The Voice of the Maltese No. 139

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 139

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

October 25, 2016


For two whole days earlier this month, the medieval city of Birgu (Vittoriosa), that has so much history to offer, was turned into a romantic venue during the annual BIRGUFEST. This is organised with the full participation of the inhabitants, and the local council. Throughout the event Malta’s first maritime town that was built in the Maltese islands together with that of the old capital city of Mdina, was transformed into a Mecca

for history lovers. They could walk through the narrow streets and buildings to take in the history of Birgu in different periods. As always, the highlight of the Festival was during late evening and early night as streetlights were switched off and the City was lit up by candlelight, creating a magical ambiance. It was estimated that around 32,000 candles were lit.

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Mhux il-fondi r-ra©uni tat-tnaqqis tal-programmi Maltin fuq l-SBS


ermezz ta’ The Voice of the Maltese sirna nafu g˙aliex is-servizz talprogrammi Maltin fuq l-SBS Radio naqas daqshekk. Kien hemm Ωmien meta l-komunità Maltija forsi ˙asbet li kien innuqqas ta’ fondi; illum nafu li mhux dan il-kaΩ. Artiklu interessanti filgazzetta The Australian tal-5 ta’ Lulju 2016, bit-titlu SBS ‘has lost its reason to exist’, wera li mhux ta’ b’xejn li l-komunità Maltija hija nkurlata kif ©iet ittrattata. In-nuqqas tal-programmi Maltin fuq SBS ˙alla vojt kbir fost il-komunità Maltija fl-Awstralja, meta g˙andha l-aktar bΩonnu. B˙ala poplu ©eneralment kwiet, bi storja ta’ dominanza u aççettazzjoni minn fost il-komunità tisma’ fraΩijiet b˙al, ‘mill-mitluf nie˙du li nistg˙u’ u ‘Ωew© programmi a˙jar mix-xejn’. Ejja ma nkunux daqshekk irrassenjati u naççettaw kollox bla ma nistaqsu dwar ir-ra©uni. Skont kif kien irrappurtat mir-rappreΩentanti ewlenin tal-komunità Maltija mal-SBS, Kunsilli tal-Komunità f’Victoria u New South Wales, id-deçiΩjoni finali tal-SBS li jne˙˙i Ω-Ωew© programmi Maltin hija: ‘SBS funding situation given as reason for confirming cuts to Maltese radio programs,’ meta fl-ewwel media release tal-1 ta’ Lulju 2015 kif ˙ar©et la˙bar mill-SBS ir-ra©uni kienet: ‘This change will bring the SBS Radio Maltese program’s broadcast hours into line with allocations for languages of a similar size and need in Australia, as determined by the 2013 SBS Radio Schedule Review and 2011 Census data’. Il-Membru Parlamentari, Michelle Rowland MP Michelle Rowland kienet qajjmet il-punt tan-nuqqas ta’ fondi mal-gvern federali fil-parlament. Skont The Voice of the Maltese tad-29 ta’ Settembru 2015, hija kitbet lid-direttur mani©erjali Mike Ebeid u t-twe©iba tieg˙u kienet: “We are unable to extend this two-year period of additional digital only programming, as SBS's funding situation has worsened in the two years since this announcement with a further $55 million cut from the government in late 2014.” Imbag˙ad skont il-˙ar©a ta’ The Voice of the Maltese tal-11 ta’ Ottubru, wara dan iΩ-Ωmien, Mike Ebeid g˙adu jinsisti li huma nnuqqas ta’ fondi r-ra©uni li l-programmi Maltin kienu mwarrba, kif jidher li se jkunu wkoll programmi o˙ra. Illum l-SBS mhux biss qed jissokta jie˙u l-miljuni mill-gvern imma qed ukoll jie˙u biçça mill-kejk tal-istazzjonijiet kummerçjali, mill-miljuni li jid˙lu mir-reklami. Reçentement Michelle Rowland MP re©g˙et kitbet lis-CEO, u t-twegiba nafuha. Ikun Ωball li b˙ala komunità ninsistu mal-politikanti biex ji©©ieldu g˙al aktar fondi g˙all-SBS. Ma naqg˙ux fin-nassa u n˙allu lill-SBS jinqeda bis-sitwazzjoni tag˙na biex ikollu aktar x’jonfoq u xi jberbaq. Ejja ma nkunux diΩilluΩi u na˙sbu li kieku l-gvern ma naqqasx il-fondi lill-SBS ma konniex se nitilfu l-programmi li tflina, jew li jekk il-Gvern jag˙ti aktar fondi lil SBS se n©ibu lura dak li tlfina. Kull m’g˙andu wie˙ed jistaqsi lill-SBS hu minn fejn ©ejjin ilfondi g˙all-poΩizzjonijiet mani©erjali li n˙olqu minn meta l-ko-


munità Maltija tilfet dawn ilprogrammi u x’infieq qed isir fuq programmi tat-televiΩjoni u r-radju li m’g˙andhom xejn x’jaqsmu maç-charter tal-SBS. X’servizzi o˙ra ng˙ataw çerti lingwi fuq l-SBS Radio milliskeda tal-2013, li jag˙mel ilkriterja li biha kienu allokati l-programmi irrelevanti u da˙k fil-wiçç? Insemmu biss il- komunità G˙arbija li minbarra s-sag˙tejn kuljum li g˙andha fuq lFM, ing˙atat ukoll channel di©itali s˙i˙ biex ixxandar 24 sieg˙a kuljum, u riçentament sig˙at ta’ kontenut di©itali lil çerti gruppi. B˙ala komunità m’g˙andniex naqtg˙u qalbna u nirrassenjaw ru˙na li g˙all-mag˙mul m’hemmx kunsill. Irridu nkunu proattivi, nippjanaw g˙all-futur u navviçinaw a˙na lill-SBS bl-ideat tag˙na g˙as-servizzi li nixtiequ u rridu kemm fuq ir-radju u wkoll it-televiΩjoni. Ikun Ωball li n˙alltu l-programmi tar-radju mat-televiΩjoni, u li kien hemm kumpens b’xi mod g˙at-telf tal-programmi tar-radju. F’dan il-kaΩ mela ejja naraw kemm komunijiet tad-daqs tag˙na g˙andhom programmi fuq it-televiΩjoni, u aktar u aktar dwak ilkomunijiet kbar li g˙andhom sag˙tejn fuq ir-radju kuljum. Wie˙ed irid josserva dak kollu li g˙addej fuq l-SBS Radio u lSBS TV u f’liema programmi u servizzi qed jintefqu l-miljuni. G˙al programm ta’ sieg˙a fuq it-televiΩjoni li jiswa l-miljuni ta’ dollari hemm fondi? G˙al Channels s˙a˙ fuq ir-radju li jipprovdu muΩika kontinwa b˙al SBS PopDesi (Non-stop Bollywood, Bhangra and desi pop hits) PopAsia (The very best non-stop Asian pop hits including K-Pop, J-Pop and C-Pop) PopAraby (The very best Arabic pop hits) SBS Chill (Sounds from around the world streaming 24/7) hemm fondi? Dan meta dawn il-komunitajiet privili©©ati g˙andhom satg˙ejn xandir kuljum bir-radju u servizzi ta’ a˙barijiet kuljum fuq it-televiΩjoni, minbarra l-films u d-dokumentarji regolari. Ejja ma nkunux daqshekk x˙a˙ mag˙na nfusna u b˙al ma qal wie˙ed mill-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, l-a˙jar li nduru u nikkuntentaw bix-xandir fuq ir-radjijiet komunitarji. Jis˙oqqilna ˙afna aktar minn hekk. The Voice of the Maltese qed jag˙mel sewwa li jie˙u inizjattiva u tg˙arraf lill-komunità b’dak li g˙addej, g˙ax jekk se Mike Ebeid (SBS) noqog˙du nistennew sakemm issir skeda o˙ra Ωgur se nkunu ddiΩappuntati. Ix-xandir birradju tant qed jinbidel b’rata mg˙a©©la li jekk ma nkunux proattivi se nibqg˙u l-art. Permezz ta’ dan il-magazine sirna nafu bis-sig˙at li ng˙ataw çerti programmi dan l-a˙˙ar biex jittella’ kontenut online. B˙ala komunità anzjana dan ma jg˙oddx g˙alina u huwa prova çara li g˙andna bΩonn servizz fuq l-analogue. Ma ninsewx li n-nuqqas ta’ programmi fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonali multikulturali fl-Awstralja huwa n-nuqqas ta’ g˙arfien lejn il-komunità Maltija li po©©iet il-pedamenti biex inbena palazz sabi˙ li sar parti mid-dehra tal-Awstralja tal-lum, u li min qed jirrenja u jgawdi llum qed jg˙idilna, se npo©©uk f’dar tax-xju˙ biex postok jie˙du min hu aktar Ωag˙Ωug˙. Post hemm g˙al kul˙add. Il-komunità Maltija jist˙oqqilha aktar rispett.


The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday October 25, 2016


Q. My father passed away three months ago and my mother his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese does not wish to continue to live alone. My husband and I in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanhave a large mortgage on our house and we are considering cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities selling both mum’s house and ours and purchasing a large associated with financial planning. If you need more advice house together. Do you agreed with this move? send an email to Marie Louise via: A. This idea sounds wonderful and could able to invest solve your mother’s problem of living alone up to $540,000 and your problem of having such a large ( $ 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 mortgage to pay off. However you should bring forward look at other things prior to progressing on still in place this. for 2017) as a Do you have other siblings? They may ob- non- concesject to this and this move could cause prob- sional contrilems in the future. Both your mother and bution. your family will lose some independence; This of course again this could prove a problem in the fu- depends on ture. If mum is on an age pension she may whether you be left with a large sum of surplus funds that have made any could also affect her age pension if she is other non-conon one. cessional conI believe you should visit a financial plan- tributions this ner and discuss all the pros and cons of this year. Your move prior to going ahead. Then you will hus-band on the other hand is able to Is there any other investment that may suit all be able to make a more informed deci- make a non-concessional contribution of his needs to keep up with the monthly resion. payments of his care fees to the home? $180,000. As he is over 65 he needs to pass the Q. I am 63 years old and retired from the A. You may wish to consider investing in workforce. My husband is 67 and works work test which is working for 40 hours managed funds. When one invests in 20 hours per week. We have just won over a 30 day period which he does. He managed funds one is able to invest in all $500,000 in Lotto and wish to know is however, unable to use the bring for- sectors of the market depending on one’s whether we are both able to invest this ward cap because he is over 65 years of risk profile and one’s needs. age. sum of money in superannuation. When one invests in managed funds one is able to invest in cash, fixed interest, Q. My father is 85 years of age and has reA. As you are still under 65 years of age you are able to make a non-concessional cently moved into Aged Care. He has just Australian and International equities contribution into superannuation of sold his house to pay the Refundable Ac- (shares) and real estate investment trusts. $180,000. In the 2017 Financial Year you commodation Deposit in full and is left with These funds would provide both income are also able to use the bring forward cap $350,000 available for investing. He is not and growth. These investments will be much more for the next two years which is a further keen to invest in a bank account or term devolatile than investing in cash and fixed posit. $180,000 per year which means you are interest but as long as these investments generate the income he needs and maintained for the medium to long term i.e. five to seven years the capital should be preserved. Q. I have a self-managed super fund and also another superannuation account with an industry fund. I would like to roll over the funds in the Industry fund to my selfmanaged super fund. Are there any traps Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: for me to be aware of? A. You can by all means go ahead with * Wealth Creation this rollover but just make sure that your current industry fund is not covering you * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice for any personal insurance such as Life, * Maximising Centrelink Benefits TPD and Income Protection. If you do have some insurance you may * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property wish to consider leaving a small amount * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to of funds in this superannuation to pay for the ongoing premiums until such time at entering Aged Care facilities least that you can get similar cover Call Marie-Louise for a through your Self-Managed Super Fund which sometimes could prove difficult and complimentary consultation on: more costly. (02) 9231 2133


Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103

This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystic tales to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday October 25, 2016

More than just fireworks BrianDecelis


ireworks are an intrinsic element of the soundscape of feasts in Malta, a sound that can be “felt” and is practically physical. They also provide a structure and sequence, without which the feasts would lose their rhythm and die, and they widen their geographical reach in an impressive way. I cannot agree more with the conclusion that there is “no feast without fireworks” reached by social anthropologist Mark Anthony Falzon and Christine Cassar, an anthropology student at Cambridge University as published in their research in 2011. Even in the pages of this newsletter one finds colourful pictures of fireworks featuring frequently. These range from the murtali that light up the night sky, the ©i©©ifogu (or pinwheels) – structures set up on the ground – and the petards that make an exceptionally loud bang airborne during the day. But there’s more to the Maltese feasts than just fireworks. As Maltese would be aware, festas are mainly celebrated between the months of May and September coinciding with the warm weather of the summer months. (Here in Australia we face the opposite weather when celebrating the same feasts). Each village has at least one patron saint (many have two) which is feted during a week long (sometimes even longer) programme of activities.

