The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 145
o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e
January 17, 2017
Malta’s EU Presidency gets underway (See pages, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 and 15)
Malta’s EU Presidency for the first six months of 2016 got underway at the Mediterran Conference Centre in Valletta with the opening ceremony in the presence of the top brass from the EU, the Commissioners, the Maltese Cabinet Ministers led by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and distinguished guests. A number of speeches were delivered by top officials followed by a spectacular 50-minute original music (score by Albert Garzia) and dance project between the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) and ŻfinMalta.
A ‘family’ photo. The EU Commissioners and Maltese Cabinet Ministers before the opening ceremony of the EU Presidency at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta A general view of the stage during the opening speeches
The ŻfinMalta performers with MPO conductor Brian Schembri (centre) and the composers
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Malta’s EU Presidency gets underway
he official opening ceremony of Malta's EU Presidency for the next six months was held last Wednesday at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta, with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat acting as host to the leaders of the 27 EU Member States During its Presidency Malta will plan and chair all ministerial meetings in Brussels and Luxembourg, with the exception of the meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council. It will also host a number of high-level meetings and conferences in Malta, including a summit of EU heads of government in February. This will be an opportunity for Malta, the smallest country to ever take on the presidency of the Council of the EU, to influence and shape the EU’s agenda in line with its own priorities and goals, and lead ‘tria-
logue’ negotiations with the Parliament and Commission in reaching an agreement on new legislation. The priorities to be discussed for the next six months as laid out earlier are, migration, security, single market, social inclusion, neighbourhood policy and maritime affairs. It will also have to contend with Brexit as it faces the possibility of the formal process being triggered in March. At the opening ceremony, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and a number of high ranking officials, that included Parliamentary Secretary for Malta’s EU Presidency Ian Borg, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Minister Louis Grech, and European Parliament President Donald Tusk, delivered speeches on the road ahead and opportunities to effect real change in the lives of EU citizens.
‘People should be the priority’ I
n his speech to mark the opening of Malta’s EU Presidency Prime Minister Joseph Muscat maintained that the EU should speak the language of the People, and that if it started answering the questions it is asked, the European project could be saved from the rise of populism and extreme nationalism Muscat said that the main challenge of the Presidency and the rest of the European institutions would be to remain realistic and pragmatic, and to offer minor solutions to larger problems, cognizant of the fact the work started in these six months would carry over for generations. “We are not under the illusion that we will solve all of them in the next six months, year, two years or even five years,” he said. He pointed out that the UE must first understand the reality that the European citizens are facing today, and that people don’t care about politicians to the extent that bureaucrats do. “They do not sit at home discussing EU directives or the migration crises, but they do talk about issues affecting them directly, on a smaller scale,” he said. He warned against the rebirth of more populist and nationalist feelings across Europe. He said people start turning to them because these movements are addressing the concerns that are daily affecting the citizens. He said it was important to not allow others to give the wrong answers to the questions being asked by the people, because that could kill the political, economic and social project that was the European Union. “Therefore, our first task should not be a revolutionary one, but a relatively obvious one: identifying the questions people want us to answer.
If we are able to achieve this, I believe that our answers, based on the European Union's values of solidarity between nations and peoples, and rooted in the potential for continued growth and a distribution of wealth where it is most needed, could be the right answers,” he said. The Prime Minister said that if it wants to remain relevant for the people, the EU should tackle issues such as Brexit, Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat at immigration, terrorthe opening Malta’s EU Presidency ism, economic problems, unemplyment, and inequality. relevant,” he said. Dr Muscat acknowledged the work He hoped that in six months’ time, the EU would have started address- done by former prime ministers ing citizens’ concerns. “The Euro- Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence pean project has been through a lot. Gonzi, who, he said, had a crucial It has been through tough times, and role in ensuring that Malta getting to it is important to keep it alive and this point.
Malta is ready for the challenge he Prime Minister’s speech followed others by Ian Borg, T Jean-Claude Juncker, Louis Grech and Donald Tusk. Ian Borg (on right) said that while aware of the limitations
on what can be achieved in a mere six months, Malta is ready for the challenge, because it is not only about sun and sea “but is home to a people that can – and have – achieved great things.” Deputy PM Louis Grech (pictured left) said these are extraordinary times that merit extraordimary action, and that the “Reunion” theme chosen for the Presidency was meant to keep in focus the real concerns of European citizens, and the need for the EU to reconnect with the man on the street. (For continuation and other speeches see page 3)
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday January 17, 2017
EU President: Malta a symbol of Europe’s cultural identity
n his inaugural address during the opening ceremony of Malta’s six-month term as host of the EU Presidency, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council described the occasion as being a good fortune that the Maltese Presidency comes at what he said was an “extraordinary time, a time full of new challenges and dramatic upheavals.” He said that during Malta’s Presidency, in Rome next March, the EU would be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Treaty, while the Brexit procedure would formally be launched. It would also be demanding test for the whole of the EU with regard to migration, especially on the Central Mediterranean Route. He added that such a sequence of events requires leadership which is competent, experienced and sensitive, and that few people have a better understanding of the Italians and the British, and the essence of the migration tragedy in the Mediterranean than the Maltese. “Malta, is a symbol of Europe’s cultural identity,” he said. He went on to say that Malta is not only a guarantee of a competent and understanding leadership. “For Europe, Malta is also a symbol of our cultural identity. If you want to see a history of European culture through a lens – take a close look at this remarkable island,” he said. He delved on some of the history of the island and even went as far as to say that for art lovers, Malta is the island of Caravaggio, while for the lovers of archaeology, it is the site of the oldest free-standing structures on Earth. “It is no coincidence that la Valetta will be a European capital of culture in 2018,” he added.
space where the Other is always one’s neighbour and where every one of us is constantly called upon to learn from everyone else,” Donald Tusk said. He maintaned that apart from competence, patience and empathy will no doubt be the main strengths of the Maltese Presidency. He said his confidence in this comes from the knowledge of certain events dating back to the beginning of our era. Citing from the Bible, in particular the Acts of the Apostles about the welcome given to the survivors when St Paul’s vessel en route to Rome was shipwrecked on the island. He said: “Two thousand years have passed, and you continue to welcome guests and survivors, calling them to warm themselves by a common fire, of which today’s ceremony is another beautiful example.”
“If today we are looking for anchors that will stabilise our continent, Malta is that kind of symbolic anchor. Zygmunt Bauman, the brilliant Polish ean-Claude Juncker said that Malta was prepared in philosopher the best possible way for the Council presidency and and social that it would prove, once again, that the EU’s thinker who smaller countries were very often the ones that took died only two their presidencies more seriously. Juncker (below) endays ago, wrote couraged Malta to pursue its goals to focus on core isthat Europe has sues like migration, which was very close to the island a particularly state, but also of equal importance to all member states. important role He said it was to play in reviproper that the ceretalising our unmony was held in a derstanding of building that had culture, preserved Malta for cencisely because turies, being one EuEurope, with its rope’s finest hospitals great diversity under the Knights of of peoples, lanSt John and gaining guages and hisequal importance tories, is the under the French and the British. While extending his best wishes for the next six months, he praised the beauty of *From page 2 the Maltese capital He said that difficult times call for difficult measures and was excited over Valletta having been nominated and cautioned the rise of extreme nationalist anti-EU as the European Capital of Culture for 2018, saying he sentiment that is taking hold of Europe. As such he cited would be back to Malta in for next year’s celebrations. the stalling economy and a number of other factors that Jucker said that Malta would take a perennial role in have contributed to this. the EU’s development. “Malta is a small country, but it Grech called for the upcoming year to be a decisive has great ambitions,” he said, adding, “We must show one for the whole of the EU in the light of general elecunity and forge ahead with the priorities set out. tions in France, the UK triggering its exit clause from Meanwhile, earlier in the day following a meeting with the EU, and the persistent challenges of migration. President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Jean Claude He maintained that the EU must change to find, once Juncker told her that the Maltese people should be again, the unity it displayed in the past, and that while proud of how the country is prepared to hold the rolling protecting itself from the constant threat of terrorism, it Presidency of the European Union, and that he was in should promote a better relationship with the regions full agreement with the agenda laid out by Malta. on its borders.
A decisive year for the EU
‘Malta a great country with great ambitions’
4 The Voice of the Maltese
hile most of us were lucky enough to be relaxing with loved ones this holiday season, thousands of Australians were overcome with fear and anxiety as they opened nasty, threatening debt-collection letters. Centrelink has been actively targeting single parents, pensioners and people with disabilities, falsely accusing them of owing Centrelink money. Can you imagine the devastation a single mother would feel – already worrying about how to put Christmas dinner on the table, reading an aggressive letter that incorrectly claimed she owes Centrelink more than $24,000? The worst part is Centrelink's broken computer system is still spitting these letters out – at the staggering rate of 20,000 every week. And so far the Turnbull Government has flat out refused to shut it down. How did this happen? These letters were automatically generated by a new computer system that attempts to match Centrelink's data with numbers from the tax office. But the programme is so inaccurate that a Centrelink officer turned whistleblower told journalists only "a fraction" of the debts were genuine. When 679 major corporations and 54 millionaires paid no tax whatsoever, we have to ask: why is the Turnbull Government calling on those in our community who can least afford it to pick up the tab? Let's get some action. And not just for those who were receiving letters over Christmas – but for every person who is struggling to make ends meet. What happens now will set the stage for the Turnbull Government's next budget in May. Write to your Member of Parliament and lodge a very strong protest. Meanwhile, the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Jones said his Government makes “no apology for the fact that we are trying to make sure we are more efficient, and have a wider grasp of those who might have received payment in error.” He said these people are not criminals but need to settle the debts in the interest of taxpayers.
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Min ˙aqqu ji©i onorat
x-xog˙ol tal-voluntarjat fil-komunita` jkompli kull minuta ta’ kull jum. Il-Maltin qalbhom tajba u jag˙tu mill-a˙jar li jistg˙u. G˙alhekk kull sena g˙add ta’ Maltin fi NSW ji©u mog˙tija g˙arfien g˙ax-xog˙ol siewi tag˙hom fost il-komunita` ©enerali millMaltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. li ilha mwaqqfa g˙al dawn l-40 sena, sa mill-1977. Tul dawn is-snin, kull tlett xhur, il-MW NSW torganizza laqg˙at ta’ tag˙rif, filwaqt li darba fis-sena l-g˙aqda torganizza il-Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition fejn g˙add ta’ Maltin ji©u onorati g˙ax-xog˙ol voluntarju li jkunu wettqu. G˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 16-il sena dan l-avveniment kien immirat lejn l-anzjani Maltin fi NSW iΩda minn dis-sena l-kumitat iddeçieda li r-regola tal-eta’ ma tibqax tapplika. Dan ifisser li kul˙add jista’ jigi nnominat g˙al xi att voluntarju li jkun wettaq ming˙ajr il˙tie©a li jkun anzjan. Fil-fatt din hija bidla sinifikanti g˙ax fil-komunita` hemm ˙afna persuni li jixirqilhom g˙arfien ming˙ajr ma wie˙ed i˙ares lejn leta` tag˙hom. Jekk tafu lil xi ˙add ta’ nisel Malti li filfehma tag˙kom ˙aqqu ji©i nnominat g˙all˙idma volontarja fil-komunita` ©enerali, ikkuntattjaw lil Lawrence Dimech Tel: 02 9631 9295 biex tiksbu formola tal-applikazzjoni. Wie˙ed jista’ wkoll jakkwista formola tal-applikazzjoni billi jid˙ol fuq is-sit:
Sadanittant, fil-jiem tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena, il-kumitat ta’ b˙alissa tal-Maltese Welfare organizza l-ikla annwali tieg˙u g˙al dawn il-festi (ta˙t). Mix-xellug: Lawrence u Nathalie Gatt, Frances Montesin, Lino Vella, Lawrence u Marlene Dimech, Theresa Camilleri, Doris Grima, Frank u Marie-Louise Muscat, u Rita u Charles Kassas. Membru ie˙or, Emanuel Camilleri mhux fir-ritratt
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Q. I am 55 years old and still have an outstanding morthis is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese gage of $520,000 on our house. I have around $450,000 in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanin my superannuation fund. I was wondering whether it cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities is possible for me to access some of these funds to reduce associated with financial planning. If you need more advice my outstanding mortgage. send an email to Marie Louise via: A. Unfortunately this year you are unable to offered a choiaccess your superannuation. However once ce to buy one you turn 56 years of age you will be able to bond in each commence a transition to retirement. This of our individwill allow you to start a non-commutable ac- ual names or count based pension with your superannua- purchase one in joint namtion money. You will be limited to payments of between es. What wo4% and 10% per annum. You may decide to uld be your take an annual payment of 10% rather than advice? a monthly payment, which in your case on A. I would pro$450,000 will be $45,000 per annum and bably recomtake this payment in the first month and place mend purchasit on your mortgage. ing one funeral Continue to do this annually as well as con- bond in each of tinuing to make your current repayments and your individual your mortgage will drop quite rapidly. names. This woQ. I am 69 years old and had retired uld be even more useful if you are age pen- grandson $30,000. Can she do this or from the work force. I have just taken sioners as funeral bonds are not treated as will it affect her age pension? up a permanent part time job of 10 assets and each individual is able to invest A. She can only gift $10,000 per annum hours a week. Can I start making con- up to $12,000 each into these bonds If you purchased one in joint names, the with no more than $30,000 over a five-year tributions into superannuation now that amount is still only $12,000 for it to be ex- period for it to be exempt from the CentreI am working again? empt from the asset test. However, if you link Asset test. However in your mother’s A. You can make contributions as the work find you cannot afford $12,000 each, you case these funds are already being treated test states that a person over the age of 65 can start off with say $5,000 and add to it as assets. Therefore her age pension will needs to work 40 hours over a 30-day pe- $100 per month until you build it to the not reduce and if her only assets are the $220,000 she is below the new asset test riod and your working hours fit this re- amount you desire. quirement. If you are earning more than Do not go past the $12,000 if you wish limit. $450 per month your employer is also for it to be exempt from the Centrelink Q. My mother is 90 years old and we obliged to make the SG employer contribu- asset test. have been told that her illness is termitions of 9.5% per annum. Q. My mother is in an aged care facility. nal and that she has only a few months Q. My husband and I are planning to She has around $220,000 sitting in a to live. She has $250,000 in a bank acpurchase a Funeral Bond. We have been bank account. She wishes to gift her only count which are surplus funds from the sale of her home after paying the Refundable Accommodation Deposit to move into aged care. For the last few years she has wanted to gift my six siblings and myself some of this money but we refused wanting to make sure that her money lasted. I have power of attorney and I thought I would take her up on the offer and gift $10,000 to each of us now, in order for her to see Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: us make use of her money. Would this affect her age pension? * Wealth Creation A. No, although one is allowed to gift $10,000 per annum with no more than * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice $30,000 over a five-year period for it not * Maximising Centrelink Benefits to be treated as evasion of assets, yet in your mother’s case these funds are already * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property being treated as her assets. * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to Her pension will therefore not drop but if she is not on the full pension it could inentering Aged Care facilities crease slightly because the first $10,000 Call Marie-Louise for a gifted will reduce her total amount of assets. I agree that if she has only a few complimentary consultation on: months to live, it would give her pleasure (02) 9231 2133 to see her children make good use of her money.
Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystic tales to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Celebrating Australia Australia Day Day on on January January 26 26 Celebrating
anuary 26 is Australia Day as the country commemorates the establishment of the first European settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney. This day, a public holiday, marks the landing of Captain Arthur Phillip at Port Jackson in 1788. In all states and territories, on this day, in a festive atmosphere, Australian citizenship ceremonies are often held to welcome immigrants who have been granted citizenship to the country. Captain Arthur Phillips’ landing is known as the First Fleet was made up of 11 ships with convicts. The arrival of the First Fleet represents the founding of the colony New South Wales. Thirty years later, the Governor of New South Wales gave all government employees a holiday. He also celebrated anniversary with a 30-gun salute and a ball. In the following years, employees of banks and other organisations were also given holidays. Initially, it was only New South Wales that celebrated the day. It was then known as First Landing Day or Foundation Day. Then 20 years later, in 1838, that is 50 years after the First Fleet arrived, Foundation Day was declared Australia's first public holiday in New South Wales. By 1935, January 26 was known as Australia Day in all states except New South Wales, where it was still called Anniversary Day. But from 1946, it was called Australia Day in all states and territories, and since 1994, the Australia Day public holiday has been on January 26 throughout the country. Because it marks the day of colonisation, Aboriginal Australians often feel that the celebrations on Australia Day exclude them. The day has been renamed Invasion Day, and protests do appear sideby-side the celebrations. In recent years, efforts have been made to make the
Australia Day 2017
them, Waltzing Matilda. Other symbols include the Golden Wattle, which is the national floral emblem, the opal, which is the national gemstone, and the national colours of green and gold. Many people enjoy it together in groups by organising picnics and/or barbeques, attend outdoor concerts, and play or watch sports events. Places around Australia celebrate the day differently. In Sydney boat races are the order of the day. They include a ferry race and the tall ships race, while Adelaide celebrates with a parade, concert, fireworks, and a cricket match. On this National Day, Australia honours its people in The Order of Australia, an order of chivalry established on February 14, 1975 by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, to recognise Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or meritorious service. Before the establishment of the order, introduced by Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Australian citizens used to receive British honours instead. Maltese associations around Australia actively participate in this historic day, and many even hold a special event like the Australia Day celebration in Sydney organised by the Maltese Community Council or the Dinner Dance organised by the Xaghra Association of NSW (see page 23 for more information.)
The ‘World Elder Abuse’ Day
ike the rest of the world, L Australia’s population is ageing. It is estimated that the
global population of people aged 60 years or older will more than double from 542 million in 1995 to 1.2 billion in 2025. Increases in the number of seniors have a butterfly effect on public and health services, as well as financial impacts on families. Statistically, around 4-6% of seniors have experienced some form of abuse at home, and this number is predicated to grow as our population ages. Defined as “elder abuse” - it
holiday more inclusive, and four years ago, on January 26, the Australian flag and Aboriginal flag were raised on the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the first time. The symbols of Australia are commonly used on Australia Day: The Australian national flag, with its representations of the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star, and the five stars of the Southern Cross. The national anthem, Advance Australia Fair, is played, so too Australia’s unofficial an-
can have terrible impacts on the health and wellbeing of seniors. Orchestrated by The United Nations Assembly, June 15th of each year has been designated to raising awareness about elder abuse and giving voice to those suffering. If you or someone you know is in an abusive situation, you can find help. Contacting the NSW Elder Abuse Hotline on 1800 628 221, or visit Don’t suffer in silence - help is out there for you or someone you care about
Navigating Computers
oes it feel like every time you see your D grandchildren they have a different device in their hand? You’d be right to think so! Tech-
nology is developing at a rapid pace. While we aren’t yet flying in cars like the Jetson’s predicted, last Christmas the next generation was receiving hover boards and drones. So how can you keep up? One of the main forms of communication in modern life is the computer. Slowly even aged care systems will be transferred to the Internet, so it’s important you understand computer basics. At CORE Community Services they regularly run computer classes to help people learn to navigate computers. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, call Lidia on (02) 9823 7542.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Thank you! Remembering
The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Chris Muscat from Burnside, SA writes: honestly and sincerely have to say that you at The Voice of the Maltese never cease to amaze me. The last two issues of the magazine over the Christmas and New Year period were amazing. During this period when out here we have a good number of holidays, I had more time at my disposal to go through the many interesting articles you carried even from the point of view of a critic. I am an avid reader of newspapers and maazines and due to my profession, and thanks to the Internet, I like to keep myself updated and informed of all that is happening around us. That also includes knowing what’s going on in our beloved Malta. Therefore I feel I must commend you on the way you present this magazine and thank you for your magnificent publication.
How to get noticed
G.A. Cuschieri from Paddington NSW writes: he list of 2016 Gie˙ ir-Repubblika honours was impressive. We the readers of The Voice of the Maltese are indeed proud to have persons so honoured associated with this fabulous magazine. I know some from the Maltese business community were expecting a gong especially after the visit of the President of Malta. Maybe next time, or they should start contributing to The Voice. It is an easy way to get noticed. Thank you once again for giving us Money Talk and the legal advice pages showing once again that The Voice respects the intelligence of the readers. The news is also delivered differently particularly the news in Maltese from Malta.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
Fr. Law Attard
Claudia Caruana from New York writes
read with sadness about the death of Fr. Lawrence Attard who worked so hard in describing the plight of those Maltese people who left the island for other countries. I first met Fr. Attard in 2000 at the Emigrants Conference held in Malta where I was asked to present a paper on the Maltese cultural experience in the United States. I described what I knew about the Maltese experience in New York. I learned of Fr. Attard's work and purchased his four books that described the Maltese emigrants' experience. At the conference, his description of the Maltese in America, New York, in particular, hit home. Many of the people who worked in the Maltese community were individuals, my parents and grandparents knew, and yes, even a gentleman with whom I had worked with on a Maltese newsletter what seems like eons ago, the late Joseph Doublet. I spoke with Fr. Attard at subsequent Emigrants' Conferences and he told me it was good I had the copies of the books as they were out of print and would probably never be available again. I still refer to them and they are in my permanent collection of Maltese books about Malta. Fr. Attard was both sharp and witty and an important person in preserving our Maltese history. May his memory be a blessing.
Keep a sharp eye
Charles Mizzi from Noble Park, Victoria, writes:
he Maltese are still receiving the half hour programmes in the Maltese lanT guage on on national SBSTV on Thursdays and Sundays from 8 am. These programmes are filling an immense void and keeping us informed with what is going on in Malta in a manner that is both intelligent and non-political. I remember that in the past this programme was a mess; many times viewing was not even on a regular basis. Well, on Sunday January 15, we did not view a new segment but a repeat of the Thursday programme. Such occurrence nowadays is not the norm as it was before but we still need to keep a sharp eye on the SBS as the people running this station does not see the ethnic content of this station as that important anymore. With a station (32) called ‘Viceland’, anything can happen at SBS TV & Radio
Tuesday January 17, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Li noqtlu dak li n˙obbu
