The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 132
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
The memorable visit of HE the President of Malta to Australia
Capturing the visit of the President of Malta to the first three States of Aus tralia. Top: Maltese children in their meeting with the President at Pendle Hill NSW; Right: The President and her husband Edgar with Mr Jay Weatherill Premier of South Australia (left) , and (below): with members of the Maltese Community at the Feemantle W.A. Mon ument dedicated to former child mi grants. The President will now visit Melbourne. See reports pages, 2, 3 and 5 )
July 19, 2016
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
IΩ-Ωjara tal-ET Marie Louise Coleiro Preca fl-Awstralja:
Turija tal-im˙abba lejn il-President tar-Repubblika
il-©img˙a li l-President ta’ Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca qattg˙et s’issa fl-Awstralja flimkien ma’ zew©ha Edgar, wie˙ed seta’ façilment jinnota l-entuΩjamu li bih ©iet milqug˙a tul iΩ-Ωjara tag˙ha mill-emigranti Maltin kull fejn marret s’issa, ji©ifieri fi bliet fit-tlett stati ta’ Western u South Australia, u New South Wales. L-istess mistenni fl-a˙˙ar erbat ijiem taΩΩjara tag˙ha f’Melbourne, fl-istat ta’ Victoria. Huma ˙afna dawk li baqg˙u impressjonati bil-kariΩma u l-umanita` tal-kap tal-istat Malti li l-˙in kollu kienet disponibbli u qatt ma qag˙det lura biex titkellem ma’ dawk kollha li xtaqu u kellhom iç-çans li jkellmuha. Il-programm tal-President hu, u se jibqa’ sakemm tibda t-triq lura lejn Malta wie˙ed impenjattiv g˙alla˙˙ar imma kemm hi, kif ukoll ilMaltin li ltaqg˙et mag˙hom se jibqg˙u jiftakru din l-okkaΩjoni. Fil-jiem li g˙addew, minbarra malMaltin-Awstraljani li g˙aΩlu li, jew b’g˙aΩla inkella bi sforz, li jag˙mlu l-Awstralja t-tieni dar tag˙hom, ilPresident Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca ltaqg˙et ukoll ma’ negozjanti, imprendituri u professjonisti Maltin li ˙afna minnhom, bil-˙ila tag˙hom g˙amlu success minn ˙ajjithom f’dan il-kontinent. Mag˙hom stqarret kemm tkun kburija meta tisma’ bis-suççess li g˙amlu barra minn art twelidhom, partikolarment fl-Awstralja. Qaltilhom li Malta hi kburija b’dak li rnexxielhom iwettqu, hu x’inhu l-qasam li fih eççellaw, kemm jekk negozju, kultura, sports jew qasam soçjali. Qalet li permezz tas-suççessi tag˙hom kontinwament qed ipo©©u lil Malta fuq quddiem. Il-President ta’ Malta ltaqg˙et ukoll mal-mexxejja Awstraljani tal-istati u wkoll mal-konsli onorarji ta’ Malta, li kollha fa˙˙ru l-impenn tag˙ha. L-ewwel Ωjara li g˙amlet mal-wasla tag˙ha kien fi Freemantle, fejn hemm l–ewwel port li fih Ωbarkaw aktar minn 300 tfal Maltin, we˙idhom fis-snin erbg˙in u ˙amsin. Hawnhekk Ωaret il-monument tat-tfal emigranti kif ukoll dawk mag˙rufa b˙ala l-welcome Walls li fuqhom hemm imnaqqxa lisnmijiet ta’ mijiet ta’ tfal Maltin Hawnhekk kellha ç-çans titkellem ma’ w˙ud mill-Maltin li waslu l-Aw-
Il-President f’Sydney flimkien mal-Onor Chris Bowen MP Shadow Treasurer tal-Parlament Federali, u l-Ministru Malti, Dr Jose’ Herrera.
stralja ta˙t dik l-iskema u g˙amlet f’kull belt li Ωaret s’issa u li tant apolo©ija g˙ad-de-çiΩjonijiet li kienu ing˙o©bot mill-Maltin. ttie˙du fl-img˙oddi, anke jekk dawn forsi kienu fl-a˙jar interess. Qalet li *Ikompli f’pa©na 3 ddispjaçiha g˙attbatija ta’ w˙ud mittfal emigranti. Qalet: “li kieku L-erbg˙a 20 ta’ Lulju - Melbourne- Stat ta’ Victoria kien possibbli li wie1000hrs – Visit to the Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre ˙ed ire©©a’ l-arlo©© 1130hrs in Parkville lura, kont nag˙mel 1830hrs – Meets the Maltese Youth – reserved for youths kull sforz li n˙assar 1930hrs din il-parti ta’ dieqa Visits Melbourne Western Suburbs u ta’ qsim il-qalb talMeeting with the Maltese Community 1930hrs istorja.” 2130hrs Fl-istess waqt ilLakeside Hall President qalet li lIl-Óamis 21 ta’ Lulju - Melbourne opportunitajiet li l-Awstralja tat lil 1000hrs - Visit to the Domenican Sisters of Malta eluf ta’ emigranti 1100hrs Maltin biex setg˙u 1200hrs Visit to the monument ‘Malta – Shelter for jimxu ‘l quddiem hi xi ˙aga Ii ma tistax 1300hrs Peace’ and also visit to the Visitors Centre tintnesa. Minn Freemantle 1900hrs Meeting Maltese Community Council of Victoria il-President, li hija Il-Ìimg˙a 22 ta’ Lulju - Melbourne akkumanjata millKummissarju G˙oli 1900hrs Meeting Business and Professionals Community Malti fl-Awstralja The Watermark Pavilion The Promenade Charles Muscat, Victoria Harbour, Docklands, VIC 3008 marret Perth fejn fost kul˙add ilIs-Sibt 23 ta’ Lulju - Melbourne taqg˙et ukoll ma’ 1700hrs Meeting with the Community in Altona Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’ dix1830hrs xendenza Maltija u 1830hrs H.E. The President attends The Malta Commuwkoll mal-komu2330hrs nity Chest Fund Maltese Charity Dinner Dance nita’ Maltija tal-belt. Din li tiltaqa’ malGrand Star Receptions, 499 Grieve P arade, Maltin hi xi ˙aga li Altona North, VIC 3025 l-President g˙amlet
L-a˙˙ar jiem tal-President f’Melbourne
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Laqg˙at fenomenali lill-President f’Sydney
Is-Sur Emm. Camilleri, president tal-MCC fi NSW (lemin) idawwar lill-President u lil Ωew©ha s-Sur Edgar Preca mal-uffiçini tal-MCC f’Parramatta West
Rapport ta’ LawrenceDimech *minn pa©na 2 s-Sibt il-President ©iet fi NSW, fejn mal-wasla tag˙ha fil-belt ta’ Sydney ng˙atat mer˙ba kbira b’mijjiet ta’ Maltin jimlew Civic Park f’Pendle Hill quddiem il-Monument li jfakkar l-istorja tal-emigrazzjoni Maltija fl-Awstralja. Kienet laqg˙a emozzjonali ikkaratterizzata minn g˙add ta’ tfal Maltin li rrappreΩentaw iΩ-Ωew© skejjel tat-tag˙lim tal-Malti fi NSW. Lebsin il-kustum tradizzjonali Malti u jxejjru l-bnadar Maltin u Awstraljani, it-tfal spiççaw f’tg˙annieqa sinçiera mal-President li stqarret l-im˙abba tag˙ha lejhom u qaltilhom kemm tammirahom li qed irawwmu u jsa˙˙u l-kultura Maltija fl-Awstralja. Kienet tassew xena memorabbli ma’ dawn il-Maltin ta’ g˙ada. F’diskors qasir ta’ me˙ba l-President tal-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW, Emmanuel Camilleri fisser l-importanza ta’ dan il-monument u kif issubborg ta’ Pendle Hill hu l-benniena tas-settlement tal-emigranti Malti f’dawn l-in˙awi. Wara, flimkien mal-Ministru Jose’ Herrera li qed jakkumpanjaha f’din la˙˙ar ©img˙a taΩ-Ωjara marru fl-uf-
fiçini tal-MCC f’Parramatta West fejn setg˙u jammira ix-xog˙ol kbir li qed ji©i kkordinat minn dawn il-kwartieri. Il-President iltaqg˙et ma’ g˙add ta’ Membri Parlamentari, kemm Federali u wkoll Statali, Sindki tad-distrett u membri attivi tal-komunita`. Fost dawn kien hemm l-MPs Chris Bowen, Julia Finn, Susan Templerman, Kevin Connolly, u o˙rajn mill-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Cumberland u Parramatta. Fiç-Çentru Malti La Valette saret wa˙da mill-ikbar laqg˙at lill-mistednin minn Malta bil-President tiddikjara li riedet tiltaqa` ma’ kul˙add, “anke jekk noqg˙od hawn il-lejl kollu”. Hawn ukoll saret laqg˙a privata ta’ madwar sieg˙a maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. F’diskors mirqum, Antoinette Caruana, l-ewwel mara president taç-Çen-
Parti mill-folla kbira li attendiet fil-La Valette SC tistenna l-wasla tal-President. Tidher ukoll il-banda Maltija Our Lady Queen of Peace li tat mer˙ba muΩika lill-MLCP li (inset) tidher flimkien mas-Sinjura Antoinette Caruana, president taç-Çentru
tru fissret l-istorja twila u glorjuΩa talpost. Semmiet kemm fil-passat ulied ilMaltin taw kontribuzzjoni qawwija biex inbeda. Tkellmu wkoll is-Sindku ta’ Blacktown, Cr Stephan Bali, il-Ministru Herrera u Michelle Calleja. Bi twe©iba, b’diskor sinçier u mqanqal, il-President fissret kemm inbidlet Malta u llum tant kemm l-ekonomija qed tikber, minflok tibg˙at nies jemigraw, tin˙tie© ˙addiema barranin. Fissret ukoll kemm hi kburija b’dak li qed tara fl-Awstralja u ˙e©©et liΩΩg˙aΩag˙ biex jibqg˙u Awstraljani, imma li jkomplu jg˙oΩΩu il-wirt Malti li g˙addewlhom missierijiethom, u jfittxu dejjem li jzuru Malta. Il-President Ωaret ukoll is-St Dominic’s Hostel fi Blacktown fejn hemm xi residenti Maltin, filwaqt li l-Óadd attendiet iç-Çentru Malti fi Cringilla (Wollongong) kif ukoll ilkapella tal-Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl fil-belt ta’ Sydney. Filwaqt li t-Tnejn kellha laqg˙at fil-Parlament ta’ NSW qabel ter-˙ilha lejn il-belt ta’ Melbourne. (Rapporti f’˙ar©’o˙ra) (G˙al rapport tal-indirizz tal-President fl-Universita’ ta’ Flinders ara pa©na 5)
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4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Malta President addresses Adelaide Conference
