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The Gift of Experience Three writers offer suggestions on activities and adventures to share with your loved ones this holiday season
©2016, The Voice-Tribune, Louisville, Ky. A Red Pin Media Company
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| ‘A Christmas Carol’
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Sports Card Chronicle ��������������������������������������������������������������18 UofL vs� UK��������������������������������������������������������������������19 Catnip ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Taylor’s 10����������������������������������������������������������������������21 High School Sports �������������������������������������������������������22 Game of the Week ��������������������������������������������������������23
Dinner & Dancing for Hildegard House �����������������������25 MADE Blowdry Boutique One-Year Anniversary ����������26 Horses & Hope Race Day ���������������������������������������������27 Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners Gala�������������������������28 Snow Ball Gala ��������������������������������������������������������������29 Snowflake Shoppe Preview Party ��������������������������������30 UofL vs� UK Tailgating ��������������������������������������������������� 31 The Bachelors’ Ball �������������������������������������������������������32 Light Up Louisville���������������������������������������������������������33 Eat Drink Donate�����������������������������������������������������������36 On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.
Etta Rae Hirsch 80th Birthday Party �����������������������������37 Partyline ������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Fashion: Dollface Brows & Beauty ������������������������������ 40 Spotlight: Louisville Triple Crown of Running ��������������41 Health & Wellness: CycleBar ��������������������������������������� 42 Tastes: SCENE ���������������������������������������������������������������43 Homes: Old Louisville Holiday Home Tour������������������ 44 Out & About: Christmas Tree Shopping ���������������������� 46 Film: “Allied” and “Moonlight”- ������������������������������������47 Arts & Entertainment: “A Christmas Carol” ������������������48 Voice of Style: Holiday Menswear������������������������������� 49
l t c o g I f c i
Features Giving Experiences
Activities and adventures to share with loved ones this holiday season������������������������������ 6
Etcetera Offers Stationery ‘And the Rest’
Local boutique lives up to its name with charm, style and originality������������������������������� 13
A Timelessly Fresh Tradition
Actors Theatre’s “A Christmas Carol” is one of most beloved traditions of the season �������� 48
Essentials Masthead �������������������������������5 Business Briefs�������������������� 14 Obituaries���������������������������� 15 D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Event Calendar �������������������50 Dear Abby ��������������������������� 52 Classifieds ��������������������������� 53
Puzzles ��������������������������������54 Pets of the Week�����������������54
Last week’s cover story on Small Business Saturday was written by contributing writer Thomas Pack; however, his name was left off the print edition of the story. We regret this error. TOP PHOTO BY BILL WINE
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As we get older, we start to value the experience of the holidays more than gifts. Though I haven’t reached a level of enlightenment that makes me opposed to the occasional pretty, shiny and perfectly wrapped commodity under the tree, my focus has shifted to creating memories this month rather than curating a wish list. This week’s feature encourages cultivating experiences as gifts, and luckily, there are no shortage of options for exciting and entertaining experience packages within our own city. Consider memberships to Louisville Zoo or Kentucky Science Center for children so you may set aside educational time together in the upcoming year. Give the gift of history and culture to your family with memberships to the Speed Art Museum, KMAC or Frazier History Museum. Adopt a favorite nonprofit for the upcoming year and engage your friends to commit to a year of service together instead of a gift exchange. Season tickets to one of the multitude of performing arts organizations in Louisville takes care of scheduling date nights for you throughout the year. There is no shortage of gifts that keep giving but that also give back to our community in the process. These experiences can’t be merely tossed aside in a month or upgraded for the latest tech trend. One of my favorite holiday memories as a child was loading Tonya Abeln up the car with my family to drive around and look at Christmas lights. There was one house that was always the pinnacle of the drive. One had to walk around the property to fully enjoy it all, and this was encouraged as you would be greeted by a most convincing Santa and Mrs. Claus. I still remember every detail of those decorations and it occurred to me that the tradition of decorating one’s home for the holidays is, in some ways, a gift to those who take the time to enjoy it. In an ever-changing and sometimes frightening world, I know I can rely on the consistency of their traditions. When I see the oversized gingerbread family go up in someone’s front yard on Lexington Road that I don’t even know or see every candle in every window of the house at the corner of my neighborhood, it gives me comfort and it gives me joy. I hope you, too, find comfort in the small traditions and experiences of this holiday season.
LETTER from the
ADVERTISING Deadlines: Display Ads – Noon Monday Classified Ads – Noon Monday The Voice-Tribune (ISSN 1076-7398) is published weekly by Red Pin Media, 607 W. Main St., Louisville, KY 40202. Periodicals postage paid at Louisville, Ky., and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: $39/year. Call 502.897.8900 to subscribe. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Red Pin Media, 607 W. Main, St., Louisville, KY 40202.
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“Holidays Around the World” at the Frazier History Museum runs until January 2.
Future Memories, Historic Places days. This month, the museum has its White Christmas display, based on the movie starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Vera-Ellen. Next, visit the Louisville Slugger Museum, the Muhammad Ali Center and catch a viewing of the Kentucky Show to round out the day. You’ll never be so proud to be from the River City.
ave a history lover on your holiday shopping list? While we geeks love books and documentaries, we especially love to visit museums and historical sites. Take your loved one on a visit to remember while remembering the past.
MORE INFO: museumrowonmain.com
If you want to learn more about the history of the state, drive up to Frankfort for a visit to the Thomas D. Clark Center for Kentucky History. It boasts a Hall of Governors, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know about former state leaders; A Kentucky Journey, which
Louisville is lucky to have its own group of museums right in the heart of downtown. Check out the Frazier History Museum for an eclectic mix of historical arms, Medieval history and Louisville’s early D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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White Hall State Historic Site in Richmond, Kentucky.
follows Kentucky’s history from the early peoples to the present; and even Abraham Lincoln’s pocket watch. Through December, you can see a holiday history train display.
WHITE HALL Take a road trip to Richmond, Kentucky, to White Hall State Historic Site, the home of Cassius Marcellas Clay. Clay was a state politician, known as the “Lion of White Hall.” He was born on a plantation with slaves but later became a strong abolitionist. The site offers tours and teas and, in December, celebrates Victorian Christmas.
While you’re there, visit the Old State Capital, where history was made. The History Center offers guided tours. MORE INFO: history.ky.gov
MORE INFO: parks.ky.gov/parks/historicsites/white-hall
Bourbon enthusiasts can head to Bardstown for a taste of Bourbon history at the Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History. The museum boasts a 50-year collection of rare whiskey artifacts dating from pre-Colonial to post-Prohibition days. The museum features rare antique bottles, a moonshine still, advertising art and novelty whiskey containers. While you’re in Bardstown, wander around downtown and visit shops and restaurants in the historic district then mosey on over to My Old Kentucky Home, the home of Stephen Foster, writer of our state song.
Big spenders might take their loved ones on a trip to our nation’s capital for a blissful time exploring the many museums on offer. The Smithsonian will keep you busy for as long as you want it to, the International Spy Museum will give you a peek into the clandestine arts, the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture will challenge you and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you understand the horrific history of genocide. While you’re there, schedule a visit to the White House, the Capitol and many more historical sites. These are just a few options, so explore the internet to find all that’s available.
MORE INFO: whiskeymuseum.com
MORE INFO: washington.org
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The Evan Williams Bourbon Experience.
No Money? No Problem! one-hour tour and tasting, you will not only leave feeling smarter but happier as well!
MORE INFO: evanwilliams.com
ecent studies have shown that people are happiest when they spend money on experiences, not on material things. Experiences are unique in that they create memories that you can carry an entire lifetime, unlike that handbag that you may only carry for half a year. Below are some ideas to give the gift of experience and create memories with loved ones without breaking the bank, which makes us all happy.
LOCUST GROVE Locust Grove, on Blankenbaker Lane, was built circa 1792 by William and Lucy Clark Croghan, the latter’s brother being General George Rogers Clark. This beautiful home had many important visitors in its day, such as Presidents James Monroe, Andrew Jackson and explorers Lewis and Clark. The cost is $9 for adults, but they have many free days throughout the year and large book sales, which are open to the public.
EVAN WILLIAMS BOURBON EXPERIENCE The Evan Williams Experience, located downtown on Main Street, is the first official stop in Louisville on the prestigious Kentucky Bourbon Trail. The beautiful sets and attention to detail makes this an immersive experience, really transporting guests to the golden age of distilling (1783 to be exact). With the adult admission of $12 for a D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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MORE INFO: locustgrove.org
BERNHEIM ARBORETUM AND RESEARCH FOREST Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, located 20 minutes south
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of Louisville, gives visitors an escape from the city life into the natural beauty of Kentucky’s diverse terrain. Beautiful at any time of year, you can hike trails of varying length and survey the land from 75 feet above on the Canopy Tree Walk. Admission is free Monday-Friday, with a $5 per car fee on weekends and holidays. MORE INFO: bernheim.org
WFPK WINTER WEDNESDAY WFPK Winter Wednesday is the sister series to Waterfront Wednesday, except it takes place in the warmth of the Clifton Center. Internationally renowned bands are brought to Louisville for free, only asking for a donation of a canned good or other non-perishable item for Dare to Care. Upcoming events are December 9, January 13 and February 10 – but get there early, these concerts hit capacity fast. MORE INFO: wfpk.org/winter-wednesday
THE LIBRARY (REALLY)! The Louisville Free Public Library offers many educational and fun programs for children throughout the year. Partnering with Kentucky Shakespeare, they are presenting an amazing two-person, one-hour performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” One of the Bard’s most beloved works and a great introduction to the world of Shakespeare, this event is free and family-friendly, recommended for ages 6 and up and runs through December 17 at various libraries. MORE INFO: lfpl.org
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest.
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21c Museum Hotel
Something For Everyone BY TARA SCHMELZ
f traveling the aisles of stores isn’t giving you any great ideas for the person who has it all, try giving that person an experience instead. Giving the gift of an experience will help create memories that will last a lifetime. The bonus perk is that you know it isn’t something they already have and will return! Here are some great gift ideas to help you with everyone on your list.
photographed things in Louisville, and for good reason! The museum is free to wander, but the artwork is as good as any paid outpost. Pair a browse through the galleries with dinner and drinks at the attached Proof, or get a room and make it into a proper staycation. Alternatively, if you’re really feeling fancy, consider gifting a trip to a 21c in another city. The hotel now has locations in Lexington, Cincinnati, Bentonville, Oklahoma City and Durham. Each has its own distinct flare, but all embrace Southern hospitality.
MORE INFO: 21cmuseumhotels.com
21C MUSEUM HOTEL The wall of the falling letters at 21c is probably one of the most D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Whether it’s tickets for the family to visit one time or a season pass, P H O T O B Y R Y A N N O LT E M E Y E R
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Heaven Hill Distillery on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.
Mine wasn’t a long life.
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families will appreciate the chance to check out the newly renovated Louisville Science Center. Children and adults will have fun exploring the three floors filled with hands-on activities all while learning about the world around them. MORE INFO: kysciencecenter.org.
KENTUCKY BOURBON TRAIL Kentucky is known for its bourbon, so take your bourbon lover on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail to see how his/her favorite drink is crafted and to get a chance to taste it. There are nine local historic distilleries, so you can visit one or many. Admission is minimal at many of the locations, including Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark, Woodford Reserve, Four Roses, Heaven Hill and more. You must be 21 or older to participate in the tastings, but anyone can tour. This gift can be grouped together with a bottle of bourbon to let the receiver know about all the deliciousness that awaits on the trail. MORE INFO: kybourbontrail.com
SPA DAYS For everything mom has done for you, do something extra special for her and offer her a day of pampering. Give her a gift certificate for a massage and/or facial. Both will leave her happy, relaxed and rejuvenated. Massage Envy is one local option, with many area locations.
Massage Envy.
MORE INFO: massageenvy.com
DERBY DINNER PLAYHOUSE For the special couple in your life, offer them dinner and a play with Derby Dinner Playhouse tickets. Derby Dinner is located in Clarksville, Indiana, just a short drive from Louisville. Visitors get to enjoy a buffet dinner with actors as their waiters before the show. Diners stay in their seats to watch the show, which will take place just feet from where they are sitting. Every seat is a good one at Derby Dinner! Upcoming shows include “Sister Act” and “Run for Your Wife.” MORE INFO: derbydinner.com
DO SOMETHING If you don’t have money this holiday season, offer a service instead! For those with children, offer to babysit while the parents have a date night. For those without children, offer a skill of yours to help them, such as painting a room, cooking a meal, cleaning the house, etc. VT
Derby Dinner Playhouse. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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11/29/16 5:49 PM
Etcetera Offers Stationery ‘And The Rest’
ith so many stores in town devoted to specific items, it can be difficult to find somewhere to pick up miscellaneous needs, like stationery and beautiful tabletop items. Lucky for Louisville, Etcetera exists.
