1 minute read
Fire hits Migliorelli Farm

BY PETER KATZ Pkatz@westfairinc.com
The Migliorelli Farm, a 650-acre family-run enterprise that has been a staple in the Hudson Valley since 1933 was hit by fire on May 19. Not only were barns and buildings destroyed on the farm in Red Hook, but farm produce, trucks, tractors and other equipment went up in flames.
More than a dozen fire companies and Dutchess County agencies responded and fought for about nine hours to extinguish the blaze. The central building that was on fire covered approximately one-half acre and contained hay and firewood along with bins for apples. Pressing apples for cider is a regular activity at the farm, which is being operated by third and forth generation members of the Migliorelli family. Also lost were loads of fertilizer and the rye grain that had been on a truck and was going to be delivered to a local distillery.
Produce grown on the farm is sold at several stands and farmers markets in Red Hook, Rhinebeck and as far south as Union Square in New York City. The farm has a reputation for the excellence of its 130 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially peaches, tomatoes and peppers.