The Voice of the Maltese No. 151

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 151

Fortnightly ora Fortnightly magazine magazine for for the the Diasp Diaspora

March 28, 2017

A bewitching site at the Birgu Waterfront

For most people visiting Birgu (Vittoriosa) one of the most beautiful and interesting sites is what could be described as the inlet sea (also known by some as Il-Menqa) opposite the bridge dividing the Waterfront buildings with Fort St Angelo. It could have been used as shelter in stormy weather for ships belonging to the Knights of Malta, and in later years for boats used by the British Navy.

Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (front fifth from left) in a ‘family’ photo with other leaders of European member states during the celebrations in Rome marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (see page 13)

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 28, 2017 Malta PM Joseph Muscat at Westminster Abbey on Comonwealth Day 2017:

Peace and reconciliation are objectively possible


alta celebrated Commonwealth Day, a date (March 13) when member countries commemorate the foundation of the Commonwealth, both in the UK, where Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, as Chair in Office of the Commonwealth addressed the Commonwealth Day ceremony at Westminster Abbey, and in Malta, through the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in conjunction with the resident Commonwealth High Commissions on the island (see page 12) At Westminster, Joseph Musacat said that a time when we may be tempted to despair and to give up, it is imperative that we remember that peace and reconciliation are objectively possible. The stressed that this can be achieved, but the long way to peace and reconciliation is a tortuous and difficult one and it is never over. He went on to say that the world today is characterised by a multiplicity of fault lines between and within states. Tensions along some of these fault lines have reached critical levels. Instability has become the norm and uncertainty is the rule of the game. Moreover, two factors are contributing to making this a very dangerous world indeed, with, on the one hand, terrorism embedded in perverse distortions of religious belief, and on the other, the emergence of an intolerant populism that feeds on lack of knowledge and racism. He added, “Both of them shun reason, promote fanaticism and actively commit or indirectly incite violence. Both are the result of political and economic models that have patently failed inasmuch as they are insufficiently inclusive. Both of them subscribe to a vision of history as an inevitable clash of at least two reciprocally incompatible civilisations. Both of them feed on fear of hate of diversity. He asked what the Commonwealth can and should realistically do in these difficult circumstances? He believes that “one answer lies in

The audience at WestministerAbbey listening to Joseph Muscat’s address

PM Joseph Muscat at Westminster  theuniqueness of the enduring bond that brought us here today. A complex uniqueness that is frankly not easy to explain. Although we can boast of a combined population of 2.4 billion, although we represent fifty-two nation states, our real strength lies elsewhere. It lies in the intensity of our relationship throughout our modern history.” He explained that the relationship has been by no means an easy one, and that indeed the history of this relationship has known joy, pride and communion, but also blood, sweat and tears. “Whilst we have all emerged with a keener sense of our distinct historical national identities and a greater respect of each other's national identity, we have also grown more wary of cynical attempts to appeal to history to justify aggressive nationalism,” Joseph Muscat told the august gathering at the Abbey. He remarked that these relationships “have taught us that beyond different national interests and in spite of the pain and bitterness that we experienced, there is an irreducible value in peace and reconciliation.” He went on to single out respect for LGBTIQ persons, saying that the lack of it, in a remarkable number of countries is, arguably, a considerable blot

in “our family of nations standing”. He said he was aware that there are leaders who know things must change, but are wary of how society would react to their first move. To them he said that the Commonwealth would be with them to help them make the first bold steps. He pointed out “History, I am sure, will judge them positively when they do so.” He said that a powerful contribution to peace and reconciliation begins with the micro-dimension of the world. that global and international relations are of course important and so are burning national political issues, but the individual’s immediate social habitat, the home, is fundamental. “There is a certain view, delusional in my opinion, amongst many throughout the world, to imagine that social progress is essentially a top down process, in which case politicians and technocrats engineer macro-change, and the positive outcomes of this change at the top simply percolates down by some sort of social force of gravity.” He added that this is the sort of view that generates social exclusion. It is the sort of view that known verses: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...” The Prime Minister said that there can be no solid and lasting international and national peace and reconciliation unless it is built on the consciousness of millions of individuals who value their own individual dignity, whose homes enjoy the domestic peace based on equality and mutual respect of the genders, and is free of domestic violence where women and children are most of the time the main victims. “Individuals who do not value their own individual dignity, do not value the dignity of others. Those who do not uphold these values tend to fuse into the multitudes that make up the mass base of extremist movements,” he said. He believed these short reflections would be incomplete without observing that in the treasure trove of the wealth of our common experience, one also finds such noble qualities as strength in the face of adversity and great generosity. At this instance he seized the opportunity to express Malta’s great pride in its people’s valiant contribution to this effort, “a contribution we paid for dearly with blood and suffering, as many others did,” he said He concluded, “We are in times of trouble, hours of darkness may confront us at any time but lest we misunderstand the words of wisdom of a song most of us can at least hum, our response cannot simply be a whispered Let It Be. Our mothers and fathers didn’t.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Name Change Cases in Family Law: What’s in a child’s name? by PaulSant


t is not uncommon for a parent, usually the mother, to want to change the child’s surname, usually to her surname or to a hyphenated surname. This ordinarily occurs after the child has started living with one parent, and perhaps spends little or no time with the other parent, or where the primary parent has remarried and adopted a new surname and wishes to change their child’s surname too. The lasting nature of a legal name, and the significant impact a child’s name has on their identity often causes both parents to allow strong emotions to entrench their views on what the child’s name should be. If both parents listed on the child’s Birth Certificate agree to the name change, the process is quite simple and requires a joint application with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in New South Wales. However, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, the only option left to the parent seeking the name change is to make a formal application with the Federal Circuit Court of Australia or Family Court of Australia. What if you cannot agree on the name change? The law surrounding the issue stems from the same principles that guide parenting applications in general. The Court will determine the child’s name based on an assessment of what would be in the best interests of the child. The best interests of the child are the paramount consideration and must always stand above

the wishes of parents. In the past, the Courts have considered a range of factors, the most prevalent of which are: 1. how connected or attached the child is to the current name, 2. the surnames of the parents and siblings (if any), 3. any confusion of identity which may arise for the child if his or her name is changed or is not changed; 4. the likely short term and long term effects (if any) that the name change would have on the child; 5. the effect which any change in surname may have on the relationship between the child and the parent; 6. the level of contact the child has with each parent 7. the effect of frequent or random changes of name; and 8.the practical inconvenience of a name change. The Courts have also recognised that children have a stronger connection to their first name than their surname. As a result, most applications to have the first name of a child changed have been unsuccessful. Very recently, the Court considered the following factual scenario in the case of Reynolds & Sherman [2016]: 1. the child the subject of the proceedings was 3 years old; 2. the parties had a 1 month long relationship and never lived together; 3. the child lives with the mother and spends time with the father multiple times a week. The father sought that the child is given a hyphenated surname, including both parents’ surnames. The mother sought


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that the child use only her surname. The mother in her application argued that “it would be confusing if the child did not have the same surname as the parent with whom he lives…[and] that … the child will be attending the same school as the mother (who is training to be a teacher) and that it would be embarrassing for the child to constantly explain why they have different surnames”. The first judge to hear the matter ejected the mother’s arguments and instead stated that in this modern day and age it is now common for children to have a different surname from at least one of their parents, even in relationships that have not ended. The mother appealed this decision and the Full Court upheld the first judge’s decision. In essence, the judges of the Full Court held that they were “satisfied that it is in the best interests of the child that he have a surname which accurately reflects his heritage. To do so enhances his sense of identity with both his father and the mother and their extended families.” What if you cannot agree on the name change? In the case of Arthur and Comben (1977) the Court held that on an application to the Family Court in respect of a name change, all the Family Court can do is to make a declaration to the effect that it is in the best interests of the child that his or her name is changed, and the formal record of this should be made according to the laws and practice of each State. To find out what the legal requirements are, one should contact the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in one’s state or territory. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystic tales to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Paul Zerafa (Zed) jqaxxar xag˙ru g˙all-ewwel darba fi 12-il-sena b’riΩq il-Leukaemia Foundation P

Paul qabel qaxxar xag˙ru, u (ta˙t) iqaxxruhulu)

aul Zerafa (mag˙ruf ukoll b˙ala Zed), xjentist ematolo©iku (haematology scientist) ta’ 25 sena fil-Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), fis-17 ta’ Marzu li g˙adda, ˙a sehem fl-hekk imsej˙a l-Leukaemia Foundation’s World's Greatest Shave fejn fuq, inizjattiva tieg˙u, iddeçieda li jaqta’ xag˙ru, li kien ilu jkabbar g˙alla˙˙ar 12-il sena. L-g˙an ta’ Paul, imwieled l-Awstralja, iben Nazarene (miΩ-Ûurrieq), wie˙ed membru tal-Grupp Letteratura Maltija ta’ Victoria, u martu Maria (minn Sa Ìiljan) li jg˙ixu fi Queensland, kien li jin©abru fondi b’riΩq il-Fondazzjoni tal-Lewkemija. Xog˙ol Paul g˙andu x’jaqsam mad-dianjosi tal-marda qerrieda tal-kankru jinvolvi st˙arri© dwar tissues iffurmati mid-demm u mard relatat. Skont missieru Paul g˙andu ferm g˙al qalbu din il-˙idma u da˙al g˙all-isfida, “b’ru˙u u ©ismu”. Missieru qalli, li Paul kien kburi b’xag˙ru li kien ilu jkabbar bla ma jaqtg˙u das-snin kollha. Fil-fatt kibritlu tant li waslet sew sa rkupptejh, allura tul ta’ madwar 1.20m. Qalli wkoll li dam ja˙sibha ˙afna qabel qaxxru. It-tir ta’ Paul kien li ji©bor $7,500 ming˙and sponsor u individwi li jifhmu l-g˙an li ried jil˙aq. In©abru fuq it-$12,000 aktar milli Paul kien jistenna grazzi wkoll g˙al u˙ud li laqg˙u l-istedina tieg˙u li wkoll jie˙du sehem fis-sieg˙a ta’ qtug˙ ix-xag˙ar. Bil-fondi jistg˙u ji©u mg˙ejjuna emozzjo-

nalment u jing˙ataw l-appo©© familji fl-Awstralja li fosthom g˙andhom lil xi ˙add vittma tal-kankru u biex ing˙ataw g˙ajnuna dwar kif jiffaççjawha. Il-fondi huma wkoll ma˙suba biex tissokta r-riçerka ˙alli forsi aktar nies ikunu jistg˙u jfiequ millmard tal-kankru b˙al-limfoma, illewkemija u l-melanoma. Fl-appell tieg˙u biex isib min jisponsorjah, Paul kien qal li l-kankru tad-demm huwa t-tielet l-akbar kawΩa ta’ mwiet fl-Awstralja, ag˙ar millkankru tas-sider jew il-melanoma, tant li madwar 35 pesuna kuljum jinstab li jkunu jbatu mill-marda. Paul talab g˙otjiet ta’ $52 minn individwi u Ωied jg˙id li g˙otja setg˙et tiΩgura li persuna li tkun qed tie˙u lkura l-isptar tkun tista’ ti©i nvistata b’mod personali minn professjonisti speçjali m˙arr©a li jtuhom l-appo©© me˙tie©, xi ˙aga li ˙afna drabi tista’ anke tag˙mel id-differenza. Kienu ˙afna li mhux biss fa˙˙ru l©est ta’ Paul imma wkoll issie˙bu mieg˙u biex iqaxxru xag˙arhom u/jew ikkontribwew biex l-g˙an tieg˙u jintla˙aq.


