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A crucial part of Walter Center's leadership development is service to others. We believe that authentic leadership is about more than just achieving personal success - it's about using your talents and skills to serve others and make a positive difference in the world.


This year, we had the privilege of collaborating with several outstanding organizations that share our commitment to making the world a better place. Through these partnerships, we were able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities.

Tenderfoot Learning Labs' mission is to cultivate action and empathy for people and the planet. The Walter Center programs joined forces to volunteer their time to Tenderfoot to help cultivate crops for fall. The students repaired all the plant beds and cleaned up the property. This event allowed students to engage with various individuals through giving.

Students greatly valued this experience; Isaiah Mclntyre, former Co-VP of Philanthropy, now President of Emerging Leaders, said, "For me, I think the group benefitted from being able to shift our focus away from office work for an afternoon and learn about ways to be more sustainable. It was also fun to bond as leaders and get our hands dirty too!"

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Tenderfoot this fall and contributing to sustainability education in Appalachian Ohio.

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