Issue 162
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora Diasp ora
September 12, 2017
The Breakwater Bridge, or the St Elmo breakwater bridge in Valletta, the ďŹ rst sight that welcomes visitors to Malta on cruise liners as they sail through the breakwater into the Grand Harbour,pictured lit up at night. The footbridge is a replica of the original one that was part of the breakwater whose foundation stone was laid by King Edward VII on April 20 1903 and completed in 1910.
An Italian E-boat destroyed the footbridge during World War II. It remained so until in 2009 when following the upward trend of cruise liners visiting Malta the Malta Maritime Authority (MMA) thought of a plan to regenerate the Valletta Grand Harbour and erect of a steel 190-ton 70m long St Elmo Bridge at a cost â‚Ź2.8 million was part of that plan.
The Breakwater Bridge at Grand Harbour
A general view of the breakwater footbridge from below St Elmo
Ronald Cocks
Iċċelebrat Jum il-Vitorja 2017 M 2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
inkejja li fil-jum proprju talVitorja, fit-8 ta’ Settembru filgħodu kellna rxiex u wara nofsinhar maltempata qawwija, iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet uffiċjali saru xorta waħda, imma l-festi reliġjużi kellhom jitħassru u jsiru, tlieta mill-erbgħa sSibt, u waħda l-Hadd. Dis-sena ċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet bdew uffiċjalment l-Erbgħa 6 tax-xahar b’lejla quddiem il-Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta. Fil-preżenza ta’ għadd ta’ dinjitarji, fosthom l-aġent Prim Ministru Chris Fearne, l-Aġent Speaker Claudette Buttiġieġ, ministri, il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Simon Busuttil u membri Parlamentari, spikka diskors għall-okkażjoni minn Dr Carmen Sammut, il-Pro Rettur tal-Universita`ta’ Malta. Il-kelliema semmiet xi punti interessanti, bħal jekk wasalx iż-żmien għat-Tieni Repubblika. Qajjmet ukoll il-punt li f’Malta għad hawn ostakoli li donnhom qed iħallu lin-nisa jibqgħu barra mill-ħajja politika. Qalet li jeżistu disinċentivi stutturali u kulturali, fil-partiti u fil-ħajja parlamentaru li jinħtieġ li jiġu identifikati biex titwitta t-triq għal azzjoni pożittiva. Fil-fehma tagħha, jekk dawn ma neħdux ħsiebhom, “se nibqgħu fejn konna sebgħin sena ilu u fejn bqajna sal-lum.” Kompliet turi tħassib li f’sebgħin sena l-perċentwal tan-nisa fil-Parlament baqa’ l-istess u flelezzjoni ġenerali għadna fil-qiegħ tar-rappreżentanza parlamentari femminili fost il-pajjiżi Ewropej. saħqet li f’okkaż-joni bħal din kien
xieraq li wieħed jirrifletti dwar dak li seħħ fil-5 ta’ Settembru ta’ sebgħin sen’ilu meta l-Gżejjer Maltin ingħataw il-Kostitutuzzjoni MacMichael li permezz tagħha lMaltin kisbu l-Gvern rappreżentattiv, filwaqt li n-nisa kisbu ljedd tal-vot u li għall-ewwel darba setgħu joħorġu bħala kandidati. Fil-fatt kien f’Ottubru tal1947 li n-nisa għallewwel darba kkonestaw l-elezzjoni. Dr Sammut qalet li minbarra l-assedji u l-gwerer xieraq li nfakkru wkoll b’mod mill-aktar dinjituż din il-qabża kbira li bexxqet il-bieb biex tinbet id-demokrazija. u saħqet li nagħmlu tajjeb li inħarsu lejn il-passat biex negħlbu l-isfidi tal-mument. Fi tmiem id-dikors tpoġġew kurini f’riġlejn il-Monument. Il-ċelebrazzjonijiet issoktaw l-għada flIsla b’quddiesa pontifikali millArċisqof Charles J. Scicluna fil-Bażilika
Dr Carmen Sammut waqt id-diskors għall-okkażjoni
Unur f’ġieh il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Aġent President Dolores Cristina, li wkoll ingħatat is-salut u indaqq l-Innu Malti. Fil-jum proprja tal-festa nazzjonali filgħodu fetaħ b’xi ftit tax-xita iżda ċ-ċeleb-
L-Aġent President Dolores Cristina, ir-raġel tagħha, il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Aġent Speaker Claudette Buttiġieġ waqt il-quddiesa f’Jum il-Vitorja: Il-President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca tpoġġi kuruna f’ħoġor il-Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir
Kolleġġjata, waħda mill-erbgħa f’Malta fejn tiġi mfakkra lfesta tal-Bambina. Barra dan quddiem il-Bażilika saret Gwardja tal-
Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW ...... for all your travel needs.
razzjoni ippanata filgħodu seħħet bil-President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca tpoġġi kuruna f’ħoġor il-munument tal-Assedju l-Kbir. Wara nofsinhar il-maltemp ħarbat il-festi imma r-Regatta tradizzjonali saret u ntrebħet minn Bormla. (ara paġna 24) (*Il-Jum ġie mfakkar ukoll mill-Maltin flAwstralja. Rapporti fil-ħarġa li jmiss)
A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese Tel (02) 9622 7799
Tuesday September 12, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Q. I am a widower with two adult sons. One of my sons his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese is married with three children and my second son is sinin which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finangle. My superannuation is worth around $450,000 and cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities I would like to leave my two sons and three grandchil- associated with financial planning. If you need more advice dren equal beneficiaries of this superannuation fund. Is send an email to Marie Louise via: this possible? A. You are able to leave your two sons as time. I have beneficiaries of your superannuation just come into fund, however you are unable to leave an inheritance your three grandchildren as beneficiaries of $150,000 unless they are financially dependent from an uncle. upon you. If you really wish to leave the I still have a grandchildren something then you need mortgage of to mention this in your Will. Your super- $250,000 on annuation fund does not form part of your my home, but was wonderEstate. ing whether it Q. My father has just recently passed is best to inthese away and my mother does not wish to vest into continue to live in their home on her funds own. However she does not wish to sell some direct her house but leave it vacant while she shares or managed funds or whether to keeping up with your regular mortgage reis living with me. Can she do this or put the money on my home mortgage. payments you may benefit both ways. However, I wouldn’t be able to give you Can I have your views? will her age pension be affected? any advice without knowing your full cirA. This depends entirely on how long she A. As you are still young and working full cumstances, for example, do you have a plans to live with you. She may live with time you have several options, one option partner, children, other debts, insurances you for a few months and may then wish of course would be to repay as much of in place. to move back into her home. For this rea- your mortgage as you could while interest son Centrelink will not treat her home as rates are at an all-time low. Another option Q. We have just sold an investment an asset. However I believe there could would be to repay a smaller amount off property for $550,000. Settlement is in be a time limit and then Centrelink will your mortgage, say $50,000, which should October and my wife and I wish to instart to treat her home as an asset for the cut off a number of years off the mortgage, vest these funds in superannuation in Asset test, but not count it towards the In- and as interest rates are still quite low you preparation for our retirement. I am come test as it is not being rented out. It could invest the remaining $100,000 into 65 years old and am now working two is best for you to contact Centrelink and growth investments as you mentioned days a week while my wife is 62 years old and fully retired. Can we invest above. explain your situation. This is money that you did not have be- these funds in equal portions in SuperQ. I am 45 years of age and work full fore so if you invest it wisely, while still annuation?
A. Your wife is able to make a non-concessional contribution of up to $300,000 by using the “bring forward cap”. She is also able to make a concessional contribution into superannuation of $25,000. Contributions tax of 15% will be taken out of the $25,000 but this may help with any capital gains tax on her share of the capital gain on the property. In your case however, as you are now 65 years old you can only invest $100,000 as non-concessional contribution into superannuation this year and if you are still working next year i.e. still passing the 40 hour over a 30 day period work test, then you can make a further contribution of another $100,000 next year. This will not be in equal portions between your wife and yourself, but at least most of the proceeds from the sale of this property will end up in superannuation. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Folla entużjażmanti għal-laqgħa ġenerali annwali tal-La Valette
Sezzjoni mill-folla li attendiet għal-laqgħa ġenerali ta’ din is-sena tal-La Valetta SC fi Blacktown
ħat-tieni sena wara l-oħra f’laqgħa ġenerali annwali li għaliha attendiet folla entużjażmanti ta’ 115il membru (20 oħra bagħtu l-vot meħtieġ bil-prokura), li mxiet ħarir u bla ntoppi kuntrarju għal li seħħ is-sena l-oħra, Antoinette Caruana ġiet maħtura President ta’ wieħed mill-aktar ċentri popolari talMaltin fl-Awstralja, il-La Valette SC ta’ Walters Road fi Blacktown NSW, b’maġġoranza ta’ voti akbar minn tas-sena loħra. Skont l-aħħar rapport finanzjarju, dan iċċentru li jħaddan b’madwar 400 membru finanzjarju għandu assi net ta’ iktar minn $17,830,686.91. Meta fetħet il-laqgħa, il-President tat ħajr lill- membri kolha tas-sehem tagħhom u waqt li qrat ir-rapport amministrattiv qalet li matul is-sena li għaddiet, iċ-ċentru kellu ħafna spejjez mhux mistennija bħala maintenance tal-post, billi matul is-snin li għaddew, ftit intefqu flus biex iċ-ċentru jinzamm fi stat tajjeb. Hija qalet li tixtieq li dan iċ-ċentru li nfetaħ 30 sen’ilu, fl-1986 jaħdem aktar id f’íd mal-għaqdiet l-oħra Maltin. Fl-istess waqt ilmentat min-nuqqas ta’ attivtajiet talgroup taż-żgħażagħ MACY “li tant kellna tama fihom”. Hi wieġbet ukoll għal kritika li ma tkunx fl-uffiċċju biżżejjed. Qalet, “L-għażla hija tiegħi, għax jien irrid nibqa’ qrib tal-membri li jixtiequ jarawni u jkellmuni. Ixxogħol tal-kitba nagħmlu mid-dar.” Wara li nqraw is-soliti rapporti r-return-
ing officer George Vella mgħejjun minn Frank Zammit u Marlene Dimech bħala scrutineers, għadda għall-elezzjonijiet taluffiċjali. Dawn irriżultataw hekk: President: Caruana Antoinette (85 vot), Godfrey Sultana (26) u Joe Borg (17). Viċi President: Godfrey Sultana (96 vot) u Joe Borg (32). Għall-pożizzjonijiet ta’ Segretarja u Kaxxiera reġgħu ġew maħtura Frances Fitzpatrick u Antoinette Mangion rispettivament. Għal dawn il-pożizzjonijiet u lbqija tal-kumitat ma kienx hemm konestazzjoni.
torja fil-parroċċa ta’ Greystanes tal-ktejjeb preżentabbli li ħarġu fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ din is-sena u li ilha ssir sa mill-1965. IRĊEVEJNA l-fuljett tal-festa popolari ta’ San Gejtanu mingħand ll-kumitat talfesta li ġiet organizata għad-39 darba
INTERESSANTI ħafna l-fuljett li jippubblikaw perjodikament il-Maltese Association of Western Australia (MAWA) dwar l-għaqda tagħhom. Nieħdu gost li lgħaqda li għandha wieħed mill-aħjar ċentri tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja dejjem iżżomna nfurmati permezz tal-fuljett.
