8 minute read
Design-A-Wall LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Silvermine Riverfront. Replace deck at 6 Silvermine Ave., Norwalk.
Estimated cost: $11,300. Filed
March 27.
Drywall, Rick and Bria Drywall, Norwalk, contractor for ALJ Associates LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 253 Westport Ave., Norwalk.
Estimated cost: $184,570. Filed
March 23.
Malvaso, Jean V., Norwalk, contractor for Jean V. Malvaso. Add windows to existing four units at 37 Lexington Ave., Norwalk.
Estimated cost: $80,000. Filed March 14.
Mostafa, Mohamed Elsaeed, Norwalk, contractor for Brookfield Properties. Perform replacement alterations at 100-101 N. Water St., Norwalk.
Estimated cost: $1,600. Filed March 22.
Rick’s Main Roofing Ltd., Norwalk, contractor for John W. Watts. Replace roof at 4 New Canaan Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $125,800. Filed March 23.
Siladi Builders LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Binsu Associates LLC. Remove and replace stairs and headers at 199 Gregory Blvd., No. C/6, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $52,000. Filed March 16.
Silvermine Club Leasing, Norwalk, contractor for John E. Warner. Alter women’s bathroom in SGC Clubhouse at 95 N. Seir Hill Road, Norwalk.
Estimated cost: $37,000. Filed March 16.
Treglia, Richard J., Norwalk, contractor for John W. Watts. Vanilla Box at 4 New Canaan Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $30,000. Filed March 24.
Troy Contractor LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Avad Properties LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 506 Westport Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $617,000. Filed March 14.
The Bank of New York Mellon Trustee, Norwalk, contractor for The Bank of New York Mellon. Renovate single-family residence at 10 Carlin St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $60,000. Filed March 21.
Bartlett, Philip, Norwalk, contractor for Douglas A. and Phyllis C. Reid. Install two propane tanks and generator at rear of single-family residence at 33 Beau St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed March 21.
Bartlett, Philip, Norwalk, contractor for Solitaire RE LLC. Install three propane tanks and generator at single-family residence at 4 Admiral Court, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $12,500. Filed March 21.
Cimitile, Patricia and Roberta Cimitile, Norwalk, contractor for Patricia Cimitile. Construct accessory apartment at 202 New Canaan Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed March 21.
Fox Hill Construction Inc., Norwalk, contractor for Tristram Perkins. Elevate and reconstruct single-family residence at 19 S. Beach Drive, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $100,000. Filed March 15.
The Home Depot USA Inc., Norwalk, contractor for Rowrei Realty. Remove and replace five windows at 14 Duck Pond Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $6,379. Filed March 16.
The Home Depot USA Inc., Norwalk, contractor for Norwalk Hospital Association. Remove and replace two windows at 28 Magnolia Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $2,149. Filed March 16.
Homesquare LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Dale A. and Noriko Todaro. Install a generator and three propane tanks at 23 Maher Drive, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed March 16.
Lecla Home Improvements and Roofing Inc, Norwalk, contractor for Jennifer Mongeluzo. Remove and re-roof 198 New Canaan Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $8,700. Filed March 16.
O’Hara, David, Norwalk, contractor for Daniel Hickman. Replace shower with walk-in tub at 171 Grumman Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed March 17.
Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Giuseppina Marna. Remove and replace 14 windows at 63 Broad St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $24,356. Filed March 21.
Pro Kriss LLC, Norwalk, contractor for David M. Pontius. Replace kitchen and living room cabinets, three windows and sliding door at 4 Indian Spring Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $160,000. Filed March 16.
Richter, Ronald F., Norwalk, contractor for Toan and Matilde Hinh. Strip and re-roof 1 Joemar Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $20,800. Filed March 16.
Rojas, Juan, Norwalk, contractor for David C. Gilmartin and Reul Tamera. Renovate kitchen at 38 Thistle Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $47,500. Filed March 21.
Sandoval, Douglas, Norwalk, contractor for Douglas Sandoval. Install an in-ground concrete pool at 71 Fillow St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $45,000. Filed March 16.
Santa Construction LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Maria L. Tabares and Alberto Carvajal. Construct a new rear deck with stairs to grade at a single-family residence at 20 Cottage St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed March 16.
Swimming Pool Builder
In-Ground, Norwalk, contractor for William S. Jayson. Install a concrete in-ground pool at 52 Sammis St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $98,000. Filed March 16.
The Greyrock Companies LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Frap LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 40 Fullin Road, Units 28-29, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $30,000. Filed March 20.
The Greyrock Companies LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Frap LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 40 Fullin Road, Units 24-25, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $30,000. Filed March 20.
The Greyrock Companies LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Frap LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 40 Fullin Road, Units 26-27, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $30,000. Filed March 20.
Zakhar, Theodore, Norwalk, contractor for Michael J. and Kristine L. Sweeney. Strip and re-roof 26 Ludlow Manor, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $14,300. Filed March 17.
Zinovia, Lazaridis, Norwalk, contractor for Lazaridis Zinovia. Construct a second-story addition on existing single-family residence at 29 Forbell Drive, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $25,000. Filed March 14.