which is the staple of the store. Humphrey prides herself on having the largest stock of invitations in the state and the largest stock of Crane Stationery, which is the oldest stationery company in the United States. They make invitations Business for weddings and parties as well Profile as birth announcements, and work with both individuals and corporaRICHIE tions to create something spectacular for whatever the occasion. As GOFF Humphrey puts it, they can “cusOwner Linda Humphrey tom do anything. If you come in describes her store as “Whatever the whim: with an idea, we will expand and create it. Etcetera. Just everything.” There are no limits, and some of the things The store, originally named Dupont Acces- you wouldn’t believe.” sories, was started by her mother and two Besides having customers on Park Avenue aunts over 40 years ago with a specialty in nee- and in Ocean Reef, she divulges that Oprah’s dlepoint, which her mother excelled in. From assistant called one year asking Etcetera to there, it expanded to include other things, like custom create a Christmas card for the media tabletop accessories and apparel, and ever mogul. But you don’t have to be a celebrity or since Humphrey took ownership 22 years ago, high roller to enjoy their creations. it has continued to evolve and be “the store for Humphrey explains, “The one thing I think all seasons.” The phrase “et cetera” translates a lot of people don’t know is that you don’t literally from Latin as “and the rest.” have to have the most expensive invitation One thing that has remained constant is as long as it’s laid out beautifully and written their large stock of stationery and invitations, well. People always think it’s more expensive
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when it looks correct and has more style. You should come in being prepared for whatever works for you and we will help you achieve that.” Since most people have not ordered wedding invitations before getting prepared for their big day, having the eye of a professional stationer can make all the difference. “I always tell people when you look at the books you’re looking at ideas. You’re going to pick your paper and point out what you like and we’re going to create it from there. So you get exactly what you like.” With the long history of Etcetera, Humphrey feels like she is not only welcoming customers into her store but into her home. She remembers working with her mother fondly as she helps brides and their mothers make the perfect wedding invitation, and she feels humbled seeing the faces of returning customers who have sought her help over three generations. Even if she is only a small part in creating someone’s happy event, making something beautiful is more than just a whim. VT Etcetera, 4913 Brownsboro Road, is open Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, visit etceteraoflouisville.com or call 502.425.9277. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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business briefs UOFL BUSINESS RESEARCHERS SHOW PASSION AND PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS OFTEN CONFUSED Entrepreneurs are, by their nature, self-starters who are passionate about their work. But how often are good public speaking skills confused with passion, leading to bad investment decisions? That’s the question a group of University of Louisville College of Business researchers explored in a study published online recently in the journal “IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.” The researchers surveyed 40 student entrepreneurs about their passion for entrepreneurship. Then they recorded the entrepreneurs’ business pitches and showed the videos to investors. They asked the investors to rank and rate their perceptions of each of the entrepreneurs’ passion, and to discuss their reasoning. The researchers then conducted statistical analyses to assess whether the investors’ perceptions of passion aligned with the entrepreneurs’ reports of personal passion. What they found was that investors did not do a very good job differentiating between the most and least passionate entrepreneurs. But that problem could be attributed to the entrepreneurs themselves. When entrepreneurs had weak presentation skills, it caused investors to underestimate passion. But when they had strong skills, it led investors to overestimate passion. For investors, that means “buyer beware,” as a good presenter may not have the follow-through it takes to keep a business going after a setback. “ … Investors may miss investment opportunities with passionate entrepreneurs who are simply struggling with presentation skills, or make less than optimal investments in entrepreneurs who are projecting a passionate image but do not have the ‘fire in the belly’ to back up their message,” the researchers concluded. LIBA LAUNCHES HOLOUDAYS CONTEST TO WIN $1,000 SHOPPING SPREE The Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA), an alliance of over 870 locally owned and independent businesses, officially launched its ninth annual Buy Local, Win $1,000: hoLOUdays Contest on Small Business Saturday. The purpose of the contest is to encourage shoppers to choose local and independent businesses for their holiday purchases because making a shift to local independents is one of the fastest ways to build a strong local economy and create jobs in our community. So, while buying gifts for loved ones this season, Louisvillians can also give a gift to their community. To enter the contest, shoppers will collect receipts from LIBA member businesses until January 3, 2017, and then present the receipts for review at one of the sponsor sites (Heine Brothers’ Coffee or Feeders Supply locations) or submit via mail/online/ email/text. Each receipt counts as one entry. The winner will receive $1,000 to spend at LIBA member businesses of their choice. Another way to enter the contest is to purchase LIBA’s new eGift Card, good at over 50 LIBA member businesses. LIBA’s eGift Cards are available for purchase online at keeplouisvilleweird.com. DANI BUSBOOM KELLY NAMED UOFL VOLLEYBALL COACH Dani Busboom Kelly, a former University of Louisville assistant coach who won national titles as a player and assistant coach at Nebraska, has been named as the Cardinals’ head volleyball coach. UofL Vice President and Director of Athletics made the announcement on Sunday. “We are thrilled to have Dani guiding our volleyball program,” said Jurich. “I was so impressed with her in the one year that she was here on [former UofL coach] Anne Kordes’ staff and I have followed her career closely since then. [Nebraska head coach] John Cook is someone who I really respect and tried to hire while I was at Colorado State. He and many others have provided rave reviews about Dani and I am confident she will be successful here. Everyone I spoke with around the nation has told me she is
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to submit your business brief email rsisk@redpinmedia.com
among the very best in the nation as a recruiter. We will aid her in assembling a terrific staff around her and provide the support she needs for us to succeed on a national stage.” Since her arrival at Nebraska in 2012, over the last five seasons the Huskers have achieved a combined 134-30 record, reached four NCAA Regional finals and won the 2015 NCAA National Championship at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha, the same facility where she won the national title as a player for the Huskers in 2006. COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS ANNOUNCES PLANS TO END YOUNG ADULT HOMELESSNESS IN LOUISVILLE, ASSEMBLES YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD TO HELP The fastest rising group of the homeless population, both locally and nationwide, are young adults age 18-24. In 2015, there were 418 homeless young adults in Louisville, plus an additional 450 youth below age 18 served by YMCA Safe Place Services of Louisville, for a total of 868 unduplicated unaccompanied homeless youth. The Coalition for the Homeless and the recently created Homeless Youth Committee, which is made up of 38 local providers, community leaders and government members, are announcing their goal beginning in 2017 will be to end young adult homelessness in Louisville by 2020. The Committee’s work to create and implement a plan to tackle this challenge began with assembling a Youth Advisory Board who are all 24 years or younger, and who have been homeless at some point during their lives. The Youth Advisory Board will help the committee understand the barriers to success and review and make recommendations on every aspect of the plan. Members of the Youth Advisory Board were publicly recognized at the UofL vs. UK football game at the Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium on Saturday, November 26 where they delivered the game ball. Duties of the Homeless Youth Committee also include collecting and creating data on homeless youth, mapping the existing service system, identifying and prioritizing gaps in resources, identifying best practices and appropriate models for the community, prioritizing projects for funding, measuring the success of various housing models and coordinating services to ensure that all youth on the community by-name list are served and that the list is updated monthly to measure progress. The details and strategies of the plan will be announced at a press event in early January followed by a public awareness campaign.
FOREST HILLS COMMONS EARNS DEFICIENCY-FREE SCORE FROM KENTUCKY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Forest Hills Commons was found to have no deficiencies during an inspection by the Kentucky Office of the Inspector General. Opened by American Senior Communities on July 5, 2016, at 9107 Taylorsville Road in Louisville, Forest Hills Commons’ perfect score was earned during the community’s initial survey. The OIG inspects licensed health care facilities to assess compliance with state standards of care, such as adequacy of staffing, quality of care and cleanliness of facilities. A deficiency-free score is the best score a personal care facility can receive and is a distinction achieved by a low percentage of facilities in the state. “We are so proud of the staff for living out these values in an exceptional way. We congratulate the staff at Forest Hills Commons for their perfect survey from the Office of the Inspector General. Without the staff’s high level of dedication and commitment, a deficiency-free survey would not be possible,” said General Manager Miles Burkholder. NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BURGER RESTAURANT BRINGS FIRST FRANCHISE IN U.S. TO LOUISVILLE Fast casual gourmet burger concept Freakin’ Unbelievable Burgers has signed its first franchise agreement with a husband and wife team from Louisville. The franchise location opened inside Mall St. Matthews on Monday, November 21. Brittney and Marcus Howard were named the first “Freakin’ Franchisees” after learning about Freakin’ in their former home of Flint, Michigan, where they both worked in the automotive industry. After moving to Louisville two years ago, the couple immediately began working to bring the growing burger restaurant to the bluegrass. “We knew this was something special and we didn’t want to miss the chance to be among the first franchisees in the country,” said Brittney Howard. “We’re very excited about this opportunity for the Howards,” said company president and founder Brent Skaggs, a former Lexington native. “Going from a customer at our first location to becoming a franchisee for the brand just a few years later, we couldn’t have asked for a better team to bring our burgers to Louisville.”
The first location opened in 2012 in Flint and immediately garnered national attention, including a No. 12 ranking on Fast Casual’s 2013 list of the “Top 100 Movers & Shakers” nationwide. Freakin’ was also named one of the “14 Burger Concepts to Watch in 2014” by burgerbusiness.com.
With close to 600,000 Kentuckians affected by diabetes and more than 1.1 million at risk, the American Diabetes Association and statewide sponsor Passport Health Plan have taken the opportunity to partner with Kentucky food banks to educate shoppers about diabetes.
November is American Diabetes Month, and the Association is collaborating with food banks across the state of Kentucky to educate their shoppers about diabetes including the risks, prevention and healthier eating. This collaboration would not be possible without the help of the Association’s Kentucky statewide sponsor, Passport Health Plan. “At Passport Health Plan, it is our goal to help all Kentuckians live healthier lives, which is why we are so proud to be working together with the American Diabetes Association and food banks all around the Commonwealth to help educate residents about healthy eating,” said Passport Health Educator Lisa Bellafato. “With so many Kentuckians being diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes – or being at high risk of being diagnosed – it’s very important that we help teach our friends and neighbors about the importance of healthy eating to help them improve their health and keep diabetes at bay.” The American Diabetes Association is excited about this new opportunity to reach and educate people about diabetes. Working with the food bank system in Kentucky is a natural fit because they serve thousands of Kentucky residents, many of whom may not otherwise have access to the information.
Christmas at the Galt House Hotel broke the Guinness World Record for the Largest Gathering of Fairies on Saturday, November 19 at 11:36 a.m. with 936 fairies. Members of the community and local Girl Scout troops came out to the Galt House Hotel’s Grand Ballroom to break the world record. “I had so much fun being a part of the Christmas at the Galt House Hotel’s record setting largest gathering of fairies,” said Brad Good, CPA. “It was a privilege for me to serve as an official witness. Christmas at the Galt House Hotel and this event is truly a memorable experience.” In order to break the record, fairies had to be dressed in a tutu with a wand and wings. If participants did not have a full costume, the Christmas at the Galt House Hotel’s Snow Fairy Princess lent items from her personal collection. “Christmas at the Galt House Hotel is designed to create lasting and magical holiday memories. What better way to showcase to the world that Louisville is the best Christmas town in the United States,” said Nick Briner, general manager of the Galt House Hotel.
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Martha Werle “Mardi” Cobb Martha Werle “Mardi” Cobb, 64, passed away Tuesday, November 22, 2016 in Lexington, Kentucky, after a lengthy illness. Mardi graduated from Henry Clay High School in 1970 and attended Western Kentucky University and Midway College. She worked for 30 years as a phlebotomist at St. Joseph and Central Baptist Hospitals in Lexington. She took pride in dealing with younger patients, especially newborns and infants. Mardi cherished animals of all kinds. She was preceded in death by her parents Patricia (Timmel) and LeRoy Werle. She is survived by her husband of almost 43 years, John Cobb, her two children, Alicia Watts (Carey), and Daniel Cobb (fiancée Sabrina Thompson); two grandchildren Payton and Kellan Watts; three sisters, Sister Cecilia Clare Werle, Judy Rosati (John) and Virginia Gregg, and nephew Jeff Rosati (Jackie), nieces Andrea Gregg and Erin McKune (Brent); great nephews, Gavin McKune and Anthony Rosati; great nieces, Ava McKune and Veronica Paul. A remembrance of her life was held on Saturday, November 26 at Kerr Brothers Funeral Home in Lexington by many family members and friends. Burial took place at Lexington Cemetery. Mardi will be greatly missed!
Lavinia “Jane” Cronen Lavinia “Jane” Cronen, 84, of Louisville, Kentucky, passed away peacefully following an extensive illness surrounded by her family on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at Hosparus Inpatient Care Center. She was born in Paintsville, Kentucky on January 21, 1932 to the late Proctor and Ora B. Davis. She was co-owner of Cronen’s 127 Bar & Restaurant and was of the catholic faith.
In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her husband, James W. Cronen, Sr.; a brother, Willis Davis; and a granddaughter, Heather Angel Keller. Jane is survived by her children, Jim W. (Theresa) Cronen, Jr. and Lynn (Larry, her buddy) Francis and Brenda S. (Rick) Keller; sister and blessed caregiver, Billie Williamson; additional siblings, Betty Fawcett, Sue (Ray) Barr and Jim (Fran) Davis; grandchildren, Little Ricky, Amanda, Brendan, Eric, Jamie, Little Larry and Lacey; five great-grandchildren; her dearest friend, Evelyn Sumner who was like a sister; and a host of other family members and friends. A service to celebrate her life was conducted on Tuesday, November 29 at Newcomer Funeral Home, Southwest Louisville Chapel, 10304 Dixie Highway. Visitation was on Monday, November 28 from 4 - 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Allan Joseph Goss Allan Joseph Goss, 86, of Waddy, Kentucky, went to be with the Lord peacefully on Monday, November 21, 2016, surrounded by his family. He was born August 2, 1930 in Louisville to the late Veronica Kleber and Alphonse Goss. Allan was a graduate of St. Xavier High School in Louisville and a lifelong Catholic. He served in the United States Navy as an electrician on an LST during the Korean War. He was a retired lab technician at General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville and a member of the Waddy Ruritan Club. His brothers and sister, James, Richard, Carolyn and John, preceded him in death. Here to carry on Allan’s memory is his wife of 59 years, Patricia Hill Goss, Waddy; his children, Michael Goss (Ruth), Louisville; Richard Goss (Pam), Fisherville; Mary Beth Harlamert (Mike), Louisville; Amy Stone, Harrodsburg; Robert Goss (Kristy Tucker), Waddy. Allan was Grandpa to Benjamin Goss (Cindy), Joshua Goss (Miranda), Nicholas Goss, Erin Goss (Alex), Ginger Goss, Elizabeth
Cecil (Alex), Daniel Harlamert, Dixie Resnick (Adam), Bailey Wolford (Dan), Jordan Goss Neumann (Kyle), Clinton Goss, Amanda Wilson (Mark), Lindsey Blandford and Rachel Lutz (Ken). He was Great Grandpa to Vincent Resnick, Stone Wolford, Norah Goss, Elijah Wilson and Amelia Wilson. Allan had many extended relatives and friends who he loved and will miss him dearly.
great care. He loved working in his backyard, listening to music, and watching UK and UofL sports. The St. Louis Cardinals and horse racing were dear to his heart and spending time with family and friends made him happiest. He will surely be remembered for his generosity, his good humor, and his love of family and friends. Don is survived by his wife, Jill. They celebrated 49 years of marriage in July.
A memorial mass will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, December 3 at St. Michael Catholic Church, 3705 Stone Lakes Drive, Louisville. A celebration of his life and a luncheon will follow in the school cafeteria. In lieu of flowers expressions of sympathy may be made to Hosparus of Louisville, the WHAS Crusade for Children and Wounded Warriors.
His life is cherished by his son Jamie (Kerri) of Louisville, two grandchildren, Alexandria and Zachary; his sister -in-law Judi Bryant (Tim) of Indianapolis, his nieces Timmi, (Scott Graves), and Haley and Lily Klezmer of Carmel, Indiana.
