The voice of the Maltese No. 158

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 158

Fortnightly ora Fortnightly magazine magazine for for the the Diasp Diaspora

July 4, 2017

State opening of 13th Parliament

Above: Family photo of the 67 Members of Parliament of the Thirteenth Legislature together with the Speaker (front centre) between Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the outgoing Leader of the opposition, Simon Busuttil. The 13th legislature is made up of 37 Govt. MPs and 30 from the Opposition. On left: Archbishop Charles Scicluna greets the Prime Minister and his wife Michelle before the inaugural mass. Right: Opposition leader Simon Busuttil with his partner Kristina

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca inaugurates 13th legislature

‘Constitution can be the tool that unites the country’


n the occasion of the opening of the 13th legislature of Malta’s Parliament on June 24, the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca took centre stage in the House of Representatives when the Speaker Dr Anglu Farrugia surrendered his seat for her to deliver her first speech as head of state on such an occasion. This time, however, she did not deliver the normal partisan speech written for her by the government aimed at giving a list of measures. . It was void of any controversies which can arise. She said that it was intended to show the Government’s direction for the country during this legislature. The Presidnet said that in every democratic electoral process, the people are given the opportunity to choose a set of principles and a political programme for the next legislature. She admitted that every electoral choice, in itself, creates a dividing line between one party and another. Therefore, this same electoral process, which is so important in a democracy, can unfortunately create division. “We need to work together, as a State and Nation, from this House of Representatives and beyond, to bridge and close this gap,” she said, adding that in this way, the country would thus be able to truly move forward, as one nation, through unity and in unity. She said that the choice that the people made on June 3, has to be respected, and it is equally important that one also respects the voice of those who chose a different

prgramme, than what the Government has presented, which is how it should be, “if we truly value democracy,” she added. The President said that in a country with a population of a little under half a million, “we cannot let ethnicity, being Maltese or Gozitan, living in the north or south of the island, or coming from a rich or poor background. be issues which divide us. We have to admit that we are living in a world of different realities.” She urged for unity by saying that Government and Opposition must therefore work together to address these different realities, while at the same time, also carrying on with their political discuss i o n s , which the country needs, and which after all, is what democracy The Speaker, Dr. Anglu demands Farrugia taking the oath “Democof allegiance before givracy also ing it to the other MPs insists that 30 from the opposition) forming the our attinew Parliament. The first oath of al- tudes are legiance to the Consitution was giv- respectful en to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, and dignifollowed by outgoing Leader of the fied. Insults do Opposition, Simon Busuttil. pay The Speaker then left the House of not Representatives to escort President tribute to Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca into the p o l i t i c s . However, Chamber for her inaugural speech. the politi-

Anglu Farrugia confirmed as Speaker

r. Anglu Farrugia D was unanimously chosen by the new leg-

islature to act as Speaker at the House of Representatives. He was proposed to continue to fulfil the role that he had been conducting for the past four years during the previous administration by Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat. He was confirmed by a unanimous vote, on the motion by the Government and then took the oath of allegiance. The Opposition was given the chance to propose a Deputy Speaker and it nominated Claudette Buttigieg. Her nomination was also unanimously accepted. One of the Speaker’s first tasks was to give the oath to the 67 members (37 from the Government’s side and

cians themselves have to treat each other with respect and dignity. In this way, the people will follow their example… because actions speak louder than words. “Therefore, the Government’s first priority has to be to safeguard unity, and to work in order to unite our country, after weeks of intensive electoral campaigning, and after months of intense, and at times even destructive, debates. “We cannot expect this process of unity to take only a few days or weeks. We need a change of culture in our country, and of our mentality as a nation. A change which does not only depend on the Government and Opposition, but on the effort each and every one of us makes; including the media, civil society, and anyone who has any form of influence in our communities and society. “From now on, let us agree that every day will be a day of healing,” President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca said. She said that this process should serve as a boost to our democracy, which, during this legislature, would also start the process that would lead to a Constitutional Convention with the aim of modernising the country’s national institutions, and making them accessible and accountable to the people. The President said that through the changes it proposes, the aim of the Convention, “above all, would also be to unite our people”. She explained that the Constitutional Renewal, for the birth of a Second Republic to be based on national unity, would be part of the legacy of the current legislature. The President expressed her and the Government’s hope that the Constitutional renewal would be an opportunity to encourage a participative space and process, in which society would be instrumental to strengthen democracy and secure unity among us. “This government believes that the new Constitution can be the tool that unites our country and prepare us for the challenges ahead,” she said. The President then mentioned some of the achievements, particularly economic the country has experienced in the past few years, and said that the aim of the Government would remain for the national wealth of Malta to exceed the European average, thus ensuring that the Maltese will have the same, if not better, standard of living enjoyed by citizens in other European countries.

President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca addressing the House of Representatives at the opening of the State Parliament

*Contnued on page 3

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (left) and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil taking the oath

Rosianne Cutajar (LP), the youngest member among the 67 Parliamentarians

Crucial: Continue to create high quality employment

*From page 2

The Government’s priorities

mental health, as well as the right country’s Constitution. The President mentioned some of In the field of civil rights Governn her state of the address speech, President Marie-Louise the Government’s plans aimed at Coleiro Preca pointed out some of the priorities that the gov- ment announced that the first law sustaining its programme, by ernment has set for the next legislature.They include: would be that of equality in marmaintaining economic and social Maintaining its economic growth, increasing the work riage. Other planned reforms are policies based on diligence and force, safeguarding the national airline, Air Malta, address aimed at the State protecting the digconsolidation. the gender wage gap, have more women in a central role nity of those who are most vulnera“This is where the Government’s in the leadership of the country, lowering the voting age ble, by working to get at root proprogramme comes to the fore, by in general elections, and the elections to the European Par- blems, rather than against victims. reducing taxes for the workers, liament from 18 years to 16 years of age, and work toThe Government’s programme while at the same time maintain- wards developing more job opportunities, because more talks about strengthening and reing the Government’s pro-busi- work means less people at the risk of poverty and less ma- newing the House of Representaness attitude, which will continue terial poverty in general while respecting the quality of life. tives under the guidance of the to simplify the processes for emThe Government will also focus on a better quality of life, Speaker. They include in-depth disployers and create work opportu- which includes more family time and ensure a better work- cussions, including a focus on the nities. This will remain the crucial life balance. Against this background, it would be propos- possibility that elected Members of recipe so that our country will ing giving back public holidays that fall on a weekend. Parliament are given the choice to continue to create high quality emOther priorities include giving due importance to infra- serve on a full time basis. ployment for Maltese and Gozitan structure, alleviate traffic congestion, by means of modern Another reform the Government citizens,” President Coleiro Preca public transport systems. plans to strengthen is the principle said. The Government’s programme also caters for Gozo’s po- of accountability and meritocracy The President said that the Gov- tential and identifies the importance of connectivity, both and the implementation of a law ernment is committing itself to en- physical and virtual while protecting Gozo’s character and whereby people who occupy high sure that no one would fall by the natural beauty, and, the President said, also pursue the positions in regulatory authorities, wayside so reducing the number tunnel project between Malta and Gozo, and launch of a and ambassadors, are scrutinised by of families living in poverty would fast ferry service between Gozo and the Grand Harbour. Parliament. President Coleiro Preca said that be at the centre of its programme the Government is committed to fulfil its and that there would not be one child at risk programme in its entirety in a context of naof poverty. tional unity. Her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Pre“All the changes need to be laid down in cat also mentioned some of the proposals the framework of a new Statute for our included in the electoral programme that the country, through the birth of a Second ReGovernment intends to target in the legisla- public. A new Constitution for Malta has to ture, including strengthening even further be updated, to reflect not only the present, the health sector, firstly by keeping health- but also to anticipate the future. care in hospitals and health centres free for “Constitutional reforms are a time of naeveryone tional unity. They are moments of maturity, Education also has to continue to be the when the people rise above all that divides key for the future of Malta as it paves the them and embrace what unites them,” the way to social mobility. Hence education President said. should be kept out of partisan politics, she * It is the first time that the new Parliament said. building, has been used for the official When it comes to the environment the opening of a legislature. The building was President said that the Government’s pro- inaugurated on May 4, 2015, gramme plans to introduce the protection of The 13th Parliament is made up of 67 repthe environment, including the protection of resentatives, 37 for the Government and 30 Deputy Speaker Claudette Butti©ieg public spaces, the right to clean air, environ- for the opposition.


4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017


Q. My wife and I are about to retire. We have total assets his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese of more than $800,000 and part of these assets include an in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finaninvestment property. We have a loan of approximately cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities $250,000 on this property. Will Centrelink take the loan associated with financial planning. If you need more advice mortgage off the total investment assets when assessing send an email to Marie Louise via: the age pension? A. Provided the mortgage is on the invest- money to our ment property and not on your own home, d a u g h t e r s the value of the mortgage will be deducted when they are from the value of the assets when calculat- about to purchase their ing the age pension. own home to Q. I have been on the age pension for put towards three years. My wife will be turning age the deposit, pension age in three months’ time. I am say in 20 yetold that once she is age pension age her ars’ time. Our superannuation money, which is cur- concern is that rently in accumulation, will be treated we could have as an asset and then she will receive a a large capital very small pension and my pension will gain on this also go down dramatically. Is there any- i n v e s t m e n t thing we can do to maintain as much of and thus a huge capital gains tax bill to Q. I am 65 years old and still working. the age pension as possible? pay. Could you advise? I have just over $1.6 million in my acA. In order for you to both qualify for the A. This is a great idea as houses are going count-based pension and over $100,000 age pension your combined assets will up in value at a fast rate and the young gen- in my superannuation account. I wish need to be below $816,000. These assets eration is finding it quite hard to come up to continue building my superannuawill also include funds in superannuation with a decent deposit. Managed funds un- tion fund by salary sacrificing and was that are still in accumulation. like direct shares, normally have capital wondering if I could invest another In order to reduce your assets you may gains paid during their lifetime. $100,000 as a non-concessional contrigift $10,000 in the one year and purchase As the fund manager sells the underlying bution after 1 July 2017? a funeral bond for each of you to the max- assets a capital gain or loss is triggered and imum of $12,000 each. If you are in the paid in the same year. So I do not believe A. As you already have over $1.6 million process of making renovations, do not that capital gains as such should create a in your account based pension you will no longer be able to make non-concessional delay, as spending money on home im- very large problem for you. contributions. You are however still able provement will quickly reduce your assets. At the time of selling this managed fund, to salary sacrifice as long as your emQ. I have two young daughters. We are any other capital losses accumulated over ployer contributions and your salary sacplanning to start a savings plan through the time on other financial assets could be rifice do not exceed the $25,000 limit. a managed fund with $100 paid into this used to waive some of the capital gains cre- This limit is $10,000 less than this current fund monthly. We plan to gift this ated by this investment. year’s limit.


Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: * Wealth Creation * Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice * Maximising Centrelink Benefits * Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property * Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to entering Aged Care facilities Call Marie-Louise for a complimentary consultation on:

(02) 9231 2133

Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Fiinancial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103

Q. I am a self-funded retiree. My income is generated from my accountbased pension, which is close to $1 million, and from my SASS pension. I have been informed that after calculating the value of my SASS pension I will need to rollover around $650,000 back into superannuation in accumulation as this amount is the excess portion over the $1.6 million allowed in account based pensions after 1 July 2017. This is going to reduce my income by $32,500 per annum. Am I able to make partial withdrawals from the superannuation which is in the accumulation account to replace this income? A. Yes you are able to make partial or full withdrawals from your accumulation account at any time. This fund will be paying tax at 15% on earnings. The good thing is that if you do not need to make withdrawals from the funds in accumulation you are not required to do so. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Crowds rock at Isle of MTV festival


he Granaries at Floriana that a few weeks earlier hosted huge political activities, were in the forefront of activity once again, as around 50,000 music lovers local and foreign who had come to Malta for the sole purpose of participating in the largest free live musical concert in Europe, the annual Isle of MTV festival that celebrated its 11th year. The event, an MTV production in participation with the Malta Tourism Authority, held on a typical Maltese simmer day, was a great advert for Malta as it was broadcast live on TV in 20 countries and streamed live on Facebook and Snapchat. It once again also attracted some of the world’s big names in pop music that performed to the crowd’s delight for close to five hours. All the enthusiasts, some of whom had spent hours in scorching sun as early as 4 p.m. in order to occupy vintage points as close as possible to the stage, were regaled with a spectacular show. But they weren’t the only ones who enjoyed the atmosphere and the entertainment. The performers themselves all had words of praise for Malta, both before the show during a press conference and after the event. Alex Pall from the US duo Chainsmokers said: “It feels like where we should be,” while the other member of the duo, Alex Taggart quipped: “We’ve never been here before and we only just arrived from Belfast this morning, but we’ve looked at Google images of Malta and

its beautiful.” After the show the Chainsmokers, who were the last to take to the stage twitted: “And thank you Malta and @MTV for an amazing show and time on your beautiful island! We wish we could have stayed longer.” Nineteen-year-old English singer Raye, who kicked off the show, said that playing in a sunny country was so different from what she is used to. Others performers on the night included English DJ record producer and songwriter Jonas Blue, and new dance-rock band DNCE.

