The Voice of the Maltese No. 243

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The Voice of the Maltese

Issue 243 December 22, 2020

(We are for the Greater Malta)

Fortnig htly magazine

We wish all our readers and their families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2021

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Message from the President of the Republic of Malta, H.E. Dr. George Vella


Dear citizens of Malta and Gozo living abroad,

t is my pleasure, that for the second year in a row, I am sending on my behalf, on behalf of my wife Miriam, and the rest of our Nation, the best wishes to all of you, for Christmas and New Year. This year has been long and difficult for all of us. You could say that each of the countries where you live, including Malta, has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of us have experienced long lockdowns. Some still are. Unfortunately, we have also lost loved ones and it is fitting to salute their memory during this period. We kept our distance from each other, not because we wanted to but as a sign of love and respect. We made sacrifices, but we also learned. We adapted to the circumstances. We have seen how we turn these restrictions into gestures of altruism and solidarity that have truly brought us closer together. In a fast-paced world, we also found time to talk more often. Thus, we realised that distance was never a problem separating us. We found a way to spend hours talking, through modern technology, when under normal circumstances we never thought it would be possible. I augur that, when this pandemic ends, we will continue to find time for each other. I am convinced that soon, we will be able to visit each other again without restrictions. Until then, stay in touch often, especially with those who are most in need or who need special attention. Let us keep in mind those who, even during these festivities, are alone. This is the true Christmas spirit. This is what always stood out in the Maltese character. What really matters is the togetherness and love for our family. Distance can never change these values. Therefore, I ask you that when you are decorating the

The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our readers and their families a wonderful Christmas! May it bring you joy, happiness and all that you deserve. Happy Christmas Also may the New Year 2021 be one of health, happiness, wealth, wisdom, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Christmas tree or setting up the crib, keep in mind your families and friends here in Malta. It is good to participate fully in the traditions of your adoptive country, but also keep your Maltese heritage alive. Stay Maltese in your traditions. Where possible, use the Maltese language and teach it to your children and grandchildren. For us, you will always be part of our family especially during these days, as we miss your presence. I hope that those who wished to be in Malta for the holidays but could not travel due to the restrictions would be able to do so in the very near future. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those of you who, during these difficult times, have been at the forefront of ensuring the health and safety of your communities. I am sure that you do your job with no interest for personal gain and with a lot of dedication.

Dear brothers and sisters, I want to send a message of hope to all of you, as I do to your families in Malta. Let us all follow the guidelines set by the respective health authorities in order to protect each other’s health. The year that is going to end was a tough one. However, we should keep in mind that the Christmas festivities and their great significance will not be ruined or tarnished, as long as we continue to nurture our values within us. I will conclude this message by telling you that wherever you are – we are proud of you. Through all your actions, you show the world that the greatness of a country is not in its geographical size, but in its people. I wish you and your families a Christmas full of joy and love. I also wish you a New Year full of prosperity, happiness and above all health.

The Voice of the Maltese will now take a break for Christmas and the New Year. This is the last issue for 2020. The first issue for 2021 is set for January 12.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Dr. Robert Abela

Huwa pjaċir tiegħi li qed nikkontribwixxi għallewwel darba f’din ir-rivista bħala Prim Ministru tal-Maltin u Għawdxin. Ninsabu kemm ninsabu ’l bogħod minn xulxin, nibqa’ dejjem imsaħħar bil-valuri sbieħ li jgħaqqduna u li sawru l-identità tagħna bħala Maltin matul il-milja tas-snin. Dawn il-valuri ta’ poplu bieżel u reżiljenti ħarġu fid-deher matul is-sena li waslet biex tintemm. Sena li matulha d-dinja kollha, inkluż pajjiżna għex żmien ta’ sfida kbira minħabba l-pandemija tal-COVID-19. L-imxija ħarbtitilna l-ħajja tagħna ta’ kuljum u l-istil ta’ ħajjitna kien jinħtieġ li jinbidel radikalment. Nistqarr li ma kinetx faċli. Ftit ġimgħat wara li assumejt lirwol ta’ Prim Ministru, pajjiżna kellu jaffronta din l-isfida bla preċedent. Iżda meta nħares lura nħossni kburi bil-ħidma li rnexxielna nagħmlu bħala pajjiż magħqud u flimkien. Għalkemm ma kellna l-ebda manwal li jiggwidana, xorta bħala pajjiż, irnexxielna nibqgħu għaddejjin. Għamilna dan għax imxejna b’għaqal u għax għandna sistema ta’ saħħa b’saħħitha, bi professjonisti u bi frontliners f’diversi oqsma li ħadmu fuq li ħadmu biex taw dak kollu li jistgħu għal pajjiżna. Fuq kollox il-poplu Malti u Għawdxi li kien magħna u kkopera biex żammejna s-sitwazzjoni taħt kontroll. Tul is-sena ħdimna kemm flaħna sabiex żammejna l-bilanċ bejn is-saħħa u l-għajxien tal-familji tagħna. Bil-miżuri li ħadna fil-Pjan ta’ Riġenerazzjoni Ekonomika, pajjiżna żamm fost l-inqas rati ta’ qgħad fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Konna ta’ spalla għal eluf ta’ negozji u familji. Il-wage supplement u liskema tal-vouchers taw nifs qawwi lill-ħaddiema f’pajjiżna. Issa aktar minn qatt qabel irridu nħarsu ’l quddiem. L-avvanz f’dak li huwa vaċċin se jagħti nifs kbir lid-dinja, mhux l-inqas lilna sabiex immorru lura għan-normalità li konna drajna biha.

Hemm bżonn li nitilqu niġru u bil-miżuri li ħadna għandna l-opportunità li nagħmlu dan f’qasir żmien. Fil-ġimgħat u x-xhur li ġejjin se nissoktaw bir-riformi li jeħtieġ jagħmel pajjiżna. Din is-sena wettaqna riformi storiċi biex saħħaħna l-istituzzjonijiet ta’ pajjiżna u s-Saltna tad-Dritt. Riformi li mhux biss intlaqgħu u ġew imfaħħra mill-istituzzjonijiet Ewropew iżda li tqiesu mudell għal pajjiżi oħrajn. Il-missjoni ewlenija tal-Gvern immexxi minni tibqa’ dik li nwieżnu lil dawk l-aktar li għandhom bżonn u nippremjaw il-bżulija tal-familji u n-negozji tagħna. Dan se nagħmluh bil-miżuri soċjali li ħabbarna fil-Budget għas-sena d-dieħla fosthom żieda oħra fil-pensjonijiet, titjib fiċ-children’s allowance u l-In-Work Benefits, żieda fir-rata tal-Carer at Home u assistenza akbar għal persuni b’diżabbiltà severa. Bħala parti mill-viżjoni tagħna għal pajjiżna se nkomplu nimmodernizzaw l-infrastruttura ta’ pajjiżna u nibnu infrastruttura industrijali ġdida li se toħloq eluf ta’ impjiegi ġodda u ta’ kwalità. Fl-istess waqt se ninvestu bis-saħħa fl-ambjent biex sal2050 pajjiżna jkun ħieles mill-karbonju. Ma’ dawn se ninvestu f’aktar spazji miftuħa u żoni ta’ rikreazzjoni biex inkomplu ntejbu l-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji tagħna. Se naraw li l-oqsma vitali tas-saħħa u tal-edukazzjoni jibqgħu jkunu ta’ prijorità. Fuq kollox se nibqgħu nġibu lil Malta tagħna, l-ewwel u qabel kollox għax persważ li l-Maltin u l-Għawdxin magħquda se jimxu ’l quddiem. Minn qalbi f’ismi, f’isem marti Lydia u binti Giorgia Mae u f’isem il-Gvern, nawguralkom Milied ħieni u Sena Ġdida mimlija paċi u mħabba.

Messaġġ mill-Onor. Evarist Bartolo Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u Ewropej


Għeziez ħuti,

taqt li kieku żort il-komunitá Maltija fl-Awstralja fix-xhur li ghaddew imma ma stajtx minħabba lCovid-19. Imma nittama li fix-xhur li gejjin inkun nista’ nivvjaġġa u nigi narakom. Bhall-ħafna eluf oħra li ngħixu fil-gzejjer Maltin jien ukoll għandi qrabati fl-Awstralja u allura meta nżur lAwstralja ma nħossnix li qed inżur pajjiż barrani. Inkun qed inżur lil tal-familja, mhux biss dawk li jiġu minni, iżda tal-familja Maltija. Għandna Maltin u Għawdxin jgħixu f’pajjizi oħra f’kull naħa tad-dinja kważi daqskemm għandna jgħixu fil-gżejjer tagħna. Tajjeb li nżommu ħajjin ir-rabtiet ta’ bejnietna u nsaħħuhom. Ahna fejn aħna nistgħu nħobbu lil pajjizna u lill-poplu

tagħna waqt li nkunu parti sħiħa u ħajja mis-socjetá fejn qegħdin. F’dinja fejn tant żdied it-taħlit ta’ popli, razez, nazzjonalitajiet, ilsna u kulturi differenti aktar hemm ċans li jiżdiedu l-kunflitti bejnietna. Imma aktar ukoll hemm iċ-ċans li jekk nagħmlu sforz ġenwin u diffiċli kemm hu diffiċli. nitgħallmu ngħixu flimkien u nirrispettaw lil xulxin, aktar hemm ċans li nagħrfu li aħna aħwa lkoll tal-familja umana li tgħix f’din il-pjaneta u ħafna mill-isfidi kbar li għandna quddiemna nistgu negħelbuhom biss, mhux billi niġġieldu u nkunu għedewwa ta’ xulxin imma billi naħdmu flimkien għall-ġid komuni. Awguri 2021

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2020

More Christmas and New Year messages


his year has asked a great deal of our multicultural communities. You’ve all been called on to make some very big sacrifices. You’ve all played a part, you’ve done whatever it takes, to keep each other safe. It also meant enduring enormous disruption to your all-important faith traditions. Your perseverance and sacrifices underscore why Australia is the most successful multicultural nation in the world. So today, I say thank you to our multicultural communities for everything you have done to help get us through this difficult year. The task now is to complete the transition to a businessled economic recovery in a COVID-safe way. Our hardworking multicultural communities and citizens will be

H.E. Ms Jenny Cartmill High


Commissioner for Australia in Malta

ith Christmas just around the corner, it’s a good time to reflect on the year from the High Commission’s perspective. Even though it will be a much more subdued Christmas than usual, it’s a beautiful and inspiring time to be in Malta. The illuminated churches, the rivers of golden lights in Floriana, the strings of snowflakes in Valletta, the coloured trees in Ta’ Xbiex - they all remind us of what’s important about this time of year. On the opposite side of the world, Australia will probably be baking hot. Our two adult sons, our fathers (both well over 90!), and other family will be celebrating in the shade with seafood and cold drinks. We’ll have an e-toast to everyone’s health and a heart-felt wish for a much better 2021! We’ll also think about the nurses, doctors, cleaners, administrators and others who are working hard in Malta, Australia and everywhere in between to keep us all as safe as possible. 2020 started off with a wonderful Australia Day celebration, hosted by my predecessor Julienne Hince, onboard the Virtu Ferries vessel Saint John Paul II, showcasing Australian shipbuilding excellence and Tasmanian food and wine. Then from March onwards, with the start of the pandemic, the High Commission was fully occupied helping people return to Australia. My own arrival was delayed but I was ho-


he life changing events of the last twelve months had caught us all off guard and perplexed.

