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The most important thing right now is that we embrace facts and not fear, that we practice kindness and look out for the more vulnerable in our communities. We will get through this, together.
PHOTO: Cardrona Alpine Resorts
Ski industry: hopeful but realistic Joanna Perry
n a statement released last Sunday regarding the upcoming winter season at Cardrona Alpine Resorts, General Manager Bridget Legnavsky said that newly-established national alert level three would be “an interesting place for us to work in,” and alert level four would mean closure of the ski fields this winter. She added that the resorts would need to be “incredibly flexible and adaptable as we move between these levels,” and would be working on how to turn the tap “on and off ” in terms of level of operation. She set out a number of different scenarios in accordance with the government’s
alert level system, under which Cardona and Treble Cone would be restricted to domestic, local or outdoor-only markets. With the most recent announcement from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Monday, the fate of the ski fields come winter remains unclear. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Snow Farm also acknowledged that “we can't predict what the situation will be on June 19th when we intend to open for the 2020 winter,” adding that “we have more questions than answers about what the next few weeks and months hold for us all.” “Snow Farm NZ is committed to doing everything in our power to operate this winter, and for that operation to be as normal as
possible,” they said. Both resorts have put contingency plans in place. Acknowledging the need to be both hopeful and realistic, Legnavsky pointed to the Cardona website which details updates to pass terms and conditions to include the potential impacts of COVID-19 on Winter 2020 at Cardrona and Treble Cone. “If you can’t come skiing this winter because of COVID-19 we will offer you a credit to use your pass in winter 2021 or a refund. If the season is shortened or there are limited facilities then credit or partial refunds are also available,” their website reads. Legnavsky has also suggested that the resort could open later, in August or even September, “so at least we can get our people back on snow.”
Snow Farm NZ is not currently offering refunds, but will transfer passes to winter 2012 in the event that Covid-19 stops pass holders from using the resort. Both resorts impressed the importance of standing together in the face of this crisis, particularly regarding those who may find themselves out of work. “I want us as a community to think about this really hard and what we can do to help these people right now. We have to do this together,” said Legnavsky. Snow Farm NZ stated that “The most important thing right now is that we embrace facts and not fear, that we practice kindness and look out for the more vulnerable in our communities. We will get through this, together.”
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Sun News
Parents, you don’t have to be perfect during lockdown Ollie Blyth
Take a breath, says Mayor Boult
If being a parent is not already tricky enough, selfisolation for many means temporarily becoming a school teacher every day on top of work and day-to-day home life. What some families have already realised is that school at home doesn’t have to be all about algebra and plural/possessive apostrophe use. In this strange global climate, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the latest news updates. For children, that feeling can be exacerbated tenfold. Despite the fact that this virus is a devastating world event, there is a sense of unity that can be found in the fact that, yes, “we’re all in this together - all 7.5 billion of us.” So while we spend the next four or more weeks close to our whānau, it’ll certainly pay to magic up some creative time-passers like baking, puzzles, painting, or knitting. Neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis said that it’s important not to put too much pressure on oneself in this kind of situation. "Don't aim for perfection. Remember that the research says kids get good outcomes if they have 'good enough' parents. ”So that takes the pressure off you. You don't have to be a good parent, you just have to be good enough.” Wallis added that screen time should be limited. "A whole amount of online correlates to anxiety and depression and we don't want this crisis to be that kids spend all day staring at computer
Looks like we will be enjoying the Central Otago autumn through our windows this year. But never mind, it will be back in full force next year.
Pat Deavoll PHOTO: Pixabay
Stressed about becoming a teacher and a parent? The advice is: “you don’t have to be perfect”.
screens…” Getting bored and making a hut is every bit as important as doing maths homework on the computer." Self-isolation doesn’t have to mean being stuck indoors, either. As long as you only head out with people you are isolating with, it’ll certainly help to burn off the cabin fever to get a breath of fresh air. And with fingers crossed, we’ll all reemerge from isolation with a well bonded whānau.
The Council Word Information and advice on COVID-19 For all the latest information and advice about COVID-19, please head to the National Response website at
Concerned about someone not self-isolating? Everyone must follow instructions from a Medical Officer of Health relating to COVID-19, or risk being detained or deported. If you have any concerns about an individual who isn’t selfisolating when they should be, please contact Immigration New Zealand on 0508 225 288.
Your emotional and mental health is important In a time like this, your emotional and mental health is critical. If you feel stressed or anxious, this is a normal reaction and it will pass. Reach out to your family and whānau, friends and workmates, and share how you feel. If you’re not coping, help and professional support is available. Those self-isolating should call Healthline first on 0800 611 116. Otherwise, your GP is a good starting point. Or, call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. PAGE 2
Can you help? If you’re a Service Provider and willing to help those self-isolating from COVID-19, please head to https://www.qldc.govt. nz/covid-19#service-providers-help and fill out your contact details. This can be anything from food and deliveries, to accommodation options and transport alternatives. Any offers will make an enormous difference to those affected by COVID-19.
Check on elderly neighbours In a time like this it’s important we look after our more vulnerable members of the community. If you are well and have elderly neighbours, take the time to check in on their wellbeing. Make sure they’re okay and have the food, supplies and support they need to stay well. You will make a huge difference to their day and your neighbourhood resilience.
E-Library services Did you know all library members can access a full range of online services 24/7 including renewals and holds, eBooks and audiobooks, global newspapers and magazines, streaming free independent movies and docos plus other digital resources? For more details drop by your local library or head to their website at
Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Jim Boult has called on the community to “take a breath,”understand the latest announcement and calmly prepare for the four-week lockdown period. “This is a time where humanity and kindness need to come to the fore. The hardest thing of all will be our ability to adapt, but we can and we will,” Boult said. “There are implications for everyone; break down the implications, write a list of your challenges and then work through the solutions with whānau, friends and support services. “All the answers we need to understand in this unprecedented time may not be immediately at hand, and that is ok. Take seriously the need to network now with neighbours, particularly the vulnerable.” Boult included stranded visitors in that consideration. “Yes, some visitors may need to be locked down in your premises for four weeks. You will need to work through the implications of that with guests. Hopefully, some have planned for that outcome. If not, start your plan now.” Last week Boult had spoken of how difficult the lead up to the lockdown had been. “I am very used to frequently describing the Queenstown Lakes District as a thriving economy, boasting near zero unemployment, but suddenly, this is no longer the case. And, typically, management of my weekly diary requires the balancing of travel, with various meetings across the country and a series of events here in Wānaka and Queenstown. It’s been very different [last] week. My time was spent working with the central government, our civil defence team, the SDHB, a fledgeling recovery team and council staff in full emergency management mode all the while fielding messages from so many residents and businesses offering assistance. Clearly, the one thing that hasn’t changed is the spirit of our community.” The bleak reality of missing out on the culture of the Festival of Colour, the excitement of Warbirds over Wānaka, LUMA or the unique village celebration that is the Arrowtown Autumn Festival, was depressing, he said. “To think of these events, alongside the other enormously successful achievements and world-firsts of entrepreneurs and our creative community groups, brings me great comfort in this unsettling and uncertain time. Further, when I look at the leadership in place across the district (and I’m talking across the board – in our schools, business community, community associations, arts, environmental and sporting groups, as well as local government), I have great confidence that we have the collective skills, energy and ingenuity to get through this upheaval.”
THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
In this district, a young musterer bought into a small trucking business, which evolved into a ski field and tourism empire and resulted in a knighthood and his induction into the New Mayor Jim Boult calls for Zealand Business Hall calm amidst the storm. of Fame. A couple of young travellers took an ancient tradition from Vanuatu and turned it into a global adventure tourism business with its home right here in the district. Over three million people worldwide have now bungy-jumped with AJ Hackett. Our youth are often on the world’s academic, environmental and sporting stages. We have people with a passion for the environment that have built incredible networks planting hundreds of thousands of natives and trapping predators to bring thriving bird song amongst our stunning scenery, he said. “Here at council, you can have faith that we have the skills, relationships and experience to support our communities in this difficult time. More examples. Our council chief executive Mike Theelen, labelled by one of the council’s most vocal detractors as “just the sort of man you'd want in charge of our multiple community crises and challenges”, was Christchurch City Council’s manager of strategy and planning during the Christchurch earthquakes and more importantly, the recovery.” “From this community will come stories of the generosity and resilience humanity is very capable of. In years to come, we will recall just how we looked out for our neighbours, how landlords and tenants, bankers and debtors, and those from both the Upper Clutha and Wakatipu all worked together to get through this pandemic and emerged in better shape than before.” Times now are tough. But there will be light on the other side, Boult said. “Let’s seize the opportunity to be at our very best, and show the attributes that have made us a beacon for business and community spirit around the world.” Council’s emergency operations centre will continue to function through the lockdown as will council services, many of which will occur remotely. Other essential and core infrastructure services such as waste and recycling collections will continue as usual with the appropriate safety precautions in place for QLDC staff. “Much will need to change and adapt in the interim, but we will keep you informed at every step. Finally, as the Prime Minister has said, essential services, food, petrol and pharmaceutical supplies will all still be available, and there is no shortage in supply,” Boult said.
Sun News
Local medical centres work together to prevent coronavirus spread
Otago Regional Council: These are the times we have planned for Pat Deavoll
PHOTO: Wanaka Sun
Our two medical centres are working together to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the community.
Pat Deavoll
Aspiring Medical and Wānaka Medical are working closely together on a joint local initiative with the Southern District Health Board and Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the local community. “As an interim step, we have set up a combined, dedicated team and facility to respond to any suspected coronavirus cases. This will function outside our normal practice operations until the Ministry of Health has established communitybased assessment centres (CBAC),” said Aspiring Medical general manager, Caroline Stark. “It is vital for the health of our community that we work together, share resources and utilise our mutual clinical expertise and experience to prioritise testing and management of patients as per Ministry of Health guidelines.” “All patients are being screened via phone and online portal bookings and again when they arrive for their appointments. At this stage, we have facilities for assessment and testing to help reduce possible exposure to patients in the medical centres. If a patient from either practice meets the criteria for assessment and swabbing, they are asked to remain in or return to their cars, and they will then be seen in the designated area, external to the medical centres” said Stark. Both practices are offering, where appropriate, alternatives to face-to-face consultations such as phone and virtual consults and taking steps to ensure patients can access their usual medical care - without unnecessary exposure to potential coronavirus cases. Both practices are also urging the community to do their bit. “We are asking patients not to come to the practices without an appointment, and this now applies to our urgent weekend clinics that have normally operated as walk-in clinics,” said Wānaka Medical general manager, Michael James.
“If patients have a sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or fevers and have travelled overseas in the last 14 days or been exposed to a known or suspected case, then we’re asking them to stay at home and use their phone”. “This will not only reduce exposure to other patients but will also ensure that our practices can remain open by decreasing the risk of our staff having to be quarantined at a time when the community needs them most.” Hand washing and practising social distancing are also essential ways in which the community can assist in helping to prevent the spread, alongside adhering to Ministry of Health guidelines around self-isolation if required to do so. A strong focus for both Aspiring Medical and Wānaka Medical is also reducing the possibility of concurrent outbreaks of coronavirus and influenza. A limited number of influenza vaccines is expected to arrive in the next week, and as per Ministry of Health directives, vaccinations will be prioritised with eligible vulnerable/high-risk patients such as those with chronic conditions, receiving their injections first. All other patients will be able to get their vaccinations from mid-April. “Together, we will be monitoring the situation daily and should there be multiple confirmed cases in the area, then we have an escalating joint pandemic plan which will be implemented as needed,” said Stark. “We appreciate the ongoing support and understanding of our patients and community to date and ask for their ongoing patience in this unique situation.” Patients can stay up to date on developments by checking the Aspiring Medical and Wānaka Medical websites and Facebook pages. The dedicated COVID-19 Healthline number for patients to call is 0800 358 5453. Aspiring Medical and Wānaka Medical will provide updates regularly to ensure the community stays informed.
The Otago Regional Council is well equipped to continue much of its work over the lockdown period while staff are at home, said ORC chair Marian Hobbs. “During this time, ORC will continue to operate the following essential services to protect human health and the environment and facilitate the movement of essential service staff via public transport.” Essential services are: • Natural hazard event monitoring, response and recovery (this includes our 24/7 flood monitoring programme) • Operation and maintenance of flood protection and land drainage infrastructure • Public transport (according to guidance from Central Government) • Pollution response • Monitoring its state of the environment network • Notification of any water quality issues that may affect human health. “We are well placed to continue to provide essential services for the transport of essential service staff and to protect our human health and the environment. These are the times we have planned for, and our staff are working from home to maintain our current work programme. Keep watching our website and social media for updates and new information,” Hobbs said.
Marion Hobbs, Otago Regional Council Chair.
