Issue 214
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora
October 22, 2019
An aerial view of one of the most popular areas in the central region of Malta, St Julian’s and Paceville, the mecca of young people, locals and tourists alike. Picture shows three five stars hotels all located within the Baystreet Tourist Complex, the Radisson Blue Resort (right), and the Corinthia Hotel St. George’s Bay and the Marina Hotel Corinthia Beach Resort (left). They are all equipped with luxurious sea-view terraces close to the sandy beach of St George’s Bay
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
National dignity Viva Malta!
Below is part five of a series of articles about the Maltese heroes who gave their all so that our homeland in the Mediterranean could become what it is today. A history to be proud of, to celebrate, and one that must recognise the magnificent contribution made by our ancestors.
The legacy of our heroic progenitors I
was prompted to think about the relationship between WWII, Sette Giugno 1919, the Great Siege and the besieging of the French in Valletta by the following extract I found in The Daily Telegraph in the UK dated August 19th this year.
that the Islands were in fact strate-
"Prince Philip will lay a wreath at a simple memorial, hewn from the granite of Gozo, the small island off the Maltese coast, donated by Malta's government to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the war. “Erected in London last week, many consider it a long overdue British tribute to those who perished defending Malta, in particular the 400 allied lives lost during Pedestal's five-day battle, which ended as the convoy limped into Valletta Grand Harbour on Aug 15, 1942." (PIX) The significant element of the extract is that which refers 'in particular' to the 400 Allied lives lost. I question whether the Maltese lives Tanker Ohio from Pedestal convoy survives persistent air and lost were perhaps not also regarded highly sea attacks to reach Grand Harbour, Malta on 15th August 1942 enough to be included in the memorial. Granted, we were awarded the George Cross for bravery gically useful, and not only as a bartering chip to attempt during the war. Granted that there were other acknowledg- to appease Mussolini (as recommended by the French) in ments of Maltese losses. However, the fact remains that our the early part of the war, that they started to increase anticontribution in terms of heroism and lives ruined and lost aircraft resources to the islands as well as to increase the size of the air force based there. went without reasonable acknowledgment. It was the many brave men of the Royal Malta Artillery One other factor that is not often acknowledged is that, early in the war and in the immediate pre-war period, it who served at this point who were essential to the defence appeared that the British had decided that Malta was in- of the island. Their names fortunately have not been lost defensible and consequently withdrew a lot of resources since we, the Maltese, remember them! I know that at least from the Islands. It was only when the British recognised one of my uncles, Salvinu Borg, was in the RMA and on the guns during air raids. (It would be great if readers of 'The Voice' were to write in so that we could construct a list of our heroes). However, it is also true to say that many, many Maltese heroes were lost in the conflict, very quickly forgotten about by the Imperial Powers afterwards with very little in the way of assistance or compensation given to those who had been severely damaged or disabled, or to their families. I am quite prepared to be proven wrong here but I would suspect that I am not. Given the enormous contribution that Malta had made to the securing of the world, as we know it, one wonders whether greater recognition could have Service personnel and civilians been given to the efforts of the Isclearing up the debris at Kingslanders by name, in many inway (now Republic Street) in stances from our parents’ Valletta after the street was generation. heavily bomb-damaged *to be continued
Tuesday October 22, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Q. We are in the process of downsizing. I am 63 years his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Malof age and my husband is 67 years of age. We are both tese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian retired and have decided to sell our property and move Financial Services helps our readers understand the comto a smaller property on the South Coast. We should have around $800,000 as surplus funds by the end of plexities associated with financial planning. If you need November. Could we use the downsizing strategy in more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: order to invest this money into superannuation? A. For you to be able to use the downsiz- from the asset ing strategy you need to be age pension test by Centreage. Your husband is 67 years of age and link? therefore he is able to use the downsizing strategy and invest $300,000 into super. A. Yes, because One or both of you need to have lived in this term allocated this home for at least 10 years and he will pension had you have to invest the funds within 90 days of as a reversionary settlement in order to qualify for this beneficiary, it continues to be strategy. You are not age pension age however treated as 50% exand therefore you cannot adopt this strat- empt from the egy, but if you have not invested any funds Centrelink asset in superannuation in the last year you test. However, please could invest $300,000 into superannuation also as this is the allowable amount be aware that your for a person under age 65. Once you in- age pension may vest these funds into superannuation you still drop in value as all your combined A. If your son has not many other assets cannot invest any more funds for three other assets will now be treated as your the $50,000 will not affect his disability years. You can each invest $300,000 into assets and the asset test limit for a single pension at all. Centrelink will treat this pensioner is much lower than that of a money as an asset. The $50,000 will also super but not the full $800,000. couple. But the age pension for a single be deemed as earning 1% of income for Q. My husband passed away last person is also much higher than that of the income test, but the amounts are not large enough to affect his disability penmonth. He had a term allocated based one member of the pensioner couple. sion at all. pension and I was his reversionary beneficiary. We were both pensioners Q. I have a disabled son. He is 35 years and by having a term allocated pension old and is on a disability pension. My Q. My husband and I have been sepathat is 50% exempt from Centrelink’s bro-ther passed away a few weeks ago rated for the last three years. We are asset test, we were entitled to the near and has just left my son $50,000. Will still sharing the same house as we canfull pension. Will this term allocated this inheritance affect his disability not afford to buy each other out and if we sold our house we cannot afford to pension still be treated as 50% exempt pension? buy another house each. We have therefore agreed to live separate lives under the one roof but use separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms but a common kitchen. It has worked well for us for three years. My husband is approaching age pension age and he is worried that as I am still working and only age 60 my income may affect his entitlement to the age pension. Can you please advise us on this? A. There are many couples that have split up but still have to live under the same roof as they cannot afford not to. Centrelink is aware of this and they do threat them as single pensioners. In your husband’s case he would need to visit one of Centrelink’s offices, fill in the appropriate documentation and they will then assess the situation. Once this happens your assets will be treated separately and none of your earned income will be treated as his income. He will then be treated as a single home-owner pensioner.
This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document
The Gozitan whose research linked Malta to a new discovery
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
rofessor Maurice Cauchi is a Gozitan who has made a name for himself and his home country in the medical field, particularly in research. He currently lives in Australia, which he made his home since arriving in 1969. He was employed as Senior Lecturer at Monash University, at the Alfred Hospital Medical School and Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne. He is also involved with the Maltese Community of the state of Victoria. He is the Voice’s choice of Personality of the Month for October.
Professor Maurice Cauchi
aurice Cauchi was born in Gharb Gozo, in 1936 and was educated at the Lyceum in Gozo, followed by a course at the Royal University of Malta that led to the degree of MD in 1961. Following a year working at St Luke's Hospital, he proceeded to London to further his post-graduate education at the University of London where he graduated with a Master of Science (1964) and a PhD (1967). During this time also he obtained a Diploma in Public Health. Following this he returned to Malta as lecturer in the Department of Pathology where he did work on thalassaemia, a blood disorder not uncommon in Malta. It was at this time that he discovered a new haemoglobin, called Hb F Malta, one of the few occasions in research where the name of Malta was linked to a new discovery. After this time, in 1969, he proceeded to Australia with his wife, Agnes, and two young children, Denise aged 2 years and Stephanie aged only 6 months. He was employed as Senior Lecturer at Monash University, l-Emigrant', a job which included setting up a 'virtual museum' webat the Alfred Hospital Medical School. This was at a time of consid- site, an interactive website to inform readers of the history and other erable turmoil and student unrest and activism. During this time he issues of Malta, which is still active and is the only website which was researching the effect of controlling cancer through the use of im- responds to requests and queries of its readers. More recently, he munological techniques. was member on the Council for Maltese Living Abroad. From 1976 he transferred to the During this time he was also Royal Women's Hospital in Melchairman of the Gozo hospital bourne where he was director of board of management that inHaematology and Immunology, cluded upgrading of the hospias well as Associate Professor at tal and introducing other the University of Melbourne. administrative procedures. During his time at the Royal Throughout his life he was alWomen's Hospital he continued ways keen to communicate his work in immunology, haemawith the Maltese people tology and cancer research, producing a considerable number of sci- through his talks on SBS radio, as well as his regular contributor to entific papers on these topics. Maltese papers, with articles dealing with health, migration, educaA particular topic at this time was the investigation of the role of tion etc. immunity in patients who find difficulty achieving a pregnancy, a He has published newsletters in whichever occupation he hapstudy that has attracted considerable international attention. pened to be at the time. These have included: Il-Maltija, Is-Saħħa, By the early 1980s, Professor Maurice Cauchi became involved MCCV News, The Ethnic Voice, Pathnews, Bioethics Today, and The with the Maltese community, first as director of the Education com- Gozo Observer, and books on various topics including Maltese litmittee of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria, then as Vice- erature, migration studies, bioethics, pathology and other topics. President and President for several terms of this organisation. He Throughout his life Professor Cauchi was had two passions, firstly was also Chairman of the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria, the professional role as a medical person involved in research and and President of the Federation for Maltese Living Abroad. teaching. This has led to several hundred publications in scientific Profs Cauchi was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) journals, as well as monographs on topic relating too his work and for his work among the Maltese community as well as the wider eth- his research. Secondly, he has had an abiding interest in the welfare of Maltese nic community in Victoria. In the 1992 he moved to Malta as Professor of Pathology, where he in Australia and throughout the world. He has highlighted the risks was again researching blood diseases, and has among other work, the and problems met with by those who have left Malta to obtain a better living elsewhere. He has always worried about the loss of Maldiscovery of a new blood component, called Haemoglobin F Malta. But research apart, he was also at this time very much involved in tese language and culture and has striven to counteract this by issues of medical ethics, organising several conferences and pub- whichever means were at his disposal, including teaching, lecturing, lishing monographs on these topics. At this time he was also radio, newspapers and books. He keeps hoping that the loss of language among Maltese in the awarded a Diploma for serving the Republic of Malta. Here too he became involved with the Maltese community, as near future in Australia is unavoidable, it is to be hoped that the later chairman of the Commission for Maltese Abroad. For a time he was generations will maintain a link with Malta and treasure an enriching chairman of the Board setting up the Migration Museum at the 'Dar Maltese culture.
