Westfair Business Journal - October 7, 2024

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Montefiore moves to expand its offerings

Norm Grill, CPA, (N.Grill@GRILL1. com) is managing partner of Grill & Partners, LLC (www.GRILL1. com), certified public accountants and consultants to closely held companies and high-networth individuals, with offices in Fairfield and Darien, 203 254-3880.

Combine business succession with your estate planning

If you’re a business owner, your company is likely your most valuable asset. To ensure it survives after you’re gone, you first need a succession plan that will provide a smooth transition of the business to one or more of your children (assuming you want to keep it in the family). In addition, you need an estate plan that effectively addresses the tax impact of transferring your ownership interests to the next generation.


If you’re like many business owners, you may dream of the day you can transfer ownership to your children. A succession plan can provide a smooth transition of power when you retire and be used in the event of unexpected death before retirement.

Typically, a succession plan will outline the structure going forward and prepare for the eventual transfer of ownership interests in the business, whether through selling, gifting or a combination of the two. Put the plan in writing. Identify training opportunities and special compensation arrangements for your successors. Include in the plan financial details reflecting assets, liabilities and current value, and update the plan periodically. Also, coordinate your succession plan with your estate plan.


If you own significant business assets, consider taking maximum advantage of currently available federal estate tax breaks. These include the unlimited marital deduction and the federal gift and estate tax exemption, which in 2024 shields up to $13.61 million. Some states also impose their own state estate or inheritance taxes. You may be able to minimize federal and state taxes by using trusts or setting up a family limited partnership (FLP). With a tax-favored FLP, assets are removed from your taxable estate and limited partner interests can be gifted to loved ones, often at a discounted value.


As you develop your succession and estate plans, you may face family challenges. Unfortunately, elevating one child to run the business and leaving another out, or giving someone a secondary role, may create hard feelings.

One estate planning strategy is to attempt to even things out. For example, let’s say that you own a business valued at $5 million and you have $5 million in other assets. You might give $5 million in business assets to the child who’s taking the helm of your business and give other assets worth $5 million to the child who isn’t active (or is less active) in the business.


A comprehensive estate plan should be supported by several key documents, starting with a basic will. A will specifies how your assets will be distributed to designated beneficiaries and meets other objectives.

Without a will or having assets otherwise titled, your business and other assets will be distributed under the prevailing state law, regardless of your wishes.

A financial power of attorney (POA) appoints someone to manage your affairs in case you become incapacitated and allows this “attorney-in-fact” to conduct business transactions. (Other important documents include health care powers of attorney and advanced directives.)


There’s no universal plan for family business succession. What’s right depends on your circumstances and goals.

This column is for information only and should not be taken as advice. Combining succession and estate planning is extremely complex. Carefully consider getting the help of a knowledgeable professional to achieve the outcome that is best for your situation.

Hawthorne drugmaker accused of misleading shareholders.

Taro Pharma merger questioned in class action lawsuit

A former investor in Taro Pharmaceutical Industries claims that the price that Sun Pharmaceutical Industries paid to acquire the Hawthorne generic drugmaker was based on misleading information.

Neal A. Mitchell, of Danville, California, filed a class action lawsuit against Sun Pharma, Taro Pharma, and former Taro board members in U.S. District Court, White Plains, on Sept. 9. "While defendants touted the fairness of the merger," the complaint states, "they failed to disclose material information that is necessary for stockholders to properly assess the fairness of the transaction."

Taro was an Israeli company that made

off-patent drugs for the U.S., Canada and Israel markets. Its U.S. operations are based in Hawthorne.

Sun Pharma, based in Mumbai, India, also makes generic drugs.

Taro merged with Sun this past May, was delisted on the New York Stock Exchange, and became a privately-held company.

Before the merger, Sun and its affiliates already owned about 86% of Taro's outstanding shares. Minority shareholders controlled about 7.8 million shares.

Last January, Taro and Sun announced the proposed merger.

Their press release stated that Sun's offer of $43 per share represented a 48% premium over the $28.97 closing price on May 25, 2023, just before Sun proposed the buyout, and 13% more than a previous offer.

A committee appointed by Taro's board of directors unanimously approved the offer, based in part on a financial analysis by BofA Securities Inc.

The committee, according to the press release, "determined that the merger agreement and the per share merger consideration are fair and in the best interests of Taro and its minority shareholders."

Taro filed a proxy with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 15, urging shareholders to vote for the merger.

Shareholders approved the deal on May 22.

Mitchell claims that BofA Securities' valuation analysis, as described in the proxy, was incomplete and misleading. The proxy allegedly overstated the cost of capital, for instance, and downplayed the savings of going private.

The defendants were obligated to carefully review the proxy to ensure

its accuracy, before filing it with the SEC, the complaint states, so shareholders could cast informed votes.

Taro executives were intimately involved in negotiating, reviewing and approving the merger, the complaint states. They were directly involved in Taro's day-to-day operations. They were privy to BofA Securities' methodology and key assumptions.

Yet, he argues, they were negligent in failing to disclose critical information, or negligent in not knowing that the proxy was misleading.

Mitchell does not say what he thinks the share price should have been, or how much he and other shareholders were allegedly undercompensated.

He is demanding unspecified monetary damages, on behalf of himself and other former shareholders.

A Sun Pharma spokesperson based in Mumbai did not reply to an email asking for the company's side of the story.

The Women’s Business Development Council celebrates THE 2024 ANNUAL GALA WOMEN RISING HONOREES

WBDC is pleased to honor a select group of women who have demonstrated success in their business and tenacity in pursuing their goals. For more information on the WBDC Women Rising Annual Gala and Awards Celebration, visit ctwbdc.org/gala


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‘A Wonderful Life’ start for Bridgeport family

"Most importantly, it gives stability. I won’t have to worry about rent increases or whether I can renew my lease next year. It gives me peace of mind."
– Marie Gaines

BRIDGEPORT – It was just like a scene out of the holiday movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Saturday as a single mother and her son from Norwalk entered their new residence for the first time.

For Marie Gaines and her son, Xavier, they were the family that finally took an important step toward homeownership thanks to Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County and its volunteers. And just like the family in the classic movie, the community led by Habitat for Humanity blessed the Kossuth Street home.

Instead of bread, salt and wine that the fictional Bailey Park family received, the Gaines family was given a quilt, bookcase, board games and toolbox. And instead of George Bailey and Mary Hatch, the donors were Joanne Fabry of the Conneticut Piecemakers

Quilt Guild; Amani Colson, of Youth United; and Matt Slattery, director of construction for Habitat who led the work on the home.

But the biggest present for the Gaines was the reaction by Xavier when he learned for the first time that the home dedication ceremony he was attending for his new home.

“This was an unexpected blessing and I couldn’t be more grateful,” said Marie Gaines. “I appreciate the equity hours which helped me learn how to take care of the house. I learned things I never thought I would know how to do so I could take care of my own house.”

As for Xavier? He gave a “thumbs up” when asked what he thought about the Kossuth Street home.

Marie Gaines was grateful to all the

Habitat volunteers who helped rebuild and renovate her home, which was the site of a Habitat Youth United home.

“I want to also thank my sister – her name is Dara – for introducing me to Habitat and pushing me through this process,” she said.

Her biggest thanks went to her son as he was the reason for using her sweat equity to help build their new home.

“And mommy loves you,” she added.

Prior to the ceremony Marie Gaines shared her story behind her inspiration to apply for and receive a Habitat home as she put in volunteer hours with Habitat for Humanity.

“I never thought I would be able to afford my own home, especially in Connecticut,” she said. “This will change my life in more ways than I can imagine. Most importantly, it give stability. I won’t have to worry about rent increases or whether I can renew my lease next year. It gives me peace of mind.”

She needed to find a new place to live for her family when her landlord passed away and the property was sold. It left Marie and Xavier with little time to find affordable housing in the midst of a housing crisis. In the meantime, they lived with her parents in a small apartment in Norwalk.

George Keith, Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County Board chair, gave effusive praise for all who helped build the home.

“This is what we do at Habitat. We build homes for fantastic families that are looking for homeownership,” Keith said. “I thought I had enough motivation and inspiration to do this job.

“But I got a new source of inspiration about 20 minutes ago because I found out the owner of this home, Marie Gaines, did not inform her son, Xavier, that this is going to be

his future home. I got to see him walk up and see his photo on the (banner outside the home) for him to see his future home.”

The 992-square-foot Kossuth Street home with two bedrooms is valued at $297,378, according to Redfin.

Mayor Joe Ganim, who was at the dedication, pointed to the Gaines’ story as an example of how the affordable housing crisis can be solved one house at a time.

“We have a housing crisis, an affordable housing crisis, in Bridgeport, in Connecticut and the country,” Ganim said. “Carolyn (Vermont) is teasing me about travels, it’s worth it. Last week I was with mayors, the Conference of Mayors (in Washington, D.C.). Their number one issue is about good living, but also homeownership.

“I want Carolyn to help lead our endeavor to create 6,000 new houses in Connecticut by 2030. That’s 1,000 a year. That’s a lot. We have a lot of good things in the pipeline due to Habitat.”

Although she didn’t get a chance to work on her home, she was very active in helping out with other Habitat homes.

“Working with volunteers has been unique,” she said. “Every person has their own reasons for helping, and it’s so heartwarming. Although I didn’t get the chance to work on my own home, I love paying it forward by helping others.”

Habitat for Humanity new homeowner Marie Gaines, right, with her son Xavier wear the quilty given to them by Joann Fabry of the Connecticut Piecemakers Quilt Guild Saturday during the dedication of her Bridgeport home. PhotobyGaryLarkin.


Partner Insights

PFAs and Your Business An Evolving Challenge

You may not be on a first name basis with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), but these synthetic chemicals are pervasive in consumer, commercial and industrial products. First developed in the 1940s, there are thousands of PFAS compounds found in hundreds of everyday products that most people presume are harmless, from stain- and water-resistant fabrics and carpeting, to packaging, cleaning products, and nonstick cookware. Initially praised for their unique ability to repel both oil and water, PFAS’ distinctive properties and ubiquity have led to an unprecedented set of challenges for scientists, regulators and businesses.

Commonly known as a “forever chemicals,” PFAS resist degradation and decomposition, making them permanent denizens of our environment. PFAS can accumulate in people, animals and the environment over time. While we are still learning about PFAS,

we know that they are hazardous to human and planetary health. People can be exposed to PFAS by touching, drinking, eating, or breathing materials that contain PFAS. They can enter the food supply through plants and animals and in very small amounts through packaging, processing, and cookware. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies show that most people in the United States have been exposed to PFAS.

Additional research is required to answer critical questions such as how much PFAS is present in the environment, how PFAS move through the environment and how frequently people come in contact with PFAS. Research is complicated by the challenges of developing effective laboratory methods to find, identify and measure PFAS concentrations in the environment and determine the efficiency of various removal technologies. Scientists are grap -

pling with how to destroy and safely dispose of PFAS compounds “removed” from the environment. As scientific research on PFAS continues to develop, regulatory action is also increasing. A myriad of regulations that will affect business operations are currently on the books, with many more to come. Challenges associated with PFAS are compounded by the fact that the litigation and regulatory landscape move at a different pace than the scientific community. It’s a thorny process from beginning to end for regulators and for business. There are also vast differences in the criteria being established by individual states, the U.S. government and international agencies.

In the business community, there should be much concern and preparation for evolving regulations on the use and disposal of PFAS compounds and PFAS-containing products that will affect end users

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and suppliers directly or indirectly, during industrial production or from the use of products that contain PFAS compounds. These regulations will have critical implications for manufacturers of PFAS and PFAS-containing compounds, owners and operators of facilities or properties where PFAS was released or disposed, entities that have generated, transported, or arranged for the disposal of PFAS compounds, and wastewater and waste management facilities that treat PFAS contamination.

While it may seem daunting and costly to address these looming PFAS regulations now, PFAS has become an area of focus for federal and state agencies, as well as private party litigants who are Increasingly interested in companies who only have a remote or indirect nexus to the chemicals. Across-the-board regulation will become more stringent. Air emissions have yet to be regulated federally; but, as a case in point, North Carolina recently submitted a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requesting the regulation of certain PFAS compounds under the Clean Air Act. If granted, EPA would be required to move forward with promulgating emission limits for PFAS.

The financial and reputational risks and costs as-

sociated with PFAS-related lawsuits and enforcement actions are numerous. Working with legal counsel, business owners should review background historic records to determine if PFAS could have been released in past stormwater discharge, air emissions, or landfill deposits in anticipation of stricter regulations and corresponding litigation moving forward.

Parties aware of possible current or historic PFAS contamination should consider preemptively developing a strategy to mitigate the risk of future enforcement actions and litigation. Entities that may be using or remediating PFAS compounds should engage counsel and environmental professionals to assess potential exposure and determine if PFAS discharges or emissions can be reduced or controlled cost-effectively. It is almost always less expensive to address a problem proactively rather than after the fact.

Smaller businesses should determine their reliance on PFAS. If PFAS are a key part of your process, what would you do if they were eliminated tomorrow? While many major corporations are proactively taking steps to create PFAS alternatives out of both business necessity and corporate citizenship, businesses of all sizes and municipalities that supply water, and the entire population will be contending with this issue for decades to come. Amongst the uncertainty surrounding PFAS, one thing is certain. The best time to act to best protect your business is now.

Allison Gabala is senior counsel in the Environmental and Energy practice at Bond, Schoeneck & King’s Newark office. She can be reached at agabala@bsk.com or (646) 253-2363.

Allison Gabala

ccording to the National Association of Corporate Directors, fewer than 25% of private companies say they have a formal succession plan in place. If you are one of these companies, then you should consider planning for leadership succession as early as possible, especially in the context of an overall estate plan.

The benefits of developing a business succession plan are significant. Doing so can help you:

• Survive an unforeseen event, such as an unexpected illness or death

• Think long term about the future of your business rather than just focus on quarterly earnings

• Foster intra-company communication and collaboration

• Motivate your staff as they will know that the company is planning for the future and is committed to developing employees for future leadership positions

• Reduce expensive costs by not having to recruit qualified individuals to fill unanticipated vacancies

Cummings & Lockwood’s attorneys have extensive experience in the creation of succession planning strategies for owners of privately-held businesses, many on the cusp of a generational change. Our clients include traditional operating businesses, entrepreneurial enterprises,

Business Succession Planning

family investment partnerships and large family foundations.

Our trusts and estates and corporate attorneys can help with:

• Developing tax-efficient strategies for transferring ownership and control through family generations

• Planning for the harmonious transition of the business either during the owner’s lifetime or at death

• Assisting clients in the sale of an operating business and/or the conversion of an operating business into an investment-oriented family venture


Founded in 1909, Cummings & Lockwood provides sophisticated legal counsel to individuals and families, family offices, closely held businesses, other commercial enterprises and charitable entities. Our core services include trusts and estates, corporate and finance, litigation and arbitration, and commercial and residential real estate.

The firm has over 200 attorneys, fiduciary accountants, paralegals and staff, as well as six offices located in Stamford, Greenwich and West Hartford, Connecticut and in Naples, Bonita Springs and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.


For over 100 years, Cummings & Lockwood has been building meaningful and lasting relationships with our private clients, serving as trusted advisors throughout their lifetimes and providing sophisticated legal counsel at every important stage of their lives.

We offer our clients a broad range of services, including estate planning and administration; estate,

income and gift tax planning; wealth protection planning; trust formation and management; philanthropic giving; probate and estate settlement; international estate and tax planning; executor and trustee services; business succession planning; fiduciary and probate litigation; and tax controversy and litigation.

For more information about Cummings & Lockwood, please visit our website at www. cl-law.com.


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Three workers at unlicensed Fairfield smoke shops arrested for selling THC products

FAIRFIELD —Fairfield Police detectives in collaboration with multiple state agencies Wednesday, Sept. 25, raided three local smoke shops and charged three individuals with selling a controlled substance without a license.

The police said they conducted a series of inspections at the local smoke shops in partnership with the departments of Consumer Protection, Mental Health Services, Labor, and Revenue Services, uncovering a significant quantity of illegal THC products, including vape pens, edibles, pre-rolls, and marijuana.

The Fairfield Police Department's Quality of Life Unit seized the illegal contraband, and investigations into these businesses are ongoing.

The following establishments were inspected:

• Issam Plus, 92 Post Road

• Mohegan Smoke Shop, 525 Tunxis Hill Cutoff

• World Smoke and Cigar Shop, 95 Reef Road

• As a result of these inspections, the Fairfield Police Department arrested Vivekanand Harilall, 36, an employee at World Smoke and Cigar Shop; Issam Madineh, 54, owner of Issam Plus; and

• Tamer Nafaa, 50, employee at Issam Plus.

Besides being charged with sale of a controlled substance without a license, the three people were charged with possession of marijuana over 8 ounces with intent to sell or distribute. They were each issued a court appearance date of Oct. 8 at Bridgeport Superior Court. Further arrests are anticipated as the investigation continues, police said.

While no one could be reached for comment at Issam Plus and World Smoke and Cigar Shop, an employee at Mohegan Smoke Shop who answered the phone said the shop remains open.

The Fairfield Police Department extends its gratitude to the public for their continued vigilance and for providing valuable tips and information related to these offenses.

“The department takes community concerns seriously and is actively working to address illegal activities that affect the safety and quality of life of Fairfield residents,” according to a police statement. “We encourage the public to continue sharing information to help us maintain the well-being of our community.”

