Issue 223
The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )
Fo rtnightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly Diasp ora
March 10, 2020
Id-Dwejra at St Lawrenz in Gozo may have lost an icon with the collapse three years ago (March 8, 2017) of the natural structure, the Azure Window but the site has other interesting icons, one of which is the Fungus Rock not many metres away. This icon, also known as Mushroom Rock is also a perfect target for photographing sunset. What a sight! photo: viewing
The Fungus Rock in Gozo
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Australia’s first Maltese Museum
inaugurated at Latrobe Valley
The end result of two years of hard work and lots of determination
by Our Own Correspondents
proven to be the major event in Latrobe Valn Friday February 21, Morwell, in ley. The project to estabLatrobe Valley, 122 km from Mellish the Maltese Mubourne, officially opened Australia’s first museum dedicated to Maltese seum, the brainchild of Mario Sammut: culture and traditions. The ambitious proj- Malta's honorary Vicethe man behind ect, that took two years to complete was Consul for Latrobe Valthe idea for the inaugurated by Harriet Shing MP Member ley and President of the Museum for Eastern Victoria, Latrobe City Mayor Maltese Community Cr Dan Clancey, Mario Farrugia Borg Centre, Mario Sammut, Consul General for Malta in Victoria, and began two years ago. It kicked off with the Malta’s Consul Mario Sammut OAM, Hon Vice/Consul General in Victofor Latrobe Valley and President of the purchase of a condemned building adjaria, Mario Farrugia Maltese Community Centre LV. Borg inaugurating It is a project that took two years of in- cent to the Maltese the Museum credibly hard work and fundraising to Community Centre & complete. But the interest that it is already Social Club Latrobe generating among the Maltese community, Valley in Henry Street will be worth all the sweat and the money that for many years housed the Morwell was finished in time for the grand official Pigeon Racing Club. opening. Just a day before the Maltese Festa, spent to complete it. With a $56,270 grant from the State Gov- the Latrobe Valley museum opened its doors The official opening of the Maltese museum was the main feature during the Mal- ernment through the Latrobe Valley Au- to the public, Maltese and non-Maltese. It was a huge occasion, with many dignitese Festa weekend that attracted close to thority’s Community and Facility Fund, a smaller one of $5000 from the Latrobe taries attending the official reception that 10,000 visitors to what has once again has City Council, and even more was hosted by the Latrobe City Council in fundraising, the building that honour of Harriet Shing MLC, representVolunteers was in a sorry state was com- ing the Victorian State Government. working on pletely renovated. turning a diAfter two years of hard work it *continued on page 3 lapidated building into Visitors admiring the inside of the the Maltese first Maltese Museum in Australia Museum
Latrobe Valley Maltese Festa celebrates the food and culture of Malta
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday March 10, 2020
he official opening of the first Maltese Museum in Australia was the main event in the weekend of February 21-23, but for the Maltese-Australian community of the Latrobe Valley it was more than that. It was an occasion to express their organisational skills at the Latrobe Valley Maltese Festa, an event intended to keep people connected to the culture of their homeland. Victoria's Maltese community came together in the thousands at this festival in
From left: Antonia Camilleri (V/President MCCV) Melissa, Anne Caruana and Marlene Ebejer (President MCCV) enjoying the Maltese Festa
the Immigration Park in Morwell to celebrate the food and culture of Malta. It was simply a taste of the Mediterranean as the occasion was filled with all sorts of Maltese themed entertainment, exhibitions, stalls, live music, traditional dances, singing and cheer, as well as Maltese food. The Destiny Band, Elvis [impersonator] was popular, and the Gippsland Academy of dance girls did a traditional Maltese dance that was absolutely astounding, the colour, the quality of outfits and the danc-
Some of the crowd that attended the Maltese Festa
ing was just perfect. A Maltese traditional dgħajsa, a ‘Knights of Malta’ Harley Davidson, a restored Thames truck and a car display were also part of the event. If there’s one way to bring the Maltese community together, that is their traditional food and costumes. And there was certainly a plenty of it on offer at the Maltese Festa. The visitors had a chance to soak up everything Maltese, as the Maltese spirit was kept alive throughout. In the end, all had a great time. All agreed that it was bigger and better than ever. The Latrobe Valley Festa was a continuation of the celebrations the night before that was highlighted with the opening of the Maltese Museum. The members of the MCCV Executive and their partners attended the official opening along with State Politicians, our very own Maltese Consul General of Victoria Mario Farrugia, local community members, volunteers and people from across Victoria attended. All agreed that the Maltese Museum is a credit to those who have established it. The President of the MCCV, Marlene Ebejer told The Voice she highly recommends a visit to Morwell to see it.
Inspiring people to stay connected to their homeland *from page 2
Also in attendance were local politicians and councillors, Cr Dan Clancey, Mayor Latrobe City, Mario Farrugia Borg, Consul General for Malta in Victoria, Mario Sammut, the President of The Maltese Community Centre Latrobe Valley, the President and executive members of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria, and special benefactors to the Museum exhibits and artefacts. Chef Shane Delia, renowned Chef in Australia with his own television Show on SBS television added to the glamour of the evening by taking care of the catering. His modern versions of ħobż biż-zejt, stuffat tal-qarnit, and imqarrun il-forn were the highlight of the evening. The purpose of the Museum, which showcases Maltese tradition through objects such as costumes, a replica of the Maltese fishing boat known as luzzu, traditional cooking utensils, and Knights of St. John figurines, is to in-
spire people to stay connected to their homeland even when thousands of kilometres away. Mario Sammut told The Voice of the Maltese that among the exhibits are fifteen miniature replicas of historial and important Maltese buildings, some dating back to the 1550s, including the old Royal Opera House that was destroyed during WWII, and the Mosta Dome (church). It also includes a huge collection of Maltese Memorabilia, brought to Australia by migrants since the 1940s. The miniatures were all donated by the family of the late artist Charlie Camilleri from S Albans, while the Family of the late Frank Consiglio, the former Consul General of Malta donated the whole collection of Maltese Artefacts from his private collection. Frank’s wife, Frances who is in her nineties, travelled all the way from Ballarat for a private viewing of the Museum on Sunday.
A miniature of the Mosta Dome by the late Charlie Camilleri
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers
Separation and Cyber Safety
by PaulSant
oing through a separation can be an emotionally and intellectually consuming process. Sometimes, it can take all of your energy just to come out the other end feeling capable enough of rebuilding your life. Other times, separation is the twist of fate you’ve been waiting for, and now is your opportunity to cut ties with a presence in your life that was toxic or detrimental to your wellbeing. However, after you’ve escaped the confines of the relationship, stop and take the time to consider whether your cyber footprint is still safe. This is particularly important if you have just come out of an abusive relationship. What does this mean? In today’s society, having a cyber presence is virtually unavoidable. We all have a plethora of passwords and accounts through which we manage and track various aspects of our lives, including: 1. Banking 2. Social networking 3. Insurances; 4. Mobile phone tracking; 5. Shopping apps; 6. Streaming apps; 7. Email accounts; 8. Shared calendars; 9. Find my iPhone apps; 10. eToll and eTag tracking; 11. Accounting/salary tracking. For ease of use, couples often link accounts, passwords or authorities to many aspects of their cyber activity. After separation it is easy to forget the intricacies of the cyber web that was spun during the relationship. In most cases, information about your whereabouts, banking, social media activity and leisure activities, is not infor-
mation that you would necessarily want your former partner to know. This is particularly the case in the event that the relationship has broken down in a bitter and high-conflict context. You might even consider whether it might be prudent to take a break from posting on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Images and contents once posted on the Internet can be copied and shared multiple times before you are even aware that the image has made its way outside of your group of friends. Some other things to think about: 1. If you have devices that did not previously require pin codes or passwords, add a pin code so that you have to sign in to use them. 2. If you are using passwords that are already saved on your computer, allowing you to be automatically logged into your accounts, change the passwords on all online accounts and do not save the new password in your browser. 3. If you were previously using apps such as “Find my iPhone”, ensure that your GPS is turned off. If you have children, and they are living with you, check their devices too. 4. Check your credit card or direct payments that give away your location, such as eToll and eTag. You may need to contact the provider to change the account that is being billed. 5. For an abundance of caution, you may wish to speak to your friends and family and ask them to avoid identifying you or tagging you in posts that may identify your location. What do you do? You should start by making your cyber information as secure as possi-
Now at: 21 George Street
Phone: 8599 8877 Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken
ble. Change all of your passwords. It is best if the change is substantial rather than minimal or easy to guess. If you operate a joint email or other account or facility, remove yourself from the joint facility and set up your own independent account with a private password. This can be time consuming and annoying, however it is absolutely crucial. There are three outcomes that you should try and achieve in the process: 1. Prevent your former partner from directly accessing your funds (you should get legal advice about jointly held funds). 2. Prevent your former partner from being able to locate you, particularly if you have experienced family violence within the relationship. 3. Prevent your former partner from accessing correspondence addressed to you, either by way of email or postal mail. This will mean ensuring that your partner does not know (and cannot obtain) the password to your email account, and might also require that you hire a post office mail box if you are still living together. This is particularly relevant if you have asked your lawyer to send you legal advice about your family law matter. There are a myriad of things you can do to ensure your safety online. As simple as some of these items seem, they will go long way to ensuring that you feel protected and confident enough to speak to a solicitor about wrapping up your family law matter. Going through a separation can be an emotionally and intellectually consuming process. Sometimes, it can take all of your energy just to come out the other end feeling capable enough of rebuilding your life. Other times, separation is the twist of fate you’ve been waiting for, and now is your opportunity to cut ties with a presence in your life that was.
Tuesday March 10, 2020
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Għall-attenzjoni tal-Kurja Maltija: KUMMENTARJU
Għaliex meħtieġa saċerdoti Maltin?
s-sitwazzjoni tal-biki, li għal dawn l-aħħar snin sabet ruħha fiha l-komunitá Maltija fl-Awstralja minħabba nuqqas kritiku ta’ saċerdoti Maltin, f’daqqa waħda, splodiet. Nistgħu ngħidu religjuzi, għax anke s-sorijiet se jitilquna. Issa wasalna fil-qiegħ nett. The Voice of the Maltese ilha snin kbar tilmenta u titlob għal soluzzjoni. Ħafna kienu dawk li b’rieda tajba ndaħlu biex jagħtu palata. Oħrajn stenbħu u bdew jagħmlu ħoss meta ntlaqtu direttament. Irridu nagħmluha cara, li mhux fl-Awstralja kollha hawn nuqqas ta’ reliġjużi Maltin, għalkemm anke f’Melbourne is-sitwazzjoni mhix żgura għall-futur. Dan l-aħħar giet quddiemna ċirkulari li l-Kurja ta’ Malta, permezz tal-Vigarju Episkopali tal-Kleru u l-Parroċċi, bagħtet lis-saċerdoti Maltin ħalli tħajjarhom jiġu jaqdu ħidma pastorali fostna fl-Awstralja. Kienet ċirkulari li tidher li ġiet magħmula ta’ malajr, wara silenzju fit-tul, iżda mingħajr l-informazzjoni kollha meħtieġa. Certament li ma kinitx xi talba li tħajjrek. Kienet indirizzata biss lejn is-saċerdoti u mhux lejn il-patrijiet. Iżda f’din iċ-ċirkulari ħareġ punt fundamentali, li b’dispjaċir juri li l-Kurja, wara dan iż-żmien kollu, għadha dubjuża għaliex aħna l-Maltin fl-Awstralja ninħtieġu saċerdot Malti. F’din iċ-ċirkulari l-kurja tirraguna: “Il-problema ta’ dawn il-komunitajiet hija li baqa’ numru ta’ emigranti li ma jifhmux bil-lingwa Ingliża” Il-lingwa Ingliża hija biss parti mill-problema. Il-kultura tagħna l-Maltin hija magħġuna fil-fond mar-reliġjon kattolika. Aktar ma nixjieħu, aktar immorru lura lejn l-għeruq tagħna, lejn il-kultura u l-użanzi kattoliċi. Hawn min, fl-aħħar ta’ ħajtu jitlef il-lingwa barranija, minħabba mard, bħad-demenzja jew stroke, u jmur lura għall-lingwa li tagħtu ommu. Is-sagrament tal-qrar u lgriżma tal-morda, fl-isptar, id-dar jew f’nursing home, iridu ikunu ta’ faraġ fil-fidi tal-emigrant anzjan, li jkun wasal fl-aħħar ta’ ħajtu.
