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© 2017, The Voice-Tribune, Louisville, Ky. A Red Pin Media Company
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St. Matthews Imports
| Beaux Arts Ball
| Mercantile Lofts
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Sports Card Chronicle ��������������������������������������������������������������21 Catnip ����������������������������������������������������������������������������22 UofL vs� Miami ��������������������������������������������������������������23 Taylor’s 10��������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 High School Sports �������������������������������������������������������25 Game of the Week ��������������������������������������������������������26
Barnhart Bar Launch Party��������������������������������������������28 Flower Hour ������������������������������������������������������������������29 Love in Retrograde �������������������������������������������������������30 Heartstrings Valentine Dinner & Dance ����������������������� 31 Big Love Puppet Prom ��������������������������������������������������34 University Student Gala Concert ����������������������������������35 AIF Valentine Fashion Show �����������������������������������������38 Canine Cupid ����������������������������������������������������������������39 WFPK Jazz Live at Lola ������������������������������������������������ 40 Speed Gala Committee Meeting ��������������������������������� 42 Dine Around for Apron Inc� �������������������������������������������43 Partyline ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.
Advertising Club Party at PLAY ������������������������������������ 46
Spotlight: Beaux Arts Ball ���������������������������������������������48 Fashion: KMAC Couture Artists ����������������������������������� 49 Tastes: CaterFest ����������������������������������������������������������50 Homes: Mercantile Lofts�����������������������������������������������54 Arts & Entertainment: “Under the Sea” Exhibit������������58 Voice of Style: Speed Art Museum Accessories ����������59
Features Humana Festival of New American Plays
One of Louisville’s most celebrated occasions is just days away ��������������������������������������� 6
St. Matthews Imports
At this true family business, it’s all about the customer ������������������������������������������������ 14
Mercantile Lofts
Richard and Janet Rosenbaum have created the contemporary home of their dreams ������� 54
Essentials Masthead �������������������������������5 Business Briefs���������������������15 Obituaries���������������������������� 16
Event Calendar �������������������60 Dear Abby ��������������������������� 63 Classifieds ��������������������������� 64
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Puzzles �������������������������������� 65 Pets of the Week����������������� 65
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I’m having a fangirl moment about this week’s feature story on the 41st Humana Festival of New American Plays. There are few things in this city that get me as giddy about living in Louisville as this world-renowned event. The way I often describe it is that Humana Festival is to theater as Kentucky Derby is to horse racing. Much like those 3-year-old Thoroughbreds that we cheer around the track every year, the plays that are premiered at the festival are making their grand debut onto the stage, and many will continue on to award-winning and storied runs elsewhere. But we will forever get to claim them as ours. The words of Actors Theatre of Louisville Artistic Director Les Waters stopped me in my tracks at their fundraiser Lobster Feast this year when he said, “The Humana Festival is not one of the premier events of its kind, it is THE premier event of its kind in the nation, drawing theatre-lovers, journalists and film and stage producers from around the country and the world.” With over 34,000 patrons attending, including students from more than 60 colleges and universities, the opportunity is still prime for locals to get in on the celebration of new American theatre. One year, I took advantage of the excellently priced “Locals Pass” (only $75!), which allowed me to fill any available seats just before curtain time. I gladly stood in line with fellow frugal theatre-lovers in anticipation of what I call the “emotional cardio” that we were getting ready to embark upon together. The beauty of this genre of writing and performance is that it is guaranteed to make you think Tonya Abeln and make you feel. I have cultivated many tips and tricks in a quiet yet crowded theatre to stifle a cry that so badly wants to be heard. Humana Festival plays have also been the source of many “church laughs” for me – when a comedic moment seems to have passed for others but I just somehow am not yet ready to let it go. Regardless, I always walk out of Actors Theatre, particularly during Humana Festival, feeling like I have worked out the two most important muscles: my head and my heart. I urge you to find a way to enjoy this most unique opportunity that is taking place right in our “front yard.” Louisville certainly knows how to rise to the occasion when the world is watching.
B. Deemer Gallery Fine art • Fine framing
LETTER from the
“Shalako Winter” by
Anne Wehrley Björk 2650 Frankfort Avenue Open Mon-Fri 10:00-5:30 Sat 10:00-3:00 www.bdeemer.com
March 16th & April 27th
With the time leading up to Derby as being the busiest and most exciting time to be in Louisville, The Voice-Tribune will be keeping readers up to date on all the going-ons around the city.
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Amy Wegener and Erin Meiman.
r e t a e h T n a c i r e m A A Love Letter to
By Minda Honey
n a matter of days, all eyes in American theater will be on Actors Theatre of Louisville for the 41st Humana Festival of New American Plays. The stairwells, the halls and every chair in the house – including the stools around the bar – will fill with playwrights, theater aficionados and a veritable who’s who of the industry. Each staff member at Actors will step up and reach beyond their role to make all feel welcome. It will be as dramatic and grand as the “Be Our Guest” number in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” And at the beating heart of it all will be two women who have been waiting for this moment since the final moment of last year’s festival: Amy Wegener, literary director, and Erin Meiman, festival and events manager. Wegener is a dramaturg, which means she’s responsible for researching and developing
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plays. It was at Princeton that she discovered her calling when her advisor pulled her aside and pointed out that Wegener very much enjoyed reading and research but also was passionate about being in a rehearsal hall. Wegener says in her current role, “You get to collaborate, you get to meet and talk with lots of fascinating artists ... but you’re also reading a ton.” As soon as one Humana Festival closes, Wegener and her team begin reading through hundreds of plays in preparation for the next year’s festival. “We have a whole reading process that goes from the spring to the summer to the early fall,” she explains. “Even before that, though, there’s a lot of work that goes into developing relationships with writers over the longterm, encouraging them to send work. We also commission plays, so that’s something we’re planning for that may come to fruition several years later.”
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Left: “nightnight,” part of “Sleep Rocky Thy Brain,” 2013 Right: “The Gin Game,” 1977 Below: Actors Theatre of Louisville exterior for the first Humana Festival of New American Plays in 1977
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Left: “The Glory of the World,” 2015
Wegener and her staff cultivate a short list of plays to elevate to what she describes as Right: “How We Got the “brain trust”: “We float the On,” 2012 best of the best to a team that includes our artistic director, Les Waters; our associate artistic director, Meredith McDonough; and our artistic producer, Emily Tarquin.” By the end of the summer, they’re ready to take a closer look at the plays that will take the stage in the festival. Their selections are not curated to fit a particular theme but rather the audience is left to draw their own connections. “The human brain wants to synthesize things,” Wegener relates. “That’s part of what’s fun about going to a festival like this – you see a bunch of different works of art that are
Middle: “Crimes of the Heart,”1979
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really distinct ... and you come away from it with your synapses popping.” The chosen plays are a well-guarded secret by Wegener’s team and the “brain trust.” Meiman says even as the festival and events manager, she, along with her team, must wait along with the rest of us for the plays to be formally announced. “We bug [Wegener] all the time, ‘When are we going to know? When can we see it?’ So, when it gets announced and we get to read the plays, that’s really exciting,” Meiman enthuses. And, of course, opening night is a thrilling time too, “[Wegener] and her team are in the rehearsal rooms ... the rest of us are not,” she continues. “So for me, opening night is exciting to see how a play I read months ago has changed and evolved and to see it in real life.”
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Meiman has always loved the arts and continues to play the saxophone to this day, but she knew she didn’t want to be a performer. During an internship in the production department while in college at Miami University, Ohio, Meiman realized, “My skills in organization and logistics and planning and math and spreadsheets ... were needed and were a way to be a part of [the arts].” Meiman is responsible for creating a fully immersive experience for the hundreds of theater professionals, college students and arts-lovers that will descend on our city for the six-week run of the festival. For help, she looks to the Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau, which assists in the coordination of hotels and transportation for festival guests. When visitors aren’t at the theater, Meiman likes to show off some of the cultural gems of our city: “This year for various things,
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Right: “Steel Hammer,” 2014 Above: “For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday,” 2016 Below: “Maple and Vine,” 2011
we’re having events at KMAC, the Ali Center and an early donor event at the Frazier Museum.” Meiman puts our city on a pedestal for out-of-towners but has found that locals just as eagerly support Actors Theatre and the Humana Festival, “[Louisville] has a community that is excited about new works,” she attests. She’s always surprised by the level of support to be found here locally for Actors Theatre; “They’re champions for us,” she says of Louisvillians. When the festival first started in the late 1970s, Wegener says, “It was a really audacious idea that Louisville, Kentucky, could become the home of amazing new plays that would find their way all over the country or into New York.” But Jon Jory, the producing director for Actors Theatre at the time, was on to something. American playwrights were in real need of a platform to get their work
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seen. Wegener explains, “I think it really started out of a real love of writers and new writing and wanting to find a way to support American playwrights.” The festival started in 1977 and Humana came on as a partner in 1979. “It’s the longest running partnership between a performing arts organization and a corporation in the U.S.,” says Wegener. Meiman adds, “The Humana Foundation has been an amazing partner with us for basically the lifetime of the festival.” While Meiman and Wegener couldn’t choose a favorite – after all, the plays are like their children – they are pleased to include in this year’s festival “We’re Gonna Be Okay” by playwright Top: “Dot,” 2015 Basil Kreimendahl, who lived in Louisville for a number of years. Bottom: “This Kreimendahl’s work was recently Random World,” described as “visceral” by The New 2016 York Times in their theater highlight of trans playwrights. “We’re Gonna
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Top: 2016 College Days Panel Left: 2015 Humana Festival Right: 2016 Humana Festival Bash Below: “How We Got On,” 2012
Be Okay” is set during the Cuban Missle Crisis, and Wegener describes it as a play about “two families who decide to build a bomb shelter on their shared property. ... The characters are dealing with a lot of questions of change and personal identity.” Meiman chimes in, “I’ve enjoyed that play. It’s about what happens when you’re in crisis and how do you react to that ... and the absurdity of life.” Another aspect that makes the festival truly distinct is the level of production Actors puts into every single play showcased. “We fully produce everything,” Wegener affirms, meaning that audiences see the shows with fully realized sets, costumes, props and lighting design. This level of investment in each show genuinely sets the Humana Festival on a tier above other festivals of its kind.
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Above: Audience in the Pamela Brown Auditorium Right: “Dot,” 2015
While patrons coming in for just a single weekend will need to see as many plays as possible in a small window of time, Meiman and Wegener recommend that locals choose a few plays they’re interested in seeing and space their viewings out across the entire course of the festival so as not to become overwhelmed. They also highly recommend attending the kick-off party on February 23. The festivities will begin in the main lobby of Actors Theatre at 5:30 p.m. with snippets of each play to be read by actors and discussions to take place in the Bingham Theatre at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are free but must be reserved by contacting Actors Theatre online or by phone. While pulling off a festival of this magnitude year after year is undoubtedly stressful, Meiman and Wegener have the heart to do what it takes to make it an annual success. The Humana Festival is the city of
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Louisville’s love letter to American theater. Wegener has been in love with plays ever since reading “Angels in America” in college. “It just blew my mind that a play could be that complex and textured,” she recounts. “It was cool to read plays that were finding their life and finding their way at that moment. ... Plays are these incredibly alive things, and that’s what I wanted to be a part of.” And now, thanks to the effort of Meiman and Wegener along with the whole team at Actors Theatre, the entire city of Louisville gets to be a part of helping new plays find their way out into the world. It’s only appropriate that Louisville – centrally located in our nation – is where all of the American theater community gathers to appreciate and discover new works. If you attend the festival, you won’t catch a glimpse of Wegener or Meiman on stage, but you will certainly see all of their hard work on display. VT
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Douglas Addington, Jenny Pfifer, Aaron Coleman, Sheila Addington and Tim Addington.
St. Matthews Imports Puts the Customer First
orty-five minutes before closing time on a Monday afternoon, about 10 technicians dot the expansive shop floor, engrossed in their repairs. The blue beams and concrete floor seem to run on endlessly, bay after bay, everything startlingly clean.
this industry, and we fully understand that,” says Sheila Addington, Douglas’s cousin and the company’s CFO. “And we probably work a little extra hard because we understand that that’s a possibility. I mean, there are people all over the world that don’t have a lot of ethics, and we try to be a shining exception to that.”
to do with how they run things. Along with co-owners Jenny Pfifer, Aaron Coleman and Tim Addington, the cousins assumed ownership of the business about three and a half years ago.
Practically speaking, that means instead of trying to sell you a part or service you don’t need, the staff at St. Matthews Imports will give you all the information. They’ll tell you the truth about what’s going on with your vehicle so you can make an informed decision.
Aside from coal mining, the career options in their hometown were scarce, so they moved to the big city.
