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Jennifer Lawrence Foundation, Fund for the Arts and Churchill Downs unite to honor the arts

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Š 2017, The Voice-Tribune, Louisville, Ky. A Red Pin Media Company

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Clore Construction Company


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| The Hat Girls


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Sports Card Chronicle ��������������������������������������������������������������18 Catnip ����������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Red-White Spring Game ���������������������������������������������� 20 High School Sports �������������������������������������������������������21 Game of the Week ��������������������������������������������������������22


KMAC Couture V ���������������������������������������������������������� 24 Work the Metal Derby Fashion Show���������������������������25 ‘Fresh Cut’ Opening������������������������������������������������������26 Sing for the Roses���������������������������������������������������������28 Big Hats & Bow Ties �����������������������������������������������������29 A Bluegrass Unbridled Experience! �����������������������������30 Messie Shop’s Derby Pop-Up ��������������������������������������� 31 Finn’s Spring Fashion Event �����������������������������������������34 Sip, Shop & Serve ���������������������������������������������������������35 BourbonVille������������������������������������������������������������������36 Puttin’ on the Ritz����������������������������������������������������������37 Chenoweth Square Derby Trot �������������������������������������38 Downs with Derby ��������������������������������������������������������39 Corbett Cosmetic Derby Trunk Show �������������������������� 40 Princesses at Peppermint Palm������������������������������������41 Partyline ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.

The Fillies Derby Ball ��������������������������������������������������� 44


Spotlight: New Derby Events��������������������������������������� 46 Beauty: SKYN LOUNGE �������������������������������������������������48 KDF Look of the Week ��������������������������������������������������50 Voice of Style: Christine Moore Hats ��������������������������� 51 Fashion: The Hat Girls ��������������������������������������������������54 Arts & Entertainment: ‘Wonderland’ at the Speed�������56 Health & Wellness: Neigh-Maste ����������������������������������57 KDF Tastes: They’re Off! Luncheon ������������������������������58

Features Awards with Impact

Collaborators are gearing up for year two of Awards in the Arts ��������������������������������������� 6

On the Cover

Built by Relationships

We take a look at the relationships that make Clore Construction Company ��������������������� 13

Head of the Class

Rachel Bell and Kate Welsh are seeing unprecedented success as The Hat Girls��������������� 54

Essentials Masthead �������������������������������5 Business Briefs�������������������� 14 Obituaries���������������������������� 16

Event Calendar ������������������� 59 Dear Abby ���������������������������60 Classifieds ���������������������������62

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Puzzles ��������������������������������62 Pets of the Week�����������������62

JP Davis, Lauren DePaso, Meredith Lawrence and Karen Lawrence photographed by Clay Cook with wardrobe by Rodeo Drive and Dillard’s�

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As if Derby season weren’t exciting enough, last year we were introduced to an inaugural event that earned the phrase, “A New Trifecta.” Indeed Awards in the Arts, held on Opening Night at Churchill Downs one week before the Kentucky Derby, joined the powerhouse forces of the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation, Fund for the Arts and Churchill Downs – all Louisville icons in their own right. The celebration of the arts in Louisville expanded far beyond The Stakes Room, where the event was held, and spread through the entirety of Churchill Downs as Opening Night guests enjoyed flash mob performances from local arts organizations as they entered, as they were seated and as they placed their bets. Awards were presented from the Winner’s Circle and broadcast on the world’s largest 4K LED Big Board resulting in an inclusive celebration for all to enjoy. A night typically reserved for dusting off last year’s fascinator took on greater meaning and a new tradition was quickly established. Big bucks were raised, meaning more grant money for local arts organizations, and guests walked away with what I hear was the most coveted gift bag of the year thanks to an impressive list of community and national partners. It’s true that the organizations that comprise Awards in the Arts are highly esteemed, but the personalities behind them that conceived the opportunity and drive the partnership are to be considered absolute centrifugal forces. Despite their bustling schedules as they prepare for this year’s event, we were able to gather four of the most pivotal to discuss what people can expect from this sophomore effort: Karen and Meredith Lawrence of the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation (mother and sister-in-law to the Academy Award-winning actress), JP Davis representing Fund for Tonya Abeln the Arts, and Lauren DePaso from Churchill Downs. Read more about the importance of this event straight from the visionaries themselves in this week’s feature and familiarize yourself with this year’s honorees. To borrow a term from Kentucky Derby Festival’s annual corporate luncheon, after this weekend, “They’re Off!” When the first firework explodes into the air, it truly feels like the gates have burst open before us as we all race through the next two weeks in anticipation of the Kentucky Derby. I invite you to consider The Voice-Tribune your color commentator through all of the festivities. We’ll make sure you don’t miss a festive moment.

LETTER from the



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CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Deadlines: Display Ads – Noon Monday Classified Ads – Noon Monday The Voice-Tribune (ISSN 1076-7398) is published weekly by Red Pin Media, 607 W. Main St., Louisville, KY 40202. Periodicals postage paid at Louisville, Ky., and additional mailing offices. Subscription rate: $39/year. Call 502.897.8900 to subscribe. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Red Pin Media, 607 W. Main, St., Louisville, KY 40202.




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Awards in the Arts collaborators: JP Davis, Lauren DePaso, Meredith Lawrence and Karen Lawrence Photography by Clay Cook Styling by Alex Hepfinger Hair by Ana Perez Makeup by Anastasia Gerdes Women’s wardrobe and accessories provided by Rodeo Drive. Men’s wardrobe provided by Dillard’s.

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By Remy Sisk

It was an event hotly anticipated throughout the community in spring 2016. The inaugural Awards in the Arts, a collaborative event between the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation, Fund for the Arts and Churchill Downs, was held on April 30, 2016. The night honored some of the city’s top arts leaders and organizations, and saw over $200,000 raised and subsequently awarded through grants to the arts community. Now, the team is gearing up for the second Awards in the Arts, which will be April 29 at Churchill Downs in conjunction with the track’s opening night. All agree that they are set to raise even more this year, further enriching Louisville’s magnificent arts landscape and solidifying this city as an unparalleled hub of arts activity, engagement and collaboration. Key players in the realization of Awards in the Arts are Meredith Lawrence, executive director of the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation; Karen Lawrence, mother of Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence; JP Davis, senior vice president of Fund for the Arts; and Lauren DePaso, director of community relations for Churchill Downs Incorporated. With the diverse and expansive skill sets and assets all bring to the table, as well as the authentic motivation and dedication each has for the event and its impact, there is no question Louisville’s arts community will see rejuvenated success and growth following this year’s Awards in the Arts.

$25,000 grant to Actors Theatre of Louisville to support capital improvements at the world-renowned theater $20,000 grant to Commonwealth Theatre Center (formerly Walden Theatre/Blue Apple Players) to increase capacity of education and outreach programs $25,000 grant to Kentucky Shakespeare to support the January 2017 production of “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” at The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts $55,000 grant to the Louisville Orchestra to provide live music for identified Louisville Ballet and Kentucky Opera productions in the 2016-2017 season $13,000 grant to the Louisville Youth Orchestra to expand the organization’s training and alumni programs $50,000 grant to support ArtsMatch for Access, a pilot program to increase access to the arts across Greater Louisville

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“There’s no reason we shouldn’t have the best right here in Louisville. I want to make sure that we are providing the next generation with what I found was lacking for my daughter’s generation. And maybe they aren’t going to be professionals – maybe that’s not how they’re going to make their living – but there needs to be an outlet for artistic children to cultivate and grow as artists in a place where they feel understood and accepted as unique individuals. Our goal is to do the best that we can to make sure that those children’s needs are met.” — Karen Lawrence, mother of Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence

LOUISVILLE STORY PROGRAM THE DAVID FENLEY, FOUNDER OF UPSTARTU, ARTS INNOVATION AWARD This award is presented to an organization that is fueling innovative work in the arts – the Louisville Story Program. The Louisville Story Program strengthens the community by amplifying unheard voices and untold stories. The organization partners closely with overlooked Louisville residents by providing extensive writing and oral history workshops and editorial support, culminating in professionally-designed documentary books, exhibits and radio programs, in which the authors tell the stories of their lives and communities in their own words. This organization helps to make Louisville a more inclusive city, in which every community member is heard and where stories are lived together.

2017 Awards in the Arts


2017 Awards in the Arts

LA’NITA ROCKNETTES SCHOOL OF DANCE THE YUM! BRANDS ARTS EDUCATION AWARD This award recognizes an organization that has been helping to educate and inspire Louisville’s children for nearly six decades through the arts – the La’Nita Rocknettes School of Dance. Led by Owen Neil, son of founder Anita Lucille Neil, the La’Nita Rocknettes School of Dance provides the opportunity to learn ballet, pointe, tap, jazz and modern dance to any young student, free of charge and regardless of age, color, size, skill level or body type. The mission of La’Nita Rocknettes School of Dance is to help students with their self-esteem and confidence through arts education and on-stage performances.


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“For decades, arts have been such an important part of Louisville’s fabric, and I think it’s critical that we engage a new generation that not only understands our proud past but also understands what it takes to sustain that for years to come. And it’s not just about giving away money; it’s truly about being engaged and understanding that you really do play a part in the arts. The arts aren’t just for these people or those people – the arts are for everybody. Louisville’s a special place, and it’s our job to make sure we sustain that. We are so grateful for the leadership of the Lawrence family and Churchill Downs for helping us make this night possible. It’s a unique collaboration that has worked very well.” — JP Davis, senior vice president of Fund for the Arts

RACHEL MAUSER 2017 THE LIFT A LIFE FOUNDATION EMERGING Aw ards LEADER IN THE ARTS AWARD in th e This award celebrates an artist who has excelled in her discipline early in Arts her career – Rachel Mauser. Mauser is celebrated for her work in bookbinding, letterpress printing, printmaking and painting. Along with her outstanding commitment to her own practice, she also uses her art as a tool to help young people close education gaps, develop identity and self-worth and become leaders in their communities. She is the co-founder and co-director of the STEAM Exchange, a community arts center in Louisville’s Smoketown neighborhood, where she helps to create passion-driven learning experiences for underserved communities, free of charge.


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“It was all about engaging the city of Louisville, bringing people to the track for a fun night, raising awareness for a good cause and making people feel like what they’re doing and the money they’re giving is actually having impact. And all of the money raised from last year directly went back into the community through grants, and it’s just been amazing.” — Lauren DePaso, director of community relations for Churchill Downs Incorporated

2017 Awards in the Arts


PAUL OWEN THE RONDA GORDON FOUNDATION LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT IN THE ARTS AWARD This award honors an individual who has demonstrated lifetime achievement in the arts in Greater Louisville – Paul Owen. Owen was the resident designer at Actors Theatre of Louisville from 1971 to 2009, designing approximately 1,500 productions during his 38 seasons. Owen’s work was never defined by a specific style, rather Greater Louisville audiences marveled at the variety of his designs. While now in semi-retirement, his passion for the arts has not waned as he frequently designs for Kentucky Shakespeare.

2017 Awards in the Arts

KENTUCKY SHAKESPEARE THE BOBBY PETRINO FAMILY FOUNDATION ARTS IMPACT AWARD This award honors an organization that has demonstrated and leveraged a significant impact in the Louisville community through the arts – Kentucky Shakespeare. Founded in 1949, Kentucky Shakespeare is a nonprofit, charitable organization and professional theatre. It is the oldest free Shakespeare festival in the United States. Grounded in the works of Shakespeare, this organization enriches Kentucky by presenting accessible, professional theatre experiences that educate, inspire and entertain people of all ages in schools, parks, libraries and more. In its most recent 56th season, the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park served more than 25,000 audience members in only 11 weeks, with attendees of all ages, genders, races and backgrounds.


