Wanaka Sun | 16 - 22 July 2020 | Edition 983

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Susie Ruddenklau


A lifetime of art.

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Frustration at bike trail modifications THUR 16.07.20 - WED 22.07.20


PHOTOS: Supplied

The Department of Conservation (DOC) has expressed concern at unauthorised mountain bike tracking taking place on public conservation land at the Hikuwai Conservation Area, near Albert Town.

Joanna Perry


he Department of Conservation (DOC) has expressed concern at unauthorised mountain bike tracking taking place on public conservation land at the Hikuwai Conservation Area, near Albert Town, and the Bannockburn Sluicings Historic Reserve in Cromwell. “Both reserves offer a diverse range of mountain bike tracks however some in our community think it’s OK to remove vegetation, build unsafe jumps and damage the landscape without seeking consent.” said Operations Manager Mike Tubbs. “I am disappointed at the escalation in this type of behaviour that has created extra work for


staff in reinstating the areas. Building your own track is not a solution and the repair costs are just a waste of public money,” he said. “This kind of behaviour is inappropriate in a historic reserve, or any conservation lands. It is also an offence under the Conservation Act, punishable by imprisonment or a fine.” According to DOC, the Hikuwai Conservation Area’s circuit of formed tracks create a real asset for the community, including a junior bike track through dryland kanuka terraces. Secretary for Bike Wānaka, Jo Goodwin, said that Wānaka’s mountain biking organisation was aware of modifications being made to existing features in the kids area off Gunn Road in the Hikawai reserve, and had communicated to its members that maintenance or


Bike Wānaka is aware of modifications being made to existing features in the kids area off Gunn Road in the Hikawai reserve, and had communicated to its members that maintenance or modifications in that area were not permitted without DOC consent.

modifications in that area were not permitted without DOC consent. They had been working with DOC, the council and the Albert Town Residents Association for three and a half years to reach an agreement whereby maintenance and modifications could be made to the area - which had “fallen into disrepair” - by Bike Wānaka. A number of obstacles, such as the lack of toilet and water facilities, had prevented it becoming a proper mountain bike park. Goodwin hoped the opening of new toilet facilities on Gunn Road last week would expedite an agreement with DOC, but said it was “very frustrating” that “every time someone takes matters into their own hands, it sets it back.” “We desperately need somewhere to build,”

she said. “Mountain biking is huge here, but Wānaka is very land-poor for mountain biking because we’re not allowed to do anything.” Across Otago, DOC land is zoned as conservation land and - with the exceptions of the Deans Bank and Hikuwai trails - mountain bike tracking is not allowed. Any changes to the Ngāi Tahu-owned Sticky Forest land, which is home to more than 30km of mountain bike trails, is also strictly prohibited. Goodwin said the process to review the zoning of land in Otago had started, but would take “a very long time.” Until then, the amount of purpose-built trails in the area would stay limited. “There is still amazing mountain biking in the area if you go into the backcountry and follow your nose.”

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Sun News


EPA notifies Otago proposed plan High Court decision gives

heart to local hunting guides

Pat Deavoll


On July 8 the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)notified three important Otago proposed plan changes: two that strengthen water quality provisions and one that deals with replacing expiring water permits and directs a duration for new water permits. Earlier this year, the Otago Regional Council (ORC) asked Minister for the Environment David Parker to ‘call-in’ the three plan changes to allow staff to focus on the development of a new Land and Water Regional Plan. At the time Gwyneth Elsum, general manager for Policy, Science and Strategy said, “The proposed plan changes are a “quick-fix” to put a framework in place to deal with immediate problems in our current water plan. This will allow us to focus on reviewing and updating our regional policy statement and continue our work towards a new Land and Water Regional Plan that will be in line with national water policy direction.” The proposed Water Permits Plan Change (which proposes provisions to manage the replacement of deemed permits and expiring water permits) was notified by ORC in March 2020. It is now being re-notified by the EPA. Anyone can make a submission on this plan change.Those who have already made a submission to ORC, can make another submission to EPA All submissions (either already received by ORC or sent to the EPA) will be considered together. The Water Quality Plan Changes (also known as “Omnibus”) propose new regulations to improve water quality in Otago. It includes two different plan changes: Plan Change 8 (discharge

Pat Deavoll

editor@thewanakasun.co.nz PHOTO: Pixabay

Three important Otago proposed plan changes have been notified, two of which strengthen water quality provisions.

management) to the water plan, and Plan Change 1 (dust suppressants and landfills) to the waste plan. The proposed plan changes include new policies and rules that: • Strengthen policy direction for assessing resource consent applications for discharges of stormwater, wastewater and contaminants from rural land uses • Improve minimum standards for effluent storage systems and discharges of effluent to land • Promote good farming practice for highrisk practices, through the introduction of controls on intensive winter grazing, and exclusion of dairy cattle and pigs from lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands • Provide for the use of sediment traps in intermittently flowing rivers • Strengthen provisions for managing sediment loss from earthworks for residential development • Clarify policies relating to the establishment of regionally important infrastructure in wetlands • Introduce improved controls on the use of dust suppressants • Strengthen the policy direction for assessing resource consent applications for landfills Absolutely anyone can make a submission on these plan changes. The submissions period is open until 17 August 2020.

Upper Clutha hunting guides are feeling more positive about their industry after a “landmark” high court decision on the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) controversial tahr extermination plan. The Tahr Foundation had asked the High Court for a judicial review of DOC’s plan to exterminate all tahr in national parks and sharply reduce tahr populations in other areas. The application was heard in the High Court in Wellington last Wednesday, and Justice Dobson released his decision on Friday. In the decision, Dobson said that DOC was to reconsider proceeding with the 2020-2021 plan after consulting with interests represented by the Foundation and other stakeholders. Until consultation and a further decision have been completed, DOC could only undertake half of the 250 hours provided for in the 2020-2021 planned cull. Thar Foundation committee member Gerald Telford of Telford Fishing and Hunting, Hawea, said “the high court ruling has a little bit in it for everybody. “The department can still go ahead with its plan; it's just been given a little bit of a warning that it needs to follow due process which it hasn't been doing as well as it should have. “For people like me, having put an affidavit on the Minister of Conservations desk we got their attention. “We now, hopefully, can get to a situation where we can sit down round the table and get something sorted out that will be long term and to the benefit of everybody. “About 25 per cent of my business involves tahr. New Zealand is the only place in the world where you can hunt tahr so it's a very strong marketing tool for us to be able to offer something like this. Often it gets tagged onto a stag hunt.” Tahr Foundation spokesperson Willie Duley said the decision was a “victory for common sense.” “This is a landmark decision. It recognised the considerable gaps in DOC’s process, the lack of consideration for stakeholders affected and will stop the decimation of the tahr herd and save jobs,” he said. “Just as importantly, Justice Dobson recognised that recreational hunters are legitimate stakeholders and have the right to not only be

PHOTO: Pixabay

Good news for Upper Clutha hunting guides after high court decision on the Department of Conservation’s controversial tahr extermination plan.

properly consulted by DOC, but also have their views properly considered. “DOC tried to ride roughshod over the commercial and recreational hunting sector and their token consultation was a sham.” In a press release last Friday DOC operations director Ben Reddiex said the department was pleased the Judge found DOC successfully refuted all but one of the challenges the NZTF made. “We’re pleased we can now commence important control work across the tahr management units to protect New Zealand’s alpine environment.” DOC’s annual operational plan identifies how it will implement the statutory Himalayan Thar Control Plan 1993 (HTCP), which sets a maximum population of 10,000 tahr across 706,000 ha of private land, Crown pastoral leases and public conservation land. Reddiex said DOC had no plans to eradicate tahr and the department was undertaking a phased approach to meet the objectives of the Control Plan. “There will continue to be thousands of tahr available for hunting across 425,000 ha of public conservation land, as well as another 133,000 ha of Crown pastoral leases and private land. “Bull tahr will only be targeted in Aoraki/ Mount Cook and Westland Tai Poutini National Parks, where DOC legally needs to reduce tahr numbers to the lowest practicable density.” Duley said public support to stop DOC’s cull was “soaring.” “The petition to stop DOC going ahead with the tahr kill is approaching 50,000 signatures while the Give a Little campaign has raised $135,000. It shows the depth of feeling there is against this senseless slaughter.”

Luggate Hall gets reprieve Pat Deavoll


Grants to the tune of $1.5 million have been dished out at Central Lakes Trust’s latest board meeting, including the long-awaited Luggate Hall, a series of operational grants to community groups, and a handful of emergency COVID-19 grants. The board approved a grant of $750,000 towards the new hall build, a total of 18 per cent of the project cost. The current Luggate Community Hall was decommissioned in 2017 due to seismic concerns, leaving Luggate without any form of a community facility. Over the past three years, an extensive process of community consultation has been conducted to determine the demand and scope of facilities required for the communities immediate and future needs, and a passive design chosen. QLDC’s Sport & Recreation Manager Simon Battrick said, “The Luggate Memorial Centre will be the first passive house certified community centre in New Zealand. This innovative method was chosen as it will not only future proof the centre but addresses the key issues


THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20

PHOTO: Wānaka Sun

Central Lakes Trust has granted $750,000 towards a new Luggate Hall build.

of sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, while providing a place that all the community can use.” He continued, “the Passive House concept is new and uncharted territory for New Zealand community facilities, and should address the community desires for the hall. If it is successful, it is likely to be the blueprint for other community facilities in our district.” Trust chief executive, Susan Finlay said, “While it may have been a lengthy process, it’s rewarding to see a well thought out concept. The hall will end up requiring very little energy to operate, reducing running costs, and ultimately offer a healthy and comfortable centre for the Luggate community to gather together once again.”


