The Voice of the Maltese No. 142

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 142

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

Malta’s capital, Valletta is all dressed up for the festive season. The lights at Republic Street and in the other main streets are lit up to receive the thousands who flock to the city for their Christmas shopping or just to see the lights and enjoy the Christmas spirit. Above: Republic Street gives its welcome. A main attraction is once again a seven-metre glass Christmas Tree (above right) made by Mdina Glass. As part of Christmas activities, at Birzebbuga, in a bid to smash Malta’s national record enthusiasts erected the tallest Christmas tree on the island (right) at the square close to the Church. It is seven storeys high constructed on a base with a diameter of 10 metres. It was unveiled - and lit by thousands of LED bulbs - to the public last Saturday

December 6, 2016

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Kummentarju: Meta

se nitg˙allmu?


Malta’s HC Charles Muscat (6th from L) joins other Heads of Mission at the laying of wreaths at the Stone of Remembrance on Remembrance Day

Malta at Remembrance Day N ceremony

ovember 11 marked the 98th anniversary of Armistice, better known as Remembrance Day. On this occasion 3700 gathered at the Australian War Memorial in the Meanwhile Ms. Julienne Hince, High capital city Canberra to remember the Commissioner-designate of Australia more than 102,000 Australians who to Malta, with non-resident accreditalost their lives in wars and other oper- tion to Tunisia, called at the Chancery ations. at Culgoa Circuit O’Malley ACT for Malta’s High Commissioner to Aus- pre-posting consultations with HC tralia Charles Muscat attended the cer- Charles Muscat. emony at the Australian War MemorThe HC also received courtesy calls ial along with Prime Minister Malcolm at the Chancery from their ExcellenTurnbull, Opposition Leader Bill Shor- cies, the ambassadors of Greece, Mrs. ten and others, and laid a wreath on Ekaterini Xagorari, Turkey, Mr. Vakur behalf of the Government and people Gokdenizler, and Finland, Mr. Lars of the Republic of Malta. Backstrom.

l-ewwel sitt xhur tas-sena d-die˙la, l2017 Malta se jkollha l-Presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u g˙al dan il-g˙an il-Gvern Malti qed ja˙seb biex iwassal u jxerred dan l-avveniment anke fost il-komunitajiet Maltin ta’ barra, fosthom fl-Awstralja. Sirna nafu li fi NSW di©a` ©ie riservat Riverside Theatre f’Parramatta g˙al April 2017 biex b˙ala parti mill-pubbliçita’ li sservi b˙ala g˙arfien g˙all-okkazjoni talpresidenza, ti©i mtella’ l-produzzjoni Mirvana ta’ Ruben Zahra li fiha se jie˙du sehem g˙add ta’ tfal. Li ma nistg˙ux nifhmu hu, g˙aliex din la˙bar g˙adha qed ti©i ççirkolata bilmag˙luq. G˙al darb’o˙ra The Voice of the Maltese m’a˙niex ninghataw tag˙rif dwar dan lavveniment, l-istess kif mhux qed ji©i mog˙ti uffiçjalment tag˙rif ie˙or li l-qarrejja ta’ The Voice fl-Awstralja g˙andhom ikunu jafu, b˙al tag˙rif b’mod uffiçjali dwar il-programm tal-Consul-on the-Move. Niftakru fil-fjask li kien hemm meta f’Ottubru tal-2015 ©ew iΩuruna f’Sydney ilCosmos Wind Ensemble. Dakinhar meta l-grupp mag˙mul minn erbg˙a fost l-aqwa muΩiçisti Maltin dehru fl-ABC Studios Ultimo Centre f’Sydney kellhom attendenza miΩera u tal-mist˙ija. Wie˙ed jittama li din id-darba nitg˙allmu mill-iΩbalji li saru.


Aged care availability R

epresentative members from various Maltese associations in NSW (pictured right) met a team of experts from Uniting to discuss the pressing needs for the ageing Maltese to access available services regarding aged care homes, home care, healthy living for seniors and other related issues. The meeting concluded that the choice is everything. The Maltese need the support to live the lifestyle they choose. Whether you need home care, or aged care homes, there are people ready to assist you. Maybe you can live independently at home. Therefore you need to know what is available to you. Connections UnitingCare is a community organisation supporting over 2000 people every week. It works on family strengthening and early intervention services for people in need. For more information one should contact Marisa, the welfare officer of the Maltese Community Council of NSW on 0414 863 123.

Changes to Maltese DownUnder TV show opular TV programme Maltese P DownUnder has just broadcast its last show on channel 31. Marlene Scicluna one of the presenters/producer has informed The Voice of the Maltese that the programme has come to the end of its third season. Chanel 31 ceases broadcasting on free-to-air Televi-

sion on December 31. The federal government has not renewed their licence. But all the shows will still be available on demand via Currently the Maltese programme is in talks with Aurora on Foxtel who want the show. Watch this space for more!

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Challenging a Will: Are you really free to make the Will you want? by PaulSant


f you have recently undergone a separation, estrangement from your children or know of anyone who is experiencing family conflict, take a moment to consider this: does the law allow you to make any kind of Will you wish? Can you leave a family member out of your will? Can the Court override your intentions? In New South Wales, the answer is yes on all fronts. For over 100 years, parliament has tried to ensure that the laws of New South Wales kept up with social attitudes towards the age old issue of whether or not individuals should have complete freedom to make any kind of Will they wish. In some European countries, the idea of ‘robbing’ your children of their rightful inheritance and instead gifting your entire estate to a local charity is almost impossible to execute, as their laws place great emphasise on the testator’s moral obligation to provide for family members and dependents. In New South Wales parliament has attempted to strike a more even balance between an individual’s freedom to gift their assets in any manner they choose and their moral obligations to their dependents, by limiting the extent and scope of their moral obligations with reference to certain factors such as the financial needs of the person challenging the Will. Time frame for making a claim An ‘eligible person’ may make an application for a Family Provision order at any time within twelve months after the

date of death of the deceased person. This is a strict time limit and it is important to obtain legal advice early. Who can make a claim? There is a specific list of persons, described as ‘eligible persons’, who may apply to the Court to challenge the Will. These persons are: a. the wife or husband of the deceased person, b. a de facto partner of the deceased person, c. a child of the deceased person, d. a former wife or husband of the deceased person, e. a person: i. who was, at any particular time, wholly or partly dependent on the deceased person, and ii. who is a grandchild of the deceased person or was, at that particular time or at any other time, a member of the household of which the deceased person was a member, f. a person with whom the deceased person was living in a close personal relationship at the time of the deceased person’s death. When will the Court make a Family Provision Order? A Court may make a Family Provision Order if the Court determines that the individual seeking the order is firstly, an ‘eligible person’ and secondly, has not received provision for the proper maintenance, education or advancement in life by the Will of the deceased. What factors will the Court Consider? Whether or not the scales will tip in favour of the estate or the person chal-


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lenging the Will will depend on how the Court chooses to weigh up the following factors: a) the relationship between the applicant and the deceased person; b) the nature and extent of any obligations or responsibilities owed by the deceased person to the applicant; c) the nature and size of the deceased person’s estate; d) the financial resources (including earning capacity) and financial needs (both present and future) of the applicant; e) any physical, intellectual or mental disability of the applicant; f) the age of the applicant; g) any contribution (whether financial or otherwise) by the applicant to the acquisition, conservation and improvement of the property of the deceased person or to the welfare of the deceased person; h) any provision made for the applicant by the deceased person; i) any evidence of the testamentary intentions of the deceased person; j) whether any other person is liable to support the applicant; k) the character and conduct of the applicant before and after the date of the death of the deceased person; and l) any other matter the Court considers relevant. Defending the Will Persons named as executors of a Will are responsible for defending any challenges made to the Will. It is essential that executors obtain expert legal advice in the event that they are challenged by a potential applicant who proposes to make a claim upon the estate of a deceased person. At Longton Legal we have expert lawyers who will guide and support you through the legal framework, and ensure that you fulfil your obligations to the estate. Defending a challenge to the Will of a deceased relative is stressful and emotional. We can provide you with comprehensive and practical advice to achieve a smooth resolution of the matter. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Australian shipbuilder to build 110m ‘ferry’ for Malta company


irtu Ferries of Malta, which operates a variety of high-speed craft services throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic has chosen Australian shipbuilding Incat Tasmania to design and build for it a 110-metre vehicle passenger (RoPax) ferry. The vessel is intended for Virtu Ferries’ year round lifeline service between Malta and European Union AFLOAT magazine reported Robert Clifford, the chairman of Incat saying that Virtu Ferries were looking for increased reliability, sea keeping, passenger comfort, capacity and economy with less operational downtime, and that Inca were pleased to welcome them to its family of shipowners. The new 110m wave-piercing catamaran will become the 15th fast ferry Virtu has acquired. It will be the largest high-speed catamaran in the Mediterranean and with a service speed up to 38 knots; it will complete the crossing from Malta to Virtu Ferries Chairman Francis Porterll (left) and the Chairman of Inca Tasmania Sicily, berth to berth, in around 90 minutes. Chairman Robert Clifford at the signing of the contract for the new catamaran For Virtu Ferries this new vessel provides a significant increase in capacity offering 43% more truck capacity, 15% the highest levels of service, reliability and comfort yet at the same time operate an economical and environmentally sustainable high more passenger capacity and 7% more car capacity. The vessel will incorporate a three-class interior (VIP, Business speed service.” He went on to say,” We are confident that we will be delivered a and Economy) with a total of 1134 seats of which 996 seats are infantastic vessel suited not only to our requirements but the design side and 138 outdoor. The design was extensively tank tested and optimised at QinetiQ, is suited for many other island communities around the world.” Construction of the vessel will commence early next year with the tank and aerospace testing facility in the UK that was purpose delivery scheduled at the end of 2018. Incat currently has a 500 built for use by the British Navy and UK Ministry f Defence. Virtu Ferries Chairman and owner Mr Francis Portelli said, “we strong workforce at its Hobart shipyard and the yard is geared for simply want to provide our passengers and freight operators with delivering up to two large HSC (High Speed Craft) per year.

Malta could become centre of seaplane activity


he recurring theme during how this aircraft can become the the 5th edition of the BOV centre of seaplane activity in Malta. Aviation Outlook, the aviaAt the same event, Paulo tion expo and unique platform for Figueiredo, a Portuguese aeronauall players in the aviation industry tical entrepreneur and owner of a in Malta held at Bank of Valletta’s new company Floatlook & Travel, Head Office in the presence of launched his novel idea of combinMinister for Tourism Hon. Dr Eding seaplanes and tourism. He is ward Zammit Lewis, was whether hoping to quickly expand into the Malta could become the Maldives Mediterranean basin and has tarof the Mediterranean for seaplane geted Malta as its possible first base operations. outside of Portugal. Following the demise of EuroAs is customary, the BOV Aviation pean Coastal Airlines in Croatia, Outlook honoured a number of inthe seaplane business in Europe Capt. Norman D’Amato, Mrs Agius (standing for her husband dustry leaders, who through their Joseph), and Charles Stafrace who won theBOV awards took a battering with negative efcontribution helped in no small way fect on Nordic Seaplanes too. The BOV Avi- become a ‘one-off destination’ in the aviation to put Malta’s aviation industry on the world ation Outlook conference shed light on the industry. map. Meanwhile, Barry Lightening, an experiinvaluable experience gained by the Civil Captain Norman D’Amato, a veteran flyer Aviation Directorate in the regulating and enced Head of Flight Operations at a sea- was presented with the BOV Aviator of the plane company, highlighted what needs to be Year Award. Leader of the Year Award went monitoring of a seaplane operation. BOV Chief Credit Business Development done so that the burden on any prospective to Captain Joseph Agius, currently in the emOfficer Albert Frendo said that over the re- entrants in this line of business is alleviated, ploy of AirX but who has held senior posicent years, Malta has witnessed growth in the while aviation lawyer Dr Francesca Galea, tions with the national carrier Air Malta and aviation industry, attracting internationally spoke about the fiscal and legal requirements Jet Magic and was one of the inspectors at renowned organisations to set up operations and how the seaplane industry could help the Civil Aviation Directorate way back in in Malta, including maintenance, back office boost the already well-established and fast 2012. set-ups, research and development and pro- expanding marine industry. Charles Stafrace, who was instrumental in Peter Hermle, CEO at world renowned air- setting up the Malta Aviation Society in the duction of aircraft components/ He went on to explain that recently aviation craft manufacturer Dornier Seawings, and 70s, was an active aviation journalist and rein Malta has been under focus as part of the Ing. Simon Schell presented their top sea- searcher and authored a number of books, reGovernment's strategy to promote Malta to plane, the Dornier Seastar and delved into ceived the BOV Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday December 6, 2016

A trip around the Bay


group of 57 members from the Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group that heavily subsidised the event, recently enjoyed a trip around the Bay, a journey that started from the car park at St Joseph the Worker Church, North Reservoir at 8.30 a.m. and proceeded to Sorrento through the Mornington Peninsula Freeway arriving at the venue two hours later. The coach Captain, Bill, took the party on a sightseeing tour of sightseeing around the beautiful houses before boarding the Peninsula Sea Road Ferry for the trip across Port Phillip Bay to Queenscliff where everybody enjoyed free morning tea/coffee and goodies