Mart Paul, Cara u ibnu Tobias jaraw lil Paul g˙all-ewwel darba b’xag˙ru (f’idejh mhux fuq rasu) qasir

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition 2017

Il-voluntieri mfa˙˙ra u mog˙tija ˙ajr M

in ja˙dem b˙ala voluntier ma jit˙alasx, iΩda xorta ˙aqqu min jirringrazzjah mill-qalb. Hekk ji©ri kull sena meta l-Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. jorganizza l-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition fl-Annunciation Hall fi Blacktown NSW.. Dis-sena kienet is-17-il darba li l-okkaΩjoni ©iet organizzata, u b˙al dawk ta’ qabilha mhux biss kienet suççess imma wkoll attivita` fejn il-komunita` Maltija setg˙et ting˙aqad ˙a©a wa˙da biex tag˙ti ˙ajr lil dawk, li kif qal sewwa l-president tal-Maltese Welfare fid-diskors talftu˙, li “ja˙dmu fil-qasam tal-voluntarjat ming˙ajr daqq ta’ trombi”. Huwa qal ukoll lil dis-sena tne˙˙iet ir-regola li l-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ ‘l fuq minn 60 sena u jidher li din il-bidla giet aççettata g˙ax kien hemm tletin nominazzjoni. Flistess waqt fera˙ lil dawk li kienu mag˙Ωula u appella biex dawk li ma da˙lux dis-sena jer©g˙u japplikaw sen’o˙ra. F’din il-lejla l-kantanta Grace Camilleri pprovdiet id-divertiment muΩikali billi nterpretat g˙add ta’ kanzunetti, kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ, li ©ew milqug˙a tajjeb milludjenza ta’ madwar 200 persuna. G˙all-okkaΩjoni ©ew ukoll im˙abbra Ωew© g˙otjiet speçjali ta’ apprezzament, wa˙da lill-kumitat talgrupp Maltese Elderly Thankgiving Day li g˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 23 sena organizza laqg˙at speçjali g˙ax-xju˙ Maltin li jinsabu fl-age-care facilities, hostels, respite care centres u active seniors groups. Il-membri tal-kumitat li kienu preΩenti biex jirçevu dan l-unur kienu, Maria Mercieca, Carmen Cutajar, Maggie Vella, Rose Cato, Doris

U˙ud mill-membri tal-kumitat tal-grupp Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day li ©ew ippreΩentati b’g˙otja speçjali jidhru mal-president tal- Maltese Welfare Lawrence Dimech. Mix-xellug : Doris Pocock, Lina Magro, Rose Cato, Maria Mercieca,Maria Cilia, Maggie Vella u Carmen Cutajar. Pocock, Lina Magro u Maria Cilia. G˙alkemm John Beale mhux Malti, hu wkoll ©ie mog˙ti g˙arfien g˙all-mod li bih jie˙u ˙sieb Father Claude Borg, tant li mhux g˙ax li kienet din l-g˙ajnuna kien ikun ilna li tlifna sservizzi pastorali John Beale (lemin) flimkien ma’ Fr Claude u reli©juΩi ta’ ra©unijiet g˙aliex dawn il-Maltin dan il-qassis tant ©entili. Il-Membru Statali, Julia Finn MP ©ew ippremjati. Kien hemm 11 u ©iet mistiedna tag˙mel il-preΩentaz- koppja, li tnejn minnhom twieldu lzjoni tal-g˙otjiet annwali lil 13-il Awstralja minn ©enituri Maltin. persuna, filwaqt li Frances Montesin *Ikompli f’pa©na 7 u Doris Grima qraw fil-qosor ir-

Parti mill-udjenza li attendiet fl-Annunciation Hall

Tuesday March 28, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Malta HC announces new appointment at Canberra Chancery

he High Commission in T Canberra has announced the arrival of the new

Dawk kolha li ©ew onorati fil- Quiet Achievers Night flimkien mal-MP Julia Finn (bil-wieqfa ewwel mix-xellug)

Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition 2017 *minn pa©na 6

tenda wkoll il-president tal-Maltese Community Council Emanuel Camilleri, u martu Theresa, presidenti o˙ra ta’ g˙aqdiet Maltin, u Paul Zammit, millbord tad-diretturi u Martin Todorovitch, is-CEO ta’ St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly. Ta’ min jifra˙ lill-Maltese Welfare (NSW) tal-mod professjonali li bih organizza llejla kif g˙amel kull sena fl-Annunciation Hall fejn ir-residenti tellg˙u wkoll esebizzjoni tax-xog˙lijiet ta’ pittura u disinji li g˙amlu waqt il-klassijiet apposta li jsiru f’din id-dar.

Malta-Based Officer (MBO) Ms. Denise Demicoli, Second Secretary, to succeed former Deputy High Commissioner, Dr. Joseph Pirotta. Ms. Demicoli, who assumed office on March 20, shall oversee the Consular sectional at the High Commission in Canberra whilst performing the duties of Deputy to the High Commissioner. Prior to this appointment, Ms Demicoli was assigned to the Directorate General Political, EU Affairs and Maltese Abroad within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Valletta.

It-13 ippreΩentati bl-g˙otjiet kienu, Charles u George Attard, Eddie Busuttil, Ivan Cauchi, Victor u Rachel Floridia, Tony Mamo, Antoine Mangion, Victor Mifsud, Michelle Olliffe, Frank J Sammut, Joseph Spiteri u Emanuel Zammit. Assoc. Professor Stephen Gatt, iç-çermen ta’ St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly spjega l-˙tie©a li jsir bdil fl-isem ta’ din id-dar immexxija mis-sorijiet Dumnikani, filwaqt li l-Onor. Alan Cadman, ˙abib kbir tal-komunita` u ekspolitikant, fera˙ lil dawk onorati. Huwa fisser kemm huma ©ene-ruΩi l-Maltin u l-kontribut kbir li taw lill-Awstralja. Saret ukoll preΩentazzjoni ta’ fjuri minn Marlene Dimech lil Sister Georgina Sultana li hija l-inkarigata minn St Dominic’s, b˙ala ˙ajr tal-g˙ajnuna siewja f’din l-okkaΩjoni annwali. Nathalie Gatt mexxiet dan l-avveniment tajjeb ˙afna, filwaqt li tat ˙ajr lil kull min b’xi mod ˙adem u g˙in biex kollox jimxi sewwa, l-aktar lil Lawrence Gatt li f’idejh kellu lorganizzazzjoni kollha, lil Rita Kassas, li ˙adet ir-ritratti, u lill-membri Il-kumitat tal- Maltese Welfare ta’ NSW flimkien ma Julia Finn MP (it-tieni mil-lemin kollha tal-kumitat. wara) . Bil-wieqfa ( mix-xellug :) Lawrence Gatt, Lino Vella u Emm. Camilleri. Quddiem : Rita G˙all-okkaΩjoni at Kassas, Marlene u Lawrence Dimech, Nathalie Gatt, Francis Montesin, u Doris Grima.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Apatija kbira min-negozjanti Maltin The Voice of the Maltese ffo orrttn niig gh httllyy m ma ag ga azziin ne e is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

George Falzon minn Smithfield, NSW jikteb: n˙oss li nkun qed ng˙id verita` maghrufa meta nsemmi li minkejja li fid-deher hawn çerta g˙aqda bejn il-Maltin li ng˙ixu fl-Awstralja u li meta niltaqg˙u fil-klabbs Maltin nuru solidarjeta` ma’ xulxin u nie˙du gost nirrakkontaw l-avventuri ta’ tfulitna f’Malta u niddiskutu wkoll dak li jkun ise˙˙ f’Malta, imma fil-fatt tirrenja çerta apatija bejnietna. Forsi dan l-aktar li jidher hu fin-negozjanti Maltin li w˙ud minnhom, minkejja li g˙amlu ©idhom g˙ax il-Maltin uΩaw is-servizzi tag˙hom, issa li kibru fin-negozju donnhom li jistmaw lill-g˙aqdiet Maltin daqs li kieku dubbien. Minn dak li jg˙iduli anke mexxejja ta’ xi g˙aqdiet Maltin, u minn dak li nara jien stess b’g˙ajnejja, xi negozjanti, fosthom ukoll mexxejja ta’ azjendi importanti u qawwi fis-


What feast could unite the Maltese in Australia? Lawrence Scerri, from Warrawong NSW, writes:

he Irish come to together to celebrate T their patron saint worldwide. The Maltese have the great Apostle St Paul but why does it not draw us together? Most Maltese even in Australia are loyal to their own town saint but isn't it time that we have a national feast (festa) here in Australia to unite all of us Maltese, or would the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (Santa Marija) or Our Lady of Victories (il-Vittorija) be more of a unifying feast? However, the younger generation of Maltese have not embraced Festi here as happens in Malta. Therefore, what is the future of these traditions and Maltese culture?

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

suq Awstraljan joqog˙du lura milli jikkontribwixxu b’mod finanzjarju g˙all-attivitajiet tal-Maltin. F’kaΩ li jag˙tu g˙ajnuna finanzjarja din ©eneralment titnaqqas mit-taxxa fuq il-qlieg˙ li jag˙tu lill-gvern. Gieli wkoll je˙duha bi kbira li jkun hemm minn, bil-g˙an li jorganizza xi ˙a©a g˙all-Maltin, anke jinjoraw lil min javviçinahom g˙al dan il-g˙an. Nahseb li b’attitudni b˙al din ftit qed jaraw il-bog˙od. Ma nistax nifhem kif jippreferu li j˙allsu t-taxxi milli jikklejmjaw g˙al g˙otjiet filantropiçi. Toqg˙od ta˙seb ftit kemm u˙ud minnhom g˙amlu weg˙di lill-President ta’ Malta meta Ωaret l-Awstralja, u issa l-weg˙di sfaxxaw. Jien nemmen li wasal iΩ-Ωmien li lil dawn in-nies li joqog˙du lura milli jg˙inu u juru apatija lejn il-Maltin nibdew insemmuhom. Kif g˙andna nsemmu lil min jg˙in, g˙ax tabil˙aqq li kull qalb trid o˙ra, imma minna˙a l-o˙ra dawk li issa g˙ax stanew u qed jaraw lill-o˙rajn dubbien insemmuhom ukoll. Ma nifhimx din l-apatija meta tara nies ta’ nazzjonijiet o˙ra li b˙alna huma emigranti, li ©eneralment tant ja˙sbu f’nieshom u kwaΩi ji©bdu biss lejhom.

Imsieken g˙andhom ˙afna xog˙ol!! George Gatt minn Blacktown NSW jikteb:

aqbel mal-ittra ta’ John Vella minn WA N (fil-˙ar©a Nru. 150 ta’ The Voice) fejn qal li tkun ˙a©a tajba li nkunu nafu fejn huma l-ufficcini tal-Gvern Malti fl-Awstralja, meta jift˙u g˙all-pubbliku, eçç. Jien na˙seb li dawn tant g˙andhom xog˙ol li mank iridu iktar nies jersqu lejn l-uffiçini tag˙hom. Mhux sewwa li nressqulhom aktar xog˙ol, anzi jien ng˙id li g˙andhom jift˙u u ja˙dmu ˙afna inqas sieg˙at biex jibΩg˙u g˙alsa˙˙ithom. Forsi wkoll il-Gvern jaghtihom salarju akbar. Il-bambin mag˙hom!

Shield for the Maltese

M. Spiteri from Seven Hills NSW writes:

our Carnival special issue was a hugh Y success. I attend the La Valette Centre, and many were talking about it, splendid issue, plenty of colour and history, above all professionally presented. The phographs in it were originals not seen in other newspapers. Thank you, The Voice of the Maltese because you are respecting our intelligence not giving us cut-and-paste outdated repeated material. The Voice is fresh and has established itself as a strong shield for the rights of the Maltese in Australia. Keep up the good work.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday March 28, 2017


Australian pensioners face travel limit SusanTempleman MP (Federal member for Macquarie, NSW)


ustralia pensioners who travel overseas for more than six weeks are facing a cut to their pensions, if the Turnbull Government is successful in a second attempt to pass new legislation. The current rules allow pensioners to stay overseas for 26 weeks and still receive their full pension. After the 26 weeks, a reduced rate is paid depending how long they have lived in Australia. The Government's latest proposal, in the Omnibus Bill, will mean that after just six weeks overseas, pensioners who have lived in Australia for less than 35 years of their working life will have their rate of pension reduced. This will potentially affect nearly 200,000 pensioners. We know that around 40 per cent of aged pensioners were born overseas, so that’s a lot of people who might want to visit their mother country for an extended period, once they retire. We also know the vast majority of these pensioners have made an enormous contribution to Australia’s economy and society over many decades. They deserve the pension, just like any other eligible older Australian, and Labor will not support Malcolm Turnbull’s attack on their right to have a dignified retirement.” Labor Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia, Tony Burke, said Labor voted against a similar attempt to cut the pension last year and will continue to oppose the legislation. “When pensioners have to spend more than 6 weeks overseas it’s often because a family member is unwell, and in many instances there is no one else who can care for them,” Mr Burke said. Cutting the pension for people in this circumstance can put people in an impossible situation where they either have to abandon

Malta now in Summer time t 2.00a.m. last Sunday A (March 26) along with other European countries, Malta turned clocks forward by an hour which means an hour more of extended daylight.

