The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 128
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
May 24, 2016
Valletta, the European Capital of Culture 2018
Visitors to Valletta, Euro pean Capital of Culture 2018 might not be aware of some of the streets and buildings that make the city an interesting place to visit. This photo by Ray Anastasi of the St Barbara Bastions close to the British Hotel is one of them
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Il-President g˙all-Awstralja
inn imkejjen infurmati tajjeb, g˙alkemm mhux uffiçjali, sar mag˙ruf li li l-President ta’ Malta, lEççellenza Tag˙ha Marie-Louise Coleiro-Preca se ΩΩur l-Awstralja ©img˙at biss wara l-elezzjoni Federali Awstraljana li g˙andha ssir fit-2 ta' Lulju li ©ej. The Voice sirna nafu li l-President ©iet mistiedna tindirizza konferenza internazzjonali fil-belt ta' Adelaide u g˙alhekk se tkun tista’ tie˙u l-opportunita` biex fl-istess ˙in iΩΩur ukoll l-ibliet ta' Melbourne u Sydney fejn tkun tista tiltaqa` fost l-o˙rajn mal-komunita` Maltija, l-aktar iΩΩg˙aΩag˙, li tant huma ˙erqana li jiltaqg˙u mag˙ha. Id-dati eΩatti taΩ-Ωjara g˙ad mhumiex mag˙rufa imma qed tisemma d-data tal-14 ta' Lulju. Il-President Coleiro-Preca ilha li wriet ix-xewqa li ΩΩur lill-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra, fosthom fl-Awstralja, u anzi kienet iddikjarat dix-xewqa minn kmieni. Ftit tal-jiem ilu fil-Palazz ta' San Anton il-President iltaqg˙et mad-delegati tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta' Barra, fejn g˙alkemm kien hemm xi caqlieq xejn ma t˙abbar uffiçjalment. Hija ddikjarat ˙afna drabi li t˙oss li hi lPresident tal-Maltin huma fejn huma mxerdin mad-dinja. Il-Ministru George Vella mistenni li hu wkoll jakkumpanjaha fiΩ-Ωjara
Time running out to enrol to vote
fl-Awstralja. Jekk kif wie˙ed jistenna din iΩΩjara sse˙˙ dalwaqt, tkun twettqet ix-xewqa u wkoll il-weg˙da tal-President li g˙al aktar minn darba wrietha permezz ta’ dalmagazine, li tilmal-kotaqa’ munta` Maltija fl-Awstralja. Fl-ewwel messa©© f’The Voice b˙ala President (Ìunju 10, 2014 Nru. 77), il-President qaltilna: I look forward to meeting you all in my future visit to your beautiful adopted country. I am sure that you will make me and my delegation feel at home as you do with all the Maltese. Sitt xhur wara fil-messa©© tal-Milied (˙ar©a Nru. 91-23 ta’ Diçembru 2014) qalet: “Jekk Alla jrid, jien se ni©i fostkom biex inkun nista’ naqsam mag˙kom il-˙sibijiet tieg˙i aktar millqrib. Nixtieq nara b’g˙ajnejja l-˙ajja li tg˙ixu intom, li g˙alkemm il-bog˙od minn art twelidkom, Ωgur li tkomplu tag˙mlu unur lil din l-art li tag˙tkom isimha.
ow that the election in AusN tralia is called, people will have only seven days to enrol or
change their details. Therefore, if any of our readers have moved since the last election they
President Marie-Louis Coleiro Preca malMinistru George Vella Anzi aktar kmieni minhekk, meta fl-4 ta’ April 2014 in˙atret b˙ala d-disa’ President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta, f’diskors imqanqal, il-President ftakret ukoll fil-Maltin u lG˙awdxin imxerrdin mal-erbat irjie˙ tad-dinja, li “g˙al xi ra©uni jew o˙ra, ˙allew pajjiΩna, iΩda g˙adhom, u jibqg˙u j˙ossuhom Maltin.” Dakinhar sa˙qet: “Irridu nsa˙˙u lkuntatt mag˙hom. Irridu nkabbru lg˙arfien ta’ dawn l-ulied ta’ dan il-©ens. Irridu nuruhom li g˙alina, huma parti minna. Irridu ng˙inuhom biex jibqg˙u jg˙oΩΩu l-identità Maltija.”
would need to update their enrolment details. Young people and renters are more likely to have moved, so they may miss out on their right to vote. This is an important election; therefore make sure your friends and community are correctly enrolled to vote.
Facts about voting in Australia
t is compulsory for all Australian citizens aged 18 years or older to enrol and vote in elections, and one can be fined for not doing so. There are various ways that one can enrol to vote 1. Online through the Australian Electoral Commission’s website 2. By filling out a paper enrolment form. These forms are available at every Australia Post agency, or one can call the Australian Electoral Commission on 13 23 26 and they will send you a form. The AEC also has phone translators available in many different languages.
Most people vote on Election Day. On this day, polling places will be located at hundreds of locations throughout the state. If one cannot attend a polling place on Election Day, one can still vote.
1. At a Pre Poll Centre. These centres will be open for up to three weeks before the election. The AEC will publish a list of these locations on their website closer 2. By post. One can apply for a Postal Vote through the AEC’s website or by calling them. 3. Outside of Australia. Around the time of the election one can vote at various Australian Embassies and High Commissions throughout the world. Remember it is one’s right and responsibility as an Australian citizen to vote. It is one’s way to take part in the democratic process of the country.
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Defining a Nation (Part 2): The Reality or Otherwise of Peace by AndyBusuttil
y discussions with a number of those who fought in these conflicts, including some of my close relatives, demonstrate time and again that they hated war. That those who did go to war did not want to talk about it; in fact they could not talk about it especially to those who had never been there. To talk about it with those who ‘did not know’ would never achieve a point of connection between them. You ‘had to be there’ to understand the horrific nature of these conflicts and of their intensity. So to cement the place of these terrible events as defining moments in the life of a nation both defies the sacrifice made by these people and defiles the memory of those who died as a consequence of war. I know I will be condemned by some, perhaps many, and regarded as ‘Un-Australian’ (don’t you love that term) for saying such things. Can we come up with historical anchors other than conflict? Can we perhaps instead come up with defining moments of great beauty as our national anchors? Of aesthetics? Of great meaningful achievement? Is it possible for us to stretch our brains to those human outcomes rather than of war as the definitive moment? Up to now I’m aware that I haven’t yet opened the door to how we can achieve peace. This is because, in terms of a concept, it appears that we need war in order to define peace. There is something we have that is palpable: war and conflict. There is something that is otherwise impossible to define in the absence of its opposite and that is peace. Yet it is peace that we so deeply desire. By far the majority DO NOT WANT WAR OR CONFLICT but we’re good at creating it. Not only between nations by the way or even States or communities, but also between others and us and internally. So let’s quickly look at those things that may precipitate conflict and move us further away from peace. Attachments to ideology, nationality, religion, race, gender, sexuality or any belief are just a few of those precipitates. All of these are seen by people as
things that define who they are. ‘I am Australian’ defines me as different from someone who sees themselves as ‘Japanese’. ‘I am Christian’ will often put me in conflict with someone who is ‘Moslem’. Being a ‘Liberal’ will often put me in conflict with someone who is a ‘Laborist’. If I’m LGBIT I’m
had fleeting experiences of peace. When we have been peaceful. Perhaps oddly, some people have been described as experiencing a peaceful death. Once again this may appear to be contradictory or ironic. Yet, when we think about this deeply perhaps it is not such a During the Second World War, Malta suffered enorbizarre conmously as a consequence of Axis bombing and cept. To experiblockading. It was the most intensely bombed land ence peace at anywhere on Earth during this conflict. Yet war, for the the time we exvictors, continues to be celebrated and glorified. Can perience the there be a different way to live and a different set of proximity of human endeavours to establish as badges of honour for death. nations? Death is the negation of all often at conflict with the ‘straight’ things. It is certainly the ultimate thercommunity. Being ‘white’ will often apist. Death is the abandonment of all put me at odds with someone who is things that are known to us. It is not the end of life, only the end of our con‘dark’. However, can we move beyond this? scious experience of life. Perhaps it is I think you’ll agree that the job seems the end of our attachments, the end of pretty enormous. However, what hap- our allegiances and the end of thought. pens when we make contact with ‘the And it brings with it peace. Go figure. What is it that so drives us to want other’ as a person? As a miracle of life? As a human being with experiences of something we have never had? My proposition is that what drives us is joy, sorrow, grief, and love? When we hold the hand of the person the deep knowledge that there is next to us, the Moslem, the asylum something of great beauty in peace. That there is embracing, friendship, seeker, the Christian, the foreign born, the voter for the opposite Party to the affection without bounds, generosity, one you support, I wonder if we can humility, creativity, human and hudo them damage. Ok, let’s change that mane advancement, sensibility, care a little. When we make genuine for mother Earth, care for all life, rehuman contact with the other, can we spect and consideration, appreciation, damage them? Genuine human con- a deep sense of calm, a physical relaxtact! Contact without the burden of ation that is also mental, perhaps no sense of ‘self’ and no sense of ‘other’. ideology or belief. It is these and things like them that When we make contact with asylum seekers, with their children who are make us truly human. It is these things locked up in detention in dreadful that need to prevail beyond all things. What is it that brings us together if it conditions, when we really make contact with them, can we hurt them? isn’t that deep desire for something When we truly appreciate Mother other than conflict? We have the deEarth, could we damage those very sire. Now we need to act. To die to things that she gives us as gifts and those things that prevent peace from upon which our lives and the lives of breathing to life. Perhaps now that our children and their children so to- war has so obscenely failed us is the time to give peace a chance. tally depend? When we make contact with another human being is it not so much harder to Join us on damage them? I don’t think this is a new The Voice of the concept, the making of contact with anMaltese facebook other human being, yet we resist doing page: it. Why? What is our investment in retaining our distance and holding back from genuinely being with another person? I think we know the answer to this too but we continue to do it. There may be times when we have
Find us on: voiceofthemaltese/
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Ghanafest est Ghanaf Photo by: Jeremy de Maria’
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Isle o cial off MTV Malta Spe Special Photo by: Rene Rossignaud
03-05/06 07/06 07/06 08/06-11/07 10-12/06 18-19/06 28/06 29/06 10/07-03/08 10/07-03/08 15-17/07 15-17/07 22-24/07 22-24/07 25/07-05/08 25/07-05/08 28/07 06-30/08 15/08
Earth Garden Earth Sette Sette Giugno Figs Festival, Xaghra Xaghra Gozo Gozo 19th edition of of the Victoria Victoria International International Arts Arts Festival Ghanafest – Malta Mediterranean Mediterranean Ghanafest Folk Music Festival Agricultural Fair, Fair, Nadur, Nadur, Gozo Gozo Agricultural of MTV Malta Special Special Isle of of St. St. Peter Peter & St. St. Paul; Paul; Feast of L-Imnarja Summer Folk Festival L-Imnarja Arts Festival Malta Arts Arts Festival Sliema Arts Marsovin Summer Wine Festival Marsovin ernational Jazz Festival Malta Int International Sunscape Festival er Festival The Farsons Great Be Beer alleja in concert concert Joseph C Calleja Venditti feat. Antonello Antonello Venditti feat. Delicata Wine Festival ady The Feast ooff the Assumption o off Our LLady
concert Gianna Nannini in concert Literature Festival Mediterranean Literature Malta Mediterranean Siege Commemoration of of the Great Siege Commemoration International Folk Festival Qala International Ramazzotti in concert concert Eros Ramazzotti Independence Day Independence World Tourism Tourism Day World Notte Bianca Notte BirguFest Prix Mdina Grand Prix Festubru T Tatt attoo Malta Military Tattoo Tattoo Expo 2016 The Malta Tattoo Cats World World Championships Thunder Cats Rolex Middle Sea Race Race The Rolex Darts Open Malta Darts of the Immaculate Immaculate Feast of Conception Conception f’Ghajnsielem 09/12-03/01/17 Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem Updated Events Republic Day 13/12 Republic Calendar 25/12 Christmas Day Eve Celebrations Celebrations Year’s Eve New Year’s 31/12 New 22/08 27-29/08 27-29/08 07/09 16-18/09 17/09 21/09 27/09 01/10 01-02/10 08-09/10 08-09/10 08-09/10 09-11/10 09-16/10 22/10 08-10/11 08/12
Shows during 2016 February 28 | March 6, 13, 20 | April 3, 10, 17, 24 May 1, 8, 15, 22 | October 9, 16, 23 | November 6, 13, 20, 27 Starts at 11.00 finishes at 11.45
for more information: tel: 2291 5440/1/2 • •
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday May 24, 2016
John Aquilina presents credentials As Malta’s Ambassador to China
he sumptuous, colourful Great Hall of the People, Beijing, brilliantly decorated with massive luminous paintings, carpets and embroidery, was the scene of a simple, but moving, ceremony at which John Aquilina, U.O.M., Ambassador of the Republic of Malta, presented his credentials to His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of The People’s Republic of China. Nine other ambassadors also presented their credentials at the ceremony. Mr Aquilina was accompanied by Mr Bernard Hamilton, Deputy Head of Mission, and Mr Daniel Sammut, Second Secretary. “I was honoured to have been selected as the first of the ten ambassadors to meet with President Xi Jinping and to present to him my credentials as Malta’s twelfth ambassador to China”, Mr. Aquilina told The Voice of the Maltese. He went on to say that in doing so, he was aware that he follows in the footsteps of many illustrious colleagues, starting from his immediate predecessor, Clifford Borg Marks, and dating back to the very first Ambassador, his former acquaintance of many years, Mr Joseph Forace. During the presentation ceremony Ambassador Aquilina conveyed greetings on behalf of the President, the Government, and the People of the
H.E John Aquilina, UOM, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta (left)during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping
Republic of Malta to H.E. President Xi Jinping, and reminded the President about when, as the then Vice President of China, he had paid an official visit to Malta in February 2009. The President responded by reaffirming the warm memories of his visit to Malta and reinforced the excellent relations that exist between the two countries. President Xi said that he was cer-
tain that these relations would continue to grow in the future and expressed a cordial welcome to Ambassador Aquilina, wishing him success in his work. Other ambassadors to present their credentials on this occasion were those for the Netherlands, India, Timor-Este, the Bahamas, the Czech Republic, Moldavia, Latvia and Laos.
