The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 143
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The Maltese Presepju in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat takes the salute during the celebrations marking the 42nd Anniversary of Malta as a Republic (see also pages 7 and 19)
December 20, 2016
Il-Milied it-Tajjeb Happy Christmas
ABOVE: The Maltese Presepju (crib) that was erected at St Peter’s Square at the Vatican, the work of Gozitan artist Manwel Grech. It was donated by the Government of Malta. The crib is the first ever built by a state other than Italy. It was inaugurated on December 9 in the presence of Pope Francis. It sits besides a 25-metre Christmas tree donated by Italian city Trento. Earlier in the day at the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis met with the donors of the tree and the nativity scene, telling them that these gifts “form a message of hope and love.” The Nativity scene features 17 figures dressed in traditional Maltese costume as well as a replica of a traditional “Luzzu” Maltese boat and a figure of the Maltese Saint, St George Preca. (See report on page 5)
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Message by H.E. President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca Dear Maltese and Gozitans in Australia, I extend warm greetings to you as Maltese and Gozitans living so far from home, but still calling Malta and Gozo your home and your country. It was a great pleasure to visit you in Australia last July. I will cherish the time I spent with you for a long time to come, listening to your experiences, and learning about your lives in Australia. I could feel the pride you have in the home of your ancestors. Indeed, this is an encouragement to others, and a reminder of the importance of fostering strong roots in an increasingly globalised world. I congratulate you all on your continuing efforts to sustain, to make visible, and to celebrate Malta, the Maltese heritage and the Maltese Language in Australia. You are contributing to the vitality of the entire MalteseAustralian community and their descendants. Indeed, you are active contributors for the preservation of our Maltese identity and heritage, around the world. If we are to effectively reach out to one another, and form meaningful connections with different groups in society, then we must first of all respect the dignity of our own traditions. This is especially clear when it comes to our mother tongue, the language which unites us as one Maltese people, wherever we are. Our beloved country has always been a vi-
brant melting pot of cultures, a bridge across nations and continents. We must continue working together, to strengthen our Maltese identity and culture, especially among young people. May you continue promoting the beauty of our identity, culture and language among your families, your friends, your communities, and across Australia. The many important events taking place in Malta in the coming months, will continue to give our nation even more visibility and a sense of purpose, as a hub for peace and dialogue. Malta will assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in January 2017. During these six months, Malta will have the opportunity to affirm its principles and values with its European counterparts. Europe needs to recover its credibility with the common people, the typical man in the street. I am convinced that Malta will, through its leadership, enable Europe to gather hope for the future. As Maltese living in Australia, you too are an integral part of this and I would like you to be proud of your country’s achievements. We are one family, wherever we may be. My heartfelt wishes to you all for a Blessed Christmas and a year filled with health, peace and happiness.
Message from the Malta High Commissioner, Canberra, Australia
ear 2016 was another challenging and rewarding year for the High Commission and Consulates in Australia & New Zealand. As High Commissioner, I had the privilege to welcome to Australia H.E. the President of Malta and her entourage and travel with them to Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne. Most of you would know that Her Excellency’s visit went extremely well. The Consul on the Move (a 2-year pilot project) was launched also this year and its initial success testifies to the efficient and effective coordination between the High Commission, Consulates General and Honorary Consuls in the various states visited, including Wellington, NZ. All these would not have been achieved without the exceptional work of all staff and officers involved.
From January till June 2017, Malta will assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will be an extremely challenging role considering the political climate and recent developments in the EU and elsewhere, but as our Prime Minister & Deputy Prime Minister said, “it will be intense and testing but it will be an opportunity to show our capability and maturity as a Nation”. My appointment as High Commissioner for Malta was extended by another term. As such I look forward to be of further assistance to our Maltese Communities wherever they may be in this vast continent. One of our main goals for this festive season and the New Year is to be more tolerant towards each other so we may understand each other better. Also keep moving forward and reach out to those
who are in need of our help. After all this is what Christmas is all about. Let’s remember that Christ was born in a manger. This fact should instill in us a sense of humility. On behalf of myself, my wife, Victoria, my Deputy and staff at the High Commission in Canberra, the Consuls General and staff in Sydney and Melbourne and all our Honorary Consuls and their staff in Australia and New Zealand, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous 2017.
Charles Muscat
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Ìid li jasal g˙and kul˙add Messa©© mill-Prim Ministru Malti, Dr. Joseph Muscat
Fi tmiem l-2016, u l-bidu tal-2017, nista’ ner©a’ nwassal lilkom il-Maltin ta’ barra l-a˙bar it-tajba dwar art twelidkom. PajjiΩna kompla miexi fit-triq tas-suççess, frott id-deçiΩjonijiet li ˙adna u l-bidliet li wettaqna. Il-familji u n-negozji komplew mexjin ‘il quddiem, bil-bΩulija u lfiduçja tag˙hom. Ir-riΩultati baqg˙u jitkellmu wa˙edhom. Dawn il-˙sibijiet poΩittivi ma jo˙or©ux biss mill-istatistika. L-ottimiΩmu qed jin˙ass b’mod reali fost saffi differenti tassoçjeta. Irnexxilna nΩommu tkabbir ekonomiku b’sa˙˙tu u li jiΩboq sew dak f’pajjiΩi o˙ra Ewropej. Mhux biex ikollna çifri sbie˙, imma biex inkunu f’poΩizzjoni li no˙olqu aktar xog˙ol, li nkomplu nsa˙˙u setturi b˙as-sa˙˙a u l-edukazzjoni, u li ng˙inu lill-persuni vulnerabbli. G˙as-sena d-die˙la ressaqna propju budget soçjali. Programm ta’ ˙idma li jassigura li l-©id li ˙loqna, mhux b’kumbinazzjoni, issa jasal g˙and kul˙add. Wara li ra˙˙asna l-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, da˙˙alna ç-childcare b’xejn, naqqasna l-income tax, tajna l-inwork benefit, eΩentajna t-taxxa tal-boll minn fuq l-ewwel propjeta`, kien imiss pass ie˙or f’din ir-rivoluzzjoni soçjali li qed isse˙˙. Effetivament Ωidna l-paga minima permezz ta’ numru ta’ miΩuri li jwieΩnu lil min jaqla’ l-inqas. L-ispiΩa tag˙hom refag˙ha l-Gvern ming˙ajr ma po©©a piΩ Ωejjed fuq is-settur privat. IΩda mhux biss. Ωidna wkoll il-pensjonijiet g˙at-tieni darba konsekuttiva wara ˙amsa u g˙oxrin sena ta’ ffriΩar, u rduppjajna s-sussidju tal-kera u l-benefiççjarji tieg˙u. Tajna sinjal çar li wasal iΩ-Ωmien, issa li sa˙˙a˙na lekonomija, li nag˙tu iktar sosten lil dawk li g˙andhom bΩonn
The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our readers and their families a wonderful Christmas! May it bring you joy, hap piness and everything else you deserve. Happy Christmas Also may the New Year 2017 be one of health, happiness, wealth, wis dom, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year
g˙ajnuna ©enwina biex huma wkoll jisfruttaw il-potenzjal tag˙hom u jimxu ‘l quddiem. Irridu li, fi Ωmien tlett snin, lebda tifel u tifla ta’ working family ma jibqg˙u fil-faqar. G˙alhekk nemmnu li lkbir g˙al pajjiΩna g˙adu ©ej. Fis-sitt xhur tas-sena l-©dida, Malta tassumi r-responsabbilta` tal-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Fi Ωmien meta l-Unjoni Ewropea g˙addejja minn çerti sitwazzjonijiet ta’ inçertezza, Malta hija kommessa li ©©ib progress fuq punti li hemm kontroversja dwarhom, b˙all-immigrazzjoni. B’mod realistiku l-Presidenza Maltija ma tridx ti©©udika jew tikkundanna imma tifhem is-sitwazzjoni ta’ kul˙add. Se nimbuttaw fuq l-a©enda t-tkabbir ekonomiku, is-suq wa˙dieni u l-ekonomija di©itali, inkluΩjoni soçjali, is-settur marittimu u s-sigurta Ewropea fost o˙rajn. Hija sfida ambizzjuΩa li ppreparajna g˙aliha bis-s˙i˙. A˙na kburin bix-xog˙ol li se nkomplu nag˙mlu u bir-rispett li qed ingawdu. Nafu li kul˙add se ji©©udika lil Malta fuq il-˙idma li twettaq. B˙alma g˙amilna unur fl-organiΩazzjoni tal-Valletta Summit u taç-CHOGM fis-snin li g˙addew, jiena konvint li nistg˙u ner©g˙u nuru li pajjiΩna, minkejja ç-çokon tieg˙u, kapaçi jqum g˙all-okkaΩjoni. IΩda l-istess ˙in li se niddedikaw g˙all-Presidenza u g˙allaqg˙at fi Brussels, se nqattg˙uh ukoll fit-toroq Maltin u G˙awdxin. Se nibqg˙u b’idejna fuq il-polz tal-familji u nnegozji. G˙aliex tul is-sena l-©dida, g˙andna ˙afna xog˙ol x’nag˙mlu biex Malta tkompli miexja ‘l quddiem u verament il-©id jasal g˙and kul˙add. F’isem marti Michelle u l-familja tieg˙i, f’isem il-Gvern li mmexxi, lilkom il-Maltin li tg˙ixu l-Awstralja, nixtieqilkom minn qalbi l-Milied it-Tajjeb u Sena Ìdida mimlija paçi, ©id u hena
Message from the Australian Prime Minister
s we gather with family and friends this festive season, we reflect on the traditional meaning of Christmas and consider all the things for which we are grateful. In Australia our blessings are plentiful—we have our freedoms, our egalitarian society and the boundless possibilities of the years ahead. Our diversity is the backbone of this optimism, and our mutual respect is what makes us one of the most successful multicultural societies in the world. Together as Australians, we have come to acknowledge that with hard work, resilience, and creativity, our future will be bright. I send my best wishes to the readers of The Voice of the Maltese and everyone in Australia’s Maltese community for a relaxing and safe holiday and a 2017 filled with peace, happiness and love.