Tieqa fuq it-Triq - book by Clemente Zammit r Clemente Zammit wishes to share with the readers for free the Online Flip Pages Version of his latest book ‘Tieqa fuq it-Triq’. Set against a Maltese background, the book tells the story of two young lovers, untouched by the counterculture and revolution in social norms of the Sixties, in search of a true identity. To read it one can click on: Those who prefer or wish to order the printed version of the book can do so at:


reports that were approved. The report by the president, Salvina Vella followed. In it she thanked the members of the committee for their work throughout the year, and also the members for their participation in the group’s activities She also paid special thanks to her husband, Paul, for the work he does behind the scene, and the girls in the kitThe Seniors Group that made the trip around the bay chen, Madeleine provided by some of the members. Vella, Melita Magro and Sylvia Dakin. Afterwards, the tour continued to When it came to the election of the Corio to the one of the hotels where the new committee, there was only one members enjoyed free buffet lunch and nomination for each position, therefore tried their luck in the gaming rooms. no need for an election and the persons At 3 pm we boarded the coach to re- nominated were confirmed. turn to Reservoir to the accompaniTherefore the committee for the comment of a running commentary by Bill ing year will be: President: Salvina who explained the sites the coach Vella: Secretary: Paul Vella; Treasurer: passed through on the way, arriving at Victor Pulis; A/Treasurer Miriam Reservoir at around 4.30 pm. Mizzi. Alfred Cachia, Theresa Cachia, The trip, that proved to be most enjoy- Melita Magro, Sarah Catania and able, was one of the the first activities Sylvia Dakin will be the members. after Reskeon’s Annual General Meet- A few days later the president and secing that was held at Merrilands Com- retary, Paul Vella represented Reskeon munity Centre, Reservoir. at the Annual General Meeting of the The AGM was held on an agenda Northern Federation of Ethnic Senior with the usual items, including the Citizens Clubs. reading of minutes of last year’s AGM, and the secretary and the treasurer’s PaulVella

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Renato u Mary Rose jing˙aqdu g˙al tmiem emozzjonali fil-La Valette SC

Renato u Mary Rose isa˙˙ru l-udjenza fil-La Valette SC


ala mballata u entuΩjaΩmata, divertiment u atmosfera assolutament Maltija. Xejn inqas minn hekk ma kien mistenni meta tnejn mill-aqwa kantanti veterani fixxena tad-divertiment f’Malta, Renato u Mary Rose Mallia ferr˙u lill-udjenza fiç-çentru La Valette fi Blacktown. G˙al ftit iktar minn sag˙tejn Renato u Mary Rose, li wkoll hija attriçi, ippreΩentaw dak kollu mistenni minnhom filwaqt li g˙al ftit ˙in dehret ukoll Allision White, il-mara ta’ Renato. Il-programm beda f’farsa miç-Çittadini, “Bil-mod il-mod” u hawn b’sorpriΩa rajna wkoll g˙all-ewwel darba fl-Awstralja b˙ala attriçi lil Mary Rose. L-iskartaturi tag˙ha fakkruna fil-˙iliet tag˙ha mhux biss b˙ala kantanta imma wkoll attriçi brava. Fil-farsa ˙adu sehem ukoll Joe Mifsud, Joe Borg, Doris Caruana, Monica Ledger u Sam Mifsud. B˙as-soltu, l-programm tmexxa minn Susan Mifsud. Wara l-interval il-lejla kienet iddedikata

kollha lill-mistednin minn Malta fejn bejn iç-çajt u xi skartatura smajna Ωew©t il˙na mill-isba˙. Anke jekk Renato kien xi ftit ma˙nuq, imma xorta wa˙da sa˙˙ar lillmi©emg˙a bil-kanzunetti li g˙aΩel. Prosit tassew lil Renato li g˙alih din kienet is-sittax il-Ωjara fl-Awstralja, u lil Mary Rose “is-sa˙˙ara” li g˙aliha kienet

Renato jpaxxi lill-udjenza li mliet is-sala fil-La Valette SC

Susan Mifsud, Monica Ledger, Joe Borg, Doris Caruana, Joe Mifsud, Sam Farrugia u Mary Rose Mallia wara l-fasa li ppreΩentaw

it-tieni darba. Renato u Mary Rose zaru wkoll Cringilla, Adelaide u Melbourne. Wie˙ed seta’ jinnota kemm il-Maltin flAwstralja j˙ossuhom aktar f’darhom meta dawn il-kunçerti jsiru f’lokalitajiet tal-Maltin. Óajr lill-kumpanija teatrali Çittadini li g˙ad g˙andha l-˙ila tattira folol imdaqqsa g˙all-wirjiet li torganizza.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday December 6, 2016

L-IÛVILUPP TAL-EDUKAZZJONI F’MALTA - 1430 1430 -1924 -1924


’dan il-volum riçerkat b’g˙aqal u attenzjoni, l-awtur, Joseph A Xerri jeΩamina l-mixja edukattiva f’Malta mill-aspett ‘politiku’, kulturali, ekonomiku u soçjali. Kif jikteb il-Profs Borg fl-introduzzjoni tal-ktieb: “fir-rakkont ta’ Xerri tispikka t-tensjoni kontinwa bejn ilmixja kajmana tal-istorja edukattiva u l-ur©enza edukattiva taΩ-Ωg˙ir imtarraf li dejjem ˙tie©lu ji©ri meta ˙addie˙or imrobbi fuq inna˙a l-o˙ra tax-xmara soçjoekonomika, seta’ jimxi bil-pass tieg˙˙ro© çara l-funzjoni taledukazzjoni b˙ala strument ta’ poter” u l-fatt “li l-edukazzjoni tista’ tjassar daqskemm te˙les.” Xerri jΩur it-taqtig˙a bla waqfien biex jid˙lu çerti riformi, l-aktar u laktar dawk li b’xi mod kienu jmissu mal-kwestjoni tal-ilsna, fejn kienu jiΩΩeffnu l-ilsien IngliΩ u dak Taljan. Huwa jtemm ir-rakkont tieg˙u biddibattiti fil-Parlament Malti dwar ittag˙lim tal-ilsna u d-d˙ul tal-li©i dwar l-attendenza obbligatorja fliskejjel.

Kif qalilna l-awtur, g˙alkemm ilkitba attwali tal-ktieb ma tantx ˙a Ωmien, iΩda r-riçerka biex seta’ jinkiteb dan il-ktieb ˙adet snin twal. Attwalment dan il-ktieb huwa riΩultat ta’ tiftix li hu beda sa minn Ωg˙oΩitu meta kien iqalleb fil-©urnali, f’rapporti uffiçjali tal-Gvern, fosthom ta’ dibattiti fil-Kunsill talGvern u tal-Parlament Malti, rapporti dwar l-edukazzjoni, korrispondenza bejn il-Gvernaturi u l-uffiççju tal-Kolonji IngliΩ u diversi dokumenti o˙ra. Sintendi il-kotba dwar l-istorja ta’ Malta, speçjalment dawk b’referenza g˙all-edukazzjoni, u teΩijiet ta’ studenti dwar l-istess su©©ett kienu ta’ g˙ajnuna kbira fil-kitba ta’ dan il-ktieb. Meta mistoqsi, x’wasslu li ˙are© din il-publikazzjoni, Xerri qal lil The Voice of the Maltese li g˙alkemm ilu jippubblika artikli u jikteb g˙atTeleviΩjoni u r-radju dwar l-istorja tal-Edukazzjoni, tal-iΩvillup politiku tal-GΩejjer u tal-Istorja tal-Knisja, ˙ass li kellu jaqsam mal-pubbliku, r-riçerka tieg˙u dwar listorja t a l edukazzjoni, materja li hija g˙all-

Joseph Xerri: L-IΩvilupp tal-Edukazzjoni F’Malta - 1430 -1924 Ktieb ta’ 608 pa©na Pubblikazzjoni: SKS Prezz: €20 Ktieb b’g˙add konsiderevoli ta’ ritratti. Huwa llegat b’qoxra iebsa (hardbound). Fil-qoxra tal-ktieb ritratt ta’ pittura tal-mer˙ba li ng˙atat lill-Kummissjoni Rjali tal-1836. Kien wara rapport ta’ dil-Kummissjoni li f’Malta nfet˙u g˙add ta’ skejjel primarji mill-Awtoritajiet ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien. Il-ktieb jista’ jinkseb mil-librara ewlenin f’Malta. Bil-posta mill-BDS, San Gwann. Fl-Awstralja jista’ ji©i ordnat ming˙and Mark Bonello

qalbu ˙afna billi qatta’ g˙omru ja˙dem fis-settur tal-edukazzjoni.


L-awtur, Joe Xerri (xellug) jippreΩenta kopja tal-ktieb lill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat waqt il-Fiera Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb

Joseph A Xerri, l-awtur tal-ktieb L-IΩvilupp talEdukazzjoni f’Malta twieled fir-Rabat, G˙awdex fl1939. Huwa ˙a l-edukazzjoni tieg˙u fil-Liçeo ta’ G˙awdex, fil-Kulle©© tat-Ta˙ri© tal-G˙alliema u lUniversita’ ta’ Malta fejn kiseb il-Masters fl-Edu-kazzjoni. Hu beda l-karriera tieg˙u ta’ g˙alliem biex finalment ing˙ata l-kariga ta’ Assistent Direttur tal-Edukazzjoni. Serva g˙al g˙add ta’ snin b˙ala Uffiçjal g˙ar-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliçi fil-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni u kien Visiting Lecturer fil-Fakulta’ tal-Edukazzjoni ta’ l-Universita ta’ Malta. Huwa wkoll awtur ta’ diversi serje dwar l-istorja politika, tal-edukazzjoni u tal-Knisja fil-©urnali u l-mezzi tax-xandir lokali u barranin. G˙al snin twal kien ukol lil-korrispondent g˙al G˙awdex tal-gazzetta ta’ kuljum, l-orizzont. G˙al ˙amsin sena kien il-korrispondent minn Malta tal-gazzetta tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja, The Maltese Herald.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Sharing people’s experience and history makes us who we are today Carol Moreno from Prospect NSW writes:

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


n behalf of Rita Vella, I wish to pass gratitude and thanks to The Voice of the Maltese team for publishing Rita's story of her and her family's Journey to Australia from Malta. This was all part of a long 20 year process for Rita and publishing her story after many years of writing and re-writing. It is both a joy and gift for her and her family to be able to share her journey and it brings different interest for other The Voice magazine readers to follow in her footsteps. A special thanks to The Voice of the Maltese team for their continuation of sharing people’s experi-

Magazine li qed jag˙mel ix-xog˙ol ta’ ambaxxata

Mario Griscti minn Ta’ Xbiex, Malta jikteb:

olqtuni ˙afna, artikli nostal©içi, ta’ Malta Jçirkostanza fl-img˙oddi jew ta’ Maltin li min˙abba xi jew o˙ra, kellhom i˙allu pajjiΩhom u jemigraw. L-Awstralja, kien (u g˙adu) kontinent ˙anin, li laqa’ fi ˙danu ˙afna Maltin u G˙awdxin li marru hemm bil-g˙an li ˙ajjithom tkun bilbosta a˙jar milli kienet f’Malta f’dawk iΩΩminijiet. Interessanti dejjem il-pa©ni tat-tag˙lim dwar il-grammatika Maltija. Dawn u aktar, jiffurmaw is-sinsla b’sa˙˙itha ta’ The Voice of the Maltese li sar ©urnal/magazine effettiv, impressjonanti u g˙elm ta’ ©urnaliΩmu ta’ veru. Dan qed jaqdi wkoll operat ta’ ambaxxata, g˙ax hu pont çivili u demokratiku bejn pajjiΩna u l-Awstralja. Ibqg˙u sejrin kif intom.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

ences and history that makes us who we are today. You might soon need a new section to these stories. It is great to read and fantastic what you do for the Maltese community here and across the seas! Thank you again.

Rita’s story so emotional Joyce Vanderboot nee Scicluna from Brisbane writes:

was happy to read the very informative arIMaltese ticles in the last issue of The Voice of the (No. 141), particularly the story re-

garding ‘Conscription 1916: Who were the Maltese Children of Billy Hughes?’ (page 3). It was very interesting. I learned many new facts about the history of our people during those early war years, some of which brought tears to my eyes. The wonderful story told by Rita Vella on (page 6), ‘My family’s Journey to Australia’ was a moving tribute to those who, with a spirit of adventure, started a new life in a new land. It amazed me that young children came to Australia without their families to ‘open the way’ for the rest of their families. How brave and courageous on the part of the children and their parents! Personal stories like these are good for all of us to read and remember. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do in producing this magazine.

