The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 137
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
Malta celebrates 52nd year of Independence ON RIGHT: Acting President Dolores Cristina, Acting Prime Minister Louis Grech (first left) and Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil give homage to the Independence Day monument in Floriana on the occasion of the 52nd Anniersary of Independence. BELOW: Dolores Cristina inspecting a Guard of Honour in Valletta. (see report page 15)
Photos: Jeremy Wonnacott DOI
September 27, 2016
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Sixty years of television: friend or foe of democracy? T
elevision in Australia turned Dr BarryYork 60 on September 16. On that Dr Barry York worked on the Museum of Ausdate in 1956, TCN9 began regtralian Democracy ’s Oral History Programme ular transmission in Sydney. But before it began, there were many for many years before retiring in May 2016. He awarded a PhD in History by the University public concerns about the introduc- was of New South Wales in 1988. He has authored tion of TV. Would it be a distraction and co-authored several books of political hisfrom education? A corruptor of so- tory and immigration history. He was awarded ciety’s morals? A threat to social the Order of Australia in 2005 for his services to life and community engagement? the recording of immigration history. A vehicle of cultural imperialism? It had taken many years for Australia to adopt television. week. That’s four Aware of its potential social and political influence, the weeks over a year. My parents purMenzies coalition government proceeded cautiously and chased our first convened a Royal Commission on Television in 1953. The Royal Commission received submissions from a wide family TV set in range of individuals and organisations across Australia, in- 1960. I’ve probably cluding religious groups opposed to its introduction and spent about nine years in front of a media businessmen supporting it. set. I was an avid The Royal Commission recomviewer. It was mended that television should be inBarry with the York family's fun, but TV also troduced with both commercial and first television set in 1965 brought the wopublic stations and government regrld, with all its wonders and horrors, into my lounge room. ulation over the number of stations How many Australians, and people throughout the that could be owned by a company. western world, were compelled to question things on In 1956, when very few Australians seeing graphic footage of police in Alabama setting vihad a television set, many of the cious dogs onto black American protestors? negative aspects of TV listed above Or the squalid conditions of existence for Aboriginal Auswere true. And today, when there tralians in remote areas? Or napalmed children during the are more than two sets in each Vietnam War? Or Czech democrats defying Soviet tanks, household, nearly 19 million in all, and the similarly iconic defiance of tanks during the the points remain true. But the oppoTiananmen Square protests in China in 1989? site is also true. Television is so multiProtestors in the streets sometimes chanted, “The faceted that it is hard to reach hard whole world’s watching!” We now see the horror of and fast conclusions about it. Syria, and the flood of refugees into Europe. Asylum For each example of ‘dumbing seekers are no longer something we read about and down’ there are brilliant television imagine – we see them and recognize their humanity. documentaries about everything from history to nature. The televised broadcasting of sporting Television also brings the federal parliament into our activity has encouraged scores of thousands of youngsters homes, regardless of where we reside on this vast island to train hard in emulation of their heroes. continent. Question Time has been regularly broadcast Community causes, especially charities, have gained un- since the early 1990s. precedented promotion, and sit-coms featuring single parPrior to that, with the exception of the one-off televised ents and gay couples indicate that television can challenge broadcast of the historic Joint Sitting in 1974, we could only conformity. listen to our elected representatives on the radio or read Technological changes resulting in cable and satellite tel- newspaper reports about them. evision - ‘Pay TV’ - in the 1990s have meant that niche marRobert Menzies was ambivalent about television. Yet he kets are catered for, thus diminishing any threat of cultural became the first Australian politician to master it, outperhomogenisation. Indeed, Pay TV has encouraged creative forming all his rivals through his use of this new medium. and innovative productions. And today, television can make or break politicians. We’ve Australians vi-ew, on average, 13 hours of television per come a long way in 60 years.
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The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday September 27, 2016
his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese Q.. I am a pensioner and I understand that in January 2017 there are going to be changes to the asset test maximum in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanlimits. I will be very close to losing the pension. Can you cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities recommend anything that I can do to reduce my assets to associated with financial planning. If you need more advice try and stay on at least a small part age pension? send an email to Marie Louise via: A. The maximum asset test limits for a sin- are under 65 gle pensioner is dropping from $791,750 to years’ of age $547,000 as of 1 January 2017. At present and therefore there are no financial investments that are you are able to asset test exempt. However you are still invest this sum able to gift $10,000 in any one year with a in superannuamaximum gifting amount of $30,000 over a tion. It will be 5-year period. You could also invest in a invested taxfuneral bond or essential bond as it is also free and any called. You can invest around $12,000 and income or gaithis will reduce your assets. ns made once Another way of reducing your assets is by you commence doing any renovations around the house an accountnow. You may need painting the house or based pension updating your kitchen and/or bathroom. will be tax-free. These are expensive renovations and if they I therefore beneed doing you may consider doing them lieve that investing in superannuation is A. . You are what we call “Asset rich and now. still worth doing especially if you are al- Income poor”. You have a great deal of Q. I have just inherited $200,000 from ready retired from the work force, as you equity in your home. You have two opmy late brother’s estate. My husband is will be able access these funds tax-free at tions; either sell and downsize and you a pensioner but I am still 63 years old and any time. should be left with surplus funds to live have two years prior to qualifying for the on or if you want to continue living where age pension. We are both aware that in Q. My wife and I are 86 and 83 years old. you are then use a reverse mortgage. We are both very healthy and our concern January 2017 he is going to lose the age This will allow you to use the equity in pension because our assets are well above is that we are going to run out of money be- the house without the need to sell or pay fore we die. Our house is worth $2 million the new maximum limits for a married it back while living in your home. You couple. We had planned to invest this but the only other finances that we have are can take a lump sum to pay for the mainmoney in superannuation. Is it still a bank account with $10,000 and a term de- tenance needed now, and continue to worthwhile doing so or am I better off in- posit of $80,000. We need around $50,000 make small lump sum withdrawals to top to do some maintenance around the house up your account for your everyday living vesting in other types of investment? but if we used our money this will leave us A. Investing in superannuation is nor- very short as we use $20,000 per annum expenses. mally to provide a tax effective income in from our finances to supplement our in- Q. My sister is 75 years old and started to get dementia. She has no Will and my retirement. This has not changed. You come. Can you help? concern is that if she dies intestate she will leave great problems behind her. Is she still able to set up a Will? A. You should speak to a solicitor and ask him or her to visit your sister. If when they visit they find that you sister is of sound mental state, they will then go ahead and organise her Will. If they find that her mind is unstable then they probably will not. However you need to try at Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: least before she gets any worse. Q. My granddaughter is getting married. * Wealth Creation Her parents are both dead and I wish to pay for her wedding which will cost * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice around $30,000. Will this affect my age * Maximising Centrelink Benefits pension? * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property A. The answer is No. Centrelink already know what your assets are and therefore * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to the $30,000 you plan to spend should alentering Aged Care facilities ready be on their records. Once you spend the money let them know of this Call Marie-Louise for a and your assets should reduce by complimentary consultation on: $10,000, which is the amount allowed to be gifted in any one year. The other (02) 9231 2133 $20,000 will continue to be treated as your assets for the next five years.
Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystic tales to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday September 27, 2016
A tale of two Marsas
he word ‘Marsa’ is an Arabic word meaning a place for achorage and mooring of ships, and in Malta one can find a few towns and villages with that name. While Marsa in Malta (tatTrinità) is where I spent most of my childhood (MUSEUM and all), today I am writing about two others… although once again a couple of beautiful pictures can do more justice to these localities than any of my colourful words!
The sun (inset) rising over the beautiful Mediterranean Sea at Marsalforn Bay
BrianDecelis MARSALFORN ronically, Marsalforn would be the Ichildhood place where I spent most of my after Marsa. As soon as the
l-Imnarja came around my Dad would pack us up in the Austin Cambridge for a three-month holiday in a small house above Il-Kartell restaurant. (He would then drive his Lambretta scooter onto the ferry to-andfro his workplace at the other side of the Maltese islands – it-Tarzna – everyday!) That was where I started off my recent short stay on Gozo with a cold Cisk and some ˙obΩ biΩ-Ωejt and some fresh fish caught that very morning! Because well before Marsalforn be-
came known as a tourist destination (especially for Maltese visitors) it has been a fishing village since antiquity. It is thought that the ‘forn’ part in its name came from either the Italian ‘forno’ (a bakery) or the Portuguese ‘furna’ (a cave). In fact there is a deep sea cave still called ‘Il-Forna’. Today, Marsalforn can be truly called a year-round destination with many taking up permanent residence over there. Others, including a
t almost the southernmost tip of the Maltese islands lies another ‘Marsa’ – Marsaxlokk: the second part of this composite is very easy to decipher because xlokk means south east which is where this village lies. This refers to the dry sirocco wind which blows from the Sahara. This was the place where one of the invaders of the islands – the Phoenicians – landed and set up shop during the ninth century BC. Today I would dare say that this village is mostly known for the large market which takes place on
good number of expatriates, especially British, have chosen the locality as the place where they retire. Even in the hot suffocating temperatures of summer, Marsalforn is blessed with the cool air that funnels through the valley to the centre of the bay. It is also one of the best spots on the Maltese islands to see the sun rising over the beautiful Mediterranean Sea!
Sundays and when the pictures accompanying this article were taken. However, the role of this port as a fishing village cannot be underestimated with most of Malta’s fish supplies being caught there. The most prominent among these would be the ‘lampuki’ (pilot fish), which are a stable dish over the summer months. This fishing connection was also the focus of a 2014 film based on a tragedy where four people were killed following the explosion of a boat named Simshar in 2008. The film was submitted for the Best Foreign Language Oscar and shown internationally including in Australia. Although the film depicted the unfortunate loss of life it was a unique opportunity to understand the sacrifices that fishermen have to make. Marsaxlokk is also the place where traditionally people take their first dip into the sea for the year at the annual feast of San Girgor – held the first Wednesday after Easter Sunday and typically the last day of the school holidays. Following a religious procession from Ûejtun people gather at the Marsaxlokk seafront playing bingo and eating ˙obΩ biΩ-Ωejt – yes that is good to have at any Marsa!
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Il-Maltin ta’ NSW jiftakru u jiççelebraw it-8 ta’ Settembru
arba fis-sena, minn diversi n˙awi ta’ NSW fl-Awstalja l-Maltin jer˙ula, lejn il-Katidral ta’ Santa Maria fiç-çentru tal-belt ta’ Sydney biex jag˙tu qima u jfakkru b’devozzjoni l-aktar Jum Nazzjonali ta’ Malta li jiftakru, it-8 ta’ Settemebru, Jum il-Vitorja. F’dan il-jum, anke fl-Awstralja, b˙al filpajjiΩi madwar id-dinja fejn hemm komunita` Malitja, l-emigranti Maltin ifakkru u jiççelebraw it-twelid ta’ Marija Bambina li ta˙t il-mantell tag˙ha ©abret u pprote©iet lil Malta fil-©rajjiet storiçi tal-assedji. B’sollenita` kbira, f’Katidral kwaΩi mimli, il-Maltin re©g˙u taw xiehda ta’ kemm g˙adha tbaqbaq fihom il-fidi li gabu mag˙hom minn gΩiritna. Óasra li anke g˙al okkaΩjoni storika u memorabbli b˙al din ftit li xejn tara Ωg˙aΩag˙. Din id-dimostrazzjoni tal-fidi ti©i organizzata mis-saçerdoti missjunarji ta’ San Pawl immexija minn Fr Tarcisju Micallef li tant jistinka flimkien mal-voluntieri biex dan il-jum ikun wie˙ed memorabbli. Il-funzjoni tibda bil-purçissjoni li fiha jie˙du sehem l-g˙aqdiet Maltin quddiem il-vara tal-Bambina li ddur mal-kuriduri ta’ dan il-Katidral maestuΩ waqt li jing˙ad ir-ruΩarju. Il-kumplament mexxieh t-tabib Ìor© Boffa. Il-quddiesa ©iet ikkonçelebrata minn g˙add ta’ saçerdoti Maltin. Sar ukoll pane©ierku minn Fr Dominic Sultana li kien fuq Ωjara minn G˙awdex. Il-kor tal-La Valette tmexxa minn V. Floridia. Membri tal-g˙aqdiet Maltin li B˙al dejjem, kif tintemmxew ta˙t l-istandardi tag˙hom met iç-çelebrazzjoni, Fr Micallef jistieden lil kul˙add f’DePiro House, ftit bog˙od mill-Katidral g˙al kikkra te’ fejn kul˙add seta’ jiltaqa’ f’atmosfera ta’ festa.