NIFIRĦU lill-kumitat tal-festa tal-Vi- f”Melbourne
Il-kumitat eżekuttiv tal-La Valette SC maħtur fl-aħħar laqgħa ġenerali (mixxellug): Antoinette Mangion (Kaxxiera), Antoinette Caruana (President), Frances Fitzpatrick (Segretarja) u Godfrey Sultana (Vici/President).
Għalhekk il-kumitat kif gie elett se jkun magħmul minn: President: Antoinette Caruana; V/President: Godfrey Sultana; Segretarja: Frances Fitzpatrick; A/Segretarju: Lawrence Falzon; Kaxxiera: Antoinette Mangion; A/Kaxxier: Angelo Borg; Membri: Angelo Cutajar, Josephine Micallef, Sam Mifsud, Vince Simiana, Cassandra Vassallo, Jim Zammit Jim u Joyce Grima. F’kummenti li tat lil The Voice of the Maltese fi tmiem il-laqgħa, il-President, Antoinette Caruana, li ilha nvoluta fiċċentru mill-1978 u ilha tifforma parti millkumitat għal dawn l-aħħar għoxrin sena, tat ħajr lill-voluntieri kollha li jaħdmu f’dan ic-ċentru għax, qalet, dawn huma ssinsla taċ-ċentru.
Tuesday September 12, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 5
RMASG members celebrate Father’s Day
PaulVella reports from Melbourne
he Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group celebrated Father's Day 2017 with a Luncheon in the presence of around 130 members and a number of distinguished guests that included Fr Edwin Agius, MSSP Rector at Parkville, Fr Dr Victor Shields, mssp (who was on a visit to Melbourne from Malta), Reskeon honorary life members and committee members. Secretary Paul Vella, who acted as MC for the day greeted the attendees and after everybody was seated, the Maltese National Anthem and Advance Australia Fair were sang and champagne bottles were opened to toast all fathers present. Meals followed. DJ Tony provided entertainment on the day. President Salvina Vella delivered a short message for Father's Day. She wished them all a good day and invited all to offer a prayer for the fathers who are no longer with us. Afterwards the names of those celebrating their birthdays and wedding anniversaries were read. Normally, on this occasion the presentation of trophies to the winners and runnersup of the Men’s Bocci Competition would be made but as this year the competition was running late and eventually finished the day before the luncheon, the trophies would be presented at a later date. However, the names of the winners and runnersup were read. Lino Hammett won the competition with Charles Galea finishing first runner-up and was Philip Debono second runner-up. Angelo Farrugia was thanked for running the competition. The function finished with the Reskeon Theme Song, music by the late Laurie Armato and lyrics by Dr Clemente Zammit. A good day was had by all thanks to the hard work put in by the President, Salvina Vella. Special thanks were also directed at the hosts of the event
Northern Federation of Ethnic T Senior Citizens Clubs
he Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group is a member of the Northern Federation of Ethnic Senior Citizens Clubs, and Salvina and Paul Vella, president and secretary respectively, regularly attend its monthly meetings, every second Wednesday of the month at Motel Bell Street Preston where they meet members from other clubs and different ethnic backgrounds such as Italians, Macedonians, Greek, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Polish, Filipino and Mauritius. During meetings that normally take two hours they all sit together, share their experiences about their clubs and learn from each other. Sometimes they are joined by speakers to discuss different topics. The Northern Federation of Ethnic Senior Citizens Clubs was formed in 1998 to provide stronger voice and support for ethnic Senior Citizens Clubs in the Northern Region. This is more commonly known as Federation, which is an incorporated Association and is auspiced by Spectrum. It currently represents many clubs in the Northern Region. Among its aims, the Federation provides an opportunity for representatives to meet together and identify common issues, to exchange information, share skills and where possible also share resources. The federation
also promotes awareness of relevant policies and programmes impacting on the elderly; represents the interests of member organisations to agencies, services and government departments; provides feedback to service providers, agencies and government bodies on policies and programme levels; encourage agencies and services to be more culturally sensitive to senior citizens from diverse backgrounds; work closely with peak bodies such as Ethnic Communities Council Victoria and Council of the Ageing and our auspicing body – Spectrum, and encourage membership from new and emerging groups of senior citizen groups. When time permits, Salvina and Paul attend the meetings and also the federation’s Annual General Meeting. Lately there have been a few changes in Co-Ordinators. The current Co-Ordinator is Ms Filomena Ciociola.
Salvina and Paul Vella (extreme right) during a recent meeting of the Federation
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
The crowd makes merry as it celebrates the Santa Elena feast
Santa Elena feast attracts the crowds
he St Helena Maltese-Australian Club celebrates Santa Elena in great style in Melbourne. Although the weather was chilly and cold, all went well for the Statue on Sunday to be brought out in procession amongst the people during a weekend of festivities. The religious festivities, held at the Croatian Catholic Church at Ardeer were left in the hands of Fr. Edwin Agius MSSP, Fr Denis Carabott MSSP and Fr Victor Shields MSSP. The Maltese United Brass Band, the Maltese Own Band, the St Albans Melita Band, singers George Spiteri and Hot Ice, and DJ Dominic provided the entertainment. I was requested to be the MC at the Annual Festa Dinner Dance that was also attended by the Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP, State Member for St. Albans, and Mr & Mrs. Paul
Ta’ Melbourne jiċċelebraw bil-kbir żewġ festi popolari Rapporti u ritratti: EmmBrincat
Borg from the MCC of Victoria. This association can call upon a good number of volunteers that make everybody’s work to organise the feast that much lighter. Club President Victor Bartolo his committee and the founder Reno Grima told The Voice they were most happy with the success achieved at this year’s festa and wished to convey their thanks to everybody involved. Once again the feast attracted two coach loads of Maltese from NSW, one from West Sydney and another from Wollongong. They specifically made the trip to attend for the festa in Melbourne. The St Helena Maltese-Australian Club was founded in 1980 by Reno Grima to celebrate and honour the patron saint of Birkirkara, Malta.
Il-festa ta’ San Gejtanu f’Melbourne
Parti mill-brijju tal-festa ta’ San Gejtanu li ġiet iċċelebrata f’Melbourne
l-festa ta’ San Gejtanu, padrun tal-Hamruniżi Iaktar tiġi wkoll iċċelebrata fl-Awstralja, l-aktar u lfil-Hamrun Club ta’ Marsden Park fi NSW u wkoll f’Melbourne mis-St Gaetan Society Inc. fejn il-quddiesa fil-parroċċa ta’ St Martin de Porres f’Avondale Heights fetħet il-festi u wara sar il-kunċert mill-banda St Albans Melita fil-Parish Hall fil-preżenza tal-president u l-kumitat. Lejlet il-festa sar il-ballu annwali, id-39 wieħed f’Ultima Function Centre Keilor Park fejn ilmużika ġiet ipprovduta mit-Tequila Bros. Ħadet sehem ukoll is-St Albans Melita Brass Band. F’jum il-festa, il-̱Ħadd, ġiet iċċelebrata quddiesa minn Dr Fr Victor Shields MSSP u wara saret ilpurċissjoni li fiha ħadu sehem bil-marċi brijjużi tagħhom iż-żewġ baned Maltin, Maltese Own u St Albans Melita. It-tnejn ukoll taw kunċert fissala tal-parroċċa. Kollox mar tajjeb u grazzi għall-ħidma tal-kumitat il-festa kienet ta’ success.
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday September 12, 2017
ustralia’s ethnic make-up bears little resemblance to that captured in our first national Census conducted in 1911. That Census revealed Australia as a relatively homogeneous nation. However, there's been so much change in the past 105 years that we can now claim to be one of the most multicultural nations on the planet. With more than 300 languages spoken in our homes, over 100 religions and more than 300 different ancestries, the Census highlights Australia's rich cultural diversity. This wide variety of backgrounds, together with the many cultures of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, has helped to create a uniquely Australian identity. But what does our data say about who we are, and how does our cultural diversity compare to other nations such as the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and the United States? One in four of us were born overseas
Australians now come from nearly 200 countries, and represent more than 300 ethnic ancestries. One in four people in Australia (26%) were born overseas, a one-percentage point rise from the figure recorded in our 2011 Census. In 1911, the year before the Titanic’s lone voyage and three years before the outbreak of World War I, 18% of our population were born overseas. The most common birthplaces were England and Ireland, though there were also more than 20,000 Chinese-born migrants – a legacy from our gold rush days. The number of migrants living in Australia then declined as a proportion of the Australian population, before beginning to climb again. Immigration to Australia was relatively stagnant during the two world wars. By 1966, when England was our largest trading partner, decimal currency was introduced in Australia, and Victoria extended hotel trading hours from 6pm to 10pm, most of our migrants were from Northwest Europe and still primarily the countries of the United Kingdom, followed by large numbers of migrants born in Southern and Eastern Europe. In 1966, 18% of our population was born overseas with almost a third (32%) of these migrants born in England, and only 1.6% from India and China combined. Demography reveals closer ties to Asia
The proportion of overseas-born people from Europe has been in rapid decline in recent years – from 52% in 2001 to 40% in 2011, and 34% in 2016. That’s from one
in every two migrants to one in every three in the space of 15 years. Conversely, the proportion of migrants born in Asia has increased – from 24% of the overseas-born population in 2001 to 33% in 2011, and 40% in 2016. Again, in the space of 15 years, we’ve gone from one in every four migrants coming from Asia to two in every five. England is still the most common birthplace of migrants to Australia (15%), but that share is less than half our 1966 number. The big movers over the past five years have been China (from 6.0% to 8.3%) and India (5.6% to 7.4%). Their combined figure (16%) means that, for the first time, there are more Australians of Chinese and Indian birth than of English birth. This not only provides a huge contrast to the 1911 Census, but it also reveals our increasingly closer ties to Asia. Overseas-born people are older too, with a median age of 44 compared with 34 for locally born Australians. Interestingly, the median age of migrants born in Asia is
Multi-Ethnic Australia – a variety of ethnicities living together as one nation
only 35 years, compared with 59 for those born in Europe – reinforcing the shift in the demographic of new Australians. What our ancestry says about us
Their combined figure (16%) means that, for the first time, there are more Australians of Chinese and Indian birth than of English birth. Ancestry represents the cultural or ethnic group that a person most closely identifies with, rather than just their place of birth. In 2016, the Census identified more than 300 different ancestries in Australia. Our 10 most common ancestries were: • English (36.1%) • Australian (33.5%) • Irish (11.0%) • Scottish (9.3%) • Chinese (5.6%) • Italian (4.6%) • German (4.5%) • Indian (2.8%) • Greek (1.8%) • Dutch (1.6%). (continued in page 9)
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
Nitgħallmu l-Innu Malti u nkantawh
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:
Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
George Cutajar minn Kempts Creek NSW, jikteb: ħall-maġġoranza tal-qarrejja ta’ dan il-magazine li tant sar essenzjali għalina l-Maltin jien kburi b’dak kollu li hu Malti. Għalhekk ħafna drabi nistħi meta nara lil uħud minn ħuti Maltin li jsibuha diffiċli biex ikantaw l-Innu Malta. Dan tagħna mhux xi innu twil għalhekk faċli li wieħed jiftakru. Nixtieq inħeġġeġ lill-Maltin kollha biex mhux biss jitgħallmu dan l-innu iżda biex ukoll jgħallmuh lill-oħrajn, l-aktar u l-aktar lil uliedhom. Meta kellna fostna fl-Awstralja lill-President tar-Republika l-ET Marie-Louise Coleiro-Preca kienet qassmet eluf ta’ kopji fuq kartuna bil-kliem tal-Innu Malti. Dun Karm, ispirat mill-mużika tat-tabib Robert Samut kiteb il-versi tal-Innu Malti fis-sura ta’ talba lil Alla għal Malta. Forsi ħafna jafuha din, imma nixtieq li nfakkar li lewwel darba li l-innu Malti nstema’ kien fit-Teatru Manoel fis-27 ta’ Diċembru tal-1922. Imbagħad ingħata għarfien uffiċjali mill-Kunsill tal-Gvern kważi 20 sena wara, fis-27 ta’ Frar tal-1941 u aktar tard, permezz tal-Kostituzzjoni tal-Indipendenza fl-1964. L-Innu Malti jirrifletti l-qofol tal-karattru ta’ Malta: Reliġjon Nisranija, Ilsien semitiku u Kultura Ewropea. Kemm ikun sabiħ li kollha kemm aħna b’leħen wieħed, f’kull okkażjoni li jkollna, inkantaw l-Innu Malti. (lemin: kopja tal-kartuna bil-kliem tal-Innu Malti li kienet qassmet il-President ta’ Malta fl-Awstralja).