Australia ushered in the year 2020 with a fiery welcome, breathing a sigh of relief only after temperatures cooled down in February and the last of the fires burnt itself out.

Simultaneously, we listened and watched in disbelief as some parts of the world grappled with the slowly rising number of COVID cases. It was only when we received news of the first case in Australia, did it become so real that everything had to slow down to almost a standstill.

The High Commission in Canberra, with the help of modern technology, managed to continue its diplomatic work remotely. Consular services had to be suspended in our offices in Melbourne and Sydney for a period of time but is

Message from the Prime Minister of Australian Hon. Scott Morrison

critical to this ambition. I believe we will see a vaccine next year – boosting capacity and confidence around our ability to live and work with COVID-19. Australians overwhelmingly appreciate the enormous contribution of our multicultural communities. During this pandemic year, we’ve seen again why. We’re getting through this together. And I know people everywhere are excited about a return to the national days and the cultural and religious events, festivals and celebrations that make multicultural Australia so special. May you have a safe and merry Christmas and a happy New Year! noured to present my credentials to the President, His Excellency Dr George Vella on July 23. I have discovered, like everyone before me, that Malta is at least ten large countries all condensed into one multilayered gem, overflowing with history, culture and beauty. I’m getting to know more about it by visiting Gozo, hiking along walking trails on Comino and by the Dingli Cliffs, wandering around the atmospheric streets of Valletta and Mdina, and trying lots of different pastizzi shops! The High Commission is continuing to work hard to assist any consular clients who need our help. I encourage you to check our website or telephone if you need advice. We’re also encouraging further business and trade opportunities, especially once the Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement is finalised. And in October, Auskick, the outdoor Aussie Rules coaching for children, was able to resume - a welcome return to something closer to normal, thanks to three volunteer coaches. I haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting as many people as I’d like, but I’m really looking forward to the time soon when the High Commission can host more events to bring us together again. I wish you a very happy Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.

H.E. Charles Muscat

High Commissioner for Malta in Australia now fully operational.

2020 will see my retirement after seven years as High Commissioner for Malta to Australia and New Zealand.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank my Deputy, the staff at the High Commission in Canberra, Consuls General in Melbourne and Sydney and their staff, and the Honorary Consuls in the other states of Australia and in New Zealand for their dedication and hard work. Together with my wife Victoria, I would like to thank the Maltese and Gozitans in Australia and New Zealand for their support during my tenure as High Commissioner. We hope to meet again sometime in the future.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a healthy 2021!

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Busting the Myth

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Relationships - Churchill, Malta and Australia PaulCalleja

The final of a 3-part series)

Pre-war deliberation of whether or not to defend Malta

The pre-war deliberation “to defend or not defend Malta” centred purely on cost-benefit analysis of how each option would impact on British interests. Estimates of the inevitable Maltese loss of lives, homes and the creation of large numbers of homeless refugees, together with the extreme suffering of the Maltese would have had to endure, were either not made or not considered important enough to influence their final decision. Churchill was at the heart of this decision-making process. The Maltese were of course omitted from these deliberations. After all, Maltese were British subjects, so it followed they had no right or business to expect to be consulted on matters so significant to British interests. Allowing Maltese to speak for Maltese interests would “complicate” these deliberations. And what about claims of “warm affection” Churchill had for Churchill did not even Malta. If refer to the award of the George such claims were valid, Cross to Malta in his Malta papers it would be or his war-time memoirs reflected in his time spent in Malta. But this amounted to two weeks in four decades How much warmth does that reflect? Churchill never returned to Malta after the war, he preferred the French Riviera. In addition, when Justice Montanaro-Gauci wrote to inform him of the proposed 80th birthday gift, Churchill had his secretary reply. Winston Churchill (right) with Captain James Parrington Gornall of HMS Orion in Malta’s Grand Harbour.

The Malta Conference held from January 30 to February 3, 1945 between President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States (left) and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to plan the final campaign against the Germans. it was held at Montgomery House (now Middle Sea House) in Floriana. It was given the code names of ARGONAUT and CRICKET, as well as several others Churchill didn’t even visit Malta to witness the unveiling of his gift by the Maltese. Churchill saw the bust only once, and that was when Justice Montanaro-Gauci took it to London to present it to him at his home, on Wednesday August 3, 1955. Finally, there is no reference to the awarding of the George Cross to Malta in Churchill’s Malta papers or even in his wartime memoirs. We have to assume that the claimed warm affections he had for Malta were dormant at the time of writing or they simply never existed. Churchill and the British War Cabinet cannot be criticized for putting Britain first. It was their responsibility to do so. All world leaders have an obligation to serve their country and people first and foremost. But criticism of Churchill and the British War Cabinet is justified when they prevented Malta’s leaders the opportunity to do the same and for not making any attempt to dispel the post-war myth that all the British war efforts for Malta were to save Malta from Fascist tyranny. Rather than inform the Maltese with the disgraceful truth, they worked to maintain and promote the myth. Churchill’s bust is not the only thing unworthy of taking precious space at one of Valletta’s iconic locations. Panels honouring Britons, erected by British rulers for sycophantic and career enhancing reasons, who never even visited Malta let alone done anything useful for it, ought to be replaced by panels that honour Maltese men and women who selflessly devoted their lives for the betterment of Malta and the Maltese. Such action would make a commanding statement to the world of Malta’s current national independence and maturity. Perhaps, revisiting the decision to retain the George Cross prominently on the Maltese flag would do the same.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

When a Will doesn’t go the way you expected it to, what can you do?


by PaulSant

romises: people make them, and people break them. In Equity (according to the right and good – or simply, fairness) doctrines of estoppel exist which recognise that when a person relies on a promise to their detriment, a promise maker should not simply get away with breaking their promise. Estoppel has the purpose of protection against detriment that would flow from a change of position, should the expectation that led to it, be deserted. Elements of Proprietary Estoppel 1. A legal relationship exists (or is anticipated) between the ‘promisee’ and promisor (often this is a contractual relationship, and may not always have been reduced to writing). 2. A promise (also called a representation) is made. 3. The promisee relies on the promise. 4. The promisee can demonstrate that, because they relied on the promise, they are in a worse position for doing so. 5. In all the circumstances, it would be unfair or inequitable for the promise to be broken.

Example scenario The Supreme Court has heard many cases that started after a person was promised to be left a property, and after the promise maker’s death, even though the promisee held up their end of the agreement, the promise maker did not do

so. Usually, the cases involve a representation or promise such as: ‘if you look after me, I’ll look after you’. This article looks at two recent cases where a person said they would leave another person their property, and did not do so, with quite different results.

Moore v Aubusson [2020]: what’s in a harbour view? In this case, a couple refrained from proceeding with a development at their property in Birchgrove, as their elderly neighbour Ms. Murphy had asked them not to impede her water view, as she was not long for this world, and, having no children, if they assisted her in her elderly years, she would leave them her Estate. The couple had purchased their property in Birchgrove with development and investment plans. They refrained from going ahead with their planned works, and provided care and support to the deceased for about a decade. When Ms Murphy died, her Will left $25,000 to the couple. The couple commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW against the Estate, seeking a remedy for breach of contract, or through estoppel, or through a secret trust.

What did the court say? It was difficult for the Judge to assess whether the detriment suffered by the couple in regards to not going ahead with their development was sufficient to establish that element of estoppel. An earlier decision of Jennings v Rice was referred to, where the court held that detriment of an increasing burden of care for an elder



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person is sufficient to establish detriment. In equity, courts have to determine a remedy that is proportionate to the detriment. On the basis of proprietary estoppel, the court awarded the couple both properties, the combined value of which, in 2015, was estimated at about $9 million.

The devil can be in the details It is often the case that, when a person makes a claim against an Estate, there may be multiple ways to argue and prove a case. Sometimes, estoppel is included as an alternative to family provision (a topic we have written about previously). Re Stojanovska; Stojevski v Stojevski and Anor [2020] is a recent Victorian Supreme Court case where the deceased said they would leave one of her properties to her nephew. The Estate sought for his case, which focused on family provision, to be struck out at first instance, as the nephew could not establish he was dependent on the deceased, which was required for to make out his family provision claim. Though the nephew seems to have provided a larger amount of care to the deceased, who lived with he and his wife for some time, than the couple above (who took Ms. Murphy to Doctors appointments and spent some time with her), he was not successful. Additionally, he oversaw renovations on her properties, at one stage, full time. The deceased said she would ‘look after’ he and his siblings and bequeath him one of her houses, so he did not ask to be paid, and put off renovating his own property. Conclusion The courts are required to look at the circumstances in each case, in determining how the equity can be satisfied. It cannot be known whether the nephew would have succeeded if the case had been based on proprietary estoppel, as there were significant differences between the cases (namely, surviving relatives). If a person told you, if you do or do not do something, they would leave you a property, you comply with the request, and on their death, they didn’t keep their promise, an equitable estoppel may be available. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

A true lady with steel determination

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Voice of the Maltese 7

mongst the many activists at the Centre on the hill, our personality for December is known A as the lady with a charming disposition but with

a determination of steel. She was catapulted to the top of the administration after years of progress at times turbulent.