L-istatwa tal-Bambina finniçça tag˙ha fil-Katidral ta’ St Mary’s f’Sydney
Aktar dwar iç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-festa ta’ Maria Bambina fil-pa©ni 7, 9 u 11. Tfal bil-kustumi Maltin ta’ Malta rebbie˙a
Il-Kummissarju G˙oli ta’ Malta fl-Awstralja, Charles Muscat u Mrs Muscat, Mrs Borg u KG Salv Giusti jsegwu l-funzjoni fil-Katidral ta’ Santa Maria f’Sydney
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday September 27, 2016 Xellug u ta˙t: L-istatwa mdawra ma’ ©ewwa talKatidral
*minn pa©na 6 Kien hemm preΩenti wkoll l-ET Charles Muscat, il-Kummissarju G˙oli ta’ Malta fl-Awstral- ja, li g˙ad kif kellu l-mandat tieg˙u m©edded g˙al tlett snin o˙ra, u martu Victoria li ©ew minn Canberra apposta, kif ukoll il-Konslu
Ìenerali fi NSW, Salvinu Giusti, u l-President tal-MCC Emanuel Camilleri u martu Theresa. Kien hemm ukoll kontin©ent millSMOM (Kavallieri ta’ Malta) u ssorijiet Fran©iskani tal-Qalb ta’ Gesu` ta’ Warrawong NSW.
Bambina Festivities with Greystanes Maltese Seniors nce again, the Greystanes MalO tese Seniors enjoyed a wonderful morning celebrating one of Malta’s National feast days, Il-Vitorja (8th September). In true Maltese style, the group began the morning celebrations singing the popular Maltese hymns of Maria Bambina, followed by a truly beautiful rendition of Ave Maria by Joe Apap, who was invited to help the group celebrate this very special day. A traditional morning tea made up of homemade sweets such as qag˙aq tal-g˙asel as well as bigilla, ˙obΩ biΩΩejt and pudding! Pastizzi soon followed as the entertainment continued by Mary Sciberras, who is also a member of the MCA choir, as
she sang a poignant G˙ana, and had the members listening very carefully with the story she told of “L’G˙arusa tal-Mosta” (The Mosta Bride). After lunch, Joe Apap entertained the members with his wonderful voice and popular Maltese songs, including the evergreen and popular “Kangaroo”. So much fun was had by the seniors, who sang, danced and laughed together in the true spirit of the feast of Maria Bambina. Finally, Joe sang some new songs from his new CD called “Jesus You’re the Way”, which had everyone joining in the choruses! It was pure joy to see and hear the members of this group enjoy the truly beautiful message of Joe’s
The Greystanes’ seniors join in the fun at the Maria Bambina celebrations
songs and to witness the enjoyment and friendship of this group New members are always welcome and they should contact the MCC’s Welfare Officer Marisa Previtera on 0414 863 123. A big thank you must go to Lilian Taliana, the group leader assisted by Mario & Rita Frigerri, Dorothy Gatt and Anna & Nick Buhagiar who prepared and served the traditional morning tea. Lilian said that all the hard work is worth it when you see the members so happy.
Joe Apap entertaining the guests
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Malta has come a long way Emanuel Farrugia, from Adelaide, writes:
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
hough I love Malta a lot and would never say anything that could demean it, I was never that keen to visit the isout of respect, to renew family ties. When it comes to holidays my family always preferred to either tour Australia, visit New Zealand or embark on a cruise. This summer however, my grandma who took great pains to raise me after the death of my parents when I was little, I surprised her and visited her on her 90th birthday. Initially that was the only reason. But at the end of my stay I felt so nostalgic that I dreaded coming back to Adelaide. Malta has changed a lot. During my days tourists used to come to Malta to hire a deckchair and to bask in the warm Maltese sun or take a dip into the blue and clean blue waters surrounding the island.
G˙ax mhux avviΩi minn qabel ukoll?
J.P. Spiteri minn Balmain NSW jikteb: idher li The Voice tag˙ti ˙afna importanza lill-attivitajiet tal-g˙aqdiet Maltin, u hekk g˙andu jkun, imma mhux dejjem ikun hemm avvizi minn qabel dwar dak li se jkun se jsir. G˙aliex çertu avviΩi jidhru u o˙rajn le? KaΩ partikulari kienet l-attivita’ tal-bambina ta’ dis-sena fil-Katidral ta’ St. Mary’s. Nota Editorjali: Hi l-politika ta’ The Voice li avvizi komunitarji jridu jigu ndirizzati specifikament lilna. Ma nistghux naqbdu nxandru avviΩi li ma jaslulniex uffiçjalment.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
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After meeting some of the many tourists I concluded that nowadays they don’t visit the island just to enjoy the three Ss (Sun, Sea and Sand). They visit for many other things, including the activities, cultural or otherwise. A few years back one found it difficult to find some kind of activity other than the beach. Nowadays it is difficult to keep up with all the activity. Malta has come a long way. My advice for the readers it is, make it a point to visit . You won’t regret it.
Neqsin minn tag˙rif dwar il-Konsolati
Charles Vella minn Riverwood NSW jikteb: hux li jkollna bzonn l-uffiççju talKummissjoni G˙olja Maltija fl-Awstralja jew dawk tal-Konslijiet ta’ spiss, iΩda tkun ˙a©a utli u f’waqtha li l-uffiçini talGvern Malti fl-Awstralja, inkluΩ dawk talKonslijiet Onorarji jg˙idulna fejn huma, meta u x’˙in jift˙u g˙all-pubbliku u l-˙inijiet u sintendi tag˙rif ie˙or ta’ ˙tie©a. Forsi g˙ax maqtulin bix-xoghol u ma jifil˙ux aktar kuntatti? Huma x’inhuma rra©unijiet, il-Maltin fl-Awstralja g˙andna kull dritt li nkunu nafu fejn qeg˙din. A˙na l-qarrejja ta’ dan il-magazine li llum sar jitkellem dwaru kul˙add ma g˙andniex inkunu iΩolati u injorati, l-aktar meta dan sar l-aktar mezz li imfittex. Dan nuqqas serju.
Another welcome service by The Voice Ron Calleja from East Brisbane, Qld, writes: wish to thank the producers of The Voice magazine for the way they keep looking after us the Maltese community with the information and the interesting articles they provide us with. So, after the popular articles about “Money Matters” we have now also been regaled with another interesting regular (I hope) column about legal information. If the first article is anything to go by, I am sure we should be looking forward to something that could help us understand the complexities of that which makes up the legal sector in Australia. This could be a godsend for the older generation, but even for the young ones. After reading the first article I was surprised that there were so many things that I did not know about when it comes to document requirements for a number of reasons.
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Reskeon organise Maria Bambina feasts in Melbourne
The Voice of the Maltese 9 The statue of Maria Bambina carried out of the chruch at West Melbourne
he St. Paul’s Chapel, next to MC for the eventhe Maltese Centre in Parkville, ing was Mr Joe CutaMelbourne in the state of Vic- jar. He welcomed the toria was once again the venue for attendees and thankthis year’s Maria Bambina festivities ed Reskeon presion the 8th September that were or- dent, Salvina Vella ganised by the Reskeon Maltese Asso- for organising the ciation Seniors Group Inc. on behalf dinner dance. The of the Missionary Society of St. Paul. singing of the MalThe day started with a Mass concel- tese and Australian ebrated by Fr Edwin Agius, and Fr Dr National Anthems Victor Shields. Fr Agius also delivered followed and a toast the homily to the Maltese commu- for the Bambina Fenity present that included the presi- ast was made. Then dent and members of the executive the entree and main committee of the MCCV and mem- meal were served. bers of the female section of SDC. When the birthAt the end of the Mass everybody days and anniverwas invited to the foyer of the Mal- saries were announctese Centre for refreshments provided ed a special mention by the Reskeon Group that on Satur- was made for Grace day September 10 also organised the and Alfred Muscat Vittoria Dinner Dance that was attended among others by, the president of the MCC of Victoria, Mr Victor Borg and Ms Bridget Petty; the treasurer, Mr Paul and Mrs Pauline Borg, honorary life members of the Reskeon Group, Dr Clemente and Mrs Mary Zammit; Fr Edwin Agius, Rector at Parkville and Fr Dr Victor A section of the Maltese community that Shields, and attended for the celebrations at the St Reskeon past Mary Star of the Sea in West Melbourne president George Zammit and his wife Anne. on their 60th wedding anniversary. DJ King Charlie provided the music Later in the night the Malta Gozo that catered for young and old and Concert Band, under the direction of pushed the guests to the dance floor. Ms Tanya Schembri, played marches that created the merThe Maltese Choir of Victoria at riment for the night, the St Mary Star of the Sea church similar to that of a Maltese Festa, and rounded up the evening with the Ave Maria and the Reskeon theme song. A day later, on September 11, Reskeon organised a similar feast on behalf of the Missionary Society of St Paul, at St Mary Star of the Sea
Church, West Melbourne that was again attended by MCCV executive members., while Chev. Joseph Borg represented the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. Sisters from religious Orders and members of the Society of Christian Doctrine also attended along with a large number of Maltese Associations with their banners, as well as the banners of the four villages and towns where the Bambina is celebrated in Malta and Gozo, namely, Senglea, Mellie˙a, Naxxar and Xag˙ra in Gozo. Rosary was recited and Mass celebrated by Fr Dr Victor Shields, Fr Edwin Agius, Fr Emmanuel Adami, Fr Lonnie Borg, Fr Denis Carabott, and Fr Karm Borg. Frank Siriani was MC, while the Maltese Choir of Victoria under the direction of Mr Charles Schembri and Ms Lydia Gusman provided the music and singing. A procession with the statue of Maria Bambina was then held in the streets around the church.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Perspettiva Il-prezz taΩ-Ωejt -niççelebraw? J
ien kont ©ejt l-Awstralja fuq btala erbatax-il sena ilu, u niftakarni nixtri l-petrol b'inqas minn dollaru Awstraljan il-litru. Kont irrassenjajt ru˙i li iktar ma jg˙addi Ω-Ωmien, ilprovvista taΩ-Ωejt, taΩ-Ωejt,lilihuwa huwariΩors riΩors ffossilizzat u allura ffossilizg˙andu limitu, tkun aktar u aktar l-prezz zat u allura g˙andu limitu, tkundiffiçli, aktar uji©ifieri aktar diffiçli, bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or ji©ifieri l-prezz bejn g˙andu wie˙ed udejjem ie˙or jiΩdied. g˙andu dejjem jiΩdie G˙al ˙afna snin, fil-fatt din kienet l-esperjenza tieg˙i u tal-bqija ta' dawk li jsuqu karozzi konvenzjonali, imma f'dawn l-a˙˙ar ©img˙at sibt ru˙i nixtri l-petrol mill-©did b’inqas minn dollaru l-litru. X'qed ji©ri? Jekk wie˙ed i˙ares lejn il-prezz taΩ-Ωejt, li minnu ji©i mag˙mul il-petrol, id-diΩil eçç, fl-2016 kien jiswa madwar $40-50 kull barmil (kejl ekwivalenti g˙al 42 gallun Amerikani, jew 159 litru), li huwa madwar id-doppju ta' dak li kien fl-2002 ($20-30 kull barmil), imma ˙afna inqas milli kien fis-snin ta' bejniethom, fejn il-prezz la˙aq anke l-$140 kull barmil fl-2009.1 Dawk il-prezzijiet g˙olja ta' xi snin ilu wassal lill-produzzjoni taΩ-Ωejt minn sorsi mhux konvenzjonali, b˙attafal u l-˙ama (shale), li jista' jkollu materjal organiku li minnu jkun ipproçessat biex jo˙ro© iΩ-Ωejt.2 Dan ilproçess, li jista’ jinkludi t-teknolo©ija kontroversjali talfracking,3 huwa ˙afna iktar diffiçli minn meta t˙affer bir sa saff taΩ-Ωejt li sempliçement tippumpjah 'il fuq, u g˙alhekk huwa vijabbli biss meta l-prezz taΩ-Ωejt ikun g˙oli. Il-potenzjal tas-sorsi mhux konvenzjonali taΩ-Ωejt wassal lill-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika biex ftit snin ilu g˙al darb'o˙ra issir l-produttur numru wie˙ed fid-dinja. Din is-sitwazzjoni kompliet sakemm l-Arabja Sawdija ddeçidiet, flimkien mal-pajjiΩi l-o˙ra