Imbagħad għandna niftakru, li ħafna, jekk mhux ilmaġġoranza tal-emigranti tal-ħamsinijiet u s-sittinijiet kienu illitterati għax minħabba l-faqar u skejjel magħluq f’Malta matul il-gwerra,ftit kienu jafu skola. Bit-tluq tagħhom mill-gzejjer Maltin, dawn l-emigranti kienu wkoll, kif kien qalilna l-Arċisqof ta’ dak iż-żmien, servew bħala “safety valve” għall-ekonomija Maltija. Għalkemm ħafna b’diffikultá draw xi ftit il-lingwa, iżda li tkun taf biżżejjed Ingliż mitkellem biex tiddobba ma jfissirx li int tkun fhimt kollox. Mhux kulħadd jifhem dak kollu li jgħidlu it-tabib, l-avukat, qassis Awstraljan eċċ. Meta emigrajna,kien id-dmir tal-Gvern u tal-Knisja Maltija li bagħtuna hawn, li jagħtuna wkoll il-bżonnijiet u s-sapport li konna mdorrijin bihom. llum li għandna komunitá li xjaħet, la l-Knisja u wisq aktar il-Gvern, Din hija l-email li kull saċerdot irċieva ma għandhomx mis-segretarjat għall-Kleru: jabbanGħeziez saċerdoti, dunawna. Fuq Il-komunitajiet tal-emigranti Maltin flkollox, jiddispAwstralja qed jitolbu dwar possibilta’ li jaċina li wara xi saċerdot Malti joffri li jwettaq ħidma tant snin, il-ġer- pastorali fosthom ġewwa l-Awstralja. Ilarkija f’Malta problema ta’ dawn il-komunitajiet hija li għadhom ma baqa’ numru ta’ emigranti li ma jifhmux għarfux il-ħtigiet bil-lingwa Ingliza. fundamentali Huma lesti li jisponsorjaw din il-ħidma tagħna. li hija mistennija li ddum mhux inqas Ma rridux li tminn sitt xhur u mbagħad wieħed jidtalba tant diskuti s-sitwazzjoni kemm tas-saċerdot u neċessarja anke tal-ħidma pastorali tiegħu. tagħna taqa’ fuq Jekk xi saċerdot jitħajjar u jixtieq aktar widnejn torox, tagħrif jista’ jkellem lil Mons Alfred Vella għax ninsabu jew lil Mons Arċisqof innifsu. bħal merħla Insellmilkom u nitolbu għal xulxin. nagħag Rev. Noel Vassallo mingħajr ir(Vigarju Episkopali Għall Kleru u l-Parragħaj spiritwali roċċi. Tel +356 25906 500) tagħna. Meta konna ħafna aħjar. Laqgħa tar-reliġjużi Maltin fl-Awstralja xi żmien ilu
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Married filmmakers have big plans for a third feature film set in Malta
Tuesday March 10, 2020
arah Jayne and Ivan Malekin first laid eyes on each other at Tropfest Film Festival in Australia in 2009. Both had worked on the same short film shortlisted for the festival, but interestingly the pair had never bumped into each other on set. Together, they’ve worked on multiple short films, one of which features popular 13 Reasons Why actress Katherine Langford aka Hannah Baker. Playing the role of Scarlett in short film Daughter, the film follows the story of three women amidst a backdrop of violence against women and victim blaming. One long friendship and a marriage later, the couple now consider Malta their home base. “My family is of Maltese heritage,” says Sarah: “My grandma is still alive and lives in Qormi, and she made a cameo in In Corpore, as did my Maltese family,” she continues. In Corpore is the couple’s second feature film, which they co-directed together and is set for a 2020 Maltese release. Partly shot in Malta, the story connects four couples from four different areas: Melbourne, New York, Berlin and Malta. With production stretched over three different continues, Sarah and Ivan collaborated with four separate teams to assist them in capturing their story: “We wanted to explore the nature of commitment and the idea of sacrificing personal desires at the altar of love - is it selfish to follow the desires of the body and the soul or is this the only path to fulfilment? Even if it means hurting the one you love?” they say. Now, the couple are working towards their third feature film together, To Hold the Moon. The story focuses on two characters born through their first feature film together called Friends, Foes & Fireworks. Set two years later, narrative follows the story of Lucinda who travels to Malta to star in a new film. Her girlfriend Summer accompanies her, and more trouble arises between the couple when she later meets bohemian local Alessia. Instant attraction blossoms between the two, which forces Summer and Lucinda to face the truth about their relationship. "The lesbian film movement has flourished over the last two decades," Sarah and Ivan say, adding that although it's a central theme in their film it's not meant as just another lesbian film: "It is a story about finding who you are, where you belong, and standing up to your own mistakes." Filming is aimed to be split between Malta and London. There is a plethora of reasons why Malta was chosen as a main
Filmmakers Sarah Jane and Ian Malekin ... they consider Malta their home base location: the 300 days of sunshine per ticular filming method, which they plan year, having English as an official lan- on implementing: “we will use improviguage as well as the financial incentives sation as we do with all our features,” says to film in Malta top their list. “Beautiful, Sarah. This means that although the film has a exotic, efficient, financially sound. Why storyline, no script will be provided in not Malta?” they say. While the two lead roles have already order to achieve an organic feel: “Improbeen given to Australian actresses Whit- visation promotes authenticity and leads ney Duff and Asleen Mauthoor, other to more realistic performances. Actors parts have yet to be won: “There are two don’t just recite lines, they react in charlocal Maltese support roles and a British acter to the moment unfolding before supporting role which we are looking to them,” they explain. The husband-and-wife duo are currently cast soon,” Sarah says. The production team is also partly in the process of raising €220,000 for this formed: there’s Sarah and Ivan who are film to go into production, which they are jointly directing and producing the film, attempting to secure through investors, as well as Martin Bonnici as the Director crowd-funding and their participation in of Photography, Ylenia Kay as the camera various European pitching contests. operator and Australian sound designer This article written by and composer Gerard Mack. Caroline Curmi was first Sarah and Ivan, who together helm published on Nexus Production Group Ltd., have a par-
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Is-surmast Anton Muscat Azzopardi Tuesday March 10, 2020
li ħajtu kienet tfisser biss ‘mużika’
har il-Ħamis, 19 ta’ Marzu fir-Rabat tiġi ċċelebrata l-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp, u meta wieħed jisma’ lbanda L’Isle Adam tferraħ l-okkażjoni bil-marċi tagħha, il-ħsibijieti ta’ ħafna jaqgħu fuq is-Surmast Anton Muscat Azzopardi li għal snin twal kien id-direttur tagħha. Imma mhix biss, għax dan is-surmast jibqa’ miftakar għax ħalla wirt mużikali sabiħ f’pajjiżna. Ħadem f’kull qasam mużikali u dan dejjem għamlu bil-qalb għax għalih ilmużika kienet ħajtu. Il-banda L’Isle Adam kienet ferm għal qalbu u ħalla għadd PeterPaulCiantar ta’ marċi u innijiet li għadhom f’qalb il-Ġużeppini Rabtin sal-lum. Fost dawn hemm ‘L-Innu lil San Ġużepp’ li ikkomjgħix ukoll fi Triq il-Patrijiet ta’ qudpona, fuq versi tal-Avukat diem il-Kunvent tal-Franġiskani George Zammit, fl-okkażjMinuri fir-Rabat, Malta. Kien oni tal- inkurunazzjoni ta’ miġbud sew lejn dawn il-patrijiet San Ġuzżepp fl-1963. tant li kien miet fil-kunvent Lis-Surmast Muscat Aztagħhom stess f’Għajnsielem, zopardi dejjem kont nafu Għawdex. l-Każin tal-Banda l’Isle Adam ma’ xi ħbieb jirSurmast ta’ diversi baned Maltin rakkonta xi passaġġ sabiħ Anton Muscat Azzopardi huwa ħelu li jġib tbissima jew Qormi. Twieled fit-23 ta’Awwissu, jitkellem dwar il-mużika. 1903 u miet fil-Kunċizzjoni tal-1979 Ikla tajba mal-ħbieb ma fl-età ta’ 76 sena. Ta’ ħdax-il sena kien jitlifha. Illum jiddispstudja fl-iskola tal-Istitut San jaċini ħafna li f’dawk iżĠużepp li kien l-ewwel skola talżminijiet kont għadni Frères. F’dak iż-żmien fl-Istitut kien żgħir għax kieku llum hemm banda wkoll immexxija miskont nimlieh bil-mistoqsiSurmast Carmelo Abela Scolaro li jiet, l-aktar dwar kantanti minn għandu Anton ħa l-ewwel operistiċi Maltin li kien lezzjonijiet mużikali. Wara kompla jafhom sew. l-istudju mużikali għand surmastriMeta kont ix-Xandir filjiet oħra. Kien ukoll surmast-diretbidu tal-karriera tiegħi u tur ta’ din il-banda. kont nintervista lil xi ħadd Bħala surmast tal-baned tal-irħula, Malti dwar il-mużika dejl-ewwel banda li kellu kienet ta’ jem kien jistqarr miegħi li Sant’Andrija ta’ Ħal Luqa. Kellu tgħallem mas-Surmast biss 29 sena meta ngħata din ilAnton Muscat Azzopardi. kariga u għamel karriera twila Dan kien jagħmlu kważi bħala surmast-direttur tagħha. mingħajr ħlas, għax kien Is-surmast Anton Muscat Azzopardi Baqa’ d-direttu tagħha u ta’ Saniħobb ħafna jgħallem ilmużika, u fil-fatt bħala professjoni hu kien għalliem tal- t’Andrija ta’ Ħal-Luqa, sakemm ippermettietlu saħħtu Matul is-snin kien ukoll direttur ta’ baned oħra, fosthom mużika, għal snin twal fil-Liċeo. Kien jieħu pjaċir irawwem tal-Banda Sliema, il-Queen’s Own tal-Isla, u dik ta’ Stella talenti ġodda fil-mużika. Kien speċjali fil-qasam tal-kant u ħafna kantanti, bħal so- Maris ta’ Tas-Sliema, waqqaf il-Banda tal-Gżira li waqqaf prani u tenuri, bdew miegħu. Biżżejjed wieħed isemmi lil fl-1947, u dik ta’ San Ġorġ ta’ Hal Qormi, ta’ Santa Venera. Oreste Chircop u Paul Asciaq, kif ukoll is-soprano Hilda Idderieġa wkoll ħafna baned oħra meta s-surmast tagħhom Mallia Tabone. Kollha kellhom esperjenza fit-tagħlim ma kienx ikun jista’ jattendi. Fost dawn il-Banda King’s miegħu. Magħhom ukoll il-baxx Joe Vella Bondin li għadu Own fejn kien is-sostitut tas-Surmast Gobet. sal-ġurnata tal-lum jgħid li kien jitgħallem il-vuċi ma’ Mus- Direttur ta’ orkestri fil-knejjes cat Azzopardi. Muscat Azzopardi kien jaf sewwa Fi ftit kliem, għal Anton Muscat Azzopardi l-mużika jiżviluppa dan it-talent tal-allievi tiegħu. Meta s-Surmast Carmelo Pace kien jippreżenta xi opra kienet ħajtu, u minbarra l-baned, mexxa wkoll ħafna drabi ġdida fit-Teatru Manoel, fis-suġġiera kont tara lilu magħfus orkestri fil-knejjes, kemm f’Malta u wkoll f’Għawdex, kien sewwa fi spazju limitat (għax is-Surmast Muscat Azzopardi direttur ta’ ħafna korijiet. Ħafna minn dan ix-xogħol, kien kien fih persuna mdaqqsa sewwa), bl-ispartit tal-opra qud- jagħmlu bla ħlas. Anke fl-eqqel tal-gwerra kompla għaddej diemu, jagħti d-direzzjoni lill-kantanti kemm versi, kant u bil-ħidma mużikali tiegħu. Meta ġriet l-aħbar ta’ mewtu t-telfa tiegħu nħasset bil-kbir. entraturi tal-passaġġi. Meta s-Surmast Joseph Sammut idderieġa l-ewwel opra Kulħadd kien jirrispettah u xhieda ta’ dan kien il-funeral li tiegħu fit-Teatru Awrora, f’Għawdex, il-Madama Butterfly sarlu kemm fir-Rabat u wkoll f’Ħal Luqa. Il-ħabib tiegħi, l-iskultur Anton Agius, kien skolpixxa rta’ Puccini, kien anke għażel lis-Surmast Anton Muscat Azras tas-surmast għall-Għaqda Mużikali L’Isle Adam. zopardi biex jgħinu mis-suġġiera. Dan ix-xogħol, Muscat Azzopardi kien jagħmlu Qaxxru fil-veru sens tal-kelma għax Anton Agius kien jafu b’imħabba kbira. Huwa kien ġuvni u għamel ħafna snin sewwa u kien ammiratur kbir tal-banda Rabtija.