Anonymous tips can be submitted via the Fairfield PD mobile app or by texting the keyword FPDCT plus your message to 847411 (Tip411). Tips can also be submitted online at fpdct.com/tips.

Some of the THC products confiscated during an inspection and raid of three smoke shops in Fairfield by Fairfield Police Department and state agencies on Wednesday, Sept. 25. PhotobyFairfieldPoliceDepartment.
"Focus on the process, less on the results. Focus on what is in your power to control rather than what is not."

Montefiore, which is known throughout New York City, Westchester and the rest of the Hudson Valley because of its more than 300 primary and specialty care locations and 13 hospitals has made two recent additional moves to heighten its presence.

On Sept. 30, Montefiore Health System and Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard revealed transformative plans for Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital. designed to meet the community's unique healthcare needs and establish a new benchmark for accessible care.

– Dr. Jorge Aguilar

The announcement came just about five years after the October 2019 announcement by Montefiore that it planned to close the Mount Vernon Hospital and replace it with a $41 million emergency care center. The new plan, however, not only saves the hospital but is intended to transform the facility to become what is being described as a community model for both inpatient and outpatient care.

The transformation is due to be funded by a $41 million capital investment from New York state. According to Regginald Jordan, who is the vice president for clinical services and executive director of Montefiore Wakefield Hospital and Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital, some improvements already have been made to the hospital. Jordan said that Montefiore needs to receive Certificate of Need approval from New York state before it can begin the three-part master plan for major improvements and expansions at the hospital.

“First project is the emergency department. Our emergency department is woefully undersized at 2,500 square feet and 10 treatment bays,” Jordan said. “It will quadruple in size to just under 11,000 square feet and 30 treatment bays. The second project is our operating room. We will build six operating rooms that range in size between 500 and 700 square feet. We’ll build two dedicated G.I. (gastrointestinal) suites as well as a new pre- and post-recovery area. And the third project is making significant improvements to our family health and wellness center to address primary care and help eliminate and reduce access issues.”

Jordan said that Montefiore expects to submit its Certificate of Need package to the state this winter. He said that significant cosmetic improvements have already been made to the existing Mount Vernon Hospital facility. He said that improvements have been made to the inpatient units. He said that the hospital records system has been upgraded to have the same electronic capabilities as the records

systems used elsewhere by Montefiore.

Montefiore Einstein

Advanced Care in Elmsford recently marked the opening of the new Sports Mental Health & Performance Institute. It's headed by sports psychiatrist Jorge Aguilar, M.D., Ph.D.

“Over the course of a year, 30% to 35% of professional athletes will meet the criteria for a mental health disorder,” said Aguilar.

The institute builds on Montefiore Health System’s affiliations with the New York Yankees and Major League Soccer’s New York City Football Club (FC), as well as Aguilar’s work as team psychiatrist for New York City FC and a consultant to Major League Baseball (MLB) in mental health and performance. (He also participates in the MLB Rookie Development Program, a joint program with the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) to assist minor league players transitioning to the major leagues. In addition, he is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Montefiore Einstein.)

But the institute is not just for the pros, Aguilar said: “We want to help athletes at all levels.” And that help has applications for the business world as well.

Indeed, athletes over age 13 can receive treatment for performance anxiety, recovery from injury and general mental health concerns in person or virtually. (The majority of athlete patients have preferred virtual sessions via MyChart.) There are also plans to add additional mental health practitioners and to offer training experiences for future psychiatrist and psychologist trainees at the institute to increase the standard of athlete mental health care in the community.

In a once predominantly macho culture that believed in gutting everything out and nice guys finishing last, mental health was not something you talked about. The story of Jimmy Piersall -- the Waterbury, Connecticut-born and -reared centerfielder for the Boston Red Sox, whose struggle with bipolar disorder became the subject of the book and 1957 movie “Fear Strikes Out” – was the exception that in the old days proved the rule.

Not anymore. In recent years, Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history, and former women's tennis world No.1 Naomi Osaka have talked about their own mental health challenges. When Biles’ teammate Jordan Chiles unwittingly became embroiled in a controversy over a bronze medal finish in the floor exercises during the Paris Summer Olympics, she told heated fans that she was taking “a mental health break” from social media.

Do female athletes suffer more than male athletes psychologically in part because of the emphasis placed on the female body, particularly on social media, or are female athletes more likely to verbalize their challenges?

What the data shows, Aguilar said, is that male and female athletes alike struggle with mental health issues and, even more alarming, those struggles may be underreported. Access to help can be one problem. But the stigma of such a diagnosis remains one no one wants, particularly as professional athletes are not only performers in the sports arena but brands upon which many employees may rely for their livelihood.

It's not just the pros who suffer, of course. Aguilar – who trained in pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and completed his psychiatry residency and child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City – said that 70% of kids quit organized sports by age 13 due in large part to burnout and a lack of fun from specializing in a sport at too young an age and overuse injuries. In a third of cases, the turnoff can be laid at the feet of parents, coaches or both.

“There are horrific cases of abuse, producing trauma with a capital ‘T,’” he said. “But then there is small ‘t’ trauma, well-intentioned parents and coaches who are not aware of how their behavior affects young athletes.”

Winning may matter, he said, but not when the child is 4 or 5 years old. At that age, Aguilar added, it should be all about physical exercise, having fun and socializing with others. From ages 6 to 9, you learn to hone skills. After age 10,

the child begins to understand the idea of competition. Not until high school, he said, should the student athlete be focused on winning.

Not that this will ensure collegiate and professional careers. Only 1% or 2% of student athletes will go on to play in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Division 1, he said. Less than 2% of NCAA athletes turn pro. The kids who will become great professional athletes, Aguilar added, are “rare and obvious,” and even those are not guaranteed long, successful careers.

Aguilar emphasized three points for parents and coaches of student athletes – fun, APE (attitude, praising the process and effort) and sportsmanship.

“Talk the talk and walk the walk,” he advised parents and coaches. Screaming and attacking opponents (and their parents) will leave an impression on kids of what is acceptable behavior.

“Kids will do as they see, not as they’re told,” Aguilar said.

As in the business world, he added, results in sports matter. How you set yourself up for excellence matters more.

“Focus on the process, less on the results. Focus on what is in your power to control rather than what is not. Something that helps is identifying the values you want to live by. Compile a list, such as, ‘I will be courageous. I will be resilient.’”

You may not be perfect in these. But, Aguilar said, by concentrating on the process and not the results, you will get the results you want as an athlete, a businessperson – and, most important, as a human being.

Regginald Jordan at microphone with Mayor Patterson-Howard on right.

NY and CT help victims of Helene

New York and Connecticut are helping in the recovery efforts underway in the Southeast U.S. following the massive storm Helene, which came ashore in Florida as a Category 4 hurricane and diminished into a tropical storm, moving into Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama and Virginia. By Monday afternoon, the death roll had risen to more than 120 from the storm. At its peak, more than 3 million customers were without power, severe flooding left towns devastated, homes were damaged and destroyed, roads were closed or washed away and mudslides buried anything in their path.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul reported that 30 members of the New York State Incident Management Team (IMT) were dispatched to Asheville, North Carolina, to help recovery efforts in that popular tourist spot that was especially hard hit. The team is made up of skilled emergency response professionals who will assist local first responders in tasks that include search and rescue, structural inspections and communications and emergency response activities.

“New Yorkers lead by example and help our neighbors in times of despair,” Hochul said. “Our expert team and the equipment they will bring with them will help save lives and assess damage. I thank these

brave New Yorkers for answering the call and look forward to their safe return.”

Previously, 17 soldiers from the New York's Army National Guard and three heavy lift helicopters were sent to support the North Carolina National Guard.

Four 100 kilowatt electric generators were sent to Macon, Georgia, to support recovery efforts.

In addition, a team of 16 swift water rescue personnel, two canines and emergency response equipment was sent to Yancey County in North Carolina.

In Connecticut, Gov. Ned Lamont announced that he has approved a request for Connecticut to deploy an urban search and rescue team to assist the State of North Carolina in its response and recovery efforts to Hurricane Helene.

Coordinated by the Connecticut Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, a team of eight people consisting of state and local volunteers who are specially trained in search and rescue, including swiftwater rescue, have been organized for this mission. The team, which recently returned from a similar mission in Vermont, departed Connecticut on Sept. 27 and was expected to remain

"New Yorkers lead by example and help our neighbors in times of despair."
– Gov. Kathy Hochul

in North Carolina for seven days.

The deployment of this urban search and rescue team comes in addition to the deployment of a Connecticut National Guard unit that also departed for North Carolina on Sept. 27. That unit consists of a five-soldier flightcrew from the 1-169th Aviation Regiment, as well as one CH-47 Chinook helicopter.

“Hurricane Helene has caused extensive damage down south and Connecticut stands ready to help in the recovery efforts,” Lamont said. “I thank the volunteers from this urban search and rescue team for their swift response.”

Both Connecticut deployments were under the authorization of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), a nationwide system for affected states to request lifesaving resources when the need arises. EMAC is implemented by the Connecticut Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security on behalf of the governor.

CNN Newsource reported that most of North Carolina’s deaths happened far inland. In Buncombe County, where Asheville is located, at least 35 people were killed, the local sheriff said.

As the water slowly retreats, “We are seeing just piles of people’s houses that were destroyed. Buildings that were destroyed. Cars overturned,” Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer said. “The power lines look like spaghetti. It’s hard to describe the chaos that it looks like. It really feels like a post-apocalyptic scene.”

Hundreds of people are reported missing, though it’s not clear how many succumbed to the storm and

how many survived but lack communications access to let friends and relatives and officials know that they are okay.

Helene also killed at least 30 victims in South Carolina, 25 in Georgia, 11 in Florida, four in Tennessee and two in Virginia.

"Consider the roads closed in western North Carolina,” Gov. Roy Cooper told CNN. “We do not need sightseers coming in to observe the damage. We ask you not to come in unless you are on a specific mission to help with rescue.”

Thousands of U.S. National Guard members have been activated to help with recovery efforts across the East Coast, the Pentagon said.

CNN Newsource quoted Ken Graham, director of the National Weather Service, as saying that Helene dumped “staggering” amounts of rain, including 12 to 14 inches in South Carolina, 12 to 16 inches in Florida and 12 to 14 inches in Georgia.

Much of the area affected by Helene saw showers even after the main body of the storm had broken up. While most of the showers were light, the last thing that was needed was any form of additional precipitation to add to the flooding and hamper aid and recovery efforts.

Impassible road in North Carolina. NCDOTphoto.
Florida State Police clear downed tree. Policephoto.
North Carolina flooding. NCDOTphoto.



Dr. Amy Amin Patil Optum

Dr. Vivek Patil Optum


Dr. Mitchell S. Cairo New York Medical College


Terence Jackson, DMD, MA Touro College of Dental Medicine


Dr. Sonia A. Velez, JD Saint Joseph’s Medical Center


David Zuckerman New York Medical College


Dr. Bushra Ayad Mina Northwell Health / Northern Westchester Hospital


Dr. Michael Dattner Brookfield Animal Hospital


Dr. Seth Pearl Optimal Health Chiropractic


Greenwich Hospital:

• Dr. Karen Santucci

• Dr. Felice Zwas

• Stacey Green

Specialty Surgeons of Connecticut:

• Dr. Robert E. Michler


Dr. Maritza Jerome, DO ProHealth Physicians Family Medical Associates

Dr. David Jerome, DO Saint Joseph’s Family Health Center

Dr. Rolla Nuoman Maria Fareri Boston Children’s Health Physicians Dr. Fawaz Al-Mufti New York Medical College


Dr. Padmini Murthy, M.P.H., M.S., M.Phil., CHES, FRSPH New York Medical College

Dr. Michael Dewar Bridgeport Hospital

• Dr. Steven H. Borenstein

• Dr. Diego R. Camacho

• Dr. William A. Jakobleff, Jr.

• Dr. Dominique M. Jan

• Dr. Evan C. Lipsitz

• Dr. Maureen P. McEvoy

• Dr. W. Scott Melvin

• Dr. Anibal O. Puente

• Dr. Oren M. Tepper


Leigh Anne McMahon, DNP, MHA, RN, NEA-BC White Plains Hospital


Dr. Robert Wolfson Optum

Partnering Sponsors For

Poughkeepsie apartment building opens

A new apartment building at 44 Springside Ave. in the Town of Poughkeepsie has been opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The project was developed by Tinkelman Brothers Development Corp., through the entity Built Parcel Six LLC.

Tinkelman Architecture, affiliated with Tinkelman Development, designed the building. Tinkelman has been developing the Van Wagner Place neighborhood on seven acres in the Town of Poughkeepsie. The neighborhood is just north of the Arlington Business District and Vassar College.

44 Springside is one of several featured buildings in the Van Wagner Place neighborhood according to the Van Wagner Place website. Westerly House is a four-story apartment building due to be brought online next year. Center House offers six duplex units and 3,000 square feet of commercial space. 25 Van Wagner Place offers professional offices and retail space in a converted warehouse. 33 Arlington Ave. is another former warehouse converted into office and commercial space. Details

on a planned residential development at 59 Springside Ave. are promised to be available shortly.

The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce was involved in organizing the ribbon-cutting event for 44 Springside Ave.

“We thank all attendees who came to celebrate our official opening,” said Steven Tinkelman, founder and managing partner of Tinkelman Architecture.

"We thank all attendees who came to celebrate our official opening."
— Steven Tinkelman, Founder and Managing Partner of Tinkelman Architecture

The building offers 28 apartments with commercial space on the ground floor. Amenities include a top-floor community room, a rooftop terrace, and a groundfloor indoor swimming pool. One of the tenants in the commercial space is the British Swim School.

A number of real estate offices list apartments at 44 Springside Ave. for rent. An online apartment rental site shows one- and two-bedroom units ranging from 970 square feet to 1,393 square feet priced at from $2,850 to $3,350 per month.

Orange County must defend lawmakers in defamation case

An Orange County judge has ruled that the county must defend four legislators sued by a Tuckahoe company for allegedly depicting its business as shady.

Acting Justice Timothy McElduff Jr. on Sept. 17 rejected the county's position that it did not have to defend the public officials because their actions were not conducted within the scope of their duties.

The dispute concerns StarCIO, a Tuckahoe company that was awarded a contract for information technology services that initially cost $65,000 and ballooned to more than $800,000 in 2023.

StarCIO founder Isaac Sacolick is

the brother-in-law of Orange County human resources commissioner Langdon Chapman.

Last Fall, county lawmakers Michael Anagnostakis, Michael Paduch, Genesis Ramos and Laurie Tautel questioned the contract.

On Oct. 25 they criticized the deal at a press conference with State Senator James Skoufis. Then last December Skoufis, chair of the senate's committee on investigations and government operations, issued a scathing report titled, "StarCIO & Orange County Government Corruption."

"Through a complex scheme of inadequate contracting, falsified 'quotes,'

and misleading or perhaps pressuring his colleagues," Skoufis concluded, "Chapman was successful in steering $822,900 in taxpayer funds to his brother-in-law for a low-show, no-bid job in 2023."

On Jan. 17, Sacolick and StarCIO put Orange County on notice of their intent to sue the lawmakers for defamation. The notice cites the Oct. 25 press conference where the lawmakers and the senator "falsely stated ... that Mr. Sacolick broke the law, that he did so because he was in dire financial straits with a home foreclosure, that StarCIO is a shady business with lapsed insurance, and that Mr. Sacolick's brother-in-law awarded StarCIO the contract."

On Feb. 1., the lawmakers asked the county to defend them. The county attorney denied their request, arguing that they had waited too long to ask for help and their actions were not within the scope of their employment.

Judge McElduff found that StarCIO and Sacolick did not directly serve the lawmakers with the notice of intent to sue, therefore the statute of limitations never commenced and the request for a county defense was timely.

As to the scope of their public employment, he noted, the county charter and legislative manual provide that investigations are part of their jobs and they have a duty to present information to keep the public informed.

Finally, he found, the county has a duty to indemnify public officials for acts or omissions occurring during the scope of employment.

McElduff ordered the county to defend the lawmakers.

The attorney for StarCIO and Sacolick did not reply to an email asking for their response to the decision.

44 Springside Ave. in the town of Poughkeepsie.
Steven Tinkelman holding the celebratory scissors, with NY State Senator Rob Rolison at his left.

Emergency Shelter Partnership calls on local businesses to help it serve the homeless

"Sometimes, we're working with someone you would not have expected we needed to help. It’s our neighbors."

A northern Westchester organization is issuing a call to local professionals and businesses for support in sheltering and feeding the homeless this fall and winter.

Westchester Interfaith Clergy Association and the leadership of the village of Mount Kisco – founded the 501(c)3-registered nonprofit, which is based in Mount Kisco (its East location) and Ossining (the West location).

— JoAnne Hochstein.

Beginning the last Monday in October – the 28th this year – and running for 22 weeks until the spring, participating houses of worship in the East location – which includes Armonk, Bedford, Chappaqua, Katonah and Mount Kisco – host about 20 homeless individuals, primarily men, seven days a week on a rotating basis. The individuals gather at an appointed time each night behind the police station in Mount Kisco where they meet one of three paid, bilingual night supervisors and are transported by the partnership’s two vans to the hosting location. The guests are given a hot meal, breakfast and a lunch to go, along with a place to sleep in a sleeping bag. A large percentage of the guests return night after night, Hochstein said, adding that the partnership’s West location – serving Briarcliff Manor, Croton-on-Hudson, Ossining, Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown – has a similar program with three paid, bilingual night supervisors that begins the first Monday in December (Dec. 2 this year) and runs for 16 weeks.