The statue of a patron saint on exhibition at one of the churches during the week-long programme of activities of a village feast

The essence of the Maltese festa transcends way beyond what at face value is a religious commemoration of the patron saint of the village. It is the culmination of a year long dedication by many volunteers to put up their town on display not just for the locals but for the many tourists that visit during summer. Hence we see the large decorated banners across and along all the main streets. Many of these are painstakingly hand painted by the volunteers who should be considered artists in their own right! Also many households put up their own on balconies as well as mini statues in their windows. Music also plays an integral part of the celebration with band marc h e s Many households put up their own p l a y i n g decorated banners on balconies d a i l y along t h e streets and on special b a n d stands erected for the

occasion. Some of these stands are also a work of art in themselves. Food is another key ingredient with stalls lining up the main squares selling everything from traditional to more ‘modern’ fare. In my younger days it used to mainly consist of hot dogs (in a steamed bun) and qubbajt (nougat). Nowadays you can find a wide variety of street food from which to choose from. I was even surprised to come across horse meat (which is usually found in traditional Maltese restaurants) at a recent festa stall too! But the highlight of any festa is surely the carrying of the statue out of the church around the streets of the village. In some towns the statue carriers even bid for the privilege to hoist the statue. The culmination at the end of the festivities is reached in the square in front of the church at the end of the week long festivities where all the different elements come together in a fusion of sound and colour with the band competing with the fireworks as the statue is returned into the church for another year. X’festa kellna!

A qubbajt (nougat) stand at a Maltese festa

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Il-ÓanΩira tal-Erwie˙ f’idejn Çensu Çempel I

x-xahar id-de˙el, dak ta’ Novembru huwa mfawwar bi drawwiet li kollha jag˙tu dehra tar-rispett li l-©ens Malti dejjem kellu lejn lg˙eΩieΩ tieg˙u li ˙allew din id-dinja u marru jiltaqg˙u mal-Mulej. Fix-xahar ta’ Novembru l-quddies b’suffra©ju g˙all-g˙eΩieΩ tag˙na ma jonqosx, filwaqt li ç-çimiterji tag˙na kollha jkunu miftu˙a g˙al Ωjajjar li l-familjari u l-˙bieb jag˙mlu fuq l-oqbra li ta˙t il-kaptelli kies˙a tag˙hom jistrie˙u l-g˙eΩieΩ tag˙hom. Minn dak li qrajt, fil-lokal tar-Rabat jidher li kien hemm drawwa marbuta mal-hekk mag˙rufa b˙ala l-˙anΩira tal-Erwie˙. Jista’ jkun li anke f’xi r˙ula o˙ra d-drawwa kienet issir ukoll, imma Ωgur li ma kinetx popolari daqs fir-Rabat. Proprju dan li jfakkarni f’Rabti bl-isem ta’ Çensu Muscat, mag˙ruf b˙ala “Çensu Çempel”, ©uvni li kif qalli waqt intervista, kien jie˙u kollox biΩ-Ωuffjett. Dan Çensu kien inkarigat minn din il-˙anΩira, tant li kien anke mag˙ruf b˙ala Çensu tal-˙anzira tal-Erwie˙. Min g˙andu l-età tieg˙i u aktar Ωgur li jiftakar lil dan il˙abib tag˙na li kellu wkoll karattru ferrie˙i g˙alla˙˙ar. Niftakar meta kont iltqajt mieg˙u u ntervistajtu g˙al programmi tar-radju dwar iddrawwa tal-hekk mag˙rufa b˙ala “Il-˙anΩira tal-Erwie˙”, drawwa li turi kemm il-©ens Malti minn dejjem kellu rispett u g˙oΩΩa lejn lg˙eΩieΩ tag˙na. Din il-˙anΩira kienet ti©i rkantata u bil-flus li jin©abru kien isir quddies g˙all-erwie˙ fixxahar ta’ Novembru ddedikat g˙all-mejtin tag˙na. Çensu ma kienx jiftakar il-˙anΩira ddur mat-toroq ta’ Óal Bajjada u n-nies ituha tiekol biex isemmnuha, u b’hekk allura jkunu huma wkoll jikkontribwixxu g˙all-quddies tal-erwie˙. Imma jiftakar sewwa l-irkant g˙ax hu stess kien jirkantaha l-Óadd filg˙odu wara l-quddiesa ˙dejn San Katald. Dawn lin˙awi u ©ewwa g˙adhom sal-lum mag˙ruf mag˙rufa b˙ala Dar il-˙anΩira. Çensu kien ikun bil-qanpiena tal-erwie˙ f’idu l-leminija jsejja˙ lil dawk kollha interessati biex jag˙tuh xi prezz tajjeb g˙al dik il-˙anΩira. Il- majjali kienu jing˙ataw g˙all-irkant ˙alli jsir il-quddies g˙all-erwie˙ f’Novembru. Hafna drabi l-flus kienu jing˙ataw b˙ala weg˙da li jekk il-majjala te˙les b’wiçç il-©id meta twelled il-gabillott kien jag˙ti wa˙da g˙all-erwie˙. Il-majjal jew ˙anΩir kien jing˙ata lil Çensu bejn is-sebg˙a u nofs u t-tmienja ta’ filg˙odu fil-jum tal-irkant. Sadanittant, minn jiem qabel, kien javΩa lil dawk interessati li se jag˙mel l-irkant il-Óadd filg˙odu biex ikunu jistg˙u jtuh prezz. L-irkant kien isir ˙dejn San Katald g˙ax hemm kien il-post çentrali tar-Rabtin u g˙ax hemm kienu jiltaqg˙u l-aktar ilgabillotti - il-bdiewa u r-ra˙˙ala. Kien ikun hemm ukoll il-

PeterPaulCiantar Monti, allura l-post kien ikun mimli aktar bin-nies. Çensu kien jg˙ajjat mat-toroq tar-Rabat li se jag˙mel l-irkant tal-˙anΩira u g˙al xid-9.30 kien jibda l-irkant tag˙ha …. ÌuΩeppi mlaqqam ta’ Ûbibu li kellu ˙anut tal-la˙am kien jg˙olli naqra l-ixkora biex i˙oss it-toqol tal-majjal u wara jag˙ti l-prezz lil Çensu biex jibda bih. Aktarx li kien jibda b’Ωew© liri (flus ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien), b’ Çensu dejjem jg˙ajjat la˙˙ar prezz (qalli li kien jag˙mel dan biΩ-Ωuffjett … prima volta u seconda volta) u l-prezz kien jitla’ sa xi tliet liri u ˙ames xelini. Kienu jifthemu b’daqsxejn ta’ g˙amΩa. Qalli li l-˙anΩira li jirkanta hu kienet tkun kbira u ˙afna drabi wkoll mg˙ammra, skont ilweg˙da tal-gabillot. Bi tpattija, lil dawk kollha li kienu jag˙tu xi ˙anΩira lil Çensu kien itihom xi kuruna tar-ruΩarju msensla birramm, tajba u ferma, inkella xi biçça xemg˙a tattniebri, speçi ta’ rigal u biex jag˙mlilhom ukoll il-qalb. L-irkant ma kienx hemm Ωmien g˙alih, imma kien isir matul is-sena g˙ax Çensu kien jiddependi fuq il-gabillotti u l-weg˙di tag˙hom, li jekk il-majjala te˙les b’wiçç il-©id ting˙ata wa˙da g˙all-irkant. Ìieli kien ikollu Ωew© ˙nieΩer g˙all-irkant f’Óadd wie˙ed u ©ieli anke rrifjuta aktar g˙ax ma kienx ila˙˙aq min˙abba li l-gabillotti kienu jitilqu wara l-g˙axra. Irrakkontali wkoll li qablu kien jag˙mil l-irkant id-deffien tar-Rabat li kien inkarigat ukoll mill-Kaxxa tal-Erwie˙. Imbag˙ad warajh ˙adha f’idjeh Çensu. Dan kien fi Ωmien Dun Salv, qassis G˙awdxi. Skont Çensu, l-irkant tal-˙anΩira spiçça mir-Rabat ftit wara l-gwerra min˙abba l-mard tal-annimali li kien hawn f’dawk iΩ-Ωmienijiet, u allura ma ng˙atax aktar majjali x’jirkanta. Ma jiftakarx li kien hemm ir˙ula o˙ra li kienu jag˙mlu xi ˙a©a b˙al din, imma darba kienu t˙ajru jag˙mluha ta’ ÓadDingli, iΩda l-˙anΩira tag˙hom ma kinetx tkun kbira wisq allura ma kinetx i©©ib daqshekk flus. Il-flus mi©bura mill-irkant, Çensu kien jg˙addihom millewwel lill-prokuratur biex jie˙u ˙sieb il-quddies g˙allerwie˙. Din drawwa o˙ra Maltija li llum inqatg˙et.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Óamrun Knights win 6th Maltese Cook Off


menu consisting of a beef casserole with Maltese potato bake for the main course and Maltese bread pudding with orange blossom ice cream for dessert won the 6th edition of the Maltese Cook Off organised by community group nisġa in Melbourne! Hamrun Knights, a team made up of Melanie Cricco, Rebecca Schmidt and Shandelle Melios also tied in the category for Malteseness and for Most Organised Team in the kitchen. This annual event brought together eight teams made up of three people, in some cases three generations from one family, cooking Maltese traditional food. This year’s judging panel consisted of the Maltese Consul General in Victoria Victor Grech, former MasterChef Australia contestant Tregan Spiteri,

The Hamrun Knights, winners of the 2016 Maltese Cook Off

former MKR contestant Carla Mangion and Doris Delia.