ORC in-person customer service points in Dunedin and Queenstown are now closed; however, it will continue to field customer enquiries via phone, social media and email (see contacts below). It is working on solutions to continue having council meetings and expects to recommence these in a new format in the coming weeks. Staff will still be available by phone and email via customer services during normal business hours – (03) 440 0056 and It will be providing more information and updates via its website, Facebook page and via local media over the coming days.
Wānaka local diagnosed with coronavirus Pat Deavoll
A Wānaka man in his 20s is among those announced in the past week as having been diagnosed with coronavirus according to the Southern District Health Board (SDHB). This brings the total of confirmed cases in the southern district to 15 - 14 confirmed and one probable as of Wednesday morning. The Wānaka man returned to New Zealand after travelling overseas, including to Europe. He has been in self-isolation since his arrival into Queenstown on March 18. He has mild symptoms
and is at home. Contact tracing has commenced. Six people who had attended the Hereford Conference (March 9-13 in Queenstown) have now tested positive. Conference attendees have been notified and asked to self-isolate. In addition to conference attendees, there were a number of people who helped organise the conference who cannot be contacted, as the conference organiser has gone into insolvency. Those who worked at the conference are considered to be casual contacts and have not been asked to self-isolate but should monitor their health and immediately self-isolate and call Healthline if they develop symptoms.
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THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
Sun News
DOC facilities close
NEWS IN BRIEF Resources for businesses Several resources displaying helpful tips are available for local businesses, community groups and others who wish to display this information on their premises, or to share online with others. Download any resources you want at or via the website at www.
self isolate Rubbish news from the QLDC QLDC said kerbside collection of wheelie bins will continue as normal with all general waste (red bin) and recycling (yellow bin) temporarily going to landfill as our materials recovery facility will also have to close. Where possible QLDC will store glass (blue bin) for recycling later but this may also need to go to landfill. Please space wheelie bins at least 50cm apart and make them as accessible to the trucks as possible. Your help in minimising the need for the drivers to handle bins (and therefore lessen the chance of them being exposed to the virus) is much appreciated.
Community Networks needs soap Please consider purchasing some extra bars of soap and cleaning/disinfecting products for Community Networks. These will be sent out to households in need over the coming weeks and months. There are two ways you can go about this: 1) At both supermarkets there are boxes at the front of the store where you can drop those items. Congestion on SH 84 should ease after 2) You can hand-deliver them to lockdown the Wānaka Community Hub, 34 Traffic congestion on State Highway 84 McDougall near the Three Parks development in Wānaka Freedom Campers should start to ease after the lockdown as the If they are New Zealanders and are able to Sir Tim Wallis roundabout enters its final get home then the first message is that they stages of construction. should do so. Traffic coming into Wānaka from the If they are international then they can east has been disrupted since Christmas still use international travel to get home but should not go to the airport unless they have due to the roadworks but when finished a ticket. If they do not have a ticket contact the $3.5million to $4million roundabout a travel agent or airline directly. If they are will connect SH84 with Sir Tim Wallis unable to secure a ticket they should contact Drive. Dippie said the landscaping was under way their country embassy. QLDC has a list of accommodation for both projects, and 7000 native plants had providers that are accepting those needing to been allocated for the roundabout alone.
PHOTO: Supplied
All DOC huts and campsites will be closed until further notice.
Joanna Perry
The Department of Conservation (DOC) on Monday moved to close all huts and campsites, and asked that no one use these until further notice. “People should no longer stay at DOC huts and campsites as these are not suitable for use during alert levels three and four. They should also avoid using facilities such as toilets as it will not be possible to service these facilities and hygiene will be compromised,” said DOC director-general Lou Sanson. “For everyone’s safety, at alert level four, people should not head into the backcountry or remote areas, nor should they undertake outdoor activities (such as adventure sports or hunting) that would expose them to higher levels of risk. Normal search and rescue operations will not be running, hut wardens will not be in place, communications may be limited and we do not want to place unnecessary strain on health services.” The Game Animal Council have also put out advice to hunters to “do the right thing and stay
at home”, acknowledging that this comes during the roar. Sanson advises this does not mean you are confined indoors. “Time spent in nature feeds the soul, keeps us fit and calms the mind. We must all look after ourselves and loved ones during this time.” “It is okay and recommended you head outdoors in your family or self-isolating units. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, choose a quiet location close to home, keep a safe distance from others and follow all government guidance. “While rangers won’t be placing signs at, or checking every hut and campsite, we expect the public to do the right thing for their safety and the safety of others. The majority of DOC rangers will be self-isolating like the rest of us and need to focus on their wellbeing and the wellbeing of those close to them,” said Sanson. “However, DOC will be monitoring the situation over the coming days and weeks and may respond in specific situations, should safety issues arise in conservation areas.” Visit DOC’s website for information including track updates, closures and safety advice:
love your hearing
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Phone and video consultations will still be available during Alert Level 4. Call us to learn more.
Call us to learn more
Call (03) 443 0744 Within in the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka PAGE 4
THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
Proudly 100% Kiwi owned and operated
Sun News
How to protect your mental health this lockdown season
PHOTO: Joanna Perry
Amongst all the fake news, scaremongering and panic buying, it’s more important than ever that we look after each other and ourselves.
Joanna Perry
If you, like many of us, are finding yourself overwhelmed and underslept by the fear, anxiety and sheer overload of information about coronavirus and the upcoming lockdown, take a breath. What you are feeling is a normal reaction, and it will pass. Amongst all the fake news, scaremongering and panic buying, it’s more important than ever that we look after each other and ourselves. Here are some recommended ways to keep yourself feeling healthy in the weeks to come. Limit the news and be careful what you read It’s easy to get swept down a rabbit hole when endless amounts of information, correct or otherwise, is readily available on our devices 24 hours a day. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try to limit the amount of time you spend reading or watching things which aren't making you feel better. You could set a specific time to check in with the news each day, but ensure you have some breaks too. There’s also a lot of misinformation out there. Stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and World Health Organization websites. The NZ government has set up an official coronavirus page with helpful advice and information at www. Take breaks from social media - and use it to be kind Social media is going to be very important in helping us stay connected in the coming weeks, but it can also be a source of information overload and provides a platform for negative messages. Be careful about which accounts you tune into, and avoid clicking on coronavirus hashtags if you’re feeling anxious. Try to have time away from social media; watching TV, reading books or connecting with loved ones instead. Alongside FaceTime, WhatsApp and Skype, there are a host of new apps available that enable you to video chat and
play games with friends all over the world. If you, like me, are separated from your family and friends at this time, that’s an invaluable resource and the app House Party is your new best friend. Focus on using social media for the good it offers - like joining the Wānaka Caremongering Facebook page, a virtual community which allows people to help each other. Work on a routine While the occasional Sunday wearing pyjamas all day and eating cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner can seem like a real treat, after a few days you might start to lose track of what day it is, and if you brushed your teeth this morning or if that was yesterday. The government recommends sticking to a routine such as having regular mealtimes, bedtimes and exercising. Staying active is incredibly important. Get some sunlight with a (socially-distant) walk, run or cycle. Alternatively, there’s a tonne of free home workouts becoming available online from all over the world, from yoga through to high intensity interval training. Make the most of this rare opportunity to do all those things you never have time to do - clean the house, cook a healthy meal, fix that broken table, learn something new. If you’re self-isolating with other people, perhaps you could teach each other a new skill or language. Reach out “Reach out to your usual supports – family and whānau, friends and workmates. Sharing how we feel and offering support to others is important,” reads the government’s website. The government also advises us to check-in on any elderly or vulnerable people and look after anyone that needs help. These kinds of connections and offers of help will go a long way to getting ourselves and others through COVID-19. Lastly, if you feel you are not coping, it is important to talk with a health professional. For support with grief, anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 – free, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – to talk with a trained counsellor.