G˙amluni Kburi li jien Malti Joseph Caruana minn Beverly Hills, NSW jikteb:

ak li qed ise˙˙ b˙alissa f’Malta jag˙milni kburi li ©ej minn dik il-gΩira zg˙ira imma D mimlija b’nies ta’ ˙ila, Malta, tant li onestament nixtieqni qed ng˙ix Malta. Mhux se nid˙ol fil-politika, jekk ng˙id li donnu li l-poplu Malti g˙andu kull çans li juri hilietu. Ûidt dan il-˙sieb meta matul il-lejl bejn il-Óadd u t-Tnejn 20/21 ta’ Novembru flimkien ma’ xi ˙bieb segwejt fuq it-TV l-Junior Eurovision Song Contest li Malta organizzat permezz tal-PBS. Tg˙axxaqt bl-ispettaklu offrut, mhux bilkant daqs kemm bl-organizzazzjoni u x-xenarju li l-˙addiema pprovdew fil-post fejn sar, id-Dar tal-Mediterran. St˙ajjiltni qed nara show internazzjonali f’xi pajjiΩ kbir espert f’avvenimenti b˙al dawn. Kburi bil-filmat tal-ftu˙ tal-ispettaklu. QabiΩli d-dmug˙ meta rajt dak ix-xenarju mill-isba˙ tal-gzejjer Maltin. Dort fuq s˙abi g˙ed-tilhom li mn’alla Malta Ωg˙ira g˙ax kieku kienet kbira, bil-˙iliet ta’ niesha kienet tibla’ d-dinja.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Imut Nicholas (Nick) Bonello


- eks Kummissarju G˙oli Malti fl-Awstralja

’Malta, fl-1 ta’ Diçembru, xahrejn biss bog˙od milli jag˙laq il-91 sena, t˙abbret il-mewt ta’ Nicholas (Nick) Bonello, eks Kummissarju G˙oli g˙al Malta fl-Awstralja, wie˙ed mill-fundaturi tal-G˙aqda MaltijaAwstraljana (Maltese-Australian Association) u l-bniedem li grazzi g˙alih, fil-©nien tal-Argotti fil-Furjana, inbena l-monument b’tifkira tal-ANZAC. Nick, kif kien mag˙ruf, twieled f’Óal-Balzan fi Frar tal-1916. Kien miΩΩewwe© lil Desdemona (Daisy), illum ukoll mejta, u kellhom erbat itfal, Carmen, Anthony, Monica u Norman. Kien ukoll nannu ta’ g˙add ta’ neputijiet. Minbarra l-familja, fost l-aktar li Nick kellu g˙al qalbu kienu Malta u l-Awstralja u dejjem ˙adem biex jitkattru r-relazzjonijiet kemm bejn gvernijiet u wkoll il-poplu. F’Malta, wara li spicça l-istudji tieg˙u, f’Jannar tal-1941 mar ja˙dem b˙ala apprendist boilermaker fit-Tarzna, il-post li ˙afna tant kienu jfittxu. Dam ja˙dem b˙ala apprendist g˙al sitt snin u anke la˙aq ˙a lpaga ta’ ra©el tas-seng˙a, sakemm bix-xog˙ol jonqos, ©ie konvint

- ta ˙ajtu biex titkattar il-˙biberija bejn Malta u l-Awstralja li l-emigrazzjoni kieket l-unika alernattiva, g˙alhekk, fl-1954 iddeçieda li flimkien ma’ martu u tliet uliedu j˙allu Tas-Sliema fejn kienu jg˙ixu, u jissie˙bu ma’ l-emigranti li g˙amlu lvja©© ta’ 33 jum lejn l-Awstralja fuq l-Arosa Kulm. Nick kien jg˙id li huma kienu fost it12,000 ˙addiem f’sena wa˙da li ©ew imbuttati je-migraw lejn l-Awstralja. Nick Bonello Il-familja ta’ Nick spiççat f’eks barracks tal-armata f’Bonegila qabel marret tg˙ix f’hostel tal-emgiranti f’Balgownie qrib Wollongong fi NSW. L-ewwel xog˙ol tieg˙u fl-Awstralja kien mal-Australian Iron & Steel ta’ Port Kembla. Wara l-familja ©arret g˙al Newton f’Sydney. Billi minn dejjem kien dilettant tal-futbol u partitarju tas-Sliema, kien semma d-dar ‘Wanderers’. Ilkonnessjoni tieg˙u mal-futbol kienet ukoll b˙ala referee, g˙al disa’ snin s˙a˙. Kien ukoll imda˙˙al b’mod qawwi mal-Melita Eagles fejn anke okkupa l-kariga ta’ segretarju. Kien ukoll involut sew fil-bidu tal-gazzetta talMaltin fl-Awstralja, The Maltese Herald, u g˙al xi snin serva fuq il-bord tal-mani©ment. Huwa ˙adem ukoll mas-Sydney Ferries, imma ta’ bniedem ta’ inizjattiva li kien da˙al ja˙dem fl-industrija tal-ivja©gar. Sar l-ewwel li beda titjiriet chartered lejn Malta. Tul it-18-il sena li g˙amel fl-Awstralja huwa niΩel Malta kemm-il darba. Kien ©ie offrut xog˙ol ma’ a©ent ewlieni tal-ivja©©ar fil-belt u g˙alhekk, fl-1983 aççetta u niΩel Malta g˙al kollox. Fl-1986 bla ma kien jistenna, il-Prim Ministru ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien, Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, offrielu l-kariga ta’ Kummissarju G˙oli Malti fl-Awstralja, u l-ewwel wie˙ed mhux residenti. B’danakollu xorta wa˙da kien iΩur b’mod regolari l-istati fejn jg˙ixu lMaltin. Minkejja li rtirat, Nick baqa’ ddedikat li jqarreb lejn xulxin il-pajjiΩi li tant ˙abb, Malta u l-Awstralja, u Ω-Ωew©t i©nus. Huwa kien ukoll qarrej fervent sala˙˙ar, anke fid-dar San Vincent de Paul fejn kien irtirat, tal-magaΩin The Voice of the Maltese. Il-mewt tieg˙u se tin˙ass sew fost il-˙afna ˙bieb li g˙amel tul ˙ajtu, l-aktar fiΩ-Ωew© pajjiΩi. It-tim ta’ The Voice of the Maltese jag˙ti l-kondoljanzi lillfamiljari tieg˙u. Il-funeral se jsir l-Erbg˙a 7 tax-xahar f’Óal-Balzan.

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016



A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs

kitba ta’


l-Awstralja, b˙alissa hawn su©©ett ja˙raq u topiku, irreferut b˙ala 18C, li hija sezzjoni tal-Att tal-Li©i fuq id-Diskriminazzjoni Razzjali1 li ma tippermettix lil çittatidin tal-pajjiΩ milli jinsulenta, joffendi, jumilja jew jintimida lil persuna jew grupp, min˙abba r-razza, il-kulur (tal-©ilda) jew l-ori©ni nazzjonali jew etnika tieg˙u jew tag˙hom. Dan l-Att kien g˙adda fl-Awstralja fil-parlament tal-1975 ta' Ωmien l-amministrazzjoni Laburista ta' Gough Whitlam u ammendat diversi drabi. Óa©a ra©jonevoli, kont nimma©ina, imma mhux skont Cory Bernardi Pauline Hanson David Leyonhjelm u˙ud mir-rappreΩentanti tag˙na fil-parlament u kummentaturi o˙ra, li jaraw li din ir-restrizzjoni meta ma t˙allewx jinΩlu l-Awstralja wara tmur kontra l-libertà tal-espressjoni. B˙alissa passa©© twil fuq il-ba˙ar fl-1916, u minflok hemm Ωew© inizjattivi fis-Senat Awstraljan f'Melbourne kellhom isalpaw f'Noumea, wie˙ed li titnaqqas il-protezzjoni tal-18C, New Caledonia, fejn damu eΩiljati tliet xhur.7 billi jitne˙˙ew referenzi g˙al li wie˙ed juDan sar f'ambjent ta' pressjoni kbira millmilja jew joffendi, u l-inizjattiva l-o˙ra hi li Australian Workers Union u l-Partit jitne˙˙ew il-protezzjonijiet kollha. Laburista ta' dakinhar, dwar 'invaΩjoni millIl-gvern ukoll feta˙ inkjesta dwar din ilMaltin' li ©ejjin jie˙du x-xog˙ol tal-Awstralli©i. Jien nistaqsi, dan l-interess kollu jani. Familjari? g˙aliex? Lil min irridu na©evolaw? Forsi dawn il-Maltin kienu l-ewwel eΩempju tal-politika li jidIssa jien dejjem tg˙allimt li meta nitkellem, g˙andi nuri rispett dawwar it-tmun tad-dg˙ajsa ta' dawk ©ejjin lejn il-pajjiΩ biex ifittxu lejn dak li mieg˙u qieg˙ed nitkellem. Dan ma jfissirx li dak li l-aΩil, politika li l-Liberali u l-Laburisti ta' llum i˙addnu. g˙andi ng˙idlu ma ng˙idux, imma ng˙idu konxju kemm jista' jkun Tant kienet kbira l-offiΩa li ˙ass bit-tg˙ajjir kontinwu ta' wog, u tas-sensibbilitajiet tal-individwu, tat-twemminiet tieg˙u jew tal- bid-diskriminazzjoni li wrew mieg˙u l-bojod tal-post, li zijuwi qatt grupp etniku jew kulturali li jidentifika ru˙u mieg˙u. m'aççetta li jsir çittadin tal-Awstralja, anke meta kellu d-dritt F'pajjiΩ ©ieli jkun hemm diversi gruppi etniçi f'minoranza Ωg˙ira, g˙aliha, ukoll wara li g˙ex madwar ˙amsin sena f'dan il-pajjiΩ wara meta mqabbla mal-popolazzjoni tal-kultura predominanti (li fl-Aw- li kien ©ie fil-˙amsinijiet wara l-gwerra. stralja lanqas mhi dik indi©ena abori©ena). Hu baqa' jsostni dan sakemm miet, jitkellem fuq il-perjodu bikri Min˙abba li f'din is-sitwazzjoni huwa façli li inkomprensjonijiet tieg˙u f'dan il-pajjiΩ b'u©ig˙ evidenti fit-ton tieg˙u. Qatt ma ˙ass li kulturali jistg˙u jwasslu g˙al inkwiet bejn il-gruppi, speçjalment dan il-pajjiΩ kien aççettah. bejn membri tal-grupp predominanti ma dawk tal-o˙rajn, mexxejja L-insulti u t-tg˙ajjir razzjali jwe©©g˙u, u m'g˙andhom l-ebda efg˙aqlin li jinteressahom l-armonija u l-konvivenza bejn il-gruppi, fett poΩittiv, Sinjura Hanson. Jirriflettu fuq l-inkomprensjoni u lf'pajjiΩi demokratiçi, iressqu li©ijiet fil-parlament li jillimitaw il- injuranza ta' min jag˙milhom, mhux fuq il-minoranza ta' min libertà tal-espressjoni b'dan it-tir, b'limiti li jin˙assu ra©jonevoli. jaqlag˙hom. Ir-Renju Unit g˙andha provvenimenti simili fl-Att tal-2010 dwar Apparti hekk, jistg˙u jipprovokaw reazzjoni, u kelma ©©ib lilll-Ugwaljanza, fejn l-Artiklu 26 jipprojbixxi li persuna tikkrea am- o˙ra s-sitwazzjoni malajr ti©©enera. A˙na rridu ng˙ixu f'soçjetà ta' bjent intimidanti, ostili, degradanti, umiljanti jew offensiv, abbaΩi tolleranza, fejn isir diskussjoni bir-rispett, jew soçjetà ta' tg˙ajjir, ta' diversi karatteristiçi, li jinkludu r-razza imma huma anke iktar g˙ajjat, insulti u ©lied? Mhux di©à hawn tensjoni biΩΩejjed? wiesg˙a.2 Biex inwie©eb il-mistoqsija tieg˙i tal-bidu, dan l-interess li jitJien kont na˙seb, u naççetta, li l-libertà g˙andha ti©i mar-respon- naqqsu l-protezzjonijiet kontra d-diskriminazzjoni soçjali narah tensabbiltà, inkella dan ikun libertina©©. Imma jidher li hawn diversi tattiv ie˙or ta' elementi tal-forzi tal-lemin tal-pajjiΩ, sabiex persuni influenti fil-pajjiΩ li jidhrilhom li dawn il-limiti mhumiex titwaqqaf l-emorra©ija ta' votanti li qed ji©u attirati mill-estremisti ra©jonevoli, m'hawnx posthom, jew hemm bΩonn li jitnaqqsu. tal-lemin tal-lum, ibda minn One Nation. Mill-membri parlamentari preΩenti, Cory Bernardi (abjad, Senatur Dawn tal-a˙˙ar b'˙alqhom tiçrita wa˙da josservaw membri ta' parLiberali) g˙amel petizzjoni biex jitne˙˙ew ir-referenzi g˙al li titi stabbiliti, suppost çentristi, j˙addnu l-politika estremista 3 wie˙ed ma jistax joffendi jew jinsulta; George Brandis (abjad, tag˙hom. Senatur Liberali) huwa mag˙ruf g˙all-poΩizzjoni tieg˙u li n-nies Jien ninnota li l-li©i li qed nitkellmu dwarha di©à g˙andha prog˙andhom id-dritt li jkunu bigotti;4 u nista' nibqa' sejjer b'David tezzjoni, fis-sezzjoni ta' wara, 18D, g˙al dak li jing˙ad ra©jonevolLeyonhjelm (abjad, Senatur Liberali-Demokratiku) u o˙rajn. ment u b'rieda tajba f'xog˙lijiet artistiçi, fl-interess nazzjonali, jew Kien interessanti li ninnota li dawn il-veduti qed ji©u vventilati l- li jirrifletti b'reqqa u b'©ustizzja l-fatti. iktar minn nies ta' karna©©jon bajda. Jien dejjem innutajt kif ˙afna Jien g˙alhekk na˙seb li m'hemm bΩonn tal-ebda bidla sostanzjali. nies ta' karna©©jon bajda, meta tistaqsihom, jg˙idulek li qatt ma Il-biΩa' li jiΩdiedu l-attakki (fil-bidu bil-kliem jew b'xi stampa) raz˙assew xi forma ta' razziΩmu, jew diskriminazzjoni, jew talinqas zjali f'dan il-pajjiΩ, b˙al ma' se˙˙ fl-Istati Uniti wara r-reb˙a ta' dak id-disprezz sottili fl-atte©©jament ta' min ji©i mill-kultura pre- Donald Trump hemmhekk, na˙seb g˙andu j˙e©©e© lir-rappreΩendominanti. tanti tag˙na li jkunu prudenti u ma j˙allux li jitrew˙u l-fjammi talFil-passat jien kont semmejt xi eΩempji5. Kemm hu diffiçli li jap- intolleranza. prezzaw kemm ˙a©a b˙al din hija ta' dieqa, diΩappunt u Jien ng˙id li dawn il-bidliet fis-senat illum, je˙tie© li ji©u reΩistiti. skura©©iment g˙al min qed jaqlag˙ha. Pauline Hanson (skuΩawni nosserva li wkoll bajda, Senatur ta' Referenzi One Nation), sa˙ansitra implikat fis-Senat li hu tajjeb li l-immiRacial Discrimination Act 1975, Australian Commonwealth. 1. granti fil-pajjiΩ kienu ji©u mg˙ajra wogs, (li kienet tabella pe©orat, retrieved tiva applikata mill-bojod Anglo-Sassoni tal-pajjiΩ g˙al dawk kollha 2. 28/11/2016 li ma kinux, b˙all-Maltin, it-Taljani, iç-ÇiniΩi, il-Jugoslavi eçç) 3., retrieved 28/11/2016 g˙ax din kienet inçentiva lill-dawn il-gruppi biex isiru parti mill- 4.à u jassimilaw.6 a-bigot/5341552, retrieved 28/11/2016 Iva, tabil˙aqq. Il-Maltin g˙andhom g˙alfejn jag˙tu ˙ajr lin-nies 5. Riflessjonijiet ta' Wog, Ivan Cauchi, The Voice of the Maltese, No. 103 tal-post fil-pajjiΩ talli g˙amlulhom ˙ajjithom infern malli waslu 6. Australian Commonwealth Senate Hansard, 24th November 2016, p.12 dawn il-wogs. Il-214-Malti fuq il-vapur Gange aktarx imtlew bil- 7. Conscription 1916: Who were the 'Maltese children of Billy Hughes'?, passjoni tal-˙e©©a li jsiru ˙a©a wa˙da mas-soçjetà il-©dida tag˙hom Barry York, The Voice of the Maltese, No. 141