New Honorary Consul for Malta in Brisbane briefed @ the Chancery alta’s High CommisM sion in Canberra welcomed at the Chancery the
Ms. Sandra Micallef flanked by, H.E. Mr. Charles Muscat (left) and Dr. Joseph Pirotta
newly appointed Honorary Consul for Malta in Brisbane, Queensland, Ms. Sandra Alexandra Micallef, who made the visit for a one-day consular briefing. The High Commissioner, Mr. Charles Muscat presented to Ms. Micallef the Letter of Commission signed by the President of Malta and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, officially inducting her as the Honorary Consul for Malta with residence in Brisbane, and with jurisdiction over Bundaberg, Gold
Coast, Sunshine Coast and Roma, as exclusively revealed in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese. Ms. Micallef was also presented with other items required for the operation of the new Honorary Consulate in Brisbane. She was also briefed on the various consular services offered by the High Commission and the Consulates’ General in Sydney and Melbourne, and on how her Office would be able to assist the Maltese community in passport and citizenship applications, certifications of documents, etc.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
-irvellijiet tas-7 ta’ Ìunju 1919 huma mmarkati fl-istorja ta’ pajjiΩna b’ittri tad-deheb. G˙aldaqstant ta’ kull sena, f’Malta – u naf li anke fl-Awstralja, jng˙ata ©ie˙ lil din il-©rajja b’g˙arfien qawwi ta’ Jum Nazzjonali. Il-qofol ta’ din it-tifkira f’Malta jintla˙aq f’ri©lejn il-monument mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Monument tas-Sette Giugno, xog˙ol tal-iskultur Anton Agius, li llum jinsab fil-Ìnien Hastings, fil-kapitali Maltija, Valletta wara li ©ie me˙ud minn Misra˙ San Ìorg quddiem ilPalazz, u li wie˙ed qed jistenna li jsib post aktar xieraq, qrib il-bini tal-Parlament il-©did. Din it-tifkira ta’ quddiem il-monument issir ta’ kull sena lejlet is-7 ta’ Ìunju (fis-6). F’din lokkaΩjoni l-iSpeaker tal-Kamra tar-RappreΩentanti l-Onor. An©lu Farrugia jag˙mel id-diskors talokkaΩjoni u li fih jag˙ti speçi ta’ rendikont dwar ix-xog˙ol li jkun sar filkamra tar-RappreΩentanti u wkoll il˙sibijiet tieg˙u g˙all-quddiem. Naturalment kollox ikun marbut malirvellijiet li kienu saru l-Belt 97 sen’ilu, mag˙rufa aktar b˙ala tas-Sette Giugno. Fit-tifkira tie˙u sehem il-banda talPulizija li timmarçja minn Misra˙ San Ìorg, tul triq ir-Republika u tid˙ol fi
L-irvellijiet tas-SETTE GIUGNO 1919
Il-monument tas-Sette Giugno fil-Ìnien ta’ Hastings
tard minn Tas-Sliema, ÌuΩeppi Bajjada - G˙awdxi, Lorenzo Dyer mill-Birgu (li ma kienx miet mill-ewwel), u Karmenu Abela mill-Belt. Abela miet b’daqqa ta’ bajjunetta jiem wara, fis-16 ta’ Lulju. Dan Karmenu nistg˙u ng˙idu li miet intortament g˙ax kien mar isejja˙ lil ibnu. G˙ad hawn nies tal-familja Abela ˙ajjin. G˙axra min-nies o˙ra ndarbu. Iç-çerimonja ta’ tifkira tinkludi wkoll
it-tqeg˙id tal-fjuri f’ri©lejn ilmonument mill-iSpeaker, ilPrim Ministru, il-Kap ta’ l-OppoΩizzjoni, il-Partiti Politçi u l-Korpi Kostitwiti. LokkaΩjoni tintemm bl-Innu Ìnien Hastings. Wara li jaslu l-Prim Nazzjonali Malti . Ministru u l-Kap ta’ l-OppoΩizzjoni l-iSIt-tifkira tkompli fil-jum ta’ wara, fis-7 peaker jag˙mel id-diskors tieg˙u, ittielet wie˙ed tieg˙u f’din il-le©islatura. ta’ Ìunju, festa nazzjonali, b’çerimonja qasira iΩda tassew sinifikattiva fejn ilWara tindaqq il-fanfara u ti©i Kumitat osservata minuta silenzju fejn L-eks President Festi Nazil-˙sibijiet tal-preΩenti jmorru ta’ Malta Agatha zjonali li lejn l-erba’ vittmi li tilfu Barbara fil-jum huwa ri˙ajjithom dakinhar tal-irvelli- li fih kien inponsabbli jiet. Dawn kienu, Manuel At- kixef il-monmill-attiviment fi Pjazza tajiet ta’ San Ìor© dan il-jum ipo©©i kuruna talfjuri fuq il-qabar tal-vittmi li hemm fiç-Çimiterju talAddolorata. L-irvellijiet li se˙˙ew f’dak il-jum tal1919 kien i l h o m jin˙mew, g˙ax f’dawk iΩ-Ωminijiet f’Malta kien hawn g˙aks kbir, nuqqas ta’ dqiq u g˙oli sfrenat tal˙ajja, l-aktar tal-˙obΩ, l-aktar kel popolari mal-Maltin. Kien hawn ukoll ˙afna sensji l-aktar fitTarzna. Intemm din il-kitba dwar il-©rajja mdemmija b’vers li nebba˙ni dwaru r-riçerkatur Eddie Attard li g˙arrafni li fil-gazzetta Taljana L’ Unita` tat-12 ta’ Gunju 1919 kien intqal li kien hemm seba’ vittmi f’din il-©rajja storika ta’ Malta. Ikun interessanti li dawk li jistudjaw l-istorja ta’ Malta jissoktaw ifittxu dwar din il-pa©na tant importanti ta’ pajjiΩna.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Reskeon Seniors’ celebrate Mother’s Day A
s is the norm, a number of MalFrom left: Madeleine Vella (committe member), and tese associations in Melbourne, Mrs Salvina Vella (president) presenting a bouquet to especially, senior groups, organMary and Vince Abdilla on their golden anniversary ise special lunches for Mother's Day. It was the same this year when one of the largest and most active groups, Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group (RMASG) organised a Mother’s Day Luncheon for 148 members and their friends. A number of distinguished guests and honorary life members of the group also attended. Secretary Paul Vella, MC for the day, welcomed guests and members and invited them to stand for the Maltese and Australian National Anthems. Then Champagne was poured and all male members were requested to offer a toast for all the Mother, before all sat down for the main meal. was still Vince Abdilla, on their golden wedLater, the l i v i n g , ding anniversary (50 years of marpresident, and for riage). Salvina mums, to There followed the presentation of Vella deenjoy the trophies by the president to the winner, livered a day with and the runners-up of the Ladies Bocci message their fa- compeititon organised by Cathy Gatt, for the ocmilies. namely, Carmen Grech as winner, Toni casion of The MC Hili (first runner-up), and Cathy Gatt Mother’s then read (second runner-up). All participants in Day, wisha list of the competition then joined the trophy ing a good members winners for a group photo. day to all who weBefore concluding the activity, MC M u m s re cele- Paul Vella thanked the president, Salvwith their b r a t i n g ina Vella, who was responsible for the families t h e i r success of this function, all the memand asked birthdays bers for their presence and for enjoying them to The Bocci competition winners with their trophies. (from a r o u n d the day together as one big family in remember left): Toni Hili, Carmen Grech (winner) and Cathy Gatt this time, the occasion, that was heavily subsiand pray as well dized by Reskeon, and the managefor all those mothers who had passed those celebrating their wedding an- ment and waiting staff of the venue. away. She further wished all members niversaries. Special Wedding Anniverto enjoy the day with their Mum if she sary was that of members Mary and PaulVella
The Valletta Pageant of the Seas isitors to Malta in the next fortnight will be able to wit- the Ottoman Turks during the Great Siege of Malta. He was V ness a unique spectacle that will be taking place in the known as a very good swimmer who used to relay informaGrand Harbour on June 7 featuring various marine vessels, tion he gathered to the Knights by swimming great distances.
musicians, swimmers and much more! One of the leading activities of the Valletta Pageant of the Seas is L-G˙awma Toni Bajada, a swimming activity in which hundreds of swimmers will swim across the Grand Harbour from Fort St. Angelo towards Valletta. This swim celebrates the legendary figure of Toni Bajada, a Maltese man who used to gather information by spying on
The Valletta Pageant of the Seas is supported by, among others, Arts Council Malta, the Armed Forces of Malta, the Malta Tourism Authority, Transport Malta, Walk the Plank, the Malta Film Commission and Heritage Malta. The activity is one of a series of events being organised by Valletta 2018 to commemorate Valletta's 450th anniversary since its foundation.
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8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Victor will be greatly missed Malta’s Ambassador to China, H.E. John Aquilina writes:
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
was greatly saddened to receive the news Iandabout the passing of Victor Buttigieg. He his wife Adelaide are two outstanding stalwarts who are a great source of pride for the Maltese Australian community. I always enjoyed meeting and dealing with Victor. I know he will be greatly missed. He held strong beliefs in Malta, and all the decent things it represents.
Once he had made up his mind on something, no one could budge him. And of course, he was always right. He stood for no nonsense, spoke good common sense, and dealt with fools sparingly. With Victor’s passing, another chapter closes in the history of Maltese migration to Australia. Ann and I send our Condolences and Deepest Sympathy to Adelaide and the family. May he rest in peace.
Telfa kbira g˙all-Komunita` Maltija Nick Bonello minn Birkirkara, Malta, jikteb: 'dispjaçir sirt naf mil-qraba, u wkoll mill-Voice of the Maltese li Victor Butti©ie© ˙alB liena. Kien ˙abib kbir tal-Komunita` Maltija ta NSW, u wie˙ed mill-kolonni talMelita Eagles FC tal-1950/60/70. B˙ala uffiçjal tal-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW, Victor kien minn tal-bidunet li ©ab kontribuzzjoni g˙at-twaqqif tal-Mafkar lil ANZAC f'Malta. Jiena tlift ˙abib ta’ veru. Strie˙ fis-sliem Victor.