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine
is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:
Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Thanks Paul and Lucy for interesting contributions
Toni Tonna Parkville from Victoria writes: have been meaning to write for some time to express my thanks to The Voice of the Maltese for managing to provide us readers of this popular magazine a number of high calibre Maltese writers that enrich the worthiness of this publication. I am sure I am joined by other readers in thanking Paul and Lucy Calleja who regaled us with very interesting articles in
Congratulations Jordan Guzman
Josh Caruana from Rockingham, WA writes:
was so glad to read the news in the last issue, that Australian-Maltese athlete Jordan Guzman has been voted Malta’s Sportsman of the Year for 2019. I wish therefore to take this opportunity to use The Voice to congratulate him on this achievement. I follow athletics in Australia have also been following Jordan since he arrived on the international scene, primarily because he is of Maltese descent. He was doing nicely in this sport in Australia where he was close to being nominated to represent this country. But because of his love for his nannu and also perhaps to be given better recognition in a small country where he could excel, he chose to start representing Malta. In the short time there he has stolen the limelight as this current honour suggests. Good for him and good for Malta I am sure.
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rthe last issue. They join a strong chain of other correspondents who are either regular opinion or feature writers on this magazine or occasionally come up with some interesting articles that I, for one, find it difficult to ignore. I found Paul Calleja’s narrative about Malta’s child migrants and his mention of the Maltese child migrant’s digital archive that he said he has recently retrieved from his computer. He already revealed some of the information in the last issue. Now I honestly appeal to him to continue to make this information to the Maltese Diaspora, and in particular the community in Australia, especially when it comes to what he mentioned as Malta’s child migrant era. It is so much needed. We would be ever so grateful to him.
Preventing the virus
Law. Thomasi from Brisbane QLD writes:
would like thorough this medium to pass on two important tips I got from my doctor in order to prevent getting the coronavirus. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly clean with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. Maintain at least one metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Aktar biex jidhru milli biex jgħaddu messaġġ
Joe Palmier minn Kogarah NSW jikteb: adt tassew pjacir naqra l-intervista mal-kok Malti Cavett. Veru li The Voice tirrspetta l-inteligenza tal-qarrejja. Min-naħa l-oħra huwa għajb għal dawk li jiżvugaw fuq Facebook biex igibu wiċċhom mingħajr spjegazzjoni sura ta’ nies. Jew inkella li jpoġġu xi video mingħajr permess; mhux kulħadd irid jikxew fejn imur. Dawn in-nies jafu kemm qed jagħmlu deni lill-komunitá? Mhux kulħadd irid biċċa aħbar jew nofs fatti. Għal dawn ittalin, hu aktar importanti li jġibu wiċċhom milli l-messaġġ. Dejjaqtuna!
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Parti mill-folla li attendiet għall-ispettaklu b’risq IdDar tal-Providenza
Il-Maltin ġeneruzi u karitattivi wkoll fl-Awstralja K Riratt kortesija Patrick Bartolo
ienu ġimgħat li tassew, għamlulna unur. Għal darb’oħra deher ċar kemm il-Maltin ta’ din naħa tad-dinja, fl-Awstralja, huma ġeneruzi. Spuntat biċ-ċar limħabba li għad għandhom lejn dak kollu Malti. F’ħakka t’għajn, f’żewg okażjonijiet inġabru madwar $33,000 li marru lejn għaqdiet magħrufa tal-karitá f’Malta. Fl-aħħar ħarġa rrappurtajna dwar il-fenkata tal-kok Malti Ċavett u sħabu fiċ-ċentru La Valette fi Blacktown li minnha l-organizzazzjoni Puttinu Cares se tgawdi bi $18,405, somma sabiħa miġbura f’okkażjoni waħda. Fl-aħħar jiem kellna wkoll l-ispettaklu li l-Ħbieb tad-Dar tal-Providenza f’Malta orġanizzaw ukoll fiċ-ċentru La Valette fejn kien hemm sala mballata. L-organizzaturi, Marisa Previtera, Miriam Friggieri u Jim Borg flimkien ma’ grupp ta’ voluntiera, laħqu l-mira tagħhom meta ġabru $9,431. Kien hemm ukoll donazzjoni addizzjonali ta’ $5,000 f’nofs ta’ nhar movimentat li beda b’diskors mid-Direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza, Fr Martin Micallef u l-Kummissarju Għoli għal Malta fl-Awstralja, Charles Muscat. Wara sar kunċert varjat li fiħ ħadu sehem għadd ta’ kantanti, fosthom l-aħwa Katyln u Brittany Vella kif ukoll Martin Vella. Il-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija taħt iddirezzjoni ta’ Marisa Previtera, sinonimu ma’ dawn lavvenimenti, ferraħ ukoll lil dawk preżenti. Iż-żewġ kantanti primarji kienu Charles Muscat, li mhux biss iferraħ b’leħen sod iżda miegħu kulħadd joħrog jiżfen, u l-favorit ta’ ħafna, James Cassar li ilu għal dawn l-aħħar 14-il sena jkanta fost il-komunitá Maltija. Lit-tnejn ta’ min itihom ħajr għax dawn, bħall-oħrajn, joffru ħilithom mingħajr ma jitħallsu. F’dawn l-okkażjonijiet ma nistgħux ninsew lil George Vella ta’ Breakaway Travel ta’ Blacktown, magħruf bħala wieħed mill-aktar negozjanti ġeneruzi fil-komunitá Maltija. F’din l-okażjoni s-sehem tiegħu nħass sewwa. Deher ukoll Syd Borg, il-President tal-Australian-Maltese Chamber of Commerce li ta ċertifikat ta’ apprezzament lil dawk li ħadu sehem. Taħt: erbgħa mill-kantanti li ferrħju lill-folla. Katyln Vella
James Cassar
Martin Vella
Charles Muscat
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.
Il-vulnerabbiltà tal-ħajja moderna
ien hemm żewġ aħbarijiet, waħda reċenti, u oħra ta’ xi sena ilu, li ġiegħlitni naħseb ftit dwar kemm l-organizzazzjoni tal-ħajja moderna, dik ibbażata fuq ekonomija effiċjenti u negozju globali, u teknoloġija avvanzata tal-informazzjoni li hija aċċessibbl kważi għal kulħadd, li fuqha niddependu lkoll, hija fil-fatt fraġli għall-aħħar. Il-waħda riċenti hija l-osservazzjoni ta’ vapur oċeanografiku Ċiniż barra mill-kosta ta’ Western Australia. Lattività tikkonsisti fl-immappjar tal-qiegħ tal-Oċean Indjan f’inħawi meqjusa strateġiċi għall- Awstralja, għax jintużaw mis-sottomarini tal-pajjiż adottiv tiegħi fi triqthom lejn il-baħar South China Sea.1 Din l-attività, xjentifika imma wkoll militari, mhix illegali u lanqas ta’ barra minn hawn. Persważ li attività simili ssir minn ħafna pajjiżi avvanzati, li mhi xejn ħlief il-kisba ta’ informazzjoni u intelliġenza li jistgħu jiswew mitqlu deheb fi żmien ta’ kunflitti militari. L-attività ilha ssir b’xi forma jew oħra għal sekli sħaħ, bit-teknoloġiji li kienu jeżistu dakinhar. Immaġinaw ftit li pajjiż għadu ta’ pajjiżek, ikun jaf minn fejn jista’ jistaħba taħt il-wiċċ tal-baħar mingħajr ma jinqabad, u jkun jaf ukoll minn fejn għaddejjin il-kejbils tat-telekomunikazzjoni, u l-kejbils tal-kurrent elettriku li tiddependi predominantement fuqu (għax il-pajjiżi ġirien tiegħek jipproduċuh irħas) eċċ. Fi żmien ta’ kunflitt, it-theddida li dawn jistgħu jinqatgħu ħesrem lili xxoqqli l-għaraq. Din mhix xi theddida ġdida, għax hija biss verżjoni moderna tat-theddida għall-kummerċ internazjonali. Eżempju li żgur familjari għad-Dijaspora Maltija hu l-Konvoj ta’ Santa Marija, li hija storja tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija fil-fatt bi tmiem pożittiv, fejn għadd ta’ vapuri tal-merkanzija u oħrajn ta’ skorta militari ġew mgħarrqa mill-għadu Ġermaniż ta’ dakinhar, imma oħrajn waslu b’miraklu fid-destinazzjoni tagħhom u salvaw lill-pajjiż imġewwah u ferut. L-istorja l-oħra li rreferejt għaliha fil-bidu kienet deċiżjoni talgvern Russu biex jaħdem fuq pjan sabiex jekk isib ruħu taħt attakk ċibernetiku, ikun f’pożizzjoni li jiżola lin-netwerk talInternet tal-pajjiż mill-bqija tad-dinja.2 Tista’ timmaġina kastell imdawwar b’ħandaq fond li fuqu jkollu xi pont jew tnejn, u meta jsib ruħu taħt attakk, itella’ l-pontijiet. Illum tirrealizza li ħafna servizzi fuq l-Internet huma mxerrda madwar id-dinja, ħafna drabi l-konsumatur ma’ jkollu l-ebda idea f’liema pajjiż ikunu stallati s-servers li qiegħdin joffru s-servizz li jkun qed juża, u ħafna drabi fil-fatt ikunu mifruxa f’diversi pajjiżi. Huwa faċli li tirrealizza li f’każ ta’ kunflitt, għalkemm l-Internet huwa ddiżinjat biex ikun jiflaħ għat-telf ta’ parti min-netwerk, jekk parti mill-infrastruttura ta’ servizz partikulari jintefa’ jew jiġi
Sottomarin Ċiniż fli qed jieħu sehem l-immappjar tal-qiegħ tal-Oċean Indjan
iżolat, dak is-servizz għandu ċans tajjeb li ma jkunx aċċessibbli. Dan jgħodd ukoll għal servizzi ġodda bbażati fuq il-blockchain, fejn l-informazzjoni idealment tinżamm fuq għadd kbir ta’ kompjuters imxerrda mad-dinja. Jekk pajjiżi ta’ madwar id-dinja jibdew jiżolaw l-infrastruttura tal-Internet tagħhom, dawn jispiċċaw jikkreaw gżejjer tal-Internet, u jistgħu jħarbtu l-operazzjoni wkoll ta’ sistema blockchain minkejja li kienet iddiżinjata li ma jkollhiex postijiet ċentrali li jistgħu ifallu u jwaqqfu kollox. X’tagħlima jista’ wieħed jieħu minn dan? Kulħadd jista’ jwieġeb għalih innifsu. Jien għalija hemm tliet messaġġi ewlenin u relatati: a) ma tistax tassumi li sistemi teknoloġiċi avvanzati dejjem se jkun hemm, jew jekk jieqfu jaħdmu għall-għarrieda, jerġgħu lura għan-normal fi żmien qasir; b) fil-frattattemp, ikun ta’ vantaġġ kbir jekk tkun taf kif, tkun kapaċi u jkollok xi għodda rudimentali, biex tibni u ssewwi affarijiet, tkabbar u taħsad ikel għall-familja tiegħek stess, u tagħmel dan kollu bi sħab ma’ komunitajiet żgħar lokali. Fi kliem ieħor, li wieħed ikun jista’ jfendi xi ftit jew wisq għal rasu; ċ) pajjiżi jagħmlu sew jekk jipproteġu industriji indiġeni mhux biss jekk irendu ekonomikament imma wkoll jekk jagħtu l-kapaċita strateġika ta’ awtosuffiċjenza f’każijiet ta’ kriżi. Dan huwa l-oppost li l-ekonomija moderna tħajrek tagħmel illum, jiġifieri li tispeċjalizza f’ħaġa waħda u li tħalli l-bqija għall-ħaddieħor f’suq globali u kumpless tax-xogħol. Referenzi 1., retrieved 3/3/2020 2., retrieved 3/3/2020
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The Voice of the Maltese 11
Queen Elizabeth among dignitaries hosting Malta President George Vella Tuesday March 10, 2020
uring an official four-day visit to London, the President of Malta George Vella had some very interesting meetings with British dignitaries, foremost of which was an audience with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty the Queen welcomed President Vella who was accompanied by his wife Miriam and expressed to him her interest in developments in Malta. She vividly recalled memories of her visits to the country, the last of which was made in 2015 to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. President George Vella told the Queen that meeting her was something he had “always dreamt about”. “It was something I always dreamt about, and at last it’s happened,” the President said. “We had met in the past on some occasions in Malta, but in a crowd, not like this. This is different,” he noted. The Queen smiled and agreed. “Something special,” she said. Private audiences last approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Only the opening remarks and exchange of greetings are made public. Earlier, the President of Malta had a meeting at Clarence House, with Charles, the Prince of Wales and discussed with him Commonwealth issues, with a particular focus on the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2020) scheduled to take place in Rwanda. An exchange of views also took place on the current situation of the global environment. President Vella described the meeting as a very cordial one and added that this was a good opportunity to discuss challenges presently affecting the Mediterranean region. In touching upon the strong links between the Royal Family and Malta, President Vella informed the Prince of Wales of the latest
President of Malta George Vella in his meeting with British PM Boris Johnson
