October 27, 2016

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SPECIAL: Holiday Entertaining

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Cooking f o r


CAUSE Food and family are at the heart of the March of Dimes’ Signature Chefs Auction


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Sports Catnip ������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Card Chronicle �����������������������������������������������������19 Urban Bourbon Half Marathon ��������������������������� 20 Taylor’s 10 �������������������������������������������������������������21 High School Sports ����������������������������������������������22 Game of the Week �����������������������������������������������23

Society Haunted Halloween BBQ ������������������������������������26 Opera Patrons’ Circle Party ���������������������������������28 Retirement Party for Joe Tolan ����������������������������30 St. John Trunk Show �������������������������������������������� 31 Fluer-de-lis Fling ��������������������������������������������������32 Butterflies in Motion ��������������������������������������������34 Louisville Bespoke �����������������������������������������������35 Laura Lee Brown and Steve Wilson 20th Anniversary Party ����������������������������������������36 Pinktober + Pink Prom �����������������������������������������38 University of Louisville Homecoming ������������������41 On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.

Kentucky vs. Mississippi State Football ������������ 42 Partyline ���������������������������������������������������������������43

Life Features Cooking for a Cause

Food and family are at the heart of the March of Dimes’ Signature Chefs Auction ����������������� 6

Spotlight: Red vs. Blue Rivalry Gala ��������������������46 Breast Cancer Spotlight: Pat Harrison Resource Center �����������������������������47 Fashion: Laura’s Angels Charity Fashion Show ��48 Health & Wellness: Skin Cancer ��������������������������49 Nuptials: Michelle Cheek and Jim Ellis ���������������50 Voice of Style: Thanksgiving Decor ���������������������58 Tastes: MOD-Tini ��������������������������������������������������60 Tablescape Tips From Butterflies in Motion Hosts ����������������������������������62 Film: Halloween Movies ��������������������������������������64 Arts & Entertainment: “Assassins” �����������������������65

Timeless Treasures

Louisville boutique Dolfinger’s offers anything and everything a hostess could want ���������� 12

A League of Their Own

Junior League of Louisville members share some recipes perfect for holiday entertaining ���� 52

Essentials Masthead �������������������������������5 Business ������������������������������ 12 Obituaries ���������������������������� 14

Event Calendar �������������������66 Dear Abby ���������������������������68 Classifieds ���������������������������69

O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

Puzzles �������������������������������� 70 Pets of the Week ����������������� 70




This week’s feature story on Signature Chefs Auction to benefit March of Dimes Louisville is a very personal one to me. I’ve been an enormous fan of the event for years. In a city stacked with some of the most talented chefs in the country, the ability to taste 30 of the best in one night is akin to discovering a pot of gold – it’s a mythical level of wonder. A few years ago, I was asked to serve as one of the judges for the tasting event, and in my excitement, I made no account for pace or portion. By about halfway through the participating restaurants, I realized how illequipped I was for this assignment. For the years that followed, I learned to make better decisions about my tasting strategy, but the one thing that didn’t change was the intense emotion I felt at the end of each annual Signature Chefs Auction. I would sob through the presentation of what March of Dimes calls their Ambassador Family. We often hear the tragic phrase “a life gone too soon,” but these stories were about a life that began too soon. They involved helpless babies struggling to breath, to eat, to live. At the event in 2013, I grabbed my husband’s hand under our table during the presentation, emotions elevated with the fresh news that we were expecting our first child. Never could I have imagined that two years later, it would be my family on that stage sharing our story of my son’s premature birth – born at 29 weeks and weighing just over two pounds. When I was rushed to the hospital with preterm labor symptoms, there was a list of standard Tonya Abeln questions that the nurse was required to ask me regardless of my circumstances. One I remember was, “Do you have a car seat for your baby?” The truth was, I didn’t. We didn’t have anything ready for this baby yet. I recall thinking, “Please tell me that this baby will actually leave this hospital in a car seat eventually.” Seventy days later, he did. He left in a car seat strapped to an oxygen tank and a breathing monitor that made a firetruck siren sound like a sweet lullaby. In our most fear-filled moments during those 70 days in the NICU, I clung to the hope that was provided to me by the research of the March of Dimes and the stories of struggle that culminated with happy endings at Signature Chefs Auction. We were honored to serve as the Ambassador Family for Signature Chefs in 2015, and I’m equal parts delighted and humiliated to report that during the ceremony, our son was showing out and acting up like any typical 1-year-old. My gratitude to March of Dimes is endless, and I look forward to another exciting year of supporting this special cause.

LETTER from the


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Cooking f o r



Food and family are at the heart of the March of Dimes’ Signature Chefs Auction Story by Graham Pilotte • Photos by Ryan Noltemeyer


hen a couple is given the happy news that they are adding to their family with a baby, the enthusiastic planning begins. There are car seats to test, nurseries to decorate and names to choose as the nesting begins. When the news delivered is that the family is multiplying with twins, the planning and excitement doubles, but then again, so do the concerns of all that could possibly go wrong before they enter the world.

For Sarah Spencer, those concerns caught her unexpectedly off-guard in the middle of a normal, healthy pregnancy. “Everything was on track,” she recalls, “and then, out of nowhere, I was in labor. With twins, you don’t expect to get to full-term, but we never imagined delivering at only 28 weeks. It was very unexpected, very shocking – the last thing we were expecting to find out.” Sarah found herself in the hospital in Labor and Delivery for six excruciating and difficult days, going into labor far

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too early. “I set some goals to try and buy the boys as much time as I could,” she says. “Through research that the March of Dimes has done, I knew that could give them the best fighting chance. Those six days really helped the boys when they were born.” Stories like these are all too familiar to the March of Dimes. It’s a national organization, originally founded by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to fight polio; when the polio vaccine eradicated that disease, the March of Dimes moved


F e at u r e

Volare Chef Josh Moore is Signature Chefs Auction’s head chef.


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F e at u r e

lar Door Chocolates, Harvest and Bistro 1860. “Some restaurants serve hors d’oeuvres, or a new dish they’re going to launch on their winter menu, or a sample of a signature dish,” Moore says. “It’s a great way to feel a part of the restaurant community for an evening. It’s such a talented group of chefs and restaurant owners who have a passion for philanthropy and want to give back to the community.”

The Spencers, March of Dimes 2016 Ambassador Family. on to fighting infant mortality. “The March of Dimes organization is talking about our most vulnerable population,” adds Sarah’s husband Brad Spencer. “These days, you have babies born at 25 weeks, and a couple decades ago, that was never even a possibility. You have families’ lives that are changed forever and babies that are born with a much higher chance of having a normal childhood and adulthood.” Research has led to greater developmental and medical knowledge that helped infants like the Spencer twins grow until they could both breathe and eat on their own – the criteria for allowing a premature infant to leave the hospital. The March of Dimes also provided support in the form of meetings, connections with other parents and families, and educational research to prepare the new parents for what would happen as their babies developed. “You never know if you’re going to be a family that is affected by the March of Dimes,” Sarah says. “Our boys spent 63 days in the hospital before they could come home. It was definitely a long roller coaster ride, but we were fortunate to have a happy ending to our story.” Now, their vibrant and healthy 2-year-old twin boys will serve as the poster children for March of Dimes Louisville as the Spencer family gives back to the organization by serving as the 2016 Ambassador Family for this year’s Signature Chefs Auction, a food-tasting event held at the Louisville Marriott Downtown on November 10 with more than 30 local chefs and restaurants participating. Stephanie Renner, general counsel for PBI Bank and chair of the event, describes what guests have come to expect from the annual celebrated event. “The best chefs in Louisville O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

prepare a tasting of the food from their restaurants,” she explains. “There’s an open bar, an amazing live auction and a fantastic silent auction. You will hear about the mission of the March of Dimes through an ambassador family who tells their experience with premature birth.” She has been involved for years. “It’s very moving,” asserts Renner, “and it’s a cause everyone can get behind. We like to say that everyone is a March of Dimes baby because the research and the funding that have gone to preventing premature birth has really benefited us all.”

Moore’s restaurant, Volare Italian Ristorante, will participate in Signature Chefs as well. “I myself was born two months premature at 7 months old,” Moore says. He quickly follows up with a joke. “I made up for it because I’m a big guy,” he says with a heartfelt laugh. But the poignancy isn’t lost; the March of Dimes and its mission has a very real and lasting impact on the babies that are born premature, an impact that lasts all the way into adulthood. “It’s just amazing to be able to help out,” Moore says. The fundraising event will also feature both live and silent auctions. Dorothy Menish, the auction chair, explains that the auctions add a lot of spirit to the gala. “It’s not your traditional event,” she explains. “We raise money, but what we do is like a big cocktail party. We try to get people engaged, to have fun, to learn about March of Dimes and to raise a ton of money. We have all these chefs, all the food stations, which in turn is great for the restaurants. This is one of the most fun events I’ve ever been involved in, and it’s for a great

“Our boys spent 63 days in the hospital before they could come home. It was definitely a long roller coaster ride, but we were fortunate to have a happy ending to our story.” -SARAH SPENCER The event has been touted as one of the best tasting events in Louisville, and in a city renowned for its incredible inventive culinary talent, that is saying a lot. Signature Chefs Auction’s Head Chef Josh Moore of Volare agrees, stating, “It’s definitely an opportunity to interact with the chefs and meet them but also to try a lot of great food. On top of that, it’s such a great cause.” The list of participating restaurants spans a variety of food genres and includes many Louisville favorites, among them Anoosh, River House, Vincenzo’s, Cel-


cause.” Dorothy’s husband, Bill Menish is the auctioneer. “I’ve been blown away by how incredible an event Signature Chefs is, and to join in was so tremendous,” he says. “There’s a big bourbon theme – no surprise there. There are experiences, trips, tremendous live auction items that people put so much time into generating – we’re great advocates of once-in-a-lifetime experiences, beyond the red velvet rope, you-have-to-get-it-today type auction packag-

Signature Chefs’ silent auction also adds something different from the typical ball or gala. “It’s a great interaction,” Bill says. “Most people are there because they understand, they want to give, and there’s different levels to give. They gather there for those babies, the children that need their help. It shows the support for the March of Dimes on behalf of the entire Louisville community.” One can sense a universal enthusiasm surrounding Signature Chefs. “Our involvement is from the heart,” Dorothy explains. “If you want to have fun, be inspired and be proud of what you’re supporting, the March of Dimes event is the one. You’ll be thrilled to attend an event that touches these delicate lives because of what the March of Dimes provides, and you’ll leave being proud of the support that you’ve offered. It’s a must-attend.”

more so. Premature babies are, as Brad Spencer puts it, our most vulnerable population. Because of the March of Dimes, some of these children have a fighting chance that they might not otherwise have had. Families now have a chance to watch their babies grow up. “No one ever thinks they’re going to need this kind of help – and then something unexpected happens, and March of Dimes is there,” Dorothy says sincerely. “This is how we can help your baby and how we can help you.” The Spencers know this all too well, and they are grateful for their happy ending. “(Our twins) are perfect in every way, shape

and form,” Sarah says with love in her voice. “They’re developmentally on track with fullterm babies. They love running and playing outside and talk nonstop; they’re the two smartest little boys I’ve ever met.” She pauses. “We can’t say enough great things about the work the March of Dimes does and their mission and all the nurses and doctors that helped to take care of our boys when they were born. I couldn’t be more thankful.” VT The March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction takes place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. All donations are 100 percent tax deductible. For sponsorship, table or individual ticket inquiries, please contact Erika Rohrer at 502.473.6683.

On Tuesday, November 1, Volare is holding a charity night for the March of Dimes – 10 percent of sales will go toward Signature Chefs.

The sincerity, pride and dedication of these organizers is moving, and the stories even


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F e at u r e

es.” He cites a few memorable ones – poker night with basketball’s famous Denny Crum as one (“You can’t just buy that anywhere!” he exclaims), and a custom dinner for 10 at Josh Moore’s farm as another.

F e at u r e

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Executive Chef Graham Weber

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2016 Participating Restaurants SIGNATURE CHEFS AUCTION •

8UP Elevated Drinkery & Kitchen

Anoosh Bistro

Asiatique Restaurant

At the Italian Table

Bistro 1860 Wine Bar & Spirits

Blu Italian Grille

Bourbons Bistro

Brasserie Provence

Café Lou Lou

Cellar Door Chocolates

Corbett’s: An American Place

Dish on Market


Gary’s on Spring

Gospel Bird


Jack Fry’s

Marketplace Restaurant at Theatre Square

Martini Italian Bistro

River House

RIVUE Restaurant and Lounge

SET at Theatre Square

Sidebar Whiskey Row

The 502 Bar & Bistro

The Brown Hotel

The Comfy Cow

The Joy Luck

The Seelbach Hotel/The Oak Room


Vincenzo’s Italian Restaurant

Volare Italian Ristorante

Ward 426



Anabel’s Oriental Rugs • Artist In You • Blush Boutique Cooking at the Cottage • Dandelion • From the Vault • Paper Source





“I really look hard for the most ouisville is rich in hisunusual, beautiful things,” she says. tory. It was the first “I try to get things customers can’t city in the nation to find elsewhere.” Luvisi has clearintroduce the secret ballot, ly done well in that department as well as the first to adopt because Dolfinger’s is the exclusive Louisville carrier of several brands, zoning and planning meaBusiness including Herend, Bittersweet, Silsures to shape urban growth. ver Seasons, D-line, Varga, Moser, Derby City is also home to the LENNIE Jars and Lux, to name a few. Whethfirst bridge designed excluer customers are looking for anyOMALZA sively for motor vehicles to thing from a porcelain figurine or gold bracelet to a julep cup or cross the Ohio River – and advent calendar, Dolfinger’s has it covered. it is where well-known gift, decor and The store also carries a plethora of holiday table-setting shop Dolfinger’s put down dinnerware patterns, including its very own its roots in 1863. “Polka-Dot Christmas,” which was designed In the beginning, the Dolfinger family imported and sold fine European crystal and china to River City residents. Today, Dolfinger’s maintains its reputation of offering formal table settings and accessories with old-world artistry and quality while boasting an expansive variety of home decor to enhance the beauty and comfort of every type of home. Blending fresh designs with the timeless beauty of traditional objet d’art, the team at Dolfinger’s is committed to helping customers express their lifestyles and celebrate special occasions. Manager Anne Luvisi describes the Chenoweth Square location as a full-service tabletop, gift and registry shop. As the store’s only full-time employee with 20 years under her belt, Luvisi handles all of the buying – along with about a million other things – so she knows Dolfinger’s merchandise like the back of her hand.

O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

by Dolfinger’s and is produced right in town by Louisville Stoneware.

