The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 133
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
One of Malta’s top visitor attractions, the Malta National Aquarium (located in one of Malta’s most picturesque promenades at Bugibba/Qawra) which is home to over a hundred different species of fish.
The Wignacourt Arch known as the Fleur-De-Lys Gate on the boundary between Fleur-deLys and St Venera, This is a replica of the arch, constructed in 2015, of the original one built in 1615 and destroyed in the war, 1943-45
at Fleur de Lys
August 2 2016
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Wara Ω-Ωjara tal-ET Marie Louise Coleiro Preca fl-Awstralja: Jekk qatt kien hemm xi dubju dwar jekk il-kap tal-istat Malti, il-President, l-Eççellenza tag˙ha Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, ©enwinament temminx kliemha meta tg˙id li hi l-President tal-Maltin kollha, huma fejn huma, Ωgur tne˙˙a wara Ω-Ωjara ta’ 13-il jum li g˙amlet fl-Awstralja fejn iltaqg˙et ma’ eluf ta’ Maltin, u entuΩjaΩmathom tant li se tibqa’ f’qalbhom. Kif waslet lura Malta, l-President u l-˙addiema tal-uffiççju
tag˙ha li akkumpanjawha wkoll fl-Awstralja u wkoll ©ew imfa˙˙ra g˙as-sehem tag˙hom biex iΩ-Ωjara tkun success, mill-ewwel issoktaw b’˙idmiethom. Min-na˙a tal-President napprezzaw il-fatt li qabel tag˙laq dan il-kapitlu importanti fil-Presidenza tag˙ha aççettat li tag˙ti l-fehmiet tag˙ha u tfisser l-emozjonijiet u x’impressjoni ˙alliet fuqha Ω-Ωjara, lil The Voice of the Maltese.
“Óallejt parti minn qalbi mal-Maltin tal-Awstralja”
’kumment imqan- Il-President u Ωew©ha Edgar Preca qal li l-President mal-istudenti tat-Taylors Lakes MalMarie Louise Col- tese Language School f’Melbourne eiro Preca tat lil dan ilmagazine qalet: “In˙oss li ˙allejt parti minn qalbi mal-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin ta’ l- Awstralja.” Issoktat tg˙id li l-fatt li Ωaret lill-Maltin u lillG˙awdxin fl-Awstralja, “kienet esperjenza” g˙ax setg˙et tifhem ftit minn dak kollu li g˙addew minnu dawk li ˙allew art twelidhom bosta snin ilu, biex ifittxu opportunitajiet nita` jidentifikaw ru˙hom b˙ala Maltin. g˙alihom u g˙all-familji tag˙hom. Setg˙et tara li fil-fatt, g˙alkemm ˙afna “Illum, jien kburija g˙all-a˙˙ar bis-suççess li g˙amlu fil-˙ajja tag˙hom, fl-aspirazzjoni- mill-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin ilhom jg˙ixu fljiet li rnexxielhom jil˙qu, u bil-fatt li llum il- Awstralja g˙al bosta snin, g˙adhom jit©urnata, huma parti integrali mill-komunità kellmu bil-Malti, jieklu ikel Malti, u jiltaqg˙u fil-klabbs tal-Maltin. Awstraljana.” Il-Presdient ˙asset ukoll li l-©enerazzjoni L-Eççellenza Tag˙ha Ωiedet tispjegalna li “Jidher biç-çar li l-vja©© biex waslu hawn Ωag˙Ωug˙a, li twieldet l-Awstralja wkoll ma kienx façli. IΩda l-Maltin, bi bΩulija g˙andha sens ta’ identità Maltija, iΩda b’mod liema b˙ala, determinazzjoni u ˙ila, illum differenti. “Xorta wa˙da jifta˙ru li huma irnexxielhom ikunu prezenti f’kull sfera tal- wlied il-Maltin, u jg˙idulek minn fejn huma f’Malta il-©enituri tag˙hom. Óafna minnhom ˙ajja ta’ dan il-kontinent daqshekk kbir.” Qalet li l-fatt li ma’ kull min iltaqg˙et ji©u Malta biex iΩuru lil qrabathom ta’ spiss.” Innutat li l-©enerazzjoni Ωag˙Ωug˙a talkemm jekk mexxejja politiçi, ta’ soçjetajiet, kif ukoll mexxejja f’postijiet tax-xog˙ol, Maltin fl-Awstralja trid tkun taf aktar dwar kollha kellhom kliem ta’ tif˙ir g˙all-Maltin Malta, u x’inhu ji©ri f’art missirijiethom. u l-G˙awdxin li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja, u d“IΩda huma j˙ossuhom li huma Awstraldixxendenti tag˙hom. jani, mhux biss g˙ax twieldu hemm, imma “Forsi l-isba˙ kumment li smajt kemm il- g˙ax integraw sew fis-soçjetà li jg˙ixu fih.” darba kien li l-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin kienu Il-President temmen li din hi l-baΩi tasstrumentali, u li qed jag˙tu sehemhom fl-is- suççess tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja, li rnexxielferi kollha tal-˙ajja Awstraljana. hom jintegraw f’soçjetà li, g˙alkemm hija Il-President iltaqg˙et ma’ Maltin u G˙aw- diversa, hija wkoll inklussiva. dxin li kienu, jew g˙adhom, fil-politika u fil“I-Maltin fl-Awstralja llum m’humiex biss parlament Awstraljan, fosthom ma’ Sindku wie˙ed mill-gruppi etniçi li jg˙ixu f’dan ilMaltija, nies li jispeçjalizzaw fil-mediçina, kontinent, iΩda jiffurmaw parti integrali miso˙rajn fl-IT, fl-edukazzjoni, u ma’ Maltin u soçjetà Awstraljana. G˙awdxin li llum g˙andhom negozji kbar u “Hemm interess kbir fiç-çittadinanza importanti g˙all-ekonomija fl-Awstralja. doppja, speçjalment minn Ωg˙aΩag˙ li qed “Óassejtni kburija wkoll meta smajt li l- ifittxu orizzonti ©odda, kemm fl-istudju, kif Maltin fl-Awstralja huma meqjusa b˙ala nies ukoll opportunitajiet ta’ negozju jew xog˙ol, li jΩommu l-paçi, dik bejniethom kif ukoll il- barra mill-Awstralja. paçi mal-kumplament tas-soçjetà li jg˙ixu “G˙aldaqstant, hemm ˙afna nteress ukoll fiha. Dan kollu tassew juri kemm il-Maltin minn dixxendenti Maltin fil-poΩizzjoni ta’ u l-G˙awdxin saru parti integrali mis-soçjetà Malta fl-Ewropa, u fl-Unjoni Ewropea,” Awstraljana, filwaqt li jkomplu jg˙oΩΩu l- kompliet tg˙id. identita’ Maltija,” qalet il-President. Il-President semmiet li l-ilsien Malti qed Ûiedet tg˙id li tul iΩ-Ωjara rat kemm il-ko- ji©i mg˙allem f’g˙add ta’ skejjel tal-lingwi Maltija g˙ad g˙andha sens ta identità Mal- kif ukoll fi klabbs tal-Maltin, u fi Ωjara li tija, u g˙ad g˙andha m˙abba lejn Malta u g˙amlet f’wa˙da minn dawn l-iskejjel kienet dak kollu li hu Malti, u l-membri tal-komu- impressjonata bit-tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ li qed
jitg˙allmu l-Malti f’din liskola. Din l-iskola hi ssussidjata mill-gvern Awstraljan g˙attag˙lim tal-lingwi etniçi li hemm fil-pajjiΩ, u li s’issa, il-lingwa Maltija hi ssussidjata mis-sistema edukattiva tal-pajjiΩ. Qalet li l-inkwiet talMaltin dwar din l-iskola ta’ Melbourne, hu, li jekk ma jkunx hemm konkorrenza biΩΩejjed, it-tag˙lim tal-Malti ma jibqax ikun issussidjat, g˙alhekk iridu jqajjmu aktar kuxjenza dwar l-importanza tat-tag˙lim tal-Malti, b˙ala parti mill-kultura u l-identità Maltija. Il-President iltaqg˙et ma’ Ωg˙aΩag˙ dixxendenti Maltin fl-istati kollha li Ωaret u li dawn tkellmu mag˙ha dwar l-aspirazzjonijiet tag˙hom g˙all-futur. “Bi pjaçir ng˙id li Malta baqg˙et çentrali fil˙sibijiet u l-aspirazzjonijiet tag˙hom. IΩda minn dak li qaluli, l-interess tag˙hom huwa aktar minn sempliçiment kultura u identità. “L-interess taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ dixxendenti Maltin illum il-©urnata jinfirex fuq il-possibilitajiet ta’ studju fl-Università ta’ Malta, u Universitajiet o˙ra fl-Ewropa, fuq bini ta’ negozju bejn l-Ewropa u l-Awstralja, lejn iddrittijiet tag˙hom b˙ala çittadini ta’ Ωewg pajjiΩi u fuq opportunitajiet li jeΩistu g˙alihom f’dan il-kuntest uniku.” Il-President qalet lil The Voice li ˙assitha kburija tisma Ωg˙aΩag˙ dixxendenti Maltin jitkellmu dwar riçerka li qed jag˙mlu dwar iç-çittadinanza doppja, il-problemi burokratiçi li jiltaqg˙u mag˙hom biex i©ibu l-passaport Malti, u dwar affarijiet li jolqtuhom fil-˙ajja tal-lum. Qalet li dawn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ imxew maΩΩminjiet tal-lum f’kontinent daqshekk kbir u mΩejjen b’tant riΩorsi u tant opportunitajiet g˙alihom. IΩda ˙adet pjaçir ukoll tara li dawn l-istess ΩghaΩag˙ qed i˙arsu mhux biss lejn x’jista’ joffrilhom dan il-pajjiΩ li addottaw il-genituri tag˙hom, imma wkoll lejn lopportunitajiet li toffrilhom Malta llum. Xi ˙a©’o˙ra li impressjonat lill-President kienet fejn tid˙ol il-kultura u l-identità ta’ Malta f’dak li hu folklor, u semmiet il-festi Maltin, bil-baned u l-briju li j©ibu mag˙hom, u li g˙adhom ˙ajjin, anke qalb Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ dixxendenti Maltin. *Ikompli f’pa©na 3
The Voice of the Maltese 3
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Il-mod kif il-Maltin integraw daqstant tajjeb fl-Awstralja hi storja ta’ suççess * minn pa©na 2 Id-dixxendenti Maltin u G˙awdxin li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja, illum huma Awstraljani u integraw sew fis-soçjetà li jg˙ixu fiha, u skont il-President, il-fatt li integraw daqshekk tajjeb, hija storja ta’ suççess g˙all-ewwel emigranti li marru l-Awstralja. “Dawn il-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin irnexxielhom isiru parti integrali minn din is-soçjetà, u rabbew lil uliedhom fi ˙danha. Kienu kapaçi jintegraw u jg˙ixu l-˙ajja
tal-pajjiΩ li g˙amlu tag˙hom.” Fl-a˙˙arnett ammirat u tat ˙ajr lil tliet Ωg˙aΩagh li, qalet, blakbar altruismu u sens ta’ impenn, tellg˙u serata biex jin©abru fondi g˙all-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. Irringrazzjak ukoll lil min attenda, g˙ax mhux biss iççelebraw flimkien dak kollu li hu Malti, iΩda wkoll ˙asbu f’˙uthom fil-bΩonn. Awgurat lill-Maltin, lill-G˙awdxin u liddixxendenti tag˙hom fl-Awstralja kull hena, ©id u paçi. ABOVE: The President and her husband Mr. Edgar Preca (fourth from right front at her meeting the Maltese community in Perth. LEFT: The great and emotional welcome by the Maltese community at the Neighbourhood Centre at Altona, Victoria organised by the Maltese Association of Hobsons Bay. In Melbourne the President visited the 3ZZZ radio station where she met three presenters of the Maltese programmes and the Convenor, Mr. Lewis Stafrace presented her with abook about the history of the station (below)
The President was warmly greeted by three of four Governors running the respective states. ABOVE: She is greeted by Linda Dessau, the Governor of the State of Victoria. During her visit to Melbourne the President also visited the Rosary Home for the aged run by Maltese nuns (on right). In the picture (from left): Prof M. Cauchi, Victor Borg, Paul Borg, Edgar Preca, the President, Sister Doris Falzon OP (Administrator), Sister Valentina Attard SP, the Hon. Jose Herrera, Malta’s Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change and Mrs Alexandra Herrera.
