa l-qasam tas-sa˙˙a minn fost it-28 pajjiz membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea. B’kollox, Malta ©abet 95.6 punt segwita mill-Irlanda b’95.2 punt u l-Lussemburgu b’94.6 punt. Ilmedja fost il-pajjiΩi kollha kienet ta’ 90 punt. Fin-na˙iet t’isfel fil-klassifika hemm l-Estonja bi 82 punt. Dan l-ist˙arri© studja jekk fejn tid˙ol is-sa˙˙a ssirx distinzjoni bejn jekk il-pazjent hux ra©el jew mara. Jidher li Malta hija l-iktar pajjiΩ li ma jag˙milx distinzjoni bejn is-sessi fejn tid˙ol il-kura tas-sa˙˙a. Allura dawk il-pajjiΩi li ©ew fin-na˙a t’isfel talklassifika jfisser li g˙ad g˙andna pajjiΩi Ewropej, mhux pajjiΩi tat-Tielet Dinja, li anke fejn tid˙ol issa˙˙a jag˙mlu differenzi bejn mara u ra©el?

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2

Dik l-imbierka xita u dak l-imbierek temp!


ontra s-soltu, din is-sena Frar mhux biss ma mexiex malproverbju (Frar fawwar, li jimla l-bjar) imma talli kien laktar wie˙ed xott u l-aktar s˙un sa mill-1923, tant li fid-29 jum ta’ Frar kull m’g˙amlet xita kien biss 2.6mm, u nofsha niΩlet f’jum wie˙ed (7 ta’ Frar). Fl-istess xahar Malta kellha 200 sieg˙a ta’ xemx u temperatura medja ta’ 15-il çentigrad.. Fis-snin mg˙oddija Frar kien dejjem meqjus b˙ala l-aktar xahar xitwi bl-inqas temperaturi, u li fih tinΩel medja ta’ 60 mm ta’ xita. Dejjem skont l-Uffiççju Meteorolo©iku tal-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, bejn it-12 u l-15 ta’ Frar l-og˙la temperatura kienet ta’ 23.6c gradi, ji©ifieri temperatura li wie˙ed jassoçja mal-jiem tas-sajf, f’Ìunju. Dik tal-bahar kienet ukoll 1.5c og˙la min-normal. Fil-qawl Malti jing˙ad ukoll: “Xemx u Xita, Alla jaf meta”. Imma donnu li ç-Çiprijotti ja˙sbuha xort’o˙ra. Dan billi dan l-a˙˙ar, wara li b˙al Malta, pajjiΩhom sofra min-nuqqas ta’ xita, ˙ar©u jg˙idu li dan se˙˙ min˙abba l-˙idma tal-bniedem. Infatti, ©urnali Çiprijotti qalu li l-Gvern Çiprijott qed jallega tbag˙bis mat-temp mill-qawwa militari IngliΩa. Dawn qed jg˙idu li ajruplani militari IngliΩi qed i˙allu warajhom sinjali bojod, sinjali li anke hawn Malta rajnhom fl-ajru, li fil-fatt jimmarkaw tfieg˙ ta’ kimiçi li qed iwasslu biex ma tag˙milx xita. Tg˙id dan minnu? Issa jekk il-militar IngliΩ kapaçi jwaqqaf ix-xita, allura m’g˙andux il-˙ila wkoll li jkun ftit poΩittiv g˙alina u jara kif i©ibilna ix-xita? G˙alkemm jekk g˙andu l-˙ila jag˙mel dan, a˙jar i˙affef qabel ma jid˙lu x-xhur tar-rebbieg˙a u s-sajf, g˙ax wara li ˙arrbtulna x-xitwa, ma nixtiequx li j˙arbtulna s-sajf ukoll.

Unur kbir g˙al kittieb Malti rans H. Said fuq), korMinn dak iΩ-Ωmien lil hawn F rispondent regolari fil-©ur- dan iç-Çentru ppubblika jew nali L-Orizzont u t-TORÇA, ©ie rrikonoxxa 'l fuq minn miljun rikonoxxut fost l-aqwa intellettwali tas-Seklu 21 miç-Çentru Internazzjonali g˙all-Bibjografiji (IBC) f'Cambridge l-Ingilterra . L-IBC, li twaqqaf aktar minn 40 sen’ilu, huwa mag˙ruf b˙ala wie˙ed mill-aktar Çentri talpubblikazzjonijiet popolari talbijografiji minn madwar id-dinja.