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“We are always looking for creative ways to give back to the community – that is very important to Jennifer and the foundation. The inaugural Awards in the Arts last year was a huge success in that not only was it a fun night and unlike anything Louisville’s seen before, but the event also raised a lot of money. The impactful grants made by the Jennifer Lawrence Arts Fund in its first year motivated us to say, ‘OK, last year was great, now how are we going to make this event bigger and better to raise even more money this year?’” — Meredith Lawrence, executive director of the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation

TIM DALY THE UNBRIDLED CHARITABLE FOUNDATION INC. NATIONAL ARTS ADVOCATE AWARD Tim Daly is an American actor and producer from New York City. He is a national advocate 2017 for the arts and Aw ards serves as president in the Arts of The Creative Coalition – a nonprofit arts advocacy group formed by members of the American entertainment industry – and he continually advocates for the arts through the Coalition and its Right to Bear Arts campaign. Daly is perhaps best known for his role as Joe Hackett on the TV series “Wings,” and as the voice of Clark Kent in the animated film “Superman.” Daly now stars in the popular TV series “Madam Secretary” and has recently appeared in the TV shows “Hot in Cleveland” and “The Mindy Project.” He graduated from Bennington College, where he studied theatre.


STEPHEN GAGHAN THE DELTA DENTAL OF KENTUCKY NATIONAL AWARD IN THE ARTS American screenwriter and director Stephen Gaghan was born and raised in Louisville, where he attended Kentucky Country Day School. He went on to study at the University of Kentucky and Boston College. He is best known for writing the screenplay for Steven Soderbergh’s film “Traffic,” for which he won a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 2000 at the age of 34. Since then, Gaghan has earned 12 award wins and 17 nominations for his work in film and television, including the Emmy and Oscar. Most recently, Gaghan directed the 2016 American crime adventure film “Gold,” featuring stars Matthew McConaughey, Édgar Ramírez, Bryce Dallas Howard, Corey Stoll, Toby Kebbell, Craig T. Nelson, Stacy Keach and Bruce Greenwood.

2017 Awards in the Arts


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Built by Relationships By Cameron Aubernon | Business Profile


pring has finally sprung in Louisville. The days are growing longer, the temps are warmer and the first dogwoods are in bloom. And of course, it’s time for some spring cleaning to clear out the winter cobwebs.

What if a broom and dustpan isn’t enough, though? What if you need a few skilled hands to help give a room a life? What if your whole house needs a complete makeover? A contractor may be what is needed for the ultimate spring clean. Founded by Mark Clore nearly a quarter-century ago, Clore Construction Company is a full-service company with nine full-time employees and a handful of licensed subcontractors who can tackle a top-to-bottom remodel as easily as laying down a new kitchen floor. The Voice-Tribune visited Mark, his son Geoff and his crew on-site, where a fullscale renovation was taking place inside the


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first floor of his client’s home in Audubon Park. “Years ago, I had an uncle who had rental property,” Mark says. “I’d go out with him to tear stuff out, demolition, et cetera. In my adult life, I had other jobs; some people would be surprised to hear I was a commercial baker for 15 years. Some life changes made me find a Monday-through-Friday job, and I worked for a company called Lesher Fire Protection.” Mark’s life changed again following the purchase of Lesher by Tyco International in 1998. Not wanting to work for corporate America and having bought, remodeled and sold a few homes on his own already, he made the decision to go all in on the remodeling business. Though Mark started off as a subcontractor, he saw better opportunities in directly servicing the client. “Working for the end user, you get to develop a working relationship. I enjoy that part. I enjoy making people happy.” The happiness Mark and Geoff bring to their client base has helped grow their business; around 90 percent of their work comes from referrals and repeat business.


Geoff joined his father several years ago, and has learned much about making those connections since then. “Over the years, I’ve watched that transform,” he says. “Every call he takes is someone he knows, someone he’s done work for or a friend of a friend. Just watching that grow over time has been quite impressive. What I’ve watched him build over time, to me, it makes it known that that’s something that can be done. The rapport you create with people is the most important thing that’s happening here.” The Clores’ presence in the Louisville community goes beyond remodeling. Over the years, their company has donated removed cabinetry and appliances to Habit for Humanity and supported Hildegard House, the first and only comfort care home in Kentucky for those in their final stage of life with nowhere else to go. “Doing well enough for your business to be able to help folks out like that,” Mark adds, “is a very rewarding thing.” VT Clore Construction Company 502.491.1760 info@cloreconstruction.net

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business briefs NEW BOURBON & BEYOND FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES ITS HEADLINING LINEUP OF TOP CHEFS, BOURBON EXPERTS AND WORLD-CLASS MUSICIANS Danny Wimmer Presents is thrilled to announce the official headliners and first phase of musicians, chefs, food and beverage experiences for BOURBON & BEYOND, it’s bold, new, bourboninspired festival taking place for the first time on Saturday, September 23 and Sunday, September 24, 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky. Recognized for his monumental music festivals, Danny Wimmer’s newest venture moves above and beyond music. Together with best-selling author and acclaimed bourbon authority Fred Minnick and nationally celebrated Louisville chef, Edward Lee, Danny Wimmer Presents blends the best elements of a bourbon festival, a food festival and a music festival into one all-encompassing celebration in honor of the soul and spirit of Kentucky. BOURBON & BEYOND will be an enriching weekend featuring the best bourbons, master distillers, national and local chefs, bartenders, musicians and many other artisans. The festival will showcase over 50 of the best Kentucky bourbons curated by Fred Minnick, Edward Lee and Chris Cosentino. Festivalgoers will get the chance to dive deep into the Kentucky bourbon experience through several exciting facets like: The Big Bourbon Bar: A 20,000-square-foot bar featuring delicious bourbon cocktails presented by the Louisville Courier-Journal. The Hunter’s Club: A bourbon hound’s dream come true with experimental, rare and hard- to-find bourbons. The Bourbon Barrel Cooperage: A behind-the-scenes look at how coopers craft the oak barrels used to age bourbon. The Distillery: An interactive experience to discover the life of a master blender, taster and distiller. Bourbon Workshops: Access to bourbon’s best and brightest in a series of free and intimate distilling, bartending, pairing and cooking workshops. In addition to the many incredible Kentucky bourbon experiences, BOURBON & BEYOND will partner with renowned local chefs and over 20 beloved Louisville restaurants to deliver one-of-a- kind delectable creations. The first round of participating restaurants include: Baxter’s 942 Bar & Grill, Boss Hog’s BBQ, Doc Crow’s, Gospel Bird, Seviche, The Manhattan Exchange, Whiskey Dry and many more to be announced in the coming months. Guests will be able to eat, drink and party at The Big Easy Boil presented by Southern Comfort, Tiki Barrel Bar, Funk & Soul & BBQ. BOURBON & BEYOND will also offer Incredible Feasts, one-of- a-kind communal dining experiences including The Chicks & Champs Gospel Brunch and the exclusive B&B Supper Club featuring Tom Colicchio. Chefs appearing throughout the weekend include Tom Colicchio, Carla Hall, Edward Lee, Chris Cosentino, Amanda Freitag, Jose Salazar, Cosmo Goss & Erling Wu-Bower, Kevin Ashworth, Anthony Lamas, Anthony Falco and others! World-class musical performances will further amplify this distinctive festival experience. With two main music stages, festival-goers will enjoy music from the following lineup of artists: Stevie Nicks, Eddie Vedder, Steve Miller Band, Band of Horses, Joe Bonamassa, Gary Clark Jr., Paul Rodgers, Amos Lee, Buddy Guy, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Jonny Lang, G. Love & Special Sauce, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, ZZ Ward, Nikki Lane, Shawn James & The Shapeshifters, Fantastic Negrito, Kiefer Sutherland, Dave Cavalier, bluegrass favorites curated by The Bluegrass Situation and more. BOURBON & BEYOND will be an incredible all-in-one bourbon, food and entertainment destination that honors the rich history of bourbon that is so deeply rooted in the heart of Kentucky. All together, BOURBON & BEYOND is a celebration of craftsmanship, soul and spirit. Tickets are on sale now at bourbonandbeyond.com.

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to submit your business brief email mkline@redpinmedia.com LOUCITY SELECTS FUTURE STADIUM SITE IN BUTCHERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD

Bob Booker in 2016. Tucker Booker Donhoff + Partners Architects is now known as: Donhoff Kargl Nall Architects (DKN).

Three years ago, feeling Louisville needed professional sports to attract and retain talented young people in our community, 41 local residents launched a soccer club around which our town could rally. Aptly named Louisville City FC, the team has quickly built a reputation for winning and drawing some of the United Soccer League’s largest crowds.

The name change reflects the current ownership and leadership of the company. Founding members Bob Booker retired recently and Elbert Tucker passed away in 1984. Long-time partners Robin L. Donhoff, Thomas Kargl and Patrick Nall are current owners of the architecture firm, which was founded in 1972.

A study conducted last year by the City of Louisville determined a soccer-specific stadium is needed to maintain and grow the professional game here. Now, after months of work with various property owners, Louisville City FC is a step closer to making that a reality. Tracts of land are under option in the Butchertown neighborhood, where the club plans to transform 40 acres into a 10,000-seat, soccer-specific stadium and adjacent development including space for offices, hotels and retail. Through public-private partnership, LouCity intends to continue the revitalization of downtown Louisville and surrounding areas in space occupied by the former Challenger Lifts headquarters, an above-ground oil tank facility, a storage space and auto salvage lot. A 10,000-seat soccer-specific stadium would open in 2020 on a site that is, as with the club, a winner. It’s situated next to interstates 64 and 71, blocks from Main Street; a close walk from the Big Four Bridge; and within view of the downtown Louisville skyline. LouCity is working with city government, Metro Council members and state economic development officials to make the project a reality. Construction of a stadium and nearby development, including office and retail space, would create jobs, drive tax revenues and spur economic growth beyond soccer. SUPERSTAR HARRY CONNICK JR. TO SING NATIONAL ANTHEM AT THE 143RD KENTUCKY DERBY Churchill Downs Racetrack announced last week that multiplatinum recording artist Harry Connick Jr. will sing our national anthem at the 143rd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands on Saturday, May 6, 2017. The multiple Grammy and Emmy award-winning entertainer and host and executive producer of his own nationally syndicated entertainment show “HARRY,” will perform “The Star-Spangled Banner” live for more than 160,000 fans at the Kentucky Derby. The performance will take place in the Kentucky Derby Winner’s Circle just after 5 p.m. and be broadcast live as part of NBC’s Kentucky Derby coverage. “We are excited for Harry Connick Jr. to perform our national anthem for the millions of Derby fans across the globe,” said Kevin Flanery, president of Churchill Downs Racetrack. “He’s one of the finest entertainers in the world and his performance will help make 2017 another great year at the Kentucky Derby.” Harry Connick Jr. has exemplified excellence in every aspect of the entertainment world. He has received recognition with multiple Grammy and Emmy awards as well as Tony nominations for his live and recorded musical performances, his achievements on screens large and small and his appearances on Broadway as both an actor and a composer. The debut season of his new daytime TV Show “HARRY” was recently recognized with five Emmy nominations, including a nomination for best host. Harry Connick Jr. is the ninth artist to perform the national anthem since Churchill Downs began the tradition in 2009. Last year’s anthem was performed by Lady Antebellum. TUCKER BOOKER DONHOFF + PARTNERS ARCHITECTS BECOMES DONHOFF KARGL NALL ARCHITECTS

“The name change and re-branding reflects more accurately our structure and executive leadership,” said Rob Donhoff, CEO of Donhoff Kargl Nall Architects. “Our clients past and present will notice no other changes in our well-respected and recognized architectural business and staff.” Among the firm’s most recent projects of note are the University of Louisville J. D. Nichols Campus Parking Structure in Louisville, the LEED® Certified Corporate Offices of Donhoff Kargl Nall in the NuLu district of Louisville and the Northtown Village Senior Care Facility in East Chicago, Indiana. DKN Architects is currently working on the third phase of RiverPark Place, a new apartment building for Poe Development on the Ohio River, among other projects, including the sixth consecutive new office building at the High Wickham development near Old Henry Road in Louisville. Additionally, Triangle Springs Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina; the Humana Unity Building in the Louisville downtown core district; the Underwriters Safety and Claims Headquarters building; Beckett Springs Hospital in West Chester, Ohio; and Cottonwood Springs Hospital in Olathe, Kansas are small samplings of the large diversity of building types that the firm has designed. The firm, which is headquartered in the revitalized downtown NuLu neighborhood of Louisville, employs 14. For more information, including portfolios and profiles, visit dknarchitects.com. LOUISVILLE AREA HOME SALES UP 4.6% AND MEDIA PRICE UP 6.5% WITH CONTINUED LOW INVENTORY The Greater Louisville Association of Realtors® (GLAR) reported sales up 4.67% year-to-date (YTD) for 2017. Sales totaled 3,608 for the first quarter versus 3,447 last year. With the continued lower inventory, the average price YTD was up 8.62% and the median price was up 6.55%. In Jefferson County, the average price in March 2017 was $193,172 and the median was $155,000. For all MLS areas, the inventory of available properties was 19.14% lower than at the same time last year. In Jefferson County, the inventory of homes and condos for sale was also 21.52% lower than March 2016. Inventory in Oldham and Bullitt Counties was down 13.73% and 18.71%, respectively. GLAR releases monthly statistics mid-month to allow for the most accurate and comprehensive reporting possible. Local REALTORS report their residential sales totals to GLAR, and publishing the statistics mid-month allows for the activity that takes place late in the month to be counted. This ensures that the totals reported show the truest depiction of the local housing market. GLAR President Allison Bartholomew commented that, “Our members are still working in a very strong sellers’ market for homes up to $400k. Between $400-600k, the market becomes slightly more balanced and over $600k, we’re in a buyers’ market in most areas due to the influx of new listings.” The National Association of Realtors’® (NAR) Chief Economist, Lawrence Yun, observed that “buyers came back in force last month as a modest, seasonal uptick in listings was enough to fuel an increase in contract signings throughout the country.” He continued by saying that more buyers entered the market in part due to “the expectation that delaying their home search may mean paying higher interest rates later this year.”