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is proudly sponsored by Breakaway Travel, Blacktown

The 250 guests were entertained by renowned musician Nicky Bomba and members of Bustamento whilst Nicol Caruana belted out a few Maltese favourites! People’s Choice Award went to The Awesome Altairs with a menu consisting of baked rice and imqaret (date slices) with orange blossom syrup and vanilla ice cream who also tied for 3rd/2nd places with Conservative Kunservas, who had a menu consisting of rabbit The winners of and Maltese sauthe successful sage lasagna and a 6th Maltese Co- Kinnie and chocook Off (2016) the late cake! Hamrun Knigh- For more informats, with the jud- tion about nisġa ging panel and visit members of the Photos Mark Avellino nisġa Potography

Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara B kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw isservizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

The Voice is doing us a great service Carmen Farr from Haywood, Victoria writes:

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


feel duty bound to thank The Voice of the Maltese for the service i is providing to its readers, particularly when it comes to the articles by the experts, Ms Marie Louise Muscat about financial matters, and the legal adviser Mr. Paul Sant for the important legal information he metes out. My family recently made good use of Mr Sant’s information. Were it not for him, we would have made a great blunder that could have cost us dearly, but thanks to his advise, we managed to avoid a catastrophic situation. It was after reading his information

Naqbel mal-policy addottata mill-Voice Shaun Marks minn Footscray, Victoria, jikteb::

ixtieq ng˙addi kumment dwar l-a˙barijiet N bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz dwar Malta fuq ilmagazine The Voice of the Maltese. Jidher li l-“policy” hi li Malta dejjem titpin©a b˙ala pajjiΩ eççitanti, b’dehra mill-aqwa. Nifhem li din hi poilitika tajba g˙ax The Voice jinqara minn ˙afna Maltin li ftit jafu lil Malta, minn ˙afna Awstraljani b’konnessjoni malMaltin, u barranin li tinteressahom Malta. Hekk g˙andu jkun. Kif jixraq, komplu pin©u lil Malta b˙ala pajjiΩ li ji©bed it-turisti u ming˙ajr politika esa©erata. Ninnota wkoll li l-a˙barijiet mhumiex ikkupjati “cut&past” imma miktubin apposta g˙allqarreja. Nie˙u gost li tirrispettaw l-inteligenza tal-qarrejja g˙ax il-Malti mhux bin-nostali©ija biss jg˙ix. Hemm ukoll il-˙tie©a tal-edukazzjoni u l-informazzjoni.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

about lending money to our kids that we approached the professionals in the nick of time. I would have liked to request further advise from Mr Sant, but I live in Victoria State and had no time to seek his help in NSW. Thanks again to him and also to this magazine that has become such an important read for the Maltese community.

Great need for young generation the get involved Eugene Calleja, from Harvey, SA writes: hen the President of Malta, her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca visW ited Australia she gave the youths of Maltese descent - third and fourth generation Maltese - a lot of her time as she urged them to treasure their roots and to work towards helping the Maltese community in Australia to stay vigilant and to preserve their traditions. I wasn’t in any of those meetings but a relative was and the youths seem to have promised their commitment towards fulfilling the President’s advice and involving themselves. However, I am sorry to say, I have not seen any great change or involvement, if any, in these young people’s commitment and there has been no push forward on their part to try and alleviate the work undertaken by the seniors, who I must say, despite their age, are still enthusiastically carrying the burden of running most of the Maltese clubs and associations. The new young, fresh blood that most of us had been expecting after the President’s visit has been absent from committees. I don’t think that it is by choice that the leaders are still the same old people. I am not talking about the festas, which perhaps many youths believe are something of the past and too parochial. I am sure that our young people have many good ideas on how to keep these organisations going that may be averse to us. However, if they put their hearts and minds into it they will find us giving them our support. After the sacrifices and efforts most of us made to keep alive the traditions, none of us want to see them disappear because there won’t be any body to keep the flow. Without the continuity of the young generation there won’t be any future to our organisations, and to use the Maltese phrase, kull m’g˙amilna jsir suf. For all our efforts it would all come to nought.

Tuesday October 25, 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Jum ta’ talb, divertiment u ˙biberija mill-anzjani ta’ NSW D

ejjem tkun okkaΩjoni memorabbli u dis-sena kompliet ittradizzjoni meta l-anzjani fi NSW iltaqg˙u biex jag˙tu ˙ajr lil Alla ta’ ˙ajjithom u fl-istess waqt jg˙addu jum flimkien ta’ talb, divertiment u ˙biberija. Din id-darba kienet it-23 sena minn mindu bdiet issir il-Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day. Originarjament lideja kienet ta’ Sister MaryAnn Grima fmm li ˙alliet warajha tradizzjoni hekk sabi˙a. F’dan il-jum, anzjani minn kull na˙a kemm, jekk jghixu f’Age Care Facilaity, Hostels, Respite Care Centres u Active Age Seniors Groups twasslu fis-sala spazjuΩa ta’ St Stephens fi Plumpton fejn saret quddies speçjali ta’ ˙ajr mill-patrijiet Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl, Noel Bianco u Tarcisju Micallef. L-erba’ anzjoni li kollha g˙alqu d-90 sena. Wara kien hemm divertiment ipMix-xellug: Miriam Talks, Katie Mifsudprovdut minn Joe Apap, Tony Ellul, Frank Grima u Victoria Teuma Fenech, Joe Xuereb, Ron Borg u Victor Mifsud. G˙all-okkaΩjoni sar ukoll il-qsim ta’ kejk mill-aktar persuni anzjani fl-eta` li kienu preΩenti. Dawn kienu Miriam Talks, Katie Mifsud-Ellul, Frank Grima u Victoria Teuma, (ara ritratt), li kollha qabΩu d-disg˙in sena. Wara, il-preΩenti ©ew servuti ikla millaqwa. Victor Vella g˙amilha ta’ MC, filwaqt li l-patrun tal-g˙aqda, Dr George Boffa u wkoll il-Konslu Ìenerali ta’ NSW, Salv Giusti g˙amlu diskorsi qosra. OkkaΩjoni b˙al din tkun suççess bil-˙idma ta’ ghadd ta’ nies, g˙alhekk ta’ min jag˙ti ˙ajr ukoll lill-membri tal-kumitat, Maria Mercieca, Carmen Cutajar, Maggie Vella, Rose Cato, Doris Pocock, Lina Magro u Maria Cilia, u wkoll l-voluntieri Kelly Zammit u Theresa Grech ta’ ˙idmiethom. Laqg˙at b˙al dawn juri biç-çar kemm il-komunita` Maltija f’dan l-istat tin˙ite© g˙ajnuna speçjali u mmedjata fejn jid˙lu l-anzjani, u wkoll u kemm il-gvernijiet g˙andhom jindunaw fejn huma l-prijoritajiet.

Il-kejk mag˙mul g˙all-okkaΩjoni

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Perspettiva Ejja nżommu l-qorti I mxaqilba! A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs

d-drama ta' din is-sena tal-elezzjoni g˙al President tal-Istati Uniti ilha fl-a˙barijiet u fil-kummenti ta' ˙afna nies madwar id-dinja. Ng˙id g˙alija, qatt ma stennejt li partit ewlieni taliktar pajjiΩ b'sa˙˙tu ekonomikament fid-dinja juri tant skumdità fl-g˙aΩla tar-rappreΩentant tieg˙u g˙all-elezzjoni tal-presidenza. Di©à kkummentajt darb'o˙ra fuq l-istqarrijiet ta' Donald Trump - kontra immigranti Messikani u Musulmani, il-bassezzi tieg˙u, kummenti favur it-tortura u favur il-proliferazzjoni tal-armamenti nukleari, fost l-o˙rajn. Dan l-a˙˙ar qed jo˙or©u fil-bera˙ attitudnijiet miso©inisti tieg˙u fil-konfront tan-nisa. Imma llum xtaqt nitkellem dwar ˙a©a li xxukkjatni dwar dak li l-Partit Repubblikan, u dawk li jqisu ru˙hom konservattivi fl-Istati Uniti, ja˙sbu li hu l-iktar su©©ett kruçjali ta' din l-elezzjoni. Mhi l-ebda wa˙da mis-su©©etti li semmejt iktar ‘l fuq. Skont John Boehner, li sa ftit ilu kien spiker Repubblikan talKamra tar-RappreΩentanti, “l-unika ˙a©a li se tkun verament importanti fl-erba’ jew tmien snin li ©ejjin hu min se ja˙tar l-im˙allfin li jmiss fil-Qorti Suprema .... nemmen li l-˙sieb ta' Donald Trump dwar min se jkunu dawn l-im˙allfin hu eqreb g˙alija milli dawk li probabbli ta˙tar Hillary Clinton”.1 Ukoll f'websajt tal-organizzazzjoni Breitbart, li hija wa˙da mill-iktar siti konservattivi importanti fl-Istati Uniti, li l-kap tag˙ha Steve Brannon telaq biex imexxi l-kampanja ta' Trump,2 Milo Yiannapoulos kiteb li “il-Qorti Suprema kellha vanta©© g˙all-konservattivi minn mindu (l-President) Nixon ˙atar erba’ im˙allfin g˙all-Qorti...... Huwa ˙atar Qorti konservattiva li ilha g˙addejja g˙al Ωmien twil ... Il-President li ©ej probabbilment g˙andu/ha j/tag˙Ωel xi ftit im˙allfin mhux ˙aΩin....”3 Fi kliem ie˙or, il-Qorti Suprema llum tiffavorixxi lill-konservattivi, allura importanti (g˙all-konservattivi) li jitla' bniedem 'konservattiv', jew inkella 'mhux progressiv', biex dan l-istat ta' fatt jitkompla. Fl-a˙˙ar dibattitu ma’ Clinton, Trump fil-fatt iddikkjara çar u tond, u sfaççatament, li jrid ja˙tar ©udikanti ta’ xejra konservattiva. U b'din il-lo©ika, g˙all-progressivi, ejja ntellg˙u lil xi ˙add progressiv, ˙alli ja˙tar im˙allfin imxaqilbin lin-na˙a l-o˙ra. U ©ieΩu ©ieΩu! Ara jien ukoll, li kelli l-impressjoni li l-Qorti g˙andha tkun preseduta minn ©udikatura imparzjali u indipendenti. Kemm kont ba˙nan. Kemm kien jg˙arrali. Min minn fejn ©ietni din l-illuΩjoni? Jien l-imperfezzjoni naççettaha li teΩisti. Naf li bejn kliem u fatti hemm ba˙ar jikkumbatti. Naççetta li kultant ikun hemm xi pre©udizzju li jçajparlek il-viΩjoni, anke ming˙ajr ma trid. Naççetta wkoll li se jkun hemm individwi li fil-mo˙bi fil-fatt ma jkunu imparzjali xejn, sakemm ma jkunux korrotti wkoll. Hemm mekkaniΩmi biex biΩ-Ωmien min jimxi ˙aΩin jitwarrab.

kitba ta’


Karikatura tal-gazzetta Chatanooga Times Free Press fl-Istati Uniti dwar x’effett ta˙seb li jistg˙u j˙allu l-ideat ta’ Donald Trump g˙all-Amerika

Imma qatt ma stennejt li jkun hemm membri ta' partit ma©©uri, stabbilit, parti mill-fibra tal-pajjiΩ, li jimplikaw li l-Qorti Suprema Federali tal-pajjiΩ hija mxaqilba, jg˙idu li din hija ˙a©a tajba (g˙ax qed tiffavorixxi lill-kulur tal-lenti tan-nuççali tag˙hom) u jridu jaraw x'se jag˙mlu biex is-sitwazzjoni tkompli hekk, akkost li jappo©©jaw lil min huma skomdi g˙all-a˙˙ar bih! U x'pajjiΩ hu dan? Xi repubblika tal-banana? Jew pajjiΩ li jippriedka s-separazzjoni tat-tliet frieg˙i tal-gvern: il-le©islattiv, leΩekuttiv u l-©udikatura? Referenzi 1., retrieved 17/10/2016 2., retrieved 17/10/2016 3., retrieved 17/10/2016bee184-09d0-11e3-b87c-476db8ac34 cd_story.html, retrieved 29/9/2016

“Join us – End of Jubilee Year of Mercy” T

he Maltese Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) is organising a few hours of reflection to mark the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy that will conclude on the Feast of Christ the King. The members wish to extend an invitation to members of all the other Maltese Associations and anybody

else wishing to join them and their friends. The event is to be held at the shrine of St Francis on the grounds of the Kellyville Parish Church (8 Diana Avenue) on Sunday November 6. It will consist of Mass at 11.00 am followed by a talk and discussion about the “Qualities of Mercy” to be conducted by the Association’s Spiritual Director Fr Carmelo Sciberras. Afterwards all would share a meal

together. Therefore those accepting the invitation to attend are requested to bring either your own lunch or a plate to share with others. Although anyone can turn up without notice Fr Carmelo wishes to have a rough idea of the numbers attending. He appreciates an email on or a phone call on 02 4976.3749 (leave a message on the answering machine) from anyone intending to participate

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday October 25, 2016

FMLS holds AGM and Seminar 2016


he Federation of Maltese Language Schools Australia, FMLS (established 2008) recently held its eighth Annual General Meeting and Professional Development day at the De Piro House in East Sydney, NSW, during which it elected the following persons to serve on the next committee: Edwidge Borg (President), Alfred Flask (Treasurer), Mary Rose Bristow (Secretary) and Mary Pace Feraud (VicePresident). This annual gathering is the only time that Maltese language teachers from different states meet to collectively attend workshops and further their skills in the LOTE teaching of the Maltese language. It was attended by delegates and teachers from Victoria, NSW and Queensland. Later the FMLS held the Professional Development Seminar, titled “Sequential themes/topics developed in Lesson plans.” Patricia Grech (Mackay Skola Maltija) developed two papers on “prepositions and weather vocabulary”, Mary Pace Feraud (Maltese Language School NSW) presented her bilingual English/ Maltese translation of “Marcellino bread and vine” a short story book to be used as a class reader, Laura Schembri (MCCV Maltese Language School) talked about “resources used to introduce students to the pronunciation of the Maltese alphabet”, while Marthese Caruana (Maltese Language School NSW) shared her experiences on “LOTE Lesson Planning. The Seminar concluded with a PowerPoint presentation by Edwidge Borg (MCCV Maltese Language Classes) on” Promoting and Marketing Language Schools”.