Daylight Saving time in Australia n Sunday April 2 and until October 1, the States O of NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and ACT will turn their clocks backwards one hour. Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia do not observe Daylight Saving time.

a relative or simply do not have enough money to get by. In the lead up to the 2013 election, the Turnbull Liberal Government promised “no cuts to pensions”. But sadly they have now gone on to attempt to cut the pension in every single budget since that promise was made. In the 2014 Budget they tried to cut pension indexation – a cut that would have meant pensioners would be forced to live on $80 a week less within ten years. In 2015 the Liberals did a deal with the Greens to cut the pension to around 330,000 pensioners by changing the pension assets test. And let us not forget that the Liberals still want to increase the pension age to 70 – meaning Australia would have the oldest pension age in the developed world.

Editorial note: The Voice of the Maltese welcomes any other Australian Parliamentarian, be they State or Federal who wish to express their views on important topics.

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Perspettiva Is-sa˙˙a tal-kbir u taΩ-Ωg˙ir A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

kitba ta’



ktar kmieni f'Marzu tal-2017 kellna l-elezzjonijiet tal-istat ta' Western Australia (WA). Kien hemm bidla fil-gvern, xejn ©did. Ilgvern il-©did huwa mag˙mul millPartit Laburista, li qaleb il-folja drammatikament. Il-Partit Liberali, li kien fil-gvern n’koalizzjoni mal-Partit Nazzjonali, ra s-sehem tal-vot tieg˙u jonqos bi kwaΩi 16%, tnaqqis li bbenefikaw minnu l-iktar il-Partit Laburista b'9% u l-partit konservattiv populista One Nation b'5%. Li laqatni ma kienx li nbidel gvern, ˙a©a li ti©ri regolarment f'demokraziji, lanqas l-iskala tal-bidla fil-votazzjoni, imma dak li ©ara f'si©©u minn dak listat, dak tal-Pilbara, re©jun ta' nofs miljun kilometru kwadru (bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or daqs Spanja), u popolazzjoni ta' 50 elf biss (Birkirara, Tas-Sliema u Óal Qormi flimkien g˙andhom iktar nies). Il-Pilbara huwa post ta' sbu˙ija naturali liema b˙alha, wie˙ed mill-postijiet li kont Ωort fl-Awstralja. L-iktar li niftakar minnu huma park nazzjonali jismu Kari©ini, li mimli b'widien dojoq u weqfin b'nixxieg˙a ©ierja bl-ilma ffriΩat, u l-kulur a˙mar li jservi ta' sfond kullimkien g˙al ˙axix ˙adrani jismu spinefex u s-sema ka˙lan skur - sempliçement spettakolari. Il-kulur a˙mar jag˙ti ˙jiel g˙al wa˙da miΩ-Ωew© industriji ewlenin tal-Pilbara - il-˙adid (l-industrija l-o˙ra hija l-gass). La˙mar huwa wie˙ed mill-kuluri tal-minerali ˙ematite, li huwa ossidu tal-˙adid (fi kliem ie˙or, sadid). Fil-fatt, il-biçça l-kbira tal-˙adid esportat mill-Awstralja ©ej mill-Pilbara.1 Meta wie˙ed jiftakar li l-Awstralja hija t-tieni l-ikbar produttur tal-˙adid fid-dinja wara ç-Çina,2 tista' timma©ina (forsi) l-iskala ta' flus li qed nitkellmu dwarhom. Mela fil-Pilbara, il-kap tal-Partit Nazzjonali f'WA li kien qed jiggverna mal-Partit Liberali, jismu Brendon Grylls, ippropona li jΩid taxxa tal-infrastruttura li tit˙allas mill-kumpanniji l-kbar li j˙affru g˙all-˙adid f'dak l-istat, il-BHP Billiton u Rio Tinto, minn 25¢ g˙al $5 kull tunnellata, biex ji©u ©©enerati $7 biljun fuq erba' snin ˙alli jsolvu l-kriΩi finanzjarja tal-gvern ta' WA.3 Dawn il-kumpanniji reçentement ˙adu r-ru˙ meta l-prezz tal˙adid irdoppja milli kien sen’ilu, u raw Ωieda sostanzjali fil-profitti tag˙hom.4 Li jag˙tu flus lill-gvern b'rata iktar g˙olja hija l-a˙˙ar ˙a©a fuq l-a©enda tag˙hom. G˙alhekk, waqt l-elezzjoni, g˙aqda li tirrappreΩenta lil dawn ilkumpanniji li jitkellmu bil-biljuni, Chamber of Minerals and Energy, ˙allset $2 miljun g˙al kampanja pubblika biex jattakkaw qatta bla ˙abel lil din il-proposta ta' Brendon Grylls, li heddet lillvotanti b'telf ta' impjiegi u nuqqas ta' investiment. Din il-kampanja tant kienet effettiva, u speçifikata g˙as-Sur Grylls, li l-Partit Nazzjonali kwaΩi baqa' fejn kien fl-elezzjoni (tilef inqas minn 1% tal-voti), imma s-Sur Grylls tilef 11.4% talvoti, u s-si©©u tieg˙u aktarx jintreba˙ mill-Partit Laburista, li din il-politika ma jaqbilx mag˙ha (qal). Mela l-industrija tal-minerali investiet $2 miljun biex tiffranka $7 biljun - dak investiment li jrendi! Nesa l-Partit Laburista ta' WA li l-Partit Laburista federali Awstraljan kien ippropona xi ˙a©a simili xi snin ilu. Kien il-Prim Ministru Laburista Kevin Rudd fl-2010 li ried ida˙˙al taxxa federali fuq il-t˙affir g˙all-minerali.

Wa˙da mill-minjieri f’Pilbara Dakinhar, l-industrija tal-minerali nefqet $22 miljun fil-kampanja kontra Rudd,5 u wkoll kellha suççess kbir g˙ax dg˙ajfet ilpoΩizzjoni tieg˙u, ˙adet postu Julia Gillard li marret g˙arrkubbtejha quddiem l-industrija tal-minerali, u nnegozjat taxxa ©dida li da˙˙let flus lill-gvern l-eqwivalenti ta' ftit pastizzi, imqabbla mal-proposti ta' qabel. S'issa, kull tentattiv biex il-poplu ta' WA, jew dak Awstraljan, igawdi iktar mill-profitti tal-minerali li ji©u m˙affra u esportati, ©ew fix-xejn wara kampanja pubblika, iffukata u ffinanzjata tajjeb, tal-industrija tal-minerali. Jien jidhirli li r-riΩorsi tal-pajjiΩ huma tal-pajjiΩ, u l-kumpanniji li j˙affruhom jag˙mlu hekk, g˙al perjodu limitat ta' Ωmien, bil-permess ta', u ta˙t il-kundizzjonijiet li, jintalbu mir-rappreΩentanti taççittadini. G˙alhekk, il-poter huwa f'idejn min imexxi, fit-teorija. Fil-prattika, il-poter, kollu, huwa f'idejn il-kumpanniji kbar multinazzjonali. G˙andhom il-poter li jinfluwenzaw lin-nies, iwerwruhom bin-nuqqas ta' impjiegi, u jimmanipulawhom waqt il-proçess demokratiku biex i©ibu r-riΩultat li jixtiequ. Naturalment, dawn mhumiex l-uniçi organizzazzjonijiet li juΩaw metodi çiniçi u manipulattivi waqt elezzjonijiet, fosthom partiti, unjins u organizzazzjonijiet o˙ra. Imma jidhirli jien li dawk li g˙andhom il-flus g˙andhom issa˙˙a kollha, u l-popolin li jrid joqg˙od attent kif se jdawwar irrota u jg˙ajjex 'il-familja, ˙ajtu kollha jiΩfen Ωifna li l-muΩika g˙aliha jiddeçidiha min g˙andu interessi kummerçjali kbar, filwaqt li dejjem kuntent li qed titwettaq id-demokrazija. Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-kunfidenza fil-proçess politiku kwaΩi sparixxa. Viva d-demokrazija! Referenzi

1. iron-ore, retrieved 21/3/2017 2., retrieved 21/3/2017 3., retrieved 21/3/2017 4., retrieved 21/3/2017 5., retrieved 21/3/2017

Tuesday March 28, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Il-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira matul iΩ-Ωminijiet, l-aktar fir-Rabat F

il-jiem tal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa r-Rabat f’Malta jkun b˙al Ìerusalemm l-antika, bil-knejjes u l-kunventi b˙al niçeç kbar li jsawru t-toroq tal-lokal b’˙afna minnhom li jag˙tu dehra ta’ xenarju mistiku reli©juΩ li jg˙inek tirrifletti dwar it-tbatija u l-mewt ta’ Sidna Ìesù Kristu. Il-poplu, l-aktar dak tal-lokal, jg˙oΩΩ ˙afna dawn iljiem. Xhieda t’hekk l-entuΩjaΩmu li jin˙ass u tara f’dawn il-jiem waqt il-wirjiet imxerrdin mar-Rabat kollu, kunçerti ta’ muΩika sagra, reçti teatrali u pageants, flimkien mal-funzjonijiet reli©juΩi fil-knejjes u l-kunventi kollha tal-lokal, li jg˙inu biex f’dawn il-jiem isir b˙all-Mekka tat-twemmin reli©juΩ tag˙na li g˙andu g˙eruq ˙awtiela li missirijietna rawwmu matul is-sekli. L-eqdem tifkiriet li jorbtuna mal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira jmorru g˙al Ωmien il-perijodu Ruman. Insemmi li f’arzella çkejkna fil-Katakombi tad-Dejr, fil-lokal u li kien ja˙bat ’il barra mis-swar Rumani, kien hemm affresk li jirrappreΩenta l-Kruçifissjoni. F’dan l-affresk li llum inqala’ u jinsab fil-MuΩew tal-Arti tal-Belt, ta˙t is-salib tidher id-Duluri u l-Arkan©lu Gabriel fuq na˙a, u San Ìwann u qaddisa o˙ra n-na˙a l-o˙ra. Insemmi wkoll il-Katakombi ta’ Sant’Agata fejn instabu minquxa g˙add ta’ slaleb b˙al f’ta’ katakombi o˙ra. Hemm sejbiet o˙ra ta’ diversi msieba˙, ˙afna minnhom b’salib fuqhom. Fir-Rabat hemm ukoll iççangaturi daqs ta’ maduma li jinstabu fil-faççata medjevali tal-Knisja ta’ Sant’Agata. Fuqhom hemm minquxa g˙add ta’ kurçifissi. B˙alhom hemm ukoll o˙rajn fil-muΩew tal-istess knisja, ta’ Sant’Agata li Ωgur li kienu g˙otjiet votivi, li juru li fl-img˙oddi l-kult lejn Kristu Msallab kien wie˙ed kbir u qawwi. B˙ala turija tal-g˙eruq L-istatwa ta’ Kristu Marbut ˙awtiela tal-poplu tag˙na lejn il-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa nsibu li meta l-Konti Ru©©ieru ©ie Malta fl-1090, xi abitanti x’aktarx li kienu ta’ nisel BiΩantin. Jing˙ad li dawn marru jilqg˙uh bis-slaleb talinjam, frieg˙i taΩ-Ωebbu© u tal-palm u bl-g˙ajjat ta’ Kyrie Eleison. Laqg˙uh b˙alma l-Lhud u l-Appostli kienu laqg˙u lil Kristu f’Óadd il-Palm. Biex titfakkar dil-©rajja, fl-img˙oddi, nhar Óadd ilPalm, il-Kapitlu tal-Katidral tal-Imdina kien jo˙ro© ikanta l-Passju ta’ San Mattew fil-©nien ta’ quddiem l-Imdina fejn kienu j˙allu, marbut mas-salib Normann salib tal-palm u taΩ-Ωebbu© li jkun tbierek f’dak il-jum stess. Xhieda ta’ kemm il-Maltin, anke fiΩ-Ωminijiet tan-nofs, kienu jiççelebraw il-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira nisiltuh ukoll millfatt li ta’ kull sena l-Viçirè ta’ Sqallija kien iwissi lillmexxejja Maltin biex jaraw li matul it-tifkira tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira l-Lhud li jg˙ixu fil-gΩejjer tag˙na ma jing˙atawx fastidju, anzi kellhom ji©u protetti. Fir-Rabat kien hemm Lhud li f’dan il-jum kienu ji©u ffastidjati. Dan kien min˙abba s-sentimenti ferventi u qawwija li l-poplu kien i˙oss f’dawn il-jiem. Fejn g˙andha x’taqsam id-drawwa tal-Purçissjoni talGimg˙a l-Kbira kul˙add jaf li x’aktarx li l-eqdem purçissjoni f’pajjiΩna hi dik li to˙ro© mill-Knisja ta’ ÌieΩu fir-Rabat. Din tie˙u ˙siebha l-Fratellanza ta’ San ÌuΩepp.