What with the cleanliness and the technologically advanced machinery, this repair shop has an assembly plant vibe. Nowhere is the tired and greasy clutter you might expect at your typical mechanic’s garage. Walking along between the bays, Douglas Addington points out the wash area partitioned by curtains from the rest of the shop. Before vehicles go back to their owners, they get a bath. As for the floors, they’re scrubbed a section at a time each day. Here at 280 N. Hubbards Lane, the cleanliness could rightly be interpreted as a metaphor for the way St. Matthews Imports does business.
And if your car is nearing the end of its life? “We’ll try to get you back on the road,” Douglas says, “but we’re going to say, ‘Hey, the laundry list on this car is pretty long. What’s your intent for this car? What are your needs?’”
The company also has collision centers in St. Matthews at 4164 Westport Road and in the East End at 11400 Westport Road, where they also provide boat sales and service.
“We were raised to care about what we do,” says Sheila, “and to care about the people that we do it for. And so when I run into a customer across the street at Kroger on the weekend, it always feels nice to be able to say hi to them and to know that whatever service we did for them, we did it with their best interest in mind – trying to really help them get the most out of their automotive investment.”
“There’s a lot of bad rap and mistrust in
Sheila and Douglas’s upbringing has a lot
“We’ve always built ourselves on transparency,” says Douglas, the CEO.
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Sheila and Douglas are carrying on a legacy started in 1969 by their fathers, Ron and Archie Addington, respectively, and their fathers’ friend, Doug Coleman. The three founders hailed from Eastern Kentucky and had served in the National Guard.
“By 1969, they had decided that they wanted to take their future in their own hands,” Douglas says, “and so they started a service shop over on St. Matthews Avenue.” Now with three locations and about 70 employees, today’s St. Matthews Imports is still very much a family-and-friends operation. “We can walk through this building,” Douglas says, “and there’s lots of tenures over 15 to 20 years. [There are] some younger people, too, but we’ve just grown very close. We treat people inside and out like family.” So the scrupulous hush on the late-afternoon shop floor is a means to a greater end. Douglas sums it up succinctly: “We’re in business to fix the car, but we’re really in business to take care of our people.” VT For more information, call the Hubbards Lane location at 502.896.0305 or visit smiky.com.
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FORECASTLE FOUNDATION CONSERVATION DONATIONS EDGE ON $100,000 IN 2016 The Forecastle Foundation, the nonprofit environmental activism arm of the Forecastle Festival, has marked a record fundraising effort in 2016, with $99,000 in donations to conservation projects both local and global. Supported projects include partnerships with Kentucky Natural Lands Trust, The Nature Conservancy, The Guayaki Foundation and Friends for Conservation and Development. Since its inception in 2010, The Forecastle Foundation has helped protect and preserve more than 136,000 acres of land and waterways with contributions cumulatively totaling more than $250,000. This year, the Forecastle Foundation contributed for the first time to The Friends for Conservation and Development in Belize, an effort to protect and better manage the ChiquibulMaya Mountains. The Chiquibul represents 7.7 percent of Belize’s terrestrial mass and home to globally important species. “Like the festival, the Forecastle Foundation started small and humble, with a vision and responsibility to leave our planet in better condition than we found it. I’m proud that our efforts have yielded a record amount of giving in 2016, with more milestones to come,” said JK McKnight, founder, Forecastle Foundation. The Forecastle Foundation raises funds year round through corporate partnerships, events and the generosity of individual donors. Additionally, the foundation receives $1 from every ticket sold at the annual Forecastle Festival. This year’s event will be held July 14-16, 2017 at Louisville’s Waterfront Park. RIVUE RESTAURANT AT THE GALT HOUSE HOTEL PREPARES FOR BASKETBALL ACTION WITH A FULL-COURT PRESS OF BEEFSTEAK, BOURBON AND BASKETBALL RIVUE Restaurant & Lounge located atop the Galt House Hotel, is excited for the return of the Beefsteak, Bourbon and Basketball party just in time for all of the basketball madness on Thursday, March 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.! Beefsteak, Bourbon and Basketball is the perfect defense for a “meeting out of the office,” with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Unbridled Eve. Guests will enjoy a slam dunk with an all-youcan-eat experience, delicious cocktails and large-screen TVs. Beefsteak, Bourbon and Basketball is located at RIVUE Restaurant & Lounge on the 25th floor of the Galt House Hotel’s RIVUE tower. Fans can post up with an all-you-can-eat menu of roasted sliced beef tenderloin with classic shrimp cocktail, twice baked potatoes, grilled asparagus and Béarnaise sauce. Score some points in the paint with signature cocktails, bourbon, bottles of domestic and craft beers. Win or lose, guests will leave with a chef’s apron and event swag. UOFL RESEARCHER TO EDUCATE PHYSICIANS AND RESEARCHERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST ABOUT ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE To educate physicians, researchers, social workers and nurses in the Middle East on current research and treatments for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Robert Friedland, M.D., professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Louisville, has co-organized the Seventh International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders in the Middle East (ICAD-ME). The number of individuals with AD and related disorders in the region is rising due to the rapidly aging population and public health systems have not kept pace with recent developments in treatment. “There is little awareness of dementia in the region because of prevailing biases about the loss of function in healthy aging,” Friedland said. “People in the Middle East need to
business briefs
to submit your business brief email rsisk@redpinmedia.com
know that it is never normal for a person at any age to be demented.”Friedland, the Mason and Mary Rudd Endowed Chair in Neurology at UofL and an organizer for the previous six ICAD-ME meetings, will discuss his research into the relationship between gut microbiota and neurodegeneration, and provide information on potential preventative measures to delay the onset of AD. In addition, he hopes to learn about special features and needs of the region’s population. The conference will cover topics including the history of Alzheimer’s disease and its basic pathophysiology, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, ethical and legal issues and aging as it is addressed in the Koran and the Bible. The event, sponsored by the United States National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging and Biogen, will take place February 23-25, 2017, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ARCHDIOCESE OF LOUISVILLE LAUNCHES NEW BRAND AND ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS In conjunction with Catholic Schools Week, the Archdiocese of Louisville launched a new brand and campaign last week. The campaign for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville includes television, radio, digital advertising, social media, local school marketing toolkits and the introduction of a new website. (louisvillecatholicschools.com or centralkycatholicschools.com for media outlets in out of county areas.) Leisa Schulz, superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese, said, “We are called by Jesus Christ to the important responsibility of providing an excellent education for students in caring communities that support the entire family. We wanted to find new approaches and a brand that supports this invitation to all, and we are grateful to Fieldtrip for its work.” Fieldtrip, a branding and advertising agency located in Louisville, was selected to lead the brand development process. The new brand campaign was based on an intensive and inclusive research process to effectively position the Archdiocese. “By combining the power of academic excellence of Catholic Schools with the promise of the Catholic Education Foundation to supply tuition assistance to all qualified families, it is time to be both proud and generous,” said Jane Pfeiffer, owner and director of client services at Fieldtrip. The marketing messages highlight the academic excellence, the Catholic faith tradition and spirituality, and the strong community Catholic Schools offer while promoting and simplifying the tuition assistance process. UOFL SCHOOL OF NURSING LAB REVAMP TO DOUBLE SIMULATED CLINICAL LEARNING University of Louisville School of Nursing students soon will double their hands-on clinical simulation learning through a major lab renovation funded by two donations of $125,000 each, one from The Bufford Family Foundation and the other from Trilogy Health Services. The funds will allow a lab on the third floor of the School of Nursing to be transformed into a four-room simulation suite and home healthcare space called the Trilogy Health Services Simulation Lab. In addition, a separate observation room for instructors will be built. Construction will start this summer and will be completed in the fall. Also, the school will buy a fourth high-fidelity adult patient simulator that will be housed in the lab. The school has been restricted to using only two of its three adult simulators because of space constraints. During labs, groups of five to 10 observe a single student’s interaction with a patient simulator, and because of the limited space, students spend more time observing rather than administering interventions. The renovated lab will allow continuous use of all four adult simulators, doubling the time students spend as the caregiver
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from 20 to 40 hours during undergraduate education. “The ability for nursing students to spend quality time performing hands-on learning is critical to ensure that the students have confidence in providing the highest quality care,” said Randall Bufford, CEO of Trilogy Health Services. “We are proud, both organizationally and personally, to provide the support needed to expand the clinical simulation lab.” Hands-on learning in patient simulation labs is essential to educating health care students, enabling them to sharpen complex skills in preparation to face real patients. Simulators present numerous conditions that students respond to, including difficulty breathing, seizures and heart attacks. KENTUCKY OPERA ANNOUNCES THE FIRST SIDECAR CONCERT Kentucky Opera will launch a new production, the Sidecar, on Friday, May 19, 2017, 9 p.m., at the Mercury Ballroom in downtown Louisville (611 S. Fourth St.). This 90-minute program is an addition to the Brown-Forman 2016/17 season and will feature renowned mezzo-soprano Stephanie Blythe, and Grammy Award-winning soprano Christine Brewer accompanied by Craig Terry. This event will include a cabaret-style performance of classic standards of the American ongbook with a speakeasy vibe, tableside drink service and a signature Sidecar cocktail. The night will conclude with the drawing of Kentucky Opera’s 2017 Design Your Dream Porsche Car Raffle. Tickets are $40 for standing room/ general admission; seated tickets begin at $75, or $150 for VIP table service, and are on sale now at kyopera.org and mercuryballroom.com, or by calling 502.561.7934. A list of Sidecar partnering restaurants will be available in March 2017. Limited tickets are available. DERBY FESTIVAL AND KENTUCKY LOTTERY TEAM UP TO FIND 2017 FESTIVAL FANATIC The Kentucky Derby Festival and Kentucky Lottery are joining forces to find the 2017 Festival Fanatic! One lucky winner, as part of a second-chance promotion, will have the opportunity to claim a prize package that includes nine individual Festival experiences ranging from being the Thundernator for Thunder Over Louisville to seats on Millionaire’s Row at Churchill Downs. Plus, as part of the celebration of the Bluegrass State’s 225th anniversary, the winner receives an overnight stay at a Kentucky State Park Resort of their choice and a golf package. “The Festival Fanatic promotion is unique in that one of our players will win a group of experiences unlike anything else we could ever offer. You can’t buy this stuff!” said Chip Polston, senior vice president of communications for the Kentucky Lottery Corporation. “Every year, we look forward to meeting our Festival Fanatic, and this year is no exception. It’s always so much fun to see our winner get to kick off Thunder, ride in a hot air balloon, be a VIP at countless events…this promotion truly creates a lifetime of Derby Festival memories.” To enter the promotion, players must sign-in or register for a Fun Club Rewards account at kylottery.com. Players must be in compliance with all requirements of the Fun Club Rewards terms of use, including requirements for registering for or updating an existing account in order to submit tickets to enter a promotion. Once logged in, a player will be able to submit an eligible Cash Ball 225 ticket worth $5 or more for a chance to be named Festival Fanatic. (Cash Ball 225 tickets must be purchased between February 6, and March 18, 2017, to be eligible.) All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. E.S.T. on March 19, 2017. The drawing for the “Festival Fanatic” will take place on March 21. “This truly is the experience of a lifetime,” said Mike Berry, KDF president and CEO. “We enlist the help of the Kentucky Lottery each year because they’re experts at giving away valuable prizes. We can’t wait to meet this year’s Festival Fanatic!”
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Bobby G. Belcher Mr. Bobby G. Belcher age 77, of Shepherdsville, returned to his Heavenly Father on February 11, 2017 at Norton Hosparus. He was a plumber for Thompson and Barnes. Among those who preceded him in death include his parents, Hubert and Letha Manners-Belcher; brother in law, Edward Woods. He leaves to cherish his memory, wife Janet Ridgway-Belcher; sister, Sadie C. Woods; brother, Neal Belcher (Barbara); and several nieces and nephews. Funeral Service was conducted on Wednesday, February 15 at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Hardy-Close Funeral Home (285 S. Buckman St) with burial in Knob Creek Cemetery. Friends and loved ones paid their respects on Tuesday, February 14 between 11a.m. - 8 p.m. and after 9 a.m. Wednesday until time of service.