The main objective of the Federation is to coordinate the work performed by the Maltese language schools in Australia and to assist them in working together in the spirit of better co-ordination and cooperation so that the Maltese language and culture would continue to grow and to reinforce the solid foundations of these institutions. The FMLS received a grant subsidy from Malta’s Department of Education to be used to assist financially the affiliated schools in their ongoing expenses. A disbursement of $400 was presented to each affiliated school. Further disbursements would depend on the direction of the schools in the coming months. Early next year FMLS will also offer a $100 “Scholarship Assistance” grant subsidy (awarded on a first come serve basis) to 15 students residents of Australia sitting

for the Maltese Language VCE/HSC/SACE exam in 2016. It aims to encourage the Maltese language maintenance in the Australian community and to foster interest in Maltese culture through Maltese language studies. The FMLS thanked Father Fr Tarcisio Micallef (mssp Superior), for the use of the premises. Mary Pace-Feraud was the venue coordinator for the day. Further information on Maltese Language classes held in Australia can be obtained from the FMLS website: www.federationofmalteselanguageschoolsaustralia. Pictured (standing from left): Laura Schembri (Victoria), Emanuel Camilleri, Tony Pace Feraud, (NSW), Fred & Ann Flask (ACT), Mary Rose Bristow (Mackay QLd) and, Lawrence Dimech (NSW). Sitting: Marthese Caruana (NSW), Edwidge Borg (Victoria), Maria DeCarlo, Mary Pace Feraud (NSW)

The Óamrun Association committee members flank MCC of NSW president Emanuel Camilleri (seventh left). From left: Rita Berimballi, Charles D. Lawrence, Fred Pace, Robin McGarragle, Carmen Cuiuli, George Zahra, Tessie Rizzo, Mary Spaniol, Mary Xuereb, Mary Said and Vicky Galea

George Zahra re-elected Hamrun Association’s r. Gorge Zahra has been re- C o m m u - president for second term elected president of the Hamrun nity CounM committee and proceeded with the Association NSW Ltd for a second cil of NSW acted as returning officer.

term after winning the members’ vote at a secret ballot at the association’s annual general meeting held at the club premises at 100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park NSW in a two-way contest with Eddy Ellul. Over a hundred members attended the meeting in which Mr Emanuel Camilleri, president of the Maltese

The meeting kicked off with the club secretary, Robin Mc Garrigle reading out the minutes of last year’s meeting, while the incumbent president George Zahra delivered a short speech. He thanked his fellow committee members for their hard work and dedication. Mr. Camilleri then dissolved the

election. The other members of the new committee led by George Zahra as President is to consist of: Secretary: Robin Mc Garrigle; a/Secretary: Carmen Cuiul; Treasurer: Alfred Pace; Event Coordinator: Greg Caruana; Members: Tessie Rizzo, Joe Kitney, Rita Berimballi and Chris Sciberras.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Budget 2017 aims to reach those most in need


ollowing the presentation in Parliament of the fourth Budget in the current legislature by the Minister of Finance, Profs Edward Scicluna, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said the 2017 Budget had the sole aim of reaching out to those sectors of society that needed it the most. He said that after stabilising the economy, the government was now seeking to address problems faced by people who had fallen behind. He went on to say that this Budget has to be seen in the light of the roadmap that the Labour Party had drawn up, which in the last three and a half years had seen a transformation of the country from one that was facing a rising deficit and rising unemployment to one in which the deficit was being lowered and unemployment was at a record low. Minister Scicluna said that following unprecedented economic growth and job creation, Government is now in a position to distribute wealth. At a glance, this year’s Budget seems to be following on those of previous years in a number of areas, although a decline in capital expenditure, albeit marginal, is once again noted for 2017. It also continues to build on previous year’s efforts in a number of other areas including income support for low and middleincome earners and pensioners. The most vulnerable people in society are government’s main targets, with Scicluna saying, “Poverty is not a perception, but a reality we will tackle with facts.” The Minister also announced further investment in human resources, environmental initiatives and transport infrastructure, pointing out that the measures announced would not have been possible without a sound economy. Figures show that the country’s finances are in good shape, probably the best they have been since the economic boom in the 90s he said. Save for certain excise tax measures, the Budget speech has spared major surprises and shocks on private economic operators as it continues to acknowledge the private sector’s important role in the economy. Government announced a number of measures that attempt to directly address inequalities, especially pensioners. Most of the social partners expressed satisfaction with the Budget. The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry noted the underlying priorities of the speech, namely, fiscal consolidation, strong economic growth and better living standards for all, priorities, which it said, are similar to the objectives it had proposed during its

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (centre) flanked by Deputy PM Louis Grech (left) and Finance Minister Edward Scicluna addressing the press after presenting the Budget in front of Castille

active participation in the Budget consultation process. The Chamber said it was encouraged by the remarkable rate of economic expansion over the past quarters and the manner in which this is supporting public finance consolidation. The government would be setting up of a new unit to target tax evasion through a joint effort between Inland Revenue, the VAT Department and Customs. One of the sectors that keeps breaking records is Tourism, and the future looks bright, so no wonder the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) was pleased with a good number of positive measures that directly support the tourism sector. The measures include, investment to further support the sustainable growth of the cruise-line business; the commencement of works on the new Institute of Tourism Studies; infrastructural investment including projects related to public parks, various embellishment initiatives and improvement in the road network across a number of localities including Gozo. The MHRA welcomed tax credit schemes for renovations in hotels and restaurants aimed at the continued improvement of the tourism product, positively noting that an energy efficiency scheme it proposed for Hotels and Restaurants would be implemented next year. The 2016 deficit estimate is set to be below one per cent and is expected to further improve next year, while the national debt as a percentage of the GDP is on the decrease and getting closer to the 60 per cent allowed by Euro zone targets. Of course, although the benefits far outweigh any negatives, a Budget needs balancing, therefore no Budget would be complete without the introduction of some taxes, and in the words of the Prime Minister, besides introducing “a new wave of social services” that targets a generation and supports the most vulnerable, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said, a number of taxes have been introduced.

Opposition says Budget was cosmetic and lacked vision pposition leader Simon Busuttil was far from impressed with the Budget. In fact he described it as one that “reveals the governO ment’s lack of a long-term economic plan”. Saying the Budget was

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil ... described Budget, “without a vision”

"dry", "without a vision" and "cosmetic", he warned that Malta’s rate of inflation is higher than in any other European countries and insisted that fuel and electricity prices have not been decreased enough. Referring to a Caritas report published earlier this year suggesting that people on the poverty line were finding it increasingly difficult to keep their heads above water, he accused the government of having let the people down by failing to reduce electricity tariff. He said that the budget had "failed the Caritas test. In his opinion the Budget failed to address various items, and also expressed scepticism about the government's social intentions.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Five dead as plane crashes in Luqa F ive people were killed Monday morning after their twin-prop Metroliner plane they were flying in crashed shortly after take-off at 7.15 a.m. in Safi’s Karwija area close to Luqa, and subsequently burst into flames. Some of the burning wreckage ended up on the airport perimeter road between Kirkop and Safi. Nobody survived the crash.

Reports indicated that the plane, a Luxembourg military light aircraft was carrying US military personnel and was heading for Misurata in Libya Emergency services were immediately on site, Mater Dei hospital staff was placed in major incident mode, and flights to and from Malta were postponed, with MIA saying in a statement that the aerodrome would remain

Standard & Poor's upgrades Malta's credit rating to A–


or the first time in 20 years, US-based ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has raised its long-term sovereign credit ratings on Malta, from 'BBB+' to 'A-', predicting that the Maltese economy would continue to grow by an average of 3 per cent a year until 2019. It reflected what S&P called "Malta's improved credit metrics", including, its strong real GDP growth; Deficits below 1 per cent for the period 2016-19, and durable current account surpluses Malta's outlook remains stable, reflecting the agency’s view that "the upside potential of Malta's economic and fiscal performance is counterbalanced by downside risks related to Brexit, external flows, and the structure of the financial sector." The country's short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit rating remained stable at 'A-2'. It anticipates that by the end of this year Malta's economy would exceed pre-2009 levels "by more than 25 per cent", and that its most economic growth reflected "a genuine expansion of the domestic economy's capital base". S&P also noted that Malta had benefited from an expanded workforce that was driven by an influx of foreign workers as well as a rapid increase in the number of workingwomen. In a decade, the percentage of women of a working age in employment has grown by 18 percent, from 36% to 54. The agency predicts that the medium-term effects of Brexit on Malta would be contained, and that the local tourism sector could "easily" fill an eventual gap in UK arrivals with tourists from other markets. The agency forecasts that Brexit's effects on Malta's financial services industry were less clear-cut, but the local sector appeared to be "sufficiently diversified to contain the risks". According to the S&P Malta’s core domestic banks had assets amounting to roughly 2.3 times its GDP in March of this year. When international banks are added to the equation, that figure rises to 5 times the national GDP. However, It cautioned that the banking sector's size posed a potential risk to public finances.

closed until further notice. The plan is registered to Canada-based CAE Aviation, a major civil and defence contractor offering aircraft simulation and training to civilian clients as well as many defence and security agencies, including all US services. Investigations into the accident were still ongoing at time of finishing the magazine

Cruise passenger traffic July-Sept. up by 5.5 per cent otal cruise passenger arrivals to Malta during the third quarter of 2016 (JulyT September has shown a 5.5 per cent over the corresponding period last year. The National Statistic Office, NSO, reported that total arrivals during this period amounted to 208,786. During this period there were 106 cruise liner calls and at 85.5%, transit passengers accounted for the vast majority of total traffic, reaching 178,545. A total of 2,749 passengers visited Gozo, while 9,185 passengers spent at least one night on board their berthed cruise liner. Visitors from EU Member States accounted for 80% of total traffic, with the major markets being Italy, Germany and France. The total number of passengers from Non-EU countries stood at 41,694, of whom 30.7% came from the United States. During the first nine months, total cruise passengers stood at 448,641, a rise of 5.8% over 2015. Of these, 75.8% were from EU Member States.