Don E. “DMD” Harris Don E. “DMD” Harris, age 70, was called home by his Lord on November 20, 2016, at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He was the only son of Richard and Reba Harris who preceded him in death. Don was born and raised in Paducah, Kentucky, eventually making Louisville, Kentucky, his home. At Paducah Tilghman High School Don proved to be an outstanding athlete, receiving ten varsity letters while there. He served as class president both his junior and senior years. He received a scholarship to play baseball at Murray State University. He graduated from Murray State University and upon his graduation he was accepted to the College of Dentistry at University of Kentucky. He graduated from University of Kentucky Dental School in 1973 and went on to serve his country in the United States Army Dental Corps. After a two year stay at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he moved to Louisville, Kentucky where he practiced family dentistry. Don had many passions and interests and was devoted to his practice and patients for 36 years. He served his patients with love and
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Family and friends will gather for a visitation at Christ Church United Methodist, 4614 Brownsboro Road, Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m. - noon with funeral service immediately following. Entombment will follow at Cave Hill Cemetery. After the entombment, A Celebration of Life Open House will be held at the Tway House, 40235 Timberwood Circle in Plainview. In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy may be made in his name to The Healing Place, Certified Counseling Services, or Murray State University Baseball Program. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to all the friends for their support in his final days.
Natalie G. Lucas Natalie G. Lucas, 88 of Louisville passed away on Friday, November 25, 2016. She is preceded in death by her husband, Calvin Lucas, son-in-law, Don Merimee, grandson, Craig Merimee, and a step daughter, Connie Ross. Natalie is survived by her children, Mark T. Stowe (Teri), and Patricia Merimee, step-children, Layman (Jacquie), Thad, Byron, Neil and Aaron Lucas, grandchildren, Mark A. Stowe (Jill), Beth Sparks (Rob), Blake Stowe, Kristen DeSanctis (Tom) and Ryan Ross. She is also survived by 19 great grandchildren and extended family, Michelle Merimee Ferrell. A funeral to celebrate Natalie’s D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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life was conducted at noon on Wednesday, November 30 in the chapel of Arch L. Heady at Resthaven, 4400 Bardstown Rd. with interment to follow at Resthaven Memorial Park. Guests were invited to attend a visitation from 2 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29 and after 9 a.m. the day of the funeral. Expressions of sympathy may be made to: Hosparus - Hospice of Louisville, 3532 Ephraim McDowell Dr, Louisville, KY 40205 or Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, 1500 Rosecrans Ave STE 200, Manhattan Beach, CA. 90266.
Eva Bell Crum Lynn Eva Bell Crum Lynn, 93 of Charlestown, Indiana, died Saturday November 26, 2016 at her home. She was born October 14, 1923 in Charlestown to Ernest and Lillie McDaniel Crum. She was preceded in death by her loving husband of 62 years Floyd Lynn, her parents, and brother, Irven Crum. Eva was a lifelong resident of Charlestown and graduated from Charlestown High School in 1941. She celebrated her 75th high school reunion at the Alumni Banquet in June. Her working years included First Bank of Charlestown. She retired from I.C.I. at the ammunition plant. She belonged at one point to the Rebeccah Lodge and now Ann Rogers Clark Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and The Society of Indiana Pioneers. She belonged to the Calvary Christian Church in Sellersburg, but in later year attended First Baptist Church in Charlestown until her stroke. Surviving are her daughters, Barbara Albright (Wayne) and Carolyn Lynn; grandchildren Tony Montgomery (Melissa), Sherrie Disch, Stacy Johnson, Julia Saldivar (Jesse), Lisa Weaver (Mike); great grandchildren, Katie Martin (John), Kyle Johnson, Dani Jo Disch, Lucinda Montgomery, Ellie Weaver, Drew Weaver, Luke Weaver, Dylan Saldivar; great great grandchildren Brayden Donaldson, Sophia Johnson and Caleb Martin; her brother’s sons Don, Larry, and Irven Crum and several nieces and nephews on the Lynn side. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday November 30 at Grayson Funeral Home with burial in Charlestown Cemetery. Visitation was from 3 - 7 p.m. on Tuesday and after 9 a.m. on Wednesday. Online condolences may be made at graysonfuneralhome.com.
Richard Marshall Ochsner Richard Marshall Ochsner, “Mr. O”, 88, of Louisville, was born September 9, 1928 and passed away Wednesday, November 23, 2016, surrounded by loved ones. 74 years ago, he joined his father and grandfather in building a successful automotive business, Ochsner’s Garage, in St. Matthews. He was awarded Honorary Masonic Home Alumni member in 2007. He was also talented in woodworking, making many toys for his kids and grandkids while also making many foot stools, shelves, and planters to donate to Masonic Homes and other loved ones. Richard was preceded in death by his wife of 46 years, Ardyth Sue (Ramage) Ochsner; daughter, Debbie; parents, Herman and Helen; sister, Doris; and brothers, Raymond and Robert. He is survived by his children, Richard “Rick” Ochsner (Renee), Lisa Hensley (Dave), and Mike Ochsner (Missy); and brothers, Henry and Jim Ochsner (Angela); grandchildren (best buddies), Jeremy (Meghan), Brandi, Tyler and Kyle; and great-grandson, Carter. Visitation was held Sunday, November 27 at Highlands Funeral Home, 3331 Taylorsville Road. A private committal service was held on Monday at Resthaven Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Sally’s Garden Memory Care at Masonic Homes of Kentucky.
Thomas Allen Snyder Tom Snyder, 79, passed away peacefully on Sunday November 20, 2016 at Episcopal Church Home. Tom was born on February 14,
1937 in Dayton, Ohio to Charles J. and Elnora M. Snyder. He attended Chaminade High School in Dayton and graduated from Ohio University in 1960 where he was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Tom and his wife Sylvia moved to Louisville in 1985 when he joined the management team at Chi Chi’s Corporate Office. He then worked a number of years at the Galt House. Tom was an avid golfer. He was a longtime member of Owl Creek Country Club and enjoyed serving as a marshal at several PGA events, including the Ryder Cup. Tom, standing 5’ 6”, reminded friends and family that “he used to be taller!” He was preceded in death by his parents and by his brother James C. Snyder. He leaves behind to cherish his memory, wife Sylvia; daughters Julie (Don) Sargent, Becky (Tom) Ferguson; Barbara (Bill) McIntyre, Susan (George) Hofer and son Theodore (Laura) Bernstein Jr. ; grandchildren, Ben & Caroline Sargent, Mallory & Grant Ferguson, Billy & Teddy McIntyre, Cara & Matthew Hofer, Trace & Peyton Bernstein. Family and friends may gather on Saturday December 3 at Christ Lutheran Church, 9212 Taylorsville Rd, Jeffersontown, KY, 40299, from 10 - 11 a.m. Funeral services will follow at 11 a.m. with Pastor Poisel officiating.
Joyce Rose Turley Joyce Rose Turley, 76, of Louisville, passed away November 24, 2016. She was a retired Legislature Research Analyst for the state of Kentucky, a Navy veteran, and had served 12 years in the Army Reserves. She was a 1958 graduate of the first class of females to attend Louisville Male High School, and she went on to receive her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University and her master’s degree from the University of Louisville. She was also a Kentucky Colonel. She was preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Ruby Rose. Left to cherish her memory are her daughters, Erin Gilliam(Jeff) and Devon Turley; grandchildren,
Megan Douat(Eric), David Beard, Matthew Gilliam, Makenzie Beard, and Mikaela Gilliam; great-grandchildren, Rylie Douat, Rory Douat, and Reese Douat; her brother, Shayne Rose(Sue); and niece, Jennifer Rice. A memorial service was held at on Wednesday, November 30 at Evergreen Funeral Home. Visitation was from 3 - 5 p.m. Wednesday. Memorial donations can be made to the Parkinson’s Foundation or to The Center for Women and Families.
Thomas Wolfe Shwab Sr. Thomas Wolfe Shwab Sr., passed away at the age of 75 on November 24, 2016. Born February 27, 1941 in Louisville, KY. He was a graduate of Louisville Country Day and Parsons College. He was a US Army medic in the Vietnam War and a member of the Louisville Boat Club. For 18 years he was a legislative aid for Representative Tom Burch. Together they passed over 20 bills with primary emphasis on bone marrow transplants and domestic violence. Tom was preceded in death by his father and mother, Hugh McNeilly Shwab, Jr., Lois Wolfe Shwab and his son Thomas Wolfe Shwab, Jr. He is survived by his wife Deborah Fuller Shwab, and his daughter, Mary Lois Shwab Mercer (Todd), Lois Shwab Louis (David Ratterman), Hugh McNeilly Shwab lll, three grandchildren Caroline McNeilly Mercer, Thomas Robert Mercer, Eloise Elizabeth Mercer and two step children, Rush Nicholson (Liarae), Elizabeth Nicholson and one step grandchild, Jack Nicholas Fishel. A memorial service was held on Monday November 28 at St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church 6710 Wolf Pen Branch Road (at US 42). Private burial Cave Hill Cemetery. Visitation was from 2 - 5 p.m. Sunday November 27 at Pearson’s 149 Breckenridge Lane. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Robley Rex Veterans Administration Medical Center (Hospice Unit) 800 Zorn Avenue Louisville, KY 40206 or the Domestic Violence Association.
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18 Card Chronicle | 21 Taylor’s 10 | 22 High School | 23 Game of the Week
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Cardinals quarterback Lamar Jackson (8) and running back Brandon Radcliff (23) walk off the field.
Rivalry Pain
2016 football season provided Louhe last time Kenisville supporters with some of the tucky beat Louisville most enjoyable days to be a Carin football, I had just dinal fan of any sport. UofL rolled begun what would ultimateup unthinkable numbers on offense, ly be a failed one-year stint Lamar Jackson went from Heisman dark horse to Heisman favorite as a law school student. I to Heisman lock, the Cards hung wasn’t married, nor was I more points on Florida State than even thinking about makany team in the history of SemiMIKE ing a move in that direction. nole football had before them, even Writing was a hobby, not a RUTHERFORD the Clemson loss, painful as it was, @cardchronicle cemented Louisville’s spot as a bigprofession, and I had just time player on the national scene begrudgingly signed up for and a participant in perhaps the most memothis thing called Twitter because the rable game of the entire season. people who owned my website told me Whether UofL crashed the College Footit was a good idea. As is likely the case for the majority of you reading this, Louisville’s 2010 loss to Kentucky on the gridiron feels like it was from a different lifetime. A relic from a state of mind where none of us knew if Charlie Strong was going to have success with the Cardinals, that it was even possible that Bobby Petrino could come back, or that the basketball team was just two and a half years away from winning its third national title. As much as I’d like to attribute the pain from last Saturday’s 41-38 loss in the annual Governor’s Cup game to merely being out of practice when it comes to accepting defeat, the actual reason, at least in my eyes, is because it ushers in an extremely difficult reality to face. The first two and a half months of the D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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ball Playoff or not, this was supposed to be the lasting legacy of the 2016 season – the year the Cardinals took a massive step forward on their journey toward being a perennial powerhouse and provided Louisville fans with three months of unprecedented fun and positivity. Now, unfortunately, that won’t be the case.
When Austin MacGinnis’ 47-yard field goal sailed through the uprights on the closed end of Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, it cemented an entirely different legacy for the 2016 Cardinals. We would all share memories of the good times, sure, but in the next breath we’d be forced to ask how it all went so wrong. How could a Louisville team with everything in the world to play for be so throughly manhandled by a Houston squad that ultimately lost three games in the American Athletic Conference? How could the same group of players who ran roughshod over a very
good Florida State team not give a more inspired effort against an improved, but certainly not great Kentucky team when the legacy of their season (and a potential Orange Bowl berth) hung in the balance? I don’t know the answers to these questions anymore than I know how Louisville’s bowl future is going to play out. All I know is that having to address this unpleasant caveat any time we want to reminisce about the good times – like the school’s first Heisman Trophy winner in a couple of weeks – is going to be agonizing, and that’s why this particular loss to Kentucky is an even more difficult pill to swallow than it would be ordinarily. If there is one positive to take out of the pain, I think it’s this: Perhaps last Saturday’s game will serve as a springboard to bigger and better things for the Governor’s Cup rivalry. The game is staying on rivalry weekend, which means Louisville-Kentucky is going to have to continue to compete for eyes with the likes of Michigan-Ohio State, Florida State-Florida and Clemson-South Carolina. That being the case, it would behoove both programs if their arch-rival were to have attained a certain degree of national respect. As much fun as it’s been to point and laugh at Kentucky football for the better part of all our lives (regardless of what our age is), there’s little doubt that from a purely rational perspective, Louisville would be bestserved by the Wildcats morphing into an SEC contender. Of course, this still doesn’t feel like the time for rational perspective. There’s still too much pain and too many unanswered questions. VT PHOTO BY ADAM CREECH
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UofL vs. UK UK quarterback Stephen Johnson was the star of the show on Saturday against the No. 11 Cards. Johnson completed 16 of 27 passes for 338 yards and a total of three touchdowns. All of this came to a shock for fans of Heisman favorite Lamar Jackson, who threw three interceptions against the Cats. Kentucky’s junior kicker Austin MacGinnis kicked a 47-yard field goal with 12 seconds remaining for a 41-38 win.
Kentucky Wildcats wide receiver Jeff Badet (13) is tackled by defenders.
Kentucky Wildcats wide receivers Jeff Badet (13) and Garrett Johnson (9) celebrate after scoring a touchdown on Kentucky’s opening drive.
Louisville Cardinals quarterback Lamar Jackson (8) stiff arms Kentucky Wildcats cornerback Chris Westry (21).
Louisville Cardinals safety Chucky Williams (22) celebrates as Louisville defensive lineman Chris Williams (44) pulls the ball out of Kentucky Wildcats running back Benny Snell Jr.’s (26) hands. PHOTOS BY ADAM CREECH
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Blue, Period
ost agreed it was a huge improbability for Kentucky to win this game, a 25-point underdog going up against one of the country’s best teams, on the road. But for the Wildcats to have a chance, here’s what would have to happen:
than we do.
