The Voice of the Maltese No. 218

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Issue 218

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fo rtnightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly Diasp ora

December 17, 2019

On the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of Malta Republic, President of Malta George Vella lays a wreath at the monument of Malta Republic at Marsa. He later entered Valletta accopnaied by the AFM band, inspected a guard of honour, presdided over the Investiture Ceremony on the occasion at the Palace in Valletta and delivered an important speech (see pages 12, 14 and 18) Photo: Pierre Sammut (DOI)

A Crib, entitled Malta in a Crib with typical scenes and characters from Malta that members of the St Andrews Musical Society of Luqa are exhibiting at the basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, six kilometres from St Peter’s in Rome.

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Message from H.E. President of Malta, Dr. George Vella


his is my first opportunity as President of Malta, to convey to all of you out there, heartfelt best wishes and the warmest greetings. My wife Miriam joins me in reassuring you of our constant concern for your well-being and we both hope that you continue having a special place in your hearts, for your country of origin – Malta. We realise that the Maltese diaspora today is made up mainly of second, third and possibly fourth generation Maltese, to whom Maltese customs and traditions may possibly be losing their meaning and appeal, if they are remembered at all. We do understand that many of you do not use the Maltese language for obvious, understandable reasons, but we lay a lot of emphasis on keeping certain Maltese traditions alive – even though in a completely different scenario. We acknowledge the difficulties. However, we know that many still have nostalgia for the Christmas Crib, Midnight Mass, the procession with Baby Jesus, and l-imbuljuta – the traditional chestnut and cocoa recipe that goes down very nicely on chilly December nights. The image of the Crib brings to our homes and minds feelings of empathy and unity. They remind us of the Maltese ‘presepju’. For us Maltese, Christmas is a special feast. Traditions foster national unity. Together with respect towards our national flag, the National Anthem, and

Tuesday December 17, 2019

our Constitution, they make up our sovereignty. This applies equally to you, the Maltese living abroad. You have found a new way of life and success away from our shores. Nonetheless, you have remained Maltese at heart. I take pride in thinking, that our small Island State, bore so many valid individuals like you who still identify themselves as Maltese. You are the true ambassadors of our country. Living so far and yet keeping our flag, our culture and traditions alive in your everyday lives. With this in mind, my message for you is to remain united. As this year is coming to a close and a new one begins, my wish is that you, and all Maltese abroad, keep on looking out for each other, keep in contact with your country of origin. Above all, we wish that you all enjoy the real spirit of Christmas – meeting friends and family, looking after the needs of others who are less fortunate than us, exchanging sincere best wishes and above all creating that festive atmosphere that warms the hearts of children and adults alike to make these family occasions memorable. May you all have a Holy Christmas. I wish you all good things for the coming Year, and above all, I wish good health to you and your loved ones.

Messaġġ mill-Onor. Carmelo Abela Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ


s-sena 2019 rat il-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ ikompli jaħdem għallMaltin madwar id-dinja. Bħalissa l-Ministeru jinsab għaddej b’ħidma impenjattiva biex tinfetaħ Ambaxxata fil-Ġappun, kif ukoll lewwel rappreżentanza Maltija fl-Amerika t’isfel. Dan apparti l-ħidma li twettqet fl-aħħar sena fejn rajna lftuħ ta’ Kummissjoni Għolja fil-Ghana li fi Frar bdiet topera minn bini temporanju f’Accra. Fl-Eġittu mbagħad ġie inawgurat uffiċċju konsolari ġdid biex jittejjeb is-servizz offrut lill-Maltin fl-Eġittu.. Fl-istess waqt, fil-Marokk diġà ġew identifikati postijiet xierqa għal konsolat Malti, li jista’ jibda jopera fl-2020. F’Ottubru ta’ din is-sena organizzajna wkoll l-10 laqgħa annwali tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta, fejn hemmek irrimarkajt li t-tagħlim talilsien Malti dalwaqt se jkun jista’ jsir online permezz tal-ħolqien ta’ pjattaforma diġitali, proġett li qed jiġi mwettaq mill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol. F’din il-laqgħa li saret fl-ispazju ta’ jumejn, iddiskute-

jna diversi temi li jaffettwaw lid-diaspora Maltija. Ħabbarna wkoll li f’Ottubru tal2020 se ssir il-Ħames Konvenzjoni għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra, bit-tema ‘Keeping Connected’. Għaldaqstant qed naraw li l-Kunsill tal-Maltin li jgħixu Barra jkompli jkun il-veikolu li minnu joħorġu ideat li jippromwovu d-drittijiet u l-interessi tal-Maltin ta’ barra, bil-ħsieb li, fejn hu possibbli, jiġu implimentati mill-Gvern Ċentrali. Kif spjegajt diġa, l-2019 kienet sena impenjattiva. Qed naraw li s-sena d-dieħla tkun impenjattiva wkoll, għaliex huwa b’impenn kontinwu biss li nilħqu l-aspirazzjonijiet tal-Maltin, u l-Maltin li jgħixu barra. F’isem il-familja tiegħi u l-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ, nixtieq lill-edituri, lill-kontributuri, u lill-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese Milied ħieni u sena ġdida mimlija ġid, hena, u suċċess.

The Voice of the Maltese will take a break for Christmas and the New Year. This is the last issue for 2019. The first issue of 2020 will be on January 14.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Dr. Joseph Muscat


s-sena li se tintemm kienet waħda li matulha bħala pajjiż komplejna nikbru. Kienet ukoll sena li matulha kellhom jittieħdu deċiżjonijiet iebsa fosthom dik li se twassal biex illum qed nikteb għall-aħħar darba bħala Prim Ministru f’din ir-rivista ntiża li tolqot lilkom, ħuti Maltin, li tgħixu barra.

bħala pajjiż. Illum għandna sitwazzjoni fejn minflok bħal ma kellkom tagħmlu intom, titilqu minn pajjiżkom bit-tama li ssibu pajjiż li jkun jista’ joffri prosperità u opportunitajiet, Malta llum qed tkun it-tama ta’ nies oħra li ġejjin minn barra.

Minkejja d-deċiżjonijiet iebsa s-sena li daqt tispiċċa kienet waħda li matulha komplejna fejn ħallejna fis-snin ta’ qabel u ħdimna fuq li ħdimna biex dak li qed jirnexxielna niksbu f’termini ekonomiċi, bħat-tkabbir ekonomiku li huwa wieħed millaktar b’saħħithom minn fost il-pajjiżi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea, l-għadd ta’ nies li jfittxu x-xogħol, li hu wkoll fost l-inqas fost il-pajjiżi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u rrata bla preċedent ta’ investiment dirett barrani li rnexxielna nattiraw lejn pajjiżna, wassal biex il-ġid li qed noħolqu jmur għand dawk l-aktar li għandhom bżonn.

Il-baġit li ppreżentajna ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu u li issa ġie approvat mill-Parlament se jkompli jara li jgħin lil dawk laktar fil-bżonn u li għandhom bżonn imbuttatura, fosthom il-pensjonati fejn se jkunu qed igawdu minn żieda oħra; se nkunu qed ngħinu lill-ħaddiema kollha billi se jerġa’ jkun hemm tnaqqis fit-taxxa; se nkomplu nagħtu l-leave għallfesti li jaqgħu f’festi pubbliċi; se nkomplu nagħtu għajnuna lill-persuni b’diżabilità; se nissoktaw bil-ħidma fl-oqsma tas-saħħa, l-edukazzjoni, ix-xogħol, il-ġustizzja u l-ambjent.

Minkejja li llum f’pajjiżna jista’ ma jkunx hemm qbil politiku fuq issue jew oħra, bħal ma kienet dejjem is-sitwazzjoni, ħadd iżda ma jista’ jiċħad il-ġid li qed noħolqu

The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our readers and their families a wonderful Christmas! May it bring you joy, happiness and all that you deserve. Happy Christmas Also may the New Year 2020 be one of health, happiness, wealth, wisdom, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year

Hemmhekk tinduna kemm il-pajjiż ikun qed jikber, kemm l-ekonomija tkun qed trendi għan-nies, għall-familji Maltin u Għawdxin u għan-negozji.

Inħoss li huwa opportun li nerġa’ ntenni li dan limpenn li nkomplu nikbru minkejja li pajjiżna huwa fost liżgħar pajjiżi fid-dinja, se jibqa’ hemm. Persważ li anke l-persuna li se tkun qed tmexxi lill-pajjiżna minn wara t-12 ta’ Jannar li ġej se tkun waħda li se taħdem qatiegħ biex it-tajjeb kollu li bnejna sa mill-bidu tal-2013 jibqa’ hemm u nkomplu nkabbru dejjem aktar fuqu. L-appell tiegħi huwa sabiex intom bħala ambaxxaturi ta’ pajjiżna, bħala Maltin u Għawdxin lil hinn minn xtutna, dejjem iżżommu lil Malta f’qalbkom u żżommuha billi meta tkunu qed titkellmu, ma’ barranin, mal-ġarr tagħkom, issemmu dejjem kif Malta tagħkom tinsab miexja ‘l quddiem u minkejja l-kritika politika kollha li tista’ ssir huwa dmir tagħna lkoll li naraw li permezz tal-ħidma tagħna, żgħira kemm tkun żgħira, jew kbira kemm tkun kbira, naraw u nassiguraw li din ir-rotta ma nbiddluhiex. Minn qalbi grazzi tal-appoġġ li dejjem tajtu lili u lillfamilja kollha tiegħi.

Nawguralkom minn qalbi Milied u s-Sena Ġdida millisbaħ.

Message from the Australian Prime Minister

Christmas is a wonderful time to gather with our families and to draw close to one another. We also know that right across the country so many Australians will be doing it tough this year. Whether it’s the floods earlier this year, or the terrible bushfires or indeed the drought which has been spreading across the country. But Australians have stood together through all of this, and the resilience of our communities and the kindness that has been shown from one Australian to another has been a true inspiration. While these times are difficult, there is much to reflect on and to celebrate in the great spirit of our amazing country. For me, and for all who share the Christian faith, this is also a time of prayer and reflection to mark the miracle at Bethlehem that lies at the heart of the Christmas message. So Christmas is a time for many things – family, friends, festivities and faith. This year, I am looking forward to spending time with loved ones, and I hope that you enjoy a quiet break with loved ones too. The Hon Scott Morrison MP May you have a safe and merry Prime Minister of Australia Christmas and a happy New Year! December 2019

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 17, 2019

More Christmas and New Year messages

Anthony Albanese MP

H.E. Ms Julienne Hince

Leader of the Opposition

High Commissioner for Australia in Malta

(Federal Member for Grayndler)


t is with great pleasure that I wish all readers of The Voice of Malta a very merry Christmas.

Maltese Australians can take pride in their part in the story of our country. You are a crucial ingredient in who we are as a society and a nation. I would also like to express my thanks for all that The Voice of the Maltese does. It can be easy sometimes to take for granted the great success of Australian multiculturalism, so it is important that we take a moment now and then to appreciate the hard work community publications such as yours put into that success. On behalf of the Australia Labor Party, I express my gratitude for all that you do.

May this festive season be filled with joy, and may the New Year bring you all much happiness.