Almost 6,000 new vehicles in 3 months

ew vehicle licences issued during the N third quarter of 2016 amounted to 5,669, of which 71.7% (4,063) were issued to passenger cars; 981 new licences were handed to motorcycles, according to NSO. The figures indicate that during this quarter, on average, there has been an increase of 38 vehicles per day of licensed vehicles.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Il-Bagit gi

Tuesday October 25, 2016

l-Professur Edward Scicluna (bil-wieqfa) jippreΩenta l-Ba©it.


l-ba©it re©a wasal, ftit qabel is-soltu, g˙ax hekk iridu tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, imma wasal, u na˙seb li l-Ministru tal-Finanzi l-Professur Edward Scicluna jie˙u qatg˙a meta jasal l-ba©it, mhux biss g˙atta˙bil ta’ ras li jkollu biex jifformola dan l-imbierek ba©it, iΩda wkoll g˙ax wara sieg˙at ta’ qari fil-Parlament bil-kameras tat-televiΩjoni ffukati fuqu, jispiçça sfinit u ma˙nuq. U minn dak il-paroli kollha li jaqra, ˙afna minn dawk li jkunu mwa˙˙la ma xi radju jew iççasati quddiem itteleviΩjoni, kulma jkun jinteressahom ikun kif dan limbierek ba©it se jolqothom fil-but. Il-bqija mo˙˙hom ftit li xejn jirres©istra. G˙alkemm ma jonJekk wie˙ed jag˙ti ˙arsa lejn l-ewwel qsux dawk li joqog˙du jiflu kull kelma biex faççata tag˙hom, isib li tal-inqas erbg˙a imbag˙ad ikunu jistg˙u jikkumentaw. mill-˙ames gazzetti, ftit jew xejn qablu li lXi jkunu l-kummenti? Varji... u kultant, ba©it kien wie˙ed soçjali, g˙alkemm tant varji, li tibda tiddubita’ jekk dawn imbag˙ad kien hemm min tah it-timbru ikunux jirreferu g˙all-istess ba©it jew jekk tieg˙u billi fost kollox qal li s-settur tanintix qed tg˙ix f’Ωew© pajjiΩi differenti. nofs – il-middle class – t˙alliet barra. Nibdew mill-gazzetti. Il-˙ames gazzetta rrepetiet dak li qal ilkap tal-OppoΩizzjoni u mexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista: Ba©it KoΩmetiku ta’ Gvern bla viΩjoni.... Imma ma tistenniex xort’o˙ra minn ©urnal ta’ partit politiku fl-oppoΩizzoni. (X’qalu l-Prim Ministru u l-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni fi tmiem il-qari tal-Ba©it qed jidher bl-IngliΩ fil-pa©na 12). Fejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu l-gazzetti, sintendi dawn kellhom xalata s˙i˙a g˙ax irnexxielhom jimlew il-pa©ni bla tant sforz. G˙ax bejn id-diskors twil tal-Ministru talFinanzi, bejn konferenzi stampi mill-Prim Ministru u l-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni, u kummenti, eçç, il-pa©ni tal-©urnali bilkemm ikunu biΩΩejjed biex jinkludu kollox. Sintendi, b˙as-soltu kull ©urnal ta l-laqta’ tieg˙u lill-Ba©it. Sintendi kixfu idejhom, g˙alkemm ftit li xejn kienet mo˙bija, g˙ax wera fejn ittektek qalbhom fejn tid˙ol ilpolitika. Min jifli sewwa dawn il-©urnali malajr jinteba˙ fejn ixxaqqleb ittmexxija tal-©urnali rispettivi.

B˙as-soltu l-midja ma naqsitx tistaqsi lill-mexxejja ta’ g˙aqdiet trejd unjonistiçi, ta’ min i˙addem, tal-Kamra tal-Kummerç, tat-TuriΩmu, eçç, g˙ar-reazzjoni tag˙hom. G˙al darba o˙ra meta tifli dak li skont ilgazzetti ntqal minn dawn il-mexxejja, ji©ik dubju jekk dawn qalux ˙a©a lil gazetta u o˙ra lill-o˙ra. Sakemm wie˙ed jintebah li attwalment, dawn il-mexxejja g˙amlu l-istess stqarrija, imma konvenjament, kull ©urnal ta l-importanza lil dik il-parti millistqarrija li taqbel mal-linja tal-©urnal, jew tal-messa©© li xtaq iwassal. G˙alkemm jekk wie˙ed jifli attwalment dak li ntqal minn dawn il-mexxjja, jidher li l-kummenti fil-biçça l-kbira kienu poΩittivi, iΩda s’intendi l ‘imma’ ma naqsitx. Imma, meta, speçjalment, fil-politika xi darba l“imma” se tisparixxi? Minn dak li ng˙ad, fuq quddiem tal-kritika min-na˙a tal-OppoΩizzjoni, kien hemm ilfatt li l-Gvern ma re©ax ra˙˙asx it-tariffi tad-dawl, g˙alkemm na˙seb li ma jistax jonqos li tiΩΩeffen fin-nofs il-korruzzjoni wkoll. Is-sabi˙a li sa lejliet l-ba©it il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni kien qed jiΩgura lill-poplu li lGvern kien se jra˙˙as dawn it-tariffi biex itaffi ftit mill-kritika li kien qed ikollu min˙abba t-tanker tal-gass li dda˙˙al f’Marsaxlokk, u biex jag˙mel il-propoganda. L-OppoΩizzjoni mistennija tissokta tinsisti li fuq kollox il-miΩuri soçjali m˙abbra fil-ba©it se jing˙ataw bis-sa˙˙a talOppoΩizzjoni li ˙ar©et bi proposti simili u l-Gvern ikkupjahom. Malajr qed ikun hemm min iwie©eb: Allura jekk ilGvern mexa fuq il-proposti tal-OppoΩizzjoni, kif issa lOppoΩizzjoni qed isejja˙ ilba©it wie˙ed koΩmetiku? Insomma l-botta u rrisposta ma jieqfux. Issa g˙andna ©img˙a s˙i˙a g˙addejjin biha waqt id-dibattitu tal-estimi ©enerali fil-Parlament.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Il-barranin jag˙mlu Ûdidna, imma... I differenza F

ejn ˙afna mill-pajjiΩi Ωvillupati hemm t˙assib serju dwar il-fatt li r-rata tat-twelid qed tonqos, fil-GΩejjer Maltin issena li g˙addiet kellna Ωieda. Infatti, kienu rre©istrati b’kollox 4,835 tarbija, li tindika Ωieda ta’ 118-il wild fuq is-sena ta’ qabel. Skont rapport ma˙ru© min-National Obstetrics Information System, minn 4,853 tarbija li twieldu 66 minnhom kienu tewmin u tliet trabi twieldu triplets. Biss din iΩ-Ωieda fit-twelid tidher li hija riΩultat tal-g˙add kbir ta’ barranin li qed jg˙ixu fostna.

l-barrnin tassew jag˙mlu differenza. Dan jo˙ro© çar mill-popolazzjoni fl-iskejjel tal-Gvern. Filwaqt li f’Malta lpopolazzjoni ta’ dawn l-iskejjel qed tikber u dan min˙abba lg˙add kbir ta’ tfal barranin li jattendu fihom, f’G˙awdex, fejn l-g˙add tal-barranin mhux daqshekk kbir, il-popolazzjoni fl-iskejjel primarji qed tonqos sew tant li f’˙afna skejjel l-g˙add

Ma kienx divertiment!

ewt ta’ anzjan IngliΩ f’appartament ta’ mara Serba f’Bu©ibba qajjem is-suspett M tal-pulizija kemm g˙ax skont l-awtopsja fuq ilkadavru tal-anzjan dan miet fgat, kif ukoll g˙ax ftit xhur qabel kien di©a’ miet anzjan IngliΩ ie˙or fl-istess appartament u mal-istess mara. G˙al xi jiem il-pulizija st˙arri© bis-s˙i˙ lisSerba min˙abba li kif bdew jg˙idu ˙afna, kienet wisq kumbinazzjoni. Imma jidher li l-pulizija ma sabitx provi biΩΩejjed biex tressaq lil xi ˙add, la lis-Serba u lanqas lil xi ˙add ie˙or biex tixlih bil-qtil ta’ dan l-anzjan. B’danakollu l-mewt ta’ dawn iΩ-Ωew© anzjani, wie˙ed ta’ 68 sena u l-ie˙or ta’ 77 sena fi Ωmien ftit xhur qajjmet il-kurΩita` u ©ibdet l-attenzjoni tal-midja IngliΩa, tant li kien hemm minnhom li beda jinvestiga x’wassal ghal dawn l-imwiet. Fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙arr il-gazzetti sabu li l-anzjani IngliΩi li nstabu mejtin fl-appartament tasSerba ma ©ewx maqtula minn xi ˙add, tal-inqas

direttament, imma mietu ka©un ta' lejl ta' divertiment qawwi mal-istess Serba. Skont l-istess gazzetti, is-Serba bl-isem ta’ Dragana Mihalykovic li ilha xi snin tg˙ix Malta, u li fil-post tag˙ha mietu dawn l-ir©iel, hija mag˙rufa li tiffrekwenta regolarment g˙add ta’ ˙wienet tax-xorb fl-in˙awi, fejn jin©abru ˙afna turisti u tkun tixrob fil-kumpanija tal-anzjani. Skont l-istess rapporti, wara xalata f’wie˙ed mill-˙wienet, l-anzjani, fosthom dawk li nstabu mejta, wara li jixtru aktar xorb, sigaretti u sa˙ansitra anke kontraçettivi, kienu jispiççaw fl-appartament tas-Serba biex hemmhekk jissoktaw bix-xalar u d-divertiment. Skont il-gazzetti IngliΩi li stharr©u l-imwiet,, fiΩ-Ωew© okkaΩjonijiet imsemmija, id-divertiment tant kien kbir li ma fel˙ux g˙alih u baqg˙u ta˙tu. Fil-fatt, it-tieni ra©el ing˙ad li kien tilef l-ajruplan u baqa’ Malta ghand is-Serba.

t-tpaçpiç Ωejjed mhu tajjeb g˙al ˙add.. aktar u aktar jekk dan isir quddiem il-midja jew jekk isib ru˙u fuq xi network soçjali. U Ina˙seb li Ivan Radovanovich, Serb ta’ 37 sena ˙adha t-tag˙lima. Dan is-Serb li rnexxielu jisgiçça lill-pulizija xi Ωmien ilu meta kien fost il-folla Serba li g˙amlet ˙erba s˙i˙a fl-Istadju Nazzjonali Malti wara l-log˙ba bejn is-Serbja u Malta, dan l-a˙˙ar mar pajjiΩu. Meta ©ie ntervistat mill-midja Serba fta˙ar li hu kien qed jg˙ix f’Malta u g˙amel suççess billi kien jag˙mel it-torti – xi 200 wa˙da

Ìejna L-Ewwel..... fil-˙xuna

va, g˙al darb’o˙ra Malta ©iet l-ewwel fost il-popolazI zjonijiet tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Imma din id-darba dan ilpost ma jag˙amlilniex ©ie˙. G˙ax ©ejna quddiem nett fill-˙xuna. Minn st˙arri© li sar fl-2014 instab li 26 fil-mija talMaltin ta’ 18-il sena jew aktar huma meqjusa b˙ala ˙oxnin iΩΩejjed. Warajna hemm il-Latvja b’21.3%. Fejn jid˙lu bl-aktar nies Ωnelli dawn jinsabu fir-Rumanija, b’9.4% u l-Italja b’ 10.7%. In-nies tan-negozju jidher li jafuh sewwa dan irriΩultat, g˙ax ta’ kuljum qed naraw ristornati u gabbani ©odda, u fuq kollox pastizzeriji jinfet˙u ma kullimkien. Wara kollox jidher li g˙all-Maltin ˙ar©a tfisser Ωjara f’xi ristorant jew stabbiliment tal-ikel. Allura mhux ta’ b’xejn li aktar minn kwart tal-popolazzjoni g˙andha piΩ Ωejjed!!!!!

ta’ studenti hu tassew Ωg˙ir. Hekk insibu li fl-Iskola Primarja ta' San Lawrenz, millkindergarten sal-klassi tas-sitt sena hemm biss 31 student. G˙at-tieni u t-tielet sena lanqas hemm klassi g˙ax m'hemmx studenti. Ma' dawn il-31 student, fliskola hemm seba' edukaturi fejn hemm il-Kap tal-Iskola, erba' g˙alliema u Ωew© Kindergarten Assistants, li jfisser edukatur ma' kull erbat' itfal. Il-problema ta' nuqqas ta' studenti f'din l-iskola jidher li se tippersisti hekk kif g˙al kinder 1 u kinder 2 hemm biss ˙ames studenti rispettivament. G˙all-klassi tal-ewwel sena hemm biss tliet studenti. Jekk imbag˙ad nie˙du l-Iskola ta' Kerçem naraw li b'kollox hemm 74 student, waqt li hemm 10 edukaturi, ji©ifieri medja ta' edukatur g˙al kull sebat'itfal. Minn statistika li ng˙atat filParlament mill-Ministru Evarist Bartolo ntqal li fil-Primarja ta' G˙ajnsielem hemm 137 student, f'dik tal-G˙arb 102, f’tan- Nadur 209, f’tal-Qala 112, f’Tas-Sannat 148, f’tar-Rabat G˙awdex 370, f'tax-Xag˙ra 237,u f’tax-Xewkija u Ω-Ûebbu© 81 u 62 student rispettivament.