• And absolutely don’t try to pass the ball. Louisville has a good pass defense and Kentucky’s passing game is a mess, a season-long smorgasbord of hurried throws and dropped balls. If Kentucky tries to throw the ball against the Cardinals, forget about it. • And if all those pieces fall precisely into place and Kentucky doesn’t commit the wrong penalties at the wrong time and doesn’t turn the ball over and if the emotions of a rivalry game create enough of an anything-can-happen environment, there might be a glimmer of a chance – at least to keep it close and avoid embarrassment. But, mostly, forget about it. I don’t know where the accolades ought to rest following Saturday’s improbable 41-38 win. My first choice is Stephen Johnson, who suddenly became a Division I SEC college quarterback. He more than managed the game, more than handed off to Bennie, Boom and Jojo, and got out of the way. He kept bringing the offense back together after every Louisville score, stepped up and threw with confidence and ran the ball confidently too. My second “player of the game” is Eddie Gran, who came in knowing that Louisville would be overplaying the Kentucky run and called some daring upfield passes. And then, when the running game just never got going, he kept mixing up the offense, letting Johnson throw the ball. Even though some of Gran’s play-calling had someone in my house screaming at the television, he ultimately reinforced what I feel deep-down is the essence of the coach-fan relationship: They know more
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But Jackson did fumble.
And I don’t want to ignore Ryan Timmons, forgotten man of the Kentucky offense, who played an outstanding game at the end of his senior season. Finally, respect to Mark Stoops, whose fourth Kentucky team was in shambles, not just 0-2 but 0-and-humiliating. He did whatever it is coaches do and say on the practice field, on the sidelines, in the locker room, and he gave the defense pride and the offense cohesiveness.
Oops. Did I say season-ending? Sorry, just reflex. This year, the season doesn’t end with the Louisville game. The season doesn’t end with Stoops congratulating Petrino at midfield. The season doesn’t end with Kentucky’s players wishing they could have done a better job for the seniors.
If the game turned into a high-scoring shootout, forget about it.
been a successful afternoon for Stoops’ Troops. Keeping it close, matching the high-powered Cardinals score for score, filling the afternoon sky with their own big-yardage passing attack. And so now on to wherever the bowl gods send them. And here again, this win was so important. Kentucky went from a 6-6 team just squeaking into eligibility to a 7-5 team and winner of seven of its last 10, five of seven, including a season-ending win over a near-BCS-level opponent.
• The Cats would have to control the game on the ground, going to its three-headed monster to chew up the turf and chew up the clock, keep the ball out of Lamar Jackson’s hands and score just enough to somehow prevail in a low-scoring game.
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Of course, Austin MacGinnis, who has become the reliable X-factor of this offense all season, calmly sliced the uprights for yet another of his most important kicks of the season.
He also gave the defense Jordan Jones and the offense Bennie Snell. I don’t know of any observers who’ll truly say that on September 1, they knew those two individuals were the keys to Kentucky’s finally-at-last winning season.
It ends with a game in late December. What a win! VT
The margin for error was so slender Saturday that every time Kentucky failed to capitalize on a situation and put the ball back into Jackson’s hands, I said to myself, “Well, this is it. Nice try, good effort, just not enough.” But this team kept pulling a surprise out of its gym bag, better than a “nice try,” stronger than a “good effort” and, at the end of the game, more than “enough.” You know, even if Jackson had not fumbled – if it were the front of his hand and not the back, or whatever that incomprehensible rule says, yet another of football’s impossibly fussy and convoluted regulations – and if Louisville had won the game, it would have
Stephen Johnson threw for 338 yards. PHOTO BY VICTORIA GRAFF
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A Wondrous Wildcat Win In the biggest upset in the series, Kentucky, a 25-plus point underdog, upset No. 11 Louisville 41-38 on Saturday at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. Austin MacGinnis provided the winning points with a 47-yard field with just 12 seconds left. That drive was set up by a Lamar Jackson fumble, recovered by the Cats’ Courtney Love. It was the first win for UK over UofL since 2010 and the first in the series for Cats Head Coach Mark Stoops. Kentucky finishes the regular season 7-5 after an 0-2 start. Louisville finishes 9-3, and both teams will find out their bowl destinations on Sunday, December 4. Here are some post game comments from Stoops, UK Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart, MacGinnis and Love. What were your emotions as you watched the winning field goal? Mark Stoops: I had great confidence in him, but honestly I was a little numb. Just wanted to finish it off too. You knew you were going to have to go back out – whether he missed it, we were going to have to go play with a dynamic guy like that. We were thinking about the kickoff and what we were going to do and the seconds. There was a lot going through my mind.
and when it was going up and he had his hands up, I said, “All right, it’s good.” I knew he had plenty of leg. My second glance was to the clock to see how much time was left and what we needed to do to take care of the ball.
Taylor’s 10 KENT TAYLOR
What does a bowl trip mean to a university?
Barnhart: I don’t know that there is any way to quantify it other than WAVE3 Sports to say it’s something that I’m really happy about. We have 15 seniors that get a chance to go play again. For us, it’s been a How confident were you going into the little bit of a grind to get back here and just so game that you could make big plays in the proud of those seniors, guys that have just hung passing game, from the opening play? in there and kept fighting. To see the joy on their Stoops: I told the players this morning and we faces is really, really cool. were talking about it all week. We always talk the same things, the energy in our preparation and focus, but the last piece was that we had to play aggressive and our guys, you know as you’re getting over that hump and trying to get over that hump, getting in big environments like this, making plays against a quality team. We talked about being aggressive, we always do that, but we just have to make big plays in big moments. What does it mean to end the regular season with a win like this after the way the season started? Mitch Barnhart: We’re 7-3 over our last 10 games, and I know it didn’t start the way we wanted it to but the resiliency of what this coaching staff and these kids have shown is truly remarkable. It’s led by a pretty steady guy at quarterback. He’s just unflappable. He doesn’t get all the hype that a lot of players get and he doesn’t look for it – frankly he doesn’t want it. He’s just a really, really humble, quiet young man. He’s got a couple of great running backs back there and our guys just stayed focused for 10 games. To get one here in Louisville, to get the Governor’s Cup is another step for us. Take me through your emotions as you’re watching the winning field goal. Barnhart: Austin delivered one before from 51 and you know, I thought, “Well, okay, he can kick it that far,” and when he kicked it, I watched him. I don’t watch anybody else – I watched Austin, PHOTO BY VICTORIA GRAFF
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What is going through your mind as you are watching the final drive? MacGinnis: As soon as Louisville fumbled, I had no doubt in my mind that we were going to get in field goal range. I just stayed focused, stayed to my routine and just trusted those guys. That offense has been great all year. Stephen doesn’t get enough love – he’s just a consistent player who you can trust. I knew they were going to get me in field goal range.
to get two in one year and one versus Louisville, just God is great. That’s all you can say. Trust and have faith in God, no matter what you’re going through. What did you see on the fumble recovery? Courtney Love: It was just an unbelievable play by Lamar. It was tough getting him on the ground. He made a lot of unbelievable plays. He’s a great player. I voted for him for the Heisman Trophy, but recovering that ball just shows all the hard work that we do as a team. To end up like that is just a blessing. What were you thinking as Austin lined up for that final field goal? Love: Sometimes I don’t like to look, but I looked at this one and I saw it go in. It was just awesome. I’m just so proud of my team and to bring that trophy back to Lexington. Do you have a sense for what this means for Coach Stoops? Love: Absolutely. It’s a big win. This is the state of Kentucky and it’s two teams battling. They were a nationally ranked opponent and they’re our rival. It was just huge for us to get this win and to go into this bowl season with momentum. It changes this program. VT
Then when you go out there, how quickly do you know it’s good? MacGinnis: As soon as I look up off my foot, I can tell from the ball flight and how I hit it. I saw it and it was going right through the middle, I knew it was good. It felt like so surreal, like I had put in so much to get here. I’ve been really focused this season because I came off an injury last season, so
Austin MacGinnis kicks the winning field goal against the Cards.
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Butler Girls at the Threshold of Becoming a Dynasty
committed to playing college at t’s not too often the word the next level. For a group of girls dynasty is mentioned in who have played together for a the same breath as sports long time, having already won two teams. But when it does, it championships, the only thing that means players are in the procould stop Butler this year may be themselves. cess of accomplishing someHigh School thing special. When it comes Of the season following the Sports Report 2013-14 championship, Coach Just to women’s basketball, a says his girls “didn’t seem to handynasty hasn’t been too farRANDY fetched. In fact, the basket- WHETSTONE JR. dle our thoughts, minds or work ethic as much as we should have,” ball world tagged the word as they fell short of defending their dynasty to the Minnesota championship. Lynx, led by Maya Moore, as she led His current senior class were sophomores at her team to three championships in the time, and Jeffries believes they’ve learned five years (2011, 2013, 2015). from the past and are anticipating what’s to come in the future.
Well, Butler High School girls’ basketball team, being in the same company as the Lynx, haven’t been shy about flirting with the idea of a dynasty in their locker room. In fact, it may be something they embrace. “It is something that comes natural,” says senior Tasia Jeffries. “It is hard enough to win one state championship, so when you have the chance to win three out of four years, I feel like that along with the success that we have had, it is natural to talk about a dynasty so to speak because of the success and everything we’ve had.” The defending state champions are on the brink of making history in the state of Kentucky. Coach Larry Just and Butler won the state title in the 2013-14 season and are looking to defend their 2015-16 title this year, which would give them three championships in four years. No surprise, there’s a lot of hype surrounding the Bearettes, and Coach Just knows that things like a preseason No. 21 ranking in America by USA Today High School Sports is something nice and honorable. But the play on the court is what matters at the end of the day. “We think it’s a great honor to have been recognized at the national level at this time. We also recognize a lot of that is based on last year and the summer these kids had,” Just says. “What we have ahead of us is the main thing we have to take care of. If we continue to do things we are supposed to do, we hope at the end of the year, we can still be recognized at some point.” Butler has five seniors who have already D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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“I think a lot of it was inexperience,” Jeffries adds. “The first time around, a lot of us were freshman and sophomores, so we didn’t really know how to handle it. But now, I feel like we will be able to focus in more. We’ve all grown and we are all real mature now.”
Beyond the championships and being a dynasty in the making, it is the sisterhood that makes this Butler team so special. Their chemistry on the court is a reflection of the time they spend together outside the gym, the life lessons they learn from Coach Just and the key ingredient of having fun, all of which come together to be the recipe for success for this program. So the defending champs will be a tough out this season. I’m no gambler, but I doubt anyone in Vegas would bet against this team. To Coach Just, he wants his team to have a high level of focus as they get ready for another championship campaign. “For us, our whole focus has been trying to get ourselves ready for this year with the kids that we got,” he says. “Just try to take care of ourselves and not worry about what else is out there. Not worrying about the expectations that are out there but taking care of our business and trying to get better.” VT
Leadership will be key, and Jaelynn Penn, who is considered the top candidate for Kentucky’s Miss Basketball Award, will certainly be a go-to leader on the floor in terms of her play. This season, she expects the target on their backs to get bigger night in and night out. “It is something I think most of us embrace as a team,” she says. “Especially since most of us have been through it before, so we kind of have experience and we learned from that experience two years ago. I don’t think it is something that scares us or puts any pressure on us – we just invite the competition.”
Jaelynn Penn. P H OTO C O U R T E S Y O F S A M A N T H A S TA L L I N G S
11/29/16 4:25 PM
An estimated 18,000 fans rolled into Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium on Friday night to see one of Louisville’s biggest rivalry games, Trinity vs. St. Xavier. With a restored offense, Trinity’s quarterback, Spencer Blackburn was named MVP after rushing 115 yards and completing one touchdown. St. X’s defense seemed to tire in the second quarter, which led to the Shamrocks beating the Tigers 35-13.
Jovel Smith (6) with the catch, moving the Rocks closer to the goal line.
Trinity QB Spencer Blackburn (5) scrambled out of the pocket with no open receivers.
Roderick Thomas (3) dug in for that extra yard, pulling several defender with him.
The Rocks celebrated their victory, ready to battle for another state championship. P H OTO S B Y D A M O N AT H E R TO N
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11/29/16 4:25 PM
27 Horses & Hope Race Day | 32 The Bachelors’ Ball | 33 Light Up Louisville
Don’t see yourself? Visit our website at
for extended photo galleries and purchase options.
Snow Ball Gala
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11/29/16 4:25 PM
Dinner & Dancing for Hildegard House Hosted by Rachel Platt and with music by The Remedy, this evening of dinner and dancing at Oxmoor Country Club was for a most worthy cause. Hildegard House, located in the historic Butchertown neighborhood, provides compassion and care at the end of life to individuals who have no loved ones and no home.
Danny and Vickie Green with Bill and Hannah Green, Peggy Swanz and Jacalyn Owen.
Emcee Rachel Platt of WHAS 11’s “Great Day Live!” also had the dual role as auctioneer.
Geoff Clore and Laura Kuchefski.
Abbie and Dave Trowbridge with Cindy Cooper. Raleigh Ridge and Frank Hemko, Linda Cowan, Dee Bregliasco, Karen Cassidy, Peter Hasselbacher, Bill Bregliasco, Martha Hasselbacher and Jay and Jill Hudson.
Kathy Herrington with Karen Cassidy and Katie Berghausen. P H OTO S B Y J A M E S E ATO N
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Donna Brehl, Roger and Karen Quinn, Dan and Irene McKiernan, Susan and Mark McCullough and Elaine and Michael Brennan.
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11/29/16 4:25 PM
MADE Blowdry Boutique OneYear Anniversary Carrie Ann Smith and the mavens at MADE celebrated one year of luscious locks, amazing updos and beautiful blowouts. The blowdry boutique, located at 2415 Lime Kiln Lane, takes care of the shampoo, drying and styling of your hair so you can sit back, relax and get MADE.
Morgan Lindell prepped and washed Michelle Baker’s hair.
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Tricia and Ava Ferree.
Carrie Ann Smith, Alexi Poth, Joyce Meyer, Morgan Lindell and Kristin Alfonso.
Kristin Alfonso applied lip gloss and finishing touches to Sarah Ramage.
Carrie Ann Smith, owner of MADE Blowdry Boutique.
11/29/16 4:25 PM
Horses & Hope Race Day Kentucky Cancer Program hosted a breast cancer awareness day at the races featuring former First Lady of Kentucky and founder of Horses and Hope Jane Beshear. “America’s Got Talent” favorite Linkin’ Bridge was also on hand to entertain breast cancer survivors, families and friends for a day that celebrated, above all, hope.
Debbie French with Linkin’ Bridge: Ekoe Alexander, Montrey Davis, Big Rome Kimbrough and China Lacy.
Kimmet Cantwell and Tom Mabe.
Canary Collins and Brenda Ellis.
