The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 154
Fortnightly azine for Fortnightly mag magazine for the the Diaspora Diaspora
May 9, 2017
Maltese Prime Minister calls snap election for June 3
Then and now A contrasting view at the Valletta Waterfront showing a luxurious cruisliner ready to sail with Maltese holidaymakers out of Malta, and a Child Migrants’ monument in the shape of a child's paper boat reminding one of the hardships of child migrants. Most of the Maltese migrants left the island on small uncomfortable ships to start a new life elsewhere
The aptly named infjorata (carpet made up of flowers) at St George’s Square in Valletta that has become an annual event, this year coincided with the Valletta Green Festival. It was also linked to the theme of the Maltese Presidency of the EU Council. The infjorata, made up of around 80,000 pots of petunias and pansies formed the official logo of the Presidency and also served as a backdrop for the meeting in Malta of the two-day European Environment Ministers meeting.
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Happy Mother’s Day On May 14 most of the world celebrates Mother’s Day with kids showing their appreciation for the achievements and efforts of mothers and mother figures. It is annually observed on the second Sunday of May. Many people appreciate their mothers or mother figures, which include stepmothers, relatives, guardians (i.e. foster mothers), and close family friends. Some organisations even have Mother’s Day patrons who work together with the media and general community to raise awareness on Mother’s Day events that aim to raise funds for charitable or non-profit causes.
Mother’s Day and the Christian M Connection
others have been celebrated over the centuries in varying forms and traditions since possibly before Roman times. This year, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on May 14, In the 1600s’ the Church of England instigated ‘Mothering Sunday’ in recognition of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Later this religious celebration was expanded to include honouring all mothers. As time passed the celebration became less popular in many churches, however some Anglican churches still cel- a long illness, one of her two daughters, ebrate Mothering Sunday. Anna Jarvis, decided to dedicate her life to The seed for Mother’s Day as we cele- her mother’s dream of establishing a brate it today had its beginning in 1858 Mother’s Day to honour all mothers around with Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis. She was a the world. Christian lady who was working to heal the Anna missed her mother greatly and felt nation before, during and after the Ameri- that children often neglected to appreciate can Civil War. Her strategy was to promote their mothers enough while they were still and elevate the important role of mothers alive. and help them to create healthier and more As a Sunday school teacher for twenty hygienic homes. years Anna had many times over taught the From this she instigated a ‘Mothers’ Fifth of the Ten Commandments, ‘Honour Friendship Day’ which eventually devel- your father and mother’. oped into an important movement called She told her friends about her desire to ‘Mothers’ Friendship Clubs’. At these bring her mother’s dream to fruition and clubs Ann would teach the mothers basic they heartily endorsed it. The first such nursing and safe sanitation practices to be service was held at her church and she used in the home. Ann’s brother was a fa- handed out her mother’s favourite flower, mous physician and she had learned these the White Carnation. At first, people obskills from him. served Mother’s Day by attending church Many lives were saved as a result. The and writing letters to their mothers. child mortality rate was very high at the After much letter writing and lobbying time. Ann had had eleven children and only from Anna the second Sunday in May was three of these had reached adulthood. proclaimed as Mother’s Day in 1910, by Also, by offering this service to both sides the Governors of Oklahoma and West Virinvolved in the American Civil War, it ginia. The acceptance of this celebration helped facilitate a reconciliation process throughout the USA was breathtaking. By between Union and Confederate neigh- 1911 there was not one state in the USA bours. that did not have its own observance of When Ann Maria Jarvis passed away after Mother’s Day.
On May 9th 1914, President Woodrow Wilson, proclaimed the second Sunday in May a national holiday for Mother’s Day. It was not long before the Mother’s Day celebration was embraced by other nations as far away as Japan, China, Africa, South America and some Asian countries. The success of the rapid commercialisation and exploitation of this sacred celebration of Mothers caused Anna much grief. She went on to spend her inheritance fighting against the abuse of this Christian institution and said that she “wished she would never have started the day because it became so out of control”. In spite of Anna Jarvis’s misgivings, Mother’s Day has flourished around the world. The second Sunday in May has become a most popular day to dine out, and telephone lines record their highest traffic as Mothers are remembered and honoured. Let us not forget the original intention as set out by God to always celebrate and honour the mothers in our families, churches and society. It is fundamental for the health of society, that we respect and honour our parents. Ann and Anna’s efforts have helped societies across the world to do this.
GrahamMcDonald (DIDUNO)
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Q. I am 88 years of age and have a great deal of my his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese money invested in managed funds. I would like to gift in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finaneach of my three children $100,000 in order to see them cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities use this money while I am still alive. I am not an age pen- associated with financial planning. If you need more advice sioner but I am not sure whether I am allowed to gift my send an email to Marie Louise via: children any of my assets while I am still living. A. If you have more assets than that you are end up with a ever going to need, it is a very nice gesture $2400 tax savto be able to make a financial gift to your ing per annum three children now while you are still alive. which is quite The only thing you have to keep in mind is significant. that once you transfer these funds into your children’s names you will be triggering ei- Q. I am a sinther a capital gain or a capital loss. Your ac- gle mother and partner countant would be able to work this out for my you and he/she will let you know how much who also has children from tax you will have to pay once you do this. his previous Q. I am 33 years of age and I have a marriage, and salary of $150,000 per annum. At present I have agreed I have not been making any salary sacri- to purchase a fice into superannuation as I feel I am too property toAs you both have children from previous reyoung to do so and cannot touch my gether. The house we found is $500,000. super until I am at least 60 years of age When I sell my house I will have $350,000 lationships, you need to purchase this propand retired. Do you agree with this or available to place on this property while erty as Tenants-in-common in order to he only has $50,000 and needs to borrow protect the children’s’ entitlement. should I start to salary sacrifice now? the remaining $100,000. How should we A. You are correct in saying that you can- purchase this property in order not to Q. I am 58, retired and have started an account based pension with my superannot touch your funds within superannua- have problems in the future? nuation money. I have just found a job tion until you reach a condition of release which is 60 years and retired in your case. A. As both of you have children from previ- that pays $65,000 p.a. and am planning to However at present you are in the 37% ous marriages I would recommend that you take this as I feel I had retired too early. purchase this property as Tenants in Com- Should I stop this account based pension? marginal tax rate bracket. I believe if you were to salary sacrifice say mon with you having 70% ownership as you A. Depending on your income requirements $200 per week or $10,000 per annum you are prepared to pay $350,000 of the and future plans it may be beneficial to would be only missing out on $6,100 as the $500,000 and your partner 30% ownership maintain this account based pension and rest would have been paid in tax and Medi- as he can pay $50,000 and is borrowing the take a minimum payment from it i.e. 4% per care levy. By salary sacrificing you would remaining $100,000. If he is against this annum. Currently, account based pensions have to pay 15% contributions tax on the ratio he could always borrow $200,000 plus do not pay tax on earnings within the in$10,000 and no Medicare levy. After deduct- use his existing $50,000 and you pay come stream and as you are under 60 years ing the 15% contributions tax you would still $250,000 on the property. of age the pension payments have to be added to your taxable income and shown on your tax return, but you would receive a tax rebate on the amount you received. You should then salary sacrifice part of your wages in order to build up your superannuation as well as reducing your taxable income. This financial year the maximum amount you can make as concessional contributions is $35,000 but as of the next financial year this amount drops to $25,000 per Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: annum. From 1.7.2017 for those under 65 and still working, the earnings of pensions * Wealth Creation will be taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice Q. My wife and I are turning age pension age this year. Our total assets are about * Maximising Centrelink Benefits $900,000. But part of these assets include * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property an investment property valued $450,000 and still has a mortgage of $250,000. Does * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to Centrelink take the loan debt off the total entering Aged Care facilities assets for assessing pension? A. As the mortgage is on the investment Call Marie-Louise for a property, Centrelink will deduct this mortcomplimentary consultation on: gage off the total asset value. This means (02) 9231 2133 that your total assets will be below the new maximum asset test limit of $816,000 and therefore you should both be entitled to a part age pension.
Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Maltese veterans commemorate Anzac Day on the streets of Sydney A
s it has been doing every year, the Maltese Sub-Branch of the NSW RSL once again participated in the Anzac Day Commemorations. On Anzac Eve at Martin Place in the heart of Sydney 17 members and friends of the Sub-Branch, along with others, which included the MCC president Emanuel Camilleri his wife Theresa, Dr George Boffa (a Sub-Branch member) and his grandson, gathered for a dignified wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph The Maltese group marched to the Cenotaph behind the Maltese RSL Banner. Once there they stood in silence as the Ode was recited followed by the Lord's Prayer, the Last Post and the Reveille. The
On ANZAC Eve members of the Maltese branch of the RSL (above) paid homage to the departed on the Cenotaph at Martin Place
Charles N. Mifsud., the president of Maltese sub branch of the RSL leading the Maltese contingent on Anzac Day in Sydney
Sub-Branch president Charles N. Mifsud assisted by Secretary Doris
Pocock laid a wreath at the foot of the Monument. On Anzac Day the members of the Maltese Sub-Branch and friends gathered in Hunter Street, Sydney and about sixty-six men and women including some youths, took part in the commemoration Charles N. Mifsud led the MalteseAustralian contingent made up of returned personnel, ex-service personnel and their descendants. The sub-branch banner and the three flags of Australia, Malta, and the U.K were proudly displayed. Among the leading group in the parade were two wheelchair-bound veterans, 96-year-old returned-serviceman Frank Balbi and 90-year-old Leah Harding. The Maltese OLQP Band also took part in the parade and delighted the onlookers by playing a number of marches. The Maltese contingent was enthusiastically greeted with shouts of “Malta, Malta� by the crowds lining the streets The OLQP Maltese along the Band marching parade in during the parade Sydney
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Anzac Day commemoration in Malta I
n Malta, Anzac Day 2017 was commemorated with a service and wreath laying moving ceremony at the Pieta` Military Cemetery on the 102nd anniversary of the landing of the Anzac forces at Gallipoli. For the first time since her appointment in January, The Australian High Commissioner to Malta HE Ms Julienne Hince hosted the occasion. After a one-minute silence and the playing of the Last Post, Ms Hince introduced the occasion by explaining the meaning of this historical event that commemorates, not a military tri- From left: Minister Helena Dalli, Malumph, but the more tese President Marie Louise Colerio humbling triumph of Preca, Australian HC Ms Julienne Hince, NZ Hon Consul Mrs Jill Camilleri, and Turkish Ambassador human valour. Mr Mr Reha Keskintepe, observing the one-minute silence The service was held in the presence of a number of distinguished guests that included Malta’s President HE Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Minister Helena Dalli, representing the Maltese Government, Mrs Jill Camilleri, the Honorary Consul of New Zealand, other members of the Diplomatic Crop and representatives of Maltese-Australian organisations. After other speeches by the New Zealand Hon. Consul and the Turkish Ambassador Mr Reha Keskintepe, the wreath-laying ceremony followed. Joseph Cutajar, the Malta editor of The Voice of the Maltese laid a wreath on behalf of the Malta Community Council of NSW (below).