Our Lady of Victories Parish Family Dinner Dance Date: Saturday 26th August 2017 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Mandavilla Event Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Cost: Adults: $65.00 Children between 3 and 10 years: $30.00 All-inclusive three course meal, antipasto pltters, pastzzi, wine, beer, softdrinks, tea/coffee Entertainment: Charlie Muscat, Joe Xuereb & Dj Shannon Fenech Dress: Semi-Formal Contact: Vicky D’Emanuele: 9606 0872- 0409 907 958 Mary Xuereb: 9677 0472 Parish Office: 9620 1242

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Il-festi reli©juΩi f’Malta... g˙all-bqija ta’ Lulju


if imwieg˙ed fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a llum nissoktaw nag˙tu ˙jiel tal-festi reli©juΩi li ji©u organizzati u ççelebrati bil-kbir fl-ir˙ula u l-bliet Maltin matul il-jiem tas-sajf u li jibqg˙u sejrin sa l-a˙˙ar ta’ Ottubru. Illum niffukaw l-aktar fuq ilkumplament tal-festi li jsiru sa tmiem ixxahar ta’ Lulju. U˙ud minnhom huma meqjusin biss sekondarji, madankollu xorta wa˙da huma wkoll festi u l-brijju fihom ma jonqosx. Il-festi f’Malta huma parti mit-tradizzjoni u ˙add ma jista’ jiç˙ad li huma element importanti li jsawwar l-identita` Maltija. Dan jafuh sew anke l-Maltin ta’ barra li g˙al xi ra©uni jew o˙ra emigraw biex jissoktaw b’˙ajjithom f’pajjiΩ ie˙or. Speçjalment fejn hemm massa ta’ Maltin, l-aktar dawk ta’ çerta eta`, il-mod tradizzjonali kif ji©u ççelebrati l-festi f’Malta Ωammewh ukoll f’dawn il-pajjiΩi mbieg˙da fejn qed jg˙ixu. Ewlenin fost kul˙add hemm dawk ilMaltin li jg˙ixu f’g˙add ta’ stati fl-Aw-

stralja, fil-Kanada, fl-Istati Uniti u anke jekk mhux b’daqshekk pompa, imma wkoll fir-Renju Unit. Huma ˙afna li ti©ihom din in-nostal©ija tal-festa Maltija, tant li hafna wkoll g˙adhom iffissati li jinΩlu g˙all-btajjel f’Malta fi Ωmien il-festa tar-ra˙al. Il-festa Maltija hija realta` u parti mill-kultura tal-pajjiΩ, anke jekk minn xi daqqiet hemm wisq piki li ©ieli jifirdu lill-istess nies fl-istess ra˙al, l-aktar fejn hemm aktar minn festa titulari wa˙da. Mhux kul˙add dilettant tag˙hom jew i˙obbhom imma nistg˙u nibqg˙u biç-çert li hemm kienu, hemm qeg˙din u hemm se jibqg˙u. Din l-identita` jifhmuha wkoll il-barranin li jΩuru Malta. Jog˙xew biç-çelebrazzjonijiet imlewna u spettakolari, li ftit jaraw b˙alhom f’imkejjen o˙ra madwar id-dinja. Óafna drabi biex iΩommu tifkira tag˙hom, ©ieli wkoll b’xi mod jew ie˙or jid˙lu flispirtu u anke jipparteçipaw. Imbag˙ad tarahom jirrikordjaw il-parti li l-aktar li timpressjonahom b’ritratti u filmati. Huma

End of term for Melbourne Consul General Victor Grech


he Voice of the Maltese has learnt that after three years, Victor Grech’s term as Consul General for Victoria has come to an end. Grech, who had been serving in his post in Melbourne, is soon to be replaced. A farewell function organised by the Victoria MCC in Parkville was held in his ho-

nour. *Meanwhile, reliable sources have told this magazine that Bank of Valletta (BOV) will close its last fiscal connection with the Maltese community in Australia, It is contemplating the closing of its office at 16 WATT ST 3020 Sunshine, Victoria.

wkoll jixxalaw bil-brjju tal-marçi, id-daqq tal-baned fuq il-plançieri f’xi rkejjen talir˙ula, il-murtali u ©-©i©©ifogu. F’Malta g˙ad hawn voluntiera li jag˙mlu minn kollox g˙as-suççess tal-festa tar-ra˙al. Ming˙ajrhom ma jsir xejn. Minbarra l-˙in li jag˙tu, jo˙or©u wkoll minn flushom biex jassiguraw li tag˙hom tkun l-aqwa. Sa çertu punt dan ukoll hu mod kif wie˙ed jixhed il-qima li g˙an-du lejn il-qaddis jew qaddisa patruni tar-ra˙al, g˙alkemm ilkleru jsostni li huma l-funzjonijiet fil-knejjes li jag˙tul-akbar qima. Imma fl-istess waqt, g˙alkemm ©ieli ˙ar©u jikkundannaw l-esa©erazzjonijiet, l-aktar fil-marçi ta’ jum il-festa filg˙odu, mhux se jkunu huma li jwaqqfughom. Lura g˙all-festi ta’ dan ix-xahar ta’Lulju, ma’ dawk li semmejna fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a rridu nΩidu 16 o˙ra bi tmienja minnhom ji©u ççelebrati fl-a˙˙ar Óadd tax-xahar, fit-30. Nhar il-Óadd 16 tax-xahar hemm skedati ˙amsa. Dawn huma: fil-Kalkara (San ÌuΩepp); Óal-Qormi (San Bastjan); Óal-Tarxien (Madonna tadDuluri); Rabat, G˙awdex (San Ìor©), Valletta (Tal-Karmnu). Fit-23 ta’ Lulju jsiru tlieta: flImsida (San ÌuΩepp); Sannat, G˙awdex (Santa Margerita), u Ûurrieq (Madonna tal-Karmnu). L-aktar Óadd impenjattiv ikun dak tat-30 ta’ Lulju bi tmien festi, li huma: Balluta (Madonna tal-Karmnu); Wied il-G˙ajn (Sant’Anna); Marsaxlokk (Ma(donna ta’ Pompej); San Lawrenz G˙awdex (San Lawrenz); Santa Venera (Santa Venera); San Pawl il-Ba˙ar (Marija Addolorata); ÓaΩ-Ûebbu©, Malta (San ÌuΩepp). Il-bqija tal-festi sal-a˙˙ar ta’ Ottubru, nittrattawhom fil-˙ar©a li jmiss.

Georgina Bugeja 1926-2017 T˙abbret il-mewt ta’ Georgina Bugeja minn Fairfield NSW nhar it-18 ta’ Gunju. Georgina, mart George twieldet Óal Qormi fil-14 ta’ Ottubru 1926 u emigrat lejn l-Awstralja fl-1951. George u Georgina huma ©enituri ta’ ˙amest itfal. Huma wkoll nanniet u buΩnanniet. Il-funeral sar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Gunju fil-knisja Our Lady of Rosary f’Fairfield NSW. Il-kopja Bugeja kienu attivi u popolari ferm fil-komunita` Maltija. Ag˙tiha Mulej il-mistrie˙ ta’ dejjem.

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The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Group photo of the Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (SMOM) at the Order’s Catholic Church of St. Paschal’s at Wavell Heights in Brisbane during the Order’s National Biennial Conference in Brisbane

SMOM holds Biennial National Conference 2017 in Brisbane


n the weekend June 23-25, the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (SMOM.) held its Biennial National Conference in Brisbane. Some 150 Knights and Dames from all over Australia and New Zealand attended the conference and listened to messages from the PapalNuncio as well as from Mark Coleridge, the Archbishop of Brisbane, and other prominent and eminent speakers. Afterwards it was announced that the next Biennial Conference would be held in Sydney in June 2019. SMOM is a Roman Catholic lay religious Order founded in 1099 in Jerusalem by the Blessed Gerard, making it the world’s oldest surviving chivalric Order. It is the presentday continuation of the mediaeval Knights and Dames Hospitaller. The Order has a worldwide membership of 13,500 Knights and Dames with a volunteer group of more than 100,000 with a membership in Australia in excess of 430 Knights and Dames with branches in each of the Capital Cities of Australia. The Order is recognised by the Vatican and its Head Office is located within the walls of the Vatican. It is also recognised by the Government of Malta. A bilateral treaty was signed on the 1st November 2001 by which the Maltese Government granted SMOM for a 99 years’ lease

the use of Fort St. Angelo at Birgu (Vittoriosa). SMOM is also honoured along with Palestine, to be granted permanent Observer Status at the United Nations. The Australian Branch of the Order recently appointed an Australian Ambassador from Sydney, David Scarf, who opened an Embassy in Dili, the Capital of Timor-Leste, which now flies the flag of the Order of Malta. The Australian Order has recently also established a medical centre in Dili and plans the setting up of a school there in the near future. The clinic offers free medical care to the patients that cannot afford to pay. The Order has Ambassadors to more than 100 countries around the world. In and around Sydney the Order is actively engaged in various programmes to assist the poor and sick, including “Coats for the Homeless” involving regular visits by members to assist the homeless, providing them with coats, during the winter months and other personal items during the warmer periods

“Gorman House” and “Tierney House” where members of the Order regularly provide, cook and serve meals to attendees. Below: two prominent AustralianMaltese business and community leaders, Knights of Malta (L-R) Confrere Paul Zammit and Confrere Paul Sant at the conference

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Il-bilanç u l-iΩbilanç Ant. Borg minn Sunshine Victoria jikteb: politiku apprezza kemm kien diffiçli g˙all-edituri ta’

The Voice of the Maltese ffo orrttn niig gh httllyy m ma ag ga azziin ne e

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


dan il-magaΩin biex twasslulna l-a˙barijiet minn Malta u xi artikli tul il-kampanja elettorali, u speçjalment l-a˙bar tar-reb˙a. IΩda l-akbar apprezzajt kien g˙all-mod bi- ta’ g˙ajb. Kellhom rappurtar li qatt ma rajna lançjat li Ωammejtu f’kitbietkom ming˙ajr b˙alu u li façilment iwassal g˙all-qasma ma d˙altu f’ xi livell li ma kienx meqjus u bejn il-komunita` Maltija li suppost ja˙dmu bla ma dhaltu f’polemiçi tal-˙afna akkuΩi biex iΩommuha mag˙quda. serji li saru minn xi politiçi li tag˙hom ma kienx hemm provi jew li kienu g˙adhom qed Nota Editorjali: G˙add ta’ qarrejja mag˙rufin fil-komunita` ippruvaw kemm il-darba jigu kkunsidrati mill-inkjesti tal-ma©istrati. jisfurzawna nitilfu l-bilanç politiku li minn Ma na˙sibx li hu façli li f’Malta zzomm innewtralita`. Illum nafu li l-midja f’Malta li dejjem xtaqna u ˙dimna g˙alih. U˙ud dehtippreΩenta lilha nnifisha b˙ala indipendenti rilhom li kellna mmorru ma’ kurrent li jisbihija l-iktar li tkun Ωbilançjata. W˙ud minn lançja u j©ib il-firda billi nxaqilbu lejn na˙a dawn il-©urnali b’mod sfaççat, bla ˙abi u jew o˙ra. Grazzi li fost il-qarrejja g˙andna dawk li japprezzaw il-˙idma tag˙na. kontinwament jiΩbilançjaw ru˙hom. Jiddispjaçini wkoll li hawn f’Melbourne kellna wkoll lil MCC ta’ Victoria li qabΩu fin-nofs b’rappurtar politiku Ωbilançjat li hu

Grazzi lil Joe Dimech Marlene Meli minn Lalor Park NSW tikteb

ixtieq permezz ta’ din l-ittra nuri l-apN prezzament tieg˙i lejn il-PBS ta’ Malta u l-aktar u l-aktar lill-preΩentatur Joe

Dimech g˙al-mod interessanti li bih iwasslilna L-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta kull nhar ta’ Óamis u kull nhar ta’ Óadd fit- 8.00 a.m. (˙in ta’ NSW). Din il-nofs sieg˙a dejjem tkun ta’ interess speçjali u naf li eluf ta’ Maltin isegwuha kull meta tidher. IIum dawn l-ahbarijiet qed jaslulna bis-satellita` u g˙alhekk qed inkunu nafu x’qed ji©ri f’Malta b’mod immedjat u mhux kif konna qabel, xi xahar wara. Ng˙id ukoll li lil Joe Dimech nifhmuh f’kull kelma li jnissel, li qed ikun tajjeb u jg˙in mhux ftit biex inkomplu nrawwmu lilsien Malti fostna.

