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Cromwell College: Accounts Administration and Office Support

We seek a skilled, professional and suitablly qualified person to work as an Accounts Assistant and Office Support in our Administration Team. This is a full time permament position. Application information is available on our school website cromwell.school.nz. Applications close Friday 1 April 2022. Please contact the school office 03 445 1121 or email any questions to pa@cromwell.school.nz.


Noticeboard | Papa P ā nui



Details of the resource consent application and submission forms are available in the offices at Queenstown Lakes District Council, Gorge Road, Queenstown; 74 Shotover Street, Queenstown and 47 Ardmore Street, Wānaka during normal office hours (8.00am to 5.00pm). You can also download these on our website at www.qldc.govt.nz/services/resource-consents/notified-resourceconsents#public-rc or via our edocs website using the RM number as the reference edocs.qldc.govt.nz/Account/ Login.

W & B Graham

What is proposed:

Application under Section 88 of the Resource Management Act 1991 for Subdivision Consent to create two residential allotments that will breach the minimum lot size as follows:

Lot 1: 1,802m2 (1,590m2 net area) vacant Lot 2: 2,200m2 containing the existing dwelling

The location of application:

8 Nokomai Street, Northlake, Wānaka

Address for service for applicant:

C/- Emma Ryder emma.ryder@jea.co.nz John Edmonds & Associates PO Box 95 Queenstown 9348

The planner processing this application on behalf of the Council is Nathan O’Connell, who may be contacted by phone at 021 302 107 or email nathan.o’connell@qldc.govt.nz. Submissions will be received until 26 April 2022 and must be served on the Consent Authority, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348 or email rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz. These must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information:

1. Your name, email address (preferred) postal address and telephone number. 2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission including location and the Resource Consent number. 3. Whether you support or oppose the application. 4. Your submission, with reasons. 5. The decision you wish the consent authority to make. 6. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.

Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:

a) adversely affects the environment; and b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to Queenstown Lakes District Council (details below). The submission should be in the format of Form 13. Copies of this form are available on the website www.qldc.govt.nz/services/resource-consents/application-forms-and-fees#other_forms.

Address for service for consent authority:

Queenstown Lakes District Council Email rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348 Phone 03 441 0499 Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300 Website www.qldc.govt.nz

Dated: 24 March 2022

Signed by




We are looking for a talented writer with energy and passion to make The Sun shine. Is it you?

Does writing community news excite you? Can you build up a contact list and get stories from our schools, service and sports clubs? Can you become the go-to person when newsmakers in our community look for publicity? Can you monitor organisations and see stories where others can’t? Are we looking for someone who will devote a day to a story? No. This role requires a quick-thinking nimble journalist who can get the balance right between quantity and quality. If it’s you, then start writing now - tell us about yourself and why you should be in our newsroom.

If you are looking for a challenging role in a positive, friendly environment, plus the benefits of working in one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, apply today to admin@thewanakasun.co.nz with your CV and cover letter. Applicants must be legally entitled to work in New Zealand.



A unique position in one of New Zealand’s most desirable communities has become available at The Wānaka Sun.

We are looking for a full-time editor who can build on recent changes in our weekly publication and drive up readership on our on-line platform. The successful applicant will be a respected multi-skilled journalist with a reputation for outstanding communication, organisation and leadership – and someone comfortable with a camera and digital media. He or she will constantly update our website and produce a weekly print product filled with breaking news, well subbed supplied content, regular columns and great photography. Our new editor will, ideally, arrive with a sound knowledge of Wānaka. Journalism will be our new editor’s life, not 9-to-5. The successful applicant will see this role as a long-term appointment. Organising content and building contacts will be two of the major strengths of our new editor who will work in the community. Our new editor will be a self-starter, highly motivated and flexible. Mentoring will be available if our new editor requires it.

If you are looking for a challenging role in a positive, friendly environment, plus the benefits of working in one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, apply today to admin@thewanakasun.co.nz with your CV and cover letter. Applicants must be legally entitled to work in New Zealand.



Thanks to everyone who comes to Wastebusters to donate goods, shop and recycle. Your support helps us work for zero waste and a resourceful community.


Wanaka Pharmacy is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open from 8 to 6 Monday to Saturday and 10 to 6 on Sundays. Ph 443 8000.

The Salvation Army

Family Store is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm and most statutory holidays. We look forward to seeing you in our wonderful store.


The Salvation Army Family Store

requires good quality household goods, if you can help this would be appreciated. Your donations can be dropped at 48 Helwick street or phone for a pick up 443 5068.

Single rowing scull

early plastic design preferred, call Stan 0273432311


Cut rags (100% cotton)

and drop cloths, only $7 for a big bag. Now in the yard container at Wastebusters. Open 9-5 seven days.

Business Networking

International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Randal Dobbs for information 021 973 043.

The Salvation Army

Family Store is able to collect your donations, this service is available one day a week please phone the store on 443 5068 to make a booking.


Clean, dry, safe storage available now. Ezystor Self Storage, 12 Gordon Road, Wānaka, Ph: 021 242 1630.


Noticeboard | Papa P ā nui

Consultation on 2022-2023 Annual Plan | Mahere Ā-Tau 2022-2023

Queenstown Lakes District Council has started consultation on the draft 2022-2023 Annual Plan. This details any significant variations from the budget for the 2022-2023 period in the 2021-2031 Ten Year Plan.

We’ll be providing all residents and ratepayers with an update on any proposed changes to major projects, strategic decisions or essential spending on infrastructure and services.