Tuesday December 6, 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Nicolò Isouard: kompoΩitur Malti ta’ ˙ila li kien i˙abbatha mal-aqwa ta’ Ωmienu N

ammira lis-Soçjetà Filarmonika Nicolò Isouard talMosta, mhux biss g˙all-˙ila bandistika iΩda wkoll g˙all-isem li g˙andha g˙arfien u stima f’pajjiΩna. L-isem tag˙ha serva g˙al ˙afna snin ta’ popolarità kbira g˙all-kompoΩitur Malti ta’ fama kbira Nicolò Isouard. Ûgur li ˙afna semg˙u bih min˙abba fl-isem ta’ din il-banda Mostija. Qed ng˙id l-aktar mhux g˙al min hu mid˙la tal-kultura muΩikali imma g˙all-poplu in©enerali. Óafna ming˙alihom li dan il-kompoΩitur kien mill-Mosta, naturalment g˙ax ikunu qed jorbtu ˙a©a m’o˙ra … allura la banda Mostija tistenna kompoΩitur Mosti!! Min-na˙a l-o˙ra nfa˙˙ar bis-s˙i˙ lill-kumitat ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien li fl1871 g˙aΩel l-isem ta’ Nicolò Isouard g˙al-banda tieg˙u. G˙ax ng˙iduha: fl-ir˙ula Maltin huma ˙afna li b’mod jew ie˙or jorbtu lbanda mal-qaddis jew qaddisa tallokal tag˙hom. Hemm xi eççezzjonijiet, b˙allbanda L’Isle Adam (il-Gran Mastru li miet ir-Rabat fil-Knisja Ta’ ÌieΩu), jew La Valette (g˙all-Gran Mastru li bena l-belt Valletta), u ismijiet ta’ Gran Mastri o˙ra jew inkella b˙allKonti Ru©©ieru (marbut mal-istorja ta’ Malta), jew San Ìor© ta’ Bormla (marbut ma’ ammiratur tal-Banda, il-MarkiΩ Di San Giorgio). Insibu wkoll g˙aqdiet b’ismijiet Irjali (b˙all-banda King’s Own tal-Belt) u xi o˙rajn. Fil-fehma tieg˙i, m’hawnx isem addattat g˙al banda Maltija daqs dak ta’ Nicolò Isouard, g˙aliex wara kollox soçjetà muΩikali g˙andha tintrabat ma’ isem muΩikali. Kien hemm tentattiv li rnexxa, li dil-banda tal-Mosta ©©ib kopji ta’ ˙afna mill-muΩika ta’ dan il-kompoΩitur li kienet fi Franza. Xi snin ilu dil-banda kienet g˙amlet kunçert fis-sala Sir Temi Zammit tal-Università ta’ Malta b’muΩika ta’ Nicolò Isouard addattata g˙all-banda (g˙ax naturalment, fil-parti lkbira tag˙hom ix-xog˙lijiet ta’ Isouard kienu g˙all-orkestra ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien). Niftakar ukoll li meta kont g˙alliem fl-Iskola tal-MuΩika ‘Johann Strauss’ kien jin˙ass sewwa l-entuΩjaΩmu f’din l-iskola g˙all-produzzjoni u t-t˙ejjija tal-‘opra – comique’ ‘Jeannot et Colin’ ta’ Isouard li saret fit-Teatru Manoel f’Ìunju tal-1991 bis-sehem importanti ta’ l-istudenti tal-iskola stess. Jidhirli li wara ma sar xejn aktar g˙ajr g˙al li xi minn daqqiet l-Orkestra Nazzjonali tesegwixxi xi Overture tieg˙u. Fil-librerija tieg˙i g˙andi wkoll djalogu addattat g˙all-Malti minn Joe Huber ta’ din l-‘opra – comique’ ta’ Isouard ‘Jeannot et Colin’ g˙ax fir-rapprezentazzjoni tat-Teatru Manoel iddjalogar ta dan ix-xog˙ol ta’ Isouard kien sar bil-Malti. Insemmi wkoll li s-Sala ‘Isouard’ fit-Teatru Manoel ukoll tkabbar l-importanza ta’ dan il-kompoΩitur f’pajjiΩna. Ta’ min isemmi wkoll li fil-˙ames edizzjoni ta’ Groves Dictionary, li huwa awtorità ta’ referenza kbira fil-muΩika, l-uniçi Ωew© kompoΩituri Maltin li jissemmew fih huma Nicolò Isouard u Francesco Azzopardi, li juri l-kobor ta’ dawn iΩΩew© ismijiet fil-qasam tal-MuΩika Internazzjonali. Fl-edizzjonijiet ta’ wara tal-Groves jissemmew aktar kompoΩituri Maltin min˙abba li Dr. Stanley Sadie, kien talab lillmuzikologu Malti u ˙abib tieg˙i Joe Vella Bondin jissu©©erilu kompozituri Maltin li kien jixirqilhom ikunu parti minn dan

PeterPaulCiantar id-dizzjunarju presti©©juz u jiktiblu artikli dwarhom. Nag˙ti ftit noti bijografiçi dwar dan il-kompoΩitur Malti g˙ax filfehma tieg˙i tieg˙i hawn ˙afna, li mhux kollha jaqblu. Tlabt lis-Sur Vella Bondin jg˙addili xi noti dwar Nicolò Isouard Nicolò twieled fis16 ta’ Mejju, 1773 fil-kapitali l-belt Valletta u tg˙ammed l-g˙ada filKnisja ta’ San Duminku. Huwa miet meta kien g˙ad kellu biss 44 sena. Fil-Groves Dictionary of Music jing˙ad li f’mumenti, ilkompoΩitur mag˙ruf Françiz Adrien Boieldieu kellu lil Isouard biss b˙ala rival muΩikali tieg˙u. Fl-1817 Boieldieu kien mag˙Ωul jimla l-post battal li ˙alla l-kompoΩitur Mehul fl-Academie Royale de Musique. Dan kien unur ta’ presti©ju kbir fi Franza. Kont qrajt Nicolò Isouard li g˙al din il-˙atra (illum parti minn Institut de France) kien hemm ‘©lieda qawwija’ bejn Boieldieu u l-kompoΩitur Malti. Kienu g˙aΩlu lil Boieldieu g˙ax kien Françiz u mhux g˙ax kapaçi aktar minn Isouard. Din kienet daqqa ta’ ˙arta g˙all-kompoΩitur tag˙na u ˙adha bi kbira ˙afna. Hu miet fis-sena ta’ wara, f’Pari©i f’Marzu tal1818 u ©ie midfun fiç-Çimeterju Pere Lachaise. Importanti lfatt li l-bust tieg˙u jidher ma’ rjus o˙ra mportanti fil-muΩika fl-Opra ta’ Parigi, li wkoll juri l-kobor tal-kompoΩitur Malti. Wara mewtu xog˙lijiet muΩikali ta’ Nicolò Isouard komplew ji©u esegwiti u nfluwenzaw ukoll lill-famuΩ kompozitur Rossini tant li kkompona l-famuΩa opra tieg˙u La Cenerentola b’librett ta’ Etienne li kien g˙all-opra Cendrillo’ ta’ Isouard. G˙al dawk li forsi ma tantx huma mid˙la tal-muΩika ng˙idilhom li Boieldieu u Mehul huma ismijiet kbar fil-qasam talmuΩika FrançiΩa. Isimhom g˙adu ˙aj fir-repertorju tal-muΩika, kemm fi Franza (pajjiΩhom), kif ukoll barra l-pajjiΩ. Naturalment kul˙add jaf bil-kobor muΩikali ta’ Rossini. Qed ng˙id dan biex aktar nuri l-kobor muΩikali ta’ Isouard. Nicolò Isouard beda jistudja l-muΩika f’Malta ta˙t l-g˙alliema Maltin, Michel’Angelo Vella u Francesco Azopardi. Wara ssokta l-istudji tieg˙u f’Palermo u Napli u l-ewwel opri tieg˙u saru b’suççess fl-Italja fl-1794. Naturalment, qatta’ ˙afna snin f’Pari©i fejn iΩΩewwe© lil Claudine Berthault u hemm issorprenda lil kul˙add bil-famuΩi opri komiçi tieg˙u ta˙t l-isem ta’ Nicolò de Malte. Dan hu biss ftit tag˙rif dwar il-kompoΩitur Malti. Min jinteressah ikun jaf aktar jista’ jaqra ˙afna bijografiji interessanti dwaru. Çertament li dan il-kompoΩitur jixraqlu ˙afna aktar g˙arfien muΩikali milli jgawdi b˙alissa f’pajjiΩna.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

PM visits seven states in four days


rime Minister Joseph Muscat and his accompanying delegation made a marathon tour of seven European capitals in four days to discuss with their leaders the agenda to be followed during Malta takes over the EU Presidency in the first six months of next year. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in his meetings with three other European leaders (from The first leg of his Maltese left): Francois Hollande (France), Angela Merkel (Germany) and Lokke Rasmussen (Denmark) tour took him to Paris Muscat said that such a meeting reflected Ms Merkel said that Malta’s geographical where he met French President Francois Hollande. The two discussed the situation in the position would help the Presidency place Malta’s attitude during the Presidency that Mediterranean, the situations in Syria and the most important themes at the forefront will build on relations with countries that have a different opinion. “It is useless to Libya, and the future of Turkey; topics the of the agenda. Both leaders agreed that the immigration hope that everyone will always agree with two countries agreed must be given priority challenge was evolving daily particularly everything, so we have to build bridge beduring the Maltese presidency. Later Dr Muscat said he had a very focused because of the situation in Turkey, Libya in- tween all the different forces,” he said. A few hours later Joseph Muscat was in stability, and the Mediterranean route. They and productive meeting with Hollande. From Paris he flew to Dublin for a meeting agreed on the need for dialogue, agreement Denmark where he met with the country’s and talks with Irish Prime Minister Enda with stakeholders and the need for an equal PM Lokke Rasmussen. He said that it was significant how two countries such as Malta Kenny. Muscat said the two countries are distribution of the immigration burden. Joseph Muscat said was proud of what it and Denmark, which are geographically in practical member states interested in finding solutions for Europe. Talks centred on was doing and would continue to work in different regions, have common positions Brexit, immigration, financial and the eco- the best way possible. He said Malta’s on the themes that have been placed at the would be a pragmatic presidency and every- top of the agenda during the Presidency of nomic situation and governance the EU Council. On the second day, PM Muscat flew to one should judge Malta on its work. Rasmussen expressed his satisfaction at Next, the Maltese delegation went to EsGermany for talks with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel who expressed satis- tonia and a meeting in Tallinn with PM Juri Muscat’s visit and described the talks as faction that Malta would be taking over the Ratas who told Joseph Muscat that his being very important. He said he was lookPresidency of the EU because it would country, which takes over the Presidency ing forward to establish strong co-operation shoulder this responsibility in an exemplary just after Malta, looks at Malta as a model with Malta. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s last stop manner. She said she looked forward to this in its preparations for the Presidency. Then followed a trip to the Polish capital, was in Budapest where he met and had disPresidency led by a country that had excelWarsaw and a meeting with Prime Minister cussions with Hungarian Prime Minister lent bilateral relations with Germany. Malta’s geographical position, she said, of Beata Szydlo. Here the leaders’ main Victor Orban. Before the year is out, and for the same would help the Presidency place the most topic of discussion was the challenges of important themes at the forefront of the migration. They also discussed the impact reason, Joseph Muscat will make a similar tour to other EU states of Brexit and the related process. agenda.