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
At Pendle Hill: Young singer Violeta Bozanic presenting the President with here latest single. During her 13-day trip to Australia Marie Louise Coleiro Preca visited four states and a number of cities. One of these states was NSW where she visited premises run by the Maltese community. They included the Geoge Cross Falcons Centre at Cringila (above), where she had a most enthusiastic welcome by the Maltese community. She also visited the Alfred Fenech Resource Centre (right) with committee members (from left) Tony Pace-Feraud, Edgar Preca, the President, Emanuel Camilleri, Frances Montesin, Lawrence Dimech, HC Charles Muscat and Mary Pace-Feraud. BELOW: The President, Minister Herrera and Mr Preca hosted by the Maltese Community Council of Victoria
Young students from the Skola Maltija ta’ Sydney welcoming the President of Malta when they met her in Sydney.
The President’s final commitment before her return to Malta, the fund raising event in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation
The Voice of the Maltese 5
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Paul Zammit the convener of the Business & Professional Seminar (right) addressing the Business Forum at Parliament House in Sydney. Others in picture (from left); Mr. Paul Sant, Hon John Ajaka MLC, H.E. Charles Muscat (Malta’s HC to Australia), the Hon. John Sodoti MP, the President of Malta and Dr. Jose` Herrera (Maltese Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change)
Maltese-Australian entrepreneurs encouraged to exchange ideas with counterparts in Malta
he President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca encouraged MalteseAustralian entrepreneurs to exchange ideas with entrepreneurs in Malta in order to bring to light the full potential that can be developed by the Maltese-Australian connection. At a meeting with the Australian-Maltese Business Forum at Parliament House in Sydney, during her recent visit to Australia, the President said this was “truly an exciting time for Malta,” with many businessmen and entrepreneurs in Malta seeking business opportunities for new business ventures and to seek new partnerships further away from the island. As such she encouraged the audience to think outside the box, to be innovative, and resourceful, and to take up all potential opportunities, to penetrate the untapped markets that both Malta and Australia have to offer. The President even went as far as to help to facilitate for any business endeavours come to fruition in the near future by intervening with Malta’s institutions, like the Malta Chamber of Commerce and Trade Malta, for the benefit of their enterprises, and for the benefit of both the Maltese and Australian nations. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca believed that her presence among them bore testimony to the long history of mutual friendship that both countries share, and was also a statement of the importance that Malta gives to the thousands of Maltese and Gozitans, and their descendants, who have made Australia their home. “Although geographically far apart, Malta and Australia have nurtured close relations through the Commonwealth, and through the thousands of Maltese migrants living in Australia,” she said. The President went on to say: “Times have changed. While Australia has been a land of opportunities, Malta today is providing a myriad of opportunities, not only for the Maltese, but also for foreign investors and workers. Malta is the fastest growing economy in the European Union, with an all-time low rate in unemployment.”
The President of Malta, HE Marie Louise Coleiro Preca addressing the conference She said that that currently, every three jobs created in Malta, two are being taken up by foreign workers. The President pointed out that Malta has managed to develop a whole variety of industries covering: pharmaceuticals, precision engineering, electronic and automotive components, plastics, medical devices, software development, aviation services, aircraft and yacht repair, a Freeport, which is a stateof-the-art transhipment and logistics Hub, financial services, banking and insurance, i-gaming, and alternative energy products and services, amongst others. “While Malta today enjoys the second largest shipping register in the world, we are also developing aircraft registration, and are proud to say that, due to our formidable and regulated Banking system, Malta has managed to overcome the challenge presented by the financial crisis without mishap.” She also mention the tourism industry, which has become a fast growing sector of the economy, which, over the years, was diversified to embrace educational tourism, through Malta’s language schools, and medical tourism, through partnerships with internationally-renowned medical institutions. “It was surprising that, in spite of Malta’s strong connections with Australia, bilateral
trade is so limited, where Malta enjoys strong competitive advantages,” the President said. She went on to explain that distance was not a deterrent to improve trade and business relations, as Malta enjoys such strong trade and business relations with many Asian countries, and regularly registers trade surpluses with many of them. She said that Malta’s tax regime is fully in line with EU legislation, and is very advantageous to investors competing very well with renowned, tax regimes such as Hong Kong. It also offers the opportunity for the Maltese and their descendants in Australia, dual citizenship, which opens a wide-spectrum of opportunities, not just in Malta, but also in all the other Member States of the European Union. In a few word, Malta offers a perfect gateway for European Union market. The President mentioned that Malta, that next year would be leading the EU Council through the Presidency, welcomes the recent conclusion of negotiations of the EU-Australia Framework Agreement that would provide a new impetus for the development of cooperation in areas such as foreign and security policy, development and trade. Another great possibility of collaboration between Malta and Australia could be in vocational training and the opening of private educational colleges. This is definitely an area that can be further explored,” the President said, while adding that young Maltese descendants are already benefitting from their dual citizenship by furthering their studies in European universities, including the University of Malta. She went on to say that when she addressed the international conference on Wellbeing at Flinders University she witnessed their enthusiasm to further co-operate and collaborate with the University of Malta and her Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. In fact, she has been appointed on the International Advisory Board of this budding institution. Following the interest already shown by Maltese experts in Australia, a concrete proposal is being considered to co-operate in the education sector.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese Q. I am 65 years of age. I have a five year term deposit of in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finan$250,000 currently invested at 5.5% and which is about to mature. As interest rates are currently extremely low, I cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities would like to invest these funds in superannuation for a bet- associated with financial planning. If you need more advice ter return. Is this possible? send an email to Marie Louise via: A. If you are still working than you can in- on the outstanvest $180,000 into super this financial year ding amount and and if you will be working again next year this would be the Daily Accomyou can invest the rest. However, unless you can pass the work modation Paytest which is 40 hours of work over a 30 ment or DAP. day period in this financial year, you are Q. My mother is unable to invest in superannuation. It is sick and needs proposed that legislation is changing and to have an operafter July 1, 2017 anyone under the age of ation in the next 75 will be entitled to make contributions few weeks. She into superannuation. has been told There could be an issue with the $500,000 she will be unlifetime cap if the legislation is passed to able to live on include non-concessional contributions her own for a since July 1, 2007. few months. I Q. My wife is 88 years of age and has de- am planning to ask her to live with us. Will A. You should be able to add to a managed fund at any time as this is not superannuation mentia. Unfortunately I am unable to con- this entitle me to a carer allowance? tinue to look after her at home as I have no A. The Carer Allowance is not means and therefore age is of no concern. You need one to help me. I am planning to move her tested therefore it does not matter whether to make sure that you are happy with the uninto an Aged Care Home. They require a you are working or not or whether your as- derlying assets of this investment, that they Refundable Accommodation Deposit sets are very high. You will need to apply still are appropriate to your risk tolerance, (RAD) of $250,000. I am able to pay for this allowance which is currently and not closed to further investment. $80,000 immediately but the rest of the $123.50 per fortnight. This allowance is Q. I have an investment property valued at funds are in term deposits maturing over adjusted on 1 January each year in line $450,000. I have an outstanding mortgage the next couple of years. Am I allowed to with the Consumer Price Index. This al- of $45,000 on this investment as I always make ongoing lump sum payments to lowance is a non-taxable payment. pay more than the monthly repayments. I cover the full amount? Q. I am 82 years of age and have a man- need to renovate my own home which will A. Yes you can. This is what we call “taking aged fund which I use as an income stream cost around $40,000. I thought of using the periodical payments� option. You pay the by taking monthly payments from it. I have some of the extra payments I made on this $80,000 of the RAD now and as term de- been very happy with the performance of property rather than get a second mortposits mature you make further repayments. this fund. Am I able to add money to this gage. Is this allowed? You will however need to pay 6.01% interest investment? A. You should be able to use some of these extra repayments for your own use. However, while the interest on the investment property is tax deductible, the interest on a mortgage used to renovate your own home will not be. You will therefore need to let your accountant know your plans and he will help calculate your deductions when lodging your tax return.
Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: * Wealth Creation * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice * Maximising Centrelink Benefits * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to entering Aged Care facilities Call Marie-Louise for a complimentary consultation on:
(02) 9231 2133
Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
Q. I have a mortgage on my home of $200,000 and a second mortgage of $300,000 on an investment property that I own. Currently both my mortgages are principal and interest. Is this the best way of using my money or should I make changes? A. Because you still have a large outstanding mortgage on your own residential home, I would consider increasing your repayments on this mortgage and reducing the payments on the investment property by paying the interest only. The interest on your own home is not deductible while the interest on the investment property is. Any savings on tax can be paid to offset a larger portion of your mortgage. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
The Voice of the Maltese 7
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
The place of The Arts in a Civil Society T he passage of the recent election in Australia has certainly been intriguing to say the least. An election always defines what the Parties by AndyBusuttil have determined to be the most important concerns to the Australian community. These are defined by what appear to be front and centre in the various doorstops and election speeches made by both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. The features of this election were, respectively, ‘jobs and growth’ and ‘save medicare’. One other defining feature of the election campaign was the number of times the Arts were mentioned by both the principal Parties. There was something of a silence even though both Parties, I had assumed, may have well articulated policies on The Arts. The salient question for me was how many of us actually referred to these policies in deciding whom we were going to vote for. The Arts are not ‘flavour of the month’ by any means. I really believe that they fall far behind in the priorities of what is considered to be of greatest importance in society. Yet The Arts are also arguably the signature, the hallmark, of what it is that defines a civil society. The Arts are certainly central to the existence of the Folk Federation of NSW. I went hunting for Arts policies so I could share the relevant pages with you all. I fully intended to present both the policies in a fair manner. The Arts, after all, are probably of greatest significance to us as a folk community. The Liberal Party’s policies are definitively listed on the Liberal Party website. You can find them here: I read through this list a number of times searching without success for their policy on The Arts. It is absent. Little wonder that the Liberal/NCP coalition did not make much mention of the Arts at all during the campaign. The ALP does have an Arts Policy
that is supportive of the Arts. Whether it goes far enough is not for me to say. You can find it here: s-policy-251450 in a web-based article written by a credible organisation, artshub. The core of Labor’s policy on The Arts is an increase in funding by a total of $155 million. This includes funding going towards activities that are of significant importance to us in the performing and folk arts communities such as Musica Viva, Music: Count Us In and The Songroom.