Tucker Booker Donhoff + Partners Architects (TBD+) recently announced a company name change, following the retirement of

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obituaries Mays, Kimberley Reneé

Kimberley Reneé Mays, 56, passed away April 11, 2017 with her loving family by her side. Kim was a Doctor’s Assistant at Crosby Chiropractic. She was an avid animal lover, mother to all, best mimi in the world and a wonderful and loving daughter, sister and aunt. She is preceded in death by her father, Donald W. Mays and grandmother, Mary Rogers. She is survived by her mother, Jeanette Yount; son, Joseph Russell; daughters, Holli Payne (Lee Vessels) and Erin McDonald Hayden (Cliff); grandchildren, Rainey, Halley, Alexander and Garrett Markert; brother, Kelley Mays; sister, Courtney Hatton Grimes; companion, David Raisor and nieces and nephews, Christopher Mays, Mariah Mays and David Grimes, Jr. Celebration of Life will be Sunday, April 23, 2017 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the North Tent at Mike Linnig’s Restaurant, 9308 Cane Run Road. Arrangements entrusted to Ratterman Keenan Southwest Chapels, 4832 Cane Run Road. In lieu of flowers expressions of sympathy to any 5/3 Bank to the “Memorial Account for Benefit of Kim Mays.”

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Adelberg, Alan Louis

Alan Louis Adelberg, 76, a loving husband and father, passed away peacefully with his family in attendance on April 12, 2017. He was born March 19, 1941 in Louisville, KY and was preceded in death by his father and mother, Robert E. Adelberg and Mary M. Griggs Adelberg. Surviving Alan are his wife of 52 years, Carol Ann Rowe Adelberg, originally from New Orleans, LA; brother Robert P. Adelberg (Cynthia); three sons Eric, Christian (Liz), Alan Robert (Katherine); two grandsons Cameron and Jackson; and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Born and raised in Louisville, he was a graduate of St. Xavier High School (Class of 1959)and Bellarmine College (now University), Class of 1963. Alan was also longtime member of St. Francis of Assisi Church and a Kentucky Colonel. Alan served his country in the United States Coast Guard as a Hospital Corpsman. He then was employed with the International Harvester Co. (International Trucks Division) living throughout the south in Lexington, KY, Decatur, AL, Stone Mountain, GA, Atlanta, GA, Birmingham, AL, and Huntsville, AL before returning home to Louisville, where he was licensed a KY Real Estate Broker and worked with real estate throughout this area. At the time of his death, he still was an active member of The Greater Louisville Associate of Realtors and, over the years, was elected to its Board of Directors, serving as Treasurer during the construction of the new Board headquarters on Dutchmans Lane and later as Vice-President. A life-long supporter of education, Alan also served on the Board of Directors of Sacred

Heart Model School and Holy Rosary Academy. Visitation was Wednesday April, 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1960 Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY 40205. A Funeral Mass was at 1:00 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church with burial following in Calvary Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be donated to Mass of the Air, Hosparus, the Norton Healthcare Foundation or St. Joseph’s Indian School, P.O. Box 326, Chamberlain, SD 57326. Ratterman Funeral Home, 3711 Lexington Road “in St. Matthews” has been entrusted with arrangements.

Clemmens, Judy Kay

Judy Kay Clemmens of Goshen, Kentucky born November 20, 1955, died on Good Friday, April 14, 2017 with her husband at her side. She battled cancer to the end while being an encouragement to others throughout the challenging journey. A force of nature with a quick and infectious laugh, she was known for her charitable work as an indefatigable advocate and guardian for the needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Her passion to serve others knew few bounds and was only surpassed by the joy she brought to so many, including children. The children of family, friends, and neighbors all tell stories of times when “Aunt Judy” made them feel they were the most special people on earth. Judy was born in St. Louis, Mo. and went to grade school in Oklahoma City, OK, before moving to the Louisville area where she lived the remainder of her life. She leaves Nelson Clemmens, devoted husband of thirty years who was the center of her life. Their marriage was

truly a match made in Heaven. Family survivors include her mother Joyce Justus; her siblings John Justus, Robin Justus, Bill Nogalski (with his wife Ginger Legeai), and Jim Nogalski (with his wife Melanie Greer Nogalski); and her nieces Megan Kay Nogalski (with soon to be spouse Brian Murray) and Toni Marie Nogalski (with husband William Jake Harrison); and her dear friend, Barbara Mishler. Visitation was on Wednesday, April 19, from 3:00-7:00 p.m. at Pearson’s Funeral Home. A private memorial service and burial in Cave Hill will be at a later date.

Cummins, Dennis “Humpty”

Dennis “Humpty” Cummins, 82, of Louisville, passed away Saturday, April 15, 2017 at Baptist Health. He was born in Princeton, KY to the late R.B. and Anna Cummins. Dennis enjoyed golf, music, UK basketball and will be greatly missed by family, friends, and the BBC. Dennis was also a member of Christ Church United Methodist. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Kenneth Cummins and Robert Cummins; and sister, Wilma Sue Glass. He is survived by his loving wife of 52 years, the former Susan Bohne; sons, David S. Cummins and Jeffrey A. Cummins (Cindy); brother, Bill Cummins; and four grandchildren, Samuel, Katie, Nora, and Mya. His funeral service was at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at Highlands Funeral Home, 3331 Taylorsville Rd. with burial following in Cave Hill Cemetery. Visitation was from 11 a.m. until time of service Wednesday at Highlands. Expressions of sympathy may be made to United Crescent Hill Ministries or the charity of your choice.

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18 Card Chronicle | 19 Catnip | 21 High School | 22 Game of the Week


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The Lamar Jackson of Baseball

those descriptions. here is an Still, McKay is athlete different. While his on Louascent to national isville’s campus prominence and right now who is individual glory may be replicated doing things that by a future Cardiwe never thought nal or two, the way a non-basketMIKE he made it happen ball-playing CarRUTHERFORD likely won’t be. @cardchronicle dinal could do. A McKay is the most dominant pitcher in dual threat athall of college baseball. Through lete who has become his eight starts, he maintains a sport’s most recognizable sparkling 1.19 ERA (the lowperformer and who is gen- est of any starter in the ACC), erating more attention for has allowed only 31 hits over the program he represents 53 innings, and has struck out 76 opposing hitters and walked than we would have ever only 12. These numbers alone thought was possible 20 years ago. This is not a col- would be reason enough for a Major League team to select the umn about Lamar JackDarlington, Pennsylvania native son. This is a column about with the first overall pick. But there’s more. Brendan McKay. If you haven’t been paying attention to what McKay has been doing this season, or for the past two, then the time to start is right now. A year ago, McKay became the first player ever to win the John Olerud Award, given to the best twoway player in college baseball, in back-to-back seasons. He seems like a pretty safe bet to make it a three-peat in 2017, and he’s also the current odds-on favorite to bring home the Golden Spikes Award, which is essentially college baseball’s Heisman Trophy. With the continuing success of the Louisville baseball program and the way Dan McDonnell is recruiting, it’s certainly possible that the Cardinals will have another player in the hunt for the Golden Spikes Award soon. They could also just as easily have another player who is talked about in terms of being a potential No. 1 pick in the MLB Draft. Heck, it was just a year ago that outfielder Corey Ray fit both of

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McKay might also be the best overall hitter in all of college baseball. Despite opposing pitchers being overly cautious when the 6-foot-2, 220-pound junior steps in the box, McKay

enters this weekend hitting .405, the best mark in the ACC. He leads UofL in that category as well as home runs (7), slugging percentage (.685), on-base percentage (.524) and walks (28). “You have a lot of guys who are two-way players, but one skill kind of overshadows the other,’’ McDonnell told Yahoo Sports earlier this month. “If you put Brendan the pitcher on one side and Brendan the hitter on the other side, they could almost have their own competition to see who’s better at that craft.’’ The extent of McKay’s versatility was fully felt in Louisville’s series-opening win over Georgia Tech last week in Atlanta. Even on a relatively pedestrian night at the plate, McKay still managed to produce twice as many hits by himself (2) as he allowed to the Yellow Jackets (1) over eight dominant innings. The Cardinals won the game 3-0 and went on to produce their third series sweep of an ACC opponent so far this season.

None of this has gone unnoticed to the outside world, which typically doesn’t turn its attention to college baseball until the NCAA tournament rolls around. In the last two weeks, McKay has been interviewed live on ESPN as well as profiled by the Associated Press, USA Today and Baseball America. He was also the subject of a shareable video produced by ESPNU, which referred to the Cardinal superstar as a “modern day Babe Ruth.” Whether McKay’s future in professional baseball will be defined by his prowess on the mound or at the plate or by both is impossible to know at this moment. What isn’t impossible to know is that whenever Louisville’s 2017 baseball season has come to a close, McKay will have solidified his status as the best to have ever played the game in a Cardinal uniform. Get out to Jim Patterson Stadium and see him with your own eyes while you still have the chance. VT

Brendan McKay



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s if we needed confirmation of John Calipari’s determination to move his youngsters on into the NBA, the ESPN documentary “One and Not Done” proved it.

Bamba, a 6-foot-11 beast out of New York, and Kevin Knox, a 6-foot-8 small forward from Tampa, will join up. Currently, neither one has committed. Catnip He doesn’t include Adebayo in the calculation, but he thinks STEVE both Wenyen Gabriel KAUFMAN and Sacha Killeya-Jones will return. This is not much veteran seasoning. Gabriel was an unproductive starter much Starting with Marcus Camby at of the year, then taken out of the starting lineup down the stretch. UMass and then Dajuan Wagner at Memphis, if they thought about Killeya-Jones pretty much disreturning, he refused to take “yes” appeared from the Cat’s plans during the season. for an answer. He told John Wall If all falls into place, this would to go and take everyone else with be Tucker’s vision of the starting him. He told DeMarcus Cousgroup: Nick Richards (6-foot-11), ins that there was no reason for him to stay in college in 2010, and a 5-star freshman out of Manhasset, New York, at center; Bamba Jamal Murray the same thing six (6-foot-11) at strong forward; P.J. years later. Washington (6-foot-8) a 5-star We need not guess how he counseled Malik Monk, De’Aaron freshman out of Dallas, at small Fox, Isaiah Briscoe and even Isaac forward; Quade Green (6-foot-1), a 5-star freshman out of PhiladelHumphries this year. Apparently, phia, would be the point guard; he wasn’t emphatic enough with and Diallo (6-foot-5) would start at Bam Adebayo. Not yet, anyway. shooting guard. Well, the culmination of Cal’s The second team would be: Kilministrations is about to visit Kenleya-Jones at center; Gabriel at tucky basketball with a vengeance! strong forward; Jarred VanderKyle Tucker, the former Kentucky beat reporter for The Couri- bilt (6-foot-8), a 5-star freshman er-Journal now writing for the web from Texas, at small forward; Shai site SEC Country, took a look at a Gilgeous-Alexander (6-foot-5), a 4-star freshman from Tennespossible Wildcats’ 2017-18 lineup. According to Tucker’s long view, see, at point guard; and one of two freshmen – 6-foot-5 Mark Smith Kentucky will start five freshmen, (from Illinois) or 6-foot-2 Califorwith three more freshmen off the nian Jemarl Baker, who decombench. Whereas there was always a returning key veteran to balance mitted from Cal after Coach Cuonzo Martin left for Missouri – the youngsters – a Terrence Jones at shooting guard. or Willie Cauley-Stein or Tyler If you’ve been counting, that’s Ulis – there’s pretty much nobody a lot of stars – and a lot of freshon the 2017-18 team. men! Eight of the top 10. (Note: And it’s scary. Not every one of these players has Understand, first, that Tucker’s projection is based on a few things yet signed on.) On paper, it’s the strongest of all that might not happen: Calipari’s recruiting classes. He expects Hamidou Diallo to If only NCAA championships stay in school and not go into the were won on paper. NBA draft. Diallo has been parIt’s also the most freshticularly sphinx-like about the man-heavy of all Cal’s teams. whole thing. We’ve learned that it’s impossible He postulates that Mohamed


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to calculate how well Cal’s freshmen will immediately translate their skills to the college game. Some show up college-ready. John Wall, Brandon Knight, Anthony Davis, Julius Randle, took virtually no seasoning to make them good to go. But some..? Even Monk, Fox and Adebayo had to be handled, had to have some of their bad habits removed. DeMarcus Cousins, Michael KiddGilchrist and Karl-Anthony Towns had to be brought along. Jamal Murray had to tone down his shot selection. Eric Bledsoe and Devin Booker had to be used strategically. And then there’s the “Skal Labissiere syndrome.” Looks great. Measures up – height, wingspan, reach, vertical leap. High school numbers were good. Reviews are raves. Nothing’s missing.