PHOTO: Supplied
Flight information is available on Queenstown Airport’s website and schedule changes are updated daily.
Queenstown Airport moves to COVID-19 Alert Level 4 operations STAFF REPORTER
Queenstown and Wānaka airports are operating at Alert Level 3 and will move to Alert Level 4 from 11:59pm on Wednesday March 25 . Queenstown Airport Corporation (QAC) chief executive Colin Keel said the immediate focus is on essential travel - getting travellers to where they need to be over the next few days and completing the transition to Alert Level 4 operations by the government deadline. “The airlines at Queenstown Airport are providing essential travel so that Kiwis can get home, and overseas travellers can meet onward connections. “Once this is completed, we will effectively be moving to utility lifeline status and operations will be restricted to transporting people for essential services, freight services and biosecurity checks,” he said. “Access to the terminal building will also be restricted. All non-essential operational staff have been working from home and will continue
Local businesses are hurting.
Are you practising social distancing?
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Buy a local restaurant or cafe or retail voucher for a friend or special anniversary present, purchase Wanaka activity or accommodation vouchers online for a Christmas or birthday present. See for activity and accommodation options or just email your favourite local business. THE WĀNAKA SUN
to do so.” With Alert Level 3 in effect (Wednesday), all airport terminal operators (retailers, cafes and rental car providers) are making arrangements to close their stores down before the government deadline. From Thursday onwards, limited food and beverage options will be available to travellers and staff via vending machines and free water stations. At Wānaka Airport, non-essential services such as the Warbirds and Wheels Café and the museums are also in the process of closing by Thursday. Keel said that QAC is working closely with airlines and agencies to gather and share the latest information regarding flights as well as liaising with the Ministry of Health and the district’s emergency response team on community response plans. “The situation is moving quickly so our advice to travellers is to check with their airline directly for the latest flight updates,” he said. Flight information is also available on Queenstown Airport’s website and schedule changes are updated daily.
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THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
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Sun Farming
High country farmers hunker down
A monthly column by Kim Reilly, Regional Policy Manager, Federated Farmers South Island.
A strange and unsettling time PHOTOs: supplied
The Mt Aspiring Station calf sale: For many high country farmers, the next chunk of income will come with calf sales at weaning time.
Pat Deavoll
Federated Farmers Central Otago high country representative, Kate Scott said “in common with most people in our communities” high country farmers are in a “wait and see what comes next” pattern. “But those with tourism operations on their properties, the effects will have been immediate and stark.” She said she had some tourism activities happening on her farm but didn’t run them herself. Instead, she provided a venue for others “to do their thing.” “Those guys have been affected by cancellations and a drastic drop in the numbers of customers,” she said. “Probably the thin silver lining is that the timing could have been worse – if this had happened at the beginning of the season in November or December things would have been grim indeed for tourism operators in rural areas. But in March things are usually starting to quieten down for lots of outdoor-based activities. But there is no doubt farmers will be feeling the pinch.” Richard Burdon of Glen Dene Station, Lake Hawea runs a safari hunting operation on his farm With the international borders shut our hunting operation is finished for the season and everything is cancelled until the end of June, he said. “But most clients seem positive in that yes, coronavirus is a terrible thing but it's not forever.” The wet start to the summer caused a slow beginning to the high country farming season, Scott said. But farmers managed to get some summer in the end, so there was enough time for them to get some cash in the bank. The wool price, in common with most commodities, has dived because of the uncertainty across all markets. A lot of merino wool ends up in China or northern Italy, so there will likely be some flow-on effects this coming season, Scott said. The timing is such that not many people in Central Otago will be trying to sell significant
volumes of wool at this time of year and won't be shearing until late winter or spring, so there are some months to go, she said. Burdon said all luxury products like merino take longer to recover, “but it is such a good product that I don’t see it being forever.” The merino industry has been very innovative over the last few years, he said. “There are some smart people out there making all things merino – I know they are using wool in making masks and making them flat-stick, so there are all sorts of opportunities out there.” “For many high country farmers, the next chunk of income will come with calf sales at weaning time and with our whole world so uncertain the beef trade could change very rapidly. Whatever it looks like now may not be what it turns out to be tomorrow,” Scott said. Burdon said he spoke to the meat companies at the Wanaka Show and Alliance was positive that China was starting to trade back in through the ports. “People need food, and I think farmers are going to play a significant role in the recovery from the pandemic. “We’ve got to look after the farmers because they will provide the necessary products. And New Zealand is in a functional space because of its isolation.” “At least we are good at social distancing and isolation in the high country,” Scott said. “Most local farming families have functional networks of support and strong links to their neighbours. In essence, I'd be more worried about people who are newer to the Central Otago high country and haven't formed those networks and webs of connection yet and are feeling cut off from what feels safe and familiar to them. “Primary producers are used to being at the mercy of things beyond their control, like weather or global markets. So maybe we have a slight edge when it comes to hunkering down in adverse conditions. We never get to assume that the good times will keep on rolling and we're always waiting for murphy to stick a spanner in the works.”
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Richard Burdon of Glen Dene Station: There are some smart people out there making all things merino.