The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP Prime Minister of Australia December 2016
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
19th December 2016 - 1st January 2017
Tuesday December 20, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Il-presepju Malti fil-Vatikan X
’hemm komuni bejn il-qaddis Malti San Ìor© Preca, id-dg˙ajsa Maltija lLuzzu u l-gallerija Maltija bis-salib tat- Manwel Grech, l-artist G˙awdxi li ddisinja u bena l-presepju tmien ponot? G˙al min segwa l-a˙barijiet matul l-a˙har jiem it-twe©iba ˙afifa. G˙alljiΩgura l-preΩenza tat-twelid ta’ o˙rajn ng˙idulhom li dawn huma Fran©isku, wara li ta ˙ajr lill-Gvern Ìesu` li tid˙ol fil-qlub ta’ kull tlett ikoni Maltin li kollha jinsabu u lill-Knisja Maltija g˙all-©est talfil-presepju Malti li hemm b˙alissa familja. presepju, innota l-karatteristiçi g˙all-wiri fil-Pjazza San Pietru filKien tifel Malti b’diΩabilita`, JereMaltin u xebba˙ il-luzzu mal-qsim Vatikan u li ©ie inawgurat nhar id-9 miah Casha li g˙afas il-buttuna li tal-Mediterran mill-immigranti. ta’ Diçembru mill-Papa Fran©isku. xeg˙let il-presepju Malti. Waqt l-inQal li dan ifakkar fil-©raja ta’ niket (Ara stampi fl-ewwel faççata). awgurazzjoni fil-preΩenza tal-Minta’ tant immigranti li ja˙irbu minn Din hi l-ewwel darba li presepju istru Malti tal-Ìustizzja u Kultura pajjiΩhom bit-tama li jsibu ˙ajja minn pajjiΩ ie˙or minbarra l-Italja a˙jar fl-Ewropa. qed jintwera f’din forsi l-aktar Xebba˙hom ukoll max-xena tanIl-Papa Fran©isku pjazza mag˙rufa fid-dinja li ti©bed nattivita`, b’Marija u ÌuΩeppi ji©u wara li po©©a l-karlejha l-miljuni. Ifisser li dan il-premça˙˙da minn kenn xieraq u lotta fuq ras Julian speju ta’ xe˙ta Maltija se jkun sfurzati jwelldu lil Ìesu` f’maxtura jista’ jitgawda u ji©i apprezzat f’Betlem waqt li ja˙irbu t-theddid minn popli mid-dinja kollha. Ilta’ Erodi. presepju se jibqa’ fil-Pjazza sat-8 Il-Papa Ωied jg˙id li l-presepji fidta’ Jannar. djar, fil-knejjes u fil-postijiet pubIl-presepju huwa xog˙ol l-artist bliçi huma stedina biex f’˙ajjitna G˙awdxi Manwel Grech li ng˙aΩel nsibu post g˙al Alla li ˙afna drabi wara sej˙a pubblika u dam jkun misto˙bi f’wiçç il-fqir jew ilja˙dem fuqu g˙al 10 xhur. Qal li batut. Anke stieden lil min iΩur ilmeta ©ie mqabbad jiddisinja u presepju biex jiftakar fil-valuri jibni l-presepju kellu f’mo˙˙u li Owen Bonnici u g˙add ta’ Maltin tal-fraternita` u s-solidarjeta`. jag˙mlu b’karattristiçi tipiçi fost il-pellegrini fil-Pjazza, l-Arçisqof Wara, filwaqt li beda jimxi lejn Maltin, fostom il-paesa©©, li jinMalti Charles Scicluna, qal lill-Papa id-delegazzjonijiet ta’ Malta u ta’ kludi l-arkitettura, il-flora u fawnu, li l-luzzu fil-presepju jfisser appell Trento (li offerw is-si©ra tal-Milied u anke figuri tradizzjonali li malli biex il-pajjiΩi jilqg˙u b’©eneroΩita` ˙ejn il-presepju), b’sorpriΩa kbira lwie˙ed jarahom jiftakar f’Malta. lil dawk li jaqsmu l-Ba˙ar MediterPapa waqaf quddiem Julian, it-tifel Fost il-figuri fil-presepju hemm ran ifittxu s-solidarjeta’. ta’ 11-il sena tal-Ambaxxatriçi dik ta’ San Ìor© Preca ma’ xi tfal L-Arçisqof qal li l-luzzu, dg˙ajsa Maltija fl-Italja, Vanessa Frazier, tal-MuΩew, fil-purçissjoni ta’ lejliet kkulurita tas-sajjieda Maltin, tisne˙˙a l-karlotta minn rasu u libil-Milied. Kien fil-bidu tas-seklu lsimbolizza d-dg˙ajjes u l-vapuri bisielu. ie˙or li DunÌor© ˙are© bl-idea li lkollha fl-istorja li ˙adu sehem f’inIç-çkejken qal wara li dan kien limsie˙ba tal-MuΩew jo˙or©u vaΩjonijiet u s-salvata©©i, fis-sajd u isba˙ mument li qatt kellu f’˙ajtu b’purçissjoni mal-ir˙ula bil-figura l-piratrija, l-emigrazzjoni, u l-ims’issa u din kienet xi ˙a©a li qatt ta’ Ìesu` Bambin tarbija, u jag˙tu migrazzjoni; id-dellijiet u d-dawl. mhu se jinsa. b˙ala rigal lit-tfal, il-grotta. Ried Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-Papa Il-presepju jkun komplut f’lejliet il-Milied, fl-24 ta’ Diçembru meta Parti mil-presepju Malti dakinhar titpo©©a l-figura ta’ esebit fi Pjazza San Pietru Ìesu`tarbija fil-maxtura. Sadanittant, flimkien ma’ delegazzjoni li nkludiet lill-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Ìor© Vella u l-Ministru tal-Ìustizzja Owen Bonnici, il-President ta’ Malta MarieLouise Coleiro Preca kellha laqg˙a mal-Papa Fran©isku li g˙alaq 80 sena, u awguratlu f’g˙eluq sninu. Imbag˙ad b˙ala parti mis-sehem Malti fil-festi fil-Vatikan, id-delegazzjoni Maltija, filg˙axija attendiet g˙al kunçert mill-Orkestra Filarmonoka Maltija organizzat mill-Gvern Malti fil-BaΩilika San Paolo le Mura.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Q. We are aware that some changes are happening on Januhis is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese ary 1, 2017 to the asset limits in relation to Pensions and we in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanhave also received notification from Centrelink about it. cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities However we are finding it hard to comprehend and cannot associated with financial planning. If you need more advice even understand whether we will be affected. Can you send an email to Marie Louise via: please try and clarify this? A. The changes to the Asset Limits will not could get a affect all pensioners. Those who are being monthly paytested on the Income Test may not be affected ment of say at all. However those pensioners who are $450 per being tested on the Asset Test will either see month which their pension increase, drop or even remain would be capiunchanged. tal and interest. Single pensioners with assets between At the end of 10 $209,000 and $250,000 will see their pen- years you will sion increase. have no residThose whose assets are above this amount ual of capital will probably find that their pension will but the funds drop and those with assets above the would have $542,500 will lose their pension completely. lasted you 10 Pensioner couples with assets between years and the $296,500 and $375,000 will see their age $450 payment pension entitlement increase. Once their as- per month could help subsidise your in- or even give you respite time so that you sets reach $816,000 their pension will cease come. can do your shopping. They offer a numcompletely. Currently a pensioner couple ber of different packages to suit the indicould have $1,178,500 before losing the pen- Q. My wife has dementia but I would love vidual’s situation. I think that you will find sion completely. to continue looking after her myself for as this a great help. Q. I have a problem controlling my fi- long as possible. We have two children both Q. My husband is 64 years old and I am nances and tend to spend everything I have of whom are married but live too far from us 60 years old. He was diagnosed with and cannot keep money in the bank. I have for them to be able to assist me. Is there any Alzheimer’s last year and had to stop just recently won a sum of $55,000 and do help that I can get so that I can continue to working. I do not work and I find that I not want to blow it away. Can I invest it look after my wife at home? have to give him more personal care every in a way that will limit what I use on a regday. We have around $120,000 in bank acA. You need to contact ACAT and they ular basis? will offer you a Home Care Package to counts and term deposits but being used up A. Yes, you can do so in a disciplined man- suit your needs. This normally includes fast as there is no income coming in. We ner. If you were to, for example, invest sending someone out to your home on a also have around $650,000 in superannu$50,000 in a guaranteed income plan or regular basis to help with for example, ation between us. Do you think that, based annuity RCV0 for a 10-year period, you bathing your wife or help with the cooking on our assets, we could be eligible for some Centrelink assistance? A. Your husband should be entitled to a disability pension now while he is under age pension age and depending on how much care you provide him you are probably entitled to both the carer payment and the carer allowance. The funds in your superannuation, while still in accumulation and while you are both under age pension age, will not be treated as an asset by Centrelink. Prior to your husband turning 65 Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: you should reduce the amount of superannuation that he has in his name and add it * Wealth Creation to your superannuation as you are only * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice age 60 and therefore will not be age pension age until you are 66 years old. * Maximising Centrelink Benefits You need to speak to a financial planner * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property so that they can assess your situation better. They will also be able to calculate how * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to much of his super he could rollover to an entering Aged Care facilities account-based pension without it affecting his pension entitlement and your carer Call Marie-Louise for a payment entitlement. The quicker you complimentary consultation on: speak to a financial planner the quicker your financial needs will be met. (02) 9231 2133
Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday December 20, 2016
The Voice correspondents on Republic Day honoraries list
t The Voice of the Maltese we are so proud that two of our correspondents and a very good friend of the magazine were among the
24 individuals and two organisations to be honoured at the Investiture Ceremony presided by the President of Malta, MarieLouise Coleiro Preca, on
Reactions: Prof. Godfrey Pirotta
ow to express one’s feelings at H such an award? In the first instance you are hit by a sense of pride that
your country wants to recognize your life’s achievements and/or contribution. But then it quickly sinks in it that this honour deserves to be shared by a lot of other people who at many turns in your life supported and encouraged you or indeed proffered advice which proved crucial to your development. One person, among many, who certainly shares this honour is my wife who has been my partner for 49
the occasion marking the 42nd Anniversary of Republic Day. Correspondent Prof. Godfrey A Pirotta received the Medal as Member of the National Order of Merit while Peter Paul Ciantar the Medal G˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Our friend Ms Maria Camilleri received the Medal as Member of the National Order of Merit. The list of honoraries included people from almost all walks of life, including Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona, a Judge, Diplomats, and those from the fields of Education, Politics, were also honoured. Entrepreneurs, EnrProf. Godfrey Pirotta tainment and Sports. receiving the medal Six of the recipients from the President are foreigners. The
Malta Hospice Movement and the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus (London) were also honoured.
years. And at the age of 69 this award seems to convey a sense of satisfaction that one’s efforts have not been without some benefit to society, that one’s commitment bore some fruit. That others have gained something out of it. It bestows a sense of tranquillity when looking back over your life. And for the others around you that your idealism was not wasted and had served a greater purpose not as so many people have claimed during your life.
Maria Camilleri
The full list of honoraries:
Companion of the National Order of Merit: Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona Officer of the National Order of Merit: Judge Emeritus Philip Sciberras. Honorary Officers of the National Order of Merit: Ms Gina AbercrombieWinstanley (former US Ambassador to Malta), Mr Sandro Gozi (Italian Member of Parliament) The Right Honourable Lord Mandelson and Mr Rachid Marif (former Algerian Ambassador in Malta). Members of the National Order of Merit: Prof Godfrey A Pirotta, Ambassador Clifford Borg-Marks, Ms Maria Camilleri, Fr Anthony Edmond Caruana, Dr David Mifsud, Ms Karmen Mikallef Buhagiar (posthumous), and Mr Joseph Zammit Tabona Honorary Members of the National Order of Merit: Mr Stephan Drewes (Chief Executive Officer of Lufthansa Technik) and Mr Alexander Piltz (renowned entrepreneur). Midalja G˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika: Mr Peter Paul Ciantar, Mro Anthony Aquilina (posthumous), Dr Christopher Micallef, Mr Freddie Portelli (singer/entertainer), Ms Alison White Micallef, Ms Nicolina Farrugia, Ms Esther Azzopardi (first Maltese woman lady referee in FIFA Panel), Mr Karl Izzo (National Waterpolo team coach), The Malta Hospice Movement, and the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus (London).
aria Camilleri, an avid friend of The Voice of the Maltese, is renowned in the fields of education, media and politics. A former head of Primary State schools, she is an avid believer in social and environmental justice. Together with the Imam of the Maltese Muslim Community Maria co-founded and was appointed Head of the Mariam Al Batool School in Paola for 17 years making the school unique as the only Muslim school worldwide run by a Christian Headmistress. A former Member of Parliament she served as an untiring advocate for education as a powerful tool for intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity.
Peter Paul Ciantar
was always under the impression that I was Iploughing a lone fur-
Peter Paul Ciantar row. But, after being honoured with the medal G˙all-Qadi tar- culture and the appreciation of music. In the teaching sector I always try to inRepubblika, I have become fully aware that my work is appreciated. I always be- fuse children (and adults during my leclieved that appreciation for our culture, tures to the members at the University of the Third Age) with the energy and love helped the development of our country. Money spent on education and the for music. As to writing I like to write about music, spread of culture is an important investment. The more culture grows, the but also about other subjects, particustronger our nation could become... it larly about the country and its traditions. Culture and the arts are part of me. I was could help reduce criminality, violence and the dependency on drugs, improve always imbued especially with music and the environment, and that the more I wish to increase its awareness in our serene, and the happier the people could country. Therefore, the knowledge that the country has recognised my contribubecome. I believe radio has opened new avenues tionby awarding me the medal G˙all-Qadi for me in order to spread the message of tar-Repubblika gives me great pleasure.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Kristian Bonnici to lead the new committee of the Federation of Maltese Living Abroad alta-born Kristian Bonnici has M been elected as the new President of the committee to co-ordinate the Fed-
eration of Maltese Living Abroad (FMLA) that will serve for two years. The new directors forming the committee will therefore be made up of: Mr. Kristian Bonnici (President) Mr. Edwin Bonello (Australasia; Region) Mr. Andrew Bonello (Australasia) Mr. Sergio Bonnici (Australasia) Ms. Irene Cooper (Australasia) Mr. George Portelli (Australasia) Ms. Claudia Caruana US/ Canada; Region) Mr. Brian Ciappara (US/ Canada) Ms. Susan Schembri (US/ Canada) Ms. Mildred Meyer (US/Canada) Mr. John Mier (US/Canada) The aim of the FMLA is to associate, represent and safeguard the interests of its Maltese member organisations in the world. The Federation was created in 2000 as FOMA but 10 years later it was revamped and renamed as FMLA. Kristian Bonnici, the President was
born in Malta and raised in Cospicua and Zabbar. He now lives in St. Kilda, Melbourne where he works as a Real Estate Agent. Before settling down in Australia, Kristian was a career diplomat and was sent on several assignments and tours of duty, amongst which were, Russia, Egypt, and Australia. He studied Diplomacy and Public Relations, in Malta University and overseas. This Federation must not be confused with the Council of Maltese living Abroad that was established by Act XX 2011 of the Maltese Parliament.
Kristian Bonnici
CNN says: Malta one of word’s most Christmassy destinations ith Christmas in Malta having a very strong tradition, it is no wonder W that in a special programme about the island during the festive season, the international cable television network CNN described the island as being “one of the world’s ‘most Christmassy’ destinations ”. They are certainly not mistaken in that. With Christmas in Malta has always been a very strong tradition and over the years has strengthened aligned to greater affluence and modern technology. CNN said that ,“Visiting presepju (cribs), or nativity scenes, is an integral part of Christmas in Malta,” adding tha every year the residents on the island “proudly open their shutters, and sometimes even their garage doors, to display their holy crib confections to the public.” It went on to mention the Bethlehem in G˙ajnsielem in Gozo attraction, a life-size nativity experience spread over 20,0000 square metres of formerly abandoned fields. “Inhabited and animated by more than 150 actors, including entire families, the village takes visitors back in time to Judea of 2,000 years ago, complete with oil lamps, turn mills, grazing animals, crafts areas teaching traditional skills and folklore, a tavern, and of course a grotto housing baby Jesus (i.e. complete with a recently born village baby and mother and father!)” Writing about Valletta, it said that the capital “is home to a lively Christmas spirit, with a dizzying display of Christmas li-ghts on Republic Street, and where groups of carol singers gather and sing outside the Baroque St. John’s Co-Cathedral during Advent.”