The President of Malta George Vella and Mrs Vella at the audience with Queen Elizabeth developments concerning Villa Gwardamanga, which served as his mother’s residence when she was still a Princess in the first years of her marriage to the Duke of Edinburgh. The Prince of Wales expressed keen interest in Malta. Then on Thursday President George Vella was welcomed at 10 Downing Street by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In their meeting, Johnson underlined the UK’s commitment to a strong relationship with Malta and to continuing to work together to strengthen the two countries’ economic and political ties. They also discussed regional security issues, including the situation in Libya and the need for all parties to support peace talks to end the violence. “We discussed the most important issues which are education, health and interests of people on both sides,” President Vella said at the end of the meeting. They also looked ahead to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Rwanda and agreed it would be an important opportunity for countries to address shared priorities such as climate change and free trade. Boris Johnson expressed his appreciation towards Malta’s pivotal role in its region. The British daily, The Express pointed out that Boris Johnson showed no signs of letting the Covid-19 outbreak dissuade him from shaking hands, as he welcomed the Maltese President George Vella with a firm embrace on the steps of Number 10. It added that although nearby Italy is the epicentre of Europe’s outbreak, where at least 100 people have died and more than 3,000 have the Covid-19 illness, Malta had no reported cases of coronavirus. President Vella described the meeting as a very cordial one and added that this was a good opportunity to discuss challenges presently affecting the Mediterranean region. On their last day in London, the President and Mrs Vella visited patients and their relatives who are currently in London and staying at apartments belonging to Puttinu Cares, as well as the Franciscan and Augustinian Sisters.
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Roundup of News About Malta ‘Economic growth cannot be achieved at the expense of human life’ European Commission P gives Malta thumbs up Italian family first in a number to test positive for of sectors COVID-19 in Malta
rime Minister Robert Abela (right) told a conference on the National Productivity Board that economic growth cannot be achieved at the expense of human life, and that before discussing the country’s competitiveness, one should ruminate on everything. He made special reference to the recent
n Malta, three members from the same Italian family - a 12-year-old girl and her parents - residing in Malta have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and are currently being kept for observation at the Mater Dei Hospital. A Government statement said the situation is under control and the infection has been contained within the family because as recommended by the Maltese authorities it went into self-imposed quarantine on its return to Malta from Italy earlier in the week. The other member of the family, an eight year-old girl has tested negative
tragedy that killed Miriam Pace who was buried under the debris of her home in Ħamrun. He declared that such an incident couldn’t be allowed to pass as if nothing had happened. PM Abela queried whether the tragedy occurred in the name of development, or so that the country could be more productive. He further stated that progress cannot be achieved thro-ugh the loss of life . He stated that he was feeling emotional, hurt and angry, but emotions aside, there is need for the facts to come out and there was need for action to be taken. Referring to the report on the National Productivity Board, Prime Minister Abela pointed out that there are some 250,000 persons currently in employment on the island, meaning that since 2012 the economy had doubled
anism to provide support to those regions where the health systems are overstretched as a result of the coronavirus. Speaking during the extraordinary EPSCO Health Ministers Council of the European Union, in Brussels, Minister Fearne also highlighted the importance that the EU provides the necessary support to its neighbours, with a specific reference to our Southern neighbours.
from one region to another within the same member state. Therefore, it will be imperative that European Union member states work together, not only on containment and mitigation measures, but also to jointly procure the required supplies. Meanwhile, Malta is constantly in contact both with the European Commission and with other member states to monitor the evolving situation closely.
he European Commission’s ‘Country Report Malta 2020’, has indicated that the Maltese economy has been experiencing fast growth and sustained employment creation for several years. The publication also states that employment rates in Malta continue to increase for both men and women, and that unemployment rates, including long-term unemployment and youth unemployment, are well below the EU average. It said that facilitated by free childcare the participation of young women in the labour market has significantly increased. The unemployment rate is at a record low (3.7%). According to the report unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2019 dropped to 3.4%, and highlights the fact that in 2018, the employment rate in Malta reached 75.5% and that at 5.7%. The share of young people (aged 1524) not in employment, education or training is 7.3%, far below the EU average of 10.5%. Long-term unemployment (1.1%) is also at a record low. The report also notes that Malta is one of the EU’s leaders in training ICT specialists (7.9% of all graduates), and they account for a relatively high share of the workforce (4.8% against 3.9% in the EU).
education and the technological industry. He pointed out that there are people within the education sector who are creating new innovative things and solutions beneficial both for the industry and the economy. The Malta Robotics Olympiad is now much more than a robotics competition. It brings together, robotics, technology, design, consumer electronics, careers and a total of 6 big events under one roof. The Malta Robotics Olympiad is a non-
profit event that has grown each year. This year’s edition is a continuation of last year's event. Parliamentary Secretary Clayton Bartolo said that technological equipment may be used in various ways in our education programmes. He was pleased to join forces with the Ministry for Education and Employment. “It is our duty to continue investing in the latest technologies to ensure the best learning experience”, Bartolo said.
Chris Fearne calls for joint effort by EU members to combat Covid-19 eputy Prime Minister and Minster for He noted that the Covid-19 epidemiologD Health Chris Fearne has called on the ical situation varies from member state to European Commission to develop a mech- member state, and the situation also varies
10th Malta Robotics Olympiad launched T
he Malta Robotics Olympiad, the largest technology event in Malta that attracts 14,000 visitors on a yearly basis has just been launched. It will be held over two days, March 27-29. Speaking at the launch, Education and Employment Minister Owen Bonnici who launched teh event with Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services and Digital Economy Clayton Bartolo, said that such events help to strengthen the relation between
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Roundup of News About Malta Migration a complex challenge requiring solidarity between states
inister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo believes that migration is a complex challenge that requires solidarity between states. Addressing the 8th Ministerial Meeting on Migration and Development of the 5+5 Western Mediterranean Dialogue in Marrakech, Morocco, the Minister said that migration is often looked upon as a cause but it is rather the result of, inter alia, the lack of economic growth and the lack of a prosperous future for younger generations. During the meeting that discussed the various challenges and opportunities presented by migration in the Western Mediterranean region, Minister Bartolo stated, “migration needs to be discussed in the context of transnational justice, finance and climate change”. Discussions focused on different strands of migration, including migration policies, integration of migrants, migration and mobility, irregular migration and human trafficking, and migration and development. The Mediterranean Forum, known as “5+5 Dialogue”, is an informal political dialogue that brings together 10 countries in the Western Mediterranean region: Algeria, Spain, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, and Tunisia. Malta and Tunisia hold the co-presidency. Members of the 5+5, representatives from the African Union, the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union, the International Organisation on Migration (IOM), Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) also attended the meeting.
In the margins of the Meeting, Minister Bartolo (left) held a meeting with Nasser Bourita (right), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco and discussed with him the strengthening bilateral relations, and EU-Africa relations. In another meeting with Mohamed Taha Siala, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Libya, Minister Bartolo exchanged views on the current political situation in Libya and migration and noted the strong links between the two countries.
PL, PN agree on number of female Parliamentarians
fter discussion, the PN Executive Committee agreed with the Government’s proposal to introduce a corrective mechanism in the Constitution allowing for an increase in the number of female parliamentarians to six, on each side. While some technical points still needed to be clarified, it agreed that discussions at the technical level had
matured sufficiently to be taken to a parliamentary political level. Prime Minister Robert Abela welcomed the news that the PN has declared itself in favour of the mechanism that the government wanted to implement for stronger female representation in Parliament and stated that he was looking forward to the debate.
Malta as a centre for Climate Friendly Travel
he Government of Malta, in its role as ally and partner of SUNx Malta Climate Friendly Travel Think Tank, is committed to establishing itself as a centre for Climate Friendly Travel, Malta’s Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection Julia Farrugia Portelli (right) said at a press conference at the conclusion of the inaugural meeting that discussed the findings of the Think Tank. The meeting gathered 35 international thought-leaders from across academia, industry, and government to debate the key issues on Climate Change in relation to Travel and Tourism. Ms Farrugia Portelli stated that Malta is not just acting as a member of the international community in leading a global effort, but is putting the Maltese tourism sector on the forefront in addressing climate change by promoting climate-friendly travel through reduced emissions with the ultimate objective of carbon neutrality.
She added that Malta has a strong tradition of spearheading initiatives of global environmental significance. These included its initiative at the 1967 United Nations General Assembly that culminated in the adoption of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Malta also took action at the UN General Assembly in December 1988 that inspired UN's resolution on the urgent need to conserve climate in the interests of mankind by protecting it against negative man-made changes and recognising climate change as a “common concern” requiring “timely action”. Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President SUNx Malta said he was delighted that Malta has taken a leadership position on tacking the existential threat of climate change and creating a support framework for travel & tourism that can help companies and communities in the transformation required.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Bla kontroll?