A great opportunity to peruse the merchandise is coming up on November 4 during the Chenoweth Square Holiday Walk 2016. The annual event, which runs from 5 to 9 p.m., promises refreshments, carols and lots of shopping. Clients who just need a quick gift can pop into Dolfinger’s on Retail Row at The Galt House Hotel. Geared toward travelers and people who work downtown, this location doesn’t carry full table settings, but it does have a variety of gift items, home accents, jewelry and mint julep cups. And of course, the selection wouldn’t be complete without a variety of Derby items, including the official Churchill Downs luxury gift collection. Though the two locations differ slightly in merchandise, both do have one thing in common: exceptional customer service. Unlike big


box stores, where shoppers often have to search for assistance, the staff at Dolfinger’s is always readily available to help find the perfect present, recommend a table setting, start a gift registry or answer questions. “You’ll never walk around looking for someone,” Luvisi says. “We gift wrap, we deliver, we ship, we take phone orders and online orders. We go above and beyond – we also do research for people.” Sometimes, that research happens weeks after a gift has been purchased and received. “I had a customer call me one time, many years ago,” Luvisi recalls. “She was upset about a thank-you note she had gotten.” Apparently, the customer received a very nice letter from her newly-married friend, showing appreciation for the adorable sauce ladle she received. The problem was, the customer didn’t buy her a sauce ladle – and she wanted an explanation for the mix-up. Luvisi checked the records and couldn’t understand why everything seemed to align correctly with her client’s gift order. Everything, that is, except for the thank-you card. “It took us a while to figure out what had happened,” Luvisi laughs. “What she thought was a sauce ladle was actually a candle sniffer, which was the gift that was purchased.” Another case of mistaken gift identity that Luvisi experienced involved a beautiful set of wine coasters. “She didn’t drink much,” Luvisi says of the recipient, “and she thanked her guest for plant holders.” Sauce ladle or candle sniffer, wine coaster or plant holder – even if gifts from Dolfinger’s aren’t used for their original purposes, they’re always loved and cherished nonetheless. VT For more information, visit dolfingers.com or call 502.895.3226.



business briefs ST. LEONARD SCHOOL AMONG EARLY USERS OF SMART TECHNOLOGY TO STOP THE SPREAD OF FLU IN SCHOOL As schools prepare to fight the flu season, St. Leonard School (440 Zorn Ave.) hopes to keep more kids healthy with the help of Kinsa Smart Thermometers. Selected as one of just 500 schools nationwide (one of nine in Kentucky and one of two in Jefferson County) to participate in Kinsa’s FLUency school health program, all St. Leonard families will receive free Kinsa Smart Thermometers, priced at $19.99 retail. With this tool, families can see aggregated, anonymous information on any symptoms and illnesses going around the school. Seventh-grade students in Mrs. Caitlin Ousley’s science class at St. Leonard will be aggregating the data from the app and analyzing it to learn how the disease spreads. They also will learn about public health initiatives that can help stop the spread of disease and practice communication methods to spread the word on preventative care. “Our top priority is keeping our students in class learning,” explained Ousley. “With this innovative program, we hope to see the trends affecting our classrooms so that we can contain the spread of illness, increase attendance and continue giving our students the education they deserve.” PERSONAL STORIES OF PEARL HARBOR COME TO THE FRAZIER Opened to the public on October 25 in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the attack, the Frazier Museum presents “A Morning That Changed the World: Personal Stories of Pearl Harbor.” The immersive, thought-provoking exhibition delves into this fateful event with stories told by people who experienced this moment in history. The exhibit features the Rex Knight Collection of letters, photographs and mementos from both servicemen and civilians that will leave visitors with a heightened feeling of a connection to the individuals that experienced those long two hours of horror and chaos. The result was not only vulnerability and fear, but also anger, nationalism and patriotism. The world was forever changed. As visitors step into the exhibit, they will be transported to December 6, 1941 – the evening before the attack. With the sounds of glasses clinking and music playing, the innocent and joyous atmosphere of a party in the Officer’s Club on the island sets the stage for what life was like before the profound and unforeseen events that are about to take place. On that clear and beautiful evening, Lt. General Walter Short looked out onto the lights of all of the ships in Pearl Harbor and noted, “What a target that would make!” Visitors walk through the hallway of a battleship as they arrive to that fateful morning and find themselves standing under a Japanese fighter plane. With objects, mementos, letters, visuals and sound, the attack and the immediate aftermath come to life through the stories of the servicemen and civilians that experienced the attack. THE AL J. SCHNEIDER COMPANY HIRES CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER The Al J. Schneider Company is excited to announce the hiring of Michele Wimpling as chief investment officer. Wimpling has over three decades of experience in asset management and real estate. “I am looking forward to bringing my diverse hospitality and general real estate experience to The Al J. Schneider Company,” said Wimpling. “Guided by specific criteria and initiatives, I hope to help The Al J. Schneider Company achieve their growth goals and enhance the existing portfolio’s performance and value.” Wimpling most recently served as executive vice president of hotel Asset Value Enhancement (hotelAVE) in Providence, Rhode Island. In that position, she oversaw a portfolio of 25

to submit your business brief email rsisk@redpinmedia.com hotels. Prior to hotelAVE, Wimpling spent more than eight years as the vice president of real estate and development for FRHI Hotels & Resorts (Fairmont, Raffles and Swissôtel Hotels) located in Toronto, Canada, where she was involved in overseeing all owned and leased assets and in growing the portfolio of luxury hotels. Wimpling started her career as a CPA and held several senior financial positions in both private equity and public companies.

time waiting in line, more restrooms and additional food offerings. We believe these new and upgraded amenities will significantly add to the overall experience for our Clubhouse guests and will result in a more enjoyable experience for enjoying a day at the races.”

“With the evolution of Louisville’s tourism and hospitality landscape, Michele will bring a new discipline to maximizing real estate and true asset management to the company. In addition to enhancing our operating performance,” said Scott Shoenberger, president and chief executive officer of The Al J. Schneider Company. “She has executed more than 70 transactions during her career and has managed real-estate within the best hotels in the world.”

Conde Nast Traveler has announced the results of its 29th annual Readers’ Choice Awards, and Louisville’s Brown Hotel has been recognized as No. 10 of the Top 30 Hotels in the South.

“LOUISVILLE’S GOT TALENT” RETURNS FOR FOURTH YEAR Louisville’s Got Talent, a competition celebrating the talented youth in greater Louisville produced by CenterStage, is back for its fourth year. Young performers, ages 6-18, will take the stage at The J, 3600 Dutchman’s Lane, and compete for a cash and prize package valued at over $2,000. Registration is now open for all talented youth, ages 6-18, performing as individuals or in groups. Acts in the past have included vocalists, bands, magicians, dancers, pianists, instrumentalists, jugglers and comedians. First-round auditions will be held Sunday, January 15, from 3 to 6 p.m. Participants must register at centerstagejcc.org/talent in advance. Participants can audition with more than one act. There is a $15 per person registration fee for the first act and $5 for each additional act. After January 1, 2017, the registration fee is $20. The Top 20 acts will go on to compete in the Live Grand Finale on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Audition slots are expected to fill up quickly, so sign up early. CHURCHILL DOWNS INVESTS $16 MILLION INTO UPGRADES FOR CLUBHOUSE’S SECOND FLOOR Churchill Downs Racetrack, one of the world’s most recognized sports venues, has announced a $16 million capital project to modernize the second floor of the famed facility’s Clubhouse – the latest investment in an on-going series of upgrades to improve and enhance the customer experience at the home of the Kentucky Derby. The extensive renovation project, which encompasses 95,000 square feet, is designed to improve the venue circulation and service for the 13,000 guests that typically flow through the area during big events. The enhanced amenities include upgraded food and beverage offerings with 25 new points of sale, more than 75 additional restroom facilities and added wagering windows and flat-screen televisions. New structures within the footprint include a fresh Twin Spires Club (“TSC”) Elite Gold Room exclusive to VIP bettors that will be adjacent to an enlarged Champions Bar, complete with adjoining covered balconies that will feature table seating with a spectacular view of the Paddock. Additionally, the Aristides Lounge, formerly an unfinished space that was occasionally utilized for select events, will become a permanent fixture, outfitted with table seating and an enlarged wall of 90-inch flat-screen TVs. The space also will feature The Loft at Aristides Lounge that will provide guests with a more intimate dining and simulcast experience in a sectionalized room with halfwalls. “Churchill Downs places the highest emphasis on customer service, and we’re listening to what our guests have told us,” said Kevin Flanery, president of Churchill Downs Racetrack. “Through recent post-event surveys, customers have steadily told us that they’d prefer better flow in our facility with less



Over 300,000 dedicated readers – nearly twice as many as last year – cast votes for 7,394 hotels around the world. The Readers’ Choice Awards winners are in the November issue of the popular travel magazine, now on newsstands. The full list is published online at cntraveler.com/rca. The Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards are the longest-running and most prestigious recognition of excellence in the travel industry and are commonly known as “the best of the best of travel.” Under Editor in Chief Pilar Guzmán, the Readers’ Choice Awards have become more selective and specific to the passions that inspire today’s travelers. The Brown Hotel jumped 18 spots after last year’s award of No. 28 of the Top 30 Hotels in the South and earned a 94.41 rating overall. LOUISVILLE LEADS THE WAY IN LGBTQ EQUALITY At a time when many states have failed to extend LGBTQinclusive laws and policies, Louisville is stepping up to ensure that all citizens are treated equally, according to a report issued by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC), the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization. HRC’s 2016 Municipal Equality Index (MEI) shows that around the country, cities are fueling momentum for LGBTQ equality -- and often are doing so in states that still don’t have LGBTQinclusive non-discrimination laws at the state level. In Kentucky, Louisville earned over 85 points on the 2016 MEI despite hailing from a state without LGBTQ-inclusive statewide non-discrimination laws. Across the country, 37 cities like these set a standard of LGBTQ inclusiveness with exemplary, best-practice policies such as local non-discrimination laws, providing transgender-inclusive health benefits for city employees, and offering LGBTQ-inclusive city services. Shining like a beacon of hope, Louisville earned one of HRC’s 37 MEI “All Star” designations. MEI All Stars are cities nationwide that are excelling by advancing LGBTQ equality without relying on state law. This year, Louisville earned 100 points. Louisville earned 100 points last year as well. The average score for cities in Kentucky is 52 out of 100 points, which falls below the national average of 55. THE GALT HOUSE HOTEL WELCOMES NICK BRINER AS NEW GENERAL MANAGER The Galt House Hotel is pleased to announce the hiring of Nick Briner as general manager of the Galt House Hotel. “It is an honor to be appointed general manager of the legendary Galt House Hotel and to have the opportunity to work with an amazing team that is known for providing outstanding southern hospitality,” said Briner. “My goal is to create memorable experiences for our guests to engender loyalty to the Galt House Hotel and Louisville.” Nick’s hospitality career spans over three decades, with over 20 years at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas, a 1,606 room Four Diamond hotel with 350,000 square feet of meeting space. V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M • O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6


obituaries Mildred Elizabeth (Riney) Abell

Mildred Elizabeth (Riney) Abell, 96, passed away Saturday, October 22, 2016 at the home of her daughter. She was retired from the old Ben Snyder’s Dept. store and a member of Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church. She is preceded in death by her loving husband, Thomas William “Bill” Abell; daughter, Catherine Jansing; three brothers and three sisters. She is survived by her loving children, Thomas William “Billy” (Wanda), Mildred Ann “Nan”, Francis Irvin “Ernie” (Bonne), David Riney (Sharon), Helen Abell Hayes and Marion “Jay” (Nancy), ten grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren. Special thanks to her Hosparus team, Erin and Tranel. Her funeral Mass will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday at Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 4005 Dixie Hwy. with burial at Louisville Memorial Gardens West. Visitation will be 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday at Owen Funeral Home, 5317 Dixie Hwy. The family request in lieu of flowers, expressions may be made to Mary Queen of Peace (St. Helen) Catholic Church, 4005 Dixie Hwy. Louisville, KY 40216.

Dale Andrew Beadle Dale has moved on to the big golf course in the sky. Born December 29, 1948, in Cambridge, NY to Fi and Sally Beadle. He graduated in 1967 from Shaker High School in Latham, NY. He attended the Aeronautic Institute of Technology in New York City for two years before he joined the Air Force where he served for four years during the Vietnam War era. He was an Air Traffic Controller in the Air Force and continued in that career working for the FAA until his retirement.


He is predeceased by his parents, Fi and Sally Beadle. He leaves to honor his memory his wife of 41 years, Doe; his daughters, Julie Clark (Roger) and Jenny Beadle (Todd); his younger brother, Rod; and other beloved family members, including Misty, Shannon, Johnny, Cammy, Michaela, Seth, Judy, Doug, Leon, Denise, Harry and Rita. Dale enjoyed riding his Harley across the country with his wife, Doe, and daughters, Julie & Jenny and his brother, Rod. In more recent years, he became an avid golfer and was a member of Woodhaven Country Club where he had a great group of golf buddies. He was the only person in the country to get his driver’s license in the Chrysler Turbine car. He was a lifelong Parrothead!!!! He has chosen cremation for his remains. There will be a Celebration of Life at a later date. As there will be no formal funeral and hence no flowers, donations can be made to University of Louisville Hospital in memory of Dale Beadle, 259 E. Liberty Street, Louisville, KY 40202.

Roger Harlan Berry Roger Harlan Berry, 95, of Fairdale passed away Wednesday, October 19, 2016. Mr. Berry was born December 13, 1920 in Jefferson County, Kentucky to the late Vestor and Louise Churchman Berry. He was a World War II Army veteran who served his country in the 176th Armored Infantry and the 2nd Armored Infantry. Mr. Berry was retired from Sam Swope Pontiac and was a member of Mt. Holly Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge #942 and the American Legion Post #201. He is preceded in death by his sister, Ruth Fogleman and brother, Russell Berry. He is survived by his loving wife of 68 years, Dortha “Dot” Crady Berry; daughter,

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Faye Berry; granddaughter, Stacey Cannon (Thomas); grandson, Thomas Harlan Cannon; his angel, Susan Burch; brother, Carl Berry (Nina) as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held on Monday at 11:30 am at Mt. Holly Methodist Church, 804 Mt. Holly Rd., Fairdale with burial in Resthaven Cemetery. Friends may pay their respects on Sunday from 2:00 pm until 8:00 pm and from 10:00 am until 11:00 am on Monday at Schoppenhorst Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home (Preston Hwy at Brooks Rd.).

Sarah Ann Boren Koehler Sarah Ann Boren Koehler, 71, died Friday, October 21, 2016 at Sunrise of Louisville. She was born March 3, 1945 in Louisville to the late Amos Henry and Mary Pauline Cavins Boren. She is also preceded in death by her husband, Philip Allen Koehler and siblings, Virginia Rickey and John Boren. She was a 1963 graduate of Presentation Academy and studied education at Spalding University. She was a devout and active member of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and also a leader and volunteer with Girl Scouts. She also spent time volunteering with Red Cross and Derby Dinner Playhouse. She is survived by her daughters, Kimberly (Bill) Roley and Cassandra (Chris) Schwantes and siblings, David Boren, Joseph Boren, and Catherine Wissel. Visitation will be from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Tuesday and after 9:00 am Wednesday at Arch L. Heady and Son Southern Funeral Home, 3601 Taylor Blvd. Her Funeral Liturgy will be 12:00 pm Wednesday at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 3509 Taylor Blvd. with burial to follow at St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery. Contributions in her memo-


ry may be made to: Girl Scouts of Kentuckian, Hosparus, or online condolences may be made to www.archlheadysouthernfh.com.

Robert L. Conely Robert L. Conely, After a long struggle with Alzheimer’s, God gathered Robert L. “Bob” Conely in his arms and took him to his heavenly home. Bob will be remembered for his love of children and US veterans as well as for his quick wit, artistic talents, kind heart and gentle spirit. A devoted husband, father and grandfather, he was preceded in death by his parents Henry L. and Vera; his brother, Tommy; sister, Carolyn; and his first wife of 5 years, Patricia L. Pruett Conely. Left to cherish and respect his memory are Lois, his wife of 37 years; sons Brandon (Michele) and Brad; grandkids Tanner, Grace, Macy, Addison, Kira, and Evvie; nieces and nephews Amanda (Nick), Tyler, Makena and Zayne; and in-laws Ken and Sherra Woolet, David and Lisa Woolet, Sioux Woolet and Russell Stockton. Bob cherished the friendships of those he met along his life’s journey. During his work and travels as an artist, as an art instructor at Washington County Elementary School, as a goodwill ambassador for the Kentucky Air National Guard, as a member Southeast Christian Church and participant in the Southeast Easter Pageant, from his attendance at Newburg Christian Church, from his hobbies as a WW II reenactor and military modeler, and from the places he lived and made his life, he met and valued so many. As a family, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the caregivers at Camelot Nursing Home who treated Bob with kindness and compassion during the last year of his life. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that

Mary Uhl Libs Mary Uhl Libs, 93 years of age died peacefully, Saturday, October 22, 2016 surrounded by her family. She was born April 10, 1923. She was faithfully devoted to her family and Catholic Religion. Mary worked at the old Public Service Indiana in the early part of her life, she was a homemaker and worked with her husband on their family farm in Floyds Knobs. She drove a school bus for New Albany-Floyd County Schools. She was preceded in death by her parents, Clem and Florence Uhl, brothers Charles and Bernard Uhl, and great granddaughters Harper and Georgia Peak. Survivors include her hus-

band of 69 years, Raymond Libs, sons, Danny (Brenda) Libs, Gary (Sandy) Libs, Anthony (Michele) Libs, and daughters Vicki (Chris) Rough and Terri (Doug) Gahlinger; sisters, Lorine (Pete) Martin, Mary Ann McElroy and Sharon (Mike) Newton; grandchildren, Kelly (Brian) Wilcher, Eric (Tara) Libs, Jeff (Cara) Libs, Tricia (Chris) Huber, Tracy (Svend) Jensen, Trudy (Andy) Betourne, Ami (Jason) Driscoll, Natalie (Sean) Peak, Josh (Lindsey Bleemel) Libs, Cory (Taralyn) Rough, Chelsy (J.W.) Nickell, Tara (Steven) Hnat, Tana (John) Didelot and 25 wonderful great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from noon 8 p.m. Monday at Kraft Funeral Service, 708 E. Spring St., New Albany, Indiana and after 9 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary of the Knobs Catholic Church. Her funeral Mass will be held at 11 am Tuesday at St. Mary of the Knobs Catholic Church in Floyds

Knobs with burial to follow in the church cemetery. Expressions of sympathy may go to St. Mary of the Knobs Catholic Church, 5719 St. Mary’s Rd., Floyds Knobs, IN 47119. Online condolences may be made to www.kraftfuneralservice.net.