The situation around coronavirus has been rapidly escalating both within New Zealand and across the world. As we move to the country’s highest alert level, it feels like the fight against the virus is front and centre of everything we do, see and hear. We all have a part to play, whether rural and urban. Essential farm activities need to continue, but they will look a bit different this year, whether it be the autumn muster, daily milking, shearing, harvesting or other. It’s more important than ever for agriculture and horticulture to carry on doing what it does best. That’s putting high-quality food on people’s tables, earning export revenue, providing the country with stability, and lighting the path for our friends in tourism, forestry and other industries to follow once the world is back on an even keel. We know that the impacts of the virus will be felt across New Zealand, and our economy will take a hit. Farmers have been pressure over the past 12 months, with regulations and red tape proposed on virtually everything they do.
This has been compounded in many areas by volatile weather events. Coronavirus will add to the pressures, and Federated Farmers will continue to work with the government and others to highlight these concerns. These include our frustrations last week that the Otago Regional Council was fast-tracking a re-do of its Regional Policy Statement. We were appalled to see that involved public meetings in rural towns, at a time physical distancing was actively encouraged. This put farmers and their staff at risk. Members of the public can take heart that good environmental actions and improvements on-farm will continue and that we are still aware that environmental impacts need to be reduced. A lot of this is just further embedding good management practices, and building on the work already underway. Rules in council plans and national regulations still apply, so it won’t suddenly turn into the wild west. We are all living through a critical point in history, so let’s listen to what’s being asked of us, and take back control of New Zealand’s future.
Itinerant farm workers have nowhere to go Pat Deavoll
A looming welfare crisis in the Queenstown Lakes District (QLD) is being given urgent consideration, QLD Mayor Jim Boult confirmed today. There are a significant number of migrant visa workers across the district who are losing their jobs but may not be eligible for the government’s bail-out package. Boult was aware of at least two employers who were collectively ‘letting go’ 300 workers in this category over the week in Queenstown alone. With the immediate lockdown there are likely to be many more. “Employers have confirmed to me that the approach being taken is that, where possible, Kiwi workers are retained while immigrants are laid off first. While this is a tough decision, it is the correct one, but the number of migrant workers in our district is in the thousands,” Boult said. Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is working through a range of potential solutions and will approach the central government for assistance. This could include support for some who have the potential to stay, and travel assistance for those who need to return to their homes. “A modest allowance to tide these people over will be a possible solution for some, while others will need our community to wrap around them. I am calling on our business community and landlords to exercise some humanity,” Boult said. “I am determined not to see homeless and hungry people in our district.” Some employers could consider offering a meal option or a form of moderate assistance towards living costs and groceries. The government’s newly announced business support package may mean employers can review their ability to hold more workers. Landlords are showing some compassion and,
THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
PHOTO: Supplied
Itinerant workers make up a large part of the Central Otago grape picking workforce. Where do they go during lockdown?
where possible, are enabling people to stay in their accommodation at this very challenging time. Some roles are still available in horticulture and viticulture, and employees should be working to support employees into alternate roles wherever possible. When the community comes through the current crisis, it will once again need to rely on itinerant workers, so being able to retain at least some of these workers within the community is important. The council has been working with central government to explore offering some leniency towards work visa rules to enable visa holders to transfer into other roles. This would allow them to stay in the country and help carry out muchneeded work in other sectors. “I am aware of landlords who have, for example, negotiated that unemployed tenants work on the property or grounds instead of rent. It is a tough time for landlords with mortgages to meet but banks are offering mortgage holidays that can be passed on to tenants,” Boult said. Others in the community may be willing to offer temporary shelter. “A multitude of options need to be on the table right now,” Boult added. In order to understand the medium to long-term needs of the community, the council is seeking to hear from those who have found themselves in a vulnerable position. This will be done via an online form, enabling the council to pass on contact details to appropriate government departments and also understand the extent of the challenge.
Sun News
Want green thumbs? Time for brussel sprouts Ollie Blyth
If you’re finding yourself with spare time in the days to come, it's time to find a new hobby. But with clubs and events cancelled the options are limited. Despite the reassurance that food will last, it could be satisfying to skip the supermarket panic-buyer queues and pick fresh produce from your own garden. Even though we are coming into winter, there are a number of fun winter veggies that can be planted, namely brassicas. The options are expansive: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, winter lettuce, spinach, carrots, leeks, silverbeet, winter lettuce, winter herbs, and yes, the infamous brussel sprouts are among the vegetables recommended for planting in March in New Zealand. If you have a spare patch of soil that could be converted to a garden, it is recommended that at this time of year it is kept well watered and fertilised to optimise production. Another option is to germinate seedlings inside before planting outside for a more controlled process. In fact, seeds don’t even need soil to germinate, just water, oxygen, and warmth (thanks high school biology). It can be a lot of
A sad day for Go Jets, Wanaka as owner calls it quits.
Go Jets pull the plug on Clutha jet boat operation Pat Deavoll
At lunchtime on Monday, after hearing the Prime Minister's announcement that the country would PHOTO: Pixabay go into lockdown, Patrick Perkins decided to Skip the panicked supermarket frenzy and munch close down his four-year-old tourist-focused jet down on some brassicas this winter. boat business, Go Jets. Perkins, who owns two tourist jet boats in fun to watch little seedlings emerge out of seeds Wanaka and has spent most of his life working on and transplanting them into pots or the garden the Clutha River, said the business had dwindled once they’re stronger. It’s also that time of year for daffodil bulbs to be planted in time for Daffodil Day on August 28. They can be planted anytime from now until the end of May, which allows them time to develop roots and settle into the soil. They require full sun Joanna Perry and well drained soil.
PURE NZ’s boysenberry ice cream has won gold at the 2020 Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards.
PURE NZ ice Cream, located off Anderson Road, has won a gold medal for their boysenberry ice cream in the 2020 Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards. Each year a team of specialist judges assess around 200 products for the awards, rewarding the best products with an Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards gold, silver or bronze medal giving Kiwi food lovers confidence they have found a delicious, locally made product. Gold medal winning products, like PURE NZ Ice Cream, are eligible to win champion and special awards. New Zealand is the second highest consumer
away to nothing since the coronavirus had taken hold of the rest of the world. Perkins said he decided to pull the plug at that point and not take any risks. "We wanted to be seen as doing the right thing," he said. "I was aware that some tourists were not self-isolating." The closure meant some already booked trips on the jet boats would are cancelled. Usually, Perkins' only quiet month is May. "We might be able to ride it out, but the scary thing is how long it's going to go on for."