Mishura Daniels, Rochelle Mack and Meleaine Pickett.
Shirley Thomas, Lois Davis and Jennie Shircliff. PHOTOS BY TIM VALENTINO
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Kellie Mitchum,17-year survivor Sally Kirchner and 28-year survivor Carolyn Orbell.
Marian Hudson and Melanie McCloud. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
11/29/16 4:25 PM
Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners Gala Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners, Inc. assembled at Big Spring Country Club for their 29th annual awards dinner. This year’s gathering honored Tom Hammond with the Warner L. Jones Jr., Horseman of the Year Award. Max and Mary Jane Masurich with Juanita and Bruce Deckel.
Honoree Tom Hammond and Bill Malone.
Marci Maher and Jean Zehnder of Lucky Trio Stables.
Honoree Tom Hammond, Mike Battaglia and Bill Shewciw.
Jim Shircliff and Harvey Diamond presented with an award by Vince O’Neill and Bill Malone.
Jeff Ramsey and Jennie Reed. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Ann and Nick Burrice.
KTO Board members Jack Stewart, Chuck Wieting, Bill Malone, Marlen Meier, Bill Shewciw, Vince O’Neill, Chris Murphy and Mike Palmisano.
11/29/16 4:25 PM
Snow Ball Gala This magical night that raises funds for orthopaedic and spine care at Norton Children’s Hospital welcomed guests with a special performance by the Louisville Ballet followed by a gourmet five-course meal and dancing to music by Endless Summer Band. Honorary chairs for this year’s black tie event were Drs. Rolando and Regina Puno, and the evening was presented by Konica Minolta.
Don Brown, Snow Ball Honorary Chairs Drs. Rolando Puno and Regina Puno, Marcella and Cletus Wills.
Sarah Grayson and Donald Lassere.
Tammy Kmetz and Division President, Women’s and Children’s Services and President, Norton Children’s Hospital Tom Kmetz.
Steve and Lydia McQuinn.
Dr. Kupper Wintergerst and Jennifer Wintergerst.
Denise Livers and Dr. Tim Findley.
Gary and Karen Lawrence, Kathy Cox and Norton Healthcare President Russell Cox.
Craig and Ann Miller with Ann and Richard Jones.
Ieisha Wimsatt, Genevieve Mulkins, Allison Spine, Lindsey Rose and Arpita Lakhotia. PHOTOS BY BILL WINE
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Lucy McAfee, William Meyer and Chief Development Officer Lynnie Meyer.
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11/29/16 4:25 PM
Snowflake Shoppe Preview Party The Jewish Community Center hosted two days of holiday shopping with over 75 local vendors under one roof. The preview party, held Saturday, November 19, included adult beverages, food and the chance to shop all of the selections before the crowds on Sunday. Event chairs Keren Benabou, Nikki Grizzle and Mindye Mannel.
Melanie North, Katie Kiper, Norma Cahen and Megan Edwards.
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Phyllis Brown and Brenda Cheatam.
Cindy and Tessa Broadley.
11/29/16 4:25 PM
UofL vs. UK Tailgating In a game that pit friends and families against one another, it was still all smiles from both red and blue at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium leading up to the Louisville/Kentucky football rivalry game. The Wildcats went on to pull off a dramatic upset against the Cardinals to claim the Governor’s Cup.
Zander Hurley with Travis, Brandon and John Nichols.
Kyle and Ashlee Gregory with Jackson Spencer.
Krista Hieatt and Matthew Scott.
Ben Chessler with Nicholas and Christopher Costin and Alex Davis.
Mark, Michelle, Donna and Joey Mosier.
Ted Williams, Lauren Ernst and Kellie and Chris Ellis.
Jake and Elwood.
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Pat Elliott and Chris Gover.
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11/29/16 4:25 PM
The Bachelors’ Ball A tradition that spans 94 years, The Bachelors’ Ball was held at the Pendennis Club with an open bar and live music from DJ James Wilkerson. The Bachelors’ Club of Louisville designated the West End School and the Center for Women and Families as the main benefactors of this year’s event.
Grady Nutt, Beau Ferguson, Olivia Passafiume, Madison Kommor, Todd Seffondlen, Gypsy Gray, Scott Robertson, Hank Richard and Bridgette Cruse.
Annie Oyler, Logan Ormerod, Hannah Cain and Lexi Wolf.
Regan Kommor and Colin Tingl.
Sean Howard and Samantha Hance.
Andrew Walker, Alex Stewart and Alex Walker. The Bachelors Club.
David Smith and Remi Locke.
Katharine Stodghill, David Rubenstein and Kennedy Kommor. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Katie Richardson and Katie Koch. PHOTOS BY TIM VALENTINO
11/29/16 4:25 PM
Mayor Fischer was joined by Santa Claus the day after Thanksgiving to officially kick off this holiday season in the city. A tradition for more than three decades, Light Up Louisville begins at Holiday Square with the Run, Run Rudolph 5K and Lots of Lights Parade before the moment when the city is illuminated for the season.
Brooke Kimmel and Evan Christiansen.
Light Up Louisville Olivia Wilson, Peyton Glass, Whitney Fox and Isabelle Treufeldt.
Ryan Becker and Caroline McEacheen.
Lillian, Justina,Stella and Justin Powers.
Poinsettia Extravaganza December 3rd & 4th
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Patrick, a miniature therapy horse, will join Santa for pictures on the 4th from 12pm until he is tired.
Come join us and look at the beauty of 15,000 KY Proud poinsettias and handmade fresh wreaths, swags, Christmas decor and so much more. Come grow with us. 502.955.8635 | www.countrycornergreenhouse.com 4877 Hwy 44 East, Shepherdsville, KY 40165
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11/29/16 4:26 PM
The Perfect The Perfect Gift This Gift This Holiday Holiday Season Season
fans will love this SportsSports Fans
Kentucky outlined charm with a ou will love this basketball Kentucky outlined in the middle. rm with a basketball in the middle!
If you are looking for something a little more fashion-forward then check out the Kentucky outlined state with the fleur- Y’all de-lis in the middle. Kentucky
aps you prefer a simple “y’all” charm ause we all know that y’all is a word only us Southern's can relate to.
entuckians are very proud of their Bluegrass State. Bourbon, basketball and horseracing are some of our favorite things. A mix of southern countryside and big cities, we are proud of where we live areit.very proud of their and entuckians love to represent PANDORA of Louisville has a limited of special, custom bluegrass state.supply Bourbon, basketball engraved represent state we and charms horse to racing arethe some of are our proud to call home.
K The custom Kentucky engraveables wouldn’t be complete without a horse charm!
Custom Engravables
D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
he custom Kentucky engravables Pandora_120116_fp_37872.indd TVT.indd 1 wouldn’t be 34complete without
something unique for you or for that special someone. The joy of giving comes in all shapes with these charms!
Not only does PANDORA of Louisville have custom charms to offer, but also they Their store in the Fayette Mall, has the ability to create have holiday gift sets! Give a gift that will something for you or The for that show off herunique true personality. giftspecial sets aresomeone. both and stunning, just like she is. charms! Theglamorous joy of giving comes in all shapes with these She will surely make a statement when she favorite things. A mix of southern counthedoes room. PANDORA is the gift have that custom Not in only PANDORA of Lexington Danielle and Joshua Koerber, owners walks tryside and big cities, we are proud of keeps on giving. of PANDORA of Louisville, reside in the charms to offer, but also they holiday gift sets! Give a gift where weoflive and love to represent heart Louisville, Kentucky and theyit. know Check out these in-store only charms that will show off her true personality. Theand gift sets are just how important these Kentucky themed holiday gift sets, like the beautiful Vintage both Gift glamorous and stunning, justatlike she is. PANDORA of Lexington has alocals. limited supply of special, charms are to fellow Their store in the Allure Set (pictured) retailing $150, at She will surely a statement when sheStore. walks in the room. customMall engraved charms to has represent the state we are the St. Matthews, the ability to create localmake PANDORA of Louisville proud to call home.
PANDORA is the gift that keeps on giving.
Danielle and Joshua Koerber, owners of PANDORA of
Check out these in- store only charms and holiday gift
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7ed) PM
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11/29/16 4:28 PM
Eat Drink Donate While some shopped for the best Black Friday deals, others spent their day at Gerstle’s Place, eating, drinking and donating to Wayside Christian Mission’s “The Miracle on Broadway” Program. Presented by Ballotin Whiskey, the day included a live radio remote for ESPN 93.9 FM The Ville with Ramsey & Rutherford.
Greg Merillat, Alan Veal and Bob Gunter.
Don and Ashley Ryan.
Erik White and Tommy Mann.
Ryan Gainey, John Ramsey, Dawn Yates, Mike Rutherford and Jeff Stum.
Shane Wallace, Skip Todd, Paula Thibodeaux, Chris Hill, Chuck Glasser, Sandra McKinney and Ty Perry. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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11/29/16 4:28 PM
On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.
Etta Rae Hirsch 80th Birthday Party The executives of Cave Hill Cemetery held an 80th birthday party at Cave Hill for their longtime sales representative Etta Rae Hirsch.
Etta Rae Hirsch and her sons Gary and Martin Hirsch. Etta Rae Hirsch.
Marci Maher and Donna Anderson.
Miles McDonnell and Michael Higgs.
Gwen Mooney, president and CEO of Cave Hill Cemetery, Jean Zhender, Etta Rae Hirsch and Mac Barr.
Jean Zehnder, Etta Rae Hirsch, Dona Anderson and Marci Maher.
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Etta Rae Hirsch and David Gordon.
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11/29/16 4:28 PM
leanor Goldberg loves to give parties more than anything else and she is good at it! She and her semi-tolerant husband, Fred, followed up her Halloween extravaganza with a casual Thanksgiving Eve supper party for several dozen of their friends.
Goldbergs on a Roll recognition certificates were awarded to four members. These included the Ambassador’s Award to Terry Collis, a former KSMD Governor, and Special Support Awards to Jan Sheetinger and Carol Vaughn. The National General Society Award Partyline went to historian Anissa Davis, recognized for her extraordinary work CARLA SUE in recruiting new members, presenting genealogy workshops and helpBROECKER ing proposed members in filling out their membership applications.
I sat down next to a charming lady – an outof-town visitor who was visiting her son, attorney Louis Waterman. She said she had gone to Eastern High School and had lived on Westport Road “back in the day.” I can’t always remember what day it is, but I immediately said “pretty white rambling house in the curve, the Blooms lived there 60 years ago.” And I was right! Maybe I won’t have to go to the memory care center at the old folks’ home… yet! H.J. Redmon, Kaye Bowles-Durnell, Kate and Jack Underwood, Sandy Metts and David Snowden, Libby and Don Parkinson, George Stinson, Eric Haner, Janet Falk, Kay Matton and her niece Stacy Otto, Charlie and Carol Hebel and Lori and David Osborne feasted on Philip Koenig and Kathy Hensley’s (Silver Spoon) shepherd’s pie, chicken liver pate, salad and mini-sweets. MAYFLOWER LUNCHEON The Kentucky Society of Mayflower Descendants held their annual fall luncheon meeting at the Pendennis Club earlier this month. KSMD Governor Fay Charpentier-Ford led the meeting, which began with the invocation from Carol Vaughn and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Julia Mitchel. Special
Carol Hebel, Eleanor Goldberg and Janet Falk at the Thanksgiving Eve party. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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New KSMD members Kay Alpaugh and Nancy Mettz, descendants of Henry Samson; Maria and Chelsea Bayles, descendants of John Alden; and Georgia Hahn, a descendant of Stephen Hopkins, were introduced.
Stacy Otto and her aunt Kay Matton at the Goldberg Party.
Following lunch, Lee Nelson read the Mayflower Compact and named the 41 adult males who signed it. It is this document that is generally treated as the foundation stone of American democratic governance. Dr. James North, a prominent religion historian, spoke on the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605, also known as Guy Fawkes Day or Gunpowder Treason Day. (The political hoo-hoo that went on in England is mighty like the verbal carrying-on going on following our recent election! Let us hope that our turmoil ends with fireworks, bourbon and branch water!) BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME Eight college basketball greats were selected as the 11th Induction Class for the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame on November 18 in Kansas City. Six of the eight were players. The other two were coaching legends Mike Montgomery and Hugh Durham, who just happens to be a 1955 graduate of Eastern High School in Middletown. During his historic 37-year coaching career, Durham earned enough wins at three Division I schools to finish as the winningest coach in program history. He began his career at his alma mater Florida State, where he led the Seminoles to the 1972 NCAA Championship game and three NCAA Tournaments in his 12 years. He also had a stellar
Louis Waterman and Eric Haner celebrating Thanksgiving Eve.
career at Georgia and Jacksonville. When he finished his career in 2005, he had an overall career wins total of 634. His other honors included being four-time Southeastern Conference Coach of the year. He coached nine All-Americans and four Academic All-Americans, and he was a member of five halls of fame. Attending the induction ceremony were many people from Kentucky, including David and Pam Ray, Harriet and Wade Wearren, Linda Bunting and Benny and Judy Fryrear. QUATTRA 4 AND COOKIES Remember that Quattra 4 will present designer jewelry and wearable art at its show at the Louisville Boat Club, 4200 River Road on Saturday, December 3 from10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Club’s Mirror Room. For more info, check facebook.com/quattra4 or quattra4.com on the web. The show benefits Heuser Hearing & Language Academy. Also, Les Dames d’Escoffier of Kentucky will have their second annual cookie sale to benefit the organization’s scholarship fund. Some 60 professional cooks and talented amateurs will have their finest for sale at Copper & Kings in Butchertown starting at 10 a.m. on December 3. Last year, they sold out of goodies in little over an hour! VT PHOTOS COURTESY OF CARLA SUE BROECKER
11/29/16 4:29 PM
41 Spotlight | 42 Health & Wellness | 43 Tastes | 44 Homes
A Timelessly Fresh Tradition
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11/29/16 4:29 PM
Making Brows Beautiful
hen I walked into Dollface Brows & Beauty, the first thing I saw was a customer giving owner Jess Harrison a massive hug and thanking her. By the end of my own appointment, I found myself doing exactly the same thing.