Pulizija nisa

llum l-anqas no˙olmu li l-korp talIir©iel. pulizija jkun mag˙mul biss minn IΩda mhux hekk sittin sen’ilu, g˙ax meta Gvern Laburista kien ˙abbar li se jda˙˙al in-nisa fil-korp tal-pulizija qala’ ˙afna kiritka. Tant kien hemm min m’g˙o©bitux l-idea li meta n˙atru l-ewwel ˙ames pulizija nisa l-kummissarju tal-Pulizija ˙aseb biex meta dawn jmorru fuq ir-ronda jkunu skortati minn pulizija r©iel ming˙ajr uniformi (lemin) Minkejja li dak iΩ-Ωmien ix-xebbiet G˙awdxin kienu meqjusa b˙ala aktar reservati minn s˙abhom Maltin, filfatt f’dan il-kaΩ urew aktar inizjattiva, g˙aliex tlieta minn dawn il-˙ames pulizija nisa kienu G˙awdxin.

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bijografija minn diversi pajjiΩi madwar id-dinja. Il-bijografija ta' Said se tkun qed ti©i ppubblikata aktar tard din is-sena f'volum wie˙ed li se ji©bor fih l-aqwa elfejn ˙assieba kontemporanji dinjin. G˙all-10 edizzjoni ta' din il©abra, fost dawn l-aqwa elfejn ˙assieba, il-Malti Frans H. Said se jnaqqax ismu.

Çertifikat mill-aqwa g˙all-Ajruport Malti inkejja li mhux xi ajruport ta’ M kobor imqabbel ma’ dak ta’ pajjiΩi ferm mag˙rufa, u minkejja li minnu ma jg˙addux miljuni kbar ta’ passi©©ieri, l-Ajruport ta’ Malta, xorta huwa meqjus mill-passi©©ieri b˙ala wie˙ed mill-aqwa tal-Ewropa. Infatti huwa meqjus b˙ala aqwa mill-Ajruport mag˙ruf ta’ Heathrow, f’Londra, l-Ingilterra. Dan jo˙ro© minn st˙arri© tal-Airports Council International (ACI) li po©©a lill-ajruport Malti fit-tieni post minn fost 97 ajruport Ewropew. Dawn l-ajruporti ji©u vvalutati millpassi©©ieri stess waqt li jkunu qed jivvja©©aw u l-esperjenza tag˙hom talajruport tkun g˙adha friska f’mo˙˙hom. L-Aqwa Ajruporti skont ir-Re©jun (b’aktar minn Ωew© miljun passi©©ier fis-sena) – l-Ewropa: Fl-ewwel post ©ew (b’punti ndaqs) Ωew© ajrupoti fir-Russja: Sheremetyevo (Moska) u Pulkovo (Sochi). Fit-tieni post (punti ndaqs): Dublin (Repubblika IrlandiΩa), Malta, Praga (Repubblika Çeka) u Zurich (fl-Isvizzera). FIt-tielet post (punti ndaqs) Copenhagen (Danimarka), Keflavik (Islanda), Heathrow (Londra), Porto (Portugall) u Vienna (Awstrija). Ta’ min jg˙id li mqabbel mal-istess xahar tas-sena l-o˙ra, fi Frar 2016 kien hemm 236,631 - Ωieda ta’ 13.4% - ta’ dawk li g˙addew mill-ajurport ta’ Malta

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

The week from hell T

he 14 sex abuse survivors who have travelled to Rome to face Cardinal George Pell as he gave evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that was extended to four days, described their visit as like being dragged into "the belly of the beast". At the end of the ordeal the Cardinal met some of the victims personally. The commission accepted a medical report that said that the cardinal was at risk of a heart failure if he made the journey to Australia. Therefore the proceedings were screened via video link from Hotel Quirinale in Rome. The campaign for the 14 sex abusers to be in Rome raised more than $200,000 and there is still more funding to come. The proceeds from comedian Tim Minchin's song, Come Home (Cardinal Pell), which reached No.1 on the Australian iTunes chart, have yet to be counted. Cardinal Pell served in Ballarat between 1973 and 1984, presiding over a primary school where four Christian Brothers were

pedophiles and lived in a presbytery with Gerald Ridsdale, in 1973. He was also on the bishop's college of consultors committee, a group of senior priests who advised Bishop Ronald Mulkearns throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The Sydney Morning Herald concluded that Cardinal Pell’s testimony has left it open for the royal commission to reject his denials of knowledge about the abuses in his midst. It is open for the commission to find him an unreliable witness. The Herald believes that the Pope must act because Cardinal Freeman had a special duty of care both as a priest and as a person. His testimony suggests he failed to fulfil that duty. The Vatican has issued a statement praising Cardinal George Pell for his testimony at the royal commission and rejecting claims that the Catholic church has done nothing, or very little to respond to child abuse.

Pell survivers in Rome

Uncertain future


he Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill told the Press Club in Canberra that the Manus Island detention centre has done more damage to his country’s reputation than any other factor and must eventually close. Mr. O’Neill said this country could not afford to resettle those found to be genuine refugee, fueling concern that vulnerable men on the island would continue to languish with uncertain future. More than 60 refugees live in limbo at Manus Island transit centre at Lorengau, while more than 900 are in their third year at the detention centre. More than half of those in detention have been found to be refugees.