torja li tibqa` imwa˙˙la f’mo˙˙ok meta taqraha VictorVVella B.A., M.A. tikkonsisti f’rumanz qasir miktub minn awtur Amerikan. Hi storja ta’ zew©t ir©iel. Kienu tnejn milqutin mid-depressjoni tal-g˙oxrinijiet fis-seklu l-ie˙or jew il-©enn tal-pometa l-Amerika l-aktar, sofriet wa˙da mill-akbar u l-ag˙ar Ωmien polarita` g˙al dawn in-nies li jsiru hekk ta’ bla xog˙ol. G˙addew min ©u˙ u faqar li waqg˙u f’salt fuq il-pajjiΩ ftit wara imsej˙a famuΩi. EΩl-ewwel gwerra dinjija (1914-1918). Fl-istorja nsibu Ωew© per- empji hemm kemm suna©©i jfittxu x-xog˙ol, jimxu minn farm g˙all-o˙ra u ja˙dmu trid: biΩΩejjed tisma’ jew tara l-a˙fir-raba forsi jaqilg˙u x’jieklu u kemm kemm biex jg˙ixu. Il-karattri ewlenin fihom studju interessanti: wie˙ed normali barijiet g˙ax issib biex ng˙id ˙ekk, u l-ie˙or ©gant b’mo˙˙u ftit g˙ajjien. Tal-ewwel tnejn jew tlieta kull ˙adha b˙ala missjoni li jie˙u ˙sieb lill-ie˙or li kien jismu Lennie. ©img˙a. Wa˙da mill-kwesDan tal-a˙˙ar kien qalbu tajba imma mo˙˙u ma kienx iwassal tjonijiet li qed t˙awbiex ikollu kontroll fuq l-im©ieba tieg˙u. Lennie kien i˙obb ˙afna l-annimali l-iΩjed dawk Ωg˙ar bil-pil wad il-mo˙˙ moartab u fin b˙al xi ©urdien jew xi fenek. Kien tant i˙obbhom li dern hi l-femminiΩmu, l-aktar li l-mara hi bniedma u mhix o©©ett. meta jaqbad xi wie˙ed kien tant jag˙fsu mieg˙u g˙ax i˙obbu li DaΩ-Ωmien il-mara ˙ar©et mhux biss mid-dar imma fuq kollox ˙ar©et minn qoxritha u nsibuha timmani©©ja skejjel, intrapriΩi, sa jasal biex jifgah u joqtlu. G˙andu ˙afna min-nies normali: mhux bil-fors fl-im©ieba tag˙- universitajjiet jekk mhux ukoll pajjiΩi… b˙al ma x’aktarx ji©ri na lejn l-annimali imma lejn il-bnedmin b˙alna. Jag˙tik li tg˙id jew ©ara fil-kaΩ ta Angela Merkel fil-Ìermanja. Rigward l-aqwa medjum viΩwali li g˙andna, ji©ifieri t-teleli, dik li noqtlu dak li n˙obbu donnha saret parti mil-˙ajja moderna. Óarsa lejn l-a˙˙ar snin lejn l-atturi, kantanti, kkummidjanti, viΩjoni, il-mara saret taf tag˙mel kollox: mit-tisjir g˙addiet g˙allplejers tar-rugby/futbol u l-bqija, u x’sar u x’isir minnhom meta a˙barijiet u ˙adet f’idejha programmi ta’ diskussjonijiet u dibattiti. Sa waslet biex tikkummenta dwar il-krikit, il-futbol, irjsiru popolari, bil-flus li jkollhom b’kollox i˙assbek ˙aΩin. Drogi, suwiçidju u korruzzjoni da˙lu sewwa wara l-adulazzjoni rugby u l-bqija. Lill-mara qed narawha b˙ala chief inspector, jew detective, b˙ala kompliçi fid-delitti … imsomma f’dawk il-partijiet reali jew mhumiex li kienu riservati g˙al-ir©iel. Xejn ˙aΩin, u t-televiΩjoni, li kif semmejt u kul˙add jaf, kif tidher huwa ferm iΩjed importanti minn dak li jing˙ad, hu pin©ut g˙al xi ˙add li ddehra tag˙ha ti©bdek u trid u ma tridx toqg˙od tara li tkun tara u wkoll g˙ax tiggosta taraha. Jista’ jkun li inkun qed naqbeΩ il-linja ta’ xi ˙add jekk inΩid ng˙id li l-mara bil-wiçç, bil-figura, bilvarjeta` tal-ilbies, bil-qag˙diet tag˙ha, jew bil-mutetti tax- xag˙ar ma tistax ma ΩΩommokx iççassat lejn l-iskrin. Óabib tieg˙i darba qalli li hekk kif jibda jara xi film jew serje u jkun fih it-tqaççit Ωejjed malajr ibiddel ic-channel g˙ax issa dara li l-iktar ˙a©a eççitanti filfilms, eçç. mhux se tkun id-drama, l-istorja jew ilkarattri jew kif se tiΩvol©i l-istorja, imma ç-çentru se tkun il-mara g˙ax hi hekk u hekk u jew g˙ax hi min hi. Punt interessanti meta toqg˙od tifli xi serje televiΩiva u l-istorja u l-bqija hija biss reΩurrezzjoni ta’ storja li rajniha 20/30 sena ilu. Biss issa Chief Inspector Bill tbiddel u sar Chief Inspector Miss Marple. Pass lura jew il-quddiem? Din hi l-mistoqsija li qed t˙awwad lill-femministi stess. Il-mara donnu li saret iΩjed ‘o©©ett’, xi ˙a©a sabi˙a, tazza tal-fidda li ssebba˙ vetrina, jew kif inhu xieraq qed izjed tie˙u postha fis-soçjeta? Dan tal-a˙˙ar Ωgur li qed isir kif semmejt iktar ‘l fuq. Imma b’hekk jista’ jkun li qed nag˙mlu aktar pressjoni fuq il-mara, b˙ala mara. Il-mara g˙andha ˙afna aktar pressjoni, biex insej˙ilhom hekk, milli g˙andu r-ra©el. Fuq kollox trid tipprova turi li hi kapaçi daqs, jekk mhux iΩjed minn ra©el. G˙alhekk issa trid tid˙ol fl-isports tal-ir©iel,b˙allboxing, ir-rugby il-futbol, iç-cikliΩmu u o˙rajn. Donnu li saret magna li trid tla˙˙aq ma’ kollox u turi b’˙afna sforzi li g˙andha l-˙ila tag˙mel kollox. U l-mara mhux biss saret jew qed issir o©©ett imma saret robot li jipprova jla˙˙aq ma kollox. Qed ji©rilha b˙al Lennie tal-istorja li bdejt biha: li nifgaw u noqtlu lil dik li nhobbu u nammiraw.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Perspettiva L-assigurazzjoni tal-karozzi fl-Awstralja A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs
kitba ta’
piss nitkellem dwar xi aspett tal-˙ajja li nnutajtha differenti bejn l-Awstralja u Malta. Wa˙da millewwel li nnutajt kienet il-qasam tal-assigurazzjoni tal-karozzi. Niftakar li wara li xtrajt karozza, kont g˙amilt ftit tiftix dwar it-tliet prodotti li kont familjari mag˙hom f'Malta - third party (assigurazzjoni fuq is-sa˙˙a ta' terzi persuni u l-proprjetà tag˙hom, li ma tinkludi xejn lis-sewwieq li qed jie˙u l-assigurazzjoni), third party fire and theft (li ma' ta' qabel iΩΩid assigurazzjoni kontra ˙sara mill˙ruq u s-serq tal-karozza tas-sewwieq) u comprehensive (li ma' ta' qabel iΩΩid assigurazzjoni kompluta tal-vettura tas-sewwieq). L-ewwel sorpriΩa kienet li fl-Awstralja l-assigurazzjoni fuq is-sa˙˙a u l-proprjetà ta' terzi persuni hija mifruda: cumpulsory third party, li jinkludi biss assigurazzjoni fuq issa˙˙a ta' terzi persuni, u li ma jinkludix proprjetà, u third party property (assigurazzjoni fuq il-proprjetà ta' terzi persuni). L-ewwel wa˙da hija ta' bilfors, trid tinxtara dejjem, jekk wie˙ed irid jirre©istra vettura fl-Awstralja. Wie˙ed jista' jibdel third party property ma' polza comprehensive li ΩΩid mag˙ha assigurazzjoni fuq il-vettura tas-sewwieq. Fi kliem ie˙or, persuna li f'Malta mdorri jixtri polza comprehensive, fl-Awstralja jrid jixtri Ωew© poloz, wa˙da compulsory third party (CTP) u l-o˙ra comprehensive. Imsomma, wara li ˙sibt li naf biΩΩejjed fuq is-suq, g˙aΩilt kumpannija li ˙sibt li kellha kundizzjonijiet tajbin, u waqt waqfa mix-xog˙ol mort biex nag˙mel qadja ta' malajr f'uffiççju tag˙hom li kien qrib. Malajr skoprejt it-tieni differenza - mhux il-kumpanniji kollha joffru assigurazzjoni lil kul˙add! Jien f'Malta kont imdorri li jekk tkun ta˙t il-25 sena trid t˙allas daqsxejn iktar, imma din il-kumpannija staqsietni x'karozza kelli, u malli identifikajtha, qaluli li dik il-karozza ma jinxjurjawhiex, g˙ax huma jispeçjalizzaw biss f'karozzi klassiçi! Tajjeb ukoll! Malajr sibt kumpanniji o˙ra li g˙aΩilt wa˙da minnhom, imma hawnhekk skoprejt it-tielet differenza - il-prezz, li rajtu g˙oli mmens meta mqabbel ma' Malta, u speçjalment meta tg˙odd iΩ-Ωew© tipi ta' assigurazzjoni flimkien. Wara sena, u sena wara sena, meta mort biex in©edded, skoprejt ir-raba' differenza, u din hija partikulari g˙al NSW. FilkaΩ tal-assigurazzjoni comprehensive, il-prezz bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or dejjem jibqa' l-istess sena wara sena anke jekk il-valur tal-vettura jonqos kull sena u l-parametri l-o˙ra, b˙all-eççess li jit˙allas ma' talba g˙al benefiççju, jinΩammu l-istess. Fil-kaΩ tas-CTP, li l-prezz tieg˙u ma jiddependix fuq il-valur tal-vettura, il-˙las ta' kull sena dejjem jitla', tant li fl-2016, ˙allast fuq $700 li hu iktar mid-doppju ta' dak li kont ˙allast g˙axar snin qabel. Dan l-istat g˙andu çirkustanzi partikulari li wassluh li jkun l-iktar stat g˙ali fejn wie˙ed jixtri s-CTP insurance, bi prezzijiet id-doppju ta' dawk f'Tasmania, Queensland u West Australia.1 Óa nsemmi biss xi w˙ud. L-ewwel ˙a©a, biex persuna li we©©g˙et tkun tista' tag˙mel
talba g˙al benefiççju mill-iskema, trid tipprova li kien hemm sewwieq ie˙or li kellu tort, u dan proçess li spiss idum bejn tnejn sa ˙ames snin b'diversi professjonisti involuti. Fejn vettura li tkun ikkawΩat l-inçident ma' tkunx assigurata, it-talba xorta tkun tista' ssir. Hemm ukoll eççezzjonijiet ta' xi benefiççji li jit˙allsu anke fejn m'hemmx tort, jew g˙al tfal ta˙t is-sittax-il sena. Il-benefiççji jinkludu spejjeΩ mediçi tal-passat u tal-futur, rijabilitazzjoni, u anke nuqqas ta' d˙ul u o˙rajn. Il-˙las ©eneralment ikun ta' darba (lump sum) ˙lief dawk mediçi u servizzi relatati. Il-kumpanniji li joffru dan it-tip ta' assigurazzjoni jΩidu l˙lasijiet ta' kull sena biex ma jo˙or©ux minn ta˙t. U minn ta˙t jidher çar li mhux qed jo˙or©u. Fil-fatt, madwar 45% biss tal-˙lasijiet ta' kull sena missewwieqa g˙ax-xiri tal-assigurazzjoni jit˙allsu b˙ala benefiççji. SpejjeΩ legali u investigattivi jitilg˙u g˙al madwar 18% tal-˙lasijiet; l-ispejjeΩ tal-kumpanniji tal-assigurazzjoni jla˙˙qu 15%; amministrazzjoni tal-iskema tie˙u 3%, u fl-a˙˙ar imma çertament mhux l-inqas, il-profitt tal-kumpanniji tal-assigurazzjoni jie˙du 19%2. Fi kliem ie˙or, il-profitt g˙allkumpanniji tal-assigurazzjoni huwa iktar g˙oli mill-ispejjeΩ tag˙hom! Mhux hekk biss, imma dan il-profitt huwa d-doppju ta' dak mistenni mill-kumpanniji nfushom!3 Apparti milli qed jg˙addu passata lill-konsumaturi, qed jg˙addu passata wkoll lill-gvern, li huwa responsabbli mir-regolamenti li jg˙addi fuq l-industriji. Il-gvern ta' NSW ˙are© konsultazzjoni (li waqfet f'April 2016) dwar kif tista' ti©i riformata l-industrija tas-CTP, u o˙ra (li waqfet f'Novembru 2016) fuq il-profitt tal-kumpanniji talassigurazzjoni tas-CTP. B˙alissa qed nistenna biex nara x'deçiΩjonijiet se jie˙u l-gvern. Imma m'hemmx g˙a©©la, tafx. X'hemm bΩonn? Issa fejn marret il-kredit kard? Óeqq, g˙andi bΩonn in©edded ir-re©istrazzjoni tal-karozza, x'tag˙mel? Tg˙id nistenna? Referenzi 1. On the road to a better CTP scheme; State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA); NSW Government; 2015; p. 9 2. Ibid; p. 6 3. Ibid; p. 13
Tuesday January 17, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 11
L-G˙onnella: ilbies tradizzjonali tan-nisa
’g˙andna l-ebda tag˙rif dwar il-bidu tal-g˙onnella f’Malta li hija meqjusa b˙ala wa˙da mill-ilbies tradizzjonali tan-nisa Maltin. Sa ˙amsin sen’ilu, lg˙onnella kienet g˙adha tidher fit-toroq ta’ pajjiΩna. G˙adni nisma’ liz-zija ÌuΩa tg˙id lill-ommi Marija li ming˙ajr lg˙onnella ma kinetx t˙ossha mlibbsa! F’ir˙ula b˙al ÓaΩ-Ûabbar, iΩ-Ûejtun u Marsaxlokk in-nisa ma kinux jilbsu g˙onnella sewda kif nafuha, imma aktar f’lewn ik˙al b’tikek jew disinji ta’ fjuri bojod, u kienu jsej˙ulha ‘Çulqana’. Din kienet aktarx mantilla mitluqa fuq ir-ras u l-ispalel. Kienet id-drawwa tan-nisa Ûabbarin li kienu jo˙or©u jbig˙u l-kappar lebsin iç-çulqana. Huma kienu jpo©©u l-kartell talkappar fuq rashom u jserr˙uh fuq il-kawwara. Jidhru diversi ritratti u tpin©ija antika ta’ dawn in-nisa fir-toroq tag˙na bilbarmil tal-kappar fuq rashom. MaΩ-Ωmien, xi nisa Maltin bdew isej˙u l-g˙onnella wkoll ‘Stemina’. L-g˙onnella Maltija kienet tkun mag˙mula minn diversi g˙amliet ta’ drappijiet b˙al ng˙idu a˙na tal-kordinè li kien b˙al ˙arir tal-ottoman, g˙amla ta’ tajjar; satinè; sara© u kaxmir irqiq. Il-biçça ta’ fuq ir-ras tal-g˙onnella kienet tkun mag˙mula minn biçça kartuna iebsa mehmuΩa bil-fildiferru u baliena iebsa biex iΩΩommha wieqfa. Kien hawn nisa speçjalizzati biex jag˙mlu dan ixxog˙ol tal-g˙enienel. Iz-zija talmara, çerta Karmena Cutajar li kienet toqg˙od ir-Rabat, kienet speçjali fil-˙jata tal-g˙enienel, sa˙anistra anke min-na˙a t’isfel ta’ Malta kienu ji©u g˙andha. Ta˙t l-g˙onnella kienu jilbsu d-dublett tal-korkor, merfug˙ ftit ’il fuq biex jidher id-dublett ta’ ta˙t li l-biçça l-kbira kien ikollu l-bizzilla u l-frilli mieg˙u. Xi drabi d-dublett ta’ ta˙t kien ikun isba˙ minn dak ta’ fuq. Dan id-dublett kien mag˙ruf b˙ala ‘dak tar-refg˙a’. Fuq iddublett in-nisa Maltin kienu jilbsu ©lekk biç-çinta g˙olja li kien jing˙alaq bil-krieket. M’g˙andnix xi ng˙idu n-nisa nobbli kienu jilbsu xort’o˙ra. Dan l-ilbies kien aktarx juri d-dinjità u l-kobor tal-familja tag˙hom. Dawn in-nisa kienu jilbsu lbies twil tal-g˙aΩel u l-imbrukkat bi ˙jut tad-deheb jew fidda. Kienu wkoll jins©u lbies tal-˙arir bil-˙ajt tad-deheb irran©at b’mod u simetrija li jidher b˙al f’g˙amla ta’ arzell.