Paçpaç iΩΩejjed

kuljum - u jbieg˙hom €10 l-wa˙da. Sadanitant kompetitur Malti, li wkoll jag˙mel it-torti ©ibed l-attenzjni tal-pulizija g˙al dan.. u l-pulizija malajr ˙adet il-passi. Sabet li s-Serb kellu karta tal-identita` falza, kien f’Malta bla permess, u sintendi kien qed jag˙mel negozju bla permess. Il-Qorti wa˙˙litu sitt xhur ˙abs... u wara l-˙abs se ji©i deportat minn Malta. Imbag˙ad addio it-torti u l-eluf ta’ Ewro li kien jag˙mel minn fuqhom.

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Where do they come from?


he majority of Australia's refugees come from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Myanmar (Burma). (see chart). Of the 11,114 refugees who arrived in Australia between July 2015 and June 2016, the majority came from those four countries. They were followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Thailand. The Department of Social Services notes that migrants listed as coming from Thailand are likely of Burmese ethnicity, and those from Bhutan are likely of Nepalese ethnicity. Those migrants may have been born into refugee camps on foreign soil, so their birthplaces aren't truly representative of the countries they're fleeing. Syria and Iraq will make an even stronger showing in future statistics. Late last year govHumanitarian ernment announced an extra 12,000 humanitarian places to migrants by country be made available for people of birth 2015/16 displaced from those countries by the Syrian war. 1. Iraq 2,551 Since the announcement, 2. Syria 1,884 more than 10,000 humanitar1,505 ian visas have been granted to 3. Burma Iraqi and Syrian refugees, al- 4. Afghanistan 1.251 though less than half that 5. DRC 581 number have actually arrived. 6. Iran 401 Countries like Germany and 7. Thailand 389 Canada have taken signifi328 cant numbers of Syrian 8. Eritrea refugees, but the vast major- 9. Somalia 283 ity of those affected by the 10. Pakistan 234 war are either internally dis- 11. Ethiopia 231 placed or seeking refuge in 12. Malaysia 215 neighbouring countries, such 13. Bhutan 207 as Iraq, Turkey or Lebanon. Department of Immigration 14. Kenya 181 statistics released as part of a 15. Nepal 179 discussion paper on AusOther 817 tralia's humanitarian migrant programme show the shifting Total 11174 mix of countries in the offshore humanitarian programme over the previous five years. This chart does not include refugees who apply for asylum after arriving in Australia, who make up roughly 20% of those granted asylum. Thailand would appear in around the middle of the list otherwise, owing to Nepalese refugees.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (left) and Opposition and Labor Leader Bill Shorten back bipartisan motion

A respectful and unified Australia


rime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten rarely agree on anything, but this time they rose in Parliament to back a bipartisan motion calling for a respectful and unified Australia. In highlighted Indigenous people, refugees and Muslims, reaffirming commitment to equal rights, a non-discriminatory immigration policy, reconciliation, multiculturalism and denouncing racism. "Accordingly, we rise in this Parliament today - as John Howard and Kim Beazley did 20 years ago - to speak on this very motion - a 20-year-old unity ticket perhaps - celebrating and reaffirming t h e A u s tralian values of a fair go and mutual respect for all regardless of h o w t h e y look, h o w

they worship or where they come from," the Prime Minister told the House of Representatives. "Australia is an immigration nation," Mr. Turnbull said. "Today, almost half of us have a parent born overseas and more than a quarter of Australians were born overseas themselves." He said "everyone sitting in this chamber and every Australian is a beneficiary of the diversity that is at the heart of our nation". Mr. Shorten said the word "tolerance" was no longer adequate and said Australians "embrace diversity". He added: "Diversity is not a minor inconvenience to be endured, it's not a device of political correctness ‌ it's the collective power of our nation, of all of us." Referencing Senator Hanson's recent speech targeting Muslims he continued to say that in Australia, we are not being 'swamped' by anyone. "Migrants are not filling our dole queues, or taking our jobs, or clogging up our highways – or doing all three at the same time. Migration is not a cost, or a burden. "It is a powerful force for our continuing economic growth and future prosperity."

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday October 25, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Gone to the dogs and back


n apologetic Premier of NSW Mike Baird said the decision to reverse the ban on a controversial plan to end greyhound racing came after listening to feedback from the industry. “In hindsight as we reflect on this we got it wrong. I got it wrong. Cabinet got it wrong. The Government got it wrong,’’ Mr. Baird said announcing the about face. The industry will be subject to an independent regulator with new powers to ensure transparency and accountability and a beefed up enforcement regime. The RSPCA industry and government representatives will be invited to join the five person regulatory panel that will be headed by former NSW premier Morris Iemma. In August, Mr. Baird said the ban, under which MSW Premier Mike Baird addressing a press conference admitting greyhound racing would cease across NSW from he was wrong and reversing his decision on greyhound racing July 1, 2017, wasn’t about political point scoring but that he was trying to “do what is right.” The ban came after a Special Commission of Inquiry report that found up to 68,000 “uncompetitive” greyhounds were slaughtered in the past 12 years and nearly one in five trainers used live animal baits. Labor leader Luke Foley said that the Baird government needed to commit to a ommonwealth Bank senior econo- cians to look after individual living stan- complete reversal of the ban. “It can’t just mist Gareth Aird in his report re- dards and people were entitled to feel a bit be a stay of execution to get Troy Grant’s leases recently said Australia’s duped by the focus on the headline eco- leadership off the hook this week,” Mr. population growth was higher than most nomic figures at the expense of individual Foley said. other economies in the Organisation for households. A recent Newspoll showed Mr. Baird’s Economic Co-operation and Development “Policy makers should be paying more at- approval rate had slumped from 61 to 39 (OECD). tention to what’s happening to living stan- percent since December due to a number This was great for the country’s gross do- dards,” he said. “These issues won’t go of issues, including the ban on greyhound mestic product (GDP) and businesses be- away.” racing and Sydney’s “lockout” laws. cause they can take advantage of an ever-growing customer base. “If you have more people, they can buy more things,” he said. “If there’s faster popfter the Federal Government blocked the peared bemused by the decision to block its ulation growth, you can have a faster rate sale of NSW electricity distributor Aus- bid on security grounds, saying it believes of growth of prospective customers. More grid to Chinese investors, the NSW Govern- the Australian government "must have reapeople mean more spending”. We are con- ment has announced that that it has now sold sons beyond the obvious” which led them to stantly being told how lucky Australia is 50.4 percent of Ausgrid to pension funds, block the sale in the first place. Premier Mike Baird said the sale would compared with other countries but are we AustralianSuper and IFM. China's State Grid Corporation and Hong help fund $20bn of new infrastructure projgetting a misleading picture because of ecoKong's Cheung Kong Infrastructure ap- ects in the state. nomic growth? Gareth Aird said “headline” economic figures, fuelled by immigration and mining exports, were instead hiding the fact that Australian living standards were being eroded. Selling more iron ore, coal and natural gas is good for the economy but hasn’t generated the increase in income it was expected to. “It hasn’t really filtered down to household incomes at all,” he said. Other figures show life has been tough for individual households over the last five years. Underemployment, which measures the number of people who have jobs but would like to work more, has been rising. It hit a record high of 8.7 per cent in August 2016. “Real income growth has been quite weak in Australia for about four or five years,” Mr. Aird said. Housing affordability and traffic congestion, especially in Australia’s capital cities, have also worsened. He said it was the primary role of politi-

Misleading picture of the economy C

No to the Chinese ...


18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Teresa - b’kura©© iffaççjat u g˙elbet kull

diffikulta` f’˙ajja ©dida, iebsa fl-Awstralja

Deborah Abela: Teresa. Merlin Publishers, 2016; 280 pp.: €9.50.


eba’ xhur wara li nehdiet il-ktieb tag˙ha, Teresa – a New Australian f’Beecroft fi NSW, l-awtriçi MaltijaAwstraljana Deborah Abela nediet ilverΩjoni bil-Malti ta’ dan il-ktieb f’Malta. Fil-preΩenza ta’ g˙add ta’ tfal tal-iskola, ippreΩentat kopja ta’ Teresa, lill-President ta’ Malta l-Eççellenza tag˙ha Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca fil-Palazz ta’ Sant’ Anton. Il-ktieb, li ©ie addattat g˙all-Maltin minn Leanne Ellul u Clare Azzopardi, u ppubblikat minn Merlin Publishers jidher li se ji©i milqug˙ tajjeb ˙afna f’Malta, g˙ax minn barra li hija kittieba tajba ta’ stejjer u kotba g˙at-tfal, Deborah g˙andha wkoll id-don u l-˙ila li tippro©etta ru˙ha. Dan g˙amlitu kemm quddiem it-tfal u l-President filPalazz u wkoll waqt intervista li kellha filprogramm popolari fuq One TV, Ilsien in-Nisa. Deborah hija kariΩmatika g˙all-a˙˙ar. Minbarra dan il-ktieb, l-ewwel wie˙ed maqlub g˙all-Malti, hi wkoll l-awtriçi ta’ madwar 24 o˙ra, bl-ilsien IngliΩ. Dan iddedikatu lil nannitha Teresa, “mara qalbiena u soda” iΩda li qatt ma kellha ç-çans tiltaqa’ mag˙ha, u li fl-1942 welldet fix-xelter lil missierha Amante. Il- ktieb, huwa rakkont stroriku fittizju, ispirat minn storja vera fi Ωmien it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija. Jirrakkonta l-istorja ta’ tifla çkejkna li flimkien mal-familja tag˙ha, u o˙rajn ˙elsuha mill-qilla tal-gwerra u ddeçidew li jibdew ˙ajja ©dida fl-Awstralja. Hija storja ta’ qlubija u ta’ tifla li kien g˙ad kellha biss erba’ snin meta bdiet niΩla xita ta’ bombi fuq Malta. Kien assedju li ˙a tliet snin, sakemm intemmet il-gwerra. Deborah tg˙id li dak li wassalha tikteb dan il-ktieb kien li minkejja li tfal Maltin jafu x’sehem kellha Malta fil-gwerra, ˙afna minnhom ma jafux x’se˙˙ minn dawk li skappawha, ˙allew pajjiΩhom, u min xiex kellhom jg˙addu dawk it-tfal li kellhom i˙allu djarhom biex mal-familja jibnu ©ejjieni fl-Awstralja. Il-familja ta’ Teresa, li ti©i n-nanna ta’ Deborah, omm missierha Amante, u wliedha, waslu l-Awstralja fl-1950. Kienu marra jg˙ixu f’Leichhardt, iΩda b˙al ˙afna Maltin o˙ra wara ftit marru jg˙ixu filpunent ta’ Sydney fejn Amante rabba lil Deborah u l-bqija tl-familja. Deborah innifisha twieldet f’Sydney imma g˙exet f’Londra u vvja©©at madwar iddinja. Wara li ggradwat b˙ala g˙alliema anke marret l-Afrika Fil-ktieb jing˙ad li g˙alkemm l-Awstralja kienet pajjiΩ li kellu x’joffri, g˙al Teresa l˙ajja kienet iebsa u pjuttost stramba. Bdiet t˙oss in-nuqqas tal-bqija tal-familja u l-˙bieb tag˙ha f’Malta, l-aktar meta kienet ti©i mhedda mit-tfal l-o˙ra ghax sempliçement