These are particularly important because they are schools based programmes that are aimed to encourage our children to engage in the Arts and to increase their exposure to diversity within a diverse society. The ‘third force’ in Australian politics is The Greens. Their policy is also worth looking at closely. It is progressive, which is nothing short of what we expect from them. However, sadly, it is unlikely that their policy will be enacted due to the fact that they do not have the significance of presence in either the Lower House or The Senate to make an adequate difference to policy decisions in governance. You can find the Greens’ policy here: 1398 Pauline Hanson’s One Nation appears to give more space to the Arts in their policy doctrine. The page exists where the policy belongs but unfortunately the page is blank which strongly implies there is no Arts policy in Hanson’s agenda. You can find Hanson’s policy on
The Arts here: At the risk of side-tracking, Hanson’s policy on multiculturalism does exist and you can find it here: It is worth reading to see the immediate relationship she draws between multiculturalism and terrorism. Of interest it appears to be the Parties normally regarded as being on the right wing of politics that have no commitment to the Arts. The Parties on the Centre Left or Left of politics appear to have the commitment lacking on ‘the other side’ and indeed are very clear in their articulation of support. So, why are The Arts important in society? Is it only a position taken by people such as myself who are embedded, indeed employed within The Arts? Or is this a position more broadly taken? Once again I went hunting and found a fabulous page called ‘Useful Quotes for Arts Advocates’. This had to be a great place to start, which indeed it was. Perhaps the strongest quote that arose on this page is pasted here. The reason I picked this one is the strong emphasis on the Arts in the so called ‘Gonski reforms’ that have been a Labor centre-piece in and before the campaign. The quote is: “. . . the arts have been an inseparable part of the human journey; indeed, we depend on the arts to carry us toward the fullness of our humanity. We value them for themselves, and because we do, we believe knowing and practicing them is fundamental to the healthy development of our children's minds and spirits. That is why, in any civilization - ours included - the arts are inseparable from the very meaning of the term 'education.' We know from long experience that no one can claim to be truly educated who lacks basic knowledge and skills in the arts.” –National Standards for Arts Education. This is, of course, the NSAE of the USA For the final word I will bow to Plato: “Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.” – Plato You can find the full list of these quotes here: I highly recommend them to you.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Il-President urietna li g˙andna nkunu kburin li a˙na Maltin The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Paul Debono minn Fairfield, NSW, jikteb:
l-President ta’ Malta ©iet u marret, imma Ω-Ωjara tag˙ha fostna fl-Awstralja se tibqa’ f’qalbna g˙al ˙afna snin. Kienet Ωjara li ˙afna minna fissirniha b˙ala wa˙da memorabbli u naf min anke xerred id-dmug˙ meta ltaqa’ mal-Eççelenza Tag˙ha MarieLouise Coleiro Preca u Ωew©ha. Óafna drabi meta xi kap ta’ stat iΩur l-Awstralja naqraw dwar l-avveniment fil-©urnali imma ftit ferm, jekk ikun hawn minnhom li jiltaqa’ ma’ dawk minn pajjiΩu li jg˙ixu f’din il-gΩira kontinent. Mhux hekk il-President ta’ Malta. Çert li kull Malti u Maltija, forsi l-aktar dawk li ilhom snin twal fl-Awstralja u g˙andhom nostal©ija g˙all-art fejn twelidna, Malta, g˙amlu minn kollox biex jiltaqg˙u mal-President. Sinçerament, u na˙seb li ˙afna jaqblu mieg˙i, meta ng˙id li kienet l-aktar Ωjara minn xi politikant jew kap ta’ stat Malti li serqet qlub minn mindu snin twal ilu kien Ωurna l-Perit Mintoff. Imma dak kien Ωmien ie˙or, u xorta ng˙id li dakinhar, ma kienx hemm daqshekk furur fost il-Maltin, g˙ax donnu li spikkat il-politika. Mhux hekk din id-darba. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca kienet turija ta’ mexxejja li g˙andha g˙al qabha tassew lill-Maltin kollha. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li dejjem tg˙id li hi l-President tal-Maltin kollha. Din iΩ-Ωjara kienet prova çara t’hekk. Ìiet milqug˙a minn kul˙add, imma hi wkoll ma baqg˙etx lura biex tirreçiproka. Sa fejn setg˙et kellmet, iltaqg˙et u ˙adet ritratti ma kull min ried jiltaqa’ mag˙ha. G˙aliha fejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu l-Maltin il-protokoll
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
m’eΩistiex. Minn xi daqqiet ˙afna minna forsi ˙assejna li l-Maltin fl-ibliet li Ωaret kienu fitti ΩΩejjed. Imma mhux hekk il-President, u din xi ˙aga li anke nnutawha l-©urnalisti Awstraljani kif wie˙ed seta’ jara mir-rapporti fil-gazzetti, laktar dawk provinçjali. Impressjonati, skont kliemhom, kienu wkoll il-gvernaturi ta’ g˙add ta’ stati li ltaqg˙et mag˙hom. Grazzi g˙all-magazine The Voice ˙afna mill-Maltin konna m˙ejjija g˙al din iΩ-Ωjara tal-President g˙aliex minn ˙afna ©img˙at qabel Ωammejtuna nfurmati b’din iΩ-Ωjara u kemm il-President kienet xeqana li tiltaqa’ mal-Maltin. A˙na l-Maltin mhux dejjem nuru g˙aqda fostna, imma did-darba tassew li konna poplu wie˙ed. Issa nittamaw li l-kliem sabi˙ talPresident biex inΩommu l-valuri li trabbejna fihom f’Malta, biex ma ninsewx minn fejn ©ejna, li nkunu mag˙qudin u ng˙inu ˙alli wliedna u ulied uliedna jg˙oΩΩu l-g˙eruq tag˙hom, ji©i mhux biss mismug˙ imma aççettat u ma jintilifx hekk kif il-President re©g˙et lura lejn Malta. G˙alhekk na˙seb li nkun qed inwassal ilmessa©g tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja meta ng˙idilha grazzi talli ©abitna nse` ta’ kemm g˙andna nkunu kburin li a˙na Maltin.
Well done for your coverage
Marisa Previtera from Greystanes, NSW writes:
rosit - Well done on your reporting of the visit of the President of Malta to AusP tralia. Your coverage of the visit is to be commended. Also your community events are excellent and give great pleasure to your readers, some of whom cannot participate fully in the community but are kept up to date with what is going on. Keep up the good work.
We will never forget MLCP Moira Camilleri from St Albans, Victoria writes:
herever she visited, the Maltese President made it a point to deliver the mesW sage that Malta, and she herself would never forget us and that Malta will always miss us. Well, on behalf of all the Maltese community in Australia I wish to convey to her a very similar message to tell her, that none of us out here would ever forget her and the warmth that she has sown towards us. May God bless her and Malta!
The Voice of the Maltese 9
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Dehra tal-kunçert ta' din issena tal-Fondazzjoni Paulus
Il-Fondazzjoni li qed tg˙olli l-livel muΩikali ta’ Malta
ien tal-fehma li l-inizjattivi kulturali li jsiru fl-ir˙ula ta’ Malta huma importanti u me˙tie©a. Insostni dan, laktar g˙ax personalment naf ˙afna li jsibuha bi tqila biex jinΩlu ’l isfel (biex nuΩa l-lingwa©© tal-poplu tarra˙al). Allura, li torganizzalhom attivitajiet kulturali fil-qalba tal-lokal tag˙hom huwa b˙al balzmu li jdewwi lu©ig˙ tal-ferita. B˙alissa g˙andi f’mo˙˙i l-Fondazzjoni ‘Paulus’ tar-Rabat. Dan huwa grupp Ωg˙ir ta’ Ωg˙aΩag˙ li s-sena kollha, ta˙t it-tmexxija tal-Avukat Dr Mark Fenech Vella, ja˙dem biss˙i˙ biex fir-Rabat, qrib il-festa ta’ San Pawl tal-10 ta’ Frar, jorganizza ©img˙a ta’ attivitajiet kulturali bl-isem AGAPE FESTIVAL.
PeterPaulCiantar Dan il-festival, li jinkludi diversi okkaΩjonijiet kulturali, jil˙aq il-qofol tieg˙u b’kunçert ta’ muΩika serja u sagra filKnisja Kolle©©jata ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat. Ta’ kull sena jkun hemm kunçert vokali u orkestrali ta’ livell g˙oli ˙afna u d-d˙ul g˙alih ikun ming˙ajr ˙las, grazzi g˙all-g˙ajnuna finanzjarja ta’ xi aΩjendi li jsostnuhom. Naturalment, barra minn din l-g˙ajnuna regolari, il-Fondazzjoni ta˙dem aktar biex issib aktar fondi. Wie˙ed jie˙u pjaçir jara li dan il-kunçert, li beda b˙ala inizjattiva kulturali fil-lokal tarRabat, issa qed jinfirex, u sar wie˙ed ta’ livell nazzjonali. Fil-fatt huma ˙afna dawk millin˙awi t’isfel ta’ Malta li jitilg˙u r-Rabat biex jattendu g˙alih u japprezzaw dak li kapaçi joffri. Dis-sena l-kunçert kien mibni fuq Ωew© pilastri: muΩika mill-Arkivji tal-MuΩew Wignacourt tar-Rabat u xog˙lijiet ©odda tal-kompoΩitur Malti Ray Sciberras. Il-programm fih innifsu kien attrazzjoni speçjali. Dik li tisma’ x’˙allew missirijietna fil-qasam tal-muΩika huwa ˙sieb nobbli. Insemmi wkoll li huwa ˙sieb g˙aqli li jitkabbar ir-repertorju muΩikali f’Malta b’xog˙lijiet ©odda, g˙ax dan jag˙ti sodisfazzjon mhux biss lill-kompoΩitur iΩda wkoll lill-eΩekuturi u lillorganizzaturi, li allura jΩid mal-istorja muΩikali ta’ pajjiΩna. Naf sewwa l-˙idma ta’ dan il-kumitat fi ˙dan il-Fondazzjoni iffurmat minn nies li tassew ja˙dmu fis-skiet. Naf ukoll li b˙alissa g˙addejja ˙idma kbira (li fil-fatt ilha li bdiet) biex is-sena d-die˙la, matul il-Festival AGAPE, issir xi ˙a©a kbira fuq livell internazzjonali li tissokta ti©bed lejha Maltin u turisti.
Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese
e can now supply hard copies in colour of our W magazine to our readers at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in acquiring copies of the
(printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia.
©did Rod-
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Perspettiva Ósibijiet fil-Qosor A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
atul is-snin, iltqajt ma' diversi forom lingwistiçi fejn ilMaltin jesprimu ru˙hom b'mod konçiΩ, imma xejn inqas çar u b'osservazzjoni profonda. F'dan li ©ej, se nsemmi lforom li ltqajt mag˙hom. Min b˙ali trabba ndukrat fil-lingwa Maltija, Ωgur li japprezza ttendenza tal-Malti li jitkellem b'g˙erf antik, li jirrispondi b'mod indirett g˙al mistoqsija diretta jew sitwazzjoni konkreta, li f'kelmtejn jag˙ti messa©© li jwassal il-˙sieb, filosofija jew morali tieg˙u. Qed nirreferi g˙all-qawl, jew proverbju, fejn fi ftit kliem xotti, ilMalti ji©bor u jwassal ˙sieb profond u anke jag˙ti tag˙lima siewja lil min kapaçi, jew irid, jifhem. Biex nag˙ti eΩempju, meta ©enitur jipprova jispjega lil ibnu li apparti l-log˙ob u t-tba˙rid hemm bΩonn li jistudja u jistinka biex jibda' xi karriera fis-sod, jista' jg˙idlu 'bla flus la tg˙annaq u lanqas tbus'. Osservazzjoni o˙ra li spiss nag˙mlu fil-˙ajja konsumista ta' llum, meta dak li nixtru bilkemm naslu d-dar qabel ma nsibulu xi difett, huwa li 'l-ir˙is g˙ali'! Il-karatteristika ta' dawn l-espressjonijiet fil-Malti hija li minkejja l-qosor tag˙hom, fihom metafora ta' kuntest ©enerali u tag˙lima b'g˙aqal liema b˙alha. Ìeneralment ma fihomx struttura jew rima. B˙ala g˙alliem tal-Malti, niggosta ˙afna lill-istudenti tieg˙i meta ji©u ppreΩentati bil-qwiel Maltin. Fil-bidu jsibuha diffiçli li jaslu g˙at-tifsira jew il-messa©© tal-qawl, g˙ax it-tendenza hi li jo˙or©u tifsira litterali li fil-wiçç ma tag˙milx sens, b˙al 'bil-flus tag˙mel triq fil-ba˙ar'. Din l-inkomprensjoni dlonk tinbidel f'apprezzament meta l-messa©© jinftiehem, u l-entuΩjaΩmu g˙al-lingwa Maltija mhux talli mhux mittiefsa imma tisseddaq. Struttura simili hi l-aforiΩmu, fejn sentenza ©eneralment (imma mhux dejjem) qasira tintuΩa biex tag˙mel osservazzjoni bil-˙sieb. Wie˙ed mill-iktar persuni illustri Maltin li kiteb aforiΩmi kien Manwel Dimech, filosfu qabel Ωmienu li g˙adna niskopruh sal-©urnata ta' llum, mitt sena wara mewtu, li kiteb eluf tag˙hom waqt li kien f'eΩilju fl-E©ittu ftit qabel ma miet. Dawn kitibhom ilkoll bil-lingwa IngliΩa, g˙al ra©unijiet li nistg˙u biss nispekulaw g˙alihom. Traduzzjoni ta' wa˙da li laqtitni hija din: G˙alxejn tg˙id lil ba˙nan li hu ba˙nan. Xi nies iwissuna ma mmorrux l-infern, imma mbag˙ad jimbuttawna g˙al ©o fih.2 1