tal-OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) li ΩΩid il-produzzjoni tag˙ha li ©ejja minn sorsi konvenzjonali, iktar milli hemm domanda g˙aΩ-Ωejt, biex ter©a’ tie˙u l-ewwel post fil-produzzjoni taΩ-Ωejt, akkost li twaqqa' l-prezz taΩ-Ωejt, kif filfatt ©ara.4 Bosta kummentaturi u analisti kkonçentraw fuq din il-©lieda kummerçjali, ji©ifieri l-©lieda biex jiddominaw is-suq taΩ-Ωejt, biex jispjegaw dan l-a©ir tal-Arabja Sawdija, li qed tkaxkar lillpea da li tat pajjiΩi tal-OPEC mag˙ha. Madankollu, jien na˙seb li hemm nuna ra©uni o˙ra iktar strate©ika g˙al dan l-a©ir. illegali F'April ta' din is-sena, l-Arabja Sawdija ˙abbret li fl-2017 jew l-2018 se tbig˙ ftit inqas minn 5% tal-kumpannija Aramco, ilkumpannija statali li g˙andha l-akbar riΩervi taΩ-Ωejt fid-dinja. Din il-kumpannija hija stmata li tiswa iktar minn Ωew© triljun dollaru Amerikan, iktar mill-bqija tal-kumpanniji taΩ-Ωejt l-o˙ra fid-dinja flimkien!5 Meta qrajt din l-a˙bar, staqsejt lili nnifsi, g˙alfejn dan, u g˙alfejn issa? U x'rabta hemm mal-©lieda tal-produzzjoni taΩΩejt mal-Istati Uniti? Jien na˙seb li l-Arabja Sawdija g˙arfet li l-era taΩ-Ωejt se ji©i fit-tmiem tieg˙u qabel ma fil-fatt ji©u sfruttati kull riΩerva li nstabet, min˙abba l-©lieda kontra t-tibdil tal-klima, u g˙alhekk trid tolqot numru ta' g˙asafar b'©ebla wa˙da: *tfittex li tag˙mel negozju mir-riΩervi tag˙ha qabel ma jkun tard wisq; *twaqqaf lil diversi pajjiΩi o˙ra li jag˙mlu dan, billi twaqqa' lprezz ˙alli l-produzzjoni tag˙hom ma tkunx ekonomika; *il-prezz baxx idg˙ajjef kemm jista' jkun l-investiment f'sorsi sostenibbli tal-ener©ija (alternattiva g˙aΩ-Ωejt li b˙all-fa˙am huwa ener©ija ffossilizzata), sabiex jibqa' l-istatus quo. L-isfruttament ta' sorsi sostenibbli tal-ener©ija, b˙ar-ri˙ jew ixxemx, huwa neçessarju biex id-dinja tikkumbatti t-tibdil tal-
A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
klima. Jidher li l-Arabja Sawdija trid li jekk riΩervi taΩ-Ωejt verament jibqg˙u fl-art min˙abba azzjoni dinjija kontra t-tibdil tal-klima, ikunu ta' pajjiΩi o˙ra dawk li jibqg˙u fl-art, u mhux tag˙ha! G˙alkemm il-prezz taΩ-Ωejt huwa baxx ˙afna llum, xorta wa˙da jidher li d-domanda g˙aΩ-Ωejt mhix qed tiΩdied kunsiderevolment, u jidher li hemm limitu g˙al kemm is-Sawdi u dawk miftiehmin mag˙hom jistg˙u jistimulaw d-domanda. Hemm sinjali li d-dinja bdiet aktar t˙ares lejn il-futur milli lejn il-passat fis-settur tal-ener©ija, li Ω-Ωejt jifforma parti importanti tag˙ha. Per eΩempju, fl-2015, g˙all-ewwel darba, aktar min-nofs taΩΩieda ta' dik is-sena fil-©enerazzjoni elettrika saret minn sorsi sostenibbli.6 Jidher li l-investiment f'dan il-qasam beda jsir anke ming˙ajr inçentivi sostanzjali mill-gvernijiet madwar id-dinja. Hemm ukoll l-inizjattiva ta' divestiment (l-oppost ta' investiment), li fih organizzazzjonijiet reli©juΩi, akkademiçi, fondi ta' investiment u o˙rajn jintrabtu li je˙ilsu minn investimenti li g˙andhom x'jaqsmu ma' sorsi ffossilizzati ta' ener©ija. Qed ji©i sostnut li s'issa din l-inizjattiva wasslet g˙ad-divestiment ta' assi li jiswew aktar minn $3 triljun.7 Din l-inizjattiva g˙adha biss tibda! Mhux ta' b'xejn din il-ferneΩija fil-produzzjoni taΩ-Ωejt, x'ta˙seb? Referenzi 1., retrieved 20/9/2016 2., retrieved 20/9/2016 3. ad=dirN&qo=investopediaSiteSearch&qsrc=0&o=40186, retrieved 20/9/2016 4, retrieved 20/9/2016 5., retrieved 20/9/2016 6. Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016; Frankfurt School United Nations Environment Programme Collaborating Centre; p. 13 7., retrieved 20/9/2016
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Maltese in UK celebrate National Day at Westminster
he 8th September National Day was also commemorated in London on September 3. In fact, this occasion that takes in the whole day is celebrated annually as Malta Day-UK organised by the Maltese High Commission in the UK, the Malta Tourism Authority, Air Malta, the Maltese Culture Movement, the Friends of Malta GC and George Cross Island Association. It takes the form of a popular occasion that includes a Maltese Fair, a Cathedral Service at Westminster Cathedral, a street procession with the statue of Maria Bambina, and a gala dinner dance. Maltese living in the UK always look forward to the event and this year’s was no exception. A number of distinguished guests were present for the activities, particularly the Mass early afternoon at the Cathedral at which Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna was the principal concelebrant. The head of the Maltese church made the trip to London purposely for the occasion. Other visitors from Malta for the occasion were members of the Marie Therese Vassallo Voice Studio Choral Group. They regaled the congregation with their heavenly voices as they rendered religious songs mostly in the Maltese language. The day started in mid morning with the Maltese Fair at the Westminster Cathedral Hall that was officially opened by H.E. the Commissioner for Malta in the UK, Mr Norman Hamilton. Leading to the inauguration The Wokingham Band played melodious music in the street finishing with both the National Anthems of Malta and UK. Inside the fair the band continued to
The start of the procession with the Statue of the Bambina into the Cathedral Square
- photo courtey of George Cross Island Ass.
delivering a homily sprinkled with some humour regarding his short stature and standing in the centre so all had a view of him. He offered his sincere thanks to the members of the Order of Malta attending. Mgr Scicluna also reminded everybody what the occasion was all about as he recalled the years of WW2 that grandparents would remember with mixed emotions. He pointed out that it is important to be proud of Malta's heritage given the good name of Malta and the special relationship with the UK There were five bidding prayers and one read by own Captain Jack McNulty veteran and S.E. Member of the G.C.I.A. Towards the finish, Malta’s Minister for Health, Christopher Fearne also addressed the congregation. He harped on the important ties between Malta and the UK and said that the biggest tie to the British society was the continuation of the treatment of 400 patients a year treated in the UK sponsored by the Ministry of Health Malta. Later, accompanied by Archbishop Scicluna, the Minister went to Surrey to visit the Maltese cancer patients The ceremony ended with the Maltese National Anthem that was followed by the procession with the Statue of the Bambina into the Cathedral Square led by the St Sebastian Wokingham Brass band through the streets amid a fanfare and a noisy fireworks’ salute. The day wrapped up with a successful and well-attended The Marie Therese Vassallo Voice Studio Choral Group that travelled to London pur- Gala Dinner & Dance at the posely to take part in the Malta Day-UK commemorating the 8th September National Day Kingsway Hall Hotel. play accompanied joined by The Marie Therese Vassallo Studio Choral Group. Inside the hall, while many queued in front of the Maltese food and delicacies stand, particularly to munch at the pastizzi, others chose to play the other Maltese pastime, the tombola, while the brass band on stage added to the happy occasion. Early afternoon was reserved for Mass at the Cathedral. Before it started, Maltese Associations and other groups made their entrance carrying the Malta Day banner, and their own. The congregations of Maltese nuns in the UK and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta were also represented. The congregation was welcomed by the Maltese Commissioner who urged the Maltese people when away from the Maltese shores to flourish and grow in their host country. Then Mass commenced with Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna concelebrating and also
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Joseph Muscat outlines Malta’s vision at the UN Gen. Assembly
or the past week, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat joined other world leaders in New York to attend the 71st session of the UN General Assembly that focussed mainly on the world refugee and migration problem. He not only took part in a very important summit meeting organised at the Heads of State and Government level to address large movements of refugees and migrants, but later also addressed the General Assembly pointing out the migration situation in the Mediterranean. Earlier, he had expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative, taken for the first time by the UN General Assembly that organised the summit, that, he said, represented a milestone in the global community’s approach towards holistically, and sustainably addressing one of the most acute crises of our times. Then addressing the 71st session of the General Assembly marked primarily by the high level meeting on the large movement of refugees and migrants. He said that the outcome of this meeting would spur the members to work further to address the huge movement of people, the likes of which we have not seen since World War II. Dr Muscat said that last year this gathering had considered that migration had reached crisis level. He believed that today, “we are increasingly realising that this phenomenon is set to become a new normal that needs to be managed.” He expressed Malta’s deep commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation inspired by what he described as “the long lasting policy forged by former Prime Minister, Dom Mintoff. The principle that there can be no peace and security in Europe without peace and security in the Mediterranean.” He expanded this vision by saying that
today, this can be broadened in that one can say that there can be no peace and security in the world, not only in Europe, without peace and security in the Mediterranean. He confirmed that this vision would be a driving force behind Malta’s presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first half of next year. He said Malta had been working with partners and independently on common challenges, such as addressing human trafficking using measures aimed at disrupting criminal business models. He added that such efforts must be stepped up by sharing information and improving the implementation of national enforcement policies. He also outlined Malta’s vision as being that of a safe Mediterranean region, which offers peace, wealth, stability and work. He repeated what he had said days earlier when he co-chaired a Round Table titled: ‘Addressing the root causes of large movements of refugees - Summit for Refugees and Migrants’, that the root causes of large refugee flows affects everybody and a global response is needed more than ever before. He said tackling the root causes of migration or refugees is a first step forward and towards comprehensively addressing the migration and refugee flows. He pointed out what had been the focus of the Valletta Summit on Migration hosted by
Med Forum 2016 launched
inister for Foreign Affairs George W. M Vella together with the Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation and its International Secretariat in Alexandria, Egypt, Ambassador Hatem Atallah, launched at the Ministry in Malta’s capital, Valletta, the programme of the MED FORUM 2016, the largest civil society gathering and most influential process of its kind for intercultural dialogue in the EuroMediterranean space. Th event, that takes place at the Mediterranean Conference Centre October 23-25, will bring together around 600 representatives from various organisations. It will prepare the ground for Malta’s EU Presidency. The theme of the launch was ‘‘legacy’’, with a focus on how to further leverage the FORUM to support Malta’s strategic role as a connection point between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean, and Valletta’s role as European Cultural Capital and a ‘‘Mediterranean Capital for Dialogue’’.