PeterPaulCiantar Fost dawk li fl-a˙˙ar snin tal-g˙onnella kienu jilbsu kien hemm in-nisa membri tal-MuΩew. Din kienet daqs uniformi g˙alihom. Niftakar sewwa liz-zija ÌuΩeppa jew iz-zija ÌuΩ (dik li semmejt qabel) li kienet toqg˙od ÓaΩ-Ûebbu©, b˙ala fost tala˙˙ar li ne˙˙iet minn fuq rasha lg˙onnella. Hija kienet tg˙allem idduttrina lill-bniet tasSoçjetà tal-MuΩew meta kienet ˙afna iΩg˙ar … g˙ax jiena niftakarha kbira fletà. F’wie˙ed mir-ritratti impressjonanti li ©ieli rajt tal-funeral tal-Qaddis Malti San Ìor© Preca fil-Knisja tal-Óamrun niftakar wie˙ed li kien juri lkorsija b’nofsha membri nisa tal-MuΩew kollha libsin l-g˙onnella. Wie˙ed seta’ jara ba˙ar ta’ g˙enienel suwed li turi kemm kienet importanti l-g˙onnella Maltija fl-ilbies tan-nisa Maltin. Fuq nota personali, fejn g˙andha x’taqsam Malta, f’Novembru li g˙adda kont bdejt nag˙ti sensiela ta’ lectures dwar lapprezzament g˙all-muΩika serja u operistika, biex niskopru s-sabi˙ tal-muΩika, lill-membri tal-Università tat-Tielet Età. Kont g˙all-btajjel tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena, imma ssoktajt fid-9 ta’ Jannar, kull nhar ta’ Tnejn, sal-a˙˙ar tax-xahar . G˙alkemm is-su©©ett huwa muΩika serja u operistika, g˙andi f’mo˙˙i wkoll aktar su©©etti b˙all-operetta, zarzuela, marçi militari ta’ kompoΩituri barranin u aktar. Jiena dejjem ng˙id li l-muΩika li verament tpaxxi l-qalb u lwidna hija muΩika li fiha g˙andha b˙al se˙er, dik ix-xi ˙a©a ma©ika li ti©bdek lejha. Huma ˙afna fost dawk li attendew dawn il-lectures li tfawru bl-entuΩjaΩmu g˙allmuΩika u sa˙ansitra bdew i˙obbu u japprezzawha. Qed ukoll nippreΩenta l-programm, ‘G˙andi pjaçir nippreΩentalek...’ kull nhar ta’ Tnejn fuq Radju Malta Nazzjonali. Dan ji©i mxandar fid-8.45 a.m. (˙in ta’ Malta). Dawk fost il-qarrejja li jg˙ixu barra li jixtiequ jsegwuh, jistg˙u g˙ax ji©i streamed. Wie˙ed jista’ jag˙mel dan billi jid˙ol fissit L-g˙an ta' dawn il-lectures u l-programmi radjufoniçi hu li nkabbar lg˙arfien muΩikali.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta
EU institutions pushed to live up to the task
Jean-Claude Juncker signing the official documents before the start of the opening ceremony in the presence of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat
n a report by Reuters that was in the world’s foreImostpublished magazine, Newsweek, the
s Malta assumed the EU Presidency, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker addressed the media made up of over 60 journalists from all the EU member states with Muscat telling them that with populist movements growing across the Continent, the presidency gets off to an anxious start, and he pushed the EU’s institutions to live up to the task. He said: “People are essentially fed up with the current system,” he told journalists at a press conference on Thursday. “They feel that the institutions as they are, don’t provide the correct answers.” On his part, Jean-Claude Juncker said it was something else that had changed. “Pessimism is not something new,” he said. on Wednesday. The real difference was the scale of the challenges faced by the EU, he said. “When I was appointed president of the Commission … I wanted to play a constructive role, without being euro-enthusiastic or euro fanatic — these are not very helpful behaviours. I wanted to bring the European integration to a point of no return. What I am in charge [of] now, together with Joseph and others, is a major deconstruction we are asked to organise.” On a personal note in meetings with the press, Juncker said that was the sixth time he was visiting Malta, when he was campaigning to get Malta in the EU, while Muscat was campaigning against. “I was campaigning for this country against the socialists,” said Juncker. “Against me”, answered Muscat, with Juncker responding with humour: “He lost, I won”. But he went on to tell the Maltese PM: “You are a local winner, I am a global winner. Despite all this, the Prime Minister and myself enjoy a very good personal relationship,” adding that the two have cooperated for the first Maltese Presidency. “Malta is now a member of the EU for 13 years, it is the first time that Malta is in the chair of the Presidency.” Focusing on migration, Muscat suggested that Malta does not have the “silver bullet” but the Maltese government will try to influence positively on the issue, as Malta’s position has always been open for burden sharing and that even when experiencing an influx of migrants from North Africa, the country offered its solidarity. “Migration issue is of vital importance and I am quite confident that the Maltese Presidency will allow us to make the progress that is desperately needed with proposals connected with the work of the outgoing Slovak Presidency,” added President Juncker, appearing confident that progress would be achieved. “We should stop blaming the people for electing politicians with extreme ideas. The public is asking the right answers but politicians are giving the wrong answers, but these are the only answers they are getting,” said Muscat. On Brexit, Muscat suggested that the UK would get a fair deal, which, however, does not mean the same as staying a full member of the EU.
Malta PM hails Brexit unity among the EU member states
new EU President and Maltese Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat was quoted saying that the European Union is more unified in its policy towards Britain's leaving the bloc than on anything else in its past. “I spoke and visited basically all other 26 (EU) member states and there’s a... convergence on the attitude towards Brexit. I have never seen such a convergence within the European family," he told reporters on the sidelines of a diplomatic conference in Slovenia. The EU says it will not begin negotiations until Britain formally invokes Article 50 of the EU treaty triggering withdrawal.
EU approves Gas Power station deal - Everything done above board
he European Commission has approved the Maltese government’s plans to pay Electrogas Malta for providing energy to electricity company Enemalta, saying that under EU state aid rules it has no objection to the government’s plans. It added: “The measure compensates Electrogas for the additional cost of fulfilling public service obligations.” The decision means that what the government would be doing was above board, has been seen as a slap in the face for the Opposition NP that had all along criticised the government’s plans. After the EU decision the NP expressed its disappointment at the EU’s decision. The EU reached the decision after two years of scrutiny. In June Malta notified plans to support the Gas and Power Energy Project to the Commission for assessment under EU state aid rules. In its statement the EU Commission pointed out that Electrogas Malta, which has built the new gas power station, has a public service obligation to make available electricity and gas to Enemalta, and to supply electrical energy and gas when dispatched by Enemalta. This contract will last for 18 years. It said “the support takes the form of payments from Enemalta, which
provide ensure a certain rate of return and a steady revenue stream.” It added that the rate of return for Electrogas Malta is in line with that of similar projects. “On this basis, the Commission concluded that the company would not be overcompensated for the services it will provide.” The Commission also said that 2011 rules on services of general economic interest allow Member States, under certain conditions, to compensate companies that have been entrusted with public service obligations for the extra cost of providing these services. The Commission verified in particular that the Maltese energy market couldn’t adequately deliver the necessary level of service due to its particularly small and isolated character. Addressing a press conference minister Konrad Mizzi said that European Energy Commissioner Maros Sefkovic announced that the security of supply agreement that would see Enemalta purchase electricity from Electrogas is in line with EU state aid. Sefkovic hailed the project as one that will transform Malta’s energy landscape, lowering electricity prices for consumers while at the same time delivering cleaner energy.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta
President: We need a stronger EU
he President of Malta, HE Marie Louise Coleiro Preca urged the College of EU Commissioners led by Jean-Claude Juncker the President of the European Commission to make the European Union a place where the dignity, the peace, and the wellbeing of all is effectively and truly central. Hosting of the Commissioners, the President shared her vision of the need for a more united Europe, stating that for meaningful unity to be achieved and nurtured “we need a stronger European Union”. Denoting the challenges that are currently being experienced across the Union, “in terms of its economic, social, and political life”, President Coleiro Preca said that these challenges offer an unprecedented opportunity for deeprooted review and, where
Increase of 8.3% in passengers between Malta – Gozo in 2016
ompared to the previous year, C passenger traffic to Gozo in 2016, increased by 8.3% with official NSO figures indicating that Gozo Channel company carried a total of 5,133.000 passengers, 393,328 more than in 2015. During the same period, the three GCC vessels made 5,490 trips, an increase of 4.1 per cent, that is 1,581 additional trips compared to 2015. Vehicle movements increased by 110,612 or 8.2 per cent, as 1,459,114, which is 110,612 more than 2015, the National Statistics Office said. August registered the largest share of vehicles and passengers crossing between the two islands, 156,192 and 582,264 respectively, while passenger numbers in the last quarter of 2016 increased by five per cent compared to the same period the previous year. A total of 1,159,348 passengers travelled between Malta and Gozo in the fourth quarter last year.
necessary, reform. “I urge you to take this chance to adapt the structures and instruments of our Union, so that they can fully embrace the real concerns of all those who call Europe their home”, the President said. Finally, she urged the College of Commissioners to make the European Union a place where solidarity is the defining characteristic of our European identity, and an inheritance of lasting benefit for both present and future generations. Meanwhile, Jean Claude Juncker told the President that the Maltese people should be proud of how the country is prepared to hold the rolling Presidency of the European Union. He said he was in full agreement with the agenda laid out by Malta with mmigration, at the top of the EU agenda.
President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca with Jean-Claude Juncker
Air Malta and Alitalia talks fail - other leads being pursued alta’s national carrier, Air Malta has M called off negotiations with Alitalia, which had been earmarked to buy a 49% stake in the airline, and is now pursuing “other leads”, with contacts already established with other local and foreign parties interested in a strategic partnership with the national airline, Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis announced. Air Malta’s pilots, engineers, cabin crew and the General Workers Union were the first to be informed of the government’s decision during a meeting with the minister and the airline’s chairperson Maria Micallef. Pointing out “whatever happens the airline is not for sale at any cost,” Minister Zammit Lewis said that contact has already been established with third parties that have expressed an interest in establishing a strategic partnership with Air Malta, which is “an important asset”, adding, “ We need to find a model that is suitable for our particular circumstances.”
MTA’s launches 2017 Calendar of Events eanwhile, MTA has launched the calendar of events, taking M place this year in Malta and Gozo. It includes musical, sports, folklore, re-enactments and other events that may be of interest to tourists and locals, such as a handy Index of Traditional Village Feasts. Included with great prominence are, the Valletta International Baroque Festival held last week, the International Fireworks Festival in April, Isle of MTV Malta Special in June, and the Notte Bianca in October. The calendar of events is available in brochure format from any of the Malta Tourism Authority Tourist Information offices, and in digital format from MTA’s portal
He said whatever decisions need to be taken; they would be taken in the interest of making the company commercially viable once again. Air Malta chairperson Maria Micallef said that though disappointed at not finalising with Alitalia, the airline, which needed the cooperation of all parties involved to ensure a viable future, it would be business as usual to ensure the airline keeps flying. Later the Ministry for Tourism issued a statement that Air Malta and Alitalia jointly decided to terminate the talks. However, both agreed that the current changing landscape in the airline industry was not ideal for such a transaction and that both airlines would concentrate on the current challenges without entering into a partnership together. They would continue to collaborate closely commercially through an extensive code-sharing programme already in place.