he President of Malta combined her visit to a number of cities where she met a large number of members of the Maltese community, with the invitation from the Flinders University of Adelaide to deliver a keynote speech at the International Student Wellbeing And Prevention of Violence Conference. She was invited to speak at the start of this important conference on child and adolescent wellbeing, about the work of her Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society she founded Malta in June 2014. She explained that in a short time, through the activities of her Foundation, the Foundation met with thousands of people and entered into sustained and deepening consultation with communities and groups, across the Maltese Islands and beyond. She went on to say that the Foundation’s ethos is rooted in its dedication to nurture wellbeing through processes of inclusion and participation, and that all their efforts, to explore and cultivate wellbeing in society, are measured against this ambitious benchmark. The willingness to grow and to improve the Foundation’s initiatives was at the heart of the second anniversary celebration a few weeks ago, during which various participants, from across civil society were asked to reflect on the Foundation’s methodology, and share their vision for the future of its work. She said: “Our message is simple, but profound. The voice of each and every member of society is valid, it is vital, and it has a dynamic role to play in strengthening the wellbeing of all humanity. It is by celebrating the particularities of our identities, seen through the lens of age, of gender, of sexual orientation, of ethnicity, of socio-economic status, of faith tradition and culture, that we will be able to continue our work. “It is by honouring our differences, while exploring areas of mutual concern, that we are connecting with people, across society. With these aims in mind, the Foundation has facilitated the creation of two NGO platforms that unite different groups to work together for common goals.” One of these platforms has created a respectful space for NGOs working in the area of mental health while the other brings together NGOs led by asylum seekers and refugee groups. The President went on to explain that through the work of the Refugee
NGOs-Led Platform, vulnerable communities have met with representatives from Malta’s trade unions and the Maltese media; important conversations have taken place, which seek to change the way asylum seekers and refugees are perceived; the kind of treatment they receive; and the ways they are empowered to access their rights. Through the President’s Foundation, an International Institute for Peace and Wellbeing has also been formed, with the aim of promoting its core values throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. It is also thanks to this Institute, and the Foundations’ collaborators from MEDAC at the University of Malta, George Mason University in the United States, the University of Cambridge and the University of Warwick in the UK, UNESCO, ISESCO, and others, that it will continue to share its message in ever far-reaching ways. Working with one of Malta’s institutes of higher learning, and through the Institute for Peace and Wellbeing, it is currently engaged in a project entitled Sanctuary, that shall transform portions of the President’s residence, the San Anton Presidential Palace into areas of conservation and cultivation, for the promotion of environmental heritage, and to sustain vulnerable communities. Her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca told the conference that the Sanctuary Project is being carried out in collaboration with several embassies, including the Australian High Commissioner to Malta, H.E. Jane Lambert, whose constant support of the Foundation’s initiatives has been a clear reflection of the excellent friendship, and the shared ideals, that exist between the two nations. The President then outlined in detail the structure of her Foundation. The fora team has entered into con-
sultation with a variety of communities and groups, tackles issues that include childhood, community life, disability, interfaith encounters, transcultural inclusion, and intergenerational dialogue, and engages with the different concerns of particular groups, while also learning what people think about the concept of wellbeing itself. Through the Foundation’s Research Entities the consultations carried out within these fora, are translated into scholarly research and various research projects are then set, published and shared with academia, civil society, and government officials. The President said it was imperative that the voices of children and young people are included throughout the work, and the Foundation continues to explore ways of securing the effective involvement of children and young people in consultation and decisionmaking. MLCP also mentioned a conference held in Malta as part of the Foundation’s projects, prioritising the active participation of children, by tackling issues of bullying from a child’s perspective approach. Through this conference, it was confirmed that bullying could never be dismissed as harmless, or as an unavoidable part of childhood and adolescence. The President announced that the National Conference on Child Wellbeing would return in Malta in October, to explore issues of access to justice for vulnerable children. She said that once again, children would participate in an integrated way, along with an international panel of experts. MLCP said that it is this concern for child wellbeing that motivated her Foundation to promote the creation of a Commonwealth Child Forum, at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta last year, and Malta remains committed to seeing the forum comes about, providing a means to engage with children from all over the Commonwealth. Other upcoming initiatives include an international roundtable on missing asylum-seeking children in Europe, which is scheduled to take place next year, and a high-level conference addressing the abolition of corporal punishment in 2018. “If we are to achieve a positive change in the lives of young people, then we must encourage a culture where reflecting on issues of wellbeing begins at a young age,” the President told the conference.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
uma ˙afna dawk il-familji Maltin, flimkien mal-anzjani tag˙hom, li fix-xhur xitwin u f’jum sabi˙ jitilg˙u sas-Saqqajja r-Rabat fejn hemm jistg˙u tassew igawdu pjanura u xenarju mill-isba˙ tal-pesa©© Malti. Din hija wesg˙a li fiha rat diversi attivitajiet, (u g˙adha tara), kemm politiçi kif ukoll religjuΩi, kulturali, sportivi u o˙rajn.
Casino Notabile ta’ fuq is-Saqqajja
Is-Saqqajja fir-Rabat: Veduta mill-isba˙ Il-kunsill tal-lokal ukoll jag˙mel uΩu tajjeb minn din il-wesg˙a li r-Rabtin tant i˙obbu u li dan l-a˙har issoktat tissebba˙ bir-restawr tal-binja storika mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Lo©©a tal-Palju li hija assoçjata ferm mal-festa tal-Imnarja. Dari fuq is-Saqqajja kien isir kunçert bandistiku kbir miΩ-Ωewg baned mag˙rufa Rabtin, tal-L’Isle Adam u tal-Konti Ru©©ieru. Dan il-kunçert, jew a˙jar ilprogramm tas-Saqqajja, kien jissejja˙ ilProgramm ta’ San Pawl ta’ Jannar, (g˙alhekk kien isir fil-bard ta’ Jannar). G˙al dan il-programm kienu jitilg˙u s-Saqqajja dilettanti tal-baned minn Malta kollha. Illum dan spiçça imma flImnarja, kif ukoll ghamlet din is-sena, il-banda L’Isle Adam tag˙mel kunçert bandistiku sabi˙ li huwa marbut malfesta tradizzjonali tal-Imnarja. Allura la semmejt l-Imnarja nista’ ng˙id ukoll li nhar l-Imnarja, din il-
L-g˙ajn taΩ-Ωwiemel ta˙t is-Saqqajja
wesg˙a tas-Saqqajja kienet tkun flaqwa tag˙ha. Óafna kienu dawk li wara t-ti©rijiet taΩ-Ωwiemel u l-˙mir ta˙t is-Saqqajja, kienu jitilg˙u f’din ilwesg˙a biex igawdu l-kumplament ta’ dan il-jum folkloristiku tag˙na. Dan kien isir l-aktar fil-Casino Notabile, ©awhra arkitettonika mill-isba˙ li nbiet fl-1887. Fih kienu jin©abru l-aktar il-professjonisti, il-kanonçi u l-monsinjuri tar-Rabat u l-Imdina. Illum post b˙al dan jinsab mag˙luq, bla ˙ajja, imma dan l-a˙˙ar beda ji©i rrestawrat u wie˙ed jittama li ma jdumx ma jer©a’ jibda jitgawda fil-glorja tieghu. Huma ˙afna dawk li jistaqsu xi fisser il-kelma Saqqajja. Fil-fatt x’aktarx li lisem (li ©ej mill-g˙arbi), b˙al ma huma dawk tar-Rabat u l-Imdina, u anke ismijiet ta’ r˙ula o˙ra f’Malta u G˙awdex kif ukoll fi Sqallija u Spanja ing˙ata lill-post mill-G˙arab. Huma ˙afna dawk li jorbtu l-kelma ‘Saqqajja’ mal-ilma li jin©abar minn fuq ilblat tal-g˙olja, (kif inhu r-Rabat), u li jistag˙dar flg˙elieqi ta’ madwar li jag˙tu dehra mill-isba˙ lil din il-wesg˙a bi storja tant kbira. Tajjeb ukoll li wie˙ed isir jaf li sa ma waslu f’Malta l- G˙arab, fis-sena 890 WK, ir-Rabat u l-Imdina kienu belt wa˙da, u s-Saqqajja
bl-in˙awi tag˙ha kienu parti mis-swar li kienu jdawwru dawramejt il-belt ilqadima. Fil-fatt, mis-sagristija tal-Knisja Kolle©©jata ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat wie˙ed g˙adu jara parti mill-foss li kien jifred din il-belt il-qadima mir-Rabat....g˙ax wie˙ed irid iΩomm f’mo˙˙u li GuΩmana Navarra bniet il-Knisja San Pawl fuq dan il-foss. Naturalment maΩ-Ωmien lImdina ççekknet kif nafuha llum. Fis-Saqqajja nsibu diversi si©ar g˙oljin li xi snin ilu tilfu dik id-dehra ta’ majjistrija tag˙hom min˙abba diversi ra©unijiet. Fil-fatt fl-1881, f’din ilwesg˙a tas-Saqqajja, twa˙˙lu bosta si©ar g˙al diversi ra©unijiet. L-ewwel biex isebb˙u l-post u biex ukoll jag˙tu kenn mix-xemx qalila tas-sajf lil dawk li kienu jiltaqg˙u hemm. Wie˙ed irid jifhem li fl-img˙oddi, aktar mil-lum, din il-wesg˙a kienet lakbar çentru, (biex ng˙idu hekk), tarRabat, tar-Rabtin u l-in˙awi, li kienu ji©u ffrekwentati l-aktar fix-xhur sajfin. G˙alhekk id-dell ta’ dawn is-si©ar kbar kien ideali biex wie˙ed jistkenn ta˙thom mill-qilla tar-ra©©i tax-xemx. Barra minhekk, din il-wesg˙a kienet ukoll il-post ideali g˙an-namur u ˙afna kienu dawk li ltaqg˙u fl-im˙abba tag˙hom f’din il-wesg˙a sabi˙a. Xi Rabtin jg˙idu wkoll, li fl-img˙oddi, dawk is-suldati IngliΩi bl-uniformijiet eleganti tag˙hom li kienu stazzjonati flImtarfa, kienu jag˙tu ˙ajja kkulurita lil dan il-post li jgawdi veduti mil-isba˙ u li minnu tista’ tara Ωew© terzi minn Malta. Kuntrast ma’ dan kollu wie˙ed tajjeb ikun jaf, (b˙ala parti mill-istorja ta’ din il-wesg˙a, jew a˙jar l-g˙olja tas-Saqqajja), li dan il-post kien iservi wkoll ta’ forka g˙all-ikkundannati, g˙aliex billi l-post qieg˙ed fuq g˙olja, l-ikkundannati setg˙u jintlem˙u mill-bog˙od u g˙alhekk dan kien iservi ta’ nuffara (deterrent) g˙an-nies ta’ qattag˙ni jew kriminali o˙ra.