Time for MACY to start delivering
M. Cassar from Marsden Park NSW, writes: n her re-election as president of the La Valette SC, Antoinette Caruana made a passing comment about her disappointment, which is shared by all the centre’s members, of the lack of activity by the youths' section, the MACY on its formation. These youngsters who promised so much on the formation of the group, and were in turn offered all the facilities at the centre, have so far failed to deliver. It is pay back time, and I think it is The case for dual citizens time for them to stand up to be counted. Georgette Pisani from Glenroy, Victoria writes: read with much interest the article written in Maltese regarding the effects of dual citizenship and the Maltese. (The Voice 29/8 p 2). It is very well written, but I suggest that this article is translated into English in order for us to give to our children, the ones most likely to be affected by it. There will not be many who would venture their way to Parliament, but one never knows. We had politicians of Maltese descent in Parliament before and will have them in the future. Perhaps our Government representatives in Australia would be moved to give a clear direction in this matter.
Tuesday September 12, 2017
The Voice of the Maltese 9
In 2016, nearly half of all Australians were either born overseas or had at least one parent who was born overseas. This broad cultural mix is constantly growing. In 2016, we added two new ancestries – Pitcairn and Yezidi. Of second-generation Australians who have both parents born overseas, those aged under 40 were more likely to have Asian ancestry, whereas those over 40 were more likely to have European-born parents. This reflects the changing nature of migration, which was predominantly European until the mid-1970s. Migrant population branches out, increases religious diversity Some of the suburbs of our biggest cities have taken on a more multicultural flavour over the years, and our make-up continues to reflect a shift in migrant demographics. While six in 10 migrants still live in New South Wales or Victoria, there have been notable increases in the proportions of migrants calling Queensland and Western Australia home. In 2016, Sydney had the highest overseas-born population of all capital cities (1,773,496), followed by Melbourne (1,520,253) and Perth (702,545). The 2016 Census also reveals that those born overseas were more likely to live in a capital city (83%), a much higher percentage than people born in Australia. Religious affiliations, as you would expect with the increase in non-European migration, have also undergone an upheaval over the past 50 years. Christianity was still by far the most practised religion among the overseas-born population (47%) – the first time this proportion has been less than half. Of those people born overseas who reported a religion other than Christianity, 31% were Buddhist, 28% were Islamic, 27% were Hindu, 7.6% were Sikh and 3.2% were Jewish. Four in 10 of our overseas-born Buddhist population came from Vietnam and China; more than three-quarters (76%) of all overseas-born Hindus came from India and Nepal; and more than one-quarter (26%) of all overseas-born Muslims came from Pakistan and Afghanistan. While those of us born overseas were less likely to report having no religion than our Australian-born population (27% compared with 34%), it was still the second most common response after Christianity. This compares to 20% in 2011 and 17% in 2006. More than one in five of us speak a language other than English at home The 2016 Census not only revealed that we spoke more than 300 languages at home, but more than one in five Australians (21%) spoke a language besides English at home. Mandarin remains the next most common language, spoken at home by one in every 40 Australians. Moreover, less than half our overseas-born population (42%) spoke only English at home in 2016, while 8.3% spoke Mandarin, 3.5% spoke Cantonese and 3.1% spoke Vietnamese. For those of us born in Australia, one in 12 spoke a
language other than English at home, the most common being Greek (0.8%), Arabic (0.8%) and Italian (0.7%). A 'nation of nations' that continues to flourish We come from almost everywhere on the planet – from nearly 200 countries in the world. With more than one in four of us born overseas, more than 300 languages spoken in our homes, more than 100 religions and more than 300 different ancestries, our cultural diversity is enorAustralian demographic acmously rich. cording to country of birth This is the changing face of our multicultural nation – captured and reflected in the Census, and proof that our own ‘nation of nations’ continues to flourish. This is who we are today.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
Il-futur tal-enerġija riesaq! F orsi wħud minnkom jiftakru artiklu li kont ktibt fuq il-blog tiegħi1 u fil-ħarġa numru 105 ta' The Voice of the Maltese, dwar l-iżviluppi fil-qasam tal-ġenerazzjoni tal-enerġija elettrika u ddiffikultajiet fid-distribuzzjoni. Kont ikkummentajt dwar il-biża' li jista' jinħoloq inċentiv ekonomiku biex investituri żgħar ta' generaturi sostenibbli jinqatgħu mis-sistema pubblika tad-distribuzzjoni, u għalhekk il-benefiċċju talinvestiment tagħhom, igawduh huma biss, anke jekk kapaċi jiġġeneraw enerġija iktar milli jistgħu jikkonsmaw huma. Kont esprimejt it-tama li jinħoloq xi inċentiv biex dawn l-investituri, kemm individwi privati jew intrapriżi, jibqgħu imqabbdin mas-sistema tad-distribuzzjoni, sabiex jibbenefika l-pajjiż sħiħ. Ħadt pjaċir ninnota li dawn l-inċentivi jidher li qegħdin jiġu żviluppati, mill-privat u mhux mill-gvern jew aġenziji governattivi. Sirt naf b'żewġ kumpanniji li qegħdin jiżviluppaw prodotti interessanti f'dan il-qasam: Localvolts2 u Power Ledger3, it-tnejn kumpanniji Awstraljani. It-tnejn iwiegħdu li ġeneratur u konsumatur se jkollhom għażla bil-wisq ikbar mil-lum lil min ibiegħu jew mingħand min jixtru l-enerġija, u b'liema prezz. Minn dawn iż-żewġ kumpanniji, Power Ledger hija l-iktar li tat dettalji dwar kif dan se jseħħ, u dawn id-dettalji huma interessanti ferm.4 X’aktarx kulħadd huwa familjari mal-kunċett ta' reġistru, fejn transazzjonijiet ta' kwalunkwe tip ikunu mniżżla bħala rikordju u riferenza, u dan jservi ta' bażi għal negozju. Illum hawn teknoloġija, imsejħa katina ta' blokok (blockchain), fejn dan irreġistru jkun mifrux u rreplikat fuq numru kbir ta' kompjuters madwar id-dinja, fejn kulħadd ikun jista' jivverifika d-dettalji tat-transazzjoni, u l-biża' li dawn jiġu mbagħbsa jiġi virtwalment elminat bl-użu tal-kriptografija. Karatteristika prinċipali ta' din it-teknologija hi li m'hemm lebda awtorità ċentrali li qiegħda tiċċertifika t-transazzjonijiet it-tekonoloġija trendiha bla bżonn. Karatteristika oħra hija lħeffa li biha ssir transazzjoni, li jkun kuntratt fejn minn naħa waħda jiġi pprovdut servizz (l-enerġija elettrika) u min-naħa loħra jsir il-ħlas. L-eżempju l-iktar magħruf tal-użu tal-katina ta' blokok huwa l-munita elettronika Bitcoin, li minn meta nħolqot żdiedu oħrajn. Madankollu, l-użu tal-katina tal-blokok mhux limitat għal muniti, imma jistgħu jintużaw simboli oħra ta' valur, li jkunu jistgħu jiġu negozjati. Power Ledger għażlet li tuża żewġ simboli fuq il-katina ta' blokok Ethereum. L-ewwel wieħed, jismu SPARKZ, huwa ekwivalenti għall-munita tal-pajjiż (per eżempju fl-Awstralja huma ċ-ċenteżmi), u jintuża biex konsumatur jixtri l-enerġija,
u ġeneratur ibiegħu. Ittieni simbolu, jismu POWR, iservi ta' permess biex tal-ewwel ikun jista' jiġi mixtri u mbiegħ. Uħud mill-miri, fejn irregolamenti jippermettu, huma: • in-negozju tal-enerġija dirett bejn il-konsumaturi u l-prosumaturi (konsumaturi sofistikati li jiġġeneraw ukoll), fejn kulħadd igawdi minn kontijiet imnaqqsa, u introjtu aħjar għall-investituri; • l-għażla faċli u b'granularità għolja ta' minn fejn jinxtara u lil min jinbiegħ l-enerġija; • aggregazzjoni ta' kon-
sumaturi; • dawk li jgħixu f'kiri jew strata, fejn normalment ma jitħallewx jistallaw sistemi fotovoltajċi, li jipparteċipaw f'dan is-suq; • fejn investimenti jistgħu faċilment jinqasmu bi sħab; • mezzi ta' trasport elettriċi jistgħu ikunu identifikati u ċċarġjati minn diversi punti tas-sistema ta' distribuzzjoni. Jidher li diġa saru proġetti pilota f'Busselton, Western Australia, u wkoll fi New Zealand u bħalissa qegħdin ifittxu investituri biex ikomplu jiżviluppaw dawn l-applikazzjonijiet u oħrajn. Huma dawn it-tip ta' żviluppi innovattivi li l-pajjiż, u d-dinja, għandha bżonn, biex tittrasforma b'mod iktar mgħaġġel l-industrija tal-enerġija elettrika, iddominata llum minn ġeneraturi maħmuġa (il-ħruq ta' faħam u/jew żejt), li jbiegħu l-enerġija blingrossa (wholesale) lill-bejjiegħa tal-imnut (retailer) li jiddettaw il-prezz lill-konsumatur. It-tniġġiż tal-karbonju li jwassal għat-tibdil tal-klima naturalment ma jiġix biss mill-ħruq ta' sorsi ffosilizzati ta' enerġija għall-elettriċità, imma għal użi oħra bħat-trasport u l-produzzjoni tal-ħadid. Madankollu, is-settur tal-enerġija elettrika għandu bżonn jersaq iktar malajr għal sitwazzjoni fejn il-ġenerazzjoni tkun kollha kemm hi nadifa. Nifraħ nara l-użu innovattiv u avvanzat tat-teknoloġija li qed tipprova solvi diversi wġigħ ta' ras f'salt: l-għoli fil-prezzijiet tal-enerġija elettrika, il-biża li ħafna indirizzi jinqatgħu missistema ta' distribuzzjoni, il-pass kajman fit-trasformazzjoni talindistrija. Bħala inġinier u bniedem inkwetat mis-sinjali mifruxa tat-tibdil tal-klima, ma nistax ma narax din l-inizjattiva bħala pożittiva immens.