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14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Inawgurata l-Presidenza tal-EU... ... u jkomplu l-batibekki politiçi I
l-pika politika f’Malta tant qed tiddomina fuq kull ˙a©;o˙ra, li anke meta g˙ajnejn l-Ewropa qeg˙din fuq Malta, meta l-og˙la awtoritajiet tal-Unjoni Ewropea kienu f’Malta g˙all-inawgurazzjoni talPresidenza ta-Kunsill tal-EU, il-laqta’ politika ma naqsitx. Propju f’dan l-istess jum, l-Unjoni Ewropea ˙abbret li wara st˙arri© bir-reqqa li ˙a sentejn, tat l-approvazzjoni tag˙ha g˙allpro©ett u l-garanzija bankarja li g˙amel ilGvern Malti xhur ilu fejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-power station il-©dida li se ta˙dem bilgass LNG. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista kien ˙adha qatta bla ˙abel kontra l-pro©ett u kontra l-ftehim li sar mal-Electrogas Malta. Sostna li dan kien imur kontra r-regoli tal-Unjoni Ewropea. G˙all-a˙bar li l-UE approvat l-pro©ett, ilPartit Nazzjonalista ˙are© stqarrija fejn wera diΩappunt g˙ad-deçiΩjoni tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea li approvat il-Power Station. Il-PN qal li, “DeçiΩjonijiet b˙al dawn jag˙tu daqqa ta’ ˙arta g˙all-fiduçja fl-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej.” Pront wie©eb il-Partit Laburista li sostna li permezz ta’ dan il-pro©ett se ji©i eliminat luΩu tal-heavy fuel oil (li jni©©eΩ) u li g˙all©enerazzjoni tal-ener©ija se jibda jkun uΩat il-gass. Sostna li r-reazzjoni tal-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni, Simon Busuttil, kienet dik ta’ xi ˙add li wara li ma la˙aqx l-g˙eneb qal li hu qares u attakka lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea g˙ax iddeçidiet dak li ma jridx jisma’ hu. Jidher li l-Partit Nazzjonalista tant ˙adha bi kbira din l-approvazzjoni, u forsi wkoll ittif˙ir li ng˙ata l-Gvern Malti min-na˙a ta’ personalitajiet distinti tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, X’ Aktarx, li l-aktar kandidat tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li qed jissemma fil-midja lokali b˙alissa, hu Salvu Mallia... li sa ftit taΩΩmien ilu kien mag˙ruf g˙all-programmi tieg˙u dwar il-GΩejjer Maltin fuq It-TVM. Dan kien ˙adha bi kbira meta l-programm tieg˙u tne˙˙a u we˙el mieg˙u l-Partit Laburista. Taha g˙all-politika u g˙alkemm g˙all-ewwel ˙abbar li jo˙ro© b˙ala kandidat indipendenti jew jing˙aqad mal-Partit Demokratiku, fl-a˙˙ar iddeçieda li jing˙aqad mal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Il-PN laqg˙u b’idejh miftu˙in (jing˙ad li lanqas g˙adda mill-g˙arbiel li s-soltu jg˙addu minnu kandidati ©odda) g˙ax dan il-Partit fehem li persuna©© li kien daqshekk popolari fuq ix-Xandir kien se jkun ta’ g˙ajnuna kbira biex jirba˙ lura l-gvern. IΩda forsi dak li l-PN ma’ ˙ax f’kunsiderazzjoni kien l-mod espleçitu kif jitkellem Mallia. Dan mhux biss b’dak li jg˙id, b˙ala meta xebba˙ lill-Prim Ministru mal-pesta li ˙akmet lil Malta snin kbar ilu, iΩda wkoll il-kliem li juΩa’, u li huwa meqjus baxx u mhux denju ta’ dak li l-IngliΩi jsejj˙ulu ‘man in the street” a˙seb u ara ta’ xi ˙add li qed jaspita li jirrapreΩenta lill-poplu fil-Par-
li fl-intervent tieg˙u fil-Parlament Malti,waqt il-laqg˙a simbolika li fiha ˙adu sehem id-diri©enti tal-EU, Simon Busuttil qal li l-poplu huwa ddiΩappuntat g˙al fatt li lKummissjoni Ewropea mhix titkellem dwar il-kaΩ tal-Panama Papers. “Hija aççettabbli li xi Ministru jkollu kumpanija fil-Panama? Innies huma diΩappuntati” qal Busuttil. Min-na˙a tieg˙u, il-President tal-Kummissjoni, Juncker wie©eb li ma jaqbilx mal-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni. Qal li l-Kummissjoni g˙andha tiffoka fuq il-politika tag˙ha, u mhix responsabbli mill-affarijiet legali tal-
pajjiΩi differenti. Min-na˙a tieg˙u fit-twe©iba lil Busuttil, ilviçi president tal-Kummissjoni dwar lener©ija, Maroš Šefčovič fakkar lil Busuttil li arja iktar nadifa, u l-fatt li l-pro©ett talPower Station se ta˙dem bil-gass, biex jitnaqqsu l-emmissjonijiet huwa importanti wkoll g˙an-nies. M’g˙andniex xi ng˙idu l-midja lokali tat importanza kbira lil din il-polemika. Imsomma dik li kellha tkun sessjoni speçjali tal-Parlament spiççat f’sessjoni tiddiskuti l-politika Maltija
Malta ssemmi l-abort u l-ewtanasja tkun qed kif jg˙idu l-ingliΩi “opening a can of worms”. U l-kummenti bdew mill-ewwel. L-ewwel reazzjoni tal-mexxej nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil g˙al dak li qal Mallia, kienet li g˙alhekk il-PN tajjeb g˙al nies b˙al Salvu Mallia g˙ax huwa partit li j˙alli lil dak li jkun li jg˙id li j˙oss ming˙ajr ma jibΩa’ minn xi tpattija. IΩda mbag˙ad meta l-kritika kontra dak li ntqal minn Mallia Ωdiedet, u sa˙ansitra lg˙aqda li b’ru˙ha u ©isimha kontra l-abort – Gift of Life – ©ibdet l-attenzjoni g˙all-fatt li l-PN ma kien ˙are© l-ebda stqarrija dwar li kien qal Mallia, Busuttil irreja©©ixxa bi stqarrija fejn sostna li l-PN mhuwiex se jille©iΩla favur l-abort jew l-ewtanasja. IΩda dan ma waqqafx il-kritika, anke minn xi kandidati u partitarji mag˙rufa tal-PN, li w˙ud minnhom sa˙ansitra sostnew li Mallia kellu jitkeçça mill-Partit, b’u˙ud isemmu li fl-istess intervista’, Mallia sostna li biex ing˙aqad mal-Partit Nazzjonalista kien g˙amel xi kundizzjonijiet u li hu kien jitlaq mill-Partit jekk jipprova jsikktu.
lament. Dan il-kliem qajjem kritika mhux biss minn dawk li jappo©©jaw lill-Partit Laburista, iΩda wkoll ta’ xi Nazzjonalisti mag˙rufa. IΩda l-aktar li ©ibed l-attenzjoni tal-midja u l-pubbliku, kien dak li Mallia qal f’intervista’ li saritlu mss-Sunday Times tat-8 ta’ Jannar. Fost kollox stqarr li kwestjonijiet b˙al l-abort, l-ewtanasja u Ω-Ωwie© bejn persuni omosewwali ma g˙andhomx ikunu regolati mill-Gvern u li kul˙add kellu jit˙alla jag˙mel l-g˙aΩla tieg˙u. F'dan l-ambitu tenna li l-Gvern g˙andu jipprovdi edukazzjoni tajba biex in-nies jag˙Ωlu g˙alihom infushom. Qal, “I am against abortion but I think it is something personal and should be decided by the person, not by the government.” Indirettament, u forsi mhux daqhekk, Mallia, stqarr li hu kien kontra l-abort, u kien qed jg˙id li f’Malta l-abort u l-ewtenasja kellhom isiru legali. Ûied li meta f’-
*Ikompli f’pa©na 15
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Stampa tajba?
id-darba l-ass waqa’ fuq il-politika. Mhux soltu nisslet partijiet sostanzjali minn artikli li jidhru fil-©urnali Maltin, g˙ax nippreferi li ng˙id u nikteb dak li jidhirli jien, milli dak li ja˙seb u jikteb ˙addie˙or.IΩda fost l-artikli
li qrajt fil-bidu ta’ din is-sena kien hemm dak ta’ Albert Gauci Cunningham (ILLUM-3 ta’ Jannar) mibni dwar analiΩi li l-gazetta ILLUM kienet ippublikat fi tmiem l-2016. Artiklu nteressanti li j©ib it-titlu:
“2016 : Lumi g˙al Muscat u g˙eneb qares g˙al Busuttil: L-2016 kienet sena mimlija sfidi g˙all-Gvern ta' Joseph, imma Simon, dak l-g˙anqud g˙eneb ma jista' jil˙qu b'xejn”
Se nislet parti Ωg˙ira minnu fejn ixebba˙ iΩ-Ωew© mexxejja tal-partiti politiçi. Gauci Cunningham kiteb hekk:
Pillola qarsa g˙al Muscat L-2016 g˙al Busuttil... l-apice ieku kelli nqabbel lil Muscat u l-Gvern li mexxa fl-2016 ma’ li se twasslu g˙al telfa?
bastiment, inqabblu ma wie˙ed li qala’ skoss mew©, inbarax K ma’ kemm Alla ˙alaq blat u li fih beda die˙el l-ilma, imma xorta
imon Busuttil kellu sena tajba. Kienet l-aktar sena li fiha S deher b’sa˙˙tu, assertiv u popolari fost ˙afna mill-g˙eruq tieg˙u. Il-kaΩ ‘Panama’ ta lil Busuttil dik l-ispinta qawwija li
qed isalpa lejn il-port. Muscat jibqa’ popolari g˙ax: 1) – B˙alissa pajjiΩna qed jesperjenza tkabbir ekonomiku kellu bΩonn biex iniΩΩel is-suldati tieg˙u g˙al gwerra u jispara qawwi ˙afna b’Malta fost l-aqwa fl-UE u jispara, sakemm forsi j©arraf is-swar ta’ Muscat. 2) - G˙ax il-Gvern tieg˙u da˙˙al u wettaq/lesta pro©etti li Panama, b˙al ma g˙idna fuq din il-gazzetta, hija l-baqra li kienu ilhom fuq l-ixkaffa snin minnha Busuttil ˙aleb kemm fela˙ u jista’ jkun li g˙ad irid 3) – G˙ax Ωamm il-finanzi tal-pajjiΩ fis-sod u ressaq ba©its li ja˙leb. mma, minkejja kollox, Busuttil g˙andu erba’ tal-PN kienu jressquhom biss qabel l-elezzjoni ‘g˙edewwa’: 4) – G˙ax huwa katalist g˙al tibdiliet soçjali u 1) – Il-mument li ninsabu fih: Eluf ta’ nies sempliçiment mhux 5) – G˙ax bena relazzjoni eççellenti ma’ nies influwenti u fin- preparati jer©g˙u jda˙˙lu l-istess nies Kastilja li sa ftit ilu negozju li j˙ossu li ma’ Muscat hemm attitudni ‘can-do’ kienu qed jiffoxxnaw daqs xi Laburisti llum (jew aktar jew 6) – G˙ax g˙andu magna s˙i˙a li ta˙dem biex tg˙in lil dawk anqas), l-istess nies arroganti li kienu g˙ajjew imexxu u li l-individwi li jistaqsu g˙aliha ˙adu deçiΩjonijiet Ωbaljati jew dubjuΩi. Fi ftit kliem; çrieki bi 7) – G˙ax minkejja kollox, jibqa’ oratur u komunikatur tajjeb çrieki, a˙jar nibqg˙u biç-çrieki tal-lum. ˙afna u 2) – G˙al xi ra©uni, hawn çerta bruda g˙al Busuttil, anke fost 8) – G˙ax b’riΩultati tajbin f’bosta setturi b˙as-sa˙˙a u l- nies fil-PN stess. G˙adu mhux qed iqanqal l-emozzjoni li edukazzjoni, jista’ jitkellem b’aktar façilità dwar ‘bread and mexxej je˙tie© iqajjem biex ji©bed il-masses butter issues’ minn Busuttil. 3) – Il-PN illum, huwa nieqes minn viΩjoni li tg˙aqqad setturi L-akbar ass ta’ Muscat, ekonomija tajba kemm hi tajba, ta’ nies flimkien warajh. M’hemmx ‘raison d’etre’ çar g˙ajr huwa li hu meqjus b˙ala g˙aΩla ‘˙afna a˙jar’ mill-avversarju dak li Muscat jinΩel mill-poter u tieg˙u. Anke Simon Busuttil stess jafha din. 4) – Aççetta li jkun Viçi Kap tal-PN qabel l-a˙˙ar elezzjoni u Minkejja li jibqa’ aktar poplari minn Busuttil, Muscat qala’ g˙alhekk deher kompliçi mhux biss fl-akbar disfatta storika li xebg˙a politika tajba. Il-kaΩ Gaffarena dg˙ajfu, u l-kaΩ qala’ l-partit, imma parti wkoll minn grupp ta’ nies li ˙allew Panama tah erba tumakki f’daqqa. Se jkollu ˙afna x’ja˙dem partit warajhom fallut u demoralizzat. u ˙afna bibien xi j˙abbat u ˙afna, ˙afna, ˙afna ener©ija x’jidL-2016 kienet tajba g˙al Busuttil xorta. Imma se tkun l-apiçe dedika man-nies, fost in-nies, fost il-Laburisti, fl-ir˙ula, fl-ibliet (kmieni) li la˙aq qabel telfa fl-2018? u fit-toroq. G˙ax kull battalja dejjem hemm in- Sintendi din ta’ fuq hija biss opinjoni, iΩda na˙seb li l-artikolista qed treb˙et. Il-poΩi u ç-çerimonji li se jag˙ti stampa bilançjata ˙afna ta’ kif jidhru l-affarijiet b˙alissa. Li mhux daqshekk çert hu, x’se ji©ri fix-xhur li baqa’ g˙all-elezzjoni ©enjkollna matul il-Presidenza, importanti daqs kemm jistg˙u jkunu, mhu erali u g˙alhekk, g˙al-kemm forsi s-sinjali preΩenti juru li “Simon, dak se jbiddlu xejn mill-fortuni qarsa li l-g˙anqud g˙eneb ma jista' jil˙qu b'xejn”, iç-çirkostanzi jistg˙u jinbidlu ©abitlu l-2016. u dak li llum huwa rimot, isir realta’!!!! *ikompli minn pa©na 14 Dawn staqsew: Jekk dan qed jag˙mel hekk b˙ala kandidat, mela x’jag˙mel jekk ji©i elett? Nifhem li dawn g˙andhom ra©un jikkumentaw wara li fl-a˙˙ar sena tieg˙u fil-Gvern il-PN g˙adda mill-problema ta’ deputati li marru kontra l-linja tal-Partit. U l-istorja Mallia ma spiccatx hemm. G˙ax minkejja li l-istampa lokali injorat ilfatt, dan Ωeffen fin-nofs ukoll lil Hitler meta qal: “Muscat is a tasteless crook who exploited all the weaknesses of society. For me, this is a battle against evil. No dictator is ever up front about their intentions to screw you. Dictators pretend to be nice. If you look back as Adolf Hitler, he was very
progressive. The first campaign against smoking was carried out by the Nazis. Society was affluent. That was Adolf Hitler. Was he good? I don’t think so.” Imma dan ma ˙arabx l-attenzjoni tal-Partit Laburista u lill-Partit tas-Soçjalisti Ewropej. Il-PL ˙are© jitkaΩa bil-fraΩi ta’ Mallia li, “Adolf Hitler, he was very progressive”. Ma din il-fraΩi sa˙ansitra qabad ukoll ilPartit Soçjalista’ Ewropew, li fi ˙danu g˙andu lill-partiti soçjalisti, inkluΩ il-PL ta’ Malta), bil-kap ta’ dan il-Partit, Sergei Stanishev jitlob lill-mexxej nazzjonalista biex “disown his candidate’s despicable comments and to set out the measures he intends to take to correct the situation”.