Want Freshmen at UK? You’ll Get ’Em! Until the ball is in the air. Killeya-Jones was just that freshman a year ago. He had all the stars, all the numbers, all the physical requirements. But when it came time to play, something was indeed missing. He was too young. His game was too immature, too unpolished. He wasn’t strong enough. He wasn’t skilled enough. That’s not his fault. He WAS young. The fault was ours, in our expectations and easy assumptions, our gullibility, our wanting too much for him to be Anthony Davis. The fault was ESPN’s and scout.com’s. The fault was the University of Kentucky’s publicity machine. The fault was Calipari’s. Never blame any one of these freshmen for not being older or more experienced or better than he is. VT

Coach John Calipari.

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Red-White Spring Game Last Saturday, the UofL football starters divided into a red team and white team for the Red-White Spring Game. Heisman Trophy winner Lamar Jackson was, expectedly, impressive, completing 19 passes for 346 yards and three touchdowns – eventually leading the Red team to a 52-7 win.

Ken Clay, Jaunna Ivy, Demetrius Montgomery and John Ivy.

Dez Fitzpatrick scored on a 19-yard pass from Lamar Jackson in the second quarter.

Trey Smith scored from eight yards out to tie the game in the first quarter as Devante Peete signaled for the touchdown.

Lamar Jackson scored on a 34-yard run in the first quarter. Gretchen Koett, Eden Ragains and Christy Grubs.

Lance,Tony and Henry Weiter with Madison Stewart and Sandy Weiter.

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Brandon Oerther.


Head Coach Bobby Petrino.


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Future Cards and Cats Shine in KDF Basketball Classic

he 44th annual edition of the Kentucky Derby Festival Basketball Classic featured future Louisville and Kentucky recruits last weekend at Freedom Hall. The lights were bright and the stage was set for the star-studded event that included some of the finest basketball talent around the nation.

time all four players were able to come together and play as one before they take the court as Cardinals. Lance Thomas, who is a 6-foot-10 power forward from Norcross, Georgia, has had a High School relationship with Darius Perry Sports Report since the two were young. He calls him his “brother” and a RANDY “superstar.” When asked his WHETSTONE JR. thoughts on the potential to play on a national championship contender next season, he said, “It means a lot because the freshman will be able to see and gain experience that a lot of players don’t, which is championship Louisville fans came out to see their practices and championship games. Even entire 2017 recruiting class that included in losing, there will be a lot of things that I Darius Perry, Malik Williams, Lance can learn from.” Thomas and Jordan Nwora. Perry, who is a 6-foot-2 point guard from Not far up the road are the citizens of Marietta, Georgia, is ranked 51st in the Big Blue Nation. There were a few spots ESPN100. He dazzled the crowd with his of blue in the crowd as Kentucky fans performance, showing positive signs as he came to see their newest Wildcat, Shai prepares to join forces with Quentin Snider Gilgeous-Alexander. in Louisville’s backcourt next season. Gilgeous-Alexander, who is a 6-foot-5 “It was great to be able to be here in point guard from Hamilton, Ontario, Canfront of these fans and get their support. It ada, is ranked No. 32 in the ESPN100. was a blessing and I can’t wait to get back He was welcomed with boos from a crowd in front of them when the season comes. I heavily populated with Louisville fans. learned that Malik, Lance and Jordan are He embraced it with a smile as he got his great guys and guys I want to be around first taste of the rivalry between red and all the time, every day. They’re hard workblue all the way to winning the three-point ers. They know when to play and they shootout event and award for Most Valuknow when not to play, and when it gets able Player in the game. down to it, they are probably the group of “I got to win a couple of awards as they guys I am going to talk to forever. They are were booing me,” he said after the game. like brothers and I can’t wait to get to play “But it was crazy fun. I recommend it to alongside them.” a lot of players coming up. It is definitely Jordan Nwora, from Saxtons River, Versomething I will never forget. Stuff like mont, participated in the Jordan Brand this helps you create new relationships with Classic game and missed the first two days people and be a better person.” of the Derby Classic. But when he arrived, On the Louisville side, it was the first it didn’t take him long to mesh right in with


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Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and Darius Perry.


his future teammates. The 6-foot-8 small forward is ranked No. 87 in ESPN100. “I haven’t seen a lot of these guys, and this was my first time seeing them. I’ve played against Darius before and I played against Lance, but I had never seen Malik before. So it was good to come down here and play with those guys. I think everybody is really solid. Darius, Lance and Malik are all great players, and next year, we’ll be able to shine on the highest level.” To round out the bunch is Louisville’s highest rated recruit. Malik Williams, standing tall at 7-foot-0 is from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and is ranked No. 29 in the ESPN100. He says it was a nice experience to be able to play before the fans and with his future teammates. “Off the court, we link really good right now. That will build together on the court once we get to play together more. Darius controls the ball and is a good point guard. Jordan is a great shooter and Lance is an all-around player. All of them are great.” Louisville is one of three teams with the best odds to win a national championship next year. Of course, that is if Louisville star, Donovan Mitchell — who played in the Derby event three years ago — returns for his junior season. He was at the game last weekend, and I’m sure Cardinal fans were hopeful Mitchell’s presence was a sign that he will return. But time will tell. When Williams was asked what he expects next season if Donovan returns, he said, “We’ll be No. 1 in the nation and win it all.” It seems the 2017 recruiting class for Louisville and Kentucky bring tremendous promise and have significant expectation for what will be an entertaining 2017 college basketball season. VT

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The Pleasure Ridge Park Panthers took down the Eastern Eagles 4-2 at their Friday night non-conference game. The Panthers next play at home on Saturday, April 22, versus Edmonson County at noon.

Noah McDonald (2) tagged Eastern’s Tyler Pence (25).

Brendan Koester (14) threw to first base. Reed Blaszczyk (11) and Dylan Carnes (25).

Kyle Nunn (32) wound up and delivered a strike.

Blake Sutton (10) at bat.

Tanner Lynch (30) slid into third.

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Ryan Nosil (43) of Eastern.

Kyle Nunn (32) pitched for the Eagles.

PRP’s C. Jarrett Troklus (20) prepared to tag out Eastern’s CJ Kenworthy (5).



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26 ‘Fresh Cut’ Opening | 41 Princesses at Peppermint Palm


Don’t see yourself? Visit our website at


for extended photo galleries and purchase options.

KMAC Couture V TVT.indd 23



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KMAC Couture V Art walked the runway on April 15 at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft’s fifth annual KMAC Couture. As always, the event was a unique way to experience the museum, as it featured and supported emerging and established regional artists, costumers, designers and milliners. The night began with a cocktail reception before guests dressed in shades of white took their seats for the runway show. An after party followed as all celebrated the triumph of singular art in the community.

Angela McCormick Bisig, Ron Wolz, Shelley Trager and Tara Hagarty.

DeDee Kayrouz, Erik Eaker, Ashley LeGrande, Kaelyn Gault, John Brooks, Justin Read and Jonathan Klunk.

Lorie and Rob Davenport and Erica McDowell.

Clay Cook and Alexa Hepfinger.

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David and Maura Fennell with Jim and Catherine Smith.

Sean Maguire, Susan Rainey, Liz Everman Eckman, John Gray, Becky Switzer and Sarah Gray.

Steve Wilson and Laura Lee Brown.


Andrea Scott, Gia Combs, Mayor Greg Fischer, Jasmine Graham, KMAC Director Aldy Milliken and Corbin Lorenat.


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Work the Metal Derby Fashion Show Fashion connoisseurs gathered at Work the Metal on April 14 for the boutique’s spring fashion show. Attendees enjoyed sweets and sips while taking in the latest in Derby fashion. Tara Gray, Lesa Seibert and Cynthia Mattingly.

Meredith Elliott and Vicky Peay.

Work The Metal Derby Fashion Show.

Kristen Wilson, Lexie Wiegel and Jane Kottkamp.

Jennifer and Mary Elizabeth Kraft.


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Hunter Sattich and Eleni Digenis Lentsch.

Holly and Hayes Turney.

Sandy Coulter and Connie Sorrell.

Sydney and Morgan Loy.


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‘Fresh Cut’ Opening Revelry Boutique Gallery is proudly hosting local artist Alyson Thiel for her first solo exhibit “Fresh Cut,” a celebration of handmade paper botanicals in various forms from fascinators, headpieces and bouquets to display art and terrariums. As everlasting creations, paper flowers offer a conscious alternative that allows for whimsical and lightweight wearable art and decor. The exhibit celebrated its opening at Revelry in NuLu on April 14.

Soozie Eastman and Marcie Shanks.

Kelsie Smithson and Zeus.

Vincent and Gina.

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Maya Griffin, Anna Erwin, Mo McKnight Howe and Molly Huffman.

Lauren Grosberg and Megan McCartney.

Kyle DeJute, Alyson Thiel and Grace Salsman.

Tyler Crowe and Angie Toerner.


Anna Erwin.

Jennifer Soule and Jane Vonderheide.

Abby, Kaylan, Isaiah and Judah.


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Tim Daly

The Unbridled Charitable Foundation National Arts Advocacy Award

Paul Owen

The Ronda Gordon Foundation Lifetime Achievement in the Arts


Presented by

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Hosted by

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Sing for the Roses Pandora Productions hosted the inaugural Sing for the Roses singing competition on April 8 in Old Louisville. Guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and a first-rate Broadway-style performance.

Erin Jump.

Remy Sisk and Charlie Meredith.

David Taustine, Michael Drury and Chelsey Beeson.

Mark Mardon and Amanda Fair.

Gerome Stephens, Crytal Ramsey, Robert Bertrand, Rachel Pugh, Tonya Abeln, Clinton Snider and Kyle McCluskey.

Tim McClure, Roger Davis, Kelley Powell and David Brown.

Rebecca Worthington, Sara Troxel and Whitten Montgomery.

Jim Basham and Chuck Eaton

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Katie and Bobby Petrino.

Jacob Cooper and Kristy Calman.



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Big Hats & Bow Ties To raise money toward their mission of promoting a life of independence for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Apple Patch held the Big Hats & Bow Ties Dinner and Auction on April 15 at the Kentucky Derby Museum. Guests enjoyed a cocktail reception, dinner and live and silent auctions in addition to the various exhibits within the museum. Shea Johnson, Shelley Plessinger, Aaron, Brian,Christen and Ben Byrne.

Justin Muth, Kathy Harmon, Etta Keehn and Ronda Muth.

Jack White with Holly and J.R. Plescia.