Shops 3 & 4, 398 Hamilton Road FAIRFIELD WEST NSW PO Box W210, Fairfield West, NSW, 2165 P (02) 9604 0710 F (02) 9609 3873 E This is a paid advert
Bethlehem in G˙ajnsielem
Tuesday December 20, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Drawwiet u tradizzjonijiet Maltin tal-Milied GregCaruana
nu jtuna grotta çkejkna li jkunu g˙amlu huma içembru huwa xahar mimli stess b’bambin drawwiet marbuta mal-Mi- Ωg˙ir tax-xemlied. Minn kmieni, fis-6 ta’ g˙a fiha. Wara, il-Milied Diçembru, insibu lil San Nikola li lejlet jifta˙ it-triq tal-jiem tal-Milied. konna nakkumTradizzjonalment dan il-qaddis panjaw fil-purIl-presepju kien dejjem popolari huwa meqjum b˙ala missier il-Mi- çissjoni tal-Bambbin mat-toroq tar-ra˙al. lied (jew Father Christmas). biza` li joqtol in-nies. G˙alhekk ma Din drawwa li kien bdija l-Qaddis kienux i˙allu t-tfal ji©ru barra, u Jumejn wara, fit-8 tax-xahar hemm il-festa tal-Kunçizzjoni, li Malti San Ìor© Preca fl-1920. Imma mill-11 ta bil-lejl sa ma jisba˙ kienu tradizzjonalment, fiha tinΩera l-©ul- l-aqwa moment tag˙na b˙ala tfal j©eg˙lu t-tfal joqog˙du jg˙oddu tbiena u l-qam˙. Insibu wkoll l-ir- kienet il-quddiesa ta’ nofs-il-lejl, fejn toqob tal-passatur. wiegel li hija forma kurjuΩa ta’ kienet issir il-priedka tat-tifel. Hemm tradizzjoni o˙ra antika li Id-drawwa g˙ada mag˙na sew, u anzi f’Malta M a l t i j a donnu li re©g˙et qed izΩid fil-popobdiet fil-par- larita`. Din hi dik tal-bini tal-preroçça ta’ sepju. L-eqdem presepju f’Malta Ó a l - L u q a . jing˙ad li kien in˙adem fil-kunvent Kienet saret tal-patrijiet Dumnikani fir-Rabat, minn tifel, Malta, fl-1617. Fil-monasteru tasabbati, jis- sorijiet Benedittini, wie˙ed ghadu mu Ìor© Sa- jista’ jara presepju li n˙adem flpiano. Fl-im- 1826. g˙oddi l-isL-ikel tradizzjonali ma jonqosx u em tat-tifel fil-Milied dan ©eneralment kien kien jibqa’ ikun, g˙a©in il-forn, serduq jew hasi, mistur u tis- qassatat, pastizzi, l-ixkurvat, qag˙aq ta’ tg˙id li tal-g˙asel, il-pudina tal-˙obΩ u l-im˙add jew ftit buljuta tal-qastan. Fl-antik, sa qabel kienu jkunu il-gwerra, l-antenati tag˙na, kienu jafu bih. jpo©©u xi ˙elu jew rigali zg˙ar o˙ra Meta jispiç- ta˙t l-im˙adda tat-tfal. ça kont tisWara l-gwerra, ˙afna jg˙idu li ma’ lil xi ©abuha l-IngliΩi, idda˙let idxju˙ tag˙na drawwa tal-kalzetta mdendla fejn j g ˙ a d d u kienu jinteg˙u r-rigali. Wara, ukoll k u m m e n t i permezz tal-IngliΩi da˙lu wkoll idbhal, ‘Alla drawwiet tas-si©ra tal-Milied (Christibierek ma mas Tree) u l-Father Christmas. Ta˙t Ωbaljax wa˙is-si©ra kienu, u sa çertu punt g˙adDrawwa li baqg˙et... Il-priedka tat-tifel da, dan ta hom sal-lum, jitpo©©ew ir-ri-gali. tbassir tat-temp g˙as-sena ta’ wara, min hu dan it-tfajjel? Kemm hu bravu! Skont id-drawwa tal-Father ChristTwemmin ie˙or kien dak tal-Gaw- mas, suppost li kien hu li ‘beda j©ib li tkun ta’ 12 il-jum, bejn it-13 u l24 ta Diçembru. Skont kif tkun it- gaw li kienu jbeΩΩg˙u bih lin-nies, l- (!) ir-rigali. tali ©urnata suppost li jkun aktar lit-tfal. Xi kienu ix-xahar. Dari l-aktar li kienu w˙ud jemmnu b’dan kienu l-bdiewa u s- jemmnu li min This is a jitwieled fil-jum sajjieda. paid advert tal-Milied kien Tradizzjonali o˙ra antika hija nAVAILABLE TO HELP Wishing you a Merry Novena (disat ijiem) tal-Milied, li ji©i kkastigat, Christmas and a safe and Centrelink f’Malta bdiet mid-Dumnikani fi g˙aliex l-antehappy New Year. Child Support Taxation tag˙na Ωmien il-kavallieri. Din tkun mill-15 nati We’re here to help in the Defence & sal-24 ta’ Diçembru, bil-knisja t˙ejji kienu jemmnu li Blue Mountains and the Veterans Affairs dan il-jum kien g˙all-jum tal-Milied. Hawkesbury Medicare Communications Niftakarni g˙all-˙abta tal-1947/48 biss ta’ Ìesu` Immigration sal-1955 li konna mmorru g˙al tarbija. TwemEducation & Training min ie˙or kien, quddiesa tas-sitta ta’ filg˙odu biex OFFICE: Shop 24, 227 George St, inkantaw fuq l-orgni tal-knisja tal- li dan il-GawWindsor NSW 2756 PLEASE Mail: PO Box 855, Windsor NSW 2756 Mosta. Wara kienet tinΩlilna g˙asel gaw kien ji©©er- CONTACT Phone: (02) 4573 8222 ra barra u f’nofs SUSAN’S Email: kikkra kokotina tal-imbuljuta. OFFICE: il-lejl kien jinKien Ωmien sabi˙ meta konna susan.templeman mmorru l-MuΩew u g˙all-Milied kie- bidel f’fatat tal-
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
A blessed Christmas 2016 and healthy New Year 2017 to The Voice editors, readers Nancy Serg OAM (nee Borg) from Sliema writes:
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
t is good to receive The Voice of the Maltese in my inbox. I was always an avid reader of The Maltese Herald newspaper that was indeed a lifeline to many emigrants early 1960-2011 under editors Mr Lawrence Dimech and Mr Lino Vella. It was a huge
Remembering Nick a man of initiative
Joseph Caruana from Beverly Hills, NSW writes:
eading the article about the demise of NicNick Bonello I was amazed to learn that deR spite the fact that he only (!) lived in Australia for 18 years, he was so involved in what for the Maltese community are known as icons. I am particularly referring to the Melita Eagles Soccer Club and The Maltese Herald weekly newspaper. He was truly someone with an initiative to be so much involved. He was also founder of the Maltese-Australian Association in Malta, and on his initiative the Anzac Monument was set up in Malta I did not know the man myself but since reading the article in The Voice (Issue No. 142) I have talked with Maltese people older than me. One of them especially, knew him when he used to live in NSW. He told me that the way he was described in the article is exactly the kind of person he was. Nicholas worked very hard both in Australia and in Malta to highlight community issues close to the Maltese people living in Australia and was very involved in the strengthening of relations between the two countries, especially the few years he served Malta as High Commissioner.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
blow to the Maltese community when it ceased publication. The importance of its historical content and value was missed. I proudly contributed articles, reports on seniors groups etc over the years also reaching the 2nd generation Maltese-Australian youth, and keeping my Maltese language alive. Thankfully it is all good again, with The Voice of the Maltese and others to keep us informed and pass to contacts worldwide to learn about our Australia-wide communities, our past heritage and current details on the island of Malta. I thank the editors and contributors for keeping us informed with the varied and interesting contents. Keep the good work going.
Gone but never forgotten Frank Camilleri from Cairns, Queensland writes: would like to convey my deepest sympathy Igonewith the family of Nick Bonello who has to meet the Lord after so many years working to strengthen the bilateral relations between the peoples of Malta and Australia. He was such a nice guy who, despite going back to Malta, the country that he so dearly loved, most of us Maltese who came to Australia in the early fifties and seventies remember him so well for his work among us. I am sure that he would be long remembered even for the time he served Malta as High Commissioner. Although he was resident in Malta, he frequently visited Australia to meet not only with government officials and others from the diplomatic corps, as was his job, but also to meet the Maltese living in the different states and cities in this continent. He was always on hand when needed to give advice and look after our needs. I also wish to commend The Voice of the Maltese for the article published (Issue No. 142). It showed him up for the gentleman he always was. He is maybe gone but he will never be forgotten. RIP Nick
Presepju g˙all-wiri f’St Albans George Vella minn St Albans, Victoria jikteb:
ixtieq ng˙arraf lill-qarrejja li f’St Albans, Victoria wkoll hawn Presepju sabi˙ g˙all-wiri. Jiena g˙andi 86 sena imma g˙adni n˙obb u ng˙oΩΩ it-tradizzjonijiet Maltin. Il-pasturi kollha li g˙andi fil-presepju kollha kont ©ibthom minn Malta meta kont g˙adni daqsxejn ta’ ©uvni fl-1954. Permezz tal-magaΩin The Voice of the Maltese nixtieq il-Milied it-tajjeb lil kul˙add.
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday December 20, 2016
2016 Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Student Achievement – Community Languages Schools
Maltese student gets top award
he Community Languages Schools of New South Wales recently celebrated The 2016 Minister’s Awards at the Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of New South Wales, High Street, Kensington. The Minister’s Award is awarded for Excellence in Student Achievement as the Community Languages Schools acknowledges the commitment of outstanding students from Community Languages Schools. Ten students were presented with this year’s award for Angelica Tabone outstanding achievement in the study of their community language, for their contribution to the development of intercultural understanding and for their involvement in the school and wider community. A total of 125 junior and senior students received a Highly Commended or a Commended Award that was presented that evening. All other nominated students were acknowledged by a Merit Certificate that will be presented to them at their Community Languages School. Angelica Tabone was awarded a Highly Commended Award for Excellence in Student Achievements. Stephanie Callaghan and Clare Saliba were both awarded a Merit Certificate for achievement in the
In 2016 Great Barrier Reef suffered worst bleaching on record, reports
igher water temperatures this year caused the worst H destruction of corals ever recorded on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, a study has found. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies report indicates that some 67% of corals died in the reef's worst-hit northern section. The situation was better in the central section, where 6% perished, while the southern reef is in good health. But scientists warn recovery could be difficult if climate change continues. Coral bleaching happens when water temperatures rise for a sustained period of time. In February, March and April, sea surface temperatures across the Great Barrier Reef were the hottest on record, at least 1C higher than the monthly average, with study leader Professor Terry Hughes saying, “Some of the initial mortality was down to heat stress. The coral was cooked." One of the worst-hit areas is around Lizard Island in Far North Queensland, where around 90% of the coral has died.
study of Maltese. All students attend Skola Maltija Sydney, a programme of Akkademja Maltija ta’ NSW Inc. Angelica also attends the Saturday Community Language School at Seven Hills. Stephanie attends Maltese language classes at Rouse Hill Public School, while Clare attends the Skola Maltija Sydney class at Ringrose Public School. This year 37 different languages were represented in the Minister’s Awards. The St Nicholas School of Russian, Principal and Choreographer, Elena Averkieva provided the entertainment for the evening. Maltese language classes at Skola Maltija are held on Saturdays during school terms from 1pm to 3:15pm . During 2016 over 260 organisations received grants that allowed 54 community languages to be taught to over 33,000 students, while approximately 2,600 volunteer teachers deliver out-ofschool hours community languages programmes. For information on Maltese language classes contact via email or visit us on Facebook
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
L-edukazzjoni fil-˙absijiet fi NSW
˙alissa, g˙al dawk li ji©u kkundannati fil˙absijiet ta' NSW, hemm xi opportunitajiet ta' edukazzjoni li w˙ud mill˙absin ta' dan l-istat jiddeçiedu li jutilizzaw. B˙al ma probabbilment kul˙add japprezza, livell ta' edukazzjoni tajba hija importanti sabiex wie˙ed ikun jista' jifforma parti mis-soçjetà, jipparteçipa b'mod produttiv fil-˙ajja ekonomika tal-pajjiΩ, u jipprovdi materjalment g˙all-bΩonnijiet ta' kuljum tal-familja tieg˙u u tieg˙u Goulburn prison in NSW nnifsu. Mill-banda l-o˙ra, livell ta' edukazzjoni baxxa tnaqqas l-opportunitajiet matul il-˙ajja, hija fattur ewlieni g˙al d˙ul baxx u tista' twassal g˙all-kriminalità. G˙alhekk, wie˙ed jista' jifhem li l-edukazzjoni hija pilastru tal©lieda kontra l-kriminalità, kemm li nevitaw li wie˙ed jit˙ajjar jipparteçipa f'att kriminali, u jekk wie˙ed ikun waqa' f'din in-nassa, biex ikollu l-pedament ˙alli jie˙u sehem f'attività ©dida li mhix wa˙da kriminali. L-iktar edukazzjoni fundamentali naturalment hi li bniedem ikun jaf jikteb, jaqra u jg˙odd (literacy and numeracy). Fil-fatt, wie˙ed jista' jiskanta jaqra kif illum, fl-2016, g˙adek issib tant u tant persuni li din l-abbiltà m'g˙andhomx, u l-˙absin b'mod partikulari. Listatistika turi li 10% tal-˙absin fi NSW jg˙idu li l-livell ta' litteriΩmu tag˙hom huwa impediment fit-tiftix tag˙hom g˙axxog˙ol u/jew g˙al studju ie˙or.1 Illum ukoll, f'çerti ˙absijiet u ta˙t diversi kundizzjonijiet, ˙absin jistg˙u jitg˙allmu diversi snajja, b˙ax-xog˙ol fl-im˙aΩen, is-sewqan tal-forklifts u o˙rajn. B˙alissa, 21.9% ta' dawk eli©ibbli jipparteçipaw f'edukazzjoni ta' dan it-tip. Sat-tmiem tal-pri©unerija tag˙hom, dawn il-˙absin jispiççaw issentenza tag˙hom, mhux biss b'memorji koroh ta' Ωmien twil ‘il bog˙od mill-familja tag˙hom imma b'çertifikat tat-TAFE rikonoxxut mal-Awstralja kollha li jista' jg˙inhom isibu xog˙ol malli jg˙addu 'l barra mill-g˙atba tal-˙abs. InΩid ukoll li eççezzjonalment, hemm 0.6% tal-˙absin eli©ibbli li qed jistudjaw fi programmi avvanzati ta' edukazzjoni, li jinkludu lawrja minn Università. Wie˙ed ma jistax ma jarax f'dawk il-˙absin li qed jistudjaw, rieda (talinqas waqt li qeg˙din il-˙abs) li jibdlu ˙ajjithom radikalment malli tispiççalhom is-sentenza tag˙hom. Jien stess niftakar, meta kont Malta, lil ˙absi partikulari, li kien qieg˙ed jistudja l-Università t'hemmhekk waqt li kien qed jiskonta s-sentenza tieg˙u. Kont impressjonat bis-sens ©did ta' skop f'˙ajtu, bl-aççettazzjoni li l-˙ajja tieg˙u tal-img˙oddi kellha tinbidel, u talapprezzament tal-opportunità li kienet qieg˙da ting˙atalu. Hawnhekk fi NSW, din is-sena l-gvern statali g˙adu kif ˙abbar bidla radikali tas-sistema tal-edukazzjoni fil-˙absijiet. Il-gvern stqarr2 li jrid jirdoppja r-rata ta' ˙absin li jipparteçipaw fi programmi ta' litteriΩmu u numeriΩmu (li llum ila˙˙qu 3.8% tal-˙absin eli©ibbli fi NSW)3, u li dan it-tip ta' tag˙lim m'hemmx g˙alfejn ji©i mog˙ti minn g˙alliema professjonali4, li jinkludi dawk li huma kkwalifikati fit-tag˙lim tal-adulti. Jien nifhem li l-intenzjoni tal-gvern tkun li ji©u mpjegati g˙alliema li mhumiex professjonali ma' operaturi privati tal-edukazzjoni, li jit˙allsu inqas mill-g˙alliema tal-lum u g˙alhekk il-gvern ikun jista' j˙allas inqas g˙al kull ˙absi, sabiex is-servizz ikun iktar mifrux. Li t-tag˙lim isir minn min mhux professjonali huwa l-bog˙od milli jkun ideali, imma din mhix l-iktar ˙a©a li qed tinkewetani. G˙alkemm il-gvern qieg˙ed jg˙id ukoll li jrid iΩid l-edu-kazzjoni