The Emergency Shelter Partnership – a network of more than 20 houses of worship celebrating 20 years of serving the homeless in the cold seasons, including during the pandemic – is seeking not only donations of meals, gift cards and funds but of expertise. While its houses of worship have scores of volunteers who participate, the partnership is looking to broaden its base of those with experience in marketing, fundraising, grant writing, the law and website design and maintenance, said partnership President JoAnne Hochstein. The need for such an organization became starkly apparent in 2004 when two homeless men died of exposure in Northern Westchester’s woods. Shocked – and perhaps more than a little ashamed – that this could happen in such an affluent community, a group of individuals – along with the Mount Kisco Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Council, the Northern of society, she added. The organization has assisted everyone from a former police officer to a female attorney, along with recent immigrants. Sometimes, Hochstein said, “we’re working with someone you would not have expected we needed to help. It’s our neighbors.”

Besides providing the partnership

with volunteers, the houses of worship also make a monetary contribution as the partnership must pay not only the supervisors’ salaries, but for transportation, insurance, sleeping bags, towels, toiletries and some clothing. Hochstein is proud of its 20 years of seamless service. Even during the pandemic, “three churches took on the whole season,” she said, and not one person was lost. Now the partnership is poised to launch a more aggressive financial campaign, addressing corporations as well as small businesses to help those who represent a wide swath

Individuals and businesses that are looking to help can contact the Emergency Shelter Partnership, P.O. Box 427, Mount Kisco, New York, 10549, at 914-582-5020 or at info@esp-ny.org.

Helping student and pro athletes with their mental health

“Over the course of a year, 30% to 35% of professional athletes will meet the criteria for a mental health disorder,” said sports psychiatrist Jorge Aguilar, M.D., Ph.D.

And that’s where the new Sports Mental Health & Performance Institute, which he directs, comes in.

The institute, which opened at Montefiore Einstein Advanced Care –Westchester in Elmsford July 1, builds on Montefiore Health System’s affiliations with the New York Yankees and Major League Soccer’s New York City Football Club (FC), as well as Aguilar’s work as team psychiatrist for New York City FC and a consultant to Major League Baseball (MLB) in mental health and performance. (He also participates in the MLB Rookie Development Program, a joint program with the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) to assist minor league players transitioning to the major leagues. In addition, he is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Montefiore Einstein.)

But the institute is not just for the pros, Aguilar said: “We want to help

athletes at all levels.”

And that help has applications for the business world as well.

Indeed, athletes over age 13 can receive treatment for performance anxiety, recovery from injury and general mental health concerns in person or virtually. (The majority of athlete patients have preferred virtual sessions via MyChart.) There are also plans to add additional mental health practitioners and to offer training experiences for future psychiatrist and psychologist trainees at the institute to increase the standard of athlete mental health care in the community.

In a once predominantly macho culture that believed in gutting everything out and nice guys finishing last, mental health was not something you talked about. The story of Jimmy Piersall -- the Waterbury, Connecticut-born and -reared centerfielder for the Boston Red Sox, whose struggle with bipolar disorder became the subject of the book and 1957 movie “Fear Strikes Out” – was the exception that in the old days proved the rule. Not anymore. In recent years,

“Focus on the process, less on the results. Focus on what is in your power to control rather than what is not.”

Simone Biles, the most decorat ed gymnast in history, and former women's tennis world No.1 Naomi Osaka have talked about their own mental health challenges. When Biles’ teammate Jordan Chiles unwittingly became embroiled in a controversy over a bronze medal finish in the floor exercises during the Paris Summer Olympics, she told heated fans that she was taking “a mental health break” from social media.

Do female athletes suffer more than male athletes psychologically in part because of the emphasis placed on the female body, particularly on social media, or are female athletes more likely to verbalize their challenges?

— Dr. Victor Aguilar, Director of the Sports Mental Health & Performance Institute

What the data shows, Aguilar said, is that male and female athletes alike struggle with mental health issues and, even more alarming, those struggles may be underreported. Access to help can be one problem. But the stigma of such a diagnosis remains one no one wants, particularly as professional athletes are not only performers in the sports arena but brands upon which many employees may rely for their livelihood.

It's not just the pros who suffer, of course. Aguilar – who trained in

pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and completed his psychiatry residency and child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City – said that 70% of kids quit organized sports by age 13 due in large part to burnout and a lack of fun from specializing in a sport at too young an age and overuse injuries. In a third of cases, the turnoff can be laid at the feet of parents, coaches or both.

“There are horrific cases of abuse, producing trauma with a capital ‘T,’” he said. “But then there is small ‘t’ trauma, well-intentioned parents and coaches who are not aware of how their behavior affects young athletes.”

Winning may matter, he said, but not when the child is 4 or 5 years old. At that age, Aguilar added, it should be all about physical exercise, having fun and socializing with others. From

Montefiore Einstein Advanced Care – Westchester in Elmsford is the site of the new Sports Mental Health & Performance Institute, which opened July 1. PhotographscourtesyMontefioreEinstein.
Jorge Aguilar, M.D., Ph.D., directs the new Sports Mental Health & Performance Institute at Montefiore Einstein Advanced Care -- Westchester in Elmsford.

New York Yankees centerfielder Aaron Judge at bat against the Washington Nationals in Nationals Park, Washington.D.C., on Aug. 26. The Bronx Bombers are among the teams affiliated with the Montefiore Health System, whose Mental Health Sports & Performance Institute opened July 1 at Montefiore Advanced Care -- Westchester in Elmsford. PhotographbyGeorgetteGouveia.

ages 6 to 9, you learn to hone skills. After age 10, the child begins to understand the idea of competition. Not until high school, he said, should the student athlete be focused on winning.

Not that this will ensure collegiate and professional careers. Only 1% or 2% of student athletes will go on to play in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Division 1, he said. Less than 2% of NCAA athletes turn pro. The kids who will become great professional athletes, Aguilar added, are “rare and obvious,” and even those are not guaranteed long, successful careers.

Aguilar emphasized three points for parents and coaches of student athletes – fun, APE (attitude, praising the process and effort) and sportsmanship.

“Talk the talk and walk the walk,” he advised parents and coaches. Screaming and attacking opponents (and their parents) will leave an impression on kids of what is acceptable behavior.

“Kids will do as they see, not as they’re told,” Aguilar said.

As in the business world, he added, results in sports matter. How you set yourself up for excellence matters more.

“Focus on the process, less on the results. Focus on what is in your power to control rather than what is not.

Something that helps is identifying the values you want to live by. Compile a list, such as, ‘I will be courageous. I will be resilient.’”

You may not be perfect in these. But, Aguilar said, by concentrating on the process and not the results, you will get the results you want as an athlete, a businessperson – and, most important, as a human being.

Legal Records



U.S. Bankruptcy Court

White Plains and Poughkeepsie

Local business cases, Sept. 25 - Oct. 1

2142 Frederick Douglas Blvd. Corp., Mount Vernon, 24-22827-KYP: Chapter 11, assets and liabilities $1 million - $10 million. Attorney: Lauren P. Raysor.

26 Highview LLC, Monsey, Danny Sussman, authorized representative, 24-22829-SHL: Chapter 11, assets and liabilities $1 million - $10 million. Attorney: pro se.

Christal1 LLC, Spring Valley, Gerald Brathwaite, president, 24-22833-SHL: Chapter 7, assets and liabilities $1 million - $10 million. Attorney: Robert S. Lewis.

U.S. District Court, White Plains

Local business cases, Sept. 25 - Oct. 1

Robert Veditti, New Paltz vs. Christian Brothers Institute, New Rochelle, et al, 24-cv-7294-KMK: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Matthew N. Persanis.

Theresa Bostock, Florida vs. Garnet Health Systems, Middletown, 24-cv-7328-PMH: Employment discrimination. Attorney: James Mermigis.

United Wisconsin Insurance Co., New Berlin, Wisconsin vs. Sala & Sons Construction Co., Poughquag, et al, 24-cv-7349-CS: Constitutionality of state statute. Attorney: William D. Deveau.

Items appearing in the Westfair Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken.

Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to:

Sebastian Flores

Westfair Communications Inc.

4 Smith Ave., Suite 2

Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Phone: 914-694-3600

Bramhanano Basdeo, Queens vs. S.W. Queens Mezzanine LLC, New Rochelle, et al, 24-cv-7357PMH: Fair Labor Standards Act. Attorney: Abdul K. Hassan.

Darren Brigman, et al vs. Telodoc Health Inc., Purchase, et al, 24-cv-7419: Securities and Exchange Act. Attorney: John B. Walker.


Above $1 million

1989 Hunter Brook LLC, Yorktown Heights. Seller: Beatrice M. Cushner, Yorktown Heights. Property: 1989 Hunterbrook Road, Yorktown. Amount: $1.7 million. Filed Sept. 13.

22 Homeside Lanes LLC, Bronx. Seller: Nancy C. Lacava, White Plains. Property: 22 Homeside Lane, White Plains. Amount: $1.1 million. Filed Sept. 11.

3 Timber Trail LLC, New York. Seller: Timbertrail LLC, New York. Property: 3 Timber Trail, Harrison. Amount: $2.3 million. Filed Sept. 10.

62 Franklin LLC, New York. Seller: McS Investment Loc LLC, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Property: 62 Franklin Road, Scarsdale. Amount: $4.1 million. Filed Sept. 9.

702 - 708 N Division LLC, Monsey. Seller: Flatz Properties LLC, Peekskill. Property: 702 N. Division St., Peekskill. Amount: $1 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Ansari, Mohamed A., Harrison. Seller: 110 Haviland Road LLC, Rye. Property: 110 Haviland Road, Harrison. Amount: $3.9 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Berkman, Madeline R., Irvington. Seller: Mulligan Development LLC, Yonkers. Property: 44 Mulligan Lane, Greenburgh. Amount: $2.4 million. Filed Sept. 12.

Larchmont Corner LLC, Chappaqua. Seller: Larchsan Ltd. Partnership, Boca Raton, Florida. Property: 124-26 Chatsworth Ave., Mamaroneck. Amount: $1.4 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Main Street Property Holders LLC, Tuckahoe. Seller: Serita Holding Corp., New Rochelle. Property: 212-214 Main St., New Rochelle. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed Sept. 9.

Myers, Susan, Chappaqua. Seller: Wampus Mills LLC, Pleasantville. Property: 585 Main St., 1B, North Castle. Amount: $1.2 million. Filed Sept. 11.

Peng, Benjamin C., Harrison. Seller: Brightview Harrison LLC, Baltimore, Maryland. Property: 95 Old Lake St., Harrison. Amount: $1.5 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Wolitzky, Max, Brooklyn. Seller: 7 Lewis Road LLC, Irvington. Property: 7 Lewis Road, Greenburgh. Amount: $1.3 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Below $1 million

29 Putnam LLC, Stamford, Connecticut. Seller: Lyon Park Deli Cafe & Catering Inc., Port Chester. Property: 29 Putnam Ave., Rye Town. Amount: $379,000. Filed Sept. 10.

387 East 158 Street LLC, New Rochelle. Seller: Freedom Mortgage Corp., Fishers, Indiana. Property: 10 Cliff St., Yonkers. Amount: $401,000. Filed Sept. 12.

5 Madison Group LLC, West Harrison. Seller: Lucia Lamance, West Harrison. Property: 5 Madison Ave., Harrison. Amount: $975,000. Filed Sept. 12.

90 Patton Drive LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Laji Varghese, Yonkers. Property: 90 Patton Drive, Yonkers. Amount: $755,000. Filed Sept. 13.

Avonteer Holdings LLC, Ossining. Seller: Carmen Faver, North Salem. Property: 362 Hawley Road, North Salem. Amount: $668,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Boduch, Richard S., Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Seller: Warwick6 LLC, White Plains. Property: 1 Landmark Square, 317, Rye Town. Amount: $359,000. Filed Sept. 11.

Camposano DF Ltd., Dobbs Ferry. Seller: Benjamin Challenger, White Plains. Property: 12 Granada Crest, 22, Greenburgh. Amount: $275,000. Filed Sept. 11.

Cardenas, Salvador, New Rochelle. Seller: Macahudy LLC, New York. Property: 64 St. Johns Place, New Rochelle. Amount: $693,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Cartagena, Carmen, Yonkers. Seller: HSBC Bank USA NA, Salt Lake City, Utah. Property: 130 Glenwood Ave., No. 74, Yonkers. Amount: $340,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Cartus Financial Corp., Danbury, Connecticut. Seller: Janet M. Harvey, Ossining. Property: 55 Bridle Path Road, Ossining. Amount: $605,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Casola, Teresa A., Katonah. Seller: Cobbling Rock Estates LLC, Katonah. Property: 24 Dr. Tonys Road, Somers. Amount: $515,000. Filed Sept. 11.

Diehl, Lucas, Scarsdale. Seller: 1463 Lincoln Terrace LLC, Croton-on-Hudson. Property: 1463 Lincoln Terrace, Peekskill. Amount: $450,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Gavilanes, Lauro V., Peekskill. Seller: DiPaterio Contracting Inc., Cortlandt Manor. Property: 5 John Dorsey Drive, Cortlandt. Amount: $710,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Im, Gyu Y., Scarsdale. Seller: Warren Realty LLC, White Plains. Property: 25 Rockledge Ave, 1007, White Plains. Amount: $439,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Infinity Holdings Group Inc., Newburgh. Seller: Forest Crest Properties I LLC, Newburgh. Property: Route 9, Hudson River, D-23, Cortlandt. Amount: $80,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Isidoro, Lorena, Port Chester. Seller: Casa Cerrada LLC, Port Chester. Property: 88 Grant St., Rye Town. Amount: $800,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Izaguirre, Michelle, Hartsdale. Seller: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Plano, Texas. Property: 1 Renaissance Square, 16E, White Plains. Amount: $935,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Maddalena, Theresa, Hastings-on-Hudson. Seller: 228 West Street LLC, Dobbs Ferry. Property: 144 Northfield Ave., Greenburgh. Amount: $840,000. Filed Sept. 12.

MJD Construction Corp., Mahopac. Seller: John C. Guttridge, White Plains. Property: 35 Columbia Place, Mount Vernon. Amount: $620,000. Filed Sept. 10.

MJD Contracting Corp., Carmel. Seller: John G. Molloy, Somers. Property: 101 Harris Road, Bedford. Amount: $406,000. Filed Sept. 13.

Molloy, John G., Somers. Seller: Joann DiDonato, White Plains. Property: 8 Beacon Lane, Rye Town. Amount: $601,000. Filed Sept. 13.

Moscoso, Noberto, Verplanck. Seller: Federal National Mortgage Association, Dallas, Texas. Property: 165 Broadway, Cortlandt. Amount: $475,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Odesesan, Azizah, Mount Vernon. Seller: 468 S. Fourth Avenue LLC, Monsey. Property: 468 S. Fourth Ave., No. 104, Mount Vernon. Amount: $395,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Passarella, Jeanette, New Milford, Connecticut. Seller: HJJM LLC, New York. Property: 207 Briarwood Drive, Somers. Amount: $770,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Pitsny LLC, Mahopac. Seller: Brian Madden, Mahopac. Property: 4 Oriole Lane, Cortlandt. Amount: $233,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Queens Pro Holdings LLC, Brooklyn. Seller: Celia Meloni, Port Chester. Property: 60 Wesley Ave., Rye Town. Amount: $494,000. Filed Sept. 13.

Rapa, Tricia, Carmel. Seller: 39 Cypress Lane LLC, White Plains. Property: 52 Lake Way, Somers. Amount: $629,000. Filed Sept. 13.

V7a Realty LLC, Bronx. Seller: Rudolph Nisi, White Plains. Property: 1 Renaissance Square, 33A, White Plains. Amount: $930,000. Filed Sept. 12.

Vergaray, Luis A., New Rochelle. Seller: Naitza LLC, Branford, Connecticut. Property: 356 N. Broadway, Yonkers. Amount: $770,000. Filed Sept. 12.


$10,000 or greater

Westchester County, Sept. 25 - Oct. 1

Darkenwald, Kristen: Somers, 2021 personal income, $32,931.

Deagan Jr., Michael R.: Verplank, 2020 personal income, $12,298.

Flores, Jesus: New Rochelle, 2023 failure to collect employment taxes, $17,882.

Garcia, Ruben and Margaret Garcia: Crotonon-Hudson, 2019, 2021, 2023 personal income, $85,712.

Keith, Tracey Lee W.: White Plains, 2018, 2020 - 2023 personal income, $45,686.

Ludwig, Sergie: Mount Vernon, 2019 - 2020 personal income, $64,889.

McKenna, Francis B. and Teresa McKenna: Ossining, 2013 - 2014, 2019 - 2020, 2022 personal income, $86,560.

Spencer, Cheryl: Mount Vernon, 2017 - 2022 personal income, $25,415.

Thom, Jeremy: Scarsdale, 2019 personal income, $58,109.

Tinio, Fernando: South Salem, 2015 - 2016, 2020 - 2021 personal income, $28,324.

Tran, Pascale: Ossining, 2017, 2021 - 2023 personal income, $79,649.

Wagstaff III, William: Mount Vernon, 2021 - 2022 personal income, $87,639.

Withers, Anne N.: South Salem, 2015 - 2016, 2020 - 2021 personal income, $28,324.


Addis, Kim, Dobbs Ferry. $11,429 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 14.

Alvarez Sr., Alex, Yonkers. $11,370 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 16.

Arellano, Guillermo, White Plains. $128,995 in favor of EBF Holdings LLC, New York. Filed Aug. 19.