Helena Dalli gets Europe’s Hero of the Year Award alta’s Civil Liberties Minister Dr He- respected diversity event. They recognise M lena Dalli (left) won the prestigious politicians, journalists, athletes and organisaHero of the Year Award at the sixth edition tions who have made an outstanding contriof the European Diversity Award held at the London Museum of Natural History in London. Before the awards night, attended by 500 participants working in the field of equality and diversity across Europe, she had been shortlisted in the category with five others. Awards were presented in various categories. Prime Minister Xavier Bettel (Luxembourg), and Italy’s Undersecretary of State Ivan Scalfarotto among the nominees. Minister Dalli received congratulations from officials from the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights and the Council of Europe. Since their launch six years ago, the European Diversity Awards have become the continent’s most prestigious and widely

bution to equality, diversity and inclusion across Europe. The EDA brings together under one roof the leading movers and shakers in business, media and politics. It recognises achievement in all areas of diversity: race, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity and belief. In her acceptance speech Minister Dalli said, “We must work hard so that the advancements made will not get undone, referring to the particular point in time we are living in where threats to equality are increasing.” She further pointed out that democracy must never become a tyranny of the majority and attention to minorities should be high on the agenda of every government.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta given A+ rating by German credit agency Opposition handed two erman credit rating agency Cred- ing agencies in Europe, said that the posiitreform Rating AG has assigned an tive sovereign rating was based on “Malta’s parliamentary seats A+ long-term sovereign rating to high level of creditworthiness mainly based on its strong macroeconomic performance Malta and described its outlook as stable. early four years following the MalCreditreform, which forms part of the and strong fiscal sustainability.” tese elections of March 2013, the N It highlighted the fact that Malta’s potenworldwide operating Creditreform Group Constitutional Court has given the oppo-


and is considered as one of the leading rat-

tial growth is among the highest of all euro area members, and that such dynamic growth, backed by a buoyant labour market, is supporting Malta’s income convergence towards the EU-28 average. It also expects favourable growth prospects for the Maltese economy in the coming years, supported by moderate growth in investment and growth in private consumption reflecting further improvements in labour market conditions and wage growth. Furthermore, it confirmed that Malta’s current fiscal consolidation is expected to progress in 2016-17.

Malta’s 2016 deficit halved

Australian HC in farewell visit to Speaker Farrugia

ustralian High Commissioner to Malta A Jane Elspeth Lambert who early next year is to be replaced by Julienne Hince, re-


atest government finance data published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) shows a reduction of almost €100 million in the consolidated fund deficit in the period January to October of this year. This has resulted in the deficit for the tenmonth period being halved.

Malta marks 42 years a Republic

cently paid a farewell call on Speaker An©lu Farrugia who expressed his gratitude for all her hard work during her tenure of office in order to enhance the very close relations that exist between Malta and Australia. The two dignitaries discussed issues of mutual interest, particularly the Maltese Diaspora in Australia. They also highlighted the cooperation between the two Parliaments. Reference was also made to CHOGM 2015, which was organised in Malta last November and attended by the Australian Prime Minister.

alta will be celebrating the 42nd M Anniversary since it became a Republic on December 13, 1974 with a

‘We must always respect each other’s dignity’, President MLCP n a visit to an activity in Gzira marking sense and putting into action the mandate of O World Children’s Day entitled “Chil- the United Nations’ Convention of the dren who play together, can learn to live to- Rights of the Child, to honour the participagether, President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca said that we must always foster the power of peace in our lives and in our communities and never stop reaching out to hands of friendship, learning from each other and growing together, as one united nation. She said that thanks to events such as this, we would be practising inclusion in every

sition two additional Members of Parliament. They will not replace existing members; therefore for the first time in its history, Parliament now has 71 rather than 69 seats. Labour retains 39 seats; PN gets two more seats, from 30 to 32 seats. Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat twitted the decision would be respected and implemented. He said he is deeply disappointed with the decision. The ruling comes after recounting votes in two districts that were narrowly won by nine and ten votes. The Court’s decision reduces the difference to seven seats. Labour pointed out that in the past a 13,000-vote difference had resulted in a five-seat difference in parliament, while now, a majority of 36,000 resulted results in seven. The seats have been given to NP’s Edwin Vassallo and Peter Micallef who obtained the highest number of votes without being elected.

tion of children and to ensure that their best interests are being respected. This, she said is why such activities are important, as they break down the artificial barriers that sometimes exist between us, especially because children are often more open, than adults are, to the similarities that bring us together. “We must always respect each other’s dignity,” she said.

Inmates get 30-day amnesty following Pope’s request

risoners at the Corradino Correctional Facility are to get a 30-day amnesty from their P prison term following a request by Pope Francis to President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca to mark the Year of Mercy. Addressing a news conference, the President said that on October 29 she received a request from the Pope requesting an amnesty for prisoners. In turn she forwarded the appeal to the Cabinet, which accepted it and applied it to all prisoners, including those who are still awaiting sentencing. As a result, seven hours later 18 inmates, 10 Maltese and eight foreigners were set free.

programme of events commemorating this National Day Malta became an independent state in 1964, following intense negotiations with the UK. It achieved independence as a Commonwealth realm. This meant that Malta retained the British monarch (Queen Elizabeth II) as its head of state. In 1971, the Malta Labour Party won the election and began promoting the idea of transforming Malta into a republic and on December 13, 1974, the country's constitution was substantially revised with Malta becoming a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations. Republic Day, one of Malta's five national holidays, is celebrated throughout the country with various festive events and activities, including (but not limited to) flag-hoisting, wreath-laying ceremonies, public speeches, military parades, awarding ceremonies, and cultural events. The largest celebrations are held in Malta's capital Valletta and on a smaller scale Marsa, where the Republic Day monument (pictured left) is located. The day also celebrates the first President in Malta’s history, President Anthony Mamo, who was appointed as President of the new Republic.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

JiΩfen jew iΩeffnuh I

l-©img˙a li g˙addiet l-Arçisqof Charles J. Scicluna kien mill©did f’nofs polemika dwar wa˙da mit-tweets tas-soltu tieg˙u. Din id-darba l-Arçisqof tkaΩa bl-a˙bar li allegatament il-GWU kienet qed taqla’ miljuni minn fuq skema tax-xog˙ol li qed t˙addem, imsejj˙a Community Workers Scheme, li permezz tag˙ha madwar 600 ˙addiem li kien ilhom jirre©istraw snin twal ing˙ataw ix-xog˙ol. Din l-iskema hija mill-istess Unjin. L-Arçisqof stqarr li kienet tal-mist˙ija li li din l-Unjin kienet qed taqla’ €300 fix-xahar minn fuq ˙addiema li kienu m˙allsa bil-paga minima.(tweet lemin) Bishop CJ Scicluna@BishopScicluna It-tmexxija tal-Un- GWU will earn €8.5m from MG jobless scheme http://www.timesofjin qomsot sewwa˙al din it-tweet u ernment-jobless-scheme.632135#.WDrLBk7Fao0.twitter …: Shameful sa˙anstira qieset dan that a Workers' Union earn €300/month on each worker. Justice? b˙ala “atte©jament malizjuΩ” minn xi ˙add li g˙aΩel li jirkeb ilkarru politiku tal-Partit Nazzjonalista u jing˙aqad mieg˙u f’attakki fuq il-GWU. Dan minkejja li l-istess Knisja li jmexxi qed tuΩa 19il impjegat mill-istess skema ming˙ajr ma t˙allas g˙alihom. IL-GWU tkaΩat li ma kienet saret l-ebda kundanna meta fis-snin l-img˙oddija, ta˙t il-Gvern preçidenti tal-PN, il-Knisja wΩat ˙addiema ta˙t skema simili, iΩda li dakinhar kienu jit˙allsu biss 75% tal-paga minima, li ma kellhomx drittijiet u li kienu ja˙dmu b’kundizzjonijiet prekarji. Min-na˙a tal-Awtoritajiet, it-twe©iba kienet aktar prudenti. Qalu li l-fatti li semma’ l-Arçisqof kienu “l-bog˙od mill-verita`”. Intqal ukoll li fuq kollox, il-GWU kienet ˙adet it-tmexxija ta’ din l-iskema wara li reb˙et tender billi offriet l-nqas prezz biex t˙addimha. Itt˙addim ta’ din l-iskema mill-Fondazzjoni g˙al Xog˙ol fil-Komunità qed issir fl-ambitu tal-˙idma nazzjonali mwettqa mill-GWU kontra l-prekarjat. Attwalment l-Arçisqof kien ibbaΩa t-tweet tieg˙u fuq artiklu ta’ ©urnalist tat-Times of Malta, li xejn ma j˙arsu sabi˙ dawk li jappo©©jaw il-Partit Laburista. Aktar tard irriΩulta wkoll li r-rapport kien fih g˙add ta’ ineΩattezzi. Fil-fatt, wara laqg˙a ma’ Evarist Bartolo, il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni u Xog˙ol, l-Arçisqof ˙are© tweet o˙ra fejn ammetta li liskema l-©dida veru li tag˙ti “aktar drittijiet lill-˙addiema”. IΩda fl-istess ˙in re©a’ qal li l-GWU, li qed t˙addem l-iskema, g˙andha tag˙ti lill-˙addiema id-d˙ul kollu li qed tag˙mel mill-amministrazzjoni tal-iskema (ara tweet ta˙t) Imbag˙ad fi tweet Bishop CJ Scicluna@BishopScicluna o˙ra l-Arçisqof saGood meeting with Hon Minister E. Bartolo & JobsPlus CEO C. Caruana. New CWS gives workers more rights. GWU sur- ˙ansitra ammetta li wara kollox ilplus should go to workers. qlieg˙ li kienet qed tag˙mel il-GWU minn fuq kull ˙ad- Bishop CJ Scicluna@BishopScicluna has monthly surplus of circa €115 on each worker they diem ma kienx ta’ GWU employ in the new CWS. GWU should declare costs & give €300 imma mad- the rest to the workers.. war €115 (lemin)

Attakk Sfrenat ˙as-soltu t-tweet tal-Arçisqof ©ibed g˙add kbir ta’ kummenti B kemm fuq il-mezzi soçjali, kif ukoll fuq il-©urnali lokali, b’u˙ud mill-kummentaturi anke jkunu moderati u forsi xi ftit ra©unati fil-kritika tag˙hom. Dawn sostnew li l-Arçisqof g˙amel ˙aΩin li bena l-kumment tieg˙u fuq storja mi©juba fuq ©urnal lokali u miktuba minn ©urnalist li sikwit ikun mixli li fil-kitba tieg˙u ftit i˙ares sabi˙ lejn il-Partit Laburista. Ma stennewx li persuna f’kariga hekk g˙olja b˙al tieg˙u kellu jikkumenta ming˙ajr ma jiççekkja l-fatti. Issemma wkoll il-fatt li donnu l-Arçisqof ftit li xejn jikkummenta meta jsiru ˙wejje© tajba mill-Gvern u qatt ma jo˙ro© xi tweet fuq xi azzjoni jew xi ˙a©a li tolqot lill-OppoΩizzjoni. Sintendi ma

naqasx li jkun hemm min semma’ li anke lKnisja stess u l-aΩjenda tag˙ha jag˙mlu qlieg˙ minn fuq il-˙addiem, g˙ax fuq kollox ˙add ma ja˙dem g˙alxejn. Tfakkar l-fatt li Unjin o˙ra, il-U˙M kienet ukoll reb˙et kuntratt simili, u la l-Arçisqof u lanqas il-Partit NazzjonArçisqof Charles J. Scicluna alista’ ma semmew jew ikkritikaw dan. O˙rajn sostnew li jekk il-GWU kellha tqassam dak li jibqa’ Ωejjed, anke l-Knisja kellha tag˙mel l-istess. IΩda mbag˙ad kellek xi kummentaturi li marru fl-estrem u ˙ar©u, kif jg˙idu l-IngliΩi “all out” b’kitbiet bla kantunieri. Hekk li kien hemm min fakkar lill-Arçisqof fil-pjaga tas-soltu – tal-qassisin labbuΩaw mill-minorenni. O˙rajn sa˙ansitra Ωeffnu l-Papa fin-nofs, u allegaw li dan ˙atar lill-Mons Scicluna Arçisqof ta’ Malta biex je˙les minnu mill-Vatikan. Kien hemm min insista li bil-mod kif qed ja©ixxi l-Arçisqof qed jipperikola li jer©a’ jo˙loq il-firda li kien hawn Malta fis-sittinijiet u s-sebg˙inijiet. Ma naqsux dawk li nqdew bit-tieni isem tal-Arçisqof u kull darba li rreferew g˙alih kitbu ismu hekk: Mons Charlie Ìuda (Jude) Scicluna... u dawn ma kienux l-ag˙ar kummenti li kien hemm. Kien hemm ukoll min appo©©ja lill-Arçisqof u kiteb li fl-a˙˙ar hawn Arçisqof li ma jibΩax jitkellem, li jaqbeΩ g˙all-fqir, li lest li jieqaf lill-Awtoritajiet. Fil-waqt li o˙rajn sostnew li b˙ala çittadin kellu d-dritt jitkellem - g˙alkemm fil-fatt ftit kienu li qalu li ma kellux dritt jikkummenta - g˙alkemm allura mbag˙ad hu wkoll kellu joqg˙od g˙all-kritika. Dil-polemika wriet li tassew sar kambjament kbir fis-soçjeta’ Maltija, g˙ax fejn snin ilu kwaΩi ˙add ma kien jissogra juΩa çertu kliem fil-konfront tal-Arçisqof g˙ax jaqla kemm jifla˙ kundanni ma nafx min kien lest li juΩa l-a©©ettiv “malizjuΩ” fil-konfront talArçisqof, biex ma nsemmix kliem ie˙or. Illum g˙andek l-akbar Unjin li fi stqarrija uffiçjali tuΩa din il-kelma... u ftit ikun hemm reazzjoni ˙lief minn midja ta’ partit politiku li tg˙id li saru attakki goffi fuq l-Arçisqof.