Minister Vella said this Forum would launch a new, far-reaching process of intercultural dialogue that would help in bringing together people from around the Mediterranean, and that it would be in a position not only to contribute during Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, but also beyond, into 2018, when Valletta would be the European City of Culture.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat addressing the 71st session of the UN General Assembly
Malta in November, that global perspective was necessary with closer cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination. He called for tougher action against human traffickers, whom he described as “the worst type of criminals” and to treat them as criminals and urged the need to try them before an international court for taking advantage of the vulnerability of persons fleeing from conflicts. On regional matters, he said Malta would continue supporting Tunisia, which was gradually emerging as “the first, albeit fragile, Arab democracy.” Dr. Muscat said when it comes to Libya the picture continued to be bleak. Malta welcomed the recent adoption of Security Council resolution 2298 allowing for the destruction of chemical weapons present in Libya, but its population needed a functioning government to address their basic needs. He reiterated the need to support the Libyan Peace Accord and the Presidency Council, while respecting that country’s sovereignty. As host to the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law, Malta believed that the most effective way to counter terrorism was by empowering the rule of law and strengthening the judiciary in states where such activity was gaining ground. The Prime Minister said in order to consolidate institutionalising relations; Malta would continue to strengthen relations with the League of Arab. It would also actively support revitalising relations with the Gulf States through the Gulf Cooperation Council, which would be another opportunity to step up multi-level regional cooperation with the European Union.
US message for Malta's independence day
S Secretary of State John Kerry has isU sued the following message to mark Malta's Independence Day: "On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I send my best wishes to the people of Malta as you mark the 52nd anniversary of your nation’s independence on Sept. 21. "Positioned at the crossroads between Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, Malta has long been a critical presence in the Mediterranean. The United States deeply val-
ues your role in promoting peace and security in the region, and applauds your leadership on refugee issues, particularly in hosting the Valletta Summit on Migration last fall. "In the year ahead, we look forward to expanding transatlantic cooperation as you ascend to the presidency of the European Union and to building on the strong trade relationship that our countries share. Please accept my warmest congratulations as you celebrate this special day."
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta commemorates New $100m nd 52 Independence Day US investment
oston-based currency printer Crane, has committed itself to build a $100 million banknote printing facility and customer experience centre in Malta, that would create 200 jobs, likely increased to 300, quality jobs in a “state-of-the-art” printing facility at Hal Far, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the company has announced. The planned 140,000 square foot facility, expected to be completed by early 2018, will assist Crane in serving the firm's 50 international currency customers, who are currently supported by another company facility in Tumba, Sweden. A global producer of currency products for over 200 years, Crane has supplied currency paper to the U.S. government since 1879, and has been its sole supplier since 1964. An enthusiastic Dr Muscat said that the last time Malta attracted an investment of this magnitude with a comparable number of employees was in 1981...with what is now STMicroelectronics. He added that the Crane story demonstrates how hard work, networking, perseverance, and belief in our national offering can really turn challenges into opportunities. Dr Muscat said that the latest official statistics show that the stock of foreign direct investment in Malta’s industry in the past three years has risen by €333 million.
alta celebrated Independence Day 2016 (September 21) with a number of activities during which the island’s highest Government and Church authorities took an active part, along with the full participation of The Armed Forces of Malta (AFM). On this occasion marking the 52nd Anniversary of the day Malta gained its political Independence from Britain, the Armed Forces of Malta formed part of the Guard of Honour and gave the national salute to the Acting President, Dolores Cristina and Acting Prime Minister Louis Grech deputising respectively for President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and Prime Minster Joseph Muscat who were unavoidably absent as they were taking art in the UN General Assembly in New York. The day began with a Pontifical Mass at St John’s Cathedral in Valletta concelebrated by Archbishop
Charles J. Scicluna that was attended by the acting President and the Deputy PM, the chief justice, the Speaker, the Deputy Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition and MPs from both sides of the House and members of the diplomatic corps. The Archbishop also delivered a homily. Afterwards, the AFM marched down Great Siege street towards the Independence Monument in Floriana were a wreath-laying ceremony by Acting President Dolores Cristina, Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil took place. (See pictures on front page) The Permanent Representatives Committee of the European Union (COREPER) has approved without any discussion the nomination of Mr Leo Brincat, as Malta’s representative on the European Court of Auditors.
US Tour operator launches new Malta Programmes at special New York event M
Presdient Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca (left) receiving the award
UN award for Malta President
resident Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca's incessant work towards eradicating gender inequality was rewarded by the United Nations when at a ceremony held at the UN headquarters in New York she was presented with the Agent of Change award that rewards women leaders who inspire others to change. Two other women received the award by the UN Women, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Ban and Soon Taek, wife of the UN secretary general. Before presenting the award, Lakshmi Puri, deputy executive direc-
tor for UN Women said they were impressed that a President who is so committed about gender issues and has spoken about issues which cannot be resolved without women participation. “She's been a true champion for gender equality not just in Malta but also in the Commonwealth. She inspires women to be all they can be: Ms Coleiro Preca said she was humbled and overwhelmed, and that though great strides have been made, it is not enough. “I will not be happy until we eliminate gender discrimination," she said.
ore than 40 travel agents and media attended an evening focused on Malta's food, fashion and culture at the Kimberly Hotel in New York City, USA, as Carol Dimopoulos, President, Perillo Learning Journeys, together with Michelle Buttigieg, Malta Tourism Authority Representative, USA, announced the launch of Perillo's Learning Journeys' new Destination Malta Programmes. Michelle Muscat, the wife of Malta's Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, was the Guest of Honour at the special reception hosted by Perillo Tours and Malta Tourism Authority. Malta's celebrated fashion designers, Charles & Ron, were also special guests following their 5th annual runway show at New York Fashion Week, while Ambassador Carmelo Inguanez, Malta's Permanent Representative to the United Nations also joined this special evening. Making the announcement, Carol Dimopoulos, recently returned from Malta, said discovering Malta was for her, an amazing learning journey. “I had no idea of the diversity of experience in Malta. Malta has it all.” Two of Perillo’s new Malta programmes offer guests opportunities to experience the amazing Learning Journeys for themselves in Malta. One is A Woman's Journey of Wellness, Gastronomy and Culture" and the second is the Malta Explorer: History Culture Gastronomy. From left: Charles, Michelle Buttigieg, Michelle Muscat, Carol Demopoulos and Ron at the special evening in NY City
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
GΩejjer tal-Isqfijiet
VOT mas-16
i Ωmien ilu l-Gvern kien ta d-dritt tal-vot lil dawk li jag˙lqu 16-il sena. IΩda dan kien japplika biss fejn jid˙lu l-Kunsilli Lokali. Issa l-Kunsill Nazzjonali taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ qed jinsisti li dawk li jag˙lqu s-16 m’hemmx g˙alfejn jistennew is-sena 2024 biex jivvutaw f’elezzzjoni ©enerali, imma g˙andhom jing˙ataw id-dritt tal-vot immedjatament biex ikunu jistg˙u jivvutaw fl-elezzjoni li ©ejja, fl-2018. Sintendi, malli ˙ar©et din l-a˙bar millewwel bdew il-kummenti – min favur u min kontra. Min sostna li la persuna tista' ta˙dem u t˙allas is-sigurtà soçjali ta’ 16-il sena u tista’ tivvota fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali, m’hemmx g˙alfejn tistenna sal2024 biex tkun tista' tibda tivvota fl-elezzjonijiet l-o˙rajn kollha. O˙rajn staqsew, allura jekk dawn jing˙ataw il-vot ikollhomx ukoll id-dritt li jo˙or©u b˙ala kandidati fl-elezzjoni Min semma’ l-fatt li fuq kollox Ωag˙Ωug˙ ta’ ta˙t is-sittax il-sena jitqies b˙ala minorenni, li g˙alkemm g˙andu d-dritt li jiΩΩewwe©, imbag˙ad jitqies b˙ala minorenni fejn jid˙ol is-sess - eΩatt x’ra©unar hu dan ma nafx. G˙alkemm forsi dawn
qed jg˙idu li dawk ta’ 16-il sena li g˙andhom id-dritt tal-vot, g˙andhom ukoll jitqiesu b˙ala adulti fejn jid˙ol is-sess.. Imbag˙ad ma jonqsux dawk li jitkellmu dwar il-maturita`, ir-responsabbilta`... g˙ax g˙al darb’o˙ra l-©enituri quddiem illi©i jinΩammu responsabbli ta’ wliedhom ta˙t it-tmintax-il sena... U ˙afna u ˙afna ra©unar ie˙or. Issa nistennew ukoll biex se jo˙or©u l-Partiti Politiçi. Tg˙id se jippruvaw ikunu popolisti, talinqas maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, u jo˙or©u ji©ru jwieg˙du l-vot g˙all-elezzjoni ©enerali mas-sittax? Se nispiççaw b’xi polemika o˙ra... u nispiççaw b˙as-soltu bil-Partit Laburista jg˙id li l-Partit Nazzjonalista kien kontra l-vot mat-18, u b’tal-a˙˙ar jg˙id li mhux veru, g˙ax uffiçjalment il-Partit Nazzjonalista qatt ma ˙are© kontra l-vot mat-18-il sena. Nota: Propju x’˙in g˙alqt l-artiklu ˙ar©et l-a˙bar li l-Partit Nazzjonalista u l-Alternattiva Demokratika kienu qed jappo©©jaw it-talba tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. U l-mexxejja tal-Partit Demokratiku, Marlene Farrugia sa˙ansitra qalet li se tressaq mozzjoni dwar dan fil-Parlament.
ultant, meta tqum xi K kwestjoni fejn tidda˙˙al jew tolqot ir-reli©jon, tisma’ min ilissen li Malta hija kattolika aktar mill-Vatikan. Imma ftit issib min jg˙id li l-GΩejjer tag˙na l-aktar li huma aqwa millVatikan hu fejn jid˙lu l-Isqfijiet. G˙ax liema GΩira b’popolazzjoni hekk Ωg˙ira jirnexxielha jkollha daqshekk isqfijiet? Veru li f’Malta b˙alissa g˙andna tlieta – l-Arçisqof Charles Scicluna, Monsinjur Mario Grech, u Monsinjur Pawlu Cremona, iΩda li forsi ˙afna ma jafux hu li ma’ dawk f’Malta g˙andna tliet Isqifijiet o˙ra - Monsinjur Silvestru Magro li serva f’BengaΩi fil-Libja, Moninjur Francesco Adeodato Micallef l-Isqof Emeritu talKuwajt, u l-a˙˙ar wie˙ed li semmejna fla˙˙ar ˙arga ta’ The Voice, Monsinjur Carmelo Zammit, li hu isqof f’pajjiΩ iΩg˙ar minn tag˙na, f’Ìibilta`. Imma dak mhux biΩΩejjed g˙ax mag˙hom trid iΩΩid 10 o˙ra li huma mxerrdin maddinja kollha. G˙iduli liema pajjiΩ b’madwar 400,000 ru˙ g˙andu Kardinal u 16-il Isqof?