Asuncion, Maria, Yonkers. $9,749 in favor of TD Bank USA NA, Brooklyn Park. Filed Aug. 14.

Bacon, Bridgette, Cortlandt Manor. $1,874 in favor of Midland Credit Management Inc., San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 14.

Baker, Yolan, Stamford, Connecticut. $38,142 in favor of Sofi Lending Corp., Reston, Virginia. Filed Aug. 15.

Barresi, Daniel, Pleasantville. $4,430 in favor of Miller Zeiderman LLP, White Plains. Filed Aug. 14.

Borrelli Jr., Sam, Yonkers. $18,998 in favor of Family Funding Group LLC, Brooklyn. Filed Aug. 15.

Bryan, Foy, Yonkers. $2,599 in favor of TD Bank USA NA, Brooklyn Park. Filed Aug. 14.

Calixto, Arturo Jr, Yonkers.

$4,188 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 16.

Choi, Danny, Port Chester. $229,554 in favor of American Express National Bank, Sandy, Utah. Filed Aug. 20.

Constructive Enterprise LLC, Yonkers. $16,840 in favor of New York High End LLC, New York. Filed Aug. 16.

Cooper, Bernard, Yonkers. $2,967 in favor of Cavalry SPV I LLC, Greenwich, Connecticut. Filed Aug. 14.

Cruz, Jackie, Yonkers. $6,314 in favor of TD Bank USA NA, Brooklyn Park. Filed Aug. 14.

D&S Construction, Cortlandt Manor. $65,889 in favor of Susquehanna Salt Lake LLC, Salt Lake, Utah. Filed Aug. 14.

Dejesus, Adriana, Bronx. $25,866 in favor of 168/170 Broadway Property Corp., Yonkers. Filed Aug. 19.

Diaz, Daniel D., Yonkers. $7,311 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 16.

DiForio, Mark, New Rochelle. $2,214 in favor of Cavalry SPV I LLC, Greenwich, Connecticut. Filed Aug. 20.

Donaldson, Lesley A., Union City, New Jersey. $16,498 in favor of 92 Main Street Yonkers AMS LLC, Yonkers. Filed Aug. 19.

Farina, Cynthia L., Yonkers. $11,244 in favor of Citibank NA, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 21.

Fisher, Chantelle D., Mount Vernon. $3,282 in favor of Capital One NA, Richmond, Virginia. Filed Aug. 14.

Flanagan, Dawn, West Harrison. $3,464 in favor of Midland Funding LLC, San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 14.

Flojay Maintenance Inc., Bronx. $498,032 in favor of State Farm Fire & Casualty Co., Bloomington, Minnesota. Filed Aug. 20.

Gonzalez, Dorissa, Yonkers. $6,545 in favor of Velocity Investments LLC, Wall, New Jersey. Filed Aug. 14.

Gore, Alison M., Elmsford. $11,873 in favor of Alscot Realty LLC, Bronxville. Filed Aug. 20.

Green, David, Huntington. $49,023 in favor of Petitioner 911 Renovation LLC, Hawthorne. Filed Aug. 20.

Guaman, Norma N., Ossining. $5,109 in favor of Just Play Soccer Club Inc., Putnam Valley. Filed Aug. 15.

Jelinovic, Kendall, New York. $110,383 in favor of Laurence S. Margolin LLC, Garden City. Filed Aug. 15.

Kapitula, Andrew S., Hastings-on-Hudson. $14,610 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 20.

Kaplan, Adam K., Scarsdale. $136,377 in favor of Frank DiRenno, Harrison. Filed Aug. 15.

Kellum, Latosha D., White Plains. $6,776 in favor of Citibank NA, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 21.

Kenny, Nancy, Long Beach. $51,052 in favor of Miller Zeiderman LLP, White Plains. Filed Aug. 19.

Kyu, Eric, Yonkers. $150,000 in favor of United States of America, White Plains. Filed Aug. 21.

Lake, Carla A., Yonkers. $14,218 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 16.

Lopez, Ann J., Spring Hill, Florida. $3,990 in favor of 545 Parkway Plaza LLC, Peekskill. Filed Aug. 19.

Lyn, George, Mount Vernon. $1,354 in favor of Midland Credit Management Inc., San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 20.

Maron, Michael, Crotonon-Hudson. $16,541 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 20.

Mendez, Martina, Yonkers. $2,473 in favor of Barclays Bank Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 14.

Metro-North Commuter Railroad Co., White Plains. $12,692 in favor of Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP, Harriman. Filed Aug. 15.

Mirabile, Carmelo, Yonkers. $3,524 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 16.

Palmisano, Giuseppe, Mount Kisco. $2,286 in favor of Capital One Bank USA NA, Richmond, Virginia. Filed Aug. 14.

Patel, Nikunj R., Port Chester. $11,782 in favor of Capital One NA, Richmond, Virginia. Filed Aug. 20.

Rezi, New York. $16,600 in favor of Datasite LLC, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Filed Aug. 14.

Rivera, Anthony, Elmsford. $10,376 in favor of Barclays Bank Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 15.

Rossa, Gabriella, Yonkers. $10,305 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 20.

Ruopp, Melissa K., Danbury, Connecticut. $8,102 in favor of Goldschmidt & Genovese LLP, White Plains. Filed Aug. 5.

Sanchez, Shayna L., Port Chester. $7,168 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 15.

Sevilla, Scarlette, Yonkers. $2,340 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 7.

Silva, Luis, Dobbs Ferry. $8,048 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 14.

Stambuk, Nilda, Hastingson-Hudson. $1,100 in favor of JDRMDBPP SM SKP & JD IRA LLC, Boonton, New Jersey. Filed Aug. 9.

Stimphil, Hasson M., Yonkers. $5,624 in favor of Citizens Bank NA, Johnston, Rhode Island. Filed Aug. 14.

Surgeon, Thoulton, New Rochelle. $3,950 in favor of 3 Cottage Place LLC, New York. Filed Aug. 19.

TCB Plumbing & Heating Inc., Elmsford. $5,928 in favor of Concrete Cutting Company Inc., Port Chester. Filed Aug. 15.

Tejada, Francisco A., Sleepy Hollow. $3,508 in favor of Citibank NA, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 21.

Thomas, Gregory F., Mamaroneck. $2,932 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 20.

Valentino, Crystal, Yonkers. $1,381 in favor of Midland Credit Management Inc., San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 7.

Vargas, Darby, Yonkers. $2,215 in favor of Midland Credit Management Inc., San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 9.

Vazquez Jr., Eduardo, Yorktown Heights. $11,799 in favor of Wells Fargo Bank NA, West Des Moines, Iowa. Filed Aug. 12.

Von Wiegand, Arthur, Yonkers. $11,390 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 20.

Williams, Courtney, Mount Vernon. $5,011 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 7.

Zanfordino, Patricia A., White Plains. $8,725 in favor of Capital One NA, Richmond, Virginia. Filed Aug. 13.


The following filings indicate a legal action has been initiated, the outcome of which may affect the title to the property listed.

Alvarez, Maria A., as owner. Filed by HSBC Bank USA National Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $427,000 affecting property located at 60 Hartsdale Road, Elmsford. Filed Aug. 28.

American Express Bank FSB, as owner. Filed by US Bank National Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $387,000 affecting property located at 542 Kimball Ave., Yonkers. Filed Aug. 29.

American Express Centurion Bank, as owner. Filed by Wells Fargo Bank National Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $372,000 affecting property located at 7 Pitt St., Port Chester. Filed Aug. 28.

Ampere Solar Master Tenant 111 LLC, as owner. Filed by Usalliance Federal Credit Union. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $200,000 affecting property located at 83 Edgepark Road, White Plains. Filed Aug. 29.

Blackwell, Christine E., as owner. Filed by Bank of America NA. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $999,999 affecting property located at 78 Decatur Road, New Rochelle. Filed Aug. 27.

Caruso, Cassandra, as owner. Filed by Citizens Bank NA. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $76,000 affecting property located at 102 Longdale Ave., Greenburgh. Filed Aug. 27.

Cusack, Randi, as owner. Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $150,000 affecting property located at 51 Bayberry Lane, New Rochelle. Filed Aug. 29.

Darby Dental Supply LLC, as owner. Filed by Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $725,000 affecting property located at 435 North St., White Plains. Filed Aug. 28.

Fields, Laura, as owner. Filed by Atlas Adjustments LLC & 2 Shoemaker LLC. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $88,000 affecting property located at 89 The Esplanade, New Rochelle. Filed Aug. 27.

First American Investment Company LLC, as owner. Filed by Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $540,000 affecting property located at 14 N. Bond St., Mount Vernon. Filed Aug. 29.

Gonzales, Gustavo, as owner. Filed by Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporate Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $477,000 affecting property located at 3 Maplewood Drive, Mount Kisco. Filed Aug. 26.

Guglielmo, Antonietta, as owner. Filed by US Bank National Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $396,000 affecting property located at 32 Westview Ave., Port Chester. Filed Aug. 28.

Herndon, Doretha, as owner. Filed by Urena Construction & Design Inc. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $117,000 affecting property located at 201 W. Lincoln Ave., Mount Vernon. Filed Aug. 28.

Richardson, Floyd, as owner. Filed by US Bank National Trust. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $350,000 affecting property located at 14 Jackson Road, Mount Pleasant. Filed Aug. 28.

Spennato, Alice, as owner. Filed by US Bank National Trust Co. Action: Foreclosure of a mortgage in the principal amount of $125,000 affecting property located at 14 Hallock Place, Armonk. Filed Aug. 27.


1060 Nepperhan Ave LLC, Yonkers. $378,125 in favor of Nycom Electrical Corp., Astoria. Filed Sept. 6.

2 Elm Hill LLC, Rye. $14,975 in favor of Frasier Fence Company LLC, Brewster. Filed Sept. 11.

266 Pelham Road Corp., New Rochelle. $38,438 in favor of Antonucci & Associates Architects, Pelham. Filed Sept. 12.

Legal Records

Burdick, Craig, Mount Vernon. $147,500 in favor of Skill Craft General Contracting, Yonkers. Filed Sept. 6.

Combe, Rachael, Greenburgh. $50,138 in favor of Natures Cradle Nursery & Farm, Eastchester. Filed Sept. 6.

Gold, Melissa A., Greenburgh. $16,500 in favor of Expert Roofing of Westchester, Scarsdale. Filed Sept. 9.

Graham Windom Home, Greenburgh. $370,909 in favor of Kimley-Horn Engineering & Landscape. Filed Sept. 6.

KDL Capital LLC, Yonkers. $21,935 in favor of Sunbelt Rentals Inc., Islip. Filed Sept. 6.

Kman Realty LLC, Harrison. $16,619 in favor of Catizone Engineering PC, Larchmont. Filed Sept. 9.

Knauss, Orlando, Greenburgh. $50,138 in favor of Natures Cradle Nursery & Farm, Eastchester. Filed Sept. 6.

Mamaroneck White Plains LLC, White Plains. $53,246 in favor of KG Pumping Corp., Richmond. Filed Sept. 10.

Velaris Consulting Inc., Rye. $9,498 in favor of Mensch Mill & Lumber Corp., Bronx. Filed Sept. 6.


This newspaper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Sole Proprietorships

2 Equilibrium, 287 Olivia St., Second floor, Port Chester 10573. c/o Graziella Desouza. Filed Sept. 12.

Acela Boutique, 55 Wildway, Bronxville 10708. c/o Acela Hernandez. Filed Sept. 4.

AFV It Consulting, 1585 Central Park Ave., Yonkers 10710. c/o Alberto F. Villate. Filed Sept. 10.

Aldo Home Improvement, 3 Calvert St., Apt. 3C, Harrison 10528. c/o Aldubin Sadrak Guardado Cabrera. Filed Sept. 12.

Arturo Landscaping, 1 Mill St., Port Chester 10573. c/o Edita Imelda Sanchez Gonzalez. Aug. 30.

Attitude Adjustment Team, 738 South St., Peekskill 10566. c/o Hiram N. Mendez Virola. Filed Sept. 6.

Automated Gates Systems, 15 School St., Cortlandt Manor 10567. c/o John Marcello. Filed Sept. 4.

Cheryl Braus, 34 Hilltop Road, Waccabuc 10597. c/o Cheryl Braus. Filed Sept. 6.

Clean Step Carpet Cleaning, 13 Beaumont Circle 1, Yonkers 10710. c/o Shana Tolbert. Filed Sept. 12.

Crystalline Cleaning, 16 Sunset Lane, Harrison 10528. c/o Kashmira Patel. Filed Sept. 6.

Da Silvas Driving, 162 Croton Ave., Ossining 10562. c/o Susana Pinto DaSilva. Filed Sept. 4.

Strings & Fingertips, 14 Alden Way, Purdys 10578. c/o Matthew J. Compito. Filed Aug. 13.

Sweet Tees Rental, 68 Warburton Ave., Yonkers 10701. c/o Tanaira Arline. Filed Aug. 16.

Sycadi USA, 11 W. Prospect Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. c/o. Filed Aug. 29.

Town Auction House & Gallery, 1725 Front St., Yorktown Heights 10598 Yorktown Heights 10598. c/o. Filed Aug. 8.

Voila International USA, 622b, S. 6 Sixth Ave., Mount Vernon 10550. c/o Yves Eric Ahoussougbemey. Filed Aug. 16.

Wed Me Dee, 97 Woodside Ave., Second floor, West Harrison 10604. c/o Daneen Harrison. Filed Aug. 9.

Westchester Professional Cleaning, 18 Maple Place, Ossining 10562. c/o Sandra Zhinin. Filed Aug. 15.

Windmill Design, 6 Wind Mill Circle, Scarsdale 10583. c/o Wen Xie. Filed Aug. 8.

Zailex, 1 Well House Lane, Mamaroneck 10543. c/o Liming Zhao. Filed Aug. 27.



Above $1 million

Hedgerow Properties LLC, as owner. Lender: Kiavi Funding Inc. Property: 21 Farmhouse Road, Rockland. Amount: $506,200. Filed Aug. 15.

TEG Federal Credit Union, as owner. Lender: Zachary and Stacey A. Hillman. Property: in Newburgh. Amount: $424,000. Filed Sept. 4.

Walden Savings Bank, as owner. Lender: Garrett Andrew Roeber and Ann Todd Mackenzie. Property: in Greenville. Amount: $450,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Below $1 million

45 Grove LLC, as owner.

Lender: Broadview Capital LLC. Property: 45 Grove St., Monsey. Amount: $2.3 million. Filed Aug. 8.

Columbia Bank, as owner.

Lender: 18 Leonards Drive LLC. Property: 18 Leonards Drive, Montgomery. Amount: $9.4 million. Filed Sept. 6.

Gluck, Jacob, as owner.

Lender: TD Bank NA. Property: 43 Olympia Lane, Monsey. Amount: $2.2 million. Filed Aug. 8.

Good Step 6 LLC, as owner. Lender: Northeast Community Bank. Property: 50 Park Lane, Monsey. Amount: $6.4 million. Filed Aug. 15.

Loan Funder LLC Series 81999, as owner. Lender: 7 Sears Road LLC. Property: 7 Sears Road, Monroe. Amount: $3.2 million. Filed Aug. 29.

Parnes, Aron A. and Mindel C. Parnes, as owner. Lender: TD Bank NA. Property: 2 Summit Drive, New City. Amount: $1.8 million. Filed Aug. 14.

Leifer, Mayer D. and Rivka Leifer, Brooklyn. Seller: Highview Hills LLC, Suffern. Property: 55 Silverwood Circle, Suffern. Amount: $1.1 million. Filed Sept. 4.

Oshry, Samuel, Monsey. Seller: Union 32 LLC, Brooklyn. Property: 32 Union Road, Spring Valley. Amount: $2.5 million. Filed Sept. 10.

Salamon, Joel, Monsey. Seller: Inclusive Society LLC, Monsey. Property: 20 Pinebrook Road, Chestnut Ridge. Amount: $2.1 million. Filed Sept. 9.

Below $1 million

1002 Route 9w LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSBTrust, et al, Lansing, Michigan. Property: 1002 Route 9w, South Nyack. Amount: $603,250. Filed Sept. 11.

11 Dalewood Holdings LLC, Monsey. Seller: Eleven Dalewood LLC, Suffern. Property: 11 Dalewood Drive, Suffern. Amount: $775,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Above $1 million

4 Cobblestone Farm Court LLC, Cedarhurst. Seller: Stern, Kenneth H. and Beth A. Stern, Montebello. Property: 4 Cobblestone Farm Court, Montebello. Amount: $3.4 million. Filed Sept. 6.

Blinn Mazzucca Realty LLC and National Granite Accommodating Company LLC, New Fairfield, Connecticut. Seller: William J. and Ronald Delia, Saddle River, New Jersey. Property: 1, 2, 3, 4 Longview Court, Nyack. Amount: $4.4 million. Filed Sept. 11.

19 Riverview Properties LLC, New City. Seller: Raymond Wright, Nyack. Property: 19 N. Broadway, Nyack. Amount: $952,000. Filed Sept. 9.

2.9 DLF LLC, Wappinger Falls. Seller: Beacon Delta Properties LLC, Fishkill. Property: in Fishkill. Amount: $750,000. Filed Aug. 27.

215 Dutchess LLC, Clinton Corners. Seller: Stewcal LLC, Millbrook. Property: in Washington. Amount: $600,000. Filed Aug. 27.

21st Mortgage Corp., Knoxville. Seller: Richard C. DeStefano, Airmont. Property: 118 Stuart Road, Airmont. Amount: $893,655. Filed Sept. 9.