Na˙dmu biex Victor ma jintnesiex Manwel Borg minn St Albans, Victoria, jikteb: ˙alkemm ilni li tlaqt mill-istat ta’ NSW u min˙abba f’hekk kont ilni s-snin ma niltaqa’ ma’ Victor Butti©ie©, l-a˙bar talmewt tieg˙u ˙asditni bil-kbir. Minkejja l-eta’ tieg˙u, in-nuqqas ta’ bniedem b˙al dan li tant ta lill-komunita` Maltija se jin˙ass. Hu kien ta’ solliev anke lil s˙abu l-˙addiema, Maltin u mhumiex meta kien g˙adu ja˙dem u jirrappreΩentahom b˙al unjonista.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
Tassew li g˙andna g˙ax nibqg˙u niftakru˙. Na˙seb li forsi di©a’ hemm min ©ietu l-idea, imma nixtieq inkun ukoll fost l-ewlenin li nuri l-fehma tieg˙i biex ssir ˙idma ˙alli jkollna xi ˙a©a li biha l-komunita` Maltija tibqa’ tiftakru. Dan jista’ jsir jew b’xi bust inkella xi borΩa ta’ studju msemmija g˙alih. Na˙seb li jkunu ˙afna li lesti jg˙inu b’kull mezz ˙alli dan ise˙˙. La semmejt il-bust, na˙seb li jixraq li jekk kif nittama li s-su©©eriment tieg˙i jintlaqa’, dan jitpo©©a x’imkien fejn il-partitari talklabb tal-futbol tal-eks-Melita Eagles l-aktar, ikunu jistg˙u jarawh u jiftakru f’kemm ˙adem sa mill-bidu tal-Eagles biex flimkien ma’ o˙rajn po©©ew li dan il-klabb f’post li kien tassew jixraqlu. Victor kien fost dawk li mexxew il-kabb g˙all-aqwa unuri fi Ωmien li fih ˙afna millemigranti konna g˙adna qed nippruvaw insibu saqajna u nidraw ng˙ixu f’din l-art tant kbira wara li ˙allejna lil niesna f’Malta. Hu g˙in mhux ftit biex intaffu t-tbatija talewwel snin tag˙na u nidraw neg˙lbu l-ewwel problemi. Grazzi Victor, u j’alla l-familja tieg˙ek u ˙biebek li ˙allejt warajk issa jag˙rfu jg˙ixu ming˙ajrek bla ma jinsewk. Membri tal-komunita` Maltija, l-aktar dawk li emigraw lejn l-Awstralja fil-˙amsinijiet u s-sittinijiet g˙andna nkunu grati lejn nies b˙al Victor.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Victor: Sorely missed... and never forgotten
Mario Cassar from Manly, writes:
nybody who is familiar with A the social media was witness these past few days how popular among the Maltese community, particularly in NSW, Victor Buttigieg was. Most facebook pages run by Maltese organisations that I am subscribed to were inundated with people expressing sorrow at this great loss. Victor was known for many things, but mostly for his generosity in helping his fellow Maltese since he arrived in Australia in his youth. He was one of the bestknown figures around the community. I have friends who have been in Australia much longer than me saying about him that he was always there for anybody wanting advice, especially from those who had been finding it hard to settle down in this continent.
Condolences to his wife Adelaide and the rest of his family, but also to his friends, who, I am sure, will sorely miss his friendship. Our thoughts with his family in particular. Never to be forgotten.
ÓamruniΩ ta’ veru Gejtu Mallia, mill-Óamrun, jikteb:
-ewwel li sirt naf bit-telfa ta’ Victor Butti©ie© kien minn fuq dan il-magazine, The Voice. Imbag˙ad tkellmu dwaru wkoll nies mid˙la tal-kaΩin ta’ San Gejtnu filÓamrun fejn Victor tant kien mag˙ruf u ma˙bub. G˙alkemm bog˙od minn Malta g˙al g˙exieren ta’ snin, Victor baqa’ dejjem ÓamruniΩ ta’ veru j˙obb lil din il-belt fejn twieled u partikolarment il-kaΩin fejn ‘trabba’. F’isem il-ÓamruniΩi ng˙addi l-kondoljanzi lil familtu.
Xhieda ta’ kemm kien ma˙bub mal-komunita` John. Gatt minn Bankstown, NSW, jikteb:
l-funeral ta' Victor Buttigieg kien Iveteran xhieda qawwija ta’ kemm dan ilkien ma˙bub u rrispettat mill-komunita' Maltija ta' NSW. Kien wie˙ed mill-pijunieri, jivja©©a mili twal biex jie˙u sehem f’laqghat
u funzjonijiet anke meta da˙al fixxju˙itu. Il-mibki imma qatt minsi Victor imwieled fil-Óamrun, f’Malta kien bniedem sinçier u bla kantunieri. Imsomma tlifna wie˙ed mill-kolonni tal-komunita` Maltija. Mhux se ninsewk malajr Vic!
Appreciating all that The Voice offers its readers Paul Debono from Fairfield NSW writes: feel I must express my gratitude to those Izineproducing The Voice of the Maltese magafor the professional way they manage to deliver this interesting publication to us, its readers. Though this is not a news magazine, and it could never be as it is only published at twoweekly intervals, the last issue proved to be
even that. I like to mention in particular the news items that you carried about Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s confirmation of calling what has been called as a double dissolution federal election on July 2. I read the news on the same day that it was announced on TV, The Voice also carried last-minute news items about Malta, and singer Ira Losco’s announcement of her pregnancy. It shows that
Farewell Holroyd City Council Greg Cummings from Greystanes, NSW writes:
ou may be aware that Holroyd Council ceased to exist at noon on Thursday 12th May. The majority of the former Holroyd is now in the new Cumberland Council with a small section moving to the enlarged Parramatta Council. The role of Mayor and 11 Councillors is now being performed by Mr Viv May, Administrator, who was appointed by the State Government. If you have any questions about Council I would be happy to hear from you (, but
can only give you advice without any authority. Mr Viv May now makes all decisions. I thank you for the opportunity you gave me to serve the Holroyd community. I was first elected in 2004 and held the Mayoralty in 2009, 2015 and was elected (unopposed) for 2016. I feel very privileged that your support continued over the last 12 years and I sincerely hope that my involvement in the community is considered positive. I send my best wishes to you and your families.
the magazine is fresh and not stale. I admit to not being one who follows closely the political scene in Australia and therefore I never knew what people were talking about when they mentioned double dissolution. However, now I know what it is, thanks mainly to the well-written article about the matter by Barry York. I really like his style. I hope you keep on carrying his articles. Immediately I receive the magazine I make it a point to read most of it at one go, and articles such as those by Barry York, Maurice Cauchi, Andy Busuttil and Ivan Cauchi keep me glued to it. I am eagerly waiting to read the continuation of Andy Busuttil’s article in the last issue titled ‘The reality or otherwise of Peace’. I am not that well versed in the Maltese language but I also try to read the articles in Maltese, such as by Ivan Cauchi, Joseph Cutajar and Peter Paul Ciantar. Reading them helps me to renew my knowledge of the language. Yet for all this, we receive the magazine for free, and I also forward it to relatives of mine in the UK, who likewise always enjoy reading it. I think that I would not be off target by expressing my thanks and appreciation to the production team.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Perspettiva Il-problema tal-Ktieb il-Qaddis Q A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
ed nirreferi g˙all-ktieb (jew kollezzjoni ta' kitbiet) li jintuΩa b˙ala referenza, jew baΩi anke kompletament esklussiva, g˙al sistema ta' twemminiet, jew reli-
©jon. Iktar kmieni dan ix-xahar, er©ajt qrajt stqarrija li kienu ˙ar©u t-Talibani, il-grupp estremist Islamiku, fil-2011 meta kienu kkundannaw mara g˙all-mewt bit-t˙a©©ir fuq akkuΩa ta' adulterju. RappreΩentant tatTalibani dakinhar kien qal li dawk li jafu fuq l-Islam jafu li t-t˙a©©ir huwa fil-Koran u filli©i Islamika.1 Issa skont studjuΩi tal-Islam, din mhix strettament korretta. Jing˙ad li kien jeΩisti vers fil-Koran fuq itt˙a©©ir (rajam) li iΩda tne˙˙a matul iΩ-Ωmien. Illum it-t˙a©©ir g˙adu jissemma biss fil-Óadit,2 li hija ©abra ta' stqarrijiet u tradizzjonijiet attribwiti lill-Mawmettu mis-segwaçi tieg˙u, u miΩmuma b˙ala awtorità sekondarja biss g˙all-Koran, g˙ax dan tal-a˙˙ar inkiteb minn Mawmettu nnifsu. Dawk li huma konservattivi fl-Islam, ji©ifieri dawk li jemmnu li l-Ktieb Qaddis u l-interpretazzjoni tradizzjonali tieg˙u huma perfetti u l-a˙˙ar kelma fuq kwalunkwe su©©ett, u li m'hemm l-ebda bΩonn ta' djalogu ma' esperjenzi u xhieda morali u etiçi o˙ra madwar id-dinja, jikkonkludu li dawk ˙atja tal-adulterju g˙andhom jit˙a©©ru. It-Talibani huma eΩempju biss wie˙ed ta' nies li ©enwinament jemmnu hekk. Dawk li huma liberali fl-Islam, ji©ifieri dawk li jemmnu li l-Ktieb Qaddis irid ji©i interpretat u re-interpretat skont is-sensibbiltajiet umani u l-g˙erf tal-bniedem akkumulat sa dakinhar, u mhux biss lewwel interpretazzjoni li ©iet aççettata b˙ala awtorevoli f'dik is-sistema morali, jikkonkludu li tant hemm kundizzjonijiet li jissemmew fil-˙adit, li dik is-sentenza fil-prattika qatt m'g˙andha ting˙ata. Dan huwa eΩempju tal-problema li nara jien - li dawk li huma konservattivi ta’ kwalunkwe reli©jin, qatt ma jaslu biex ikollhom relazzjoni fuq livell ta' ugwaljanza ma' nies ta' twemmin ie˙or. Dejjem ja˙sbu li s-sistema morali tag˙hom hija perfetta u g˙alhekk superjuri fuq dik ta' ˙addie˙or, u li m'g˙andhom xejn x'jitg˙allmu minn ˙addie˙or, jew minn valuri universali. G˙alhekk, jekk hemm xi ˙a©a ˙aΩina jew anke dubjuΩa fit-twemmin tag˙hom, jew fl-interpretazzjoni ta' dak li hemm miktub, din lanqas qatt ma ti©i rikonoxxuta, a˙seb u ara rran©ata. Din tat-t˙a©©ir hija biss eΩempju wie˙ed, u mhux limitat g˙allIslam. Fit-Torah, l-ewwel ˙ames kotba tal-Bibbja Lhudija u t-Testment l-Antik tal-Insara, hemm lista s˙i˙a ta' atti li g˙alihom il-piena hija l-mewt, inkluΩ ir-ribelljoni kontra l-©enituri! Fil-prattika, din is-sentenza ma baqg˙etx ting˙ata g˙ax il-poter li ting˙ata l-piena kapitali tne˙˙iet mir-Rumani fis-sena 30 w.K., u peress li setg˙et ting˙ata biss fit-Tempju tal-Lhud (is-Sanhedrin) li twaqqa' mir-Rumani fis-sena 70 w.K. sar impossibbli sallum li jitwettaq iktar. G˙alhekk il-Lhud jevitaw li jg˙idu li huwa Ωbaljat li jing˙ata lmewt, g˙ax dan huwa preskritt mill-Ktieb Imqaddes g˙al çerti atti, u g˙alhekk bilfors tajjeb, imma s-sentenza ma tistax ting˙ata aktar.3 Il-Lhud ma aççettawx lil Ìesù b˙ala l-Messija tag˙hom, u g˙alhekk ma jaççetawx il-messa©© morali tieg˙u meta waqqaf lill-folla milli t˙a©©ar lill-adultera, u qalilhom li min hu bla dnub jitfa’ lewwel ©ebla.4 Mhux g˙ax kien Ìesù, seta' kien min kien, ladarba huwa miktub, allura ©ej minn Alla, u dik ir-rieda tieg˙u. Iddur fejn iddur, dejjem nasal g˙all-konkluΩjoni li sakemm ma t˙arisx 'il barra mit-twemmin tieg˙ek, jekk int tassumi li l-verità di©à sibtha u ma baqa' xejn iktar x'titg˙allem ˙lief iktar tag˙rif fuq it-twemmin tieg˙ek stess, m'intix se tinduna meta t-twemmin tieg˙ek mhux daqshekk ispirat wara kollox, anke jekk hu mnaqqax
kitba ta’