I am very fair-skinned and have naturally blonde hair, meaning my eyelashes aren’t particularly dark and my eyebrows are almost nonexistent without a little help. I’ve tried a number of brow pencils and gels, but these products are only temporary and require a lot of time to apply. Harrison completely transformed my light lashes and invisible eyebrows. She waxed and shaped my brows to the perfect shape to fit my face, and tinted them to a nice, ashy blonde. Simultaneously, she colored my lashes, making my eyes look naturally brighter.
hormone-free brow and face products. The line has several tools and powders for brow maintenance, a clear gel to keep those unruly brows in their place and a growth serum that can be used on both lashes and brows. This serum is particularly helpful for those who have over-tweezed their brows, or for aging women whose lashes are slowly thinning.
Dollface is open six days a week, and their hours easily accommodate those who keep busy schedules. Appointments are requested, but walk-ins are accepted. Services start at $46 for a full brow tint and wax, and they also do facial waxing. Though she started in the beauty industry as a freelance makeup artist and not an eyebrow expert, Harrison immediately took to waxing when she went to school to earn her aesthetician license. “I became obsessed with waxing,” reveals
Harrison. “I only ever wanted to do brows even though it wasn’t a conventional career choice.” After earning her license, Harrison worked for five years at the renowned Boom Boom Brow Bar in the West Village of New York City. In the spring of this year, she and her husband decided it was time to leave the chaos of the city and came to Louisville for a change of pace. Harrison continues to do a pop-up shop at a salon in New York once a month and even does brows for Victoria’s Secret corporate headquarters there. Though she sometimes misses New York, Harrison feels very at home in Louisville and is excited to share her skills with the 502. “I was really ready to build my own brand and I like the creative atmosphere here, so Louisville is a good fit,” she says. “I feel like I’ve been really welcomed by everyone in the community so far.” VT Dollface Brows & Beauty is located at 207 S. Shelby St. For more information or to book your own appointment, visit dollfacebrows.com
“Since every person is different, I look at the shape and color of a person’s brows to keep everything clean and natural,” Harrison explains. “I do a tint, fill in and even the brows out. A more natural brow is flattering on everyone, and it’s trending right now.” The entire process took less than an hour, and I left the shop feeling brand new and knowing that I wouldn’t have to color my eyebrows or wear mascara for at least three or four weeks. And Harrison’s methods are not only effective but incredibly gentle. Having someone that close to your eyes can be a little nerve-racking, but she worked with great precision and I never felt remotely nervous. In addition to full service brow and facial waxing, Dollface also has a full range of all-natural, D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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11/29/16 4:29 PM
SPOTLIGHT Louisville Triple Crown of Running Every spring, Louisville athleticism comes alive with the exciting and always anticipated Louisville Triple Crown of Running. Featuring the Anthem 5K, the Rodes City Run 10K and the Papa John’s 10 Miler, the series boasts important athletic events that encourage a healthy lifestyle for all participants. Additionally, proceeds from the events benefit the Crusade for Children. To get more information on the 2017 series, we spoke with Rodes City Run Race Director Fred Teale. What is the Louisville Triple Crown of Running?
Why is the series important for the Louisville community?
The Louisville Triple Crown of Running (LTCOR), presented by Planet Fitness, is a series of well-established road races of varying distances. Runners may participate in any or all three “legs” but must enter and finish all three in the series to be eligible. Finishers of the series will receive a t-shirt (in addition to individual race shirts), and the official winner of the series (first place in each of the three races) will also receive a special award created by Louisville Stoneware. There is no additional entry fee required to participate.
The LTCOR provides the Louisville community with three great events every two weeks in early spring that provide not only a positive opportunity for health and fitness but also a huge economic impact on the city itself. The series provides personal experiences for individuals from running and training and the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices.
How did the series come to fruition? Gil Clark (Metro Parks Track Club), Bob O’Leary and Wally Deener (both of Rodes) discussed combining three different races of varying distances to form a “Triple Crown” of road racing. Following many meetings with Kentucky Derby Festival CEO Dan Mangeot and Liberty National Bank, the Louisville Triple Crown of Running was born! Held in the spring of 1984, the inaugural races included the Rodes City Run 10K, The Liberty Run For The Arts 15K and the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon. In 2001, the Papa John’s 10 Miler replaced the 15K, bringing a unique racing distance to the series. Looking to get more of the community active, the series was updated in 2004 with the addition of the Anthem 5K. 2017 will be the 34th running of the Louisville Triple Crown, presented by Planet Fitness. COURTESY PHOTO
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Besides the participants, who benefits from the series? The net proceeds from all three events are donated to the Crusade for Children. Including the 2016 donation of $142,146, the Louisville Triple Crown of Running has contributed over $1.7 million to the Crusade for Children to help improve the lives of special needs children. Why is that your charity of choice? The Crusade for Children is the largest granting organization to agencies serving special needs children in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Additionally, 100 percent of every donation to the Crusade is returned to the community to serve special needs children. How have you seen the races grow over the years? The largest growth has been through
technology! When the series began, the races were hand-timed, then eventually went to a returnable chip that tied to your shoelaces, and now we have disposable bib chips. We also communicate, including results, through email and social media, which didn’t exist back in the day. What changes do you hope to see in the future? The future of the series lies in our youth! That is why we contribute hundreds of free entries for the races to our community youth running programs through the St. Joseph Children’s Home and YMCA’s “Run Louisville Run.” What are all the important registration deadlines participants need to keep in mind? There are too many deadlines for each race to feature, so here is the most important one currently: Save $15 ($5 per race) through December 31. Now, participants can enjoy three great races for the one very low price of $90. On January 1, the fee for the three-race series goes to $105. Also, looking for a meaningful gift for the runner or walker in your life? You may give the gift of the Louisville Triple Crown of Running (all three races) or any individual event in the series, including Kid’s Fun Runs! For links to the gift certificates, visit louisvilletriplecrown.com. VT D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
11/29/16 4:29 PM
Rock Your Ride at CycleBar
ndoor cycling has been around since the ’90s, but it’s undergone a makeover in the past few years thanks to the rise in popularity of “boutique studios.” Enter CycleBar St. Matthews, Louisville’s new boutique spinning studio.
ride. Firefighters, police, EMT personnel, veterans, active military, teachers, students, nurses and clergy always enjoy discounted rides.
Katie Kannapell Ryser is the owner who brought this immerHealth & sive fitness experience to LouisWellness ville. She grew up in northern Ohio but most recently spent 15 KRIS years in New York City. As one of the first clients at SolCycle’s RITCHER flagship studio in 2005, and later Everything about CycleBar is specialized to its studio. Its high-energy, cus- as an original spinner at Flywheel in 2010, tomizable 50-minute rides are led by special- Ryser’s devotion to indoor cycling is nothly trained instructors called CycleStars inside ing new. a multi-sensory, high-tech, concert-like enviWhen her family ronment called a CycleTheatre. Riders can decided late in 2015 to also track and monitor their personal data relocate to Louisville, using CycleStats, as well as download class Ryser knew she wanted playlists called CycleBeats. to find a way to share That isn’t the only thing that sets Cycle- her passion for wellness Bar apart from other boutique fitness stu- with others on a daily dios. Lockers are USB equipped so your basis. When she discovphone can charge while you work out, moti- ered the city’s lack of vational phrases and mantras cover the walls spin studios, she says throughout the lounge space, fresh fruit CycleBar just “made and filtered water are available while you sense,” adding that cool down in the community room, and “Louisville is such an the changing room is stocked with DryBar active, vibrant area and CycleBar fits into our primping products. community’s health and Unlike most single-discipline studios, there fitness lifestyle while are no memberships at CycleBar. All of the making the experience more than 200 franchises across the coun- fun for both new and try use a pay-per-class model, with pack- experienced riders.” aged deals, making the cost $15-$20 per Ryser also wanted to Katie Kannapell Ryser. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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incorporate her years of philanthropic experience and expand the opportunities for Louisvillians to give back to the community. A major component of that includes the brand-program CycleGiving, which has the studio partner with local organizations and national charities to help raise donations. The studio will offer 200 classes per year (that’s several per week) that riders can join for donation. CycleGiving will begin at CycleBar St. Matthews on December 19, one day after its current grand-opening celebration (and its special promotions) ends. VT Cyclebar is located at 4600 Shelbyville Road and open seven days a week. For more information or to get your ride scheduled, visit stmatthews.cyclebar.com.
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SCENE Hits the Scene
hat’s a night at the ballet or a Broadway play without a delicious nosh and cocktail beforehand?
Darnell has 25 years of experience in the food service industry, working for several Louisville-area restaurants, including Le Relais, Lilly’s, Fox Hollow Farms, La Peche and Cheddar Box. His most recent stint was at Somewhere on Tastes Bardstown Road. He has extenSCENE, a small-plates eatery, sive experience with Southern-inLISA opened for business on Novemspired small plates along with ber 29 – opening night of “The fine-dining French, which will HORNING Book of Mormon.” That note likely inspire his menu at SCENE. is important because SCENE He said he looks forward to creating an doesn’t have set restaurant hours but instead atmosphere of food that blends his classioffers bar and food service two hours before cal training with small-plate-focused, homeall performances in Whitney Hall and the grown Southern comfort food. Bomhard Theater, including matinees. For “[The Kentucky Center] wants to focus example, if curtain for “The Book of Mor- on as much local as they can and change the mon” is at 7:30 p.m., SCENE opens at 5:30. menu four times a year, roughly seasonally,” The kitchen closes as the performances begin, but bar service is available at intermission and until midnight following performances on Friday and Saturday nights, so guests can continue their fun evening with drinks and discussion of the show.
While the schedule is built around Kentucky Center shows, you don’t have to have a ticket to enjoy the fare. Executive Chef Scott Darnell says the nonprofit experience makes the job exciting. “It is a dream come true,” he emphasizes. “It’s very unusual to be in this position, where the overall goal is the patron experience.” COURTESY PHOTO
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Darnell relates. “It’s part of the performing arts. I’m so in tune with the vibe there.” He’s just as excited about the food.
“We did gear the menu toward very quick ticket times, so people can get a quick bite to eat and get into the theater,” he says. “I’m also not a fan of the overly pretentious type of food. I like simple food, clean flavors, and I know you eat with your eyes first, so I want it to look really nice.” Kim Baker, president of The Kentucky Center, affirms that visitors are its top priority: “We hope they will see this as yet another reason to create memorable experiences here. We’ve made every effort to enhance the
visitor experience, and that includes bringing a seasoned chef on board to help create the atmosphere for a wonderful time.” Menu selections include soups, salads, a selection of six small-plate dishes, sides and daily dessert specials. Small-plate dishes include butternut and black bean tostadas with avocado creme, cast iron seared crab cakes with fresh dill and caper aioli, and hamburgers with local beef and Kenny’s Cheddar, caramelized onion and bacon on a pretzel bun. Share warm pimento cheese dip with friends or warm up with a bowl white bean and chicken chili before the show. Locally grown produce will be used when available, depending on the season. “My wife’s sister is a produce farmer out of Frankfort,” Darnell shares. “We’re using their winter squashes. In the summer, I’ll call them and ask what they picked yesterday, and that will be in my kitchen the next morning. We’re getting beef out of Princeton, Kentucky, and we’re using local pretzel buns.” There is a children’s menu, which includes chicken tenders, flatbread cheese pizza, buttered noodles and a burger so even choosy little ones can nosh. All items will be served small-plate style via counter service, with food being brought to the table. “They’re letting me work with high-end ingredients, and that makes my job so easy,” Darnell concludes. VT D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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One of the homes featured in last year’s Holiday Home Tour.
(Other People’s) Homes for the Holiday
ttendees of the 40th annual Old Louisville Holiday Home Tour will have the opportunity to lighten up, in more than one sense of the word.
This year’s theme is “Light Up Old Louisville.”
This year’s theme of “Light Up JESSICA Old Louisville” refers to the history STEPHENS of how light – at least in the form of incandescent light bulbs – came to much of the city. And participants who hope to add a little spirit to their holiday can look forward to a new feature of the tour: a premium bourbon tasting. The event will feature the story of the Southern Exposition, a series of fairs held annually from 1883 to 1887 in what is now the Old Louisville neighborhood. According to the Frazier History Museum, “The world traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, to discover innovation” during these fairs. The highlight – pun intended – was the installation of 4,600 incandescent light bulbs, which were a new invention at the time. Thomas Edison, a one-time Louisville resident who created the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb, turned the switch to light the exposition in 1883, according to the American Planning Association. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Many Louisville residents, unless they’re history buffs, might not be aware of Old Louisville’s connection to Edison and to the light bulb, says Lauren Hendricks of A+H Marketing. Hendricks pointed out that seeing Old Louisville’s famed Victorian homes might give visitors a sense of this history in a way they wouldn’t get from a textbook. “You’re seeing some of the most beautiful homes in the city,” Hendricks maintains of the tour, which offers attendees a glimpse into different homes every year. Hendricks calls December “the prettiest time of the year,” pointing out that the tour decorations will encompass other winter holidays in addition to Christmas. Old Louisville features the largest collection of Victorian mansions in the nation, according to the American Planning Association. The group, which recognizes exceptional community design, named Old Louisville to its 2016 Great Neighborhoods list. The tour’s ticket price covers a tasting of the Evan Williams Single Barrel and the company’s Original Southern Egg Nog at Louisville Bourbon Inn, formerly known as the Inn at the Park Bed and Breakfast. The Evan Williams Bourbon Experience is sponsoring the tasting, during which master artisanal distiller Charlie Downs of Heaven Hill will be at the inn to speak with visitors. If you go, expect plenty of company. Hendricks says the tour has pre-sold more tickets than usual. “I don’t know if it’s the bourbon,” she laughs, “but we’re seeing a lot more excitement this year.” The home tour will take place Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4 from noon to 6 p.m., with the bourbon tasting happening from 1 to 5 p.m. both days. Tickets cost $25 through Friday, after which the price rises to $30. As part of a collaboration with the Conrad-Caldwell House Museum, customers can buy a joint ticket for the home tour and the museum’s annual Victorian tea party for $50. VT Tickets are available for purchase online at oldlouisville.org/holiday-home-tour, by phone at 502.635.5244 or in person at the Historic Old Louisville Visitors Center (1340 S. Fourth St.). COURTESY PHOTOS
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More scenes from last year’s Holiday Home Tour.
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’Tis the Season BY TARA SCHMELZ
A cold chill and the smell of pine filled the air alongside Waterfront Park the weekend after Thanksgiving as many people rushed out to start their Christmas decorating by picking out the perfect tree. Jecker’s Christmas Trees and Tommy Thompson’s Trees set up shop every year across the street from one another, giving people hundreds of trees to choose from. We asked shoppers, “What is your favorite holiday tradition and why?”