30 Northbrook Road LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Abel Gonzalez, Monsey. Property: 30 Northbrook Road, Spring Valley. Amount: $700,000. Filed Sept. 10.

36 Cottage Street LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Gloede Neon Signs Ltd., Poughkeepsie. Property: 87 N. Clinton St., city of Poughkeepsie. Amount: $510,000. Filed Aug. 28.

36 Cottage Street LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Todd Lanthier, Poughkeepsie. Property: in city of Poughkeepsie. Amount: $215,000. Filed Aug. 27.

5 Mountain LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: John P. Rooney, Tappan. Property: 5 Mountain Court, Haverstraw. Amount: $500,000. Filed Sept. 3.

52 Smith LLC, Airmont. Seller: Anne B. DeCarlo, Airmont. Property: 52 Smith Hill Road, Airmont. Amount: $804,000. Filed Sept. 11.

81 Fairview Avenue BSD LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: 81 Fairview LLC, Brooklyn. Property: 81 Fairview Ave., Spring Valley. Amount: $999,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Adams, Daniel Michael, New York. Seller: Hardy Homes LLC, Beacon. Property: 42 Kent St., City of Beacon. Amount: $850,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Apap, Nicky Ricciardi, Holmes. Seller: Federal National Mortgage Association, Plano, Texas. Property: in Pawling. Amount: $265,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Blum, Devora, Monsey. Seller: Blueberry Equities LLC, Monroe. Property: 4 Hayes Lane, Monsey. Amount: $900,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Bunick Realty LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Sandra Starink, Pomona. Property: 4 Charles Lane, Pomona. Amount: $215,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Items appearing in the Westfair Business Journal’s On The Record section are compiled from various sources, including public records made available to the media by federal, state and municipal agencies and the court system. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, no liability is assumed for errors or omissions. In the case of legal action, the records cited are open to public scrutiny and should be inspected before any action is taken.

Questions and comments regarding this section should be directed to: Sebastian Flores Westfair Communications Inc.


Phone: 914-694-3600

1 Dykstras LLC, as owner. Lender: Broadview Capital LLC. Property: 1 Dykstras Way West, Monsey. Amount: $2.1 million. Filed Aug. 16.

Florance, Kenneth, Rhinebeck. Seller: Joyful Farms LLC, Red Hook. Property: 285 Becker Hill Road, Milan. Amount: $20.1 million. Filed Aug. 28.

23 Singer Ave LLC, Spring Valley. Seller: Avrum D. Fleischman, Brooklyn. Property: 23 Singer Ave., Spring Valley. Amount: $450,000. Filed Sept. 5.

Canning, Lynn M., Poughkeepsie. Seller: ABD Stratford LLC, Poughkeepsie. Property: in town of Poughkeepsie. Amount: $795,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Cartus Financial Corp., Danbury, Connecticut. Seller: Pape O. Diaw and Maimouna Aw, Garnerville. Property: 12 Sherman Drive, Garnerville. Amount: $765,000. Filed Sept. 9.

F&H Mill Lane LLC, Poughkeepsie. Seller: Hans Redl LLC, Poughkeepsie. Property: in Pleasant Valley. Amount: $240,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Farkas, Zeev, Monroe. Seller: Lanzut Estates LLC, Monroe. Property: 6 Lanzut Court, Monsey. Amount: $999,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Martucci Realty Corp., Wappinger Falls. Seller: James C. Lester, Wappinger Falls. Property: 1688 Route 9, Wappinger. Amount: $95,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Musolino, Patty, Yonkers. Seller: Samyech LLC, Brooklyn. Property: in East Fishkill. Amount: $475,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Nestro, Stephen J., Wappinger Falls. Seller: MidHudson Development Corp., Hopewell Junction. Property: 36 Heather Drive, Fishkill. Amount: $833,500. Filed Aug. 27.

Pirutinsky, Michael and Esther Krupka, Airmont. Seller: Cartus Financial Corp., Danbury, Connecticut. Property: 12 Sherman Drive, Garnerville. Amount: $765,000. Filed Sept. 10.

Pro Enterprises 3 Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Seller: JL Forest LLC, Monroe. Property: 250 Cedar Hill Ave., Nyack. Amount: $415,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Red Nails LLC, Huntington. Seller: Christopher A. and Joyce Falborn, Nanuet. Property: 177 N. Middletown Road, Nanuet. Amount: $420,000. Filed Sept. 9.

Rodriguez, Robinson N., New City. Seller: 22 Tamarac 1 LLC, New City. Property: 22 Tamarac Ave., New City. Amount: $800,000. Filed Sept. 11.

Schwab, Mordechai M., Pomona. Seller: 15 Terrace Road LLC, Yonkers. Property: 43 Rockwood Lane, Wesley Hills. Amount: $890,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Smrek, Zachary Paul, Holmes. Seller: WLP 1400 292 LLC, Brooklyn. Property: in Pawling. Amount: $325,000. Filed Aug. 22.

Stormville Realty LLC, Yonkers. Seller: Edward J. Vitale, Mahopac. Property: Route 216, E. Fishkill. Amount: $100,000. Filed Aug. 22.

Ungar, Hershey and Goldie Ungar, Goldie, Suffern. Seller: Blinn Mazzuca Realty LLC, New Fairfield, Connecticut. Property: 34 Claremont Lane, Suffern. Amount: $796,500. Filed Sept. 10.

Wu, Ashley N. and Timothy D. Shortell, New York. Seller: 101 Ridge Road LLC, New City. Property: 101 Ridge Road, New City. Amount: $888,000. Filed Sept. 5.

Ym Jeremy Family LLC, Monsey. Seller: 15 Terrace Road LLC, Yonkers. Property: 5 Jeremy Court, Wesley Hills. Amount: $950,000. Filed Sept. 9.


Alvarez, Eliana M., Monroe. $10,832 in favor of Capital One, Mclean, Virginia. Filed Aug. 27.

Arevalo, Jason, Green Cove Springs, Florida. $28,907 in favor of Lake Mahopac Units Realty Corp., Newport Beach, California. Filed Aug. 2.

Balcazar, Noemi, et al, Ridgewood. $3,360 in favor of Cavalry SPV I LLC, et al, Greenwich, Connecticut. Filed Aug. 30.

Boteo, Xiomara Y., Carmel. $2,965 in favor of Midland Credit Management Inc., San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 2.

Burroughs, Linda Ann B, Monroe. $4,421 in favor of Capital One, Glen Allen, Virginia. Filed Aug. 27.

Cardona, Alejandro, Putnam Valley. $5,433 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 5.

Castillo, Ramon, Port Jervis. $2,737 in favor of Meenan Oil Company LP and Wallace Oil Co., Woodbury. Filed Aug. 28.

Cavallaro, Leah, Middletown. $10,000 in favor of Colonial Property Management LLC, Monsey. Filed Aug. 27.

Conklin, Adam D., Sparrow Bush. $15,891 in favor of Credit Acceptance Corp., Southfield, Michigan. Filed Aug. 27.

Connell, Steven C., Lake Peekskill. $3,105 in favor of Citibank NA, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 22.

Defino, Anthony J., Mahopac. $20,628 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 12.

Delamonico, Chris A., Brewster. $17,183 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 2.

Devaughn, Vashone R., Brewster. $2,078 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 8.

Dewese, Christopher, Carmel. $2,060 in favor of 1199 Seiu Federal Credit Union, Filed Aug. 5.

Eisenring, Marcia, Goshen. $1,671 in favor of Meenan Oil Company LP and Wallace Oil Co., Woodbury. Filed Aug. 28.

Farrell, Joseph, Florida. $3,076 in favor of Citibank, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 28.

Fogel, Abraham, Monroe. $5,387 in favor of American Express National Bank, Sandy, Utah. Filed Aug. 28.

Friedman Chana and Express AHCF Trading Inc., Brooklyn. $102,943 in favor of Dime Community Bank, Hauppauge. Filed Aug. 27.

Garza, Jennifer M., Garza. $6,130 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 26.

Goodliffe, John T., Brewster. $9,510 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 2.

Guerrero, Ninfa L., Middletown. $2,647 in favor of Capital One, Glen Allen, Virginia. Filed Aug. 28.

Harris, Dylan J., Mahopac. $3,181 in favor of Capital One NA, Glen Allen, Virginia. Filed Aug. 15.

Hill, Diatiema L., Middletown. $4,657 in favor of Capital One, Glen Allen, Virginia. Filed Aug. 27.

Hirsch, Andrew, et al, Putnam Valley. $25,669 in favor of American Express National Bank, Sandy, Utah. Filed Aug. 5.

Holsgrove, Theresa A., Carmel. $9,472 in favor of First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska. Filed Aug. 12.

Jusino, Lila, Patterson. $1,983 in favor of Midland Funding LLC, San Diego, California. Filed Aug. 7.

Laluna, Louis J., Brewster. $13,828 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 19.

Lettera, Lawrence, Carmel. $18,061 in favor of Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Kingston. Filed Aug. 13.

Lowy, Chana, Monroe. $10,353 in favor of American Express National Bank, Sandy, Utah. Filed Aug. 30.

Lucey, Sheila, Washingtonville. $8,112 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 30.

M&R Real Estate Solutions Corp., et al, Monroe. $62,551 in favor of M&T Bank, Buffalo. Filed Aug. 27.

McDonald, Asphor, Middletown. $9,450 in favor of New Horizon Real Estate Enterprise Inc., Middletown. Filed Aug. 29.

Medina, Benevely T., Highland Mills. $3,710 in favor of Municipal Credit Union, New York. Filed Aug. 30.

Nikityuk, Volodimir, Monroe. $14,585 in favor of Cavalry SPV I LLC, Valhalla. Filed Aug. 30.

Ormsby, Ainsley, Newburgh. $27,207 in favor of Hudson Valley Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Filed Aug. 27.

Perez, Daisy, Walden. $12,696 in favor of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Wilmington, Delaware. Filed Aug. 26.

Ramlagan, Pravu, Mahopac. $10,182 in favor of Citibank NA, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Filed Aug. 16.

Rind, Clifford R., Carmel. $6,878 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 1.

Rivas, Rosalie A. and Martin A. D’Angelo, Walden. $8,556 in favor of MB Walden LLC, Monroe. Filed Aug. 27.

Rodas, Gina, Newburgh. $9,600 in favor of LSP One LLC, Newburgh. Filed Aug. 27.

Rodriguez, Tyler, Middletown. $29,954 in favor of Hudson Valley Credit Union, Poughkeepsie. Filed Aug. 27.

Roth, Christopher D., Monroe. $4,355 in favor of New City Funding Corp., Stony Point. Filed Aug. 29.

Saccoh, Imani, New Windsor. $10,857 in favor of Discover Bank, New Albany, Ohio. Filed Aug. 30.

Sampogna, Jason, Putnam Valley. $5,654 in favor of LVNV Funding LLC, Greenville, South Carolina. Filed Aug. 1.

Schmitz, Michael J., Mahopac. $1,899 in favor of TD Bank USA NA, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Filed Aug. 19.

Supreme Leveling of New York LLC, et al, Airmont. $40,550 in favor of Developing New York State LLC, Brooklyn. Filed Aug. 29.

Vanhouten, Danielle, Newburgh. $11,800 in favor of Old Newburgh Properties LLC, Newburgh. Filed Aug. 27.

Wall, Michael and Lita Wall, Big Indian. $15,325 in favor of J&G Law LLP, Walden. Filed Aug. 30.

Wardlow, Fermita D., Middletown. $15,213 in favor of Highrose Ridge Inc., Wallkill. Filed Aug. 28.

Watson, Takia, Newburgh. $4,454 in favor of Capital One, McLean, Virginia. Filed Aug. 27.


Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh Inc., as owner. $42,139 in favor of Acorn Plumbing Heating & Cooling Inc. Property: 74 Broadway, Newburgh. Filed Sept. 13.

Diaz, Mayranda, as owner. $15,050 in favor of Lindsay Enterprise & Establishment Inc. and Lee Contracting. Property: 21 Provost Drive, New Windsor. Filed Sept. 13.

Golden Towers Lot Two LLC, as owner. $44,250 in favor of GBA Team LLC and RSBM Excavating. Property: County Route 105, Kiryas Joel, Filed Sept. 20.

This paper is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original filings.

Sole Proprietorships

Aba and Co, 10 Meron Drive, No. 403, Monroe 10950. c/o Aba A. Berkowitz. Filed Sept. 20.

Band B, 470 Route 211, East Street 24, Middletown 10940. c/o Sean A. Brown. Filed Sept. 16.

Garden of Bella, 12 Washingtown St., Middletown 10940. c/o Lorelys Rojas. Filed Sept. 20.

HV Tech Buddy, 2967 State Route 17k, Bullville 10915. c/o Derrick E. Goodfriend. Filed Sept. 17.

Irie Heights, 158 Broadway, Newburgh 12550. c/o James Livingston Brown. Filed Sept. 17.

Luckyfind Antiques, 6 Hill St., Newburgh 12550. c/o Patricia Ellen Novak. Filed Sept. 19.

Lux Tropical Getaways, 2 Osage Lane, Newburgh 12550. c/o Chanda Natasha Jeremiah. Filed Sept. 13.

Luxe Touch Event Rentals, 410 Green Meadows Way, Chester 10918. c/o Joanna Chiotis. Filed Sept. 17.

M&V Guitars & Pickups LLC, 49 Ackerman Road, Warwick 10990. c/o Joseph Philip Vervoordt. Filed Sept. 20.

Malave Artistry, 203 Country Club Drive, Apt. 10, Maybrook 12543. c/o Evelyn Malave. Filed Sept. 17.

Legal Records



Boys & Girls Club of Stamford,  Stamford, contractor for Boys and Girls Club of Stamford. Install dimensional acrylic letters and logo at 347 Stillwater Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $4,536. Filed Aug. 13.

Coller Construction LLC, Norwalk, contractor for J. West Associates LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 350 Westport Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $20,000. Filed July 18.

First Choice Home Cleaning Services LLC, Stamford, contractor for Luis Alberto Santillan. Remove rotted center beam in basement and replace walls. Install new kitchen and bathroom cabinets and add new appliances on first and second floors. 27 Finney Lane, Stamford. Estimated cost: $50,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Gilbane Building Co., Norwalk, contractor for the city of Norwalk. Perform replacement alterations at Strawberry Hill Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $10,000,000. Filed July 18.

Hobbs Inc., New Canaan, contractor for MSIH, LLC. Expand existing center space to include five new offices, three new bathrooms, new reception area and new drywall, paint, electrical and HVAC at 30 Buxton Farm Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $115,000. Filed Aug. 9.

JN Ruddy LLC, Darien, contractor for West Avenue Industrial LLC. Construct physical therapy suite on the mezzanine level at 421 West Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $20,000. Filed Aug. 14.

KMF Construction LLC, Stamford, contractor for Ten Washington RSK LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 1010 Washington Blvd., Stamford. Estimated cost: $276,300. Filed Aug. 30.

Magna Construction Limited LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Merritt 7 Venture LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 301 Merritt 7, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $680,000. Filed July 18.

PAC Group LLC, Norwalk, contractor for 2 LLC EDM. Perform replacement alterations at 71 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $1,100,000. Filed July 22.

Panagiotidis, Dimitrios and Matina K. Panagiotidis, Norwalk, contractor for Dimitrios and Matina K. Panagiotidis. Install aboveground pool at 3 Live Oak Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $8,400. Filed July 18.

Pavarini North East Construction Company LLC, Stamford, contractor for HP Gateway Unit One Owner LLC. Renovate existing private office into a smaller office and meeting room at 400 Washington Blvd., Stamford. Estimated cost: $470,000. Filed Aug. 23.

Pramer, Kathleen M., Stamford, contractor for Kathleen M. Pramer. Eliminate west-side basement egress, close off door and fill in outside stairway at 940 Shippan Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $3,750. Filed Aug. 7.

UB High Ridge SPE LLC,  Stamford, contractor for UB High Ridge SPE LLC. Perform replacement alterations at 1101 High Ridge Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $1,235,446. Filed Aug. 23.


Bartlett, Philip, Norwalk, contractor for David Berrios. Install a generator and three LP tanks at side of single-family residence at 29 Styles Lane, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $11,000. Filed July 19.

Brown Roofing Company Inc., Seymour, contractor for Andrew J. Garton Revocable Trust and Susan K. Garton Revocable Trust. Remove existing roofing to decking, install new sheathing as needed where rotted or damaged and install a new asphalt shingle roofing system. Repoint all joints on the chimney and seal with geocel chimney sealer at 1150 Stillwater Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $41,153. Filed Aug. 12.

C&T Design Build LLC, Ossining, New York, contractor for Avelino and Cosette Gutierrez. Renovate existing kitchen, bathroom, laundry and pantry at 95 Davenport Farm Lane East, Stamford. Estimated cost: $194,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Cabello, Eduardo and Maria Aimee M. AlibangbangCabello, Stamford, contractor for Eduardo Cabello. Convert the master bedroom into two bedrooms at 13 Waverly Place, Stamford. Estimated cost: $3,325. Filed Aug. 26.

Calabrese, Mary E., Norwalk, contractor for Mary E. Calabrese. Renovate single-family residence at 2 June Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $50,000. Filed July 18.

Casini Construction LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Soundview Property Group LLC. Create 1/2 bath on first floor at 21 Soundview Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $5,000. Filed July 19.

Colangelo, Rossana,  Stamford, contractor for Rossana Colangelo. Construct an addition for bedroom/bath to existing first floor, finished attic and place AC condensers location at 191 Hubbard Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $180,000. Filed Aug. 14.