PeterPaulCiantar Fost l-istatwi sbie˙ u antiki li tgawdi nsemmi biss wa˙da, tal-Marbut. Din l-istatwa, kollha tal-injam, ta’ awtur Sqalli u tasseklu 16 hija l-aktar wa˙da antika. Hi statwa li nfluwenzat lil diversi artisti u skulturi biex jag˙mlu o˙rajn tal-Marbut li jixbhuha. Dan juri wkoll li g˙al çerti drawwiet kienu lIsqallin li nfluwenzawna, fosthom din talpurçissjoni li fir-Rabat x’aktarx bdiet qabel da˙lu l-Patrijiet Fran©iskani Minuri, dawk ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ìesù (Ta’ ÌieΩu). Min˙abba r-rabta kbira li minn dejjem kellhom mal-Art Imqaddsa, il-Patrijiet ta’ ÌieΩu ˙adu mag˙hom ir-Rabat Il-Kurçifiss fil-kunvent ta’ GieΩu (l-ewwel kunvent tag˙hom f’Malta) diversi devozzjonijiet o˙ra tal-Gimg˙a Mqaddsa, fosthom id-devozzjoni tal-Via Sagra li wara nxterdet ma’ Malta u G˙awdex kollu. Hemm ukoll xi ˙a©’o˙ra importanti fir-Rabat marbuta mal-Passjoni ta’ Ìesù u li ma tantx hawn min jaf biha. Din hi tal-liΩar ta’ Kristu li hu kopja ta’ dak li hemm f’Turin. Dan jinsab fil-MuΩew ta’ Wignacourt. Dan hu meqjus b˙ala relikwa g˙ax dan il-liΩar f’Malta mess malliΩar ta’ Kristu li hemm f’Turin, Il-liΩar b’wiçç Kristu nkiseb minn Francisco Lucas Bueno, Isqof ta’ Malta u Gran Prijur tal-Ordni fl-1650. Kien lArçisqof ta’ Turin stess, Michael Beyamus li fl-1663 iççertifika li dan il-liΩar huwa awtentiku. Ftit snin wara dan l-istess liΩar wasal fir-Rabat. Óa©’o˙ra imprezzabbli marbuta mal-kunvent ta’ ÌieΩu, li b’xorti ˙aΩina ftit hi apprezzata, hi l-Kurçifiss medjevali tal-injam. Huwa wie˙ed mill-eqdem jekk mhux l-eqdem fi gΩiritna g˙ax il-Kurçifiss li kienu ©abu mag˙hom ilKavallieri ta’ Sa Ìwann minn Rodi kien in˙araq. Dan huwa Kurçifiss importanti fl-istorja Kristjana tag˙na. Fil-fatt, l-istoriku Ìan Fran©isk Abela jsemmi li jmur lura g˙all-1517 meta mill-flus li kien baqa’ millbini tal-kunvent u l-knisja ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ìesù, Giacomo Hakim xtrah minn Noto fi Sqallija. Dan hu r-Rabat tag˙na fil-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira….. Ìerusalemm l-antika, li beda d-diversi drawwiet tal-©img˙a Mqaddsa fil-gΩejjer Maltin. F’dawn il-jiem tas-sena…wara li wie˙ed i˙ares lejn ilvara l-kbira u wara dik tad-Duluri, imur fis-Santwarju ta’ San ÌuΩepp, li f’dawn il-jiem jinbidel g˙al wie˙ed millisba˙ sepulkri f’pajjizna fejn naraw il-qabar ta’ Kristu ˙aj u rebbie˙ fuq il-mewt. Minbarra t-twemmin, id-drawwiet u tradizzjonijiet religjuΩi, issawru wkoll diversi drawwiet o˙ra, fosthom talikel u l-˙elu, li intrabtu sewwa u ntg˙a©nu mad-drawwiet tal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa f’Malta

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

€163m worth of foreign investments in one year €18 million facelift for Marsa racecourse announced


n the face of it, football is Malta’s most popular sport, however, when it comes to spectators at our football grounds, it lags behind horse racing. Therefore it is not surprise that horse race goers enthusiastically welcomed the news of an €18 million project that will transform the Marsa race track from a "nogo zone" - as it is perceived by many - to a state of the art and international attraction that could also prove to be another important niche for tourism. This apart from other investments by local entrepreneurs and the €163 million in 20 projects by foreigners since the start of 2016. Marsa Racetrack Consortium is to be granted a 65-year concession for the modernisation of the Marsa racecourse into a family and tourist attraction’ that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said would fit in well with the government's plans to rehabilitate the south of Malta, and Marsa in particular. The PM was speaking at the

signing of a memorandum of understanding between the government and Malta Racetrack Consortium. A definite contract could be signed within the next six months. The Prime Minister said he was pleased with the investment going into a project that is possibly the largest-ever private one undertaken in cooperation with the government, within the sports sector and with the investors projecting 60,000 visitors in the first year of operations alone. The architect entrusted with the project said that top experts in the field had been consulted. The project envisages the lengthening and rebuilding of the race track and grandstand, facilities for the Malta Racing Club as well as other visitors facilities, presidential suites, a private members' club, media facilities and developing the area into a family park. Any type of sport involving horses would be catered for. This investment follows another an-

nounced a day earlier, by Economy Minister Chris Cardona, an agreement that Malta Enterprise and Malta Industrial parks have reached with supermarket giant Lidl for the setting up of an International Regional Distribution Centre in Malta that would create more than 120 jobs. The German company would be manufacturing products, using local companies, and export them to different countries globally. The Minister said that over a three year period Lidl would be increasing the value of products made locally from €3 million to €22 million. He added that since the start of 2016, 20 projects involving foreign investment were approved, including investment in big projects amounting to more than €163 million undertaken by Playmobil, Aurobindo, Crane Currency, Toly Products, Baxter and Pharmacare, that are expected to create at least 1,142 jobs, 854 of which are in the manufacturing industry.

Unique for Malta as Finance Minister participates in G20


t was a unique event for Malta when for the first time ever, the island’s Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna took part in the recent G20 Leaders’ Summit international forum in Baden-Baden Germany along with governments and central bank governors, representing the world’s nineteen major economies including the US, Russia, China, Japan, Canada and Saudi Arabia. At the forum Minister Scicluna represented EU Finance Ministers at a time when Malta holds the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The ministers discussed measures aimed at streamlining the financial services landscape across the globe, primarily by focusing on global governance, and international taxation. At the end of the forum US finance officials refused to sign a commitment to free trade, breaking a decade-long tradition and effectively preventing any deal. Following US intervention action against climate change was also dropped, with participants claiming that the US undermined the discussions.

Foreign Minister George Vella addressing schoolchildren during the Comonwealth Day celebrations

Celebrating positivity on C’wealth Day he Ministry for Foreign Affairs celebrated wealth, we are celebrating the shared efforts T Commonwealth Day along with the resi- and endeavours towards promoting peace and dent Commonwealth High Commissions of the harmony within the Commonwealth. Above United Kingdom, Australia and Ghana, and with the participation of students representing different colleges across Malta and Gozo that took part in a ‘Walk for Peace’. The students, accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs George W. Vella, representatives from the Commonwealth High Commissions in Malta as well as college principals, walked from the Parliament building to the Saluting Battery in Upper Barrakka Gardens. The ceremony continued at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs where the students read out a number of messages for peace, followed by a concluding speech by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The resident High Commissioners also delivered speeches. Dr Vella said, “In celebrating the Common-

all, we are voicing our shared commitment towards strengthening our community. “As we look towards the future, we seek to achieve greater commitment to harnessing our full potential towards achieving a greater understanding among the Commonwealth community”. He added that on this occasion one is also celebrating positivity. Referring to the messages of peace read by the schoolchildren, said these were so carefully and thoughtfully inscribed by the youngsters, and it is quite evident that adults can learn so much from listening to the future generations, who are unbiased and untarnished by the life experiences that adults go through and are affected by.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta PM signs EU’s Speaker Farrugia for CPA meet in Darwin Rome declaration


alta’s Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, currently the chair of the EU Council, was among leaders from 27 EU member states in Rome celebrating the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome that peaked with the signing by the leaders of what will now become known as the Rome Declaration. By signing the declaration, Muscat, the leader of “the smallest but a proud EU member state”, and the signatories, agreed that the project of a united Europe that started as a dream by a few countries, has become the hope of many. The leaders adopted a common position on their commitment for the future. Today, Europe is stronger with hundreds of millions of citizens benefitting from a way of living in a block that eliminated past divisions. Joseph Muscat said he felt a tremendous responsibility to be in Rome to renew the EU in which, a strong and united future must be guaranteed. “Future events can be moulded by our actions,” he said. He added that the EU is a synthesis born out of a variety of crises “We are at a juncture, where every turn, left or right, but most importantly forwards or backwards will have consequences that will resonate for years to come. The solution is not staying put.”


he Speaker of the House of Representatives in Malta, Dr An©lu Farrugia (pictured) will be in Australia April 24-30 to attend the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Mid-Year meeting of the Executive Committee (April 24/25) at Parliament House, Darwin, the Northern Territory. He would be attending in his capacity as Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Small Branches and a member of the CPA Steering Committee, a position he is serving for three years since December 16 last year. Dr Farrugia will represent 43 branches members of the CPA including the Northern Territory in Australia and Tasmania, whose population like Malta’s does not exceed the half a million mark. This follows his participation recently in the 38th Session of the Steering Committee of the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Brussels organised by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the European Parliament where he addressed the Committee that focused on free trade agreements having provisions of trade liberalisation compatible with respect for labour rights, and on enhancing trade that contributes to the full

respect of human rights. He also referred to the good work carried out by the CPA. A few days later the Speaker also attended and addressed the Extraordinary Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments at the Chamber of Deputies at the Palazzo Montecitorio, Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the EU. He pointed out that the relevance of the EU depends on its democratic legitimacy, adding that the growth and development over the years of the various inter-parliamentary fora in which all the EU’s parliaments are active is evidence of the fact that national parliaments and the European Parliament have become an integral part of the European decision-making structure. He also mentioned the fact that the result of the Eurobarometer Survey of 2015 showed that 84% of the Maltese population feel like citizens of the EU reflecting a convergence of attitudes in this respect. On his way back to Malta (April 28/29) the Speaker told The Voice that he would visit Sydney where he will meet relatives and friends. During his stay, on the 29th, a dinner is to be organised for him by the Hamrun Club at Marsden Park.

‘Economically and politically Malta is a stable country’

of its position in a very difficult region, Malta Iwithisn spite a stable country, both economically and politically, the highest employment growth rate in the EU and an economic growth rate that is triple the average growth rate of the Eurozone, Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna told the Spring Meeting of the International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA), which was held in Malta for the first time. Prof. Scicluna, the keynote speaker at the event, said that Malta has become a solid base from where to conduct business in the area and is succeeding in attracting new kind of business, such as attracting tertiary education and health institutions catering for the MENA region.