-istorja dwar ilmewt ta’ mara ta’ 54 sena taħt it-tifrik ta’ binja fil-Ħamrun żgur li smajtu jew qrajtu dwarha. Kienet traġedja li waslet wara li f’dawn l-aħħar snin kellna każi oħra fejn waqa’ bini, għalkemm f’dawn il-każi ma kienx hemm imwiet. Li hemm komuni f’dan it-tiġrif ta’ djar huwa l-fatt li ma ġenb dawn id-djar kien qed isir it-tħaffir biex isir bini ġdid. Għal dawk li ilhom snin twal ma jżuru Malta, ngħidlhom li minn xi snin lil hawn fejn qabel, meta kien isir bini ġdid, kien isir ittħammil tal-ħamrija u t-terrapien, imbagħad jekk isir xi taħfir, kien ikun biex isiru l-pedamenti tad-djar jew il-bini li jkun se jsir, illum kważi f’kull sit ta’ kostruzzjoni, qed isir taħfir biex taħt lart jinbnew garaxijiet, u fil-każ ta’ stabilimenti anke swali, eċċ. It-taħfir, f’ċert każi ma jkunx ta’ xi sular jew tnejn, imma saħansitra sitt jekk mhux aktar. Dan l-aħħar smajt f’binja fejn ippjanat li jkun hemm sitt sulari taħt l-art u ħamsa ‘l-fuq mil-livell tat-triq. Sintendi, biex isir dan it-tifħir qed jintuża makkinarju kbir li kultant jheżżeż l-art meta jitħaddem, u dan, flimkien mat-tħaffir filfond, jista’ jkun il-kaġun tat-tiġrif ta’ xi djar. Wara t-tiġrif ta’ xi djar u l-kritika qawwija ġie mniedi l-Avviż Legali, traġedja bħal dik li kienet saret, il-Gvern kien issospenda tal-Ħamrun jaf setgħet ġiet evitata. kull twaqqigħ u tħaffir għal skop ta’ Saħansitra ntalbet ir-riżenja tal-Ministru kostruzzjoni sakemm ġew imfassla regola- Borg, iżda mmedjatment kien hemm itmenti ġodda li kien maħsub li setgħu tweġiba li tal-inqas il-Ministru għamel xi jwaqqfu aktar tiġrif ta’ djar minħabba li ma ħaġa billi daħħal regolamenti ġodda, għax ġenbhom ikun qed isir xogħol ta’ kostruz- meta kien sar l-inċident tal-2000, il-Gvern zjoni. preċedenti ma kien għamel xejn. Iżda jidher li dawn ir-regolamenti ma Għalkemm s’issa l-inkjesta dwar li seħħ kienux biżżejjed, għax issa għandna mhux għadha għaddejja, jidher li kien hemm nuqbiss tiġrif ta’ dar, imma anke vittma. qas ta’ ħarsien tar-regolamenti. Fosthom, kif (Attwalment fil-passat kellna nċidenti oħra, ġie rrappurtat, li l-Awtoritá tal-Ippjanar ma fosthom dak ta’ April 2000 f’tas-Sliema ġietx mgħarrfa li beda x-xogħol fuq il-post. fejn kienet mietet anzjana). Saret ukoll emfasi dwar il-fatt li l-perit inDin id-darba, il-mewt tal-mara taħt l-irdim fil-Ħamrun qajjmet kjass kbir. Sintendi ma naqasx l-ippuntar tas-subgħajn prinċipalment lejn il-kuntrattari u l-iżvillupaturi li eta xi żmien ilu ktibt dwar il-vittmi ġew mixlija b’abbużi serje u li kienu tal-każ ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia, jagħmluha ta’ bulijiet għax ħadd ma jista’ kien hemm fosthom Ivan Camilleri, l-eks għalihom.. Biss ma naqsitx lanqas il-kritika kontra l- ġurnalist ta’ The Times li kien tkeċċa millGvern li ġie mixli li ħalla lill-iżvillupaturi kumpannija li tmexxi l-gazzetta, l-Allied jagħmlu li jridu, bil-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni, Newspapers. Meta donnu li kulħadd kien nesa dwar Adrian Delia jgħid li kien ċar li dik ir-riforma li saret taħt il-Ministru Ian Borg din it-tekċċija, propju fl-aħħar jiem Ivan Camilleri ressaq protest ġudizzjarju jallega kienet falliment. Zied jgħid li kieku l-Gvern ma qagħadx li tkeċċa b’mod illegali, u talab kumpens. Zied jallega li wħud fit-tmexxija talikaxkar saqajh għal tmien xhur biex jimplimenta d-diversi rakkomandazzjonijiet li saru gazzetta ikomplottaw kontrih u ffabbrikaw minn diversi stakeholders u mill-Oppożiz- stejjer dwaru biex jeħilsu minnu. Fost alzjoni,waqt il-perjodu ta’ konsultazzjoni, meta legazzjonijiet oħra, saħaq li l-propjetarji
Il-bini mġarraf li ħalla vittma mara
volut, u li ċċertifika li l-periklu waqt liskavar kien żgħir ħafna, għandu sehem fil-kumpanija li qed tiżvillupa l-art ta’ maġenb il-post li waqa’. Dan wassal għall-arrest tal-istess perit kif ukoll ħames persuni oħra. Sadanitant il-Prim Ministru ħatar bord biex kemm jista’ jkun malajr jipproponi regolamenti ħalli kemm jista’ jkun traġedji bħal dawn jiġu evitati. Isir x’isir, l-importanti li r-regolamenti jitħarsu, għax kieku r-regolamenti li hemm fil-preżent kienu ġew imħarsa, x’aktarx li din it-traġedja ma kienetx isseħħ.
The Times vs eks ġurnalist tagħha ta’ dan il-ġurnal kienu assasinawlu l-karatM tru tiegħu. Wieġbu ta’ The Times li mhux biss fetħu
While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
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libell kontra Camilleri għax ħassewhom ‘inġurjati’ bli qal, iżda wkoll sostnew li lallegazzjonijiet ta’ Camilleri m’għandhom ebda bażi u huma biss frott l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħu. Qalu li kemm dam ma’ The Times, Camilleri li kien qrib ħafna tal-fazzjoni tal-eks Kap tal-PN Simon Busuttil, wettaq bosta nuqqasijiet fosthom li ħareġ tagħrif sensittiv lil terzi persuni. Fl-istqarrija ta’ The Times qalu li matul is-snin, kien hemm bosta każijiet li nġiebu għall-attenzjoni tal-kumpanija li kienu jinvolvu bosta inċidenti ta’ mġieba inaċċettabbli minn Camilleri fil-konfront ta’ kollegi preżenti u passati tiegħu. Il-kumpanija qalet li d-deċiżjoni li ttemmlu l-impjieg kienet imġiegħla fuqha minħabba nuqqasijiet gravi li kollha “jittradixxu l-prinċipji ġurnalistiċi talkumpanija”. Camilleri kien meqjus bħala wieħed millġurnalisti primi ta’ l-istess gazzetta li issa qed tixlieh, u li l-istejjer tiegħu x’aktarx kienu jingħataw prominenza kbira mill-istess ġurnal.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Il-Coronavirus: F’Malta familja Taljana pożittiva
ara li nferex ma’ kważi kull pajjiż, donnu li kulħadd kien jistenna li fl-aħħar il-Coronavirus ifeġġ ukoll f’Malta, u fil-fatt fi tmiem ilġimgħa tħabbar li tliet membri ta’ familja Taljana li tgħix Malta rriżultat pożittiva, infettata bil-Covid-19. L-ewwel irriżulta li kienet it-tifla ta’ 12-il sena nfettata u ttieħdet l-isptar. Imma aktar tard is-Sibt il-missier u l-omm ukoll instabu pożittivi għall-virus. Ir-raba’ membru talfamilja, tifla ta’ tmien snin, irriżultat negattiva għall-virus. L-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa qalu li t-tliet persuni bdew jinżammu f’iżolament (kwarantina) f’Mater Dei Intqal li l-ġenituri tat-tifla għamlu kuntatt mal-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa meta binthom bdiet turi sintomi tal-virus wara li rritornaw minn btala fi Trentino fl-Italja, u l-familja mill-ewwel bdiet tosserva l-parir tal-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa dwar il-kwarantina. B’hekk il-kuntatt ma’ nies oħra kien minimu.
Għall-ewwel il-biża’ mill-virus f’Malta ma kienx kbir, imma kif nstab li fl-Italja għadd ta’ persuni li ntlaqtu minnu, il-biża’ fost il-Maltin kiber, u bħal ma kien qed jiġri barra, xi wħud segwew l-istupidaġni li jagħmlu ġirja fuq l-ispiżeriji għat-tfittxija tal-maskri u l-handwash. Minħabba li fuq it-TV Taljan dehru nies jikkjuwjaw biex jaħażnu ċertu ikel, f’xi stabbilimenti tal-ikel f’Malta seħħ l-istess. Il-ġirja fuq l-ispiżjeriji u l-ħwienet wasslet biex kien hemm hemm min japprofitta ruħu u jgħolli l-prezzijiet. Skont ir-regolamenti tal-free market dan seta jsir jekk d-domanda għal xi oġġetti tikber u jiskarsaw. M’hemmx x’tagħmel... jew ħallas jew tibqa’ b’xejn. Sadanitant qamet kwestjoni oħra dwar jekk il-Gvern kellux iwaqqaf it-tijiriet minn u lejn postijiet fin-naħa ta’ fuq tal-Italja fejn il-coronavirus kienet inxterdet sew. Minkejja li l-Gvern qed jimxi skont id-direttivi tal-Għaqda Dinjija tas-Saħħa
(WHO), kien hemm min xlieh li ma waqqafx it-titjiriet biex ma jolqotx it-turizmu u li qed ipoġġi l-flus qabel is-saħħa. S’issa jidher li l-ebda pajjiż tal-Unjoni Ewropeja ma għamel dan. Anzi l-Awstrija li għall-ewwel kienet waqqfet il-ferroviji li jaslu mill-Italja, wara jum bidlet iddeċiżjoni tagħha. Naħseb li fi kwestjonijiet bħal din ma jonqosx li jkun hemm ukoll ll-“etika” politika. Sintendi, jekk l-imxijja tal-virus tkompli, l-industrija tat-turiżmu se tieħu daqqa kbira. Fil-fatt dan diġá bdiet tinħass għax il-wasliet mill-Italja naqsu bin-nofs filwaqt li r-Ryanair naqqsu sew it-titjiriet.
Ma wżatx l-ingwanti W
aħda mir-rakkommandazzjonijiet biex dak li jkun jipprova kemm jista’ jkun li ma jiġix infettat b’dan il-virus, huwa li ma nieħdux b’id xulxin, nitbewwsu jew nitgħannqu meta niltaqgħu ma xi ħadd. Imma ċerti personalitajiet ma jistgħux jevitaw li jieħdu b’idejn personalitajiet oħra. F’dan il-każ bdew jitfaċċaw personalitajiet li jużaw ingwanti tal-plastik transparenti meta jieħdu b’idejn xi persuni. Fost dawn hemm ir-Reġina Eliżabetta, li dan l-aħħar dehret tieħu b’idejn xi personalitajiet liebsa din il-kwalita’ ta’ ingwanta. Imma meta r–reġina ħadet b’idejn il-President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta, Ġorġ Vella dan l-aħħar, ma wżatx l-ingwanti, u l-midja Ingliża fil-pront innutat danu r-ritratti spiċċaw fil-ġurnali u l-midja Ingliża.
Malta post mill-aktar ideali għaż-żwieġ
kont il-Eurostat Malta tikklassifika filħames post tal-pajjiżi ideali għall-koppji biex jiżżewġu. Dan minħabba l-fatt li għadd konsiderevoli ta’ barranin qed jiċċelebraw iż-żwieġ tagħhom f’Malta. F’dawn l-aħħar 10 snin, kien hawn mat28,000 koppja li qalu s-signor si tagħhom f’Malta. L-istatisitka turi li 25% minn dawn, allura koppja minn kull erbgħa, kienu żwiġijiet ta’ barranin, bi 18% minnhom ikunu biċ-ċivil. Veru li parti mill-25% jinkludu wkoll Maltin li jiżżewwġu barranin, imma xorta jibqa’ l-fatt li l-għadd ta’ barranin li qed jiżżewġu Malta qed ikompli jikber. Hemm diversi raġunijiet għaliex il-barranin jitħajjru jiżżewġu f’Malta. Fost dawn hemm, il-popularitá turistika tal-pajjiż,
għax hu post attraenti anke għall-mistednin li jitħajjru jaċċettaw l-invit. Fattur ieħor importanti huwa t-temp tajjeb matul ħafna jiem tas-sena, is-servizz tajjeb tal-ippjanar taż-żwiġijiet, il-faċilitá biex wieħed itir lejn u minn Malta, u lprezzijiet raġjonevoli, meta mqabbel ma ta’ pajjiżi oħra, biex wieħed jagħmel tieġ f’pajjiżna.