Rainbow ovation

fter nearly 38 yeA ars, the 78ers received a formal apology from the state over the discrimination they suffered at Sydney's first Mardi Gras in 1978. That evening, more than 500 activists took to Taylor Square in Darlinghurst NSW in support and celebration of New York's Stonewall movement and to call for an end to criminalisation of homosexual acts and discrimination against homosexuals. The peaceful movement ended in violence, mass arrests and public

shaming at the hands of the police, government and media. “For the mistreatment you suffered that evening, I apologise and I say sorry," said Bruce Notley Smith, the member for Coogee, as he moved the motion of apology in the NSW Legislative Assembly. “As a member of the parliament that dragged its feet in the decriminalisation of homosexual acts, I apologise and say sorry. And as a proud gay man and member of this parliament offering this apology, I say thank you.” The bipartisan apology, unanimously passed in both houses of parliament, drew emotional and at times highly personal reflections from MPs, including the Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton and the Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian. Mr. Notley-Smith recounted the pain of growing up as a gay teenager in Sydney at the time of the melee. The 38th Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney on March 5. had more than 170 floats and thousands or revelers including the Prime Minister, leader of the Opposition and other politicians from all sides.

Big business: The Baiadas

ohn Camilleri, the head of the Baiada empire has, according to a report Jon Poultry the SMH bought Bank Street prime wa-

terfront next to the fish markets in Sydney for $21 million. BRW Rich List estimates the Baiada family to be worth $500 million. They have been diversifying into property development last year though an offshoot company named Celestino after the patriarch of the family Celstino Baiada. Chief executive John Vassallo heads the company. Baiada Poultry with its head office at Pendle Hill NSW has a $1.3 billion turnover, according to the BRW Rich List, and is the major chicken supplier to Coles, Woolworths and KFC.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday March 15, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Australia boosts defence spending


he Turnbull government’s defence white paper spells out Australia’s assessment of global threats and outlines its own defence plans, commits the government to buying 12 new submarines at a total design and construction cost of $50bn - and fulfilling a pledge to increase defence spending to 2% of gross domestic product. It says total funding, including operations, will rise from $32.4bn in the 2016-17 financial year to $58.7bn in 2025-26. The government says the cumulative increase in funding, compared with previous spending plans, amounts to $29.9bn over the course of the decade. Malcolm Turnbull, who released the document in Canberra recently, said the government was “absolutely committed to ensuring those funds are available” because an island nation needed a strong navy. But when asked about funding sources, the Prime Minister said he was “not going to speculate about a budget that is well over a decade away”.

Australia’s annual defence spending will increase by $26bn over the next decade amid concerns about the increasing pace of military modernisation to its north, regional tensions and the continuing threat of terrorism. Within two

Australia will buy £100 billion worth of equipment over the next decade – a budget increase of £13 billion

ance to its neighbours by being more transparent about its defence policies,” the document says. The document also specifically refers to climate change as “a major challenge” for Australia’s Pacific neighbours, which would contribute to food shortages and extreme weather events to which Australia would be called on to respond

decades, half of the world’s submarines will be operating in the Indo-Pacific and at least countries in the region will operate half of the world’s advanced combat aircraft. “As China grows, it will continue to seek greater influence within the region. As a major power, it will be important for regional stability that China provides reassur-

Above: Australia’s first Lockheed Martin, F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter

Ethnic broadcasting under threat


espite strong opposition from ethnic community broadcasters and many others within the community broadcasting sector, the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) announced a few days ago, that it would go ahead with a new governance and structural model. According to President Dr. Tangi Steen and V/President of the NEMBC Mr. Nick Dmyterko, “The changes will have a dramatic impact on how ethnic community broadcasters continue to broadcast in Australia. The National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters Council (NEMBC) will maintain its campaign against the disempowering changes being implemented by the CBF” “The NEMBC represents all the ethnic stations and programmes, reaching supporters and audience of over 5 million people throughout Australia. The CBF’s new model will mainstream and dilute ethnic funding that will mean ethnic radio stations will lose funding, ethnic language programmes jeopardised and

Eurovison Contest 2016


t is not recently ARIS hall of fame inductee Tina Arena nor Delta Goodrem who will face Malta’s Ira Losco at the Eurovision contest at Copenhagen in March 2016. The preferred singer is Dami Im, a former X factor winner Korean-born Queenslander. Last year’s Australian’ representative was Guy Sebastian who finished a credible fifth. It was the first time that Australia competed in this Europe-focused event.

metro and regional stations will lose their incentive to attract and broadcast new language programmes. “We are concerned that ethnic community broadcasting will be controlled by a small group of people - the CBF Board that will hand-pick its own organisation. Under the CBF’s changes, democratic processes will be abolished and the NEMBC will be excluded from any say in how funds are to be distributed to ethnic community broadcasting. “The new CBF board will make decisions and determine new guidelines without democratic ethnic community representation,” Dr Steen and Mr Dmyterko said.