fil-Ktieb ilQaddis li temmen tant fih. G˙all-grazzja t'Alla, Il-Koran illum is-sensibbiltà tann i e s fis-soçjetà Ωviluppat tant li huwa rari li tiltaqa' ma' min jemmen f'kastig hekk brutali. F'dan l-aspett tat-t˙a©©ir, min hu Nisrani ©eneralment ma jemminx f'dan, g˙alkemm iktar façli ssib minnhom li ji©©ustifikaw il-piena kapitali g˙al atti kriminali, anke jekk jeΩisti l-kmandament 'la toqtolx'. G˙al min hu Nisrani (u jien wie˙ed minnhom), hu façli li jipponta subajh lejn prattiçi ta' tradizzjonijiet o˙ra, b˙at-t˙a©©ir, il-qtug˙ irras, is-swat, il-mutilazzjoni ©enitali eçç li jistg˙u ji©u ©©ustifikati minn u˙ud mill-Kotba Mqaddsa tag˙hom, u jg˙id li s-sensibbiltà ta' daΩ-Ωmien ma jippermettux dawn il-prattiçi. Hu façli, g˙ax dawn il-prattiçi mhumiex preskritti mill-Ktieb Imqaddes tag˙na (il-Bibbja) meta jitqies fit-totalità tieg˙u. Huwa ˙afna iktar diffiçli g˙al min hu Nisrani li j˙ares lejn tag˙lim li hu bbaΩat fuq il-Ktieb Imqaddes tag˙na, u jinduna li w˙ud minnhom jiΩgarraw ma' sensibbiltajiet o˙ra li qed jiΩviluppaw fissoçjetà tallum. Forsi dawn is-sensibbiltajiet mhumiex estremi b˙al li semmejt qabel, imma g˙andhom l-importanza tag˙hom. EΩempju wie˙ed huwa r-rwol tal-mara li jitqies li hu sekondarju g˙al dak tar-ra©el. Minkejja l-˙afna kliem ta' tif˙ir lejn il-mara, b'reazzjoni g˙al din is-sensibbiltà tas-soçjetà lejn l-ugwaljanza talmara, parti kbira mill-Knisja Nisranija tibqa' fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar tikkwota mill-Bibbja jew mit-tradizzjoni biex iΩΩomm mal-attitudni paternalista tag˙ha, u teskludi 'l mara mir-rwoli l-iktar importanti fl-istruttura tag˙ha. EΩempju ie˙or huwa t-tag˙lim fuq l-omosesswali, fejn huwa mistenni li ladarba San Pawl kien kontra l-omosesswali b'qawwa, allura l-Insara g˙andhom ikunu b˙alu. Veru li illum jing˙ad li l-omosesswali g˙andhom ikollhom irrispett tal-poplu, imma fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar jekk jag˙mlu dak li ji©i naturali g˙alihom, xorta ji©u meqjusin li qed iwettqu dnub. Is-sensibbiltà tal-poplu g˙as-sitwazzjoni tal-omosesswali Ωviluppat ˙afna iktar fil-pajjiΩi tal-Punent. Meta nuΩaw g˙ajnejna biex in˙arsu lejn tradizzjonijiet o˙ra u nikkummentaw dwarhom skont il-valuri tag˙na, u nippretendu lil ˙addie˙or li jibdel it-twemmin u/jew il-prattiçi tieg˙u, tajjeb ukoll li nitkellmu ma' ˙addie˙or bi djalogu sinçier u nisimg˙u il-kummenti tieg˙u fuqna b'qalb miftu˙a, u nkunu a˙na wkoll lesti li nkunu influwenzati fit-twemmin u/jew il-prattiçi tag˙na. Spiss wisq nuΩaw il-kliem ta' Ìesu 'jien hu t-triq, il-verità u l˙ajja' biex intellg˙u s-swar, nieqfu nisimg˙u u nibdew nippridkaw biss. Madankollu, ninnota li l-attitudnijiet anke f'dan il-qasam qed jinbidlu, u n-nies qed isiru iktar miftu˙a g˙al idejat ©odda minn qatt qabel, u din hija, fil-fehma tieg˙i, ˙a©a tajba. It-tiftix tal-verità hija attitudni tal-˙ajja. Jekk ma nag˙mlux dan, mhix ipokrisija?
Referenzi 1., retrieved 17/5/2016 2., retrieved 17/5/2016 3., retrieved 17/5/2016 4. John 8:7
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 11
BJORN FORMOSA Eroj ta’ Ωmienna F
il-fehma tieg˙i, eroj hu dak li blim©ieba tieg˙u u dak li jwettaq, ikun xempju g˙al-˙addie˙or, l-aktar u l-aktar meta dak li jag˙mel ma jkunx g˙all-gwadan personali tieg˙u imma mmirat lejn il-bnedmin s˙abu. Dan joqg˙od eΩattament g˙al Bjorn Formosa. Dan iΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ simpatiku ta’ 29 sena li sa ftit taΩ-Ωmien ilu kien, kif jg˙id il-Malti, “jarmi s-sa˙˙a”, beda ja˙dem g˙al rasu u bena karriera ta’ success fil-qasam Bjorn dakinhar li ©ie tal-informatika u l-gam- onorat mil-President ing, li kienet trendi. bil-midalja g˙allF’Awissu tas-sena l-o˙ra Qadi tar-Repubblika ©ie kkonfermat li kien qed ibati jqan g˙aliha. mill-marda newro-degenerattiva Beda jqajjem g˙arfien akbar dwar tal-ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) din il-kundizzjoni u jinçentiva rli ©eneralment twassal g˙al tmiem riçerka ˙alli forsi tinstab kura g˙allil-˙ajja fi Ωmien bejn tlieta u ˙ames marda billi waqqaf il-Fondazzjoni snin. ALS biex dawk milquta jkollhom F’kull jum li jg˙addi, din il-marda punt ta’ referenza u g˙ajnuna g˙asttellef lil min ibati minnha l-fakul- sitwazzjoni diffiçli li g˙addejjin jew tajiet u wie˙ed ma jkunx jista’ jistg˙u jg˙addu minnha. jibqa’ jag˙mel l-affarijiet li bniedem Bjorn mhux bniedem li j˙obb l©eneralment jista’ jag˙mel, fos- elo©ji imma dawk kollha li kienu thom il-mobilita`. jafuh qabel inkella li saru jafuh waKienet marda li lil Bjorn biddlitlu ra permezz ta’ ˙itmietu biex iwassal ˙ajtu kompletament. Biddlet ukoll il-messa©© tieg˙u, ma ˙aduhiex dik t’ommu u ta’ dawk ta’ mad- b˙ala sorpriΩa meta f’Diçembru li waru. Kellu jibda juΩa l-wheelchair g˙adda, fil-Palazz tal-President, imma l-kura©© tieg˙u u d-determi- f’g˙eluq it-42 sena ta’ Malta Repubnazzjoni li jg˙in lil ˙addie˙or sar blika ©ie onorat mill-President Mardak li g˙aΩlu minn ˙addie˙or. ie-Louise Coleiri Preca bil-midalja Bl-appo©© t’ommu li minkejja li g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika. rat lil binha, l-g˙oΩΩha ta’ ˙ajjitha G˙alkemm ma kellux bΩonn dan lf’dik is-sura, kienet determinata li unur biex jinçentivah, imma Ωgur li tg˙inu f’dak kollu li jin˙tie© biex jekk xejn g˙in lil ˙addie˙or jifhem iwettaq il-˙olma li jg˙in lil ˙ad- ix-xog˙ol li kien qed jag˙mel u li ldiehor, Bjorn sar eroj ta’ veru. Qed messa©© tieg˙u jissokta jasal. jistinka ˙alli dawk li, jew issa, inBil-g˙ajnuna tal-©enituri d-dar kella fil-©ejjieni jintlaqtu mill-istess fejn jg˙ixu dawwarha f’uffiççju marda, ma jbatux daqskemm qed minn fejn hu u s˙abu bdew ja˙dmu ibati hu. u jippjanaw kif isa˙˙u l-FondazBjorn qed jg˙ix l-a˙˙ar Ωmien li zjoni, ikabbru l-g˙arfien g˙al din ilbaqag˙lu billi jimxi mat-tag˙lim mada u tinfirex is-solidarjeta’. ta’ Kristu li mhemmx im˙abba Dil-˙idma wasslet ukoll biex ftit akbar minn dik li wie˙ed i˙obb lil tal-jiem ilu kiseb l-appo©© tal-pro˙addie˙or. gramm fuq TVM, Xarabank g˙allMinn dakinhar li ng˙ata r-riΩultat idea tieg˙u li jittella’ programm tad-dijanjoΩi tal-marda fuqu, Bjorn speçjali ta’ ©bir ta’ fondi b’riΩq ALS beda ja˙dem ˙alli joffri kwalita’ ta’ Malta. B’rie˙et hekk, in©abret is˙ajja a˙jar lil dawk milquta mill- somma ta’ €437,462. marda li s’issa g˙ad mhemmx feImma dan mhux biΩΩejjed. Hemm
qawl li jg˙id: “G˙in ru˙ek biex Alla jg˙inek”, u f’dan il-kas, Bjorn mexa wkoll mal-idjoma li “leΩempju jkaxkar”. IΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ Bjorn hekk g˙amel u waqt il-programm, hu nnifsu ta donazzjoni ta’ €100,000 li kien faddal u li wara li ˙ar©itlu l-marda kien be˙siebu li juΩaha biex i˙allas ˙alli jdur iddinja. Minflok iddeçieda li jwaqqaf il-fondazzjoni u jag˙ti din is-somma b˙ala donazzjoni filkampanja ta’ ©bir ta’ fondi b˙ala ©est ta’ solidarjeta`, biex wara li jhalli din id-dinja, l-fondazzjoni tkompli b’˙idmietha. “Il-marda tieg˙i qed tg˙a©©el. G˙alija ftit hemm tama. IΩda ddeçidejt li na˙dem biex ta’ warajja ma jbatux b˙ali. Mill-wirt tieg˙i, f’˙ajti, qed in˙alli din is-somma biex tkompli rriçerka dwar din il-marda kiefra u biex tg˙in b’mod immedjat lil min qed ibati fis-skiet. Jien u min hu b˙ali nistg˙u nifhmu t-tbatija li tfiser din il-marda,” qal Bjon. Xtaq li jing˙ata cans ie˙or u ti©i mi©©ielda din il-marda kiefra. Fi tmiem il-©abra qal li ˙assu b’doΩa qawwija ta’ ener©ija ˙alli jkompli jag˙mel id-differenza fil˙ajja ta’ min b˙alu hu marid bl-ALS. JosephCutajar
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta commits itself to expose, fight corruption and support those who have suffered from it
tremism. The Summit demonstrated the deep commitment of a significant number of countries, businesses and members of civil society to work together to tackle this scourge. In order to do this the participants said they should build on and implement existing international agreements – but also go much further, making this a top priority at home and abroad and building capacity to tackle the problem. They also are committed to expose corruption wherever it is found, to pursue and punish those who perpetrate, facilitate or are complicit in it, to support the communities who have suffered from it, and to ensure it does not fester in one’s government institutions, businesses and communities. The participants also agreed to fulfil their shared commitment to ‘substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms’. When it comes to PM Joseph Muscat he set out a commitment to establish a central register of company beneficial ownership inforProfessor Edward Scicluna (left) mation for companies with Sir Suma Chakrabarti incorporated in Malta, and ensure that law enforcement agencies and other legal entities reguring the Annual Meeting barti as president of the Bank istered within their juand Business Forum of for the coming fouryear period. risdiction have full and the European Bank for ReconMalta has been a shareholder effective access to it in struction and Development of the EBRD, which is owned line with the EU Direc(EBRD) recently held in Lon- by 65 countries, since the bank tives that comes into don, Malta’s Minister for Fi- was founded in 1991 to sup- force in 2017. nance, Professor Edward port the transition to market “We are committed to Scicluna, was appointed Vice economies and democracies implementing bilateral Chair of the Board of Gover- after the collapse of commu- arrangements that will ensure that law ennors, for the period 2016- nist rule in Eastern Europe. 2017. Professor Scicluna had Malta’s relationship with the forcement authorities also served in that position EBRD has continued to grow in one partner country during the 2014-2015 period. in recent years and has seen have full and effective During the meeting, that was Malta renew its support to the access to the beneficial held with the theme: ‘Influenc- Bank in a period when the ownership information ing Change - the next 25 years’ Bank’s mandate is being ex- of companies incorpothe governors also voted and tended to North Africa and the rated in the other partner countries, he said. reaffirmed Sir Suma Chakra- Middle East. t the end of the Anti-corruption Summit in London convened by UK prime minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was signatory to a communiqué setting out a common approach to tackling corruption, as agreed by participating countries and, where appropriate, international organisations. The summit also agreed on a global declaration against corruption, presented at a time fraught with global suspicion over the revelations of the Panama Papers, and the effects of the offshore industry on national tax bases. It declared that, 1. Corruption should be exposed - ensuring there is nowhere to hide; 2. The corrupt should be pursued and punished and those who have suffered from corruption fully supported; 3. Corruption should be driven out – wherever it may exist. It said that corruption is at the heart of so many of the world’s problems, and that it must overcome efforts to end poverty, promote prosperity and defeat terrorism and ex-
EBRD post for Finance Minister