*ikompli f’pa©na 7
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday July 19, 2016
‘Id-Di u d-Do’ Û
In-niçça storika ddedikata lil San Pawl fuq is-Saqqajja *minn pa©na 6 Naturlament, hemm aktar x’wie˙ed japprezza waqt li jkun qed jammira dak ix-xenarju qawwi f’pajjiΩna minn dan il-post tas-Saqqajja. Interessanti ˙afna n-niçça ddedikata lil San Pawl li qieg˙da fiç-çentru ta’ din il-wesg˙a. Skont xhieda re©istrata fl-Atti tanNutar Vinçenzo Caruana ta’ Awissu 1866 u April tas-sena ta’ wara, diversi nies raw id-dmug˙ ˙iere© minn g˙ajnejn San Pawl, fiΩ-Ωmien diffiçli talImblokk tal-FrançiΩi. Illum din in-niçça jie˙du ˙siebha l-membri tal-Arcikonfraternita’ ta’ San ÌuΩepp tar-Rabat. Insemmu wkoll li fl-img˙oddi quddiem din in-niçça ta’ San Pawl fuq isSaqqajja, kien hemm ukoll il-venda tal-karozzi tal-linja tar-Rabat, dak ta’ lwen Blu skur . Anke l-g˙ajn taΩ-Ωwiemel li hemm ta˙t is-Saqqajja li ©iet restawrata dan la˙˙ar u li tgawdi dehra sabi˙a inti u tiela’ t-Telg˙a tas-Saqqajja tintroduçik
ma’ dan il-post u l-ilma ©ieri g˙addej minn ta˙t. L-G˙ajn fit-Telg˙a tas-Saqqajja Ng˙idu wkoll li fl-img˙oddi, dan ilpost tas-Saqqajja kellu wkoll çimiterju Ωg˙ir, (li kien ˙dejn il-Bank HSBC), li kien tal-Patrijiet Agostinjani. Kuntrast ma’ dan kollu nsemmu wkoll li fuq isSaqqajja, (fejn illum hemm il-BOV), twieled wie˙ed mill-atturi tal-films laktar mag˙rufa fost il-Maltin, Joseph Calleja. Fil-fatt, l-iskultur Anton Agius kien g˙amel bust li jfakkar lil dan ilbravu artist Malti u Rabti . F’kelma wa˙da, is-Saqqajja t˙ennik g˙aΩ-Ωiffa sajfija u t˙ollok f’©urnata xitwija. Huwa l-post ideali g˙all-familja Maltija. Ftit passi l-isfel mis-Saqqajja hemm ilLo©©a tal-Palju minn fejn tibda l-festa tal-Imnarja bil-qari tal-bandu, u fejn ikun hemm it-ti©rijiet taΩ-Ωwiemel. MaΩ-Ωmien il-Lo©©a kienet sfat vittma ta’ xi vandali, imma l-Gvern, permezz tal-˙addiema rrestawraha.
gur smajtu bl-espressjoni tad-‘Di’ u d-‘Do’ li tintuΩa meta wie˙ed jinnota tnejn min-nies (kultant anke bhejjem) li dejjem ikunu flimkien; fejn tara lil wa˙da jew wie˙ed tara wkoll lill-o˙ra jew lillie˙or. IΩda ftit huma dawk li jafu minn fejn ©iet din l-espressjoni. Attwalment, fil-bidu din l-espressjoni ma kellha x’taqsam xejn man-nies. Kienet biss tintuΩa b˙ala osservazzjoni ta’ xi nies li kienu jmorru l-Kalkara, fejn l-IngliΩi kellhom preΩenΩa qawwija f’Malta u fejn kien hemm sor©uti biççtejn tal-ba˙ar li kienu j©ibu l-isem ta’ Ωew© xmajjar mag˙rufa fil-Gran Britanja, idDEE u d-DON. Dawn il-vapuri tant damu marbutin ˙dejn xulxin li bdew ixebb˙uhom ma’ Ωew© persuni li kienu jkunu dejjem flimkien. B˙al dejjem il-Maltin malajr jg˙aww©u l-kliem, l-aktar jekk ma jkunx purament Malti (eΩempju l-litanija bil-Latin) u l-ismijiet tad-DEE bdiet tinkiteb kif tin˙ass, DI u dik tad-DON qatg˙uha g˙ad-DO. Bil-mod il-mod il-fraΩi bdiet tixtered biex da˙let fraΩi fl-ilsien Maltin.
Ìunju l-Fawwar
eta wie˙ed jitkellem dwar ix-xhur u tM temp ta’ Malta jing˙ad ˙afna li l-ag˙ar tas-sena g˙ax-xita huwa dak ta’ Frar, tant li missierijietna kienu jg˙idu dwaru (u g˙adna sal-lum, li huwa l-fawwar g˙ax ©eneralment, tulu tinΩel ˙afna xita. IΩda jidher li din issena nqaleb kollox. Fil-fatt fi Frar li g˙adda ftit li xejn g˙amlet xita, biex imbag˙ad rajna bidla kbira fil-bidu tas-sajf, meta l-uniku ilma ©eneralment ikun dak li jo˙ro© minn ©isimna, f’g˙araq. Imma mhux did-darba, tant li f’Ìunju f’jum wie˙ed g˙amlet xita ferm iktar mix-xahar ta’ Frar. L-ammont ta’ xita niΩel fl-24 ta’ Ìunju, tlett ijiem wara li beda s’sajf, kien ta’ 30.0mm bit-total tax-xita tul l-ewwel xahar tas-sajf jitla’ g˙al 32.8mm. Hekk li l-bjar li kienu xxuttaw regg˙u mtlew ftit mhux ˙aΩin.
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals Guaranteed cheapest rates All vehicles in NRMA road Service Low holding Deposit Discount for weekly rentals Shuttle service to the Airport Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148
Il-Lo©©a tal-Palju
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Give us more opinion articles about international situation The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Chris Muscat from St Georges, Burnside, SA writes:
n issue No. 131 (dated July 5) I very much liked reading the opinion article by Mr. Gwynne Dyer. As far as I know this is the first time that The Voice has published contributions from this international journalist and an article such as this that focuses on the international scene. The way the article was written shows the man to be well versed on the subject that he wrote about, that is the UK’s decision to vote for Brexit. I am sure that like me, many of the readers of this magazine found the article very interesting. To be honest I never expected to see such an article on this magazine that previously mostly dealt with subjects directly related to the Maltese community, either living in Malta or people like us living abroad and that we normally talk about. I don’t think that I would be offending anybody by saying that international situations that do not directly concern us rarely generate interest among us Maltese living in Australia. I am sorry to say that many of us are more interested in the village festa that AustralianMaltese associations and clubs organise throughout the year than what happens in the world outside of this island-continent. It is as if that is something beyond us. Luckily however, our youths (at least most of those I know) have other ideas. They understand all about globalisation and are concerned that what happens outside of our shores could either affect us badly, like Brexit has, for example, or have a positive effect. But we need to know all the facts so we could even discuss between us the cons and pros of
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
worldwide decisions that the world’s leaders take from time to time. My point is, that the Voice magazine that has become such an important medium for the readers, also has a role to play. With articles such as the one by Mr. Gwynne Dyer could help us become aware that with today’s technology, the world has become so small that if another country sneezes we can easily catch cold. So I for one would like to suggest to The Voice to keep publishing opinion articles such Dyer’s that deal with the international scene. They even give more flavour to this magazine.
Enthusiastic !
Maria Sciberras from Albany, WA writes:
ometimes, the Maltese in Australia leave S much to be desired when it comes to unity, particularly those living in the same state. Therefore it was most encouraging to see the community so enthusiastic in welcoming the President of Malta, H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca during her current visit. Despite her high position this lady is so down to earth. She is a credit to the whole Malta that she is so affable and approachable. No wonder therefore that she has been such a popular figure wherever she has visited. Thank you your excellency!
Let’s celebrate the festi in the summer time! Lawrence Scerri, Warrawong NSW, writes:
n Malta most of the festi (as we refer to us Maltese) are held in summer. So Iwhythem are our traditional festi in Australia celebrated in winter? They ought to be moved to January, February or March. That way they would attract a bigger attendance. They can also be held outdoors as they do in Malta. If community leaders don't heed this advice, I am afraid that the Maltese festi in Australia will most likely cease being an attraction. Already several festi have ceased being celebrated anymore. The other problem is the repetition of the same festa as was the case with the Imnarja (Saints Peter and Paul) commemorated in Sydney. There needs to be better co-ordination by the associations, and the Maltese community council should step in to solve these issues.
Tuesday July 19, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 9
The future of electoral voting in Malta and Australia
s electronic voting really “a difficult journey” or even a sacred cow? Joseph Church the Chief Electoral Commissioner for Malta interviewed on The Times of Malta said he is a firm believer in the digital transformation of elections in Malta, however, rules out a big bang approach and states that “one might question the need to change Malta’s accepted voting system, which has served the county well for many years.” The main reason motivating other countries to embark on an IT transformation of their electoral systems is improving turnout. However, it is very difficult to improve the turnout at a Maltese general election, as according to Mr. Church the lowest since Independence was 93 per cent. It is estimated that online voting could boost youth voter turnout to 70% per cent. The vital issue with electronic voting is that no electronic trace of an individual voter’s choice is left in the process. Online voting exacerbates this challenge. The Labour Party has said that online voting is “to date, far from protecting the constitutional requirement of voters’ absolute secrecy.” On the other hand, in its document Restoring Trust in Politics, the Nationalist Party proposed a pilot project for online voting to establish whether the system can be safely and transparently used in elections. The Labour and Nationalist parties agree in principle with e-counting and share the Electoral Commission’s efforts to have e-counting in place for the 2019 European Parliament and local council elections. What about electronic voting at this side of the world? Australia is the pioneer of the secret ballot electoral system but when it comes to electronic voting is not on the forefront. High-profile politicians including PM Turnbull have championed e-voting and agreed that it could reduce the high number of informal votes. However last year, a federal parliamentary committee unanimously voted against a fully digitised electoral system in Australia. Paul Kwan, Associate Professor in computational science at the University of New England’s School of Science and Technology, along with the University of New England computational science lecturer Dr Greg Falzon and PhD candidate Phillip Zada, are working on a research project, Mobile Voting, that assesses the viability of a mobile e-voting platform in Australia and how it could complement - but not replace - our current paper-based system. “The paper method has been around since 1885” Mr. Philip Zada was quoted telling He went on to say, “The technology is here. Why should we not use it? This is just about taking what we have and pushing things forward to make it better.” But Mr. Zada agreed the issue of introducing evoting to Australia was ultimately a political one. People have concerns about e-voting because of hackers, malware, and viruses, but said those issues could be overcome. “Any system has a potential to be breached or compromised, and that’s been proven time and time again, but the best way to tackle that is essential to mitigate those risks and reduce them to the lowest possibility.”