Get informed:

The 2022-2023 Annual Plan consultation document is available now at the following places:

• Online letstalk.qldc.govt.nz

• At Council offices and libraries across the district

• By emailing services@qldc.govt.nz to request a copy

The consultation document will also be distributed through letterbox drops as an insert in ‘Mountain Scene’ and ‘Wānaka Sun’ publications on 31 March 2022, delivered to all PO Boxes district-wide and posted to all non-resident ratepayers.

How to make a submission:

We value your input on any aspect of this draft Annual Plan. Here’s how to share your views:

• Head to our Let’s Talk page to make a submission from 21 March 2022: letstalk.qldc.govt.nz. Please note, you will need to register before being able to give feedback.

• Post to Annual Plan Feedback, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Freepost 191078, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348. Our consultation period for submissions will close at 5.00pm on Monday 25 April 2022. Hearing of submissions will be held in Wānaka at the Lake Wānaka Centre on 25 May and in Queenstown at the Council Chambers on 27 May. Final details for the hearings will be confirmed as soon as possible and may be held online via Zoom.

This notice is in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.

QLDC Meeting Schedule: April 2022

Public Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 that meetings of the Council and its committees will be held as follows, during the month of April 2022.

Planning & Strategy Committee Meeting – via Zoom. Thursday 7 April at 1.00pm. Planning & Strategy Committee Meeting – via Zoom. Tuesday 26 April at 10.00am. Full Council Meeting – via Zoom. Thursday 28 April at 1.00pm. Resource Consent Hearing (Charlies Trust RM2010124) – via Zoom. Friday 29 April at 9.00am. Meeting dates, times and venues are subject to change. At alert level Red of the COVID-19 Protection Framework, all public forum attendance will be conducted via Zoom. Some meetings may have items of business that will be discussed with the public excluded, as set out by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Mike Theelen


Feedback on QLDC’s Landscape Schedules

What do our district’s distinctive landscapes mean to you? What do you value about our lakes, rivers, alpine, high country, and rural character areas? Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is collecting feedback to help us identify the values of our landscapes, to assist with drafting landscape schedules for areas in the Queenstown Lakes subject to development pressure.

A landscape schedule sets out the values of an area; the elements of a landscape that people care about most. The schedule can then be used to determine what development can be accommodated in that area, without compromising what people consider most important about the location. In our outstanding natural landscapes, the values identified in the schedules are required to be protected, so it’s important that all the values that need protecting are identified.

What are we doing?

Council is drafting one schedule of landscape values for each of the 29 identified landscape areas, with the schedules to be included in the District Plan and used to assess applications for resource consent for development on properties within the identified areas. In addition, Council will look at the entire Upper Clutha rural character landscape. You can see these areas at letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/landscapeschedules. Because the schedules will clearly identify a landscape’s values, it will be easier for Council to understand how a proposal for development might affect those values, and how any impacts should be managed.

There will be no changes to the rules that govern development. This process is intended to make assessments more efficient, and the protection and maintence of landscape values and character easier to achieve.

What are landscape values?

The values of our landscapes can include how the landscape looks, the quality and quantity of its vegetation and wildlife, what your experience of being in the landscape is, the impact the landscape has on your sense of wellbeing, its historic or cultural significance, what it tells us about how it was created, and the recreational benefits we get from it.

How do you provide feedback?

You can provide feedback by filling out a short survey at letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/landscape-schedules. Feedback is due by 5.00pm on Sunday 3 April 2022.

What’s next?

Feedback will be considered as the landscape schedules are drafted. When the schedules are completed, they will be notified for inclusion in the District Plan, and there will be opportunity for everyone to be part of the process by making submissions or further submissions on the plan change. The notification is required by 30 June 2022.

Amendment to QLDC Meeting Schedule: March 2022

The Hearing of Submissions on the Queenstown Kayak Club Structure in Jubilee Park, previously advertised as taking place on Tuesday 29 March via Zoom at 10.00am has been cancelled and will take place on a different date to be advised.

Alcohol Licensing Applications

Current alcohol licensing applications can be found at www.qldc.govt.nz/services/alcohollicensing.

Applicant / Licensee

Fat Badgers Limited

Mountain Club Limited

Sal's Pizza Beach St Limited

Few Beers Limited

Canyon Brewery Group Limited

Nugget Point Operations Limited

The Great Glenorchy Alpine Bse Camp Limited

Trading Name & Address Nature of Business Application Type Last Date for Public Objection

Fat Badgers 33 Camp Street, Queenstown Mountain Club

Level 2, 81-85 Beach Street, Queenstown Tavern New Off 4/04/2022

CoWorking Space "other" Renewal On 1/04/2022

Sal's Pizza (Beach Street) 9 Beach Street, Queenstown Restaurant New On 31/03/2022

The Hayes 1 Onslow Road Lake Hayes Estate

Canyon Brewing 1 Arthurs Point Road, Arthurs Point, Queenstown Nugget Point Hotel 146 Arthurs Point Road, Arthurs Point

The Great Glenorchy Alpine Base Camp 49 Oban Street & 38 Coll Street, Glenorchy Tavern New On and Off 30/03/2022

Restaurant & Brewery Renewal & Variation On, Renewal Off 29/03/2022

Hotel New On 29/03/2022

Hotel New On 29/03/2022

If you have a query about an application, a public notice, or the notification process, you can find more information here: www.qldc.govt.nz/services/alcohol-licensing. Or, alternatively, please call 03 441 0499 or email services@qldc.govt.nz.

This notice is dated: 17 March 2022

Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wānaka Phone 03 443 0024 | www.qldc.govt.nz

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