H.E. Charles Muscat


High Commissioner for Malta in Australia

n 2019 Malta has maintained outstanding economic progress, thanks to efforts in the innovating services sector and in streamlining its processes, attracting investment and employment. Malta has once again received exceptional economic ratings from the world’s most esteemed credit rating agencies, with good prospects of stable growth forecast for the coming years. Malta has advanced in every sector of the economy. With great progress comes great responsibility to implement infrastructure projects and initiatives in a sustainable manner. In November 2019, we had the pleasure to assist a high-level delegation from Malta to GEO Week 2019 in Canberra. Bilateral meetings were held in the spirit of sharing good practices on infrastructure projects. As the representatives of the Maltese Government in Australia and New Zealand, our goal is to continue to safeguard the interests of Maltese living abroad. At the annual ambassadorial conference in Malta, the Hon. Carmelo Abela, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion, reiterated the strong commitment and vision to expanding our Horizons in achieving Malta’s foreign policy objectives. The well-being of Maltese living in Australia and New Zealand remains a top priority for us. I thank the Consuls General in Melbourne and Sydney, my deputy and the Honorary Consuls for Malta in the two countries for their dedication and meticulous work. A special thanks to the Maltese community associations around Australia for their consistent support and assistance. On my behalf, my wife Victoria, and my staff, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


s 2019 draws to a close, so too does my time on the beautiful Maltese islands. Throughout these three years of exploring and experiencing Malta, I have very much enjoyed learning about the history, culture and unique little corners of the remarkable country. Looking into what we got up to this year… At the start of 2019, we were excited to welcome the sleek new catamaran Saint John Paul II, constructed by Tasmania’s renowned shipbuilder Incat. Safely delivered to Virtu Ferries in February, it has commenced regular service taking passengers to-and-from Sicily. There may be rough seas ahead, but we are looking forward to celebrating Australia Day in January on-board! During May-June, we were very proud to share a special element of Australia, through an Indigenous art exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv. Yiwarra Kuju (One Road) gives us insight into Indigenous peoples relationship to Country and how they responded to the mixed white history on the Canning Stock Route. The 1,850km route is considered one of the toughest, longest and most remote tracks in the world. It was designed to drive cattle from the northern pastures in the Kimberley region to the southern beef markets of Wiluna. I was pleased to return to Australia in September for the second Global Heads of Mission meeting. This allowed me the valuable opportunity to hear first hand from Prime Minister Morrison, Ministers and other senior thinkers/ policy makers, about Australia’s direction in the world and foreign policy trends. One message was that people matter most. It was therefore pleasing to move from Canberra up north to Mackay, where I spent a lovely afternoon with the Maltese Community including Bradley Hindle, who represented Malta in squash at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. The strong relationship between Malta and Australia is outstanding and I enjoy meeting with the Maltese community when I am home. We have moved forward with several rounds of Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement negotiations; an FTA which, once finalised, will bring stronger commercial links with Malta. In November, Unici in Passarella (Unique on the Catwalk) hosted an inspirational fashion show, which created a chance to break down the mental barriers for those who see disability as a limit. The guest star was Australian model Madeline Stuart, who has Down syndrome. She just loves being on the catwalk, travelling and meeting new people. Now, that’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone I have come across during my time here and to all of the AustralianMaltese, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Din hi l-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese għall-2019. Issa se nagħmlu l -waqfa għall-festi tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena. L-ewwel ħarġa għall-2019 tiġi ppubblikata fl-14 ta’ Jannar 2020.

Tuesday December 17, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 5


Q. I have been retired for about 18 months and settled his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Malinto a comfortable financial routine living on my full tese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian pension. I have a modest amount in superannuation Financial Services helps our readers understand the comthat goes to my adult children as beneficiaries. I would like to know if I can also add my grandchildren as ben- plexities associated with financial planning. If you need eficiaries and what minimum age should they be to more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: avoid any complications? A. You can only leave your superannua- children and neition money to your spouse, children or ther you nor your any dependents. In your case, if your children will have grandchildren are not your dependents, any tax to pay on you are not able to leave a portion of your this amount. superannuation to them. What you would My father has need to do is, in your Will mention that Q. been in aged care you wish for your grandchildren to re- for three months. ceive a certain amount of money. He paid If you do not have that money available $150,000 of only the in bank accounts then leave your estate $650,000 refundas the beneficiary of your superannuation able accommodafund and in your Will show the percent- tion deposit age amount of what your children need to and is receive and your grandchildren need to (RAD) a daily acreceive. In this way you have everyone cpaying ommodation that you need to leave as beneficiaries in- payment (DAP) your father has very little left in the bank, cluded. on the remaining $500,000. he would qualify for a good portion of the Q. I am a self-funded retiree. I have He is running out of money to con- age pension which would cover a good just inherited $80,000 from a relative. tinue paying his DAP so we are in the portion of his future ongoing daily fees. I do not need the money but wish to process of selling his house for The remaining funds could be invested give it to my three children. Can I do $850,000 with settlement in three with the earnings used for any other costs that as I was told my limit is $10,000 weeks. Should we pay the $500,000 of he may have. The RAD will be refunded annually, and will they or I have to pay the remaining RAD or should we invest in full when he passes on. tax on it? the funds and continue paying the DAP Q. I am a widower and am approachA. As you are a self-funded retiree the with the earnings? ing retirement. I have to tell my em$10,000 limit does not apply to you. This A. Paying the RAD in full can be benefi- ployers whether to take my applies to age pensioners or part age cial, as that would leave you with about superannuation money as a defined pensioners but not to self-funded retirees. $350,000 from the settlement on the benefit or as a pension. Both will give You can gift this inheritance to your three house. The RAD is not an asset and if me ongoing fortnightly payments but I could not understand the difference between one and the other. Can you try and help? A. When one takes his superannuation as a defined benefit he is guaranteed that for the rest of his life he will be getting a payment every fortnight and this will be indexed to inflation and increasing every year. As you do not have a spouse, when you pass on, this pension finishes with you and none of your beneficiaries will receive any remaining funds. If you took this superannuation as an account based pension then you will take a payment every fortnight which would probably be less than the payment from the defined benefit, and the payment would depend a great deal on the performance of the markets that the underlying assets of this account based pension would be invested in. However on your death, the balance of the account-based pension will be paid out to your beneficiaries. You can ask to take half of your super as a defined benefit and half as an account based pension.


This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Christmas Down Under in the hot days of summer

Tuesday December 17, 2019


ustralians live on the world's largest island, which is also the world's smallest continent. Most of Australia's immigrants came from England and most countries of the world, including thousands from Malta. They took their Christmas customs with them. Australia is the Land Down Under, where the seasons are opposite to the Europeans and the Americans. When Australians celebrate Christmas on December 25, it is during summer vacation. The most popular event of the Christmas season is called Carols by Candlelight. People come together at night to

The President and committee of the Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) extend a sincere thank you to the Maltese community for its support during 2019 and wishes one and all a VERY HOLY CHRISTMAS and a PEACEFUL NEW YEAR

light candles and sing Christmas carols outside. The stars shining above add to the sights and sounds of this wonderful outdoor concert. Australian families love to do things outside. They love to swim, surf, sail, and ride bicycles. They like to grill meals outdoors on the barbecue, which they call the "barbie." Families decorate their homes with ferns, palm leaves, and evergreens, along with the colourful flowers that bloom in summer called Christmas bush and Christmas bellflower. Some families put up a Christmas tree outdoors, nasturtiums, wisteria, and honeysuckle bloom. Christmas festivities begin in late November, when schools and church groups present Nativity plays. They sing carols throughout the month of December. On Christmas Eve, families may attend church together. Some children expect Father Christmas to leave gifts, and others wait for Santa Claus to visit and deliver gifts. After opening presents on Christmas morning, the family sits down to a break-

fast of ham and eggs. For many families attending a Christmas Day church service is traditional. Christmas Day is when families and close friends gather together from all over Australia. The highlight of the day is the holiday midday dinner. Other families head for the backyard barbie to grill their Christmas dinner in the sunshine. Many families even go to the beach or to the countryside and enjoy a picnic of cold turkey or ham and a salad. Father Christmas has been known to show up in shorts to greet children at the beach on Christmas! The day after Christmas, December 26, is Boxing Day. Australians leave tips for the grocer, postman, newspaper carrier, and others to thank them for their help in the past year. New Year's Eve is always a special time, with dinners, dances, and parties. On Twelfth Night, January 6, there is one last party to end the Christmas season.

XAGÄŚRA ASSOCIATION OF NSW Inc Invites you to come & celebrate:



Julie Owens MP Federal Member for Parramatta

9689 1455

With a Dinner Dance Date: Saturday 18 January 18 Time: Doors open 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Place: Mandavilla Function Centre, 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Entertainer: Joe Apap

Dinner: 3-Course meal, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, pastizzi & fruit platters Contact: Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182

M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771, Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436

Il-Milied u Kultura l-mużika tiegħu

Tuesday December 17, 2019

he Voice of the Maltese 7



l-Milied hu festa kbira marbuta ħafna mal-mużika. Hemm tradizzjoni twila u antika ta’ mużika miktuba apposta biex jiġi mfakkar u ffesteġjat it-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Illum għalhekk se nisvijja mill-artikli tiegħi tassoltu biex inżomm mal-vena ta’ dawn il-jiem li huma festa li tiġi ċċelebrata ma’ kważi d-dinja kollha Naturalment, wieħed jiftakar fil-famużi għanjiet li ħafna minnhom għandhom għeruq ħawtiela u jinżlu għasel filqlub ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minna. Iżda ma’ dawn irridu nżidu lista ta’ xogħlijiet kbar klassiċi li jintrabtu sewwa ma’ dawn il-jiem sbieħ tas-sena. Żgur li kulħadd żgur jaf l - g ħ a n j i e t Mix-xellug: George F Handel, Johan S tradizzjonali Maltin marbuta ma’ dan iż-żmien, allura f’dan l-artiklu se niffoka fuq mużika ta’ kompożituri famużi li kkomponew mużika għal dawn il-jiem. Nibda bl-oratorju ‘Messiah’ ta’ Georg Friedrich Handel, li bħalma wieħed jistenna jgħid l-istorja tal-miġja ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu … il-profeziji, it-twelid, il-mewt u l-qawmien tiegħU. Dan l-oratorju bl-Ingliż jintrabat sew ma’ dawn il-jiem, laktar fl-Ingilterra. Handel twieled fil-Ġermanja, iżda għex kważi ħajtu kollha l-Ingilterra fejn anke esegwixxa l-aqwa kapulavuri mużikali tiegħu. L-Oratorju ‘Messiah’ kien indaqq għall-ewwel darba fl1742 f’Dublin, l-Irlanda. Kważi sena wara ġie ppreżentat f’Covent Garden ta’ Londra. Insibu li fil-parti korali ta’ ‘Hallelujah’, ir-Re Ġorġ II tal-Ingilterra tant imtela b’emozzjoni li qam bilwieqfa u baqa’ hekk tul is-silta korali kollha. Din xi ħaġa li għadha tkun osservata sal-ġurnata tal-lum. Fl-aħħar snin ta’ Handel dan l-oratorju kien jiġi esegwit f’serata speċjali darba f’sena. Il-flus li kienu jinġabru minnu kienu jmorru għall-ħtiġijiet tal-isptarijiet Ingliżi. Handel ma kienx miżżewweġ u meta miet ta’ 74 sena fl1859 ħalla wirt kbir għall-Foundling Hospital ta’ Londra li kien jieħu ħsieb it-trabi abbandunati. Johann Sebastian Bach kien il-kompożitur Ġermaniż li fillista ta’ xogħlijiet tiegħu hemm diversi ‘cantate’ għall-Milied u l-Epifanija u l-famuż Oratorju tal-Milied li nkiteb fl-1734. Bach ma ppreżentax dan ix-xogħol bħala ħaġa integrata, għaldaqstant l-ewwel parti tiegħu nstemgħet f’Jum il-Milied bil-mużika tiddeskrivi t-Twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Ittieni parti (l-għada tal-Milied) hi t-Tħabbira lir-Rgħajja. Hawn insibu paġna mill-isbaħ, pastorali, orkestrali b’melodija sempliċi u serena magħrufa bħala ‘The Shepherd’s Christmas Music’. It-tielet parti (27 ta’ Diċembru) hija l-Adorazzjoni tarRgħajja, filwaqt li r-raba’ parti ta’ dan l-oratorju hi għal Jum l-Ewwel tas-Sena. Hawn il-mużika tiddeskrivi ċ-Ċirkunċiżjoni u t-Tħabbira ta’ isem Ġesù. Il-ħames parti nstemgħet nhar l-ewwel Ħadd wara l-

