The Voice of the Maltese No. 242

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The Voice of the Maltese (We are for the Greater Malta)

Issue AA Fortnightly Fortnightly magazine magazine driven driven by by the the voice voice of of its its readers readers 242

December 8, 2020

Malta’s own...


Mario Grech

(see report in Maltese on page 2)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Il-ħatra tal-Kardinal Mario Grech W aqt - li sar fil-bażilika ta’ San Pietru fil-Vatikan nhar it-28 ta’ Novembru li għadda, l-eks Isqof ta’ Għawdex Monsinjur Grech inħatar millPapa Franġisku bħala wieħed minn 13-il Kardinal ġdid u wkoll ingħata lħidma pastorali filBasilka ta’ Santi Cosma e Damiano f’Ruma. Il-ħatra ta’ Grech, it-tielet Malti fl-istorja tal-knisja li qatt ġie msejjaħ biex jokkupa kariga bħal din, saret quddiem familtu, ommu Stella u missieru Ġorġ, u tliet ħutu li kollha kienu preżenti flimkien ma’ qraba oħra tal-kardinali ġodda, fost udjenza limitata biss għal mitt ruħ, minħabba ċ-ċirkostanzi diffiċli kaġun tal-COVID-19. Preżenti wkoll kien hemm l-Isqof il-ġdid tad-djoċesi t’Għawdex, Anton Teuma. Il-Kardinal Grech ingħata l-inkarigu li filbidu taċ-ċerimonja jaqra d-diskors f’isem ittlettax-il kardinal, li fih irrifletta fuq il-kunċett ta’ Knisja sinodali li fi kliemu hi “Knisja li tisma”. Qal li dan hu fil-qofol talviżjoni li ppropona l-Papa, meta interpreta s-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet mhux bħala ġrajja imma bħala proċess. Il-Kardinal Grech qal li bħala Segretarju Ġenerali tas-Sinodu kiteb lill-isqfijiet kollha tad-dinja u ħafna kkonfermawlu l-importanza li jisimgħu lil xulxin. Minħabba l-imxija, ż-żewġ kardinali ġodda Asjatiċi , il-Vigarju Apolostoliku ta’ Brunei, u l-Arċisqof ta’ Capiz fil-Filippini, ma setgħux ikunu preżenti għall-konċistorju, għalhekk għandhom jingħataw ilberittin l-aħmar u ċ-ċurkett aktar tard f’pajjiżhom. Fil-messaġġ tiegħu il-Kardinal Grech irrefera wkoll għall-pandemija u qal bħalissa

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Il-Kardinal Mario Grech jitlibbes il-berittin ta’ kardinal millmill-Papa Franġisku L-għada tal-konċistorju l-Kardinali lġodda ingħaqdu malPapa Franġisku filBażilika ta’ San Pietru biex flimkien jikkonċelebraw quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr lil Alla. Semgħu wkoll lill-Papa waqt l-omelija jħeġġiġhom biex jibqgħu qrib Alla u ma jaqtgħux qalbhom fil-ħajja tat-talb ħalli juru li jinħtieġu lil Alla f’ħajjithom. Mario Grech f’tannieqa mal-Papa Franġisku

qed tidher aktar il-ħtieġa ta’ Knisja li tkun tabilħaqq sagrament tassalvazzjoni għal kulħadd. Qal li dawn iċ-ċirkustanzi jpoġġu quddiem ilKnisja l-isfida li tħares lejn il-pandemija b’mod li tgħin lil kull persuna li terġa’ tħares lejn l-istili ta’ ħajja, ir-relazzjonijiet, l-organizazzjoni tas-soċjetajiet u s-sens tal-ħajja. Lejn tmiem il-messaġġ tiegħu Monsinjur Grech qal, “Ma nħallux lil min jisirqilna t-tama!” Ħa tkun Marija, l-Istella Maris, li aħna l-Maltin inqimuha taħt it-titlu tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, illi timliena b’din ittama.” Il-Kardinal Grech huwa fost disgħa millġodda li huma eletturi, (li waqt konklav biex jingħażelPapa ġdid, għandhom id-dritt li jivvutaw). L-għadd ta’ Kardinal b’hekk issa tela’ għal 229, li minnhom 129 huma eletturi.

Il-Kardinal Mario Grech li kien tħabbar li se jingħata l-kariga fl-24 a’ Ottubru li għadda, huwa t-tielet Malti, u l-ewwel Għawdxi li ġew ikkonsagrati f’din ilkariga. L-oħrajn kienu, Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata fis-6 ta’ April tal-1818, u Prospero Grech, li qabel kien patri Agostinjan mill-Birgu. Huwa ġie maħtur kardinal fit-18 ta’ Frar tal-2012.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Busting the Myth Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Relationships - Churchill, Malta and Australia

(Part 2 of a 3-part series)

He betrayed Australia to the Japanese


ormer British Prime Minister Winston Churchill expected the indigenous to be grateful for what they had, seemingly ignorant of, or uncaring about, the more PaulCalleja imperative things stolen from them — culture, self-respect, self-determination and resources. This is the way he viewed all colonial matters, including those related to Malta and, for that matter, Australia. While Churchill was happy to take all the sailors, soldiers and airmen that Australia was prepared to place at his disposal for the defence of Britain, he had no concern about Australia's fate when Japan's conquering armies menaced Australia. His assurances of British military support for Australia against the Japanese were not true. He had already betrayed Australia to the Japanese at the Arcadia Conference held in Washington Although not PM at the time, Churchill, opposed this decision in late December 1941. – not due to concerns for Malta and the Maltese – but for his Churchill even resisted the return of Australian troops from belief that the colony of Malta would be vital for British warthe Middle East to defend their own country; he wanted to use time objectives. them in Burma to defend India, a prized British colony, against One of Britain’s major concerns as war approached was Musthe advancing Japanese. solini’s intensions on allegiances in the of event war. His three When Churchill referred to Malta, he meant, “the British options were – side with Hitler, side with Britain (improbable asset in the Mediterranean”, whose resources, physical and considering its opposition to Italy over Ethiopia) or neutrality cultural, should be used predominately for the advancement (also unlikely given Mussolini’s ego and greed). of British interests. And when he referred to the Maltese he However, Britain was desperate to persuade Mussolini to choose meant, ”British subjects” whose destiny and level of welfare neutrality and was prepared to trade Malta as a bribe to do that. should be predominately determined by British officials. His Churchill supported this proposal, which ultimately failed. view was, typically, imperialistic. Whichever one might look at it, the Malta trade proposal and its Such attitudes were demonstrated, prior to 1939 by Britain’s submission were betrayals by Britain and Churchill of Malta and decision to scale back Malta’s defence capabilities, the most the Maltese – for which neither have ever apologised. Such besignificant of which, being the transfer of Britain’s Meditertrayals were common imperialists’ practices because they ranean fleet to Alexandria to protect British Military assets. viewed their colonies as their pawns, to use in time of need. This left Malta in a dire defensive position at the commencement of war. The fate of Malta and the Maltese were not BELOW: Winston Churchill (left) and USA’s Theodore Britain’s principal considerations. Roosevelt at the Arcadia Conference in December 1941

For Churchill Malta was just “the British asset in the Mediterranean”

4 The Voice of the Maltese Andrew McKinnon presents

Joseph Calleja is one of the most exciting lyric tenors in the world today. Blessed with a golden-age voice which routinely inspires comparisons to legendary singers from earlier eras, Calleja is now a superstar in all the greatest opera houses and concert halls.

His extensive discography includes a thrilling Verdi album and a hugely popular tribute to Mario Lanza, whilst his performance of Puccini’s famous Nessun dorma at The Last Night of the Proms at The Royal Albert Hall was nothing short of electrifying.

In this, his eagerly anticipated debut Australian tour, the Maltese born singer described as the young Pavarotti will be joined by two of Australia’s best-loved artists, soprano Amelia Farrugia, who is also of Maltese heritage, and internationally acclaimed pianist Piers Lane, in an unforgettable performance.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associated with financial planning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: income test. The new account-based pension will not have a deductible amount. If Centrelink is testing you on the Income test, merging the three account-based pension may reduce your age pension entitlement. Another thing to consider is the buy sell spread. There will be costs involved when selling a product and purchasing another. I believe seeing a financial adviser would be your best option fees and they amount to $6000 per as they will be able to advise you accord- annum, this is the amount that one can ingly. gift without going over the $30,000 Q. I am a pensioner and 71 years old. threshold of gifting over a five- year peI have been told that I may need to riod. Therefore, if you are still able to afmove into aged care in a few months as ford to do so you can continue to pay my health has deteriorated. I have two their fees indefinitely.. young grandchildren for whom I have Q. Q. I have a brother who has fallen been paying school fees of $6000 per on some hard times. He has lost his job annum. and he has a family to support plus a I need to continue to do this for the reasonably large mortgage. I was next nine years, as my daughter is sin- thinking of lending him $100,000 gle and unable to afford this. Will I still which is currently in a term deposit be able to continue to pay for their ed- earning 1% in interest. Is this a wise ucation once I am in aged care? move and how should I do this? A. As you are already paying their school A. I think this is a very generous move on your part. I would ask your brother whether this idea appeals to him. If he is happy to take up your offer, you should put it all in writing stating that it is a loan to be paid by a certain time. Both of you need to sign this document and get two witnesses to sign it also. This will protect both you and your brother. Q. I am 73 years old and single. I do not have a Will and I know dying intestate is not advisable. I have no distant relatives to whom to leave my estate and I do not even know whom to appoint as an executor. Can you help? A. A. Dying intestate (that is, without a Will) is not a good thing. You should go to a solicitor or the Public Trustee and make your Will and appoint the solicitor or the Public Trustee as your Executor. You can then leave your estate to some charities that would be very grateful to you. This would do a great deal of good and most charities depend on people in your similar situation to keep on carrying their good work.

Q. I am 58 years old and have just lost my job. I am quite concerned because I cannot cover all my expenses on the payments I receive from the Government. I have a reasonably large super fund but I do not know whether I can take any money out of super again as I have already withdrawn the $10,000 allowed by the Government. Can you advise me please?

A. . As you are 58 years of age you have reached preservation age. At preservation age one can commence a non-commutable account- based pension and take up to a maximum income of 10% per annum. This could be taken in monthly payments until such time as you find employment again. Once you find employment this income stream could be rolled over to accumulation phase again to continue to grow until you fully retire from the work force.

Q. I am a 76-year-old pensioner and have three small account-based pensions. I was planning to merge all three funds into one account-based pension in order to simplify my financial affairs. Is there anything I should be looking at before I do this? A. Merging the three account-based pensions into one new account-based pension would definitely simplify your financial affairs. However, prior to doing this you should check whether you are being tested on the Asset Test or the Income test. If you commenced these account-based pensions prior to January 1, 2015, you have a deductible amount, which means that very little of the income paid from these investments is counted towards the


The Voice of the Maltese 5


This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Mario Farrugia Borg to become High Commissioner in Canberra

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


he Voice of the Maltese can now exclusively reveal the name of Malta’s new High Commissioner in Australia. Mario Farrugia Borg, currently Malta’s Consul General for Victoria, is to replace Charles Muscat whose term concludes at the end of this year with his retirement. Mario Farrugia Borg officially takes up his appointment in the Chancery in Canberra at the start of the New Year, almost two years to the day when he was appointed Consul General of Victoria on January 17, 2019. During his tenure of office in Melbourne he was described as having been “very attuned to the Maltese in Victoria and very passionate about ensuring that the service he provides is community-focused”. He will now transfer from Melbourne to Canberra with his partner Joanne and children.