Imogene E. Moretz Imogene E. Moretz, 86, of Louisville, passed away Thursday, October 20, 2016. Born in Albany, KY, the former Imogene Denton was a homemaker and loved taking care of everybody. She was an avid gardener, and liked to read. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lonnie R. Moretz; daughters, Becki Moretz and Vicki Allgeier; brother, Denny Denton; and great-granddaughter, Abigail Clark. Imogene is survived by her grandchildren, Twila


Massey (Bobby), Johnny Clark, Jennifer Chestnut (James), Misty Stump, Jimmy Allgeier (Chrissie), Michelle Harmon (Dave), Melanie Smith (Jason), Tiffany Allgeier, and Stephanie Allgeier; great-grandchildren, Evan, Alex, Ryan, Emma, Meagan (Alex), Jessica, Matt, Josh, Penny, Becca, Molly and Mandy; sister, Jo Kindle; son-in-law, Jim Allgeier; sister-in-law, Isabelle Denton; Jack Clark and Peggy; and many nieces and nephews. Her funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at St. Raphael Catholic Church, Bardstown Rd. at Lancashire Ave, with entombment to follow in Resthaven Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2-8 pm on Monday at Highlands Funeral Home, 3331 Taylorsville Road. Heartfelt thanks to Alex Massey and Peggy Barnett for their loving care given to Imogene in her final months.

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The Natural Choice For Your Dream Home


nown as one of the most naturally beautiful residential developments in the region, Persimmon Ridge is 765 acres of pristine wooded land that captures the true, natural beauty of Kentucky. Thirty-seven new home sites have recently been developed and are available starting at $81,000 with a 10% discount if closed before December 15. Located at the edge of Louisville in western Shelby County, Persimmon Ridge has been

the go-to location for families looking to build their dream homes. Upon entering the serene main street of the neighborhood, it can easily be understood why homeowners and builders alike choose home sites in this unique, sprawling development. The properties that are now available are substantial in size, at 1/3 acre to over 8 acres, and offer wooded or open, flat or gentle fall-away features. The sites are in sections 16 and 17 and are ready for construction to begin immediately. The neighborhood has a junior Olympic-sized pool, baby pool, tennis and basketball courts and playground as anchors of the development and fun summer activities. Residents

regularly plan holiday activities including hayrides, Easter egg hunts, Fourth of July parties and Santa visits. Persimmon Ridge also offers a championship 18-hole golf course, with the design encompassing all 765 acres that blend the golf and residential sites harmoniously, without infringing on the quality of either. With breathtaking views of waterways, wooded splendor and open land, and a community that is caring and active, Persimmon Ridge is the natural choice for your new home. For complete development information or a tour of the development and course, call Lawren Just at (502) 419-4797 or visit www.persimmonridgedevelopment.com.

Make the natural choice.

New Home Sites Available! Sections 16 and 17 – now ready for home construction! 37 new home sites ranging in size from 1/3 acre to over 8 acres! Wooded or open, flat or gentle fall-away sites in a beautiful family-oriented neighborhood. Starting at $81,000 – Close before December 15 and receive 10% off!

Choose the perfect lot for your dream home in Persimmon Ridge. Persimmon Ridge home sites are marketed by Persimmon Tree Realty | Lawren Just (502) 419-4797 | www.persimmonridgedevelopment.com

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18 Catnip | 20 Urban Bourbon Half Marathon | 21 Taylor’s 10 | 22 High School


The Grass Isn’t Greener





Was It Ever in Doubt? Nah!

’ve always said that the team that wins deserves the win. (With a shout out, last weekend, to Michigan, Penn State and the Cubs.) So, thank some leprechauns, if you’d like, for a game you might insist Kentucky was “lucky to win.”

was looking like a team that would keep finding a way to lose.


Stoops may have turned the corner this month as a college head football coach. And Kentucky may have stepped up a rung or two on the respectability ladder.

Not to get complacent. (What UK football fan ever enjoys complacency?) The Cats still have to be nervous, going forward, about their passing game. Several key injuries still have to be sorted out. Landon Young? Denzil Ware? Jojo Kemp? And this is still a program that has to put its previous season meltdowns in the attic and forget about them.


Blame some comfortably reliable targets. There were a few: Stephen Johnson, for not protecting the ball yet again; Mark Stoops, for some reason going for two points early in the third quarter to try tying a 14-12 game – it failed, making all that last-minute suspense necessary; Dorian Baker, for (been there, done that) dropping a sure touchdown pass in the end zone; and the officials, for failing to call a couple of penalties on Mississippi State that got even my dog screaming at the set. (He has little tolerance for mailmen, UPS drivers and incompetent referees.) But Kentucky did what it had to do in this, the biggest win of the Stoops Era. And that is pretty amazing, considering that this 4-3 bunch seemed, just a few weeks ago, fated for something like a 2-10 season. It

Next week comes Missouri, 2-5, losers to Middle Tennessee State 51-45. In other words, beatable. But I sense this UK team believes in itself, on both sides of the line. Austin MacGinnis seems finally to be healthy, all-SEC-level again. And it has two of the most efficient ball-carriers in the conference. I discovered last week that Benny Snell Jr. is actually a cousin of another tough, gritty ball-carrier. I saw Matt Snell punish Big Ten teams for three years in the early-mid1960s as a fullback alongside Paul Warfield in

the Ohio State backfield. Joe Namath got all the publicity for the Jets’ Super Bowl upset in 1969, but Snell carried the ball 30 times for 121 hard yards to seal the 16-7 win. He was the game’s real MVP. I’m just saying, Benny Snell Jr. – like all good racehorses – has the requisite bloodline. ROUNDBALLS IN THE AIR Speaking of impressive bloodlines, what we saw on Friday – and yes, it was just a scrimmage – was another extraordinary array of Kentucky basketball talent. De’Aaron Fox looks like the second coming of John Wall. Isaiah Briscoe has clearly upped his offensive game as well as his confidence. Malik Monk, who would be the star on 97 percent of college basketball teams, almost faded into the background during the BlueWhite Scrimmage were it not for a couple of memorable dunks. In other words, another John Calipari team that is backcourt-loaded. However, so was last year’s team. But despite Briscoe, Jamal Murray and Tyler Ulis, the team underperformed all season, right up to a second round exit from the tournament, because of lack of a power game inside. This club seems much more balanced than last year’s. (Although, in mid-October a year ago, we were all convinced that Skal Labissiere would be a dominant game-changer.) But balance is only an asset if it’s used. Right now, Kentucky has three guards who are all highly comfortable with the ball. They all see the path to the rim as their own personal autobahn – no speed limits, no stop signs, shift into high gear and pedal to the metal. Which is fine, it’s the essence of Cal’s beloved dribble-drive, but only if it involves everyone else on the floor. And not just alleyoops to Bam but also inside-out kicks to the perimeter, to maximize the shooting talents of Derek Willis, Dominique Hawkins, maybe Sacha Killeya-Jones and, interestingly, Mychal Mulder (who looked, based on the scrimmage – and yes, it was just a scrimmage – as if he has carved a place for himself). Of course, if we see it, Cal sees it. Bringing brash young guards into some form of a disciplined game has been his challenge almost his entire college coaching career. In the meantime, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to watch De’Aaron Fox for an entire season. VT

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The Grass Isn’t Greener


harlie Strong’s time at Texas is coming to an end. That much appears clear.

in December 2011 when his name was being linked to a number of coaching vacancies. At a press conference leading up to the Cardinals’ Belk Bowl game against NC State, Strong recalled a talk he’d had with former UofL head coach John L. Smith years earlier.

The former UofL head coach who left the Derby City at the beginning “I remember having a converof 2014 to try his hand at leading one MIKE sation with Coach Smith when I of the richest and most powerful programs in college football has gone just RUTHERFORD found out that Tom [Jurich] was @cardchronicle considering me, and he told me 14-18 in two-and-a-half seasons in that leaving Louisville was the bigAustin, and is in danger of failing to lead Texas to a bowl game for a second straight gest mistake he ever made,” Strong said. “He year. Reports have been swirling for weeks now told me, ‘If you get that job, don’t ever leave.’” that the Longhorn brass already has a plan to Smith was speaking from experience. fire Strong at the end of the season and replace In the middle of Louisville’s 2002 GMAC him with Houston coach Tom Herman. Bowl loss to Marshall, word leaked that Smith While Louisville fans will forever be indebt- would soon be accepting the head coaching job ed to Strong for the job he did getting the Car- at Michigan State. The buzz was so loud that dinals back on their feet following the disaster Jurich had to hold a bizarre press conference at that was the Steve Kragthorpe era, there is an “I halftime of the game just to address it. told you so” element to the saga we’re all watchLife as a head coach never got better for ing unfold in Austin. It’s not just because Strong seemed like an odd fit for a job that comes with Smith, who was fired after producing a losing more media demands and scrutiny than any record in three of his four seasons in East Lanother in the country, but because we’ve seen this sing. Six years later, he went 4-8 while serving as the interim head coach at Arkansas (ironicalhappen before. A few times. ly, filling in for an abruptly fired Bobby Petrino) Life has been unkind over the last handful and has since moved from Fort Lewis College to of decades to the coaches who have enjoyed the head coaching job at Kentucky State. Lousuccess at Louisville but seen the program as isville fans have more or less forgiven Smith, but a stepping stone to something bigger and bet- his 2003 comment that Cardinal fans needed to ter. Strong himself addressed the phenomenon “know their place on the college football food PHOTO BY ADAM CREECH


chain” seems even more foolish now than it did 13 years ago. One coach who didn’t burn any bridges after leaving Louisville was Howard Schnellenberger, who took the program to once unthinkable heights before bolting for Oklahoma following the 1994 season. He was fired after one 5-5-1 season in Norman and didn’t get another shot as a head coach until starting the program at Florida Atlantic in 2001. Schnellenberger remembered the move with regret earlier this year on 93.9 The Ville. “I divorced them when I took that job at Oklahoma, and it was the biggest mistake of my life,” he said. “But when I came back to my hometown as a lost son, they turned me into a prodigal son. From the bottom of my heart, I thank Louisville fans for that. They never turned their backs on me, even though it may have seemed like I turned my back on them.” With Petrino back at the helm after his own unceremonious exit a decade ago, forgiveness is a trait that is once again serving Louisville football fans well. Without it, the Cardinals might not be a top five team chasing a national championship. Sometimes the grass on the other side of the fence only looks greener because you haven’t taken enough time recently to pay attention to the beauty of your own yard. It’s a brutal lesson that Strong is in the process of learning, but one that history should have already taught him. VT V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M • O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6


Louisville Head Coach Bobby Petrino reacts to a call by officials during the game against NC State.


Urban Bourbon Half Marathon Proving that the spirit of racing is alive and well, Louisville Sports Commission’s Fall Runathon series wrapped up on Saturday, October 22 with the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon. Beginning and ending at the Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, runners and walkers traversed 13.1 miles in downtown Louisville and then celebrated with an official post-race gathering that included Kentucky burgoo, Bearno’s pizza and Falls City Beer.

LSC’s Karl Schmitt and Eva Williams’ Jodie Filiatreau and Charlie Downs with race winner Mike Deren.

Laura Baumgardner, Cassie Boness, Josh Ball and Mark David Hizer.

Ebony Butler, Heather Lowry, Danielle Barlow, Thomas Crisp, Alex Jordan and Harold Rucker.

Steve Marks with Julia and Derek Doyle.

Urban Bourbon Half Marathon Race Results Place Time Name City 1 1:14:08.23 Mike Purvis Louisville 2 1:14:33.00 Jacob Law Crestwood 3 1:17:18.59 David Grieshaber Louisville 4 1:17:44.99 Luke Schafer Cleves 5 1:18:00.74 Jordan Green Morgantown 6 1:18:30.66 Ali Faraji-Tajrishi Louisville 7 1:18:32.90 Edward Kinny Louisville 8 1:21:40.15 Nick Reader Louisville 9 1:22:00.42 Aaron Disselkamp Louisville 10 1:22:32.38 Scott Young Louisville 11 1:22:52.96 Jamie Adkins Owensboro 12 1:23:12.38 Angela Matthews Westland 13 1:23:16.67 Evan Riggs Lebanon Junction 14 1:23:23.38 Michael Blum Louisville 15 1:23:27.65 Josh Weaver Louisville 16 1:23:33.06 April Woo Louisville 17 1:23:36.54 Michael Garcia Shepherdsville 18 1:23:44.47 Alissa Bennett New Albany 19 1:24:57.85 Mark Davidhizar Elkhart 20 1:25:15.68 Varinka Ensminger Lexington 21 1:25:31.35 Kyle Beaird Louisville 22 1:26:42.11 Michael Koch Louisville 23 1:25:43.13 Joshua Ramirez Louisville 24 1:25:42.90 Isaac Blackman Corydon 25 1:25:48.47 Tom Yunus Cincinnati 26 1:26:00.11 Colin Lauderdale Lexington 27 1:25:57.58 Danny Chester Louisville 28 1:28:00.08 Brett Allen Henryville 29 1:26:48.23 Brian Knight Lanesville 30 1:26:52.51 John Roberts Louisville 31 1:26:57.92 Rigoberto Coxolca Clarksville 32 1:26:57.76 Maria Castaneda Los Angeles 33 1:27:07.07 Chris Tieke Louisville


Place Time Name City 34 1:28:40.90 Aaron Hume Lawrenceburg KY 35 1:27:55.73 Angela Yochum Louisville KY 36 1:28:03.92 Andrea Doogs Louisville KY 37 1:28:16.11 Kray Freestone Holland MI 38 1:28:20.92 Tommy Kute Louisville KY 39 1:28:32.53 Bryan Huhnerkoch Georgetown IN 40 1:29:17.24 Amanda Taylor Prospect KY 41 1:30:53.20 Nicholas Spurlock Louisville KY 42 1:32:06.77 Aaron Bunch Clarksville IN 43 1:29:28.17 Michael Ekbundit Mount Washington KY 44 1:29:35.31 Ryan Jones Louisville KY 45 1:29:36.75 Dan Leslie Louisville KY 46 1:29:49.75 Steve Cook Louisville KY 47 1:29:53.92 Billy Byrne New Albany IN 48 1:32:41.96 Daniel Gonzalez Columbus OH 49 1:30:13.31 Nina Passen Columbus OH 50 1:30:03.61 Mercy Kershner Louisville KY 51 1:30:12.20 James Noelker Brownstown IN 52 1:30:13.09 Robert Boston Louisville KY 53 1:30:16.17 Kari Corrao Floyds Knobs IN 54 1:32:14.30 Kevin Bilbrey Louisville KY 55 1:32:55.05 Anthony Armstrong St. Thomas ON 56 1:30:48.01 Kristin Lamaster Louisville KY 57 1:31:12.77 Gerard Buono Louisville KY 58 1:31:13.83 Joshua Allen Louisville KY 59 1:32:32.33 Micah Buss Jeffersonville IN 60 1:31:43.79 Jonathan Marcum Crestwood KY 61 1:33:27.85 Karen Klapper Perrysburg OH 62 1:31:49.49 John Watt Louisville KY 63 1:31:51.27 Gerry Bradley Goshen KY 64 1:32:25.57 James McKiernan Louisville KY 65 1:32:37.78 Luke Roesler Louisville KY 66 1:32:45.38 Scott Spilman Newport KY

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Place Time Name City 67 1:33:53.11 Gant Unfried Lexington 68 1:32:55.27 Ryan Reed Louisville 69 1:34:59.19 Nate Kennedy Lexington 70 1:33:52.69 Chad Backherms Jeffersonville 71 1:32:59.35 John Vidal Louisville 72 1:36:05.40 Alexander Kok New York 73 1:33:03.02 Brianna Roy Nashville 74 1:33:17.03 Sophie Nielsen Niles 75 1:33:19.59 Melissa Hentrup Louisville 76 1:33:28.16 David Snow Brandenburg 77 1:33:25.34 Guillermo Cohen Freue Louisville 78 1:33:33.12 Matt Keppler Glen Allen 79 1:33:56.71 Jason Filippazzo Louisville 80 1:33:50.29 Erik Seibt Louisville 81 1:35:26.16 Daniel Snyder Sellersburg 82 1:34:06.96 Joseph Burket Louisville 83 1:34:31.95 Lynn Riedling Louisville 84 1:34:29.67 Paul Laracy Louisville 85 1:34:37.68 Joseph Creely Prospect 86 1:35:15.74 Dallas Lynn Gilbert 87 1:35:11.78 Monica Shanks Louisville 88 1:35:01.04 Cyndi Devers Anderson 89 1:34:56.37 Jason Cebe Louisville 90 1:37:51.74 Will Butler Carmel 91 1:36:54.61 Jordan Weidner Pewee Valley 92 1:35:21.88 Matthew Layson Owensboro 93 1:35:26.00 Corrie Reiter Louisville 94 1:35:25.26 Adam Naville Floyds Knobs 95 1:35:34.06 Jon Maynard Louisville 96 1:35:49.66 James Gravil Louisville 97 1:35:52.09 Joey Klein Louisville 98 1:35:49.44 Matt Zimmerman New Albany 99 1:37:47.46 Casey Kick Evansville


For a full list of race results, visit urbanbourbonhalf.com.