After t h e undue delay in reaching a result in the 2106 Federal election, due to the long and labour-intensive manual ballot, counting electronic voting is again gathering momentum. Some software engineers say that current technology, secure enough to handle billions of dollars of transactions, could also deliver secure election results. Dr. David Glance, head of University of Western Australia Centre for Software Practice (UWACSP), said he was frustrated to see the current federal election vote count continuing. “The fact the country has ground to a halt, as a result of a labour intensive process that consumes nearly 75,000 people, to arrive at a result that could potentially be delivered in minutes electronically is intensely frustrating, and I would imagine somewhat damaging to the country as a whole." Dr Glance said However, other tecnology experts said it was still too much of a risk.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Perspettiva Ejja noqtlu l-kriminali! A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
atul iΩΩmien, kelli diversi diskussjonijiet dwar il-piena kapitali, fejn persuni misjubin ˙atja ta' reat kriminali minn sistema ta' ©ustizzja kriminali b˙al qorti, jing˙ataw il-mewt. Fl-2015, hu mag˙ruf li madwar id-dinja nqatlu mill-inqas 1600 persuna, 89% minnhom fi tliet pajjiΩi biss - il-Pakistan, lIran u l-G˙arabja Sawdija. PajjiΩi o˙ra fejn din is-sistema g˙adha teΩisti tinkludi xi stati flIstati Uniti, u ç-Çina fejn lanqas tinΩamm statistika ta' dan g˙alkemm huwa stmat li eluf jinqatlu hemm kull sena.1 Il-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali dwar id-Drittijiet Çivili u Politiçi (ICCPR) tg˙id li din ilpiena, fejn g˙adha mhix abolita, g˙andha ting˙ata biss g˙al atti kriminali serji skont il-li©ijiet tal-pajjiΩ. Wie˙ed forsi jifhem li att kriminali serju jkun per eΩempju qtil premeditat jew ©enoçidju, imma x'inhu serju mhux definit millICCPR, u probabbli mhux kul˙add jaf li xi pajjiΩi jinkludu f'din il-kategorija l-adulterju (G˙arabja Sawdija u l-Maldives) u insulti g˙all-profeta tal-Islam (Iran).2 Kritiçi tal-piena kapitali (b˙ali) jsemmu l-possibiltà li l-proçess ta' ©ustizzja ji©i manipulat jew influwenzat mill-poter tal-istat jew xi attur ie˙or, speçjalment fejn l-indipendenza tal-qorti millgvern hija dubjuΩa. Problema o˙ra hi li l-proçess tal-qorti, ji©ifieri dak li jwassal g˙all-verdett ta' ˙ati jew mhux ˙ati, huwa altru milli perfett, li jwassal g˙al nies li jing˙ataw il-piena tal-mewt meta kienu filfatt mhux ˙atja. Din il-konkluΩjoni tista' tinstab wara li l-piena kapitali tkun twettqet, u naturalment ikun tard wisq, biex isalva lil dak li kien akkuΩat in©ustament, u g˙alhekk in©ustizzja kbira. Studju ppubblikat min-National Academy of Sciences tal-Istati Uniti jistma li minn dawk issentenzjati g˙all-mewt f'dak il-pajjiΩ bejn l-1993 u l-2004, 4.1% kienu Ωbaljati.3 Madankollu, irrid ng˙id li dak li wassalni biex nikteb dwar dan is-su©©ett illum, huwa Ωvilupp riçenti fil-Filippini. Ftit ilu kien hemm l-elezzjoni g˙all-President. Wie˙ed millkandidati, Rodrigo Duterte, reba˙ l-elezzjoni bl-g˙ajta li l-kriminali g˙andhom ikunu maqtula minnufih, kemm mill-pulizija kif ukoll mill-pubbliku. Fi kliem ie˙or, qed i˙e©©e© liç-çittadini talpajjiΩ jie˙du l-li©i f'idejhom, u beda j˙e©©i©hom jag˙mlu dan anke qabel ma ˙a l-˙atra!4 Dan g˙alija jirrappreΩenta pass kbir lura g˙as-soçjetà çivili talFilippini. Il-li©ijiet f'pajjiΩ qeg˙din hemm sabiex il-membri tassoçjetà ikunu jafu u jiftiehmu kif g˙andhom i©ibu ru˙hom g˙al ˙ajja armonjuΩa skont il-kultura u t-tradizzjonijiet tag˙hom, is-
kitba ta’
sanzjonijiet g˙al min ma jimxix man-normi tassoçjetà, u l-proçessi li jridu jsiru biex titwettaq il-©ustizzja. Jekk xi ˙add jaqbad u joqtol lil xi ˙add min˙abba suspett li hu kriminal, fejn hi l-©ustizzja? Min se jiddeçiedi dwar min g˙andu tort? Kul˙add jiddeçiedi g˙al rasu? Din mhix diskussjoni dwar il-piena kapitali. Din hi diskussjoni dwar l-assassinju mifrux filpajjiΩ kollu, bil-barka u l-inkora©©iment tal-kap tal-istat. Li politikanti jirb˙u elezzjoni bl-g˙ajta li jridu jimxu b'id iebsa biex inaqqsu l-kriminalità, smajniha kemm ildarba. Madankollu, l-President Duterte ˙a din l-attitudni g˙all-estrem. Jien jidhirli li l-poplu Filippin g˙amel Ωball kbir. Forsi veru li g˙al Ωmien qasir, jew twil, stejjer ta' kriminalità f'dak il-pajjiΩ jonqsu, anke drastikament, min˙abba l-biΩa', jew it-twerwir, ta' min jikser il-li©i li se ji©i eliminat minn wiçç din id-dinja. Imma kemm se ndumu ma nibdew nisimg˙u b'persuni li ji©u mixlija bi Ωball, jew b'˙aΩen makakka, bil-˙sieb li jinkorla xi ˙add li jie˙u l-li©i b'idejh u jservi b˙ala bojja? Kemm se ndumu sakemm jibdew ji©u ttimbrati b˙ala kriminali membri tal-pubbliku li huma politikament skomdi, kritiki tal-President jew il-politikanti li jiffavorixxi? Min se jiddetermina jekk akkuΩa ta' kriminalità hix veritiera jew le? X'se jsir mill-proçess tal-qorti fejn l-akkuΩa u d-difiΩa jippreΩentaw l-argumenti u l-provi tag˙hom quddiem il-qorti, li taqta' s-sentenza skont il-li©i tal-pajjiΩ? IΩ-Ωerrieg˙a nΩerg˙et g˙al dittatorjat fejn il-biΩà tirrenja, u lbiΩà li testendi g˙all-poplu kollu, anke ˙afna minn dawk li vvutaw g˙al dan il-President. L-ironija hi li din it-triq li qabad dan il-pajjiΩ, li g˙andi tant ˙bieb minnu, bdiet minn proçess demokratiku. EΩempju ie˙or tal-potenzjal negattiv tad-demokrazija. Il-President il-©did tal-Filippini, Rodrigo Duterte
Referenzi 1., retrieved 11/7/2016 2. Death Sentences and Executions 2015, Amnesty International Global Report, p. 9 3. Rate of false conviction of criminal defendants who are sentenced to death; Gross, O'brien, Hu & Kennedy; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 11, no. 20, p. 7234 4., retrieved 11/7/2016
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Crashed like a house of cards
e helped build one of Australia's best-known and successful law firms into a global, share marketlisted behemoth. Then it crashed like a house of cards. Melissa Fyfe, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend explains the rise and fall of Slater and Gordon and Andrew Grech, its charismatic, charming, single-minded ambitious manager. Andrew Grech was born in Melbourne's blue-collar northern suburbs to Maltese immigrant parents. He finished a straight law degree in 1988 ("I wanted to get in and out and start off as quickly as I could," he once said of his days at the University of Melbourne). After starting off at rival law firm Maurice Blackburn, Grech arrived at Slater & Gordon in 1994, where he worked with a young Julia Gillard. Within two years he was made a partner, and in another four years he was running the place. The writer explains how Slater & Gordon became famous for tackling the big end of town: British American Tobacco over lung cancer, CSR over asbestos, Dow Corning over breast implants. Under Grech's leadership as managing director, Slater & Gordon became the big end of town. At one point last year it was the world's biggest listed law firm, a $2.7 billion multinational behemoth, a brand recognised by three out of four Australians. But that was before things went horribly wrong - before, as The Australian Financial Review described it, "one of the biggest falls from grace in Australian business history". In March last year, Grech made his most ambitious move yet. He wanted to buy a British legal business called Quindell for $1.3 billion, using mostly borrowed
money. This seemed manageable and, after announcing the plan on March 30, things appeared to be proceeding well. On April 7, Slater & Gordon's shares peaked at $8.07, up from $1 when it became the world's first legal pracAndrew tice to float in 2007. Grech It seems that Slater & Gordon was in trouble long before it considered buying Quindell, a strange collection of loosely related insurance, legal and technology businesses that had become one of Britain's largest consumer law firms, dealing in accident and worker compensation claims however the British government changed the compensation laws on them and it destroyed the business model according to the writer, Melissa Fyfe. Andrew is from a working-class ethnic background, he's that second-generation Australian whose parents worked very hard in Melbourne's northern suburbs to give him an opportunity," says a Slater & Gordon lawyer who has worked closely with Grech. "He has a desire to prove that he is doing something worthwhile, and takes his close and extended family with him.” The Law firm of Slater& Gordon was founded in Australia in 1935 and has offices in Melbourne, Sydney and other cities.
SBS encourages kids to celebrate language with national competition
BS has partnered with Community Languages Australia (CLA) to launch the inaugural SBS National Languages Competition from June 20 to July 29. The exciting new initiative aims to encourage and celebrate a love of learning languages in Australia. Nearly one in five Australians speak a language other than English at home*, yet rates of language learning are on the decline. With more than 300 languages spoken, the SBS National Languages Competition hopes to inspire young Australians to explore and embrace what it is to be an Australian in all our diversity and contribute to the retention and contin- uing development of language learning. The theme for the 2016 SBS National Languages Competition is ‘What does learning language mean to you?’ CLA students aged four to seven are encouraged to
draw a picture that illustrates what learning another language means to them, while the secondary primary and senior categories are to write their responses in language. The top 72 entries from across the country will be presented on the SBS National Languages Competition website and 24 of those will be eligible for the People’s Choice Award voted by the public from August 30 to September 9. Six lucky winners will be flown to the SBS National Languages Competition Presentation Ceremony in Sydney on Saturday October 8 to accept their award. The competition is open to all CLA students in Australia aged four to 18. CLA is an umbrella body that unites over 1,000 community language schools, providing language maintenance in 69 languages to in excess of 100,000 school age children.
Ûew© kotba ta’ Frank Zammit har l-Erbg˙a 27 ta Lulju fis-7.30 N p.m. fiç-Çentru Malti La Valette f’175 Walters Road Blacktown, se
ssir it-tnedija ta’ Ωew© kotba talawtur Frank Zammit (fuq). Kul˙add huwa mistieden jattendi. G˙al dettalji wie˙ed g˙andu jçempel lil Frances fuq 96310989
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta Maltese Prime Minister Dr. Joseph Muscat (first from right) addressing the ASEM Summit in Mongolia
In ASEM Summit PM Muscat talks about improving trade between the EU and Asia
s he was addressing leaders from 51 Asian and European countries, that included 11 Presidents and 23 Prime Ministers, at the first plenary session of the 11th summit of ASEM, that was held over two days at the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, Malta Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat expressed Malta’s support for the setting up of a centre that promotes investment between Asia and Europe. During the summit the leaders of the two regions also discussed how they could continue to strengthen their political, economic and cultural relations that have spanned 20 years since the setting up of ASEM. Coming on top of the Nice terrorist attack that killed 84 people and the failed coup attempt in Turkey that left over 60 people death, in their final declaration on the final day of the ASEM summit the leaders stressed upon the need to fight terrorism and committed themselves to address all forms of terrorism acts in any country. Dr Muscat said that Malta supports the EU position on the events in Turkey, that is, supporting the democratically elected government and the rule of law, and that the democratic institutions should be respected. Meanwhile, in his intervention on the first day of the summit, Dr Muscat pointed out that working with the Enterprise Europe Network could benefit small and medium enterprises. As things stand, and according to statistics released by Eurostat showed that a third of the trade from the EU has come from Asian countries members of ASEM, and that Germany and China were the greatest beneficiaries. Dr Muscat said that Malta would like to seek means of improving trade between the EU and Asia when it assumes the EU presidency in the first half of next year. Meanwhile, in comments to journalists Dr Muscat said that the ASEM summit was an opportunity for Malta to continue to expand beyond Europe. The Maltese government has already lured investments from the People’s Republic of China and Singapore and talks are also underway with other Asian countries, including
Vietnam. Aside of the summit, the Maltese PM was kept quite busy with meetings and bilateral talks with a number of the leaders attending the conference, including the Mongolian Prime Minister Jargaltulga Erdenebat with whom he discussed a number of sectors that could benefit both countries, including education and maritime affairs. Both sides also signed an air services agreement and another to regulate visas and passports. The agreements were signed by Foreign Minister George Vella, who accompanied Dr Muscat at the summit, and his counterpart Lundeg Purevsuren. In meetings with his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Dr Muscat mentioned the possibility of the two countries reaching an agreement for Maltese couples to be able to adopt children from that country. They also discussed means to increase commerce between Vietnam and Malta. At the end of the meeting, Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella, signed a double taxation agreement. The Maltese Foreign Minister also signed other agreements with Pakistan about the development of new routes, visas and passports. Muscat also met Johann Schneider-Amman, the Federal Chancellor of Switzerland, during which talks mainly centred on an issue that Switzerland currently has with the European Union, following a referendum two years ago in which the Swiss had voted against the movement of peoples between EU countries and Switzerland. The subject is also expected to be brought up during Malta’s Presidency of the EU Council early next year. The Prime Minister explained that Switzerland’s decision would probably have an effect on the negotiations with the UK. Malta would be trying to find a solution to the problem. The Swiss Chancellor is expected to visit Malta in September and the issue would certainly be brought up in meetings with the Maltese government. Overall, during the duration of the ASEM summit, Mongolia hosted 2,000 delegates from 60 countries.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
S&P Agency reaffirms Malta’s Economic outlook as positive C
onfirming Malta’s credit rating as being BBB+ with stable prospects, and re-affirming Malta’s outlook as positive, international credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s expects the island’s economy to continue being one of the fastergrowing economies in the Eurozone. The report analysing Malta’s economy prospects standing was greatly welcomed by the Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna as it continues to indicate a rate of good economic growth thanks particularly to the government’s plans for energy, health care and education combined with the expansion capacity in the tourism and recreation sectors. The credit agency further forecasts that Malta’s economy would continue to grow over the coming three years on an average of 2.9% every year, this rate being higher than that of many Eurozone countries. Economic growth is also expected to be supported by private consumption, which is in turn stimulated by an increase in disposable income coupled with significant structural growth in employment, particularly amongst females. The agency expects further improvements in the labour force participation rate and that the current economic growth mo-
mentum would improve the sustainability of the social security system. On public finances, Standard & Poor’s acknowledge the reductions in the deficit and debt ratios and expect both ratios to continue declining in the coming years with the debt ratio expected to fall below 60% by 2019. Despite the close ties between Malta and the UK, the agency expects the impact on growth of the UK’s exit from the EU (Brexit) to be relatively contained...” It said that the current weakness of the £Sterling resulting from Brexit, might have a negative impact on British tourism to Malta as 30% of tourists come from the UK. Meanwhile, Further, on external trade, Standard & Poor’s is projecting the external current account to continue recording a surplus in the coming years, averaging around 5.3 per cent of GDP in the 2016 to 2019 forecast period. In is reaction, Minister Edward Scicluna said
MIA registers 10% increase in passenger traffic in first 6 mths he Malta International Airport (MIA) ple effect on the local economy as businesses has announced that its mid-yearly pas- are now moving away from the traditional T senger statistics show an increase of almost business model of a short profitable peak 10% in passenger movements in comparison to the first half of last year, and that by the end of the year the record is set to be broken with an expectd five million passengers. This means that between January and June, there has been an increase of 200,000 passengers going through the airport. Commenting on this statistic, the Minister for Tourism Dr Edward Zammit Lewis said he was pleased to learn about the increase, adding that this notable growth in passenger traffic is very good news also given it excludes the peak summer months of August to September. Malta has therefore generated almost one hundred thousand additional airline passengers movements, the vast majority of which are incoming tourists,” the Minister said He explained that one of the most relevant aspects emerging from this data relates to the improved seasonality pattern across the year and that the Government’s efforts at extending airline connectivity across the twelve months of the calendar year are yielding extensive and sustained off-peak growth. He added that this, in turn has a positive rip-
season which however needs to financially sustain a long, loss-making lean season. Dr Edward Zammit Lewis also noted that during the six months under review the overall load factors have improved by no less than two percentage points to peak at an unprecedented level of 80% as against last year’s already impressive figure of 78%. He further explained that an 80% load factor is not only excellent news but also translates into healthier airline performance and greater long term sustainability of air routes and services. It was noted that UK passenger movements is up by 5.6%, Italian up by 15.9%, while Germany and France have grown by 3.6 and 4.1% respectively. From the Nordic market perspective, Finland was the star performer with a 73.2% increase in passenger movements; Denmark is also strongly up by 24.3%. The Minister said that beyond summer, Malta expects another buoyant winter given the increased seat capacities and extended route network that are planned for the season.