Antoinette Caruana


fter four years as the first female President of the La Valette Social Centre at Blacktown, NSW, Antoinette decided to seek a position with less stress but still serving the club she joined 42 years ago. Antoinette Caruana was born in Sliema in 1946. She migrated to Sydney with son Adrian then aged two, in March 1973 to join her husband Mark. Her parents were John Micallef from Marsa and Stella Micallef nee Sacco from Sliema. She lived in Sliema close to the Sliema Front. They were a family of five boys and four girls. On arrival to Australia, she worked in Sydney as a sales assistant with Woolworths and as a team leader with Avon. Antoinette also underwent a number of courses and worked as a bilingual nutrition aide, a Maltese sessional interpreter and as a respite worker with Home Care Packages. For 17 years, from 1980 to 1997, she served as a catechist at Marayong Public School. She and her husband Mark have two daughters born in Australia and have six grandchildren. Antoinette’s first involvement with La Valette Social Centre Blacktown was in 1978 after the chapel and presbytery were built. She joined the La Valette Choir, under the direction of the late Sr Erminia Gauci OP, which was formed on behalf of La Valette. Soon after, she joined the Ladies Auxiliary, and ten years later also joined the main committee as a committee member. She has served on the main committee since 1998, as Vice President from

2000-2016 and as President from 2016 to October 2020. She has always been a volunteer, as until recently volunteers ran the Centre, especially the kitchen. In the 2001 Seniors Week, Antoinette was nominated by Maltese Welfare and received the prestigious NSW Premier Award. A year later the Maltese Cultural Association also awarded her with the Cultural Award. From December of last year, the La Valette Social Centre has been under new kitchen management by Charlie’s Family Restaurant that has relieved the shortage of volunteers committed to long hours of food preparation and serving. This year it has been very challenging for the La Valette Social Centre due to Covid19, such that the Centre had to be in lockdown from March to July and had to cancel all functions, such as the Easter religious celebration, Mothers’ Day, L-Imnarja etc. Sadly, despite several efforts to remedy the situation, the Centre is still without a Maltese chaplain. The Centre is Covid Safe and an appeal is made for members to renew their membership and to attend on Thursday mornings and Saturday afternoons. tAntoinette Caruana with husband Mark when he received the Order of Australia on Australia Day 2020

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Churchill and the Malta connection


Joseph Buttigieg from Toongabbie NSW writes:

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħ-hom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw l-emails lil u indikawhom: Letters to the editor.

esponding on Paul Calleja’s article on the criticism of Churchill (The Voice Nos 241/243); Churchill visited Malta four times before World War 11 and these visits helped him to develop an appreciation of the security issues involving Malta as well as an appreciation of the Maltese people and their concern. During World War 11, Malta became one of Churchill’s central concerns, playing a critical role. Had Malta not held out preventing the Germans in North Africa from being adequately supplied or even from using Malta as a base themselves, the negative impact on the allied war would have been disastrous. As Colonial Secretary in 1921, Chur-chill had put the final touches on Malta’s new constitution and when he made his fourth visit to Malta in 1927 and met Mussolini on his way home, much had transpired. The British Parliament decided that Malta was from where reinforcements of the new

Thanks for the memory


Rose Gatt from Maroubra, NSW writes: t was nostalgic to read such a detailed report of the first sporting and educational tour to Malta 22 years after it happened. Unfortunately, it was not 32 years as reported. I remember it well as I was part of it. The way the contingent was received in Malta was the result of a well-planned itinerary. The organisers really knew Malta and had the right connections. Well done and thank you for the memory. Editor’s note: Indeed, it was 22 years ago. We goofed!

base would come outside British waters. I agree that Churchill is not exempt from criticism for his support of the Government’s lukewarm handling of the crisis, but he did so because of the British naval weakness. After Britain’s declaration of war on Italy in May 1940, Churchill never wavered, first refusing to negotiate with Mussolini, then insisting that Britain hold Malta at all costs. Churchill agonised Malta to the point of tears, knowing it had held out against two great sieges. Together with the British people, he drew inspiration from Malta’s people, their courage and bravery against all odds. Malta became known as the ‘mouse that bit back Hitler’ The Maltese people returned his deep affection, mobbing him on his visits in 1943 and 1945. Their regard is demonstrated by the bust of Churchill standing in the gardens above the Grand Harbour.

Christmas Greetings


Nancy Serg nee Borg OAM from Baulkham Hills NSW hristmas Greetings and a Covid-19 free healthy and prosperous Year 2021 to The Voice of the Maltese in Australia and worldwide readers. Thank you for all the interesting news and articles. Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: roups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Electoral Office: 2/679, The Horsley Drive, Smithfield Phone: 9756 4766 Email:

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday December 22, 2020

MCC Seniors Groups Celebrate ‘Covid-style Christmas


The Fairfield Seniors in a group at the Smithfield RSL (left)

educing social isolation for the Maltese seniors is a top priority for the MCC Welfare/Community worker, Marisa Previtera. After many months of restrictions, the loss of their ability to have their regular meetings, where they would look forward to catch up with old friends and keep connected was disheartening many of the seniors groups. With COVID-19 restrictions slowly easing, arrangements could be made to connect these seniors groups in a safe way. Marisa Previtera working closely with the group lead-

The Greystanes Group at Merrylands Bowling Club

ers namely, Helen Azzopardi (Llandilo), Frances Montesin (Greystanes) and

The members of the committee of Maltese Welfare (NSW) got together for their end of the year celebrations at The Wentworthville Leagues Club

Llandilo Group at La Valette Social Centre Dorothy Gatt and Miriam Friggieri (Fairfield) managed to secure various venues for a Christmas celebration. While the Christmas catchups were without the usual music, singing and entertainment, the Christmas spirit was alive and well and indeed it was lovely to hear comments such as “its so good to be able to see each other again” and, “when are we going to start our meetings again”. The welfare work continues with the view of restarting group activities such as bus trips and regular meetings when restrictions allow and so give hope for keeping these group members, active and socially connected in the New Year. The Seniors’ Group wishes a very joyful and happy Christmas to the members and their families, and good health to all in 2021.

would like to extend their best wishes for a Holy Christmas and the very best for year 2021 to the Maltese community in Australia

Shaun Bonett CEO & Managing Director

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

Il-fużjoni nukleari


tit ilu kont tkellimt dwar il-fissjoni nukleari1, issa jmiss ilfużjoni. Din hija teknoloġija li għandha l-potenzjal li tipprovdi l-enerġija kollha li l-bniedem jinħtieġ, u bil-wisq iktar. Ix-xjenza tal-fużjoni nukleari hija magħrufa sew, għax hija l-istess xjenza li tħaddem ix-xemx, fejn żewġ gruppi ta’ żewġ nuklei tal-materja elementari l-idroġenu jagħmlu fużjoni b’katina ta’ reazzjonijiet, u jsiru nukleu wieħed ta’ element ieħor l-elju, b’massa nukleari inqas. Dan in-nuqqas jiġi kkonvertit f’enerġija skont l-ekwazzjoni matematika famuża ta’ Einstein E=mc2, enerġija kbira mmens li l-effett tagħha inħossuha minn 150 miljun kilometru ‘l bogħod fid-dawl, issħana, ir-riħ, il-mewġ u l-proċessi l-oħra osservabbli fuq din id-dinja, inkluża l-ħajja nnifisha. Din il-fużjoni hija proċess naturali li jseħħ taħt kundizzjonijiet ta’ temperatura għolja (14-il miljun gradi) u forza ta’ gravità kbira, fiċċentru tax-xemx. Il-bniedem ilu mit-tletinijiet jipprova jirreplika dan il-proċess b’mod artifiċjali, u kif tistgħu tobsru, mhux daqs tazza ilma biex tirreplika l-ġewwieni tax-xemx! Fil-fatt, il-fużjoni b’mod artifiċjali diġà seħħ u għalhekk ġie ppruvat li jista’ jiġi rreplikat fuq din id-dinja. Apparti d-diffikultajiet li taħdem b’temperaturi u pressjonijiet tant għoljin, diffikultajiet oħra kbar huma li fil-fatt tieħu enerġija iktar milli tkun użajt biex tikkreja l-ambjent neċessarju għall-proċess, u wkoll li tmantni l-proċess għal 24 siegħa kuljum, iktar mis-sekondi li l-esperimenti s'issa damu.. S’issa, l-esperimenti l-iktar magħrufa ma sarux bl-idroġenu, imma minn isotopi tiegħu: id-dewterju, li huwa abbundanti fl-ilma baħar; u t-tritju, li traċċi żgħar biss jinstabu b’mod naturali u huwa radjuattiv b’nofs ħajja ta’ tnax-il sena (bħala tqabbil, ir-radjutattività taluranju, li tiddependi fuq liema isotopi tiegħu qiegħdin nikkunsidraw, titkejjel bl-eluf, miljunu u biljuni ta’ snin!)2 Biex it-tritju jkun jintuża f’livelli kummerċjali, jrid jiġi magħmul f’reattur konvenzjonali nukleari (jiġifieri tal-fissjoni) jew f’impjant ta’ fużjoni nnifsu, fejn newtroni prodotti bħala parti mill-proċess jintużaw biex jikkonvertu l-litju fi tritju. Il-litju huwa element li huwa abbundanti fil-qoxra tad-dinja u jinstab ukoll fil-baħar. Il-fjuwil ta’ dewterju u tritji jissaħħan u jsir plasma, fejn l-elettroni jinfirdu min-nukleu ta’ protoni. Il-plasma jiġi merfugħ u miżmum milli jmiss mal-ħitan tar-reattur b’xi mod. Wieħed mill-modi huwa permezz ta’ erja manjetika, u għalhekk id-disinn tal-kalamita huwa l-fus ta’ kull proġett ta’ fużjoni. L-ewwel disinn kien wieħed imsejjaħ tokamak, fejn il-kalamita tkun f’forma ta’ torojd (immaġina downut), mill-fiżiċisti Igor Tamm u lfamuż Andrei Sakharov. L-ikbar tokamak fid-dinja jaħdem illum huwa JET (Joint European Torus) fl-Ingilterra li ilu jaħdem mill-1978. Proġetti b’tokamak għadhom jinbnew, inklużi ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) fi Franza li għandu jitlesta f’dan id-dekadu, u CFETR (Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor) li għandu jitlesta fl-2030.3 Varjazzjoni waħda tat-tokamak li huwa tond minflok torojd qed jinbena fl-Ingilterra (STEP - Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) li għadu kif iġġenera l-ewwel plasma f’Ottubru 2020.4 Disinn daqsxejn differenti huwa stellarator, fejn il-kalamita fil-

kitba ta’