The monument commemorating the fallen at the Pieta` Military Cemetery at the end of the wreath-laying ceremony
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Il-bizilla ta’ Malta; jg˙idu li dik t’G˙awdex a˙jar! F
Tuesday May 9, 2017
tit ilu Ωort wirja sabi˙a ˙afna tal-bizzilla organizzata minn xi nisa biex juru x-xog˙lijiet ta’ bizzilla tag˙hom. Fil-ftu˙ tal-wirja, mort fuq wa˙da li kont nafha u li wkoll kienet qed tesebixxi xi xog˙lijiet minn tag˙ha u staqsejtha tg˙idli x’kien li jag˙mel bizzilla tajba u a˙jar minn ta’ o˙rajn. Hija daret fuqi u bilbizzilla f’idejha wrietni diversi rqaqat. Ûgur li l-bizzilla li kellha f’idejha kienet wa˙da fina u speçjali. Spjegatli li bizzilla kummerçjali tkun nieqsa minn g˙add ta’dettalji u li jekk ma tkunx tifhem fisseng˙a ma tindunax bihom. Qaltli wkoll li l-bizzilla proprja hija mag˙mula bl-idejn, filwaqt li dik kummerçjali tin˙adem bil-magna. Is-seng˙a tal-bizzilla mhijiex qadima daqs dik tal-qoton iΩda xorta wa˙da g˙andha storja kbira f’Malta. Ta’ min jg˙id ukoll li fis-seklu 18 ix-xog˙ol tal-bizzilla kien meqjus b˙ala wa˙da mill-industriji ta’ Malta. Dari t-tfajliet kienu joqog˙du mi©bura d-dar ja˙dmu lbizzilla madwar xi Kartolina popolari ta’ tfajla lampa tal-pitrolju. G˙awdxija ta˙dem il-bizzilla O˙rajn, l-aktar filg˙addejja fil-˙emda tat-triq jiem sajfija, kienu fejn toqg˙od, x’aktarx triq jo˙or©u fejn il-bieb b’karatteristiçi G˙awdxin, ta’ barra tad-dar ta˙dem il-bizzilla. Forsi tag˙hom jag˙mlu b’hekk ukoll li l-bizzilla dan ix-xog˙ol. t’G˙awdex ˙adet popolarÌieli fl-istess triq ità aktar minn dik ta’ kont issib xi Ωew© Malta. Ûgur li dawn il-karjew tliet tfajliet PeterPaulCiantar tolini wasslu l-messa©© (jekk mhux aktar tag˙hom. ukoll), kif ukoll Jing˙ad li kien il-Kanonku Salvatore Bondi (1790 - 1859) nisa mda˙˙la fiΩ-Ωmien, ja˙dmu l-bizzilla bit-trajbu f’˙o©orhom jistrie˙ mal-˙ajt u bilqieg˙da fuq mag˙qad li da˙˙al ix-xog˙ol tal-bizzilla f’G˙awdex. Irrid ng˙id li f’G˙awdex ix-xog˙ol tal-bizzilla kien dejjem aktar popobaxx, wiççhom lejn il-˙ajt. Kont timpressjona ru˙ek tarahom içekçku ç-çombini u lari f’din il-gΩira ©irien ta’ Malta. Illum, g˙akemm jtajruhom minn id g˙all-o˙ra, iniΩΩlu l-labar u jkebbu l- g˙adek issib min ja˙dimha, imma ma nafx jekk l˙ajt biex ftit ftit jag˙tuna disinn mill-isba˙.B’hekk ukoll G˙awdxin g˙adx g˙andhom daqshekk interess f’dan ixxog˙ol tal-bizzilla. fl-a˙˙ar tal-©imgha kienu jda˙˙lu xi ˙a©a tal-flus. X’aktarx li l-arti tal-bizzilla da˙let f’Venezja mil-lvant, Huma ˙afna x-xog˙lijiet tal-bizzilla li jin˙admu dejjem fuq id-disinn li l-aktar li jispikka, is-Salib ta’ Malta, dak inxterdet mal-Ewropa u waslet ukoll Malta. Grazzi g˙alltat-tmien ponot, kollox minsu© bi ˙jut tal-g˙aΩel jew Kavallieri. F’Malta x-xog˙ol tal-bizzilla kien isir kemm minn tfa˙arir. JuΩaw is-Salib ta’ Malta biex b˙al donnhom jliet ©ejjin minn familji tal-˙addiema, kif ukoll dawk jag˙tuha t-timbru ta’ bizzilla ta’ Malta. Illum wie˙ed jista’ jara u anke jixtri bizzilla ma˙duma minn familji nobbli li kienu jqisu x-xog˙ol tal-bizzilla g˙al fuq l-g˙amara, trie˙i tal-altari, im˙aded, dvalji, b˙ala arti delikata u mhux g˙al id kul˙add. Fil-fatt teΩisti xi pittura sabi˙a u antika li turi xi tfajliet velijiet tar-ras, xallijiet u ta’ familji nobbli qed ja˙dmu l-bizzilla. Meta nara pittura b˙al din in˙ares lejn l-ilbies tag˙hom u nifli wkoll sewwa ˙wejje© o˙ra. Sa ftit Ωmien l-isfond tal-pittura. Dan verament jag˙ti stampa sabi˙a ilu din id-deh- u çara tan-nobbiltà f’pajjiΩna. Dan ix-xog˙ol fil-©Ωejjer Maltin imur lura g˙al Ωmien ra ta’ nisa ja˙dmu l-bizzilla il-Kavallieri ta’ San Ìwann. Il-Kavallieri kienu nies sinkienet tidher juri wlied tal-aqwa familji Ewropej. Kienu wkoll nies li ukoll f’kartoli- jag˙tu ˙afna importanza lill-ilbies. G˙alhekk il-˙tie©a ni turistiçi, l- tat-tiΩjin tal-kostumi tag˙hom bil-bizzilla kienet g˙aliaktar kartolini hom ˙tie©a. Irrid ing˙id lil l-ewwel ma dehret il-bizzilla G˙awdxin. Ma kien b˙al aççessorji - tizjin g˙all-ilbies tal-Kavallieri u ninsa qatt il- tan-nobbli, dawk ta’ klassi g˙olja fis-soçjetà. Wara bdiet kartolini b’dik tintuΩa mill-membri tal-kleru. Niftakar sewwa li kull suttana bajda ta’ qassis kien dei d - d e h r a sabi˙a ta’ xi tf- jjem ikollha dik il-bizzilla sabi˙a mal-komma u biçça jala ˙elwa kam- bizzilla o˙ra fil-parti t’isfel tas-suttana. IΩda jekk wie˙ed irid japprezza xog˙ol sabi˙ ta’ bizzilla p a n j o l a , b ’ g ˙ a j n e j h a g˙andu j˙ares lejn il-pittura tal-Gran Mastru Pinto, Ωoroq u sbie˙, xog˙ol Antoine de Favray. Hawn wie˙ed jitg˙axxaq bilb i l - m a k t u r ©miel ta’ bizzilla bis-salib tat-tmien ponot li hemm madma’ rasha, dawra tal-g˙onq tal-Gran Mastru. Il-pittura tal Gran Mastru Emmanuel Pinto tal-pittur Antoine de Favray li turi l-bizzilla f’ilbiesu
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Fil-klabb tal-Óamrun (mix-xellug): Greg Caruana, Marie Louise Muscat, Il-Kummissarju G˙oli Charles Muscat, l-Onor Anglu Farrugia, Fred Pace, Josephine u George Zahra, Alfred Pace, George Vella u Agnes Caruana
L-iSpeaker An©lu Farrugia fi zjara qasira f’Sydney L
ejn tmiem April, l-ispeaker talKamra tar-rappreΩentanti f’Mata, Dr. An©lu Farrugia, fil-kapaçita` tieg˙u ta’ Chairperson tal-G˙aqda Parlamentari tal-Ferg˙at iΩ-Ûg˙ar talPajjiΩi tal-Commonwelath (CPA), atten- da u mexxa l-41 laqg˙a talg˙aqda li saret fuq jumejn (24/25) finNorthern Territory Legislative As- sembly f’Darwin, l-Awstralja. Tul il-laqg˙a l-kumitat iddiskutta ssehem tas-CPA fl-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), u ntla˙aq ftehim li tkun opportunita` tajba ˙afna li Dr. Farrugia kellu jistieden lill-Prim Minstru ta’ Malta Dr Joseph Muscat, li hu
Dr. An©lu Farrugia (xellug) mas-Sindku ta’ Blacktown, Stephen Bali
ç-chair-in-office tal-Commonwealth, li jis˙aq mar-Renju Unit ir-rwol importanti li g˙andha s-CPA u anke l-benefiççi li jistg˙u jinkisbu jekk is-CPA ti©i mog˙tija post prominenti fiç-CHOGM li jmiss, tal-2018. Fi tmiem l-avveniment, u qabel ma rritorna Malta, flimkien ma’ martu Carmen, Dr Farrugia Ωar Sydney fejn iltaqa’ ma’ membri mill-familja tieg˙u u wkoll ma’ xi ˙bieb. Kien ing˙ata tag˙rif li Ω-Ωjara ta’ Sydney kellha tkun wa˙da privata; fil-fatt splodiet f’attivitajiet mhux daqstant privati, bl-arran©amenti kollha g˙aliha jsiru minn Greg Caruana, ˙abib personali tal-familja Farrugia. Fil-g˙axija tat-28 tax-xahar, ilÌimg˙a, l-ispeaker attenda riçeviment fil-HQ tal-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW f’Parramatta West, fejn kellu laqg˙a kordjali mal-kapijiet tal-g˙aqdiet Maltin u xi mistednin o˙ra. G˙aliha attendew ukoll il-Kummissarju G˙oli Charles Muscat u l-Konslu Ìenerali Salv Guisti. F’diskors li g˙amel, Dr Farrugia semma xxog˙ol fejjiedi tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ barra u r-rapporti li jippreΩenta kull sena lill-Parlament tax-xog˙ol li jwettaq. l-g˙ada Dr Farrugia mar g˙allquddies fil-kappella taçĊentru La Valette fi Blackt o w n . Wara, fil˙in limitat li kellu ltaqa’
Dr. Farrugia u martu Carmen mal-membri tal-Kunsill tal-Komunita` Maltija ta’ NSW
mal-president Antoinette Caruana. Ilv/president Godfrey Sultana u xi nies li jattendu iç-çentru kull nhar ta’ Sibt. Fil-Óamrun Club ta’ Marsden Park imbag˙ad sar social dinner bl-appo©© tal-Óamrun Association. Matulu saru diskorsi mill-mistednin distinti, b˙asSindku ta’ Blacktown, il-Kunsillier Stephen Bali, mill-Kummissarju G˙oli Charles Muscat, mill-president talMCC Emanuel Camilleri kif ukoll millMembru Statali Kevin Conelly MP, u, ma setax jonqos, minn Greg Caruana li mexxa il-proçedura. Fost il-mistedin kien hemm ukoll familjari ta’ Dr Farrugia, kif ukoll xi negozjanti Maltin li g˙inu tigi ffinanzjata din il-lejla. Saru wkoll xi diversi, preΩentazzjonijiet u tpartit ta’ rigali. Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-ispeaker Farrugia tkellem fil-tul dwar ir-rwol tal-Parlament Malti b˙ala l-og˙la istituzzjoni u semma kif Malta illum m’g˙adhiex tibg˙at emigranti lejn l-Awstralja iΩda tant qed tipprovdi xog˙ol, u l-ekonomija hi fost l-aqwa fl-Ewropa, li qeg˙da taççetta l-˙addiema barranin. Fl-istess lejla l-Óamrun Club ippreΩenta g˙arfien g˙ax-xog˙ol siewi lejn il-komunita` lil George Vella, Fred Pace, Agnes Caruana Marie Louise Muscat, u Josephine u George Zahra. Il-lejla kienet imsebb˙a mill-kant u muΩika ta’ Charles Muscat u kantanti o˙ra zg˙aΩag˙. Jidher li g˙alkemm setg˙et kienet aktar dekoruΩa, din lokkaΩjoni xorta wa˙da tat mer˙ba xierqa lil dan il-mistieden distint fittieni Ωjara tieg˙u fl-Awstralja dik li kien g˙amel f’Settembru 2013. F’kummenti lil The Voice of the Maltese, George Zahra, il-president talklabb, esprima l-fer˙ li setg˙u jospitaw lill-Onor Farrugia u lil martu, u semma l-progress li qed jag˙mel dan il-klabb, fosthom li sa wasal jifdi ddejn kollu fuq il-propjeta`.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Malta, hold on to your horses Ch. Farrugia from Rockingham, WA writes:
The Voice of the Maltese ffo orrttn niig gh httllyy m ma ag ga azziin ne e
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
ince my retirement, the computer and particularly the Internet have become my best S friends and I have been spending a lot of my free time, which I now have a lot of, browsing. More than ever, and especially these last few days since the start of the electoral campaign, Malta, has become my focal point Not that it wasn't my favourite subject before that. The island that I keep describing as a jewel among nations is always on my mind. Nowadays I find it so amusing to log on to different websites in search of the goings on in the island's political circus. And a circus it has become, with a master and his elite performers on one side and the clowns on the other. I cannot understand how one could prefer the clowns when the master, in this case the Prime Minister has brought such prosperity to the smallest island in the EU to make it one of the best, and in so many ways also the best in Eu-
rope. Perhaps I am biased as after a holiday to Malta with my siblings at the end of last year and the beginning of this one, my youngest daughter's family and her husband fell in love with the place. They were so impressed with the country that they are planning to move there soon to build a new life for them and their two sons on the island. My son in law has already negotiated and managed to find what he feels is a lucrative job and if all goes well, by late July they could start enjoying the fruit that Malta has to offer. Malta' progress in all sectors in the last four years has been tremendous, therefore I cannot believe the Maltese voters could change their horses in midstream, when the going has never been better to jump into the unknown. For me they only have one choice, to hold on to their horses.