A future in Malta?

Jos. Caruana from Rockingham WA writes: y son is currently enjoying himself on a holiday in Malta with relatives at Mosta. He will be back after August 15, as he wanted to celebrate the feast of Santa Maria. I have just talked to him on Skype. He said he was impressed to be in Valletta for the inauguration of the new Parliament and sounded very enthusiastic to discover Malta also has Golden Bay, the same as we have not far from Rockingham, where we live. My son is a keen swimmer and when home spends a lot of his spare time swimming. It looks as if while on holiday most of his time is being spent splashing out in the clean sea at this bay. He says he prefers the one in Malta, small but wonderful he told me. This is his first visit on his own to Malta as a teenager. In a short while he has fallen in love with the island, so much in fact, that he is already planning ahead to when he finishes schooling out here. He hinted he might return to Malta, enrol at the University of Malta and graduate in the subject he most fancies According to him, after that it won’t be a problem for him to stay in Malta and find a job that he likes, as despite Malta’s smallness, there are plenty of openings for young people like him. So the first thing he is planning to do is apply for Maltese citizenship. He was told, and rightly so, that it won’t be that difficult for him as my wife, his mother, and myself are both in possession of Maltese passports. Honestly we won’t like that. We want him to change his mind in order for him to stay with us for as long as is possible. However, if there is a future for him in Malta, who am I to deny him?


Tuesday July 4, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Fr Claude Borg: Saçerdot li ta ˙ajtu g˙all-komunita` tal-Emigranti Maltin F

il-Knisja majestuΩa ta’ Horsley Park fi NSW, kif jixraq imballata bin-nies, waqt quddiesa ççelebrata minn disa’ saçerdoti, il-komunita` Maltija tat l-a˙˙ar tislima lil Fr Claude Borg, il-membru tas-Socjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl (MSSP) li miet fleta` ta’ 91 sena fis-17 ta’ Ìunju li g˙adda. L-a˙bar ta’ mewtu ©iet ippubblikata g˙all-ewwel darba fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a ta’ The Voice of the Maltese (Nru 157). Fr Ben Sant iddeskriva lil Fr Claude b˙ala saçerdot umli, ˙abrieki u ta’ determinazzjoni qawwija. Il-korijiet tal-komunita` min-na˙a tag˙hom, ing˙aqdu biex tawh tislima mist˙oqqa u biex ftakru fih g˙all-im˙abba tieghu lejn il-kant u l-muΩika. Sar mag˙ruf ukoll li kellha ssir çerimonja o˙ra f’Melbourne fejn kellu jindifen flimkien ma’ s˙abu tas-Soçjeta`. Dan il-qassis tant ma˙bub f’˙ajtu, twieled fil-belt kapitali Maltija Valletta fis-27 ta’ Frar tal-1926 lil John u Marija nee Degiorgio. Kien ©ie mg˙ammed fil-parroçça ta’ San Duminku bl-isem ta’ Victor. Fl-eta’ ta’ 12 il-sena huwa ng˙aqad mal-aspiranti tal-MSSP u wara li ©ie ordnat saçerdot fit-22 ta’ Diçembru tal-1951 u ng˙ata l-isem ta’ Claude, beda l-˙idma tieg˙u ta’ qassis fl-Oratorju ta’ San Domenico Savio f’Birkirkara. Óames snin wara huwa ntbag˙at Melbourne fl-Awstralja biex jg˙in lil imsie˙ba o˙ra tas-Soçjetà fil-˙dima tag˙hom. Wasal Melbourne f’Ottubru tal-1956 fuq il-vapur Castel Felice, u disa’ snin wara, fl-1965 gie ma˙tur kappillan tal-parroçça Our Lady of Victories f’Horsley Park NSW biex sar l-ewwel Kappillan Malti f’din il-Parrocca, li dak iΩ-Ωmien kienet g˙adha fil-formazzjoni tag˙ha. Fin-1968 Fr Claude bierek l-ewwel ©ebla tal-bini talMarion Peace Memorial Hall, imsemmija g˙al ommu Mary u o˙tu Marion li t-tnejn li huma kienu tilfu ˙ajjithom fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija waqt attakk millajru fuq Malta fit-13 ta’ April tal-1942. Fl-1970 regg˙u bag˙tu g˙alih minn Malta fejn ing˙ata l-kariga ta’ assistent tas-Superjur Ìenerali. Kien anke qatta’ xi Ωmien fil-missjoni fil-Peru. Fl-1980 re©a’ lura lejn Sydney fejn ˙adem b˙ala Chaplain fid-djoçesi ta’ Parramatta qabel re©a’ serva g˙al sitt snin o˙ra f’Melbourne, u mbag˙ad intbag˙at lura Sydney biex jaqdi lill-fidili fil-parroçça ta’ San ÌuΩepp ta’ Rozelle. Fr Claude iddedika ˙ajtu fost l-emigranti kattoliçi ta’ Sydney u Melbourne b’devozzjoni u ener©ija ˙afna iktar milli kien mitlub mill-vokazzjoni tieg˙u. Huwa ˙adem b˙ala direttur spiritwali ma’ ˙afna g˙aqdiet Maltin fosthom iç-Çentru La Vallette, il-Past Pupils of Don Bosco, il-Óamrun Club u bosta g˙aqdiet o˙rajn. Kiteb ukoll g˙add ta’ innijiet bil-Malti u ttraduça ˙afna aktar mill-IngliΩ g˙all-Malti biex jitkantaw minn korijiet li waqqaf hu stess u li tant kienu g˙al qalbu, fosthom l-aktar reçenti, il-mag˙ruf JC Choir. Kiteb ukoll poeΩiji, u g˙add kbir ta’ fuljetti u rivisti o˙ra ta’ talb u devozzjonijiet bil-Malti g˙all-Maltin emigranti. Fr Claude hu wkoll l-awtur tal-ktieb Memorji, li hu ©abra dettaljata ta’ tag˙rif storiku dwar attivitajiet u g˙aqdiet tal-Maltin emigranti fl-Awstralja, kif ukoll lesperjenzi tieg˙u f’pajjizi diversi fejn ˙adem. G˙alkemm g˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 18-il-sena huwa kien irtirat fid-djar tal-anzjani xorta wa˙da baqa’ joffri sservizzi reli©juzi u pastorali kull meta ©ie mitlub. F’Diçembru tas-sena l-o˙ra, fl-eta` ta’ 90 sena, Fr Claude iççelebra l-65 sena tal-ordinazzjoni tieg˙u. Huwa kien anzjan izda b’qalb ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ li dejjem lest li jg˙in. Mulej ag˙tih il-mistrie˙ ta’ dejjem. MariaDeCarlo

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Perspettiva Inkonvenjent pubbliku A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.


tit tal-jiem ilu ttie˙det deçiΩjoni li ji©u mne˙˙iha grupp ta' nies li kienu jorqdu barra t-triq f'wie˙ed milliktar postijiet çentrali prinçipali ta' Sydney, ji©ifieri f'Martin Place, çentru finanzjarju li jinkludi lBank Çentrali tal-Awstralja. Din id-deçiΩjoni ttie˙det millkunsill lokali ta' Sydney, skont irrapporti g˙al Ωew© ra©unijiet. Wa˙da kienet il-˙tie©a li jsir xog˙ol ta' kostruzzjoni fil-post, li wie˙ed jifhimha. It-tieni ra©uni kienet li l-akkumulazzjoni ta' o©©etti hija ta' inkonvenjent pubbliku g˙al dawk l-o˙rajn li juΩaw Martin Place.1 Dawk l-imsejkna li g˙alihom dak il-post ming˙ajr saqaf kienu jikkunsidrawh darhom ©ew offruti postijiet alternattivi ta' akkomodazzjoni, imma fil-fatt li ting˙ata akkomodazzjoni temporanja ta' ftit jiem se ssolvi l-problema? Dak it-titlu li ta l-kunsill, 'inkonvenjent pubbliku', g˙alija jixhed kif dawn in-nies vulnerabbli, li jippossjedu biss dak li jistg˙u j©orru, esposti g˙al kull tip ta' abbuΩ min-nies ta' madwarhom apparti mill-elementi, ji©u m˙arsa. L-aqwa li ©ew imçaqilqa. M'g˙adniex narawhom b'g˙ajnejna, il-problema spiççat. Issa nistg˙u ninsewhom, forsi kienet biss ˙olma kerha. Inserr˙u l-kuxjenza wkoll. B'min na˙sbu li qed nid˙qu? X'se ji©ri minn dawk il-persuni, wara li Ω-Ωmien ta' akkomodazzjoni temporanja jispiçça? Mhux li jsiru 'inkonvenjent pubbliku' x'imkien ie˙or? Xi sen’ilu, l-istess eΩerçizzju sar fil-©nien pubbliku Belmore Park ta' quddiem l-istazzjoni Çentrali ta' Sydney, li Ω-Ωew© na˙at tag˙ha kienu miΩg˙uda bit-tined ta' min dar permanenti m'g˙andux. Tkeççew minn hemm (˙alliha li xi whud marru lura, imma ˙alliha). U fejn marru? Min jaf? U x'jimpurtana? U x'se nag˙mlu b'dawk ta' ta˙t il-lo©o© ta' Wentworth Park, jew dawk ta' ˙dejn l-g˙assa tal-pulizija ta' Woolloomooloo? Il-problema ta' nies li m'g˙andhomx saqaf fuq rashom hija kbira, iktar milli wie˙ed jimma©ina possibbli f'pajjiΩ avvanzat ekonomikament b˙all-Awstralja. Huwa stmat li fl-2011, 0.5% tal-popolazzjoni (madwar mitt elf persuna) kien qieg˙ed f'din issitwazzjoni. Din l-istatistika tvarja fl-istati u t-territorji Awstraljani minn 0.3% sa 0.5%, ˙lief g˙an-Northern Territory fejn ir-rata tispara 'l fuq sostanzjalment g˙al 7%! Minn dawk kollha li jg˙ixu barra minn dar permanenti, il-proporzjon ta' nies skont l-età fl-2011 kienet kif muri fit-tabella fla˙˙ar tal-artiklu:2 Possibbli li pajjiΩ sinjur b˙all-Awstralja, li g˙andha ekonomija bi skala tat-triljuni ta' dollari, mhix kapaçi ssib soluzzjoni? Li nies jispiççaw f'din is-sitwazzjoni wie˙ed ma jistax jippreveniha, g˙ax jistg˙u ikunu qed ja˙arbu minn sitwazzjonijiet diffiçli b˙al pressjoni finanzjarja, abbuΩ fil-familja, vjolenza domestika eçç. Imma li jibqg˙u f'din is-sitwazzjoni, g˙al ©img˙at, xhur u snin, ming˙ajr g˙ajnuna deçiΩiva, hija tal-biki, u tal-mist˙ija. Jidher li hawn g˙arfien li xi ˙a©a trid issir, g˙ax il-miri tal-gvern

kitba ta’


Tindifa wara li l-belt ta’ Sydney ne˙˙iet in-nies li kienu jorqdu barra

Ritratt: Sydney Morning Herald

Awstraljan f'dan il-qasam u o˙rajn simili, b˙all-akkomodazzjoni soçjali, mhumiex qed jintla˙qu.3 Fil-fatt, fil-ba©it ta' din is-sena, il-gvern federali ippropona Ωieda globali fl-infieq fuq medda ta' tliet snin, u finanzjar u inçentivar tal-bini ta' akkomodazzjoni soçjali.4 Irrid ng˙id li dawn huma miΩuri fid-direzzjoni t-tajba. Kien San Ìwann Battista li avΩana li jekk g˙andna Ωew© qomos, g˙andna nag˙tu wa˙da lil min m'g˙andux, u li nag˙mlu l-istess bl-ikel.5 Dan huwa sentiment li jdoqq g˙alija, g˙alhekk obbligu morali li kollettivament ng˙inu lil dawn in-nies.