Jenn and Michael Monohan.


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Vencot and Tisier Brown, Nuno Abek and Shoul Machar.

Chris and Jennifer Caldwell.

Sarah Hyland, Shelley Plessinger and Malorie White.


Cynthia Coomes and Amy Washburn.

Apple Patch Development Director Cindy Harbin and Executive Director Leah Campbell.

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A Bluegrass Unbridled Experience!

The Outlet Shoppes of the Bluegrass hosted A Bluegrass Unbridled Experience! to the delight of families and shoppers on April 15. Event guests scouted the grounds for five new custom-painted horses and took part in the excitement of the afternoon family festival.

Tif Fannin, Amy Duke, Debbie Griesinger and Nicole Green.

Maddie and Roni Hester.

James Harris.

Katie Flagg and Shay Fields.

Brad and Hollis Lehmann.

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Kane, Tif and Chauncey Fannin.



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Messie Shop’s Derby Pop-Up Just in time for Derby, boutique owner and designer Jessie Patterson hosted a pop-up store event at Drybar to debut her 2017 Messie Capsule Collection. The highly curated local women’s fashion boutique is home to many other coveted designers. A percentage of sales from the event was earmarked for Dream Factory.

Laura Wagner, Cheri Collis White and Courtney Hunter.

Annette Rudd.

Suzanne Oldham.

Laura Melillo Barnum and Lisa Causarano Morley.

Maxine Rouben.

Lauren Chitwood and Cheri Collis White.


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Dianne Timmering and Amy Saurer.


Messie Shop Owner Jessie Patterson.

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Marty Mudd, 550.1826 $335,000

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Finn’s Spring Fashion Event Finn’s Southern Kitchen was the site of Finn’s Spring Fashion Event on April 13. Guests were entertained by highlights of this year’s hottest spring fashion trends and served a beautifully prepared threecourse dinner as well as specialty cocktails and champagne. Leah Naomi, Abby and Mary Lee O’Bryan, Patti Evans, Kathy Stich and Carol O’Bryan.

Hope LeMaster.

Noelle Thompson.

Angie Cox and Rachel Nucho.

Miranda Popp and Jason Lois.

Gretchen Malone, Tina Ray and Reba Ziller.

Noelle Thompson, Hope LeMaster and Victoria Staton.

Amber Sturgill, Lacey Salyer and Joni Wollitz.

Taylor, Rachel and Jackie Logsdon with Steve Clements.

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Sip, Shop & Serve Rodes for Her hosted the Women of Tocqueville to sip, shop and serve in an event to benefit Metro United Way on Thursday, April 13. The Tocqueville Society members are philanthropists who demonstrate extraordinary generosity. Since its establishment in 1990, Tocqueville Society members have invested over $30 million in our community.

Zsuzsanna Lorincz and Annette Grisanti.

Angie Corbett, Hilary Mattingly and Pattie Dale Tye.

Metro United Way CEO Theresa Reno-Weber.

Staci Snider and Lauren Ryan.


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Katie Floyd and Carmen Hickerson.

Brett Howard and Howard Vogt.


Paula and Frank Harshaw.

Christy Cole and Leah Eggers.

Susan Vogt and Woo Speed McNaughton.

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BourbonVille On April 13, guests mixed, mingled and enjoyed bourbon specialty drinks at the newest Kentucky Derby Festival event, BourbonVille. Tastings of signature drinks from Kentucky’s bourbon distilleries were offered, and attendees had the chance to enjoy bourbon-inspired cuisine while chatting with master distillers. Participating distilleries and providers at the inaugural event included Evan Williams, Four Roses, Jim Beam, Liquor Barn, Old Forester and Woodford Reserve.

Flatboat Bourbon is a 90-proof bourbon that is a joint venture between Liquor Barn and Barton 1792 Distillery.

Angel and Donnie Rowe.

Anessa Martin, Marcus Neimann, Lisa Stevenson, Four Roses Master Distiller Brent Elliot and Lesa Morrison.

Tracy and John Plumeri.

Jeri Poppe and Hans. Stephen Cohen and Meghan Hancock

Ronnie Harris and Judge Katie King with Jordan and Dr. Chris Semder.

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Jenny and Eric Huelsman.


Barry Denton and Victoria Yakimovicz.

Jean Michalak and Ashley Cuyjet with 2017 Kentucky Derby Festival Chair Lisa Stevenson.


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Puttin’ on the Ritz The Women’s Council of Realtors held their seventh annual fashion show — this year themed as Puttin’ on the Ritz — on April 13 at Millionaires Row at Churchill Downs. Attendees enjoyed brunch and had the opportunity to shop from local vendors before the fashion show, which featured clothing from Dillard’s, began. This year’s benefiting charity was Ovarian Awareness of Kentucky.

Event Chair Louise Miller, Florence Browne and Leesa Hill.

Robin Medley and Melissa Dietrich.

Felicia Holmes and Kim Zarotny.


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Amy Nichols, Florence Browne, Margaret Shouse, Clare French, Brenda Playforth, Monica Higgins and Trish Burrows.

Mandy Thomas, Jeff Sherry and Terra Meek.

Teresa Wallace, Bobby Harding and Cora Henderson.

Santosh Bhatt, Florence Browne and Lamont Breland.


Carrie Lyons and Katharine Shafferman.

Lis Williams and Karen Finlinson.

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Chenoweth Square Derby Trot Shoppers kicked off Derby season in style with the annual Chenoweth Square Derby Trot on April 12. In addition to store promotions and live music, attendees were able to stock up on all their Derby needs. Joanne Hammond, Missy Stebbins, Linda Villier, Penny Jane and Kristen Wallace.

Robin Aleksevitch, Abigail Wright and Anne Luvisi at Dolfinger’s.

Carey Cullens and Ben Palmer-Ball at Digs.

Lori Steinberg and Charlotte and Jill Ricketts at J. McLaughlin.

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Kate Jones, Kathy Lintner and Ava Mivelaz at Cartwheels.

Connie Schleuning and Linda Vittitow at Fleur de Lis.

Walter Wagner and David Mills at Digs.


Vicki and Hayley Koetter at Modern Elegance.

Mona and David Schaefer at Tikka House.


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Downs with Derby Benefiting Down Syndrome of Louisville, Downs with Derby Fashion Show and Silent Auction took place at the Frazier History Museum on April 11. The event celebrated the official launch of Nic and Kat Boutique, Louisville’s first and only Airstream clothing boutique. Guests enjoyed live music from Louisville’s Zach Longoria, Derby-inspired libations and hors d’oeuvres while socializing, shopping and giving back.

Rudy Spencer and Amy Dennison.

Morgan Hubsch, Cassandra Rausch, Sharun Kumar, Clara Young, Israel Llaguno, Hannah Hubsch and David Bohnlein.

Maya Williamson and Ali Muhammad.

Nice Stove. Can we have it?

Items We Need:

Habitat ReStore is Louisville’s only not-for-profit building supply resource that reinvests 100% of it’s profits into Habitat for Humanity, creating home ownership opportunities for qualified families.

E Functioning Appliances E Quality Furniture E Building Materials E Kitchen and Bath Cabinets E Doors and Windows E Electrical and Lighting E New Carpet E Architectural Items E Functioning HVAC & AC E Tools and Hardware

Call our Donation Hotline: 805-1416 to schedule your tax-deductible donation. PHOTOS BY TIM VALENTINO

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Corbett Cosmetic Derby Trunk Show Corbett Cosmetic hosted a Derby trunk show on April 12, and all who attended enjoyed fashions from The Hat Girls, Dysport and filler specials, cocktails and snacks.

Aesthetician Allyson Beam, The Hat Girls Rachel Bell and Kate Welsh and medical assistant Ashton Gooch.

Heather Roberts and Jennifer Uhl.

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Jason Lois and Miranda Popp.



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Princesses at Peppermint Palm The 2017 KDF Royal Court made an appearance at The Peppermint Palm in St. Matthews on Wednesday, April 12 to greet some of their biggest little fans and to shop festive spring attire at the Lilly Pulitzer Signature Store.

Addison Davis, Princess Sidney Cobb, Beatrice Imber, Princess Taylor Marchelle Young, Queen Natalie Brown, Katie Gordinier, Princesses Kailee Barnes and Daphne Woolridge and Claire Davis.

Jacqueline and Tracy Raque.


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Abby Garner, Queen Natalie Brown and Claire Garner.

Madeleine Stone, Mary Ellen Eagan, Princesses Sidney Cobb and Taylor Marchelle Young, Queen Natalie Brown, Haleigh Jones and Princesses Kailee Barnes and Daphne Woolridge.


Claire Davis,Queen Natalie Brown and Addison Davis.

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An Abu Dhabi Oasis

At the top tier, date palms e enjoyed shade the other plants, proa day and tecting them from sand evening in storms, attracting moisture Dubai on our Seven and producing dry matSeas Navigator World ter that becomes fertilizer. In the middle tier, there are Cruise. We sailed in to Partyline fruit trees such as mangoes, the port of Abu Dhabi figs, mulberries, bananas, the next morning. CARLA SUE pomegranates and grapes. There is a striking difAt the lowest level, there BROECKER ference between these are vegetables for daily two United Arab Emirates city/ food such as pumpkins, carrots, tomacountries. The skyline of Dubai toes and cucumbers. There are also manmade trenches is astounding with its many that deliver water all over the entire buildings of record-breaking oasis. height with even taller ones Our next stop was the necessary under construction. This is town market. This one was under roof with shops on both sides and a stark contrast to Abu Dhabi, great row of produce down the midwhich has a larger populadle. Since this area produces great tion than Dubai but not the quantities of dates, they were offered impressive number of gigantic loose and in packages in all sorts of buildings. varieties. There was a refrigerated

Having been to Abu Dhabi before, we looked over the ship’s offerings of shore excursions and decided to go to the oasis town of Al Ain, two and a half hours away. We were interested in the fact that it’s a lovely, less frantic town where much of the royal family has chosen to live in palaces that are built out of sight of street traffic. There are no skyscrapers in Al Ain at all. Al Ain also lived up to its billing of being an oasis town. On the approach to the city, it was immediately apparent that we were entering a really green city – lots of trees and grass that needs regular mowing. We haven’t seen that for more than a month’s travel. Most street intersections cross each other in roundabout form and are decorated with flowers, shrubbery and sculptures. Don’t misunderstand, the place is still hot, hot, hot. Much of the greening is accomplished with simple and sophisticated irrigation systems. Our first stop was at Al Ain Oasis, where we saw for the first time the operation and management of an oasis. We learned that it is a threetiered oasis garden. Under this system, each plant cares for the others.

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meat market with great cuts of meat, including camel, hanging in the window. Camel milk, both fluid and dried, is also offered in other stores in great abundance. And there were stores with pots, pans and other cooking implements too numerous to account for. For lunch, we went to a nice hotel where tourists and locals enjoyed a buffet with great variety. Pastas, soups, Asian treats, fresh salads and something that could pass for Chicken McNuggets pleased everybody. Our final stop before heading back the long road to Abu Dhabi was what was called the “Camel Market.” It was enormous and dealt with a whole lot more than camels. First of all, it was a great mall in the sense there were rows and rows of streets with regular stores for clothing, souvenir and household shopping. Then, we moved on to the livestock. Sheep, goats and more sheep and goats were on offer (that’s the way they say it over here) before we got to the actual camel area. We were not quite prepared for what we saw. It wasn’t awful. Just pen after pen of small, medium and large camels, with many in each pen. We were further surprised to learn that many of these camels were not raised on camel ranches in the neighborhood. They were imported from Australia where


Entrance to a royal palace in Salalah.

Vast chandelier in Oman Mosque.

Vegetable stall in Oman Market.

Frankincense trees at Oman Museum.


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Camels in pens for sale.

Meat stall in Al Ain, Oman town market.