Dr Steen added, “The NEMBC is asking all ethnic community broadcasters and stations to boycott the CBF’s new model and boycott the call for nominations for any of the positions on the board or committees.” Mr. Dmyterko said that ethnic community broadcasting is integral to multiculturalism, and the present system to determine the funds dispersal has helped to build social cohesion and inclusion, maintain language and culture and combat racism. “The proposed radical changes by the CB will mean this level playing field will become highly competitive, which will create community and sector tensions,” he said.

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230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Maltese-owned restaurant at Unanderra


ay D’Amato, born in Australia to Maltese parents from Óamrun, and Qormi-born Doris who immigrated to Australia in 1960, are the proud owners of a successful restaurant located in Unanderra, a suburb of Wollongong. They run the D’Amato’s Family Restaurant along with their two sons Justin and Adam. Unanderra is becoming a tourist destination because if it’s close proximity to the Nan Tien Temple and can be reached by public transport both by bus and train. People from different cultures come to visit this temple especially from Asia; therefore they cannot miss the D’Amatos’ restaurant, which besides serving a variety of pizza and pasta also has a selection of main meals. D'Amato's Family Restaurant offers

many sophisticated choices and top class food and efficient service. It also caters for those seeking classic meals, as such, the venue has become very popular not with just the Maltese but with people from all nationalities. They also serve the special Maltese Connection Menu offering Gbejniet (cheeslets), Zalzett Malti (Maltese Sausages), homemade Ravjul (ravioli) and of course Rabbit stuffat (stew). They also do deliveries of pizza, all the food in their menu and cater for parties. The D’Amato family is not new to the restaurant business. Before it opened its r restaurant in Unanderra five years ago it had another one at neighbouring Figtree. However, the family has not always been in the hospitality business. Ray D’Amato’s first job was that of a master painter doing insurance work, roof restoration, as well as domestic and industrial painting. Son Justin is a qualified chef and is studying for an Advance Diploma in Hospitality Management. The D’Amato family is continuing the traditions of the Maltese food preparations with a staff of twenty, three chefs and a full Liquor Licence. The D’Amato Family Restaurant has won the Best Pizza NSW I Love Food Award for its Pizza. No wonder that patrons who try the restaurant once to try the food and service keep returning with patronage from all of the Illawarra and the South Coast.

Ray and Doris behind the bar ready to serve their clients. Below: a view inside their restaurant in Unanderra

Novel based in Malta hits Nr. 1 spot in Australia's Amazon chart n author's love of Malta inspired a A novel, which has become a bestseller. Letters from Malta by Mary Rensten tells the story of a woman searching to uncover family secrets. Her quest takes her to Malta, where she learns about the place and its people, and the harsh realities of life during the Siege of Malta in the Second World War. A few weeks ago the novel reached No.1 in Australia's Amazon chart. It has also been climbing the charts in the UK. Mary Rensten, the author of the book, says: "Malta itself gave me the inspiration for the book. Just by chance on my very first visit I found Imtarfa cemetery, and it was there, among the memorials to servicemen and Maltese civilians, including children, that an idea for a novel began to take shape in my mind. What an ordeal the Maltese people had endured in the Second World War. My heart went out to them and to the troops and airmen who had been stationed on the island." In Letters from Malta, set 50 years after World War II, Jane Thornfield finds an envelope hidden in her mother's bedroom drawer that forces her to question her very identity. Jane's search for the truth takes her to Malta, where she learns about life there during the 1940s. But her attempts to unlock a fifty-year-old secret are met with suspicion and a wall of silence. Letters from Malta is about a woman's quest to make sense of her present and her past. The setting of Malta is brought vividly to life in this moving, perceptive tale of love and loss. Suzannah Dunn, best-selling historical novelist (The Sixth Wife, The May Bride) says: "The story sweeps you along and the characters are so real.” Romantic novelist Meg Alexander said: "I couldn't put this down. I couldn't wait to find out what had happened in Malta 60 years ago."

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija Biex tikteb


il-˙ar©a tal-lum se nibdew nippubblikaw aktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti li huwa ma˙ru© millKummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti, li hija l-awtorita` mqabbda biex wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti skont ir-regoli ffissati. Wara li diga’ ttrattajna l-vokali u lkonsonanti, illum se naraw l-ewwel Ωew© regoli. L-EWWEL REGOLA Kull ittra konsonanti tal-Alfabett g˙andha tidher g˙al le˙en wie˙ed. G˙alhekk sewwa tikteb nikseb u mhux nixeb; nikser u mhux nixer, ng˙idu a˙na bix-x bil-le˙en ta’ x fil-Latin (ks) b˙al filkelmiet pax, rex, dixit. IT-TIENI REGOLA Kull le˙en g˙andu jitfisser b’ittra konsonanti wa˙da, jew b’sura ta’ konsonanti wa˙da. G˙alhekk ikteb: kelma u mhux chelma; xkupilja u mhux xkupiglia u inqas xkupiglja; dinja u mhux digna; xemx u mhux scemsc; gendus u mhux ghendus; kif ukoll jekk u mhux jech; tieg˙ek u mhux tieg˙ech; kçina u mhux chçina. Hekk ukoll g˙andi u mhux ghandi bil-