Ewwel tas-Sena, bil-mużika twasslilna l-vjaġġ tal-Maġi, filwaqt li s-sitt u l-aħħar parti nstemgħet fl-Epifanija jew itTre Re (6 ta’ Jannar) fejn naraw l-Adorazzjoni tal-Maġi. Dan l-oratorju hu miktub mingħajr drammatiċità. Fih tliet sigħat u jinqasam f’żewġ taqsimiet. Dan hu wieħed millaħħar xogħlijiet ta’ J.S. Bach. L-awtur tal-versi (bil-Ġermaniż) mhux magħruf, iżda l-oratorju huwa bbażat fuq in-Natività kif irrakkuntata minn San Luqa u San Mattew. Hemm xogħlijiet oħra mużikali li għalkemm mhux daqstant magħrufa huma wkoll marbutin mal-Milied. Nibda bix-xogħol ta’ Hector Berlioz ‘L’enfance du Christ’ it-Tfulija ta’ Ġesù - oratorju bbażat fuq il-Ħarba lejn l-Eġittu tal-Familja Mqaddsa. Berlioz kiteb il-versi għal dan l-oratorju tiegħu hu stess. Ħafna mill-mużika tal-oratorju nkitbet bejn l-1853 u s-sena ta’ wara. Indaqq għall-ewwel darba f’Pariġi f’Diċembru 1854. Il-kompożitur innifsu dderieġa din l - e w w e l ezekuzzjoni. Insemmi wkoll l-‘Oratorio de Noël’ (l-Oratorju tal-Milied) ta’ C a m i l l e Saint-Saens … kompożitur ieħor Franċiż. Dan l-oratorju Bach, Thomas Tallis u Benjamin Britten għandu lforma ta’ ‘cantata’ u miktub għal solisti, kor, orkestra talkorda, orgni u arpa. Saint-Saens ikkompona dan l-oratorju, li hu mqassam f’għaxar partijiet f’inqas minn ġimagħtejn. Kien lestieh għaxart ijiem qabel instema’ għall-ewwel darba fil-Milied tal-1858. Imbagħad hemm ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ ta’ Benjamin Britten. Dan ix-xogħol, miktub għal kor, ilħna solisti u arpa, jikkonsisti fi ħdax-il moviment fuq versi meħudin mill‘English Galaxy of Shorter Poems’. Benjamin Britten ikkompona dan ix-xogħol fl-1942 meta kien fuq il-baħar sejjer lejn l-Ingilterra (pajjiżu) mill-Istati Uniti. Insemmi wkoll ‘Christmas Concerto’, l-aħjar ‘concerto grosso’ ta’ Angelo Corelli, xogħol mużikali magħmul minn għadd ta’ movimenti qosra, jikkontrastaw wieħed mal-ieħor. L-aħħar moviment hu msejjaħ ‘Pastorale’ u forsi għalhekk li x-xogħol kollu ssejjaħ ‘Christmas Concerto’. Dan il-‘Pastorale’ huwa melodija reliġjuża li tiddeskrivi t-Twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin, bl-anġli jittajru fuq Betlem. Is-sbuħija sempliċi pastorali tiegħu żgur li b’xi mod influwenzat il-pastorali fix-xogħlijiet maestużi ‘Messiah’ ta’ Handel u ‘Christmas Oratorio’ ta’ Bach. Hemm ukoll kompożitur ieħor, l-Ingliż Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585) li f’dawk iż-żminijiet kien wieħed mill-aqwa kompożituri u li fost ix-xogħlijiet mużikali tiegħu nsibu quddiesa bl-isem ‘Puer natus est nobis’ (1554). ‘Christmas Story’ huwa xogħol mużikali bil-Ġermaniż ta’ Heinrich Schutz mibni fuq in-Natività li deher għallewwel darba fl-1660 fi Dresden il-Ġermanja. Fl-aħħar insemmi x-xogħol mużikali ‘Pastorale’ tal-kompożitur prolifiku u versatili Franċiż Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1642-1704) mibni fuq it-Twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Hemm aktar xogħlijiet mużikali marbutin mal-Milied, fosthom il-famuża kompożizzjoni Maltija ‘Is-Sinfonija Pastorali’ ta’ Emm. Galea. Għall-inqas illum semmejt xi ftit minnhom u jekk ikollkom ħin, idħlu fuq il-UTube u isimgħuhom. Żgur li tidħlu fl-atmosfera sabiħa ta’ dawn il-jiem tas-sena, tal-Milied.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Temmnux dak kollu li taqraw dwar dak li qed iseħħ f’Malta


Mario Vella minn Reading, l-Ingilterra jikteb:

inħabba li jinteressani ħafna dak li jseħħ f’Malta, fl-aħħar ġimgħat ippruvajt insegwi dak kollu li għaddejja minnu gżiritna. Tassew li bħalissa s-sitwazzjoni mhix waħda pjaċevoli imma jkolli ngħid li li fil-parti lkbira ta’ dawk li qed imexxu d-dimostrazzjonijiet kontra l-gvern, mhumiex jagħmlu dan b’xi għan ta’ ġustizzja imma biex jisfrattaw il-paċi fil-pajjiż. Jien ninsab f’qagħda li għandi ħafna ħin x’nimla u dan nimlieh billi noqgħod ngħarrex l-aħbarijiet dwar Malta minn fuq l-Internet. Irrid ngħid li ninsab iddisgustat b’ħafna minn dak li naqra, l-aktar fuq innews portals bl-Ingliż ħerġin minn Malta. Aktar minhekk, nistagħġeb kif news portals barranin, mhux jinvestigaw huma, imma jikkupjaw kważi kelma b’kelma rrapporti li xi jippubblikaw portals Maltin. Ngħid għalija, issa dawn is-suppost ġurnalisti internazzjonali suppost professjonali tilfu l-krettu miegħi. Sirt insegwihom b’ħafna xettiċiżmu. Fejn qatt kont nobsor pereżempju li l-BBC u The Guardian se jippubblikaw rapporti foloz dwar Malta għax jeħduhom minn fuq dawk Maltin? Imma s-sabiħa, jew il-kerha hi, li filwaqt li wara li ppubblikaw aħbarijiet foloz, in-

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw lemails lil L-ittri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.

news portals Maltin ħarġu jammettu li dak li ippublikaw kien falz, dawk barranin qagħdu lura milli jammettu l-fake news. Mingħajr ma rrid nidħol f’polemika jew fil-poletika, irrid ngħid li hu ċar li l-ħsieb wara dawn irrapporti hu li jagħmlu ħsara lil Malta. Kollu għira. Niftakarhom jgħidu li l-għira hi oħt ilġenn. Issa sirt nagħżel u naqra dak li rrid imma bla ma nafda, u kull ma naqra nistudjah. Naf li hawn Maltin oħrajn bħali li jgħixu barra l-pajjiż li huma ddispjaċuti b’dawn ir-rapporti. Imma filwaqt li nagħti parir li jixtarru dak li jaqraw dwar pajjiżna, jiftakru li kollox jgħaddi, u I lverita’ titla’ f’wiċċ l-ilma. L-aqwa li nħallu l-istituzzjonjiet tl-pajjiż jimxu u lill-ġustizzja tagħmel ix-xogħol tagħha.

BOV issa dejjaqtuna!


Paul Zammit minn Girraween NSW jikteb: ed nikteb bil-Malti għax din il-kwestjoni tagħna l-Maltin ta’ barra u lBOV, u għandha tibqa’ bejnietna mhux li nużawha biex insawtu lill-Gvern li wara kollox m’għandu x’jaqsam xejn. Għal darb’oħra l-BOV tilef kull fiduċja li kellu mal- klijenti Maltin tiegħu barra minn Malta. It-taħwid, talbiet li ma jiġux imwieġba, korrispondenza bla sens, insomma konfużjoni sħiħa. Daqqa jgħidulek li se jagħlqulek il-kont u l-għada jgħidulek li reġa’ bdielhom. Imbagħad ftit jien wara kollox jerġa’ jinbidel. Fl-aħħar laqgħa tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ barra li saret f’Malta, il-kap tal-BOV wiegħed li se jsolvi dawn il-ħmerijiet iżda jidispjaċini ngħid li dan kien kollu kliem fieraħ, u daħk fil-wiċċ. Jekk il-BOV ma jistax, jew ma jridx il-flus tagħna jagħlaq il-kontijiet u jibgħatilna lflus lura minnufih. Issa dejjaqtuna.

Admiration for The Voice


Chris Muscat from Burnside SA writes: admire the editorial staff of The Voice of the Maltese for the way it reported the recent goings-on in Malta, and in particular the updated reports in the last issue of the magazine about the arraignment of the alleged mastermind of the DCG killing two years ago. To read the report at the same time as the news media in Malta was something we the readers truly appreciate

Tuesday December 17, 2019


The Voice of the Maltese 9

round and about

by Charles Spiteri

Swim for a good cause


ight-year old Liam Daly (right) challenged the turbulent sea currents and swam between Comino and Gozo in under an hour. The boy undertook the challenge to raise further awareness of the damage that plastic is causing to the sea and the environment in general. While Liam was battling against the waves, his fellow students from the Happy School rolled up their sleeves and began collecting plastic from the area. The environmental company ProACT supported the swim. Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana greeted Liam on his arrival at Hondoq Bay.

Crucial life-saving equipment


eople visiting, frequenting, working or just passing through one of the main roads in Victoria can now make use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) installed just outside the premises of Distinct Homes Limited – one of Gozo’s leading home-related retail outlets. The family company has purchased and installed this equipment outside its main showroom and offices in Pope John Paul II Street in Victoria as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, providing a crucial life-saving equipment for the use of the nearby community, should the need arise. The Gozitan NGO Friends of the Sick and the Elderly in Gozo (FSEG) support the initiative. Justyne Caruana, Minister for Gozo, inaugurated the equipment. Mr John B Pace, on behalf of the FSEG, said that saving lives is the most important way the organisation can help the sick and the elderly and that AEDs are safe lifesavers even in the hands of non-medical people.



s part of the Erasmus+ Project Live Healthy, Be Active and Get Motivated, thirteen educators from Slovakia, Spain, Greece and Italy visited the Gozo College Rabat Primary, known as The Happy School, to participate in the mobility Good behaviour leads to success. They were able to see good practices going on at school regarding the Golden Rules: We are Gentle, We are Kind and Helpful, We are Honest, We Listen, We Work Hard and We Take Care of Things. During their fiveday stay the group also visited historical places in Gozo.

Student mobility project


transnational student mobility project recently took place at the Institute of Tourism Studies in Qala. During the two-week project students from Poland and Gozo attended classes together and prepared material for a Polish and Maltese tourist guide for the two countries. Lectures and vocational workshops were held at the institute, while in their free time the Polish students took part in a cultural programme visiting sites of interest in Gozo and Malta.

10 The Voice of the Maltese



Tuesday December 17, 2019

A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.