The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from the coal-fired climate crisis


limate change is driving reef bleaching and threatening the livelihood of the communities and tourism workers who depend on a healthy reef. This year the reef experienced its third mass-bleaching event in just five years. It was the most widespread yet, but due to COVID-19, this devastating event went largely unnoticed. Scientists believe that the coal industry is the biggest driver of climate change in Australia and say that the country can have either coral or coal, but not both. The Australian Federal Government is being called to transition Australia to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Avviż lill-qarrejja

Tixtieq li jkollok kopja f’idejk ta’ The Voice?


nfakkru lill-qarrejja li The Voice of the Maltese, mhux biss magazine online, iżda wkoll l-uniku tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Awstralja li wkoll jiġi ippubblikat. Filfatt huma ħafna dawk li ilhom li approfittaw ruħhom minn dan u abbonaw biex anke jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata bil-posta d-dar bi ħlas. Dawk kollha li jixtiequ li jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata tal-magazine kull darba li joħroġ biex ikunu jistgħu jżommuha f’idejhom, huma mħeġġa li jabbonaw għal sena ħalli jagħmlu żgur mill-kopja kull darba. Biex dan isir wieħed l-ewwel jibgħat email lil fejn jitlob tagħrif dwar il-ħlas ta’ abbonament għal sena fl-istat fejn jgħix. Imbagħad jekk ikun irid jissieħeb ma’ dawk kollha li mhumiex kuntenti biss li jaqraw il-magazine online, imma wkoll li jkollhom kopja tiegħu, jgħarrafna u jkunu moqdijin.

Mr Mario Farrugia Borg (left) in his meeting with incumbent Malta’s High Commissioner to Australia Charles Muscat and Deputy HC Denise Demicoli during a visit last week to the Chancery in Canberra. With Mario Farrugia Borg’s new appointment, the Maltese Government will then have to nominate a new Consul General for Victoria to fill the vacancy created by Mario Farrugia Borg’s “promotion” .

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

L-emails bl-Ittri għall-pubblikazzjoni għandhom jiġu indirizzati lil: Bħala suġġett niżżlu: Letters to the editor.

The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights. We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Compared to ‘19 Property sales in November increase by 18%


n increase of 18% was recorded in November in the sale of property in Malta compared to last year, the Malta Developers’ Association (MDA) has said. The MDA further noted that the improvement recorded in the property industry during the period translates to 1,245 property sales and that it occurred at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has brought down many markets and countries down on their knees. The value of property sales in November reached €274 million, an increase of €41 million over November 2019. In contrast, the MDA said that compared to the same month in 2017 and 2018, the value of property last month has declined.

End of another scholastic year he Maltese Language School of NSW held a tese study credentials. T get-together at the La Valette Centre in BlackClasses available for students from six years to town to mark the end of another scholastic year. adults at all levels of ability. Classes are held at The MLS at Horsley Park is one of the oldest Maltese language schools in Australia having been established in 1999, and it is still going strong. The school has trained, and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and have Mal-

Horsley Park Public School on Saturday mornings at 9 am to 11.15 am. New teachers and administrative assistants are urgently required for 2021. For more information about this school, email


High Commission & Consulates of Malta in Australia High Commission of Malta - Canberra H.E. Mr. Charles Muscat

(High Commissioner for Malta to Australia and non-resident High Commissioner to New Zealand)

38 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT 2606 (02) 6290 1724 / 1426 / 1573

0433 799 947

Consulate General - Sydney

Consulate General - Melbourne

Mr. Lawrence Buhagiar (Consul General)

Mr. Mario Farrugia Borg (Consul General)

St. Martins Tower, Suite 10.04, Level 10, 31 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000

Suite 613, 6th Floor, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

(02) 9262 9500

0430 402 177

(03) 9670 8427

0413 621 177

(02) 9264 4722

(03) 9670 9451

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

The Voice - a contribution to to such an amount of people


Doris Cannataci from Sliema, Malta writes: eading through the various articles and correspondence published in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese, I am struck by the letter by Mr Tony Costa from Kew Victoria entitled: 'I am for a Greater Malta'. His love for Malta did not fade away. He is still Maltese at heart and very proud of his native country. I was also glad to read that Mr John Agius from Taree NSW is very appreciative of your work and also conscious of all that goes into it. The Voice of the Maltese not only keeps him in touch with Malta, its people and its events, but it is also a means of comfort during this time of isolation due to COVID-19. On the other hand, it is heart-breaking to

Forsi sa fl-aħħar instab wieħed tajjeb


Jim Gatt minn Marsden Park NSW jikteb:: ara Lawrence Gonzi kien hemm Simon Busuttil, imbgħad segwih Adrian Delia u għal ftit ta’gimghat anke bdiet tissemma Therese Commodini-Cachia, li kollha sparixxew. Iżda forsi issa fl-aħħar instab Bernard Grech, avukat tal-familja biex jerġa’ jgħaqqad lill-Partit Nazzjonalista ħalli flimkien mal-Gvern u ma’ xi għaqdiet jippruvaw ukoll joħorġu lill-Malta minn din il-pandemija tal-COVID -10. Tajjeb li f’pajjiż ikun hemm oppożizzjoni soda u serja b’hekk ikun hemm Gvern li jrid joqgħod aktar attent għad-deċiżjonijiet li jieħu.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water

P: (02) 9756 4766 E:

2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164

read Mr Josie Borg from Sunshine, Victoria lamenting that not a word was uttered during the last budget in Malta: "about the Maltese living abroad". He feels that the Maltese of the diaspora are forgotten. Although he is so far away he still feels that he belongs to Malta. To end on a positive note I would like to congratulate Dr Lou Drofenik (Personality of the Month) for her success and for the good name she has made for her country of origin. What a good ambassador she is for Malta!! I am certain that your contribution to such an amount of people gives you the energy to keep up your good work.

A Cardinal and three Ministers -all from Gozo

Michael (Kelinu) Camilleri from Brisbane, Queensland writes:


am Gozitan-born and so proud of it, even more so now after I learned of Mons. Mario Grech's creation as Cardinal and that three of the Ministers in the newly-formed Maltese cabinet of Ministers nominated by Prime Minister Robert Abela are Gozitan. All three Parliamentarians won a seat in the House of Representatives in the last general election. Watching Pope Francis elevating the former Gozo Bishop Mario Grech to Cardinal brought tears to the eyes of most of my household, as we stayed glued to a Maltese TV station that streamed live the historic occasion of the Consistory from the Vatican. Irrespective of what party they represent, as a Gozitan/Maltese living so far away, in Australia, it also gives me great pleasure to see that the three Gozitan Ministers are so much highly thought off by the Maltese Government that they have been entrusted with a ministry The ministries entrusted to Justyn Caruana, Clint Camilleri and Anton Refalo are very important and I am sure that it is not only the Gozitan-born that are happy with the decision but all Malta. I am even more satisfied by the fact that Dr Justyn Caruana, who has returned to her rightful place as Minister, comes from the village that I come from, Xewkija.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

L-altar maġġur fil-Knisja ta’ Ġieżu

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

– xogħol sabiħ tal-famuż Gagini ... imma!!!!


aħda mill-knejjes l-aktar iffrekwentati fir-Rabat Malta hija dik ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ġesù, magħrufa aktar bħala l-Knisja Ta’ Ġieżu li tħaddan diversi xogħlijiet kbar tal-arti u li jieħdu ħsiebha l-Patrijiet Franġiskani Minuri (il-Patrijiet tal-Art Imqaddsa). Il-popolarità ta din il-knisja tidher l-aktar fil-festa ta’ San Ġużepp, fid-19 ta’ Marzu, u fil-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa. Minn hawn toħroġ il-purċissjoni tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira li ħafna jsostnu li hi l-aktar antika f’Malta. Naturalment, marbut ma’ dil-knisja nsibu s-Santwarju ta’ San Ġużepp li tieħu ħsiebu waħda l-fratellanza ta’ San Ġużepp li hija fost l-aktar qodma fil-pajjiż. Kif tidħol f’din il-Knisja l-ewwel li tiġbed l-attenzjoni hi lprospettiva tal-altar maġġur (fl-istampa t’isfel). Fiha dehra mill-isbaħ ta’ skultura fil-ġebla Maltija li ddawwar il-kwadru titulari tal-Viżitazzjoni tal-Madonna mpitter minn Ġużeppi Hyzler, il-fundatur tal-Moviment tan-Nazzareni f’Malta. F’din il-faċċata (fuq it-titular) hemm ukoll pittura ħafna iżgħar tas-Santissima Trinità, tal-famuż Favray, bil-firma tiegħu u d-data 1759. F’din il-prospettiva, fil-post tat-tabernaklu tal-altar, hemm kwadru ieħor, żgħir xogħol fin ħafna fil-minjatura li juri lil Ġesù f’idejn is-Suldati Rumani. Jgħidu li huwa xogħol ta’ Parmigianino. Mat-titular hemm ukoll żewġ kwadri laterali tal-famuż pittur Malti Francesco Zahra . Hi skultura dettaljata marbuta mal-arma tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani Minuri. Il-prospettiva tħaddan fiha wkoll kapulavur ieħor tal-arti f’pajjiżna, skultura fl-irħam, l-istatwa tal-Madonna bil-Bambin magħmula mill-iskultur ta’ fama Taljan Antonello Gagini. Il-Madonna bil-Bambin ta’ Gagini Il-fama ta’ Gagini hija mondjali u b’xorti tajba aħna nistgħu napprezzaw din il-biċċa xogħol tiegħu li hija waħda millaħjar li għandu. Il-panneġġ (id-drapp) tal-istatwa tal-Madonna taħsbu drapp veru, mhux irħam. L-istess majjistrijja tidher fil-fisqija mdawra ma’ qadd il-Bambin. Imbagħad anke l- ħarsa mimlija ħniena tal-Madonna tħaddan lill-Bambin. Tant hemm affarijiet oħra li l-aqwa kritiċi tal-arti jdumu ħin twil jitkellmu dwar is-sbuħija ta’ xogħol il-famuż skultur Gagini li twieled fl-1478 f’Palermo u miet ta’ 58 sena. Hemm ħafna xi tgħid dwar Gagini (fuq il- lemin), fosthom li jingħad li għen lill-famuż Michelangelo meta kien qed jaħdem fuq il-qabar ta’ Papa Ġulju f’San Pietro in Vincoli (Ruma)


illum magħruf bħala lfamuż Mosè ta’ Michelangelo. Fit-titlu għedt li lprospettiva tal-altar maġġur fil-Knisja tħaddan xogħol sabiħ talfamuż Gagini … Imma!!!!!! Il-pedestall (jew il-bażi) ta’ din l-istatwa, qiegħed fil-Mużew talArti fil-Belt Valletta. Tant hija prezzjuża li minbarra li tagħmel din l-istatwa kompluta, f’dan ilpedestall hemm anki lfirma tal-artist Antonello Gagini. Kif kien li dan ilpedestall sab ruħu fil-Mużew tal-Arti? Kienu saru xi talbiet formali biex dan il-pedestall jittieħed lura fil-Knisja Ta’ Ġieżu r-Rabat? Dawn il-mistoqsijiet, u aktar, isiru dejjem meta wieħed jitkellem dwar din l-istatwa u l-pedestall ta’ Gagini. Nista’ ngħid li l- pedestall sab ruħu l-Mużew tal-Arti wara li l-istatwa kienet għall-wiri fis-snin 30 u l-pedestall qatt ma mar lura fil-knisja. Il-Patrijiet Franġiskani Minuri kemm-il darba għamlu talbiet u ltaqgħu mal-ogħla uffiċjali biex ilpedestall jittieħed lura r-Rabat u jitpoġġa f’postu, taħt l-istatwa, biex hekk tidher kompluta u titqiegħed f’postha mill-ġdid, fl-altar fejn illum hemm l-istatwa kbira ta’ San Franġisk. Fl-istess knisja, fil-Kappella ddedikata lil Sant’Antnin u li oriġinalment kienet imsemmija l-Kappella tal-Madalena, hemm statwa oħra, ta’ Santa Marija Madalena attribwita għall- iskultur Gagini, imma mhemmx ċertezza dwar dan, imma wieħed irid japprezza wkoll kapulavur ieħor tal-arti. Din hi statwa mimlija dettalji … ir-ras tal-qaddisa, b’mod speċjali f’xagħarha, l-ilbies imżewwaq b’panneġġi diversi. Hemm ukoll dettall sabiħ fil-vażett talalabastru u tant dettalji oħra. Oriġinalment iż-żewġ statwi tal-irħam (talMadonna bil-Bambin u ta’ Santa Marija Madalena) kienu miżbugħa. Tajjeb wieħed jinnota li dawn iż-żewġ statwi tal-irħam saru qabel ġew ilKavallieri f’Malta għalhekk dan huwa xhieda li juri li l-arti f’Malta bdiet qabel ġew il-Kavallieri f’pajjiżna.