Gerald F. Dodge III Gerald F. “Jerry” Dodge III, 86, of Louisville passed away peacefully Friday, February 10 at Baptist East Hospital. He was a native of Louisville, son of the late Gerald Floyd Dodge, Jr. and Mary Miller Dodge. He was a graduate of Manual High School and earned his Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kentucky. He retired from General Electric after 36 years of service as an Electrical Engineer in the Refrigeration Division. Jerry and his family enjoyed many years of camping, fishing and boating at their home at Barren River Reservoir. He was preceded in death by his parents; his 1st wife of 49 years, Beverly Ann Kraus Dodge and his 2nd wife of 4 years, Bette Hinkebein Dodge; a son, Gerald F. Dodge IV and his 1st wife, Lois Filgo Dodge;
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great-grandson, Ryan I. Nugent; brother, Lee H. Dodge and his wife, Scottie Beck Dodge. He is survived by his children, Lois Nugent (Randy) of Corydon, IN, Laura Kremer (Eugene) of Bloomington, IN, Paul Dodge (Veronica) of St. James City, FL, daughter-in-law, Sally Dodge; grandchildren, Brittany Nugent Timberlake (Andy), Brett Nugent (Destiny), Forrest Dodge, Shelby Dodge, Jerilyn Kremer Galley (Matt), Natalie Kremer; great grandchildren, Kerry, Avery, Sam, Lilly and Grace. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, February 16 at 10 a.m. at St. Francis of Rome, 2119 Payne St. with entombment at Resthaven Cemetery. Visitation was held on Wednesday, February 15 from 3-8 p.m. at Ratterman Funeral Home, 3711 Lexington Road (in St. Matthews). The family would like to thank the staff at Baptist Hospital Palliative Care Unit for the wonderful care their father received. Memorial gifts may be made to the American Cancer Society or Baptist East Palliative Care Unit.
Rose Marie (Jones) Goodin Rose Marie (Jones) Goodin, 88, died Saturday, February 11, 2017 at her home surrounded by her family. She was born in Louisville. She was a member of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Clarksville. She was an avid bowler for 40 years, she was a dancer, artist, and seamstress. She enjoyed playing cards. She was prededed in death by her parents, John and Leota Ehrler Jones, her beloved husband of 61 years Harry F. Goodin Jr., a grandson, Nicholas Goodin, three brothers, John, Ray and Bob Jones, and a sister Carol Ransdell.
Survivors include two sons, David Goodin (Karen) of Edwardsville, IN., Steve Goodin (Robbin) of Louisville, a daughter, Susie Willen (Dan) of Floyds Knobs, 9 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Funeral Services was held on Wednesday, February 15 at 11 a.m. at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 318 Sherwood Ave., Clarksville. Visitation was on Tuesday, February 14 from 3-8 p.m. at Chapman Funeral Home, 431 West Harrison Ave., in Clarksville. Expressions of sympathy may be made in the form of contributions to Hosparus of Southern Indiana. Online condolences at www. chapmanfuneralhome.net.
William Lavon Kessinger William Lavon Kessinger, 90 of Mount Washington passed away on Saturday, February 11, 2017. He was a retired employee with International Harvester, a Sea Bee in the U.S. Navy and proudly served during World War II. He was a Mason with the Plumb Lodge. A member of Lifeline Community Fellowship and was a devote Christian. William enjoyed working in his garden and spending time with his family. William is preceded in death by his wife: Patricia Arden Kessinger, daughter-in-law: Patricia Kessinger and his brothers: Roy and Otis Kessinger. He is survived by his children, Susan Winchell (Bill), Steve Kessinger (Teva) and Billy Kessinger. He is also survived by eleven grandchildren, twenty-six great grandchildren and two great great-grandchildren. Guests attend his visitation on Tuesday, February 14 from 3-8 p.m. at Arch L. Heady at Resthaven, 4400 Bardstown Rd.
A funeral service to celebrate William’s life was conducted on Wednesday, February 15 at 12 p.m. in the Chapel of Arch L. Heady at Resthaven with interment to follow at Resthaven Memorial Park.
Donald Ray Steffan Donald Ray “Donny” Steffan, 61, passed away on February 11, 2017. He was an employee of Balfour, a former employee of Louisville Golf, a 1974 graduate of Bishop David High School and a Catholic by faith. Preceding him in death were his parents, James, Jr. and Mary Regina Steffan and siblings, James A. Steffan III and Donna Boblitt. Survivors include his beloved wife of 35 years, Jean (Singleton) Steffan; his brothers, Bob Steffan (Paulette) and Bill Steffan (Carolyn); sisters-in- law, Diane Steffan and Donna Lewis (Joe); brother-in-law, Ronnie Boblitt; several nieces, nephews, and great nieces and nephews. His funeral service was held on Wednesday, February 15 at 1 p.m. at Owen Funeral Home, 5317 Dixie Highway with burial in Louisville Memorial Gardens West. Visitation was held on Tuesday, February 14 from 1-8p.m. at the funeral home.
Edward C. Oechsli Edward C. “Ed” Oechsli, 94, of Louisville, Ky. passed away on February 11th at the Episcopal Church Home. Ed was a Marine Corps veteran of WWII, Purple Heart recipient and wore his 1st Marine Division hat proudly. He was born on November 16, 1922 the son of Louis V. and Elizabeth Oechsli. Ed was a 1940 graduate of St. Xavier High
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His funeral Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, February 15 at 10 a.m. at St. Martha Catholic Church, 2825 Klondike Lane, with entombment to follow in Evergreen Cemetery. Visitation was held on Tuesday, February 14 from 2-8 p.m. at Ratterman & Sons Funeral Home, 3800 Bardstown Road. Expressions of sympathy may be made with contributions to Honor Flight Bluegrass.Online condolences may be directed to www.ratterman.com.
Dr. Herbert Larry Babcock, D.C Dr. Herbert Larry Babcock, D.C., 82, of Louisville, passed away Sunday, February 12, 2017. He was born in Canton, Illinois, where he graduated from Canton High School. As a young man, he worked in his father’s print shop in Canton. He started his career as a Journeyman Machinist at Caterpillar. He earned his Chiropractic degree in 1967 from Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. His practice spanned over 39 years in both Pensacola, Florida and Louisville, KY. He loved fishing, motorcycle racing, was an auto
Dr. Herb is survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Virginia; children, Jay Babcock, Marjorie Hester (Tim), Beth Chandler (Greg) and Timothy Babcock (Susan); grandchildren, Rebekah Hester Sandusky (Ben), TJ Hester (Abby), Sarah Hester, Joanna Hester, Michael Hester, Lydia Hester, Joshua Hester, Stephen Hester, Julia Hester, Jon Mark Hester, Daniel Hester, Samuel Hester, Gabriel Chandler, Nathaniel Chandler, Jacob Chandler, Abigail Chandler, Owen Auston-Babcock and Dolon Babcock; sister, Janet Blodgett; and a host of relatives and friends.
Visitation was held on Wednesday, February 15 from 1-8 p.m. at Kraft Funeral Service, 2776 Charlestown Road, New Albany, Indiana. His Funeral Service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in the Kraft Charlestown Road Chapel with cremation to follow. There will be a Celebration of Life luncheon immediately following his service at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, 2100 US-150, Floyds Knobs, Indiana.
roots in the community.
Visitation will be on Thursday, February 16 from 10 a.m. to noon at Southeast Christian Church – Fireside Room 920 Blankenbaker Parkway Louisville, KY 40243, followed by a celebration of Dr. Herb’s life at noon. Entombment will follow at Evergreen Cemetery.
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Memorials may be made to Hosparus or the Southeast Christian Church Missions Ministry. To leave a special message for the family, please visit www. newcomerkentuckiana.com.
After all, our roots are here.
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Kenneth “Ed” Bennett
502-451-4420 highlandsfuneralhome.com
Kenneth “Ed” Bennett, 81, passed away Sunday, February 12, 2017 at Baptist Health Floyd
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Ed is survived by his wife, Sheila Bennett; his daughter, Vicki (James) Ingram; stepdaughter, Kim (Scott) Barbour; stepson, Charles (Joanne) Kiefer, Jr.; grandchildren, Stephanie (Todd) Taggart, Stephen (Alisha) Ingram, Charles Ashton Barbour, Hannah Barbour, Ryan Barbour, Kiefer Aaron Gregory, and McKayla Barbour; great grandchildren, Skylar and Cole Taggart; brothers, Charles (Beverly) Bennett and Thomas P. Bennett.
family-owned AAfamily-owned funeralhome homewith withdeep deep funeral A family-owned rootsininthe thecommunity. community. roots funeral home with deep
©2015 MKJ Marketing
Ed is survived by his second wife Mary B. Oechsli, sister Mary Shacklette, brothers Bernard (Mary Alma) and Gilbert (Shirley), daughter Diana Oechsli, son Dennis (Pat), and daughter Debbie Peterson (Ed), daughter-in-law Carolyn Oechsli and sister-in-law Mary Kay Oechsli. In addition, Ed leaves behind six grandchildren, Ed A. Oechsli (Rhonda), Kevin Oechsli (Michelle), Jenny Oechsli, Steve Oechsli (Katie), Eddie R. Peterson Jr. (Ashley), Michael Peterson and three great-grandchildren Jakob Oechsli, Liam Oechsli and Lucas Oechsli.
in New Albany, IN. Ed was born June 9, 1935 in New Albany to Kenneth and Clara Bennett. Ed served in the U.S. Army after graduating from New Albany High School. He later founded Big T Transfer Trucking Company. Ed belonged to many logistics clubs and enjoyed speaking at and attending many transportation club events across the United States. He was an avid I.U. fan and attended football and basketball games at Bloomington until his health failed him. Ed was an accomplished golfer and loved traveling; he combined the two hobbies by golfing and traveling around the U.S. and world. He also loved the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team and traveled to many ballparks across the U.S. in order to support his team. Ed was a member of the American Legion, V.F.W., and Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his mother and father; brothers, Morris and Jerry Bennett; and sister, Ann Bennett.
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He was predeceased by his first wife Clara, son Charles, sister Catherine and brothers Lou and Larry.
enthusiast, and a licensed pilot in aviation. He was an inventor and an intellectual. He faithfully served many years in the prison ministry and promoted the Gideon Society. He was a former member and deacon of Evangel Tabernacle and was currently a member of Southeast Christian Church, where he regularly attended Classic Worship. He was always a strong witness for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He loved his family very much, especially his grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Herbert Lyle and Bessie Redfern Babcock; and siblings, Gordon and Maurice Babcock.
©2015 MKJ Marketing
School and retired from Naval Ordnance.
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21 Card Chronicle | 22 Catnip | 24 Taylor’s 10 | 25 High School
Game of the Week TVT.indd 20
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McMahon’s Heroics
ick Pitino has built a culture at Louisville where everyone tends to have their moment. Or at the very least, they get an opportunity to have their moment.
played six seconds in the first two halves.
“It’s gigantic,” Pitino said of his team’s most recent victories. “Because we knew how much Miami needed the game Saturday and we knew how much Syracuse needed the game, and to come up with two wins, one in which you don’t play well and the other you’re in a hostile environment, especially down the stretch with somebody being very, very confident, it’s a great thing.”
McMahon didn’t hesitate the first time he touched the ball, drilling a 3-pointer that silenced the 25,303 Syracuse fans in attendance. He followed that big shot up with a crucial offensive rebound and put-back MIKE basket, his first field goal from That confidence has Louisville near the For redshirt freshman guard RUTHERFORD inside the 3-point line this sea- top of the ACC standings and has one of its @cardchronicle Ryan McMahon, it seemed as son. McMahon put the cap on smallest players strolling around UofL this though that moment had already his remarkable performance in week as one of the biggest names on camcome. extra time with a pair of free throws to set pus. VT With No. 15 Purdue mounting a late the game’s final score at 76-72. charge inside the KFC Yum! Center on “He put on a SuperNovember 30, McMahon buried a pair of man outfit and won the key 3-pointers to vault Louisville to a 71-64 game for us,” Pitino said. victory that has only grown more impres- “I’m glad he had that sive with age. The next impact performance moment.” for the Sarasota native came when he burMcMahon’s heroics ied five fairly meaningless 3-pointers during kept Louisville in a posiUofL’s 55-point rout of Pittsburgh. Outtion where if the Cardiside of that performance, however, McManals win their final five hon had been just 3-of-13 from beyond the games of the regular seaarc in ACC play and had scored just 10 total son, they’re guaranteed points. to finish in at least a first That being the case, it wasn’t especially place tie in the final ACC surprising to see that McMahon had logged standings. Should that just six seconds of regulation action in Lou- occur, it would be difisville’s hugely important ACC clash at Syr- ficult to envision UofL acuse on Monday. When David Levitch, earning anything worse the super walk-on who has been forced into than a No. 2 seed in the extra duty recently because of the multiple NCAA Tournament. injuries in the Cardinal backcourt, passed With games left at up on a wide open 3-pointer early on in the North Carolina and overtime period, McMahon was handed an Wake Forest, winning opportunity he never saw coming. Not that out seems like a daunthe wasn’t ready for it. ing task for Louisville, but “I didn’t take David out because he got one that has been made beat on defense or missed a shot,” Pitino said more realistic with the after the game. “I took him out because he team approaching full passed up a wide-open three. Right then, I strength. After missing knew we had to go with Ryan because he’s a six games because of a young man who isn’t afraid of anything. We strained hip flexor, Snider knew he’d get it done for us.” returned to the court last It didn’t take long for McMahon to enter Saturday for the team’s game against Miami. the scorer’s book. While the transition from A furious comeback to end regulation life with Snider to withhad already put momentum squarely on the out him to back with him side of the home team. A 3-point play by hasn’t exactly been seamthe Orange’s Andrew White only amplified less, the most important the matter. With Donovan Mitchell on the thing for the Cardinals bench with five fouls, it wasn’t double figure has been that the adjustscorers Quentin Snider or Deng Adel who ment period hasn’t cost Ryan McMahon shoots during the game earlier in the season between the rose to the occasion, it was the guy who had them any victories. Eastern Kentucky Colonels and the Louisville Cardinals.