Tuesday October 22, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tintemm l-10 laqgħa tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra:
‘Kienu jumejn produttivi’ – il-Ministru Carmelo Abela M
eta għalaq jumejn ta’ laqgħat mal-Kunsill talMaltin ta’ Barra (CMAL), u ndirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet ftit tal-jiem ilu fil-Ministeru tiegħu, filwaqt li ta ħajr lil- Maltin li jgħixu barra ħalli jiddiskutu, u membri tal-kunsill fi tmiem tiegħu, il- wkoll iressqu ideat u suġġerimenti. Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u Bħala l-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin l-Kummerċ Carmleo Abela li hu wkoll iċ- u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ kif ukoll Chairperson ta’ dan il-Kunsill, qal li bħala ċ-Chairman tal-Kunsill, Carmelo “kienu jumejn produttivi” u li din il-laqgħa Abela qal li jħoss id-dmir li jiżgura li minn ta’ kull sena ħalliet il-frott. laqgħat bħal dawn joħorġu ideat u proposti Il-Ministru qal li din hi l-istorja ta' 15-il li jistgħu jagħmlu differenza għall-aħjar Malti (li jiffurmaw il-kunsill) li emigraw fil-ħajja tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra. lejn pajjiżi mbegħda bħall-Awstralja, ilSa mil-laqgħa tal-Kunsill tas-sena l-oħra Kanada u l-Istati Uniti sar Renju Unit u l-Ministeru kompla għaddej b’ħidmietu anke Brussel u kisbu suċċess. Saħaq li ħalli d-deċiżjonijiet li ttieħdu f’laqgħat talkien kburi bil-ħidma li “flimkien qed in- imgħoddi jiġu indirizzati kif xieraq. Innota wettqu għal-ġid tad-diaspora Maltija”. li f’ċerti oqsma sar progress. Il-kunsill, b’nies qrib ħafna tal-komunita` Fost dawn semma s-sottotitli bl-Ingliż ta’ barra mix-xtut Maltin li jżommu ruħhom produzzjonijiet tal-PBS; iż-żieda fl-għadd aġġornati dwar x’jista’ jsir biex jiġu sal- ta’ reġistrazzjonijiet ta’ Maltin li jgħixu vagwardjati l-interessi tagħhom, jinġabru barra mal-Ministeru; it-tlestija ta’ Kodiċi kull sena f’Malta. ta’ Etika għall-membri tal-Kunsill talIl-Ministru fisser il-kunsill bħala l-vei- Maltin li Jgħixu Barra, u t-tnedija tal-Kukolu uffiċjali li minnu joħorġu ideat li jip- mitati Reġjonali. promwovu d-drittijiet u l-interessi tal-MalImma fost l-aktar importanti, hemm iltin ta’ barra, biex fejn hu possibbli, jiġu pjattaforma diġitali għat-tagħlim tal-ilsien implimentati mill-Gvern Ċentrali. Malti onlajn, proġett li qed isir flimkien Ta’ dis-sena kienet l-10 darba li ltaqa’ mal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni li bħalissa kunsill li kien twaqqaf b’liġi fl-2011. jinsab fil-fażi preparatorja li toħroġ l-ofQabel inħoloq dan il-kunsill, l-uniku ferta biex jiġi attwat. forum li fih kien jiltaqgħu dawn il-Maltin Fatt ta’ min ifaħħru, li hu fil-kultura kien il-Konvenzjoni li ssir kull ħames Maltija, li minkejja d-distanzi ġeografiċi li snin. Fiha jingħaqdu magħhom oħrajn jifirdu l-komunitajiet Maltin minn xulxin u bħalhom li jkunu lesti li jissuġġerixxu minn pajjiżhom, u d-differenzi fil-perspetideat biex jitjiebu l-kundizzjonijiet tagħ- tivi u fl-ambjent li fih trabbew u rabbew ilhom. Il-Koinvenzjoni għadha ssir. familji tagħhom, hemm fil komun dak li Il-Ministru qal li l-Konvenzjoni li jmiss, jgħaqqadhom u jagħmilhom distinti. il-ħames waħda, se ssir bejn il-5 u l-10 ta’ “Din minnha nnifisha tagħmilna dak li Ottubru tas-sena d-dieħla. Se jkollha t- aħna u tagħtina pjattaforma minn fejn nisttema Keeping Connected. It-tħejjijiet għal- għu nħarsu lejn l-affarijiet minn nuċċali iha diġa` bdew. Għall-ewwel darba, parti komuni. Kunsill li jirrapreżenta ’l-Maltin kbira minnha se tkun iddedika għal work- imxerrdin mal-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja ma jisshops f’ġemgħat żgħar magħmulin minn tax ma jkunx Kunsill li jfittex l-interess ta’
Malta globali,” qal il-Ministru. Sfida għall-Kunsill hi kif se nibqgħu rilevanti fil-mod kif naħdmu waqt li nikkomunikaw li rridu ngħidu u naslu għalih”. Semma li hemm sett ta’ objettivi x’jintlaħqu u li wieħed jista’ jaqbel dwarhom biex dak li nkiseb sal-lum ma jintilifx, u li dak li nixtiequ, nżidu noqorbu lejh. Fost dawn hemm temi bħar-rabta ta’ Malta mal-preservazzjoni u t-twessigħ talkultura u l-lingwa Maltija fil-post fejn ngħixu, l-integrazzjoni tas-saffi differenti ta’ Maltin li jgħixu barra permezz ta’ programmi mmirati apposta għal ġenerazzjonijiet iżgħar ta’ dixxendenti Maltin, u sens akbar ta’ appartenenza għal dak li hu Malti, li huma pilastri li fuqhom bnejna u għad irridu nkomplu nibnu. Il-Minstru qal li l-għanijiet ewlenin ta’ din il-ħidma jinsabu fil-liġijiet ta’ Malta u jpoġġu fuq id-Direttorat tal-Ministeru irresponsabbiltà u d-dmir li jipproteġi ddrittijiet u l-interessi taċ-ċittadini Maltin lil hinn mix-xtut Maltin. Għal dan il-għan, il-Kunsill nieda diskussjoni biex tiġi riveduta l-liġi li permezz tagħha twaqqaf il-Kunsill, bil-għan li tkun tirrifletti l-bidliet u l-isfidi tal-lum u għal li ġej. Il-Ministru Abela svela li minn din is-sena d-Direttorat responsabbli millKunsill ġie assorbit f’Direttorat akbar li jiġbor fih ukoll is-Servizzi Konsulari. Se jiġi garantit mhux biss li jkun hemm riżultati imma li dawn ikunu ta’ kwalità u li jħallu effett pożittiv fuq kulħadd. Waqt il-laqgħat issemma l-fatt tannuqqas ta’ saċerdoti fi NSW. Il-Ministeru se jwassal il-preokkupazzjoni lill-Kurja.
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Il-BOV jreġġa’ lura direttiva li biha kien se jagħlaq il-kontijiet tal-Maltin ta’ barra W
Tuesday October 22, 2019
ara l-kummentarju li The Voice of the Maltese ppubblikajna fil-ħarġa li għaddiet dwar id-deċiżjoni mitqiesa kemmxejn goffa li ħa l-Bank of Valletta f’Mejju li għadda li wara 26 sena ma kienx se jissokta jipprovdi aktar servizzi bankarji lill-Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta, issa t-tmexxija tal-BOV reġġgħet lura d-direttiva. Hu ċar li lpressjoni li saret tat il-frott. Waqt il-laqgħat li kienu qed isiru f’Palazzo Parisio fil-belt Valletta fl-aħħar jiem mill-Kunsill tal-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn Malta mmexxija mill-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u kummerċ Carmelo Abela, ir-rappreżentat tal-BOV, is-Sur Joseph M. Camilleri kap uffiċjal tal-Business Restructuring Unit wassal il-messaġġ li l-bank reġa’ ħasibha. Qal li wara kollox il-BOV kien irriveda d-deċiżjoni tiegħu u kien se jagħti ċans lil dawk il-Maltin li jgħixu barra, imma twieldu f'Malta, li jekk issir talba minnhom jiftħu l-kont tagħhom mill-ġdid. Biss dawn xorta jridu jimlew u jippeżentaw id-dokumentazzjoni mibgħuta lilhom. Id-deċiżjoni tal-BOV biex fi żmien qasir il-Maltin ta’ barra jibagħtu tagħrif dettaljat dwar il-flus li kellhom fil-bank u jekk ma jagħmlux hekk fi żmien xahrejn, il-kontijiet tagħhom setgħu jigu mblukkati, kienet ittieħdet “skont ir-regoli tal-Bank Ċen-
trali Ewropew u l-aktar ir-regola magħrufa bħala “prevention of money laundering and funding of terrorism”. Issa l-klijenti Maltin li twieldu Malta se jibdew jitqiesu li għandhom biżżejjed konnessjonijiet ma’ Malta biex dawk li ngħalqilhom il-kont u twieldu Malta, jitolbu li l-kont tagħhom jinfetaħ mill-ġdid. Barra dan dawk li kellhom kontijiet u laħqu għalquhom u jkunu jridu jerġgħu jiftħuhom se jingħataw kull ċans li jagħmlu dan, dejjem jekk mat-talba tagħhom jipprovdu wkoll id-dokumenti meħtieġa. Hu ċar li wara dik id-deċiżjoni meqjusa minn ħafna bħala żbaljata, filwaqt li jibqa’ dejjem viġilanti, u jimxi mar-regolamenti stretti ta’ sigurta`, il-BOV se jimxi mod ieħor mal-klijenti bħallMaltin ta’ barra li qed jitqiesu li huma ta’ riskju baxx.