Proof of the Kampanja aggressiva popularity of Mario Griscti minn Ta’ Xbiex, Malta jikteb: this magazine rçevejt The Voice of the Maltese, ˙ar©a
Nru. 153, din id-darba bi 28 pa©na, litteralment ippakkjati b’artikli, a˙barijiet u tag˙rif ie˙or ta’ utilita’. Sfortunatament f’pajjiΩna Malta, sa minn qabel bdiet uffiçjalment il-kampanja elettorali, li tidher li se tkun wa˙da aggressiva u disrispettabbli, l-OppoΩizzjoni Nazzjonalista qed tehda twaddab it-tajn bl-addoçç, bit-tama li xi ˙a©a te˙el u l-poter governattiv jg˙addi f’idejha. Jiena tal-fehma, li aktar ma tag˙mel hekk, u aktar ma tipprova tattakka l-kredibbilta` u ddinjita` tal-Prim Ministru Dr.Joseph Muscat u s-Sinjura tieg˙u Michelle, aktar se tissokta teg˙req fit-tentattivi in©usti tag˙ha stess. Grazzi ˙afna wkoll tal-pa©na Taghrif fuq ilKitba Maltija u ˙afna aktar.
Sandra Borg from St Albans, Victoria writes: would like to thank The Voice of the Maltese for publishing my letter of invitation in Issue No. 153. I never doubted the popularity of this magazine, as a result of that invitation, now, more than ever, I can now vouch for the popularity of the magazine. The response from girls wanting to join my daughter on her trip to Malta next month where they could also attend the Isle of MTV concert during the Malta Music Week and to visit Malta’s interesting sites has been tremendous. By the first week we had already received 14 emails from girls accepting the invitation and expressing their wish to accompany my daughter. As I said then, we only needed eight girls as we could only make arrangements for this number when it comes to accommodation in two separate apartments in the Bugibba/Qawra area. The girls have now got acquainted and are making their own plans. It was a kind of first come first served. Those who did not make the party might still travel to Malta however. We made some suggestions to them if they still wanted to travel on their own. They can make their own arrangements. On my part I gave the name of a contact person in Malta in the hope they could get in touch with him in order to find them alternate accommodation. On behalf of my daughter Sabrina, thanks again to The Voice.
Tuesday May 9, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Robust growth in tourist arrivals and expenditure for March 2017
or the third consecutive month this year, Malta Tourism performance indicators for March 2017 recorded robust growth as double-digit growth rates were registered in the number of inbound visitors (+22.3%) and tourist expenditure (11.8%), the Malta Tourism Authority has said. March figures brought to a close the performance of winter 2016/2017, where the number of inbound tourists during the period November 2016 to March 2017 reached 584,260, registering an increase of 25.1% or 117,309 more tourists than Winter 2015/2016. The number of inbound tourists (excluding overnight cruise passengers) in March 2017 was 140,922 featuring an unprecedented increase of 25,403 tourists. This record was reached in spite of Easter falling in March last year. Nights stayed by tourists registered an absolute increase of 54,209 or +6.8%. The average length of stay declined from 6.9 nights in March 2016 to 6.1 nights in March of this year. Collective as well as private type accommodation establishments, recorded substantial increases. Both
Tourists admiring the beautiful view of the Grand Harbour from the Upper Barrakka in Valletta
achieved a growth rate of over 20%. Tourists spent €96.5 million, an increase of €10.2 million over March 2016. Cumulative data for the period January to March 2017 show exceptional growth rates in inbound tourism performance with the number of inbound tourists increasing by 24.0% over the same period last year. The number of nights stayed by tourists reached 2.3 million, increasing by 11.1%, while tourist expenditure reached €237 million, €27.8 million more (or +13.3%) over same period last year. Belgium registered the largest absolute increase of 10,750 more tourists compared to the same period last year, followed by Italy with 10,207 more tourists and Germany with 8,356 additional tourists. Significant growth in the number of inbound tourists was also recorded from Poland, France and Spain. During the first three months of the year, holiday trips increased by 19.8% or 46,031 more tourists. Furthermore, tourists visiting Malta for business and professional reasons recorded a substantial increase of 49.4% or +14,368. Part of this can be attributed to Malta’s first three months of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Slightly more than half of the additional tourists (53%) opted for a short stay of 1 to 3 nights. As a result, in the first quarter the average length of stay declined by nearly one night. The Malta Tourism Authority said it welcomed with satisfaction the record performance achieved in the first quarter of 2017 and winter 2016/2017, in particular when considering the diversity in growth patterns that encompass a variety of source markets, age-groups and accommodation types. MTA CEO Mr. Paul Bugeja said, “These positive results are the outcome of the constant efforts by many stakeholders, both in the public and private sector, who do their utmost to promote the Maltese Islands as an attractive and accessible destination allyear-round.”
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Perspettiva Provi jew le
Tuesday May 9, 2017 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.
kitba ta’
imma©ina li ˙afna minnkom, forsi mhux kul˙add, qed issegwu xi ftit jew wisq l-ispettaklu tal-allegazzjonijiet ta' korruzzjoni kontra l-Prim Ministru Laburista Malti, Joseph Muscat, u xi nies ta' madwaru. Qed ji©i allegat li hemm kumpanniji fil-Panama u l-British Virgin Islands, li l-benefiçjarji a˙˙arija tag˙hom huma nies ta' madwar il-Prim Ministru1 u li permezz tag˙hom fost l-o˙rajn saret evaΩjoni tat-taxxa u pagamenti korrotti konnessi mal-iskema taççittadinanza ta' investituri barranin. Hemm allegazzjonijiet o˙ra li hemm kumpannija o˙ra rre©istrata fil-Panama, Egrant, u li l-benefiçjarja a˙˙arija tag˙ha hija l-mara tal-Prim Ministru2, u li l-Egrant irçeviet $1miljun mit-tifla tal-President tal-AΩerbaj©an.3 Il-Prim Ministru ça˙ad bil-qawwa l-involviment tieg˙u jew ta’ martu. Irid jing˙ad li kumpanniji fil-Panama, jew ©urisdizzjonijiet o˙ra li g˙andhom rati baxxi (jew Ωero) tat-taxxa fuq id-d˙ul (tax haven), ©eneralment jinfet˙u g˙al tliet ra©unijiet (a) biex jag˙mlu negozju fil-post lokali, li huwa le©ittimu (b) biex ikunu jistg˙u jsiru transazzjonijiet multinazzjonali, biex d˙ul f'pajjiΩ b'rati g˙olja ta' taxxa ji©i rre©istrat fit-tax haven, u dan jista' jkun le©ittimu jew le skont il-li©ijiet tal-pajjiΩ fejn isir id-d˙ul (ç) biex id-d˙ul li jispiçça fittax haven ma jkunx mag˙ruf g˙al min hu, li huwa ille©ittimu. Lallegazzjonijiet li qed isiru huma tat-tip (b) u (ç). Din l-istorja hija mill-inqas affaxxinanti u ta˙raq daqs l-allegazzjonijiet kontra l-eks-Ministru Nazzjonalista u eks-Kummissarju tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, John Dalli. Jien ng˙id li hi iktar ta' konsegwenza, g˙ax tinvolvi Prim Ministru kurrenti, u jkun x'ikun l-eΩitu aktarx t˙amme© lill-pajjiΩ f'g˙ajnejn id-dinja. Ming˙ajr tlaqliq, l-allegazzjonijiet, ©eneralment ming˙ajr dokumentazzjoni diretta, huma serji, u fuq il-karta jidhru konvinçenti, madankollu jibqg˙u allegazzjonijiet f'dan l-istadju. Li ©iet ippreΩentata hija evidenza. Jekk tinΩammx, mill-awtorità kompetenti (il-qorti), li din tipprova a©ir kriminali wie˙ed irid jistenna u jara. Is-sitwazzjoni g˙adha tevolvi bil-©urnata. Dawn l-allegazzjonijiet u o˙rajn relatati saru minn blogger mag˙rufa, Daphne Caruana Galizia, ibbaΩati fuq il-famuΩi karti tal-Panama, minn xhud ta' ©ewwa (whistleblower) u minn xog˙ol investigattiv tag˙ha. Caruana Galizia mhix mag˙rufa g˙as-simpatija tag˙ha lejn il-Partit Laburista, madankollu evidenza ta' a©ir possibilment kriminali jrid ji©i mixtarr, ji©i minn fejn ji©i. Naturalment, qabeΩ fuq din l-istorja l-Partit Nazzjonalista, li g˙andu sew x'jiggwadanja mir-riperkussjonijiet. Dan jinftiehem meta tiftakar li l-PN jin˙tie© palata biex jaqleb ir-riΩultat tat-telfa elettorali tal-2013, fejn tilef il-vot popolari b’55% g˙al 43%, li kienet l-ikbar differenza (ta’ aktar minn 36,000 vot) bejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti l-kbar mill-elezzjoni tal-1955.4 Din l-istorja g˙andha lpotenzjal li xxaqleb il-pendlu. Jien hawn m'iniex be˙siebni nid˙ol fil-merti, ˙lief li nikkummenta fuq xi aspetti li tqajmu, bil-limitazzjonijiet kollha ta' osservatur li qieg˙ed in-na˙a l-o˙ra tad-dinja.. Wa˙da minnhom hi twe©iba li tat Caruana Galizia g˙al min kien qed jitlobha tissostanzja l-allegazzjonijiet tag˙ha. Ìiet irrappurtata li qalet fl-a˙˙ar tax-xahar li g˙adda li din it-talba kienet “patetika”, u li mhix hi “li trid tipprova l-˙tija ta' dawn in-nies, imma huma jridu jippruvaw l-innoçenza tag˙hom”. JeΩisti l-prinçipju stabbilit li bniedem huwa innoçenti sakemm misjub ˙ati, u Malta mhix eççezzjoni, anzi dan il-prinçipju huwa garantit mill-og˙la li©i tal-pajjiΩ, ji©ifieri l-Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta f'Artiklu 39(5). Jien perswaΩ li dan il-fatt tafu sew Caruana Galizia, li ˙mar Ωgur mhix. Allura g˙alfejn tag˙mel stqarrija b˙al din?5 Jien na˙seb li l-interess tag˙ha (talinqas g˙alissa) mhux ilproçess tal-©ustizzja li jsir fil-Qorti Kriminali, imma d-deliber-
Caruana Galizia u Joseph Muscat azzjoni li jsir fil-qorti tal-opinjoni pubblika, li r-rilevanza tag˙ha kienet qed tiΩdied aktar ma kienet qed tersaq id-data tal-elezzjoni ©enerali li jmiss (li issa t˙abbret g˙at-3 ta’ Ìunju). Jien f'˙ajti iktar smajt nies isemmu l-qawl Malti “il-qasba ma ççaqçaqx g˙alxejn” milli dak il-prinçipju tal-Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta li semmejt qabel. In-nies x’aktarx li jaslu g˙all-konkluΩjonijiet tag˙hom b'˙effa bil-wisq iktar mg˙a©©la minn kwalunkwe proçess ©udizzjarju, li dan tal-a˙˙ar qieg˙ed ise˙˙ (qed nirreferi g˙all-inkjesta ma©isterjali). G˙alhekk, dik l-istqarrija nqisha b˙ala populiΩmu aktar milli g˙ajta g˙all-©ustizzja. Osservajt ukoll ir-reazzjoni tal-Prim Ministru Muscat g˙al dik il-persuna li assoçjat lil kunjomu ma' wa˙da mill-kumpanniji msemmija ta' Panama, l-Egrant. Muscat l-ewwel qal li ma ried jag˙ti l-ebda kumment dwar din il-persuna u fl-istess nifs semma dak li rrappurtaw il-©urnali, ji©ifieri li kienet mixlija bi frodi u rapporti foloz.6 Jidhirli li peress li talab li ssir l-inkjesta ma©isterjali, kien ikun a˙jar li qag˙ad lura milli jikkritika xhud g˙al din l-inkjesta, fejn jista' jidher li qed jipprova jinfluenza lill-istess inkjesta. Kumment ie˙or huwa fuq persuni minn ta' ©ewwa li jiddeçiedu li jikxfu dak li jaraw li jkun a©ir inetiku jew illegali. Dawn il-persuni ©eneralment ikunu vulnerabbli g˙al ritaljazzjoni mill-organizzazzjoni li jkunu ja˙dmu fiha. L-informazzjoni li jag˙tu, ©ieli tkun utli ˙afna g˙all-oppoΩizzjoni tal-©urnata, imma detrimentali g˙all-gvern tal-©urnata. Illum il-PN qed jitlob g˙all-protezzjoni tal-whistleblower involuta f'dan il-kaΩ,7 li hija ˙a©a ra©jonevoli. Huwa façli li tag˙mel talba b˙al din meta l-informazzjoni li qed ting˙ata qed ittik vanta©© politiku. Wie˙ed jara kif ja©ixxu meta, inevitabbilment, ikun hemm allegazzjonijiet kontra l-amministrazzjoni tag˙hom waqt li jkunu fil-gvern, kemm jekk fil-futur qrib jew dak imbieg˙ed. Referenzi 1., retrieved 1/5/2017 2., retrieved 1/5/2017 3., retrieved 2/5/2017 4., retrieved 2/5/2017 5. 6., retrieved 2/5/2017 7., retrieved 2/5/2017
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Klabb uniku u storiku fil-qalba ta’ Melbourne LawrenceDimech