Mhux façli li wie˙ed jikteb qawl jew aforiΩmu, a˙seb u ara dawk li jibqg˙u jissemmew matul iΩ-Ωmien. Dawk tradizzjonali li nafu lkoll, ilhom ©ejjin ©enerazzjonijiet s˙a˙, meta l-g˙erf kien jing˙adda bil-fomm min-nanniet, il-missirijiet u l-ommijiet linneputijiet u lill-ulied. Madankollu, kittieba g˙adhom sallum jaqbdu l-pinna biex i˙oΩΩu l-qwiel tag˙hom. Ìabra ta' qwiel ©odda, kien in˙are© mill-awtur u poeta ˙abib tieg˙i Frank Zammit fl-2010. G˙all-kuntrarju tal-qwiel tradizzjonali Maltin, dawn il-qwiel huma poeΩiji bi struttura definita msej˙a Óajku, kollha bi tliet versi ta' 5, 7 u 5 sillabi rispettivament, imma ming˙ajr rima. Din l-istruttura ori©inat fil-Ìappun. Is-su©©etti huma varji, bi ˙sieb jew kumment fuq il-˙ajja ta' kuljum. Wa˙da li laqtitni, li tikkummenta dwar il-kwestjoni ta˙raq tal-kaçça, taqbad idjoma mag˙rufa sew fil-Malti 'tolqot Ωew© g˙asafar b'©ebla wa˙da', u tg˙id hekk:3 Jekk titfa' ©ebla u tolqot Ωew© g˙asafar il-multa doppja. Imma llum qeg˙din ji©u mnedija Ωew© kotba o˙ra ta' Frank, wie˙ed minnhom imsejja˙ 'Ìabra ta' Epigrammi'. L-epigramm huwa forma poetika qasira bi tradizzjoni Griega, b'osservazzjonijiet spirituΩi jew satiriçi. In-numru ta' versi ta’ epigrammi poetiçi fit-tradizzjoni IngliΩa
jkun biΩ-Ωew©. F'din il-©abra, Frank jittratta fost l-o˙rajn temi soçjali b˙all-immigrazzjoni, l-emigrazzjoni, ir-refu©jati, l-in©ustizzja u l-ambjent; attitudnijiet personali b˙all-ottimiΩmu, il-pessimiΩmu, l-ipokrezija u n-nostal©ija; temi akkademiçi b˙ax-xjenza, il-psikolo©ija u lfilosofija; riflessjonijiet fuq l-ilsien Malti u finalment xi ftit talumoriΩmu. Se nipponta lejn tnejn jew tlieta li laqtuni. L-ewwel hija osservazzjoni f'waqtha dwar id-diskriminazzjoni in©usta u fina kontra l-immigranti fis-soçjetà tag˙na: Fl-Awstralja, immigrant frisk jag˙mel xi bravura malajr jifta˙ru li hu eroj Awstraljan. IΩd'ie˙or l'ilu hawn xi sittin sena w aktar jag˙mel delitt, jg˙idu l'hu mill-Afganistan!4 Tista' tinstema l-karba tal-awtur g˙all-istat tal-lingwa Maltija, imwarrba u minsija, jew in-nuqqas ta' rispett muri lilha minn dawk li minnhom wie˙ed jistenna a˙jar: Ah! Issa kbirt u rmejt ilsien pajjiΩek, g˙ax drajt ilsien g˙arib illi mhux t'ommok. U kif insejt illi Maltija kienet dik l-ewwel kelma li lissint minn fommok?5 Wa˙da minn dawk li ©abuli tbissima kienet din: Darba f'gazzetta deher riklam li jolqtok minn mara li miΩ-Ωwie© riedet tin˙all. Dar-riklam jg˙id: 'Libsa tat-tie© - Mitt lira milbusa darba biss - u kien bi Ωball.'6 Qed ti©i mnedija wkoll ©abra ta' poeΩiji pjuttost itwal ming˙and Frank u tnejn minn s˙abu - Mario Attard u Patrick Sammut.7 Dawn il-poeΩiji, mhux fil-qosor, ukoll fihom riflessjonijiet u osservazzjonijiet dwar il-˙ajja. Nifra˙ lil Frank Zammit u lil s˙abu g˙al din il-kontribuzzjoni g˙all-letteratura u l-kultura Maltija. (It-tnedija saret fis-27 ta' Lulju, fiç-Centru Soçjali La Valette fi Blacktown, NSW) Referenzi 1. Manwel Dimech Aphorisms: Wisdom of a Philosopher in Exile; Mark Montebello & Francis Galea (edituri); 2012; SKS; nru. 2032 2. Ibid., nru. 1630 3. Qwiel Minn Fomm l-Im©arrab: PoeΩiji fuq stil Óajku; Frank Zammit; 2010; nru. 6 4. Bejn Demg˙a u Tbissima - Ìabra ta' Epigrammi; Frank Zammit; nru. 87 5. Ibid., nru. 218 6. Ibid., nru. 175 7. Trifolju ta' Lwien; Mario Attard, Patrick Sammut & Frank Zammit; 2014
The Voice of the Maltese 11
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016 Iç-çentru Malti La Valette fil-belt ta’ Blacktown NSW hu ©awhra me˙te©a u forsi wkoll l-aqwa çentru g˙all-Maltin fl-Awstralja. Waqt iΩ-Ωjara tal-President ta’ Malta f’dan iççentru s-Sibt 16 ta’ Lulju f’diskors mirqum (li qed nirripro-
duça hawnhekk), Antoinette Caruana, il-president ta’ b˙alissa gabret, l-istorja ta’ dan iç-çentru. Antoinette hija s-sitt president u l-ewwel mara f’din il-kariga wara rriΩenja ta’ Gejtu Paçe li kien ilu fil-kariga 18-il sena.
Kif beda u kiber iç-Çentru Malti, La Valette D
an iç-çentru Malti jaf il-bidu tieg˙u f'Ottubru tal-1964 xi xahar wara li Malta saret nazzjon independenti. Kienet iniΩjattiva ta' xi Maltin fl-in˙awi, flimkien malkappillan tal-emigranti, Fr Paul Baron, patri Kappuççin mill-Isla, li taw bidu g˙all-g˙aqda ©dida f'dawn lin˙awi ta' Sydney. Dak iΩ-Ωmien lg˙aqda kienet mag˙rufa b˙ala lMaltese Community Western Suburbs Assoçiation. Fl-1970, l-isem inbidel g˙al La Valette Soçial Centre. Il-kumitat tal-bidu ˙adem ˙afna biex ˙allas id-dejn fuq l-art li xtara, li kienet farm tat-ti©ie© ta' ˙ames acres, f'Kildare Rd, Doonside li kellha d-dar mag˙ha li serviet b˙ala r-residenza temporanja g˙all-kappillan tal-emigranti. Fi 1975, il-kumitat xtara art akbar u a˙jar f’Walters Rd, Blacktown, fejn ninsabu llum. Minn dakinhar sal-lum, iç-çentru dejjem kiber u Ωied is-servizzi li joffri lill-Maltin. Ûdiedu wkoll l-g˙add ta' Maltin li ©ew joqog˙du f'dawn lin˙awi. L-ewwel faΩi tat-tkabbir kienet il-kappella u r-residenza g˙all-kappillan tal- L-entratura emigranti. Imbag˙ad fl-1986 inbniet il-clubhouse li ninsabu fiha b˙alissa, li nfet˙et mill-Arçisqof ta' Malta ta' dakinhar, il-mibki GuΩeppi Merçieqa. Fl-2000, fi Ωmien il-president ta' qabli nbniet sala akbar; id-da˙la tal-foyer ©iet immodernizzata u fis-sena 2004 inbena monument sabi˙ f'gie˙ Fr Paul Baron, biex ifakkar il-˙idma tieghu, u wkoll bl-ismijiet tal-presidenti li servew fil-kumitat. Il-piçç talboççi gie msaqqaf, il-kçina tkabbret u sar titjib fil-façilitajiet taç-çentru. Dan iç-çentru hu uniku, g˙ax hu mija fil-mija komunitarju, ji©ifieri l-bini u lart mixtrija, huma m˙allsa u mmexxija mill-komunita` Maltija b'˙idma volontarja kontinwa. Jaqdi lill-Maltin u lill-G˙awdxin mill-ir˙ula u bliet kollha tal-GΩejjer Maltin, billi joffri servizz religjuΩ, soçjali, rikreattiv, kulturali u ta' welfare g˙al kul˙add. Hu mmexxi minn kumitat ta' voluntiera li huma ssinsla tal-komunita` tag˙na. Fis-sena 1990 it-tmexxija religjuΩa u rresidenza tal-kappillan tal-emigranti
Maltin giet fdata lis-Soçjetà Missunjarja ta' San Pawl. Il-kappella hi meqjusa mid-djoçesi ta' Parramatta b˙ala an ethnic parish, jigifieri li fiha jsiru funzjonijiet religjuΩi bil-Malti g˙all-Maltin ta' kull parroçça ta' Western Sydney. Iç-çentru t’ La Vaeltte jifta˙ nhar ta' Óamis u nhar ta' Sibt fejn isiru attivitajiet Maltin b˙al log˙ob tal-boççi, tombla u g˙ana. Fih issib ukoll tixtri ikel Malti, u jsiru wkoll attivitajiet o˙ra. Jinfeta˙ ukoll fi ©ranet o˙ra skont il-˙tie©a. L-element Ωag˙Ωug˙a, dawk imwielda l-Awstralja minn ©enituri jew nanniet Maltin, mhux xi fenomenu ©did f'dan iç-çentru. Fil-fatt, it-tielet president taç-çentru, Joe Sammut, imwieled Horsley Park minn ©enituri Mel-
Is-Sinjura Antoinette Caruana ta' San Pawl Nawfragu, ilfesta tal-Irxoxt, dik ta' San Bert, u l-festa ta’ San Gorg Preça - fejn membri tas-Soçjeta tal-MuΩew, g˙al ˙afna snin taw it-tag˙lim religjuΩ g˙allPreçett u lGriΩma lit-tfal tal-Maltin. taç-çentru La Valette fi Blacktown Fl-1978 iç-çenli˙in, dam president g˙al 22 sena u tru beda jirçievi g˙otja federali midkien hu li po©©a l-pedament taç-çen- Dipartiment tal-Immigrazzjoni tru fuq sisien sodi. Awstraljan biex i˙addem welfare Joe ukoll kien li ddefenda b'suççess li worker full-time Malti ˙alli jaqdi lillç-çentru jing˙ata kumpens adegwat Maltin. Billi l-emigrazzjoni minn mill-Gvern tal-Istat, g˙aliex l-art li Malta g˙all-Awstralja llum naqset nxtrat kienet in˙atfet, ˙abta u sabta, sewwa u ©iet tista' tg˙id fix-xejn, flmeta ç-çentru kellu l-kunsens bil-mik- 1995 il-Gvern Federali Awstraljan tub mill-kunsill lokali ta' Blacktown li beda jtina g˙otja biex in˙addmu jibda l-bini tal-clubhouse. Li ma kienx respite co-ordinator li tie˙u ˙sieb prog˙al dan iΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ ta' dixxen- gramm ta' respite g˙all-anzani denza Maltija, dan iç-çentru mhux Maltin, u l-gvern federali ta l-fondi Ωgur kien jikber kif inhu llum. biex xtrajna minibus ˙alli l-anzjani It-tieni u t-tielet segretarji taç-çentru jo˙orgu mid-dar u jingiebu f'dan içwkoll kienu wlied il-Maltin. Fl-1980, çentru darba fil-gimg˙a. kien inbeda f'dan iç-çentru l-ewwel La Fis-sena 2011 dan iç-çentru g˙amel Valette Youth Group b'g˙otja mill-Gvern attivita apposta biex jingabru fondi Statali. Huwa g˙alhekk ittamat li s- g˙all-Malta Community Chest Fund, sehem taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jitkompla u jis- u rnexxilna nigbru s-somma ta' madsa˙˙a˙ dejjem iΩjed, speçjalment meta war $4,500 li bg˙attnihom Malta nqisu li fl-2016, g˙al kull Malti emi- b˙ala ©est ta' parteçipazzjoni millgrant imwieled f'Malta, illum g˙andna Maltin ta' Sydney. erba' ulied Maltin, mit-tielet sal-˙ames Huma propju attivitajiet b˙al dawn generazzjoni li twieldu fl-Awstralja u li jqarrbuna dejjem iΩjed ma' Malta huma ta' dexxendenza Maltija. ..... minkejja li ninsabu 12,000 mil F'dan iç-çentru jsiru festi Maltin, b˙al bog˙od minn xtutna
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
New Law: Independent commission to be tasked with appointing judiciary
Bill intended to revamp the way judges and magistrates are appointed and disciplined, has unanimously been passed into law, with both sides voting for it in the House of Representatives. What it all boils down to is, that in future, magistrates will be selected by an independent commission to be formed of the Attorney General, the Auditor General, the Ombudsman, the Chief Justice and the Chamber of Advocates President Both Justice minister Owen Bonnici and shadow justice minister Jason Azzopardi hailed the passing of the Bill - that has been described as “history in the making” - will transfer the power to appoint the judiciary from government to the commission. The commission will have the right to scrutinise judiciary candidates and advise the government on whom to appoint to the bench. Lawyers will be able to apply for vacant judicial posts. Their applications to remain completely secret unless the government even- tually appoints them to the bench. The government will maintain its power to appoint the Chief Justice. In their reaction, the Association of Judges and Magistrates described the law as one that will strengthen the
administration of justice. It added in a statement, that it wo-uld continue to do its part to ensure that “impartiality and independence among the judiciary are strengthened”. The Commission for the Administration of Justice will also set up a sub-committee to discipline judges
Change in the law appointing judiciary
and magistrates, including impose fines, suspend, or recommend Parliament to commence impeachment proceedings.