A new historical monument at Cringila
he George Cross Falcons Maltese Centre situated in the suburb of Cringila NSW (near Wollongong) has decided to erect a monument commemorating four pages in the history of our homeland, Malta. It is an initiative that has to be commended. Sources close to the Centre have told The Voice of the Maltese that this monument should be ready for the occasion of Anzac Day 2020. The monument would form four plaques featuring the names of World War One (1914-1918) victims of Maltese descent that formed part of the Australian Imperial Forces and the NZ Expeditionary Forces. It will be similar to the one at the Maltese Bi-Centennial Monument at Civic Park Pendle Hill NSW. Another plaque would commemorate the June 1919 (known as Sette Giugno) riots. It is believed that such a plaque would be the only one of its kind outside of Malta. It will include the faces of the four Maltese victims, the heroes who died
on that occasion, namely, Manwel Attard, Karmnu Abela, Guzi Bajada and Wenzu Dyer. It also included an image of the monument depicting the event at the Main Guard in Malta’s capital, Valletta. The other two plaques that make up the four-sided monument to be erected at the Centre’s back area are to be dedicated to local achievers. One of them goes to Joe Cassar (1905-
1995) believed to be the first Maltese pioneer to arrive in the Illawarra district. The other is dedicated to Malta Lawn Bowls and its association with the Maltese centre. Two locals, Shaun Parnis (born in Bankstown) and Brendan Aquilina (from Wollongong), represented Malta in a number of Commonwealth Games. Shaun Parnis represented Malta at the 2006 Games in Victoria, the 2010 in Delhi, India, and the 2018 event that was held at the Gold Coast. Brendan Aquilina represented Malta at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India, and last year at the Games organised on the Gold Coast. Both are also highly regarded in this field of sport. The four plaques making up the monument have adequate inscriptions that make this monument a unique piece of our history. Wollongong is located about 80km south of the city of Sydney, NSW
Tuesday October 22, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Aħbar ta’ niket u swied il-qalb
Is-sorijiet Dumnikani se jitilqu minn Blacktown ukoll Id-Dar tad-Dumnikani fi Blacktown
s-St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly, li tinsab fi Blacktown, l-unika dar għal kura tax-xjuħ tagħna fi NSW, se tagħlaq ilbibien tagħha, u ċertament mhux se tibqa’ taħt it-tmexxija tassorijiet Duminkani Maltin li ilhom f’dan il-mestier għal dawn l-aħħar 32 sena. Din l-aħbar ta’ swied il-qalb, is-sorijiet Dumnikani għazlu li ma jagħtuhiex lil The Voice of the Maltese, l-ikbar strument gurnalistiku moqri u stampat li qatt kellha u għandha l-komunita’ Maltija fl-Awstralja. Meta mistoqsija x’kienet ir-raġuni għal dan, ma kellhomx waħda. Sorsi qrib il-kongregazzjoni tas-sorijiet Dumnikani qalulna li fittxew soluzzjonijiet oħra biex jaraw x’jistgħu jagħmlu mid“Dar” imma finalment iddeċidew li jeħilsu minn din id-dar stupenda li tinsab biswit iċ-Ċentru La Valette. Ir-residenti ta’ din id-dar mhumiex kollha Maltin, għax minn dejjem kienet immexxija fuq prinċipji ta’ negozju, imma ħafna drabi l-Maltin ġo fiha kienu fil-maġġoranza. Id-dar tax-xjuħ li se tagħlaq ħija mmexxija minn bord ta’ direttur Maltin li għandu bħala chairperson lill-Profs Stephen Gatt. Sorsi qrib is-sorijiet qalulna li wegħdu li mhux se jħallu lil din il-faċilità tinbiegħ u l-art tispiċċa għal bini residenzjali għax iżżoning tal-kunsill ta’ Blacktown hija mmarkata, almenu s’issa, għal skopijiet komunitarji. Is-sorijiet sostnew li f’dan il-process, l-ewwel fil-ħsieb tagħhom huma r-residenti preżenti, l-impjegati
Mix-xellug: is-sorijiet Dumnikani Olivia Falzon u Giorgina Sultana, Martin Todorovitch (għal xi zmien CEO) u ċ-ċerman tal-bord tad-diretturi, Prof Stephen Gatt.
u l-familji tagħhom. Kif qalu s-sorijiet stess, din kienet aħbar ta’ swied ta’ qalb u ta’ sinifikat kbir. The Voice of the Maltese issostni li aktar milli lissorijiet, lir-residenti jew lill-familji preżenti, din l-aħbar tolqot ferm aktar fil-fond u tikkonfondi u tħasseb serjament lill-Maltin kollha ta’ NSW għax qed iċċaħħadhom minn serħan il-moħħ meta jagħzlu biex jirtiraw f’ambjent Malti. Id-Dar tal-Anzjani ta’ St Dominic’s toffri faċilitajiet diversi u anke paljattivi lill-anzjani. Toffri wkoll akkomodazzjoni residenzjali permanenti, kif ukoll fuq bażi temporanja Id-Dar tieħu ħsieb anzjani ta’ kull nazzjonalita` jew reliġjon; pensjonanti u mhumiex; kemm koppji wkoll singoli. Hija miżmuma tajjeb ħafna u fiha tirrenja l-indafa f’ambjent komdu u sabiħ. Ftit ilu l-patrijiet missjunarji ta’ San Pawl (din hi ordni religjuza Maltija) abbandunaw is-servizz pastorali tal-migrant chaplaincy li kellhom fiċ-Ċentru La Valette u n-naħat fejn hemm jgħixu liktar Maltin. Mhix xi ħaġa impossibli lanqas li l-MSSP jitilqu wkoll id-Dar Mons Depiro li għandhom f’East Sydney. “Is-sitwazzjoni hija prekarja; il-komunità tagħna qed titmermer minn dawk tan-naħa reliġjuzi li dejjem kellhom fuq nett id-duty of care. Ir-reliġjon kattolika hija ta’ solljev kbira għax-xjuħ tagħna izda l-mod kif qed tiġi mfarrka u mkasbra fiha nifisha hija lezzjoni” qalilna mexxej tal-komunità. The Voice of the Maltese tħoss li fejn jidħlu affarijiet bħal dawn il-komunità ġenerali għandha tigi kkonsultat għax il-kapijiet reliġjuzi Maltin ma jistgħux jibqgħu jagħmlu użu mill-komunita’ biex jinġabru l-flus biex jibnu l-knejjes, id-djar u l-istituti tagħhom bla ma jħallu warahom pedament sod biex il-futur ikun assigurat. Il-komunita` Maltija ta’ NSW hija rrabjata bl-ikrah u mistennija ħafna protesti sakemm tingħata assigurazzjoni għall-futur.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
You made me love history E
Sandra Borg from St Albans, Victoria writes: very fortnight I eagerly delve into my Internet and sift through my emails looking for the pdf copy of The Voice of the Maltese magazine. I wish I could do this every week but understand that it is impossible for the work it entails to produce such a high standard publication. The attractive way the articles are published and the content of such articles makes it a really professional publication that can easily be compared with the other magazines on the market. This is the only publication that we as Maltese, or Maltese descent, can claim to be ours as it looks after our interests and publishes the true facts about Malta. The news about Malta is always factual and I really appreciate the administration for not trying to push ideas, political or otherwise down our throats. I also wish to comment your correspondents. History was never my favourite subject at school, but the simple way that Andy Busuttil has managed, without any bombastic words, to take us through some important stages of Maltese history has made me want to know more about the lovely island where my father was born, Malta. Thank you Andy. Please keep up your good work.
Samuel Briffa minn Urana NSW jikteb: asal iż-żmien li nibdew nuru ftit serjeta. Għalhekk inħobb naqra The Voice of the Maltese, għax jidher li hemm sens ta’ professjonaliżmu u serjeta. L-appell biex il-Maltin ta’ barra jieħdu sehem fil-qafas il-ġdid tal-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta juri mhux serjeta` rispett lejn l-inteliġenza tal-qarrejja u mhux inbellawlhom artikli riċiklati jew li dehru snin ilu. X’jiswa li jkollna programmi tar-radju, gazzetti u anke paġni ta’ Facebook jekk ma niddefendux lill-komunita tagħna meta jkollhom bzonn?
Please Note:
Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write for details to:
Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:
Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water
P: (02) 9756 4766 E:
2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164
Nogħxa bil-kitbiet bil-Malti f’The Voice
Lawrence Camilleri minn Birmingham, UK jikeb: ost l-aktar artikli li ngħożż f’The Voice hemm dawk dwar il-kittieba li ħallew isem fil-lettratura Maltija. Jidher li qed isir ħafna xogħol biex jinktibu dawn il-bijgrafiji. Jien li għandi għal qalbi l-lkitba Maltija, ġieli ppruvajt nistħarreġ dwar xi kittieba Maltin magħrufa imma mhux dejjem kien faċli. Bħala eżempju nsemmi lil Francesco Vella li ġie ttrattat fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice (Nru 213). Minkejja li hu isem importanti ħafna fil-letteratura Maltija lanqas qatt ma kont smajt bih. Minkejja li fittixt qatt ma ltqajt ma’ ismu. Tassew ħadt gost li fl-artiklu ħarġet sew l-importanza ta’ dan il-kittieb. Ibqgħu ġibulna artikli bħal dawn, u tagħmlu wkoll tajjeb li ma timmirawx biss lejn dawk li jaqraw bil-lingwa Ingliża. Għad hawn ħafna fostna l-Maltin li qed ngħixu barra li mhux biss ngħożżu imma wkoll nieħdu gost insibu kitba u naqraw bil-Malti. Jien ilni ngħix mal-40 sena fl-Ingilterra fejn pubblikazzjonijiet bl-Ingliż nista’ nsib bir-radam, imma meta nirċevi The Voice u nara kitbiet daqshekk mirquma tgħidx kemm nieħu gost u nħossni kburi.
I’m angry too!
Albert Calleja from Concord NSW writes:
cannot but agree more with Christine Pallock’s comments (Issue 123). A number of us that are mid-seventies or older and not very familiar with computers find things difficult to go online, but unfortunately that's the word we live in.
Tuesday October 22, 2019
A general view of the elderly that attended the Thanksgiving Day
The Voice of the Maltese 9
A thank you to the Maltese elderly in the community I
t was the 26th anniversary of the annual event organised by the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day that had its beginning in 1994 in the International Year of the Family by Sr. Maryann Grima FMM who at the time was working as a Social Worker among the Maltese community in Sydney. This day is also the only daytime formal luncheon for the elders of the said community that is organised to celebrate their contribution to society in rearing and educating their families and passing on to them their Christian values and good morals. The event at the Red Gum Centre at Wentworthville NSW started with a mass celebrated by Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP assisted by Lawrence Falzon. Dr George Boffa, patron of the METGD for the last 15 years and Lawrence Buhagiar the Consul General of Malta in NSW, delivered addresses. The eldest persons present at the celebration, Emanuel Micallef and Joan Born both residents at the St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly, and George Cassar, all aged 94, were invited to cut the celebration cake (below). There was continuous entertainment by Joe Apap, Charlie Muscat and Joe Xuereb who sang a mixture of Maltese and English popular songs. MC of the day was Maria De Carlo. Congratulations for the organisation of this formal event for the enjoyment by the Maltese elderly and many other active seniors must go to the organising committee and all the volunteers who worked tirelessly hard for it to be a success.