Referenzi 1. 2. 3. 4., retrieved 6/9/2017
The Voice of the Maltese 11
L-EX VOTO – devozzjoni antika f’pajjiżna
Tuesday September 12, 2017
razzi ħafna għal diversi kappelli Maltin li fis-sagristija tagħhom għadek tara għadd ta’ ex voto mwaħħla malħajt. Dan juri devozzjoni antika f’pajjiżna u parti wkoll mill-istorja reliżjuża tagħna. L-ex voto huma xhieda ta’ kemm il-poplu Malti kien devot u Nisrani u jfittex l-għajnuna, l-aktar tal-Madonna u Binha Ġesù, f’mumenti diffiċli u ta’ qtigħ il-qalb. Illum il-ġurnata ħafna huma dawk li jżuru dawn l-ex voto u jgħaddu l-osservazzjonijiet tagħhom - għax kull ex voto jirrakkonta storja, aktarx xi storja traġika jew disgrazzja li tkun ukoll marbuta mal-wegħda. Wieħed jara dawn l-ex voto f’pittura fuq diversi materjali u affarijiet oħra li jvarjaw minn ilbies ta’ trabi għal krozzi u affarijiet oħra. Dawn l-oġġetti jagħtu xhieda tal-ġrajja. Juru anke l-ħajja Maltija tal-imgħoddi. Niftakarni sewwa nara l-ewwel ex voto li hemm fil-Kappella tal-Madonna talĦlas bejn Ħaż-Żebbuġ u Ħal-Qormi. Niftakar li f’kuridur li jagħti għas-sagristija kien hemm dawn l-ex voto li juru trabi tat-twelid. Alla jaħfirlu missieri kien ħadni narahom u niftakar li b’mod mill-aktar sempliċi (kont żgħir wisq biex nifhem), missieri kien qalli li dawn kienu jingħataw bi tpattija talli tkun ġiet kreatura ġdida fid-dinja. Milux tkellimt mas-Sur Guido Lanfranco, studjuż tal-istorja u l-folklor ta’ Malta, u staqsejtu jgħidli kemm hi antika din id-drawwa tal-ex voto. Qalli hekk: “Il-bniedem jara ħafna gwaj, sfortuna u perikli madwaru imma donnu jaħseb li dawn mhumiex se jmissu lilu. Mumenti kruċjali tal-biża’ huma tnejn: jew meta tkun realment wiċċ imbwiċċ ma’ diżastru u bilħerqa titlob u tagħmel wegħda li jekk ma jiġrilek xejn, turi ħajr lill-qaddis jew qaddisa tad-devozzjoni tiegħek billi tagħmel donazzjoni jew tħalli xi oġġett ta’ tifkira. “Jekk għal għarrieda jiġik il-ħelsien jew fejqan, tirringrazzja u turi ringrazzjament bl-istess mod. Oġġetti li jitħallew fis-santwarji jew knejjes bħala ringrazzjament ngħidulhom ex voto, jiġifieri tal-wegħda. “Jidher li din is-sistema ta’ ringrazzjament ilha teżisti fost ilbnedmin ta’ diversi reliġjonijiet u mhux fost l-Insara biss. Fil-
gżejjer tagħna kien hawn bosta oġġetti ex voto u jinkludu biċċiet minn opri tal-baħar, balla ta’ kanun, ġebel li waqa’, ilbies tattrabi tat-tfal tal-wegħda, vleġġa, katina jew ħabel tal-jasar u kulma tista’ timmaġina. “Imma ħafna mill-ġrajjiet ta’ ħelsien jew fejqan diffiċli turihom. Is-sistema l-aktar komuni li tintuża għall-ex voto hija dik fejn issir pittura tal-ġrajja.” Is-Sur Lanfranco żied jgħidli li billi ħafna Maltin kienu baħrin fil-Mediterran, kellhom mijiet ta’ inċidenti li fihom raw ilmewt minħabba l-kursari jew maltempati, għalhekk għadna naraw ħafna tpinġijiet ta’ artisti u dilettanti li juru kif kienet ilġrajja u juru wkoll ix-xbieha talqaddis jew qaddisa tad-devozzjoni. Tlabtu wkoll jgħidli dwar l-ex voto li nsibuhom bħala graffitti. Qalli li dawk li ngħidulhom graffiti aktarx li nsibuhom minquxin mal-ħitan tal-knejjes u kappelli. Dawn juru xwieni u bċejjeċ oħra tal-baħar. Ex voto oħrajn, mis-seklu dsatax, kienu forom tal-fidda li juru saqajn, għajnejn, trabi, qlub, eċċ. Temm jgħidli li l-ex voto għadhom isiru sal-lum. Dawn juru bċejjeċ u aċċidenti tal-gwerra, aċċidenti tat-toroq u fuq ixxogħol. Fil-biċċa l-kbira fir-rokna jkollhom miktubin xi noti dwar il-ġrajja u wkoll VFGA (Votum Fecit Et Graziam Accepit), jiġifieri li l-wegħda saret u l-grazzja nqalgħet. Ta’ min jgħid ukoll li dawn l-ex voto saru u għadhom isiru wkoll f’għadd ta’ pajjiżi fejn ir-reliġjon għad għandha post importanti f’ħajjet ir-residenti. Dawn jinstabu fl-Italja, imma x’aktarx li l-aktar flAmerika t’Isfel.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta investments Malta hosting Arraiolos 2017 More R
he 2017 Arraiolos Group meeting will be held in Malta September 14-15. HE MarieLouise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, is the first President of Malta, and the first Female EU President to attend such meetings. The Arraiolos meeting (themed Crossing Borders) is a forum of non-executive, European Union Presidents. It aims at creating a frank and profound discussion at a time when Europe, like the rest of the world, has become more polarised on social-class and ethnic lines. Among the participants would be thirteen Presidents, representing Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia. They would be discussing the present and future of social Europe and the management of security challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Arraiolos Malta 2017 is to be held at the Grandmaster’s
Prince Charles to visit Malta on October 4
he Prince of Wales, Prince Charles is to visit Malta on October 4 to take part in the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the awarding to Malta of the George Cross. The Prince is the president of the George Cross Association and the Victoria Cross. On the morrow, the Prince, a long-time champion for the health and resilience of the ocean, is due to deliver the keynote speech at the ‘Our Ocean conference in St. Julian’s. He will also undertake a series of other engagements, including a visit to St. Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral in Valletta to view the restoration work. The Cathedral, built in 1844, recently launched a €3 million restoration campaign.
Palace in Valletta, Verdala Palace, and at the Mediterranean Conference Centre. When she launched Arraiolos Malta in March, the President said that her hope is that “through this meeting, we shall become more sensitive and aware of the particular nature of our respective situations” She said that ‘Crossing Borders’ is an invitation to the non-executive presidents of the EU to reflect on how Europe can rediscover its core social values, reclaim its social model, and achieve higher levels of solidarity, fairness, and inclusion.
July tourist arrivals show 11.7% increase ourist arrivals to Malta in registered an increase T of 11.7% when compared to the corresponding month in 2016. A total 256,509 foreigners visited
Malta, with 217,438 inbound tourist trips carried out for holiday purposes. A further 9,942 were undertaken for business purposes. The National Statistics Office (NSO) said that arrivals from EU member states went up by 12.0 per cent to 209,445. Most inbound tourists were aged between 25 and 44, followed by those up to 24 years. Total nights spent also went up by 8.9% compared to July 2016, surpassing 2.1 million nights. Total tourist expenditure was estimated at €255.7 million, an increase of 11.4% over the corresponding month in 2016.
Malta Customs destroys De Valette sword 12m smuggled cigarettes attracts crowds
As a result of a campaign against the import, sale and consumption of smuggled goods, in particular tobacco products and wine, the Customs Department destroyed 12 million black market cigarettes impounded from various outlets as a result of a crackdown on cigarette smugglers, In Customs’ effort to continue to drive home its counter-smuggling message, Machines shredded 11,667,748 cigarettes and 77 kg of loose-leaf tobacco. Over the past two weeks, Customs officials also confiscated 6,000 cigarettes, of which 2,800 were intercepted at the airport before entering the country, 13 cartons, of 200 cigarettes each were seized when a crewmember of a ship attempting to smuggle them out of the Freeport gate was intercepted. Another 500 cigarettes were seized from a shop in Zabbar. It also confiscated 205 litres of contraband wine.
Maltese economy April-June grows by 6.4% more than ‘16 P
yanair will continue to invest in Malta by adding a fifth-based aircraft to help cover 12 new routes it would be servicing from Malta next year, expected to bring 100,000 more tourists. It is also discussing possible avenues of cooperation and would be collaborating on sales and commercial initiatives, including selling Air Malta tickets on the Ryanair portal.
rovisional statistics published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) indicate that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Malta in the three months between April and June increased by 4.4%, reaching almost €2,658 million, which is an increase of €209 million compared with the same period in 2016. The statistic means that in nominal terms, the Maltese economy in the second quarter of this year reached 8.5% and 6.4% in real terms.
n Victory Day, September 8, the public had its last chance to visit de Valette dagger exhibition at the National Museum of Archaeology at an open day before it is returned to the Louvre Museum. During this open day, the public will be able to view de Valette’s dagger for free. At a news conference Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government Owen Bonnici said that the de Valette dagger exhibition was welcomed with enthusiasm by the public. In fact, between March 18, when the exhibition was opened, until September 4, there was an increase of around 39.16% of people visiting the National Museum of Archaeology, compared with the same period last year. Meanwhile, emphasising its mission to make sites more accessible to the general public through various events, Heritage Malta’s Executive Chairman Kenneth Gambin referred to various events linked to de Valette’s dagger, such as the lecture organised at the Museum entitled ‘Jean de Valette: His Sword and Dagger’, by Mr Philippe Malgouyres, Chief Curator of the Department of Art Objects at the Musée du Louvre in Paris.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Roundup of News About Malta
Science in the City on September 29
Speaker Anġlu Farrugia (4th from right) and the Maltese delegation meets with Mr Hernandez
Speaker Farrugia leads delegation to Cuba
he Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia who has been leading a parliamentary delegation that includes Byron Camilleri and Hermann Schiavone on an official visit to Cuba was received by Juan Esteban Lazo Hernández, the President of the Cuban National Assembly of People’s Power during which they discussed themes of mutual interest. Speaker Farrugia said that although the diplomatic relations between the two countries were established way back in 1977, there is still ample scope to further deepen the cooperation between the two countries in var-
ious areas such as trade, culture, and climate change, which could be of mutual benefit. The Maltese delegation also met and discussed topics of mutual interest with Ana Teresita González Fraga, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Cuba. Referring to the III EU-CELAC summit October in San Salvador Dr Farrugia augured a successful outcome for the event, an opportunity for the EU and the Latin-American and Caribbean countries to confirm a positive momentum on global issues and reaffirm the shared commitment to strengthening multilateralism, focusing on the UN.