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

Is-sitwazzjoni maċ-Ċina T

kun taf li suġġett qiegħed jippreokkupa l-imħuħ meta ħbieb jew familjari jibdew isemmu l-istess ħaġa miegħek kważi mallewwel li jkun ltaqgħu miegħek. Hekk ġrali dan l-aħħar, meta ħbieb tiegħi semmewli r-relazzjonijiet mwiegħra bejn l-Awstralja u ċ-Ċina, u x’jistgħu jkunu l-implikazzjonijiet fuq ħajjitna. Iċ-Ċina hija l-pajjiż bl-ikbar popolazzjoni fid-dinja, f’din is-sena stmata li hi 1.4 biljun persuna, jew 18.7% tal-popolazzjoni dinjija.1 Hija t-tieni l-ikbar ekonomija fid-dinja f’termini nominali, li fl-2019 kienet imkejla 14 triljun dollaru, ftit iktar minn nofs dak tal-Istati Uniti (21 triljun dollaru). B’kejl ieħor, dak li jistma kemm il-pajjiż kapaċi jixtri (Purchasing Power Parity – PPP), l-ekonomija taċ-Ċina (bi $23.4 triljun) diġà hija ikbar minn dik tal-Istati Uniti ($21.3 triljun).2 Li hu straordinarju huwa kemm il-pajjiż irnexxielu jiżviluppa b’dan il-mod u joħroġ mill-istat ta’ pajjiż hekk imsejjaħ (derogattivament mill-pajjiżi tal-punent) tat-tieni dinja (jiġifieri dik kommunista), u stat hekk imsejjaħ (minnu nnifsu mal-WTO – World Trade Organisation) li qiegħed jiżviluppa, bi ftit daqq ta’ trombi, b’mod tista’ tgħid paċifiku u mingħajr involviment f’ħafna gwerer ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm imdemmija sew wara t-tieni gwerra dinjija li l-Istati Uniti u l-allejati tagħha daħlu għalihom bi ħġarhom. Il-ġurdien sar iljunfant li għal ħafna snin kulħadd għamel tabirruħu li ma jeżistix, u f’daqqa waħda kulħadd qiegħed f’paniku ma jafx x’se jaqbad jagħmel. Kollox qisu beda meta ċ-Ċina f’ħakka t’għajn bniet diversi gżejjer artifiċjali fis-South China Sea, u stabbiliet faċilità militari fuqhom.3 Kontra l-liġi internazzjonali? Iva, hekk stabbilixxa tribunal internazzjonali fl-2016. Kontra dak li ġie mwiegħed miċ-Ċiniżi stess? Iva dażgur. Aġir ta’ pajjiż ostili? Qabel ma twieġeb din, ikkunsidra li l-Istati Uniti għandha (jew talinqas kellha fl-2015) 800 bażi militari f’iktar minn 70 pajjiż madwar id-dinja.4 Dawn tal-aħħar neċessarji, għall-Istati Uniti? Jekk iva, għaliex dawk tal-ewwel mhux neċessarji, għaċ-Ċina? Ibeżżgħuk armi nukleari taħt il-kontroll ta’ Xi Jinping? U xi tgħidli għal dawk taħt il-kontroll ta’ Donald Trump? Huwa magħruf li ċ-Ċina bniet ċentri kbar ta’ ‘ri-edukazzjoni’ filprovinċja ta’ Xinjiang, fejn huma maħsubin li jinżammu madwar miljun Ujgur, grupp Musulman ta’ minoranza f’dan ir-reġjun. IċĊina ilha snin mixlija minn diversi pajjiżi b’abbuż tad-drittijiet umani, inkluż sterilizzazzjoni sfurzata tan-nisa. Iċ-Ċina ma tieħux gost tirċievi dawn l-akkużi, fil-bidu caħdet li lkampijiet jeżistu, imbagħad qalet li huma neċessarji minħabba lvjolenza separatista, u kompliet tiċħad l-isterilizzazzjoni sfurzata.5 Iktar qrib tagħna, l-Awstralja din il-ġimgħa qamet għall-aħbar li investigazzjoni militari fuq medda ta’ erba’ snin sabet li l-forzi speċjali Awstraljani kienu nvoluti fil-qtil bla bżonn ta’ 39 persuna ċivili, inkluż allegatament il-qtugħ tal-gerżuma, u t-tqegħid makakk ta’ armi mal-iġsma biex jiġġustifika l-qtil. Ġie konkluż li dawn l-azzjonijiet ma kinux saru fil-qilla tal-battalja.6

kitba ta’


Għall-kreditu tal-pajjiż, l-awtoritajiet Awstraljani, kemm militari kif ukoll ċivili, ma ħbewx l-aġir u jidher li qegħdin jikkunsidraw x’passi serji għandhom jittieħdu f’dawn iċ-ċirkstanzi kontra minn wettqu u/jew ma qediex dmiru. Imbagħad iċ-Ċina, b’mod mhux komuni, ħarġet stqarrija fuq Twitter fejn ikkundannat dan l-allegat aġir u, iktar minn hekk, reġgħet ippubblikat ritratt modifikat li juri suldat Awstraljan jaqta’ l-gerżuma ta’ tifel fuq irkobbtejh. Kien żejjed u inflammatorju dan ir-ritratt? Dażgur, aħjar ma sarx. Madankollu għalija l-interessanti kienet ir-reazzjoni uffiċjali Awstraljana, li ma damitx biex toħroġ. Il-Prim Ministru Morrison talab apoloġija mill-gvern Ċiniż, li l-kitba li timbuttak fuq Twitter tiġi mneħħija, u qal li l-gvern Ċiniż imissu jistħi bil-kitba.7 Jien deherli li t-ton tar-reazzjoni uffiċjali Awstraljana għall-kritika Ċiniża kienet iktar qawwija mit-ton tar-reazzjoni uffiċjali Awstraljana għall-allegat atroċitajiet infushom tal-forzi speċjali militari. Mhuwiex biżżejjed li tgħid li qed tieħu azzjoni bi trasparenza. Għalija, tlifna opportunità biex nuru fil-prattika li meta jinqalgħu każijiet koroh min-naħa tagħna, aħna kapaċi jkollna diskussjoni mal-imsieħba internazzjonali tagħna, anke meta jkunu kritiċi fil-konfront tagħna. Aħna mhux hekk nippretendu mingħand ħaddieħor? Nistgħu nibgħu sejrin hekk. Iċ-Ċina f’dawn il-jiem qiegħda tikkunsidra ordni biex tillimita l-esportazzjoni ta’ teknoloġiji avvanzati bħall-intelliġenza artifiċjali u l-kriptografija, abbażi tas-sigurtà nazzjonali tal-pajjiż.8 Dan naturalment jaffettwa pajjiżi oħra li jkunu jridu jużaw teknoloġiji simili fl-oqsma industrijali tagħhom, li se jarawha bħala pass iebes. Ħażin li jittieħed pass bħal dan? L-Istati Uniti ilhom għal snin kbar jillimitaw l-esportazzjoni ta’ teknoloġiji ta’ superkompjuters liċĊina, u din l-attività għadha sejra.9 Min se jitfa l-ewwel ġebla? Jew min tefagħha diġà? Jiddispjaċini ngħid li meta ċ-Ċiniżi jgħajru lill-Pununt b’ipokrezija, ikolli nagħtihom raġun.

Referenzi 1., retrieved 1/12/2020 2. desc=true, retrieved 1/12/2020 3. html, retrieved 1/12/2020 4., retrieved 1/12/2020 5., retrieved1/12/2020 6., retrieved 1/12/2020 7., retrieved 1/12/2020 8., retrieved 1/12/2020 9., retrieved 1/12/2020

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The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 or most Employers Christmas party season is a time to celebrate the end of year with your Employees. However, the social setting, festivities and alcohol consumption can lead to costly situations. Employers have a duty of care for Employees at a work sponsored Christmas party, even where the event occurs outside of work hours.

Don’t risk termination without a Claus, Yule be sorry The Perils of the Open Bar

Fair Work Commission (‘FWC’) has found it to be contradictory and self-defeating for an Employer to require employees to uphold the usual standards of conduct at a function where the employer has provided an unlimited bar tab. At a Christmas party in 2014, an intoxicated Employee of Leighton Boral Amey obscenely told a company director and two colleagues where they should go and made repeated, unsolicited romantic advances on two employees before telling a third about his unsavoury mission for the evening. Leighton Boral Amey thought it did the right thing by dismissing the Employee. However, Vice President Hatcher of the FWC disagreed, finding that the dismissal was harsh and unjust despite there being a perfectly valid reason. The Vice President weighed the fact that the Employee was intoxicated as a result of free-flowing alcohol at a Christmas function where the Employer failed to exercise substantive control over the open service it provided. Employers must ensure that a generous alcohol service at a Christmas party is balanced with adequate control measures for staff safety. Dismissal may be considered a disproportionate response where the Employee’s behaviour flows from an employer-sponsored alcohol service. The Employer must ultimately take some responsibility for the consequential actions of employees.

One drink, thrown too Far

Aldi avoided the fate of Leighton Boral Amey after dismissing a store person, Sione Vai, who threw a glass at a security guard at the Christmas party. Mr Vai had been drinking at home before the event and became aggressive towards bar staff refusing to serve him. He was dismissed after an investigation into the incident. Mr Vai relied on the Leighton Boral Amey case to argue that Aldi was partly responsible for his conduct in paying for the


he effects of alcohol on your driving can include: false sense of confidence and increased tendency to take risks. reduced co-ordination and concentration. slower reaction times. impaired vision and impaired perception of obstacles. When you think about it, driving is really complicated. You need total concentration, good coordination, rapid reflexes and to be able to make correct judgments and decisions. So it isn’t surprising that

TheresaMoltoni OAM (Managing Legal Practitioner Director)

drinks. His claim was unsuccessful. Aldi elected Section Leaders to ensure appropriate standards of behaviour were maintained at the function. They spoke to Mr Vai multiple times throughout the evening about his conduct and communicated with the security guard and venue staff. The FWC held that while an Employer must take reasonable steps to protect staff safety and ensure that appropriate standards of behaviour are maintained, Employees also have a responsibility to act within reasonable bounds.