More people are being invited to join this organisational group. For more information one is requested to contact Lina Magro on 0408227783.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
aħda mit-tifkiriet tiegħi minn tfuliti f’Malta kienet il-ġenn muri minn ħafna dilettanti dwar il-verżjonijiet differenti tal-karozza Ford Escort. Ħafna huma dawk il-vetturi li għadhom (jew talinqas kienu) iduru t-toroq, ileqqu sbieħ bl-isterjo jfajjar bumm-bumm-bumm, u jibdlu l-idejn wara li jinġiebu fil-paġni tax-xiri u bejgħ tal-karozzi fuq il-gazzetti, speċjalment l-ewwel mudelli Mark I, Mark II u Mark III, tal-aħħar ukoll magħrufa bħala XR3. Madankollu se niddiżappunta lill-qarrejja ta’ din il-kolonna li huma wkoll dilettanti tal-karozzi, għax mhux dwar vetturi ta’ erba’ roti se nitkellem illum. XR hija riferenza qasira u distintiva ta’ moviment internazzjonali ta’ nies ordinarji, imsejjaħ Extinction Rebellion (Irvell dwar l-Estinzjoni), li twaqqaf bħal-lum sena (fil-31 ta’ Ottubru 2018) f’Londra. Dan juża d-diżubbidjenza ċivili u non-vjolenti biex jipprova jwaqqaf l-estinzjoni tal-massa u jimminimizza r-riskju ta’ kollass soċjali.1 Il-kliem ‘estinzjoni’ u ‘emerġenza’ huma kliem li jintużaw spiss mill-grupp biex iwasslu sens ta’ urġenza dwar is-sitwazzjoni preżenti u l-irwiefen, kemm metaforiċi kif ukoll litterali, li qed tiffaċċja l-pjaneta tagħna u ekosistema li taħdem fuqha. Dawn jinkludu t-tnaqqis ta’ biodiversità bl-iktar rata għolja ta’ telf ta’ speċi miż-żmien tad-dinosawri 65 miljun sena ilu,2 it-tibdil talklima li qed iwassal għal żieda fl-għoli tal-livell tal-baħar, id-deżertifikazzjoni, iż-żieda ta’ nirien mingħajr kontroll, nuqqas ta’ ilma, il-falliment tal-uċuħ tar-raba’ u l-klima estrema. Jipprevedu li dawn se jwasslu għal miljuni ta’ nies li jinqalgħu minn djarhom, żieda fil-mard, riskju akbar ta’ kunflitti u gwerer u impatti fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem.3 Il-grupp jirrimarka li s-sistemi konvenzjonali tal-votazzjoni (iddemokrazija), konvinċiment tal-membri tal-parlament, petizzjonijiet u protesti fallew għal kollox, minħabba interessi qawwija politiċi u ekonomiċi. Għalhekk, l-istrateġija tal-grupp hija d-diżubbidjenza ċivili, li ssir b’mod non-vjolenti iżda li tisfratta u tfixkel, u għalhekk tinħass sew. Fi kliem ieħor, irvell.4 Din l-istrateġija fil-prinċipju mhix daqstant differenti mill-azzjoni fid-dinja industrijali magħrufa tal-istrajk. Fiha, organizzazzjoni ta’ ħaddiema magħrufa bħala trejd unjin, jekk ikollha ġlieda ma’ min iħaddem, ġeneralment (imma mhux biss) fuq kundizzjonijiet ta’ xogħol u għal tul żejjed ta’ żmien, tista’ toħroġ direttiva li b’xi mod taffettwa l-operat normali ta’ impriża. Tista’ per eżempju tordna li l-ħaddiema jaħdmu bil-mod (go slow), jagħmlu biss strettament dak li imħallsin għalih (work to rule), jieqfu jaħdmu u jibqgħu fil-post (sit-in strike), jew li jitilqu ‘l barra. L-azzjonijiet ġeneralment ikunu legali u protetti jekk isiru taħt kundizzjonijiet stretti preskritti bil-liġi.5 Azzjonijiet industrijali ta’ dan it-tip wasslu għal bidliet kbar fiddinamika bejn is-sid (b’saħħtu) u l-ħaddiema (dgħajfa), b’titjib tassaħħa u s-sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol, titjib fil-pagi u s-salarji, l-introduzzjoni tal-lif imħallas, kemm għall-konvenjenza jew btala,
Tuesday October 22, 2019
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
kif ukoll għall-perjodi ta’ mard eċċ eċċ. Dawn l-azzjonijiet bla dubju jfixklu l-operat tal-impriżi involuti, u l-effetti jinkludu li limpriża taħdem inqas effiċjenti jew tieqaf għal kollox, tista’ titlef il-klijenti, titlef il-flus, jista’ jkun hemm effett fuq l-ekonomija talpajjiż eċċ. Finalment, wieħed ma jridx jinsa li l-ħaddiema li jkunu qegħdin jagħmlu l-azzjoni, f’xi każijiet ikollhom impatt fuq il-paga tagħhom. Azzjoni ta’ dan it-tip tinvolvi sagrifiċċji għal ħafna nies, u għaldaqstant wieħed jistenna li azzjonijiet simili jittieħdu biss f’sitwazzjoni estrema jew ta’ disperazzjoni. Wieħed jistenna u jinnota wkoll li ġeneralment min ikun is-sid jew fil-poter jagħmel minn kollox biex l-azzjoni ma titteħidx jew li jkun limitat l-effett tagħha. Jekk niġu lura għal XR u l-kuntest ta’ emerġenza ekoloġika u ambjentali, nistgħu ninnutaw x’tip ta’ diżubbidjenza ċivili qed issir. F’diversi partijiet tal-Awstralja, parteċipanti mblukkaw it-traffiku fi slaleb it-toroq, inkullaw lilhom infushom ma’ pont jew mal-art ta’ triq, rabtu lilhom infushom ma’ oġġetti tal-konkrit, neżgħu salħwejjeġ ta’ taħt jew iktar u mmarċjaw fil-belt eċċ. Ħafna parteċipanti ġew arrestati mill-pulizija, uħud ġew ordnati ma jerġgħux jersqu lejn iċ-ċentru tal-belt (qabel din l-ordni ġiet imwarrba mill-qorti). L-attivisti ġew ikkritikati minn membri tal-gvern Awstralja, bħallMinistru Peter Dutton li gerger li dawn ma jinteressahomx millAwstraljani li sempliċement iridu jmorru għax-xogħol, iħaddmu l-impriżi tagħhom u ma jkunux imfixkla. Qal ukoll li jispera li jkun hemm aktar arrestati, u li għandhom jitwaħħlu bl-ispejjeż tarriżorsi tal-pulizija. Il-gvernijiet statali ta’ Victoria u Queensland ukoll kienu kritiċi ħafna.6 Naturalment, dan it-tfixkil u l-inkonvenjent qiegħed isir, dan huwa ċar. Hu wkoll il-punt tal-azzjoni – li jsir it-tfixkil, għax imkien ma smajt b’dawn in-nies fl-awtorità jittrattaw, jew juru l-inqas nitfa ta’ interess, fil-problema li jaraw l-attivisti tal-XR, u li qed jiġu rrappurtati b’urġenza mill-istudjużi fl-oqsma ambjentali. L-XR timmira li jkollha appoġġ ta’ 3.5% tal-popolazzjoni ta’ kull pajjiż, li tgħid li hu biżżejjed biex titwettaq il-bidla neċessarja. Minn fommhom għal Alla.
Referenzi 1., retrieved 13/10/2019 2., retrieved 13/10/2019 3., retrieved 13/10/2019 4., retrieved 13/10/2019 5., retrieved 14/10/2019 6., retrieved 14/10/2019
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KARMENU AZZOPARDI – pittur li dejjem qagħad lura mill-pubbliċita`
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday October 22, 2019
ittur tassew bravu u li dejjem żamm ’il bogħod mill-pubbliċità, huwa Karmenu Azzopardi, Rabti li kien ta’ għajnuna kbira għar-Rabtin kollha. “Karmenu tal-posta”, kif konna nsibuh, kien joqgħod fi sqaq sabiħ u b’karattru fi Triq Santu Wistin, ir-Rabat Malta. L-għaxqa tiegħu Karmenu kien li jkun fl-istudjo li kellu, li biex tasal għalih kont trid tgħaddi għalih minn speċi ta’ trejqa fi Triq il-Vitorja. Kien stqarr miegħi li f’dan idKarmenu Azzopardi daqsxejn ta’ studjow, kien ipinġi mingħajr għaġla ta’ xejn u fl-isfond japprezza n-natura u jisma’ xi mużika sabiħa u serja. Kien ukoll klarinettista tajjeb ħafna u kien idoqq mal-Banda L’Isle Adam. Kullmeta kont niltaqa’ miegħu kien dejjem jitkellem dwar il-mużika. Darba tajtu rekording tal-kunċert għall-klarinett ta’ Mozart. Tgħidx kemm kien ħa gost, u bi pjaċir xtaq ipattili billi bħala tifkira tani pittura sabiħa tiegħu ta’ pajsaġġ Rabti kif jidher minn taħt is-Sur tal-Imdina. Kull meta nħares lejn din il-pittura dejjem niftakar fih. Kien hemm ħafna Rabtin li jfittxu s-servizzi artistiċi ta’Karmenu. Dejjem kien jgħid ‘iva’ lil kulħadd, “imbasta ma jgħaġġlunix,” kien dejjem jistqarr. Karmenu għandu ħafna xogħlijiet oriġinali ta’ xeni Maltin, fosthom uħud imxerrdin għand l-emigranti f’kull pajjiż fejn hemm il-Maltin, l-aktar Rabtin. Permezz tal-pittura tiegħu kien jaf jidħol sewwa fil-qlub. Kalm kalm, fix-xogħlijiet tiegħu kien ifittex il-kulur, l-ispazju u d-dawl. Hu għamel ukoll għadd ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ pittura għall-każin tal- banda L’Isle Adam. Fost dawn insemmi pittura li kien għamel fl-2002 li turi lil San Ġużepp mal-Beati Maltin Suor Adeodata Pisani u Nazju Falzon, kif ukoll mal-Qaddis San Ġorġ Preca. Pittura oħra tiegħu hija tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù (1975) li wkoll tinsab fl-istess każin. Kien Karmenu stess li ta dawn ixxogħlijiet bħala rigal lis-Soċjetà L’Isle Adam li kien ammiratur tagħha. fl-1986 Karmenu Azzopardi ħadem ukoll soffitt fuq stil Barokk fis-sala l-ġdida tal-istess każin. Dejjem stqarr kemm kien kuntent b’dan ix-xogħol. Jaħasra, kellu wkoll f’moħħu li jagħmel dekorazzjoni għat-taraġ tal-każin. Sat-twavel kien lesta, iżda l-Mulej riedu miegħu u ħadu qabel il-waqt. Kienu ħafna dawk l-individwi Rabtin li kienu jitolbuh ipinġilhom xi ‘Missier Etern’ jew xi ħaġa oħra għal xi knisja minjatura tagħhom. Dejjem kien jgħin u dan kien jagħmlu bil-pjaċir u mingħajr ebda kumpens. Karmenu ma kienx pittur biss iżda kien ukoll iħobb jirrestawra. Bejn l-1969 u l-1971, kien irrestawra d-dekorazzjoni fil-kappelli ewlenin tal-Katidral, u fl-1982 irrestawra l-koppla
tal-kor fil-Knisja Madonna talKarmnu, l-Imdina. Fis-sena ta’ wara għamel listess fil-Kappella tal-Palazz Arċiveskovili flImdina. Irrestawra wkoll PeterPaulCiantar żewġ niċeċ filKnisja ta’ San Mark fir-Rabat. Ħila oħra ta’dan l-artist tassew umli kienet li kapaċi jaħdem dak imsejjaħ ‘l-irħamar’. Darba rajtu jagħmel xi xogħol ta’ rħamar fil-pilastri tal-Knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat u stagħġibt bil-kalma tiegħu, bir-raffinar u t-teknika li kien juża. Fejn jidħol xogħol ta’ arti kont issibu. Jekk id-dilettanti kienu jistaqsuh għad-dekorazzjoni ta’ xi statwi, kien jaqdihom. Fl-1966 ħadem sett ta’ seba’ bandalori għall-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp u għamel ukoll oħra tal-inkoronazzjoni ta’ dan il-qaddis li kien devot kbir tiegħu. Fejn tidħol dekorazzjoni ta’ armar tal-festi … irħamar, żebgħa u xogħol ieħor meħtieġ, Karmenu kien dejjem jidħol b’impenn serju għal dan ix-xogħol. Kien jagħmlu wara l-ħin tax-xogħol normali tiegħu. Għalih l-aqwa kien li x-xogħol jintgħoġob u jtigh sodisfazzjon. Kien hemm għadd ta pitturi Maltin ta’ fama li tgħallmu mingħand Karmenu, l-aktar fejn tidħol teknika. Karmenu Azzopardi miet fis-6 ta’ Mejju, 2008, fl-età ta’ 72 sena.