The monument being put in its place at Castille Square prior to its inauguration. Photo: DOI

Malta registers highest employment growth among EU member statees

igures released by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical arm, indicate that in the first final three months of 2016 Malta ‘Flame that never dies’ F recorded the highest employment growth from among the 28 EU member states. During the same period employment among all the EU members increased by 0.2%. Compared with the previous quarter of 2015, Malta had a 1.9% increase, followed by Luxembourg and Cyprus (both +0.9%). Eurostat estimates that, in the fourth quarter of 2016, 232.9 million men and women were employed in the EU states (highest level ever recorded). Of these, 153.9 million were in the euro area (highest level since the third quarter of 2008). Over the whole year 2016, employment rose by 1.3% in the euro area and by 1.2% in the EU28, compared with +1% and +1.1% respectively in 2015.

monument at Castille

n May 12 the government will unveil a monument at Castille Square O in Valletta to be known as Fjamma li ma tmut qatt (A flame that never dies) to celebrate the Maltese who played a role in Malta becoming a nation. The government said the bronze monument designed by Valerio Schembri would portray the Maltese people's long journey of a country for so many years under foreign rule to one that has taken its destiny into its own hands leading to it having the current presidency of the European Council. It would reflect the enthusiasm and continuous work of the Maltese to decide their own future while improving their standard of living.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Helena Dalli

Deborah Schembri

Justyn Caruana Marlene Farrugia

Giovanna Debono

Paula Mifsud Bonnici Marthese Portelli Kristy Debono

Claudette Butti©ie©

Membri Parlamentari Nisa bil-Kwota? F

tit ilu l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat ˙are© bil-proposta li kellha ti©i studjata l-possibilta’ li tin˙oloq sistema ta’ kwota li tkun tapplika g˙al deputati nisa, bliskop li fil-Parlament Malti jkun hemm aktar nisa. B˙alissa fil-Parlament Malti g˙andna disg˙a nisa - tlieta laburisti, erbg˙a nazzjonalisti u tnejn Indipendenti.... li huwa g˙add tassew fqir meta tqis li fil-Kamra tad-Deputati g˙andna 73 deputat. Attwalment din tal-kwota kienet inbdiet mill-Partit Laburista Ωmien ilu, meta kien deçiΩ li fl-EΩekuttiv tal-Partit Laburista kellu jkun hemm çertu persenta©© ta’ nisa. Dak iΩΩmien kien hemm min fa˙˙ar dan il-pass u o˙rajn ikkritikawh. IΩda jidher li din tal-kwota ˙alliet l-effett tag˙ha g˙ax wara ftit taΩ-Ωmien, g˙alkemm ir-regola tal-kwota baqg˙et hemm, ma ntuΩatx aktar, g˙ax f’kull elezzjoni g˙alleΩekuttiv l-g˙add ta’ nisa li kienu qed ji©i eletti kien ugwali jew aktar minn dak li tirrikjedi l-kwota.Wara xi Ωmien, jekk ma niΩbaljax din is-sistema ©iet ukoll addotata mill-Partrit Nazzjonalista. Forsi kien dan ir-riΩultat favorevoli li wassal lill-Prim Ministru biex jo˙ro© b’din il-proposta. Imma mhux kul˙add laqg˙a tajjeb din

il-proposta... u kontra dak mistenni ma kienux l-ir©iel li ˙ar©u kontriha, imma n-nisa stess. Fost dawk li ˙ar©u kontriha kien hemm iddeputata Marlene Farrugia li sostniet li n-nisa ma kienux tonn, li hemm kwota kemm wie˙ed jista’ jaqbad. Kontra wkoll id-deputata indipendenti Giovanna Debono li sostniet li “Mara g˙andha tirnexxi wa˙edha ming˙ajr ma jimbuttaha ˙add”. Imma skont st˙arri© tal-gazzetta Illum, isSegretarji Parlamenti Justyne Caruana u Deborah Schembri, flimkien mad-deputati Nazzjonalisti Paula Mifsud Bonnici, Kristy Debono u Claudette Buttigieg, iddeskrivew il-proposta b˙ala ‘neccessary evil’. G˙ax anke jekk mhux neçessarjament jaqblu malkunçett tal-kwoti tan-nisa, jemmnu li dan hu mezz me˙tie© ta’ kif l-g˙add tan-nisa fil-Parlament jiΩdied fi Ωmien qasir, u b’hekk ikun qed jit˙affef il-proçess ta’ ugwaljanza. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra, il-Ministru Helena Dalli qablet mal-Prim Ministru. Qalet li l-kwoti huma me˙tie©a g˙aliex ming˙ajrhom ikollhom jg˙addu ˙afna snin sakemm ikun hemm Parlament rappreΩentattiv. Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-Prim Ministru baqa’ jsostni li hu jemmen li g˙andha tidda˙˙al kwota g˙an-nisa fil-Parlament biex tiΩdied ir-

rappreΩentanza g˙alkemm l-aspirazzjoni tieg˙u hi li, “naslu g˙al sitwazzjoni fejn ma jkunx hemm iktar bΩonn il-kwota,” u g˙alhekk il kwoti g˙andhom jidda˙˙lu temporanjament biex jiΩdied l-g˙add ta’ nisa eletti, u maΩ-Ωmien lanqas ikun hemm bΩonnha aktar, “kif ©ara fil-Partit Laburista stess.” Sintendi kien hemm min sostna li setg˙u jittie˙du miΩuri o˙ra biex aktar nisa jit˙ajjru jo˙or©u b˙ala kandidati. Fosthom li l-Parlament ma jibqax jiltaqa’ fil-g˙axija, il-˙in meta l-familja x’aktarx tin©abar id-dar. Sintendi din il-proposta tqajjem kwestjoni o˙ra, g˙ax jekk il-Parlament jiltaqa’ filg˙odu tin˙oloq id-diffikulta` tax-xog˙ol privat talmembri tal-Parlament. Niftakru li l-membri parlamentari Maltin m’humiex full-timers u allura lkoll, sintendi barra l-Ministri u s-Segretarji Parlamentari, g˙andhom impjieg ie˙or. Kien hemm min sostna li kellu ji©i Ωgurat li jkun hemm ambjent aktar addattat ˙alli nnisa jit˙ajjru jo˙or©u g˙all-elezzjonijiet, fosthom is-servizz ta’ childcare fil-Parlament biex jg˙inu aktar lil nisa’ b’ulied Ωg˙ar. Kien hemm ukoll il-proposta li l-partiti politiçi g˙andhom jassiguraw li jkollhom rappreΩentazzjoni bilançjata ta’ nisa u r©iel fil-lista ta’ kandidati tag˙hom g˙all-elezzjoni ©enerali li jmiss.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Ng˙allmu l-Islam? L

-g˙add ta’residenti f’Malta li j˙addnu r-reli©jon Musulmana qed jiΩdied. S’issa safejn naf jien, l-unika skola fejn ulied dawn ir-residenti, li g˙add konsiderevoli minnhom g˙andhom iç-çittadinanza Maltija, setg˙u jirçievu t-tag˙lim tal-Islam, kienet fl-Iskola Mariam Al Batool... li g˙alkemm immexxija u tappartieni lill-kommunita` G˙arbija kellha u g˙ad g˙andha kap u g˙add ta’ g˙alliema Maltin.. Kattoliçi. Fil-fatt din aktarx hija wa˙da mill-ftit, jekk mhux l-unika skola Islamika, li l-kap tag˙ha kien Kattoliku u fejn g˙add ta’ g˙alliema kienu kattoliçi. Minkejja l-g˙ajnuna li ting˙ata mill-Gvern Malti, din l-iskola, li qabel ir-rivoluzzjoni filLibja kienet ukoll ti©i sponsorjata mil-Libja permezz tax-xirka mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Islamic Call Society, sabet ru˙ha f’diffikultajiet finanzjarji g˙ax l-g˙otjiet mill-Gvern Libjan, twaqqfu wara l-inkwiet li hemm f’dan il-pajjiΩ ©ar. Dan wassal g˙all-g˙eluq tal-ferg˙a sekondarja ta’ din l-iskola, filwaqt li dik primarja tinsab f’sitwazzjoni prekarkja. F’din is-sitwazzjoni l-Imam, Mohammed El Sadi, g˙amel sej˙a lill-Gvern biex jibda jipprovdi t-tag˙lim tal-Islam g˙al tfal li j˙addnu din ir-reli©jon fl-iskejjel tal-Istat. d-diskussjoni ma waqfitx biss dwar jekk L-ewwel persuna distinta li appo©©jat din l-Islam kellux ji©i mg˙allem fl-iskejjel, it-talba kien propju l-Arcisqof ta’ Malta, iΩda nfirxet aktar. Kien hemm min staqsa: li Mons Charles Scicluna (ritratt lemin). F’telefonata fuq programm televiΩiv qal li allura jekk irridu nirrispetaw r-reli©jonijiet kollha, g˙aliex, barra dik Kattolika u dik Is- l-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta tiggarantixxi l-liblamika, m’g˙andux isir ukoll it-tag˙lim ta’ erta’ fit-tag˙lim u t-t˙addin tar-reli©jonijiet. Ûied li kif il-Knisja f’Malta g˙andha ftehim reli©jonijiet o˙ra wkoll? Sintendi l-mistoqsija li tqum mill-ewwel hi: mal-Gvern dwar it-tag˙lim tar-reli©jon KatKif jista’ jkun li fl-iskejjel Maltin ng˙allmu tolika fl-iskejjel, daqstant ie˙or jawgura li daqshekk reli©jonijiet meta issa fl-iskejjel jintla˙aq ftehim dwar it-tag˙lim tal-Islam tal-istat qed jattendu studenti li j˙addnu di- fl-iskejjel tal-Gvern. Mistoqsi dwar it-tag˙lim tal-Islam fl-iskeversi reli©jonijiet? U malajr kien hemm min sab it-twe©iba, jjel tal-Knisja, l-Arçisqof qal li jekk lo©isbilli wie©eb b’mistoqsija o˙ra: G˙aliex fi tikament ikun possibbli (pereΩempju jkun skejjel sekulari tal-istat, skejjel sekulari, hemm grupp imdaqqas ta’ tfal Musulmani) g˙andna ng˙allmu r-reli©jon? Fuq kollox ma jara xejn ˙aΩin li tfal Musulmani f’Malta il-Knisja Kattolika g˙andha l-mezzi jitg˙allmu l-Islam anke fi skejjel tal-Knisja. L-istqarrija tal-Arçisqof ©abet reazzjoni tag˙ha kif tg˙allem ir-reli©jon u g˙andna lil kull reli©jon ta˙seb hi kif twassal il-messa©© qawwija, l-aktar minn sezzjoni tal-poplu Malti li ftit li xejn g˙andhom grazzja maltag˙ha lil uliedha. Sa˙ansitra kien hemm min fakkar li attwal- Musulmani. Fost dawn xi ˙add li fuq ilment fis-sittinijiet il-Perit Duminku Mintoff pa©na tieg˙u tal-facebook tella’ filmat fejn kien staqsa dwar dan. Il-mistoqsija tieg˙u sa˙aq li t-tag˙lim tal-Islam imur kontra tkienet wa˙da minn dawk li wasslet g˙all- tag˙lim tal-Knisja u b'hekk jekk l-Arçisqof se jibqa' ja˙sibha l-istess dwar l-inkluΩjoni inkwiet mal-Knisja. Tg˙id bil-mod kif qed jitkellem l-Arçisqof ta' dan it-tag˙lim g˙andu jirreΩenja. “IrreΩenja u inΩa’ ç-çoqqa g˙ax l-irwol ta' illum, xi tkun t-twe©iba tal-Knisja jekk xi ˙add jipproponi li r-reli©jon ma jibqax rag˙aj ta' Kristu m'g˙adux jixraqlek”, insu©©ett obbligatorju fl-iskejjel tal-Istat? sista dan. Sab appo©© mhux ˙aΩin li G˙alkemm, ng˙iduha kif inhi, illum g˙adda g˙andna ng˙idu “Le g˙al tag˙lim Musuldak iΩ-Ωmien li kulma jg˙id l-Arçisqof ji©i man fl-iskejjel tal-Istat. Le g˙al tag˙lim ta' mibg˙eda u prattiçi antidemokratiçi tasaççettat mill-kattoliçi Maltin kollha.

L-Ebda reli©jon?


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Sharia Law”. Minkejja din il-kritika l-Arçisqof baqa’ jsostni dak li ppropona. Biss wara li g˙add ta’ ©enituri li jibag˙tu lil uliedhom fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja wrew xi t˙assib dwar il-ethos tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja, l-Arçisqof stqarr li lIskejjel tal-Knisja kienu se jibqg˙u Kattoliçi u ma kien se jinbidel xejn. F’©urnal stqarr: “I want to offer a guarantee and reassure all Catholic parents that church schools would not be impoverished if they respect others, but would actually be more authentic”. Min-na˙a tal-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni, Evarist Bartolo, bla ma kkommetta ru˙hu, qal li jekk jibda jsir it-tag˙lim tal-Islam ma jfissirx li l-istudenti kollha se jkunu m©ieg˙la jitg˙allmu din ir-reli©jon, iΩda biss li dan it-tag˙lim ikun ipprovdut g˙al dawk l-istudenti li j˙addnu l-Islam. G˙al dawk li forsi ma jafux, is-sitwazzjoni preΩenti hi, li skont il-Kostituzzjoni, fl-iskejjel primarji tal-Istat l-unika reli©jon li ti©i mg˙allma hija r-reli©jon Kattolika. Dawk listudenti li l-©enituri tag˙hom ma jriduhomx jattendu g˙al dawn il-lezzjonijiet, fosthom g˙add ©mielu, ta’ Maltin, ittfal ji©u eΩentati mit-tag˙lim ta’ dan is-su©©ett. Minflok, dawn issa bdew ji©u offruti jattendu lezzjonijiet tal-etika. Ir-reli©jon Kattolika hija wkoll l-unika reli©jon mg˙allma fl-Iskejjel sekondarji.