Place Time Name City 100 1:36:09.81 Carson Stewart Louisville 101 1:36:24.39 Larry Schleuger Louisville 102 1:36:21.00 David Richardson Louisville 103 1:36:31.79 Robert Dewever Stratford 104 1:36:35.63 Todd Hockenbury Louisville 105 1:37:00.51 Michael Boesch Louisville 106 1:38:29.57 Craig Bilbrey Grand Rapids 107 1:36:54.54 Robert Blair Louisville 108 1:37:30.52 Tracy Keller Louisville 109 1:37:15.14 Ryan Williams Louisville 110 1:37:15.12 Rob Willy Louisville 111 1:37:25.21 David Meredith Jr Louisville 112 1:37:21.63 Jason Hesley Louisville 113 1:37:57.54 Robert Bright Lexington 114 1:37:24.88 Myrdin Thompson Louisville 115 1:37:30.83 Dustin Jacobs Louisville 116 1:39:35.50 Adam Arrington Louisville 117 1:38:32.77 Kevin Boyd Shepherdsville 118 1:37:40.16 Brittany Murtha Magnolia 119 1:37:32.28 Kristan Kolb Louisville 120 1:40:07.65 Zachary Meszaros Wood River 121 1:37:39.73 Joseph Roche Louisville 122 1:37:43.80 Beau Baird Louisville 123 1:38:18.81 Mat Vandermeer Louisville 124 1:38:43.62 Matt Smith Goshen 125 1:37:53.72 Michael Sweeney Louisville 126 1:38:06.12 Jordan Hoehler Louisville 127 1:37:51.87 Hector Santiago Fort Knox 128 1:37:58.21 Ron Steve Louisville 129 1:38:01.82 Jeffrey Nalley Louisville 130 1:38:01.54 Cory Pryor Richmond 131 1:39:49.21 Abigail Bernhardt Mc Lean 132 1:38:05.42 Sam Gardner Crestwoodcrestwood


Women’s winner Jamie Atkins.


Place Time Name City 133 1:38:06.79 Jeff Ruzanka Louisville 134 1:38:07.33 Glenn McCerlin Prospect 135 1:38:13.40 Mike Williams Brandenburg 136 1:38:22.00 Charles Hapner Louisville 137 1:38:20.63 Tommy Blair Ekron 138 1:38:21.59 Darin Muhs Louisville 139 1:40:14.85 Corey Forbes Louisville 140 1:39:16.02 Kendrick Mozee Georgetown 141 1:38:42.26 Phillip Goddard Fort Knox 142 1:38:47.90 Amanda Weinberg Louisville 143 1:38:50.58 Jonathan Butler Louisville 144 1:39:14.37 Lawrence Droege Louisville 145 1:39:01.45 David Coleman Louisville 146 1:41:23.64 Andrew Towell Louisville 147 1:41:36.43 Kellen Rollins Prospect 148 1:39:05.83 Chris Nall Louisville 149 1:39:07.41 Chance Fox Cecilia 150 1:41:38.05 Christopher Demaria Charleston 151 1:40:36.04 Shay Kirkpatrick Louisville 152 1:43:04.74 Nick Nash Louisville 153 1:39:25.17 Stewart Scovil Louisville 154 1:41:54.46 Adam Baer Saint Louis 155 1:41:51.53 Jon Blinkhorn Louisville 156 1:41:46.42 Dante Schembari Louisville 157 1:39:45.42 Michael Ray Louisville 158 1:39:42.67 Nathan Becht Louisville 159 1:39:55.33 Sally Etherton Goshen 160 1:39:51.80 Charles Goodwin Louisville 161 1:40:01.14 Margaret Johnson Louisville 162 1:39:54.57 Timothy Hurst Louisville 163 1:40:09.87 Robby Davis Louisville 164 1:40:34.83 Wesley Mayes Louisville 165 1:42:18.72 Nick Stover Louisville


Place Time Name City 166 1:40:02.86 Roger Bloyd Louisville 167 1:42:14.33 Marilyn Vennemeyer Cincinnati 168 1:40:21.57 Michael Bahr Louisville 169 1:41:50.62 Hideyuki Arima Louisville 170 1:40:19.06 Tony Schwallie Prospect 171 1:40:31.76 Michael McFadden Louisville 172 1:40:45.46 Florian Luaire Louisville 173 1:43:33.06 Elise Hawkins Louisville 174 1:40:30.16 Chris Hoffman Lakewood 175 1:40:30.10 Spencer Franzoi Erlanger 176 1:40:47.11 Greta Sparks Corydon 177 1:40:55.03 Scott Morrison O Fallon 178 1:40:43.35 Karl Lucas Louisville 179 1:41:54.66 Jennifer Cebe Louisville 180 1:42:23.57 Eli Ross Louisville 181 1:42:23.84 Hunter Gros Washington 182 1:42:24.69 Michael Metzger Tempe 183 1:42:21.86 Alan Coyle Shepherdsville 184 1:40:59.15 Chris Strub Louisville 185 1:41:12.52 Joshua Keller Louisville 186 1:41:18.90 Stuart Pope Lexington 187 1:41:35.05 Dennis Musk New Hope 188 1:41:27.35 Lori Dodd Elizabethtown 189 1:41:14.44 Stephanie Bailey Middletown 190 1:41:32.37 Paul Coffman Charlestown 191 2:02:19.30 Michael Ochs Louisville 192 1:41:29.94 Micah Jorrisch Louisville 193 1:41:41.80 Matthew Ruben Louisville 194 1:41:52.38 Dan Ludwig New Albany 195 1:41:56.65 Emmy Malinovsky Louisville 196 1:45:53.60 Leslie Osborne Saint Louis 197 1:43:14.84 Alicia McAfee New Albany 198 1:41:58.44 Jo Ann Davis Louisville



Cole Hikutini is the second leading receiver for No. 5 UofL. The California native had 27 catches in the Cards first seven games for 393 yards and four touchdowns. He had six catches for a career-high 118 yards and a score in UofL’s 54-13 win over NC State on October 22. What did you know about Louisville before you arrived? Not much really, other than the basketball team and Coach Petrino being here. I didn’t really know much about Kentucky, didn’t really know where it was, but I’m happy that I’m here.

tain things to get there, and I felt that he was going to be in the best situation to do so.

Taylor’s 10

Was there a moment when you realized that Coach Petrino sees everything on the field?


Coach P. said to me, I don’t know verbatim what he said, but he said WAVE3 Sports something like, eight years ago, go look at a game when he was at I’d say the weather – it being Arkansas. He said go look at D.J. Williams, about 72 degrees every day – but this is my third quarter against Auburn, how he ran this new home. route. I think he said the play and everything word for word what it was, and sure enough, What was going through your mind I did look it up, just to see if he really knew when you tried to hurdle an NC State what he was talking about. And it was exactdefender? ly where he said it was. He remembers everyI really couldn’t tell you what I was think- thing. ing, but I was running. Usually people go low, try to hit me low, and I thought he was going Coach Petrino has said that he can to do that and he thought differently. So we recall a specific throw from Lamar both jumped up and he hit me in my legs, or Jackson early in practice last season my groin actually. I probably should have run as the moment he realized Lamar was around him, tried to juke him or run through special. Is there a moment that stands him. I guess I got a cool picture so. out for you? What do you miss about California?

Have your teammates brought that up once or twice?

I don’t think there’s just one moment. He

does that all the time. It’s kind of crazy watching, going back and watching film of practice. They don’t tackle him, but he’s still juking people five yards away from him and then the throws he makes are just on the helmet almost every time. How much pride does the rest of the team take in the fact that he’s the Heisman Trophy front runner? Oh yeah, we’re all behind him, support him, want him to win. It looks good on us too. More attention to us, more praise for us, but he’s a phenomenal athlete and his play speaks for itself. You are involved with a lot off the field, community events. What do you get out of those? It’s definitely humbling. I just want to give back. We have a camp for kids with cancer, and those kids, in their situations, the easiest thing we can do is say hi and go hang out for an hour or two and it makes their day. So anything that puts a smile on their face and they’re all fans, they all support us, so giving back to them can make a huge difference to them. VT

I don’t think I’m going to live it down for the rest of the season. The training staff too brings it up. It is what it is. It’s a good laugh. Is the production that you’re having this year about what you expected last season before all the nagging injuries? Yes, I just want to win, do whatever I can to help the team, but yeah, this is the season I expected. I can always do better, blocking, running after the catch, better decision-making, maybe not jump over someone standing up. Is there a tight end in particular that had success in this offense and drew you to this offense? I knew about Gary Barnidge definitely but I just knew how Coach Petrino used tight ends, and that was a focal point on recruiting me. He likes to use tight ends in pass game, run game, basically just NFL-style tight ends. That really attracted my eye. I mean, I want to go to the NFL eventually. I have to do cerP H OTO S C O U R T E S Y O F U O F L AT H L E T I C S


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Hikutini Hitting High Notes



Titans Taking No Prisoners

efore this 2016 soccer season, Louisville Collegiate was clear on the team’s talented arsenal. With clear objectives and goals being achieved, the Titans stand as the No. 1 team in the state and the 15th best team in the nation, all while steamrolling their opponents thus far.

High School Sports Report


“We knew this year we were going to have a strong team,” said head coach Chad Wozniak. “The coaches and the boys have enjoyed it and have been in great spirit and having a lot of fun – which is a lot easier to do when you are having a winning season.” Collegiate has had a winning season all right, but the way in which they have been winning is what’s left people astonished. Holding a 23-11 dominating record has come along with 22 straight victories, 13 shut outs and an average margin of victory of six goals. Wozniak says that what his team has accomplished has been “unheard of.” In such a historic season, the Titans have simply been checking goals off their list. “In the first week, even in the preseason, we set up some goals to have,” he adds. “I said I wanted them to be realistic goals and goals that will be difficult to achieve. The goals they came up with: They said they wanted to be a top 10

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team in the state. We achieved that pretty quickly. They also said they wanted to win the All-A state title. They did that in convincing fashion. Somebody said they wanted to break into the top 25 in the country, and we chuckled at that, but deep down inside I said, ‘You can do it.’ I knew we had the potential to do it, and the final goal is to win the regular state title.”

A state championship seems to be well within their grasp, and with a unit that is firing on all cylinders, the only thing that would seem to slow them down would be themselves. But Wozniak says his team has learned how to turn it on and turn it off. Off the field, they goof around and enjoy the fun in the game, but when they’re on the field, their determination and competitive drive is exceedingly palpable. “They are very lethal. The style of play that we have – I have been coaching soccer for over 20 years and have been a very competitive club and high school coach – is pretty fascinating,” he shares. “We have had coaches, players and referees after games come up and talk to us and say they absolutely enjoyed watching us play – even teams that we just played. I kind of relate to college basketball: You have an up and down, up-tempo type of offense, and we just go. We are a team that likes to maintain possession of the ball and get the other team disorganized. And we attack.”


Such a remarkable season has not come without some growing pains. It didn’t take long for Collegiate to endure an unpleasant experience early on in the season. Wozniak recalls during the first week, the team played St. X, and their best player Haji Abdikadir received a red card and was ejected from the game. The Titans came up a short, losing to St. X only to go down to South Warren and finish in a 2-2 tie. So after a 1-1-1 start, Wozniak told his guys it was a “blessing in disguise” in that the team learned they could still perform at a high level even when short-handed. “We weren’t able after one week to get ahead of ourselves. We quickly realized that reality set in. This fascinating season they are having, I think I can contribute that to starting off with a win, a loss and a tie in the first week. I truly believe that didn’t sit well with the boys. Since that first week, they have had one thing on their mind and that is to go out and win, and to win big.” All this positive attention is without a doubt only going to benefit the program going forward. Considering the amount of phone calls, emails and articles written about Collegiate boys’ soccer, the team seems absolutely poised for success. It has grabbed the attention of so many, including potential students and student athletes who’ve visited the school and have seen a program filled with players and coaches relishing the limelight. All are waiting to see if they’ll stand under the bright lights as state champion. VT



Male and Manual put on a show for the estimated crowd of 7,000 that turned up to watch the “old rivalry” between the two take place. While Manual had a tough offensive showing in the first half, Male refused to lose to the Crimsons. Male’s Nathan Hobbs had a game-ending interception and returned it 95 yards for a touchdown, which led to the final score of 27-14, Male.

Brian Smith (25) and Marcis Floyd (2) locked their eyes on the incoming ball.

Brian Smith (25) was stopped by Manual’s Keon Farris (35).

Deion Montgomery (2) carried the ball on Male’s opening drive.

Marcis Floyd (2) was dragged down early on a run.

Matt Motley (5) watched the football intended for him with Jacoby Warfield (22) in tow.

Crimsons QB Will Britt (17).

The Bulldogs hoisted the Great American Rivalry Series trophy following their win over the Crimsons.



Male QB Tony Thomas Jr. (16).

Male’s Ethan Bibb (13) was tackled by John Sneed Jr. (8).

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Join Us at


For Their 1 Year Birthday Bash! Inside Aloft Hotel 102 West Main Street in NuLu

W E D N ES DAY, N OV EM B E R 1 6 T H after work until 9PM More Info to Come!

34 Butterflies in Motion | 35 Louisville Bespoke | 38 Pinktober + Pink Prom


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Laura Lee Brown PAGE and Steve Wilson 36 20th Anniversary Party


Haunted Halloween Backyard BBQ Home of the Innocents celebrated Halloween early with a Haunted Backyard BBQ on Saturday, October 15. Attendees enjoyed a spooky hayride tour of the nonprofit’s eight-acre backyard as well as games and inflatables, costume contests, a petting zoo and a trick-or-treat trail. Funds raised during the family-friendly event will be used to serve and protect children and families in need.

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Opera Patrons’ Circle Party Kentucky Opera donors and stakeholders gathered at Hurstbourne Country Club to celebrate its next production. Guests were treated to a preview of Mozart’s comedy “The Abduction From the Seraglio” with performances from main stage and studio artists appearing in the production at the Brown Theatre November 4 and 6.