bidu kellha forma tannumru 8 imma disinji ġodda kellhom issura ovali. L-ikbar proġett ta’ dan it-tip huwa lWe n d e l stein 7-X f i l - Ġ e r - Il-proġett JET ta' fużjoni nukleari b'tokamak fl-1991 manja5. L-Awstralja għandha faċilità ta’ riċerka fl-Australian National University jismu Heliac-1.6 Il-plasma jista’ wkoll jiġi miżmum bl-inerzja tiegħu innifsu. B’din is-sistema, għadd ta’ lejżers qawwija jiġu ffukati fuq pelits żgħar (b’dijametru ta’ millimetri) bil-fjuwil ta’ dewterju u tritju, fejn ilfaxxi ta’ barra jisplodu ‘l barra u jiġġeneraw mewġa ta’ kompressjoni ‘l ġewwa sabiex iseħħ il-fużjoni fiċ-ċentru. Proġetti ta’ dan it-tip huma NIF (National Ignition Facility) fl-Amerika., u oħrajn fi Franza u ċ-Ċina.. Żvilupp interessanti ħafna f’dan il-qasam ġie din is-sena millAwstralja, fejn grupp mill-Università ta’ New South Wales ħabbar sistema msejħa HB11, li taħdem bl-inerzja, fejn il-fjuwil ma jkunx ta’ dewterju u tritju iżda tal-idroġenu (H) u l-boron (B-11). Dan xorta jipproduċi l-elju iżda ma jipproduċix newtroni li hu diffiċli li tagħmel tarka kontrihom u jirrappreżentaw ħela ta’ enerġija.7 Għalhekk jiġi eliminat ir-radjuazzjoni mill-proġett. Dawn u oħrajn bħalhom huma proġetti enormi u fit-tul, li ċ-ċajta fl-industrija hi li kull darba li tistaqsi ‘l min hu midħla tagħhom meta jistennew li se jkollna impjant tal-elettriku ġej mill-fużjoni, irrisposta dejjem tkun tletin sena oħra, tistaqsihom meta tistaqsihom! Nisperaw li f’ħajjitna din il-ħaġa sseħħ, għax sors ta’ enerġija prattikament bla limitu tirrappreżenta qabża sostanzjali fil-kapaċitajiet tal-bniedem u tista’ twassal għal żviluppi kbar f’ħafna oqsma. Referenzi 1. L-Enerġija Nukleari, The Voice of the Maltese, Nru. 166, p10 2., retrieved 16/12/2020 3., retrieved 16/12/2020 4., retrieved 16/12/2020 5., retrieved 16/12/2020 6., retrieved 6/12/2020 7. physics/16964/quickerpath-fusion-power-australian-scientists-claimed-astonishing-breakthrough, retrieved 6/12/2020

A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese website:

George Vella and his staff at Breakaway Travel Blacktown wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Will be with you soon.

Tel (02) 9622 7799

Tuesday December 22, 2020

The Voice of the Maltese 11

A magnificent Christmas display and large Nativity scene - all the work of Charlie Sacco


e had the pleasure of visiting the home of Vera and Charlie Sacco in Glenroy, a suburb of Melbourne in the state of Victoria to see the magnificent Christmas lights they have created from the very front right of their house through to the back, including the garage where Charlie has built a new large Nativity Scene twice the size of last year’s. The display even extends to their backyard. Charlie and Vera is a very dedicated couple to the festive season. They organise the decorations every year to share with the community and, naturally, at great expense. They welcomed us and showed us all their work. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, and to stick to the rules of safety, they have organised themselves. They are only allowing 30 visitors in at any one time, and before entering the house they have to write their name down along with their contact number, sanitise their hands, wear masks and keep their 1.5m distance. Every year, people from different nationalities and different reli-

gions visit the Sacco’s residence to enjoy the spectacle. They are doing it again this year. Children are also very welcome to enjoy the experience but also to meet Charlie, dressed as Father Christmas, and ask him questions about baby Jesus and the meaning of this important Christmas event. We could not miss the opportunity to visit the Saccos to experience this wonderful occasion during yuletide 2020. They have opened their doors for visitors on December 1, and will keep receiving people daily from 9 pm till late until December 23.


Note: Like the Saccos, many other Maltese throughout Australia decorate their houses for the festive season. We welcome any such photos sent to us for publication.

MAGC Christmas Dinner Dance


embers of the Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast Association (MAGC) held its Annual Dinner Dance coinciding with the festive season on December 12 at the Surfer Paradise Golf Club. Hailing the occasion a success, Association secretary Alex Buttigieg, not only thanked the attendees, members and their friends, but also a number of people who helped him, and Charlie Cassar make it such. They included Margaret and Victor Grima, whom he described as the “drive making things happen”. Michael provided the entertainment. Buttigieg said that some members who are interstate or ill could not attend but hoped they would seriously consider attending the next major function, the 2021 Annual Anniversary Dinner Dance.

A section of the attendees at the MAGC Christmas Dinner Dance

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12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Roundup of News About Malta

Cardinal Grech and Prof. Gauci honoured on Republic Day


n recognition of his contribution in the Catholic Church and his pastoral work, newly appointed Cardinal, Mario Grech was made a companion of the National Order of Merit (Kumpann fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu). The President of Malta, HE George Vella conferred the honour on behalf of the Government on the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of Republic Day, conferred the honour. At the ceremony at the President's Palace in Valletta, 18 other Maltese citizens who distinguished themselves in different fields of endeavour were appointed to the Na-

From left: Cardinal Mario Grech, Prof. Charmaine Gauci, and Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi tional Order of Merit or to the Xirka Ġieħ Merit and honoured for their work in the medical field during the pandemic, while ir-Repubblika. Public Health Superintendent Charmaine AFM head Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi was Gauci, virologist Christopher Barbara and awarded as Officer of the National Order infectious disease specialist Charles Mallia of Merit. Azzopardi The list of honourees: writer), Dr Joe Vella Gauci (Malta’s Amwere all KOM: Cardinal Mario Grech, bassador and Permanent Delegate to UNawarded the UOM: Prof. Charmaine Gauci (Superin- ESCO), and Mr James Persall. N a t i o n a l tendent of Public Health), Dr Christopher MQR: Mr Carmelo Agius, Mgr Professor Order of Barbara, Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi, Emmanuel Agius, Mrs Rebecca Cremona

UNESCO recognises the culinary art and culture of ‘Il-Ftira Maltija’ l-Ftira: the culiart and culIturenary of flattened

sourdough bread in Malta has become the first element inscribed on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The approval took place during the 15th session of the UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Paris. Il-Ftira, which is part of the cultural heritage of the Maltese archipelago’s inhabitants, is now also part of the international intangible cultural heritage and will now become an attraction for tourists visiting the Maltese islands. In the meantime, the Culture Directorate within the ministry has also already submitted the second application of L-Għana Maltija. The UNESCO expert committee would discuss it in December 2021. A third application is about Il-Festa Maltija.

Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900

and Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi. MOM: Mro Paul Abela, Prof. Charles Briffa (professor of Maltese and Translation), Prof Stephen Montefort MD, Mr Tony Cassar Darien (artistic director and

(Maltese filmmaker), Prof Alan Deidun (marine biologist), Mr Ray Farrugia (football coach), Mr Elio Lombardi (film maker and writer) and The Tramps (Gozitan pop group).

Malta calls for comprehensive actions to tackle economic recovery and climate challenges


t an informal virtual meeting, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the countries of the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) expressed solidarity and underlined the high importance attached by them to their long-standing partnership, based on common interests and shared values such as the respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the UM, democracy, sustainable development, human rights and the rule of law. In a pre-recorded message, Malta’s Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo highlighted the challenges caused by COVID 19 by stating that the biggest lesson one is learning from this global pandemic is, “that we are in this together, and we have to emerge from this together”. While highlighting the challenges caused by climate change, the minister pointed out that economic recovery must be turned into an opportunity to build back better while restoring growth, creating jobs and overcoming environmental and climate challenges in the longer term. counterparts to secure a healthier ocean. Minister Bartolo said that the economic recovery and the climate crisis need to be managed and addressed coherently if we are to prevent the situation getting much worse in the future.

Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs

“Let Our Family Help You Through”

Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek

Pete Buttigieg named to serve in Joe Biden’s team

he US politician of Maltese descent, T Pete Buttigieg, has been asked by President-elect Joe Biden to serve on the team

that he and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as Secretary of Transportation. Pete has been described by Biden as,“as a patriot, a person who solves problems and who appeals to the best qualities of the nation in his speeches”.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Roundup of News About Malta Covid-19 vaccinations: Help on its way Preparing T for Brexit


s Brexit - the UK leaving the European Union - edges closer, Minister for Enterprise Miriam Dalli (right) and Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi conveyed the message to Maltese and Gozitan businesses that while the government has been preparing itself, they are urged to express their concerns when they encounter new challenges resulting from the situation. During the webinar, it was stated that the relationship between the two countries needs to be strengthened and that it is in Malta’s interest to attract British companies or those with a strong presence in the UK. Minister Dalli said that faced with Brexit, the government’s priority is to reduce negative impacts on business, and for Maltese businesses to make good use of the opportunities that can develop. She said a specific website would be set up providing information on Brexit and where operators from the different economic niches can be contacted. She urged the use this practical help, and for businesses to learn about existing aids such as the Business Change and Transformation scheme, through which they can receive up to €5,000 as a refund on the costs of business consultants. Parliamentary Secretary Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi reminded that EU laws would cease to apply to the UK after December 31.

he Covid-19 vaccination in Malta is expected to start being administered on December 27, just like the rest of the European Union, after the EU’s Medicines Agency approved the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on Monday. That means that help is on its way and therefore we should not let up Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne said the plan is for all EU countries to vaccinate on the same day. He added that the vaccine would start arriving to Malta in small batches after Christmas. The first to get inoculated from the first batch would be health workers. It would be administered free to everybody.