vokazzjonali (ji©i-fieri tassnajja) b'20%, qed jing˙ad mill-Federazzjoni tal-G˙alliema ta' NSW li l-gvern be˙siebu jwaqqaf korsijiet industrijali li jwasslu g˙al çertifikazzjoni mit-TAFE, b˙all-Ewwel G˙ajnuna, issewqan tal-forklifts, l-I©jene u s-Sigurtà fl-Ikel u o˙rajn, u jnaqqas korsijiet b˙al dawk ta’ mastru- daxxa, londri (laundry) u o˙rajn.5 Jien ma nafx jekk dan ittwaqqif u/jew tnaqqis ta' korsijiet hux minnu, imma jekk iva na˙seb li dan ikun daqqa ta' ˙arta g˙all-prospetti tal˙absin wara li jispiççaw is-sentenza tag˙hom. Mhux hekk biss, imma nara li dan il-pass imur kontra l-politika tal-gvern li titnaqqas ir-rata ta' nies li jer©g˙u jid˙lu l-˙abs (reoffending rate) b'5% sal2019.6 It-tajjeb li iktar ˙absin isiru jafu l-kitba u n-numri ikun mnaqqas sew jekk o˙rajn ma jit˙allewx javvanzaw ftit iktar minn hekk, u g˙alhekk dan il-pass ikun kontra-produçenti. Sal-lum, ˙absin li jistudjaw u jakkwistaw çertifikat ta' seng˙a waqt li jkunu l-˙abs g˙andhom prospett ta' karriera adegwatament m˙allsa meta jo˙or©u mill-˙abs. Bil-proposti li qed jissemmew, din il-possibiltà tidher li mhix se tibqa' hemm, dejjem jekk dak li qed jg˙idu l-Federazzjoni tal-G˙alliema huwa minnu. Jien ng˙id, possibbli li dan hu l-limitu ta' ambizzjoni tas-soçjetà tag˙na g˙al dawk in-nies li jxellfu difrejhom mal-©ustizzja? X'se ji©ri minn dawk il-˙absin li di©a` g˙andhom livell baΩiku ta' edukazzjoni u jixtiequ juΩaw produttivament iΩ-Ωmien ta' qafla tag˙hom billi jtejbu l-edukazzjoni tag˙hom? Se no˙dulhom wa˙da mill-ftit prospetti ta' attività poΩittiva li g˙andhom fil-˙abs? Possibbli li fl-istess Ωmien li l-gvern se jinvesti espansjoni ta' $3.8 biljun fis-settur tas-servizzi korrettivi,7 hemm bΩonn li nqaççtu investiment fit-tag˙lim tas-snajja g˙alihom? Li jintuΩaw g˙alliema mhux professjonali biex jitg˙allmu l-litteriΩmu u n-numeriΩmu mhux biΩΩejjed? Meta wie˙ed jiftakar li NSW hu l-iktar stat g˙ani fl-Awstralja, u li din is-sena huwa stmat li wara li jitnaqqas il-˙ru© mid-d˙ul se jibqa' madwar $4 biljun, verament hemm bΩonn ta' pass b˙al dan? Jien dan narah tqançiç Ωejjed. B˙ala soçjetà li g˙andha sistema korrettiva, fejn il-˙absijiet huma postijiet ta' korrezzjoni u rijabilitazzjoni, nemmen li lkoll g˙andna interess li l-˙absi, jekk jid˙ol il˙abs, jag˙mel hekk darba biss. Jekk hu veru dak li qed jing˙ad li huma l-intenzjonijiet tieg˙u, il-gvern ta' NSW ikun qieg˙ed jag˙mel pass 'il quddiem, u ie˙or lura. Referenzi 1. Statistitical Profile: Characteristics of NSW Inmate Receptions; Corrective Services NSW; 1st Edition; February 2013 2. Fact%20Sheets/better%20prisons/Better_Factsheet_8_InmateEducationVocationalTraining_INTERNET_050516_2.pdf, retrieved 13/12/2016 3. Report on Government Services 2016; Australian Government; Table 8A.21 4., retrieved 13/12/2016 5. Prison teachers appalled as Baird Government slashes gaol education; NSW Teachers Federation Media Release; 1/12/2016 6., retrieved 13/12/2016 7., retrieved 13/12/2016
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Laqg˙a bejn il-Kunsilli tal-Maltin ta’ Victoria u NSW fiç-Çentru Malti ta’ Parkville f’Melbourne. Fuq wara (mix-xellug):Andrew Gatt, Rita Pullicino, Lawrence Dimech, Emanuel Camilleri. Quddiem: Joseph Stafrace, Dr Edwin Borg Manche`, Victor Borg, Prof Maurice Cauchi u Rosemary Attard
Ûjara nteressanti f’Melbourne
ont ilni ftit ma ninΩel Melbourne iΩda din l-a˙˙ar Ωjara tieg˙i u ta’ marti Marlene flimkien ma’ Emanuel u Theresa Camilleri kienet ta’ siwi g˙ax wettaqna ˙afna ˙idma g˙all-komunita` Maltija u sa˙˙a˙na l-˙biberija li teΩisti bejn il-Maltin residenti f’dawn l-akbar zew©t stati tal-Awstralja. Kellna laqg˙a ta’ interess mal-Maltese Community Council ta’ Victoria fic-çentru eççellenti li g˙andhom f’Parkville fejn iddiskutejna d-diffikultajiet kurrenti li g˙andna mal-SBS Radio u ˙ejjejna abbozz ˙alli ji©i mressaq miz-Ωew© Kunsilli fil-video conference li saret bejn listudjows tal-SBS f’Melbourne u Artarmon ftit jiem wara. Ìew diskussi punti o˙ra ta’ interess b˙all-vot g˙allMaltin fl-Awstralja fl-elezzjonijiet ta’ Malta kif ukoll issezzjoni 18c u kif dawn jistg˙u jolqtu lill-komunitajiet tag˙na. Kien hemm proposta wkoll li dawn il-laqg˙at jistg˙u jissoktaw isiru kull sena. L-attendenza tag˙na g˙all-Christmas Break-Up organizzat minn Newport Maltese Association fil-Melrose Reception Centre Tullamarine kienet esperjenza sabi˙a fejn malmadwar 350 persuna preΩenti qsamna organizazzjoni mill-aqwa li g˙amlet unur lill-organizzaturi. Óajr lil George Saliba u l-kumitat tieg˙u talli laqg˙una b’tant ©entilezza. Iltqajna wkoll ma’ g˙add ta’ ˙bieb o˙ra. Kellna ukoll laqg˙at ma’ Joe Axiaq tal-SBS Radio kif ukoll mal-Konslu Ìenerali f’Victoria, Victor Grech fl-uffiççju tieghu f’Little Collins Street. Zorna wkoll is-Shelter
Laqg˙a fl-uffiççju tal-Konslu Ìenerali f’Victoria. Mix-xellug: Lawrence Dimech, ilKonslu Victor Grech, u Emanuel Camilleri.
of Peace monument f’Kings Domain li jfakkar l-g˙otja tal-George Cross lil Malta u li ©ie mwaqqaf fl-1994. G˙amilna zjara impressjonanti fil-klabb tal-G˙annejja Maltin f’St Albans fejn ©ejna milqug˙a minn George Aquilina li fissrilna l-istorja ta’ dan il-klabb uniku fiddinja u anke d-diffikultajiet li qed i˙abbat wiççu mag˙hom. Dan hu klabb tassew impressjonanti. Iltqajna wkoll f’ikla speçjali bejn il-˙bieb fir-Roxburgh Park Hotel fejn ©ejna milqg˙ua millmani©er Alfred Xerri. Stajna naraw x’g˙andha x’toffri l-lukanda li saret post ferm popolari mal-Maltin. Post ferm sabi˙, modern u servizz mill-aqwa… nirrakomandawh. Ìejna ntervistati wkoll g˙all-programm ta’ Emm Brincat - 98.9 North West WM Hajr lil dawk kollha li wrew Dehra tas-sala lussusa mag˙na ospitalita’ u ˙biberija fejn sar il-Christmas tul iΩ-Ωjara qasira tag˙na f’din ilBreak-Up ta’ Newport belt sabi˙a ta’ Melbourne. Maltese Association Lawrence Dimech
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Book of the Year Award for author of Maltese descent Juliet Sampson
Melbourne-born author of Maltese descent, by Juliet M Sampson, the daughter of Carmel Sammut, a Maltese practitioner in the Western suburbs of Melbourne, namely Sunshine, who migrated to Australia about 36 years ago, has just won a Book of the Year award with her novel, Dance Demons. Juliet, who writes under her pen name and lives in Melbourne, was initially nominated as one of the top ten writers by the Australian Romantic Writers Group, AusRom Today for Author of the Year and Book of the Year for her latest of three books Dance Demons that was launched last May. She eventually won in the category of Book of the Year. This is a great acknowledgement for Juliet’s third book. The
Julia Finn MP Member for Granville
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. May this special time of the year be filled with happiness and joy Office: 160 Merrylands Road, Merrylands 2160 P: 9637 1656 F: 9897 1434 E:
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other books she has published are, bestseller Behind the Mask and Bon Voyage! They are all available on Book Depository, Amazon, in a number of bookshops in Australia, on various online sites, or borrowed from various libraries throughout the country. Juliet says of herself: “I have loved stories from a very young age. I remember going to story time at the library, watching live theatre and my parents reading to me. At school I wrote short stories and poems and worked on the school magazine committee. Before committing herself to full time writing and becoming a novelist, Juliet spent seven successful years in the teaching profession. She was passionate about being a primary teacher as it allowed her to share her love of reading, writing and storytelling with the younger generation. But this was not enough and wanted her words and voice to reach a larger audience all around the world. Writing books allowed me to do this. She has also written various articles for magazines and online blogs. “I write contemporary realism. I have been fortunate to undertake Bryce Courtenay’s and Fiona McIntosh’s Master Classes. These courses further inspired me to follow my dreams. I also have attended Hazel Edwards and Jen Storer courses,” Juliet says. She also has a passion for travel and seen and experienced different cultures. In fact her second novel Bon Voyage! was inspired from travelling many countries in the world. Another passion of hers is dancing. “I have learnt many styles jazz, tap, ballet, contemporary, funk and in the last few years I have been learning Latin American. I am currently training for my Gold medal.” Indeed she leads quite a busy life. She also learns travel sketching and also does voluntary work for charity. She hopes to inspire others through her writing and “spread sunshine and inspiration.” “I love life and try to embrace every day and make the most of living. I love the simple things like coffee with friends, spending time with my family, caring for sunflowers, walks on the beach, dancing and movies just to name a few. I love being a writer and also travelling to new places.” Juliet, who lives in Melbourne near the bay where she is surrounded by family and friends also has a very vibrant facebook page and website where she writes more about her storytelling and interests:
Tuesday December 20, 2016
The Voice of the Maltese 15
It-tapizzerija tat-Twelid tal-Messija
- wa˙da mill-aqwa xog˙lijiet tal-arti marbuta mal-Milied f’Malta
’hemmx dubju li wa˙da mill-isba˙ xeni talarti tal-Milied li g˙andna f’Malta hija dik ta’ wa˙da mill-arazzi, jew a˙jar it-tapizzeriji tal-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ìwann. Naf x e n a r j i fiΩ-Ωgur li ˙afna minna niftakru t- tal-Milied tapizzeriji mdendlin fil-korsija tal-Kon- f l - a r t i katidral. Kienu jintramaw fil-festi Maltija. t’G˙id il-Óamsin, Corpus Domini, ilInsemfesta ta’ San Ìwann Battista u l-Im- mi wkoll narja. li f’dan isL-a˙˙ar li rajna dawn l-arazzi f’San sett sabi˙ Ìwann kien meta Ωar g˙all-ewwel dar- tal-arazzi ba Malta l-Papa Ìwanni Pawlu II f’Me- nsibu anjju tal-1990. Wara, dawn il-©ojjelli kbar ke kwadfl-arti Maltija sabu posthom g˙al dejjem ru ie˙or li esebiti fil-MuΩew tal-Kon-katidral. wkoll huFil-fehma ta’ ˙afna t-tapizzerija li tat- m a r b u t Twelid tal-Messija (stampa lemin) hija mal-©rajja meqjusa b˙ala wa˙da mill-isba˙. Id- t a l - M i dawl huwa kkonçentrat fuq il-maxtura lied. Qed ta’ Ìesù Bambin imdawwar mill- ng˙id g˙al dak li juri d-dehra tat-Tliet kompoΩizzjoni tal-figuri huma differMadonna u minn San ÌuΩepp, u wkoll Slaten Ma©i jag˙tu li qed jag˙tu qima enti g˙al kollox minn dawk li jidhru fittapizzerija tatbir-rg˙ajja. Jidhru wkoll ilTwelid tal-Mesbaqra u l-˙mara kif ukoll sija. ©emg˙a ta’ an©li jittajru flNistqarr li filg˙oli. fehma tieg˙i kien Il-lewn a˙mar u ik˙al mn’alla li l-Kavaljaqtg˙u ˙afna u jaqilg˙u llieri tal-Ordin ta’ kwadru hekk li jag˙tu dehra San Ìwann ©ew aktar ˙ajja lill-figuri li nsibu f’Malta g˙ax ˙alf’din it-tapizzerija mill-aqwa. lewlna xog˙lijiet Ta’ min li kemm il-Maltin li tassew kbar fl-arti. PeterPaulCiantar jg˙ixu Malta, u wkoll xi emiX’aktarx li l-aqwa granti u barranin li jΩuru lfost dawn huma dawk tal-Kon-katidral pajjiΩ g˙all-btajjel g˙adhom jippruvaw lill-Bambin (stampa ta˙t). jag˙tu titwila lejn dawn l-arazzi, u f’Dan il-kwadru huwa wkoll dettaljat. ta’ San Ìwann. Kul˙add jaf li meta kien jil˙aq xi Gran dawn il-jiem tal-Milied jiflu sewwa din IΩda xi w˙ud ja˙sbu li d-disinn ta’ dan it-tapizzerija tat-Twelid tal-Messija. l-arazz ma sarx mill-istess disinjatur ta’ Mastru ©did, dan kien jag˙ti lill-Ordni Wie˙ed ikun qed jara wa˙da mill-isba˙ dak tat-twelid. Ir-ra©uni hi li l-istil u l- xi rigal xieraq. Meta la˙aq Gran Mastru l-Ispanjol Fra Raymondo Perellos y Roccaful fis-7 ta’ Frar 1697, l-g˙otja tieg˙u kienet dawn it-tapizzeriji Bel©jani li rregalhom lill-Knisja Konventwali ta’ San Ìwann. L-istudjuΩ bravu Vincent Zammit filkitba tieg˙u dwar il-Gran Mastri jg˙id li fl-istorja ta’ dawn l-arazzi jid˙ol ukoll l-famuΩ Mattia Preti li kien wie˙ed fost l-aktar nies esperti fit-tiΩjin tal-knisja konventwali ta’ San Ìwann. G˙alhekk personalment kien imur ilBel©ju ˙alli jippjana u jag˙Ωel id-disinji l-aktar addattati g˙all-knisja. G˙ahekk barra d-disinji tieg˙u hemm ukoll id-disinji ta’ Peter Paul Rubens u Nicolas Poussin. Ix-xog˙ol sar fil-˙anut ta’ Judecos de Vos li kien in-nissie© tarRe Lwigi XIV ta’ FranΩa bejn l-1697 u l1700. Dawn, mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Arazzi Fjammingi kienu n©iebu Malta s-sena ta’ wara. Tassew huma teΩori kbar.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta to take centre stage with EU Council Presidency