Taylor Morgan, Laura Goodman and Frances Skolnick.

Maurine Waterhouse and Frank Burns.

Tom O’Brien, Ashly Neumann and Ryan Connelly.

Anita Waters, Zonia Maguire and Toril Espe.

Opera Director Ian Derrer, Frank Richmond and Renee Reynolds.

Don’t see yourself?

Visit our redesigned website at www.voice-tribune.com for extended photo galleries and purchase options.

Heather O’Mara, Karl Renninger, Doris Abdallah, Randy Blevins, Paula Harshaw and Bill Abdallah.

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After 30 years of public service, Joe Tolan retired as president of Metro United Way, and a celebration fitting the eighth president was thrown in his honor. Under his leadership, membership in the Tocqueville Society has doubled within the past five years. Cheers to Joe on the next phase of his life!

Terry Tolan; Kerri Tolan Gentry; Joe, Brittany and Tom Tolan; Mallory and Emma Gentry; and Peter Vencill.

Theresa Hettinger and Bonnie Ogle.

Joe Roehring, incoming MUW President Theresa Reno-Weber and Tricia Burke.

Sheryl Betz, Terry Stinnett and Gil Betz.

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Matthew Hyde and Ted Ogle.

NO O VE PE M NH BE O R US 7, E 20 16


Retirement Party for Joe Tolan



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Rodes held an exclusive showing of the St. John Resort Spring 2017 Collection on October 21 and 22. In addition to getting this sneak peek at spring fashion, shoppers took advantage of spectacular deals on Rodes’ in-stock selections.

Jay, Mia and Trina O’Brien with Jillian Clark.

Jim Porter and Todd Bensenhaver.

Jordan Crystal with Hudson Jeans and Donny Hubbard with Rodes for Men.

Rodes for Women Manager Annette Grisanti.







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The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, supports Kentucky Opera with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.


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St. John Trunk Show


Fleur-delis Fling Lincoln Heritage Council’s Scoutreach Program helps young people join the Boy Scouts of America regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood or ethnic background. The Fleur-delis Fling on October 21 at the historic Gramercy helped raise money toward this mission with an interactive evening filled with “cocktails and codenames” and a “double agent dinner.” The themed night was hands on and put an exciting twist to a typical fundraising dinner.

John and Danielle Meriwether with Ayryn and Brian Gelfo.

Cynthia and Jason Brown.

Joel Frockt and Judge Gina Calvert.

Chris and Lynn Roty.

Lauren and Chris Russell.

Brian and Tabitha Kerr with Tracy and Dennis Johnson.

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Carrie and Byron Dewey.

Finance Support Services Nathalie Spiller and Brelis Spiller.



f r i d ay , n o v e m b e r





The center is owned by Walt Wagner and managed by the Walter Wagner, Jr. Company.




Butterflies in Motion The Butterfly Society held its fall luncheon, Butterflies in Motion, at the Brown Hotel on October 20 to raise money for the Heuser Hearing and Language Academy. WAVE 3 News anchor Shannon Cogan hosted the event, which included sponsor tables decorated with fun movie themes. Lee and Babs Robinson with Brad Broecker.

Kelly Carroll and Diane White.

Vicky Weber and Stephanie Walters.

Jan Corum and Dan Schusterman.

Julia Carstanjen and Von Purdy.

Monique Baker, Beckie Ennis, Kelly Carroll and Pam Thompson.

President of the Butterfly Society Deborah Greenwald and event emcee Shannon Cogan.

Gayl Leathers, Shirley Mahan and Harriet Mays.

The “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” table guests.

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Lisa Work, Charles Hebel, Ed Schadt and Carol Hebel.



Louisville Bespoke held its first event Friday, October 21 at the new Design Terminal, a warehouse space in the Portland neighborhood. More than 20 designers and 60 models participated, showcasing everything from casual to formal men’s and women’s wear.

Bob Schneider, Jennifer Fahling, Ali Navigar, Lorissa Ivers, Greg Delmonico and Tonya York Dees.

Show participants.

Scott Herrmann, Lucy Hagan, Bridget Lavin and Lou Roulfing.

Isidro Valencia, Shaun Branham and Gunnar Deatherage.

Gill Holland.


Stephanie Lindsay, Teddy Abrams and Tonya York Dees.


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Louisville Bespoke


Laura Lee Brown and Steve Wilson 20th Anniversary Party Steve Wilson surprised his bride of 20 years, Laura Lee Brown, with an anniversary soiree at Hermitage Farm in Barn 8. Surrounded by family and friends, the couple toasted years of adventure and creativity while kicking off a weekend full of fun fall festivities on their property including the Seventh Annual Hermitage Classic.

Laura Lee Brown, Steve Wilson, Rachel Greenberg and Mark McCallum.

Bob and Maria Gunnell with Lynn and Ron Carmicle.

Aldy Milliken, Heather Kleisner and Dr. Greg Brown.

Jack Ballantine with Patsi and Richard Harwood and Beverley Ballantine.

Eileen Brown, Neville Blakemore Jr. and Gray Henry.

Lauren Matrka, Kristopher Kelley, Anna Finneran and Molly Swyers.

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Julien Robson, Joan Tanner and Ghislain d’Humieres.


Scott Rogers, Nina Bonnie, Heather McHold and Ned Bonnie.

Linda Breathitt and Lois Mateus.


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Pinktober + Pink Prom Two existing fundraisers joined forces this year for one epic night to remember. The KentuckyOne Health Pinktober + Pink Prom on October 21 at The Gillespie featured live performances by Simple Plan and A Great Big World, a pink carpet and plenty of drinks and dancing. One hundred percent of proceeds will benefit the James Graham Brown Cancer Center and breast cancer research.

Jarad Key, Scott Morrison, Brooke Wethington, Randy Ellis and Kristina Johns.

Kevin and Dena Hulsey.

Sara Westerman and McKenzie Neu.

Hope LeMaster, Georgia Gardner and Katie Bouchard.

Richard Harris and Suzy Mair.

Daniel Stout and Leigh Anne Autullo.

A Great Big World.

Kelsey and Kendall Rains, Michael Bricker and Phallicia Hinkebein.

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Creighton Benoit, Chona Camomot, Gray Middleton, Kacey Grant, Rudy Spencer, Christen Allen, Allison Ridenour and Kennah Miller.




Sarah Mitchell, Jonathan and Alyson Wiggins, Kris and Tonya Abeln, Jennifer Jones and Carla Terwilleger.

Bryan Gillespie and Erin Santise.

Brad Cummins, Dawn Fessel Jimbo Simmons and Dawn Hayden.

Brittany Reidy and John Fesler.

Kim and Courtney Vennekotter.

David Green, Ali Pfeiffer, Chas Embry, Sarah Jordan, Brad Bell, Mo Rose and Chris Randolph.

Rene Saldana, Sarah Pettinato, Lauren Tetrick, Jennifer Bernham, Lindsey Bemes and Stephen Daugherty.


Jessica Sanchez with Greg, Charlotte and Amanda Obst and Maria Sanchez.


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Pink Tie Ball Susan G. Komen Kentucky held its 12th annual Pink Tie Ball at the Louisville Marriott Downtown on Saturday, October 22. The night consisted of live and silent auctions, dinner and live music by The Louisville Crashers. Seventy-five percent of the proceeds raised will benefit the local community through breast health education, screenings and treatment support. The remaining 25 percent will fund breast cancer research.

Josh and Maddie Gumm with Morgan and Jake Altman.

Leslie and John Smart.

Ruma and N’Namdi Paskins.

Drs. Al Martin and Mary Helen Davis.

Richard and Lesa Buckler.

Bert and Lucie Stansbury.

Tim and Abby Weleski with Steve, Willa, Katie and Mike Barger and Holly and John Ridge.

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Russ and Britney Renbarger.

Anne Almond, Carrie Merrill and Lindsey Graves.


UofL Homecoming 2016 included a golf scramble, a parade and a day of giving, culminating in a 52 to 13 win over North Caroline State. Past homecoming kings and queens took the field at halftime before announcing this year’s royalty: Jordan Potts and Keturah Smith.

Terry Valero, Susan Lippay, Valerie Barr and Becky and K.C. Crahan.

Kelsey Petrino Scott and Joey Wagner.

Jenny and Henry Nixon.

The University of Louisville marching band exited the tunnel prior to the Cards March.

Peter, Erika and Reagan Massey.

Brian and Jacob Harris.

James and Susan Inman.


Faye Allen, Pat Hayden, Diane Edwards, Diana Sievert and Marty Van Fleet.


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University of Louisville Homecoming


On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.

Kentucky vs. Mississippi State Football The University of Kentucky played Mississippi State on October 22 in Commonwealth Stadium. With nine seconds remaining on the clock, Kentucky quarterback, Stephen Johnson, found wide receiver Jeff Badet for an 18-yard gain to Mississippi State’s 33yard line. With three seconds left in the game, time out was called and place kicker, Austin MacGinnis completed a game-winning 51-yard field goal.

Leif Bunting, Randy Hall and Steve Waltrip.

Enthusiastic UK fans.

Chip Hancock.

Marilyn and Powell Taylor.

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John Harralson and Bill Dwyer with sons Hank Harralson and Conor Dwyer.

UK President Dr. Eli Capilouto.

Kentucky’s Wildcat visited with “Bully,” Mississippi State’s mascot.



t was a busy week for Heuser Hearing Institute’s Butterfly Society. They are a fundraising and special services arm of Heuser’s Hearing & Language Academy, meaning not only do they raise funds to help cover the costs of operating the school but they also do special parties and activities for the students and teachers.

dred Healthcare, Dan Schusterman, Brown-Forman, Yum!, Circa Fine Antiques & Estate Jewelry and The Don and Peggy Duane Family, the total net will be in excess of $100,000!



Reagan Buschmann was born smack dab on Halloween. This year, he turns 4 and had a spectacular birthday party produced and directed by his father Will Buschmann. For the record, this is the third Halloween extravaganza Reagan has had. He may grow up thinking that the holiday was created to celebrate his birth.


Last Thursday they held their big annual fundraiser called Butterflies in Motion at the Brown Hotel’s Crystal Ballroom. It is a luncheon with tables based on and decorated to represent different motion pictures. Dan Schusterman enlisted the aid of Jan Corum to design and decorate his “Pirates of the Caribbean” table. Janice and Fred Mueller asked Mark Eliason to help with the shopping bag covered “Clueless” table. Eleanor Goldberg’s “Halloween” themed table fit perfectly with the fact that her birthday is on Halloween and it is her favorite holiday. The NTS table featured the movie “Ali,” and all of the table’s guests wore white satin boxing robes with “ALI” emblazoned on the back. Ann Stroth decorated the Kosair Charities table with a “Mary Poppins” theme that included a carpet bag and an umbrella with a parrot head. LG&E and KU Energy LLC chose “A Christmas Story” for their theme and even had it decorated with electric lights. No wonder. The judges for best table design were Julius Friedman, Jacque Parsley and Ed Hamilton. They awarded first place to the Beckie Ennis/Younger Woman’s Club “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” table where all of the guests wore black student robes and carried magic wands. The live auction was a great success with Angela Leet buying the right to be a character in Sue Grafton’s final alphabet mystery book “Z is for Zero” that comes out in 2019. Monique Baker got a restaurant gift package containing more than 65 gift cards valued at nearly $7,000. Fred and Janice Mueller won the New York theatre package that contained two tickets to the New York production of “Hamilton.” While event co-chair Libby Parkinson is still counting receipts and collecting the bills, she is feeling really confident that when all is counted including the support of major sponsors Mueller Environmental Designs, Kosair Charities, KinPHOTOS COURTESY OF CARLA SUE BROECKER

Do you think I am kidding? Not only was his entire preschool class along with parents invited to attend on a sunny Sunday afternoon, lots of adult friends were invited to add to the wild confusion of a balloon-man making all sorts of hats and toys out of balloons; an outdoor bounce house shaped like a mammoth pirate ship in the driveway; an actual petting zoo complete with ducks, rabbits, Chinese chickens, South American piglets, a kangaroo, a deer and a wash-tub sized turtle in the lower level of the house.

cake that was nearly two feet tall. What a lucky little boy to have a dad that can’t do enough to make him happy and loves doing it. ANNUAL MEETING Pam Thompson, president of Heuser’s Butterfly Society, presided over the group’s annual meeting at the Anchorage home of Paul and Joan Cassi. At the meeting, all members were thanked for their efforts throughout the year and encouraged to renew their membership for the upcoming year. Pam reminded those attending of all the great things that had been done for the school’s students and teachers. Among those attending were Charlie and Carol Hebel, Jeannie Livesay, Sue Russell, Robbie and Linda Steder, Kassi Cawood, Bill and Jean Shewciw, Leslie Rahner, Von Purdy, Conrad and Brett Bachmann, Lauren and Emmett Ogden, Tracy Cutting, Suzanne Spencer, Barbara Hood and Hugh Schwab, Rita Bell and Libby and Don Parkinson. VT

Shack in the Back served an 80-pound barbecued pig, mac and cheese, corn, beans and who knows what else, and then there was the Yoda-shaped birthday

Deborah Greenwald, Rosemary Kirkwood and Kassi Cawood at the Butterfly annual meeting.

Jan Corum and Dan Schusterman in costume for their “Pirates of the Caribbean” table at the Butterflies fundraiser.

Will and Reagan Buschmann with a friend at Reagan’s birthday party.


Butterfly Society President Pam Thompson with hosts Joan and Paul Cassi and Butterflies in Motion co-chair Libby Parkinson at the Butterfly meeting.

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Butterflies Take Flight

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48 Fashion | 49 Health & Wellness | 50 Nuptials | 66 Calendar


A League of Their Own





Red vs. Blue Rivalry Gala

On November 11, the American Cancer Society will host the Red vs. Blue Rivalry Gala at the Muhammad Ali Center to support its work to end the devastating effects of cancer. To learn more about this event, we chatted with Distinguished Events Development Manager Matthew Schuhmann. What is the Rivalry Gala? The Rivalry Gala is a black-tie gala for the American Cancer Society in the Louisville community on November 11 at the prestigious Muhammad Ali Center. The theme of the event plays on the UofL/UK rivalry in our community. While we may be divided in the teams we support, we are united for this cause. What can guests expect at the event?

greater community? This event is truly about unification for our cause, which is to end the pain and suffering caused by cancer. This event allows us all to share our stories, participate together and unite to make a difference. How has the event grown since last year’s inaugural event? Last year, this event was an intimate

A unique event to our community! We will be honoring 20 “Cure Champions” from our community that have made a difference in the fight against cancer. Every Cure Champion was nominated by the community at large and voted on by our Honoree Selection Committee. We will also have red and blue carpets, thrilling live and silent auctions, dinner, drinks and music from The Tymes Band! All at the stunning Muhammad Ali Center!

Is it too late to get tickets? Almost! We are about 95 percent sold out! Tickets can be purchased for $150 at rivalrygala.org. VT




Together to Fight Cancer

Why is the event important for the American Cancer Society and the O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

event at Valhalla filled to capacity at about 100 people. Building on that success, we have moved to the Muhammad Ali Center and will have more than 300 distinguished guests in attendance!

Muhammad Ali Center | November 11, 2016



BREAST CANCER SPOTLIGHT Pat Harrison Resource Center


Written by Wes Kerrick

at Harrison is the kind of person who moves from inspiration to action in a heartbeat. A real estate broker by trade, the Southern Indiana woman is an active mover and shaker in the local charitable scene. In June 2013 when Harrison found herself confronted with a missing link in the local cancer recovery network, she naturally took matters into her own hands. The pivotal encounter came in the wake of some distressing news. “When you hear, ‘You have cancer,’ it just gets you,” she recalls. “I mean, there’s almost a silent minute that you just say, ‘Me? I didn’t know it’d be me. I thought it’d be someone else.’” But Harrison’s doctors had caught her breast cancer early, and treatment was relatively simple. She had surgery on a Friday; the following Monday, she sold a house. Though she didn’t expect to need any of their resources, Harrison paid a visit to a center that provided wigs and prosthetic bras to women with breast cancer. The wigs were all in a bag and had yet to be washed.