Sun News


Warbirds over Wānaka in High Court over 2018 accident

World War II Yak-3 such as the one badly damaged at the 2018 Warbirds over Wānaka.

Pat Deavoll


Warbirds over Wānaka (WOW) is being put through the wringer in the High Court in Wellington over an accident in 2018 that caused significant damage to a vintage plane Pilot Arthur Dovey escaped unharmed, but a wing on his World War II Yak-3 aircraft was destroyed after hitting one of two cherry pickers during landing on the grass. The repair bill for the destroyed wing was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Dovey wanted to recover those costs from show organisers. Dovey's plane was one of two involved in the opening display and replaced an F-16 aircraft because of wet weather. In an RNZ report, Dovey told the court the grass was available for landing as well as the tarmac. He said the grass was much better for landing aircraft such as his Yak-3, because he was taught that in his training, as well as it being less wearand-tear on the tyres. "Common practise for war or tail wheeled aircraft at those air shows - and at Warbirds over

PHOTO: Pixabay

Wānaka 2018 - was for them to take off on seal and land on the grass," he said. He said he had landed at Wānaka roughly 950 times - 500 in the seal, 450 on the grass. WOW general manager Ed Taylor told the court the cherry pickers were on the grass for a display that was to follow Dovey's. He said they were put in place earlier than expected for a light-sport aircraft (LSA) display because of timing. Dovey's lawyer Chris Chapman said in his opening submission that the pilot was not at fault. "This is an accident caused by systemic failures - and not by pilot error," he said. Chapman talked about a series of communication mishaps, including that Dovey had radio communicated that he was planning to land on the grass. He told the court that some people had thought the cherry pickers had been removed, while others knew they were still in place. Chapman said there was serious negligence and the people behind the scenes were to blame, not Arthur Dovey. The case before Justice Mallon is set down for up to 10 days. Watch this space.

QLDC demands data from MartinJenkins

PHOTO: Wānaka Sun

A remedy is a-foot for the Aubrey Road puddle problem.

Remedy for puddle problem Pat Deavoll


Work has begun to fix the big storm water puddle the forms regularly at the entrance of the Northlake subdivision on Aubrey Road. Contractors are digging out several meters of the existing soak pit in an effort to drain the flooding, an operation that will take several days. The start to this was delayed due to flooding from recent rain. An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 litres of water from rain last Sunday and Monday blocked one lane of Aubrey Road and it took several hours for this to be pumped and carted away. Queenstown Lakes District councillor Quentin

Smith said some work had started on the flooding but he hadn’t heard an update as to whether that had worked. “They were going to create a new soak pit – dig a hole 3-4m deep which they hoped would be successful, Smith said. “But it might only be an interim measure until something else is sorted out,” he said, “This isn’t a new issue in that it has been occurring over the last few years but it certainly seems to have got worse.” Smith said monitoring of the soak pits would continue during rain events and if the approach was not successful, a long-term solution would need to be part of the Long Term Plan or Three Waters project.

Wanaka Sun Gynaecologist Ben Sharp will regularly be working from Wanaka Lakes Health Centre from mid-August 2020. To book an appointment, talk to your GP or simply call Oxford Women’s Health on 03 379 0555. Ben provides expert advice and treatment for a wide range of women’s health issues including pelvic pain, endometriosis, pain during sex, urinary incontinence and heavy periods.

Gynaecologist Ben Sharp will regularly be working from Wanaka Lakes Health Centre from mid-August 2020. QLDC paid for the report. Does it own the data?

Pat Deavoll


MartinJenkins has declined to give the Queenstown Lake District Council (QLDC) the raw survey data from its research into public opinion on air traffic presented in a report released last month. The Ombudsman will be asked to decide how much data the QLDC is entitled to. The council paid the company $205,000 to research public opinion Councillor Nikki Gladding, who is preparing a complaint to the Ombudsman, said one of the deliverables was the survey, and as QLDC paid for it, therefore it owned the data, MartinJenkins declined to hand over the data because it had legal advice that


PHOTO: Wānaka Sun

doing so would be against the Privacy Act. The survey was based on four scenarios for air traffic which took into consideration expanding noise boundaries for Queenstown Airport, developing Wānaka Airport for scheduled flights, building a new Queenstown airport and.leaving things as they were. QLDC said it wanted the survey’s raw data to see what other options it revealed – such as turbo-prop aircraft, rather than jet aircraft, using Wānaka Airport. It also wanted access to any other comments about governance of the district’s airports and ‘‘over tourism’’. A council spokesman said councillors were considering an offer by MartinJenkins to provide further analysis of the data based on differing scenarios.

Ben provides expert advice and treatment for a wide range of women’s health issues including pelvic pain, endometriosis, pain during sex, urinary incontinence and heavy periods.

To book an appointment, talk to your GP or simply call Oxford Women’s Health on 03 379 0555.

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20



Sun News


Behind the 2020 Sony Alpha Awards’ winning photograph Joanna Perry


Winner of the 2020 Sony Alpha photography Awards, Wānaka-raised Oscar Hetherington, was not expecting to be awarded the overall Grand Prize when the judge’s decisions were announced on July 3. This is the fourth consecutive year that a Kiwi has taken the Grand Prize in the competition, which is in its fifth year, with almost half of the total category winners this year also hailing from New Zealand. Celebrating photographers of all skill levels across Australia and New Zealand, the awards aspire to drive creativity, reward professionals and enthusiasts alike, and showcase the greatest work. Hetherington was named the winner out of 3,000 entries, taking home AUD $10,000 worth of Sony equipment. Once over the shock, Hetherington said he felt “honoured and grateful” to have had the opportunity to go up against such a “big field of photographers,” winning the biggest award of his career so far with a photograph taken almost by chance on a surfing trip with friends. His winning image, Back Wash, was taken just after lockdown near a remote beach on the Otago Peninsula, accessible by a 30 minute walk through the bush. “That day was really dark and moody weather,” Hetherington recalled. “The water was around

Hetherington’s image was named the winner out of 3,000 entries.

Hetherington is in his first year of Photography studies at Otago Polytechnic.

12 degrees, so we were all wearing full wetsuits, hoods and booties.” “We had been to that surf spot for four days in a row after being allowed to surf again, and even in less-than-ideal conditions, it was still an unforgettable few days of waves.” Whilst taking pictures of his friends surfing, a particular wave caught his attention. The “intense

colours against the grey sky and cliffs” and the angle of the wave “that no one but a surfer ever sees” made for a unique and powerful image “especially as it was taken in the water.” Hetherington took his award-winning image while swimming, with his camera in waterproof housing. Since starting out with photography about five years ago, taking photos of his friends on skiing,

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mountain biking and tramping trips around Wānaka, Hetherington has become increasingly focused on “all things to do with the ocean.” He is in his first year of Photography studies at Otago Polytechnic and enjoys taking photos of seascapes, surfing and the beach - even in winter. “You’ve got to be brave and prepared to get cold,” he said.

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THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20

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Sun News

We Are Locals moves Local film festival announces hefty to Cardrona Hotel

cash prize for 2021 Pat Deavoll


The flurry of New Zealand-made films submitted to the NZ Mountain Film and Book Festival competition 2020 highlighted the talent within the Kiwi filmmaking community. The festival provided an opportunity for budding directors to fine-tune their filmmaking skills to a professional standard and showcase their work at a highprofile national event. The festival’s charitable trust recognised the opportunity to support the development of

Kiwi adventure filmmaking, and to encourage new entries has more than doubled the prize money for the Best NZ Made Film to $2,500 for 2021. A Grass Roots Award, with $500 prize money, will also be on offer to encourage low-budget, beginner filmmakers to have a go at making and submitting a film Festival organisers revealed that 2200 attended the live events in Wanaka and Queenstown and an estimated 3,000 people viewed online. The online option emerged through contingency planning during the COVID lockdown.

PHOTOS: Supplied

The exhibition, made up of 41 photographs of local business owners, was displayed along the Wānaka lakefront for a week before moving to Cardrona yesterday.

PHOTO: St John Wānaka

Rainsford, owner of Jodie James photography, said she came up with the idea to support local businesses after lockdown.

Joanna Perry


The thousands of people passing through Cardrona this week on their way to and from the mountain will have a chance to get to know some of Wānaka’s local business owners now that Jodie Rainsford’s We Are Locals photography exhibition has moved to the Cardrona Hotel’s beer garden. The exhibition, made up of 41 photographs of local business owners along with their story, was displayed along the Wānaka lakefront for a week before moving to Cardrona yesterday. Cardrona Hotel owners Cade Thornton and Alexis Baronian were one of 41 businesses featured in the exhibition, and offered up the pub’s beer garden so that it could be displayed for longer in recognition of all the work that had been put into it, a spokesperson for the Cardrona Hotel said. Rainsford, owner of Jodie James photography, said she came up with the idea to support local businesses after lockdown. “It was a really nice


way to show the people behind the businesses, rather than just encouraging people to shop local,” she said. Rainsford said she had had “amazing” feedback on the exhibition, her first of this kind, with local businesses already eager to get involved in the next one - and even requests from nearby towns to run a similar project there. “We would love to do it again next year,” said Rainsford, whilst acknowledging it had been “a huge amount of work.” The project was certainly a collaborative effort. Andy Giles, owner of AE Giles Builders, completed the building and transportation of the exhibition, which is built on steel signs. The 41 businesses involved helped to cover the costs of the project, even funding a security guard who watched over the lakefront exhibition overnight for the week it was displayed. Giles said he thought the project was a “really good initiative,” offering great exposure to local businesses – “especially now it’s going to Cardrona, with the amount of people there at the moment,” he said.