or the most part of the first six months of the New Year particularly, Malta would be under the spotlight, perhaps even under scrutiny as it takes centre stage by hosting the rotating Presidency of the European Union Council. All the hard work in preparing for the Presidency has been outlined on a number of occasions during visits by the Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers to EU member states and other visits by leaders to Malta. The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU is perhaps the biggest challenge that Malta will face since its accession to the EU in 2004. Its role will be very important, however, EU leaders are highly optimistic that Malta, the EU’s smallest state, would rise to the occasion as it has done in previous international occasions, particularly the Valletta Summit and CHOGM. The occasion provides a unique political, economic and cultural opportunity for Malta. It comes at a time when the challenges have never been so great, therefore this is precisely when, Malta’s political courage, strong leadership and clear voice can be instrumental in bringing the union closer together for the common good of Europe’s citizens. Addressing a news conference with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on a recent visit to the island, Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament said: Mr Martin Schulz (second left) and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and with the EU and Maltese Parliamentry delegations in Malta “I’m optimistic for the Maltese Presidency. Expectations Meanwhile, during a courtesy call by Mr would be assuming the role in the context of are high, but I am very satisfied with how Martin Schulz to President at Sant’Anton a Europe that finds itself at a crossroads they have prepared for it.” He further described the EU as a commu- Palace HE Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca told about its future and at a time of division benity of nations cooperating on equal footing, him, “We definitely need a Europe for the tween the northern and southern EU mempeople, a Europe with the people, a Europe ber states. regardless of their size. Immigration is to be given absolute priority, As he delved into how Malta is seeing closer to our peoples.” The President described the presidency as a as the Maltese Presidency would push for human rights during the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU. Minister for For- historical moment for Malta, not only be- the immediate implementation of measures eign Affairs George Vella said Malta aims to cause it is the very first time for Malta to be upon which there is already agreement. The agenda also includes, the Internal marhave three priority areas at the top of the presiding the European Union Council, but human rights agenda during the Presidency; also because, Malta, as the smallest Member ket, Security, Social inclusion, Regional pol(a) Human Rights of migrants (in particular State in the European Union will be leading itics and the Maritime sector. Brexit will also rights of migrant children); (b) Civil Society a foremost regional actor on the global stage. be in the forefront of discussion with the UK During a speech to the Council of Presi- Prime Minister Theresa May expected to Space/Human Rights Defenders, and (c) dents, she outlined two key problems that launch formal Brexit talks with EU leaders Freedom of religion or belief (FoRB). Malta is seeking to focus on topics that are are currently being faced by in the European before the end of March 2017. Malta, together with all Member States, inextricable to the human rights of migrants, Union; poverty and unemployment. She believing that these are extremely pertinent said that “this is a time when we need to re- will attempt to tackle the serious challenges in order to ensure that Europeans will regain to the discussion Europe is having on these vitalise our European ideals”. Earlier, explaining Malta’s priorities during confidence in the European project. issues; not simply the work being underDuring the Presidency Malta would receive taken externally: Racism, xenophobia and the presidency, Ian Borg, the Parliamentary Secretary for the Presidency said that Malta delegations from all the 28 member states discrimination. and hosting around 20,000 individuals takThis is a ing part in over 1,200 meetings in various paid advert fields, and about 3,000 journalists. Stat e Member for Prospect
Dr Hugh McDermott MP
EU2017MT app
Wishing you and your family a Merrry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2/679 T he Hor sley Dr Smit hfie ld NSW 2164 P: (0 2) 975 6 47 66 E: p ros pect@p ar liament .ns w. gov. au
he Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has launched a free T official mobile app - EU2017MT - that will
provide the user with all the latest information and updates regarding the meetings and events that will take place during the coming six months of Malta’s Presidency. The application will be available on iOS, Google Play Store and Windows.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Roundup of News About Malta
IMF says sound policies result in Malta’s Honour for Justyne Caruana exceptionally strong economic growth D
ollowing their ten-day mission to Malta where they evaluated in depth the economic and fiscal state of the Maltese economy, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has attributed Malta’s exceptionally strong economic growth to sound policies and favourable external and domestic conditions. The IMF further expects the Maltese economy’s current exceptionally strong economic growth to continue in the medium-term, and the strong job creation to continue in the coming years, thus keeping unemployment low. Furthermore, the IMF expects inflation to increase modestly as import prices recover, while sizable services balances are expected to continue supporting current account surpluses. The IMF recognises the Government’s efforts to reduce the public deficit and debt ratios and expects the adjustment measures coupled with robust growth to further improve the fiscal consolidation in the near term, such that the deficit is forecasted to decline to 0.6 per cent in 2017 while the debt ratio is expected to fall below the 60 per cent EU debt target rate earlier than expected. In the meantime, the Government said it endorses the IMF’s proposal to continue the steady implementation of reforms, in particular with regard to further increasing labour force participation, enhancing SMEs’ innovation, as well as streamlining the legal process in order to support high and inclusive long-term growth. Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that: “The recognition by the IMF of the Government’s economic and financial policies as ‘sound’ and as having led to robust employment growth and an improvement in public finances is the best compliment one can ask for.”
r Justyne Caruana, the Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Ageing has been recognised for her work and dedication during her career as a parliamentarian and presented with a certificate recognising her as Malta’s ambassador in the Women in Parliaments Global Forum. In making the presentation, Speaker Dr Anglu Farrugia told Justyne, a member of Parliament since 2003, “This honour is in recognition of the work you have done over the course of your parliamentary career and also an honour for the Maltese Parlia-
ment, that now has a member of Parliament representing Malta as an ambassador in the Women in Parliaments Global Forum.” Justyne Caruana, a lawyer by profession is the head of the Maltese Parliament’s delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, serves on the gender equality task force and is rapporteur of the first committee on political affairs.
Seaplanes over Malta’s Grand Harbour eople who happened to be in Valletta re- commitment in cooperation with the Malta the current and future demands of the induscently were regaled to an interesting ex- Seaplanes Association, to finally re-com- try, while encouraging young people to join P perience as they watched as two amphibious mence seaplane operations locally, while the sector as well as experienced workers to aircrafts flew over the Grand Harbour, landing mid-point between Pinto Wharf and Senglea Point. The seaplanes were participating in the 3000 Km trial from Como in Northern Italy, to Malta. Their arrival at the Valletta Grand Harbour was quite spectacular. Watching the spectacle was Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis, who said that the comeback of seaplanes, flying to and from our ports, clearly demonstrates Malta’s
also actively developing the required range of services around this new niche. He further explained the four main objectives within the Government’s vision for the aviation industry, that is, to: 1. Transform Malta into a more attractive jurisdiction for institutions that are willing to finance operations related to aviation. 2. Attract companies operating in the leasing environment. 3. Ensure the availability of skills to satisfy
widen their spectrum of knowledge and exposure to new services required by the aviation sector. 4. Improve the infrastructure required by companies to expand or establish operations in Malta. Dr Zammit Lewis expressed gratitude to the Malta Seaplane Association, and extended his full support for this event to become a mainstay on our already very rich annual calendar of events.
SUNNY’S CONFECTIONERY The Maltese Confectionery Specialist
Wishes its clients a
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18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Ara f’hix wasalna!
’dawn il-jiem, li nag˙tu daqshekk importanza lill-paçi u s-sliem, lim˙abba tal-proxxmu... f’jiem meta mistennija li nie˙du b’idejn anke ta’ min ma jaqbilx mag˙na u forsi mhux daqshekk ˙abib tag˙na, hija ˙asra li se jkolli nikteb dwar kummenti fil-midia lokali li xejn ma nqis li jaqblu mal-valuri li semmejt. Propju fuq is-social media kittieba mag˙rufa g˙all-mod kif tattakka bla ˙niena lil dawk li ma jaqblux mal-ideat politiçi tag˙ha, (kultant anke dawk li jappo©©jaw lill-istess partit li twieΩen hi) kitbet hekk dwar Kieth Schembri, iç-Chief of staff fl-uffiççju tal-Prim Ministru: “Now I can report, more specifically, that the Prime Minister’s chief of staff was diagnosed with a malignant glioma, a rare tumour of the optic nerve which occurs almost exclusively in men between the fourth and sixth decade. Neither the Prime Minister nor his chief of staff have made a statement to the press giving details of his illness or the prognosis, as is customary in these situations. ........ , there is no treatment that can do anything other than prolong life marginally, and usually not even that. “Prognosis for this kind of tumour is extremely poor, with life expectancy of one year, at most two, preceded by blindness,” my sources said. “Malignant gliomas are inoperable and untreatable.” Biex imbag˙ad il-gazzetta ta’ nhar ta’ Óadd, il-Mument uΩat l-istorja biex tg˙id li min˙abba f’hekk il-Prim Ministru kien qed ifittex Chief of Staff ©did. Sintendi din l-istorja mbag˙ad spiççat fil-ma©©oranza tal-midja Maltija. Min-na˙a tal-Uffiççju tal-Prim Ministru malajr ˙ar©et stqarrija li dak li qed jing˙ad kien kollu ffabbrikat - mhux minnu - g˙alkemm ma ©iex iççarat jekk din l-istqarrija kienetx qed tirreferi g˙all-marda
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msemmiha, jew li qed ji©i mfittex Chief of Staff ©did. Mhux se nid˙ol fil-kwestjoni tal-istat ta’ sa˙˙a ta’ Keith Schembri, avolja aktar tard il-Prim Ministru nnifsu stqarr li Schembri kien se jid˙ol lura g˙axxog˙ol ma jdumx. Li tassew ninsab iddisgustat dwaru, u ˙afna b˙ali, inkluΩi nies li jappo©©jaw lill-Partit Nazzjonalista, hu l-fatt li ssa˙˙a tal-bniedem hija aqwa mill-politika u mhux xieraq li wie˙ed imur fil-midja u biex jipprova jwassal messa©© politika joqg˙od ixerred mal-erba’ rjie˙at il-kundizzjoni tas-sa˙˙a ta’ persuna. Kien hemm min sostna li din il-persuna hija persuna f’kariga g˙olja, u g˙alhekk, l-istat ta’ sa˙˙a tieg˙u kellha tkun mag˙rufa mill-pubbliku. Biex jipprova dan kien hemm min semma li kien hemm membri tal-Parlament li meta kellhom bΩonn intervent mediku g˙arrfu b’dan lill-pubbliku. Schembri mhux deputat u dawk id-deputati li ssemmew kien min jeddhom li ˙ar©u l-a˙bar dwar li kellhom bΩonn intervent. Ma naf bl-ebda Gvern li s’issa ˙are© xi stqarrija meta xi membru (mhux deputat parlamentari) li jokkupa kariga kien barra mixxog˙ol fuq mard... aktar u aktar milli ng˙ataw çerti dettalji dwar il-mard. G˙alkemm personalment, ma naqbilx, forsi wie˙ed jista’ jaççetta li jkun hemm min isemmi l-problemi ta’ sa˙˙a ta’ individwu li jkollu kariga g˙olja iΩda li to˙ro© dettalji dwar il-mard u sa˙ansitra jiΩgura lill-publiku li dan sa sena – sentejn o˙ra se j˙allina ma tinΩillixt. Dan mhux biss g˙all-individwu nnifsu, imma wkoll g˙all-familjarji tieg˙u. Imma©inaw persuna b’marda terminali, li min˙abba ra©unijiet serji ma tg˙idx lil uliedha, lill-©enituri, eçç, biex imbag˙ad jispiçça li jsiru jafu mill-midja. Dan xieraq? Din karita kristjana? Il-biçça tiggrava aktar jekk fuq kollox dak li ntqal ma jkunx minnu. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li l-President ta’ Malta, l-E.T Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, fid-diskors tag˙ha f’Jum ir-Repubblika re©g˙et fet˙et il-kanuni kontra blogs li qed jattakkaw lil persuni privati biex, fi kliemha “jippruvaw jintg˙o©bu ma' çertu sezzjonijiet ta' nies”. Qalet bl-aktar mod çar li “l-libertà tal-espressjoni ma tag˙ti dritt lil ˙add li jhedded id-drittijiet tal-bniedem, inkluΩ rispett g˙all˙ajja familjari u g˙all-privatezza.” Fi kliem iebes, g˙at-tieni darba matul dis-sena, Coleiro Preca sa˙qet li b˙ala poplu 'm'g˙andniex naççettaw dawn l-oxxenitajiet. “Dan huwa g˙ajb g˙al min qed jag˙mlu, g˙alhekk ner©a' nappella lill-partiti politiçi, lil entitajiet pubbliçi kollha u l-poplu ta’ rieda tajba biex jiddisassoçjaw ru˙hom pubblikament minn dawn l-individwi.” (Rapport u aktar kummenti dwar id-diskors tal-President f’pa©na 19)
Ugwaljanza soçjali S
tatistika ma˙ru©a mill-Eurostat turi li Malta g˙andha fost l-aktar livell ta’ ugwaljanza soçjali minn fost il-pajjiΩi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Fil-fatt f’20 pajjiΩ ie˙or talUnjoni Ewropea hemm diΩugwaljanza ikbar fil-pagi milli hawn f’pajjiΩna, u skont il-Eurostat, filwaqt li f’pajjiΩi b˙allPortugall u Çipru dawk fuq l-og˙la pagi jaqilg˙u kwaΩi erba’ darbiet u nofs minn dawk fuq l-inqas pagi, f’pajjiΩna ddistakk huwa ta’ inqas minn tliet darbiet. Meta tqabbel dawk fuq il-paga