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Roundup of News About Malta First the budget and then off to Brussels for an important decision about Brexit
he past few days have been busy ones for Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. On Monday he presided over the presentation of the budget for 2002 by Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, that includes an expenditure of €5 billion, then addressed a press conference about the event, and on the morrow left for Brussels to join other EU member state leaders at the European Council to discuss, and endorse a new Brexit deal. Afterwards, in comments to the media he said he was satisfied with the deal, which “demonstrates flexibility and goodwill on both sides”, and defines a temporary mechanism replacing the backstop in Northern Ireland, allowing for Northern Ireland’s assembly to decide whether to
continue implementing the protocol four years after the transition period. The Prime Minister said European leaders still need to consider next steps if the British Parliament rejects the deal. Meanwhile, the Maltese PM expressed his regret that the European Council failed to agree on the opening of negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, for them to become EU members, opting to take more time to make that decision early next year. According to him, this decision “deals a blow to the credibility of the European Union when dealing with partners, especially in sensitive regions such as the Balkans”. President-elect of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, presented her work programme to the European leaders.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (second right) at the EU with EU Commission President elect Ursula Von Der Leyen,
Malta better off than 16 EU member states
uropean Union’s statistical office, Eurostat has classified Malta in 12th place out of the 28 EU member states with the least number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This is less than the EU average. Eurostat published its statistic on the day commemorating the World Day to Eradicate World Poverty last Friday. It indicated that last year Malta was among the countries that managed to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty.It is better off than 16 countries in the EU. According to Eurostat, in the same year, the number of people at risk increased in nine EU countries, namely in Luxembourg, Greece, Estonia, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Cyprus and Denmark. According to Eurostat, throughout the EU there are more than 109 million people who are living at risk of poverty and social exclusion. In Europe the average rate is 21.7%, in some the rate is over 25%.
The highest rate is registered in Bulgaria where 32.8% of the population is on the brink of poverty. The lowest rate is found in the Czech Republic. The situation in Malta is better than countries such as Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy and Spain. Eurostat statistic also indicates that Malta is among the countries where the number of people who are severely denied basic needs is at a low level. It scores 3%, which is even better than Germany and Denmark.
The Prime Minister made particular reference to the focus on the New Green Deal in the European Commission Presidentelect, Ursula Von Der Leyen’s work programme to the European leaders. He stated that climate-related issues “are not only environmental in nature, but are essentially economic and even social”. Joseph Muscat said that while new tools, including fiscal ones, can be considered, these should not hit socially deprived groups in a disproportionate manner.
Minister Ian Borg highlights Malta’s Achievements in visit to Spain
uring a visit to Spain where he met and exchanged ideas about areas of mutual cooperation, with Spanish Minister of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing Pedro Saura Garcia, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg highlighted the maritime and aviation sectors as two important industries for any island economy that depends on connectivity. The two ministers also reiterated each other’s support. Minister Borg explained Malta’s economic success and unprecedented growth, enabling Malta to carry out unprecedented investments on various fronts, including road, maritime and community projects He said that after working to ensure that the country’s economy would stand on its feet, the government started to invest heavily in Malta’s road network, including more than €700 million for residential roads and a multitude of capital investments on a number of bottlenecks and major arteries . It also invested €64 million during 2019 in 14 road projects. He also stated Malta’s commitment, as a government, to continue fostering strong relationships with other countries, whilst working hard to ensure that foreign investors continue to benefit from the trust they have given Malta.
Four more flyovers by March 2020
fter the official opening of the first two flyovers at the Marsa Junction Project a A few weeks ago, by March next year, four flyovers are expected to be open to the public. This was announced by Transport Minister Ian Borg and Infrastructure Malta
during a visit to the project, an investment of €70 million that is being co-financed through EU funds. The next phase would be the opening of two more flyovers in January. They would link the outbound lane at Triq Aldo Moro with Triq Giuseppe Garibaldi. The third phase would be the opening of the other two flyovers in March.
Tuesday Octobeer 22, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Roundup of News About Malta
Minister Carmelo Abela with Swiss Ambassador Rita Adam
A Budget meant to cover economic, social impact
ddressing the media a day after delivering Budget 2020 in Parliament, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said that the measures presented in the Budget were meticulously drawn up to heed every need and call, covering the economic and social impact. He pointed out that the people don’t just want the government to be generous with those most in need, but also to be prudent in order to keep the rhythm it has in order to once again guarantee another surplus. The Finance Minister said that the government paid attention to local challenges such as the need for green areas and also addressed traffic congestion. That is why it was labelled as a green budget. “People want the government to be on the ball and this Budget has proven that it is,” the Minister said. He added that Malta was also subject to international challenges, including “the tariff war between the United States and China and the ubiquitous Brexit”. Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Chris Fearne described the Budget as being pro-business, proenvironment and pro-employee and that “such a generous Budget could only be possible because of the government's economic successes throughout the year. “This is a peace-of-mind Budget, a budget in favour of today's generation and tomorrow's and a reflection of the success of the last few years,” he said.
Malta Air launches 66 new routes for summer 2020 alta Air that has been launched as a subsidiary airline of M Ryanair, has just launched six new routes from Malta that will start operating in the summer of 2020 with 66 routes in total. Its aim
is to deliver 3.1million customers per year and support 2,300 jobs at Malta’s International Airport. The new routes will connect Malta to Brindisi, Nis, Paphos, Santiago de Compostela, Trapani and Trieste Malta Air said in a press statement that Maltese consumers and visitors could now book their holidays on the routes up to October 2020, flying on the lowest fares and with the greenest/cleanest major airline group in Europe, with the lowest CO2 emissions. Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi said that he was looking forward to the introduction of the new Malta Air livery and new planes later in 2020 and that the new routes showed Ryanair’s commitment to Malta, He added that Malta Air would grow its network by 6%.
Strengthening Mediterranean diplomacy F
ollowing discussions and negotiations between officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion and the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, an agreement was signed for the continuation of the strengthening of the MEDAC academic institution that helps it to fulfil its mission in providing training and formation to young diplomats from countries of the Southern Mediterranean and neighbouring regions. The signing of the new agreement in the presence of Minister Carmelo Abela was made by Professor Stephen Calleya, on behalf of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, and Ambassador Rita Adam, Switzerland’s Ambassador to Malta. MEDAC thus remains efficient in an increasingly competitive international academic landscape. As a result of this agreement, 36 new scholarships would be awarded over the span of two years. The signing is the result of discussions and negotiations between officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion and the
Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs. Minister Abela expressed his delight that thanks to the successful conclusion of these negotiations, MEDAC is able to pursue its mission to strengthen Mediterranean diplomacy. He said that thirty years ago, the Governments of Malta and Switzerland embarked on a challenging project and instituted an academy for young aspiring diplomats under the auspices of the University of Malta. “The intention was to provide training and formation to young diplomats from countries of the Southern Mediterranean and neighbouring regions. Since then this service has been extended to diplomats from Africa, Asia, and the Middle east”, the minister said. Minister Abela noted that to date, over 700 alumni from over 60 countries have graduated from the academy and today a good number of them are holding ambassadorial positions representing their respective countries. Others are now decision-makers in their country of origin, while others hold high executive positions with the UN or one of its agencies, or with the European Union.