On July 2 St John Wānaka got together to honour and thank three retiring members who have contributed significantly to the organization over many years. Barb Roxburgh has been with St John Wānaka for over 35 years, covering many roles including ambulance volunteer, treasurer, and area executive officer. She has been the "face of St John in Wānaka" during much of that time. Both Stephanie Still and Anita Telfer have been with St John for over 25 years in a variety of volunteer roles including ambulance officer. All three were farewelled at a dinner for staff and volunteers, with the speeches thanking them for their outstanding contributions made by former Hāwea resident and Knight of St John, Ian Rae. Pictured, from left: Ian Rae, Stephanie Still, Anita Telfer and Barb Roxburgh.

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Sun News


CODC eyeing Three Waters developments Pat Deavoll


Central Otago District Council has acknowledged last week's announcement by the government that it plans to invest $761 million to help the local government upgrade three waters infrastructure across the country. The Council's 3 Waters and Waste Portfolio Lead Nigel McKinlay said "this reform will change the way our communities receive water services, so we have made sure that both staff and elected members have been keeping a close eye on developments. "As more detail is released, we will make sure we make the most of our central and local government relationships to position Central

Otago as positively as we can for the continued benefit of our community." Chief Executive Sanchia Jacobs said the proposed water reforms had been "on the radar" for some time and staff had been "working to position CODC to be able to respond however the Council deems appropriate in the coming months". "Our Council has been working with our neighbouring Otago and Southland councils to investigate whether a collaborative approach to the delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services could benefit our communities and environment. Once this piece of work has been completed and brought back to our respective councils to consider options, we will be engaging our communities in these discussions too," Jacobs said.

PHOTO: Pixabay

The government that it plans to invest $761 million to help the local government upgrade three waters infrastructure across the country.

MAC students eligible for CLT Otago Community Trust June grants for Upper Clutha vocational scholarships Pat Deavoll

Pat Deavoll



Mount Aspiring College (MAC) students are amongst those from five Central Otago schools able to apply for Central Lakes Trust’s (CLT) vocational scholarship. Scholarships are for individuals wishing to start their first-year full-time tertiary, apprenticeship or vocational training in 2020. Each scholarship is to the value of $2,500. Since 2007 CLT has offered a scholarship programme for eligible recipients within the CLT region. Last year Pioneer Energy came on board offering science and technology scholarships. The addition of vocational scholarships for the 2020 year is to recognise occupational knowledge and skills,” said chief executive, Susan Finlay. “We’re delighted to have found a way to support young people build their futures and to ensure these scholarships recognise the skills and knowledge required of our future workforce. “In the 14 years this programme has been running we will have helped 584 young people, to a total amount of $1,301,500 with this year’s allocation,” she said. Applications opened July 1 2020, and close 3 pm, July 31 2020. Eligibility for a CLT Tertiary Scholarship, a Pioneer Energy Science & Technology Scholarship, or a CLT Vocational Scholarship is restricted to the following five high schools within the Central Lakes region: Roxburgh Area School, Dunstan High School, Cromwell College, Mt Aspiring College and Wakatipu High School. Applicants are required to be between 16 and

The Otago Community Trust (OCT) June Grants for the Upper Clutha included several Wānaka organisations. Wānaka Search and Rescue Inc was granted $9355 to assist with the cost of operational requirements for the field search and incident management teams for the 2019/20 year, including training and equipment. A large portion of the annual budget relates to helicopter time, used to train volunteers and retain their currency. Aspiring Biodiversity Trust was granted $12,000 to assist with the purchase and installation of predator traps. This project will enable the trapping effort

PHOTO: Pixabay

Scholarships are for individuals wishing to start their first-year full-time tertiary, apprenticeship or professional training in 2020.

19 years of age, meet the eligibility criteria and live in the Central Lakes Trust region. The selection criteria consider various factors, including the applicant’s academic record, allround qualities and achievements. “All applications are made to your local high school, so please contact it for full details, further eligibility requirements and an application form,” she said. Since 2015 Meyer Cruden Engineering has been involved in the programme offering a scholarship and summer internship to an eligible first-year engineering student.

NEWS IN BRIEF Disco at Hāwea Flat hall There will be a family friendly disco on Friday 24 July from 3:30-5:30 at the Hāwea Flat Hall to fundraise for the Hāwea Playgroup. The dress code is fluro or glow in the dark gear. DJ Blue Boo and TC Cat will feature in addition to pizza, cookies, and hot chocolate from 4:30 onwards. Coastguard rescues jet boating hunters The Wānaka coast guard rescued two hunters after their jet boat was swamped near the Wānaka Faces Hut. Twenty kilometers past Mou Waho strong winds and over two meters breaking swells swamped the well equipped hunters jet boat. No phone or VHF reception meant a two hour climb to the ridge line to get a signal and call for assistance. The coastguard crew took an hour and thirty minutes to reach the hunters and return them to safety. Plastic Free July: plastic free clingfilm Three simple plastic free swaps for cling film will help you take part in the Plastic Free July challenge. If you're keen to see the alternative clingfilm and what other changes you can make, head to https://www.plasticfreejuly. org/. For new ways to cut your waste at home, head to https://www.qldc.govt.nz/services/ rubbish-recycling/cut-your-waste. Torokiki ideas platform to launch soon In response to a call for a community driven ideas platform, QLDC is launching Torokiki. It will give users the opportunity to share their ideas, check out what others are suggesting, vote on their favourites, and add comments


within the Upper Wilkin, Upper Lucidus Castalia basin and Crucible basin to be increased. To help protect and restore current rock wren and blue duck populations. The blue duck is an important ancient waterfowl species, and the rock wren is NZ's only true alpine specialist and is now only present in the South Island. This species is globally and nationally endangered due mostly to threats from invasive mammalian predators and also climate change. Since successful installation (Feb 2019) and application (at two alpine sites) additional evidence of endemic endangered species has been recorded within the vicinity. Otago Community Trust will also be hosting a funding clinic on July 30 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at the Lake Wānaka Centre.

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20

if you think someone has a bright spark that could do with a slight tweak. Torokiki will have a focus on how communities can recover in the aftermath of COVID-19. Light Up Winter this Saturday The Cromwell Mall will come alive this Saturday with sparkling lights, live entertainment, and a vibrant night market as the community comes together to celebrate. “Light Up Winter is a family event, and we’ve made sure there is something for young and old,” said Gretchen Nightingale. The event will include the much anticipated lantern release, live music, night market, and entertainment for young children. Cromwell slip site The road will continue as a single lane, as sluicing is ongoing the next few days. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s geotechnical advisors and traffic crews report no significant movement at the Cromwell slip site. State Highway 8 at Deadmans Point, near the SH8B intersection, was reduced to a single lane on Tuesday after a sizable piece of rocky hillside began to move early in the morning. It remained open to single lane traffic with floodlights and close monitoring overnight. This sluicing work will continue for the next few days until engineers are sure the hillside is stable. The highway is likely to remain at single lane while this work is underway Traffic will be stopped for up to 30 minutes while the work to loosen the schist rock is underway, so people need to plan their trips to include those delays.


Sun News


Meeting our local achievers

Susie Ruddenklau: grande dame of Wānaka art scene

Ruddenklau became a professional artist in the early 1980s and hasn't looked back.

Pat Deavoll


Susie Ruddenklau has been at the forefront of the Wānaka art scene for almost two decades. And this grande dame of the local painting scene says she has found a new depth to her art and is painting better than ever. There is more of a 'story' to her art these days, she says. She is less involved with detail, likes to paint 'bigger' and give a feeling of space and air to her paintings. Ruddenklau became a professional artist in the early 1980s and hasn't looked back. So how did you become a professional painter? I got into the Arts Society up in Gisborne where I was living at the time in my first marriage and enjoyed it. I started exhibiting professionally then. My first husband died when I was quite young, and I had two little children. I wanted to keep painting and had a good friend who said 'Susie, you are painting all the time, so why don't I build you a studio?' So he got an old shed from my garden and rebuilt it for me into this beautiful studio. I had an exhibition there, which was a sell-out, and that launched me as a professional painter. So how did you sell your paintings? I had a sign on the road, and people would come up from the beach and have a glass of wine, and they would buy a painting. What were you painting back then? I was painting everything back then- flowers, animals, people, beaches. Because my husband had died, I look now at some of the beach paintings – big ocean paintings with lots of skies, quite solitary – and it makes me feel quite sad. There were often seagulls, but they weren't flying freely, they were crouching underneath the driftwood. It wasn't until later when I went back to see friends in Gisborne that I realised that those paintings echoed my life at the time. Big empty spaces with ocean and sky, distant headlands. A certain sadness. Then you had a significant shift in your life. I came from working right beside the sea to meeting my second husband John Ruddenklau and ending up on a high country station in Dipton, Southland. Suddenly I had mountains around me. It was a big masculine landscape as opposed to the beach which was quite feminine So I started painting mountains. I also had the most splendid garden which John and I built together. I painted a lot of large watercolours of sunflowers and roses. Everything was bright and colourful and happy and has been ever since. So when did you move to Wānaka? I was down in Dipton from 1986 until 2000 then we came to live in Wānaka. We didn't retire because