Malti f’dan il-kontinent tal-Awstralja fejn g˙andna Malta o˙ra. Kmieni dis-sena, Ωort dan il-klabb eta nag˙tu ˙arsa lejn illi jinsab f’4-6 Gooding Klabb G˙annejja Maltin Street, St Albans. Bqajt Inc li jinsab fil-qalba talmhux biss impressjonat belt ta’ Melbourne, fl-iStat ta’ ViciΩda çanfart lili nnifsi toria, mhux dejjem tispunta g˙ax qatt ma kont Ωort l-kontribuzzjoni kontinwa li jag˙ti din il-©awhra Maltija. dan il-klabb, mhux biss lill-memBini tassew impressjobri tieg˙u iΩda lil dawk kollha li nanti; g˙andu ˙afna g˙andhom g˙al qalbhom il-folklor post g˙all-parke©©; miΩmum fi stat imKwadri ta’ g˙annejja mag˙rufa Maltin pekkabbli li ˙allewna mdendla ma’ ˙ajt tal-klabb b’g˙aqal u m˙abba lejn dak kollu li jirrifletti wa˙da millaktar sisien important tal-kultura Maltija, il-folklor b’aççenn g˙allg˙ana tradizzjonali Malti li g˙andu lbidu tieg˙u fis-seklu sittax. F’kull kamra g˙andek isib l-istorja tal-g˙annej Malti u lg˙odda li minnha jo˙or©u l-˙sejjes u rritmu tal-melodjia Maltija. Ftakart sewwa fiΩΩjara tieg˙i u fil-
laqg˙a li offrili l-Presi-
Il-faççata tal-klabb tal-g˙annejja
dent George Aquilina meta ©ie f’idejja l-fuljett li jo˙orgu kull tant Ωmien. Dan il-fabbli veru Malti kien mimli fta˙ir g˙al dawk kollha li jag˙tu kontribut biex dan ilklabb jibqa’ dejjem attivi u jxerred il-veru g˙eruq tal-kultura tag˙na lMaltin. Il-kumitat g˙al dis-sena hu mag˙mul minn George Aquilina b˙ala President, Tony Camilleri (v/president), Jesmond Attard (segretarju), Maria Formosa (kaxxiera), Charles Chetcuti (organizzatur), Charlie Apap (PRO), Michael Mifsud (bar manager) u Joe Farrugia (l-assistent tieg˙u). Normalment il-klabb jifta nhar ta’ Erbg˙a, il-Ìimg˙a u lÓadd. Wie˙ed jista ikun jaf aktar dwar l-attivitajiet billi jçempel 03 9356 4638, inkella jibg˙at email lil: Ta’ min jinnota li dan ilklabb g˙adu kemm fakkar g˙eluq id-90 sena ta’ Joe Azzopardi (Ras ilBg˙al) wie˙ed mill-g˙annejja mag˙rufin. Sa kien hemm g˙all-okkaΩjoni lMalta-Gozo Concert Band. Lill-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese li tant huma numeruΩi fl-iStat ta’ Victoria n˙e©©i©hom li almenu darba f’˙ajjithom iΩuru dan ilklabb uniku u storiku. Veru esperjenΩa. Óajr lil Emanuel Camilleri li ffaçilita` Ω-Ωjara tieg˙i fil-klabb tal-g˙ajnL-g˙annejja u l-kitarristi waqt wa˙da nejja u lil Emm Brincat mis-serati li jsiru reglarment fil-klabb. g˙ar-ritratti.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta
PM Joseph Muscat calls snap election for June 3
‘Aimed at safeguarding achievements’
ight months before the end of his administration’s term of office, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on May 1 called for a snap election to be held on June 3. Justifying his decision to a mass crowd at Castille and the neighbouring streets, he said he was doing it in order to safeguard the achievements of the last four years, and to avoid instability resulting from allegations as yet unproven, that could stagnate the economy. Muscat, whose government has an eight seat majority in Parliament, and therefore in a strong position to carry on its work for the duration of the legislature if he so wished, is requesting the electorate to give him the mandate to govern for five more years and to hold on to what the government has achieved thus far. He said, “We are half way through”. He called on the public to look back with pride at the last four years during which Malta “has become the best in Europe”. Muscat said Malta could not afford to be overcome by uncertainty, as this would destabilise the institutions and the country. It could affect not only foreign investments but also the stability of local businesses that had been profiting from the success of the economy under his government. He pointed out that after weeks of allegations of corruption by the Opposition - that none have been proven – and its calls for him to step down, he argued that the elections are a sign that he “won't allow anyone to destroy what has been buil”. After announcing the date of the election, Prime Minister called on the President of the Republic to advice her to recommend the dissolution of Parliament, which she did by signing the official writ dissolving Parliament and calling the country to the polls. Then late evening in a brief speech in front of the Labour Party HQ building he officially launched the his electoral campaign. He said, "The facts are known: we have achieved record economic growth, record employment levels, a turnaround of the country's finances from deficit to surplus.” He added the government has delivered most of what it promised including reduced taxes, fighting poverty and gave the elderly the dignity they deserve. He noted people realised the government had made some mistakes but insisted people also knew that he was a man of his word. Muscat announced a number of priorities for a future Labour government including tax reductions and refunds, resurfacing all of the roads in Malta and Gozo nd giving workers back public holidays that fall on the weekend. * In its priorities, a Labour government would target three sectors in the tax cut: refunds for some 190,000 people earning up to €60,000; part-time workers will see a re-
duction of their taxes from 15% to 10% also be applied to self-employed. * Students, who obtain a Master or PhD, and who will be exempted from paying tax for the first two years of their employment. *Pensions will gradually increase to €8 per week, in line with the recently-agreed increase in minimum wage. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat
* The resurfacing of all of Malta’s roads, in a project that could take seven years to complete at a cost €700 million. He said, funds would be derived from EU funds, the National Development Bank and the IIP fund. * The government will also be giving workers public holidays that fall on a weekend. Addressing Gozitans at the weekend he said Gozo would see a new beginning. Labour would ensure economic wealth to make Gozo the envy of European investment
Opposition and NP leader Simon Busuttil
Busuttil wants S Muscat out at all cost
imon Busuttil’s first proposals for the geneeral election concerned Gozo. He believes the time has come for Malta to rid itself of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and what he describes as “the corrupt government”. He is making it his priority. He is saying the election is not between the NP and LP or him and Muscat but between good and bad, and that the people have to choose between Malta and Muscat. He has no doubt that the people know how to choose between good and bad. Busuttil is trying to relate the message that the Muscat has grabbed the country in his hands and wants to win the election, “as if he loses he would be interrogated and can be thrown to prison”. He keeps repeating about what he describes as scandals and corruption committed by and under the Labour administration resulting in uncertainty among all sectors of the workforce, saying they are paying for the government’s corruption. On Friday Busuttil announced five “good governance” proposals, which he said a PN government would start working on in its first 100 days. They are: * Kick out the Police Commissioner and installing a new one on the first day. * Launch a white paper for the appointment of an inquiring magistrate who would also serve as a prosecutor focusing on corruption. * Appoint a commissioner for standards in public life and give MPs the option to work
on a full-time basis. * Introduce a new code of ethics for ministers prohibiting Cabinet members from doing any private work. * A constitutional convention for radical changes in constitutional authorities so that they function properly and serve the people and not the government. A rule would be introduced in the constitution so that the highest positions are not appointed by the PM, but by a two-thirds parliamentary majority. With regard to Gozo he pledged that a Nationalist government would implement five key policies, including a financial grant of €10,000 to young Gozitan couples and Maltese families or youths who choose to relocate to the island. But he gave no details of the scheme saying it would be published in the first 100 days of a PN government. On the first day he gets into power he would kick the foreign investors, Vitals, out of the Gozo hospital and renationalise it to give it back to the Gozitans. A Nationalist government would also amend the constitution to give Gozo regional status and publish a White Paper for the setting up of a Gozo regional council. He also announced the re-introduction of a commercial ferry service between Gozo and the Grand Harbour, as well as a fast ferry service between Malta and Gozo. Busuttil said the election is not about proposals but about principles.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta Former NP Finance Minister will not contest general election
ormer finance minister and Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech has announced he will be stepping down from politics, choosing instead to focus on his family, so he would not be contesting in the upcoming general elections on June 3. He believes the time has come for him to focus on his family, which has had to make sacrifices due to his political obligations. This decision has taken NP supporters by
storm but Fenech said he had no intention to resign from the party. A number of other MPs in the last legislature will not be contesting election. Most of them had reached the veteran age. They include current Minister for Foreign Affairs, George Vela, Labour MPs Charles Buhagiar and Joe Debone Debono Grech, NP’s Giovanna Debono, Tony Abela, and Michael Gonzi, and surprisingly, Charlo` Bonnici,
still quite young. From the Labour Part camp, Godfrey Farrugia has also indicated he would not be contesting after resigning from party whip. His decision was to be expected. His partner Marlene Farrugia has founded the Democratic Party and will be joining forces with the NP to run on the same ticket. The NP leader has invited him to join the coalition. He has not yet heeded the call.
SR Technics eyes €30m Malta expansion creating 400 jobs
R Technics’ is looking to grow its capacity in Malta by investing deliver our operations,” SR Technics CEO Jeremy Remacha said. Malta’s economic Services Minister Chris Cardona said the move up to €30 million to build a new six-bay facility close to its current maintenance operation that could create 400 new jobs. would lead to substantial job creation stating that up to 400 new The Swiss MRO has signed a non-binding memorandum of un- roles would be created should the expansion progress. This would derstanding (MOU) with the Maltese government exploring the take SR Technics’ total staff base in Malta up to 560 people. possibility of acquiring land close to its current narrowbody maintenance base at Malta International Airport. Should the MOU and explorative action with govminimum wage deal agreement that ment was the result of months of talks inernment bodies Malta Enterprise and Malta Induswould increase salaries to the lowest volving trade unions and other members trial Parks Limited prove successful, SR Technics paid workers has been signed between of the Malta Council for Economic and said the parties will aim to sign binding contracts government and social partners - Unions, Social Development (MCESD). later this year. What is more important, he said, was the and Employers - and opposition. Malta is a hub of MRO activity for SR Technics, It is the first such increase in 27 years introduction of a new mechanism that will which has held a presence in Malta since 2010 offer- and follows discussions sponsored by the see the minimum wage increased every ing base and heavy maintenance services as well as government since last November. Under four years, no longer needing campaigns. cabin modification work for Airbus A320 family and the deal, the minimum wage will inOpposition leader Simon Busuttil conBoeing 737NG aircraft. It has also since established a crease by €8 a week by 2019. gratulated MCESD, adding that the partnership with Aviation Cosmetics Malta for leaseExpressing satisfaction at the outcome agreement was an example to everyone end transitioning services on A320 family jets. the discussions that culminated in what of how things should be done and serves “Malta offers an ideal location with a suitable busi- many has described as a feat, Prime Min- as a stepping-stone for further improveness environment and a highly skilled workforce to ister Joseph Muscat said that the agree- ments.