Referenzi 1., retrieved 26/6/2017 2. homelessness/homeless-statistics, retrieved 26/6/2017 3., retrieved 27/6/2017 4., retrieved 27/6/2017 5. Lk 3:11

Tuesday July 4, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Mafkar f’©ie˙ Cosmana Navarra fil-knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat


inn dejjem sostnejt li l-Knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat g˙andha dejn kbir malbenefattriçi tag˙ha Cosmana Navarra. Din il-mara nobbli minn butha ˙allset g˙allbini ta’ din il-knisja maestuΩa ddedikata lill-Appostlu tal-©nus San Pawl. Cosmana Navarra (imwielda Guzmana Cumbo u meta zzew©et Cassar, baqg˙et mag˙rufa l-aktar b’kunjom ommha, Navarra. Hija kienet bint Gakbu u Cornelia Cumbo (nee` Navarra). F’Ìunju tal-1625, fl-eta` ta’ 25 sena, hija ΩΩew©et lil Lorenzo Cassar fil-Kattidral tal-Imdina. MiΩ-Ωwie© ma kellhomx ulied, g˙alhekk ˙afna mill˙in Cosmana kienet tiddedikah kemm g˙all-bini taddar tag˙hom u wkoll tal-Knisja ta’ San Pawl, il-qaddis li tant kienet devota tieg˙u, ftit bog˙od mid-dar tag˙ha. Jing˙ad ukoll li kienet hi li g˙aΩlet lil Lorenzo Gafa` biex jiddisinja l-knisja. Hemm dokument bid-data tad-19 ta’ April 1664 li fih jinghad lil Cosmana ˙allset 1700 skud biex seta’ jitkompla l-pro©ett li kien beda fl-1653 imma waqaf g˙al sentejn fl-1662. Cosmana mietet fit-30 ta’ Jannar tal-1687 fl-eta` ta’ 87 sena u ©iet midfuna fil-kappella ta’ Sant Anton flistess knisja ta’ San Pawl. Jekk xejn b’danakollu, sa qabel mietet kienet rat it-tkomplija tal-bini tal-knisja. B˙ala stima g˙al din il-benefatriçi, fl-1735 il-knisja kkummissjonat lillartist Gannikol Buhagiar, biex ipitter l-imma©ini ta’ Cosmana. Hekk sar u din il-pittura tinsab fis-sagristija tal-kappella ta’ San Anton fejn hi midfuna. Hu wkoll il-˙sieb ta’ dak kollu li g˙amlet g˙al din il-knisja li ftit tas-snin ilu, nebba˙ lill-Arçipriet tal-Parroçça, il-Kanonku Louis Suban, li jqabbad lill-iskultur Rabti Joseph Scerri ˙alli jiddisinja u ja˙dem mafkar f’gie˙ din il-benefatriçi. Il-mafkar ta’ Cosmana Navarra sar u tassew sebba˙ il-kappellun fejn tinstab midfuna din il-benefattriçi. L-iskultur ˙a ˙sieb li l-mafkar jarmonizzah sewwa maΩ-Ωew© monumenti l-o˙ra li hemm fl-istess knisja, wie˙ed tal-Mons. Salvatore Manduca li jinsab fil-kappellun mag˙ruf b˙ala ‘Ta’ San Stiefnu’, u l-ie˙or Il-mafkar ta’ Cosmana Navarra tan-Nutar Francesco fil-knisja ta’ San Pawl ir-Rabat Catania li jinsab fil-

PeterPaulCiantar kappellun tal-faççata msejja˙ ukoll ‘Il-Kappellun ta’ Cosmana Navarra’. Il-mafkar il-©did ta’ Cosmana Navarra j©ib id-data tal-2015. Qieg˙ed f’Ωew© partijiet: il-baΩi tal-ir˙am, u fuqu l-mezzo-bust ta’ Cosmana Navarra tidher liebsa ta’ nobbli Spanjola u f’idejha ΩΩomm il-pjanta talKnisja ta’ San Pawl kif nafuha llum. Interessanti wkoll, u li ta’ min jinnota, li wie˙ed L-skultur Joseph Scerri mis-swaba’ (il-werrej) ta’ Cosmana jidher qed jipponta lejn il-qabar tag˙ha stess li jinsab fl-art, ftit metri ’l bog˙od. Din il-parti hija talbronΩ u n˙admet mill-funderija ta’ Joe Chetcuti ta’ Óal Luqa. L-iskultur ˙a l-ispirazzjoni g˙all-mezzo-bust ta’ Cosmana Navarra mill-kwadru tal-pittura tag˙ha li jinsab fis-sagristija l-qadima tal-Knisja kif ukoll minn fuq ilmaskra tax-xemg˙a tal-mewt tag˙ha li tinsab g˙allwiri fil-MuΩew Wignacourt. Il-baΩi tal-ir˙am (il-pedestall) tikkumplimenta sewwa lill-mezzo-bust. L-arma ta’ Cosmana Navarra (tliet faxxi djagonali u tliet stilel) tiddomina sewwa l-parti çentrali tal-baΩi. Ta˙tha hemm skrizzjoni li kiteb Mons. Ìwann Azzopardi, li tg˙id hekk: B’qima lejn Missierna San Pawl u g˙all-©id tal-Poplu Rabti In-Nobbli Cosmana Navarra 1600 - 1687 Bniet minn flusha dan it-tempju Barokk u g˙anietu b’fided, pitturi u opri o˙ra tal-arti. Waqqfet ukoll fiz-zuntier Monument MaestuΩ lil San Pawl F’dan il-Kappellun fejn hija tinsab midfuna l-kleru u poplu tar-Rabat fis-sena 2015 ta ©ie˙ lill-©eneroΩità tag˙ha b’dan il-Mafkar mist˙oqq. Ming˙ajr dubju li din l-iskrizzjoni tag˙ti stampa preçiza tal-˙idma kbira li wettqet din il-benefattriçi fil-bini ta’ din il-knisja ewlenijja fr-Rabat. Il-mafkar f’©ie˙ha huwa kontribut Ωg˙ir tal-poplu Rabti lejn din il-mara ©eneruΩa u ta’ qalb kbira. Fir-Rabat ukoll, qrib il-knisja ta’ San Pawl u qrib ilMuΩew ta’ Wignacourt g˙ad hemm id-dar fejn kienet tg˙ix, Casa Cosmana Navarra mibnija fis-seklu 17. Illum qed tintuΩa b˙ala ristorant li baqa’ j©ib l-istess isem.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta’s impressive achievements during its EU Council Presidency PM Muscat calls it a “Fantastic Experience”


t the end of Malta’s EU presidency, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat described the experience as “fantastic”, and went on to thank the people of Malta for working together as a team that mirrored Malta’s skills. As of last Saturday, and until December 31, the rotating presidency has been assumed by Estonia. Malta’s role in the past six months was highly acclaimed. The EU’s smallest country won praise for its diplomatic prowess in brokering agreement on a range of issues. Even Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council described Maltese Presidency as “efficient and impressive”. European news portal Politico also praised Malta particularly for its diplomatic efforts and its achievements in agreements on several important issues, ranging from digital to Brexit. Politico said that Malta’s first shot at the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU was pitched as the island’s coming-out ceremony. With potential calamity never far from the door in the form of Brexit, the migration crisis and other problems, the presidency also has a vital diplomatic role – brokering agreement among 28 nations with often wildly differing agendas. At times, cat herding looks like a vastly simpler profession. It said that tasked with leading discussions between EU governments as well as negotiating draft laws with the European Parliament, the role is at the centre of what Brussels does best: legislating. “Malta turned out to be rather good at it – negotiating deals to push through legislation in dozens of policy areas.” According to the news portal, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, and the other Maltese ministers took full advantage of the many

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat flanked by Mr Donald Tusk, President of the European Council; (left) and Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission at the final press conference of Malta’s Presidency press conferences that placed them alongside EU’s political elite, who were gushing in their praise of Muscat at the t the last European Council chaired by Malta at the closing Council summit last end of its six-month Presidency, European Council week. President Donald Tusk gave Prime Minister Joseph Politico even rated Malta’s Muscat and Malta a most satisfying and dignified cerachievements in its priorities. tificate by describing it as the best experience he has It awarded Malta a 7 out of ever had in his professional life. 10 overall rating and in cerAt the conclusion of his speech at the Council that fotain areas even gave it higher cussed on security and defence, foreign affairs, climate marks. It attributed this to change, economy, trade and migration, Tusk turned to Malta’s professionalism and Muscat and told him: “Finally, I really want to thank the hard work carried out Joseph Muscat and his team for a very efficient Maltese both by Malta’s representapresidency. Joseph, I truly appreciate your hard work. tives in Brussels and in It is not a typical slogan, traditionally we should say Malta. something like that but believe me this has been one of As to the ratings, it gave the best experiences in my professional life. Malta’s presidency 8/10 on “Thank you for your help with preparing the Brexit Agriculture; 7/10 on Climate negotiations, and for moving things forward in the inand Environment; 6/10 on ternal security agenda, on migration as well as for overDigital Single Market and seeing the final end of roaming charges. Employment and Social Pol“Seriously, Joseph, you deserve all the praise that you icy; 8/10 on Energy; 6/10 on are rightly getting. Thank you! Financial Services; 7/10 on Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Health; 7/10 Commission, was in full agreement with Tusk. He also on Migration praised the commitments by the Maltese Ministers and Neighthroughout the Presidency. bourhood; 7/10 on Security and Jus- unity among the EU27 was crucial to pretice; 7/10 on Trade and vent the U.K. playing a divide and rule Transport. strategy. Malta achieved this in spades, it When it comes to Brexit, said. Politico gave Malta an It also got a 10/10 rating in Maritime and eight out of 10 rating. Fishing. It said: EU leaders can create disIt said that Malta was sad- agreement about the weather – discord is dled with the job of mar- standard operating procedure – but Malta shalling the EU’s response kept the 27 solidly together. to the start of formal Brexit Politico said that the real surprise for was proceedings, adding that that during the Malta presidency, the EU complete and unwavering Council made as much progress as it did.

Tusk: Malta deserves all the praise


The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

Discrimination, injustices weaken women’s dignity


ddressing a UNESCO conference in Paris as part of UNESCO’s ‘Soft Power Today’, titled “Fostering Women’s Empowerment and Leadership”, Malta President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca pointed out that highlighting gender equity and equality is a topic close to her heart, as such, she fully endorsed the initia-

Companies saving €1m. in energy bills in a year

he results of a preliminary survey among 20 Maltese companies has T shown that they are currently saving around a million Euro a year in energy bills since the introduction of the special tariffs last year and other improvements. The survey that was commissioned by the Malta Business Bureau shows a positive attitude in favour of investment to reduce further energy consumption that could lead to further improved competitiveness. The survey was discussed at a conference themed ‘Investing in Energy’ that was addressing by Energy and Water Minister Joe Mizzi. He said that the agency is committed to raising more awareness in order for more companies to carry out studies how to reduce consumption in their operations.

tive of the meeting as it had an important role to promote educational perspectives against discrimination and violence faced by women and children worldwide. She expressed satisfaction that such issues regarding equality between the sexes are a priority for UNESCO and are at the heart of the Agenda mandate for 2030. The President said that discrimination and injustices that weaken the dignity of women and girls should be addressed, as they stifle women’s participation in society. “Let me therefore state, in no uncertain terms, that the only pathway to achieve the sustainable and meaningful well being of women and girls is by confronting the patriarchy. Patriarchal oppression is present throughout our societies in the way our cultural narratives function and are disseminated,” she said. She went on to say that this social system gives more power to men, and is leading to many injustices. The speech that the President delivered to

Sicilian police swop on drug traffickers


49-year-old Maltese man, is currently detained in a Ragusa, Italy prison, after getting arrested following a police search in his car, that had UK licence plates. The police found 22kg of heroin and cocaine worth millions of Euros hidden in a compartment in the car’s back seat. The man was waiting to board a ferry to Malta from Pozzallo when he attracted the attention of police officers. When he was approached by the police for questioning he failed to provide a convincing explanation as to why he was travelling through Italy. It was then that his car was searched with dogs. The police said they found 11 packets of cocaine weighing a total of 13kg and 11 pack-

ets of heroin weighing a further 9kg.  Six days earlier a 53-year-old Sicilian was also arrested in Pozzallo with 15kgs of marijuana hidden in spare the wheels of his rented car just as he was about to board the ferry to Malta. He aroused suspicion as apart from the normal one spare wheel, he had two others. Police dogs snifffed the drugs find and his car was taken to be intensely searched. The police found a number of packets of cocaine ready to be trafficked. The find was again the result of intensive searches by the police at the Sicily-Malta route. A spokesman for the Italian police said that at the beginning of summer tracfficking of drugs had incresed, therefore they too stepped up their commitment.