Big year for local winemaker Jen Parr
Local ice-creamery wins gold
Ollie Blyth
PHOTO: Go Jets
Wānaka local and New Zealand Winemaker of the Year Jen Parr received the New Zealand Winegrower Trophy for champion pinot noir on behalf of Central Otago winery Valli Vineyards where she is head winemaker. She received the award at the Royal Easter Show Wine Awards in Auckland on March 7. The winning wine was the Valli Bendigo Vineyard Pinot Noir 2018. The judge’s selection is awarded to the top wine in each category. Parr accepted the trophy alongside assistant winemakers Karl Coombes and Craig Carter, viticulturists at the Zebra Vineyards which provided the fruit for the winning wine, Parr paid tribute to the provenance of the grapes and the work of the whole team - particularly in the winery. It’s been a big year for Parr since being named New Zealand Winemaker of the Year by the Australian magazine Gourmet Traveller WINE in January. She first joined winemaker Grant Taylor in the Valli winery in 2015.
PHOTO: Royal Easter Show Wine Awards
Valli’s New Zealand Winemaker of the Year and Wānaka local Jen Parr receives the Easter Show trophy.
PHOTO: Facebook
of ice cream in the world, at an average of 24 litres per person every year. PURE NZ has won 46 awards for their products in just seven years. Head of production Anna Howard said, "I'm delighted for the PURE team that we've received this recognition, as it really does require a team effort to produce outstanding foods. The ingredients list of our boysenberry ice cream is really short. Nelson boysenberries and full cream deliver a really intense, creamy berry flavour making it a natural winner." The PURE freezery is located off Anderson Road and ships ice cream daily via frozen distribution to retailers, wholesalers, tourism businesses, and food businesses from Invercargill to Auckland. THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
Looking after all your joinery needs from design to installation. Also designer splash backs & appliance packages.
B & M JOINERY LTD 4 Ree Crescent, Cromwell, 03 265 2077 Brendon 027 449 2291, Mark 027 768 1977
Sun News
The coronavirus experts say…
The Wanaka Tree... or coronavirus Pat Deavoll
Last Wednesday, three branches were broken off the "Wānaka Tree." Maybe it's because I'm a newcomer to Wānaka, but I thought that in view of everything else that had happened in the days leading up to this ‘tragedy,’ it wasn't worthy of reporting on. Much to the paper owner’s chagrin. As it was, by the time the Wānaka Sun arrived in everyone's mailboxes last Thursday the three branches news was a day old, and the ODT (on page 9) and other publications were all over it, both digitally and in print. So most people would have known about this travesty. So what else had happened that fateful day three branches were broken off the Wānaka Tree? The number of people with coronavirus worldwide reached 250,000 with over 10,000 dead. The vast majority of these were in Italy and China. Still, the threat to other countries was enough to close borders, send whole populations into lockdown, send airlines bankrupt, make millions of people unemployed and stretch hospitals to their limits. On that same day Jacinda put visitors into 14day isolation-and then as you all know visitors were banned. Gatherings of more than 500, and then indoor groups of 50, were forbidden. No more cruise ships to our ports. Not that these
had much impact on continental Wānaka, but this brutal approach was commendable for keeping New Zealanders safe. Locally, no Warbirds, Aspiring Conversations or Autumn Arts School – this is huge for the local economy and is surely of more importance than three branches. And who knows what the ski fields and heliski operators are going to do if things don't improve in the next few weeks. So possible mass job losses there. Then Monday came the news that by Wednesday we would all be in lockdown. Things had escalated that fast in just a week. By the time you get this paper lockdown will have started. When I first heard this news I felt totally daunted. Would there be stories for the paper? How would I find these stories? And how would my cat and I cope with living by ourselves, and with few friends in Wanaka? But if other nations can get through it, so can we. China made it work. By taking this approach early on, we can, like China, turn the tide. Short and sharp - that's the way to go. It's just one month of annoyance and potential boredom, after all. So excuse me for not reporting on three branches broken off the Wānaka Tree but to be honest, I would have been too embarrassed, in the big scheme of things, to do so.
We have made some changes to keep you and our staff safe and will continue to do so as Covid-19 evolves. Please be patient as we do our best to respond to the challenges of providing services during the pandemic. We have been advised there is no need to panic and stockpile medicines, just remember to renew your prescriptions before you run out of your medicines. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any concerns.
Pat Deavoll
Associate Professor Arindam Basu, College of Education, health and human development, University of Canterbury, comments: “The government has moved as soon as they sensed community transmission. This has shifted the picture, as it signals that the spread of infection is no longer dependent on ‘imported infections/cases’, but instead human-to-human transmission within the country from anyone who may have been exposed. “Once the lockdown is in place – and as the PM repeatedly stressed, we must strictly comply with the Ministry of Health instructions – the actual number of cases will start dropping (this would otherwise have taken a long time in the absence of these measures). But that drop will not be captured in the reported positive counts because of the test limitations, They may still show as if the positive cases are going up, but eventually the ‘reported’ cases will drop as long as we are strict with the procedures (hand hygiene, isolation, quarantine). We have to be patient. That time difference might be four weeks, but it can be shorter or longer based on how well we comply and how assiduously the case and contact finding proceed. “So there is a case to be patient and optimistic, and not to panic at all.” Professor Philip Hill McAuley Professor of International Health, University of Otago, comments: “I support strongly the encouragement of the Prime Minister for people to go outside within the rules. “This is because the amount of time people are close to each other inside households increases their chances of transmitting all infectious diseases to each other.” Professor Shaun Hendy, University of Auckland, comments: “This is a good decision. It now seems likely that coronavirus community transmission has been taking place in New Zealand with two cases now unable to be linked to overseas travel. By going to alert level 3 and then 4, we should be able to significantly reduce person to person contacts over the next few weeks and slow the spread down. This will give the testing regime and our Ministry of Health contact tracing teams a good chance of containing and stamping out the disease. By moving early, we have a chance of minimising the length of time we spend at Level 4. “I am very impressed that the government has managed this in a stepped manner despite intense pressure from many commentators. If we had gone to alert level 4 on Saturday, I suspect we would have seen scenes at our supermarkets like those we have become familiar with from overseas: long queues, crowded supermarkets, and empty shelves. Hopefully, the
PHOTO: University of Canterbury
Arindam Basu: Once the lockdown is in place the actual number of cases will start dropping.