Entrance to Sultan Qaboos bin Said Mosque, Oman.

camels are actually considered to be pests like deer in Jefferson County. Here, camels are more than “ships of the desert.” They are dinner. And sometimes, one can cost the equivalent of $1,000 for a camel for a single dinner. I didn’t find out if the hump was the prized cut, sort of like the drumstick. In all of our travels, we have never been served camel, but after this trip to the camel market, I can tell you it is not in short supply. Anyhow, our visit to the camel market caused us to have a whole lot of flies on our air-conditioned bus back to the ship. So we played sleep and swat for two hours all the way home. After two days in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea, we sailed into Salalah in Oman. It is the capital and seat of the governor, or wali, of the Omani province of Dhofar. The city is the second largest city in the Sultanate of Oman. I don’t think they get a lot of tourists. The terminal is not particularly tourist-friendly but they have lots of huge waterside cranes, the kind that can pick up enormous containers and move them from ship to shore and vice versa. We drove to the Sultan Qaboos bin Said Mosque, which is enormous and beautiful. It was built in 2009, 39 years after he


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All sorts of dates for sale in Oman market.

ascended the throne. The mosque is white marble with a glorious soaring ceiling. There is a fabulous Swarovski crystal chandelier that fills the central dome. There are no chairs or pews. There is a white marble floor with a beautiful and thick green, gold and white rug that is almost wall-to-wall. It holds 32,000 people! Everyone removes their shoes outside and walks inside on the cool white marble then onto the rug where they kneel and worship four times a day. Their vocal prayers have a sing-song cadence, foreign to our ears but lovely. The mosque is mainly for men but has a prayer room for women. Our gentle and charming guide led us to a large rack containing books on the Islamic religion. The Quran was written 1,400 years ago. We were invited to take a book if we wanted. On to the frankincense museum. This is gum resin from the frankincense tree, used in religious and medical rituals. You can purchase both frankincense and frankincense oil in the souk. In its dried form, it looks like lumps of pale brown sugar. The city is a popular destination for tourism due to the natural attractions of the nearby mountains and abundant stands of frankincense trees lining mountain Wadi courses. The climate supports wildlife more


often seen in East Africa such as leopards and hyenas. It is one of the few ancient areas on the Arabian Peninsula that has extensive coconut cultivation. In ancient times, coir from the thick husk of the coconut of the local, tall variety was used to stitch the planking of the traditional sewn boats used in the Western Indian Ocean. They also have banana plantations. Salalah has the ruins of the fortified town Sumharam, an important port from 100 B.C. to A.D. 400. The strategic location of this port made it one of the major entry ports to India, the Middle East and Africa. Only Emirates can work there except for teachers. Most people usually make $1,500 a month, pay no tax and their education and healthcare are free! That evening, our friend Malcolm gave a big dinner party for his and our friend Millie, the photographer. We had the longest banquet table ever and even the ship’s general manager and the executive concierge attended. The next day, we sailed the Arabian Sea. The day after that, we were in the Gulf of Aden and then two days in the Red Sea. We finally docked in Aquaba, Jordan and prepared to go off the ship to Petra. VT

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On the Town with Veteran Photographer John H. Harralson Jr.

The Fillies Derby Ball The 2017 Fillies Derby Ball was held April 8 at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. The Derby Ball is presented by The Fillies and funds the Kentucky Derby Festival Foundation, a philanthropic organization supporting the Kentucky Derby Festival and other educational and charitable activities.

Whitney, Jeffrey and Brittany McNicol with Jacob Lamping and Patsy Allen.

Artist Heidi Schwartz.

Tim and Jana Hourigan.

Kevin and Charlotte Van Himbergen, Greg and Tammy Coats and Bob and Jay Wellendorff.

Pat, Deda, Sally and Michael Galla.

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Barbara and Hugh Schwab.

Tim and Traci Stemmle, Samuel Hulak, Kelsie Orman, Tony and Cindy Simpson and Carrie and Doug Orman.

Natalie Brown, 2017 Kentucky Derby Festival Queen.

Meghan and Mary Hatfield Oliva.

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46 New Derby Events | 48 SKYN Lounge | 50 KDF Look of the Week


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New Derby Events

One of the best aspects of Derby season is the tradition and annual events for all to look forward to. However, there is a crop of brand-new events this year looking to make a splash on the scene, and to learn more about them, we chatted with the fine folks behind these diverse affairs.

1081 AFFAIR What is the 1081 Affair? The 1081 Affair is the inaugural gala of The Brendon P. Bachelor Foundation for Sports and Education. Brendon’s time with us was cut short in an automobile accident in May 2014. The foundation was formed to continue his passion for sports and education and his love for children. 1081 is Brendon’s birth month and year. How will it stand out among all the other wonderful events this season? I love that our city is home to so many wonderful events. The 1081 Affair will stand out because we are an intimate affair. My background as an event curator, along with our incredible board and vendors, have all been heavily involved in the creation of the event. I am excited to share our collective efforts with the city of Louisville. Why is the event important for The Brendon P. Bachelor Foundation and the greater community? Nineteen percent of people in Kentucky live in poverty, and 8,000 children are currently in Kentucky’s Foster Care system and waiting to find their forever home. The state is forced to take urgent steps to care for neglected,

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abandoned and orphaned children. We created Brendon’s Duffels of Hope to be gifted to children in the foster care system. Our intent is to comfort children removed from their homes due to the drug epidemic in Kentucky. All children deserve love, respect and dignity, but not all children get those things. When a child is taken from their home and placed in the care of the state, a social worker arrives with a black plastic trash bag for their belongings. It is estimated that the average foster child moves an average of seven times before the age of 18, and with each move, their belongings are placed in a trash bag once again. These children are faced with many challenges, but we have the opportunity to do something small but powerful to help. Proceeds from the 1081 Affair event will provide Brendon’s Duffels of Hope to Foster Children and provide programs designed to enrich, love, support and educate the children of our community. – Erica Bachelor, president of The Brendon P. Bachelor Foundation 1081 Affair Wednesday, May 3, 7 p.m. The Gramercy brendonsfoundation.org

THE GREAT GATSBY THURBY What is The Great Gastby Thurby? The Great Gatsby Event is part of our Signature Event Series. All of our events are created to bring fantasies to life. All events of our series are created through a thorough vetting process to determine experiences that specific groups of people would enjoy at a reasonable price point. In addition to Great Gatsby Thurby, our other signature events include Hogwarts Christmas Extravaganza, Prohibition Repeal Party and Dr. Seuss Christmas. We are also considering a variety of other events to release in 2017-2018. What can guests expect at the event? This event is all about the experience, making guests feel like they have stepped right into the book or movie. We will be offering a VIP lounge in Grand Hall of the Water Tower in addition to the Main Tent. The event will feature 1920s decor, live entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, a full open bar sponsored

by Evan Williams and a DJ spinning modern club music and music reminiscent of the era. How will it stand out among all the other wonderful events this season? The Gatsby Event was intentionally held on Thurby because it is an event for the locals. Most events you find in Louisville Derby week are tailored to out-of-town guests or celebrities, or the tickets are priced higher than locals are wanting to spend. We wanted to create something that locals could look forward to whether they were coming from the track or if they are just looking for a night out with friends. – Lauren Brown, sales and events manager of Michaelis Events

The Great Gatsby Thurby Thursday, May 4, 7 p.m. Louisville Water Tower Park michaelisevents.com

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RAINBOWS & ROSES SOIRÉE What is Rainbows & Roses Soirée? Rainbows & Roses Soirée is the first annual event of the LGBTQ+ Community Coalition and will be THE event for those who want to soirée their way during Derby season regardless of gender orientation or identity. With fashion, drag and aerial performances, art experiences and more happening at our two different venues, it’ll be something people haven’t experienced in Louisville before! How will it stand out among all the other wonderful events this season? Historically there was a LGBTQ-focused event — Down and Derby — which was the one Derby season event specifically held for our community. Rainbows & Roses fills that void and creates a contemporary space for everyone — including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and our allies — to come together to celebrate in spaces that are welcoming and created by and for the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBTQ+ Community Center, we need expanded capacity – so your support through purchasing a ticket, sponsoring the event or donating all make a difference.

Why the event important for the LGBTQ+ Community Coalition and the greater community? Rainbows & Roses is the first fundraiser of the LGBTQ+ Community Coalition and will support our Coalition’s efforts to co-create a community center by hiring a coordinator to keep the momentum going. We’ve had town halls and monthly community meetings, organized by volunteers. To realize our dream of a

– Josh Miller, Rainbows & Roses Soirée chair and co-founder of IDEAS xLab

Rainbows & Roses Soirée Thursday, May 4, 8 p.m. Lola at Butchertown Grocery and PLAY Louisville lgbtqlou.com

WILD THURBY What is Wild Thurby? Wild Thurby is the brainchild of a group of Louisville business leaders with a passion for all things Derby and for working to make Louisville, Kentucky, a better community all year long. These business leaders, all of whom are supporters of Family Scholar House, were discussing the need for more opportunities for Louisvillians to have their own “local” Derby event. While chatting about the upcoming Derby season, they said, “Why not have a fun Derby week event that could also raise money and awareness for a great cause?” With many out-of-towners coming to Louisville for the Oaks and Derby, the idea of Wild Thurby was born as an opportunity for locals to enjoy Thursday of Derby Week with their own opportunity to dress up, party and celebrate all that is Louisville. It will be an evening filled with fun, great music by “This, That and the Other,” fabulous craft cocktails and delicious food catered by Masterson’s. How will it stand out among all the other wonderful events this season? This event is located at the Gheens Foundation Lodge at the Parklands whereas most events are downtown. Also, folks can come dressed as they please — from their infield attire to their Clubhouse attire to their Jockey Club attire! We really wanted this event to be accessible to everyone.

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Why is the event important to Family Scholar House and the greater community? Many nonprofits have selected audiences, and what we want is to expose Family Scholar House to the greater local community and an audience that may not have the good fortune to know about our good works. –Greg Cobb, chair of the Wild Thurby committee

Wild Thurby Thursday, May 4, 7 p.m. Gheens Foundation Lodge at the Parklands of Floyds Fork familyscholarhouse.ejoinme.org/wildthurby

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For this Multi-Masking skin care treatment, Erica McDowell, owner of SKYN LOUNGE used Carita Lagoon Bath Mask that instantly moisturizes and Carita Biological Mask that firms and revitalizes.

Beauty & the Blogger

On her blog, Her Bendy Life, Paloma Thacker documents, “simple tips for your messy, beautiful life.” If you follow the petite yogi either on her blog or Instagram, you know that there is usually more beauty than mess. In addition to the gravity-defying poses from which you may catch her smiling on her site, Paloma also shares helpful fashion and beauty tips with her readers. This made her the ideal candidate to test some pre-Derby beauty solutions at SKYN LOUNGE as well as the ultimate canvas to paint with pops of color in preparation for the early morning outings on her social calendar.

Erica says, “The purpose of Multi-Masking is to use multiple masks on various parts of your face for different skin concerns. For example, if you are oily, you can use the Biological Mask on your T-zone and a hydrating mask on your cheeks.”

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“These masks do not harden,” Erica explains. “After allowing the mask to sit for 20 minutes, you can rub in the remaining product before you rinse it off with warm water.”

For an early morning event like Oaks and Derby Brunch or Dawn at the Downs, Erica recommends highlighting your face to add an illuminated, dewy glow. On Paloma, she used ZenSKYN Mineral Illuminated Concealer in light.

Erica shares that a great tip for highlighting is to use a half to a full shade lighter than your skin tone.

A fresh natural look with a pop of color is perfect for a garden brunch or early morning at the track. On Paloma, Erica used ZenSKYN Color Stick Lips in Cordial. “I love the bright pop of fuchsia on the lips to complement my white jumpsuit. It’s perfect for when you want the boldness of a red lip but are transitioning into spring,” Paloma explains.


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What to wear to Thunder Over Louisville Saturday, April 22 Air Show 3 p.m., fireworks 9:30 p.m. Left: Aviation is at its finest before the largest annual fireworks display in North America. Get a look that deserves some air time at Guess? with this aviation-inspired romper. Right: Baby, you’re a firework! Shine as bright as the sparkles in the sky in this handkerchief blouse from maurices.





What to wear to Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville Thursday, April 27-Friday, May 5 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday-Saturday; noon to 11 p.m. Sunday Great Lawn Left: Your 2017 Pegasus Pin is the ultimate accessory and your admission to Fest-a-Ville. Whether attending the U.S. Bank Great Balloon Glimmer or just grabbing your favorite food at the Chow Wagon, this off-the-shoulder ensemble from Darling State of Mind is the perfect mix of comfort and style. Right: Weather on the Waterfront a little chilly for Hunter Hayes, Drive-By Truckers or any of the other national acts performing for Waterfront Jam? Macy’s has got you covered with some on-trend floral pants and layer options.