Malta has lowest rate of Unemployment in Parliament approves act aimed at the whole of Europe improving politicians’ accountability alta has the lowest rate of unemarliament is in its summer recess but before it rose for Mployment in Europe, at 4.0 per cent, Pthe holidays, it approved Acts that provide for the set- latest Eurostat employment statistics in-
ting up of the commissioner for public life standards whose function, according to Deputy PM Louis Grech and Opposition shadow minister Jason Azzopardi, should lead to giving politics and the politicians their confidence. The new law will also introduce various recommendations for improvements in governance and politicians’ accountability, and for the first time they will be obliged to register contacts made with a lobbyist. A commissioner will be able to investigate the declaration of assets of ministers and deputies and alleged cases of bad behaviour and breach of ethics. The Act will also penalise deputies and Ministers who fail to attend parliamentary sittings. They would incur a fine of €50 every time they are unjustifiably absent from sittings. Another change agreed by both sides is, that ministers would not be part of the Public Accounts Committee when it discusses matters that fall under their responsibility, as was the norm in the last legislature. A parliamentary committee for standards will also be established by the legislation to be presided by the House Speaker with powers of discipline on persons in public life.
New law courts planned for Gozo ozo is to have new law courts. The proj- would become a landmark architectural feature G ect approved by the Planning Authority within an extensive public plaza to be built in would include a multi-storey car park. It close proximity of the town centre of Rabat. would also facilitate the process for the relocation of the law courts from their current location at the Cittadella to the new site just outside the centre of Rabat. According to the planning commission the new law An artist’s impression c o u r t s of the new law courts building
The building, to be made accessible to everybody would also include the construction of six levels of parking under the building. The first basement level would include car parking spaces for magistrates, personnel and staff for the operation of the law courts building. The remaining five levels are to accommodate car parking spaces for the public. The site selection exercise carried out as part of the planning process also includes the possible upgrading and refurbishment of the existing law court building.
dicate. Eurostat figures for June show that Malta’s unemployment rate is far lower than the EU average of 8.6% and the Eurozone average of 10.1%. Youth unemployment in Malta stands at 6.9%, compared with 18.5% across the EU and 20.1% across the Eurozone. Accoding to the National Statistics Office (NSO), by the end of June, unemployment in Malta stood at 3,441 persons compared to 5,209 in the same month last year. The largest decrease was among persons who had been registering for over one year. Eurostat figures show that 20.986 million people are unemployed across the EU, out of which 16.269 million hail from Eurozone countries. Next lowest figures of unemployment in the 28 EU memers states were registered in the Czech Republic, (4.1%) and Germany (4.2%). The highest unemployment rates were observed in Spain (19.9%) and Greece (23.3%). In June, 4.194 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in the EU, with the youth unemployment rate being 18.5% in the EU and 20.8% in the euro area. Malta had the lowest rate at 6.9%, compared to 14% three years ago. Economy minister Chris Cardona hails the record unemployment figures as proof of fruit reaped by recent government initiatives. Education and Employment Minister Evarist Bartolo said that what he is most proud of is the number of workers who have entered the work force for the first time - such as women and people with out of date skills.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta mainly to focus on problems in the Med during its EU presidency T he EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement, Johannes Hahn expects Malta to give special attention to the problems in the Mediterranean region during its upcoming EU Council presidency. At a public seminar titled: “The Challenges we face in the South at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs organised by the European Commission representative office and Strickland Foundation, Commissioner Hahn said during the presidency (January – June 2016), Malta is expected to focus on the development of relations with major Mediterranean partners that include Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. As he outlined the policy of the European Union focusing particularly on the challenges posed by the current geopolitical situation in North Africa, and their relevance vis-à-vis the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy, Hahn went on to say that Malta has already proved in the past that it can give a very valid contribution in the region that is full of contradictions and conflicts. “I am sure that during its presidency of the EU, Malta would continue to help us find solutions,” he said. Referring to Libya, while admitting that the EU did not focus enough on the North African country, Hahn said that with the help of Malta and other EU-Mediterranean member states, efforts are being made to keep the
Minister George Vella (second left) in his meeting with Commissioner Hahn (second right)
Libyan government at the table of negotiations so that more progress is achieved. Malta’s Foreign Minister, Dr. George Vella, who also addressed the seminar. He said that member states need to learn lessons from what happened in North Africa and move forward. Recalling what is happening in Syria he said the situation cannot be ignored as this is leaving an impact on the whole region, and eventually also the EU. Former EU Commissioner Tonio Borg, who also contributed to the seminar, suggested that similar to regular summits the EU organises
with Asia and South America, the EU must focus on more collaboration with the Arab world, particularly through the League of Arab States. He therefore suggested a biannual summit between the EU and its Arab partners, with the help of the Malta- based EU-Arab league liaison office, which he said, could act as a catalyst. Prior to the seminar, in a meeting with Commissioner Hahn Dr Vella stressed upon the importance of the neighbourhood policy, which, he said, can help in the stability, the democratisation and the rights of a state. Later Hahn also had meetings with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the Leader of the Opposition, Simon Busuttil.
Malta named as one of safest countries in Europe for travel Fourth largest percentage s the threat from terrorism takes grip of that were once popular
Europe, with popular destinations issued with high risk warnings by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and with holidaymakers starting to worry about their summer getaways, British tourists still hoping to take a break in Europe find solace in a survey recently punished by the UK’s FCO quoting the 15 safest places in European destinations with a low terrorism risk. It named Malta as one of them. Heeding these warnings, this summer, tourists appear to be shunning the Eastern Mediterranean region, in preference of resorts
Britons are advised to be vigilant and follow the FCO’s instructions, which points out that there are still safe countries for travelling to Europe. It advices them that if they want to enjoy sun they should visit countries like Malta. Andorra, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Poland and Slovenia are also mentioned as having no threats or low level of terrorist activity. Travel experts are meanwhile advising British consumers to keep up to date with the latest advice from the UK Foreign Office before visiting their intended vacation spot.
reduction in national debt
ccording to statistic provided by the EuA ropean Union, Malta has registered the fourth largest decrease in national debt in the first quarter of the year. At the same time, Malta’s national debt has dropped to 65.3% of gross domestic product, a 3.3% reduction when compared to the previous year. In March 2013, national debt had risen to 70.8%. In the present term, this has fallen by 5.5%, the government said.
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14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
S’issa siguri F
’dinja fejn ta’ kuljum nisimg˙u b’atti ta’ terroriΩmu, wie˙ed dejjem huwa m˙asseb dwar is-sigurta’ tieg˙u. U sintendi dawk kollha li jkunu jfittxu vakanza, illum, aktar minn qatt qabel, ja˙sbuha darbtejn qabel i˙allu art twelidhom biex jmorru jqattg˙u ftit jiem f’xi pajjiΩ jew pajjiΩi o˙ra. Kif isir issoltu l-midja ta˙taf l-okkaΩjoni biex ttella’ xi stejjer li huma tal-mument. Allura ma setax jonqos li xi ©urnali jippruvaw jist˙arr©u dwar is-sigurta’ tal-pajjiΩi u x’inhi l-qag˙da ta’ dawn fejn jid˙ol it-terroriΩmu. (ara wkoll pa©na 13 dwar il-pariri li qed jing˙ataw il-Brittaniçi mill-Uffiççju tal-Affarijiet Barranin tag˙hom). Skont riçerka li saret mill-gazzeta ta’ kuljum fl-Ingilterra, id-Daily Express, Malta hija wada mill-pajjiΩi li huma siguri. Anzi skont dan ir-rapport, pajjiΩna huwa meqjus b˙ala wie˙ed mill-iΩjed pajjiΩi siguri fl-Ewropa. Dan ifisser li pajjiΩna mhux biss sigur g˙alina l-Maltin iΩda wkoll g˙at-turisti li jkunu qed ifittxu fejn se jmorru g˙allbtajjel tag˙hom. U jidher li t-turisti jafu dan g˙aliex kull xahar qed i©ib mieg˙u aktar turisti. BiΩΩejjed ng˙idu li fix-xahar ta’ Ìunju Ωaru Malta total ta’ aktar minn 194,500 turist, li qattg˙u mal-1.44 miljun lejl u ˙allew d˙ul finanzjarju turistiku ta’ €169.5 miljun, ji©ifieri 4% aktar minn dak irre©istrat f’Ìunju tas-sena l-o˙ra. Bejn Jannar u Ìunju ta’ din is-sena waslu pajjiΩna aktar minn 835,000 turist, li jfisser tkabbir ta’ 9.7% fuq l-istess xhur tal-2015. Nittamaw li pajjiΩna jibqa’ sigur, mhux biss g˙ax dan ifisser aktar turiΩmu u ekonomija a˙jar, iΩda g˙ax fuq kollox a˙na l-Maltin nistg˙u nqumu u norqdu b’mo˙˙na aktar mistrie˙
Eluf bis-sensja ...u hu fuq yott ta’ £100m. f’Malta
’Malta, avolja g˙andna xi ˙wienet tal-British Home Stores (BHS), ftit li xejn ing˙atat importanza lill-falliment ta’ wa˙da mill-katini ta’ supermarkets IngliΩi, appuntu l-British Home Stores. Imma min-na˙a l-o˙ra xi ©urnali taw importanza l-laqg˙a ta’ dak li darba kien is-sid ta’ din il-katina (li g˙al ©ie˙na kien ing˙ata t-titlu ta’ Sir mir-Re©ina NgliΩa, EliΩabbetta II) meta wasal bil-yott tieg˙u f’Malta. G˙ax malli wasal fil-Port il-Kbir sab jilqug˙ ©emg˙a ta’ nisa li tawh mer˙ba mhux tas-soltu
Qed nitwalu, u mhux ftit!!! asra tassew li ma nafx kemm kien twil Ó il-buΩnannu tieg˙i g˙ax kieku kont inkun nista’ niççekkja jekk fit-tul imxejtx kif im-xew il-Maltin l-o˙ra billi nsib li jien xi 10 çentimteri itwal mill-buΩnannu. Dan g˙ax skont studju li ©ie ppublikat dan l-a˙˙ar, instab li f’dawn l-a˙˙ar mitt sena l-ir©iel Maltin twalu b’10 çentimetri u n-nisa bi ˙dax, biex issa ras g˙al ras suppost li l-ir©iel li twieldu fl-1996 g˙andhom tul ta’ 161.9cm u n-nisa la˙qu l-160.9cm. Dan it-tul wassal biex imxejna sewwa filklassifika tat-tul, g˙ax meta nxebb˙u lil dawk li twieldu fl-1896 u dawk fl-1996 insibu li l-ir©iel li fl-1896 kienu fil-post nru 102, issa telg˙u g˙at-72 post. Fl-istess post insibu lin-nisa li qabel kienu fil-130 post. Biss mhemmx bΩonn mitt sena biex wie˙ed jinnota li wliedna qed jitwalu aktar
minna, g˙ax dan wie˙ed jista’ jarah anke f’dawk (ir©iel u nisa) li twieldu wara l1980. L-istatistika turi li l-itwal huma l-ir©iel OlandiΩi (medja ta’ 183 çm) u n-nisa milLatvja (medja ta’ 170 çm). Il-klassifika tal-2014 g˙all-ir©iel skont it tul: (In-numru fil-parentesi kif kienu fl-1914) 1. L-OlandaNetherlands (12) 2. Bel©ju (33) 3. Estonja (4) 4. Latvja (13) 5. Danimarka (9) 6. Bosnia u Herzegovina (19) 7. Kroazja (22) 8. Serbja (30) 9. Islanda (6) 10. Repubblika Çeka (24) ... 72. Malta (102)
billi g˙amlu mossi (ara ritratt me˙ud mid-Daily Mail) xejn komplimentuΩi. Qed jing˙ad li Sir Philip Green kien dawwar g˙alih miljuni ta’ liri sterlini qabel ma bieg˙ il-katina ta’ ˙wienet tieg˙u lil xi ˙add li bl-ineffiçjenza tieg˙u falla d-ditta, birriΩultat li 11,000 IngliΩ/a spiççaw bla xog˙ol. Imma Green, ma marx “in the red” g˙ax sa˙ansitra xtara yott, li fih daqs grawnd tal-futbol li jiswa madwar 100 miljun lira sterlina. Dan il-jptt jinsab ankrat fil-marina tal-Birgu. Na˙seb li dan ma tantx ˙abbel rasu mill-mer˙ba li ng˙ata!!!!! Na˙seb tafuh il-qawl Malti, li “iΩ-Ωaqq il-mimlija qatt ma tat kas il-vojta. Hekk Sir Philip!