Minister Konrad Mizzi (left) with Malta Air CEO Diarmuid O'Conghaile
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Il-Baġit 2020
a ftit tas-snin ilu d-diskors tal-Baġit f’Malta kien iwaqqaf il-ħajja f’Malta, b’għadd kbir ta’ nies imkaħħla mar-Redifusion u aktar tard ir-Radju biex jisimgħu dak li jkun qed jingħad. L-għada l-bejgħ tal-gazzetti kien jiżdied sewwa. Illum permezz tal-mezzi moderni tal-komunikazzjoni ħafna jippreferu li jaċċessaw l-internet u jiksbu t-tagħrif minn hemm. Dan kollu ma jnaqqasx mill-importanza li tingħata għal dan l-avveniment kemm mill-midja miktuba u wkoll imxandra. Forsi bidla oħra, daqsxejn politikament sensittiva, hija dik li
Ħarsa M
hux il-post li hawnhekk nirreferi għal dak li ngħata u ma ngħatax, għall-proġetti, eċċ li hemm f’dan id-diskors. Naħseb li wħud minnkom diġà tafu dwaru u żgur li ħafna anke minn barra minn Malta setgħu jsegwu d-diskors tal-Ministru tal-Finanzi l-Profs Edward Scicluna. Min-naħa tiegħi aktar se niffoka lejn kif il-mezzi tal-komunikazzjoni f’Malta, u wkoll lgħaqdiet, eċċ laqgħu dan il-baġit. M’hemmx dubju li dak irrappurtat u l-mod kif jikkumentaw ċerti ġurnali u mezzi tax-xandir jista’ jkun influwenzat mil-linja politika li jsegwu. Għalkemm din id-darba f’xi ġurnali, li ssoltu ma tantx jappoġġjaw lillGvern, rajna ċerti titli tassew pożittivi, għalkemm imbagħad forsi ppuvaw ipattu għal dan mit-ton tal-editorjali li dehru flistess ġurnali.
Tuesday October 22, 2019
jħobb jirreferi għaliha l-Prim Ministru meta jgħid li llum il-poplu m’għadux jistenna l-qari talBaġit biex jara l-Gvern x’se jeħodlu, imma biex jisma’ ħalli jkun jaf x’se jtih. Sa ċertu punt il-Prim Ministru għandu raġun għaliex f’dawn laħħar snin f’Baġit wara l-ieħor ma tħabbru l-ebda taxxi, għalkemm imbagħad issib min jgħidlek li veru ma jsirux taxxi ġodda, iżda l-ħajja xorta togħla matul is-sena, kif ġieli jogħla l-fjuwil eċċ. Hu x’inhu wieħed ma jistax inaqqas mill-importanza ta’ dan id-diskors għax fuq kollox dan se jeffettwa kull rokna tal-ħajja matul is-sena.
la dubju ta’ xejn li fil-maġġoranza tagħhom il-ġurnali taw laqta’ pożittiva lil dan id-diskors. Anzi nista’ ngħid li bħala kumment ġenerali fuq il-Baġit l-unika midja li kellha kumment differenti kienet dik tal-Partit Nazzjonalista... xi ħaġa li fil-klima politika Maltija, wieħed jistenna. The Times sejħitlu: “Budget with a social soul”, u rrappurtat li dawk li jaqilgħu l-inqas, il-pensjonanti u dawk l-aktar vulnerabbli huma l-aktar li se jibbenefikaw mill-baġit għas-sena d-dieħla. B’ittri kbar l-Independent kitbet: “greenest Budget yet”, billi dan jitkellem ħafna favur lambjent. Dan il-ġurnal irrapporta dwar is-sensiela ta’ miżuri importanti li laqtu fost l-oħrajn b’mod tajjeb lill-familji Maltin u Għawdxin. Semma kif il-Gvern reġa’ fetaħ idu bil-kbir mal-pensjonanti. Bit-titlu, “Labour’s ‘Green new Deal’? u From Cradle to Grave” il-Maltatoday irrimarkat dwar il-miżuri ambizzjużi u magħmula bil-ħsieb mill-Gvern għall-ambjent u l-passi li ħa l-Gvern biex jgħin lil kulħadd.
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna
Il-gazzetta tat prominenza lill-għotja ta’ €300 lill-familji għal kull twelid jew adozzjoni filwaqt li semmiet il-bonus li se jagħti l-Gvern biex jagħmel iktar tajjeb għall-prezzijiet essenzjali tal-ikel bħall-ħobż u l-ħalib. L-Orizzont iddeskriviet il-baġit 2020 bħala: L-Aktar Baġit b’Saħħtu, mhux biss għax qed iwieżen liż-żgħir iżda anki għaliex żamm malgħadd ta’ miżuri pożittivi li l-Gvern daħħal sena wara l-oħra. Min-naħa l-oħra, l-organu tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, in-Nazzjon fil-faċċata ewlenija ħabbar: Baġit li ma solva xejn mill-problemi li ħoloq il-Gvern stess. Dan fisser il-baġit bħala wieħed bla viżjoni, xott u b'sensiela ta' wegħdiet irriċiklati li qatt ma twettqu, u li ma solva xejn mill-problemi li ħoloq il-Gvern stess, fosthom dak tal-kera għoli, it-trasport, nuqqas ta’ għalliema, eċċ. Il-gazzetta ta’ kull ġimgħa illum fil-portal tagħha qalet: “Baġit li jgħin lil min hu filbżonn”. *ikompli f’paġna 15
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Kif ħabbru l-miżuri ...
ul il-qari tal-baġit il-midja Maltija bdiet tħabbar il-miżuri tal-baġit hekk kif kienu T qed jinqraw minn fuq is-siti elettroniċi tagħhom.
Interessanti l-mod kif kull sit ta l-verżjoni tiegħu tal-miżuri. Nisiltu biss is-settur tal-Anzjani, Għawdex, is-saħħa u t-Trakka tal-karozzi:
Net News: Iż-żieda għall-pensjonanti diġà ttieklet . Illum: Żieda ta' €7 għall-anzjani u titjieb flgħajnuna supplimentari. One news: Il-pensjonanti kollha se jingħataw żieda ta’ €7 fil-ġimgħa – l-ogħla żieda flaħħar 40 sena. The Times: Free bus usage for those aged 75 and over; Pensions increase for fifth straight year.
Net News: Il-Gvern Laburista jinsa ‘l Għawdex. The Times: Project to make Gozo self-sufficient for water production; €10 million for roads in Gozo. One News: Inċentivi għall-ħolqien ta’ impjiegi f’Għawdex.
illum: Għajnuna għal ġenituri bi tfal b'mard rari u għal dawk li jbatu mill-Fibromyalgia. Net News: Budget riċiklat għas-Saħħa. The Times: Parents given help for caring for disabled child; Assistance for those who suffer Fibromyalgia and ME; Greater help for parents who leave job because of disabled child. One News: Investiment għall-operazzjonijiet robotiċi.
Trakka tal-Karozzi
Net News: Id-dilettanti tal-motorsport se jkomplu jistennew il-wegħda tat-trakka. Inews: Se jitħabbru żviluppi konkreti dwar ittrakka tal-karozzi fi żmien qrib.
U nispiċċa bl-Editorjali:
Ir-reazzjoni tal-Għaqdiet nteressanti kif id-diversi ġurnali rraIhekkportaw r-reazzjonijiet tal-Għaqdiet. Għalse nagħti daqqa
t’għajn lil uħud mit-titli fil-ġurnali li ttina stampa mżewwqa u kultant kontrastanti anke dwar dak li ntqal mill-istess għaqdiet. Dan ma jfissirx li dak li qed jingħad mhux dak li stqarret l-għaqda konċernata, imma, għax kif sikwit isir, il-ġurnal jagħti l-importanza lil dik il-parti li taqbel mal-aġenda jew policy tiegħu. Nibdew dwar ilGeneral Workers Union: Netnews: “Baġit għaqli għal soċjetà aktar ġusta”. The Times: “GWU pleased its measures were adopted”. FOR.U.M: (Għaqda li tiġbor fiha diversi unjins tal-Ħaddiema): illum: baġit limitat u bla inizjattivi ġodda. Net News: “Budget limitat li ma joħloqx inizjattivi ġodda” – Forum Unions Maltin. Maltese Hotels and Restaurants Association: illum: “Baġit li jibni fuq is-suċċessi tal-passat”. Onew News: “Baġit li jkompli jibni fuq is-suċċess tal-passat”. Net News: “L-MHRA terġa’ titlob lill-Gvern għal viżjoni li tħares lejn l-2025”. Malta Independent: “Budget continues to build on past successes’. The Times: “A budget of consolidation”. Malta Union of Teachers: illum: MUT: “Baġit xott għall-edukazzjoni”. iNews: IlUnion tal-Għalliema tiddeskrivi l-budget bħala “xott għall-qasam tal-edukazzjoni”. Netnews: Il-Union tal-Għalliema tiddeskrivi l-budget bħala “xott għall-qasam taledukazzjoni”. Malta Independent/The Times: What about education?. Malta Developers Association: Netnews: L-MDA sodisfatta li l-Gvern applika rrakkomandazzjonijiet tagħha. Malta Independent: MDA satisfied government adopted its budget recommendations. iNews: “Sodisfatti ħafna bil-baġit”. The Times: “We are happy” . General Retailers and Traders Union: The Times: Positive, next steps should be for SMEs. One News: Il-GRTU tiddeskrivi l-Baġit bħala wieħed pożittiv. Kamra tal-Kummerċ: Netnews: “Stennejna iktar investiment b’risq il-kompetittività”. The Times: No shock measures are good for business. Gozo Tourism Association: Netnews: Proposti għat-turiżmu Għawdxi mhux inklużi filbudge. One News: Budget li jirriffletti t-tkabbir ekonomiku li għaddej bħalissa f’pajjiżna.
Nieħu l-editorjali tat-tliet ġurnali bl-Ingliż, li t-tlieta li huma li stqarrew li kien baġit tajjeb. Malta Independent: It was another good budget, with no new taxes or tax hikes. Malta Today: Intqal li jagħmel emfasi dwar l-ambjent. The Times qalet li qed jieħu inizjattivi biex jgħin lil min hu filbżonn. Imma mbagħad għamlu wkoll il-kritika tagħhom bil-Malta Indipendent tgħid li, “Unfortunately, there is still no plan to start working on a metro system, with the Prime Minister saying that the focus for now should be on improving public transport and
road infrastructure.” L-editur jipprevedi li se jkun hemm kontroversja sħiħa dwar jekk it-teatru Rjali għandux jissaqqaf jew le. Min-naħa tiegħu l-Editur tal-Maltatoday kiteb: “Budget 2020 sets the tone but it will be fruitless unless there is the political will to go for the green paradigm shift in our lifetime. It could have been bolder on urban greening by changing planning policy to ensure new buildings retain gardens and large backyards to allow breathing space within the built-up environment”. Filwaqt li The Times ittemm l-editorjal tagħha hekk: “The budget tried to make a virtue out of necessity by introducing overdue initiatives to ease pressure on those struggling to cope in an economy that has created many winners but just as many losers. Beyond the buzzwords and rhetoric, the budget promised more of the same vision for the future.”