medja ma’ dawk fuq l-og˙la pagi, pajjiΩna huwa f’poΩizzjoni anke a˙jar. Fil-fatt, dawk fuq log˙la pagi f’pajjiΩna jit˙allsu ftit inqas mid-doppju ta’ dawk fuq paga medja. Huwa biss filpajjiΩi Skandinavi tad-Danimarka, l-Isvezja u l-Finlandja fejn hemm livell inqas ta’ diΩugwaljanza fil-pagi. Dawk fuq l-inqas pagi f’pajjiΩna jaqilg˙u kwaΩi Ωew© terzi tal-paga medja. Dan jikkuntrasta ˙afna ma’ dak li ji©ri f’pajjiΩi b˙al Çipru u l-Ìermanja fejn dawn jaqilg˙u n-nofs talpaga medja.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Diskors Qawwi mill-President
“Kull meta niltaqa’ mat-tfal – li huwa ta’ spiss – huma qeg˙din jg˙iduli li l-imkejjen miftu˙a fejn jilag˙bu skarsaw, u li t-tnaqqir tal-ispazji miftu˙a faqqrilhom ˙ajjithom, minkejja li ˙afna minnhom jidhru li ma jonqoshom xejn.” Il-President ikkritikat l-awtoritajiet Il-President g˙all-fatt li “fl-ebda Ωmien, ma ΩamMarie-Louise mew biΩΩejjed fiç-çentru tal-iΩvilupp Coleiro Preca il-kwalità tal-˙ajja tal-©enerazzjonijiet waqt id-diskors li g˙addew, tal-lum u tal-futur.” G˙altag˙ha f’Jum ir- hekk appellat “g˙all-g˙aqal u g˙allRepubblika integrità fil-qasam tal-ippjanar, u g˙all-g˙arfien s˙i˙ tal-prinçipju li nnies g˙andhom ji©u qabel il-profitt.” Dwar l-qasam Edukattiv, il-President, irrimarkat dwar il-fatt li fissena li g˙addiet re©a’ sar investiment qawwi fl-Edukazzjoni, iΩda minkejja dan l-investiment, g˙ad g˙andna riΩultati li “normalment ma nassoçjawhomx ma’ pajjiΩi li qeg˙din jaspiraw li jkunu fost l-aqwa f’dan il-qasam.” Qalet li g˙add g˙andna mijiet ta’ Ωg˙aΩag˙ li ma joqog˙dux jew ma jg˙addux g˙all-eΩami tas-SEC; terz tal-popolazzjoni studenteska li to˙ro© ming˙ajr ˙iliet baΩiçi mill-faΩi taledukazzjoni obbligatorja; qrib l-20% taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ li, la qeg˙din fl-edukazzjoni, u lanqas fit-ta˙ri©; il-parteçipazzjoni baxxa tal-adulti l-edukazzjoni tul il-˙ajja; u n-nuqqas ta’ ˙iliet marbutin mad-dinja tax-xog˙ol. Je˙tie© li jsir minn kollox biex komunitajiet, Il-President sostniet li jkun dawn il-problemi jintg˙elbu. U biex isir dan g˙ajb jekk fi Ωmien ta’ suççess ekonomiku irridu n˙arsu lejn il-politika fl-oqsma soçhekk kbir “li n˙allu f’xifer il-faqar jew fi stat jali, ekonomiçi u tas-sa˙˙a. Dan g˙andu efperpetwu ta’ tallab lil min dejjem ˙adem, jew fett dirett fuq il-˙ajja edukattiva fid-djar, u lil min ©enwinament ma jistax ja˙dem,” u ma fuq il-preΩent u l-futur edukattiv tal-indinuΩawhx “biex inkomplu nwaqqg˙u l-˙itan vidwu. “Id-dritt ta’ aççess ekwu g˙all-edukazzjoni tad-differenzi soçjoekonomiçi” Hija appellat ukoll biex l-awtoritajiet huwa wie˙ed mill-˙afna drittijiet fundai˙affu l-pass biex jkun hawn akkomodaz- mentali ta’ wliedna,” sa˙qet il-President. L-Eççelenza tag˙ha appellat ukoll biex “ilzjoni soçjali g˙al dawk li ma jifil˙ux Protokoll dwar l-aççess g˙all-©ustizzja miti˙allsu. L-Eççelenza tag˙ha tfal ji©i ffirmat u rratifikat” u “ma jintilifx rreferiet ukoll g˙at- aktar Ωmien, u t-tfal Maltin u G˙awdxin tensjoni li kien jing˙ataw id-drittijiet tag˙hom infurzati hemm “bejn is-soç- minn li©i komprensiva g˙alihom.” Saret ukoll referenza g˙all-qasam tasjetà çivili, bejn irresidenti, bejn l-iΩvi- Sa˙˙a fejn stqarret: “˙adt pjaçir ninnota luppaturi, u bejn l- Ωieda fil-ba©it g˙all-mediçini relatati malawtoritajiet,” fejn kura tal-kançer. Irridu nkomplu na˙dmu jid˙ol l-ambjent, iΩ- biex il-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin ikollhom Guaranteed cheapest rates da qalet li din it-ten- aççess s˙i˙, komplut, u b’xejn g˙all-kura Service road NRMA in vehicles All sjon tista’ “tonqos ta’ mard kiefer li ja˙sad u jfaqqar.” SkuΩawni li forsi tawwalt wisq dwar dan qatig˙ jekk id-djaLow holding Deposit id-diskors, iΩda ˙assejt li dan id-diskors logu u l-kwalità talrentals Discount for weekly ˙ajja tag˙na, u tal- qawwi u li jag˙mel ˙afna sens g˙andu ©enerazzjonijiet fu- jing˙ata aktar importanza milli ng˙ata minn Shuttle service to the Airport turi, jitpo©©ew fiç- çerta midja Maltija, li parti minnha, aktar Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 çentru tal-proçess iffukat fuq dak li jaqbel l-ideal tag˙ha u ˙altal-ippjanar u tal- liet barra partijiet essenzjali minn dan id102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148 diskors. iΩvilupp.”
a semmejt id-diskors tal-President f’Jum ir-Reppublika tajjeb li nislet xi kummenti li g˙addiet l-Eççellenza Tag˙ha.. kummenti fejn laqg˙tet fil-la˙am il-˙aj lil diversi setturi, fosthom sa˙ansitra kummenti li çerta midja g˙amlet emfasi dwarhom g˙ax interpretathom b˙ala kritika lill-Gvern. Fid-diskors tag˙ha l-President qalet li minkejja s-suççessi li qed jinkisbu, g˙ad hemm ˙wejje© li jinkwetaw lil Maltin u liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Fost dawn hemm: l-eskluΩjoni soçjali; it-theddida g˙allkwalità tal-˙ajja b’riΩultat ta’ Ωvilupp li mhux dejjem huwa sostenibbli; l-iffullar ta’ Ωoni residenzjali; il-limitazzjoni ta’ spazji pubbliçi; l-istorbju u d-dewmien fittraffiku; u l-iskarsezza tal-onestà u l-verità fil-˙ajja politika. Filwaqt li kkundannat il-movimenti razzisti u d-deportazzjoni ta’ “li qed jg˙inu fil-prosperità ta’ pajjiΩna u li ilhom is-snin parti missoçjetà tag˙na,” sa˙qet li “dan ma jfissirx li l-Ewropej m’g˙andhomx jirrispettaw lil pajjiΩna u ma jerfg˙ux il-piΩ mag˙na ... u b˙alna.” Hija wriet t˙assib dwar l-im©ieba tal-politiçi li l-©id li qed jag˙mlu qed “jintradam ta˙t munzelli ta’ akkuΩi u kontro-akkuΩi, tg˙ajjir, insinwazzjonijiet, skavar ta’ stejjer personali, u tfig˙ ta’ tajn.” Sostniet li “.. id-dibattitu politiku g˙andu dejjem ikun infurmat, uman, dinjituΩ, integru, kalm u, fuq kollox, rispettuΩ.” Il-President appellat g˙all-paga ugwali bejn l-ir©iel u n-nisa u Ωieda fil-paga minima. Talbet biex “il-problema tal-isfruttar tal-˙addiem ti©i attakkata bil-qawwa millistituzzjonijiet kollha kompetenti” Wissiet kontra l-vjolenza domestika Je˙tie© li nkunu aktar tolloranti u “Jekk se ninΩlu fit-toroq, se nimxu favur ir-rikonçiljazzjoni, it-tama, is-solidarjetà u l-kollet-
tività. Jekk se nipprotestaw, se nipprotestaw kontra x-xenofobija, ir-razziΩmu, l-eskluΩjoni soçjali u l-isfruttament tal-˙addiem g˙all-profitt.” Filwaqt li awgurat li l-miΩuri kkontemplati mis-sena d-die˙la j˙allu impatt poΩittiv fuq
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
Another U-turn on emission intensity scheme
fter vocal criticism from Coalition backbenchers, the Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull said “we will not be imposing a carbon tax, and we will not be imposing an emission trading scheme”. It came as EnergyAustralia – the country’s second biggest greenhouse emitter – announced plans to spend $1.5 billion on solar and wind projects. Mr. Turnbull said his government would never increase the cost of energy for Australian families and business. Some time before the PM had announced a policy review on climatechange for next year.
Frontier Economics chief Danny Price who the government last year appointed to the Climate Change Authority board, said the government had turned its back on an option that would have reduced prices. He said an emissions scheme would improve reliability by helping the electricity industry plan for the closure of ageing plants by investing in cleaner stations. An emission intensity scheme would set a baseline figure for how much carbon dioxide a power station could emit for every unit of power generated, penalising those who breached their limit and reward cleaner models that emitted less with free credits.
Safety and security at Parliament House
ortifications plans were rushed through both houses of Parliament to build a new 2.6-metre security fence to surround Parliament House on Capitol Hill Canberra – citing national security concerns. The speaker of the House, Tony Smith and Senate President Stephen Parry did not provide information about the exact location of the external perimeter of the southern and northern grassed ramps however it is believed that the fences will be almost at street level and covered with foliage to lessen the visual impact to architect Romaldo Giurgola’s original design. Canberra architect Architect Rodney Moss R o d n e y
The Parliament House fence
Moss said Parliament House was falling victim to “security bracket creep”. “To add layers and layers of security to the building will compromise the design intent that we all thought was so fantastic,” he said. “It becomes fortress Australia, which is the complete opposite to the way the building was envisaged.” Mr Moss said other iconic buildings such as the Taj Mahal or the White House put perimeter security “a long way out from the buildings”. The public will continue to access the roof of the building in precisely the same way however the presiding officers see it is their responsibility to ensure the safety and security of all Parliament House occupants, including the one million people who visit Parliament House Canberra annually.
Journeys so deadly
ne hears and reads a lot about the plight O of the refugees who risk their lives as they bid to reach “the promised land” to seek asylum in order to lead a better life than they have up till this time. Most of those who try to find solace on Australian soil are either turned away, illegally banished to remote Pacific island detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru, else lose their lives trying. The journey across land and sea in search of a better life has never been deadlier, not only in this part of the world. Refugee deaths at the Australian frontier (January 1 2000 – December 2016) reached 1,989+ border deaths. When it comes to Europe a record number of migrants and refugees died on the voyage to Europe, even though the total number of people has gone way down. According to the International Organisation for Migration, as of Dec. 4, around 4,715 lives had been lost so far this year in the Mediterranean Sea, up from 3,771 in 2015 when more than 1 million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe by sea. Compared to 883,393 in 2015, this year only 351,080 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea the IOM added. An IOM study shows that the first half of 2016 saw a 37 percent increase in the number of recorded deaths and disappearances across the Med, compared to the same period in 2015. That is one death one death for every 88 arrivals.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday December 20, 2016
A quick glimpse at Australia
New Sydney Airport will definitely be built
NYE in the palm of your hands
he City of Sydney New Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher Year’s Eve famous fireworks said. will be watched by an estimated Although the government is looking at rail opaudience of one billion people as tions at this stage, Mr. Fletcher said that land for the first time Facebook and would be set aside for a train station and a train YouTube users will be able to line route. This is although the new airport is sittune in to the fireworks celebrating a 60km drive from Sydney's CBD. tion live on their mobile phone. Mr. Turnbull rejected the idea the airport plan Everything will be streamed on had been rushed through. Facebook and YouTube and the “The need for an airport in western Sydney City of Sydney’s NYE website. has been screamingly obvious for many years,' The City of Sydney’s Lord he said. Mayor Clover Moore said “by “All the regulatory approvals are done. We making most of the digital techare getting on with the job, and this airport will nology only available this year, we can put Sydney’s New Year’s be built.” Eve fireworks show in the palm Mr. Turnbull also said he is confident the plan of people’s hands around the would receive lasting bipartisan support, citing world – right as it happens”. Labor's approval of the plan. The display will use seven Many others have welcomed the news, with tonnes of fireworks to create Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce saying Sydmore than 100,000 individual pyney needed the second airport at rotechnic effects accompanied by Badgerys Creek as Kingsford a digital light show. The Sydney Smith airport is operating at capacNew Year’s Eve is the biggest ity. n an interview with the SMH, the Prime Minister of Auspublic event in Australia with up tralia said he had delivered more than people realised in “Sydney is already full, Kingsford to a million people lining the HarSmith is full, we have called for this his first 15 months in the job. “If you look at what I underbour shores. took to do, in the budget and the government and what we capacity for some time,” he said. took to the election, we haven't delivered all of it yet, but This is a paid advert we have delivered a lot more than many pundits and experts believed we could,” he said. The Liberal/National Party just scraped home at the July 2 election, but the PM insists that “We are the first government since 1951 to take legislation to a double dissolution election and get it carried through the Senate without going to a joint sitting. That was Menzies in '51. That's no mean feat. “The refugee deal struck with the Obama administration, which will give asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru refuge in the United States, had been ‘secured,’” he said. This insistence that the deal will go ahead comes despite signals from Trump officials that a re-think could be in the offing, and after senior US Republicans, last week demanded the Obama administration make public information about the "secret" deal with the Turnbull government. Department of Immigration and Border Protection secretary Michael Pezzulo and other senior bureaucrats have travelled to US to have high-level meetings with members of the President-elect team to discuss operational details of the deal.