Joseph Muscat speaking to the press at the end of the summit Malta is also committed to deploying public-private information sharing partnerships over the medium to long term, to bring together governments, law enforcement, regulators and the financial sector to detect, prevent and disrupt money laundering linked to corruption. Malta is in the implementation phase of the necessary frameworks and legislations to support such commitments, and is also committing to implement the principles of the Open Contracting Data Standard and enhance its current systems which are in line with EU and international standards. It will apply such standards to major projects in energy, health and infrastructure sectors. Muscat spoke briefly about what happened in Malta after former Energy and Health Minister had set up an offshore company in Panama. He said he would grant law enforcement agencies full access to beneficial ownership information for companies. He went on to say that whilst the emphasis on politicians is due, because they are in public office, the issue of corruption is not just limited to politicians but also to sports and commercial enterprises, the judiciary, even the distribution of international aid. “There isn’t one single country or sector that is immune from this phenomenon (of corruption),” he said. “We also commit to undertake IMF Fiscal Transparency Evaluation, punish the corrupt and support those who have sufferedfrom corruption,” he added. Referring to what happened in Malta, he said that part of the national debate on Panama Papers was about a legal system that however might not be correct. He then also mentioned the Nationalist Party’s so-called ‘Cedoli’ loans’ scheme, at the same time insisting that in his opinion the scheme defeats the purpose of the party financing law.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
IPP applicants invest in 27 new companies in Malta
ince the introduction of the Citizenship Investment Programme (IIP) in 2014, 143 applicants have successfully been granted Maltese citizenship. Between them these new Maltese citizens have invested €38 million in the renting and purchasing of properties on the island. Answering a Parliamentary question, Minister for Justice Dr. Owen Bonnici said that since the introduction of the scheme up to the end of March this year, Malta had received 667 applications of which 274 have already been approved; 84 were rejected because they did not satisfy the requisites of the programme. There are another 328 applications that are currently being scrutinised, while 143 applications have completed the process and have been granted citizenship. The minister further stated that 116 applicants have hired properties that over a five-year period would yield €12 million in rent to a number of house/apartment owners. A further 27 have purchased properties worth €25 million. The rental or purchase of property is one of the criteria needed to satisfy the required stipulations for citizenship besides also having to make a financial contribution of €650,000 to the government and a further investment of €15,000 in government bonds. The minister went on to say that 23 of the applicants had
launched 27 compaDr. Owen nies in Malta beBonnici tween them, and there might also be others who had not notified to Identity Malta. He also did not exclude that might be others of which the agency was unaware of. A further criterion is that of making a philanthropic contribution and the agency has reported that a total of 68 donations totalling €791,000 have been made, but again he excluded that other hitherto unknown donations have also been made. The Individual Investor Programme (IPP) is an EU approved Malta Citizenship by Investment programme whereby investors in Malta who can show special personal attachments to the island can apply for Maltese citizenship and passport. It offers them this opportunity to acquire Maltese citizenship through a contribution of some €1.15 million in cash, bonds, investment and real estate, with an obligatory residency clause of one year.
Malta setting up National Aerospace Centre
Minister Edward Zammit Lewis (standing right witnessing signing of MoU
Malta’s “Vibrant economic environment” leads to increase in more profits for SFC and an investment for De La Rue
imonds Farsons Cisk plc has reported a profit of €11.2 million for the financial year ending 31 January 2016, with a group turnover of €85 million, which is a 7.2% growth over the previous year, and with pre-tax profits jumping by 22.8% to €10.1 million. Group chairman Louis A. Farrugia explained that this strong performance was “positively influenced by a vibrant economic environment spurred on by record tourist arrivals and increased consumer demand for Farsons products.”
e La Rue, the world’s largest D company producing security products for the international mar-
ket, has announced the launching of a €27 million investment programme to build a centre of excellence in Malta producing secure identity products, including passports. It said the investment would make Malta a leader in this important sector as it invests in new equipment and skills over the next eighteen months. It would be transferring its facility in Gateshead, UK to Malta. It would no longer print banknotes.
alta has registered another landmark in the development of its aviation sector when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Dutch National Aerospace Centre (NLR), for the setting up of the National Aerospace Centre (NAC). At the launch, the Minister for Tourism Edward Zammit Lewis said that the establishment of the Centre, which will involve an investment of around €30 million from EU funds, will contribute towards greater prosperity for the local aviation sector and for the country as a whole. He said that this project was accomplished through the joint efforts of the Ministry for Tourism, the Dutch National Aerospace Centre, and the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST). He pointed out that the Maltese aviation sector has become a significant player in the economic development of the Maltese islands estimated to currently directly contributing 2.5% to Malta’s GDP while providing some 5,500 jobs, accounting for 3.4 percent of the total workforce.
“Our endeavours in this regard are spurred by one over-riding objective, to transform Malta into a fully-fledged aviation centre that supports the entire spectrum of aviation-related activities,” the minister said. He added that this growth meant a need for more trained and skilled workers in the sector and reaffirmed the continuous support to the industry in the development of a more professional and innovative workforce, in collaboration with the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology and the Institute for Aerospace Technologies within the University of Malta. Dr Zammit Lewis explained that the Government aimed to encourage research in avionics, air traffic management, unmanned aerial systems and material development. He further emphasised that the Aerospace Centre would give the opportunity to dedicated, qualified and experienced professionals to participate in international research while also cooperating with foreign researchers who are involved in aerospace-related developments within worldwide institutions and companies.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Iva issa anke fil-Eurovision? l-Eurovision Song Contest ©ie u mar. Jidher li g˙add ©mielu ta’ Maltin Awstraljani bakkru kmieni biex isegwuh kemm biex jissapportjaw lil Malta, kif ukoll g˙ax il-pajjiΩ fejn jg˙ixu, wkoll ˙a sehem f’dan l-avveniment li f’Malta jing˙ata tant importanza. Malta nistg˙u ng˙idu li marret tajjeb f’dan il-Festival min˙abba li wara g˙add ta’ snin il-kanzunetta Maltija g˙amlitha g˙all-finali u rnexxielha sa˙ansitra til˙aq irraba’ poΩizzjon fil-votazzjoni tal-©urija. Dan ˙are© çar minn korrispondenza Sfortunatament, fl-a˙˙ar ©ralha kif ©ara lill-kanzunetta tal-Awstralja, li ng˙atat daq- bejn kontributur mag˙ruf ta’ The Times qa sewwa mill-vot popolari. Vot li ˙afna u preΩentatur tan-Radju tal-Partit Nazdrabi huwa nfluwenzat sewwa minn dawk zjonalista, n-Net. Kienet korrispondenza il-pajjiΩi li jivvutaw lil xulxin g˙ax huma li min kien qed jibg˙atha “˙aseb” li kienet privata, iΩda fil-fatt intbag˙tet ©irien, g˙ax i˙addnu poltika wa˙da, eçç.. U din is-sena, l-vot jidher li ©ie nfluwen- permezz ta’ Twitter b’mod pubbliku zat ˙afna mit-tema li ©ibdet ˙afna mog˙- (ara lemin). Il-kontribut ta’ The Times kiteb hekk: drija fi Ωmien meta l-pajjiΩ li reba˙ il-festival, l-Ukrajna, g˙addej minn martirju s˙i˙. Can you imagine the good feel factor if the bitch wins. S’hawn wie˙ed jaççetta dak li se˙˙. U ma kienx kuntent li sejja˙ lil mara Li ma tantx niΩilli tajjeb, u na˙seb li ˙afna jaqblu mieg˙i, hu t-tentattiv sfrenat ta’ (il-kantanta) tqila ‘bitch’, g˙ax biex w˙ud biex anke f’dan il-qasam, wie˙ed ta’ ikompli jimplika l-mottiv politiku ftit wara kiteb: “the mother fucker will call kultura u divertiment, ida˙˙lu l-politika. Wara li g˙al ©img˙at s˙a˙ tidher l-g˙aqda an election” Sintendi referenza çara fost il-Maltin, b’kul˙add jawgura lil Ira g˙all-Prim Ministru. Malli sar mag˙ruf dan qamet g˙ag˙a Losco li jkollha suççess, bdiet tidher xi korrispondenza f’tentattiv li jintefa` dell s˙i˙a li wasslet biex dan il-kontributur ikrah fuqha. Imbag˙ad propju dakinhar tal- ta’ The Times (avukat) g˙amel apoloFestival ˙are© fil-bera˙ li dak li kien qed ©ija, bil-gazzetta The Times ukoll tisjing˙ad minn ta˙t, ma kienx l-istess b˙al kuΩa ru˙ha. IΩda jekk ried ikun hemm prova kemm dak li kien qed jing˙ad fil-pubbliku. minn ta˙t kienet g˙addejja kampanja politika ˙are© çar minn dak li deher ukoll fil-©urnal l-ie˙or The Malta Independent fejn on line, l-editur kiteb:
Labour fails to win Eurovision Allega li @ Labour did all in its power to win the Eurovision Song Contest. Not for Ira to win, but for Labour to win. They would have loved to organise the event next year right in the middle of the EU presidency......... they would have used it as a launching pad leading up to the election. Kitbiet b˙al dawn malajr ©abu firda..
g˙ax sfortunatament kien hemm min ma baqax i˙ares lejn dan l-avveniment b˙ala wie˙ed li jg˙aqqad lin-Nazzjon, iΩda b˙ala mezz ie˙or biex nift˙u diskussjoni purmanet politika... xi ˙a©a li Ωgur mhux se tag˙mel ©id lill-kanzunetta Maltija, g˙ax Ωgur li se t˙alli l-effett tag˙ha fuq il-kantanti li xi darba jit˙ajjru jirrappreΩentaw lil Malta. Ìab ukoll l-istmerrija ta’ dawk li dejjem ˙arsu lejn dan l-avveniment bhala mod kif Malta ssir mag˙rufa. (Ara rapport dwar il-kompetizzjoni f’pa©na 19)
Stilista Awstraljan la dubju li ˙afna minn dawk li raw il-Eu- so beautifully, and testament to that is how B rovision Song Contest f’xi ˙in jew ie˙or wonderfully she’s performing on stage.” ikkummentaw dwar il-libsa ta’ Ira Losco “I feel like I’m an honourary Maltese per-
(xellug). Li forsi xi Maltin ma jafux hu li l-libsa ©iet iddisinjata mill-istilista Awstraljan Alex Zabotto-Bentley li ˙adem ukoll ma’ diversi kantanti mag˙rufa b˙al Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue and Prince. Tant ˙adem bil-qalb ma Ira Losco u t-tim li stqarr:“I feel like I’m an honourary Maltese person… I’m the pastizzi king of Sydney now,” u Ωied, “I’m over-joyed that it’s worked
son… I’m the pastizzi king of Sydney now,” u Ωied, “I’m over-joyed that it’s worked so beautifully, and testament to that is how wonderfully she’s performing on stage.” KurΩita’ o˙ra dwar l-istess festival kienet li f’Malta xterrdu g˙ajdut li jekk l-Awstralja kienet se tirba˙ il-festival, dawn kienu ser jag˙Ωlu lil Malta b˙ala l-post fejn is-sir il-festival tas-sena d-die˙la. Dan billi skont ir-regolamenti dan bilfors isir fl-Ewropa.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday May 24, 2016
David Cameron (xellug) u Joseph Muscat
In˙allsu tal-kastig il-Qrati nistg˙u ng˙idu li F hemm Ωew© tipi ewlenin ta’ kastigi: il-multi u l-˙abs.