Government, social partners sign ‘minimum wage’ deal
Malta initiates cleaner source of electricity generation
As of April 24, Malta did away with heavy fuel oil (HFO) to generate its electricity, Instead, it is now using a new source of electricity generation, natural gas in the form of LNG, which is a much cleaner and safer system to power the new terminal and power plant at Marsaxlokk. It is a project described as a leader in its field Addressing the guests at the inauguration ceremony, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat spoke about the work of ElectroGas Malta with support of its shareholders SOCAR Trading, Siemens PV, and GEM Holding, and mentioned that implemented measures allowed to reduce the price of electricity by 25% and emissions into the atmosphere by 90%. The Prime Minister was accompanied by two children from Marsaxlokk and Birzebbuga, as Delimara-1 power station operating on fuel oil was decommissioned. said that another source would be a gas pipeline from Sicily to Malta that would also become reality and lead to getting rid of the gas tanker currently providing the LNG to the power plant at Marsaxlokk. Soon, the dismantling of the power station chimney would start. A delegation from SOCAR Trading that partially owns the Enemalta gas terminal and power plant built by ElectroGas, also attended the opening ceremony of the plant at
Marsaxlokk, Malta. SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev who led a delegation from his company, conveyed his congratulations on the start of a new gas era in Malta. He expressed his gratitude to
the government of Malta for creating favourable conditions for the implementation of such a large-scale project. He also mentioned the perspective plans of SOCAR for work in Malta. Construction work on the new LNG powered plant started December 2014; the initial batch of LNG was received in January 2017. ElectroGas Malta is projected to supply electricity and natural gas to the state-owned energy company Enemalta for 18 years.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Kumment dwar is-sitwazzjoni politika
ekk kif qed noqorbu lejn elezzjoni ©enerali, li se ssir H fit-3 ta’ Ìunju, wie˙ed kien jistenna li l-Partiti Politiçi b˙alissa jkunu qed jispjegaw lill-poplu l-programm
Logo tal-Partit Laburista
tag˙hom g˙al meta jkunu fil-Gvern. Minflok, b˙alissa ninsabu mitlufin niddiskutu dwar ilkorruzzjoni, nuqqasijiet min-na˙a tal-Gverm, b’na˙a ssostni li hemm daqshekk korruzzjoni tant li sa˙ansitra l-OppoΩizzjoni ssemmi l-˙abs g˙al Dr Joseph Muscat, u min-na˙a l-o˙ra l-Gvern jiç˙ad dawn l-akkuΩi u jitfa’ akkuΩi o˙ra fuq l-OppoΩizzjoni dwar ˙lasijiet mo˙bija li rçeva, bil-poplu ma jafx lil min se jaqbad jemmen. Hija tassew ˙asra li ninsabu f’sitwazzjoni b˙al din.
Logo tal-Partit Nazzjonalista
Elezzjoni Bikrija
ela se jkollna elezzjoni bikrija. Kif jidher millbidu ta’ dan l-artiklu, il˙sieb kien li nipprova nevita’ kemm jista’ jkun li nikkummenta dwar il-politika, imma kif jg˙id il-qawl Malti, il-bniedem jipproponi u Alla jiddisponi. G˙ax t-t˙abbira li l-elezzjoni ©enerali se ssir f’Ìunju ma j˙allilix g˙aΩla ˙lief li nag˙mel xi kummenti dwar din l-a˙bar hekk importanti. L-istennija li l-Prim Ministru kien se j˙abbar id-data tal-Elezzjoni Ìenerali fil-Mass Meeting tal-Ewwel ta’ Mejju kienet fuq fomm kul˙add. G˙alkemm, attwalment, kien hemm ˙afna li ˙asbu li filwaqt li j˙abbar id-data talelezzjoni, ix-xoljiment tal-Parlament ma kienx dakinhar stess, imma l-g˙ada meta kien mistenni li b˙as-soltu jiltaqa’ l-Parlament. Sintendi, it-t˙abbar tal-elezzjoni bikrija, ng˙atat diversi nterpretazzjonijiet. Fid-diskors tieg˙u l-Prim Ministru qal çar u tond li kien ˙a dik id-deçiΩjoni g˙ax l-instabbiltà li qed tin˙oloq mill-OppoΩizzjoni qed tkun ta’ ˙sara g˙al pajjiΩna u ç-çittadini. “L-a©ir ta’ min g˙alih jista’ jissagrifika ssuççess tal-pajjiΩ g˙ax iddispjrat politikament u jrid jidher li qed jag˙mel xi ˙a©a, beda jaffettwa r-ritmu ekonomiku ta’ pajjiΩna. Kull min qed fin-negozju f’din l-a˙˙ar ©img˙a daq ftit mill-effett ta’ ˙addie˙or fuq l-ekonomija. Jien mhux se n˙alli li l-ekonomija ta’ pajjiΩna tispiçça vittma tad-deluΩjoni politika tieg˙u u tal-ftit ta’ madwaru.” Min-na˙a l-o˙ra l-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni qal
sistru issa tard wisq, ma nemmnukx u ma nafdawkx g˙ax il-giddieb g˙omru qasir, issa ma nemmnukx.” Kompla jg˙id: “A˙na qeg˙din hawn biex lil Joseph Muscat intuh li b˙alissa, pajjiΩna huwa mmexxi minn koalizzjoni ta’ korruzzjoni mmexxija minn Jo- dan il-messa©©...itlaq issa u tibqax tag˙mel seph Muscat, Keith Schembri u Konrad ˙sara lil pajjiΩna...” B’Muscat iwie©eb li hu g˙andu paçi u Mizzi. "Muscat g˙andu bΩonn jirba˙ l-elezzjoni ©enerali g˙ax jekk jitlef ji©i interrogat serenita’: “Paçi li ©ejja mill-fatt li a˙na m’a˙niex marbutin mas-si©©u. Serenità li arrestat u jista' jispiçça l-˙abs," qal. Insista li, “B'din id-deçiΩjoni (li jag˙mel ©ejja mill-fatt li a˙na g˙andna g˙atx li elezzjoni kmieni) Muscat mhux naqqas is- nservu u niddeçiedu, mhux g˙atx g˙al- poter. suspetti, iΩda kompla jΩidhom" Bog˙od mir-retorika, il-˙ru© tar-riΩultat ta’ dan ir-rapSintendi, il-fehmiet dwar l- port, jekk isir waqt il-kampanja elettorali (g˙alkemm nidg˙aΩla li g˙amel il-Prim Min- dubita), Ωgur se j˙alli effett fuq il-kredibbilta’ tal-mexxejja istru jvarjaw. Fuq quddiemnett politiçi, g˙alkemm il-politiçi g˙andhom ˙abta kif jinterhemm il-kwestjoni tal-inves- pretaw rapporti b˙al dawn ... u dak li jkun iswed, jaraw kif tigazzjoni ma©isterjali li l-Prim ippitruh abjad, u l-abjad ippitruh iswed... Barra sintendi li Ministru nnifsu talab li ssir dwar min jispiçça minn ta˙t jista’ ukoll jitfa dubji... u di©a` bdew l-akkuΩa li martu kellha i kont jidhru xi kummenti li jag˙mlu dan... dwar kemm l-inkjesta fil-Panama. g˙amlet ©ustizzja ma` kul˙add. Hemm min qal li l-Prim MinÓafna jsostnu li barra r-ra©unijiet imsemmija g˙all-elezistru ˙a dal-pass biex ma jil˙aqx zjoni bikrija kien hemm ukoll il-fatt li minkejja l-attakki jo˙ro© ir-riΩultat tal-inkjesta. kollha fuq il-mexxej Laburista u l-akkuΩi ta’ “Gvern koImma Joseph Muscat sostna li rott”, xorta l-a˙˙ar st˙arri© juri li Joseph Muscat huwa mhux jibΩa’ minn dan, u ftit aktar popolari minn Simon Busuttil, u li l-Partit Laburista qabel ˙abbar id-data tal-elez- qieg˙ed fuq quddiem b’4 punti fuq il-Partit Nazzjonalista. zjoni sostna li tant kien Ωgur Hemm min isostni li jekk issir l-elezzjoni b˙alissa l-Partit mill-innoçenza tieg˙u li wieg˙ed Laburista jakkwista ma©©oranza ta bejn 16.000 u 28,000. li jekk l-inkjesta ssib li hu kellu Paçi li ©ejja mill-fatt li l-unika g˙odda li x’jaqsam mal-kont tal-Panama jirriΩenja. L-istess Prim Ministru talab lill-Kap tal-Op- ˙addie˙or fadallu kontrina huwa l-gideb. poΩizzjoni li hu wkoll iwieg˙ed l-istess jekk Dan il-gideb se naffrontawh bis-sa˙˙a taljinstab li dak li qed jixli bih lil Musat ma jir- verità u l-umiltà.” (Ara “Il-kampanja elettorali” f’pa©na 15) riΩultax. Busuttil iwie©eb: “Le, Prim Min-
if isir is-soltu, iΩ-Ωew© partiti ˙ar©u lK logos partikolari tag˙hom g˙all-elezzjoni. (Ara l-logos fuq nett tal-artiklu ew-
Óasra li hemm min irid i˙amme©
ija ˙asra tassew li di©a` hemm sinjali H li l-kampanja elettorali tista’ tit˙amme© b’kummenti li ma jag˙mlu ©id lil ˙add. Ma nistax nifhem x’simpatija jista’ ji©bed kumment b˙al dan t’hawn fuq. Forsi hemm min jg˙idlek li dan kumment
ta’ persuna, iΩda huwa kumment ta’ persuna li jista’ jwassal g˙al aktar kummenti mhux xierqa, jekk mhux ukoll g˙al inkwiet kbir ukoll. Affarijiet li difficli temminhom jekk ma tarahomx f’pajjiΩ li jifta˙ar li hu Kattoliku!
lieni). Interressanti l-fatt li f’dawn il-logos iΩ-Ωew© partiti ˙allew barra l-arma tag˙hom, xi ˙a©a li ma kienetx ti©ri fl-elezzjonijiet ta’ qabel. It-tnejn li huma nkludew il-bandiera Maltija; it-tnejn tefg˙u l-blu fl-isfond tallogo, g˙alkemm min-na˙a tal-Partit Laburista l-isfond ivarja skont il-kulur tallogo. B˙ala tema l-Partit Laburista g˙aΩel: “lAqwa Ωmien ta’ pajjiΩna,” filwaqt li n-Nazzjonalisti g˙aΩlu, “Jien Nag˙Ωel Malta”.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Kampanja elettorali Xog˙ol u pagi li bdiet tirranka sew K
kollu li wieg˙ed qabel ˙a l-˙atra erba’ snin ilu di©a la˙aq attwa 85% minnu. “Din hija biss nofs triq, issa wasal il˙in li niddeçiedu jekk niqfux hawnhekk b˙ala poplu, u nassiguraw li pajjiΩna jilef kollox, jew inkella nkomplu nimxu flimkien ’il quddiem fil-kumplament tat-triq,” sostna Joseph Muscat. Interessanti wkoll dak li l-mexxejja po©©ew b˙ala l-g˙aΩla li g˙andu quddiemu l-poplu Malti. Muscat sostna li l-poplu g˙andu “g˙aΩla sempliçi; jew 'il quddiem jew lura". qal li l-poplu jrid jiddeçiedi “lil min irid b˙ala Prim Ministru, jekk hux lil Joseph Muscat jew lil Simon Busuttil. L-g˙aΩla hija çara. L-g˙aΩla hija lil min tridu b˙ala Prim Ministru biex tafdaw li j©ib xog˙ol u jmexxi l-pajjiΩ. Jekk hux lili jew lil Simon Busuttil.” Min-na˙a tieg˙u Busuttil stqarr li flelezzjoni li jmiss l-g˙aΩla tal-poplu mhux se tkun bejn PL u PN, jew bejnu u Joseph Muscat, iΩda bejn Joseph Muscat u pajjiΩ ˙ieles mill-korruzzjoni. Busuttil qal: “L-g˙aΩla hi konsorzju mag˙Ωul se jkun ob- bejn Joseph bligat ukoll li jamministra s- Muscat u lservizzi fiç-çimiterju g˙al ©id ta' pajperjodu ta' 15-il sena u jkun ob- jiΩna...u l-pobligat li jinvesti minimu ta' €6 plu se jag˙miljun fuq xog˙lijiet ta' Ωel lil Malta”. restawr. Dan il-pro©ett ukoll se jaqdi lg˙atx kbir li hawn g˙all-oqbra, tant li ˙afna nies kienu qed jippruvaw jakkwistaw oqbra fiççimiterji tal-ibliet u r˙ula Maltin li fil-ma©©oranza assoluta tag˙hom huma tal-Knisja. L-oqbra f’dawn iç-çimiterji jqumu mhux ˙aΩin - bejn Guaranteed cheapest rates €8,000 u €9,000. All vehicles in NRMA road Service Hu mistenni li l-prezz taloqbra fl-Addolorata se joqrob Low holding Deposit sewwa lejn dak mitlub millDiscount for weekly rentals oqbra f’çimiterji tal-Knisja. Biss, permezz ta Ω-Ωieda ta’ Shuttle service to the Airport 2,880 qabar se jkunu jistg˙u Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 jintlaqg˙u l-applikazzjonijiet li hemm g˙al oqbra ©odda u apl102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148 likazzjonijiet o˙ra ©odda.