he was pleased to note the comment on Malta’s overall political and institutional framework, which, he said, it describes as being broadly supportive of creditworthiness, demonstrated by structural reforms that generated employment growth and elevated the potential growth of the economy.”
Hopes European Medicine Agency relocates to Malta alta’s Medicines Authority (MMA) is M among a number of European countries trying to attract the UK-based European Medicines Agency (EMA) to relocate to Malta. During a ceremony inaugurating the Medicines authority's new premises at the Malta Life Sciences Park in San Gwann, Consumer Affairs Minister Helena Dalli said the authority was spearheading Malta's bid to attract the EMA to Malta. The EMA, which is responsible for protecting human and animal health through the supervision of medicines, is currently based in London, and could potentially be forced to move once the ramifications of Brexit are clearer. Referring to the MAA’s creation of a medicines intelligence and access unit, the minister said that in the last two years it had led to a reduction in prices of 114 medicines where consumers could save up to 67%. She further praised the authority for “not shunning its responsibility” when faced with difficult decisions and topics, and that it had undergone a “major transformation” in the past three years.
Fireworks affect animals
ireworks could be detrimental to the aniF mals’ physical health and stress them out so much that their production of eggs and milk could decrease during the festa season, according to experts. According to the Malta Veterinary Association secretary the production of eggs or milk could decrease because of the stress caused by firework blasts.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
L-ewwel u l-uniçi
a ˙ d a W m i l l aktar temi li
Tan-nisa wkoll!
e, dan mhux xi motto politiku ©did, imma dak li jg˙idu n-nisa Rabtin, jew L biex inkun aktar preçis nisa mill-Parroçça ta’ San Pawl tar-Rabat, Malta li dan l-a˙˙ar iççelebraw il-festa’ tal-patrun tag˙hom San Pawl. Dawn, biex jippruvaw kemm dak li jg˙idu hu minnu, da˙lu fl-g˙alqa li tradizzjonalment hi tal-ir©iel.... dik tal-©arr tal-vari waqt il-festi li jsiru matul ix-xhur tas-sajf fl-ibliet u l-ir˙ula Maltin u l-G˙awdxin. Fil-fatt, g˙add ta’ nisa ˙adu sehem fl-irfieg˙ tal-Istatwa ta’ San Pawl li tin©arr waqt il-març li jsir matul it-toroq tar-Rabat, liema statwa mbag˙ad titpo©©a fuq pedestall li hemm faççata tal-Knisja Parrokkjali ddedikata lil dan il-qaddis.
kienu diskussi waqt id-dibattitu dwar l-Unjoni Çivili li tat id-dritt lil persuni tal-istess sess li jing˙aqdu b˙ala familja bl-istess drittijiet b˙al dawk ta’ koppji li It-tifel addottat, Ben huma miΩΩeww©in. Il-kwestjoni kienet li mas-sie˙eb tieg˙u addotdwar jekk dawn g˙and- taw lil dan it-tifel stqarr: “Illum nistg˙u nintroduçu homx jing˙ataw ukoll idlit-tifel tag˙na; se nibqg˙u dritt li jaddottaw it-tfal. Dan id-dritt fil-fatt in- grati g˙al dejjem g˙al dan g˙atalhom. Tant li issa il-mument; se nkunu nisg˙andna l-ewwel koppja tg˙u ng˙ixu l-˙olma tag˙na tal-istess sess li ng˙atat id- li nkunu ©enituri u l-˙olma tat-tifel tag˙na Ben li jg˙ix dritt li taddotta. Fil-fatt, il-Qorti tal-Fam- f’familja li t˙obbu u tie˙u ilja, approvat l-applikaz- ˙siebu.” S’issa, minkejja li kienu zjoni g˙all-addozzjoni ta' tifel jew tifla lil koppja tal- diversi koppji tal-istess sess istess sess. Dawn huma li ng˙aqdu permezzz talΩew©t ir©iel li ftit taΩ- Unjoni Çivili, din kienet lΩmien ilu kienu ng˙aqdu unika koppja li applikat flimkien permezz ta' Un- biex taddotta l-ulied. Insomma dejjem hemm ljoni Çivili. Wara Ωmien ta' skrutinju ewwel darba, allura kif u proçeduri, li huma prassi wie˙ed jistenna, issa naraw, fejn tid˙ol l-addozzjoni, jekk il-fatt li dawn din il-koppja gay ng˙atat irnexxielhom, ikunx hemm id-dritt li taddotta, u issa l- aktar koppji b˙alhom li jipkoppja g˙aΩlet tifel bl- pruvaw jaddottaw l-ulied isem ta’ Ben. Kris Grima, huma wkoll.
eneralment mas-sider talÌ mara nabbinaw il-˙alib bnin Ma kinetx ˙obΩa! li jrejjaq lit-trabi, u g˙alhekk meta deher reklam fuq vann tal-˙obΩ li kien juri mara qed iΩΩomm slice ˙obΩ biex jg˙atti parti mis-sider mikxuf ta’ din il-mara, malajr qam kjass b’˙afna jitkaΩaw binnuqqas ta’ rispett lejn in-nisa, eçç. Ir-reklam kien dwar tip ©did ta’ ˙obΩ ma˙dum minn ditta mag˙rufa Maltija li hija tajba g˙al dawk li jbatu mill-kolesterol. Il˙obΩa hija ma˙duma b’ingredjenti ipprovduti minn ditta barranija li jidher li pprovdiet ukoll dan ir-reklam.
L-g˙ag˙a dwar ir-rekam kienet tant qawwija li l-prodottur Malti ˙are© stqarrija jiskuΩa ru˙u. Is-sabiha li fuq in-na˙a l-o˙ra tal-vann hemm l-istess reklam, iΩda din id-darba l-˙obΩ qieg˙ed mas-sider mikxuf ta’ ra©el... u donnu li ˙add ma ra dan irreklam.... jew ma nteressa lil ˙add. Li hu Ωgur hu li fuq kollox irreklam g˙amel xog˙lu g˙ax tant kien hemm hits fuq is-social networks li wie˙ed jista’ jibqa’ çert li kienu l-eluf li raw dan irreklam!!!
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Demeaning God and man indeed go hand in hand. A sad day for Malta. Lord forgive them: they do not know what they do.
Il-Parlament jg˙addi emendi li bihom tonqos iç-çensura
a’ fuq hu li kiteb fuq Twitter lArçisqof, Mons Charles Scicluna, malli t˙abbar li l-Parlament Malti approva l-amendi g˙al-Li©i Kriminali fejn tolqot il-vilifikazzjoni tar-reli©jon, il-
pornografija, iç-çensura eçç. L-emendi ©ew approvati unanimament g˙alkemm matul id-dibattitu kollu l-OppoΩizzjoni kkritikatu bl-ikra˙ u ma qablitx mal-fatt li l-emendi ne˙˙ew il-vilifikazzjoni tar-Reli©jon Kattolika minn att kriminali. Kul˙add beda jag˙ti l-interpretazzjoni tieg˙u g˙all-emendi, fosthom min jg˙id li min jidg˙i issa ma ejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu l-ir©iel Maltin, dawn jitressaqx il-qorti, li kul˙add jista’ g˙addew lin-nisa... fil-popolazzjoni. Fil-fatt jinsulta’ r-reli©jonijiet, li se nibdew g˙all-ewwel darba f’mitt sena, jekk mhux aktar, l- naraw pornografija kull fejn g˙add ta’ r©iel f’Malta qabeΩ lil dak tan-nisa. in˙arsu... Insomma l-imma©inazSkont l-a˙˙ar figuri ma˙ru©a mill-Uffiççju Naz- zjoni ma’ g˙andhix limitu. zjonali tal-Istatistika (NSO), fi tmiem is-senali g˙adFil-fatt xorta hemm li©ijiet li diet, l-2014, l-ghadd ta’ r©iel f’Malta kien ta’ g˙adhom i˙arsu r-reli©jon, li jil214,735, filwaqt li dak tan-nisa kien ta’ 214,609. Dif- limitaw il-pornografija... anzi f’çerti kaΩi l-multi u l-pieni fuq ilferenza Ωg˙ira ta’ 126... imma hemm hi! Imma mbag˙ad in-nisa marru minn quddiem fit-tul pornografija Ωdiedu sew. Fuq kolli jg˙ixu g˙ax filwaqt li l-ir©iel jg˙ixu (sintendi min lox dda˙˙let emenda ©dida li jirnexxielu) sa 79.8 snin, in-nisa jg˙adduna b’erba’ permezz tag˙ha r-revenge porn sar att kriminali serju u gravi, u Malta snin g˙ax ila˙˙qu l-84.3 snin.