NP allows Farrugias in PN meetings only on Parliamentary issues

Following the court’s declaration that former PD candidates, Marlene and Godfrey Farrugia won their place in Parliament at the general election on the same ticket as the NP candidates, at its first meeting the NP’s parliamentary group decided to cooperate with the Farrugias. It said in a statement it would only invite them to Opposition parliamentary group meetings, when discussion centres on parliamentary issues. The Farrugias, now part of the Nationalist Party, won Parliamentary seats that in previous general elections used to go to NP heavyweights. The NP has also decided that during the current legislation the two would have to follow the line of the NP’s Whip David Agius. They would also coordinate for voting purposes. In a statement the NP said, “This agreement is in the spirit of the way the PN and the PD fought the election campaign as part of a National Force.”

At UNESCO Malta President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca met UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova the august gathering made up of over 50 personalities and experts from around the world was very important and cannot be ignored. However, as we are short of space we will carry her speech in full in the next issue.

Jobless down to 2,500


ata provided by Jobsplus indicates that the number of persons registering for work in May stood at 2,502 compared to 3,511 in the corresponding month last year. All age groups except those of fewer than 20 years registered decreases. Compared to May 2016, registrants for work decreased irrespective of how long they had been registering. The largest decrease was recorded among persons who had been registering for less than 21 weeks. The number of disabled persons registering for work also decreased by 66 to 283. Males accounted for 67.5 per cent of total registrants with a disability. The largest share of males and females on the unemployment register sought occupations as clerical support workers with 19.3 per cent and 38.8 per cent respectively. The registered unemployment rate in December 2016 stood at 1.6 per cent of the labour supply, (excluding part-time employment) and varied from 1.8 per cent among men to 1.1 per cent among Women.

The best family gathering of the year:

The 30th Annual Dinner Dance Saturday, 14th October 2017 Mandavilla Function Centre 1788, The Horsley Drive Horsley Park NSW From 7.30 pm: Music by Joe Apap Book early. Donation $65 Contact: Marlene on 02 9631 9295 Organised by the Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) All proceeds to the Don Bosco Missions.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Il-Ftu˙ tal-Parlament


e nipprova ma ndejjaqkomx bil-politika, g˙alkemm se nirreferi g˙al okkaΩjoni fejn il-politiçi nistg˙u ng˙idu li kienu l-protogonisti... il-Ftu˙ talParlament li dwaru tistg˙u taqraw ukoll filpagni 2 u 3 u wkoll f’pa©na 13. L-inawgurazzjoni tal-Le©islatura l-©dida b˙as-soltu saret b’˙afna pompa. B˙as-soltu wkoll din bdiet bil-Quddiesa tal-Ispirtu sSantu li ssir fil-Kon-Kattidral ta’ San Ìwann, fil-Belt Valletta (din is-sena g˙allewwel darba qrajt kummenti fejn ©ie mistoqsi jekk din il-quddiesa fuq kollox hemmx il-˙tie©a tag˙ha... jien ng˙id li iva). Sintendi, din il-quddiesa serviet mhux biss b˙ala çerimonja reli©juΩa u ta’ ©abra, imma wkoll biex ˙afna minn dawk preΩenti jiddandnu bl-ilbies tag˙hom. Ma naqsux lanqas il-kummenti dwar l-ilbies, il-kpiepel (g˙ax g˙al çermonja b˙al din ma jonqsux il-kpiepel – sintendi tan-nisa g˙ax l-ilbies çeremonjali tal-kappel mill-ir©iel ilu li sparixxa), dwar l-ingravati tal-ir©iel, eçç. Xi fotograi, fosthom tal-Maltatoday minflok iffukaw fuq iç-çerimonja u lpersuna©©i, kellhom xalata ji©bru ritratti tal-kpiepel, l-ingravati, eçç, u dak inhar u l-

g˙ada taç-çerimonja ˙ar©u b’dawn ir-ritratti li w˙ud minnhom qed jidhru hawnhekk. Xi sorpiΩi ma naqsux, g˙ax tistg˙u ta˙sbu kif baqg˙u mbell˙in Julia Farrugia (MP Laburista) u Lydia Abela (Segretarju tal-EΩekittiv tal-PL) li spiççaw kellhom l-istess libsa u lil Melanie Abela (mart il-Ministru Abela) u Therese Comodini Cachia (MEP PN) li wkoll kellhom l-istess kwalita` ta’ libsa. Min-na˙a tal-ir©iel l-iffukar kien fuq l-ingravajjet. Kien hemm ingravati ta’ kull tip u kulur. F’kaΩijiet l-ingravati kienu jixxieb˙u, kemm fid-disinn u wkoll fil-kulur... iΩda l-ir©iel ftit li xejn deher li ˙abblu rashom dwar dan. Wara kollox ftit li xejn kien hemm differenzi fl-istil tal-ilbies tal-ir©iel... is-soltu qmis bajda,

©aketta u qalziet, il-biçça l-kbira skuri g˙ax hekk titlob l-okkaΩjoni.

L-istess: Julia Farrugia u Lydia Abela (fuq nett), u mart il-Ministru Carmelo Abela, Melanie, u Therese Comodini Cachia (fuq) . Xellug: kpiepel galore milbusa minn xi nisa membri Parlamentari u o˙rajn li akkumpanjaw lil Ωwie©hom jew is-sie˙eb tag˙hom, xi Ministru jew Segretarju Parlamentari inkella membri miΩ-Ωew© na˙at tal-Kamra. G˙allokkaΩjoni l-ir©iel (ta˙t) g˙aΩlu li jiddandnu b’ingravajjet kuluriti.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Il-li©i taΩ-Ωwie©


-ewwel li©i li mistennija tg˙addi mill-Parlament Malti hija dik taΩΩwie© fejn g˙all-ewwel darba ΩΩwie© tradizzjonali bejn mara u ra©el u Ω-Ωwie© bejn koppji tal-istess sess se jitpo©©ew fuq l-istess livell bl-istess drittijiet u dmirijiet. Din il-li©i mistennija li tg˙addi malajr mill-Parlament billi Ω-Ωew© na˙at talKamra fil-programmi elettorali tag˙hom kienu weg˙du dan, u re©a` ©ie kkonfermat mill-©did mill-mexxej tal-OppoΩizzjoni Simon Busuttil. Dan minkejja li fil-©azetta The Sunday Times intqal li kien hemm deputati tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li wrew ix-xewqa li fil-Parlament jing˙ata d-dritt tal-vot liberu (ji©ifieri li ma jkunx hemm direttiva mill-Partit kif g˙andhom jivvutaw) g˙ax kien hemm min xtaq li jivvota kontra. Sintendi ma nistg˙ux nafu x’intqal bejn id-deputati tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, biss minn dak li nkiteb fil-©urnali juri li fi ˙dan il-Partit hemm min mhux kuntent bilpoΩizzjoni li dan ˙a f’din il-kwestjoni. Fost dawk li kkritikaw bl-a˙rax dan ilpass kien hemm l-eks-Ministru tal-Finanzi tal-PN, Tonio Fenech li ma re©ax ikkontesta l-elezzjoni. Fuq il-pa©na tieg˙u talFacebook sostna li b’dan il-pass il-PN kien qed jitlef il-valuri tieg˙u u jissogra li jitlef aktar voti: “The decision the PN seems to have taken is lose-lose. Despite the electoral result the leadership of the PN fails to realize that forsaking what we value will not lead to success. Actually all the PN is doing is risking losing the votes of people who believed the PN stood for something and today are convinced otherwise. If the PN does not want our vote it keeps heading in this direction.”

Mhumiex jaqblu, imma... Id-diffikulta` ta’ xi deputati tal-Partit Nazzjonalista biex jaççettaw din il-li©i

˙ar©et ukoll fid-diskorsi ta’ çerti deputati waqt d-dibattitu tal-Li©i fil-Parlament. G˙alkemm qalu li se jimxu mad-direttiva tal-Partit tag˙hom li jivvutaw favur il-li©i, dawn ikkritikaw diversi punti tal-istess li©i. L-iktar li dejjaq lil dawn kien li minflok mara u ra©el se jkun uΩat it-terminu konjugi biex il-li©i ma to˙loqx diskriminazzjoni. Id-deputat Nazzjonalista Clyde Puli sa wasal biex qal li l-li©i qisha wa˙da ta’ xi pajjiΩ komunist. Dan id-disgwid fost id-deputati Nazzjonalista jidher ukoll mill-fatt li l-mexxej Nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil sa˙ansitra mar fuq it-TV Nazzjonalista biex jiddefendi d-deçiΩjoni favur il-li©i u sostna li din il-li©i kulma kienet qed tag˙mel kien li tapprova dak li di©a` kien qed isir: “Meta tmur g˙aç-çelebrazzjoni talg˙aqda çivili bejn koppja gay, hija l-istess b˙al tie© ie˙or. Huwa tie© .. ma titlaqx mit-tie© u tg˙id, “Attendejt g˙al çelebrazzjoni ta’ g˙aqda çivili. Hija çelebrazzjoni ta’ m˙abba.” Attwalment, din tal-firda bejn id-deputati tal-PN ©iet ikkonfermata minn Busuttil meta waqt li kien qed jindirizza l-Kunsill ©enerali tal-partit stqarr çar u tond li hemm Ωew© fazzjonijiet fil-PN, dak konservattiv u dak liberali u li jekk l-PN jinqasam fuq il-li©i taΩ-Ωwie©, ikun il-kundanna tal-PN biex jibqa’ jokkupa l-bankijiet tal-OppoΩizzjoni.

Xi jg˙id l-Arçisqof Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-Arçisqof, Mons Charles Scicluna fl-omelija tieg˙u fil-festa ta’ San Nikola fis-Siggiewi sostna li filwaqt li l-Knisja ma kellha xejn kontra lgays “La ra©el li jmur ma’ ra©el u lanqas mara li tmur ma’ mara. Huma bnedmin li g˙andhom dritt g˙ar-rispett u l-im˙abba tag˙na. Óa nkun çar g˙ax ma tistax tkun ma' Ìesù u tobg˙od lil xi ˙add g˙ax hu

Nispikkaw fil-qasam edukattiv... Skont rapport tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda Malta klassifikat it-tieni fil-qasam tal-edukazzjoni. Skont ir-rapport li studja l-qag˙da edukattiva f’41 pajjiΩ meqjusa sinjuri jew b’sa˙˙a finanzjarja medja, kienet il-Fillandja li kisbet riΩultat a˙jar minn Malta fil-kwalità tal-edukazzjoni. Malta kklassifikat ukoll l-ewwel fejn tid˙ol il-kwantita` u l-kwalita` ta’ servizzi g˙al tfal minn tliet snin ‘il fuq. It-tielet ©ew il-Korea ta’ Isfel, il-Messiku u d-Danimarka. Óafna mill-pajjiΩi li jag˙mluha wara kienu pajjiΩi kbar Ewropej. Sfortunatament Malta, ©iet ukoll ‘il quddiem fejn tid˙ol l-obeΩità.