Dan ©ab reazzjoni mill-MEP Nazzjonalista David Casa fejn sostna: “Sergei Stanishev has lost the plot. Who is he trying to fool by linking the PN to Adolf Hitler? I ask Mr Stanishev – why are you stooping so low?” Attwalment Stanishev ma rabatx lill-Partit Nazzjonalista ma Hitler, imma biss talab lill-PN jie˙u passi kontra Mallia. Biss Mallia ma jidhirx li ˙abbel rasu wisq bil-kritika. U ng˙iduha, ma na˙sibx li dan se jibdel l-attitudni tieg˙u, meta bil-mod li qed ta©ixxi, il-midja qed ittih daqshekk importanza. Imma l-mistoqsija fost kummentaturi politiçi hi: Mallia huwa akkwist jew le g˙allPartit Nazzjonalista?
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
A quick glimpse at Australia
“The dingo got my baby” Azaria Chamberlain in the hands of her mother Lindy
he cry of a mother that made history was in the news again when one of the protagonists, Dr. Michael Chamberlain, pastor, academic and author who continually fought for justice died in Gosford hospital on the NSW Central Coast last Monday at the age of 72 after suffering complications from acute leukaemia. He was born on February 27, 1944 in Christchurch, New Zealand. In 2002, Newcastle University conferred on him a Ph.D. degree for the historical thesis.
e Hill Hoist, a national treasure
ustralian company Hills Hoist has sold the right to make and sell Hills A Hoist clotheslines after concluding it could not make money from the iconic product. The Hills Hoist, invented in Adelaide, Australia in 1945, can be raised and lowered to save space in suburban backyards and spins to take advantage of changing winds. The National Library of Australia lists it as a national treasure. The ASX-listed company outsourced its gardening and laundry products business to Woolworths in 2014 under a licensing arrangement that saw Hills Hoists and other products sold through Woolworths' Masters stores but taken off shelves at rival Bunnings. That deal was upended last year when Woolworths decided to exit the home improvement market and close Masters stores. Woolworths paid Hills $6 million to dissolve the deal, prompting it to hunt for a new home. Hills revealed a deal to sell its gardening and laundry products business to fellow gardening product manufacturer AMES Australasia.
The Chamberlains' daughter, Azaria, was snatched on a camping trip to Uluru by a dingo from their family tent on August 17, 1980. Both her parents were ultimately charged for their daughter's disappearance. Despite her protests that a dingo took Azaria, in 1982 Lindy was found guilty of murder and jailed. Michael was given an-18 month suspended sentence for being an accessory. The couple were pardoned in 1986 after new evidence emerged, but they had to wait until 2012 for a fourth inquest and vindication when a coroner ruled a dingo killed Azaria. The Chamberlains had four children together, but it was the 1980 disappearance of their third child, Azaria,
that thrust the couple into a long-running public spotlight and legal nightmare. Their marriage did not survive after Lindy was released. They were divorced in June 1991. The next year Lindy married an American, Rick Crighton, while Michael married Ingrid Bergner in 1994. Actor Sam Neill, who played Mr. Chamberlain in the 1988 film Evil Angels, said the couple was “terribly, cruelly wronged.” He tweeted, “Throughout their cruel ordeal & the years of injustice, Michael Chamberlain maintained that quiet, unassuming dignity - an impressive man RIP.” Meryl Streep played the part of Lindy in the film, Evil Angles
Australia’s most congested city: Sydney
ompared to international peers in the C United States, the average speed on the Sydney road network is slower than San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia – which range from 79 to 86km/h – and only slightly faster than Seattle's. Sydney has the unenviable title of Australasia's most congested city after a report from a peak transport body revealed it features seven of the ten slowest roads on both sides of the Tasman. And in a sign of the mounting pressures of a booming population, average speeds of 72.5 kilometers an hour on Sydney's road network – which includes motorways such as the M7 and M2 – are even slower than New York. According to the Austroads’ report published in the SMH, Sydney is worse than Melbourne on most measures of congestion,
including the extent to which motorists are delayed and need to allow for extra time to reach their destinations at peak periods. While Adelaide's King William Street holds the title of Australasia's slowest thoroughfare, Harris Street in Sydney's innercity suburb of Pyrmont ranked second as motorists crawled along at an average of just 14.5 kilometers an hour. The Austroads report also showed that Sydney has seven of Australasia's ten most delayed roads, while Melbourne's Burke Road earned the title for most traffic delays, Centenary Drive at Homebush in Sydney's west was second worst. Geoffrey Clifton, a lecturer in transport at Sydney University's Business School, said WestConnex and other road-building projects would help but would not be enough to cope with a predicted extra one million people in Sydney over the next decade. "I don't see congestion getting better in the longer term – I only see it getting worse," he said. "We are going to see more congestion at non-traditional times such as the middle of the day and weekends." Dr. Clifton said Australia would eventually need to confront the controversial issue of road pricing to “better ration use of roads”.
Roads blocked
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday January 17, 2017
A quick glimpse at Australia
Australian passport is world’s 8th most powerful
ustralians are in possession of the world’s eighth most powerful passport with its holders enjoying a visa-free access to 169 countries. Its passport power ranking is just one place above Malta as the holders of the Maltese passport have visa-free access to 168 countries. The ranking has been released by Henley & Partners, a citizenship and planning firm. But what is the passport power ranking? It's a ranking that takes into account how many countries one can visit without applying for a visa, according to the passport you hold. Check out how good your passport is with rest of the world. The year’s world's most powerful passport belongs to German citizens. It retained its position in the top spot, with visa-free access to 177 countries out of a total of 218, while Sweden remained in second place with a ranking of 176. A larger group of countries sit in third place, with Finland, France, Italy, Spain and the UK all having visa-free access to 175 countries. The world's least powerful passport belongs to Afghanistan citizens, who can only visit 25 countries without a visa. Visa restrictions are imposed by countries to control the crossing of their borders, and almost all countries require visas from certain non-citizens who wish to enter or to leave their territory. "Compared to the previous year, no country dropped more than three positions, indicating that overall, visa-free
The world's most powerful passports: 1. Germany, 177 countries can be visited without a visa 2. Sweden 3. Finland, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 4. Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, United States 5. Austria, Japan, Singapore 6. Canada, Ireland (Republic of), Korea (Republic of, South), Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, 7. Greece, New Zealand 8. Australia 9. Malta 10. Hungary, Czech Republic, Iceland The world's least powerful passports: 1. Afghanistan, 25 countries can be visited without a visa 2. Pakistan 3. Iraq 4. Somalia 5. Syria 6. Libya 7. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Nepal, Palestinian Territory Sudan 8. Kosovo, South Sudan, Yemen 9. Bangladesh, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Lebanon, Sri Lanka 10. Burundi, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of, North), Myanmar (Source V. Padovese SBS) access is improving around the world," Henley & Partners said. Huge gains have been made by Tonga
176 175 174 173 172 171 169 168 167
29 30 31 32 36 37 38 39 42
rising 16 spots, Palau by 20, Colombia by 25 and Timor-Leste being the highest climber with an increase of 33 ranks.
his year marks T the 50th anniver- Going backwards sary of the 1967 refer-
endum in Australia that recognised Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders as people and included them in the census. Therefore if these native Australians were born on January 1967, they were not considered Australian citizens and therefore “non-person.” A Maltese arriving legally at the same time being a “British subject.” had the right to vote after a few months. Vernon Ah Kee, a 50-year-old Brisbanebased conceptual artist, said, “I had no status when I was born, none at all, my skin is too dark to be considered as a white person, my status was a non-person”. “We are going backward as a country, especially in the last 15 years with Palm Island, the Cronulla riots, the reelection of Pauline Henson, the intervention policies in the northern communities and the latest developments with asylum seeker policies. Anyone can see we are moving backward”. Vernon Ah Kee said.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
The Lure of Risk taking LucyCalleja
f either of my children had, in their pre-teen years gone up a spiral staircase of a Maltese village church to perch themselves on the wide gable over the portico, I’d have had goose bumps and screamed, “What were you thinking?” Yet, that’s exactly what I did with a friend, about two years or so my senior, one afternoon. It must have been a summer day, probably during the long school holidays. The church doors, at least the side ones, had been left open, quite possibly during the “festa” season as workers and volunteers set up the church’s external electrical work. Both of us, myself and a young teenage girl who lived close to the church, spent about fifteen minutes looking down at people, cars and carts that passed by. We were intrigued at how small everyone and everything appeared from high up. Not one single person intercepted us. We did not see anybody, so where were they? But then again it was an era when villagers left house keys in the front door, and children played on the street only to be called for the occasional errand or for family meals. Taking risks can be conscious or unconscious; deliberate and, sometimes, well calculated, or simply out of sheer curiosity, as in the example above. As infants, children and young people, most of us would have held that sense of adventure, testing limits.