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16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
More significant than the bushfires
he prime minister of Australia, Scott Morrison has described the coronavirus outbreak as a global health crisis, warning the economic impacts will stretch far beyond Australia's tourism and education sectors. Mr Morri-
Cash rate record low
he cash rate has fallen further into uncharted territory after it was slashed to 0.50 per cent by the Reserve Bank of Australia. The 25 basis point cut at the March policy meeting sets a fresh record low following three previous reductions in June, July and October. Economists and analysts had expected central bank governor Philip Lowe to hold the rate until a recent spike in coronavirus cases wiped trillions of dollars off global share markets. “The coronavirus has clouded the nearterm outlook for the global economy and means that global growth in the first half of 2020 will be lower than earlier expected,” Dr Lowe said in his statement. “It is too early to tell how persistent the effects of the coronavirus will be and at what point the global economy will return to an improving path.”
son described the virus as an "unknown global shock. This is not like a global financial crisis. This is a global health crisis," he told reporters in Canberra. The Treasurer, Mr Frydenberg said "The message is very clear, the impact will be more significant than the bushfires, and it plays out more broadly across the Australian economy," The prime minister said speculation about the impact on the budget bottom line was unhelpful. Prime Minister Morrison said Treasury was working with other government agencies to come up with a plan to boost the economy. "It will be a targeted plan. It will be a measured plan. It will be a scalable plan," he said. "It will be targeted on the real diagnosis of the economic issue we are looking to confront here."
Shoppers worried about the virus
Scott Morrison has spoken to Australia's major supermarkets about their plans as shoppers worried about coronavirus clear shelves at some stores. As the government ramps up its response to the deadly outbreak that has so far infected 34 people in Australia, some consumers have begun preparing for the worst and stocked up on basics including tinned food and toilet paper. The prime minister consulted with supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths, with the fallout affecting global supply chains and consumer behaviour. CatholicCare home care services can help Mr Morrison said seniors to enjoy living independently in he was satisfied their own home with comfort and with their plans and said the problem confidence. was not as wideCall CCareline to find out more. spread as the phoCatholicCare CCareline 131819 tos suggested. “There's obviously some lines which
CatholicCare Home Care Services
Do you know any seniors in our community who could use a little help at home?
Worried shoppers cleared the shelves as some supermarkets
will be more tested in short term, but they are working on those.” While the government is considering using biosecurity control orders to direct Australians suspected of carrying the coronavirus to remain in lockdown or ban mass gatherings, Mr Morrison said people should continue going about their business as usual. Of the 34 cases detected in Australia at the time of writing, 15 were linked to China and have all recovered from the virus, and 10 became infected after travelling on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan. Globally there have been more than 88,500 infections and more than 3000 deaths spanning 67 countries and regions.
A Mardi Gras in Sydney with a political tone he massive annual Mardi Gras party T has wrapped up for another year leaving a trail of glitter through the Sydney
CBD and more than a few sore heads among punters. Thousands of revellers turned out for the city's annual celebration of all things LGBTQI+ but this year's yearly spectacular had a decidedly political tone. Oxford Street ground to a temporary halt when police were forced to intervene and remove three people from the parade route following "unauthorised entry." It is understood the protesters, who wore navy blue jumpsuits and Scott Morrison masks, were not officially registered as part of the Mardi Gras celebrations. The Sydney Mardi Gras commemorates the 78ers, a group of protesters who were arrested and beaten by police when they tried to march as part of international gay celebrations back in 1978.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday March 10, 2020
ECC NSW stands by Chinese-Australians
he peak body representing multicultural communities in NSW, Ethnic Communities Council of NSW (ECC NSW), expressed their unyielding support today to Asian-Australian communities who have been marginalised due to fear over Covid19 (corona) virus. ECC NSW Chair, Peter Doukas OAM expressed disappointment at Australia’s response to the medical emergency, calling it a “missed opportunity. Australians must not see this virus as a ‘Chinese Affliction’ but rather as a global problem. We should shout down any tacit racism in this country associated with this crisis,” Mr Doukas said. “Our support and sympathy should be extended to all those people suffering with this virus. ““How honourable it would have been had Australia offered our unending support to all those people affected? Imagine how we would be remembered in Beijing if, as Australians, we declared solidarity with the Chinese people in their time of fear? “Instead, Chinese-Australians continue to be insulted in the streets and suburbs where they live and work. This is shameful. “The ECCC NSW will always advocate for plurality and inclusion around Australia.” The ECC NSW stands with those communities affected – those Australians of Chinese Heritage and international students in Australia affected by the travel ban – and equally important, stands in solidarity with the Chinese people while they do their part to manage this global crisis.
Married priests back in Church
Do not deport your people and your problems – Ardern tells Morrison
ew Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged Scott Morrison to rethink Australia's controversial criminal deportation policy. She used a media conference in Sydney alongside her Australian counterpart to deliver a blunt message on the policy, which has seen 2,633 people sent back to New Zealand between December 2014 and January 2020. “Australia is well within its rights to deport individuals who break your laws. New Zealand does the same. But we have a simple request send back Kiwis, genuine Kiwis,” she said. “Do not deport your people and your problems ... I have been absolutely clear - this is corrosive to our relationship,” she added. “What we're asking for is a reciprocal arrangement. New Zealand does not deport those that we consider for all intents and purposes to have established themselves as New Zealanders. We only ask that Australia does the same.”
No judicial errors in Pell’s appeal process
ccording to The Australian, Cardinal George Pell’s lawyers have failed to identify any errors in the Victorian Court of Appeal majority’s judicial process, prosecutors claim in further submissions to the High Court. Cardinal Pell was convicted in December 2018 on one charge of sexual penetration with a child under 16 and four counts of indecent act with, or in the presence of, a child under 16, relating to two separate incidents at St Patrick’s
Cathedral in Melbourne in 1996 and 1997. Cardinal Pell appealed against his conviction to the Victorian Court of Appeal, which held a two-day hearing in June last year and rejected his appeal in a majority 2-1 decision. The High Court has set the case down for March 11 and 12 and asked the parties to provide submissions on the viewing of recorded evidence compared with reading the transcript of witnesses, including the victim.
r Paddy Sykes (right), the head of Australia’s National Council of Priests said that there’s a nervousness about the issue after the council supported lifting mandatory celibacy to allow mature married men to become priests in Australia, including former Catholic priests who left the priesthood to marry. The proposal formed part of the council’s submission to the Plenary Council in October, which is billed as the most signifiShadow Minister for Communications cant Australian Catholic gathering for Federal Member for Greenway more than 50 years. But the Pope's failure to back married mature priests in his statement earlier this month, Querida Amazonia, was “deflating” and “disappointing” after hopes were raised during last year’s Amazon Synod, Fr Sykes said. In its Plenary Council submission the NaLevel 1. Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown tional Council of Priests supported PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 “greater transparency and accountability in terms of how the Church is run and deciMichelle.Rowland.MP@ (02) 9671 4780 sions are made” and a greater role for www.michellerowland. MRowlandMP women, although the council of priests stopped short of supporting women priests.
Michelle Rowland MP
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti
L-ewwel imħabba fil-kitba tal-awtur li se nittrattaw illum kienet il-poeżija. Tant li f’żogħżitu Ġużè Mifsud Bonnici, ġie anke
deskritt bħala żagħżugħ li kellu x-xorti li jkun poeta moralista. Huwa kiteb kemm kotba tal-poeżija u wkoll ta’ proża.
magħruf għal poeżiji ibbażati fuq ir-realtá
’Malta, forsi l-aktar li l-kunjom Mifsud Bonnici huwa magħruf huwa fil-politika, għaliex minn żmien twil ilu, kellna politikanti li ħallew isem. Imma huma magħrufa wkoll għallħila tagħhom bħala kittieba. Forsi l-aktar wieħed konness mal-kitba huwa Ġużé, bin Ġanni u Tereża. Bħal xi wħud mill-Mifsud Bonnicijiet, huwa twieled il-Ħamrun fl-1892 u miet ta’ 78 sena fl-1970. Huwa jiġi wkoll missier linġinier Maurice Mifsud Bonnici, politiku u wkoll kittieb li jgħix Ħal-Lija. Ġużé ħa l-edukazzjoni sekondarja tiegħu fil-Kulleġġ ta’ San Alwiġi f’Birkirkara mmexxi mill-Ġiżwiti. Wara kompla l-istudji tiegħu għal madwar 18-il xahar filKlassi tal-Kummerċ fil-Kulleġġ ta’ Flores, fil-belt kapitali Maltija, Valleta. Kif spiċċa mill-Kulleġġ ta’ San Alwiġi mill-ewwel taha għall-kitba tal-poeżiji bit-Taljan li ħafna minnhom ġew anke mitbugħa fil-gazzetta ‘Malta’. Il-ħila tiegħu ġiet ikkonoxxuta miIlpoeta Rosario Barbaro di San Giorgio li fisser liż-żagħżugħ Ġużè bħala “żagħżugħ li kellu x-xorti li jkun poeta moralista”. Bħal missieru Ġanni, li wkoll kien poeta, Ġużé wera minn kmieni l-ħila tiegħu filpoeżiji bil-Malti li bdew jiġu ppubblikati fil-gazzetti, f’almanakki u rivisti oħra, kif ukoll f’pubblikazzjonijiet li kienu joħorġu fil-festi tal-qaddisin. Għal-ħidmi-
Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900
etu lil-letteratura Maltija, huwa kien inħatar Membru Akkademiku ta’ lAkkademja tal-Malti. Fl-1922 fil-knisja tal-Madonna Tal-Mirakli f’Ħal Lija, Ġużè Mifsud Bonnici iżżewweġ lil Elvira Samut, neputija tatTabib Robert Samut li kiteb il-mużika ta’ l-Innu Malti. Huwa kellu 52 sena meta fl-1944 ippubblika l-ewwel ktieb tiegħu bl-isem ta’ ‘Qlub Imjassra’ għall-Għaqda ta’ Qari Tajjeb. Id-daħla tal-kiteb kien kitibielu lmagħruf poeta Patri Guze` Delia S.J. li miegħu Ġużé kien jgħaddi sigħat sħaħ ta’ faraġ jiddiskuti x-xogħlijiet tiegħu. Fost dawk li wrew l-apprezzament għal kitbietu kien hemm ukoll il-poeta nazzjonali, Dun Karm, kif ukoll perjodiċi li faħħruh għal kif kien irnexxielu jiġbor ħsibijiet għolja bi sfond morali dirett għall-qalb. Il-poeżiji ta’ Mifsud Bonnici kienu bbażati fuq ir-realta’ li fiha l-ħajja hi mpinġija kif inhi. Laħqu għaddew 14-il sena oħra qabel Ġużé ippubblika t-tieni ktieb tiegħu, ‘Qtar ta’ Nida’ (il-qalb, l-imġiba) – poeżiji, li wkoll intlaqgħu ferm tajjeb. Ilktieb sa anke ġie mdaħħal fis-sillabu talkulleġġi għall-għalliema, is-Saint Michael’s (għall-irġiel) u l-Mater Admirabilis Training College, Tal-Virtu’ (għan-nisa). Jingħad li Ġuże, li kien magħruf bħala raġel tal-familja, iżda li kien isib il-ħin li jikteb għadd kbir ta’ poeżiji, f’dawk iż-
Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor
“Let Our Family Help You Through”
Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek
Ġużé Mifsud Bonnici żminijiet, li kienu pjuttost koroh ma rnexxilux isib il-mezzi biex jippubblikahom. Kien ukoll ħejja għall-istampar l-hekk magħrufa bħala poeżiji istruttivi ‘Għedewwa Żgħar ta’ Ħsara Kbira’ bi stħarriġ entomoloġiku, li l-ħabib kbir tiegħu, ilProfessur Ġużè Galea, kien fisser bħala li, “jgħin is-sanità ħalli tkattar is-saħħa fil-pajjiż” Kien ukoll lesta ktieb ieħor b’ġabra ta’ poeżiji ta’ edukazzjoni ċivika nisranija, ‘Il-Mixja tal-Ħajja’ li ġie mitbugħ minn uliedu 24 sena wara mewtu bil-kelmtejn ta’ qabel minn Patri Guze` Delia. Barra minhekk, kien hemm fost l-oħrajn, il-Professur Monsinjur Artura Bonnici kien mimli tifħir għalih u qal dawn dan ix-xogħol: “Kemm filosofija tal-ħajja fihom dawn il-versi ta’ kull epigramma! Iħabbtuha mal-‘favoli’ ta’ Esopu u jgħadduhom f’dik li hi filosofija morali nisranija.” Min-naħa tal-Professur Ġużè Aquilina fisser il-kitba hekk: “is-sintesi filosofika morali – il-versi jinġabru qishom ġawhra ġo kaxxetta żgħira b’konċiżjoni epigrammatika”. Ġużé irtira bl-etá bħala Spettur Sanitarju Anzjan fl-1952. Għal 48 sena minn mindu żżewweġ sakemm miet fl-1970, għex f’Ħal Lija.