g u l-˙ jew l-h mag˙Ωulin, iΩda bil-g˙ mag˙qudin f’ittra wa˙da. Kif urejna, il-le˙en taΩ-Ωew© vokali ie mhux ˙lief il-kisra tal-ittra â jew ê bille˙en imkarkar, jew minn daqqiet ta’ a b˙al fil-kliem werqa, xebba miksur f’ie: werqiet, xebbiet. Fil-kitba Maltija l-ittra a (alif G˙arbija) hi mag˙duda b˙ala vokali, g˙alkemm skont il-grammatika g˙andha tg˙odd mal-konsonanti dg˙ajfin meta tidher b˙ala wa˙da mill-g˙eruq tal-kelma jew b˙ala ittra, imsej˙a mill-grammatiçi, servili. Ara: Alla, dâr, ag˙mel, fejn l-a ta’ Alla u ta’ dâr hija ta’ g˙erq ilkelma u l-a ta’ ag˙mel, hija miΩjuda biex taqdi s-sura tal-verb. Fi kliem b˙alma huma dâm, sâb, tuffi˙ât, ˙ât, werqât, l-a g˙andha tg˙odd ukoll b˙ala konsonanti dg˙ajfa. Billi dlonk titbiddel (Ittrattata fit-Tlettax-il Regola aktar tard) u tin˙ass ukoll ie: eΩ.: diem, sieb, tuffi˙iet, ˙iet, werqiet, u l-alfabett Ruman ma jag˙ti ebda g˙elm ie˙or li biha jitfisser dan ittag˙wi© ta’ le˙en, din l-ittra â (ie) tibqa’ titfisser biΩ-Ωew© ittri vokali ie li ’l quddiem jistg˙u jing˙aqdu f’ittra wa˙da b˙all-æ u loe tal-Latin.

Mural unveiled at George Cross Falcon Club

Malti tajjeb Il-konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi (Mudelli)

Fejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-konjugazzjoni talverbi, illum se ng˙addu g˙al aktar eΩempji, u nibdew nittrattaw xi verbi ma li jissej˙u, jew huma Mnisslin. Dawn ukoll se nittrattawhom fil-mod IMPERATIV u dak INDIKATIV, kemm flImperfett (li juri g˙emil li g˙adu ma twettaqx), u wkoll fil-Perfett (li juri g˙emil li twettaq). Illum se nibde b’Ωew© verbi. Verbi Misslin QASSAM GÓALLEM MOD IMPERATIV qassam g˙allem qassmu g˙allmu MOD INDIKATIV IMPERFETT Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma

nqassam tqassam jqassam tqassam nqassmu tqassmu jqassmu

ng˙allem tg˙allem jg˙allem tg˙allem ng˙allmu tg˙allmu jg˙allmu


The Maltese Community of Illawarra got together on Sunday March 6 to celebrate the unveiling of a mural depicting the Islands of Malta that is now the focus at the George Cross Falcon Club Cringila. Club president Mr. Louis Parnis thanked all in attendance and praised the effort of those who contributed towards the project with their names to be indicted on a special plaque. It was a happy atmosphere with meals served (above) and the cutting of a cake washed down with a glass of champagne. Afterword’s the guests where encouraged to participate in a game of bingo. - EmmCamilleri

Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma

qassamt qassamt qassam qassmet qassamna qassamtu qassmu

g˙allimt g˙alimlt g˙allem g˙allmet g˙allimna g˙allimtu g˙allmu

(Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nag˙tu eΩempji ta’ aktar Verbi)

The murial depicting the islands of Malta that was unveiled at the George Cross Falcon Club in Cringila, NSW

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, kemm bil-Malti u Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bl-istejjer u l-©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u f’dak il-˙in.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Forthcoming events: SUNDAY July 3: Lejla Fil-Buskett & Car Exhibition. SUNDAY OCTOBER 16: Fiera SUNDAY December 4: The Feast of St Nicholas For further information contact: The President - Joe Fenech – 0412 009 957; or the Public Relations Officer - Emmanuel Vella – 0405 677 064

Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li B wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-

Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirrek-lamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday March 15, 2016

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Readers can also request a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese magazine by post


n response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

The Cittadini Present

Iz-Zija ta’ Karlu Sunday April 10 at 2.00 p.m. at Wentworthville Leagues Club

For tickets call: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386 Doris: 9636 2295 Joe Borg: 9624 2280 or 0490 053 512 Donations: $12 Kids: $6,00

Special Guests: Joe Galea and Ronnie Borg and Tony Fenech

Direct from Malta November 2016:

Marie Rose Mallia and Renato Brisbane Nov. 5; Melbourne Nov. 11, 12, 13 Sydney Nov. 20 (La Valette Blacktown) MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. The 16th Annual - Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition (Part of NSW Seniors Week)

Wednesday, March 16 at 7.30pm Annunciation Hall171 Walters Road Blacktown NSW Awards are given to our Elderly Maltese from NSW as nominated by the Maltese Community Guest Artists for this year Maltese Cultural Association Choir at the

All invited – Entrance Free – Refreshments served

Good Friday Activities 2016 at Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park Thursday March 17: 7.00pm: Reconciliation in the Church Friday March 18: 7.00pm: The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The function begins with mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross and a procession with statue of Our Lady of Sorrows. Friday March 25 – Good Friday: Help needed early morning to install outdoor equipment for the procession. 2.30pm: Church service begins, so be there early. 4.00pm: Maltese Cultural Association NSW Choir begins by performing traditional dirges and hymns, alternating with Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band which plays funeral marches. 5.00pm: Procession. All participants should be present by 4.00pm to prepare for the procession, rain, hail or shine. The possibility exists that there will be costumes available to wear, especially for adults. For more information about costumes, or for any other queries call Fred Cauchi: 0407 914 051. L-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u jew min irid jag˙mel xi reklam fuq The Voice of the Maltese huwa m˙e©©e© biex jg˙arraf lill-diri©enza, inkella jibg˙at il-materjal li jrid li ji©i ippubbikat mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni talmagazine. Dan ji©i pubblikat it-Tlieta kull ©imag˙tejn.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM

For more information and enquiries Phone 02 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

The Voice: the most popular by far

he Voice of the Maltese onT line magazine is by far the most widely read publication

among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Community News Apple Picking Bilpin Springs Orchard

La Valette Social Centre

Holy Week, Easter programme Thursday March 17: 10.30 am: Stations of the Cross at the Centre. Lunch will be served as normal. Friday March 18: 6.30pm: Our Lady of Sorrows. Mass and procession; Stations of the Cross with folklore music (G˙ana) in the main hall. Holy Thursday March 24: 7.00pm: Mass, Stations of the Cross and community adoration in main hall. Good Friday March 25: 3.00pm: Liturgical celebration of the Passion of Christ at Centre’s main hall. Holy Saturday March 26: 4.30pm: Centre opens for dinner; 7.30pm: Bingo; 830pm: Easter Vigil. Easter Sunday March 27: 10.15am: Mass, thenprocession with the Risen Lord, marches to be played. Info: Chapel: 9622 5850; La Valette Centre: 9622 5847 --------------------------------------------------------Is-Sibt 19 ta’ Marzu: 8 pm: GÓANA fiç-çentru millg˙annej minn Malta, ‘Leli tal-Forn’ uo˙rajn minn Sydney. D˙ul bla ˙las. Kul˙add mistieden

Sunday 17th April Adults: $25.00; Children - $15 Pick up points: 9.00am: Blacktown Workers Club or at 9:15am: Near Greystanes Church

For bookings contact committee members: Lina 9629 4046 or Doris 0419 420 915 Organised by The Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee

The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376


The Malta Community Chest Fund

MALTESE CHARITY DINNER DANCE Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.

Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025

Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine

maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:

Invites You to attend...

The Easter Monday Luncheon To be held on Monday March 28 at the Maltese Multicultural Community Centre, 6 Jeanes Street Beverley

Lunch menu to be advertised on Radio and Notice Board Admission: Members $7,00; Non-Members $10.00; Children $5.00

The Maltese Guild bar will be open from 10.00 a.m. onwards. After lunch Bingo and other games would be held. For booking see or phone the President Joseph Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; Mary Craus: 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617;y Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860632. Otherwise talk to anyone from the committee.

ST HELENA MALTESE/AUSTRALIAN S.C.: Events 2016 MAR. 12 – SAT.: Get together at Avondale Heights APR. 30 – SAT.: Mother’s Day/Feast of the Cross Function at Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine MAY 14 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. MAY 15 – SUN.: Half yearly meeting – Parkville. JUN. 18 – SAT.: Get together at Holy Eucharist. AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.

METD OUTINGS - 2016 17th April – Apple Picking – Bilpin $25/pp - $15/child including morning tea 14th August – St Maria Festa – Central Coast $35/pp including 5 morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja – City $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Sports 1 Former Malta international “Manny" Valletta Muscat joins Melbourne City winger ‘Wanis’ E dies at 77 Alfred Borg

alta football lovers, particularly those M supporting Valletta a few days ago mourned the death of one their best ever