Malta chairs final meeting of the Maltese Presidency of 5+5


inister for Home Affairs, National Security and Law Enforcement Byron Camilleri chaired the final meeting – held virtually - of the Maltese Presidency of the 5+5 Defence Initiative during 2020, with the Defence Ministers of Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia. The Ministers discussed a series of activities and military exercises held jointly between the member states, the challenges facing the countries of the Western Mediterranean, namely illegal migration, trans boundary organised crime, and disruptive technologies such as cyber attacks, and approved the 2021 Action Plan. The member states reaffirmed the importance of the role of women within the armed forces of the 5+5 Defence countries and in the prevention, resolution of conflicts and peace building. At the end of the session Malta handed the presidency to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

Suite 8, 23 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154


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Authorised by Alex Hawke MP, Liveral Party of Australia, Suite 8,23 Terminus Street, Castille Hill NSW 2154

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Diskors mequs mill-President ta’ Malta f’Jum ir-Repubblika


ħadna kif fakkarna Jum ir-Repubblika bl-għoti tal-Unuri tar-Repubblika lil diversi nies. Forsi ħafna jfittxu l-ismijiet ta’ dawk li ngħataw l-unuri (ara paġna 12) u mhux wisq jagħtu l-importanza lid-diskors tal-President tar-Repubblika li jsir qabel jingħataw l-unuri. Hi ħasra, l-aktar meta wieħed jifli sew iddiskors meqjus u bla kantunieri li għamel il-President, l-ET George Vella. Hawn xi siltiet mid-diskors li itratta dwar diversi materji: il-pandemija, l-ekonomija, l-immigrazzjoni rregolari, ir-rwol tal-mara, ġurnaliżmu, il-hate speech, l-edukazzjoni, u l-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia. Kellu kull raġun jgħid kemm mar żbaljat meta kien ħaseb li l-aktar diskors diffiċli tiegħu kien dak tas-sena l-oħra (meta f’Malta kellna l-kriżi politika li wasslet għarriżenja tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat). Biex din is-sena, “Ħalqna u mnifsejna mgħottijin, inżommu ’l bogħod minn xulxin, immissu affarijiet mill-inqas biex nevitaw li niltaqgħu ma’ virus li ma narawhx b’għajnejna, imma li qalbilna ħa-

jjitna ta’ taħt fuq, kemm fis-saħħa tagħna, kemm fil-ħajja soċjali tagħna, kif ukoll flekonomija tagħna.” Irrimarka dwar il-ħerba li dan il-virus ħoloq fit-turiżmu, in-negozju, l-edukazzjoni u oqsma oħra: “Dan kollu kellu xi ftit jew wisq impatt negattiv fuq is-saħħa mentali tal-Poplu Malti u Għawdxi,” qal. Issokta jgħid li t-tama hi li fil-futur mhux bogħod ikollna f’idejna tilqima li tkun effettiva kontra l-virus, li tkun tista’ tingħata lil kulħadd, u b’hekk innaqqsu dejjem ilpossibilità ta’ aktar infezzjonijiet, u nibdew mixjin it-triq lura għan-normal. Il-President stqarr li xtaq li jitfa’ ħarstu lura lejn dak li seħħ matul l-aħħar 46 sena minn meta sirna Repubblika li matulhom kellna “t-tlugħ u nżul” Waqt li ta’ ħarsa ħafifa dwar dan it-tlugħ u l-inżul, fosthom “żminijiet imqallba li fortunatament, bil-għaqal ta’ dawk li riedu l-ġid lil pajjiżna, wasslu għal diskussjonijiet paċifiċi li minnhom ħarġu emendi Kostituzzjonali li bihom ġie assigurat li ċerti sitwazzjonijiet anomali li ħarġu mis-sistema

elettorali li kellna, ma jirrepetux ruħhom” Irrefera għad-dibattiti mqanqla li wasslu għad-dħul ta’ Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropeja biex “ llum hawn qbil maġġoritarju li ssħubija fl-Unjoni Ewropea veru ħolqot pressjoni fuq ċerti strutturi u ċerti industriji, iżda fl-istess ħin fetħet u ħolqot opportunitajiet ġodda, f’oqsma li kien għad qatt ma kellna bħalhom qabel is-sħubija.” Semma’ l-inpenn qawwi ta’ Malta meta kellha l-Presidenza tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni ewropeja “li tana sodisfazzjon kbir u swielna ta’ ħafna ġid bħala pajjiż.” * ikompli f’paġna 15

Authorised by Paul Scully MP, 62, 51 Crown St, Wollongong, NSW 2500 using parliamentary entitlements. November 2020

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday December 22, 2020

*minn paġna 14

Biss kif qal il-President Ġeorġe Vella, “għażilt li jkun aktar f’waqtu nagħti ħarsa lura dwar dak li għaddejna minnu din issena, fejn qegħdin illum, u sa fejn nistgħu naraw, dak li hemm jistenniena fix-xhur u s-snin li ġejjin.” Qal li matul is-sena li għaddiet kellna attiviżmu min-naħa tas-Soċjeta Ċivili f’diversi oqsma u “bit-talba għall-ħaqq u l-ġustizzja fl-assassinju tal-ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia kellu effett mhux żgħir fuq l-ambjent politiku, kif ukoll fuq l-andament tal-ħajja soċjali f’pajjiżna.” Semma l-avventamenti xejn komuni fejn kellna riżenja u l-ħatra ta’ Prim Ministru, kif ukoll dik ta’ bidla fil-kap tal-Oppożizzjoni li nvolviet bi sħiħ il-Presidenza “u ħolqu dibattitu qawwi dwar safejn jistgħu jaslu, jew għandhom jaslu, il-poteri talPresident tar-Repubblika fl-ewwel każ, u dwar interpretazzjoni tal-Artikli tal-Kostituzzjoni fit-tieni każ” Filwaqt li semma mill-ġdid l-effett tal-pandemija, qal li pajjiżna għandu quddiemu sfidi kbar, fosthom u fuq quddiem li “titwettaq ġustizzja ma’ min jinstab ħati li b’xi mod kien parteċipi fil-qtil faħxi tal-ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia”.. li “nnaddfu kif

Is-sena li għaddiet

jidher pajjiżna barra minn xtutna.” “Irridu nassiguraw li l-istituzzjonijiet Eżekuttivi, dawk Ġuridiċi, u dawk Regolatorji, jitħallew jaħdmu kif suppost bl-indipendenza kollha tagħhom,” qal il-President, filwaqt li semma l-fatt li, bi qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-Oppożizzjoni, diġà sar ħafna xogħol biex dan il-għan jintlaħaq.

“Fiduċja kbira fil-kapaċitajiet tal-Poplu Malti”

Dan ix-xogħol irid ikompli jsir permezz talKonvenzjoni Kostituzzjonali li l-President wiegħed li fiha “l-partiti politiċi mhumiex se jiddominaw jew joħonqu d-diskussjoni” Sfida oħra hija dik ekonomika li tiddependi ħafna fuq il-fiduċja. L-ambjent li qed jinkwieta bi kbir lill-poplu. Meta tkellem dwar l-ambjent qal li “irridu naraw li ma nkomplux inkerrħu pajjiżna b’binjiet utilitarji li m’għandhom ebda karattru arkitettoniku jew tipiku Malti, li se nħallu lil uliedna u wlied uliedna bħala lwirt arkitettoniku ta’ żmienna.” Dwar l-isfida tal-immigrazzjoni qal li

Malta ħadmet ħafna f’dan il-qasam għalkemm ammetta li “m’iniex nara soluzzjoni għal dan il-fenomenu” għalkemm laħħar żviluppi qed jitfu xaqq ta’ dawl li s-sitwazzjoni tista’ titjib. Sostna li minħabba l-globalizzazzjoni hemm ħtieġa tal-multilateraliżmu u għalhekk huwa għaqli li Malta tissieħeb f’diversi organizzazzjonijiet biex ikollu pjattaforma akbar fejn iwassal leħnu. Wara l-Covid-19 l-ekonomija trid tinbena milli ġdid.Biss sostna, “Jien għandi fiduċja kbira fil-kapaċitajiet tal-Poplu Malti u Għawdxi li jerġa’ jqum fuq saqajh millaktar fis.” Dwar il-midja qal li għandna nwarrbu l‘hate’ spech li jagħmel ħsara kbira u filwaqt li jemmen fil-ġurnaliżmu ħieles, “b’daqstant ieħor forza nisħaq dwar il-ħsara li jista’ jagħmel ġurnaliżmu spekulattiv.” Saħaq li “L-għaqda ta’ bejnietna għandha tkun iċ-ċavetta għas-suċċess ta’ pajjiżna.” Kompla jgħid li, “Il-paċi madwarna tissaħħaħ jekk aħna nkomplu ngħożżu n-newtralità tagħna, li ssaħħaħ is-sovranità tagħna.” Dawn huma biss ftit mill-ħsibijiet talPresident u tajjeb forsi wieħed jaqra ddiskors kollu li jirrifletti tajjeb il-viżjoni għal Malta aħjar tal-President Dr George Vella.

Rita Zammit OAM and Paul Zammit OAM FAICD wish all our friends in the Australian-Maltese community a Merry Christmas 2020 and a healthy, safe and prosperous 2021

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Qld University T coronavirus vaccine trials are scrapped

Tuesday December 22, 2020

decision to terminate the deal and remove the vaccine from the Australian government's plan going forward. But experts say there’s no cause for concern, and rather, it’s even a promising sign that Australia's regulatory system is doing its job. The University of Queensland and CSL researchers have stressed that there is no possibility the vaccine caused HIV infection. They simply returned test results - or so called false positives - that wrongly indicated they had HIV. Participants of the trial had routine follow-up tests that confirmed no HIV infections . Following the termination of the UQ-CSL deal, Prime Minister Scott Morrison anBut for others, church closures were an opportunity to discover just how much they wanted to nounced the government be with the living God in the Eucharist, and to be would purchase additional with other Catholics. So they got creative – and units of a vaccine being developed by pharmaceutical giant this is something we’ll see more of in future. Under changes introduced recently, places of AstraZeneca by 20 million worship in NSW are allowed unlimited atten- doses, plus a further 11 mildance numbers at services as long as a two square .lion from developer Novavax There are now more than 140 metre distance is observed. The rule applies to million doses of vaccines earboth indoor and outdoor services. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP (pictured left) marked for Australians, has asked Sydney Catholic parishes to schedule Health Minister Greg Hunt more Masses than usual and in a mix of church, said, which is more than large halls outdoor Masses, where possible, to ac- enough to cover the entire population. commodate larger Christmas congregations. he Australia federal government has scrapped a deal to buy more than 50 million doses of a potential coronavirus vaccine being developed in Australia. The University of Queensland (UQ) and biotechnology company CSL announced they won't progress trials of their COVID-19 vaccine candidate into the second and third phases after some participants returned false-positive results for HIV. The National Security Committee, based on scientific advice, made the

The church after covid-19


ow will the Catholic Church look like after Covid-19? Will we see stoups at the door again or holy water dispensers? According to Dr Philippa Martyr, a Perthbased historian, lecturer and researcher who just completed a national survey on the impact of Covid-19, the biggest difference might be fewer of us at Mass on Sundays. For some people, church closures have ended their relationship with the sacraments, which is really sad. Now that churches have re-opened, they’re simply not going to Mass anymore.