or the sixth year running, on September 29, the University of Malta would be organising Science in the City – European Researchers Night during which, people of all ages would have the opportunity to explore the usual interactive activities such as the health and dental checks, child friendly experiments, shows, games and also totally new projects based on ongoing research based in Malta, such as the power of light pushing objects, AR, Art, holograms and more. Inaugurating the event, Silvio Schembri, the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation said that this activity is an ideal setup for everyone to experience science hands on. He also emphasized the importance of helping children understand the importance of science and how it is constantly present around them so that they would appreciate it more and understand it better. This year’s edition will be showcasing Malta’s researchers and their work, and the impact of such work in our lives in the future.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Toqrob il-ħatra ta’mexxej għall-Partit Nazzjonalista W
aqt li qed nikteb dan l-artiklu, f’Malta għaddejjin mill-aqwa tal-kampanja elettorali għallħatra tal-mexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Għalkemm minn stħarriġ li sar mill-ġurnali qabel kien qed jitbassar li ż-żewġ finalisti għat-tiġrija għall-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista kienet se tkun bejn Dr Chris Said u Dr Adrian Delia, kien hemm min sostna li dan l-istħarriġ ma kienx wieħed ta’ min jorbot fuqu għax dawk mistoqsija mhux bilfors setgħu jivvutaw fl-ewwel fażi ta’ din it-tiġrija. Dan minħabba li fl-ewwel fażi tal-elezzjoni setgħu jivvutaw biss il-kunsuliera tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Jerġa’ il-possibilta ta’ Dr Delia li jagħmilha mal-aħħar tnejn bdiet tħalli ddubji minħabba l-fatt li propju jumejn qabel l-ewwel votazzjoni, bord maħtur mill-Partit Nazzjonalista biex jindaga lerba’ kandidati fit-tellieqa, ħareġ b’rapport li oskura mhux ħażin lil Delia Tant li lKunsill tal-PN tah parrir biex jaħsibha dwar il-kandidatura tiegħu... fi kliem sempliċi kien qed jitolbu jirtira l-kandidatura tiegħu. Saħansitra l-istess Kap tal-PN, Dr Simon Busuttil kompla saħħaħ din it-teżi meta stqarr li kieku kien fil-pożizzjoni ta’ Delia kien jirtira mit-tiġrija. Iżda Delia webbes rasu u saħansitra saħaq li bl-oppożizzjoni li kienet qed issirlu mill-“establishment” tal-Partit, aktar kien qed jissaħħaħ milli jiddgħajjef. U għalkemm ħafna din ħaduha bħala parti mill-propoganda tiegħu, fil-fatt jidher li kellu raġun, minħabba li kontra kull stennija meta saret l-elezzjoni, mhux talli kien wieħed miż-żewġ kandidati li għadda
għall-fażi finali, talli saħansitra ġab l-akbar għadd ta’ voti u qabeż sewwa lit-tieni fillista, Dr Chis Said. Skont diversi kummentaturi politiċi dan irriżultat ħasad lil dawk li Dr Delia sejjaħ bħala l-establishment (nifhem li kien jirreferi għal dawk li huma meqjusa li jinsabu wara t-tmexxija preżenti tal-PN, li skont l-istess kummentaturi kienu jkunu aktar komdi li kieku minflok Delia, għadda għat-tieni fażi, Dr Perici Calscione). Bla dubbju li dan ir-riżultat kompla kkumplika l-ħajja xejn feliċi tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li kważi l-midja kollha ssostni li għaddej minn żminijiet ferm diffiċli. Saħansitra ġurnali li ssoltu huma meqjusa li jagħtu palata lill-PN xejn m’għamlu kummenti sbieħ dwar il-mod kif mxiet ilkampanja elettorali għall-mexxej tal-partit, b’uħud saħansitra jsejħulha farsa, kaos, eċċ. Dan qaluh saħansitra nies midħla tal-partit Nazzjonalista, fosthom il-kandidat Nazzjonalista, Ivan Bartolo, li fuq it-TV tal-Partit Laburista ikkundanna l-intriċċi u l-manuvri li qed isiru waqt l-elezzjoni biex jinħatar kap ġdid. U issa li Delia għadda għat-tieni fażi jidher li l-kampanja se tkompli tiqliel, biż-
While visiting Malta Stay at:
The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
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Adrian Chris Delia Said żewġ kandidati jitfgħu l-botti lil xulxin filberaħ, b’Said jsostni li l-PN ma jistax jissogra li min imexxih ikun taħt il-lenti għal xi akkużi (referenza ċara għal dak li qed tikteb l-artikolista Daphne Caruana Galizia fejn issostni li Delia għandu dejn kbir, li qala’ flus minn fuq post li kien mikri għall-prostituzzjoni, eċċ, eċċ), kif ukoll li dan se jkun Labour Mark II (uħud bilkemm ma jridux jgħidu li Delia huwa stooge tal-Partit Laburista). Min-naħa l-oħra, Delia jsostni li l-PN jinħtieġ demm ġdid, idejat ġodda (b’referenza għall-fatt li Said hu meqjus li jifforma parti mit-tmexxija Nazzjonalista li wasslet għat-telfiet kbar tal-PN.)
ħalkemm Delia rebaħ l-ewwel fażi b’kumdita’ ma jfissirx li għandu xi triq ħafifa. Anzi minn li rajna fl-ewwel jiem ta’ wara l-elezzjoni jidher li se tkun triq għat-telgħa għax il-kampanja kontra tiegħu kompliet tinfirex, u saħansitra issa Nazzjonalisti magħrufa qed jgħidu li jekk jieħu t-tmexxija tal-PN jitilqu l-partit. Fost dawn kien hemm David Thake, kandidat tal-PN fl-aħħar elezzjoni, u Ray Bugeja, li kien ikkontesta għal mexxej talPN meta ġie maħtur Simon Busuttil. Fuq Facebook Bugeja kiteb li hu dejjem appoġġja lill-mexxejja tal-PN, imma jekk jiġi elett Delia kien se jitlaq mill-Partit Nazzjonalista. Dan ġab xita ta’ kummenti, uħud minnhom tassew baxxi, u li ġew attribwiti għal nies li jappoġġjaw lil Delia, b’Bugeja dritt iwieġeb u jispjega għaliex qal dak li qal,u li kien fl-interess tal-partit, li, kompla, jinsab f’mument diffiċli ferm u f’riskju li jitlef l-identita`storika tiegħu. Ikompli f’paġna 15
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Jitfaċċaw allegazzjonijiet
serji dwar mażonerija
Ikompli minn paġna 14 Bla dubju li thedid ta’ riżenja bħal din jista’ jħasseb lill-membri tal-PN li issa hu f’idejhom li jivvutaw għall-ħatra tal-mexxej Nazzjonalista. Fil-kampanja tfaċċat ukoll l-istorja tal-mażonerija, meta l-president tal-Kunsill talPartit Nazzjonalista Carol Aquilina kiteb li l-PN jrid joqgħod attent li ma jiġix f’idejn il-mażonerija. Dan mill-ewwel ġab reazzjoni qawwija minn dawk li jappoġġjaw lil Delia, u għalkemm Aquilina wieġeb li ma kien qed jirreferi għall-ebda wieħed mill-kandidati, ftit ġie emnut. Saħansitra kien hemm minn ħa l-okkażjoni biex iffakar il-każ ta’ Terinu, meta fl-1930 persuna kienet ħadet affidavit (ħalef) li kien ra lil Lord Strickland, mexxej tal-Partit Kostiuzzjonali, bil-fardal tal-Mażuni. Kien affidvit li ntqal li kien ġie moħmi minn sorsi tal-Partit Nzzjonalista. Intopp ieħor għal Delia hu kif se jidħol fil-Parlament jekk jiġi maħtur mexxej, għalkemm Delia qed jgħid li għandu soluzzjoni minkejja li jidher li ħadd mill-membri eletti tal-PN mhu lest li jċedilu postu. U anke jekk xi ħadd iċedilu postu, ma jkunx hu (min iċedi) li jiddeċiedi min jieħu postu, imma l-Partit Nazzjonalista... u bid-differenzi li bħalissa jeżistu bejn dak li Delia sejjaħ l-establishment u hu, tista’ twassal għal aktar diffikulta’ li dan jidħol fil-Parlament. Jekk jiġri hekk, nistgħu nispiċċaw li i-mexxej politiku tal-PN ikun Dr Delia, u l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni jkun xi membru tal-PN, possibilment l-istess Simon Busuttil, li għamilha ċara li hu kien se jibqa’ jżomm postu fil-Parlament.
Mhux se jirtira
żżefnet ukoll il-possibilta’ li Dr Said jirtira mittiġrija. Dan billi xi strateġisti kienu jqisu li dan kien jagħmilha aktar diffiċli għal Delia li jiġi maħtur mexxej tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Forsi jkun hemm min jistaqsi, imma għaliex? Skont ir-regolamenti tal-PN f’każ ta’ kuntest bejn żewġ kandidati għat-tmex-xija, jiġi maħtur min iġib l-aktar voti. Iżda f’każ ta’ kandidat wieħed xorta kellha ssir l-elezzjoni għax l-uniku kandidat li jilħaq mexxej irid iġib 66% tal-voti. Dawn l-istrateġisti jsostni li huwa aktar diffiċli għal Delia li jġib is-66% tal-voti, milli li Delia jġib ftit voti aktar minn Said, li saħansitra, min-naħa tieghħu ġie mħeġġeġ jirtira minn Dr Frank Portelli, li ġab biss11il vot fl-ewwel fażi tat-tellieqa. Dan sostna li Said kellu jirtira l-kandidatura tiegħu u jilħaq ftehim ma Delia biex ikun id-deputat mexxej, inkella “The alternative would be chaos and the party practically crashing straight against a wall,” Iżda Chris Said pront wieġeb li ma kienx lest li jilqa’ dawn il-pariri, la ta’ Portelli u lanqas ta’ dawk qrib Delia li kienu ħajjruh jirtira mit-tellieqa. Qal li hu mhux bniedem li jċedi malajr. Qal li dawk li qed iħeġġuh jirtira mhumiex jifhmu li din mhix kompetizzjoni bejn individwi imma dwar il-Partit Nazzjonalista u r-relevanza tiegħu bħala istituzzjoni fis-soċjeta`Maltija. Żied jgħid li għalkemm il-partitarji ta’ Delia diġa` qed jiċċelebraw, l-elezzjoni għad ma ntemmitx. Hija elezzjoni għall-ġejjieni tal-partit u talpajjiż. Hija ħasra li dik li bdiet bħala tellieqa bejn il-ħbieb spiċċat fi gwerra bejn il-kontestanti u dawk li jappoġġjawhom.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Issa tista’ tkun “X”
hux darba jew tnejn nirċievu formoli u dokumenti u taħt is-sezzjoni sess, niġu mitluba nniżżlu “M” jew “F” biex dak li jkun jikkonferma li hu ta’ sess maskil jew feminil. Iżda ftit tal-jiem ilu, mis-6 ta’ Settembru f’Malta l-affarijiet inbidlu, għax ma dawn l-ittri żdie-det oħra – l-ittra “X”. Dan billi dawk li jkun għadhom mhux ċerti mis-sesswalita tagħ-hom se jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu l-ittra X fuq il-passaport, ilkarta tal-identita tagħhom u f'każ li barranin il-permess għar-residenza. Il-possibilita li persuna tniżżel din l-ittra fuq id-dokumenti uffiċjali kien l-aħħar minn sensiela ta' deċiżjonijiet li l-Gvern ħa biex jagħti aktar drittijiet lill-LGBTIQ, fosthom l-introduzzjoni taż-żwieġ ugwali li daħal fis-seħħ fil-bidu ta' din il-leġislatura.