Connecticut Masonry & Waterproofing LLC, Monroe, contractor for Preston Lamont. Remove and replace existing roof 23 Young Dixon Way, Stamford. Estimated cost: $10,500. Filed Aug. 27.

Donald, K. Buxton, Wilton, contractor for Ronald and Carole Chaimowitz. Remove and replace existing roof at 95 Intervale Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $12,800. Filed Aug. 22.

ETM Construction LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Maureen A. Lane. Construct a two-story addition at 8 Ensign Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $20,000. Filed July 19.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for Georgoulakis Panagiotis. Remove and replace existing siding with James Hardie lap siding at 14 Mill Stream Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $40,000. Filed Aug. 12.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for John N. and Jennifer Testin. Remove and replace existing at 54 Clay Hill Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $5,750. Filed Aug. 12.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for Chailin Barroso and Juan Antonio Castro. Remove and replace front entrance roof with metal standing seam at 12 Walter Lane, Stamford. Estimated cost: $13,500. Filed Aug. 13.

Hoffman Contracting LLC, New Canaan, contractor for Umla Wendy Goffin Revocable Trust. Construct addition to second floor, including one bedroom, one bathroom and laundry room; and create attic/ storage access from hallway, a small porch off of the first-floor bedroom and remove pull-down stairs to attic, add door to north side of house, add front porch, remove back small deck, add electrical panel and replace siding at 46 Kenilworth Drive West, Stamford. Estimated cost: $175,000. Filed Aug. 20.

Home Exteriors LLC, Bethel, contractor for Pierre and Louise Medoit. Remove existing roof and reroof 1071 Stillwater Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $23,450. Filed Aug. 30.

Home Exteriors LLC, Bethel, contractor for Pierre and Louise Medoit. Remove existing roof and reroof 48 Fairfield Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $13,138. Filed Aug. 30.

Home Exteriors LLC, Bethel, contractor for Angie Widnyka and Juliana Milburn. Remove existing roof and reroof 31 Raymond St., Stamford. Estimated cost: $10,912. Filed Aug. 30.

Infinity Solar Systems LLC, Mahwah, New Jersey, contractor for Michael Halbro. Install roof-top solar panels at 127 Larkspur Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $66,725. Filed Aug. 26.

Jimenez, Alexander and Angela Alzata Loaiza, Norwalk, contractor for Alexander Jimenez and Angela Alzata. Renovate single-family residence at 79 Broad St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $50,000. Filed July 19.

Manny Construction LLC, Beacon Falls, contractor for Ivan Duhalde and Maria Salmuni. Remove existing roof and install new GAF architectural shingles at 20 Webster Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $17,821. Filed Aug. 21.

Momentum Solar LLC, South Plainfield, New Jersey, contractor for Ayesha Iftikhar and Ahmed Rohan. Install roof-mounted solar panels at 209 Courtland Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $22,042. Filed Aug. 21.

Momentum Solar LLC, South Plainfield, New Jersey, contractor for Leizyl Gallardo and Damian Estrada Gallardo Jr. Install roof-mounted solar panels at 79 Dunn Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $29,520. Filed Aug. 29.

Momentum Solar LLC, South Plainfield, New Jersey, contractor for Maria S. Leonor and Jaime M. Cruz. Remove existing roof and reroof 76 Oakdale Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $12,772. Filed Aug. 30.

Neptun LLC, Milford, contractor for Haig Partners LLC. Replace roof shingles at 310 Haig Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $9,500. Filed Aug. 21.

R&A Remodeling Services LLC, Stamford, contractor for Daniel K. and Marjorie B. Eilertsen. Remove natural slate and install synthetic slate at 163 Turn of River Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $75,000. Filed Aug. 9.

Senior Actuary, (General Reinsurance Corporation, Stamford, CT): Evaluate & monitor rate adequacy for our business segments. Telecomm. permitted up to 2 dys/wk. Domestic travel required up to 2%.

$150,779.00/yr. To apply email CV to LDALESIO@ genre.com with Job Code Req 550 in the subject line.

Villa Gesell Construction LLC, Norwalk, contractor for St. James Baptist Church. Construct a new roof and replace 15 windows at 60 Rockland Road, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $20,000. Filed July 18.

Water Pollution Control Authority, Norwalk, contractor for Connecticut Light & Power Co. Construct new WPCA pump station at 473 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $735,000. Filed July 19.

Christopher, J. Lang, Norwalk, contractor for William and Catherine Galvin. Build new in-ground pool with autocover, associated pool equipment and spa at 49 Sea Beach Drive, Stamford. Estimated cost: $117,000. Filed Aug. 19.

Coastal Property Services LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Miller Street Properties LLC. Strip and replace roof and 3 skylights at 14 Burwell St., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $13,000. Filed July 19.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for Graham and Gioia Kennett. Remove existing roof and reroof 55 Cook Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $19,137. Filed Aug. 14.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for Xhevat and Sofija Ulaj. Remove existing roof and reroof 81 Old Long Ridge Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $13,800. Filed Aug. 14.

Gunner LLC, Stamford, contractor for Hutter Julian and Barreto Susan Ann. Remove existing roof and reroof 89 Briar Brae Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $17,250. Filed Aug. 21.

Lecla Home Improvements and Roofing Inc., Danbury, contractor for Christopher Begley and Lindsay Silverblatt. Install new house wrap, insulation, 7 single shake siding window replacements at 44 Old Logging Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $35,400. Filed Aug. 27.

MJS Contracting Corp., New Rochelle, New York, contractor for Gregory P. and Kim E. Livesay. Construct a new rear addition at single-story expansion at 16 Glendale Circle, Stamford. Estimated cost: $100,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Ramos Jose, Enrique Sarceno, Stamford, contractor for Jose Ramos and Enrique Sarceno. Modify existing deck for new roof structure over a portion of the deck at 1038 Westover Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $50,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Reeb, Christopher J., Wilton, contractor for Celine Ingrid Lukic. Remove the existing generator and install new generator and tank at 34 Friars Lane, Stamford. Estimated cost: $10,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Rhino Back Roofing LLC, Norwalk, contractor for Anthony M. and Doriana Antera. Remove existing roof and reroof 16 Norman Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $13,732. Filed July 19.

Signature Exteriors LLC, Stamford, contractor for Dang Cyndy. Remove existing shingles and install new asphalt shingles with all required under aligments and accessories at 9 Reed Place, Stamford. Estimated cost: $21,260. Filed Aug. 27.

Sound Renovation LLC, Norwalk, contractor for 4491 Realty Corp. Remove existing asphalt roofs and install new asphalt roofs at 14 Maple Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $35,900. Filed Aug. 19.

Stadler, Michael J., Norwalk, contractor for Christopher D. and Chelsea A. Cubba. Construct second-floor addition of single-family residence at 13 Midrocks Drive, Norwalk. Estimated cost: $200,000. Filed July 18.

Sunrun Installation Services Inc., San Francisco, California, contractor for Leslie R. and Christopher P. Heinen. Install roof-mounted solar panels at 191 Thunder Hill Drive, Stamford. Estimated cost: $89,684. Filed Aug. 27.

Trinity Solar LLC, Cheshire, contractor for Lisa Rascona and Erin J. Fitzgerald. Install roof-mounted solar panels at 45 Elaine Drive, Stamford. Estimated cost: $46,000. Filed Aug. 21.

Trinity Solar LLC, Cheshire, contractor for Jill Anderson Jill. Install roof-mounted solar panels at 74 Old Long Ridge Road, Stamford. Estimated cost: $31,000. Filed Aug. 28.

USHS LLC, Stamford, contractor for 17 Morgan Street LLC. Renovate first floor, add a two-car garage, mudroom and new second floor; remove existing deck and install a new deck at 17 Morgan St., Stamford. Estimated cost: $450,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Ventura, Carlos, Norwalk, contractor for Carlos Ventura. Repair existing outside stairs to upper floor at 24 Edlie Ave., Norwalk. Estimated cost: $5,000. Filed July 19.

Weathertite Sales LLC, Bethlehem, contractor for Mary Lee Saxe. Remove existing roof and reroof 5 Wenzel Terrace, Stamford. Estimated cost: $16,340. Filed Aug. 15.

Westview Electric LLC, Guilford, contractor for Ghosh Shuvra and Basu Rita. Remodel kitchen at 124 Crestview Ave., Stamford. Estimated cost: $24,000. Filed Aug. 26.


Bridgeport Superior Court

Brunswick School Inc., et al, Greenwich. Filed by Kason Beaubrun p.p.a. Iris Roman, Greenwich. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Freeman Law Firm LLC, Hartford. Action: the plaintiff was a summer school camp student at the defendants’ institution when he and other children were left unsupervised in the locker room and consequently the children began to rough house and act rambunctious among themselves, resulting in severe injuries to plaintiff’s face, head and mouth. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages, exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-24-6137145-S. Filed Aug. 13.

Deem, Andrew, et al, Ridgefield. Filed by Quashana Goldson, Bridgeport. Plaintiff’s attorney: Goff Law Group LLC, West Hartford. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-24-6137538-S. Filed Aug. 26.

Lipschutz, Rebecca, et al, Westport. Filed by Yanira Martinez Guerra, Jamaica, New York. Plaintiff’s attorney: The Finch Firm LLC, Trumbull. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-24-6137035-S. Filed Aug. 12.

Nguyen, Hong, Bridgeport. Filed by Jonathan Kapitancek, Stratford. Plaintiff’s attorney: Weber & Rubano LLC, Wallingford. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV24-6137042-S. Filed Aug. 12.

Zhang, Jianguo, Wallingford. Filed by Cymande Langston, Bridgeport. Plaintiff’s attorney: Law Offices of Edward Czepiga LLC, Bridgeport. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FBT-CV-24-6137010-S. Filed Aug. 9.

Danbury Superior Court

Enea, Christopher, et al, Newtown. Filed by Malcolm Bryant, Hawleyville. Plaintiff’s attorney: Taylor & Fedor LLC, Westport. Action: the plaintiff was sitting in the hallway of his apartment building when the defendant assaulted him by beating him with his fists, striking him multiple times in the face, eye socket and neck. As a result, the plaintiff suffered injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV24-6051136-S. Filed Aug. 1.

Gibson, Jane C., et al, Edwardsville, Illinois. Filed by Marcia Paes Landinho, Coconut Creek, Florida. Plaintiff’s attorney: Ventura and Ribeiro LLC, Danbury. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV24-6051081-S. Filed July 29.

GMQTJ LLC d.b.a. Polish by Sand Spa, et al, Manhattan Beach, California. Filed by Yes Capital Group LLC, Danbury. Plaintiff’s attorney: Neubert Pepe & Monteith Pc, New Haven. Action: The plaintiff and defendant, entered into a purchase and sale of future receipts agreement whereby the merchant sold, and the plaintiff purchased, future receipts of the merchant. The merchant defaulted on the agreement and the defendant guaranteed the obligations of the merchant. However, the defendant has defaulted on the Guaranty for Failure to pay the plaintiff all amounts due on the agreement. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV24-6051273-S. Filed Aug. 13.

Mexicue Stamford LLC, et al, Rocky Hill. Filed by Lily Sidovar p.p.a. Susan Laskysidovar, Ridgefield. Plaintiff’s attorney: Neubert Pepe & Monteith PC, New Haven. Action: the plaintiff attended a party at the defendants’ restaurant. Plaintiff informed the waitress that she had a life-threatening allergy to tree nuts. The waitress brought appetizers to the table consisting of chips with guacamole and queso and plaintiff asked the waitress if the chips and queso were safe for her and she confirmed to the plaintiff that the food presented was safe for her to eat despite plaintiff’s known allergy. Lily ate some of the chips with queso and had an anaphylactic reaction to the chips with queso and had to rush to the hospital. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-24-6051207-S. Filed July 30.

Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Co., et al, Hartford. Filed by Albertine Rwabukamba, Redding. Plaintiff’s attorney: Ventura and Ribeiro LLC, Danbury. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision allegedly caused by the defendants and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. DBD-CV-24-6051157-S. Filed Aug. 5.

Stamford Superior Court

Diaz-Arroyo, Ronald, et al, Stamford. Filed by Malgorzata Wojcik, Yonkers. Plaintiff’s attorney: BBB Attorneys LLC, Stratford. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-24-6068074-S. Filed July 15.

Figueroa, Maria Virgen, Newington. Filed by George Llorens, Westport. Plaintiff’s attorney: Coyne Von Kuhn & Brady LLC, Shelton. Action: the plaintiff suffered a collision caused by the defendant and sustained severe damages and injuries. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-24-6068032-S. Filed July 11.

Fritz, Nancey, et al, Westport. Filed by John Q. Adams, Brooklyn, New York. Plaintiff’s attorney: Alan Spirer, Westport. Action: the plaintiff formed a partnership to purchase and manage the premises. The plaintiff and defendant each have a 50% interest in the partnership. The plaintiff and defendant agreed that the defendant would oversee the day-to-day operations of the partnership and would account to the plaintiff for the partnership profits. The premises have been sold and the net proceeds from the sale are being held in escrow by Attorney Richard Mintz. The plaintiff and defendant are unable to agree upon an apportionment of the escrow account. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-24-6068378-S. Filed July 31.

Prospect Mortgage LLC, et al, Hartford. Filed by Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Plaintiff’s attorney: Brock and Scott PLLC, Farmington. Action: The plaintiff is the owner of the defendants’ mortgage. The defendants have defaulted on the terms of the agreement and have failed to pay the plaintiff the amount due. The plaintiff claims foreclosure of the mortgage, possession of the mortgage premises, more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-24-6068040-S. Filed July 12.

Tri Tech Mechanical LLC, et al, Stamford. Filed by Salvatore Marena, Stamford. Plaintiff’s attorney: Keith Patrick Carroll, Boston, Massachusetts. Action: the plaintiff alleges that the defendant executed and delivered to plaintiff a Promissory Note as part of a Release and Settlement Agreement. The obligations of the defendants to plaintiff are personally guaranteed by the defendants. The defendants defaulted on their obligations to the plaintiff. The plaintiff seeks more than $15,000 in monetary damages exclusive of interest and costs and such other further relief the court deems appropriate. Case no. FST-CV-24-6067481-S. Filed June 13.

DEEDS Commercial

100 Clapboard Ridge LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Leslie Bhutani and Ashish Bhutani, Greenwich. Property: 100 Clapboard Ridge Road, Greenwich. Amount: $10. Filed Sept. 6.

233 Melville LLC, East Haven. Seller: Glenstone Development P2 LLC, Fairfield. Property: 233 Melville Drive, Fairfield. Amount: $650,000. Filed Sept. 3.

31 High Ridge Road LLC, Fairfield. Seller: Daniel Brian Hague, Bridgeport. Property: 31 High Ridge Road, Fairfield. Amount: $580,000. Filed Sept. 4.

551 Rivesville LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Valley High Farms LLC, Greenwich. Property: 551 Rivesville Road, Greenwich. Amount: $3,000,000. Filed Sept. 3.

553 Rivesville LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Valley High Farms III LLC, Greenwich. Property: 553 Rivesville Road, Greenwich. Amount: $2,840,000. Filed Sept. 3.

555 Rivesville LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Valley High Farms II LLC, Greenwich. Property: Rivesville Road, Greenwich. Amount: $2,920,000. Filed Sept. 3.

555 Rivesville LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Valley High Farms IV LLC, Greenwich. Property: 555 Rivesville Road, Greenwich. Amount: $2,840,000. Filed Sept. 3.

57 Cold Spring LLC, Stamford. Seller: Darcy A. Gianokos, Stamford. Property: 57 Cold Spring Road, Stamford. Amount: $370,000. Filed Aug. 29.

710 Long Ridge LLC, New City, New York. Seller: Stamford Huskies SNF Propco LLC, Stamford. Property: 710 Long Ridge Road, Stamford. Amount: $10. Filed Aug. 29.

Costello, James B. and Jenny Do Costello, Stamford. Seller: 91 Russo Drive LLC, Branford. Property: 32 Blackberry Drive East, Stamford. Amount: $865,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Cressimo Investors LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Charles L. Halsey and Debra M. Halsey, Greenwich. Property: 80 Porchuck Road, Greenwich. Amount: $2,395,000. Filed Sept. 4.

FEB19NJ LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Sarah A. Kanarek, Weston. Property: Unit 102, Hawthorne Condominium, Greenwich. Amount: $1. Filed Sept. 6.

Muminovic, Adis and Catherine Muminovic, Fairfield. Seller: Capito LLC, Trumbull. Property: 364 Reef Road, Fairfield. Amount: $850,000. Filed Sept. 3.

NZC CT LLC, Rowayton. Seller: Bruce Evan Murray and Hilary Dara Murray, Greenwich. Property: 1 Martin Dale, Greenwich. Amount: $10. Filed Sept. 6.

P&S Realty LLC, Stamford. Seller: Marlene Teresa Terranova Bolanos and Carlos Antonio Pardo Terranova, Stamford. Property: 15 William St., Unit C, Stamford. Amount: $250,004. Filed Aug. 28.

The town of Fairfield, Fairfield. Seller: Juan Velez, Fairfield. Property: 798 Sturges Road, Fairfield. Amount: $798,000. Filed Sept. 5.

Waters Edge38 LLC, Greenwich. Seller: Andrew Prozes and Nonie Mackin Prozes, Greenwich. Property: 25 Zacchaeus Mead Lane, Greenwich. Amount: $10. Filed Sept. 6.