“I think the 11 o’clock at night church service because you get outside and it’s already Christmas.” - Caroline Fleming
“Opening the presents!” - Taylor Talley (pictured with father Eric Talley)
“Every year on Christmas, we get to open a package and it was always pajamas. This year, we got matching red footie pajamas for our Christmas card and it’s so funny! And we’re going to show up to my grandparents house in them on Christmas morning.” — Kelsey Uligian (pictured with father Jeff Uligian)
“Baking Christmas cookies for Santa is a favorite here. This year, we are having Elsa cookies and brownies.” - Candace Depp (pictured with daughter Victoria)
“Letting the paper fly on Christmas morning. ... It’s real exciting to watch the kids tear up their presents.” George Kok (pictured with Ellen Kok)
“Probably picking out the Christmas tree and we drink eggnog and watch Christmas movies while we decorate it.” - Allison Richards D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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“Christmas Eve. We all go over to my Uncle Tom’s house. We just eat and go down in the basement and we hang out and play pingpong and pool. We enjoy the fellowship and have a good time.” - Levi Jecker
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‘Allied’ Falls Flat, ‘Moonlight’ Shines
normally admire: Brad Pitt. With cerhere are a strange tain exceptions, Pitt mostly has a gift for amount of strengths playing somber and reserved characand weaknesses to ters. Having him play a spy makes sense, “Allied,” a spy/romance but a spy in a melodrama? Pitt isn’t up thriller set during World for the task. While the filmmakers are doing everything to convey this characWar II. For the most part, Film ter’s emotions, Pitt isn’t doing the same it’s a good-looking melodrajob. For me, this void hurt an otherwise ma with some interesting BENNETT strong film. plot twists (avoid seeing the DUCKWORTH I must still thank Brad Pitt for servtrailer). On the other hand, bennettduckworth.blogspot.com ing as executive producer on a unique it’s missing some essential film like “Moonlight.” Seeing a stunningly filmed elements necessary to emotionally work that takes me into the world of hidden human engage its audience. struggles – no matter how painful – and projected Stephen Knight’s screenplay tells an interesting story about a Canadian spy (Brad Pitt) working for British Intelligence, who is sent on a mission to meet a French spy (Marion Cotillard) in Morocco, where the two will pose as husband and wife while tasked with the assassination of a German Chancellor. This section of the story is all you should know going into the film, while the plot that follows has a way of unfolding that is best left for the movie viewing experience. This is an intriguing drama with a lot of good talent involved. So why didn’t I love it? While a director like Robert Zemeckis, a man responsible for some of my favorite movies, brings a lot of spectacle to this film (including some excellently choreographed action segments), some of it is phony-looking and costs the film’s atmosphere a sense of realism in places where it is needed. The other problem is sadly another talent I
on a large screen in a dark room is among the more powerful reasons for why I love going to the movies. “Moonlight” is a three-part story about the childhood, adolescence and adulthood of a poor black male growing up in a section of Miami steeped in drugs and violence while regularly suffering for the slightest of hints that he is gay. The first part is about him befriending a local crack dealer (the excellent Mahershala Ali) who becomes something of a sober father figure to a kid who has been given little guidance, encouragement or love. At the same time, the dealer struggles with the guilt of his chosen profession, which contributes to the decay that makes this kid’s life so tough.
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New Works by
Martin Rollins
November 12 - December 14 2650 Frankfort Avenue Open Mon-Fri 10:00-5:30 Sat 10:00-3:00 www.bdeemer.com
As we skip to the teen years and then adulthood of our main character, we see how his formative years influence his need to survive as a man. It’s hard to write more about the plot, but I will simply say that this is a slow yet hypnotically intense film that is captured with brilliantly planned sound and imagery reminiscent of films by Terrence Malick and Gus Van Sant. With known talents like Andre Holland, Naomi Harris and the three actors playing the main character at different ages, the cast in this film does solid work. Writer/director Barry Jenkins deserves a lot of recognition for such an accomplished piece of filmmaking. “Moonlight” is easily among 2016’s best movies. VT
B. Deemer Gallery Fine art • Fine framing
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Visit our redesigned website at www.voice-tribune.com for extended photo galleries and purchase options. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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A Timelessly Fresh Tradition
ow that Thanksgiving has come and gone, there’s no longer any excuse to not dive headfirst into the Christmas season. From Arts & holiday music on 106.9 to Entertainment the festive lights around downtown to the red cups REMY from Starbucks, cultural SISK tradition abounds this time of year, and one of the most locally beloved of those traditions is Actors Theatre of Louisville’s annual production of “A Christmas Carol,” a play based on the classic book by Charles Dickens. Though it’s played for over 40 seasons and is indeed the second-longest continually running production of “Christmas Carol” in the country, the new life breathed into the production by the massive redesign two years ago has yielded an updated tradition and one that is just as timeless as the original that started it all decades ago. According to Mark Walston, props director at Actors and props master on “Christmas Carol,” since the redesign, not much has changed on the new production – the update was just the exact face lift the show needed. “I work very closely with the set designer and the director on each production that we do, and this was a case where the set designer [Antje Ellermann] – her plans for the show were so perfect, which you don’t see very often, that there hasn’t been a lot of change,” he affirms. “It’s just worked out so well that things have not evolved as much as you would think – it’s in a good way. Sometimes with a show, evolution is a good thing, but in this case, I think we haven’t needed to adjust or change too much at all just because everything that she thought about was so right for what we were doing.” Though there’s a myriad of aspects Walston exalts about the new design – from Scrooge’s bedroom curtain to the bowl of gruel that reveals the face of Marley – he attests that beyond the design of the show, one of the most cherished aspects of producing “Christmas Carol” each year is the reunion of collaborators it hosts. From designers to crew members, coming together for another year of “Christmas Carol” is like a family gathering. Additionally, seeing the younger members of Actors’ Professional Training Company take the stage is particularly special. “Quite a few members of our apprentice company get to be actors in ‘Christmas Carol’ – I think that’s always a great pleasure to see those people get those parts and be a part of it too,” he says. “And this year, there are three or four apprentices from past years who have come back to be in ‘Christmas Carol’ … I think that’s D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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William McNulty as Scrooge and Jason Martin as Marley in “A Christmas Carol.”
something I always look forward to and that I think makes it feel like a real family – having people back that we know.” It’s a widespread sentiment at Actors and indeed one shared by “Christmas Carol” Production Stage Manager Paul “Pablo” Mills Holmes, who enjoys seeing the faces of the audience just as much as those of his colleagues. “I really love to look at the kids in the audience – the little kids whose parents came to see ‘Christmas Carol’ and their parents probably brought them,” he shares. “So it’s looking at all the generations sitting in the audience every year that really tickles me.” As far as a particular aspect to the production itself that Holmes is especially fond of, the towering Ghost of Christmas Future, which, thanks to the redesign, is imposing and haunting like never before, comes to mind. “Over the years, we’ve had several versions of Christmas Future that usually involved being a 9-foot ghost that appears out of nowhere and walks around the stage and guides Scrooge through his devastating future,” Holmes
relates. “And when we did the new redesign, Future was the thing that we wanted to be the most shocking and different than anything we’ve ever done before. And so we’ve created this giant puppet that appears and covers the stage – it’s about 22 feet tall and has about a 30-foot hand-to-hand span.” The new Ghost of Christmas Future is indeed a spectacle – one that must be seen to be believed – as is the entire show. However, the tradition of “Christmas Carol” is much more than that; throughout the years and various updates, the heart has remained the same: It is a classic Christmas story that boasts a powerful and important message of coming together and treasuring what truly matters. “I’m a big Christmas nut,” laughs Holmes, “and this is a great way to celebrate the season. And the story is about as good a Christmas story as you could ask for … I never get tired of it, and clearly Louisville doesn’t either.” VT “A Christmas Carol” runs at Actors Theatre through December 23. For more information, visit actorstheatre.org or call 502.584.1205. PHOTO BY BILL BRYMER
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I n C o l l a b o r at I o n W I t h D r e s s C o D e 502
Merry Menswear
We all know Thanksgiving is merely a precursor to Christmas. Men may have opted for sweats this time around; however, the same slack doesn’t apply for Christmas Day. The good news is we have an entire month to think ahead! Crittenden will prepare you for your most stylish holiday yet. Give them a visit, and I promise you’ll be rushing back in at the start of the new year.
-a l e x a P e n C e , D r e s s C o D e 502
1. Crittenden travel bag fabric woven in England of the famous Prince of Wales design made in Kentucky, $325 2. Peccary leather pigskin gloves lined with cashmere made in England for Crittenden, $450 3. Wool Challis scarf fly fishing design made for Crittenden by Trumbull Rhodes, $195 4. Safari jacket made of Loden wool from Austria, $695 5. 100% yak wool cable crew neck sweater (warmer than cashmere and does not peel, made exclusively for Crittenden), $295 6. British green pinwale corduroy trouser, $155 (exclusive to Crittenden)
7. Purdy of England British grain leather nubuck boot, $495 8. Shaving kit made of tweed woven in England made in Kentucky, $80
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event calendar
to submit your event, visit voice-tribune.com
Every year, CenterStage at the Jewish Community Center hosts Light Up CenterStage to benefit the artistic programming that it offers all year. This year’s event is no different and proves to be just as magical as each year’s iteration. The night begins with cocktails and a silent auction. Guests will also enjoy hors d’oeuvres before moving into the theater to enjoy dessert, a live auction and a Broadway-style revue featuring CenterStage company members. MORE INFO centerstagejcc.org
T H U R S DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 JINGLE & MINGLE HOLIDAY LAUNCH PARTY Come Jingle and Mingle with us at the Kentucky Derby Museum logo and Voice of Louisville Winter Launch party on Thursday, December 1 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Kentucky Derby Museum. This exclusive celebration will showcase the Museum’s new logo, feature festive libations and pop-up holiday shops from the Museum and Voice-Tribune partners. Please RSVP and ensure your name is on the guest list! MORE INFO 502.895.9770 MARTINIS AND MISTLETOE Join KMAC in the newly renovated museum space for the 2016 Holiday Shopping Experience on Thursday, December 1, from 5 to 9 p.m. at KMAC Shop featuring unique items made by local, national and international artists and delightful holiday gifts. For one night only, members receive a 15 percent discount on purchases plus two complimentary drinks. Not yet a member? No problem! Become a member at Martinis & Mistletoe and receive all mentioned benefits while you shop the night away! MORE INFO kmacmuseum.org 2016 WORLD AIDS DAY OBSERVANCE Join the Kentuckiana AIDS Alliance and host Amirage Sailing for this observance, which will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Spalding University with a catered reception by The Chef’s Kitchen. The Louisville Gay Men’s Chorus and the Derby City Sisters will join the event, which will also include community testimonials from those living with HIV/AIDS. If you would like to add a name of someone you’ve lost who was affected by HIV/ AIDS, please email chris@fairness.org. There will also be a 20th anniversary screening of “It’s My Party” sponsored by the LGBT Film Festival. Additionally, Volunteers of America will be D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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on hand to perform free and confidential HIV testing, and Walgreen’s will set up a Wellness Station to check blood pressure, offer free flu shots and more! MORE INFO facebook.com/kentuckianaaidsalliance
S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 3 LES DAMES D’ESCOFFIER KENTUCKY SECOND ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAKE SALE The Kentucky chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier (LDEIKY) is hosting a second holiday bake sale at Copper & Kings, Saturday, December 3. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., shoppers can purchase some of their favorite holiday goodies prepared by more than 60 local chefs and LDEIKY members. All proceeds will benefit the LDEIKY scholarship fund and Green Table, an initiative connecting urban and rural farms to schools and restaurants. MORE INFO ldei.org WHITEHALL’S ANNUAL VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS TEA Whitehall is pleased to announce it will host its annual Victorian Christmas Tea on Saturday, December 3 inside its historic mansion, beautifully decorated for the holiday season. This event will feature Irish tea and a delicious array of tasty sweets and savory tea sandwiches served in a proper formal setting. This popular event is perfect for all ages and everyone is invited to attend – it’s truly a magical way to begin your holidays! MORE INFO historicwhitehall.org OLD LOUISVILLE HOLIDAY HOME TOUR 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the Holiday Home Tour in Old Louisville, a national historic preservation district boasting the largest collection of Victorian architecture in the country. This year, the tour will remember and celebrate the Southern Exposition, where 5,000 of Edison’s
newly-patented long-burning incandescent electric light bulbs made possible the world’s first nighttime exhibition. Tours will run from noon to 6 p.m. on December 3 and 4. Old Louisville invites you to join the celebration this year to “Light Up Old Louisville” and hear the story of Thomas Edison, the Southern Exposition and the neighborhood that came to life afterwards. MORE INFO oldlouisville.org “QUATTRA: ART TO HEART JEWELRY & WEARABLE ART SHOW” Heuser Hearing & Language Academy (HHLA) presents “Quattra: Art to Heart Jewelry & Wearable Art Show” on Saturday, December 3 at the Louisville Boat Club. For the third year, the designers of Quattra Designs (Lesley Rahner-Ewald, Roxy Lentz, Sharon Major, Lona Northener, Suzanne Spencer) will present their designs for sale to the public benefiting Heuser Hearing & Language Academy. This year’s event will add two new designers: Mary Nehring of Versailles, Kentucky, who specializes in dyed wearable art in fabrics of wool, silk, cotton and rayon, and Denise Conley of Blue Fiber Arts, whose specialty is alpaca scarves and other pieces. The event will take place 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at 4200 River Road. MORE INFO quattra4.com
M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 5 ACTING AGAINST CANCER’S HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Join Acting Against Cancer in its brand new rehearsal and office space at Distillery Commons for a holiday open house. Attendees will be treated to holiday snacks, wine, tours of the nearly 5,000-square-foot new space as well as a preview of Acting Against Cancer’s next mainstage production, “Heathers the Musical.” Guests should feel free to stop in anytime between 6 and 9 p.m. at 700 Distillery Commons. Acting Against Cancer is a nonprofit