government has given people a chance to prepare for what might be a long struggle with the disease.” Dr Dougal Sutherland, Clinical practice manager, Victoria Psychology Clinic, Victoria University of Wellington, comments: “It’s important to consider the broader psychosocial impact of school closure plans on children. “When schools send students home and have them work the accompanying sense of isolation and loss of social contact remotely could lead to increased levels of loneliness for some young people, and even triggering of depression for others. “Being isolated from peers and lacking the support of teachers could lead to elevated levels of anxiety for some kids and teens as their fears run wild without the calm rationale of adults around them. This anxiety could be made worse by loss of the daily structure that comes with regular classes and timetables. Daily routines and structures help provide a sense of predictability and stability and without these, life becomes less certain. “On the other side of the coin, loss of structure and supervision could lead to increased levels of antisocial behaviour and delinquency for some youth. Bored teens with lots of unstructured and unsupervised time on their hands don’t necessarily lead to good outcomes. Dr Sarb Johal, psychologist, comments: “We are alert level 3 for coronavirus. We will be at Level 4 in 48 hours. And we will stay at Level 4 for at least four weeks. I commend and fully support this decision. We have a window to make a difference in managing the transmission of this virus. It is not going to be easy. Everyone will need to play their part. “The decision taken by the cabinet [on Monday] is extraordinary, but it provides a level of certainty. And with assurance comes the ability to focus and prepare. “For many, this will bring up feelings of anxiety and perhaps worry about the future too. Changes often do, especially when they are as momentous as these. So, remember, we are not alone. New Zealanders should know that they can reach out – support will be rapidly scaled up to make sure that we can address isolation and lack of contact. It won’t be perfect, but we will get there.”
Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wānaka
THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
Sun Views
Inappropriate laundry behaviour
I took this photo in Ardmore Street outside the petrol station with the laundromat. I asked the overseas tourists sitting outside the laundromat (he was half-naked) if the clothes were theirs. They said yes. I told them to take them down, and they asked why? I told them “you can’t do this.” A man I don't know offered to come with me when I went to speak to the freedom campers, which I very much appreciated as I was a little apprehensive - they could well have become belligerent. He stood with me (both of us at a safe three metre distance) while we both questioned them. I am most grateful for his solidarity and would like that acknowledged. I asked when they arrived- they claimed March 1, and they were staying until the end of April. It sounded rehearsed. They were from Germany or Holland judging by their accents. Surely this was a health risk, let alone inappropriate. Very frustrating. I won’t tell the police as it seems to disregard these matters. There is much more to this than public nuisance. The government has advised against all non-essential travel yet we still have many freedom campers - they have filled the free hubs and are still camped out at Roy’s peak car park. Many of these campers are in people-movers and their hygiene often leaves a lot to be desiredspitting their toothpaste on to the ground for instance. This is a major health risk this country can not afford. Appendix: I realise given things have moved so fast since I took the photo and talked with them, they are now stuck here. What I'm wondering is why they still decided to travel given how long coronaviru has been rampant in Europe? Part of me feels sorry for them but part of me is also shaking my head in disbelief. Deborah Fraser
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR To submit a letter for possible publication in the Wānaka Sun, please send it via email to Letters can also be sent by private message on our Facebook page. Letters may be edited or abridged. Letters of no more than 300 words are preferred.
Minimal infection for show-goers
The Wanaka A&P Show has been alerted by the World Hereford Conference organisers that two, possibly three, conference delegates who have tested positive for COVID-19, attended the Show on Friday March 13. We have today been in touch with the Southern District Health Board and they have advised that for the people who attended the Show on this day, they might be regarded as a ‘casual contact’ – where a person is in the same geographic location as the affected person but they may or may not have had ‘close contact’ with the affected person. They have advised that overall, the level of risk of close contact is low. For all ‘casual contact’ situations, the Ministry of Health and SDHB are reminding people to follow the guidance of washing hands, maintaining social distancing and if people develop symptoms, they should self-isolate and call the Healthline on 0800 611 116. At this point the Wanaka A&P Show has not been contacted by the Ministry of Health for contact tracing. Any further questions should be directed to the Ministry of Health or the Southern District Health Board. Jane Stalker (Wanaka A&P Show event manager)
New gate access to Mt Iron too too small
A new gate appeared today at the Mt Iron Access from the highway carpark. Round the base of Mt Iron towards Albert town is a great walk to take the grandkids in the buggy (a normal sized doorway width buggy) However it was impossible to get the buggy through the new swing gate. This will also be the closest pathway for access for people living in the Allenby park area to the new supermarket. There is a stile at the Allenby Place toilet car park which also hinders wheelchair and pushchair access. We should be encouraging alternatives to car use in Wanaka. V. Eyers
Crimeline Mclean B Bruce Senior Constable, NZPD This week we have been dealing with a lot of changes relating to coronavirus. We are ourselves making changes in practices to the situation, but our work must go on as usual for the most part. I feel for those businesses who are affected by this situation, and those businesses struggling financially as a result of this difficult time. I know I will be supporting local businesses whenever I can, and I am sure you will also because community is what Wanaka does very well. With Tuesday’s news of being alert level 3 and moving into alert level 4 on Thursday, it has changed a lot of our day to day behaviours. We are to all to self-isolate, and if you are not doing so when required, you may be visited by us and advised of your requirements. If you are unsure of the details, make sure you check out these on This behaviour is crucial We were called and advised of several large parties in public places including the side of the Clutha River with hundreds of party-goers. There was another on Sunday night at Kidds Bush. Who thinks it is appropriate in the current climate to risk the health of others like that? We arrested a person this week concerning
THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
fraud to a previous employer. We had more online fraud reported this week. Try and make enquiries to ensure you are going to receive what you have paid. We dealt with a case of unlawful entry on a property on Obelisk Street where someone has entered a partially finished home. We had the back of a local store in town wilfully damaged overnight. There was a motor vehicle crash on the highway, and we are still receiving driving complaints about some awful driving on the roads. We attended five family harm incidents this week with a number of them, resulting in arrests. After witnessing dangerous and irresponsible boat use out on the water, I would like to remind all boat users of the following rules: If passing within 100 metres of another boat you are not to exceed a speed of 5 knots which is regularly abused in the marina. Wanaka Yacht Club hosts learn to sail classes daily along here for children from the ages of nine upwards- this behaviour risks young sailors being thrown in the water from the wake of a boat speeding past. I would ask people to be mindful of the stresses others are under and that tempers are on edge. Can I ask people to take a breath before they make a decision that will affect them and for people to practice patience?
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Merino, if anyone has any Merino clothing to spare could you kindly drop it into the Salvation Army Family Store, 48 Helwick Street The Salvation Army Family Store is desperately needing good quality mens clothing and shoes. If you could please just drop these into the store or phone for a pick up for large amounts. Volunteers welcomed at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us.
Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here! Donations kindly received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. Cut rags (100% cotton) and drop cloths, only $7 for a big bag. Now in the yard container at Wastebusters. Open 9-5 seven days. Business Networking International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Randal Dobbs for information 021 973 043. Rags, rags, rags ... little ones, big ones, cotton ones and drop cloths, available from the Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store 443 5068.
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THANKS Thanks to everyone who comes to Wastebusters to donate goods, shop and recycle. Your support helps us work for zero waste and a resourceful community.
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Sun Classifieds
Gore Health Ltd holds the MoleMap NZ franchise for the Southland, Otago and South Canterbury regions. MoleMap NZ specialises in the early detection of melanoma using the latest in skin imaging technology and software, with specialist dermatological diagnosis. We are currently seeking a permanent part-time 0.3FTE Melanographer to work in our Queenstown, Wanaka and Clyde MoleMap clinics. This is a fantastic opportunity for a Registered Nurse with any level of experience. You will be using state of the art technology and will be responsible for the digital imaging of patients, discussing and educating them about skin cancer, risk factors and sun protection awareness. We can offer you: • Competitive hourly rate • Comprehensive training programme • Flexible working hours • Free Molemaps for you and your family • Annual conference occasionally overseas
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Closing date Friday 3rd April 2020
Free delivery to Wānaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wānaka, Albert Town and Hāwea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wānaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly. Phone: 03 443 5252 • Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Pat Deavoll • 0274 487 741 Journalist: Ollie Blyth • Joanna Perry • 021 736 740 Advertising: 03 443 5252• Admin: Benn Ashford • 021 956 740 Mail: PO Box 697, Wānaka Deadlines: Display Advertising 4pm Friday prior to publication. 03 443 5252 Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wānaka, NZ.
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SPORTS RESULTS Please send sports results to by Tuesday at noon. Results should be unformatted and presented in the body of the email. Opening day results from Tarras Golf Club, March 21 Results from Saturday's Ambrose Barbara Annan, S Johnston, G Lucas, M Hyndman 74.0 - 15.1 - 58.9: Jan Gibson, B Rowley Marty ( Cromwell ) 74.0 - 11.6 - 62.4: D Wilson, H Reinecke, Frosty Lucas 75.0 - 12.3 - 62.7: D Allen, W Bosley, D Loeff 77.0 - 13.3 - 63.7: Twos Bonar Rowley
The Wanaka Sun is seeking an enthusiastic, driven and outgoing salesperson to join its media sales team, selling across print and digital news platforms. Position responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Reach monthly revenue targets • New business acquisition • Develop key client and business relationships • Prepare advertising proposals • Maintenance of client and revenue records • Provide weekly sales reports to management We’re looking for someone who has: • A proven history of success in a sales or business development role; preferably from within the media industry • Strong interpersonal skills with an ability to develop effective business relationships • Excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills • Self-motivation, resilience and the ability to achieve objectives and goals within company guidelines • A strong sense of accountability and an attention to detail • Ideally a formal qualification in business or marketing This is a fantastic opportunity for a passionate Sales Executive who enjoys a challenge! If this sounds like you, please forward your application, including covering letter, resume and two professional referees to: Benn Ashford, The Wanaka Sun, PO Box 697, Wanaka,
W W W. T H E WA N A K A S U N . C O. N Z THURSDAY 26.03.20 - WEDNESDAY 01.04.20
Sun Sport
the process: Triathlon champ Braden MAC seniors enjoy Enjoy Currie shares isolation experiences futsal success Joanna Perry
PHOTOs: Wānaka Football World
The Mount Aspiring College senior girls A and boys A futsal teams successfully defended their titles at the recent Otago Secondary School Futsal Championships held on March 13.
Sports reporter
The Mount Aspiring College (MAC) senior girls A and boys A futsal teams successfully defended their titles at the recent Otago Secondary School Futsal Championships held on March 13. Senior girls A MAC team played well to win the senior girls division one title for the second year in a row. It was an impressive team effort. They only conceded three goals all tournament and won the final quite comprehensively 5-0 against St Hilda. The senior boys A team went down to Otago Boys 3-5 in their first game but bounced back to win their next two games against Logan Park High School and Bayfield High School comfortably to meet again Otago Boys in the division one final. The MAC senior boys dominated Otago Boys to win the match 5-1 to become the Otago
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Secondary School Champions for two years straight and the only MAC boys team to defend their title. MAC have dominated the Otago School Futsal Championships in recent years by not only taking out the division one titles but also junior and division two titles and usually making the finals. The senior boys team was looking forward to competing at this year’s NZ Secondary School Futsal National Championships in Wellington at the beginning of April but the tournament has been cancelled. The team was bitterly disappointed because many of the squad were in their last year at the college and in the team and had been working on their game for the last three years. They were looking forward to seeing how far they would go in the tournament with the aim to better their 11th place finish two years ago to place in the top 8. With school futsal now over the team will focus on football.
Wānaka triathlon champion Braden Currie and his wife Sally Currie will share their family’s experiences and learnings around self-isolation to help others adjust to the coronavirus lockdown over the coming weeks. In an online post yesterday, Braden Currie said he hoped sharing their story would “make each day less overwhelming and more of a process that you will look back on as one of the most powerful times of your life so far.” The family of four have already self-isolated for a week with other local families. Sally Currie told the Wānaka Sun that they and their seven and eleven-year-old children were used to basing themselves overseas for five months a year, during which they had little connection to others and the children were home-schooled. The pair felt that parallels could be drawn between their experiences and what the wider community faced. They advised looking at the bigger picture to take away from immediate day-to-day financial stresses, and setting “daily visions” for the whole family rather than goals . “They can be really simple overriding concepts of how you live, and that’s what the kids and I rely on a lot,” said Sally Currie, stressing the importance of making children part of everyday processes - including cooking and cleaning - by getting them to come up with a routine that worked for and interested them. “The more empowered they feel, the more calm and accepting they are of the process,” she said.
PHOTO: Roy Schot
“The people you’re self isolating with are all going through this together, and all we can do is help and support, and be there with love and compassion for those around us, and find our muddled way through this.”
Adapting to constant changes was also an opportunity for enjoyment, she said -”cherish[ing] the times that you get with your family, and the ability to take some time out from your normal busy life.” The Currie’s final message was to respect and accept the process. “The people you’re self isolating with are all going through this together, and all we can do is help and support, and be there with love and compassion for those around us, and find our muddled way through this,” Sally Currie said. The Curries will continue to share via their website, Instagram and Facebook (bradencurrie).
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