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Bidla kbira fit-tmexxija tal-kċina ta’ La Valette SC
In-nies tmur fejn hemm ikel tajjeb
l-kċina, post tant meħtieġ fiċ-ċentru Malti La Valette fi Blacktown NSW, ħadet dehra ġdida u interessanti b’aktar nies, fosthom uħud li mhux Maltin, imorru jieklu hemm matul il-ġimgħa. Din hi bidla radikali li seħħet 34 sena minn meta f’Settembru 1986 infetaħ uffiċalment iċ-ċentru mill-Arcisqof Malti Ġuzeppi Merċieċa. Il-kċina dejjem kienet immexxija minn grupp ta’ voluntiera dedikati li żgur li ma jistgħux jiġu mogħtija ħajr biżżejjed. Ilkċina bil-voluntieri serviet l-aptit ta’ eluf kbar li għażlu li jieklu hemm. Iż-żmienijiet jinbidlu u nħasset il-ħtieġa li l-kċina tieħu xeħta aktar professjonali u effiċjenti. Fix-xena daħal chef Charlie, ta’ nazzjonalitá Serba, persuna fabbli li wara snin ta’ esperjenza f’diversi kċejjen oħra ħa f’idejh il-kċina. Charlie wasal l-Awstralja fl-1954 meta kellu 16. Huwa jgħix f’Appin, hu miżżewweġ u missier ta’ żewġ ulied (tifel ieħor mejjet) u nannu ta’ seba’ neputijiet. Huwa beda l-karriera tat-tisjir f’Wollongong u ħadem f’ħafna kċejjen f’Bowling Clubs madwar Sydney. Għall-aħħar sitt snin u nofs, kien imexxi l-Fox Hill Golf Club. Tul is-snin irnexxelu jiġbed lejh klijentela kbira tant li meta kellimtu, ir-ristorant kien mimli bin-nies, li kif qal hu “dawn jinsabu hawn, għax iħobbu jieklu l-ikel tiegħi.” Meta tkun kok prim li taspira fil-għoli, dan hu l-isbaħ ċertifikat. Issa, Charlie’s Family Restaurant jinsab determinat li jiġbed lejn iċ-ċentru Malti mhux biss nies waqt xi attivitá għall-Maltin iżda
The Voice of the Maltese 19
imma wkoll f’jiem oħra issa li qed jiftaħ għallikel mill-Erbgħa salHadd, kemm għall-lunch u wkoll id-dinner. M’hemmx dubju li fil-kċina tiegħu Charlie se jservi wkoll ikel traChef Charlie... issa beda dizzjonali Malti bħal jmexxi l-kċina tal-LVSC ravjul, fniek, braġoli, eċċ. kif ukoll il pastizzi, u mill-bar ix-xorb tradizzjonali Malti. Charlie qalli li fejn jidħol l-ikel u l-catering għandu pjanijiet kbar għaċ-ċentru. “Hemm bzonn bidliet u wkoll kċina li tkun aktar effiċjenti u moderna. Dan hu lokal ideali fejn jistgħu jsiru riċevimenti għall-magħmudijiet, żwieġ, parties, funeral wakes eċċ. Hawn ħafna parking, post tassew stupend, diġá magħruf u bi prezzijiet ferm orħos minn postijiet oħra”. Charlie fakkarni, li dawk li attendew fiċ-ċentru għaċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-aħħar tas-sena, jafu kemm ħarġu kuntenti bl-ikel li ġie servut. Il-kċina tiegħu qabdet ritmu tajjeb. L-esperjenza tiegħi u ta’ marti hemmhekk kienet waħda pożittiva. Ta’ min jappoġġjah. Fuq kollox, dan hu ċentru tagħna l-Maltin.
Lawrence Dimech
Volunteers needed at St Bernadette’s nursing home in North Sunshine
Antonia (on left) and her husband Joe Camilleri with a Maltese resident. Right: Some of the residents of St Bernadette’s
n Friday February 7 the MCCV Vice President, Antonia Camilleri and her husband Joe answered a call by the St Bernadette nursing home in North Sunshine, Victoria to visit an elderly Maltese resident who was finding it difficult to settle in and was experiencing isolation. The activities coordinator, Kerry Goral, asked the MCCV if someone could visit to keep the Maltese cultural link alive. Antonia and Joe obliged and paid a visit to the home where they met the elderly gentleman who was delighted to have company. The Camilleris also assisted him by making a call to his son.
On their visit to St Bernadette’s Antonia and Joe met other Maltese residents and even came across an old friend. St Bernadette’s is looking for Maltese volunteers to regularly visit the Maltese residents. Antonia and Joe visit about four nursing homes in the Western Suburbs every two months. They often take out to them Maltese snacks, music and books. The residents in nursing homes really enjoy the company and the opportunity to speak Maltese. More volunteers like Antonia and Joe are needed to assist with these visits across Victoria, so if anybody is interested MCCV
would be happy to provide training and resources. Contact the MCCV on 03 9387 8922 or email:
SBS TV is at it again!
here was no Maltese TV programme on SBS TV on Sunday March 1. The Thursday March 5 programme was repeated on Sunday March 8th. Maltese TV news on national SBSTV in conjunction with PBS Malta is aired on Thursdays and Sundays. We await an explanation from SBSTV.
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Fund launched for Gozitan artists to create cultural activities on the island
n order to continue to strengthen the cultural programme in Gozo, and to enable it to be more varied, a fund of €250,000 has been launched for Gozitan cultural activities for which Gozitans may apply. Minister for Gozo Minister, Clint Camilleri explained that the fund would be open to NGOs, artists as well as Local Councils or entities that wish to promote culture and arts in Gozo to give them space to support their projects. He said that the scheme would create further opportunities for the development of artistic projects by the community for the community and enable cultural diversity.
Tuesday March 10, 2020
The fund is to be managed by the Directorate for Culture to encourage cultural participation, to promote local talent and above all to create greater cultural identity. Meanwhile, as part of Easter celebrations at the beginning of April, the Gozo Ministry has launched a programme of activities ‘Agħżel Għawdex għall-Għid il-Kbir’ (Choose Gozo for Easter) that will include drama, exhibitions, concerts, processions and literature. It is intended to attract to Gozo Maltese and tourists in order to experience Good Friday and Easter traditions on Malt’s sister island.
New restoration scheme worth €80.000 launched
Meanwhile, the Gozo Minister has also launched a new restoration scheme worth €80,000, which is an increase of €10,000 on the previous year. At the same time he inaugurated the restoration work on the niche of Our Lady of Loreto in Victoria by the Rabat Local Council with funds allocated by the Gozo Ministry. The iconic niche (pictured right) is located in Triq Ghajn Qatet, on the entrance to Victoria. It is a devotional niche that has a dedicated feast every year.
Reviving works by Mro. Joseph Vella
estivals Malta, in collaboration with Arts Council Malta, has launched a three-year project in order to revive works by the late Gozitan Maestro Joseph Vella, who died on February 25, 2018. Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri The project, focussing on the digitisation and revival of various works by L-GĦAQDA KULTURALI Maltese composers will start with three MALTIJA TA’ NSW of Mro. Vella’s more works, includse tippreżenta lir-rock tenor, ing two sung poems Ludwig Galea and the completion of his unfinished (li ġej apposta minn Malta), opera masterpieces. f’kunċert kompletament ġdid Making the announcement, Minisfil-Wentworthville Leagues Club
nhar il-Ħadd 22 ta’ Marzu fis-2:00 p.m. Miegħu se tieħu sehem il-kantanta popolari żagħżugħa, Maltija/Awstraljana, Natasha Vella. Dħul $22 u tfal taħt il-15 $10. Għall-biljetti għal dan il-kunċert speċjali minn artisti ta’ talent kbir, u aktar tagħrif ċemplu lil Miriam: 0419 476 924 jew lil Monica: 0414 859 386 Sponsored by Breakaway Travel of Blacktown
ter for Heritage, Arts and Local Government José Herrera, explained that an important element of this project is the digital conversion of the manuscript written by Vella himself. It will focus on both the theoretical and artistic aspects of the late composer’s music. Annabelle Stivala, Director of Festivals Malta said that through digitisation, these works could be preserved and enjoyed by future generations. She added that part of Festivals Malta’s efforts would be to highlight Mro. Vella’s unique works, and host a masterclass for University of Malta Music Studies students. It was pointed out that this project would be realised successfully through collaboration with Mro. Vella’s family.
Minister José Herrera announcing the musical project
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday March 10, 2020
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Established in 1999
Learn the Maltese language; the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions, and about the amazing history of the magnificent islands of Malta and Gozo Our trained and experienced teachers are qualified in language teaching and have Maltese study credentials. Classes available for students from 6 yrs to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. Classes are held at Horsley Park Public School 1759 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park NSW (entry from Walworth Road) On Saturday morning from 9.15 to 11.15 am. For more information email: Mobile: 0400-376-607
har il-Ġimgħa 27 ta’ Marzu fis-7.00 pm fil-Knisja Our Lady Queen of N Peace, Old Prospect Road, Greystanes, l-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija ta' NSW se ttella’ l-Via Sagra bil-Malti miktuba min Frank Zammit.
Il-Via Sagra bil-kant Malti mill-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija NSW
Iċ-ċelebrant ewlieni se jkun Frank Zammit. Il-Via Sagra se tkun animata milKor tal-Għada Kulturali Maltija. Wara kullħadd hu mistieden għal kikkra te jew kafé fis-sala San George Preca. Għal aktar tagħrif ċemplu lil Charles Mifsud: 0421 662 298.
Keep Wedesday April 22 free for an important information session to be organised by the Maltese Welfare NSW on Domestic and family violence. What are the key issues? Learn more at the session to be held at 7.30 p.m. at the St Gorg Preca Hall. OLQP Church Greystanes Keep the date free. More information later.
Events for 2020
Sunday July 5 Lejla fil-Buskett Sunday October 18 Fete Saturday November 14 Dinner Dance Sunday December 6 Festa San Nikola
We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee. Family law is our specialty. • wills, powers of attorney, • manage deceased estates, and provide • purchase and sell property • purchase and sell businesses. Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese) an accredited family law specialist • divorce, children, property, • child support, intervention orders. • Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney • Maltese Property matters. Phone: 03 9741 1722 email
We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.
Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu filwebsite tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.
La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847
Il-Ħamis 2 ta’ April:
Il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ April Ħamis Ix-Xirka 9 ta’ April Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira 10 ta’ April
Sibt l-Għid 11 ta’ April
It-Triq tas-Salib (il-Via Sagra) fiċĊentru fl-10.30 am. Il-kċina tkun miftuħa normali bħal kull nhar ta Ħamis. Festa tad-Duluri: Fis-6.00pm quddiesa fil-kappella u wara purċissjoni. Fis-sala jkollna t-Triq tas-Salib (Via Sagra) bil-għana.
Il-funzjoni tibda fis-7.00pm. Wara ikun hemm it-Triq tas-Salib (Via Sagra) u l-adorazzjoni għall-pubbliku fis-sala. Fit-3.00 Il-funzjoni Lituġika talPassjoni ta Gesú Kristu, fis-sala
Il-Vġili tal-Għid jibda fit-8 pm fis-sala. Ma jkunx hemm quddies fil-kappella. Iċ-Ċentru jiftaħ mill-5.00pm ’l-quddiem.