... u fl-g˙add ta’ l-karozzi Insemmi wkoll li Malta tinsab fit-tieni post fost l-imsie˙ba tal-Unjoni Ewropeja fl-g˙add ta’ karozzi, min˙abba li fil-GΩejjer Maltin hawn 634 karozza (passenger cars) g˙al kull elf persuna. Fil-Lussemburgu li qieg˙ed fl-ewwel post, hemm 661 g˙al kull elf, filwaqt li fl-Italja, fit-tielet post, hemm 610 g˙al kull elf persuna. Trid iΩΩid mag˙hom trakkijiet, karozzi tal-linja u n©enji o˙ra.

L-Arçisqof, Charles Scicluna mag˙mul kif inhu mag˙mul jew tinsulentah, jew ma turihx rispett. Imma m’g˙andniex g˙alfejn inbiddlu l-mod kif Alla ˙alaq iΩ-Ωwie© biex a˙na issa ng˙idu: Ωew©t ir©iel jistg˙u jiΩΩew©u jew Ωew© nisa jistg˙u jiΩΩew©u....... “iΩ-Ωwie©, tg˙id x’tg˙id il-li©i, jibqa’ lg˙aqda dejjiema, esklussiva bejn ra©el u mara li bl-im˙abba u mill-im˙abba ta’ bejniethom jitnisslu l-ulied.”

IΩda, issa, jing˙ad x’jing˙ad, m’hemmx dubbju li l-li©i se ti©i approvata la Ω-Ωew© partiti politiçi po©©ewha fil-programm elettorali tag˙hom.

Prosit Malta!

eta taqraw din il-kitba, Malta tkun M temmet il-Presidenza tag˙ha talKunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea, li serviet ta kredenzjali mill-aqwa g˙al pajjiΩna. Tant li l-aktar ©urnal barrani online influwenti, Politico sostna li se jkun diffiçli g˙al pajjiΩ ie˙or li jil˙aq il-miri li ntla˙qu fil-presidenza Maltija. Kiteb hekk: A tough act to follow: In total, the Maltese presidency successfully signed off a record 20 laws in the so-called Coreper I policy grouping, according to a presidency spokesman. And that’s despite the fact Malta was in election mode for a month and had no ministers for a week while PM Joseph Muscat formed a new government.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Census finds Malta-born make up 37,613 of total population


he Australian Census 2016 just released found that 37,613 of the 23.4 million people living in Australia are Malta-born, with 14,481 living in NSW and 17,873 in Victoria, 2,505 in Queensland, 1,417 in South Australia, 897 in Western Australia, and the rest in other States. The census found that overall, since 2011 the population has increased by 8.8%. Other facts resulting from the 2016 census include that beside the Malta connection, when it comes to birth, 15,614,835 people, or 66.7% of the population were born in Australia, up 3.1% since 2011; 6,150,191 or 26.3% were born overseas, compared to 5,280,802 in 2011. Australia has a higher proportion of overseas-born people (26.3%) than the United Kingdom (13%), United States (14%), Canada (22%) and New Zealand (23.3%). Population image via Shutterstock Nearly half of Australians were either born over1911, it has only consistently included Indigenous Australians seas, or one or both parents were born overseas. The census further claims that 907,570 came to Australia from since 1967. In 2016 a record 15.8 per cent of the population was aged 65 England, 518,466 from New Zealand, 509,555 from China, and over, up from 13.2 per cent in 2006. A record 4 per cent was 455,389 from India, and 232,386 from Philippines It also found that the top four languages spoken at home are: 85 or over. Melbourne is gaining on Sydney for the title of Australia's English, Mandarin, Arabic and Cantonese. The census recorded biggest population centre, growing 12.1 per cent to 4.485 million 300 different languages, including Indigenous languages. The Maltese language spoken at home amounts to 31,967 spread since the previous census, compared with Sydney, which grew around the states. Victoria has the biggest amount with 16,898. 9.8 per cent to 4.823 million. Darwin was Australia's fastest-growing capital city, growing by Next comes NSW with 12,327, Queensland with 1,357, South 13.5 per cent, followed by Perth, which grew by 12.5 per cent. Australia 846, Western Australia 387 and the rest elsewhere. A record 2.8 per cent of Australians identified themselves as Two-thirds of all Australians live in capital cities, so too 86 per Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, up from 2.5 per cent in 2011 cent of migrants. Migrants make up 28 per cent of the populations of NSW and and 2.3 per cent in 2006. Although the census has been conducted every five years since Victoria and 32 per cent of the population of Western Australia.

Social Progress Index: Australia doing very well


ccording to the Social Progress Index, Australia’s education, medical care and nutrition levels have helped the country to reach ninth overall, but low level of tolerance and inclusiveness kept Australia’s overall ranking below

Sweden, Canada and the Netherlands. The survey reached by Gallup, UNESCO and the Pew Research Centre, found Australia had amongst the highest standard of living of any country with a diverse population.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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According to Deloitte, Australia leads the world on access to clean water, in secondary education and also freedom of expression. It is the fourth healthiest nation in the world and fifth for access to advanced education. Australia was pushed down to ninth from fourth position last year because of its inclusion of immigrants which was amongst the lowest in the top 10, according to Gallup World Poll data. Australia has kept its place in the top 10 mostly due to religious freedom, protection for early marriage of women, availability of contraceptives and comparably low level of the population. The world’s top performer on the index was Denmark; with all five Nordic countries hitting the highest band and Canada the best performing of world’s top seven economies. Globally, 113 countries out of 128 countries surveyed were found to have improved their level of the social process since 2014.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday July 4, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Huge human right-related T settlement

he Australian Law Reform Commission has urged the federal government a landmark deal the federal government to seize a “once in a lifetime opportunity” to stop the financial amount of money is going to be able to and physical abuse of the elderly. The recognise the terrible conditions that Commission launched a national inquiry these detainees have had to endure.” in February last year and released its final The settlement is not an admission of report to coincide with World Elder wrongdoing from the government, and Abuse Awareness Day. Mr Dutton said the Commonwealth In a landmark deal the federal govern- “strongly refutes and denies the claims ment will pay $70 million in compensa- made in these proceedings”. tion tomre than 1900 asylum-seekers at The proceeds will be distributed to asyManus Island lum-seekers based on the length of their It is thought to be Australia's largest- detention and their alleged injuries. The ever human rights-related settlement; The average compensation payout stands to government will also pay the asylum- be in excess of $35,000 per person. seekers' legal costs, estimated at $20 milMr Baker said he believed the settlelion. ment was the largest for a human rights Billed by Immigration Minister Peter case in Australian history and thanked the Dutton as a "prudent outcome", the set- witnesses who came forward including tlement will avoid a six-month damages doctors, security guards and detainees. trial that would have seen the CommonMr Kamasaee, a 35-year-old Iranian, wealth and its contractors accused of neg- tried to reach Australia by boat in 2013 ligence and false imprisonment. and was interned on Manus Island for 11 Law firm Slater and Gordon, which months before a medical transfer to Ausbrought the class action on behalf of the tralia. In a statement read by his lawyers, he former detainee and lead plaintiff Majid Kamasaee, heralded the "very good and said his treatment in Papua New Guinea strong" result for the 1905 men, many of was “degrading and cruel”, with limited whom are still on Manus Island. “This access to medical treatment he needed for has been a long battle for social justice,” severe burns he had sustained in Iran as a said principal lawyer Andrew Baker. “No child.

NSW Budget: Best yet to come

nveiling $12 billion worth of surpluses and $73 billion in planned infrastructure U expenditure over four years, Dominic Perrottet declared his inaugural budget "the envy of the Western world". This budget by a rookie treasurer begins to differentiate the government led by Gladys Berejiklian, who became Premier in January and her predecessor Mike Baird. “What it demonstrates is that if you embark on tough reform, which the people of NSW-backed us in, we can ensure that communities across NSW reap those great dividends,” he said. The Treasurer as promised outlined measures squarely focused on the provision of “social infrastructure”. Apart from the surpluses, the biggest announcement was more spending on hospitals, with $720m. to upgrade Prince of Wales Hospital at Randwick, adding$632 m. earmarked for Campbelltown Hospital, $534 m. for Tweed Hospital, $576 m. for Nepean Hospital and $341 m. for Concord Hospital. The budget papers confirm a $4.5 billion surplus in 2016-17, forecast to drop to $2.7 billion in 2017-18, $2.1 billion in 2018-19 and $1.5 billion in 2019-20. The 2016-17 surplus is $856.9million higher than forecast in budget last year, thanks largely to stamp duty revenues from the part-privatisation of electricity companies Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy. It has also embarked on privatisations of ports and the Land and Property Information service. “This budget is the envy of the western world!” he declared. “Not only do we have strong surpluses over the next four years, we have the biggest infrastructure investment going on across this country than ever before.” However, opposition leader Luke Foley branded ernment's hospitals spending announcements as “a cruel hoax” due to their expected completion date in 2024 and 2025. The Treasurer was heard saying on TV “the best is yet to come”. Sounds familiar?

Consistent laws for the elderly


report just published contains 43 recommendations for the Attorney General, George Brandis, to consider. It calls on the Council of Australian Governments to harmonise inconsistent rules and regulations across the states and territories by establishing a national policy framework. Commission President Rosalind Croucher (above) said the framework could be used to implement wide-ranging reforms, including the introduction of a national register of enduring powers of attorney. The report's key recommendations include consistent laws across states and territories, a new serious incident response scheme and training for bank tellers to spot financial abuse. There is currently no way for financial planners, doctors, and other professionals to establish whether a power of attorney document is valid or whether it has been superseded by a separate agreement. This confusion can allow someone to make decisions on an elderly person's behalf without the legal right to do so. “The register would serve the function of ensuring that a person who is purporting to exercise the document as an enduring attorney has the authority and that it hasn't been revoked,” Croucher said. The Commission also proposes a serious incident response scheme, requiring aged care providers to report allegations of physical, sexual, and financial elder abuse to an independent oversight body. In a statement, Senator Brandis said the Turnbull government would carefully consider the recommendations and work across portfolios to develop a response.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Teachers and committee members from The Maltese Language School of NSW and Skola Maltija Sydney with the Premier of NSW, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP (fifth from left). From left: Mr Dennis O’Brien, Mrs Cynthia Villar, Mrs Pauline O’Brien, Mrs Anna Cuschieri, Mrs Jane Borg, Mrs Mary Pace-Feraud and Mr Tony Pace-Feraud

NSW Community Language Schools welcome $10.9m grant at NSW FCLS 2017 Annual Dinner


kola Maltija Sydney and The Maltese Language School of NSW recently joined forces with 100 fellow community language schools in attending the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools (NSW FCLS) Annual Dinner 2017, at Club Punchbowl. During the event, Mr Albert Vella OAM, the President of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools welcomed the announcement by the Premier of New South Wales, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP, who was the Guest of Honour for the evening, that over the next four years that Government is providing a sum of $10.9 million for language school and described it as a wise investment in the State’s future. The NSW Community Languages Schools programme (NSW Department of Education) makes accessible 59 languages, taught after school hours by 2000 committed volunteer teachers to 32,000 students at 500 locations across NSW. Maltese schools have been a part of this education landscape for 18 years now. Once again, the young Maltese students made the Maltese community proud by achieving recognition for their sheer artistic talents. In fact, in 2016, Skola Maltija Sydney was awarded first prize in the NSW FCLS Short Film Competition, with A˙barijiet Sportivi (Sports News) *. This year, Michael Cuschieri’s artwork, addressing the theme of Celebrations in the Community, was

Highly Commended in the NSW FCLS 2017 Artwork placed third (9-12 years category) in 2009 and 2010. In addition, 13-year-old MalteseBosnian Australian singer, Violeta Bozanic, was invited to perform the Australian National Anthem. During the evening the Premier of NSW, recounted her younger days when she and her sisters attended Armenian school, acknowledging the strong values and persistence of her parents to learn Armenian, in addition to the deep respect she has, not only for her Armenian teachers, but all the community language teachers for making NSW stronger. Unknowingly, Mrs Berejiklian was asked to present a Quarter of a Century Community Language School Teacher Award to the Armenian teacher, who had taught her as a young girl. It was a magnificent moment to witness, reinforcing the Premier’s message to not only be proud of one’s cultural and language heritage, but to be proud of being an Australian citizen The Minister for Multiculturalism, the Hon. Ray Williams MP, also addressed the occasion. He recalled when six years ago, then as Member for Hawkesbury, when he visited Skola Maltija Sydney’s Rouse Hill, for an Easter celebration. Mr Williams said, “In NSW, we speak more than 200 languages and community language schools play a vital role in sharing heritage and culture with future generations.”