Lessons Learned

Taking reasonable steps to implement safeguards before an event can be simple and intuitive: 1. Elect some Employees to act in a supervisory role and keep an eye out on the night. Ensure venue management and security know who to alert about employee conduct. Employees are more likely to respond reasonably to a supervisor than security. 2. If the venue does not have security personnel, consider engaging private security services. The cost will outweigh the reputational damage and unforeseen costs of an incident. 3. Support venue staff. They are trained to notice signs of intoxication and limit service to someone at the appropriate times. If you are concerned that behaviour is escalating, notify them. If you need to discipline an employee for their conduct at a work Christmas function, ensure the process is procedurally fair and the consequences are proportionate to their conduct and the circumstances. Clearly communicate your concerns, allow them the opportunity to respond (in the presence of a support person, if they so choose) and consider their responses before making a final decision. (Reference: Keenan v Leighton Boral Amey NSW Pty Ltd [2015] FWC 3156 Sione Vai v ALDI Stores (A Ltd Partnership) [2018] FWC 4118)

The effects of alcohol on your driving

drinking alcohol diminishes that. XA blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08 percent is considered legally impaired. However, alcohol can start to affect many of your senses after only one drink. No matter the circumstances, you should never

drink and drive. It's not worth the risk of putting yourself and others in danger. XIt takes most people 1 to 2 hours to process one standard drink. That means after three standard drinks you should wait at least three hours before driving. After you stop drinking, the alcohol levels in your system can continue to rise for up to three hours. Nothing can speed up the absorption of alcohol by your body.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Roundup of News About Malta

Minister Bartolo augurs improvement of relations between China and USA


n a telephone conversation with Wang Yi, the Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China, Malta’s Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo (left) augured an improvement in the relations between the United States and China. Several bilateral and International issues were also discussed with Minister Bartolo welcoming the agreements on commercial relations signed by both countries. He said that Malta is keen to promote further trade between Chinese and Maltese companies and highlighted the strategic importance of Malta as a hub for Chinese trade in triangular projects with Malta, the EU as well as with the emerging opportunities in Africa. Both Ministers agreed that war does not solve problems, that violence increases hatred, and that peace talks are appropriate and the only path to resolve conflicts. Minister Wang Yi said that China recognised Malta's neutrality and peace diplomacy and would develop its relations with Malta on the basis of equality. Another subject under discussion was Covid-19 with Minister Bartolo expressing Malta's gratitude toward China for its assistance, primarily in the provision of PPEs. He also expressed his satisfaction at the ever-growing number of student exchanges and both sides agreed that these efforts should be intensified. Noting that 2022 would represent the 50th anniversary since the establishment of relations between Malta and the People's Republic of China, the Maltese Minister invited Wang Yi to Malta to cement and continue to build on the very good bilateral relations between the two countries.

Commemorating 46th Anniversary of Jum ir-Repubblika


unday December 13, marks the 46th Anniversary since Malta became a Republic in 1974. It is the day when the Maltese constitution was substantially revised and effectively changed Malta from being a Commonwealth realm into a republic. The British monarch was no longer head of state and Sir Anthony Mamo became the first President of Malta. Due to the abnormal circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s cecelebrations to mark the occasion would be The plaque on the ouside wall of the subdued. It would not involve President’s Palace at St George’s the general public. Square in Valletta commemorating One of the ceremonies com- the occasion in 1974 memorating this day, will be the presentation of the awards by the President of Malta to those who have served Malta in the military/political sphere and public figures who are considered to be effective representatives of the country. Nationals of other countries who contributed to the well being of Malta will also be conferred with honorary membership of the Order or awarded the Medal of the Republic on an honorary basis. However, during this year’s last National Day for 2020, the people would still have time to reflect on this historic occasion as Jum ir-Repubblica is a pubic holiday.

Fitch confirms Malta’s A+ Rating


itch Ratings Agency has confirmed Malta’s A+ Rating with stable prospects. High per capita income levels, a large net external creditor position and EU and Eurozone memberships support this. In its report Fitch said that Malta remained consistent despite the impact of the epidemic while other countries saw a downward revised rating. The Stable Outlook balances Fitch's expectation that GDP growth in Malta would recover and the budget deficit narrow in 2021 and 2022, against continued downside risk from the path of the coronavirus and its effect on the tourism sector and public finances, as well as adverse developments in governance. The Agency said the rating given to Malta takes into consideration the reduction of he Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera tourist nights that decreased by 68%, the has launched the Restart Support Plan (RESTART2021) that is intended to achieve second highest drop registered by an EU various goals for the creative and cultural sector in the coming year. Member country. RESTART2021 ensures artists and those involved in the cultural and creative sectors It said that the growth by 3.7% and 9.9% in to recover in a sustainable and resilient manner; safeguard employment and the future the second and third quarters of the year in of the sector; prepare and assist all those involved in responding to the new normal after the Technology Informatics sector made the pandemic and allocate funds and use existing structures efficiently and effectively. good the decreases experienced by the This is part of an extensive recovery plan that also direct funds related to programmes tourist industry. from public cultural organisations issued through the Malta Arts Council. Regarding economic recovery, Fitch inThe scheme would also be offering simplified methods of application, based on four creased its forecast for Malta and stated that main criteria, with a wider range of eligible costs and a commitment to accelerated pay- in the coming year the Gross Domestic ment. The funding schemes are available to individuals, groups, organisations or com- Product will grow by 5.4% and then 3.9% in 2022. panies.

Launch of the Restart Support Plan 2021 for creative and cultural sector


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Roundup of News About Malta

“Investment in the justice system is indispensable”


inister for Justice, Equality and Governance Edward Zammit Lewis told the informal Council meeting of the Ministers of Justice under the German presidency of the European Council, that, “The investment in the justice system is an indispensable matter". Participating in the discussion that focused on the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), the European Union's Strategy against hate speech and terrorism, the rule of law and the digitalisation of justice, Minister Zammit Lewis reiterated the importance of having an accessible judicial system for all. He recalled that this is a period in which the Internet can be used both in a valuable manner, such as for research and education, as well as for inconsiderate purposes, such as for radicalisation of acts of terrorism. He expressed solidarity with other EU member states that recently suffered terrorist attacks in their countries, and said that all member states are duty bound to work to combat terrorism and to offer pace in which every European citizen feels safe to live together with their family. Speaking about the rule of law, the Minister said Malta was working hard to sustain good governance and rule of law, and that in a short period of time, it has undertaken several reforms that have been positively recognised by the European institutions. He maintained that implementing reforms in favour of the rule of law is an obligation of every government and added that Malta

– Minister Zammit Lewis

Minister Edward Zammit Lewis

would continue to make all the necessary reforms in various fields, including that of digitalisation of the justice system. Minister Zammit Lewis stated that one must take advantage of such technological development, as this would strengthen the legal process, leading to a more accessible justice system. He outlined the need to work for the citizens, the rule of law and good governance. “All this is reflected in the legislative changes carried out by this government led by Prime Minister Robert Abela, changes which must be continued so that all Maltese and Gozitans have accessible institutions,” the Minister concluded

Moving towards a circular economy


ith the intention of reducing landfill waste in its plans to further move towards a circular economy, with the hep of the EU funds, and through WasteServ, Malta is investing €20 million in the construction of a new Multi-Material Recovery Facility at the old airfield in Hal Far. This new facility will be receiving bulky waste such as tires, wood, mattresses, and flat glass, as well as electronic waste (WEEE) to process them in order to reduce their volume to ensure adequate storage before they can be exported for recycling or to generate energy. Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia explained that this is another step in the Government’s strategy to move towards a sustainable and circular economy, diverting waste away from landfills. The facility will be processing around 10,000 tons of waste every year leading to sustainable waste management by saving space from the landfill, increasing the country's recycling rates, and improving the country’s environmental performance. This project (below) will be completed by November 2021.

First-ever national conference on labour law discusses the future in the employment field T

he first ever national conference on labour law organised by the Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister Carmelo Abela who is also responsible for working conditions called for the updating of a legal framework that addresses the realities of today's and tomorrow's work and protects the interests of workers, employers, and the country's economic competitiveness. During the conference, with the theme of the future in the employment field Minister Abela explained that another purpose of the conference was to take another step forward with regard to working conditions and to make industrial relations more efficient. The conference was presented with the conclusions of four working groups that discussed: The work of the industrial tri-

bunal; the future of employment; the balance between work time and private life and the protection of workers' working conditions; and the investment of entrepreneurs in cases of extraordinary crisis. One of the themes dealt with remote working and the right to disconnect, with the Minister pointing out that technological developments, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and changes in industrial relations and the workplace are radically changing what we are used to. He mentioned that it was crucial for the government and civil society to analyse what the country is going through and that timely action is taken. According to Minister Abela, the future of employment is already with us. He said that Malta must aspire to be one

of the first at a European level to legally put into force the concept of the right to disconnect. “We want flexibility for employers and for the workers themselves while always looking at how we improve Malta's economic competitiveness", the Minister said. He reiterated that the measures taken by the Government in response to the pandemic, together with the resilience of the labour market, ensured that high levels of employment were maintained, with the employment rate being 73% in the second quarter of 2020, 0.2 percentage points higher than that recorded in the corresponding quarter of 2019. Malta's unemployment rate in July was 4.3%, well below the EU average of 7.2%, and in October, the rate decreased to 3.9%.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Il-maġġoranza tal-Maltin kuntenti b’ħajjithom N

ibdew b’xi ħaġa tassew pożittiva u ngħidu li fi stħarriġ li sar dan l-aħħar mill-Università’ ta’ Malta nstab li l-maġġoranza talMaltin u l-Għawdxin huma kuntenti b’ħajjithom. Dan ġie kkonfermat millWorld Happiness Report tal-2020. Fost dawk li wieġbu għall-istħarriġ talFakultà tal-Benesseri Soċjali fl-Università ta' Malta meta mistoqsija jekk kienux kuntenti b’ħajjithom, 41% tal-parteċipanti sostnew li kienu sodisfatt ħafna. Minn naħa l-oħra kienu b'kollox 34% li qalu li huma sodisfatt b'ħajjithom. Allura, bejn issodfatti u dawk li huma sodisfatti ħafna toħrog il-figura li turi li tliet kwarti talMaltin (75%) huma kuntenti b'ħajjithom. Minn naħa l-oħra kienu biss 3% li qalu li assolutament mhumiex kuntenti b'ħajjithom filwaqt li 2% qalu li huma biss "ftit" sodisfatti. Il-kumplament, jew inkella 20% qalu li la huma sodisfatti ħafna u lanqas mhumiex. B’sorpriża għal uħud, instab li l-aktar grupp ta' età li huma kuntenti huma dawk ta' aktar minn 66 sena, filwaqt l-aktar li mhumiex sodisfatti kienu ta' bejn is-46 u l-55 sena b'5%. Meta wieħed jaqsam dawn ir-riżultati skont il-ġeneru jara illi m’hemmx wisq differenza bejn l-irġiel u n-nisa bit-tnejn l-aktar li jwieġbu 'sodisfatti ħafna', b'40.5% fil-każ tal-irġiel u 40.8% fil-każ tan-nisa. Min-naħa l-oħra r-rapport World Happiness Report 2020 jikkonferma juri li b'indiċi ta' 6.773 Malta, huwa t-22 l-aktar pajjiż kuntent, bil-poplu tal-Emirati Għarab Magħquda jkun eżatt qabel u dak Franċiż eżatt wara. L-aktar popli kuntenti huma l-Finlandiżi, id-Daniżi, l-Iżvizzeri u l-Islandiżi filwaqt

Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900

li l-inqas kuntenti huma tal-Irwanda, iż-Żimbabwe u sSudan ta' Isfel, kollha fl-Afrika, u finalment il-poplu tal-Afganistan. Skont dan ir-rapport Malta kienet ukoll l-20 pajjiż li l-aktar li ra żieda pożittiva f'dawk li esprimew sodisfazzjon gġal ħajjithom. Għal ħafna din mhix sorpriża

Minn 1 sa 5, fejn 1 ifisser ‘assolutament mhux sodisfatt’ u 5 ifisser ‘sodisfatt ħafna’, b’mod ġenerali, kemm tħossoksodisfatt bil-ħajja tiegħek? 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%




20% 3%


Assolutament Ftit sodisfatt mhux sodisfatt



Sodisfatt ħafna

Il-President jisħaq dwar l-użu tal-Malti


’dan il-magazine nagħtu ħafna importanza lill-ilsien Malti u kien għalhekk li bl-ebda mod ma rridu li nabbandunaw l-ilsien Malti, lanqas fil-kitba u nippubblikaw għadd ta’ artikli bil-Malti. Issa l-President ta’ Malta George Vella wkoll għal darb’oħra saħaq dwar l-impenn tal-presidenza tiegħu favur l-użu tal-Malti. Meta ndirizza ċ-ċerimonja annwali tal-għoti tal-midalja tad-deheb ‘Ġieħ l-Akkademja tal-Malti’ fil-Palazz ta’ Sant’Anton il-President saħaq li, “Ma’ kull tixlifa mhux f’postha, ma’ kull marka jew tebgħa mhux mixtieqa, inkunu qegħdin inħassru l-għelm per eċċellenza ta’ dak li jagħmilna Maltin - ilsien pajjiżna”. Il-President feraħ lir-rebbieħa ta’ din issena tal-midalja tad-deheb, l-awtriċi Lina Brockdorff (taħt), u faħħarha li tat ħajjitha għal-lingwa Maltija, kemm b’kitbietha u wkoll b’ħidmietha fix-xandir u bħala President tal-Għaqda Letterarja Maltija. Huwa fissirha bħala eżempju sabiħ ta’ anzjanità attiva, bl-aħħar “Let Our Family tliet pubblikazzjonijiet Castle Hill Help You Through” li ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu Seven Hills – żdiedu mal-kullana Windsor and twila taħt isimha. Ħalli l-familja all suburbs Il-President feraħ tagħna tgħin lillukoll lill-Akkademja familja tiegħek tal-Malti talli kull sena tirrikonoxxi l-kontribut ta’ individwi.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Malta u l-Covid-19: fejn ninsabu


ħalkemm jidher li l-imxija talCovid-19 stabilizzat u li sfortunatment skont l-aħħar figuri l-għadd ta’ mwiet f’Malta sa nhar il-Ħadd kienu 151. Il-koronavirus jibqa’ fil-quċċata tal-aħbarijiet fuq il-midja. La semmejna l-imwiet bil-Covid-19 ma rridux ninsew li hemm imwiet oħra permezz ta’ infezzjonijiet u mard ieħor li billi l-istampa mhix tiffoka fuqu... għax kultant timxi mal-kurrent u tati mportanza lil dak li taħseb li hu l-aktar popolari. Infatti dan l-aħħar tħabbar li matul l-2019 kienu mietu 369 persuna b’mard kawżat mill-ħxuna (obeżitá). Saħansitra kellna min ilmenta li jidher li marda oħra, li fil-passat ingħatat ħafna mportanza, dik tal-HIV/aids, ukoll ingħatat il-ġenb. Insomma, kif jgħidu, anke hawn, il-musmar il-ġdid jaqla’ l-qadim. •Turiżmu: Sintendi, l-imxija ta’ dan il-virus tat daqqa ta’ ħarta kbira lit-turiżmu, tant li l-Gvern ħass li kellu jgħin finanzjament lil dan issettur biex kemm jista’ jkun ma jitkeċċewx ħaddiema.Fost kollox il-Gvern qed jipprovdi parti mill-paga tal-ħaddiema. Madanakollu t-turiżmu ma mietx għal kollox, u minkejja d-diffikultajiet u r-restrizzjonijiet kollha, xorta kien hemm dawk li ġew Malta għal btala. Infatti, fit-tielet kwart tas-sena u allura matul ix-xhur tas-sajf minkejja l-pandemija, f’Malta u Għawdex ġew 264,444 turist, Minn dawn, 239,964 qagħdu f'Malta u 'l bqija f'Għawdex. Żdied ukoll it-turiżmu intern b’ħafna Maltin iqattgħu xi jiem f’Għawdex. Turiżmu ntern li mistenni li wkoll jissaħħaħ fil-jiem tal-Milied tant li minn issa qed jiġu bbukjati lukandi u residenzi għal dawk il-jiem. Infatti l-Assoċjazzjoni tat-Turiżmu ta’ Għawdex (taħt) qed tgħid li diġà hemm x’juri li fil-maġġoranza, l-akkomodazzjonijiet disponibbli f’Għawdex, diġà ttieħdet għall-aħħar jiem tas-sena. Dan l-influs qed iħasseb lill-awtoritajiet, laktar wara rapporti li jkun hemm ġemgħat, li minħabba r-restrizzjonijiet, se jduru ma’ dawn il-miżuri billi jagħmlu parties privati fir-residenzi li qed jikru f’Għawdex. Min-naħa l-oħra l-Assoċjazzjoni tatTuriżmu Għawdxija qed issostni li se jittieħdu l-prekawzjoni kollha biex dawn ir-residenzi joperaw taħt protokolli tas-saħħa stretti, kif maħruġa mill-Awtoritajiet tas-

Saħħa u mill-Awtorità Maltija tat-Turiżmu. Il-Pagi Skont l-aħħar rapport tal-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika, d’differenza ta’ pajjiżi oħra Ewropej, f’din is-sena fejn l-pandemija ħalliet impatt negattiv fl-ekonomija u fuq il-pagi tal-ħaddiema Ewropej, fil-gzejjer Maltin il-pagi baqgħu b’saħħithom. Il-qagħad Għall-ħames xahar wara l-ieħor il-Eurostat poġġiet lil Malta bl-inqas rata ta’ qgħad fiż-Żona Ewro. Tant li skont l-uffiċċju tal-istatistika talUnjoni Ewropea, il-EUROSTAT għallħames xahar wara l-ieħor, Malta reġa’ kellha l-inqas rata ta’ qgħad fiż-Żona Ewro. Ir-rata f’Malta kienet ta’ 3.9%, li jfisser li hi inqas min-nofs il-medja taż-Żona Ewro, li laħqet it-8.4%. Malta kellha t-tielet l-inqas rata ta’ qgħad fost l-istati membri kollha, fejn kienu biss ir-Repubblika Ċeka u l-Polonja li kellhom rata ta’ qgħad inqas minn ta’ Malta. Il-vaċċin Il-poplu Malti huwa l-aktar fl-UE li qed jagħti priorità lill-vaċċin, b‘61% jgħid li lUE jinħtieġ tipprijoritizza riċerka. Sadanitant, 64% tal-Maltin huma kuntenti bil-miżuri li qed jieħu l-Gvern dwar ilCovid-19, li jpoġġi lil Maltin fost iċ-ċittadini Ewropej l-aktar kuntenti b’dawn il-miżuri. Finanzi Intant l-istess rapport juri li minn mindu faqqgħet il-pandemija, 57% tal-popolazzjoni - maġġoranza konsiderevoli - ma kellhomx problemi relatati ma' dħul jew flus.

Dan il-persentaġġ jirrappreżenta sezzjonijiet tal-popolazzjoni li jaħdmu f'setturi fejn il-pagi baqgħu l-istess (eż: fiċ-ċivil), fost ilpensjonanti u dawk benefiċċjarji ta' ħlasijiet oħrajn mill-Gvern, fost oħrajn. Minkejja dan 22% qalu li esperjenzaw tnaqqis fid-dħul. Ma' dawn 7% qalu li sabu diffikultà biex iħallsu l-kirja, kontijiet jew self tal-bank, filwaqt li 7% oħra qalu li kellhom jitolbu għall-għajnuna finanzjarja mingħand ħbieb jew qraba. Persentaġġ żgħir ta' 3% qalu li fallew filwaqt li 4% oħra qalu li sabu diffikultà biex ikollhom ikel ta' kwalità u suret in-nies. Minkejja li dawn in-numri huma kollha inkwetanti, flimkien mad-Daniżi, bi 63% il-Maltin huma fost l-aktar li qalu li ma ġewx affetwati mill-pandemija finanzjarjament, filwqqt limbagħad jiġu l-Lussemburgiżi (64%) u l-Finlandiżi (54%).

Il-Prim Ministr Robert Abela baqa’ jkun pjuttost pożittivi dwar il-pandemija bl-aħħar stqarrija li għamel tkun li, “Sa Mejju se nirkupraw mill-virus … Se nkunu l-ewwel pajjiż li jirkupra mill-COVID-19”. Qed ibassar li xahar ieħor se tibda t-triq lejn normalità sħiħa u dan kollu bis-saħħa ta’ dawk li kkoperaw u ħasbu f’ħaddieħor, bħala poplu li ħsibna fl-aħna u mhux filjien. Qal li kien kburi bil-mod ta’ kif pajjiżna qed jikkontrolla din il-pandemija. Abela qal li filwaqt li pajjiżi oħrajn Ewropej jinsabu f’lockdowns, curfews, jew saħansitra fi stat ta’ emerġenza, pajjiżna kompla jnaqqas il-qgħad għal rata li hija laktar waħda baxxa sa minn Marzu ’l hawn. Qal li mewta waħda kienet tfisser ukoll sens ta’ niket, iżda kien hemm ħidma kontinwa biex is-saħħa tal-poplu ġiet fuq quddiem. Id-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru tasSaħħa Chris Fearne spjega li għalkemm irRenju Unit approva t-tilqima, l-UE qed tagħmel testijiet aktar rigorużi. Malta se tistenna sal-aħħar ta’ dan ix-xahar għar-rapport tal-aġenzija jekk tirrakomandax l-awtorizzazjoni tal-vaċċin ta’ Pfitzer/Bion-

tech kontra l-Covid qabel tibda tingħata. Fearne spjega li mhux se jkun hemm vaċċinazzjoni għall-poplu kollu fl-ewwel xahar, għax il-Gvern se jiġi allokat numru ta’ dożi kull xahar. Ikkonferma li l-ewwel li se jitlaqqmu jkun l-frontliners – tobba u infermiera - imbagħad il-vulnerabbli u wara kull min jgħix Malta jkun jista’ jitlaqqam, KULĦADD B’XEJN. Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni u l-PN Bernard Grech, fuq Facebook qal li wara l-aħbar li r-Renju Unit approva l-ewwel vaċċin u b’hekk issa dan jista’ jibda jintuża, huwa kruċjali li bla aktar dewmien il-Gvern jippubblika l-istrateġija dettaljata tiegħu dwar kif se tingħata l-vaċċinazzjoni f’Malta u li dwar din l-istrateġija ssir konsultazzjoni. Huwa tenna li f’dan il-mument ma nistgħux nagħmlu żbalji u rridu nisimgħu millesperti mediċi. Dan qalu fil-kuntest li filwaqt li l-Ingilterra approvat il-vaċċin u bdiet ittih immedjatament, l-Unjoni Ewropeja aktar kawta u qalet li l-pajjiżi għandhom jistennew l-approvazzjoni tal- Aġenzija Ewropea tal-Mediċini qabel din tibda tingħata.