Jum il-Óelsien: 38 sena wara

har il-Ìimgha, il-31 ta’ Marzu, Malta tfakkar it-38 sena ta’ Jum N il-Óelsien, il-©rajja li fiha Malta ˙elset g˙al-kollox mill-˙akma barranija u bdiet tgawdi tassew l-Indipendenza, ming˙ajr xkiel jew preΩenza ta’ qawwiet barranin. F’dak il-jum, tal-1979, fost il-fer˙ talMaltin l-a˙˙ar bastiment navali IngliΩ salpa minn Malta.

Qabda ta’ 300kg ta’ droga

l-a˙˙ar jiem id-Dwana Maltija rnexxielha tag˙mel l-akbar qabda F ta’ droga kokaina, mhux biss f’Malta imma x’aktarx ukoll flEwropa. Is-sejba li saret fil-Port Hieles hija ta’ 300 kilo li fis-suq i©©ib mal-€20 miljun, u nkixfet waqt spezjoni ta’ kontejner fi triqtu millEkwador lejn Spanja li suppost kien qed i©orr bottijiet tal-ananas. Uffiçjali tad-dwara ©iehom suspett u wara li st˙arr©u permezz ta’ apparat speçjali sabu li sitt xkejjer li kien fihom basktijiet ta’ sustanza bajda kien fihom kokaina pura.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Expansion to the Snowy Hydro Scheme


rime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced plans for a $2 billion expansion of the iconic Snowy Hydro scheme that could power up to 500,000 homes through a new network of tunnels and power stations. The four-year project would massively increase the amount of renewable energy storage capacity through pumped hydro technology, which involves using cheap electricity to pump water uphill so it can be later released downhill through turbines, creating electricity when demand is high. No new dams would be built, but a fresh series of tunnels and power stations are on the agenda, at an estimated cost of $1.5 to $2 billion. A feasibility study should be completed by the end of 2017 and the search for expansions sites will led by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. The Tantangara Dam is understood to be an early area of interest. The Commonwealth owns 13 per cent of the scheme, NSW 58 per cent and the

Victorian Government 29 per cent. Those state governments could also be asked to assist with funding the expansion. Mr Turnbull said the Snowy Hydro had been built with the capability to be expanded and his government planned to maximise its capacity, and that the expansion would create thousands of engineering and construction jobs and have no impact on water-supplied water to irrigators in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland. It would also effectively kill off any short or medium-term to privatise the scheme, which was raised by the Coalition's Commission of Audit in 2014. The Howard government considered privatisation in 2006, but later dropped it.

2017 was the hottest summer on record

he summer of 2016/17 produced not only T Sydney's hottest summer on record, Canberra's hottest summer for daytime temperatures and Brisbane's hottest summer regarding mean temperature, but Queensland's second hottest summer on record and the hottest summer temperatures on record for almost 45 per cent of NSW. According to Stephanie Pealing of the SMH, scientists have called it "the angry summer" as more than 205 records were broken in just 90 days, according to a new report from the Climate Council. “We are into the latter half of the critical decade, and temperatures are continuing to increase, and extreme weather events are worsening. Climate change is increasing the frequency, duration and intensity of heatwaves and warm spells. It warned that hot days and heatwaves, as experienced this angry summer, are becoming the new normal. Even more extreme heat is on the way in future unless rapid and deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved around the world. “Whether or not extreme heat becomes even worse during the second half of the century depends on whether the world, including Australia as one of the 15 largest emitters, can rapidly and deeply reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a carbon-neutral global economy by mid-century,” the report says.

Reverse discrimination is illegal A

parliamentary inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act has recommended that no major changes be made to the section of the Act that covers freedom of speech. The Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, the three-month review received hundreds of recommendations regarding possible changes to Section 18C of the Act, which makes it illegal to offend, insult or humiliate someone based on their race. In his tabling statement to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, inquiry Chair, MP Ian Goodenough, said that 18C

of the Act must pass the proverbial pub test. “Our duty is to govern for all Australians, which includes mainstream Australians who feel that their right to free speech is being infringed by political correctness and the over zealous (sic) application of laws such as Section 18C. “Mainstream Australians deserve the same rights as racial and ethnic minorities. It is important that the law does not promote reverse discrimination.” However, Mr Goodenough suggested that there were already legal provisions to pro-

tect Australians from such discrimination in place. “In fact, there exists, a raft of legislation at a State and Federal level which make these acts illegal,” he said. The inquiry's examination of the complaint handling process did acknowledge that the threshold for submissions made to the Australian Human Rights Commission could be strengthened. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was pressured by his own party to establish the inquiry, after originally saying his government had “much more pressing priorities”. Last August 13 members of the Turnbull government signed a petition calling for the Act to be changed. Meanwhile the State of Victoria will strengthen its own race-hate laws if the federal government is successful in amending section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act. The Turnbull government is seeking to have the words “offend, insult and humiliate” changed to "harass and intimidate"; making claims harder to prove Victoria's Multicultural Affairs Minister Robin Scott condemned the changes. “We will review Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 to consider ways to strengthen legislative protections, should the federal coalition be successful with their amendments,” he said in a statement.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday March 28, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Cardinal Pell blasts Senate’s “unjust” attack


ardinal George Pell has accused the Senate of launching an “extraordinary and unjust” attack against him and interfering with due process. A Greens motion, agreed to by the upper house in February, called on the senior ranking clergyman to return to Australia to face allegations of misconduct. “The use of parliamentary privilege to attack me on this basis is both extraordinary and unjust,” Cardinal Pell wrote in a letter tabled in parliament. “Given that the investigation is ongoing, any calls from the Senate for my return to Australia can only be perceived as an interference on the part of the Senate in the due process of the Victoria Police investigation.” Mark and Lisa

Cardinal Pell has denied all allegations of wrongdoing, saying he was willingly interviewed by police in Rome last year and continued to co-operate with their investigations. Police and prosecutors had not requested his presence in Australia, he said. Cardinal Pell appeared on three separate occasions to give evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. “Any fair-minded person would conclude that I have made every effort to be available to the royal commission and Victoria Police to assist with their inquiries,” he said. The vast majority of allegations highlight in the Senate’s motion related to the period before his time as Arch-

Cardinal George Pell bishop, Cardinal Pell said. “It is unjust and seriously misleading to link all offences and allegations against church personnel to me.” When the motion was presented, Greens Senator Rachel Siewert told MPs under parliamentary privilege: “Cardinal Pell has done a very good job at avoiding a return to Australia — it is time he came back.”

$50b company tax-cut plan

ustralia’s Treasurer Scott Morrison has left the door open to the government A dumping part of its 10-year, $50 billion com-

Lisa and Mark getting hitched


lympic champion swimmer and I am a celebrity...get me out of here survivor Lisa Curry said she would marry her fiancé Melbourne-based Elvis Presley impersonator Mark Tabone as soon as her divorce from Grant Kenny has been finalised. Lisa is based on the Sunshine Coast but is a regular visitor to Melbourne.

pany tax plan in the 2017 May budget. In an opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald, James Massola wrote that Mr Morrison has also highlighted other government measures, including infrastructure spending, its innovation and defence industry spending plans, as well as a plan to redefine a small business as having a turnover of up to $10 million, up from $2 million, as examples of how it will drive economic growth - if it dumps the elements of the company tax plan it cannot win support for. The federal government is expected to secure support from the Senate crossbench for

a tax cut for companies with a turnover of up to $10 million. Labor will only back a cut for companies with a turnover of up to $2 million, while the Greens do not support lowering the rate from 30 to 27.5 per cent.

Death Notice

Joseph Andrew Farrugia

He sleeps in death, but is in Jehovah God’s memory waiting the earthly resurrection. Psalm 37:29 Many will remember Joe for his tireless work for the Maltese community at the Commonwealth Bank, Blacktown. Joe passed away on March 11 at Clearwater, Florida USA, aged 83. Father and father-in-law to Simon & wife Anna, Reuben & wife Simone & daughter Portia, Rachel, Gabrielle and Oliver. Brother & brother-in-law to Vic & wife Elsa, Laurie & wife Eve (deceased), Michael & wife Myra, Rose & husband Joe (deceased), Josephine (deceased), Tony & wife Rita, Sam & wife Lyn & all their children & grandchildren. All family & friends are welcome to attend a memorial service on March 31st, 10am at Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses 328 Homestead Rd, Orchard Hills. Please register your attendance at: Thank you.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

De Valette's dagger in Malta for first time since 1798… on condition A

fter 219 years, the prestigious dagger that belonged to Grand Master Jean Parisot de Valette is back in Malta, on loan, and for a period of three months, until July 9, it would be temporarily displayed at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta. After de Valette’s death in 1798, the dagger, and a sword that had been given to the him by King Philip II of Spain shortly after the Great Siege of 1565 in recognition of the Knights’ victory over the Ottoman Empire, had become the property of the Order of St John. But they ended in the hands of French General Napoleon Bonaparte during his two-year rule in Malta at the end of the 18th century. He kept the dagger to himself until his death. The weapons, both “ceremonial” are exhibited in the Louvre Museum, in Paris, but thanks to the intervention of Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and French President Francois Hollande, they have been brought to Malta. At the inauguration of the exhibition organised by Heritage Malta as part of the events marking Malta's 2017 EU presidency, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat recounted how he had to give his word to the French President and the Louvre, that the artefact would be returned to the Museum at the end of the exhibition. Muscat said that it was during his first official meeting with Hollande at the Élysée Palace in Paris that he first expressed his desire to get the de Valette’s sword and dagger to Malta. That was during a meeting with what he described as a French President’s “a common friend” to discuss the subjects to be brought up between the two leaders on the morrow. Among the matters usually raised during such bilateral meeting, Muscat included de Valette’s sword and dagger to the list. Hollande’s advisories instantly warned Muscat that it would be a very long shot, and the loan by the Louvre would be unprecedented: the authorities would instantly object. Which in fact they did. But a loan could be possible if the French President himself agreed to it, which in fact he did.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat admiring the dagger The authorities had indeed objected to loaning out both the sword and the dagger, as a scientific study had shown that the sword was in no condition to be moved; the dagger was still in good condition. So Hollande told the Maltese PM that he was prepared to authorise the loan if Muscat promised that the dagger would be duly returned to Paris. The PM said he did give him his word. Joseph Muscat urged the representatives from the Louvre at the inauguration “to relax” and enjoy their stay in Malta. The exhibition of ‘de Valette’s Dagger’ organised by Heritage Malta also forms part of the events linked to the capital city of Valletta. That last year celebrated the 450th anniversary since the laying of the first stone of the city by de Valette. Next year also marks Valletta as the European Capital City of Culture.

Centenary - New Caledonia trauma for Maltese comes to an end A look back:



xactly 100 years ago (almost to the day), a boatload of Maltese, mainly from Gozo, were finally allowed to land in Sydney, having been refused entry and sent to New Caledonia. This event of a final solution was reported in the local Australian newspaper The Advertiser. The number stated in the Advertiser states that 180 were allowed to land; this is so, as the original group was made up of 214 Maltese. Six were then allowed to land as they had been former residents and the rest managed to successfully escape to shore.

Following is the event as reported by The Advertiser, Adelaide of Thursday March 22, 1917:


With the exception of about 50 all the Maltese who have been detained in Sydney have been allowed to land. There were about 180 in the original shipment, and they have been drafted into employment in batches of from 10 to 20. It is expected that the remaining 50 will be found employment within the next few days. In view of the great commotion raised at the time of the conscription referendum over the arrival of Maltese immigrants, it comes as a surprise to know that there are already about 900 Maltese in the Australian Workers' Union. The authority for this

statement is Mr. G. C. Bodkin, secretary of the Railway Workers and General Laborers' section of the Australian Workers' Union in New South Wales. He mentioned that the Maltese who were scattered throughout the State had proved to be good workmen. "We try to get them into our habits and to work them in twos and threes with our men for that purpose," he continued. “If allowed to assemble in gangs of 20 or 30 they stick to their own customs. We do not "hold out any inducement for them to come to this country, but when they are here, they have to earn their living in some way or other.”