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More Hats with Moore Style


By Alex Hepfinger

Though based in New York, Christine A. Moore might as well be a local this time of year, spending much of her time at Keeneland, Churchill Downs and hosting hat shows at some of the region’s finest boutiques. She established Christine A. Moore Millinery in 1994 on 34th Street in NYC, but you don’t have to travel that far to get one of her impeccably handcrafted hats and fascinators. Many are available for purchase at Rodes For Her now through the Run for the Roses. Designed and handcrafted by Christine A. Moore Millinery, New York


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Valencia (black), $980 Cosmo (blue), $505 Anisha (pink), $940 Squares (purple), $855 Daffodil (flower fascinator), $1,420

Available for purchase at Rodes For Her 4938 Brownboro Road 502.753.7633


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HOT on the MARKET 2254 FOGEL ROAD, CORYDON, IN 47112 MLS #: 201603067 Are you looking for a true Homestead & Legacy? Attention to detail shows in every area of this farmstead. This farm is 80.4 acres with most in pastures of orchard grass & clover (soil tests available), impressive hay barn (w/artist studio or office & garden room) horse barn, implement barn & tractor barn. 2 impressive homes built since 2002 & a custom log retreat will wow anyone that visits. The main home has a 3 car garage (w/carriage apartment) impeccable wood floors, period correct ceramic tile, multiple farm sinks (all homes), claw bath tub, office, library, formal dining room, outstanding kitchen, sitting room & enclosed porch for entertaining. Guest home has 3 bedrooms & is detailed much like the main home. The log retreat is an adult time out you will treasure. Addt. Acre available. A 25 acre Wildlife Habitat with native grasses & new stand trees, downspouts from all gutters lead to water collection containers, period & architecturally correct home designs & appointments.

KAREN MCCARTIN FOSTER 502-552-0411 kfoster@bhhsparksweisberg.com karenmccartinfoster.com

$1,254,900 A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

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BHHSPARKSWEISBERG.COM 2308 E. 10th St Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-282-0426

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The Hat Girls: Rachel Bell and Kate Welsh.

Head of the Class

By Kris Ritcher | Fashion


s high school friends, Kate Welsh and Rachel Bell were already rolling around the idea of eventually embarking on a joint career endeavor. Fast forward 15 years and they are now smack dab in the middle of their fifth year as The Hat Girls, designing and creating custom one-of-a-kind hats and headpieces for women across the country to wear to the races and

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other special events. Both Louisville natives, the girls explored their fashion interests in various cities – New York, Las Vegas, Chicago – before landing back in Louisville in 2013 with a plan to make their mark on the heads of the Bluegrass State’s race-goers. Now in their second year as the Official Hat Designers of the Kentucky Derby Festival, Rachel and Kate have taken on their biggest and bravest venture to date by


opening a brick and mortar shop and showroom this season. In previous years, clients have been able to hire Kate and Rachel to produce original headwear from inception to execution, but were only able to do so strictly by appointment. So, why a storefront now? According to Rachel, “Our new showroom and studio gives us the opportunity to connect with our clients throughout the entire design experience and to make our brand available to a wider audience by offering a comprehensive range of styles at an expanded price range,” she says. While custom-created orders are still a


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major pillar of The Hat Girls’ business, their retail shop has seen booming success since their opening in mid-March in Norton Commons. Upon a single step into the beautifully appointed space, it is easy to get a vibe of both the eye for style The Hat Girls bring to their designs as well as the wide range of what their skills allow them to offer patrons. Fascinators, wide-brim Southern-style floppy hats, structured sinamay headwear and feather headdresses are only a few of the unique styles that grace the shelves and hat stands of The Hat Girls’ first shop. If you can dream it, they can do it. But the commitment is major and the hours are long for the girls. One of the things that helps balance the endless days they spend designing, sewing and constructing their pieces is the immense satisfaction that comes from presenting a client with a come-to-life version of exactly what they had in mind for her headwear. Presently, Kate and Rachel are spending their days between the retail side of their shop and the myriad events they are involved in leading up to the Kentucky Derby. But they spend their nights creating. Now you might be wondering: When do they sleep? Ask either one, and they will tell you, “Sleeping is for after Derby.” In addition to the one-ofa-kind orders they are fulfilling, and a gorgeous shop full of every topper you can imagine, the girls also have hats available for purchase in several local boutiques (including Rodeo Drive), as well as at Von Maur in Oxmoor Center. This year, they are offering a selection of men’s fedora and boater hats as well, adorned with custom trimmings. VT The Hat Girls 10708 Meeting St. thehatgirls.com @thehatgirls


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Ethel Frances Mundy American, 1876-1964 James Breckinridge Speed, 1945 Wax Gift of Miss Jenny L. Robbins 1945.23

Ethel Frances Mundy American, 1876-1964 Mrs. Hattie Bishop Speed, 1940 Wax Gift of Mrs. Hattie Bishop Speed 1940.58

Wander into ‘Wonderland’ at the Speed

By Minda Honey | Arts & Entertainment


mid the Speed Museum’s two exhibits exploring the South – “Southern Accent” and “Southern Elegy” – you’ll find an exhibit celebrating the museum’s 90-year history. “The Wonderland Museum: Hidden Marvels from the Speed’s Collection” is a special opportunity to see the weird, wonderful and rarely seen items in the Speed Art Museum’s collection and storage. Many of the pieces in this collection have been there from the very start. In 1927, when Hattie Bishop Speed founded the museum to honor her late husband, she accepted art from friends and acquaintances – some of the pieces were priceless works of art, others were not. The exhibit is a trip back in time and journey through Mrs. Speed’s mind. While every piece was cataloged and stored over the years, this is the first time some have been on display in the museum. And what better place for them to make their debut than the newly remodeled Speed? “‘Wonderland Museum’ plumbs the museum’s collection to reveal curious

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Unknown artist for Walt Disney Productions American “Bambi and His Father,” about 1937 Charcoal on woven paper 1946.100.9

treasures of art and history, many of which have rarely been on view,” says Scott Erbes, curator of decorative arts and design at the Speed Art Museum. “Ranging from historical marvels to very personal mementos, these objects reflect the broader interests of Hattie Bishop Speed, her friends and Louisvillians at large at the turn of the 20th century.” Some of the more remarkable objects in the exhibition include wax portraits of Hattie Bishop Speed and her husband J.B. Speed, a plaster cast of one of Mrs. Speed’s hands, a concept drawing for Disney’s original Bambi and elaborate bird-feather fans. It also features a cane said to have been


made by Abraham Lincoln’s father, tiny gold nuggets from the 1849 California Gold Rush and a chair from Louisville’s old Galt House Hotel – all in all, a truly eclectic assortment of artifacts from the Speed’s and our country’s past. Even after the death of Mrs. Speed in 1942, donations continued to come in. The collection now has more than 13,000 objects. “We’ve enjoyed scratching the surface of some of the more unseen treasures of the Speed, and later in the year, we’ll rotate some more pieces out of storage to showcase even more nuggets from the archives,” says Erbes. “It’s been great fun to explore and bring these pieces to life again.” The exhibition will run through most of the year, so there will be ample time to return again and again to see the additions to the exhibit. “Wonderland” has been a hit with visitors. In a city that has grown considerably in the last nine decades, the Speed is the keeper of a history that is vital to our discussions around community and art as our city moves ever forward. For that, set aside an afternoon to thank Mrs. Speed for her contributions with a trip through “Wonderland.” VT “Wonderland Museum” is free with general admission and is on view during all regular Speed Art Museum hours, Wed - Sat, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Owsley Free Sundays noon to 5 p.m. To learn more, visit speedmuseum.org.


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Down the Stretch By Mariah Kline | Health & Wellness


unter S. Thompson famously labeled the Kentucky Derby as both “decadent and depraved.” While he may not have been wrong, the Derby does not have to be as much of a guilty pleasure this year. To kick off the big week, the Kentucky Derby Festival is hosting Neigh-Maste, a free yoga class held on the Great Lawn of Waterfront Park. The class takes place on Friday, April 28 as part of Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville.

The one-hour class is designed for absolutely anyone, whether you’ve never taken a yoga class before or you’ve been practicing for years. For those who have never tried yoga, experts recommend listening to your body and not overexerting yourself. “We want people to meet themselves exactly where they are and work within that level of activity,” says Jamie Calzi of 502 Power Yoga. “That’s why it’s called ‘practicing’ yoga – because each day is different.” Calzi, who created the event and came

up with the clever name, has been practicing yoga for eight years and teaching for four. She currently teaches and acts as the community relations director for 502 Power Yoga. For Neigh-Maste, Calzi will be sharing the stage with fellow instructors Betsy Jones and Carrie Keller of Betsy’s Studio and Dana McGowan of Buti Yoga at PLAY. Last year’s class had almost 200 people in attendance, and as an official event for Kentucky Derby Festival 2017, they’re hoping to see many more this year. One special guest in attendance will be social media star Morgan DeYoung a.k.a. the Southern Yogi. Admission to the event is free with a 2017 Pegasus Pin, but participants must register and sign a waiver form beforehand. The waiver can also be found on KDF’s website for those who want to review and sign it prior to the class. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., and the session lasts from noon until 1 p.m. Guests should bring their own yoga mat and water, and wear something comfortable. Before the class, attendees can have their hair braided by experts from Primp Style Lounge. Afterward, the Chow Wagon will have a variety of food vendors ready to serve lunch. In keeping with the horse theme, a very special Derby basket will be given away to one lucky yogi. The basket includes a $100 Visa gift card, yoga mat, yoga towel,

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Derby glasses and more. All you have to do to be entered in the giveaway is post a picture on Instagram with #neighmaste in the caption. What sets Neigh-Maste apart from other yoga classes is not just its venue or its theme, but rather the level of passion and excitement the instructors have for the exercise. “I love yoga because it’s accessible to all ages and all levels of fitness,” affirms Calzi. “Our studio is really focused on community and bringing people together, and NeighMaste ties into that focus. It’s going to be a lot of fun and will not be too challenging for anyone. We’re really excited to host this and to celebrate our amazing city together.” What better way to begin your Derby festivities than with a community of yogis who are ready to celebrate? Whether you want to take part in a healthy activity before the decadence of Derby begins or you just want to spend some time outside, Neigh-Maste is sure to be a great time. VT Neigh-Maste on the Waterfront Friday, April 28 11:30 a.m. discover.kdf.org/ neigh-maste-on-the-waterfront/

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They’re Off! To a Kentucky Proud Feast Thunder Over Louisville may serve as the official kick-off to the Kentucky Derby Festival, but before their eyes stare in awe of one of the nation’s top air shows and largest annual fireworks show in the country, more than 1,500 sponsors, supporters and staff of KDF gather at The Galt House Hotel Grand East Ballroom for the They’re Off! Luncheon – the official corporate kick-off to the two-week party. This year, the luncheon will host featured speaker and CBS Sports studio analyst Seth Davis. Otherwise, the luncheon has an exceptionally local platform and purpose. In fact, the menu is comprised almost entirely of Kentucky Proud products. Feast your eyes on the feast. The efforts of these farm sources from across the Bluegrass State are sure to leave you Kentucky Proud.