Deborah (xellug) mal-ET il-President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca fit-tnedija tal-ktieb

kienet differenti. Imma b˙al nannitha, Teresa kienet determinata li la kienet hemm, darha kienet l-Awstralja. Deborah tittama li hi wkoll tkun qalbiena daqs il-karattri tag˙ha, specjalment in-nanna Teresa Kienet ix-xewqa tal-President Coleiro Preca stess, li wara li ltaqg˙u ftit tax-xhur ilu fl-Awstralja Deborah tniedi l-ktieb filpreΩenza tag˙ha. M’g˙andux jonqos g˙alhekk li l-President ukoll espriiet il-˙sibijiet tag˙ha, mhux biss dwar il-ktieb imma wkoll dwar ix-xeb˙ bejn li kellha tg˙addi l-familja ta’ Teresa u l-Maltin l-o˙ra li wara l-gwerra ˙allew Malta biex jibdew ˙ajja fl-Awstralja, u dak li qed ise˙˙ b˙alissa qribna fl-Ewropa u l-Mediterran, fil-kaΩ tar-refu©jati. Il-President qalet li l-pre©udizzji li sabu lMaltin li emigraw lejn l-Awstralja fiΩ-Ωmienijiet li jissemmew fil-ktieb, qed isibuhom ukoll dawk li b˙alissa qed ja˙irbu mill-gwerer u l-©lied f’pajjiΩhom, u qed jissograw ˙ajjithom bittama li jkollhom ©ejjieni a˙jar g˙alihom u g˙al uliedhom x’imkien ie˙or, b˙al ma wara kollox g˙amlu l-Maltin fl-is-

torja – u fir-realta`. Hija ˙e©get lit-tfal biex ine˙˙u l-pre©udizzji g˙ax inkella jkunu qed jag˙mlu b˙al dawk l-Awstraljani li qasmu qlub il-Maltin li wara li ˙elsu mit-tifrik tal-gwerra u lfaqar kienu jittamaw g˙al-˙ajja a˙jar. Qaltilhom biex jippruvaw ipo©©u lilhom infushom fit-sitwazzjoni ta’ tfal li kellhom ja˙irbu minn pajjiΩhom biex isalvaw. Il-President tkellmet ukoll dwar l-esperjenza li kellha fiΩ-Ωjara tag˙ha fl-Awstralja fejn sabet Maltin, u dixxendenti tag˙hom li minkejja li jinsabu bog˙od minn arthom g˙adhom i˙obbu lil Malta. Sostniet li dan il-ktieb jag˙milna kburin u kemm it-tfal u wkoll il-kbar g˙andhom jaqrawh. FiΩ-Ωjara qasira f’’Malta biex tippromwovi l-ktieb, Deborah Ωaret g˙add ta’ skejjel. B˙al waqt it-tnedija tal-ktieb fejn minn dawk preΩenti daru mag˙ha jkellmuha u jitolbuha tiktbilhom dedika fil-ktieb, ©iet milqug˙a tajjeb ˙afna.


The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija


ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb ilMalti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti.

IT-LIETA U TLETIN REGOLA Ìewwa l-kelma, tliet konsonanti flimkien, meta tannofs tkun wa˙da mill-ittri (likwidi) l, m, n, r u g˙, ma jistg˙ux jin˙assu jekk qabel tan-nofs ma nqeg˙dux vokali. T.ç. Dawn l-ittri jissej˙u likwidi g˙ax donnhom jo˙or©u minn ta˙t l-ilsien u billi m’g˙andhomx sa˙˙a kbira daqs l-o˙rajn. Meta dawn ja˙btu bejn Ωew© konsonanti li ma humiex s˙abhom, ji©ri li ma jistg˙ux jin˙assu u g˙alhekk jie˙du qabilhom vokali tal-le˙en. G˙alhekk minn feraq g˙andna noforqu u mhux nofrqu, minn seraq, nisirqu u mhux nisrqu u g˙alhekk ma jaqblux mas-sura ta’ rabat li jag˙mel norbtu u mhux norobtu, ta’ ©ibed li jag˙mel ni©bdu u mhux ni©ibdu. G˙alhekk ukoll ng˙idu u niktbu: jo˙or©u mhux jo˙r©u nidinbu mhux nidnbu nixeg˙lu mhux nixg˙lu nidilku mhux nidlku ni©img˙u mhux ni©mg˙u nobog˙du mhux nobg˙du bil-vokali mdeffsa qabel il-konsonanti tan-nofs. Hekk ukoll mixeg˙la, mibeg˙da, ma˙anqa li ma jimxux mas-sura ta’ s˙abhom mansba, mixtla, miΩbla li ma ji˙dux vokali qabel il-konsonanti tan-nofs ©ewwa l-kelma. T.ç. Titbieg˙ed minn din ir-Regola: (1) L-ittra konsonanti m, meta qabilha jew warajha ja˙btu wa˙da mill-ittri s˙abha l, n jew r b˙al filkelmiet i©mla, ja˙mlu, jag˙mlu, iΩmna, qarmçu, bermçu, germdu. (2) L-ittra l meta qabilha ji©i li jkollha l-ittra se˙bitha m b˙al fil-kelmiet feta˙homlkom, ©ibidhomlkom, ˙adithomlkom, sabithomlna. (3) L-ittra g˙ meta ta˙bat bejn Ωew© likwidi b˙alha, kif fil-verbi berg˙nu, g˙arg˙ru (minn g˙arg˙ar) jew meta wkoll ta˙bat qabilha l-ittra r, b˙al minn g˙arg˙ax insemmg˙u u niktbu ng˙arg˙xu, tg˙arg˙xu, jg˙arg˙xu. Il-le˙en u l-˙oss tal-vokali ma’ xi konsonanti fil-kelma L-ERBGÓA U TLETIN REGOLA

Il-vokali i mkarkra qabel il-konsonanti h, ˙, g˙ u q ta’ tarf il-kelma, tinstema’ b˙al ie: imma trid tinkiteb i. G˙alhekk ikteb fih u mhux fieh, bih u mhux bieh, g˙alih u mhux g˙alieh, ri˙ u mhux rie˙, qlig˙ u mhux qlieg˙, riq u mhux rieq. IΩda ikteb frie˙, mlie˙ plurali ta’ fer˙, mel˙a, kif ukoll sieg˙, qieg˙, drieg˙, sieq, tuffie˙, dullieg˙ (singular dullieg˙a) fejn il-le˙en ta’ ie mhux ˙a©’o˙ra ˙lief il-kisra ta’ â. G˙alhekk nag˙rfu nag˙Ωlu wkoll bejn (int) ˙allih (˙alli lilu) u (hu) ˙allieh (hu ˙alla lilu). Ikteb ukoll stennieh (stenna lilu) u mhux stennih, sew b˙ala imperattiv kemm ukoll b˙ala passat.

T.ç. Il-le˙en ta’ i mkarkra u o˙rajn ta’ dawn l-g˙amliet jinkixfu fil-le˙en img˙awwe© ta’ ei (dittong) f’˙alq in-nies tar-ra˙al: fejn ir-ra˙li jsemma’ feih, sabei˙, rei˙; kbeir, Ωg˙eir, ikteb dejjem fih, sabi˙, ri˙, kbir, Ωg˙ir. G˙amla ta’ kliem b˙al qtig˙, riq, betti˙, sabi˙ hija l-istess b˙al dik ta’ qtil, tin, ©ir, ˙afif, kollha bl-aççent twil fuq il-vokali i. IL-ÓAMSA U TLETIN REGOLA Il-vokali u mkarkra qabel il-konsonanti h, ˙, g˙ u q ta’ tarf il-kelma, tinstema’ b˙al uo: imma g˙andha tinkiteb u. G˙alhekk ikteb: sabuh mhux sabuoh, tuh mhux tuoh, lag˙buh mhux lag˙buoh, ru˙ mhux ruo˙, ©u˙ mhux ©uo˙, suq mhux suoq. Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 11, 2016

Lejla Muziko-Letterarja mill-Grupp Letteratura Maltija ta’ Victoria


’Settembru l-Grupp Letteratura Maltija ta’ Victoria organizza programm MuΩiko-Letterarju fiç-Çentru Malti ta' Parkville li g˙alih attendew madwar 80 membru talKomunita` Maltija, fosthom il-president tal-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria, is-Sur Victor Borg u lviçi-president, is-Sur Joe Il-poeta mistieden Antoine Cassar

Three Palaces Festival in Malta November 4-13


he Three Palaces Festival, a weeklong festival with performances set in historically important and magnificen buildings, is fast becoming an important appointment in Malta’s cultural calendar. This year’s programme of events to be held between November 4 and 13, will once again feature local and international artists of exceptional talent. The Festival is set in the three Presidential Palaces, namely: the Verdala Palace in Buskett, San Anton Palace, at the San Anton Gardens, and the Grandmaster’s Palace in Valletta, offering a feast of classical, modern and jazz music in rich settings that combine history to the timeless relevance of the music performed. The artists who will be performing include soprano Ailyn Perez and cellist Steven Isserlis. The Three Palaces Festival is organised by Arts Council Malta within the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government under the patronage of H. E. the President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca in collaboration with Teatru Manoel and with the support of Valletta 2018.

Stafrace. Il-programm beda bil-kant tal-Innu Malti u dak Awstraljan, filwaqt li Marie-Louise Anastasi, il-v/president tal-grupp tat mer˙ba lill-preΩenti u ntroduçiet lill-president, Dr Victor Sammut, li wassal ilmessa©© tieg˙u u wara hu stess feta˙ il-programm b’qari tal-kitba tieg˙u "Jew tikber jew tiçkien, “Skont kif tuΩa l-ilsien" u "Ikrah l-u©ig˙". Segwa mbag˙ad Manwel Cassar b’erba’ epigrammi u ˙ames limerikki, filwaqt li ssegretarja, Rosemary Attard qrat poeΩija tal-eks membru, il-mibki Manwel Nicholas Borg, "Lil GΩira Ìawhra". Wara intervent muΩikali li ntlaqa’ ferm tajjeb mill-grupp Girgenti – Alfred Xuereb (synthesiser), Joe Camilleri (perkussjoni), u Joe Gauci u Manuel Casha – il-programm segwa b’kitbiet ta’ Dr. Clemente Zammit, "Xrar ta’ M˙abba" u "Ósiebi Jterraq ’l Hinn",li nqraw minn Manwel Cassar min˙abba li l-awtur ma setax jattendi. Il-programm issokta bil-qari ta’ Ωew© poeziji minn ÌuΩi Camilleri, "A˙barijiet minn Malta" u "Katarina ΩÛurriqija". Tul il-lejla nqraw xog˙lijiet o˙ra minn John Muscat, il-poeΩiji tieg˙u "Fil-Park" u l-"Il-Merill", u minn Manuel Casha bilpoeΩiji, "Art il-˙olm", "L-G˙arix" u "Magna taΩ-Ωmien". Hu wkoll tkellem