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
One in five Australians went hungry over past year, study finds O
ne in five Australians went hungry once over the past year, according to a new survey that also finds demand for food bank services has increased by more than 20 per cent across Australia in 12 months. Compiled by Foodbank, which provides food and groceries to charities and school breakfasts, the report relies on two pieces of research: a survey of more than 2000 charities and other organisations that use food rescue services, and a survey of 1000 Australians who said they were experiencing food insecurity, conducted by research company McCrindle. It found that over the past 12 months, the number of people seeking food relief increased by 22 per cent, while only 37 per cent of charities surveyed said they were meeting the full needs of their clients. The growth in demand was highest in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Victoria. Women were at greater risk of food insecurity; 27 per cent reported an experience going hungry compared with 18 per cent men. In addition, more than half of the women (53 per cent) surveyed who had faced food insecurity said they had experienced domestic violence, while 49 per cent said they had been sole parents at some stage in their lives. People were most likely to be without food or the means to pay for it due to an unexpected bill or expense (49 per cent), followed by a low income or pension (42 per cent) and housing costs (34 per cent).
More major projects to end congestion
ood news for Malta’s Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg. NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian G believes that the best way to reduce congestions on the roads is to
build major public transport projects and to provide better public transport. She is also against congestion target tax during peak hours for drivers coming into the city. The Graattan Institute had recommended this idea of a tax.
A climate emergency? T
he Federal Liberal-National government has shot down attempts for parliament to declare a climate emergency, categorising it a "grand symbolic gesture". Greens MP Adam Bandt (pictured below) attempted to bring on such a vote in federal parliament's lower house, supported by Labor's climate spokesman Mark Butler. But Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor was quick to shrug the proposition off, saying it was all symbolism and not practical. It was a bold move for Labor, which had previously faced an internal rift over the issue. Mr Butler told colleagues he would lodge the push in a party room meeting, which follows similar moves in the United Kingdom, Canada and France to recognise the threat posed by global warming. “The threat posed by climate change on the future prosperity and security of Australia and the globe constitutes a climate change emergency,� the defeated motion read. Last week, Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon said the party should consider winding back its carbon emissions targets to match the Coalition. His belief was that this would pressure the Morrison government to be held to account on its targets, rather than the opposition being vulnerable to scare campaigns. But Mr Butler rejected it.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Australia's newspapers went dark to protest against media restrictions
s part of a united campaign by 19 media organisations and journalist unions, some of them traditionally rivals newspapers around Australia, on Monday published blacked out front pages in a unified campaign to highlight the way the government has fallen short of protecting freedom of the press. National and regional mastheads including The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian Financial Review hit newsstands with most of their front-page stories blacked out to give the impression it had been censored similar to how classified government documents are. The media campaign is demanding changes to laws that criminalise journalism and penalise whistleblowing, and calls for the government to better protect press freedoms. The move follows a spate of raids on a public broadcaster's office and a reporter's home in June. The campaign was sparked by an incident in June, when federal police raided a public broadcaster's office and a reporter's home in their search for leaked government documents. A former army lawyer was even charged over the leaks, and a number of journalists could also be charged.
Cyber crime on the move T
he Australian Cyber Security Centre has received more than 13,500 reports of cybercrime since a new online reporting portal was established in July. Australians are reporting cybercrimes every 10 minutes, according to the country's online security watchdog. The Australian Cyber Security Centre has received more than 13,500 reports of cybercrime since a new online portal opened in July. People lost an average of $700 to cybercrimes, according to survey results released by the centre. Online fraud was the most common type of crime reported, such as people clicking links in messages claiming to be from their bank and filling out online banking details. But it also included people duped by online love rats who were convinced to wire thousands of dollars abroad. This was closely followed by identity fraud, with criminals opening bank accounts in other people's names. UNICEF report finds that one in three youths are victims of cyber bullying The State of Victoria reported the largest share of cybercrime to the centre, closely followed by Queensland and NSW. Northern Territorians reported the fewest cases. Over two-thirds of those who reported a financial loss because of cybercrime were aged between 25 and 34. Two in five people said they used the same password for all, if not most, of their accounts, with the names of pets or family members the most popular. The centre's head, Rachel Noble, said all Australians connected to the Internet were vulnerable. "The threat is real, but there is something you can do about it," Ms Noble said. This included using different passwords between devices, updating software whenever possible and switching on privacy settings for social media accounts. The Morrison government estimates cyber security incidents cost Australian businesses $29 billion each year. See advert on right for in information seminar on this matter.
Have you been conned lately? Scams on our phones and social media are robbing us blind How many times did you receive bogus telephone calls, messages or emails? We need to fight the scammers NOW You want to know how?
Detective Senior Constable Shawn Schussler Financial Crimes Squad, State Crime Command Will be the main speaker at the: Information Session Wednesday, 27th November at 7.30 pm. Organised by
Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.
to be held at the St George Preca Community Hall, OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Rd Greystanes on the Free entrance, English/Maltese spoken. All welcome. Light refreshments For more details call: 9631 9295 or 0412 204 470 Sponsored by (02) 9231 2133
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Australian Maltese Chamber of Commerce celebrates 25 Years T
Members of the current AMCC Committee together with the special guests at the celebration. From left: Mr Clive Desira (Secretary), Mr Michael Zammit (Treasurer), The Hon. Mark Buttigieg MLC, Mr. Sydney Borg (President), Mr Lawrence Buhagiar (NSW Consul General) and Mr Neville Zammit (Vice President)
he Australian Maltese Chamber of Commerce Inc, (AMCC) recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary in the presence of 180 guests at the Mandavilla Function Centre in Horsley Park NSW. Also present for the event were the Opposition Whip in the NSW Legislative Council, the Hon Mr Mark Buttigieg MLC and his wife Anna and the NSW Consul General for the Republic of Malta Mr Lawrence Buhagiar with his wife Rosieanne. The evening also served as an opportunity to commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the Malta’s Independence and the birth of the Maltese National Flag The AMCC was established in 1994 in NSW by Life Member Mr Emanuel Pisani as the first President, Mr Leslie Cassar and the late Fred Fenech. Under the leadership of current Presi-
L-ewwel rivista tal-Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti fl-1925 -ewwel rivista uffiċjali talL Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti u li bdiet toħroġfl-1925, kienet iġġib
l-isem ta’ Il-Malti. L-ewwel editur tagħha kien il-magħruf kittieb ĠużèMuscat Azzopardi. L-għan ewlieni tar-rivista li kienet toħroġ kull tliet xhur kien, li ixxerred dejjem aktar il-qari tajjeb bil-Malti, u wkoll, naturalment b’alfabett wieħed...dak talGħaqda. Erbgħa u disgħin sena wara IlMalti għadha toħroġ millAkkademja tal-Malti.
dent Mr Sydney Borg, the AMCC has now also spread to Victoria and Queensland and is currently exploring opportunities to establish a presence in Western Australia. The AMCC continues to grow and is a great opportunity for Maltese Australian business owners and professionals to meet, network and pursue trade opportunities through bi-monthly meetings and various other events. The AMCC is the only national Maltese Australian organisation dedicated to support and encourage business between Australia and Malta as well as the use of Malta as a base for exports from Australia to other European countries. It is also its intention to connect its members commercially and culturally whilst respecting the values of our Maltese heritage. The AMCC is a non-political organisation. It proudly boasts excellent relations with both sides of the Maltese government and the Australian High Commissioner in Malta. It has previously organised Trade Missions to Malta and is planning another in the near future. Any business owner or business professional interested in taking part in the upcoming Trade Mission is invited to email their interest to Neville Zammit at for information. The AMCC is also a member of the European Australian Business Council (EABC). It is proud of its role in initiating ‘Euro mix’ a regular lunch event where members of all other European chambers come together to mix and build a network of contacts and business trade opportunitiesAny business owner or professional wishing to join the chamber should contact it through its website or email Clive Desira at Il-paġna dwar ‘Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti’ tirritorna fil-ħarġa li jmiss, tat-8 ta’ Ottubru
Tuesday October 22, 2019
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystics to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?
20 The Voice of the Maltese
L-Università tat-Tielet Età f’Malta
assew li ħadd ma jista’ jgħid li Malta ma tieħux ħsieb l-anzjani, u anzi bilprovi hija fost l-aqwa pajjiżi flEwropa, jekk mhux ukoll fid-dinja li tagħmel minn kollox biex tagħmlilhom ilbqija ta’ ħajjithom wara tant snin ta’ ħidma, komda u kuntenta kemm jista’ jkun. Wara li fil-baġit ta’ ftit tal-jiem ilu l-gvern issokta jtaffilhom il-piżijiet billi fost l-oħrajn anke żidilhom sew il-pensjoni, issa sSegretarju Parlamentari għal Persuni b’Diżabilità u Anzjanità Attiva Anthony Agius Decelis b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Università ta’ Malta, fetaħ uffiċjalment ċentru ġdid f’Birżebbuġa bil-għan li aktar anzjani jieħdu sehem fl-hekk magħrufa bħala lUniversità tat-Tielet Età. Fil-ftuħ, is-Sgretarju Parlamentari saħaq dwar l-importanza li l-anzjani jibqgħu attivi akkademikament, u semma l-għajnuna talAnzjanità Attiva u Kura fil-Komunità, kif ukoll lill-Università tat-Tielet Età biex jinfetħu iktar ċentri bħal dawn f’lokalitajiet
diversi madwar Malta. Qal li dan kollu jinkoraġġixxi lill-anzjani li jibqgħu jitgħallmu tul ħajjithom kollha, u sostna li dan it-tagħlim għandu impatt pożitiv fuq is-soċjetà tagħna minħabba li lanzjani jaqsmu t-tagħlim tagħhom ma’ ħaddieħor, inkluż il-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa. Ħeġġeġ lill-anzjani biex jibqgħu jkunu xempju tal-anzjanità attiva. Anzjani li jagħmlu użu miċ-ċentri ta’ matul il-jum se jkunu jistgħu jattendu għal dawn il-korsijiet qrib fejn jgħixu. Dak ta’ Birżebbuġa hu s-seba’ ċentru biex issa t-tagħlim tat-tielet età se jkompli jilħaq iktar nies. Dax-xahar qed ukoll jiġu organizzati lezzjonijiet fil-Mellieħa, u jekk wieħed jista’ jkejjel b’dak li seħħ s’issa, allura m’għandux jonqos li dawn ukoll se jkunu ta’ success. Permezz ta’ dawn l-inizjattivi dawn iċċentri se junu jistgħu jintużaw għall-aktar ħin, għall-benefiċċju tal-anzjani li jgħixu fil-komunità.