Weaver, Jean-Paul and Shelley D. Weaver, Stamford. Seller: 16 Woodway Road LLC, New Canaan. Property: 16 Woodway Road, Stamford. Amount: $1. Filed Aug. 30.

Legal Records

Wise Woman LLC, Stamford. Seller: Tatiana Elezovic, Stamford. Property: 1 Strawberry Hill Court, Unit 10G, Stamford. Amount: $0. Filed Aug. 29.

Ye, Xianjun and Yanyun Lian, Stamford. Seller: MDI Constructions LLC, Stamford. Property: 7 Howes Ave., Stamford. Amount: $930,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Ziso, Dea, Stamford. Seller: Third Street Development LLC, Stamford. Property: 20 Third St., Unit 20, Stamford. Amount: $250,000. Filed Aug. 30.


Allen, Zilpha, Stamford. Seller: Jared Flynn and Linda Flynn, Stamford. Property: 24 Cody Drive, Stamford. Amount: $725,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Alvarez Sesma, Jorge and Rocio Azcarreta Gonzalez, Oswego, Oregon. Seller: Shaul Marshall Praver and Beth Lebenson Praver, Fairfield. Property: 217 Greenbrier Road, Fairfield. Amount: $900,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Berger, Benjamin and Jessica Berger, Stamford. Seller: Fredric D. Philips and Sharon L. Philips, Stamford. Property: 115 Lawrence Hill Road, Stamford. Amount: $839,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Boyd, Raymond G. and Lea A. Melillo, Stamford. Seller: William C. Parrott III and Cynthia A. Parrott, Stamford. Property: 18 Nutmeg Lane, Stamford. Amount: $1,435,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Bradley, James T., Fairfield. Seller: Julie May Andrews, Stamford. Property: 516 Old Stratfield Road, Fairfield. Amount: $491,000. Filed Sept. 4.

Browne, Kayla, Yonkers New York. Seller: Jacqueline Heitner and Ira Heitner, Stamford. Property: 83 Courtland Ave., Unit 36, Stamford. Amount: $470,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Cabrera, Vicente A., Port Chester, New York. Seller: Thomas I. Decker and Emily G. Decker, Stamford. Property: 116 Woodbury Ave., Stamford. Amount: $765,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Chabria, Donna and Sumeet Chabria, Greenwich. Seller: Suzanne Bird, King County, Washington. Property: 20 Church St., Unit B66, Greenwich. Amount: $0. Filed Sept. 6.

Chan, Wing-Kee Thomas and Sin Wo Alvina Kwan, Greenwich. Seller: Kathleen Stowe and Robert Stowe, Greenwich. Property: 52 Crown Lane, Greenwich. Amount: $4,400,000. Filed Sept. 5.

Downer, Amy Chan and Lai Lin Chan Eng, Stamford. Seller: Huan Kee Chan, Stamford. Property: 1209 Stillwater Road, Stamford. Amount: $NA. Filed Aug. 27.

Garcia, Wilfredo and Miguel Garcia, Stamford. Seller: James A. McCord and Stephanie Marano McCord, Stamford. Property: 29 Donata Lane, Stamford. Amount: $750,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Giuliano, Joseph G. and Linda A. Giuliano, Sparta, New Jersey. Seller: Susan M. Corvo and Philip R. Corvo, Fairfield. Property: 201 Blue Bell Lane, Fairfield. Amount: $1,897,500. Filed Sept. 4.

Grandhi, Nirupama and Rahul Mootha, Stamford. Seller: Myung-Hyun Bae and Hyunjin Celia Bae, Fairfield. Property: 409 Lenox Road No. 409, Fairfield. Amount: $729,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Holoubek, Hanna, Stamford. Seller: Adam J. Whittingham, Stamford. Property: 850 E. Main St., Unit 510, Stamford. Amount: $514,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Li, Jinghui and Douglas Schales, Greenwich. Seller: Victor Shinsky and Yevgeniya Shinsky, Greenwich. Property: 18 Bishop Drive North, Greenwich. Amount: $1,640,000. Filed Sept. 4.

Liu, Mong Chin, Greenwich. Seller: Xueqing Huang, Greenwich. Property: 28 Hawthorne Street South, Greenwich. Amount: $435,000. Filed Sept. 4.

Mackalo, Ousman and Suwaidou Sonko, Fairfield. Seller: Michael Gomes, Fairfield. Property: 94 Tunxis Hill Cut Off, Fairfield. Amount: $700,000. Filed Sept. 5.

Matiusovaite, Migle and Syed Asghar Ali, Stamford. Seller: Joseph Shields and Katie Blasko, Stamford. Property: 88 Southfield Ave., Unit 601, Stamford. Amount: $805,000. Filed Aug. 28.

McCartan, Meghan, Fairfield. Seller: Heather Elizabeth Devine, Fairfield. Property: 25 Evelyn St., Fairfield. Amount: $1,350,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Mongell, Marsha G., Greenwich. Seller: Susan S. Alexander, Greenwich. Property: 295 Rivesville Road, Greenwich. Amount: $10. Filed Sept. 4.

Murugesan, Gnanavel and Indumathi Gnanavel, Stamford. Seller: Michael C. Economou and Eireeni Economou, Stamford. Property: 26 General Waterbury Lane, Stamford. Amount: $1,200,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Radomski, Bryan D. and Kyle E. Romano, Fairfield. Seller: Melissa J. Letsch, Fairfield. Property: 50 Bel Air Lane Fairfield. Amount: $680,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Roppo, Massimo and Julianna Bernadette Roppo, West Harrison, New York. Seller: Kacie Schlussel, Greenwich. Property: 42 Richland Road, Greenwich. Amount: $1,190,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Schlack, David and Marlene M. Trauner, Stamford. Seller: Andrei Balaj, Stamford. Property: 37 Woodway Road, Unit B-2, Stamford. Amount: $380,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Seaman, Edward and Julia Coombs, Stamford. Seller: Seth Ursell and Brenda Ursell, Rochester Hills, Michigan. Property: 138 Echo Hill Drive, Stamford. Amount: $1,020,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Shahabi, Alireza, Stamford. Seller: Audra Mendes, Stamford. Property: 302 Vine Road, Stamford. Amount: $950,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Shinsky, Victor and Yevgeniya Shinsky, Greenwich. Seller: Noel S. Murray, Stamford. Property: 29 Happy Hill Road, Stamford. Amount: $1,020,000. Filed Aug. 27.

Singletary, Charity and Matthew Singletary, Stamford. Seller: Nick J. Antonopoulos and Kristen A. Shortt, Stamford. Property: 143 Wellington Drive, Stamford. Amount: $1,050,000. Filed Aug. 27.

Timpe, Sarah A. Stamford. Seller: Amy Nicole Nolan and Connor Patrick Nolan, Fairfield. Property: 31 Carter Drive, Stamford. Amount: $862,500. Filed Aug. 29.

Tynan, Susan and Bryce Bernards, Fairfield. Seller: Alissa Smith-Comstock, Fairfield. Property: 215 Bennett St., Fairfield. Amount: $510,000. Filed Sept. 3.

Venhrynovych, Anatolii and Halyna Venhrynovych, Stamford. Seller: Tamara L. Guevara, Stamford. Property: 235 Seaton Road, Unit 2, Stamford. Amount: $266,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Vieira-Slompo, Alexandra and Ivonei Slompo, Greenwich. Seller: Bernadette Giralda Sotomayor and Edward M. Maldonado, Stamford. Property: 257 Culloden Road, Stamford. Amount: $563,000. Filed Aug. 27.

Woodard, Stephen and Carolynne Woodard, Westport. Seller: Thomas W. Whelan and Michele N. Whelan, Westport. Property: 494 Hill Farm Road, Fairfield. Amount: $2,499,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Yu, Chunran, Flushing, New York. Seller: Venrese E. Walker, Norwalk. Property: 200 Seaside Ave., Unit 2A, Stamford. Amount: $400,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Zakka, Adam, Greenwich. Seller: 25 Northway LLC, Greenwich. Property: 25 Northway, Old Greenwich. Amount: $1. Filed Sept. 6.


AVP, Software Development Engineering Manager (Mult. Pos.), Synchrony Bank, Stamford, CT. Dsgn, dev & instll sftwr solns to meet buss & techn reqs. Req Bach’s deg, or frgn equiv deg in Engg, Appld Comp Sci, Info Tech, or a rel fld, & 4 yrs of rel wrk exp. 100% telecmmtng prmttd. To apply, email resume to HR Manager referencing job code CT0057 in subject line to: kristine. mackey@syf.com

Herrmann, Christopher and Justine Herrmann, Stamford. Seller: Matthew Bier and Melissa L. Bier, Stamford. Property: 21 Maitland Road, Stamford. Amount: $610,000. Filed Aug. 28.

Holland, Joseph M. and Christina G. Holland, Fairfield. Seller: Beachside Estates LLC, Fairfield. Property: 57 Benson Place, Fairfield. Amount: $2,320,000. Filed Sept. 6.

Ochoa Herrera, Sandra, Stamford. Seller: Marilyn Thomas, Stamford. Property: 196 Seaton Road, 23-C2, Stamford. Amount: $229,000. Filed Aug. 29.

Ostojic, Sasa and Katherine Reeves, Stamford. Seller: Shailin Hogan Hague and Jack Hague, Wilton. Property: 100 Northill St., Stamford. Amount: $905,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Prince, Boku, South Salem, New York. Seller: Ingrid H. Lief, Stamford. Property: 191 Sawmill Road, Stamford. Amount: $830,000. Filed Aug. 29.

St-Laurent, Ariane Landry and Jared Fitzgerald, West Hartford. Seller: Rocco Longo and Carmela Longo, Stamford. Property: 18 Albin Road, Stamford. Amount: $695,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Tabassum, Mehanaj, Stamford. Seller: Miriam Velez, Stamford. Property: 157 Lawn Ave., Stamford. Amount: $495,000. Filed Aug. 30.

Tan, George, Stamford. Seller: Xiaowen Wang and Zhen Qian, Stamford. Property: 1707 Summer St., No. 7, Stamford. Amount: $655,000. Filed Aug. 26.

Taveras, Jocelyn and Jean Marie Guzman, New York, New York. Seller: Beata Iwaszkiewicz, Fairfield. Property: 187 Fairfield Woods Road, Fairfield. Amount: $455,000. Filed Sept. 4.

Lee, Rachel E., Southport. Filed by FLB Law PLLC, Westport, for Richard H Hubli. Property: 88 Pease Ave., Southport. Action: foreclose defendant’s mortgage. Filed Sept. 16.

Lofts Owner LLC, et al, Stamford. Filed by Ackerly & Ward, Stamford, for Stamford Water Pollution Control Authority. Property: 200 Henry St., Units Y6-1, Y6-2, Y6-3, Y6-4 and Y6-5, Stamford. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Aug. 26.

Richardson, Bernard G., et al Stamford. Filed by McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce LLC, Hartford, for Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC. Property: 46 Stafford Road, Stamford. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Aug. 29.

Zomaletho, Rama Horus, et al, Stamford. Filed by Brock & Scott PLLC, Farmington, for Rocket Mortgage LLC. Property: 82 Congress St., Stamford. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Aug. 29.


Antonik, Dale Ellen, Greenwich, by James Kavanagh. Lender: The Lykon Group LLC, 2777 Summer St., Suite 306, Stamford. Property: 37 Henry St., Greenwich. Amount: $265,000. Filed Aug. 9.

Ashkinos, mark and Lisa Ashkinos, Fairfield, by Robert C. Hauck. Lender: Webster Bank NA, 1959 Summer St., Stamford. Property: 276 Flintlock Road, Fairfield. Amount: $250,000. Filed July 31.

Berg, Michael and Samantha Berg, Stamford. Filed by Halloran & Sage LLP, Hartford, for Savings Bank of Danbury. Property: Lot 1, Map 9238, Stamford. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Aug. 27.

Desmond, Diane, et al, Fairfield. Filed by Cohen and Wolf PC, Bridgeport, for the town of Fairfield. Property: 130 Welch Terrace, Fairfield. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Sept. 18.

Julbes, Gus, et al, Stamford. Filed by Korde & Associates PC, New London, for UMB Bank NA. Property: Parcel B, Map 4787, Stamford. Action: foreclose defendants’ mortgage. Filed Aug. 28.

Band, James HG and Amelia CR Groeneveld, Riverside, by Tiago A. David. Lender: Citizens Bank NA, 1 Citizens Plaza, Providence, Rhode Island. Property: 6 Miltiades Ave., Riverside. Amount: $680,000. Filed Aug. 8.

Bray, Cara Christina and Matthew Thomas Bray, Hoboken, New Jersey, by Descera Daigle. Lender: CrossCountry Mortgage LLC, 2160 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Property: 132 Lawrence Road, Fairfield. Amount: $400,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Budzinskyy, Roman, Stamford, by Michael C. Jachimczyk. Lender: MLB Residential Lending, 841 Mountain Ave., Suite 400, Springfield, New Jersey. Property: 135 Snow Crystal Lane, Stamford. Amount: $568,000. Filed July 23.

Carlson, Jennifer Marie, Stamford, by Dennis Bujdud Lender: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, 1111 Polaris Pkwy., Columbus, Ohio. Property: 637 Cove Road, A7, Stamford. Amount: $160,000. Filed July 24.

Castellana, Joseph and Linda Castellana, Greenwich, by James Kavanagh. Lender: The First Bank of Greenwich, 444 E. Putnam Ave., Cos Cob. Property: 164 Stanwich Road, Greenwich. Amount: $1,450,000. Filed Aug. 9.

Cecio Jr., Joseph William and Stephanie Veronica Cecio, Greenwich, by Mario P. Musilli. Lender: CrossCountry Mortgage LLC, 2160 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Property: 83 Valley Road, Apt. 4, Cos Cob. Amount: $535,500. Filed Aug. 7.

Clarizio, Johnny and Dena Gardella, Stamford, by Scott Rogalski. Lender: Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd., Dallas, Texas. Property: 18 Fowler St., Stamford. Amount: $424,000. Filed July 23.

Cortese, Yolanda, Greenwich, by James M. Rubino. Lender: Rocket Mortgage LLC, 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Property: 134 Josephine Evaristo Ave., Greenwich. Amount: $645,000. Filed Aug. 6.

Cronin, Louise A. and Patrick Cronin, Old Greenwich, by Jonathan J. Martin. Lender: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, 2500 Westfield Drive, First and second floors, Elgin, Illinois. Property: 12 Lindsay Drive, Greenwich. Amount: $4,812,500. Filed Aug. 6.

Deng Ming Cherng, Great Neck, New York, by Jonathan T. Hoffman. Lender: ARC Home LLC, 224 Strawbridge Drive, Suite 200, Moorestown, New Jersey. Property: 444 Courtland Ave., Stamford. Amount: $315,000. Filed July 23.

Dunn, Natalie and Benjamin Rogg-Meltzer, Westport, by N/A. Lender: CrossCountry Mortgage LLC, 2160 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Property: 156 Ross Hill Road, Fairfield. Amount: $752,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Ecclesine, Shane and Julia Ecclesine, Greenwich, by Michael P. Murray. Lender: Members Mortgage Company Inc., 90 Maple St., Stoneham, Massachusetts. Property: 24 Stanwich Lane, Greenwich. Amount: $1,800,000. Filed Aug. 7.

Ervin, Kaitlin C. and Michael P. Ervin, Old Greenwich, by Maria C. Miller. Lender: The Washington Trust Company, 23 Broad St., Westerly, Rhode Island. Property: 132 Hendrie Ave., Greenwich. Amount: $500,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Geiger, John Stephen and Melissa Alice Geiger, Fairfield, by Antonio Faretta. Lender: Discover Bank, 502 E. Market St., Greenwood, Delaware. Property: 3040 North St., Fairfield. Amount: $300,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Giambalvo, Gerard and Peggy Gianbalvo, Fairfield, by Cheryl A. Carolan. Lender: Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd., Dallas, Texas. Property: 90 Crosby St., Fairfield. Amount: $325,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Giunta, Doreen and Rocco Giunta, Queens, New York, by Adam J. Hirsch. Lender: KeyBank NA, 127 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio. Property: 50 Alvord Lane, Unit 1, Stamford. Amount: $380,000. Filed July 25.

Hearne, Alexander and Katherine Hearne, Old Greenwich, by Joel M. Kaye. Lender: US Bank NA, 2800 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky. Property: 18 Shore Acre Drive, Old Greenwich. Amount: $2,500,000. Filed Aug. 7.

Jansen, Erik W. and Lucia D. Jansen, Greenwich, by Joel M. Kaye. Lender: Deephaven Mortgage LLC, 3530 Toringdon Way, Suite 300, Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 8 Sidney Lanier Lane, Greenwich. Amount: $1,800,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Jarnstedt, Bo B. and Natalie K. Jarnstedt, Greenwich, by Maggie Yang. Lender: TD Bank NA, 2035 Limestone Road, Wilmington, Delaware. Property: 250 Stanwich Road, Greenwich. Amount: $500,000. Filed Aug. 6.

Johnson, Kristin Ashley and Christopher Hotzak, Sea Girt, New Jersey, by Jonathan A. Wetmore. Lender: US Bank NA, 2800 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky. Property: 80 Veres St., Fairfield. Amount: $766,600. Filed Aug. 2.

Kabir, Shahriar and Zeeba, Riverside, by Descera Daigle. Lender: William Raveis Mortgage LLC, 7 Trap Falls Road, Shelton. Property: 18 Crawford Terrace, Riverside. Amount: $1,516,000. Filed Aug. 7.