dwar il-ktieb ©did tieg˙u Maltese Traditional Music of G˙ana and Prejjem. Fredu Cachia wkoll tkellem dwar dan il-ktieb u wara qara xi poeΩiji li kiteb hu stess. Fit-tieni part tal-programm il-mistieden minn Malta, il-poeta Antoine Cassar, ta tag˙rif dwaru nnifsu. Qal li li twieled l-Ingilterra minn ©enituri Maltin u mbag˙ad niΩel Malta fejn mar joqg˙od g˙and innanniet tieg˙u fil-Qrendi fejn t˙arre© sewwa fl-Ilsien Malti. Qal li kien minn hemm li beda jikteb bil-Malti. Fil-lejla qara parti mill-poeΩija tieg˙u "Passaport". Wara kien imiss lil Rose Lofaro li taqra' poeΩiji ta’ Nazzarene Ûerafa, "G˙ana ta’ Kanarin" u "Timxi Wa˙edha l-Pinna". G˙alkemm joqg˙od Queensland Nazzarene xorta hu attiv ferm fil-grupp. "Fil-˙olm InΩurek" u "Lil Din l-Art lO˙ra" huma Ωew© poeΩiji o˙ra li nqraw minn Marie-Louise Anastasi, filwaqt li Michael Xuereb ippreΩentat il-poeΩiji tag˙ha, "Tifel Wa˙du" u "G˙anja ta’ Ra˙˙al Çkejken". Paul Vella mbag˙ad qara l-proΩa tieg˙u "L-Amorin Jitkellem" u l-poeΩija "S˙ab", filwaqt li Josephine Cassar ippreΩentat lepigrammi u limerikki "Ûew© Nisa", "IxXi˙" u "Óabi", biex Ray Anastasi, temm jaqra l-kitba tieg˙u, "Sibtu". Il-programm, li kien wie˙ed ta’ success grazzi g˙all-isofrzi ta’ g˙add ta’ membri, intemm b'intervent muΩikali ie˙or li ferra˙ lil dawk preΩenti, li fl-a˙˙ar ©ew mistiedna g˙al riçeviment. Min jinteressah jikseb kopja tal-kitbiet li nqraw tul il-programm MuΩiko-Leterrarju f’format flipbook jista’ jid˙ol fuq din il-link: PaulVella (

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday October 25, 2016

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco 29th Annual Dinner Dance Date: Saturday October 29 at the Mandavilla Reception Centre (1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park NSW) Time: 7.30 pm - Donation $60.00. Dress: Semi Formal Entertainment: by Joe Apap. Special Quest & MC Joe Galea *All proceeds from this event will go towards the Don Bosco Missions. For bookings: Marlene on 02 9631 9295

IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba lawn bowls darba fixxahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Nhar il-Óadd 13 ta Novembru se ti©i msej˙a l-laqq˙a Generali Annwali fir-Rosehill Bowling club.

Tinteressak il-kitba u trid tippubblika?


arrejja li j˙ossu li g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, jew li jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, qed ji©u m˙e©©a jibag˙tu l-kitbiet tag˙hom f’dan l-indirizz tal-email:


Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Invitation for celebrations marking Fr. Claude Borg’s 65 years of priesthood

he Maltese Community Council of NSW is offering its support in organising Fr. Claude Borg MSSP’s celebration of 65 years to the priesthood, a milestone in his pastoral care towards Maltese migrants in Australia. The Cardinal and the current Bishop of Parramatta will be invited to the celebration, a concelebrated Mass at Horsley Park Parish Church on Sunday Dec. 11 at 11.30 am, as Fr Claude was the first Maltese parish priest at Horsley Park in the sixties. After Mass, there will be light refreshments at the Marion Hall. One is kindly asked to bring a plate to share on this joyous occasion. This is a formal invitation for associations to promote and lend their support in making this milestone, in Fr Claude’s priestly career, a memorial occasion. More details: John Beale: 0416 449 816 or email

Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese


n response to a number of inquiries, we wish to inform readers of The Voice of the Maltese magazine that we can now supply hard copies in colour of the magazine to our readers who requst it, at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in acquiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

THE CITTADINI  Present direct from Malta:

Mary Rose Mallia and Renato

COMEDY with The Cittadini Sydney Show: Sunday on November 20 at La Valette Centre, Blacktown at 2.00 p.m. Donation: $22.00 Children U/12: $10.00 For Tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386; Doris: 9636 2295

Tajjeb tkun taf


-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin li jkunu jridu jag˙mlu xi avviΩi u/jew li jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a biex jg˙arrfu littmexxija ta’ The Voice bix-xewqa tag˙hom minn kmeni. Barra minhekk, jekk ikunu iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni jin˙tie© jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016

C o mmunity Co mmunity N ews La Valette Social Centre Melbourne Cup Lunch

SATURDAY October 29: G˙ana at the centre at 8.p.m. with Saver and his friends TUESDAY November 1: La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road Blacktown It being a holy day: 10. 00 a.m.: Mass Cost $25 per person that includes morning tea and a two-course Lunch. There will be sweeps, lucky door prizes, and hat competition. Entertainment DJ for Dancing SUNDAY November 6: From 4 p.m. onwards: Mass at the Pine Grove Cemetery commemorating our death relatives with the participation. Mass willbe at 5 p.m. From 4 p.m. onwards the participation of the OLQP Band


TUESDAY December 6: Bus leaves Blacktown Centre; 6.30 a.m.: Leaves Greystanes. Lunch at Orange RSL at own expense For more information: Frances: 0412 320432 or La Valette: 9622 5847

MALTESE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION of NSW The Maltese Cultural Association will be commemorating Mass for our deceased members on Thursday November 10 at 7.00 pm, at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Old Prospect Rd Greystanes. Everybody is requested to attend this religious event to remember our departed members whose work for the community is still and always will be in our memory.

Refreshments will afterwards be served at Saint George Preca Hall.

For more info phone Mary Ramundi on 9688 1432

Meeting every last Tuesday of the Month

A special group for men. Meetings at 10 am at The Maltese Resource Centre Meet friends and enjoy Maltese food. 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (Parramatta West). For more information: Emanuel 0409 744 376

Tinteressak il-kitba u trid tippubblika?

arrejja li j˙ossu li, jew g˙andhom talent Q g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, jew li jkunu jridu li kitbiet

tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, qed ji©u m˙e©©a jibag˙tu l-kitbiet tag˙hom f’dan l-indirizz tal-email:

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Friday 11th November 2016 - At Hobsons Bay Altona. For bookings please ring: Chev. Joseph Attard: 0400 357 001 Saturday 12th November 2016 Venue: Melrose Receptions, Melrose Drive, Tullamarine (Carrick Room) Time: 6.30pm till late Music: DJ “Dominic” Meal: 3-Course plus Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks Cost: $55 per person Sunday 13 th November 2016 Including 1 hour Sketch by “The Cittadini” from Sydney Venue: St Martin’s Deporres, Military Road, Avondale Heights Time: 5.30pm till late Music: DJ “Starlight Johnny” Cost: $22 per person Food and drinks can be bought at the hall.

To book your tickets for Saturday and Sunday, please ring: Victor: 0412 991 325, Mary: 9370 5164, Joe: 9311 8968 or Reno: 0412 990 664

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Teachers urgently needed. Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday October 25, 2016

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays (from November 14) 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: Maltese Down Under TV

Screens on Melbourne’s C31 (channel 44) Sundays @4pm; Mondays at 2p.m.; Tuesdays @2.30 pm. Others in Australia/the World can watch via live stream on: or the c31 app. Also on demand:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Saturday November 12

The Big Fete-Fiera Dinner Dance Sunday 4 December:

St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

The Voice: the most popular by far he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 25, 2016


Prime Minister hosts young footballers

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (back centre) hosted players and the technical staff of the National Under-21 football team (pictured) sealed a memorable UEFA under21 qualifying group championship by obtaining the highest ever number of points (11, in Group 1) in such a competition. The previous highest points total was five. The team wrapped up its commitments in fourth place, with three victories, previously unheard of in such participation. The team managed by former Malta international Silvio Vella won its final two matches over Latvia (1-0) and Moldova (3-2). The Prime Minister, who was accompanied by the Secretary for Sport and Innovation Chris Agius, presented the squad with individual recognitions. On the same occasion he also hosted and made presentations to members of the National U/17 female football team and following their achievement in finishing third in their group on their debut in a UEFA group qualifying competition Joseph Muscat commended the players and called on the MFA to continue to work on these two groups who managed to bring honours to Malta.

Bikirkara hit Gzira for seven for season’s biggest victory

n Day 8 Balzan suffered their first defeat going down 3-0 O to neighbours Birkirkara. But they completely recovered in the next match to maintain their three-point lead over B’Kara, while the latter followed up that win by registering the season’s biggest win, thrashing newly promoted Gzira. 7-1 Against Balzan Birkirkara must have realised that they could not lose more points in the championship race. A loss would have widened the gap between them and Balzan to nine points. As it turned out, after their win this has been reduced to three. Balzan returned to winning ways in the following game by beating Hamrun Spartans 3-1, while Birkirkara dominated throughout, and even scored three times in first three minutes of the second half against Gzira. RESULTS – DAY 9 3-1 Defending champions Valletta are Balzan v Hamrun S. Birkirkara v Gzira U 7-1 back on trek with successive victoValletta v Tarxien 1-0 ries, over Gzira and Tarxien, while Hibernians v St Andrews 1-0 Hibernians dropped two points in a 1-0 Floriana v Mosta Sliema W. v Pembroke 1-0 drawn tie with Floriana and then beat St Andrews to stay in conDAY 8 Birkirkara v Balzan 3-0 tention, after nine matches, the Valletta v Gzira 3-1 table is already taking a familiar Hibernians v Floriana 0-0 pattern with Balzan on 22 points, Sliema v Hamrun S. 3-0 St. Andrews v Pembroke 4-1 Birkirkara 19, Valletta and HiberTarxien R. v Mosta 1-1 nians level on 17.

Malta v Slovenia next


ollowing the 2-0 loss at Wembley against England and the disappointing 2-0 defeat suffered in Lithuania in Group F of the 2018 World Cup qualifiers, Malta next entertains Slovenia at the Ta’ Qali National Stadium hoping to kick start its campaign after three defeats. This match will see the national team return to the stadium after the 5-1 reversal against Scotland in September.

383 footballers from 42 nations in Malta, Gozo

n September there were 371 foreign footregistered with clubs members of Itheballers Malta Football Association, MFA. Most of them, 163, turn up clubs in the Premier League. There are also 64 foreign players in Division I, 76 in Division II and 68 in Division III. Minister for Education, Culture, Youths and Sports Evarist Bartolo revealed this in the House of Representatives in reply to a Parliamentary question There re also 16 foreign players registered with clubs taking part in the Gozitan Football Association, GFA, with 12 of them playing in Division 1. The other four are registered with Division II. The overall total of players in the Maltese islands (383) comes from 42 different nationalities. The greatest number turning out for Maltese teams, 33, comes from Brazil. Next come Italy with 27 and Nigeria with 23. Six continents – Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America and Australia are represented. Seventy-seven of the players come from Europe. The rest come from: South America with 43; Africa 36; Asia 3; North America 2 and Australia with one.

Sydney FC only club still unbeaten; Andy Keogh gets hat-trick ydney FC maintained their unbeaten run from S three outings by defeating Wellington away 21, while an Andy Keogh hat-trick for Perth Glory

sunk Melbourne City at home 3-2. The other Melbourne club, Victory, overcame back-to-back disapppointments to eke a narrow away win over Adelaide. A goal at the death against their oldest enemies in the last action broke Adelaide’s hearts as Kevin Muscat’s club earned their first victory.

RESULTS – DAY 3 Melbourne C v Perth G. 2-3 Central Coast v Brisbane 0-1 Adelaide v Melbourne V 1-2 Wellington v Sydney FC 0-0 W. Sydney v Newcastle J 2-0 DAY 2 Adelaide v W. Sydney 1-2 Sydney FC v Central Coast 4-0 Melbourne V v Melbourne C 1-4 Newcastle J v Brisbane v 4-0 Perth G. v Wellington 2-0

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