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Working out a practical formula
Child sexual abuse:
he Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended priests be charged for not reporting confessions of paedophiles. But as reported in the last issue of The Voice, Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart has said that confessional seal should remain. But Balwyn, Deepdene and Camberwell parish priest Fr Brendan Reed said those who admit to those crimes in confession should expect one result. “The public expects, and the Church expects, that it is such a serious sin the penance has to be no less than handing themselves in,” he said.  Confusion remains over how the law would work if introduced. Wellknown priest Fr Bob Maguire said he wanted officials and bishops to “work out a formula that satisfies both church and state”. “Am I to take my mobile phone with me and when they make a confession hit record or call the police?” he asked. “You don’t know who is in the (confession) box – what can you do with it? “Of course I’d agree in principal, I’m a secular human – citizen Maguire first and priest Maguire second. “(But) would the bosses please get together and work out a formula that is practical.” Fr Steven Rigo of St Mary’s, Greensborough, said no one had confessed sexual abuse to him during his 35 years as a priest. “I wouldn’t give them absolution until they went to police. Until that’s done, absolution can’t be granted,” he said. “Church law and civil law need not be in conflict.” Fr Reed said that he would be “reluctant to offer any absolution until there was agreement the penance was to be taken”. “And I think the penance is clear now — owning up and the full force of the law,” he said.
Karen Chetcuti’s killer will die behind bars ichael Caramone 50 years, a parolee M rapist responsible for one of the most horrific murders in Victorian history
has been locked up for the rest of his Life. At at a hearing in Wangaratta Supreme Court Justice Lex Lasry refused to set a minimum term for Cardamone saying he does not deserve mercy for the “horrifying, depraved and disgusting” killing of neighbour Karen Chetcuti (pictured right) 49 years a council worker who was divorced from a Maltese/Australian. Cardamone bound the mother of two with duct tape, cable ties and rope, gagged her with own skirt, sedating her with an animal tranquilliser and injecting her with methylamphetamine to make out she was a druggie at her Whorouly home, 270km northwest of Melbourne on January 12 last year. Karen’s battered and burnt remains were discovered by search teams in the Lake Buffalo area five days after she went missing. The decision was a relief for the family of Karen, who sat through the proceedings and heard awful details of her last moments.
Roberta for Parliament?
idow Roberta Williams 48 years old (maiden name Mercieca) may appear on the ballot papers at the next federal elections expected in 2018 or early 2019. Bill Shorten leader of the Labor Party faces a new challenge with gangland widow and convicted drug trafficker Roberta Williams planning to make a bid for the opposition leader's Melbourne seat of Maribyrnong at the next federal poll. When asked about his prospective new adversary, Mr Shorten said, “Just when I thought politics couldn't get more interesting.” Every Australian is entitled to nominate for parliament, including in the contest for Maribyrnong, the Labor leader added. “I don't blame anyone for wanting to represent the northwest suburbs of Melbourne,” Mr Shorten said. Ms Williams is hoping to be preselected as a candidate for the Australian People's Party but her status as an undischarged bankrupt is likely to hinder her bid. She spent six months in jail in 2006 for trafficking 8000 ecstasy tablets that were supplied to an undercover police officer. Ms Williams gained notoriety during Melbourne's gangland wars as the wife of slain underworld kingpin Carl Williams. She was played by actress Kat Stewart in the TV series Underbelly, which centred around Melbourne's gangland wars. Carl Williams, a convicted killer, was beaten to death by an inmate at Barwon Prison in 2010 and later buried in a golden casket.
$70m compensation for Manus Island detainees
ictorian Supreme Court justice Cameron Macaulay has approved a $70m compensation payout to current and former Manus Island asylum seekers and refugees over their illegal detention in dangerous conditions in what is Australia’s largest human rights class action settlement. The judge said he had approved the settle-
ment reached with the Australian government and operators of the Manus Island regional processing centre. Lawyers now hope to be able to get the compensation paid to current and former Manus Island detainees before the offshore immigration detention centre closes at the end of October.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey
he Treasurer, under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, has directed the Australian Statistician to request statistical information from all Australians on the Commonwealth Electoral Roll, as to their views on whether or not the law should be changed to allow same sex marriage. The statistical collection will be made under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 to safeguard the secrecy of the data. The voluntary survey will cover all Australians who are on the electoral roll (or those who've made a valid request for enrolment) by 24 August 2017. They will receive the necessary documentation to enable them to participate.
Critical confusion on marriage
When it comes to the true nature of marriage as well as gender, there is “critical confusion at the moment,” the Pope said. “We cannot change it. This is the nature of things,” not just in the Church, but in human history, he said in a series of interviews with Dominique Wolton, a 70-yearold French sociologist and expert in media and political communication. When asked about marriage for samesex couples, Francis said, “Let’s call this ‘civil unions'. We do not joke around with the truth.” Teaching children that they can choose their gender, he said, also plays a part in fostering such mistakes about the truth or facts of nature. The Pope said he wondered whether these new ideas about gender and marriage were somehow based on a fear of differences, and he encouraged researchers to study the subject. The Pope also said his decision to give all priests permanent permission to grant absolution to those who confess to having procured an abortion was not meant to trivialise this serious and grave sin. Abortion continues to be “murder of an innocent person. But if there is sin, forgiveness must be facilitated,” he said. So often a woman who never forgets her aborted child “cries for years without having the courage to go see a priest.” Below: Pope Francis talking to a couple on their wedding day
The ABS has released details on the process to be followed for the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey and has provided more details, including supporting participation by all eligible Australians (including those without access to mail, vision impaired, overseas etc.) The ABS assures Australians that all materials will be destroyed by the ABS at the end of processing. The ABS has formed a Taskforce to deliver the survey and will publish the results by November 15. The Taskforce includes staff from the Australian Electoral Commission seconded under ABS legislation.
Key dates: Tuesday, September 18- commencement of mailing of forms and collection period. Wednesday, October 18 – requests for replacement material closes (6pm local time). Friday, October 27 – the date all eligible Australians will be encouraged to return their form by. Tuesday, 7 November (6pm EST) – responses received after this date will not be processed. Wednesday, 15 November – statistics released. The Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey Information Line, 1800 572 113, is open seven days a week, 8am to 8pm (local time).
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Gay Pride march celebrates civil rights achievements
Over 2,000 people converged on Valletta on Saturday to take part in this year’s gay pride celebration with the theme 'Love Life', honouring Malta’s number one ranking as the most LGBTI+ friendly country in Europe. Among those attending the march were the political leaders of the main parties, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil. The event was organised by NGOs Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC), Malta Gay Rights Movement, Drachma, We Are, LGBTI+ Gozo, Civil Society Network along with The President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society and the Ministry for Social Dialogue and Civil Liberties. In comments to the media, the Prime Minister, under whose watch Malta introduced gay marriage said that changes in the law are great, but not enough for people of different genders to feel accepted by society, and that the next step was to change people’s mentality. “We need to make sure everyone knows that being part of the LGBTI+ community is
very normal and should be accepted.” Also present were Cabinet members Minister for Equality, Helena Dalli, and Parliamentary Secretaries Silvio Parnis and Julia Farrugia Portelli and MP Claudette Buttigieg.
Some of the participants leading the Gay Pride march in Valletta last Saturday Busuttil said he believed that this day showed that "we are one society... we are united." Meanwhile, Pride organiser Russell Sammut said he believed that the event symbolizes hope: “It is a message to everyone that is coming out. There are so many people here supporting you, to accept you. You don’t have to be afraid”. Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja recalled this year's theme, Love life, which she said arose because of Malta's advances in policy related to work and education for LGBTI+ individuals. "Amongst us are people who lived during a time when hiding their identity was a necessity. These people paved the way for today's youngsters to live out in the open."