Looking around the building – a renovated historic home – Harrison couldn’t be happier.

steady stream of women who seek her out in her new role.

“It’s just beautiful. ... Just enough crown molding to give it a charming feeling – not over the edge. You don’t feel like you’re in a museum, and yet you don’t feel like you’re in a hospital.”

For Harrison, it’s profoundly satisfying to see cancer patients come and find help.

A plaque near the front desk lauds Harrison’s vision and generosity, which, along with many other contributions from the community, made the center a reality. Harrison says she can’t read that plaque without tearing up. Anyone who has contended with cancer can stop in to borrow books from a modest but growing medical library, or to find camaraderie with other cancer patients. A selection of well-maintained wigs and hats are available to those who need them. Massages are available by appointment. All the services and products are free of charge. The center is staffed full-time by Abby Parrish, a certified mastectomy fitter. Having already earned a strong reputation before joining the resource center, Parrish has attracted a

“You just want to hug them and say, ‘I hope that your journey is made easier by this process or by this program or by my efforts.” Harrison says the center is the first of its kind in Clark County, where, for many residents, getting help in their own community is a lot more convenient than driving across the bridge to visit similar places in Louisville. Beginning November 7, the center will host a professionally led support group for caregivers. The group will meet the first Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Looking over the wig and hat room, an idea suddenly occurs to Harrison about how she could get more hats. In a moment, she has a strategy, and she immediately tells Parrish. Their anticipation and passion for this work never ends. VT For more information, call the Norton Cancer Institute Pat Harrison Resource Center at 812.288.1156.

“I said, ‘This is unacceptable. It’s just repulsive. There’s not one good thing about it. And after just having been told you have cancer – breast or any kind – this is a horrible place to come.’” Harrison went back to her real estate office in New Albany and called everyone she knew who might be able to help her. The initial plan was to fix up the existing center. Among Harrison’s exhaustive list of contacts was her longtime friend Joyce Meyer, a financial services executive, who arranged for Harrison to meet with her sister Lynnie Meyer, Norton Healthcare’s system vice president for women’s and children’s community partnerships. Adds Harrison, “That was the beginning of this whole wonderful story.” In February 2016, the Norton Cancer Institute Pat Harrison Resource Center opened at 1206 Spring St. in Jeffersonville. PHOTO BY WES KERRICK


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Model Citizen

to wear glitter,” she laughs. “We’re or one young woman just obsessed with disco and the ’70s, from Kentucky, an and it just came together naturally.” appearance on a From the models to hair and makeup national reality competito the show’s producers, everyone is tion series proved to be the a volunteer. “It’s hard on us because everyone has their day jobs and then opportunity to confront her Fashion we’re up at midnight talking about greatest insecurity. Such is this event,” she says, her tone ringing the story for Laura KirkpatKELLIE of enthusiasm, not obligation. rick, a two-time competiDOLIGALE Initially, Kirkpatrick sought to help tor on “America’s Next Top students at her own former high school in StanModel” who has since used her own ford, Kentucky. The first fashion show was held fame to put a spotlight on dyslexia and in the school’s gymnasium, she says, and steadily its many sufferers. grew every year since 2010. Eventually, the initiative gained enough traction to benefit other

When she first appeared on “Top Model” Cycle 13, Kirkpatrick quickly became a fan-favorite with a mix of Southern charm and the trademark fierceness required to stay afloat in the competition. The same girl who was excelling in photo shoots and weekly challenges, however, had struggled with the common learning disability from a young age.

That goal to lift up the next generation extends to the designers contributing the fashions. Twelve designers are included in this year’s show, all from Louisville or nearby areas. Among them is “Project Runway” All-Star Gunnar Deatherage, another beloved reality competitor who, like Kirkpatrick, transcended Kentucky roots to pursue high-fashion prominence on the small screen. Asa Lyons of Exult, Tyler Grube, Kristina Sellers of Kilika Couture and Frances Lewis of Ann DeEvelyn Clothing Co. are among the other designers showcasing ’70s-inspired street styles and couture ensembles. “We like that we’re supporting artists and not just big name brands,” she says, noting that adherence to authenticity is crucial to the event’s overall mission. Since everyone behind the scenes is a volunteer, 100 percent of profits from the show go to the charities involved. Kirkpatrick sings praises for PLAY Louisville’s flexibility and accommodation, as venue has been the biggest and most expensive obstacle in years past, she says. “Not worrying about that as much has allowed us to focus on the bigger issues and making it a grander show.” Highlights include pop-up shops for each designer before the show starts, a silent auction for some select pieces, and the Greentree Beauty squad on hand for guest touch-ups as the night heats up.

“I was really embarrassed because they do the Cover Girl commercials and we had to read from a teleprompter,” she recalls. “Being dyslexic, that was really hard on me. My confidence was terrible because of it.” A good friend on the show encouraged Kirkpatrick to stay the course and find her voice. She openly discussed being dyslexic, resulting in a lasting impact long after she placed runner-up. “When I got home, I had all these emails from other people who are dyslexic saying how much it meant to them. That’s how my charity started.”

Guests are encouraged to bring a donation of toiletry items or a used coat to go to the Lexington Hope Center. (Monetary donations will also be accepted.) General admission for the show is $25 at the door, and preferred seating reservations are available on eventbrite. com. The event begins with drinks and designer networking at 6 p.m. before the show commences at 7. Guests are encouraged to dress for a disco flashback. VT

Each year, “Laura’s Angels” hosts a nonprofit fashion show to benefit her own charity, The Beautiful Minds, as well as several other carefully selected organizations. On November 5, the Laura’s Angels Charity Fashion Show will take place at PLAY Louisville, this year embracing a colorful disco fever theme at the city’s liveliest dance club. “We’re loving the opportunity O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

selected charities as well, including Fund for the Arts and the Family and Children’s Place for 2016. “We focus on helping youth because that’s how the community can build strong, confident adults.”



opefully, you remember your sunscreen when you head out to the swimming pool or a day on the water. But just because swim season is over doesn’t mean you can let your guard down when it come to preventing skin cancer.

Health & Wellness

precautions,” Tucker advises. He recommends wide-brimmed hats, athletic clothing with built-in sun protection and limiting sun exposure between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

“We always like to recommend sunscreen at least once a day with SPF 30 or higher,” he says. “Your head and neck areas are still going JENNA to accumulate quite a bit of expoESAREY sure. Even being in the car driving “I understand how people would to work, damaging UV rays come not want to put sunscreen on in the winter- through the window.” time,” says Dr. Clint Tucker at Louisville DerHe continues, “We recommend widematology. “But even the incidental outdoor brimmed hats to protect the ears and the back exposure that you get, like going from the car of the neck. Remember when you wear a ball to the grocery store, can be a risk.” cap to put some sunscreen on the top of the Even though the body is bundled up in ears and the back of the neck.” coats and hats, the vulnerable face and neck Skin cancer remains the most common type are just as susceptible to sun damage in the of cancer diagnosed in the United States. Stawinter as they are in the summer. tistics from the U.S. Environmental Protection “It’s definitely important to continue taking Agency show that the rate of new melanoma WomenFirst-minimally-invasive_The Voice_Oct-27-2016_FINAL.pdf



diagnoses was 14 percent higher in Kentucky than the national average from 2002 to 2006, and the state ranked sixth highest in deaths from the disease in that same period. The more serious melanomas can be fatal if left untreated, but even basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas can be serious if left untreated.

“Many of the skin cancers that we see are very treatable with a high cure rate,” Tucker contends. “Melanomas have excellent cure rates if caught early.” He advises everyone to pay attention to “new growths, or growths that are changing rapidly, any color change, bleeding or painful spots. When looking at moles, we’re more concerned with melanoma skin cancers.” The American Academy of Dermatology’s website – aad.org – has a number of resources for those looking for information on everything from choosing the proper sunscreen to tips on spotting skin cancer. VT

1:21 PM

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If you are looking for an OB/GYN that puts you first, call us today at: 502.891.8788, or find out more about Women First at womenfirstlouisville.com. Left to right, back row: Dr. Margarita Terrassa, Dr. Leigh Price, Dr. Kelli Miller, Dr. Holly Brown, Dr. Michele Johnson. Front row: Dr. Lori Warren, Dr. Mollie Cartwright, Dr. Rebecca Terry, Dr. Ann Grider, and Dr. Rebecca Booth. Not pictured: Dr. Lauren Lewis


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Keep Your Skin Safe in Every Season



Michelle Cheek AND Jim Ellis For Michelle Cheek and Jim Ellis, it was most important to be surrounded by loved ones on their intimate wedding day, even those who could not physically be among the guests. For that reason, many of the thoughtful details contained within their nuptials were a tribute to family members who had passed on. Jim wore a tuxedo owned by his late father, Dr. Rudy Ellis, previously of Ellis & Badenhausen, who had served as the beloved team physician for University of Louisville sports for years. Michelle carried a bouquet made entirely of brooches she had collected for years from her mother, grandmother and Jim’s mother. Beside them stood their siblings; Michelle’s identical twin sister, Monica Howe, served as the maid of honor and Jim’s brother, Dr. John Ellis, was the best man. Close friend of the couple Judge Denise Clayton officiated the ceremony while their neighbor, Governor Matt Bevin, witnessed from the small group of guests gathered in the formal living room of the couple’s home, the same home built by the groom’s late parents. As guests entered the newly renovated home, they signed their best wishes onto a chalkboard bearing photographs of the groom’s parents and the bride’s grandparents to further include the memory of the family members on the important day.

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The colors for the wedding were inspired by the bride’s turquoise Steve Madden d’orsay pumps leading to blueberry roses, peacock feathers and fuchsia flowers. Michelle found the dress she had always imagined while boutique shopping in Naples Florida – a strapless, ivory, tea-length dress with a full petticoat. Jim Ellis is an attorney who also serves as chairman of the board of the Louisville Metro Police Foundation and the previous president of the Kentucky Athletic Association. Michelle Cheek Ellis works for Seiller Waterman, LLC and is a new member of the Louisville Metro Police Department 5th Division Advisory Committee while attending the 27th class of the Louisville Metro Police Department Citizens Police Academy. The new Mr. and Mrs. Ellis both enjoy volunteering for various charities in the community together. Catering: LADYFINGERS CATERING Music: HIGHLAND CHAMBER PLAYERS Sentimental Gift: LOUISVILLE ANTIQUE MALL Hair: SOHO SALON Home Florals: NANZ & KRAFT FLORIST Photographer: BILL WINE


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A League of

Their Own

When it comes to entertaining, the Junior League of Louisville has the perfect menu for any season and any meal. For those in need of the perfect holiday recipes, look no further than the Junior League cookbook. The first cookbook in their series, “The Cooking Book,” was published in 1978 and contained 39 Derby menus. In 1988, they followed up with “Cordon Bluegrass.” “Splendor in the Bluegrass,” their 2000 cookbook, was the first to feature recipes from prominent local chefs. Current Junior League of Louisville members gathered in the Cherokee Gardens home of past JLL president Lisa Causarano Morley to share some of their favorite fall recipes from the most recent cookbook “Bluegrass Gatherings: Entertaining Through Kentucky’s Season.” May they perfectly complete your next holiday gathering! Photos by ALEXA PENCE


Shape into 1 1/2 -inch balls and arrange in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a preheated 400-degree over for 20 minutes or until crisp. Remove to a serving platter and serve with bourbon glaze on the side for dipping or add the meatballs to the bourbon glaze and simmer over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes or until the sauce thickens slightly, stirring occasionally.


Melt the butter in a skillet. Add the kale, vinegar and onion and sauté until the kale and onion are tender. Remove to a large bowl. Brown the sausage in the skillet, stirring until crumbly; drain. Add the sausage, bread crumbs, cheese, eggs, garlic powder, cumin, basil, oregano and red pepper to the kale mixture and mix well.


For Bourbon Glaze: Combine the jelly, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, bourbon and crushed red pepper in a large nonstick skillet. Cook over medium heat until the jelly is melted and the mixture boils, stirring constantly.


Cut the tomatoes into 1/2inch slices and remove the seeds. Arrange in a large colander and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt. Let drain for 30 minutes. Remove the tomato slices to paper towels and pat dry. Arrange half the bread slices in the bottom of a greased 9-by-13-inch baking dish. Spread the bread with half the goat cheese and sprinkle with half the cheddar cheese. Repeat the layers and arrange the tomato slices over the top.


Whisk the eggs, milk, Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon salt and the pepper in a bowl. Pour evenly over the bread mixture. Chill covered overnight. Remove the strata from the refrigerator and let stand for 30 minutes. Bake, uncovered, in a preheated 350-degree oven for 60 to 70 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Let stand for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with the basil and serve.

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Christy Neihoff with St. James Court Art Show Strata (SERVES 12)

Abbie Gilbert with Thoroughbred Hot Brown Tart (SERVES 6 TO 8) Unroll the pie pastries and stack together. Fit the pastries into a 10-inch deep-dish tart pan with a removable bottom, pressing the pastry into the fluted edge. Trim the edge. Line with foil or baking parchment. Place pie weights or dried beans in the pastry shell. Bake on a baking sheet in a preheated 425-degree oven for 12 minutes. Remove the foil and weights; bake for 8 minutes longer. Remove to a wire rack to cool complete. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees.


Layer the turkey, Gruyere cheese, green onions and bacon in the cooled crust. Whisk the eggs, half and half, salt and pepper in a bowl. Pour over the turkey mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes or until set. Lay the tomato slices on paper towels and press lightly with the paper towels to remove excess moisture. Arrange the tomato slices over the top of the tart and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted. Cool on the baking sheet for 15 minutes. Run a sharp knife around the edge of the tart and remove the side of the pan.


Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the pecans and sauté for 5 minutes or until lightly toasted. Stir in the bourbon. Stir in the brown sugar, rosemary, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, chili powder, black pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. Cook until the pecans are coated, stirring constantly. Spread the pecans evenly on a baking sheet. Cool completely, stirring occasionally to break apart the pecans. O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M




speedmuseum.org/ support/patron-circle

ART & SOLE COMMITTEE Stephanie Fellon (Co-Chair) Ozair Shariff (Co-Chair) Austin Anderton Kevin Borland Karen Casi Juliet Gray Woo Speed McNaughton Amanda Schriber Elizabeth Perry Spalding




Brenda Balcombe Brandon Bass Kimberly Boland & Conor O’Driscoll Mary Clay Boland & Ryan Bodman


Rebecca & David Dunn Dale Fisher

The night includes access to Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture, as well as live music by Tomgirl & The Tomgirls, DJ Getzy, and DJ Hi-Definition. The party also includes food, drinks, dancing, live graffiti art, and more.

Joanna Thornewill Hay Laura Jones Jordan King Karter Louis

Sneaker Chic Attire

Sarah Mizuguchi

Free and exclusive to Patron Circle Members. For more information on the Patron Circle, contact Joanne Caridis at 502.634.2734 or jcaridis@speedmuseum.org, or visit speedmuseum.org/support/patron-circle Please RSVP to Kelly Scott at 502.634.2704 or kscott@speedmuseum.org


Angela Hagan


Suzanne Oldham Heidi & Patrick Potter Jessica Schwein Skylar Smith & T.M. Faversham Ginny & Gwathmey Tyler Stacey Wade




Arrange the phyllo shells on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 325-degree oven for 5 minutes or until the edges are light brown. Remove to a wire rack to cool completely. Combine the tomatoes, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Place one cheese cube in the bottom of each phyllo shell and top each with one tomato half. Snip the basil with scissors over the top so that each cup has a silver of basil on top. Serve immediately. Note: While this makes a beautiful festive dish during the holidays, it’s also a great recipe for summer if you can take advantage of ripe tomatoes. Phyllo cups can usually be found at the grocery store in the frozen section near the pies and frozen prepared desserts.

All sales of JLL cookbooks go toward their mission of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Visit juniorleaguelouisville.org for a complete list of local stores where “Bluegrass Gatherings,” the perfect hostess gift, is available for purchase.