Some go through extremes, as in the case of extreme sports. A few believe it’s something they have to accomplish, for their self-actualisation, such as mountaineers, abseilers and sky or deep caves and ocean divers. Occasionally, risk taking can take the form of what is otherwise known as false economy; for example, dabbling in work for which one is not trained and qualified to do. One such example is entailed domestic electrical work. It is always best to leave risky and dangerous jobs to the professionals. It can mean the difference between life and death. Besides the sense of adventure and testing limits, as in the case of extreme sport, risk taking can be the result of boredom
and aimlessness, or out of a sense of rejection and dejection, or social exclusion. Unfortunately, in the present days of rampant availability of harmful substances, the risk of substance abuse can
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be, all too often, a very tempting alternative to the void felt by vulnerable individuals, especially in teenage years. It’s what’s most frequently referred to as “no person’s land”; the years of self-discovery and building an identity. Educators and School Counsellors refer to these individuals as students at risk. They may feel not belonging to any particular group, may have problems going on in their domestic life, or may simply feel they’re marking time at school. Intervention can take various forms; counselling by professionals, mentoring by responsible peers, or simply participating in meaningful programmes that provide a sense of achievement and being part of the bigger world out there, as in the case of extended work experience / work placement. Calculated risk taking can be lawful or unlawful. The former can be, for instance, overtaking vehicles where it’s safe to do so; smoking tobacco that, although legal, can have medical problems down the track. The same goes for drinking alcoholic beverages. The latter, or unlawful, can take the form of taking and dealing in illicit drugs; ignoring traffic rules; avoiding paying one’s dues, hoping one is never caught; or malicious damage to get back at someone or some entity. Sometimes risk taking is the result of thoughtlessness, as in the case of people not being prepared for a possibly dangerous activity. Rock fishing without life jackets; deep jungle walking solo and surfing in shark infested waters come to mind. Some of us go to the extremes of either never trying for fear of failure or always at the forefront of daring and dangerous exploits. However, the majority of us fall somewhere in between the two extremes. It is worthwhile, both for our safety as well as the well being of persons close to us, to take enough precautions before undertaking activities that carry a level of risk. Also, out of courtesy and responsibility, it is essential to inform those nearest to us about our plans, routes and itineraries, no matter how short or long our movement may be. It makes good sense to avoid unnecessary upheavals and “question marks” in the case of misadventure. All that said, we should not be deterred from trying new things, as long as we take the necessary precautions.
Tuesday January 17, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Heart attacks are more common in January – and here’s why NelsonChong (Senior Lecturer, Department of Life Sciences, University of Westminster, UK) Even shortCardiovascular deaths around the world, such as heart attacks and strokes, peak in term exposure January. Why this is the case has baffled to pollutants, diesel scientists for some time, but new evidence from and petrol is starting to unravel the mystery. Scientists initially thought it had some- fumes, is assothing to do with the cold, but this proved ciated with into be a false start. Researchers at the Uni- creased deaths versity of Southern California examined from heart attacks and strokes. Pollutants deaths from heart attacks between 1985 enter the bloodstream, via the lungs, where and 1996 in Los Angeles, a city with a they initiate an inflammatory response. mild winter and a daily minimum temper- This can lead to blood clots in the arteries ature that is relatively constant throughout – a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. the year. They found a seasonal variation Flu in heart attacks, with a third more deaths Another important trigger for heart attacks occurring in January. The researchers also analysed 1.7m death is infection. Infections are high during certificates (2005 to 2008) from seven US winter and there is a known link between locations that ranged from hot to cold. the flu virus and cardiovascular disease. Again they found a similar pattern of car- The flu virus affects inflammatory and diac mortality including heart attacks in blood-clotting pathways, which can cause these different locations with a peak in fatty deposits on the artery wall (plaque) to break loose, leading to coronary artery January. These results chime with other studies blockage – the main cause of heart attacks. The flu vaccine is associated with reconducted across the globe, including the UK, which uncovered a winter peak in duced hospitalisation and death in heart attacks and stroke. A five-year US$21m deaths from cardiovascular disease. clinical trial began this year to test the efAir pollution fect of a high-dose flu vaccine (four-times Researchers have also considered air pol- the normal dose) to combat cardiac deaths. Other risk factors that are also seasonal lution, and here they seem to be on firmer ground. There is a seasonal rhythm to air include high cholesterol, high blood prespollution. Nitrogen dioxide levels – a key sure and low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D pollutant in causing premature deaths in deficiency is associated with increased inBritain, for example, are at their highest in cidence and risk of heart attacks. Combine these with the previously menJanuary in the large cities. Oxford Street in London is reported to be tioned risk factors for coronary death (polthe most polluted street in the world for ni- lution and flu), and you have a recipe for trogen dioxide. In fact, London is so pol- disaster. luted that in just the first seven days of Beware January mornings 2015 and 2016, London already breached its legal limit on air pollution for the whole It turns out these circulating risk factors not only have seasonal variations, but of that year. daily ones too. Research Staying away from shows that they are at heavy traffic helps to high levels in the morning avoid heart attacks and low in the evening. So, not only are we more susceptible to heart attacks in January but there is also a higher incidence of heart attacks between 6am and noon. Almost every cell in our body has a group of interacting genes that act as a clock. These “circadian clocks” help to regulate biological processes, in-
Flu vaccination is associated with fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease
cluding clotting and inflammation. They ensure that our bodies follow a 24-hour rhythm and adapt to changes in our environment. Disruption of these internal timing mechanisms can lead to cardiac disorders. Indeed, a study showed that the Monday after the clocks go forward by one hour (daylight savings) there is a 24% increase in the numbers of heart attacks compared with any other Mondays of the year. Lack of sleep can also increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Disrupting the circadian rhythms and sleep in the days after a heart attack can also hinder recovery. So what do daily biological rhythms have to do with cardiovascular deaths in winter? Researchers at the JDRF/Wellcome Trust Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory examined blood and fat-tissue samples from 16,000 people living in the UK, US, Iceland, Australia and The Gambia. They found almost a quarter of all our genes differ in activity according to the time of year, with some more active in winter than summer. The study revealed that numerous genes involved in regulating our immune system are seasonal. In other words, they express (make) proteins at different rates, depending on the season. One of these genes is ARNTL, an important circadian-clock gene that suppresses inflammation. ARNTL was found to be least active in January, which may contribute to the higher levels of inflammation. What all this research is showing us is that January presents a “chronorisk” – where several risk factors, when occurring in the same time period, can be lethal. In the case of coronary deaths, the chronorisk is January. So in addition to wearing a thicker coat in the cold months, make sure you get some decent hours of sleep, top up your vitamin D and stay away from heavy traffic and busy high streets; an easy task then during the busiest period of the year. (originally published by
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija
ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti.
IT-TISWIR TAL-KELMA Il-g˙erq u s-sura ewlenija tal-kelma (ikompli) Minn hawn naraw: i) illi waqt li f’ilsna o˙ra l-g˙erq tal-kelma hu g˙aqda ta’ konsonanti ma’ vokali, b˙al fil-verbi Taljani AM-are, TEM-ere, MOR-ire, fil-Malti l-konsonanti we˙idhom jag˙mluh dan ix-xog˙ol, (ii) illi g˙alhekk dawn il-konsonanti f’kull tiswira tal-kelma g˙andhom jidhru dejjem ming˙ajr xejn ma jittiefsu. Ara: g˙aΩel (g˙-Ω-l), g˙aΩilt, g˙aΩilna, mag˙Ωel, (iii) illi kelmiet li fihom jinsabu dejjem l-istess ittri konsonanti ta’ g˙erq il-kelma, huma kollha ˙er©in minn ˙sieb wie˙ed. Ara: fixkel u xkiel, fejn l-ewwel konsonanti f hi Ωieda ta’ ittra barranija; seba˙ u musbie˙; ˙add u m˙adda; ˙ataf, ˙atfa u ˙uttafa; ˙afen u ˙afna; ˙emer u a˙mar kif ukoll bag˙ad u bieg˙ed; qered u qerda; waqt li fit-Taljan il-kliem pazzo, pezzo, pizzo, pozzo u puzzo, u fl-IngliΩ il-kliem fair, far, fur, fare, fire u fir, g˙alkemm mibnija fuq l-istess konsonanti, g˙andhom tnissila ta’ g˙eruq o˙ra u tifsir li xejn ma jaqbel ma’ ta’ xulxin. 2. Is-sura ewlenija tal-kelma hi t-tielet persuna ta’ ©ens ra©el, ta’ g˙add wa˙dieni tal-verb fil-passat jew flimg˙oddi. Din tissejja˙ il-mamma tal-kelma g˙ax minnha jitnisslu ssuriet tal-kliem l-ie˙or tal-istess g˙erq. G˙alhekk mis-suriet ewlenija ta’: feta˙ innisslu fta˙t, fet˙a, muftie˙ reba˙ " rba˙na, reb˙a sar " sirt, nsiru, sura geΩwer " geΩwirt, geΩwirna, geΩwira. 3. L-ittri konsonanti ta’ g˙erq il-kelma mnissla g˙andhom jaqblu ittra wara l-o˙ra mal-ittri konsonanti tassura ewlenija tal-kelma jew mamma. Il-g˙erq tas-suriet qabel, qbilt, qablet, qbilna, qbiltu, qablu hu q-b-l li huma l-konsonanti tas-sura ewlenija
fil-verb qabel: dawn kif inhuma wara xulxin ma jaqblux mal-konsonanti tal-g˙erq ta’ qaleb, qlibt, qalbet, qlibna, qlibtu, qalbu li huma q-l-b. Hekk ukoll l-g˙eruq ta’ xeg˙el, baqa(g˙), sama(g˙) huma talewwel x-g˙-l, tat-tieni b q g˙ u tat-tielet s-m-g˙. G˙alhekk ˙aΩin jekk niktbu xelg˙u flok xeg˙lu, bag˙qu flok baqg˙u, seg˙mu flok semg˙u ming˙ajr ma nqisu li nΩommu l-ittri tal-g˙eruq wara xulxin kif tag˙tina l-ewwel sura. ÓaΩin ukoll min jikteb: jikpi(j), nikpi(j), kpejt, eçç. flok jibki(j), nibki(j), bkejt; jipqa’, nipqa’ flok jibqa’, nibqa’ meta nafu li l-g˙eruq tas-sura ewlenija tal-wa˙da, minn beka(j), huma b-k-j, u g˙alhekk niktbu wkoll beka(j), bkejt, nibku, tibku, jibku, bikja, biki(j) u tal-o˙ra, minn baqa(g˙), huma b-q-g˙, u g˙alhekk niktbu wkoll nibqg˙u, tibqg˙u, jibqg˙u, baqg˙u, baqg˙et kif ukoll nibqa(g˙), tibqa(g˙), jibqa(g˙). Hekk ukoll minn deher, fehem, deha, niktbu dehru, dehret; fehmu, fehmet; nedha, medhi, medhijin u mhux kif xi w˙ud isemmg˙u u jiktbu derhu, derhet; femhu, femhet; nehda, mehdi, mehdijin. 4. Mill-ittri konsonanti ta’ g˙erq il-kelma, il-konsonanti dg˙ajfa j u l-konsonanti g˙ huma dawk li fissura ewlenija jibqg˙u mo˙bija u siekta u minflokhom tid˙ol vokali li tixrob il-le˙en tag˙hom. G˙alhekk niktbu tefa flok tefj, tafa’ flok tafag˙, rema flok remj, refa’ flok refag˙, xewa flok xewj, qata’ flok qatag˙. Dawn iΩ-Ωew© konsonanti fit-tiswir u t-tusig˙ tal-kelma ewlenija ji©u li g˙andhom jinkitbu. G˙alhekk minn tefa(j) g˙andna tfejt, tfejna, tfejtu; minn tafa(g˙): tefg˙et, tefg˙u, tefag˙ha; minn rema(j): rmejt, rmejna; minn refa(g˙): refg˙et, refg˙a, refag˙ha; minn xewa: xwejt, xwejna.
Taqbiliet mill-gΩira G˙awdxija l-Maltin u l-G˙awdxin, l-aktar dawk li Ikienu llum huma anzjani sew, minn dejjem jie˙du gost iqabblu, min permezz tal-g˙ana u min b’sempliçement erba’ kelmiet li jaqblu. ©eneralment kien anke jo˙olqu dan it-tqabbil jew biex jg˙addu messa©©, inkella biex jikkuljunaw, ji©ifieri jikkritikaw b’mod sarkastiku. Min isegwi l-kitba u l-letteratura Malitja jaf ˙afna b’dawn it-tabiliet, li saru parti mi-tradzzjoni tal-©ens Malti (li jinkludi lil dawk kollha li g˙exu jew jg˙ixu fil-gΩejjer Maltin (Malta, G˙awdex u Kemmuna). Biss jidher li hemm çerti taqbiliet li huma wisq aktar mag˙rufin bejn l-G˙awdxin. Fil-˙ar©a tal-Voice tal-lum u wkoll f’dik ta’ wara se ng˙addu ftit minn dawn ittaqbiliet lill-qarrejja. U˙ud minnhom huma wkoll mag˙rufin sew f’Malta.
Mort nistad sa Wied il-Miela˙ U nkisritli is-sunnara, Meta jkolli qalbi sewda La rrid nisma’ u lanqas nara. Norqod u nqum bil-©u˙, Kif triduni nie˙u r-ru˙, Malli nara ˙bejΩa ©ejja Id-dmug˙ jo˙ro© minn g˙ajnejja. Issaffar is-suffara, Itanbar it-tanbur, Miskina Karmelina Óaduha fit-tebut. Gambu miet Fuq il-lasta tat-ti©ie©, Ommu tibkih, Seba’ ©rieden ji©ru bih.