HAND-PASSED HORS D’OEUVRES: Stone Cross Farms pork skewer with Kentucky sorghum glaze Bourbon Barrel “Kentuckyaki” marinated Stone Cross Farms chicken breast skewer Black Hawk Farms beef tenderloin with bourbon smoked sea salt

SALAD: Groganica heirloom lettuce salad with Capriole Farms goat cheese, Frondosa Farms oyster mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and a local herb vinaigrette

ENTREE: Davis Creek beef tenderloin accompanied by Whitaker Run Farms broccoli, Kenny’s cheddar whipped potatoes and Bourbon Barrel smoked peppercorn sauce

DESSERT: Derby Pie with bourbon-infused Dean’s whipped cream Thelma’s Signature Blend coffee

FARM SOURCES: Heirloom lettuce: Groganica Farms – Louisville, KY Oyster mushrooms: Frondosa Farms –Simpsonville, KY Cheese: Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese – Austin, KY Broccoli: Whitaker Run Farms – Mt. Washington, KY Cream: Dean’s Milk - Louisville, KY

Pork and chicken: Stone Cross Farms – Spencer County, KY Beef tenderloin hors d’oeuvre: Black Hawk Farms – Princeton, KY Beef tenderloin entrée: Davis Creek – Walton, KY Bourbon Barrel Foods soy beans and wheat: Peterson Farms – New Hope, KY Sorghum: Townsend Sorghum Mill, Jeffersonville, KY

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event calendar

to submit your event, visit voice-tribune.com


Enjoy as the downtown Louisville riverfront, Waterfront Park, River Road and the Southern Indiana shoreline host one of the world’s largest fireworks displays for another year courtesy of the Kentucky Derby Festival. All areas will open at 11 a.m. except for the North Great Lawn area, which will open at 9 a.m. This year’s air show will begin at 3 p.m. with the fireworks commencing at 9 p.m. All areas close at 11 p.m. Admission is free with a Pegasus Pin. MORE INFO thunderoverlouisville.org


MORE INFO facebook.com/regalo.gifts

DERBY DIVAS Rodes For Him For Her is hosting a night of fashion and fun on April 20 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Derby Divas is a significant event that benefits breast health for women and men in Louisville. Food and cocktails are provided, and young professionals age 30 and under receive a preferred ticket price. All proceeds go toward the Norton Cancer Institute Breast Health Program. MORE INFO rodes.com/happenings

GIRLS NIGHT OUT NETWORKING SOCIAL + MEET UP Housewives in the City is hosting a networking event at Aloft Louisville Downtown on April 20 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Enjoy a ladies-only night of networking, mingling and shopping while enjoying giveaways and raffles throughout the night. The event is free, but attendees must register online prior to the event. MORE INFO housewivesinthecity.com/louisville

HATS FOR HOPE Find your perfect Derby hat while supporting a great cause at Hats for Hope on April 20. Hosted at the Triple Crown Conference Center from 6 to 9 p.m., participate in an auction of new, designer and gently used hats, gift baskets and other merchandise. Proceeds go toward those fighting breast cancer and to help raise awareness of the cause. MORE INFO hatsforhopelouisville.org

STAND WITH REFUGEES BENEFIT NIGHT Experience cuisine from all over the world with Migration & Refugee Services at the Tim Faulkner Gallery on April 20. Starting at 6 p.m., food from Farm to Fork Catering, Vietnam Kitchen and more will be served while guests enjoy live music and raffles. Works from local refugee artists will be on display in the galleries, as well as cultural exhibits from several refugee community groups. All proceeds will go to the Catholic Charities’ Migration and Refugee Services, who assist and resettle local refugees. MORE INFO facebook.com/catholiccharitiesmrs

BRANDY & BLEUS Join Copper & Kings on April 20 for Brandy & Bleus, a cheese tasting and seminar featuring Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese. From 6 to 8 p.m. on the second-floor gallery, attendees will learn all about the cheese making process, the various styles and how to pair them with Copper & Kings American Brandy. In addition to the seminar and tasting, each ticket includes a tour of the distillery and a complimentary cocktail. MORE INFO facebook.com/copperandkings PURPLE REIGN Join Regalo Gifts as they pay tribute to the late great Prince. Over a dozen artists will present their works inspired by the “Purple Rain” singer, while HAY DJ Heather Yenawine will play the icon’s greatest hits in “a great purple love letter to a lifelong idol.” The night begins at 6 p.m. at the shop located at 562 S. Fourth St.

FRIDAY, APRIL 21 GALLOP GALA Down Syndrome of Louisville is hosting the Gallop Gala to benefit DSL programs on April 21 starting at 6:30 p.m. Hosted at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, guests will enjoy dinner, dancing, a live auction and an unforgettable after party. A red carpet entrance and music by the Louisville Crashers are sure to delight guests. Sponsor and individual tickets can be reserved through Whitney Hobbs at DSL. MORE INFO 502.495.5088

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THEY’RE OFF! LUNCHEON The 61st Annual They’re Off! Luncheon will be hosted April 21 at The Galt House Hotel at 11:30 a.m. In keeping with tradition, the anticipated 1,500 guests will enjoy lunch and hear remarks by special guest speakers. MORE INFO discover.kdf.org

SUNDAY, APRIL 23 BEST FRIENDS THUNDER BRUNCH Grab your bestie and be a part of the first ever Best Friends Thunder Brunch on April 23 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Hosted at The Pointe in Butchertown, guests will preview Derby fashions as male models show off the latest line from All For Men Threads. Brunch, mimosas and fabulous looks will all be served in support of Charity and Love to Increase Faith and Hope (CLIFH). MORE INFO facebook.com/digi180

TUESDAY, APRIL 25 TASTE OF DERBY FESTIVAL Sample some of the city’s most celebrated foods at the 17th Taste of Derby Festival Event on April 25 at Louisville Slugger Field. From 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., taste signature dishes from local chefs as well as small-batch liquor brands not commonly available. All proceeds from the night’s event will benefit the Dare to Care Food Bank. MORE INFO discover.kdf.org/tasteofderbyfestival DERBY PREVIEW PARTY Spend an evening on Millionaires Row and support a great cause at Wellspring Kentucky’s Derby Preview Party on April 25 starting at 6 p.m. An unlimited Chef’s Table and beverages as well as live and silent auctions will keep guests entertained as money is raised to change the lives of those who live with mental illnesses. MORE INFO 502.753.1457

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Ex-Wife’s Anger at Her Friend’s Betrayal Spills over to Daughter

EAR ABBY: My ex-husband had an affair with a woman who was one of my dearest friends. My heart is broken; my marriage is over. I have lost my home and my friend. It has been a struggle for me to recover.

my daughter and grandbaby. What to do? — THE REAL GRANDMA-TO-BE DEAR REAL GRANDMA: Although you cannot cut this woman completely out of your life because Dear Abby she is now with your ex, calmly discuss this with your daughter. She may JEANNE have reasons that you are unaware of for wanting to include the woman to PHILLIPS the extent that she has. ••• My daughter, with whom I am very close, DEAR ABBY: We need help with our dad. continues to have a relationship with this Many of his grandchildren participate in sports. woman. While I know it’s not my place to tell For some reason, he thinks it’s perfectly fine to her who to be friends with (she’s 22), I can’t help sit in the stands surrounded by people he doesn’t but feel betrayed. know and loudly criticize the other players. My daughter is pregnant, and this woman We talk to him before the games. We remind seems to be attempting to play mother and push him that he’s sitting by these players’ parents her way into every detail of my daughter’s preg- and what he’s doing is not cool. Some of the nancy. It’s extremely upsetting to me to have to parents become quite emotional if things don’t share one more thing with her. She already took go well and Dad doesn’t need to be doing this. my home and husband; I would like to keep

Yet he continues. Have you any ideas on getting Grandpa to keep his opinions to himself ? We don’t want to ban him from games and treat him like a 5-yearold who can’t behave since he is still able to travel to see us for these visits. We try to sit away from others, but it’s not always possible. — EMBARRASSED IN HOUSTON DEAR EMBARRASSED: You already know the answer to your problem, and I do not understand why you haven’t taken action. Was your father always this way, or has he become demented? When an adult acts like a 5-year-old and behaves inappropriately after having been cautioned against it, there is cause for concern. If he is unable to control his behavior at those games, instead of being allowed to ruin them for everyone within earshot, he should ABSOLUTELY be banned from attending. If you won’t do it for the sake of the players and other parents, then do it for your father’s safety because one of these days, an irate parent or relative may punch his lights out. VT

New Event At the Historic Water Tower!

The Great Gatsby A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

Thursday, May 4, 2017 • 7pm to Midnight Festive Gatsby Décor • Full Open Bar • Hors d’oeuvres • DJ Spinning Club Music • Live Entertainment

VIP Access for Limited Time Purchase Tickets at MichaelisEvents.com, 502.243.0000 or EventBrite Official Bourbon Sponsor: 21 & Over Only A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 • V O I C E -T R I B U N E . C O M

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1)Model # 101 Carolina $40,840…BALANCE OWED $17,000 2)Model # 303 Little Rock $38,525…BALANCE OWED $15,000 3)Model # 403 Augusta $42,450…BALANCE OWED $16,500 NEW - HOMES HAVE NOT BEEN MANUFACTURED

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EMPLOYMENT Driver: New Sign-On Bonus for 2017! Dedicated Out & Back Tanker Runs. Frequent Hometime. Excellent Benefits. aid Orientation/Training. Must have CDL-A w/ Hazmat. 23 yrs, 12 mos. exp. Call 888569-4858 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given by AAMCO Transmissions #14016, 6309 Preston Hwy, Louisville KY 40219 to obtain title to 2002 Ford Expedition VIN-1FMRU17L02LA74260. Owner, Danny Stonestreet 1223 Kremer Ave., Louisville KY 40213. Lien Holder, Mike McGee Motors, Inc 3001 Franklin Ave, Waco TX 76710

SERVICES If you need Derby clean up or just clean up in general, we do gardens, garages, mulching, mowing, and weeding. Call Jerry’s Lawn And Garden Service @ 502-3637740. Cost is Hourly or by the job, agreeable pricing, and references available Distinctive Stonework! Add a BEAUTIFUL stone wall to your garden! Entrance columns, tuckpointing and more! 30 yrs. experience. Bob Rogers, 241-7340. www.distinctive-stonework.com



in the St. Matthew’s area, 2 BR, 1 Bath, W/D Included with the apartment, please contact 502-897-3416

Advertise your service in The Voice-Tribune!

Call 502.895.9770 for a quote today. 61 TVT.indd 61

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pets of the week Six-year-old Darlen is a Domestic Shorthair mix with a fantastic grey coat. She is not only beautiful, she is also very friendly, coming to meet you at the front of her cage and bumping your hand and rubbing on it if you don’t start petting quickly enough. She particularly likes to be scratched just under the ear on her cheek. She’s a big girl but still very playful. She came to the Kentucky Humane Society from another shelter and is on the lookout for a forever home. Could it be with you? She’s spayed, micro-chipped and up-to-date on her vaccinations. Come meet her at our adoption center in the Preston Feeders Supply, 5763 Preston Highway. For more on Darlen or any of our adoptable pets, please call 502-366-3355 or visit kyhumane.org. Limbo is a sweet energetic Australian Shepherd mix who is just shy of one year old. He’s a happy boy who came to the Kentucky Humane Society when his owner could no longer care for him. Limbo loves people. He also loves other dogs, but his high energy can put off some dogs, so we recommend a he meet any potential doggie friends. Limbo promises to love you and shower you with kisses if you come see him. He’s neutered, micro-chipped and up-to-date on his vaccinations. Come meet him at our adoption center in the St Matthews Feeders Supply, 4600 Shelbyville Road. For more on Limbo and any of our other adoptable pets, please call 502-366-3355 or visit kyhumane.org. For more on any of our adoptable pets, please call 502.366.3355 or visit kyhumane.org

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Thanks to all of our


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For New Listings, Agent Profiles & Open Houses, visit KySelectProperties.com

16401 Taunton Vale Road $284,900

4602 Asbury Park Terrace $575,000

609 Fatima Lane $545,000

Marybeth Beard 502-445-0425

Lisa Tyler 502-727-6893

Joanne Owen 502-648-5330

1102 Chamberlain Hill Road $398,500

1508 Cherokee Road $1,195,000

12437 Poplar Woods Drive $685,000

Julie Beam 502-905-0599 Sallie Talbott 502-905-1634

Nanette Tafel 502-376-1083 George Tafel 502-376-1089

John Stough 502-552-9120 Logan Ormerod 502-432-9826

7116 River Road $450,000

2802 Belknap Beach Road $429,900

9926 Constantine Circle $1,450,000

Colleen E. Walker 502-419-7762

Colleen E. Walker 502-419-7762

Colleen E. Walker 502-419-7762

9 Woodhill Road $1,200,000

11301 Covered Bridge Road $4,500,000

1145 Cherokee Road $585,000

Sandy Gulick 502-592-8664

Sandy Gulick 502-592-8664 Russell Smith 502-931-0900

Sandy Phillips 502-664-5914 Sandy Gulick 502-592-8664

2000 Warrington Way Suite 140 Louisville KY 40222 502.271.5000 TVT.indd 64

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