PHOTOS: Supplied

I have been painting and teaching the whole time since and John has been working on farms We are semi-retired now, and I'm painting more now than I ever have in the past. So how is your painting life now? I have a great studio and my friends come round, and I teach them how to paint. Not exactly a course but I teach people of my age who have always wondered if they can paint. They come round, and chuck paints around in my studio, and we have a lot of fun. But I have painted full time since I opened my studio in Gisborne. If I'm getting ready for an exhibition, I will spend up to eight hours in the studio. If I'm not then I paint in the afternoons, John has come out sometimes and said to me you have to come and play with me because I get so absorbed. It depends a bit because I also have a life and have three children and I am very close to all of them. Do you exhibit a lot? Not as much as I used to but I do like exhibiting. I exhibit in the house quite a lot. I take everything down off the walls and put all my paintings up. I advertise the exhibition, and people love them. I don't expect people to buy them, but I like to share, and I love people to come and have a look. And if they buy them well, that's a treat. The good thing about having an exhibition here (at home) is that I don't have significant overheads, so the prices of my paintings are reasonable. What about the local galleries? The local galleries are quite exclusive and don't exhibit Wanaka artists, which is a shame. I've asked if they will have a local’s exhibition, but they haven't been forthcoming. Even the Art Society (of which I used to be president) which used to do two exhibitions a year, only does one now. I'll be exhibiting in the Labour Weekend event. And I'm hoping to have a show here shortly. Just before lockdown, three friends were going to stage an exhibition in the Community Hub, but of course, this was cancelled. We all had an amazing exhibition together when we lived in Southland at Centre Bush years ago. I was trying to get it off the ground again, but for various reasons, it hasn't happened. But I'll exhibit in the spring in the house. So what medium do you paint in? Watercolour is my first medium. I would stick to watercolour- it is my favourite medium- but framing them is very expensive – so you can't do a whole bunch of watercolours and frame them. It costs around $300 a piece. That's what holds me up as far as watercolour is concerned. And I love pastels, but they have to be framed too. And that's even more expensive because it's chalk and if this comes off the picture it has to be caught by a 'gutter' in the frame rather than spill

Suddenly I had mountains around me. It was a big masculine landscape…

I've got better at painting people. It's hard to make people look relaxed in a painting.

all over the mat. Expensive framing! The acrylics are great because you can paint on anything so long as you prepare first. But whatever medium having a painting beautifully presented does everything for your work. So has your painting grown? Since we moved to Wānaka, my painting has developed. I think it has got more of a story to it these days. I've also got better at drawing and better at painting people. It's hard to make people look relaxed in a painting. Yes, I've got better, but it's hard to explain how. I guess I'm less tied up with details and more

expert at the big picture. So how do you want people to see your paintings? When I do a landscape, I want to portray big air – so when people look at it, they feel open and full and happier. If you paint something small and tight, it's not as inspiring. I want to put more space into my paintings now. If you can nail that feeling of space, it conveys emotion. It's got to be arresting, it's got to have the x-factor. If a viewer can walk around an exhibition, spot your paint and be compelled to step up to it and not be able to take their eyes off it, then you have nailed it!

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Sun News


At times like these, be brave with your advertising Pat Deavoll


The big dilemma for businesses at times of adversity such as the coronavirus is whether to spend money on advertising or hold back. I think the tendency is to hold back – I know I would if I had a business. But this is something that means little to me so I had to do a fair bit of Googling into the matter to get a handle on it. I’ve picked out the best bits. Carl Carter is head of marketing strategy and effectiveness at something called IRI. I think it’s in the States. He says that brands that continue to advertise through the coronavirus crisis will enjoy “increased salience” as consumers use media to occupy their time – and if they don’t, their competitor will. Salience means the quality of being “particularly noticeable” apparently. Carter says the coronavirus is the time for consumer brands to show that their brand matters. During times of uncertainty and hardship, people look for support, reassurance and even entertainment from brands they trust. It’s in uncertain times people need and remember a brand the most. A bit more Googling and I came across an article by assistant editor of Impact, Neeta Nair.


She (I’m assuming it’s a she) says one of the biggest challenges for brands today is to stand out, to create positive perceptions and create those strong connections that make the consumer choose one brand over another. When marketers cut back on their ad spending, brands lose ‘share of mind’ with consumers, with the potential of losing current – and possibly future – sales. “Brands that reflect their values and are seen as responsible or supportive during adversity can create emotional connections and build trust with their consumers that will last beyond the current climate,” she says. “So many of the brands we know and love today built strong customer loyalty during times of adversity.” I’m assuming this refers to WWII or the economic crash of 2008 or the Christchurch earthquake. Carter goes on to say that as we all move into a more confusing, isolated and restricted state, the convergence of modern life and more primitive living will likely meet. Our digital tools become pivotal to not only access key information, shopping and work tasks but also our entertainment and as sanity keepers. For brands and advertisers this represents a significant increase in opportunities to present advertisements and make connections. It is at this juncture that the decision becomes

Be brave, be bold, be on-brand and remember your consumers need you.

clearer for so many brands. Consumers are in a heightened state of need, so comfort and luxury take on different meanings and many will become more open and receptive to new stimuli. I know I went on a bit of an online spending spree while in lockdown. I’m reaping the rewards now, as the parcels arrive on the doorstep from across the globe. Exciting times. People will likely be much more exposed to all forms of media, whether that be traditional channels such as TV and radio, through to social, online publications and video. Agnello Dias, creative chairman, Dentsu, in India says if we consider the fundamentals of advertising for consumer brands – such as

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20

PHOTO: Pixabay

driving reach, grabbing attention, focusing on brand salience (there’s that word again) and being relevant to the needs of the consumer, then most brands should consider this their optimal time (like now) to invest in advertising. Even though these are unprecedented times, patterns and consumer actions that develop today could eventually cause a shift in long-term behaviour. Brave moves now might make sense for a business in the longer term. So, what did I get out of this trawling around the internet? For businesses, seize this moment. Be brave, be bold, be on-brand and remember your consumers need you. If it isn’t you, then it will be someone else.



Sun SnowSport

Outsourcing, not out snowboarding Joanna Perry


Thanks to big crowds, poor weather and a stinking cold, I sadly didn’t make it up the hill last week. As much as I’ve enjoyed learning so far, and as keen as I was to lock in my toe turn, the idea of snowboarding with the sniffles whilst people I couldn’t see through the snow whooshed past me in all directions wasn’t too appealing. I would have been happy to sit in the cafe drinking (boozy) hot chocolate and watching other people get cold and wet, but it turns out that even to go up Treble Cone you sometimes need snow chains. At least I did still learn something this week - buy some snow chains. So, from the safety of my sofa, and in an effort to live vicariously through others, I reached out to my fellow learners for their stories instead. I heard from a nine-year-old swapping from skiing to snowboarding to try something new and be “more like her dad.” Like me, she found front turns the hardest and said getting off the chairlift was “my nightmare.” (Special thanks to Laila Telfer for reminding me I’m not alone on that one.)

Then there was a fifteen-year-old whose family took her straight up Whitestar on her first day, leaving her to put her headphones in and figure it out on her own. She was awesome, apparently. I also heard from a local who was on her third day of snowboarding when she fell on her head and got a concussion. “For hours I couldn’t remember anything,” said Shao Liying. “I had to stay off work for a week. Thank god I had a brand new MIPS helmet on.” She hasn’t let it phase her too much, though. “I was really enjoying it,” she said. “I was progressing fast, which was very motivating. I can’t wait to go back up, but maybe it’s time to take a lesson to get the right position and avoid another accident.” Us beginners are intrepid. As nine-year-old Laila said, “boarding makes me feel awesome, but I still have a lot to learn.” I guess passion really does overrule sense sometimes. But, as the incredible turn out of Kiwis coming from all over the country to support our mountains and businesses (or just queue along the Cardrona road for a few hours) suggests, that can only be a good thing. I’ll stay in bed for now, but I’ll be back up there with my helmet on extra tight next week.

Kiwis in cars cause Cardrona queues

Fellow learner Shao Liying was enjoying her third day of snowboarding when she fell and gave herself a concussion.

PHOTO: Supplied

Race your mate this weekend

Everyone is welcome at the event this Sunday from 11am.

PHOTO: Cardrona Alpine Resort

this fun and friendly free event to give skiers and snowboarders the chance to race on a dual giant slalom course from 11am - 12.30pm. Start your season off with some bragging Everyone is welcome. The Treble Cone event last Sunday was rights at Cardrona’s Race your Mate event postponed due to poor weather, with a new this Sunday. The Wanaka Ski & Snowsports Club runs date still to be set.

Joanna Perry


PHOTO: Deb Inder

Valley View at 7:40am, as traffic flowed freely towards the mountain. Photographer Deb Inder said she heard lots of steps were taken to put on extra transport, and it was a “great day all around.”