‘Il fejn, Malta?

hux żmien faċli tkun Malti llum tkun fejn tkun fid-dinja, tara ‘l isem pajjiżek imċappas fl-aħbarijiet b’ilsna oħra, u mhux fi sfond ta’ ritratti tal-Port il-Kbir jew il-Fliegu t’Għawdex. Ma nistax inkun kittieb regolari ta’ fuljett li jinqara minn eluf fid-dijaspora, u ninjora l-ħwejjeġ ta’ barra minn hawn li qiegħdin jinkixfu minn jum għall-ieħor, jew minn siegħa għall-oħra. Jien konxju li din il-kolonna tista’ turta lil min huwa partiġġan taż-żewġ naħat, jiġifieri dawk li għalihom il-lealtà lejn il-partit tagħhom jiżboq il-lealtà lejn il-pajjiż u lejn il-verità. Dan hu riskju li lest li nieħu. Għalkemm l-allegazzjonijiet ta’ korruzzjoni kontra s-Sur Schembri u l-Ministru Mizzi ilhom magħrufa, wara r-rivelazzjoni ta’ l-involviment tagħhom fil-Panama Papers, l-involviment allegat ta’ iktar minn persuna waħda mill-uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru f’attivitajiet relatati mal-qtil għalija kien xokkanti għall-aħħar. L-istorja tal-għotja ta’ post tax-xogħol imħallas mill-gvern, mogħti b’mod daqshekk flippanti u mingħajr proċess xieraq bħal ma jidher li kien għax-xhud Theuma, u l-ħlas apparentement mingħajr il-bżonn tat-twettiq ta’ xejn affattu, kienet kerha fl-arroganza ta’ min jidher li kien pjuttost żgur li dawn l-affarijiet qatt ma kienu se joħorġu fil-miftuħ. Naturalment, dan mhux każ iżolat, u gvernijiet ta’ kull lewn għamlu dan, imma għal min ma bbenefikax minn proċess simili, jiġifieri l-maġġoranza tal-Maltin, ma jistgħux ma jistaqsux dak kif anke llum hemm minn jgħix fis-sakra u min mejjet għal qatra? Madankollu, l-ikbar mistoqsijiet li għandi f’rasi jirrigwardaw lill-Prim Ministru, Joseph Muscat. Dan huwa l-persuna li, wara tant snin ta’ tmexxija Nazzjonalista, bidel kompletament il-wiċċ u l-fortuna tal-Partit Laburista, u kien il-mexxej wara tiġdid sħiħ u żviluppi notevoli speċjalment fl-oqsma ekonomiċi u soċjali, fejn it-tkabbir ekonomiku tal-pajjiż huwa l-għira tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-liġijiet tad-drittijiet tal-minoranzi huma meqjusa minn ta’ quddiem mhux fl-Ewropa imma fid-dinja. F’kuntrast bilkemm jitwemmen, l-ewwel kellna l-istorja talPanama Papers, fejn l-ebda raġuni plawsibbli ma ngħatat għalfejn żewġ persuni fil-quċċata tat-tmexxija tal-gvern kellhom kontijiet fil-Panama, u l-Prim Ministru Muscat għażel li jżomm is-servizzi tagħhom, li kienet deċiżjoni politika riskjuża. Faċilment dawn setgħu ġew sospiżi sakemm isiru investigazzjonijiet u wara jittieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet neċessarji. Imbagħad, Muscat għażel li jibqa’ involut fl-operat tal-investigazzjoni tal-assassinju ta’ Caruana Galizia, per eżempju bħala reċipjent ta’ informazzjoni minn servizzi sigrieta u kunsiderazzjonijiet għall-għoti jew le ta’ maħfriet lin-nies akkużati, u dan wara li huwa stess kien għamel libell kontra l-ġurnalista, u għalhekk huwa ċar li kellu kunflitt ta’ interess. Mhux biss, imma jidher li ppermetta wkoll lil Schembri li jirċievi informazzjoni sigrieta relatata mal-investigazzjoni, meta Schembri wkoll kellu każijiet ta’ libell kontra Caruana Galizia (li għadhom kif ġew irtirati).

Hawnhekk, Muscat seta’ sempliċement jgħaddi r-rwol ta’ kunsiderazzjonijiet li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-investigazzjoni lidDeputat Prim Ministru, Chris Fearne, u ma jippermettix lil kull min kellu kunflitt ta’ interess (inkluż hu innifsu) milli jkollu x’jaqsam, biex il-ġustizzja mhux biss issir imma tidher li qed issir. Fl-aħħar, id-deċiżjoni ta’ Muscat li ma jirriżenjax minnufih imma li jistenna sa Jannar ukoll tħassibni. Intqal li dan sar minħabba li l-proċess ta’ għażla ta’ kap ġdid tal-PL se jkun kontestat bejn tnejn min-nies, u dan il-proċess irid jitlesta qabel ma r-riżenja ssir. Din l-ispjegazzjoni lili ma tinżillix – wara kollox, f’Malta Deputat Prim Ministru huwa diġà maħtur, u xogħlu hu li jkun lest li jagħmel ix-xogħol ta’ Prim Ministru meta tal-aħħar ma jkunx filpożizzjoni li jagħmel dan. Ma nifhimx għalfejn dan ma jkunx applikabli jekk Muscat fil-fatt jirriżenja minnufih, jinbidel meta jinbidel il-kap tal-PL. Għalkemm huwa straordinarju li iktar minn persuna waħda fluffiċċju ta’ Prim Ministru jkunu implikati f’każ ta’ qtil, il-kriżi politika li għaddejja minnha f’Malta fil-fehma tiegħi hija biss irriżultat ta’ dawn id-deċiżjonijiet prinċipali li ttieħdu mill-Prim Ministru Muscat. Huwa veru li l-Oppożizzjoni Nazzjonalista qiegħda tieħu vantaġġ politiku mis-sitwazzjoni. X’tistenna li jiġri? Din il-kriżi setgħet ġiet immaniġġjata ħafna aħjar u mmewta kieku Muscat ma ddeċidiex li ma jikkonċedi assolutament xejn lill-mistoqsijiet u l-akkużi li kienu qiegħdin jintefgħulu mill-oppożizzjoni, is-simpatizzanti tagħha u membri tas-soċjetà ċivili. Bħal ma osserva l-eks Prim Ministru Alfred Sant riċentement,1 huwa żball li meta fatti li jiġu mqajma minn min ma jkunx oġġettiv jew ikun militanti ta’ partit oppost, jiġu mwarrba minnufih u meqjusin neċessarjament li jkunu invenzjoni partiġġjana. Osserva, korrettament fil-fehma tiegħi, li kull allegazzjoni minn kull sors, inklużi dawk mhux ġenwini, għandhom jiġu investigati. Nies partiġġjani hemm bil-kif, u atti ta’ vjolenza qiegħdin isiru – tgħajjir, tfigħ ta’ bajd, theddid eċċ. Dawn l-atti ta’ vjolenza huma kundannabbli. Irid jingħad madankollu li l-kunfidenza flistituzzjonijiet u fl-integrità tal-uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru ġiet imsejsa minn dak li ġara u għadu jiġri. Hemm min jinterpreta l-aġir tal-Prim Ministru bħala indikattiv li huwa wkoll għandu x’jaħbi. Jien m’għandix dik l-impressjoni fuq ir-raġel, imma t-tliet deċiżjonijiet tiegħu li semmejt f’dan lartiklu jħassbuni u nifhem għalfejn ikun hemm min jinterpretahom mod ieħor. Iż-żmien itina parir. L-aħħar kelma u appell tiegħi, mhux lid-dijaspora Maltija biss imma wkoll lil min għadu jgħix f’din l-art ħelwa, tiġi minn eks Prim Ministru ieħor Laburista, Dom Mintoff, li ħafna mill-eżempji tiegħu ta’ retorika kemm lill-partitarji tiegħu jew lill-pajjiż kienu jintemmu bil-kliem ‘Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.’ Malta, mhux il-partit.

Referenzi 1., retrieved 9/12/2019

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The Voice of the Maltese 11

Made in Malta

Tuesday December 17, 2019

– exploring the mystery and power of love


ShannonSaid (MAYC)

n November 30, the Maltese-Australians’ Youth Committee (MAYC) hosted the NSW premiere of, Made in Malta, the latest cinematic release from acclaimed Maltese-Australian producer and director Julian Galea. The film features as the main protagonists Vincent (Greg Audino), who has returned to Malta to film his latest movie, and his Spanish ex-girlfriend Annalisa (Ariadna Cabrol) five years after their relationship ended. With so much left unsaid between the couple, the film explores the mystery and power of their love, and the eventual re-ignition of their union. As quickly as it is rekindled, however,

Annalisa discloses things from the past that changes Vincent’s life forever. Filmed entirely within the rapturous Maltese archipelago, the film showcases the rugged beauty of the islands, against a backdrop of a turbulent and complex relationship of the protagonists. The combination of the stunning scenery and the passionate interplay between the couple stir the emotions and complement each other throughout the film. The planning and execution of the night took months to prepare, and MAYC would like to thank La Valette, its parent organisation, for its assistance in allowing us to premiere the film at the Centre, and their willingness to help MAYC create a space for Maltese young people to celebrate their

The MAYC members who organised the premier. From left: Shannon Said, Ivan Cauchi, Brittany Cordina, the Consul General Lawrence Buhagiar,, Gerald Sultana, and Charmaine Tokić

The movie ticket

culture together with the older generation in new ways. The night was very successful, with 130 people from a range of generations and backgrounds in attendance. MAYC believes that events such as these show that there is a keen interest amongst MalteseAustralians of all ages to engage with their community, strengthen their ties to their heritage, and socialise together around creative arts that support our local artists. MAYC’s Charmaine Tokić (nee Cassar) crafted our appealing movie tickets and three beautiful hampers that were raffled off, alongside a hamper of Sunny’s Confectionery as the lucky door prize. MAYC was also gifted a travel voucher from George Vella at Breakaway Travel in Blacktown, NSW, which was auctioned off before the night to help raise funds for the event to take place. MAYC would also like to thank other businesses from the Maltese- Australian community in Western Sydney whose donations assisted in making this film premiere a reality – Lisa Mangion’s Pot and Posy and Cordina Chickens. Most of all, MAYC wishes to thank all of the patrons who came along to support an up and coming Maltese-Australian artist in his work, and for supporting MAYC with this night. Any proceeds will help us organise future events. Your ongoing support and encouragement motivates us to keep working to create spaces for our community to come together and bridge generations, and reinforce the strength and pride in our heritage that previous generations established for us many years ago. Made in Malta is available for purchase on iTunes, and is rated MA15+.

A year of accolades for Maltese Author Vella Bardon


ast month Maltese author James Vella-Bardon’s debut The Sheriff’s Catch met with great success at the 2019 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards, placing first in the categories of Best Novel, Best Historical Fiction and Best Cover Design. The novel’s YouTube trailer also placed second in the best Book Trailer category. "Looking back to when we first started the Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest in 2011, I am amazed and impressed by the quality of entries from one year to the next. I want to extend my sincerest congratulations to all of our winners," Linda F. Radke, President of the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards said This year has proven a year full of international critical acclaim for Vella-Bardon’s debut novel, which tells the story of a Malteseborn sharpshooter Abel de Santiago, a reluctant passenger aboard a galley of the Spanish Armada. Santiago subsequently finds himself shipwrecked in 16th Century Ireland and hunted across Connacht by a brutal English Sheriff. The year hardly kicked off when on January 9 the novel won the eBook Cover Design Award, with its design conceived by Vella-Bar-

don and acclaimed cover designer Mark Ecob. US Judges described it as an “outstanding example of using hand lettering to create a unique and historical look, while implying an adventurous and gripping tale,”. Then on February 3 The Sheriff ’s Catch was listed as a Finalist at The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards. Success followed ion n May 7, when Sheriff was named on the Finalist list at the Eric Hoffer Awards in the US. The Sheriff’s Catch was also named a Finalist in the ‘Outstanding Historical’ category at the UK’s Independent Author Network Book Of The Year Awards and won the first reader poll on The International Community Of Book Readers Facebook Group. In Malta in 2018 it rose to third spot on the Agenda Bookshop bestseller list.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Karmenu Vella conferred with highest Republic Day honour


President George Vella (right) conferring the honour on Karmenu Vella


JC Micallef wins bye-election for Labour

ean Claude Micallef has won the bye-election for the third district seat vacated by former Labour Minister Helena Dalli who had to relinquish her Parliamentary position to take up her appointment as European Commissioner. Four candidates contested the bye-election. In his first reaction Jean Claude said he would be joining the country’s highest institution at a delicate and sensitive time. He therefore, ensures he would contribute to national unity.

ne of the important roles carried by HE Dr George Vella in his role as President of Malta on Republic Day as the island celebrated its 45th Anniversary of this important event, was to preside over the Investiture Ceremony at The Palace in Valletta On this occasion, immediately following the customary Ceremonial Parade held at the Palace Square, on behalf of the government and people of Malta he paid public tribute to a number of Maltese citizens who distinguished themselves in different fields of endeavour, by appointing them to The National Order of Merit or the Xirka Ġieħ ir-Repubblika, or by awarding them the Midalja għallQlubija or the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Nationals of other countries were also conferred with honorary membership of the Order or the Xirka or awarded the Midalja

January 12, 2020 Malta welcomes a new Prime Minister, LP Leader

għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika on an honorary basis. During the ceremony, five members were appointed to The National Order of Merit, two of whom received the award on an honorary basis one of them posthumously. Eleven other individuals were awarded the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Three of them were awarded the medal on an honorary basis and two posthumously. The highest honour, Companion in the National Order of Merit was conferred on former Minister and former European Commissioner Karmenu Vella. Karmenu Vella, an architect by profession, had been active in Maltese politics for the past 40 years. He was first elected to Parliament in 1976 and for nine consecutive legislatures. Prof. Raymond Mangion (below), the Head of Legal History at the University of Malta, and Mr Tony Zahra (entrepreneuer in the Tourism sector) were invested as Members of the National Order of Merit.


hen we return with the first issue of The Voice of the Maltese for the New Year on January 14, 2020, Malta would have a new Prime Minister succeeding Joseph Muscat. As of January 12, either Robert Abela or Chris Fearne, the two people contesting the position would also double up as the Leader of the Labour Party. Abela, a Parliamentarian and lawyer by profession, and Fearne, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health and a physician by profession, are the two candidates nominated themselves for the important post. They are currently under scrutiny by the party faithfuls before they cast their vote on January 11. While Joseph Muscat is preparing to step down from his role as Prime Minister, the attention is now focussed on his potential successor, Abela or Fearne. Robert Abela, from Qormi, is 44 years old. He was born on December 7, 1975, while Fearne is 56. He was born in Attard on March 12, 1963.