ob Hawke promised it; John Howard did not agree, and Tony Abbott say yes but the second airport for Sydney never really took off. Malcolm Turnbull, the present Prime Minister, described himself as 'a very enthusiastic devotee' of rail infrastructure in western Sydney. 'We are looking at the options for rail very, very carefully with the aim of ensuring that rail connectivity for the airport will ideally commence when the airport opens and, if not, as soon after that as possible,' he said. - The airport on1800ha site at Badgerys Creek in western Sydney is expected to open in the mid-2020s with a single 3.7km runway, initially serving up to five million passengers a year. That number is expected to expand to 10 million by the mid-2030s with a second runway planned for the following decades, Federal
The Liberals have delivered I
q qq q qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qqq qq q To the Editorial Board of The VOICE of the q q MALTESE: We thank you sincerely for q q your sterling work in bringing us this e- q q magazine regularly that is so interesting and q q informative. We look forward to it, as it has q become an important part of our life. q Wishing the editors and all the readers of q q q THE VOICE OF THE MALTESE q q q A VERY HOLY & HAPPY CHRISTMAS & q q A NEW YEAR FULL OF LOVE, PEACE q PROSPERITY & GOOD HEALTH q q Charles N. Mifsud M.Q.R. J.P. Sydney q q q qq q qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qqq qq
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Reskeon Group’s Christmas event – another success
he Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group organised the annual Christmas Luncheon for its members on December 7 with around 133 members and friends attending. A number of distinguished guests were also present. They included among others, Fr Edwin Agius, mssp, Rector at Parkville; the Parish Priest of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Canon Fr Emmanuel Bonello; Reskeon hon. members Dr Clemente Zammit and Mrs Mary Zammit; and the treasurer of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria the President of the Xag˙ra Association of Australia, Mr
Tony Bonello and Mrs Mary Bonello. Secretary, Paul Vella who acted as MC for the day welcomed the guests and led the singing of the Maltese National Anthem and Advance Australia Fair. Afterwards he invited all present to toast Christmas and the New Year, and a fivecourse meal was served. DJ Domenic provided music for the Canon Fr. Manny Bonello and Miriam Mizzi with some occasion, while RMADG president of the food Salvina Vella, delivered her Christmas message in which she thanked the committee and all members for
their help throughout the year and wished them and their families all the best for Christmas and the New Year filled with good health and happiness. Then list of birthday and anniversaries that occurred around this time was read, and a Christmas gift was presented to the attendees. Father Christmas also paid a visit and cheered all those present. The event finished with the Reskeon theme song composed by the late Laurie Armato and lyrics by Dr Clemente Zammit.
Food hampers for the Poor and the Homeless
esides its annual Christmas B Break-up, each year the Reskeon Seniors Group (RMASG) organises a large hamper of food and toiletries that it distributes among the poor and the homeless. The collection of such food to be distributed to the needy is organised by Fr Robert “Bob” Maguire, AM RFD, an Australian Roman Catholic priest, community worker and media personality from South Melbourne. For 39 years – 1973-2012 – Fr. Maguire was parish priest of the Sts
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Peter and Paul's Church in South Melbourne. For service to homeless youth through the Open Family Foundation", in 1989 Fr. Bob was appointed Member of the Order of Australia. Weeks before Christmas RMSAG asks members to bring items of food to its weekly meetings, and then organises a shopping spree to add to these items. This year’s collection was co-ordinated by the group’s A/Treasurer, Miriam Mizzi. Every year Canon Fr. Manny Bonello, Parish Priest of St. Joseph the Worker Church, North Reservoir, organises "stars" on the Christmas Tree at his Church, each with an item of food written on them. Parishioners take the starts home and return them with the item to the church the following week. PaulVella
Iffurmat il-kumitat tal-2017 tal-Grupp Letteratura Maltija an l-a˙˙ar il-Grupp Letteratura D Maltija tal-Victoria kellu l-Laqg˙a ©enerali Annwali li fiha ©ie wkoll iffurmat il-kumitat g˙as-sena l-©dida. Min˙abba li l-g˙add tan-nominati ma kienx akbar min-numru ta' poΩizzjonijiet me˙tie©a, ma kienx hemm il-˙tie©a bΩonn ta' votazzjoni, g˙alhekk il-kumitat ©ie ffurmat hekk: President: Dr Victor Sammut; Viçi-President: Marie Louise Anastasi; Segretarja: Rosemary Attard; TeΩorier: Ray Anastasi; Uffiçjal g˙ar-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliçi: Paul Vella; Segretarja g˙all-Avvenimenti Soçjali, Salvina Vella.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday December 20, 2016
The Future of Maltese Folksong (Part 3) Focusing on a book by Manuel Casha about Maltese folk-singing (Ghana)
Profs MauriceCauchi
n his book Maltese Traditional Music of G˙ana and Prejjem, Manuel Casha analyses the varieties of this genre which has been adapted to suit a variety of situations from the humorous to the tragic, from the political repartee to engagement in downright insult. The author lists a whole glossary of terms used by g˙annejja which are unique to this genre, and which are most likely to be lost but for this collection. He also delves into the intricacies of tuning the guitar in different keys to achieve a more poignant harmony, a technique that is unheard of in any other kind of musical ensemble. He also gives us an introduction to the mysteries, secrets and techniques used by the various participants to achieve their unique effects. Casha also provides profuse examples of G˙ana to illustrate various points of technique, style and content. He has ensured that the text of several of these G˙anais given in translation so that non-Maltese readers can at least get an idea of the meaning of the verse, even though a lot of their significance is unavoidably lost in translation. Even in absence of anything else, this book would have been of value as a photo-album of G˙ana singers over the years. The book contains a unique collection of photographs, an album of the protagonists who have practiced this art form over the years, both in Malta and in Australia. The book is a useful publication just for the photographic collection alone, containing a mass of information about the more prominent singers in Malta and Australia. One can also appreciate the importance of the nickname in individualising the performers: all the g˙annejja referred to in this text are given a nickname through which they are immediately recognised. Time was when a family nickname served the
useful purpose of identifying a whole clan within a village or town, something that no surname could do. Nicknames are unique identifiers invented specifically for each g˙annej, and which disappear with his passing away. Maltese folk singing has a particular value apart from entertainment: *Casha insists that “In Australia [this genre] remains an effective instrument in documenting the heritage of a group of people who mig- rated between the late 1940s to the mid-1970s when thousands of Maltese left their homeland to make a new life in Australia. …. One day this G˙ana source will help tell the story of this sector of Maltese migrants whose stories are still not well documented.” *One aspect, which the author emphasises, is the role of G˙ana in preserving the purity of the Maltese language. He writes: “the Maltese language has been served well by the g˙annejja in keeping its purity of form and expression. One of the sacrosanct rules in G˙ana singing is that no foreign words and expressions are acceptable.” Moreover, he says, it has helped to keep alive proverbs and sayings that would otherwise have long since disappeared. Casha writes: “Old Maltese proverbs, idioms and old saying, are very much the tool of a clever g˙annej”. *It encourages young people to maintain an interest in music and Maltese culture, *It helps them to improve their language skills, *It helps to create cohesion among
groups of young persons playing together, *It maintains and encourages an abiding interest in performing music. Mr Casha has been very active in ensuring that G˙ana continues to flourish in Australia. He describes his own role in ensuring the preservation of this type of music. His involvement in broadcasting in Australia, during which he has promoted G˙ana to the best of his ability, is indeed a part of the history of Maltese settlement in this continent. There was a real risk that with the passage of time, and as these pioneers grew older and passed away, the future generation might not have the capacity or the will to continue this tradition. It is particular here that Mr Casha has made his most important contribution to this art-form. He has travelled up and down the country, carrying his recording equipment, saving on tape all the most important practitioners of the guitar. He has succeeded in ensuring that several members of the younger generation have taken up the instrument and now can take the place of their elders. Some have become quite accomplished playing the guitar. Unfortunately, while their music is advanced, their grasp of the Maltese language will never allow them to express themselves in song, particularly not that brand of unique extemporising typical of the clever g˙annej. Manuel Casha has done a sterling job in collecting a vast library of G˙ana, which is now preserved on CDs and other electronic media, and is made available for all to appreciate, even when the protagonists have long gone. *Continued on page 24
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti. ID-DITTONG FIL-KITBA MALTIJA l-ilsien Malti u fil-kelma Maltija m’g˙andniex dak li tassew nistg˙u nsej˙ulu dittong (ji©ifieri l˙oss ta’ Ωew© vokali f’sillaba wa˙da) ˙lief il kisra tal-le˙en twil ta’ â f’ie b˙al fi ktieb, bieb, Ωied, miet, eçç., Ωew© ittri li flimkien jidhru g˙al le˙en wie˙ed. L-o˙rajn ma humiex ˙lief g˙aqda ta’ vokali ma’ wa˙da mill-konsonanti dg˙ajfin jew ta’ konsonanti dg˙ajfa ma’ vokali f’taqsima ta’ kelma. IT-TLIETA U ERBGÓIN REGOLA Id-Dittong isir meta wa˙da mill-ittri konsonanti j jew w tissie˙eb ma’ wa˙da mill-vokali sew fil-bidu kemm fit-tarf kemm ukoll f’nofs it-taqsima jew sillaba tal-kelma. Fil-bidu tas-sillaba: jon-for, kun-jom, jo˙-ro©, fir-jol, Lul-ju, ban-ju, war-da, ja˙-tar, wa-sa’, jem-men, ji©-ri, wiΩ g˙a. Fit-tarf tas-sillaba: ar-ja, stor-ja, azzjo-ni, un-jo-ni, vjo-la, vjo-lin, ne-goz-ju, stu-dju, ruΩar-ju, dil-lu-vju, tar-bi-ja. F’nofs is-sillaba: fizz-jal, dun-djan, nazz-jon, re-li©-jon, mil-jun, kwar-ta, ˙ajt, bejt, ˙wat, mwiet, swat. Il-le˙nijiet ta’ glia, gna, gno fi kliem misluf mit-Taljan fil-Malti jie˙du lle˙en u jinkitbu lja, nja u njo. Il-le˙en ta’ glio f’tarf il-kelma jsir ll, ta’ gno, nn. G˙alhekk minn famiglia niktbu familja, minn maglia, malja, minn campagna, kampanja, minn cognome, kunjom. Hekk ukoll familji, malji, eçç. fil-plural. Minn scoglio nag˙mlu skoll, minn maglio, mall, minn taglio, tall u minn disegno, disinn.
GÓELIEM FIL-KITBA MALTIJA L-g˙eliem li bihom ninqdew fil-kitba Maltija jimxu mal-ittri tal-Alfabett
tag˙na, sew (1) g˙all-˙oss tal-vokali, (2) kemm biex nuru fejn tonqos ittra, (3) kemm ukoll biex norbtu kelma ma’ o˙ra u (4) jew nag˙Ωlu u nifirdu ta˙dit minn ie˙or. (1) Il-˙oss tal-vokali kif fissirnieh flaççent hu ta’ tliet xorta: s˙i˙ (`), ˙afif (´) u twil (^): fèrraq, féraq, ˙âres. Dan l-g˙elm mhux me˙tie© ˙lief fittag˙lim tal-kitba u meta rridu nag˙Ωlu kelma minn o˙ra talistess g˙amla ta’ tifsir ie˙or: bà˙˙ar, ba˙˙âr; g˙âlja (a©©ettiv), g˙àlja (nom). (2) L-Appostrofu juri nuqqas ta’ ittra vokali u tal-konsonanti g˙ f’tarf ilkelma: f’idi, x’g˙andek?, m’humiex, x’minnek?, baΩa’, ©ama’, ma’, ta’, erba’, disa’ (˙abbiet), flok fi idi, xi g˙andek? ma humiex, xi minnek?, baΩag˙, ©amag˙, mag˙, tag˙, erbag˙, disag˙ (˙abbiet). (3) Fil-kitba Maltija l-qatg˙a (-) hi g˙elm ta’ rabta jew g˙aqda bejn kelma u o˙ra u g˙alhekk niktbu ilg˙arix jew l-g˙arix, fil-g˙axija, ilg˙eruq jew l-g˙eruq, iΩ-Ωmien, fittriq, bu-suf, kemm-kemm, ftit-ftit, kemm-il darba, tnax-il darba. (4) Il-virgola (,), il-punt (.), iΩ-Ωew© punti (:), il-punt u virgola (;), l-interrogattiv (?) jew g˙elmet il-mistoqsija, lammirattiv (!) jew g˙elmet il-g˙a©eb, g˙andhom l-istess qadi u tifsir filMalti kif f’ilsna o˙ra li huma mfissrin b’˙aΩΩ ta’ ittri b˙al tag˙na. Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.