.. u l-Lat Politiku intendi ma setax jonqos li l-OppoΩizzjoni ma tie˙ux vanta©© bi S storja b˙al din. Tant hu hekk li fis-soltu diskors li l-mexxejja politiçi jag˙mlu kull nhar ta’ Óadd, il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni g˙amel din l-istorja b˙ala t-tema ewlenija tieg˙u. Qal li kienet qed isir diskriminazzjoni ma’ dawn il-˙addiema billi kienu jit˙allsu inqas minn s˙abhom, li ntwera favoretiΩmu mal-GWU... u sintendi dan il-kaΩ waqa’ ukoll ta˙t il-kappa tal-iskandli tal-Gvern preΩenti. Imbag˙ad kellna n-na˙a tal-Gvern tiç˙ad li kien hemm xi favoretiΩmu g˙ax dik fil-fatt kienet sej˙a pubblika u li ntreb˙et millGWU, filwaqt li fi Ωmien Gvern Nazzjonalista’ t˙addmet skema simili bil-˙addiema jit˙allsu biss 75% tal-paga minima, bid-differenza li issa l-˙addiema qed jing˙ataw paga u kundizzjonjiet xierqa.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Spiççajna b’71


ela l-Parlament Malti suppost huwa mag˙mul minn 65 deputat eletti ˙amsa minn kull wie˙ed mit-13-il distrett. Saret l-elezzjoni u l-Partit Laburista ©ab ma©©oranza ta’ kwaΩi 36,000 vot biex tella’ 39 kandidat. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista tella’ 26 kandidat. Mela l-Gvern telaq b’ma©©oranza ta’ 13-il si©©u. IΩda hawnhekk t˙addmu - bidliet li kienu saru fil-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta fl-1987. Fl-elezzjoni ©enerali tal1981, il-PN ©ab ma©©oranza ta’ voti, iΩda l-MLP ©ab il-ma©©oranza ta’ si©©ijiet.. u allura skont il-Kostituzzjoni kellu jiggverna l-Partit Labu-

PajjiΩna fuq quddiem ajjiΩna ©ie kklassifikat b˙ala P wie˙ed mill-a˙jar destinazzjonijiet g˙all-2017 fil-lista ta’ National Ge-

ographic Best Trips 2017. Malta kklassifikat fl-ewwel post fil-lista ta’ pajjiΩi li turist g˙andu jfittex g˙allkultura. Lisa Abend kitbet li Malta rrittornat f’din il-lista b˙ala gΩira Meditterranja li g˙andha kultura u li hija attraenti g˙at-turisti. L-istorja ta’ Malta t˙addan fiha l-istorja tal-Kavallieri u g˙andha tliet siti ta’ wirt dinji – inkluΩa l-Belt Kapitali Valletta. “Tog˙©obni l-idea li dan il-pajjiΩ g˙andu ta˙lita bejn il-passat, il-futur u l-modern fl-arkitettura tieg˙u” stqarret Abend. Hija g˙amlet lista ta’ avvenimenti li t-turisti g˙andhom jfittxu f’pajjiΩna fosthom il-Karnival, il-festa tarra˙al kif ukoll l-Isle of Mtv.

rista. Dan qajjem inkwiet kbir fil-pajjiΩ bid-deputati Nazzjonalisti sa jaslu li sa˙ansitra jag˙mlu Ωmien jibbojkottjaw ilParlament. Fis-sena 1987 kienu saru xi emendi fil-Kostituzzjoni li kienu jg˙idu li l-g˙add ta’ deputati kellu jirrifletti l-g˙add ta’ voti li j©ib kull partit. Allura biex jirrifletti dan, fl-a˙˙ar elezzjoni l-Partit Nazzjonalista ©ie mog˙ti erba’ deputati o˙ra u tela’ g˙al 30. IΩda wara battalja legali min˙abba Ωball ta’ g˙axar voti fl-g˙add tal-voti l-Partit Nazzjonalista ©ie mog˙ti Ωew© si©©ijiet o˙ra, u hekk spiçça b’sitt si©©ijiet aktar milli tella’. Sintendi, meta ng˙ataw dawn is-sitt si©©ijiet bdew il-kummenti... fuq kollox bdiet tintuΩa l-matematika, li minn su©©ett li suppost o©©ettiv u fattwali, spiçça b˙al biçça lastiku biex kull na˙a tipprova tg˙id li g˙andha ra©un. Na˙a bdiet tg˙id li b’36.000 vot il-ma©©oranza kellha tkun ta’ disg˙a u n-na˙a l-o˙ra tg˙id li g˙andha tkun ta’ sebg˙a.

Imn’alla li kawΩa b˙al din ma ©ietx meta kellna Gvernijiet b’ma©©oranza minima ta’ wie˙ed jew tnejn g˙ax allura b’deçiΩjoni tal-Qorti u mhux bil-voti tal-poplu kien jinbidel il-Gvern. U g˙ax kont se ninsa. Jidher li lQorti attwalment waslet g˙ad-deçiΩjoni li min˙abba l-iΩball fil-g˙add il-Parlament kellu jing˙ata si©©u wie˙ed lill-Partit Nazzjonalista. IΩda hawnhekk inqala’ ntopp ie˙or g˙ax skont il-li©i l-g˙add tad-deputati filParlament Malti ma jistax ikun biΩΩew© u allura biex ji©i bil-fart (71 flok 70) ing˙ata si©©u ie˙or lill-Partit Nazzjonalista. Hekk Malta, wie˙ed mill-iΩg˙ar pajjiΩi tad-dinja, x’aktarx li spiçça blakbar parlament meta wie˙ed iqis il-kobor tal-pajjiΩ u l-popolazzjoni.

Il-Monument tas-7 ta’ Ìunju 1919 lura f’postu f’Misra˙ San Ìorg itt snin wara li tne˙˙a minn postu u Malta qed S ttie˙ed fil-Ìnien Hastings biex sar il- t g a w d i pro©ett ta’ tisbie˙, fil-lejl ta’ bejn il-©img˙a llum.

u s-Sibt li g˙adda, il-Monument storiku tas-7 ta’ Ìunju re©a’ tpo©©a fil-post ori©inali tieg˙u, f’Misra˙ San Ìor©, quddiem il-Palazz, fil-kapitali Maltija biex jista’ jitgawda u Guaranteed cheapest rates jing˙ata l-©ie˙ li jist˙oqqlu millAll vehicles in NRMA road Service poplu Malti. Low holding Deposit Il-monument li kien ©ie inaqgurat Discount for weekly rentals 30 sen’ilu, fis-7 ta’ Shuttle service to the Airport Ìunju tal-1986 ifakkar il-©rjja talPhone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 irvellijiet tal-1919 u 102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148 li wittew it-triq g˙all-˙elsien li

Leo’s Rentals Vehicle Rentals Leo’s Vehicle

Wara li kien tne˙˙a b’mod suppost temporanju, i m m a baqa’ fil©nien, ilfehma tal-ma©©orana tal-pubbliku Malti baqg˙et dejjem li l-Monument jer©a’ jittie˙ed lura f’Misra˙ San Ìor©, qrib fejn kienet se˙˙et dik il-©rajja patrijottika meta waqt dimostrazzjonijiet ta’ protesta kontra l-Gvern IngliΩ erba’ Maltin inqatlu minn suldati Ingliżi. Fil-jiem li ©ejjin g˙andhom isiru l-a˙˙ar xog˙lijiet fuq il-post biex kollox ji©i lura g˙al li kien u l-Monument jing˙ata lura lpost li jixraqlu.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Fraser’s immigration policies criticised


mmigration Minister Peter Dutton has suggested that the Malcolm Fraser Liberal government made a mistake by resettling people of Lebanese/Muslim background as part of immigration policies of 1970. "The advice I have is that out of the last 33 people who have been charged with terrorist-related offences in this country, 22 of those people are from second and third generation Lebanese-Muslim background," he said. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) states that arrivals of people born in Lebanon peaked at 4,906 in 1977, with a smaller peak of 2,600 in 1987. It further stated that since 1992 arrivals have been relatively stable, fluctuating between 883 and 1,368 persons annually. As of 2006, the number of Australians of Lebanese background totalled 181,738 — including 16,201 people whose parents were born in Australia. According to figures from the ABS, more than

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton

10.6 million Australians had at least one grandparent born overseas as of 2011. Labor MP Tim Watts posted on Facebook that Mr. Dutton's comments were "extraordinary." He added: "The Minister for Immigration seems to think that criminal behaviour by The late Malcom Fraser. 'second and third generation migrants' (AKA 'Australians,' AKA the grandchildren of migrants) is attributable to immigration policy." In February, the ABC reported on a Cabinet document that singled out the Lebanese community as the "most prominent ethnic group amongst Australian Sunni extremists." The document points to "lessons learned" after a wave of migration to Australia as a result of the Lebanese civil war between 1975 and 1990. "Australia's historical experience with the Sunni Lebanese community illustrates potential community safety and national security risks associated with unsuccessful integration," it said. Jacinta Caroll writing in the SMH says, “Fortunately in Australia to date the number of supporters of Islamicist extremism and terrorism is very low; so low. In fact, they are categorised as cases and clusters rather being statistically useful. The figure of 22 represents less than 0.01 percent of the about 180,000 Australians of Lebanese background, according to the ABS.”

Abbott calls Human Rights Commission “crook organisation”

peaking more like the “PM in exile”, Tony S Abbot MP (pictured right), called the Human Rights Commission “a crook organisation”. Regarding the proposed amenddment or removal of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act he told Sky News it represented another win for conservatives. The emergence of ill-founded complaints such as the Queensland University of Tech-

nology case - thrown out of the Federal Court earlier this month - had ripened the case for reform, he argued. “The situation is quite different now than a couple of years back” Mr. Abbott said. “We've had the Queensland students, we've had Bill Leak, and who knows how many others who haven't made it into the media who have been persecuted by the activist

zealots that comprise the Human Rights Commission. “This is, if you like, the revenge of the deplorables,” Tony Abbot said of Donald Trump's victory on November 8. “All of the people who are sick of being called racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic because they don't comply with the canons of political correctness ... all those people saw Donald Trump as in some way their champion.” The former Australian PM went on to say, “The moral panic about this has been completely over the top. One of the encouraging things about the election of President Trump is that we should finally be able to see this issue in better perspective. “We should take reasonable steps to limit our emissions, but the last thing we should do is impose socialism in the name of misguided environmentalism.”

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday December 6, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Soft drink tax ‘Bonkers mad’


ustralia’s Nationals leader and Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce has rubbished a Grattan Institute proposal to introduce a soft drink tax in Australia, saying it is a "bonkers mad" idea that would restrict individual freedom and harm the local sugar industry. Mr. Joyce said the proposal was a “moralistic tax” that would cause “massive problems” for the local sugar industry in Queensland and NSW. “If you want to deal with being overweight, here's a suggestion: stop eating so much and do a bit of exercise,” Mr. Joyce said. “This is one of these suggestions right from the start we always thought was bonkers mad but now it's getting more and more momentum, so we have to say, 'We are not going to be supporting a sugar tax.'” Mr. Joyce said it was appropriate for the government to increase the tobacco excise because all cigarettes are harmful but drinking the occasional soft drink is not. “Take responsibility for yourself; the Australian Taxation Office is not going to save you,” he said. “The ATO is not a better solution than jumping in the pool and going for a swim.”

Treasurer, Scott Morrison, has declined to rule out a tax on sugar. Asked twice on Adelaide radio whether he supported the proposal to tax sugary drinks to fight obesity, the Treasurer said only that it was a well-intentioned suggestion, but his focus was elsewhere for now. Mr. Morrison repeated Mr. Joyce's line that the responsibility for diet rested primarily with parents. Mr. Morrison's stance echoed Health Minister Susan Ley, who said on Tuesday the government did not support a sugar tax at this time but would continue to consider evidence. Australian Food and Grocery Council chief executive, Garry Dawson, said there was no evidence that a sugar tax would have any effect on obesity. He said that even the Grattan Institute acknowledged in its report that the effects of a sugar tax would be a negligible few hundred grams less weight for the average Australian, and the $520 million cost of the proposal would far outweigh any benefits.

Parliament stopped to listen to Emma

hen Emma Husar (pictured above) the new MP for Lindsay, a western Sydney elecW torate spoke in Parliament about her harrowing record of her family’s domestic violence it was revealing and indeed challenging. People stopped and listened. The member for Lindsay had decided to tell the nation something she had never revealed to many of her closest friends and colleagues: her experience, over 29 of her 36 years, with domestic violence. She spoke of her dad hurling food at the wall and damaging the family car so her mum couldn't escape. And of how she and her children became entangled in violence just as her own mother had. If an MP had given such a personal speech before, no one could remember it. Her colleagues stood to applaud, tears running down their cheeks. With a speech written in an hour before question time that day, the backbencher from Penrith had catapulted herself to national attention less than six months since being elected. After the speech, some of her parliamentary colleagues whispered to her that they too had experienced domestic violence. Political staffers told her the same thing.