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What Will Hamidou?
ust before the start of the Alabama game on Saturday, Kentucky got some surprising good news.
Catnip The NCAA committee announced a tournament bracket featuring the top 16 teams, not only in order of seed but also the sites of their first-round games.
It was a complete exercise in nothing. There’s still a month before anyone goes anywhere. The seedings are unofficial and non-binding. It was called an effort by the committee to be “transparent,” though the only transparency was to fill a half-hour of Saturday afternoon TV time before the games began. In fact, if Kentucky weren’t tipping off immediately afterward, I wouldn’t have been watching it. But I did, and was (pleasantly) surprised to see the Wildcats get a No. 3 seed, heading to the East Regionals in the Garden. (The mischievous committee even had Kentucky in the same bracket as Louisville.) Anyone who has watched the Cats the last two weeks – including, presumably, everyone who had a voice in the seedings – could not have seen a three seed. The losses to Kansas and Tennessee were painful, and the loss to Florida was embarrassing. Even the wins over Georgia and LSU were hold-your-nose specials. Of course, it won’t hold up. It has as much structural integrity to withstand the winds of March as the little pig’s straw hut. It was a complete waste of everyone’s time. I guess CBS and the NCAA split some advertising revenue.
team concept, sacrificing shots, playing time and statistics. Cal doesn’t try to fool us with the idea that it’s for “the old college try.” His focus, in the long run, is that those skills will impress NBA scouts.
[C] He’d take the short course, study the Cliff Notes, and join this season’s team in time for the NCAA tournament in March.
Do they? Ask the teams that took a chance on John Wall, Anthony Davis, Karl-Anthony Towns and Devin Booker.
Not right for the kid or for the other players or for the team.
Diallo, a kid from Queens, New York, who played for a prep school in Connecticut, was on everyone’s short list for the freshman recruiting class of 2017-18. And then he went and did a peculiar thing: He graduated high school. This meant he could sit out the 201617 season entirely, playing for nobody, and place his name immediately in the next NBA draft. And that looked like what he might do. Until he announced – seemingly out of nowhere – that he would enroll at Kentucky for the spring semester of 2017. Which meant: [A] He’d work out against some of the best college ballplayers around; get intense, high-quality practice time with mentors like Calipari, Kenny Payne and Tony Barbee; hone his skills; and enter the NBA draft in the spring with a UK pedigree. Or: [B] He’d bide his time and join another blue-chip recruiting class at Kentucky for the 2017-18 season. Or:
Cal was coy about [A] and [B] (maybe he and Diallo really hadn’t decided), but he was adamant about [C]: Diallo would not join this team for this season.
And that all made perfect sense. Until Kentucky’s freshmen suddenly began playing like...freshmen, which has suddenly opened the whole Pandora’s Box of Diallo conjecture. Is it time to rush him into the spotlight, like a heroine understudy in a 1930s Busby Berkeley musical? Lou Gehrig subbing for Wally Pipp’s headache. Tom Brady replacing an injured Drew Bledsoe. Dak Prescott stepping in for Tony Romo. In other words, I guess: Is the answer to Kentucky’s freshmen problems – another freshman? Calipari remains adamant, but the swelling tide won’t stop until Kentucky rights the ship – more convincingly than it did against Alabama on Saturday – finishes off the SEC part of its schedule and heads into its still-undetermined fate in the NCAA tournament. Presuming all that happens without Diallo, the chatter will subside. Until after the tournament. Then it will resume again. Will Diallo go or stay? Maybe CBS will have a special on that. VT
Here’s another complete waste of time. As this year’s UK fabulous freshmen have been exposed as lacking something – concentration, maturity, seasoning – the wail has gone out for another fabulous freshman to rescue the ship. Put in Hamidou Diallo! In a John Calipari-era at Kentucky already filled with oddities, this one’s the oddest. Calipari is very particular about the kinds of recruits he goes after. A kid has to be willing, in what’s likely to be his only college season, to fold his enormous talents into the
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The UK players looked at the score board during the second half of the game vs Florida.
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UofL vs. Miami The Louisville Cardinals welcomed back several players in a comeback 71-66 win over the Miami Hurricanes. Quentin Snider returned from injury for 13 points and a key late 3-point shot in the second half. Deng Adel and Donovan Mitchell each added 18 points to keep the Cardinals in contention for the ACC regular season championship.
Louisville Cardinals guard Donovan Mitchell (45) and center Mangok Mathiang (12) react after coming from behind to defeat Miami.
Louisville Cardinals Head Coach Rick Pitino yells instructions to his team.
Louisville Cardinals forward Jaylen Johnson (10) reacts to a made 3-pointer.
Louisville Cardinals forward Ray Spalding (13) reaches for a rebound.
Louisville Cardinals forward Deng Adel (22) gets his shot blocked by Miami Hurricanes forward Dewan Huell (20).
Louisville Cardinals forward Jaylen Johnson (10) reacts after Louisville Cardinals forward Deng Adel (22) is fouled on a made 3-point basket.
Louisville Cardinals guard Donovan Mitchell (45) shoots.
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Louisville Cardinals forward Jaylen Johnson (10) reaches for a rebound.
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A Father’s Proud Perspective Mike Thomas has been the head professional at Harmony Landing Country Club in Oldham County since 1990. He is also the father of PGA Tour star Justin Thomas. Mike and his wife, Jani, were in Hawaii in January to watch as Justin won back-to-back weeks in Maui and Honolulu on the PGA Tour. Mike is not only Justin’s father but also his coach. Justin has won three times this season on the PGA Tour. He has only played once since his win in Maui, failing to make the cut in the Waste Management Phoenix Open, but he will be back in the field this weekend in the Honda Classic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. As much as you are involved in golf, how phenomenal was it to see your son win back-to-back weeks on the PGA tour? It’s pretty crazy, no doubt when you look back at where we’ve been and everything, but I continue to say I’m most happy that he’s safe and that he’s healthy and that he’s doing something that he loves. That just happens to be golf, which is a bonus for me, being involved in the golf business.
As much as you have worked with him and know his game, did you expect him to win three tournaments early this season?
No, I don’t think you can predict that. I knew at an early age, and Taylor’s 10 each stage of his succession through the ranks of competition that he KENT was playing in, I knew he was good. TAYLOR I knew he was getting better, but WAVE3 Sports you can’t predict whether someone is going to make it to the PGA Tour. It’s just such a fine line. Once you’re on the web.com or the PGA Tour, you can’t predict that someone Okay, but he shot a 59? is going to win. The guy that finishes 30th in a Yeah, it is cool. I guess I just look at it more as PGA Tour event is not 30 places behind the guy a process where we’re trying to get better, we’re that won. It’s a fine line. trying to execute this or we’re trying to do that. Obviously, I was excited about it, but it was more that some of the work that we’ve been doing is Have you thought about getting a safety deposit for all of those balls that you’ve starting to show an impact. collected? What about being behind the green to watch him win a PGA tour event? That was, quite honestly, it was probably cooler in Maui for me because he won twice in Malaysia and we were up at 3:30 in the morning, along with the rest of Louisville I think, watching that tournament. So, not having to get to see those two wins, and it’s hard to win on the PGA Tour, the chances of you being there when that happens, if it ever happens – it’s really getting to see your kid realize their dreams is the bigger thing than breaking a record or anything. Any parent is thrilled to see their child get to realize their dream because not many people get to. How about the shot he hit on 17 in the SBS Tournament of Champions, a 226yard dart to within a few feet of the cup? Did you expect something like that from him? He just has a knack for doing that kind of stuff. He did that as a junior, he did it in high school, he did it in college. He just has a knack for that dramatic thing to happen. That was pretty cool. With all that was on the line, and I think his lead went from five to one or something, yeah that was pretty clutch.
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Well, the win balls are all displayed, 130 of them now. They’re coming a little slower than they used to when he was a junior golfer. The four balls, the record-setting balls [from the Sony Open] I’m going to get a case made for those four and display them all together. How about the hole-in-one balls? They’re in a box in my office. There’s 18 of them, or 20 of them. I don’t even know, I’d have to go look at them. Is it fair to say that Justin hasn’t changed, even with all the success?
There is a junior tournament at Harmony Landing Country Club in April and Justin is involved? He will have a blast. He came home for the KIT two years ago, he couldn’t make it this past summer – he was playing – and he had a blast interacting with all the high school kids. And certainly he was here for a half a day last year at the AJGA tournament, and this year I think he’s going to be here longer. He really has a lot of fun interacting with those children because it wasn’t very long ago – he was doing what they were doing. We always stressed that to him as well, along with different stages, particularly now, don’t forget that this was you just a few years ago and don’t lose sight of how you looked up to people like yourself and now you’re on the other side of that. What did you think when you saw that he had bought that new Range Rover? It’s probably harder for me to get my arms around him buying an expensive pair of shoes or a car or the price tag on his home in Florida, but I mean, my wife has to keep reminding me that he’s earned those things. It’s odd for me to look at somebody spending that kind of money on something, but he has earned it. In all fairness, the things that he has done the last two years, he’s always set a goal that I’m going to get this for my next win. He ordered the car after his win in Malaysia – that was his gift to himself. I like the way that he sets these goals. A lot of his peers are buying multiple houses and boats and things that they’re not going to use or need, so he’s not really doing that. He’s treating himself to some small gifts along the way. It’s all relative. VT
I’m probably more proud of him as a person than I am proud of his accomplishments. I don’t base my pride or my love for him on what he shoots on a golf course. That’s just not fair. Certainly, his mother and I are both more proud of him, you know, we always stress how to treat people and how to conduct yourself, and that is even more of a challenge as fame comes along.
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someone else – not only physicaloach Renner of Bally, but also mentally, can handle lard High School has the challenge.” overcome a lot in At times throughout the sea19 years as head basketball son, it’s been an emotional rollcoach of arguably the most er coaster for Patterson and Wilrespected and successful son, who both carry much of High School boys’ basketball program in the offensive production. PatterSports Report son, who’s averaged nearly a douthe state of Kentucky. But he ble-double with 17.6 points and has faced a somewhat unfaRANDY 9.8 rebounds, and Wilson, who’s miliar task this year: dealing WHETSTONE JR. averaged 14.1 points and 2.6 with injuries of his senior rebounds, have encouraged each star players and coaching a other throughout the season when team whose expectation is to get to they’ve had to sit on the bench, anxiously awaiting to get back into action. the state tournament.
is able to get to the basket. He crashes the boards like crazy. That’s the good thing.”
“[Jamil] got hurt first and I was just telling him I was going to step up for him,” says Patterson. “I told him not to rush coming back because we need him at the end of the season. So I told him not to rush it and keep doing what he needs to do. Then I got hurt and he told me the same thing. So he stepped up a lot too.”
But Patterson and Wilson are poised and look forward to the postseason, knowing much is riding on their shoulders as they look to make a run in the playoffs.
“We’ve dealt with a lot of injuries. Our two best players, Vonnie Patterson and Jamil Wilson, have both had injuries and both have been out for extended periods of time,” he says. “So we’ve had to deal with the changes in lineups and not as many intense practices due to injuries. This is the first year that it has hit my best players like that. On the flip side, that’s tough for kids. It’s tough for them to mentally transition. Vonnie and Jamil were playing at an extremely high level, and when you’re playing at a certain level then go three weeks without playing and not practicing and then you come back, that’s a tough adjustment.”
It says a lot for a duo, who Patterson compares to the likes of Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan of the NBA’s Toronto Raptors. Wilson uses his speed well and can dribble and shoot, which goes along with Patterson’s scoring abilities and stinginess on the glass. “I’d say Vonnie is like a DeRozan,” says Wilson with a smile. “He’s a slasher and
It’s Tough Keeping a Good Bruin Down Throughout the season, Coach Renner has remained optimistic with his star guys, understanding it’s a process, and when guys return, it takes time getting them back in full swing. “The tough part is when they try to come back and they’re not 100 percent,” explains Renner. “Quentin Snider is seeing some of this at Louisville. Q has been out and he’s trying to get to 100 percent, and they need him to play. So you just try to check on the guys and ask them how they are doing and how they are feeling and what percent they are right now.”