Tuesday October 22, 2019
5th Convention for Maltese Living Abroad
‘Keeping Connected’
October 5-10, 2020
he fifth Convention for Maltese Living Abroad is to take place in Malta on October 5-10, 2020, and preparations are currently underway, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion is informing the Maltese diaspora and the general public that it would like to hear from those who are interested in participating in the event. The Convention will consist of plenary sessions together with a number of workshops. Other activities that include an art exhibition and a literary symposium would also be organised at the margins of the Convention. The working languages of the Convention would be Maltese and English. The Ministry is inviting those interested in attending the Convention to express their intent of participation by filling the form that can be downloaded from this link: ocuments/5th%20Convention%20for%20 Maltese%20Living%20Abroad%20participation%20Form.pdf. When completed the form is to be emailed to Alternatively, the form may be sent to the following postal address: The Director Directorate Consular Services and Maltese Living Abroad, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Palazzo Parisio, Valletta, Malta to reach the Ministry by not later than Friday 10th January 2020. Obituary:
Apap Laurence 1946 -2019
Tickets: Adults $45, ChildrenUnder 12: &15 For more information please contact Kids Under 5 Free. No door Sales President: Emmanuel Vella 0405 677 064 Tickets Non-refundable Public Relations Officer: Jacqui 0433 320 944
ur Lady of t h e Rosary Church at Kellyville NSW was packed to capacity for the funeral of Laurence Apap, a member of the Apap family, Maltese early farmer settlers around Kellyville. Laurence was born in Australia, dearly beloved husband of Irene. They were married in 1968, father of Anthony, Margaret, Michael and Melissa, and nannu of Bianca, Sheree, Dillan, Courtney, Nathasha, Dean, Venessa, and Nathan. Laurence passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on the night of October 12 at Blacktown Hospital NSW.
Liturgical feast of St Pio of Pietrelcina in Gozo M
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday October 22, 2019
embers of the Gozo Prayer Groups and devotees of the Saint Padre Pio gathered in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces in Victoria to celebrate the liturgical Feast of the Saint. The celebration started with a procession with the artistic statue of St Pio that was made by the Gozitan sculptor Alfred Camilleri Cauchi. The occasion marked the first time ever that the statue, was led in a procession that passed through the neighbouring streets of the Sanctuary. Fr Alfred Scerri OFM.Cap led this procession accompanied by spiritual directors of the groups, members and many devotees reciting the Holy Rosary. Later, all those present attended a concelebrated Holy Mass presided by the newly ap-
pointed Fr Guardian of the Capuchin Community, Fr Alfred Scerri OFM.Cap assisted by His Lordship Mgr Abba Musie, Bishop of a Diocese in Ethiopia, and the Spiritual Directors of Groups. In his homily, Fr Scerri stressed that Padre Pio, the humble Capuchin of Pietrelcina invoked with constant and tender devotion Our Lady of Graces. He felt at a loss how to express his gratitude to the Virgin for the many graces she showered on him throughout his life and also on his beloved Pietrelcina and San Giovanni Rotondo. The kissing of the relic of Padre Pio and the singing of the hymn to him brought to an end the celebration. The Gozitan singer Mario Caruana ani-
The procession with the statue of Padre Pio
by CharlesSpiteri
mated the celebration.
The celebration of the Holy Mass
A great night at Mandavilla The 32 annual dinner dance of the Maltese PastPupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) was held at the Mandavilla Reception Centre to a full house with Joe Apap entertaining the cowd with his usual cool style so pleasant to the ear. All the profit from this event and the guessing competition held in conjunction are donated to the Don Bosco missions where they are needed most. Josephine Borg was the MC for the night. Full thanks go to Breakaway Travel of Blacktown that has been the major sponsor of this function for many years. *Results of the guessing competition drawn during the Dinner Dance: First Prize: Ticket Number: 0982 F. Patchell Mt Druitt. Second Prize: Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet Ticket Number: 3115 B. Bezzina, Blacktown tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa Third Prize. li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw lTicket Number: 1123 M Grima, The Entrance emails lil L-ttri The committee thanks all for their gengħall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Leterosity. ters to the editor.
Avviż lill-qarrejja
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s An Audio/Visual Presentation
* Do you speak Maltese fluently? * Are you in high school and want to study Maltese for your HSC? * Are you an adult learner looking for an opportunity to challenge your Maltese language skills and cultural knowledge?
Then consider enrolling in the Higher School Certificate HSC/VCE
Maltese community language schools across Australia are engaging in a recruitment drive to ensure that Maltese remains to be rightfully offered as a subject for generations to come.
The Maltese HSC, VCE and SACE are at risk of suspension due to their very small candidature. You will be invited to an information meeting about course requirements and enrolment procedures. A commitment to commence studies must be made by November 2019. To register your interest contact:
NSW: The Maltese Language School of NSW Akkademja Maltija ta NSW - skolamaltijasydney - Jane Borg 0411 478 233 Saturday School of Community Languages - Charles Galea 0400 485239 Dwejret il-Malti – Blacktown VIC: Maltese Community Council Maltese Language Classes - – (03) 9387 8922 Victorian School of Languages (03) 9474 0500
Saturday November 16th at 7.00 p.m. Venue: 477 Royal Parade Parkville. Food and drinks available Cost: $25, $20 Concession Tickets: MCCV 03 9387 8922 (online): Eventbrite. Info: Maltese Community Council of Victoria 03 9387 8922
AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter
he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.
Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:
L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.
Please Note:
Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write for details to:
La Valette Social Centr e Forthcoming activities
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Sunday Nov. 3: PINE GROVE: usual Mass with OLQP band Tuesday Nov. 5: MELBOURNE CUP morning Tea & Lunch with Charlie Camilleri. Members $30; non-members $35 (that includes morning tea and two-course lunch). You can follow the race on Big screen Tuesday Nov. 10: CHERRY PICKING to ORANGE Members $50; Non members $55 For more information contact the centre ___________________________________ MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday October 22, 2019
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:
To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.
SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month
in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Join us and make new friends.
Maltese Group
Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of each
Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
MCA NSW Memorial Mass
The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW invites all members of the community to attend its Annual Memorial Mass for its deceased members to be held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes, on November 8 at 7pm. You may bring friends, who wish to commemorate their loved ones. A fterwards refreshments will be served at St George Preca Centre. For more infoormation: phone: Charles N Mifsud 9501 5525.
Saint Nicholas Festa Committee
Remaining main events for 2019
Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast
Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 22, 2019
Malta secure Euro Championship Malta to stage Snooker qualification for third year running World C’ships 2020
or the third year running, the Malta national waterpolo team managed by coach Karl Izzo has qualified for the finals of next January’s European Championship finals to be held in Budapest, Hungary following a narrow 12-10 victory over Portugal. They have joined Romania, win-
ners of Group C played in Malta. It was a tough qualifying tournament that was won by Romania following victories over the other two teams. Their win over Malta on the morrow in the qualifying tournament proved their strength as they defeated Malta 13-7.
113 yachts competing in Floriana increase Malta’s Football Premier League Middle Sea Race 2019 lead to four points RESULTS - Day 7 4-1 Floriana v Sirens
he 49th edition of the Rolex Middle Sea Race, the 606 miles classic offshore race 2019, set off from Grand Harbour Saturday with a fleet of 113 yachts from 23 countries. It is a challenge for both professional and Corinthian. It is not meant to be easy. The first yachts to finish are expected back in Malta Monday night, but it does not mean that the first to finish would win the event. The overall winner is decided by the bestcorrected time under the IRC Rating Rule.
alta’s Premier Lea- Gzira Utd v Birkirkara 3-1 gue resumed with Senglea v Sliema W. 2-0 1-0 Round 7 after the break for Mosta v Sta Lucia the national team matches Valletta v Gudja U 1-0 with Floriana beating their Balzan v v Tarxien R 3-1 nearest challengers Sirens Hibs v Ħamrun *Monday 4-1 to confirm their top position, and in fact increase their lead over the losers to four points. Sirens now share the position with Gzira Utd, 3-1 victors over Birkirkara who suffered their third loss. Even worse than Birkirkara’s is Sliema’s record having suffered their fourth defeat, against Senglea. Champions Valletta returned to winning ways with a hard-earned 1-0 victory over Gudja.
alta is to host the 2020 World Snooker Championships jointly with the World Snooker Federation (WSF). The event consisting of the World Snooker Federation Junior Open (for players aged 17 and under) and the World Snooker Federation Open (All age groups) is to be held over 13 days (January 4-17) at the Malta Snooker Academy and the San Antonio Hotel. Both competitions will be open to players of all nationalities for both men and women equally, with the winner of each tournament earning a two-year tour card to the World Snooker Tour from the start of the 2020/21 season. Each recognised National Snooker Federation will be given the opportunity to nominate two players for each event for their national champions and top ranked players. In addition, direct entries will then be accepted from players online, making it a truly open event for all players around the world.
A disappointment that left coach speechless
t’s back to square one when it comes to football and the Malta national team. When it looked as if the EURO 2002 qualifiers campaign could end up with Malta, for once not finishing in the bottom of the rung in Group F, it suffered back-to-back defeats against Sweden at home and the Faroe Islands away. Nobody expected much from the home game against Sweden, but a 4-0 reversal could be considered as a bit cruel due to the fact that two of the goals Malta conceded came from penalties, an own goal and another tally resulting from a corner. However, what left everybody disappointed, and national coach Ray Farrugia speechless was the 1-0 loss at the Faroe Islands. He had so much confidence that Malta could come out unscathed and therefore finish above the Faroes, that the defeat, from another dead ball situation, from a corner almost brought him to tears. In the first match at the National Stadium Sweden dominated without impressing but did enough to warrant the points that kept them in the running for qualification to the final rounds. They forged ahead after 11 minutes when debutant Marcus Danielson tapped in from a corner. Malta tried to get back but made little or no impact as Sweden made sure of the points in the second half. On 58 mins Joseph Mbong unnecessarily gave away a penalty again converted by Sebastian Larsson.
Six minutes later Andrei Agius deflected into the net for the Swedes' third goal and in the 71st minute the referee harshly penalised Jonathan Caruana and awarded the opposition a second penalty converted by Larsson. Three days later Malta headed to Tor-
shavn hoping for a result against the Faroe Islands but though they did share the exchanged for most of the time were not convincing enough to avoid defeat that went to the home team for their first group win thanks to a 71st headed goal by Rogvi Baldvinsson.
Photo: Dominic Aquilina
Maltese players (in red) try to break a Faroe Islands’ attack in Torshavn