L-Ir©iel fuq quddiem F
hija fost il-ftit pajjiΩi fejn ir-revenge porn b'vendetta huwa att kriminali. Ir-revenge porn huwa meta, per eΩempju, xi ˙add ikollu relazzjoni u waqt din ir-relazzjoni jie˙u xi ritratti pornografiçi. Jekk din ir-relazzjoni tinkiser u xi ˙add mill-koppja biex jivvendiku ru˙u mill-persuna l-o˙ra jippublika dawn ir-ritratti, inkluΩ fuq xi siti soçjali, dan ikun qed jag˙mel reat kriminali. Xi ˙a©a li s’issa ma kienetx. Attwalment , skont il-Ministru tal-Ìustizzja dawn l-emendi saru biex “ isa˙˙a˙ il-libertà tal-espressjoni tal-arti.” Infatti dan l-att qed jissejja˙ : L-Att Kontra ç-Çensura. B’hekk illiberta` ta’ l-espressjoni se tkompli tikber. Permezz ta-tne˙˙ijja tal-vilifikazzjoni tarreli©jon, issa hija permessa s-satirika dwar irreli©jon. Sa˙ansitra se tolqot il-jiem talkarnival, g˙ax issa mhux se jibqa’ att kriminali jekk f’dawk il-jiem wie˙ed ifettilu jilbes ta’ qassis, patri, soru.... u forsi jkun hemm min jilbes ukoll ta’ Papa.
KwaΩi nofs bin-nofs
ktar statistika u ni©i g˙aΩ-Ωwi©ijiet, biex ng˙id li l-bidla fid-drawwiet hija riflessa sewwa fiΩ-Ωwie©ijiet, g˙ax fejn sa xi snin ilu ftit kienu dawk li jo˙olmu li ma jiççelebrawx iΩ-Ωwie© tag˙hom fil-Knisja, issa waslna f’punt fejn kwaΩi dawk li jiΩΩeww©u bil-knisja u dawk li jing˙aqdu fiΩ-Ωwie© b’rit çivili qorbu sewwa lejn xulxin. Infatti matul l-2014 kien hemm 2,871 (51.7%) li ΩΩeww©u bilKnisja filwaqt li 1.388 (48.35%) ippreferew çerimonja çivili. Biss hawn ta’ min jg˙id li din il-qabΩa’ kbira fiΩ-Ωwi©ijiet çivili kienet effetwata sewwa mill-g˙add ta’ barranin li ΩΩew©u f’Malta.
Fil-fatt kienu 246 koppja Maltija li ΩΩeww©u bir-rit çivili biss (ktibt biss, g˙ax attwalment anke meta jkun hemm Ωwie© bil-Knisja, fi tmiem iç-çerimonja jsir ukoll ir-rit çivili). Kien hemm imbag˙ad 215-il-ra©el Malti li ng˙aqad bi Ωwie© çivili ma nisa barranin u 120 xebba’ Maltija li bl-istess rit ˙adu r©iel barranin. Ta’ min jg˙id ukoll li g˙add kbir minn dawk il-barranin li ΩΩeww©u biç-çivil f’Malta, attwalment ma jg˙ixux filGΩejjer Maltin. G˙ax dan l-a˙˙ar qed tikber sewwa l-industrija taΩ-Ωwi©ijiet, fejn koppji barranin ji©u Malta biex jiççelebraw iΩ-Ωwie© tag˙hom. Tant hu dan li hawn g˙add sabi˙ ta’ wedding planners li jie˙du ˙sieb Ωwi©ijiet b˙al dawn li j˙allu qlieg˙ tajjeb u jkomplu jg˙inu lekonomija Maltija billi sintendi dawk li FEDERAZZJONI TAL-ISKEJJEL TAL-MALTI INC. (AWSTRALJA) jiΩΩeww©u barra li j˙allsu g˙at-tie© u r-riçivementi li jsiru wara ... kultant riçevimenti mdaqqsa u li jispiççaw sa˙anstra bil-g˙oti ta’ kaxxi nfernali, etç, fl-istess ˙in ikomplu jΩidu fin-numri ta’ turisti g˙ax mal-koppji sintendi Il- Federazzjoni tal-Iskejjel Maltin Awstralja (FMLS) qed tniedi . ji©u wkoll il-mistednin tag˙hom. sussidju ta’ $100 g˙al studenti li joqog˙du u jispiççaw l-ezami Fost l-aktar barrnin li jiΩΩeww©u f’Malta hemm l-IngliΩi. Fis-sena 2014 kellna 400 fil-lingwa Maltija tal-VCE/HSC /SACE din is-sena, 2016. koppja NgliΩa li Ωeww©u f’Malta. L-iskema tg˙odd g˙all-ewwel15-il-student fl-ordni li japplikaw. U g˙ax g˙aΩlu lil Malta? G˙al diversi ra©unijiet, fosthom: il-kwestjoni tal-lingwa, Dettalji u formula dwar kif wie˙ed jakkwista dan is-sussidju jistg˙u id-divertiment, u anke l-fatt li f’Malta it-tie© jinkisbu minn fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-Federazzjoni: ji©ihom or˙os mill-Ingilterra. G˙al-lum nieqaf hawn... aktar statistika nteressanti f’˙ar©iet o˙ra.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
LNP gain majority seats in Australian Parliament Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull (left) and Labor leader Bill Shorten
e've won the election. That's the mandate," Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister of Australia said. “All of our policies that we took to the election we will deliver.” After nearly a two-week wait for the final result the PM stressed that the Coalition achieved a solid majority of 77 seats. This means they will govern in their own right as Labor got 68 seats, from the total of 150 seats (see table). This also mean, however that the Coalition has lost 13 seats, while Labor won more 13 seats in the Lower House since the last election. When it comes to overall voting, Labor polled a total of 4,399,133 votes; Liberal: 3,602,648; Liberal Nationals: 1,085,553; Nationals: 594,697; Greens: 1,253,84; Christian Parties: 455,714; and Xenophon Team: 233,965 votes. Others: 881,017 votes. Total tally as 84.7 percent of the count counted. Mr. Turnbull said he would bring legislation to the Parliament consistent with what was presented to voters in the campaign. He left the door open for tinkering, noting the unsettled makeup of the Senate and pointing out "there is always debate and sometimes compromise." But he insisted: "We will be presenting our budget, our budget measures, in the same manner, we took them to the election.”
Lower limit on gambling
he new Government will face a push from key crossbench MPs and senators for $1 maximum poker machine bets, and bans on gambling advertising. Tasmanian Independent MP Andrew Wilkie and South Australian senator Nick Xenophon will revive plans first considered in 2010 to tackle problem gambling’ ditch by former PM Julie Gillard. The social cost of problem gambling was at least $4.7 billion a year. There were “strong grounds” to lower the bet limit to around $1.
That includes the plebiscite on same-sex marriage and the revival of the Australian Building and Construction Commission. That bill would still be put to a special joint sitting of both houses if it fails to pass the new Senate, Mr. Turnbull indicated. “That was the reason you all endured an eight-week campaign," he told reporters. “That's what the double dissolution was all about, and the same applies of course to the plebiscite.”
House of Representatives
seats previous State of the parties: Liberal/National Coalition 77 90 Australian Labor Party 68 55 The Greens 1 1 Katter’s Party 1 1 Nick Xenophon Team 1 0 Independents 2 2 United Party 0 1 Total 150
The Senate’s final results will take more time to determine
peaking in Sydney, the S Prime Minister thanked the Australian people, his family, and the Labor leader. “I know that Bill Shorten said earlier that he looked forward to seeking to reach common ground, and I welcome that remark,” Mr.
Turnbull said. “We must ensure a strong economy in years ahead. That we maintain a successful transition from an economy fuelled by mining and construction booms. “We need to ensure that Medicare and education, health services and all those vital government services are provided for, and Australians feel secure that they are provided for and guaranteed, and at the same time, we have to ensure that we bring our budget into balance.”
Referencing the crossbenchers, he said: “I am determined to ensure that so far as possible, every member of the 45th Parliament feels that they are able to play a very constructive role and that their contribution is valued by me and by the government... every member of the house and the Senate deserves respect, because they have been elected by the Australian people. “This is a great day, a great day to thank the Australian people for the decisions they have taken in this election, and to commit to them and you, our absolutely unrelenting determination to ensure that this Parliament delivers good government, wise legislation, and builds on the strengths of our economy to ensure that truly our greatest days are yet ahead of us.”
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Rudd for the UN?
A quick glimpse at Australia
The Security Council will conduct a straw poll on July 21 in New York to whittle down the present field, but other candidates are still expected to come forward. ormer Australian PM, Kevin Rudd’s hopes of winning the top job Mr. Rudd has been coy about his ambition, emphasising the UN traat the United Nations will depend on the new government of Mal- dition of rotating the top job from geographic regions, with east Europe colm Turnbull. A poll last month by the Lowy Institute for Interna- yet to have a turn. tional Policy showed Australians are split on whether Mr. Rudd would There is also a strong push to appoint the first woman to lead the be a good secretary-general, with 46 percent saying he would and 49 global organisation. When he was Prime Minister, Tony Abbott percent saying he would not. penned a letter pledging Australia's support for New Zealand's Helen An earlier survey found his support among Australians as low as one Clark to be the next secretary-general. in five. But the job is not a popularity contest, and the nomination from Mr Rudd backed several former political rivals for plum diplomatic a candidate's home country is regarded as more of an administrative postings, including former foreign minister Alexander Downer to be nicety, with the final appointment the outcome of crucial backroom UN envoy to Cyprus negotiations by the five permanent members of the Security Council. and Tim Fischer and So far some 12 candidates have been nominated by their home coun- Brendon Nelson as tries for UN top post. The decision is expected in the next few months Australian ambassabefore the incumbent Ban Ki-moon finishes his term in December. dors ollowing the report of a commission, conducted by former High Court judge Michael McHugh, as of July 1 next year, New South Wales is banning Greyhound racing. NSW Premier, Mike Baird said the findings were damning, and the "widespread and systemic mistreatment of animals" couldn’t be tolerated. NSW thus becomes the first state in Australia to ban greyhound racing, an industry and sport that has been central to working class culture in NSW that attracts wagers of almost $1 billion a year and employs about 1,000 people. The ban comes after a special commission of inquiry found overwhelming evidence of animal cruelty. Mr. Baird said the inquiry found: * Between 48,000–68,000 dogs were killed in past 12 years in NSW because they were too slow or otherwise unsuitable for racing * Live baiting is widespread, with about 10– 20 per cent of trainers engaged in the practice Former leaders, Australia’s PM John Howard (left) and USA President George Bush * Greyhound Racing NSW had a policy of stand accused with UK’s the Prime Minister Tony Blair of starting the war in Iraq deliberately misreporting the number of dog deaths and injuries * The industry is not capable of reforming over the short or medium term. he long-awaited report, delivered by Sir the best intelligence available at the time. Mr. Baird said the State Government would John Chilcot, found then-British Prime “As I understand it, there were no [Aus- work toward an orderly shutdown of the inMinister Tony Blair and his govern- tralian] battle deaths in Iraq, but obviously, I dustry over the coming months. Greyhound ment led the country into a war based on am sorry for the wounds or injuries that any- trainers say they will fight to stop the ban. flawed intelligence in 2003. body suffered,” he said. There are 6,809 registered greyhounds in In Sydney, former Prime Minister John The then Australian Prime Minister suffered NSW; some are of Maltese descent while Howard has responded to the Chilcot report the ultimate political humiliation when in many Maltese follow this sport. Greyhounds into the war in Iraq, maintaining his decision 2007 election he was not re-elected in his seat will need to be re-homed, transferred interto send Australian troops into the conflict was of Bennelong in NSW. state or put down, the inquiry found. justified at the time. Mr. Howard said that while he respected Sir John's findings, he did MICHELLE ROWLAND MP not agree with all of them. FEDERAL MEMBER Meanwhile, Australian political leaders have FOR GREENWAY "blood on their hands", according to indeProudly serving the areas of: pendent Tasmanian MP and former intelligence officer Andrew Wilkie, who has spoken Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, out in the wake of the Chilcot inquiry.”The Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, terror threat that we face in this country right Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle now is a direct result of the decision by the Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Australian Government under John Howard Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, in 2003 to join in that invasion,” he said. Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, “They took us to war on a lie. No wonder Toongabbie*, Vineyard John Howard and Tony Blair and George W *Parts of Bush do stand accused of war crimes. I'd like 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 them to see an international court.” Ph: 9671 4780 Howard insisted, “There was no lie. There were errors in intelligence, but there was no Email: lie.” He said that while he was sorry for those who had suffered as a result of the conflict in Iraq, he was justified in making the decisions Twitter: @mrowlandmp he did in 2003 because they were informed by
NSW first to ban Greyhound racing
The war in Iraq:
Howard defends himself
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Xi ritratti millattivitajiet li permezz tag˙hom il-komunita` Malitja fi NSW iffeste©©jat l-Imnarja. FUQ: Membri tal-kor talG˙aqda Kulturali Maltija ta’ NSW bil-kostum tradizzjonali flimkien ma’ Marisa Previtera (lewwel lemin) li taw kontribut f’˙afna mill-attivitajiet li saru tul iççelebrazzjonijiet.