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The Voice of the Maltese 15
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Tassew li qed jie˙du xog˙ol il-Maltin?
lment li kultant tisma fil-konfront talg˙add kbir ta’ barranin li qed jinvadu GΩiritna hu li dawn qed ji©u fil-GΩejjer tag˙na u jie˙du xog˙ol il-Maltin. Fil-fatt kulma jmur il-g˙add ta’ barranin li qed ja˙dmu f’Malta qed jiΩdied. L-a˙˙ar figura hija ta’ 27,000 barrani, li meta tqis il-popolazzjoni ta’ Malta hija figura sinifikanti. Imma attwalment, tassew li dawn qed jie˙du xog˙ol il-Maltin? Kull statistika qed turi li l-g˙add ta’ Maltin
li qed jirre©istraw g˙ax-xog˙ol kulma jmur qed jonqos u waslna f’rekord baxx ta’ madwar 3,500 biss li jirre©istraw g˙ax-xog˙ol. IΩda wie˙ed jistaqsi, jekk hemm daqshekk jirre©istraw g˙ax-xog˙ol kif imbag˙ad qed ji©u mpjegati l-barranin? It-twe©iba hi li ˙afna minn dawk li qed jirre©istraw g˙ax-xog˙ol iridu xog˙ol partikulari li b˙alissa m’hemmx vakanzi g˙alih. It-tajba hi li imbag˙ad hemm g˙add kbir
Il-˙wienet tas-sess
l-emendi li saru dan l-a˙˙ar fil-Kodiçi F Kriminali kibret il-possibbiltà li f’Malta jinfet˙u sex shops, basta dawn isirulhom twissijiet çari fil-faççata x’tip ta’ ˙wienet huma u sintendi li ma j˙allux lil dawk ta˙t l-eta’ jid˙lu fihom. G˙al ˙afna din hija bidla qawwija meta wie˙ed jiftakar li sa snin ilu d-d˙ul ta’ kwalunkwe materjal pornografiku fil-GΩejjer Maltin kien illegali. Sa˙ansitra kien hemm Ωmien li d-dwana kienet tikkonfiska sa˙ansitra rivisti li jinstabu fil-bagalji ta’ dawk li jkunu ©ejjin minn pajjiΩi barranin, anke jekk ir-rivisti kienu g˙all-uΩu personali ta’ dak li jkun.... u meta ng˙id rivisti ma kienux rivisti ta’ sess qawwi, iΩda ta’ nisa g˙eriewen, b˙al ng˙idu a˙na l-Playboy. Malli t˙abbar li kien se jsir it-tibdil, kien hemm ˙afna li tkaΩaw g˙ax stennew li lg˙ada li jid˙lu l-emendi fil-li©i, kienu se jitfaççaw g˙add ta’ ˙wienet tas-sess. Imma, skont storja fil-gazzetta ta’ nhar ta’ Óadd, illum, ta˙t it-titlu “Ir-ra©el jippompja u l-mara tivvibra” (25 ta’ Lulju 2016) il-ftu˙ ta’ ˙wienet b˙al dawn huwa xi ftit remot. Dan g˙ax skont xi ˙add li jbieg˙ kotba, films, ©urgarelli, eçç tas-sess online, fix-xiri ta’ materjali b˙al dawn il-Maltin jippreferu li ˙add ma jarahom jixtruhom u g˙alhekk ma tantx ikunu komdi li jid˙lu fi ˙wienet b˙al
dawn bil-possibilta` li xi ˙add jarahom de˙lin u jmur jg˙id bihom. G˙alhekk il-˙wienet tas-sess f’Malta, talinqas fl-immedjat ma tantx huma vijabbli. Dan mhux g˙ax il-Maltin ma jfittxux li jakkwistaw materjal pornografiku. Infatti kif irrappurtat l-istess gazzetta ta’ nhar ta’ Óadd, Ranier Zammit, sid ta’ sex shop online li ilu f’dan il-negozju g˙al kwaΩi 14–il sena, is-sex toys mhux talli huma popolari ˙afna, talli wkoll hemm domanda qawwija g˙al ©ugarelli partikolari tas-sess. Zammit svela li l-aktar prodott popolari mal-klijenti r©iel huma pompi li temporanjament ikabbru d-daqs tal-organu maskili. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra, l-aktar prodott li jinxtara mill-klijenti nisa huma l-vibraturi u stimulaturi zg˙ar, kif ukoll lingerie sexy. Ûied jg˙id li g˙alkemm huma l-ir©iel l-aktar li jixtru prodotti minn g˙andu, “dawn aktar jixtru prodotti g˙an-nisa jew g˙all-uΩu talkoppja milli g˙alihom personali. Illum spiçça Ω-Ωmien li dak li jixtri s-sex toys jew prodotti o˙ra huwa r-ra©el xi˙ ta’ mo˙˙u ma˙mu©, kif kienet il-perçezzjoni qabel.” Wara d-dettalji li ng˙ataw f’din l-istorja ta’ illum, na˙seb, li attwalment dak li g˙amlu dawn l-emendi hu li taw aktar çans lill-midja Maltija li titkellem aktar fil-miftu˙ dwar dak li g˙al ˙afna Ωmien kien tabu: is-sess.
ta’ vakanzi li mhux talli m’hemmx nies jirre©istraw g˙alihom, iΩda fil-fatt lanqas qed jinstab min jimlihom. G˙aliex qed ji©ri dan? Hemm çerti xog˙lijiet li ftit huma l-Maltin li lesti jag˙mluhom, u hemm çerti xog˙lijiet li s-salarji u l-kundizzjonijiet tax-xog˙ol tg˙hom ma jog˙©bux lill-Maltin li jridu ja˙dmu. Imma l-akbar problema hi li hemm xog˙olijiet, li w˙ud minnhom i˙allsu sewwa, imma li ma hemmx Maltin li g˙andhom il-˙ilijiet me˙tie©a biex japplikaw ˙alli jimlewhom, l-aktar fl-e-gaming. Hemm xog˙lijiet o˙ra li l-Maltin ma jridux jag˙mlu, jew g˙ax iebes, jew g˙al xi ra©uni o˙ra, fosthom ukoll tal-kostruzzjoni. BirriΩultat li dawn ji©u mimlijin mill-barranin. Imma mhux hekk biss. Min˙abba li çittadini ta’ pajjiΩi barranin o˙ra msie˙ba fl-Unjoni Ewropeja jistg˙u jaqbdu u jmorru jew ji©u ja˙dmu f’pajjiΩi o˙ra, msie˙ba tal-UE, f’Malta qed ji©u barranin japprofittaw ru˙hom minn dan. U˙ud minnhom jie˙du anke l-inizjattiva li jift˙u xi negozji g˙al rashom, li qed irednulhom ... u ma tistax iΩΩommhom. Fl-a˙˙ar statistika s-sena l-o˙ra ntwera li l-g˙add totali ta’ ˙addiema barrnin f’Malta kien ta’ ‘l fuq minn 27,000, ji©ifieri madwar 14.7 fil-mija tal-˙addiema kollha f’Malta. Dan l-g˙add Ωgur li Ωdiedu din is-sena. EΩempju wie˙ed hu tat-Taljani li f’pajjiΩhom hemm ˙afna qag˙ad. Óafna qed ji©u Malta u jmorru tajjeb. Fil-fatt minn figuri li ©ew im˙abbra sar mag˙ruf li f’Malta hawn aktar minn 4,000 Taljani ja˙dmu, u anke jidher li sejrin tajjeb. Imma mhux Taljani biss. KqaΩi qrib dikçifra nsibu wkoll ˙addiema Brittaniçi, li allura jkun interessanti naraw x’se ji©ri minnhom kif ir-Renju Unit jo˙ro© mill-UE wara d-deçiΩjioni Brexit. Imbag˙ad l-iskuΩa li ©abu l-IngliΩi g˙ax riedu jo˙or©u mill-UE kienet li qed imorru ˙afna barranin ja˙dmu hemmhekk. Ma semmewx kemm hemm ˙addiema mirRenju Unit fis-27 pajjiΩ l-ie˙or tal-UE. G˙andna wkoll ˙afna Spanjoli, Bulgari, Rumeni, eçç imma wkoll o˙rajn ©ejjin minn pajjiΩi li mhumiex imsie˙ba fl-UE, b˙al Filippini, qrib l-elfejn minn dawn, u allura lakbar ©emg˙a ta’ ˙addiema li mhux ©ejjin minn pajjiΩi tal-UE. F’Malta g˙andna anke ˙addiema millAmerika t’Isfel. Dan minbarra w˙ud minn dawk li da˙lu Malta b˙ala emigranti illegali u ng˙at l-aΩil u qed ja˙dmu biex jaqilg˙u ˙obΩhom. Kumment intressanti hu dak tad-direttur ©enerali tal-g˙aqda ta’ min i˙addem, Joe Farrugia li qal li dan juri li m’hawnx ˙addiema biΩΩejjed Maltin biex tintlaqa’ d-domanda.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
The Census – an urgent appeal
he Census in Australia is due on August 9. We will soon be getting a letter advising us of our login codes instead of the traditional hand-delivered forms. They want us to get “online” on August 9. The information gathered will be vital to the future needs of the Maltese community. In our July 5 issue, we featured an article emphasising our duties when it comes to filling the census information. In past Census the Maltese community had been severely punished for not including all those with a Maltese background (including particularly those from the second generation) who have in the past indicated that they do not speak Maltese.
The Census Question 16 asks: Does the person speak a language other than English at home? • Note: it emphases a language other than English. • It does not require that you speak Maltese fluently, or only, or even mainly. The Voice sees no reason why every second-generation person cannot answer this as follows: YES - MALTESE. The vast majority of second-generation Maltese persons speak some Maltese at some stage, whether it is on the phone or personally, with parents, etc. Please help the Maltese community and ensure that you indicate that you speak Maltese.
Brutality at Don Dale Juvenile detention facilities
he Prime Minister of Australia, MalT colm Turnbull announced a royal commission into brutality, and its cover-up in the Northern Territory’s Don Dale Juvenile detention facilities after a shocking video was aired on ABC Four Corners programme. There was a national condemnation of the footage, which showed children being slammed into beds, stripped naked, teargassed, hooded and handcuffed, put in extended solitary confinement and manacled to purpose-built restrain chairs. The inquiry’s term of reference will be broad enough to examine the abuses and practices across the juvenile detention sys-
fter scrapping home with just the minimum of seats in the June 2 Federal A election, the Prime Minister announced his front bench as “deliver a strong and secure future.” With 23 Cabinet Ministers, it is one of the largest front benches in Australian history. They were sworn in after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his reshuffled ministry met with Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove in Canberra. NSW Nationals MP Michael McCormack
tem in the Northern Territory. Inmates at Alice Springs Correction Centre, which is 30 kilometres from A screenshot of the Northern Alice, staged a Territory detention centre protest in re- abuse taken from the ABC sponse to the Four Corners programme controversy. Indigenous Affairs Minister Senator Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles whose government is facing an elec- Nigel Scullion said he did not know nor tion in August has stripped Corrective asked about the systemic abuse at the CenServices Minister John Elferink of that tre – in which 97 per cent of the inmates are Indigenous boys. portfolio.