Barnaby Joyce MP

Australia Day delayed in WA

Western Australian port city will delay A celebrating Australia's national day after consulting with Aboriginal elders. The Australia Day public holiday marks the arrival of Britain's First Fleet on 26 January 1788. Celebrations are held around the country, but many Indigenous Australians refer to it as “invasion day.” Fremantle council said it would hold a “culturally inclusive alternative" on 28 January instead. The celebrations would include citizenship ceremonies that have previously happened on Australia Day. “We were never trying to say to people they couldn't do anything or shouldn't do anything on Australia Day,” Fremantle mayor Brad Pettitt told the West Australian newspaper. “That's for other people to judge. We're simply offering what I think is a really good alternative.” However, prominent Aboriginal elder and former Western Australian of the Year, Robert Isaacs, criticised the city's decision. “That's not in the spirit of the Australia way," he told the ABC, adding the decision did not "stand up" with him. He said the council "should not be playing around with white politics and black politics.”

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

The Future of Maltese Folksong (Part 2) sing and rhyme, [they] can speak the language a lot more fluently since taking up the Maltese guitar”. In this book we find a comprehensive section on writers of and G˙ana singers in Australia. They came in large numbers in the post-war period, formed his grief into a heart-rending particularly in the 1950s and 60s. While their experience of life in song. Casha states that, as a musician, he Malta still informs a lot of the topics entered the G˙ana field ‘to under- treated in their songs, with time, the stand, discover and try and preserve local element starts to find its way and cultivate a very special part of into the song. He writes: “Many writers in AusMaltese culture in Melbourne.’ The question of course arises: will tralia ‘kept writing on traditional the second and subsequent genera- lines and on topics, which related tion be interested in this type of more to the Maltese environment music? Casha is optimistic about even though they had lived in Australia for a number of years…. The vast majority of [and particufolk-singers are men larly] to a Malta they remembered from childhood.” It is curious to note that the vast majority of folksingers are men. This is not surprising in view of the origin of G˙ana, which occurred mostly in bars to which few women were welcome. The aggressive nature of the interaction between different folk-singers was also more suitable to the male rather than the female character. However, several women did take this. He remarks: ‘It might not be commonly known that 95% of part in folk singing, inventing their ‘g˙annejja’, past and present, living own particular brand, known as in Melbourne started their careers G˙ana tal-banju, (or ‘washer-women folksongs’). Their songs were usually after they emigrated…. It is just as remarkable to discover much less aggressive; they did not inthat most lead guitarists (primi) in dulge in contests to prove who is the Melbourne were actually born and better singer. Interesting also, Casha comments bred in Melbourne suburbs and some that women sing in a different key to have never seen Malta.’ So the future of playing Maltese men female singers sing in higher regfolksongs seems to be assured. The ister. Men prefer the more aggressive same, however, cannot be said about key of G, which ‘creates the anticipathe art of actually creating the songs tion of the contest or battle’ whereas themselves, which depends, among women prefer the key of C, which ‘creother things, on a deep grasp of the ates a happier anticipation.’ Casha has analysed the structure of Maltese language together with the necessity of being able to provide im- these G˙ana in great detail. He goes over the various types of G˙ana, expromptu rhyming. Casha states: “it is a fact that while plaining the structure of this art Australia produced some wonderful form, for those of us who have never players, no indigenous g˙annej has really bothered to enquire into the inbeen produced… so far”. Even so, the tricacies and genius behind the abilinterest shown by these young play- ity of extemporising rhyming verse in ers has helped to maintain a level of an impromptu fashion. command of the language. Casha Continued in the next issue says: “while young players ‘cannot

Focusing on a book by Manuel Casha about Maltese folk-singing (Ghana)

Profs MauriceCauchi In a chapter on migration Casha remarks: “they now sung about their homeland, family, and friends they left behind. They sang about their battle with homesickness. They sang about the prejudices they encountered in the new countries where they were merely outsiders seeking acceptance. “Some sang about the inequality and harsh working conditions. Some about the freezing climate to which they were not accustomed, having come from the Mediterranean, or conversely the oppressing heat they toiled in. Many sang about the loneliness of living in rural areas, in isolation on their farms or working as farm hands. “Others, who were employed in sugarcane plantations, engaged in backbreaking work and suffocating heat and sang about their difficult plight. One must remember that many Maltese had to face the culture shock of leaving a generally urbanised environment in Malta, to surviving in a vast land where in some cases your next-door neighbour lived miles away.” Other songs deal with the tragedies of war which some singers experienced personally. Perhaps the most poignant is one about a tragedy that occurred in an air-raid shelter in Malta. The author cannot erase from his mind the faces of the dead children, which he helped to pull out from under the rubble, and he trans-

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday December 6, 2016

The Maltese Presepju at Kurnell

A Christmas crib with the Maltese touch


nce again the Maltese Presepju (crib) located at 37 Captain Cook Drive Kurnell on the shores of Botany Bay, South of Sydney, a stone’s throw away from where Captain James Cook first landed in Australia back in 1770 will be opened for the public to visit during the month of December. Two Maltese from the village of Mosta originally built this Presepju. It took Victor Sammut eight months to build it back in 2008, while Joe il-Mosti Deguara outlaid the money. All the figurines (pasturi) were brought from Malta. The Nativity Scene depicting a village life in Bethlehem 2016 years ago went on display for the first time at St. James Presbyterian Church in Kurnell, during their Christmas Carols in 2008. In the presence of 250 people Joe gave an explanation and an interpretation of the Maltese Presepju, and how important it is to the Maltese people as during the Christmas period practically every house in Malta has a Presepju on display . The Maltese Presepju that

has been on display to the public at the current location in Kurnell every Christmas, over the years has been featured in the media, particularly the former Maltese Herald, The Sutherland and St George Leader, The Kurnell Village News and The Voice of the Maltese Since it was first built, many interesting objects have been added to it such as an authentic waterfall. This year is no exception. The Presepju has been enlarged by 1.5 square meters as a miniature farm and the Garden of Olives have been added. It now measures 2.7 meters wide, 1.5 meter high, and 1.5 meter deep. The 250 figurines on display range in size from .075 mm to .270 mm high. The Sutherland and St George Maltese Group will be having their annual BBQ on December 14 in front of the Presepju with Joe Galea leading the Group with Christmas Carols. The Presepju is open to the public every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7.00 pm till late. Groups wanting to visit during the day should contact Joe Deguara on 0408 966 877 for an appointment.

The MCC (NSW) – an excellent service to the Maltese community


he recent annual general meeting of the Maltese Community Council of NSW has confirmed its president, and v/president for another year and elected Frances Montesin to occupy the position of secretary. It also endorsed all the top positions and nominated Lawrence Dimech as life member for his contribution to the Council since its inception. The full committee is made up of: President: Emanuel Camilleri; V/President: Mark Caruana; Secretary: Frances Montesin; A/Secretary: Tony Pace Feraud; Treasurer: George Bartolo; A/Treasurer: Alfred Pace; PRO: Lawrence Dimech; Administrative Officer: Marisa Previtera. The meeting also nominated Dr. G. Lee MP and Julia Owens MP as patrons. Lino Vella acted as returning officer. The MCC of NSW is an umbrella body of 13 affiliated associations that represents them in matters of national importance. It also conducts the Maltese Language School of NSW, the largest of its kind in Australia, supervises eight day-care Maltese groups, a Men’s Only Group, computer classes and a well stocked computerised Maltese Library. The MCC also employs a part-time Maltese development/Welfare officer who can be reached on: 0414 863 123.

MCCV committee for next two years


he Maltese Community Council of Victoria held its annual general meeting recently at the Maltese Centre at Parkville and elected a new executive committee for the next two years. The new committee is made up: President: Victor Borg; v/Presidents: Joseph Stafrace and Dr Edwin Borg-Manché; Secretary: Andrew Gatt; A/Secretary: Antonia Camilleri; Treasurer: Paul Borg; A/Treasurer: Vacant; Welfare Director: Rosemary Attard; Social Secretary: Mrs Rita Pullicino; PRO: Vacant The Maltese Community Council of Victoria, Inc’s address is at 477 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052. It can be reached by Phone: (03) 9387 8922; Fax: (03) 9387 8309; Email: | Website: Editor: Dr Edwin Borg-Manché; Sub-Editor: Andrew Gatt.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija


ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti.

L-ERBGÓIN REGOLA F’taqsima ta’ kelma, kull wa˙da mill-ittri konsonanti j jew w tmur mal-vokali li tissie˙eb mag˙ha. G˙alhekk fuq it-taqsim ta’ tfaj-jel, ˙aj-jar, sej-jer, daw-war, daw-wal, ©ej-ja, sew-wa, ˙dej-ja bl-ittra j u w li jissie˙bu mal-le˙en ta’ kull vokali f’taqsima ta’ kelma, niktbu tfajjel, ˙ajjar, sejjer, dawwar, dawwal, ©ejja, sewwa, ˙dejja, waqt li fuq it-taqsim ta’ tfajla, ˙ajra, sej-ra, daw-ra, dawl, ©ej, sew bl-ittri j u w li jissie˙bu mal-vokali tal-ewwel taqsima jew ta’ taqsima wa˙da, niktbu tfajla, ˙ajra, sejra, dawra, dawl, ©ej, sew u mhux tfajjla, ˙ajjra, sejjra, dawwra, dawwl, ©ejj, seww. G˙alhekk ng˙idu wkoll: Il-WIEÓED UERBGÓIN REGOLA F’taqsima ta’ kelma sew l-ittra konsonanti j kemm ukoll l-ittra konsonanti w, ma jistg˙ux jing˙aqdu mal-vokali bil-˙oss ta’ ittra mtennija. G˙alhekk newlu u mhux newwlu, qajmu u mhux qajjmu, sawru u mhux sawwru, g˙alkemm ©ejjin minn newwel, qajjem, sawwar. Hekk ukoll raj u mhux rajj, taw u mhux taww. Il-WIEÓED UERBGÓIN REGOLA L-ittri konsonanti j u w jitilfu s-sura ta’ ittri konsonanti u jinkitbu vokali i u u, meta: (1) fuq le˙inhom jaqa’ l-aççent. EΩ. îd, sîd, bîr, ûri, û©a’, ûsa’, fûqha. (2) meta sew fil-bidu kemm ukoll f’tarf il-kelma, ilkonsonanti j u w ma g˙andhomx qabilhom jew warajhom vokali li ting˙aqad mag˙hom b’˙oss ta’ Ωew© il˙na (dittong). G˙alhekk niktbu: biex idoqq, biex imur u mhux biex jdoqq, biex jmur. G˙alhekk ukoll a˙na niktbu (huma) ©abru, (huma) qatlu, (huma) sabu u mhux ©abrw, qatlw, sabw waqt li mbag˙ad ng˙idu u niktbu flew, ©ew, stennew, st˙aw,

Il-Malti mkisser ˙alissa fil-Parlament Malti qed B ji©i diskuss l-Abbozz li jemenda l-li©i dwar il-Malti. Jidher li se jkun hemm tibdil fil-kompoΩizzjoni talKunsill tal-Malti u li se tid˙ol klawsola li fid-deçiΩjonijiet tieg˙u dan il-Kunsill irid jikkonsulta r-rappreΩentanti tal-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra. Wie˙ed jittama fost kollox, li dan il-Kunsill jag˙mel xi ˙a©a biex iwaqqaf il-mod kif il-Malti ftit ftit qed jitkisser bid-d˙ul ta’ kliem barrani li m’g˙andniex bΩonnu g˙ax g˙andna l-kelma Maltija. B˙ala eΩempju (lemin), araw xi kliem u˙ud waslu juΩaw fuq it-televiΩjoni meta jitkellmu dwar it-tisjir.

bdew. Hekk ukoll rimi u mhux rimj, xiri u mhux xirj, mixi u mhux mixj, waqt li mbag˙ad rimja, xirja, mixja u mhux rimia, xiria, mixia. Minn dawn ir-regoli nnisslu u ni©bdu: (1) illi l-vo-kali â, î u û bl-aççent twil qeg˙din dejjem flok ittra jew ittri konsonanti talistess le˙en jew il˙na mixrubin f’le˙en wie˙ed. EΩ. mâr, sâr, târ, bîr, tîr, ©îr, bût, xhûd, ˙ût, kollha mnisslin minn suriet o˙ra ta’ mawar, sawar, sajar, tajar, bijr, eçç. (2) illi l-vokali a, i, u f’tarf il-kelma huma aktarx ittri li jsarrfu daqs konsonanti u g˙alhekk ji©i li f’tiswir il-kelma jie˙du s-sura ta’ konsonanti jew ta’ aççent twil. G˙alhekk minn mela (verb), mliet; kelma, kelmiet; xebba, xebbiet; beda, bdiet, ukoll bdejna. G˙alhekk minn rimi nag˙mlu rimja; minn mixi, mixja bil-konsonanti j flok i meta ta˙bat ting˙aqad ma’ vokali. G˙alhekk ukoll minn ˙elu, ©eru, felu nag˙mlu ˙elwa, ©erwa, felwa, kif ukoll minn ˙adu (huma), nag˙mlu ˙adûh (huma ˙adu lilu) l-u tbiddlet f’û b’aççent twil. Nag˙Ωlu g˙alhekk bejn l-u ta’ (hu) ˙adu (hu ˙a lilu) fejn l-u b˙ala pronom hija vokali, u l-u ta’ (huma) ˙adu fejn din l-ittra hija Ωieda ta’ ittra konsonanti (servili) li taqdi t-tielet persuna fl-g˙add imkattar talverb (passat) u li skont ir-regola li tajna tie˙u s-sura tal-vokali billi qabilha jew warajha m’g˙andhiex vokali. T.ç. B˙alma nsemmg˙u saddew, mlew, mxew ji©i wkoll li f’˙alq in-nies tar-ra˙al tinkixef il-g˙amla tal-ittra konsonanti f’tarf il-kelma u flok qatlu, ©ibdu jinstema’ l-le˙en ta’ w bil-vokali mag˙ha f’qatlew, ©ibdew. Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.