Imma qatt g˙addielkom minn mo˙˙kom id-differenza finanzjarja li tg˙addi bejn dawn ilkastigi? Sempliçi ˙afna: il-kasig talewwel irendi... g˙ax il-Gvern ida˙˙al l-eluf mill-multi, filwaqt li tat-tieni jg˙abbi lill-Istat u fuq kollox lilna li n˙allsu ttaxxi, b’piΩ finanzjarju. U l-piΩ mhux wie˙ed ˙afif tafux, g˙ax skont riçerka li g˙amlet il-Fondazzjoni Rise, b'kollaborazzjoni mad-Dipartimen tas-Soçjolo©ija fl-Univer-
sità ta' Malta, nstab li n-nefqa annwali li jiddedika l-istat g˙all˙abs tla˙˙aq il-€11-il miljun. Hemm ukoll l-ispiΩa ta' programmi ta' rijabilitazzjoni, b˙al probation, li hija ta' €1.1 miljun. Dan minbarra l-miljuni l-o˙ra li jintefqu biex inΩommu lQrati. Infatti skont dan l-istess st˙arri© jo˙ro© li jekk persuna tinΩamm arrestata g˙al 48 sieg˙a, l-ispiΩa titla' g˙al €2,000. Apparti dan, missomma annwali ta' €14-il miljun iddedikata lill-Qorti, €7 miljun minnhom imorru g˙allkaΩijiet kriminali.
G˙ajjur! Jidher li l-Prim Ministru IngliΩ, David Cameron g˙andu relazzjonijiet tajba ˙afna mal-Prim Ministru Malti Joseph Muscat, imma ma tantx ˙a pjaçir li Malta qabΩet lill-
Ingilterra fil-qasam tad-drittijiet LGBTIQ. Infatti g˙al erba’ snin wara xulxin l-Ingilterra dejjem ©iet ikklasifikata minn ILGA E u r o p e b˙ala lewwel f’dan is-settur. Imma dissena r-Renju Unit waqa’ fit-tielet post, u propju l-ewwel post ˙aditu Malta. Tant ˙adha bi kbira, li ©ie rapportat li f’ta˙dita fl-uffiççju tieg˙u, mag˙ruf a˙jar b˙ala No 10, Cameron qal: “Irrid dak l-ewwel post mill-©did.”
X’laqatna mill-Qorti
ill-˙abs immorru l-Qorti u b˙as-soltu nsemmi xi kawΩi li laqtuni, fosthom dik fejn missier G˙awdxi ©ie lliberat minn abbuΩ fuq bintu. Mhux se nid˙ol fuq il-kaΩ g˙ax li laqatni kien dak li qal il-Ma©istrat Joe Mifsud meta ta s-sentenza. Hu rrimarka li ken g˙ajb g˙assoçjetà u g˙all-familj, meta jit˙awdu l-elementi ta’ Ωina (rikjesti g˙all-akkuΩa ta’ korruzzjoni ta’ minorenni) ma’ dawk ta’ m˙abba u rispett ta’ ©enitur fil-konfront tattfal tieg˙u, li jinkwieta li t-tfal tieg˙u ikunu morda u jag˙mlilhom dak li g˙andhom bΩonn u jie˙u ˙siebhom, g˙aliex inkella se naslu fi stat ridikolu. “Inkunu wasalna fi stat fejn il-missier ma jistax jg˙annaq lil bintu, fejn il-missier jibΩa' jag˙ti banju lit-tfal tieg˙u ta’ ftit snin li ma jmurx ji©i akkuzat b’korruzzjoni tal-minuri u ma jistax lanqas biss jikkunsidra li jirrikorri biex jie˙u ˙sieb bintu meta din tkun g˙adha Ωg˙ira u tkun ma’ tiflahx.” Na˙seb li fil-fatt di©a` wasalna, kif stqarr il-Ma©istrat fejn f’çerti kaΩi, “fejn il-missier ma jistax jg˙annaq lil bintu jew jibΩa' jag˙ti banju lil uliedu” Mill-Qorti wkoll nislet kaΩ ie˙or fejn forsi wie˙ed jistaqsi b˙al li jg˙id il-proverbju IngliΩ: “If the law is an ass?”. G˙ax ma nafx x’li©ijiet g˙andna li jwa˙˙luk skont jekk tg˙ajjarx lil xi ˙add jg˙ix f’Malta jew barra minn Malta. Iva hekk qeg˙da l-li©i Maltija. Dan ˙are© çar minn kaΩ li kellna dan l-a˙˙ar fejn gwardjan tal-˙abs fuq facebook g˙amel kumment razzist li skont il-li©i Maltija suppost iwassal biex dak li jkun je˙el
multa u sa˙ansitra anke l-˙abs. IΩda dan il-kumment kien indirizzat lejn persuni li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta u l-Qorti ma setg˙et tag˙mel xejn ˙lief li tillibera lil dan il-gwardjan billi l-li©i Maltija tg˙id li biex wie˙ed jinstab ˙ati li inçita’ mibeg˙da jew razziΩmu, ir-referenza trid tkun g˙al persuni li jkunu f’Malta, mentri l-akkuΩat kien qed jirreferi g˙al nies li kienu barra. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li l-ma©istrat insista li l-li©i g˙andha tinbidel... U na˙seb li g˙andna bΩonn induru dawra sewwa l-li©ijiet li m’g˙adhomx jg˙oddu g˙aΩ-Ωmien tal-llum meta d-dinja çkienet daqshekk. G˙alkemm biex ng˙id kollox il-Ma©istrat xorta wa˙˙lu €5,000 wara li dan ametta li g˙amel uΩu ˙aΩin minn apparat elettroniku. Insomma kif jg˙id il-Malti fl-a˙˙ar milla˙˙ar “˙eles mill-miΩieb u we˙el fil-qattâra.” L-a˙˙ar wa˙da mill-Qorti hu l-kaΩ ta’ koppja li g˙andha l-vizzju tad-droga. Serqu karozza, kompjuter telefown çellulari u kamera tarritratti. Mi©juba l-Qorti dawn sostnew li g˙amlu dak li g˙amlu biex jinqabdu mill-pulizija, g˙ax b’ri˙et hekk setg˙u jintbag˙tu g˙al programm ta’ riabilitazzjoni mid-droga peress li l-appuntament li kienu ng˙ataw kien g˙al diversi jiem o˙ra. Fil-waqt li ma tax il-liberta’ proviΩorja liΩ-Ωew© akkuΩati, il-Ma©istrat issu©©erixxa li huma jibdew il-programm tar-riabilitazzjoni millvizzju li g˙andhom.. Issa meta jasal il-waqt li ting˙ata s-sentenza naraw jekk l-iskuΩa tag˙hom ©ietx aççetata jew le.
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16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Long election campaign P
rime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has given his consent to the longest election campaigns in Australia's history, showing up the spectre of more political instability in Australia, where infighting among the leading parties has resulted in a revolving door of Prime Ministers. Malcolm Turnbull, considered a moderate in the conservative Liberal Party-led coalition government, became the fourth leader in two years when he deposed right-wing predecessor Tony Abbott in an internal party coup in September. He goes to the polls as Australia, renowned for its almost unscathed survival of the global financial crisis, finally shows signs of a slowdown. Its future, once pegged to iron ore and steel, is now likely to hinge on its success in grabbing export markets for agriculture, education and pharmaceuticals in a rapidly modernising Asia. “We live in an era when the scale and pace of economic change is unprecedented through all of human history,” Turnbull told reporters after setting the election in motion. “In a few years more than half of the world's middle class will be living in Asia,” Turnbull said. “The opportunities for Australia are enormous.” Labor leader Bill Shorten has been quick to paint Turnbull, a multi-millionaire lawyer and former tech entrepreneur, and the coalition as friends of big business. “They are pursuing a policy to reward big tax cuts to major corporations,” Shorten, who has promised major spending on health and education said. Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek believes voters would be “horrified” by another hung parliament. The latest opinion polls have the two major parties at 50-50, raising the possibility of a similar result to 2010, which saw Julia Gillard govern with the support of Greens and independent MPs. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in Brisbane, there was “absolutely no chance” he would accept the minor party's support in minority government. Labor leader Bill Shorten, campaigning in Townsville, said there would be “no deals” with the Greens. “We're in it to win it,” he said. But Ms Plibersek went further in her condemnation of the Greens, saying the compromises made by the Gillard government had “cost us quite dearly”.
Bishop Vincent Long
A new bishop for Parramatta
Having visited many detention he Bishop of Parramattadesignate, Bishop Vincent centres around the country, Long Long OFM Conv, 54, la- could described them as a “prison”. He said he was eager to engage belled detention centres “prisons”, and in his new role hopes to tackle with the migrant communities and youth radicalisation and the percep- help govern policy. “I think I have tion of asylum-seekers, reports The some insight into how refugees transition into a new life in AusDaily Telegraph. While Bp Long, has called Aus- tralia and the kind of challenges tralia home since 1981. A few ye- they have to deal with. I hope to be ars earlier he was fighting for able to engage them and help the freedom when he fled Vietnam to public to have a more humane and Malaysia by boat after the Commu- positive engagement.” Another priority for Long will be nist government disbanded the help young people avoid Islamic seminary he had joined in 1972. “I spent 16 months in a refugee radicalisation. “Youths, whether camp in Malaysia. It was almost in- they’re Muslim or otherwise, face very similar challenges of sense of habitable.” he said. Long was appalled by Australia’s belonging, sense of self-worth and current stance on asylum-seekers. sense of identity, so we need to “I regret that Australia has adopted help them come to terms with these a very harsh and cruel policy to- issues and make them realise that wards asylum-seekers. They’ve every culture and religion has its lehad to deal with enough trauma and gitimate place in our society.” adversity coming to Australia, and then putting them in these horrible situations to increase that ollowing a powerhouse performance of trauma.” her song 'Sound of Silence' at the recent Eurovision Grand Final in Stockholm (see page 19), Dami Im said she was grateful that Australia was happy to send her as their representative. “I want to shed light on Australia as a multicultural place, accepting of immigrants like me. I hope it created a good image of Australia,” she said. The singer and songwriter born in South Korea in 1988, emigrated to Australia with her family at the age of nine. Only hours after leaving the Eurovision green room Dami Im appeared relaxed and visibly relieved that the craziness of the week has finally come to an end. “The crowd was incredible and I was enjoying the moment” she said. “It was so crazy”. She said she was flattered that the professionals (vote of all nations) gave her the highest votes.
Dami so grateful to Aus
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday May 24, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Key role for Stan Grant
Trouble on the waterfront again
rime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and opposition leader Bill Shorten jointly announced that following the departure of Patrick Dodson, who has resigned to become a Senate candidate for Labor, indigenous broadcaster and TV personality Stan Grant has been appointed to the Referendum Council. “Mr. Grant’s extensive experience and commitment to constitutional recognition and indigenous affairs will be invaluable in the role as a member of the Referendum Council,” they said in a joint statement. The Referendum Council was established last December to advise on referendums on recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution. Grant has become a strong advocate for indigenous relations and was considering running for Parliament following the public response to a speech he gave on racism in the IQ2 Racism debate in October last year.