Mist˙ija? Tpattija?
’aktarx li di©a` qrajtu jew smajtu dwar il-vot negattiv li kellu Leo Brincat mill-Parlament tal-Unjoni Ewropea fejn wara li kien di©a` aççettat fil-kumitat tal-budget, biex ikun membru tal-Qorti tal-Awdituri tal-UE, meta ©ew biex jivvutaw il-membri tal-Parlament talUE, fil-ma©©oranza kbira tag˙hom ivvutaw kontra n-nomina. Din l-ah˙ar votazzjoni ©abet mag˙ha battibekk bejn dawk li sostnew li l-Partit Nazzjonalista ma g˙amilx sew li ˙adem biex il-grupp tal-EPP, li tieg˙u huma membri lMEPs Nazzjonalisti jivvutaw kontra Brincat, u dawk li qalu li din kienet kwestjoni Nazzjonali u allura f’fora barranija lMEPs Maltin kellhom ikunu mag˙qudin wara l-kandidat Malti. Billi prinçipalment dawk li vvuttaw kontra qalu li g˙amlu dan min˙abba l-kwestjoni tal-Panama Papers, kien hemm min sostna li l-vot kellu jkun ibbaΩat fuq ilkwalitajiet ta’ Brincat, u mhux il-kulur poltiku tieg˙u jew il-Panama Papers. Attwalment fost tal-a˙˙ar kien hemm Ray Bugeja, li kien ikkontesta g˙al mexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Dan mhux talli sostnieh imma wkoll meta ˙are© ir-riΩultat, kiteb tweet (ara t-tweets 1 u 2 u lemin) fejn qal li hu jwe©©a' meta jara kandidati
Maltin li jisfaw umiljati quddiem il-Parlament Ewropew. Bugeja kien qed jikummenta fid-dawl tan-nomini mitfug˙a mill-Gvern ta' Leo Brincat u ta’ Toni Abela biex jiffurmaw parti mill-Qorti tal-Awdituri tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Liema nomini t-tnejn ma sabux l-appo©© li stenna b˙ala Maltin. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra l-Partit Nazzjonalista sostna li dak li se˙˙ kien ta’ umiljazzjoni g˙al Malta u li kien kollu tort tal-Prim Ministru li webbes rasu u ma ne˙˙iex lill-Ministru Konrad Mizzi u liç-Chief of Staff tieg˙u Keith Schembri li kienu mda˙˙la fliskandlu tal-Panama Papers. Sa˙anistra lmexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil insista mal-Gvern biex dan jirtira n-nomina ta’ Brincat g˙ax jekk ma jag˙milx hekk isem Malta kien se jkompli jit˙amme©. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra kien hemm min tkaΩa mill-fatt li mal-a˙bar tal-vot negattiv Simon Busuttil qal li kien laqg˙a l-a˙bar
2 bil-fer˙. Sostnew li Busuttil kien fuq inna˙a tal-estremisti li g˙alihom il-Partit Nazzjonalista ji©i qabel il-pajjiΩ. Tg˙id min g˙andu ra©un? Issa fuq kollox jidher li minkejja l-vot negattiv tal-Parlament Ewropew, vot li huwa wie˙ed konsultativ u ma jorbotx, Leo Brincat xorta wa˙da se ji©i approvat mill-Kunsill tal-Ministri biex jie˙u lkariga ta’ awditur.
L-MTA tirba˙ it-titlu presti©©uΩ tat-‘Tourist Board of the Year’
l-qasam tat-TuriΩmu jkompli jag˙ti sodisfazzjon. Din id-darba nsemmi l-fatt li l-Awtorità Iu reb˙et Maltija g˙at-TuriΩmu g˙elbet il-kompetizzjoni ta’ Barbados, Queensland u Abu Dhabi l-akbar unur fir-Renju Unit fil-qasam tan-negozju, ta’ ‘Tourist Board of the Year’.
It-TTG Awards ta’ kull sena u jkunu mistennija ˙afna mill-industrija tat-turiΩmu. L-MTA kienet finalista wkoll fl-LGBT Friendly Travel Company mirbu˙ minn Celebrity Cruises.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Iridu l-btajjel lura
ekk kif qed joqrob it-t˙abbir tal-Ba©it lg˙aqdiet, unjins u o˙rajn qed jag˙mlu H s-su©©erimenti tag˙hom dwar x’miΩuri
L-a˙˙ar Destinazzjoni
emm destinazzjoni li na˙seb li ˙add H ma jixtieq imur fiha. Ra˙al jew belt imdaqqsa li propju ftit li xejn hemm ˙ajja fiha g˙alkemm eluf spiççaw iridu u ma jridux jispiççaw fiha. G˙al ˙afna snin ˙afna o˙rajn li fittxew li jiksbu post fiha, ma rnexxielhomx jag˙mlu dan, g˙ax ma kienx hemm post g˙alihom. Issa l-Gvern Malti ddeçieda li jΩid 2880 spazju ©did, biex dawk li ilhom jistennew li jakkwistaw dan l-ispazju jakkwistawh u forsi jibqa’ xi ftit spazju g˙all-o˙rajn ukoll. Dan il-post mhu xejn ˙lief iç-Çimiterju tal-Addolarata li di©a` fih 16,000 qabar. Issa mistennija jiΩdiedu 2,880 qabar ie˙or, b’kull wie˙ed ikun fih erba’ sulari. Dan iççimterju kien inbena 150 sena ilu fuq stil neo-gotiku. Wara snin ta’ stennija fl-a˙˙ar il-Gvern iddeçieda li jistieden lill-privat biex ikabbar dan iç-çimiterju. Min jie˙u l-kuntratt irid jinvesti mill-inqas sitt miljun Ewro firrestawr taç-çimiterju preΩenti, kif ukoll li g˙al 15-il sena g˙andu jΩomm il-manutenzjoni tal-kumpless kollu ta’ livell dinjituΩ
u jie˙u ˙sieb it-tmexxija u servizzi li huma offruti lill-klijenti. IΩ-Ωieda ta’ dawn l-oqbra se tissodisfa ttalba ta’ ˙afna Maltin li ilhom iffitxu li jkollhom qabar f’dan iç-çimiterju. Qabar li forsi ma jkunx jiswa’ flus, daqs dawk li hemm fiç-çimiterji tal-ibliet u l-ir˙ula, li huma propjeta` tal-parroççi, u li fihom qabar jiswa mad-€9,000. Fuq kollox g˙alija u g˙al ˙afna o˙rajn, huwa ta’ sodisfazzjon kbir, li din il-©awra’ tal-arkitettura, li bil-mod il-mod kienet qed tinqered, issa hemm iç-çans li ti©i lura g˙al dak li kienet. Imma ma kienux qed isemmu wkoll ilkremazzjoni biex isolvu l-problema?
j˙ossu li g˙andu jie˙u l-Gvern f’dan ilba©it.Fost dawn il-miΩuri hemm tal-General Workers Union li qed titlob li l-˙addiema jing˙atawlhom lura l-btajjel “misruqa”. Xi snin ilu l-Gvern kien iddeçieda li dawk il-vaganzi li ji©u s-Sibt, il-Óadd u f’festi pubbliçi kellhom jintilfu billi, kontra dak li ji©ri qabel, ma ting˙atax ©urnata o˙ra minflok. Il-Gvern ta’ dak in-nhar kien insista li permezz ta’ din il-miΩura l-produttività kellha tiΩdied b'1.5%. Din il-miΩura kienet sabet reΩistenza qawwija mill-Unjins u l-˙addiema, imma lGvern ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien baqa’ jΩomm iebes u l-miΩura ©iet implimentata. Issa l-GWU qed tinsisti li meta ttie˙det din il-miΩura kien hemm sitwazzjoni differenti minn tal-lum, g˙ax illum l-ekonomija hija b’sa˙˙ita u mhux b˙al meta tnaqqsu dawk il-btajjel. Sintendi, il-proposta tal-GWU sabet lappo©© tal-˙addiema. IΩda mhux l-istess talg˙aqdiet ta’ min i˙addem li ˙ar©u qatta bla ˙abel kontra g˙ax qed jinsistu li miΩura b˙al din tkun tffisser tnaqqis fil-produzzjoni. L-Unjin ˙addiema Mg˙aqudin, ippruvat issolvi din il-problema billi pproponiet li l˙addiema jing˙ataw kumpens fi flus ta’ dawn il-©ranet. Min-na˙a tal-Gvern g˙adu ma sar l-ebda kumment... u l-biçça trid ti©i studjata fil-fond g˙ax mhux façli li deçiΩjoni b˙al din titie˙ed ming˙ajr ma dak li jkun jistudja sewwa l-implikazzjoni ta’ miΩura b˙al din, fosthom g˙all-intrapriΩi privati.
Malta g˙asel g˙all-barranin
alta tinΩel g˙asel mal-barranin. Mhux qed ng˙idu jien, iΩda nkiteb fil-©urnal influwenti l-Expat Insider li kklassifika lil Malta fit-tieni post fost laktar postijiet ideali g˙al min jg˙ix barra minn pajjiΩu. Malta marret tajjeb ˙afna f’kemm wie˙ed isib ru˙u komdu meta jg˙ix barra pajjiΩu. Kisbet ukoll lewwel post f’kemm wie˙ed jirnexxilu Guaranteed cheapest rates jidra l-kultura lokali u jag˙mel ˙bieb. All vehicles in NRMA road Service Aktar minn erbg˙a Low holding Deposit minn kull persuna barranija li tg˙ix f’Discount for weekly rentals Malta (41%) tg˙id li Airport the to service Shuttle huwa façli mmens li tidhra hawn Malta. Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 Dan meta l-medja 102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148 globali hija ta’ 16%.