“We’re going to play hard. The whole game, we’re going to come at you. Trap, press and run. That’s our game, and we are starting to communicate better on defense. Everyone is starting to gel and really get in their spot. That is real good for us,” Wilson adds. “I have a lot of experience being here as many years as I have been here. I feel it’s my part to lead the team. Vonnie and I have to be the leaders of the team – verbally and with everything we do.” VT
Senior guard Jamil Wilson and senior forward Clivonte Patterson have missed a few games due to injury, but Ballard hasn’t missed a beat. They’re 20-5 on the season and still in position to make a strong push come playoff time, now with their big guns back in the lineup and reloading. It says a lot about a team and a program that even without their best players, they are still a force to be reckoned with. “The winning tradition here at Ballard was happening way before I got here,” Renner adds. “That helps us during stretches when we are missing guys because our guys believe they can win and they can compete with anybody.” Ballard got their 20th win of the season against Central, making it 19 straight seasons they’ve had 20-plus wins. Renner affirms, “No other school in the state of Kentucky can say that. What contributes to that, obviously, is having talented players, [but] also mentally tough players. Players who are capable of stepping in for
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Vonnie Patterson and Jamil Wilson.
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The Ballard Bruins went on the road and beat the Eastern Eagles 62-45, mainly on the strength of a dominating second half where the Eagles managed just 14 points. Ballard moves to 18-9 and was led by Clivonte Patterson’s 16 points. Brian Alvey tossed in 14 for Ballard, and Sugar Ray Wyche led the scoring for Eastern with 12.
Ballard’s Jamil Wilson (22) took flight.
Caleb Williams (24) set his sights on the Eagles’ hoop.
Eastern got the jump, with Caleb Williams (24) controlling the ball.
Eastern’s Sugar Wyche (2) cut his way into the lane.
Eastern’s Javen Rushin (25) attempted a shot while being covered.
Jamil Wilson (22) split two Eastern defenders and set sail to the rim.
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Will Clay (23) wound up with a loose ball under the Bruins’ basket.
The battle for a rebound.
2/14/17 1:55 PM
28 Barnhart Bar Launch Party | 30 Love in Retrograde | 39 Canine Cupid
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for extended photo galleries and purchase options.
Big Love Puppet Prom TVT.indd 27
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Barnhart Bar Launch Party On February 9, guests flocked to Cellar Door Chocolates on Fourth Street to celebrate the launch of the company’s new Barnhart Bars – Cellar Door’s very own bean-to-bar chocolate featuring gorgeous original artwork and packaging by Jeaneen Barnhart and Doreen Barnhart DeHart. Attendees also enjoyed Four Roses Bourbon, Old 502 wine, Ballotin Chocolate Whiskey and hors d’oeuvres. The Barnhart Bars are currently available at all three Cellar Door Chocolates locations.
Angela Tolbert, Heather Robinson, Michele Hill and Sunshine Flagg.
Caleb Wilson and Eddie Kraft.
Ericka Chavez-Graziano with Jason and Rachelle Powell.
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Clare Stuber, William and Lynnie Meyer, Susan Moore and Thomas and Mary Lou Meyer.
Pamela Ann with Four Roses Bourbon.
Guy Tedesco, Jeaneen Barnhart, Kathleen Fleck and Kim Fiala.
Joyce Meyer.
Lola and Nanette Dickerson.
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Flower Hour To support the American Heart Association and provide Louisville shoppers with a last-minute Valentine’s Day gift opportunity, Nanz & Kraft Florists teamed up with Four Roses Bourbon to host the 10th annual Flower Hour on February 10. Guests also enjoyed live music and a silent auction, and proceeds from the night benefited the American Heart Association.
Keith Simon, Debra Doukas and Todd McGill.
Michael Kraft, Four Roses Master Distiller Brent Elliott and Eddie Kraft.
Olivia Kenworthy and Leah Chandler.
Susan and Bob Salome with Donna Brown.
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Lucy Ackerson, Diana Quesada, Tammy Wicke, Anne Moeller, Kim Kirkpatrick and Theresa Burdette.
Janet Roessler, Allison and Luke Pitman, Amanda Brookshire and Malcolm Roessler.
Jeaneen Barnhart and Erika ChavezGraziano.
Suzy Hillebrand with Dennis and Kathy Monroe.
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Love in Retrograde Gunnar Deatherage Studios was the site on February 10 of Love in Retrograde, a collaborative shoppable gallery show that ventured into the more peculiar, less explored side of love. In addition to original clothing by Deatherage, the event featured work by Kenton Montgomery and Mia Snell that shoppers and admirers perused in anticipation for Valentine’s Day. Mia Snell.
Christina, Brooklyn and Roderick Brown.
Allison Bratcher and Damien Vines.
Steve Squall and David Kinser.
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Brittany Ramer, Gunnar Deatherage and Mike Foster.
Chris Turner, Cassandra Mastropaolo and Tia Kinser.
Artist Kenton Montgomery.
Courtney Blanton and Toni Wiegand.
Kala Diamond and Nadia Moore.
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Heartstrings Valentine Dinner & Dance On February 11, the Kentucky and Southern Indiana Stroke Association held this year’s Heartstrings Valentine Dinner & Dance at the Louisville Boat Club. Attendees enjoyed a Four Roses bourbon tasting, dinner, dancing and a program honoring Susan Lawson.
Teresa Doyle, Cara Lococo, Andria House, Robin Byrd and member of the Board of Directors Alisha Duvall.
Cindy Jecker, Amelia Waters and Tara Defler.
Andria House and Michael Spencer.
Dr. Gregory Pittman introduced the honoree.
Nick and Whitney McDevitt with Miriam and John Burich.
David and Cheryl Williamson.
Dr. Thomas Johnston and Alison Johnston.
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Honoree Susan Lawson and Teresa Doyle.
John and Nancy Otter.
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Big Love Puppet Prom As is tradition, Squallis Puppeteers hosted its annual Puppet Prom right around Valentine’s Day, this year on February 11 at Highlands Community Campus. In addition to live puppet skits and puppet dancing, guests were treated to food and drink from Wiltshire Pantry, live DJs, a costume contest and a silent auction.
Conner Powell and Gracie and Tom Taylor.
Sarah Houston, Lindsay Losik, Dijana and Almir Banjanovic and Zarek Parker.
Liliana, Virginia and Bobby.
Matt Little, Carolyn Spears and Kait and Maddy Rokash.
Paul Hennessey.
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Gregory Acker and Sally Spurr.
Janna and Jason Gottbrath.
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University Student Gala Concert The University of Louisville School of Music hosted its Student Gala Concert at Comstock Concert Hall on February 12. Students of the School of Music showcased their talents and delighted the audience with both solo and chamber music ensemble performances. Upcoming School of Music performances include a University Wind Symphony & Symphonic Band concert on Sunday, February 19 at 3 p.m. and University Chorus & Collegiate Chorale later that evening at 7:30 p.m. Pui Lam “Amy” Cheng.
Kim Lloyd, Jan Abbott, Brett Landow, Kelsey Norris and Alex Enyart.
Jennifer Potochnic and Stephanie Hile.
Nancy and David Vance, Scott Meyer and David Ross.
Ethan Evans.
Elle Miller, Haley Arnett, Michael Sobieski and Chris Cupp.
Wind Quintet consisting of Abigail Reed, Mitchell Rollins, Jessica Braam, Seth Berkenbosch and Michelle McKenzie.
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Jozi Uebelhoer, Paige Harpring and Sam Broussard.
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TVT.indd 34
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2/14/17 1:55 PM
751 Vine Street | 583-9165 brookeandbillys.com LUNCH: Tues-Fri 11am-2pm DINNER: Tues –Thurs 5-9pm Fri-Sat 5-10pm Closed Sun & Mon
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36 2/14/17 1:56 PM
37 TVT.indd 37
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AIF Valentine Fashion Show All Is Fair in Love and Fashion, one of Louisville’s fastest growing boutiques, have opened their doors to the public for the first time with a pop-up shop at Oxmoor Center running February 10-17. A fashion show was held to celebrate the occasion at Oxmoor on February 11, and spectators got the very special opportunity to see some of AIF’s diverse, colorful and absolutely one-of-a-kind inventory up close.
Brandi Hill with Stephanie Lynn Johnson.
Chantier Jerigan, RaeShanda Johnson Morris Lias.
Stephanie Lynn Johnson.
Elizabeth and Michelle Hall.
Stephanie Lynn Johnson.
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Brittani Humphrey.
Miranda Popp ans Koeran Pulliam.
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Canine Cupid While most are preparing for Valentine’s Day with their human significant other, The Arrow Fund hosted Canine Cupid on February 9 at The Manhattan Project to pair humans with the perfect canine companion. In addition to mingling with a host of adoptable dogs, guests got to shop from The Arrow Fund, Barkstown Road and Rudy Green’s.
Kelley Luckett and Brandon and Michelle Distler with Baby Roo.
Kelley Luckett and Thom Ham with The Arrow Fund, Kim Reece with Barkstown Road, Karla Hass with Rudy Green’s and Katie Wimpari with The Manhattan Project.
Jennifer Komis, Tina Sharber and Laura Hurley with Bronco.
Bailey Hendrix and Hannah Steere.
Eddie and Michael Kraft.
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Tara Bassett, Gina Loli, Katie Wimpari and Leesa Mitchell.
Craig Flaherty and Lauren Kerrick.
Lisa Mendyk and Veronica Lotze.
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WFPK Jazz Live at Lola The inaugural WFPK Jazz Live at Lola was held on February 9 at Lola above Butchertown Grocery. With free admission, the event saw attendees enjoy the horns, vocals and rhythmic percussion of The Afrophysicists while taking full advantage of Lola’s decadent food and cocktail menus. The weekly concerts will continue, and more information can be found at wfpk.org. The Afrophysicists.
Carla Vidoni, Michael Ferraraccio and Tatiane and Rodrigo Cavallazzi.
Heather Smith and Owen Graham.
Angela Scharfenberger, J.D. Green and Joe Watts.
Sydney Anthony O’Bryan and Danny O’Bryan.
Cristina Taddonio, Madison Ewing and Jason Schmidt.
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Kim Turner and Richard Henderson.
Marge Royston and Ehren Reed.
2/14/17 1:56 PM
Cafe & General Store Offering a selection of culinary items and home goods.
M–F 7a-4p | 605 West Main {502} 883-3398
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2/14/17 1:56 PM
Speed Gala Committee Meeting Under the leadership of Cheri Collis White and Merry Dougherty, the Speed Gala Committee is in their final weeks of planning for the fabulous affair that will take place on March 4. Guests will enjoy a collaborative performance by Teddy Abrams, Louisville Ballet and Kentucky Opera.
Ghislain d’Humieres leads a discussion.
Ron Wolz and Viki Diaz.
Jody Howard, Patrick McClane, Cheri Collis White and Jim White.
Laura Melillo Barnum, Ghislain d’Humieres and Carin Isaacs.
Woo Speed McNaughton, Cheri Collis White, Jody Wedge and Merry Dougherty.
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Cheri Collis White, Nick Phelps, Woo Speed McNaughton, Heidi Potter, Lisa Tate Austin and Merry Dougherty.
Heidi Potter and Lisa Tate Austin.
Woo Speed McNaughton, Mary Helen Myles and Jody Howard.
Ron Wolz, Jody Howard and Patrick McClane.
2/14/17 1:56 PM
Dine Around for Apron Inc. It’s not hard to enjoy eating out in Louisville, but on February 8, diners got an extra boost knowing the proceeds from their meal were going to a good cause. It was on that day – all day – that Apron Inc., an organization that financially assists food service employees in need, held its annual winter fundraiser, Dine Around for Apron Inc., at over 40 restaurants, all of whom donated a portion of the day’s receipts to Apron.
LouVino, Middletown.
Makulah Schweiger, Julie Elsey, Becky Bradley, Judith Miller and Lee Wright at LouVino.
LouVino, Middletown.
Taunya Clarke Eshenbaugh, Tonya York Dees, Amy Dennison, Chef Guy Genoud, Tammy York Day, Cathy Christian and Soon Bahrami at Brasserie Provence.
Kate Watts, Taylor Bramlage and Lindsey Smith at Coals.
Kim and Kelley Miracle at Brasserie Provence.
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Gary Frizzell and Mary Beth Moderly at LouVino.
Barbara Kandemir and Michael Moore wearing aprons for Apron Inc. at Brasserie Provence.
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Pearls & Papeete
were big and gray, but I e left resisted a purchase. Back M i a m i to the ship for lunch and on Jana lazy day reading and uary 5 on a 128-day playing cards. Lots of world cruise sailing people went to the outer reef, which is on a par on Regent Seven Seas Partyline with Australia’s Great Cruises Navigator. Barrier Reef in terms The ship has room CARLA SUE of variety of sea life and for approximatedramatic corals. BROECKER ly 450 guests and has Speaking of lunch, I a crew of nearly 400 from 28 asked the ship for some statiscountries. We went through tics. I was told that on an average the Panama Canal and head- cruise segment, which is roughly ed up the west coast of Mexi- two weeks more or less a couple of co and the United States to San days, guests consume more than 36,000 eggs, 6,428 pounds of beef, Diego. Then we turned west 2,720 pounds of shrimp, 28 tons and spent more than a week of fruit and vegetables and 800 traveling to and spending time pounds of chocolate! Major deliveries of food items take place in in all of the Hawaiian Islands.