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Celebrating 50 Years of priesthood A few days ago, on March 25, Fathers Denis Carabott and Tarcisio Micallef of the Missionary Society of St. Paul (MSSP) in Melbourne celebrated 50 Years since their ordination to the Priesthood. Two other priests from the same order, Fr Dr. Victor Shields and Fr Joe Barbara have also been celebrating the occasion but in Malta. They too did their Missionary work for several years here in Australia. I learned of these anniversaries from Fr. Ivano Burdian, the MSSP’s Provincial Superior in Australia. I have known Fr Denis and Fr Tarcisio for the last 37 years of my 52 years in Australia. My involvement with the MSSP at their Provincial House in Parkville goes back to 1980. At that time,

Father Denis Carabott

with my son Martin tagging along, we used to cut the lawns for the MSSP. If my memory serves me right, at that time Fr. Tarcisio was the rector at Parkville and Provincial Superior of the MSSP. Through this connection and my community radio programmes in Melbourne I have always been proud to say that the MSSP, Chaplains to the Maltese Community (since 1948 when Fr. Wistin Grech was first to accompany the Maltese migrants to Australia) and also to other nationalities are great to work with. Their work is very obvious in Melbourne and Sydney. Besides the Provincial House in Parkville, (where Fr Ivano Burdian, Fr Emmanuel Adami and Fr Lonnie Borg reside) the MSSP also looks after two other parishes, that of St Bernadette’s that also incorporates the Catholic Primary School in North Sunshine, where Fr. John Taliana, assisted by Fr Denis Carabott is the Parish Priest, and the Parish of St James the Apostle in Hoppers Crossing North, run by Parish Priest Fr. Jude Pirotta and his assistant Fr. Edwin Agius. This also includes three local Catholic Primary Schools. On behalf of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Fr Mario Zammit is Parish Priest of St John’s in Heidelberg, which incorporates a Primary Catholic School, and Fr Raymond Zammit, the Parish Priest of St Thomas Aquinas Parish in the suburb of Norlane, located just outside the City of Geelong. It also includes the Primary School as part of the Parish.

Father Tarcisio Micallef

The MSSP also looks after the pastoral work in Sydney through Fr Tarcisio Micallef, and Fr. Benedict Sant, who both reside at the Joseph De Piro House in East Sydney. Fr. Noel Bianco looks after the Maltese Chaplaincy in Blacktown. On occasions members of the MSSP carry pastoral work with visits to the Maltese Community in New Zealand. Two other members of the society, Br. Joseph Pantalleresco in Melbourne and Fr. Claude Borg in Sydney, are retired and live in aged care. As part of the celebrations and other meetings, MSSP’s Superior General Fr. Mark Grima paid a visit to Melbourne where he was made most welcome. Here’s wishing them all, ad multos annos. Report, photos Emmanuel Brincat

Maltese represented at Multicultural NSW Harmony Dinner he Multicultural NSW Premier’s Harmony Dinner diversity in T hosted by the Hon. Ray Williams, Minister of Multicul- NSW. turalism, and in the presence of the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian Malta’s gov-

MP, Premier of New South Wales was held at the Grand Pavilion, Rosehill Racecourse Rosehill. It was the sixth edition of this gala dinner held to recognise and celebrate the significant contributions made by our multicultural leaders. For this special event Members of Parliament, business leaders, community leaders, ambassadors, consuls-general and other dignitaries come together to honour harmony and

Minister Ray Williams (third from right) with representatives of the Maltese Community of NSW. From left: Albert Vella, Tony and Mary Pace Feraud, and Theresa and Emmanuel Camilleri

ernment was not represented. Over a thousand representatives from our diverse multicultural state attended the evening that featured special Violeta Bozanic (centre front) with other performances The Maltese members of the Multicultural Choir Community of NSW made its presence felt. Emmanuel Camilleri, the MCC president, and his wife Theresa, George Bartolo, the treasurer, Mary Pace Feraud principal of the Maltese Language School of NSW, Albert Vella the president of the Federation of Community Language Schools, and Tony Pace Feraud, the producer of the MCC’s radio programme on 2GLF, all attended. Violeta Bozanic a second generation Maltese, dressed in a Maltese Costume formed part of the Multicultural Choir Report and photos: GeorgeBartolo

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija


ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti, ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan lAkkademja tal-Malti. T.ç. Mis-sura IL-VERBI MNISSLIN (ikompli) ewlenija ta’ bajad, Dawn kollha juruna illi l-konsonanti g˙ g˙andha tin- sewed, dejaq, ˙amkiteb wara l-vokali fil-verbi me˙udin minn sura ta’ ar, xeja˙, çeken u verbi ewlenin s˙a˙ u minn o˙rajn neqsin (barra minn o˙rajn b˙al qasar dawk il-verbi neqsin li g˙andhom it-tieni konsonanti ˙adar, wasag˙, qamtennija b˙al kenn, qarr, eçç. u g˙alhekk stg˙all b˙al dem fuq l-G˙add stkenn, stqarr; kif ukoll dawk ta’ Ωew© konsonanti b’- 13 innisslu wkoll vokali twila fin-nofs, b˙al stg˙ân, stg˙âr, minn g˙ân u is-suriet ta’: bajg˙âr). jad, sewwed, dejG˙alhekk bil-kitba nag˙Ωlu bejn il-kelma stg˙ân u l- jaq, ˙ammar, kelma stag˙na, fejn l-ewwel stg˙ân ©ejja minn g˙ân (ta xejja˙, çekken, qasg˙ajnuna) u g˙andha l imperattiv g˙în bil-konsonanti sar, ˙addar, wasg˙ qabel il-vokali, u t-tieni kelma stag˙na ©ejja minn sag˙, qaddem, kollha bit-tieni konsonanti bis-sura g˙ána li fl-imperattiv tag˙mel ag˙ni u g˙alhekk tin- ewlenija mtennija. kiteb stag˙na bl-g˙ wara l-vokali. Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-˙ar©a li jmiss meta nittrattaw Hekk ukoll minn neba˙, inba˙ (nebe˙, inbe˙, Vassalli), l-ARBLU TAL-VERB MALTI niktbu stenba˙, kif ukoll minn ˙are©, o˙ro© niktbu sta˙re©, minn g˙ádar, ag˙dar niktbu stag˙dar u mhux stg˙adar, minn ˙eja, a˙ji niktbu sta˙ja. G˙alhekk minn ˙arre©, ˙arre© (imp.) innisslu st˙arre©, minn kerreh, kerreh (imp.) = stkerreh, minn ˙ajjel, ˙ajjel (imp.) = st˙ajjel u kif minn qarr, ˙aqq, innisslu stqarr, st˙aqq, hekk ukoll minn g˙all, verb ewlieni tal-istess sura, innisslu u niktbu stg˙all u mhux stag˙ll. ust like us, an object has many lives and tells many stories. Witnesses of a presence or an absence, an T.ç. Bosta minn dawn il-verbi mnisslin g˙andhom isobject reminds us who we were and who we are, sura ewlenija mitlufa fi lsienna, fosthom il-verbi sta˙a, where we are from, who used to love and care for us, stejqer, stag˙©eb (minn g˙á©eb, verb ewlieni, g˙andna whom we loved and cared for. Those who left their wkoll il-verb imnissel g˙a©©eb), stieden, stienes, homeland did it accompanied by their objects, or by stag˙dar, stmerr, stg˙all, strie˙. the memory of objects they couldn’t bring. That’s what RIMA is looking for. 19. Sura o˙ra mnissla jag˙tu wkoll xi verbi ewlenin li RIMA is looking for objects, any objects, together with jfissru l-lewn, in-nuqqas u l-kruha, eçç. Dawn il-verbi stories that come along with them. Because objects tell jnisslu din is-sura bit-telfa tal-vokali tal-aççent fl-ewwel stories, they are the visible fragments of our biography. taqsima talkelma u bil-bidla tal-vokali ta’ ming˙ajr Artefacts, tools, copies of documents, letters, pictures, aççent fit-tieni taqsima b’vokali twila â jew ie. journals, notebooks, language lesson materials and G˙alhekk minn verbi ewlenin (mitlufa) tnisslu s-suriet everything related to your experience of displacement ta’ sfâr, bjâd, swied, tjieb, djieq, ˙mâr, xjie˙, çkien. Kif and exile will be used for the RIMA exhibition that will naraw, dawn ix-xorta ta’ verbi g˙andhom is-sura be held at the end of 2018 in Malta. mnissla mqassma f’Ωew© konsonanti fil-bidu u vokali Anybody wishing to be part of this project (even Maltwila bejn it-tieni u l-a˙˙ar konsonanti. tese living abroad) can choose one (or more than one) G˙alhekk nag˙rfu niktbu dejjem: swied, djieq, tjieb, object related to one’s exile or displacement experitwal, xjie˙ u mhux suied, dieq, tieb, tual, xie˙. ence, and write the story attached to it, or record it on an audio file (languages: English, French, Italian, Arabic, Maltese). Tel (02) 9622 7799 One would be contributing to a project that has as its blacktown@breakpivotal point the active collaboration of its pants. All objects will be returned to all participants at the end of the exhibition. RIMA is a project supported by Valletta 2018 that A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese aims to collect the narratives of various people in Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, ‘exile’ which originate from the same feeling of deparBlacktown NSW ...... for all your travel needs. ture, detachment, and desire for settlement. The RIMA project is more generally a constant reflecwebsite: tion about migration itself, particularly the discourses Announces: that surround it. At its core, is the idea that we are all A Fund Raising Tour organised by potential migrants. Anybody wishing to be part of this collaborative projThe Friends of Providence House NSW ect and share his/her personal objects that tell a story A 16-day Fly/Tour/Cruise. Departing 25th May. about one’s exile, or the exile of a parent, should send Touring Venice, Florence, Rome with a an email on or call 77 09 40 26. Mediterranean Cruise and tour finishing in Malta. The deadline for submissions closes on April 2. For info call Jim Borg:  96367767/0418825591 For more information log on to: Karen or Noel at Breakaway Travel on 9622 7799 proudly sponsored by Breakaway Travel, Blacktown objects-in-displacement/#sthash.D5Xhbzef.dpuf

Call for objects: Stories of objects in displacement


The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday March 28, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Stedina lill-komunita` Maltija ta’ Sydney g˙all-Programm tal-G˙id 2017 Priedki tar-Randan:

Mit-Tnejn 27 sal-Hamis 30 ta’ Marzu: EΩerçizzi fil-knisja Our Lady Queen of Peace Greytanes. Fl-10.30 am tibda l-quddiesa. Jippriedka Fr Mark Grima MSSP; EΩerçizzi fil-knisja Our Lady of Victories Horsley Park. Fis-6.30 pm tibda l-quddiesa, priedka minn Fr Mark Grima MSSP. Mit-Tlieta 4 sal-Ìimg˙a 7 ta’ April: Fil-kappella ta’ San Pawl De Prio House Stanely Street Sydney, fis7.00 pm quddiesa u wara l-priedka minn Fr Benedict Sant MSSP. F’dan jum id-Duluri fil-quddiesa ti©i mfakkra il-Festa tad-Duluri. Il-kommunita` m˙e©©a tattendi g˙all-priedki u l-kommemorazzjoni tad-Duluri kif ukoll g˙al kull ma qed ji©i organizzat biex titfakkar il-festa tal-G˙id il-Kbir, il-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna Gesu Kristu.