Il-Milied it-tajjeb u l-isbaħ xewqat għasSena l-Ġdida

Wishing You A Merry & Holy Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020

from the President -Committee & members of: The Santa Marija As-

sunta Association Inc. of Deer Park, Melbourne, Australia

Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm Entry & Parking Free Light Refreshments

(Turn to page 18 for the President’s speech)

Australia Day Celebration Organised by the

Maltese Community Council of NSW

Sunday 19th January 2020 Holroyd Function Centre Waratah Room 17 Miller Street Merrylands NSW

All welcome to join the Maltese community celebrate Australia Day in their adopted country

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Separation of dual roles of the Attorney General M

alta has introduced the separation of the dual roles of the Attorney General that had been present in Maltese legislature since 1936. This is a first. The procedure has ben utilised following the recommendations of the Venice Commission that the government itself sought in the first place. The endorsement of the commencement notice in relation to the State Advocate Act for Justice, Culture and Local Government was made by Justice Minister Owen Bonnici, and follows on the announcement earlier of the appointment of Dr Victoria Buttigieg (pictured right) as the first State Advocate after a public call and following a unanimous advice of an Appointment Commission. The Minister reiterated that through such processes, the government is clearly showing commitment to implement further re-

forms for the benefit of the Maltese society and towards the strengthening of the rule of law. The State Advocate will be recognised by the Constitution and its holder has the same obligations and enjoy the same protection as enjoyed by the Attorney General and the members of the Judiciary. The State Advocate is to be the Chief Legal Advisor to the government in relation to the law ad legal opinions and will be explicitly obliged to act in the public interest and safeguard the legality of state actions. The State Advocate will carry out their functions through an independent agency established through the same act.

Malta accedes to 1954 Convention - a milestone n 11 December the Government of Malta acceded to the O 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons following the deposit of the instruments of accession at

the United Nations’ premises in New York City. By acceding to this Convention relating Malta has joined the international community of good practice in its efforts to ensure that the rights of stateless persons are respected, and undertakes to perform and carry out the entire contents of the convention, with the exception of Article 11 regarding stateless seamen, Article 14 regarding artistic rights Minister Dr Michael Farrugia (right) greeted by Dr SA Namroush and industrial property and Article 32 regarding naturalisation, which it is reserving its position on. This is a milestone in Malta’s broader agenda to demonstrate international best Taking part in the 5+5 Defence Ministerial meeting in Rome, Italy, chaired by Libyan practices and to ensure the enjoyment of Deputy Minister of Defence Dr Engineer Salahedin Ali Namroush, Minister for Home rights of all persons living in Malta. The 1954 convention, which now has 94 Affairs and National Security Michael Farrugia highlighted that the 5+5 initiative has proven that cooperation between countries situated on the opposite shores of the parties, establishes minimum standards of treatment for stateless persons and is deMediterranean is not only possible but feasible and practical. The annual meeting is part of the Presidency of the 5+5 Defence Initiative where it signed to ensure that they are not left in legal limbo serves as multilateral cooperation between the participating due to statecountries with a view to enhancing security in the Western lessness. Mediterranean region. During the meeting, the participating ministers approved and signed the Ministers’ Joint Declaration on the 2020 Action Plan. At the end of the meeting, Malta was presented with the 5+5 Defence Presidency Initiative from Libya. The minister maintained that the Maltese presidency would continue to ensure that the momentum of cooperation would lead to a greater understanding of the present challenges and the creation of cooperative and interoperable activities for the protection and best interest of the citizens and the well-being of future generations. Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, MauShaun Bonett ritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, and CEO & Managing Director Tunisia are the participating countries of the 5+5 Defence Initiative.

Minister Farrugia points out importance of cooperation at 5+5 Defence meeting

Precision Group of Companies would like to extend their best wishes for a Holy Christmas and the very best for year 2020 to the Maltese community in Australia

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Il-votazzjoni għal Mexxej tal-PL u PM ġdid 11/1/20


Tuesday December 17, 2019

Il-kontestanti għat-tmexxija Laburista flimkien ma’ Joseph Muscat. Xellug: Chris Fearne u lemin: Robert Abela

l-Partit Laburista bħalissa qed iħejji biex il-membri tesserati tal-Kungress tal-Partit Laburista, fil-11 ta’ Jannar jivvutaw għal Mexxej tal-partit u allura Prim Ministru ġdid. Hemm żewġ nomini, u l-votazzjoni se ssir bejn, Chris Fearne, li bħalissa huwa l-Ministru tas-Saħħa u Deputat kap talpartit, u l-membru Parlamentari Robert Abela. Fit-12 ta’ Frar inkunu nafu min hu l-kap u wkoll il-Prim Ministru li se jieħu post Joseph Muscat.

Jinħtieġ li nħarsu ‘l quddiem M

a nħobbx li ħarġa wara l-oħra nispiċċa nagħti mportanza lillkwestjonijiet politiċi, iżda fis-sitwazzjoni li bħalissa meta ħlief dwar dak li qed iseħħ wieħed ma taqrax u ma tismax, ma jistax ikun li ma nikkummentax ftit u nippretendi li kollox għaddej bħas-soltu. Min-naħa l-oħra mhux il-ħsieb tiegħi li nidħol fid-dettalji. Naħseb li ħafna minnkom qed issegwu dak li qed jiġri f’Malta ta’ kuljum billi fejn tistgħu tisimgħu u taqraw il-ġurnali u l-midja l-oħra, inkluż dik soċjali. Għalkemm fejn tidħol din talaħħar wieħed irid joqgħod b’seba’ għajnejn x’jemmen u ma jemminx. Nibda biex nsemmi lill-Ministru Evarist Bartolo. Tgħiduli għax lil dan il-Ministru u mhux oħrajn? Għas-sempliċi raġuni li kemm ilha għaddejja din is-sitwazzjoni filFacebook tiegħu jitfa’ xi kumment li qed jiġi kkwotat kważi mill-midja lokali kollha, kultant anke minn dik tal-Partit Nazzjonalista... avolja mbagħad kulħadd jpoġġi l-istorja skont l-aġenda mikxufa jew moħbija tiegħu. Il-kummenti ta’ Bartolo m’hux dejjem kumplimentużi għall-Partit Laburista, anzi kultant huma l-oppost, tant li saħansitra ġie

-li ġie kkritikat dwarhom minn diversi nies li jappoġġjaw lil dan il-Partit. Fost il-kummenti li tiegħu: “ll-mexxeja ta' ħila politika jiġu u jmorru, jgħaddu u jintnesew u minflokom jiġu oħrajn, iżda lprinċipji, il-pedamenti sodi li fuqhom huwa mibni l-partit tal-ħaddiema, ma jinbidlux.” Naħseb li dan jgħodd ukoll għal kull partit politiku ieħor għax fuq kollox l-importanti hu li wieħed isostni l-prinċipji u li kull min iħaddan ċertu partit jimxi mal-prinċipji. Kumment ieħor li laqatni tal-eks-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro. Kitbet: “Pajjiżna għandu politiċi onesti u integri. Huma biss il-ftit li huma l-paljazza tarrazza.” Inħoss li dan il-kumment ta’ min jixtarru sewwa, għax b’dak li seħħ, dak li qed jingħad u jinkiteb, kultant b’ċerta eseġerazzjoni, qed tingħata stampa tassew imċajjpra, anzi ngħid imdallma, tal-politika u l-politiċi Maltin. Inkunu qed nagħmlu ħsara kbira lil Malta jekk għal raġunijiet politiċi npoġġu lil kulħadd fl-istess keffa tal-miżien għax flok ġid nagħmlu d-deni. Jista’ jkollna politiċi li mhumiex daqshekk onesti u ntegri, imma l-maġġoranza żgur mhumiex hekk, u jekk nkomplu ninsistu li

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

l-politika hija maħmuġa, jista’ jasal żmien li dawk li huma onesti u ntegri jwarrbu mill-politika, u żgur li dak ma jkunx ta’ ġid għall-pajjiż. Coleiro Preca sostniet li, “huwa għalhekk li kull min hu minsus, minn dawn il-ġrajjiet tal-waħx, għandu jwarrab minnufih, biex nerġgħu insibu s-serenita’ bħala poplu u fuq kollox biex jibda x-xogħol li hemm bżonn isir biex nerġgħu niksbu r-reputazzjoni tajba li kellu pajjiżna.” Sintendi xi wħud interpretaw li qalet leks-President bħala sejħa biex il-Prim Ministru jwarrab immedjatament, sejħa li saret mill-Partit Nazzjonalista, dawk li qed jipprotestaw, u għaqdiet u xi oħrajn. Biss il-Prim Ministru baqa’ jsostni li kellu jingħata nifs biex jingħażel mexxej ġdid... u li allura jeħodlu postu bħala Prim Ministru fil-Gvern qabel iwarrab. Għalkemm, il-Prim Ministru qed juża dan iż-żmien biex iżur diversi postijiet u jkellem il-folla qabel jirtira, probabbli rraġuni wara din id-deċiżjoni hi l-problema li setgħet tinħoloq, jekk jirtira, billi xi ħadd ried jeħodlu postu għal ftit jiem sakemm issir l-elezzjoni għall-ħatra ta’ mexxej talPartit Laburista. Dan billi x’aktarx li postu kien jieħdu ddeputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, Chris Fearne. Imma billi dan kien – fil-fatt - se jikkontesta għall-mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, kien ikun hemm żgur min jilmenta li Fearne kien se jkollu vantaġġ fuq il-kontestanti l-oħra. Veru li l-għażla setgħet taqa’ fuq ħaddieħor, imma l-ewwelnett kien hemm min iħoss li dan ikun nuqqas lejn Fearne, kif ukoll li l-ħatra ta’ Prim Ministru għal ftit żmien ma tagħmilx sens. Insomma nħolqot dilemma li ġabet magħha ħafna nkwiet u ħafna kritika mhux biss f’Malta imma wkoll minn pajiiżi barranin u l-Unjoni Ewropeja.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday December 17, 2019