Gozitan veteran awarded MCA Award for 2017
t a ceremony held on A Jum il-Vitorja at Blacktown NSW, Victor Grech BA a 75-year-od Gozitan was awarded the Maltese Cultural Award 2017. Mr Grech served as President of the Maltese Past Pupils of Don Bosco and is an arts teacher. Report and photos about the event in the next issue of The Voice of the Maltese.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
‘Maltese-Australian’ filmmaker captures
Tuesday September 12, 2017
culture, vibrancy of Malta in first film
HARMING villages and sparkling lagoons on a Mediterranean archipelago ensure the quintessential location for an indie romance flick but for Julian Galea, shooting his first feature film in Malta was more personal. That is how Joanne Vella described 39-year-old Bondi filmmaker Julian and Malta in an article in The Blacktown Advocate after his shooting of his Julian Galea... first feature film Love in Para- has shot his first dise in Malta. feature film Julian who directed and pro- about Malta duced the film shot in his “ancestral home” last July, told Joanne: “My tination. If you haven’t been to Malta heritage, it was important to me. It was you’ll want to go and if you have been also an exploration for me to get a better you’ll feel nostalgic,’’ he said. Perhaps the most special shot was the understanding of my roots on the other last scene filmed at Gozo’s Azure Winside of the world. “It was also my own story and discovery dow, the natural rock formation that colof myself. I got a real appreciation of my lapsed in March. He told Joanne roots there and the fact that we’ve shot all Vella that after its disastrous collapse, he was happy at least that over Malta, I saw so much of it.’’ The 80-minute film, which made its pre- they captured it. The famous arch, medieval towmiere at Event Cinemas at Bondi Junction on August 22, has also been selected ers and cities would be familiar for best feature film at Malta Film Festi- to film buffs who have seen val. It follows a US tourist played by Gladiator, Troy and Clash of the Myko Olivier (Glee) who falls in love Titans, but Julian says there is with a local artist (Marysia S. Peres, As- more to Malta than its fortresses. He mentioned the Blue Lagoon sassin’s Creed). “They fall in love with each other and in Comino, Valletta, Mdina, the country. It really embraces Malta,’’ Sliema, the Blue Grotto, megaJulian, who knew little about the island lithic temples (which predate before filming there, said. He now hopes Stonehenge) and tourist hotspot St Julian’s – the village after viewers will gain an insight into Malta. “It’s pretty much a postcard for the des- which he was named – are some of the other archXagħra Association of i p e l a g o ’s landmarks NSW Inc captured. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance movie, His he said, really Saturday, 16th September captures Guest of Honour: Fr Charles Sultana the culture
(Parish priest of St. Laurence parish, Gozo)
Come join us at Balmoral Function Centre,47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5-Course meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182; Mary Anne Teuma: 4579 6771
and vibrancy of Malta and shows Malta for Malta, and added that Love to Paradise would also appeal to “the traveller adventure type of people’’ and those “who love indie movies”. “This is a real honest movie about human connection which includes the paradise of Malta,” the filmmaker said. Julian quit his job in building project management eight years ago to study filmmaking in New York, where he lived for two years. Love to Paradise has been screening at Event Cinemas Parramatta, Bondi Junction and Burwood. It was screened in Malta as part of the Malta Film Festival and was awarded Best Film at the Malta International Film Festival. Since September 8 it has also been showing exlusively at Mala’s top cinema complex in Paceville
The best family gathering of the year:
The 30th Annual Dinner Dance Saturday, 14th October 2017
Mandavilla Function Centre 1788, The Horsley Drive Horsley Park NSW rom 7.30 pm: Music by Joe Apap Book early. Donation $65 Contact: Marlene on 02 9631 9295 Organised by the Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) All proceeds to the Don Bosco Missions.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Fr Rob on a mission with his music
urrently in Malta is Fr Robert Galea, the 35-year-old Sandhurst (Victoria) diocesan priest whose mission is to talk to young people who have never heard the Gospel through his music. He made the headlines in Malta by collaborating with Malta’s top performing artist and singer Ira Losco to release a new song, Dominoes, that could be the first of others Fr Rob, as he is affectionately known, has been featured on a number of occasions on The Voice of the Maltese magazine. He has achieved fame in Australia through his participation in X Factor and has spent the year performing in front of huge audiences around the world. The Maltese priest first contacted Ira Losco two years ago while he was in Malta on holiday with his family. It was then that he expressed his wish to set up some sort of collaboration with her so they could write songs together. After that they continued their collaboration and eventually came up with Dominoes. They recorded it and made a music video. Fr Rob recorded the music in Australia and Ira did her part in Malta. Then a Maltese producer put it all together in Malta. The song delivers a strong message of suffering and humanity. It tackles man’s suffering and the love needed by humanity. Ira Losco said she enjoyed this collaboration and described Fr Rob as a “very musical person,” adding, “he is also very modern in the representation of the music he writes.” Explaining the gist of the song on TVM, Ira said, “Love together… the brokenness becomes a work of art. The mess becomes a message.” Fr Rob who is currently also working on his seventh album and writing a
Fr Rob and Ira Losco. They are making music together
book about his upbringing in Malta, and what he describes as the story of his conversion after what he refers to as years of adolescent rebellion, said that a Hollywood company has expressed its interest in his book and is working on a film script of his book and his work among youths going through difficult times. Fr Rob could be describes as being on a mission with his music. He received his calling to the priesthood at the age of 21. Two years later after completing his first degree, he entered the seminary, and when a year later it was time for the compulsory gap year, which all Maltese seminarians must undertake before, they pursue their studies, he opted to go to university in Melbourne. “It was a conscious choice because I wanted to be far away from Malta for
Kemm taf dwar iċ-ċittadinanza doppja, il-visa, passporti u t-tibdil enormi li sar fil-ħajja ta’ kulħadd fl-Awstralja?
Int mistieden/a tattendi laqgħa ta’ informazzjoni nhar l-Erbgha, 4 ta’ Ottubru fis-7.30 pm fis-sala San Gorg Preca OLQP Parish Church Old Prospect Road Greystanes NSW Kelliema: Rita O’Dyer (Mill-uffiċċju tal-Konsolat Generali) Kulħadd mistieden. Dħul b’xejn Titilfux din l-okkażjoni ta’ tagħrif important.
that year,” he told the Maltese media. In Australia Fr Rob ended up singing in front of Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day 2008. His act was a great hit. By the end of his gap year, he was being constantly asked by the diocese to stay on and finish his studies there instead of returning to Malta. But instead he chose to return to the island. However, his superiors in Malta encouraged him to head back Down Under and 12 years on, he is still on loan to the diocese of Sandhurst as a missionary where he devised a plan to go and reach out to young people, writing music for clubs “and then went knocking on club doors”. His music soon was in demand. Next, he set up a band and started recording music and followed that up by setting up this outreach movement called "Stronger Youth" which is now one of Australia’s largest youth ministries. Today he ministers about 300,000 young people in a year. Fr Rob is a frequent traveller, in Australia or around the world, to address crowds, sometimes performing in front of half a million youths. Back in his diocese, the Maltese priest spends his time carrying out his normal duties to the parishioners, saying Mass, administering weddings and funerals, and reaching out by “hanging out in bars, singing in pubs, and visiting prisons”. He has made it his mission to talk to young people who have never heard the Gospel. He talks a lot about his love of God and Jesus. “I go as someone who is in love with God and wants to share that love with others,” Fr Rob says.
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday September 12, 2017
ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta.
IL-PARTIĊIPJU JEW AĠĠETTIV (ikompli) 28. Il-verbi mnisslin isawru l-aġġettiv jew partiċipju biżżieda tal-ittra m (jew mi quddiem kelma li tibda b’żewġ konsonanti) mehmuża fil-bidu ta’ suret il-verb fl-Imperattiv. Għalhekk minn farrak, sawwat, tajjar, ġerri, darri, bierek, kaxkar, stmerr, staħba, strieħ nagħmlu mfarrak, msawwat, mtajjar, mġerri, mdorri, mbierek, mkaxkar, mistmerr, mistoħbi, mistrieħ. Hekk ukoll minn għaffeġ, għaddas, għabbar, għaġġel, bajjad, kejjel, ħawwel, niegħel, biegħed, qarar, ġiegħel, xiegħel, għarbel, għalwel, herwel, stagħġeb nagħmlu l-partiċipju mgħaffeġ, mgħaddas, mgħabbar, mgaġġel, mbajjad, mkejjel, mħawwel, mniegħel, mbiegħed, mqarar, mġiegħel, mxiegħel, mgħarbel, mgħalwel, mherwel, mistagħġeb. NOMI MNISSLIN MILL-VERBI 29. L-isem li jfisser l-għemil (nomen actionis) isir biż-żieda tal-ittra t mehmuza fil-bidu tal-verb ewlieni jew imnissel, fis-sura tal-Imperattiv (tieni persuna, għadd farrad) bil-vokali ta’ mingħajr aċċent fl-aħħar taqsima mibdula f’i mkarkra. (1) Minn verbi ewlenin: Minn ġíbed, iġbed, tiġbid-a; minn qéla(j), aqli(j), toqlij-a; minn ġéra(j), iġri(j), tiġrij-a; minn sáfa(j), isfa(j), tisfij-a; minn għéla(j), ogħli(j), togħlij-a; minn għálem (ewlieni ta’ għallem), agħlem, tagħlim-a; minn għába(j) (ewlieni ta’ għabba), agħbi(j), tagħbija; minn għásed (ewlieni ta’ għassed), agħsed, tagħsid-a; minn għáraf (ewlieni ta’ għarraf), agħraf, tagħrif-a; minn għárax, agħrax, tagħrix-a, u għalhekk minn għátan (ewlieni ta’ għattan), agħtan, tagħtin-a; minn għámar (ewlieni ta’ għammar), agħmar, tagħmir-a; minn għáweġ (ewlieni ta’ għawweġ), agħweġ, tagwiġ-a; minn għájar (ewlieni ta’ għajjar), agħjar, tagħjir-a; minn għájeb (ewlieni ta’ għajjeb), agħjeb, tagħjib-a; minn séwa(j) (ewlieni ta’ sewwa), iswa(j), tiswij-a, hekk ukoll minn sélem (ewlieni ta’ sellem), islem, tislim-a.
(2) Minn verbi mnisslin: Minn qalleb, tqallîb; minn għaffeġ, tgħaffîġ; minn għassed, tgħassîd; minn g˙ħnnaq, tgħannîq. Hekk minn qarben, farfar, gerger, ħarbex, każbar nagħmlu tqarbîn, tfarfîr, tgergîr, tħarbîx, tkażbîr u għalhekk minn għarbel, heżheż, herwel nagħmlu tgħarbil, theżhiż, therwil, imbagħad il-femminil tgħarbila, thezhiża, therwila. Hekk ukoll minn bierek, riegħed, wiegħed, qiegħed, żiegħel nagħmlu tberik-a, tregħid-a, twegħid-a, tqegħid-a, tzegħil-a (żegħil-a). (Ara wkoll is-Sitta u Għoxrin Regola, T.ċ. (4) – lEwwel Taqsima). Minn wissi, witti nagħmlu twissija, twittija, kif ukoll mill-ewlenin wisa(j), wita(j) jitnisslu tusija, tutija. T.ċ. Is-suriet tal-ismijiet bħal tiġbid, tiġrija, tisfija, tislim, taħbil, tikmix, eċċ. insibuhom fil-grammatika Għarbija bħal infinittivi jew ismijiet tal-għemil tal-verbi mnisslin: ġebbed, ġerra, saffa, sellem, ħabbel, kemmex biż-żieda ta’ ta jew ti mehmua fil-bidu tas-sura. (Ara wkoll Vassalli Gram: Lingua Maltese, p. 87, para. 133). Billi din it-tagħrifa ma taqdiniex biex fuqha nagħżlu filMalti bejn il-għamla ta’ tgħanniq u tagħniq, ta’ tgħassid u tagħsid, ta’ tqallib u taqlib li jieħdu ż-zewġ suriet u lanqas ma twassalna biex fuqha nibnu dawn ix-xorta ta’ ismijet, dehrilna li r-regola li tajna hi l-iżjed li ttarrafna kif għandha bir-raġun tinkiteb il-kelma mingħajr ebda tagħlit. 30. L-ismijiet li jfissru l-għemil jew il-ħaġa, jitnisslu wkoll minn verbi ewlenin, (1) bilwaqgħa tal-vokali ta’ bla aċċent, (2) bit-tibdila tal-ħoss u l-leħen tal-vokali f’taqsima ta’ kelma, (3) bit-tibdila tal-konsonanti dgħajfa f’oħra, (4) biżżieda ta’ vokali jew tas-sillaba ân jew ien f’tarf il-kelma. Fil-Malti hemm mat-tmintax-il għamla ta’ nomi minn din ix-xorta li fil-qosor huma dawn, li fuqhom jinbnew u jinkitbu l-oħrajn tal-istess għamla.