Tuesday July 19, 2016
L-Imnarja ççelebrata bi kbir fi NSW
U˙ud min dawk li ˙adu sehem fiççelebrazzjoni tasSeniors ta’ Greystanes. FUQ: Patrick Bartolo, martu Lina u Grace Schembri (bl-g˙onnella. XELLUG: Dulcimer Court turi lbizzila Maltija li his stess ˙admet.
if wie˙ed seta’ jara minn dak li di©a` rrappurtajna f’xi ˙ar©iet dan l-a˙˙ar ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, u qed nag˙mlu wkoll illum, il-festa tal-Imnarja ©iet iççelebrata bi kbir fi NSW. Kellna rapporti tal-laqg˙at li saru fil-gruppi tal-anzjani ta’ fil-g˙odu, l-attivitajiet ta’ La Valette SC u wkoll tal-G˙aqda Kulturali ta’ NSW. Il-festi ing˙alqu bl-attivita` li saret fil-Good Shepherd Parish Hall Plumption organizzata mill-kumitat tal-festa ta’ San Nikola li g˙aliha attendew mijiet ta’ Maltin. Din bdiet bit-tberik tal-karozzi “antiki”u n©enji o˙ra, ˙xejjex u annimali. Dawk preΩenti ©ew imferr˙a b’kant u divertiment minn Ron Borg, Joe Xuereb u Tony Fenech u wkoll il-kantant Joe Apap. Óadu sehem ukoll il-membri tal-G˙aqda Kulturali libsin bil-kustumi tradizzjonali. Kien tassew tmiem addattat g˙al din il-festa tradizzjonali Maltija. Qeg˙din ingibu iktar ritratti ta’ dawn l-attivitajiet.
Il-kumitat tal-festa ta’ San Nikola li ˙ejjew iç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-Imnarja fi Plumpton NSW
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti. Illum nissoktaw b’aktar regoli.
F’kelmiet ta’ Ωew© sillabi, jekk flewwel taqsima hemm vokali ma˙tufa, is-sillaba tinfired wara lkonsonanti li ti©i wara dik il-vokali; ng˙idu a˙na, vokali ta’ le˙en ma˙tuf ti©bed mag˙ha l-konsonanti ta’ warajha. G˙alhekk inqassmu: Jis-tad, fer-˙a, ©ib-da, sed-daq, qab-ad, qab-bad, fehma, war-da, bag˙-la, ˙ol-qa, ©ew-Ωa, ©aw-har, ri©-el, Ωib-e©, fer-aq.
jjem bl-aççent fuqha. G˙aldaqstant ng˙idu u niktbu: sieb, diem, jiena, ©iebha, ma riedx, ma sabhiex. (2) L-ô ta’ kliem barrani fil-Malti ti©i li titbiddel fil-le˙en ta’ û: pûm minn pomo, tudûn minn tordone, muntûn minn montone, ballûn minn pallone, sapûn minn sapone. (3) Il-vokali ê, ta’ kliem barrani, filMalti ti©i li tie˙u l-le˙en ta’ ie jew î b˙al fil-kelmiet pena, segola, decreto li bil-Malti jinstemg˙u u jinkitbu piena jew pîna, siegla, digriet.
Tinteressak il-kitba?
arrejja li j˙ossu li, jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, u jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, huma m˙e©©a jibag˙tuhomlna f’dan l-indirizz talemail:
g˙elm miksur lejn il-lemin: tlàbt, sìbna, ˙àrbixt. L-aççent ˙elu jew nofs aççent, biex nuruh, ninqdew bil-˙aΩΩ ta’ (´), g˙elm miksur lejn ixxellug. EΩ. télaq, féraq, ©íbed, súwed, bóg˙od, g˙ó©ol.
Vokali b’aççent twil jew imkarkar, fis-sillaba li tkun, tie˙u warajha konsonanti wa˙da. (Ara wkoll il-˙dax-il Regola). G˙alhekk niktbu: ©ieb, dâq, sâr, Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss. ˙âres, qârar, meg˙rieΩ, sîd, muntûn, pjaçîr, vît, miet, digriet, sajjied, ID-DSATAX-IL REGOLA bajjâd, sikrân, F’kelmiet ta’ iΩjed minn Ωew© sillabi, bierek kollha is-sillabi jitqassmu kif urejna skont b’konsonanti it-tag˙rif tal-lum intemmu l-parti dwar iswa˙da wara il-le˙en u l-˙oss su©©ett tal-Kelmiet il-G˙add jew Numri, nitl-vokali b’açtal-vokali. trattaw l-a˙˙ar tliet struzzjonijiet, u anke çent twil jew G˙alhekk inqassmu: ˙a-fi-fa, sa-rinag˙mlu xi ta˙ri© ma, Ωar-bu-na, qas-ri-ja, ti©-ri-ja, max- i m k a r k a r . G ˙ a l h e k k tu-ra. 6. In-Nom li ja˙bat wara n-Numri ma nag˙Ωlu bejn je˙ux l-artiklu. sâr u sàrr, dâq IL-ÓOSS U L-AÇÇENT TAL-VOKALI EΩ.: sitt kotba, tletin sajjied, mitt Ωieu dàqq, ˙ât u mel. Il-vokali ˙osshom twil jew imkar- ˙àtt, râs u ràss, 7. In-numri 4, 7, 9 bit-T Marbuta u nkar g˙andhom dejjem l-aççent ©âr u ©àrr, numri 14, 17 19, jinkitbu ming˙ajr g˙. dâm u dàmm, fuqhom. Dawn huma: EΩ.: erbat isriep, erbatax-il sponΩa.. (1) Il-vokali a, i u u. EΩ. dâr, xurbân, g˙âd u g˙àdd. 8. Wara Nom, Verb jew kelma o˙ra Kelmiet il-G˙add ma Vokali ˙os©îr, tabîb, bût, qanfûd. jinbidlux. (2) Il-vokali o u e fi kliem me˙ud shom ma˙tuf EΩ.: daqqu l-˙amsa; mill-erbg˙a ‘l quddiem. minn ilsna barranija. EΩ. kôk, lôk, jista’ jkollhom xêna, çêna, u fi kliem Malti fejn Ωew© xorta ta’ TAÓRIÌ dawn iΩ-Ωew© vokali jin˙assu flok il- a ç ç e n t i : vokali a b˙al fil-kelmiet g˙ôlja wie˙ed s˙i˙ u 1. Ûid nom wara: ˙elu (a©©ettiv), kôs, mêla (imma-la), lê l-ie˙or Tmien, g˙axar, Ωew©, tnax-il, elf, tlitt, sebg˙in, sitt, erbg˙a jew nofs aç(la). u disg˙in, mitt, sbatax-il, seba’, tmint, g˙oxrin, Ωew©t, çent. mitejn, disa’, erbg˙in, miljun. L-aççent s˙i˙, T.ç. (1) Il-vokali a twila ti©i li tinbiex nur-uh, bidel fil-le˙en ta’ ie (dittong) li, kif 2. Ikteb kliem minlok numri: g˙edna, g˙andha tqis ru˙ha ittra ninqdew bilÌejt l-1 fl-eΩami. G˙adhom kif daqqu s-7. Rajna 14-il wa˙da bil-le˙en twil u g˙alhekk de- ˙aΩΩ ta’ (`) baqra. G˙andi 77 boçça. Ódimna 10 sommiet tqal. Óri©t mid-dar fl-4. A˙jar g˙asfur f’idejk minn 100 fl-ajru. Mario Ag˙mel uΩu mid-dizzjunarju Malti xtara 9 fniek. Iz-zija tatni 3 lumijiet. Ûort 3 bliet kbar. Is-7 *Jekk trid tiççekja l-kitba, it-tifsir tal-kliem Malti u tΩiemel korra. F’kelmiet ta’ Ωew© sillabi li g˙andhom l-aççent twil jew s˙i˙ fuq la˙˙ar taqsima, issillaba tinfired mill-konsonanti li ta˙bat qabel ilvokali tal-aççent. G˙alhekk inqassmu: ˙a-fíf, ˙a-bíb, g˙o-tòrt, ˙a-rûf, xi tán, su-bien, dubbien, fer-g˙ûn.
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Kelmiet il-G˙add jew Numri
traduzzjoni g˙all-IngliΩ issa tista’ tid˙ol fuq id-dizzjunarju tal-Maltin online. Is-sit huwa:
(Fil-˙arga li jmiss nag˙tu r-riΩltat tat-ta˙ri©)
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco 29th Annual Dinner Dance Date: Saturday October 29 at the Mandavilla Reception Centre (1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park NSW) Time: 7.30 pm - Donation $60.00. Dress: Semi Formal Entertainment: by Joe Apap. Special Quest & MC Joe Galea *All proceeds from this event will go towards the Don Bosco Missions. For bookings: Marlene on 02 9631 9295
Xaghra Association of NSW Inc Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance on Saturday September 24 AT: Balmoral Function Centre, Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN * ROC-A-TAC & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band * 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks * Guest of Honour Fr Dominic Sultana from Gozo * Donation Adults:$60.00 Children, $35:00 Contact: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034 or M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba lawn bowls darba fixxahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-log˙ba li jmiss nhar il-Óadd 14 ta’ Awwissu fis-1.00 p.m. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
IL-GRUPP SANTA MARIJA TA’ SYDNEY B˙as-soltu qed jorganizzaw l-Ballu ta’ Santa Marija Nhar is-Sibt, 6 ta’ Awissu fis-7.00 p.m. fil-Balmoral Centre, Balmoral Street, Blacktown Ikun hemm ikla ta’ erba’ platti u xorb b˙al birra, inbid, soft drinks, cassata ice-cream, te u kafe. Jie˙du sehem il-Falcons Band u l-mistednin speçjali Kathlyn Vella u Carmen Cauchi Donazzjoni ta: $60.00; Tfal ta˙t it-12 il-sena: $30.00 Ikun hemm ukoll marci mill-Banda Maltija O.L.Q.P. G˙al aktar tag˙rif u xiri ta biljetti çemplu lil Agnes fuq: 9626 6756, Mobile: 0432 714 735 Theresa: 9604 3679, Mob: 0432 646 960
Direct from Malta Mary-Rose Mallia and Renato COMEDY with The Cittadini Sydney Show: Sunday on November 20 at La Valette Centre, Blacktown at 2.00 p.m. Donation: $22.00 Children U/12: $10.00 For Tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386; Doris: 9636 2295
Other shows:
Melbourne - Queensland - Adelaide
Nov. 11, 12, 13
Nov. 5
Nov. 26
Ic-Cittadini sponsored by
165 Dunmore Str., Wentworthville Phone: 96 312689 or 0412 523893 The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. every Thursday 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, kemm bil-Malti u Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bl-istejjer u l-©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u f’dak il-˙in.