45 sena Repubblika

har il-Ġimgħa 13 ta’ Diċembru Malta fakkret il-45 sena ta’ Jum ir-Repubblika. Matul il-jum il-President ta’ Malta George Vella poġġa kuruna fuq ilmonument ta’ Malta Repubblika fil-Marsa, u wara, flimkien ma’ martu u akkumpanjat mill-banda tal-FAM daħal fil-kapitali Maltija minn Triq ir-Repubblika għall-Palazz. Saret ukoll parata fi Strada Rjali fl-isfond ta’ dimostrazzjoni - bla permess - u protesti minn ġemgħa ta’ nies organizzati millGħaqda Repubblika u Occupy Justice li tappnu ċ-ċelebrazzjoni bit-tgħajjir lejn issuldati l-awtoritajiet. Wara l-President ingħata s-salut u filPalazz,għamel diskors imqanqal li fih iffokka dwar dak li għaddej bħalissa fil-pajjiż u għamel bosta appelli. Imbagħad ippresieda ċ-ċerimonja tal-Investitura ta’ għadd ta’ persunaġġi f’Ġieħ ir-Repubblika. Lakbar unur, dak ta’ kumpann fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu jngħata lill-eks Ministru u eks Kummissarju Ewropew Karmenu Vella. (Aqra siltiet mid-diskors tal-President blIngliż f’paġna 18)

Riżultat li forsi mhux mistenni


a tantx nemmen bl-istħarriġ talġurnali, għalkemm fl-aħħar snin ir-riżultati tal-elezzjonijiet taw raġun lil dawn l-istħarriġ, ma nistax ma nikkummentax dwar stħarriġ li sar propju f’dawn iż-żminijiet imħawwda f’Malta. Bħas-soltu l-Malta Today ħadet l-okkażjoni biex tara kif il-poplu jħares lejn ilpartiti politiċi speċjalment għall-Gvern u l-Partit Laburista. Kontra kull stennija, l-Partit Laburista baqa’ b’saħħtu bħal qabel, u skont l-istħarriġ li kellha ssir elezzjoni bħalissa huma biss 27.6% li jivvutaw lill-PN. Il-Partit Laburista naqqas 1% minn Novembru, għal 43.1%. Li jfisser li skont listħarriġ hemm d-differenza ta’ 15.5% bejn il-Laburista u n-Nazzjonalistata' . Din id-differenza spikkat ukoll fejn jidħlu l-mexxejja tal-partiti. Did-darba, l-mistoqsija dwar lil min in-nies jafdaw fittmexxija, ma saritx bejn Joseph Muscat u Adrian Delia, iżda bejn il-mexxej Nazzjon-

alista u dawk li sa dak iż-żmien kien maħsub li se jikkontestaw għattmexxija tal-Partit Laburista, jiġifieri Chris Fearne, Robert Abela, Ian Borg u Miriam Dalli F’kull każ il-kontestanti Laburisti kollha marru aħjar minn Delia. Infatti fil-konfront ta’ Fearne, Delia kiseb biss 14.01, kontra s-60.6% ta’ Fearne; 22.6 kont l-51.2% ta’ Ian Borg: 21.5% kontra 49.3% ta’ Robert Abela; u 17.3% kontra l51.7% ta’ Miriam Dalli. Dan aktarx li jfisser li minkejja li l-PN ingħaqad mas-soċjetà ċivili fil-protesti li qed isiru, b’Delia nnifsu jattendi għal dawn il-protesti, xorta baqa’ dawk in-Nazzjonalisti li għad ma jaċċettawx ittmexxija tiegħu. Dan ikompli joħroġ ukoll mill-fatt li skont l-istħarriġ, fost dawk li vvutaw għall-PN flaħħar elezzjoni ġenerali, fil-konfront ma Fearne, Delia kiseb biss 38.6%, b’27.6% minn dawn il-votanti jippreferu lil Fearne milli lil Delia. Dawn ir-riżultati xejn ma jawguraw tajjeb għal Delia. Li nawgura jien u ħafna Maltin, hu li filqasam politiku u ta’ tmexxija s-sena lġdida tkun ferm u ferm aħjar minn kif qed intemmu din.

Rita Zammit OAM and Paul Zammit FAICD wish all our friends in the Australian-Maltese community a Merry Christmas 2019 and a healthy, safe and prosperous 2020

16 The Voice of the Maltese

2019 hottest and driest year ever


he year 2019, will certainly go down as both Australian hottest and driest ever with no relief on the radar. It will break the driest record, set 117 years ago. In 1902 the average was 314.5mm. It comes on top of previous dry seasons, with the year-to-date rainfall now the second lowest on record. The average amount of rain that has fallen across Australia, at time of writing has been 256.2mm, which is just 55 per cent of the long-term annual average of 465mm. There is very little rain forecast across the entire continent between Christmas and the New Year. Rain could return to normal by the second half of summer when the monsoon trough eventually builds. All capital city water storages are down on this time last year, apart from Melbourne, and the BOM's outlook for summer suggests there is little chance of relief in the coming months. Western Australia was particularly dry, as well as hot, recording its lowest spring rainfall, highest average temperature and highest mean daytime temperature.

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Raging fire, smoke is turning the sky orange


he Gospers Mountain "mega-fire" raging near Sydney's northwestern outskirts is going to take "many weeks" to put out, the NSW Rural Fire Service says. Firefighters are concerned the Gospers blaze, which has merged with neighbouring fires, could start burning towards Gosford. "The total area burnt by these fires is around 335,000 hectares," the RFS said in a statement. These will take many weeks to put out - and only when we get good rain." Hawkesbury City Council deputy mayor Mary Lyons-Buckett says the blazes can only be described as a "mega fire". The Bureau of Meteorology has painted a grim picture with winds forecast to whip dangerous fire grounds and no rain relief in sight. "They're pumping out vast amounts of smoke, which is filling the air, turning the sky orange and even appearing like significant rain on our radars." The city and surrounding suburbs are shrouded in the thick smoke haze from

dozens of bushfires burning across NSW. That's pushed air quality ratings beyond 2200 in Sydney's east and north-west - 11 times the hazardous level. The smoke has made its way inside office buildings, triggering smoke alarms and forcing workers to evacuate, including those at the NSW Rural Fire Service headquarters at Olympic Park and the Sydney Morning Herald in Pyrmont. About 1000 homes have been either damaged or destroyed this bushfire season, while almost 5000 homes have been saved, according to figures released by the RFS as we went to press. Housing belonging to persons with Maltese sounding names featured in news clips.

Zammit Ham & Bacon Curers Pty Ltd On behalf of the Zammit Ham and Bacon staff, we would like to wish all a happy and holy Christmas and New year

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The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Integrity to border security T he Medevac repeal bill passed 37 votes to 35 delivering on a Federal Coalition promise after the laws were passed against its wishes in February. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said scrapping the transfer provisions would restore integrity to border security after Senator Jacqui Lambie's crucial support sealed its fate. A tearful Senator Lambie explaining her decision said: “I know that’s frustrating to

people and I get that – I don’t like holding things back like this, but when I say I can’t discuss this publicly because of national security I am being 100 per cent honest to you.” Senator Lambie said she was satisfied that the conditions are now in place to allow medevac to be repealed and ensure refugees won't die "sinking in the ocean or waiting for a doctor".

Thirteen medical colleges and more than 5,000 doctors had warned against any attempt to rewind the medevac laws. But Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said "people were already receiving" appropriate medical treatment before the Laborbacked medevac regime. He described the legislation as a law designed to provide a "backdoor" to Australia, which was now closed.

Fair share for a refugee plan I n a speech at the Alfred Deaken Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Federal Labor MP Peter Khalil (pictured left), former SBS Executive and now the member for Wills in Victoria, called for Australia to ditch its “fortress mentality” and lead a stronger international response to the “waves of mass migration

that could well breach the gates”. He urged the Australian Government to broker a “fair share agreement” between multiple countries willing to lift their intake of refugees by hundreds of thousands. The number of extra refugees accepted by each country would be determined by a negotiated formula that could take into account population, GDP per capita, geography, resettlement services available and historical refugee intake. “The formula would produce each country’s yearly refugee intake and because each country would be doing their fair share, would de-politicise the domestic decision making around refugee policy that plagues Australia and other nations,” he said. Mr Khalil cited UNHCR statistics showing just 92,400 of the world’s 25.9 million refugees were resettled last year. “The ‘queue’ is not moving anywhere fast, nor getting any smaller,” he said. In 2018, Australia accepted 12,706 refugees, the third-highest amount behind Canada, which resettled 28,076, and the United States, which took 22,900. Some developed nations such as Portugal accepted as few as 35 refugees for permanent resettlement. That forced developing nations with stretched resources to host the bulk of the world’s refugees and displaced people, Mr Khalil said. His comments come ahead of the first United Nations Global Refugee Forum in Geneva later this month, which will see member states try to coordinate a response to the crisis. Mr Khalil was a policy adviser to former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, a Victorian multicultural commissioner, and an SBS director. His parents left war-

torn Egypt to start a new life in Australia. During the election campaign, Prime Minister Scott Morrison described Australia’s humanitarian program as “one of the most generous in the world” as he announced plans to freeze the intake at its current level of up to 18,750 and increase the number of women to 60 per cent of the offshore component.


18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday December 17, 2019 Malta celebrates 45th Anniversary since becoming a Republic


he main events on the occasion of the 45thAnniversary celebrations of the birth of Malta as a Republic occurred at the President’s Palace in Valletta. It was the fist time that H.E. the President, Dr George Vella presided over the celebrations. He

was tasked with conferring the honours to Maltese nationals and to foreign friends of the country, for the service rendered in support of the Republic, and also to deliver an important speech auspicious event.

Malta should not be tarnished by sad events


resident George Vella believed it was important for the nation to analyse together the paths and processes that led Malta to where it is today. He said it would have been timely to assess the different ways ahead that the country could take up for its further advancement while navigating the troubled waters in our region, the European Union as well as internationally. However, with the current situation he felt that as the country is going through very particular circumstances the situation deserved full attention. “Circumstances we need to examine without passion, without conceding to personal preferences, without prejudice, without political agendas, without shame to speak the truth and without obstinacy. These are circumstances that shook Maltese society to its core. These are circumstances that shook our institutions from their foundations. These are circumstances that stained Malta’s name internationally, “ he said. He went on to say that these circumstances have a very negative effect on the country’s credibility, commercial activity, investment, tourism and the good name that Malta has always carried in international spheres. “I make these statements with a heavy heart and great sorrow for I never imagined I would ever utter these words about my country, President Vella added. “These past days were not pleasant for anyone. Whosoever has the Republic’s interest at heart lived through these weeks with desolation, and even a degree of anger, towards the individuals who brought us to where we are today. The events that unfolded have been unprecedented. A heavy shadow of doubt loomed over the functioning of our institutions and their impartiality. He said he had kept himself informed of developments and discussed facts and opinions with whoever is Constitutionally bound to keep him updated with events. “I have listened and assessed. I gave the advice I thought best and took a step back from making public pronouncements. All along I was ready, were the right circumstances to develop, to intervene.” During this period, he reflected profoundly on the address he delivered on the occasion of his Inauguration as President last April when he insisted on the need for national unity. “These recent developments make my appeal even more relevant and urgent. “We need to stand united, as Maltese and Gozitans of goodwill, to get over the adversity that has overcome us. Those who brought us to this juncture – whoever they are – were not working in the interest of the People of Malta. What happened cannot, ever, be justified. We need to be united in

the hope that all those who have to shoulder the responsibility for their behaviour, do exactly that, and pay the consequences. Whoever this may be. “The People of Malta expect justice to be done. Let us not, however, allow our feelings to develop into those of revenge and hatred. Investigative and judicial authorities have to be allowed to do their work without interference, with serenity and with the due respect for their integrity, competence and independence. My appeal goes first and foremost to the Maltese people”. He said he too was saddened, hurt and shocked but appealed not to let tempers rise. “Let us remain moderate in our behaviour and remember that the Republic of Malta is far bigger than the gang of people who brought shame on our country. He appealed for all Maltese to hold on to their values and keep the real picture of Malta, and not shy away from being united in admitting that the assassination of journalist Mrs Caruana Galizia was a horrendous act. He called for the implementation of all legislative and security measures to safeguard the rights of the press and media in Malta, and at the same time, for journalists to be conscious of the critical responsibility they carry in modern society. He also called on the public in general to make better use of social media, which through disrespectful language and malicious messages have turned it into an infinite source of hate. Another of President Vella’s appeals was directed at Members of Parliament. He reminded them of tof their duty to guard the fundamental freedoms of the citizens who elected them, to be jealous of the dignity and importance of the Parliamentary institution and to be more decorous in tone and content in Parliamentary exchanges in order to give back to the House of Representatives the respect it should command. He ensured that justice in the assassination two years ago of Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia is done, and is seen to be done. He thanked all those countries that helped Malta with the investigations of the assassination that are still ongoing. “The whole of Malta should not be tarnished by these sad events. Malta is far bigger than any group of individuals involved in these events – whoever they may be. Malta’s reputation does not deserve to be dirtied and depreciated. “Our country should continue carrying the respect it earned for the good it achieved along the years, for a history and culture

that go back thousands of years, for the enormous contribution it has made to the attainment of peace in the world, and for its eminent history in defence of values, for the traditional generosity of the Maltese people and for the overwhelming potential of its human resources. “The people have a right to express themselves in all the freedom guaranteed to them by the Constitution. The more civil these manifestations are, the more effective they will be. This is the moment when a democratic country and its people enjoy the benefits and safeguards that democracy itself provides. “Above all, we need to ascertain that our country’s institutions are not threatened in their work and are given the strength and protection to serenely fulfil their duties. “I call on all on those who in one way or another carry some form of political, institutional or Constitutional responsibilities to carefully weigh their actions, and act once they are sure to place the national interest before the personal one. “Our country has gone through several downturns throughout its history. Somehow, we have managed to survive, and emerged strengthened and more determined. Our strength always rested in our unity”. President George Vella concluded by saying, “Nothing is prefect. We have, and will continue, to have differences. Yet let us invest more energy to solve these problems instead of pointing fingers and levelling accusations against one another. Together we need to sow the seed of respect, foster trust, value integrity and place our collective energies towards growth and its equitable allocation among us.”