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals
Kwart tar-residenti barranin kollha qalu li huma kompletament sodisfatti bis-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja tag˙hom. Dan minkejja li terz tal-expats kollha qalu li d-d˙ul tag˙hom hawn Malta huwa inqas minn kemm kienu jaqilg˙u f’pajjiΩhom. Fejn jid˙ol l-indiçi dwar il-kwalità tal-˙ajja, Malta ©iet fis-sitt post, b’˙afna kuntenti bittemp u l-klima. Fi kliem is-sit li ppubblika l-ist˙arri©: “Three-quarters of expats say they couldn’t be more pleased with it, and not a single respondent has something negative to say! With such glowing results, it’s perhaps no surprise that almost half the expats in Malta are planning to stay forever (49%), significantly higher than the global average of 31%.” Jidher li Malta qed tkompli ssir popolari fost il-barranin, g˙ax kulma jmur l-g˙add ta’ turisti li jΩuru xtutna qed jiΩdied, tant li flewwel seba’ xhur ta’ din is-sena nqabΩet iç-çifra ta’ miljun turist.. rekord ©did f’dan il-qasam.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Australia is an immigration nation
Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull (left) at the 9/11 memorial in New York
he Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told the United Nations summit on refugees and migrants in New York that Australia is "one of the most successful multicultural societies in the world, ours is an immigration nation" - a fact which has led to high levels of tolerance and a rich tapestry of cultural influences. Also important was the separation of the state from theocratic interference or the danger of cultural dominance by one group over others. "Diversity is an investment against marginalisation and extremism. It helps our community unite against extremism, rather than be divided by it. Australians are not defined by religion or race; we are defined by a common commitment to share political values, democracy, freedom and the rule of law, underpinned by mutual respect. "These values drive our approach to migration. We invite 190,000 migrants each year
Changes to skilled migration programme
aking an important change in the points M test for the Skilled Migration Programme, Australia will give five additional
points to students of Australian institutions. The additional points will be available for students with doctorate-level, masters by research qualifications in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and information and communication technology fields. This change has come into effect September 10. The change is a part of the visa changes being brought under the National Innovation and Science Agenda to attract the “best and the brightest” skilled people to Australia.
to join our nation of 24 million people. And our commitment to refugees is longstanding – our humanitarian resettlement program dates back to 1947. "Addressing irregular migration, through secure borders, has been essential in creating confidence that the government can manage migration in a way that mitigates risks and focuses humanitarian assistance on those who need it the most," he told the gathering. "This has had a direct impact on our ability to provide generous and effective support to refugees. Without this confidence, we would
not have been able to increase our intake of refugees – the world's third-largest permanent resettlement program – by more than 35 per cent. And we would not have been able to commit to welcoming 12,000 additional Syrian and Iraqi refugees, on top of this." The PM said. At the Barack Obama’s invitation special summit the PM committed $130 million towards providing aid to displaced persons and increased humanitarian intake from 13,750 to 18,750. Intake will now include Central American refugees housed in Costa Rica.
The high cost of stopping the boats
report launched by the Human Rights A Commission called At What Cost? is 80-pages long and represents the most comprehensive attempt to reveal the cost of Australia's hardline policy on boat arrivals. The cost of stopping the boats has been calculated at more than $9.6 billion since 2013, and will be another $5.7 billion over the next four years. The study estimates the cost of keeping around 2000 asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and Nauru at $400,000 per person, compared with just $33,000 for those on bridging visas in the Australian community.
It asserts the policy is inflicting incalculable harm on asylum seekers, especially children; straining bilateral relationships; and damaging Australia's bid for a seat on the United Nation's Human Rights Council. Report authors Lisa Button and Shane Evans concede the lack of transparency in reporting and aggregated budget allocations make it difficult to accurately cost Australia's asylum seeker framework, but assert the "true economic cost" is likely to be much greater than the $9.6 billion It calls on the Turnbull Government to commit to a timeline for resettling those on Nauru and Manus Island, legislate against the detention of children and revoke the ban on resettling refugees who arrived in Indonesia after July 1 2014. Pressing the case for a regional protection framework, it also recommends an increase in Australia's refugee intake and the phasing out of turning back boats to Indonesia, which is says exposes asylum seekers to potential danger at sea and further harm. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has ruled out any softening of Australia's policy, telling Parliament on Monday: "We will not deviate because the people smugglers are still there in Indonesia, and in Sri Lanka and Vietnam and elsewhere trying to put syndicates together to put people on to boats."
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday September 27, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia National Australian accounts show 25 years of growth
Pauline Henson wants a halt to all immigration
ueensland Senator Pauline Hanson, the leader of the One Nation Party, wants Australians to face a reality check about Muslim immigration, but a closer look at her claims show they don’t quite add up. In her maiden speech in the Senate, she sparked a walkout when she said Australia risked being “swamped” by Muslims. She called for a ban on Muslim immigration, and a halt to all immigration.“We are in danger of being swamped by Muslims who bear a culture and ideology incompatiPauline Henson ble with our own,” she said. “That tradition is to hate and fear an ethnic But numbers collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics tell a different story. In group as its arriving, and then, after 20 the 2011 Census, just 2.2 per cent of Aus- years or so – to forget about them and move tralians (out of a population of 476,291 peo- on the next lot. How true! We had the Irish ple) identified their religion as Islam, and Catholics, the Asians, then the Italians, the this was lower than the 2.5 percent who Jews, the Germans, the Asians again, the Vietnamese and now the Muslims. identified as Buddhists. Ms. Hanson’s speech left many AusIn total, there were 476,291 Muslims and 528,977 Buddhists, compared to 13.1 million tralians with a feeling of deja vu, the words Christians living in Australia. Those identi- echoing her infamous first speech in the fying as Catholic - the top response - made House of Representatives 20 years ago in which she said Australia was in danger of up 25.3 per cent or 5.4 million people. “No religion” came a close second on 22.3 being swamped by Asians. One Nation got per cent. This was the highest growing cate- 593,000 votes at the last Federal election. gory, increasing by 29.4 per cent since 2006. While the popularity of Islam did grow from 1.7 per cent to 2.2 per cent, Hinduism he new Business Innovation and Investsaw the most growth among non-Christian ment visa will allow entrepreneurs with religions. It went from 0.7 per cent to 1.3 $200,000 in funding from specified third per cent, an increase of 86 percent. party to develop and commercialise their inSenator Henson claims Islam represents a novative ideas in Australia. The visa prothreat to Australia’s way of life and called vides a pathway to permanent residency in for borders to be closed to immigrants - Australia. To be eligible one must: even offering to drive people to the airport • be under 55-years-old • have a competent to leave the country permanently. level of English • have an agreement in place “If you are not prepared to become Aus- for at least $200,000 to grow your entrepretralian and give our country your undivided loyalty … I suggest you go back to where you came from. She said, “I’m back, but not alone,” while she rehashed the anti-multiculturalism rhetoric of her first in 1996. In her Sunday column in the Sun Herald, Annabel Crabb wrote “the fascinating thing about Henson, though, is that she personifies - with spooky accuracy - a long and dark and deep Australian tradition in dealing with immigrants.
he economy's growth of 0.5 per cent during the three months to June have T now completed 25 years of continuous eco-
nomic growth for Australia. Only the Netherlands, which between 1981 and 2008 chalked up 26-and-a-half years of continuous growth, stands between us and the all-time record. No other developed country can make the same claim over the past 25 years. Indeed, few if any have experienced such a protracted period of continuous growth at any time. Welcoming the news, almost exactly in line with budget forecasts, Treasurer Scott Morrison said it was a tribute to "every Australian who has gone out there, gone to work, got a job, and is running or has started a business." With the economy growing by 3.3 per cent over the year to June, Australia has one of the highest rates of growth in the developed world. The 25 years began after the economy's last quarter of contraction in June 1991, marking the statistical end of the recession of the early 1990s, the one Paul Keating claimed: "the recession we had to have." In reality, the pain of that deep recession lasted a lot longer. The rate of unemployment rose to a peak of 11 percent in late 1992, and then took 11 years to get back down to where it happens to be today, 5.7 per cent.
New Entrepreneur visa to Australia
ormer world boxing champion of Maltese F descent Jeff Fenech is said to have in 2012 lent nearly $5m to Eddie Hayson the one-time owner of the Camperdown brothel Stiletto. He lost control of the brothel two years ago. Rating it as the stupidest thing he has ever done, Fenech withdrew his legal claim on the property to make an easier sale on Hayson’s advice. Hayson entered a personal insolvency agreement in 2014, declaring debts of $52m.
neurial venture • hold at least 30 percent interest in that entrepreneurial venture • be nominated by a state or territory government. Applicants can secure funding from Commonwealth agencies, state, and territory government, publically funded research organisations, investors registered as a venture capital limited partnerships or early stage venture capital limited partnerships or any combination of these.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
It-teatri tar-Rabat f’G˙awdex Mekka tal-opra fil-GΩejjer Maltin Platea mimlija entuΩjasti ssegwi wa˙da mill-opri f’wie˙ed mit-teatri fir-Rabat G˙awdex, f’dan l-kas fl-Aurora. imma l-istess fit-teatru l-Astra
Zew© teatri tal-og˙la livell fi g Ω ira ta’ 30,000 ru˙
u fatt li ma jiç˙du ˙add li minkejja li filgΩira ©irien ta’ Malta, G˙awdex kull ma jg˙ixu huma biss 30,000 ru˙, iΩ-Ωew© teatri li hemm fir-Rabat, dawk tal-Astra u l-Aurora, huma l-Mekka talopra fil-gΩejjer Maltin. Ir-rappreΩentazzjonijiet operistiçi li jtellg˙u ta’ kull sena (©eneralment fix-xahar ta’ Ottubru) huma l-vetrina tal-im˙abba operistika, kemm tal-organizzaturi taΩ-Ωew© kaΩini tal-banda, kif ukoll taddilettanti Maltin li jaqsmu l-fliegu biex jattendu g˙alihom. Personalment, x’˙in nirfes l-ewwel tur©ien taΩ-Ωew© teatri sbie˙ G˙awdxin, minnufih in˙oss entuΩjaΩmu u professjonalità li jfawru l-opri li ji©u ppreΩentati. Mhix ˙a©a façli li ttella’ opri b˙al dawn. Dejjem sostnejt li l-opra tin˙tie© mhux biss il-muΩika u lkant iΩda ˙afna aktar minn hekk. Tin˙tie© l-oqsma kollha tal-arti. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li l-Maltin juΩaw l-idjoma: “kemm qed tag˙milhom bi kbar qisek qed tag˙mel xi opra!” Is-sena l-o˙ra t-teatri tar-Rabat, G˙awdex, kellhom Ωew© opri mill-aktar mag˙rufin, La Traviata ta’ Giuseppe Verdi fl-Aurora, u ©imag˙tejn wara La Bohème ta’ Giacomo Puccini fl-Astra. FiΩ-Ωew© okkaΩjonijiet l-orkestra u l-kor qamu g˙all-okkaΩjoni f’teatri mballati. Min i˙obb l-opri mbag˙ad jitlef dawk li jittellg˙u fit-teatri G˙awdxin, g˙andu g˙ax i˙ossu ddiΩappuntat. Wie˙ed jittama li din is-sena wkoll il-preΩentazzjonijiet ji©bdu l-folol u b˙al dejjem jintla˙aq il-livell g˙oli tas-soltu Fil-fatt dis-sena, eΩattament fil-15 ta’ Ottubru, biex ifakkar l-40 sena tieg˙u, t-teatru Aurora se jtella’ l-opra popolari ta’ George Bizet, il-Carmen biex hekk isegwi fuq is-suççess li kellu s-sena l-o˙ra b’La Traviata. Min-na˙a tieg˙u, fis-27 u d-29 ta’ Ottubru, g˙at-tielet darba, it-teatru Astra se jippreΩenta l-opra ta’ Giuseppe Verdi, l-Aida bl-orkestra diretta mis-surmast G˙awdxi Joseph Vella u d-direttur artistiku Enrico Stinchelli. B’nies b˙al dawn, g˙al darb’o˙ra l-garanzija hija kontinwazzjoni ta’ success. Jiena segwejt ˙afna mill-istorja glorjuΩa ta’ dawn iΩ-Ωew© teatri G˙awdxin fil-qasam operistiku. Bis-sa˙˙a tag˙hom rajt lill-baritonu Aldo Protti (illum mejjet) li ©ie g˙al Rigoletto fit-Teatru Astra. Dakinhar kien ©ie wkoll il-baxx Nicola Rossi Lemeni g˙all-Opra Il Barbiere di Siviglia ta’ Rossini. Ìiet ukoll martu, il-famuΩa soprano Vergenia Zeani li g˙adha mimlija bl-g˙omor.