id-diskors tag˙hom tal-1 ta’ Mejju Ω-Ωew© mexxejja tal-partiti ewlenin, Joseph Muscat u Simon Busuttil taw ˙jiel ta’ kif kienu se jmexxu l-kampanja elettorali. L-ewwelnett, u din ilni niktibha Ωmien, huwa çar li filwaqt li g˙all-Partit Laburista l-emfasi tieg˙u se tkun dwar il-kisbiet li g˙amlet l-amministrazzjoni fid-diversi oqsma tal-˙ajja matul dawn l-a˙˙ar erba’ snin mindu ng˙atat il-mandat, il-Partit Nazzjonalista se jkompli jiffoka fuq il-korruzzjoni u qed jag˙mel dan çar f’kull laqg˙a u f’kull konferenza mal-©urnalisti li jorganizza. Huwa çar ukoll li min-na˙a tal-Partit Laburista qd issir emfasi dwar il-˙tie©a ta’ kontinwazzjoni, u li l-poplu g˙andu joqg˙od attent li ma jitlifx dak li kiseb. Qed isostni li l-poplu jemmen ilweg˙di li qed jag˙mel g˙aliex dak
L-Addolarata: restawr ta’ €18m
la dubju ta’ xejn Malta g˙andha çimiterju li huwa ©awhra, l-aktar fejn tid˙ol l-arkitettura. Hija ˙asra li g˙al ˙afna snin dan ilmonument ing˙ata l©enb u partijiet sewwa minn çerti binjiet li hemm fih qed bil-mod il-mod içedu g˙all-forzi tan-natura. Attwalment, ftit ftit, it-telqa’ qed ta˙kem fuq dan il-post u l˙sara li qed issir ma ddumx ma tkun irreperabbli. Fl-istss waqt hija ta’ ser˙an ilmo˙˙ id-deçiΩjoni li l-Gvern jag˙ti attenzjoni lil dan il-post billi ddeçieda li jo˙ro© offerta ˙alli jsir ir-restawr taç-çimiterju... restawr li mistenni jqum il-miljuni ta’ Ewro. Il-Gvern irçieva twe©iba ming˙and ˙ames konsozji li tefg˙u l-proposti tag˙hom biex jid˙lu g˙al din l-isfida li g˙andha tqum bejn €17 u t-18-il miljun, li hi somma tassew konsiderevoli. Dan il-pro©ett se jsir fuq issistema ta’ public-private partnership u jkun jinvolvi estensjoni ta' 26,000 metru kwadru li jinkludi fih 2,880 qabar, kif ukoll kull manutenzjoni li jkun hemm bΩonn. Il-
ul˙add jaf li x-xog˙ol u l-pagi jirriflettu sewwa l-andament ekonomiku tal-pajjiΩ, mhux biss mil-lat nazzjonali, iΩda wkoll minn dak individwali. G˙ax meta wie˙ed ikollu x-xog˙ol u l-pagi jkunu tajbin dan Ωgur jg˙inu biex jg˙ix ˙ajja a˙jar. Jidher li f’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin bil-˙idma li saret fid-diversi oqsma x-xog˙ol ma naqasx. Anzi nistg˙u ng˙idu li Ωdied sewwa tant li f’Marzu li g˙adda dawk in-nies li kienu qed jirre©istraw g˙ax-xog˙ol kien ta’ 2,649. Dan ifisser li f’dawn l-a˙˙ar erba’ snin il-qag˙ad naqas g˙all-33% ta’ dak li kien f’Marzu tal-2013 meta saret l-a˙˙ar elezzjoni ©enerali. Din il-figura baxxa ta’ qag˙ad hija aktar sinifikanti meta wie˙ed iqis li barra l-impjiegi g˙all-Maltin in˙olqu impjiegi li mtlew minn barranin, tant li g˙andna aktar minn 34,000 barranin ja˙dmu f’Malta. Biss iΩ-Ωieda fl-g˙add ta’ nies ja˙dmu mhix biΩΩejjed biex il-poplu jkun jista’ jg˙ix fil-kumdita`. U f’dan il-qasam ukoll sar progress, g˙ax g˙adhom kif t˙abbru Ωidiet fil-pagi tal-˙addiema tal-Gvern. Saret Ωieda o˙ra importanti li t˙abbret ftit tal-jiem ilu. Din hi Ω-Ωieda fil-paga minimima g˙al madwar 5,000 ˙addiem li ftit li xejn setg˙u jla˙˙qu mal˙ajja. Din iΩ-Ωieda setgeat ting˙ata wara ta˙didiet iebsa bejn ir-rappreΩentanti tal-˙addiema u l-g˙add ta’ g˙aqdiet ta’ min i˙addem, bl-intervent tal-Gvern. Il-ftehim ©ie mfsser b˙ala wie˙ed storiku min˙abba li l-paga minima f’Malta kien ilha 27 sena ma tiΩdied. Il-ftehim ©ie ffirmat mid-diversi g˙aqdiet kif ukoll mill-Prim Ministru u mill-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni li lkoll kellhom tif˙ir g˙all-mod kif ntla˙aq ftehim dwar din iΩ-Ωieda. Biss mhux kul˙add qabel maΩ-Ωieda li ng˙atat, g˙ax g˙aqda li kienet tinsisti g˙al Ωieda fil-paga minima ˙ar©et tg˙id li ma ng˙atatx Ωieda biΩΩejjed. Fl-istess waqt, g˙alkemm il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni qabel ma dawn iΩ-Ωidiet, il-mexxejja tal-Partit Demokratiku, li issa ng˙aqad f’koalizzjoni malPartit Nazzjonalista, ikkritika bl-a˙rax dan il-ftehim. Barra minn dan, il-kandidat tal-PN g˙all-elezzjoni li ©ejja, Salvu Mallia sa˙ansitra fuq facebook b’ingwa©© baxx u sarkastiku, ˙are© jg˙id lill-Gvern fejn g˙andu jpo©©i Ω-Ωieda li ta’ fil-paga minima!
Leo’s Vehicle Rentals
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
A quick glimpse at Australia
Australia in war zones for long-term commitment
n a surprise visit to Iraq and Afghanistan on Anzac Day, PM Malcolm Turnbull who had just hosted to Australia, US V/President Mike Spence said “Australian military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan is for the foreseeable future”, and that “training of local forces needs to be a long-term commitment”. After a meeting with US Defence Secretary James Mattis in the Afghan capital, Kabul, the Prime Minister also said Australia would consider further requests for help in fighting terrorists and insurgency groups in the Middle East. “But it is one of supporting, above all of the training, the Afghan and Iraqi security forces – both military and police – to ensure that they have the ability to defend their own country, to push back the terrorists where they've made gains and to secure the territory that the government is holding.” His remarks are significant because it is the strongest indication yet that the noncombat deployments to the troubled countries are indefinite. So far, the Australian government has only committed publicly to keeping its training troops in Afghanistan until 2018. Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott orig-
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with the troops in Kabul inally stated a two-year deployment for the to Operation Highroad in Afghanistan. 330 trainers to Iraq in April 2015. Australia would provide a further $110 Mr Turnbull also met Iraqi Prime Minister million in humanitarian and stabilisation asHaider Al-Abadi and congratulated him on sistance for Iraq. In the past year, Austhe strong military gains against Islamic tralia's aid program in Afghanistan has State, which has now lost more than 60 per helped enrol more than 5000 children in cent of the territory it once held in Iraq. school, trained more than 9000 farmers and There are more than 1700 Australian De- funded many women's shelters. fence Force personnel in the Middle East, PM Turnbull would have visited Donald with about 750 contributing to Operation Trump at the White House and presented Okra in Iraq and Syria, and 270 contributing the budget by the time you read The Voice.
Working for the Dole a failure
ork for the Dole has been an expensive "demonstrable failure" that does W nothing to lessen the nation's unemployment burden, according to the St Vincent de
Paul Society, The Age reports. The charity is part of a growing chorus from Australia's social services sector criticising the "punitive" scheme, which it says is at risk of creating "a class of working poor" while doing nothing to create sustained employment. The Expenditure Review Committee had discussed scrapping the controversial program, but backed away from the proposal, with the government now backing in its support for the $648 million scheme.
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That disappointed those within the charity and social services sector, who have lobbied the government to dump the Tony Abbottled policy, which they said did little to solve the unemployment problem. “I think there is clear evidence - including the governments own evaluation of the program - that shows that the scheme neither builds the skills of participants nor improves their job prospects,” national policy advisor for the St Vincent de Paul Society, Corinne Dobson said. “From our perspective, we see the scheme as punitive, as demonising the unemployed and as being an expensive failure.” Ms Dobson said the money used for the scheme would be better spent in vocational education or job creation, which would more likely lead to meaningful employment. “The reality is, there are many more people who are unemployed than they are job vacancies – there is scope for programs that are supporting people to build their skills and to overcome particular barriers [but] the real issue is a shortage of jobs,” she said. “We need to be looking at that rather than blaming people and assuming it is their own fault that they can't find employment, which seems to be the underlying assumption in programs like work for the dole.”
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday May 9, 2017
A quick glimpse at Australia
Reforms to strengthen Australian citizenship
he Australian government announced that they were bringing in reforms to strengthen Australian citizenship by putting Australian values at the heart of citizenship processes and requirements. In a press release, the Minister of Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton said, “Our reforms will ensure applicants are competent in English, have been a permanent resident for at least four years and commit to embracing Australian values.” He stated that membership of the Australian family was a privilege and should be granted to only those who supported the Australian values, respected laws and wanted to work hard by integrating and contributing to an even better Australia. “Citizenship is at the heart of our national identity. It is the foundation of our democracy. The six new requirements to acquire Australian citizenship are: 1. All applicants are required to pass a standalone English test, involving reading, writing
alone english test, involving reading, writing, listening and speaking; 2. Applicants are required to have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for at least four years (instead of one year at present); 3. Citizenship test will be strengthened with new and more meaningful questions that assess an applicant's understanding of - and commitment to - shared values and responsibilities; 4. Applicants will be required to show the steps they have taken to integrate into and contribute to the Australian community. Examples would include evidence of employment, membership of community organisations and school enrolment for all eligible children.
Discrimination Commissioner released leading for Change: A blueprint for cultural diversity and inclusive leadership. The Leading for Change report found that: • the ethnic and cultural default of leadership remains Anglo-Celtic; • Australian society may not be making the most of its diverse backgrounds and talents; • and a more diverse workforce makes for better decision-making. Leading for Change proposed actions with respect to leadership, systems and culture. This included guidance on senior leadership having ‘skin in the game’, measuring cultural diversity, strengthening accountability through targets, dealing with bias and discrimination, and enhancing professional development for culturally diverse talent.
Cultural diversity in leadership
he Leadership Council on Cultural Diversity is a group of leaders committed to improving the representation of cultural diversity within the leadership of Australian organisations. Formed in December 2016, the Council seeks to make cultural diversity in leadership a reality. Drawn from business, government, universities and civil society, Council members are advocates for diversity and inclusion. The establishment of the Leadership Council followed the release of Leading for Change: A blueprint for cultural diversity and inclusive leadership in 2016, which highlighted the under-representation of cultural diversity among senior Australian leaders. The Council is made up of, Dr Tim Soutphommasane, John W.H. Denton AO, Michelle Guthrie, Professor Peter Høj, Tony Johnson, Tan Le, Ian Narev, Dr Martin Parkinson AC PSM and Luke Sayers. Australia is an emphatically multicultural society. Almost half of the Australian population either was born overseas or has a parent who was born overseas. Few countries can boast to have enjoyed our multicultural success. It is striking that among our leaders today, in various spheres, we are yet to see our multicultural character being reflected. Why don’t we see more diversity among our leaders? Do we have leadership that is fit for today’s Australia? Recent years have seen some significant gains in diversity. But it is time to have a more specific conversation about cultural diversity. Prominent senior leadership on this is necessary if progress is to be made. In 2016, a working group led by the Race
5. An applicant can fail the citizenship test only three (at present there is no limit to the number of times an applicant can fail the test); 6. An automatic fail for applicants will be introduced who cheat during the citizenship test. The statement says, “English language proficiency is essential for economic participation. It promotes integration into the Australian community and social cohesion. Relevant exemptions will apply, such as for permanent or enduring incapacity and those under 16 years of age.” The new reforms will also consider criminal record including violence against women and children, of an applicant. “Any conduct that is inconsistent with Australian values will be considered as part of this process. For example, criminal activity, including violence against women and children, involvement in gangs or organised crime, is thoroughly inconsistent with Australian values. “These changes have been informed by the feedback received from the National Consultation on Citizenship, conducted by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and the Hon Philip Ruddock MP in 2015 and the 2016 Productivity Commission Report Migrant Intake into Australia.” The Government will introduce new citizenship related legislation into Parliament by the end of 2017. However, the new requirements will apply to all new applications for Australian citizenship effective 20th April 2017.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Claudia Faniello carries Malta’s hopes at Eurovision Song Contest in Ukraine
alta, through Claudia Faniello, will be taking part in 62nd edition of the Eurovision Song Contest that takes place this weekend in the International Exhibition Centre in Kiev, Ukraine, following Ukraine's victory at the 2016 contest with the song "1944". Claudia will perform in fifth place in the second semifinal on May 11 by singing “Breathlessly” hoping to qualify to the final on Saturday May 13 (Sunday morning in Australia). The contest itself kicks off on May 9th with the first semi-final. This will be the second time the contest takes place in Kiev, after 2005, and the fourth Eurovision event after hosting the Junior Eurovision Song Contests in 2009 and 2013. Australia will once again be among the 42 countries participating in the contest. It will to be represented by Isaiah. As with Claudia Faniello, he too will sing in the second semi-final along with 14 others. Both must qualify from this stage to proceed to the Grand Final. Russia has withdrawn after its singer, Yulia Samoylova, was banned from entering Ukraine after the government said she had illegally travelled directly to Crimea from Russia, a region that was annexed by Russia in 2014, to give a performance (a political decision). Maltese and Australians will have the chance to cast their vote. Hopefully, members of the Maltese community in Australia will support Claudia with their vote. Claudia, who is also half Italian (her dad is Italian),
has made a remake of 'Breathlessly' in Italian, titled 'Perdersi', which translates to 'Lost'. She says she did it to surprise her dad. Meanwhile, in Australia, SBS Eurovision Radio is to simulcast the Live SBS coverage of the first semi-final on Wednesday 10 May, the second semi-final Claudia Faniello to represent Malta on Friday 12 May, and the Grand Final (on Sunday May 15) at 5 am AEST. Listeners can also tune into the simulcasts of the Eurovision Top 40 songs on Wednesday, May 10 at 8.30 pm and the primetime TV broadcasts at 7.30 pm AEST on Friday 12, Saturday 13 and Sunday May 14.