The Voice of the Maltese 19

IL-MILIED jgħaqqad il-familji

Tuesday December 17, 2019


ħalissa mal-familja tiegħi fi Brisbane ġie iqatta’ ftit tal-ġimgħat ta’ btala, missieri minn Malta, allura xtaqt li f’dan iż-żmien tassena tlabtu xi tagħrif dwar x’kien jiġri f’Malta fi ċkunitu fil-Milied, biex anke jkunu jafu dwar dan ukoll uliedi. Jien iddeċidejt li l-futur tiegħi ikun fl-Awstralja fl-1999 wara li minkejja l-ħiliet u l-kwalifiki li kelli ġejt injorat għal impjieg. Fl-Aw-



stralja nistqarr li sibt xortija, anke ħerqan li l-aħħar żmien ta’ ħajti nqattgħu f’Malta. Xtaqt nilqa’ l-istedina ta’ The Voice of the Maltese u nikkontribwixxi b’kitbieti, bil-Malti li tant inħobb, u li ngħożżu wisq biex nitilfu. Se nirrakkonta dak li qalli missieri dwar kif il-familja tiegħu kienet tgħaddi z-żmien sabiħ tal-Milied fi ċkunitu.

Xi drawwiet helwin

inbarra l-ġenituri l-familja ta’ missieri kienet magħmula wkoll u meta tgħaddi l-purċissjoni tal-Mużew bit- pulptu. Minn hemm fuq kien ikun jista’ jara minn tliet aħwa żewgt ibniet u tfal iġorru l-Bambin tarbija kienu jogħxew l-knisja kollha u bin-nies iċċassati lejh kien tifel. Kienet familja magħquda ħafna u iħarsu lejn dawn il-Bambini. jaqbdu t-tferfir. Bilqegħda warajh fil-pulptu minkejja li x-xogħol li kellu missieru ma Xi tfal tal-mużew, minn aspiranti ‘l fuq kien ikollu ‘s-suġġeritur’, membru talkienx irendi wisq, imma qatt ma’ ħalla l- kienu jingħazlu ħalli jġorru fuq spallejhom Mużew ħalli jekk heħel pront jiddettalu xi bqija tal-familja nieqsa mill-bżinnijiet. l-istatwa żgħira tal-Bambin fil-maxtura. Min jkun imiss. Fejn għandu x’jaqsam l-ikel missieri jgħid jingħazel kien iħossu xxurtjat. Fit-tmiem il-folla kienet tinfexx fiċ-ċapċip. li ommu kienet koka prima b’ħila li tagħmel Tal-Mużew kienu wkoll jagħżlu xi tfal u Wara, il-kappillan, jew l-Arċipriet, quddiem platti, u ħelu li “mhux kulħadd kien jipprefaċli ssibu fir-ristoranti” żenta lit-tifel b’rigal. Fi għalkemm qatt ma tmiem il-quddiesa ġenkielu f’ristorant. eralment min imexxi lDwar il-jiem ta’ qabel knisja kien jistieden u waqt il-Milied u llill-folla għas sala talEwwel tas-Sena, il-festa parroċċa għal ftit imkbira għall-familja buljuta u xi ħaġa xi kienet dejjem tal-Milied jnaqqar. li minn jiem qabel Wara, kulħadd għadkienet timla bil-ferħ lilldar u t-tfal jitilgħu jorulied, prattikant imbutqdu bit-tama li l-Father tati minn dak li kien Christmas, jew Santa jagħmel bi tħejjija Klaws iġibilhom irgħalih il-missier. rigal li tant jixtiequ u Sa minn ġimgħat ġieli jkunu ‘kitbu qabel, kien jibda jġorr għalih’ f’xi ittra li jkunu lejn id-dar dak li bih tawha lill-ġenituri biex kien jista’ jattwa l-ideat ‘jimpustawielhom’. tiegħu. Fost dawn ilDan min kien jemmen gagazza għall-presepju, li r-rigal iġibuli Father għax għalih il-karChristmas. Imma mistapesta ma kinetx teżisti sieri qalli li hu minn u ma kienx jara daqstant dejjem kien xettiku. Il-presepju kien (u baqa’ )l-aqwa biex ifakkar il-Milied reali għal dak li kien “X’Father Christmas ikollu f’moħħu. jgħallmuhom xi versi mill-Vanġelu dwar it- hu?” Allura meta jintefa’ fis-sodda kien Kien jieħu d-dar ukoll xi prinjol u xitla li twelid tal-Bambin biex meta l-purċissjoni jagħlaq għajnejh taparsi rieqed jistenna lil kien isib fis-selvaġġ b’weraq iebsin ippun- tieqaf f’xi postijiet jirreċtawhom. missieru jpoġġilu r-rigal ħdejn is-sodda. Imtati. It-tnejn kien jużahom biex iżejjen id-dar. Kif wara kollox għadu jsir illum, fil-purċis- bagħad jorqod. Kien ideffishom fil-porporina biex jidhru sjoni kien isir kant tradizzjonali mit-tfal L-għada fil-għodwa tal-Milied, bħal ħutu lqishom tal-fidda, u fit-truf iwaħħal stess. Fosthom, l-aktar għanjiet popolari oħra, quddiem il-ġenituri, kienu jneħħu lmagħhom boċċi ħomor daqs żibġa, x’aktarx kienu jkunu, il-Lejl ta’ Skiet, Lejl tal-Milied karti li r-rigal ikun imgeżwer fihom u jifraħ berries. u l-Adeste Fidelis. bir-rigal li “ġablu” Fr. Christmas. Qatt ma Għall-ewwel snin lanqas biss kienu jafu Fi tmiem il-purċissjoni t-tfal jaħirbu lejn id- kien juri kif ir-rigal jasal għandu. Imma bis-siġra tal-Milied, imma d-dar kienet tieħu dar biex jieklu u jħejju ruħhom għall-quddiesa kulħadd kien ikun kuntent u kulħadd ferħan. xejra mill-isbaħ, l-aktar bid-dwal kemm tal- ta’ nofs il-lejl. It-tifel li jkun se jagħmel ilXi rigali oħra mingħand xi zijiet f’dak ilpresepju u f’xi rkejjen fid-dar b’bozoz żgħar. priedka “tat-tifel” fil-quddiesa kien jagħmel l- jum lanqas ma kienu jonqsu. Imbagħad Il-familja kienet tkun kburija bis-sbuħija aħħar tħejjijiet u jkun fuq ix-xwiek sakemm jgħaddu s-sigħat u jasal ħin l-ikel, abbuntal-presepju li n-nannu (missier missieri) jasal il-ħin. Għall-quddiesa l-knisja kienet danti aktar mis-soltu. Kienet rutina repetuta kien jarma taħt it-taraġ tad-dar b’kobor ta’ tkun imballata, filwaqt li fis-sagristija l-abba- ta’ kull sena. madwar tliet metri. Kien jagħmel nixxijiet tini, fosthom missieri kienu jħejju kollox biex Għaddew is-snin, u waħda mill-aħwa ta’ veru u rdieden tar-riħ żgħar tal-kartun li jidhru sbieħ ħalli jakkumpanjaw lis-saċerdoti. żżewġet u kellha żewgt itfal, imma missieri kien ifassalhom minn ferm qabel u F’sena minnhom missieri ġngħażel jagħmel qalli li sakemm baqgħu ħajjin, l-ikla tal-Mijizbogħhom. il-priedka. Kien iħossu entużjażmat u xi ftit lied kienet baqgħet issir għand il-ġenituri Fit-triq tal-familja kien biss fid-dar tan- nervuż. Mgħejjun minn ommu kien jit- bid-differenza li issa minflok ħamsa kien nannu fejn jiġi armat presepju, għalhekk għallem il-priedka, li kienu jiktbu tal- hemm sebat iħluq, imma l-mejda ma kinetx kienu jinġabru tfal mir-raħal id-dar biex Mużew, bl-amment ħerqan li jaqa’ figura tesa’ aktar minn ħamsa/sitta min-nies madjaraw dan il-presepju. tajba. wara. Id-djar l-oħra tat-triq ġeneralment kienu jarMeta jasal il-waqt tal-priedka t-tifel kien maw xi bambin imdawwal wara l-antiporta jiġi akkumpanjat minn abbati għal fuq il*ikompli f’paġna 20

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 17, 2019

San Nikola, 40 sena ta’ festa T

a’ din id-darba kienet l-40 sena li lfesta ta’ San Nikola ġiet iċċelebrata, u bħal kull sena, din id-darba wkoll, il-kumitat ħabrieki mmexxi minn Emanuel

In the midst of the festive season, and as 2019 draws to a close, we take time to reflect on the past year. We remember dear friends and family members that departed our world and live on in our hearts. We reflect on their legacies and many good works and we also look forward to the year ahead as they would want us to. Our wish is for continued unity between our many Maltese Associations, both young and old, and a common love and passion for our unique Maltese heritage and culture to be passed on and taken up by the younger generations of Maltese descendants. On behalf of the Maltese Community Council of NSW, we wish the Maltese Community a very happy, holy and safe Christmas. May the spirit of Christmas bring family and friends together and fill your hearts and homes with peace and love. We look forward to continuing our work supporting the Maltese Community in the New Year ahead. May God Bless you all

Best wishes from the MCC President and Committee

Vella organizza l-festa ta’ San Nikola, li reġgħet kienet suċċess. B’reqqa u ħeġġa kbira l-kumitat ħejja kemm il-festi ta’ ġewwa, fil-knisja fil-parroċċa tal-Good Shepherd fi Plumpton u wkoll ta’ barra quddiem is-sala li għand-

hom biswit il-knisja. Bħal dejjem il-vara nħarġet mill-knisja fuq l-idejn u twasslet sas-sala akkumpanjata mill-banda Our Lady Queen of Peace li daqqet ukoll kunċert flimkien mal-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija. L-istatwa baqgħet barra sakemm ġiet fi tmiemha l-festa bil-logħob tan-nar. Ritratt: Patrick Bartolo

L-aqwa tal-Milied minn dejjem kien li l-familja tkun miġbura kollha flimkien *minn paġna 19