Joanna Perry


“Nuts” was just one of the words used by locals and visitors in heavy traffic to get up to Cardrona Alpine Resort this week, with reports of continuous lines of cars leaving Wānaka as early as 6:30 am and long queues forming along the Cardrona Valley Road. The snowstorms of last week have done their job, putting Cardrona and Treble Cone “in really good shape ahead of the second week of the school holidays” according to Cardrona Alpine Resorts communications manager Jen Houltham - and attracting the crowds alongside. Houltham said that, although the resort was operating with 50 per cent less staff this year, the biggest factor for the traffic on the road was actually the number of Kiwis driving their cars up, and arriving all at the same time. “While there is capacity on the lifts and slopes, parking all the cars at the same arrival time has been a challenge for us in this busy July school


holiday period. We’re encouraging our guests to carpool, or jump in a shuttle from the Pine Trees carpark,” said Houltham. General Manager Bridget Legnavsky added that - although it had been “a little bit of a surprise” given the purely domestic nature of the market - the number of visitors to the resorts was still “almost on par” with last year, with around 4,500 and 2,000 people visiting Cardrona and Treble Cone respectively last Monday. The appearance of heavier-than-usual traffic was instead because ”New Zealanders all have cars.” In a normal year, 20-30 buses would bring around 1,000 visitors from Queenstown or Wānaka each day - but, so far this year, there had been no buses. For some visitors, this was an issue of affordability - with one Cardrona fan saying he “would actually prefer to get a coach but couldn’t justify the cost versus driving,” at $35 return from Wānaka and $55 from Queenstown. Despite the difficulties, Legnavsky and Houltham said the support from Kiwis, both local and visiting, had been “amazing.”

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Sun News


Rabbits, rabbits everywhere! Pat Deavoll


Later this month Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) will undertake rabbit control in the Albert Town Campground. This operation will start any time from Monday, July 27. Drive into the campground, and the rabbits scatter in waves. Literally! The council will be using toxic Pindone carrot baits applied on the ground within the reserve. Don't touch them! It's also important to note the following about this operation: While QLDC plans to start this work any time from July 27, the timing is weather dependant. It can't be done in the rain. It's expected to require up to three toxic applications, each of five nights apart. Stay away from the area folks, says QLDC, or at least, dog owners – keep your dogs on a leash. It's an age-old story- rabbits have been the bane of Central Otago for well over a hundred and fifty years. For instance, at Kawarau Station near Cromwell, rabbiters killed 24,000 rabbits in 1884 and 28,000 in 1885. Because of this infestation, the productivity of the station declined dramatically, and the death rate of the merino flock rose from 5 per cent to 10.5 per cent in just a few years. This was serious damage for the run holder back in those days. What's more, throughout the 1870s and 1880s, farmers walked off their farms in Otago because of the impact of rabbits; come 1887, half a million hectares of land had been abandoned. Rabbits were brought into New Zealand

and released for both food and sport as early as the 1830s. By 1875 they had spread into Otago, Southland and Canterbury; by 1890 they had overrun the Mackenzie Country, causing a massive drop in productivity on the first high-country stations as they ate out the feed, leaving little for the sheep. Farmers tried a variety of ways to combat rabbits. At first, they relied on digging out burrows, hunting with dogs, shooting and trapping. Large gangs of men were employed to do this but were unable to cope with the vast numbers. However, there was a significant breakthrough after WW2 when experiments in dropping poisoned bait from planes proved successful. Remote and inaccessible areas, particularly in the South Island high country could now be included in large-scale eradication programmes. By 1950 more than 100 rabbit boards were administrating over 7.3m hectares of rabbitprone country. Funding came from rates charged to landholders based on the area of their properties or the number of animals carried. The combination of aerial spraying and the use of carrots poisoned with 1080 allowed rabbit boards to reduce rabbit number in most areas. But in 1989 the administration of rabbit control was restructured entirely. The newly formed regional councils took over the role of the Agricultural Pest Destruction Council, and rabbit boards were disbanded. Farmers became responsible for meeting the costs of rabbit control undertaken on their account and imposed on them by the regional government. Coincidentally at the same time, the funding declined and its administration changed, and a

The Council Word Rabbit control and baiting operation From Monday 27 July , we’ll be undertaking a rabbit control operation in conjunction with adjoining landowners in locations across the district. Carrot baits containing the pesticide Pindone will be placed in Albert Town Recreation Reserve and Widgeon Place Recreation Reserve. Do not touch or eat the bait, watch children at all times, do not eat animals from within 2km of these areas, and don’t allow dogs access to eat animal carcasses in the areas.

Applications open for annual event funding Applications have now opened for QLDC’s annual Events Fund. The fund aims to promote and support a balanced portfolio of new and existing sporting and cultural event experiences that meet the economic, marketing and community objectives of the district and can contribute towards the district’s recovery. Event organisers can submit their funding applications until 5.00pm on Friday 31 July 2020.

Aqua boards 5-week programme The next five-week block of instructor-led aqua board fitness classes at Wānaka pool starts 20 July. Monday evenings 7.30-8.15pm. Casual sessions continue every Wednesday at 9.00am and 6.30pm – $6.50+pool entry for non-members / $5.00 for members. Advanced booking required for all sessions. Contact 03 443 9334 / wrc@qldc.govt.nz or see reception.

www.qldc.govt.nz PAGE 10

Swim school bookings open There are still spaces left for all QLDC Swim School classes at Wānaka Recreation Centre in Term 3. Fully qualified instructors teaching a nationally approved syllabus. Visit www.qldc. govt.nz/recreation/swim, call 03 450 9115 or email wanakaswims@qldc.govt.nz for full details.

Download the new libraries app The new Queenstown Lakes District and Central Otago libraries app makes it easy to manage your account and explore the everexpanding range of library services from your mobile device. Search the App Store or Google Play for ‘Queenstown Lakes Libraries’ or drop by your local branch for more info.

Community text alerts With winter now upon us, it’s a better time than ever to join QLDC’s community text alert database and hear first-hand about any issues affecting your community. We’ll send you a text message about things like road closures, extended water-shutdowns, ice and snow affecting local roads or any other emergencies affecting your community. Sign up at https:// www.qldc.govt.nz/do-it-online/communitytext-alert-sign-up

Sign up to winter road reports If you haven’t already, head to www.qldc.govt.nz/winter-road-reports to get a daily update sent to your email inbox detailing how your morning commute is looking.

The area in Albert Town to be baited, starting around July 27.

prolonged drought in the South Island led to an explosion in rabbit numbers. It was now that rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) came clandestinely onto the scene, and for the next few years, rabbit numbers declined dramatically. The release in 1997 was the stuff of movies - a bunch of renegade farmers desperately taking the law into their own hands and using cloak-anddagger measures to spread the virus throughout the high country. Known as New Zealand's most significant intentional biosecurity breach (until COVID of course), it was a huge slap in the face for New Zealand's border officials. Not only had a highly infectious agent been smuggled into the country, but it also appeared a group of New Zealand farmers had committed the crime. Most pleaded ignorance but a few admitted to manufacturing and liberating the virus on their farms. They posed for the media alongside kitchen whizzes in which they'd mixed their viral cocktail. They felt the rabbit plague threatened their livelihood, and the government had let them down by failing to recognise their plight. The covert undertaking had been in effect for several weeks before the outbreak was officially recognised. In late August dead rabbits were found on a farm in Otago, and a post-mortem showed they had died of RHD. An emergency disease response was put in place by the thenMinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), and the farm was put under quarantine. MAF initiated an emergency disease response, but it was too late. By then, the virus was spreading like wildfire. But although the release was successful to start with and millions of rabbits died, 20 years on its effect was waning. Farmers were looking again for an answer to the pest that destroyed their pasture and eroded their land and profitability. Another release of RHD, which had worked well in Australia, was again on the table, but this time government-controlled. RHD, although a different strain, was rereleased in 2018. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) approved applications for the importation and release of the poison, and this was to be managed by councils at more than 150 sites across New Zealand By this stage, there were some "desperate" farmers out there, according to Mackenzie

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Country runholder Andrew Simpson, who at the time represented Federated Farmers on the cross-sector group coordinating the Rabbit Coordination Group (RCG). "The timing of this [RHD release] was critical in some areas. If another year had gone by without the release of this virus, the ecological damage to some properties would have been a catastrophe. "RHD was introduced into Australia the year previous and had reportedly been very effective, better than anticipated. Knockdown rates were averaging above 40 per cent, and in some areas, they were achieving up to 80 per cent." Since the release, research teams have been intensely monitoring sites to study the impact of the virus and how well it is establishing. 'The first thing we wanted to know was whether the virus was killing rabbits within 5 km of our release sites, and that seems to be the case. So far we've detected the RHD from carcasses at all of the research sites,' said the then Manaaki Whenua lead researcher Janine Duckworth. But the outcome has not been as effective as the clandestine release and farmers are now asking why they did not see the same dramatic numbers of dead rabbits on their property. The answer is simple said Duckworth: "It was never expected to act that way. This virus was expected to improve rabbit knockdown by up to 40 per cent above the current strain, and results will vary with the location and number of susceptible animals in the population. "One of the major differences with this virus release was that the rabbits had already experienced RHD-type viruses and had built up some antibodies against them, so we were not going to see the huge 80–90 per cent die-off we saw back in 1997 but it will be more effective over time." So back to the Albert Town campground and its rabbits. Campers aren't farmers, and the impact of the animal on them is not extreme. It doesn't affect their livelihood. But rabbits do damage the topsoil with their burrowing and eat away at the vegetation affecting the growth of local flora. And their numbers will only increase, and they will spread further if nothing is done. But here's hoping that at the Albert Town campground at least, there will be a reduction in rabbit numbers with this current operation. One thing to remember, though- the Albert Town rabbit problem is nothing new. It's been ongoing for over 150 years.