Stan Grant In that speech he noted that racism was killing the Australian dream. “The Australian dream is rooted in racism,” a steely-eyed Grant told the audience. “It is the very foundation of the dream. It is there at the birth of the nation. It is there in terra nullius.” Mr. Grant made reference to lyrics in the national anthem “Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free” - to highlight the shocking reality about indigenous disadvantage. “My people die young in this country. We (indigenous Australians) die 10 years younger than average Australians,” he said. “We are far from free. An indigenous child is more likely to be locked up in prison than they are to finish school.”
tevedoring Company Patrick is considering locking out workers from its ports, after employees overwhelmingly voted to reject the company's pay offer. The company said 98 per cent of the 827 workers voted against a 9 per cent pay rise over four years. The vote was run independently of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), through Elections Australia. The MUA's deputy national secretary Will Tracey said the union was open to negotiation. “Patrick appear to have a run an expensive and time-consuming ballot to simply confirm what we had been telling them. It's time to get the discussions back on track now this distraction is over,” he said. Patrick and the MUA have been locked in a year-long battle over wages and conditions, with workers striking at several ports throughout this year. In 1998, Patrick locked out 1,400 of its workers across the country, when a showdown with the MUA came to a head. Patrick
hit out against the union, releasing the average wages of its workers as proof employees were “extremely well paid"” The company said the average Melbourne port terminal worker received $159,372 a year, rising to $174,000 in four year. The figures revealed the average wages at four terminals, including at Sydney's Port Botany, where the average pay was $170,730. The figures include salary, bonuses, superannuation and overtime. The company said that was in addition to five weeks of paid annual leave and six rostered weeks off a year for permanent employees. The MUA has not disputed the current average wages released by Patrick, but said the projected salaries under the pay deal were wrong. “Those figures are wildly inaccurate,” Mr. Tracey said. The MUA said other than pay, unresolved issues with the company included job security, allocation of labour, safety clauses and officers and productivity bonus systems.
An incredibly cruel decision
n analysis of Australian Bureau of A Statistics data shows that in a decade, the number of over-45s who say they will not retire before turning 70 has dramatically increased, from 8 per cent to 23 per cent. Seniors’ groups say the figures indicate people are ageing in a much healthier way and want to keep working, but also reveal deep “financial uncertainty” among older workers following a series of superannuation and pension changes. According to the ABS, the most common factor influencing people's decisions on when to retire was financial security (40 per cent of men, 35 per cent of women). This was followed by personal health and physical abilities (23 per cent of men and women) and reaching eligibility age for a pension (13 per cent of men and women). United Voice - the union representing some of the country's lowest-paid workforces - said the findings were an indictment on former Prime Minister Tony Abbott's decision to freeze an increase to employer super contributions, which had been scheduled to reach 12 per cent by 2019. “This was incredibly cruel and shortsighted and will have a devastating impact
on workers,” union state secretary Jess Walsh said. “It is no surprise that more and more people are delaying their retirement,” Ms Walsh said, adding that the pension was clearly “not keeping up” and Australians were finding it harder to accumulate enough superannuation to top up the pen-
sion to a reasonable level. She said the value of the minimum wage had gone backwards nearly 10 per cent in two decades, making it even harder to accumulate enough superannuation. “Our members work hard, they pay their taxes, and yet they can't afford to retire with dignity.”
Çelebrazzjoni Annwali tas-Sette Giugno (7 ta’ Ìunju 1919) f’Civic Park Pendle Hill NSW il-Óadd 5 ta’ Ìunju fil-11.00 am Ing˙aqdu mal-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW biex infakkru b’solennita` u qima din il-©rajja storika
Is-7 ta’ Ìunju hi festa nazzjonali f’Malta. F’dan il-jum il-©ens Malti jfakkar meta 96 sen’ilu rvella kontra l-okkupazzjoni militari IngliΩa u erba’ eroj Maltin, Manwel Attard, ÌuΩe` Bajada, Lorenzo Dyer u Carmelo Abela nqatlu; 50 o˙ra sfaw feruti. Kul˙add mistieden, bl-g˙aqdiet Maltin im˙e©©a j©ibu mag˙hom l-istandardi. Jitpo©©ew ukoll fjuri fuq il-monument.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Young Violeta to record her first single
leven-year-old singer and composer Violeta Bozanic, the daughter of Sydney-born of Gozitan parents Roseanne BozanicGrima and her Bosnian father Dejan whom we featured in our February 16, 2016 issue of The Voice of the Maltese, is reportedly being very excited at the prospect of recording, and releasing her first single, ‘Baby I’m Sorry’ that she herself wrote, in Sydney at the end of June. Violeta Bozanic, from The Ponds, caught the eye of the judges who praised her amazing composure and mature voice during the semifinals of Australia’s Got Talent contest earlier this year. Since then her musical career has taken off in a big way. Young Violeta whose dream is to become a successful music artist is now working with music producer Steve Peach – who has worked with the likes of Olivia Newton John, Kylie Minogue, Gwen Sefani, Marcia Hines and The Voice contestants among others – to record her first single. In the meantime, the Northmead High Schoolgirl keeps performing at charity shows, the latest being last
week’s Illuminate Festival where she brought the house down with her rendition of American singer Meghan Trainor’s “Like I’m gonna lose you”, an upbeat sort of pop ballad. Violeta told Rouse Hill Times, that carried the news of her upcoming single under the heading, ‘Young talent shines bright’, “It’s been a great journey since I took part in Australia’s Got Talent because it has opened the
door to other opportunities. I love doing the charity shows and last year sang for a charity CD, which was sold in the US and Canada.” Talking about her first single, Violeta who also plays the piano at shows said: “I am very excited about recording my first single, which I wrote last October. It’s an emotional song and I am trying to improve the song all the time. “We plan to release it by the end of June once everything has been done to perfection.”
SBS at it again!! oung Destiny Chuckunyere did Malta proud Y once again during the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm, that is when, watched by millions
around the world she invited everyone to Malta in November when it would be hosting the Junior Eurovision contest, that the 14-year-old won last year. However, this was not deemed important by the powers-that-be at SBS (Australia) who conveniently cut her segment out of the Eurovision final re-broadcast on Sunday night (maybe to be able slot in another advert or two?). This is the second time that SBS has done the same thing (previously with Gaia Cauchi two years ago) maybe SBS should reconsider calling its Eurovision re-broadcast "highlights"? Shame! Destiny said she was so lucky to win the Junior, and that she is working on some new songs and wanted to invite everybody to Malta for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. (Report on Eurovision Song Contest on opposite page)
Tajjeb li tkun taf
-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u/jew dawk li jixtiequ jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a jg˙arrfu lit-tmexxija ta’ The Voice minn kmeni u jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni, jmil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni, lil:
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Ira Losco 12th while Im could have won it
ra Losco, Malta’s entry in the recently Eurovision held Eurovision Song Contest ended with the popular singer winning Song Contest many friends from all over but not enough votes to classify her higher than twelfth in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. Ira, singing, Walk on Water gave a very professional performance. She managed to classify third in the first semi-final (first by the jury) to qualify for a place in the Grand Final. However, on the day that mattered, although the jury gave her enough votes (137) to put her fourth overall she did not get enough votes in the televoting and eventually slipped down to 12th totalling 153 points overall on the night. Despite all this, she was given a warm welcome from fans, young and old who greeted her on her return to Malta. Australia’s entry, Sound of Silence sung brilliantly by Korean Dami Im led for almost the entire time the results were being announced and looked as though it was going to romp home because the jury votes from each country were given first, but when it came to the televote, things were turned completely upside down and Australia finished second to Ukraine’s Jamala and the song 1944, a political, heartfelt and serious song about something with intense personal meaning to the singer. Jamala obtained 534 votes to Australia’s 511. Russia was third. It seems the contest will always have a political element, no matter how much the organisers try to pretend it's about music above all else. Analysing the points awarded by jury and public, Dami Im would have won the competition if the rules were not changed to create more drama in this year's contest. Producers changed the judging system in an attempt to create more 'dramatic' viewing as in previous years the winner was evident for up to 20 minutes before the end of voting, which they claimed took away from the 'TV magic'. Previously votes from the jury and viewers were presented as a combined result, with each accounting for 50 per cent of the final score. However, this year the judges and home-voters awarded separate sets of points, with the top ten countries in both categories receiving a combined score for their efforts. It does remain to be seen, whether or not the actual voting system of dividing points between televotes and juries can stay. When the juries' verdicts are so different from those of the public, what does that say about what really makes a great Eurovision song? Australia’s Dani Im
Malta’s representative in Stockholm, Ira Losco
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti. Illum nissoktaw bi tliet regoli o˙ra.
F’taqsima ta’ kelma, vokali ˙ossha mkarkar tie˙u warajha konsonanti wa˙da. G˙alhekk niktbu u nag˙Ωlu wkoll: min (pronom) minn minn (prepoΩizzjoni). EΩ. Min hu? Minn dan. Hekk ukoll minnu, minnha, minnhom, mill-biera˙ imnisslin minn minn-(h)u, minn-ha, minnhom, minn-il-biera˙. Fuq din ir-regola jissawru kelmiet ta’ din ix-xorta: mâr, tfâl, Ωg˙âr,
sâr, eçç. u g˙alhekk nag˙Ωlu sâr minn sàrr; battâl minn battàlt; ©âr minn ©àrr; sâm minn sàmm, tâl Ag˙mel uΩu midminn tàll dizzjunarju Malti (qasma); ˙âl minn ˙àll. G˙alhekk niktbu u nag˙Ωlu wkoll: *Jekk trid tiççekja l-kitba, it-tifsir g˙âl minn g˙àll-; lîl minn lìll-; b˙âl tal-kliem Malti u t-traduzzjoni minn b˙àll-. Meta ma’ tarf g˙âl, g˙all-IngliΩ issa tista’ tid˙ol fuq idb˙âl u lìl inΩidu l- (artiklu), il-vokali dizzjunarju tal-Maltin online. ta’ qabel tbiddel il-˙oss tag˙ha u Is-sit huwa: tag˙mlu ma˙tuf. L-AÇÇENT L-Aççent hu dik is-sa˙˙a aqwa li nag˙mlu fuq wa˙da mill-vokali tal-kelma. Ara fil-kelara li ttrattajna fit-tul il-konjugazzjoni miet ˙àrbat, tal-verbi b’g˙add ta’ eΩempji fil-˙ar©iet ti©ríja, ©ar©îr, li g˙addew, illum, illum ng˙addu g˙al féraq, fejn lsezzjoni o˙ra, dik li hi mag˙rufa b˙ala taççent jin˙ass T Marbuta. fuq l-ewwel u fuq it-tieni u 1. It-T Marbuta hija l-ittra t li tinhemeΩ ter©a’ fuq itma’ kelma femminili li tintemm biltieni u fuq lvokali a meta din il-kelma ting˙aqad ewwel vokali mal-Pronomi MehmuΩin jew titqieg˙ed fil-possessiv. tal-erba’ kelEΩ.: sa˙˙a + i, ek, u˙˙ti, sa˙˙tek, sa˙˙tu... miet li tajna wara xulxin. 2. It-T Marbuta tie˙u quddiemha l-Vokali tal-Le˙en G˙al dawn lmeta tkun se tmiss mal-pronomi ha, na, kom, hom. aççenti ninqEΩ.: sa˙˙a ... sa˙˙itha, sa˙˙itna ... dew bil-˙aΩΩ (`) jew (´) me3. Met kelma li tie˙u t-T Marbuta jkollha t-tielet konta l-vokali sonanti Likwida tiΩdied bil-pronomi i, ek, u, il-Vokali taltkun b’le˙inLe˙en tmur quddiem il-Likwida minflok quddiem it-T ha ma˙tuf, Marbuta. tal-ewwel açEΩ.: kamarti mhux kamrati; g˙alhekk seneg˙ti mhux çent s˙i˙, talseng˙eti. a˙˙ar nofs aççent jew ˙elu; 4. It-T Marbuta, minn xi daqqiet titqieg˙ed f’tarf ilninqdew bilkelma biex turi l-possessiv. ˙aΩΩ (^) meta EΩ.: il-mara ta’ Çensu = mart Çensu; il-kelma tal-patri l-vokali tkun = kelmet il-patri. b’le˙inha mkarkar jew 5. It-T Marbuta tinhemeΩ ukoll f’tarf in-numri 2 sa 10 twil. meta dawn ikollhom warajhom nom ta’ sillaba Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss wa˙da li jibda b’Ωew© konsonanti. Dan in-nom jie˙u nittrattaw aktar l-Vokali tal-Le˙en. regoli li jsawwra EΩ.: Ωew©t itfal; tlett ibniet; erbat ijiem. l-ilsien Malti
Tinteressak il-kitba?