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T H U R S DAY, D E C E M B E R 8 “HAMCRAFTED: A HAMS-ON WORKSHOP FOR THE COUNTRY HAM ENTHUSIAST” Learn the timeless traditions of a Southern delicacy at “Hamcrafted: A Hams-on Workshop for the Country Ham Enthusiast” on Thursday, December 8 at 6 p.m. at Copper & Kings. The class includes a lesson on the history and heritage of country ham with author Steve Coomes, demonstration of curing and preparation from Kentucky State Fair award-winning curers Chris and Steve Makk, and paired country ham and American brandy tasting. The cost is $35 per person, which includes a signed copy of Coomes’ book, “Country Ham: A Southern Tradition of Hogs, Salt and Smoke.” MORE INFO evenbrite.com PROHIBITION CLASSIC CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Psst, it’s Christmastime, so Ballotin Whiskey and the Yascone Family invite you to join them for some holiday celebrating with cocktails, craft bites and caroling at the Frankfort Avenue CoachHouse, Thursday, December 8 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. benefiting Fund for the Arts. They ask that you donate what you wish! There will be several sized boxes to bid on with wonderful prizes inside, Christmas carols being sung by the Louisville Youth Choir by the fire, swing time music, light craft bites by Ward 426 and Ballotin Whiskey Winter Wonderland Cocktails. Dress in 1920s attire if you desire! MORE INFO 917.858.9565
F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 9 “PINOCCHIO” PRESENTED BY CIRQUELOUIS Dedicated to producing exceptional cirque theater for the Louisville community, CirqueLouis is thrilled to announce “Pinocchio” presented by LEO A Little Off Center on December 9 at 8 p.m. at The Kentucky Center. Based on Carlo Collodi’s timeless classic, the story of Pinocchio follows the mischievous adventures of an animated marionette along his journey to becoming a real boy. CirqueLouis’ acrobats, aerialists, dancers and jugglers bring this Italian fairytale to life, circus style! Accompanied by an all classical score, “Pinocchio” is sure to delight audiences of all ages. MORE INFO kentuckycenter.org YULETIDE AT YEW DELL The holidays are right around the corner and so is Yew Dell’s new holiday event – Yuletide at Yew Dell presented by Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company! For those of you who have enjoyed the past Winter Snow Village and Train Display, do not despair. There will be all that and a whole
lot more on December 9 at 4 p.m. at Yew Dell Botanical Gardens. This new offering will include spectacular lighting displays, holiday music, crafts and holiday snacks for the kids, grown-up libations and more. Pottery Barn will share ideas for sprucing up your holiday decor. Williams-Sonoma staff will offer holiday cooking tips and recipes and Pottery Barn Kids will entertain the kiddos. And if it’s a visit with Santa you’re looking for, don’t worry. The big guy and the train village will be in their usual glory in the Gheens Barn. MORE INFO yewdellgardens.org HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS WITH JIM BEAM Join Jim Beam for an exclusive Home for the Holidays cocktail and dinner soiree at the Jim Beam American Stillhouse with Jim Beam Master Distiller Fred Noe and his son Freddie as they share stories of holidays past while the fireplace crackles and spirits fill the air in more ways than one! Ticket price includes dinner, mixology creations, live music and premium bourbon tasting with the seventh generation Beam Master Distiller, holiday swag bags and much more! Reservations are required. Space is limited. Must be 21+ years of age to participate. MORE INFO jimbeam.com
S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 0 “FABYULEOUS!” PRESENTED BY VOICES OF KENTUCKIANA This year’s installment of the annual VOICES holiday concert and kickoff to the organization’s 23rd season, “fabYULEous!” will feature secular music from the medieval to the contemporary, including the 12th-century “Wassail Song,” The Carpenters’ “Merry Christmas, Darling” and “Seasons of Love” from the Broadway musical “RENT.” VOICES also welcomes the Animal Care Society to join them at each performance, where two adoptable dogs will have their moment in the spotlight. Performances will take place December 10 and 11 at the Clifton Center. Tickets are $20 or $15 for students and seniors. MORE INFO voicesky.org SANTA’S SAFARI AT THE LOUISVILLE ZOO Santa is making a special stop by the Louisville Zoo and he’s bringing some of his North Pole friends along too on December 10 at 7 p.m. Enjoy a visit and photo with Santa plus meet Mrs. Claus and Frosty the Snowman. Be part of Santa’s workshop where elves help families create a wonderful holiday craft. And of course, no visit would be complete without Mrs. Claus serving her delicious holiday treats and beverages. Enjoy holiday sing-alongs, and a complimentary photo with Santa will be provided to each child. Then grab your special Santa Safari passport and begin your journey through the Zoo’s heated buildings to experience one-on-one interaction with Zoo educators. MORE INFO louisvillezoo.org
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theatre company dedicated to combating pediatric cancer. MORE INFO actingagainstcancer.com
DICKENS DINNER AT THE GALT HOUSE Come enjoy a Victorian four-course dinner, served family-style by Dickens Christmas characters in RIVUE Restaurant & Lounge on December 11 from 1 to 9 p.m. Enjoy listening to strolling carolers sing classic Christmas carols. Top off the evening with a horse-drawn carriage ride for an additional fee. Includes a ticket to Christmas At The Galt House Hotel. MORE INFO rivue.com
S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 7 LOUISVILLE CHAMBER CHOIR’S “SONGS OF CHRISTMAS NIGHT” This concert, taking place December 17 from 7:30 to 9 p.m., marks the third year of the Louisville Chamber Choir’s Christmas concert that has become a must-see event. The concert features an eclectic blend of new compositions, traditional carols and Christmas favorites. Come to St. Paul United Methodist Church for this delightful evening of Christmas music. MORE INFO louisvillechamberchoir.org
T U E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 0 SIXTH ANNUAL GIVE-A-JAM TO END HOMELESSNESS The sixth annual Give-A-Jam brings together dozens of talented local musicians, soups and stews crafted by eight of Louisville’s best restaurants, and silent auction items donated by skilled local artists and businesses. On December 20 at 6 p.m. at the Clifton Center, restaurants like Jack Fry’s, Volare, Lilly’s, Shady Lane Cafe and The Irish Rover will participate in auctions and donations. Above all, it is a community event where every Louisvillian can do something to end homelessness – all while enjoying music, soups and great company. MORE INFO louhomeless.org
S AT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 3 1 LOU YEAR’S EVE A new event is coming to Louisville on New Year's Eve that will showcase the city's arts and cultural scene while providing a fun and safe option for the whole family. Lou Year's Eve will be held on Saturday, December 31 from 2 p.m. to midnight in downtown Louisville. This unique family-friendly celebration will take place at more than 20 venues located on West Main Street between Third and Ninth streets, and it will feature dance, art, story-telling, magicians, music of all kinds, food, beverages and performers, both outside and indoors. MORE INFO louyearseve.com
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My daughter has been comEAR ABBY: My wife ing to my house a lot lately, and – and I have been marnot every time, but off and on – ried for almost 11 I’ll count my pills after she leaves, years and have three chiland my count doesn’t match the dren. About four years ago, one from the day before. Sometimes I’m missing almost all of my wife cheated on me and Dear Abby them, but when I talk to my left. After a six-week split, daughter and ask if she took we decided we wanted to JEANNE them, she always says she didn’t. work things out. Everything If I ask nicely, “Are you sure?” she PHILLIPS was great – until recently, accuses me of calling her a liar. when she got a job working at a busy I know she’s taking them, but I don’t know gym. what to do about her lying to me about it. I Several of the guys from the gym have added her on Facebook and send her messages. They like all her posts and pictures. I work out there, and when I go in, I see her laughing and joking with them. This has all started to bring me flashbacks to when she cheated. I tried talking to her about how I feel, but she just says they are my insecurity issues and I need to deal with them. At this point, I’m contemplating divorce so I won’t go through the same pain I went through last time. I check her Facebook page constantly to see if she has added any new guys and see what comments they are leaving. I know it’s not healthy, and it makes me constantly depressed. My wife has no interest in marriage counseling but tells me I should seek professional help for my issues. Is there any saving this marriage, or is it time to move on? – THREATENED IN TEXAS DEAR THREATENED: Part of your wife’s job is to be friendly to the members of that gym. It doesn’t mean that she’s involved with any of them outside of work. The problem with jealousy and insecurity is that unless they are managed, they tend to feed on each other and grow. While I can’t banish the suspicions from your mind, some sessions with a licensed mental health professional might help you to put them into perspective. It may save your marriage. However, if it doesn’t ease your mind, you can always talk to a lawyer. ••• DEAR ABBY: I take a maintenance pain pill for arthritis. I count them every other day to make sure that I’m not taking too many. D E C E M B E R 1 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M
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Wife’s Job at the Gym Has Husband in a Sweat
really need the pills for myself. The doctor prescribes them only once a month, and I know I’m going to run out.
What should I do? I don’t want to hurt my daughter’s feelings, but she needs to stop taking my pills. – IN PAIN IN KANSAS DEAR IN PAIN: Your daughter may have become addicted to your pain medication or be selling them to people who are. It’s time to start keeping your pills under lock and key. Once you do, your daughter may be forced to come clean about the lying – or you may find you’re seeing a lot less of her than you presently do. ••• DEAR ABBY: My husband of 23 years, “Gerald,” quit his job to start his own law firm. He told me about it only after he had quit. I have tried to be supportive, but seven months down the line, he has spent all our “rainy day” cash and earned only one paycheck. We have two teenagers, one who will be going to college in a year. I took a high-paying job a year ago to help pay down our mortgage and fund our son’s college expenses. Gerald claimed the bonus money he received when he quit his old job belonged to him to fund the new venture. He’s now saying that seven months is too little time to make any huge decisions, but we are now going to start liquidating our 401(k)s. This is where I draw the line. He needs to get a job. I have worked every year of our marriage and never quit. I feel like I’m living with a selfish stranger who calls me a “money-hungry stereotypical female” when I ask when he’ll get paid. Is it time for me to take off the rose-colored glasses and file for divorce? – STUCK IN HIS MIDLIFE CRISIS
DEAR STUCK: Your husband should have discussed his career change with you before he quit the law firm. Do NOT allow him to push you into taking money from your 401(k). Because your husband hasn’t yet reached retirement age, when he liquidates his, there will be a penalty for early withdrawal. Consult an attorney – other than your husband – about what your next steps should be to protect yourself and your children because your spouse does not appear to be making rational decisions. ••• DEAR ABBY: I am writing in response to the letter from “Loving Granddaughter” on July 2 who was asking for ways to prepare for the eventual passing of her grandparents, with whom she is very close. A way to help her cope with her premature grief would be to take time to sit down with her grandparents and video a personal interview with them. This “Interview With a Loved One” provides an opportunity to capture her favorite stories and memories as told by her grandparents in their own words. She might even hear some surprising new stories as well! We started doing this with my grandfather when he was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease before he started losing his memory. After he finally succumbed, going back to his interviews was a great way for our family to remember him in the way that he would have wanted to be remembered. – JESSICA IN MISSOURI DEAR JESSICA: That’s a wonderful suggestion, one that I know will be appreciated by many of my readers. Thank you! ••• DEAR ABBY: How do I introduce my unmarried daughter’s baby daddy? Can’t say “husband,” and can’t say “partner” since that seems to most often refer to the LGBTQ community. So how do you define that new role? – I’D LIKE YOU TO MEET ... DEAR MEET: When you introduce your grandchild’s daddy, use his name and say, “This is ‘John,’ ‘Jessica’s’ partner.” The term is not used exclusively by LGBT people, but by straight couples as well. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
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EMPLOYMENT Drivers: $4000 Orientation Completion Bonus! Koch Trucking Unique Dedicated Fleet! Excellent $60-$70,000 Annual Pay, Full Benefits! 1yr Class-A CDL Call: 1-855-8567985
SERVICES Distinctive Stonework! Add a BEAUTIFUL stone wall to your garden! Entrance columns, tuckpointing and more! 30 yrs. experience. Bob Rogers, 241-7340. www.distinctive-stonework.com
LEGAL NOTICE OF ADOPTION: Luella G. Hairston, Esq., 8780 19th St., # 210, Alta Loma, CA (909) 466-1323 Attorney for Folubi Salami filed for Adoption of Qur’an Khalifah Laster (minor child). Citation Re: Adoption; Case Number: ADOSS 1600020. The People of State of California, to KENNETH BRANDON JOHNSON and to all persons claiming to be the father of the minor person. You are hereby cited and may appear before the Judge Presiding, Michael Gassner, Department S55, Superior Court of California: 351 N. Arrowhead Ave, San Bernardino, CA on Jan. 23, 2017 at 1:30 PM, to show cause why minor child shouldn’t be declared free from control of his parent according to the petition on file.
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pets of the week Cassius is a beautiful 4-year-old greyhound/ pit bull terrier mix. He’s a happy dog, eager to learn, but he has a special way of learning. He’s deaf and needs to learn hand signals. Cassius has been great about learning his commands and reads facial expressions to see how you’re feeling. He can be shy at first, but once he warms up, Cassius will follow you around, delighted to be with his person. He enjoys cuddling, running around the backyard, taking naps and playing with his stuffed hedgehog. He’s neutered, micro-chipped and up to date on his vaccinations. Since he thrives being in a home, Cassius is going to stay with his foster family until his forever person comes along. If you’re looking for sweet, furry friend, please consider Cassius! To meet him, email a dog adoption application, found at kyhumane.org, to foster@kyhumane.org.
Sassy is a 3-year-old gorgeous tortoiseshell domestic shorthair cat who transferred to the Kentucky Humane Society from another shelter. Sassy loves attention from people. She appears to get along fine with other cats, but Sassy is the first to admit that dogs freak her out. Sassy loves to lay on a comfy blanket and will even let you wrap her up in it and hold her on your lap as long as you scratch her head. She’s been spayed and micro-chipped and is up to date on all her vaccinations. You can meet Sassy at our adoption center in the Springhurst Feeders Supply, 9485 Brownsboro Road
For more on any of our adoptable pets, please call 502.366.3355 or visit kyhumane.org
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54 11/29/16 4:30 PM
Your wardrobe fits, shouldn’t your clos
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You should have a fabulous closet - a smartly planned personal space that makes every day easier. Closet Factory is the only Kentucky closet company to offer natural wood closets with custom paint or stain finishes as well as state-of-the-art glazed, textured, metallic or high gloss laminate solutions.
Save $400 when you design by January 30, 2017.
Call 502-489-3901 for a free consultation or visit us online at closetfactory.com Showroom: 13010 Eastgate Park Way, Suite 107, Middletown
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TVT.indd 55
11/29/16 4:30 PM
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Totalliquidation liquidation of of aa multimillion multimillion dollar ••Total dollarcollection collectionofof topbranded brandeddiamonds diamonds and and jewery top jewelryupuptoto70% 70%off. off. Sellingeverything everything down down to ••Selling to the the bare bare walls. walls.
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