Young Violeta Bozanic singing the Australian National Anthem Other special guests included the Shadow Minister for Education, Mr Jihad Dib MP, Minister for Finance, Services and Property, the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, Chairperson of Multicultural NSW, Dr G.K (Harry) Harinath OAM and CEO of Multicultural NSW, Mr Hakan Harman. The St Alexander Nevsky Russian School and the Dr Ante Starcevic Croation Community Language School performed.

*Skola Maltija Sydney’s winning short film can be viewed at: 2pc6Iy7RA

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Tnejn mit-tlett xandara Maltin tar-Radju 3ZZZ, Lewis Stafrace (bil-qeg˙da quddiem) u Paul Vella (tarf fuq il-lemin) flimkien ma’ w˙ud mis-semmieg˙a tar-radju li Ωaru l-istazzjon

Ir-Radju 3ZZZ jiççelebra Ωew© anniversarji


˙ala parti miç-çelebrazzjoni f’g˙eluq l-ewwel sena mill-uΩu tal-istudios il©odda f’Albert Street, Brunswick, u fl-istess waqt id-29 sena ta' xandir kontinwu, fit-18 ta’ Ìunju li g˙adda r-radju etniku komunitarju f'Melbourne, 3ZZZ, organizza attivita` fis-sala l-kbira tal-istazzjon li g˙aliha ©ew mistiedna x-xandara, issemmieg˙a u xi nies o˙ra prominenti. Wara li ta mer˙ba lill-mistednin, Manmohan S. Shergill, il-president tat-3ZZZ, tkellem dwar ix-xog˙ol b'dedikazzjoni li listazzjon u x-xandara jag˙tu lill-Komunita` fil-Victoria, u permezz tal-Internet lil o˙rajn madwar id-dinja. Xhieda tal-popolarita’ hu l-g˙add kbir ta’

emails u SMS's li l-istazzjon jirçevi kull ©img˙a b’semmieg˙a juru l-apprezzament tag˙hom u jfa˙˙ru t-titjib fil-kwalita` talprogrammi fl-a˙˙ar xhur. Tkellmet ukoll Cr. Sue Bolton li kienet qed tirrappreΩenta lis-Sindku ta' Moreland, li fa˙˙ret ix-xog˙ol kontinwu tat-3ZZZ Segwew is-sinjuri Eddie Micallef, president ta' ECCV u Joseph Caputo, chairperson talFECCA li wkoll fa˙˙ru x-xog˙ol li qed jag˙mel ir-radju. Rajdeep u Abdullah g˙amluha ta’ MCs. Wara, Manmohan S. Shergill u Sur George Salloum, segretarju tat-3ZZZ qasmu l-kejk g˙all-okkaΩjoni u taw bidu g˙al riçeviment. Ûew© xandara Maltin, il-Convenor Lewis

Stafrace u Paul Vella li flimkien man-nisa tag˙hom kienu wkoll preΩenti, filwaqt li mal-mistednin daru l-studios, spjegaw ixxog˙ol biex jittellg˙u l-programmi. IlMaltin preΩenti kienu jiffurmaw l-akbar grupp, Fuq ir-radju 3ZZZ jittellg˙u tliet programmi ndirizzati lejn is-semmieg˙a Maltin. Lewis Stafrace jipproduçi l-programm tieg˙u kull nhar ta’ Tnejn fil-5 pm, Nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a, ukoll fil-5 p.m. isir il-programm ta’ Paul Vella, u s-Sibt, darba Mario Sammut ‘Ejjew Oqog˙du’ u s-Sibt ta’ wara Lewis Stafrace u Paul Vella ‘Inservik’ , ittnejn fl-10 a.m.


Reskeon members enjoy Lunch at Roxburgh Park

embers of the Reskeon Maltese Association (RMA) and their M friends recently took part in another activity, a buffet lunch organised at the beautiful Roxburgh Park Hotel in Victoria. As usual, when such occasions are organised at this venue, the management and staff always goes out of its way to look after us and make us welcome. Food was in abundance and of the highest quality.

It was a very successful day (as the happy faces in these photos clearly show) and by way of thanking the management, a group of members posed for a photo with Mr Freddy Xerri, the father of the establishment’s owner. Everybody enjoyed the day and special thanks were addressed at the RMA’s President and Social Secretary, Salvina Vella for organising this event.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Maltese students win Europe technology competition F ive Maltese students, who all attend St Martin’s Institute of Higher Education, have won the JA Europe Enterprise Challenge for the best entrepreneurial project, a new technology known as “Intact” intended to help motorcyclists. The students, Katryna Briffa, Nicole Cassar, Erica Gatt, Sam Hoiles and Stephen Micallef have come up with the idea of a Smartphone app that could be connected to sensors on a

bike as well as to a sensor inside the bikers’ helmets. As the system, which is still at development stage, realises a collision has taken place, and the rider has fallen from his bike, the sensor calls an emergency number indicating the location of the accident. The system has been presented as a prototype directed at creating a demand for it on the market. The Maltese youths have been to Helsinki in Finland to present their

idea at the competition held over three stages. They first had to present their idea during a Business Presentation, then at a Trade Fair Exhibition at Helsinki’s biggest commercial centre, and then sit for an interview by a panel of judges, among them entrepreneurs from major companies. Eventually the students were chosen from among 18 teams representing various European countries

Certificate of Excellence for Malta heritage sites ive Malta national heritage sites, members and over 500 million re- must maintain an overall rating of F the Malta Maritime Museum, Fort views and opinions of hotels, restau- four or higher, out of a possible five, St Angelo, the National War Muse- rants, attractions and other tra- as reviewed by travellers on TripAdvium, the Roman Villa, and St Paul’s Catacombs have received top marks and the highly coveted TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, meaning that all five have constantly featured as top attractions by their visitors. Making the announcement, Heritage Malta said it was satisfied to say that the sites had all received top marks for the last five consecutive years – a testament to the cultural agency’s efforts to maintain these heritage sites and the ongoing curation efforts. The prestigious ranking by the American website, TripAdvisor that claims to be the world’s largest travel guide with more than 315 million

vel-related establishments, is only given to sites that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on the user-generated travel website. The Travellers’ Choice awards are the highest honour TripAdvisor can bestow. They are based on millions of reviews and opinions from travellers around the world. To qualify for the Certificate of Fort St Angelo Excellence, sites

sor. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months of the year in question.

from the Upper Barrakka Gardens

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. IL-PARTIÇIPJU JEW AÌÌETTIV Il-Partiçipju fil-Malti g˙andu t-tifsir ta’ A©©ettiv, jew ta’ Nom (isem) imnissel mill-Verb. REGOLA 26. Il-verbi ewlenin ta’ tliet konsonanti jnisslu l-partiçipju preΩent billi jag˙tu l-le˙en twil ta’ â, ie jew ô lill-vokali fl-ewwel taqsima tas-sura ewlenija. Dawn ix-xorta ta’ partiçipji huma mag˙dudin b˙ala a©©ettivi. EΩ. minn tela(g˙), waqaf, bired, qag˙ad, libes, rikeb, ˙eles, wesa(g˙), safa(j), ˙ares, mexa(j), ˙exa(j), ˙ela(j), ˙ema(j), ˙efa(j), g˙ána(j), g˙óla(j), g˙andna tiela(g˙), wieqaf, biered, qieg˙ed, liebes, riekeb, ˙ieles, wiesa’, sâfi, ˙âres, miexi, ˙âxi, ˙âli, ˙âmi, ˙âfi, g˙ôni jew g˙âni, g˙ôli jew g˙âli. Hekk ukoll minn g˙éra, g˙ieri. (Ara wkoll G˙add 5, T.ç. (1) – it-Tieni Taqsima). Barra minn din il-g˙amla, hemm ukoll g˙amliet o˙ra barranija li fuqhom jinbena lpartiçipju preΩent, jew a©©ettiv, u dawn fil-qosor, huma: (1) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv, imnissla minn verb li fis-sura ewlenija jbiddel ilvokali ta’ bla aççent fla˙˙ar taqsima fil-le˙en ta’ î b˙al minn marad, marîd, u fuq din sabî˙, ˙afîf, qadîm, ˙aΩîn, nadîf, qasîr, twîl u ma’ dawn g˙aΩîΩ, g˙arîb. (2) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv, imnissla minn verb li fis-sura ewlenija jitlef il-vokali ta’ aççent ˙afif flewwel taqsima u jag˙ti l-le˙en twil ta’ î jew û lill-vokali tat-tieni taqsima: b˙al minn kiber g˙andna kbîr u fuq dan fqîr, qrîb, l˙î˙, s˙î˙, x˙î˙, mqît u ma’ dawn dg˙îf, Ωg˙îr, rg˙îb, bg˙îd (u mhux dg˙ejf, Ωg˙ejr, eçç.). Minn sa˙an g˙andna s˙ûn u fuq dan ukoll trûx, xhûd (minn xehed). (3) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv imnissla minn verbi mo˙fijin (concavi) li jdeffsu l-ittri jje bejn il-vokali u la˙˙ar konsonanti tas-sura ewlenija. Ara: minn miet (mât) g˙andna mejjet, minn sâm, sajjem; hekk ukoll tajjeb, sejjer. Il-partiçipji jew a©©ettivi mejjet, sajjem, tajjeb,

sejjer huma mnisslin mill-verbi mo˙fijin miet, sam, tab, sar (jew sir = mexa). (4) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv me˙uda minn verbi mnisslin jew ta’ erba’ konsonanti li jag˙tu lill-vokali tal-a˙˙ar taqsima, fis-sura ewlenija, il-le˙en u l-˙oss twil ta’ â jew ie. Ara: minn ˙abbeΩ, na©©ar, giddeb, ˙awtel, ˙ajjat, ©elled, deffen g˙andna ˙abbieΩ, na©©âr, giddieb, ˙awtiel, ˙ajjât, ©ellied, deffien, u mag˙hom bajjâd, ka˙˙âl, wekkiel, bag˙âl, nag˙âl (minn nieg˙el), g˙a©©ien (minn g˙a©©en). T.ç. Din ix-xorta ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv, g˙alkemm donnu ©ej mill-verb imnissel bit-tieni konsonanti mtennija (ara: G˙add 13) g˙andna nifhmu wkoll illi n-nisel tieg˙u hu minn g˙erq ta’ verb ewlieni ta’ tliet konsonanti fuq il-g˙amla tal-verb imnissel li jtenni l-konsonanti tan-nofs, u g˙alhekk nistg˙u ng˙idu wkoll illi: “Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv titnissel mis-sura ewlenija tal-verb ta’ tliet konsonanti billi ttenni lkonsonanti tan-nofs u tbiddel il-vokali ta’ ming˙ajr aççent fl-a˙˙ar taqsima fil-le˙en u l-˙oss twil ta’ â jew ie. Ara: minn na©ar, na©©âr, minn gideb, giddieb”. “Il-verbi ta’ iΩjed minn tliet konsonanti b˙al sensel, kewtel, ibiddlu biss il-vokali ta’ bla aççent fl-a˙˙ar taqsima f’dik ta’ â jew ie. Ara: sensâl, kewtiel”. (5) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv imnissla mis-sura ewlenija ta’ verb biΩ-Ωieda ta’ –ân jew -ien f’tarf ilkelma. Ara: minn siker, sikrân; fera˙, fer˙ân; xorob, xurbân; ˙aseb, ˙osbien. Hekk ukoll fel˙ân, belhân, g˙aΩΩien, g˙ajjien, g˙atxân, g˙arwien. (6) Sura ta’ partiçipju jew a©©ettiv imnissla minn verbi li jwaqqg˙u l-vokali tal-aççent flewwel taqsima, ibiddlu l-vokali ta’ bla aççent tal-a˙˙ar taqsima fil-le˙en u l˙oss ta’ û u jΩidu l-vokali i f’tarf il-kelma. Ara: minn dá˙al g˙andna d˙ûli, minn kiber g˙andna kbûri. Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-˙ar©a li jmiss