6. Fil-kelmiet frug˙a, bluha, kruha, il-Vokali tal-Le˙en tmur dejjem qabel it-T-Marbuta. EΩ.: frug˙ati, bluhatek, kruhatu...
Fi kliem ta’ sillaba wa˙da, il-vokali tal-a˙˙ar tin˙ass u tinkiteb imkarkra. G˙alhekk jag˙mel ˙aΩin min jikteb: ˙à, sà, tà, dà, rà, ©à, ©è, pà, tè, lè bil-˙oss ma˙tuf flok bil-˙oss imkarkar. G˙alhekk niktbu: ˙â jew ˙a, sâ jew sa, tâ jew ta, lê jew le, eçç. IL-GÓAXAR REGOLA Fi kliem ta’ sillaba wa˙da, vokali ˙ossha ma˙tuf u s˙i˙, tie˙u dejjem warajha konsonanti mtennija, jew iΩjed minn konsonanti wa˙da. G˙alhekk ˙aΩin tikteb min flok minn; dáq flok dàqq; Ωmák flok Ωmàkk u b˙alma niktbu èlf, bàrd, àrt, bèlt b’iΩjed minn konsonanti wa˙da wara vokali ˙ossha ma˙tuf u s˙i˙, g˙andna niktbu wkoll g˙òdd, sàrr, mòdd, mràdd, xòtt, qàtt u qàdd (pl. qaddejn), ˙add (pl. ˙dud u ˙addejn) b’konsonanti mtennija wara l-vokali. Jo˙or©u minn din ir-regola l-ittri konsonanti dg˙ajfin j u w meta f’taqsima ta’ kelma ji©u wara vokali ma˙tufa. G˙alhekk g˙andna niktbu: raj, ˙aj, ©ej, g˙addej, ˙dej(n), mulej, jew, ©ew, ˙lew, sew (minn sewwa), tnew, nsew, krew, bkew, g˙addew, u mhux rajj, ˙ajj, ©ejj, g˙addejj, ©eww, ˙leww, seww, eçç. IL-ÓDAX-IL REGOLA
Qarrejja li j˙ossu li, jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, laktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, u jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, huma m˙e©©a jibag˙tuhomlna f’dan l-indirizz tal-email:
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Tag˙rif dwar it-T Marbuta
7. In-numri 4, 7, 9, iwaqqg˙u l-g˙ meta jin˙emΩu bitT-Marbuta. EΩ.: erbat iklieb, sebat ir©iel, disat i˙bieb.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday May 24, 2016
C mmunity N Co ommunity News ews La Valette Social Centre Inc. Festa ta’ San Ìorg Preca 175 Walters Road, Blacktown. Tel. 9622 5847
Email: Website: Il-Festa ta’ San Ìor© Preca se ti©i ççelebrata fiç-Çentru l-Óadd 29 ta’ Mejju b’çerimonja li tibda fit-3.00 p.m. b’riflessjoni fuq ˙ajjet il-qaddis permez ta’ film b’kummentarju bil-Malti. Wara ssir quddiesa bis-sehem tal-kor ta’ La Valette u mbag˙ad il-purçissjoni bil-vara tal-qaddis. Takkumpanja l-banda Maltija OLQP. L-g˙aqdiet Maltin huma mistiedna u mitluba j©ibu l-istandardi tag˙hom. Tag˙rif ming˙and Frances jew miç-Çentru. Tel.: 9622 5847 G˙ana s-Sibt li ©ej ma’ Saver u s˙abu Is-Sibt li ©ej se ssir serata ta g˙ana ma’ Saver u s˙abu. Hin fit-8pm d˙ul bla ˙las. Kul˙add mistieden jattendi
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Presents the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul Festa L’Imnarja and Lejla fil-Buskett at The Good Shepherd Parish Hall 130-136 Hyatts Rd Plumpton NSW on Sunday July 3 Starting at 12.00 Noon: with Classic Cars & Bikes Display; 1.30pm-6.00pm: Arts & Crafts, Entertainment & Agriculture Displays Also Music and Singing featuring Ron Borg, Joe Xuereb & Tony Fenech. and the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW More information from President: Joe Fenech – 0412 009 957 or PRO: Emmanuel Vella-045 677 064
The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376
The Malta Community Chest Fund
MALTESE CHARITY DINNER DANCE Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025
Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine
maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:
QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Tuesday June 14 lunch served at 12.15pm at the Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley Lunch Menu will be on the radio and on the Notice Board later
To book your lunch: Have your name listed on the Bookings Book when committee members come around on Tuesday’s, or contact the President: Joe Briffa on 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; the Vice President: Mary Craus on 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617, Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632 or see anyone from the committee. The Centre and the Guild Bar will be open from 9.00am on wards. ALL ARE WELCOME
JUN. 18 – SAT.: Get together at Holy Eucharist. AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.
METD OUTINGS - 2016 14th August – St Maria Festa (Central Coast) $35/pp including morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja (City) $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Readers can also request a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese magazine by post
n response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
Tajjeb li tkun taf
-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin, u/jew min ixtieq L jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a jg˙arrfu lit-tmexxija ta’ The Voice minn kmeni. Jekk iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni, jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni.
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW • Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba lawn bowls darba fixxahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-log˙ba li jmiss nhar il-Óadd 19 ta’ Ìunju fis-1.00 p.m. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
9622 Tel. Road, Blacktown. 175 Walters Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156
Website: Email: Il-Hamrun Club se jorganizza FAMILY DISCO is-Sibt 4 ta Gunju L-attivita` li se ti©i organizzata mis-second generation Maltese u t-tfal tag˙hom se jsir fil-klabb f’100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, bejn is-6.00pm u l-10.30pm Se jkun hemm DJ, premjijiet u log˙ob g˙at-tfal. Ikun hemm ukoll aktar wie˙ed x’jiekol, fosthom hot dogs, chicken nuggets, chips, u sintendi ikel Malti G˙al tag˙rif: George Zahra: 0407 434 651, jew il-klabb: 9838 1111 Ejjew u tkunu qed tissapportjaw lill-klabb tag˙kom
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese!
Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Phone 0433 091 788 Or email:
Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of
230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780
Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp
The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among
the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, kemm bil-Malti u Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bl-istejjer u l-©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u f’dak il-˙in.
Share it with the readers of The Voice If you have a story to tell that you believe could make interesting reading and you would like to share it with The Voice of the Maltese readership, get in touch with us by email at:
Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li B wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-
Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirrek-lamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Sports Parramatta again fail to obtain back-to-back wins P
arramatta FC, have been one of the surprise packets of this season in the PS4 NPL NSW, but there have been a number of ups and downs and it seems that even when they are on a high they are unable to put two good results together. That pattern was again followed in Rounds 10 and 11. They first beat Wollongong away 4-3, but then on Sunday lost 1-0 at home to Rockdale. In Rd 10 they were involved in a sevengoal thriller coming back from the dead to
Narrow loss for Green Gully
reen Gully FC got five goals for the second time as they beat Melbourne Victory G 5-2 away victory in Round 12 of the PS4 NPL
championship in Victoria, but pn Saturday went down 1-0 to league leaders South Melbourne 1-0. Recent good resuls had catapulted them to a high position in the league ladder and after Rd 13 occupy fourth place, five points behind the leaders. However, they ares till being regarded as of the challengers for honours. The other ‘Maltese’ team in Victoria, Sunshine George Cross are a completely different They just cannot get going and after 12 matches are still searching for their second win following their ninth loss. Their most recent results were a 2-2 away draw at Werribee, and a 1-2 home loss to Melbourne City. They remain anchored to the bottom of the ladder from 13 matches
snatch a 4-3 victory over Wollongong who led 2-0 before Parramatta struck with a goal by Tomislav Mijic that fired them up to mount a comeback in the second half. Within minutes of the restart they equalised through Luke Grima and struck again to lead 3-2, again through Luke, but James Baldacchino levelled for the Wolves, only for Ante Tomic to seal victory for Parramatta with a foRESULTS - DAY 11 urth goal to make Parramatta v Rockdale 0-1 2-1 it 4-3. Blacktown C v Manly U Much was then Bonnyrigg v Wollongong 1-1 Sydney O v Blacktown S 2-1 expected of them Sutherland 2-0 v APIA at home against Sydney U v Hakoah C 4-1 Rock-dale. The DAY 10 game was quite Wollongong v Parramatta 3-4 balanced but a Blacktown S v Sutherland 0-0 APIA v Blacktown C 0-1 68th minute goal Manly U v Sydney U 1-1 gave the visitors all Hakoah v Bonnyrigg 2-4 three points. Rockdale v Sydney Ol 3-0
Malta plays two friendlies in Austria; and hosts Italy-Scotland at Ta’ Qali
n the coming days Malta’s international football team will play two friendly internationals in a span of four days, both in Austria. On Friday May 27 they meet the Czech Republic at the Sportzentrum in Worgl, and four days later play Austria in Klagenfurt. Meanwhile, this coming Sunday (May 29), Malta will host a friendly international at the Ta’ Qali Stadium between Italy and Scotland. The game takes place 12 days before the start of Euro 16 in France, All three ties will be warm-up matches for Euro 16 finalists Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy. Italy have another friendly lined up before they kick a ball in France, on June 6 against Finland.
Sunday is the Heritage Round arramatta Eagles’ next match in Round 12 of the PS4 NPL NSW Men's this Sunday will be P part of the Heritage Round when all six matches on the programme will celebrate the wealth of history behind football in NSW, and the contribution that those clubs have made to the foot-
ball landscape since the start of the last century. Parramatta will be hosting Blacktown Spartans at the Melita Stadium in their 3.0 p.m. kick off hoping for a favourable result that would help them to celebrate this historic event. Like all the other clubs, Parramatta Eagles have a story to tell and to celebrate – whether it be an elderly fan who used to be a player and hasn’t missed a game, a volunteer who has manned the canteen for 20 years, or a groundsman who has been the first to arrive and the last to leave since the day the club was founded.
Sliema W. make it 21 FA Trophy victories
Sliema Wanderers players celebrate with their supporters after winning the FA Trophy. Photo: Christine Borg
he Malta football season came to a closure with the final of the FA Trophy and with Sliema Wanderers winning their first title for nine years by beating Balzan 5-4 in a penalty-shoot-out after 120 minutes of play failed to produce any goals. It was Sliema’s 21st Trophy victory from 41 appearances. For Balzan who have made great improvement in the last two season, the season that promised so much ended barren. Despite forcing themselves into the top four teams for the second season running, they are not there yet. They need to wait to get their hands on a top trophy. As from next season, the 81-year-old trophy will be replaced with a new one. It was Balzan’s first ever final. They had enough chances to win it in normal time but wasted so many chances. They even failed to take advantage when
their opponents were down to 10 playersplay for the remainder of the match when Njongo Priso was red carded. Sliema held out to take the match into extra time and even to force the penalty shoo-out that they won by scoring all five kicks from the spot as against Balzan’s four, after Entonjo Elezaj saved Dylan Grima’s poor effort. Despite the disappointment Balzan will once again play in the Europa League -
along with Hibernians and Birkirkara as the Wanderers failed to apply for a UEFA licence. Champions Valletta will play in the UEFA Champions League.
Floriana seeking new coach Also on the football front, Floriana have decided not to renew the contract of coach Luis Oliveira and are now on the lookout for a new coach, who will probably once again be a foreigner.