RMASG day trip to Mornington
embers from the Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group M who travelled to Mornington recently to spend a day together are pictured enjoying themselves at this beautiful beach resort. Before the trip itself we were very concerned if the weather would hold as forecasts predicted rain and more rain. However, three days before the actual day, forecast changed to nice warm day with some clouds. In fact the day was an excellent, even hotter than predicted. All the members enjoyed the day to the full. At lunchtime, some decided to lunch at the hotel or for treat themselves to a fish and chips meal; others occupied a large table on the park to eat the food they themselves had prepared. All had a good day. As always, the members, always enjoy such outings where they can spend and enjoy a day together organised by the group’s president, Salvina Vella. - PaulVella (Melbourne)
Tuesday May 9, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti. Dan Askont kif ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-Malti. TISWIR IL-VERB Il-verbi li ma jmorrux ma’ din ir-regola (ikompli) G˙alhekk (i) minn kisser, rabbat, ©ebbed niktbu l-Imperattiv kisser, rabbat, ©ebbed kif ukoll minn g˙ammed, g˙affe©, g˙allem, g˙addas niktbu l-Imperattiv g˙ammed, g˙affe©, g˙allem, g˙addas; minn ˙awwel, sawwar niktbu l-Imperattiv ˙awwel, sawwar, eçç., kif ukoll g˙ajjar, g˙ajjex; (ii) minn ©erra, baxxa, saffa, raqqa, ˙alla g˙andna l-Imperattiv ©erri, baxxi, saffi, raqqi, ˙alli; hekk ukoll minn g˙abba, g˙alla, g˙atta, g˙adda niktbu l- Imperattiv g˙abbi, g˙alli, g˙atti, g˙addi u mhux ag˙bbi, ag˙lli, ag˙tti, ag˙ddi; (iii) minn bierek, fieraq, fiehem u fuqhom ukoll ©ieg˙el, mieg˙ek, qieg˙ed, Ωieg˙el, nieg˙el, wieg˙ed, rieg˙ed, ©ieg˙ed, xieg˙el. T.ç. Ji©i illi l-vokali tal-le˙en tin˙ass u tinkiteb f’verbi mnissla b˙alma huma dawn: insilet, inxorob, in˙eba, inteba˙, iltaqa’, intela (flok imtela), irtafa’, l-iktar meta dawn il-verbi jkollhom qabilhom kelma o˙ra li tispiçça b’konsonanti b˙al: mur iltaqa’, ifta˙ g˙ajnek w inteba˙ (flok u nteba˙); meta dawn il-verbi huma filbidu: in˙eba minnhom; meta s-sura tal-imperattiv tissawwar f’dik tal-preΩent biΩ-Ωieda ta’ wa˙da minn dawn l-ittri n, t, j. Ara: n-insilet, n-inxorob, t-insilet, t inxorob, j-insilet, j-inxorob. Hekk ukoll naraw illi verbi o˙rajn imnisslin li fl-imperattiv jibdew b’Ωew© konsonanti, b˙al ntefa, nkera, tkabbar, ng˙afas, stmerr, t˙arrre© jie˙du l-vokali talle˙en i g˙as-sura tal-preΩent biΩ-Ωieda ta’ n, t, j. Ara: nintefa, t-intefa, jintefa, n-itkabbar, t-itkabbar, j-itkabbar, eçç. Minn dan kollu nnisslu din ir-regola: 23. Il-qag˙da tal-ewwel konsonanti fis-sura ewlenija tal-verb tibqa’ dejjem kif inhi sa˙ansitra fl-Imperattiv. Ibiddluha biss il-verbi li g˙andhom aççent ˙afif. EΩempju: Sura ewlenija dàqq Imperattiv dòqq " " Ωàmm " Ωòmm " " mâr " mûr " " sâr " sîr " " ©ieb " ©îb " " ˙â " ˙û
Iç-çelebrazzjoni annwali tas-7 ta’ Ìunju (Sette Giugno 1919) fis-Civic Park Pendle Hill NSW il-Óadd 4 ta’Ìunju fil-11 am Ing˙aqdu mal-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW biex ti©i mfakkra b’solennita` u qima din il-©rajja storika li f’Malta hija festa nazzjonali. F’dan il-jum il-©ens Malti jfakkar dak li se˙˙ 98 sen’ilu meta rvella kontra l-okkupazzjoni militari IngliΩa u erba’ eroj Maltin, Manwel Attard, ÌuΩe` Bajada, Lorenzo Dyer u Carmelo Abela sfaw maqtula. Kul˙add mistieden. L-g˙aqdiet Maltin huma m˙e©©a j©ibu mag˙hom l-istandardi. Se jitpo©©ew ukoll fjuri fuq il-monument.
Hekk ukoll Sura ewlenija g˙àdd " g˙òdd " " g˙àΩΩ " g˙òΩΩ " " g˙âm " g˙ûm " " g˙êb " g˙îb " " g˙êr " g˙îr kollha sura b’aççent s˙i˙ jew twil. Jo˙or©u minn din ir-regola, il-verbi tâ, ©ie, râ li fl-Imperattiv jag˙mlu ag˙ti, ejja, ara. Verbi b’aççent ˙afif: Sura ewlenija qábad Imperattiv aqbad " " ˙áfer " a˙fer " " g˙álaq " ag˙laq " " séraq " israq " " ˙ásel " a˙sel " " g˙áder " ag˙der 24. Il-Futur (aoristo) li jwie©eb ukoll g˙all-PreΩent isir mill-Imperattiv biΩ-Ωieda tal-ittri n, t u j fil-bidu talkelma g˙all-g˙add farrad (singular) u biΩ-Ωieda wkoll ta’ u f’tarf ilkelma g˙all-g˙add imkattar (plural). EΩ. Minn seraq nag˙mlu l-Imperattiv israq, imbag˙ad nisraq, tisraq, jisraq, nisirqu, tisirqu, jisirqu. Hekk ukoll minn: (i) ©ibed nag˙mlu i©bed, ni©bed, ti©bed, ji©bed, ni©bdu ti©bdu, ji©bdu; (ii) qata(g˙) nag˙mlu aqta(g˙), naqta(g˙), taqta(g˙), jaqta(g˙), naqtg˙u, taqtg˙u, jaqtg˙u; (iii) tafa(g˙) nag˙mlu itfa(g˙), nitfa(g˙), titfa(g˙), jitfa(g˙), nitfg˙u, titfg˙u, jitfg˙u; (iv) tefa(j) nag˙mlu itfi(j), nitfi(j), titfi(j), jitfi(j), nitfu, titfu, jitfu; (v) bierek nag˙mlu bierek, nbierek, tbierek, jbierek, nbierku, tbierku, jbierku; (vi) tar nag˙mlu tir, ntir, (i)ttir, jtir, ntiru, (i)ttiru, jtiru; (vii) ˙abb " ˙obb, n˙obb, t˙obb, j˙obb, n˙obbu, t˙obbu, j˙obbu; (viii) g˙oΩΩ nag˙mlu g˙oΩΩ, ng˙oΩΩ, tg˙oΩΩ, jg˙oΩΩ, ng˙oΩΩu, tg˙oΩΩu, jg˙oΩΩu; (ix) g˙allem nag˙mlu g˙allem, ng˙allem, tg˙allem, jg˙allem, ng˙allmu, tg˙allmu,jg˙allmu. Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-˙ar©a li jmiss Tel (02) 9622 7799
A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese
Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW ...... for all your travel needs.
website: Announces: A Fund Raising Tour organised by The Friends of Providence House NSW A 16-day Fly/Tour/Cruise. Departing 25th May. Touring Venice, Florence, Rome with a Mediterranean Cruise and tour finishing in Malta. For info call Jim Borg: 96367767/0418825591 Karen or Noel at Breakaway Travel on 9622 7799 is proudly sponsored by Breakaway Travel, Blacktown
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
inkejja li fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a Ωidna l-pa©ni biex ippruvaw nakkomodaw ix-xewqat tal-qarrejja numeruΩi tag˙na b’artikli dwar il-komunita` Maltija u t-tradizzjonijiet taΩΩmien li m’ilniex li ˙ri©na minnu, dak tal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa, li hu tassew g˙al qalb il-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra l-pajjiΩ twelidhom, xorta ma kellniex spazju biΩΩejjed biex naqtg˙u g˙al kollox ixxewqat tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja. Wara talba minn g˙add ta’ qarrejja llum qed nippubblikaw ritratt li min˙abba nuqqas ta’ wisg˙a ma stajniex nippubblikaw dakinhar. Ir-ritratt, me˙ud minn Brian Decelis, juri lfer˙ tat-tfal ta’ dixxendenza Maltija jiffeste©jaw l-Irxoxt u l-G˙id il-Kbir filLa Valette Social Club wara li ng˙ataw il-figoli fl-G˙id, mag˙mula minn Lor-
La Valette Social Centre Mothers’ Day Luncheon Thursday May 11, (12 p.m) Mothers’ Day Luncheon 3-course meal and complimentary tea. $13 Per Person; Entertainment by DJ; Lucky Door prize For information: centre: 02 9622 5847
Imfakkra tradizzjoni Maltija tal-G˙id raine Decelis Il-qarrejja dejjem japprezzaw il-˙idma tag˙na biex inwasslu dak li jfakkarhom fil-pajjiΩ Ωg˙ir imma ta’ qalb
kbira u t-tradizzjonijiet li ma jistg˙ux jinsew minkejja li jinsabu tant bog˙od minn art twelidhom. G˙alhekk ninsabu çerti li jie˙du gost jaraw bir-ritratt.
AvviΩ: Tixtieq li tikseb kopja stampata tal-magazine The Voice of the Maltese ? ktar ma jg˙addi Ω-Ωmien aktar dan il-magazine The A Voice of the Maltese qed isir popolari. Ma’ kull ˙ar©a jiΩdiedu l-qarrejja li jitolbu biex jibdew jirçevuh, bl-Internet, jiΩdied b’mod inkora©©anti l-g˙add tal-imsie˙ba fuq il-pa©na tal-facebook, u barra minhekk qed ikollna ˙afna talbiet minn dawk li jkunu jixtiequ li jiksbu kopji stampati ta’ The Voice. Kif kul˙add jaf hemm çerti spejjeΩ biex kopja ti©i stampata u mibg˙uta bil-posta lill-qarrejja li jitilbuha, b’danakollu lesti li naqduhom, imma kif wie˙ed jistenna dan jista’ jsir, imma bi ˙las. Sa fejn hu possibbli t-talba qed ti©i milqug˙a u mal-kobor tad-domanda issa saru arran©ementi ˙alli nwie©bu b’aktar effiçjenza g˙at-talbiet, u kull min jixtieq li jikseb ukoll kopja stampata talmagazine issa sar aktar façli li jiksibha. Dawk interessati li jibdew jirçevu kopja stampata bil-posta d-dar qed ji©u mitluba jag˙mlu t-talba billi jibag˙tu email. Min˙abba li ghandna qarrejja mad-dinja kollha r-rata tal-abbonati trid tigi kkalkulata. G˙al aktar tag˙rif ibag˙tu email bit-talba lil:
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday May 9, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.
Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions
For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
©did meta l-kumpanija teatrali Çittadini g˙al darb’o˙ra mliet issala tal-klabb ta’ Wentworthville League meta ppreΩentat ilkummiedja, “Iç-Çurkett tal-Kunjata”. Fl-ewwel parti tal-lejla lkantant Joe Grima ferra˙ lill-attendenza b’g˙add ta’ kanzunetti u d-daqq fuq il-kitarra. Óadna pjaçir ukoll ninnutaw li waqt il-farsa ˙adu sehem Ωew© persona©©i ©odda g˙al fuq ilpalk. It-tnejn li huma, Charles
Functions May-August
May: 20th: BYO function at St Martin S. Deporres, Avondale Heights; 21st: Half-yearly meeting at Albion (2 p.m.) June 10th: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans July 8th: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans August 25th: Feast Mass at Croatian Church Ardeer; 26th: Dinner Dance at Melrose Tullamarene 27th: Feast of Croatian Church/Hall Ardeer
G˙al darb’o˙ra suççess g˙aç-Çittadini t-teatrin tradizzjonali Malti, al- Cortis u Vicky Rupnic ˙admu lIEΩempju menu f’Sydney g˙adu ˙aj. parti tag˙hom b’sodisfazzjon. Atturi o˙ra li ˙adu sehem ta’ dan intwera mill-
Annual Charity Dinner Dance Saturday 20th May 2017 6.30pM - 11.30pm
Grand Star Receptions 499 Grive Parade, Altona North, Vic 3025 Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40
kienu, Joe Borg, Joe Mifsud, Monica Ledger u Julie Farrugia. Susan Mifsud g˙amlitha ta’ MC u b˙al dejjem wettqet xog˙ol tajjeb. Iddirezzjoni kienet f’idejn Joe Borg. Joe Mifsud ˙a ˙sieb il-kordinazzjoni tal-palk. Fir-ritratt fuq (mix-xellug): Monica, Ledger, Joe Mifsud, Charles Cortis, Joe Grima (kantant), Julia Farrugia, Joe Borg u Vicky Rupnic.
(ritratt: Patrick Bartolo)
Come with us: enjoy & relax On Sunday May 28 the Maltese Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) is organising a visit to the stunning Japanese Gardens with teahouse, koi pond and pavilion. We visit GosPord Regional Gallery at East Gosford (Free entrance), and the Ettalong Beach Market, all under cover. Depart: near Wenty Leagues (Smith Street) at 8.30am $30 bus only. Contact: Marlene 9631 9295 *Reminder: Annual Dinner Dance October 14
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017 Sunday July 2: Lejla filBuskett Sunday October 15: Fete Sunday December 3: St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064
For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 1011am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2 4p.m: Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet -
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast
Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357
IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, li jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss se ssir nhar ilĦadd 21 ta' Mejju fis-1:00 pm. firRosehill Bowling Club.
Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Sports on 2 pages
Rugby Europe International Championships
Malta win group to earn play-off for promotion
A Maltese player (left) tackles his opponent from Croatia in their rugby match
alta’s national rugby team secured top spot in the Conference 1 South when they earned a hard-fought 14-14 draw against Croatia in Zagreb and will now face the Czech Republic next month in a promotion play-off for a place in the Europe Trophy Division. The Maltese, needing only to avoid defeat to win their group, came from behind to
clinch the result they needed thanks to a James Morris late penalty that earned them two valuable points to top group the standings with 17 points. After a balanced first half in which the Maltese registered the only points from a Morris penalty on 17 minutes to lead 3-0, the hosts were further shocked after another Morris penalty conversion, and a try by captain Domenic Busuttil. At that stage Malta led 11-0, but Croatia fought back strongly and A-League's most dominant club side - and one turned the tables by converting two of the greatest in league history. tries during a ten-minute spell from The matches was locked at 1-1 after 90 minutes Marko Buljac and Mirko Altamirano after Besart Berisha put Melbourne ahead on 20 to take a 14-11 lead. minutes, only for Ryan Grant to level on 69 min- Malta reacted strongly and preserved utes and take the match into extra time. No more their unbeaten record from another goals were scored until the penalty shoot-out. penalty conversion by James Morris.
Sydney FC crowned champions in penalty shoot-out
ydney FC crowned an extraordinary season S by defeating archrivals Melbourne Victory after a penalty shoot-out by 4-2 in a titanic ALeague Grand Final in front of close to 42,000 spectators at the Allianz Stadium on Sunday. After confirming the Premiership with weeks left in the regular season, Sydney FC have now done the double to cement their position as the
Green Gully, sail on but George Cross flounder NPL (Rd 11): Melbourne K. 1 Green Gully 2 Rd 12: Hume City 2 Green Gully 2 n an amazing finish at Green Gully an own goal from Melbourne Knights’ Milan Batur on 92 minutes gave Green Gully victory. Green Gully were reduced to 10 men just before halftime when Luke Walker was red carded and when the Knights took the lead on 50 minutes the situation appeared bleak for the Greens. But they managed to equalise in the 85th minute through Nicholas Krousoratis and with virtually the last kick of the game Batur turned the ball into his own net for an amazing Gully victory. *A Nicholas Krousoratis goal nine minutes from time earned Green Gully a share of the points in a 2-2 draw at Hume City. The hosts took a 16th minute lead through a Jonathan Bounas own goal, but Gully levelled on 40 minutes through Matthew Breeze. Hume regained the lead before the break. Yet Krousoratis rescued a point for Gully. FFA Cup (Rd 6): Avondale 0 Green Gully 1 A goal on 70 minutes by Wade Dekker gave Green Gully a 1-0 win over Avondale and a place in round 7 of the FFA Cup. In an even contest Gully got the fortunate break when Dekker’s shot deflected of a defender and looped over the Avondale goalkeeper.
NPL2 (Rd 12): Nunawading 4 George Cross 1 Rd 13: George Cross 1 v Murray Utd 2 fter leading Nunawading City for the major part of this game, Sunshine George Cross dramatically collapsed in the last 10 minutes to lose 4-1. In what was an evenly contested tie, the Cross ended the first half in front with a goal by Souheil Azagane. The match remained finely balanced until the 80th minute when the home team drew level and added 3 further goals to run away with the match. *Sunshine George Cross slumped to their second successive defeat, 2-1 to visitors Murray
United. They again let a goal lead slip to lose the match. Christopher Dib had given them the lead from a penalty midway through the first half. The lead was short lived as United levelled before the break and Murray that scored the winning goal in the second half.
*The Malta Knights Rugby League team were well and truly beaten by 244 (four tries to one) by Lebanon during the NRL International Round weekend at the New Era Stadium in Cabramatta for the latter to win the Phoenician Cup. It was the third time the Lebanese won the trophy by beating Malta. Lebanon led 18-4 by the interval.
A boy for all seasons t the annual presentation A night of the TerrigalWamberal Little Athletics (Central Coast) one boy received more accolades than any other. Harley Dimech won the 2016/17 Athlete of the Year title, became the U/11 Boys Age champion, and the most improved and Senior Boys Jumper of the Year. The night was even more memorable as the awards came as he was celebrating his 11th birthday. Harley Dimech has also won the North Avoca Surf Life Saving Club age championship for the last four years. He is also a prolific soccer player with the Terrigal Public School and plays rugby for Wamberal. Harley is the son of Matthew and Tracey Dimech of North Avoca NSW and grandson of Marlene and Lawrence Dimech.
Harley Dimech with his trophies
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Sports on 2 pages Hibernians players celebrate their 12th Premier League title victory after the presentation of the trophy by MFA president Norman Darmanin Demajo Photo: Christine Borg
Hibernians make it 12 Premier League titles
disappointing run-in by Balzan and a convincing finish by Hibernians helped the Paolites deservedly win their 12th Premier Championship title two matches from the end of the 2016/2017 campaign. In fact, in the end they won in convincing style, with seven points ahead of their nearest challengers. Hibernians made certain of their success when Balzan dropped two points on Day 32 to hand the title to them on a plate when they failed to convert a penalty and dropped points in a 1-1 draw with Hamrun Spartans. Then Hibernians secured the title with a 3-1 win over St Andrews to leave Balzan trailing by four points and with only one match remaining. On the final day, Hibernians, led by coach Mark Miller defeated neighbours Tarxien by 6-1 and with a jaded RESULTS - Day 33 Hibernians v Tarxien 6-1 Balzan losing to SlieSliema v Balzan 2-1 ma 2-1 in their final Birkirkara v Floriana 2-1 game on Friday, their Hamrun v Valletta 2-1 GΩira U v St Andrews 3-2 fourth defeat in the Mosta v Pembroke 4-1 third round, Hibernians wrapped it all up RESULTS - Day 32 Hibernians v. St Andrews 3-1 with seven points to Balzan v Hamrun 1-1 spare. Tarxien v Valletta 2-0 Birkirkara v v GΩira U 1-1 It was all the result Floriana v v Mosta 2-0 of consistency. At the Sliema v Pembroke 2-0 outset they did not set
the bar too high and with Mark Miller back their last five outings and suffered three sucas coach, they didn’t invest heavily in the cessive defeats to the end. squad, therefore ultimate victory, with 22 At the bottom reaches, Pembroke have been victories and six defeats could be described relegated while Mosta could save themas quite unexpected. selves the humili- Final Standing P W D L Pts No wonder therefore that on Saturday the ation as they play Hibernians 33 22 5 6 71 national stadium at Ta’ Qali ‘painted’ black- for survival in a Balzan 33 19 7 7 64 and-white, belonged to their supporters as play-off match Birkirkara 33 18 8 7 62 they celebrated their title win. with Division Valletta 33 16 11 6 59 Balzan had a most disappointing third One’s fourth-plac- Floriana 33 15 9 9 54 round, losing to the other title contenders and ed team Qormi. A Sliema W 33 15 7 11 52 Sliema – managing only a point against the win for the latter Gzira U 33 10 7 16 37 Andrews 33 9 10 14 37 Blues in three meetings. would earn them St Tarxien R. 33 8 11 13 35 However, having said that, Balzan still man- promotion along Hamrun S 33 9 6 18 33 aged to finish their best ever season in the top with Lija, Senglea Mosta 33 7 5 21 21 flight in the runner-up position, which is in- and Naxxar. Pembroke 33 4 6 28 18 deed a great feat for a team that has only been competing in the Premiership for the last six seasons, since 2010/11, and spent most of this season in the upper reaches of the standings. o far, this is proving to be a most disappointing season The season proved a disapfor Parramatta Eagles FC following three successive depointing one for both feats, including two at the Melita Stadium. They are also Birkirkara and defending still searching for their first victory after nine matches and champions Valetta, particu- if things don’t improve soon, this could become an larly the latter. At one time after defeating Hibernians it NPLNSW season to forget. In the last two outings the defence kept leaking goals, looked as if they could put in eight in total to share the worst defensive record thus far a challenge, but after that they never tasted victory again in (28 goals conceded) with the only team below them, Bonnyrigg. RESULTS: DAY 9 0-3 On Day 9 the Eagles had Parramatta v Hakoah t season’s end, Balzan an4-2 Manly U v APIA nounced that by mutual their luckless showing in a 3- Rockdale v Blacktown 0-4 3-2 agreement, Oliver Spiteri has decided to step down as the club’s head coach. 0 defeat compounded by the Sydney FC v Sutherland 0-2 During his tenure, Spiteri, with great help from club president and main spon- sending-off of defender Sydney O. v Sydney U sor, Australia-based Anton Tagliaferro, managed to establish Balzan as a lead- Tomislav Mijic. It capped a Wollongong v Bonnyrigg 0-3 DAY 8 ing team in Malta. Four three years running he led Balzan to a top four placing hugely frustrating night for 5-0 in the Premier League for three years running, an FA Trophy final, and a his- them. Parramatta offered a Sydney U v Parramatta Bonnyrigg v Rockdale 0-5 lot of endeavour after going Blacktown toric Europa League victory over Azerbaijan’s Neftci PFK in Baku. v Manly 3-2 The amicable ‘divorce’ comes only days after Balzan announced the appoint- behind early, but they saw APIA v Sydney O 1-2 ment of Vladimir Simovic, formerly Red Star Belgrade to the full time position several chances to restore Hakoah v Sydney FC 2-1 Sutherland v Wollongong 0-3 parity go begging. of the club’s Sporting Director and General Manager.
Balzan, coach part ways
Parramatta Eagles need pull up their socks up quick to survive