Ninni laTibkix iΩjed
’hemmx dubju li laktar g˙anja tal-Milied popolari f’Malta hi dik mag˙rufa b˙ala, jew ‘Il-Benniena ta’ Ìesu` Bambin, inkella sempliçement Ninni la Tibkix IΩjed li ©iet miktuba mill-ÌiΩwita Andrea (Indri) Schembri fit-tieni nofs tasseklu dsatax g˙all-Maltin li emigraw u bdew ˙ajja ©dida fl-Afrika t’Isfel. L-g˙anja, titkanta mhux biss mit-tfal fil-jiem tal-Milied, laktar u l-aktar waqt il-purçissjonijiet bl-istatwetta ta’ Ìesu` tarbija lejliet il-Milied organizzati mill-imsie˙ba talMuΩew fl-ibliet u l-ir˙ula Maltin imma wkoll fil-Knejjes u f’kull çelebrazzjoni o˙ra konnessa mal-Milied. Hi popolari wkoll f’kull pajjiΩ ie˙or fejn hemm ©emg˙at kbar ta’ Maltin organizzati f’g˙aqdiet tag˙hom, b˙al flAwstralja, l-Istati Uniti, ilKanada u r-Renju Unit. Il-kliem tal-g˙anja hu dan: Ninni la tibkix iΩjed, Ninni Ìesu` Bambin, Óallih g˙alina l-biki, G˙ax a˙na l-midinbin. Ejjew ejjew ja An©li, Mis-sema mija, mija, Taraw lil min ˙alaqkom, Bambin ©ewwa l-fisqija. Ejjew, taraw b’g˙ajnejkom lil dan Alla tal-˙niena, Bambin sabi˙ u ˙elu, ininni ©ol-benniena. Ninni, la tibkix izjed...... Óallu rag˙ajja ˙allu, il-mer˙la tan-nag˙©iet, tibΩg˙ux min jindokrahom, Hemm l-An©li tas-smewwiet. Óallu, u ejjew taraw, Fil-Grotta l-©id li ©iena; Hawn Alla bambin çkejken, ininni ©ol benniena. Ninni, la tibkix iΩjed....
The Future of Maltese Folksong (Part 3) *from page 23 Manuel Casha is encouraged by the interest shown by young members of the community who not only learned the technique of guitar playing, but also were keen enough to engage in the theoretical and academic aspect of this art form. Casha remarks: “I am encouraged,
of late, by the number of students who choose G˙ana and Prejjem for their thesis for their degrees of PhDs. This has shown that a new generation Maltese see this music genre as their heritage and not something to sweep under the carpet.” Casha himself is largely responsible for this resurgence. Through his interest, involvement in recording and
documenting these songs he has been a prime mover in the resurgence of G˙ana in Australia. He has made sure, through his published CDs, and by ensuring that all this heritage is now archived in The National Library of Australia that future generations would be in a position to share and possibly enlarge on this heritage. Ends
The Voice of the Maltese 25
Tuesday December 20, 2016
C o mmunity Co mmunity N ews Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO COME & CELEBRATE AUSTRALIA DAY with a Dinner Dance Date: Saturday 21 st January 2017 Time: Doors open 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Place: Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Entertainer: Joe Apap Dinner: 3-Course Meal, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi & fruit platters For more information contact: Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
THE SUTHERLAND & ST. GEORGE MALTESE GROUP would like to thank the editors for The Voice of the Maltese and wish all the magazine’s readers a
VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR May 2017 be a year of peace and Friendship for all mankind We meet every first Wednesday of the month at the Miranda Community Centre between 10:00 am & 1:00 pm. We invite Guest Speakers, organise Outings and also show Films. Join us to meet new friends and get useful information. Fore more information call us on 0421 662 298 Charles or Joe on 0408 966 877. Membership is Free. Charles N. Mifsud (Co-Founder & Coordinator)
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Sincere good wishes for the festive season. May your Christmas be Holy and Healthy and have a Prosperous New Year 2017
Learn Maltese!
Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Teachers urgently needed. Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a NotFor-Profit organisation.
Join us on facebook:
https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
26 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2p.m. to 4p.m. Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: Maltese Down Under TV
Screens on Melbourne’s C31 (channel 44) Sundays @4pm; Mondays at 2p.m.; Tuesdays @2.30 pm. Others in Australia/the World can watch via live stream on: or the c31 app. Also on demand:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.
Kull qalb trid o˙ra
iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex fost kollox inwasslu tag˙rif interessanti lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xo-g˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud minn dawn l-ispejjeΩ qed nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minn-hom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kif jg˙id il-Malti, kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja tag˙na biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru lprodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw fil-u/jew jisponsorjaw il-magazine.
Meeting every last Tuesday of the month A special group for men. Meetings at 10 am at The Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (Parramatta West). Meet friends and enjoy Maltese food. For more information: Emanuel 0409 744 376
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
The Voice of the Maltese 27
Tuesday December 20, 2016
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s La Valette Social Centre Christmas Programme SATURDAY December 24: Centre opens at 6pm.with normal trading. Entertainment by DJ. 10.30 p.m.: Procession and Christmas Carols by La Valette choir under the direction by Mro. Victor Flordia. Christmas pageant arranged by Greg Caruana theme (Christmas Message), Christmas Mass Sermon by Sabian Caruana, and Midnight Mass by Fr Noel Bianco. SATURDAY December 31: New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. Three-course meal, fresh fruit, soft drink and two bottles wine on each table. $50 members; non members $55, children 6 -12yrs $30. Book early for the best tables
Entertainment by Charlie Camilleri and Rocking Mustangs For information/booking: La Valette: 9622 5847; Antoinette: 9671 2992; Frances: 0412 320432 (There will be no bingo or G˙ana due to dinner dance)
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW •Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jixtiequ jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport. Dawn jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss hi l-Ħadd 8 ta' Jannar fis1:00 pm. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Inc thanks the Editorial Staff of The Voice of the Maltese and wishes them and all the magazine’s readers:
To become a member of the MCA or to join the MCA choir, and for more information regarding GENSNA in CONCERT at WENTY LEAGUES CLUB on Sunday March 5, 2017, please phone Charles on 0421 662 298, or Mary on 9688 1432 or Jim on 0418 825 591
STEDINA: Il-Fathers ta' Stanley Street East Sydney
jistiednu lill-kommunita` Maltija g˙aç-çelebrazzjoni tal-Milied nhar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Dicembru fil-Kappella ta' San Pawl (De Piro House 19 Stanley Street East Sydney). Fil-11.30 pm: ikun hemm kant u g˙anjiet tal-Milied, immexxija minn John Beale. F'nofs il-lejl tibda l-quddiesa bil-priedka tal-Milied bil-Malti, minn Noah Muscat. Wara kul˙add huwa mistieden g˙al kafe` jew te` G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu: Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP fuq: 9380 8398. F'isem il-Fathers Maltin, Fr Tarcisio Micallef jixtieq il-Milied qaddis, barka u Sena Ìdida 2017, mimlija b'hena u riΩq. Huwa jag˙ti ˙ajr ukoll lil kull min b’xi mod jew ie˙or ikkopera masSoçjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u s-saçerdoti Maltin, matul l-2016. Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156
CELEBRATE 2017 WITH US!!! New Years Eve Dinner Dance Saturday December 31 from 7.00pm at the Hamrun Club premises Enjoy a three-course meal (drinks to be purchased at the bar) Entertainment for the night to be provided by the Duo Charlie and Frank, and also a floor show from Kaytlyn Vella and her Sisters Donations: Adults $45; Kids U/12: $20 For more information: George Zahra 0407434651 or the Club 98381111
Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese
Tajjeb tkun taf
n response to a number of inquiries, we wish to inform readers of The L Icolour Voice of the Maltese magazine that we can now supply hard copies in of the magazine to our readers who requst it, at a price. Therefore,
anybody interested in acquiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
-g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin li jkunu jridu jag˙mlu xi avviΩi u/jew li jirreklamaw f’The Voice of the Maltese huma m˙e©©a biex jg˙arrfu lit-tmexxija ta’ The Voice bixxewqa tag˙hom minn kmeni. Barra minhekk, jekk ikunu iridu jibag˙tu xi materjal g˙all-pubblikazzjoni jin˙-tie© jag˙mlu dan mil-inqas ©img˙a qabel il-pubblikazzjoni.
28 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 20, 2016
Midway through campaign 7 from 10 League clubs sack/change coaches
irkirkara are the latest from the Premier League clubs to sack their coach. Croat Drazen Besek (below) who took Birkirkara to the third round of the UEFA Europa League, the first club from Malta to reach such a stage in a UEFA competition. Besek paid the price for his club’s recent poor performances and disappointing results in the league
and FA Trophy that relegated Birkirkara to fifth position in the league ladder, six points behind leaders Hibernians, and eliminated them from the KO competition. Birkirkara are the seventh club from 10 in the Premier to change their coach when the season is not even halfway. Hibernians, Balzan and Valletta are the only clubs to retain their coach. Besek’s dismissal came almost immediately after Birkirkara’s 2-0 defeat against Hamrun Spartans. Days earlier they had also been dumped out of the FA Trophy by St Andrews who beat them by 30. Birkirkara’s fortunes for the remainder of the season have now been entrusted to Besek’s assistant coach, Nikola Jaros who has been given an 18-month contract to try and salvage their season.
Balzan beat Hibs to regain leadership
any supporters of the game of football in Malta are wondering M whether this could be Balzan’s year, particularly after they regained the leadership in the Premier League last week-
end on Day 16 following an odd-goal victory by 2-1 over previous table-toppers for just two rounds, Hibernians who lost more points on Day 15 with a draw against Pembroke. The match, that stood out at the weekend followed another news snatcher in the previous round when Balzan also passed the test against other challengers, the reigning champions Valletta. That match ended in a 2-2 draw, However, the tie against Hibs was even more dramatic as Balzan clinched the winner two minutes from time after the sending off of Alfred Effiong on 65 minutes. Valletta dropped four points in the last two rounds as after the draw with Balzan they could only manage a scoreless draw with the ever-improving Floriana at the weekend. In an unprecedented step, the match between Birkirkaa and Mosta was postponed, as following offensive social media comments made by members of Mosta FC targeting a referee, the MFRA issued a directive to the referees not to officiate in Mosta’s Premier League matches until December 19. Standing P W Balzan 16 10 Hibernians 16 10 Valletta 16 8 Floriana 16 8 Birkirkara 16 7 Sliema W 16 7 Hamrun S. 16 6 St Andrews 16 5 Tarxien R. 16 5 Gzira U 16 3 Mosta 16 2 Pembroke 16 2
D L Pts 4 3 6 5 3 3 2 4 6 3 3 2
2 34 2 33 2 30 3 29 5 24 6 24 8 20 7 19 6 18 10 12 10 9 12 9
RESULTS – DAY 16 Balzan v Hibernians 2-1 0-0 Valletta v Floriana pos Birkirkara v Mosta Sliema W. v St Andrews 1-1 Tarxien R. v Hamrun 3-2 0-0 Gzira v Pembroke DAY 15 Hibernians v Pembroke 1-1 2-2 Balzan v Valletta 1-1 Floriana v Tarxien R. Sliema W. v Birkirkara 2-1 St Andrews v Hamrun 3-1 3-0 Gzira v Mosta
Platinum Awards for Camilleri and Chetcuti at MOC Gala Night
aterpolo player Steve Camilleri and shooter William Chetcuti received Platinum Awards in the 2016 MOC Sports Awards at the Malta Olympic Committee’s Gala Night Stevie Camilleri who plays professionally for Ortigia in Italy, finished top scorer with 21 goals in this year’s European LEN Waterpolo Championships in Belgrade, and helped Neptunes win the National League. William Chetcuti won the World Cup in Double Trap at the ISSF event in Baku, Azerbaijan, and the bronze medal in the final contested by this year’s finalists in Rome. Various other awards were made to individual athletes and teams .The women’s Basketball national team, Snooker duo
Brian Cini and Alex Borg, Bodybuilder Luke Debono, Darts player Norbert Attard, and horse racing’s jockeys Julian Farrugia, Robert Gatt, Anthony Demanuele and Charles Camilleri won the Gold Award. The MOC Sports Awards are about acknowledging practicing athletes’ feats for outstanding sporting achievements in the international arena for a given period. Athletes manage to succeed through total dedication and sacrifice, and it is this dedication and success that the MOC recognises. As could be seen on the night, the MOC Sports Awards covers the full array of sports, an initiative that also includes other popular sporting disciplines not necessarily practiced during the GSSE.
FIFA grilling Malta over suspicious betting
nvestigators from the International FootIhaveball Federation, FIFA’s integrity office been in Malta as part of the on-going investigations into abnormal betting on the 2 018 World Cup Group F qualifying match between Lithuania and Malta last October. Part of the investigation was interviews with National coach Pietro Ghedin and players from the squad who were involved in the game. Lithuania beat Malta 2-0 in a World Cup
and the alarm was raised because of abnormal betting activity, prompting FIFA to launch the probe. Bets on Lithuania netting two late goals continued to pour in during the game and they duly obliged by scoring twice in the last 15 minutes. On a request from the Maltese Football Association, after match-fixing allegations were raised, the police also launched an investigation into the tie.
A-League: Melbourne Victory win derby to become Sydney FC’s main challengers At the end of a hotly-contested battle on Saturday Melbourne Victory beat cross-town rivals Melbourne City at the latter’s AAMI Park home ground to move into second place in the table to become Sydney FC’s main challengers in the Hyundai A-
League table. They came from a goal down to win with a Besart Berisha 78th minute goal. Sydney FC scored three second-half goals in inflicting a heavy 4-1 defeat on Perth Glory FC at Nib Stadium to extend their lead to seven points. .
RESULTS – DAY 11 Perth G v Sydney FC Melbourne C v Melbourne V Central Coast v Brisbane Newcastle J v Adelaide Wellington v W. Sydney DAY 10 Sydney FC v Melbourne C W. Sydney v Melbourne V Brisbane v Adelaide Perth G. v Newcastle J Wellington v Central C.
1-4 1-2 1-2 2-1 2-2 1-1 0-3 4-0 1-2 3-0
Standing P W Sydney FC 11 8 Melbourne V 10 6 Brisbane R 11 5 Melbourne C. 11 5 Newcastle J 11 3 Perth Glory 11 3 West Sydney 11 2 Wellington 10 3 Cent. Coast 11 2 Adelaide 11 1
D L Pts 3 2 5 3 3 3 6 1 3 3
0 2 1 3 5 5 3 6 6 7
27 20 20 18 12 12 12 10 9 6