Readers can request by post a printed copy of The Voice of The Maltese n response to a number of IMaltese inquiries, The Voice of the wishes to advice that
we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. One is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details. Email us at: Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
C o mmunity Co mmunity N ews Maltese Respite Care Service La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road, Blacktown
For services that are available one should contact 9621 2151 Who is eligible:
Carers and families of frail age residing in the Blacktown and Cumberland Local Government areas. Others bordering LGAs would be considered. Thursday activities:
10.15am: Mass in Maltese; Morning Tea, Bocci, lunch and bingo. Guest speakers and entertinment might be available
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Teachers urgently needed. Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376 The Malta Community Chest Fund
Óamrun Association: 02 9838 1111
MALTESE CHARITY DINNER DANCE Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
Il-Hamrun Club flimkien mal-Maltese-Australian Youth Committee ta’ NSW
Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40
(se jorganizzaw Christmas in July fil-klabb tal-Óamrun f’100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, nhar is-Sibt 23 ta’ Lulju fis-6.00 p.m.)
Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine
maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:
Kul˙add mistieden speçjalment dawk tas-second u third generation: Id-d˙ul ikun b’xejn. Issibu tixtru ikel u xorb Malti minn €12 g˙al 15-il platt. Se jkun hemm DJ b’muΩika g˙al kul˙add Din hi lejla ta’ divertiment g˙all-familja kollha. Ejjew u ©ibu l-˙bieb mag˙kom. G˙al kull tag˙rif ikkuntattjaw lil: George Zahra: 0407 434 651, Christ: 0431 457 868 jew il-klabb.
ST HELENA MALTESE/AUSTRALIAN S.C. Events 2016 AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.
METD OUTINGS - 2016 14th August – St Maria Festa (Central Coast) $35/pp including morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja (City) $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Sports on two pages
Brexit’s impact on English Premier League
ritain’s decision to leave the European Union is also bound to affect football as by virtue of Brexit one important aspect of the 1995 Bosman Ruling - relating to the EU’s rule regarding the free movement of labour across member nations - in England is now dead. It could mean that English clubs will not be able to import players from EU countries as easily as they have been. Additionally the English FA will now be able to impose quotas on allowed foreigners per team, something that was against EU regulations while Britain was a member. The Bosman Ruling is now 21 years old so, for the benefit of younger readers, let me explain what it is. Before the Bosman Ruling 21 years ago, football had its own rules regarding the transfer and movement of players. Clubs were entitled to hang on to play-
ers even after their contracts had expired and indeed charge transfer fees if they wanted a move. Some even used to describe players, effectively, were slaves. Then up came Jean-Marc Bosman, a Belgian midfielder with RFC Liege who was wanted by the French club, Dunkerque. Despite Bosman being out of contract, RFC Liege slapped a heavy transfer fee on him that the French club refused to pay. They even relegated the player to the reserves. Bosman went to the European Court of Justice for help; five years after his transfer request, the Court ruled in his favour, causing a seismic tremor in football and its transfer system. The game hasn’t been the same since. It ruled that the then football rules were in breach of the Treaty of Rome of 1957, which guaranteed freedom of movement across EU members. It also ruled that
club quotas on foreign players, at least from EU countries, were unlawful. Players were now free to transfer to new clubs free of transfer fees once they were out of contract and they were free to move across borders within the EU, unrestricted by quotas on foreigners. A major beneficiary was the English Premier League, which received a flood of new star arrivals. The appeal of the EPL soared, as did the value of the league’s broadcasting rights. It became a commercial success, the like of which nobody had never seen before. Now Britain, and the EPL, find themselves without the ability to argue EU freedom of movement laws when signing foreigners. The same rules will apply when signing players from France, the Netherlands or Spain as they now do to signing players from Australia, Argentina or Africa.
Champions Adelaide kick off 2016/17 Hyundai A League season against Newcastle
round three months from the start of the season, the A-League has drawn the fixtures for the 2016/17 campaign with champions Adelaide United start defending their title with an away tie against Newcastle Jets on October 9. After suffering defeat in last season’s Grand Final against Adelaide, Western Sydney Wanderers hope to avenge that day by starting their challenge a day earlier with a home tie against Sydney FC. Last term Adelaide broke their Hyundai ALeague title drought at the Wanderers expense with a 3-1 victory in a thrilling decider in front of more than 50,000 fans at Adelaide Oval. If anything, that dramatic decider will ensure clashes between these two in season 2016/17 will have added spice. The Wanderers will get that first shot at redemption in Round 2 (October 14) in a Friday night blockbuster at Coopers Stadium. While both squads could have a host of different players, the feeling is sure to be there, especially with a Spanish influence flowing through both squads. The two sides don’t meet again until Round 22 when the Reds head to Spotless Stadium on Saturday, March 4, while the Round 27 clash in Adelaide could potentially have a bearing on the Premiership race. Whatever the scenario, there should be plenty of drama and entertainment between two clubs that are developing quite a rivalry. The season kicks off October 7 when Brisbane Roar face Melbourne Victory. Then on October 8 Wellington Ph. entertain Melbourne City, and Perth Glory host Central Coast Mariners.
Malta’s national basketball team celebrating
Gold for Malta in Women’s Basketball Championships for Small Countries 2016 or the third year running, Malta’s tino with 16 points, Christina Grima F national basketball team won the with 15, and Ashleigh Vella and FIBA Small Countries Women’s Eu- Josephine Grima with 14 points each.
ropean Championship for the third Scores in the sessions were (Malta time after beating IreMalta’s top first): 19-27, 10-12, 22-11 land 67-59 in this year’s scorer Steffi and 16-9. final. Malta won all their DeMartino Ireland started strongmatches in the tournain action ly and were ahead 27-19 ment and booked their place in the final after at the end of the first eliminating Moldova quarter. However, with a mammoth 90-30 coach Angela Adamvictory. oli’s half-time pep talk Malta’s Christina must have instilled conGrima was the Most fidence in her players as Valuable Player (MVP Malta overturned a 10of the 2016 FIBA Wompoint halftime deficit to en’s European Champiclaim gold at the Teronship for Small Councentenary Sports Hall. tries and featured in the It was a well deserved All-Star Five. Josephine win. Grima joined her on the Malta’s top points-getteam. ters were, Steffi DeMar-
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Sports on two pages
Malta’s participation in this season’s UEFA club competitions
Valletta, Birkirara survive first qualifying round commitments
f the four teams that represented Malta in this season’s European Football competitions, on two, Valletta in the Champions League, and Birkirkara in the Europa League managed to overcome their first obstacle and go through to the next round. However, they are now struggling to stay in their respective competitions and few entertain hopes that they might survive when they play the return ties of the second qualifying round this week. Malta started the season with one team in the Champions League, Valletta, and three in the Europa League, Hibernians, Birkirkara and Balzan. Valletta and Birkirkara successfully qualified to the next round, while Hibernians and Balzan were eliminated. However, for Balzan, in their second successive adventure in a European competition, the experience proved quiet positive as they registered their first ever win, and also came very near to causing an upset after winning away from home. VALLETTA qualified to the next round and earned a clash against Serbia’s Red Star Belgrade, by virtue of the away goals counting double rule after two matches against their Faroe Islands opponents B36 Torshavn. Valletta won the first leg in Malta by 1-0, and then lost the away tie by 2-1. But
by virtue of their away goal, scored by Federico Falcone, the same player who netted their winner in Malta they go through. In the first leg of the second qualifying round in Malta, Valletta gave a gutsy performance but despite taking a 15-minute lead, again through Falcone after 15 minutes, they could not hold on against a superior side that threw everything at them in the second half. Unluckily Valletta lost Falcone injured and in fact the Argentine will miss the return tie in Serbia. Valletta conceded an equaliser on 65 minutes through Katai and then Red Star scored what proved to be the winning tally on 74 minutes scored by Predrag Sikimic. EUROPA LEAGUE In the Europa League, BIRKIRKARA will play their second leg in the second qualifying round of the competition against Hearts in Scotland this Thursday after a scoreless draw in the first leg in Malta. Birkirkara had gone through to this round by virtue of a 3-1 aggregate score victory over NK Siroki of Bosnia. They had drawn (1-1) their away first leg tie and then went one better on home ground by beating their opponents with a goal on each side of half time, 2-0, from Dimtrov Srdan and Stipo Markovic.
Green Gully, George Cross draw latest games n their quest for a leading postion in the PS4 NPL Men’s League in Victoria, Green Gully Imanaged four more points in the last two matches, a 3-2 win over Avondale and a 1-1 home draw on Saturday against Richmond. It helped them retain fifth position, 11 points behind league leader South Melbourne and two behind fourth placed-Oakleigh.
Sydney United 58 win Waratah Cup goal by Japanese import Yutaro A Shin one minute into the second half proved to be the goal that gave Sydney United 58 the Waratah Cup after beating Manly United 1-0 in the final at Lambert Park. It was a deserved victory as they did most of the running. The leaders of the PS4 NPL NSW Men’s championship also managed to survive the sending off of Bosnar on 72 minutes. Right: the United 58 players and officials celebrating their success.
In the PS4 NPL2 West, Sunshine George Cross’ revival continues with another fine away performance in Round 20 and a 2-2 draw against league leaders Whittlesea Rangers. Then in Round 21 they figured in another home draw, 1-1 against North Geelong Warriors It enabled them to climb a position and are now third from bottom.
HIBERNIANS’ experience proved to be quite sour. They went down 6-0 on aggregate losing both games, home and away by an identical 3-0 score. After their loss in Slovakia, Hibernians found Spartak much too tough on home soil and lost by the same score. They were 1-0 down by half time. After losing the first leg in Malta by 2-0, BALZAN did not entertain much hope of a recovery in the return in Azerbaijan against Neftci PFK. However, they tore up the formbooks by winning 2-1 in Baku. But the success was not enough to earn them a place in the next round as they lost 3-2 on aggregate. Substitute Lydon Micallef got both of their goals in the second half. In between, Paul Fenech missed a penalty that could have taken them through on the away goals rule.
Sydney Utd. do Parramatta no favours beating them at home
ne woud perhaps have been expecting O too much from Parramatta Eagles to stretch PS4NPL NSW leaders Sydney United to the limit and take any points off them despite home ground advantage. In fact, as expectd, the Round 18 clash went United’s way as they beat the Eagles 2-0. Fresh from their success in the Waratah Cup, Sydney United never looked like dropping any points and thus hold on to their nine-point advantage at the top of the ladder over Blacktown City. Parramatta who had drawn their home postponed match against APIA 1-1 stay sixth, sharing it DAY 18 with Bonnyrigg Parramatta v Sydney U 0-2 also at the end of Bonnyrigg v Sydney O. 0-2 an identical score Hakoah C v Sutherland 0-1 Blacktown S v APIA 3-2 home defeat aga- Rockdale v Manly U 1-2 inst Sydney Olym. Wollongong v Blacktown C 2-3