Ûejt iΩ-Ûejtun li ji©i iççelebrat f’Settembru


a minn filg˙axija tat-23 ta’ Settembru li ©ej u l-Óadd filg˙odu tal-24, ir-ra˙al taΩ-Ûejtun se jospita l-avveniment ta’ kull sena ta˙t il-patroçinju tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, mag˙ruf b˙ala Ûejt iΩ-Ûejtun, li fih ji©i ççelebrat il-qtug˙ taΩ-Ωebbu© u lg˙asir taΩ-Ωejt taΩ-zebbu©a. L-isem tar-ra˙al, Ûejtun ©ej mill-G˙arbi. Fil-fatt, Ωejtuna hija dik li nafu˙a b˙ala ΩΩebbu©a f’Malta. Fl-G˙arbi, z-Ωebbu©a hija s-si©ra tal-frotta nnifisha, li tant hi mag˙rufa g˙at-tjubija tag˙ha fl-in˙awi tar-re©jun talMediterran. Kif juri l-isem, fi Ωmien Puniku u Ruman, ir-ra˙al taΩ-Ûejtun, kien fiç-çentru tal-kultivazzjoni taΩ-Ωebbu© u l-attivita ewlenija flin˙awi tan-nfosinhar ta’ Malta. MaΩ-Ωmien, l-aktar fi Ωmien il-˙akma G˙arbija f’Malta, lejn tmiem l-ewwel millenju, bil-mod il-mod, il-qoton ˙a post is-si©ar taΩ-Ωebbu©. B’danakollu fl-a˙˙ar snin, u mhux biss f’dawn l-in˙awi, il-kultivazzjoni u l-g˙asir taΩΩebbug f’Ωejt bnin, flimkien mal-assoçjazzjoni tieg˙u mad-dieta tajba Mediterranja

re©g˙u bdew jie˙du l-popolarita`, u l-festa ta’ Ûejt iΩ-Ûejtun li ti©i organizzata mill-Kunsill Lokali tar-ra˙al tfakkar dan kollu. Il-ftu˙ taç-çelebrazzjoni jsir is-Sibt g˙all˙abta tas-7.30 p.m. bl-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala ‘lbandu’ li j˙abbar l-attivita`. Wara jsir defile` b’g˙add ta’ nies lebsin il-kostum tradizzjonali u b’xi bdiewa fuq ilkarettuni j©orru Ω-Ωebbu© li jkun se ji©i mag˙sur. Ikun hemm preΩenti wkoll dawk li jdoqqu it-tnabar, nies i©orru l-bnadar, g˙annejja u Ωeffiena. Min jattendi jkollu wkoll iç-çans li waqt fiera fir-ra˙al isegwi esebizzjoni ta’ g˙odod tradizzjonali li kienu jintuΩaw mill-bdiewa flantik biex ja˙dmu l-art, prodotti agrikoli u arti tradizzjonali. Imma ç-çentru ta’ kollox jibqa’ Ω-Ωebbu©, frott ta’ ˙idmet il-bidwi Malti.

Min i˙obb jiekol se jkollu wkoll iç-çans iduq u jiekol ftajjar Maltin im˙awrin biΩ-Ωejt taΩ-Ωebbu© frisk u prodotti ©ejjin miΩ-Ωebbu© li ˙afna minnhom ikunu wkoll g˙all-bejg˙. Tul l-attivita` jsiru wkoll preΩentazzjonijiet awdjo-viΩivi dwar kif ji©i kkultivat u mag˙sur iΩ-Ωebbu©.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 1011am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2 4p.m: Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix. Available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borg every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, li jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss se ssir nhar ilĦadd 9 ta’ Lulju fis-1:00 pm firRosehill Bowling Club.

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter


he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday July 4, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW

A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Il-klabb tal-Óamrun se jorganizza Il-Ballu ta’ SAN GEJTANU Nhar is-Sibt 15 ta’ Lulju fis-6.30 pm. Ikun hemm ikla ta’ tlett platti flimkien ma’ fixkun inbid fuq kull mejda. DeΩerta – cassata te u kafe`. Birra u xorb ie˙or jinxtraw biss mill-bar Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut minn CHARLIE, FRANK u MARTIN. PreΩenti wkoll voluntiera millbanda OLQP li se jdoqqu marçi brijjuΩi. Prezz: $45.00 kull persuna; tfal ta˙t it-12 il-sena: $25.00 Tag˙rif: çemplu lil: George 0407 434 651 jew Greg 0411 517 187

Teachers urgently needed


- Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

is Celebrating A “Maltese Folkloric Festival” on Sunday, July 23 (from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm)

RED GUM Centre, 8-14 Lane Street, Wentworthville Starting with: Exhibition of Traditional Arts & Crafts Maltese Folkloric Music - songs by the MCA Choir Maltese food & drinks will be available to purchase. Chocolate Wheel, Raffels and lots of Prizes Entrance FREE (All under cover. Everyone is welcome). For more information or for anyone wishing to be an exhibitor or stall holder contact the co-ordinator, Marisa Previtera on MB: 0414 863 123 This event is part of the LOCALE Festival Program of Cumberland Council

ST HELENA MALTESE/AUSTRALIAN S.C. Events: July- December 2017

Jul 8 – Sat.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Aug. 25 – Fri. Feast Mass at Croatian Church Ardeer. Aug. 26 – Sat.: Dinner Dance at Melrose Tullamarene. Aug. 27 – Sun.: Feast at Croatian Church/Hall Ardeer. Sept. 9 – Sat.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Sept. 23 – Fri.: Family function at Klabb G˙annejja Maltin St Albans. Oct. 14 – Sat.: GM meeting at Albion (2.p.m). Oct. 22 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Nov. 12 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Dec. 16 – Sat.: Xmas Function at Melrose Tullamarene.

St˙arri© mir-radju 89.32GLF

-istazzjon tar-radju 89.3 2GLF, li L minn fuqu l-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW jittrasmetti programm bil-Malti ta’

sieg˙a kull nhar ta’ Óadd fil-11.00 am, qed iservi lill-komunita` ta’ Liverpool, Fairfield u ‘l madwar. Biex jissokta jis-sa˙˙a˙, jixtiequ jkunu jafu kif ja˙sbuha s-semmieg˙a, g˙alhekk qed jistiednu l-l-kummenti u l-ideat tag˙hom. G˙al dan il-g˙an qed jitolbu lis-semmieg˙a jie˙du sehem fi st˙arri© online biex isiru jafu lis-semmieg˙a a˙jar. Ir-riΩultat tal-ist˙arri© jg˙inhom jissoktaw ikunu l-aqwa stazzjon fil-qadi tal-komunita`. Biex wie˙ed jag˙ti l-kummenti tieg˙u jid˙ol fuq il-website u jimla l-is˙arri©. Lamministrazzjoni tal-istazzjon qed tirringrazzja bil-quddiem, lil dawk li jie˙du sehem fl-ist˙arri©.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017 Sunday October 15: Fete Saturday Nov. 11: Dinner Dance Sunday December 3:

St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Sports Mixed fortunes for Maltese clubs


he four teams representing Malta in the UEFA club competitions met with mixed fortunes in the qualifying rounds last week with two teams drawn to play their first leg ties on home ground, both figuring in 2-0 victories, while Balzan and Floriana, who were drawn to play away in the UEFA Europa Cup, both lost. It wasn’t because they enjoyed home advantage that Hibernians and Valletta were expected to win. Their respective opponents are certainly within their reach and one hopes they would qualify to the next qualifying round. First to take the field were Hibernians on their own ground. They faced Tallinn from Estonia and won with two second-half goals by Jorginho (62) and Bjorn Kristensen (73). The result was tough on Tallinn who for most of the time did most of the running.

James Baldacchino signs for Floriana


ollowing a successful camp at the recent U21 Maltese National Training Camp, Wollongong Wolves defender, James Baldacchino is to continue his career in the Maltese Premier League after signing with one of the island’s top clubs, Floriana. James (above standing second from right) is seen in his debut match against Red Star Belgrade of Serbia, which Floriana lost 3-0. While still familiarising with his new team-mates, James said, “The last month has been an absolute whirlwind. The Maltese National Training Camp was fantastic and as a result I now have the chance to play in the Maltese Premier League with a club with such great history and passion. Football is an amazing adventure.” Baldacchino was scheduled to return to the Wolves once his training camp commitments concluded however the chance to play in Europe, in the country of his family’s background, with Floriana, was an opportunity too tempting to ignore.

Steve Borg put them ahead on 41 minutes. They made doubly sure of victory with the second goal by Maxi Velasco (48). *Marko Micovic made his debut as Balzan coach in Hungary where he led his team to their UEFA Europa Cup clash against Videoton FC. It wasn’t such a happy debut with Balzan lost 2-0 with goals late in the game by Marko Scepovic (79) and Danko Lazovic four minutes into added time. Videoton also missed a penalty when Scepovic‘s shot smashed against the crossbar. The return tie is at the Hibernians Stadium on TuesHibernians players day June 4. (black kit) in search *The worst result was Floriana’s. of more goals They lost 3-0 away at Red Star BelThey even missed a penalty when Hibs’ grade in Serbia. Theirs was also the toughgoalkeeper Hogg saved Krill Nestorov’s est opposition among the four participants. Floriana who gave a debut to the former spotkick. Tallinn kept producing the best football Wollongong Wolves defender James Baland even hit the crossbar. Their chance will dacchino had the worst of starts. On nine come this Thursday when they host Hiber- minutes they had an effort by Ignacio nians on their home ground. The winners Varela stopped by the woodwork, had their captain, Enzo Ruiz red carded for a foul and play Red Bull Salzburg in the next round. *Valletta made their home advantage tell a penalty awarded the opposition. Richwhen they defeated San Marino’s SS Fol- mond Boakye converted. Red Star added two more gals in the secgore Falciano 2-0. It is an advantage that should see the Maltese through to the next ond half scored by Slavoljub Srnic (78), and round when they play the return tie away on again Boakye (82). The return is on Thursday July 6 at the HiThursday. Valletta enjoyed the better of play and bernians Stadium.

Sunshine George Cross Leapfrog to 4th place

time. It took Yosuke Saito just one minute to put GC ahead. But then they conceded the draw on 33 minutes only for David Younan to net the winning tally in the 51st minutes.

NPL2 (Rd 20): Bendigo 0 George Cross 3 Rd 21: Melbourne C 1 George Cross 2 unshine George Cross won three matches on the trot, all away from home to leapfrog over two of their opponents into fourth place in the league standiing. In their last two outings they defeated bottom team Bendingo 3-0 with goals by Souheil Azagane (23 mins), David Younan (51) and Daniel Anagnostopoulos (85). It couldn’t have been an easier victory. *On Saturday SGC defeated Melbourne City 2-1 away after levelling the score at 1-1 at half

NPL 1 (Rd 19): Heidelberg U 2 Green Gully 0 Rd 20: Sth Melbourne 1 Green Gully 2 reen Gully share up to fifth place after a loss and a win the their last two outings. In Round 19 they held on to a scoreless first half before losing 2-0 at Heidelberg when they surrendered to pressure in the final 30 minutes to concede twice, (61m and 76m). *On Sunday at Lakeside, Green Guly fought back from a goal down to beat South Melbourne 2-1 winners with goals by Dekker and Bounas in first half. Now up to fifth place.



Parramatta’s hopes receding even further ith only five more weeks remaining in wrapping up W the regular season Parramatta’s hopes the PS4 NPL of avoiding relegation keep receding. At the NSW Men’s RESULTS: DAY 17

Melita Stadium against table toppers Blacktown City on Sunday it was their 10th successive defeat. It followed the away defeat against Manly United the previous week At Cromer Park against Manly United they toiled throughout and spent most of the time chasing shadows. In the end they lost their NPL NSW 2-0. On Day 17 they convincingly lost by 3-1 against Blacktown who went a step closer to

Parramatta v Blacktown Sydney FC v APIA Premiership. Bonnyrigg v Hakoah Victor Any- Sydney O v Manly U Rockdale v Sutherland imba scored Wollongong v Sydney U

what just proved to be Parramatta’s consolation tally. Blacktown led 2-0 at the interval.

1-3 2-1 0-0 2-4 5-2 1-0

DAY 16

Manly U v Parramatta APIA v Wollongong Sydney O v v Rockdale Hakoah v Sutherland Bonnyrigg v Sydney Blacktown v Sydney FC

2-0 2-1 0-0 4-1 0-0 3-1

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