We then turned toward the South Pacific, expecting to spend a couple of weeks island-hopping before we arrive in Auckland, New Zealand. Our first South Pacific stop was Nuku Hiva, the largest of the Marquesas Islands. It is in French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific. We were less than overwhelmed. A clutch of open-sided, thatched roof huts staffed by native craft vendors greeted us on shore. They and their dogs were friendly, as were we. But unfortunately, their souvenirs were not terribly appealing. Bummer! The central part of the island is a high plateau covered primarily by a tall-grass prairie, on which experiments in cattle raising are taking place for the first time – 15 years ago, all the cattle were feral and hunted with rifles! It was lunchtime when we headed back to the cool haven aboard the Navigator and sailed away. Two days later, we docked at Rangiroa Lagoon, French Polynesia, known for its pearls, particularly black pearls. Lots of people went to the pearl farm. The pearls
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Local dancers from Papeete performing before the Top Deck Barbeque.
predetermined ports that are chosen according to facilities and the quality of service provided by the ship’s chandler.
“Flower Pot Island” along the coast of Bora Bora.
The term “storing” is used when large shipments of food, bonded items (alcoholic beverage and tobacco), durables and sundries are delivered. An especially large storing consists of as many as six 40-foot containers or up to 250 pallets of products with each pallet weighing up to two tons! The quality and variety of our meals are super. The chef is a star in my book!
Old friends Mili Lopez and Carla Sue relaxing at Bloody Marys in Bora Bora.
The Navigator has three restaurants plus an outdoor grill. In addition, 24-hour room service is always available. With a full complement of 87 personnel, the executive chef, relies on his staff to prepare food items 24 hours a day. In six galleys throughout the ship, there are 64 chefs (sous chefs, outlet chefs, cooks and assistant cooks) being aided by the corps of 23 utility cleaners who continually wash down the working areas and clean the dishes and pots. The Cold Galley prepares all sandwiches, ice and fruit carvings, lunch and dinner appetizers, salads and dressings, fruits and over 800 cold canapes per day. The hot
Some of our friends enjoying the ship’s barbeque.
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galley makes the broths and sauces, cooks all poultry and meat, steams fish and boils the vegetables to order. The pastry chef runs a separate operation along-side the baker to provide a continuous supply of cookies, cakes and pastry items. Bread is baked fresh for breakfast, lunch and dinner three times a day. The butcher de-bones, chops, slices and dices the meat for the day in his own butcher shop. And don’t forget the officers and crew who also need to be fed. The next day, we docked at Papeete, Tahiti, quite a booming town with many cruise ships in dock. Every other shop seemed to be selling black pearls. Once again, we resisted. King Pomare V was the last king of Tahiti and reigned from 1877 until he abdicated in 1880 after ceding sovereignty of Tahiti to France. He died of alcoholism in 1891 and was buried in a tomb of coral stones in the shape of a lighthouse on the site of an ancient marae in Arue about three miles from the cruise pier. That evening before dinner, the ship brought on board a group of native dancers who were very entertaining. Consisting of 18 singers, dancers and musicians, we were thoroughly entertained until it was time to go to the ship’s Top Deck Barbeque around the pool. Fortunately, the weather cooperated and it was wonderful. There were mountains of shrimp, mussels and crab legs. Several pigs, beef roasts and turkeys were also served. Steaks, sausages, fish and chops were on several grills. And lots and lots of salads of all sorts along with all sorts of breads abounded. And I haven’t even mentioned all sorts of desserts too numerous to list. Well, I should bring up that the ship makes 10-12 different kinds of ice cream, sherbet and sorbets daily. And they are all divine.
A local demonstrates the art of tie-dying in Bora Bora.
The dried end results of the tie-dying are displayed.
Along about 10 p.m., all were full of food and drink, and the captain tooted the whistle that it was time to sail off to Bora Bora, French Polynesia, our next port where we were expected to arrive at 8 a.m. the next morning. When we arrived, we took a tour on the one road that circles the island in an open air bus. Not particularly overloaded with comfort, we had a nice time. We saw lots of modest homes belonging to Hollywood stars that were built on pilings just off the islands and a number of hotels that had the same architecture. They looked like a lot of maintenance and trouble. We stopped at the local bar Bloody Marys for what else but an $8 sustenance in a plastic glass! The next two days were spent at sea. These are days to look forward to. We play cards and funky communal games, go to the spa and/or the movies, exercise, read, needlepoint, make new friends, eat- and drink.
Meet our neighbor Tom Snedeker from Pompano Beach, Florida, who is 102. Have known him for a long time, and he is delightful.
Then we were ready the next day to arrive at Pago Pago. I will save that for next week. VT
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A socialite on the streets of Nuka Heva, French Polynesia.
One of the members of the local welcoming party in Nuka Heva.
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On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.
Advertising Club Party at PLAY Louisville The Advertising Club of Louisville held an evening of laughs, food and drinks at the Stand Up for Education: Comedy for a Cause on February 2, at PLAY Louisville. Entertainment was provided by comedians Jon Hancuff and Scott Long.
Comedians Jon Hancuff and Scott Long, who perform on radio, TV and tour at comedy clubs around the country, provided entertainment for the evening.
Adrianna Juran, Dan Dry and Brooke Edge.
Madison Gunter and Tonja Sunderhaus.
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Karen Weaver, Kat Gentner and Brittany Irvin.
Kaitlyn McMillin and Kelley Kerger.
Terri Lenahan-Downs and Mike Sheehy.
Beth Brown, Jessica Roberts and Meredith Wilkins.
Katie Wadley and Elizabeth Edrington.
Rachel Gilman, Sam Pince and Harley Gilman.
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48 Spotlight | 49 Fashion | 50 Tastes | 58 Arts & Entertainment
Homes TVT.indd 47
2/14/17 1:56 PM
This year’s Beaux Arts Ball entertainer, “America’s Got Talent” finalist Brian Justin Crum.
Beaux Arts Ball
This year’s Beaux Arts Ball marks the 19th year of providing an elegant evening full of laughter, delectable dishes, wine, spirits and vibrant entertainment! Dawn your black-tie attire for this fundraising event benefiting VOICES of Kentuckiana in its mission as a chorus to change hearts and minds through music. We chatted with the event coordinator, Michael Adams, to get the inside scoop on this event! What is the Beaux Arts Ball? The Beaux Arts Ball is a black-tie gala that benefits VOICES of Kentuckiana, which is an all-inclusive community chorus for men and women. What can guests expect at the event? Bars and silent auction open at 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 25, at The Brown Hotel. There will be a carefully crafted three-course meal. We’ll have a live auction and a performance by “America’s Got Talent” finalist, Brian Justin Crum. Brian’s appearances on the show highlighted his struggle growing up gay and being bullied. There will be also dancing at the end of the evening. Tell us about this year’s theme and how it came about. There is no official theme, however, The Beaux Arts Ball is where fun meets elegance! This is a crowd that knows how to have a good time and we are in the one of the most elegantly beautiful rooms in the city: The Crystal Ballroom of The Brown Hotel. We didn’t want to detract from the opulence and elegance of the room, so we chose to not impose anything on the room.
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Why is this event important for the arts and greater community?
How has the event grown over the years?
Any opportunity for the LGBTQA community to stand tall and make a statement that we have a rightful place with everyone else is important. We started The Beaux Arts Ball 19 years ago (when there was nothing like it here and when being LGBTQA in Louisville was not easy) because we wanted to have a formal and beautiful evening in a mainstream location (not a building with darkened windows) where we could enjoy the company of friends, family and loved ones just like everyone else we knew – without fear. But WITH fun!
This is the 19th year we have hosted The Beaux Arts Ball. Each year we have grown to consistently have 300-350 guests in attendance.
What sponsors do you have on board this year and are there any auction items you can expect to result in competitive bidding? We are proud to have many sponsors – both corporate and individual. The list is long. Nowhere Bar and Somewhere Restaurant are sponsoring our entertainer, Brian Justin Crum. Diageo and Old 502 Winery are also big sponsors. ... Davis Jewelers is donating a very nice watch (the winner gets to choose from a selection of four options); local artist Joshua Jenkins is making several of his paintings available to us.
How do you hope the event changes in years to come? We wanted to be at The Brown Hotel, which has a maximum guest attendance of 360, so we will probably hover at this level for a few years. Each year, we look at the event from a fresh perspective and create something special. Next year is our 20th, so we’ll do something special for that. Where can you purchase tickets? Is it too late? No, it is not too late to purchase tickets! Tickets are $125 per guest and can be purchased online at beauxartsball.com. VT What: Beaux Arts Ball When: Saturday, February 25 Where: The Brown Hotel, 335 W. Broadway Cost: $125 per ticket Info: beauxartsball.com
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Official artwork for 2017’s KMAC Couture.
The Inspiration of Artists
n Saturday, April 15, fashion and art will take the stage at the fifth annual KMAC Couture. As the signature event of the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, the evening will showcase a full runway show of wearable art with proceeds benefiting the museum’s educational programming.
While still a few months away, the event is already garnering attention. Patrons of the museum, fashion aficionados and artists showed up to show support at the launch party on February 2. The enthusiastic crowd mingled and enjoyed refreshments as they waited for this year’s commemorative poster to be revealed. “This is going to be our biggest year yet,” says Emily Miles, communication manager for the museum. Planned a year in advance, KMAC Couture will feature 30 artists with 45 works that walk the runway. “The event not only serves as a fundraiser but also serves to provide a platform for emerging artists,” Miles says of the dual purpose.
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One such artist is Morgan Neaveill, 16, who is participating for her second year in a row. “I like how there’s so much creativity involved that local artists can share,” she says of her involvement. Last year, her design centered around the use of triangles, and that has transferred to this year’s event. “They’re unique. There are so many different aspects you can create, shape- and pattern-wise,” Neaveill says.
A third year veteran of KMAC Couture, Zach Lindsey, 17, is no stranger to the fashion world. He previously competed on “Project Runway: Junior.” “Each year is a chance to push my boundaries and create something that wouldn’t be worn on a daily basis. It’s cool to rework something most people would overlook and make it a piece of art,” he says. For this year’s event, he plans on playing homage to his high school experience of set design by utilizing the nontraditional materials of sawdust and plywood. Model Gia Combs has partnered with Lindsey on previous projects. “[KMAC Couture] is really exciting,” she exudes. “A lot of people don’t get to see art expressed this way. It’s a beautiful environment.”
Artist Olivia Bajandas, 17, adds, “The appeal of the show is that it’s not typical; it really encourages creativity. Mixing art with couture encourages artists to go wherever they want.” The theme for this year is “Living in the Spectrum,” and Bajandas plans to incorporate that into her design, thinking of the theme in terms of color. “Spring is when everything is the most colorful in Kentucky and in nature. I want to incorporate that,” she says. The culmination of the launch party came with the reveal of this year’s poster by photographer Gary Barragan. “I wanted to show how Louisville has inspired art and how art has inspired Louisville,” Barragan describes. He accomplished this by contrasting two aesthetics: one city-based and the other design-focused, resulting in the winning image of five models standing in a downtown intersection. KMAC Couture, which takes place in a massive tent, will feature a VIP cocktail hour pre-show and a party after, allowing a full evening experience and ample opportunity to mingle with both artists and models. VT What: KMAC Couture: Art Walks the Runway When: April 15, 8 p.m. Where: Main Street Info: kmacmuseum.org
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A sampling from 2016’s CaterFest.
iring a caterer for your wedding, reunion, business meeting or anything else can be a real pain. You have to call around, get quotes, find out which venues they work with, and then maybe you can make an appointment to sample the food.
A Taste of Caterers Tastes LISA HORNING
The Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center has a solution: CaterFest. An event where guests can visit lots of different caterers and get samples and information, the first incarnation last June was a huge success, says Bridget Clark, artistic director at Mellwood. The first event hosted 10 to 15 caterers and saw about 5,000 visitors over four hours. “Every caterer we spoke to really enjoyed it and got some great business,” she relates. “It’s a good way to not have to run around and make multiple phone calls. Sometimes it’s good to just try for yourself. And you get a little bit of a taste, so it’s a win-win.” The event is also an opportunity to
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showcase the four event rooms offered by Mellwood, she says. The event rooms will be open for browsing or tours.
not only for weddings, but also corporate events and memorials – just to be able to provide brochures to people that come in. It’s a good networking opportunity.”
“The reason we have CaterFest is because we’re very grateful for all the events, weddings and fundraisers that we host here,” adds Scooter Davidson, leasing and marketing director for Mellwood. “This time, we reached a lot of smaller catering companies.”