The Turnbull Ministry
was sworn in as Small Business Minister, alongside his Nationals colleague Senator Matt Canavan, who added Resources to his Northern Australia portfolio. The LNP senator has one of the extra positions picked up by the Nationals, a boost that reflects the larger proportion of their members in the Coalition party room post-
election. Senator Canavan told the ABC the changes were a win for regional Australia. “The Nationals have a stronger voice within the Government, within the party room,” he said. The deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said the ministry's size and composition was “a sure sign that any authority the Prime Minister had before the election has been completely shattered,” Ms. Plibersek said the make-up of the frontbench showed Mr. Turnbull was “worried that his colleagues are coming after him.” “He has had to appoint all his friends and all of his enemies to the frontbench to try to keep the peace,” she said. “It's an extraordinary approach: just give everyone a job and hope that they will stay happy.” Latest results: The seat of Herbert in Qld was so close that a recount was required. It was initially given to the Government, but it was finally declared a Labor win to give Labor 69 seats to the Liberal Coalition 76 seats. This seat could end up in the Court of Disputed Returns. (See Labor’s bench on opposite page)
The Voice of the Maltese 17
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Australia to expand its mission in Iraq
uring the recent visit to D Australia by the Vice President of the US Joe Biden
a possible American retreat in the face of China's rise. The 300 existing Australian (he was here at the same time Defence Force soldiers who as President Coleiro-Preca) it are currently training local was announced that Australia forces at Camp Taji, just would expand its mission in north of Baghdad, will carry Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull (right) Iraq. The mission is to train out the police training. The with US V/President Joe Biden local paramilitary police as decisions follow requests well as the army, underscor- from the US and Iraqi Prime ing the challenge Iraqi au- Minister Haider al-Abadi. Typically the training of thorities face in stabilising territory recaptured from the overseas police forces has in the past been carried out by Galaxy poll of 1000 people taken recently found 48% support holding a Islamic State terror group. The PM and the Vice Presi- the Australian Federal Poplebiscite to determine whether same-sex couples should be extended dent also covered the South lice's International Deploythe same marriage rights as heterosexual couples. That outweighs the 30% who oppose a plebiscite, but the result is significantly China Sea and the damning ment - who has trained counlower than a July 2 Fairfax-Ipsos poll of nearly 1400 voters that found 69% of legal ruling against China. terparts in countries such as Mr. Biden emphatically and Afghanistan, the Solomon Ispeople backed a nationwide vote over a vote on the floor of Parliament. Same-sex marriage advocates are concerned that conservatives in the Coali- repeatedly stated that the lands, and East Timor. The Turnbull government tion ranks could attempt to "game" the result of a plebiscite in how the ques- United States was "here to stay" in the Asia-Pacific re- has also authorised the detion is framed and the national vote counted across regions and electorates. They are also worried about a divisive and bitter campaign in the lead-up gion, reflecting nervousness ployment of an additional 15 to a vote, in which faith groups, including the Australian Christian Lobby, among some countries about ADF personnel to provide expertise in countering will try to mobilise people against marriage rocket, artillery, and morequality, as happened during the election. tar fire. On Iraq, Mr. Biden Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus last week accused Mr. Turnbull of pushing the t Downing Local Cout in Fenech pleaded guilty to the said Australians were the plebiscite into "the never never" after the Prime Sydney, former Australian charge in June. A more serious "best trainers in the world" Minister conceded a vote might be delayed until boxing world champion Jeff charge of intimidating a Crime and the work of special early next year, a change from previous assur- Fenech nicknamed the “Mar- Commission official was also forces in advising and assisting Iraqi commandos ances that it would be one of the first orders of rickville Mauler” escaped con- dismissed and withdrawn. business for a returned Coalition government. viction after he threw a Fenech was called before the had helped them push IS Support for a plebiscite appears to have soft- document, left the witness box Crime Commission late last year out of cities such as Raened since it became a battleground issue dur- and said “I'm out of here” during to answer questions relating to madi. ing the election, with Opposition Leader Bill a secret murder hearing held by the alleged shootShorten mocking it as a “$160 million tax- the NSW Crime Commission. ing murder of faDeputy chief magistrate Chris ther-of-two and payer-funded opinion poll”. industry O'Brien chided the 52-year-old race of Maltese descent for "petulant worker Brad Diloutburst" but dismissed a charge lon outside Marof disrupting the commission on ket Place in the condition that he enter into a Leichhardt on Jeff Fenech and wife Suzee two-year good behaviour bond. August 11, 2014.
A plebiscite on same-sex marriage
Jeff Fenech misbehaves in Court A
Labor Party front bench
he Labor leader has also announced changes to his shadow ministry. The 32T member shadow cabinet includes eight women. Anthony Albanese will remain as the Opposition's Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Developments spokesman. Chris Bowen will likewise continue as Shadow Treasurer, while Penny Wong has taken over Ms. Plibersek's Foreign Affairs portfolio and will carry on as Labor's leader in the Senate. Tanya Plibersek is now the Shadow Education Minister and holds the role of Minister for Women. Richard Marles has earned a promotion to Shadow Defence Minister, replacing Stephen Conroy, who will become the Shadow Special Minister of State. Michelle Rowland MP will take over as shadow Minister for Communications.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Malta hosts Western Canada’s O diplomatic gathering
ver 200 people attended a gala diplomatic event in the western Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta recently hosted by Malta. The annual consular ball sees dozens of representative countries come together from around the world to celebrate and promote international relationships and harmony between nations. Malta was selected last year by representatives of Edmonton’s Consular Corps to serve as host of the prestigious occasion. The event, held at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel MacDonald in downtown Edmonton, included Maltese entertainment that incorporated an exquisite performance of L’Aurora written by Maltese Maestro Carmelo Pace as well as a spectacular rendition of ‘ItTalba’ from the Maltese opera Gensna. Local artists and performers were selected to perform the music. Guests were welcomed to the gala event by two young people of Maltese descent wearing traditional costumes including a young woman who wore an g˙onella (the Maltese faldetta) Pastizzi - shipped special from Toronto - were served as people entered the Hotel’s grand Empire Ball Room. The main meal was quintessentially Maltese and included timpana and bra©ioli prepared specially by the hotel Chef. A special red and white cassata was also served alongside honey ice cream for dessert. Victor Tanti, Honorary Consul of Malta who served as host and organiser of the gala event told The Voice of the Maltese, “The event was a wonderful opportunity to showcase Malta. Many people in this part of the world have very little knowledge of Malta, and to be able to profile the event to this many people was truly an honour.” He went on to say that he was hope-
It was full house at the annual consular ball hosted by Malta at Edmonton, in Canada
Over 200 Albertans experience Malta at its finest ful that this work would reap great promotional and business dividends for Malta’s tourism and business sector. Part of the evening’s entertainment included a powerful video presentation of Malta that captured many of Malta’s highlights that brought a great round of applause by the guests. Mr. Clive Agius, the Ambassador to Canada and United States, said that the event was a great demonstration of the excellent bilateral relations between Malta and Canada. “Our coun-
The Hon Consul of Edmonton, Victor Tanti (centre), greeting guests at the consular ball
tries share the same values and we work closely together within the United Nations and the Commonwealth to make this World a better place,” he said. Part of the work of the Honorary Consul is to promote Malta as a tourist and business destination and in his speech to the guests at the reception, Tanti asked invitees to add Malta to their list of places to see. “Few countries are as rich in beauty and history as Malta,” the Hon Consul told an appreciative crowd. Meanwhile when it comes to the magazine, Mr Tanti told The Voice of the Maltese: I really do appreciate your efforts with your publication. It is outstanding! It is great to have this type of information available to Maltese across the world. I like the concept and I think you are on to a very good thing.”
The Voice of the Maltese 19
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti ma˙ru© millKummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti.
IL-WIEÓED u GÓOXRIN REGOLA Vokali bl-aççent s˙i˙ trid warajha Ωew© konsonanti. (Ara wkoll l-G˙axar Regola). G˙alhekk ng˙idu u niktbu: kònt, ©ìbt, mòrna, qàrben, ˙òlma, ftakàrt, berìkt, berìkna. G˙alhekk ukoll g˙andna niktbu: ©èjt, bèjt, sèjf, xbàjna, nèwl, ˙àwt, bil-konsonanti j u w u mhux bil-vokali i u u, b˙alma xi w˙ud jiktbu ˙aΩin: ©eit, seif, xbaina, neul, ˙aut, eçç.
G˙alhekk ukoll g˙andna niktbu bilkonsonanti mtennija kliem minn din ix-xorta ta’ ˙oss il-vokali: mò˙˙, qàdd, qàtt, ròss, skìtt, slìtt, kif ukoll ilkelma kòss, meta l-vokali tag˙ha nsemmg˙uha b’le˙en ma˙tuf u mhux bil-le˙en imkarkar (kôs) b˙alma ˙afna dlonk jg˙iduha. G˙alhekk ukoll niktbu Ω-Ωew© konsonanti dt fi kliem minn din ixxorta: ˙àdt, ©bìdt, qrìdt, qg˙àdt, qeg˙ìdt, Ωìdt, g˙èdt, beg˙ìdt, xerrìdt. B’hekk nag˙Ωlu bejn sîd u sìdt, Ωîd u Ωìdt, ˙ât u ˙àdt, g˙îd u g˙èdt. IT-TNEJN u GÓOXRIN REGOLA Vokali b’aççent ˙elu trid urajha konsonanti wa˙da.
Fehem u deher li jinktibu fuq il-mudell ta’ kiser onnu li wa˙da mill-aktar kelmiet li D ˙afna sibu ftit diffiçli fil-Malti hija fehem, g˙alhekk meta ji©u biex juΩawha
f’modi o˙ra jinfixlu fejn se jpo©©u l-h. Imma jekk wie˙ed jie˙u b˙ala mudell kelma li tixba˙ha kif inhi msawra jista’ façilment jikteb il-kliem li jo˙or©u minnha. B˙ala mudell nistg˙u nfasslu l-kelma FeHeM fuq il-kelma KiSeR. Hekk allura jekk niktbu NiKSeR niktbu wkoll NiFHem
u tkompli hekk, inti TiFHeM (b˙al TiKSeR); huwa JiFHeM (JiKSeR), hija TiFHeM (TiKSeR); a˙na NiFHMu (NiKSRu), intom TiFHMu (TiKSRu), huma JiFHMu (JiKSRu). Fost kliem ie˙or simili li jinkiteb fuq il-mudell ta’ KiSeR insibu wkoll DeHeR.
Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb
RiΩultat tat-ta˙ri© tal-˙arga Nru. 132
1. Ûid nom wara: Tmien ba˙rin, g˙axar mog˙Ωiet, Ωew© karozzi, tnaxil maduma, elf mo˙riet, tlitt g˙asafar, sebg˙in ga©©a, sitt kaxxi, erbg˙a u disg˙in tifla, mitt ballun, sbataxil bagalja, seba’ ˙utiet, tmint ixbar, g˙oxrin katnazz, Ωew©t iklieb, mitejn fellus, disa’ kartuniet, erbg˙in pa©na, miljun ktieb. 2. Ikteb kliem minlok numri: Ìejt l-ewwel fl-eΩami. G˙adhom kif daqqu s-sebg˙a. Rajna erbatax-il baqra. G˙andi sebg˙a u sebg˙in boçça. Ódimna g˙axar sommiet tqal. Óri©t mid-dar fl-erbg˙a. A˙jar g˙asfur f’idejk minn mija fl-ajru. Mario xtara disat ifniek. Iz-zija tatni tlitt lumijiet. Ûort tlett bliet kbar. Is-seba’ Ωiemel korra.
Ag˙mel uΩu mid-dizzjunarju Malti *Jekk trid tiççekja l-kitba, it-tifsir tal-kliem Malti u ttraduzzjoni g˙all-IngliΩ issa tista’ tid˙ol fuq id-dizzjunarju tal-Maltin online. Is-sit huwa:
G˙alhekk niktbu: rábat, sílet, ©íbed, tífel, tílef, xórob, qátel, sáram, séqer, ˙ádem, kollha b’konsonanti wa˙da wara l-ewwel vokali ta’ aççent ˙elu, waqt li kelmiet o˙ra b˙al dawn jin˙assu u jinkitbu b’Ωew© konsonanti wara vokali li fuqha jaqa’ aççent s˙i˙ jew qawwi: sèllet, ©èbbed, tèllef, ˙àbbat. Billi, sew il-vokali ta’ le˙inha mkarkar kemm ukoll dik ta’ le˙inha ma˙tuf b’aççent ˙afif jew ˙elu jmorru b’konsonanti wa˙da warajhom, hu tajjeb li nag˙rfu nag˙Ωlu bl-g˙elm tieg˙u, kif urejna, kliem li jixxiebah, b˙al dawn: g˙âdu u g˙ádu, ©âra u ©ára, qâleb u qáleb. Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco 29th Annual Dinner Dance Date: Saturday October 29 at the Mandavilla Reception Centre (1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park NSW) Time: 7.30 pm - Donation $60.00. Dress: Semi Formal Entertainment: by Joe Apap. Special Quest & MC Joe Galea *All proceeds from this event will go towards the Don Bosco Missions. For bookings: Marlene on 02 9631 9295
Xaghra Association of NSW Inc Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance on Saturday September 24 AT: Balmoral Function Centre, Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN * ROC-A-TAC & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band * 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks * Guest of Honour Fr Dominic Sultana from Gozo * Donation Adults:$60.00 Children, $35:00 Contact: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034 or M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba lawn bowls darba fixxahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-log˙ba li jmiss nhar il-Óadd 14 ta’ Awwissu fis-1.00 p.m. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
IL-GRUPP SANTA MARIJA TA’ SYDNEY B˙as-soltu qed jorganizzaw l-Ballu ta’ Santa Marija Nhar is-Sibt, 6 ta’ Awissu fis-7.00 p.m. fil-Balmoral Centre, Balmoral Street, Blacktown Ikun hemm ikla ta’ erba’ platti u xorb b˙al birra, inbid, soft drinks, cassata ice-cream, te u kafe. Jie˙du sehem il-Falcons Band u l-mistednin speçjali Kathlyn Vella u Carmen Cauchi Donazzjoni ta: $60.00; Tfal ta˙t it-12 il-sena: $30.00 Ikun hemm ukoll marci mill-Banda Maltija O.L.Q.P. G˙al aktar tag˙rif u xiri ta biljetti çemplu lil Agnes fuq: 9626 6756, Mobile: 0432 714 735 Theresa: 9604 3679, Mob: 0432 646 960
Direct from Malta Mary-Rose Mallia and Renato COMEDY with The Cittadini Sydney Show: Sunday on November 20 at La Valette Centre, Blacktown at 2.00 p.m. Donation: $22.00 Children U/12: $10.00 For Tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386; Doris: 9636 2295
Other shows:
Melbourne - Queensland - Adelaide
Nov. 11, 12, 13
Nov. 5
Nov. 26
Ic-Cittadini sponsored by
165 Dunmore Str., Wentworthville Phone: 96 312689 or 0412 523893
La Valette Social Centre 14 ta’ Awissu Coach Tour g˙al Central Coast g˙all-festa ta Santa Maria Bus titlaq minn Blacktown fit-8am u minn Greystanes fit-8.30am. G˙all-booking çemplu lil Manwel: 96766171 jew Frances: 96368134.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. every Thursday 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.