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I n C o l l a b o r at i o n W i t h D r e s s C o d e 502

Whether you’re the “Betty Draper” hostess or a welldressed guest, holiday decorative pieces are simply a must. With so many gorgeous items available locally, an intricate table scene is easier than you think. This holiday season, start with your favorite staple piece and go from there. Find items using the colors in your statement piece as a base and build layers using a plethora of textures. We suggest you head over to Etcetera, Posh Home and Dolfinger’s for some darling local items. Don’t forget to then swing by Cartwheels for an impressive selection of paper goods from invitations to thank-you cards. Make your home a holiday haven this season!


-A l e x a P e n c e , D r e s s C o d e 502

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1. Bittermilk bourbon barrel aged old fashion bitters from Posh Home, $18; Split P. napkins from Dolfinger’s, $32 each 2. “Thank You” card from Cartwheels, $12 3. Feather placemat from Etcetera, $21.75; marble cloche from Dolfinger’s, $152 4. Ice bucket from Etcetera, $178 5. Hanging cheese board from Etcetera, $78





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Nice Chair. Can we have it?

The MOD-Tini In a mixing glass with ice, add: 1 1/2 OUNCES WOODFORD RESERVE BOURBON 1/2 OUNCE CHAMBORD

The MOD-Tini was created by America’s Chief Entertaining Officer and Brown-Forman ambassador Tim Laird to raise money for the March of Dimes. Participating restaurants will be featuring this cocktail throughout the month of October with the proceeds benefiting the March of Dimes. This cocktail will also be served at the Signature Chefs Auction on November 10 at the Louisville Marriott Downtown.


Three secrets to making this drink at home:

Stir vigorously and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry.

Call our

Donation Hotline: 805-1416 to schedule your tax-deductible donation.

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Chill your martini glass in the freezer or let stand with ice water in it for at least five minutes.


Be sure to add a dash or two of bitters as this adds depth of flavor.


Garnish with a good quality cherry such as the Woodford Reserve cherries made by Bourbon Barrel Foods. Don’t use the bright red ones made to go on the top of your ice cream sundae.




Personal Stories of

PEARL HARBOR A Morning That Changed the World Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the attack, Personal Stories of Pearl Harbor delves into this fateful event with stories told by sailors, soldiers, and civilians who experienced this moment in history. With feelings of profound shock and overwhelming fear, anxiety, anger and ultimately, patriotism, a reluctant America was propelled into World War II. The world was forever changed.

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10/19/16 9:23 AM


TABLESCAPE TIPS from Butterflies in Motion Hosts

When it comes to beautiful tablescapes, you may never see elegant drama like those on display at Butterflies in Motion, a luncheon event in its second year to raise money for Heuser Hearing & Language Academy (HHLA). Held at the historic Brown Hotel, the unique fundraiser attracts some of the city’s most gracious and creative hosts and hostesses and challenges them to create a movie-themed table while inviting their guests to participate in the theme through their own wardrobe or accessories. HHLA adopted the cinema theme based on its legacy. In 1945, Mrs. Spencer Tracey spoke to the Woman’s Club of Louisville about the challenges of educating her son who was born deaf. Her speech inspired the Woman’s Club, in connection with the Kiwanis Club of Louisville, to found The Louisville Deaf Oral School (now HHLA), which began with three students in the carriage house of the Woman’s Club. The school now serves more than 150 infants, preschoolers and kindergarten children every year. This year’s table hosts delivered captivating visual stories through their cinematic decor. The hours of planning were long, but, much like planning a holiday dinner party, the joy of lunching with family and friends made the efforts worthwhile. We asked some of this year’s table hosts to share the tips that have served them well when entertaining in their own homes. My tips are: Anything with chocolate ends the night on the right note. Be sure to make your guests feel welcome. Fun people are imperative to having a great time. Two guests can be just as fun as 20. Be flexible – starting on time is not the most important thing, but having the best people around you can make any occasion fun. If something goes wrong, don’t panic; your friends understand that you are human. Did I forget that the right cocktail can make all the difference?”

er straps on the napkins for one more layered textured surprise. Even the flowers were layered in tones of neutral, blush pink to salmon. You will find that you don’t need as many flowers when you layer. My entertaining tip is that it is always more of a chore to hand-wash some of Grandmother’s fine china that folks are reticent to use, so I use those plates like chargers and then serve the dishwasher-safe plates with food on top of the fine china. If you weren’t lucky enough to inherit some of those beautiful old place settings, you can find them inexpensively at many antique malls and yard sales. Find some that are ornate and do a simple white or ivory plate on top.” —Loren Hebel-Osborne

—Von Purdy

“Seabiscuit” “Purple Rain” Hosted by Von Purdy and friends

“I like to keep my parties simple and fun with good-tasting food. Most of the time, I’ll use a caterer or pick up convenient items from my favorite spots that are tasty and liked by most guests. I love to set out hors d’oeuvres, a good cheese tray with cheeses from the deli selection of Kroger, Trader Joe’s or The Cheddar Box. O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

Hosted by Charles and Carol Hebel, Designed by Loren Hebel-Osborne

“To create some depth to the table, I like to layer the decor, and I definitely do not worry about everything matching. In fact, I intentionally mix in different textures and color tones so that your eye scans various layers. Layers work on your sense of touch too. In this table, I used both silk and lace and the base cloths. Both evoke elegance and some softness against the metals of bronze, gold and silver. I added leath-


“Julie & Julia” Hosted by Bill and Lindy Street, Designed by Libby Parkinson

“The inspiration for ‘Julie & Julia’ came from a luncheon I attended. The hostess, who is writing a cookbook, used all fresh vegetables and fruits in wonderful containers as her centerpieces. It was a very festive look. The idea translated PHOTOS BY BILL WINE

well into the movie-themed table. When entertaining at home, I select the china, glassware and decor before I plan the menu and the guest list. I like selecting invitations that fit with the theme of the party. I love using items on the table that are unusual or unexpected. It makes for a fun party.”

“Alice in Wonderland” Hosted by Duncan Galloway Egan and Greenwald PLLC, Designed by Deborah Greenwald, Kristie Hicks Crenshaw and Kassi Cawood

“We chose Harry Potter as our table theme with the idea of capturing the magical floating candle scene in the Great Hall. Once we settled on it, our team kept coming up with more and more creative Harry Potter elements to add to the overall presentation. Theme parties are my favorite – it allows me to be creative with ideas that I might not have thought to incorporate otherwise. Even when a holiday, such as Christmas, is a theme in itself, I like to be even more specific and instead host a ‘White Christmas,’ ‘Grinch’ or ‘Winter Wonderland’ party. I think invitations, food, decor and activities are all opportunities to work in more fun ideas to enhance the theme.”

“Dont be afraid to ask for help. Let’s be honest: I am still waiting on my creative gene to kick in, but I am blessed with some very gifted friends. For the Butterflies in Motion event, I had a general vision, but Kristie and Kassi brought it to life. Start early – because I didn’t wait until the last minute, I had time to shop locally (I prefer to see things in person before I buy) and to have things shipped that I couldn’t find around town. For one item that I didn’t want to purchase, I put out a ‘does-anyone-want-to-loan-me’ call on Facebook (thanks for the hookah, Vian). Serve champagne – it INSTANTLY makes the evening feel like a special occasion and will cover a multitude of mistakes. Entertain with people you love. Most of my entertaining is done on a larger scale for the nonprofits where I volunteer, but when I entertain at home, I prefer to include people whom I love and that love me in return. We are all so very busy that if I’m taking time to have a special night, it needs to be with special people. Plus, they will forgive my mistakes, like the time I thought that if the refrigerator would crisp up the lettuce, the freezer would crisp it faster. Um, not true.”

—Carolyn Sheldon

--Deobrah Greenwald

—Libby Parkinson

“Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” Hosted by Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville, Designed by Carolyn Sheldon and Hunter Weinberg

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Retail Shopping hours have changed. We are open 10-5 Monday & Tuesday in November; December Mon-Sat 10-5 Other hours by appointment. O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M


Spooking up the Screen


o spare you a list of obscurities, it occurs to me that there are a lot of great movies for Halloween viewing, which are rather accessible but most people just haven’t gotten around to seeing. Here are nine recommendations to spook up your screen this season.

ATTACK THE BLOCK (2011) This English film has equal doses of scary and funny as it follows a London gang of delinquents led by a teen played by John Boyega (“Star Wars: The Film Force Awakens”) who realize that their high-rise apartment complex BENNETT is being swarmed by man-eating DUCKWORTH alien beasts. Its all-in-one-night bennettduckworth.blogspot.com structure is reminiscent of early John Carpenter films.


THE MIST (2007)

This recent horror-thriller about a sexually transmitted demon found a decent theatrical reception, but I suspect that many folks who can appreciate psychological horror films may have avoided this one due to its marketing giving it the appearance of a standard-issue torture-porn/jump-scare flick. This is a movie that builds a very original atmosphere of dread without utilizing cheap tactics.

Before Frank Darabont (“The Shawshank Redemption”) would bring “The Walking Dead” to television, he made his third Stephen King adaptation. As a small town fills with mist and things resembling the biblical description of the rapture occur, survivors stuck inside a grocery store become slowly divided through the influence of a religious fanatic (Marcia Gay Harden). This movie is masterfully morbid and features an ending that is upsetting but possibly brilliant. It is best when viewed in its blackand-white version, if available.

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ZODIAC (2007) David Fincher’s journalist/police procedural starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. retells the happenings surrounding the unsolved Zodiac Killer case, which shook-up northern California in the late-’60s and early ’70s. While the film is nothing supernatural, Fincher’s astounding period atmosphere and dreary visuals make the experience a nerve-racking epic of obsession.


JACOB’S LADDER (1990) Vietnam veteran Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) is seeing demons while working as a mailman in New York City. What seems at first to be the results of PTSD begins to develop into something more intense and terrifying than anything he can imagine. The film is brilliantly directed by Adrian Lyne (“Fatal Attraction”). LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (DIRECTOR’S CUT) (1986) Inspired by a low-budget Roger Corman film about a man-eating plant, “Little Shop of Horrors” took on a life as an off-Broadway darkly comedic musical before it was brought back to cinematic form through muppeteer/filmmaker Frank Oz. When I saw the movie as a kid, I found it amusing but it didn’t stick with me. What a revelation it was to discover that footage of the original, more sinister ending still exists and is now available for viewing. With its overthe-top apocalyptic finale restored, the movie is now among my Halloween favorites. THE BROOD (1979) Director David Cronenberg has a legacy of uncomfortably provocative films, many of them in the horror genre. This nightmarish tale follows a divorced father (Art Hindle) trying to protect his daughter from an ex-wife whose sessions with an experimental therapist (Oliver Reed) may be manifesting a very threatening force. The movie is absurd but unforgettably nasty for a little low-budget Canadian film made in the late ’70s. INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) This story of the human race being invisibly replaced by alien copies has been remade several times over, but I think the second go-round by Philip Kaufman (“The Right Stuff ”) starring Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, Leonard Nimoy, Veronica Cartwright and Jeff Goldblum is among the creepiest films I’ve ever seen. THE INNOCENTS (1961) This Gothic haunted mansion film set during the Victorian era is gorgeously captured in black-and-white with clever widescreen composition. Based on Henry James’ “The Turn of the Screw,” it follows a governess (Deborah Kerr) hired to look after two peculiar orphaned siblings who may be under the influence of a wicked presence on the estate of their absent uncle. VT


fert, CenterStage artistic director. “As hose who kill or attempt the musical begins, we are met with an to kill presidents are opening number proclaiming, ‘Everypsychotic or deluded body’s got the right to their dreams.’ individuals who have gone off It is American mythology that makes the rails. Or are they the most this promise to everyone. But what happens when our dreams are not attained? patriotic Americans? CenArts & Someone must be responsible.” terStage at the Jewish ComEntertainment How do you recmunity Center’s next produconcile an assassin’s tion shows the complexities of LISA belief in the AmerAmerican presidential assasHORNUNG ican myth with his sins and would-be assassins or her own strugand why they committed such violent acts gles? “Assassins” asks the for a twisted love of country. question: What does it mean to be an American?

“Assassins,” a Tony Award-winning musical by lyricist Stephen Sondheim and author John Weidman, runs October 27 through November 13 at the Jewish Community Center. The one-act historical “revusical” is about the lives of nine people who assassinated or tried to assassinate the president of the United States. The writers bend the rules of time and space, taking the audience on a nightmarish roller coaster ride as the different individuals from different historical periods meet, interact and inspire each other to harrowing acts in the name of the American Dream. With the current presidential election season, “Assassins” is more topical than ever. “‘Assassins’ seems to be more relevant now than when it was written in 1990,” says John Lef-

“Aren’t these the same issues facing our divided country today?” Leffert poses. “Each [assassin] believed that killing the president was going to save the country. John Wilkes Booth was avenging the South, so he believed that he was doing the most American, the most patriotic thing he could do. It doesn’t glamorize or make them heroes by any means, but it does make you perhaps look at their perspective, whatever that is.” When he chose the piece a year ago, Leffert had no idea where the presidential election would be today, just two weeks before we choose our next

president. But now the show is extra relevant. “When they don’t achieve that happiness, all these assassins have to blame someone. Typically, it was the president that took the blame for that,” Leffert says. “If something’s going on wrong in our lives, who are we going to blame? The president. We are quick to blame someone else instead of taking responsibility for ourselves. It’s not our right to be happy – it’s our right to pursue happiness.” Leffert reminds us that life isn’t always black and white, but that these assassins don’t see any gray area. Despite its name, “Assassins” shouldn’t scare anyone off. There is simulated gun violence in the show, but a dark humor shines through, Leffert assures. The meeting of these assassins takes place in a carnival warehouse, “where old carnival games go to die,” he describes. Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, bookend the play and are essentially the headliners of the group. Even more topical, President Ronald Reagan’s would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. was recently released from psychiatric care, and Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme, who attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford, was released in 2009. The two sing a duet in the show, “Unworthy of Your Love,” that is directed at Jodie Foster on Hinckley’s end and Charles Manson on Fromme’s. A strong ensemble cast includes returning CenterStage stars, such as Jordan Price as John Wilkes Booth, Jennifer Poliskie as Sarah Jane Moore, Lauren McCombs as Squeaky Fromme, Andrew Newton as Lee Harvey Oswald and Jason Cooper as Samuel Byck. CenterStage has proven its ability to take a volunteer cast and turn it into a Broadway-quality performance. The company makes dazzling sets and uses live orchestra musicians to draw the audience deep into the world of its show. Leffert wants to remind theatergoers that the show is a political satire: “You will laugh, but you will think, too.” VT

Lauren McCombs, Andrew Newton, Jason Cooper and Jordan Price.



“Assassins” runs October 27 through November 13 at CenterStage at the Jewish Community Center. For tickets, visit centerstagejcc.org or call 502.459.0660.