Prim Ministru Robert Abela

Il-Prim Ministru jesprimi fiduċja

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Australia’s economy is back T

he Australian economy has bounced back from its first recession in almost 30 years, the largest quarterly increase in GDP since 1976, Australia's GDP increased by 3.3 per cent in the September quarter, figures released showed. “The Australian economy is coming back,” the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says. “Facing a once-in-a-century pandemic that has caused the greatest economic shock since the Great Depression, Australia has performed better on the health and economic fronts than nearly any other country in the world.” Mr Frydenberg was at pains to stress that, although Australia had moved out of recession, the country's broader economic recovery was far from over. “Technically, Josh Frydenberg Australia's recession may be over, but Australia's economic recovery is not,” he many Australian households and many said. Australian businesses are doing it tough “There is a lot of ground to make up and very tough.”

Alleged war crimes by Australians in Afghanistan

The four-year investigation by InspectorGeneral of the Australian Defence Force, Justice Paul Brereton, released found “credible information” that Australian Special Forces soldiers were involved in the unlawful killings of 39 Afghan civilians or prisoners “The report identified 25 alleged perpetrators who were accused of being either principals or accessories to the killings. It recommended 19 be referred to the Australian Federal Police. Alleged war crimes in Afghanistan are more widespread than what has been uncovered so far, Afghan witnesses say. The Department of Defence has reportedly launched “administrative action” against a number of serving soldiers in the wake of the damning Afghanistan war crimes inquiry.

Trade war with China


kid you not; Australia and China are at war...a trade war... China claims to have found “substantive” evidence of the dumping of Australian wine, causing “material damage” to their local market. But Canberra suspects other motives, possibly stemming from China's grievance list spanning foreign investment rules, banning Huawei from the 5G network and the push for an inquiry into the origins of COVID-19. “What the government is doing is seeking to address a concerning pattern of behaviour by the Chinese against Australia,” cabinet minisAustralia’s PM Scott Morrison ter Dan Tehan said. “We're seeking to have conversations with the Chinese, to address this matter in the World Trade Organisation so we can ensure we're doing the right thing by our winemakers.” The tariffs he leaders of major faith groups in New range between 107.1 per cent, and South Wales have come together to ask the 212.1 per cent and Australian state Government to ease restrictions on religious wine manufacturers say the duties ceremonies, In a letter sent to chief health officer have the potential to ruin them. Meanwhile, China has hit back Kerry Chant and government ministers, leaders including Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP at the Australian government after called for rules to be relaxed so more people can Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an apology over a “deworship together. Faith leaders want capacity for places of worship plorable”, “repugnant” and “terriincreased to allow one person per two square me- bly offensive” fake photo shared tres indoors, similar to rules for small hospitality on social media. Zhao Lijian, a spokesman with venues. Currently, religious services inside are bound by China's foreign ministry, released the 4sqm rule — with up to a maximum of 300 the fake graphic image of an Auspeople. Outdoor services can cater for 500 people tralian soldier slitting a child's (under the 2sqm rule if parishioners are assigned throat. “Australia’s transparent and hona seat).

More people to worship together T

est way of dealing with this issue is a credit to this nation and a credit to those who wear the uniform. “ Few countries around the world China’s FM Zhao Lijian would have dealt with this in the way that we have, you don’t engage in disinformation and the ugliness seen on the Chinese government post” Said the Prime Minister. But China appears unlikely to apologise, with China's foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying suggesting at a press briefing that the Australian government should “do some soul-searching”. “The Australian side is reacting so strongly to my colleague's Twitter. Does that mean they think the cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians is justified, while other people's condemnations of such crimes are not justified?” she said. “The Australian government should do some soul-searching and bring the culprits to justice. “Shouldn't the Australian government feel ashamed? Shouldn't they feel ashamed for their soldiers killing innocent Afghan civilians?"

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday, Decvember 8, 2020

The State of Victoria “a chance to thrive”


he government of the State of Victoria’s 2020/21 Budget provides unprecedented funding to vital social services and supports to help Victorians navigate the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. “Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas said that COVID-19 had shone a bright light on some of the dark cracks in our society, and this is absolutely true. This crisis has clearly demonstrated the importance of fundamentals we should all have access to – like secure housing, stable employment and access to a strong and effective mental health sys-

tem,” Jesuit Social Services chief Julie Edwards said. “Many of these societal cracks have been evident before now, but COVID-19 has shown us how quickly people can slip through and be in urgent need of support. This Budget strengthens our social fabric and will ensure that more Victorians have the opportunity to flourish moving forward.” Key budget announcements include a $5.3 billion investment into social and affordable housing and $868 million to fix Victoria’s mental health system. Jesuit Social Services also welcomed the $1 billion invest-

Global terrorism and Australia

Coronavirus and A Qantas flights


Ms Julia Edwards ment into TAFE and training, funding for inclusive education, sick pay for insecure workers,

energy efficiency packages including in the social housing system, additional training for the youth justice workforce and addressing family violence. Ms Edwards said these investments show “a commitment to ensure all Victorians have the chance to thrive”. Meanwhile, the Premier Daniel Andrews has become a household name across Australia due to his handling of the pandemic. Leading to an almost cult-like status amongst his supporters, the Labor Leader made it clear that he will lead his party again in the State’s 2020 election.

ccording to the 2020 Global Terrorism Index from the Institute for Economics and Peace, which each year summarises key global trends, far-right extremism continues to rise across the Western world, and over the past five years such attacks in North America, Western Europe and Oceania have increased by 250 per cent On March 15 last year, an Australian terrorist opened fire on Muslim worshipers at two mosques in Christchurch, killing 51 people and injuring dozens of others in what was New Zealand’s worst mass shooting. Leanne Close is the head of the counter-terrorism program at the

Australian Strategic Policy Institute. She said what happened in Christchurch changed the "threat picture" in Australia. “Prior to Christchurch, in particular, there was a small focus on right-wing extremism in Australia, but after the massacre happened, ASIO has reported there has been a 40 per cent increase in their investigations focused on right-wing extremism, so that has been a major shift.” In the latest Global Terrorism Index, Australia is ranked 74th out of 163 countries, and the impact of terrorism in the country is classed as 'low'. It came 71st in last year’s report.

antas CEO Alan Joyce says passengers will need to provide proof they've had the COVID-19 vaccine in order to board the carrier's international flights. Speaking on TV Current Affair, the CEO said it would be a “necessity” for international visitors coming in and out of Australia. “We are looking at changing our terms and conditions to say for international travellers; we will ask people to have a vaccination before they can get on the aircraft," he said. “Whether you need that domestically, we will have to see what will happen with Covid-19 and the market. “But certainly for international visitors coming out and people leaving the country, we think that's a necessity.” The Qantas boss comments come after Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that a coronavirus vaccine will be “as mandatory as you can possibly Shadow Minister for Communications make it” for Australians. Federal Member for Greenway Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine results will allow for a "fully safe Australia; the vaccine could be available in Australia by March”. He said the development signified a pathway to "not just a COVID-safe Australia, but a fully-safe Australia - a return to norLevel 1. Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown mal". The federal government has committed to PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 buying 33.8 million doses of the vaccine, Michelle.Rowland.MP@ (02) 9671 4780 with healthcare workers and the elderly able to receive them at the highest priority. The www.michellerowland. MRowlandMP results ranged between 62 and 90 per cent efficacy depending on the vaccine dosage.

Michelle Rowland MP

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

Qatt ħsibt għaliex minn fost l-ittri kollha fl-alfabet hemm dawk li jissejħu “Vokali”?


a mill-ewwel snin tagħna fl-iskola elementari, fost l-ewwel ittri li tgħallimna, kemm jekk fl-ilsien Malti u wkoll f’dak Ingliż, kien hemm l-hekk imsejħa vokali: A, E. I, O, U (u wara wkoll fil-Malti, l-IE) u kif niktbuhom. Imma x’inhu dak li jagħmel vokali, vokali? Il-vokali u l-konsonanti huma żewġ kategoriji differenti ta’ ħsejjes li l-lingwisti (dawk li jistuddjaw lil-lingwa tal-pajjiż) jużaw biex jinfthiem aktar kif jitħaddem il-ħoss tad-diskors. L-istudju tal-ħsejjes li l-bniedem jipproduċi jissejjaħ fonetika, qasam tal-lingwistika. Imma l-ewwelnett, ejja narw minn fejn ġejja l-kelma VOKALI In-nisel tal-kelma vokali huwa mil-Latin vox. Li tfisser “leħen” (jew vuċi). Hija ssors tal-leħen u xi kliem bħala vokali u “voċiverat (li tgħajjat). Hemm ukoll il-kelma KONSONANTI, li litteralment tfisser “bil-ħoss” u ġejja milLatin con-(ma’) u sonare (“li tagħmel ħoss”). X’inhi d-differenza bejn vokali u konsonanti? Il-mod kif nispellu bil-vokali mhux dejjem tikkorrispondi mal-ħoss li fil-fatt inkunu qed nagħmlu. Dan jgħodd l-aktar għall-Ingliż u bħala eżempju nistgħu nsemmu, kliem bħal beet u beat li għalkemm bl-istess ħoss imma jinkitbu differenti. Nieħdu mbagħad bat u bait. Jiġu spelluti kważi l-istess imma lħoss tal-vokali a fihom huma differenti ħafna. Biex jaraw kif iduru mas-sistemi tal-kitba, lingwisti jużaw dak magħruf bħala lAlfabet Fonetiku Internazzjonali (International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA). Dan huwa sett ta’ simboli wżati biex jirrappreżentaw il-ħsejjes tal-ilsna (il-lingwi) tad-dinja, jinkitbu kif jinkitbu. Allura la diġá semmejt bat u bait, irrid ngħid li fonetikament il-ħoss tagħhom bilMalti huwa ta’ bet għal bat u bejt għal bait. Skont il-fonetika, vokali hija ħoss fid-