Niftakar ukoll lis-Soprano Raina Kabaivanska (li wkoll g˙adha ˙ajja) fil-parti ta’ Manon fl-Opra ta’ Giacomo Puccini, Manon Lescaut li kienet ittellg˙et fit-Teatru Aurora. Qatt f’˙ajti ma rajt Manon millaqwa daqs dakinhar b’Raina Kabaivanska
ta˙dem il-parti! Dawn ismijiet kbar miktubin b’ittri tad-deheb fil-qasam tal-opra u tal-istorja tal-lirika ta’ wara t-Tieni Gwerra. Grazzi lill-kaΩini tal-banda t’G˙awdex, li tawna l-opportunità li nisimg˙u u naraw kantanti kbar b˙al dawn, u aktar f’pajjiΩna. La semmejt dan ma nistax ma nsemmix ukoll lit-tenur bravu Malti Joseph Calleja li fl-1997 kien g˙amel il-parti ta’ Macduff fl-Opra Macbeth ta’ Verdi fit-Teatru Astra. Dan kien il-bidu tal-karriera brillanti ta’ Joseph. Ûgur li kien bidu li entuΩjaΩmah f’din il-linja operistika. Illum Joseph Calleja hu mag˙ruf mad-dinja operistika kollha u qed dejjem jag˙mel isem kbir g˙alih u g˙al pajjiΩna.
Dis-sena t-teatri G˙awdxin se jippreΩentaw l-Aida (fl-Astra) u l-Carmen (fl-Aurora) Kif g˙edt, ix-xahar id-die˙el l-Astra se jtellg˙u l-Aida, imma jien niftakar din l-opra wkoll meta ttellg˙et fit-Teatru Aurora. Qatt f’˙ajti ma smajt çapçip kbir u g˙ajjat ta’ fer˙ daqskemm smajt dakinhar hekk kif fuq il-palk, fil-Gloria all’Egitto fix-xena trijonfali, tfaççaw Ωew©t iΩwiemel kbar u mill-isba˙. Kien hemm çapçip kbir li jtarrax. Kien hemm stennija kbira g˙alihom u rnexxielhom. Illum il-©urnata na˙seb biss ng˙id mamma tieg˙i, g˙ax alla˙ares dawn l-imberkin Ω-Ωwiemel sfrattaw b’dak l-entuΩjaΩmu kbir fit-teatru g˙ax tassew kienet tinkiteb storja kbira! Naturalment, ir-rappreΩentazzjonijiet operistiçi fit-teatri t’G˙awdex kienu wkoll ta’ inçentiv qawwi g˙all-kantanti Maltin u koristi. F’dawk iΩ-Ωmienijiet, il-muΩiçisti Maltin kisbu wkoll esperjenza ©dida, g˙ax kien ilhom xi ftit ma jsiru opri s˙a˙ f’pajjiΩna. Óafna kantanti operistiçi Maltin taw sehemhom ukoll f’partijiet sekondarji u importanti f’dawn l-opri. L-istess nistg˙u ng˙idu g˙all-koristi, u tant o˙rajn …. g˙ax l-opra tag˙ti esperjenzi f’kull qasam tal-arti …ballerini, xenografija, reçtar, dwalijiet u tant u tant oqsma o˙ra. L-opra bla dubju li hija fost l-og˙la qasam tal-Arti.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb ilMalti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti.
ID-DISGÓA U GÓOXRIN REGOLA Vokali (we˙idha jew b’konsonanti warajha) miΩjuda f’tarf il-kelma twaqqa’, fit-tieni taqsima, vokali ta’ bla aççent. G˙alhekk minn bajtar g˙andna bajtra, minn qastan g˙andna qastna, minn ˙arbat g˙andna ˙arbtu, minn feraq, ferqu, minn telaq, telqu; kif ukoll ˙arbtek, telqek fejn, f’kull kelma Ω-Ωieda ta’ vokali f’tarf il-kelma, waqqg˙et it-tieni vokali ta’ ©ewwa l-kelma. Hekk ukoll minn ©ibed, se˙et, battal, nag˙mlu ©ibdu, se˙tu, battlu, kif ukoll minn qajjem g˙andna qajmu, qajmek, minn g˙allaq, g˙addas, geddes, qaddes, karwat, werwer, seddaq, qartas, g˙atas ng˙idu u niktbu wkoll g˙allqu, g˙addsu, geddsu, qaddsu, karwtu, werwru, seddqu, qartsu, g˙atsu. Biex jiktbu l-kelma ©emg˙et minn ©ama(g˙), baqg˙et minn baqa(g˙), refg˙et minn refa(g˙) u ˙afna ta’ din il-g˙amla, xi w˙ud jiktbu: ©emeg˙t, baqeg˙t, refeg˙t. (Ara wkoll it-Tlieta u G˙oxrin Regola). Skont li wrejna: ©ama(g˙) biΩ-Ωieda ta’ et g˙andha tinkiteb ©emg˙et; baqa(g˙), baqg˙et; refa(g˙), refg˙et. It-tieni vokali a ta’ bla aççent taqa’ u b’hekk titnissel din il-kitba. T.ç. Kif minn qafel niktbu qaflet u mhux qafelt, hekk ukoll minn ©ama(g˙) niktbu ©emg˙et u mhux ©emeg˙t, eçç. IT-TLETIN REGOLA Konsonanti (we˙idha jew b’ittri o˙ra qabilha) miΩjuda fil-bidu tal-kelma ma ttiefes xejn lis-sura. G˙alhekk minn qabad g˙andna niktbu (i)nqabad, minn ˙ataf g˙andna (i)n˙ataf, minn ˙ares, t˙ares; minn mieg˙ek, tmieg˙ek, hekk ukoll (i)ng˙afas, (i)ng˙orok, (i)ng˙aΩel,
Notte Bianca expanding to Valletta and the 3 Cities
alta’s beloved annual nightlong arts and culture festival, Notte Bianca, organised by the Notte Bianca team and the Arts Council Malta is all set to take over Valletta on Saturday October 1. This year’s edition of the festival is bigger and more expansive. Although once again the capital’s streets and cultural venues are to come alive thanks to a carefully designed programme of events offering a variety of entertainments and experiences, this year’s festival is further expanding outside the walls of Valletta, making use of the harbour and the Three Cities, (Birgu, Bormla and Isla) with events taking place in and around the ferries and public transport areas in order for the Notte Bianca experience to begin as soon as one starts the journey into the city.
eçç. Hekk ukoll n a g ˙ r f u nag˙Ωlu bejn il-kitba ta’ na˙mel (it-Tmienja u G˙oxrin Regola) u (i)n˙amel (din ir-Regola). Kif ukoll bejn (jiena) nag˙mel, (jiena) nog˙rok, (jiena) nag˙fas u (hu) ing˙amel, (hu) ing˙orok, (hu) ing˙afas. Kif ukoll bejn (jiena) nag˙raf, (jiena) nag˙Ωel; u (jien) ning˙araf, (jien) ning˙aΩel b˙alma nag˙Ωlu bejn il-kitba ta’ (jien) noqtol u (jien) ninqatel fejn il-qag˙da tal-konsonanti q titbiddel kull darba b˙al dik tal-konsonanti g˙ fil-kelmiet g˙araf u g˙aΩel. Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Danielle Asciak’s Everyone wants a piece of Malta! A talented cabaret performer of Maltese descent, Danielle Asciak, described by The Australian as “one of the most exciting new cabaret stars”, will be debuting her internationally acclaimed one-woman show, Everyone Wants a Piece of Malta! at the 2016 Melbourne Fringe programme at the Basement, the Hawthorn Arts Centre Tuesday September 27 - Saturday October 1 at 8pm, and Sunday October 2 at 7pm. Danielle, who has been performing cabaret professionally for eight years, thrilling audiences across Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo and Seoul, and now Malta, grew up in Glenroy, Victoria and has been involved in Melbourne Fringe 2011 and 2012 as Artist and Comedy Judge. She recently moved to Sydney to broaden her career in film and television. With 5-star ratings from Adelaide Theatreguide, a nomination for the Vivacious Cabaret Award Fringe World 2014 and a recent Artist in Residence with the Fondazzjoni Kreattivita`, Valletta, Danielle is one of this year’s most anticipated cabaret acts. Under the guidance of Mau-
de Davey (The Burlesque Hour, My Life in the Nude) Danielle develops her inner comedienne in a witty narrative about what it means to be exotic in Australia and the coming-to-terms experience she had when travelling back to her ancestral land Malta for the first time. With a selection of original compositions, popular music, traditional Maltese folk songs and Eurovision hits. Everyone will want a piece of it! Danielle told The Voice: “This will launch hot off its international debut in Malta and Gozo where I held the title of Artist in Residence with the Fondazzjoni Kreattivita`”. Danielle is one of us; therefore let us give this young talented girl all the encouragement that one normally reserves for Maltese talent in this island continent. “It’s undeniable that cabaret performer Danielle Asciak is talented” – Beat Magazine For a taste of what Daniele Asciak is capable of offering, readers should find out for themselves by logging on to her website:, and also see her youtube trailer on this link: watch?v=T4BRB31v_Zs&
The Federation for Maltese Living Abroad (FMLA)
hen it comes to the history of the Federation for Maltese Living Abroad (FMLA), the first documented need for an umbrella organisation for the Maltese Diaspora was highlighted by one of the most famous sons of Maltese living abroad, namely the Maltese-French writer, Laurent Ropa, back in the 1930s. Mr. Ropa introduced the idea that Maltese writers around the world should form an association to promote the Maltese language and writing in particular. The first real attempt, however, to form such an organisation occurred at the Convention for Leaders of Maltese Abroad held in 2000, organised by the Migrants Commission in Malta. A loose federation (Federation of Maltese Abroad - FOMA) was created and committee members were elected. At the subsequent Convention of Maltese Living Abroad held in March 2010, a group of delegates discussed recommendations and terms for revamping the old FOMA, resulting in the formation of a new organisation, namely the Federation for Maltese Living Abroad (FMLA).