Email: ______________________ The Maltese Cultural Association is commemorating a Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes on Thursday August 25 at 7pm for our dear recently deceased longtime committee member Victor Buttigieg. Please come and remember him in your prayers. For more information phone: Mary Ramundi: 96881432 or Charles N Mifsud: 95015525
The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
C o mmunity Co mmunity N ews MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese!
Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.
AVVIŻ GĦALL-KOMUNITA` Il- Federazzjoni tal-Iskejjel Maltin Awstralja (FMLS) qed tniedi sussidju ta’ $100 g˙al studenti li joqog˙du u jispiççaw l-ezami fil-lingwa Maltija tal-VCE/HSC /SACE din is-sena, 2016. L-iskema tg˙odd g˙all-ewwel15-il-student fl-ordni li japplikaw. Dettalji u formula dwar kif wie˙ed jakkwista dan issussidju jistg˙u jinkisbu minn fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-Federazzjoni:
Teachers urgently needed. Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
Join us for a Day of reflection Year of Mercy at the Shrine of St Francis, Kellyville, NSW on Sunday, September 25 Phone 4332 2165 to attend. All are welcome
ST JOHN SYDNEY XEWKIJA ASSOCIATION PRESENTS: The Annual Feast Programme Fund Raising Dinner Dance on Saturday August 27 at 6.30pm at BOWMAN HALL (CIVIC CENTRE) Campbell St Blacktown 5-Course Meal including beer wine & soft drink Music by Charlie Camilleri and Rockin Mustang Band and a Brass Band Price: Adults $60.00 Children $30.00 under 12 On Sunday August 28 at 3.00pm: MASS at La Valette Social Centre175 Walters Rd Blacktown Afterwards procession with Our Lady Queen of Peace Later drinks and food will be available; also music by Brass Band For information: Sam: 46841617 mob.: 0419781568; Elija: 96226047; Rose 96285424; Martin 0417237524
AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.
Festa Santa Marija Assunta Programme 2016 at St. Peter Chanel's Parish Church 848, Ballarat Road, Deer Park, Vic. Friday August 19 6.45 pm: Holy Rosary Presentation of flowers followed by Mass. and Marian Hymns. Saturday August 20 The Santa Mariija Assunta Annual Dinner Dance at the Lakeside Banquet Convention Centre Live Band Entertainment by: The Tequila Brothers & the Maltese United Brass Band
Sunday August 21 FESTA DAY Pontifical Mass by: Bishop Emeritus Hilton F. Deakin AM D.D. accompanied by The Himig Pilpino Choir 3.45pm: Procession Parade with statue of Santa Marija accompanied by: The Maltese Own Band Philharmonic Society. hosted by the band; folowed by DJ Il-Markiz Purchase of D/Dance tickets: Members $60; Non Members: $65 – Children U/12: $45 Frank Mintoff: 03 9363 5325; Frank Galea: 03 9314 4231; Bill DeGuara: 03 9366 9956; Doris Bonello: 03 9743 9934 FOOD AND DRINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR SALE
METD OUTINGS - 2016 14th August – St Maria Festa (Central Coast) $35/pp including morning tea
September 11 – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja (City) $25/pp October 5 - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending the above fund-raising activities. For more info, call: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155
The Voice of the Maltese 23
TuesdayAugust 2, 2016
Sports on two pages
Malta names squad for Rio 2016 Maltese-Australian fails doping test I and blows his chance to participate
n a few days’ time, and for the duration of 16 days, (August 521), Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Summer Olympics officially known as the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, and commonly known as Rio 2016. Malta, as it has been doing since 1928 when it made its debut in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, will again send a token contingent made up of seven athletes. Malta will be fielding its biggest continent for the past 16 years. The squad will be made up of seven athletes, among them William Chetcuti who would be making his fourth appearance in the Olympics. The athletes are: SHOOTERS: William Chetcuti (double trap) and
Eleanor Bezzina (10m air rifle and 25m air pistol); SWIMMERS: Nicola Muscat and Andrew Chetcuti, ATHLETICS: Charlotte Wingfield and Luke Bezzina, and WEIGHTLIFTER Kyle Micallef. US-based swimmer Andrew Chetcuti has been chosen by the Malta Olympic Committee to be the flag bearer in the opening ceremony at the Maracana Stadium in Rio. Mr. Pace Bonello said that the goal is that every athlete produces its best ever performance or result in his or her particular discipline. Athlete Luke Bezzina has been chosen to replace Kevin Moore.
altese-Australian athlete Kevin Arthur Moore blew M his chance to represent Malta at
Rio 2016 by testing positive for a prohibited substance during a doping test carried out by the Malta Olympic Committee for all the members of the team for Rio last June. Kevin, who keeps protesting his innocence and is contesting the ban, has also failed in his second test carried out this month. He is now set to face further disciplinary measures if he fails to prove his innocence when he attends a hearing before the Malta Amateur Athletic Association (MAAA). He faces charges from the National Anti-Doping Organisation.
Helene Pellicano wins Europe’s Junior (14&U) Tennis Championship
he efforts by all and sundry are bearing fruit in a number of sports disciplines in Malta. Birkirkara’s successful participation in the UEFA Europa League this season and their qualification to the second qualifying round of the competition (see page 24), has almost been eclipsed by the feats of a young tennis player, Helene Pellicano, and the national rugby squads. The 14-year-old Helene Pellicano etched
Malta into the record books by becoming the first Maltese tennis player to win the European Junior Championship (14 & under) held recently in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, which is no mean feat. After a had-fought first set in the final against the fourth seed, Czech Denisa Hindova, Helene, the top seed, won eight of the last nine games to seal a 6-4, 6-1 win. Pellicano had a most satisfying tournament. It was her fourth straight victory for her. Her only struggle came in a marathon semifinal against Noa Noa Krznaric (Croatia), in which she was forced to battle back from the brink of defeat before securing a 26, 7-6, 6-4 win. Pellicano’s suc-
Rugby 7s: Men win title; women reach final Meanwhile, rugby keeps growing in popularity and the most recent success in Esztergom in Hungary when the Malta men’s team won the Conference Cup (2) in the Rugby 7s category, helps fire up the enthusiasm for the sport. The women’s team on its part, managed to reach the final of the Sevens in Bosnia. The men’s team registered a perfect score by first winning Pool B after beating Montenegro
(35-0), Belarus (33-7) and Estonia (24-0) that qualified them as group winners with runners up Montenegro to the semi-final stage where they met the Pool A runners up Iceland and qualified to the final with a 19-0 victory. In the final Malta once again met Montenegro and defeated them 19-0. In Bosnia the women’s team won all their games but the final against Latvia when they came a cropper by losing 7-15.
Helene Pellicano in action
cess follows last October’s when she also became the first player from Malta ever to win a Tennis Europe Junior Masters title, and earlier this year reached the Tennis Europe Junior Tour’s No.1 ranking, a position she has regained with the new rankings. Helene, who comes from a sporting family (her parents, Robert and Elaine both used to play basketball with Hibernians) has this dream of becoming a professional tennis player, and then to win Wimbledon. This dream was set in motion at age 11 when she relocated to San Remo, Italy with her mother and began to be coached by Fabio Lavazza, She trains for five hours every day for five days of the week (Monday to Friday) and two hours on Saturday. She attends school every day for three hours and takes English and Mathematics lessons through Skype with a Maltese teacher.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday August 2, 2016
Sports on two pages Historic feat for Birkirkara in UEFA club competitions
irkirkara, the last remaining Maltese representatives in a UEFA competition, face elimination from the UEFA Europa League when they meet Russia’s Krasnodar in the return away tie this Thursday. They lost their home third qualifying round game 3-0. But they still finish in the history books of Maltese football by becoming the first club side from the island to qualify to the third qualifying round of European competition. They did so by virtue of a 2-1 away second qualifying round victory in the return tie in Scotland over Heart of Midlothian. Birkirkara won the round on a 2Birkirkara players celebrate at the end of their 1 aggregate score. The Maltese side started the re- Europa League victory over Scotland’s Hearts turn tie as underdogs. Very few of their sup- porters at the Malta International Airport. The players who gave their comments to porters could have envisaged such a historic qualification after the scoreless draw in the The Voice of the Maltese magazine said first leg in Malta. Hearts, the oldest football they found it difficult to describe their feelclub in the Scottish capital, Edinburgh had ings after this away win. Hearts dominated qualified to the Europa League by finishing the match but Birkirkara defended well, and their strategy worked perfectly as they manthird in their home league last season. It was most fitting that on their return they aged to catch their Scottish opponents on were given a warm welcome by their sup- the break to achieve the unexpected success
at Tynecastle Stadium. Second-half goals by Christian Bubalovic on 55 minutes, and Edward Herrera in the 67th, stunned the Scottish side, who had earlier missed a penalty when Birkirkara’s goakeeper, Miroslav Kopric saved Prince Buaben’s shot, and hit the woodwork on two other occasions. Conor Sammon's header in the 74th minute raised hope but Birkirkara held on for a famous win.
Hope for top 5 finish still very much Valletta go down fighting ith two rounds to go in the PS4 NPL alive for the Eagles WNSW Men’s competition, and with n the Champions League Valletta were
Sydney U. having already run away with the Premiership, Parramatta kept their finals hopes alive for a fifth place finish after beating Hakoah 2-1 away from home. This comes on the back of a 1-1 (goal by Ibrahim Haidar) rescheduled home game against Bonnyrigg (Rd 19) that had been washed out the previous Saturday.
Disappointing outings for Green Gully, George Cross
ast weekend was not good for the two L ‘Maltese’ clubs playing in the Victoria Football Federation, as both Green Gully, in PS4 NPL, and Sunshine George Cross, in PS4 NPL2 both lost. Green Gully lost their unbeaten away run by losing 3-0 at Bentleigh Greens, which comes after a scoreless draw in Round 22 away to Hume City. It was a disappointment as it lessened their hopes of a top five finish. In Round 22 of the PS4 NPL2 Sunshine George Cross’ kept their recent impressive run by beating Moreland Zebras away from home by 2-0, but in Round 23 lost heavily at home, by 1-4 to Ballarat, missing out on the chance to overtake Werribee
That game at Melita Stadium was played almost 35 years to the day (on July 5, 1981) of the official opening of the stadium by then NSW Premier, Neville Wran. Against Hakoah goals from David Gullo and Marco Sama DAY 20 cancelled out Neil Jablonski’s strike Hakoah C v Parramatta 1-2 Bonnyrigg v Sydney U 1-4 for the home side. Blacktown S v Blacktown C 0-1 So Parramatta are APIA v Manly U 1-4 still in the hunt for Rockdale v Sutherland 0-1 Wollongong v Sydney O. 1-2 the coveted fifth place though their DAY 19 hopes rest on the Parramatta v Bonnyrigg 1-1 form of Sydney Sydney U v APIA 2-2 Olympic who are Sutherland v Wollongong 3-1 Manly U v Blacktown S 5-0 four points above Blacktown C v Rockdale 3-0 them. Sydney O. v Hakoah C 4-3
hoping to cause an upset in Serbia where they faced Red Star Belgrade in the return leg of the second qualifying round. However, in the end, despite a valiant display they went down by a similar score to their defeat in Malta, 2-1, for an aggregate score in favour of Red Star, of 4-2. Playing without the injured Falcone, as they did in Malta, Valletta took the lead, this time through a Jonathan Caruana goal after only ten minutes play. They even missed a couple more scoring opportunities, including a penalty, but in the end, Red Star, the more experienced side, won the day. The Serbs levelled the score on the half hour through Mitchell Donald and then controlled the second half to net the winning tally 14 minutes from time through Katai.
More females than men in Australian squad in Rio
t the Rio 2016 Olympics, more womA en than men are representing Australia. This is the first time that gender parity has been reached in a local summer team. The eight female rowers who were invited to compete after Russian athletes in the same event were banned have tipped
the balance. The Australian team vying for medals (August 5-21) is now made up of 419 athletes - 212 women and 207 men - making it 50.6 per cent female. In the London Summer Games the Australian team was 45.4 per cent female, in Beijing 45.9 per cent.