Aktar regoli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss. Wied il-Miela˙ f’G˙awdex
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday January 17, 2017
C mmunity N ews Co ommunity ew s Paying tribute to dedicated Councillor Alfred (Fred) Borg
uring the last month of 2016, the Maltese community in Australia, particularly those in Campelltown in NSW, was saddened to hear of the death of Alfred (Fred) Borg, a former Campbelltown City Councillor for 17 years (since 1999) who dedicated much of his time to both the city and the Macarthur Region. Malta-born Fred, as he was affectionately known, died on December 20 aged 73. He was a loving husband of Coral (deceased) and Maria, father of Paul and Shareen, Wayne and Liz, Donna and Kevin and Harmony, and grandfather of eight kids. Fred emigrated from Malta to Australia as an eight-year-old in 1951 and spent the first seven months living in a boarding house in Sydney, shared with two other families. He resided at Campbelltown for over 50 years and was known as a hard-working councillor who truly loved and cared about the city. Campbelltown mayor George Britcevic, paying a tribute said Fred a community stalwart who worked tirelessly for the respect and admiration
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017 Sunday March 12: Fete Sunday July 2: Lejla
fil-Buskett Sunday October 15: Fete Sunday December 3:
St Nicholas Feast. Feast
For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064
that saw him stand as a representative of the people of our city for more than 17 years, would be “sadly missed”. “Fred earned the respect of both councillor colleagues and council staff during his four terms of civic service, and will be greatly missed within Campbelltown City Council and the wider Campbelltown/Macarthur community," the mayor said. During his four terms of civic service, Fred Borg held the position of deputy mayor, as well as chair and deputy chair of a range of committees and sub committees. The mayor said Fred would be remembered as a passionate, generous and unwavering citizen and public figure, and a true advocate for all of us. During his time Fred, who always appeared to be larger than life, also had links with Rotary and on one occasion he was awarded Rotarian of the Year Long serving Campbelltown Councillor Fred Borg died from kidney failure as a result of a heart attack Our deepest condolences to Fred’s family
IL-GROUP ÓBIEB TAD-DAR TAL-PROVIDENZA (NSW) FLIMKIEN MAL-KLABB TAL-ÓAMRUN Nhar is-sibt 18 ta’ Frar fis-6 p.m. se ti©i organizzata lejla fil-klabb tal-Óamrun f’100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park biex jin©abru fondi b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza f’Malta. B˙ala divertiment se jkun hemm maratona ta’ kantanti popolari Maltin li jinkludu lil: Charlie Muscat , il-kor tal-G˙aqda Kuturali, Joe Apap, James Cassar, Katelyn Vella, Charlie Camilleri, Alee, Martin Vella u o˙rajn. Mill-kçina wie˙ed ikun jista’ jixtri ikel bnin u tradizzjonali Malti, u mill-bar ix-xarbiet mag˙rufa Maltin flimkien ma’ birra Awstraljana, te u kafe` Mitluba donazzjoni ta $A10 li tmur kollha g˙ad-Dar tal-Providenza. Ejjew ˙udu gost u fl-istess waqt tkunu qed tag˙mlu ©est ta’ karita` G˙al tag˙rif: çemplu lil Greg Caruana: 0411 517 187; jew lil Jim Borg: 0418 825 591.
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, li jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss hi l-Ħadd 12 ta' Frar fis-1:00 pm. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.
Registration for the 2017 Maltese Language classes is now open: MacKay Qld: Skola Maltija NSW: The Maltese Shool of NSW – Akkademja Maltija ta’ NSW Saturday School of Community Languages - VIC: Maltese Community Council Maltese Lnguage Classes –
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Community News Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 1011am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2 4p.m: Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: Maltese Down Under TV
Screens on Melbourne’s C31 (channel 44) Sundays @4pm; Mondays at 2p.m.; Tuesdays @2.30 pm. Others in Australia/the World can watch via live stream on: or the c31 app. Also on demand:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in.
La Valette Social Centre
Feast of St Paul - February 12 SUNDAY February 12: 5.00 a.m. Mass in the main hall with La Valette Choir. Followed by a procession with the statue to the Chapel accompanied by Our Lady of Peace Maltese Band. Entertainment provided by a DJ Kitchen and Bar would be open. Everyone is welcome to attend. For information: La Valette: 9622 5847 GÓANA FIÇ-ÇENTRU IS-SIBT 28 ta Jannar: 8.00 p.m.: Se ssir serata ta’ g˙ana fiç-Çentru D˙ul ming˙ajr ˙las. Kul˙add mistieden jattendi
Meeting every last Tuesday of the month
A special group for men. Meetings at 10 am at The Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (Parramatta West). Meet friends and enjoy Maltese food. For more information: Emanuel 0409 744 376
Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday January 17, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO COME & CELEBRATE AUSTRALIA DAY with a Dinner Dance Date: Saturday 21 st January 2017 Time: Doors open 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Place: Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Entertainer: Joe Apap Dinner: 3-Course Meal, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi & fruit platters For more information contact: Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
Printed copies of The Voice of The Maltese
n response to a number of inquiries, we wish to inform Inowreaders of The Voice of the Maltese magazine that we can supply hard copies in colour of the magazine to our
readers who requst it, at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in acquiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindly requested to get in touch with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post at a price to any state in Australia. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.
Tinteressak il-kitba u trid tippubblika?
arrejja li j˙ossu li g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar blQ Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, jew li jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, huma m˙e©©a
jibag˙tu l-kitbiet tag˙hom, b’email lil: PereΩempju jinteressa lill-qarrejja stejjer dwar kif forsi waslu g˙ad-deçiΩjoni li j˙allu art twelidhom, Malta biex jemigraw g˙al art o˙ra bil-g˙an li jfittxu ©ejjieni a˙jar.
Celebrating Australia Day with MCC NSW
he Maltese Community Council of NSW (MCC NSW) will be celebrating Australia Day 2017, on Sunday, January 22 at the Holroyd Function Centre, 17 Miller Street Merrylands at 4 pm. Everybody is invited to attend. The keynote speaker on the occasion would be Paul Sant LLB. Entertainment is to be provided by the choir of the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW and the talented young singer Violetta Bazanic. Free admission and light refreshments would be served. For more information one should get in touch with the president of the MCC Mob: 0409 744 376 Major sponsor for this function
Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition ‘17 on March 8
he Maltese Welfare NSW has informed The Voice of the Maltese that this year’s Quiet Achiever’s Night of Recognition, would be held on Wednesday March 8. This prestigious event honours Maltese volunteers, in the Maltese community in Australia. The Maltese Welfare encourages members of the community to nominate any persons who have voluntarily contributed much of their time in helping the community. As from this year, there is no age limited. For more information and nomination forms, anybody interested should phone the Secretary, Frances Montesin on 02 9631 9095.
MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.
Teachers urgently needed Paid positions For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a NotFor-Profit organisation.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 17, 2017
Sports Malta Premier League
No change at the top
aving collected the same number of points, each getting four in their first two fixtures of the New Year, so there’s no change at the top. Balzan and Hibernians held on to RESULTS – DAY 18 the leading posi- Balzan v Birkirkara 1-1 v Floriana 2-2 tions in the ladder Hibernians 1-0 Valletta v Gzira U with only a point Hamrun S. v Sliema W. 2-1 2-0 between them. Bal- Tarxien v Mosta zan occupy pole po- S Andrews v Pembroke 2-2 DAY 17 sition with 38 points Balzan v Gzira 2-1 U one more than Hi- Hibernians v Valletta 1-0 5-1 Floriana v Hamrun bernians. Birkirkara v Pembroke 2-0 The two teams Tarxien 1-0 v Sliema W. managed a win and St Andrews v Mosta 1-1 DAY 16 a draw in Rounds 2-0 17 and 18. Defend- Birkirkara v Mosta ing champions Valletta are three adrift after losing their game against Hibernians, but made up somewhat with a hard-earned win over relegation-threatened Gzira on Saturday. Floriana come next four points behind. On Sunday the four of the top five teams were in action. Each managed a point as their direct clashes ended in draws. Balzan kept their cool by coming from behind to draw 1-1 with neighbours Birkirkara, while Hibernians could not go beyond a 22 draw to share the spoils with Floriana who played for an hour with a numerical disadvantage after they had a player red carded. After a thrashStanding P W D L Pts ing against FloriBalzan 18 11 5 2 38 Hibernians 18 11 4 3 37 ana, Hamrun reValletta 18 9 7 2 34 coveredagainst Floriana 18 8 7 3 30 Sliema to get all Birkirkara 18 7 4 5 25 three points in a Sliema W 18 7 3 8 24 2-1 victory. The Tarxien R. 18 6 6 6 24 Hamrun S. 18 7 2 9 23 Wanderers sufSt Andrews 18 5 6 7 21 fered two losses Gzira U 18 3 4 11 13 following their Pembroke 18 2 4 12 10 defeat by 1-0 agMosta 18 2 4 12 10 ainst Taxien.
The Malta Knights ... back in action in February against the Philippines
Malta Knights name squad for Philippine’s clash in Australia
alta Rugby League has named their squads for the upcoming international fixtures against the Philippines next month. The clash will be the Malta Knights’ first game since their 5812 loss to Ireland last October at the Carlisle Grounds in Bray and only their second game on Australian soil in the last decade. The game will be held at the New Era Stadium Cabramatta Leagues Club, NSW. Peter Cassar, who also coaches Hills Bulls in the NSWRL Sydney Shield competition will take charge of the team to face off against the Tamaraws and is eager to finally get a game under his belt. He said that since the postponement of the game in Thailand last year due to the death of their Monarch, the Knights have been keen to pull together and play some footy. “We've been looking to add some players who have experience in a higher level of
Sydney derby ends in stalemate
ith the Sydney Derby has ending in a minutes helped a 10-man Melbourne Victory stalemate for the first time after Syd- to a thrilling win at AAMI Park. The victors ney FC and Western Sydney Wanderers had striker Besart Berisha red carded in the fought out a 0-0 draw at Allianz Stadium on second half. Saturday night, leaders Sydney managed to Seven points keep separating the top two preserve their unbeaten record after 15 top teams with Sydney FC in front, but Melmatches. bourne V. have a game in hand against In front of over 40,000 fans, the crosstown Wellington. rivals cancelled each other out despite P W D L Pts Standing RESULTS – DAY 15 opportunities at either end throughout Sydney FC v W. Sydney 0-0 Sydney FC 15 11 4 0 37 Melbourne V v Brisbane 3-2 Melbourne V 14 10 2 2 32 a hard-fought contest. v v Melbourne C 2-1 Melbourne C. 15 6 5 4 23 However, with two victories on Day Adelaide Newcastle J v Perth G 2-2 Brisbane R 15 5 6 4 21 14 and 15 Melbourne Victory stay Wellington v Central C 1-0 Perth Glory 15 4 6 5 18 DAY 14 hot on Sydney’s heels, particularly 4 5 6 17 2-3 Newcastle J 15 after defeating other title challengers Central C. v Sydney FC Wellington 14 4 3 7 15 Adelaide v Melbourne V 0-2 Brisbane Roar 3-2. Melbourne C v W. Sydney 1-0 West Sydney 15 2 9 4 15 A first-half blitz that produced three Brisbane v Newcastle J 2-3 Adelaide 15 2 4 9 10 2-1 Cent. Coast 15 2 4 9 10 goals without reply inside the first 27 Perth G v Wellington
football, so there will be a few debutants plucked out of New South Wales and Queensland competitions” he added. St Patrick’s Jake Lennox, and Illawarra Cutters Blake Phillips maintain their positions from the cancelled Chiang Mai tour, as does Blacktown Workers’ Jake Attard who is vying for his International debut. Aaron Weston (Hills Bulls) returns to national duties, as do James Redman and Kyal Greene after spending the last year playing in the English National League 1 for Coventry and Hemal Stags respectively. Malta look set to enjoy a busy 2017 International schedule as they seek to improve their ranking after dropping to 20th when the world body released the results back in November. The Malta Knights’ squad is made up of:
Jake Attard, Nathan Benson, Tyler Cassel, Luke Cauchi, Nathan Falzon, Jake Grace, Aaron Grech, Kyal, Greene, Jake Lennox, Blake Phillips, CJ Rapinette, James Redman, Beau Sciberras, Ben Stone, Matthew Thompson, Jonathon Trott, Anthony Vella, Thomas Vella, Jake Webster, Aaron Weston and Dean Zammit.
The game starts at 7.30 p.m. Several curtain-raisers to the main game will also include an U17's International with Maltese Heritage v Philippines. The Maltese team will be chosen from the following squad: Keenan Alavisi, Liam Amato, Ryan Azzopardi, Luke Azzopardi, Joel Cauchi, Blake Chetcuti, Joshua, Debattista, Charlie Frendo, Zarrin Galea, Lewis Mallia, Sampson Mirotsos, Zach Morrison, Roly, Podista, Dean Scerri, Jasper Schembri, Brandon Wing, Jake Xuereb, Tanner Zadravec, Bill Zammit.
The match kicks off at 4.15 p.m.