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The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Not guilty of murdering her Maltese mother but guilty of manslaughter


daughter obsessed with horror movies who used multiple steak knives to stab her Maltese-born mother Rita to death and hack off her head in their suburb of St Clair, western Sydney home, has been found not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter, due to her substantial mental impairment. The NSW Supreme Court jury delivered its verdict afer two days of deliberations on the gruesome fatal assault by Jessica Camilleri on her mother on July 20, 2019. During the seven-day trial, the court heard disturbing and graphic details of how Jessica, then 25, attacked her 57-yearold mother, the sole, full-time carer of her daughter, with kitchen knives, stabbing The victim, Jessica’s mother Rita, her more than 100 times in the neck and head, decapitating her and cutting out her eyeballs, tongue and nose. Jessica told police he Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) secretary she then took her severed Sally McManus is concerned the proposed changes would un- mother's dermine protections for workers preventing employers from imposing unfair agreements. The Unions will fight proposed new laws that would allow coronavirus-hit businesses to strike pay deals that could leave some staff worse off. The reforms are part of an overhaul of Australia’s industrial relations framework introduced to parliament on the last days of sitting for year 2020. “These changes are dangerous and extreme,” Sally McManus said. “Working people, essential workers, have already sacrificed so much during this pandemic, these proposed laws will punish them.” Attorney-General Christian Porter has called the changes a “common sense” measure and a “modest” response aimed at dealing with the economic fallout caused by COVID-19. He said, “We think they're important - but in reality they are fairly modest.”

Unions keen on fighting the dangerous workplace reforms


head "in a fit of rage, of panic", and attempted to show it to her neighbour "for evidence" – but it slipped from her hands and landed on the footpath outside the home in St Clair, where she left it for first responders to discover. She pleaded not guilty to murder, with her defence counsel arguing her multiple mental illnesses resulted in a significant loss of capacity to control herself. The court also heard that Jessica (above) had a history of violent outbursts and would also harass strangers with "prank" phone calls in which she would threaten the person on the other end with decapitation. Jessica will face a sentencing hearing on February 17.

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Merry Christmas

Extremism on the increase


n inquiry into extremism in Australia will go ahead following a push by Labor for the government to look at the rising threat specifically posed by right-wing extremists. However, the inquiry will look at all forms of extremism in Australia, not just the increased threat posed by the far-right. The joint parliamentary committee on intelligence and security has signed off on an inquiry to examine the concerns following a referral from Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton.

Summer rain causes floods


esidents of northern NSW remain on high alert with some towns around Murwillumbah ordered to evacuate while flood warnings remain in place across several regions. An evacuation order from the State Emergency Service remains in place from Condong to Tumbulgum and surrounds, with an evacuation warning still current around the Tweed River at South Murwillumbah. An SES spokesperson said the region had been deemed “a high danger area” and about 1000 properties are affected.

Michelle Rowland MP


Level 1, Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 (02) 9671 4780 MRowlandMP

Authorised by Michelle Rowland MP, Australian Labor Party, Suite 101C Lrvel 1, 130 Main Stret, Blacktown NSW 2148

The Voice of the Maltese 18

Il-Milied fi tfuliti - 60 sen’ilu G

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

ħaddew sittin sena. Kont għadni daqsxejn ta’ tfajjel ta’ 11-il sena, nosserva u nitħajjar minn kollox imm fl-istess ħin napprezza kollox, u mn’alla, għax kieku ma kontx inkun kapaċi nikteb u nipproduċi programme dwar il-Milied. Il-Milied tal-imgħoddi, kien dejjem jaffaxxinani. Dak ta’ tfuliti kien Milied ta’ seħer, ta’ ferħ u paċi naturali, bla sforzi ta’ xejn, li verament tħossu fik. It-tħejjija għall-Milied kienet iġġib fina entużjażmu kbir għal din il-festa kbira. Id-drawwiet li kellna marbuta mal-Milied kienu jsawru fina wiċċ mimli dija, ferġ u paċi fil-qlub. Ma kellniex restoranti u lukandi jew pantomimi. Kellna biss pasturi tat-tafal, gagazza u ranġis li konna niġbru mill-widien ta’ madwar ir-raħal.

Il-kant tal-Milied Il-Milied kien jibda mill-ewwel Ħadd tal-Avvent, b’talMużew kienu jdaħħlu fina l-entużjażmu li wasal iż-żmien talMilied - it-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin u għall-kant sabiħ tal-Milied biex nakkumpanjaw lil Ġesù Bambin fil-maxtura waqt il-purċissjoni tradizzjonali ta’ lejlet il-Milied. Il-kant tagħna, kien kollu sabiħ bil-Malti, fosthom il-famużi ‘Ninni la tibkix iżjed’, ‘Ninu, Ninu tal-Milied’, ‘Ninġabru Nsara’, u oħrajn. Xena mill-isbaħ, f’purċissjoni kollha tfal mir-raħal tiegħi, Ħaż-Żebbuġ akkumpanjati mis-soċi l-kbar, b’uħud jerfgħu il-bandalori bil-vrus mixgħula minn ġewwa. Il-bidu tal-Avvent kien ifakkarna fil-presepju. Konna nixtru pasturi tat-tafal mingħand Gużeppi ta’ l-Imgħobbi ta’ ħdejn il-Mużew. Dak iż-żmien pastur tat-tafal kien tlett soldi u nagħġa sold.

Il-Presepju tal-Milied Ġeneralment, f’dawk iż-żminijiet il-presepji tagħna kienu jkunu jew tal-kartapesta jew tal-gagazza u biex il-presepju konna ntugħ il-ħajja, miegħu konna nżidu is-sagħtar li fi żmienna kien għadu abbundanti. Is-soċi tal-Mużew tad-dutrina kienu jieħdu kura speċjali tagħna u jagħmlu minn kollox biex jagħtu t-tifsira vera u sabiħa tal-Milied. Kienu jagħmlu u jtuna grotta lil kull wieħed u waħda minna. Kienet l-isbaħ rigal għalina t-tfal. Kienu wkoll jorganizzawlna dak il-festin u wara li kienu juruna xi slides tal-Milied, iservuna b’ikel, ħelu, u l-kokotina taħraq. Il-Purċissjoni bil-Bambin u l-quddiesa ta’ nofsillejl La semmejt l-purċissjoni tradizzjonali tal-Milied li jorganizzaw tal-Mużew, insemmi wkoll il-priedka tal-Milied, waqt

Il-Madonna bil-Bambin ta’ Gagini f’Ta’ Ġieżu

L-istatwa tal-Madonna bil-Bambin li hemm fuq l-artal ta' wara filknisja ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ġesù, magħrufa aktar bħala l-Knisja Ta’ Ġieżu fir-Rabat xogħol tal-famuż Gagini li rreferejna għaliha flaħħar ħarġa. Bi svista, minflok, mal-artiklu dehret stampa tal-artal maġġur. Niskużaw ruħna.


din il-purċissjoni. Hawn insemmi lil Dimech, (illum patri Kappuċċin), li ta’ kull sena kien ifawwar lil kulħadd bilpriedki sbieħ tiegħu. Niftakar ukoll il-quddiesa ta’ nofsillejl fil-knisja arċipretali mimlija daqs bajda, kulħadd jistenna l-priedka tat-tfajjel li dak iż-żmien kienet parti integrali mill-quddiesa l-kbira, iċċelebrata dejjem mill-arċipriet u l-kleru tar-raħal. Wara l-quddiesa, imgeddsin, konna nerħulha lejn id-dar, fejn konna nsibu lesta dik l-imbuljuta taħraq nirien u li żgur kienet tinżel għasel fl-istonku tagħna. Malli kienet toqrob il-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni t-tfal konna naħsbu biex niżirgħu l-qamħ u l-ġulbiena fil-plattini; imbagħad nsaqqu u naħbuhom f’xi rokna mudlama jew taħt xi gwardarobba, biex jikbru f’dehra minn lewn id-deheb imbagħad inpoġġuhom madwar il-presepju jew madwar Ġesù Bambin fil-maxtura. Fil-jiem tal-Milied il-bdiewa ta’ madwarna li kienu jieħdu ftit tal-mistrieħ. Il-kaċċaturi, li fir-raħal tagħna dejjem kienu kotrana, fil-jiem tal-Milied kienu jwarrbu l-ixkubetta, donnhom biex iżommu mal-qawl Malti …. erfa’ xkubettietek fuq l-ixkaffa tal-bieb.

Il-borża taħt l-imħadda Aħna t-tfal kien ikollna seba’ mitt sena biex jisbaħ jum il-Milied ħalli filgħodu nfittxu taħt l-imħadda dik il-borża tal-Bambin mimlija b’kull xorta ta’ ħelu, ċikkulata, xi qagħqa tal-qastanija u xi ġugarell sabiħ. Ta’ tfal li konna, konna ngħidu li l-borża ġabielna Ġesù Bambin u konna nemmnuha bis-sħiħ. Għall-ħabta tal-Milied, it-tfal tampari kien ikollhom trabokk, b’gaġġa fin-nofs u b’xi pitirross ġo fiha mgħottija b’xi xkora u mserrħa mal-qadd u jmorru għall-pitirossi, li fil-Milied kienu fl-aqwa tagħhom. F’dawk iż-żminijiet l-iskola wkoll kienet tidħol fl-atmosfera sabiħa tal-Milied. Kull klassi kienet tiżżejjen bil-karti kkuluriti tat-tajr li t-tfal konna nġibu mid-dar. Konna nqattgħuhom strixxi strixxi u, bil-kolla tad-dqiq nagħmluhom forma ta’ katina u ndendluhom fil-klassi b’xi bżieżaq ikkuluriti.