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


diskors li jsir bla ma jkun hemm ilħtieġa ta’ pressjoni minn ġewwa, mill-pulmun. Jitlissnu jkun kif ikun l-ilsien fil-ħalq (jekk hux għoli, finnofs jew baxx) u f’pożizzjonijiet differenti. Ix-xuftejn jistgħu jieħdu l-pożizzjoni tonda (bħal ma tgħid O u E) jew xort’oħra. Ipprova lissen il-vokali waħda waħda u tinduna li għal kull waħda x-xuftejn jieħdu forma differenti. Interessanti hu? Meta niġu għall-konsonanti l-mod kif nipproduċuhom huma differenti. Bħala eżempju nsemmu l-B bil-Malti li tgħidha mod (be) u tiftaħ ħafna ħalqek; bl-Ingliż mod ieħor (bi). Biex tlissinha bl-Ingliż trid tagħmel xuftejk qisek se ddoqq xi trumbetta. Kemm fil-Malti u wkoll fl-Ingliż hemm ittri oħra ta’ min ilissinhom biex jara d-differenza ta’ kif jinħassu u l-mod kif, kemm l-ilsien fil-ħalq kif ukoll ix-xuftejn jinbidlu. Kull lingwa għandha l-vokali? Iva, f’kull lingwa hemm il-vokali, imma l-għadd tagħhom ivarja skont l-użu. Filwaqt li fil-Malti nitgħallmu l-A, E, I, O, U u anke l-IE, u fl-Ingliż gieli jżidu wkoll ilY , jiddependi min ikun il-kelliem u ddjalett li juża, u ngħidhua, hemm ħafna djaetti differenti. L-Ispanjol Kastiljan u l-Ġappuniż huma meqjusa li għandhom ħames ħsejjes ta’ vokali. Il-lingwi wkoll ivarjaw fl-għadd ta’

konsonanti li għandhom. Fil-Malti hemm 25 konsonanti imma 30 ħoss (31 jekk inżidu l-IE.) Filwaqt li fl-Ingliż hemm 21 konsonanti imma 24 ħoss. Jekk nieħdu xi lingwi oħra, pereżempju tal-Hawai, dawn għandhom tmenja u l-Litwanja għandhom 45. F’xi lingwi fl-Afrika t’Isfel dawn huma ineżistenti. Hemm xi kliem li ma fihx vokali? Hemm, imma żgur li mhux fil-Malti jew l-Ingliż. Lingwi Slavi bħaċ-Ċekoslovakk huma magħrufa għal ħafna, fosthom ta’ ċertu tul ta’ konsonanti mingħajr vokali. Ezempju: strč prst skrz krk. Din xi ħaġa normali għalihom u minn xi daqqiet l-R tintuża daqs li kieku hi sillaba għaliha. Minn xi daqqiet kemm fil-Malti u wkoll fl-Ingliż, nużaw l-hekk imsejħa onomatopej, dawk li jinstemgħu bħallikieku kliem bħal hmm, shh, psst li huma imitazzjoni ta’ ħsejjes li nagħmlu biex inwettqu xi azzjoni, bħal meta trid turi li qed tħoss il-bard (brr), biex isejjaħ lil xi ħadd bla ma tgħajjatlu (psst), inkella biex issikket lil xi ħadd (shh). Nittama li dan l-artiklu sibtuh interesssanti daqskemm sibtu interessanti jien nirriċerkah. JosephCutajar

Id-differenza fl-użu tal-artiklu S

kont ir-regoli tal-kitba Maltija liMġarr, l-iStamperija, l-iSkozja u liSpjun huma kollha miktubin ħażin, filwaqt li l-iSprite hija tajba. Dan għaliex “meta jkollna nżidu l-vokali tal-leħen i bejn isem proprju li għandu jinkiteb bħall-oriġinal (jew reklam) u l-artiklu, din inżiduha skont ir-regola tal-artiklu tal-Malti imma nżommu wkoll l-ittra kapitali tal-kelma fl-oriġinal. Għalhekk għandna niktbu l-iSpell, l-iStergene, l-iSprite.” Mela din ir-regola tintuża eċċezzjonal-

ment u qiegħda biex tibza’ għall-forma talismijiet proprji barranin li ma ħadux għalkollox is-sura Maltija u li għadhom jinkitbu bħall-oriġinal. Ikunu speċi ta’ “marka tad-ditta”. Dan ma japplikax għal ismijiet proprji Maltin (bħal l-Imġarr, l-Imsida, l-Imdina) jew ismijiet proprji ta’ nisel barrani li qagħdu għall-kitba Maltija (bħal l-Iskozja, l-Imnarja). U wisq inqas għal nomi komuni integrati, li jinkitbu sempliċiment l-istamperija, l-ispjun u l-istrajk.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Mill-Gżira Għawdxija

Charles Spiteri

Maestro di Cappella ġdid b’teknika ġdida mill-għaqda għall-Katidral Presepju Ħbieb tal-Presepju f’Għajnsielem ta’ Għawdex


ħalkemm minħabba l-imxija talCovid-19 ħafna mill-attivitajiet kulturali li jsiru madwar il-gżejjer Maltin spiċċaw jiġu mħassra, is-Sezzjoni ta' Għajnsielem tal-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex xorta baqgħet tiltaqa’ darbtejn fil-ġimgħa biex tkompli b’ħidmietha, tant li taħt id-direzzjoni tal-artist Paul Stellini qed tibni presepju mdaqqas ta' 4 metri bi 2 taħt il-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ Għajnsielem. Għal dan il-proġett qed tintuża teknika u materjali li l-membri ġew mgħallma minn għalliemaTaljani li nġiebu apposta matul is-snin mill-għaqda t’Għajnsielem. Filwaqt li xi membri qed jgħinu lil Paul, li hu


s-Surmast Joseph Debrincat minn Victoria (fuq) inħatar bħala l-Maestro di Cappella tal-Katidral t’Għawdex bħala ssuċċessur tas-surmast Colin Attard li kien ilu fil-kariga għal dawn l-aħħar 25 sena. Debrincat studja fl-Universitá ta’ Malta taħt il-kompożituri magħruf Charles Camilleri Joseph Vella, u John Galea, kompla taħt Michael Laus, u wara mar ukoll jistudja f’Milan, l-Italja taħt is-surmast Herbert Handt. Fl-2005, huwa kiseb l-M.Phil. fil-mużika mill-Universitá ta’ Malta wara li ppreżenta t-teżi dwar il-kompożizzjonijiet ta’ Francesco Azopardi (1748-1809) fl-rkivji tal-Mużika tal-Katidral ta’ Għawdex. Mro Debrincat kien l-ewwel surmast talbanda Santa Margerita ta’ Sannat sa missena 2000 jagħmilja tal-maestro di cappella fl-istess raħal. Hu wkoll l-assistant surmast tas-Soċjetá Filarmonika talBanda Leone. Huwa wkoll waqqaaf l-hekk magġrufa bħala l-Classique Foundation u għall-aħħar sentejn kien i-moħħ wara l-festival MUSIC+. Għal aktar minn darba mexxa wkoll lOrkestra Filarmonka ta’ Malta

Jitbierku l-mużajċi F

tit ilu l-arċipriet tan-Nadur Mons. Jimmy Xerri bierek il-mużajċi li hemm fid-daħla taċ-ċimiterju tal-Ħniena Divina fin-Nadur u li huma xogħol minn Mary Portelli. Wara l-quddiesa minn Dun Anton Schembri fil-kappella ta’ l-istess ċimiterju, il-Kanonku Reuben Micallef spjega lil dawk miġbura s-sinifikat tal-mużajċi li huma ibażati fuq tinqix u tpinġija li hemm fil-katakombi f’Ruma u li saru meta l-insara kienu ppersegwitati u kienu juru ttwemmin tagħhom b’mod sottili.

wkoll il-president ta' l-Għaqda Presepju, li joħloq ix-xenarju tal-blat bil-ġablo u ġibs, oħrajn qed iħejju blokki magħmula minn xps foam ħalli minnhom isiru d-djar filpresepju li qed jinħadem fuq stil bibliku. Se jintuzaw fih pasturi original ta' 30cm tat-terrakotta. Is-sezzjoni ta’ Ghajnsielem twaqqfet fl2013 bl-ghan li tahdem biex il-presepju jsib postu f'kull dar fil-Milied, tlaqqa flimkien u tkabbar il-ħbiberija fost iddilettanti tal-presepju kemm f'Malta u barra minn xtutna, torganizza 'lectures', korsjiet dwar l-istorja u l-bini tal-presepju, u ta' kull sena torganizza wirja ta' presepji u oggetti konnessi miegħu.

Restawr fil-Munxar


l-Kunsill Lokali tal-Munxar nieda lProġett ta' Restawr tat-Torri taxXlendi li huwa ko-finanzjat minn fondi Ewropej, b'investiment ta' madwar €355,000. Ix-xogħol jinkludi r-restawr tal-faċċati ta' barra u ta' ġewwa, interpretarion and information visitor centre, sistema ta' pannelli fotovoltajċi u sistema taleletriku.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

“My Nannu is Maltese!” M


y dear daughter Patricia has two children, Mikayla who is nearly six and Cameron, nearly five. They both attend Seymour College in Adelaide. Recently they have been learning about ‘Multiculturalism” teaching them about the origins of their parents and grandparents from all over the world. The lessons have been enhanced with relatives from their respective parts of the world who went to the classrooms and spoke about their birthplaces. They even augmented their talks by wearing their native costumes and sometimes even brought in samples of their country’s typical foods. My grandchildren were very impressed, especially by sampling pasta from Italy, curries from India and many others. Mikayla, never a shy kid was apparently very boastful and outspoken about her grandparents being Maltese and that her grandfather played the trumpet in a Maltese band! Consequently, my daughter Trish requested me to go to the school and give a talk about Malta and also play the trumpet. I must say, I found this a very daunting request, standing in front of a hoard of youngsters lecturing about Malta and playing my trumpet! I’ve never done a solo performance in front of such an audience. How was I to stand in front of them and keep them interested and entertained! Oh Boy! But I managed it (see pictures). Eventually I hit on an idea on how to ‘execute the mission’. Therefore I reluctantly accepted to attend my grandchildren’s school. I thought the best way for me to tell these young ones about my Malta was to relate to them how I spent some of my childhood days. To plan my performance I sat at my trusty computer and wrote a bit of a script to tell, and the tunes to play.

The day arrived and so, armed with my gleaming, polished cornet, accompanied by my wife Agnes, and my daughter Trish, we entered the room where all the children were seated on the carpet floor. My grandchildren greeted me with a bright “Hello Nannu” that was followed by a hearty clap and beaming smiles from the children and after their teacher introduced me as “Mr Borg, Mikayla and Cameron’s grandpa” I began by telling them that I came from an island just like Australia, but very much smaller and many thousands of miles away. I recounted how, just like them in my days as a young boy, I went to school and played with my friends in the street where I lived because there weren’t that many cars around. I spoke about the games I played, like hide and seek, that we called “noli”, and marbles, and that I also enjoyed making and flying a kite. I told them how we enjoyed driving the bicycle rims, which we called “Ċirku” around the

streets making lots of noises! But most of all, I enjoyed the days of our village “festa” The kids were captivated looking at the beautiful projections on the large screen, (organised by my daughter), showing the colourful views of the Maltese streets adorned with lights, floral decorations and the majestic drapes (pavaljuni) hanging from one side of the street to the other. I explained that the highlight of the Festa for me, was when the big brass bands marched through the streets playing marches and that along with my brother and sister, we would get to my aunt’s balcony the (gallarija) to toss heaps of shredded paper on the band as it passed underneath us. It was great fun for the kids in the streets to walk through the heaps of shredded papers. The band sounded so good to me that it made me want to learn how to play music. *Continued on page 21

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

“My Nannu is Maltese!”

Playing the trumpet for the school kids

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Continued from page 20

I told my very young audience that my dad then decided to bring us to this vast country, Australia, as he told us about it’s friendly people and the many animals that lived there. Just to get my young friends to interact, I asked if they knew what these were, and in a flash a hundred hands were raised each one of them waving eagerly to tell me about echidnas, emus, wombats, platypus and many others. There was a deadly silence when I told them they had missed one. I smiled and said “boing, boing, boing”. Then they burst into shouts of “Kangaroos!” I explained that Malta was 14,000 kilometres away from Australia, and that it used to take 30 days to get here by ship. There were lots of “Woo’s” but I told them that the trip was fun for me and the other boys on the ship because we played lots of games. I also mentioned a naughty boy that used to throw the balls over the side of the ship just to see them float away in the sea!