L-Għid il-Kbir il-Ħadd 12 ta April Quddiesa fis-sala fl-10.15 am, u wara purċissjoni bl-istatwa tal-Irxoxt; u daqq ta’marċi.
KULĦADD HU MISTIEDEN JIEĦU SEHEM ATTIV FIL-FESTI TAL-GĦID. Għal aktar tagħrif wieħed jista’ jċempel liċ-Ċentru fuq 9622 5847
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday March 10, 2020
C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s
Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n
MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.
On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2. To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.
For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.
SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:
On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)
Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess.
SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app.
Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of Daceyville Maltese Seniors OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon-th Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. The Sutherland & St George Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Maltese Group Join us and make new friends. Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so come month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Join us and make new Friends Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each
For more info contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.
*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).
VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet are now on SBSTV Viceland HD Channel 31 every Sunday at 8.00 a.m. and on Thursday at 8.00 a.m.
BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm.
Maltese Community Radio Adelaide: Maltese Programmes on 5EBI 103.1fm: Sunday: 7.30am; Monday: 8.00 am; Monday: 6.00pm Contact: Bernadette Buhagiar: 0420 944 205. Email Ron Borg: 0418 843 850. Email
Avviż lill-qarrejja
Tixtieq li jkollok kopja f’idejk ta’ The Voice ?
nfakkru lill-qarrejja li The Voice of the Maltese, mhux biss magazine online, iżda wkoll l-uniku tax-xorta tiegħu flAwstralja li wkoll jiġi ippubblikat. Fil-fatt huma ħafna dawk li ilhom li bdew japprofittaw ruħhom minn dan u abbonaw ħalli anke jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata bil-posta d-dar bi ħlas. Minħabba l-bogħod li hawn fil-kontinent Awstraljan, il-ħlas tal-posta minn stat għall-ieħor tvarja, għalhekk dawk kollha li jixtiequ li jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata tal-magazine kull darba li joħroġ biex ikunu jistgħu jżommuha f’idejhom, huma mħeġġa biex jabbonaw għal sena sħiħa ħalli jagħmlu żgur li jkollhom kopja kull darba. Biex dan isir wieħed għandu l-ewwel jikkomunika b’email ħalli jagħmel ittalba lil fejn jitlob tagħrif dwar il-ħlas ta’ abbonament għal sena fl-istat fejn jgħix. Imbagħad jekk ikun irid jissieħeb ma’ dawk kollha li mhumiex kuntenti biss li jaqraw il-magazine online, imma wkoll li jkollhom kopja tiegħu, jgħarrafna.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
S p o r t s s tar s h e re o n 2 p age ta r tts a ge s
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Jordan Guzman fulfilled a promise to ‘nannu’ Frank
alta’s new Sportsman of the Year, 25-year-old Jordan Guzman has a good chance of becoming a household name in sports in Malta. The Australian-Maltese long distance runner was recently voted Malta’s best for 2019 after winning two gold and a silver medal in last year’s Games of the Small Nations of Europe. The former Australian-born national 5000m champion athlete from Corindi Beach on the northern coast of New South Wales, switched from Australia to Malta, and found success by representing his father’s country of birth, Malta by winning gold in the 5,000m and 10,000m and silver in the 1500 in Montenegro. Before deciding to transfer to Malta and renounce his eligibility to represent Australia, Jordan was known as a drifter. Hopefully he would now settle in Malta to win more honours for himself and his new ‘home’. When the transfer came through he jumped at the opportunity and even relinquished his automatic qualifying spot on the Australian team for last year’s IAAF World Championships in Doha, Qatar Jordan grew up in New South Wales, spent time in Canberra and the Gold Coast, moved to Melbourne in 2018, and used to spend a lot of his time in Boulder with Tinman Elite, before switching his athletics allegiance from Australia to Malta to honour a promise he made his late grandfather. It is a loss for Australia and certainly a gain for the Maltese running community. His aim now is to completely rewrite the history books of Maltese running as he is expected to become a household name in Malta and perhaps even inspire generations of future runners. Farewell run When early last year Jordan Guzman beat Stewart McSweyn to win the national title over 5000m, his fellow athletes did not know that that was a farewell run, his last as an Australian on home soil. His grandpa, Frank, was battling cancer and time was running out on a childhood promise that remained unfulfilled. It was a promise to run in the Maltese singlet. As a kid Jordan grew up across the street from his grandpa, and he spent heaps of time at his place after school. “He was always interested in my sport and always made me really proud to be Maltese,” Guzman says. “I always had it in the back of my mind. I always told my grandpa that I would run for Malta one day.” Originally, however, there was no ur-
gency. The plan was for Jordan to transfer during the twilight of his career, around the time he would take up marathon running. But life had other ideas. A few years ago his nannu really started to get sick, getting in and out of hospital for treatment as he was fighting cancer, so Jordan decided he wanted to run for Malta. “I wanted to do it to make him and my family proud,” he said. He therefore launched proceedings and in April requested his release from Athletics Australia. His wish was accepted. But he struck a snag with the IAAF, which was suspicious of athletes that might be targeting minnow nations such as Malta for exclusively selfish purposes. Over the following months, an independent panel conducted an investigation into the case, combing over every detail of his history both on and off the track. Generally, athletes with dual citizenships can freely choose the country they wish to represent. The only time Jordan had represented Australia was at the 2012 Oceania Junior Athletics Championships in Cairns, where he won the 800m. Although the race held little sentimental value, it was enough to serve as a frustrating blockade to any chances of a smooth transition. In the meantime, nannu Frank’s condition was deteriorating and the athlete decided to make what at time looked to have been a controversial decision to run for Malta at the 2019 GSSE in Montenegro. As it turned out, Jordan made a success of his participation by winning three medals. So he has no regrets, as he became the first athlete in Maltese history to achieve such a feat. He had kept his promise to nannu Frank who passed away a few weeks before he had received notification of the official transfer. Though it was heart-breaking timing, the Maltese singlet now meant more now than ever before. “His last few years of life were not too good, and he was ready to go,” Jordan says. “I was just thankful I was able to run for Malta, for him and my Dad. Just for him to see me run for Malta and run in the colours of Malta was very special to him and meant a lot to me as well.” Malta rarely qualifies a single athlete to
any major championships, but this grants it access to a wild card slot at their discretion. Jordan is reported saying that he would never opt to take this option, instead preferring to qualify by right only. He even told Athletics Malta that he does not want to go to a championship unless he qualifies himself. Jordan is an athlete of the highest calibre, therefore the chances are, that Malta could do it now. (The aricle was compiled without the help of Athletics Malta who did not even ackknowledge our request for information)
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Sports...on 2 pages
Malta to face Andorra, Latvia and Faroe Islands in UNL 2020
alta have been drawn to play Andorra, Latvia and the Faroe Islands in Group D1 of the 2020-21 UEFA Nations League that kicks off in September. The initial stage of the second edition of the UEFA Nations League was made in Amsterdam. It is the third time running Malta and Faroe Islands have been drawn in the same group. They previously met other in the inaugural UEFA Nations League and in the EURO
Tuesday March 10, 2020
2020 qualifying competition. Malta’s UNL Fixtures The UEFA Nations League 03/09: Faroe Islands v Malta will be the first official com- 06/09: Malta v Latvia petition for Malta’s new head 09/10: Andorra v Malta coach Devis Mangia 12/10: Latvia v Malta In his first reaction to the 14/11: Malta v Andorra draw, Mangia said, “The 17/11: Malta v Faroe Islands UEFA Nations League is the Head coach Devis Mangia first phase of our project for the national s e a s o n training camp, and on June 9 travels to team and we are looking forward to it. “The group is what it is, we know our op- Lisbon for a friendly against Portugal ponents and I believe we can compete on the eve of their EURO 2020 comagainst them. We will be doing our utmost mitments. to do well and win points. He went on to say that this draw would also give Malta the opportunity to make amends for the recent defeat suffered against the Faroe Islands. arramatta FC got off to the perfect start “We must prepare in the best way possible in their 2020 NPL4 campaign on Satfor the UEFA Nations League, starting with this month’s friendly matches against urday, with a thumping 6-2 victory over Western NSW FC in Lithgow Gibraltar and Azerbaijan.” A double from Eagles Maltese Cultural Malta kicks off its UEFA Nations League Cup attacker, Ali Dulleh, in the 2nd and commitments with a trip to the Faroe Islands on September 3 and hosting Latvia at the 27th minutes, and a goal from Neram Yalda in the 11th minute gave the visitors a slenNational Stadium three days later. National coach Devis Mangia makes der 3-2 lead going into the sheds. A successfully-taken spot kick from Yalda his debut at the helm in a friendly international on March 26 against in the 50th minute for his second of the Gibraltar at Ta’ Qali. Then on March match, then a beautifully converted freekick from outside the 18-yard box by cap30 Malta hosts Azerbaijan. In May the national team travels to tain, Christopher Godoya Bascur in the Austria for the traditional end-of-the- 69th minute, and a strike from forward Ben Welch in the 81st minute wrapped up the at the end of a second half performMalta girls make history scoring ance that helped them to run away with an alta women’s national football team impressive victory. made history last week by winning In Round 2 on Saturday, March 14 the Eaits first top-level qualifier after beating gles travel to Wollongong to face South Georgia 2-1 in their sixth outing of the Coast Flame FC at Ian McLennan Park at UEFA Women's EURO 2021 qualifying 6:15pm, and a week later (March 22) at 3pm campaign. host Camden Tigers FC at Melita Stadium.
Parramatta FC win big in 2020 season opener
Moroccan runners dominate Marathon - Maltese wins Ladies M oroccan runners dominated this year’s Malta Marathon by finishing M in the first three places. Hicham El Ba-
rouki, 35, (pictured above) finished first in 2:16:47, 41 seconds off the record set by Mohammed Hajjy in 2013. El Barouki finished 6.02 sec ahead of his compatriot Rachid Kise. Mohammed Hajjy finished six seconds further behind in third. Mark Herrera was the first Maltese runner home in sixth place, in 2:36:56, ached of Jeremy Fenech and Jonathan Balzan. Josanne Attard Pulis, winner of the women’s section in the 2017 Malta Marathon repeated the feat this year by completing the distance (42km) in 3:05:06. Gozo runner Charlton Debono won the men’s category in the Half Marathon in 1:05:50 and set a course record in the process. Sport Woman of the Year Lisa Marie Bezzina , 40, won the ladies’ event in 1:17:41. Debono and Bezzina would be representing Malta in the upcoming World Athletics Half Marathon Championships to be held in Gdynia, Poland on March 29.
Football:Malta Premier League
Floriana regain sole leadership
Defending champions Valletta came cropper in a most disappointing defeat at the hands of Gudja United on Saturday and relinquished their chance to keep sharing the leadership with Floriana after the Greens regained the sole position with a win against Sirens that helps them to open a three-point gap at the top. Revenge for Gudja who the previous week lost against Valletta in the quarter-final stage of the FA Trophy was sweet. It also helped them improve RESULTS - Day 20 their position in 3-0 the Floriana v Sirens lower 2-0 reaches of the Gudja v Valletta 2-1 league ladder Hibs v Ħamrun S Birkirkara v Gzira U 2-0 and boosted their Mosta v Sta Lucia 2-1 hopes in the 3-0 struggle against Balzan v Tarxien Sliema W v Senglea 4-1 relegation.
At the top Floriana have a three-point advantage - 41 to Valletta’s 38 - while Hibernians crept closer to the champions after beating Ħamrun. Tarxien have been relegated
FA TROPHY: Holders Balzan eliminated The previous week was reserved for the quarter-finals of the FA Trophy, which ended with the surprise elimination of holders Balzan following a 1-0 defeat against First Division side Pieta Hotspur. As a result, Jacques Scerri, FA TROPHY Qtr Fs Balzan’s coach Floriana v Birkirkara1-0 who led them to (Floriana win 4-2 pen) their historic Valletta v Gudja U 2-0 2-1 their first ever Hibs v Ħamrun honour in the top (After extra time) 1-0 flight, resigned. Pieta H. v Balzan