footballers, Alfred Borg, known as “il-Wanis”. He died on February 29, aged 77. Alfred, may have been regarded as a pintsized footballer, but his speed and technique in controlling the ball as he chinked his way past defenders to send perfect crosses inside the box for the strikers to head home. He was one of the best ever wingers to don the club colours. He played 171 times for “The City” scoring 39 goals. He also played three times for what was then known as the Malta XI team (practically the national team). “Il-Wanis” used to mesmerise his opponents with his feints around opponents and run down the line to send perfect crosses inside the box for the strikers to head home. Born and bred in Valletta, Alfred Borg came up from Valletta’s youth teams to make his first-team debut in the First Division (then the MFA’s top division) in season 1954-55 against Floriana. He kept his place and was one of Valletta’s top players during their championship-winning teams of 1958/59 and 1959/60 Borg soon established himself in the team and was one of the City ‘greats’ who won two consecutive league championships in 1958-59 and 1959-60. He won a third championship medal at the end of the 1962-63 season to add to two FA Trophy victories, the Cassar Cup and the Scicluna Cup on two occasions. Borg was sidelined for almost five years after he picked a face injury playing against Floriana in 1964. He returned in 1969 and continued to play for two more years before hanging his boots for good in 1971.

mmanuel “Manny” Muscat, the 31-year-old Australian-born Maltese international footballer who has played nine times for Malta’s national team, is headed back to his home town next season by signing a two-year deal to join A-League’s Melbourne City from Wellington Phoenix. “Manny”, a defensive midfielder or right back said family reasons were behind his decision to leave the Phoenix after eight seasons. He said that his wife, Rebecca is expecting their third child on July 2 and they decided it was time to move back to the family. Muscat reprsented Malta nine times aftr his international debut in 2009 in a friendly against the Czech Republic and was used as a late substitute in a 2010 World Cup qualifier against Sweden. He also played in the two UEFA Euro 2012 qualifiers against Israel and Latvia (September 2 and 7). He was raised in West Sunshine, Melbourne and played for Sunshine George Cross where he was made captain at 19. Then switched to rivals Green Gully for his most successful years in his Victorian . He signed for the Phoenix in August 2008, as a short-term replacement for the injured Vince Lia, but was later offered a full contract. He made his international début against the Czech Republic, and was used as a late substitute for the game against Sweden. What helped him make his new decision is the fact that in the A-League players travel is every second week, therefore

it would be good to have her family around her. Muscat has played 186 games for the Phoenix - second only to 200-game veteran Andrew Durante. Phoenix coach Ernie Merrick describes Manny as “a man of action, hard on the field, but get him off it and he is the perfect gentleman,” adding that he had been a valuable player for Phoenix because he can play in the backline and is also a very good holding midfield player. “He is an all-round good quality player, a great competitor and good on-field leader; always committed at training and happy to do community work for the club.” Merrick said the club would miss Muscat. However, he wished him well in his new venture.” The announcement that Muscat signed a two-year deal with Melbourne City commencing at the beginning of the 2016-17 A-League season was made on March 3.

Record participation in 2016 Westfield FFA Cup

record number of more than 650 A clubs are set to compete in the Preliminary Rounds of the Westfield FFA Cup 2016, across Australia, making it the biggest year yet for Australian football’s national KO competition. Football NSW also has a record participation, with 130 clubs from Association, State League and PS4 NP level, where a massive 84 Association teams will feature amongst 12 PS4 NPLs NSW 3 as well as 12 State League Men’s kicking off on March 19/20. Round 4 will see the introduction of the PS4 NPL Men’s and Men’s 2 sides hoping that they could be one of the five teams to represent NSW in the official Westfield Cup draw later in the year. In this round,

Parramatta Eagles will be home to the winners of the match between Glebe Wanderers and Amity FC on April 6. The 2015 PS4 NPL Champions Blacktown City have already clinched a spot in this year’s round of 32 after defeating Bayswater in Perth last year. Slot allocations for Round of 32 remains the same as last year with Football NSW receiving five (5) slots, Football Queensland and FF Victoria four (4), North. NSW Football and Football West two (2); FF South Australia, FF Tasmania, ACT and FF Northern Territory each get one slot.

Manny” Muscat in Wellington’s colours. Next season he will don Melbourne City’s

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Sports 2

Parramatta Eagles kick off season with dramatic win


arramatta Eagles managed to kick off the season on a top note by clinching a nail biting 3-2 away victory at Blacktown Spartans on the opening day of the PS4NPL NSW at Blacktown Football Park. To win away at the start and clinch victory at the end, with a dramatic goal from a player with a Maltese name, Luke Grima, on 90 minutes, could not have been better. It was a tough for Parramatta who, however, showed their determination as Blacktown came from behind on two occasions to equalise. Luke came off the bench five minutes from time to score the all-important goal with a thumping volley with his first touch. The Eagles led 1-0 from a goal by Gosue Sama at half time when he

Malta’s Premier League Football

Valletta still lead but Balzan now a reality

broke through and give them the lead. The Spartans pushed forward in an attempt to reclaim control of the match and dominated the second half deservedly levelling the score through Luke Dukic in the 74th minute. The Spartans hardly had any time to celebrate as Parramatta regained the lead from an Ante Tomic two minutes later, only to lose again in the 84th minute when Martin Vazquez scored. With a few minutes remaining, the Eagles brought on Luke Grima and the Malteser secured all three points on 90 minute. Coach Franco Costantino praised the team’s fighting spirit and to said the match showed they are not there to make up the numbers this season.” P a r r a m a t t a Blacktown S v Parramatta2-3 next play on Manly U v Sutherland S 0-2 Blacktown c v Sydney U 3-2 Sunday (3pm) APIA v Sydney Olympic 1-1 against APIA Rockdale v Bonnyrigg 2-2 Wollongong v Hakoa SC 3-2 at home.