Obituary: Fr Joe Pulis SDB (1932-2017)
he death was announced on August 28, of Fr Joe Pulis, SDB, two days short of his 85th birthday. He was born in Sliema, Malta, on August 30, 1932 Fr Joe joined the Salesian order as an aspirant and for some time studied at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Malta before he travelled to Australia in 1948 accompanied by his cousin Joe Ellul. On arrival he attended the Archbishop Mannix Missionary College in Oakleigh. On January 31, 1952, he took Religious Profession in Sunbury and then went to Brooklyn Park, South Australia where he continued his studies for the priesthood and at the same time did some teaching and looked after the college boarders In 1958 he travelled to Naples in Italy to study Theology and on March 25, 1962, was ordained a priest. Soon after he returned to Australia and back to Oakleigh, to teach and further his studies. Later on he went to Port Pirie where he served as Principal in that college. After a number of years he went back to
Sunbury to teach and was put in charge of the student’s Infirmary. At the same time he started learning Japanese, which became very useful as in 1997
Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-ħarġa li jmiss
he went to Bairnsdale where he taught Japanese, Italian and other subjects. Fr Joe also spent 18 months in Japan where he taught the English language English. After that he used to travel to Japan for two months every year to teach English. Back in Melbourne taught Japanese at Sunbry and Bairnsdale. Until November 2016, very year before Christmas, he used to take students from Bairnsdale on excursions to Japan, and also looked after Japanese students on exchange visits to Melbourne. For 26 years, until it stopped functioning, Fr Joe acted as Spiritual Director of the Maltese-Salesian Past Pupils Association of Victoria. He is survived by his brothers Victor and Eddie, their wives, nieces and nephews. May God grant him eternal rest.
– PaulVella
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Festa of Our Lady of Victories in the Parish of Greystanes NSW- Programme
Saturday September 23: 9.45am: Confessions; 6.00pm: Solemn Mass in English with Maltese hymns. Principal Celebrant, Fr Paul Marshall (Parish Priest), accompanied by the Fr Matthew Digges, Fr Chukwunonyerem Akamadu and Fr Denis Andrew O.Carm. At the conclusion of the Mass the Rosary, and Benediction will be given. Sunday 24 September 24: 3.30pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass by Paul Marshall, accompanied Fr Matthew Digges, Fr Chukwunonyerem Akamadu, Fr Tarcisio Micallef mssp, Fr Benedict Sant mssp and Fr Suresh Kumar. Fr Paul Marshall will deliver the panegyric. Fr Charles Sultana will address the congregation. During Mass Joe Galea will sing hymns in Maltese. The procession, accompanied by the statue of Our Lady of Victories and devotees follows the conclusion of the Mass. Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band will also take part in the procession. The Rosary to be recited in the procession. 6.00pm: First musical programme by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band; 7.00pm: Second musical programme by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band; 8.30pm: Fireworks display.
Xagħra Association of NSW Inc Rest of Fr Charles Sultana’s NSW Programme - September 2017
St John the Evangelist Parish, Riverstone 164, Garfield Rd East, Riverstone
Morning Mass times: Tuesday-Saturday: 8:30 am Friday Evenings times: September 15 at 6:30 pm at Horsley Park Saturday vigil Mass times: September 16 @ 5:30 pm; September 23 @ 6:00 pm Sunday Mass times: 7:00am & 9:00am: September: 17, 24 September 17: 3:00 pm Horsley Park, Sunday 24: 3:30 pm @ Greystanes. Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Saturday Sept. 16.
7.15 p.m Guest of Honour @ Annual tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance, Balmoral Function Centre, 49 Balmoral Road, Blacktown. For any tickets r efer to contacts below 2.00 p.m. Procession on church grounds with Statue of Our Lady of Victories. Sunday Sept. 17 Horsley Park Festa 3.00 p.m. Concelebrates Mass @ Horsley Park Church - Our Lady of Victories. 7.00 a.m. Bus Outing to the Entrance Tuesday Sept. 19 3.30 p.m. ConCelebrates Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Sunday Sept. 24. Festa at Greystanes - Festa Greystanes Tal-Vitorja Din/Dance
Enquiries: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034 M'Anne Teuma: 4579 6771
La Valette Social Centre Saturday acti vities
La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Masses at the Chapel: 5.45pm and 6.15pm. Centre is open for dinner from 5.00pm. Entertainment by Sam Mifsud or Manuel Grech.Għana: last Saturday of every month. Bingo: 8.00pm Winter & 8.30pm Summer. Boċċi, Raffle, members’ lucky door prize - dinner for two Membership is only $7 a year. We also have other activities that we advertise on the radio, church bulletins and The Voice of the Maltese.
ST HELENA MALTESE/AUSTRALIAN S.C. Events: September - December 2017
Sept. 23 – Fri.: Family function at Klabb G˙annejja Maltin St Albans. Oct. 14 – Sat.: GM meeting at Albion (2.p.m). Oct. 22 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Nov. 12 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Dec. 16 – Sat.: Xmas Function at Melrose Tullamarene.
Bus tour to Canberra
On Sunday October 1 the Maltese Community Council of NSW is organising a bus tour to Canberra, visiting the National War Memorial. Bus departs 8.00 a.m. from the MCC Centre, 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West.Tickets: $40 per person. Lunch not included. Lunch stop will be at the Hellenic Club.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017
Sunday October 15: Fete Saturday Nov. 11: Dinner Dance Sunday December 3:
St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064
Horsley Park Community Social Group & Friends 10-day Adelaide Tour
Mon. October 9 - Wed. October 18 Tour includes: 10 days 5 star coach touring travelling through three States: NSW, Sth Australia and Victoria; 9 Nights accommodation; 9 Breakfasts; 3 Lunches; 9 Dinners; Morning or Afternoon Tea; two Cruises; Wineries For further information and itinerary contact: Theresa 0402 178 781 or Josephine 0402 040 954
Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write to
For issues concerning:
Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday September 12, 2017
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television
The SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2
Maltese Radio Programmes
MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 56 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3.
Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM.
Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet
(On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming on: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
ħalkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, G il-qarrejja huma mħeġġa biex x’ħin iridu jistgħu jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: Din bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Il-website hija aġġornata tul il-jum kollu għalhekk wieħed jista’ jieħu stampa ċara tal-ġrajjiet li anke jkunu qed iseħħu dak il-ħin stess.
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Maltese Seniors Central Coast Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Join us and make new friends.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.
Maltese of Bankstown
Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357
Comedy by Iċ-Ċittadini The Ċittadini will be presenting a brilliant comedy on Sunday October 29 at Wentworthville Leagues Club at 2 pm. For tickets phone:
Monica: 9896 0712 0414 859 386 Joe Borg 96 242 280 Julie 96 367 679
Donation: $12; kids: $6.00 *Next year: Country singer Marisa D’Amato from Malta
Join us on Facebook:
https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday September 12, 2017
More blanks for Malta in Russia ‘18 qualifiers
alta’s participation in the Russia 2018 World Cup qualifiers keeps getting disastrous as the national team drew two more blanks in the last two outings against England at Ta’ Qali and Scotland at Hampden Park and after eight matches stays anchored at the Group F standings, pointless. In the home tie against England Malta offered sturdy resistance for 85 minutes and what separated the two teams until five minutes from time was Harry Kane’s first goal of the season on 53 minutes. But the Maltese players were taken right to the edge of their physical capabilities and in the last few minutes the whole team capitulated and allowed England to score three more times for a flattering 4-0 win. Malta were taken to the edge of their physical capabilities and in the space of six minutes England scored through Ryan Bertrand, substitute Danny Welbeck and then Kane again. Three days later Malta faced Scotland at Hampden Park and although the final result of a 2-0 loss was not humiliating it was still a great disappointment it was again quite evident that Malta’s only wish was to defend. Eventually Scotland saw off the minnows
Euro Drag Racing Champion
portsman of the Year Duncan Micallef was crowned as the European Top Fuel Drag racing champion at the FIA finals in Santa Pod, England the past weekend. The Maltese drag racer entered the final event of the FIA championship at the top of the overall standings and needed to finish ahead of his closest rival, Antti Horto, of Finland, which he did, after Horto failed to progress as he was eliminated. It is Micallef’s first continental title.
Gżira Utd only team on maximum points
most unfamiliar face at the top of the Premier league ladder in Malta three days into the 2017/18 football season. Newly promoted Gzira United are the only team to maintain a perfect record after three matches. Defending champions Hibernians dropped two points in a 1-1 draw in the round’s most awaited match against Floriana, Valletta were held to a 0-0 score by Naxxar, and Balzan ffigured in a drab coreless draw with Sliema. Hibs and Valletta have seven points. Ħamrun Spartans’ season continues on a positive note following an odd goal win over St Andrews (2-1). They are fourth with six points. Birkir- DAY 3 RESULTS kara broke the Hibernians v Floriana 1-1 0-0 duck by win- Balzan v Sliema W. Valletta v Naxxar L. 0-0 ning their first Gzira Utd v Tarxien R 2-1 game of the Hamrun S v S. Andrews 2-1 season, 2-0 aga- Birkirkara v Mosta 2-0 inst Mosta. Senglea. A. v Lija Ath 3-2
Raheem Sterling tangles with Malta's goalkeeper Andrew Hogg
of Malta with goals from Christophe Berra (10) and Leigh Griffiths (48), the second one (pictured right) from an offside position but allowed to stand). The win helped Scotland move to within one point of Slovakia in second place in Group F, which is led comfortably by England.
Bormla win Regatta
ormla (Cospicua) completed the double at the Victory Day Regatta by winning both the Open Shield and the Youth categories. It was their 18th success in the Open category ending Marsa's three-year reign.
Gozo is to host Queen’s Royal Baton
n order to mark the Gold Coast 2018 Queen’s Baton Relay in celebration of the XXI Commonwealth Games, on September 23, Gozo would be hosting a stage of the Royal Baton tour that is touring 71 countries before the official opening of the Games of April 4 next year. Making the announcement, Gozo Minister Dr Justyn Caruana said that the Baton would be taken on tour to Għajnsielem and Għasri The Gold Coast 2018 Queen’s Baton Relay was set in motion by Queen Elizabeth II (as Head of the Commonwealth) during a starstudded commencement ceremony at Buckingham Palace as part of Commonwealth Day celebrations last March. It took flight on March 15 to Sierra Leone, the first stop. Until its final destination and the opening
ceremony, it would have travelled through the entire Commonwealth for 388 days, covering 230,000 kilometres. The Baton will arrive back in Australia and start its Australian journey on December 25. It will visit every state and territory across the country for 100 days. Inside the Baton is the Queen’s message to the Commonwealth and its athletes.
anly United ended their 22-year PSNPL NSW Men’s Championship drought after an incredible penalty shootout win against APIA Leichhardt Tigers at Leichhardt Oval in front of over 3,500 specta-
tors. Manly won 4-3 on penalties after extra time. It was heartbreaking for APIA who now meet Adelaide City in the PS4 NPL Finals Series in South Australia
Success after penalty shoot-out for Manly Utd