Visitors will get a chance to win a free Monet Room rental as well as a second free rental for the winner’s charity of choice. Visitors who check in will get a free chance at the drawing, and they must be present at the drawing at 7:30 p.m. to win.
Emilie Pfeiffer, catering director for the Bristol, affirms last year’s event was great for exposure. “It’s a great opportunity for the brides to come in and taste the foods and check out the vendors and see the updated space. It really is lovely,” she says. “The exposure was fabulous. We did have several clients that we’d already booked come by and sample some foods. That helps on our end with tastings on wedding clients because they want to see what you have to offer and how you’re going to display your food and what the quality is like.” Pfeiffer attests that it helps businesses as well as guests: “As with any wedding show, it’s a great area to promote your business,
Even if you aren’t ready to book a caterer anytime soon, it’s a nice way to sample some of the area’s catering and cakes. “It’s a free event with free parking,” Davidson emphasizes. “Great vibes and no purchase necessary – just come on down. … We didn’t want it to be specifically a bridal show, but we did want an event where people could just eat up. Please come hungry!” VT What: CaterFest When: February 22, 5 to 8 p.m. Where: Van Gogh Room of Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center Cost: Free Entertainment: Live Music from singer/ songwriter Heather-Renee
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BHHSPARKSWEISBERG.COM 295 N. Hubbards Lane, Suite 102 Louisville, KYÂ 40207
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A Three-Century Story of a Modern Home
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by Nicholas Moore
he East Market District is unquestionably one of the best places to live in Louisville. It’s hip, it’s new and it has a vast array of living spaces, businesses, eateries, galleries and more. Near the corner of Floyd and Market, just before one hits the heart of NuLu, lies one of the most beautiful buildings in which to make a home – Mercantile Lofts. Not only is this an amazing place to live, but the building is rich in history and has found a way to merge the class with the contemporary in its design. Its unit-owners, like Richard and Janet Rosenbaum, couldn’t say better things about it. Their personal connection to the building’s history and their partnership with Calvin Evans, principal at Ace Louisville Logistics & Construction Management, has left them with a customized and incredible new home at Mercantile Lofts that boasts a breathtaking river view and feels like the best home they’ve ever had.
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The Mercantile Lofts building was built by Isaac Rosenbaum, Richard Rosenbaum’s great-great grandfather, in 1889. “It housed their hide, medicinal root, leather and wool business,” says Richard. The Rosenbaum family business continued to operate in the building until 1960. Louisville’s architectural history in general is an amazing aspect of the city; however, it’s not often that a current resident can claim a three-century familial connection to their abode. “I have a noticeable feeling of belonging, familiarity, ownership and comfort as soon as I walk in the door,” says Richard. And what’s inside the doors at Mercantile Lofts is pretty impressive. The vibe of the building is truly stunning because it melds together the classic architectural elements of the building’s history with contemporary sleek design, bright colors and engaging art. Guests are greeted by stained concrete, exposed brick walls painted green, a painting of a knight drinking soda and sliding metal utility doors mounted on the wall painted a vibrant red. The building itself is secured and contains a large recreation room, complete with pool table, exercise center and open kitchen for all guests to utilize for social gatherings. Each respective unit comes complete with washer and dryer as well.
Master closet, which was formerly a kitchen.
Even with all of this, Janet and Richard Rosenbaum wanted a bit more to feel truly settled in. They first purchased a 730 square-foot unit. They had come from a wonderful, over 4,000-squarefoot home in Simpsonville, Kentucky. While they were intending to downsize in coming to Mercantile Lofts, they wanted a bit more space. Soon, three adjacent units became available, and the Rosenbaums had an idea – to join them and bring some elements of their Simpsonville home into the new, combined unit, effectively creating a space they were comfortable in that brought their traditional and retro styles together with the modern feel of the Mercantile Lofts.
Master bedroom.
This is where the skills and savvy of Calvin Evans come into play. Evans was the general contractor and consultant for the Rosenbaums on their remodeling project. “The fact that they wanted to combine three separate units got my attention immediately,” he says. “In the past, I did a couple different buildouts that combined two units, but never three units. This was something new.” Evans has customized many units at Mercantile lofts. He frequently assists on
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Various examples of jewelry crafts created by the Rosenbaums in the craft area of their new loft home.
The bar top in the Rosenbaums’ loft home is from Actors Theatre’s prop sale and has been refinished.
Janet and Richard Rosenbaum.
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Janet loves to decorate extensively for holidays including Valentine’s Day.
A contemporary and traditional mix of decor strikes a perfect balance.
Furniture from Richard’s great-grandfather’s home.
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The view from the Rosenbaums’ loft.
construction management for the property and is a consultant for renovation when needed. He describes the Rosenbaum’s finished space as a “contemporary-modern design with an emphasis on custom wooden cabinets in the kitchen and wooden arch case openings combining the units.” It was the combination of all of these elements that allowed the Rosenbaums to feel like they were home. The traditional feel of their Simpsonville home had been brought to Mercantile Lofts through the cabinetry, subtle design elements and even furniture, perfectly complementing the building’s modern aesthetic. “I like how this turned out because it’s what I envisioned,” says Janet. “It’s warm and comfortable.” Now, 189 years later, a new set of Rosenbaums have returned to the property, and it’s here they’ll add to the story of this wonderful legacy, enjoying the space and everything it has to offer. VT
This slot machine is modern and used on Island of Macau.p The lighter belonged to a great aunt on Richard’s mother’s side. Poker chips are from Richard’s childhood home and were his father’s.
The master bathroom.
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Calvin Evans of Ace Louisville Logistics & Construction Management Company.
The cedar motorcycle was built by a close friend of the Rosenbaums’ cousin for their grandchildren. The lamp is from Richard’s great-grandparent’s home.
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Student Art Goes Under the Sea
and collaborative nature in ighth-grade art regard to the arts. The installaassignments are taktion she’s helped realize here is ing on a grand new an artistic representation of what scale right here in Louisit would be like to be “Under the ville. Students at Western Sea,” which appropriately greets those lucky enough to hold tickMiddle School dropped out ets to the sold-out run of “The of their comfort zone and Arts & Mermaid.” The endeavelevated their thinking to Entertainment Little or is a partnership with Broadcontribute to an installaway in Louisville, Louisville Thetion currently on display at atrical Association and Louisville KRISTIE Visual Art. The Kentucky Center for HICKS the Performing Arts. Under CRENSHAW To create the installation, Reed the direction of Ehren Reed, developed a program for students that encourages thought beyond the creation outreach programs manager for Louisville Visual Art, students of a single work of art, and eventually led them to an expansive view of how to create were guided through different tech- a work of art in a collaborative setting, a setniques of printmaking, fabric dying ting that activates a large space such as The and painting to create a small art Kentucky Center. This teaches a valuable exhibit representative of deep-sea lesson of contribution and the whole being life in the main lobby of The Ken- greater than the sum of its parts. Another important aspect to the developtucky Center in honor of the current ment of this installation was the students’ run of “The Little Mermaid.”
Reed, an artist in residence who moved to Derby City from San Francisco three years ago, has been impressed with the Louisville community as a whole and the supportive
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conceptual approach to a somewhat abstract rendering of the ocean. They had to consider how to convey feeling, emotion and a sense of place through their art – something not commonly grasped by so young a group of students. But this collection of
burgeoning artists were up to the task. As you walk through the installation, you are transported to the setting of one of Disney’s most treasured animated films and all the wonder and delight that comes with it. Reed has tremendous joy and energy in her voice when she speaks about the project: “I think that one of the biggest benefits of this program is that it pushes them outside of their comfort zones. They are accustomed to working in traditional art forms. We were largely textile-based with this creation, not typically used in art curriculum.” Reed’s main role as the outreach program manager is to teach the majority of the outreach programs, typically third grade through high school level. She travels to different schools throughout the county and has extensive experience working with children. “Working with this particular group was very exciting for me, conceptualizing the whole process, conveying the grandeur of the whole, creating these components in the classroom,” she adds. “It’s all pretty improvisational ... an experimental, evolving process.” Most grade-school art projects are a singular effort. This one called upon the power of a number of young artists, and when it came together, the light in the student’s eyes offered a huge payoff.” VT
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An Artsy Aesthetic 1. 2. 3. 4.
Lane Sanson blue confetti necklace, $250 Sylvia Brestel felted feather lariat, $99 Archetype clutch in Tuscan orange, $250 Archetype Mandala bag in Peacock, $330
I n C o l l a b o r at I o n W I t h D r e s s C o D e 502
For those of you who aspire to achieve the – dare I say it – “artsy look,” you can now go straight to the source. The Speed Art Museum Gift Shop is home to a plethora of local artisan pieces just waiting to impress you with innovative yet functional designs. From Sylvia Brestel’s felt masterpieces to Lane Sanson’s turquoise eye candy, the Speed Gift Shop is a great way to experience art while supporting your local artists!
-a l e x a P e n C e , D r e s s C o D e 502
And don’t forget your next read! “How to Read a Painting” by Patrick de Rynck, $37.50
Speed Art Museum Gift Shop: 2035 S. Third St.
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event calendar
to submit your event, visit voice-tribune.com
Known as Louisville’s Winter Warmer, Tailspin Ale Fest returns to Louisville Executive Aviation on Saturday, February 18 from 2 to 7 p.m. Located in a WWII-era airplane hangar with over 200 beers on tap, live music and food trucks, the charity raffle efforts will benefit Dare to Care Food Bank. VIP tickets are $75 and gates will open at 2 p.m. for those ticket holders. You will also receive a food voucher to use at any of the food trucks onsite as well as a one year subscription to Draft Magazine. General admission tickets are $45 and will get you an official Tailspin Ale Fest souvenir glass as well as a tasting card to receive pours of some of America’s best craft brewery offerings. MORE INFO etix.com
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 VISITING ARTIST OPEN HOUSE: PATRICK DONLEY Lenihan Sotheby’s International Realty will be introducing artwork from Louisville artist Patrick Donley with a reception that will include hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and of course, lovely art. Patrick Donley is a longtime member of the Louisville art community who has made his reputation with his colorful, collage-based abstract paintings, compositions composed of spherical objects applied with an insistent mark-making technique. His new work is titled “Baseball Flags: A World Series.” The reception will be on Thursday, February 16 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. MORE INFO 502.899.2129
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 CELEBRATION OF SERVICE AND SURVIVAL The Louisville Marriott Downtown will be the place for celebration on Friday, February 17 as The Center for Women and Families pays tribute to five Women of Distinction who have spent their time and talents advocating for women and girls in Kentuckiana. It is an elegant and festive evening featuring a cocktail reception, silent and live auctions, dinner and so much more. Arrive between 5 and 6 p.m. to enjoy a complimentary signature cocktail. Tickets are $175. MORE INFO thecenteronline.org “THREE TALL WOMEN” PRESENTED BY BUNBURY THEATRE COMPANY Winner of the 1994 Pulitzer Prize and written by Edward Albee, the New York Post calls this play, “extraordinarily brilliant,” while Wall Street Journal called it, “a dazzler.” Join a 90-year-old woman as she reflects on her life, her relation-
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ships and her personal demons. Bunbury’s take on this forceful work runs through March 5 with tickets running from $10 for students to $22 for general admission. MORE INFO bunburytheatre.org
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 THE CAPER Immediately following the University of Louisville vs. Virginia Tech men’s basketball game, head on over to The Galt House Hotel for the 30th annual Caper benefiting Family & Children’s Place. The event features live and silent auctions, libations, a delicious selection of food and desserts from local restaurants and the chance to meet and greet some Louisville Legends including former UofL Coach and Louisville icon Denny Crum. Tickets are limited and available for $40 with children under 12 admitted free of charge. MORE INFO familyandchildrensplace.org LOUISVILLE HEART BALL Be a part of this unforgettable evening of entertainment and hope at the 25th anniversary of celebration of the Louisville Heart Ball. Each year, community members, medical professionals and corporate leaders come together to celebrate the lifesaving work of the American Heart Association. From the gourmet dinner to the silent and live auction, it’s an exciting night of glitz and glamour. This year’s ball takes place at Louisville Marriott Downtown on Saturday, February 18 from 6 p.m. to midnight. MORE INFO louisvilleheartball.heart.org SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE GALA Need a way to celebrate the spirit of Valentine’s Day? Kentucky Shakespeare has the perfect solution with their fourth annual gala, this year with a black and white theme.