Sun News

‘I gotta get out of this place…’

PHOTO: Wānaka Sun Archives

Despite concerns that it couldn’t go ahead, the much anticipated Kahu Youth Matariki celebrations are all go for Saturday 25.

Matariki festival given the green light Ollie Blyth


Kahu Youth’s annual Matariki celebration is going ahead this year on Saturday 25 July between 2:30pm-6:30pm. The community celebration of the Māori new year has been running for around a decade, however Kahu Youth were unsure of whether or not the not-for-profit event could go ahead this year. Fortunately, due to community support and major sponsorship, Matariki has been given the green light. The event is largely organised by local youth. This year will feature workshops, cultural and community performances, a community hangi by donation, a fire show, two bonfires on the beach, and a fireworks display.

Last year, Richard Elvey from Kahu Youth reflected that, “We love community, it’s a basic human need, and it’s the sense of community here that makes the Upper Clutha such a magical place. I can’t think of anywhere else I’ve been where so many people are willing to do so much for so little just to help others out. Matariki is a prime example of this.” He explained that the beginnings of the Upper Clutha celebration were humble, “Nine years ago, our then youth worker Kim suggested we hold some form of Matariki celebration. We looked into a few options and settled on a potluck dinner at the Wānaka Arts Centre. We sent out the invites and well over 30 people came along for an enjoyable evening of stories, weaving and kai. It was here that the seeds of what is now our celebrations were laid.”

Coffee mornings for Love Joanna Perry


Community group Food for Love is holding coffee mornings for those stranded in Wānaka and needing help. Founded by Bex Sarginson (Bex) and Louise Carney to provide home-cooked meals to nominated families or individuals needing a little extra help, the volunteer group is now a well-known organisation helping local people. This now includes migrants, many of whom have found themselves in difficult situations postCOVID - on work visas without work, living in vans and cars with little or no income, or unable to return to their homeland because of financial or border restrictions. Sarginson said that she first heard of the hardship of stranded travellers in the area from Community Network volunteers handing out food vouchers during lockdown. Since lockdown, they have held coffee mornings at the Pembroke Pavilion almost every week, with 15-20 people attending. The sessions provide those struggling with a space to get together with others in similar positions, eat good food, and also help others by preparing FFL meals. “We had a morning where they chopped vegetables so we could make soups for FFL's nominees as well as giving them a very well earned lunch of soup and some of the hundreds of cheese rolls they made for us,” said FFL’s Veronica Norman. Helen Riddel said she went along to the first FFL meeting because she saw it was to help unemployed people. “They had people there to help us with applying for vouchers for food and rent, travel agents, etc.”


PHOTO: Food for Love

“It was a darn good feeling to be flying out of Queenstown airport last week.”

Ollie Blyth


As much as Wānaka has its perks, it was a darn good feeling to be flying out of Queenstown airport last week. Where was I headed? Auckland (I know). After over six months of sameness and humdrum, my hankering for some form of escapism – other than Netflix, of course – was monstrous. It was an especially good feeling to be leaving knowing that I hadn’t paid for my tickets; thank you to my gold class sponsors: the bank of Mum and Dad. Quite surprising to me on my quest for a change of scene was the lack of masks and social distancing at the airport. Admittedly, I was among the maskless ones, but nevertheless it was amazing to observe how normal it all felt. Over the course of my journey, I only sighted one of the mask-donning variety: either they are becoming an endangered species or I need some better binoculars. Gone (for now, fingers crossed) are the days of ‘spacing out’ in queues and penguinshuffling away from potential threats in cafes and shops. How lucky we are. Despite this fairly comforting fact, there was one aspect of the airport experience that I couldn’t escape from: being pulled over in security screening. It’s become almost ritualistic for me in the last few years. The first notable

PHOTO: Pixabay

instance was when I was rushing to board an international flight and they asked to open my bags, had a dig around, and pulled out what appeared to be a small, ornate dagger. It took me a while to convince them that this sharp metal object (most definitely over six centimeters in length) was actually my grandmother’s antique letter opener, an heirloom. The argument of sentimentality swayed the border agents enough to let me leave security and mail it back home. I only just caught my flight. You would think I would have learned my lesson. This time ‘round my suitcase went back and forth and back and forth through the machine, holding up the bags of the increasingly irritable people behind me. The border agents called over other colleges to check if their concern was worthy of a bag opening. Eventually they pulled me over and had a look inside, pulling out a vintage egg beater, two hefty bags of buttons, and a large bakelite slide whistle (apparently not the objects of concern). What has piqued their curiosity was a black leather box, which the agent had particular trouble opening. When they did, they couldn’t help laughing at the assortment of novelty earrings I had packed for my week long trip, showing their colleagues before letting me pass. Life sure is hard for vintage collectors (or hoarders, take your pick) in airport security. I’d very much like to see a border patrol TV episode on that.

“We would like to make it known that these volunteers are prepared to do any odd jobs around town in return for a home cooked meal in proportion to the amount of work required of them, or some financial support.”

“Lots of us liked the idea of cooking together and getting a hot meal whilst helping the community. It's a consistent gathering, so it's a bit of a routine in a weird situation.” Riddel, an accountant from the UK, had been living in her van since March and was due to fly home in July after a period of travel around New Zealand before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. “England is not dealing well, so I just want to ride out winter here then travel in spring and reassess,” she said, “but I'm also trying to get sponsored in accounting, as being poor in my van isn't much fun.” Riddel said the team at FFL were an “amazing” group. “They have offered me hot showers, pointed me in the direction of who to ask for help, and are generally beautiful humans wanting to help as many as possible.”.

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THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Sun Sport


Wānaka Bowls Club: triples title decided

Senior team vice-captain Scott Mitchell make an attacking run through the midfield.

(From left) Ken Allison(s), Yvonne Gale, Bob Steel- the winners!

It may have been a late start to the winter bowls season due to Covid-19, but the short winter programme is humming along with bowls every day of the week in the toasty warm stadium at the Wānaka Bowling Club. Last weekend (11-12, July) the club held the annual Stadium Club Mixed Triples Championship. What a great competition it was, between the eight-strong teams with an excellent standard of bowls seeing some nailbiting finishes. The final saw Bill Turnbull, Marilyn Steel and Kathryn Mitchell pitched against Ken Allison’s team of Bob Steel and Yvonne Gale. Early on there was very little between the teams, and after four ends the score was 2-2.Then things changed somewhat with Ken Allison’s team all bowling consistently accurate bowls, and that created continuing problems for Bill Turnbull’s team.

PHOTO: Wānaka Bowls Club

After 11 ends Ken Allison’s team had built a substantial lead of 14-4. Bill Turnbull’s side rallied and won the next two ends to be 8-14 down going into the final end. Getting six to force an extra end was always going to be a huge ask. Bill Turnbull, in good humour, jokingly said: “ can anyone tell me how we can get a six ?”. The answer from one of the crowds of onlookers was “phone a friend !” After some deliberation over where all the bowls were, Bill said, “if I come in there and rub off that bowl, go between those two bowls and take out that opposition shot bowl, we could get 6! For a moment, it looked as if the plan might succeed, as Bill made a brilliant attempt to follow his plan, but it wasn’t to be. Great attempt, though. Final score 15-8. Congratulations to Ken Allison, Bob Steel and Yvonne Gale who are this year’s champions – By Peter Wilson

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League Leaders too strong for WAFC Senior’s The WAFC Senior team met the league’s leaders Lakes United from Queenstown on Saturday. Going into the game with some confidence after two good performances in the past weeks the senior team thought they had an excellent chance to pull a surprise win even after all the dramas to try and field a team with so many injuries and players unavailable. Right from the kick-off Lakes had a game plan to play to their strength which was their two excellent and speedy strikers. These had the speed and skill to beat the Senior team’s backline. This was evident just a couple minutes in when a long cross was played off the Wānaka’s defenders, and Lakes had no problem to put it past the Wānaka’s keeper to go up 1-0. This tactic was employed again five minutes later with the same result. It was now 2-0. Wānaka, a little rattled by the Lakes attack, looked unsettled but to their credit still made some good plays and attacking runs to trouble the Lakes goal. Unfortunately, the Lakes game plan of the long ball kept paying off with another two goals before halftime to lead 4-0.