Tinteressak il-kitba u trid tippubblika?


arrejja li j˙ossu li g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar blIlsien Malti, imma mhux biss, jew li jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, qed ji©u m˙e©©a jibag˙tu lkitbiet tag˙hom, li ja˙sbu li jkunu ta’ interess g˙al qarrejja o˙ra, b’email lil: PereΩempju jinteressa lill-qarrejja stejjer dwar kif forsi waslu g˙addeçiΩjoni li j˙allu art twelidhom, Malta biex jemigraw g˙al art o˙ra bil-g˙an li jfittxu ©ejjieni a˙jar.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday December 6, 2016

C mmunity N ews Co ommunity ew s Big day out for Fairfield Active Seniors


ith the arrival of the warm spring weather, the very active group of Maltese seniors recently enjoyed a big day out in one of the many activities that are enjoyed by this lively group of seniors. With our trusty community bus, and friendly driver, the group departed from the St Theresa’s Church Hall at Fairfield Heights with the first stop along the scenic Georges River National Park for a delicious morning tea of homemade Maltese sweets and biscuits. The group then enjoyed a leisurely walk along the foreshore of the Georges River. After a while, we set off to visit historic La Perouse, where we enjoyed a lovely afternoon by the seaside. A great lunch of fish and chips was had by many of the group, while others brought a picnic lunch. Then for the more active part, a walk to visit Bare Island and the historic fort. Others from the group just preferred to sit in the lovely park area to soak in the stunning views, relax under the giant trees along the

shore and chat happily with their friends. A great time was had by all, and now the group is looking forward to its Christmas Party in December that will include lots of dancing, singing and great food to be shared with friends. The group is supported by a Welfare Service of the Maltese Community Council of NSW. Anyone wishing to join this group is requested to get in touch with Marisa Previtera, the Welfare Officer, on 0414 863 123 for information.

The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Inc invites all its members to its

Annual Christmas Party Venue: Our Lady Queen of Peace San George Preca Centre (previously known as The Parish Centre) Date: Thursday December 15 at 7.30pm Join our MCA Choir in our Carol singing Finger food and drinks will be served You may renew your annual membership of $5 on the night. Financial members free entry. Non members $10 or become a member on the night. Phone: Mary Ramundi on 96881432

Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156 Se jorganizzaw

Carols by Candlelight is-Sibt 10 ta’ Diçembru fil-5.00pm Jie˙u sehem il-Kor tal-G˙aqda Kulturali ta’ NSW b’g˙anjiet tal-Milied bil-Malti u l-IngliΩ Ikun hemm ukoll Il-Priedka tat-Tifel u x-Xena tan-Nattivita` mit-tfal. Ikun preΩenti wkoll Santa Claus li jqassam ir-rigali lit-tfal. Se tkun lejla ta divertiment g˙all familja kollha

Ejjew u gibu r-rigali g˙at-tfal tag˙kom Tag˙rif: George Zahra: 0407 434 651, jew il-klabb: 9838 1111


Il-Fathers ta' Stanley Street East Sydney jistiednu lill-kommunita` Maltija g˙aç-çelebrazzjoni tal-Milied, is-Sibt 24 ta’ Dicembru 2016 fil-Kappella ta' San Pawl (De Piro House 19 Stanley Street East Sydney)

Fil-11.30 pm: kant u g˙anjiet tal-Milied, immexxija minn John Beale. F'nofs il-lejl tibda l-quddiesa bilpriedka tal-Milied bil-Malti, minn Noah Muscat. Wara kulhadd huwa mistieden g˙al kafe` jew te` G˙al tag˙rif ie˙or çemplu lil Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP fuq: 9380 8398. F'isem il-Fathers Maltin, Fr Tarcisio Micallef jixtieq il-Milied qaddis, barka u Sena Ìdida 2017, mimlija b'hena u riΩq. Jirringrazzja wkoll lil kull min b’xi mod jew ie˙or ikkopera mas-Soçjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u s-saçerdoti Maltin, matul l-2016.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: Maltese Down Under TV

Screens on Melbourne’s C31 (channel 44) Sundays @4pm; Mondays at 2p.m.; Tuesdays @2.30 pm. Others in Australia/the World can watch via live stream on: or the c31 app. Also on demand:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.

Kull qalb trid o˙ra


iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex fost kollox inwasslu tag˙rif interessanti lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xo-g˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud minn dawn l-ispejjeΩ qed nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minn-hom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kif jg˙id il-Malti, kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja tag˙na biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru lprodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw fil-u/jew jisponsorjaw il-magazine.

Meeting every last Tuesday of the month A special group for men. Meetings at 10 am at The Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (Parramatta West). Meet friends and enjoy Maltese food. For more information: Emanuel 0409 744 376

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday December 6, 2016

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s La Valette Social Centre Christmas Programme SATURDAY December 24: Centre opens at 6pm.with normal trading. Entertainment by DJ. 10.30 p.m.: Procession and Christmas Carols by La Valette choir under the direction by Mro. Victor Flordia. Christmas pageant arranged by Greg Caruana theme (Christmas Message), Christmas Mass Sermon by Sabian Caruana, and Midnight Mass by Fr Noel Bianco. SATURDAY December 31: New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. Three-course meal, fresh fruit, soft drink and two bottles wine on each table. $50 members; non members $55, children 6 -12yrs $30. Book early for the best tables

Entertainment by Charlie Camilleri and Rocking Mustangs For information/booking: La Valette: 9622 5847; Antoinette: 9671 2992; Frances: 0412 320432 (There will be no bingo or G˙ana due to dinner dance)

IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss hi il-Ħadd 11 ta' Diċembru fis-10:00am. Wara jkun hemm l-Annual Awards Presentations u l-ikla tal-Milied filClub


Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Invitation for celebrations marking Fr. Claude Borg’s 65 years of priesthood

he Maltese Community Council of NSW is offering its support in organising Fr. Claude Borg MSSP’s celebration of 65 years to the priesthood, a milestone in his pastoral care towards Maltese migrants in Australia. The Cardinal and the current Bishop of Parramatta will be invited to the celebration, a concelebrated Mass at Horsley Park Parish Church on Sunday Dec. 11 at 11.30 am. Fr Claude was the first Maltese parish priest at Horsley Park in the sixties. After Mass, there will be light refreshments at the Marion Hall. One is kindly asked to bring a plate to share on this joyous occasion. This is a formal invitation for associations to promote and lend their support in making this milestone, in Fr Claude’s priestly career, a memorial occasion. More details: John Beale: 0416 449 816 or email

Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese to a number of inquiries, we wish to inform readers Ihardofn response The Voice of the Maltese magazine that we can now supply copies in colour of the magazine to our readers who requst

it, at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in acquiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details. Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156

CELEBRATE 2017 WITH US!!! New Years Eve Dinner Dance Saturday December 31 from 7.00pm at the Hamrun Club premises Enjoy a three-course meal (drinks to be purchased at the bar) Entertainment for the night to be provided by the Duo Charlie and Frank, and also a floor show from Kaytlyn Vella and her Sisters Donations: Adults $45; Kids U/12: $20 For more information: George Zahra 0407434651 or the Club 98381111

Tajjeb tkun taf


-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin li jkunu jridu jag˙mlu xi avviΩi u/jew li jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a biex jg˙arrfu littmexxija ta’ The Voice bix-xewqa tag˙hom minn kmeni. Barra minhekk, jekk ikunu iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni jin˙tie© jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 6, 2016


Medals for Maltese at IFBB Med. C’ships

our athletes, two males and twp females repreF sented Malta at the the 2016 IFBB Mediterranean Championships in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon and

ended up winning medals. Ralph Decelis, the president of the Malta Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness won silver medal with second place in the 90kg class, while Roderick Theuma won bronze in the 85kg category. When it comes to women bodybuilders, Blanche Coppola, who a few days earlier had won silver at the World Fitness Championships with Ralph Decelis in alta’s Rugby League (MRL) national team, the Malta Knights are to take part in the Mixed Pairs, finished fourth in physique class in an RLIF Sanctioned International Rugby League test match in Sydney, Australia Lisbon. Hannah Grech also put up a good show but on Saturday February 4. It will be only the second time in the last 10 years. They did not managed a top four finish. will take on the Philippines National Rugby League at the Cabramatta Rugby League Club's New Era Stadium. The last game the Maltese played to an Australian audience was in May 2015, when they lost 34-16 to Lebanon. On the same day, but three hours earlier, the U17's Junior International Maltese Heritage will also be in action against the Philippines U/17 iziana Carannante (right) won the The Philippines will be tough opposition. They defirst-ever gold medal for Malta at the feated 11th ranked Serbian Rugby League Federation VII Commonwealth Tenpin Bowling 18-12 at the same venue in February 2016. Championships (CTBC) in Johannesburg, South Africa and Team Malta also created championship history with a n Day 14 of the Premier League in Malta, Balzan Gold/Bronze result in the Women’s Sinmet their waterloo in Floriana as they were beaten gles as Sue Abela – a former silver 3-1 by a superior side, and with Hibernians beating medallist - won the bronze. The silver Mosta comfortably by 2-0, the Paolites leapfrogged went to Australia’s Bec Whiting. Malta was on track to repeat the over Balzan to take a twoRESULTS – DAY 14 3-1 Gold/Silver result in the Singles until 29 point lead in the standings. Floriana v Balzan year-old Tiziana Carannante also overFloriana were deserved vic- Hibernians v Mosta 2-0 came a slow first game and stormed v Pembroke 3-0 tors and are now among the Valletta 2-0 Hamrun v Birkirkara top challengers in fourth place, Sliema W. v Gzira 1-0 home with a 246 final game. Going into Game 6, compatriot Sue Abela’s lead Tarxien R. v St Andrews 1-1 two behind Balzan. looked unassailable but Carannante’s DAY 13 Hamrun Spartans piled on the 4-0 strong finish clinched Gold with a 220.8 pressure on Birkirkara by beat- Balzan v Pembroke v Sliema W. 3-1 average. ing them 2-0. Birkirkara had a Hibernians Valletta v Mosta 0-0 The Gold/Bronze result is a historic player sent off in the second- Birkirkara v Tarxien R. 3-1 benchmark for Team Malta which has Floriana v St Andrews 4-1 half. 2-0 competed in every CTBF Championship. Balzan played all the second Hamrun v Gzira half with ten men after Standing P W D L Pts A thrilled Tiziana who was competing having a player red carded. Hibernians 14 19 2 2 32 for only the second time in a CTBF Championship since her first appearance In the previous round Balzan 14 9 3 2 30 both Balzan and Hiberni- Valletta 14 8 4 2 28 two years ago in Malaysia, jumped for ans took all three points in Floriana 14 8 3 3 27 joy with the success. “I’m on another easy wins over Pembroke Birkirkara 14 7 3 4 24 planet!” she exclaimed. The Malta pair of Tiziana and Sue and Sliema respectively, Hamrun S. 14 6 2 6 20 Sliema W 14 5 2 7 17 posted lines of 490, 462 and 457 in the while Valletta dropped two St Andrews 4 3 7 15 points in a scoreless draw Tarxien R. 14 final three games to also secure the Sil14 3 5 6 14 with Mosta. However, they Mosta ver medal in the Women’s Doubles fered an uncharacteristic lapse in the 14 2 3 9 9 recovered in the next game Gzira U 13 2 3 8 9 event, overtaking the Australian duo of final match. Gold went to Malysian pair Pembroke 14 2 1 11 7 to beat Pembroke 3.0. Dena Buxton and Bec Whiting who suf- of Shalin Zulkifli and Siti Amirah

Malta Knights (Rugby League) to play in Sydney


Bowling: Malta creates history with gold at CTBC in S. Africa T

Hibernians take lead after Balzan loss


Hibernians and Birkirkara knocked out of FA Trophy


ibernians and Birkirkara suffered unexpected defeats and were both eliminated from the FA Trophy competition in Round 3. Hibernians lost 3-2 to Division 1 side Senglea, while Birkirkara lost 3-0 to St Andrews. In other results, Sliema defeated Mosta 3-2, Lija beat Pieta 2-0, and Marsa got the better of Gozitan side Xewkija 3-2



Sydney FC 6-point lead restored as opponents are held

ith their nearest challengers, the two Melbourne clubs being held to identical 1-1 results, after beating Newcastle away 2-0, leaders Sydney FC, managed to increase their lead at the top of the league ladder at the end of Day 9 to six points. In the previous round, Sydney FC were held to their second drawn result, a scoreless one at home by bottom side

Adelaide enabling Melbourne City to narrow the gap in the higher reaches. That was the surprise result of the round. It was as if to say that with their comfortable lead they could afford a slip now and then. Melbourne Victory increased their challenge to crosstown rivals City for the runner up spot with a 2-1 home win. They stand a point behind but hava a game in hand.

RESULTS – DAY 9 Newcastle J v Sydney FC 0-2 Melbourne C v Brisbane 1-1 1-1 Melbourne V v Perth G 2-0 Adelaide v Wellington Central Coast v W. Sydney 1-4 DAY 8 Sydney FC v Adelaide 0-0 Melbourne C v Wellington 2-0 Melbourne V v Newcastle J 2-1 W. Sydney v Brisbane 1-1 Central Coast v Perth G. 2-0

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