I said that growing up in Adelaide, I still liked music very much; therefore I joined the Maltese Queen of Victories Band and learned how to play the trumpet. As I held up my instrument, gleaming brightly as it was polished up especially for this occasion, someone yelled out “play it”. I went on to say that the band plays music on many occasions, some happy, at other times also sad like we do on Anzac Day for our fallen soldiers. At this stage one of the teachers confirmed that the kids had just learnt about Anzac Day. So I stood up and played an excerpt of, ‘The Last Post’ (above). You could have heard a pin drop as they listened so intently! Then to change the mood I told them that sometimes we also play happy music

such as Happy Birthday, which I then played for them. It brought a beaming smile to their faces, especially when I asked if they could sing it for me. They burst into song with the gusto of the football crowds on weekends. As my daughter signalled to me that it was time to move on, I concluded by telling them that because I am Maltese, my grandchildren do not call me grandpa but “Nannu”. There was a loud and hearty retort from Mikayla as I glanced at her. Before I left I asked if they wished to know how to say goodbye in Maltese, waved to them and said “SAĦĦA”. No sooner had I said it, that they all started waving at me and yelling “Saħħa”. As the teachers thanked me for the “interesting and colourful presentation”, I reiterated that the pleasure was all mine as I watched the happy response of these beautiful youngsters. With a lovely hug from my grandchildren Mikayla and Cameron, I left the school with a smile of satisfaction on my face.

Farewell to the Franciscans Friars from the Illawarra 22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


GeorgeBartolo OAM

Thanksgiving Mass was held on Sunday November 22 at St. Francis of Assisi parish of Warrawong, (a suburb of Wollongong) to farewell the Franciscan Friars who sixty-five years ago brought this parish into being and has been administrating it ever since. It is with great sadness to see them go. The mass was celebrated by the bishop of Wollongong Brian Mascord, Fr. David Blowey, Provincial Delegate of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual in Australia and Fr. Rick Micallef Dioscsion Priest who came purposely from Wagga Wagga for the occasion. Fr. Rick was born and lived in Cringila. He started his education in the catholic school at Warrawong adjoining the church. It was through the Maltese Community of Illawarra that this Parish was created in the fifties when the then Archbishop of Malta Sir Michael Gonzi visited Australia and paid a visit to Wollongong. The then committee of the Union (lGħaqda) as the George Cross Club was called in those days met with the Archbishop and pleaded with him to send a Maltese priest to look after the spiritual needs of the Maltese migrants. A few months later Friar Victor Bonello arrived from Gozo. Hence the beginning of the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi with Fr. Bonello being the founder of the parish and later the catholic school adjoining the church. Other Maltese priests continued the valuable work started by Fr. Bonello. The Maltese community of Illawarra owes them a lot. One such priest is Fr. Leonard Testa. He arrived from Malta with his parents in the early fifties as a young boy and lived in Cringila. After years of studying in Malta, he was ordained a priest in Rome in December 1967. He also spent a number of years as parish priest and also spiritual director of the George Cross Falcons Club. Another parish priest that left a valuable monument to be admired by all those visiting the Parish of Warrawong is Fr. Em-

manuel Gatt. He worked tirelessly amongst the Maltese migrants and others from other nationalities. His biggest achievement was the building of the new church that replaced the old dilapidated one that once was an old dance hall. The new church was blessed and officially opened on July 8, 1995. Fr. Gatt was also remembered at this mass, as it was also a month to the day he passed away. Sandra Prisco/Grech gave a short account of the history of this parish; from Fr. Victor Bonello's arrival and his contribution to the parishioners. He was referred to as the parish priest with a prayer book in one hand and a hammer in the other. Others priests followed, including Fr Emmanuel Gatt during whose term the new church was built. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the attendance in the church for the celebration was restricted. The mass was followed by a small reception in the church hall (below).

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2. To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Also On De-

mand on l-Internet: On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am) Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live/catch up) at: (mobile), using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming:

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet are now on SBSTV Viceland HD Channel 32 every Sunday at 8.00 a.m. and on Thursday at 8.00 a.m. BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm. Maltese Community Radio Adelaide: Maltese Programmes on 5EBI 103.1fm: Sunday: 7.30am; Monday: 8.00 am; Monday: 6.00pm. Contact: Bernadette Buhagiar: 0420 944 205. Email Ron Borg: 0418 843 850. Email 97.9 FM Melton Tuesday Maltese Programme: 6.00 To 8.00 pm Presenter Miriam Vella Programmes on 89.3 Fm 2GLF A Solid Gold: music programme with English and Italian timeless favourites Fridays 11.00am to 1.00 pm. Maltese voices: One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists. Sundays @ 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm Also listen on “Tune in“ by downloading app and search for the station 2GLF ~ 89.3 Fm - by Marthese Caruana

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Established in 1999

Can you speak Maltese?

THE MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW is inviting applications from people to assist in language teaching. Support and training will be provided for these paid positions.

Classes for juniors and adults are held at Horsley Park Public School Saturday mornings during school terms. If you can assist with teaching or administration in 2021 and would like more information please contact: Maria 0416 119 100 or Miriam 0419 476 924 Email:

La Val e t t e S o c i al Ce n t r e

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

The Centre is now open again two days a week, Thursdays, Saturdays The Centre is a registered Covid-Safe Venue and all special requirements are in force including social distancing, restricted numbers, temperature taking, patron register and Covid-Marshall. Flexible Respite is operating normally but Centre-Based Respite is restricted due to low numbers that can be transported. Charlie's Family Restaurant is open Thursdays and Saturdays for lunch and dinner. Bocci pitches are operating again with some restrictions. Bingo: Saturday only at 8.00pm preceded by short Maltese movie at 7.30pm. ___________________________________ MASS: Thursday: 10.15am; Saturday: 5.30 p.m. (subject to availability of a priest.)

We offer legal services in Melbourne (Lt Collins Street) and Werribee. Family law is our specialty. • wills, powers of attorney, • manage deceased estates, and provide • purchase and sell property • purchase and sell businesses. • divorce, children, property, • child support, intervention orders. • Maltese Wills, Powers of Attorney • Maltese Property matters. Marlene Ebejer (speaks Maltese)is an accredited family law specialist Phone: 03 9741 1722 email We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tal-aħbarijiettagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta huma mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għall-aħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Malta girls finish group with back-to-back wins

UEFA Women's EURO 2021 Qualifiers


he Malta women’s national team managed a record 10-point tally in Group B of the Women’s Euro 2021qualifiers, the highest number of points ever gained by the women’s senior side in a qualifying campaign thanks to back-to-back away wins in their final two group matches against Georgia (4-0) and Israel (2-0). After beating Georgia 4-0 in Tbilisi, the girls wrapped up their successful campaign by defeating Israel at the Ramat Gan Stadium, in Tel-Aviv by 2-0. The points gained enabled coach Luke Gatt’s team to finish the competition in fourth place.

Blast from the past

The five Slimiżi


are photos from the past are always welcome at The Voice of the Maltese. If you have them send them over with a clear description and we will endeavour to publish them. The name of D’Agostino in football circles in Australia is well known. Nick D’Agostino who plays for Brisbane Roar FC is in the U23 Australian squad. His father played for Melita Eagles, and his aunty was the President of Parramatta Melita Eagles. James D’Agostino (the grandfather) now living in Greystanes NSW played for Malta Eagles in season 1955/56. He sent us the historical picture (above) of five players before they migrated to Australia. They all played their football with Sliema Chicago. The photo was taken at Queen’s Park. Standing (from left): Sam Chetcuti and Fredu Zarb. Squatting: Eddie Hamer, James D’Agostino and Victor Fenech. Send any such pictures to us at:

In Tbilisi, Malta outclassed Georgia and in the process not only scored four goals but also kept a clean sheet for the first time in the qualifying group. Haley Bugeja obtained a hattrick. Shona Zammit, playing in her 50th international had opened the scoring. Before their final game, they were sharing fifth place with Israel, but then with their victory in Tel Aviv they secured fourth placing on 10 points. Malta stamped their authority with a goal in each half by Brenda Borg and Haley

Bugeja, thus rounding up their commitments with 11 goals scored. In addition, they also kept their second clean sheet in the group.

n his playing days Diego Armando Maradona was the world’s most talkedabout footballer. He was an icon, a myth and hero-worshipped, particluarly in Argentina and Napoli in Italy where he led them to two championships. Maradona died on November 25 at the age of 60. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, he was one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the 20th Century award. A precocious talent, Maradona was given the nickname El Pibe de Oro (The Golden Boy). He also had a trou-

bled off-field life and was banned in both 1991 and 1994 for abusing drugs. In his international career with Argentina, he earned 91 caps and scored 34 goals. He played in four FIFA World Cups, including the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, where he captained Argentina and led them to victory over West Germany in the final, and won the Golden Ball as the tournament's best player. He also became the coach of Argentina's national football team in November 2008 until the 2010 World Cup.

Maradona, the Golden Boy dies aged 60


Surprises galore as Sliema take sole lead Malta Premier League 2020/21


he last two matchdays provided surprises galore and as all around them dropped points, at the end of them Sliema Wanderers became sole leaders of the Premier League. Valletta who have entertained hopes of winning the title lost to Floriana on Sunday. It was their fourth match without a win after two draws and two defeats. It extended their disappointing run during which they also lost coach Jesmond Zerafa. He resigned. Matchday 9 proved to be the real “black weekend” however, as five of the top teams unexpectedly dropped points against lowerplaced opposition. Hibernians, Valletta and champions Floriana all suffered shock defeats against teams one normally expects them to beat rather easily. Perhaps the worst was Valletta’s, by 3-1 against Tarxien. Immediately after Jesmond Zerafa tendered his resignation to be replaced later (as interim coach) by Gilbert Agius. Floriana’s 0-2 loss to Mosta was as much a disappointment. The defending champi-

ons lost to a team that played for 50 minutes with a numerical disadvantage after having a player sent off. The Greens then redeemed themselves MATCHDAY 10 Results by beating erstwhile Hibernians v S Lucia 3-0 1-0 Sirens v Gżira rivals Valletta ?-? Valletta v Floriana Before Day 9 Hi- Sliema W v Zejtun C 4-2 2-2 Ħamrun S v Lija A. bernians were shar3-2 U v Balzan ing the top spot in Gudja Birkirkara v Senglea 2-1 1-0 the league ladder Mosta v Tarxien with Gzira, but MATCHDAY 9 Results v Hibernians 2-1 their loss relegated Sirens Gzira U v Sta Lucia 2-2 them to fourth. Sliema W. v Lija Ath 4-1 They have also Ħamrun S v Żejtun 4-0 3-1 v Valletta been overtaken by Tarxien 2-0 Mosta v Floriana 1-1 Ħamrun who re- Balzan v Senglea 3-0 Birkirkara v Gudja U turned to winning ways with a clear victory over Zejtun. Hibernians lost their position after a “freak” result by losing against Sirens. After Day 10 it was Sliema’s turn to take command of the ladder, two points ahead of Hibs. Ħamrun are third a point behind, while Gzira slipped to fourth after losing to Sirens.

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