Çelebrazzjoni tal-G˙id fil-Kappella ta’ SanPawl Mgr De Piro House Stanley Street East Sydney Is-Saçerdoti Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl qed jistiednu lillkommunita` Maltija g˙aç-çelebrazzjonijiet b’tifkira solenni tal-passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna

IL-KLABB TAL-ÓAMRUN B˙as-snin l-img˙oddija din is-sena wkoll il-klabb tal-Óamrun se jfakkar:

Jum l-Omm is-Sibt 6 ta’ Mejju b’Dinner Dance. G˙all-okkaΩjoni, se jkun hemm divertiment minn Joe Apap u ttalent Ωag˙Ωug˙ James Cassar Se ssir ukoll ikla ta’ tlett korsi. Din tinkludi cassata u Ωew© fliexken inbid fuq kull mejda. Tintalab donazzjoni ta’ $45 kull persuna G˙all-biljetti çemplu lil: Agnes: 0432 714 735: Greg 0411 517 187

The Cittaddini Cittadini The Present

Ic-Curkett tal-Kunjata

Gesu` Kristu. Il-Óadd 9 ta’ April: Ji©i ççelebrat Óadd il-Palm, idda˙la tal-Mulej f’Ìerusalemm. Isir it-tberik tal-palm u wara, fl-10.00 a.m., il-quddiesa fil-Kapella ta’ San Pawl De Piro House Stanley Street Sydney. Il-Óamis 13 ta’ April: Fis-7.00 pm, issir it-tifkira talikla tal-Mulej, b’quddiesa solenni; wara ‘S-Seba’ Visti tas-Sepurklu. Il-Gimg˙a 14 ta’ April: fis-2.30 pm, il-Via Sagra; Fit-3.00 pm, l-funzjoni tal-passjoni ta’ Sidna Gesu Kristu. Is-Sibt 15 ta’ April: fis-7.00 pm, l-funzjoni tas-sahra tal-lejl qaddis, tal-qawmien tal-Mulej mill-imwied. Il-Hadd 16 ta’ April: Ji©i ççelebrat il-Jum Qaddis tal-Qawmin tal-Mulej. Fid-9.30 am ssir il-quddiesa. Wara kul˙add huwa mistieden g˙al kafe`. F’isem is-Socjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl, Fr Tarcsisio Micallef, jixtieq il-G˙id it-Tajjeb lil kul˙add u jirringrazzja lil kull min jattendi g˙all-funzjonijiet organizzati matul is-sena, l-aktar g˙all-priedki tar-Randan. G˙al kull tag˙rif çemplu lil: Fr Tarciso Micallef MSSP, içChaplain tal-Komunita` Maltija ta’ Sydney fuq: 9380 8398.

Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park

Good Friday Activities 2017

The Organising Group of the Good Friday Procession in Horsley Park, NSW announces the upcoming important dates as part of the forthcoming Good Friday Activities Sunday April 2: From 3.00 pm: Children and youths are invited to try on and collect costumes for the procession in the Church Presbytery. Thursday April 6: From 7.00 pm: Reconciliation in the Church. Friday April 7: From 7.00 pm: The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The function begins with a celebration of the mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross outside and a procession with the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows back into the Church. Friday April 14: Good Friday: Help is greatly needed early in the morning to install outdoor equipment necessary for the procession such as PA systems, lights and barricades. 2.30pm: The Church service begin . The Church can only hold a certain amount of people, so be early. 4.00 pm: the Maltese Cultural Association NSW Choir begins performing traditional dirges and hymns, alternating with Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band which will play funeral marches. 5.00 pm: The procession. All participants should be present by 4.00 pm to prepare for the procession, rain, hail or shine. There is the possibility that costumes would be available to wear, especially for adults. For more information: Fred Cauchi on 0407 914 051. MCCF - AUSTRALIA presents


MICHAEL JACKSON Undefeated & Award Winning The Actual world’s Number 1!

THE MALTA COMMUNITY CHEST FUND Annual Charity Dinner Dance Saturday 20th May 2017 6.30pM - 11.30pm

Grand Star Receptions 499 Grive Parade, Altona North, Vic 3025

Sunday April 30 at 2 p.m. Wentworthville Leagues Club For tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386l; Joe Borg: 9624 2280; Julie: 9636 7679

Adults: $12

Kids $6

Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40



22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s La Valette Social Centre

Easter programme 2017 THURSDAY April 6: 10.30am: Station of the Cross at the Centre. Lunch served as a normal Thursday.  FRIDAY April 6: Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (Id-Du-

luri) 6.30am: Mass at the Chapel, procession, Stations of the Cross with folklore music (G˙ana) in the main hall. THURSDAY April 13: (Holy Thursday) 7 pm: Mass, the Stations of the Cross and community adoration.  THURSDAY April 13: (Holy Thursday) 7 pm: Mass, the Stations of the Cross and community adoration. GOOD FRIDAY April 14: Liturgical celebration of Our Lord’s Passion in the main hall.  HOLY SATURDAY April 15: 4.30 pm: Centre will for dinner. 8.30 pm: Start of the Easter vigil. There will be no Masses at the Chapel on Saturday. ONLY the Vigil Mass at the hall at 8.00pm. EASTER SUNDAY April 16: 10.15 am Mass at the main hall, procession with the statue of the Risen Lord takes place. During it marches will be played.everyone is invited along with the children.

For more information: Chapel: 9622 5850; Centre: 9622 5847

Brigadoon Bundanoon Highland 40th Annual Highland Gathering on Saturday April 1 $45.00 pp (BYO Lunch and fold up chair) Price includes morning tea and entry into Oval Pick up points: Outside Blacktown Workers near Bus Stop at 6:30am and opposite Greystanes Church at Bus Stop 6:40am 4:45pm Depart Bundanoon for home We arrive back at the above pick-up points around 6.45-7:00pm For bookings call: Doris - 0419 420 915 or Maria - 0431 800 720

Tinteressak il-kitba u trid tippubblika?

arrejja li j˙ossu li g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, bilQ Malti u l-IngliΩ, u li jkunu jridu li kitbiet tag˙hom ji©u ppublikati f’The Voice of the Maltese, huma m˙e©©a

jibag˙tu l-kitbiet tag˙hom, b’email lil: Jinteressa lill-qarrejja stejjer dwar kif forsi waslu g˙addeçiΩjoni li j˙allu art twelidhom, Malta biex jemigraw g˙al art o˙ra bil-g˙an li jfittxu ©ejjieni a˙jar.

MCA NSW: Stations of the Cross The Maltese Cultural Association will commemorate the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday April 4 at 7pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Old Prospect Road Greystanes. Afterwards refreshments will be served at St George Preca Hall. For info: Mary Ramundi on 9688 1432

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017 Sunday July 2: Lejla fil-Buskett Sunday October 15: Fete Sunday December 3:

St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) kemm bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ

˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bisG servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu f’din jekk bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hi a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bil-©rajjiet li jkunu jse˙˙u dak il-˙in.

For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday March 28, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 1011am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2 4p.m: Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, li jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss se ssir nhar ilĦadd 9 ta' April fis-1:00 pm. firRosehill Bowling Club.

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter


he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Sports Malta goalkeeper Andrew Hogg lets in a soft goal for Slovakia’s second tally

FFA CUP: Gully advance while Georgies go out in penalty shoot-out Springvale WE v Green Gully 1-2 reen Gully advanced to the fifth round of the FFA Cup when they defeated Springvale White Eagles 2-1. Gully went ahead after 36 minutes when Alex Caniglia scored. The Eagles drew level after 51 minutes, but Gully advanced to the next stage when Aleks Taleski scored the winner with 11 minutes remaining.


Sunshine GC v Avondale 0-0 (George Cross lose 4-3 on penalties) espite putting on the best performance of the season, Sunshine George Cross was knocked out of the cup 4-3 on penalties after a 0-0 draw. It was cruel on the Georgies to lose to NPL League leader Avondale in this manner after dominating for long periods. The Cross played the 30 minutes extra time period with 10 players after Jagajeet Shrestha was sent off for a second bookable offence after 90 minutes. PS4 NPL1 Vic Green Gully Sc v Heidelberg U 2-3 PS4 NPL2 Vic Melbourne V. v Sunshine GC 1-0


Malta still pointless after five games in World Cup qualifiers


n Sunday night Malta suffered its fifth defeat from as many matches in the European qualifiers for the 2018 World Cup when it went down 3-1 to Slovakia at the National Stadium to stay anchored pointless in bottom place. Malta’s national team that had an experimental look about it, conceded after just 100 seconds to a goal by Vladimir Weiss. However, the setback still could not diffuse the national players’ enthusiasm and on 14 minutes debutant Jean Paul Farrugia levelled the score and Malta began to share the exchanges. That is until the 41st minute, when goalkeeper Andrew Hogg let in a soft goal from a weak 35-metre shot by Ján Greguš. In the second half Slovakia retained domination and especially after Jean Pierre Farrugia was red carded for a second bookable

Malta Premier League football

offence. The visitors scored a third goal by Adam Nemec six minutes from time. The same pleyer was sent off in the 90th minute. Overall Malta played well but still lost.

Parramatta Eagles committee for 2017

he annual general meeting of the ParraT matta Melita Eagles Sports Club Ltd held recently at the club rooms at the Melita Stadium, Everley Street South Granville NSW attracted a very enthusiastic crowd. It not only elected the committee for 2017, but wowed to keep the club going. Old members were urged to renew their membership and for others to join this historic club, the biggest Maltese clubs in the history of the NSW community. The new committee was urged to restart

Valletta win makes it a 3-horse race

ust before the stoppage for Malta’s home JonceWorld Cup match on Sunday, Hibernians again regained the lead of the Premier League, thanks to Valletta’s 1-0 victory over previous leaders Balzan and the Paolites’ own comfortable victory over bottom team Pembroke. The Valletta v Balzan tie was the top clash on Day 26. Having won this game, Valletta back into the fray and once again become serious contenders for the league title. They managed to reduce the gap with runners-up Balzan to a single point and sit only three points behind leaders Hibernians. With seven matches to go, they are well in the running for the title. The defeat was quite a blow for Balzan who are hoping to mark their 80th anniversary since their formation in 1937 by winning their first title. Getting sandwiched between seasoned campaigners Hibernians and Val-

letta is not healthy. Hibernians extended their unbeaten run registering their fifth Day 26 win in six games. Valletta v Balzan 1-0 For losers Pem- Hibernians v Pembroke 3-0 v Tarxien 1-0 broke, it was fifth Floriana Birkirkara v Sliema W 1-1 defeat on the trot. Óamrun S.v S Andrews 1-1 4-1 While the title GΩira U v Mosta seems to be con- Standing P W D L Pts tended between Hibernians 26 17 5 4 56 three teams, fourth Balzan 26 16 6 4 54 placing has be- Valletta 26 15 8 3 53 Floriana 26 13 7 6 46 come a ding-gong Birkirkara 13 6 7 45 battle with Flori- Sliema W. 26 26 10 5 11 35 ana and Birkirkara. Tarxien R. 26 7 8 11 29 Floriana beat Hamrun S 26 8 4 14 28 Tarxien while St Andrews 26 6 10 10 28 U 26 8 4 14 28 Birkirkara suffered Gzira Mosta* 26 4 4 18 16 the loss of two Pembroke* 26 3 5 18 14 points in a 1-1 *Mosta awarded 3-0 victory draw with Sliema. over Pembroke after protest

regular activities with different emphasis especially since the new executive committee is composed of Australian-born Maltese. The committee is made up of: President: Stephen Ellul; Secretary: Anthony Theuma; Treasurer: Mark Tanti; Members: Ronnie Grima, George Ellul and Tony Buttigieg. The president, secretary and treasurer were elected unopposed. The club can be contacted by email: or PS4 NPL NSW Men's


Parramatta FC’s Rockdale v Parramatta FC. pos 3-2 match on Day 3 Hakoah v Sydney Utd 3-4 of the PS4 NPL Sutherland S. v APIA 0-1 NSW was wash- Sydney Ol. v Sydney O. ed out to be play- Wollongong v Manly U. 1-0 pos ed on another Bonnyrigg v Blacktown day. But on Wedesday March 29, Parramatta will play their Day 2 match against Sydney FC

A-League: Sydney FC increase

lead to 14 points over Victory

ith Melbourne Victory losing to BrisW bane, Sydney FC managed RESULTS – DAY 24 Perth G v Sydney FC Brisbane R v Melbourne V W. Sydney v Melbourne C Wellington v Newcastle Central C v Adelaide RESULTS – DAY 23 Adelaide v Brisbane R Melbourne C v Newcastle W. Sydney v Wellington J


1-0 to widen the gap 3-1 from the next te5-0 2-3 am, the Victory to 14 points. West 2-1 Sydney W. all but 4-0 3-1 sealed a spot in the Hyundai A-League Finals Series with an impressive 3-1 win over Melbourne City.

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