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A Twisted American Dream


event calendar

to submit your event, visit voice-tribune.com

THIS WEEK’S VOICE CHOICE BOO LA LA Boo La La is Olmsted Parks Conservancy’s most important fundraiser as it raises critical funds to support our work in three key areas: historic restoration, environmental protection and community well-being. On Saturday, October 29 starting at 6 p.m., join everyone in your spookiest costume at the Louisville Executive Aviation Hangar at Bowman Field for a costume party and dinner before Halloween. MORE INFO olmstedparks.org

T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 2 7 “ASSASSINS” PRESENTED BY CENTERSTAGE What do John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Hinckley have in common? They are not only three of the nine men and women who throughout history have killed – or attempted to kill – a United States President but also the unlikely subjects Stephen Sondheim brings together in his Tony Award-winning musical, “Assassins.” Combining a musical revue and a murderous carnival game with a careful exploration of patriotism, Sondheim creates the perfect political satire. With wit, comedy and brilliant insight, “Assassins” delves into what motivated these complicated, notorious men and women and ultimately asks you what it means to be an American. The show runs through November 13 at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets are $20. MORE INFO centerstagejcc.org CORBETT’S: AN AMERICAN PLACE FARMERS DINNER On Thursday, October 27, Corbett’s chef-owner Dean Corbett and Executive Chef Jeffrey Dailey will host a dinner to thank several of the restaurant’s farmers and producers. The night begins at 6 p.m. with passed hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Patrons can savor a wide variety of dishes that showcase the attending purveyors, including a pig-carving station, buffet and passed platters of dishes, such as Rivercrest Farm’s fried chicken. Plus, guests should leave room for desserts like sweet potato ice cream sandwiches! The dinner is $50 per person, plus tax, gratuity and beverages. MORE INFO 502.327.5058. LOUISVILLE MUSIC AWARDS The fourth annual Louisville Music Awards highlight the diverse artists, pioneers, fans and busiO C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

nesses that make up Louisville’s vibrant music community. This year, the 2016 Louisville Music Awards will take place in the Bombard Theatre at The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, October 27 at 8 p.m. Come celebrate all of the great music Louisville has to offer! MORE INFO louisvillemusicawards.com HORSES, HAUNTS & HOOCH Get into the Halloween spirit with a tour of the Kentucky Derby Museum’s cemetery and the darker side of the racetrack at Churchill Downs on Thursday, October 27 from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Hear creepy stories of legends and lore as you are guided on a special edition of the Museum’s Horses and Haunts tour then return to the garden patio to enjoy some hooch and live music from Tony and the Tan Lines. MORE INFO derbymuseum.org

S AT U R DAY, O C TO B E R 2 9 HALLOWEEN FOR HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE The Kentucky Chapter of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America is excited to announce a “Halloween Bash” in Louisville on Saturday October 29 from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. at the Mercury Ballroom. There will be live music from V-Groove and D.J. Glenn Smith, along with a night of unusual and interesting theatrics and surprises! White Castle cheeseburgers will be delivered at midnight, and there will be a cash bar available. You must be 21 or older to attend this event and a valid ID is required. In the all-inclusive spirit of the event, costumes are highly encouraged! Proceeds from the Halloween Bash support the mission and programs of HDSA, the largest voluntary health agency dedicated to finding a cure and providing assistance to those individuals living daily with HD. More than a fundraiser, it will be a time


for the entire community to join together in a night of celebration, theatrics and surprises. MORE INFO kentucky.hdsa.org “GO OVER THE EDGE” FOR THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF KENTUCKIANA Thrill-seekers will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting, memorable adventure this fall, all while helping a great cause. “Go Over the Edge,” a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, will take place on Saturday, October 29, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, located at 280 W. Jefferson St. Participants will “Go Over the Edge” by rappelling 16 stories (200 feet) off the building in downtown Louisville. No climbing or rappelling experience is required, and participants must weigh between 100 and 300 pounds. Event producers will provide rope access experts and veteran adventure professionals to help guide rappellers from the top of the building to the ground. MORE INFO bgckyana.org/events/overtheedge 18TH CENTURY MARKET FAIR On Saturday and Sunday, October 29-30, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Locust Grove, you are invited to join with Locust Grove and the Illinois Regiment of Virginia as the spirit of the past comes alive with the Market Fair. You can participate in 18th-century-style entertainment, purchase replicas of 18th-century military and household items and enjoy food and drink as our founders did, meeting and conversing with early Americans. Mock battles for our country’s independence feature General George Rogers Clark’s own company, the Illinois Regiment of Virginia, as well as British Dragoons and Marines and German Hessians. MORE INFO locustgrove.org ANNUAL NORTON COMMONS FALL FESTIVAL One of the largest fall festival events in the

S U N DAY, O C TO B E R 3 0 CARMICHAEL’S PRESENTS: NICK OFFERMAN! Carmichael’s Bookstore and The Berry Center are excited to host an event with Nick Offerman, star of the hit television series “Parks and Recreation” and the FX series “Fargo,” for a reading and signing of his new book “Good Clean Fun: Misadventures in Sawdust at Offerman Woodshop.” Each $40 ticket includes a copy of “Good Clean Fun” ($35) and a $5 donation to The Berry Center, a nonprofit organization with the mission of putting Wendell Berry’s writings to work by advocating for farmers, land conservation and healthy regional economies. In his new book, Nick and his ragtag crew share their experiences of working at the Woodshop, tell you about their passion for woodworking and even teach you how to make a handful of their most popular projects. Even if you’re not into woodworking, you’ll enjoy this ode to craftsmanship heavily laced with Nick’s unique brand of humor and tomfoolery. The event will take place at 1 p.m. on Sunday, October 30 at the Clifton Center. MORE INFO carmichaelsbookstore.com

M O N DAY, O C TO B E R 3 1 LUCIUS HALLOWEEN PARTY WITH CACTUS BLOSSOMS Fronted by the sleek and compelling look-alike twosome of Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig and backed by their counterpart bandmates Dan Molad, Pete Lalish and Andy Burri, Lucius spent more than 250 days on the road in the past year. They’ve sold out shows big and small, headlined all over the U.S. and Europe, played slots at Bonnaroo, Newport Folk Festival, Lollapalooza, End of The Road, Reading and

Leeds Festivals and more and shared the stage with a variety of musicians including Roger Waters, Jack White, Mavis Staples, Jeff Tweedy, Sara Bareilles, The Head and the Heart, Tegan and Sara and David Byrne. Lucius will play Headliners Music Hall with Cactus Blossoms on October 31 for a special Halloween concert event. Tickets are $17 in advance. MORE INFO ilovelucius.com

T H U R S DAY, N OV E M B E R 3 CALOSPA’S 15TH ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Join CaloSpa in the celebration of their 15th Annual Open House and the arrival of Dr. Chet Mays on Thursday, November 3 from noon to 8 p.m. This one-day-only event is CaloSpa’s opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation to all of their clients, both old and new. As honored guests, you will enjoy an evening of indulgence. Come and explore your way through all things aesthetic and discover the surgical and non-surgical facial and body rejuvenation options CaloSpa has to offer and take advantage of the biggest savings of the year on all products and procedures. Guests will get to mix and mingle, sip wine and champagne while enjoying hors d’oeuvres by Corbett’s and music by Coxx Events. So please join Drs. Calobrace, Mizuguchi and Mays and the entire staff for an evening of indulgence and let them thank for your continuous support and patronage. MORE INFO 502.814.3000

F R I DAY, N OV E M B E R 4 “THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO” PRESENTED BY KENTUCKY OPERA True love wins in this hero’s tale of romance and rescue. “The Abduction from Seraglio” is the story of a lady in distress and her dashing nobleman. He seeks to rescue her and her maid from the passionate designs of the Pasha Selim. Mozart features a comic yet menacing tyrant in Osmin, the harem’s watchman, who tries to separate the lovers. Fortunately, the hero saves his sweetheart and revenge is mercy when the Pasha Selim joyfully decides to let romance take its course. The opera is sung in German, spoken dialogue in English with English supertitles. Performances will take place November 4 at 8 p.m. and November 6 at 2 p.m. in the Brown Theatre. MORE INFO kyopera.org YP UNITE SUMMIT The Young Professionals Association of Louisville (YPAL) will host the region’s fourth annual YP Unite Summit on November 4 and 5 in Louisville. The Summit will bring together more than 150 young professionals from across


the region including cities such as Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Bowling Green, Lexington and Nashville. Steve Wilson, founder and CEO of 21c Museum Hotels will keynote this year’s event. The YP Unite Summit creates an environment where young professionals can connect, engage and develop through networking, collaboration and leadership development. The event will kick off on Friday, November 4 at the Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, followed by a full day of panels and breakout seminars on Saturday, November 5 at Genscape. Topics on this year’s agenda include entrepreneurship, professional development, young professional group best practices and young professional group leadership. The summit will also welcome a panel of local and regional elected officials. MORE INFO ypunitesummit.org

S AT U R DAY, N OV E M B E R 5 LOUISVILLE ARTISANS GUILD HOLIDAY SHOWCASE Looking for something unique for everyone on your holiday shopping list? Then check out the Louisville Artisans Guild Holiday Showcase featuring beautiful one-of-a-kind creations from over 70 juried local and regional artists specializing in ceramics, fiber, glass, jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, woodwork and much more! The event will be held Saturday, November 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, November 6, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Triple Crown Pavilion Conference Center located at 1776 Plantside Drive near I-64 and Hurstbourne Parkway. Admission and parking are free. Don’t miss the popular art raffle benefiting the Nelle Peterson Memorial Art Scholarship, which is awarded to a graduating high school art student. This year, artists from three local high schools will be exhibiting in the Emerging Artist section. MORE INFO louisvilleartisans.org 28TH ANNUAL CEDAR LAKE GALA Cedar Lake, the region’s largest nonprofit care provider for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, will host its 28th Annual Gala, presented by Commonwealth Bank & Trust, at the Marriott Louisville East on Saturday, November 5 from 6 to 10 p.m. The black-tie affair is themed “It’s A Wonderful Life” and will include a dual-entree dinner, as well as silent and live auctions. Entertainment will be provided by Chris K., and Ben H., both part of the Cedar Lake family. Professional dancers from Soiree will also be on site to perform the “Charleston,” and other popular dances from the era. Tickets are $175 per person and can be purchased online or over the phone. MORE INFO cedarlake.org or 502.495.4943 V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M • O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6


region will take place Saturday, October 29. The Annual Norton Commons Fall Festival is a free event open to residents and non-residents alike and will again attract thousands to the fast-growing community. The festival will include face painting, Halloween mini train rides, music and kids’ activities. Costumes are highly encouraged for kids, with trick-or-treating from 2 to 4 p.m. From 1 to 9 p.m., there will be a TapBarkToberFest Biergarten & Block Party courtesy of Commonwealth Tap and The Pet Station Salon & Boutique, where guests can enjoy great autumn brews and outstanding local food. The Pet Station will also bring the funny with a pet costume contest and free pet photos. The Fall Festival will take place at Norton Commons Town Center, 10712 Meeting St. in Prospect. MORE INFO nortoncommons.com


Man’s House Isn’t Big Enough For Wife’s Many Grandchildren


EAR ABBY: I have been with my wife for 16 years. She has a grown daughter who’s the mother of eight kids, but she only has five with her at this time.


Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: At holiday time, my husband’s family takes a photo of all the brothers and sisters and insists that the spouses not be included in the photo. The first time it happened, I thought it was rude, but after 40 years, I have gotten used to it. However, my daughter-in-law, who is new to the family, was hurt by it. Am I wrong in thinking this is rude? – IN OR OUT OF THE PIC-

JEANNE My problem is, the daughter got evicted, and all of a sudden she PHILLIPS brought her belongings to the house. She didn’t ask or anything; she just showed up TURE with the five kids and they are driving me up the DEAR IN OR OUT: I don’t think wall. I already have two adolescent kids, so seven you’re wrong. When people are excluded, they ain’t heaven. don’t feel accepted as part of the family – I have tried to talk with my wife, but she and they’re right. Are more photos taken that doesn’t listen. I’m fed up, Abby, and I’m lookinclude all family members including husbands, ing for other accommodations. They have been wives and children? And if not, why would the here for two weeks and – by the way – my sons spouses tolerate it for 40 years without speaking are now in school while her five are running up? wild in the house. Am I wrong for leaving? – ••• NEEDS MY OWN SPACE DEAR NEEDS: Not in my book. Your mistake was in letting your wife’s daughter’s eviction become your problem. I don’t know whose name is on the lease or title to your place, but it’s time to discuss this with an attorney. If you don’t, you may have more trouble getting the woman and her brood out of there in the future. ••• DEAR ABBY: My friend whom I have known since we were 8-year-olds (we’re now in our 50s) is driving me bonkers. She has started drinking a lot and hanging out with younger people and dating younger guys. I have loaned her quite a bit of money because she can barely get by. I don’t drink, and I hate seeing what she’s doing to herself. I think she is having trouble with the aging process. She has now started to embarrass me when she drinks in public. She doesn’t handle it well and relies on me to get her out of sticky situations. I’m really tired of all this. I have told her how I feel, but she knows I’ll come to her rescue. – TIRED GUARDIAN ANGEL DEAR TIRED: Draw the line. Tell her you are her friend, but not her chaperone, and you will socialize with her only if she limits her intake to nonalcoholic beverages. One of the signs of alcoholism is when the drinking interferes with the drinker’s relationships – and clearly, this is what’s happening. Do not allow her to continue making her drinking your problem because you cannot control it. Only she can do that.

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DEAR ABBY: I’m 18 and a freshman in college. My 16-year-old brother is supposed to be a junior in high school, but he’s still taking freshman classes. He has gone to school maybe twice this year. He just gave up and dropped out. All he does is stay home, sleep and text all day. It makes me angry because I don’t work right now, but I clean, cook, do laundry and take care of my younger siblings while he does absolutely nothing. Mom has given up on him. She begs him to go to school and get an education, but he yells at her and tells her he doesn’t care and he’ll just become a hobo. I don’t know what to say to him to get it through his head that he needs to finish high school. What would you do? – BIG SISTER IN NEW YORK DEAR BIG SISTER: If your brother is a junior and still taking freshman classes, he belongs back in school. He may be lazy, but he may also have learning disabilities. If he doesn’t get the help he needs to earn a diploma, he’ll be virtually unemployable by the time he’s 18. Your mother should visit his school and talk to his teachers and the principal about this. As it stands, your brother may be considered “truant,” which is against the law. ••• DEAR ABBY: I am 47 years old and date younger, usually very attractive women. I live in New York City, so they tend to be models. I haven’t been married because I feel like I hav-


en’t met “the one.” I have been with one or two women who could have been the one, only to find out my feelings weren’t reciprocated. But more often I don’t feel an emotional/intellectual connection, so I end the relationship. While I might be able to resolve that issue by dating women in their late 30s and 40s, I’m more physically attracted to younger women. Because I don’t look my age, I have yet to reach the point where I look “too old” for women in their 20s to be attracted. Do I continue to follow my male instincts and date younger women, or should I date women closer to my age to whom I may not be as physically attracted, knowing there’s still no guarantee I’ll meet someone with whom I’ll find a stronger connection? – LIKES ’EM YOUNGER DEAR LIKES: Forgive me for answering your question with a question, but what do you really want in a relationship? The problem with youth is that it doesn’t last. As the years go by, we get older – if we’re lucky. That’s why it’s time to start listing your priorities, with the help of a licensed mental health professional, if necessary. (There are many well-qualified ones in your city.) I urge you to do it soon, before you start looking like your date’s rich uncle. While marriage may not be for everyone, it’s a known fact that married men live longer. ••• DEAR ABBY: I am the luncheon chairperson for a large fundraiser that will be held in six weeks. I know my question is one shared by many. How can a brilliant person be advised to keep his remarks short and not like he’s preaching to the choir without seeming rude? – DOESN’T WANT TO OFFEND DEAR DOESN’T WANT TO OFFEND: Here’s how. Run your event like a commanding general. Tell all your speechmakers and honorees how much time they are ALLOTTED. Insist they submit their remarks in enough time before the event that you can review the length – and keep “reminding” the speakers what time the event MUST end. If you bravely and diligently do this, your event will be a hit. And YOU will be regarded as brilliant because not many people are courageous enough to be this assertive.


Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.




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pets of the week Meet Russell, a cute 5-year-old Shetland sheepdog mix who came to the Kentucky Humane Society when his owner could no longer care for him. This furry boy loves to get his head rubbed and will even do a little dance when you scratch at the base of his tail! Russell enjoys going on walks but is also content to just lay by your side and watch TV. He loves his people so much, he would rather not share them with other dogs or young children. Russell misses having a family and hopes he will get one soon. He is neutered, micro-chipped and up to date on vaccinations. Come see him at our adoption center in the Pewee Valley Feeders Supply, 12406 La Grange Road. Largo is a 1-year-old tortoiseshell kitty who was rescued from cruelty and neglect by Animal Rescue Corps during their “Operation Dog Days of Summer.” When she was found, she was riddled with intestinal parasites and was very underweight. Since being rescued, she has received medical treatment and is gaining weight. But what she really wants is a loving home of her own – something she has never had before. Can you help Largo forget about her sad past and teach her that people can be kind and good? Largo is spayed, microchipped and up-to-date on vaccinations. You can meet Largo at our Main Campus, 241 Steedly Drive.

For more on any of our adoptable pets, please call 502.366.3355 or visit kyhumane.org

O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M


holiday season! G I V E YO U RS E L F T H E G I F T O F A N O ST R E SS









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