The second half saw Wānaka make some positional changes that saw much improvement from the team. With the first half behind them and forgotten Wānaka started to play some constructive football and were unlucky to put the ball into the back of the net. This day just wasn’t the senior’s team day. The second half gave three more goals to Lakes although Wānaka was a much-improved team in that half. One goal was an indefensible ball from a corner that was hit outside the box and hit top-bins. The second was from a very good free-kick and third from a defensive mistake—the final score 7-0 to the Lakes United. The scoreline doesn’t reflect Wānaka’s effort, and at times they showed real promise and played the game very well, especially in the second half. Playing the unbeaten League Leaders did expose some issues that weren’t evident in the last two games and something the team will work on and redeem themselves next week away to Queenstown Youth. – By WAFC

PHOTO: Supplied

The Lake Hawea Community Centre held its first winter Indoor Flea Market last Sunday, and a good number of locals braved the cold and wet morning to visit. “The turnout was very pleasing,” said Andre Meyer, president of the Community Centre committee. “We had 24 preregistered sellers with an additional three registered on Sunday morning”. The committee was also selling hot tea and coffee along with freshly made cream scones. “We are keen to consider this as a monthly event over the winter months to allow locals to gather and catch up for a yarn,” said Meyer.

Wānaka Bridge Club Results Monday – Pembroke Pairs 2: North/ South: 1st Ena Leckie Laraine Shepherd 61.46% 2nd John Hogg Allan Kelly 57.29% 3rd Martin Unwin Ann-Louise Stokes 56.04% East / West 1st Mark Harry Maggie Stratford 63.18% 2nd Jenny Pryde Jo Wallis 58.86% 3rd Jan Anderson Judy Briggs 56.82% Wednesday – Luggate Stakes 1 : No results available Friday 10 July : North/ South: 1st Ena Leckie Marion Furneaux 67.08% 2nd Fran Holmes Boyd Ottrey 52.92% 3rd Sherril Harries Maggie Stratford 52.50% East/ West: 1st Sheryl Strudwick Jenny Turnbull 57.08% 2nd Morag Chisholm Daphne Stewart 52.50% 3rd Joy Baxter Barbara Waterworth 50.42% Omarama Bridge at Wanaka: North/South: 1st Dorothy McDonald Nan Ottery 62.50% 2nd Peter Hart Martin Jacques 54.81% 3rd= Ann-Louise Stokes Clare Scurr & George Wallis Eleanor Jessop 53.53% East/West 1st Marion Furneaux Jo Wallis 64/14% Murray Pryde Ken Roberts 60.86% Barbara Hutton Ann Patterson 55.06%

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Sun Views



Tahr cull very much a Wānaka issue

This is very much a Wānaka issue, with our town having most likely the highest percentage of businesses that are reliant on tahr in the whole country. You rightfully quoted Doc's tahr numbers, but in fact these are incorrect. Doc is misleading the public with regards to tahr numbers to try and justify their position. From their own numbers in 2018 they estimated there to be somewhere in the vicinity of 17,000 to 54,000 tahr at the time, which is hardly scientific and far from accurate. They hence shot the middle ground at 34,000. That 34,000 was in 2018, we have since had a combined effort from official control and recreational and commercial hunters to remove 18,000. So, it is a complete fabrication to still be saying there are 34,000 now. It would have been good to note the shambolic consultation with stakeholders. Doc sent the Tahr Foundation their draft plan two days before it was due to come into effect, and the final plan about 50 minutes before it came into effect. This plan has around a three-fold increase in culling efforts from previous years, and targets bulls which are of huge value commercially and recreationally. And Doc is bound by the control plan to have meaningful consultation with stakeholders. Doc have failed to do their part of the now 27-year-old Tahr Control Plan, which was to review it every five years, vegetation monitoring and population studies. This plan is now so out of date it's not funny, with huge growth in both recreational and commercial tahr hunting, and we are still screaming for some robust science to actually make management decisions from. Hunters back in 2018 were the first ones to say hey we need to get on top of the tahr a bit better, in fact we have been pushing for management for a very long time. To do this we need facts and science, not extermination in disguise. Cam McKay

Jets into Wanaka Airport definitely not "off the table"

With the impacts of Covid-19, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the idea of a big jet airport for Wanaka is off the table. But it's not. Firstly, the lease of Wanaka Airport is for a minimum of 100 years, and is renewable forever. Next, you only have to read the Martin Jenkins report (all 236 pages of it) or listen to Jim Boult in the media to see that those in positions of power in our district regard this as a "blip" of a few years, before we get "back on track". QAC and QLDC are still both planning for long term growth when international tourists return. Wanaka Stakeholders Group has had confirmation from Jim Boult that despite Covid-19, QLDC is not going to reverse the lease. This means that without proper consultation, QLDC has leased our airport to QAC and their shareholders at Auckland Airport, and that a jet runway is still planned for Wanaka. That's why the court case is still going ahead. It has to stop, and we need our airport back. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security. While the left hand is writing press releases about recovery and rebuilding and diversification (all good things), the right hand is pulling the levers of "business as usual". It's time for the Upper Clutha to call time on this madness, and hold our elected representatives to account. Noel Williams

Rampant rabbits on Mt Iron

I have read with interest the recently proposed jobs being created to eliminate stoats, ferrets, rats and tahr to protect our environment. Close to home rabbits are running amuck on our beautiful Mt Iron Reserve. They are killing native alpine plants and preventing native kanuka and coprosma species from regenerating with their voracious eating and tunnelling and thereby changing the topsoil/ subsoil balance. Out of control numbers of rabbits sweep down and invade neighbours properties, causing immense damage to their gardens. Please could the people responsible for pest control address this situation as soon as possible? Concerned ratepayer

Leave tahr to the hunters

Once again we have the DOC wanting to destroy everything we have in this country.This time it's the tahr. If it's not tahr its dropping 1080 all over the place destroying god knows what. Servicing peoples homes weekly I am amazed at the rabbit poo covering peoples lawns.There are more than 35,000 rabbits in Wānaka. If DOC wants to kill something, get off your half acre and do something about it.Leave the tahr alone for the recreational and professional hunters to control. Phill Turner


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Farmers under stress risk the most

We have donated to the Westpac Helicopter ever since.

Pat Deavoll


I was watching Breakfast on TV One this morning while drinking my first cup of coffee, and Hailey Holt interviewed a couple of farmers about unwitting accidents they had had on-farm when they were tired and overworked. It reminded me of an accident my father, 80 years old at the time, had on the family sheep farm back in 1999. This was up at Motunau, North Canterbury. Dad was helping out my brother, who was running the farm. Bill was overworked and extremely stressed over the dismal price of crossbred wool and the state of farming in general. Dad, despite his age, was doing everything he could to keep Bill and the farm afloat. I think he was just as stressed. Dad was feeding out hay. He shouldn't have been doing this at his age. As is a common practice for farmers, he had put the tractor in gear, jumped off and climbed up on the trailer to offload the feed – no mean feat for an 80-year-old. Our farm is right on the coast, and as the tractor was getting close to the seacliff, Dad climbed back off the trailer and went climbing back on the tractor to turn it away from the 200m drop down onto the beach, He had a piece of the hay bailing twine around his leg, and as he climbed up onto the

THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20

PHOTO: Westpac

tractor, this went under the wheel, dragging him with it. He was then run over but the trailer. So run over twice. By the time my brother realised he was missing an hour had passed. Bill found Dad who at that stage, was near death. Not being any cell phone coverage Bill had to leave him lying in the paddock and rush to the homestead to call for help. The Westpac Helicopter arrived within an hour and whisked him off to Christchurch Hospital. As a family, we have donated to the Westpac Helicopter ever since. Dad didn't die; he is a tough old bugger. He was in intensive care for several weeks. I will never forget the fantastic quality of care he got from the nurses in intensive care. Then he went into an orthopaedic ward for a few weeks, and from there to Burwood Hospital for rehabilitation. He got sick of this pretty quickly and discharged himself. The point of all this, I guess, is to point out the consequences farmers risk when they are under stress. They end up pushing themselves physically and mentally far more than they should. They end up not looking after their wellbeing because they feel pressured to keep going. They don't feel they can stop. This kind of stress is more than losing a business due to coronavirus, more than having to lay off staff, more than not knowing where the next dollar is coming from. It can mean losing a life.


Sun Classifieds





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WĀNAKA’S INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ISSUE 983 Free delivery to Wānaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wānaka, Albert Town and Hāwea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wānaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly. Phone: 03 443 5252 • Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Pat Deavoll • 0274 487 741 editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalist: Ollie Blyth • journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Joanna Perry • 021 736 740 newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: 03 443 5252• marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Admin: Benn Ashford • 021 956 740 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Mail: PO Box 697, Wānaka Deadlines: Display Advertising 4pm Friday prior to publication. marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz 03 443 5252 Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wānaka, NZ.



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Cut rags (100% cotton) and drop cloths, only $7 for a big bag. Now in the yard container at Wastebusters. Open 9-5 seven days. Business Networking International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Randal Dobbs for information 021 973 043 The Salvation Army Family store is able to collect your donations, this service is available one day a week please phone the store on 443 5068 to make a booking.

Thanks to everyone who comes to Wastebusters to donate goods, shop and recycle. Your support helps us work for zero waste and a resourceful community.

SERVICES Wanaka Pharmacy is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street open from 8am until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000. The Salvation Army Family Store is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm and most statutory holidays. We look forward to seeing you in our wonderful store.

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Clean, dry, safe storage available now. Ezystor Self Storage, 12 Gordon Road, Wānaka, Ph: 021 242 1630.



Is your Wānaka Sun delivered every Thursday?