During that same convention three officers were elected to organise formal elections that were carried out in December 2011. Aims The main purpose of the FMLA is to represent Maltese organisations, as well as individuals throughout the world, to give them a voice, and to inform them about developments of interest to the Diaspora. FMLA serves to facilitate over arching communications between the hundreds of Maltese organisations that currently may not have the means or framework to do so. Within the first term of the FMLA, a formal constitution was developed. A newsletter was established and circulated widely. A website, with the aim of facilitating feedback from readers was also set up. It is calculated that the FMLA had a total of 46 affiliated member associations with a combined membership of close to 10,000. These facilitated the spread of relevant information, and it also served as a repository of important data not available elsewhere. The FMLA is a democratic organisation, whose President and Board of Directors are
elected every two years by members of the organisation. Any person of Maltese background can be nominated to participate in the elections. It is a ground roots, independent organisation. The FMLA believes that it is important to ensure dissemination of information and interaction with members as well as the general public. Elections for positions on the FMLA Committee ('Administrators') will be held in October this year. All positions will be declared vacant. Member organisations may nominate one or several (up to five candidates) to serve as Administrators on the Committee. If nominated by a member organisation, candidates are required to indicate whether they accept the nomination. Individual members may nominate themselves for these positions. The closing date for nominations is October 15, 2016, after which date no further nominations can be accepted. For more information contact M. Cauchi at
Tuesday September 27, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 21
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco 29th Annual Dinner Dance Date: Saturday October 29 at the Mandavilla Reception Centre (1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park NSW) Time: 7.30 pm - Donation $60.00. Dress: Semi Formal Entertainment: by Joe Apap. Special Quest & MC Joe Galea *All proceeds from this event will go towards the Don Bosco Missions. For bookings: Marlene on 02 9631 9295
Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese to a number of inquiries, we wish to inform readers Ihardofn response The Voice of the Maltese magazine that we can now supply copies in colour of the magazine to our readers who requst
it, at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in acquiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
THE CITTADINI Present direct from Malta:
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba lawn bowls darba fixxahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-log˙ba li jmiss nhar il-Ħadd 9 ta' Ottubru fis-1:00 p.m. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156 Qed jorganizzaw FAMILY DISCO is-Sibt 8 ta’ Ottubru fis-6.00pm fil-klabb stess. Id-d˙ul b’xejn. Tkunu tistg˙u tixtru ikel u xorbu tiΩfnu mad- DJ on the night. Il-Óadd 9 ta’ Ottubru se ssir il-Laqg˙a Ìenerali. Formoli biex wie˙ed jipproponi nies g˙all-kumitat jistg˙u jinkisbu mill-klabb VINTAGE CAR SHOW fil-klabb fit-23 ta’ Ottubru Çemplu li: George Zahra: 0407 434 651, jew il-klabb: 9838 1111
Mary Rose Mallia and Renato
COMEDY with The Cittadini Sydney Show: Sunday on November 20 at La Valette Centre, Blacktown at 2.00 p.m. Donation: $22.00 Children U/12: $10.00 For Tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386; Doris: 9636 2295
Feast of Our Lady of Victories Date: Sunday 2nd October, 2016 Venue: St Francis of Assisi Church, Cnr. of Flagstaff & Bruce Roads, Warrawong NSW 2502 Time: 3pm: Procession with the statue of Our Lady of Victories followed by Holy Mass. (After Mass refreshments in the parish hall). Contact Lucy Bonanno: 0418211203 for more information
Tajjeb tkun taf
-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin li jkunu jridu jag˙mlu xi avviΩi u/jew li jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a biex jg˙arrfu littmexxija ta’ The Voice bix-xewqa tag˙hom minn kmeni. Barra minhekk, jekk ikunu iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni jin˙tie© jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
C o mmunity Co mmunity N ews Xag˙ra Assoc. of NSW Inc Fr Dominic Sultana’s NSW Programme: September, October Thursday, Sept. 29 10:15am Mass Elderly who meet for respite @ La Valette SC Friday, Sept. 30 7:30pm Thanks-giving Mass @ St John Evangelist Riverstone Sunday, Oct. 2 Leave for Canberra's Floriade, bookings contacts below AM Arrive back from Canberra. PM Monday, Oct. 3 Enq: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034; M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
Kull qalb trid o˙ra
iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott talB passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll
spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw isservizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.
Meeting every last Tuesday of Month A special group for men. Meetings at 10 am at The Maltese Resource Centre Meet friends and enjoy Maltese food. 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (Parramatta West). For more information: Emanuel 0409 744 376
METD Committee is holding the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Date: Wednesday October 5. Venue: St Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church Hall (Corner of Woodstock Ave & Hyatts Rd Plumpton). Start: 9:00am – Finish 3:00pm Day starts with morning tea, followed by Mass. A special lunch and dessert will be served and live entertainment will be provided by well-known Maltese entertainers till 3pm.
Donation: Frail Senior - FREE, Carer - $25, Active Senior - $45 RSVP by September 16: Doris Pocock: 0419 420 915; Lina Magro: 9629 4046; Maria Cilia: 0431 800 720; Maggie Vella: 9621 3125
Our Elderly are forever grateful for this very special day.
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Teachers urgently needed. Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
La Valette Social Centre
Friday 11th November 2016 - At Hobsons Bay Altona. For bookings please ring: Chev. Joseph Attard: 0400 357 001 Saturday 12th November 2016 Venue: Melrose Receptions, Melrose Drive, Tullamarine (Carrick Room) Time: 6.30pm till late Music: DJ “Dominic” Meal: 3-Course plus Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks Cost: $55 per person Sunday 13 th November 2016 Including 1 hour Sketch by “The Cittadini” from Sydney Venue: St Martin’s Deporres, Military Road, Avondale Heights Time: 5.30pm till late Music: DJ “Starlight Johnny” Cost: $22 per person Food and drinks can be bought at the hall.
To book your tickets for Saturday and Sunday, please ring: Victor: 0412 991 325, Mary: 9370 5164, Joe: 9311 8968 or Reno: 0412 990 664
Canberra Floriade Garden Show SUNDAY October 9: 6.00 a.m. Bus leaves Blacktown Centre; 6.30 a.m.: Leaves Greystanes. Limited number.
Cherry picking bus tour to Orange
TUESDAY December 6: Bus leaves Blacktown Centre; 6.30 a.m.: Leaves Greystanes. Lunch at Orange RSL For more information: Frances: 0412 320432 or La Valette: 9622 5847
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. every Thursday 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: Maltese Down Under TV
Screens on Melbourne’s C31 (channel 44) Sundays @4pm; Mondays at 2p.m.; Tuesdays @2.30 pm. Others in Australia/the World can watch via live stream on: or the c31 app. Also on demand:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Sunday October 16: Classic Cars, Motorbikes &Truck Exhibition followed by The Big Fete-Fiera Saturday November 12: Dinner Dance Sunday 4 December: St Nicholas Feast. For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064
The Voice: the most popular by far
he Voice of the Maltese online magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 27, 2016
Balzan stay unbeaten to lead league standings W
ho would have thought that five matches into the 2016/17 season, Balzan would be leading the League ladder in Malta and be the only unbeaten side in the Premiership? But that is a fact. They managed it after beating Hibernians 2-0 while Valletta suffered their first loss by an identical score against eternal rivals Floriana. Balzan’s victory follows the 2-2 draw with Valletta in the previous round when they showed character to share the spoils after trailing 2-0 at half time. It also proved that Balzan have become a force to be reckoned win. Valletta have gone three games without a win losing eight points in the process as following the loss to Floriana on Sunday lost 2-0 against Hibernians. Birkirkara lost their unbeaten run on Day 4
Football mourns the death of Alex Gollcher
ormer Malta and Sliema defender Alex Gollcher F died recently two months short of his 87th birthday. He was a true gentleman footballer who gave his all for his team and set an example for Maltese footballers. He was such a modest player who truly played football for the love of it. He was born in Sliema but in the past few years had been living in Balzan where he was very well loved and admired for his sincerity. He started football as a right-back but switched to the left half position because that is where Sliema needed him most. He served the club between 1948 and 1961, making over 130 firstteam appearances for the Wanderers, most of them as captain.
RESULTS - DAY 6 against Sliema who 2-0 Hibernians v Valletta beat them 2-1 for their Sliema 2-1 W. v Tarxien R. first win after three DAY 5 successive defeats. But Balzan v Hibernians 2-0 2-0 returned to winning Birkirkara v Mosta 2-0 ways in the next round Floriana v Valletta Gzira U. v Pembroke A. 3-0 to defeat Mosta 2-0. Tarxien R. v Hamrun S. 2-0 Both Balzan and Bir- St Andrews v Sliema W. 3-0 kirkara have a game in DAY 4 hand over Hibernians Balzan v Valletta 2-2 and Valletta as bad Sliema W. v Birkirkara 2-1 Hibernians v Pembroke 2-1 weather caused the Tarxien R. v Floriana 1-0 postponement of their Hamrun S. v St Andrews3-1 2-1 Day 6 matches Sunday. Mosta v Gzira U. Hibernians leapfrogged over Valletta to share the runner up spot with Birkirkara on 12 points, one behind Balzan. After beating Birkirkara Sliema came a cropper against St Andrews losing by 3-0, but then got back on trek with a 2-1 victory over Tarxien. In other results over the period, Hibernians first defeated Pembroke and then lost against Balzan. Pembroke remain pointless after five matches after two more defeats against Hibernians and Gzira. Gzira suffered their first defeat, 2-1 at the hands of Mosta, for the latter’s first victory, while Hamrun Spartans beat St Andrews 3-1, and then lost against Tarxien who had earlier snapped up their first win by defeating Floriana 1-0. But the Greens stay in contention after inflicting the first defeat on Valletta. They are on nine points, only one behind Valletta
World Cup 2018 qualifiers
Malta to face England at Wembley October 8
ollowing the 5-1 home defeat F against Scotland early this month, Malta travels to the UK to face England at Wembley Stadium in the second Group F World Cup 2018 qualifier. It would be both sides’ second match in the current campaign. The return game will take place in Malta on September 1 next year. On paper, Malta does not stand a chance of getting anything out of this game. The two teams live in different planets, however, one hopes that the Maltese players show an improvement on their last outing and avoid humiliation. One thing is certain for the Malta players. They are assured of the presence of a good number of Maltese supporters following the allocation of a record number of tickets made available by the English FA to the local association, the MFA. This will be the fourth clash between the national teams of Malta and England. The first two meetings were way back in 1971. They were drawn in the same European Championship qualifiers. Malta lost the home game on Feb. 3 by 1-0 and the return at Wembley Stadium by 5-0. The latest clash was a friendly international in June 2000 at Ta’ Qali. England narrowly won by 2-1.
World Masters Athletic Championships
Maltese veteran to run for Australia
alta-born veteran athlete Joseph Buttigieg will be competing for Australia in the World Masters Athletic Championships for Veteran Athletes over 35 years, which will be held in Perth between October 26 and November 6. He will be competing in the 65-69-age category. Joseph will be among 14,000 athletes from Australia from a field of about 2,500 athletes to be competing in these games that are held at four-yearly intervals. He will run in the 8k cross-country on the opening day, the 5,000m (29/10), the 10,000m (1/11) and 1,500m (4/11). Eighteen of the men athletes, 15 of them from Australia will be participating in the 95-99-age category. The other three are from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There’s also an Austrian women in the same category, Elfriede Fuchs who will compete in the Shot Put.
George Cross’s Chris Grossman calls it a day hris Grossman, a former A League footC baller is carried off the ground by his Sunshine George Cross team mates at the end of the club’s PS4 NPL2 match against Melbourne City after he announced his retirement, Contrary to the impression given by the league’s website (that gave the result as a 0-4
loss) George Cross trailed 3-1 at half time but fought back to win 5-4. Their scorers were, fought back gallantly in the second half to win with a last minute goal scored by Nicolas Gonzalez who notched a hattrick. Sam McCall and Yusei Kitade were the other scorers.