Il-Party tal-Milied Fl-aħħar jum qabel il-btajjel tal-Milied, l-għalliem kien jagħmlilna party fil-klassi. Konna nerfgħu l-ħalib tal-flixkun li kien jingħata lilna filgħodu biex bih nagħmlu l-kokotina. Xi gruppi ta’ żgħażagħ kienu jduru mat-toroq ikantaw lgħanjiet tal-Milied u joħolqu ambjent sabiħ li kienu jfawruk b’ferħ kbir li jġib ta’ kull sena t-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Filgħaxija, it-toroq kienu jkunu baħħ filwaqt li jkun għaddej xi festin żgħir fid-djar bl-omm tiġbor lil kulħadd flimkien biex jieklu dak l-ikel imżejjen b’qassatat kbar tal-ġbejniet friski u tal-piżelli. Magħhom jingħaqdu t-togħmiet ta’ maskta u togħmiet oħra, b’xi qagħqa tal-qastanija, jew biċċa pudina bl-ixkunvat jew xi daqsxejn kejk tal-Milied mimli konfettura, passolina u ċirasa, u nixorbu xi grokk anisette tal-festa. Dan kollu wara li fl-ikla ta’ nofsinhar f’jum il-Milied, il-familji kienu jiddilettaw b’xi serduq jew ħasi mimli bil-patata l-forn u xi dixx imqarrun kollu kkapuljat bil-wiċċ iqarmeċ. *Ikompli f’paġna 19

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday December 22, 2020



Francesca Cassar

– initiative by Maltese Centre in New York n Sunday December 6 the Maltese Centre in New York presented its first live Zoom show IL-MALTIN TAGĦNA. The first guest was Ms. Francesca Cassar, the Maltese diplomat and current Maltese Consul in NY at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malta to the United Nations. This new show features live conversations with interesting people who do extraordinary things. Each guest shares his or her experiences and accomplishments ending with a moderated Q&A between the guest and the audience. The interview puts a spotlight on Maltese in the US community near and far, exploring what they do. As such, Ms Cassar explained her role within the Maltese consulate, her representation of Malta at the UN, and how she transitioned from a classical ballerina to diplomacy. Through the Q&A she was asked questions by the audience ranging from obtaining Maltese passports to her point of view from living in Malta to moving to New Marthese Fenech York, and what it

means to be Maltese. At the end of the show, the Centre expressed its pride and felt honoured to have Ms Cassar representing Malta and its citizens at the United Nations in New York. “She truly showed her passion for her role as Consul and for being our first guest on ILMALTIN TAGĦNA,” the Centre said. The next guest on the show on December 13 was best-selling award winning author of a historical saga, Ms Marthese Fenech. She talked about how her passion for storytelling, history, and how a summer trip became the catalyst for the "Eight Pointed

Cross" and the newly released "Falcons Shadow" .

Użanzi tal-Milied 60 sen’ilu *Ikompli minn paġna 18

Konna nieklu ħafna ġewż u ġellewż, inqaxxru l-qastan inkaljat u l-imqaret sħan kważi daqs pala ta’ idi. Kien ikun hemm ukoll il-larinġ kbir u l-mandolin iżejnu nofs il-mejda, f’xi fruttiera antika tan-nanniet fuq xi dvalja tal-okkażjoni llamtata. In-nanniet tiegħi jiftakru aktar minn hekk. Kienu jistqarru li wara l-quddiesa talMilied, erħilhom fil-ħwienet tax-xorb fil-Misraħ jitpaxxew bl-għana Malti. Kienu jsemmu wkoll il-logħob tal-ġellewż u logħob ieħor marbut mal-Milied, u wkoll ilfamuż gawgaw li tant kienu jemmnu fih. Dak kien il-Milied kif niftakru fi tfuliti f’Ħaż-Żebbuġ 60 sena ilu. Kien tassew Milied Malti imżejjen bi drawwiet qaddisa u kollox idur mal-presepju u l-maxtura ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Wara bdew jidħlu f’pajjiżna drawwiet oħra li donnhom bexxqu l-bieb tal-veru Milied Malti.

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20 The Voice of the Maltese

Mill-Gżira Għawdxija

Charles Spiteri

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Għal għadd ta’ ġimgħat kull sena f’dawn iż-żminijiet, irraħal ta’ Għajnsielem f’Għawdex kien jispikka billi itella’ presepju ħaj li ħa l-isem ta’ Betlem f’Għajnsielem. Din issena, minħabba l-problema li ġabet magħha l-pandemija covid-19, kif wieħed stenna, l-organizzaturi kellhom jabbandunaw dan ix-xenarju. Imma xorta riedu jfakkru din il-ġrajja u b’idea ġdida, is-siġra tal-Milied magħmula mill-fliexken tal-ħġieġ.

Inawgurata siġra tal-Milied unika tal-ħġieġ f’Għajnsielem


’Jum Għajnsielem, nhar 10 ta’ Diċembru li għadda ġiet inawgurata uffiċjalment mill-Ministru għalGħawdex Clint Camilleri, siġra tal-Milied, fiċ-ċentru tar-raħal, quddiem il-Knisja Arċipretali li hija dedikata b’mod speċjali lil dawk li f’dawn iż-żminijiet partikulari tal-covid-19 għaddejjin minn żmien diffiċli. Diversi voluntiera offrew l-għajnuna tagħhom filwaqt li r-residenti ikkontribwew billi taw il-fliexken tal-ħġieġ li minnha hija magħmula din is-siġra unika li hija għolja 19-il metru u bl-aktar parti tagħha b’wisa’ ta’ tmien metri. Biex inħadmet din is-siġra ntużaw madwar 3.3 tunnellati ta’ ħadid li jiġu kważi tul ta’ żewġ kilometri. Dawn kienu maqsumin f’5,355 biċċa. Ħafna minnhom ġew iwweldjati ma’ xulxin u biex sar hekk intuża 30 kilo wajer tal-welding. Ġiet magħguda flimkien bi 331 vit u daqshekk ieħor fi skorfini. Fuq l-istruttura tal-ħadid tpoġġew 4200 waxer, 4500 flixkun tal-ħġieġ u ‘l fuq minn 1000 tie wrap. Madwar is-siġra hemm ukoll aktar minn 700 metru ta’ festuni tad-dawl, b’total ta’ madwar 7,000 bozza.

L-inawgurazzjoni tas-siġra tal-Milied f’Għajnsielem

Fuq l-bażi tal-istruttura tpoġġew 15-il tunnellata fi blokki tas-siment. Hemm ukoll b’aktar minn 120 metru wajer talazzar għall-ventijiet. Madwar il-bażi hemm il fuq minn 250 metru f’injam. Fil-post, kif jixraq, inbena wkoll presepju oriġinali magħmul ukoll mill-fliexken talħġieġ li jinsab ma’ din is- siġra tal-Milied li hija unika fil-gżejjer Maltin. Ix-xena tan-Nattivitá fiha wkoll il-maġi bir-rigali u żewġ rgħajja bin-nagħaġ.

Waqt l-inawgurazzjoni ġie mtella’ programm ta’ kant, li fih ħadu sehem l-aħwa Loredana u Albert-Lauren Agius, dawl u nar li ħareġ mill-istess siġra li saħħar lil kull min kien preżenti Għall-okkażjoni saru wkoll diskorsi misSindku Kevin Cauchi, mill-V/Sindku Franco Ciangura u l-Ministru Camilleri. Is-Siġra tbierket mill-Kanonku Frankie Bajada, l-Arċipriet tal-parroċċa, filwaqt li Lelio Spiteri ippreżenta l-programm.

Tuesday December 22, 2020

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Malta’s Got Talent: Missier u ibnu dikjarati l-ewwel rebbieħa


l-missier Jomike u ibnu Lydon rebħu l-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ Malta’s Got Talent u l-premju ta’ €25,000, filwaqt li b'kollaborazzjoni tassew ħajja u dinamika bejniethom taw spinta lill-għana tradizzjonali billi kantaw makjetti bil-Malti Ftit tal-jiem wara l-Prim Ministru Robert Abela laqgħa lill-koppja fl-Uffiċċju tiegħu u ċ-ċkejken Lydon tah sorpriża billi qabbillu żewġ linji spontanji. Fit-tmiem ir-rebħa b’vot tal-pubbliku, Lyndon, li għad għandu biss sitt snin, qal li issa jixtieq li jmur l-Awstralja biex iferraħ lill-komunutá Maltija hemmhekk. Min-naħa tiegħu l-missier qal li se jkompli jinvesti fithar is-Sibt 5 talent tat-tifel tiegħu. ta’ Dicembru Iċ-ċkejken Lyndon u misieru Joemiet ħabib kbir tiegħi, Saviour mike taw ħajr lil dawk li vvutawlhom Briffa fl-etá 83 meta fuq it-televiżjoni kontaw sena. Is-Sivi, kif makkjetta li biha setgħu jwasslu lkien magħruf fil- gratitudni bil-mod uniku tagħhom. belt Valletta fejn twieled fil-14 ta’ Frar 1937 u għix ħajtu kollha, ilbiċċa l-kbira fi triq San Marku kien bniedem ta’ fidi qawwija, devot lejn il-familja tiegħu. dejjem pulit, b’karriera twila fiċ-ċivil. Sirna ħbieb minħabba l-imħabba tagħna ttnejn lejn il-logħba tal-futbol. Ressaqtu jilgħab mal-Hamrun Eagles fl-U/16 fejn konna nilagħbu. Wara li jien emigrajt hu baqa’ jilgħab mal-kbar tal-Hiberians. Konna fanatiċi dwar il-Wolves u u Liverpool tal-Ingilterra. L-iżvog ewlieni tiegħu kien li jivvjaġġa. Żar ħafna pajjiżi u mar f’kull stadium prominenti fl-Ewropa u l-Amerika t’isfel. Gie wkoll l-Awstralja fl-2007. Se nimmissjak Siv, RIP.

Miet ‘is-Sivi’ Briffa fl -etá ta’ 83 sena


Lawrence Dimech

The Maltese Welfare (NSW) extends best wishes for a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all the people of goodwill. Our membership for 2021 is now open. Please contact : 02 96319295

22 The Voice of the Maltese

A A Christmas Message from the MCC NSW


Tuesday December 22, 2020

der closures and had to adhere to health regulations and social distancing rules but we managed to keep in touch with one another via the Internet and telephone. Some of us even learned new computer skills and how to use smart phones. During this pandemic, the MCC of NSW continued with its work. Whilst some functions had to be cancelled, we still managed to hold meetings online via Zoom, and also communicated with government departments and local councils online, by email and phone. Our weekly Maltese radio programme, had to be recorded from home as due to the restrictions the studio was shut. Not withstanding, we never missed a programme going on air. I thank the radio team of volunteers for their support and assistance. The Maltese LanIl-Kunsill Malti ta’ guage School of Victoria NSW lessons were JIXTIEQILKOM stopped on and off IL-MILIED IT-TAJJEB U  from being held in SENA ĠDIDA MIMLIJA

ear 2020 has been very challenging. Although this Christmas will no doubt be celebrated in a much lower key than usual, we trust that with the easing of restrictions we would be able to attend church services and catch up with close family and friends. The Corona virus brought many changes to our lives and forced us all to slow down. It also reminded us how important family and friends are. We were separated by bor-

On behalf of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria

MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.