Karp, Robert and Barbara Karp, Stamford, by Mark F. Katz. Lender: ARC Home LLC, 224 Strawbridge Drive, Suite 200, Moorestown, New Jersey. Property: 142 Soundview Court, Stamford. Amount: $513,900. Filed July 23.

Lauro, Randy and Denise Lauro, Fairfield, by Nicola Corea. Lender: Rocket Mortgage LLC, 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Property: 54 Ronald Drive, Fairfield. Amount: $441,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Lee, Choongbum, New York, New York, by Seth J. Arnowitz. Lender: Citibank NA, 1000 Technology Drive, O’Fallon, Missouri. Property: 64 Club Road, Riverside. Amount: $2,500,000. Filed Aug. 5.

MacIntyre, John Ryan and Alison Beth MacIntyre, Greenwich, by N/A. Lender: US Bank NA, 2800 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky. Property: 2 Lauder Way, Greenwich. Amount: $4,600,000. Filed Aug. 6.

Macri, Steve and Mary Macri, Southport, by Chris Barreto. Lender: Bank of America NA, 101 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 112 Lalley Blvd., Fairfield. Amount: $550,000. Filed July 31.

Madden, Michael Julian and Emily Madden, Fairfield, by Jonathan J. Martin. Lender: Morgan Stanley Private Bank NA, 4270 Ivy Pointe Blvd., Suite 400, Cincinnati, Ohio. Property: 111 Sasco Hill Road, Fairfield. Amount: $850,000. Filed Aug. 1.

Manos, Alissa Eleni and Thomas Andrew Mazzaro, Greenwich, by Jeremy E. Kaye. Lender: Bank of America NA, 101 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 32 Cliff Ave. 3, Greenwich. Amount: $625,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Martin, Aaron D. and Sarah S. Martin, Fairfield, by Ann Brown. Lender: US Bank NA, 9380 Excelsior Blvd., Hopkins, Minnesota. Property: 240 Primrose Lane, Fairfield. Amount: $150,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Mathew, Binu and Neha Augustine, Milford, by Jeffrey M. Wasikowski. Lender: Peoples Bank, 330 Whitney Ave., Holyoke, Massachusetts. Property: 490 Romanock Road, Fairfield. Amount: $1,270,000. Filed July 31.

Matthews, Gregory E., Greenwich, by Jeremy E. Kaye. Lender: Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., 4201 Marsh Lane, Carrollton, Texas. Property: 29 Pine Ridge Road, Greenwich. Amount: $766,550. Filed Aug. 6.

Mayes, Marilyn, Stamford, by Peter V. Gelderman. Lender: United Wholesale Mortgage LLC, 585 S. Boulevard, East, Pontiac, Michigan. Property: 34 Ann St., Stamford. Amount: $192,136. Filed July 23.

Mazzarella, Anthony, Fairfield, by Cheryl A. Carolan. Lender: Union Home Mortgage Corp., 8241 Dow Circle West, Strongville, Ohio. Property: 696, Beach Road, Fairfield. Amount: $645,000. Filed Aug. 1.

McCormick III, Edward James and Emily Kate McCormick, Fairfield, by Deborah L. Bilcheck. Lender: M&T Bank, 1 M&T Plaza, Buffalo, New York. Property: 1485 Stillson Road, Fairfield. Amount: $800,000. Filed July 31.

McMahon, Andrew Charles and Kelsey McMahon, Southport, by Philip J. Toohey. Lender: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, 1111 Polaris Pkwy., Columbus, Ohio. Property: 187 Grandview Road, Fairfield. Amount: $600,000. Filed Aug. 2.

Mohen, James and Diane Mohen, Stamford, by Shetal Nitin Malkan. Lender: Citizens Bank NA, 1 Citizens Plaza, Providence, Rhode Island. Property: 42 Friars Lane, Stamford. Amount: $100,000. Filed July 24.

Montana, John and Kristin Montana, Stamford, by Francisco Alberto Cabreja Pena. Lender: Citizens Bank NA, 1 Citizens Plaza, Providence, Rhode Island. Property: 73 Palmer Ave., Stamford. Amount: $150,000. Filed July 25.

Morelli, Megan and Michael Dekanchuk, Stamford, by Gillian V. Ingraham. Lender: CrossCountry Mortgage LLC, 2160 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Property: 58 Shadowood Road, Fairfield. Amount: $370,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Music, Biserka and Halim Biserka, Stamford, by Magda Szypulski. Lender: Cornerstone Community Credit Union, 1515 Black Rock Turnpike, Fairfield. Property: 250 Culloden Road, Stamford. Amount: $100,000. Filed July 24.

Niziolek, Alexander M. and Brittany C. B. Niziolek, Houston, Texas, by Daniel P. Weiner. Lender: Bank of America NA, 101 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 90 Gun Club Road, Stamford. Amount: $1,000,000. Filed July 25.

Ozkan, Burak, Stamford, by Abraham M. Hoffman. Lender: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, 1111 Polaris Pkwy., Columbus, Ohio. Property: 39 Glenbrook Road, 1S, Stamford. Amount: $196,000. Filed July 24.

Panayotopoulos, Constantinos and Leslie Schutz, Stamford, by Nicola Corea. Lender: Rocket Mortgage LLC, 1050 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Property: 207 Chestnut Hill Road, Stamford. Amount: $60,000. Filed July 23.

Peck, Douglas J. and Madeline Rahe Peck, Southport, by Robert E. Colapietro. Lender: Citizens Bank NA, 1 Citizens Plaza, Providence, Rhode Island. Property: 152 Wakeman Lane, Southport. Amount: $724,900. Filed Aug. 5.

Perry III, Michael Rocco, Riverside, by Morris L. Barocas. Lender: Mutual of Omaha Mortgage Inc., 3131 Camino del Rio North, Suite 1100, San Diego, California. Property: 40 Sunshine Ave., Riverside. Amount: $500,000. Filed Aug. 6.

Prenka, Dode, Stamford, by Richard J. Shapiro. Lender: Plaza Home Mortgage Inc., 9808 Scranton Road, San Diego, California. Property: 833 Summer St., Stamford. Amount: $220,000. Filed July 23.

Rodriguez, Sally and Ben Schweitzer, Highlands, New Jersey, by Jonathan T. Hoffman. Lender: US Bank NA, 2800 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky. Property: 222 Mayapple Road, Stamford. Amount: $922,500. Filed July 23.

Rodriguez, Zayed A. and Maria F. Rodriguez, Stamford, by James Kavanagh. Lender: The First Bank of Greenwich, 444 E. Putnam Ave., Cos Cob. Property: 1099 King St., Greenwich. Amount: $1,048,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Ryan, John and Rachel Ryan, Southport, by Lauren A. Scotton. Lender: US Bank NA, 2800 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky. Property: 68 Evelyn St., Southport. Amount: $1,335,000. Filed July 31.

Sandor Jr., George, Greenwich, by Jennifer IvesGroebl. Lender: Litchfield Bancorp, 294 West St., Litchfield. Property: 29 N. Water St., Greenwich. Amount: $250,000. Filed Aug. 8.

Sandoval, Oscar, Stamford, by Jason J. Morytko. Lender: ARC Home LLC, 224 Strawbridge Drive, Suite 200, Moorestown, New Jersey. Property: 169 Fairfield Ave., Stamford. Amount: $472,500. Filed July 25.

Schumacher, Suzanna, Fairfield, by Adam J. Hirsch. Lender: Baycoast Mortgage Company LLC, 330 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea, Massachusetts. Property: 538 Stratfield Road, Fairfield. Amount: $850,000. Filed Aug. 1.

Shulman, Adam Charles and Adama Fall Shulman, Colorado Springs, Colorado, by Susannah Vining. Lender: Bank of America NA, 101 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 220 Farist Road, Fairfield. Amount: $760,000. Filed Aug. 5.

Sibley, John H., Greenwich, by Robert E. Colapietro. Lender: Bank of America NA, 100 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. Property: 9 Spring St., Riverside. Amount: $250,000. Filed Aug. 9.

Solgon, Rachel, Buffalo, New York, by Gerald M. Fox III. Lender: Ark-La-Tex Financial Services LLC, 5160 Tennyson Pkwy., Suite 1000, Plano, Texas. Property: 170 Forest St. Unit 1, Stamford. Amount: $264,000. Filed July 24.

Sutin, Ekaterina, Stamford, by Marino Civitillo. Lender: Liberty Bank, 315 Main St., Middletown. Property: 12 Fowler St., Stamford. Amount: $420,000. Filed July 23.

Villanueva, Mylko G. and Patricia Sanchez Villanueva, Stamford, by Adam J. Hirsch. Lender: Citadel Servicing Corp., 3 Ada Pkwy., Suite 200A, Irvine, California. Property: 143 Highview Ave., Stamford. Amount: $464,000. Filed July 23.

Waldron, Christian and Cynthia Waldron, Fairfield, by Robert E. Colapietro. Lender: GoodLeap LLC, 8781 Sierra College Blvd., Roseville, California. Property: 88 September Place, Fairfield. Amount: $95,854. Filed Aug. 5.


AJS Construction Inc., 1726 Hazelwood Drive, Suite A, Marietta, Georgia 30067, c/o Amy Lynn Hoch. Filed Aug. 21.

Alpha Bish, 121 Towne St., 508, Stamford 06902, c/o Alexis Brauner. Filed Aug. 19.

American Dynasty Home Design, 81-1 Ludlow St., Stamford 06902, c/o John Sanders. Filed Aug. 22.

American Union Risk Associates, 4211 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Suite 800, Tampa, Florida 33607, c/o Millenial Specialty Insurance LLC. Filed Aug. 9.

Aura, 4211 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Suite 800, Tampa, Florida 33607, c/o Millenial Specialty Insurance LLC. Filed Aug. 9.

Cam Consulting, 56 Elmbrook Drive, Stamford 06906, c/o Manna Cory. Filed Aug. 15.

Candy Connection, 60 Tyler Drive, Stamford 06903, c/o Marena Margaux. Filed Aug. 6.

Cocreate, 47 John St., Stamford 06902, c/o Michelle Donovan. Filed Aug. 6

Connecticut Hormone Therapy, 999 Summer St., Suite 205, Stamford 06905, c/o Tatiana Fleischman. Filed Aug. 2.

Connecticut Mold, 54 Research Drive, Stamford 06906, c/o Rufino Gonzalez. Filed Aug. 15.

D’Clara Business & Tax Services, 28 Vine Road, Apt. 1B, Stamford 06905, c/o Clara Alvarado. Filed Aug. 16.

Danilo’s Cleaning, 236 Cove Road, Apt. 2, Stamford 06902, c/o Isabel Villacres. Filed Aug. 7.

Dumpire Junk Removal, 7 Weil St., Stamford 06905, c/o Tyler Phillips. Filed Aug. 1. Fastsigns, 95 Atlantic St., Stamford 06901, c/o Christos Pikounis. Filed Aug. 8.

Fox Pest Control, 1047 S. 100 West, Suite 220, Logan, Utah 84321, c/o FPC Holdings LLC. Filed Aug. 23.

High Ridge Fuel & Mart LLC, 920 High Ridge Road, Stamford 06605, c/o Nidal Dammad. Filed Aug. 6.

MB Cleaning Service, 28 Triangle St., Norwalk 06855, c/o Melina Delgado. Filed Aug. 19.

Legal Notices

Notice of Formation of Elvinís Wood Work LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/28/2022. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY design. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 39 Ferris Avenue Apt 2, White Plains, NY,10603 Purpose: any lawful purpose #63673

Notice of Formation of Picaro Records LLC (the LLC). Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/16/24. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: the LLC, 754 Bronx River Road, Apt. B63, Bronxville, NY 10708. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #63674

Notice of Formation on JoJos Gentle Care LLC Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/16/24. Office location Westchester County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 206 Lockwood Ave., Yonkers, NY 10701. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. #63676

Notice of formation of Dori & Mar New York Art LLC, Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/12/2024. Office location: 62 Salisbury Rd Yonkers, 10710. Westchester County. Agent for Service Gregorymar Valero, 62 Salisbury Rd Yonkers, NY 10710. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63677

NY Secretary of State (SSNY) on 08/16/2024. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to:33 Fawn Rdg, Millwood, NY 10546. Notice of Formation of Makeup By Cami Mancipe, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity. #63679

Notice of Formation of Instant Access LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/16/2024. Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 3886 Ettman St. Shrub Oak, NY 10588, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63680

Notice of Formation of 141 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/28/2016. Office location: Westchester County. Princ. Office of LLC: c/o The LLC 141 North Ninth Ave., Mt. Vernon, NY 10550. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the address of its principle office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. #63682

Name of LLC: Brentford 22 Holdings LLC Date of Formation: June 10, 2024 State of Formation: New York County of Business Location: Westchester County Principal Office Address: 75 S Broadway, Suite 4439, White Plains, NY 10601 Registered Agent Name and Address: Glenroy Samuels Purpose of the LLC: Real Estate #63683

Notice of formation of The Elder Care Whisperer LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY Dept of State on 5/31/24. Office loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 1 City Place, apt 1910 White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose: any lawful business activity #63685

Notice of Formation of DMB Dentistry PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/3/2024. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The PLLC, 20 Pineview Road, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Purpose: the practice of dentistry. #63686

Notice of Formation of GRADVANTAGE, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 09/09/2024. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Lisa Tretler, 58 Sycamore Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63687

Notice of Formation of THERESA CILIBERTI, NURSE PRACTITIONER IN ADULT HEALTH, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 08/13/2024. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Theresa Ciliberti, 5 Dell Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63688

Notice is hereby given that an On Premises Tavern Liquor License, NYS Application ID NA 0370 23 151650, has been applied for by Los Remolinos Nightclub Corp. to sell liquor, beer, wine and cider at retail in an on premises Food & Beverage Business Liquor. For on premise consumption under the ABC Law at 107 Adee Street, Port Chester, New York 10573. #63689

Notice of Formation of M&M HOME INNOVATION LLC LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/27/2024 . Offc. Loc: Westchester Cty. SSNY design. as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 53 CHATTERTON AVENUE, NY,10606 Purpose: any lawful purpose #63692

Notice of Formation of Kaah Services, LLC. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/4/24. Office. Loc: Westchester County. SSNY designate as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 5 High Meadow trl, Peekskill., NY 10566. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63693

Notice of Formation of THE LAW OFFICES OF KAREN L. BERNSTEIN, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 07/11/2024. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Karen L. Bernstein, Esq., 80 Church Street, Unit 5B, Tarrytown, NY 10591. Purpose: any lawful purpose. #63695

Notice of Application for Authority to do business in New York of GOLD COAST FINE PAINTING LLC (ìLLCî). Application for Authority filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 9/25/24. LLC formed in Connecticut (ìCTî) on June 17, 2024. Office location is Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of such process to the LLC c/o Zen Business, Inc., 90 State Street, Ste. 700, Office 400, Albany, NY 12207. Office address in CT is c/o Registered Agents, Inc., 2389 Main Street, Ste. 100, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Copies of Certificate of Organization of LLC are on file and may be obtained from the Secretary of State of CT, 30 Trinity Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Purpose of business of LLC is any lawful act or activity. #63696

Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Blue Mountain Valley Road LLC (ìLLCî). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (ìSSNYî) on September 30, 2024. NY office location: Westchester County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Blue Mountain Valley Road LLC, 425 Cherry Street, Bedford Hills, NY 10507. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. #63697

AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on a 81 foot tall building located at 495 OíDell Avenue, Yonkers, Westchester County, New York (40∞ 58’ 0.9 N, 73∞ 52’ 21.5 W) at approximate centerline heights of 81, 87, and 91 feet above ground level. AT&T Mobility, LLC invites comments from any interested party on the impact the proposed undertaking may have on any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects significant in American history, archaeology, engineering, or culture that are listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Comments may be sent to Environmental Corporation of America, ATTN: Annamarie Howell, 1375 Union Hill Industrial Court, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004 or via email to publicnotice@eca usa. com. Ms. Howell can be reached at (770) 667 2040 x 108 during normal business hours. Comments must be received within 30 days of the date of this notice. EAH 22 003679b #63698

Sealed bids will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10:30 A.M. on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at the NYSDOT, Office of Contract Management, 50 Wolf Rd, 1st Floor, Suite 1CM, Albany, NY 12232 and will be publicly opened and read. Bids may also be submitted via the internet using www.bidx.com. A certified cashier’s check payable to the NYSDOT for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, form CONR 391, representing 5% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Electronic documents and Amendments are posted to www.dot.ny.gov/doing-business/opportunities/const-notices. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid. To receive notification of Amendments via e-mail you must submit a request to be placed on the Planholders List at www.dot.ny.gov/doing-business/opportunities/const-planholder. Amendments may have been issued prior to your placement on the Planholders list. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can only be made with designated persons. Contact with non-designated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Robert Kitchen (518)457-2124.

Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where subcontracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to D/M/WBE’s and SDVOBs.

The New York State Department of Transportation, in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title IV Program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all who respond to a written Department solicitation, request for proposal or invitation for bid that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability/handicap and income status in consideration for an award. Please call (518)457-2124 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. Region 08: New York State Department of Transportation 4 Burnett Blvd., Poughkeepsie, NY, 12603 D265349, PIN 807420, Rockland Co., PAVEMENT RESURFACING - Route 45 - Village of New Hempstead, Town of Ramapo., Bid Deposit: 5% of Bid (~ $375,000.00), Goals: MBE: 10.00%, WBE: 15.00%, SDVOB: 6.00%

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