Court Cases
Bridgeport Superior Court
Nicholson, Denasha, et al, Bridgeport. Filed by Norberto Samper, Stamford. Plaintiff’s attorney: Bruce J. Corrigan Jr. Law Office, Westport. Action: The plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-236121624-S. Filed Feb. 15.
Rodriguez, Danny A., et al, Easton. Filed by M&T Bank, Buffalo, New York. Plaintiff’s attorney: Bendett & McHugh PC, Farmington. Action: The plaintiff was assigned the mortgage for defendant’s property. The defendant defaulted on the terms of the agreement and has failed to pay the plaintiff the amount due. The plaintiff claims foreclosure of the mortgage, possession of the property premises, monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-236121685-S. Filed Feb. 16.
Toschev, Robert, Stratford. Filed by Paulette McNaughton, Bridgeport. Plaintiff’s attorney: Delucia & Levine LLC, Bridgeport. Action: The plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-236121735-S. Filed Feb. 17.
Items appearing in the Fairfield County Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken.
Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to:
Sebastian Flores Westfair Communications Inc. 701 Westchester Ave, Suite 100 J White Plains, N.Y. 10604-3407
Phone: 694-3600 • Fax: 694-3699
JP Home Improvement Contractor LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Jean Pierre Aurelien. Replace asphalt roof of single-family residence at 30 Triangle St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $15,000. Filed March 22.
Karp Custom Builders LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Alan T. White and Beth Nicoll. Construct a laundry room at 12 Sasqua Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $25,000. Filed March 21.
Supreme Projects LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Elvio E. and Eugenia Casatelli. Alter first floor of single-family residence, remove and replace stairs and decorative columns at 14 Norport Drive, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $25,000. Filed March 16.
Dembowski, David E., et al, Fairfield. Filed by Brandon G. Linke, Norwalk. Plaintiff’s attorney: Minnella Tramuta & Edwards, Middlebury. Action: The plaintiff’s condominium, Unit 34, was severely damaged by waterflow from above dwelling, which is owned and controlled by the defendant. The flow was due to a water leak from burst copper pipes in the unit’s HVAC water heater. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-23-6121661-S. Filed Feb. 15.
Mecozzi, James, Georgetown. Filed by Odette Villard, Bridgeport. Plaintiff’s attorney: Karayiannis & Denkovich PC, Bridgeport. Action: The plaintiff suffered a collision caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-236121558-S. Filed Feb. 14.
Danbury Superior Court
Braught, Stephen, et al, New Milford. Filed by William Ashton, New Milford. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Flood Law Firm LLC, Middletown. Action: The plaintiff was lawfully on the defendants’ premises, when their dog suddenly and without warning bit the plaintiff, thereby causing him to suffer injuries and losses. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-23-6045158-S. Filed Jan. 23.
Ferrecchia, Nicole, et al, Harwirton. Filed by Richard DelSoldato, New Fairfield.
Plaintiff’s attorney: Ventura Law, Danbury. Action: The plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-236045337-S. Filed Feb. 10
Gordon, Reynolds A., et al, Bridgeport. Filed by Brandon V. Smith, Danbury. Plaintiff’s attorney: Votre & Associates PC, East Haven. Action: The plaintiff suffered legal malpractice by the defendants. The plaintiff retained the defendants to represent him in connection with certain injuries he sustained as the result of a fall. The defendants filed a lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiff against the town of Redding. The defendants, throughout the representation, amended the complaint on several occasions adding or modifying the claims. The defendants defense of the case was based on public nuisance. They were not able to prove such public nuisance and failed to pursue common law negligence claims. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-23-6045412-S. Filed Feb. 16.
Minck, Marie, et al, New Milford. Filed by David Gordon, New Milford. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Flood Law Firm LLC, Middletown. Action: The plaintiff was walking his dog when he was struck by the defendants’ car, thereby causing him to suffer injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-236045424-S. Filed Feb. 19.
Paonessa, Matthew. et al, Wethersfield. Filed by Lori Lopez, Danbury. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Flood Law Firm LLC, Middletown. Action: The plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-236045042-S. Filed Jan. 10.
Sugar Hollow Associates LLC, et al, Danbury. Filed by Charles Duncan, Danbury. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Flood Law Firm LLC, Middletown. Action: The plaintiff was lawfully on the premises controlled by the defendants, when he was caused to slip due to ice on the parking lot, thereby suffering injuries. The incident was the result of negligence by the defendant, The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-23-6045123-S. Filed Jan. 19.
Stamford Superior Court
Benincaso, James, et al, Norwalk. Filed by Webster Bank NA, Southington. Plaintiff’s attorney: Laurie Geller LLP, West Hartford. Action: The plaintiff is the current owner and holder of a loan agreement with the defendants who have failed to pay the plaintiff the entire indebtedness. The plaintiff seeks monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-23-6059629-S. Filed Jan. 12.
JSI Logistics LLC, et al, Akworth, Georgia. Filed by Proventure Capital LLC, Greenwich. Plaintiff’s attorney: Hassett & George PC, Simsbury. Action: the plaintiff and defendant made a commercial agreement, which the defendant acknowledged, agreed to and consented to the possibility that the plaintiff may attach or garnish all their money/accounts/ funds held in any bank account. The plaintiff claims monetary damages of more than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-23-6060553-S. Filed March 28.