Risq, Hena u Saħħa. J’Alla l-ispirtu tal-Milied jimlielkom qalbkom u djarkom bl-hena u bl-imħabba u tbissima dejjiema.

George Cross Falcons Club finalists for the Illawarra Multicultural Awards 2020


he George Cross Falcons Club at Cringila's been named finalist in the Illawarra Multicultural Awards for 2020. This is a big achievement for the club that has made a comeback after it was robbed in March last year. To understand the issues and find out how you can help the future of your local media, visit #WINNews6pm #SaveOurVoices

Please note....

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese community is requested to write for details to:

the classroom so under the guidance of our Principal, Maria De Carlo our resourceful teachers continued to present and make the weekly classes available online via Zoom. Our welfare worker, Marisa Previtera, kept in touch with members of the community via Facebook, especially through the Keeping Connected for the Maltese Diaspora page, and via regular Zoom meetings. Marisa and a small team of volunteers phoned many seniors providing a welcome contact during periods of isolation. Marisa also continued her welfare work, liaising and assisting various people in our community. Covid-wise, in Australia, we now find ourselves in a very good position especially compared to other countries. The restrictions have started to ease just in time for the Christmas season so enjoy this time with family and friends but please still continue to be cautious. On behalf of the Maltese Community Council of NSW, we wish the Maltese Community a very merry and holy Christmas and a safe new year.

Emanuel Camilleri JP President

December activities at Gozo’s Il-Ħaġar centre


l-Ħaġar museum (Victoria’s Pjazza San Ġorġ) has been quite busy with its activities during December. Its programme of events has included exhibitions, concerts, a talk by Professor Keith Sciberras, in which he presented new insights about Mattia Preti, and two concertinos. The exhibits also include a traditional specially-set up Presepju, the Gozo Philatelic Society’s Yuletide cards, stamps, and Pasturi crib statuettes. But the highlight is George Scicluna’s PAINtings, distributed over five sections of this centre, which is accompanied with number 10 in the Il-Ħaġar GEMS series of full-colour books. Entrance is free from 9am to 5pm. The cultural centre will be closed on December 25 and January 1.

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday December 22, 2020

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2. To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Also On De-

mand on l-Internet: On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am) Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live/catch up) at: (mobile), using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming:

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet are now on SBSTV Viceland HD Channel 32 every Sunday at 8.00 a.m. and on Thursday at 8.00 a.m. BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm. Maltese Community Radio Adelaide: Maltese Programmes on 5EBI 103.1fm: Sunday: 7.30am; Monday: 8.00 am; Monday: 6.00pm. Contact: Bernadette Buhagiar: 0420 944 205. Email Ron Borg: 0418 843 850. Email 97.9 FM Melton Tuesday Maltese Programme: 6.00 To 8.00 pm Presenter Miriam Vella Programmes on 89.3 Fm 2GLF A Solid Gold: music programme with English and Italian timeless favourites Fridays 11.00am to 1.00 pm. Maltese voices: One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists. Sundays @ 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm Also listen on “Tune in“ by downloading app and search for the station 2GLF ~ 89.3 Fm - by Marthese Caruana

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Established in 1999

Can you speak Maltese?

THE MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW is inviting applications from people to assist in language teaching. Support and training will be provided for these paid positions. Classes for juniors and adults are held at Horsley Park Public School Saturday mornings during school terms. If you can assist with teaching or administration in 2021 and would like more information please contact: Maria 0416 119 100 or Miriam 0419 476 924 Email:

L a Va le t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e


Christmas Eve programme: Thursday December 24

Mass in Maltese at 5.30pm. It includes the boy’s/girl’s Sermon (il-Priedka tal-Milied) *Kitchen and bar will be open after Mass

New Year’s Eve: Thursday December 31

Welcoming the New Year – Entertainment provided by Charlie Camilleri Tickets: Members $55; Non-Members $60 3-course meal, soft drinks and wine For tickets contact: Frances: 0412 320 432; Antoinette: 9671 2992; Centre: 9622 5847 Programme could change. Please contact the Centre 9622 5847 for latest information.

Please note that due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic and related restrictions we are only accepting correspondence by email. Please also note that our office will be closed from 12:00pm Wednesday 23 December 2020 and will reopen at 9.00am on Monday 11 January 2021. We wish you a safe and happy festive season.

Melissa Gonzalez Legal Administrator

Phone: 03 9741 1722 email

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tal-aħbarijiettagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta huma mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għall-aħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday December 22, 2020

Tough draw for Malta in 2022 World Cup


European Qualifiers

alta has been drawn in Group H in the European Qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup with Croatia, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia and Cyprus and was due to kick off its commitments in the qualifiers the qualifying round with a match against Russia on March 24 at the National Stadium against Russia. However, following a Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling, for a period of two years, the Russians, or any of their athletes are being precluded from participating in or attending the Olympic and Paralympic Games (winter or summer) and any world championships organised or sanctioned by a WADA. That also includes FIFA and UEFA competitions. But with or without the Russians, Malta’s is still a very tough draw. They are the lowest FIFA ranked team in the group, 176th. Croatia are the top ranked team in the group as they sit 11th, Slovakia 33rd, Russia 39th,

sult for Malta was a scoreless draw in the February1996. Slovakia and Malta met eight times, four friendlies and four World Cup qualifiers. Malta’s only positive result was in a 1-1 draw in a friendly away in 1994. Malta and Russia met only once; during the Malta International Tournament in 1996 which Russia won 2-0.

Slovenia 62nd and Cyprus 100th. As a result of the ban on Russia, Malta start the qualifiers with an away game against Slovakia on March 27, to be followed three days later with another away fixture against Croatia. Malta’s first home game takes place on September 1 when it hosts Cyprus. That would be their seventh clash (four friendlies and two EURO 2004 qualifiers), with their meetings resulting in a win for Malta, two draws and three defeats. Malta’ and Croatia met on eight occasions. Malta have only managed a 1-1 draw at Ta’ Qali in the World Cup qualifiers in September 2005. The clash with Slovenia would be Malta’s seventh, having met twice in the Malta InThe groups are as follows: Ray Farrugia (left) receiving the medal ternational Group A: Portugal, Serbia, Rep of Ireland, Luxembourg, Azerbaijan Group B: Spain, Sweden, Greece, Georgia, Kosovo Tournament, Group C: Italy, Switzerland, Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Lithuania twice in the EURO Group D: France, Ukraine, Finland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kazakhstan qualifiers and on two Group E: Belgium, Wales, Czech Republic, Belarus, Estonia other occasions in Group F: Denmark, Austria, Scotland, Israel, Faroe Islands, Moldova Group G: Netherlands, Turkey, Norway, Montenegro, Latvia, Gibraltar World Cup qualifiers ay ‘Zazu’ Farrugia, the former Malta Group H: Croatia, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta The only positive reinternational, Floriana and Melita Eagles in Australia footballer was among a Malta Premier League 2020/21 number of Maltese citizens who were honoured during this year’s Investiture Ceremony presided by the President HE George Vella on the occasion of the 46th Anniverany of the results in this ‘Covid-19 istered a number of MATCHDAY 13 Results sary of Republic Day, at The Palace in Valseason’ in the Premier League, par- disappointing re- Sliema W v Tarxien 2-1 S v Floriana 3-1 letta. Ray was awarded the Midalja ticularly the matches involving some of sults, including the Ħamrun Hibernians v Balzan 2-1 għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. 2-1 the better known teams in the higher latest one against Valletta v Lija A Floriana-born Ray Farrugia started his v Gżira U 1-1 reaches have become more unpredictable Ħamrun and their Birkirkara Sta Lucia v Gudja U 3-2 footballing career with his hometown team than the weather over the Maltese islands. crown keeps slip- Mosta v Zejtun 3-0 of Floriana where he played for four years, pp As such, the top of the league ladder has ping. In fact very Sirens v Senglea 1974 and 1978, winning 11 trophies. He changed hands innumerical times. few if any of their MATCHDAY 12 Results also played for the Malta National team at 1-0 Sliema W v Floriana Since the last issue of The Voice, most supporters entertain Birkirkara 1-0 youth and national level. v Hibs teams have taken part in three rounds of hopes of keeping up Gżira U v Balzan 2-0 In 1978, Farrugia was transferred to play 3-1 the 2020/21 campaign. There have been a the challenge for Sirens v Gudja U for Melita Eagles Football Club in Sydney, 2-1 v Zejtun few postponements connected to Covid- back-to-back Cham- Valletta 1-1 Australia, where he won nine trophies and Mosta v Lija A Sta Lucia v Senglea 4-1 was at one time voted Best Player of New 19. Another match was postponed last Sat- pionship titles. urday due to a waterlogged pitch Valletta too are on Ħamrun S v Tarxien pp South Whales (NSW) and on two occaMeanwhile, at the end of Matchday 13, the decline, how- MATCHDAY 11 Results sions as Best Player of his club. Ħamrun S v Sliema W.2-0 Sliema Wanderers find themselves leaders, ever, after five win- Hibernians He also represented the state of NSW and v Gzira U 1-0 for the second week running with 28 points less matches, under Birkirkara v Balzan 2-2 subsequently was honoured by the presti2-0 Sta Lucia v Sirens after regaining top spot by virtue of their interim coach Gil- Mosta 2-2 gious Maltese Achiever in Australia award. v Valletta narrow 1-0 victory over Old Firm rivals and bert Agius they have Gudja U v Senglea 2-0 Ray returned to Malta in 1990 and played 2-0 and also coached Naxxar Lions for eight defending champions Floriana, while pre- returned to winning Zejtun C v Lija A vious leaders Hibernians lost the position ways by beating newly-promoted Zejtun. years. Then in 1998 he was appointed coach after losing to Birkirkara who themselves They then followed that up by adding of Malta’s U/21 team, and led the team for have recently been gaining ground after a Lija’s scalp to their list. They currently sit four years before going back to coaching disappointing start. way back in the league ladder seventh Premier League clubs. Hibernians keep the runner up spot after eight points behind the leaders. In 2011, he returned to coach Malta’s U/21 beating Balzan on Sunday, while Ħamrun The season is also turning out to be frus- and was then promoted to assistant coach of Spartans, who have been going great guns trating for Gzira United after their fourth the senior side. In 2018 Farrugia was apof late, are third a point behind following draw, while Mosta have extended their pointed Head Coach of the Malta senior a a win over Floriana. positive run to seven matches and now position he occupied for two tears until early Defending Champions Floriana have reg- share fourth place with Gzira. this year.

The Wanderers return to lead the table


Malta honour for Ray ‘Żażu’ Farrugia


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