If not, email your address to admin@thewanakasun.co.nz or phone us on 03 443 5252 THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Beginning Thursday, July 23rd 4.00pm – 6.00pm for 10 weeks. Introductory package of weekly lessons for $50.00 including materials. Wanaka Bridge Club – 9 Cliff Wilson St. Enrol by emailing clarescurr1506@gmail.com phone 0276437712

The Salvation Army Family Store urgently requires warm clothing, if you can help this would be greatly appreciated. Your donations can be dropped at 48 Helwick Street. THE WĀNAKA SUN

Sun News / Classifieds



Crimeline I Ian Henderson

Senior Constable, NZPD

School holidays and the town is busy, the ski fields are busy, the roads are busy, the sports fields have been busy, and the weather has been a mixture of good and bad. Our working week started late- on Tuesday, July 7 a minor vehicle accident in the town resulted in a driver located at Lake Hawea having almost twice the legal alcohol limit. Damage to the toilet block at the Dinosaur Park was reported by QLDC staff on the morning of July 8. We are searching the CCTV footage to identify the offender. On July 9, police arrested a local male for causing damage to a vehicle the previous week. A local male was also processed for drink-driving in town that evening. Police wish to remind motorists using Ballantyne Road that the 50km/hr zone extends to Riverbank Road; the education phase is about to be replaced by the infringement phase. The speed limit was reduced to limit the number of motor accidents, and this has so far worked. On Friday, police attended an incident on the road up to the Snow Farm where four vehicles came to grief in the icy conditions. Thanks to staff on the mountain all involved got down the hill

without further drama. Tip of the Week- If you loan a vehicle to friends intending to travel up to the snow, show them how to put it into 4WD. Friday night in town was hectic around the bars and the response this week from bar staff and patrons was very good. That night police attended a domestic incident in Albert Town and have followed that up with some advice to ensure a happy outcome. A loud party in Meadowstone was reported to noise control at the QLDC on Friday night- the noise ending at about 2 am. Ring Noise Control (QLDC) in the first instance, and if no joy then call the police and we can pay a visit to the venue. It is unacceptable to keep your neighbours awake. On Saturday evening, two locals were processed for drink-driving, and a male was taken to his own home after he mistakenly walked onto his neighbours’ property due to his inebriation. On Sunday the CBD was swamped by visitors due to the poor weather. Police attended a driving complaint at the Upper Clutha Rugby Club grounds where a 4WD vehicle was ripping up the car park area. A vehicle was impounded, and the driver is facing a loss of licence. A reminder to motorists to keep to 50km/hr on Ballantyne Road, defrost all of your vehicle’s windows before you leave home to go skiing, and drive to the conditions at all times.

SPORTS RESULTS Please send sports results to sports@thewanakasun.co.nz by Tuesday at noon. Results should be unformatted and presented in the body of the email. Wanaka Bowls Wanaka Stadium Bowls - week ending 11 July Monday night Edgewater Trophy 1st T Malcolm J Leith H Malcolm 2nd M Steel R Hurley D Minson 3rd S Hurley K Mitchell G Campbell Tuesday afternoon 2x4x2 Pairs 1st Geo Cameron Y Gale 2nd N Roberts J McGowan 3rd I Fletcher J Barton Tuesday evening Trades 1st Bowl’m’ Over 2nd The Bowling Stones 3rd The Nobowlmen Wednesday Afternoon Triples Town 113 Village 79 Wednesday evening Trades 1st Bad Neighbours 2nd Shot Bowls 3rd Clubbers Thursday afternoon Triples 1st A Moore M Hardy H Malcolm 2nd P Herbert D Hope F Beardsley 3rd P Wilson G Hall N Matheson

Thursday evening Trades 1st Ian & Co 2nd Locals 3rd Herb Friday Afternoon Progressive Skips 1st G Hall 2nd T Tovey 3rd F Beardsley Thirds 1st B Kane 2nd J Feelhy Leads 1st E Skinner 2nd D Wales 3rd=T Hyder J Rich Saturday/ Sunday Club Mixed Triples Winner K Allison B Steel Y Gale Runner Up W Turnbull M Steel Kath Mitchell Mens Tarras Golf Results 11 July 2020 Murray Hyndman Sun, 12 Jul, 19:41 (17 hours ago) to Central, me, Cromwell Results from Stewart Jenkins Memorial Stableford S Johnston 35, K Galloway 34, H Reinecke, D Trevathan 33, D Agnew 32, D Allen, G Rive 29 BIRDIES H Reinecke 3, S Johnston 7 NETT EAGLES B Rowley 13, D Allen 11.

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice for Pindone carrot poisoning for rabbits for following areas: 1. Luggate Park farmland 2. Waterfall Creek property 3. Orchard rd. holdings 4. Ballantyne rd. Effluent pond 5. North Three Parks 6. South Three Parks 7. Ballentyne Ridge 8. 62 Rush Lane, Mount Pisa, Cromwell Due to a high number of rabbits in above areas, an application of carrot pindone is going to placed out ot reduce numbers from; 4 July - 31 July 2020. Please note; Pindone is less hazardous than other poisons. Would require an average sized dog to consume in excess of 20 Entire poisoned rabbit carcasses to cause any secondary poisoning. If poisonng occurs please take to vet for Vitamin K treatment.

For further information please contact Paul Cosgrove 027 430 6082 THE WĀNAKA SUN


N o t i c e b o a rd | P a p a P ā n u i Rabbit Control and Baiting Operation The public is advised that from Monday 27 July 2020, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) in conjunction with adjoining landowners intends to apply carrot baits in a ground operation containing the pesticide Pindone in the following reserves: • Albert Town Recreation Reserve – 8.1 ha • Widgeon Place Recreation Reserve – 18.7 ha This work is being carried out in accordance with the Otago Regional Council’s (ORC) Pest Management Plan Strategy by reducing rabbit numbers within the reserves. Tracks and reserves near the rabbit control operations will be clearly signposted and pamphlets will be made available to campground staff in Albert Town. Precautions This pesticide is poisonous to humans and domestic animals. Always remember: • • • •

DO NOT handle the bait WATCH CHILDREN at all times DO NOT EAT animals from these areas or within 2km of it DO NOT allow DOGS access to animal carcasses

Further Information For maps of the operational area and the status of the operation, please visit www.qldc.govt.nz/services/environment-and-sustainability/pest-control A detailed map and further information is also available at QLDC offices in Wanaka and Queenstown between 8.30am and 5.00pm. These operations are being run by QLDC. For more detailed information, please email services@qldc.govt.nz or call the QLDC Parks Service Delivery Manager on 03 441 0499. Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wānaka Phone 03 443 0024 | www.qldc.govt.nz

Te Kura O Take Kārara Board of Trustees Election Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on Friday, 24 July and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday, 7 August. Signed Leanne Harling Returning Officer

An excellent local opportunity FEE FREE WANAKA PROGRAMMES Offered though Te Wananga o Aotearoa Info sessions happening now

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THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


Sun Sport


WAFC Premiers get back to back wins Wānaka AFC Premiers travelled to Dunedin and were greeted by warm sunny conditions. Toa Roode and Everton Rossi Furby gained their first starts of the season for Wānaka as they looked to earn their first away points of the season. Conditions were challenging as bumpy ground, and low sun had Caversham applying pressure in the early stages. They scored first when Conner Neil beat two defenders wide on the left-wing and swung in a cross-come shot that deceived Hannon in Wānaka’s goal in the eleventh minute. Caversham then created a couple of halfchances in the next 15 mins before Wānaka finally started to settle on the ball and play with some purpose. Paul Hodgson, Adam Hewson and Everton Furby all had shots on goal that were easy picking for Van Dyk in goal for Caversham. Half time, it was 1-0. Just minutes into the second half lively striker Hewson earned a free kick 25 yards out. Weston Bell took it, and his shot deflected off the Caversham wall to Hewson on the edge of the box, and he hit a right-foot ball low into the left-hand corner to give Wānaka a much-needed goal to make it 1-1. Wānaka then dominated territory and possession as it was Cavershams turn to play into the low setting sun. Van Dyk tipped a Roode shot away for a corner in the 65th minute after an exquisite diagonal through ball from Thomas Van Hees. Hewson was looking dangerous and drawing attention from Caversham defenders which gave room to wide players Roode and Hodgson who were having strong games for Wānaka. Wānaka then had a golden opportunity to go ahead in the 77th minute. Van Hees won









possession and drove forward and released Hewson who drew two players to him, then slipped a delightful pass back across the face of goal to the oncoming to Van Hees who miscued his shot wide from six yards- a chance that should have been taken. Wanaka now had the upper hand, and they took the lead in the 85th minute. Furby received a pass and then found Roode

on the left side of Caversham’s penalty box; he drove inside to shoot but instead played a square ball to Hewson who deceived his opposition defender by cutting back on to his right foot and hitting a well timed shot into the bottom left of the Caversham goal - 2-1 to Wānaka. Caversham then had to chase the game, and in the 90th minute, Wānaka counter-attacked from

a defensive corner. A well timed and placed shot from Fletcher Cavanagh could only be parried from the keeper into the path of Toa Roode for Wānaka who calmly finished from five yards out to make the final scoreline 3-1 to Wānaka. Next week Wānaka host Dunedin Tech 2-45 kick off at Wānaka Rec Centre. – By WAFC






Michael Gealogo (8) and Levi Fletcher right close down Cavershams Ben Kiore.


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THURSDAY 16.07.20 - WEDNESDAY 22.07.20


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