It-tfal ma setgħux jiġu esklużi, anzi kienu saru l-għożża tan-nanniet. Għalhekk kienu jitpoġġew fuq mejda żgħira ħdejn il-mejda l-kbira, dejjem taħt għajn kulħadd, u kulħadd jiggustahom jieklu dak offrut lilhom. Ġeneralment l-ikla ewlenija tal-Milied kienet tkun id-dundjan, imma mhux għal missieri. Ma kienx jista’ għalih, għalhekk ommu kienet taħsiblu għal biċċa laħam ċanga dejfa ftit ħoxna mħawra.…u wara ddeżerta, ġeneralment xi trajfil bix-xorb. Imma minkejja l-ikel l-importanti dejjem kien il-ferħ li l-familja kienet tħoss miġbura flimkien. Wara, it-tfal kienu jiġbdu l-akbar attenzjoni meta n-nanniet u z-zijiet jippreżentawlhom ir-rigali. Dwar ir-rigali, in-nannu ma kienx ikun Milied jekk ma jagħtix ir-rigali. In-nanna kienet tgħidlu li aħjar li jixtrilhom xi ħaġa tal-ilbies. Kien jgħidilha li l-affarijiet dawk tixtrihom lit-tfal hi jew il-ġenituri tan-neputijiet, imma hu rigali kien jixtri għax is-sodisfazzjon li jara fuq wiċċ it-tfal kien jimlieh bil-ferħ. Minn l-għada tal-Milied kien jibda jġemma biex meta jasal il-Milied jixtri r-rigali lit-tfal. Jum il-Milied kien jintemm filgħaxija meta għal darb’oħra l-familja tiġi mill-ġdid mistiedna tqatta’ l-ħin titkellem, u tiċċajta, u forsi tiffanga fil-ħelu u xi ftit xorb. Missieri qalli li wieħed mid-dipjaċiri tiegħu hu li meta kien żgħir ma kienx jaffordja jixtri kamera tar-ritratti, jew forsi ma tantx ta kas dwar kemm seta’ jkun utli ritratt biex seta’ jibqa’ jftakar aktar sew dawk il-jiem. Wara li żżewweġ u kellu t-tfal, kien iddeċieda li dak li għamlu l-ġenituri miegħu jagħmlu hu magħhom. Għalhekk kull sena,

sakemm kienu għadhom ħajjin, għall-ikla tal-Milied kien jistieden f’daru lill-ġenituri tiegħu u ta’ martu, u filgħaxija jistieden ukoll lil ħutu u ħut il-mara għal riċeviment. Fejn għandha x’taqsam l-Ewwel tas-Sena, fil-familja donnu kienet bħal ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd, u li kien jinteressahom bħala f’dan iljum kienet l-istrina meta did-darba setgħu biex jaqilgħu “xi tlett soldi, sikspens jew xelin mingħand iz-zijiet”.

We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee. Family law is our specialty. • wills, powers of attorney, • manage deceased estates, and provide • purchase and sell property • purchase and sell businesses. Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese) an accredited family law specialist • divorce, children, property, • child support, intervention orders. • Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney • Maltese Property matters. Phone: 03 9741 1722 email

We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Valletta’s main streets lit up for the festive season


he legacy left by Valletta 2018, and in collaboration with the Triq ir-Repubblika and Triq Merkanti commercial communities, once more, new decorations for the Christmas period were inaugurated in Valletta with the illumination of decorative lights in the streets for the festive season Triq ir-Repubblika is decorated with classical-style lights, while Triq Merkanti is characterised by a contemporary Christmas tree and lighting. A new crib has also been inaugurated at Pjazza de Vallette, and for the first time a large Christmas tree was set up at Pjazza Kastilja. Justice and Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said that these initiatives further assist businesses in Valletta, and are an incentive for more tourists to visit Malta in the festive season.

Friends of Providence House NSW

The Friends of Providence House NSW would like to thank the Maltese Community of Australia for its continuing support in our endeavours to help the residents of Id Dar tal-Providenza in Malta. We wish everyone a very Blessed and Joyous Christmas and a bright and properous New Year.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Sovereign Military Order Malta Lourdes Mass 2019


Best wishes from the MCCV

Wishing all the readers of ‘The Voice of the Maltese’ a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. We sincerely hope that the festive season brings you and your families much joy. All the best from the Maltese Community Council of Victoria.

RESKEON Group’s Christmas luncheon


n December 5, 140 members and friends of Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group attended the Christmas Luncheon organised by the Association. Among the distinguished guests where the Consul General for Malta in Victoria, Mr Mario Farrugia-Borg and Ms Joanne Grima, Fr Edwin Agius, mssp and Can. Fr Manny Bonello. While DJ Domenic provided the music as the members enjoyed a six-course meal, “Father Christmas” also paid them a visit on a day that members and their friends enjoyed to the full.

very year, a pilgrimage to Lourdes represents one of the most significant moments in the spiritual life of the members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Order dedicates the first weekend in May for the annual pilgrimage For Australians unable to visit Lourdes, Lourdes Day Mass celebrations are held annually in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide where those attending receive a blessing for good health and are presented with a small bottle of Lourdes water for their personal use. This year’s Lourdes Mass held on December 7 at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne was very well attended with devo- tees of different nationalities, including Maltese (above). The Archbishop of Melbourne, the Fr Peter Comensoli, presided over the mass that was concelebrated by Chaplains of the Order of Malta. Each person that attended were greeted and presented with a special pack containing a Mass booklet for the day, a small booklet with information on Our Lady of Lourdes and St Bernadette, a bookmark, a Rosary Beads and a small bottle of blessed water from Lourdes.

Il-GLM jiċċelebra l-40 sena b’ikla


l-Grupp Letteratura Maltija tal-Victoria iċċelebra l-40 sena mit-twaqqif tiegħu b’ikla għall-membri kollha nhar il-Ħadd,

l-1 ta’ Diċembru (taħt). Għal din l-okkażjoni llPresident tal-Grupp, Dr Victor Sammut għamel diskors qasir li fih qal xi jfisser dan l-anniversarju, u x-xogħol li jagħmel


il-Grupp. Kienet okkażjoni li dawk kollha li attendew għaliha ħadu gost biha, grazzi fuq kollox għal dawk li organizzaw l-attivita`. PaulVella

Uħud minn dawk li attendew għall-ikla

Il-president tal-GLMV Dr. Victor Sammut jaqsam il-kejk tal-okkażjoni

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday December 17, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

La Valett e Social Centr e New Year activity

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Welcome the New Year at your Centre Dance the night away with Charles Camilleri & the Rockin Mustangs Tickets: Members $60, Non-Members $65 Children (8-12yrs) half price. Catering by Charlie’s Family Restaurant Contact: Frances: 0412 320 432; Antoinette: 9622 5846 or the Centre: 9622 5847


IN AID OF ID DAR-TAL-PROVIDENZA, MALTA organised by The Friends of Providence House NSW Sunday 23rd February 23 from 2.00 pm La Valette Social Centre,175 Walters Road, Blacktown Featuring: Charlie Muscat & James Cassar Supported by: Martin Vella, Natasha Tatarinoff, Brittany & Katelyn Vella, and The MCA Choir Enjoy An Afternoon of Great Entertainment, Prizes & Family Fun! Lucky Donor Envelope Prizes & Raffle Drawn onThe Day Maltese food & drinks available from 12 Noon Donation: Adults $10 Children u/15yrs: free Bookings from: Jim Borg: 9636 7767 or Miriam 0419 476 924 PROUDLY SPONSORED BY La Valette Social Centre

Tel: 9622 7799

Tel: 9622 5847

–– Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups ––

Avenue,11am to 1 pm. Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Maltese of Bankstown Meets last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area. The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at 10 am. Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. EnMaltese Seniors Central Coast quiries call: Sam 9534 2357 Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an Greystanes Maltese Seniors appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of 12 or 0414 267 652 OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Daceyville Maltese Seniors Greystanes, 10 am to 12 noon Meets the last Wednesday of the mon-th in The Sutherland & St George the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Maltese Group Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Meets every First Wednesday of the Month Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merryinformative & entertaining, so come Join lands from 10.30am to 12.30 am us and make new Friends Llandilo Maltese Seniors For more information contact our Coordinator: Meets on first Wednesday of each month Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – moat the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh bile 0421 662 298. *(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

La Valette Social Centre Christmas wishes

The President and Committee of La Valette Social Centre Inc. wish all our members and the Maltese Community a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. We appreciate and thank you all for your continuing support.

The St Nicholas Festa Committee in Plumpton would like to wish you all a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look foward to seeing you all in the coming New Year.

The Maltese Welfare (NSW) extends best wishes for a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all the people of goodwill. Our membership for 2020 is now open. Please contact : 02 96319295

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday December 17, 2019

Floriana hope to make it their year


loriana FC are known as one of the most successful football clubs in Malta having achieved a number of top honours on the island, notably the League Championship, which they have won on 25 occasions, the last 27 years ago, in season1992-93. So another one is overdue. After a number of slumber years, Floriana are making a strong bid to win the title for a 26th time at the end of the 2019/20 football season. They have managed to build a strong team that has proven to be the most consistent among the 14 Premier League teams. They are also the only unbeaten team in the competition and at the weekend they moved six points clear of the opposition. The only time Floriana have dropped points were the two in a draw against Ħamrun Spartans. In their last two outings they beat Sta Lucia and most significantly also defeated ‘old firm’ Standing-End of Rd 1 TEAMS L Pts rivals Sliema WanFloriana 13 31 28 derers 2-1. The latter Gzira U 13 25 20 on their part are findValletta 13 25 19 ing the going much Hibernians 13 24 18 too tough for in this Sirens 13 24 17 campaign although Balzan 13 18 16 they are improving. Floriana are sure to Ħamrun S 13 18 14 Birkirkara. 13 16 13 finish the year on top Sliema W. 13 14 12 of the league standGudja U 12 14 10 ing as they enjoy a Mosta 12 13 10 six point gap over Senglea A 12 12 10 runners-up Gzira, who suffered their Sta Lucia 13 10 8 second loss, and deTarxien R. 12 0

Floriana in a recent formation

fending champions Valletta at the end of the first round. Many have been asking, especially their supporters whether this is going to be Floriana’s year by winning the Championship again after so many barren years. The last time the Greens won a top honour was in 2017 when they beat Sliema 2-0 in the final of the FA Trophy and then followed that up by winning the Super Cup in the following year. The teams just below them, in particular Valletta, Gzira and Hibernians keep looking for any slip from Floriana in the Premier, but this far they have been going great guns. Though at a glance the gap of six points with leaders Floriana might look big, the reigning champions Valletta have been known to come to the fore in the later stages of the championship, therefore they cannot

just be ignored because of their deficit at the end of the first round. Balzan seem to have settled for a midtable position, while Birkirkara are going through a RESULTS - Day 13 most disap- Floriana v Sliema W. 2-1 pointing sea- Gzira U v Hibernians ?-? son. Worst of Valletta v Ħamrun S 1-0 all are cer- Sirens v Birkirkara 2-0 tainly Tarxien Balzan v Sta Lucia 3-0 who are still Mosta v Gudja U pp pp pointless. Senglea v Tarxien At the weekRESULTS - Day 12 end, two Floriana v Sta Lucia 2-1 matches had Gzira Utd v Mosta 3-1 to be post- Sirens v Tarxien 3-0 poned be- Valletta v Hibernians 1-1 cause of bad Ħamrun S v Balzan 1-1 weather con- Sliema W. v Birkirkara 2-1 ditions. 4-1 Gudja U v Senglea

Malta to participate in 2020 UEFARegions’Cup


alta will be participating in the next Europe top competition for amateur representative teams, for the UEFA Regions’ Cup, involving 36 associations. Its representative team will start competing in the preliminary round with four teams to join 28 others in the intermediate round. Malta is to host the four-team preliminary tournament that is also to be made up of Kazakhstan, Belarus and North Macedonia. The Group matches will be played from May 24-30, in 2010. The top two teams in each group progress to the intermediate round. The winners of Group B will advance to Group 2 of the intermediate round with Croatia, Italy and Lithuania the other teams in the pool. The runners-up of the preliminary round group involving Malta will go into Group 4 that also comprises Spain, Northern Ireland and Serbia.

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