21c Museum Hotel will provide the perfect romantic backdrop and Brown-Forman cocktails with hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Proof will set the lively tone. Enjoy live jazz with Jerry Tolson Trio. All this for just $100 per person or $175 per couple. The evening kicks off at 8 p.m. and continues until midnight. MORE INFO kyshakespeare.com PARTY WITH PURPOSE This first annual event promises to quickly become a city favorite. Join the Downtown Family YMCA for an evening of food, drinks, live music and fun featuring silent and live auction items. Check out Louisville’s hottest new venue, Manhattan on Broadway, located at 716 E. Broadway. Tickets are $40 in advance and $50 at the door with all proceeds going toward youth programs and scholarships for YMCA. MORE INFO njohnson@ymcalouisville.org ASIAN NEW YEAR DINNER & AUCTION Presented by D.D. Williamson & Company, Asia Institute-Crane House will celebrate the kickoff of their 30th anniversary and the Year of the Rooster. This year’s event will bring together six of Louisville’s Asian and Asian American chefs under the direction of Chef Peng Looi of Asiatique and August Moon Chinese Bistro. Guests will have the opportunity to bid on unique items and packages in the live and silent auctions. Tickets are $175. Attire is cocktail or Asian dress. MORE INFO cranehouse.org DREAMER’S BALL The annual Dreamer’s Ball is a night of food, auctions and live entertainment. Enjoy a lovely meal and the music of KUDMANI at the beautiful Gramercy to benefit Dreams with Wings, a nonprofit agency serving adults with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Autism. Tickets range from $25
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return this year on February 24 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Hermitage Farm. Guests will enjoy the opportunity to walk throughout the beautiful Hermitage Farm 19th-century estate home while vying to win the latest men and women’s Derby fashions, accessories and services. Tickets are $55 and only 150 will be sold. MORE INFO 502.641.6303
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 DANCING WITH THE PROSPECT STARS This event will have all the right moves by featuring a dancing competition among some of the city’s most recognizable faces and a Taste of Prospect food sampling complete with a dinner by Ladyfingers Catering. All this is yours for a ticket price of $125 (a table for eight starts at $1,000). When purchasing tickets, be sure to specify which “star” you are supporting along with the charity organization they are supporting. MORE INFO 502.228.7493
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 THE GRAVY CUP Gravy Cup is the perfect combination of two things that matter to everyone – good food and a great charity. The cost to attend the tasting is $15, and proceeds benefit Boys and Girls Haven. The event features live music by The Derby City Dandies featuring Rick Quisol. There will be three tasting categories: traditional, nontraditional and veggie/vegan gravy. The fifth annual Gravy Cup will take place on Saturday, February 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MORE INFO thegravycup.com
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 “THE ADDAMS FAMILY” PRESENTED BY DERBY DINNER PLAYHOUSE When Wednesday Addams falls in love, everything changes for the family the fateful night they host a dinner for the “normal” boyfriend and his parents. This macabre Broadway musical comedy is based on the cartoon characters created by Charles Addams, who also inspired the television show. The show runs through April 9, and tickets start at $43. MORE INFO derbydinner.com “HUMAN ABSTRACT” PRESENTED BY LOUISVILLE BALLET AND LVA A co-production between Louisville Ballet and Louisville Visual Art, “Human Abstract” will push the boundaries of how art can be created through collaboration. Lucas Jervies brings a psychological drama to life in the intimate setting of the Bomhard Theater in The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts, where you feel the power of the art you are seeing. The show will run February 22-26, and tickets start at $35. MORE INFO louisvilleballet.org DESSERTS FIRST Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana will host its 11th Annual Desserts First event uniting the Louisville area’s finest chefs to create original dessert and signature drinks using the wellknown Girl Scout Cookie varieties as the key ingredient. The chefs will gather and present their creations for tasting at The Olmstead on Wednesday, February 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $65. MORE INFO gskentuckiana.org
“Human Abstract” presented by Louisville Ballet and LVA
CATERFEST The Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center is hosting Caterfest, a biannual catering event designed to bring Kentuckiana’s best caterers together with prospective brides, special event planners and the general public. Admission is free along with lots of free parking. There will also be a drawing for a free event room rental giveaway. The event will take place Wednesday, February 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. in Van Gogh event room 3. MORE INFO mellwoodartcenter.com
BEAUX ARTS BALL The 2017 Beaux Arts Ball celebrates 19 years of providing a beautiful evening of laughter, fine food, wine, spirits and vibrant entertainment. This black-tie fundraiser benefits VOICES of Kentuckiana in its mission as a chorus for the community that changes hearts and minds through music. VOICES has stepped up its efforts to reach at-risk youth throughout the state so, regardless of sexual identity or orientation, they do not stand alone. The Beaux Arts Ball will be Saturday, February 25 at the elegant and historic Brown Hotel. The Ball includes a host bar all evening with a silent and live auction as well as a wonderful multi-course meal and live entertainment. MORE INFO beauxartsball.com
TASTE OF BUTCHERTOWN The Pointe (1205 E. Washington St,) will host an evening of exclusive tastings, a signature drink from Copper & Kings and an opportunity to make a difference at Home of the Innocents. Tickets are $30 and will feature tastings and drinks from Bourbon Barrel Foods, Feast BBQ and Macaron Bar. Must be 21 to attend the event on Thursday, February 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. MORE INFO tasteofbutchertown.com
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 DERBY STYLE SOIREE Following the success of their inaugural event in 2016, the Derby Style Soiree: Sip-ShopSupport benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters will
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to $85, and the event is from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, February 18. MORE INFO deramswithwings.org
Beaux Arts Ball
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Late to Bed and Late to Rise Makes Mom and Kids Tardy
EAR ABBY: I will be spending a couple of months visiting my daughter, who is a single mom. She has asked me to help her wake her 8- and 11-year-old kids in the morning and have them ready for school.
show on (very loudly), uses the machine I always use, and when I walk in at my usual time, I must use an old machine I don’t like and watch her horrible show.
Unfortunately, she works some distance away from her home. The kids attend private school and are involved in sports. The problem is, they eat and go to bed later than they should. In the morning, they can’t wake up or get out of bed. She reminds them repeatedly to get ready, but when it’s time to leave and they’re not dressed or haven’t eaten breakfast, my daughter begins raising her voice. Leaving late means the kids arrive at school late, and my daughter is late for work. I’m leaving in a couple of weeks and need some guidance on how to approach this no-win situation. – RISE AND SHINE IN MAINE DEAR RISE AND SHINE: I’m surprised the teachers haven’t complained about your grandchildren’s constant tardiness, or that your daughter’s boss hasn’t warned her about her constant lateness. It’s time you and your daughter had a private chat. As you have stated, your grandchildren are going to bed so late it’s interfering not only with their school schedule but also with their mother’s work schedule. The obvious solution would be for her to get the kids to bed at an earlier hour, with lights off and no electronics. You can enforce it while you are there, but unless your daughter is willing to continue to do that, nothing will change. ••• DEAR ABBY: For the past five years, I have been using the (very small!) exercise room in my apartment complex every day after work. It’s an important part of my routine. A couple of weeks ago, a new girl started coming into the exercise room shortly after I start my workout (it’s a little crowded, but no problem). Last week, she started coming in just a few minutes before I get there. She puts her TV
I have lived here longer and feel I have earned my time in the gym, and she is being sneaky by coming in just before I do. I cannot come in earlier since I get there as soon as I get off work.
I’m tempted to exert my seniority! I feel wronged, even though I know it’s not my personal gym. Is there anything I can do when I feel snubbed like this? – WORKED UP (NOT OUT) IN OHIO DEAR WORKED UP: One of the sometimes unwritten rules of gyms is that the person who arrives first gets to choose which machine to use and whatever television show he or she prefers. If you can’t make it in before the new girl arrives, then you will have to adjust your schedule and come in later when she’s out of there, or reach a compromise with her. Sorry. ••• DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I are getting married in a year. We have some very close gay friends, and I have gay family members on my mom’s side. The majority of our family is gay-friendly, but a few of them on my father’s side are very open about their dislike of the LGBT community. Our ceremony will be at a Unitarian Universalist church because we love that they are supportive of the LGBT community and want everyone to feel comfortable and accepted on our big day. I’m terrified that my family members will do or say something to hurt or offend guests at our wedding who have samesex partners. I am considering putting a note on my wedding website that our wedding will be a celebration of love, and to please set aside political and personal beliefs and accept every one of our guests during this happy occasion. Would this be appropriate? I don’t know how else to convey the message that we will not tolerate any hateful or offensive remarks or actions against our loved ones. – BRIDE FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY
••• DEAR ABBY: My darling husband recently passed away. It’s a sad time for all of us. I wrote his obituary for our local paper and included the names of charitable causes, requesting donations be sent to them in lieu of flowers. I sent the obituary to my husband’s mother and sister who live out of state, in case they wanted to publish it in their local paper in the town where he grew up. They did, but changed the charities to ones of their choice. They didn’t tell me they were doing it or ask my opinion. I found out only when I saw his obituary online. I am extremely upset, especially because one of the causes they listed is a hospital I feel contributed to my husband’s early death. What is the etiquette in this situation? Was it acceptable for them to make that change? Should I say something, or should I let it go? – WOUNDED WIDOW IN TEXAS DEAR WOUNDED WIDOW: Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your husband. You have every right to be upset that his obituary was altered. What his mother and sister did was wrong. They should not have changed it without your permission. By all means, tell them how you feel about what they did, and that you feel the care your husband received at that hospital contributed to his early death. Had they consulted you as they should have, they would have known better. ••• Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To order “How to Write Letters for All Occasions,” send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby – Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price.
DEAR BRIDE: Do not post that message
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on your website. Your message should be delivered via a telephone conversation with the people you think may have a problem. A way to phrase it would be to tell them you are planning your wedding and that some of the guests in attendance will be same-sex couples. Ask if this would make them uncomfortable, and if the answer is yes, do not invite them.
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EMPLOYMENT: OFFICE/ADMIN, 30-40 hrs weekly, Quickbooks experience, A/R & A/P, customer service exp. preferred, casual atmosphere, fl xible hrs. Excellent pay w/benefits. Permanent position. Please email resume to mark@huntandknight.com AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN, experienced or very strong basic skills, wanting to gain experience. Large independent shop, know for quality & honesty. Permanent position to be a part of our 40 year history. Weekends o , great hourly pay or flat rate w/benefits. Please email resume to mark huntandknight.com. Drivers: Getting Home is Easier. Nice Pay Package. BCBS + Other Benefits. Monthly Bonuses. No-Touch. Chromed out Trucks w/APU’S. CDL-A. 855-200-4631 Senior Research Chemist. Clariant Corporation. Louisville, Kentucky. Prepare & test catalysts & collaborate in R&D of chem prdcts. Reqs BS/MS in Chem/Chem Engg/ rel/equiv. If BS 5/MS 3yrs: progressive exp in industrial lab setting; catalyst testing, prep & GC; catalytic reforming app; characterization methods for physio-chem properties; performance eval for catalytic activity; chem engg sw for equilibrium, kinetic & heat-/mass transfer controlled reactions; process analysis (like MS/IR); project mngmnt; & presenting findings to mngmnt. Reqs 15% intl trvl. Must submit to drug screen & BG check. Apply: www. clariant.com Job ID#9521 Part Time, Sales Pro and Canvassers needed for local home improvement company seeking individuals with good communication skills, clean cut appearance, and have their own transportation. $400 to $1200 Weekly, 15 to 20 Hours A Week, call Mike @ 502-797-0383
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pets of the week Ozzie is a one-year-old Terrier mix who came to the Kentucky Humane Society when his owner could no longer care for him. He’s a sweet and sensitive doggie, but also intelligent and extraordinarily handsome. He recently graduated from a training program designed to help him overcome his fear of strangers and learn basic manners. Ozzie loved training and would do well with a family who could continue his training. While the staff love Ozzie, we know it’s time for him to find his forever home. Ozzie appears to be house-trained. He’s also neutered, micro-chipped and up-to-date on vaccinations. Come meet Ozzie today at our East Campus, 1000 Lyndon Lane. For more on Ozzie or any of our adoptable pets, please visit kyhumane.org or call 502-366-3355. Hope is a one-year-old Domestic Shorthair cat who was found as a stray and brought to the Kentucky Humane Society. We aren’t sure how long she was living on her own, but she has proven to be an independent cat. Hope does not appear to be fond of other cats. When she initially meets you, she isn’t crazy about being held. Once Hope gets to know you, and trusts you, she is then more than willing to let you handle her. Once Hope is comfortable with you, she will seek out your love and will want to rub all over you. Hope needs a chance at a normal kitty life. Can you provide enough love to Hope and show her how wonderful life can be in the right home? Hope is spayed, micro-chipped and up-to-date on her vaccinations. Come meet Hope at our adoption center in the Hikes Point Feeders Supply, 3079 Breckenridge Lane. For more on Hope or any of our adoptable pets, please call 502-366-3355 or visit kyhumane.org. For more on any of our adoptable pets, please call 502.366.3355 or visit kyhumane.org
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Tonya Abeln of
The Voice-Tribune is
BIG is coming!!
Go to our Facebook page at 8:45 a.m. on Thursday Feb. 23rd to be the first to know! (well, besides Tonya of course)
Remember: Facebook • February 23 • 8:45 a.m.
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