Mixed fortunes for Victoria teams Sunshine GC and Green Gully he teams associated with Maltese-AusT tralians, Sunshine George Cross and Green Gully in leagues based in the Aussie

state of Victoria under the VFF, commenced their commitments in their respective championships some weeks back. In the S4 NPL2 West Vic. Sunshine George Cross SC have already played four matches. First they drew 1-1 at home against Moreland City FC, and then followed that up with a comfortable and most impressive 5-0 away win against Bendingo City. In their third outing they disappointingly went down 3-0 at home to Whittlesea Ranger and suffered am even worst defeat last Saturday, a 4-0 reversal at North Geelong Warriors. When it comes to Green Gully, they kicked off their campaign in the PS4 NPL Vic with a 1-1 away result at Melbourne Knights, but then lost the following match at Green Gully Reserve by 2-1 to Pascoe Vale. On Day 3 they had their first win, 3-0 at home with Avondale and on Saturday, again at home, they could only get a scoreless home draw with Heidelerg.


t could become a reality that Balzan, until a few years a struggling team in the Premier division are currently being considered as challengers to Valletta and Hibernians for the league title. Their 8-0 win over Naxxar on Saturday keeps them in the hunt for the title and has continued to give them the impetus to be close to the top at the end. Balzan’s have extended their unbeaten run to 12 matches and for the second year running they are favourites to win a Europa League place from third position. Valletta stay top after their ninth win on the trot beating Naxxar, Sliema and Pembroke in the last three ties. They are four points ahead of Hibs, who like Balzan days earlier also humiliated a hapless Naxxar by 8-0. On their part after conceding 20 goals in their last three matches, Naxxar are losing their grip and along with Qormi they are facing the drop, though they have the same number of points (7) as St Andrews, who RESULTS: Round 27 have made an Valletta v Pembroke 2-0 improvement in Hibernians v Mosta 3-0 this third stage of Balzan v Naxxar L. 8-0 the competition. Birkirkara v Sliema W. 2-1 Qormi are last Floriana v St Andrews 3-1 two points adrift. Tarxien R. v Qormi 6-1 Round 26 Valletta v Sliema W. Hibernians v Naxxar L. Balzan v Floriana Birkirkara v Tarxien R. St Andrews v Pembroke Mosta v Qormi Round 25 Valletta v Naxxar L Hibernians v Sliema W. Balzan v Tarxien Floriana v Birkirkara Pembroke v Qormi Mosta v St Andrews

3-0 8-0 2-0 2-1 3-1 1-0

4-0 1-1 2-2 1-0 3-1 1-1

Standing Valletta Hibernians Balzan Birkirkara Floriana Tarxien R. Mosta Sliema W Pembroke Naxxar St Andrews Qormi

P Pts 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

42 38 36 33 30 26 19 17 16 7 7 5

Man of the Match, Parramatta’s Ante Tomic (right) in a tussle for the ball. Inset: Luke Grima, scorer of the winning goal

Australia A-League


Roar and Wanderers back in the lead

risbane Roar and Western Sydney Wanderers managed to end Day 23 sharing the top of the league ladder (with 41 points), the first after two back-to-back wins, including the 3-2 success against the Wanderers and then the 1-0 win over Melbourne V. The Wanderers are on equal pioints after their away win at Newcastle. Both the Roar and the Wanderers regained the lead thanks to Adelaide’s 1-0 home loss to Melbourne C. Adelaide are now two points behind followed by Melbourne City a point further back. Melbourne V. slipped to sixth place follow-

ing Perth Glory’s recent performances. Wins over a 10-man Newcastle Jets (2-0) and another comforatble thrashing by 4-0 of Central Coast ena- Latest results Day 23 bles the Glory Adelaide v Melbourne C 0-1 to surge into Brisbane R. v Melbourne V 1-0 Newcastle J v West. Sydney the top six. 0-1 With matches Sydney FC v Wellington P 1-3 Perth Glory v Central Coast 4-0 to come agaiDay 22 nst Wellington Brisbane R. v West. Sydney 3-2 and Newcastle P. v Adelaide 0-4 they hope of Wellington Melbourne C. v Sydney FC 3-0 finishing even Central Coast v Melbourne V 0-2 Perth Glory v Newcastle J t 2-0 higher

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